#i know some of you tagged me in other games - i haven't forgotten about them 💖
shares-a-vest · 11 months
WIP Weekend
I was tagged last weekend by @momotonescreaming 💖💖💖Thanks Momo 😊
My wips are in absolute shambles atm. I've been ping-ponging between stressful rl situations. Buuut stuff is okay-ish now and my brain is working again, so yayyy!
The Rules:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
The Files:
I'm just working on Flufftober and Eddie Month (i still intend to post for days I had planned on but missed). The first two files are essentially masterlists, the next few are individual days/themes that have kinda gone off the rails in word count:
Flufftober 2023
Eddie Month
Fast Car
Day 12
Padam Padam
From 'Fast Car' aka, Flufftober Day 16: Singing each other to sleep
Joanie is curled up under a blanket, with her Mr Spider, the patriarch of her family of plush spiders. She holds it tight, eyes both tired and weary. “Hey, munchkin,” he says, taking Eddie’s spot and hoisting their daughter onto his lap while Eddie rearranges some pillows and the blanket, “Looks like no one is sleeping tonight, huh?” “M’sick,” she says, her voice muffled as she hugs his side. He hums and attempts to look her over without too much fuss, settling for running his hand through her thick fringe. She yawns, clicking her teeth. “What kind... of
 sick?” he asks through a sympathetic yawn. “Sniffles and a tummy ache,” she clarifies, mumbling. Her eyes droop a little and glaze over as she struggles to flit a glance at the book she and Eddie had presumably been reading. It’s a photo album, turned open to a page from Christmas 1986. He smiles at a polaroid of himself holding up a Hellfire t-shirt, squished in between a grinning Dustin and Eddie - who quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek just as Robin took the picture. They’d made him a shirt, an honorary one of course. Mike never did approve of the elaborate initiation ‘ritual’ Lucas had explained he needed to undergo to become a full member.
Tags: (no pressure as always) @spoookysix @thefreakandthehair @farahsamboolents @cranberrymoons @rocknrollsalad
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starshinegazer · 3 months
Shoutout Sunday
I just wanted to collect some of the most memorable Astarion fanfics I've read so far and to give them and their authors a big ol' shoutout. These are some of the fics I strongly suggest others to check out, if you haven't yet.
Also, please feel free to comment and recommend your favorites as well! And, if you know of some of these authors on tumblr, lemme know, so I can add them too :) I'm not too good with words, so I'll be slapping some of the authors own words as descriptions (for now). Oh, and do be mindful of tags etc etc... Here goes, in no particular order:
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by howlsmovinglibrary (@wetcatspellcaster) "The Vampire Ascendent has crossed a line. Eleven years after making the biggest mistake of her life and losing the man she loved, tiefling wizard (now Archmage) Rosalie decides it’s time to put this Astarion in the ground for good. Hopefully, both her head and her heart are strong enough to see this awful task through to its end."
An Honest Lie by howlsmovinglibrary (@wetcatspellcaster) "Astarion and Rosalie think they understand each other perfectly, but they have each fallen prey to the other’s mask. As they both go forward with their adventure, will either of them dare to be honest?"
A Crooked Touch by eyes_of_the_lamb "If you want to read a story where Astarion is sweet from the start and Tav is here to fix him, this isn't the one. If you want to read about two terribly broken men spending a good long while making each other worse before they make each other better, this might be for you. If you thought the in-game romance was a little too easy and it should have been ten times more painful and difficult to convince Astarion he's worthy of love, this is definitely for you."
Perfect Slaughter by Imagineitdear (@imagineitdearies ) "Tyrus, a low-born drow with aspirations for necromantic wizardry, finds none of the hospitality he expected from his new noble patron, Cazador Szarr. Quickly he loses his life and future, his hopes and dreams—only to find something new to fight for in the unlikely arms of Cazador’s least favorite spawn."
A Novel Experience by meanboss (@meanbossart ) "Initially just an epilogue for my own game campaign with my big meaty dark urge drow, turned whole story which I accidentally deleted and am now reuploading, my bad LOL
Hope you enjoy!"
Carving Through The Dark by skitter "The realm is safe and the story is over.
Wren and Astarion descend into the Underdark in search of a new purpose, and learn a few things along the way. Namely, that healing isn't linear and sometimes love takes the long way round."
Blood In The Weave by gingealish "There is no need to breathe, but I miss it all the same. The suffocating silence, the desperate darkness have encapsulated me for I don’t even know how long; It could have been tendays or years. I’ve long since accepted my punishment, stopped trying in vain to crack the seal of my tomb against the onslaught of panic and hunger. Now I lay here, thinking of the friends I’ve lost, the lover who turned on me, and how to finally get even.
