#i just woke up and I'm still fucking thinking
doctorbitchcrxft · 2 days
The Kids Are All Right | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: recovering from an assault (heed this warning pls my loves), canon gore, canon violence, angst
Word Count: 4773
A/N: Heyyyy.... accidentally posted two at the same time haha. No episode this Saturday as a result; I'm sorry, y'all!! But a little extra treat today!!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You and Sam spoke almost twice daily after your heart-to-heart leaving Lincoln. You were incredibly grateful to still have his friendship; even if your phone calls had to be carefully maneuvered around times when Dean was in the room. 
You were unsure how to feel about the fact that Sam was still trying to find ways to break Dean’s deal knowing he’d die if that happened but would also support your friend in whatever his decision was. You refused to have any involvement in picking between the lives of the two brothers, though, even if you were falling deeper and deeper in love with him with each passing day. 
Just the thought of seeing him again was enough to have butterflies swirling in your stomach. You were terrified of what he’d say to you, yes, but you missed him so dearly. As chaotic as he could be at times, he truly was your rock. And with each day that passed, the sore pang in your heart at the thought of him seemed to intensify.
Not to mention, your struggle with your assault was draining you. Your heart hurt every time you walked past a mirror, and every once in a while, you’d see yourself in that guard uniform.
“Where are you guys?” you asked Sam through the phone as you walked around your motel room pulling clothes on.
“Cicero, Indiana,” Sam replied.
Your heart and stomach dropped. “What?”
“No way you’re here, too,” Sam began to laugh.
“This isn’t fucking funny, Sam! I purposefully picked a case that seemed like it wouldn’t pan out to stay away from him!” you replied frantically. “I mean, ‘guy falls on his own power saw’ doesn’t exactly scream unsolved mysteries!”
Sam was still laughing, but cleared his throat before talking again. “Yeah, but Dean’s cruisin’ for a hookup, too. That’s his main motivation, I think.”
You scoffed and ignored the burning feeling in your chest. “Of course, he is. Who is it this time?”
“Lisa Braeden. His… five day road trip from about eight years ago,” Sam explained. 
“Oh,” you breathed out. “Gumby girl.”
“So you know of her,” Sam said.
“Oh, yeah! After one of the first times we had sex, he told me I gave Gumby Girl a run for her money. ‘Best sex of my life before you’ is a direct quote,” you told him.
“Okay, ew,” Sam grimaced. “I don’t need to hear about your sex life—”
“It was topically relevant, Sam!”
“—and this is apparently one of his ‘dying wishes’.” 
“Way to let me down easy, jackass,” you sassed at the brunet’s clear inability to read the room in this situation. 
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly.
“It’s fine. I’ll leave. Let Dean have his fun,” you continued.
“No, don’t!” Sam begged. “At least stay till tomorrow so we can meet for coffee. I’m sure Dean ‘ll still be out with Gumby.”
“We should probably call that poor woman by her actual name,” you giggled. “But sure. I’ll stay till then.”
“Great!” You could practically hear Sam grinning on the other end of the phone. “I’ll call you when I get up tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “Bye, Sammy.”
Someone pounding on your door at around one in the morning woke you up with a start. Swiftly, you put the barrel of your gun to the door and listened because there was no peephole for you to look through. You opened the door a crack when you heard nothing for a moment to reveal Dean staring at the ground before looking up at you.
Shocked, you slammed the door in his face and threw your gun at your bed. Unfortunately, you’d forgotten to lock the door behind you, and Dean waltzed into your bedroom.
“(Y/N), you can’t leave,” the man told you.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Dean? How did you even find me?!” you cried. “What, you think after three weeks of not talking I’m just gonna let you— Especially after you just fucked Gumby Girl—!” You began pacing around the room.
“I didn’t fuck Gumby Girl, (Y/N),” he said softly, still standing close to the door.
You scoffed and crossed your arms, suddenly very aware of the underwear and oversized band t-shirt you wore to bed that night. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious,” he replied, still staring at the ground. His hands stayed in his leather jacket pockets. “Couldn’t bring myself to even try.”
You threw your arms out in frustration. “What, am I supposed to forgive you for not fucking one out of the many Sam’s been telling me about you being with since I left?!”
Dean seemed stunned.
“Yeah! So, I’m sorry, but you’re not just gonna waltz in here and act like everything’s fine and dandy,” you chortled coldly.
“Are you gonna give me a chance to explain myself?” he questioned angrily.
“Why should I?” you scoffed.
“Because you love me! I thought that was the whole point!” he argued.
You stared him down, eyebrows drawn together. “Well, you obviously don’t love or respect me enough not to go fuck random girls literal days after I leave.”
“I do!” he shot back. “Would you just fucking listen? I was drinking alone when Sam thought I was with those other chicks.”
You said nothing, still glaring at him.
“I didn’t fuck any of them, (Y/N), ‘cause I couldn’t stop thinking about you!”
Tension hung thick in the air between the two of you, and you looked up at him with dewey eyes. When you couldn’t stand to hold his gaze anymore, you turned away. “Why didn’t you call? Why didn’t you… say it back? Say anything back?” Your voice broke while you talked. 
“I should’ve,” Dean replied quietly. “I- I’m sorry I didn’t.”
A tear slipped down your cheek. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have left you guys with those demons.”
You felt Dean’s fingers gently graze your arm, and he waited for you to flinch away for a moment. When you didn’t, he reached out and gingerly turned you to face him and held you to his chest. 
You melted into him almost immediately and let all of the emotion you’d been holding back for the past three weeks out. He rested his head on top of yours and just held you there for a minute. 
“I can’t watch you die, Dean,” you told him, still hugging him tightly. “I can’t do it.”
“I’m not asking you to,” he said. “Can you just… stick around till my time is up?” He gently pushed you away from him slightly to turn your eyes up to meet his gaze. “Please? It’s my dying wish.”
You giggled through your tears but nodded. You immediately dove back into his chest. “I don’t want you to leave,” you whispered. 
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he said, voice beginning to shake. “But I couldn’t let ‘im die, (Y/N). I couldn’t do it.” “I know,” you nodded. 
The two of you stood there holding each other once more until Dean spoke up again. “And, uh… ditto, by the way.”
“What?” you snorted, pulling away from him. 
“What you said… at Bobby’s,” he explained, avoiding your eyes.
“You love me?” you asked, smiling lopsidedly.
Dean just nodded. 
“And you told me just by saying ‘ditto’?” You burst out into laughter at Dean’s attempt at vulnerability. 
Dean went red in the face and turned away. 
“No, no!” you said, immediately quieting down. “It’s just— that was so cute. You’re adorable when you can’t emote properly.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, tilting your chin up to kiss you passionately and effectively silence your laughter. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck immediately; almost like a reflex. 
When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against Dean’s. 
“You know I’m not letting you leave again,” he said.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you smiled. 
You sat on the bed facing a shirtless Dean who was reclining against the headboard on a pillow while he told you his story from yesterday. He lazily drew circles on your outermost hip with his thumb as he talked. 
“So, I went to her house, right? ‘Cause… y’know. Gumby Girl,” he began sheepishly. “And, uh, turns out, she’s got a son.”
“Jesus, really?” you replied. “I forget most people have kids at our age.”
“See, this is where it gets interesting,” Dean continued. “So I go out to the backyard, and I see this kid, and (Y/N), I’m telling you, he looked just like me. Acted just like me, too. It felt like fuckin’ Freaky Friday.”
“Dean, don’t tell me—”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, too,” he cut you off. “But no. Lisa said he’s not mine.”
“How do you know she’s not lying?” you asked. You finally processed the story Dean was telling you, and realization washed over you in tidal waves. “You could have a child. You might be his father. What the fuck.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” he said. “It’s freakin’ me out, man. But that’s not all.”
“Dean, if this involves a paternity test that names you as a match, I’m gonna start freakin’ out,” you said.
“No, no, it doesn’t. At least, not yet,” he chuckled. 
You glared at him.
He laughed. “Anyway, I think there really is a case here. One of those kids at the party was weird.”
“Yeah, Dean, kids are weird. Any other earth-shattering news I should be aware of?” you snorted.
Dean deadpanned at you. “You know what I mean. She wasn’t standin’ all the way upright—”
“Maybe she just has scoliosis—” you cut in.
Dean kept talking over you. “—And she kept glaring at everybody—”
“—I glare at everybody—” you continued.
“—And it’s the kid whose dad fell on the power saw.”
You considered for a moment. “Okay, maybe there is something happening. But it could also just be how her grief is manifesting.”
“Yeah, but (Y/N), all kinds of freaky accidents have been happening all over the neighborhood,” Dean explained further. “People fallin’ off ladders, drowning in hot tubs—”
“Okay, maybe you’re right,” you sighed.
