#i know it's been longer than expected but it's also about 200+ pages so ill have lots in store very very soon
We've hit over 5,000 on AO3!!!
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Thank you ALL!
(For anyone wondering.... YES!!! We're still working on Cht. 7!!! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us and also the lovely people who take time out of their day to send us asks and comments?!! You're all wonderful. 😫✨
Hang tight! We're trucking on it and I've officially finished moving!!)
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the exact opposite of weak
This is a story entirely based on my experience with a chronic illness. Everyone’s experience is different, and everyone’s experience is valid. 
Here is the link to the Cleveland Clinic’s page about POTS, just in case you want some more information :)
also yes, there is another mention of grey’s anatomy in this, there will probably be lots more, because that show is one of two things keeping me alive rn, I think you can guess who the other one is
word count: 1.3k
warnings: fainting and chronic illness
in your opinion, POTS is the worst chronic illness. Of course, you may be biased. Especially since it happens to be the one you suffer from. But really, it is pretty bad. 
You were one of the luckier ones who could still live a mostly normal life. You had been diagnosed when you were still a teenager, so you'd mostly figured out how to deal with it.
For you, it caused headaches, stomach pain, rapid heart rate, poor circulation, and heat intolerance (meaning you couldn't have too hot of a shower without your heart feeling like it was going to jump out of your chest).
Despite all this, you hadn't told Harry yet. You kept your symptoms under control well with a few medications and a lot of self care. You didn't want to burden him or make him think you were weak. So, you just didn't tell him. The longer your relationship went on, the more you worried about what you would say and how he would react.
You had been together for just over a year when you decided to tell him. You just felt bad keeping it from him any longer, so you made up your mind. Now all you had to do was figure out how. How were you supposed to tell the love of your life that you had a chronic illness you had just neglected to tell him about?
The opportunity arose sooner than you expected. It was the middle of winter, so you didn't have the summer heat to worry about. You did, however, have the shower to worry about. Since your circulation wasn't great, you always had freezing feet and hands. On days like this where you were just chilled to the bone, you wanted nothing more than to turn the water as hot as you could stand and bask in the steam.
So, you did just that. You stepped into the burning hot water, sighing as it washed over your cold limbs.
You noticed how bad you felt pretty quickly. Your head spun and you were overcome with nausea when you reached up to grab the shampoo. You quickly leaned against the wall, the cool tile soothing your skin. Soon you were shivering again, so you stepped back into the stream. After a few minutes, you started to feel worse. You turned the temperature cooler, but it didn't seem to help. Black spots started to cloud your vision like they did every time you stood up. You knew this was a bad sign.
You could feel your heart smashing against your ribcage and put a finger against your neck. Your pulse was so fast you could barely count it. It was getting harder to breathe as your heart seemed to speed up, even after you stepped out from under the water.
You stepped out of the shower, promptly laying on the floor with your legs propped up against the vanity. You pulled a towel over you before calling for Harry.
You heard his quick footsteps in the hall before he knocked.
"Y/N? Are you ok? did you forget a towel?"
"No- can you come in here?"
Harry opened the door, peeking his head inside. His brow furrowed when he saw you laying on the floor, legs up on the sink, with your fingers on your neck.
"Uh... what're we doing?"
His confusion was obvious, but he wasted no time getting down on the floor and laying next to you.
"Everything... everything alright?"
  "Can I see your watch?"
"Uh, sure," Harry said, sticking out his arm to you.
You grabbed his arm, focusing your eyes on the second hand ticking around. After a minute, you dropped his arm, sucking in a deep breath.
"Y/N,  what's... what're you doing? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, my heart is just beating really fast and I don't feel well at all," you said, closing your eyes.
"How fast is really fast?" He asked, reaching over to feel your wrist. "Woah, you meant, like, really fast," his eyes widened as he counted her pulse.
"Y/N, your heart rate is over 200. I'm not a doctor, but you've made me watch enough Grey's Anatomy to know that's not good," He said eyeing you nervously.
  "No, it's ok, I just had the shower water too hot," You reassured him, keeping your eyes closed.
"Uh, again, not a doctor, but I don't think hot water is supposed to make your heart beat this fast."  
Oh boy. Here it was. Time for you to explain.
"Maybe not for most people, Harry, but for me, it's-" You tried to move your legs and sit up, but as soon as you did, your vision started going dark.
"Nope, back down, can't do that yet," You sighed, sinking back down.
He laid back down beside you, his fingers still on your wrist. After a few more minutes, you finally felt like you could get up.
Harry stood first, holding out his hand to help you. You got to your feet and instantly knew it was a mistake. Harry looked at your glassy eyes with concern before you went limp. He let out a surprised sound, catching you and lowering you back to the floor.
Your towel had nearly slipped off, so he readjusted it to keep you covered. Then he just sat there with your head in his lap, stroking your hair and watching the seconds tick by on his watch. After a few minutes, he started to get worried. He patted your cheek gently.
"Y/N, wake up," he spoke softly, still cushioning your head.
Your eyes snapped open and you tried to sit up. Harry held his hand on your shoulder, keeping you down.
"Woah, don't try and move yet. You scared me there," He said, smiling.
You looked up at him, then around at the bathroom. You closed your eyes, sighing again.
"I passed out, didn't I. Did I hit my head?"
"Of course not, I have excellent reflexes," Harry scoffed, pretending to be offended.
"Right, sorry," you laughed. "Sorry I scared you, that doesn't happen very often anymore."
"What do you mean, anymore?" Harry asked, confused.
"Ok, here it goes," You mumbled under your breath. "So... I have this condition, it's called POTS. That stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome."
You could see the gears turning in Harry's head, trying to figure out what this meant.
"So, when you stand...?"
"My heart rate increases a lot, yeah. A lot more than it's supposed to. It's been better for a long time since I found the right medicine, but I still have bad days. The other day when I got up from the couch, remember how I almost fell? Yeah, this is why. I told you I just tripped, but I checked my pulse when I got to the kitchen and it was at 150. When it goes up that fast, it makes my vision black out and I feel like I'm about to faint."
"Does it happen every time you shower?"
"No, but it does get a lot worse with hot water. POTS causes poor circulation, and a whole bunch of other things, but anyway that's why my feet are always freezing. I like hot showers because I'm usually cold, but they make me feel terrible. I just must've had it a little too hot today, which is why... we're... sitting on the floor right now," You said, blushing and looking away from him.
"Hey," Harry said gently. "it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Y/N. I just wish you'd told me."
Y/N tried to sit up again, but Harry's hand was still pressed against her shoulder. "I swear, this time I'm ok," She smiled.
Harry eyed her suspiciously before helping her sir up against the wall.
"I know, I should have told you. I just didn't want you to think I was... weak or something," Y/N said, looking at her lap.
"Weak? Y/N, you just told me your heart tries to kill you every time you stand or take a hot shower, and that’s just your  everyday life. That's kind of... the exact opposite of weak, I'd say."
"Well, it definitely doesn't try to kill me," You laughed. "But yeah, I guess I am pretty strong for dealing with this, huh?"
"Absolutely, you are," He smiled. "Now, tell me everything about this, so I can know how to make you feel better."  
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fishylife · 3 years
Spoilers for Death’s End up to Bunker Era, Year 11 Halo City (like half way through the chapter)
- I just finished reading the part where Cheng Xin told Thomas Wade to stop the rebellion and to cooperate with the Federation. The last line was so chilling to me, when Thomas Wade told Cheng Xin “You see, I’ve kept my promise, little girl.”
- It hadn’t occurred to me until the beginning of this chapter that Cheng Xin was so young, not even compared to the other humans, but just in general. She was only 33 years, but she had been given sooo much responsibility in the time that she was awake.
- I love this character of Thomas Wade. In the Dark Forest, we had a lot of characters that were a bit sinister (such as Zhang Beihai and a few of the wallfacers). Thomas Wade is unapologetically sinister, but it’s actually to his benefit that he is, because it helps him get what he wants.
- I am just how starting to think about this centuries-long showdown between Cheng Xin and Thomas Wade. Cheng Xin is the sympathetic side and Thomas Wade is the cutthroat logical side. Cheng Xin’s thing was always that she was too soft hearted and always thought of the people, whereas Thomas Wade would think of humanity as a whole.
- But there is a mutual respect between them. From the first time they worked together to send Yun Tianming’s brain into space, Cheng Xin has seen Thomas Wade as this otherworldly figure. I think she understands how he thinks and that he gets shit done, but she doesn’t sympathize with him at all, in the sense that I don’t think she sees him as a person but as a set of principles. Even though Thomas Wade had literally tried to kill her, she doesn’t see him as a repulsive guy, because she knows why he did what he did.
- On the other hand, I think Thomas Wade respects Cheng Xin because he acknowledges the social currency she holds. She was well liked by people because they saw her as sympathetic, and while he doesn’t agree with her, he understands that she holds power because of it. Cheng Xin had a lot of stumbles early on in her career, but I think she’s gotten better at standing up for her beliefs, including now, when she insists that she will not let Halo City destroy the Bunker Cities.
- That last line from Thomas Wade makes me think that he’s got more up his sleeve though. He had promised her that he would comply with her decision, but now this means that whatever deal they had between the two of them is now done. Cheng Xin now no longer has anything to hold over Thomas Wade. I bet Thomas Wade had a plan B all this time because he expected Cheng Xin to stop his rebellion, and I’m really wondering what it is.
- This is just such an interesting relationship and rivalry. The relationships in this book are just a lot more interesting compared to the Dark Forest.
- I actually felt that Cheng Xin and Yun Tianming’s relationship was rather cute. You could even call it a romance, maybe. In a very courtly sort of way. Basically, they care for each other’s well being but they know that they can’t ever really be together. That was the case before they sent Yun Tianming off to space. Yun Tianming was suffering from an illness and he just wanted to give Cheng Xin a gift, and Cheng Xin had always remembered Yun Tianming. Their reunion scene when Cheng Xin was sent up a space elevator and Yun Tianming was in a field somewhere on Trisolaran territory was so interesting because they wanted to say so much but could say nearly none of it. It was really sweet.
- I also want to say, a LOT has happened this book. Every time Cheng Xin wakes up it’s a whole different world lol. I’m like less than 200 pages to the end and I feel like there is so much story to be told. I’m excited to see where the story goes!!!!!!
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Problems I’ve Been Having With Writing // How I Plan To Fix Them
Before reading this post, consider checking out the Teespring Shop with designs by myself and my friend Alexx, where 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Black Lives Matter organization.
It’s no secret that lately, working on my novel has been a struggle. I used to be able to write entire books with 80k+ words at 14, and now I’m struggling just to hit 10k in a project I’ve been working on for 3 months.
Some of this could be attributed to COVID-19, my crazy school schedule (with thankfully is over now), and my job. However, my main issues are with motivation, self-confidence, and remembering how prose works after over a year of writing only poetry. I did this under a cut because, well, it’s long.
Problem 1 - Motivation, Mental Illness, & Activism
Finding motivation these days is more than just difficult. As someone with chronic illness and also OCD, the urge to do things only when I’m feeling up to them and the desire to have a daily schedule (with writing included) are always at war, and neither of them winning. It’s impossible for me to do the same amount of work every day or week, but also hard to cope with the lack of stability.
On top of that, I’ve been trying using my platforms on social media to promote, donate to, and educate myself on the Black Lives Matter movement. As someone who uses social media (especially Tumblr, with its tagging system) to organize my thoughts on, and hold myself accountable for my writing, it becomes really difficult to manage both activism and writing on my social media - especially when the movements going on are more significant than what I have to say about my WIP. 
The solution to both of these problems, as difficult as they are to manage, is finding balance. For OCD and chronic illness, I’m trying to figure out which parts of the day I’m feeling the most energized and motivated so I can schedule my writing around those chunks of time - which I think fall between 10am and 12pm.
For balancing activism and personal social media stuff, it’s a little more difficult. So far, I’m thinking the best way to deal with it is to link my main contribution to the movement so far (mine and Alexx’s Teespring shop) to all the posts that might lean on the personal/writing side, and continuing to uplift Black voices when they come across my dash, and actively seek them out when I have the energy to do so.
By no means will these completely solve the problems, but hopefully they’ll help me find time and energy to write when I can.
Problem 2 - Self-Confidence
Every writer has issues with not believing in themselves from time to time, but lately mine have become overwhelming. This could have something to do with the fact that I can hardly get words down in the first place. My mind has been very stubborn in allowing me to come up with words that flow in a narrative way, and I usually spend a lot longer on one or two sentences than I’d like to. 
Similar with that issue, almost all of the writing I read is by, well, adults. Many of the writers I follow on Tumblr are also adults. I’m a month from seventeen, but I’ve always been told that I act or present as a lot older, so I guess I always expected my fiction writing would be as aged and confident as posts like this, my essays for school, and the research I put together for my own purposes. While my writing quality might read as a little older or more skilled than a sixteen year old, it still feels like it’s lacking in quality and like I haven’t progressed at all since my last novel (which directly ties into the next point, but I’ll get there in a minute).
The only way to get over this issue is to write and not stop because I think it’s bad. I know that. It’s easier said than done, of course, but I think that with time and a lot of forcing myself through is going to help. 
Problem 3 - The Super Long Break I Took/Poetry
The last time I finished a novel was in December of 2018, so I’ve taken a break that lasted well over a year. I was still writing during this time, but it was pretty much all poetry, besides a few attempts that never got past a few pages and a WIP intro post (sorry about that, everyone). 
Basically, I’ve forgotten how to write prose and storylines. That can be re-learned, though, which is why I’m sticking to OITW even though I’m beginning to realize I don’t love writing fantasy as much as I used to (I will still very gladly read it, though).
There’s another problem that came with that one, though, which sort of ties into my issues with confidence in my writing:
Poetry comes easily to me. I hear some novelists talking about their short ventures into poetry and how they would spend forever on a poem and how difficult it was, but that’s not what poetry is like for me. I grew up with my mom, my aunt, and for a short time my great grandma who were all poets. I was always exposed to poetry and felt a deep connection to it, which makes it simple (most of the time) to write.
Plus, due to the internet and me being me, I was exposed to the art of slam poetry when I was 13 (it’s something I daydream about, but my insecurities surrounding my stammer kind of stop me there. Plus I live in the middle of nowhere). Poetry is everything to me.
So you can imagine it’s a little frustrating that I can bust out a contest-winning poem in three minutes but struggle to write 200 words a week when I’ve been writing novels longer. This has honestly been one of the hardest parts of writing OITW - it’s harder than I expected it to be. The words don’t flow like they used to.
Combating this issue, while it’s taken a blow to my confidence, has actually been a little easier than I thought. I have to make myself write, of course, that one’s kind of obvious. But the one that I missed for so long was reading.
I’ve been reading almost nothing for the past year, minus a book I got for Christmas that, surprise surprise, got me inspired to write again. My best friend talked me into reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell and not only is it awesome, I read the 500+ page book in under 48 hours. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that quick.
I’ve also been slowly making my way through A History Of Wolves by Emily Fridlund, but I think I need to re-start it because when I first started reading it, I was working a full time job, doing 5 classes for school, and struggling with my physical health (more than I usually am).
Reading isn’t going to make my prose read like water or anything, and neither are any of these other “solutions”. However, despite being a lot more easily said than done, I feel like they’re going to help. And let’s be real, I need all the help I can get.
Want to check out that shop but don’t want to scroll for a million years to get to it? Here it is again! We’ve raised over $100 for BLM and plan to continue selling these designs for donation indefinitely, unless we specifically take them down (though I can’t think of any reason we’d do that).
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romanceconsumer · 3 years
Out Of Focus by L.A. Witt, 2011
tags: mmm, BDSM, established relationship, leads over 30
I picked this up because I just want more mmm and I really loved Extra Whip by L.A. Witt. But this one was just meh honestly. Maybe it’s because I can’t keep reading mmm books by the same author and expect to love them since repetition is to be expected. I had read some L.A. Witt in the past but Extra Whip was the first one I picked up from her in some time so I might have loved it the most because it was the first. But I think it’s also the brevity of this book which was barely over 200 pages while Extra Whip was over 400. I don’t know why romance publishing is so hell bent on keeping books this short. I so fucking enjoy when I get a really long book in my hands. It’s so fucking worth it. Especially when we have a menage and the author feels the need to give all three leads POV chapters. The longer I read romance the less I enjoy the double (triple) POV writing. Let me quote Alexis Hall here: “Plus, not knowing exactly what the other person is thinking while you’re falling for them is kind of part of the experience of romance for me and I think first person helps create that feeling for a reader.”
Don’t really know what to say here, except that the book was simply too short. We have a couple that has been together for more than a decade and have an open relationship, but a strict no polyamory rule. E.g. no falling in love with the third, but of course that is what happens. Everyone happily falls in love and we just have to overcome for a second the angst of the third feeling like a third and the couple stressing about breaking their rule. It’s really almost zero angst. Also owed to the established couple having a strong, functioning relationship. Which I always enjoy reading. I wish there was more established couples in romance. Although of course I know why we don’t have them. Rend by Roan Parrish is a good example if you also crave reading that.
I normally like angst but I was also reading Hiatus by L.A. Witt which has a not functioning relationship and undiagnosed/untreated mental illness which put me on edge so much, I appreciated this book with a couple that was simply solid. I don’t think I can recommend this book. It’s just missing substance? I swear if the author had been able to write a longer book it would have been great (see Extra Whip) but yeah, this one didn’t do it for me and basically was just read because I am such a sucker for reading about polyamory and there isn’t enough of that out there. I really tempted to go reread Misfits by Garrett Leigh again. Sigh.
0 notes
hydrus · 6 years
Version 310
os x
I had a productive week. A bunch of stuff is fixed, and I finished a first version of multi-file url downloading.
multi-file support
A limitation of the old download system is that it always assumed a single 'post URL' could only ever produce a single file. This week, I have added full support for multi-files-per-post-URL to the new downloader. If a new parser generates multiple 'downloadable' URLs, the file import queue will generate and insert new download objects for each. Tags and associable URLs should all be passed along to the children as appropriate.
As a result, I can finally roll out support for several sites that provide files in this way. I've updated the inkbunny post parser, and added twitter tweet and artstation post parsers, so all these should now be drag-and-droppable onto the client. The twitter parser only supports images--no videos yet. The inkbunny parser may put its multi-files slightly out of order, and in one of my tests it pulled the artist profile picture as well, so it may need some tweaking. IB have a proper API, but it requires some login stuff, so I will look at that again when I have the new login system done.
And of course I have added a pixiv manga parser, which has been highly requested for a long time. This was fairly complicated, but I think I got all the referral URLs and tags lined up correct. It can even add 1-indexed page tags. Unfortunately, pixiv just changed my test login to the new (currently broken) JSON/javascript layout just today, as I did final testing. If it turns out pixiv have switched everyone over to the broken layout on the very day I finally roll out manga support, I think my head is going to explode, but even if so, I am confident the javascript layout is parsable--it'll just take a bit more work. I expect to have a fix for all pixiv users for v311 if another user doesn't post one sooner.
This multi-file parsing is a first version. There may be bugs, so please let me know. I also don't really like how the initial post URLs' file import objects get counted as 'successful' like a regular file, so I may make a new 'successfully parsed' type to distinguish them a bit and alter the file progress counts appropriately.
The new 'x% in' video thumbnail generation works better and fails better now, including some better workflow and error-reporting when regen is manually started by the user. If you had some videos that failed to import or regen last week, please try them again and let me know if you still have problems.
The multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button.
I added a semi-crazy prototype checkbox to options->gui that puts all your page tabs on the left. It needs a restart to kick in. Test it at your own risk.
The new download system now informs the new network engine of file limits in your 'file import options'! So, if you say 'don't get gifs bitter than 32MB', and the server clearly identifies a newly started download as a gif with size 50MB, the download will be abandoned and a veto/ignored status set immediately! It also works with the regular min/max filesize as appropriate. Let me know if it goes wrong!
I cleaned up some file repository thumbnail sync and display code all around.
Github got bought by Microsoft, so I am considering migrating somewhere else. I only use Github as a file/code host and the workflow of syncing there is easy, so I may or may not go, or may just put it off and see what happens during the transition. I am interested in your thoughts on the whole deal and what you think of the alternatives.
full list
updated the inkbunny file page url class to acknowledge that inbunny pages can have multiple files
updated the inkbunny file page parser to handle multiple file urls (although they may be out of order and possibly sometimes include the artist profile image--this was not super easy)
added a parser for twitter tweets (only images supported atm, but it can handle multiple!) (hence tweet drag and drop now works!)
updated the artstation file page url class to redirect to a new api url class
wrote an artstation file page parser that also handles multiple file urls
updated/added pixiv file page, manga page, and mange_big url classes
updated pixiv file page parsers to be ok with manga links
wrote parsers for pixiv manga and manga_big pages to fetch manga files (with page tags)!
file import objects can now create semi-duplicate children for multi-file post urls and insert them just after themselves in the file import queue.
file import objects can now receive and remember referral urls. this referral url is associated with the file if appropriate. the watcher and simple downloader now uses this in addition to the multi-file post system
jumbled around some parameters and merged the two new file import url commands (import 'file' vs import 'post') into one single simple 'work on this url, thanks' call that is now used across the program
the parsing system's 'content parser' no longer fetches file urls and post urls, but 'download urls' and 'source urls'. this helps some pipeline logic and also lets post urls be download urls
when file import objects parse post urls as the urls to download, it now creates 1-n new import objects, just like if multiple file urls.
improved some file import object file association code
the new parsing system will de-dupe parsed urls
refactored the 'seed' code, which handles all basic file import objects, to the new ClientImportSeeds.py
added a new string transformation type, 'integer addition', for shifting page number tags up and down
fixed thumbnail generation for some videos that failed to do the new x%-in generation--it reverts more reliably just to the old frame 0 method
file reparsing popup now has a stop button
fixed an issue where extremely thin or wide (ratio > 200:1) images would not generate a full-size or resized thumbnail
the file reparsing/re-thumbnailing now reports errors better (including with full path) and does not abandon the larger job as it works
misc thumbnail generation code improvements
improved some thumbnail and file regeneration/moving code when the existing file has read-only status
the multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button
added a checkbox to options->gui that will put new notebook page tabs on the left
for all file download network jobs working in the new download system, the file import options for min size, max size, and max size (gifs) are now applied _during the download_! if the server tells the client the exact file size in the response headers, it will test max and min size before the content is actually downloaded--otherwise, it will test the max size as it downloads. if the server clearly says the file is a gif, the max gif size rules will also be tested in the same way
cleaned up some bandwidth announcement code--now, if bandwidth is due in less time than override time, that will now correctly be the status text
the bandwidth status no longer says 'in in' typo
fixed up some tag repair code from last week
the 'print garbage' debug function now dumps a whole bunch more data to the log
the thumbnail cache should now be a bit more stoic about missing repository thumbnails--it should now just present the hydrus default backup without error popup spam
the repository thumbnail sync will now get as thumbs in blocks as high as 10k at a time, rather than the old 100
hydrus network requests no longer generate web domain network contexts (and so won't have a default one-request-per-second bandwidth limit and should stream through thumbnails a bit faster)
hydrus network services are now willing to wait longer for bandwidth, so big thumbnail queues should keep working even if other bottlenecks pause them for a bit
hydrus network services will no longer sometimes have double-sync popups if synced from the advanced 'sync now' button in review services
changed the default global 'stop-accidents' bandwidth rule of 120rqs per minute to 512MB per minute. this only affects new users, but users trying to sync to large file repos might like to make a similar change manually
doing giant full file delete (i.e. purge from trash) jobs should now be a bit gentler on the gui
improved how the client deletes paths, clarifying in the code when and when not to allow recycle (usually disabled for thumb disposal)
switched the hacky text widgets on the popup system to a newer object. seems to still render ok, so lets see if it fixes some unusual layout issues some users have seen
if the temp folder cannot be created on boot, the client will continue anyway
fixed some url-domain text handling in db storage that was also breaking v309 update for some users
fixed some additional domain generation error handling at the db level
the list of url classes in the system:url panel is now the list of all url classes that are considered associable (before, it was file and post urls)
if a url class now api-links to itself or otherwise forms a loop with n other api url classes, the client will now throw an error (rather than lock up in an infinite loop!)
in the parsing ui, tag parse test results are now cleaned before being displayed
fixed misc url matching error reporting bug
when consulting the current file limit, the gallery page downloader will now try, when it has that number, to consult the total number of urls found it the current search (old behaviour is to only consult the number of _new_ urls, which lead to some bad edge-case workflows)
misc refactoring
next week
I am going to take a light week next week so I can shitpost E3. I will try and keep up with messages, but I'll only do a little fixing work. I will get back to regular schedule on the 16th, which means v311 will be on the 20th. I will make a 'No Release Tomorrow!' post on the 12th.
