#i kept desperately trying to move on but she kept TALKING ugh
hecksupremechips · 2 years
My mother was genuinely pissed off tonight about the concept of two guys showing affection towards each other in any capacity and was ranting about it for like 20 minutes. And she still claims she’s not homophobic 😞
#the klock keeps ticking#im genuinely so sorry i feel like i keep bitching about being home but hnnghhhh this woman is so exhausting to be around#like here she was complained saying that boys nowadays are really affectionate towards their male friends#like. hugging them#THATS LITERALLY ALL IT IS THEY HUG THEIR FRIENDS FOR MORE THAN HALF A SECOND#and my mom is like I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS BUT-#like bitch you so fucking clearly do have a problem you specifically brought this up out of the blue and bitched about it#and im like literally what is the problem here its a good thing these kids are being affectionate with their equally affectionate friends#especially since boys ESPECIALLY around here are pumped up on toxic masculinity and dont express love in healthy ways#and she literally I SHIT YOU FUCKING NOT said that shes worried a) about the fact that boys apparently#arent ‘touching’ girls anymore (which she specifically said was cuz of metoo era parenting so shes literally talking about assault)#so yeah i guess shes mad boys arent sexually harassing girls as much???#then b) said that boys as a result are going to and i quote ‘stop touching girls and start only touching each other and living together’#and this is an issue cuz humans will no longer procreate#IM NOT MAKING ANY OF THIS UP SHE SAID LITERALLY ALL OF THIS AND SOMEHOW DOESNT SEE HOW ITS HOMOPHOBIC#i really really am just. exhausted she is too much#i kept desperately trying to move on but she kept TALKING ugh#i hate her#i need comfort and a restraining order
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deadghosy · 8 months
"You...love me? HAHAHAHHA! You must be out of your sick, pretty little head..."
"You're my angel."
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LUCIFER IS CHECKING his phone as he had messaged you about something important. It's been a while since he seen you after you left with Charlie.
The King of hell himself keeps lifting his phone and putting it down acting as if he isn't desperate to see his favorite person. I mean of course his daughter is like his other half, but no one is his best other half than his first servant who never knew how important they are to the big boss of hell himself.
The king of hell himself is totally not obsessed over you, and totally not protective of you….
god he so is as he wants to hold you again his arms…..
Lucifer fiddles with a duck by him that seems to resemble you with your natural smile and black accessories. "Cmon cmon cmon" Lucifer says as he eyes the phone for any response. Minutes must have passed as he gets off his chair and start to pace back and forth.
"Okay okay..calm downnn Lucifer, you're the man. You can handle a little reunion with them." He says to himself as he grips his hat. He kept pacing not noticing you coming out of the shadows of a corner.
You literally just woke up to see it was an "emergency" on your phone and got ready quickly. You didn't mean wake up to see the king pacing back and forth talking to himself.
"Uuuh how do I start a conversation again...Okay, ask them how the weather is. Or maybe ask them how their day is...." he says as he slumps in defeat . "Ugh this is useless!"
He grabs his phone and looks at it like a rejected puppy as he was about to call you only to hear a voice.
Lucifer jumps, almost dropping his phone and turns to you quickly with whiplash as he smiles. "My angelll!" He says teleporting over to you and hug you while spinning you around. You looked confused as you were  sure an emergency would make someone not so smiley. Or excited.
"Sir what is the emergency. Are you going to a meeting you don't want to go?" You said asking as you turn into vapor moving out of his hug.
Lucifer falls on his face after you got out of his arms. He picked himself up with a derpy smile as he dust himself off, he looks at you as you are ready for his command as he awkwardly smiles at you.
"Actually there is no emergency..." he said putting his hands together looking at you.
There was silence as you both stare at each other. His derpy expression and your blank one as you looked at your watch.
"...okay bye."
"WAIT NO!" He yells grabbing onto your legs as you stumbled.
"Then sir what is it? Just tell me the truth please." You say at the man below you having puppy eyes as he gets up clearing his throat.
"Almost lost my cool there." He thought as he dust himself again. "I want you..to hang out with me!" Lucifer says smiling with his hands out doing Jazz hands with fireworks.
He did that on purpose to see if it convinced you or not. He knows you can't resist his beautiful fireworks.
You sigh as you rub your eyes, he really hasn't changed ever since you left.
"Fine Luci, I'll hang out with you. Just let me notify Charlie that I'm with you."
Lucifer nodded excitedly with a hint of pink to his cheeks after you called him "Luci". As you turned around to call Charlie as Lucifer was pumping the air excited and jumping as he dances with your duck doubleganger.
Charlie had said that it was fine as long as you two have fun. You nodded hanging up as you turn to see Lucifer standing still trying to act as if he didn't do an excited dance.
"She said yeah, so I guess we can hang out. What you want to do sir." Lucifer just stand there before it clicked in his head that his plan worked.
"Oh! Uhm..shit! Welllll we could go shopping." He says pulling out a golden credit card as he waves it between his fingers with a toothy smile.
You hum nodding with a smile, "Doesn't seem like a bad start Lucifer. Not bad indeed."
Lucifer smiles smug at your praise as he holds out his hand to grab yours. You put your hand on his as a gold wave comes over you both teleporting the two demons to the shopping area of the pride ring.
YOU MUST ADMIT, this was amazing as you almost spent 500k.
Lucifer didn't think you would be spending so much money as he was behind you holding shopping bags. As much as he hates to say it, you have a shopping addiction. But that's what he loves about you. He love that he can buy you things you want without a care in hell.
After you two exited out of the clothing shop, you spotted a bakery. Lucifer was holding your hand while walking, so when you stopped, he stopped and turn to see what you were looking at.
"You want that my love?" He asked looking at your face which showed hunger for sweets. Hell you didn't even care if you heard him call you a nickname, the only thing in your mind was the bakery and what was displayed what seemed to be a [favorite flavor] cake.
You nodded drooling as Lucifer chuckled as he brings you over there with a soft smile. You both entered to be kinda surrounded by demons who either fangirl over Lucifer or was just shock to see the king of hell to be with someone who doesn't even look powerful.
Lucifer wasn't great with the people around so you made shadow bodyguards as they push the demons away while you two order the cake. Lucifer chuckled under his breath as he watches your mouth drool taking the pastry bag with a huge smile. It wasn't expensive but it was worth it.
While you sat at the bench eating the cake with a huge smile and some cake frosting smudge on your face, Lucifer was doing his own thing as he sweats looking at two pair of rings.
One of the pair was duck theme matching rings, while the other had your first letter of your name and the same for Lucifer. So he got two as he sigh, he just couldn't pick only one. So he put the duck theme on his fingers as he smiles at the one that would fit your ring finger.
He smiles at the thought of you wearing the ring he brought for you as he blushes with a soft puppy expression....
AS YOU FINISH your desert, Lucifer poofs next you with an apple scent and red smoke. Lucifer had a proud smile as he sits next to you and lift your hand.
You raised brow as he puts the duck theme ring on your finger as he shows you with a happy smile he also had one. You must admit it was cute as you put your hand in-front of your face checking the ring. Your silence while checking the ring was making him nervous as he had thoughts.
"Oh no..do they not like it. Damnit! I should've know to put on the golden one with our initials!" He thought as he also thought about you rejecting him harshly.
"You...love me? HAHAHAHHA! You must be out of your sick, pretty little head..." Fantasy you said as you smirk smugly, tossing the ring At Lucifer's face as Lucifer looks defeated.
Your voice snapped Lucifer backed into reality as you smile happily, "Yo, this is so cute Luci!" You said looking at him as he chuckles pulling his collar off his neck a bit. He was relief you liked the ring gift, he looked at your hand and liked how cute you looked.
"Hahah...well I'm glad you like the gift my angel!" He said cheesing his sharp teeth towards you as he grips your hand into his. There was a calming silence between you two as demons walked past.
Lucifer cleared his throat looking away from you but still gripping your hand, "Sooo...what else you wanna do?" He asked looking down nervously.
"Well, it seems we still have time. I guess we could lunch since we mostly just shopped." You said looking at your watch.
Lucifer smiled, "Can it be at my home, I don't think I can handle too much attention." He asked you chuckling as you nodded. You don't mind not being part of the public eye.
The king himself smiles as he poofs out his apple cane and taps the ground as gold waves around the two of you. The shopping bags and you both are now in his palace as he smiles.
"Welcome home dear." He says kissing your hand.
You only chuckled not taking it in an imitate way but a friendly way. But you still felt flustered as he stares into your eyes, it was like he was hypnotized by them as his eyes dilated like a cat. You could've sworn you heard a purr as he smiles lovingly at you until you pointed at the way of the kitchen.
As much as you haven't been here for a long time, you still remember where things were. "Luci, we should get ready for lunch." You says softly towards him as you pick his chin up to face you as he purrs at you with a soft pink tone to his cheeks.
You stare with a raised brow, "Lucifer?" That seemed to snap him out as he just stand there embarrassed of his drunk love for you as he just nods and walk without saying a word.
As you watch him leave, he bumps into a wall before chuckling turning around and doing finger guns at you as he quickly fixed his mistake and run to the kitchen to make lunch.
You chuckle behind your hand as you look at the duck ring, "That dork..." you said quietly to yourself as you let your two pair wings out.
A WHIFF OF APPLE hits your nose as you are wearing one the outfits you bought from Luci's card. Apparently he painted the card gold as it was originally black as he didn't like colors that were plain like that. When you were alive a black card meant you were the most wealthiest person alive. So you could've guessed that why the card never ran out after you almost bought 500k of stuff.
You walk elegantly to the kitchen where you suppose the king of hell is at. As you walk, the scent of apple and cinnamon hits your nose hard as your stomach growled. Turning a sharp left to the kitchen to see Lucifer out of his white coat as he smiles at you coming into the kitchen.
"Ah, finally took your time getting ready for lunch Y/N!" He says cupping his hands together with a small smile with his sharp teeth. He got up and pulled the chair for you to sit.
He really wanted you to see him being a gentleman as you sat on the chair. He pushes the chair to the table for your liking and sat across of you.
"Soo...it's been a while so I made an Apple cinnamon pie..haha. I hope you like it my angel." He says as a pie suddenly appears in front of you on a nice plate with red markings. You smiled grabbing a fork and eating it. Lucifer also had a piece as he eats, he was hoping you liked the pie as he actually had to look for a recipe instead of burning the kitchen.
Your eyes sparkled with a smile, “Holy shit! This is the best pie I had Luci…goddamn!” You smile wildly at the taste of the pie, it seemed to satisfy your hunger for the sweet lunch meal as Lucifer smiles at your smile as he eats his own pie.
“I’m glad you love it dear. Made it special for you, since I love you and all that.” He said catching you off guard.
Now Lucifer blush wildly catching what he said, he cleared his throat. “You know, like a dear friend! Hahaha! I so absolutely love you dearly old friend!” He was sweating bullets with an awkward smile as you stare confused but pushed it off as you smiled
“Sure, I love you too dear friend.” You said back as you start to finish eating. As you two talk, Lucifer ranted about how he sucks trying to talk to his daughter based on his depression and loneliness after his wife left him. You nodded as you remembered how Lucifer made you sleep in his room after Lilith left. He was so lonely and had some slight anxiety panic attacks about you leaving as well.
Before you two noticed, it was time for you to go back to the hotel as your hell phone rang at the contact name.
>decline >accept
You picked up the phone as Lucifer grabbed your plate with a hum as he went to put the plates up. You accepted the call as it is your duty to protect the royal family, you heard Charlie asking when you are coming back to the hotel as you could have sworn you heard a pout in her tone.
You chuckled as you look at Lucifer cleaning the plates who is obviously happy to have you next to him. You wanted to leave but you actually had fun with the majesty of hell himself.
“Hold on Char.” You said pulling the phone from your ear as you look at Lucifer.
“Your daughter says it’s time for me to go back the hotel Lucifer.” You say getting up, dusting off your (color palette) clothes.
You couldn’t see his face but his face had a pout as he places the plates down, drying his hands as he sighs. He turns to look at you patiently waiting for his words, but no words came out as he wrap his arms around your waist. His head in your neck as he smelt your signature scent from your body. You could smell his scent was apple with hint of vanilla.
You thought Lucifer was sad that you had to go, and you were right as he hold you tighter to his body. “Don’t leave me…please..” he says softly as his breath hits your neck making you shudder confused at this feeling.
“Uh Hello!”
The two powerful demons jolted from each other not realizing the princess of hell was still on the phone. You quickly put the phone to your ear as you gave her an answer.
“Sorry Char, your dad really needs me. But I can come first thing in the morning. Don’t worry!” You say smiling as Lucifer was doing his happy dance in his head. Charlie sighs sadly but you reassured her that you would be there as fast as you could. She agrees finally and hangs up, next thing you know you are hugged again by Lucifer.
He has his hands on your hips as he smiles nuzzling his face in your neck. You chuckle at his weird gesture as he yawns.
Guess it was time to sleep.
LUCIFER WAS IN DUCK PJS, while for you were in the bathroom as you looked at this robe he brought without you knowing. If was giving cunty wife vibes as the robe was slick in your favorite color but lighter. Your eyes sparkled putting it on as it felt beautiful on you.
Lucifer was waiting on you as he held his breath waiting to see you in the robe as he heard the bathroom door open. He could’ve sworn stars and a glowing vibe came off your natural beauty as you walked out looking fantastic. He blushes like a wild fire as you smile at him.
“Does this suit me?” You said softly like baby lullaby.
He nods as he starts to purr at the sigh of you, his drink love coming back as he has a loving smile on his face as he looks at you walking to the bed. For you, it’s been a while since you slept in the same bed with him. So you kinda felt nervous, but that feeling went gone as he immediately pounced on you.
