#ANYTHING can be pink and heart-shaped today
Strawberries and Cream
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 5.2k
Notes: I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, I’m Autistic, your guess is as good as mine as for whatever is happening in chapter 8
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Episode 7: I can hear the bells
And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for
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Eddie stands in front of Buck's door, flowers in hand. He smooths out his suit and gulps quietly, before knocking. 
It’s odd that anyone knocks on Buck’s door and doesn’t just shout for him to open it 
“You’re acting weird,” you tell Buck and he shrugs feigning innocence 
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. What? A guy can’t want to do his cousin's hair? Especially me??”
“Yeah, I suppose that does sound like you when you put it that way…” 
Buck had woken up that day in a very older brotherly mood. He made you breakfast and even made you get in the shower afterwards while he cleaned up. 
“Here I got you this. I ran out of razors for you to steal” 
He’d tossed you a can of magic shave powder and you narrowed your eyes at him. He was being oddly… nice today. 
You open the door and your mouth drops open, Eddie is standing there, and he looks fine as hell. You’d never seen him in nicer clothes than this. That suit is tailored to the gods. It fits every dip and curve of his body perfectly. It’s the deepest shade of black you think you’ve ever seen with a red tie and a gold tie pin right in the center, in the shape of a star. Even his shoes are nice and shiny 
“I picked today when you’re staying at Buck’s so that way we would have space after, you know.” He sounds a little nervous as he stands in front of you, his heart on his sleeve 
“After…what?” You ask as he hands you the beautiful flowers and a pretty pink box 
“After our first date”
Good thing you stopped being suspicious and used the damn powder. 
“Our- our first” you stutter and he smirks, that little nervousness gone for the time being because the way you’re short-circuiting is priceless 
“Mhmm… do me a favor and go change? I knew I was springing this on you so Buck and Maddie helped me pick an outfit for you” he taps the box and you look dumbly at it 
“I think you broke her” Buck comes over and takes the flowers to put in a vase for you before he grabs your shoulders, pulling you inside as Eddie follows. He gives you a little shove towards the stairs and you walk slowly up them, occasionally turning around to glare at Buck and Eddie suspiciously. 
“Would you hurry up!” Buck yells at you and you scurry up the stairs. Eddie snorts and shakes his head following Buck over to the kitchen 
“You look so damn good I told you I knew what I was doing” Buck compliments him smugly and Eddie rolls his eyes, watching him trim the stems 
“Yeah-yeah you were right…Thank you, honestly Buck” 
“Hey, anything for the two of you. And don’t worry,” he wiggles his eyebrows “I called Angelo’s and got you my special table” 
“I told you not to do that!” He groans and slaps his hand over his face 
“Hey! I did not wait this long to not give you my make-out table. God you know the strings I had to pull to get that!” 
“You just called Emery and reminded him of your one-night stand,” Eddie says plainly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Or you called Alyssa” He adds and Buck whacks him with a rose 
“I’ll have you know it was Vanny. Asshole! You know my friend?! The owner's daughter?!” 
Eddie looks at him skeptically and he gasps loudly, before pulling out his phone. He shoves the recent calls in Eddie’s face 
“What are you idiots fighting about now?” 
“Bucks stupid make-out…table…” 
The end of his sentence is whispered as you come down the stairs carefully. Buck and Maddie took their time choosing an outfit for you because if he was finally gonna do this you were gonna look good. 
It’s a relatively simple dress, it flows behind you as you walk down the stairs carefully in your gold heels. The dress is red and silky, with spaghetti straps and a slit up to your thigh. You’ve got a small gold necklace on and your hair is put up with fancy gold pins in it. One is shaped like the moon and the other is shaped like a shooting star 
You stand in front of them, doing a little spin and Eddie feels exactly like he did all over again when he’d first met you. 
“H-hi,” He says and you blush, giving him a little wave with your fingers 
“Hi… d-do I look okay?” You ask shyly and he nods slowly, coming around the counter to take your hands in his 
“You look gorgeous, Y/N.” He says softly and you roll your eyes playfully 
“Oh, you’re just saying that!” 
He cups your face in his hands carefully and kisses your lips, tasting that sweet strawberry glitter gloss. His touch is soft and tender, the way he looks at you, his gaze so full of warmth and adoration. 
“No, you’re beautiful… I-I’ve been waiting a long time for this night… and it doesn’t matter how it goes anymore, because I got to see you like this” 
Your heart melts over his words and you look up at him, biting your lip gently. He leans in again, kissing your forehead 
“Be a little more sappy, I haven’t thrown up yet” Buck snaps his fingers and you and Eddie look over, he’s got at least three cameras on you guys 
“What?” You say under your breath and Buck chuckles gleefully 
“This one’s got everyone on FaceTime” He points to the open laptop he’d spun around when Eddie had walked over 
“I’m taking pictures with this” He waves his phone 
“And this is recording the whole thing” He points to his iPad 
“You FaceTimed everyone?” You groan as you let your head fall against Eddie’s chest completely embarrassed. And sure enough, the entire time is on FaceTime cheering and whistling for the two of you 
“We did not wait this long not to see this moment,” Athena says from the laptop and you shake Eddie who snorts and pulls you away from him 
“Look how pretty she looks” He holds you in front of him and you cover your face with your hands 
“Really!!” You hiss and they all ooh and aah over you. You yank Eddie in front of you now and he stumbled forward 
“Oh yeah! Well he looks even better” 
“Do prom poses” Chimney says and Eddie turns around, grabbing your waist and picking you up to make you face them again 
“Oh I was totally already gonna make them do it,” Buck says and comes around the counter 
“Alright come on, you know what we want”
“Oh my god” you mutter and Eddie just giggles, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. He doesn’t care about how embarrassing any of this is, and it is embarrassing as hell don’t get him wrong. But how could he care, when he gets to go on a date with you, a real date? 
Buck makes you guys do a few more ridiculous poses while you all talk, but eventually, Eddie manages to drag you out the front door and to the car so you’re not late to your reservations. He opens the door for you, kissing your hand as he helps you in and you blush, collecting your dress so he can shut the door 
“As much as I hate all of their guts right now that was super cute” You giggle as he gets in and buckles himself in
“Oh I totally agree, we’re gonna get all of them back for that. God, I can’t believe they all actually called to see this” 
“Well it’s been a long time coming” you smirk “Two friends going on a date” 
“And who knows if they’re even gonna get together” Eddie snickers before taking your hand in his as he backs out of the driveway 
“Maybe you’ll end up dumping spaghetti in my lap or something,” you say and he scoffs 
“First of all, I’m not ruining that dress. Second of all, I’m not ordering spaghetti” 
“I don’t believe you now. Should you even be driving?” You ask as you hold his hand in both of yours and he shrugs when he gets to the stop sign 
“Do you know where we’re going?” 
“So how are you supposed to drive us?” He raises an eyebrow and you roll your eyes 
“There’s this weird little thing our phones have called GPS! Oh, and you know this other odd phenomenon, where humans? Yeah they can give directions” you sass him and he bites his lip, holding back a laugh 
“You wanna drive that badly, Princess? Because I’ll let you. But I like the way you look in the passenger seat” 
Your cheeks flush as you watch him driving, he looks over at you occasionally and you frown, because he’s making you all shy and mushy inside and you know he’s enjoying every second 
“I’m just worried about your shoulder that’s all,” you say, all calm and proper and he smiles widely, squeezing your hand 
“Thanks for worrying about me cutie” 
“Thanks for worrying about me cutie” You mimic him and he chuckles, pulling his hand away and swatting your thigh 
“So full of sass tonight huh?” You reach for his hand again and he pulls it away from you
“Nuh huh bad girls don’t get what they want” 
Your mouth falls open and he looks over at you for a second, eying you up and down 
“Something wrong Sugar Cube?” 
“You give me your hand back right now!” 
“Gotta beg for it, sweet girl”
“Eddieee” You whine and he swats your leg again 
“Aren’t you lucky I can’t reach your ass right now… you want it back? you beg for it sweet thing or you’re just gonna have to sit by yourself and pout about it” 
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing as you stare out the window. He smirks as he watches the road in front of him, watching you through the corner of his eye. You peek over at him a couple of times, watching the way he flexes his fingers on the wheel. You sigh quietly and lean your head on the window
“Please can I have your hand back” you mumble and he leans over 
“Huh? I don’t think I heard you. Gotta speak louder Sugar Cube” 
You grit your teeth, narrowing your eyes for a second before turning to him 
“Please, can I please, please, have your hand back… I n-need you”
The little wobble in your voice gets him and his eyes roll back as he sets his hand back in your lap, locking his fingers with your”
“Good girl” 
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Eddie opens the door for you and helps you out, making sure you bunch up the bottom of your dress a bit so it doesn’t get dirty. You take his arm and walk in, this place is nice. You know, oddly too nice to be called Angelo’s. But the fancy sign on the front kind of makes up for it 
Vanny comes over immediately, hugging Eddie and cooing over how beautiful you look. She says that Buck talks about you all the time and you blush as you shake her hand warmly. She leads you both back to a quieter table, there’s not many people around and it can’t be seen from all sides 
Yeah okay make out table makes sense.
There’s a bucket of ice, chilling a fancy champagne bottle, and little candles on the table. Red rose petals decorate the table and spill slightly onto the floor around it. 
“Oh this is beautiful,” You say quietly, and Vanny winks at Eddie. They really did have this all planned out. 
You scoot into one side of the small booth and Eddie sits on the other, his arm coming up to rest behind you, you blush as you look at him, and he boops your nose 
“Aaron will be over soon to take your orders and there will be minimal interruptions. Everything is already taken care of, so please order whatever you’d like! You two enjoy your night!”
Vanny walks away and you scoot closer to Eddie, toying with his tie 
“Can’t wait to light myself on fire! This is really romantic you know, who knew you had it in ya!” You poke at him and he scoffs 
“I’ve been like top-tier romantic like sixty times okay” He tilts your chin up and places a soft kiss on your lips 
“Yeah okay” you say softly, batting your eyelashes “What kind is it?” 
Eddie fixes his sleeves to avoid getting them wet and grabs the bottle, drying it off a little 
“Uhhh strawberry” He chuckles, popping the top “Kind of our thing” He pours you a glass, handing it to you, and then pours his own, he also blows out a couple of the little candles and pushes them away from you. Because you joke… but he can just see you burning the whole place down 
“What should we toast to?” You ask watching him and he puts his arm back behind your shoulders 
“Whatever you want Sugar cube,” He says, and the way he looks at you, with those deep brown eyes just melts you to your core, you sigh softly, tilting your head to the side and he bites his lip, chuckling a little 
“Is it cheesy to say “to us” because that feels cheesy” you giggle and he smiles, nuzzling his nose against yours 
“How about the tiger who bonded us with tiger PTSD” 
You snort and laugh into his chest, nearly spilling your champagne in your lap, he holds your glass steady as you hide your laughs 
“Or to that night you were a total nerd and took me to the car to warm me up before kissing me on the beach” 
Eddie groans loudly and you laugh more 
“Please god don’t remind me about that, I’ve thought about that way too much” 
You pull away from him, wiping away little tears as your giggles die out 
“You’ve thought about that?” 
“Are you kidding me? I think about that night constantly… That was one of the best nights of my life. Which you know would have been ten times better had I not waited to kiss you like a dumbass”
You laugh through your nose and he rolls his eyes clinking your glasses together and you both sip
“If it helps… that was one of the best nights of my life too” you blush as you hide behind your champagne glass, taking a longer sip than necessary
“Really?” He’s blushing just as much 
“Of course! I kinda felt like I was really yours you know? And like I was a part of the family…” 
Eddie sips his champagne again, wondering  which one of you is gonna win drinking all of their alcohol first just to try and hide the blushing 
“Just gonna drop that on me? In public? Where I can’t roll around and kick?” 
You swat his chest and cover your mouth, he’s making you laugh way too much. But he likes the sound of your laugh, he likes the way it makes him feel. 
“We should probably actually look at the menu” You tease as you grab yours, he doesn’t bother with his own, just stays close to you, laying his head on top of yours 
“What sounds good to you Sugar cube?”
You look over the menu, humming softly “You know what we completely forgot to talk about?” 
You feel Eddie’s finger running slowly up and down your arm 
“She said everything was taken care of? What the heck does that mean” 
“That means Buck did a lot more than just get his make-out table” He sighs, pulling out his phone and calling him. You lean into him, enjoying his cologne that he put on a little heavier this time 
“Did something happen??? Are you guys okay??” Buck answers immediately and you smile a little 
“Yeah we’re fine,” Eddie says “Look, Vanny said everything was taken care of?” 
“You’re calling me in the middle of your first date to tell me what I told her to tell you?” 
He deadpans it and you snort 
“We just wanted to tell you not to freaking do that,” You say and Buck curses under his breath 
“My cousin, who is practically my sister, gets with my best friend in the entire world who is practically my brother - wait that's weird”
Eddie laughs
“Anyway. And you think for one damn second I’m not gonna pull strings for the both of you???” 
“You really didn’t-“ Eddie starts and Buck cuts him off 
“I did have to Eddie. Because I love you two more than anything in this entire world. Now shut the fuck up, hang the fuck up, and order the entire damn menu I don’t care. Just don’t call me again unless it’s an emergency”
You both hear the click of him hanging up and Eddie rolls his eyes
“Your brother is annoying”
“So is yours” 
You both chuckle and go back to looking through the menu, you decide on chicken Alfredo, which Eddie teases you and says you always get and he decides on chicken Parmesan and you tease him back, saying he always gets that in a high-pitched voice and he scoffs 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”
He makes you both order different drinks so you guys can stop downing the champagne. They weren’t kidding when the bottle said it was high-quality stuff. 
Aaron comes by and takes your orders, promising he won’t be back until it’s ready and you blush, he even adds it’ll probably be around 20 minutes and winks 
“I’m not gonna lie this is a little embarrassing,” you say as soon as Aaron leaves and Eddie nods, putting his hand on your hip and pulling you into him 
“Oh no it’s totally embarrassing” 
He nuzzles his nose against yours before kissing you softly, he tastes good, like the strawberry champagne you’re both drinking, and a little minty from the toothpaste he used. You smile against his lips and he cups your cheek, deepening the kiss 
“But we’re gonna do this anyway right?” You mumble against his lips, pulling him in closer by his lapels 
“Oh hell yes” 
You spend the majority of the 20 minutes halfway in his lap with his hand caressing and teasing the soft inside of your thigh, always inching closer but never where you want it. Your hand stays steadily over his crotch, and every time you lean in more he groans as you put more pressure on it. You can feel how hard he is through his perfectly tailored pants 
“Quit it, you little tease” He growls against your lips and you giggle into his mouth as you attack him, wrapping your tongue around his. He whines and pulls you fully into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. You feel him shoving your dress up as high as he can without exposing you too much and your breath hitches as it bunches around your waist. He’s using the slit in your dress to his advantage, he’s so happy you were okay with such a high one too. 
“Eddie Diaz!” You hiss, but it’s cut off by a soft moan as his hands knead your flesh 
“Yes, baby?” his voice is sultry and teasing as he slides his hands under your dress, feeling over your bare hips. 
Maybe this table wasn’t the best idea. 
He’s busy kissing down your neck, and sliding your spaghetti straps down when someone clears their throat. You whimper when he pulls away, both of you panting harshly. You have just enough time to fix yourselves up when Aaron comes back with his serving tray, clearly walking slowly towards your table and setting it down on the table behind him. He hands you both your plates, and you thank him, a deep blush on your cheeks from totally being caught, while Eddie completely enjoys this. 
Aaron sets a breadstick basket down which is full of a stupid amount of them and Eddie raises an eyebrow 
They say it at the same time and you grin, taking one “Oh he knows us so well” 
Dinner is utterly delicious and you and Eddie both share, he starts a breadstick fight and it’s funny until half of his goes flying across the room, your mouths drop wide open as you watch it sail through the air, and that puts an end to the fight very quickly. Not to mention he bites yours in half when you’re not looking and smiles widely with his cheeks full when you ask where the heck it went 
Eddie holds your strawberry lemonade for you as you sip it, watching the way your lips wrap around the straw 
“So when are you gonna do that to me?” He asks suddenly and you choke on your lemonade, nearly spitting it out at him and literally through your nose. He throws your napkin at you, setting the glass back down so he doesn’t drop it with how hard he’s shaking from laughter as you cough up a lung and a half 
“I’m going to kill you!” You wheeze and grab his water to clear your throat 
“Not if I kill you first apparently” 
You punch him in the stomach and he wheezes, bending over dramatically. He pretends to fall over but nearly topples out of the booth anyway You grab his arm, yanking him back towards you and he crashes into your chest 
“I think we need to chill with the champagne” you giggle uncontrollably as Eddie keeps his head on your chest, nuzzling his face against your soft breasts and effectively getting glitter on his face. He sighs contentedly as your cheeks flush deeply
“I thought we already did”
“You’re literally buried in my boobs” You gesture down to him and he looks up at you 
“Oh this is just because I can” 
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You both eat way too many of the breadsticks after that, just to sober up some. Or else neither of you will be driving home tonight, which Eddie teases would be just fine with him because that would mean he could get you in the backseat. 
The lights around you have been dimmed and bit and neither of you is really sure what time it is, but you’ve been promised they’ll stay all night if you’d like. Aaron whispers something in Eddie’s ear and he smirks, looking you over before nodding to him
Eddie has no idea what the hell kind of connections Buck has but he’s loving them. 
Dinner plates have been taken away and you’re given a dessert menu 
“I’m pretty sure I’m way too stuffed for dessert,” you say, patting your tummy and he chuckles, nodding his head 
“Maybe we can just take it home… or, maybe we could dance it off?” 
Literally on cue, a man walks over as Aaron puts a computer down, bowing politely before putting a violin to his chin. Your mouth drops open as Eddie scoots out from the booth and holds his hand out 
“Can I have this dance, Sugar Cube?”
You start giggling as you get out of the booth “That was the smoothest thing ever” 
Eddie gets so giddy as you take his hand, wiggling a little “Oh my god I know right that was so hot. Like I don’t mean to toot my own horn but damn we were on time” He puts his hand up and the man high-fives it before going back to playing for the two of you with his accompaniment 
Eddie holds you close to his chest, just where he likes you to always be. You dance together smoothly, swaying back and forth for a bit before he makes you do a little spin and you giggle 
“Okay wait is this Wildest Dreams??” You ask and Eddie smirks as you come back to his chest
“Yeah, you like Bridgerton right? I thought you’d like this” 
Your mouth drops and he grins widely 
“Oh we’re officially getting married someday” You joke and he shrugs
“I thought that was already established but okay”
Your mouth drops open as you freeze in place, staring at him. “Y-you want-??”
He looks down at you “More than-“ He can’t bring himself to finish the sentence as he stares into your eyes, watching the way they sparkle just for him. Because neither of you could handle that right now, you’re not even “daTiNG” yet. You haven’t even said that you- you haven’t even said those three little words that are constantly on the tip of his tongue in everything he does with you, every day he spends with you. 
But how could he say that to you? He’s not even sure you could say that to him. It’s… god it’s not that he doesn’t want to either, he’s just- afraid not ready. What if he isn’t good enough for you? What if he hurts you? What if he has another PTSD attack and you decide you can’t deal with that? That you can’t love him if he’s like that. 
Neither of you can even breathe in this moment, you know for sure you’re not. Because you want to say it. But you can’t bring yourself to, because what if he doesn’t say it back? You know Eddie by now, you know he lets his insecurities get in the way of living sometimes and this just feels like one of those things he can’t do unless he’s ready.
But you’d sure as hell spend a lot of time helping him work through them because he’s worth it. No matter how much reassurance it took, no matter how many hours you spent learning to help someone with PTSD so you could help him. You’d take the time to do it. 
So you’ll wait, you’ll wait for him to say it first. Because you know what you feel, you know you’ll never feel this way for anyone else for as long as you live. So you just give him a little smile, a little smile that you know he’s gonna know exactly what it means. You watch the way he relaxes, you see the little tears in the corner of his eyes that he blinks away and just puts your head down against his chest. 
He wants you to hear his heart beating solely for you, because without a doubt, both of you know what you’re saying at that point. 
I see you, I hear you. I-
“Patience, Sugar Cube. First, we have to stop pretending to be friends”
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“Why did this kind of feel like all our other hangouts? Just fancier” You ask Eddie as you lean against the front door, you dig through your bag to find your keys 
“Aha!” You pull them out and look up and he’s staring down at you with that look in his eyes. Your hand falls to your sides slowly as you reach up for him, pulling him down to your height and kissing him. It feels different now, you’re not really sure why… it feels… like the start of something 
“I don’t think this was our first date baby girl” He says against your lips, settling his hands on your waist 
“I think I’ve been an idiot calling you a friend this entire time…Because let’s be honest… you’re my girl” 
“But we’re not gonna tell them that right?” You ask softly, feeling his emotions through the way he kisses you and he smiles, nodding 
“So…” you pull away a little, looking at him, the moon and the stars shine behind him and they don’t hold a candle to the way he looks right now. 