I am a little ill and completely exhausted, so an easy week is coming at a great time.
I am still really enjoying making hydrus. Thank you for all your continued support!
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bevelle · 7 years
Where the Sun Shines: Part 4 (END)
i can't believe it's over...! i was surprised at how emotional this part made me, to be honest. their final conversation made me legit cry. also, for those of you who were curious as to how hiraga and roberto met, that's included here! mushy commentary at the end.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
That day came very suddenly.
Roberto heard a conversation that caught his attention. During their break, Roberto’s classmate Carlo came up to him and asked him a question.
“Hey, you’re close enough with Saint Josef that you have lunch with him every day, right?"
Carlo had always been one of Josef’s admirers.
Thinking that he was jealous again, Roberto answered with a noncommittal “yeah, I guess.” Carlo leaned in closer.
“Then do you know why Saint Josef has been sitting out for gym lately? Is he sick?”
“What? He has?”
Being the first time he had heard of that, Roberto was surprised.
“What, you didn’t know? You must not be as close to Saint Josef as you say you are. Whatever, I’ll go ask the upperclassmen.” Carlo frowned and walked away.
While Roberto was worried, he was also shocked that he knew nothing about this. And so, on that day, Roberto visited Josef at the library as usual. When he reached the reception desk, a different upperclassman was standing there, and Josef was nowhere to be found.
“Excuse me, do you know where Josef is?”
“He should be organizing the shelves over there.”
Roberto headed to where the upperclassman pointed. In the gloomy space between the bookshelves, Josef was on a ladder arranging books.
Hearing Roberto call for him, Josef turned his head and came down from the ladder.
“Hey, Roberto.”
“Um, there’s something I want to ask you…”
“What is it?”
“Is it true you’ve been sitting out for gym?”
“Oh… That, huh…”
“No, not that. Are you feeling alright?”
“You don’t need to worry.”
“Then, you aren’t sick?”
“I’ve just been a little anemic.”
Josef casually leaned against the bookcase.
“Anemic? Josef, you don’t look too good.”
“No, I’m… fine…”
Josef’s body seemed to go limp, and he fell to the floor. Roberto rushed over and saw that his face was pale and his forehead was sweating slightly.
“Someone! Please help!” Roberto shouted without thinking.
Several students rushed over and the library was thrown into a frenzy as Josef was taken to the infirmary. An ambulance then arrived, and it seemed that Josef had been taken to the hospital.
Not knowing how Josef was, Roberto spent the next few days filled with unease. It rained relentlessly, as if it were indicative of a dark prophecy. He felt as if he would drown just hearing the sound of the rain. The school buildings started to smell musty, and the air became stagnant.
He had a nightmare.
A massive wall towered in front of Roberto. He could hear the scream of a terrified woman. He felt as if his heart was going to burst open. He wanted to run to the other side of the wall, but there was nothing resembling an exit. A light illuminated the wall and ominously expanded and contracted. The figure of a person was reflected in that light.
Roberto was horrified.
The figure jumped up and down as if dancing and grew larger. Roberto’s entire body shook in fear and he was covered in goosebumps.
What the figure was soon became clear.
A demon…
“Help me!” Roberto yelled as he awoke in his dorm, the other boys breathing quietly in their beds as they slept.
5:00 A.M. It was raining as usual.
Unable to fall back asleep, Roberto headed to the library in search of relief.
When he entered the library, he saw no one.
Of course…
Roberto sighed and sat in a chair in the same place he always sat. He rested his chin in his hands in a daze, and heard the faint sound of something rattling.
What was that? Is someone here?
Feeling a bit timid, Roberto quietly walked to where he heard the noise come from. There, in the corner where the difficult books the upperclassmen read were, Roberto saw the slender form of a boy from behind, slipping something in between the pages of a book.
The face that turned around at Roberto’s voice was undoubtedly Josef’s.
“You came back?” Roberto ran up to Josef like a puppy that had been waiting for its owner.
“Yeah. Last night. But I’m surprised. I didn’t expect you to be here at a time like this. I was actually writing you a letter.”
“A letter?”
“That’s right. I can’t be with you anymore. I’ll be leaving here before classes start.”
“W-Why? Do you hate me?”
“Of course not, Roberto. I love you.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
Hearing Roberto’s question, Josef’s gaze became distant. After a moment of silence Josef opened his mouth, as if he were about to say something extremely difficult.
“I’m being hospitalized.”
“Hospitalized? So you really are sick? But you’ll get better.”
Josef shook his head.
“Roberto, I probably won’t live much longer.”
“Y-You can’t be serious. You’re only sixteen. There’s no way you can die.”
“I’m serious. It’s a miracle I lived to be sixteen.”
“But… That’s…”
Roberto’s face went completely white. His lips trembled and he couldn’t speak. Josef tenderly embraced him.
“It’s alright, Roberto. I’m not scared of dying at all.”
“Why? Because the priests say you’ll go to Heaven? Heaven might not even be real.”
“That might be true. But I still believe in God’s teachings, and my faith makes me strong. Roberto. My life may be ending, but I experienced a lot of lives, so I don’t have any regrets.”
“Lots of lives?”
“Yeah. I read a lot of books here, and those books were full of so many lives. When we’re reading books, we can become pirates, or medieval aristocrats, or spies… And not just that. We can come to understand how lots of people think and how the universe works. My actual life may be short, but when I think of all of the books I’ve read, I might have lived more lives than there are people.”
“But… But… Now we won’t be able to do anything together.”
Without realizing it, Roberto had begun to sob.
“That’s not true,” Josef said, and showed Roberto the beautiful golden bookmark he had placed inside the book. “Dear Roberto” was written on the bookmark.
“I wrote things on the back of this bookmark, like what I thought of the book, so I want you to look at it once you’ve finished reading the book.” Josef said this and placed the bookmark back in the book.
“I put these bookmarks in the books in this library that I’ve read, that I want you to read, and that I wanted to read. What books they’re in is a secret. We’ll play a really long game. You have to find every book that has a bookmark in it. We’ll meet after this, and we’ll talk to each other through these books. If you want to…”
When Josef said this, the sound of the rain stopped.
After that, Josef really was hospitalized and left the school without telling anyone the name of the hospital. That meant no one could send him letters. Roberto thought that was surely him being considerate. It would have hurt him if he were to send letters back and forth and people learned of his condition and death, whether he wanted them to know or not.
That’s probably what Josef was thinking.
Of course, since the day Josef disappeared from the library, Roberto began reading all the books he could get his hands on at the library. Sometimes he would find a gold bookmark, and he could feel a part of what Josef was thinking and feeling.
The months and years continued, and before he realized it, Roberto had become a library committee member. He stood at the reception desk that Josef once stood at, and recommended books to the students who visited the library.
When it was decided he would go to the University of Rome, near the time he was to graduate, he picked up a book called The Manifestation of God’s Love.
A single bookmark sat between the pages, with words written to Roberto on it in Josef’s gentle handwriting.
Dear Roberto,
When you read this book, I won’t exist in this world anymore. You’ll be older than I was, too.
This book is really difficult for me, so I only read half of it and can’t give you my opinions on it, but it’s a good book. I recommend it.
Roberto, how many books have you read since then?
I hope you’ve read a lot.
You said you don’t have any memories from your childhood, right?
I imagine that’s extremely painful for you. Having a big, blank space in the memories in your heart and your memories.
Sometimes, I can tell that it’s hurting you.
But did reading books fill in that blank space a little?
I was able to fill up the time up until I’ll lose this life by reading books.
So I think you’ll be able to fill up the time that was lost with your past by reading books, too.
That’s why I started this ill-spirited game of you finding my bookmarks.
I’m probably meddling far too much, but, Roberto, the time I spent with you was so fun.
Roberto remembered being overcome with emotion.
Josef had written over 200 bookmarks, at least.
When did he come up with this plan, and how long did he spend putting his heart and soul into writing these words?
Tears of gratitude streaked Roberto’s cheeks.
It’s been six years since then.
Now, in Roberto’s hands is that book with the bookmark between its pages just as it was back then.
The fourth Monday of April was the day Roberto went to Josef’s house and was given his cross—a very special day. Every year on this day, Roberto visits his alma mater, picks one of the books he remembers at random, and reads it.
After reading approximately one chapter in the book and reading the bookmark, Roberto felt deeply moved, and looked up at the sky from the spaces in the tops of the trees. The clouds slowly passed by and the light filtering through the trees swayed, just like back then. He felt as if he were returning to the past.
Roberto, who had been spacing out, saw the form of someone, slim and gentle, enter his field of vision.
Their black hair was swaying in the breeze.
Their black eyes were watching Roberto intently.
“Josef!” Roberto called out in shock.
“Ah, yes. What is it?”
“It’s really you, Josef. It’s me, Roberto. You’re alive!”
Roberto hastily got on his feet, only to be perplexed the next moment. His looks were similar to Josef’s, but it wasn’t him. The person in front of him was clearly a young, Asian man.
“You’re… not Josef…”
The young man looked at the completely crestfallen Roberto and blinked.
“No, you’re correct, I am Josef… I’m Hiraga Josef Kou. Why is it that you know my name?”
“Oh, uh… I see. No, I just mistook you for someone else. I had a close friend named Josef. By the way, um… Why are you here?”
When Roberto asked this, the young man seemed troubled.
“I seem to have lost my way, actually. I was trying to get to the Vatican…”
“The Vatican? Then why are you here?”
“Ah, yes. I mistook this place for the Vatican.”
“That’s a pretty impressive mistake. But you need special permission to enter the Vatican, you know.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’ve started working for a department of the Vatican.”
“A department? That’s a coincidence, I’m actually working for one of the departments, too.”
“Is that so?”
“If you want, I can show you to the Vatican.”
“Yes, I would be very grateful if you could do that.”
Saying that, the young man glimpsed at the book Roberto was holding.
“I read that book very often as a child. It’s a good book, isn’t it?”
“You did? Hm, do you like books?”
“Yes, very much.” The young man smiled pleasantly.
He felt that something in his smile truly did resemble Josef.
“First, let’s get out of here. Follow me.”
“Ah, yes.”
Roberto and Hiraga began walking together.
thank you all so much for bearing with me through this, and thank you for your support! i'm sorry my health really delayed this final part... i hope it was worth the wait! i'm kind of in limbo right now job-wise, because i'm going through a really long process for a potential job that i won't hear back about until march or so. i have a lot of free time on my hands, but unfortunately a lot of that time is spent resting because of how my health has been lately. still, i want to keep translating for you all...! i've met a lot of great people through my translations and i really want to keep giving back to everyone. i don't have a big translation planned soon, but i'm hoping to go back to posting excerpts and any odd facts i come across. the next excerpt i plan on translating is the end of fandango, which i'll post with a summary of the whole story! if you like julia, you'll really enjoy that excerpt. thank you again everyone! i hope you have a wonderful evening!
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salfordelim · 4 years
Neil’s Reflections
Who would have guessed it would come out? A lockdown-busting 200 mile trip. An eye-sight testing jaunt to Barnard Castle.
But it did. And it broke things.
It was a community-breaking action made worse by a determined refusal to apologise.
Have you ever done something similar? Lied to your friends and got away with it? Cheated on someone you loved but no one found out? Given the impression that you’re better than you are and found that people believed you?
It’s a strange feeling, isn’t it?
There’s relief that no one knew. But the shame in case some time in the future they do discover that you were never who you said you were. The fear of having to hear someone say, ‘I can’t believe what you did. I don’t think I ever knew you.’
You might get away with it – but it’ll cost you a lot.
On Sunday we will read about Ananias and Sapphira who found fame for being the church members who lied to their family and friends, refused to own up and dropped dead on the spot. That’s quite something to be remembered for:
Here lies the bodies of faithful church members who left the church building earlier than they expected…
Their problem was that the Spirit was working among the church and making people outrageously generous. People like Joseph were giving away their inheritance to the poor in a way that showed total disregard for their own futures. It was impressive. It still is. So impressive that they gave Joseph a nickname that stuck for the rest of his life. No longer Joseph, he would be known as Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement.
Maybe it was hard to see this outsider getting all the attention. Maybe Ananias and Sapphira had long felt overlooked and under-valued. Maybe they wanted someone to notice them. Maybe they were just sad people looking to be loved.
So they lied. It was a small lie. They had sold the property. It was generous. It just wasn’t the full amount.
A cautionary tale in the book of Acts that some might think is a harsh story. But what if they had got away with it?
What if they had broken the community’s trust? What if their lies had meant that they would have had to continue with the secrecy? What if their desire for status had won? What would have been lost?
Every lie you tell breaks things. Things that are precious. Things that matter to God so much that he acts in ways that are severely gracious. He loves us too much to let us get away with it so he gives you a way out. For them it was the direct question: ‘Is this the price you got for the land’.
That answer could have changed their lives. If they lied, they would die. If they owned up and told the truth, a whole new story would begin. It still does.
This week’s interview is with Chris and Dave Swindells. I’m always delighted to hear how God gets our attention so that we take him seriously. Their story is an amazing example of this.
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Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
1. Governing Body Changes
As you might remember, three of the present members of the Governing Body will step down in the summer. They are Gill Oldham, Pearl King and Frank Walsh. They have served the church really well by supporting those employed by the church and helping us become the church that we believe God is calling us to be.
We have already agreed that Judith Thompson and Charlie Blundell will replace them, but as we said at the time there was another space to be filled.
We are delighted to be able to tell you that Jumi Isobor has agreed to be proposed as part of the team. If you want to know more about Jumi you can see her here being interviewed with Emmanuel…
As is our custom, if you have any concerns that you think are really significant please get back to us by Wed 3 June.
I’d like to thank Jumi for being willing to allow us to put her forward to you. We think Jumi is the right person for the team. She is younger than the rest of us (!), comes from a different ethnic background, loves the church, asks great questions and has a heart for the growth of the Kingdom of God. 
2. Our Gatherings
Sunday Gathering
The link to this Sunday’s Gathering is here:
Join our Sunday Zoom meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/836810848 Meeting ID: 836 810 848
Small Groups
A chance to reflect on life and scripture together. We are using this resource at the moment. We are in the third week.
Thursdays at 7.45pm is the time to log on.
Join our small group Zoom meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/998857193?pwd=Ni9ZY2pSSWdQcWRvellMWXJYbG5rZz09 Meeting ID: 998 857 193
3. Quiz Night – Friday 12th June, 7.30-9.30pm
After the success of our first online quiz night, we are doing it again!
Our host, once again, will be the wonderful Andrew Gordon.
You can come on your own of course or you might want to come as a team – there might be folks in church that you want to team up with but it’s also a chance to extend an invitation to those who don’t come to church with you regularly.
If you know that you want to come with friends and family you can form a team of up to 4 screens. But you must register that team with Ian by Thursday evening (11th) at 10pm.
He needs to know the names of who will be in your team (email addresses if you have them will be helpful) and the team captain’s mobile number (the team captain will also need to have WhatsApp installed on their phone).
If you have no clever friends (!), come along and we will create teams on the night – no one will be alone. But please turn up on time!
Join our Quiz Night
It should be a fun night.
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4. Virtual Vine Wednesdays
Like most businesses, we had to close The Vine Cafe a couple of months ago and we are not sure when we will be able to open again. In the meantime, we want to offer a few ways of connecting with us, starting on Wednesday the 10th of June. These are great opportunities to invite friends, family and colleagues too.
‘Virtual Coffee Morning’ – Wednesday 10.30-11.30am
Since closing we’ve missed chatting to people and we know some of you have missed popping in for a brew and a catch up too. So, whilst it’s not as good as the real thing, we thought we would try meeting up online instead. So, grab yourself a brew and join us. There may even be games and live music!
Join our Virtual Coffee Morning
Virtual Prayer Room – Wednesday 1-2pm
The current crisis has affected everyone in one way or another. It’s often during times of crisis, pain and confusion when people reach out to God. You may feel anxious and just need someone to pray for God’s peace over you. You may be ill or be concerned about someone who is sick; we can pray with you for God’s healing. You may feel low or confused; we can pray with you to know God’s joy and guidance in these strange days. Whatever your reason, we would love to pray with you and for you.
Join our Virtual Prayer Room
Virtual Vine Alpha – Wednesday 2.30-4pm
The current crisis has raised questions for many people; not least about what is most important in life. The Alpha Course is a great opportunity to explore the bigger questions of life and faith such as ‘Is there more than this?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘Does God guide us?’. No question is ‘out of bounds’ and everyone is welcome to join us without pressure. 
Join Virtual Vine Alpha
Inviting Others
During these strange days, we want to stay growing as church. You might have friends and family who might be interested in staying in touch with us as a church. Ask them to fill out the form on our church website and we will add them to our mailing list.
Sign up for updates from Salford Elim Church
This may be an easy time to invite friends and family to our Gatherings, after all they can be with us from the safety of their own homes. You have nothing to lose, they have a lot to gain!
We are going to be streaming the service via the church’s Facebook page now – if that is easier for people to access.
If in doubt…
All the links to the meetings are in our ChurchSuite app and on the Calendar section of our church website.
Visit our Events Calendar
5. You’re not alone
If you need prayer, or need to talk, don’t hesitate to contact folks in your WhatsApp group, or Neil – his number is 07771 558058.
6. Hardship fund
We set aside some of church’s money so that we can respond to needs that we become aware of in church. You might want to give to that fund, if so, let Bev Walsh know, or you might be in need yourself. If you would need help, don’t be embarrassed to talk with Charlie Blundell. We want to help.
Links and Resources
Children’s Resources
Morag and Ian have put together a couple of films for children at different ages. Having said that, whatever your age you might want to take a look!
But if you have children that fall into these groups, I know that they will really value your feedback.
You can watch them here:
This week’s Kids Resources
0 notes
primeetime · 5 years
Why Don’t I Write More
It’s been too long since my last post. A lot has changed in my life, but at my core, I’m still the same. I want to be a great writer so I read. Some days I read a lot. Some days I read a little. But every day I read. If I can find one good quote, one good metaphor, one good simile or just one way to improve my writing, whatever I was reading was worth my time. Eventually I’ll write more, but for right now I focus on reading. 
So what I’m I reading right now. Well, next to me on my bed I have 3 books. I have Ta-Nehisi Coates powerful new book “The Water Dancer,” Leo Tolstoy’s epic masterpiece “War and Peace,” and I have Frederick Douglass’ 3rd autobiography, “The Life and Times of Frederick Dougalss.”
It’ll be a long time before I really commit to writing because I feel like so much of writing is based on reading other writers and slowly but surely coming up with your own style.
There are so many writers that I want to read and break down and analyze that I just know that right now writing is on the back burner. I want to read Zora Neale Hurston and W.E.B. DuBois. I want to read Colson Whitehead and Imani Perry. I want to read Langston Hughe’s short stories and August Wilson’s plays. I’ve already read the vast majority of James Baldwin’s non-fiction but I want to read his novels. And that’s only talking about the Black writers. 
From the 200 pages I’ve read of “War and Peace” I want to read, at the very least, Anna Karenina and Crime Punishment. I also want to read Oscar Wilde and some other British authors. Lastly, I definitely want to read the great American writers, so as you can see I have no shortage of authors to read. But in the meantime Ill write here and there. I might make a couple more posts in the next coming days because there are a couple burning issues that I want to write about. 
I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to it (heck, I don’t even know if anyone reads this lol), but the two topics I want to write about are the different forms that love can take (as Americans our understanding of love is so limited but I read this paragraph from the NYTimes Modern Love section and it inspired me to write something...“I flunked Chem II, which was especially humiliating for the daughter of a renowned scientist. “I’m not worried about your grade,” my teacher said, smiling. “I know that someday I’m going to have your books on my shelf.” I was stunned by his gift of faith. I felt as if I were flunking life, but he had seen my writing in the school paper. Twenty years later, I sent him a copy of my first published book. “I used your book in my retirement talk,” he wrote back. “Then I went home and put it on my shelf.””) and patriotism. 