He was holding you closely as he nuzzles under your chin, it’s funny how the most powerful being in hell is acting so soft for you. But he didn’t care as he had his eyes half-lidded looking up at you as he stares into your eyes. He slowly moved his arms around your waist as you blush at his movement, he bite his lip but stop as he puts you ontop of him.
“Luci?..” you said weary but he only stared at you as you stare back into his half lidded eyes. “Please…just don’t leave me again..” he says softly as he pulls you close to his chest making you hear his heart beat.
You nodded as a smile grew on your face slowly at this moment. He rubs your back slowly making you tired, your eyes fluttered as you get knocked out seconds later. Lucifer stares at your face and kisses your head with a small gentle smile.
“You’re my angel.”
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
Can you make gamer!ellie x fem!reader where Ellie is letting you take over her game with mic on while her strap is deep inside reader ;)
gamer!ellie x fem!reader
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sweet jesus anon 🥵 can everyone tell i like writing gamer!ellie…
warnings: 18+ MDNI, strap use (r receiving), sort of exhibition kink?
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it started out as a joke. a fantasy you rolled around in bed giggling about. it would be crazy for ellie to actually be deep inside her girl whilst her gamer mic was still on, right? well.
“fuck,” you groaned, feeling the strap stretch you.
“what happened?” one of ellie’s friends asked over the mic.
“nothing,” you giggled and felt ellie smile against the back of your neck as she left a kiss there.
you were completely naked in her lap and she couldn’t keep her hands off of you. they went from holding your waist to tickling down your thighs to running up your body and squeezing your tits. it was becoming impossible to fight off the moans that so desperately wanted to escape your pouty lips.
“something the matter, baby?” ellie continued leaving small kisses along your shoulder and behind your ear, careful not to be heard over the mic.
“you’re infuriating,” you lightly elbowed her ribs, a small smirk forming on your face as you tried to keep focus on playing the game.
an abundance of chatter sounded from ellie’s friends who you were playing with, luckily drowning out the teasing going on on your end.
“y/n? you there?”
“yeah, yep i’m here,” you scrambled with the controller to run your character to where the others were.
“wait, where are y–oh!”
you yelped and tried to hide it in a laugh as ellie bounced her hips up. the strap jolted inside you and your tits bounced with the impact.
“you okay?” someone asked, “i can see you now.”
you knew they were talking about your character on the screen but your cheeks heated at the idea of them seeing you, literally. seeing the way your girlfriend filled you up so nicely and the way she leant back in the chair, admiring the curve of your ass in her lap. she had even started tracing shapes and writing things on your back, knowing it would send shivers down your spine.
“yeah, i’m good. where do we need to go?”
ellie squeezed your hips.
“down here.”
she pushed them forward trying to move you.
“okay, i’ll follow you.”
you gave in to her and rocked your hips back and forth.
a low “fuck” sounded from behind you as she watched the way her strap kept slowly disappearing inside you, her hands still holding your hips. you nonchalantly continued playing the game, occasionally biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from moaning. ellie was going insane and could feel herself getting wetter by the second at how filthy you were being, and on a call with her friends no doubt. her filthy little slut.
whilst she was enjoying watching and listening to your sweet voice talking to them as if you weren’t fucking yourself on her right now, she also couldn’t wait until you were done so she could have her way with you. her lack of patience was getting the better of her when she decided to push you even further and slide her hand to your inner thigh. you shifted at the feeling of her fingertips against the sensitive skin and you weren’t sure how much more of this you could take.
“guys i found something, over here,” someone called.
you started to follow everyone, trying to ignore ellie’s wandering hands. but then you felt her fingertip press against your clit.
“okaaay, guys,” you jumped, nearly dropping the controller, “i’m gonna have to love you and leave you. sorry, bye, bye,” you rambled out and left the game, turning the mic off.
you leant back, pressing your back against her chest whilst ellie had a shit-eating grin on her face. she dragged a hand up your body to cup your boob and worked her other over your clit. you smiled as your head fell back and rested on her shoulder.
“ugh now fuck me properly, please?”
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leilakisakabiri · 9 months
could u to a gavi x singer reader? she’s more outgoing and not as shy as he is and writes songs about him // dedicates them to him during her concerts and he’s just a super proud bf 💗💗
Number One (PG6)
Summary: Gavi being your biggest supporter.
A/N: Quick one! Miss him on the field already :(
Word count: 700+
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“I can’t tell you all how much it means to me that you’re here – I love you. Thank you so much for your support!” You exclaimed, in awe of the crowd chanting your name.
“I wanna dedicate this song,” you continued smiling as the cheering intensified, “to a special someone who’s basically my muse for this whole EP, thanks for getting me famous,” you joked, “Oh, and also for making me feel loved.”
The beginning beats of your most popular song began to play and if you thought the crowd was loud before they went even crazier, screaming when they saw the camera pan over to Gavi in the VIP section, a proud smile on his face while he cheered along with your fans.
You had just confirmed the rumors that had been circulating for weeks – you were together.
You couldn’t keep the grin off your face as you sang the chorus, hearing the crowd sing along, the camera once again panning to Gavi, showing him scream-singing the lyrics with his sister, his grin mirroring your own.
You bowed once you had finished your set, thanking your audience once again. You looked over to the VIP section and made eye contact with Gavi, he immediately put his hands into a heart shape, lifting it above his head for you to see.
You felt your heart swell, usually, you would be the one doing that at his games, and it meant so much to you that he had come to support you and had done the same thing.
Without a second thought, you copied his actions, taking a final bow as you exited the stage.
Your heart was pounding, adrenaline racing through your veins.
You couldn’t believe it. You had just played your first big festival and everyone had seemed to love it.
You were in the middle of taking off your earpiece when you saw Gavi and Aurora walking towards you.
You finished unhooking yourself before you met them in the middle pulling them into a group hug.
“You were amazing Y/n!” Aurora praised you.
You let out a laugh, “Thank you! And thank you guys for coming!”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Gavi replied.
Aurora huffed, “He’s definitely not lying about that.”
You gave her a questioning look.
She sighed, giving Gavi a glare, “Gavi was so annoying, he kept rushing me. He was so worried we wouldn’t make it in time that we left an hour and a half earlier than we needed to, and he wouldn’t even let me walk around, scared that we would miss your performance, so we stood in that tent for like three hours.”
You turned to face a blushing Pablo, who was desperately trying to avoid eye contact with you, embarrassed at having been called out.
You reached out, wrapping your arms around his waist as you peered up at him, “Awh Pablo! Thank you, you didn’t have to do all that.”
He finally looked at you, hands coming to rest against your shoulders, as his fingers absentmindedly played with the ends of your hair.
“Couldn’t miss your first performance. Especially since it was dedicated to me.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Mhm how do you know I wasn’t talking about another guy?”
He gave you an offended look, “Please Y/n. We both know that no one makes you feel the way I do.”
You felt your stomach fill with butterflies at his words, you wanted him, and he knew it.
“Am I wrong?” He asked, face inching closer to yours.
Your eyes stayed fixed on his as he moved closer, a mischievous grin adoring his features.
“Ugh enough coupley shit.” Aurora groaned from beside you.
You laughed, pulling yourself back to reality and separating yourself from Gavi even as he tried to bring you back.
“Sorry! It’s all friendly here.” You declared.
Aurora smiled, grabbing your hand, “Perfect. Well, in that case, Gavi we’ll meet you by the food carts, I have to show Y/n this stand.”
You giggled as she pulled you along, looking back to see Gavi with an annoyed expression on his face as he watched his sister pull you away.
“I’ll be back!” You yelled.
“Not soon enough.” He shook his head smiling.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 35
You, Joel and Ellie strike a new balance in your relationship. A continuation of Lavender Ch. 1-34 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: The very lightest of smut. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 3k
“We should put clothes on at some point.” 
“Before we fall asleep.” 
“Probably move to sleeping bags.” 
“That’s my limit,” Joel tugged you somehow closer, kissing your forehead. “I’ll tolerate some clothes but I’m not ‘bout to let you any further from me than necessary.” 
The fire was nearly dead, the rain still heavy on the windows. You weren’t sure what time it was and the only reason you particularly cared was because you’d rather not be here, naked, when Ellie woke up. 
Joel had fucked you twice more. Once was slow and soft and gentle, almost like getting reacquainted. His hands ranged over you, like he was determined to touch every part of you. The third time was quick, hard, desperate, like he was devouring you, leaving you sore and your body limp. All the while, you could hardly bring yourself to do anything but cling to him, try to hold him to you. 
Part of you - no small part - was waiting for the switch to flip again. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him. You did. You just… were waiting for the jagged broken pieces to come try to cut you out. You were almost afraid to go to sleep, afraid that he’d wake up and remember why he’d spent the last 15 years trying to stay away from you. 
It was almost self destructive, staying close to him. You’d let him cut you open and take whatever he wanted as long as he said he knew you after, if he held you after. 
But it felt different this time. It was worth the risk. 
“Ellie’s been through enough the last few days,” you were so close to him that your lips brushed his chest when you spoke. “Should probably not throw any changes at her quite that hard.” 
“She’ll live.” 
You smiled a little. 
“Clothes at least.” 
He sighed. “Fine,” he kissed the top of your head. “But first damn thing we’re doin’ when we get where we’re goin’ is finding a safe place with a fuckin’ door.” 
He released you for the first time in hours, collecting your clothes - which had thankfully mostly dried by the fire - and handing them to you. You pulled on your shirt and underwear but left your jeans and bra to the side for now, watching as Joel tracked down his own clothes from wherever they’d landed - you hadn’t exactly kept track. Even in the dying light, he was the most gorgeous thing you’d ever seen. You sat up, pulling your knees into your chest, looping your arms around your legs. 
“Feel like I can see your wheels turning,” he said, pulling on his boxers and his undershirt. 
“Just,” you paused. Talking about your misgivings seemed unfair - especially after everything. “Do we tell her?” 
“Don’t know,” he shrugged, sitting beside you. “Doubt she’d care…” 
You laughed at that. Joel frowned. 
“That girl worships the ground you walk on,” you shook your head. “Do you really not see that?” 
“I think she tolerates me is what she does,” he said. He looked out the window, lightning illuminating the trees outside. “Should sleep while we can. Lookin’ like we’ll be stuck here at least through tomorrow. Not letting you get the sleeping bags, though.” 
You just smiled and shook your head as Joel lay down and he tugged you against him, using his chest for a pillow, his arm pulling you tight to his side. 
“Missed you, Baby,” he said quietly as you drifted off. 
“Missed you, too.” 
“Oh ugh!” 
It felt like your eyes had just closed when you woke up to Ellie standing over you, her head cocked, a disgusted look on her face. 
The sun had risen but it was still raining, the heavy cadence of the storm still beating down on the windows. 
“Morning, Gremlin,” you squinted and tried to blink the sleep from your eyes. You were still against Joel, your head on his chest, his arm wrapped around you while yours was draped over him. 
“Please don’t tell me you guys were having sex down here,” she groaned. “There’s only one couch in here, man!” 
“I promise that even if we did, it wouldn’t have defiled the couch any more than 20 years of neglect has,” you replied, disentangling yourself from Joel and sitting up. His hand went to your lower back and slipped below your shirt to your skin. You nudged him. 
“‘M awake,” he mumbled. “Just not movin’ yet.” 
You just smiled and shook your head a little. He still wanted to touch you in the morning. That was a good sign. 
“Alright,” you got up, grabbing your jeans as you went. Ellie groaned again. “Oh come on, I know you don’t sleep in your jeans.” 
“Yeah, but I’m by myself when I don’t sleep in my jeans,” she stomped off for the kitchen and you followed behind her, going through your pack for food. 
You spent the day trying to take advantage of the fact that you weren’t on the road and not trying to fend off a hoard of infected or a pack of raiders. 
There was a full set of pots and pans in the kitchen and you set the pots outside in the rain to collect water, warming it on the camp stove before dumping it into the bathtub and doing laundry. You raided the clothes that had been left behind at the cabin, finding things that would at least work to keep you covered for a day. 
“You’re sure you’re not just looking for a reason to be half naked around each other again?” Ellie griped. 
“Pretty sure,” you said. “We’ve got a long trip ahead of us, wouldn’t you like to start it at least somewhat clean?” 
“I’d like Joel to smell better,” she shrugged. 
“That’s the spirit,” you smiled a little. 
Joel kept a fire going and you hung the clothes out to dry. Once that was done, you went through the house room by room, looking for anything that might be useful. The clothes weren’t in great shape anymore but there were some tampons in one of the bathrooms that were still intact. The kitchen had some canned stuff that would probably be passable - soup, Spaghetti O’s, chili - and you gathered it all on the kitchen table. 
“Sweet!” You pulled a sealed bag of marshmallows out of a cabinet and set those aside, too. You wondered if Ellie had ever had one. Probably not. 
The cabinets in the living room had the best stuff, though. There were some books, some CDs and board games. 
“OK we’re doing this,” you said, grabbing Clue and hauling it to the coffee table. “Come on, guys, we’re playing a game.” 
Joel just shrugged, sitting on the floor in his tattered sweats. You’d take that as a win. Ellie just looked at it. 
“What is it?” She frowned. 
“It’s Clue,” you said, opening the box. The pieces were even still organized. “It’s a murder mystery game, everyone is trying to figure out who killed Mr. Boddy, where they did it and with what weapon. It’s fun.” 
“I could get behind some murder,” she sat on the other side of the table from you and Joel. 
You set up the game, explaining it to Ellie as you went. Joel kept a hand on you when it wasn’t his turn, touching your leg or your back. It seemed like an unconscious thing, he’d be frowning at his notes with his fingers splayed over your thigh. Like he couldn’t help but touch you. 
“Alright,” Joel said after you’d been playing for a bit, each of you collecting evidence. “I accuse… Miss Scarlet in the library with the candlestick.” 