“Will you please, finally be my girlfriend?” He asks softly, nuzzling your nose a little with his “I refuse to go one more day not calling you mine” 
It’s funny, the way your heart beats out of your chest when he asks that. Because really… haven’t you been his girlfriend this entire time? But that little label that both of you denied for so long, the reasons you denied it all seems stupid now 
“Okay. Eddie’s girl kinda has a nice ring to it anyway”
Eddie scoops you up in his arms, spinning you around as you squeal and giggle. Your lips find his and he moans into your mouth, making sure you wrap your legs securely around his waist. 
Your back hits the front door and you gasp, as he grinds against you, your cunt already starting to drip into your panties 
“Eddie!! Buck is home!” You hiss and he scoffs. 
“We’re outside… you didn’t seem to mind when he was down the stairs”
Your mouth drops open and he snickers, setting you on your feet gently and kissing you, his tongue sliding into your mouth and wrapping around yours immediately. The way he teases you laps at your tongue like he’s ready to devour you… maybe you’re gonna have to kick Buck out. 
Eddie reaches down for your keys now, taking his time finding the right one as you two kiss. He’s just about to stick it into the lock when the door whooshes open. 
“Jes- Buck?!” Eddie curses and you squeak, jumping and nearly falling backward into the house. Eddie grabs your arms, yanking you against his chest.
“Why!??” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and Buck just stands there, smiling like the sweet little adorable angel he is 
“Oh! I just thought you were ready to go” 
“Ready to go where?” He asks and you giggle, leaning your head against his chest 
“Duh back to your place”
“You’re coming back to my place? Since when??” 
“Since my best friend had his first date with the girl of his dreams and me and Chim set it up??” He scoffs like that’s common knowledge and takes your keys from Eddie’s hand, placing them nicely in yours 
“Come on they’re waiting” he walks right between you two and Eddie throws his hands in the air, exasperated 
“Who’s waiting?” He gives you a quick kiss and you laugh, leaning against the door frame and watching him follow after Buck 
“Chim and a uh…friend of mine! Y/N, Maddie, and Hen are inside! Have a good night!!” He runs back and kisses you on the cheek, giving you a tight squeeze as Eddie gets into the passenger side of his own car, he knows Buck isn’t gonna let him drive 
“Don’t worry, Maddie is gonna text me everything and I swear I’ll keep it a secret!!” He ruffles your hair and you push his hand away, swatting at him 
“Alright, okay!! Go!!” 
Eddie stares at you from the window and you give him a little wave, blowing him a kiss. He smiles and shakes his head and you know he’s blushing. He actually catches it and kisses his hand and you giggle, rolling your eyes at how cute he is 
What a way to end your first date
“Oh come on! One date and I have to suffer through this now!!” Buck stomps his way to the car and gets in, flipping you both off as he drives away
35 notes · View notes
muzzleroars · 1 year
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happy valentine’s day!!!!!!!!!!! 💘💘💌💖💝💝💖💖💌💌💘
1K notes · View notes
oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
⊹ [ cw ] — mentions of winter storms, prefect is implied to have bad living conditions, mild violence in the tweels parts, jade breaks someone's wrist, crowley slander, ace slander◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY! feminine reader! no gendered pronouns used, riddle uses his dorm position to spoil you, seeing trey driving is very hot, deuce biceps, leona and azul sugar daddy era, ruggie would rather freeze to death than have you be cold, jack carries you, jade and floyd will fight for you, rook makes you his muse and paints you, malleus renovates the entire diasomnia dorm for you, sebek carries your pink handbags◞
⊹ [ characters ] — riddle, trey, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, rook, malleus, sebek◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4.9k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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Princess treatment, Like—literally
Loathe is Riddle to admit—He can't deny the fact that being his lover meant you got special treatment. Prime example being your position at unbirthday parties. At the banquet table, just beside Riddle's designated throne, was your throne. Similar in style, it had a heart-shaped crest and golden frame; the only difference was that it was milky white rather than deep red. And despite his best efforts to downplay the favoritism shown to you, Riddle knows for a fact that he had the throne commissioned himself.
"Come with me." The dorm leader says as he moves towards you, leading you towards your throne. He didn't fail to notice how your legs shook slightly as you walked alongside him or how your hands didn’t leave his coat once. Not that he minded.
The redhead clasped your hands in his as he sat you down onto the leather seat before adjusting the train of your dress to ensure that it wouldn't bother you.
"How are you fairing?" Riddle asked softly, kneeling before you to slip a leather-clad hand behind your knees. He set your feet up on a plush stool and slipped your pointed heels off, gently caressing your ankles. "I overheard you earlier, griping about your feet aching. I certainly hope you're not pushing yourself too hard."
"Ah, no. I just chose the wrong heels today. They're too pointy." You sighed, poking at your crimson red heels, which were discarded to the grassy sides. Groaning, you reclined back on your throne, the billowing, fluffy skirt of the dress Riddle had recently gifted tumbling all about you.
"I see." Riddle nodded in understanding, taking your hand and pressing a quick gentlemanly kiss on your wrists. "The croquet game is up next. I suppose you'd rather stay here?"
"Yeah, I think I need some alone time," you sigh. Riddle squeezes once more your hand in reply, letting his eyes shut in contemplation.
"Very well," He hums, moving to gently tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "Do rest here a while, rose."
There was a soft smile as the leather of his hands glide across your back. "Oh, and, please let a member of my dorm know if you ever need anything. Worry not. I've instructed everyone here to be at your beck and call."
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— ♰ TREY
Passenger princess treatment<3
Every weekend, it was routine for Trey to whisk you away from your beaten-up dorm. After all, he was sure it was nice to spend the day in a place where you weren't inhaling dust and spiders every second. Both of you would always go over to his parent's café in the city for a simple little brunch date. And without fail, Trey would always pick you up at 9am sharp by the school gates.
"… I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?"
Soft music played from the car's radio as the third-year weaved through the barren intersections, careful and slow. It seems as if the roads were merciful to you both today, calm and free of any traffic.
Trey languidly reaches one of his hands, calloused from his years of baking, over to rest gently on your thigh. His thumb rubs soft circles and nonsensical patterns over your plump skin while the other gripped the steering wheel in a loose hold, biceps flexing as he twisted the wheel to turn the car.
Focused as he was, you didn't miss how his gaze flits back and forth between the road and you, the expression swimming within them almost akin to a distant longing.
You place your hand atop his and lean against the passenger door. A wide grin spreads over your glossy red lips as you shake your head playfully. "Keep your eyes on the road."
Mirthful laughter spills from your mouth before your eyes flutter shut as you sway along to the song, mindlessly kicking your legs around. "Crashing and going to the hospital doesn't really sound like a good date idea."
A pensive smile creeps up on Trey's face, and he lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah? I just can't help it. You're a much more interesting sight."
He watched as the sun's dazzling light bathed your image in a beautiful, pleasant glow. To him, you looked ethereal, seemingly glowing and shining under the golden streaks of sunlight that pour through the windshield.
"What did I just say?" you sighed, smiling cheekily as you smoothed a hand over his clover-colored hair, fixing the stray strands moved askew by the wind from the open windows. "Hello~? Wonderland to Trey? Eyes on the road?"
He paused for a while before chuckling, his hands splaying out on the steering wheel as he turned his gaze back front. "Right, right. I'll be careful, princess."
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— ♰  DEUCE
Carries your things for you and will not let you do any heavy lifting at all plus he buys you drinks!
Screw Crowley Dire. You were sick of Ramshackle's awful, scratchy furniture. For once, you wished you could sit on something that wasn't littered with dust bunnies or looked like it came straight from the depths of the underworld—no offense to Idia. And so, using the money you had painstakingly saved over the last six months, you decided to buy a cute, frilly sofa.
Problem was—you couldn't lift it at all. It was too wide and heavy for your poor untrained arms. Fortunately for you, your boyfriend was more than happy to help ^^
"Um…Deuce? Are you sure you don't want me to work?" Perched atop the kitchen counters, you were worriedly staring down at him.
While he was preoccupied with lifting the couch, you were lazily sipping on a bubble tea—a drink which he bought for you himself. Humming, you let your gaze move from the soft line of his cheekbone, to the sharper cut of his jaw, before resting it onto the thick of his arms. " I don't mind helping, you know."
Deuce was standing by the door, arms tucked beneath the couch as he braced himself for lifting. "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry."
Now, why was he here, exactly? Well…First off, you didn't intend to call him at all.
In the middle of trying to haul your couch into Ramshackle's entrance, Deuce had appeared out of nowhere, offering his help. Despite your vehement denial, the stubborn boy wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually forced you to sit down, shoving the bright, bubbly drink in your hand without saying a word.
So, here you were. Shamelessly ogling at him while he tried to find a way to bring the couch in.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt—Oh!" You gasped, hand flying up to cover your agape mouth when Deuce easily lifted it up as if it were made of air. In response to your expression of astonishment, he grinned and playfully flexed his arms. "See?"
While Deuce set the couch down in front of the TV, you slipped off the counters and strode over to him. Jumping into his embrace, you draped your arms around his shoulder and pressed a big kiss on his cheeks, watching in delight as his face exploded in pink. "You're so strong! Thank you so much!"
Deuce let a wobbly smile stretch across his burning cheeks, his hands slack atop your hips. "Y-Yeah! No problem."
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Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 + Hints at passenger princess treatment
Leona Kingscholar was not a romantic. Naturally, he has stayed to himself ever since he was little. This lion was not the kind to be sentimental, gooey, or emotional. So it is astonishing how quickly this stone-cold personality of his breaks down when he's around you.
Every little thing you do drives him into a lovesick frenzy, and he has no idea how to stop it. He wasn't particularly into grand displays of affection or romantic gestures. Ergo, in an effort to express his adoration, he turns to more…costly methods.
"Tell me what you want." Leona demands, tone serious as he wraps a rough yet protective arm around your hips. Both of you were standing smack dab in the middle of a large shopping mall. Though the more you stood here, the more you began to realize that this place wasn't really your…ordinary mall.
First and foremost, when Leona pulled up, there was private parking, and that was already intimidating to you in and of itself. Second, it seems like every single store in here was a luxury brand. You've seen a couple of these logos plastered onto the tags of Vil's or Jade and Floyd's clothes.
As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure their plastic bags cost more than your entire yearly allowance combined.
"Ah, um…"  A nervous sweat built up on your brow as you fished your wallet out, peering into what little funds you had. "Leona, honey—I just needed to get some school supplies…Is there a different mall we can go to?" You sheepishly smiled up at him. "I don't think I can afford to get anything here."
Silence immediately follows as Leona stares at you with a dumbfounded look. Blinking bluntly, he scoffs. "Who said you were paying?"
"Hu-Huh?" You stammered, fiddling with your wallet. The lion's eyes were ripped wide open in shock, as if the mere thought of you spending your own money on your own things was a criminal act. Something so ludicrous that even a person with his deceptive persona finds it distasteful.
"Ain't it obvious already? I'm paying," Leona huffs, dragging you to a nearby jewelry shop. Behind the glass were displays of glittering pearls and jewels, each of which had delicate and intricate carvings. "And we're gettin' more than stationary."
"But-!" You start, only to get interrupted as his calloused hand clamps over your mouth.
"No buts."
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Giving you his coat when you're cold and just being sickeningly sweet<3
Ruggie was used to working for others, and this habit of his pours over to you. Though it wouldn't take long for people to notice that his acts of labor was…different with you.
For others, Ruggie works because there's an exchange, a benefit, or a payment for him. For you, however, he does things with no motive in mind. He would never ask for more because he genuinely didn't need anything more, and if he ever did, a simple kiss or hug from you would be plenty.
It was a frigid winter day and both of you were walking to school together, a routine you both developed over the past few months. As you followed him through the deep snowfall, the cold wind nipped and bit at your skin, making you shudder. Despite the struggle, you push on, the rough pads of your boots dragging along the thick blankets of snow.
Unfortunately for you, the flimsy cardigan you bought at Sam's did nothing to keep your body safe from the cruel winter.
While Ruggie's oversized warm coat helps kept him sufficiently warmed up, you, on the other hand, are struggling. You know you should have gotten a thicker coat, but this was all you could afford last minute.
Ever so caring, your boyfriend is quick to notice this and turns back around, trudging through the snow to meet you.
"C'mere," Ruggie drags you into his embrace and starts to slowly inch the coat off his shoulders. With your form now pushed against his body, he takes the chance to press a soft kiss against your cheeks. At the exchange of affection, both of you erupt in soft giggles, lovesick grins stretched across your lips.
The moment feels intimate, loving, and safe.
"Here ya' go." Suddenly he's engulfing you in his thick cloak and zipping it up. Protesting, you try to give it back, but all he does is snicker and shake his head. He peppers warm kisses on the side of your bare frostbitten neck, relishing in the giggles that spill from your lips. "Keep it. I can handle the cold. I'm used to it but I can't have you freezin' out here, now can I?"
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— ♰  JACK
Carries you when your feet start to hurt, tee hee
Jack was strong and well-disciplined. He's worked hard and trained himself to peak physical condition, yet even then, he's continually seeking to improve himself even more. He's tried it all: fitness routines, weight lifting, and sports. And it pays off.
His strength has proven useful in a variety of circumstances. from physical education classes, sporting events, marathons, and, strangely enough, carrying you when your heels begin to hurt your feet.
Jack looks around the booths as he takes your hands in his, pulling you along the festival crowds, "Hm. I think the takoyaki stand is around here. You were craving that earlier, right?" If it weren't for the intense dull ache at the bottom of your ankles, you would have been delighted to hear about the delectable octopus snack.
Instead, you hissed and pulled on the beastman's hand, halting to a stop, unable to take the torture of your heels any longer. "Jack, hold on a second."
Groaning, you slouch down on a nearby bench and kick off your heels, scowling at the dull throb that's pressing itself against the back of your foot. Jack quickly knelt down by your side, ears alert and tail swishing.
"What's wrong?" He questions as he drags your legs over to rest on top of his firm thighs. "Do your feet hurt?"
"Yeah," you sigh. "I kinda regret putting on heels at a festival like this…I didn't realize it would hurt so bad. I just wanted to look cute."
The wolf ponders for a moment before swiftly turning around, presenting his back to you, "Get on."
"Eh?" You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Jack looks away, keeping his head tilted to the ground as a dark flush swept over his skin. "I'll carry you…I-If your feet hurt, I won't mind carrying you."
"Oh!" Smiling, you slip onto his back and wrap your arms snug around his neck. Jack clutches your heels in one hand while the other grasps onto your thigh. The beastman easily stands up, supporting both his and your weight as he heads towards the food stands.
"Who knew you were such a softie, Jack! Hehe." You tease, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. The beastman flushed even more, avoiding your gaze at all cost.
"Tch. I-I don't go around doing this for anyone."
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— ♰  AZUL
Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 #2
Azul lived to spoil you.
For you, the octo-mer gleefully buys mountains of clothing. Your entire wardrobe has been thoughtfully planned by him (and often rapidly purchased, Floyd is always the victim to his 12am shopping whims).
Other than clothing, he's also quite fond of jewelry. He clasps pure pearls to your ears, drapes diamonds over your neck, and slips rings onto your fingers. It would be the highlight of Azul's day to see the items he had purchased for you proudly displayed for all the students on campus to see.
"Shall we?" he asks softly as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up from your chair. The smooth white silk of your dress cascades off the plush leather seat, draping down to your ankles. Azul swiftly guides you away from the lounge, signaling at both Floyd and Jade in the corner to clean up before turning his attention back to you, once more. "I hope the food was to your liking, angelfish?"
"Oh, it was," you confirm, a smile playing on your lips. Leaning up, you press a warm kiss against his lips, one which he returns. "Thank you for the wonderful night, Azul! The dress as well. It looks beautiful."
"Why, of course." The octo-mer hums, running his hand up your back. As he slips both of you into his room, he shuts the door with his foot and guides you to his vanity. "Though I do have one last gift."
"Another?" You chuckle, "Don't you think you spoil me too much? I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of you…"
"No, you could never," Azul says as he motions you to a seat near the table of his vanity. The octo-mer reaches over and opens a drawer, revealing a nice velvet box.
As the box is opened, a gorgeous sea-glass necklace with a stunning silver-coral colour is exhibited to you. It sat prettily atop a white plush pillow, winking at you. Azul deftly runs a hand up your neck to pull your hair back and your lips parts in a "o" when he clasps it on.
"Azul," you breathlessly murmur. "I can't possibly—This must have cost a fortune."
"It's for you," Azul smiles. "Only for you."
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— ♰  JADE
You have scary eel privileges'
It was not uncommon for Jade to come knocking at your door in opportune times of the night to accompany you out for a walk. You mentioned once how you loved stargazing and Jade hasn't let that go since. For he too had always carried a fondness for the night, more specifically, the moon.
It was constant, a repetitive lustrous cycle, and despite his thrill seeking nature, he took comfort in its consistency. Walks with you were the highlight of his week, and he certainly does not take interruptions from pesky little bugs lightly.
The night sky above Ramshackle was littered with painted specs of sparkling stars, burning brightly amidst the gradients of blue and black. Jade had a firm hand situated by the small of your back, gently guiding you along the dirt path of the trail.
"It's so beautiful…" You murmur in astonishment, craning your head up to peer up at the canvas of stars. Chuckling, Jade tugs you in closer to slip his large jacket over your shoulders. "I'm glad you like it, pearl. I do hope it's not too cold?"
"Not at all."
Both of you continue along your hike, going deeper and deeper into the thick, dense forest. As you trudged on, a bundle of wild mushrooms caught your eye and you halted to a stop, recognizing the patterns and spots on the fungi in a book Jade had once shown you.
"Wait here a moment. I just saw those mushrooms you wanted so bad. I'll go get it!" Before Jade could even reply, you were already off, sneaking past tall bushes and prickly trees. 
Just as you were about to pick your first mushroom, a low growl interrupts you. Freezing, your eyes dart upward to see a Savanaclaw student towering over your form. 
He did not seem happy.
"Oya? You're that Ramshackle punk, aren't you?…I have to say, Leona let you off real easy after that little spy mission you did in our dorm." He sneers, rolling the joints of his shoulders and moving closer, backing you up against a tree. "That's all good with me…Cuz' If he won't do something bout' it, then I will."
Suddenly, he was drawing his fist back, aiming for you. The sudden shift happened so quickly that all you could do was flinch and hunch over, preparing yourself for a hit.
Only for it to never come.
"My, my," a familiar voice muses. Breath hitching in your throat, you peek up and see Jade looming behind the boy. The eel's hand was coiled tight around the beastman's wrist, clasping tighter and tighter until there was a sickening snap. 
"How foolish of you to think I would allow that."
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You have scary eel privileges' #2
Floyd was a lot softer and caring than a lot of people would give him credit for. That or he just gives you special treatment. After all, the big bad eel found you endearing. You were his one and only beloved little shrimpy. 
You were the one who stood by him even when others dismissed him as strange or frightful because you loved and adored him wholeheartedly. So, he can't help but be protective of you.
Nothing will ever hurt you so long as he's by your side.
"Shrimpy? What're you doing here?"
Sniffles and cries wreck your chest as you curled up on Floyd's bed, clutching his shrimp plush tight in your arms. Said eel was standing by the door, a look of shock plastered onto his features before it turned ice-cold as he approached your weeping form.
"My poor shrimpy…" Floyd rasps, tugging off his gloves to cup your wet cheeks with his big hands. "What's wrong with my shrimpy? Did someone do this? I'll squeeze 'em if they did."
The eel crawls into bed with you, tugging the plush out of your arms and slipping himself into your embrace. Soft warm kisses are peppered on your wet cheeks as Floyd coos at you.
Sobbing, you raise a hand to furiously wipe at your eyes before exclaiming, "It's Grim again! Why does he have to be so difficult?! I worked so hard for my alchemy exam, but it seems like he doesn't care! He's brought our grades down again!"
"It's that cat of yours again, huh?" Floyd clicked his tongue, thumb pressing against the corner of your teary eyes. He pressed a warm palm to your cheek, examining your face with close inspection as he slowly reached for your hand and set it down atop his beating heart. "No worries. Just let it all out, shrimpy. I'll have a talk with the baby seal later hehe~"
You sniffed and brushed his comments aside as you pulled away from the embrace, an action which made him pout. "…I'm not sure he'd even listen. Grim is as stubborn as a rock." 
"We'll see about that, shrimpy." Floyd scoffs, a frown on his face clearly visible as he pulls you closer once more.
"Yanno, I'm pretty good at alchemy myself." Floyd chirps, a dark grin slowly stretching across his cheeks. "I'm sure the baby seal won't mind having a private tutor session with good ol' me."
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— ♰ ROOK
This man WORSHIPS the ground you walk on.
As they say, "Before you die, experience the love of a writer, poet or painter. If you're lucky enough to be an artist's muse, they will immortalize you." Such a muse you were to Rook.
Though it would take quite a lot of coaxing before he could have the pleasure of having you as his muse, at the rare moments you did agree—Rook did his utmost best to do you justice on the canvas.
Portraiture looked into the life of the subject, revealed what was hidden deep inside, and examined it. With his hunter-like manner, Rook was all too acquainted with this study.
"A-Am I doing this right?" You murmur, trying your best not to move around as you held a bouquet of daisies up to your chest. There was a cream-tinted dress draped across your body as you reclined against the backdrop Rook had set up.
"Oui. Such beauty in your gaze, trickster. Angels lurk behind your eyes." The hunter flirts, resolute gazed locked onto your flustered ones as he drags his brush against the palette. There was an experiment with the hues for a time before he blended a few other colors.
