#i just…fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
agapeeternal · 4 months
Glen Powell at the Premiere of Netflix's “Hit Man”
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
there needs to be a name for the emotion you experience when you can tell a guy's about to turn a normal convo into something real awkward
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fearowkenya · 9 months
at the fuck do you MEAN ff7rebirth is out at the end of february thats AROUITDN THE FUCKIGN CORNER???????? THATS LIKE...REALLY SOON??? im a going to . fufcking. im going to bend the tines of every fork in my home with my TEETH what the fuckign do you mEAN its out feb 29th????????
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nanathott · 19 days
nana i just found a short jjk fic on my explore that was rly good so i went to the acc to see what else they’ve written and they write smut for the first years……. and i checked their about me……. and they’re in their 40s……. with kids………
oh FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK no that’s so gross what????????????????????
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mosneakers · 7 months
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The moonlight guides Selene and Lou through their tumultuous history, delicately weaving through the painful thorns of their past. Selene's eyes glisten, and Lou's apologies foam from his mouth as he confesses his constant thoughts of her since that fateful ordeal. The hope in his voice is palpable, he pleads to her forgive him. The moon provides Selene a gust of wind to throw caution to, and before Lou can even finish his sentiment, Selene wonders to herself, "what if I just kissed him right now?"
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Selene: [Breaks from kiss, breathless]
Lou: Selene...... I never stopped thinking about you. Selene: I thought I lost you forever...
Lou: No! I'm here now. [Picks her up off her feet] Forever. My Fated Mate...
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Further along the same woodland path where Lou and Selene rediscover their connection, Wolfegang and Janie meander the trail for hours, their conversation weaving effortlessly between conversation and flirtatious laughter. As the influence of the moon intensifies, the two of them lose pieces of their armor: a helmet, a wig, and finally, their inhibitions.
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Janie finds herself charmed by Wolfegang's quick wit and extensive vocabulary; Ironically, Enthralled by her intellect and radiant smile, Wolfegang must restrain the urge to reveal the overwhelming notion of "FATED MATE," the only thought loudly ringing through his mind.
And the sunrise creeps in, threatening to steal away their precious time together, Wolfegang seizes the moment to invite Janie to his library, cementing her realization that she's found the man of her dreams.
About a half an hour later ~
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Hazy and disoriented, Brick awakens near a pile of passed out wildfang members, surrounded by trash and empty bottles scattered about.
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Brick: [Begins transforming back to "normal" form] ...The FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK happened last night?
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Rebel: You got a taste of your full potential, bro... Brick: Oh, it's you. Rebel: My Beta was off getting all cozy and fate-forging with his fated mate, so we had room for one more last night. The pack agreed to let you party with us. Must not remember any of it. You had a lot to drink!
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With unintentionally synchronized movements, Rebel and Brick plopped onto the ground simultaneously, sending a flurry of crisp autumn leaves swirling into the air. Brick: Yeah well... It ain't happenin' again. Everyone had someone to leave the party with but me. This don't usually happen. This fated mates shit is screwin' with my head. Rebel: ...Who said you didn't leave with someone? Brick: Bro, what?! Rebel: [Laughter] Chill, I'm fucking with you. Who cares about all that right now? You're still new to this wolf thing. Focus on honing your skills, serving your pack, having your fun! You helped Lou and Wolfegang find their fated mates last night; that's what earns respect around here.
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Brick: Psh. Old ass Montgomery don't care about that. He doesn't see when I do nothing good, just when I mess up. Rebel: Try growing up with him. Brick: Nah dude, I would have laid his ass out by now. He's gonna get so pissy when he finds out about last night. [Frustrated grumbles] UGH FUCK DUDE I'm so done with his ass and his stupid lectures.
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Rebel: Come join the wildfangs. Lou—that's my baby boy, but honestly, with him being all starry eyed and in love, it's only a matter of time before he loses his rank as beta now that he found his fated mate. It's cutthroat, but true. I need someone tougher. Brick: Ha, I don't wanna be no damn beta. 'Specially yours. Rebel: I bet you rank lower over there with the old man. Brick: [Long, contemplative sigh]... You know what? Fuck it, fine. Let's go.
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[Heavy rock music plays from seemingly nowhere]
Rebel: Welcome to the Wildfangs, Bro...
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Oh no with a single fucking paragraph I put into chapter 12 of Electric Trains, I feel like I’m going to have to explore Akari’s connections to everyone once she returns in a separate fic. Fuuuuck.
Like she still has Ingo, her uncle that’s she adopted and made a part of her family. But I just realized that Laventon would never let her feel unwelcome and would’ve adopted her as his niece well beforehand and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
So I don't know if I will emotionally, mentally or physically make i through episode 8 of Beyond Evil.
This episode has been a fucking EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER that has inflicted emotional damage on me.
Thoughts and spoiler cuts beneath the cut.
Oh my god everything with Kang Jin-muk makes my fucking skin crawl. The close up of him eating the noodles and the dutch angle just made it like 10,000 x more upsetting.
His smug smarmy and the taunting way he keeps trying to upset everyone and Dong-sik in particular. Just…OH MY GOD. Someone kill this man. He needs to die.