“It’s not going to be right,” Ellie sounded very confident as she handed the envelope over to him. 
“It’s right,” he said, opening the little envelope and pulling the cards out. He smirked, nodded and lay the cards face up on the board. 
“You dick!” Ellie smiled as she said it. “You cheated! There’s no way.” 
“Just gotta ask the right questions,” he leaned back against the couch, stretching his legs out below the coffee table, looking proud of himself. “Sorry kid.” 
“Rematch,” she said, gathering up the cards. “You’re not putting shit in the envelope this time, though.” 
The three of you played another game of Clue (Ellie won, something she was very smug about) and you pulled out Monopoly next before you gathered more rain water, setting it out in the bathroom so you could try to get yourselves somewhat cleaned up while you had the chance. 
“So,” Ellie said from beside you on the couch as Joel got cleaned up. “You and him, huh?” 
You shrugged. 
“Something like that,” you smiled a little in spite of yourself. 
“You really care about him,” she said, looking over at you. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Yeah, I do.” 
She nodded slowly, looking straight ahead. You frowned. 
“What’s up?” 
She glanced over at you and sighed. 
“You’ll choose him over me,” she said. 
“What?” You laughed a little. She stuck her chin out, defiant. 
“You will,” she said. “I can tell.” 
“Oh honey,” you shook your head. “No. I wouldn’t.” 
She didn’t say anything, she just stared at her feet. 
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” You asked. She shrugged. “I love Joel. A lot. But it’s… different than how I love you. Because I do love you, kid. And he’d be OK without me. I’m going to take care of you and make sure that you get to where you need to be and I’m going to look out for you when we get there. Because I love you.” 
“Yeah?” She looked at you then. 
“Yup,” you said. 
She smiled a little. 
“Feeling a bit better?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” she said, looking back toward the fire. “Because really, it’s about fucking time. You two were getting kind of annoying with the whole ‘oh they hate each other’ ‘oh they love each other’ thing. Just kiss already, get it over with.” 
When everyone was cleaned up, you roasted stale marshmallows over the fire and Ellie went to bed with a muttered “try not to ruin the couch” on her way up the stairs. She smiled a little as she said it. 
“Guess that means the couch is off limits,” Joel said before he kissed you, tugging your clothes off of you and slipping his fingers inside you. 
He took you slowly, like you were something worth savoring, kissing your throat and chest, his fingers trailing through your hair. You just looked at each other for a while after, the storm outside seemingly over. 
“We’ve got a long way to go yet,” Joel said quietly, his fingers gently running through your hair, tracing along your forehead. 
“Have you thought…” he paused. “If we can’t find them. What would you want to do.” 
You frowned. 
“Whatever we need to do to keep Ellie safe,” you said quietly. “She needs someone. She needs us. Whether you realize that yet or not.” 
He looked at you for a moment. 
“I can keep you both safe,” he said. “We’ll figure it out. Whatever it takes.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” you smiled. “I know we will.”
Joel already missed the cabin. 
For starters, there wasn’t exactly privacy in the woods. Now that he’d had a taste of you again, he wasn’t ready to give it up. Not so soon, at the very least. 
He’d been relieved to find that his mind had done a very good job of holding onto you over the years. Sinking into you was glorious in its familiarity, like returning to the place he’d always belonged after too long away. Fuck, why had he gone so damn long without touching you? He couldn’t seem to really remember why anymore. 
Yes, he was still scared. Not that you were out of his sight for much right now but the few minutes a day that you were were gnarled with anxiety so thick it made his chest tight. Losing you would still kill him. That hadn’t changed. He just knew now that was always going to be the case, regardless of how close he was to you. You being out of sight, where he couldn’t easily protect you if need be, made him nervous. 
It did with the girl, too. 
He remembered what you’d said to him, that she worshipped the ground he walked on. He hadn’t seen it before but he noticed now, some of the small things she seemed to do that puzzled him. 
She’d ask him questions that seemed so random he didn’t think she could possibly actually want to know the answers, but she did. 
“So,” she asked you both, falling into step beside you as you walked down the road the next day. “Food shit, before the outbreak.” 
“What about it?” You asked. 
“The QZ had places where you went and traded your cards for shit,” she said. “What did your time have?” 
“Not that different, really,” Joel shrugged. “A lot more options. Usually fewer people begging for scraps because they haven’t had enough to eat in a month.” 
“Why’d you need choices?” She frowned. “Like for different… I don’t know, kinds of soup and shit.” 
“People liked different things,” he shrugged. “Whole economy was kind of based on people wanting different kinds of soup and shit.” 
“Weird,” she said, that look on her face like she was filing away the information again, a sad version of homesickness for a world she’d never seen.
You’d brought a few decks of cards with you from the cabin, making sure they had all 52 cards before you left the place. The three of you took to playing cards every night when you stopped to rest. 
The first game you taught her was rummy but on the third night, when she asked to learn poker, you couldn’t resist. 
“Alrighty,” you shuffled the cards, sitting on one side of a log with Joel and Ellie on the other. “Name of the game is Texas Hold ‘Em. Believe it or not, Joel does not have the advantage here just because he’s from Texas. He’s a terrible liar when it comes to cards, trust me I know.”
“Not bad at it,” he grumbled. You smiled a bit. He couldn’t help but smile back. “Just don’t like doin’ it.” 
Ellie, as it happened, was a natural at poker. It wasn’t long until she’d cleaned out the small pile of stones and twigs to use for chips. 
“So what do I win?” She asked, her eyes bright. 
“Bragging rights,” you shrugged. “And dibs on telling Tommy that Joel lost poker to a 14-year-old girl when we get to him. 
“I’ll take it!” She smiled at him, proud. 
It was surreal, watching you with a kid. You were so tied up with everything bad that had ever happened to him and seeing you with Ellie was a constant reminder of it all. Of the deep, unending ache of the loss of his daughter; a reminder of all that he could fuck up for the two of you now; the almost animalistic drive to protect the two of you, something that went far beyond what his mind wanted to do and instead defaulted to the raw, base need in him. That faint knowledge that it wouldn’t take much involving you - either of you, really - to make him snap and turn into something he wasn’t necessarily proud of.  
The three of you had been walking for more than a week when it happened. 
“Every now and then, I think of something random from before,” you said, more trudging than really walking by this time of the day. The sun was starting to set. He’d need to find a place for you to camp for the night shortly. “Like elevators. I can’t remember the last time I rode an elevator. I probably never will again. And I can’t remember the last time I rode in one.” 
Joel paused, thinking too. 
“I’m not sure about me, either,” he replied with a frown. 
“Mine was probably with you, actually,” you said, glancing over at him. “We took… we went to the mall that day, when I was visiting? We took the elevator. I don’t think I’ve been in one since.”
“So you guys were together before, too,” Ellie asked, looking over at you. 
“For a while,” you shrugged. “Some stuff got in the way.” 
“Stupid stuff,” Joel muttered. You smiled a little. 
“And then we ended up in the same QZ,” you said. 
“Damn,” Ellie said. “You guys were lucky.” 
“That we were,” you smiled at Joel and glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. He smiled a little back. He’d fucked it up long enough that it didn’t feel much like luck but he’d take it. 
There was only a second of warning before you - walking a little further forward than him or Ellie - suddenly tripped. 
For that short moment, time stood still and he couldn’t seem to make himself move. You were on the ground before he could catch you. 
He spotted it then, a trip wire running over the road.
Joel grabbed the girl and threw her behind him as he pulled out his weapon, running for you, watching for the tripwire as he went. 
“You OK?” He asked, pulling you to your feet. 
“Fine,” you said quickly. 
“We have to move,” he said. “Get off the main road…” 
He didn’t get the chance.  Out of the tree line ahead came about a dozen or so men, weapons drawn and leveled at the three of you. Joel tucked you behind him with the girl, his gun still out. 
“Don’t want any trouble,” he said quickly. “Just passin’ through.” 
“Joel,” the girl hissed from behind him. He glanced back. There were more men there, too. You moved Ellie so she was between you, protecting her from their sight. 
“For some reason, I’m doubtin’ that,” a man in front of Joel said. “Been a while since we had visitors. Going to have to insist you come with us.” 
With the number of guns pointed at you, Joel wasn’t sure he had a choice. 
A/N: OMG thank you all so much for being patient on this chapter! I'd intended to get it up over the weekend but the AU got a bit away from me.
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Thank you as always for reading and interacting and for being here. It's so fun to share this story with you all because you make it fun! Love you!
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asco-bisco · 1 month
wrapped around his finger - tyden fic
part 2 of 'head over heels'
Summary: tyler gets fed up with aiden's teasing after they wake up and makes the 'first' move
btw there's swearing
“Ugh…” Tyler groaned. Lights seeping from the window blinded him but that wasn’t the only light. A bright light shone in his face followed by a giggling sound and he had to force his eyes open.
That’s when he realized it. Taylor was back and she was the source of the giggling. The bright light? Her phone. She was recording them.
“Delete that!!” He bellowed and reached for her but was held back as someone’s arms tightened around him holding him back. Taylor squealed and lowered the phone, looking at the screen with a grin before running out of the room. “Taylor! Ugh…!” 
Tyler propped himself up by the elbows but was brought down immediately. “I’m trying to sleep…” Aiden mumbled, voice vibrating against Tyler’s neck. “Aiden! Get off me!” Tyler’s face flushed as he put his hands on Aiden’s shoulder, trying to push the blond off him. “I thought you liked cuddling with me…” Aiden muttered before exhaling deeply.
A shiver ran down Tyler’s spine as Aiden’s breath hit him. “T-Taylor saw us!” He stammered, struggling to keep his composure as his heart began beating loudly against his chest. Aiden hummed and got up, hands beside Tyler’s chest. “What? Was this supposed to be a secret?” A sly grin rose on Aiden’s face as he got closer to Tyler’s.
“I–” Tyler gulped as Aiden’s face inched closer to his, he couldn’t even hide the obvious. He had to force his eyes away from Aiden’s lips, trying to maintain eye contact but, oh God.
Those lips, they looked so soft and Tyler’s mind always wandered off thinking about how they would feel on his own, how they would taste and–
“My eyes are up here.” 
Tyler blinked and realized he had been staring at Aiden’s lips far too long. “F-Fuck– I-I know that!” Tyler clenched his jaw and gave Aiden one final shove. Aiden was moved away but he kept his spot on top of Tyler, sitting on him.“G- Get off me already!” Tyler demanded, watching as Aiden didn’t move. “Do you really want that?” Aiden arched a brow. “I don’t know, Tyler, but after last night…” Aiden’s voice trailed off as his eyes landed on Tyler’s lips.
Tyler gulped, knowing exactly what Aiden was referring to. “I…” His breath hitched once Aiden’s eyes whipped back to his. “Uh–” 
“--Tyler?” A voice from the door.
“That’s not Tay’s voice–” Tyler and Aiden whipped their head to the door to see Tyler’s mom standing there. “Ah– Mom!” Tyler gasped. Mariana switched confused glances between Aiden and Tyler. “I didn’t know you had someone over…” She locked eyes with Tyler. 
Tyler’s eyes widened, sweat dripping from his forehead. “I-It’s not what it looks like— I–” Tyler turned his head to Aiden who was still on top of him. 
Taylor appeared in the doorway behind her mom and Tyler felt relief wash over him as he looked back at the door. “I made breakfast!” She cheered and Mariana smiled at Taylor before looking back at Aiden. “You want to join us?” She asked with a smile and Aiden nodded.
“I’d love to!”
Breakfast with Aiden was horrifying. Tyler couldn’t count on two hands the number of times Aiden referred to last night. 
When they cuddled.
On Tyler’s (not big enough) bed.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck–” Tyler chanted in his head as Aiden continued talking about something that happened in Florida, Tyler couldn’t pay attention. He was still flustered about what happened minutes ago when Aiden was on top of him, basically asking to kiss. 
Mariana was the first to finish and leave since she needed to get ready for work—no wonder she was up so early. Taylor was the second, leaving her dishes at the sink before heading upstairs to unpack. Tyler hurriedly ate his food after that, adrenaline rushing through his body as he desperately wanted to get out of the situation where he would be alone with Aiden.
“Hey–” “--I’m going to wash the dishes!” He stood up abruptly, took his plate, and rushed to the sink. He let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm himself down before he would break something. He felt jittery all over, warm, and uneasy. Yeah, he wasn’t going to calm down in time.
But he tried anyway, turning on the water as he put the liquid dish soap on the sponge and got to work. Aiden ate silently at the dinner table and Tyler washed the dishes silently, but his brain and heart were the opposite.
He couldn’t hear the running water over his heartbeat, still beating loud and fast against his chest. His mind racing with thoughts—or more like Aiden’s voice. His voice played like a broken record player in his head, repeating as he could only think of what could’ve happened if his mom hadn’t walked in.
Aiden was beside Tyler suddenly, holding eye contact as he put his plate in the sink. Face inches away from Tyler’s.
“Y-You scared me!” Tyler scowled and Aiden moved away but he didn’t leave, he leaned against the counter nearby, watching Tyler wash the dishes with his arms crossed. “Whatcha thinking about?” Aiden smiled knowingly, cocking his head. Tyler looked away, feeling his face heat up again. “N-Nothing!” Tyler blurted out, nearly dropping a plate.
Aiden hummed, sounding unconvinced but it’s not like he was trying to hide it. Both of them knew what was running in Tyler’s mind.
And it was making Tyler go insane.
He could see in the corner of his eye, Aiden. Watching him silently and oh, so, carefully.
“When are you going to leave?” Tyler finally asked, glancing at Aiden. “Ouch!” Aiden put a hand on his chest and clutched his shirt, “You want me to leave that badly?” Tyler bit on the inside of his lip, trying to focus on getting the dishes done rather than Aiden’s question.