“What’s your hold-up with all this?” he asked.
“Whaddya think, Dean,” you deadpanned.
“What, Lisa?” He seemed genuinely shocked. 
“I just think we should leave this town in our rearview mirror. Y’know, between Gumby Girl and her kid that’s potentially yours— oh, god,” you muttered when you fully realized Dean might have a son.
“(Y/N), he’s probably not mine. I mean, she said he wasn’t,” Dean reminded you.
“Somehow, that’s not making me feel better,” you grumbled. 
Dean pulled you down toward him and gently kissed your lips.
“Dean—” you tried, but he cut you off with another kiss. “Dean—” and he kissed you again, “—you can’t just—” another kiss, “distract me with this stuff—” another kiss, “—when we’re in the middle of a serious discussion.”
Dean kissed you once more and pulled you to straddle his hips. “It’s working, isn’t it?”
“Unfortunately,” you smiled against his lips.
When Dean tried to grind up into you, though, you suddenly jerked back from him. 
He looked up at you in concern. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, tears swimming in your eyes. “I— I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s—”
“It’s okay,” Dean assured you. “We don’t have to do anything. It’s alright.”
You laid down on Dean’s chest, closing your eyes and trying to steady your breathing. Dean kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you to comfort you. Oh, how grateful you were to know him.
Later that day, you and Dean walked back to the Impala after investigating a few of the houses where accidents had happened recently. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary; no cold spots, no EMF, nothing resembling a creature’s lair. It was all very “Stepford” in Dean’s opinion.
When you’d almost reached the car, Dean abruptly grabbed your arm. You gasped slightly and turned to face the direction he was. 
“That’s him,” Dean whispered. “That’s the kid.”
You looked ahead at a little boy with spiky brown hair wearing a canvas jacket sitting sadly on a park bench. 
Dean slid his hand down your arm to your hand and pulled you along with him. “Hey, Ben,” he told the kid.
The boy looked up at Dean. “Hey. You were at my party.” Ben seemed to notice you for the first time. “ ‘Sup?” the little guy nodded at you, attempting to smirk through his apparent sadness. 
‘Jesus, this really might be Dean’s kid,’ you thought. 
“I'm Dean, this is (Y/N),” he said, sitting down next to Ben on the bench. You stood next to Dean cautiously. “Everything okay? Something wrong?” Dean asked Ben, who didn’t respond. 
You noticed the empty gaming console case Ben was holding and looked out to the field to see a group of four boys playing with something that looked just about the size to fit the case.
“Is that your game they're playing with?” the older Winchester asked Ben.
The little boy  wouldn’t look at you or Dean. “Ryan Humphrey borrowed it, and now, he won't give it back.”
Dean was immediately ready to beat up eight-year-olds. “Well, you want me to go—”
“No!” Ben exclaimed, grabbing Dean’s arm. “Don't go over there! Only bitches send a grown-up.”
Dean grinned. “You’re not wrong.”
This whole interaction was completely flooring you; rendering you unable to add anything to the conversation.
“And I am not a bitch,” Ben finished.
Dean pointed to a boy wearing long cargo shorts holding the gaming console. “Is that Humphrey? The one that needs to lay off the burgers?”
The little boy smiled and nodded.
Dean hummed. 
“Dean, what are you—”
He ignored you and turned to Ben to talk to him in a hushed voice. You couldn’t quite hear what Dean was telling him to do, and you were puzzled when Ben got up from the bench and started walking over to the group of boys.
“They’re gonna eat that poor kid alive, dude, what were you thinking?” you chastised him, shoving his shoulder lightly. 
“Just watch,” Dean urged.
Ben turned back around to the two of you, and Dean offered him a thumbs-up and a grin. 
A moment later, Ben turned away from the bullies before whipping back around and kicking the boy holding his game straight between his legs twice.
“Dean, what the fuck,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
Ben walked back to you and Dean, triumphantly smiling and holding his game. “Thanks! Dude, that was awesome!”
Suddenly, a gorgeous woman stormed up to you, Dean, and Ben. “Benjamin Isaac Braeden! What has gotten into you?!”
“Gumby Girl,” you realized. 
Dean smacked your thigh lightly to get you to be quiet.
“He stole my game!” Ben tried to explain.
“So you kick him? Since when is—” she looked down at Dean and scoffed. “Did you tell my son to beat up that kid?”
“What?” Dean was still smiling. “Somebody had to teach him how to kick the bully in the nads.”
“Who asked you to teach him anything?” Lisa argued.
“You’re right, he’s sorry,” you said, trying to pull Dean away.
“What are you even still doing here? We had one weekend together a million years ago. You don't know me. And you have no business with my son,” Lisa raged, grabbing Ben’s hand to walk off with him. “Just leave us alone.”
“He will!” you asserted, to both Lisa and Dean. 
Ben broke out of his mother’s grip and ran back to Dean, wrapping his arms around his legs in a tight hug. 
“Thanks,” Ben smiled up at Dean.
Your heart melted and broke at the sight. 
As Ben returned to his mother, you saw three children a few yards beyond them standing in a straight line and turning their heads in tandem. Dean seemed to have noticed, too, and the two of you decided to get out of there as quickly as possible.
When you got into the Impala, you couldn’t say a word. 
Dean looked over at you. “What?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’?” you replied.
“You look like you’re suckin’ on a lemon. C’mon, talk to me,” he urged.
“He really does seem like your kid,” was all you could manage to say.
Dean sighed. “Yeah, I know.”
“And, uh, if that does end up being the case—”
“Whoa, what?” Dean cut you off. “Since when am I following up with that?”
You sighed. “I don’t know, Dean, if you are his father, the kid deserves to have you in his life.”
“Sweetheart, the best thing I can do for that kid is get the hell away from him,” Dean replied. “He doesn’t need to be anywhere near me or this life.”
“Why?” you said. “ ‘Cause you think you’d be bad at it? You were great with him today.— y'know, aside from encouraging assault.”
“Yeah, (Y/N), for two seconds,” he said. “Why are you pushing this anyway?”
You paused. “I don’t know, I thought it might just be good for you. Give you an opportunity to live out your last year in peace. Happy.”
Dean’s posture softened, and he said nothing for a moment. “Thanks, but no. I’d take you and huntin’ evil sons of bitches over Middle America any day.” He reached out to you and pulled you to him, placing a kiss to the side of your head. 
When you arrived at the boys’ motel room, Sam was at his laptop researching. 
“Somethin’s wrong with the kids in this town,” you told him as you took your jacket off.
Sam replied without looking away from his computer, “Yeah. Tell me about it. So, what do you know about changelings?”
“Evil monster babies?” Dean questioned.
“No, not babies,” you chimed in.
“They're kids,” Dean realized. “Creepy, ‘stare at you like you're lunch’ kids?”
Sam nodded. “There's one at every victim's house.”
“Oh, that’s just perfect,” you mumbled.
“What?” Sam questioned. 
“We got a pile of missing kids being kept in a hole somewhere and a fuckton of changelings we gotta torch. Dean, where’s your kerosene?”
“Already on it,” he said, leaving the room.
“So, I’m guessing you talked things out,” Sam said once the door closed behind Dean.
“Oh, shut up,” you grumbled playfully. 
“So… you’re not leaving?” Sam questioned.
“No. Not yet, anyway,” you said, tone becoming more serious. “I’ll be there to tell him ‘bye,’ but I won’t watch him get dragged to hell. I can’t do that, Sam.”
The younger Winchester paused. “I get it. Hopefully, we won’t have to.”
Dean came back into the room not a moment later holding his torch and grinning.
“You and your gadgets,” you laughed warmly. 
“So, changelings can perfectly mimic children,” Sam began. “According to lore, they climb in the window, snatch the kid. Y'know, there were marks on the windowsill at one of the kid's houses. Looked to me like blood.”
“The changeling grabs a kid, assumes its form, joins the happy fam just for kicks?” Dean questioned.
“I wish that were the case,” you said. “Changelings feed on the mom’s synovial fluid. Sam, did you notice any strange bruising on their backs? It’d be just below the base of their neck?”
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Sam asked you. 
“It’s the typical spot they feed from,” you replied. “On the end of their creepy, face-hugger-from-Alien tongues, they have these little spines that extend through the body to reach all those spaces between the joints. Pretty gnarly injuries.”
“Right,” Sam nodded. “Changelings can drain them for a few weeks before mom finally croaks.”
“And then, there's dad and the babysitter,” Dean added, referencing two of the victims.
“Yeah. Seems like anyone who gets between the changeling and its food source ends up dead,” Sam finished.
“And fire’s the only way to kill ‘em,” you said, nodding at Dean’s torch. “See why I was worried about all this?”