Astarion is the new Big Bad Evil Guy. Spawn Tav is rescued by a familiar face. "
When He’s all but Forgotten How to Love Again by bg_brainrot "You saved Baldur’s Gate almost 300 years ago. You died 150 years ago. On a new life now, you find that memories from your past lead you to a specific silver-haired man. Who was he, and why won't he leave you be? tldr; An Elf-Tav reincarnation story where Tav dreams about Astarion in their nightly reveries and eventually seeks him out once they reach maturity. Things definitely totally go well."
More Than Any Words by mataglap "They have saved the city and possibly the world. All is great and everyone is happy... except Astarion has been banished back into the shadows, and Tav is stuck in an uneven battle with his own oath. He's losing the fight. He knew he would from the moment he fell for Astarion. But he can't lose yet, not before they find a way for Astarion to walk in the sun again."
Inexhaustible Oil by homeward_bound "This is the absolute opposite of a redemption fic. A post-canon, fall-from-grace, "I can make you infinitely worse" kind of story, in which there is no simple happy ending. But there's mystery on the way. And dragons. True love, even. So if you're fine with that, come aboard. It's going to be a wild ride."
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
1000 Follower Celebration!
I'm blown away, honestly. The last time I had any notoriety in a fandom was back in, like 2007 or 2008 when I was on the Dibbuns Against Bedtime fan forums for Redwall. I was made the head of my dorm as the site started dying because I was the most active member in said dorm.
But you all? You're here because you like something I'm making? It's so wild to me. I appreciate every single one of you. Every like, every reblog, every comment. They warm me up.
I've been thinking over the last few days what I want to do. The obvious answers—prompt fills, polls to determine what I write, story snippets—I do all that with too much regularity. And I'm trying to avoid taking on more fics as I focus on the ones I've already got going.
So we're gonna do something a bit different this week.
Over the next week (From Wed 2/21 to Wed 2/28) send me the title of one of my WIPs (listed below) and I will respond with a few paragraphs. Not my usual 1.2-1.6k that I like to do for WIP Wednesday, but a few paragraphs. At the end of the week, I'll compile them all and post everything in a single post.
I won't be adding all the links like I usually do with each addition to a story until I post that final draft, but I'll tag everything with "[story name] 1000" so you can click that and follow along with the fic in some sort of order.
There are six WIPs eligible for the game! Please limit yourself to one fic per ask, but you may send in multiple asks. I will request that, for now, you limit yourself to one request per fic (aka a max of 6 requests per person). If I find that I'm able to keep up, I may waive that request in the upcoming days. But it will depend on how busy my inbox (and life) get.
Bring Me Home
Answer My Call
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again)
Want to Hold On and Feel I Belong/Bad Reveal AU
I totally forgot about the Empathy!Verse when I did my last ask game. Mostly because that has been entirely written on Tumblr and I...kinda forgot to transfer it to a Scrivener document. Ooops. 😅
Something to Feel isn't on this list because I want to dedicate my time to it today. I'm close to the end, I think, and already have one ask in my inbox about it that I totally meant to get to before now (if it's your ask, I promise I haven't forgotten you!).
Brief Story Summaries
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are online friends and know each other's secrets. Currently in the arc where the Young Justice and Team Phantom help Danny escape after a reveal gone wrong.
Ghost!Robin: Jason is haunted by the ghost of the Robin he used to be. Danny finds out when Jazz introduces him to Jason over a meet-the-in-laws dinner. Currently, Jason and Robin are meeting with Frostbite to learn what may have happened.
Answer My Call: Jazz is sending texts to Danny after he escaped a GIW facility and they can't talk. But it turns out Jason is the one who's actually been getting them.
Carry Your Heart: Jason and Danny meet in the Ghost Zone while Jason is dead. They become friends. But Jason runs to Desiree to wish for his life back. A wish she fulfills. Danny goes to visit him, only to find his core left behind in a lair that's in ruin.
Bad Reveal AU: Danny is living with the Waynes when he finds out they're also the Bats. He freaks out because he believes the bats are working with the government (aka the GIW). So he shoots Bruce and runs away. The bats are now trying to convince him it's safe to come home.
Empathy!Verse: Liminal!Jazz is studying in Gotham and feeling the lack of other liminals to interact with. After getting used to the undercurrent of emotion that follows all interactions with ghosts/liminals, humans just feel...flat. Then one day, she literally runs into another liminal as she's going to the library. Jason Todd. Only... he doesn't know what it means to be liminal. So Jazz is there to show him.
