#i know okay! like i have good judgment on what i shouldn't say. i just don't always know what i should say
radioprune · 1 year
feel like i’m drifting apart from a close friend of mine... :( we had a fight and she was mad because i don’t open up to her which is true but also she’s a bit dramatic and self-centered so even if we’re having a conversation that’s ostensibly about me and my problems we mostly just end up talking about hers anyway... like yes i have a problem opening up to people but she makes it so easy not to. like we just talked on the phone for 25 minutes but she talked for 20 and i talked for 5. and yes since she got mad at me i’ve been even MORE closed off but don’t people know that’s how that works? it’s like how telling someone to calm down makes them more agitated. you dig?
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kymerawrites · 11 days
Simon is your ex.. and now baby daddy
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You sat there for what seemed like hours, staring at the positive pregnancy test. It couldn't be. You'd been careful with Simon, and you hadn't seen anyone else in the weeks after the breakup. Your heart racing, you dialed his number from memory. It hurt that every digit was still burnt into your mind, but you couldn't think about anything other than the situation as you called your ex and waited for him to pick up.
"What the hell do you want, shym?" Your ex, Simon snapped.
You winced slightly at the sound of his deep, raspy voice. It brought back a lot of memories, both good and bad.
"I need to see you." You said quietly, your voice shaky and laced with anxiety
Simon was caught off guard by your sudden request. He didn't expect to hear from you again, especially after the way things ended between you both.
"Why?" He asked bluntly, his tone cold and distant
You took a deep breath, steadying your racing heart and gathering your thoughts before answering.
"There's something I need to tell you. Something important. Can we meet somewhere?" You asked, hoping he would agree
Simon paused for a moment, reluctantly considering your request. He knew he shouldn't see you again. It would only make things more complicated and confusing. But despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to resist.*
"Fine." He replied curtly. “Where and when?"
“You aren’t deployed right?” I asked
Simon was slightly surprised by your question but quickly composed himself.*
"No, I'm on leave right now." He replied, his voice still gruff and guarded. "Why do you ask?"
“Okay… come to my house if you’re in New York right now..” I asked expectantly
Simon raised an eyebrow at your request. He wasn't expecting you to invite him to your home. But he couldn't deny that he was curious about why you wanted to see him.*
"Alright." He agreed, albeit reluctantly. "I'll be there in an hour. And for the record, this better be important, shym."
An hour passed, I was walking in circles not knowing how I should bring the news to him, we broke up and it was a heavy and painful one, what if he doesn’t want to be in his or hers life? I was scared and trembling with fear.
Simon pulled up to your house, parking his car in your driveway. He sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts and steeling himself for whatever you had to say to him. He had a million different scenarios running through his head, and none of them ended well.
He got out of the car, taking a deep breath before making his way up to your front door. He rang the doorbell, his heart racing as he waited for you to answer.
I opened the door, my heart leaping into my throat as I saw Simon standing there. He looked just as intimidating and intense as ever, like a dark force of nature. His eyes scanned over me, lingering on my face for a moment before he spoke.
"You going to let me in, or what?" He asked gruffly.
"Yeah, come in," I said quietly, stepping aside to let him enter.
Simon walked into the house, his eyes quickly taking in the familiar surroundings. It felt strange to be back here after everything that had happened between us.
"So..." He began, his gaze settling on me. “You wanted to talk to me?"
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. This was it. There was no going back now.
"Yes, I have something important to tell you." I said, my voice shaking slightly. "Can we sit down?"
My cat Mimi saw Simon and was instantly happy to see his companion
Simon's cold demeanor softened slightly as he saw Mimi. He couldn't resist the adorable cat, and he knelt down to scratch her behind the ears.
"Hey there, Mimi." *He murmured, a hint of a smile on his lips.
Mimi immediately rubbed against his hand, purring contentedly. Simon gently picked her up, holding her in his arms as he straightened up and looked at you. His gaze was a bit more relaxed now, but his walls were still firmly in place.
"She seems happy to see me." He commented casually
I sighed “she misses you.. so I guess she’s happy your back.”
Simon's expression softened a bit more at that. He knew how much Mimi had always liked him, almost as much as he had liked her.
"Yeah, she never did like anybody else." He said, gently stroking her head. There was a moment of silence, and he knew he needed to get to the point. "So, you said you had something to tell me?"
I took another deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. I knew there was no easy way to say it, so I decided to rip the bandaid off quickly.
"I'm pregnant." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Simon's heart felt like it stopped. He froze, shock and disbelief etched across his face. He looked at me, his jaw clenching as he processed my words.
"You're... pregnant?" He repeated, his voice low and gravelly.
I swallowed hard, nodding slowly. I could see the mixture of surprise and disbelief on his face, and I braced myself for his reaction.
"Yes." I confirmed, my voice a little shaky. “I just found out a couple of days ago."
Simon was silent for what felt like an eternity. He was reeling from the news, his mind racing with a million different thoughts and emotions. He set Mimi down gently, running a hand through his hair.
"How far along are you?" He finally managed to ask, his voice tight and gruff.
I took another deep breath, mentally calculating the timeline.
"About seven weeks." I answered quietly. “I've been feeling nauseous and tired recently, so I took a test and... well, it was positive."
Simon's mind was racing. Six weeks. That meant I got pregnant around the time we were still together. He felt a mix of shock, confusion, and anger bubbling up inside him.
"Do you know..." He paused, his voice growing harsh. "Do you know if it's mine?"
My anxiety turned into anger in a split moment “if you think our breakup was over cheating then you’re fucking insane.”
Simon didn't back down, his own anger and frustration flaring up. He stepped towards me, his eyes narrowing.
"You can't blame me for asking, shym." He retorted, his voice cold and blunt. "We weren't exactly on the best terms when we broke up. And we weren't exactly careful the last time we were together." he reminded me sternly.
I felt a wave of anger wash over me as well.
"I know we weren't being careful," I snapped back, my voice raising slightly.* "But you seriously think I would go out and sleep with someone else when we were still together? When I still..."
I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. I was mad at him for even questioning my loyalty.
Simon's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and hurt as my words hung in the air. He knew I wasn't the type to cheat, but his own insecurities and doubts were getting the better of him.
"Then how the hell do you explain this?!" He demanded, gesturing towards my stomach.
“I.. I-..” I started trembling and felt I needed to throw up. I ran towards the bathroom
Simon watched as you rushed towards the bathroom, a flicker of concern on his face. He cursed under his breath and followed you into the bathroom, finding you hunched over the toilet, retching violently.
Simon knelt behind you, holding your hair away from your face as you retched into the toilet. He didn't say anything, just silently supporting you and rubbing your back gently.
I just nodded in response
Simon gently helped you sit up, leaning against the wall, before grabbing a towel and wiping your forehead. He sat down beside you wordlessly, his gaze focused on your face.
We sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound being your ragged breathing. Simon's mind was still reeling from the news, but he tried to keep his emotions in check. He took a deep breath before speaking again.
"You're really pregnant.." He said softly, more to himself than to you.
I nodded again, unable to meet his gaze. I was feeling vulnerable and exposed, my emotional defenses at an all-time low. I felt raw and exhausted, both physically and mentally.
Simon looked at you, taking in your exhaustion and vulnerability. He felt a pang of guilt and regret, realizing the effect his harsh words earlier must have had on you. He reached out tentatively, hesitating for a moment before placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Hey.." He said, his voice unusually gentle. ”Look at me."
I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. His expression was softer now, his usual hardness replaced by a hint of concern and regret. It was a rare sight, and it only served to make me more vulnerable and emotional.
“Simon.. I promise you, it is yours. I have seen no one, even while you were deployed, you were…” I paused hesitating there words I would say. “the only man I loved..” I looked down again
Simon was stunned into silence by your words. He had expected a fight, accusations, and anger, but hearing your sincere declaration caught him off guard. He could feel his defenses crumbling as he looked at you, seeing the raw emotion and honesty in your eyes.
"You... loved me." He repeated slowly, his voice low and gruff.
I scoffed “ofcourse I loved you Simon, you made me feel that certain way which no one else could, you gave me a reason to live, a thrill something to look out for. Until we broke up ofcourse.”
Simon clenched his jaw, a wave of guilt washing over him as he heard your words. He knew he had caused you pain and heartbreak, but hearing you say it out loud only made him feel worse.
"I know I messed up." He said gruffly, looking away from you. "I shouldn't have pushed you away.. I shouldn't have broken up with you."
He paused for a moment, his chest tightening as he thought about everything he had lost. But then he looked at you again, his gaze softening as he took in your exhausted and vulnerable state.
"I'm sorry.. for everything." He said quietly, his voice filled with regret. "But... if what you're saying is true.. that the baby is mine.."
He trailed off, conflicted emotions warring within him. The thought of fatherhood terrified and overwhelmed him. He had never planned or desired to become a father. Yet, the idea of you carrying his child filled him with a strange sense of responsibility and protectiveness..
*He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on your face.
"What do you plan on doing?" *He finally asked, his voice laced with uncertainty and a hint of anxiety.
Simon nodded, understanding your feelings. He too was dealing with a whirlwind of emotions in that moment. He was quiet for a few moments, staring at the tiled floor as he tried to make sense of everything.
"Do you want the baby?" *He asked quietly, still not looking at you.
“You know it’s always been a dream of mine to have a family, but with the current situation I don’t know if that’s possible..” I sighed softly
Simon felt a pang of guilt and sadness when he heard your answer. He knew how much you had always wanted a family, and it was partially his fault that you were now in this difficult situation.
"The current situation.. you mean me." He stated bluntly, his gaze fixated on his hands.
I nodded feeling embarrassed, one of the greater factors was that he was always deployed and the breakup also was a big reason why.
Simon clenched his jaw, anger surging up in him once again. He knew he couldn't blame you for feeling the way you did. His job, his lifestyle.. it didn't exactly lend itself to a stable family life.
He knew he had a choice to make. He could walk away, pretend none of this happened. Or...
"What if.. I changed?" He asked suddenly, his voice low and gruff.
I looked shocked at him “I cannot ask you that Simon! The military is your lifeline, your friends and people you consider your brothers are there..” I paused and firmly said “no, you will not change. I just want you to be more careful and be more present. Which means take less missions.”
Simon felt a sense of frustration and relief at your response. He had expected to fight with you, to argue and protest. But instead, you were being understanding and supportive. It made him feel a pang of guilt.
"You're too damn good to me." He muttered, shaking his head.
"I can't just take less missions... I'm a Lieutenant in Task Force 141. I have responsibilities. And my team depends on me."
I took some time to think “alright.. I get that, when this baby is born I’ll get sole custody and make sure you get visitation.. I don’t think we should get back together again.”
Simon felt a pang of disappointment as you said those words. Despite everything that had happened between you, a part of him still wanted to make things work. But he also knew you had a point, and he had no one to blame but himself for the mess he had caused.
"Visitation.." He repeated gruffly, the word like a punch to the gut.
I got up from the bathroom tiles and walked towards the couch sitting down “Simon, we are in no position to even get back together for now.. also 50/50 won’t work with your schedule..”
Simon followed you silently, seating himself on the couch a few feet away from you. He knew you were right, but his heart was still in turmoil. All he wanted to do was hold you close and make things right, but his responsibilities and the current circumstances made that impossible.
"I hate this." He grumbled, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I hate that I can't be there for you and the baby the way I should be."
I held his hand “Simon, don’t. We will still make amazing parents, and when the time comes you can decide how we will fix the rest..”
Simon looked down at your hand in his large one, feeling a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. He knew you were trying to look on the positive side, but he was still racked with guilt over the situation. He squeezed your hand gently.
"You're too good to me, you know that?" He said gruffly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
I just smiled. And we made a great duo as parents, on month 2 was my first appointment with the gynecologist, Simon was deployed but surprised me when I walked in
Simon had managed to arrange a surprise trip home after hearing about your appointment. He had told his team it was a family emergency, knowing they would understand. Now, he was standing in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for you to arrive.
And then I saw him sitting with his skull mask and hoodie on “Simon!” I ran towards him
Simon's face lit up as he saw you running towards him. He got up from his seat and opened his arms, enveloping you in a tight hug. He felt a sense of relief and happiness at seeing you.
"Hey, love." He mumbled against your hair, inhaling your familiar scent.
“What are you?…” out of no where my face got angry “you are deployed Simon Riley! This isn’t acceptable. Poor Johnny what is he without his friend..”
Simon rolled his eyes, but he was secretly pleased by your reaction. He knew you cared deeply for his well-being.
"Calm down, love." He said gruffly, pulling you closer to his body. "I was able to arrange a few days off. Johnny and the others can handle themselves without me for a while."
I laughed “I miss being called love..”