Because the answer was no but never would Tyler admit that. Never would Tyler admit that he didn’t want Aiden to leave. Never.
There were a few seconds (that felt like hours to Tyler) before Aiden hummed and walked away, out of Tyler’s sight. He fought the urge to turn around and ask where Aiden was going, he hated how he could be when in love. “Finally…he’s gone,” Tyler tried to feel relief, dropping his shoulders as he tried to feel more relaxed.
Aiden didn’t come back at all after that but Tyler knew he didn’t leave because if he did then he would’ve heard the door open or Taylor announce it. Unless Aiden decided to leave unannounced and out the window.
Fuck, Tyler would hate that. He could feel his heart sink just thinking about the possibility, silently asking where Aiden could be.
He finished the dishes which meant that he could find more things to distract himself with instead of thinking where Aiden was but once he turned the sink off, he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. Memories of last night flooded his brain as he looked down and saw that it was Aiden’s hands.
“Finished?” Aiden asked, breath hitting Tyler’s ear. He yelped and tried to move away but Aiden’s grip was firm. “L-Let go of me!” Tyler moved his head away so he’d have enough space to turn to Aiden who rested his head on Tyler’s shoulder.
But there wasn’t enough space. Their noses brushed against each other, lips an inch apart. Tyler felt all his blood rush to his face, he felt himself emitting heat. “Hm?” Aiden lifted his head and released his grip. “What? Worried about getting caught?” He teased, backing away from Tyler.
God, this was torture. 
Tyler whipped his head away. “S-Shut up…” He muttered and began to walk away. “When are you leaving?” He repeated his question, knowing Aiden was following behind. “When do you want me to leave?” Aiden questioned as they reached the living room where Tyler was planning to clear his head next but no point when Aiden was there.
Tyler sighed and stopped, turning around to face Aiden. “Isn’t Ben worried or something?” Tyler crossed his arms, trying to cool himself down but Aiden didn’t stop walking. He got closer to the point Tyler had to start backing away until he was pressed against the armrest of the couch. Aiden put his hands on the armrest, trapping Tyler in his position.
“Do you want me to leave?” Aiden cocked his head, eyes narrowed as he stared at Tyler with those damn red eyes, the eyes that always drove Tyler crazy in every possible way.
Tyler tried to look anywhere but at Aiden, eyes darting around the living room. Aiden hummed, “It’s rude to ignore your guests.” Something rose in Tyler as he forced himself to look Aiden in the eye, imagining himself in a competitive state so he wouldn’t look away. “Is this the same Tyler from last night?” Aiden had a sly grin as he inched his face closer to Tyler’s. 
Tyler gulped but tried his best to stay still, holding on to the armrest with all his might as Aiden didn’t take his eyes away. “The one who held my hand?” Aiden’s finger grazed Tyler’s hand. “The one who played with my hair? The one who cuddled with me? Shared a bed with me?”
Tyler held his breath once their noses touched and Aiden stopped moving, eyes slowly trailing down to Tyler’s lips. Then Aiden moved his head away.
He moved his head away– fuck, Tyler couldn’t stand it.
Tyler felt Aiden’s warmth leave and as Aiden was about to turn away, Tyler took his wrist and pulled him closer. “Fuck it,” Tyler thought before taking Aiden’s head with his other hand and leaned in, shutting his eyes as his lips landed on Aiden’s. 
They were soft against his and, fuck, they felt amazing. Tyler pulled Aiden closer, tilting his head and feeling his heart flutter when Aiden did the same. Tyler let go of Aiden’s wrist to cup his face and pull him closer as Aiden put his hands on Tyler’s waist, pressing against Tyler’s lips harder.
Tyler didn’t want to pull away and he was sure Aiden didn’t want to either with how firm his grip was on his waist.
But then because they were human and needed air meaning Tyler had to pull away.
He gasped as their lips parted, fluttering his eyes open as pants left his lips. Aiden’s face was flushed, small pants leaving his parted lips as his half-lidded eyes were focused on Tyler’s lips. “Fuck…” Tyler muttered before closing his eyes again as Aiden leaned in once more.
Tyler was melting under Aiden’s touch, warmth seeping through Aiden’s shirt as they pressed their bodies against each other. Tyler wanted this to last forever, trailing his hands down to Aiden’s neck and pulling him closer, he was so fucking desperate.
But then Aiden pulled away and Tyler leaned in as he did so, not wanting Aiden to leave but their lips parted. Tyler opened his eyes to look at Aiden who had a smile on his face, cheeks red, and his eyes.
Fuck, his eyes had Tyler wrapped around Aiden’s finger.
“So, what does this make us…?” Aiden breathed out, he was breathless—no, he made Tyler breathless. God, was Aiden breathtaking. “B-Boyfriends…!” Tyler blurted out. “Uh– Be my boyfriend…Aiden…” Tyler groaned and let go of Aiden’s neck before taking a deep breath. “Aiden Clark, will you be my boyfriend?” Tyler waited for Aiden’s answer, watching the blond blink at him before his smile grew.
Tyler swore he saw sparkles in Aiden’s eyes. “Yes, Tyler Hernández, I will gladly be your boyfriend,” Aiden grinned from ear to ear, looking at Tyler with eyes that made him weak in the knees. “But I expect to be taken out tomorrow,” Aiden asserted, “At 6 o’clock, to be exact, and at a restaurant.” 
Tyler rolled his eyes, feeling himself calm down a little after Aiden finally teased Tyler in a normal manner. “You ruined the moment…” Tyler muttered, looking away. “No, I didn’t,” Aiden said before leaning in again, giving Tyler one last kiss on the lips before parting away.
“I hate you…” Tyler breathed out with a scowl.
“Aww! Thanks, boyfriend!” Aiden beamed.
“You guys are dating?!”
They whipped their heads to the voice, Taylor’s voice, she was jaw-dropped.
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May I ask for a Subnautica Cookie Run AU Licorice x Reader? Feel free to snipe me to heaven if you wish ^^
A necromancer’s favorite, that’s what you are.
When the Celestial crashed you were both lucky and unlucky enough to have your escape pod land in the Dead zone, the “Dark cookie’s” territory. You were lucky in the sense that the leviathans let you live, you were unlucky in the sense that you were being held prisoner and had to eat whatever they brought you, if they remembered to at all. The one known as Pomegranate was the least attentive to you, in fact she barely cared. The most attentive though…was a shadow leviathan named Licorice. When it was his job to do so he always made sure to bring food back for you, he’d talk to you and seemed to enjoy the chats.
His presence made you fascinated by the natives here, even if he tried to act like he didn’t like you. Whenever you spoke to him you could see a slight grin on his face, you could hear that genuine laugh at your jokes. He’d get so flustered whenever you pointed it out.
“Licorice, thanks for being so nice to me, I really appreciate it.”
“W-Well yes! Be grateful!” He stuttered.
“Don’t worry, I am grateful.” You replied with a genuine tone.
Sometimes you’d talk about your home planet, all the bad things that happened to it, Alterra, etc. He himself was fascinated by outer worldly things and on some occasions would ask about it without prompt. It made you feel appreciated and heard, especially when you’d lament about wanting to leave Plant Cookie as it was called here. Any mention of you going home was met with swift denial from him.
“Licorice please, I want to try to find a way home.” You spoke.
“No!” He replied, arms crossed.
“Well why not?”
“Because you’re our prisoner!”
“I’m starting to feel like it’s more than that with you…”
“No, it’s not!”
Back and forth with this, Licorice would keep denying you a proper answer to the question, you knew it was something else other than “being their prisoner”. You could see it on his face, something he was hiding. So, you kept poking and prodding at the topic every chance you got, until he snapped.
“Just NO! Okay? The answer is NO I will NOT let you go!!” He shouted.
You flinched, drawing back at his snap and harsh tone. You immediately saw regret cross his face as he muttered an apology, then a slightly more audible one. Arms crossed again as he refused to meet your gaze. Reaching over you placed a hand on his shoulder, this time he was the one to flinch despite being so much bigger than you.
“Fine…I have two reasons… One…I NEED to prove to my master that I’m worth something and two…I…I don’t want you to go. I’m so happy having you around that I don’t think I can go back to being without you…” He explained.
“Oh licorice…” You sympathized with him.
The giant mer creature let out an exhale before his head sunk more into the water. You reached out again and pet his head with your hand gently, Licorice’s eyes went wide for a bit before he relaxed and purred. You thought that was adorable, you didn’t know he could purr!
But soon the purrs stopped as his face became downtrodden again…
“I know it’s wrong to keep you here but, I just…don’t want…”
“Licorice it’s okay, really. I’ll try to find a way to visit you without getting blasted out of the sky!”
“Or, you could live here on one of the islands! That way I could visit you!” He said with desperation.
“Licorice, this is my whole life we’re talking about…it’s not that simple of a choice…”
He splashed a hand down, creating a wave that soaked you.
“Ugh! Why must things be so difficult?!” He cried out before gripping his hair and diving underwater.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day, nor the next few days. You were getting worried when one day you woke up to feel your life pod moving. Poking your head out of the top you spotted Licorice moving it to a safer location. He didn’t answer when you called out to him, so you just decided to enjoy the ride. You were moved as far as his large body would allow him to go comfortably.
“Thank you.”
“…You’re welcome.”
With that, he swam away back to the Dead zone. You were sad but relieved at the same time, he decided to let you go regardless of what punishment he might receive for doing so.
Days passed and licorice would come to visit you, helping with whatever he could due to his giant size compared to yours. The two of you were closer than ever now and you liked it, surviving here got fun with Licorice there to protect you. You’d tell him how much you appreciated it and how much he meant to you. You could see it fluster him even when he’d try to coolly brush it off.
“Licorice, thank you for everything.”
“You’re welcome…. dear…”
He started to get more flustered by just being around you. Stuttering a lot more and not knowing what to say at some points. You thought it was so cute and you were convinced he was in love with you. To be honest, you were in love with him too. You loved everything about Licorice! But that’s what made you sad…you’d have to leave him, go home, return to Alterra. You couldn’t truly promise to see him again…
After exploring the remains of the Celestial, you got the blueprints for the rocket that would bring you home. Licorice flinched when you told him but he assisted in gathering the materials so you could build it.
Finally, everything was built, and you looked at your creation with him.
“I feel like I keep saying this but thank you Licorice, thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome…can I at least give you something before you go?”
“Of course.”
Then he leaned in, giving you the gentlest of kisses. Your cheeks flared and you return the kiss, causing his cheeks to flare as well. You boarded the rocket…waving as it took off. Licorice waved back as the only one he ever loved left the atmosphere…
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journeyintofiction · 2 years
Request by Anon: Jealous Shuri
Happy reading :)
I stand before a floor length mirror in our shared chambers, staring at the beautiful dress Shuri had made specifically for this occasion. It’s a long red dress that has puffy sleeves, a fitted bodice, and flares out towards my feet. The little patterns, upon closer inspection, are flowers with the compliment of flecks of gold woven into the fabric. I look at myself and feel genuinely beautiful and almost like a princess who walked right out of a fairytale.
“Are you almost ready?”Shuri yelled from the bathroom.
“Yeah, just putting the finishing touches”, I replied with a small smile on my face. Tonight we were going to a charity gala that was being hosted by our mutual friend, Kyla. It was the first outing since everything that happened with the Talokan. It took some convincing for Shuri to feel up to the idea of going out into public, but she couldn’t say no to attending a charity gala for a good cause.
Shuri struts out of the bathroom and I take a moment to appreciate her outfit. She wears a jumpsuit that is black with accents of silver to compliment her typical jewelry. Her shoes are black heels that aren’t too high but high enough that her jumpsuit doesn’t brush against the floor.
“You look beautiful my love, you should dress like this more often.” I say with a smirk on my face.
In response she looks at me with an eyebrow raised and says, “oh really? I thought you liked me with less on?”
I feel my face get warm, thank god my complexion hides my blush, and respond “You know what I mean”. She opens her mouth to make another snarky quip but I beat her to it and get down to business. “Come on we need to go, the last thing we need is to be late.”, I say with a sense of urgency.
Shuri nods and responds, “Alright, Alright let's go.”
Once we arrive at the venue we step onto the red carpet and hold hands for pictures and move inside to greet our friend who is hosting the event.
“Y/N! Shuri! You guys are finally here, ugh I didn't know what I was going to do if you two didn’t show up” our friend Kyla says with exaggerated desperation.
I roll my eyes and respond with the same exaggeration, “You would just have to cancel everything if we didn’t show up, how pitiful that would have been.”
For a moment we all look at each other and then bust out laughing before calming down. Once calm we decided to walk around and mingle with the other guests while introducing ourselves to those we didn’t know. And at some point Shuri and I split off but we're close enough to see each other and come to one another's rescue if we see that the conversation isn’t going well. Just as I am moving to make my way back to Shuri’s side, a young man steps in front of me.
“Good evening” the man says in a deep voice. I look at him and realize he looks vaguely familiar but I cannot put my finger on it. I quickly realize I have been staring and quiet for longer than acceptable.
“Good evening, how are you?”, I decided that to find his intentions it was necessary to do small talk despite my deep seated hatred for it. I continue on and say, “ I don't believe we’ve met yet.”
He looked at me and blinked, almost shocked that I didn’t seem to recognize him at the moment and said, “ It’s me, Thomas from high school. I know I have changed a bit, but not so much that I'm unrecognizable.”
I quickly realize that's why he is so familiar to me but I’m slightly confused because we never kept in contact and he wasn’t in my group of friends in high school. Outside of the occasional greetings in class and the hallways we never interacted much.
Without noting my unease and confusion he continues on, “I hear that you are really big in the tech industry.”
I nod and try to laugh off the unsettling feeling I get from him and try to back out of the conversation without being rude.Then he does something I was hoping he wouldn’t.