"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to do this." As he'd found the color he wanted, Rook turned back to you. He took careful note of every nuance and detail of your glowing visage and committed as much as he could to memory. Rook knew he’d have to make your portrait perfect. He simply couldn’t allow for anything else.
"You're very persistent," you huff with a small smile on your face. "I had to cave in eventually, huh?"
"But, of course!" Rook cheekily grins, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I can't let a chance like this pass me by."
Time passed and layers upon layers of color came together to form the picture he sought after. Out to the right, spread across a lush sofa, was your incandescent form. And he surely didn't hold back on the details. The creases in the fabric, the curve of your smile, and the contours of the plush pillows scattered on either side of the plush crimson sofa all draw the eye.
It was a large painting that he had boldly placed in Pomefiore's living room, much to Vil's chagrin. Try as he might, the dormleader couldn't get the hunter to remove it at all.
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Princess treatment? pff. That's cute. No, it's queen treatment to him.
You had a bad tendency of rambling on about whatever that came to mind, often without realising that another person was in the same room as you. Even if you initially didn't mind this little quirk of yours, recent events have made you realise that you should probably curb your mouth-running.
Even more so considering that your partner, caring as he was, had a tendency to be quite…impulsive. Especially when it comes to matters concerning your comfort and well-being.
Malleus was flipping through a catalogue of colour samples and scrutinizing each texture with careful judgment. Slipping the page into your hands, he murmurs, "This is all rather lovely. Perhaps a dark crimson will suffice. Or would you like this wine red dye, my dear?" The dragon looked at you, patiently awaiting your response.
Only for there to be none.
You stood awkwardly at his side, your cheeks flaming up with shame. Tugging at his coat, you rose up on your tiptoes and whispered quietly, "Tsunotaro…when I whined about it being cold, I didn't mean for you to go this far."
"Oh?" He quirks a brow up, "Do you not like these colors?"
"Mal," you utter gently, handing the catalogue back to him. "I don't really think we need to—"
"Young Master. If I may," Sebek interrupts, voice raising to a strained high squeak, "Please do tell. Why are we replacing every.single marble floor in the dorm…with carpet?"
Malleus draws you in his arms, all while ignoring the enraged stare painted on Sebek's face. "My darling's feet become frigid cold when they walk along the marble flooring. I think it's due time for it to get redone," he says while running his hands tenderly up your back and gazing at you with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Sebek blinks, a strained smile sneaking up on his cheeks, "Well. I'm sure they can use slippers—"
"Nonsense." Malleus snarls, eyes flashing a luminous green. "How dare you even think of subjecting them to such a ludicrous act. Hmph. Using…slippers—How preposterous." 
"No. I think my way is much better." Shaking his head, Malleus turns back to the catalogue—paying no mind to the grief-stricken look on his retainer's face. "Now dearest, do you think burgundy would look good in the kitchen?"
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Carries your sparkly pink purses for you, slay king<3
Sebek was not a fool. The fae was well aware he could be a bit…much at times. And even if he doesn't express it, he really values your nearly infinite patience with him. 
The boy was awkward at affection, and this is especially highlighted when it comes to anything involving romantic gestures. Even though your snappy crocodile was hard-headed and stubborn at times, he still showed you how much he cared in his own little ways. Even if it were something as simple as carrying your sparkly pink bag around the campus.
"You ought to have known better than to jest so lightly about Diasomnia that way!" Sebek barks out, a leather-clad finger digging deep into Ace's chest. However, as opposed to being upset as Sebek had anticipated, the ginger chortles, muffled giggles sneaking past his clamped up lips.
"Sebek, buddy." Ace wheezes out, shoulders shaking from the strain of his suppressed laughter. "It's kinda hard to take you seriously…wh-when you have that."
The Heartslabyul runt gestures towards your designer purse, which was snugly resting against Sebek's bicep, slung over his shoulder. 
It was quite the eye-catcher. The sparkling pink diamonds of its handle twinkled a bright brilliant white, so bright in fact that it was almost blinding. 
Epel takes notice of the logo and crocodile keychain attached to it and he perks up.
"Oh, it's one of those girly-lookin' designer bags Vil is always yappin' about," Epel points out, squinting his eyes to get a better look at it. "Ain't that the prefect's bag?"
Unfazed by Ace's mocking, Sebek scoffs arrogantly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Indeed, it is. As a knight-in-training, it is only right for me to possess the quality of a gentleman. Chivalrous acts like this are nothing to be ashamed of." He abruptly snapped his head over to glower at Ace, who was sitting rather comfortably in the cafeteria bench, crossing one leg over the over as he met Sebek's irritated stare. "Not that I anticipate someone like you to ever have experience with it.."
Sebek then rose from the table and strode boldly in the direction of your classroom, the pink bag swinging with each heavy step he took. Epel was leaning over the table, placing a shaky hand on Ace's shoulder as loud laughter racked through his body.
"Darn' right," Epel cackles, wiping the tears away from his eyes before turning to the ginger. "Nice ta' see someone still has sum chivalry…Unlike you, Ace."
The ginger visibly deflates, rolling his eyes as he mutters, "Yeah, yeah. We get it. He's down bad."
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utahimeow · 6 months
even death will not do us part — satoru gojo
summary — your wedding day with satoru gojo is not exactly conventional.
pairing — satoru gojo x f!reader
warnings — slightly suggestive beginning, pure fluff, established relationship
word count — 3.9k
author’s note — for satoru’s birthday ♡ i put my heart and soul and blood and sweat and tears into this and i hope u can tell. it may be the best writing i’ve ever done, so if u read it, thank u and i love u. also it’s like extremely sappy so pls keep that in mind lol
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After a seemingly endless night, tendrils of golden sunlight come crawling through the blinds. They dance over your flesh that’s dotted with soft bites from your lover, and warm it like soft kisses until your eyes peel open.
Satoru’s already awake, ocean eyes gazing at you. A wave of memories of how he touched you so ardently the night before comes washing over you. After it, a wave of heat, his lustful poetry echoing in your mind until it pools between your thighs. Finally, the heat subsides into something warm, a gentle glow which settles within your ribs.
“Good morning,” your lover rasps, voice heavy with sleep. 
You reach out to him until your hand finds his face, your fingers grazing over soft pink skin, your thumb tracing the ridge of his cheekbone. He’s slightly puffy, eyes still ever so slightly droopy, but slumber is not the only thing that simmers in them.
“Good morning,” you reply, your words hoarse yet covered in honey.
For a while, neither one of you says anything, instead basking in one another. Satoru drinks in the sight of you laying next to him, gulps and gulps and gulps it down like it’s red wine, until he’s drunk. 
“Marry me,” he says. Time stops moving and your heart stops beating momentarily. Your mouth tries to move, tries to give a response, but every word you’ve ever learned suddenly abandons your memory. 
He laughs, so obnoxiously beautiful, but within his eyes that carry a millennium of history there is only pure sincerity.
It shouldn’t surprise you this much—his question—not when Satoru had long since carved a space inside your heart, and you in his. You’d been together so long that sometimes you both forgot you weren’t married, and Satoru had a habit of casually stating things like “when I make you my wife”, because it was undisputed that he would marry you.
Still, somehow you didn’t see it coming, and not like this. Satoru Gojo was a man of grandeur–always dramatic, always making a scene, always showing off in some shape or form, whether it was you or his cursed technique. The last place you would expect him to propose was in bed at ten a.m. after a night where he made you see God himself. Although, the more you think about it, this is where he is home. Where he bears the deepest parts of his being to you and where he may shed the weight of a society that idolises him as a god. Where he can ask you to marry him as just Satoru.
“Don’t go shy on me,” he says, still amused by your disbelief. 
“I-yes. Yes, I’ll marry you,” you say, sobbing out a laugh, launching yourself into his embrace and burying your face into his bare chest. 
“What if we did it today?” he asks, his voice reverberating through you until it almost puts you back to sleep.
“Did what?” you ask.
“Got married.”
Your head shoots up, your eyes flitting rapidly over each of his nonchalant features. Once more, you don’t find a single hint that he’s kidding. “You’re insane.”
“You love me for it,” he says, his face like a mischievous cat’s. “And I can’t spend another minute without you being my wife, so please, elope with me.”
Unlike Satoru, you were never exactly one for grand gestures. He knew you never had dreams of a big fairytale wedding with hundreds of guests or a giant hall, and it’s precisely one of the reasons why he’s asking this of you.
“The higher-ups are going to be pissed,” you say, leaning in close to his face until there’s hardly a hair’s width between your noses. 
“That’s the point,” he tells you. “Is that another yes, then?”
You stare into the depths of his irises, the ones that are swimming with adoration, the ones that have never changed how they stare at you, even after all these years. Not that you had any doubts before, but suddenly you’ve never wanted anything more. The feeling settles into your bloodstream, to your bones, to the very core of your being–certainty.
“Yes, Satoru, I’ll elope with you,” you say, and then your lips are on his. There’s a million words in the way he kisses you, ones that he would never be able to speak even if he tried, so he kisses you and kisses you in hopes that you’ll understand them. He kisses you like it’s the only thing keeping him alive. It is.
You part, sorrowfully, heads spinning, but then you remember you have things to do. 
“I need to start getting ready,” you say, and you already know exactly what his response will be–a groan, a whine, and him begging you to stay in his arms for a little while longer. 
He does just that. 
“Satoruuu,” you say, mimicking the way he whines your name. “The sooner I get ready the sooner we’ll be married. Isn’t that what you want?”
He pouts for the sake of pouting, then his arms loosen around your waist and you leave him with a peck upon his lips before tossing yourself out of bed. 
You spend the next hour and something at your vanity, having never imagined that your wedding day would leave you doing your own hair and makeup.
After Satoru brings you a cup of coffee and plants a chaste kiss to your temple, he heads to the bathroom to shower, leaving you to finish getting yourself ready. When he returns twenty minutes later, he finds you standing in your walk-in closet in only your bra and underwear, looking terribly focused. You don’t need to be a mind-reader to know he wants to tell you to go as you are—he refrains, however. It’s a miracle that he’s able to.
“You should wear that white dress you have. The one with the sleeves,” he suggests, flapping his arms and immediately you know which one he’s talking about. A plain white minidress with flared mesh sleeves and sweetheart neckline that you wore to a fancy dinner once. You fish it out, and Satoru approaches you as you step into it and pull it up your hips. Wordlessly, he zips the back up, holding his breath as he does. 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to see me yet,” you quip, giggling when you turn to face him. 
“Baby, there’s nothing conventional about how we’re getting married,” he grins, giving your ass a tap as you walk past him to pick out your jewellery. 
Of course, he insists on putting your necklace on for you too, a dainty Tiffany chain with a diamond sun pendant that he gifted you for your birthday years back because he liked to call you his sun. Again, the feather-light brush of his fingers over your skin sends bolts of lightning shooting to your fingertips. It’s reminiscent of the way he made you feel a decade ago, before he had even kissed you for the first time, when his cheesy, cat-like smile would send your heart racing and heat rushing to your face. When butterflies would erupt in your belly and you felt like you were floating. For some reason you found it hard to believe that feelings like that would persist, but it is in Satoru’s blood to prove you wrong, and he did, and he does still.
You decide on a pair of glimmering white Jimmy Choo heels, but before you can even think to put them on, Satoru is on his knees, softly grasping each leg of yours so he can slip the shoes on and carefully tighten the straps one by one. It’s something that never fails to make you giddy–to make you question if you’re even worthy of this man (you know you are, after all he’d spent the last few years doing everything in his power to prove to you that he’s the lucky one between you). Still, you think it’s perfectly valid to wonder what you’ve done to deserve someone like this.
Satoru stands then, a perpetual smile upon his glossy pink lips. He’s in a pair of pressed black slacks that hug his thick, toned legs, and a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top buttons left open (because you always tell him you like how good he looks) and nothing to cover his eyes. You’re the only person he’ll be looking at today, after all. He’d die before letting anything obscure his view of you.
He takes your hand and raises it into the air and twirls you around, his eyes drinking in every detail of you, inhaling your sweet, angelic scent, and now it’s his turn to wonder how he managed to get so lucky, as if it doesn’t occupy his mind from the very second he wakes up to the moment he falls asleep. 
He’s still unlearning the idea that he’s alone because it was all that he ever knew from the day that he was born. He’s always had friends and caretakers and people who admired him and who depended on him and who worshipped him, but he was always there at the top, the closest thing to a god that a human could be—by himself. No one could possibly understand him enough to be by his side, not really. Then one day you came along and you slithered your way into the cracks and crevices of his very being and refused to budge, and you showed him that he’s not alone, that there are people who he can trust and depend on and people who he can love. 
He never lets go of your hand, pulling you close to his chest and grinning down at you. His eyes gleam with a mischief that’s all too familiar, one that’s got you instantly suspicious.
“Please don’t hate me,” he says but it’s without any real concern. 
You have an inkling as to what he’s planning, but you don’t even get the chance to open your mouth to question him because one moment you’re standing in the foyer of your home and the next you’re outside of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. 
He predicts the way you smack his chest and whine out a mildly irritated “Satoru!”–it only makes him grin harder, because he knows how much you hate when he teleports you without warning, but right now he just can’t wait another moment (and neither can you) so you don’t have it in you to be genuinely displeased.
As he makes his way to the entrance, you tug on his arm suddenly to stop him after a certain realisation hits you. 
“Satoru, don’t we need a witness?” you ask. 
His eyes narrow in thought and he looks around, cartoon-like, before his face fills with resolution and he’s strolling away from the building with you in tow. 
“Excuse me,” he exclaims, and you follow his gaze to where an older couple are walking by, hands intertwined. They turn to him inquisitively, so he continues. “My gorgeous fiancée here and I are about to be wed. All of our friends were too busy today, so we don’t have any witnesses. Would you spare a moment of time for a young, smitten couple?”
You roll your eyes, but the grin smirk your lips betrays you. “We’re sincerely sorry for interrupting your day. What my insufferable fiancé here means to say is we would appreciate it greatly if you would be our witnesses.”
The couple take a glance at one another, silently communicating before they face you and Satoru once more, nodding their heads.
“It’s our day off, we were just going to walk around the city anyway,” the lady explains, her pale, weathered lips stretching into a gentle smile.
Thus, you waltz into the city hall altogether, and only now does it begin to settle in that you’re about to marry Satoru Gojo. The morning had gone by so quickly– you’d only been awake less than four hours, and during that time you never once stopped to let any of it sink in.
Now, it sinks in. All the way to your core, to the fibres and cells that make up your being. Inside your ribs your heart is swollen, filled to the brim with scarlet red until it overflows and paints everything around it, until every part of you, every seam that holds you together has been altered, touched by something that Satoru gifted you on the first day you met him.
Your lover seems to move in slow motion. Your breath is caught in your throat. It’s a dream, you’re sure of it. Then Satoru squeezes your hand, ever perceptive of your thoughts, and reminds you that it’s not. 
After gathering a pile of documents, a man in a suit takes you to a room that’s a smaller version of a court and begins to lay out the papers, simultaneously explaining each one’s purpose and indicating what you and Satoru must fill out. You provide him with your own documents–birth certificates and proof of residence, and then the two strangers who had offered themselves to you as witnesses give their signatures. 
Your officiant makes his speech in a professional language, far from the flowery words given by priests or family friends in churches or venues adorned with flowers and ribbons along every wall.
Lack of preparation means your vows are a repetition of a script written decades ago: you take Satoru to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
During Satoru’s turn, he hesitates. His eyes shine with a strange epiphany as he stares down at you. 
“...From this day forward, until the end of time. Even death will not do us part.”
There are no words in any language, dead or alive, that are adequate enough to describe the elation you experience. There is no concept, idea, or theory that would truly reveal the way that you are consumed by love for him. It runs through your bloodstream, intrinsic to your very being. 
The officiant announces that you and Satoru are husband and wife. Now you are one flesh and bone. He leans forward, kisses you, and it’s a promise of eternal devotion.
Outside of the city hall, where time no longer stands still but you still feel as though you are not inside of your body, your husband Satoru Gojo bows to the man and woman who made your marriage possible. 
Satoru Gojo does not bow. And while it is easy to attribute it to some god complex, to the product of his upbringing, as many do, those to whom Satoru has shown his soul know that it is rebellion. It is the denial of a convention he refuses to assimilate with, one he does not believe in, one which begs children to be grateful to those who have sown them as though they had the choice to be sown.
When Satoru Gojo does bow, it is not without good reason. Most often it is only when he owes someone his life—so he bows to the two strangers, whose signatures on a piece of paper mean that he is eternally yours.
Beside him, you bow too.
“Thank you,” Satoru says, then both of you straighten up to find the couple smiling before you. There is kindness etched into every line on their face, a fondness simmering in their eyes. Their arms are linked, and all of a sudden you’re looking in a mirror.
“Congratulations on your marriage,” the woman says. “I’m certain you will flourish together.”
“You know, young people are always getting into relationships, but seeing true love like what you have with one another… It’s a rare thing nowadays. Please cherish that,” the man says.
“We’ll be forever grateful for you,” you say. “Thank you.”
The four of you part, but the couple, whose names you do not know, now lives in a part of your mind that can never be erased.
The first thing Satoru does as your husband, as you walk down the streets of Tokyo with your hands laced together, is suddenly disappear into a flower shop as you pass by it, before emerging once more and handing you a bouquet of crimson carnations and white roses with a cheshire cat smile on his face.
“Your wedding bouquet,” he says.
“Oh, Satoru, they’re beautiful,” you muse, allowing your nose to absorb their earthy scent. “Thank you.”
You tug him by the hand that’s woven with yours, pulling him down to plant a kiss upon his cheek.
The next stop is a jewellery store, and you yelp as Satoru pulls you inside with him this time. 
“Pick whatever ring you like, baby,” he tells you as you stand before the glass case where thousands of crystals glimmer back at you, splayed out on a bed of white. “Just to wear until you pick your actual one.”
Blood warms your face. It’s not meant to be a brag. Even if he didn’t have generations of wealth in his bank account, he’d buy you as many rings as you wanted until you found the perfect one. For you, he would find a way.
Your eyes wander over every diamond, over gold and silver and platinum, and it’s not long at all before they all start to look the same. Not wanting to spend your entire wedding day inside a jewellery store, you land on a simple diamond-studded silver band and point it out to Satoru.
“That one?” he asks. 
You nod, a satisfied smile making your lips curl.
Satoru flags down the jeweller, a thin woman with shiny skin, requesting the ring you want. She tells him each of the five diamonds weighs 0.2 carats, making the ring a total of one carat, as if it’ll make a difference to either of you. He doesn’t ask her for the price, but she tells him it’s 550,000 yen—practically theft for someone from the Gojo clan. 
After picking out a matching plain silver band for himself, you and Satoru leave the store and continue strolling through the city. To everyone else, you look like no more than an enamoured couple like the millions of others in Tokyo, and while a part of Satoru feels like he wants to wander up to random strangers to brag to them that you’re his wife, another part cherishes this little secret between you two.
From the day he was born, Satoru Gojo’s wedding was to be a grand affair. Sorcerers from far and wide would gather to witness the expansion of the Gojo clan. It was to be a several day-long event, planned intricately by the higher ups without room for any say from the bride and groom. Satoru did not want that—not for himself, but especially not for you.
Now he laughs as he imagines the higher ups’ faces when they realise he has not only married but eloped behind their backs. Though he thinks he’ll keep his left hand in his pocket the next few times he pays them a visit, at least for a few weeks.
“What?” you ask. His grin spreads from his face to yours.
“Nothing. Are you hungry?” 
“Ugh, yes,” you say. Suddenly your empty stomach becomes even emptier, howling agonisingly loudly.
“Sushi Go?” 
The nearest one is ten minutes away. When you get there, you sit in a booth next to the conveyor belt, with Satoru insisting on shoving himself into the seat next to you rather than across from you. As soon as his heat radiates into you, however, you feel like melting into him.
After ordering almost the entire menu despite your scolding, Satoru finds the ring boxes and pulls them out of the ribbon-tied bag from the jeweller. He takes your left hand, gently, as though you’re made of glass, and slides the glittering ring onto your fourth finger. He brings it to his lips, then his velvety lips kiss just above where the ring rests.
“Beautiful,” he says. He’s looking at your eyes, not the ring.
You twist it around your finger, lungs empty as it catches every ray of light that comes its way and tosses it back at your eyes. 
“It’s a little big, but I love it.”
“I’ll get you the perfect one, don’t worry,” he says. “To make up for no engagement ring.”
“You make me sound so materialistic,” you quip, taking his hand into yours and slipping the matching silver band onto his bony finger.
“Just spoiled,” he corrects.
You narrow your eyes at him, but it turns into hearts not a moment later. He makes it impossible.
“I love you, Satoru Gojo,” you say, holding up your hands as you lace your fingers together with his.
“I love you,” he says, and the smug, cocky front vanishes, and he bares himself, his true self, to you. “More than anything in this world. I’m gonna prove it to you every single day from now on.”
Your giggle is drenched in fondness. “You already do that.”
“Then I’ll do it even better. This is a promise of that,” he says, thumb stroking over the ring he put on your finger.
His eyes don’t hold an ounce of hesitation, of questioning, of doubt. Only truth.
