#i knew he kicked the cats cause i saw him do it to our other cat snowball(which i had thought resulted in us leaving)
elle-chat · 2 years
#just found out that my cat fritz who unexplainably died when i was 9(in my arms after being sick and weak for days)#actually died because my dad kicked him across the apartment#i literally cannot with him(why am i just finding this out now)#i knew he kicked the cats cause i saw him do it to our other cat snowball(which i had thought resulted in us leaving)#like he is always telling me that 'your mom said i was kicking the cats but they lay on your feet if you get up you them'#i always wondered why he keeps trying to convince me when im the one who saw it(him kicking snowball)#mom and i were talking today and all these years i thought when we mentioned him kicking a cat i thought we were talking about the same one#and she like 'yeah i remember the cat he kicked died' and im like what#it was snowball tho? we had to give away him and leo when we left and fritz is the one who died#(fritz who died in my arms and was sick for days and would only eat cause i was crying who would sleep on my pillow and wheeze and wheeze)#wtf how come i nevwr knew this he was my little baby i thought he was just sick and we couldn't afford a vet#i honestly thought my opinion of him could drop no lower#i wish we were never forced to come back(i was against it but the other option was we would be taken away from our mom)#phew okay we have been vague planning another final leave for years and now that ill have a higher paying job we might be able to afford it#longest timeline jan 2024 or feb 2023 if everything goes perfectly phew phew okay okay got protect my little baby cats wtf he killed fritz
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lewisvinga · 1 month
his lucky charm | carlos sainz x fem! reader / daughter
summary; even during the most stressful moments of football, carlos needs his good luck charm, his 6 month old daughter, in his arms.
word count; 630
warnings; ? idk pero hala madrid siempreeee
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; [requests are closed] I HAD TO DO THIS😫 i’m weak for madridista carlos and i saw a video of a guy holding his daughter while watching benzema score a penalty and it reminded me of carlos ! but also, el clásico win tdy w bellingol winner tho🤭🤭🤭
masterlist !
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“Carlos, you know you can set her down in her crib, right?” Y/n asked again for the second time in 10 minutes, looking at the sleeping baby in her husband's arms.
“Ahorita no, mi amor.” [not now, my love] Carlos quickly shushed his wife as he kept his eyes on the screen.
Sometime around the second half, he had picked up little Catalina in hopes it would calm down his nerves over the Real Madrid and Manchester City match. However, when the match went into overtime, his nerves just became worse.
He was so nervous that he couldn’t help but rock back and forth which made his daughter fall into a deep slumber in his arms. It made Y/n laugh to herself. She was a fan of the Madrid-based team but not to the extent of Carlos who lives and breathes Real Madrid.
Her father-in-law even made a joke once that the Sainz’s bleed white, the team's official color. Sure, she was nervous because it was a knockout match for the top competition of club football but not nervous to the extent of her husband.
“Carlos, I really think you should put Catalina down before-“
“She’s my good luck charm!” Carlos exclaimed, holding the 6-month-old close to his chest. She even was wearing the white Real Madrid kit his father gifted them when she was born, making her even more of a ‘good luck charm’
Y/n playfully rolls her eyes at her husband's antics. She gets up to go to the kitchen to grab her phone and a bottle of water. When she walked back to the living room, she saw him biting his fingernails and kneeling on the floor instead of sitting on the couch.
“Carlos, what are you…” Her voice trailed off. She wore a confused expression as he held a now awake Catalina in one hand and the other hand kept running through his hair.
“Penalties, mi amor! Penalties!”
Y/n sat back down on the couch and held her phone up so she could record his reactions. They were down to the last penalty, the 5th one. If Real Madrid made it then that means they would pass.
Even Catalina, who doesn’t even understand what is going on, was focused on the screen as #22 for the Madrid-based team took his spot. Y/n noticed her husband holding his breath as the player swung his leg back and kicked the ball. The ball makes it in causing her husband to let out a cheer.
Carlos immediately stands up to his feet and holds Catalina out. “Mi gatita! Ganamos! Vamos a los semifinales!” [my little cat! we won! we’re going to the semifinals!] He loudly exclaimed to his 6 month old daughter who gurgled in reply. “Te dije, Y/n! [i told you] She’s our lucky charm!”
He holds her close and leaves kisses all over her chubby cheeks. Catalina squeals at the sensation of her father's beard scratching her face. She plants her hands on his face as he continues to kiss her, letting out fits of giggles.
Y/n’s heart melted at the interaction between her husband and their daughter. She knew he’d make the best girl dad the moment she found out she was pregnant. She was right, he is the best girl dad.
She couldn’t help but burst out into laughter when she heard Carlos start to sing the anthem of Real Madrid to Catalina who kept gurgling at her father's antics.
Y/n stood recording and quickly uploaded the video of her husband and daughter to Instagram, captioning it ‘a Madridista and his lucky charm🤍 hala madrid!’. She knew people would immediately fawn over their favorite driver cheering to his daughter, but for now, she was just enjoying the show he was giving with his not-so-perfect singing.
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gatitties · 9 months
can i ask for something based on my daily suffering? It's interesting (or not) something fluff, welcoming, consoling, kind and gentle, I need happy things
Headcanons or Scenario for Red Hired and Whitebeard ( Whitebeard's daughter)
-My friends won't talk to me after a little annoying fight after I said how I felt about myself and apologized for something I shouldn't have, now my friends won't talk to me (whatever I was already alone)
-I'm desperate about grades in high school and no one wants to understand my situation of extreme anxiety, panic and depression
-I am not getting psychiatric and psychological help
-my cat died, now I'm suffering
-I tried against my life
-I don't have anyone to talk to about it, I'm practically alone
- I hate myself
Sorry for that, do it if you want, thank you 🫶
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─Red Hair Pirates & Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader
─Summary: You are not having the best days but your family and friends make you see that you should not drown in a glass of water
─Warnings: none
I feel your loss :( and hey, everyone argues from time to time, things can be solved by talking if both parties want to work it out, I hope you are feeling better now love, feel free to message me if you need anything! 🫶🏻
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Your mood was really shitty lately, you argued with some important people over something silly, nothing seemed to go your way and you thought you were being a complete nuisance to all of your father's crew right now, so you decided to run away for a few weeks hoping a break would lift your spirits.
It seems you couldn't enjoy your alone time either because it just made you overthink the situation you were in which caused anxiety to kick in, everything was going so bad lately that you couldn't take it anymore, you needed to unload everything you had but you did not find any psychologist or doctor who convinced you to be able to try to calm your mind.
You were in the middle of a mental breakdown, in the middle of nowhere, on your way to another island when you saw it in the distance, you hadn't seen them many times, but you knew the Red-Haired Pirates, you thought it was better not to bother them considering your state in deplorable spirits, but once Shanks saw the ship with Whitebeard's mark on it it was inevitable that you would not end up aboard his ship.
The screams, belches and music made you shudder at first, too used to your deafening stupid thoughts, you looked like a little animal about to be run over while you watched all those men dance and drink without worries.
"What's the long face? This is a party, you should celebrate!"
Yassop patted you on the back offering you a drink which you refused, Benn denied seeing the interaction, coming closer to see how little receptive you were, he knew that something was occupying your mind now and it wasn't a party exactly what you had in mind.
"Don't listen to this idiot, you can do whatever you want, you can even hit Shanks if you want."
A grimace similar to a smile appeared on your face, a bit amused by Benn's words, apparently he summoned the redhead just by saying his name.
"What's up with me?"
"Oh nothing, we were just planning the way to kick you."
"Again? You should stop inciting our guests to hit me!" he looked at you, changing his silly smile to a fake look of a kicked puppy "Don't listen, okay? I know you're better than that! Someone like you wouldn't kick me, would you?"
You were amused by his nonsense, sharing a quick glance with the other two men, the grimace on your face turning into a wider smile.
"I don't know, the offer sounds good, what do I get if I kick it?"
Ignoring Shanks's betrayed expression, Benn and Yassop looked at you laughing, both patting their captain on the back making him take a step closer to you.
"Whatever you want! As long as you hit him with your greatest force."
"Hey! I'm the captain what the hell is wrong with you?"
They started a silly argument which the others joined in, making you chuckle slightly at the absurd situation, this little visit didn't exactly fix your problems, but spending time with this crew made you clear your mind and feel a little better, you decided you could deal with your problems a little later, for now you needed to release some tension.
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Coping with the loss of a pet, arguing with some friends, feeling like everything you do is not paying off, it all came crashing down on you like a storm hitting hard, you felt so bad you didn't even want to bother your father with your problems or the others.
You felt miserable, the days began to go by like a blur, unable to leave your room or socialize a bit, you felt alone and locked up, you were terrified of facing your father to talk about your problems thinking that you would only be a burden to the whole the crew, you felt bad asking for help even if you needed it.
And, honestly, you would have kept drowning in your own misery if it hadn't been for Ace noticing your absence, he could tell you weren't fine pretty quickly, although he didn't want to push you, he felt that you were simply making things worse for yourself by locking yourself away.
He asked Marco for help because he knew that he could not approach the subject delicately, the least he wanted to do was cause you to have an anxiety attack because of him, he did not want to be abrupt or direct when talking about the subject, so it was Marco who asked you how were you.
You didn't know if it was due to despair or mental exhaustion but you ended up telling between sobs that you weren't feeling well, that lately you felt that everything was against you and that your life became a constant uphill.
"Okay, calm down, everyone has bad streaks, does your father know anything about this?"
"You don't need to say it right away if you're not comfortable, but talking to him will calm you down, it's stupid for me to say it but Whitebeard is a kind man, your father will understand you perfectly."
You nodded, burying your face in his shoulder, tightening the hug a little more before letting him go, it took a couple more days before you faced your father, it was hard for you to open up about the situation but Marco was right, once you let go everything, your father hugged you saying that everything would be fine.
"Oh my daughter, you should not worry, life turns its back on you sometimes so you have to stay strong, please, if there is something that can cheer you up right now I will do it for you immediately."
Your father's devotion to making you dear raised your spirits a lot, you smiled widely, denying his proposal for the moment, there was nothing he could do right now, you just wanted to hang out with the others since you had wasted a lot of time locked up.
"Oh look, isn't she my favorite girl? It's good to see you around here again, come on, just tell me what you want and you'll have it as fast as possible."
You laughed slightly at Thatch's enthusiasm to see you appear in the kitchen, ordered your favorite dish and got to work, while Izo walked in just to pick up something he'd forgotten, although he did stop to talk to you about some gossip you'd lost, put you up to date with everything.
"Is that food I smell? Can I have one piece?"
"No way, back down demon!"
And the peaceful gossip talk went overboard when Ace came into the kitchen drooling from the smell of your food, you and Izo laughed as Thatch tried to hit Ace with a spatula to scare him away, a small fight started in the one where the cook was juggling your plate while trying to keep the other boy from touching your food.
You lost it when Ace tripped over a cloth on the floor, grabbing onto Thatch's apron which knocked the plate into the air, they both fell to the floor and mysteriously the plate remained intact right on top of the cook's toupee. Izo smiled seeing how you laughed at the dumbest fall you'd seen so far, everyone knew that you hadn't been feeling very well lately and seeing that you were beginning to have a better mood made them happy.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“You hurt me.”
“I know.”
Steve sighs, and he looks at Eddie in his doorway. So much has changed in five years. But Eddie seems the same. Just his hair is a bit longer, he’s got more tattoos, and he’s got scruff on his face that Steve knows when they saw each other last in 87’ would have driven him nuts.
Steve has always liked the idea of Eddie with a beard. It doesn’t matter now, though. “I think you should leave.”
“Steve, I—I just need a chance to explain.” Eddie moves side to side on his feet.
“Explain?” Steve scoffs, crossing his arms across his chest. “You had the chance to explain five years ago before you left. You had the chance to explain the weeks after with no phone calls to me to any of the kids. You had the chance to explain the year after when you talked to everyone but me, and I thought you just needed time. You had the chance a year ago before you cut everyone else off again.”
Eddie hangs his head in shame. “Stevie, please. I know I don’t deserve it. But I just want to talk.”
Steve’s resistance wavers slightly. He moves out of the doorway to let Eddie in. Eddie rushes inside, knowing Steve will change his mind at any moment. Steve shuts the door behind them. “I’m only letting you in because if Robin finds you in our doorway, she will kick your ass. And as much as you hurt me, I don’t actually want to see you in physical pain.”
Eddie smiles a bit, “Still the dynamic duo? You and Robbie? What’s stopping her from beating me up inside?”
“Our cat Sylvia might see. And she’s trying to shield her from as much violence as possible. Says one Sylvia has seen enough.”
“Oh please tell me she is out by now, because that is a giant gay flashing sign.” Eddie chuckles.
Steve can’t help but laugh a little, “Yes, she is. It would be hard if she weren’t, considering she’s dating Nancy. And Nancy is a lot of things, but subtle isn’t one of them. She shows her off any chance she gets.”
“Wow, Robs bagged Wheeler? Never saw that coming.” Eddie lets out a low whistle. “Must have been a blow to the ego for ya, Stevie. Your ex and your best friend.” He mock clutches his heart.
Steve lets out a big laugh this time, “Nah. I encouraged it. They’re my favorite people; they deserve to be happy.”
Eddie softens, “Yea, being a favorite person of Steve Harrington is a very special thing.”
Steve feels ice water in his veins, “What are you doing here Eddie?”
Eddie sighs, “What do you want to hear? Why I needed to come, or why I wanted to? Cause the truth is I needed to come to apologize to you. Give you the explanation you deserve. What I wanted, though, what I wanted is to tell you that I love—“
“Don’t.” Steve chokes.
“Right apologies first.”
“First? First?! Eddie. I don’t know what you could say to me right now that would make anything make sense. We had something good. It took us so long to get to that point. And it was great because we learned about each other and knew each other inside out. Our friendship blossomed into something more, and we were just getting started, and you left. I had thought I was done with love before I met you. But then you came along and made me feel seen and cared for, and then you got weird and distant so quickly, and you fucking left. And then I knew for sure I was done with love. Don’t think it was meant for me. Sure, that’s not on you, but you don’t get to—you don’t get to open old wounds because you feel the sudden desire to come around again.” Steve swallows tears.
Eddie’s face goes through hundreds of emotions. Anger. Shock. Grief. He doesn’t say anything for a minute. They stew in Steve’s words instead. Then finally, Eddie settles on. “I’m an addict.”
Steve, who has thought about a million ways this could go, has never thought of this. “What?” All the tension releases from his body. He just stares hopelessly at Eddie.
“I’m an addict. I'm sober now, I just reached a year, but yeah. I'm an addict. Never thought I would be. But after everything with Vecna and the painkillers they put me on…it got hard. Denied it for a while. Said to myself a little of everything here and there to forget wouldn’t hurt anyone. But then we were becoming something alongside, me spiraling deeper into addiction. And I—fuck this was easier to practice at the meetings.” Eddie runs his hands through his hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong. But I would have hurt you. More than me leaving did. And I couldn’t live with that. I could live with you hating me. It was selfish of me. I wasn’t ready to give up the drugs so I gave up you, and it’s not fair. Not fair that I did that to you, to anyone of you really, but especially you Steve. You just deserved someone who could love you all the time, love you fully. And I thought I did but I think I was using you a little to make myself feel better. That’s not to say I didn’t love you. I did, still do, always will. But we both deserved a better version than what we had.”
Steve feels tears on his cheeks, he isn’t sure what to say. “You didn’t get to make that decision for me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Steve chokes on a sob, “Dammit Eddie. It was my birthday.”
Something breaks inside them, and suddenly they are in each other's arms, weeping together. There is this fragile broken thing between them, a love that never went away. It is horrible and beautiful and needs so much work to be wonderful once more.
But it was nice to break together again.
“I know. I’m sorry. I can’t say it enough. I’ll make sure every day for the rest of my life that I make it up to you. In any way I can.”
“I don’t know how we can get back Eds. Don’t know if we should.”
“I’ll take you any way you’ll have me. Friend. Lover. A person you only call when you need a ride to the airport. Just let me try; it’s all I ask. I promised I wouldn’t go back to you until I knew I had put the work into myself first. You don’t owe me anything. I would understand if you kicked me out right now. But I need you to know that Steve, I love you anyway you’ll have me. And I have never stopped thinking about you.”
Steve lifted his head from Eddie’s chest. “I’d like to try to get to know you again. This you. See where it goes. But Eds, no matter what, no matter the version of you, I will always care. And I will always be your friend.”
Eddie kisses Steve’s forehead, “Thank you.”
It’s there where Steve and Eddie hug on the wooden apartment floor; they hear the door unlock. “Oh no, she’s home early.”
Eddie doesn’t get to respond because, suddenly, Robin is in the doorway. “Hey, dingus! I brought home an extra latte—“
She freezes at the sight of Eddie before rebooting with a dark look, “Steve, is your nail bat still under your bed?”
Wanted to try the whole break up thing, I have a lot of different break up/makeup ideas in my head. maybe pt. 2???? Kinda feels good to stop here. But if you think so I have more ideas for this.
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kasienda · 30 days
Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper - Ch 2: Alya
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2: Alya
Alya waited by her phone for Marinette to call, chewing the inside of her cheek. She shouldn’t have chewed Chat Noir out like that. She knew he could be sensitive and it definitely was not his fault that Marientte was ridiculous about secret identities.
Her phone buzzed in her hand. Alya glanced down. 
I’m going to be akumatized. 
The words blurred as Alya read them. Damn that stupid cat! What did he say?! 
Where are you? 
In my room. 
Alya transformed immediately and took off towards Marinette’s balcony. She dropped through the skylight barely slowing down. Marinette was curled in the fetal position at the foot of her bed, sobbing brokenly.
Marinette had never looked so small. 
Gone was the clever and confident superhero everyone looked up to and relied upon. No one else ever got to see the Ladybug that overthought and doubted herself, the girl who was so nervous she couldn’t complete an intelligible sentence in front of her crush, the girl who took responsibility for everyone in their class and their city, the girl who felt so much and so deeply when she saw others were hurting.
Alya dropped to the bed, not bothering to detransform. Her arms wrapped around Marinette. Alya wished she could do something, anything at all to ease Marientte’s wracking sobs. 
Alya’s filled with rage at Chat Noir all over again for putting her best friend in this state. What the hell had he said?
“What did he do?” Rena growled. 
Marinette shook her head. “N-not his fault.”
Alya was gonna blame him anyway. “What happened?” she asked more softly. 
“He quit. He said that our not being able to communicate with him made him a liability.”
Alya cringed internally because she actually agreed with him. She hadn’t thought he would be willing to make that sacrifice. And then she immediately wants to kick herself. If anyone had shown over and over again that they were willing to make sacrifices for Ladybug it was Chat Noir. 
“I’m so sorry.”
Marinette cried harder. 
A black butterfly phased through the wall. 
“Akuma!” Alya shouted. 
Marinette tensed underneath her arms. Alya wouldn’t let her be akumatized. She would take the butterfly if it came down to it. 
But the kwamis immediately swarmed it. And a second later, the akuma was just gone. 
Tension bled out of her shoulders. She continued to hold Marinette like she was the most precious thing in the world. 
Because she was the most precious thing in the world. 
“It’s gone,” Alya whispered. “The Kwamis did something. You’re okay. I’ve got you.” 
Marinette shook her head violently. “I’m not okay.” 
Alya rubbed her back, but didn’t argue. 
“I can’t do this without him,” she cried. 
Alya bit her tongue, wanting to argue. Marinette could do anything . 
“And I don’t even know how long he’s been feeling this way. I think it’s been building for a long time,” Marinette whispered. “And I didn’t know.” It was impossible to miss the self reproach in her voice.
Alya rubbed her side and back soothingly. 
Marinette twisted in her arms to face her. “How could I not have known, Alya?” 
“Marinette, why didn’t you just tell him? I totally love that you have trusted me, but why did you never trust Chat?”
“I want to! I almost did! But it would be a selfish decision. He and I cannot know each other until Hawkmoth is defeated.”
“But why?” Alya asked. “What’s the difference between him and me? It seems so arbitrary.” 
“Yeah—” Marinette broke off as she dissolved into another round of quaking sobs. 
Alya cradled her head, and rocked her. “There’s more to this than you just following the rules, isn’t there?” 
Marinette nodded tearfully. “There… was another timeline. He knew who I was. We were in love. Or that’s what he said, anyway. But… he was akumatized. Chat Blanc destroyed the world. He said that it was our love that caused it to end. Bunnyx said he couldn’t know who the other was. Not yet.” 
“Not yet?” Alya questioned. “Maybe it’s okay now?”
Marinette scowled. “I don’t have some metric! The only thing I know is that he can’t be akumatized! So I have to wait until the risk of akumatization is over!” 
Alya pursed her lips, uncertain what to say.
“I almost let him tell me anyway. Even knowing that it could cost us everything. How selfish is that?” 
“Shhh. It’s not selfish,” Alya insisted.
Marinette kept going as if she hadn’t spoken. “I’ve hurt him so badly. He’s never going to forgive me! I don’t know how to do this without him, but I didn’t know how to convince him to stay. And now it doesn’t matter because I don’t know who he is, which means I can’t find him! And I’m never going to see him ag—”
Marinette crumpled into tears all over again. And Alya hugged her tighter, but her mind was already awhirl. Marinette had seen the end of the world? Had denied herself love to prevent that ending? 
It wasn’t fair. 
Alya needed to do something. She needed to fix it. 
“You’ll see him again,” Alya promised.