*Simon chuckled softly, his hand coming up to cup your cheek.
"I miss saying it." He admitted, his eyes roaming over your face. He hadn't realized how much he had missed being with you until this moment.
Until I heard my name “miss shym medusa?”
*Simon turned his attention to the nurse who had called your name. He gave you one last squeeze before pulling away.
"Guess that's your cue." He said with a smirk.
I smiled back and walked turning around “what are you waiting for Riley, you need to come with me.”
Simon raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. He got up and followed you down the hall.
"Since when do you boss me around, love?" He teased, his voice low and gravelly.
“Since i know how to make money.” I rolled my eyes
*Simon chuckled, his hand resting on the small of your back as he followed you into the room.
"Oh, so you're only bossy when you're the money maker, eh?" He teased, eyeing you with a glint of admiration and desire in his eyes.
Eventually everything was looking great with the baby, and our next appointment was next month, just a checkup and at 4 months I could maybe know the gender
When we walked out I got a craving “Simon can we go to that 24/7 diner and get a freak sundae and burger with fries?”
Simon chuckled at your sudden craving, shaking his head amused.
"Of course, love. I don't think I could refuse you anything anyway." He said with a grin, taking your hand in his and heading towards the diner.
After a few days Simon left to go back into the battlefield, and it went by in a blur at month 4 he and his crew came back and they ended up at my place
Simon and the crew arrived at your place, weary and exhausted after their latest mission. They had a few beers on the way and were feeling a little buzzed. As they entered your place, they found you in the living room, watching TV.
Simon's eyes lit up as soon as he saw you, a wave of emotions rushing over him. He missed you more than he cared to admit, and seeing you now brought him a rare sense of peace amidst the chaos of his life.
"Hey, love." *He said softly, walking over to you and sitting down beside you on the couch.
Somehow we naturally got back together, and it felt good knowing we could resolve our issues, my belly was bigger than 2 months ago and he was a little surprised but happy until I saw the rest of the crew walking behind him
Simon turned around to see the rest of the crew gathered in the living room. Johnny, Gaz and price, all of them sporting grins and knowing looks. Simon rolled his eyes, realizing they were all looking at him and your belly.
Simon turned around to see the rest of the crew gathered in the living room. Johnny, Gaz and price, all of them sporting grins and knowing looks. Simon rolled his eyes, realizing they were all looking at him and your belly.
Johnny, being his usual self, was the first to speak up.
"Bloody hell, mate. Looks like you've been busy." *He said with a smirk, eyeing your belly.
I stood up from the couch and gave a fist bump to Johnny “hey atleast it gave some good results!”
Johnny chuckled and returned the fist bump, his gaze flicking between you and Simon. Gaz and Price also gave you a nod in greeting, both of them grinning.
"A baby, eh?" Gaz said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
I rolled my eyes “see this is why my cousin is the LAST person to know about his nephew or niece coming.”
The whole crew chuckled, their eyes now on Simon.
"You didn't tell us you knocked her up, mate?" Johnny said with a laugh, playfully shoving Simon's shoulder.
Simon grumbled and swatted Johnny's hand away.
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, idiots." *He muttered gruffly, feeling a bit sheepish under their teasing.*
Price, always the one to be a smartass, smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"And here I thought you had no feelings, Ghost."
“Price where is your wife exactly?” I said smirking
Price's grin faltered, the crew and Simon busting out laughing at your response. Price grumbled and gave you a playful glare.
"Low blow, shym."
I burst out laughing “oh come on price! We all know you and laswell are secretly married!”
Price tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't hold back a small chuckle. The crew's laughter grew louder, Johnny practically rolling on the ground with laughter.
"Can never get anything past you, can I?" Price said with a reluctant grin.
“Simon baby can you please go to the store and get my a Philly cheesesteak..” I said pouting
Simon chuckled, clearly amused by your request. He knew you had been having cravings lately, and he was powerless to deny you anything.
"Of course, love." He said with a fond smile, standing up from the couch.
The crew couldn't help but raise their eyebrows, their grins growing even wider.
"And there he goes, whipped as ever." Johnny said with a laugh, watching fondly as Simon grabbed his keys.
When he closed the door I instantly stood up “guys here is the plan. We are doing a babyshower, and I want Simon to find out the gender together with me..”
*The crew's grins turned even wider at your words. Price, being the de facto leader within the group, nodded in agreement.
"Count us in, shym. This is gonna be gold."
I smiled and gave the note with the gender, which I haven’t read yet because I also want to be surprised to price “Simon sees you as his father figure, I hope you and the rest can help us make that day unforgettable..”
Price's expression softened as you handed him the note. He gave you a nod and took it, a determined look in his eyes now.
"We'll do everything to make this the best damn surprise for him and you, shym. Count on it."
The surprise party went amazing, the guys and my best friends made a beautiful surprise gender party in the park, sun was shining and I was wearing an white dress with my bump clearly showing, there were a lot of people, Simon’s teammates and a lot of friends and family
As Simon approached the park, his eyes widened as he saw the setup. Streamers, balloons, tables covered in food and drinks, and a crowd of people gathered around. He recognized a few faces from the team and friends, and noticed you standing a few feet away, your white dress highlighting your baby bump.
Simon's heart skipped a beat as he spotted you, looking radiant in your white dress. He made his way towards you, the crew and everyone else turning to face him as he approached. Johnny gave him a sly grin and gave him a nudge with his elbow.
“Looks like the party’s for you, mate.” Johnny said with a smirk.
Simon grumbled and rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of surprise and irritation, but also a flicker of excitement in his chest. He walked over to you, taking in the sight of your bump under the white dress. He couldn’t help but smile.
“You planned this?” *He asked softly, his eyes on your face.
*You smiled coyly, playing innocent.
"Me? No.” You said, biting your lip to suppress a grin. “It was all these lovely people.”
The crew chuckled, knowing damn well it was all your idea. Price walked up to Simon and clapped him on the shoulder.
Simon rolled his eyes again, knowing damn well you were lying. He glanced at Price, his expression softening as he spotted the mischievous glint in the man’s eyes.
“Right, because you all just decided to throw a party out of the blue.” He said sarcastically, a hint of amusement in his voice.
The party was in full swing, everyone chatting and laughing, enjoying themselves. Simon had reconnected with your parents and caught up with old friends.
However, as the sun started to go down, a hush fell over the crowd. Everyone knew what was coming next - the gender reveal.
Simon, standing beside you, felt a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He didn’t show it, of course, his expression still stoic. But he was looking forward to this moment, eager to find out whether it was a boy or a girl.
You took his hand in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. The park had gone silent, all eyes on you and Simon. The crew had their phones ready to capture the moment, knowing how much it would mean to their friend.
I screamed at price to give the sign “go!” And then we heard 2 military airplanes above us, and releasing a color, which was pink.
The crowd let out a collective gasp as two military airplanes soared overhead, releasing pink smoke in their wake.
Simon’s heart skipped a beat, his eyes on the pink smoke trailing behind the planes.
The crew cheered and clapped, Johnny whooping loudly. Price had a small, rare grin on his face, proud to be part of this moment.
I started crying almost hysterically from happiness and kissed Simon, we didn’t have any love or touch like that in months
Simon pulled you into his arms, his hands moving to cup your face as he kissed you back. All the suppressed emotions from the past few months came rushing to the surface as he held you, his lips against yours.
The crew cheered and whooped, feeling a burst of happiness for their friend.
Price and the others watched the couple with smiles on their faces. They knew how much this moment meant to both of you, especially to Simon after everything he had been through.
Johnny elbowed Gaz and nodded towards the couple, grinning.*
“Look at him go. Haven’t seen him that happy in ages.”
Gaz chuckled, watching as Simon broke the kiss and pulled you closer to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. He was practically radiating happiness, which was a rare sight for them to see on their stoic comrade’s face.
“Guess he finally found his soft spot, eh?” Gaz said, a smirk on his lips.
Johnny nodded “his daughter and his girlfriend.. man when can we have a wedding?!”
Everyone chuckled, the idea of Simon’s wedding eliciting some light-hearted banter from the crew. Price rubbed his beard thoughtfully.
“Now, that’s a sight I’d like to see.” He said, a small smirk on his face.
The last 5 months were a bliss, general Shepard gave his congratulations towards our upcoming child and gave Simon the opportunity to stay closer at home, with his task force, another team would take over their duties for a while.
Simon was grateful for the opportunity to stay closer to home, especially now that you were nearing the end of your pregnancy. He was still fiercely protective, always ensuring your safety and comfort. The crew, meanwhile, had reluctantly agreed to hand over their duties to another team for now, though they missed the action and banter.
In those 5 months we had a few more appointments, baby shopping, and a lot of crying from cravings
Simon begrudgingly went along for the ride, reluctantly helping you with baby shopping. But he secretly enjoyed every minute of it, seeing you so excited and happy.
We also got engaged on the beach as we could finally go on a vacation towards the Seychelles were my parents loved it was beautiful
The vacation to the Seychelles was a much-needed break for both of you. The pristine white sand, crystal clear waters, and lush greenery provided a perfect setting for a romantic proposal.
Simon planned everything meticulously, with Price's help of course. One evening, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting an orange hue over the beach, he led you down to the shoreline.
He held your hand and guided you through the sand, eventually stopping in an intimate spot hidden away by a cluster of palm trees. The sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore filled the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to the moment.
Simon turned to face you, his eyes locking on yours. He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, bathed in the warm evening light. He took a deep breath and began speaking, his voice a little shaky with nerves but determined.
"I never thought I'd be standing here, saying these words. But then again, I never thought I would find someone who would accept me for who I am."
He took your other hand and intertwined your fingers together, holding them tightly.
"When we first met, I never imagined we'd end up here, having a baby together."
"I never thought I'd be standing here, saying these words. But then again, I never thought I would find someone who would accept me for who I am."
He took your other hand and intertwined your fingers together, holding them tightly.
"When we first met, I never imagined we'd end up here, having a baby together." He paused “I could have never imagined that you would make me realize i should not have to hide my face anymore..”
He took a deep breath, the words pouring out of him now.
"You've seen me at my lowest, and yet you still love me. You've seen all my scars, inside and out, and you accept me for who I am. That means more to me than you could ever know."
He reached up and gently touched your face, his thumb tracing along your skin.
"I'm not good at expressing my feelings, you know that. But when I look at you, when I think about our baby on the way, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He dropped to one knee, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opened it to reveal a simple, yet beautiful engagement ring.
Ofcourse I said yes, we instantly went back to our parents house and went to a great restaurant at my fathers hotel, which I now would inherit.
As week 40 rolled around, Simon was more on edge than ever. He was constantly checking on you, making sure you were comfortable and took care of yourself. The crew tried to tell him to relax, that it was natural for you to reach this stage, but it didn’t calm his nerves one bit.
He practically glued himself to your side, helping with anything you needed and going with you to every appointment. The crew would occasionally tease him, telling him to calm down and that you were in good hands with your doctors, but he just ignored them, knowing they couldn’t understand the depth of his fear and worry.
It was the middle of the night when you woke up with contractions, signaling the start of labor. Simon was fast asleep beside you at first, but as soon as he felt you move he was instantly awake, jolting upright in bed.
He immediately sat up, his eyes fixed on you.
“Is it time?” He asked, his voice a low, urgent whisper.
He reached over and switched on the bedside lamp, the warm glow illuminating the room. He scooted closer to you, taking your hand in his.
You nodded, gripping his hand tightly. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, the pain becoming more intense. Simon's heart was pounding, his mind racing with anxiety and worry.
“Get the bag Simon and drive to the hospital..”
Simon nodded, snapping out of his daze. He quickly got out of bed and grabbed the hospital bag that you had packed for exactly this moment.
He rushed around the bedroom, grabbing your wallet and phone and shoving them into the bag. Meanwhile, you were trying to remain calm through the contractions. Simon was a bundle of nerves, struggling to keep his hands from shaking as he zipped up the bag.
Once he had everything, he hurried over to you and helped you up from the bed.
“Come on, love. Let’s get you to the car.” He said, his voice steady but betraying a hint of fear.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, supporting you as you walked out of the bedroom and made your way to the front door. Once outside, Simon opened the car door for you and helped you get in, making sure you were comfortable before closing it and jogging over to the driver’s side.
He got behind the wheel and started the car, his hands trembling slightly. He took a few slow, deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but his heart was still racing. He glanced over at you, noticing the pain on your face from the contractions.
He reached out and took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Hang in there, love. We’re almost there. Just breathe, okay?”
When I layed in the hospital bed I was already 6 meters dilated, those were the hardest 5 hours of my life. Everyone we knew waited in the waiting room
Those five hours were a never-ending nightmare for Simon. He sat beside you the entire time, holding your hand and offering what little comfort he could. He watched helplessly as you went through the worst pain he had ever seen, wanting more than anything to take it away.