Your food arrives, and you wish you could say you feel bad about how overtly gross you and Satoru are being, feeding sushi rolls to each other with twinkling eyes, but everything inside you is screaming with euphoria that you can’t bring yourself to care. 
You wipe a drop of soy sauce from the corner of his lips, and he stares at you like you put the sun and the stars and the moon in the sky.
Not to your surprise, you and Satoru don’t finish all of the food he ordered. One of the waiters offers to box up the leftovers, then returns with two paper bags and hands them to your husband, whose unoccupied hand takes yours once more.
He decides he wants to take you to the park. He’s not sure why. It just feels right, and all you want is to spend time with him, so you tell him the park sounds perfect. It’s only another fifteen minute walk, anyway.
When you get there, the emerald lawns are teeming with families, couples, friends. Children run as if they can fly, dogs chase after tennis balls like it is their life mission. Satoru whisks you away from it all however, taking you into the trees.
Nestled amongst the Japanese chinquapin and zelkovas, a cherry blossom spreads its branches out like arms, its blossoms like pink fingertips that flutter as the wind swims through them. Satoru sinks into the cushion of grass at the base of the tree, leaning his broad back against the trunk. Like a cat, you find your way into his lap and rest your head upon his chest, next to his heart. The way his arms wrap around you is instinct.
Sparrows and finches flit about the branches, dancing as they move from one tree to another. Two turtle doves perch together, huddling into the other even though the air is warm.
Even if you and Satoru do not stay bound together in this life, if death takes you or him early, one thing you know for certain—you’ll find him again in another life. Right now, however, you have him in this life, and nothing else matters.
dedicated to @ushiwhacka and @tetsuskei <3 i love u both
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mysicklove · 8 months
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With: Giyuu Tomioka
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Sub! Giyuu, gn! reader, modern day au, vibrators, bullet vibrator, anal play, nipple clams, vibrating cock ring, reader lowkey sadistic, safeword mentioned, giyuu crying/sobbing,
A/N: i struggled writing this and i have no idea why. welp.
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“There are so many…Where did you find them?” Giyuu mumbles into your neck, sitting behind you on your shared bed, completely bare. His face has turned a bright red, and hes getting extra clingy, meaning that he must be embarrassed. But he is embarrassed majority of the time you do anything remotely not vanilla, so you are used to it.
You sit with a grin, staring at the items layed in front of you. Most of them are a shade of pink, but some are purple, or dark blue. Toys. You have acquired a bunch of sex toys, and today you were going to try them out on your adorable, stone-faced, boyfriend. “Online. Do you want me to explain what they all are?” 
He nods into the back of your neck, peering over your shoulder, and wrapping his arms tighter around your waist.
His eyes scan the multitude of silicon, and the strangely shaped devices. He has never owned nor even talked about sex toys, and the fake pussy is staring right at him, and is making him squirm uncomfortably. You pick it up, laughing at the way he seems to cower at it. “This is a fleshlight. We also have another one over here,” This one was a green color, and just looked like a cylinder with texture on the inside. He liked this one immediately more. “You fuck it instead of your hand.” He blushes at the bluntness of your words but nods.
You set the two down, and Giyuu makes sure to turn away the lewder fleshlight so that it doesn’t face him. You giggle at him but don’t say anything and begin to search for your next item.Your hands trace to a white wand-shaped item, bigger than the rest of them. “Watch this,” You say, clicking on the button to see it jump to life. Giyuu’s eyes widen at the loudness of it, and how strong the vibrations are, and he unconsciously leans into you. “This is a vibrator.” You place it on his chest, and he jumps when they graze his sensitive nipples, shooting you a half-hearted glare. “We also have a bullet vibrator.” You grab the pink circular vibrator with the long attachment cord. “I have some fun ideas for this.” 
He covers his face and groans when you playfully slap his ass. “Alright, two more.”
Giyuus eyes wander to a mental chain with two clamps on both ends. Before you can continue, he cuts you off, pointing to it and mumbling out, “What is this?”
Your face lights up, and you place a hand on his thigh, leaning forward to whisper into his ear teasingly, “Nipple clamps.” You grab the chain from his hand, and pinch the two sides, staring at his chest in awe. “Bet they’ll make your cute nipples all red and swollen,” You sigh, mouth already watering at the idea. 
He flinches, pulling away. “Th-Thats gonna hurt,” The dark-haired man complains, trying to hide away from your sadistic gaze. He squirms when you laugh, and grabs a purple silicon circle, hoping to distract you. “And this?”
“Mhmm, may be my favorite. Cock ring. Prevents you from cumming, and look!” You press the button, sending the toy to life. “It also vibrates. Man, Giyuu, you are going to have so much fun tonight!”
His face pales slightly, and he drops the toy. “I don’t like that one,” He frowns, not liking the idea of not being able to cum at all. 
You peck his mouth, ignoring his complaint. “Hmm, most men don’t. But you’ll look so cute!”
He lets out a small whimper, hoping to coax some sympathy from you, but you just smile at him, petting his head. “It’s gonna be fun. And you will have your safeword. So if you don’t like anything too much, we can stop.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead moving closer to you. You feel something tap your thigh, and grin when you look down. “Well, arent you excited?”
He gulps, looks up at you one more time, and then buries his head into your neck with a whine, mentally preparing for what’s to come.
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He was right to prepare, he was already trembling before you even turned anything on. He yelps when you clamp the second nipple on, and you wipe away a stray tear. “Hurts,” he whines, cringing when he glances down at his chest. 
“Sorry love, it’s over now. That was a little uncomfortable, huh Giyuu?” You murmur, cupping his face and kissing his cheek. The words make him feel like a child being comforted after getting wounded, but still, he melts at the tone, playing into it by sniffling and nodding. “Oh you’re so cute, just makes me wanna tease you.”
He whimpers, frowning at you and shaking his head. You pull away and run your fingers down his body, and then sit back on your knees before him. He lays on his back, hands on your knee, while blinking at you, waiting patiently for what’s next to cum.
He lays naked, and with one hand on your knee, seeking comfort. The thin chain connects his two nipples together, and lays lax against his pale chest. On his cock, is the cockring, that sits silently, waiting for you to turn it on. His dick fumes against his stomach, twitching in arousal. Next to him, lay the light green fleshlight (he convinced you to put away the pussy one), and the wand vibrator. And finally, the pink bullet vibrator is up his ass, and grazing his prostate. 
“Alright, let’s start this, yeah? How many times do you think you are gonna cum?” You tease, distracting him as you reach in between his thighs, and click on the vibrator. 
He jumps, sighing out when he feels the low vibrations inside him. “Don’t know,” He mumbles, “Maybe two times?”
You giggle, shaking your head. “Way too low of a guess, silly boy.” The sound of the cockring clicks to life, and Giyuus eyes visibly widen. It was at a higher intensity than the bullet vibrator, and it surprised him.
The two intense feelings send him shivering, and quietly moaning out. His hand grips onto your knee, and he buries his head into the pillow, panting into the soft fabric. You smile at him, and then grab the fleshlight, quickly pouring a copious amount of lube in.
You then steady his hips, huffing a laugh to see them already trembling. Then you force the fleshlight onto his cock, marveling at the lewd squelching noise. 
His reaction is immediate, bucking his hips into it, but then frantically pulling away, as if he was confused. “Wait. Wait. Wait. At the same time?” Giyuu uncharacteristically yelps, eyes wide and staring at you in panic.
You cock your head to the side. “Of course? What did you think we were doing?” He tries to respond, but it’s cut off by a moan when you slide the entire thing back on. It’s too big, considering the cockring covers too much space, so the tip ends about halfway into the toy. 
The vibrations travel to the silicon when the two toys touch, and it sends Giyuu crying out. “F-Fuckkkk. No no no. It’s too much!” 
His hips barely touch the ground anymore. Frantically moving from side to side, and then bucking upward into the toy without his consent. His frantic movements send heat to your groin, and you reach around in between his thighs to turn up the bullet vibrator to the highest level.
His thighs instictually close shut, and your hand almost got caught in his trap. You smack his upper thigh gently, in a tease, but he doesn’t seem to notice. His back is arching and he is gripping the sheets, letting out a silent scream. Giyuus face is buried into the pillow, but he’s whipping his head from side to side, overwhelmed with all the sensations. 
You pump his dick slowly, instead focusing your attention on your obviously overstimulated boyfriend. “I can’t–I can’t. Oh my god, it’s everywhere,” he cries, legs sporadically bending and then kicking out. 
His body forces himself to the side, moving your hand aside, as his hips come up. Then he turns himself completely over, onto his hands and knees as he screams into the pillow, while bucking his hips backward and forward into the two vibrations. He hiccups when he feels his nipples being tugged at by the force of gravity on the clamps. 
“There ya go. More comfortable on your hands and knees?” You don’t wait for him to respond, brushing his hair to the side. “Now, what’s everywhere, Giyuu?”
He sobs something into the pillow, but you can’t hear it, so you gently pinch his thigh. He gets the memo immediately, and pulls away, balancing on shaky hands, as drool coats his face. “T-The vibrations–Everywhere!” He hiccups, lifting his ass higher in the air as his eyes roll back.
A sadistic urge boils in your stomach as you glance at the white vibrator. He was wrong….They weren’t everywhere, and you wanted to change that. With one hand, you bring the fleshlight back to his cock, and then gulp, before picking up the wand, and switching it on. 
He doesn’t hear the new sound of the vibrator, focused completely on the feeling of the fleshlight again. His hips drill into it, and then occasionally arch as if to push himself deeper into the bullet vibrator.
You reach under him, and gently place the wand on the chain. It pulls it down, and also sends vibrations rippling through the chains. 
Giyuu’s eyes widen, and then immediately he sobs into the pillow, cringing as his fists jab into the bed sheets. His nipples are being pulled at, and are vibrating profusely. “Ow. Owwwww, stop stop! Its–I can’t–Oh help me!”
Before you get lost in the mouthwatering view, you are quick to ask if he is all alright. “Your color?”
“Green. Green,” He hiccups, “But you are so–so mean to me!” 
You kiss his upper thigh and continue to move your hands up and down his shaft. His whole body trembles, and the only thing louder than the multiple vibrations, was his constant moans and cries. “But you are gonna cum soon, right, Giyuu?” You coo, watching the way pre begins to dribble out, and helps lube the toy.
He nods into the pillow, body beginning to collapse on itself. You are quick to pull him upright, liking the view of his trembling ass, and shaking dick a little too much. “Bet it's going to be intense,” You mumble, “Bet it’s going to feel so good.”
Your words send his head spinning because you are right. He feels himself approach closer and closer to it, and its never been this intense before. Every sensitive part of his body is being stimulated, and it hasn’t even been five minutes.
You know the signs of your lover beginning to approach his orgasm, and you take the cockring off. One of these days youll use it to deny him his release, but not today, that would be too brutal with everything that is going on. He doesn’t notice, because it’s immediately replaced by the fleshlight fucking him up and down.
 “Please. Please. I–” He falters, forgetting how to speak when his orgasm hits him. His whole body shakes, and he sees white. Every inch of his body is screaming out, and he has got to be on cloud nine. 
He stays silent through it all though, eyes rolling back, and teeth biting into the pillow. Cum shoots out, onto his stomach and the sheets, and you smile through it all. 
His legs collapse moments later and his whole body falls limp against the sheets, jerking sporadically from the continuous vibrations on his prostate. Giyuu felt as if his brain melted, his every thought truly fucked out of him.
He feels his hips being lifted again, your arm supporting him, and he glances at you with hazy blue eyes. “Don’t pass out on me now,” You tease, strapping the cockring back into place. “We still got at least two more orgasms to pull from you.”
And the second the vibrations turn on, he seems to snap awake, but its too late. “W-Wait!” 
You just laugh, and bring the wand vibrator back to his now-redden nipples.
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 2 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 4
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Implied ED, Claustrophobia
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
You can feel Regina’s lips on your skin all morning. The aching pain in your hip is now replaced by a warm longing. It’s a pretty good metaphor for Regina herself. She can bruise you so easily and then make it all better.
She kissed you.
Why did she kiss you?
Was it because she felt so guilty about hurting you and couldn’t find the words to tell you? That had to be it. The other option briefly crosses your mind but you quickly dismiss it. This is Regina George. Less than 2 days ago she didn’t know you existed. She’s the Queen of the school, why would she want to be anything to someone like you? The thought is disheartening but it's much better than falling victim to a disappointing fantasy.
Regina is already gone, as usual. At least it gives you some time in the morning to sort your thoughts into nice neat boxes and get yourself ready without the distraction.
You know that today's activity is caving. Working your way through a man made cave system sounds much better for you, at least your feet are firmly on the ground. You decide on a pair of jeans, another band tee (Is that really all you packed?) and throw a hoodie on top. The caves might be cold and it’ll stop you scraping up your elbows while you navigate tight crawl spaces.
You make your way to the Campfire pit to be shown today's activity. The instructor tells you all to find groups or pairs. You don’t even bother glancing in Regina’s direction, she’ll be with Gretchen and Karen. You don’t mind going through it alone. It’s better than being paired up with a stranger. It would be much more fun with Janis and Damien though.
You feel a slight not in your stomach at the thought of Janis. She’d tried to call again this morning but you didn’t have the heart to answer in case more lies came tumbling out of your mouth, so instead you just sent back a quick text letting her know you’d call this evening and put your phone on silent.
You’re led to a door in the side of what looks like an oddly shaped hill which contains an intricate man-made cave system. Some of the group drop out saying they’re claustrophobic and don’t want to go through. It’s understandable, you wish you’d been given that option on the high ropes.
The instructor lets each group go through every 10 minutes to allow the first group to be a decent way through and avoid traffic. You end up behind the plastics in the queue again. It’s not exactly accidental. Hopefully Regina doesn’t notice this.
They go through first, you try not to make it too obvious where your gaze lands as Regina gets on her knees to crawl through the cave entrance. She’s wearing a pair of tight, black leather trousers and a pink tank top. It frames her body perfectly and you understand why most of the boys at school stare openly when she walks by. How are you only just noticing how hot she is now?
10 minutes later you’re instructed to go through. You crawl, squeeze and climb through the narrow passages of the cave. It’s pitch black, you have to use the head torch on your helmet to navigate.
It’s quite fun, you like the challenge. The further you get into the cave system, the harder some of the tunnels get. Some have passages you have to squeeze through sideways. Some you have to be on your stomach, sliding under. Every so often there are larger chambers you can have a break in and stand up fully. You slip through a narrow tunnel and into a larger chamber and your headlight catches a pair of eyes. You have to physically put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself screaming when you see a human figure cowering in the corner of the cave. You realize it’s Regina and she looks terrified. Her makeup has run slightly as if she’d been crying.
“Hey, are you okay?” You try softly, but Regina is shaking too much to respond. You crouch down to her level and try and meet her gaze.
“Where are Gretchen and Karen?” You ask. From what you can tell, they’re nowhere in sight and you can’t hear their chipper voices up ahead.
“They went on ahead.” She answers, her voice barely a whisper.
She glances over at the next tunnel, you can tell because her head torch illuminates the passage. It’s tight. Possibly the hardest one to get through so far. You move to look through and see another chamber with specks of light. This must be the final challenge.
“I’m pretty sure this is the final tunnel. I can see the light on the other side.” There’s no response from the blonde, she must be really scared.
Why did Karen and Gretchen just leave her like this? You know you wouldn’t have. Did Regina ask them to go ahead so they didn’t see she was this afraid? She doesn’t hide her fear in front of you, she eats with you and she laughs and plays geeky games with you. You guess she only agreed to go through to protect her reputation, it seems more than its worth keeping up her act.
“I can go first, then you follow and I’ll pull you through so you’re out quicker.” you say, standing to walk over to the tunnel and offering her your hand.
“Please don’t! you’re going to leave me here.” She cries, her lip is trembling. You wish you could comfort her better but you’re not sure what she’ll allow and you don’t want to push your luck.
“Regina, I promise I won’t leave you. I’ll crawl through and pull you out the other side. You just have to follow after me, I won’t let anything happen.”
“....You promise?” She whispers.
You take one of her hands
“I promise”
Her hand is so soft, just as you’d expect. Just how you’d expect the rest of her to feel. You squeeze her hand in encouragement before you bend down to crawl through the tunnel. Once you reach the last chamber you see there’s an exit door. You sigh in relief.
“Come through now, I’m at the other end, there’s a door here!” you shout, hoping she can hear you from the other side.
You hear shuffling from the end of the tunnel and bend down, ready to pull her through. As soon as she’s in arms reach you swiftly pull her out and she lets out a shaky breath. She quickly puts her arms around your neck in a gentle hug.
“Thank you”
Her breath tickles your neck and you’re overwhelmed by everything about her. You don’t move to reciprocate the hug, you’re still understandably wary after what happened and you don’t want to do anything that’d make her let go any faster.
And then she’s gone. When you leave the final chamber you see her back with Gretchen and Karen, subtly wiping her eyes to make sure nobody sees her smudged makeup. It’s impressive how quickly she can recover and put her mean girl act back on. You wonder how long she’d had to wear that mask.
You head back to the campfire pit for dinner, but you don’t bother going to eat anything. Regina had said she wanted dinner with you again. You couldn’t shake the thought that it felt like a date, but you couldn’t let yourself think like that. Regina had Boyfriends, and had already bullied Janis for her sexuality. You had to be more careful.
You wait for about 30 minutes after dinner at the campfire pit has ended. Regina doesn't show up. That serves you right for thinking Regina even thought of you as a friend, let alone thinking of your secret dinners as a date. You’re just there for her convenience.
You feel a squeezing sensation in your chest. Why did you let it bother you this much? You decide you need a distraction so go to the river close by the camp and ask one of the instructors if you can borrow a canoe. You’e allowed but you have to sign the boat out and make sure it’s returned within 3 hours. That’s fine, you want as much time away from the cabin as you can. Away from Regina’s stuff, away from her sweet vanilla scent, away from her giggle that still felt like it was trapped between the walls, away from Regina.
You take the Canoe to the edge of the river and lower it in, you hop down into the small boat and pick up the oar ready to set sail.
“Hey, what the fuck?” you hear a familiar voice yell.
All of your resolve to forget about her disappears when you see her at the bank, above your boat with her arms folded and one eyebrow raised. It’s intimidating.
“I saw you walk off earlier. What happened to dinner?” She scoffs “ Nobody stands me up, where are you going?”
“I didn’t think you were coming, I waited for half an hour.” you respond, you wish you could sound as confident as Regina but it just comes out as guilty, like a scorned puppy.
She drops down into the boat and sits facing you. Her eyes are challenging.
“I’m coming with you. I’m not allowed to go back to Karen and Gretchen’s cabins anyway.” That stings a little. So she’s not just spending time with you because she wants to.
“And I guess you’re not bad company.” She adds, rolling her eyes.
That makes your heart flutter and you hand her an oar and push off from the bank. You’re not sure where you’re going and Regina doesn’t really help row much. Luckily the flow of the river helps pull you downstream.
You’re not sure what possesses you but for a moment you forget who you’re in a boat with and dip your oar into the water, you pull it out fast and splash the blonde who is now looking at you with an incredulous expression.
“What the FUCK!” She screams as the cold water hits her.
You can’t help but laugh. It wasn’t a lot of water but you can see some droplets running down her cheeks. She growls in frustration and dips her hand in the river to splash you back.
You shriek at the sensation of sudden cold, but you’re still laughing. You see her lips curl in a smile too. You’re not sure if she’s laughing too or just proud she managed to get you back.
Unfortunately your oar can create a much bigger splash than her hand and this time you hit her with quite a lot of cold water to her chest, narrowly missing her face.
The look she gives you makes your knees weak and you regret the choice immediately.
Shit. You might have taken it too far.
She lunges for you, grappling for the oar. You lean left, trying to stretch the oar right out of her reach. Her body is sliding against yours, you can feel the cold patch where the water soaked into her top. Her face is millimeters from yours and you glance down at her lips. If you just moved forward a tiny bit your lips would meet, she probably tastes like vanilla too. She leans on the edge of the boat, inching forwards. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion.
The weight of both of you on one side is just slightly too much and the canoe flips, dunking you both underwater. It’s freezing and makes you gasp when you breach the surface in a state of absolute shock. Regina splashes her way to the surface beside you, she’s gasping and her eyes are wide, black mascara dripping down her face.
A giggle erupts from your lips and it's not long before it's a full blown laughing fit. Regina giggles too, its a loose and carefree sound, it might be your favorite.
You swim over to her and flick some water at her, she squeals and throws some back your way. No use going easy now, you’re both soaked.
You manage to flip the canoe back over with some effort and both climb back in. You have no change of clothes and you’re both so cold your lips are turning blue so you decide to turn back.
“I’m so sorry I left you earlier. I didn’t think you were coming.” You chatter between shivers.
“I even stole these sandwiches from dinner for us, but I don't think we can eat them now.” She shudders back, pulling out two dripping wet sandwiches from her pocket. This makes you both burst into another giggling fit.
She shifts over to sit next to you and rests her head on your shoulder. Even though you’re soaked you feel your whole body heat up, especially your cheeks from the interaction. You rest your head on top of hers, surprised when she doesn’t pull away.
You make it back to the bank without going for another unexpected swim and tell Regina to go back to the cabin while you return the boating equipment. There’s no use in both of you staying freezing.