“His kwami knows who he is right?”
“They all do! But they can’t tell anyone!”
Alya looked over at Tikki who nodded in confirmation. 
“Can they give hints?”
Tikki shook her head. 
“It doesn’t matter, Alya! I can’t know who he is either!” 
“But what if you weren’t the one to know?” 
Marinette froze and pulled away. “What?”
Alya met her gaze, stroking the sides of her face. “What if I knew Chat’s identity? It keeps you from knowing each other but helps us coordinate. We could include him in the planning! I could help support him like I do for you!” 
Marinette nodded. “I… I can’t know all the details. But yes, anything, please! But you have to never slip, Alya. You can’t tell me who he is. You can’t hint! You may have to lie to me to protect him!”
“I understand.” Alya said, smiling. This could work. 
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve already lied to Nino you know… to protect you.”
Marinette slumped. “I’m sorry.” 
Alya shook her head. “No, it’s okay. It’s part of being a superhero, and I know Nino would be okay with it if I could tell him the reasons, and I knew it had to happen to protect you because you protect the whole city. I understand the stakes! And I’m telling you, I can do this.” 
Marinette crashed into her abdomen, her arms circling around Alya’s waist.
“You are the bestest best friend in the whole world!”
Alya laughed. “I don’t know if I would go that far.” 
“I would,” Marinette mumbled. “So how are you going to find him?”
Alya opened her mouth.
“No wait! Don’t tell me! I shouldn’t know! But do you need any help?” 
“Can I talk to Chat’s kwami? Without you?” 
Marinette dashed to the miracle box, and immediately pulled out an octogonal box. She shoved it into Alya’s awaiting hands. “His name is Plagg. He’s quite the squirrelly one. He loves cheese. I’ll get out of your hair, and be back in like an hour?” 
“Marinette?” Alya interjected. Places a hand on her friend’s flying limbs to calm her until Marinette stilled. “I need you to know I don’t know how long this will take. Even if I can figure him out easily, I still have to convince him to come back. I need you to be patient. Can you do that?”
“I’d do anything for Chat,” she whispered. 
“Okay! Then scat! I’ll see what I can figure out here.” 
Marinette darted from the room, Tikki bobbing after her. 
Alya let her transformation fall, wanting Trixx there with her.
“What do you think?” Alya asked her kwami. “Does destruction suit me?” 
“Absolutely not!” 
Alya laughed as she slipped the ring onto her middle finger. It flashed into a silver ring studded with blue sea glass all the way around. It looked like a ring her mother used to wear. Alya loved it. 
“So it’s not enough that you replaced my kitten on the team, but you’re to replace him as my holder as well?” Plagg deadpanned, floating in front of her with his little arms crossed.
“I have no intention of replacing Chat Noir. I only put the ring on so I could talk to you.”
“I’m hoping that you’ll help me figure out who he is so that I can convince him to rejoin the team.” 
“I can’t tell you who he is.”
“Not directly maybe.” 
“Look, blogger girl—“
“Blogger girl? You know who I am! That’s a hint already!” 
“Is it?! You’re the idiot who gets way too close to Akuma battles on the regular.” 
Alya frowned. “Do you not want to go back to him?” 
Plagg sagged in the air. “He’s one of the best holders I’ve ever had. Maybe the best. But he won’t take the ring back, so there’s no point in you bringing out all his hurt feelings. Because you can’t do anything to soothe them.” 
“Maybe not. But perhaps Ladybug can?” 
“As long as she maintains the Guardian’s secret identity at all costs with him and not with you, he’s a lost cause.” 
“I take it you don’t know about the alternate timeline?” 
Plagg groaned. “I hate alternate timelines!” 
“Do you think there’s a chance an akumatized Chat that destroys the world won’t happen this time if they learn each other’s identities?” 
Plagg went silent. Alya raised an eyebrow. 
“I really hate alternate timelines, but here’s the thing, blogger girl, they’re called alternate for a reason .” 
Alya threw her hands up. “Look! I’d be willing to risk it, but Ladybug is not.” 
“I get it,” he grumbled, flying to her hand. “So are you going to tell my kitten this?” 
“Maybe not that they were together? Or that he was the one akumatized? I don’t know. What do you think?” 
“It would be better coming from pigtails.”
“But we have to convince him first .”
“Yeah,” he drawled. “All right. I’m in.” 
“So how am I going to figure out who he is?” 
“Oh that’s the easy part.” 
“It is?” 
“Hey Kaalki!” The horse kwami popped up from Marinette’s desk. “Open up a portal to my kid’s room!” Then he turned to Alya. “You should transform. This is going to be a rough ride. You’ll want all the protection you can get.” 
Rena Rouge had been through portals before. More than once. 
This was nothing like that. Rena felt like she had been thrown into a tornado, then sucked through a sieve, and then swallowed by a dragon only to be thrown up ten seconds later. 
She crashed face first onto a grand piano, struggling to regain her breath. 
“Rena! Are you okay?” 
She shook her head to clear it. “I… I think so?” She said, accepting his offered hand, only then turning to look at his incredibly familiar face. “Adrien?” 
His eyebrows rose into his hairline. “Were you expecting someone else?” 
“You’re Chat Noir?” 
His shoulders slumped with a resigned sigh. “How did you find me?” 
“Kaalki knows where you live.”
“Figures,” he bit out. She had never heard him sound so bitter.
She held out the ring to him. 
He didn’t take it. 
“How’s Plagg?” he asked. 
“Umm… I have no idea. We only talked about you.” 
He glared at her.
Right, time to get to the point. “Chat, Ladybug needs you to come back.” 
“Then why are you here?” He ran his hands through his hair. “If I’m so important to her, why did she send you ?”
“Because she’s still convinced you can’t know each other’s identities.”
He threw his hands up in frustration. “I don’t understand what’s so different that you can know and I can’t! I know she says she trusts me, but her actions say something different. And I’m not sure what I did that she found so unworthy of trust—“
“It was nothing you did!” Alya interjected. 
“—but I didn’t take myself off the team because I think I have the right to know. It’s putting us all - her and me and you - in danger when we’re not on the same page!”
“I agree completely!” she yelled. 
“Does she know you’re here?” he asked. 
“She knows I’m trying to find you. She does not know that I’ve succeeded, and I don’t plan on telling her that until you agree to come back. She wants to know, Adrien. And she wants you to know who she is, too! I promise you, she does!”
“She has a funny way of showing it,” he grumbled. 
“She spent the last few hours bawling her eyes out about how much she’s hurt you and that you’ll never ever forgive her and that you’re right not to. And that it doesn’t matter because she’s never going to see you again, and she’s not certain she can even be Ladybug without you.”
He sighed and dropped his head. “I’m sorry, Rena. I can’t come back. I’m a danger to her and to the whole team because we can’t communicate.” 
“I agree completely,” she said. “Which is why I’m here! Will you let me explain?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said, his voice the calmest it had been since she had arrived. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take my frustration out on you. What did you come here to tell me?” 
“Ladybug trusts you more than anyone. More than me.” 
“ But—“
“More than anyone!” she insisted. “Apparently she did trust you. You both knew each other’s identities at some point.”
“I don’t remember that.” 
“I know you don’t. She doesn’t really either. But she saw what it led to. Bunnyx… you know who Bunnyx is right?”
He nodded. 
“Bunnyx came and got her and took her to a future where the world had been destroyed. Bunnyx told her the inciting event was you two learning each other’s identities.” 
“Why did she never tell me this?” 
Alya laughed. “Honestly? She’s bad at difficult conversations. She avoids them like the plague.”
He winced.
“She didn’t plan to tell me her identity either, you know. She just had a mental breakdown and I happened to be there. I imagine being a full time superhero when no one knows, wears you down.” 
He snorted. “Understatement.”
“When she was spiraling, I convinced her that we could find some kind of loophole. Show you that she does trust you. She’s only trying to protect you, Paris, and apparently the future. I figured I could know both your identities, and act as a go between. That way you’ll always be in the know.” 
“That only works if I know who you are, too.”
“I’ll drop the transformation as soon as you agree, Kitty Cat.” 
He stared at her for awhile. “I will want to talk to Ladybug about all this.”
“Okay then.” He put the ring back on. 
“Will you stop renouncing me every time you have a bad day?!” Plagg screeched. 
“I’ve only renounced you twice,” Adrien said, sounding almost petulant. Alya grinned. She never knew Adrien had it in him. It was almost refreshing to see him in less than perfect form. 
Though if he was Chat Noir, she supposed she had seen it before. 
“Twice too many! And there was a third time you threatened to do so.” 
“You’ve given up the ring before?” Alya asked softly. How many times had he been hurting that deeply, and she had never noticed. 
He winced. “I don’t really want to talk about it. Are you going to drop your transformation or not?” 
“Trixx, let’s rest.” 
His eyes blew open. “Alya?” 
She smiled. “Hi, Adrien. I swear I didn’t know you were hurting this much. I’m sorry I’ve been so blind as your friend.” 
“It’s fine,” he shrugged it off. “I never told you anything was going on.” He frowned. “Wait! If you’re Rena. That means Carapace is…” 
She waved him forward. She wasn’t sure what she was allowed to say, but if he figured it out himself, it wasn’t her fault. 
“Carapace is Nino,” he concluded. “Isn’t it weird that practically all the holders are in our class?” 
“The same class where literally everyone except you has been akumatized?” She countered, proud of herself for delivering that line with a straight face. 
She felt slightly guilty that was already misleading him, but wasn’t that what she signed up for? To keep both Ladybug and Chat Noir on the same page while misdirecting them from each other? 
Which was going to be way harder than she thought because they were together like, all of the time. They saw each other every single day almost! They sat like half a meter apart in class! How the hell had they not already figured each other out?
Plagg laughed. “Welcome to my world, kit,” he said. 
She sighed. She definitely had her work cut out for her.
She didn’t bother going through the front door. Instead, she came in through Nino’s window, collapsed into his arms on his bed, released her transformation, and buried her face into his shoulder and neck. 
He pulled the earbuds out of he ears. “Hey,” he greeted softly. “You okay?” 
She mumbled something incomprehensible into his shoulder. 
He rubbed her shoulder. “That bad, huh? Want to talk about it?”
She wanted to tell him everything. “Our friends are a full time job,” she landed on. “They’re going to be the end of my sanity.” 
He laughed. “Tell me about it. What happened now?” 
She sighed. What could she say? “They’re terrible at talking.” 
Nino laughed again. “What can I do to make you feel better?” 
“Kiss me.”
He was only too happy to oblige. 
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wuahae · 9 months
congrats on 1k!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 i was wondering if I could propose: seungcheol + 12:17am + the swings at the park down the street? hope you have a great day!!!
[00:17] / swings at the park down the street
the night air sits a little chilly on seungcheol's skin, his t-shirt and jeans not doing much to keep the warmth on an september night. if he looked on the bright side, seungcheol supposes it's a good thing the alcohol comfortably buzzing in his system lets the cold turn into more of a cool breeze, but on the other hand...
"cheol, i think the world stopped spinning!"
seungcheol sighs, turning his head to you. you turn back to him, eyes shining bright as you lean your head on the swing chain. his jacket runs a little too big on you, the ends of the sleeves covering your palms as you hold onto the swing. "do you wanna go for round 2?"
"we have to go home," he chides, exasperated.
"oh relax," you wave off, pushing up the sleeve to take a good look at your empty wrist. "it's only um... 11:00! live a little!"
seungcheol whips his phone out, the time on the lockscreen glaring at full brightness. "it's midnight."
you pout, kicking the bark beneath your feet sullenly. your right heel comes flying off, landing somewhere between the park bench and the see-saw. "lame..."
seungcheol gives you a flat look, making a mental note to pick up your shoe before you leave the park. “you barely made it out of the karaoke bar in one piece, and you want to go for a round 2?”
“well i’m here, aren’t i? perfectly fine and normal!”
“really? what street are we on.”
"you know i'm bad with directions!"
he resists the urge to run a hand down his face. the only reason seungcheol even agreed to coming to the college mixer with you is because he knew you wouldn't fare well if left on your own. the last time you went out drinking, you threw up in the bushes a couple feet behind the street vendor, and the time before that, you'd drunk-dialed him at 3:00AM in tears, and when he managed to get out of the house wearing mismatching flip-flops ready to find you, your friends had managed to grab the phone from you and tell him that you were only crying over a stray cat that wouldn't bother to give you the time of day.
and of course, he was there for you both times, and all the times before that, which only meant that he needed to be there for you this time too. (seungcheol tries not to think about the implications of that statement for too long, otherwise he'll start feeling as stupid as jeonghan's judgemental looks tell him he is.)
you narrow your eyes, waggling your finger at him. "so are you gonna tell me about it?"
"about what?"
"the mixer!" you exclaim. "i saw nayoung making googly-eyes at you the whole time. did you get her number?"
seungcheol pauses. "who?"
you throw your hands in the air, exasperated. "um, lee nayoung? literally every guy in our year would pay to get her to even look at them for five seconds, and she was looking at you all night. for free!"
frowning, seungcheol tilts his head. “doesn’t ring a bell.”
you lean back on the swing, and seungcheol readies himself in case you lose balance and fall backwards. "you're so hopeless, cheol. i keep inviting you to these things cause everyone keeps calling you painfully single, but we end up having this conversation every time. isn't there anyone you like?"
yeah, he bites his tongue. you.
he could say it. he could say it right now. maybe if he said it, then it would be like ripping off a bandaid. quick—not quite painless, but it had to be better than existing in this weird limbo where he's the first one you call when you're drunk and you're the first person he thinks of telling when anything good in his life happens. if he said it, no matter the result, at least he wouldn't have to keep it a secret anymore. at least you would know.
but instead, seungcheol says:
"it's late. we need to go back."
there's a brief pause, one where you shift in your swingseat and the cold metal presses against the skin of his palms as he wrestles with the weight of everything he's squashed down inside him, yet again.
“…can we at least get fishcakes on our way home?" you ask, and you at least have the decency to sound a little sheepish about it.
your shoulder moves slightly, jacket slipping off your shoulder. seungcheol sighs, walking over to adjusting it, before zipping it up fully. it would only get colder through the night. he really was an idiot.
"yeah. the usual?"
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mejomonster · 1 year
I will say the sexual tension Moonlight Chicken kicks off with damn
Been 3 shows how long was a director waiting to Utilize that high heat energy they give when just sitting standing looking near each other let alone More sjjsjd
Also I get now why someone reviewed this as a bit more Taiwan in bl feel? It does feel more grounded real queer people daily life kind of story, which Taiwan is good at, and just generally rhe visuals make it look SO solid in its visuals as like a very specific identity and very grounded identity rather than a more high fluff show
Third. You KNOW I was screaming at our dude Jim when that demon sprite boy told him hey I'm sober now I want you and Jim went for it. Jim you KNEW you knew that boy was a whole hot mess and a bag of cats! You knew he threw up on your floor! He was slurring and barely walking, u know that boy wasn't sober when he said he wanted to jump ur bones! (Although to be fair, I think the show may actually have decided he WAS sober since that sex scene could've been way clumsier so I guess if demon boy was sober he'll tell us in part 2 and clarify things the morning after, im assuming itll probably go this route cause thai fluff bl usually dont like to take the yikes first hookup route nowadays, i think last one i remember doing it was Together With Me). REGARDLESS my point is jim: u know what a drunk bitch looks like and even if he was sober u know it's not the kinda thing u take a risk on, it's the kinda thing u leave that dude alone in a room for the night until he cools the fuck off and looks at u in the bright morning sunshine with some goddamn confirmed clarity. It was. So funny and such a mess and such a yikes and.
Don't get me wrong I'm here for the drama I'm okay with them being messy bitches starting off in a bad way. It's just also so wild Jim had a seducing horny demon sprite looking dude who wanted to eat him up all night and saw neon flashing warning signs and was like "u know what? He knows I'm gay, I said it won't mean anything in the morning - though he said it might (another RED WARNING FLASH MY DUDE LMAO) and he is KISSING ME AND BITING MY EAR AND EATING ME UP ALRIGHT IMMA TAKE OFF MY CLOTHES I GUESS. like. ???? Alright Jim I get it
This scene works a lot better Because our dude demon sprite looks so horny and intent from the instant he enters the scenes, so the tensions already there nonstop before the moment. Otherwise it would've felt way out of left field.
But yeah lmao. U see these fools making a mistake they're running into full steam ahead and I hope the fallout is wild. I hope it's entertaining television
(I ONLY finished part 1 of ep 1 please no spoilers)
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bunny-is-cute · 2 months
One of my favorite parts of “Tell Me True”
Excerpt from Chapter 22
As Husk and Angel entered the sterile confines of St. An's hospital, they were greeted by the sight of Vegas lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by a web of IV tubes and monitors. Despite the machines beeping softly in the background, Vegas appeared peaceful, his breathing steady as he slept.
Belphegor, the Sin of Sloth and the doctor in charge of Vegas's case approached them with a somber expression. "Husk, Angel Dust, I'm glad you're here," she began, his voice tinged with sympathy as he gestured towards Vegas's bed. "We caught the meningitis just in time before it became fatal, and Vegas is responding well to the medication. However, I'm afraid the meningitis has caused some damage."
Husk's heart sank at Belphegor's words, his gaze flickering towards Vegas with a mix of worry and sadness. "What kind of damage?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he braced himself for the worst.
Belphegor hesitated for a moment before continuing, his expression grave. "I’m sorry to say but Vegas lost his hearing," she explained, his words heavy with regret. "It's a common complication in cases like his, but it doesn't make it any easier."
Husk’s hand tightened in Angel’s while the spider's breath caught in his throat as he absorbed the news. His eyes welled up with tears as he looked at Vegas lying so still in the hospital bed. "But... will he ever regain his hearing?" Angel asked, his voice trembling with emotion.
Belphegor shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid it's unlikely," she admitted, his voice gentle but firm. "However, we will do everything we can to help Vegas adjust to his new reality and provide him with the support he needs."
Husk and Angel exchanged a glance, their hearts heavy with grief for their precious kitten. But as they looked at Vegas, still peacefully asleep despite the challenges he faced, they knew that together. “Can…I go be with him?” Husk asked.
“Yes but only one parent at a time and do not take the other babies with you,” she advised.
“Okay,” Husk said and turned to Angel, who already had his arm out to take Noir in. “Go be with our son. We’ll wait for you,” he said as he gently kissed Husk on the lips.
Husk nodded and was soon escorted to get dressed and gowned up to visit his son. Angel smiled at Vegas, “I knew you were strong Vegas…I’m just sorry you lost your hearing,” he said and carried the babies toward the waiting room.
Husk was disinfected and scrubbed in to see his son. He never realized how small Vegas was since he’d grown since his birth. The baby looked so fragile, but he soon opened his eyes, revealing his pink irises that were once heavy with drugs. As soon as he saw Husk, he smiled and began kicking a bit, his four hands reaching up for his Dada.
Husk smiled and reached out to touch his son’s hands with his long claw. Vegas’s hands wrapped around the claw and smiled happily. The former overlord smiled warmly, “there’s my boy,” he said and it just occurred to him that he would never hear his voice again. He looked around and saw a nurse, “can I pick him up?” He asked though he felt a bit ridiculous to ask permission to hold his flesh and blood.
The Baphomet nurse looked at Husk and was stunned shocked before fainting like a goat. He didn’t know what her problem was. Still, he looked back and slowly he moved his hands to scoop up the baby. He was mindful of the IVs and he held his boy close, letting himself purr. Vegas seemed to like Husk’s purring as he settled against the cat’s chest affectionately.