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synnthamonsugar · 2 months
Sending an ask instead of commenting because I prefer to keep discourse away from my blog. but, I have to get some of this off my chest. it's bound to be lengthy, so don't feel like you have to read/respond. you just seem like maybe you'll get my point. Read this as one big I statement because of course it's my opinion and I'm not out here reading everyone's minds.
On that last post. I think a lot of people have gone and manic-pixie-dream-girl'd Eris beyond recognition, and that some of shippers (not all, ofc) have spent so much time with their own headcanons & fanfic that they've forgotten how their real dynamic is. It's easy to project a relationship onto them if you're already looking for one. People see them bicker and go "aw, they're arguing like an old married couple!" when, no. They're just arguing.
Drifter definitely flirts with her, but she doesn't reciprocate and I don't even think that it's necessarily serious. That man would flirt with a wall if he thought it would be funny. He seems like the type to tease people that way regardless of gender or attraction to them.
I don't deny that there's something between them. knowing the lore as I do I think it's safe to say that they're somewhat close, whatever that can even mean for either of them, but for fucks sake close isn't always romantic. Are they friends? Maybe. Can either of them have friends at their level of stability? I genuinely don't know. I don't think that we've been given enough to go off of, honestly. I don't like the idea that they're going to magically have their trauma cured by dating each other. She doesn't need him to "file down her teeth", and I don't think that he would. He definitely seems to benefit from her input, though. I don't feel like their relationship is very balanced in that. There's plenty of lore to back up him getting and using advice from her, and it being helpful to him, but I haven't seen much the other way around. He's immature in a way that she isn't, and people seem to think she's going to settle for that.
I don't care who people ship or what their headcanons are, that's all their own business. If I don't like it, it's not like I'm going off on their blogs in the space they've made themselves about why I don't agree with them. I prefer to just back off a bit, let them have their space and I'll have mine. But I don't always see that respect going both ways, and it starts to really bother me when people try to project their headcanons onto other blogs and onto the developers. Almost anything I see of them independently, it seems someone has to show up with "but where's [the other one]", and I've seen shippers go after multiple people for asking that their fanart of the two isn't tagged as ship art. It's just overstepping at that point.
Of course, I don't like lumping a bunch of people under the single label of drifteris shippers and calling them all a problem, I'm well aware that it's probably a loud minority silent majority type situation and I'm not going to assume someone's like that just because that's their content. But a lot (that I've seen) are.
On the misogyny part, I've definitely seen it in some. I'm a guy, so I'm probably not going to have the world's best explanation of why, but what gets to me is mostly the over-romanticism of Eris as his quirky goth gf. It's dumb and often comes off as objectifying. Sometimes it's like people think she's some edgy egirl twitch streamer. I find it strange how much fanart of her changes her appearance too, given we can barely actually see her. And sometimes it winds up painting Drifter as this douchy dudebro that he just isn't. One of the best things about his character to me is that he has his attitude without the shit treatment of women that comes along with it with most similar characters in games. I don't understand the need to turn around and twist him into someone that pushes her boundaries, which is pretty necessary to read their arguments as flirting.
I don't know what else to say, it's late and I'm tired and I'll probably feel stupid for letting myself get wrapped up in fandom discourse but I might as well say it while the conversation is happening.
(adding in case you do post this) v
No shade to shippers that don't fit the description I've put here. If you're reading this and go "Hey! I don't do that!" then obviously I don't mean you. You're all just doing what makes you happy and, hey, go for it. Tumblr is a great place for that. It's only an issue (imo) when that crosses the line into expecting everyone else to have the same headcanons or ignore what is canon. Go make art and fanfic and whatever you want, there's plenty of people who will appreciate it. I'm glad the positive side of the ship fanbase helps boost both of their stories, I hope it winds up driving Bungie to put more content in of them, together or apart.
Thank you for the thoughtful message Anon. Honestly I cosign all of this and wish I could respond to each of your points, but will at least try to cover a few of the ones that hit most with me.
Replies under the cut, since this is a long one ...
I think a lot of people have gone and manic-pixie-dream-girl’d Eris beyond recognition
I've thought about this for awhile. Eris is frequently written as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl insofar as being the offbeat catalyst for a jaded man's journey to a better version of himself.
He seems like the type to tease people that way regardless of gender or attraction to them.
Whether you ship them or not, it's odd seeing Drifter's canon characterization as a recklessly charismatic flirt lost in fanon. That special significance is placed on his flirtation with Eris, and not with the Guardian, Orin, Efrideet, or Rahool, or the others I'm probably forgetting.