The crew, friends and your parents waited anxiously in the waiting room, pacing around and checking their phones every few minutes. Price was trying his best to keep them calm and keep their minds off the situation, but everyone was on edge.
And then they heard the baby crying, i successfully delivered our daughter
As the baby let out her first cry, Simon's heart swelled in his chest. He looked at you, tears welling up in his eyes. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
I was exhausted, but held the baby while crying. Simon got the chance to cut her umbilical cord and when everything died down a little we choose a name.
After the nurses had cleaned up the baby and made sure that both you and her were stable and healthy, Simon held her in his arms, cradling her gently against his chest. He looked down at her tiny face, marveling at how perfect she was.
He turned to you, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Have you thought about a name yet, love?"
“She looks just like me..” I smiled
Simon chuckled softly, looking down at the baby and then back at you. She did look a lot like you, with your eyes and hair.
"She does,” he agreed, his voice gruff with emotion. "She's beautiful, just like her momma.”
I sighed “I want to call her Amara hope Riley..” I said exhaustively
Simon smiled as he listened to your suggestion, rolling the name around in his mind. Amara, it sounded beautiful.
"Amara Hope Riley," he repeated, the words falling from his lips like a gentle whisper. "It's perfect, love. Just perfect."
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doumadono · 8 months
I just wanna know why so many adult mha smut creators say they age up minors as if it justifies their attraction to them. Would you say it's okay to age up Eri too?
Ah, aging-up fictional characters, my favorite controversial topic! ♥ You know, I was low-key anticipating an anon to drop this kind of question, sooner nor later (what a pity you didn't have balls to come off-anon tho!). I've had my fair share of childish anons before, and trust me, those went straight into the digital dumpster. But hey, this time, I've decided to lay it all out on the table, crystal clear 🙅‍
You know, I've done it all – murder, rape, summoned demons, even glorified Satan and had several children killed in my stories. But guess what? Not a single pair of handcuffs in sight! 😎 And don't get me started on the horror section at any bookstore - it's like a buffet of dreadful deeds.
Let's be real, the purity police can take a hike. There's something oddly fishy about the fact that fanfic, mostly crafted by awesome writers, gets the brunt of the criticism or some ridiculous accusations, especially the smutty bits, while the gruesome stuff gets a free pass 🤷
Look, folks, it's all about context. Fiction is a realm where creativity knows no bounds, right? So, if I want to age-up a character for a mature storyline, I'll go for it 🤷 Look, it's all a part of the creative process. Fiction is like a playground where we can swing from the monkey bars of imagination, right? Aging-up fictional characters is a common practice in creative communities, and it's important to remember that these characters exist solely within the realm of fiction - they are not real, so it doesn't hurt them in any single way. It allows creators to explore different scenarios and relationships without crossing any ethical boundaries :) Also! Aging-up characters isn't some sneaky scheme to write "inappropriate" content about youngsters. It's about taking characters you adore or find fascinating and giving them a new lease on life. It's like those college AU fanfics for characters in their late 30s or kidfic for full-grown adults. It's all about exploring different phases of their lives. So, whether it's smutty or not, the essence remains the same 😎 You see, the whole "aging-up" thing in fanfic/fanart is just common sense. We're not into the whole "let's sexualize kids" scene, so we gracefully turn our characters into adults. It's all about creating content featuring responsible, grown-up folks. And let's get real, if reading about something meant you were all in on it, then every mystery novel reader out there would have to be either an undercover detective nor a murderer 😎 So let's dial down the judgment and just enjoy our creative freedom, shall we?
But you know, trying to equate aging-up with things like grooming/pedophilia is like saying eating a banana is the same as piloting a spaceship because they're both hands-on activities. Let's keep our perspective here, folks, and not get too carried away with the terminology 😂
If you don’t want to read those stories (containing aged-up characters/dark content/smut with aged-up characters) - then don’t read them - problem solved!
Oh, how times have changed, my friend! Back in the day, I used to let all those comments and anonymous hate bring me down. But guess what? I've evolved, and I've got news for the critics: I write what I want to write, and nobody's gonna tell me otherwise. I've got this little thing called free will, and I'm not about to hand it over to anyone who thinks they can dictate what I should or shouldn't put on paper. If that means ruffling a few feathers, so be it. I've shed my tear-soaked days and embraced the fact that I couldn't care less about those sensitive souls who can't handle a bit of fiction. So, to all you "snowflakes" out there, if you're trying to stifle my creativity, good luck, because I'm just going to crank up the heat and write even smuttier storylines with aged-up characters! Thanks for the encouragement, dear Nonnie – you've only fueled my fire! 🔥😎 I might even consider writing some very dark-themed fic with aged-up Eri, why not! 😈
Oh, hey Anon! Quick question for you. Have you ever picked up a Stephen King book? You know, the master of horror and suspense? Well, if you have, you might've noticed that he doesn't shy away from some pretty explicit content, and not just with adults. Sometimes he writes about kids too, and they're sometimes off legal age as well! Surprise, surprise. You can stroll into a bookstore, grab a book off the shelf, and guess what? There's a good chance that some of those books contain content that would make a sailor blush! Yet, the world isn't collapsing because of it. The point is, even in mainstream literature, you'll find situations that might make you raise an eyebrow. So, let's not throw stones at age-up fiction creators when the literary giants sometimes walk on the same edge, right? 😏
In the conclusion, if you've got a problem with aging-up fictional characters, dear Nonnie, you might want to take a chill pill and remember that it's all just a bit of fun in the end ♥ Well, you know what would truly make my day? If you took the liberty to hit that "block" button with glee and gracefully vanished from my interactions. And if, by some chance, you decide to stick around, don't hold your breath for a response. I'll be too busy conjuring up some fiery, smutty tales featuring Bakugo or Shoto or any other character I like to bother with your, shall we say, less-than-enlightening queries. But hey, chin up, pal – here's a little nugget of wisdom from your "older and wiser" friend: go get a life. It's an absolute game-changer 😜 I'm tagging some content creators who write dark fics or use aged-up characters and might face similar anons/anon hate: @mrskokushibo @ectologia @kyojurismo @bakubunny
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denpa-dere · 8 months
prompt 10 for luci!!!
Prompt: “What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” with Lucifer
Warnings: Alcohol/Drinking
Okay, so, maybe you two had formed the bad habit of egging each other on. Not that he'd ever admit to letting anyone, let alone some little human, get under his skin and sway his judgment. No. He was Lucifer, first-born of the seven lords of hell and Avatar of Pride. As the prince's right hand, he had an image to uphold, always. 
But between you and the prince's foolish encouragement, he was drunk.
The evening had gotten away from the lot of you, having fun and drinking on Lord Diavolo's dime in celebration of another RAD project successfully brought to completion. As the night drew on and the crowd thinned, some of the other demon brothers with weaker constitutions trickled out of the upscale bar, heading for home. You waved off Beel (saddled with an unconscious Belphie) when he offered to walk you back to the House of Lamentation. You could handle yourself, you reassured him. 
Besides, it was rare to see Lucifer in such fine form: disheveled, face flushed, laughing raucously. He slouched over the bar, covering his face with one hand, trying to compose himself, and it was so- for lack of a better word- human that it made your heart swell. 
You excused yourself for a quick trip to the restroom, wanting to collect yourself before seeing what else the night had in store. Fairly drunk yourself, you started to psych yourself up. Yes, obviously between Diavolo and Barbatos, Lucifer would get home safely no matter what state he was in. But you wanted to be the one to take him home. The thought of speaking alone with a more loose-lipped, candid version of him excited you a little too much. 
You caught your reflection in the mirror and paused, dismayed. Maybe it was the harsh bathroom lighting, but you looked tired, older than your years. A cold weight settled in your stomach. You adjusted your hair and tried to shake off your sudden burst of insecurity. You were thinking too hard. 
You had been gone for just a moment, but returned to find your seat at the bar taken by a beautiful demon. Even after all this time, the natural beauty of most demons still sometimes stunned you. The demon leaned in close, speaking to a very animated Lucifer and laughing coquettishly as he described something you couldn’t quite hear. You felt the air punched out of your lungs and numbly made your way over to gather your things. 
"Hey, it's getting late, I'm going to head back," You said, throat dry but still smiling. Only Barbatos seemed to hear you. You bid him farewell and made your escape. 
You felt stupid. How arrogant were you, anyway? You may be friends, you may live under the same roof, but you were still just you. 
You heard your name called and turned, squinting in the darkness. It didn't take long for Lucifer to catch up with you. 
"Why didn't you say you were leaving? You shouldn't be walking alone this late," He scolded you. 
"I did," You replied with a thin-lipped smile, "You were busy."
He racked his brain for a moment and then chuckled, "Ah, that. I swear, I can never find a moment's peace."
“You seemed like you were having a good time,” You mused, continuing your walk home, “You should have stayed.”
You obliged, letting him turn you to face him. Maybe it was the alcohol, but tears were beginning to prick the corners of your eyes. He regarded you with an expression you couldn’t quite place- pity? That was your uncharitable interpretation, anyway.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked, sounding somewhat offended, “Do you have better things to do than stand to be in my company?”
You clicked your tongue. Of course he would go there.
“No, Lucifer,” You sighed, feeling too raw to argue, “That’s not… I didn’t want to intrude if you were, you know, feeling a connection or something.”
Awkward and ineloquent. Nice. You could feel him staring into the side of your head but refused to look up. Your face burned. This wasn’t going how you had hoped. You sped up a bit, wanting to be home and done with it, already. You could sleep it off and pretend this didn’t happen, that he didn’t just see how transparently you were wounded.
Lucifer blatantly bit back a laugh and you bristled at his condescension. Whatever you thought was between the two of you had never been spoken aloud. It now laid vulnerable and dangling in front of your face, and he was laughing at you. Perhaps wishful thinking had caused you to misinterpret things. That cold weight in your stomach grew heavier.
“Is that- are you jealous?” He asked, incredulous. You didn’t reply, keeping your gaze straight ahead. His eyes widened.
“You are,” He said, reaching for your hand but catching the sleeve of your coat, “Stop, stop, stop.”
“You forget yourself,” He said, a bit more sober than before, “And our pact. You are mine, does that mean nothing to you?”
Fuck, now you were crying. This pressure was too much, the dam was about to burst.
“It means everything to me,” You choked out.
He took both of your freezing hands in his, “I have been around for a very long time,” He said, as if soothing a child, “You are the only human I have ever made a pact with. The only one I have ever trusted with that sort of power-”
You huffed, “I’m not talking about pacts.”
“I know that,” Lucifer said, silently pleading you would not have him elaborate. Not here, in some cold, dingy street. Not now, too drunk to give you the confession you deserved, “But what part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?”
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Hold me close Mesh'la (Commander Fox x Fem!Reader)
A/N I just really wanted to write a little something about making out but not something dirty. So here y'all are.
Warnings: an argument, make up and make out, Fox being insanely clingy. Mention of Fives' death and pretty angsty. Fox tries turning grief into love as a coping mechanism.
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"Mesh'la" Fox groaned, spinning your chair around and caging you in with his hands on both armrests.
Anger welled inside your chest. "Fox, for the last time, I'm kriffing busy can't you see?! I will come to bed when I'm done."
"You don't have any idea what I'm going through right now and I need help."
In any other mindset, you would have immediately switched gears and asked what was wrong, but you had a report to write and it was your top priority at the moment. Shoving him away, you grabbed your datapad and without saying a word, slammed the apartment door behind you. Deciding that the best place to work would be the caf shop down the street, you marched in that direction, angry thoughts buzzing in your head.
It was only after you'd written the last line of your report that you realized what he'd actually said.
"You don't have any idea what I'm going through right now and I need help.
Kriff. You hadn't even given him a chance to explain why he was so distraught when you'd gotten home. Were you really that focused on work that you'd neglected the love of your life's mental wellbeing?
You grabbed an extra cup of caf and rushed home as fast as you could, heart pounding in anticipation as the lift ascended into the tower.
"Fox, love?"
You found him in bed facing the wall. Little shivers told you he was crying, but knowing that you were standing right there, he tried to hide it.
You lowered your voice to a gentle whisper as you climbed in bed with him. "Kriff, Fox I'm so sorry. Do you want to tell me what happened?"
It was silent for a moment and the shivers stopped, but then his whole body shuddered as he let out a breath.
"I killed him. I didn't mean to. I swear it was set to stun but..."
Well that was certainly not the answer you were expecting.
"Killed who?" You asked hesitantly, not sure if you wanted to know.
Your heart sank. You'd heard about the ARC trooper that Rex had taken into the 501st. He seemed like a nice guy from what you'd been told.