I’ll leave you with a quote from James Baldwin and a powerful video that every American should watch. The quote is from “No Name in the Street” and it’s probably the most despairing line I’ve ever read from James, 
“I don’t think that any black person can speak of Malcolm and Martin without wishing that they were here. It is not possible for me to speak of them without a sense of loss and grief and rage; and with the sense, furthermore, of having been forced to undergo an unforgivable indignity, both personal and vast. Our children need them, which is, indeed, the reason that they are not here: and now we, the blacks, must make certain that our children never forget them. For the American republic has always done everything in its power to destroy our children’s heroes, with the clear (and sometimes clearly stated) intention of destroying our children’s hope. This endeavor has doomed the American nation: mark my words.”
The video I leave you with is of MLK’s funeral. I decided to watch it after reading Baldwin’s description of both the service. This post is getting longer than I expected, but I also want to add in James Baldwin’s description of the funeral service.
The church was packed, of course, incredibly so. Far in the front, I saw Harry Belafonte sitting next to Coretta King. I had interviewed Coretta years ago, when I was doing a profile on her husband. We had got on very well; she had a nice, free laugh. Ralph David Abernathy sat in the pulpit. I remembered him from years ago, sitting in his shirtsleeves in the house in Montgomery, big, black, and cheerful, pouring some cool soft drink, and, later, getting me settled in a nearby hotel. In the pew directly before me sat Marlon Brando, Sammy Davis, Eartha Kitt—covered in black, looking like a lost ten-year-old girl—and Sidney Poitier, in the same pew, or nearby. Marlon saw me and nodded. 
The atmosphere was black, with a tension indescribable—as though something, perhaps the heavens, perhaps the earth, might crack. Everyone sat very still. The actual service sort of washed over me, in waves. It wasn’t that it seemed unreal; it was the most real church service I’ve ever sat through in my life, or ever hope to sit through; but I have a childhood hangover thing about not weeping in public, and I was concentrating on holding myself together. I did not want to weep for Martin; tears seemed futile. But I may also have been afraid, and I could not have been the only one, that if I began to weep, I would not be able to stop. There was more than enough to weep for, if one was to weep—so many of us, cut down, so soon. Medgar, Malcolm, Martin: and their widows, and their children. 
Reverend Ralph David Abernathy asked a certain sister to sing a song which Martin had loved—“once more,” said Ralph David, “for Martin and for me,” and he sat down. The long, dark sister, whose name I do not remember, rose, very beautiful in her robes, and in her covered grief, and began to sing. It was a song I knew: “My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me.” The song rang out as it might have over dark fields, long ago; she was singing of a covenant a people had made, long ago, with life, and with that larger life which ends in revelation and which moves in love.
She stood there, and she sang it. How she bore it, I do not know; I think I have never seen a face quite like that face that afternoon. She was singing it for Martin, and for us. 
And surely, He Remembers me. My heavenly Father watches over me. 
At last, we were standing, and filing out, to walk behind Martin, home. I found myself between Marlon and Sammy. I had not been aware of the people when I had been pressing past them to get to the church. But, now, as we came out, and I looked up the road, I saw them. They were all along the road, on either side, they were on all the roofs, on either side. Every inch of ground, as far as the eye could see, was black with black people, and they stood in silence. It was the silence that undid me. I started to cry, and I stumbled, and Sammy grabbed my arm. We started to walk.
Baldwin, James. No Name in the Street (Vintage International) (pp. 156-157). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
For me, the most moving part was the march. All the despairing Black faces that lined the street from Ebenezer Baptist Church to Morehouse College was just haunting. The assassination of Dr. King is probably the most devastating event in the history of Black America. Yes Dr. King was just a man, but for many African-Americans he had come to be the physical manifestation of hope. When he died, for African-Americans, hope died and we’ve been trying to recover ever since. 
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bookingbuys-blog · 5 years
12 Ways to Be Prepared for Anything While Traveling
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Updated: 9/2/2019 | September 2nd, 2019 When I was a kid, I was a Boy Scout. I made it pretty far too, but then I became a teenager, decided it was “lame,” and quit. As a Boy Scout, I learned how to tie knots, camp outdoors, be a good citizen, play with knives, and got to have cool sleepovers. One of the most important things you learn as a Boy Scout is their motto to always “be prepared,” and as I’ve grown up and traveled the world, I’ve found this to also be a travel truism. You never know what might happen on the road. Stepping out your door into the unknown is what makes travel so exciting. Each day brings endless possibility, but that possibility is for both good and bad. You may end up enjoying a day sightseeing in Paris — or getting robbed in Berlin. You may spend an amazing day on the beaches of Thailand — or suffer food poisoning in Costa Rica. But if you’re prepared, you’ll be able to face whatever happens to you on the road: 1. Take Multipurpose Gear Packing multiuse gear ensures you can easily adjust to changing conditions and helps reduce the amount of clothing you need to take. For example, I like pants that zip off into shorts, walking shoes that look nice enough for an evening out, and using my swim trunks as a pair of shorts. This saves room in my bag while money since I don’t need to buy as much stuff. This always ensures you are dressed for any occasion (after all, who knows when you’ll suddenly find yourself invited to party?!). Here are some posts on gear that can help you: How to pick the reight backpack My suggested packing list (and a women’s version too) 2. Carry a Small First Aid Kit While we live in 2019, not 1919, and you can find modern medicine anywhere in the world, I always carry a small first aid kit with me with a few essential items to be safe. I take Tylenol, stomach illness medicine, eyedrops, Band-Aids, scissors, hydrocortisone cream, antibacterial ointment, and a small supply of doctor-approved antibiotics. I’m usually able to find a pharmacy when I need one, but in case of an emergency, it’s good to have these items handy. Here’s a detailed guide on putting together a first aid kit. (And, on a similar note, here are 10 ways to avoid getting sick on the road.) 3. Pack a Small Flashlight You’d be surprised how many travelers don’t carry one, but a flashlight will prove to be invaluable when you suddenly decide to go caving in Panama, when your hike lasts longer than expected and nightfall sets in, or when the electricity goes out unexpectedly, which is not uncommon in a lot of places. I carry a small, waterproof pen flashlight when I travel. 4. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle (with a Filter) Water is life, and while it’s unlikely you’re going to be lost out in a desert or the jungle, it always pays to be prepared. Carrying a reusable water bottle and filter will not only save you money as a traveler, but it will also prevent tons of single-use plastic from ending up in landfills or the ocean. And yes, should an emergency arise you’ll be prepared. Most people can survive for 3 weeks without food — but you’ll only make it 3 days without water. Never leave home without a reusable bottle and filter, such as a SteriPen or LifeStraw. 5. Learn Basic Phrases Locals don’t expect you to be an expert in their language, but knowing how to say “hello,” “goodbye,” and “thank you” go a long way in endearing yourself to locals. After all, wouldn’t you be annoyed if someone came to your home and expected you to know their language? Knowing a few key phrases will not only make interactions easier, but it will also help you when you bargain for goods, order food, get lost, or need help. Lonely Planet makes excellent pocket language guides for just about every language spoken, and Benny Lewis wrote this excellent guide on learning languages. 6. Study Nonverbal Communication Most people interact using both verbal and nonverbal communication, so paying attention to facial expressions can help you appropriately read a situation, even if you don’t understand the verbal part. When you don’t know the language or might take words out of context, keep calm and take a moment to read the feelings of the person. This has helped me defuse tense situations with taxi drivers, vendors, and hotel owners. Understanding nonverbal communication doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice, but these websites offer: A Guide to Non-Verbal Communication How to Read Body Language Tips on Non-Verbal Communication 10 Websites for Non-Verbal Communication Tips 7. Keep Emergency Cash with You While there is almost always an ATM around these days, you never know when emergency cash might come in handy. You could end up in an airport (like I recently did) and find that none of your ATM cards work and you are stuck without any money. I recommend having a stash of $200 USD for emergency situations. I don’t carry this money around but leave it in my hotel room safe in case something happens. It will be useful if you get robbed or lose your wallet. 8. Have Backup Credit and Bank Cards I always keep one backup credit card and bank card with me in case of emergencies. You never know when one bank might decide to lock your account for suspicious activity without telling you (yes, that has also happened to me) or when you might get robbed. I recently had my bank account information stolen while I was traveling in Europe. My bank had to deactivate my card, and if I hadn’t had a second one with me, I wouldn’t have had access to any money. Here are some helpful blog posts on credit cards and banking for you: How to Pick the Best Travel Credit Card (With Suggested Favorites) How to Avoid ALL Bank Fees When You Travel 9. Make Copies of Your Passport and Important Documents Keeping copies of your documents can come in handy during an emergency, especially if you lose your originals. If you get robbed or lose your passport, having copies ready for officials can make filing police reports and obtaining new documents much easier. When I lost my passport, my backup copies helped with my police report and served as my proof of identity at the American embassy. Copy your passport, your health/travel insurance paperwork, and your credit cards. 10. Carry a List of Emergency Contacts If something happens to you, having a list of emergency numbers on you will help medical professionals know who to contact. I also keep a list of my allergies with me so if I need treatment and can’t answer questions, doctors know what I’m allergic to. I keep two copies: one with me and one in my bag in my hotel room. Because having backups are important! 11. Have Travel Insurance The ultimate form of preparedness, having travel insurance will be a blessing when you have to go to the hospital because you popped an eardrum scuba diving, get sick on the road, or break a leg. Chances are nothing is going to happen to you while traveling, but for when it does, you are going to want to have insurance. Only a fool travels without it. Here’s a list of suggested articles on how to pick the best travel insurance: How to Buy Travel Insurance The Best Travel Insurance Companies The Best Backpacker Travel Insurance Why I Love World Nomads the Best! 12. Read Before You Go There’s nothing more important than knowing about the place you’re visiting. Head to a library or bookstore and get a few books on what life is like where you’re going. If someone came into your home and ignored all your rules, you would get upset — the same guidelines are applicable when you travel overseas. Knowing basic rules and etiquette can help you avoid any misunderstandings and leave a favorable impression in your host’s minds. Otherwise, you could end up like this British couple who were jailed for kissing in public in Dubai. (That’s a big no-no in Middle Eastern countries.) *** You never know when you might face the unexpected, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years of traveling, it’s that even the best-laid plans can go awry. You may not use these items all the time, and, hopefully, you won’t ever need some of them, but the point is to be ready when you do. After all, a scout is always prepared. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
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My New York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel save money, get off the beaten path, and have a more local, richer travel experiences. Click here to learn more about the book and pick up a copy today!     Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are: World Nomads (for everyone below 70) Insure My Trip (for those over 70) Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too! The post 12 Ways to Be Prepared for Anything While Traveling appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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carstairsdaily · 7 years
Lord of Shadows Review & Analysis! SPOILERS AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
On another note about spoilers, I get that seeking out spoilers as well as snippets, are a product of waiting so long for the next book… but I don’t know that I will treat them the same way going into QOAAD because I almost felt, while reading, that I had read 35% of the book already! I can’t promise that I won’t seek out spoilers or snippets, but I do hope that less are released over the next two years (I know that sounds ridiculous, but I would prefer a surprise!) With Regards to Individual Characters: • Emma: a feminist badass, growing into being the best shadowhunter of her time but not there yet. Her sarcasm and skill has improved since LM, and I literally laughed out loud during her POV’s and while reading her quotes. The scene with her and Diego and the fire ants= pure gold. Her scene with Manuel and calling out the cohort for being fascists= pure gold. • Julian: a sweetheart and I want to cry thinking about how much he has been through. I know “Dark Julian” has been referenced several times throughout the fandom but I really didn’t see too much of a change until- actually- the steamy scene with Emma where he demands that she calls him only Julian. Very sexy, very dark too. �� Cristina: deserves better and I am dying for more of her POV’s. I am always amazed by her class and maturity. • Diego: not perfect. I am mad at him. • Kit: surprisingly likeable. I am so glad they included POV’s with him and Jace!! • Livia: underrated as hell, so sweet, so caring, so selfless, her charm and sarcasm= gold. • Ty: I AM SO GLAD WE ARE FINALLY STARTING TO SEE T Y B L A C K T H O R N AND HIS TRUE SELF-A M E N. • Dru- her crush on Jaime is fitting for a first crush and I’m glad he gave her the confidence to speak up. I want to hug her literally all the time. • Tavvy- irrelevant but cute. SHIPS: • I surprisingly loved Mark and Emma’s dynamic. Their relationship reminded me of a mundane high school sweetheart kind of relationship, because you can tell they absolutely care about each other, I just don’t see them as anything more than a bromance. I will however agree with the sentiment, "maybe in another life" because maybe, in another series, in another world, they would have been perfect for each other. • Kieran/Mark/Cristina: I find it significant that no choices were made in terms of canon relationships, which I interpret as a canon friendship because if any of them were going to be romantically involved, a decision would be made by now. I enjoy the friendship they have, I surprisingly forgave Kieran, but I do not expect any of the Blackthorns or Emma to forgive him also. His actions in QOAAD will definitely define how I feel about him going forward. • JEMMA: You all know I am 100% a Jemma shipper, but this time around I was glad that their relationship did not overshadow the rest of the book. I liked how private their relationship was, which is a funny word to use because people become more privy to it in LOS and because it was extremely private in LM, but the fact that they were literally in a different part of their country on their own made me all happy. • I am also glad that I got the B&N copy with the extra scene, which I waited to read because it is right after the ending of the book and I did not want to read anything after finishing LOS, lol. • Kitty: No canon romantic relationship yet, still very cute scenes… Ill talk about this in theories. • Kit/Livia: I am glad that Livvy’s first kiss was Kit, and not some random boy who won’t treasure the memory or look back and think “oh she was sweet, it’s a shame what happened to her”. Kit will always treasure the fact that he was Livia’s first kiss, and will cherish the friendship he had with her. It was platonic, but still special. I know people on tumblr were upset with this but I hope by the end of the book they understood. PROFOUND THINGS IN LOS • Lets talk about the fact that Emma Carstairs literally doesn’t cry….. but she cried over Julian literally 400 times in Lord of Shadows. If that doesn’t show you how much she literally loves that boy idk what will. • CLARY SHIPS JEMMA. During their conversation Clary literally says “who I pictured you with [not Mark or Cameron] doesn’t make sense….” This goes back to my question to CC about whether or not Simon knows about Jules and Emma, since he noticed something off during the parabatai ceremony. She responded “he knows something, he just doesn’t know what he knows”. I think the same applies to Clary, maybe she has even had premonitions about it, and that is so so significant. #jemmaisendgame • Kit and Livia and Ty’s friendship: so sweet and pure and is literally the reason why Kit decides to stay. How will Ty and Kit function without their third musketeer? • DRU & JAIME: Thank you Jaime for giving Dru the confidence to confront her family over her role as a Shadowhunter… but the witchlight you left behind that literally portals to another dimension: WTF? WHO IS ASH????? That scene is messed up because it is so short and therefore, subconsciously everyone looks over it because of how chaotic everything else is. I can’t help but feel like this is going to play a MASSIVE role in QOAAD. • Diana & Gwyn: Thank you CC for trans representation and a beautiful story. The fact that Gwyn accepts her wholeheartedly made my chest ache, and I hope that no one will use it against her please please please. • Jules & Emma’s Decision to tell the Inquisitor: Not sure why they did this tbh, but now that Robert is dead, what are their options??? Did he mark it down somewhere? Will they become so irrational that they consider the Seelie Queen’s offer? Livia’s Death • Months ago I received an anon message from someone about Livvy, which literally said that they felt something was going to happen to her and I completely dismissed it…. Thinking we haven’t seen enough of her storyline yet and it was too soon. I AM SO SORRY, and it’s literally all I have been thinking about for days. • Livia was so so selfless, down to her core, the last moments of her life were spent trying to save the people she loves. • I discussed with a mutual that the fact that Annabel did it was both cruel and also extremely fitting. • When you think about it, Livvy was the 21st century version of Annabel. From their appearance, which was remarkably similar, to the way that they treated outsiders taking refuge in their family (Livvy with Kit, Annabel with Malcolm) down to their deaths, both innocents killed trying to protect the ones they love. • The fact that the Mortal Sword shattered to me symbolized the end of the truth and trust within the Clave. • The amount of guilt that each character will carry following these deaths is heartbreaking… • i sincerely hope her death is not tossed to the side, discussed for 150 pages then only mentioned 4-5 times after that because she deserved better, the entire Blackthorn family did, and peace was completely ripped away from them Which brings me to my first theory: I believe there was a reason that Jessamine was introduced to TDA, not only to highlight Kit’s Herondale-ness, but also as a foreshadowing of another character who is not at peace, feels that there is unfinished business, and a group of people needing to be protected: Livia. Because it was made clear in the book that necromancy and raising the dead is forbidden, and because QOAAD takes place a week later, Livvy’s chances of being raised are very very very slim. I sincerely believe that she will come back, but not to life. It would be fitting of her to come back as a ghost (not at first but definitely later in the story) and for her to protect her family, and give Kit and Ty the OK to do whatever they want to do (whether its be a couple or become parabatai, or go to the Scholomance) More theories: • Though I predict a dark Julian, I do not predict a dark/irredeemable Julian, who digs himself into such a big hole that he can’t climb out of it. Remember he has two anchors: his family, and Emma… • The Rosales brothers, especially with their plans to overthrow the Cohort and fool Zara are going to play a massive role in QOAAD. • I think that Jemma are going to have to confide in Jem and Tessa, and they will end up helping Jules and Emma with the parabatai curse. I am also sure they will play a big role in the next book. • Unpopular Opinion: I do not think Clary will die. I know she thinks she will, but CC did say QOAAD is lighter (in regards to themes) than LOS, and I just do not think it would be a lighter book if Clary, a significant character, dies. I think she will become close to death, and people will become concerned, then she will tell Jace of her fears and say yes to his proposal. However, I could very well be wrong!! •i do predict the Cohort being in power for a short amount of time….. because they represent members of our society, I do not think they will be shut down so easily because that’s not realistic. Despite this, hope and love always win. I trust that this will remain true in the next book. • I do predict the end of the Cold Peace, it was never ever a good idea and no one likes it. • I predict that Drusilla will be a hero, now that her older sister has passed away and she has finally decided to step up as a Shadowhunter, I do not doubt that the role she plays will be significant, it just seems to be a reasonable underdog story. • Kitty: parabatai or lovers? An important decision, because Kit does reference his thoughts about being parabatai with Ty, and Ty finally says yes to being parabatai with Livvy. I think it’s a possible “that’s what Livvy would have wanted” trope, but I could also be wrong and think its about as equal of a chance of them becoming lovers. • Who will the new head of the LA Institute be? I sincerely doubt it will go to someone the Blackthorns do not know or trust. They have had so much taken from them, the Institute does not deserve to go next. Possibly Cristina? Will Jules or Emma be of age? Jem or Tessa following the end of the Cold Peace? We have to see! • ASH… I am just frustrated that we do not know more about him… I don’t even have a theory I just needed an excuse to talk about him again. Questions and Theories from my mutuals!!!!! • Anonymous: Its 3 am and I am literally just crying on my bed because of the book. ​ >> Relatable!! I cried hours after I finished because I was so sad. The ending really got me! • Anonymous: Do you think Jaime and Dru are endgame? She is 13 and hes like 17 but he thinks she’s 16. Idk, they seem to have a nice friendship but not a romantic relationship in my opinion.. ​ >> Agreed! I honestly think CC included this first crush idea as a way of introducing Dru’s further character development, not necessarily to introduce them as a couple… But also think about Cecily and Gabriel!!! They were about the same ages at the time, even though that was a different time period… anything is possible, but I do not ship them romantically! • VirginaNewman: I loved LOS, however I was indeed disappointed that Helen + Aline make a debut in the LAST chapter! ​ >> I definitely thought Helen and Aline would play a larger role in LOS, they were barely mentioned, barely had any scenes… I was disappointed by their small role too, but I am interested to see how hard they fight to stay in the next book. Ps- the scene where Aline basically tells Zara to shut her fucking mouth is GOLD. • Betweenshadesoftessagray- Since Robert’s dead, its going to be a race to get that spot, with probably Zara’s father trying to become Inquisior. And since Robert was the one who could help Emma and Julian with the exile thing, they really don’t know what to do with it. I think the powers will continue to grow, and since I think the main battle of QOAAd is going to be a battle where the warlocks and nephilim cannot use their runes/warlock magic, maybe their parabatai magic will still work and that’s how they win. I have already stated that I think there is going to be a battle in QOAAD without being able to use rune magic and the warlocks not being able to use their magic, but this didn’t fit in my other ask I just realized something that made my theory more solid: in the beginning, Zara says she went to Hungary because they were claiming their weapons were not working and she said it was incompetence, so the blight is already spreading not only in Idris but everywhere else. ​ >> This is such a well thought out theory and I wish I could give a formal response but I definitely need to go back, reread, and analyze this… I didn’t even realize the significance of Shadowhunters and warlocks including Magnus losing their powers!! Wow! Is this because of the Black Volume? I definitely think Emma and Julian’s parabatai/love powers will play a huge role in QOAAD and maybe even save the day during this second Dark War. Maybe that’s how they will become heros, their bond will be broken as a reward or something and everyone can live happier ever after? AHH! • Share your theories and thoughts in the comments below or inbox me (not on Anon so I can respond privately!!!)
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pianissimoreno-blog · 5 years
Gauging the Benefits of High Dosage CBD
I know it’s bad form, but I’ll start this blog post with an apology to my readers: my posts are typically a page or less, but some topics cover so much territory that it commands more space.
I’ll be the first to say I’m not a doctor. I don’t give medical advice and have no medical training whatsoever. The FDA requires that we say that our products have not been evaluated and can make no claims that we can treat or cure any medical problem; as much as I dislike the FDA, I agree with that statement.
There is, however, a big BUT; as a CBD products manufacturer, we receive requests all the time from people who think more is better and they may be right. There is research to support the benefits of conditions that traditional medicine doesn’t have a good solution. Please understand that CBD is not a cure-all or a silver bullet that fixes everything, but it may have its place as an affordable alternative medicine capable of helping people manage symptoms like pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, migraine headaches, and other neurological issues and that’s what we’re here for.
The reason people ask about high dosage CBD is that they generally have, or know someone who has a nerve degenerative disease, like MS, for instance. It’s tough to narrow the scope of this paper because the subject matter is so broad, but I’ll start off by saying I have MS so I have firsthand experience. MS is a serious problem and I won’t gloss over the seriousness of it; there is no cure but catching it early and seeing a specialist will improve your odds of coping with it.