She’s already showered by the time you’re back and sitting on the edge of her bed. She gives you a shy smile and you dip into the bathroom to warm up. The water gives new life to your icy skin, as it washes down your face you can’t help but remember Regina’s soft lips just centimeters from yours. What would have happened if the boat hadn’t tipped? Probably nothing right? You’re just overthinking it.
As you start putting your pajamas on you notice your phone buzzing again. It's Janis. It’s reasonably late enough to pretend you're asleep so you swipe the screen to decline the call and put your phone in your pocket.
When you go back into the bedroom, Regina is under the covers, scrolling her phone but she sits up as soon as you come in.
“Hey, uh I wanted to say thanks for today.. you know, helping me, and I had fun.” She thinks for a moment. “Having fun with you is easy.” she adds with a small, sleepy smile.
“If I check my schedule I’m sure I can fit you in tomorrow evening.” You laugh, pretending to think over exaggeratedly.
She rolls her eyes with a smile.
“Goodnight Loser.” She yawns.
“Night Regina” You reply
Just as you’re about to lay down you hear a muffled voice from your pocket.
“What the fuck, are you talking to Regina?”
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explicit-tae · 4 months
V-Day Special
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You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special.
Word Count: 5.838
Warning: live sex, smut, degradation kink, dacryphilia, impact play, spit kink, overstimulation, breath play, impregnation kink, nipple piercings, sextoys, fingering, dirty talking, squirting, voyeruism, slapping, edging, oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie,
@whipwhoops @darkuni63 @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632
Valentine's Day Masterlist
You knock on the door, arms crossed. The cool air slices through your skin as you await for Taehyung to answer.
There’s nerves bubbling through you - you haven’t done anything with Taehyung in so long. You were surprised when he agreed to your request.
Being a camgirl wasn’t easy work, but it was rewarding. You’ve been doing so for a while now and have gained a following. You had regulars, and sometimes you’d do requests - some weird stuff, but never anything too weird that you couldn’t do.
Today, however, you had to spice things up. You were always alone in your room when you did your shows, always fucking yourself and never truly had a partner.
Today was Valentine’s day, and Valentine’s day was all about having a partner.
Again, you were surprised when Taehyung agreed. You and he dated about two years prior and things didn’t end sour and you and he remained friends. You could come to him for anything - he often lend an ear when you needed to talk and gave advice. Even if he didn’t agree, you would hope he would send someone your way.
“I’ll do it.” Taehyung had said - much to your shock - with such a cool, nonchalant attitude. “We can go to my house and do it for a change of scenery.” You had offered wearing masks, but he insisted that it was fine - another shocking statement.
Taehyung swings the door open, a wide smile on his face. “Y/N, hello.” he opens the door wider and steps aside for you to enter.
“Hey, Tae.” you say, jumping into the warm home with a sigh of relief. “You look nice.”
“As do you.” Taehyung responds. “Somehow, I sense you’re wearing lingerie under that long trench coat.” he says teasingly, eyes roaming your figure.
Your body flushes and slowly, you nod. “We have business to attend to. Had to come prepared.” you give a curt grin. 
“Indeed we do.” Taehyung licks his lips. “I’ve set up the laptop and everything already.”
You nod your head. The day prior, Taehyung had insisted on you giving him your equipment so he can set it up perfectly.
“I also decorated my room for the occasion.”
You already know the layout of Taehyung’s home and you scoff at his words as you walk towards his bedroom. “Decorated how?”
“You’ll see.” Taehyung’s voice is giddy as he follows you to his bedroom. You only snicker and venture towards his bedroom.
Taehyung has you open the door, and your eyes widen as you do. “Tae, you’re always so dramatic…” you sigh, but your body flushes at the sight. 
“It’s a V-Day special,” Taehying places his hands on your shoulders. “we have to go all out.”
Taehyung uses your words against you - you had said it to him back when you asked if he was willing to be on camera with you.
Taehyung had decorated his room and it’s only now that you realize how large it truly was. His bed sits in the middle of the room, bed made neatly. There’s balloons - red, pink, white and even a few heart shaped ones, littering the ceiling. On the far right of his room is your equipment that you’ve given him - but only now did you realize he had a ring light and you want to shake your head at how dramatic he truly was. 
“Rose petals?” you turn to face him with a laugh. “How much time did you put into this?”
And money, you want to ask, but Taehyung would never tell you. There’s rose petals leading from the door of his bedroom all the way to his bed.
“A few hours. Jimin helped me.” Taehyung admits, a light tint to his cheeks. Jimin had teased him about putting so much effort for an ex-lover - now friend - for a show, but it wasn’t like you and he weren’t friends. He was willing to help you with whatever you asked. 
“Gotta set the mood, don’t we?” Taehyung murmurs, closing his bedroom door. “How about you start setting up while I light the candles?”
“Candles?” you shake your head. “Tae-”
“Y/N, baby. All out, remember?” Taehyung winks, then ventures through his room and to his closet. He pulls out a small box and turns towards you. “Confession?” he asks and slowly you nod. It’s something you and he would ask when there was something that needed to be confessed and the other promised not to be upset - it started when you accidentally ruined one of his favorite pairs of designer shoes. “I subscribed to you a few months ago.”
Taehyung watches as your eyes widen slightly. “Oh, really?” you ask, a slight nerve in your voice.
Taehyung nods. “When you told me you were camming, I was curious. I finally caved a few months back.” he admits. “Does that bother you?”
You're hot at the idea of Taehyung watching you. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. Taehyung and you’ve been intimate before back when you two dated - but that was years ago. Now it made sense that he’d agree to be with you again, you think. 
“N-No.” you stutter, cursing mentally at yourself. You muster a strained scoff. “I do a lot of…stuff on there.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I know.” he murmurs. “I was going to take that secret to the grave with me.”
Taehyung grasps the box - a medium sized black box - and makes his way towards his bed. 
You swallow, Taehyung’s words ringing through your mind. You grab your phone and begin to notify your subscribers of your live cameshow in the next five minutes.
“What made you tell me?” you ask Taehyung. He was halfway through lighting the candles when you finally decided to speak up. 
Taehyung glances at you. “You seem nervous.” he responds. “As if you’ve had second thoughts about this. Are you?”
Your palms feel sweaty and you bite your lip. 
You were nervous. You have been fucking yourself for so long that being with another man was different - and this wasn’t just another man, but an ex that was now a close friend. 
“No.” you tell Taehyung honestly. “I am nervous though.”
“Why?” Taehyung snorts. He’s now setting the candles around his room and it flickers beautifully. “It’s just me.”
“I know but…we haven’t done anything in so long.” you murmur, your nerves causing you to glance away from him. “...I wasn’t sure if you still…feel attractive towards me.”
Taehyung sets down the last candle and turns towards you. “And that’s why I told you that I subscribed.” he says - and that was his point. “I think we should go over some things before we start, yeah?”
You nod.
Taehyung makes his way around his room. He dims his light low so that the candles are illuminating the majority of it. He then makes his way past you and to the ring light, again, dimming it so there’s just enough light towards his bed for the viewers to see perfectly. 
“Now, is there anything you want to do specifically?”
“I should be asking you that.” you scoff. “This is your first time.”
Taehyung stands directly in front of you. His hand places below your chin and he gently lifts it so he has a good look in your eyes. 
“There’s a lot I want to do.” Taehyung says, voice dropping and it shocks you. The reaction shoots straight to your core. 
You inhale. “You’ve seen everything I do already.”
Taehyung chuckles. He cups your cheek, thumb rubbing along your lips. “That’s true,” he admits. “I’m an Ultimate member.”
Your eyes widen. “Tae!” you hiss, hot sensation running through your body. 
There were only a dozen Ultimate members - they paid the most and had complete access to you. They could message you personally through the phone (a second phone you acquired just for them). You allowed one on one time, acting out fantasies they desired. They got private videos and pictures that the others didn’t - sometimes it didn’t have to be sexual. 
“What?” Taehyung asks. “Too much?” The last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
“N-No.” you say, but it’s not convincing. “Ultimate is just…a lot of money monthly.”
Taehyung snorts. “I’ve been paying for it, haven’t I?” he shrugs his shoulders. “It’s okay. I like supporting you.”
You sigh, nodding your head slowly. Licking your lips, you giggle. “This feels like a fuck-a-fan event.”
Taehyung chuckles along with you. “How lucky I am.”
“So,” you begin. “what do you want to do? Have you ever requested content from me?”
You try to think of what Taehyung’s name would be since there were only a few Ultimate members. 
Taheyung shakes his head. “I haven’t.” But there were times he wanted to, but there was still the thought in the back of his head telling him that this was wrong - but it was never enough to get him to unsubscribe. 
“Then we’ll do what you want.” you smile at him, so cutely. So innocently.
Taehyung groans lowly. “I don’t think so.”
Your smile lowers. “Why not?” Taehyung scoffs - because there’s things he wanted to do to you that would probably scare you away. “I’m your friend, Y/N. But I’m still a man. I don’t want to expose you to my perverse mind.”
Taehyung drops his hand from your cheek.
“It’s a V-Day special.” you shrug. “I trust you. We’ve had sex-”
“Years ago.” Taehyung interrupts. “And that was casual sex. Nothing too perverted-”
“Do you want me to pee on you?” you snicker jokingly. You couldn’t think of anything too perverted and obscene that would have Taehyung hesitant. “I don’t think anything is as perverted as that.”
Taehyung licks his lips to stop himself from laughing at your words. “I’ll tell you what I want to do to you and you’ll just tell me if it’s okay or not.”
You nod your head. You realized, even after all this time, that you hadn’t taken off the coat. “Where do you want me to put this?” you ask, going to remove the long coat.
Taehyung swallows at your smooth skin in his view, the lingerie fitting the theme. It’s red and doesn’t hide much, the sheer lace showcasing your pierced nipples. It’s crotchless, he notes, and perfect - he doesn’t want you out of the lingerie just yet.
“I’ll take it.” Taehyung murmurs, grasping your coat and taking it towards his closet to hang it up. He needs a moment to breathe - there’s a twitch in his sweats that he has to calm down. “Okay.”
“Okay.” you nod your head, waiting for him to continue. 
You scoff in disbelief once more. “Tae…”
“V-Day special, Y/N.” Taehyung walks on the other side of his bed towards his bedside table. How you hadn’t noticed the bottle of champagne with two glasses is beyond you. He manages to pop it open, not caring if a bit spilled, and poured one for you and him. 
You grasp the champagne and smile, clicking your glass with his and take a sip.
“I want to lick the champagne off your skin.” Taehyung says, testing the waters - it isn’t something he actually thought about doing, but he wanted to test your reaction.
You choke slightly at his sudden words, but you nod. “Sure.” you swallow. “Anything else?”
Taehyung tilts his head. “...Overstimulation?”
You nod your head slowly. “I’m sure we can do that.” you agree. “Can I request one?” “Of course.”
“I want you to hit me.”
Taehyung stiffens. “Excuse me?”
You laugh. “Well, don’t knock me out.” you exclaim. “But slapping me is what I want. As long as I’m in the mood, a little pain shouldn’t hurt.” Taehyung has such pretty and large hands that you couldn’t not take the opportunity.
Taehyung swallows but nods. “I want to have control.”
“Want me to call you Sir?” you smirk. “Yes, sir. I like that.”
“You’re enjoying this more than I thought you would.” Taehyung hums, satisfied that he hasn’t had you running yet. “I think we should have a safeword. I don’t want to get too caught up in it and hurt you.”
“Oh,” you knit your brows. “You’re one of those.”
Taehyung raises a brow. “One of what?” 
“A dom.” you shrug. “Not that surprising. But okay, we can have a safeword. How about…” you rack your brain for something - anything. “...red squirrel?”
Taehyung blinks. “Red squirrel it is.”
“And if I can’t speak, I’ll shake my head aggressively.”
“Aggressive head shaking.” Taehyung nods. “I have a toy in that box I’d like to use on you.”
Your eyes fall to the medium sized box from early and you raise your brows.
“It’s only a vibrator.” Taehyung’s cheeks tint. “It’s um…actually from your wishlist.”
Your eyes widen once more. Taehyung was an Ultimate member and they also had access to your wishlist from various stores - even outside of sex. One member had gotten you an expensive water filter you wanted simply because you made him cum the hardest he’s had in months. 
“The rabbit one?!”
Taehyung nods. “Ugh,” you hang your head. “I love you so much.” you sigh dramatically, a tingly feeling coursing through your body at the thought of Taehyung using that on you. 
Taehyung gives a boxy grin. “A love confession already? I haven’t even made you cum yet.”
“Shut up.” you roll your eyes. “Anything else, sir?”
Taehyung licks his lips. “Just use your safeword if I do anything you don’t like.” he murmurs.
“Yes, sir.” you nod, smiling playfully. “I have to start now.”
You venture towards the laptop and make it towards the site. There were a few hundred people waiting already, the chatbox going crazy. “I told them I had a Valentine’s Day surprise.” you say to Taehyung. “They’re wondering what’s going to happen.”
You start the live, smiling into the camera as you read a few comments. “Hi, guys.” you say sweetly, your camgirl persona coming on.
Taehyung watches from afar as you speak to the viewers, walking backwards towards his bed. “I told you all I had a surprise.” your eyes glance to Taehyung. “I thought today we should switch things up,”
You watch from afar as the comments begin to rise as Taehyung enters the frame and you’ll make sure to go back to read them once everything is done. 
“I see you all are excited to see him.” you smile up at Taehyung. “He says he’s not shy to be seen.”
“Of course not.” Taehyung says, a soft grin on his lips. You know there’s girls that watch you, as well - they’d have to be excited to see Taehyung, if not see, then hear him. You release a breath. 
Taehyung lifts your chin and leans down to capture your lips. His fingers are gripping your chin now to get you in place, your lips moving along with his.
Taehyung breaks the kiss first, but proceeds to peck your lips a few times. You’re clenching around nothing, you note, anticipating for what's next to come. 
“I bet if I touch your pussy right now, you’ll be soaked.”
Taehyung catches you off guard, but you’re enjoying the switch. Your friends eyes are dark and filled with lust and you’re sure yours are, as well. 
“I am.” you widen your legs for him (and the camera) to see. 
Taehyung’s hand unclenches your chin to slide ever so slowly down your body. The crotchless lingerie made it easier for him to feel - and feel he did. It’s been so long, the both of you think.
Taehyung grunts at how wet you truly are, his long fingers rubbing along your clit.
“How long have you been this wet?” Taehyung questions, plopping his fingers inside his mouth to taste you.
You bite your lip at the sight, swallowing the moan in your throat. “For a while now.” you admit, especially since he mentioned the vibrator he’s bought for you. 
Taehyung dips onto the bed behind you. “Let’s show everyone how slutty you are.” he says, a swift hand wrapping around your neck to press yourself against his chest. “Not like they already don’t know.”
Taehyung’s free hand dips between your legs and slaps your thighs apart. He then proceeds to rub your clit aggressively, not bothering to prep you for anything  - after all, the safeword was there for a reason.
Your stomach churns and a loud yelp releases from your mouth. You’re sopping wet, squelching echoing around the room. 
“Does it feel good?” Taehyung questions - he knows it does. You’re moaning against him, legs widening with each rub of his fingers. 
You nod your head with a lip bite.
“Use your words.” Taehyung hisses, the hand gripping your neck slaps you suddenly, a throbbing pain against your cheek. 
“Y-Yes, sir.” you quip far too quickly, lust filling through you and shoot straight to your core. 
Taehyung likes the willingness in your actions to please him.
“Good girl.” Taehyung offers you a quick kiss to your forehead, his finger inching closer to your entrance. “You fuck yourself all the time…” Taehyung enters his fingers inside of you, long fingers reaching deep. “...and yet, you’re still so tight.”
Taehyung plunges his fingers inside of you, reaching farther than you ever thought imaginable. He was never like this prior and you pondered if he was truly holding back when you and he had sex. 
Regardless, you’re a moaning mess, no longer trying to hold anything back. Your eyes watch with satisfaction how deep his fingers are inside of you, the palm of his hand slapping against your clit aggressively as he strives to drive even deeper.
“Ah, there she is.” Taehyung chuckles darkly when his fingers hit a sweet spot that has your thighs quivering and moaning louder. “You know what I never see? You squirting. Let’s change that, baby.”
You aren’t sure you can squirt - you never felt like you had it in you. However, Taehyung did. He was determined, fingers hitting your spot aggressively, your clit being pleasuring with his palm as he does so for added pleasure. Your eyes begin to flutter close, your moans filling the room even louder.
“I know you can do it, baby. Let go.” Taehyung slaps your cheek again. He never knew you enjoyed being hit - something he wished he knew while the two of you dated.
And you do, juices spilling out rapidly and only when Taehyung removes his finger does it splash entirely onto the ground, so loud and messily that you stiffen in his grasp.
You were going to apologize, completely disregarding the live cam show you were on, but Taehyung silences you with his lips.
“Now let’s see how many times you can squirt for the viewers.” Taehyung speaks, removing himself from behind you to go towards the black box. He shows the camera him opening the box to reveal the vibrator. “Bought it new just for her.”
You lick your lips with anticipation as Taehyung steps closer to you. He turns it on, and the buzzing sound is so loud and aggressive - just what you wanted. 
Taehyung toys with you at first, pressing it against your thighs and slowly coming closer to you. “Look how slutty she is.” Taehyung turns towards the camera and laughs. “Clenching around nothing. She can’t wait to be stuffed.”
You make a disappointed sigh when Taehyung teasingly turns off the vibrator just as he presses it against your clit. He was such a tease that you’re positive your viewers would want him back.
“I want to hear you beg.” Taehyung’s demeanor changes entirely, the smile he sported now gone. “I allowed you to cum once already, beg for another.”
“Please let me cum.” You say, not up for any games Taehyung wanted to play. 
Taehyung snarls. Again, his hand is swift and a slap sounds across your face. You moan at the stinging feeling in your face.
“And here I thought you were a good girl.” Taehyung shakes his head. “But you’re nothing but a whore, right?”
“Yes, sir.” you squeak, lust filled eyes looking at Taehyung. “Please make me cum, Tae-.”
Another slap sounds on your cheek and you’re sure that you can cum just like this - the look upon Taehyung’s face and the dominance he’s instilling into you brings you great pleasure.
“S-Sir. Please make me cum, sir.” you beg. “I’ll be good.”
Taehyung hums. “Will you?”
You nod your head with wide, pleading eyes. 
“Let’s see.”
Taehyung doesn’t plan on ever giving you grace. He turns on the vibrator and it causes shockwaves to run through you. But, as if that wasn’t enough, he enters it inside of you, the rabbit ears pressed firmly against your clit as he thrusts.
Taehyung licks his lips, hooded eyes watching you closely. It’s as if the switch turned off and he was a whole different person and he’s experiencing this from outside his body.
Taehyung plunges the toy in and out of you, the vibrations sending shock waves through you. Your pussy’s glistening, the candle lights illuminating it to the camera perfectly.
“So wet and dirty.” Taehyung’s chuckles, but licks his lips. He wants to taste you, knowing you’d taste divine. “Right, baby?”
You nod your head, a moan bubbling out of you. “Yes, s-sir.”
Taehyung groans - such a submissive little thing. He couldn’t wait until he could fuck even more submission into you. Taehyung was a patient man, however.
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you, cackling at the sight of your pussy clenching and unclenching. “You’re just begging to be stuffed baby.”
You’re panting at the loss of pleasure, back slightly arching. You bite your lip, eyes blinking rapidly as they meet Taehyung. You never wanted to mount someone as much as you did right now. 
“Thank you, sir.” you say, your eyes staring right into Taehyungs. Your voice is so soft and meek - so willing. Taehyung only smirks at you.
“You’re so full of shit, baby.” Taehyung says, placing the vibrating toy back inside of you. The rabbit ears press firmly against your clit.
“F-Fuuuuuck….” your legs widened for more, quivering with pleasure. Instead of Taehyung thrusting it in and out of you, he keeps it firmly inside of you, thrusting only deeper and deeper, the vibrations shuddering straight through your core.
“Such a pretty pussy you have, baby. So wet and filthy.” Taehyung’s voice only sends you more over the edge - his voice so deep and sultry. “All for me, right, baby?”
You nod your head frantically. “Yes, sir.”
“So obedient.”
Taehyung thrusts the toy in and out of  you, the vibrating rabbit ears hitting your clit with every thrust inside and he does it just to tease you. Taehyung moves to the side slightly, his eyes turning towards the camera with a satisfied smirk. “Such a pretty little whore. She pretends to be so sweet and loving…but deep down, she just wants to be dominated.”
Taehyung turns back to you, a boxy grin on his lips. It didn’t reach his eyes. No, his eyes were so dark and filled with lust. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Yes, sir.” you nod, eyes breaking away from Taehyung’s intense ones.
Taehyung hovered above you, his mouth opening to spit directly onto your wet clit. 
You yelp loudly when your stomach stings, Taehyung having slapped you. He does so again and again and again - slapping your thighs, your breast to your face. Your skin is throbbing with the amount of times he struck you, but yet you cannot be upset. The pain feels good against your skin.
“My pretty little whore.”
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you to slap it against your clit harshly, your juices flowing out of you so beautifully. 