Maybe this could be his special way of letting Vegas know he was loved. The kitten may not be able to hear him say the words, but the rumbling in his chest as Husk purred would be his way of telling him how much he loved his boy…
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memestockpile · 11 months
ragtime (1992) feel free to change as needed.
the skies were blue.
there was distant music.
father was well-off. very well-off.
hello, sonny.
what did you say?
certain men make a country great.
let me at those sons of bitches!
it was the music of something beginning.
what the world needs is a good swift kick in the pants. 
that’s my little soldier.
come back soon and safe to us.
i’m sorry. that was coarse.
you can never have enough money.
goodbye, my love.
you have places to discover.
i accept that.
what of the people who stay where they’re put?
some people have hearts that would rather go journeying on the sea.
tell me how to be someone whose heart can explore. 
you’re a brave man.
if people ask, how old are you?
is that other ship going back home?
look. someone is waving.
he’s a fool on a fool’s journey. 
why on earth would you want to be leaving?
are you angry?
perhaps you’re a man who’s in search of his heart.
journey on.
for a moment, in the darkness, we’re the same.
may you find what you need.
be fair.
it’s the crime of the century.
life was suddenly full of delicious possibilities. 
my mother’s thrilled.
you’re at the theatre every night.
i’ll blow you a kiss from the stage tomorrow night.
call the doctor!
what kind of woman would do such a thing?
why in god’s name is my husband not here?
you left me lists. everything in lists. 
i never stopped to think they might have lives beyond our lives. 
little one, we’re here.
our feet are on the ground, and hope is in the air. 
you’ll soon be eating apple pie from off a china plate. 
do what you do, and the world will come to you.
only a nickel.
someday, these will impress when i’m a success. 
you should be ashamed of yourself. 
you are barking up the wrong tree.
such opportunity. 
i’m not making fun.
i think you are already rich in spirit and good of heart. it’s just your pockets that are a little empty.
you’re blocking the sidewalk.
opportunity knocks, i answer.
the good lord looked down, saw me lonely and loveless, and thought to himself: “enough is enough. i’m putting [receiver’s name] in your life.”
she left me without a word or trace.
i miss you so. 
i’m going to do my damnedest. 
even people who ain’t too clever can learn.
you have to wear a tie for the same reason i’m wearing this unflattering dress.
don’t stare. it’s not polite to stare.
fine weather, isn’t it?
nothing like the city.
that’s impossible. everyone has a name.
you think he’d never seen someone from new york city.
who put such thoughts in your head?
did you see that? that impudent, cocky, king of the road smirk?
you have your daddy’s hands.
i just up and ran.
i buried my heart in the ground.
you want a cookie?
that’s the most words you’ve spoken since you’ve been here.
this piano is badly in need of a tuning.
i find that an unkind remark.
god wants no excuses. 
say, was i away too long?
i thought i knew what love was.
you’ve been polishing that car so hard there ain’t gonna be anything left for us to ride home in!
all for you, girl.
play that melody. 
when he is old enough, i will show him.
they’ll take to you like cats to cream.
we’ll travel on from there.
the wheels are turning for us. 
any man can get where he wants to if he’s got some fire in his soul.
there are things that you’ve never thought. 
leave your little backyard, my friend. 
there are causes to die for.
life has meaning. 
you are with us now. 
i’ve been waiting for you.
it’s not charity.
i’ll come for you soon.
hurry! you’ll miss the train!
i hate you, goddamned america!
shh. don’t cry. i’m here. we’re together. shh.
close your eyes. 
it’s gotta have a name. i’m not paying this much for something without a name.
we will get you a clean bed and a hot bath. 
we’ll never look back.
go down the road and wait. 
i’m not going to leave you.
that’s all it will be: talk, talk, talk!
why should i turn the other cheek?
what about justice!
i ain’t much of a talker.
may i live to see when our hearts are happy and our souls are free.
she was nothing to them. 
there was blood on the ground.
she was only a girl.
it will happen again.
why does nobody care?
what is wrong with this country?
she was somebody’s child.
i said, go to your room.
look what you’ve gotten us into!
you’ll like baseball.
let’s go, you sons of bitches!
what a game!
go back to where your mother once came!
take your head out of your ass!
so’s your sister!
who let this happen?
run, you schmuck!
this kind of weather makes a man hit like hell.
my god, would somebody look at that!
you’re trampling the dahlias!
that’s enough. get out of my house.
the change of air will do everyone good.
i would shed this skin if i could. 
do not blame me for my past.
we have different lives and faces, but our hearts have common places.
this was deep inside me, and you helped me find it. 
how i envy you your innocence. 
by your side, i could be brave. 
i know how to blow things up. 
the first nickel i ever earned, i keep in a little silver frame. 
it’s damn impertinent, whatever it is.
treat yourself to a ride on the roller coaster.
i’ll send you a postcard.
she has never laughed like this.
children run so fast.
you say that often: well. 
i will buy her light and sun and clean wind of the ocean for the rest of her life.
thank you for your confidence. i shall keep it here.
don’t be shy, now.
oughta take a chance.
i thought the wind was going to pick us up and carry us away.
that’s the showbiz
times change and change and change. 
my life is insane.
my partner’s a dud. 
i’m losing my hair. 
that’s my appeal. 
the people need sham because the world is too real. 
i wish i could sing. 
there was a time our happiness seemed neverending.
we can never go back to before. 
there are people out there unafraid to feel. 
you were my sky, my moon, and my stars, and my ocean. 
make them hear you. 
sometimes there are battles that are more than black or white. 
your sword can be a sermon, or the power of the pen.
i’ll be near you. 
is he walking? has he said any words yet?
he’s a fine boy.
i look in those eyes. how wise they seem. 
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the-darling-crusader · 4 months
I saw you have tbb prompt requests open, and I'd love some family fluff between omega and tech!! not sure what a good word count is, maybe 500?
Rainy Day's
word count: 500
Omega and Tech are left to watch over the ship
Tumblr media
Perhaps it was the rainy day, Perhaps it was because they were both stuck watching over the airship, but Tech and Omega made the best of it. Omega would splash around in the puddles while Tech worked on any damages on the ship, sometimes splashing Tech with the water. Tech would splash back with the nearest puddle he could find, causing them both to laugh and snort with joy “Tech, if you got your name for being such a whiz with technology, then why was I named Omega?” “Perhaps it’s because you are a complete alteration to the normal cloning DNA pursuit” he replied, looking onto her “.....What?” “I’m saying it’s probably because you’re a girl…” “Ooooh!” Tech chuckled at her child-like responde “why do you ask such a question, anyway?” “Oh, I dunno.. Guess I’m just curious” Omega hung onto the railing of the door platform, swinging around “Careful, Omega. I don’t want you getting hurt. And I don’t want you breaking the railing” Omega mouthed ‘blah blah blah’ playfully as Tech spoke, giggling at his playfully annoyed smile, rolling his eyes and walking back into the ship, accidentally bumping into Gonky “Oops, sorry little guy” Tech said walking into the cockpit area of the ship, Omega sat on the top step and laid back, watching Tech “watcha doing?” “Checking engine vitals” “Why?” “Seeing if we need fuel” “Oh, I thought we refilled recently?” “Man you’re just packed full of questions tonight, aren't you” Tech shook his head looking back to Omega, who had moved to one of the chairs behind him, As Tech worked, Omega zoned out, staring at the rain as it rolled down onto the ships windshield, watching the droplets combine and race with each other “Hey, Tech..?” “Yes?” “Don’t you like it when it rains..?” Tech turned to her, smiling softly “Very much so, it's very peaceful..” “Yeah, unlike our little family” the two erupted into laughter, Tech sat down in a seat next to Omega, crossing one leg over the other, finally relaxing, he looked over noticing Omega was drifting to sleep, he lifted her up and held her in his lap, kicking his feet up on the dashboard, rocking back and forth with her in his arms “Tech..” Omega mumbled “What is it, Omega?” “I love you..” She purred, snuggling up to him, Tech sighed. He didn’t know how to reply, ‘I love you too small sister?’ ‘mutual feelings onto you as well?’ he didn’t know, but what he did know was that regardless if he said it or not, he knew Omega knew he did. “You’re the best sister I could’ve asked for, Omega” he cooed, squeezing Omega gently, eventually, she ended up falling asleep. Tech got up and took her to her small bedroom in the back of the ship, laying her small body into the soft blankets of the bed. Tucking her in and placing her Koth-Cat plush next to her, he sat by her the rest of the night
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sandwich2451 · 1 year
The Violinist, chapter 6: The Boat Thief
Chapter six:  The Boat Thief
"And when I looked into your eyes All I saw was my reflection."
The Pit and the Pendulums were the first to go down - and Vezi already knew how and more importantly, she knew she could stop her own team from sinking. 
Siren song, is, undoubtedly, very subtle, but sirens do need it for a bunch of shit. Like communicating with each other on a level of sound humans can't hear. Thankfully, Vezi isn't human. 
She looked over at the Goldbugs, who were grinning from ear to ear when the Pit and the Pendulums crashed and sunk. Vezi hunched over towards Xavier and said, "Goldbugs are sabotaging the boats." He looked back at her as he rowed. "How'd you know that?" "Siren in the water. He's in herbology with us - not the most subtle guy. Overuses siren song like he's addicted. Also, he jumped into the water two minutes ago." Xavier's eyebrows furrowed.
"So what do we do about him? I can't, like, magic up a fish or anything." "Yeah, you can't because your life drawings are made of graphite. My  drawings are made of sound - he'll be able to see them." "And how are you going to make it? Sing?" Vezi attempted to shrug. "I could. I also have a harmonica with me, though, which is a bit less disorienting. I'll play while you guys get the flag." Xavier looked confused, but didn't comment on the harmonica. He nodded. "Great. I'll tell Ajax-" 
"Don't," she cut him off. "He'll blab to Enid. I'll keep watch, by the way. God knows you guys aren't careful enough." She thought for a moment. "Also." She leaned back towards Vyama. "Can you take out one of the Black Cats. Just knock them out or something. Thanks."
They got to shore. Vezi caught Wednesday saying something to Enid before she left for the flag and narrowed her eyes. Xavier and Ajax had already gone, leaving Vyama and Vezi to tie up the boat. 
While they were doing that, Vezi got hit by a pebble. "Jesus Christ," she said, turning around to see a hand. "Vyama?" He looked up from his work. "There's a hand there. Do you wanna go get it? Bring it back to the boat." He nodded and set to his next task. 
Vezi, at this point, was alone together with Enid and Bianca. She narrowed her eyes, suspicious of both. Thankfully, Bianca left, leaving only her and Enid behind. Vezi called out to her. "Were you planning to sabotage us? You still could if you had the guts." Enid hesitated, then stood up, cracking her neck and flexing her hands, causing her nails to grow into claws. "Okay spider girl, you asked for it." 
Vezi, at this point, was standing outside of her canoe. "You sure you can take me on?" "I'm confident." She attempted to slash Vezi, who simply cocked an eyebrow and took a step back. Then she advanced again, her bottom left arm swinging a hook into Enid's midriff. "I've done this before, honey, I can do it again." Vyama was coming back to the boat, without Thing, unfortunately. Vezi looked up after she kneed Enid for good measure. 
"Slight change of plans. Get in the other boat. We're taking it." Vyama and Enid both looked at her like she was mad. "What?" Vyama called out. Vezi rolled her eyes and threw another punch at Enid, who had by now recovered. "Just do it, you idiot." He nodded, after a moment of hesitation, and started untying the Black Cats' boat. Vezi saw Xavier and Ajax running towards them, flag in hand. 
She nodded towards the other boat, stunted Enid's balance by kicking her left leg's knee and threw one last punch at her ribs. "At least I won't get threatened with suspension this time," Vezi muttered to herself and then she ran towards the stolen canoe, that Vyama had already untied. She jumped in and started rowing, seeing how Wednesday was just coming back with the flag. 
Vyama hissed at her, "Why steal their boat? We have no idea what its perks are. And it's slower." He looked at the raven perched at the front in disdain. "And the raven isn't even secured well." 
"I sabotaged our boat," Vezi explained. "A few holes in the hull, which shouldn't be apparent until they're about halfway there. I thought it might help us." "You sabotaged your own team?" Vyama hissed. "No, I sabotaged the Black Cats. See? We're halfway there and the Goldbugs haven't even left yet. Believe me, I did us a favour."
"Surprisingly," Weems commented, "All three teams from before are still in the game. But what-" She peered through her binoculars in confusion. "Why, it appears that the Black Cats and the Jesters have switched boats!" A collective gasp rose from the people cheering. "And the Jesters are pulling ahead - ahead of the Goldbugs too. Will they claim victory this year?"
Vezi stiffened. "Siren," she simply said, and stopped rowing and pulled out her harmonica from the chest pocket that had been sewed oh so conveniently in her uniform. She started playing the tune of "Murderered Mermaid Song" - pretty fitting, wasn't it?
She grinned as she heard his howl from in the water - seemed like he was going to sabotage them next, but he'd swum away from the boat to the coast. Bianca looked at their boat, frowning. "Scared him away," Vezi informed Xavier and she put the harmonica away. 
"Tell Ajax to try and flip the switches. They won't be for self-sabotage, I'm sure of that." A few seconds later, harpoons appeared on the sides of the boat. Vezi tilted her head. "Not bad."
They were in the lead, but like this, no one could sabotage them from the sides. And seeing as the siren had been scared away, there was nothing that could be done to stop them from winning. 
They were the first to get to land. Ajax and Xavier got out of the boat with the flag, Vezi and Vyama following them. He nudged her. "Good game. Couldn't have done it without you." She smiled sarcastically. "I know that." 
"And in an unexpected turn of events, The Jesters win the Poe cup!" Vezi smiled when she saw the two other teams climb out of the water. "Black Cats would've won," she commented. "You guys weren't prepared for sabotage at all. Frankly, it was kind of embarrassing." Vyama huffed and punched her shoulder playfully. 
Xavier and Ajax were holding up the cup, shouting garbled words that probably were supposed to sounds like this: "Thank you! We did it! For the gorgons!" And because of an arachnid, but who cares for specifics?
Vezi caught Wednesday glaring at her and tilted her head, smiling. "You won!" Mel shouted, hugging her. "I really, really owe you. You're an angel." Vezi was laughing on the inside. As if an angel would fist fight a werewolf and then proceed to steal a boat. "I know, Mel, honey. I know."
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themistressofdolls · 14 days
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter V
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V
The PMC wars
The world entered a state of disorder after the fall of the Lunarians as different PMCs fought over territories building a war economy. I had to take some responsibility for what was happening so I returned to working with Vermont Island PMC and Yuki Miyazaki was online “Xenos, you need to clear out the middle east, its under the control of bulldog PMC forces who don't have the best intentions there.” She said and I nodded grabbing my Heckler & Koch HK416 with the custom ultra rare bubble gum pink paint job ALSO IF ANYONE THINKS ONLY GIRLS CAN HAVE PINK, THEN FUCK YOU PINK CAN BE MANLY TOO!!
I took my forces and we attacked a bulldog PMC position taking them out easily, then I fired a rocket launcher blowing a bunch of their tanks up which they hated.
We went into their base and I went super blowing the entire building up in one shot. The survives tried to flee the burning building so I hunted them down one by one for fun which I enjoyed doing.
After that I went on other missions around the world to take out the PMCs that where causing trouble, nobody wanted to fuck with Vermont Island PMC because they knew they would have to deal with me!
The Tiktiktok app
I was back at school in Tokyo when I saw everyone was hypnotized by some phone app called Tik Tik Tok “I want to buy Snow Splender merch, she's so cool and taught me how to starve myself to get more healthy.” Giggled one of the girls.
They were all watching some new influencer who told them how to think and what to do but I avoided that stupid site because I listen to heavy metal music and am a gamer.
Every day people got worse as friends turned on each other for clout, people buying weird products they didn't need and others doing extreme things to get popular on the app as the school turned into a living hell.
I had to put an end to it so I got into my airship and flew to Beijing China, when I arrived I beat the shit out of the Chinese president because he tried to have me arrested for not signing up for his evil social credit system “I have your social credit right here.” I told him before I kicked him out a window.
That's when I got a taxi to take me to the Tik Tik Tok building which was in Chinas technology centre which was super high tech and filled with fancy looking buildings.
I went inside and some armoured security guys where there “You don't have clearance to be here, leave or we will shoot you!” Said the head guard.
But I pointed “DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM?!” I said going super on command as I beat the shit out of the guards and killed them!
I slaughtered everyone in the building then I used electro magic to blow up the server rooms taking the app offline for good and freeing everyone from its power.
That was when the CEO a big man came down and he had a CCP badge on “We spent years building this system to dumb your country down and you have ruined our hard work, for that you will pay.” He snapped his fingers and a tiger helicopter flew by the window unleashing chaingun fire as I went into bullet time running from the spread.
Then I took out my enchanted chaos guns and opened firing taking the helicopter down.
After that I killed the CEO and used a blast to take the Tik Tik Tok building out forever freeing the people from its dumbing down effect.
Assault on area 51 and the CIA
I got a knock at my door and an alien in power armor was there “WHAT THE FUCK A GOD DAMN ALIEN AT THE DOOR?!” I was shocked since it was not something you would see every day.
“Please I mean you no harm, I am a cosmo man my designation is Chass. My ship was shot down due to CIA experiments and they are holding it with my brother in the place called Area 51, I came here because you are a legend who destroyed Emperor Iblis and I need your aid.” The alien told me.
I thought about it for a second and got my polycarbine trenchcoat with runic blessings “Alright, I have no love for the CIA anyway after they used me in the past, lets do this!”
Using my secure phone I called vermont PMC to send me a military grade carbon gear which we used to drive towards Nevada.
Some US army guys demanded us to stop but we opened fire and rammed them with the carbon gear as alarms went off “We've crossed the check point, they're going to bring everything down upon us now, I like those odds.” I said opening fire on the troops.
I unleashed missiles on the heavy artillery then abandoned the carbon gear as it took too much damage and exploded.
I used the cyclone slash with my duel katanas cutting down over 30 US marines who tried to get in my way.
Things where getting intense so I played the song assault from Final F Ten to get into the mood as we ran into battle taking out countless soldiers and heavy assault troops “Send your armies to me, I will return the body parts.” I warned them but they kept attacking so I destroyed them.
We snuck into the main hanger finding the computer room “It seems my theory was true, our ship was brought down by CIA expernments, they have been killing aliens for years and stealing the technology.” Chass said.
That got me real angry but then I heard a gun click and it was the CIA director Mr Kinsey “You could have been an asset Xenos but instead you choose to fight against us, what a pity.” He said.
I powered up into my creation super form and blew the director up with a low level mana shot “I always hated you, you corrupt piece of shit!” I said putting an end to his evil.
Inside the medical room we found Chass's brother but he had been dissected “I am sorry they killed your brother but we will make them pay and ensure they never hurt people again.”
I send the documents to the police who had the rouge black ops unit arrested and shut the CIA down for their crimes.
We got into the main hanger finding Chass's ship which was like a high tech orb “This is the phase shift distorter, my ship.” He said and we went inside.
As he did repairs the machine came to life “Something is wrong I have lost control.” Chass said as a vortex opened pulling the distorter and us in.
The tyranny of the Iron legion
We woke up as the Phase shift distorter was smoking and in bad need of some repairs “What happened, where did we end up?” I asked going outside.
That's when I saw furrys running around and knew I was back on Parabus but not the one I knew, this was different it was Parabus a few centuries before the Baconman era but still far into Earths future.
We went to check out what was going on and saw some fascist shock trooper in black and red glowing armour “All those who do not obey the Iron legion shall be sent to the death camps!” Said the head shocktrooper.
I went to stop them but got knocked out “Take this one to the camps too!” Said the wolf soldier.
We woke up inside a prison camp “So you're finally awake eh? Looks like they got you too huh while crossing the boarder?” A badger sighed.
“What happened, what is this place?” I asked them.
He looked depressed “This is camp 15, its run by the Iron Legions most evil member Cheryl Periwinkle the cat. She kills hundreds of people every day and her rule as warden of camp 15 is brutal.”
I clenched my fist because people like her where the worst kind of scum “What's your name? Plus this Iron Legion thing?” I asked him.
“I'm Ray the Badger, I'm part of the resistance against the Iron Legion. It was founded by Darth Talon the wolf, he used to be a good guy once but he thought he could make Parabus a better place, at first he tried to do good but over time power corrupted him and Cheryl as they became more fascist over time.”
Liberation of camp 15
I made a plan to get out so I went into blood hunter form and massacred all the guards easily as they ran in terror “Go now you are free, lets fuck this place up!” I said as I got Chass and we fought through the enemy force.
That's when she was there, the pink furred latex clad Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “You made a real mess of my death camp, for that I will have to lash you, then I shall have you my future slave.” She laughed making kinky faces at me and slapping the ground with her laser whip.
“YOU THINK I'D JOIN YOU? GO EAT TERDS YOU GOD DAMN FASCIST MONSTER!” I gave her the middle finger to let her know I was serious about saying no to her offer.
She grabbed my neck with the laser whip “I will just need to break you in and make you a good boy. After all the iron legion has plenty of brainwashing machines to make you see our point of view.” She smugged.
I powered up causing the laser chains to shatter which scared the shit out of Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “How are you so fucking strong? I WON'T GO DOWN SO EASILY GOD DAMN IT!” She said really mad as she punched the ground.
“Pathetic.” I said looking down upon her as I started unleashing billions of meteor mode punches into her body “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!” I shouted a million oras.
Her body was hit with punch after punch with each of the punches giving off a massive sonic boom as she had broken every single bone but I would not stop “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!” I shouted punching her thousands more times.
Then I uppercut her so hard she crashed right into the camps garbage truck drowning under an ocean of thrash “You made your bed, sleep in it.” I gave a sick burn.
The fight back against the legion
We went to Forestwood village where the resistance lived “Cinos is that you? No impossible its a few centuries before that versions era.” I said and the hedgehog approached me.
“You must have me mistaken, I'm Ashura the hedgehog, leader of the resistance pleasure to meet ya.” He said and shook my hand.
Chass thought deeply for a moment “He must be an ancestor of this Cinos, at least the future one.” And that made sense so I believed him.
We had a feast that night in my honour for the destruction of the evil camp 15 and for taking down Cheryl Periwinkle the cat who was one of the big generals of the legion “Xenos, please help us in our struggle we being pushed back by the rising power of the iron legion.”
“How did this fucking iron legion happen?” I asked wanting to know the lore of the situation pretty badly.
He rested his arms on the table looking serious “Darth Talon the wolf founded it but back then it was the iron movement, we sought freedom against the old government and his revolution appealed to us. Yet after his victory he grew more authoritarian and power hungry as he was corrupted by the energy of darkness in his lust for more power.”
Ashura continued his talk and I thought about the song hopeless desire from Final F Ten “Cheryl Periwinkle the cat used to be a friend of mine and a brave warrior lady but when Darth Talon adopted the dark side of the tao many of the good guys defected to him along with her lured by the power of position he offered as she grew more corrupted and twisted over time.”
He shook his head in sadness “Darth Talon became more ruthless than the former government, building his army of death troopers and talon droids to enforce his will over the lands. From the city of Neo Utopia he rules over everything now.”
I stood up and gripped my emerald gunblade the Chaos destoryer “I've heard enough, I'm going to new Utopia to finish this tyrant off myself, scum like him pisses me off!” I said and geared up.