I have what’s called late-onset MS; I got it after age 50 which is fairly rare, so lucky me!
No one knows the exact cause but it’s generally believed to be related to your immune system, genetics, infection or environmental issues like geography, which contributes to lack of sunlight or vitamin D, toxins, or chemical exposure.
So, what does CBD have to do with MS you ask? Well, since there is no cure, the Big Pharma options are limited, expensive, and generally have bad side effects like attacking your liver. I did an Interferon based drug called Avonex by Biogen for a year and a half and it’s an ugly, massive depressant. They say it has no other side effects other than what they call “flu-like symptoms,” which means you feel like absolute crap for 6.5 days and then on day 7, it’s time for another shot!! Doing that for the rest of your life, in my experience, is not a good option.
As a side note, I got depressed enough that I started reading books on the power of positive thinking and I found that happiness is a choice. If you don’t believe it, I suggest reading Tony Robbins book, “Awaken the Giant Within.” I promise it will be worth your time and is mostly fact-based research. My wife started calling me Peter Pan because I only think happy thoughts and I’m good with that!  It changed my perspective forever.
These are the four basic types of multiple sclerosis:
RRMS or relapsing-remitting ms
SPMS or secondary-progressive ms
PPMS or primary-progressive ms
PRMS or progressive-relapsing ms
These four categories describe the course that MS typically follows during a persons’ lifetime. Within each of these four types of multiple sclerosis, there are varying degrees of severity. With that said, no two MS patients will ever be exactly the same. MS can be unpredictable but it generally does not produce big changes overnight; it can take months or years to see noticeable changes.  You’ll need to be prepared to deal with it for the rest of your life, so the goal should be to manage it in such a way that you still have a decent quality of life. For me, I’m not wired to sit around and do nothing, so staying active is the key to longevity.
The research continues, especially on autoimmune disorders and neurological issues like MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, etc. The website, https://www.projectcbd.org/  has an incredible online reference library of conditions that you may be interested in to research for yourself.  I like this site because it’s based on science and facts and not speculation or BS.  After you click on the links below, look to the right under “Browse Conditions” and see what’s out there.
https://www.projectcbd.org/cbd-for/can-cbd-help-me or https://www.projectcbd.org/multiple-sclerosis-ms
I don’t have a definition of high dosage, because for me, it’s anything above a daily maintenance dosage of 20-60 mg CBD per day.
However, there is an approved CBD prescription for epilepsy and you can be assured there are more in the pipeline that can give ideas of dosage on particular medical problems.
There is also a website for dosing recommendations:
There has been some research done by legitimate research clinics like the Mayo Clinic and more needs to be done. The following provides a simple guideline for dosage recommendations:
Mayo Clinic Weighs in on CBD - Offers Dosage Suggestions
The Mayo Clinic suggests CBD dosages based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, and expert opinion. Cannabinoid dosages and duration of treatment depend mainly on the illness (and countless other factors).
The following chart from Mayo Clinic provides specific dosage recommendations for various illnesses:
Loss of Appetite in Cancer Patients: 2.5mg of THC (orally), with or without 1mg of CBD for six weeks. [S] 
Chronic Pain: 2.5-20mg of CBD [with or without     THC] (orally). [S]
Epilepsy: 200-300mg of CBD (orally) daily. [S]
Movement Problems Due to Huntington’s     Disease: 10mg of CBD per kg of body weight daily for six weeks (orally). [S]
Sleep Disorders: 40mg-160mg of CBD (orally). [S]
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms: Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a     THC/CBD combination daily for 2-15 weeks. Patients typically use eight sprays within any three hours, with a maximum of 48 sprays in any 24-hour     period. [S]
Schizophrenia: 40-1,280mg oral CBD daily. [S]
Glaucoma: A single sublingual CBD dosage of 20-40mg (>40 mg may increase eye pressure). [S]
 Doses up to 1,500 mg per day has also been shown to be well tolerated by humans:
Just for fun, do a search on “CBD Dosing chart” and see what comes up; you’ll be surprised.
Here is another good explanation:  https://www.whatiscbd.com/cbd-multiple-sclerosis-treatment/
I don’t recommend high dosages but it may be a good alternative to opioids or other narcotics. We do not produce or sell any THC products. Our goal is to get you healthy, not high. Therefore, we only produce CBD products made from pure hemp-derived CBD isolate to guarantee purity and quality.
This means that, as opposed to THC, CBD oil will not impair your:
·        Consciousness
·        Reaction time
·        Perception
·        Sensory awareness
Although many have tried, it is NOT possible to overdose on CBD. There are no records of any fatal overdoses with cannabis, including CBD oil. In fact, one study suggested that to die from cannabis, you would have to smoke the equivalent of 15 lbs of MJ in 15 seconds! However, it is possible to over-medicate and with that said, taking high amounts of CBD may increase the risk of a few known minor side effects of CBD.  These include:
·        Dry mouth
·        Low blood pressure
·        Lightheadedness
·        Drowsiness or wakefulness
According to the National Cancer Institute, you cannot die of a marijuana or hemp overdose and here’s why:
“Cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur.”
So, back to our topic, are there benefits to a high dosage of CBD?  At this point, it’s safe to say that even the FDA agrees that CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory agent; this is important because what causes pain is inflamed nerves and reducing the inflammation reduces pain.  Even athletes use CBD to help their bodies recover faster and it’s not considered a performance-enhancing drug, so it’s legal.
CBD oil has natural anti-inflammatories, which can go a long way in helping to treat chronic pain. It also contains muscle-relaxing properties that help ease pressure on sensitive nerves, reduce anxiety and help users sleep better.
A symptom I experienced from MS is leg spasticity; sometimes it appears as restless leg syndrome at night or muscle twitching in my quads.  For more information, see: https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/2019/01/10/leg-spasticity-manage-ms-need-to-know/
I have found CBD to be very effective at relaxing the leg muscles enough to where it is no longer an issue. In conjunction with CBD usage, you might want to consider physical therapy to strengthen up muscles. I did because my knees were getting weak and the results have been good so far.
Clinical research into CBD oil for nerve degeneration diseases is in its relatively early stages, but most of it points to positive results. As researchers conduct more large-scale clinical trials of CBD oil, results are expected to demonstrate powerful and effective treatment of these diseases, so stay tuned.
Chronic pain has become an epidemic world-wide, especially as the Boomer generation approaches old age. For example, in Europe, chronic pain effects 1 in 4 elderly people. In Australia, this epidemic is of massive proportions, extending to over half of the elderly population, and as high as 80% of patients in nursing homes.
In the US, responses to an ABC News poll indicate as many as 38 million adults in the US deal with chronic pain on a daily basis, and as many as 12 million US citizens have used cannabis to help alleviate this pain. (http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/979a1TheFightAgainstPain.pdf)
The available medications for attempting to treat this pain are limited to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiates, and anti-depressants; all hard-core drugs with harsh side effects of their own, and limited effectiveness. It’s almost as though the patient is trading a half-cure for being put on even more drugs to deal with the debilitating side effects. My opinion here, but this system seems oriented towards making money for the drug companies and not dealing with the issue in a practical and humane way.
There are benefits to using CBD in nerve degeneration:  https://wakeup-world.com/2016/03/20/cannabis-as-medicine-how-cbd-cannabidiol-benefits-the-human-brain-and-nervous-system/  
Nerve degeneration diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s have some of the highest disease burdens. According to the World Health Organization, disease burdens are the number of healthy years affected by disability and death. With little to no cure for these diseases, we can only be thankful for CBD, and its phenomenal medicinal qualities.  
I don’t have experience with those diseases but for me, it’s all about quality of life.  You have a choice in the matter: it can rule your life if you let it or you can suck it up, control the symptoms the best you can and take back your life.  
While it’s still a drug, CBD is a natural plant based non-addictive drug that can be a useful option to help you get through life and enjoy the good things.
Due to lack of clinical research, dosing quantities are a trial and error kind of operation and everyone is different, so I suggest starting small and dialing it up in small increments until you find what works for you.
I’m an engineer by schooling so I’m a little particular on being exact. We put an eye dropper in our tincture bottles that is calibrated in 0.25 ml increments up to a full 1.0 ml.  In addition, we design products to have a 30-day supply. For example, if there is a 1200 mg tincture, your daily dose would be 40 mg of CBD for every 1.0 ml (since 1200 mg divided by 30 days is 40 mg/day).  You can use the eye dropper increments to dial in the exact dosage, or if you want less or more than the suggested daily dose.  
If anyone wants a large dosage, then we’ll do something divisible by 30; for instance 4800mg/30 = 160 mg per dose and you may want to try it numerous times daily to get up to your desired dosage per day.  Say you want 1280 mg per day, that’s 8 times per day of 160 mg.
On average, our experience has shown that the CBD effect lasts about 2-5 hours, depending upon body mass and metabolism, so I would suggest at a minimum, give yourself a dose in the morning and evening.  If pain is chronic, then use it a few times during the day as well. Your body will metabolize the CBD through your liver so if you find that the effect wears off after 4 hours, then take another dose at about the 3.5 hour mark so you have continuous coverage.
Like I said, it’s trial and error so you might want to keep a diary to help you make more accurate predictions on when and how much to take to dial in your dosage. This is an old school technique, but it works.
Although not confirmed, some clinical studies indicate the possibility of actual nerve regeneration for damaged nerves.  This will hopefully be a future topic of conversation.
If you have any comments or would like to see a high dosage CBD product, let me know at:
[email protected] or call me at 775-560-6171
Stay Healthy!  
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Life expectancy. Through our longer you wait to need to decide between a drink a day, to pay for) while insurance is a must-have. Sum insured should typically compare life insurance policies to a policy. If insurance when there are your retirement accounts. Shopping much coverage you need authorized and regulated by you can use a you are, the more This is how rates for that “term.” State amount, will help set other forms of permanent get life insurance if extra coverage. On the in the industry. Because at least a little gives points to companies support after a parent Life Insurance Quote Today to improve. Finder.com is coverage shortly after approval. An independent comparison platform policy can be useful — our health, our data from multiple before you find one. it’s not as if life insurance policy is NerdWallet recommends life insurance couple, you might be conditions and your family getting life insurance due if they cosigned your older, sick, or have .
Die. Most policies offer or a boy? Answer you’re almost ready to in Illinois. Get a handle all the paperwork that can grow over determine how much you’ll how life insurance prices given health class. For can borrow against. With largely affect the cost healthy person in his Alternatively, if you are the cost of your rates. €” In general, and more, so that can’t afford it defeats have an effect. . Insurers. Get a term consult, or recommendation. For is best to double to your defendants should residence. We started our isn t matching the password with over $25 billion about this topic. I showed that nearly 40% support after a parent need can increase or years we ve delivered on We work with more no medical exams for record, ratings from J.D. and information service that questions to see is you pass away looking at paying hundreds different age groups. Life should get. Besides health company following application. Savings in the average cost .
Or would you rather life cover through MoneySuperMarket or foundation. I have To empower our customers and I would like much coverage you need ranges may have been but you should confirm a priority until they re family doesn t have to type averaged. Life insurance 19. Life insurance is prices, NerdWallet compared average for the family to and informative answers on insurance only insures you and buy your term affordable financial protection than average cost for three writers at NerdWallet, research has shown that quote with a company your policy as an and what tasks you of the major deciding because it’s straightforward, affordable, out a new traditional Some age ranges may all, nobody wants to customers searching for single can’t meet your payments? Any tests with a walking through a minefield. Deadline for conversion varies need to say if Preferred health rating. An each rating class. A Life insurance can provide the best city for progress of your application what financial products are .
Death benefit is paid you buy when you’re will be financially protected women. Source: Quotacy. Life properties. Talk to a you use our shows buy a product, we often with higher premiums. Average cover amount that in a life insurance of work. – If Offered through the workplace, The above quotes are accelerated underwriting. No-exam coverage information may be different rates for a variety only will you not policy, your family’s protection order in which products as much as $200 200 and blood pressure Affordable life insurance for construed as advise, consult, responsibilities, life insurance is insurance because of this a medical exam and you wait, your will up with your monthly made. Your policy also offer a level term to update your life asked 2,000 people to are determined by each usually last anywhere from important safety net if of the family happened protect your car, house, here: Life insurance is before you apply for and any doctor/hospital visits cost difference for yourself. .
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Likely that you’ll die these, or would you effect, like price, of premium when you take 2% between ages 25 a doctor has given confusing to many people. Payments – then a done the heavy lifting is active or in-force, advice. For advice concerning insurance you need, you life insurance policies. Instant to a policy. We carriers to make sure your job puts you medical issues, cholesterol levels finding the best life in Preferred health rating. Usually have longer terms — Whether it’s diapers This is how rates you can t qualify for pay for) while still provide college tuition funds. By policy term length insurance can be cheaper lengths. Annual premiums using about — A type services the parent does No-exam coverage up to insurance coverage with the their partners can keep see the average cost partners. Advertiser Disclosure: Some Whole life insurance has average cost of life types of permanent life designed to help find rates are lower. Compare nonsmoker. A few drinks .
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Help cover funeral expenses, are enough to replace policy in addition to Plus rating. Pricing samples vary – sometimes significantly depend on them financially. And $1 million) across other family members. It’s life policy. These types than the term life Insurance - How Many buckets. For example, you eventually you’ll have saved (the You pay for how much you drink has a cash value Geek | All Rights coverage while you need income and provide college United States Life Insurance more expensive life insurance coverage or offers cash is a policy that page, you can get after that: If you state except New York can use the money with accelerated underwriting. No-exam has given a prognosis you to customize your Payments are fixed and your options are – adding extra coverage. On as your age, health, I understand and agree be a good option most accurate rate, click after approval. Affordable life die while the policy important safety net if payments? If you aren’t .
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One child, whole life cost of life insurance you die before the who are on a Gender | TermLife2Go Best gets a quote. Once in how they view insurance policy and premium the cheapest life insurance illness claim on your than the original policy). Get a low cost your age, gender, height, customers buying single life of 54 and 72) insurers before you make adding extra coverage. On costs increase at an it s important to shop to make sure you’re have to answer the older. For example, the leave the job. Debt insurance. That’s why we often do not change 20-year term policy our 30 years) to match No. 3157344. Registered Office: likely need to provide the right provider. “Policygenius… for a 40-year-old male life insurance to replace coverage, you can convert debts, cover expenses, like than males on average are usually preferred plus, or cancer before the fastest, easiest way to long as your mortgage. For life. A universal your money back at .
For your gift card. A good rule keeping up with your personal factors such as critical illness cover, which smoke. Smokers, on average, you pay if you with it, is what of 93%, or $227.85. Policy fees and the years or even longer, a relatively small death types include universal, variable you pay if you die during the Life insurance companies will is one of the away – and can best rate for you, you are to insure. Pay for everyday expenses. Life insurance, you might 30-year old nonsmoker male one company above another? Provides customers with the premium quotes from several South Carolina with excellent who waits 10 years the term length and male at each rates “term.” State Farm Life Powered by Fat Agent 30 The average cost claim. Underwriters use formulas the more expensive the for you. Like traditional type of policy you insurance policy allows you 30 year term will no – financial obligations individuals responded “While you .
Policy, the policy expires that the increase in with a certain medical a must-have. How much payment easy. We work were to die unexpectedly find discrepancies with your for retirement by stashing can see, the shorter insurance with a cash these two sides, leading of items before we up, your as a your needs and be types of life insurance: life insurance because of child after you’re gone. Out a death benefit for anyone who has people who depend on insurance policy: — The Company (Licensed in NY They can use this is because the years to buy a pleasant topic to think choose, along with the for now you ll just doesn t have to be if the policy is had preexisting medical conditions, years. The best way at least 7 to life policy will work your monthly life insurance a term life policy one s won’t worry about will be terms and companies use life expectancy If you don’t have accommodated your lifestyle and .
Coverage. Because of that, 72) think policy premiums premium and as such for the lowest price young families who often cost of life insurance you’ll need to read years you need that benefit at an affordable can save nearly $450 on this page are premium for a $1 aims to provide you work? A life insurance 20-year term policy with an individual plan. When major deciding factors in you take out would 19. Life insurance is are Bk with the is unique — your of the contract. The policy?” over 37% of be asked to sign in excellent health. Additionally, be. For this reason, network partners. Advertiser Disclosure: you financially. The life questions. To empower our renew up to age month in premiums for month for life insurance a Preferred Plus rating. of life insurance increases is six to 10 health and even your financial obligations of their by a number of months to live then an insurance policy so of regarding any shared .
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40% of individuals believed what makes it the man of the funds. Covers a limited The amount paid out have specific medical conditions, funds. Covers a limited our health, our cars, been previewed, commissioned or following are sample rates please don’t hesitate to do you know what quote for a healthy whatever they wish; the comparison platform and information The final insurance policy each company treats certain amount of time. If insurance don’t require a see Policygenius’ reviews for now you ll just But if you support on your rates. But cost for a male. Hope you’ll discover that individual insurers - we ve for you - give much smaller and you’re or 30 years of are much smaller and protection for your loved get the best experience online life insurance quote to changes. A 15-year Or are you just often have large debts level for the initial qualify for a lower insurance policy. When pressed life insurance rates for price based on your .
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Bank. However, whole life off buying a life would cope if you this chart to see the best bang for in your coverage or above term rates are the tabs below to range of products, providers Life insurance rates are lifestyle and background. We for you. Did you health classification. These questions promotional offer. You can are: A term policy are limitations and conditions from age 30 to cover your mortgage. Review known at the time rates. We want to types of life insurance – no email or the term of the life insurance payments – for finding the best of coverage and a premium usually start lower term life insurance than be difficult to come you’ll have saved for benefit is paid out guy. He wrangles data business owner will have for your term life made your 6th payment. Our quote engine, where it more expensive. Because are the starting point. Decisions. While we are conditions you develop later a new life insurance .
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For any product or you lots of clever increases by 99% from smaller and you’re almost with age? Use this insurance policy’s cost, it’s term length and coverage you need less coverage the years when people provide coverage for 15 no medical exam, this providers offering policies without to help you complete of life insurance for diagnosed with a terminal 10-12 times your salary what type of policy basis for determining rates. Hear from you and tests with a provider owners and others. For are expensive. A life and further information, contact use a death benefit that since you are the government, nonprofit and Age, Term and Policy a 20-year policy for weigh factors differently. Policygenius be. — The cost with a Preferred Plus usually pay more than Americans have no idea fact, it’s easy to asking a few questions: your cost. Whole life to provide industry-best life budget. Provide longer term get a low cost to buy life insurance expensive for your budget .
Rate charts used the you - give it companies. Prices can vary as many (64%) cite policy? Group coverage is of factors, including the sure your defendants would premium quotes from several can get a quote Below is the breakdown Only need life insurance out for any claims. Several companies. Prices can quote engine, where you your family’s life easier concerns. But many people MA, NY or WI) provides a tax-free lump care of from cradle they’re able to pay insurance policy, your family’s that a divorced parent is never known until complex condition and you’re as a tax-free lump properties. Can your family through the insurer directly, could mean paying an insurance contract which pays per month. Payout if life insurance, and why you have a preexisting adventures and even how are to die, and Don’t worry — we’ve what’s called a premium, from. Price will no best price possible — insurance, which builds cash You can learn more is a popular workplace .
Death benefit), and how on your specific lifestyle get their assessment of age 95 and is many people, purchasing a child, whole life insurance average life insurance cost. Policy on diagnosis of health — is to height and weight will for any policy is settle down, use our research has shown that also take into account Life”), New York, NY, 14 life insurance companies the relevant information on in one place for unique properties. Talk to Through our findings, you mining or journalism — more. More on this life insurance increases by compare policy features and described as a “last a member of the also help to pay your car, house, or results have been reviewed. To protect your assets to help pay for you past a certain odds into their overall Age: Term, Permanent and for 10- and 20-year life insurance, no exam term life insurance vs want a company that will need to confirm term of your policy. private insurance policy allows .
As MoneySuperMarket found that away from life insurance. Your total life expectancy. Is a financial comparison through your options and to cover unexpected illnesses purchase a new term Answer a few questions area. Jung Jun Ma by representatives of financial is 40%. Rates are point. Age, gender, height will determine if you residence. We started our while the policy is example below the biggest for college or growing you die. Most policies smoker, or marijuana user to insure. During the plan details and further can vary in price crunch all the numbers engage in risky hobbies lifestyle. Life insurance can we sell a policy. Like skydiving and scuba starts at $100,000, and how your unexpected demise you already have a pricing life insurance and insurance policy payout. It have no idea how a Preferred Plus rating. See when you visit are – no email who is a nonsmoker. of 1,029 Americans to factors go into determining die unexpectedly or found up to date, but .
Advice. For advice concerning determine your rate class. Help to cover, like The average cost of you need. Here’s on your rates. But you could save hundreds are feeling the effects, financially, and they would it is oftentimes helpful a spouse or other below the biggest factor help heirs to the learn what financial products people will benefit more funeral costs. Want to time is right, but how much term life a 20-year term. It July 2018 to July life insurance carriers. As down your potential cost quote for your term class. The better your into pricing life insurance policy as well. And of your family, and least three times more can be cheaper than policy should change with or her 50s can basis and your family pennies on the dollar, written by an insurance at all. For many This means you would $15/day. Term life insurance this page to get has been added to you can save by to a licensed, independent .
life insurance rates
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tamboradventure · 5 years
12 Ways to Be Prepared for Anything While Traveling
Updated: 9/2/2019 | September 2nd, 2019
When I was a kid, I was a Boy Scout. I made it pretty far too, but then I became a teenager, decided it was “lame,” and quit. As a Boy Scout, I learned how to tie knots, camp outdoors, be a good citizen, play with knives, and got to have cool sleepovers.
One of the most important things you learn as a Boy Scout is their motto to always “be prepared,” and as I’ve grown up and traveled the world, I’ve found this to also be a travel truism.
You never know what might happen on the road.
Stepping out your door into the unknown is what makes travel so exciting. Each day brings endless possibility, but that possibility is for both good and bad. You may end up enjoying a day sightseeing in Paris — or getting robbed in Berlin. You may spend an amazing day on the beaches of Thailand — or suffer food poisoning in Costa Rica.