Of course, the Guardian is a blank slate the player can project motives onto, and the others are characters whose interactions with Drifter are limited to lore. His & Eris' interactions stand out. That still doesn't mean it's inherently romantic; I've platonically flirted, held hands, snuggled, danced, bed-shared, and other things fans would dedicate thousands of words of shipfic to were I a fictional character.
Though reading it as such is fine (and I'll concede, probably lines up with the authors' intent, since we know some of them are shippers), nothing in the lore is explicitly romantic. Note, authorial intent, word-of-god and canon are all separate things, as much as fandom conflates them.
An aside, it's interesting how fanon surrounding Drifter paints him as socially anxious, touch starved, romantically awkward ... until he meets Eris. While I understand the utility in shipping — to emphasize the One True Love aspect since serial monogamy, much less polyamory, is unknown to most, especially F/M, shippers — it also comes off as "did not read the lore" at best, and "perpetuating negative stereotypes about Asian men" at worst.
Can either of them have friends at their level of stability? I genuinely don’t know.
This is why Eris' and Drifter's dynamic peaked in Arrivals & Beyond Light. The tenuousness of their alliance, the acceptance and rejection of each other's flaws, the trust between them that wasn't earned but necessary to survive. It was fun, tense and compelling and I wish more of the fandom focused on this era of their relationship.
I don’t like the idea that they’re going to magically have their trauma cured by dating each other.
Cosigned. The idea that love can mend any wound, heal any trauma, or fix any flaw is textbook amatonormativity, and has unfortunate implications when applied to Eris' story. I shouldn't have to detail why "woman overcomes trauma with the affection of a man" leaves a bad taste in my and many other fans' mouths, especially when it's favored over her longer-standing relationships with other characters. Why is her bond with Ikora ignored? Zavala? Asher? Mara? Why is so much of her growth pinned on one man, when there are other, deeper relationships that have existed since practically the beginning of Destiny's narrative? Why is there so little shipping surrounding Eris and these other characters?
Almost anything I see of them independently, it seems someone has to show up with “but where’s [the other one]”, and I’ve seen shippers go after multiple people for asking that their fanart of the two isn’t tagged as ship art.
I don't typically engage with popular Destiny ships, but I draw Mara Sov frequently. By herself, and, frequently, in non-Marasjur pairings. Not once have I gotten a "Where's Sjur?" comment, or even a "Where's Shaxx?" for that matter, as pushy as the "helmet stayed on" bros are. Meanwhile, I expect these comments when posting Eris art, particularly Eris F/F. I've had this happen in art I've drawn of her and Drifter with a disclaimer that the art is platonic/not to tag as ship! At that point it's not misunderstanding, it's entitlement.
I don’t like lumping a bunch of people under the single label of drifteris shippers and calling them all a problem
Agreed. I'm technically an Eris/Drifter shipper in the sense of consuming and producing art & fic for them, though I've pulled back from interacting with that part of the fandom because [waves hands generally]. I have no issues with drifteris as a ship, nor enmity drifteris shippers as a whole, but the individuals who engage in rude behavior.
what gets to me is mostly the over-romanticism of Eris as his quirky goth gf.
I'm going to repost what @/unsaelig said, since it's a salient point:
"I have no actual way of proving this, but given how much it’s been a staple, for the past 9 years, to speak of Eris as an unpleasant, unstable, worrying, suspicious individual, and given how much people like to fixate on how Eris & Drifter’s dynamic “softens” her and makes her more palatable and conventional, I do strongly feel Drifter is probably brought up with her as a “package deal” so often because in their eyes he “defangs” her & makes her much easier to take."
I do think there's a popular fandom read on Drifter as a funny, quirky guy who's a little out-of-pocket, an edgier fandomified-and-flanderized Cayde-6, if you will, and that Eris has to naturally follow by being an inoffensively gothy dommy mommy. It's perplexing, it's objectifying, and it makes me wonder what people are actually shipping them for if they sand down their characterization so much.
I don’t understand the need to turn around and twist him into someone that pushes her boundaries, which is pretty necessary to read their arguments as flirting.
The misogyny - amatonormativity combo again. Before anyone comes for me because I like enemies-to-lovers: sword-fighting your beloved to the death over a pit of lava isn't normalized, but saying that boys who bully girls are "just flirting" is. "I hate my wife", "I wish my husband was dead" and "ol' ball and chain" 'jokes' are. The patriarchy instructs men to disrespect women, and tells women to be flattered by the disrespect of men because at least you're receiving a man's attention. It's neither cute nor funny, and I equally dislike it when empoweringly reversed so that the man is the target of the insult.