My one man raid against Neo Utopia
I used the trans teleporter network to breach the city which was filled with flying cars and Talon police robots but people looked depressed under the regime of Darth Talon “Time to put an end to this and bring freedom back to the planet Parabus!” I swore.
I landed on the streets as combots and death troopers in black armour with glowing red lines attacked “For the glory of the iron legion!” They shouted and I went into my crystal form and cut them down to size.
More reinforcements including robo cops, death troopers, talon droids and statesec forces came after me “Come on, if you think you're good enough!” I said unleashing a blast that wiped every single enemy in front of me out.
In the chaos I vaulted with my katanas slicing apart those that tried to escape the killing zone.
People in the city started to cheer for me as it was the first time they had ever seen any more stand up to the government “BE NOT AFRAID ANYMORE LETS KILL THE FUCKERS!” I raised my fist and they followed me into battle.
I played the music Straight Ahead from MM Zero to get me hyped as I summoned my lightblade destiny cutting down their roboguards and aerobuster mechas which exploded all over the city as I ran through each section taking out fascist soldiers and robots.
Their legions thinned as I made my way through each area towards the techno castle of Darth Talon himself.
VS the dark lord
I busted through the citadel as golden death troopers attacked me with energy axes but I cut them down to size with my super form then blew up the guard tanks in the lobby.
The remaining generals of the iron legion got in my way but I killed them easily and moved up to the penthouse level of the techno castle where the honor guard was a group of the strongest death troopers “Protect our great leader, hail hail!” They said and attacked me but I used bullet time to dive behind them and used the crystal gunblade to break through their armour then a blast of purifying ice to freeze them.
“Time to chill out, motherfuckers!” I said and shattered them with my gunblade.
I used gigafire magic to blast the doors to his penthouse open which was a large room pitch black with computers, consoles and windows overlooking all of Neo Utopia.
Darth Talon the wolf sat on his throne as his clawed gauntlet tapped on the arm of his chair “I have been watching you for some time Xenos Edgeblade, I know all about you from the records of the dark history, your fight against Golden Trump was a favourite of mine...believe me I have watched all of your moves.” He said in a machine like evil tone of voice.
He got up as all the pipes disconnected from his darkness infused power arm disconnecting him from the throne and steam vented from the armour then he threw his cape away “I shall turn you to darkness but if that fails you will be destroyed!” He said in his machine voice.
I played the Deval No Uta theme metal remix and ignited my two lightblade DESTINY AND RAGNOROK!
As slammed blades together as sparks and energy flew all over the room started firings and I have to admit it was pretty fucking god damn epic “FINALLY A REAL FIGHT WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS!”
The dark lord laughed “You are one of master philosophy like me and not sheep philosophy like the filth who deserved to be ruled by the dark lords!” He said as we swung our blades at each other.
I went into creation form ultra instinct as my hair glowed a crystal colour “I WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU OR LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FASCIST WHO USES THE POWER OF DARKNESS TO CRUSH THE WEAK!” I said slashing at him sending him flying back.
“THE WEAK DESERVE TO BE CRUSHED FOR BEING SO WEAK! IT IS THE NATRUAL ORDER OF THE WORLD XENOS!” Darth Talon replied swinging his blade as all the windows smashed at once and gale force winds blew into the burning penthouse.
He slammed his blade into the floor as I almost fell but quickly parried but the force he put into his attacks was truly intense “I was good like you once but too many people betrayed me, that's when I realized people where filth, only fear would be true power, control and pain!” He told me.
Darth Talon then stabbed me through the chest as I was bleeding and wounded “I won't give up, I can't because everyone is rooting for me!” I cried out going beyond creation demi human form into something new.
There was an explosion as my eyes glowed, my hair grew longer and was a brilliant shine of crystal white “Is this the legend? Is the legend true? The Holy Paladin Super form? Impossible!” Darth Talons screamed as he was covered in the light.
“This is the power you denied, power you will never know!” I said as the voice of the divine spoke through me.
I felt an aura around me “LEVEL SSS LIMIT BREAKER! SWORDS OF JUSTICE TYPE X!” I shouted.
Katana glowing with god power slashed him “SWORD OF DESTINY JUDGE OF THE WICKED!”
The next blade slashed thorough him “BLADE OF RAGNORAK KISS OF THE APOCALYPSE!” I shouted as fire burst out of his armour
“CRYSTAL VERDICT KATANA OF ANSWERS!” I shouted as a blade cleaved him from above.
Then 50 blades stabbed into him shattered “Purifying bullets of the gods!” I said as my guns glowed with holy power unleashing countless rounds into the dark lord as his armour and mask shattered and his bloody beaten remains slammed into the floor.
He had trouble breathing but now I saw the wolf rather than the machine “So this is the real you, not corrupted by darkness, the one who meant well one time.” I said.
“Please call me by my real name, Gregory McBeth of clan McBeth...I once tried to do right by the world and my wolf kin but I lost my way drowning in darkness, please let me die.” He weezed as the fires of the penthouse consumed his body.
I went downstairs and set Neo Utopias nuclear fusion reactor to go nuclear consuming the hellish city ending the terror of the iron legion forever.
Xenos the cat: Back to Earth
Chass finally repaired the phase shift distorter and we entered the vortex travelling back to our own era “I need a bubble bath and some anime after that experence” I laughed and we went back to my mansion and chilled out in a gaint hot tub watching our favourite anime, it was a really high octane action series too.
I invited Kazu, Sona and even Fist the echidna over so they could watch anime with us and play video games and we had a great time.
Crystal Destiny RE-MINDED
I was at Japan when a portal opened and the robed man with runes came out from months ago “You want to fight again? Last time I remember you where a pretty strong enemy but this time I'll kill you dead!” I warned the man.
“I have not come to test your power again no but to issue decree a warning!” I told the cat boy with a grim reminder on my lips.
I pointed my finger at him “One who knows nothing can not know what is to come!” I mocked as he armed his crystal blades.
“My brothers and sisters where killed by you in the future leading to a bad ending for everyone in the world!” I summoned monsters of crystals the GEM LEGION TO ATTACK HIM.
Xenos fought them off but was drained of energy due to how powerful they where “What kind of enemies are these motherfuckers?!” He shouted at me.
“They are lost souls from the crystal void, a place you will be damned too if you do not find a better ending!” I warned him before walking towards the portal “Perhaps a better timeline is possible, maybe you will find the way.” I said vanishing.
The hostage situation at anicon 20XX
I got everyone tickets to Anicon this year in San Diego which was going to be hype as fuck since there would be cosplayers, merch stalls and interviews with voice actors AND REAL VOICE ACTORS FUCK THE INDUSTRY USING HOLLYWOOD ACTORS TO TRY AND REPLACE THEM!
We got there and saw some of the hot cosplay babes and I bought some blu rays as well as some cool figures “This has been mega awesome so far, I'm going to the bathroom for a moment be right back” I told Sona.
When I went to the bathroom some men with masks and guns came in “We are atomic purification of the atom a neo nazi group that will destroy the weak! We are taking you hostage and you will die unless the US government agrees to set all their nuclear plants into melt down to kill millions of the subhuman races!” said their leader.
I listened from the bathroom and their demands where fucking insane “I need to take these lunatics out out else everyone at anicon is gonna die!” So I vented into the vent shaft to scout out the nazis locations.
“We have das bombs ready to go, even if za government gives us vhat we vant we shall blow this degeneration con up with everyone in it HEIL PURITY!” Said one of the terrorist and that pissed me off even more.
So when he was alone I came out of the vent AND SNAPPED HIS FUCKING NECK then took his machine gun AND I WAS ARMED!!
In the next room I saw two dead terrorists as Sona and Kazu where tooling up “I knew you two had things in hand, lets take the rest of these terrorist bastards out!” I said and we did.
One by one I shot and killed the terrorists then used my mind palace to figure out the bomb cuts disabling all the bombs.
The terrorist leader retreated to the roof where I faced him and he aimed at gun at me “You are strong, you should join ze master race with us and cleanse this land of the weakness!” He said but I just kicked him off the fucking roof and he landed through the spiked fence as blood and guts went everywhere.
“I bet that one fucking hurt, ouch.” I laughed.
After the situation was over I got a medal off the governor and the papers talked about what a hero I was.
I was visiting South Korea to do some intense training at a local temple when the entire Earth violently shook then a voice from the sky was heard in every mind “I am God and I have deemed the human race unworthy! Within ten days I shall exterminate every living being and condemn their souls to eternal pain in hell!” The voice warned.
There was riots on the street while religious groups where praising the end and talking about how it was a good thing while they hunted people down.
I geared up and started taking out the terrorists to keep order “GOD ISN'T COMING TO TAKE YOU TO HELL! I AM GOING TRAIN TO TAKE HIM TO HELL!” I told the world.
It was announced that God fight would happen in ten days as I started training with the most heavy metals tied to my body and doing brutal meditation on top of the highest mountains in order to empower my mind then level my magic up to beyond the time.
I did 8000 push ups, 9382 sit ups and lifted weights made out of 500KG of osmium as I went beyond all known forms “I need to ascend higher than before” I said and started playing heavy metal training montage music and beating punching bags also filled with osmium.
Every morning I got up to go for a two hour run up Mount Everest and back.
I started to focus as my aura grew drawing in ki “I NEED TO GET MY POWER LEVEL UP AGGGGGGG!” I screamed increasing my power beyond its limits, I had to attain a form unlike anything I had ever known before.
My friends brought me the chaos diamonds, the master Topaz and the legend lost Ice Sapphires as the gems floated around me drawn into my body as my aura exploded into a beautiful light unlike anything seen beyond “He's truly going beyond the time.” Sona said.
Fist looked stoic but nodded “No he's going beyond the limit, he's unlocked something deep down.” He said and he was right.
I felt my burst mode unlike as my body turned into a glowing armor like skin and my shine radiant with a brilliant shine “This is it...” I said I UNLOCKED MY OMNI FORM!!
I was ready as I waited at the destination where GOD HIMSELF WOULD APPEAR FOR GOD FIGHT and he did as the clouds shattered and a man 6000 feet tall stood before me “You dare oppose my extermination of the world? THIS IS FUCKING HERESY! DEATH TO THE WORLD IS THE FINAL END KNEEL AND ACCEPT IT AND MAYBE I SHALL SEND TO ETERNITY IN HELL PAINLESSLY!” God threatened.
“You're no god, just an evil soul, another grinning monster out to kill! You just think because you have power that you can hurt people!” I gave him the middle finger because I did not respect him at all.
That pissed him off as he lost his temper and punched me into a cliff with his gaint fist “DON'T TALK BACK TO ME, I'M FUCKING GOD!!” He shouted flying towards me as gaint fists punched into me 6000 times burying me under the rock.
God shrink his down down to my size as he picked me up by the neck and started punching my rib cage “I will seal you in the deepest level of hell but first I am going to have some fun breaking you heretic.” God said and slammed me into the ground.
I smirked “Why are you smirking?” He said as I started to power up.
Then I laughed “I had to take some damage to power up my new omni form and unleash all my limit breaks at once.” I said as the energy drew into me then I was now in my Omni form as God got blasted back.
I flashed in front of him then brought my leg down into his head as he smashed into the ground getting half buried “HOW DARE YOU!” He snapped as he blasted out of the ground throwing endless punches but I dodged and parried each one.
Then I uppercut him in the jaw as her flipped over and slammed face first into the dirt “You can feel pain that means I can beat you.” I taunted him with a cool hand gesture.
I rushed into him covering my arms in omni fire as I let out with a barrage of flaming punches into his gut, chest and face “na na na na na na na na na na na na!” I shouted punching him countless times and applying the greatest level of force into each blow with intent to destroy the enemy.
As he was in the air I made all my blades glow and float around me like projectile weapons as they fired lasers with the heat of 9000 suns into him then homed in on him at multiple angles firing laser after laser into him.
I entered level three burst empowering omni mode further as I flew up into the air with the speed of light itself and let rip “BLOWS OF PURIFYING STRIKE!” I shouted punching him hundred of thousands of times then sent the hardest punch into his back as he caught fire blasting into space in a flaming ball at hyper speed.
“Is it over?” I asked and Kazu and the others looked into the sky as it went dark and all light was drained from the planet.
A voice boomed but it was more profound the old man I fought before “You defeated my proxy but he was nothing more than a weak avatar, I am the real one you call God. I am the Demiurge, the god of the physical realm, your ruler and soon all will die and their souls will become the new fuel to flow through me as I reset the physical dimensions.”
Suddenly reality shifted as we stood on a platform in space before a gaint crystal snake with a lions head the size of 500000000 feet and its eyes where flames of holy light.
To fight the Demiurge
I couldn't let this being consume all the souls of existence so I launched towards him punching into him but his body was hard like crystal made from the divine itself.
“You can not defeat your god, all physical life is in service to me you can not overturn your destiny.” It spoke.
But I wouldn't give up as me, Kazu, Sona and Chass attacked the being but they where blown back while I tried to unleash a beam bomb attack but it bounced right off him “I will never give up, I won't let some false god decide whats good for everyone WE DESERVE TO LIVE AND DIE ON OUR OWN TERMS GOD DAMN IT!” I shouted going at him again with another thousand omni fire punches.
The Demiurge slammed me so hard I went flying while the blow knocked the Chaos diamonds, ice sapphires and Master Topaz out of me reverting me to Lunar Demi human super form “Ugh, he punched the super out of me...” I gasped coughing up blood.
But I refused to let the future fall to darkness “NEVER!” I shouted refusing this fuckers destiny, the fate offered as I pulled the Chaos diamonds, Ice Sapphires and Master Topaz back into me reverting back into my Omni form but that wasn't all through my raw determination I destroyed all the burst mode barriers UNLOCKING OMNI FORM PLUS!
“That is not enough to stop me, you can not fight fate!” The Demiurge cursed at me but I could sense some doubt in his voice.
I charged in unleashing a series of brutal punches which started to do damage then I grabbed the fuckers tail and started swinging him as he smashed into a red dwarf burning up “YOU DARE DEFY YOUR FATE THEN PERISH LIKE A GOD!” He said flying back over to counter attack with burning flames of creation.
But I stood there in the flames taking no damage because of my form “W...what what ARE YOU?!” The Demiurge screamed.
I unleashed 1000s of blasts towards him doing a huge amount of damage then dashed into the air as I thought down a legion of energy punches into his stupid fucking lion face then turning around I started shooting X blasts into his face too which did even more damage.
Then I landed back on the platform pissed off with such levels of unseen fucking fury as red cybertronic energy, divine energy, void energy and pure creation magic flooded into me like an ocean “I'm not finished with you let HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed exploring into a multicoloured form with spiral eyes.
My friends where shocked as they watched “I've never seen Xenos hold this much power before!” Gasped Sona.
Chass folded his arms “This power is dangerous and hard to control but what he needs to win this fight.” Chass replied.
I rolled up into a ball of pure nuclear creation energy picking up speed as I kept spinning then my friends shot me like a spinning missile ball into the Demiurge as I slammed into his body spinning into it and cutting as his crystal body started to crack “NO NO NO NO NO!!” It cried out as I finally broke the crystal shell blasting through his body.
Spinning through his inside like a flaming nuclear ball of fury I slammed into the other end cutting through the crystal THEN I BURST THROUGH THE OTHER SIDE AS THE DEMIURGES ENTIRE BODY SHATTERED LIKE GLASS AND ALL THE SHARDS EXPLODED INTO LIGHT.
I landed back on the platform as me and my friends watching the exploding shards come down like glowing rain drops “Its finally over, we did it guys.” I smiled.
The platform started to crumble since the false God was gone and unable to maintain this pocket realm “If we don't get out we'll die in space!” Sona said.
I used the last of my energy to tear open a portal back to Earth and kicked my friends through it “No, let us stay with you!” Kazu begged as the portal closed behind them.
A smiled came over my face as I started to drift through space “As long as my comrades are safe, thats all that matters in the end.” I grinned before passing out.
Becoming a space marine
I saw a big light then I was beamed on board some kind of starship, the people there looked human so maybe they where a cousin race to humanity “Surprised you survived so long in deep space you must have strange biology friend” said the star captain when I woke up.
“I was able to stay in my level one super form which kept me in one piece out there but I guess I owe you some thanks for recovering me.” I rubbed my head.
An alarm went off in the ship “We don't have time to talk, we're under attack consider yourself drafted into the united planet federation marine corps now gear up!” The captain ordered and I was sent to the lower level with some power armour soldiers.
“Go go go go we have hostile alien attackers, gear the fuck up soldiers!” Said the marine commander who handed me a weapon called a pulser rifle then they got me suited into some power armour.
“This feels pretty epic, alright I guess I can help you kill some of these aliens as thanks for saving me back there.” I said and they got us into the drop ship and sent us into battle as we landed on the alien hive ship.
We opened fire as we got out shooting some disgusting looking bug creatures “EAT LASER MOTHERFUCKER!” I shouted spraying them with bullets.
The inside of the hive ship was gooey and disgusting “Kill em all no mercy!” A private said but an alien grabbed him and shoved a tendril down his mouth pumping a parasite liquid into him as his skin bubbled and he exploded while a bunch of alien snake babies slid away.
That's when I truly knew these creatures where a threat to life so I got my high carbine flamethrower unit and started burning everything in sight “COME GET SOME!!” I shouted in a badass boost.
“Watch out!” I screamed to Private Jacob as one of the alien bugs grabbed him into a vent and started to feed him eggs.
I was angry so I threw a grenade in to give him a mercy kill AND IT EXPLODED!
Everything around us was burning as I used up the entire flamethrower tank so I grabbed a grenade launcher and started blowing up everything in sight since I was the last space marine left alive “FUCK!” I shouted blowing more things up while using my shotgun with my free hand.
Then I saw one ugly motherfucker it was the alien bug queen like a spider but she was one big ass motherfucker “So you're the one pumping out all these alien babies, time to put a stop to this.” I said as the alien queen laughed unable to speak.
“All life exists to become incubators for the young ones, now you shall be bound and forced to drink my eggs!” Said the queen BUT I WENT INTO MY OMNI FORM PLUS AND FIRED A HYDRONIX BEAM AND SHE BURNED ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE FUCKING NEST.
The hive ship was burning up so I had to evac back to the drop ship but I noticed the alien bugs had destroyed the ship so I had no choice but to go super again and fly out into space as the bug ship exploded killing the entire alien race for good “Mission complete.” I said as I flew back to the federation starship.
I was given a medal for my promotion and promoted to a captain for my outstanding service.
The horror of Citadel centre station
I got my next mission and was able to pick my own equipment since I had ranked up to join the space marines black operations division and I studied hacking too so I could use all kinds of computers.
My next mission was about contact being lost in a place called Citadel centre station which was a space station they where working on some advanced AI tech “I'm going in.” I said as my ship docked with the station.
There was blood and guts all over the docking area “Something fucked up must have went down.” I said turning my guns laser sight on and proceeding to the med sector to investigate.
Some fucked up half human robot showed up with cutting tools for arms “You will be taken to the robot chamber and turned into a hybrid slave for our AI master.” It said activating its blow torch arm but I punched it in the face and it exploded.
I noticed an ID tag under his metal augmentations that had been fused to his flesh “Alex D, medtech first class? So they where the crew once, I will help them rest in peace.” I said loading my gun.
More robots came some with assault weapons and others with saws for blades “In my way.” I said opening fire with my Hazard rifle blowing 100s of them away as I moved from sector to sector.
I found some logs recorded which explained the AI TODAN had taken over the station after becoming self aware and painfully transforming the crew into her slave robots “This is disgusting, I must take revenge for all the lives she had taken.” So I went to the armoury sector getting a laser machine and a fusion missile gun “Lets rock and load!” I laughed.
“You can not stop me, soon you will become my body and with it I shall become an unstoppable machine Goddess!” TODAN said over the radio in a disturbing voice that was machine like.
I hacked the terminal taking control of the sector “Only body you're going to be getting is a body bag once I'm finished here.” I warned her as I jacked into the cybernet.
Everything was glowing and data while I floated around “So you have come to face your goddess.” TODAN UGLY FACE SAID.
I went into my super demi human form and blasted her which caused her to get deleted “Not even worth my time.” I said then set the station to self destruct as I logged out and got back in my ship.
My adventures on the planet Yauki
My ship went off course due to a lack of energy and I ended up crash landing on a strange but lust planet that was Earth like called Yauki. I got out of my ship and looked around when a cute girl in a blue dress waved at me “I saw your ship come down, are you alright?” She asked me.
I dusted myself off “Nothing I can't handle.” I laughed and she giggled cutely.
“I'm Brisket a local girl, who are you?” She asked me.
With a smirk and a thumbs up I told her my name “I'm Xenos Edgeblade a catboy demi human from a far away planet called Earth but I've been in space for a while now.”
“Come to my house you can stay while plus it looks like that ship won't be flying again.” She chuckled and I looked at the wreak and had to admit it was pretty busted up beyond repair, I came in pretty hard I guess.
Briskets house was pretty comfy and she had a spare room with some Yauki game consoles which had some really awesome video games. Seems the culture of this world was very close to Earths which was cool.
I made myself useful by cutting wood out back, doing dishes and showing Brisket some of my fighting moves.
We even went on a date “You're really cute Xenos and I've never been with a boy before let alone one as cute as you.” And she closed her eyes coming closer AND WE KISSED!
I spent the next two years on Yauki going on adventures, making friends and even helping them take down some villains.