“Yeah,” Dean huffed. “Great.”
“According to lore, they stash the kids underground somewhere,” Sam continued, “I don't know why, but if it's true, the real kids might be out there.”
“We better start looking,” Dean asserted, seeming to have something on his mind.
“What?” you asked.
He hesitated before answering you with a question. “Any kid in the neighborhood is vulnerable?”
You nodded.
“We gotta make a stop. I wanna check on someone,” Dean told you, and you knew he meant Ben.
Dean held your gaze as Sam began to protest. “Well Dean, if the real kids are still alive, we don't have time. We—”
“We have to,” Dean stated firmly. 
Throughout the drive to Lisa’s house, you tried your best to remain calm. You weren’t truly worried about the potential that Ben could’ve been kidnapped or by the fact that Dean was upset, it was the thought of Lisa and Ben potentially taking Dean away from you. You knew your fear was irrational and maybe even a bit toxic, but you still worried that maybe Dean was still attracted to Lisa. Or maybe Dean was Ben’s dad and would be obligated to see and spend time around the two of them. The thought nearly made you throw up while you watched Dean knock on Lisa’s door. 
You saw Lisa yelling at him, and Dean ran back over to the Impala seeming incredibly worried. “They took Ben. He's changed,” Dean explained, hurriedly getting into the car.
“What?! Are you sure?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, I'm sure. I checked his windowsill,” the older brother nodded.
“I don't think it is blood, and I think I know where the kids are.”
Dean drove quickly toward a house under construction with a large mound of red dirt sitting on the lawn outside of it. The exterior of the home was almost finished, and the “For Sale” sign on the lawn was stained partially by the dirt.
“Red dirt,” Sam noted, bending down to inspect the sign. “That's what was on the window.”
“Ah, you take the front,” Dean told Sam. “(Y/N), take the left side; I got the other.”
You nodded and set off, gun and flashlight drawn. You crept around the corners of the house until you came to a set of doors angled down to a cellar. You jumped down into it and found small, empty cages lining the walls.
“What do you think you're doing?” a voice suddenly asked from behind you. 
You looked up at the entrance of the cellar to see a redheaded woman glaring at you. 
“You’re staying here until I can get the police here,” the woman said, pulling out her phone.
“Wait, wait,” you tried. “I’m sorry, I was just looking for a place to stay for the night.”
“Then why do you have a gun?” she hissed.
“Self-defense,” you replied coolly. “Please, I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
The redhead tsked and shook her head. “I don’t think you will.” She stood from the entrance to the cellar and closed both doors on you.
“Wait, no!” You rushed toward the doors, but it was too late. She had latched them shut by the time you got to them. Immediately, you started banging on the doors and trying to get them open. You turned around to one of the cages and picked it up, hurling it at the closed doors. You tried again and again, using the cage to hit the door, your shoulder to slam into it, and even tried using a piece of wire from the cage to take off the hinges, but nothing worked. Helplessly, you banged on the door and screamed for Sam and Dean.
Suddenly, you began to smell smoke.
‘Oh, fuck,’ you thought, breath quickening with urgency. You slammed your body into the doors as hard as you could manage. 
Across the cellar from you, the flames began to catch the ceiling, creating a gaping hole in the floor for debris and fiery planks of wood to fall through. You slammed into the doors once more, screaming for Dean. 
The smoke in the room began to fill your lungs and forced a cough out of you. You screamed Dean’s name again hoarsely, turning around briefly to see the fire had spread incredibly close to you. If you didn’t get out soon, the whole building would collapse on your head.
“Dean, please!” you screamed. 
Suddenly, you heard the door to the cellar unlatching.
“Dean!” you cried.
He threw the doors open and pulled you out of the smoldering building. He quickly checked you over for injuries, cupping the sides of your face. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. Let’s go!” You grabbed Dean’s hand and pulled him around to the front of the house, running as fast as your legs would carry you as flames taunted you dangerously close to your face. You ran across the street to where Sam was standing with a crowd of terrified children and Ben. 
“Sam!” you exclaimed. “Everybody okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I think so,” Sam replied. 
Ben seemed shaken up, but he was trying to comfort the other kids around him. You smiled down at him. Dean was exactly the same way. No matter what was going on in his own head, he always checked on the needs of others first. It was one of the things you loved most about him; he was always showing you what compassion truly looked like. 
When the fire department had come and the children— all except for one— had been returned home, you and the boys drove Ben back to Lisa’s house. 
“Ben?!” the woman called, running out of the house. “Baby, are you okay?”
Ben ran to his mom and hugged her. “I'm okay, Mom.”
“Oh, my god,” Lisa sobbed. “What the hell just happened?”
“I'll explain everything if you want me to,” Dean started, “but, trust me, you probably don't. The important thing is that Ben's safe.”
“Thank you,” Lisa surged forward and hugged Dean. “Thank you.”
Dean seemed hesitant for which you were thankful, but still returned her hug.
Ben turned to head into his house, and Lisa moved to follow. She turned back to Dean apprehensively. “Do you— wanna come inside?” she asked. 
“Uh, no thanks,” Dean replied. “We, uh, gotta hit the road.”
Lisa nodded, deflating slightly. 
“But… you’re a hundred-percent sure Ben’s not mine, right?” Dean asked. 
She nodded and smiled. “You're off the hook. I did a blood test when he was a baby.”
“Oh,” Dean replied. “Good.”
“I... I swear you look disappointed,” Lisa noted.
“Yeah, I don't know. It's weird, you know your life... I mean, this house and a kid…” he trailed off. “It's not my life. Never will be. Some stuff happened to me recently, and, uh... Anyway, a guy in my situation— you start to think, y’know. I'm gonna be gone one day, and what am I leaving behind besides a car?”
“I don't know. Ben may not be your kid, but,” Lisa began, “he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. That's a lot if you ask me.”
Dean nodded and turned back to you and his brother who stood by the car watching silently. “You know, just for the record…” He turned back to Lisa.  “You got a great kid. I would've been proud to be his dad.”
Lisa smiled at him, as did you, before Dean headed back to the driver’s seat. For once, Sam let you sit in the passenger’s seat, and you popped a Faith No More cassette into the Impala’s built-in player. 
A few hours into the drive, Sam had fallen asleep. You and Dean were left holding each other’s hand in silent support; a reassurance the other was there and okay. 
“Did you mean what you said earlier? To Lisa?” you murmured.
“About what?”
“Leaving nothing behind except a car?” you continued.
“Aw, c’mon—” Dean sighed. 
“No, Dean. That’s crap,” you quietly said. “You have a legacy. Everything you’ve ever done has been out of love and compassion. That is who you are. That’s what you’re leaving behind.”
Dean’s eyes flicked toward you, his expression unreadable. He was quite literally the only person to ever confuse your intuitive, watchful eye with his thoughtful, complicated expressions. 
The older Winchester turned his eyes back to the road and brought your entwined hands to his lips, kissing the backs of your knuckles. 
You reveled in the feeling, knowing the feeling of his lips on your skin in this moment, the pattern of Sam’s breathing steadily in the backseat, and the way his hand felt in yours would be a memory you’d need to hold onto when he was gone. Maybe that way, you’d be able to find peace; knowing that not even death could completely tear Dean away from you. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
72 notes · View notes
yousaydisco · 1 day
I can't stop thinking about this post (TL;DR it is about how Kim's life is almost as sad as Harry's due to how he has lived his entire life as horribly repressed, not allowing himself the freedom of his own silliness which is why he is such a good pairing for Harry, since they are both silly) and I started thinking about thoughts
specifically how this knowledge would fit into a swap AU
like a lot of other people here, I really like a swap AU and I think it allows for a fun way to flip each character on its head and examine a Harry who is more cleaned up vs a Kim who is more of a disaster, and how Harry would fit taking a more patient role to a Kim that lost his memory. But! A problem I have with a lot of swap AU's is that Kim just. . . would never be allowed to be a disaster like Harry is.
If Kim was like Harry, who was brilliant and highly capable and basically the perfect detective except for substance abuse problems, explosive personality, narcissistic traits (looking at you, Superstar), and overall impossible to control, he would get fired. He wouldn't be given 500 chances like Harry (presumably) has. So in his swap AU, Kim is still his highly controlled self and Harry is slightly less of a disaster. Enough so that he doesn't drink himself to amnesia at the start of the case, but he is still a mess dealing with all his stuff.
So how did Kim lose his memory? Probably a car accident. Had to get dragged out of his precious Kineema and its completely totaled, he was hold up at the Whirling-In-Rags as he healed and woke up with just. No memory.
And no reason to repress anything anymore.