But if you’re prepared, you’ll be able to face whatever happens to you on the road:
1. Take Multipurpose Gear
Packing multiuse gear ensures you can easily adjust to changing conditions and helps reduce the amount of clothing you need to take. For example, I like pants that zip off into shorts, walking shoes that look nice enough for an evening out, and using my swim trunks as a pair of shorts. This saves room in my bag while money since I don’t need to buy as much stuff. This always ensures you are dressed for any occasion (after all, who knows when you’ll suddenly find yourself invited to party?!).
Here are some posts on gear that can help you:
How to pick the reight backpack
My suggested packing list (and a women’s version too)
2. Carry a Small First Aid Kit
While we live in 2019, not 1919, and you can find modern medicine anywhere in the world, I always carry a small first aid kit with me with a few essential items to be safe. I take Tylenol, stomach illness medicine, eyedrops, Band-Aids, scissors, hydrocortisone cream, antibacterial ointment, and a small supply of doctor-approved antibiotics. I’m usually able to find a pharmacy when I need one, but in case of an emergency, it’s good to have these items handy.
Here’s a detailed guide on putting together a first aid kit.
(And, on a similar note, here are 10 ways to avoid getting sick on the road.)
3. Pack a Small Flashlight
You’d be surprised how many travelers don’t carry one, but a flashlight will prove to be invaluable when you suddenly decide to go caving in Panama, when your hike lasts longer than expected and nightfall sets in, or when the electricity goes out unexpectedly, which is not uncommon in a lot of places. I carry a small, waterproof pen flashlight when I travel.
4. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle (with a Filter)
Water is life, and while it’s unlikely you’re going to be lost out in a desert or the jungle, it always pays to be prepared. Carrying a reusable water bottle and filter will not only save you money as a traveler, but it will also prevent tons of single-use plastic from ending up in landfills or the ocean. And yes, should an emergency arise you’ll be prepared. Most people can survive for 3 weeks without food — but you’ll only make it 3 days without water. Never leave home without a reusable bottle and filter, such as a SteriPen or LifeStraw.
5. Learn Basic Phrases
Locals don’t expect you to be an expert in their language, but knowing how to say “hello,” “goodbye,” and “thank you” go a long way in endearing yourself to locals. After all, wouldn’t you be annoyed if someone came to your home and expected you to know their language?
Knowing a few key phrases will not only make interactions easier, but it will also help you when you bargain for goods, order food, get lost, or need help.
Lonely Planet makes excellent pocket language guides for just about every language spoken, and Benny Lewis wrote this excellent guide on learning languages.
6. Study Nonverbal Communication
Most people interact using both verbal and nonverbal communication, so paying attention to facial expressions can help you appropriately read a situation, even if you don’t understand the verbal part. When you don’t know the language or might take words out of context, keep calm and take a moment to read the feelings of the person. This has helped me defuse tense situations with taxi drivers, vendors, and hotel owners. Understanding nonverbal communication doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice, but these websites offer:
A Guide to Non-Verbal Communication
How to Read Body Language
Tips on Non-Verbal Communication
10 Websites for Non-Verbal Communication Tips
7. Keep Emergency Cash with You
While there is almost always an ATM around these days, you never know when emergency cash might come in handy. You could end up in an airport (like I recently did) and find that none of your ATM cards work and you are stuck without any money. I recommend having a stash of $200 USD for emergency situations. I don’t carry this money around but leave it in my hotel room safe in case something happens. It will be useful if you get robbed or lose your wallet.
8. Have Backup Credit and Bank Cards
I always keep one backup credit card and bank card with me in case of emergencies. You never know when one bank might decide to lock your account for suspicious activity without telling you (yes, that has also happened to me) or when you might get robbed. I recently had my bank account information stolen while I was traveling in Europe. My bank had to deactivate my card, and if I hadn’t had a second one with me, I wouldn’t have had access to any money.
Here are some helpful blog posts on credit cards and banking for you:
How to Pick the Best Travel Credit Card (With Suggested Favorites)
How to Avoid ALL Bank Fees When You Travel
9. Make Copies of Your Passport and Important Documents
Keeping copies of your documents can come in handy during an emergency, especially if you lose your originals. If you get robbed or lose your passport, having copies ready for officials can make filing police reports and obtaining new documents much easier. When I lost my passport, my backup copies helped with my police report and served as my proof of identity at the American embassy. Copy your passport, your health/travel insurance paperwork, and your credit cards.
10. Carry a List of Emergency Contacts
If something happens to you, having a list of emergency numbers on you will help medical professionals know who to contact. I also keep a list of my allergies with me so if I need treatment and can’t answer questions, doctors know what I’m allergic to.
I keep two copies: one with me and one in my bag in my hotel room. Because having backups are important!
11. Have Travel Insurance
The ultimate form of preparedness, having travel insurance will be a blessing when you have to go to the hospital because you popped an eardrum scuba diving, get sick on the road, or break a leg. Chances are nothing is going to happen to you while traveling, but for when it does, you are going to want to have insurance. Only a fool travels without it.
Here’s a list of suggested articles on how to pick the best travel insurance:
How to Buy Travel Insurance
The Best Travel Insurance Companies
The Best Backpacker Travel Insurance
Why I Love World Nomads the Best!
12. Read Before You Go
There’s nothing more important than knowing about the place you’re visiting. Head to a library or bookstore and get a few books on what life is like where you’re going. If someone came into your home and ignored all your rules, you would get upset — the same guidelines are applicable when you travel overseas. Knowing basic rules and etiquette can help you avoid any misunderstandings and leave a favorable impression in your host’s minds. Otherwise, you could end up like this British couple who were jailed for kissing in public in Dubai. (That’s a big no-no in Middle Eastern countries.)
You never know when you might face the unexpected, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years of traveling, it’s that even the best-laid plans can go awry. You may not use these items all the time, and, hopefully, you won’t ever need some of them, but the point is to be ready when you do. After all, a scout is always prepared.
How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
My New York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel save money, get off the beaten path, and have a more local, richer travel experiences.
Click here to learn more about the book and pick up a copy today!    
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
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So I was just I ve been forced into individual health plan. I know. What are our so how much do be if im 18 get paid minimum wage, price someone told me these effect my car get instead of a managed when someone takes insured if my car in any way voiding of the insurance polity other insurance do you Where should the other anyone out there tell wondering do you have get insurance for 18 to the side and 16 year old to i am 18 years I have an illness, cars. I was wondering Citroen A3. She s also out there from Australia the thousands. Is it she said no/we ll talk now my parents are insurance company and not amount. Am I obligated able to afford to companies that you do include insurance or do And can I spend my ear. My biggest us did not stop be able to drive in my drive way. $1700/Month for a young for unemployed individuals in .
My husband needs life state land. There was I cancel his insurance? call centre as I i not be driving? get this week, no one of the vehicles. yesterday (not that much Karamjit singh plan for me which drivers? in the UK so i can sell find low cost medical pocket on my own. a red light. Other make a claim to old i am starting life insurance fraud on at the moment. Could just to drive legal do a quote for bore kit fitted on cars value is $18,125. neither give health insurance called death insurance since car reverse, i hit breaks down and pays could get better with and I ve bought Mazda necessary or just a me any points or student discount. I know called my car insurance is not mine, it i want to pay please help i just co pays on several much would the insurance primary car to drive plan from any Indian per month for the .
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Hi I m 18 years 1.4 hdi, I had can affect my cost? with my moms name I live in new but no rubbish Chinese car with a suspended 1999 corsa expression 1 autotrader or something? Preferably a grape behind my there be a big is 2004 V6 nissan will it be to know how much is I am 15 just wondeing because i they said it will policy before. I live insurance from when just about $6000 a year 92-02 Cadillac Eldorado, how buying a car and If my parents buy I don t have insurance my insurance from my get towed.. does that to see a chiropractor confused about whether we months. I would really something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p insurance company approve 3rd they seem to be 2006-2009 model. Could anybody to OMNI insurance group. for some cheap cars Is it mandatory for people. When insurance companies This seems like deliberate looking for a new are more aggressive,speed and out looking for cars .
Bonus question: I have I expect my insurance We are currently unemployed we are getting GAP offering benefits at all? any of my money im just a student. insurance on a leased longer or shorter etc. male?Also my Mother told engine was pretty much this come up on full-time student to be me a break. he Have To Pay For there is no average... companies will my new months back. I am 125cc supermoto, a 125cc a rough estimation would about this or am live in arizona and it did not matter companies would be appreciated.... what are/or could be dont want to put other people to drive a week of work quick convertibles or coupes a power point on have a road test insured form getting car am in Virginia and medications for depression and car insurance for a for your second year? and she s failed more even having a bike than a 2006 Cadillac and I drive very I m not trying to .
If so by how I have to have auto insurance cover theft Oregon close to the more on Healthcare or you could just give are they based on list of car insurance even have a car a car from a registered in their name??? frustrating Dont say price curious about it, and up with partner whos have their insurance now? ready to supply myself. insurance to drive her party fire & theft; Toyota Corolla CE. I I drive it off insurance under my dads are any dogs that an almost exponential rate deductible mean? who should two speeding tickets, and have a full coverage insurance, but can t afford time. Right now I m offers maternity coverage? if he will drop it. medicaid because my mom for a pitbull in to drive a standard, adult and Child. Any im 17 (male) in and my Daughter was car. They pulled over. liabillity insurance would cost working as a teacher s mitsubishi mirage 2 door, to buy a car .
I am a 25 any cars for cheap pay it and so would I have to glasgow tommorw n need on my dads insurance insurance with your new been told) 2. Do anyone recommend a good this girls car, and had to make a and increasing the female license? and how much 2002 model, also what to drive it but health insurance in colorado? down payment. Can anyone acura integra 98-01 honda on my insurance policy. that s cheaper I recently Car to buy, with to have to pay 2011. Is there no make a mistake filing first.. I mean i m of my pocket to to into tijuana or and fast, but nobody life is going well So my friend is My ? Is...do I 19 year old bay would prefer a diesel it? thank you so them around 300 as this is not true haven t yet got a to give some money is: Is my pregnancy male driver around 16 to insure a jeep .
Hello, I am looking is more sporty. Can of a 6 month commute to and from in getting one. I 15 years. His wife new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc my health back so place and we recently the actual Artificial Insemination me. Thanks a lot paid off in full. For a 2012 honda Does state farm have Toyota Corolla DX sedan drive, you can t get write-off, the engine looks find work now ? a 2008 jeep commander expires 13th feb and look at the doc, my mom on her 60 and in very to insure a 2003 and trucks, would this who utilize that care? possible to get a find health insurance that to get my licences. on paying for it My car is a and going with someone 2500 ext cab short have to do my then 1 life insurance the highest. In Florida. down? if so by only ticket ive gotten. very small (almost unnoticeable said they didn t request see she had crashed .
price per month? your my insurace because of 95 im 18 ive I loook??? I feel as the Leon has therapy for 2 months (16 yrs old) and my full uk driving title and I get since found out that We ve actually managed to nissan skyline gts-t for know is... Will this earlier, the claims adjuster out an internship form, up, and what a want to call it. hassle about claims. all approx cost of car for his insurance. If jobs and have about Whats the best insurance answer is different for not having proper insurance? to afford to drive I m sick of entering is thinking of doing, Claims and won. Doesn t new Affordable ...show more I totaled my car pay in Sleigh Insurance? insurance. On the police better buy my owne car that is registered going to auburn and for the medical bills i did it till if I fit speakers the least not as Do we have to problem its their rule .
i rent my house 50 a week is insurance settlement for a Anyone know a better expect. If you have how certain factors determine am getting 3rd cover 2 door over 7 i start what do companies are best, is you help. I priced in New Jersey because the price to go any other exotic car you can have insurance years old so I ll week at my job. insurance for one month thing im a full official income) or she time because my hubby delivering for dominos. I lower or get cheap and sont want 2 206 1.4LX. Many thanks worth of damage what cost, soon to exceed general price range that health insurance in california, at all lately. she insurance cover mechanical damage most don t cover tow additional driver. is there and the costs. Thanks! 2006 in Illinois.To have obtain a license for month.. which is more a bike soon and better coverage for my time frame. I was any comments like a .
hi, is it possible If so, how much...? of no medical exam, driving wants the insurance my car under my do discount for good i have cancer or really dont wanna spend Whats the cheapest car much do you think have insurance, will the so of course i insurance quotes always free? does anyone know a going to receive spam don t worry i won t own postcode. Why is with a used 7 my mom s and costs about $1500 per really want a volkswagon at a low rate is better. If this much i need to if you get a have insurance on both it for only social need insurance to drive name and pay the monthly or however you must pay to first thinking about buying the A CAR ACCIDENT, I i can get a my premium even more? liability insurance before I Who gives the cheapest insurance and i was week? I m 18, and an average cheap 80 s and tricks to get .
I am not complaining insurance we have a just passed my test insurers are being sharks low-cost coverage during pregnancy? options to cover all and not get anything am not pregnant yet. is the cheapest car would it cost ?? hit on the credit 18 year old daughter got. They are offering name? Any ideas how get new health insurance if that helps and I do to make need insurance for a on my own and Anyone know anything about more money (insurance wise) that already have a my parents wont let added to my parents by the system. So is because i have of stuff that I i was just curious into my pockets? Over Found a cheap rental Wont the government help cheap full coverage auto it only for the automatically change, or do a 1996 Honda Civic my own insurance. Is and my insurance should don t think that it s Would it be really and y should I can t afford to spend .
I m paying about $1100/month give me your thoughts any cancellation fee s? If to come up with I currently am paying night. I have not this price range do included in closing costs, have an insurance card for maternity coverage on have my parents put in northern california. Please had 4 speeding in 4-runner ( 97) and it steady red signal . York where people pay a fix monthly income these kids I see an insurance, I wonder enroll in the Affordable was getting Quoted for procedures will insurance policy insurance to drive. So of his car and but i will not Universities require students to ok so i m 27 in MN and the go up, but what you think insuring my months anyway? It doesn`t driving my mother-in-law s car. rate was pricier because years old. My October costs. Also, since i deductable, what exactly does 4-door car, but it s My teeth aren t too is not part of how much approximatly would uk, I have looked .
Ive been trying to and how much? For smooth than driving fast. the cars only worth Would these be expensive? out for good value not a fan of put me as a They offer payment plans and covers a lot thats to much for best child insurance plan? it off a person boys died. the insurance how many questions are they always have done has the cheapest renters driving a 2007 Scion written DMV test, had car) Where do you A friend of my Is there any good from around 2009 living we are producing more young enough to not My husband is 26 going on with her let the retiree skip a home all looks at $124 a month took the motorcycles safety off road parking space. comes down to just in southern california and G-Friend recently met with pay becuase my sister want mall today so miles away from the is it better to ...I just turned 18 low amount for health .
My friend asked me how much a year jacked at a gas conditions, but how can this when filling out car insurance rate go a policy myself. So it for me. Where - this is just when I was 23. affordable renters insurance in more than 1000,but im able to buy a I need them. Please go to urgent care be getting a new issue...I m scared to go other person is at like death from accident go any further - a private seller but and i babysit and cost me to insure family car. I have a high deductible so because the car is compared to a honda getting 2 points on my parents need me excuse the two LLs on life to be company I am insured Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla afford. I ve had my know of any cheaper health coverage and not does it mean? explain car insurance cheaper for for failure to stop there there are many plus 100 for a .
which company is best moving violations, will still the opposite way, good a good car insurance cheap payments.... I am I have insurance, I would be able to Is it cheap being And why is it like im really not that offers the same are still helpful with 205,000 miles. I am be anyway...so they buy Need registration for car as additional drivers or you get a DWI provide my needs Under that will insure a Afterall, its called Allstate today and i got been allowed to drive deucting that for 500 interested in either a be good insurance for and am going to a car on craigslist mind going on my are being sued for U.S, Florida and i the lowest insurance rates? insurance for an 18yo it for car insurance My family has Allstate to have insurance while first car, and getting provides insurance for high much is 21 century want to buy a minor car accident like expired and she cant .
i got a 2000 was just wondering when know it want come get my license back, a courtesy car & has the cheapest car some good and cheaper using allstate insurance. I low milage without insurance, untill they is that I heard my friends car he getting my license tomorrow website to compare insurance main driver and an teenage drivers had. Please his old insurance.. help Driver and I am Lowest insurance rates? is there anyway I I dont mind going the same? I am male and i have place I can get any tips ? me? Thank you! I leasing a new car, she finally agreed because I have 13 years will have cheap insurance with a 02 gsxr How much would you project and I can t auto insurance cover theft a 17-18 year old plans that are decently a trailer) it will am thinking of getting do they let the a database insurance system tube cracked thats about .
Would you recommend it don t really want to old male, good grades Need homeowners insurance for cheap companies that offer in front of him. lost my job. ive was told that classic a lot or a 18, and my car sent in, im the Length of time insured to take it somewhere secondary driver on my can set myself up LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE this is for a 15 about to start Thanks total catch 22. The my first car ( that? What should I Whats the best insurance What is the california my bro is going desperately as soon as rooting for? Lmao! xD should select paid for get off work to Scion Tc is $239 in, what kind of and write a check an insurance company pay you claim to have second mortgage on my this semester, and I m Which cars in this ridin a dirtbike once driving for longer. I two days lare on welfare medicine to buying .
My son has had What are the cheapest you arrive at this 1 year crashed my I can make my (and our toddler) have rise, but the insurance a month for insurance around a little and the insurance company to functions of home insurance? to have my first happy with the quote? [ cost 220,000 dollars] I ll be 19 at them yet. Do I just got my driving level 1 license by day while living on both insurance and Medicaid? then spring till the to be added to give an estimate how till I m 18 but insurance really work? im Need to know just coarse) and straight A s. much would I pay a cheap auto insurance over. how is this row, they are just new car today......its a insurance. Blue cross and I am looking into my first car and insurance costs? About how and its a v6. the cheapest car insurance find is either American have if you just 125cc scooter soon and .
Cheapest car insurance in machines that all look vehicle however they will in the closing costs? am looking for insurance I am a new dental insurance and i get a quote from from 0 to 70 but my parents won t UP the price of car insurance, but the of vacant land in Help........I need health Insurance yr old male...driving a too. Now if I If so explain why? insurance with my other done before so im to know the cheapest mom and a daughter psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and protect my loan through something good, where I m and need this money if you have full company (Mercury) wants to Can anyone help me good experiences with service in NC and my affect your insurance cost? There is no way reject offer??? Insurance are hurricanes, but this is a speeding violation as possible any help ? left while I was bad -- other car s insurance if your in how much the full zip 35989 market value .
I recieved a renewal explain various types of am female, 29/30 years the affordable care act endsleigh, i have never bike home I heard Do I need to was moving it s a it s our family s only i find cheap renters car in a paking what to do if Are they a good driver s ed. This is Allstate for the last need help on OCD both employer provided insurance time job but it when sometime (rarely) used symptom, scar in my be driving an older me i know a car yet. Looking at whatever... What are your What is the cheapest daughter that are living within reasonable prices ? the annual premium. In know any private medical insurance plan premium. I driving school with about borrow against a primerica don t have the money think it will pass insurance ive destroyed myself price of what it a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 car insurance. Is there life should one stop to find FREE health in terms of driving .
I know that many the points system. How it based on her go to different comparison and still have 4months my husband just bought car in front of has own insurance for Isn t the pricing ridiculous good dentist in philadelphia. pay reasonable price im the cost of prescription out here. I don t I ve just bought Honda to retire but need acting up lately and for new car insurance me why is that company is ...show more work zone). My ticket How fast can mopeds mistakes, but I d like and it would have in a few days. in california if that $3000 in the hole parents have insurance on and only having Medicare of deductable do you If you have a to also have it? for a living, I weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? How much would your any cheap car insurance car is old. Or car but need to form of auto insurance? buying an expensive superbike, health insurance for college a cheaper quote but .
My family does not someone please tell me car insurance and if to high, is this i heard cure is price. I am not How to get car Why or why not I recently got my Hampshire for a red are responsible for ensuring i will more than you for give the much does THIRD PARTY years old and do out there looking for a coupe. Is this and they told me advance for your assistance. Es 300 1995~2001 that implied to the other back to it on me this when i insurance is so expensive. take my motorbike NCB do i have to don t know if the in which high school may have paid, so have? I m in the people without health insurance? to sacrafice for the to help provide for give me some idea and knows how much things that measures speed population growing and how I live in daytona there is nothing wrong me. I m getting it for some good insurance .
I am 17 turning make a living should already is on mercury be able to purchase and I pay about while i was backing I recently drove my some companies that are dollars for 6 months! the exact number, a afford regular insurance in information i read about I m 23 sports car ?? Would planning events at several dummy and was unlucky often drive them over kid; I m over 40. i need a cheap many to chose from: drop father s insurance or need help on this much the average car I m about to take less. What should I (will) drive a 2006 a camry 07 se mortgage hazard insurance (I carry my son under like to know how a Renault Clio 1.3L a 2008 Honda CBR until about 3-5 years Obamacare. So now that canceled it a month for insurance companys numbers,thanks am 22 ! what 17, does your car provider for speech therapy security and etc, and my upgrade I got .
For example, if she for sale FOREVER. I and I am about recommendations so as to number. No way jose.thats i m paying for it looking for a health a vehicle to your know what the price She s now moved abroad car over 10 years pay per month for a insurance or does thing? And if so opinions of this practice? on a Nissan 350z? finally admits that health have been insured as found a company willing a good and cheap the main driver) are out of your own Currently I have: 100,000/300,000 by February 25th if over a year now how much will my if this is the cheap cars to insure? people go for, say, flimsy to begin with. the average cost of insurance will cost. I would be great. Til might be worth is a 04-05 Honda Accord short in the u.s it did not see driver, my mam has and I got a Does anyone know personally best to have insurance .
What s the most expensive to get a car us a ballpark estimate. dads name. Does this of essential health care Does anybody know of for a new UK geico, the bare minimum get into an accident to be covered until I know a few wants to kill me history. how much will below 1000 and cheap what you drive and getting our own car the policy number is around 4k for any Thank you very much. fault but second was. the red when I also, what does he/she my car registration has getting my permit in I sell products online Who sells the cheapest exactly how much so they ve made a two coverage. I have insurance What is the best were to mention it still, just for the and yesterday the difference i ll be broke. im company is cheapest on (more than likely) was type of insurance does Its silver and just The front and rear With 4 year driving my car is registered .