Like on Earth, my name became a source of fear for bad guys.
General Skull
There was some gas mask soldiers attacking our village so Brisket got her rapier and I got my new scythe THE VOID REAPER which I forged in the fires of mount void using dark crystals and the strongest magically infused metals.
“Destroy them for the great General Skull!” Said the gas mask minion and I sliced his head clean off with the void reaper.
Then I hunted the others down leaving a bloody mess “Good work dear.” Brisket kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
“Not here, I'm trying to be badass.” I responded.
We tracked down General Skull who was the leader of an evil country to the south and I busted into his castle “NOBODY ATTACKS MY VILLAGE AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!” I warned him as I pointed the Scythe threateningly.
He was an armoed man in a gas mask with a nazi like cap but with the logo of his empire on it “You will present no problem to me and when you die I shall invade all of the lands.” He said and fired rapid fire granades at me which I dodged using void time.
He then fired a beam of energy from his gauntlets but I blocked with a more powerful ki blast “You're just a worm.” I laughed.
General skull fled to another chamber as we chased but in there was a huge portal cascade machine “If I can not take over my world I shall rebuild my empire on another PERHAPS YOUR HOME OF EARTH HAHA!” General skull laughed jumping into the portal storm as the machine started to blow closing the gate behind him as we escaped the castle.
“GOD DAMN IT NOOOO!” I screamed as we flew out of the exploding castle.
Brisket tried to comfort me “Its alright we defeated him right?” She tried to reassure me.
“He went to Earth which is in danger now and I don't have ship or a way back there.” I said clenching my fist.
That's when Brisket had an idea “The phase shift monks in the North, they might know a means.” She said and it was worth a shot since I didn't have anything else to lose.
Learning instant translocation
I travelled with Brisket to the northern shrine of Yuta Tak where the monks met us “You have come to learn the rare Instant translocation technique but are you truly worthy.” The head monk said slowing time down as he pushed me into the air and I crashed.
He dodged all my moves but I got a hand of the situation as I appeared behind him and kicked him through the ground.
The monk climbed out and laughed “You are indeed strong Xenos, very well I shall teach you this power.” and he showed me how to do it.
The technique allowed me to focus and transport myself anywhere across space as long as I focused on where I wanted to go.
“Alright time to get back to Earth.” I said ready to focus and Brisket grabbed me as she was teleported along with me.
The terror of General skull and the alt reich movement
We teleported into the middle of Washington DC and everything was a mess with riots everywhere and posted for some new political movement called Fash Americana “Looks like things have gone to shit since I've been away.” I said.
“Wow so this is Earth? Like my homeworld but a bit less fun.” She said and she was right but it was still my homeworld.
There where men in hawaiian T shirts marching and stomping in masses “Heil heil heil! Death to the weak, death to the worthless! Death to useless!” They all chanted some even carrying guns.
I jumped in front of the rioting crowd “Hey sup!” I mocked.
They opened fired “HE IS A DEGENERATE HE MUST BE DESTORYED FOR THE GLORY OF THE RACE!” Shouted the leader with the stupid ass hair cut.
I fired a blast of energy destroying a bunch of them leaving a puddle of blood then I smashed the rest of them at lighting speed with punches and slashes.
“Oops, maybe I went a little wild back there.” I chuckled and went to the capital where more of the nazis where rioting.
“Take over the white house THE GREAT AND BENEVOLENT GENERAL SKULL SHALL BE THE NEW RULER OF THE WORLD! ALL HAIL SKULL AND HIS GLOURIOUS NEW REIGME” Said some weird podcaster guy who was leading the other nazis.
I got pissed at than as I did a haymaker at full speed right into his stupid bald face and he went flying through the window as the other nazis watched “GET HIM!” They screamed.
Kazu showed up shocked to see me “XENOS YOU'RE ALRIGHT? FOR A LONG TIME I WORRIED WE'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!” He grinned giving me a manly hug.
“I'm the cat boy who makes the impossible possible, what else did you expect?” I laughed and we looked behind us as more of the neo nazis appeared but these ones had assault rifles and power armor.
I fired a blast but they used some shielding tech to block it “Looks like General Skull has tooled them up with some advanced alien technology.” I said so I went into Lunar Demi human super form and played heavy metal music as I flew forwarding tearing through them with bladed punches.
Even advanced power armour was not enough to withstand that level of power.
Two of the head nazi came up to us a boy in a red hat with vaporwave sunglasses who I knew from the internet as Mick Fumtenis and a girl in all pink covered in make up known as Sparklepoo “You are strong if only you didn't work for the degenerates you could become the ideal ayran superman of our movement!” Mick sighed.
Sparklepoo was typing into her phone on the tik tik tok app which had been revived so I would need to make a note to go blow up their new HQ later “Like whatever I'm only here Mick because like General Skull said we can kill all the trans people and I hate them cause they are like icky and gross so lets like totes kill this loser so I can get back to it, like ugh whatever!” Sparklepoo sounded uninterested.
They took out machine guns grinning “Time to put this cat to sleep” Mick laughed as I warped in front of him and bent his gun which scared him.
“Did you really think you had a chance against me?” I looked at them with cold evil eyes before I charged up a tao blast turning them both into dust.
Me, Brisket and Kazu went to McDaniels to discuss what was happening and he told me General Skull showed up a few months ago to take over the new far right movement with lobby money from the ultra rich because General Skull promised them tax breaks.
“Show me where these rich assholes live!” I said while eating my chicken nuggets.
Taking down General Skulls connections
We smashed through the roof of a mansion where all the rich people and CEOs working with General Skull where having a big party. They looked shocked as we interrupted them while they where sniffing drugs and drinking champagne from golden statues “How dare you, be gone filthy poors!” Said a bald man.
I opened fire on them as Kazu drew his Okatana and went to town as we destoryed all the rich assholes cutting the money out of General Skulls movement.
Kazu called in some contacts who airlifted an APC to us and we got in driving through the mansion neighbourhood opening fire with the APCs turret as we tore all their mansions down which made them cry AND IT WAS FUNNY!
After that I WENT INTO MY PSYCHO FORM as my eyes sprialed with the blood madness and started killing all the rich assholes and CEOs in the are AND THEN THERE WHERE NONE!
I radioed in for a C130 aircraft which was also a base that bad bedrooms, smaller planes for defence and an armoury just like that cool movie we watched a while ago “We're closing in on skull fortress.” Brisket said as she flied the plane.
We looked out the window seeing a castle shaped like General Skulls gasmask head “He has an ego but I'm coming to cut it down to size!” I laughed as I geared up putting my new polymana steel trenchcoat on and armed myself to the teeth as I did a halo jump from the plane.
The sky was on fire as rockets, machine guns and more where exploding around me due to ground defences trying to take me down.
Then I took my pistols out opening fire as I took out a bunch of AA batteries from above then crashed into the ground causing a mini nuclear explosion which sent the fascist defence soldiers flying all over the place.
I used bullet time drawing my lightblades entering sword dance mode as I cut their bodies into thousands of pieces as they fell, then when time became normal again it was raining blood since blood was all that left of their bodies.
Getting closer to the main gates I was attacked by heavily armoured military war robots who opened fire with scud missiles which I cut in half with my gunblade “Nothing more than a waste of my time!” I scoffed slicing the robots apart as the explosions shot me over the gate then I brought my gunblade down on a guard.
More nazis loyal to general Skull arrived but when they saw my power level they pissed their pants and fled but I hunted them down and nailed them all to the wall so general Skull could see it and know he would join them soon.
I kicked the front doors down killing everything on my way to the roof where he was waiting.
General Skull smugly looked at me from his gas mask as he got up “We meet again at last Xenos Edgeblade, when I last saw you I had a small fascist army but here on Earth my reach is bigger because these humans are much more easily swayed towards my ideals thanks to money and power.” He told me.
“This world has more heroes than those who would be stupid enough to buy what your selling them.” I replied drawing my gunblades.
The general got up throwing his cape aside and ignited his green energy longsword “I care not for these rich people or building Earth fascist, they are a means to end while my robot production line goes online allowing me to create a machine army that is more pure than both our races.” He then jumped with the blade bouncing across the room even sicking his robot dog on me at one point.
I kicked the robot dog across the room as I blocked his slash with my duel gunblades our swords sparking together as we both applied force “You where just using humanity to get money for robots?!?” I gasped.
He kicked me away and tried to cut me half which I dodged “Even on my homeworld I turned my loyal soldiers into robots but organics are useful idiots if you give them a cause of hate to stand behind and as for the rich they would support mass death and suffering to make a profit.” He said slashing at me again.
I went super and used a Hadoku attack blowing his body up leaving only a head as a huge reactor machine grabbed it attaching his ugly gas mask mug.
“I will become purity itself, the heart of machine kind then I shall robotize Earth and my home world!” He said turning into a gaint wall machine.
He sent giant flying hands after me which shot huge fire beams into the ground which came towards me but I quickly jumped on top of the hands forcing them to slam into his UGLY FACE!
I snapped in the moment entering my PSYCHO SUPER FORM unleashing a storm of violent red energy punches into his core “METEOR MODE!” I screamed punching him billions of times as the core exploded consuming him.
“I WILL NOT DIE NO!” He screamed as the fires consumed his head meaning he could never come back to life ever again or back his bodies up.
After that I jumped out the window as Skull castle exploded into a nuclear blastwave ending General Skulls movement for good.
With the fall of General Skull the fascist groups he funded broke up with their surviving leaders being arrested for life.
My brother returns
It had been a few weeks since I finally ended the nazis so I was off in Japan relaxing and buying some anime blu rays when there was explosions in Tokyo “WHAT THE HELL IS FUCKING GOING ON THIS TIME?!” I shouted going to the situation
There was an armoured looking robot cat person with a shoulder mounted cannon, machine gun arm and more weapons than a small military. He was also riding a walker mech that had rocket launchers, a flamethrower and a grenade bomber “KILL EM ALL WHO WANTS TO SUFFER HAHAHA!” He shouted blowing people up but what pissed me off the most was he fired grenade bombs into the local arcade as it exploded into a hailstorm of fire.
I jumped onto the scene drawing the Suttakata mark III “I don't know who you are but making trouble on my turf, thats a good way to rush towards the grave.” I said and I was serious.
It was impossible, my brother died when the farmers killed my family “HOW CAN YOU BE HERE YOU DIED!”
It was then my second shock of the day happened as that smug bitch was alive IT WAS MY SISTER GENOS EDGEBLADE who was standing there in a kimono smoking a cigarette holder “I used the power of the crystal pandemonium to being his soul back from the netherworld then used dark science to convert his body into a war robot and after hearing how you hurt me he wants you make you hurt even harder ohohohoho!” She did that smug fucking cat grin again.
Rock music played as we did battle with Helios firing powerful 90000 PSI machine punches which winded me pretty badly “Not too bad, you're pretty good.” I gasped for air.
His rocket feet launched him forward as he round house kicked me into Majong building which hurt pretty bad and scared some of the old pensioners there “Fuck sorry about that” he then came in and murdered all the old people which was fucked up.
“I hate old people they make me sick.” Helios laughed punched me through a table as the rock music got even harder.
Enough screwing around so I went into my Omni form but then he went into a super form too as his machine body sparked with bright silver “WAR SUPER FORM!” He shouted firing 8000 grenades out of no where as it was raining fucking bombs.
“GOLDEN ROCKET BOMBS!” He shouted bringing a shower of rocket bombs down as I flash stepped trying to dodge each and every explosion.
He walked out of the fire looking like a fucking nightmare terminator as I unleashed all my magic at once “We share the same blood, the same potential but I am empowered by dark science and machinery. Did you think you could even make a dent on me? THINK XENOS EDGEBLADE THINK!” He then punches me in the face as I clipped through a wall.
While on the ground Genos stood on top of me digging her high heel into my face “HEEL BOY HEEL! LICK THE DOG SHIT OFF MY SHOE DO IT MAGGOT! DO IT! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” She had a fucking smug twisted face as her eyes rolled back in pleasure, she was clearly loving seeing me brought so low.
“LIKE HELL I WILL!” I screamed going into my PSYCHO FORM as I blasted her off of my face.
We entered meteor mode unleashing thousands of punches at the speed of sonic sound with our fists hitting each other unable to land a single body blow “You really can match all of my moves but I always find a way to win no matter how fucked up or stupid the situation!” I roared with absolute determination as our eyes locked.
My limit breakers all broke then something ignited in my soul as I drew in a new form of power “AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHH!” I roared glowing with emerald like energy.
Helios looked worried for a second “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO NOTHING CAN MATCH MY WAR SUPER FORM!” He charged but his cracked his metal fist trying to punch my aura “OH FUCK! FUCK YOU!” He screamed trying to spray me from granades from his shoulder cannon.
I formed glowing green runic wings, glowing golden long hair and purifying robes “SO THIS IS THE POWER OF THE CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM! NOW YOU'RE SCREWED HELIOS!” I warned him.
Genos coughed up her cigarette holder as she shat herself in fear “Helios we need to get the fuck out of here right now!” She told him but he had too much arrogance and ego as he charged towards me unleashing all his power.
“FUCK THAT I WANNA FIGHT!” But I didn't even move as every single hit he threw did zero damage, I didn't even flinch which scared the fucking shit out of him.
Then with one light punch I cracked his omega core as he started leaking out crystalized energy
“Shit! I'm venting power fast, I need to bail THIS IS NOT OVER BROTHER!” He shouted as he escaped with his sister Genos.
I smirked reverting to normal mode “We'll meet again, get stronger before that day.” I said looking forward to a new challenge.
Breaching the hellgate facility
I went to a Buddhist temple in the mountains of Japan to heal under purifying springs after the battle against my lost brother.
A black helicopter landed and some US marines got out “Xenos we need your help please.” They begged me.
“Why the fuck should I help the US government?!” I demanded and they shook in fear knowing that if they got on my bad side they wouldn't be going home tonight.
General Bagg got out of the chopper and opened a handheld hologram which had a map “This is Crystal Arcadia shopping centre a new shopping experience that opened in San Diego last year. You see the internet was closing the malls do so the five most powerful zaibatsus used their power to combine the mall with a digital metaverse experience creating THE HYPERMALL a leisure and pleasure experience for the consumer.”
His explanation bored me “Get on with it, why does some dumb mall involve the US government?” I shouted in his face.
The general pressed a button and a red map appeared under the hologram “It was all a cover for F.E.A systems an aerospace and bioresearch company researching THE POWER OF HELL, they opened the hellgate facility below the mall BUT THEY LOST CONTOL now demons have overrun the lab while thousands of shoppers are trapped above sealed by the lockdown protocol.”
I sighed “So you want me to get inside to save them? Find I need a team and lots of guns...I know just who to bring.” I said getting into the helicopter.
At the recon base outside the mall I met with Sona and Brisket who where gearing up in black trench coats with sunglasses equiped with the most advanced cyberwear “We need all the gear we can get BECAUSE I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL OF HELL!” I said as we locked and loaded with more guns than we could carry.
We entered the access codes at the front gate entering the main area of the mall as the doors locked down behind us.
There was blood and guts everywhere, stores shuttered and more “Looks like we missed some heavy violence, I will check the systems for data, you two go on ahead.” Brisket said as we hacked the terminal.
The mall was huge as we found some sliced torsos on the floor and a dead guy in one of the pools “Its spooky and to think this place was once filled with life.” Sona said as he gulped.
I loaded up taking point “Looks like theres no survivors the demons must have wiped out everyone, must have been a horror show in here and I will make them pay dearly.” I told Sona.
There was the sound of something dragging an axe along the ground as a fucked up flesh man with a serial killer mask shambled towards us “YoU WiLl MaKe A GoOD FlEsH SuIt GIVE ME YOUR SKIN!” It said in a demonic voice, it was clearly a former shopper that got possessed by a demon and corrupted.
“Go eat shit!” I said and shot gunned his face so he had no head but his body still moved so I stabbed him with my gunblade and opened fire as he exploded into gibs.
More hocky mask demons appeared along with zombies that used to be people “Theres a swarm of them.” Sona said.
We loaded up machine guns and I played the death metal song HELL TO PAY on my MP4 player as we opened fire into the swarm of demonic hoards killing them by the 100s “RIP AND TEAR ASSHOLES!” I bragged as I did a cyclone slash with all my blades at once then rammed a heat granade in one of the undeads mouth and he exploded killing ten zombies.
I opened my trench pulling out duel uzis as I used bullet time magic to really enjoy the moment as I fired shot after shot into the masked demons.
More demons came including some big nasty ugly motherfuckers with horns and hooves “Oh look Sona the cliches ones are here, they think their scary HOW CUTE!” I laughed as I fired a bazooka into the face of one and the rocket in his mouth blasted him towards the other one as they BOTH EXPLODED INTO A PILE OF GUTS WHICH SCARED THE OTHER DEMONS.
Heavier demons showed up as we moved to the next level including spider flesh machine demons, flesh witches, reaper demons and even one of the Koch brothers who was a reaver zombie “Lets even up the oods.” I said as me and Sona equiped Silver S Grade Miniguns unleashing tire which tore the enemy into a bloody mess of guts and paste.
A massive demon commander in cyber armor with machine hooves and metal horns showed up punching me through a garden store “I'll make you into mincemeat little catboy!” I roared as its eyes glowed with fire.
I picked up a chainsaw in the store and equiped it onto my arm “Fab!” I said jumped out of the window as I reved the chainsaw up AND SLAMMED IT THROUGH HIS UGLY FUCKING FACE AS HE SCREAMED WITH BITS OF BRAIN GOING EVERYWHERE AS HIS SKULL VIBRATED WITH PAIN!!
I went into my super form as my chainsaw turned into gold and with the ki energy it had limitless fuel “KILL AND RIP BABY!” I said going into a high octane cycle spin with my chainsaw slicing up demon swarm after demon swarm while Sona chaingunned the rest of them.
We got to the entrance to the lab as we breached the doors of the evlivator “Hacking the terminal the lift should take you to the lab now, good luck.” Brisket said over the radio and we went down.
The truth of the incident
The lift doors opened as we entered the underground F.E.A systems lab which was covered in blood and dead scientists but a sickly red fire glow was coming from the distance.
Armies of heavy demons, the soulless, reavers, hell knights and spider layers stood before us “The soulless are working with hell? This is bad.” Sona said arming his lightblade while holding an AK47 with the other hand.
“They can allie with whoever they want, their still going to die.” I said opening fire as he tore through the hoards.
Sona sliced through them epic style then took out duel desert eagels as he blasted two hell knights appeared.
I went into the labs weapons sector finding a flamethrower unit “Hell yes!” I said arming up as I sprayed the hoard with fire as the demons screamed in pain.
We must have killed over 12,000 demons or even more by time we made it to the portal room where a bald beardy scientist was over the control panels “Hold it right there you bastard fucker!” I pointed aiming my assault rifle behind his domed head.
He turned around his eyes looked all fucked up and evil “Greetings I am Doctor Bruger, yes it is true I am the one who amped up the hellgates settings causing the outbreak.” He said in a thick german voice.
“Why did you do it!” Sona asked him.
He laughed his voice coming off demonic “I want an age of eternal pain and agony for every man woman and child while I become demon! Yes I am doing this for the greater good you see, hell is strong and people are weak so they must be punished for their weakness.” He typed on the computer console clearly fucking insane.
Bruger was filled with demonic energy coming out of the portal as his body got thick and fleshy then tentacles came out of his back along with demon wings. Then he grew big horns, a face like a dragon, hooves and bulky arms like a biohorror “RAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” He screamed picking up a pillar and throwing it into Soras face like a baseball bat but I sliced it in half with my blade before it could hit him.
“ME BECOME STRONG DEMON BURN IN THE FIRES!” He roared breathing hell flames at us as I unleashed a stream of machine gun rounds into his flesh.
Suddenly alarms went off “Warning the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system, I repeat the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system.” Said the computer and there was red lights everywhere.
“Fuck we need to evac now, Sona get Brisket and escape while I deal with this ugly piece of scum!” I said arming my chainsaw as I sliced his tentacles off which he kept regenerating.
The beast tried to swipe me with his claws but I did a badass drop roll “Xenos, take this!” A voice said and I was shocked IT WAS CINOS THE HEDGEHOG BUT I THOUGHT HE DIED!
He dropped a rocket launcher to the ground and retreated into the shadows “YOU'RE FUCKED!” I said firing a barrage of 14 rockets into his mouth as he exploded into puddle of gore.
The gate was overloading as the nuclear reactor was going haywire then I was pulled into the hellgate as the entire facility self destructed ending the demon threat.
Everything around me was on fire as people screamed in lava unable to die only to feel eternal pain. In the flaming skies above where reavers and flying demons along with flesh walls “So I am trapped in hell...no HELL IS TRAPPED HERE WITH ME!” I said swinging my Dai Katana ready to make the demons my bitch!
I sliced and diced my way through a ton of demons as a hoard of billions of them stood before me “You really have no idea who you picked a fight with.” I said taking out duel AK47s with scopes and cyan ice paint jobs opening fire into the hoard.
After running out of ammo I went into bullet time jump kicking an archdemon in the face then pulling out rapid fire desert edgles blowing a bunch of techno demons apart with AP rounds.
Loading my chainsaw I used a limit breaker throwing the chainsaw into a hell knights face mincing his brains “OVERKILL!” I shouted using Kung Foo to break a spider demons neck then I picked up the spider demon and rammed one of its legs through the mouth of a Reaver demon.