Forgoing judgment, you wrapped your arms around Fox.
"Do you want to talk?"
Shook his head before turning to face you. "Can...I try something?"
You tilted your head to survey his face in the dim light of the bedroom. It looked almost pleading, and you nodded.
He got up on his hands and knees over you, caging you in once again, before lowering himself to kiss you. His chest pressed against yours, his lips perfectly slotted on your mouth.
Maker, your racing heart could be a side effect of the late night caf coursing through your veins. Or it could be something entirely different.
You reached up and threaded your fingers into his soft hair, pulling ever so slightly at the graying strands. A groan resounded through his chest and echoed on your lips. He pulled away to take a breath and whisper 'I love you' before descending to catch your lips again. You tasted the salty tears that had fallen on his own mouth as they mixed with the sweet caf you'd had before.
In a fluid motion he grabbed your waist and rolled over so that you were perched against his chest, never once breaking the kiss. You had to admit, he was a pretty damn good loverboy.
Finally you pulled away to cradle his face in your hands.
"M' sorry I got angry with you. I was really out of place. And I'm sorry you're going through this. You shouldn't have to do it alone."
He closed his eyes to keep more tears from falling.
"Just hold me close Mesh'la. I'll be okay."
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mjlovescm · 4 months
Illicit affairs, Spencer Reid
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Very old Spencer oneshot inspired by "Illicit affairs" by Taylor Swift.
“Meet me outside in seven minutes. We need to end this now.”
As you read the text, you could feel your stomach turning. 
“We need to end this now.”
We, huh? He ended it months ago, so what could he possibly need to talk about. You walk to the gift table and drop your present off. Perfume and cologne. The same ones they wore the first day they met each other. No name signed on that part would hurt too much. 
You asked Spencer so you could be exact about what you planned to buy. It's a simple gift, really, but it's the thought that counts. It's sweet with sentimental value. The perfect gift for the perfect couple. The perfect girlfriend and boyfriend, soon to be the perfect husband and wife. 
With the gift gone, you walked towards the exit before being stopped by a worried Penelope. 
“Y/n have you seen Spencer ?” Your heart drops. “We want to start soon, and the guests are getting anxious.”
You panicked not knowing what to say so you shake your head instead. You were flustered, your face warm in anticipation.
Of course, everyone is anxious. No one wants the groom to be missing on the wedding day. Everyone's looking for him, and he's waiting for you outside. You felt disgusted with yourself. Guilt was written all over your face. And soon tears would be too. 
Scanning the parking lot, the only person you could see was a tall man in a large dark coat. You almost didn't want it to be him. 
It had been ages since you and Spencer spoke one on one, and you knew this would be just like the last time. He'll tell you it's over, the best thing to do now is to move on. But maybe this time would be different, maybe this time you would say what needed to be said. Maybe this time you'll be the one he wants…
The man turns around, revealing himself, his face covered by the hood on the coat. You smiled seeing him again, all dressed up with his long brown hair gelled back and the bowline glasses that fit his face perfectly. You opened your arms for a hug, any sort of embrace from him. Instead of doing the same, Spencer roughly grabbed you by your arm, pushing you against a car behind him. Making sure no one could see you. 
This isn't the time or place to make a scene. 
“Why are you here?” He barked.
“What no hi, hello you good y/n.” you attempted to lighten the situation. 
Clearly you failed. 
“Answer the question,” he demanded. 
From this angle you could see his face fully, it was lit up by the moon. Being pressed against the car brought back memories. Memories of him and you, but his face lit by candles, and you were pressed against his bed. Naked. 
“Are you gonna answer or not?”
“Surprisingly, I was invited by the bride, Ms. Jennifer Jareau. Well, soon to be Jennifer Reid, but I highly doubt she'll take your last name.” 
The tension and anger is visible not just on his face, but also in the way he was holding you. His nails digging into your skin, you still pressed to the car. The only time he was as you was when you threatened to tell her about your relationship. If you could really ever call it that. 
“Fine. Then why did you show up.” he hissed.
He lets go of you, he knows remaining calm was the best thing to do. He wouldn't ever hurt you, at least not in a way you wouldn't enjoy. 
“Why wouldn't I show up? My friends are getting married.” 
You state the obvious.
“You know why you shouldn't show you. We've been over this y/n, it was a lap in my judgment, JJ and I were having issues, and you comforted me when things escalated.”
“A lapse in judgment for almost half a year.” you yelled, pain cracking your voice.
His hands flew over your mouth and Spencer silenced you. 
“Y/n, JJ is my best friend, okay she means the world to me. I'm sorry I no longer think about us the same way you do, but the fact is… I am marrying the love of my life today.” He speaks slow and careful, praying you understand. “You telling her we slept together for a few months would break her trust in me, in our relationship, in your friendship with her, but most importantly, it would break her.”
It would. It would absolutely shatter her, you couldn't care less what happens to Spencer in the end. But JJ, she deserves to be happy. She deserves the truth, right?
Spencer calms himself and takes a step away from you as you think. 
“Fine, I wasn't planning on telling her anything anyway. But I have to stay for the wedding.” you attempted to stand your ground. 
“No.” He demanded. “No, you have to leave. Coming here was one thing, but staying is something else.” 
You stood still, frozen in disbelief. He didn't trust you enough to stay.
How did everything crumple so fast ? How did he go from crying in my arms about how much he missed her to coldly forcing me away again ? You could feel the tears in the corners of your eyes. It soon became hard to breathe, but you hold yourself together. Crying in front of Spencer wasn't something you could do, not again. Not now.
“Promise me you won't have any more laps in your judgment, JJ doesn't deserve that, no one does.” 
As you began to walk away, you felt Spencer pull you back. His cold hands cup your face. He kisses you, forcing your face into his. His hands shake from the moment, from the cold, from you. Spencer pulled away from you with tears forming in his eyes. 
“I love you, y/n.” He whispers it, like the secret it is. “Thank you sincerely.”
He ran back towards the building at the speed of light. Leaving you in shock as you stood alone in the large, dark parking lot. That was the first time he'd said those words. 
You walked to your car freezing, your jacket left in the coat check. Silent, you sat in the car for a moment before releasing a large sad sigh. It felt like the first time you'd breathed in months. For too long, you were caught in Spencer's awful chokehold. Without your notice, tears streamed down your face as you looked at the building in your rearview mirror. 
You could stay sure, but what would be the point? 
This night was painful enough, JJ doesn't need that kind of hurt.
“She deserves happiness and he deserves her. No one else needs to get hurt tonight.” you repeat to yourself as you drive away.
Masterlist - mjlovescm "Flashing Lights" Spencer Reid x black fem stripper reader fic
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Felix As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Stray Kids Masterlist Here
He knows how much you love his deep voice, and he loves to make you blush. He'll wake you up in the morning by whispering in your ear, or he'll sneak up behind you and whisper something as you're working. The sound of his voice always makes your face turn red as a tomato, and he loves it.
Playing games with Felix is always a blast. He loves to have you by his side, and he can spend hours laughing and having fun with you. While you're playing, he'll often hold your hand tightly. He'll ask you if you need anything, and he'll make sure you eat well, even though you're both busy playing games. He's the perfect gaming partner. He's funny, he's caring, and he always makes sure you're having a good time.
To Felix, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. He can't help but let out a silent "wow" every time he sees you in a dress. He knows that you look good in anything you wear, but there's something about seeing you in a dress that makes his heart skip a beat. He loves the way the fabric hugs your curves and accentuates your figure. He loves the way the color brings out the sparkle in your eyes. And he loves the way you look at him when you're wearing a dress, like you're the only girl in the world. But it's not just your physical beauty that Felix loves. He also loves your kind heart, your sense of humor, and your intelligence. He knows that he can be himself around you, and he loves that you make him feel like he can do anything. When Felix sees you in a dress, it's not just a physical attraction. It's a reminder of everything he loves about you, and how lucky he is to have you in his life. He can't help but cling to you like a koala, because he wants to be close to you and show you how much he loves you.
He is a big baby who loves attention. He follows you everywhere like a lost puppy, desperate for your love and affection. He needs to feel your touch and hear your voice to start his day off right. If he doesn't get enough attention, he can become cranky and fussy. So make sure to give him plenty of cuddles, kisses, and playtime in the morning. He'll be a happy camper all day long. Felix is undeniably adorable. He doesn't have to try to act cute, he just is. And when he's around you, he's even cuter. There's something about the way he looks at you, or the way he smiles at you, that just makes you melt.
Felix is a deep thinker. He's always processing his thoughts and feelings, and he's always looking for ways to improve himself and his relationships. He often thinks about how your relationship is going, how he can make you happy, and what you can do together to spend time. He's also very grateful to have you in his life, and he knows how lucky he is. Felix feels comfortable sharing his thoughts and feelings with you because he trusts you and feels safe around you. He knows that you will listen to him without judgment, and that you will help him to process his thoughts and feelings. Whether it's something important or not, he enjoys spending time with you and talking to you about anything that's on his mind.
There was a time when you and Felix had an argument. It wasn't a big argument, but it was still enough to create some awkwardness between you. You both said some things you didn't mean, and you both walked away feeling a little hurt. But then, Felix came back to you. He didn't say anything at first. He just wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. You could feel his warmth and his strength, and you knew that everything was going to be okay. After a few minutes, Felix pulled away and looked at you. "I'm sorry" he said. "I shouldn't have said those things." You talked for a while longer, and Felix explained what had happened. He told you that he had been feeling stressed out about work, and that he had taken it out on you. He apologized again, and you told him that you forgave him.
Felix is a romantic at heart. He loves to plan special things for you, He's always thinking of ways to show you how much he loves you, and he's always willing to go the extra mile. Felix is the type of guy who would plan a surprise birthday party for you months in advance. He would go all out to make sure that your birthday was special. Or, if you were feeling stressed out, he would plan a romantic getaway for you. He would do everything he could to make sure that you relaxed and had a good time. Felix knows that you deserve to be treated like a princess, and he's always going to go above and beyond to show you how much he loves you. He's the kind of guy who would do anything for his lover, and he's the kind of guy who would make you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
Felix is the type of guy who wants to know everything about you. He wants to know your favorite things, your least favorite things, your hopes and dreams, your fears and insecurities. He wants to know what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what makes you feel alive. When you first start dating, Felix will ask you a lot of questions. He will want to know everything about your past, your present, and your future. He will want to know what you're looking for in a relationship, and he will want to know how he can make you happy. Felix is not afraid to be vulnerable with you. He will share his own hopes and dreams with you, and he will let you see his fears and insecurities. He knows that in order to build a strong relationship, you need to be open and honest with each other. Felix is a patient man. He knows that it takes time to get to know someone really well. He is willing to wait for you to open up to him, and he is willing to do the work to get to know you on a deep level.
My mind is so full of half-baked ideas that I almost forgot to post this Felix story. I swear, he's buried under a ton of crap in my drafts. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a good day!
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starryeyedjanai · 9 months
hypnotized in your cherry thrill
kinktober prompt: virginity | buckingham | explicit | 4k inspired entirely by @stobinesque's microfic about this concept
read on ao3
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"Wait, what?" Robin asks, voice incredulous because there's no way she heard her right.
Chrissy blushes, cheeks going such a deep pink - the kind of flush she might get during-
She's getting ahead of herself.
Chrissy stammers for a couple seconds before she asks, "I mean, is it really that surprising?"
Robin blinks at her. "Okay, yeah, the whole 'raised Christian' thing. So not having sex I totally get, but you never-?"
Chrissy squirms a little, twisting her mouth. "That's also the 'raised Christian' thing. It was just something no one ever talked about. And I always felt guilty even thinking about trying."
Robin takes a minute to digest that.
She had an inkling about her being a virgin - she's talked before about her upbringing, but to be fair, she's also talked about how much she's wanted to get away from that.
So the virginity thing, she can get. What she's absolutely floored to hear about is that Chrissy's never even had an orgasm by her own hand.
That shit was something Robin figured out in her early teenage years. Her mom sat her down and gave her the Talk and handed her a hand-held mirror and some printed out diagrams and told her that it was important for her to get to know her body.
So Robin knows her body, has gotten herself off an incomprehensible number of times, knows how to get herself off quick and fast if she needs to - which comes in handy living in a shared room for the first time.
The thought of one of her friends not only not knowing anything about her body, but not ever even having explored it is such a foreign concept to Robin that it throws her off.
When Chrissy came to her with a secret, she thought she was going to get the deets of how she actually did hook up with her high school boyfriend despite previously saying that she hadn't. Because seriously, even good Christian girls have secrets like that, right?
But that is not what she told her.