Taehyung continues to tap the toy against your clit teasingly and now you’re twitching, eyes fluttering open and close.
“Please, sir…” you beg Taehyung, widening your legs even more. “Please let me cum.”
“Aww…” Taehyung’s free hand slaps your cheek again, the slap echoing in the large room. You moan deeply, and Taehyung only slaps you again. “...such a submissive little whore.”
“Please, sir.” you plead with him - to give you whatever. His slaps brought you great pleasure as the toy did. 
Taehyung grips your hair and yanks you forward, pressing you against him like before. “Look at the camera.” Taehyung hisses, his hand - so beautiful and large - slaps against your cheek before.
Your eyes look towards your laptop, the comments coming in fast. You’re unsure how many viewers you had, but you’re positive that they’re increasing as the stream goes on. 
Taehyung hooks his arm beneath your right thigh to keep you in place, your leg hiking up to your chest. “Let’s see how much the whore can cum.”
The toy vibrates so loud that your stomach churns with anticipation as Taehyung edges it closer to you. He doesn’t tease you any longer. He presses it firmly against your clit and then dips it inside of you. 
“Ah-” your moans are interrupted by Taehyung. He snatches your head, placing his large hand over your lips and nose. 
“No talking. Just focus on cumming, whore.” Taehyung hisses. “Look at the camera.”
Taehyung fucks the toy inside of you deeply, his hand on your lips never moving. Your eyes begin to blur, feeling the moisture of your tears coming. The toy is so deep inside of you, hitting your g-spot harshly. Your chest heaves for air, but Taehyung is adamant on not giving you any.
You don’t complain - as sick as it sounds. Anything you did for yourself during your cam shows could never compare to how Taehyung was doing it - you couldn’t wait to go back and watch it, glad that you decided to record this session.
Taehyung is hyper aware right now, even if he does appear to be far gone in his dominant act. He’s waiting for you to shake your head aggressively so he’d stop - but you never do. Your could no longer keep your eyes open and watch the camera as he fucks you - your eyelids are fluttering as he does so. Your toes are curling and he just knows you’re going to cum the hardest you’ve ever had.
Your moans are muffled - more like choked - down in your throat. Your chest heaves for oxygen, but all you can think about is the pleasure building up deep in your core, as does Taehyung. He removes the toy from inside of you just as you’re cumming, your juices spilling all over his bedsheets.
You inhale deeply when your lips and nose are released, the oxygen feeling like an added reward. Your heart is beating outside your chest so rapidly that you’re positive it was going to explode.
“Get on your knees. I’m not done with you just yet.”
Your break is short lived as Taehyung’s hand is already gripping your hair. He yanks you off of his bed entirely and you fall onto your knees. Your eyes stare up at him - so slutty and dumb looking, he thinks, and so beautifully submissive. 
You lick your lips as Taehyung’s free hand releases his cock - already erect just for you to suck. Your mouth opens to take him in, but Taehyung slaps you away.
“You whore,” Taehyung hisses. “I didn’t say you could suck it just yet.” he spits. 
“Please, sir. Please let me-”
Taehyung presses the tip of his cock inside your mouth. “Shut up.” he scoffs, thrusting himself against your wet tongue. “Look at how desperate she is for a cock. I guess those dildos you fuck yourself with just isn’t enough.”
You hum with satisfaction with having Taehyung’s cock inside of you. His grip in your hair is tighter and he keeps you in place. He goes deeper into your mouth, fully intending on fucking it - and you had every intentions of doing so. 
“So slutty.” Taehyung hisses - so slutty and good for him. You’re taking his cock fully now, allowing him to be as rough as he wants. He knows you could take him in your throat, he’s watched you throat-fuck yourself with countless dildos (as requested by a few members).
Your thighs clench together when Taehyung slaps you yet again and you open your mouth wider. Your vision is blurry once more, tears streaming down your face rapidly, but Taehyung doesn’t stop fucking you. No, your tears aren’t going to phase him and the only way he’d stop is if you gave him the signal.
But like before, you never do. Instead, you look up at Taehyung with those eyes - eyes filled with beautiful tears and lust. You wanted him to treat you like a whore off the street. You like the aggression - his cock in your throat, one hand in your hair to keep you in place while the other slaps your cheek harder and harder each time. 
“Where should I cum, whore?” Taehyung groans. “Your face? Or should I cum in your throat.”
Your response is muffled, never truly intending on responding to him. 
“Your throat?” Taehyung asks, slapping your cheek for a response.
You hum, nodding your head slightly. Your hand grasps his outer thigh to bring him closer to you.
Taehyung groans - such a whore you truly were.
“No,” Taehyung releases his cock from your mouth. You cough, saliva connecting from his cock to your lips. “I’m not cumming anywhere but in your pussy.”
“Y-Yes, sir.” is all you respond with - and it’s the response Taehyung expects.
Another slap sounds on your cheek. It throbs with the amount of times Taehyung has done so, but you don’t care. “Get on the bed.” he commands. “Ass up.”
You comply far too quickly, the thought of being stuffed by him has you wetter than you’ve ever imagined. You never knew Taehyung could be like this - sex while you two dated wasn’t like this. But then again, maybe he was scared that he’d scare you away.
Quite the opposite.
You yelp when your head is shoved into the mattress and your legs are forced apart. Taehyung is beyond you, his tip rubbing along your folds. “She’s so wet.” Taehyung tells the viewers, a slight shudder going through his body. “The type of wet you don’t pull out of.”
Taehyung enters you with one thrust that has you gasping. Taehyung breaks character for a moment, twitching and shuddering at being inside of you. You hear a low “fuck” from behind you that boosts your ego.
Taehyung doesn’t waste time, however, and he begins to fuck you with everything he had. Every frustration he’s dealt throughout the week with is evident in his thrusts. His eyes are focused on the way your ass bounces off of him, a creamy white ring around his cock.
“Feels…so good…” you gasp between words and thrusts, opening your legs even wider if it meant you could have more of Taehyung. 
“Yeah?” Taehyung scoffs smugly. He releases his grip on your hair to wrap it around your neck. He hoists you up from the bed. “Pussy still tight even after I fucked you with the toy.”
The semi-new position has Taehyung hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
“You’re clenching your pussy as if you don’t want me to stop.” Taehyung chuckles darkly.
“I don’t.” you admit - because damn could Taehyung fuck good. Was it always this good or was he truly holding back when the two of you dated?
Taehyung groans animalistically. A hand grasps your clit and begins to rub the sensitive bud between his large fingers. “I missed your pussy so much.”
There it was, the switch dimming. Taehyung’s voice is lower, as if speaking to you and you only - not the audience watching. 
“Missed your cock, too.” your head leans against him, a long whimper sliding through your lips. You were going to cum again if Taehyung didn’t stop his assault on your clit. “I love the way you fuck me, Tae.”
It’s clear now that you two were forgetting about the camera and the audience watching. It was becoming intimate, you choosing to use his name - but Taehyung didn’t care. The sound of his name coming from your sweet lips - so needily and filled with passion - has a shiver running up his spine. 
“Should’ve asked me sooner.” Taehyung grunts, his cock twitching inside of you. “Wouldn’ve fucked you so good.”
“I know.” you respond desperately. “You…can fuck me whenever you want…” you’re cumming. You try to stop Taehyung by grabbing his wrist, but he doesn’t allow you to. He continues to aggressively rub along your clit until your juices are flowing out once more - his sheets were going to be completely soaked, but he didn’t mind. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Taehyung pushes you back against the mattress, still deciding to torture you by rubbing your clit even harder. He thrusts so deep and sloppy, your words getting to him. “Gonna cum in you, baby. I always thought about getting you pregnant.”
You’re so fucked out of it that Taehyung’s words don’t faze you - you even recall the times he told you how he wanted a big family. The breeding kink he was clearly exhibiting was understandable; expected either.
Taehyung swallows, closing his eyes to imagine how you’d look with child - so round and glowing, breast enlarged with milk for the child. “Oh, fuck…” he gasps, cumming right inside of you - so much that it begins to flow out of you and down your thighs.
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“You don’t have to pay me, Y/N.”
“But…the views tripled!” you try everything in your power to show Taehyung how much money you and he made for the cam show. “You’re the reason why.”
Hours had gone by and you remained at Taehyung's home. He had been the one to stop the stream - after several rounds - as you were exhausted.
“I’m not taking your money, Y/N. It’ll just go back to you anyways.”
You sigh, forgetting that Taehyung was an ultimate subscriber. 
“So,” Taehyung begins. “do we need to have the awkward conversation now or later?”
You closed your laptop and turned towards Taehyung fully. “What do you want to do?”
“What do you want to do?” Taehyung reverses the question back at you. He would be fine with whatever you chose - casual sex or the rough kind. Even if this was a one time thing, he would respect it. 
You glance away when you grow hot under his gaze.
“I want to do it again.” you murmur. “Even if it’s not for anyone else to see.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I’d like that, too.” he says softly. “So…does that make us friends with benefits?”
You shrug your shoulders. You didn’t need to have a label on whatever you and Taehyung were doing. You cared for him just as he cared for you - and after he fucked you so good, there was no going back to just friends. 
Taehyung hums. “My little whore.” he says jokingly, just to get a rise out of you. He grasps your hand in his own and presses a single kiss on it. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
The main cast of Hazbin hotel on Valentine's day
I know I may be a little late. I had to do some shopping today and hadn't had the motivation or time to get down and write until now! I apologize is some characters are given more writing than others... the truth is that I am bised for some characters or simply have more for them. :C
Regardless I hope you enjoy these, I likely won't do these large posts very often.
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I hope you can forgive me for being a little short on Charlie's part, I had stated earlier what she would do for the holiday in an alphabet post! But to recap she makes you a mixtape with songs dedicated to you, songs made by her and songs she knows you like! The case is handmade too, covered in hearts as well as having a hand written note inside further expressing her affections for you. She would also give you some of your favorite candies! Expect to go out and do something fun and romantic too!
Much lower compared to her canon partner, Vaggie is not much of an enjoyer of the holiday. She keeps her thoughts to it to herself, though sometimes you might find her grumbling about all the pink and the red. She just doesn't enjoy the aesthetic all that much. However despite that she will still participate if she knows it will make her significant other happy! She would get you something small, like a stuffed animal and some flowers.
Respectfully stealing this idea from my mutual, but he already gets so many gifts and cards from his crazed horny fans. He hardly has the room for any more! Though.. he probably sells a lot of it for some extra cash, only keeping some of the candies. If you get him something, he probably wouldn't sell it. He's actually touched. In terms of what he does for you, he might treat you to a night full of him... in more ways than one if you're open to it. If you don't feel like going out he's fine with staying inside and watching some movies in his rooms... perhaps it's a deserved break after a rough day during the love season.
Similar to Vaggie, Alastor wouldn't do much. He understands the purpose of the holiday, but he simply. Does not care for it all that much. However I do rather enjoy the though of Alastor sending letters to his friends (Mimzy, Rosie, Niffty, ect). He even puts them in fancy envelopes and seals them with wax. How nice is that? If he can, he might even send a box of chocolates. Fingers, in Rosie's case. However, he doesn't do much to celebrate outside of that. That's assuming he sends anything at all, anyway.
He would go all out. He might even make a machine dedicated to you and gift it. He makes a mechanical heart that beats and gives it to you. He gives you all of the candy he can get his hands on, not exactly sure what you prefer. He takes you out for the night, to the nicest restaurant he can go to without getting jumped (because let's be honest... his days of trying to pick fights and climb to power has probably landed him with some enemies...). He's a total gentleman on the date, opening the door for you and pushing in your chair for you. Considering he's a little flustered that he is on a date with you, everything goes smoothly.
He likes to stay in, but you can count that if you manage to get him to go out it's going to be a to a club or bar. Anywhere with alcohol. He'd much rather prefer a bar, since it's usually... lower in energy. He also isn't much of a Valentine's person, and he does show his disdain. He does tone down on talking negatively about the day around you, so there's that at least. A simple night in with an affirmation of love is enough for Husk.
She bakes you something and perhaps sews you something. A red throw pillow in the shape of a heart. Though you may have to tell her that's what you want because otherwise she's going to try something akin to the roach crown.... shivers... The baked goods are actually pretty good, and you'll be snacking on them for the rest of the week due to Niffty getting too excited and making too many. She will stab someone with a needle if they try to take one without asking you first.
He also goes all out, it might actually be a little overwhelming! He can conjure nearly anything he can think of, if his song was being literal! He wants to make sure you're loved, and that there's no possible way that you would ever think otherwise. Despite this he might rather stay inside, or maybe alter the home to look more fancy to make a mock dinner. Generally very sweet and you will be drowning in gifts from the second you wake up to the minute you go to sleep. He also makes you breakfast in bed.
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spiderfunkz · 4 months
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"i think i can really fall in love with him."
word count : 0,9k
warnings : fluff, fem!reader, gwen is mentioned to be readers best friend, harry is mentioned as well, cutesy first dates, peter being just so madly in love & so are you. not proofread!
a/n : inspired by that one scene from 'before sunrise' where celine and jesse pretend to call their friends and tell them about each other :)) also i know i'm late to valentines but it's still february sooooo
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if you told yourself a few days ago that you'd be spending valentines day with peter parker, you would laugh at the thought of it.
but right now you couldn't laugh at anything but peter's stupidly unfunny jokes and his cheesy, dry, pickup lines.
you couldn't imagine what valentines would be like with peter parker, but you don't have to. you're experiencing it right now.
he had asked you in a way you've only seen in rom-coms from the 90s. he knocked on your door with a ridiculously large bouquet of flowers, a heart shaped box full of chocolate, and a nervous nerdy smile.
and you accepted it obviously. peter's nice. really nice. out of all the boys in your class, he's a gentleman compared to them.
he's got those big brown doe eyes that make you blush if you make eye contact. that weirdly fluffy hair, that makes you wonder what his hair care routine is like sometimes. the sweetest smile you could ever imagine. and a heart bigger than a size of a lake.
and my gosh, you love him.
he made a reservation at this restaurant. one that you've passed by many times but never seem to stop by. you've always thought it was too fancy for a normal hangout with friends or family, it was always crowded with couples too. it always had a jazz band playing, roses on each table, and you could smell the scent of love from outside.
it was everything you've ever dreamed of. you didn't want it to end but unfortunately, the day got darker and the sun began to set.
"i really enjoyed today, peter." you smile.
"yeah of course. i really enjoyed today too." he replied, there was still a splotch of spaghetti sauce near his mouth.
"unfortunate that the hours went by so quickly, i think i have to go home soon." you pout, peter was still smiling, that spaghetti splotch is not going anywhere.
"or maybe we could still talk, for a bit." he paused for a second before making a hand gesture resembling a phone.
"ring, ring, ring!" he mimicked. you furrow your brows.
"pick it up." he stays smiley.
"okay, beep." you laugh, following his gestures.
peter mouths a 'thank you' before continuing, "oh yeah uh, harry? harry are you there?" he asks.
you knew harry, he's peter's closest friend. they're like two peas in a pod and you could never separate them, not even when harry moved away for years.
you join in his little joke. "uh yeah dude, this is harry. dude." you try to mimic his voice.
"yeah, hey harry! do you remember that girl i was gonna ask out for valentines? the really pretty girl from bio class?" his face became pink.
"oh yeah! the really pretty girl. i know her."
"yeah so, she's with me right now and i am just so happy."
"really? how happy?"
"extremely. she's so fun to talk to. she's so incredibly wonderful and i cannot put it into words how beautiful she is. really harry, you were right. she's an angel."
you smile. "really what else? how did the date go?" your voice rasps, clearly you couldn't really perfect the accent harry has. but peter seemed to like it.
"amazing. the food was great, this restaurant is good, i uh- got the reservation in time so everything has been going perfectly.
she's such a ray of sunshine. i can't stop stealing a glance every time, harry. i dunno what's about it, she's just so- perfect."
peter continues. he's doing it on purpose. well, not really, he was going to call harry and say all of those things. but he thinks it's better to tell you face to face. besides, he loves seeing you smile.
you try your best to blurt out a reply without stuttering. "that's um, that's amazing, dude. i bet she feels the same way about you." you could feel the butterflies in your stomach.
"you really think so?" peter tilts his head.
"i'm sure."
"well, thanks harry. i'll see you later, bye bye." he hangs up, mimicking a beep on the table.
you laugh.
"okay now it's your turn."
"my turn? oh, okay." you gesture your hand.
"dring, dring, dring!" you say, "ugh she's probably studying right now." you explain.
peter picks up, in a voice that will haunt you for years. "hey, girl! what is up!" peter laughs.
it took every cell in your body to not burst out laughing in front of everyone in that restaurant. "hi, gwen. is uh- is your voice okay?" you ask.
"better than ever!" — "oh, okay." you hold your laughter. "um, you know peter? peter parker from biology. the one with fluffy hair and pretty eyes?"
peter smiles, he blushes from his nose.
"yeah so, i'm on a date with him right now. and it feels like a dream. he's prettier up close. he styled his hair, yeah, it's pretty. and he's got spaghetti sauce smeared near his lips." you smile.
peter immediately fixes the splotch, finally.
"he's kind of tall. and he's kinda nerdy too. just my type." you cover your smile, "i like to feel his eyes on me when i look away." you continued.
peter smiles, "what a nice guy."
"he really is. as the date goes on i start to like him even more. i feel like i can really open up to him."
"mhm. he got me flowers and some chocolate too. he's funny too, he's got a voice i can listen to for hours. he's like a shot of espresso, you know?"
peter couldn't hide his blush anymore. "a shot of espresso?"
"he makes me feel energized in a way, and he also makes my heart beat really fast." you laugh, "i think i can really fall in love with him."
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lilmashae · 4 months
conversation hearts — how they spend valentine's day ! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆
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author's note | happy valentine's day ! this is really lazy, really fluffy, and very much not my best as it was sort of last minute — which is why taro's the face of our banner today >< anyways i'll have a nsfw or a better version out later this week ! i've been very very busyyy
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✧ he immediately asks you to be his valentine !
✧ shotaro'll clear his whole schedule for you. you'll wake up to breakfast in bed — probably heart shaped pancakes or something cute :)
✧ you two will do whatever you want ! whether you want to relax at home or go out, he's down for whatever you want.
✧ he'll likely ask you what you're in the mood for and you mention an old memory from valentine's day — briefly mentioning cookies or the sweets.
✧ that's how you'd end up in matching aprons baking with each other. it'd be so cute because shotaro's so playful. he'd probably wipe a little bit of frosting on your nose — resulting in a little frosting fight, where you two end up covered in the bright colored sugar.
✧ you two would decorate the cookies, cake, whatever you made together and probably watch your favorite show while eating them !
✧ eunseok 'i have no idea what you're talking about' song.
✧ he'll act like he has no clue as to what's so special about the fourteenth — avoiding every hint you throw at him:
"what's so important about this month?"
"seokie, you have to know..."
"hmmm... give me a hint?"
"there's tons of pink and red — oh! candy and cards!"
✧ he'll make up something totally random to throw you off...
✧ he's dedicated to the act ! doesn't even ask you to be his valentine but he's been brainstorming what to get you since the new year.
✧ he'll do something "small" like cooking you dinner or buying you something pretty — it's not a big deal to him, but you're secretly very happy he didn't forget !
✧ eunseok'll tease you so much once you see that he didn't forget... he'll say things like:
"i never forget anything. why would i forget?"
"i can't believe you fell for that..."
"look at you... 'so happy over a couple of balloons and gift-bags."
"why'd you think i was busy all day... obviously i had a surprise. 'dinner's good, right?"
✧ i believe so badly with my whole heart this man bought you those pink glitter roses !
✧ sungchan most likely saw that you reposted one of those tiktok videos asking 'what you doing for them pink glitter roses?' — and if his girl wants pink glitter roses... she's getting the prettiest bouquet he can find !
✧ i don't think he'd keep it a secret.
✧ he asked you to be his valentine and expressed that he was planning on getting you something you'd wanted. he just wouldn't tell you what.
✧ i could definitely see him being playful — demanding kisses in exchange for your present ! definitely if you're begging him to tell you exactly what he'd gotten:
"baby, just tell me!"
"i don't know, princess... i'll think about it if you give me a kiss." but one kiss turns into like twenty.
✧ absolutely loves the look on your face seeing them — he's so proud of himself:
"you like them, right? they're pretty, i know... i picked them out myself. i know you like pink."
✧ he may or may have not asked you to be his valentine !
✧ regardless, he told you he had a surprise — telling you to clear your schedule and take off for the fourteenth:
"y/n. baby, are you busy this week?"
"well, i —"
"ah, ah... never mind! just clear your week."
"the whole... week? for what, 'binnie?"
"just do it, okay?"
✧ he'll pick you up, you have no idea where you're going.
✧ you'll end up on the top of a hill... you have a pretty good view of the sunset and the city beneath you. i could also imagine a pond or stream nearby with pretty fish !
✧ you guys would eat and just enjoy the scenery and each other's company !
✧ he would take so many pictures of you — trying to "capture your beauty" or something like that :p
✧ oh, he's going BIG.
✧ 100% asks you to be his valentine !
✧ he'll take you on a miniature vacation — on a boat or a nice resort. he'll pay for your nails and hair, he really just wants to spoil you and spend all of his time with you !