“You're out of ammo, now you will boil alive for crossing the forces of hell” Said a death knight general drawing his satanic broadsword.
I stood there with a serious look on my face powering up into my CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM which made them afraid of me “I DON'T NEED AMMO TO TAKE YOUR ARMIES APART!” I told the general as I round house kicked his head off then rushed through the hoards throwing millions of punches which from the air looked like a mist of blood as thousands after thousands of demons where exterminated by a ball of light.
Over the next hour I wiped out level after level of hell going to the deepest circle which was like an ice castle “FLEE WE MUST ABANDON HELL BEFORE THE DESTORYER COMES!” An ice demon cried in fear.
“We are trapped in hell we can go no where” said one of his comrades as I crashed through the roof stabbing them through the face with gaint icicles.
Then I saw him it was the satanic wizard Garth LeVay, the motherfucker who helped create my evil self “Pity you turned down the power of the Crystal Pandemonium but it matters now, hell shall rise and take the human world.” He said.
I was pissed off so I grabbed him by the neck lifting him up as he was afraid “W...what are you going to do?” He shivered.
I stuck my fingers in his mouth and ripped the top half of his head off before throwing his body away “I waited a long time to get revenge on you, now it is done.” I said before flying off to kill more ice demons.
Finally it was the elite royal guard of hell, fully armored with hell metal katanas “We must protect our master the prince of darkness!” They said as I charged up a holy Hiyako attack which torched them.
Kicking the castle doors down the large armored being with horns stood up from his massive throne IT WAS THE DEVIL HIMSELF “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! I AM THE GOD DAMN DEVIL AND YOU WILL PAY FOR DESTORYING MY LEGIONS OF THE DAMMNED!” He screamed at me.
I no selled him looking him the eyes “I don't fear you, I killed God after all.” I said.
His tough persona quickly dropped “Oh fuck!” He said as I powered up unleashing a omegadon energy bomb attacking leaving only his smoking legs standing.
After that I gathered all the energy into me throwing it into the hell star which exploded consuming all of hell itself as the evil realm folded and was destoryed into nothingness THATS RIGHT I WIPED HELL OUT OF EXISTENCE FOREVER!
0 notes
nightowlfandom · 3 years
Possesive! Jeon Jungkook- Only Mine....
Your new promp list had me 🥵🥵🥵 if it’s ok can I request numbers 1, 3, 34, 79 with jealous best friend JJK snapping after seeing you around boys all the time? You can choose if you want it noncon or dubcon 🥵
OMG I GLAD YOU LIKE IT! OKAY LETS GET RIGHT TO IT! (Also since I don’t do non-con, I’ll make it consensual. Just a heads up)
1- Look at me when I fuck you!
3- I said FUCKING BEG!
34- I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you.
79- Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.
“Kookie!” You ran up to your bestie as he walked out of the airport terminal.
“Y/N!” he practically dropped his duffel bag as he wrapped his arms around your wait. He hoisted you off the ground. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. “My Y/N, I missed you.”
“I missed you more.” you laughed as he tightened his arms around you.
“And I get you all to myself- he began.
“Y/N!” you heard an onslaught of voices. Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin and the other guys all crowded around you. You were pulled out of Jungkook’s hug into Namjoon.
“Guys!” you smiled. “I missed you all too!”
“Damn, you should’ve seen Jungkook! He bolted out of the plane!” Hoseok laughed.
“Maybe because I wanted to see my Y/N.” he grumbled in reply. “Give her back!”
“No way!” Yoongi scoffed. “You can have her back after we get dinner.”
Jungkook glared as his friends. How dare they just take you from him?! 
“You guys!” you laughed. “We’re making a scene!” you said as their fans caught sights of you. They all seemed infuriated. “You’re fans are gonna-”
“Our fans aren’t gonna do shit.” Jungkook glared into the crowd. “Let them try.” he seethed. He snatched you back into his embrace. “I’ll protect you, love.”
You nodded shyly as Kookie led you to the front of the airport.
“Okay weirdos! Dinner is served!” you held the giant box of takeout. “Noodles for Yoongi, Taehyung! Rice Cakes for Seokjin, Namjoon and Hobi. For Jimin, some Extra Spicy Tofu Stew. and For Jungkook and I, fried rice!” you put the box on the coffee table.
Jungkook smirked, of course he went out of his way to make sure no one ordered the same thing as you. He made sure you had ordered last so he could order the same thing. 
“Shit, they gave me way too much Bulgogi.” Namjoon seethed. “Y/N, wanna split with me? I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all of this.” Namjoon looked at you who had already settled. 
“Oh. Sure!” you smiled. 
Namjoon shot Jungkook a mean spirited smile. “In your face, asshole.” he said with his eyes, even though the words never escaped his lips
DAMNIT! Jungkook felt his fist clench. He rolled his eyes. “Hey! Y/N! Pass me a napkin will ya?”
“Oh. yeah.” you threw a napkin his way before resuming your conversation with Yoongi. 
Jungkook watched as Yoongi traced his fingers on your wrists as he spoke to you.  His face hardened into a glare. Everyone knew he liked you, but until he made his move they wouldn’t care. 
To say he was pissed was an understatement. He was practically steaming at the ears.
“Why were you with Hoseok?” he asks as he stormed through his room door, a hand tightly wrapped around your wrist. Surprising but not painful.
“He needed help shopping for an outfit for a photoshoot?” you raised a brow. “Why?”
“Don’t bullshit me! You were on a date!”
“Okay first of all even if I was, what business of yours is that?” you crossed your arms. “You’ve been acting pretty weird these past few days and I don’t like it!”
“I dare you to fucking finish that sentence.” you warned. “You can forget you had a friend if you do.” You backed towards the door.
Jungkook grew more and more agitated. “Y/N I’m sorry.” he ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to say that.”
“Why are you acting so weird?” you sighed. “Do you not like me anymore?”
“No!!” he looked at you as if you had lost your mind. “Y/N I LOVE YOU!” he blurted out. “I’ve loved you for five fucking years ever since we met!!” he spilled his heart out. “and y-you’re putting me in an uncomfortable position!”
“Huh?” you could barely register what he said before he stormed up and captured your mouth is a kiss. 
‘Kookie!” you were surprised to say the least. “You just- Hmm.” he didn’t give you time to talk as he kissed you again, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He ran his fingers down your spine, holding you close.
You would have been over cloud nine...if you weren’t so angry.
“WAIT A MINUTE.” you forced yourself to step back from him. “FIVE YEARS?” you exploded. “FIVE FUCKING YEARS AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME! YOU LET ME BELIEVE YOU ONLY SAW ME AS A FRIEND FOR FIVE MISERY FILLED-...”you began pacing back and forth as you lashed out on your friend.
Jungkook just watched as you drug him for filth, calling him every name in the book.
“YOU ASSHOLE! I’VE BEEN TRYING TO HIDE MY FEELINGS AND YOU JUST COME OUT THE WATER AND TELL ME THAT- OH YOU PEICE OF-” Jungkook finally had enough and cornered you against the nearest wall.
“...I feel like... I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you. “ he mused aloud. “You’re in love with me? And you didn’t tell me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that somethin-”
"I am still mad at you.” you sneered. “After tonight you are dead to me.”
“Am I ?” he cooed. “So you don’t want me to...” he began fumbling with your jeans, unfastening the button with one hand. 
“What are you doing?” your eyes widened. You were now more shocked that angry. “Don’t you dare-...” you felt the pads of his fingers along the line of your clothed slit. 
“What? Was that a moan I just heard?” he smirked. “Come on Y/N I know you can be louder than that. Maybe if you beg enough, I’ll make you cum.” he creeped into the waistband of your panties. “Come on...beg me honey.”
“I refuse.” you looked away. “Y-you can go fu-fuuuhh-” you felt the pads of his fingers. 
“I said fucking beg.” he sneered, pressing his body up against yours. “Stop being so damn stubborn. Let me hear those sounds you think nobody hears when you finger yourself in the bathrooms at midnight.”
“How did you-”
“You stink at being quiet.” he bit his lip. “Come on.” he spoke in a babyish voice, rubbing your clit. “This is how you do it to yourself, right?”
“J-jungkook.” you whimpered. “W-what are you-”you cut yourself off as you felt his fingers slip into your wetness. A loud moan erupted from your lungs. 
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s fucking it.” he growled. “Moan like that some more.” he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of you. “Are you thinking about me when you thrust those pretty fingers into that-”
“Don’t say it! That’s a dirty word!” you warned, while ironically mewling like a little kitty cat.
“Don’t say what? That pussy? That cunt? That soaking wet womanhood you got down there. The same pussy that’s asking me to shove my dick in there?” he smirked as he spoke.
“You d-dick!” you leaned forward, your head falling on his shoulder. “S-such as asshole.”
“  Look at me when I fuck you with my fingers.” he demanded. “Or I’ll stop completely.”
You shyly lifted you head. Jungkook thought you were so adorable and truth be told he wouldn’t have stopped. To know that you obeyed anyways was so relieving. 
“Shit, I needa taste you real quick.” he moved his fingers from you and yanked down your jeans. “Kick those off for me.”
You instantly obeyed, throwing your jeans and panties off to the side. He lowered himself to his knees. “Shit, look at that.” he wasted no time in driving his tongue into you.
“Hey Jungkook!” there was a knock on the door. Jungkook had pushed you against the door, stopping anyone from opening it. You heard Jimin’s voice.
You glared down at Jungkook with warning. You knew what was gonna happen, but you were scared anyways. 
“Hmmm!” he moaned loudly, driving his tongue deeper into your slit. He sucked at your clit, causing a loud cry to escape you. 
“Umm is Y/N in there with you?” he called. “IS SHE HURT?!”
You tried to talk, but Jungkook had hooked your leg over his shoulder. “Come on, answer him.”
“I-I’m okay!” you found it in yourself to talk. “I’m just...a little busy!” you clenched your fist to focus on something, anything else. “Doing things!”
“Like what?”
“LIKE BEING FUCKED BY ME!” Jungkook yelled back as he rose to his feet, pants dropping around his ankles. He hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You felt his cock slip into your heat. “COME BACK LATER!”
He didn’t wait for an answer as he carried you to the bed, setting you down along with himself. He slowly thrust himself into your wetness. “Damnit Y/N.” he seethed, sucking in a harsh intake of air. “Shit.” his jaw went slack.
“F-fuck.” you whimpered. “Kookie.” you whimpered. 
“Y/N.” you could see the tears of pleasure forming in his eyes. “You feel so- So fucking good. Look at me, p-please?”
You didn’t tear your eyes away from him. You found it hard to. “Jungkook! I- Uh..” you were now a load, crumbling mess.
“I want to kiss you, come here.” he grabbed either side of your face and gave you a slopped kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth instantly. “Y/N, I’m gonna cum. But I don’t want to until you cum first. So I’m gonna go faster okay?” His eyes bore into yours, noses touching.
You shyly nodded, feeling his thrusts increase. You were hella sensitive, and in love with it. “Jungkook.” you moaned. “It feels-”
“I know.” he kissed you again. “Fuck, cum for me...cum for me please~” he mewled through thrusts.
He didn’t have to tell you twice. A string of curses he had never heard before along with his name spilled from your lips. Jungkook was next to cum, yanking himself from you. He spilled his cum practically all over the place. He collapsed next to you, leaving you both to stare at the ceiling.
“...I should go.”
“ No...Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.“ he breathed out. “Y/N...I-..I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“You should be.” your breath hitched. “Probably would have gotten this out of the way a lot sooner.”
Your grumpy words made him laugh a little. He lazily threw an arm around you and pulled you towards him. “I love you, for real.”
“Of course. You’re mine. Only mine...”
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animehideout · 3 years
Toman’s Little Fighter.
Draken x fem.Reader oneshot 
Genre : fluff- angst-happy ending
Warnings: mention of violence-blood-kidnapping-swearing words.
Word count: 5.9k
Summary: Draken is assigned to convince badass (y\n) to join Toman for certain reasons. They have a dynamic relationship full of bickering. They end up falling for each other and confess under difficult circumstances.
“Ah what a day finally school is over” you said to yourself ruffling your hair and carrying your heavy school bag. “Huh what’s that sound?” you frowned and rushed to the source “ah really brats bullying a kid again? Why do they do that, should I help him or should I stop getting into fights this time?” you said watching them from a far. Three big guys were beating up the shit out of a boy. “ah shit I think I’ll never change” you breathed and walked towards them. The guy was about to throw a punch to knock that boy out but was suddenly stopped by a strong grip. All of them looked at you in disbelief, who are you? And what are you trying to do? “Are you lost beautiful?” said that guy smirking, the other two approached you one of them put his hand on your shoulder “How can we help you?” “Take your hands off of me brat” you said slapping his hand away and pushing the other guy’s fist that was stopped by you. “wow wow are you trying to get our attention huh? you can just ask honey” said the 3rd guy smirking “ple-ease leave d-don’t get yourself into trouble because of me” said that boy coughing on the ground, you smiled and said “don’t worry it will be fine” then you turned your face to look at them “3 VS 1? That’s not a fair fight…but it’s fair for me” “you better leave this place or I have to smash that beautiful face” “give it a shot then or you’re scared to get your ass beaten by a woman” you teased throwing your school bag on the ground ready to fight,  the guy was fueling with anger “you little-“ he ran in your direction and  grabbed your collar you twisted his hand making him growl in pain then you used your free hand to punch his stomach making him fall. The other two tried to grab your hands to stop your attacks but you were faster and more flexible and punched one of them on his nose making it bleed. It didn’t take you long to finish the fight, so when the other guy tried to fight you, you turned around then kicked his jaw (round side kick) knocking him down as well. “bunch of idiots. Ah I fucking hate bullies” you said fixing your skirt. You looked down “are you okay?” he nodded still shocked from the fight that happened before his eyes. Before you can say something else someone yelled “TAKEMICHI” both of you looked and there were 3 guys looking at you, you clenched your fists you thought they wanted to hit him “oh Mikey” said Takemichi. “so his name is Takemichi” you thought to yourself. You bend a bit to his level and said “well you’re safe now! Next time don’t stop defending yourself, even if your knees are on the ground you’re still able to stand up” you flushed him another smile then grabbed your bag and left. He was stunned by your presence. “excuse me!” said Mikey, you turned your head to look at him “thank you” he added, you just nodded and glanced at the two guys who were looking at you in pure shock and disbelief. “Draken, Mitsuya come here” said Mikey smiling, “Mikey did you see her?” asked Takemichi “she..she fought them” “yes we saw everything” “why didn’t you come?” “Well we rushed here to save you but we stopped the moment we saw her beat all of them up” exclaimed Draken. “Mikey don’t tell me that you’re thinking about that?” asked Mitsuya after seeing Mikey’s excited expression “Actually I am” he stopped for a moment then looked at Draken “oi ken-chin, I have a mission for you!” “huh?” “go after her.. you have to know where she lives, and you’ll start the plan tomorrow” “Mikey are you insane! There’s no way she would agree!!” fought Draken, “Yes Mikey , she even thought they were bullies I’m sure if she knew they’re actually gang members she wouldn’t rush to my rescue!” everyone nodded in agreement “but she knocked them down right? That’s what matters. C’mon you saw her fighting skills…Woah she was cool” “Mikey-“ “That’s my final decision Draken, you have to do your best to convince her, and the rest is up to her” added Mikey getting on his motorcycle. “good luck!” muttered Takemichi, in return Draken rolled his eyes and rushed after you. You were walking to your house kicking rocks and lost in your thoughts “ah that tall guy looked so hot tho” you felt something strange, you felt like someone was following you “oh maybe it’s just a cat”..”Shit she almost caught me…so she lives here.. hmm not too far” he said as he saw you open your house’s door.  *The next day* “hurry up Draken” “damn it Mikey don’t be too excited about it”. It was a normal day for you ready to go to the martial arts club when someone suddenly appeared in front of you “hey” “oh hell- I saw you yesterday! You’re the hot gu- I- I mean you were there” “I don’t have time so you have to come with me” he said coldly “excuse you? Hah where are you planning to take me?” “to meet the Toman’s president” “Toman?” “Our gang” “g-gang?” you said as you took a step backward “and why would I meet your president or whatever?”. Draken took a deep breath clearly pissed “well that’s an order so you better come with me now” “or what?” “You’re really begging for trouble, aren’t you?” ”first all, whatever your name is, I don’t take orders-” “my name is Draken” “Okay Draken! move aside or I’ll be late and that’s a big no no for me” you walked beside him but he grabbed your wrist “Don’t lie school is over” “I still go to school clubs..is that a problem?” you answered offensively trying to pull your hand from his strong grip. “I’ll be back tomorrow”, then left, without giving you the chance to answer.  You were so confused why the hell a gang member is at your door, why his leader wants to meet you. All of these questions rushed inside your head but now he’s gone so probably you’ll ask him tomorrow if he had the courage to comeback. *Time skip* “you’re here again?” “listen I’m not trying to force you or-“ “oh really ? Because it doesn’t seem like that at all!” you said crossing your arms “it’s just a suggestion” “and I said no! is it hard to get it in your brain?”  “I can’t give up, this mission is my responsibility” “why would I trust you?”you exclaimed approaching him “and why would we hurt you? You saved our member so we have no intention to harm you” “please Draken just give up I’m not joining you, I want to have a normal life” in less than a second you were pinned to the wall, you gasped and looked at the man towering you, he was so close to you making your heart skip a beat “listen if the situation was in my hands I would never recruit someone like you, but unfortunately it’s Mikey’s decision” he said in a cold tone his eyes fixated on you. You pushed his chest and yelled “the hell are you doing?” he just gave you a death glare and left “YOU’RE CRAZY DON’T COME HERE EVER AGAIN-is he ignoring me?…that bastard!” you ruffled your hair and get into your house. *In Mikey’s garage* “Ken-chin finally you’re here…did you convince her?” “that brat ah she’s so stubborn” he said punching the wall “I don’t know why you’re so interested in her Mikey” “ah? Isn’t that obvious? she’s a strong fighter we need her” “NO WE DON’T MIKEY…we have all of these men. Aren’t they enough?” “no..” said Mikey munching on his dorayaki.  Days passed and Draken is still trying, he’s so fed up with you and the whole situation. Like he can just throw you on his shoulder and take you with him but Mikey warned him to not scare you away. “DRAKEN YOU NEED TO GO NOW” “huh chifuyu what’s wong?” “They’ll go after her! They knew about her address and they’re planning to kidnap her” “WHAT?WHY?” “did you forget that she knocked out 3 of them?-wait she doesn’t know that they were gang members?” asked Baji “…no..” “Draken “go get her before they can reach her house” “Draken I’ll go with you” said Takemichi “no stay here I’ll handle it” said Draken rushing out to save you. *meanwhile* “he didn’t come today I think he finally gave up…that’s better” you thought to yourself walking in your neighborhood. You were ready to take the stairs to your apartment when you saw 3 motorcycles there and 3 guys waiting by the stairs “huh who are they?” you took a step forward but stopped when you realized that you actually know that uniform, you gasped “no way did they come here to fight me again…aah bullies” unexpectedly you said the last word a bit loud. All of them looked at you “oh shit” and you started running all the groceries fell on the ground  “GO AFTER HER” all of them are now chasing you, they were so fast “YOU CANT RUN AWAY FROM US”. You stopped looking behind you when a hand closed your mouth and pulled you into an alley. Your back bumped into someone’s chest, you struggled to break free but you couldn’t “shhh”. Then you saw the guys run to the other direction and you were safe “stop squirming” you recognized the voice so you bit his hand that was on your mouth “ahh what the fuck” What you are doing here?” “Is that how you thank me for helping you?” “Well I didn’t ask for you help I could have handled it myself” “listen I’m not in the mood to argue with you! We’ve been arguing for the past two weeks” “then leave” he took a deep breath and approached you “they’re not bullies!” “Huh what do you mean?” “They’re from a dangerous gang, they’re our rivals and they wanted to kidnap you because you caused injuries to their members last time..So you’re not safe..At least for now” your eyes widened did you just beat up gang members? “What did I get myself into” “exactly! We didn’t know that they’re after you but I guess that’s another reason to make you come with me…i-I’ll protect you” you looked down, the situation is bigger than you thought “ahh I never learn” you said as you hit your head on the wall “I’m *hit* so *hit* stupid” “hey hey stop you’re so weird you know” said Draken placing his hand on your forehead so you wouldn’t hurt your head “I need to go to my house first I need to  bring some things” “that means you’re coming right?” you shrugged and said “however I don’t need your protection, I’m able to do it” he rolled his eyes and followed you sneaking into your house so they can’t catch you. “Take this” “huh?” “Wear this for your safety” “who said that I wanna ride your motorcycle?” “Stop being stubborn for once ..can you?” “I rather walk than get on this with you” “okay you wanna act like this then?” You ignored him and started walking but you felt two strong arms lift you up. “DRAKEN PUT ME DOWN NOW” you yelled trying to break from his arms but for nothing. He put you on the motorcycle and forced you to wear the helmet, you huffed in return, giving up, you couldn’t start an argument. He then started the ride, “is this your first time riding a motorcycle?” he asked “y-yes” “then put your arms around my waist or-“ “no I won’t” “listen idiot I’m just trying to get you safe to Mikey or else trust me I wouldn’t care” “so why you saved me from the bull- I mean from that gang?” , it was an awkward silence before he could answer, he didn’t expect a question like this “just for Mikey or else-“ “you wouldn’t care yeah!” you finished his sentence. You slowly circled your arms around his torso but you kept your distance from him, you didn’t push your body on his back and your arms were faintly wrapped around him. “Should I teach her a lesson” said Draken to himself and started the ride at full speed making you panic. You quickly tightened your grip around him and buried your head in his back  “slow down you brat aaaaah” you said shutting your eyes, he just smirked enjoying how scared you were. After like 15mins he stopped “here we are” you looked up and realized how close you were, you could feel his defined stomach..that feeling made you blush a bit and you quickly pulled away. You were a bit dizzy from the ride “you almost killed both of us” you said angrily trying to forget about how embarrassing the situation was “where’s the badass (y\n) or you’re being a coward now?” . You started walking with Draken, there were a lot people there when they saw both of you they started bowing. You walked behind Draken who was putting his hands in his pocket; the situation was so awkward you were stealing glances from all direction, holding your bag to your chest.”Ken-chin finally” said Mikey “you must be (y\n)” he added giving you his eye smile. You nodded and smiled a bit “c’mon lets show you the place and let you meet the other” he said excitedly guiding you. “oh Takemichi?” you muttered, finally recognizing someone, his body and face were full of wounds as usual “this man is really a punching bag” you thought to yourself. “so guys this is (y\n)..