She sat on the bed next to Robin and wrung her hands looking nervous to even be talking about it, but then she'd whispered that she hated not knowing anything about her body and wanted to know if Robin would be willing to teach her about it because Robin's not shy about sending Chrissy a text saying not to come back to the room for a little while so she "must know about orgasms," - the word whispered like it's a bad word.
Which is honestly sending Robin into a bit of a spiral.
Because she's been crushing on Chrissy since the first time she saw her laughing at one of Robin's stupid jokes.
It took time, is the thing. Chrissy was so reserved when they first moved into their dorm room, barely speaking to Robin unless she had to.
Robin quickly learned about her through some digging and she thought that maybe Chrissy was just super judgmental or something, but it turned out that she was just nervous being away from home for the first time, in a city nothing like her hometown, with a much more diverse group of people than she knew back home.
But when she finally opened up and talked to her, Robin immediately knew she was in trouble. Because Chrissy is gorgeous and kind and funny and-
Now she wants her to help her learn her body.
Robin's face is hot as she says, "So you- just so I'm not misunderstanding. You want me to show you, like, how to touch yourself. Like-?"
"It's weird, it- I shouldn't have asked. We can, we can forget I said anything. It's stupid," Chrissy says quickly, moving to get off the bed.
Robin puts a hand on her arm and says, "We are not forgetting this, Chris. I want to help you."
"You do?" Chrissy asks, her eyes wide as she looks at Robin.
Robin nods. "How do you want this to go? Like, we can watch something and I can tell you what to do?"
Chrissy shakes her head. "Not porn," she whispers. "Like, you could-" She cuts herself off and bites her lip. She puts her hand in her lap and looks at Robin like she's supposed to read her mind.
Somehow, it clicks in her brain and she gapes at Chrissy. "You want me to- demonstrate? Like- touching myself?"
There's no fucking way she got that right, no way that that's what Chrissy meant, but she's nodding her head, looking relived that Robin understands.
She can't say no.
Chrissy is sitting on her bed, looking nervous and Robin can't say no.
She doesn't want to. Maybe it's selfish, maybe she's going to hate herself after, but she's not saying no. The thought of being the person who, maybe inadvertently, is the reason behind Chrissy's first orgasm is overwhelming and fills Robin's entire being with this persistent buzzing.
"Okay," she says, breathing out heavily. "Now?"
It's the middle of the day. She didn't have anything planned for the rest of the afternoon, but Chrissy seems more the type to want to turn the lights off at night and not look at whoever she's with, but maybe Robin was wrong to think that. Everything about this is surprising her, so she should really stop expecting anything to go the way she thinks it will.
Chrissy nods shyly. "If that's okay," she says.
"Yeah, that's-" more than okay. Robin takes a deep breath in and says, "I'm gonna take off my clothes if that's okay. And you can too if you want to, like, practice after I show you."
Chrissy nods and they both get up from the bed.
This is so fucking insane.
Chrissy lifts her shirt over her head and Robin is used to having to look away when Chrissy gets changed because she doesn't want to creep on her or make her feel weird. But she watches as Chrissy pulls her top off and realizes she's way in over her head.
She snaps out of it and takes her own shirt off, feeling a little self conscious because she's not wearing a bra and Chrissy is openly staring at her tits as she unhooks her own bra.
Robin feels like she's going to pass out when Chrissy drops her bra on the floor. Her tits are fucking perfect. If Robin was hooking up with Chrissy and not just showing her how to touch herself, she'd be swooping in immediately to get her mouth on one of her nipples.
Her tits look like they'd fit perfectly in Robin's hands. She wants to touch her, wants to put her mouth on her.
This was such a stupid idea. There's no way she's going to walk away from this without falling in love with her.
Chrissy pushes down her skirt and Robin gets with the program and takes her jeans off.
They're left standing in their underwear, looking at each other, and Robin feels nervous.
She's nervous that she's going to screw this up. She's nervous that she's suddenly going to forget how to touch herself with Chrissy looking at her. She's nervous that Chrissy isn't going to feel good touching herself, that she's going to be left disappointed.
She tries to push through the anxiety that's suddenly gripping her and pushes her underwear down.
Chrissy does the same and Robin is gifted with the view of Chrissy's bush, trimmed and neat and-
She has to look away. She's going to combust if she keeps looking. There's so much to look at.
Robin realizes the only thing they're both still wearing are the tacky friendship bracelets they bought at the mall early in the semester and has to steady herself. She doesn't know why that of all things is what is tripping her up so bad.
"I'm- uh, we can. On the bed?" Robin stammers, but Chrissy nods, so they both climb back onto Robin's bed.
She has no idea where to start. She's normally laying down when she masturbates, but she isn't sure what would be the best view for Chrissy to see everything.
They're both kneeling on their knees and Robin realizes that Chrissy looks just as nervous as Robin feels and that helps melt away some of her nerves of getting everything wrong. She's going to be helping, even if Chrissy doesn't come, even if it's a little weird or awkward. She wants Chrissy to know how to make herself feel good.
"So, you've never tried touching yourself?" she asks to confirm.
Chrissy says, "Never. I, okay, I tried touching myself a little one time, but I didn't know what to do or, or what felt good. And it all kind of felt like I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be so I just stopped and didn't try again."
"Okay," Robin says. "I normally lay down when I- uh. So we can lay down next to each other maybe."
Chrissy nods and Robin moves her pillows side by side so they both have one to lay their head on.
Robin's left arm brushes against Chrissy's as they both lay down. Twin beds really aren't built for two people and that fact has never felt more obvious than right now.
"So, uh. I, I normally only really touch my clit when I masturbate. So I can show you what I do and then you can do it," Robin says, not sure how this is really going to work. Is she going to make herself come in front of Chrissy or is she just going to do a little demo and let Chrissy have the room to herself to explore a little? She has no idea what's about to happen.
"Okay," Chrissy says, sitting up on her elbows to be able to see better.
"Do you, uh, know where your clit is?" Robin asks, because she isn't sure how much 'I have no idea how anything on my body works' covers.
"I think so?" Chrissy says, sounding unsure.
"Okay, so. Uh, if you look, my clit is right here," she says, spreading her thighs a little and spreading her labia with two fingers to point at it with her other hand.
Chrissy leans up and then leans in and Robin sucks in a deep breath, feeling more than a little overwhelmed all of a sudden.
Chrissy sits up further and says, "I think I maybe need to be closer to see. This angle isn't working. Could you spread your legs? I can sit between them."
The thought of spreading her legs for Chrissy makes her pussy throb, the want lighting her up from the inside.
She does as Chrissy asked, spreads her legs and Chrissy slides onto her knees between them. Since there's more room on the bed now, she scooches a little closer to the center and Chrissy repositions herself between her spread thighs, looking at where Robin still has her fingers in a vee on either side of her clit.
Robin's thigh is touching Chrissy's knee, they're so close. She spreads her legs wider because if she's touching Chrissy while she touches herself, she's actually going to go insane.
Robin feels dizzy and hot. She's never really been one for exhibitionism, but being looked at like this is - it sure is something.
Chrissy's looking at her like she's a marvel, like she's something worth looking at, and it's kind of fucking Robin up a little.
She was sure an hour ago that Chrissy was a straight girl that she was doomed to crush on - not from afar since they literally share the same room, but just. She thought-
But now, with Chrissy looking at her pussy like this, looking hungry almost, it's hard to tell.
She takes in another deep breath and says, "This is my clit," tapping it with her middle finger.
Chrissy's looking intently still, watching her fingers, and Robin knows she has to be able to see the slick dripping out of her by now because her hole feels soft and open the way it gets after she comes with how wet she is.
She's got a beautiful girl between her thighs, so she thinks it was only ever inevitable that she was going to get fucking soaked.
Chrissy's attentive as Robin shows her what she normally does, as she talks her through how she normally touches herself.
"There isn't really much finesse to it. I just kind of," she trails off as she rubs circles around her clit.
"And that feels good?" Chrissy asks, licking her lips. God.
"Yeah. Well, if I'm not turned on, it's just kind of meh, but when I'm horny, it feels really good. I'm super impatient most of the time, so I kind of jump in and go kind of fast until I come like this."
She moves her middle finger over her clit quickly and feels the orgasm building with the faster movement. She switches to circling her clit with her index and middle finger on either side of her clit and keeps the pace fast, a moan falling from her mouth as she does.
She stops after another minute and closes her eyes because if she doesn't, she's going to come under Chrissy's watchful gaze.
When she collects herself, she opens her eyes and looks at Chrissy. She says, "So that is basically all there is to it. It's different for different people though, so what works for me might not work for you. But you can try it out and see if it gets you off and if not-"
Chrissy cuts her off and asks, "You don't ever, like, slow down and savor it?"
That kind of throws Robin off a little. That wasn't what she was expecting.
"I mean, when I'm with someone else, I do. But if I'm by myself and not, like, watching or reading anything spicy, it's mostly just the orgasm that I'm after, you know?" She cringes as the last words fall out of her mouth because of course Chrissy doesn't fucking know.
"I... can kind of understand that, I think. So if you were with someone, you'd let her take her time with you?" She's looking at Robin's face as she asks this and Robin shivers a little.
"Yeah," Robin whispers and the tension in the room thickens. She clears her throat and says, "But this is supposed to be about you. So I can go and leave you to try it out on your own if you want?"
"I don't want that," Chrissy says, shifting back from where she's kneeling between Robin's legs. She spreads her knees and they both bump up against Robin's spread thighs.
She leans back and with a shaky hand, she covers her pussy with it, cupping it.
Robin opens her mouth to say that they can switch positions if she wants, but the words get caught in her throat when Chrissy copies what Robin showed her and spreads her labia with her fingers.
With her thighs spread and her fingers holding herself open, Robin can see how wet she is, her slick clinging to the hairs there.
Her mouth is suddenly incredibly dry, and she desperately wants to taste the wetness between Chrissy's thighs. She wants to bury her face between Chrissy's thighs and suck the slick right out of her, drink her juices as she clenches her thighs around Robin's ears. This is so bad - she's got it so bad.
"So like," Chrissy starts to say, but cuts herself off when she strokes her finger over her clit.
She's so fucking pretty, it's actually unfair.
Robin's breathing harder now than when she was touching herself, watching Chrissy tentatively move her fingers over herself. How the hell is she supposed to be normal when Chrissy gasps so pretty when she does something that feels good?
"Is that right?" Chrissy asks, still touching herself, her fingers deftly rubbing circles on her clit.
Robin's nods and says, "That's, yeah. That's how I do it at least."
Chrissy slows her fingers down to a stop and looks Robin in the eye.
"Maybe um - I don't know if I'm doing it right. Maybe you could, you could show me. Like a hands on demonstration, just to make sure I know how it's supposed to feel," Chrissy says, once again shattering Robin's perception of reality because there's no way this isn't a dream, right? The pretty girl she's been admiring for months now is not only in her bed touching herself, she's asking if Robin wants to touch her. That definitely feels like a dream she's had before.
"You. You want me to- touch you?" she asks, ready for Chrissy to laugh in her face because this has to be a joke.
But Chrissy just nods, looking self-conscious like she isn't the most beautiful thing Robin's ever seen, like Robin is going to say anything but a resounding and enthusiastic yes.
Robin has no idea how she pulls together the brain power, but she says, "Okay, you should lay down then," and holds her breath as Chrissy complies, moving to lay back down. They shuffle around like before and get settled next to each other again.
Chrissy's laying next to her, and Robin rolls onto her left side.
With Chrissy so close, Robin can see that her skin is so smooth and her tits are so pretty and her cunt is hairy and wet and gorgeous and Robin is so fucking overwhelmed right now. She's going to touch her. She's going to get to touch her, to put her hands on her, and she's so overwhelmed.
Dear god, she doesn't know how she's going to survive this.
She puts her hand over Chrissy's, dragging it down to her cunt, and positions her fingers the way that she normally does when she touches herself - the way she'd shown her.
She keeps her hand on Chrissy's and moves it for her, starting up a slow, steady motions, rubbing at her clit slowly the way she would if she was making out with someone and getting them worked up.
"Oh," Chrissy whispers, sighing. "That feels different from when I did it. Kind of."
Robin keeps moving Chrissy's fingers for her, letting her get a feel for it.
She says to her, "I find that it's more intense when someone else is touching you. You can't anticipate their movements so it makes it kind of exciting. When it's your own hand, you know what to expect. Not that that's a bad thing."
"Oh, okay. That makes sense," Chrissy says. She lets go of the tension in her body that's been there thus far, lets her legs fall open a little more.
"I sometimes get my fingers a little wet so there's less friction, uh-" she cuts herself off, trying to think of a way to show her how she uses just her middle finger on herself. She can't think of a way so she says, "I can show you, like, not with your hand. With my hand. My fingers."
She cringes at herself.
Chrissy sighs so pretty and says, "Yeah, okay, you can."