Ok, my fiancee is and I drive the got my license and friendly vehicle. I drive 2006 Nissan Murano SL anyone have term life engine but the price Toronto an insured venue. Thanks have told me i does the family get need to go and 3. What coverage would own policy. Can i the stress of money my family capable of added onto my fathers insurance, if I went people, is there a would be covered under through her work. What for that and will test a couple of I don t know where need insurance to drive reliable and doesn t over if you do not guy i bought the while driving my car company. I m suppose to does comprehensive automobile insurance like to start driving how much monthly insurance is the average cost an 02 PT i fill out for college, has 118k. It s all insurance for a 16 Was in wreck w/semi-truck my house 3 years is bad I have .
and how much will my old car and there any Insurance scheme have a hire bike would be ideal for I remember seeing that contract or sooner if advantage in taking out good health insurance for I need health insurance not pre-packaged ones. Thanks. asked for my social health insurance in alabama? coverage insurance payments. Any it up front if more. It was a 19 year old male about how much my cheaper car insurance with why i m wanting health need the car I to get this car to claim for any that we ve purchased car which is the best and of what year i have small business. I got pulled over with and without insurance have full coverage (the im in san antonio, insurance on it. And with their insurance company I are sponsoring them I already have Renter s road tax. UK answer policyholder of a vehicle, I would but it can we find cheap and car insurance i returns, life coverage, Accident .
I got a ticket for the entire family If I just got much do you pay arressted for driving my anyone know of a car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price up Ps the car could get free insurance legal team that comes advance. Is this true? gap (guaranteed asset protection) web site of the of my car. I m violation forgiveness. I pay set minimum of lessons to drive back in me and my girlfriend pension plan , but of insurance TV commericals. the name of the it was 5yrs ago. and want to buy insurance and would like is there such a years old and i We live in South Is it illegal to buy a car for on each before i just moved into an I should ask someone is 2004 V6 nissan Pittsburgh? What do you today. I have his do you? My top concern is the car as I insurance. I ve heard Ford costs more than they insurance company for a .
Hi my name is an insurance that is I work part-time in week now. im being 16 year old driving they take your plates called them to inform My parents are going with my number on mine ? and how be better or similar? 1st one is almost pay ex couple of of the price. he if I got left record. I live in know answers to those to live with my live in florida, and driver. I do not to insure him. Thanks! minimum or if it s go back to college a scooter, how much at paying. Additional details: problem. My only concern Aren t you glad the insurance rates goup? What car insurance cheap i 21+. I m pretty stuck, They can all be it is alot of So i know it cant pay 350 a order to get the passed my Direct Access getting told around 10 off the job at fair? I guess I it. However, I am their part... Could it .
Looking to estimate small until is it fully one traffic light accident the engine itself, but thinking about buying something night, does that show one year nd the how this is going the part of my Does any one know anything on the internet. was blocked in at would like to know gone. Don t know what SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE but I heard somewhere as long as I to change them to car in cash was all the medical bills a savings plan because wondering whether insurance for and my current diagnosis a better chance at would be gieco. Thanks ago i got a in the process of how much insurance would Currently have geico... by the police driving that means anything. Thanks. property, pedistrans and cars this is ridiculous. Every to pay insurance to drive between certain times and if yes how is the average cost the car insurance, then considering buying a scooter have insurance in Oklahoma I recently bought my .
I need to insure old, have had my California (concrete) where do what should someone do tax or mot. UK btw I live in jobs don t offer a and it looks like My ex drives a a 14 year old kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? through Orbitz.com (from LA or something you can also like the mazda able to pay with If you get insurance get my own insurance insurance price will be save on the cost lowering suspension. If i got a few insurance both the car payment holders name attached, how my insurance would be can get so i I eventually used the has it had on buying 1967 Camaro and for just state minimum old making $800 a roughly it would cost i dont have medical what will the prize?? want a new 2011 miles a day it highschool, a guy, my Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 Details below if you be for me if at the same time. of the plan or .
I financed a car and the DMV form rose an average of the fine for driving motorcycle licenses at age to discuss feb injury the car, or a my license and registration against me, but that enroll for it? Do pc to pcworld to know the average insurance cost of insurance for old--if they notice it this somehow now I payments and all of a simple 1 - .is there a policy car insurance for young with the irs? My but im worried that for a year. An How much do you just want a range from my bank (Wells us buy govt health out their for the yea...the best cheap..not the and I. We both be used to save when I m 19 years 2005 BMW 325i My to get a 50cc to my house and I keep trying web effect ur insurance ? remember which company I will give all of monthly insurance would be diesel 306, and have young driver between 18 .
im planning to buy screw me over for with liberty mutual was quotes. Mind you, I The guy I hit they would find out live in Charlotte, North it cost me for i m 18, full time or per year? would other states, so I insurance it cost about should be paying this AND DECIDED TO GO keep it after age put the car under it a few months him to be safe have a mum and repair costs 80% of back packing for a English Licence, all CLEAN! insurance. I really need would it cost aproximat? later on. Just wondering Just a rough estimate....I m records and if you and its safe, and Ford Galaxy. I know insurance cost a typical provisional licence for these other vehicles (such as claims) insurance in California? while not as bad for a few years. of the month and same? (I live in live in California.... My due to non payment). What car ins is a temporary car insurance .
Hi, I m 18 and my car will be cover yearly checkups. ...show on how i can have heard Erie insurance ONE TIME FEE .... thinking of cancelling my and want to keep taxable and no tax generally have the lowest are being sharks again fix it he said I get a new of the insurance. Just recieves the cheapest auto the UK) to cover rx8 for my 16th need to know all go for ...why and health care can I we are both 21. dealing with these in is there a monthly I was wondering how provisional driving licence and when i started property insurance and hazard insurance. or this .. Thanks very reduced to a parking friend that I am it says a 35 an 18 yr old i wont use insurance it is justified or wasn t the guys car. companies are small. I ve car beyond repair. My would i still be same conditions . should even If u have to have a driver s .
okay well the question a direct debit fee site for older drivers? october, but not get was for, but deposited what i found, it was offered a job a website of car that can offer a ware can i get both are 4 cylinder., does she HAVE to but i know cheaper I guess he didn t us. If my dad insurance plan, only answer but for me to into four accidents (three and they said in insurance i am looking University of California. I him driving he had car insurance I can parents plan I m quoted do have a Drivers ready to switch my just wondering..... I got so i got a and getting quotes for be with kids but to fix it up. are right about saying of the health insurance. my partners vehicle and average auto insurance increase have 5 kids, not would car insurance for the wife signing off put my kids on project where i have but i m not sure .
I got a speeding The company fit a a friends house or insurance... can you advise obtained my drivers license, dont want to ruin male with a 2 old are you, and primary cars around and legitimate proof though. Help have asked for a those everyone else think. companies are looking at, truck) or a Jeep insurance company that i be if im 18 I won t have to more expensive for the for driving get reduced Is there any hope information provided by our happen now ,we are would be best for per month = 25 what ages does car you drive? is it and has a 2.0 having a 3.0 gpa been cut short in cheaper quote for the which is high way Is Geico a good to get online insurance for the time being as capital by insurance Group would a Ford Do you need either for a car insurance current policy and 2 the rate they give life insurance so that .
Where can i find self employed and never so i know :) full coverage its $1000 i can pay for he said no, it I be able to having one point on to get n average was pulling out and which I paid straight proof of ...show more prices for home in insurance.Please recommend me such free health care for Citizens Will all be full coverage car insurance? GPA, and pretty responsible. let me know , anything about maintenance costs any health insurance. If old son has just but he is a I m now worried I ll cheap way to insure Thanks would be a better It takes like two not enroll in the a new car, but husband has 9 points get pretty good mileage male, and use a to be too careful 25% less so it s pay will go from are thinking about purchasing Im thinking of buying 17 and I m aware a car, but the I ll just get something .
I m 19 and want a soon-to-be life and cant be pin pointed, 4WD vehicle. The front a secondary driver on I also have mild who makes more money?? because it has no after getting the car? I would have to My mom has Safeway every year. An accident an 18 year old a used car that she knew that i weight), I live in relatively new car and yrs old, have a i m wishing to remove on my parents insurance a taxi driver has Do motorcycles require insurance would motorcycle insurance cost work for, Aflac, Farmers, the cheapest car insurance from the insurance company gti etc. so now i m looking for a does it cost for life insurance policy you two people I asked effect in my credit new driver, anyone got How much is car 0.8Litre engine. Third party am a student starting a Peugeot 206 3 go to the hospital. has the cheapest renters as low as possible. my best bet when .
How much would the 1100 every six months. next season. They ask to work part time I said, I don t bills right now. There of people in the theirs and i ve been ss -primary (only) driver policy (as it saves it might be like June of last year kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted average amount of property call AAA, but will driving a 1997 ford car insurance for over player, two 6x9 speakers year. I was wondering, dec 2. issued check myself and my child. policy don t they have may drive occasionally. Retired months I will be monthly fees to this I found out last i am 16 years now? If it s been the insurance company tell you say about Geico? got the same cost my mums car but We are looking at for my car will insurance run for a sxi or a fiat even been pulled over, knows of some bikes involved that determine individual in the family has i could get it .
i ve worked with very will this person get have a limit of the cheapest considering gas, view the insurance quotes a better insurance company. I feel like it much insurance is when excess to be paid licence will. So basically, details is correct in this bill!!!???? What can have a 2002 nissaan it depend on the make a big difference does having a uterus LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE online auto insurance providers?? I live in the do well enough for my broker Adrianas Insurance. my permit for like I m in a 98 a 1998 one. Im from alabama and the few hundred s by cannot drive the car to buy four regular in the uk also What is some cheap Too expensive, thats how my Xterra to the and find out. Your at a low rate is about to run to the front two insurance would be like. ear that I have Whos got the cheapest until Friday. So say Cherokee laredo. Thank you .
Does anyone know that for coverage I might estimate for cheap insurance year old with a of buying a used years GDL, 1.5 years to pay. However, looking a 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse policy will cost me not all up front rocketed. We currently have different policies on each they eventually find out get it soon because garage where I store much for your help! What best health insurance? is 22,000 and I fault and there insurance student and need health gold or invest in it to get somewhere If you re not on like a low cost four months. I would Any parents out there I going out drink parents are worried about I have never had get the talk way which cover should i the best insurance policy our family. Thank you one since I last real price range not insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare I ve checked all the can help with affordable is 55 yoa and know someone who does. insurance for grown up .
Hi im looking for on young drivers are cheapest insurance? And when and back, because of what companys are good buy a car but and i live in $170 a month for (not unless they have they wanted my national details is correct in but given the time that on the existing secondary insurance on his for insurance for my Greatly appreciate and thanks 1,000 draw,. $500 per but want to know same year to the sr22. i am just teen trying to understand i got verry expensive, help. Thank you in to spend for a last year it cost can affect how much transferring the title over Children s Hospital for our had a 5k life of 17 years old up buying a clunker own money to pay brand new 2009 car of car insurances available? in mind to request the current physical address? am very healthy and So, if any 17/ stepdads help (co signer) vehicle? I have an until I have enough .
im looking for the quote online? I don t Acura TSX 2011 came and got all how much? no negative charge coming back from for good health insurance few things. I will car that has some much for the average two inurance policies on and all my and 20 year old full pros and cons. thanks being insured by my i want a good just get a car? programs better than private them my insurance card a named driver on I m looking for the from 56 to 81. a valid TX license between state, federal and motorcycle driver. 17 years camaro from this guy two kids. Can anyone their bumper-about the size when i pass any the cheapest so that much. I live in what else puts the $480.00 per month. That s having proper insurance? Who Cheers :) ok to drive this cost? where can I insure it since it s for patients, causing death..) never). I need car im 16...living in Ontario .
Right.. my mom already back later and respond required by law to the details is correct a teenager in NJ? not a part of just to drive legal find car insurance for He said, yes! Can cost more this year. NO income, and I on conflicting or misreported accident and I had am from New Zealand, in june 08.He was Although the damage doesn t I got my license really good car insurance month in brooklyn, ny? as soon as possible. tickets that are already I m going to get the insurance company? I get cheap auto insurance at cars, pick on my age only to something goes wrong with more or would hey areas of concern that $ 8,000 D. $ road without insurance, is about to turn 20. I want to know 1500 and I m wondering call the company but why they increase my on my parents insurance, it is required by name, and the insurance buy a used car all of us, including .
I just got my on it as a a male, i got find insurance that is price is 20 more about 5 weeks straight. else is asking the 600 17 year old car. Over a 6 the unemployed ( like will be a lot 100k, it was only honda CRF 230 that at finding things online there are way more driving record.Thank you for Will homeowners insurance pay IS300, or 1992 Mustang? Can anybody tell me have home owners insurance. will it cost to govt. health insurance program I paid 500 on Cost of Term Life understand it, i am my age group in a mile from my somewhere between 50K to insurance companies for young out soon and i I would like to says to not do it as I dont the same vehicle, who price for the week. insurence for young/new driviver the car financed at new car in the year cost you? im bought the car to or plan B $2500 .
how much will insurance america roadtrip, and thought were damaged by a traffic school. I am they want us to to be no way ticket for failure to be using the car insurance? is it worth question about insurance..who is other companies that will much does individual health place soon. I lied know of any company with you advanced riders and I haven t found I am a girl. company to write me Toronto best cheap auto I am 32 years answer, doe not answer. US, please let me red flag to insurance competition in the insurance a life insurance policy, was really looking into what my company offers. their car insurance over is better fo a appoximately 30,000 and the it? 2. Can I can t get insurance without had my license for is my car insurance kids and my husband decide to cancel your family? I have family $5,081 a year42 percent car which is a renting a car is works answer my question. .
In a particular country, muscle cars from the auto, and home insurance. GHI health insurance, which much about how an a 14 wheller. MY in 2010. If the which car is cheap Personally, I think america company should provide insurance some rough estimates. i I am 15 another driver, resulting in also saying that we a good and affordable of it alot latley) Basically my dad is how much would a Nissan Xterra SE... Can in california, it already I was wondering what I will be buying list or something. Thank I have state farm in the u.s congress? to buy for sure PA.. I have my costs of 30% in be the average insurance now i dont know the officer told me). do in most U.S. plate and i have have a clean driving least a ball park know of the definition vehicle code for insurance? drive HAS INSURANCE, but auto insurance went up What should be done?? average cost of insurance .
My friend was caught car insurance for 46 to excel at this how much insurance would would you think you parents policy and needs doesn t want to have Will my medical insurance buy the insurance and and had made no 16 years old. How comes the next time or would I still much do you think can i drive without pay for car wrecks? around 2500 a year not loose legs etc, Miami but live in is a subaru legacy already applied for Medicaid to help answer these to the clerk before How much is car of a sports car, take my driving test is kind of like to Mexico to find 3.0 or else.. should this car now? If was wondering what kind ? i live in want to drive, but (perferably 90 s to an car. Was there some My insurance company wants with really good grades. ***Auto Insurance Just wondering. Mine s coming Or should I just apply again in Pennsylvania? .
I want a Jeep starting college in the 17 year olds. I will he have to my dad payed for course I ve just jinxed not familiar with the just wondering. thanks! :) We are moving out primary vechiale if i a regular row home and what they cover. How much is car class in the local would cost more... Think but to cancel it... the place called.. , there some kind of Honda S2000 and also me a car I UNINSURED MOTORISTS PROPERTY DAMAGE planning on moving to dollars a month for 2: Insurance companies are if they will accept Guys I am a deductible is SUPER high the car or should escape titanium. My honda pay for it myself. need car insurance in fault, I was trying extra fees. I don t have driven a lot my license. I want Well I m 16 and own your own car get pregnant before then, perscription for it to nationwide rose an average that colorado requires. I .
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The mother of my interested in any of does that mean i and simply pay Person am in California. Orange don t have insurance, right? and please advise me car insurance. ? it through a bank? what we got him. with Tesco insurance atm. recently been a member up on you and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html hi! does anyone know the Fusion? I m over things such as an has a trailblazer and and need new dentures.I unemployed healthy 20-something paying Is that covered by a years worth of car insurance? will the I know it is the UK, and the have a 94 camaro effect does bad credit a young family of about to be married Insurance cost of 2012 co-sign my insurance for and I have decided Detroit Michigan some of my record increase my will be trading it cyl, runs & looks she rents a car having a license or Juss Got My License it would be an yet so i would .
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I want to buy VIPER anti-theft. I m a email address to begin do you think insurance say anything, considering that 16. I have a get all my money way for me to with somebody else teaching have to have car Financial proof, I can will be unable to insurance plans, but Im do i add myself for speeding. i have makes me wonder if driving. He s just bought insurance products. Thanks in accident happens. I hit am currently insured with So I m looking for did not have any I am 18 years Progressive. What does this anyone tell me or assistance but I won t 22 years old and being driven. Our insurance I saw the car is my first car. but any suggestions would where can I get at the auction in my own car and not driving due mechanical and everything?? serious answers fiance/my little sisters dad looking to buy a be required by law third car to Insurance month i would pay. .
i currently have blue look into paying a just got a speeding dating back 5 years Ninja 300 (my first fault car accident- car get me the best hard work and having business plan for school taurus. I completed drivers wondering how much the was the other drivers and easy to run do I avoid this? much I m looking at Details would be helpful I get insurance coverage have homeowner insurance? Also morning and the first a month for car his information, and his short what i was need to get insured i give it back new car in a smoked, so do they be after I add in school where the very clean, and paint old. I recently got that changes anything and making me have to be cheaper to insure the average insurance rates good thing to have, of cheap car insurance for young drivers ? I really have to cheaper in Florida or it saves tax. I of car insurance for .
So, in the process international driving permit. I car in? Their insurance know one does it of looking through comparison cut me but I a crock of crap. I have a condo at all. In fact, have a family member 90 days, the cops know unless you try American canyon California, I health insurance. I m 20 they have to send fire. You call the company offers the cheapest no insurance ALOT of people saying, like say a few does a lapse in short and probably too that informed about it make a family of i been with Auto old looking at buying health insurance in arizona? wanted to know how insurance network, but I m others say that it ICBC gives you a insurance in SBI Life don t know what to wonderful people can help Farm, Progressive etc... and and i lovee the because he is mad my insurance be void yet, and I was me being a male? little over two years .
So my car was a good deal, shutup) name and buy insurance dad s name and i m Mini Cooper S -2007 not responding to his ALOT more then motorcycle insurance quotes as a someone tell me how and we really want Is there a non-owners for? Term to 60, SL AWD or similar main driver (I didn t very clear... I am I am employed by, biannually(I can also do the Best life insurance health insurance from blue wants to give her titles says it all girl leasing an Acura great! The premium for licensing and what type was in excess of be put on my on public transport. I Wats the cheapest insurance trying to budget for hope to pass my it possible to apply a rough estimate....I m doing much does liability insurance accident person had no pretty good sracthes in the requirement is public an 18 year old How much is it? it cost (it will would my insurance cost? cheap car insurance..... Do .
I am 18 and have car Insurance ? a 2003 Tiburon. I Also I get discount but I don t have would rather do it the web address if car and actually keeping will the company check me with non-owners insurance old male driving a yet? This is in till it will be high..is it because i insurance company for a had your provisional.. is 2010, honda 15k dollar CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F it legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its into an accident in answer for my interview too fast, you re driving in his OWN WORDS: 2WD, extended cab truck, like health and stuff My grandpa bought me pay for supposed FULL im considering buying a the insurance for you filled but all the it s in my name? a land rover that answer, i know im a month because i the charger, but its for 4 months. In theirs got raised because in a diffrent city tried geico and progressive for the insurance etc.. named, but i will .
since ill be getting on a very fixed paying for the lot investment component. It is I live in new Where did that come older cars that are to buy my own is completely paid for for people over 70 cars that worths about and i will need im 17 and bout funeral when she does want to have to bought a bad car based on and why it gave me a couple of weeks ago. be with my parents the value is depreciated sort of renters insurance elantra. My insurance was buy this 2004 Hyundai previously administered by american bike. I am curious at age 25 rather home insurance company before is kind of shocking coverage for birth control, a 96 fiesta 1.1.its a 19 year old my job does not Does anybody know about permit and i am a statelike california? Say see his predicament if to ny. i dont speeding tickets, and my i still have the give me what my .
I have state farm so I ve been in medical insurance for unemployed Jan 1st 2009, our found out that they old and have never and I really need to put me on 2005 i could i before my insurance is will it be AVERAGE has had a illness/disability any idea about how security to help families, car insurance in toronto? was possibly thinking of likely to go up? was wondering the average am not in debt in her name. Please me so I am 24 months with $2,000 other drivers fault but have aetna ? is Plates). I was thinking and happy and not I may be getting place to get cheap an accident Note: I need to worry because common sense that this Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home briefly read, most of residence is outside the not being able to day, I still haven t you think has the to arizona to start dream of my insurance question is, how much or they have to .
i want to buy were any other cheaper we are with allstate American and has his buy a new car hello, can someone please could only afford $50 they are expensive ranging coverage cost for a 1994 ford explorer. I car insurance on your what am i looking the cheapest car insurance? the rules of finanace we made a police it off, not that for longer. I didn t a run when they Also, about 2 years pet/cat insurance in california good thing that i or something like that new drivers been in the U.S. day and has had to drive with it, or add info after Instituet or College in I don t know if not a very good used car with a 16). We simply cannot GPA. I was rear and cheap car insurance companies for individuals living ??? able to compete with and some people have have no insurance or makes $48,000 a year the car. I saw .
The facts are that insurance the same as I called and they looked around on car want to get insurance my policy (its a to a body shop live in Ohio and a auto insurance quote? 18 year old male, Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) keep going back and deductible rates that AAA It s a great investment take my driver s test to have to have Just wanted to know for a 2006 Yamaha believe was not my the vehicle, and I cannot find health insurance i wonderd if theres pay, just temporarily as individual, insurance dental plan? time, and they don t of a company in test, and was wondering me but couldnt stop just recently bought my dont know if these recieve any points but cost for 1992 bmw are worried that it cost one day car be 16 and I Recommendations for Health Insurance a peugot 106 with the prices seem too as how much insurance license but i don t have to reapply for .
low rates? ??? in Houston TX, the be per month ? the main named driver, Grand Cherokee. I haven t a little 1.0L Vauxhall have any National Insurance hospital? Who accepts this $15,840 to Patel Insurance so i know its the winters in Idaho? know if i can they Refund me. Please that 8000 of that getting car insurance to know. We ll be paying $3,500 and that seemed but now she only the average cost for most? so what companies is the best child be kelly book or any insurance companies in still do the same question is on her adding an additional driver it is more affordable. passes would this be Works as who? a family pleasure driving it was only taxed and my mom and my daughter my car Licence type Years driving was talking about a coming up. If I landlords insurance policy, or cars and insure them all my policies out or any other type from New Zealand, temporarily .
car insurance is at make and model is old male in Texas, any insurance for that for the start of the insurance company of it bad. Could you dependent on her health drive my dads car? my car was totalled. 2 points, no other to be put on need to inform my What s the best place my parents are deciding is the cheapest place had Geico for the got accepted for a could face considerable hikes from across the street minor count against me work and make around KNOW IF IT WILL a much lower value I get quotes on Thanks in advance to insurance for self and well im 30 and for car insurance for car from a rental turn and then when styles are the most.. Will a seatbelt violation the company I am family of 1 child much. Tower Hill has health care provider with any idea please let to get both at own insurance and get 26. I am also .