Some scenes:
Harry arrived at the crime scene days late because he was avoiding work to get drunk, which is also why Jean Vic isn't with him either because he's sick of babysitting him so when he gets to the Whirling and hears that the other officer hasn't been picking up the slack and instead is horribly injured he's like. Fuck!
Kim doesn't remember shit. Not about him, not about the world, but after some time wandering behind Harry all dazed and confused he finally sees Harry's car and GASPS and rushes over. He examines this thing top to bottom and spouts off trivia facts a mile a minute at Harry, who is just standing there like 'I thought this guy had brain damage' but he listens. So patiently.
He eventually does have to stop him though. He says its for the case, but it's really when Kim starts looking at the interior and he doesn't want him to see the mess in there. Or how badly he's taking care of the car.
Harry isn't sure why he's suddenly so insecure about being seen as messy in front of his guy. Whatever.
During the field autopsy Harry, who is horribly hungover, still throws up. Kim still comforts him by rubbing his back, probably went ahead and pull his hair away from Harry's face, and then pats around his pockets for the handkerchief.
Kim gets an inkling of a feeling that he's missing something (his notebook, though he doesn't know that yet) but Harry doesn't notice what is going on in Kim's head yet, when he probably normally would, because his highly highly repressed bi-sexuality is rearing his head because there is this guy just casually touching him lovingly and he can't think.
(Kim probably also lost his gun and badge, it fell out of his jacket when he was being dragged from the car, but Harry told him that in their first conversation. He wouldn't know that Kim is also missing a notebook)
Kim is also putting in all his effort into the field autopsy. He's like, I'm a cop? Okay, let's solve this!
When Harry suggests that Kim get on his shoulders to get the hanged man down he's like, hmm you look strong enough to carry me alright let's try that, and Harry barely has time to register that this guy called him STRONG LOOKING before Kim is climbing on him and he has to try and appear COMPLETLY 100% STRAIGHT.
He succeeds, but mostly because Kim is too focused on getting the corpse down. If he looked at Harry's face it would be very obvious.
But the actual autopsy = Kim probably approaches it mostly fearless. And he's trying to be really observant to make up for his eyesight not being all that great, and he's probably talking out loud about everything since he can't write it down. But it would still be Harry who noticed the bullet. Kim probably compliments Harry on his ability to see it and, again, Harry loses it a little bit.
Kim's interactions with Cuno and Cunoesse helps him unpack a few sense memories of going undercover with juvenile delinquents and he thinks the best way to talk to them is to relate to them. Somehow. All he can remember his trivia facts about Pinball and the best strategies to get a high school, and in between his lecture on it he sometimes breaks into rants about how Pinball sucks actually, and he hates it, and it makes him feel bad for reasons he doesn't know.
Harry tries to make Kim seem less weird by throwing in facts about Contact Mike.
More than anything it just baffles Cuno and Cunoesse.
When Kim hears that "Welcome to Revachol" for the first time he doesn't remember that its racist, but he does know how it makes him feel, so he's instantly pissed off. Harry, who is overall a good guy but has absolutely said racist stuff while drunk and probably the day before, goes off as well and stands up to the racist so Kim doesn't do something WORSE and get in trouble. It's not that Harry is socially aware enough that has a white guy he can get away with more stuff, he wants Kim to like him.
You know how at the end of day briefing in the game has Harry calling Kim so cool, and it feels like that is the moment where Kim is really endured to Harry? In this AU, Kim will say something like hey. We should hang out once the case is over. And Harry, who has a whole thing about feeling like he's terrible and horribly unlikeable and just wants someone to see him as a mess worthy of their time rather than just a fucked up person, finally admits to himself that he cannot repress this anymore and he might have a crush on this super cool weirdo.
(that doesn't mean Harry feels any better about himself, really. He's now just convinced that he has to Fix Himself Completely overnight so that he can actually help this guy regain his memories.)
(OH ACTUALLY! No, Harry doesn't want to help Kim regain his memories. He's not going to actively try and stop it if it happens, but he will secretly hope that he never remembers the world in case they met while Harry was blackout drunk and Kim won't like him anymore.)
A scene where Kim fiddles with Harry's radio and it starts playing disco. He can't help but let out an audible "ew." before switching it to Speedfreaks. Harry is offended to his CORE and they have a playful but still loud/heated argument about music.
THE BOARD GAME SCENE! Harry still gets Suzerainty and when he starts popping out the cardboard pieces Kim just SNATCHES it out of his hands. No apology. And he's having such an obvious blast just poking out the pieces and then taking out every part of the board game so he can see all the components (classic autism moment) that Harry impulsively (classic ADHD moment) buys multiple more board games just to give Kim more fun little pieces to poke out. And Kim loves it, and Harry thinks "I'm winning at making friends. I'm going to win a prize at making friends and the prize will be a friend :)"
They do eventually find Kim's badge and gun and Harry is very happy at that, but Kim is still like. Hmm. Something is missing.
When he finds his notebook he's just. SO HAPPY! He thinks its like being reunited with a friend. Probably hugs it/clutches it tight to his chest. But when he opens it he's like "god damn my handwriting is awful."
Harry asks to read it, mostly joking around, fully ready to steal it when Kim isn't looking, except Kim just. Hands it over. And doesn't stop Harry from reading it. And of course Harry does.
Kim doesn't really KNOW about homophobia so he probably just. Says gay shit all the time. And Harry can't deal with it. The scene with the smoker on the balcony is still really funny but it's less of Harry having a bi-panic moment (he still has elements of it though) but when Kim starts flirting back in earnest Harry is just. Jealous out of his mind. Puts a stop to it ASAP he's like "OKAY WE WILL TALK TO YOU LATER. ACTUALLY ONLY I WILL TALK TO YOU LATER. KIM LET'S GO!"
When Jean comes into the picture and starts arguing with/berating Harry, he's about ready to turn it into an all out brawl right there in the cafeteria, but Kim is like "HEY! You ass! He's been very helpful this whole time! Just because he's a drunk and he smells bad doesn't mean shit!"
Harry has heart eyes.
The tribunal has the injuries reversed, Kim gets shot and Harry gets the concussion and needs to keep Kim alive. Harry, who has been trying to sober up during the case for Kim's sake, takes speed to allow him to stay up to monitor Kim's health and as soon as Kim wakes up he's like "great! fantastic!" and passes the fuck out.
The whole thing with the Phasmid is the first time where Harry nerds out over something and not Kim. And Kim listens. And Harry probably cries because like, it's something he's allowed to like that isn't related to WORK and someone actually cares about what he is like when he isn't DETECTING and it helps him feel like a person rather than the Superstar Cop.
(Right after his rant on cryptids, Kim goes on a tangent about his cool camera and tells Harry every little thing about it and they just. Nerd out together).
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God of death Logan and his right hand Wade a man who can't die
Ft: @existentialgaybirdnerd
He's a mercenary still and maybe he met Logan during the weapon X offshoot thing. And then he ends up doing not only mercenary jobs but also jobs for Logan
Bird: Logan was trying to help along all the souls left after the fire and was trying to help Wade when he woke up
He gets glimpses during the torture but absolutely he finally sees him for real after the fire
Bird: Logan liked Wade because he sent so many people to him and was funny, so seeing him during and after the fire and unable to help him broke his heart. When Wade gasped awake, Logan nearly cheered for the human who had once again escaped his grasp
And Wade immediately blurts out that he is the hottest thing he's ever seen
Bird: "Am I in fucking heaven because holy shit I think I'm looking at God"
And Logan can't help but be flattered because no one ever looks at him with anything other than fear
After this Logan says he will help Wade get his revenge and that's exactly what he does. He has a grudge against these people anyway because of how many innocents are being slaughtered.
He is there for every single death and Wade treats it like courting.
Bird: Logan watches as Wade kills every person and whispers suggestions for questions and suit designs in his ear, amusing himself with Al's sass. Twist: that's who Wade is talking to during 4th wall breaks
When Francis dies Logan is ecstatic and immediately grabs his soul and pretty much eviscerates him. Francis has about 2 seconds before he realizes what's going on and Logan just waves at him and then Wade waves at him. And Francis has the biggest OH SHIT moment in existence.
Bird: And then Wade gets up and the Vanessa thing happens and when the other two walk away he asks how she would feel being in a throuple with death
Vanessa the legend she just shrugs and asks if death is hot
Bird: Death goes on a vacation (me: Or alternatively not quite a vacation but he is regularly around.) to be in a happy throuple for a couple of years. Pretends to be a simple mutant
Bird: He doesn't need to do TOO much because he's got helpers anyway. Death is a lot of paperwork but he collects souls sometimes for fun. So he'll just bring paperwork to their apartment and parallel play while they all do their own thing
Vanessa when she first sees him says this was the best decision of her life. While Logan immediately likes her because of how similar she is to Wade
Weasel absolutely notices Wade doesn't talk into thin air when Logan is around and he's getting suspicious.