They fucking BROKE ME at the crematorium scene. Everything with that. Dong-sik needs a hug desperately. Someone give this man a hug and tell him it's going to be okay. Him torturing himself and imagining how he failed Kang Min-jeoeng in her final moments. The fucking shot of him standing on top of the place she was slowly suffocating to death right underneath him. The cinematography of that entire shot? Just mwah chef-kiss.
That is actual nightmare fuel personified there.
And then little Mr Sunshine Oh Ji-hoon just having a mental breakdown because he’s blaming himself for being there and not knowing she was in danger. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
The emotional damage of this episode.
And then they go and give us unhinged Dong-sik just grinning like an absolute feral madman when he taunts Kang Jin-muk into strangling him? So help me if fanficcers aren’t writing some absolutely FILTHY Dong-sik getting off to breathplay smut I WILL BE SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU.
I also love that Han Ju-won just fucking shut down because he oops caught feelings and can’t handle the fact he was willing to murder a man for daring to touch his little Meow Meow. This man is so emotionally constipated he can’t even.
My mans really needed to take an emotional sabbatical because he caught the fee-fees.
And then this fucking show has the AUDACITY to hand us the fertile AU of rent-boy Ju-won and Donk-sik being his client with Dong-sik AS ALWAYS flirting like crazy with him and asking him what kind of flower boy he would be.
HOW DARE YOU. I also love the entire restaurant scene and Han Ju-won trying to be the edgelord that he is who hates icky things like feelings and friendships. Whilst he is TURNING HIMSELF INSIDE OUT EMOTIONALLY for a dead hooker he used as bait just because he doesn’t want her to lay in a ice box for months on end unloved and unclaimed.
And our king Dong-sik just calling him out on his bullshit as always.
Also? I hate to tell you this boo but YOU are the clingy one in that relationship. You and your mancrush obsessing over Dong-sik which was so strong you moved to a whole new city just to try and ‘catch’ him. Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that, boyo.
And Jeong-je and his awful mother. Please tell me this poor damaged manchild is not still living at home because that sadly would explain a lot about his Peter Pan syndrome and why an adult man is wearing a hideous hair cut like his. Pfffffft He is a poster child for arrested development. And is so emotionally fragile but my mans has a lot of rage in him and I'll be interested to see where his story heads.
But then it has to end with them finding Jae-i’s mother and just…fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all over again.
I am exhausted after every episode of this show. And cannot binge it all at once because it makes me feel too many things
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde
Act 6, page 5398
DAVE: rose quit all the clanking around over here i cant concentrate on my raps
DAVE: what in the sweet religious name of jesus h dick are you doing with all these bottles
ROSE: Just a little alchemy.
DAVE: alchemy
DAVE: what kind of shitty thing are you alchemizing with this crap
DAVE: are you alchemizing bottles with other bottles to make like
DAVE: superbottles
ROSE: No. Believe it or not, I'm actually focused the contents of the bottles.
DAVE: youre a pretty good hike from the alchemiters
ROSE: The alchemy I'm practicing is a little more old fashioned.
ROSE: You know, there was a time on Earth when alchemy didn't refer to a process whereby a large device used game constructs to materialize some idealized version of an object out of thin air.
ROSE: Alchemists used to experiment with various substances to transmute them into something more valuable.
ROSE: Its more pedestrian and scientifically credible cousin would be chemistry, which I guess is the technical term for mixing shit together.
ROSE: Which strictly speaking more accurately describes what I'm doing.
DAVE: so what your doing science now
DAVE: who do you think you are your mom
DAVE: wait that sounded like lame burn again
DAVE: every time i talk about your mom it sounds like a burn
DAVE: who do you think you are my mom
DAVE: wait scratch that
DAVE: every time we start talking about her as my mom things just start snowballing down our dumb conversational ski slope and suddenly sigmund freud and king oedipus start banging each others hot moms at some kind of depraved sexy momswap party
ROSE: Thanks for the imagery. It was almost as graphic as it made no sense.
DAVE: so what are you making
ROSE: Beverages.
DAVE: beverages what kind of beverages
ROSE: Tasty beverages, I hope.
DAVE: apple juice???
DAVE: please let it be aj please let it be aj please let it be aj
ROSE: I'll see what I can do.
DAVE: omg
DAVE: omg
DAVE: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yes
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agapeeternal · 5 months
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Joe tonight at New Heights Show live in Cincinnati
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justangryingeneral · 2 years
DBD fans: can we please have a fnaf chapter? Even a skin?? A token????
DBD: meat bag!!!! :D
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brbremaking · 3 years
so if I keep listening to honey this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us I’m gonna have to dissect the lyrics and explain how this is about dick grayson which realistically I have neither the time nor the energy for but I show no signs of stopping so stay tuned kids
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cowboyshit · 4 years
haha...hahahaha... hahaHAHAHAHAAHAHA
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rapidhighway · 4 years
I’m rereading the chapters in Birdmen where they reunite with Takayama and ughhhhhhhhhh TOT <333333333333333
Karasuma is just: (///⊙_⊙///)
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loverdudearchive · 4 years
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dear-mrs-otome · 4 years
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Mother of GOD please cybird have mercy on me PLEASE
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haenelsexual · 5 years
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okay, but like how does one achieve this level of attractiveness 😫
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