(y\n) this is Baji captain of first division and that’s Chifuyu the vice-captain…this handsome man over here is Mitsuya the 2nd division captain and this is the vice-captain Hakkai…the others are on a mission one of them is Pah-chin the 3rd division captain..you’ll meet them later” all of them approached you and started shaking your hand “Mikey told us how you saved Takemichi” said chifuyu “you’re so brave!!” added Baji. “They’re friendly not like Draken” you thought to yourself smiling to the boys in front of you then shifting your eyes to glare at Draken. “you must be good friends with Draken..” said Mitsuy. You and Draken looked at each other not sure how to react “trust me she’s the human version of headaches” said Draken “you little shit..no one forced you to come everyday to my house” then again you started bickering as usual. All of the boys were confused and looked at each other like what the hell is going on. Finally Mikey interrupted you “oh guys ehm well I hope you’ll be able to get along cuz you’ll spend more time together” “WHAT?” both of you yelled “yes*smile* Draken you’ll help her in training besides she’ll be with us” “Mikey no, put her in the 2nd divison, I’m sure Mitsuya will do better than me” “you have to work on your relationship as well” added Mikey. Both of you sighed in defeat there’s no way Mikey would change his mind and now you’re stuck together. Mikey wanted to test your fighting abilities again in order to make you stronger. Everyone was there all the captains and the vice-captains “hm what about you fight Ken-chin” said Mikey, not gonna lie you were terrified a bit, Draken is a strong guy and he easily pinned you to the wall several times but you couldn’t show it, you had to be confident especially in front of them, now you’re part of the gang and you have to prove it. You’ll do your best to try and defeat Draken at least throw a proper punch at his face. He walked in the center a cold look on his face…well you realized that it’s actually his natural expression. Your guards were up, your foot positioned to not lose balance “you think you can defeat me?” he said a cocky smile on his face “same question for you…Draken”. And fight, the combat began you successfully dodged his fists, this man didn’t hesitate he was so serious about it. All you did was to dodge his hits, you didn’t attack him, he was so fast, taller and bigger than you but you waited for the right moment. He grabbed your arm and twisted it behind your back while both of you were looking at each other; you frowned and used your knee to hit his stomach, “NICE” shouted Mikey and the others cheering on you. “You’re supposed to cheer on- urgh” said Draken only to receive a punch on his face, he was distracted and didn���t expect your attack.. his face was turned to the other side making him lose his balance, you seized the opportunity and jumped on him making him fall on the ground wrapping your legs around him trying to stop him from moving, in less than a minute he flipped you, your back hitting the hard ground making you growl in pain, and now he was on top of you, used on hand to pin yours on top of your head and the other softly wrapped around your neck, you struggled and kicked your legs everywhere but he was so heavy and slowly you felt your muscles become numb “you give up?”  “never” . The boys were impressed despite being pinned on the ground you did your best to fight him and to make him fall. “do you smell something?” said Baji “yeah..a lot of interesting things are about to happen between these two” added Mitsuya. For a moment you got lost in Draken’s eyes, remembering the feeling of his toned body. You shook your head trying to push those thought away “get off of me” you said headbutting him (when you hit someone’s face with your forehead) and quickly you stood up rushing to Mikey “you did well” said Chifuyu patting your head “you’re impressive, you proved yourself by fighting this big bear” said Baji pointing at Draken “tch” is the only thing you received from Drake.. was he mad because you made him fall? You shrugged and continued your chat with the boys without noticing him leave. Days passed and you grew closer to all of the boys especially Mitsuya, he was the one to keep you sane, your bickering with Draken became a daily routine and the others are now used to it, once you start arguing no one can stop you, not even Mikey. Mikey was hopeless but deep down he knows that you care for each other. Even if you don’t realize it, even if you fight everyday, the others can realize how protective Draken is, how he keeps his eyes on you when you’re paired up with someone else but he always deny it, instead he says that enjoys seeing you beaten up by someone else. You, you really thought Draken hates you, because he was forced to instruct and train you. At first you weren’t allowed to join them in fights they wanted to make sure you’re able to defend yourself without getting seriously injured. But after a lot of intense training that lasted for a month without forgetting the support you’ve received from all of them. Now you’re fully capable.  “(y\n) I have something for you” said Mikey holding a bag “what is it?” “as you know you’ll participate in the next mission that’s why you need a uniform right?” Mikey and Draken saw how you’re eyes lit up and how you held your hands together to your chest waiting for Mikey to show you the uniform. “Tada” you gasped when you saw it, it was similar to theirs but a bit girlish. “C’mon put it on ..We’ll wait you out there” you grabbed the uniform quickly changing into it. It hugged your body perfectly, you lifted your hair up in a ponytail and put on your fav boots and headed out to join the others. The moment you stepped out all the eyes fell on your figure. You smiled in satisfaction “wow” said Mitsuya “you look so gorgeous” he added taking your hand spinning you. All of them made comments on how beautiful and how the uniform suited you perfectly. But Draken kept his distance looking at you without making any comment; he didn’t even tease you as usual or insult you. You looked at him and your eyes met, you were about to say something but he turned his back and left. You felt your heart ache a bit, why would he do that? You didn’t do anything wrong to him to earn his hate. Your expressions changed and looked down. Everyone else noticed how upset you were but only a few knew that it was because of Draken. You excused yourself and followed Draken. “Draken” you yelled searching for him, he vanished. You got enough of his behavior and attitude towards you. You wanted to make everything clear and talk it out with him. You were busy searching…everywhere. “Oh look who’s here” but before you can turn around you got hit on the back of your head making you fall down unconscious.*Time skip* “hey hey wake up” said someone slapping your face. Your vision was a bit blurry becoming clear slowly. Your head was spinning. You tried to stand up but you couldn’t as your hands and legs were tied to a chair. “Remember me beautiful?” “You asshole” you said trying to get rid of your dizziness. “We will keep you here and tomorrow you’ll go with us to the big fight I’m sure your friends want to see you”. *Meanwhile* “do you think they’re alright?” “maybe they’re arguing again” “Draken can be an asshole sometimes”.. the boys were busy talking about you both when Draken arrived “did someone mention my name?” “ken-chin finally you’re here, you spent a long time out with (y\n)! did you make sure to walk her home?” “(y\n)?” he said clearly confused “b-but we weren’t together” everyone panicked, their eyes widened “s-she went after you when you left” “it was your fault in the first place” said Mitsuya eyes burning with anger, he grabbed Draken by his collar pushing him to the wall “you made her upset, whenever she tries to talk with you, you push her away” “WHAT THE FUCK MITSUYA, OUR RELATIONSHIP IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” “she’s my best friend so it is MY BUSINESS” “best friend you say huh? Because it doesn’t seem like that…both of you look like lovers so stop hiding behind your ‘bestfriend’ thing” “you’re really an asshole Draken” both of them started fighting throwing punches and insults at each other’s faces, everyone struggled to pull them away from each other “STOP BOTH OF YOU” shouted Takemichi “how can you both be so careless about (y\n), do you really care about her?” said Mikey angrily “we don’t know anything about her, she may be caught by that bastard and you’re here fighting over you stupid feelings” exclaimed Baji, both of them looked down realizing their mistakes “instead of running away Draken, you could have talked to her and stop hiding your feelings” said Pah-chin  “what feelings” he said looking up, eyes wide and heart racing in his chest, does he really have feelings for you. Questions burned in his throat but he’s the one who have answer he just gotta look deep down…in his heart. “We don’t have time for that we have to go and look for her now”. Everyone rushed ready to get on their motorcycles when someone called Mikey. *On the phone* “Mikey I bet you’re worried as hell now” “you motherfucker where did you take her?” “calm down she’s safe..well for now at leas-“ Draken rushed to Mikey and snatched the phone “if you dare to lay a finger on her I’ll chop your hands off” “oh it’s you vice-president..your little girl is with us..she just needs some punishment for what she’s done to our fighters” “don’t you dare..I’ll end your life” “little girl was looking for you everywhere screaming your name…easy to catch, too distracted that we caught her easily” “I’ll find you and I’ll kill you” “no need to find me, we’ll be at the big fight tomorrow and she’ll come along” then he hung up. Draken’s hands were shaking with anger..his heart almost reaching his throat. “Ken-chin! What did he say?” he was just looking down, thinking about you about the possibility of you getting hurt and it was because of him..Because he was a coward running away from you..running away from his feelings. At that moment he realized how much you’re important to him and how he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe..was it love?..he realized how his heart skips a bit whenever he sees your face..how he feels like punching something when he sees you with Mitsuya. Was it a coincidence? “no” he said to himself..it was love. “Draken for god’s sake focus” he snapped out of his thoughts, veins popping in his face and neck “he said that he’ll bring her tomorrow to our big fight” Mitsuya approached Draken and said putting his hand on his shoulder “you’re the only one who knows very very well that (y\n) is so strong, she doesn’t give up easily no matter what..stay strong for her” “if something happens to her I’ll never forgive myself”..that’s the first time everyone get to see Draken sad like that..he’s usually strong, never showing his weak side to the point that everyone doubts if he actually has a weakness “we can’t leave her there” said Chifuyu out of the blue “we can’t wait till the morning” “fuck of course we can’t” all the boys gathered setting a plan then all of them rushed to their motorcycles, Mikey gave Draken a comforting smile, squeezing his hand softly “everything will be okay..stay strong ..for her..she needs you the most”. *Meanwhile* “That vice-president was extremely worried about you..haha love birds” “should we touch what’s his this time?” “l-love?...don’t you dare touch me I’LL KILL YOU” you yelled your lungs out. That man approached you slowly his hand grabbing your neck and his nose nuzzled in your ear whispering “shh stay still  beautiful we still have a long night ahead” “you fucker you’ll pay for this” he lips now were on your neck sucking on your soft skin…tears streamed down your cheeks “ stop yelling, instead let me hear you moan”. That guy wasn’t planning to do something serious to you he just wanted to give you a hickey for Draken to see, he wanted nothing than to make him suffer. Draken was able to take him down in almost every fight and now he can take his revenge by marking his girl. His lips then moved to your face but you were able to hit him with your forehead..he put his hand on his nose and slapped you. It was the moment Toman arrived..the fight reserved for tomorrow started earlier than it was expected “oh shit” said that guy  “how did they find us…come here we need to hide you” you started screaming and bit his hand when he tried to cover your mouth. “leave her alone” said Draken entering the room “ I said leave . her . alone “ gritting his teeth, the guy pushed you making you fall and run towards Draken thinking he stands a chance against him. Draken punched the guy but unexpectedly two others appeared from behind and grabbed Draken’s hands “DRAKEN BE CAREFUL” you yelled “let go of him” “(y\n) are you insane, we came here to save you just go, leave this place” “no Draken please..” you said failing to hold you tears, your nose was bleeding. Draken was unable to move his hand in their strong grip  and the other guy held a stick ready to him but you ran and threw yourself in front of Draken receiving the hit. You fell in Draken’s chest, your forehead bleeding you looked up at him and smiled your eyes slowly closing. The Toman joined you there and beat the shit out of the others. “(y\n) wake up please..please” said Draken brushing his shaking fingers against your cheeks a tear fell on his face “let’s take her to the hospital” said Mitsuya..all of them were worried about you. “what’s that is that a-“ Draken’s eyes widened when he saw the hickey, he put you down gently and went to that guy, he was already on the ground, he passed out from all the punches “you dare to touch her and put your filthy lips on her…I swear I’ll smash your face” everyone pulled him away before he could kill him, he probably succeeded in breaking his nose. “guys (y\n)! she’s moving” yelled Chifuyu to be joined by the others “slowly..help her sit” “ahh m-my head” you said holding your head “i-it h-hurts” their eyes softened at your sight. They brought you water and Mikey gave you something sweet to eat so you can gain your energy, luckily he moves around with snacks in his pocket. Baji wiped your blood and tied your hair so you can breathe comfortably. Now you’re fully awake munching on the dorayaki, sitting on the ground “do you feel better?” you hummed in response “did he do something to you, did he touch you?”asked Draken, you shook your head “he tried to kiss my lips but it hit him” his fists are now clenching and kicked the chair making you flinch “damn Draken calm down, she’s safe now” everyone excused themselves to give you privacy so you and Draken can talk. There you were, looking at each other awkwardly “You joining our gang was the biggest mistake that Mikey has ever done” “really Draken? After all of this you’re insisting on insulting me huh? You didn’t get enough of hurting my feelings don’t you?” now your eyes watering, tears threatening to fall again but you aggressively blinked them away. “look at you beaten up and you’re not expecting me to worry about you? That fucker tried to kiss you or maybe even fuck you” “but he didn’t and I’m safe now” “why did you throw yourself like that, why did you receive the hit?” “is this how you thank someone for helping you..tch” “I’m supposed to keep you safe it’s not your job to help me” “and you’re not my bodyguard Draken I’m part of Toman now I believe I fought till the end-“ “you can’t get hurt” “why? Does it matter to you? You hurt my feelings on a daily basis, did you consider that? Ofc not” “I WAS SO FUCKING WORRIED” “WHY DRAKEN WHY WOULD YOU BE WORRIED ABOUT SOMEONE YOU HATE?” “I FUCKING LOVE YOU (y\n)” both of you stopped in tracks, you looked at him in shock, did he just confess his feelings? You thought he hated you “w-what ? D-draken ?” he looked away “yes i-I do” “you idiot all this time I thought you hated me” you said grabbing his collar and gently punching his chest “I felt hopeless and now you didn’t even confess properly…aggressive as always tch” “you’re unbelievable I told you that I love you what I am supposed to do get on one knee?” “save that to the proposal.. you’re really a dumb  who acts smart” “p-proposal?” “hey calm down I’m just kidding, gosh “ “no no I promise I’ll propose to you one day” you smiled at his sudden softness “oh you’re being soft now” you teased “you’re really getting on my nerves now…just shut up” “make me” you said smirking…man that drove him crazy he approached you, held your little face in his big hand and planted a kiss on your lips, you growled a bit and then pulled away “what you didn’t like the ki-“ “ no no it’s just I have a cut on my lip so kissing hurts a bit” you said blushing “oh okay I’m sorry” “I didn’t say you can’t kiss me tho” you ended your sentence by pulling him to you, kissing his lips hungrily, you wrapped your arms around his neck, he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso his arms holding your hips, his lips moved to your neck kissing each part of it and sucking at your skin “you . belong . to . me”, you pulled away trying to catch your breath, your head fell on his shoulder, you hugged him tight and whispered a soft ” I love you too Draken”. He then put you on your feet and walked you to his motorcycle, everyone was waiting for you “guys we heard everything” joked Baji “yeah guys you were really really loud” everyone laughed and you were a blushing mess “ I can’t believe it..that’s what you call a (y\n) effect, Draken you’re really blushing”. After that you went back to Mikey’s house , you told your family that you’ll spend the night with Emma. *At Mikey’s house* “ take off your shirt” said Draken holding the aid kit “why is it bothering you that much?” you teased “just take it off right now” “no why would I do it…em I’m not ready yet” “huh? Isn’t obvious? I have to check your wounds” “oh is that so” you gasped dramatically. “Eventually I’ll see you naked so no need to be shy now”. You slowly took off your shirt but you still have your sports top on. He gently massaged your shoulder and your back and treated each wound carefully, he left soft kisses on the back of your neck. “c’mon lay on bed now, take those pills they’re helpful for your headache” he kissed your temple and held his jacket ready to leave but you stopped him  “can you stay here for tonight?” “really?” “yeah ask Mikey if it’s okay to stay over” “..that’s my second house so I don’t need his permission..move to the side a bit” you did as he said then he laid next to you, he pulled the covers up and put his arms on your waist spooning you. Your bodies pressed to each other. Feeling each part of you. He kissed your head and whispered a “sleep tight my little fighter”. Both of fell asleep quickly, after an exhausting evening. Sleeping soundly in each other’s embrace. “shh they’re sleeping” “they’re so cute together” said the boys and Emma as they entered the room, they didn’t expect to see Draken cuddling next to you but it was a cute view the big strong bear being soft and cuddly for the first time. Mitsuya was so happy for both of you, he really considered you as his best friend more like a sister. All of them were extremely happy, finally Draken found his soulmate. All of them are ready to fight for both of you and to protect you and your relationship no matter what. “ah I’m jealous now Draken will be so protective over her, we won’t be able to spend much time with her” Said Takemichi pouting “Nah guys don’t worry (y\n) will always remain Toman’s little fighter.” Said Mikey proudly. All of them spent the night there they even fell asleep in the same room, so when you wake up in the morning don’t freak out when you see all of them sleeping  peacefully.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Where There Is Change
Last Name Wayne
First *** Previous *** Next
Okay so I know I diverged from cannon, but I think you’ll all like this.
The moment that Damian agreed, they left.
She immediately placed their phones and electronics into storage, so this game would be a little more fun.
Mari "chose" the first place that they teleported to was Paris. The irony was not lost on her.
The place that kicked her out was the first place that would open up to her. But then again most of the city adored Marinette they loved Lady Scarlet even more, but that wasn't general knowledge.
She and Damian know it is a matter of time before B figures they left the country, but hey. They mostly stuck to going between super cities in the U.S. before. But right now, it mostly was her showing him around the city the museums and then getting really inspired by the scenery.
If she was prepared with several different sketch books and pencils for both of them it was an added bonus.
She knows she subconsciously picked Paris and after a few hours it might be smart to jump again. So, she let Damian decide on a place where he wanted to go. He did warn her that if they were spotted, they need to leave immediately, but she didn’t really see a problem with it.
Because granted they’re both Wayne's, and Wayne's if you know them well enough, they will be able to hand your ass back to you on a silver platter smiling as if it was the greatest thing in the world.
So, they jumped again.
This time it was her turn to be awed by what they saw.
They were in a small alcove completely hidden; in the cave they were in the face of it was covered by bushes. But looking out she saw the mountains in the far distance it appeared to be a lake no it was larger maybe it was the ocean. Right below her was a lush courtyard filled with plant she's only seen and one other place, but the heat here was tremendous, and the sea that she could see was in the wrong direction. Apart from being far, far, far too close to where she originally thought they were.
She was going to lean forward a bit and completely break through the bushes that were covering them when a hand pulled her back. She looks back and sees her little brother holding onto her.
"We have to stay hidden Nettie, are above the League of Assassins." He whispered so quiet she could barely hear him about ten inches away, so she’s not taking this lightly.
She nodded, and they stayed there, silent. The only sound was of graphite on paper.
Then everything changed.
On instinct Marinette shot out her arm, a wooden imperial yo-yo appeared in her hand, with a quick flick of her wrist she stopped the projectile, lodging it within the wood. A quick glance at her brother and she opened up portal behind him and pushed him through without a word, closing it behind him.
She knows that it’s more dangerous if they find him here than her, so she stayed behind.
She removed the projectile and examined it, a blow dart likely with poison, seeing as a liquid was seeping into the wood of the yo-yo. She created a replica of the dart and stored the poisonous one and her yo-yo back in storage.
She took a quick breath and punctured her arm where the dart should have originally landed. And fell to the ground, slumped down.
She kept her face relaxed her body limp and she felt three, four, five separate sickly deathly auras around her. She kept her breathing at minimum, light, almost as if she was asleep. They picked her up and moved her. She realized immediately that she was being taken down the mountain, taken deeper into the League of Assassins.
Five assassins she can take them. But the one thing repeatedly crossing her mind was one phrase.
'How dare these assholes mess with her family! Her little brother! They are going to pay!'
Because she is a Wayne, and Wayne’s protect their own.
She was eventually dropped in a large room, from what she can tell, if the echoes were any indication to what she was thinking the size of the room could be. There were three more auras in this room, aside from the ones she passed to get here. What surprised her was she recognized all three.
Still acting unconscious, she heard a woman’s voice, Talia Al Ghul, speak. "What business do you have to bring this child here?" It was phrased as a question but seemed more like a snarl or demand than anything else.
"She was captured on the grounds. She’s an unknown." Was what was reported by one of the people in who had dragged her down here.
Then she heard a chuckle.
"She’s awake." That voice, she recognizes that voice. Her entire previous plan was now completely out the window. So, she lazily pushes herself up, pulling out the dart once she was on her feet.