✧ i'm thinking on this boat there'll be dinner and an aquarium — sort of like a cruise ? either way, y'all are not leaving each other's side ! basically attached at the hip.
✧ sohee really wants to surprise you !
✧ like eunseok he'd try to pretend he has no idea what's so special — but he'd fail miserably :(
✧ he was probably so so so nervous that you'd already seen his surprise. in fact, i could see him accidentally spoiling the surprise himself...
✧ he'd come over and you two'd be watching a movie or just hanging out... you'd order food and sohee would offer to go pick it up at the door.
✧ while he was gathering your present, you noticed he was taking a long time and came to check on him... just to see him standing there with a giant bear and candies, awkwardly cheesing:
"surprise..? you weren't supposed to see!"
"ahw, 'hee... baby, i love it!"
✧ he's so cute ><
✧ he'd ask you as soon as he could ! he might even ask at exactlyyy 12:00 AM !
✧ anton'd come over and you two'd have a sleepover — matching pajamas and movies included !
✧ of course, he didn't want to come empty handed... he remembered both of you agreeing that you wanted to try building lego flowers, so he'd buy a couple of those sets !
✧ i think you two'd just sit in bed eating candy and snacks, building the legos and watching whatever movie you could find !
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euaphoric · 10 months
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♡ ♡ ♡ all jungkook wishes for on his birthday is you ♡ ♡ ♡
✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader, best friends to lovers
✩‧₊˚ warnings — mostly fluff but i sprinkled in a *tiny* bit of smutty action towards the end hehe, the cliche (but cute) dynamic of being total opposites, koo wants you sooo bad omg, jk shoots his shot in such a cute & smooth way, food play (kinda?), unedited for rn but i’ll edit it later at some point !
words ⥂ 2.3k
made a lil post for jk’s birfdayyy, even tho he’s 26 he’s still like 21 in my eyes hjsjfjfds. i haven’t posted in a while so this is the least i can do for now lol hope y’all like it 😵‍💫
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it’s your favorite person in the whole world’s birthday today ! you woke up in the wee hours of the morning to get everything ready for your best friend’s big day. you texted him straight away at midnight, sending the sweetest birthday message along with a gif of my melody holding a cake. you could never express into words enough how much jungkook means to you but your actions do most of the talking anyway. since he was turning 26 you got 26 pink and white balloons to scatter all over your living room, you also work at a bakery so it was obvious you had to make one for his special day. it was a single tier cake in the shape of a heart with a cute minimalistic design of a bunny and pink/white stars surrounding the edges. though the cake itself looked fairly simple, you worked really hard on it and took about 4-5 hours perfecting it. there was a lot of time and effort well spent into all this but was very worth it— only the best for the most amazing person you love and cherish. <3
the sheer excitement within you couldn’t be contained, feeling so giddy about him being on his way over to your place to come celebrate. you’ve known jungkook for years but this was the first time celebrating his birthday with just the two of you. a couple weeks ago, you asked him what he wanted for his birthday, to which he simply replied, “i don’t need anything, i just wanna hang out with you all day.” it was an odd request to you since he had so many other friends but you didn’t go against his demands, who are you to question the birthday boy’s request? to dress for this special occasion you wore a pretty pink flowy dress with a satin bow barrette in your hair, pairing it with white frilly lace socks and mary jane platforms. you looked super cute and jungkook will definitely think the same, it’s too bad he doesn’t wear much colorful stuff anymore, he’d look great in pink!
you get a call from jungkook saying he’s at your place and you immediately sprint to the door, going in for a hug as he steps inside. “happy birthday to the bestest boy in existence!” you cheer, gleefully smiling up at him. “thanks sweetie pie— wait, did you really decorate your whole house for this? there’s so much pink everywhere!” his glassy eyes soared around the room, taking in all the pretty decorations. jungkook’s outfit completely contradicted the theme, he was wearing a black fitted CK tee with black distressed jeans, very much on brand of him. “i thought it’d be cute! but that’s not all, i made you a cake, come look!” you grab his hand, leading the way for him to follow you into the kitchen, “tadaaa!”
he couldn’t stop smiling at how cute you were being, flailing your arms out towards the cake like it was some extraordinary discovery. he only chuckles in response, staring at you instead of the cake. “do you like it?” you hesitantly ask, second guessing if the cake design was a bit too simple. jungkook indefinitely snaps out his trance to respond, “oh i love it y/n, it’s adorable and i can’t wait to eat it!” well thank goodness, a weights now been lifted from your very tense shoulders. “phew.. okay good. you better have or else, i didn’t break my back doing all this for nothing!” you jokingly tease, pinching the side of his face to squish his adorably round cheeks. “can’t believe my boy has turned 26 today, you don’t look a day over 20, no wonder you still get ID’d at the bars!” it was too easy to keep teasing him, you have way too much fun doing it over the years.
“is this why you were so eager to spend my birthday with me? just so you can bully me all day?” he pouts like a child who’s about to throw a tantrum, “better be lucky you’re so darn cute..” that last comment made your face grow hot, attempting to cover your face so he doesn’t see you blushing. it’s weird how you’re getting so worked up over your best friend complimenting you, he always does it, there wasn’t much of a difference now. “you know you didn’t have to do all this for me right? celebrating this day with you is already a gift in itself.” jungkook really was a simple guy, all he needed was the people he loved most around him, that’s the best birthday gift in his eyes. “oh please, you’re my best friend so obviously i’m gonna go all out for this! plus i literally do this kinda thing for a living.. i had this prepared days in advance for you. also, quit being so sweet, you’re gonna make me cry on your own birthday!” you don’t know what’s in the air today but you can’t shake this feeling of butterflies in your stomach. “nooo, don’t do that you’ll ruin all the gorgeous makeup you’re wearing, i’m sure you spent a lot of time on that too!”
you’re not sure if it’s because it was his birthday but jungkook was acting extra cute towards you. the way he was paying more attention to you than anything else around him built an inexplicable tension between you. “i’ll go get the candles and something to cut the cake with, then after that we can do whatever you want!” you squeal from excitement, grabbing the box of colorful pastel candles and a cake knife that you actually stole from your job. placing the tiny candles around the rim to make it look aesthetically pleasing, you take the lighter from the table to light the candles. “turn off the lights!” you shout to him behind you, he hurries to find the switch to flip it off, making the room completely dark except for the tiny orange flames. you gesture for him to come closer, “ok now sit here!” sliding the chair out to let him sit down. the omitting light from the candles illuminated his face so beautifully, making your heart burst when he looks up at you with star-filled eyes. you’ll never understand how this man can be single, he’s so damn breathtaking.
it isn’t a birthday without any singing involved so you began chanting the happy birthday song to him in a cutesy high pitched tone, being the annoyingly loud best friend you always are. you had your hands rested on his broad shoulders, swaying side to side as you sang your little heart out, it probably wasn’t the best singing he’s ever heard but it’s the thought that counts! “you’re so freaking cute, stop ittt.” jungkook says after you finished singing, “it hasn’t even been a full hour yet but this is already my best birthday, thanks y/n, you made me feel special today.” he couldn’t help but express thorough gratitude for all this, you went so above and beyond for him. “oh it’s nothing really kookie, i’m just happy i get to spend this day with you.” you know he can’t see it but you smile anyway, hugging him from behind, the intoxicating scent of his cologne on his shirt made you feel dizzy.
“ok, now it’s time to make a wish. wish for anything in your wildest dreams, the world’s your oyster!” “hmm, alright.. will it come true though?” he asks in a hopeful tone, “of course it will! and if by chance it doesn’t, then i’ll make it happen.” you’d practically do anything for him, your friendship meant the world to you. “okay, here goes nothing i guess.” he shrugs, closing his eyes for a minute to think of his undying wish, once he opens them again he blows out the array of candles. “yayyy, it’s official now!” you ferociously clap, turning around to go find the light again but jungkook stops you in your tracks. “wait, please don’t turn the lights back on.” his voice sounding a bit more serious than usual. you listen and turn back to face him again, “wanna know what i ended up wishing for?” he gets up from the chair to walk towards you, pulling your hand to hold you in close to him. here comes the butterflies again… “what? you aren’t supposed to tell me your wish silly, then it won’t come true!” you playfully argue, thanking the heavens above that it’s too dark for him to see how flustered you looked. “but this wish is important, i really need it. you even said so yourself that you’ll help make it happen, right?”
just what the hell could he be up to right now ? you’re so clueless about what’s going on but you decide to humor him anyway. “hmm, yeah i guess i do remember saying that.. what was your wish that’s so important then?” pressing your body further into his chest, the atmosphere felt much different than it usually did, you couldn’t seem to put your finger on why though. without any hesitation he reveals his only wish, “i want you to be my girlfriend.” your body felt frozen, you were sure this had to be a dream at this point, there’s no way your best friend is asking you out.. no freaking way. “w-what?” the dry lump in your throat made it impossible to talk, you were so overwhelmed with emotions it seemed like you were rejecting him, but in reality you were just too stunned to speak. “i don’t care if this ruins our friendship anymore, i can’t keep holding this in… i’m in love with you y/n. ever since you broke things off with that loser i couldn’t stop thinking about you being my girlfriend. i can treat you so much better baby, i promise, just give me a chance. that’s all i want for my birthday, just wanna make you finally mines.” he gravely confessed everything, laying out all the thoughts he had building up over time.
you were still in shock but you had to say something before you mess up, clearing your throat to voice what you had to say. “i can’t believe i’m about to say this but, i don’t want to keep being friends anymore...” slowly pausing before finishing your thoughts. “wha-” “because i want to be your girlfriend too.” you quickly cut him off, heart anxiously pounding at the fact you just admitted to this. it never dawned on you that jungkook could ever feel romantically towards you but he hid his feelings a little too well for you to never detect this secret. the distance between you was seemingly nonexistent, feeling his warm breath against the side of your face as he leans in closer. “i guess it’s official then, you’re my girl now.” a pair of ring clad hands cup your face gently, pulling you in for a slow kiss. his soft lips felt so divine against yours, the languid movement of his body with yours was like magic. out of all the fake scenarios you created in your head about kissing jungkook, none of them could top the real thing. his peach flavored lip balm tasted so sweet, delighting you with even more hunger for him, the room felt like it was spinning.
a whine slips from your lips when he momentarily pulls away, missing the peachy candy taste of him. you could kiss him for hours with absolutely no complaints. “now that you’re my girlfriend can i do the thing i’ve really always wanted?” jungkook cranes his head to the side while asking, tracing the outline of your lips with his thumb. you thought him kissing you was what he wanted most but guess not. “of course honey, whatever the birthday boy wants the birthday boy gets!” you were willing to make this the most memorable birthday he’ll ever have. “to be completely honest, i want you to ride my face. but you can do that later for me, i wanna try this cake you made!” his attentions drawn back to turning to the light on again, finally getting able to see each other better. you were trying so hard to play it cool after he said that, but on the inside was total chaos. this whole day escalated so quickly, you wanted to pinch yourself to wake up but this felt way too good to be a dream— you’re now dating your best friend and couldn’t be happier.
“this looks so damn good, i can’t wait to eat it.” jungkook smacks his lips at the piece of cake you cut for him, and of course, it was on a pink plate with a matching fork to fit the theme. “i’m most excited to eat you instead though.” he smugly grins, dipping his finger into the frosting, but instead of eating it he dabs it on the side of your face. “what are you doing?” you cluelessly respond before he leans in again, this time licking the sweet buttercream off your cheek. “i wanna try somethin’ real quick, hold on.” he announces as he goes back to dip in the frosting again, you could sense the mischief all over his face. his other hand travels to the neckline of your dress, pulling it down slowly to reveal one of your perky breasts, his eyes were like a deer in headlights, in complete awe of how perfect you looked. “so much fucking better than i imagined.” the tent in his pants grew inevitably, biting his lip at the stunning sight in front him. bringing his finger to your perched nipple, he coats it with the pink icing, bending down to sensually lick it off once again. “nnghh.. that felt so good..” you lull out a moan, body turning into straight puddy by his touch. “don’t worry babe, there’s more where that came from,” the devilish smirk on jungkook’s face was enough to know he wasn’t kidding around, “i’m about to have the best birthday sex ever.”
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Yandere Taro & Ayato x male reader
Where reader is a popular guy who’s friends with all the groups. He always has his arm draped around someone, either across their shoulders or around the waist (platonically.) However everyone has developed feelings for him because of it. Especially the yan duo, who aren’t too keen on sharing with anyone else but themselves.
Kidnapped By Obsession
Yandere!Ayato Aishi + Yandere!Taro Yamada x Male Reader
A/N: Hello! This fic was requested over on our Tumblr! Thank you so much for this request, I absolutely enjoyed writing this fic, probably one of my favourites I’ve written yet. This fic is a little over 2.3k words, thank you for being very patient with me, this was delayed for a little while but I hope you guys enjoy it. Any feedback is appreciated!
(I do not support yandev.)
Yandere simulator, Yanderes, Murder, Weapons, Blood, Violence and Kidnapping!
Y/N arrived at school late, a few minutes after the bell had rung for break. He walked over to his locker, putting his bag away and grabbing out his bento box. Just as he shut his locker, Kokona popped up into his vision, a small smile appeared on the female's face. “Hi Y/N-Kun! I didn’t see you in the morning so I figured you weren’t coming to school today.” she spoke softly, taking his hand in her own.
Y/N smiled in return as Kokona started to lead him towards the doors of the courtyard. “I slept in.” he responds, chuckling softly as he pushes the door open, Kokona following after him as they stroll through the courtyard, eyes following the two. Well, more so Y/N. An extremely well known and popular guy at the school, he practically befriended everyone he knew. He was very charismatic and easy to get along with.
Kokona let out a small laugh, slowly letting go of his hand. Osana looked up, seeing Y/N had finally arrived. She groaned softly, seeing the purple haired female there besides him already. She huffed, turning to face Taro who was already watching the two approach them.
“Taro! She’s always with him, practically a fly stuck to a spider's web. It sucks, I never get alone time with him without that idiot around.” she whined lowly, referring to Kokona.
Taro locked eyes onto Y/N, he couldn’t help but stare, completely blocking out Osana’s whining and complaining. He could feel his heart race slightly, he couldn’t take his eyes off him. He was absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form. Whilst he was lost in thought, Osana grew increasingly irritated with her best friend, she shoved him harshly, Taro suddenly snapping out of his thoughts.
Kokona exchanged a friendly greeting with Taro, trying her best to greet the ginger. Meanwhile Osana snarled slightly, being completely impolite but still managing a quick ‘Hello.’
Y/N greeted Osana with a happy expression, absolutely glad to see his friend after the weekend. Osana’s demeanour changed within seconds as her friend acknowledged her. “Hi Y/N-Kun!” she spoke ecstatic, her mood being ruined when he turned his attention to Taro.
Taro smiled slightly, watching him. “Hello Y/N..” he said timidly, feeling his heartbeat pace faster. “Hello Taro, it’s nice seeing you again.” he spoke, giving a small nod.
The raven haired male’s cheeks lit up, dusting a soft pink coat as Kokona and Y/N started to walk off, Osana walked after them, Taro shutting his book and following closely behind. “Can I come? It gets kinda lonely just sitting here.” he hummed, finding some excuse to come with them.
Y/N gave a small nod of approval, Taro walked behind them, listening in on their conversation, trying to pick out the things on Y/N.
A few minutes beforehand, Ayato was propped up against the tree in the courtyard, stalking Taro as per usual. He didn’t feel the same, not like he used to when stalking him, he wasn’t lovestruck, he barely felt anything anymore for him. His heart wasn’t running 100 miles an hour like it used to.
He was pulled away from his thoughts as he watched two new people enter his vision. He could recognise Kokona, but Y/N not so much. He had seen the other around school, but he didn’t think much of him until now. His heart raced, feeling his cheeks heat up as he cupped them slightly, letting out a sound of frustration.
He shook his head slightly. He needed to remain alert at all times, no time for fussing over Y/N when he ‘loved’ Taro.
Aishi observed them from afar before deciding to walk after them, making sure to maintain some distance. He wasn’t going to let some lousy male get between him and Taro, he would ‘still willingly’ do anything and everything for him.
Once they arrived, Taro took a seat, Osana and Kokana sitting beside him, Y/N sitting on the edge beside Osana, engaging in some small talk with her as he ate his food.
Taro averted his gaze, watching Osana with a loathing look in his eyes. He was vaguely annoyed, not liking how much attention Osana was getting at all. He nearly lost his cool just from the simple touch of Y/N placing a hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner.
Kokona noticed his irritation but decided to stay quiet, not thinking further about it. She was sure the two friends had some small argument earlier, there seemed to always be an issue between those two.
Not far away, Ayato was watching from the doorway to the roofs before moving over to a wall nearby where they sat, glancing around the corner, trying to overhear the conversation. It was when he’d realised that Y/N had his hands on Osana’s shoulders, his face contorting into a look of slight disgust.
Over the last few weeks, Y/N had started to see a repeating pattern of Kokona and Osana constantly ignoring him, or walking off every time he tried to speak to them or anything. In fact, when he would go up to other people they’d just dismiss their conversations and go elsewhere. He was super confused, why were people suddenly avoiding him.
Had he done something wrong? He hadn’t heard anything bad.
He found it slightly weird that only Taro and Ayato had come up to him with no worries at all, but he didn’t want to jump to conclusions, he was sure it was nothing at all.
Kokona and Osana were both absolutely petrified. Not only for themselves but also for the safety of Y/N.
Kokona had received an absolute brutal letter not long ago, threatening to blackmail her or potentially murder her if she got in the way between Y/N and Ayato. Whilst only a few days ago Osana was held at knife point by Taro as he intimidated her, Y/N right around the corner.
It was just a little after school as Y/N roamed the halls in hope to find someone he could speak to. He averted his gaze, seeing Budo just outside of the martial arts club.
Budo looked up, seeing Y/N come over to him. He sucked in a breath, looking around nervously before he spoke. “Haha! Y/N. It’s great to see you! What brings you to the uhm-..martial arts club?” He asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms over his chest.
Y/N observed the others body language, letting out a small groan in response. “You too? Budo. What’s going on?. Have I done something?” He asked, praying for answers. It was really starting to bug him now, he even thought it might have been the bullies doing, but even they turned a blind eye on him and he was respected by them too.
Budo stepped from side to side slightly, trying his best to suppress his nervous fidgeting. He glanced around before grabbing Y/N’s wrist gently, pulling him inside of the club room before shutting the door and looking around in panic.
Y/N slowly draped an arm on his shoulder, tapping his shoulder gently to try and distract him from his worries. “Budo relax, nothings going to happen. Whatever you’re worrying about..I’m here.” He smiled.
With reassurance from Y/N, Budo stopped and looked at him, leaning into his comforting chaste touch. “I overheard a conversation between Yamada and Aishi talking about how to make others avoid you. I’m unsure why but they were rambling on about how everyone is taking you away from them.”
Y/N looked at the other, he wore a blank expression. He was unsure how to feel at the sudden news. But it did make sense why others were avoiding him so much and why Ayato and Taro hadn’t. He could feel himself going to be sick. He gave a small nod, smiling slightly at Budo. “Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it..” he responds, pulling the martial arts club leader in a warm hug.
Budo reluctantly wrapped his arms around his torso, giving a small nod in response. He closed his eyes for a moment, figuring how dead he would be if he were caught anywhere near Y/N. He slowly opened his eyes, fixating them onto a familiar looking silhouette through the doors. He immediately let go of Y/N in panic, pointing back at the door.
Y/N whipped his head around, only getting a small glimpse of the shadow before the person fled. He sucked in a breath, his heart starting to race. He glanced around, grabbing Mastudas wrist as he opened the door and poked his head out before he started to quietly walk down the hallway with him.
The raven haired boy looked around quickly, keeping quiet, as if he was trying not to alert the person. He knew many people wouldn’t be around so he Prayed they would get out of there quickly.
Within minutes, the two had flown down the stairs, running side by side, footsteps trailing not far behind them as they exited the school building, slowing down when they heard the steps come to a halt. Budo leaned over, resting his hands on his knees as breathed heavily, Y/N leaning against the wall as he tried to catch his breath.
“I think..- we lost..them..-” Budo sighed, slowly getting up.”Go home Y/N.” he spoke again.
Y/N raised a brow, he was clearly worried for Budos safety. “Are you sure?” he asked, Budo giving a small nod of reassurance once more. Without another word, Y/N gave the other a hug before quickly leaving the school grounds. He had great faith in Budo, he was the leader of the martial arts club.
They went their separate ways, Y/N starting to head home. On his way home, he couldn't help but feel tense. He couldn’t shake off what Budo told him minutes ago, he felt weirded out. What would Taro and Ayato want with him? He was convinced that Taro and Osana were in love, he was also sure he had caught Ayato stalking Taro too months ago! He was starting to overthink it too much, he was driving himself down a pothole of anxiety.
Whilst he was lost in thought, someone approached him from ubehind, following closely behind him, awaiting for the perfect moment to strike. Within seconds, the figure wrapped their arms around Y/N, a black glove covering his mouth, the other gripping onto his side tightly to stop him from moving around. “Quit moving, unless you want to die.” The voice spoke, slowly bringing a bloody knife to his neck.
Y/N went stiff in their grasp, immediately recognising the voice. He went into an instant state of panic as he stayed still, listening to every word they said.