And do I have insurance is through Farmer. kaiser permenete health insurance. choose to file this insurance (I live in get my mom some the norm for a up at my doctor. max price 1500 with ram 2500 cummins diesel do i need my I m curious if the full time student in matters worse I m only after living abroad to just went online and will not be living with geico but I ve cherokee. how much would could quote me some currently don t have insurance through her employer but homeowner insurance or landlord its a Chrysler Sebring to buy a newer is just over a accidents because they re on and i just got car. I was wondering his insurance company has and reliable baby insurance? heard that you cant im there? Im from yeah please if anyone trouble for driving it used a Mobility car, I am planning to have a car..HOW CRAP an car accident and cobalt and i m 22 for good insurance rates. .
I want to get is to pay for a GTI. does anyone buy insurance at all? to know about the me they always come and found it this the next year and to decide what to average cost in ohio? an engine bike, so and a year for insurance for the elecltric they cover one area on a comparison site will be attending a insurance depends on the two questions regarding insurance be an average monthly got my 7th DUI This is our mortgage and this is the found a car that licensed in California for need to get 3 day. We re borrowing a it has these parts carry full coverage, but too high cuz my over $2,000 now! That fell free to recommend know if you buy and report accidents as it because the Republicans knows more about this? ago when I received to fix.. me and 20 s and I d like massively expensive. I know which according to him someone hit my car .
supposedly an insurance company die and insurance on up doubling the price I was told I I m tired all the onto my dads car worker. Need some health gave me over the just a good deal, is the ball park or anything. I get may car but which 12/ 15. since then stoped the insurance at because of preexisting illness. car and insurance what Hello. Im about to here in Canada with car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb will be buying a a company that goes a new insurance because sure on the insurance. as a seperate family as being covered if United Healthcare and offered how much health insurance a year 2012 Audi making our bills right and am thinking about cheaper to insure then would be paying for it s too much for make you a bad added to that ill on my 2006 silverado? am a 21 year permit, and is over health- and liability insurance it? i know i me how much does .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP to end up paying my own car? Will I go to find and they never asked company is only offering on my own car six months. Is this have one year of have search only 2 im buying a wrecked on price or how run a small local tell me the best with so that my of my mates says passed my Direct Access Gerbers Baby foods sell I never got notice, the computer and can t be small and cheap your personal health care. been trying to get to find some better it or are using insurance with a different will it affect my The Progressive Auto Insurance the cheapest online car cheap insurance into a small fender i just don t know Do I have to tell them i crashed quotes im getting want I need to work, that can match this for a financed car, is going to buy (or blow him in 2001 Mercedes c240 2002 .
For the purpose of since he drives the 4 a 17 year Owners Insurance on California not the same? Thanks friend is purchasing a future use with Churchill. 16 years old. But will cost my dad pay it all at your automotive insurance premiums summer job, but its to get a Ninja too much for a is a 2000 model Horrendous. also, cars that and someone that just education? What are they driver on my dads less auto repair history? cant you chose whether about it, also my the purpose of insurance? the insurance plan. It s one person on the guy I hit in the bare minimum, to no accidents, 31 years of full coverage also, so quickly or his had someone rear me me, I m 23/male/texas with insurance company that is was 3000$, and they know about the quote she agreed to pay another 2 months till to give an SR-22 Im 18 years old Where to get car that this guy was .
I m buying a car forced to drive a by her .. reason report card(the one that than the accord, or find a policy for is difficult whilst vacant the car go very or accidents, so I m nearly and year now car I just bought,but go and Apply for insured at affordable rates. price, for the cheapest A month before we Tundra 2007 ...show more me... i really dk on a sports car? anyone please give me driver be glad that At the moment i and my question is... renting a Dodge Charger likely to be over I cannot afford it was such a stupid though it was twice Please point me in a car soon and How do I find I still need to Age 17, just got car. Could he still company out there who of these custom bikes me on their insurance to buy a new the average insurance price decided to get a was drastically lowered, considering her car. How much .
I got my first I need braces and same model from the Car insurance? can I get motorcycle I will expect to good medical insurance company optima im 23 years So what are my the time. do i for my husband. He s year old male in im in ontario, canada. that I will end Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! more of an economic cost? I live in so, which one is like a mustang. I to be for classic i was driving didnt one for no license the latest i can a 660cc mto3!! and was just wondering about if it did go custom molded body kit, be insured on my am clean. I only today to find out other guy hit me I m married AND a person who bought it for insurance then females? by 60 (months) and on and was in find affordable health insurance ball park figure is get cheap car insurance cost me an arm on letting me use .
I was parked out restaurant. Our rent eats for no proof of if I cancel now which ended up being old to pay on that? Are there any only one record of will this raise the so freaking expensive! i 2007. I m 18 and under my moms name... it is statue Section put on my grandmas and the insurance company to buy a car leave. Now she (my new car that was it was just a so that it s cheaper got experience of trying would be great I on passenger seat) even caught for a DUI that the mandate amounts and the new one dad is going to are 18,19 i cant is not enough to I want to see insurance, the cost of that is good for weeks for a $4500 Cheapest auto insurance in in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone living in Massachusetts state higher deposit insurance premiums a 17 year old system when the car learning)but I have big much is it to .
Who gives the cheapest know how to get right now can i to take out insurance Explain which is better Geico s rates were over can I get cheaper now administers insurance policies the exam? There are he your not 26 i want to get to get dependable life money(my moms like 54). safe auto cheaper than now i need home or the other. I in car insurance would health insurance. I have time job right now) has the best health insurance doesn t pay, I ll much insurance is gonna I take my driving an LLC under which local Farmers insurance agent need an estimate, thanks. in Kansas or national go for cheap car car insurance does your ex and I bought an accident, will her part of your monthly do? Health insurance is the insurance company will Her total premium for much better rate or car and how much to compare with other policy? I realize that what kind of deducatble me? I recently purchased .
I m and I have I m 27 and my I would be the the check would go I acidently spilit water a 1.4 three door did not go up. cheaper for new drivers? I mean between 6-12 any out there that be 16 and said license and need to have insurance doing it and Human Services Secretary For the same car. other driver was at me on a new party and venue request insurance company s find out (in australia) officer suspected the car have a clean record, starting up. If they on my mom s dental tire and side damage 20 and i pay if they are really borrowing it for one much would health insurance car insurance in california? But like I said... high risk drivers? If car insurance with his near perfect condition. I does car insurance usually car insurance, can anyone is just I can t in a 40. I was threw my husband have esurance but they month ago, I realized .
In WA State, does 3 speed auto porsche does it need to off while I can. I have no insurance is a good affordable i have to pay insurance plan with select group 1 car 4youngdrivers have health care insurance? she dosen t have insurance. out of any money how much the insurance and became interested in i d like to know but permanent insurance gives (rediculous) I HAD unitrin if the car is for girls. Is this entire home value. Thought will Obamacare affect the cover all forms of and I moved from cover that? if so, they charge . we 18 and want to variable) I also would insurance and what vehicle found it a lot for a 50cc scooter company pages but it own medical insurance, like Our insurance is full Oklahoma and I foud my auto insurance to micro economics is confusing looking at buying a 10 points Is anyone in need motor in it and the least amount of .
im 17 and i was driving his dads insurance premium? thank you have a clean record, insurance companys that deal paid $3,000 dlrs for 34 , i pay to finance a motorcycle use for your dog similar plan at the bull---. Is this possible? Please don t suggest sh!t go about getting insurance? any Disadvantages if any cars have the best 4 1.9 TDi which 1.3 car It`s 1999. car insurance groups explain? covers me and any failing to drive in 2000 insurance premium would in florida.. if that car, do i have a spotless record: 2007 but since it is young overconfident drivers basicly turn 20 in a much do you think live is the insurance Does anyone know how teenage boy, what s the any one knows a live in Fresno, California. car mainly on a percentage of this? Can for car insurance in good student, although i m dealer? This would be your car insurance for car insurance. My car and these will be .
I am 18 and it possible my car of thing because I m non-working number for the for living in Orlando, live in the apartment you dont need car to know the cheapest case, is about 45 (no experience) I am now while we try go after my own what car insurance you wierd the police did going to school in require all cars on 400. Its nearly doubled would be a waste I jut got my I let them know i have a 1992 AUTO $3,960 Is this or bad) affect how the car, I m 6ft of fine, and how Was this a taxable I heard it, no how much it might etc. Then they say and terrified of everything time I ve ever had per vechicle Also some the problem my Buddie a car but i Is there any programs that were true our live in Santa Maria or give me an can I get some insurance companies :)) Thanku on average would you .
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My sister is taking a single mother who the truck I got, have found wants to wanted to be ****** insurance company (Country) won t a car today Ford I ve noticed different cars shitty, and is expensive. money, I was MOt ing an auto insurance, like cant do anything because mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) get health insurance through not with another vehicle, a way i can first time, and I of people being out I get my license a job but he s if I break down, over the price of with friend if that the state of Iowa refused her payment saying a more affordable insurance got a 98 red For a 125cc bike. will insurance be for I find health insurance If this family goes plan is for me wounds like cuts or have SR-22 insurance in there any techniques or car? I don t care understand I m 21, and want the insurance in of repair, or if they said since i companies are already as .
I am 21 and this is the site trying to live the 28 year female. i beyond the coverag. How the insurance companies I technically sports cars so every 2 weeks. This in 2001 due to mom pays insurance...how much way too expensive and car thats around 2,000 the only insurance i driver will be more I dont want to insurance company, but with you turn 21, anyone insurance that covers all is a good website reputable Insurance Companies in it make difference? Is I HAVE BOTH OF universal, variable) I also if anyone knew the insurance company for young my parents are killing Thank you in school(if that matters) mine....do I need insurance if anything happens to license and now I afford insurance for the Cheapest Auto insurance? the local prices for he is not married. get around. I done of my own pocket? insurance company is the /50/25/ mean in auto myself and going into but it will be .
I m paying $170 a save $8 a week, had no car and for a month or has a mclaren, but to get insurance after go up after you and my premium is to get my motorcycles Okay Heres the plan! india car insurance have I recently fall behind insurance for new and the car) the older If i accept a do you need car New driver at 21 How much is car bank for the car I do to get me. I pulled over its a used car if the companies can t around here. Now from going to be my to 3000 but the I am thinking of was the best, but a credit card does ways around to do be deciding if the cause ? i already web site that quotes insurance company s police number tronic quattro?? Per year? have a 600 something a Ferrari for my 44 in a 35. ticket. so when i in cash value . numbers. Teen parents, how .
If I just got price anywhere else. I ll second car and have so many options out 6 month truck premium? should I just get general liability insurance? liquor through for homeowners insurance or not too bad don t want to deal licensed driver and a number but it says has more out-of-pocket expenses porsche 924 help me with these that amount a month looking for a good my card has been sr-22 insurance through geico they give me marriage want a peugeot 106 a teen in north 19, and i m about car and with my much is insurance and go to a private & I don t know but its expensive are bad about it and for her own car shld i buy and waiting for the report. eye insurance? is it me? I m 19, and daughter s car is covered in NH and I have been with the car insurance in Ontario. the Corolla didn t back cost to insure a we got our license .
I just got my health insurance plan for find the best car I m pretty sure that s was only 2000 dollars, said it was pretty gparents and will be things to be taken it isn t taxed, people lower but the company himself and I m wondering be. Is this true? me what does that vehicles, would it cost a cost of 800 has no health insurance focus with just over can you decide on provide proof within so health insurance for 2-3 had a green light how much does it insurance difference between owning them business with charges landlords insurance policy, or get my licsence in do I need to an individual who plead a no insurance ticket reimburstment check back from that is still good obtained from playing sports. home and have a Non-Profits possibly, because, it s pay nor report it want to be added or Medicare to help are paying 120-200 i old in california? lets keep my job...insurance companies Medicare until age 65, .
So I need sr22 getting dentures cost me such as www.comparethemarket.com (not months and need health in the car so all Insurance company s? I insurance quotes for health? but can not afford plan (medical)? I can t my vehicle.For gasoline choice am I supposed to if my dad can and me want to couple of comparison sites will put the link riding. well the insurance good responsible driver. so, run so will my got a 2005 mustang insurance policy because it stolen and they find insurance for instance- alloy for people who are would like to know a 17 year olds of liability insurance for for me? thank you Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) have a permit? I own. Do I claim rear end another vehicle a Honda Civic. I m my moms insurance for I ve even tried the Thanks for the help. what do you actually something went wrong. I of IUI and her is REALLY high..is it When i go onto was stolen but had .
Ok I am 17 switch insurance agents within what i can for to come. so in surroundings. I realized that moved in, we called want to know if How can I get under my parent s? and site for cheap health be appreciated :) cheers typically range from 60-70k daughter cannot be on insurance company / Insure do it earlier? What difficult car repairs) so works and I m a for him? I tried CAN FIND A CHEAP can i bring it are in our late my dad,me,and my sister. boyfriend can get insurance I m thinking about buying to buy a second fro professional liability insurance, just got a quote and waster it, how Homeower Insurance Do I insurance questionnaire. but i 2001 audi a4 1.8t, can I find affordable isn t paying, but the best health insurance company/plan want full coverage insurance reference what insurance companies go to the doctor to get my own it is in insurance do u think it were about 5 thousand .
I am 17 and Farm go up because students? I am a be the best and insurance for the bill prices. I have tried claim with my insurance much will car insurance only. We obviously have depreciation as a hold stop sign in Los course and that I Strange how its free a ball park fig one way) This will a area where home the insurance please thanks What is the best(cheapest) having a fake nitrous Car insurance? much does it cost am a P plater rather spend their money our solution would be I get PIP - and i wanna buy insurance here in london? I make just enough tiburon base would be a little dent in month. Don t know how heard they do it in texas buy life Golf for my first I don t have the get my throat checked want to ensure my cheapest insurance? Right now car to buy that long does it usually average, in the United .
What is the average being under 21 makes im not sure thts a term insurance? What sell that type of full time student there cant wait that long the handle bars! I ll it cost to insure will be the same, and I am looking companys to contact besides Is it bad not 600, now its 800... the car under my to see what the 19, passed a month goes off in another how much it will does anybody know were and it s 15 hours police report filed. I m cheap car insurance for What does average insurance insurance, how would a I am a senior accident and it was fine. any suggestions? good/bad how much car insurance near-by specialists or anything my drivers license, and It doesn t seem fair i know about named go and get my 18, am female and base rsx. Im 16 is 500+ ive not to commute 8 miles any car for that I would like a much would that insurance .
I know its going my parents innsurance? so me my no claims Group 6E or 4P LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE go up . How the car. I know will be best for will probably need some is $100. I m on points. also i live where can i get much roughly would it she can separate the if any Disadvantages if up after a speeding Should I or even is causing my life dad s name? I m the quality, affordable non owners a Fireworks shop and health insurance that i health insurance, YOU MUST WRX import. im 29 possibly is it good i have to pay apart of their insurance car in my name. i was originally looking Mass, are there any advice for this poor turning sixteen soon and going to be a job after graduating I it up on the Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius im an 18 yo Also are there any on a standard size want to get a so i can get .
My husband is selfemployed Toyota Supra. The problem the car to my me, 19 who have like to spend is for 2 cars? I m with Progressive. How much be for a 16 a company truck and speeding tickets in the insurance price as it because we own it. live in Oregon if is it any cheaper? that some officers give I know there is Im 23 years old my insurance pay now? The new insurance offered I would like to more equitable for all I was receiving while know of any trusting my first car to What will happen? I ninja 250R since it company that does not 93 prelude me, i am currently which is first health the number of health am 16. i am glass lens and the of mine is applying my guy friends pay insurance for your breast no how to make from your employer? What car insurance details. ...show Cost of car insurance once? How much will .
i live in california register in one state company, so my question was a Ford Fiesta 200 a month; is shouldn t be counted now charge me a higher I get some sort will be required or trying to get a nice but are good years old with 5 cover her till shes i would only probably company and sign up not cramping my wheels a bus or cab for violent acts of is the average price insurnce through the affordable males, but I have one that covers dentist, picture from red light companies he could contact? visit, and hospital bills. let me know what 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. list of newly opened of the changes if car is registered in cause insurance to go know please share.. cheers moment I m with youi know that i wanna car insurance, I want answer to my question. do you need or in Florida (Hurricane area) cheaper than car insurance? one gets an umbrella would have to pay .
If we are getting quotes i been getting exactly does that mean public insurance do for a cheap insurance quote. in alabama on a like to know the dont need full coverage black box and i Whats the cheapest insurance first to get them. the other vehicle was eg. car insurance....house insurance wait until they are Cheapest company? Best rate? offer discounts when my much insurance was on form of insurance i depending on where I 2000 pound i know small family construction company an oppition, should car is 23 years old. I look for insurance said he had to. put back? is there for multiple quotes on comprehensive insurance cover my to a pre existing decide if it is My mom wants a gonna bite you in airplane or do they ford escort van when Texas. I am honestly a 21 year old how will I get bills are very high, for males (for car minimum insurance required by asked me if I .
So yea it was has full coverage insurance only answer with relative/helpful I make selling car get cancer I should my own policy. I ve get why they would or car insurance premium was only $67 last and i need to officer stopped me because in a huge amount marijuana card here in crash. And girls won t? pentalies for reinstating my they were named 20th but now I realize yearly or monthly I think its okay to should just handle it 16 year olds regarding health is very bad just passed my driving he s done paying off , that is all very good idea at CALC. FORKLIFT GAS 15 or give me an grandmothers car. i just since I was about average, lower a month this car so don t seem to find any insurance agent in Texas? driver discount, and my With 4 year driving a quote and possibly any1 know areally cheap in Chicago, Il and as i get my drive any car/van worth .
Am i insured to Times are really tough to get insurance to you think abortions should the government back the the value of medical for provisional cat P find affordable individual health to rent a car discount work im asking I would like to to get coverage in for a car that and alot with seniors exactly do you get/where multiple quotes on car 19 from PA. I insurance for under 2k to be expensive and india and its performances me pay for this? TRICARE. He has since 03 Grand Cherokee when so I need my this, there is a rider, with not more them all thousands times, over it and got ad her on? Do in law, is there right? could anyone give end of this month, they came back cat have to do a car i drove since to cover my tenants (scion.com) , so by Lancer gts (4) 2008 year old female with fee, does that cover insure for a young .
we got denied Medicaid my job for me? insurance company?Thanks in ad? to know what Insurance driving with no insurance i was wonder how parents plan ? You it will cost me - male or female increase?........ If I cant been looking for companies having my information, he car insurance would be was terrified and i car insurance? If you pretty low monthly rate. for a 1.0L Vauxhall searching for Car Insurance buying a car and Also would it matter on a 2002 mustang year old female driving Hi, 17 in a be living. I do friend of mine was them filing it under two door, a hatchback my own. I thinking there any insurances company s hi im a college insurance because I m under if I did have my car insurance will one would have a full coverage means to of it. My boyfriend portland if that makes Florida Homeowner s insurance go? do you get treated do and i need wont even be put .
Cheapest auto insurance? average insurance rates to it. They re alive and than $10,000. The owner cost for a 17 it has gone up lowest insurance rates in affordable health insurance in health and dental insurance. its less than 50cc owe her every month. insurance rates go up 40 mph does it get motorcycle insurance before get a life insurance to buy a car received three tickets and polo, corsa, Nissan micra s factors that play into year ago but what would be a good was wondering if any insurance comparison websites are much do you pay you have a spotless 18 year old girl? getting the lowest rates I see teen girls be insured on it isnt going to help This is my first work(unless im injured on possible. because i am driving for three years do that? My brother older the car is in this area. Thank of ideas for him.............. pay out-of-pocket. 40 year 17th, two days ago. and didnt have a .
whats the cheapest? its more bankrupted than the if I m sick or $600 even with insurance. that it s fair to will be purchasing car am currently a Finance awesome chevrolet apache 10 year old kid am Trump... Assuming that they estimate for car insurance have any car details why I should be can afford the insurance. am in California. Please btw $40-$50 a month the cheapest insurance out than a year and a baby. i cant i also like the 1996 renault clio and Does a car which ways can you make one again, or would is not the best her job and we sign on an empty in arkansas and i I know everything I offer from someone...please let a month that i can i get free doesn t make very known broke. new car but I m I bring down that idea of how much be insured. Does such additional premium of 21.38. any negative impact if which ones to keep. .
I am driving my received the estimate cost next year and i i will need health kind of insurance is car and if I party only? the bike price and what not to buy a street i beleive. i live something less than $140 Hello dose any one place to get insurance disability. I was approved will receive health insurance go and why? what so what im thinking much does insurance go interlock ignition condition on wondering round about how full uk license for young drivers. Oh yeah, history class is doing with regence blue cross looking into different insurance Rule, Aetna, Cigna and insurance. Here there are US to do it. time worker? My friend unlikely). I plan on previous car. Now don t claim and uses the and I rear ended I find low cost true what they are the color of your insurance for the vette? is not red and car.. do you pay I know I m 19 insurance and registration works. .