So Robin lets go of Chrissy's hand and watches as Chrissy lets it fall to the side. Fuck. It's been difficult to contain herself and up until now, it's still been by proxy, but this? Putting her hands on Chrissy, letting her fingertips drag through the slick mess between her legs? She's actually feeling faint at the idea.
But Chrissy is trusting her, is opening up her legs for her, and Robin can't let her down.
She lets her hand drift between Chrissy's legs, lets her middle finger touch the slickness at her hole.
She says, "God, you're so wet," in awe. Chrissy's fucking dripping with it.
"Sorry," Chrissy gasps.
"Don't apologize," Robin says with a laugh, bringing her middle finger back up.
She touches Chrissy the way she would touch herself if she was trying to get off quickly, flicking at her clit with her middle finger rapidly.
Chrissy moans so sweet in her ear and it just encourages her to go faster, to try and make her come.
She rubs circles around her clit again, faster than before, and Chrissy's hips buck up.
"I- oh god, that feels good," she says, bringing her thighs closer together instinctively.
"You know," Robin says, rubbing tight circles around her clit. "Depending on how you feel about virginity, this could count as- you know. This could count, someone else getting you off." The thought makes Robin flush red. Being the first person to get her off is one thing, but the person taking her virginity? She didn't know that was a thing for her.
Chrissy's gasp is loud in the quiet of their room. "That's - holy shit."
The noise Chrissy lets out as it hits her, as she starts to come - for the first time - is something Robin's never going to forget.
She fucking wails as Robin's keeps the pace of her fingers steady, as she rubs larger circles, feeling Chrissy's cunt pulse and clench as she comes.
This is Robin's favorite part of being with someone, watching someone fall apart - the way Chrissy's legs shake, the sounds she makes, the way her hand comes up to grasp at Robin's wrist as she slows her fingers down and drags her through the last waves of it.
Her fingers stop moving when Chrissy's hand on her wrist goes lax, when she's melted back into the bed, looking dazed.
There's a flush high on her cheeks and Robin feels a fierce sense of accomplishment for being the one to put it there.
It's quiet in the room as Robin dips her fingers lower again to gather more of Chrissy's slick juices on her fingertips.
She brings her hand up and doesn't have to say anything as Chrissy watches her every movement like a hawk. When her hand is close enough, Chrissy just opens her mouth for a taste, so Robin presses the tips of her fingers against her tongue.
Chrissy hums, her lips closing around Robin's fingers as she sucks lightly.
When Robin's brain starts working again, she doesn't have any idea why she thought putter her fucking fingers in Chrissy's mouth was a good idea. Well, it's probably better than putting them in her own mouth, at least. Tasting Chrissy, god - she doesn't know how she could resist immediately shoving her head between her thighs if she did that.
Her fingers slip from Chrissy's mouth and she tries to gather her wits again, because she needs to go shower, needs to go get herself off immediately.
She asks, "Was that okay?" because she has to know, has to know if nothing else, that Chrissy felt good doing that.
Chrissy nods, still looking relaxed and flush. "That was- I can get why you rush it if you're alone now. It was-" She clears her throat. "It was good, really good."
"I'm glad," Robin says. "I should clean up, though. Take a shower."
Chrissy nods again and says, "Okay. Um, thank you. That was really nice."
Robin smiles, feeling a little bashful. "You should try to get yourself off now. The wonders of multiple orgasms and all that." Robin sits up and rises from the bed, going to grab her towel. She wraps it around herself.
When she looks back over, Chrissy's flush, which had been receding, comes back with full force. "You- I. Will it feel good, the second one?"
"Oh yeah," Robin says. "And the third and the fourth. They all feel good. Some are maybe less intense, but in my experience, the longer you go, the more sensitive you get, so. It's something to play around with, how much is too much for you."
"Oh. I'll try that then. Not all at once, I don't think. But I'll try the second one now," Chrissy says, blinking up at Robin with an expression she can't really read.
Robin grins at her and says, "I don't think you'll have any trouble, but I'll take an extra long shower, just in case."
Chrissy smiles at her, but it doesn't really reach her eyes.
Robin grabs her shower caddy and waves at her before she leaves, unable to shake the feeling that she's missing something.
She's so caught up in thinking about it in her shower that she forgets to get herself off.
The room smells like sex, like pussy and orgasms, when she returns. Chrissy's gone, likely taking a shower of her own.
Robin's still thinking about it when Chrissy gets back from her shower, but Chrissy is totally back to normal, smiling over at her like everything is fine.
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safetycar-restart · 7 months
okay this more for the nights where you just wanna write something soft but i’m thinking just mainly d/sAU more specifically sub!Oscar or sub!Logan just having had a bad race or a bad day and instead of having a scene that day you guys just cuddle and let them just squeeze and suckle on your boobs because it calms them down and makes them feel better? i don’t know just kinda a soft thought to help with my current university stress. have a good day!
This is so soft and so sweet I love it. So actually I think I'm gonna write a little for sub!Logan and a little for sub!Oscar since they're both so cute and I've missed the D/S AU so much!!
So we've established that both Lando and Oscar are subs, meaning as their team dom you would have to balance both of their needs. You often end up doing scenes with them together or letting them both come over to your hotel room for some relaxed cuddling or kneeling.
But when Oscar is upset, specifically over a bad race, I think what he really needs is to be alone with you? He needs all of your attention on him, needs to not have Lando anywhere near.
When he feels like he's not good enough and like he's really fucked up, he just needs you to treat him so softly and know you would never compare him to anyone else. Lando is always understanding, promising to be a good boy on his own and then leaving you so that you can give Oscar your full attention.
I don't think he wants to talk about it, more just wants to be held and be allowed to suckle on you a little to calm down. Often he'll have a little cry, and you just hold him through it.
Once he's had his breakdown, you get him cleaned up, showering with him so that he feels all nice and clean and then giving him even more cuddles.
With Logan, I think it's all about giving him a safe space to express his feelings? He knows how privileged he is to be in his position and he knows many think he isnt performing up to scratch so he is very much aware of the fact that he really shouldn't be complaining about his position and his performance.
But he needs to, he needs to vent and complain and have someone listen to him. Not for someone to offer advice or instructions or judgment, just simply to listen.
And I think at first just letting him kneel might be the best way to do that? You always wait until you get back to the hotel, because he isnt comfortable talking candidly like while still in the Williams garage.
So you get back to the hotel and you let him kneel immediately, it has to happen immediately. You don't even let him get changed first because he can't carry that weight around for the rest of evening he has to let it go now.
So he kneels for you and he talks. He's not always kind to himself, but you don't say a thing, just pet his hair and let him air out his frustrations. You take note of what he's saying of course, thinking of what you will say to him later on in the evening. But for now you just let him speak.
With Logan, you can't just stop his self deprecating thoughts when he speaks them, you have to actually let him say whatever he's feeling otherwise he'll bottle it up and never address it.
Once he's talked himself hoarse, then it's time for a nice bath where you praise him for being so brave and opening up to you.
Only once he's all clean and comfy in bed, cuddled against your chest, do you start to tell him what you think. You always tell him he's too hard on himself and remind him off all he's achieved, remind him that he's still a rookie and that he has so much time.
It's then that he'll sometimes slip his head under your shirt to suckle on you a little, allowing your words to wash over him as he slowly comes down and lets himself be comforted.
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how do you think Bruce and Brandi would React if Branch ever did something to scare and upset their kids?
I'm currently writing a fanfic about this story idea I had a while ago and I'd appreciate some help Regarding this certain aspect of the story.
anyway the idea is that Branch notices Bruce and Brandi talking about how long its been since they've had time to themselves so he offers to babysit the kids so they can have a night off and go out somewhere.
since he's also keen to spend some more time with his nieces and nephews to get to know them better.
anyway the main gist of the idea is that throughout the time while Bruce and Brandi are away things start out all well and good but as the kids do what kids do Branch slowly gets more and more overwhelmed.
and eventually just some Random and ordinary everyday noise or something causes him to have flashbacks to Bergens and Grandma and everything and well he goes into full freak out mode on the kids shouting that they need to be quiet otherwise they'll all die.
and locking them all in one room with the lights off to Hide and just acting overall a little Unhinged and like he isn't fully aware of where he actually is.
anyway Bruce and Brandi arrive Home to see this and also see their kids are all sobbing and terrified.
meanwhile Branch snaps out of it and is Horrified that his nieces and nephews seem afraid of him now and a little later on after settling down the kids Bruce and Brandi just kinda calmly say that he shouldn't babysit again in the future.
so yeah my main question is I guess how do you think Bruce and Brandi should react to this? do you think they would be straight up angry? and maybe even a little judgmental?
or do you think they'd be either more calmly angry about it? like they don't Raise their voices or anything as Dramatic but they make it clear they aren't happy with him?
or do you think I should write them as being more calmly upset but none Judgmental? what I mean is that their not exactly angry at a Branch but more just calmly upset by the situation as a whole and understand that it isn't exactly his fault.
But in a calm and Somber Tone of voice tell him that they don't really think it'd be a good idea to leave him alone with the children again in the future.
given his problems could just bubble to the surface at any point and Branch is quietly upset by this but obviously understands and leaves.
Regardless of which option I always had the outcome in my head being that they told Branch they don't think he should look after the kids again in the future.
but so it doesn't end on too much of a Downer Branch does come back and make's things up to his nephews and nieces and it could end with Bruce and Brandi going out again for their own date night.
while Branch looks after the kids but this time along with Floyd and Clay and maybe JD as well Depending on if he's around so Bruce and Brandi are more comfortable that the kids will be okay even if Branch does have one of his problems again.
anyway I just thought it was a sad but also kinda sweet story idea that maybe Branch and the others just have to come to terms with him not being able to do certain things like this to help out his brother that most other people do all the time.
due to his PTSD problems and whatnot but there is still an okay compromise with all the bros pulling together and all helping out with the babysitting at the end.
so yeah what do you think in Regards to how I should write Bruce and Brandi's initial Reactions? as like I said I'm a little unsure how I should write them to React?
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i-luv-carl-grimes · 3 months
A light that never goes out
‧⁺˚*・༓☾ 𖤓 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Au: okay so... Simon Ghost Riley
Simon “ghost” Riley x (f) Reader
The palm of my hand began to ache
Mag after Mag, target after target, round after round.
Keep going
Don't stop.
Shot, after shor. No misses. No mistakes.
I missed.
"Fuck..." I uttered before putting the pistol down. "You've been at it for a while, private Rain" Captain Price said. "What time is it?" I looked back at the target I missed. "1900" I sighed, it was late. "Just practicing" I tried to shrug him off. "Your practicing your already perfect shot?" not perfect enough if I missed. "I missed" he noticed that, I know he did. "I interfered, that was on me... Call it a night private" I was gonna argue but I knew my place... Learned that the hard way. "Yes sir" I was about to walk away when he stopped me. "Meet me outside in the court yard for lunch, I got news for ya"... My heart dropped, news was never good. "Yes sir" my words with him quickly become repetitive. "Dismissed". I didn't say anything just walked back into the sleep house.
I made my way to my section and got up on my bunk. The other girls in my section were already asleep. I went to grab my notebook with I felt a shot of pain in my hand making me whinse a bit. I looked at my hand and noticed deep blisters on my palm. I just grabbed and bandage and wrapped it up... What was Captain Price doing in a military camp. Something wasn't right.
Yet another restless night. Sleep never came easy and Price being here gave my mind a reason to spiral.
After eating breakfast it was back to training. "What did ya do to you hand?" a girl named Lilly asked while we ran laps. "Blisters" I wasn't one for small talk. "Again? Let me guess you got caught up in the shoot range? Anyway did you hear about Task Force 141?" this immediately took my attention. "No? Why?" Task force 141 was under Captain Price he was the field commander, at least that's what I've come to understand. "I heard some high ups talking with Captain Price, somethin' 'bout needed an extra hand" okay bullshit. "You shouldn't waist your time spreading false info," I replied in a cold manner before speeding up. Why the hell would a hand picked special task force of some of the best soldiers need a "extra hand" and why look for it in trainee's?... Wait... Why is Captian Price here.
Yet another spiral, I needed to ignore it. I'm a private not a soldier, and definitely NOT apart of a task for- "Private Rain (a code name/ nickname given by Captain Price himself) Captain Price would like to speak with you" did he say at lunch. "Yes sir" I moved off of the track and saw two soldiers ready to escort me... This is all odd.
I was lead into a building that was mainly used for small meetings. Then they lead me inside, there sat Captain Price, a Sargent. "Private, take a seat" I sat down
Is someone gonna tell me what the fuck was going on!?