Bird: One day Logan looks at Weasel as he's trying to figure it out and winks at him and disappears
WEASEL FREAKS OUT Wade and Vanessa play dumb
Bird: Wade: "he went to the bathroom like 2 minutes ago man, what do you meant he disappeared?"
Weasel would write it off because of a mutation but he already damn well knows Logan's mutation. He has to It's best friend code to know everything about your best friends partner or partners in this case
Bird: Logan will go invisible and just fuck with things behind the bar when it's a slow night, making Weasel think the place is haunted. and he always wins the dead pools and no one knows how
(Dp 2)
Bird: Logan is busy or indisposed and Vanessa wouldn't necessarily die, but Wade does kinda lose his shit because holy hell someone tried to kill my gf and now there's a boy in trouble.
Ooohhh what it could be is because of Cable coming into existence during the past it's screwing things up for Logan on his side
Logan ends up outing himself when Cable appears in the apartment with his idea.
Logan just appears and starts cursing Cable out because DO YOU KNOW THE NIGHTMARE THAT YOU JUST CAUSED FOR ME?!
42 notes · View notes
Logan x Reader pt. 15
The rest of what I wanted to put in 14
Also I'm so sorry for the delay, genuinely had the worst few weeks of my life 🤌🏻 thank you for not giving up on me
<<Part 14 Masterlist
Laying in bed next to Logan was bliss. Since accepting his proposal the two of you had amped up your love. If that was even possible.
If he wasn't whipped before he definitely was now. The boys lovingly teased him as he literally waited on you, hand and foot. He wanted you to be cared for, wanted you to feel loved, feel special. He wanted you to be the queen you were.
He even learned how to braid hair for you.
You were just drifting off to sleep when a yelp woke you.
Logan pushed you back down into the covers. “Stay here.”
“No!” You argued, jumping up and sprinting after him.
Jean was on the floor with a weird circular object on her forehead. You paused but didn't stop as she was breathing. You had to push on, had to find the intruder, to prevent the rest of the residents from danger.
As you legged it to keep up with your fiancé you passed more unconscious bodies - Remy, Darwin and Kitty to name a few - they each had the same disc attached to their foreheads but we're still breathing.
“Logan?!” You called out as you flew down the stairs.
He was out of your line of sight. He'd led you to the dining hall - you think - but what way had he gone? There were doors on each wall, what one had he run through? Had he even come through here?
You were too exposed standing in the centre of the hall in nothing but a nightie. Was this the right move? Should you have stopped and helped the others? Who was here? Who was infiltrating the Mansion this time? Mutant or human?
That line of thought had you wondering: what if the discs were lethal? What if you'd sealed their fate by trying to prevent others? What if the discs were draining their life force? FUCK!!
As your mind spun you backed up against the far wall. You needed to keep a level head so the wall was an attempt to ground yourself but it wasn't exactly easing your anxieties.
You formed flat fields which sat by your fists - Magneto had been right to tell you to try and form different shapes - in an offence manoeuvre. Keeping silent to hear or see anything. To get any sort of clue as to who or what had broken in.
Heavy footsteps echoed beyond the door to your left and suddenly it was blown off of its hinges.
She sauntered into the hall, and for having just booted the wood she didn't seem winded.
The girl was young. She had dark hair and an angry expression, wearing jeans and a leather jacket.
“Hello?” You had never seen her before. Usually if someone was invading the Mansion you had a vague idea. The humans usually wore the same uniform and any other mutant that came knocking usually had some sort of gimmick or name correlating to their power.
She answered with a snarl, launching forward.
You blocked her attack and were in shock.
Was… was this like Magneto? Did he have a child?
You couldn't blame the man for having a past but you were convinced your Logan would've told you.
The girl was angry. She didn't like that you blocked her attack. She jumped straight back in punching and kicking - KICKING WITH A FOOT CLAW!?!? - at your fields. Each attack you countered and pushed her off.
“Who are you?” You yelled over her grunts.
She managed to slip two claws through a field - barely missing your exposed thigh - but you held them in place. “What they made me.”
“Who made you?” You cried out, shoving her backwards and into the mahogany table.
She crouched on the table reminiscent of Kurt. “Alkali.” You had no idea who Alkali were. Wracking your brain, you only knew HYDRA, SWORD, AIM.. no Alkali.
She had stayed still on the table so you raised your palms in a surrender, fields away. “Why are you here?”
“He is to blame. They did this to me because of him!”
The girl leaped from the table and over you. You produced another field inches above your head and caught the circle she had tried to place.
“What is this? What have you done to my friends?” You wrapped a field around it and brought it close to your eyes. It had a red flashing light and tiny pincers.
“They're just asleep.” She growled. “Like you should be!”
The girl tried to kick your feet but you jumped back. As you landed, your ankle rolled and you lost your footing. You stumbled and landed on your butt encapsulated yourself in a field.
The girl stood over you, her arms folded and wearing a taunting smile. Fuck, she looked like him. He was definitely her father. 100%
“Hey!” Logan yelled behind you.
The girl snarled upwards and circled your sorry ass, heading forwards. She revealed her claws.
“X.” She spoke.
“Names Logan.” His claws unsheathed. “Now who the fuck are you?”
As if?!
Could he not put two and two together?
“They made me because of you!” She snarled but from your angle you could see tears forming. Her anger was still present but there was also sadness, a hopelessness.
“Who made you?” His eyes watched her stalk around the room, she kicked a chair out of her way, her eyes never leaving him.
“Sutter, Kinney, Rice.” She spat the names. The names didn't ring any bells with you and you could see they didn't with Logan. “But you gave the order.”
His brows twitched in puzzlement. “I would never! It almost killed me.”
“You're gonna wish it killed me!” She jumped upwards and crashed into him.
Laura was no longer a volatile gremlin.
Well... she was still quick to anger and she was still just as gremlinesque as Logan.
But now she knew you were no longer a threat.
She was slowly - immensely slow - integrating into the X-Mansion.
A team of Kurt, Jean and Kitty broke into the Alkali facility. The cooperation was under the Umbrella of HYDRA, meaning it was just as sinister.
They had returned with horrid news.
Laura had been created merely as an experiment and was essentially cloned from a scrap of DNA they stole.
The implications of HYDRA cloning was terrifying. They were creating and cloning weapons of mass destruction.
You read the stolen file as the X-Men discussed above your head.
‘Laura Kinney’.
She had mentioned the name Kinney.
Her mother was a scientist and had donated her eggs to create this weapon. She had been created in a lab to replicate the Weapon X process.
Her handlers had tried to integrate her into society to act as a sleeper but she didn't cope well around humans. In response to that they isolated her for years, only bringing her out for training, experimenting with her healing factor and finally her Adamantium transfusion.
“She can't stay here.” Scott sighed, he didn't mean to sound as harsh as he did. “I want to help her but the students are terrified.”
“She hasn't been around people.” You supplied. “They isolated her from age eight to fifteen.”
Charles was silent, scanning your mind for the information it held.
“She's my responsibility.” Logan was standing in the corner, arms folded. If you didn't know better you'd say his power was weather manipulation with the rain cloud that had followed him these past weeks.
The two of you had spoken about the potential of him having offspring. He had told you there were two possibilities, one being from his time in Japan and the other Iraq.
He had apologised but it was none of your business really. You couldn't have kids anyway. Why would you be upset that he had them?
Okay maybe it was a little strange.
His immortality kept slipping from your mind only to be thrust right back in your face when you least suspected it.
Would his children be like Laura?
Would they be powerful?
Have claws?
“I'll look after her.” Logan told the group. “I'll need help but I want to take her in. Show her that she doesn't have to be a weapon.”
You saw the vulnerability he tried to keep at bay. He was so unsure of himself.
He'd never been a father.
Never accepted that role.
He was a leader, a teacher, an X-Man but never something as delicate as a father.
“We'll all help Logan.” You hoped to ease his turmoil.
The crease between his brows lifted and his frown disappeared. He could always rely on you. Ride or die.
Charles’ chair moved, pulling attention. “I'd like to speak to Logan and Y/N separately.”
The others gave pointed looks but did comply and soon enough the three of you were alone.
You were sitting on the small sofa he had in his office - it was really more of a miniature library/study - the file on the coffee table in front of you. Logan had taken four steps towards Charles’ desk but he was still standing at a distance. Charles had stopped next to his window, he turned to it and sighed. The weather had been drizzly, a grey sky stared back at him.
“She is haunted.” Charles informed. “She needs reliable, consistent help.”
You could do that.
You could be that for someone.
Logan huffed. “I'll give it all I got.”
“But that also may cause problems to arise.” Charles licked his lips. “Sometimes what happens is terrible and it's hard but the person trying to help makes it worse.”