He looks at me and in a raised voice asks, “Would you like to dance?”
With a proclamation like that I can’t say no without looking like an ass so I nodded and took his outstretched hand. All while I was frantically looking at Shuri but she had turned away for the moment and couldn’t remove me from the situation or cut in.
The first thing I noticed was how low his hand was on my back and how he constantly stares at me. It was weird and uncomfortable but I wasn’t going to make a scene and cause chaos so I just remained tense and was counting down the seconds until the dance ended. When we turned to the direction of Shuri I saw she was staring at the two of us with an expression that was neutral. But I could tell she was irritated and surprisingly, a touch jealous.
Thomas tried to continue engaging in conversation but it lacked any sincerity and I quickly went from friendly to polite with thinly veiled annoyance. Just as the dance was going to be completed he moves towards my face and kisses me on the cheek before I can pull away. I was shocked and disturbed that he would just kiss me out of nowhere with no warning or consent and just as I got ready to voice my displeasure Shuri appeared.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t kiss my girlfriend without her explicit consent.” she stated while removing his hands from my waist.
He looked confused momentarily and then looked quite embarrassed about the whole display and quickly apologized to us, then made himself scarce.
Shuri looked concerned and asked, “Are you okay my love? Did he touch you in any other way that made you uncomfortable?”
I shook my head no and looked at her and still saw a tinge of jealousy and I cocked my head to the side and asked her quietly, “ Were you jealous of him dancing with me?”
She paused and looked at me then sighed, “yes.”
“Shuri-” I started
She shushed me and pulled me into a dance “ I am not mad, I just saw how interested he was and I know that everything that happened recently it's been a lot for you as my partner. I just thought for a moment you could have been better off with someone less … bothersome.”
I was taken aback and quickly quieted her worries, “you shouldn’t think such things.” I paused then snickered, “ I mean what ever would I do if I didn’t have to drag you out of the lab every night?”
This is my first official fanfic so please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors :) this definitely turned out longer than expected but I’m pretty happy with it. Also bare with me, I’m a college student with finals coming up so requests may take a day or two!
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pttwice · 11 months
can i request little jeongie being fussy because she can't find her paci so she just cries and holds on to her pooh stuffie the whole day until somebody finds her paci
hi anon :) ugh i can just imagine how sad little jeong would be :((
|| little!jeongyeon, cg!jihyo ||
Jeongyeon was beyond tired. Her body ached from a long practice, she didn't get much sleep the night before, and she was hungry but she was too sleepy to make anything for herself to eat. She knew she'd most likely regret not eating at least a granola bar or piece of fruit, but she could only think about her bed. She could quickly feel herself slipping but she needed to get into comfortable clothes first and out of her sweaty practice clothes.
Jeongyeon changed into a fuzzy pair of sweatpants and a sleep shirt once she dragged herself to her bedroom. She flopped down onto the bed before she let out a relaxed sigh. She could finally sleep and not have to worry about anything. As she rolled over and slid up to her pillow, she reached into her bedside table drawer. Her hand moved around the drawer, but she couldn't feel what she was looking for.
Jeongyeon groaned and sat up in her bed. This was the last thing she needed right now. She fully slipped and grabbed onto her Winnie the Pooh stuffie, shuffling out into the living room of the dorm. She looked through the couch, lifting up all the cushions as she kept whispering something over and over again.
By the time the little had torn through the whole living room, she still hadn't found what she'd been looking for and she was just exhausting herself even more. Jeongyeon crawled onto the couch, holding her Pooh stuffie tight against her chest. Her cheek was pressed against the couch as she felt the tears she was so desperately trying to hold back quickly slip out of her eyes.
Her few tears soon turned into sobs as she laid on the couch. If she wasn't so forgetful, she wouldn't be laying down on the couch crying. If she wasn't so forgetful, she would be asleep and not feeling even ickier than she was an hour ago. If she wasn't so forgetful-"
Jeongyeon's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden weight next to her legs on the couch. She didn't bother to look up as she felt someone sit down, instead opting to bury her face in the couch. She didn't want to have to try to talk to anyone right now.
The person who decided to sit by Jeongyeon decided to put a hand on her leg, which the little didn't like. Jeongyeon kicked her legs, trying to get the hand off of her as she wiggled down the couch. She felt the person get up off the couch. Maybe they got the message that she didn't want to be bothered.
"What's wrong, sweet girl?"
It was Hyo. Jeongyeon turned a little to see Jihyo, tears clouding her vision. The little sniffled as another sob left her. She wanted her Hyo but she didn't want to have to say anything. She just wanted to cry and sleep.
"Can I pick Jeongie up?" Jihyo tried to speak as softly as she could, only reaching out to pick her baby up once she nodded. Jihyo adjusted Jeongyeon in her lap so she could be more comfortable, rocking her back and forth a little.
Jeongyeon kept crying, wriggling around in Jihyo's arms. She wanted her mama to hold her and it felt nice to be wrapped in her arms, but she couldn't get comfortable. Nothing felt right.
After a few minutes of walking Jeongyeon around the room and bouncing her in her arms, Jihyo sat back down on the couch. She tried rocking the girl, laying down with her, and now walking around with her, but nothing seemed to help. Jeongyeon couldn't stop crying no matter what her mama did. Whenever Jihyo put her down, Jeongyeon would cry. Whenever Jihyo picked her up, Jeongyeon would cry.
Jihyo sighed and laid back, placing a few gentle kisses to Jeongyeon's forehead. She rubbed small circles into her baby's back, hoping it would help a little. Thankfully, it did enough for Jeongyeon's loud sobs to die down to quieter cries.
Jihyo breathed out a light sigh of relief as she kept rubbing Jeongyeon's back. "Is Jeongie feeling icky?"
Jeongyeon nodded her head slightly, wrapping her hand in Jihyo's shirt with her free hand.
"Is it because you're sleepy, sweet girl?"
Another small nod from Jeongyeon.
"Why don't you take a nap, baby?"
Jeongyeon shook her head this time and whined, kicking her legs a little in frustration.
"Can you tell mama the reason you don't want to take a nap?" Jihyo brushed Jeongyeon's hair out of her face, kissing the crown of her head.
Jeongyeon sniffled and wiped her eyes. She moved her hand that was wrapped in Jihyo's shirt and held it up.
"I'm sorry, baby. I don't know what you're trying to tell me. I know it might be hard right now, but can you try using your words?"
Jeongyeon let out a long sigh but nodded. She took a deep breath and looked up at Jihyo. The sight of Jeongyeon's red, puffy eyes broke her mama's heart. "Gomu."
Jihyo barely heard what the little said, but it was just enough to where she could register what she wanted. "Did you lose your pacifier?"
Jeongyeon furiously nodded her head. She was relieved that her mama finally understood what she was trying to tell her. Maybe now she could help her find it.
Jihyo smiled at Jeongyeon's small nod and got up, the little still in her arms. She walked to her bedroom and moved some clothes off of her dresser. She picked up a beanie, and finally. There it was.
The second Jeongyeon saw her pacifier, her eyes lit up. "Jeongie gomu! Gomu!" She reached a hand out, opening and closing it excitedly. She wiped her eyes again and leaned forward, desperately trying to reach it.
Jihyo let out a small chuckle and picked up the pacifier that had a tiny dinosaur stuffie attached to the end of it. "Yeah, good job, sweet girl. This is Jeongie's gomu."
Jihyo brought it up to Jeongyeon, holding the dinosaur attached to the end. Jeongyeon excitedly opened her mouth, a content sigh leaving her as soon as her lips wrapped around the pacifier. Exhausted, she laid her head against her mama's chest, finally closing her eyes.
Jihyo gently bounced Jeongyeon in her arms as they made their way back to the little's room. She laid her baby down on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "Mama's sorry about your gomu, sweet girl. I must have forgotten to put it back in your drawer last night before you went to bed."
Jeongyeon just smiled sleepily and nodded. She rolled on her side, facing her mama as she held her Pooh stuffie. Jihyo gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before she started to get up.
As soon as Jeongyeon felt her mama get up, she reached out to grab her shirt sleeve. Jeongyeon opened her eyes and shook her head, gently tugging on her mama's sleeve.
Jihyo let out a small laugh and carefully laid down beside Jeongyeon. "Okay, baby. Mama will stay here." She pulled the covers over Jeongyeon, draping her arm over the little's waist.
Finally, Jeongyeon could go to sleep. She was still hungry and her head hurt a little, but her body could finally relax. All she needed were her mama and her gomu and everything was okay.
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rain-dom · 3 months
[Girl to Femboy Transformation] Coming Out Of His Cocoon.
“Goddammit! No service, still!”
Stacey was holding up her phone into the air, desperately trying to get some sort of connection to the outside world.
Stuck in the middle of the A Thousand Eyes Forest, with no connection to the internet, no way to call anyone, and no way home, this would be a nightmare for the average person. But this was pure hell for Stacey, a popular social media star, who was used to her millions of adoring fans - and haters - watching her every move, either judging and mocking her, or cheering her on and defend her her at every turn. That was company.
Not that she cared about any of them that much, anyway. Blind hate or love was all the same, as long as she kept up her good-girl schtick online and kept growing her audience, it didn’t matter what people online thought. Even her shallow fellow-influencer “friends” only tolerated her so that they could get numbers off of her and vice-versa. Purely transactional. She didn’t need true friends or companions, all she needed were the increasing views and followers, which made her more money, which made her Mom and Manager happy, and that’s all that mattered.
Well, until recently. Stacey wanted to stop being online all of the time for the sake of her mom’s praise, and wanted to go out and find herself. Get a hobby that she liked, go on dates with cute boys - stuff any nineteen-year-old would do.
Let’s just say… her mom wasn’t too happy with her daughter’s newfound sense of self, with her kicking her out of the house indefinitely. So, Stacey would, after joining her “friends” on this camping trip, she would leave her campsite and never come back.
In any case, she didn’t even have them to comfort her. And making matters worse, her phone died, due to the lack of battery.
In the middle of the night.
“Ugh, well isn’t this just terrific!” she yelled as she kicked a rock, which bumped off of a large, nearby tree, scattering a few animals - birds, rabbits, raccoons, and squirrels. Unknown to her, however, her careless actions made this old tree spirit unhappy with her.
“I’m stuck here alone with little food and water, in the middle of some…disgusting forest, walking in circles in the dark. And I can’t see shit! Who even names a forest A Thousand Eyes, anyway?? So creepy…” she said as she ate the last of her chocolate bar, which she then tossed onto the lush, green grass. “And my boots are all dirty, too!” she pouted, gesturing to her $5,000 pink glittery boots, covered in thick, brown mud.
“Know those bitches are gonna have a blast with me out of the picture. They’re probably already making their sad little videos about ‘HoW muCH tHeY mIsS StAcEy’, then a week later they’ll post some expose about me or whatever.” She laughed.
She sat down at the bottom of a large, ancient tree, and sighed. It was starting to rain, and she started to cry with the sky above.
“I guess this is what I get for not getting you enough views, huh, mom? You got what you wanted. Now, you don’t even have to face me! God, you’re so…arghh!! I HATE you!!” She yelled, breaking down in tears.
“I wish I could have seen you for who you were before! But it’s too late for that now. Maybe this is just what I deserve. Not like I’m a saint, or whatever.”
She closed her eyes and decided to at least get herself some shut eye.
Stacey awoke to a voice, one that was deep and ancient sounding.
“Stacey Steinberg. You and your companions have desecrated our home, the Forest of A Thousand Eyes.”
It was morning now, and the rain had long since subsided. “Is the tree… talking to me? Through my head? God, I must be going crazy…”
She knew what this tree was talking about, though. Her and her friends did make a mess at their campsite, leaving all sorts of junk - wrappers, water bottles, and even food.
“So that’s why it’s called the Forest of A Thousand Eyes.” Stacey thought, feeling both embarrassed and fearful of this forest that watched her every move.
She turned to face the tree, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Y-you know, being stuck in the middle of this stupid forest is punishment enough, so if you think-“
“We were thinking of a punishment, yes. But sensing your pain, your frustration, and your anger against your fellow humans who have wronged you - and us - we thought it would be best if you could join us in our great battle against your kind.”
She sighed. “I have literally nothing else better to do so, what do you want me to do, hive-mind?”
“Let yourself be renewed by the vines, and let us mold you into the Protector of the Forest of A Thousand Eyes.”
“Protector?? Of this forest? I hate this forest, but…not gonna lie, I like the title though. Protector. You know…I don’t dislike the sound of that”, she said with smirk.
“So be it.”
The clouds parted, and light beamed down onto the spot Stacey was sitting. The green tree she was sitting on glowed green, its layers in its bark shining brightly. Stacey took a step back, closed her eyes, and turned her head away from the tree, shielding them from the light by holding her hands out.
“Our vines will mold your body to your liking. You will have all the powers of the forest, and will protect all life within it, with your life. Now, remove your clothing and lay on the Home Tree. You will be gagged with the vines as well. This is done so that you can be as connected to nature as possible. But, you will be able to communicate with your voice and your thoughts if you want us to terminate the modifications at any time.”
“…you guys are bunch of perverts.” She said with a disgusting look on her face, opening her eyes as the light dimmed. “But hey, I’ve got nothing more to lose. And…hm, it would be nice to exist in a different body.”
She did as they said. First, she took off her pink and purple backpack. She then took off her clothes - a pink leather jacket, her pink boots, white sweater crop top, her light blue skirt.
Then, she took off her pink panties and bra, and her white socks, and laid on the tree trunk.
Then, the tree glowed again.
“Ugh…I feel so warm-agh!”
She saw as she was being covered in vines, as they one by one started to wrap around her hands, arms, legs, neck, and torso. The vines restrained her arms and legs, pinning her to the tree.