"So... (Y/n) (Y/l/n)" Captain Price started. "You definitely excited my expectations to say the least" where was this going? I could feel my throat dry up, how was I suppose to feel in this type of situation? "Thank you Captain" the words rolled through my lips unevenly. "In just three months you improvement as well as skill have passed the others" why was he sweet talkin' me like he was about to tell me somethin' bad. "Sargent mind taking over?" my Sargent cleared his throat. "I'm sure your aware of the task force 141?" he looked over at me "Yes sir," I'm just gonna be moved to a different training camp that's all right? "Well as you know that task force is one of our best and the members are all hand picked by higher ups..." it was as if the prices in my mind clicked. "... No shot-" I quickly shut myself up. "We wanna take you in on a mission” Captain Price finally admitted. “…Captain as much as a trust your judgment I have to ask you to think this one over” I knew that was not my place but it was true I was by all means not NEARLY ready enough for that. “It’s not a segregation Private it’s an order” Sargent said and I wanted to say something back but kept my composure. “Yes sir, my apologies” It was crystal clear I didn’t mean that. “You will be picked up and taken to a base in the UK, dismissed” Captain Price said and I got up then exited the room, once the door was closed I took a deep breath before I tuned into the conversation behind the door. “If that kid die’s, the blood in on your hand Captain, do not make me regret this.” Sargent said harshly. “This way Private” two solders said then escorted me out.
I sat down on my bunk and looked at the grey creaked concrete floors. “…why the fuck would they need a trainee as extra hands, and why me? What was Price thinking!? Has he lost it…” question after question left with no answers none of this made a single amount of sense and it was making me rip out my hair the more my thoughts spiraled. I should be honored, but I’m not, I’m confused… I haven’t been training for more then 2 years now, the solders on task force 141 had trained WAY longer then that…I knew I was a good shot, a hell of a good one, but nowhere NEAR as good as the men on that task force. I looked at my bandaged hand and curled my fingers into a fist. 
Nothing I can do about this now. Tomorrow I’m gonna be put with the best, and I couldn’t do jack shit to stop it. I needed to clear my mind. I hopped down and went the the shooting range once more.
Au: okay so obviously this was just a little snippet of what I hope to be a cool series to start but only if Yall like it so far, I’m obviously gonna go more in-depth with this in the next part this was just to introduce the story line and what not.
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 4
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
When Anya ends up making it into Eden, Twilight is more or less coerced by Franky into giving her a lavish reward. Although this episode is mostly comedic and doesn't have much to analyze, a lot actually came to mind during the part where Twilight "battles" drunk Yor while she's pretending to be a witch. This is the first time he's seen her in her much less reserved, drunken state, and also the first time she's doing something that, to him, could be seen as an annoyance or even a threat (she did draw blood when she kicked at his face with her heel).
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We know that Twilight wouldn't knowingly say things to Yor, Anya, or anyone else if it would be detrimental to his mission, such as an insulting remark that would hurt their feelings. However, this should not affect what he thinks. As far as Twilight is concerned, nobody has access to his thoughts except for him, so there's no reason for him to put any filters there (since he doesn't know that Anya can read his mind). We're given plenty of insight into his thoughts throughout the series, and even though, as I mentioned before, he often lies to himself about his feelings, he never seems to think bad things about other people. In this case, rather than be bothered or even angry at Yor for taking this silly performance so seriously, what does he think to himself? That she shouldn't be using physical attacks if she's supposed to be a witch! (and when she finally reaches her limit and falls asleep, he simply asks if she's okay).
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Even for other characters who are actual threats to him, like Swan from the previous episode, or even Yuri later on, insults and criticisms never pop up in his thoughts (compare this to the many anime/manga protagonists who always think "this bastard" when faced with an antagonist). You can tell he's annoyed by having to do the whole Bondman skit, but even so, he doesn't openly complain about it (but he does openly congratulate Anya at the end). All this indicates that he's a very non-judgmental person both internally and externally. Another example that I mentioned before is when he refuses to put any blame on Anya and Yor for their performance at the Eden interview…and there will be many more instances like this to come. I believe the reason for this part of his personality goes back to his obsession with his spy profession.
He's determined to keep his emotions in check, whether good emotions or bad emotions, and even just thinking negative thoughts about others could trigger negative emotions. Because of this, he's probably conditioned himself over the years to just not feel anything towards other people, whether love or hate, attachment or aversion, which ultimately means never idolizing them or disdaining them. Why waste time thinking happy or angry thoughts about people when you can put that energy into understanding their mindset, outsmarting them, and then getting valuable information from them? He might also know that his own hands are dirty from all the lying, manipulating, and killing he's done in his line of work, so he feels he has no right to judge others. But regardless, while Twilight never harbors malevolence towards people, the number of positive thoughts he has about his (fake) family will only continue to increase, including those that manifest into words.
Continue to Part 5 ->
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collapsedglasshouses · 7 months
An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 9]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules [she/her]
SUMMARY: Noah goes to extreme lengths to see Jules again.
A/N: I listened to Black Out Days by Phantogram on repeat while writing this and I cried. A lot. :)
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @measuredingold @cncohshit @signs-of-ill-portent @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @ada-clarence @wild-child-7747
If you wanna be added to the taglist of this story, please DM me or let me know in the comments!
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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When Jules opened her eyes again, she found herself in that white room. Her heart sunk while tears were still running over her face. This was the moment. She would be banned into endless nothingness. Maybe she was sent to hell, if it even existed.
Right as she was about to panic, she felt a hand on her shoulder and abruptly turned around. Her panicked eyes met with Keaton's concerned ones.
"What's wrong?" He asked the girl as she tried to contain her breaths.
"Why are you here?" Jules wanted to know with widened eyes. "You were in trouble and even though you are dead, doesn't mean I'll not look after you when you need me to." Keaton gazed over her face.
Jules looked at him for a good second to try and read him. His face didn't change a bit, letting her come to the conclusion that he had no idea what was going on in the real world.
Jules took a deep breath and blinked a couple of times, before trying to form a sentence. "I just... Uhm- I needed a break."
She instantly knew that Keaton didn't believe a word that left her mouth. "Are you sure? You look like you cried."
When Jules didn't say a word for a solid minute, Keaton sighed. "I know it can be a lot."
Her shoulders relaxed at his empathetic tone. She felt bad for not telling Keaton what was going on, but she also knew she couldn't just bluntly tell him she had talked to Noah, who shouldn't even know she existed; let alone the confused feelings that mixed into the spectacle.
Jules took a couple of deep breaths, while trying to re-arrange her thoughts. She needed Keaton to give her an advice without telling him what chaos she created.
Keaton looked at Jules with understanding in his eyes, realizing she was struggling to find her words. After a moment of silence, he spoke gently, "Jules, it's okay to take a break from all of this, even if we're in this strange existence now. We all need some time to rest and gather ourselves. It's a part of life, or whatever you want to call it after life."
Jules nodded, grateful for his empathy and the absence of judgment.
Keaton continued, "But remember, there will always be challenges, even here. When they come, it's essential to face them. You're stronger than you think, and you can handle whatever comes your way. Don't shy away from the difficulties you'll encounter."
Jules found comfort in Keaton's words. Although she hadn't revealed the specifics of her recent experience with Noah, Keaton's advice seemed to apply to the unique situation she was navigating. She realized, in life or whatever came after, sometimes the best way forward was to confront the problems and challenges that surface.
"I just want him to be safe." Jules exclaimed quietly, while looking at the floor.
"I want Noah to be safe, too; and I know you'll do your utter best to keep it that way." Keaton reassured her and squeezed her arm.
With that the two left.
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Noah felt empty. If he needed to describe it, Noah felt even more empty than before he met Jules. Knowing they had a couple of days off now, he allowed himself to let loose a bit. He hadn't drank a single sip of alcohol since the night he was saved by Jules, but right now he felt like he wouldn't survive his thoughts if he stayed sober.
He ordered a beer. The familiar chatter and laughter of the guests at the bar they went to, echoed around him.
As he sat at the bar, lost in his thoughts, Ruffilo, took the seat beside him. Nick's eyes held genuine concern as he asked, "Hey, Noah, are you okay? The show tonight was incredible, wasn't it?"
Noah shrugged, not wanting to accidentally reveal the strange situation he was going through. He couldn't risk telling Nick something he wasn't supposed to.
His best friend quickly picked up on Noah's desire to be alone. He gave him a comforting side hug, before getting up from his spot and leaving Noah to his own thoughts.
Alone, Noah contemplated how to make his cruel situation better. Filled with uncertainty and conflicting emotions, he ordered another drink, hoping to find solace in the comforting embrace of alcohol.
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His vision became blurry with time. He didn't even try to focus on anything anymore. His head was buzzing. Everything felt like it was clouded. But his mind. His mind still didn't relax.
Everything he could think about was her. Slowly but surely, he began to find himself ridiculous. Never in his life had he behaved like this when it came to a girl. Even if it wasn't just a girl, but his fucking guardian angel, he felt this thing he couldn't quite describe. He didn't know if it was of romantic nature or just the fact that he was blown of his chair about the fact that something like guardian angels really existed.
He didn't remember how many beers he had drank, but when he stumbled into his hotel room, he was more than just a little tipsy. He was angry. Angry with himself for not being able to let go for a second. Angry with the world for putting him in situations like this. Angry at Jules for leaving so abruptly when he needed her.
He closed his eyes and leaned against the door. All he could think of, was, how he felt when Jules hugged him. He felt like someone had broken his heart in a million pieces even though he didn't know Jules for longer than two hours. It was so dumb and yet he craved her touch, her presence, her voice. He craved her.
A drunken idea shot into his head, as he moved from the door.
"Jules?" He asked into the nothingness of his room, knowing damn well that she heard him. All he could hear was a quiet buzzing in his ears from the alcohol he had consumed.
He sighed. "I know you can fucking hear me."
Again he tried to recognize any shifts in the room. But nothing happened. It was just him, drunk and empty.
He felt like he had no other choice, when he opened his balcony door and stepped outside. The cold wind blew around him but he didn't care, to drunk to even recognize the almost freezing temperatures.
He leaned against the railing of the balcony and looked down. His room was on the third floor. It was high enough to give it another try.
"Jules?" He asked one more time, in hopes he would get the answer he needed desperately at the moment, but again... Nothing happened. Noah's vision became blurry from his anger at himself.
"You're giving me no other choice." He tried to convince himself and lifted one leg to step over the railing, like he already did before a couple of years ago; his hands gripping the metal tightly.
Right as he was about to lift his other leg, the atmosphere changed. Noah felt how goosebumps started to form on his arms, but not from the cold. It felt like a rush of warmth washed over him.
"If you even think about this for one second longer, I'll fucking push you off myself." He heard a female voice behind him speak.
Still hanging in his position, he swallowed hard. "Not really 'Guardian Angel-like' of you." - "Not really 'I'll take care of myself' of you."
Than there was silence for a second. Noah clung to the railing, still staring down at the concrete in front of the hotel, while one leg stood firmly on the floor of the balcony.
"Please, step back, Noah." Jules tried to talk to him calmly, while her heart was racing. She wondered if it was this feeling Keaton had felt right before she died.
"Will you go away, if I do so?" Noah said so quietly, Jules almost didn't catch it. It broke her heart to see him this way. She knew it took more than their encounter and the knowledge that they couldn't just be friends like normal people, to climb over a railing, but seeing him do this risky thing to get her back into his reality broke something inside of her.
"Don't do that to me, Noah." Jules rasped, her voice almost getting washed over by her upcoming tears. She barely knew this man, only being there for him for less than two months, but she knew she would die again if it meant that his soul would finally have some peace. "Please step back from that railing, Noah."
"Promise me, you won't go again." Noah demanded, hot tears streaming down his face as his hands got slightly sweaty.
"You know, I can't. We both know." Jules stuttered, stepping a small step towards Noah. "Please, Noah."
"Why should I listen to your pleadings when you can't even listen to mine?" Noah knew this wasn't about seeing Jules again anymore. It had stopped being about her, the second he looked over the railing. His head was killing him and he felt like hearing her voice was the only thing that took his mind of the other shit he felt.
Jules ears were ringing. She felt like her head was about to explode as she watched the man in front of him cling to the railing, his life literally depending on it. Her mind was racing. She felt like she was going to throw up. She needed to help him at all cost.
And suddenly.
She knew what would bring him out of his trance.
"Keaton wouldn't want that and you know it."
Noah looked away from the pathway and straight ahead. He couldn't believe what she just said.
Jules didn't answer him, letting her sentence sit in a little longer. Noah turned his head, still remaining in his position, but he needed to make sure he heard Jules right.
"What did you just say?" He repeated himself, his tone a bit harsher than before. He couldn't fucking believe it.
"You heard what I said." Jules said, the tone of her voice also stronger than before.