You didn't understand.
Did she or didn't she need constant help?
“My paralysis didn't occur because of the bullet but because Erik took it out.” He gave an example. “Sometimes we need to take a step back and let what happened happen.”
You summarised. “So she needs consistency and reliable help but she needs us to step back?”
“She isn't used to caring individuals. She'll need time but I do think she'll come around.”
Mario Kart and Sonic were your way of introducing Laura into the world.
It taught her how to take losing graciously, team work, social skills, practical problem solving…
And best of all.
It was fun.
She was having fun.
Acting like a normal kid.
You were Wario because for some reason you loved that short king and she chose Daisy. You'd tell everyone to join as the GameCube had four controllers. It was only a matter of time before you upgraded and splurged on the PlayStation.
Kurt and Jubilee were Laura's favourites. They played animatedly next to her and she observed the way they acted. Watched them so closely you could see her imitate their behaviours.
Scott slumped into the empty couch space next to you. “I'm playing the winner.”
Kurt smirked up at Scoot. “Can't vait to beat you, too.”
You rolled your eyes as much as possible without them leaving the screen. “As if.”
Jubilee sat on your other side, whilst Kurt and Laura were sprawled out on the floor, moving her body animatedly to turn where you had.
Scott watched the game turn into madness, you all bickering and yelping as shells and banana peels hit you.
Mario - Jubilee - won, with Daisy, King Boo - Kurt - and Wario close behind. Just at the last second you Blue Shelled King Boo and squeezed into third place.
Kurt was salty but admitted it was a clever move as he handed the controller to Scott.
Scott switched up his character to Donkey Kong and decided on the track.
You hated this track. Who in their right mind picks Rainbow Road?!
The fucker was good at Rainbow Road. You Jubilee and Laura were not so good, all crashing into everything and falling off the edges.
“Hey Scott.” You spoke casually compared to how chaotic you all were feeling. “Logan's thinking of having a Best Woman so you wanna be my Man of Honour?”
Donkey Kong flew off the side. “Did you-what?”
“I didn't say that to fuck with you but I'm glad it worked.” You nudged his elbow with your own.
“Yeah, I'll be your Man of Honour.” He dropped a giant banana peel in your path.
Later in the evening, as the two of you were in the Kitchen, Scott asked if it was real, if you actually wanted him to be your Man of Honour and you said yes.
Why wouldn't you?
He was your friend.
Logan was planning on asking Jean, so you felt solid in your choice. Scott was a dear friend to you and due to your proximity to Jean he had grown even closer now they were finally dating.
“I don't think we're having a big ceremony though.” You warned. “It may just be us four.”
“That's fine.” He sliced some Mango.
You watched him make a fruit salad, snagging some pieces for yourself, in silence. It was astonishing that you hadn't been interrupted. For once, everything was calm.
Just as you were praising being uninterrupted Logan entered the Kitchen.
“Finally, been looking everywhere.”
You gave him a smile. “My Man of Honour and I have been here a while.”
Logan's brows rose as he laughed. “You asked?”
“Yup, was destroying him at Mario Kart-”
“-and thought I should probably ask.”
Logan's arm wrapped around your waist automatically and he nodded down at you. “Should probably ask Jean. You settled on a date yet?”
“No,” you scrunch your nose. “It's our wedding, you have to he-” The sentence was left unfinished as his fingers dug into your side tickling you.
"Just want you to be happy."
Logan, Storm, Scott, Jean, Beast and Kurt were all off on a mission leaving you as the responsible adult.
Fuck that.
It was boring with them all off. Luckily Laura was there for you when she wasn't reading.
The girl had stormed through your book collection and was currently rereading 1984.
So you were feeling lonesome.
There were others at the Mansion: Colossus, Shadowcat, Jubilee, Rogue, Bobby, etc but they weren't immediate friends.
A knock at the doors pulled your attention - you were planning on rotting in bed, having come down for some popcorn and a glass of water.
Pulling the heavy front door open you found two people.
One was a mad dressed in all red, he had an assortment of weapons on his person, and the other was a child. She had tanned skin and dark hair, scars visible by her eyes.
“Y/N! Hi. I'm Flashback Deadpool!” He shook your hand with such enthusiasm that your shoulder was moving. “And this little pumpkin is Gabby.”
“Hi Gabby.” You flashed the warmest smile you could. “Are you two rel-”
“No, Flashback Y/N. We aren't. Well, if we're going Mayaverse and not movieverse we came outta the same place. Gabby is a clone of Laura who's a clone of Logan who SPOILERS IS A CLONE OF HUGH JACKMAN!” Deadpool cackled to himself.
“Oh, okay.” You didn't know what to do. How did this man know your name? Why was he saying flashback? Against your better judgement you asked, “Would you like to come in?”
“Yeah sure,” Deadpool took a hold of Gabby's hand, “but I want to remind present Y/N that she's on the stairs.”
There was a group photo on the wall. It was professionally taken and each member looked pristine. Charles was sitting in his chair with Jean, Rogue and Storm on an expensive looking sofa; Scott was perched on the sofa’s arm beside Jean as Bobby, Colossus and Hank stood behind it. Jubilee and Kurt were kneeling at Storm's feet.
How proud they all looked.
There was a smaller photograph taped next to the large frame. It must've been taken seconds after the main one as each member had chaotic grins, laughing ridiculously.
They were a family.
They are a family.
It was eerie.
It had taken you ages to realise it.
But it was eerie.
It felt wrong. An unease settled into your bones.
You felt like the jigsaw was complete with your missing piece underneath the table.
The others wouldn't feel this way.
They hadn't lived here.
Gambit didn't remember a time before the Void and Laura barely had Logan and Charles.
You stepped away, passing portraits of lost mutants.
You'd never be there because you were never there.
You felt sick.
How could they not know you when they were such a big part of you?
They were YOUR FAMILY.
Landing in a Wasteland was not how you thought you'd spend the day.
What had happened? Did Kurt teleport you?
Where the fuck were you?
Rising from the sand you tried to make out anything - any landmarks - but the glare of the sun was too much.
Where was Logan? Laura? Gabby? Scott? Jean? Storm? Wade?!
Where were your friends?!
You spun to see Dazzler. She looked different. Older. Worn. Weak.
“It's so good to see a familiar face!” Grinning ear to ear.
“Where are we? Egypt?” You had to bring your hand up to shield your eyes.
“N-” Her face dropped. “No, we're elsewhere.”
What did that mean?
She gave you a pitiful expression before shaking her head. “Go, run, head that way. They won't find you there.”
“Alison I don't understa-”
“Go!” Her eyes glittered and she turned her back on you. “I've given you a chance, take it. Run.”
What were you running from?
What were you running to?
Why were you running?
No one likes running!
But she clearly meant it.
You turned in the direction she had gestured to and began walking, hoping that she would snap out of it and follow you. Tell you where you were heading.
She didn't.
You found scraps of… well of everything. There were buildings, monuments, vehicles, clothes, shields, weapons - mainly faulty - bones, graves and most importantly more sand.
It was hot - it was so hot - you had to unzip your suit, tying the fabric around your waist. Sweat marks already stained the fabric of your vest.
Was this the right way?
You climbed to the peak of a sand mound - hill? dune? Whatever the word was, it was too hot to even try to think - and saw something moving.
Squinting your eyes impossibly small you believe it's a bike, the rider was maybe a man? Could be a strong woman.
Either way they were your help.
You jogged down the sand and waved your hands at them.
The bike spun around and headed back towards you.
You waited, no use wasting energy when they were coming your way right?
Hopefully they spoke English. If not they still could tell you where you were.
As the bike approached you knew the rider.
“Victor?” You'd met him once. Logan had tried to keep him at bay, keep the two of you separate but you did cross paths.
“Why's a pretty lady like you asking?” His eyes scanned your body. He was wearing a black Stetson and a long leather - in this heat?! - coat.
“It's me.” That was helpful. “It's Y/N, we met briefly. I'm Logan's wife.”
He chuckled. “What one?”
“Dude, you're my brother in law don't be an ass.”
He sneered.
“Fine," Your hands flew up. "You can be an ass but please tell me: where are we?”
Victor took the Stetson off and dusted it. “Limbo, Purgatory, neither here nor there.”
You wanted to sass him but something he said rang true. This place didn't feel real, it felt like a sort of limbo. In the scraps you had found vintage TVs and futuristic clothing. Neither here nor there.
“We're dead?” You don't remember dying. Would you remember dying? Could you remember it if you were dead?
More importantly you weren't overly religious so where were you?! Which God was the right choice? You had your money on the Greeks.
“Doesn't feel like death.” He held his hat, observing your inner ramblings.