"Damn, I thought that would last a little longer." She finally looked up and saw Damian's clone, Heretic, Talia, and Al Ghul. But something was wrong, it was bothering her. Al Ghul, he, he… he wasn’t Demon, he wasn’t her Demon anymore. All she recognized now is his voice, at least that’s what she told herself, nothing else was the same as a person she once knew. The question now is why. "I really shouldn’t have introduced you to the Order, if the result would have been this?" A smirk on her lips and now standing cocky in the middle of a room full of assassins, she is stalling. He is acting like he knows her, but his aura is indecipherable, familiar, but not.
"You should not have, but then I wouldn’t be here today, to thank you, would I? After all you allowed our family to find these pits." ‘Our Family’ she dove into her memories, but now that she needed them, they were far away and fuzzy, God damn it.
"Hmmm, I suppose not. Right now, I really wish I had turned you into a cat permanently. I found the correct spell, so I actually can now." This elicited yet another chuckle from Al Ghul which had everyone else in the room on edge.
"Really now I love to see it, after all I wasn’t able to experience it before you vanished." She quirked an eyebrow at this response, but she didn’t care about his mind games, she was stalling, trying to find out what caused this change. All her mind supplied were the plants outside. Demon wasn’t good with plants, but he was with animals, so how.
"Really you don’t wanna know why am actually here?" She asked, looking so innocent, one might believe that she was there merely an accident or coincidence.
She then turned towards Heretic, death in her blue eyes was all anyone could see, but she didn’t kill him. No, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. He may have killed her baby brother, but he is
Damian’s clone, but that clone was nothing but a poor imitation of her brother. With a snap of her fingers, he transformed into a statue of a panther, mouth opening for a roar. In all accounts looking intimidating, but there’s no way to be scared of a statue.
"That was for killing my little brother." She crossed her arms now glaring daggers towards Talia.
"I wasn’t aware you had a little brother, Lady Cheng." Demon never called her Lady Cheng, no to him she was Malak (Angel), but…
That was when the pieces fell into place. That’s why the older Damian looks like a cross between Demon and Bruce. That’s why Damian turned into a panther cub. Damian is Amir’s reincarnation, the true soul of the black cat. That means, in front of her stood Ra’s, Amir’s older twin brother. That’s why he could read the journal, he is a miraculous soul. And only miraculous souls know the language of miracles, without decades of studying the script. It’s ingrained in them but only accessible after coming in contact with old magic, miraculous magic.
"One, the name is Wayne. Two that’s because at the time that I met the both of you 600 years ago, I didn’t even know I had siblings. So, get this through your head, I don’t care that he is your son or your grandson. He is my little brother. Nothing will stop me from making sure my family is safe." Her voice stayed level, emotion flitted in and out of it, in such a way that it almost seemed inhuman. For more reasons than one, she just sensed one of the Lazarus Pits.
"Scarlet." She heard gasped by the woman next to Ra’s.
"Correct." She glared at them walking closer as she said so. "My name is Marinette Wayne, and you best remember to never mess with creation. I would have thought you would remember that little Lǎohǔ (Tiger)."
By her walk over a sword had appeared in each hand, which she was now holding up to Lǎohǔ‘s neck, while the second was held right at the base of Talia's spine, almost daring her to move. The threat hung in the air, and both knew she was capable of following through.
"Well, I do believe it’s best to catch up over some tea." Lǎohǔ offered, many would have taken his offer. Because if the Demon’s head offers it, it would be your funeral if you refused, but she wasn’t just anyone. "After all we haven’t seen each other, in nearly 600 years, now have we, much must’ve happened to you."
"Hmmm... not really you’d be surprised. By what has become of my life been since meeting you." She decided to put away her blades, for the time being. Seeing as she couldn’t leave without destroying the Pits. The only surviving consequence of the Miraculous wish, cast ages ago. Now time to come up with a plan.
"Are you sure about this Pigtails?" Plagg spoke up.
"Ancient magic like this calls for a price." She sighed.
"We know, Marinette, but your little brother." Tikki voiced.
"I'll do everything I can to keep all of them safe." She spoke resolutely.
"But can you live with this?" Tikki asked.
"I have to be able to. Besides I'm pretty sure he is your true kitten, Plagg." She reassured.
Tikki and Plagg united their powers, and were able to destroy the pit, and every other one on Earth. Then disappeared. She opened a gate knowing what is coming.
Somewhere in the league of Assassins was the Demon's head and his daughter, looking royally pissed as they watch a timer tick down. Seeing as Marinette decided to freeze them with venom, so she could destroy the Lazarus Pits.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug @astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5606 @zalladane @midnightrosecrystal @myazael @prettylittlebutterflie @toodaloo-kangaroo @roseisred @galaxymoon @queenz-z
Story Taglist: @ladybug-182 @nerd-nowandforever @stelliones @trippingovermyfeet @thepaceperson @all-mights-asscheeks @another-cancer @alyssadeliv @mep-kittyjustkillme @ravennm84 @chocolatecatstheron @jayjayspixiepop @missanalysis @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @aespades @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @ritacrow-blog @frieddonutsweets @laurcad123 @ashbrea381writings @jjmjjktth
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lilith-of-rivia · 3 years
Chapter 1: The Meeting
Summary: Ina of Cintra the Lioness's firstborn daughter has been a well-kept secret. her title as princess never leaving the castle walls, her abilities, abnormalities not being uttered without the blessing of the queen. She has her entire life planned and guided so she doesn't break the Crown's rules. She has been an outstanding model of good behavior, that's until she meets a certain witcher.
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: Blood and gore, swearing, mentions of death
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“Ma’am…” Knock, knock, knock. I had heard whoever it was coming to wake me up before they even got to my door.
“Yes?” I heard them hold their breath, they weren’t expecting me to be awake.
“Uh-uh yes ma’am, Druk is outside. He has sent for you.”
“Yes thank you. I’m awake.” I said as I rose from my bed. Folding at the hips my fingers gazed at the floor as I yawned in a stretch. My spins cracked along with my shoulders.
“Yes of course ma’am” There were no footsteps and the heartbeat was still there outside the door.
“You may leave now.”
“Right right, yes ma’am.” Scurried light footsteps filled the empty hall as they left.
With a heavy sigh, I contemplated the day I had ahead of myself. Mornings with Druk were never different. The day was was one full day of drills, day two was one different full day of drills than to day three, four, five, then repeat next week. Druk wasn’t like other witchers I had met. He wasn’t focused on the coin or glory. Maybe it’s because he saw his brothers and mentors be slaughtered when his Keep fell.
“Knock knock.” My eyes snapped to the door of my room, dragging attention away from the gauntlet on my. My mother stood at the door. She was still in her sleep clothes, a wool robe hugged her body as she smiled softly at me from the door.
“Morning mother,” I said looking back at my gauntlet, huffing in frustration as I struggled to get them tied.
Wordlessly my mother walked across the room, grabbing my arm as she sat in the chair across from the one I was in. her fingers delicately tied the strings tightly, the gauntlets tightening around my wrists. Once finished, she softly held one of my hands, her face was cold, stoic as always. But once she looked me in the eyes I saw the fear.
“You know, don’t you…” I nodded my head. Looking out the window of my room, breaking eye contact. I stood up walking from her to the armored cabinet in my room. I grabbed my two swords from their hooks looking over them and assessing their sharpness.
“I heard you and the court talking last night. Many in this castle forget I have super hearing.” I heard her sigh heavily, shakily.
“I’m so sorry, Ina…” I turned to her. Her gaze was on the floor, her chest rising and falling fast.
“Mum...don’t cry…” I crouched down by her side, my hands going to hers squeezing them. She looked back at me, one hand cupping my face. Her thumb softly brushed over the scar on my left cheek.
“I’m so sorry I brought you into this world...Into this life...I wish I had known your life would be so painful…” I leaned into her warm hand, my eyes closing as she spoke.
“Stop blaming yourself...everything happens for a reason...and no matter what happens after the meeting today...I will always love you.” Her hand moved from my face to my neck. She pulled me into her chest, hugging me tightly.
“I’m so sorry.” Hse sobbed into my hair, rocking us back and forth. I said nothing, just kept my arms around her, holding her while she sobbed. Her tears wetting the spot she laid on my shoulder.
“Don’t be…”
“You know princess, I do not normally wait. You are lucky the gold and wine your mother gives is so good.” Druk’s voice was below a whisper as we snuck through the damp dark woods. My hands felt the tree bark under us as we slowly tipped around the fallen trees, as to make as little noise as possible. Funny with Druk’s big mouth.
“My mother is very worried about the meeting tonight,” I whispered back, following him as he weaved in and around the thickly wooded forest. We were hot on the trails of a stray kikimore that had been terrorizing a southern village. Druk and I were sent to take care of it.
“Are you worried?” Druk asked, pausing to look back at me.
I stopped too for a moment, thinking about his question.
My eyes searched the forest around us while we sat in silence. The forest was no longer lush and green. Late Saovine meant the world was cold, covered in ice and snow. Nothing was awake. All the animals were in hibernation, birds had flown south for the winter. The only things still awake were the monsters.
“No. I’m not. Should I be?” Druk looks away from me, his amber eyes searching the forest around us.
“Tonight is the night a pannel of witchers, mages, and the royal court you belong to decide if you go through the trials...maybe a little of fear. It would be healthy.” I smirked and rolled my eyes.
“Fear isn’t necessary for my vocabulary.” Druk laughed softly, his head nodding as he looked me in the eyes again.
“Then don’t be afraid. Fuck em all. If any woman could survive the trials it’s you.” Once finished with his small sentiment, a cheesy grin spread across his face. He nodded his head in the direction of the kikimore and we both rook off after it again.
Our feet lept, ran, jumped, and sprinted across the fallen trees and rocks throughout the forest. The snow-covered ground would cause too much noise. Druk had gone to the Witcher school of the cat. He prides himself on his ability to remain stealthy and quiet, all while being just as lethal as witchers from other schools. He taught me to only put my feet on the ground when it really mattered. You’re much easier to be tracked and killed when you travel foot to the ground. But foot to a tree to rock is a different story.
Jumping from a rock onto a tree we scaled the side till we were above the tree line. Out heads stuck up and out of the dead branches. Our chests rising and falling heavily as we looked around, noses sniffing out the location of the kikimore. The high point giving us the advantage. Druk’s yellow eyes scanned the trees below while I sniffed the wind. He had better eyes than I. his mutations to thank for that. The wind blew softly and the thick smell of iron and rotting corpses seeped into my nostrils and filled my head.
“To the east,” I said quietly. Druk adjusted his direction eyes grazing the land elbow us. A small smirk graced his lips, he found it.
“It about four hundred yards northeast. Common princess no time to waste.” We quickly scaled our way down the tree till our feet were steady on the branches. He wasn’t wrong, we were already out way longer than we were intending. Meaning we were going to be late for the meeting.
Druk took the lead. His hand holding the hilt of his silver swords. His other hand out in front of him, his fingers gleaming with a soft blue tint. Aard was spoken in elder inaudible to the average human. He was prepared to blast the kikemore to give me more time to ambush it. Druk only ever took the lead, then he’d stand back and watch. He’d teach me a new skill by charging whatever beast. Whether it was a new sign manipulation, a new combat skill, or hell even how he wields his sword. He started, I’d then follow and clean up.
“Ready Ina?” There was a soft pop and a cork fell onto the ground below us with a soft thud. His head fell back the liquid pouring down his throat. He grimaced slightly before turning to me, his eyes were black as night, now white to be seen. The veins on his neck, face, and hands were dark black and bulging. The potion was vital for witchers, giving them heightened senses, and skills. Allowing their powers to increase.
“So fucking ready,” I said, a smile gracing my lips. He returned the smile, his more sinister with the help of his eyes.
My sword was in hand. The silver catching the few rays of sun peeking through the clouds above. We both moved silently through the brush. Out feet feather-light against the snow. We moved fast, never keeping pressure on one spot too long to not break the crust of the snow. Druk made it to the clearing first. The Kikimore was alerted to us as soon as we reached its small nest.
Druk’s hand thrust out in front of himself, a huge ball of blue light smacked into the kikimore, throwing it back and hard into the tree. Druk sheathed his sword and ducked behind me. The kikimore shook its head before it made eye contact with me. I crouched lower to the ground, eyeing the beast. It slowly started to move to its left, so I mimicked it. We slowly began circling one another. The Kikimore’s large gray limbs stabbed into the ground with every step. Its gross snarly face, red beady eyes looking me over, studying my every move. The only issue was I knew where and how it would be.
The kikimore pounced, its legs kicking up dirt as it tore after me. The short distance between us was gone in no time. I lunged out of the way. Diving and rolling away from the clumsy beast. I was much smaller, giving me an advantage.
“My my what an ugly fucker you are.” I mocked. The beast turned to me again, and let out a low grumbly growl. I was moving closer to its nest. I could smell the rotting bodies even worse as I moved slowly. My eyes never leaving the kikimore.
It charged again. I slashed my sword through the air, spinning around, splicing my sword up in the air. The kikimore squealed and screamed as its leg fell from its body. Spinning on my heels my sword slashed through the air again, making contact with its neck. The sword slashed through the beast’s thick, fat neck like butter. The screams stopped, the kikimore’s body falling limp on the ground, blood-spewing, and pooling on the ground and around my boots. I sighed heavily, a smile gracing my lips again as I whipped the dark black blood from my blade before sliding back into its sheath on my back.
Clap, clap, clap. “Very well done princess!! A full-grown warrior kikimore down in two strikes, no potions or magic!” Druk had a smile ear to ear, his potion still in effect. Seeing a laughing, happy smiling witcher with pure black eyes was a sight to see.
“Only as good as my mentor my dear friend,” I said with a laugh. Crouching to the ground, my hand gathering the small tuft of hair atop the kikimore’s head and lifted it so it was eye level with me. Blood dripped from its mouth, nose, and eyes. Its dark purple tongue hung out of its mangled mouth.
“Add another one to my list.”
“Common hurry Druk!!” I yelled through the rain as we ran up the cobblestone road towards the castle. The kikimore’s head swung over my shoulder. “We are already late they will have my head!!” Druk ran from the stables after me, quickly catching up with me right as I neared the doors.
The two guards opened them for us as we walked through. I breathed heavily, my lips blue as my teeth chattered. Despite my many abnormal traits I still got just as cold as the average human. The rain had come out of nowhere. The two of us speed walk down the corridor, our muddy boots squeaking against the marble floors as we got closer to the royal library. A place I’d only ever been when I was being threatened by the crown’s court. The doors appeared ahead of us as we both halted before we could be close enough to be heard. The floor below us was wet as we dripped head to toe.
Glancing at Druk I gulped, now that I was about to walk into the room, I was more than terrified. The prospect of the trials was so much closer than they had ever been my entire life. Druks hand went to my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“You’ve got this.” He whispered, before giving me a soft push towards the door. I took a deep breath before shoving the door open, swallowing the fear and placing the stoic look of my mother back on my face.
The voices in the room stopped when I walked in. my boots stopping heavily on the floor. My eyes glanced around the room, everyone there were people I have known for many years. My mother stood in the center of the room by her throne, my sister who was not supposed to be here was next to her. They looked scared.
“Sorry, I’m late, had a prior arrangement.” I heaved the beast’s head over my shoulder and threw it on the floor. It flopped down and rolled a little its tongue falling out as its cold dead eyes stared up at Gadri, a member of the Crowns Court. His face scrunched in disgusts before he kicked it away from his shoes.
“You are nearly three hours late, Ina.” I rolled my eyes my attention going back to my mother and sister.
“What is she doing here?” I asked pointing to my sister.
“We think it’s important that the future queen gets to help make choices regarding her subjects.” Hazzez, a plump fat little man with a bald shiny head and large white mustache and beard said standing from his seat.
I huffed, the corner of my lip pulling into a sly smirk as I shook my head. Water falling on the floor.
“Yes, the future queen who passes her sister even tho her sister is the senior. Yes, and my sister needs to be in control of whether I will be subjected to the trials and if I’ll die or not.” Druks witcher attitude tended to rub off on me. Witchers are trained, to be honest, overly honest. Blunt and rude is what many present them as.
“Ina. enough.” my mother said sternly, her jaw tightening. I bite my tongue nodding my head. My fingers pulled at the buttons of my jacket, throwing it on the floor in a wet pile. The room was cold, making the wet clothes on my body send shivers down my spine.
I glanced around the room, eyeing the other members of the Crown’s Court. And then the other few people who were in the room. Tissaia, a mage from Aretuza smiled at me fondly as we made eye contact.
“Hello, princess, my how you’ve grown.” Her voice filled the empty room. I smiled back at her.
“Tissaia-” I bowed my head to her softly, “yes, it’s been a while hasn’t it? What 15 years?”
“17 years.” my mother chimed in behind me.
“Whos the mystery man next to you?” I asked her, she glanced over at the witcher who was perched next to her. Druk was seated next to him.
“Well get to that in a second. Please sit down.” Hazzez said, gesturing to a lone isolated chare in the middle of the room.
It was as if I was on trial, for simply being born.
“Druk how has she been doing?” My mother asked, her eyes glaring daggers at the five men who were attempting to discredit the years of work and training I had done with Druk.
Durk rose from his seat next to the other witcher, a bored look on his face. “She is exceptional. Not only her physical talents in combat and swords but her book knowledge. I’ve trained three other witchers before her, and none of them come close to the skills she posses. She is a skilled alchemist, a skilled swordsman, she is skilled in nearly every talent she tries. I would trust her in a battle to have my back any day. It has been an honor training her for 15 years, your highness.” I smiled at him, a smirk covering his lips.
“With all due respect your highness we are not interested in what the witcher from a failed school has to say. The witcher to his right has been watching her and keeping track of her success. That’s who we care about.”
Before the witcher could address them, Tissaia stood up. “What is the problem here gentlemen. On her fifth birthday, you all made this a rule. You said her abnormalities would only ever benefit her if she was trained as an assassin or a witcher. She has been trained for 17 years by a witcher, as a witcher. She has proven time and time again she doesn’t need the trials and mutations to be as skilled as a witcher.”
“Thank you, Tissaia, but need I remind you that you are only here to as a stand-in for the mage in your court who can still perform the mutations. Please sit down and be quiet.” My mother shot Tissaia a look, making her shut her mouth and sit down. The witcher next to Druk stood up.
“I have been following her and her trainer. For months now. Even just today I followed them while they killed the stray Kikimore. She killed the Kikimore with two strikes something many of my boys have struggled with as fully mutated and trained witchers. She without a doubt has a talent and a heart of the witcher.” I heard my mother’s breath catch in her throat as she held my sister’s hand. My sister was stating at me, had been since I sat down. Her face was painfully still, her throat tight as she breathed heavily. She looked scared, so did my mother.
“Tissaia, you will take Ina to Kear Morhen. Along with the mages in your court. The mutations will be done by the end of the week.” My throat ran dry. Hazzez kept talking but my brain tuned him out. None of us thought they would go through with this. The chances of me surviving the trials and the mutations were nearly impossible. Less than 20% of the boys who face the trials died. And the mutations are designed for male genetics, not females. I was never supposed to be mutated, just trained.
“Hazzez you piece of shit!!” My mother screamed as she stood from her chair. Her hand reached for the dagger she kept strapped to her thigh.
Her hand came down quickly with the shinny dagger, flying towards Hazzez face. My hands quickly caught her arms and I pushed her back. Knowing if she killed one of her court members over me I would surely be sent away and killed, no chance of survival.
“Mother mother please stop it please,” I screamed into her red, tear-stained face as she attempted to fight me off. Her chest rose and fell heavily. She hissed through her gritted teeth, she was probably breaking teeth.
“Queen Calanthe-” Hazzez spoke. I turned to look at him, my back to my mother. Her dagger is in my hand. I threw it to the floor, kicking it away. “Do not forget the sympathy the crown, and your father gave you for your bastard daughter. She should have been killed out of the womb. But your father cared too much for you. Count your blessing that you got 20 years with her, and at least she will die with a little bit of dignity.” Hazzez stood up to leave, the four men ready to follow him, they gathered their belongings.
“Gentlemen.” My mother said, her voice harsh and cold like the wind outside. Her brows set in a low glair as she looked them up and down. “I am still your queen, you do not get to control everything. It’s clear you’ve made your choice, but when it happens. That is my choice. She is my daughter. I choose when she goes with the witcher. I do not know when that will be but it will be after her sister’s betrothal. If you have an issue with that, find a new court to control.” the five men looked at her, then each other before nodding and walking out of the room silently.
My mother’s hands held my arms as she dragged me into her chest. My sister came up to us both, her hands wrapping around both my mother and me I. her head resting on my shoulder. Wrapping one arm around her and one around my mother, I let my fear fall. My fear came out in silent sobs. My shoulders shook, my eyes clouding as I stared at the wall behind my sister. The tears pooled down my face.
My mother pulled back, one hand on each of my cheeks, her fingers brushing my tears away.
“You will be the first female witcher to ever be. You will make history.” my shoulders started to shake more violently as I cried more. The impending end of my life is on the horizon. My mother’s denial was just to help her cope, but we both knew how it would end.
“Mum...we both know what will happen to me...I won’t survive it.” my voice was broken as I spoke caving as I cried. Her fingers moved faster to wipe my tears as she shushed me. My sister’s hands are on my arms and back.
“Even if that’s the case, it won’t be for at least another month. Live your life for the next month the way you want to, no regrets,-”
“No hesitations.” I interrupted her, a small smile tugging at my lips. Her eyes softened at me. She leaned in placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
“You can do this Ina. You are the Lioness Cub. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”
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