“Eww!” Stacey said, disgusted as more of the vines wrapped around her body. The vines covered up her eyes and shoved themselves into her mouth, gagging her, and squeezed and wriggled around her head and throat, making her face change somewhat, although she didn’t know in what way, but it felt…good, nonetheless. Her straight, neck-length blonde hair felt longer and free.
Meanwhile, she heard her voice deepen, sounding more boyish.
“Mmm..ohh..” she said with her new voice as her muscles began to relax.
“Oh! hah….” The vines squeezed around her chest, pushing down on her breasts, as if they were massaging them. Her shoulder and arms felt like they were pushing out of her body, as if like bubbles of stress were popping out of them.
She felt the vines tighten around her waist and hips, massaging them as well.
“Are you enjoying the changes so far?” Home Tree asked.
”I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…yeah, the feels so good!” She thought, while also nodding in between her muffled moans.
“We have one more change we need to address - would like us to give you a beautiful gift?”
”Mm-hmgh!” Stacey agreed.
With that, she felt the vines quickly spread her legs, as something warm and slimy ran down her thighs from her crotch. Something started to tickle her clit, making Stacey’s body tremble and moan with great pleasure.
After thirty seconds, the teasing stopped.
”H-hey, what’s the hold up—AH!”
After the teasing, it felt like two large vines were inserting themselves into her pussy and her anus, each one taking turns fucking her.
”Oh, fuck yes!” Casey thought, her moans getting loader and loader, the penetrations becoming faster and faster, harder and harder until she finally felt herself squirt.
”Wow…I’d never thought my first time would be with a tree, but…fuck! I don’t care anymore! This feels great!”
Then, she felt the vines, tugging, pulling…something in her vagina.
”Oh god, what’s happening nOwW?!?”
As the vines kept pulling whatever was inside of her out of her, she felt it growing, expanding…twitching. She also felt two other, smaller things being pulled after it, growing size as well.
The vines then wrapped around those unidentified things, then pulled them even harder.
”Gagh!! Ooh!!” Casey groaned. ”What is that thing??”
As the vines kept pulling, the faster those things grew. Faster and faster, bigger and bigger did they grow, until they were…pulled outside of her?
The vines tugged on them three more times, with more and more of them wrapping around it, until they seemed to reach a large enough size.
The largest of them, already feeling like it was about to burst.
Long and hard, twitching and throbbing, Casey didn’t care what it was, as the sensations coming from it were too much for her to bare!
”Oh god! Whatever that thing is, it feels like it gonna explode! Please, do something!” she begged.
The vines answered by rubbing it, the feelings almost pulsating from her crotch, Casey’s body shook as she moaned loudly, her head throwing itself back, reacting to the new feelings down there, as the vines also started to penetrate her ass again.
”It-it feels like lightning…exploding all over my body!”
As the vines kept rubbing it faster and faster, penetrating harder and harder, she could feel the sensations increase, higher and higher, faster and faster, until suddenly-
”Aahmngh!!” she moaned, feeling whatever that was welling up inside of her finally released themselves, as warm, thick liquid shot out of her and onto the vines, and dripped down onto her.
She hadn’t even begun collecting herself, when she felt the vines moving across her body, shuffling and flexing, wrapping tightly around her torso, and getting looser at her thighs and legs. Some of them didn’t even feel like vines anymore, most of them felt like…leaves? And a few twigs?
Afterwards, she felt the leaves release from her body, as they returned to the tree.
“Ack! Hack!” She gasped as she felt the vines leaving her mouth. She pushed her long, brown hair out of her eyes as the vines over her eyes lifted. “Hah, hah...wait cough, cough, is my hair…long again? And why is it- my voice? It sounds so weird now! What the fuck happened to me—oh, my god!!”
She looked down, as her eyes revealed to her her new body: She was wearing nothing but a almost skintight, shoulder-less, and sleeveless green dress, which was made up mostly of leaves and a few brown twigs, the lower parts being shades of a darker green, the edges of which shaped into cute triangles. A few pink and white flowers sprouted on the dress, too. Save for her nipples poking out of dress, her boobs were gone, her shoulders were slightly wider, her arms a little longer, and her hands were bigger. Complete with soft, pale skin, it replaced her fake tanned skin. Her curves smoothed out, and her butt was slightly bigger. And there was something, something hard and leaky poking out under her tight, green dress, between her soft, thick thighs-
“I’m…I’m a boy?? You…you turned me into a…a femboy??"
“This isn’t our doing. While we might have assisted in giving you this body, this is the body you wanted, is it not?”
“A-a mirror! Where the fuck did I put my mirror?!” She looked around for her backpack, but it was gone.
“You wanted to leave your old, filthy life behind, so we removed all of your material possessions that reminded you of it. But, if you want a ‘mirror’, we suppose we do have those here. Go to the nearest lake and see, yourself.”
After she ran to the lake, she bent over to see how much she had changed.
“My…my face…” she said as she touched her more androgynous face, its edges more defined.
She looked at the rest of her newly minted body, and blushed.
It had tiny freckles that danced across her nose and under her eyes. She saw how her nail polish now alternated between green and brown on each nail. She touched her hair, which was finally in its natural color again, brown, something that her mother never liked.
But he did.
Tears started welling up in his eyes.
“H-holy shit…I’ve never really considered being a boy, or any of this ever happening, but now I…think I can totally get used to this.” He smiled, wiping a tear from his face. “God this is…so weird, so confusing, but I also feel…amazing. Thank you, so much!”
“It pleases us that you enjoyed the changes. Now, the real work must be done.”
The animals - deer, birds, rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, butterflies, ants - all moved in around him. He stood back, scared that they might attack him.
“What, what’s happening now??”
“There is no need to fear. These are your fellow members in the animal kingdom. They are the ones you are going to protect.”
He looked at them, now seeing the little details he had never seen before. The way the ants moved together, they way the birds protected their nests, and the way the caterpillar hatched from its cocoon, turning into a butterfly.
That butterfly landed on his hand, softening his tense stance as he recognized himself in its transformation.
“Wow…you are all actually beautiful, in your own…weird way. Like, I-I’m still not completely sold on the dirt and the elements, but…maybe I was a little too quick to judge you guys.” He said, almost about to tear up again.
Casey turned to the tree once again, which seemed teleport wherever he went. He smiled and put his hands on his hips. “I think I’m definitely ready to be the protector of this forest. Now, where do we begin?”
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entink · 1 year
Into the Darkness of the Night
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Sunghoon was walking his girlfriend home from school. Unaware of the creatures lurking in the dark.
Sunghoon was walking his girlfriend home from cram school. It had taken longer than usual and it was already night time. They had chatted and shared laughs along the way.
As they talked, they were unknown to the creatures lurking in the shadows. The creatures whispered to one another. “Ugh! I will kill that little brat! Stealing my woman…!” One of them said angrily. “You can not keep killing any guy you see just because you are jealous.” The other said with a huff.
The couple kept on their journey, eventually reaching into alleyway. It was a shortcut to get to the girl’s house. They were walking hand in hand, when one of the creatures jumped out of the shadows and onto Sunghoon. He fell backwards and the creature quickly got on top of him. “Ah, shit! Get off me!” He struggled and tried to push the thing off of him but to no avail.
“Get off of him!” his girlfriend yelled. The thing didn’t seem to care about her words though. Sunghoon continued to struggle with the creature until it finally got serious. It harshly bit into Sunghoon’s neck and he screamed, trying desperately to escape its bite.
But it wasn’t going to let him go anytime soon. The creature slowly bit down harder and deeper, leaving a deep gash in his neck. Sunghoon felt like dying. His blood ran over the creature’s fangs. His girlfriend ran up next to him as she watched the creature devour Sunghoon’s bloody body.
She looked at the monster and yelled, “Stop! Let him go! Leave him alone!” But of course, the creature ignored her. Instead he said, ”Ugh…You’re annoying. I don’t want you anymore. I’m leaving.” With that, the creature turned to walk away. Sunghoon still lay lifelessly on the ground and could only watch as the creature walked away as if he did nothing.
His girlfriend quickly knelt down and tried to inspect Sunghoon’s wound. Her eyes widened as she saw the wound. It was a huge bite mark. Like something from an animal. There was so much blood coming from his wound that it covered his uniform almost entirely. “Help! Someone help him!” She cried, but there was not a living soul around to hear it.
Suddenly someone else came out of the shadows and rushed toward Sunghoon, pushing the girl aside. It was a woman. A very beautiful woman actually. Unworldy beautiful. Very pale. Very tall. Red lips almost like the color of blood. Long dark hair flowing down to her waist. Wearing a robe. Kimono maybe?
The woman knelt by Sunghoon’s side and examined him. “Who..who are you…? No, that doesn’t matter. He needs help! Please! Help him!” Sunghoon’s girlfriend begged, hoping the woman would be of some help. The woman seemed to ignore the young girl and focused her attention on Sunghoon.
“I was just on my nightly walk when I smelled something delicious. I followed it and found this sweet looking boy laying on the ground. A very handsome one at that…yes…he would be perfect…” The woman said, stroking the boy’s dark brown hair affectionately. “Wh..wh..what are you talking about?” His girlfriend asked, confused by all the words.
The stranger didn’t respond and instead went back to examining the wound. Sunghoon was bleeding even more now.
“I would love to gobble him up right now. But, he’s way too perfect to be wasted like that. Hmm…” The woman checked Sunghoon’s pulse. “His heartbeat is faint, which means that he’s close to death. That won’t do though.”
The woman raised her to Sunghoon’s face and started covering his mouth and nose, completely cutting off his air supply. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill him?!” his girlfriend yelled.
The woman responded, “Don’t worry…this will help him die peacefully and swiftly~” She pressed harder against Sunghoon’s face as he weakly struggled for air.
When she removed her hand, Sunghoon wasn’t moving.
He was dead.
‘Perfect~’ The woman thought to herself as she looked at the corpse. “Oh my God! What did you just do?! You killed him!” His girlfriend yelled at the woman as she cried. “Calm, child,” the woman simply told her. The woman raised her wrist to her mouth.
When she opened her mouth, the girl let out a scream upon seeing the fangs adoring the woman’s teeth. The woman slowly sunk her teeth into her own wrist, causing it to bleed.
She then held her arm above the dead boy’s face. She lowered her arm and watched as her blood dripped into Sunghoon’s mouth.
Once she thought he had enough, the woman closed Sunghoon’s mouth to make sure he got the blood into his system. Once done, the woman stood and stared down at the boy. A few seconds went by. The woman stared at the boy as his girlfriend was frozen in shock.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, something happened.
Sunghoon jolted up as if he had just awoken from nightmare. He breathed heavily as he looked around all dazed and confused before taking in his surroundings.
“How…? But..you…” his girlfriend stuttered. “What…?” Sunghoon asked himself. He couldn’t wrap his mind around everything that had happened. He held his hands up and stared at them in shock before looking down at his blood stained clothes. “I thought I was dead…no, I know I was dead do how…?” the boy mumbled to himself. “S…Sunghoon…are you…okay?” his girlfriend nervously asked, not sure what to do.
The boy remained silent for a while as he processed everything. “I don’t know…what is happening…” he finally said. “But…I’m….fine…I think…” he placed his hands on his throat, “But I’m starving.” Sunghoon spoke quietly. “I’m…so…so…hungry…” he looked at his girlfriend. He stared at her as he slowly got up.
As he stared at her, it was as if he could see the veins bulging on her neck. As if he could see the blood pulsing through her…smell it almost. Sunghoon could hardly think straight anymore. All he knew was that he had to quench his hunger…his thirst… His girlfriend still sat on the ground, unaware of what was about to happen to her.
Sunghoon suddenly leaped on her, pinning her to the ground. Sunghoon’s eyes glowed red and a set of fangs made its appearance in his mouth. He bit down hard on her neck and started sucking on her blood harshly. She screamed as her boyfriend sucked her blood relentlessly.
Soon enough, the girl stopped struggling and became limp. Her blood was being sucked out of her body by her own boyfriend, except, that wasn’t who he was anymore. He was a vampire. An undead creature of the night.
Once his girlfriend didn’t have anymore blood left in her to drain, Sunghoon shakily got up. He staggered backward before falling to the ground feeling horrified. He looked at his bloodied hands before looking at the dead body of his girlfriend.
“What did I do…? I…No…! That wasn’t me…! But…” it was then when Sunghoon finally noticed the woman standing nearby. He slowly looked over to look at her, “Who…are you…?” he asked. The woman smiled, “You must be still be hungry. Come with me. We need to feed.”
She grabbed Sunghoon’s hand and pulled him up. “We have a lot we need to discuss, darling.”
And with that, she pulled Sunghoon away into the darkness where a whole new life awaited him.
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rottenbrainstuff · 8 months
BG3 playthrough - ending act 2
Ugh. I’m at the end of Act 2 now…. This game has kept me so wonderfully occupied for months, I’m kind of sad to be nearing the end, but also excited to see what else will happen. Of all the things I have already spoiled for myself, I’m mostly totally unfamiliar with the dark urge content for act 3, so I’m excited to see what new horrors I get to wring my tav through!
I thought I’d quickly wrap up after defeating Ketheric and move on, but dang there’s a lot of things to clean up here… everyone suddenly needs to talk to me all at once, even fricking Withers showed up. There’s books to grab now that no one is watching, corpses to loot. Aylin and Isobel are fucking hilarious, I love them, they’re adorable.