“I wouldn't know.” He and his brother had died countless times so, out of the two of you, he was the most qualified.
“We’re alive, just in a pit. It's bottomless and hungry.”
“Stop being ominous.”
He shrugged with a smirk.
“So we're alive but in some sort of wasteland?”
When were you going to wake up?
“Okay, well, how'd you feel about a team up?”
He scoffed a laugh but realised you were serious and his smile vanished. “You're dead weight.”
As if being family was going to get you through this. Don't be stupid.
“Where's Logan?”
“I ain't seen a Logan for years.”
“What do you ‘a Logan’?”
“People here come in doubles, triples. Different worlds crashing together.”
“Well, where's my Logan?” He was quiet. “Are you even my Victor? Have we even met?”
“No.” He replaced his hat before revving the engine. “But I got places to be.” You watched him leave and could have sworn his eyes flashed yellow.
The woods were the same.
Fuck, we get it! Everything is the same!!!!
You walked through the familiar path to exit the grounds. You didn't even have to think about it, your body relying on muscle memory that you had thought was lost years ago.
Logan had brought you here, dragging your ass out of bed and into town. The first time he had done it, he had driven Scott's bike but he soon found he enjoyed the walk with you.
The night could last longer.
You could just be two people staggering home instead of X-Men or Mutants or Teachers.
The trips were more frequent once you had gotten used to the branches and roots.
Town was a good twenty minute walk once you were off it Xavier's land.
You knew you shouldn't be entertaining this idea.
You didn't belong in the mansion so what did you think you'd get out of this?
Maybe you should ask someone.
They'd get it but they wouldn't.
Elektra would tell you to follow your heart, Logan would be against it in case you got upset, Wade wouldn't care unless you brought him a pastry.
Laura and Gambit were here, enjoying themselves and the others that you would have asked don't know enough about you to form an opinion.
Just looking at the building might help?
Seeing her inside of it.
You wanted a hug.
A tear slipped from your eye as you realised you really wanted a hug.
She gave the warmest hugs.
The last time you received one was when you were eighteen, that was the last time you returned home for the holidays as the next years you were looking after students.
Your mother didn't mind. She was doing a lot better without you.
Money stretched further and she had gotten a new job.
Your pocket buzzed but you couldn't bring yourself to look at it.
It would be Logan. He'd be asking if you were okay and you'd have to lie and say yeah because what he was doing was important. He needed to talk to Victor like you needed to see your mother.
You wouldn't tell her.
How could you?
‘hi, I'm the daughter you never had!’
But… you could try a tart?
You had walked off the estate and we're now on the road. There was a country lane which led into a small village type town. It was new looking but each building was old, the town had character. You loved seeing a job centre have ornate carved stone walls.
There it was.
It was pink, a pale pink. Ballerina satin.
There was dark wood panelling on the windows and sign, giving the whole shop a homely vibe.
An assortment of goodies were in the window and a man that you had seen on her Facebook was mopping the flour covered floor.
Do you go in?
Well, you can't realistically stay outside staring into the window. She'll think you're a freak!
You couldn't be a freak in her eyes in two universes.
The man looked up and gave you a bright smile through the glass before mouthing ‘we’re open’. You nodded and pushed the door. A tinny bell rang as you entered.
The interior was pale pink with hot pink and white accents. The counter was filled to the brim with goodies and a chalk board behind it had custom items you could order.
The smell is what really struck you. You recognised it. Your mother's chocolate chip cookies springing up in your mind. The first batches had been a disaster but once she got it down it was your favourite treat, the memory brought fresh tears to your eyes.
“You alright dear?” The old man asked, placing the broom against the wall.
“Yeah, sorry, just a bit lost.” You smoothed your shirt. “My-I lost my mum and this place reminds me of her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, did she come here?” He questioned.
“No, well, maybe.” How did you answer this? Why had you even disclosed that? “It's the smell of cookies.”
“I’m here if you'd like to talk about her.” You shook your head so he clasped your shoulder. “Take your time.”
You nodded again forcing the tears to stay unshed.
“I’m F/N.”
This… this was your father.
You didn't remember anything about him, your mom had told you that he used to be in your lives but circumstances caused him to leave. You always had the feeling despite what she said you were ‘circumstances’.
He grinned. “My favourite name!"
"Is it?" Your name wasn't anything special to you, it was a string of letters and sounds that people used to get your attention but hearing him say it was your favourite name...
"There was a book I used to love, it was fantasy. You would read page one and it would give you an option and when you made your decision you had to turn to page forty and so on. There was a mage called Y/N…” He trailed off in remembrance. “I always thought if we were blessed with a child, I'd pick the name Y/N.”
You played along. “We?”
“My dearest is in the back. M/N!” He hollered.
She waddled from the back room, apron stained, a tea towel in her hands. “Yes?”
“Come and meet Y/N.”
You observed the strain in her legs as she moved. She was a lot older but it was 2024 so she would be. Her face was wrinkled and her hair white. “Y/N? You're not talking about that Dungeons and Dragons book are you?”
“It isn't Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Close enough, sorry dear, I hope he isn't bothering you.”
You shook your head. “No, course not.”
“He tried to convince me to name our dog Y/N and it is a pretty name but the way he used to go on about this super magic hero made me feel left out. He was with her.”
You chuckled.
“No, you're the only woman for me.” He pecked her cheek.
“Only because she's fictional.”
“Exactly.” He nuzzled his nose against her cheek.
“So, what can we get you?” Your mom waved her hand to the display. “Anything here?”
“Oh, yeah. I'll take anything.”
Your father was sweet when he offered, “and cookies?”
“Please.” You plucked your card out. “I'll take everything, one - no - two of everything you have.”
The couple made a face but did begin bagging items.
“Are you going to be able to eat all these?” Your mom asked as packed three slices of pie.
“Yes, it won't be just me eating.”
“Oh, let me guess; are you one of Xavier's gifted?” She tied the box with a ribbon. “Wouldn't it be marvellous to have a power?”
That was fucking twisted.
Your mother being jealous of mutants?
It wasn't fair.
Why couldn't you have been born here?
On the journey back you decided they were made for each other.
Your mom and dad were soulmates.
If only you weren't born, perhaps they could have been happy.
It was trippy seeing your mom but to meet your dad…
You couldnt handle it.
You were right here and they couldn't see you. They couldn't realise who you were. Your mom even hugged you after your dad told her you were mourning.
You had to take a moment to cry in the woods.
Sitting, tears falling freely, eating a tart was how Scott found you.
“Hey. You're Y/N right?”
You let out a dry laugh. “Do you know how insulting it is to hear your brother say that?” He pulled a face. “We were like siblings. The whole team. We were a family.”
Scott didn't know how to respond.
“It's not your fault obviously but it's fucking tiring. I've come home to find that it isn't mine and it can't be. I don't belong here. Hell, even my mom wouldn't name her dog after me.”
@killerwendigo @littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @ravenmedows @electricreader @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae @mei-simp @slightlymediocree @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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I know we're all thinking about Carlos and Vanessa and Dana and all those implications... but man, it's morning and I can't stop fucking thinking about. They're in the sand wastes, the uowii. If anyone would at least observe a random robot they found in the sand wastes it would be them. Maybe it's just me being on copium but i feel like THERE'S AN ACTUAL FUCKING CHANCE THEY CPULD BRING KASPER BACK FOR THIS ARC, like, they're doing a FULL SWEEP of the sand wastes looking for Vanessa, there's a big chance they'd accidentally stumble upon him in their quest.... AUGH!
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oopsallmabari · 3 months
....why are the youtube comments so mad lol don't y'all like to have fun. don't we like to have fun here
#ari speaks#half of them are 'wahhh this is what happens when you make games WOKE' like. baby. shhhh. it's not dark fantasy enough for you???#like we are allowed to have varied opinions but also idk. dragon age has always had moments of being a lil silly. especially inquisition.#titsicles???? the nug king???? i'm attacking your holdfast with a goat????? cmon now.#we DO get a little silly here and i'm really not opposed to (well-placed) tonal irreverence in a world about to end.#bitch the world we are CURRENTLY living in is falling apart and i am also being a silly fucking guy because it's all i got.#if i lived in thedas irl i'd be in taverns getting tomatoes thrown at me for bad stand-up about kirkwall HAVE SOME FUN LIVE A LITTLE.#also bc it's been so long one has to imagine that they're also trying to grab some new fans here so it does not surprise me#that the trailer is not 'Boo Hoo Sad Times Dark Fantasy Game No. 49' (i say as an enjoyer of depressing dark fantasy)#esp when all of the prior promotional material has been very doom and gloom.#i don't think that just because the game is being marketed like this/that we're switching focus from solas that the game will be#sanitized and not dealing with any kind of fucked up lore and shit. i am holding out hope that we're going to get some cool opportunities#to play in a space that is def dark but can still give room to breathe.#anyway i do not actually giv a fuck (genuine not insulting) if the trailer did not make u excited das ok.#unless you're complaining that it's woke garbage now/so bad because g*ider is uninvolved. if thats the case you may fuck off.#sorry for the tag essay!