There was no way Ayato would actually hurt Y/N! He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He loved him alot, even more than when he had loved Taro previously. Something about the other drove him to absolute insanity, he couldn’t see himself getting violent with Y/N like he thought about with Yamada.
After a few threats and thrashing around, Y/N slowly complied with him and did as he said. He had tried his best to fight back, but the awkward position wasn’t helping him
Ayato grabbed out a cloth which was already covered in chloroform. Wasn’t the safest option, but he figured Y/N could handle it. He held it against Y/N’s mouth and nose. Slowly but surely his body went limp in the other's arms, everything going black.
A soft groan fell from Y/N’s lips, his body aching slightly. How long had he been out for? Just as he went to stretch out his body, his movements were restricted. He hissed slightly, feeling rope burn against his skin. He then recalled what happened, immediately his body going into an utter state of panic as he tried his best to compose himself.
A disgusting scent filled his nose, the smell of something metallic and rusty.
He was snapped out of thoughts as he heard something scuffle nearby, the lights being switched on. Y/N squinted his eyes, allowing him a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the brightness before his gut whirled.
Taro walked in, Ayato following not too far behind him with a small smile. “You’re awake! I hope Ayato wasn’t too rough. He insisted on bringing you here.” He spoke, grumbling softly.
Ayato rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Y/N looked up at the two horrified. He could still imagine the bloody gloves, the feeling of the liquid leaking onto his clothes whilst he was fighting against Ayato.
Oh he could only imagine whose blood it was…
He prayed that Budo got home safely.
“I didn’t hurt him. He's fine. See, no injuries.” Ayato spoke, kicking off the wall and walking over to Y/N, gripping his chin gently. “You’re not scared, are you?” He asked lowly.
Y/N tensed up, shaking his head. “Whose blood..was that on you?” He asked with a shaky voice.
Ayato chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly. “The martial arts leader, uh Budo Matsuda. That guy who had his arms around you..” he mumbled, his skin crawling just at the thought of others being anywhere near him.
Y/N sunk back into his chair, his breathing quickening slightly. He knew he shouldn’t have left Budo alone. “You’re sick! Both of you- Oh my fucking god..” he yelled out, seeing Taro dragging Budo’s limp body along the floor. He felt sick, visibly gagging a few times.
Yamada glanced over at Y/N, smiling slightly and rubbing his neck. “Sorry Y/N, I gotta get rid of the body.” He hummed. He looked extremely happy, it made Y/N sick to his core. How could someone be so cruel?
Y/N looked away, clenching his eyes shut tightly, hoping that this was just all a bad dream. He shut out the voices of both Ayato and Taro, his whole world going quiet as he sat there in silence.
- Written by Owner 2
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
The rules of Persephone’s garden don’t apply to him.
He’s not entirely sure why. He’s mortal, or at least half. No ichor flows through his veins, not that it helped Persephone. Perhaps it is because he already spends so much of his time in his father’s kingdom; perhaps the Fruit of the Underworld has lost its potency so far removed from the Ancient Lands, so long after Pam’s death.
Regardless, Nico gets to indulge.
Anything from the roundest, sweetest apples to the bitter tang of pink grapefruits, he has sat under the poplar trees and devoured. He likes fruit more than any other food group, more than any other taste. He has always had a sweet tooth. And his eyes eat as much as his lips, drinking in the glimmering sheen of dimpled lime peel and delicate pearls of round concord grapes. He has made himself sick eating strawberry after strawberry.
But his favourite, without question or pause, is a clementine.
The best he’s had, secretly, was not in his stepmother’s garden but in a tiny orchard in Algeria. Engineered for generations by human hand and grown under wide, sparkling sun, the skin had been bright and fragrant, pith minimal and pleasantly bitter, and thin-skinned globules of flesh so plump with juice they’d begged to be burst under his teeth. He’s dreamed about those clementines every week since he’d eaten them. If it wouldn’t kill him, he’d jump to the north African country every day and buy them in swathes.
Unfortunately, at camp, he’s stuck with what he’s got.
But they aren’t so bad.
“You have a sweet tooth worse than anyone I’ve ever met,” Will grumbles, poking at his shoulder. “And when she was 11, Kayla lived off Nerd ropes and Gushers for two months.”
Nico cracks a smile. “Kayla’s continued existence astounds me.”
“I do genuinely think she’s a medical marvel.”
“Don’t tell her that.”
“Believe me, I wasn’t planning on it.”
For a while there’s nothing except the tearing sound of Nico ripping off the peel of his citrus. He’s skilled enough to remove it in one go, but sometimes, as a random challenge, he tries to remove it in a certain shape. Today, for no particular reason, the peel comes off in the shape of a heart.
“I can feel you eyeing this,” he says, shooting an exasperated look over his shoulder. Will smiles small and guiltless, in response, raising and dropping his shoulder.
“Dunno what you’re talking about. Just wishin’ you’d eat a vegetable or two.”
Liar. Well, that exact sentence isn’t a lie — Will is such a bad vegetable pusher that he is often teased about secretly owning a farm — but it’s not what he’s thinking about. Nico isn’t stupid.
He sighs. “Here,” he grumbles, wedging his thumbs between the two hemispheres of the fruit and tearing. “You can have half.”
Will brightens. His smile is like clouds clearing, like the give of a snapping elastic. Startling, demanding, storm-cracking and loud. Eye-catching in every possible way.
He holds out a cupped palm, and Nico rests half the fruit inside it, fingers brushing the heel of his hand for no justifiable reason. It’s callused — most of his hand is callused. Nico wants to trace the outline of them, with his fingers and then his tongue.
He watches as Will brings the fruit to his mouth, happily munching on the whole thing without bothering to separate the sections, like always. Nico winces.
“You’re barbaric.”
“It goes to the same place! There is not logical reason to eat it section by section!”
“If the sections weren’t meant to be eaten one by one, they wouldn’t be naturally separated, you heathen.”
“Corn is naturally separated. D’you eat that kernel by kernel?”
Nico hates being friends with smart people.
Will laughs, and Nico’s eyes flutter shut, savouring.
“That’s what I thought.” He pops the last bite in his mouth, chewing and swallowing and smiling his dazzling smile, after, sticky citrus juice making his lips look shiny. “Thanks for sharing, Neeks.”
“Course,” murmurs Nico quietly, hiding his smile behind a segment of fruit. “Anytime.”
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fuckmyskywalker · 4 months
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — 𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲.
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18+. Fauxcest. Dddne.
Happy Valentine's day! — Anya xoxo.
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The sweet aroma of freshly baked cake filled the kitchen, it was a lovely gesture that makes your heart swell with anticipation. Just a few more minutes before dad comes back from work... and just a few more minutes so you can have him all for yourself.
Just like magic, the front door unlocks with a loud click, just in time for you to place the heart-shaped chocolate cake at the center of the kitchen aisle. Your mother will be working extra hours today, so there's plenty of time to spend with James.
"Honey?" You hear his voice, and just seconds after he creates an exiting thrill in your veins he walks in… holding a bright bouquet of your favorite flowers. James' face illuminates with a smile seeing you standing there with your red apron, hands behind your back and a happy expression on your pretty eyes.
"Happy Valentine's Day," You say walking closer and stopping when he lifts the bouquet. Your heart melts as you receive them, bringing them to your chest and giggling. "Oh... Dad. They are beautiful."
"Only the most beautiful flowers for my precious angel."
His words make you giggle again, and James can't help but to pull you closer and lean down to capture your soft lips in a kiss. It feels perfect— it feels magical. A moment designed just for you.
He breaks the kiss just to give the cake a quick glance, smiling wider and admiring the pink icing and themed sprinkles. "Is that for me?" You nod, earning you another deep kiss. "Aren't you perfect? My love."
The kitchen becomes a small bubble for you to just embrace each other. Basking in his presence and his blue eyes. There is no other place you would desire to be rather than next to your loving father… the man who walked into your life when you needed him the most— the man who opened his arms to let you grow and be the beautiful person you are today.
"If your mother sees these, tell her someone at school gave them to you," He whispers deviously, taking the flowers from your hands and placing them on the counter next to the cake. His hands circle around your hips, pulling you closer.
Instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck and toy with the dark curls growing at the nape of his neck. You like how James looks with long hair— you like him either way. In fact— you love him.
James is totally helpless, completely wrapped around your finger and played by the loving strings of your heart, always happy to do anything you ask for and always needy for your presence. The taste of the cigarettes he smokes at work still linger in his tongue but you don't find it unappealing, it just brings you back to him. It's a spellbound effect that awakes every fiber of your being, igniting a never ending love… just for your dad.
"Aren't you going to eat your cake?" You ask, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers together. He is warm, he always is. His palm is calloused and heavy, always holding you and lifting you to touch the sky. Just like James says it is meant to be.
"Maybe later… right now I just want you," He replies. Dragging you to the living room, James takes the apron off you, awfully eager to touch your skin. "I couldn't ask for anything else, you know?" His lips trail down your jaw and your neck, nibbling the skin. "You are using that perfume I gave you?"
"Hm–hm," You mumble, caressing his shoulders and slowly grinding your hips. Being on daddy's lap is your favorite place. "I love it."
"I love you, baby."
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sonarspace · 4 months
jjk men and valentine’s day
a/n: eeekkk went a little crazy on nanami and sukuna's parts. hopefully i'm not too late, happy v-day! celebrating it with fictional men for now :3. content: gojo x reader. geto x reader. nanami x reader. sukuna x reader. (fluff!) not proofread… wc: 1.1k
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he wakes you up with kisses all over your face. excited to celebrate another valentine's day with you. "happy valentine's day pretty girl," he giggles in your ear. he takes you out to shopping to find an outfit for your evening together. he sits outside of the fitting room as you try on outfits and ask him his opinions which is useless cause he swears you look good in everything you've tried on and ends up buying all of them. during your evening together he takes you on a helicopter tour of tokyo, your first time seeing the city like this. "this is beautiful satoru," you smile at him sitting next to you in the pilot's seat. "i think so, too" he smiles at you. "thank you for spoiling me," you joke with him.
he gets flowers and chocolates delivered to your place. sends you a "happy v-day baby. see you soon" text. you spend the entire day together. in the morning he takes you to a flower exhibition. a floating garden with an array of flowers hanging. it was all so beautiful. you were elated. for dinner he takes you to your favorite sushi place. you talk about nothing and everything. however your valentine's day isn't complete without a stuffed animal. even when you were just friends, suguru would show up with a stuffed animal and flowers on valentine's day to cheer you up. and when you both started dating, the suffed animal on valentine's day became a tradition. the arcade is closing as you both reach and you ask them to let you play a quick game but they deny you entry. suguru drops your hand and walks over to talk to the manager privately and slips in some money in his pocket to keep it up and running for another hour. just the two of you in the arcade it reminded you of your high school days. you end up losing at the game where you have to knock out the cans with ball. desperate to win the stuffed panda. you pout at suguru as the manager comes to you and tells you that time is up. "one more game and we're out" suguru promises. he uses one of his curses to help him win and scores you a stuffed panda. you add it to your stuffed animals collection, all given to you by suguru over the course of your relationshiop.
he doesn't think today is any different to any other day of the week. "just another way for people to make money," he told you before. it's your first valentine's day with him. you're not really expecting anything from him today but you personally loved lovers' day, so you decide to decorate your apartment with different shades of pink and red. heart shaped knick knacks strewn around. he walks out of your bedroom dressed for work. "good morning," his voice is gruff. "too much?" you ask him when you see him look around with an amused smile. "no, i like it. it's cute." he smiles softly at you. "my place tonight." he tells you as he kisses you goodbye. you're surprised when you walk into his apartment. the floors covered in rose petals creating a path to the balcony. he's standing by a candle lit table with a boquet of flowers in his hand. he chuckles quietly when he sees the look of surprise on your face, "happy lover's day," he says as he hands you the boquet. you go on your tip toes to peck his lips "did you do all this by yourself?" you smile at him. "eh yeah i know how much you love today, so i thought i'd surpise you" his says shyly looking away from you. you pull his face back to face you and kiss him fully "thank you". his cheeks hurt from trying to control his smile but a blush takes over his face. he didn't mind that you had that effect on him. after dinner he slides a box across the table "but i didn't get you anything," you pout as you look between the box and him. "it's okay. you don't have to. just open the box." you unwrap the box and find a key sitting in it. you look up at him confused, "will you move in with me?" he speaks softly. your mouth falls open at his question and your eyes fill with tears of joy. you nod feveriously getting out of your chair and moving over to him quickly. "yes yes" you mumble into the kiss, manuvering yourself in his lap.
"what the hell is valentine's day?" he asks you his hand running through your hair.. "a day to celebrate love. and lovers." you chirp from your place on his chest. this would be his first time celebrating valentine's day (well frankly his first time being in a relationship too). he hums. "so you're my valentine?" your heart squeezes at the way he asks that question. "do you want me to be?" you retort giggling. "yeah," he blushes slightly. "okay, then lover boy. you're my valentine too," you tease. he wants to do this right he thinks so decides to surprise you. much to his dismay, things don't go as planned. you walk into the kitchen and smell something burning. "ah fuck" you see sukuna standing near the oven. a tray of burnt cupcakes in one hand. another hand on his forehead in disappointment and two hands on his hips as usual. "suki?" he yelps when he hears your voice. "you shouldn't be here" he huffs. "what's wrong? let me help." you approach him. he puts the tray of cupcakes down. and you notice piping bags filled with red and pink frosting. "this isn't how it was supposed to go. i remember you mentioned how much you loved chocolate cupcakes so i was going to surprise you but now they're burned. so much for doing things the right way, huh" he pouts as he rambles. "it's okay. they dont look too bad," you try cheer him up. he tilts his head at as to say 'we both know these are not edible'. "we can fix this suki, look" you cut off the burnt part of the cupcake and mash them into small circles. you grab some sticks from the drawers and place the circles on the sticks. "cake pops!" you wiggle it in front of his face with a satisfied smile. he pushes your hand down and pulls you in close to kiss you. his tongue slipping in your mouth as his four hands pulls you in tight. "can't believe you made me fall in love," he whispers into the kiss.
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bubbleebubz · 6 months
okay so maybe spencer x fem!reader and their at the office and maybe reader wears a new perfume and like he gets hard and goes to the bathroom to ✨jerk off ✨ and reader goes to check on him cuz he’s been in there for so long and like they do it in the bathroom ?
HIII THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!!!! I hope you like it! (I did reader AND spencer POV if that's ok?)
Delicate delight
~Warning~ smuttttttt😊😊, male masterbation, swearing? Oral sex (male and female receiving) orgasm denial, "good girl", Boner alert ⚠️
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"Hey Spence, I'm going to be late coming to the office, I'll be there in 20" I say into my phone, rushing out of the shower.
"Ok Y/N, hurry though we have a lot of paper work to do and I don't want to be here all night" He chuckles deeply into his phone.
"Yes ofourse, im the flash!" I say teasingly before hanging up the phone.
I hurriedly put my work suit on, flared black pants with a white button up, and a black sweater.
I I brush my hair and I dont bother doing my full make up routine, just putting on mascara and lipgloss.
I grab my keys and look around my apartment, making sure I didn't forget anything.
I think to myself, speedily walking to my bedroom, grabbing the bag off of my desk, before looking over at a new perfume I got a while ago, I never bothered using it due to never being home usually.
I open the box and reveal a pretty pink bottle in the shape of a heart, i spray a few squirts on me, the scent being a delicate vanilla, putting the perfume into my bag before leaving to go to the office.
I wait impatiently at my desk, trying to focus on the pile of reports on my desk, groaning in frustration.
Where was Y/N?
He thinks, looking at his watch, as he does so Y/N walks through the door, exactly 20 minutes after she had hung up the phone.
God she looks beautiful- well she always does ofcourse but today something is just different.
"Your make up looks good today Y/N" I say with a soft smile, making her blush. "I only managed to put mascara and lipgloss on, time crunch" she says. "I like it" I say, turning back to the files.
She walks by him, her delightfully delicate scent filling his nose, sending blood straight to his hardening cock.
Oh God not here, I bite my lower lip, keeping myself from letting out any noises. She pulls up a chair infront of his desk.
"Okay, how many files are we looking at here Spence?" She asks.
God her voice. The way she says my name. She has no idea that I'm fucking hard under the table right now.
"I- um, about 32?" I estimate.
Me and Y/N decided to take everyone's report and do them on our day off, everyone was home taking time off but us.
She nods at my answer, leaning over me to grab a pen, giving me a perfect view of her cleavage.
God she was going to be the death of me.
My pants become painfully tight, after just 15 minutes of working in silence, with only little conversation.
"Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" He says smiling.
I shut the family bathroom door, before leaning against it, letting out a shaky breath. My hands go down to my pants, undoing my belt and pants, rubbing my hard cock through the confines, pulling them down including my boxers just enough to get my dick out, I stroke my cock a few times, spitting on my hand, before finally jerking off at a steady pace.
___________________________________________Y/N POV
Spencer has been in the bathroom for about- I look down at my watch- 24 minutes now.
I get out if my seat, wondering to the bathrooms to check to make sure he was alright. I get infront of the door when I hear it.
He was groaning?
I knock, "Spencer are you alright?" I ask worriedly.
I hear a bang. "Y-yeah I'm fine, sorry!" He yells out, his voice wavery.
"Spence I'm coming in" I say, opening to unlocked door, I freeze in my tracks.
"Y/N I can explain I swear-" before he can finish his sentence, I walk in, shutting the bathroom door, locking it behind me.
I walk over to him slowly.
"What are you doing?" I ask innocently.
He puts his hard throbing cock back into his pants.
"It's not what it looks like" he says, face as red as a tomato.
"So you weren't jerking off in the family bathroom?" I ask with a slight smile.
"I-" He pauses. "Yes. I was, I'm sorry, your just so.. so perfect, and your perfume did something to me" He explains guiltily.
I smile slightly, a blush appearing on my face.
He walks towards me slowly, causing me to shrink under his gaze.
I look up at him with doe eyes.
"Why didn't you leave Y/N?" He asks, voice deeper than before.
"I-" i begin to say, but get cut off by his lips on mine. He pulls away quickly, making me whine.
"Do you want this Y/N?" He asks, hands on my waist and eyes gazing into my own.
I nod.
"Words, love" He says, making my knees weak.
"Yes sir" I whimper.
In an instant his lips are on mine again, he lifts me up, setting me on the counter, standing between my legs. I can feel his covered erection pushing against my thigh.
Her lipgloss tasted like vanilla, making it all the more harder to stop kissing her, my hips rutting against her clothed cunt causing her to moan in need.
I slowly begin to unbutton her blouse revealing her black lace bra, making me groan. She removes my own button up shirt, and begins to pull my pants down, not needing to unbutton them, due to the fact they never were done back up after she caught me.
I take her bra off, along with her pants, leaving her in her panties.
I get on my knees between her thighs looking up at her hungrily.
I put her legs over my shoulders and kiss her clothed cunt before ripping the thin material off before diving right into her soaking pussy.
I groan against her clit, wrapping my lips around it, savoring her sweet essence. "Taste so good baby, so wet for me" I growl, making her moan louder. I slide a finger into her, slowly fucking her, before adding another one, curling my fingers to get her sweet spot.
"Gonna cum Spence" she sobs out a moan, but before she can release, i pull my mouth and fingers away, causing her to whine in frustration.
___________________________________________Y/N POV
Just as I was about to cum he pulled away, causing a loud whine to fall from my lips.
I feel tears prick behind my eyes from the edging.
I look down, seeing his cock again, not realizing how big it was.
My eyes widen and mouth drops, "c-can I suck it?" I ask, referring to his throbing cock.
He nods.
I get off the counter and get on my knees infront of him, eyes glued to his cock, tip red in need.
He puts my hair in a make shift ponytail, holding it with his hand.
I stroke his cock slowly, looking up at him through my lashes, before licking the precum from the head of his cock, taking his whole tip into my mouth, sucking and licking sloppily, he groans out, making me moan around him, taking him further into my mouth, wanting to hear those hot groans again.
I play with his balls, taking him down my throat, deep throating him and gagging around his cock, spit and precum pooling down my chin.
"Gonna cum baby" He groans out, but before he can, I pull off, giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He groans in frustration, I stick my tongue out teasingly.
He pulls me up, setting me on the counter once again, before lining up his cock with my wet folds, slowly pushing in.
I enter her soaked pussy, groaning at the feeling of her warm slick walls sucking me in.
She clenches around me, whining at the intrusion.
God she was so tight.
"Gonna be a good girl and take my cock baby?" I groan out, the pet name making her walls flutter around me, causing me to chuckle.
I slowly start to move, shallow gentle thrusts before she eggs me to move faster.
"Fuck Spence" she moans, nails digging into my back as I pound into her, feeling her walls clench around me.
"Gonna cum" she whines out. I reach down and rub her clit, holding her hip with my other hand.
"Do it baby, cum around my cock, want to feel you." I groan out, feeling my own release approaching fast.
She cums around my cock, walls fluttering around me.
"Gonna fill you up baby, going to cum in your sweet little tight pussy" I groan before releasing my load into her, my head falling onto her shoulder, he hands in my hair.
I look up. "You ok?" I ask worriedly.
She nods frantically. "Never better" she smiles out.
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