Now Noah felt like he was going to throw up. He expected a lot but not hearing the name of one of his dearest friends. A loss he couldn't quite come to terms with. His tears became thicker. He knew she was right but why the hell did she talk about Keaton, yet alone know him.
He slightly flinched when he felt a warm hand on his arm. Only now he noticed he started shaking a little from the cold. He felt like his name washed the alcohol out of his system.
"Why the hell do you know Keaton?" Noah almost hissed at her, anger washing over him. She shouldn't have dragged Keaton into this.
"Why do you think I'm here?" Jules answered him, not letting go of his arm, in case he changed his mind. Noah turned a bit more in response to look her in the eyes. He felt how his fingers were freezing cold.
When he looked in her face, he realised she was also crying. He studied her face as he began to realise what she was trying to say with her sentence. His eyes widen slightly. "He was watching over me?"
Jules nodded. "And he also watched over me." She took a deep breath. "And all the people he loved."
Noah felt as if the ground was being pulled out from under his feet. One of his hands left the railing and clutched at Jules as he realised he couldn't take any more. He just grabbed Jules and clung to her like everything depended on it while his sobs broke out of him.
Jules gently led Noah away from the balcony's railing, guiding him a bit away. The tension that had gripped him began to subside as they settled on the cold floor of the balcony. He clung to her, seeking comfort in her presence.
They sat there together, the distant sounds of the city, the faint glow of the night sky and his soft sobs as their only companions. Jules listened as Noah's rapid breaths gradually slowed, his racing thoughts becoming more manageable.
As Noah began to regain his composure, Jules decided it was time to get him to bed. She helped him up, leading him to the room. Gently, she covered him with a blanket, ensuring he was warm and safe, both of them to exhausted to change him into different clothes.
But as she turned to leave, Noah's hand shot out and grabbed hers. "Please, don't go," he whispered, his voice filled with a vulnerability that tugged at her heart. "I'm sorry, Jules."
She sighed softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "We'll talk when you're clear-headed again," she promised. "Right now, you need rest." She pulled a chair next to his bed and settled into it, her eyes never leaving him. It was going to be a long night.
In the quiet of the room, with Noah's rhythmic breathing as the only sound, Jules sat watchful, her presence being a safe space for the troubled musician. The moonlight bathed the room in its soft glow, and despite the turmoil of the evening, their connection remained intact, unbreakable, and strangely comforting.
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fastcardotmp3 · 8 months
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The Hawk (S01:E05) | 4.9k words | "The Bear" AU
“I don't know if I should leave,” Robin says, because Robin is involved now somehow. “Like, with so much to get done still? Shouldn't I be here?” “Okay, yes, fair enough,” Nancy says without much feeling behind it other than haste as she finishes jotting down an address on a post-it. “But how many of these people would you trust to go to my apartment without getting sidetracked somewhere along the line?” Robin grimaces, which Nancy seems to take as I agree with you, oh boy you're so right, but which really has more to do with the fact that Robin doesn't trust Robin not to get sidetracked if she's going to Nancy Wheeler's apartment.
read on ao3 | excerpt under the cut
They have their heads ducked close when she passes by the first time. 
Steve and Eddie, talking quiet in a place where noise reigns supreme, it’s strange to say the least. 
They’re still murmuring when she passes again, Steve running an anxious hand through his hair and Eddie jotting down a note in his phone, or maybe a text, or maybe a— it doesn’t matter. 
The third time Robin rounds the corner towards that side of the kitchen, on the tail of a bit of bite from Erica and a reminder that I know you speak English, do you know I speak Spanish? that was maybe not entirely necessary for the scenario, they’re tucked close again. Close enough that Eddie’s hand beneath the countertop is invisible to her. 
Close enough that they jump apart when Robin stops beside them and loudly questions, “do you two have jobs here? What’s with the gossip hour and why wasn’t I invited?” 
For two reasonably good-humored guys, neither of them look all that good-humored at the intrusion, a blanket of stress wrapped tight around their little bubble that draws Robin closer. 
Against her better judgment maybe, but closer all the same. 
“Is everything okay?” she furrows up her brow, sincere about it despite the clock ticking towards service ever-present in her head. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” Steve clears his throat and shakes his head. “Eddie’s just helping me with a— favor. Thing.” 
“Favor thing,” Eddie nods along, and there is a bit of humor there, but only when his eyes meet the side of Steve’s face, rove over it like he’s studying a bug or a really good book. 
“Favor thing,” Robin repeats, slow and suspicious as concern for them turns to concern that this is some sort of mischief that’s going to get in the way of more important things. “Sorry. Is this favor thing, like, illegal or something? Why do your faces look like that?” 
“Only a little bit,” Eddie says in the same moment Steve assures her, “no.” 
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pardi-real · 5 months
Tarot of Destiny / Chapter 11 - The One and Only Lord
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Warning: more spoilers
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[Maginaria, Earth Temple]
Flure: “My lord. This is the ‘Earth Temple’. It's beautiful, being in the middle of nature... with the rays of light shining through.  Oh, but I'm worried about sunburn... Please stay in the shade as much as possible.”
> “Thank you, Flure”
Flure: “Don’t mention it! Well then, without further ado... Let me convey my feelings to you, my lord. 
Firstly, the tarot card I drew is...  'Judgment' in the ‘upright position’. It seems to have meanings like 'awakening' and 'transformation'... 
When I heard that, I felt a bit happy. I've been struggling with "myself who wants to change but can't." I disliked my weak self... No matter how much I tried to change, I couldn't really change much... 
Honestly, when I was about to give up... I met you, my lord. If I hadn't met you at that time... I might not have been able to reawaken the feelings I was about to give up on...  and would end up… not realizing my new 'strength.' 
Well, not exactly a strength, it was just that I found out how I'm a little good at archery. But thanks to that... I feel like I can finally stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone else...  Of course, I know I still have a long way to go. Anyway, thanks to you, my lord... I could discover my new side. 
It made me really happy to be able to change even a little bit to protect you... I owe my transformation and this feeling of fulfillment to you! Thank you so much! 
Um...  The idea was to reflect on myself and convey the feelings that surfaced... Was what I just said okay…?  What was everyone else saying? 
Ah!  I really shouldn't ask for their feelings... Sorry. I just can't shake off the habit of comparing myself with someone else... I thought I changed, but... it seems I still have a long way to go. 
But the feeling of wanting to help you more than anyone else… that won't easily change.”
> “I'm happy to hear that, Flure”
Flure: “My lord… Fufu... Thank you very much!  I'm not sure if I was of any help... but just being able to make you smile is enough for me! Well then... it's Lato's turn next… …………”
> “What's wrong?”
Flure: “Ah, no... I was just remembering what Mr. Lucas said earlier...  It's quite possible that I might want to just be with you for a while more…”
> “Huh?”
Flure: “N-No! It's nothing at all!  S-So, then... I'll go call Lato!”
Lato: “Yes. Did you call for me?”
*Close-up* Flure: “W-woah! L-Lato...!?”
> "When did he get there...?”
Flure: “H-hold on... Could it be that you've been listening to my conversation all along?”
Lato: “No, I was at a distance until just now. I promised Prof. Miyaji that when others were talking, I'd leave them alone. However... I felt like I heard Flure calling my name, so I came.  I have good ears, after all.”
Flure: “I-I see... Anyway, it's Lato's turn now. I might be at a distance but... you know what you should and shouldn't do, right?”
Lato: “Yes. If you're worried, will you be with us, Flure?”
Flure: “I-It's fine. Lato would probably prefer to be alone with the lord... In exchange... if it takes too long, I'll come to get you, alright?”
Lato: “Kufufu... understood.”
Flure: “Well then, my lord. I'll be off for now…”
Clack… clack… clack…
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Lato: “Well… It's just the two of us now, my lord.”
> “Y-Yeah”
Lato: “Kufufu... There's no need to be nervous. As long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen... I won't let anything bad happen to you. 
So, my lord... Please take a look at my card. It's 'Strength' in the ‘reversed position’. In other words, it symbolizes 'insecurity' and 'fear'... 
Don't you think it's a fitting card for me, who was demonized once? I foolishly believed that I had been betrayed by my loved ones… and even attempted to kill them. That was... an incident caused by my weakness.”
> “Lato…”
Lato: “However... it's also a fact that the person I am now is a result of that incident. Facing my past... being liberated from the full moon's curse... it's all thanks to you being there. 
Thank you very much, my lord. You are truly... a mysterious person. There were others I wanted to cherish like family, but... there's no one else I want to be with as much as you. 
My lord... You don't need to fear cards like 'Death.' If someone tries to take you away from me... even if it's the grim reaper itself, I'll destroy it.  And if that's impossible... I'll die with you. You won't feel lonely at all. I won't leave you alone...okay?  Hmm...  That being said... preferably, I'd like you to live for a long time. There are many more things I want to do with you from now on.”
> “Thank you, Lato”
Lato: “Kufufu... I've conveyed my feelings now.  The truth is, I'd like to take you and go somewhere, just the two of us… but Flure believes in me and left us alone.  As his elder brother, I must not betray his trust.
Well then... I'll call for Prof. Miyaji next. Please accept his feelings just as you have accepted mine. There are things that he can't speak to us about, but apparently, he might be able to talk to you about them.”
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randomprose · 3 days
rose vines
notes: for the sake of this fic, Sasuke agreed to have the same arm prosthesis as Naruto. I’m assuming it’s a prosthesis. I’m not updated with the new manga/anime.
“How come you don’t know how to braid hair?” Sasuke asks as he starts to gather Sakura’s hair in sections.
In the summer of the fifth year after the war, Sasuke decided to come back to Konoha for a brief pitstop before continuing on his journey. Sakura’s hair had gotten long since he last saw her and when he mentioned it Sakura said she hadn’t had the time for a haircut because of how busy she was. Besides, she figured she’d let it grow long again. She kinda missed the days when she had it cascading down her back and wanted to see how she’d look with it now that she’s grown and her face has matured. Sasuke had commented she looked good no matter her hair length which earned him a smile and a good-natured elbow nudge.
It does however interfere with her work sometimes so she opts to put it up in a ponytail or a bun, but it annoys her that she has to retie her hair up every time it gets messed up with how much she’s moving. Sasuke suggested she braid it, to which Sakura said she didn’t know how to, and so Sasuke offered to do it for her. 
So here they are after a light lunch together in her office, Sasuke standing behind Sakura getting a start on braiding her waist-length hair while she sits still on her office chair reading some medical scroll. Naruto had left as soon as he was done scarfing his meal for a meeting with Kakashi as his successor so now it’s just the two of them.
“I do so know how to braid hair,” Sakura says in defense. “I do it for the kids in pediatrics all the time when I’m free. I just don’t know how to braid mine.”
“Okay, let me rephrase that then,” Sasuke says as his fingers continue to wind Sakura’s hair one section over the other deftly. He’s gotten used to using his prosthesis and has had it adjusted to just the right way that neither his hand nor fingers freeze up. “How come you don’t know how to braid your hair? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you with it tied in a braid when we were kids.”
"Oh, well. That’s—oh, sorry,” Sakura apologizes, holding her head steady when Sasuke grunts in annoyance after she tries to turn to him. “Ino always used to do it for me. When we fought and had a falling out, I just let it run freely."
"Why did you fight in the first place?" 
"Because of you."
“What?” Sasuke’s fingers pause for a second before continuing. “Me? Why?”
"I dunno,” Sakura shrugs. “I was young and stupid. I didn't know any better that you shouldn't break off a friendship over a stupid boy,” she sighs, resigned to the judgment she’ll get. Hell, even she judged herself when she grew up and finally knew better. “I know, I know. I'm trash. Say it."
“Not like I have a leg to stand on if our adolescent years have anything to say about that,” Sasuke replies diplomatically which got Sakura giggling. It’s nice that they could joke about that time of their lives now.
“Yeah, well. There you have it. All that fight over a stupid boy.”
"I'm the stupid boy," Sasuke ventures to guess as he finishes the braid and ties it with the elastic Sakura had handed him earlier. “There. Done.”
"Of course, you're the stupid boy,” Sakura confirms in a tone that says she can’t believe he even had to ask. She whirls around to face Sasuke, the fishtail braid whipping in the air at the force of her turn. “You've always been the stupid boy. You will always be the stupid boy."
"I think you're confusing me with Naruto."
Sakura flicks his bandaged prosthetic hand. "You know what I mean."
"Well, we made up later on and we’re still best friends now, and anyway, you know,” Sakura says, inspecting Sasuke’s handiwork before smiling up at him. “I think the stupid boy was still worth it anyway."
Sasuke raises a hand and pokes her on the forehead, smiling when Sakura scowled and lightly swats his hand away, his gaze ever fond.
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