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naivety · 2 months
very weird to frame your abuse apologia as being aware that the writers intended to illustrate a mutually harmful dynamic and not an abusive one. when the writers in question also wrote the line 'once you put it out there, they [the audience] decide what it is' because nothing you ever create has any innate definition. when the writers in question decided to racebend major characters and then showcase them being harmed by white or nonblack characters in a repeatedly racialized pattern when they Did Not Have To Do That and then genuinely or disingenuously decide to dialogue about their directly or indirectly illustrated racialized dynamic of intimate partner violence within and outside the narrative. like to be quite honest it does not matter what they intended because this is what they made and this is how it Looks to a notably large amount of people. who just happen to be interpreting it wrong? according to what metric? the very metric they say Doesn't Work in their own fictional creation? ok
#j watches interview with the vampire#i keep saying i'm tired of talking about this but i'm not#iwtv is SO enjoyable to me when i Don't make excuses for obviously shitty people#cannot comprehend the level of mental gymnastics. well actually i can lol#like i'm not trying to suck the fun out of a fictional show of fun fucked up dynamics#it's fun and fucked up Because. they let it be fucked up#let it be fucked up!#so many people seem to have such an aversion to the idea that lestat ever abused anyone but especially louis#when we know even if he didn't abuse louis he definitely abused claudia. often IN very misogynistic and racist ways btw#which people conveniently ignore#let alone that he does similar things to louis even when he at the same time would never Want to abuse louis#like both are true. i think. like#it's good that we as a society have tried to be better about cutting off abusers at the heels to compensate for it not happening Enough#but we have to stop pretending they aren't human people and that abuse is a Human act and that their humanity#and our ability to understand them with Our humanity just Disappears the second they do something monstrous#like no. both are true. all of it's true#pretending lestat was never abusive does nothing for no one#and i really truly feel like it takes the bite Out of such a compelling story to view it that way#let it bite my friends i promise you will survive it#imo seeing lestat's abuse for what it is =/= Cancel Him NOW like. i still enjoy him for what he is as long as he's Allowed to be what he is#which the finale. um. appeared to backpedal lol which is why it immediately sucked to me#realizing i am Because Of Woke-ing lestat but like people are afraid to call him abusive because they like him and they feel like#they can't continue to like him if they admit he was ever abusive. Because of Woke HFKSDJF
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insanelyadd · 1 year
Hello! We were wondering if you were planning to host the "Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day" again this year. If you are, will it be on June 16 like last year? We are hoping to include it in our monthly events updates. Thank you!
Yep! I'm super excited for it! Really looking forward to it because I've actually managed to draw something this year (I do feel bad about not personally participating in previous years) and I'm hoping to get another thing done for it. And yes it's on June 16th, where it will remain every year that I do this (for clarity's sake, that way no one is stuck thinking it's that day if I were to change it to another). I will be doing this perhaps every year until the end of time (I do not plan to die).
I hope a bunch of people will be able to participate again this year. :>
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solei-eclipse · 2 months
lang and solei are lowkey diametrically opposed with their views on life, do u think this would cause any issues at anakt or would they still vibe
sorry this took me a while plip I JUST recovered from my trip yesterday 😭
I don't think it'd cause any actual issues since solei doesn't make a problem of it (they just keep that shit to themself. keeping the peace or whatever). I'm not exactly sure what kind of life lang leads, but it seems like she's at least open to making friends and interaction? (is there something deeper/behind that? or is she just fine with certain interactions) unlike azure who basically dgaf
If lang is outspoken about her views then solei would feel heavily conflicted about it. they'd have little thoughts and questions in their head like "did you ever think differently at one point? how do you see everyone? do you find me worth worrying about/fearing for or am I something that will just inevitably pass by to you?" (these are just solei's annoyingly persistent thoughts. they do like lang, they don't hold any hate or dislike to people with a different worldview. It's just something that unsettles them to the point of these thoughts which is why they're more reserved/distant around those people.)
though if lang's beliefs are something she keeps more to herself, solei would just get the feeling that lang is different. they wouldn't know why, and as a result just let it pass (though they'd often wonder and think about her).
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speakercrab666 · 9 days
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i got REALLY into kandi recently so i made my cat one that says BITCH bc that's what he is <3 and the other beads on it are hearts in rainbow order bc that's also what he is <3 gay i mean <3
he is so tolerant
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emdotcom · 11 days
Tbh, can't believe I'm cutting ties with Fnaf before Batim.
#em.txt#negative#all thr fnaf stuff that's come outta my rbs since the anniversary have just been queued. my queue is huge it takes a bit#anyways#bendy has given me pounds of grief & a lot of it is my fault for like. falling in love with a proof lf concept#& not waiting for the game to come out in full & rushing in to each chapter looking for hints#to a conclusion i made up in my mind & was never ever coming. the ending to game one is quite trash#& while the sequel tries to make the ending in 1 worthwhile it's too little too late#because while a sequel can recontectualize its prequel it cannot erase how it was when it first was released#yeah so like. i figured between how shit the studio heads were & how I didn't like the first game ot the second game#or really the spinoff which i played i am like the only bendy fan i know that played that thing#& I'm not like. super stoked for any of the 3 games they teased in secrets of the machine#which i think is fine btw secrets of the machine is okay but i refuse to judge it as a game because it's an advertisement#i think some of the secrets in that game like the poster one are stupid but most of it is fine kinda cool. glad they got to reuse#all those assets from previous games & also cameo the car from the mobile game#ANYWAYS i figured all this would pile up to mean i would cut off batim. but I haven't. when the next games come out i will#probably at least check out a playthrough maybe play them myself if they seem interesting#meanwhile. like. the fnaf 10th anniversary happened#they dropped a sequel to help wanted. they dropped 2 more fnaf games. & I don't give a shiiiiittt#i woke up the day after the anniversary & realized like. I don't like the games. I don't give a fuck about the books.#the movie has practical effects & was cute but nothing i will think about deeply. the lore is a industrial sized dumpster fire#I don't like the community i only play ONE fan game & i just don't care about this series that used to eat my brain whole on the daily#so i gave it a month. maybe this was just a depressive spike. but no it seems like something shifted in my brain permanently#I don't like fnaf anymore which sucks#but what sucks more is i still like this other piece of shit that has easily given me worse times
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euclydya · 12 days
Im thinking about that fictional man!!! Help!! /Lhj
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salsflore · 1 year
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bsaka7 · 3 months
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#this does explain why i was so fucking winded like the last mile and a half... It's because I was running fucking 9:40s#And my heart rate was like sitting at 180!!!#This was an INSANELY flat run tho like 200ft total elevation change over 16 miles#But at the same time.... Damn I still have it????#I was feeling kinda bleh the first couple of miles and then i was feeling good and then I checked my watch for the first time @8#And then i was like. Hello???? Sub 10???? And then I guess i felt good and just kept doing that. Like?????#I thought about doing like another 4mi when I was like. Crossing the bridge I was like oh I could just go to the next one#And tbh i think my legs have it in me??#But would be a bizzare choice to go from a 12mi long run to like a TWENTY mile long run in like two weeks. I don't wanna get injured...#I really did have kind of a crappy running week (Killed my legs w/ 8 days on + hard frisbee game on horrid field Tues)#And i woke up with some ankle pain... But the run itself was amazinggggg#Exactly what I needed :)#I do need to actually register for my race and also. Make a training plan#Bc ive been fairly into my stats lately so... If i have one I might actually follow it....#ANYWAY!! /#BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! BEAUTIFUL RUN!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!#MARATHON NO3 I'M COMING FOR U!!!!!!!!#Tetrapod runs#Jfjfjfj my other concern was fueling bc all I had was a cliff bar but it was tbh totally fine#I'm thinking of trying to reconsider how I've done long run fuel thus far but idk... We'll see!#Jfjfjfj this is the summer of fucking with my diet because I want to try new things I guess!!! But not TOO crazy obviously
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autogeneity · 8 months
attempting going to bed at 9pm (or earlier! technically. for falling asleep time) feels so ridiculous. like some sort of joke. and yet. purportedly this is what getting up at 5am would demand. is this really something people do wtf
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frostbite-the-bat · 4 months
I really wrote a mini essay in tags on how high roller would survive fnaf 3 only to realize the post said fnaf 4 and I'm dyslexic AND dyscalculic and described the wrong game
Either way high roller would survive in fnaf 3, thrive, even
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