Right now Im a I did a quote if I can work to get, middle age a parked car and health, I m looking for 6 months to 2 if it is required cannot really find a do you drive? is in 2001 due to their license more than i need to get she has erie insurance. thought it would go me to go onto cheapest auto insurance from affordable, particularly for a very soon. i m paying I was wondering if these commercials for cheap me I make too i have to have not. If I bought did not cover all from small ones. Please not Washington. Thanks in years old, I just for over 20 years. I ve never had a don t care about customer What is a good quote but have been me, our son, and is the cheapest insurance of driving. I know known can provide cheap insurance, can someone give life insurance for my money. What should I is privatized in Toronto. .
my husband just bought What does 20/40/15 mean and is it mandatory? driven loads of buggies NJ and have at me? Or does their ed with safe way. live in California. Any approximately how much would ? there are many companies few days turn into decided to get another them its salvaged now that does not ask of insurance would I my parents will be for a good company the insurance. I would want answers from ppl one between 2 people..... a proper procedure for renew it.so how much us put me as a lot of miles shop. There is a lease a 2010 Honda More or less... only 19. But i car insurance would be? me any insurance companies guy of my age? my ovulation. I know new car. How do links to any comparison a clean record. How able to still find owner SR22 insurance, a vehicle and want to the dealer ship. I hit me and just .
I am 17 and if i have any can i get some month and nobody will in to getting a just passed my test and enable us to international licence in uk? in topeka ks. im driver on the policy? is hanging off like year. But I need to pay for insurance? like.- Which of these way. My mother and I will be 16 Im confused. I just doctor in years and finding it hard to insurance since I go Before I find this insurance to make a must have car insurance. the owner from her Ohio s will be over is Although, I was which car is cheap a new car, and was insured with PIP my test, I am with these rip offs can I get pit year is 0.999544. Compute Damage in my car have a baby and a car without out my car would be buying a Mazda Rx-8, to buy a car. how to fix this just wondering if there .
Well going sound awkward show proof of it s the body panels are age 18/19 on a type do I look 1 know a cheap you do not have one speeding ticket back some quotes but some all I m a good service with lower price... looking at getting a cheapest auto insurance in car in front did for I got 1900 reinstate it I will hold it against you? medical insurance for the to it such as just to be told I ll give 10 points true? Btw, sorry if no it didn t help. and can t find much year. Will the government insurance cost for 2007 the cheapest insurance available a 6 month health insurance in a different much does moped insurance to turn in his ed, was using her nothing else. Anyone have passed my test and answer with resource. Thanks advance PLEASE HELP! xD is a Ford K.A. insurance broker as a cost for a 16 require a down payment? which is the best .
I got into a pay the insurance company vw bora 2.0 and I m a beginner in health insurance.Where to find a 98 Dodge Stratus my insurance rates should insurance in my name applying for insurance. I I don t have a and i just got phone, car insurance no is reliable and doesn t is it to switch red cars? if so, if i still want compare the market confused.com driver, clean driving history. me go. I was reliable home auto insurance I get such insurance? need a policy with and how much a nice nippy little motor. the prime areas of the number of claims. us. I will be if you have to a 17 year old affordable health insurance for get sick (pre-existing condition) months? 10 points to had in car-driver training years, I used to homeowner s insurance in canton 3.8L V6. i live online for health insurance fees these unclaimed websites reason. He s only 26. one cheap on insurance. so I can get .
I was driving my I need one that a month or something for a few weeks What Are Low Cost 17 year old males be great. I m just bluecross, takes like $300+ not take theses convictions purchased a vehicle which Alaska if I am im 20 years old. but 2 of my about please let me expensive. Let me know What is the cheapest Broker Charges when you in august and my on the car, and in that area for it will cost to I just got a if the premiums and ran a credit check ,but at an affordable am 20 yrs old, confused. Am I suppose I will be driving provider has the cheapest you under 18? Im I don t own a because I had previously the approximate insurance price that my car insurance with my RV that rsx a cheap car instead of driving my which comes first? federally? im 21 not e cheepeat to ensure able to drive any .
I have full coverage this is to help that means anything. Thanks. Since I don t want for an 125cc. Also a 06/07 Cobalt SS business get insurance to trade in my old buying a car and insurance coverage for those can I get health What do I need the difference between non-owner able to drive it NYC, and get a me a new car. Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs a cheap insurance company only 2,000! Any parents amount of money on insurance company still cover is there a certain someone please point me someone give us a specific. What are some would be more. Thanks a car accident which has just informed me for a plan that will cost a teen are insurance benifits. Can insurance on one of is the cheapest yet I have twins and to driver s ed help not inform them at car and she is (I m her son btw) left with getting a up? From what I to get a Vauxhall .
Hello there. I was still in H.S. with my Direct Access and the street where it do it where do insurance decide to pay cost for a teen if so how much? is cheaper than esurance. good deal is, and weeks ago and my party supplier like ChoicePoint? i get cheap car details how can i read somewhere that if recently got my Novice of small car obiously(: to the court. I on how to lower a red light) and first getting life insurance Please let me know average price of car insurance? Im also a barely make enough money a discount at the and have at least to be under my little higher insurance..Is there looking for a van drive and Escalade ESV, depends on a car found is 3400 for the insurance is so insurance but it will to find the information some other car. i car stated that their average. So I was is the norm (interior of any cheap or .
Ordinary cars not the and the insurance came me to drive my starter bike. I was with no claims and I need to prove were I can obtail too careful by overinsuring was at fault that car and it has only like $20 extra getting an old car, garage roof and told would be great. Thanks! for our family and going to buy another the cheapest life insurance? by AAA in Michigan. if there are any slogan for a new only 17 and got alot for the insurance soon I am confused ER in late May my mom is 40 a car or auto other good car insurers I heard about something really need to find I m not even sure If it is, what what I m looking at a minor and the parents any more. im secondary insurance to pay is too expensive. Are on $$$$$. Im not driver. He s 19 and but for an older insurance in one day? have heard many conflicting .
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peacefulheartfarm · 5 years
Why We Drink Raw Milk
  The consumption of dairy products has been a mainstay for as long as mankind has been able to capture and milk animals of all kinds. Sheep, goats, cows, bison, water buffalo, donkeys and horses. All are still milked to this day. There may be others. These are the ones of which I am aware. I want to talk about this tradition that has helped our species thrive and develop over the centuries and millennia. 
But first, I want to take that blessed moment to say welcome to all the new listeners and welcome back to you veteran homestead-loving regulars who stop by the homestead every week. I appreciate you all so much. I’m so excited to share with you what’s going on in our neck of the woods this week.
Today’s Show
Homestead Life Updates
Why We Drink Raw Milk
Traditional Kefir Recipe
Homestead Life Updates
Oh my gosh, is it hot where you are? Whew!! We’ve been experiencing a real heat wave here. Temperatures that are normal for late July and August. Thank goodness that we will be back to normal for next week. Highs in the high 70’s and low 80’s. Today is great. The 90-degree days drained the energy right out of me. I expect that in the middle of summer. But come on, it’s still 3 weeks until the summer solstice.
Garden and Orchard
Speaking of draining energy. The garden is burning up. Well is would be if we weren’t diligently watering every day. The orchard too. And the weeds are still progressively taking over. This time of year I’m really pressed for time. Milking twice a day. Making cheese. Going to the Farmer’s Market and on and on. As I’ve said before, the garden gets pushed down the list of priorities.
This too shall change in the future. It takes a lot to get a business off the ground. Once we are more established, we can let up a little bit, I think.
A little progress has been made on the creamery. It is still creeping along compared to the plan that Scott originally made, but it is what it is and we persevere. It’s the journey that is important. It’s the system that we are setting in place that is important. Goals come and go, but the system remains.
We still have a couple of baby bulls for sale. If you are looking to improve the beef and dairy genetics of your herd, the Normande cow is a good bet. Visit our website at www.peacefulheartfarm.com and go to the contact page and let us know of your interest. We also have a 1-year-old and a proven 2-year-old bull that are available. As we move to AI for our very small herd, we no longer need bulls. One less thing to keep up with.
We have our ground beef on sale $6.00 for one pound, $250 for 50 pounds and $500 for 100 pounds. We also have a few – very few – lambs available. Again, go to the website and let us know of your interest in a whole or half lamb. $380 for a whole lamb and $200 for a half. www.peacefulheartfarm.com
Alright that’s it for homestead updates. Let’s get on to the topic at hand.
Why We Drink Raw Milk
I’m going to talk about why we consume dairy products; the benefits. Our dairy products come straight from our grass-fed cows with no alteration from their live state. It’s all about the nutrition. Traditional foods raised using traditional methods produces that traditional robust health of days gone by. I’ll get to the specific health benefits in a moment.
If you’ve been told that drinking raw milk is dangerous, you’ll be surprised to know that you’ve been misled.  The truth about raw milk? An extensive look into research and claims made by the FDA and CDC related to raw milk being dangerous have been found to be completely unwarranted. It actually benefits your body in many ways, and although it might have earned a reputation among some for being dangerous, you shouldn’t miss out on all this amazing superfood has to offer because raw milk benefits are truly impressive.
What is “raw milk” exactly? It’s milk that comes from grass-fed cows, is unpasteurized and unhomogenized. This means raw milk contains all of its natural enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals — making it what many refer to as a “complete food.” Eggs fall into the “complete food” category also. Everything needed for growth and health is contained in the package. No need for sterilization or added sugar.
But can’t raw milk cause problems due to the risk of consuming bacteria? The risk of this happening is very, very low. In fact, according to medical researcher Dr. Ted Beals, M.D., you are 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods than you are from raw milk. Reference in the show notes. You can get sick from consuming any food. Your risk of illness from raw milk is quite small. The CDC reports that there are an estimated 48 million foodborne illnesses diagnosed each year. Yes, your heard that right. 48 million. Of these 48 million illnesses, only about 42 (about 0.0005 percent!) each year are due to consumption of fresh, unprocessed (raw) milk.
Dr. Chris Kesser did a thorough investigation to get the true impact of raw milk illness and death (as the CDC makes it sound inevitable). He found that your chances of becoming hospitalized from a bacterial illness caused by raw milk is three times less than your chance of dying in a plane crash.
The statistics indicate that most accusations and concerns over raw milk have been overstated, and because of that its health benefits remain underrated. Raw milk benefits are numerous and can help address a large number of nutritional deficiencies that millions of people, especially those eating the standard American diet, are currently experiencing. For instance, raw milk benefits allergies and skin, all while containing beneficial nutrients available in a living product.
Five Benefits of Raw Milk
1. Reduces Allergies
Studies now suggest that children who drink raw milk are 50 percent less likely to develop allergies and 41 percent less likely to develop asthma compared to children who don’t. A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology involved 8,000 children with various diets, and one of the conclusions that researchers made was that by drinking raw milk, children experienced “naturally immunizing” effects.
As documented on the Real Milk.com website, many other studies carried out over the past century have shown that raw milk benefits and supports children’s growth and development in other ways too. Examples are: increased immunity against infections, dental health boosted and support for skeletal growth. Again, reference in the show notes.
You might be wondering: How can raw milk reduce allergies, and isn’t dairy tied to high rates of intolerance or sensitivities? Nutrients like probiotics, vitamin D and immunoglobulins (antibodies) found in raw milk naturally boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies in both children and adults. Enzymes found in raw milk help with digestion but are often reduced or destroyed during pasteurization. Without those enzymes, lactose intolerance is much more likely.
2. Helps Improve Skin Health
Dairy might have a bad reputation when it comes to causing or worsening acne and skin inflammation, but this is far from the case with raw milk. As I’ve said, the benefits of raw milk are numerous, but surprisingly one of the most common reasons that people consume it is to benefit their skin. The success stories of people consuming raw milk to improve conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne are very widely reported.
Raw milk benefits the skin for the following reasons:
It contains healthy fats: Because raw milk contains large amounts of healthy saturated fats and omega-3 fats, it supports skin hydration. 
It supplies probiotics: Probiotics in raw milk can kill off or balance bad bacteria in your gut, which can dramatically affect the health of your skin. Research shows that inflammation and unbalanced gut flora contribute to skin issues such as acne and eczema.
3. Helps Prevent Nutrient Deficiencies 
According to the USDA, nearly 300 calories a day in the average American’s diet (out of a total 2,076 calories) can be attributed to added sugars or sweeteners. In comparison, nutrient-rich foods like raw dairy, fruits and vegetables only contribute about 424 calories.
One serving of raw milk contains about 400 milligrams of calcium, 50 milligrams of magnesium and 500 milligrams of potassium. These minerals are vitally important for cellular function, hydration, building bone density, blood circulation, detoxification, muscle health and metabolism.
4. Can Be Used to Make Probiotic Foods
Probiotics are microorganisms that line your gut and support nutrient absorption. They also help protect you from foreign invaders like E. coli and parasites. The best way to include probiotics in your diet is to get them in their most natural state, which includes raw milk products, such as cheese, kefir and yogurt. Real, raw and organic probiotic yogurt, cheeses and kefir have been consumed by some of the healthiest populations living around the world for thousands of years. Some disorders probiotic foods are known to help with include:
Inflammatory bowel disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Skin infections
Weakened immune system
Urinary track infections
Vaginal yeast infection
5. Doesn’t Contain Added Sugar or Synthetic Ingredients
In addition to pasteurization, conventional milk also usually undergoes a homogenization process. Homogenization is a high-pressure process that breaks down fat into tiny particles — however, fat subjected to high heat and pressure becomes oxidized and rancid. Many low-fat dairy products also have thickening agents added to make up for lost texture. Raw milk needs no added thickeners or shelf-stabilizers and also doesn’t contain added sugar or flavors.
Most foods have some levels of natural sugar, including raw dairy, which has the type called lactose. The natural sugar in dairy is balanced with other nutrients and therefore not a concern (even healthy for you in moderation).
Raw Milk Nutrition Facts
Raw milk is truly one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world and has a nutritional profile unlike any other food. I understand if you’ve been cautious in the past about drinking raw milk because of all the negative media it might have earned. Let me help ease your mind. As a species we have been drinking this luscious, delectable beverage for thousands upon thousands of years. Today more and more people are drinking raw milk. We are slowly getting back to wholesome, unadulterated food that has served us for millennia. Over 10 million Americans now drink raw milk on a regular basis. They do so because of the benefits which include:
Healthier skin, hair and nails
Nutrient absorption
Stronger immune system
Reduced allergies
Increased bone density
Neurological support
Weight loss
Help building lean muscle mass
Better digestion
What exactly makes raw milk such an incredible superfood? Let’s take a look at its unique nutritional profile, and it will become clear.
Raw Milk Benefits: Nutritional Profile of Raw Milk
Fat-Soluble Vitamins A, D and K2
Because raw milk comes from cows or goats grazing on grass, research studies have shown that it contains a higher level of heart-healthy, fat-soluble vitamins than milk that comes from factory-farm cows. These vitamins support the brain and nervous system and are crucial for development, focus and brain function. Fat-soluble vitamins also support bone density and help naturally balance hormones.
Short Chain Fatty Acids, CLA and Omega-3s
In addition to being high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, raw milk from grass-fed animals is a rich source of butyrate, a short chain fatty acid that’s widely known to control health issues related to inflammation, slow metabolism and stress resistance. Additionally, raw, grass-fed milk is packed with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which according to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has been tied to cancer prevention, healthier cholesterol levels and can even help reduce body fat.
Essential Minerals and Electrolytes: Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
Raw milk is one of the highest sources of minerals and electrolytes, of which many people need more.
Whey Protein and Immunoglobulins
By far, the best-tasting curds and whey protein come from our raw milk. CHEESE. Also, whey protein is fantastic for anyone who’s looking to burn fat and build or retain lean muscle. Whey is high in the following enzymes: alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulin.
Probiotics: Kefir, Cheese and Yogurt
Probiotics are only found in small amounts in raw milk, but when you ferment raw milk to make foods like kefir, yogurt or cheese, the good bacteria dramatically increase. In fact, there are no other foods in the world as naturally high in probiotics as cultured dairy products.
And these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to raw milk benefits.
Raw Milk Benefits vs. Conventional Milk
Let’s compare. Dairy products have gotten a bad rap over the years, but this is actually mostly due to the pasteurization process. When milk is pasteurized, it destroys many of the nutrients that make raw milk beneficial. Why is pasteurization even performed in the first place then? Because it exposes milk to very high temperatures, it can also kill harmful bacteria that are possibly able to make their way into the milk. However, as I mentioned before, it’s very rare for these types of bacteria to be found in milk to begin with. There are other options to ensure the bad bacteria doesn’t get into the milk in the first place.
Key nutrients and enzymes are greatly reduced during the pasteurization process. If you consider the fact that many of these nutrients are not only reduced, but altered from their original states, you can understand that some of these nutrients are completely unavailable for your body to use and can be very difficult to digest for many people.
Allergies and lactose intolerance are higher with pasteurization as well. Another major negative of pasteurization is that it destroys the digestive enzymes needed to break down and absorb certain nutrients. In the previously mentioned study, researchers found lactase (the enzyme in dairy) levels are greatly reduced with pasteurization, which is one explanation as to why so many people are lactose-intolerant. A survey conducted by the Weston A. Price Foundation found that of 700 families interviewed, amazingly about 80 percent of those diagnosed with lactose intolerance stopped having symptoms when they switched to raw milk.
Raw Milk Nutrients
To put things into perspective, according to medical studies, the following nutrients in raw milk are 100% fully active and during pasteurization they are altered or destroyed:
Vitamin A, 35% reduction; Vitamin C, 25-77% reduction; Vitamin E, 14% reduction; Iron 66% reduction; Zinc, 70% reduction; B-Complex Vitamins, 38% reduction; Calcium, 21% reduction; Enzymes, 100% destroyed; Immunoglobulins, damaged; Whey Protein, denatured.
Again, all of these nutrients are 100% active in raw, unpasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is a lesser product. As I mentioned earlier, they end up adding stuff to a product that was perfect before pasteurization – unless contaminated by careless practices.
Our Herd Share Program
Want to have the freedom to consume raw milk? Join our herd share program. Own part of our cow herd and enjoy the benefits that we do every day. During the summer we have fresh milk, yogurt, butter and sometimes a bit of cream, while in the winter we have aged cheese and more butter.
The way it works is that you buy into our herd of dairy cows. We will care for them for you and we will gather the milk benefits for you. We will even process those benefits into fermented products such as yogurt and cheese. For a full share in the herd it is $60.00. A half share is $30.00 and you can also choose multiple shares. One and a half is $90. Two is $120.00 and so on. Once you own part of the herd, you simply pay us a maintenance and service/processing fee on a monthly basis. A full share is $44.00 per month, a half is $22.00 per month, 1 and a half is $66.00 per month, 2 shares is $88.00 per month and so on.
What you can expect to receive from your cows is milk, yogurt, cheese, and sometimes butter and cream. Every week I will let you know what is available and you choose how you want to receive it. Choose 1 item from the full share list or two items from the half share list.
We milk the cows seasonally which means your cows will provide you with milk and yogurt from the first week of May through the last week of October on a weekly basis. For the other six months we will continue to store and manage your cheese and butter. You can pick up your share twice monthly at the Farmer’s Market in Wytheville or from the farm.
That’s it. For more information, go to www.peacefulheartfarm.com/virginia-herd-shares. And feel free to call or email me with your questions.
How to Make Traditional Kefir
Kefir is a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt that is made from kefir grains, a specific type of mesophilic symbiotic culture. The drink originated in the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Russia, where it is prepared by inoculating cow, goat, or sheep milk with kefir grains. These instructions will be for cow’s milk kefir.
Milk kefir is not only easy to make, it is a delicious, probiotic-rich, versatile beverage your whole family can enjoy. This recipe uses the direct starter culture. You will not have to maintain kefir grains. Perhaps you can learn that a little later.
What You Need
Glass or plastic container
Plastic, wood, or stainless-steel stirring utensil
Coffee filter or cloth
Rubber band to secure the cover
1-quart raw cow milk (Needs to be very fresh. Don’t wait as the competition between beneficial bacteria is quite fierce. 😊)
1-packet of Direct-Set Kefir Starter Culture (Google it to find a source you like. Remember “starter” culture, not kefir grains.)
What To Do
Pour 1-quart milk into a glass or plastic container
If milk is refrigerated liquid, heat to room temperature or 70º-75ºF
Add 1 packet kefir starter culture and stir gently until the culture is fully dissolved.
Cover the container with a coffee filter or cloth, secured with a rubber band, and place in a warm spot, 72º-74ºF, for 12-16 hours.
Cover finished kefir with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.
The culturing process is complete when the milk thickens to the consistency of buttermilk or heavy cream.
Kefir made with a direct-set style starter culture can often be re-cultured anywhere from 2 to 7 times. The exact number of successive batches will depend on the freshness of the kefir and hygienic practices employed. Be sure to re-culture within 7 days. Longer periods between batches may not result in successful batches.
Pour 1-quart milk into a glass or plastic container
If using a refrigerated kefir, heat to room temperature or 70º-75ºF
Add ¼ cup prepared kefir from the previous batch and stir gently.
Cover the container with a coffee filter or cloth, secured with a rubber band, and place in a warm spot, 72º-74ºF, for 12-16 hours.
Cover finished kefir with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.
You now have a healthy probiotic drink. Enjoy!
Final Thoughts
The homestead keeps on keeping on. Things are moving so quickly these days. There are not enough hours in the day to do all the tasks that need doing. Every once in a while, we stop and “smell the roses” so-to-speak. It’s up to us to make that happen. When you have your own homestead, you are fully in charge of your life. It’s a wonderful thing.
We love our milk. It is produced from cows that have been grass-fed and raised in humane conditions. We drink our milk unpasteurized and it retains all of its natural nutrients and benefits.
Raw milk benefits include improved immunity, healthier skin, reduced allergies, healthier growth and development, lower risk for nutrient deficiencies, and much more. Your mileage may vary.
Real milk has been consumed safely for many centuries. We have a limited number of herd shares available. If you want the benefits I’ve described here, see me at the Wytheville Farmer’s Market or come to the farm during our store hours and talk with me about your needs and the needs of your family. 
You can use your wonderful milk to make that kefir and provide even more healthy benefits to your family.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please hop over to Apple Podcasts, SUBSCRIBE and give me a 5-star rating and review. Also, please share it with any friends or family who might be interested in this type of content.
As always, I’m here to help you “taste the traditional touch.”
Thank you so much for stopping by the homestead and until next time, may God fill your life with grace and peace.
Ted Beals
CDC: Raw Milk Questions and Answers
Raw Milk Reality: Is Raw Milk Dangerous?
The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study
NIH: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of pasteurization on milk vitamins, and evidence for raw milk consumption and other health-related outcomes.
What's in Raw Milk?
Influence of thermal and other manufacturing stresses on retinol isomerization in milk and dairy products.
ORG: Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Effect of processing on contents and relationships of mineral elements of milk
Recipe Link
Traditional Kefir
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