I’m really sad there’s so many ways to shit-talk Zevlor with Cerys. (oddly there’s also dialogue options to talk about him as if he’s dead when he definitely is not. The dialogue in act 2 definitely needs some polish, I’ve found a lot of little errors like this) Man I dunno. I mean he definitely failed. His own personal responsibility in regards to that failure is debatable. The tieflings are certainly in their right to be angry. But like. He fully accepts his culpability without excuse. He seems like he’s completely thrown himself away because of one moment of weakness against a foe whose entire MO is to manipulate people into obedience. In the end he wasn’t even suitable to be a true soul anyways, he says he was rejected, possibly because he was fighting, he can’t remember. I totally get the anger but I also feel bummed I don’t have more dialogue options to try to argue harder on his behalf, even if Cerys will never forgive him. Sigh. Does Alfira have anything to say? In a normal playthrough is she with the group at the tower? I’m just too protective of my sad old man hellrider I guess.
Before I left the shadow curse map, I stopped back at Last Light just to see if there was anything left. …there was. There were a handful of tieflings still there, and still giving me the “I saw a light in the sky!” dialogue. I hope nothing is permanently bugged for them and they’ll travel over to act 3 properly? Lakrissa was still there, Cal and Lia were still there, and Danis was there by himself in the yard (amusingly, after I brought him back from the Moonrise prison, sometimes he was walking around with Bex, and other times they somehow got separated and would just stay stuck in their separate spots, waiting for the other one to join them).
I’ve heard some people say that the scene with Raphael and Mol playing lanceboard has been removed, and replaced with a bit of an odd dialogue instead. I reloaded one of my own saves of me walking up to Last Light for the first time, and it was still the lanceboard scene for me, but maybe I just wasn’t loading back far enough? Some people speculate that the scene has been changed to get rid of an uncomfortable comment Raphael makes about Mol being “a blushing apple waiting to be plucked.” Other people are saying this is actually a glitch, and I am hoping that is the case. I accidentally got a strange dialogue path once when I was talking to Jaheira, and it seems this dialogue is from an alternate plot if you didn’t end up saving the grove. I’m hoping this alternate Raphael scene has to do with that.
Raphael’s line is definitely extremely uncomfortable but like. In my opinion… that’s… the point. Y’all really, really, desperately really need to learn that it’s ok to feel uncomfortable, there are going to be lots of things in life that make you feel uncomfortable, and you are actually going to have to find a way to process that feeling rather than demand that everything that makes you feel uncomfortable be removed. It’s an uncomfortable line. I don’t think Raphael has specific sexual intent in mind when he makes the statement, but I think it is very unfortunately worded, and it’s like that on purpose, and it’s supposed to make you go oh wow that is not cool. Raphael is a devil, he is literally evil, and I’m sorry if this comes as a surprise, but it makes sense that he would say things that are Not Good.
Anyways, I do really think it’s a glitch rather than a change, because if you wanted to get rid of that line, it would be much much easier to just edit that single line out of the conversation and salvage the rest of the scene, rather than completely rewriting a totally new conversation, a new conversation which now also doesn’t start the discussion about Mol’s contract with Raphael. That’s what I’m putting my money on, anyways, and I hope it’s true, because the lanceboard scene is nice and that would be a stupid reason to just cut the entire thing out.
In all the gifs I’ve seen of Gortash, I never understood his appeal, he always just gave me the overwhelming impression that he smells like a pile of damp towels that sat in a corner instead of being properly dried. Now that I’ve seen him, I am doubling down on that. I’m glad for the girlies who are crazy for him, and I definitely like him as an amusing antagonist, but I still imagine him as a stinky mildewed goblin man.
I am STILL crying about the little note from baby Isobel that Ketheric kept with him. I think my tav is going to start carrying that around as well. Fuck, man.
My tav has really been through the shit with all the creepy dark urge flavour in the colony, and all he wants is a fucking rest to process some of this, but he can’t because now we’ve got the Big Giant Emperor reveal coming up.
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defire · 15 days
Dance of Death Chapter 18:
Hurt Feelings
Content: slavery, manhandling, branding, magical curse, magic slave cuff
Ebett pulled her down a very long hall.
"Come on." He kept saying. "Hurry up."
Nife kept up as well as she could, but every step hurt, after the miles she'd walked and run that day, not to mention the rest of her injuries.
"Ugh. I hate, hate people like you." Ebett said. 
"Ebett, this is the first time we've communicated..." She said slowly, trying to take her mind off the idea of a slave cuff. "How have you already made the time to hate me?"
"You're an idiot." He gripped her harder when he spoke, like the words made his whole body lurch.
"Damn, that kind of hurts my feelings," Nife lied, encouragingly. "I'm an idiot?"
"You're the biggest imbecile I've ever met." He glared at her.
She wanted him to keep talking.
"Imbecile?" She repeated as if she didn't know the word.
"You spent what? Sixteen fucking years, pissing off the most powerful woman in the world, so yes, you're fucking stupid."
“...I'm fifteen."
He glanced at her again and looked away. She could've sworn she saw regret in his eyes.
"Sorry." She said.
"If you get any stupider I'm going to start punching you. Got that?"
He clenched his fist.
"How could I get any stupider?" Nife said.
He wheeled around with an upraised fist, slamming her back into the wall by the arm. His eyes desperately darted over her stunned face, as if he was looking for something that he absolutely had to find.
After a moment, he huffed and pulled her back into the passageway.
"You just need to be smart about this, alright?" He said. 
"But I'm not smart. We just established that."
"Yeah you are." He said, not looking at her. "Just do what you're told and don't... don't fucking talk."
Nife bit her lip. She couldn't not make sarcastic comments. She'd tried. 
"Do you understand?" He said after a pause.
"Sure, and I'll also stop breathing while I'm at it." She said without thinking first.
His grip on her arm tightened till his fingers bruised into the nerve inside her arm, and he shook his head.
"Stupid." He hissed.
[This is NOT my photo, I found it on Pinterest and I could not find the source.
This is about what Nife looks like (minus the scar).]
Tumblr media
Ebett, along with the servants trailing them, took Nife up a wide spiral staircase and onto the next floor, down two halls and into a small office. Creack Wry turned around on a large, cushioned chair, blinking as he seemed to struggle to register their presence for a moment, then he turned back to his desk and moved things around.
Nife had met Creack several times before. He was a bit of a recluse, but when they were younger, he had come to a few of the tea-tasting meetings they used to hold. Caboodle often talked about him, too. 
"Do you have it ready, sir?" Ebett said. 
Creack barely looked at any of them, but he stood up, holding up a gold slave cuff with a glint of admiration in his eyes. 
"Yes, I do." He said, turning to Nife. "I really wish I could explain to you how this works, but that would kind of defeat the point, since you're not supposed to be able to unlock it." He said. "But I'll give you a hint--You're going to fuel it with a sigil on your arm. Isn't that incredible?"
He stared at the cuff as if half-mesmerized by it. It was rather pretty, made with four arc-shaped segments that seemed to somehow lock into two, and Nife noticed several long, thin screws on the desk. 
"Yes, Creack, lovely.” Ebett said. "Now can we get on with it."
"Oh yes, sit down." Creack gestured disinterestedly at a chair by a desk. There was also a furnace with a poker stuck into the coals. No--that was a brand. Nife remembered that every Wry slave had a brand above the cuff they wore. The realization was like a punch to the gut, and she felt like she was going to puke. She sat down.
Without warning, Creack had taken her hand and slipped the cuff up onto her wrist, folding it into a snug-fitting bracelet with one exposed loop, probably for attaching to a chain. It had been welded on, so maybe that was a weak spot. 
Creack worked quickly, screwing in the tiny screws, which clicked when they got very tight, sounding like they were locking permanently into place. It was hard to tell exactly how the joints fitted together, because sunlight from the window was glinting blindingly off the bronze.
"See, if you try to leave wearing this, the Wrys will both know exactly where you are. They can track you with it. It's got a clairvoyance enchantment that connects to Lady Wry--"
"Creack, sir..." Ebett interrupted.
"Sorry." Creack muttered. "It's a shame, it's really a work of art. What you need to know is that anyone with the control tat–" He pointed to a V-shaped tattoo down Ebett's hand. "Can track you." He picked up another tiny screw. "They can also torture you with it."
"You said... they can what now?"
"They–" Creack glanced up at Ebett and frowned. "You'll find out."
Nife bit down on her tongue to focus away from the panic.
"Okay... but it looks like a basic bracelet to me." She said, hoping to get Creack to tell her more. Some kind of hint so she could figure out how to get it off later, hopefully.
"Oh no, it's so much more," Creack lit up, and Nife noticed Ebett uncomfortably shifting and about to speak, but Creack didn't give him the chance. "See, with this enchantment from the brand, you subconsciously fuel it with your own magic because of the association with pain."
"Really?" Nife said, smiling over a wince.
Pain? Fuck.
"Sir, please don't explain the cuff to the slaves." Ebett said, clearly exasperated. It sounded like a practiced line--like he'd had to say this with every slave that came in.
"Right, yes," Creack said. "Besides, I have more important things to work on."
He was screwing tiny screws with subtle movements, and fitting something over the sides. It made the edge smoother, and the metal cuff itself had been beveled to make it more comfortable.
"Different fuels these days, I guess..." Nife sighed, watching Creack's face. 
She saw Creack's face puff up a little bit as he physically held himself back from responding by holding his breath. After a moment, he let it out.
"I... can't talk about the new enchantments." He sighed. "I promised I wouldn't." Then he tapped the cuff with a judicious eye. "There. Okay, try to take it off." 
He grinned proudly, then frowned when he saw Nife's uneasy expression. She twisted gently at the cuff, which was so well-fitted that it didn't even click at the seams. She'd try harder later, not that she had much hope for it. It was disappointingly flawless.
"You have to admit, it's ingenious." He offered, like it was a possible consolation.
"Sure, I'm enslaved in a genius way, that's comforting." She said.
"Exactly." He smiled.
Nife stared at him. She'd known he was weird, but not this weird. Creack went on.
"Okay, you guys know the drill. Who here hasn't done this before?" He looked at the guards that had followed Nife and Ebett here. "Okay, you two step back and let the others handle it."
Three of them approached her and grabbed her by the shoulders and arm. 
"Sorry about this." Creack said. "Go ahead, Esseree."
A woman moved quickly with a grimace and took the brand out of the fire.
Nife stared, eyes widening as it got closer.
“Wait.” She jerked at her arms. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
The servant didn’t even slow down. Nife could see the trail of heat it dragged through the room, waves of it quivering up toward the ceiling as it approached.
Then it jammed into her skin. It felt cold for a split second. Then the pain hit and she screamed. They weren't taking it away. Her screams pitched upward. The thing was goring right into her. 
"Stop." Creack said. "That's four."
Esseree pulled back the moment he said to. The burning didn't stop, it was like the brand was embedded in the  flesh of her forearm. She could see the heat in her skin as she screamed through her teeth. All focus she'd had on trying to control her magic was completely gone. She kept screaming through her teeth, over and over, rattling the window, shaking and jerking to try to grab her arm.
“Let go…” She gasped, then screamed again.
"There it goes." Creack whispered reverently. "Like tetanus."
"What the fuck..." Someone whispered.
The thing Creack was regarding with so much awe was a faint blue line that pulsed down her arm with the pain. As she hyperventilated, hissing in pain, she could actually feel the magic ripping down her arm into the burn, and siphoned from there directly into the cuff. Nife leaned her head back on the chair, cold tears slipping from her chin and tickling down her neck. The burning just didn't blazing stop. It was like it was still going.
"Hey, at least you don't have to get branded again." Creack said.
"Has anyone ever told you you're an asshole?" Nife mumbled.
"Oh..." Creack frowned. "I didn't... Mean to be. My bad."
Nife wasn't listening; she was feeling the magic going into the cuff, trying to understand what Creack had almost told her through the haze of acute burning. If there was some kind of association with pain being created, it would be right now. Maybe there was some way to prevent it from working.
She jerked at the hands on her arms again, and they let her go. She grabbed her wrist and leaned forward protectively over it, groaning. Squeezing her eyes shut to focus, she tried to drift her fingers into a small dance, but she couldn't get her mind away from the fire in her arm. She could feel something like Creack's touch still lingering on her arm.
"This isn't my magic." She said, voice hoarse from screaming. "This is yours."
The others froze, and she saw Creack staring at Ebett with a helpless expression on his face.
"What?" Nife rasped. "What? Did I say something wrong again? Did I spark another rebel movement? I can feel the difference. It's your magic."
"Actually, your magic is being guided by--"
"Sir!" Ebett interrupted loudly. 
Creack stopped.
"I'm very sorry for interrupting you, sir," Ebett added.
Nife glared at Ebett. He was more focused on Creack, who was also getting irritated, but then the lordling sneezed. The room smelled like cooking and burnt hair. 
"Can someone air this place out?" Creack said, moving out of the room as he sniffed and pulled out a handkerchief. "Smells like broiled ham in here."
He flapped his handkerchief in Nife's direction as he left.
"Broiled me, you mean," Nife growled.
"Come on." Ebett pulled her up by the arm. "You're under the housekeeper for now. Let's go."
First chapter: Next chapter:
Taglist: @tildeathiwillwrite @mimostic @fleur-a-whump @a-n-j-a-maria
Per Tumblr's content policy, this is the non-nsfw version of Dance of Death.
For anyone following along on this story that wants the canon NSFW version of the story, you can get the book on amazon
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shefromhouston · 1 month
Why do you think it is narcissistic mothers are so invasive, and love to argue?? I live at home because I unfortunately cannot afford to be on my own because I don’t make enough…she is constantly wanting to argue with me and when I try to defuse it and say she’s right or say “okay” she wants to argue and escalate it more to where I am so upset and yelling…then she goes “why’re you yelling…” as if she didn’t lead it to come to that point even after I said I didn’t want to argue and that she was right?! Oh and she pretends she wasn’t yelling at all prior…it’s just getting awful and don’t understand how someone can have it in them to argue all the time….. She was cleaning my room to and found pregnancy tests …wanted to know all about it saying “it’s gross” kept asking invasive questions as to who I have been with and all that…i said to her “really you think that’s appropriate to ask me about, then proceed to want to know about it make comments and think I owe you information??” And honestly, I’m not sure she is a narcissist? but she makes me feel awful and every time we argue it’s not just a little argument it’s always so bad…and like I can never be too close to her or tell her anything because I feel with her it’s “all or nothing”….and I really am already depressed like barely can get out of bed some days, cry all the time in my room, late a lot to work…and I get it’s frustrating for her but I don’t get how she is being is going to be helpful…. any input?
I don’t know when you sent this but please forgive my late response; I have soooo much to say about this I don’t believe I can possibly find all the words to sum it up in this response but I can say I have and still am experiencing this…I am now 26 so my relationship with my Mother has changed and hasn’t at the same time. I moved out on my own when I was 19 years old, but during my freshman year in college and ALL through highschool and some of middle school (like the moment I hit 13) my mom and I have been in this constant push and pull. I don’t believe my Mother is a narcissist but at one point I MOST DEFINITELY thought so. Now she does have narcissistic tendencies and is VERY selfish so I can understand what you feel when you question if she’s an actual narc or not, the stress they cause can be so much that that would be the most logical explanation to their irrational behavior. But after being in a relationship with an actual diagnosed narcissist, I really understood the differences. My mom would constantly kick me out(even when I was underaged) pick fights with me, yell and argue for HOURS on end. She would invade my privacy by asking very intrusive questions and she would read my journals…she would say the most cruel things to me out of spite or misplaced anger. It was just bad. I was desperate to get out when I got home from Tuskegee. So desperate that my first apartment was like a guest house near TSU where I transferred to…It was hard, I struggled but I wanted my relationship with her to heal but ugh to this day, I hesitate to answer the phone for her. I love her. truly. but she STILL stresses me out every time I speak to her or every time i’m around her. She uses her health to excuse her behavior or guilt trip me into to talking to her. She was financially manipulative as well when I was living with her and little bit after I moved out until I had a friend teach me how to set better boundaries with my money and her. Sorry for going on for so long but jeez my mom has been a large part of my trauma and depression. The root of a lot of it.
but the advise I can give may be a little frustrating due to you not being able to move immediately but I strongly suggest you put distance in between you two (which could be a reason she’s acting like that, many parents believe their job stops at 18) but moving away saved my sanity and slightly improved my relationship with her. Mainly because I now have control over how much she can interact with me. When you’re under their roof, they will make you pay with your peace of mind. But until you can do that, I survived by gray rocking. Gray rocking is giving the minimum amount of energy you can to the person, this is also how I would eventually survive an abusive relationship with a narcissist. When they ask questions keep your answers as short and simple as possible. When they present issues or try to start arguments and you know being agreeable won’t work, separate yourself, leave the house for a bit if you can. Find a friend you can trust and see if you can make a safe haven at their place when things get heated at home. Go to the park. something…but do not engage. I’m telling you now, conversations with people that are committed to finding a problem or misunderstanding you won’t get you anywhere, don’t waste time trying to have sit downs with her until you have moved out and focused on yourself for a while…I am so sorry you are experiencing this and I pray you find solace sooner than later.
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22degreehalo · 7 months
Actually speaking of which
So, the library I'm volunteering at opened up applications for a casual library officer!!!!!
This is the same place I've been helping out for like?? Two years??? More????? at this point???? But last year when I applied they didn't even give me an interview. Like I was literally doing almost the exact same thing I would be doing if I worked there, and I hadn't had any complaints, but they wouldn't even consider me.
I was REALLY bummed and considered giving up this path altogether, but thankfully I did get hired by another library, where I'm working right now!!! And I found out afterwards that another guy who was also volunteering alongside me ALSO applied for that other job where we were volunteering and ALSO didn't get considered (and now ALSO got a job at this new library, thankfully).
I talked to the librarian I'd been assisting and she was really mad on our behalf?? Said she'd heard something about how they were looking for people with retail experience specifically, which is... strange. Like, are they TRYING to run it like a business instead...?
I've still kept volunteering with them, though (albeit I quit part of what I was doing because the schedule turned out to conflict with my new job too much; it was very sad tbh), because they need people, and it's an important role that apparently doesn't get many volunteers, and it's only two hours every other week, and it's still my local council so. It's the most convenient to get to and all. I still hoped they might reconsider hiring me.
And, as I began this all, now they've opened up applications again. So I applied.
But. I don't want to *stop* working where I am; it's genuinely a really great place and I've even become a bit attached to the other people there!! (not something that happens easily hahaha)
Apparently it's normal to have multiple casual library jobs at the same time. So that's been my goal for a while.
But... could I really do that? I'm already not the most organised just with my one job... I know it's normal, but I am neurodivergent... I need to remember that that is a true thing about myself that I can state as a fact...
I don't know. Obviously I could just keep working at this current place until I can get a permanent position somewhere... Though I still don't really feel qualified to do any of it... ugh.
Is it really okay if things just stay as they are...? I've said before that this is an okay minimum, or something like that. I don't *desperately need* to change anything. But is it okay not to even especially try...?
I could go back to TAFE... but part of me thinks that I should go back to uni instead and study cataloguing, because that'd definitely help me get a position, and I'd love to have a part in shaping the non-fiction sections specifically... (god, just walking through the non-fiction shelves is soooo refreshing to the soul <33) But that'd be really expensive, and I already have two degrees I'm basically not doing anything with...
Ugh. Again it feels like giving up on the goal of moving out. But there are already a lot of question marks around that.
Welp. They might not want to hire me anyway. If that happens, I might just finally give up on the volunteering... or at least consider volunteering somewhere else. My library hires people to do the thing I'm volunteering for there (in fact, *I* am one of the people paid to do the thing I'm doing as volunteer at my local library!!); they should consider that, too, if they can't find anyone after me.
idk sorry this is such a long post. I'm not sure how to feel about it all right now...
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im-feelin-sick · 2 years
Pokémon AU Devnny Drabble No. 2 As always, much thanks to @that-kangaroo-fish . In fact, I’ll go ahead and say any Pokémon AU stuff can be credited to her as much as me.
Content warning for JtHM typical content.
Johnny grins at her.
He has such a nice smile, Devi thinks. It’s too big for his face, and devastatingly earnest. She desperately wants to tell him how good it looks, but instead, she only offers one in return. Not even a moment later, Devi catches herself slipping in posture towards his direction, and she pretends to cough while straightening herself back out. There’s a moment where neither of them say a thing. Devi needlessly moves around a few books on the shelf, before a topic of conversation occurs to her.
“Oh, did I tell you about my fucking date last week?” Devi asks, hopefully before the silence went weird. “It went terribly.”
“No, you haven’t.” Johnny shakes his head. He jams his fidgety hands into the pocket of his black hoodie, settling in. One of his massive boots digs into the ground as he refuses to make eye-contact with her- Nny’s always been awkward in a charming way. Devi likes shy guys, especially when they’re dressed like they fell into a vat of ravens and black eyeliner. A muddy paw print adorns his black and white Shedinja print t-shirt, which is just the right amount of accidental grunge. He must have some kind of dog Pokémon.
Devi sighs, distracted but still pissed off about the aforementioned date, before she starts her story. “Well, he had a Muk that hung out with us, as though smelling fetid sludge would set a romantic mood. I should have known then. First red flag.”
At this comment, Graifaifai (sitting behind her) makes a very annoyed growl, and Devi sighs again. “I know, I know. You were right.” She tosses her hair and the ends of her a-line bob dance across her cheekbones. Nny chuckles.
“Anyway,” Devi continues, “the asshole kept trying to get me to go back to his place, even though I told him I didn’t want to do that kinda shit on a first date. We went out to dinner, and he wanted to have dessert at his place. Like, grab some ice cream and put on a movie. He promised me it would be just that. But, y’know. Guys. Let their penises take the wheel.”
“I never understand that,” Nny interjects. “I mean, why that would be the first thing someone wants? Or second. Or third. Or fifteenth, really. There’s a million better things to do with someone that don’t force a deranged swap of, ugh, body fluids. I’d rather just. Talk. I guess. With someone I like. And get really deep. When you open up a person, it’s so much more intimate and you get to really see what’s inside.”
Charmed again by his declared priorities, Devi corrects him with a giggle. “Open up to a person, you mean.”
“Oh, that too, I guess.”
Devi grins. “Where was I? Uhhh…. right, ok, so I did end up agreeing to go to his apartment to watch one of my favorite movies, after making it very clear that I wasn’t going to sleep with him. Don’t ask me why I went. Maybe I thought that for once, some dumbass would respect my boundaries.”
“How dangerously optimistic of you.”
“Oh yeah, of course the prick doesn’t- he keeps trying to slap his greasy lips on me, and stick his clammy asscrack hands damn near everywhere. And he kept trying to get me to drink. And that Muk! The smell! Sweet hell! I finally called a cab and left before we were even fifteen minutes into the movie. He offered to drive me home but I wasn’t about to let him find out where I live. I don’t need a stalker on top of everything else.”
Utter disgust spreads on Johnny’s face like spoiled milk spilled across a floor. “Ew! Men are disgusting, greedy, filthy little creatures full of shit and stupid and processed foods. I mean, most women are too, to be honest. But men especially so. Everyone’s like a microwave burrito. You think they’re gonna be warm and wonderful, but they all end up soggy and still frozen in the middle! Nothing worse in the world than a partially cooked microwave burrito or a person!”
“Oh Arceus, right? Don’t know why I keep trying when I hate pretty much everyone, and everyone’s just blinded by boobs or bullshit. Dating is like playing Russian roulette with a completely loaded gun.”
Grafaifai climbs onto Devi’s arm and chatters. Nny gives Grafaifai a crippling glare, and grits his teeth before hissing back.” While I am, on unfortunate technicality, a specimen of the male gender, don’t you fucking dare compare me to them! My dick is the last body part I’d ever think with, and I strive to have manners despite everyone else always forgetting them. I’m no saint, but I’m nothing like the masses of creeps out there. And if ever become anything like them… well, take me out back and blow my genitals and brains out!”
Devi frowns. Did he misunderstand her? “Huh?”
Johnny looks equally confused for a moment, and just blinks, before replying, “Wait! Not you. Never you. I haven’t told you that I can understand Pokémons’ language before, have I? Well, I can- I always know what they’re all saying about me, and your Grafaifai told me that I’m just as bad, if not worse, than any other man, and that I probably want something horrible too. Which is a very, very cruel thing to say to a person, as well as including some disgusting assumptions.” Nny’s hands are balled up into quaking fists. There’s a sudden darkness to him that makes Devi’s nerves itch, but she also feels guilty. Grafaifai can be mean, but she’s never done much to teach it otherwise. Especially not by example.
She quickly soothes him over with, “Oh, it just thinks that kind of thing about every guy I….” Devi pauses, teetering on the edge of admitting something she’s working up the guts to say. She falls onto the side of caution. Mostly. “Uh, meet. It’s protective and a bit judgey, that’s all. I think you’re very polite and nice, for the record. I like talking to you.”
Holy fucking shit, is he nice! Devi loves the delicate, too-polite sound of his voice. Johnny often rambles, and Devi’s always happy to listen, even when the shit he says gets bizarre and conspiratorial. It’s just one of many charming quirks- though she’s pretty sure Johnny would practically murder her if she called him quirky.
Despite her holding back, Devi’s answer/compliments must be enough, because Johnny’s mood goes bright as fast as it went dim. She even thinks he blushes, and his tongue sticks out between his lips as though he’s trying to think of what to say next. It must be a struggle. Devi continues speaking for his sake.
“So you can talk to Pokémon, right? That’s cool. I’ve heard of people who can do that, but I’ve never met one. I usually get what Graifaifai’s trying to communicate, but I can’t understand the language at all.”
“I can’t remember when I learned how. Or if I learned how,” Johnny admits, happy to have changed the direction of the conversation. “I’ve been able to understand them as far back as I can remember. Which isn’t much even on a good day.”
Devi laughs at his joke. “I totally get you. I can’t even remember what I did this morning.”
“Me too. But the whole talking Pokémon thing. I really don’t recommend it. Especially when you live in a gym full of asshole ghosts. You can’t even make a ghost die a second time. I’ve tried it!”
“Yeah, talking to most people feels like sandpapering my face. I can see why Pokémon could be the same way. I hope Sableye’s a little nicer to talk to- where is the little guy, by the way?”
Sableye’s usually out and about, chirping at Grafaifai or trying to read comic books. Devi hasn’t seen him yet. He might actually be inside of his Pokéball, for once.
“Oh! He’s napping.” Nny turns around. Inside of his hood lies Sableye, curled up and asleep. It groggily peers at her, before covering its face up with its arms and burrowing itself deeper into Johnny’s hood. Even Devi’s not totally immune to cute things, and she lets out a little, “Awww.”
After a moment, Nny turns right back around. “But I wanted to say, that guy you went out with? I keep thinking. What’d he look like? ‘Cause I’d gut him like a Magicarp if I found him. I’d take him home and serve him a dessert made only of glass shards and vinegar. He deserves it. It would be a worth a new ghost haunting the gym.”
Johnny’s got a wicked, fucked up sense of humor that’s right up Devi’s alley. They laugh together this time, and somewhere in that moment, Devi finds the courage to actually flirt with Nny.
“Your gym actually sounds kinda cool. Like a haunted house. I’d love to see it. I might even let you take me there after a first date.”
“Oh?” Johnny’s usually pretty easy to read, but emotions fly across his face so quickly that Devi can’t tell what he’s thinking. For a terrifying moment, she wonders if she crossed a boundary. Did she misread him? But finally a giant grin stretches from hollow cheek to hollow cheek, and he nods rapidly.
“I’d like that too.”
He has such a nice smile, Devi thinks.
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