No shade to shippers that don't fit the description I've put here. If you're reading this and go "Hey! I don't do that!" then obviously I don't mean you.
Cosigned completely. I know I have reputation as an arch-hater, but I have nothing but respect for people who are shipping them in ways that don't play into tired stereotypes of M/F relationships. (Or misogyny, or racism, or...)
Sometimes I wonder if I should try to put more good Eris/Drifter out there, but most of the time I fear I would only be stemming the tide; I am just one person with limited resources, and there is so much out there that my work will go unnoticed and my time is better spent boosting small ships that need the help.
Mostly I wish there was more focus on Eris and Drifter as individuals, in the game and in the fandom, further exploration of their bonds with other characters, and an environment where a wider range of gen and ship fic/art could flourish.
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thenameswinterfics · 4 months
Just an introduction post.
I just realized I haven't made an introduction post yet. How silly I am...
Well... Greetings, beautiful people!
Few things to know about me: I'm Winter, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Italy. I'm studying Graphic, Visual and Multimedia Communication at the univeristy and I'm currently in my final year. I'm an INFP, my zodiac sign is Pisces and I'm bisexual.
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For a long time I was always on the silent side of fandom, in constant lurking mode. If you see a silent shadow watching over your work, that's basically me.
This is a short list of the fandom I'm in (most actively): The Last Kingdom, Vikings, Vikings: Valhalla, The Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones (with A Song of Ice and Fire content), House of the Dragon, The Witcher, Shadow and Bone, Spartacus, ATLA (the cartoon) Legend of Korra, Merlin, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate.
In my spare time I also play a role-playing game called "Dungeons and Dragons". I'm mostly a player, although I'm thinking about planning my first campaign as a Dungeon Master. My favourite thing is writing backgrounds for my OC's, maybe I can share them with you in the future.
Just for your personal information, this is exclusively a writing blog. If you want to see my ramblings about fandoms, you can find me on my main blog here (I know, it's quite messy but... hey! That's me, a messy girl!)
A special thanks to my beloved @zaldritzosrose for the icon, banner, mini banners, personal dividers and headers and dividers for my current and future fics! 💜
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I'm currently writing for Sihtric Kjartansson, a character from the Netflix and BBC show The Last Kingdom. It cannot be ruled out that in the future there may arrive fics from the other characters from the show, as well as from other characters from different fandoms.
I will cross publish my fics on AO3, you can find the links below.
Due to university and personal commitments, and the fact that I'm a terribly slow writer, I haven't planned a regular posting schedule.
If you want to be tagged in my taglist, just send me a DM or leave a comment!
English is not my first language. You may find some grammar and vocabulary mistakes. I'm sorry for this, I swear I'm practicing!
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THE BLUE BUTTERFLY || Words: 4K || Warnings: Fluff, missing scenes, mention of word "whore" || AO3 LINK
After returning from Datchet, Sihtric spends some free time with you, and a group of blue butterflies catch your attention.
VISIONS OF HELHEIM || Words: 6,1K || Warnings: Fluff, angst, missing scenes, mention of past abuse, mention on non-consensual relationship (not described in detail), mention of character death, mention of graphic violence (not described in detail). || AO3 LINK
Sihtric has never forgotten his mother, whose presence continues to haunt his dreams. And as the Battle of Dunholm draws to a close, you help Sihtric mourn her.
HEARTS OF STEEL, LOVE OF SILK || Words: 3,9K || Warnings: Fluff, domestic fluff, smut, bad smut, very very bad smut, p in v sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), breeding kink, Daddy Sihtric is a warning itself. || AO3 LINK || 18 + MINORS DNI
While you and your children enjoy a peaceful, domestic life in Rumcofa, Sihtric comes up with a pleasant surprise for you.
BOUND TO YOU || Words: 4,6K || Warnings: SMUT, mention of death, monsterfucking, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v sex. || 18 + MINORS DNI
Since becoming the new lord of Dunholm, Sihtric has ruled alone, with no woman at his side to call "wife". Things begin to change when you begin to appear in his dreams, a human so perfect that he believes he has finally found the one, a blessing from the gods. Little does he know that behind your appearance lies a devil in disguise.
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Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
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defira85 · 2 months
For the new set of Durgetash asks - 10 & 11 if you haven't been asked them already (or feel free to pick another of your choice!)
YES I WAS HOPING FOR 11 that was one of my favourites on the list thank yooooooou lovely 💜 from the new ask meme here
10. The most fucked up thing they did together. The absolute plot, mephista or hall of wonders heist doesn't count.
I have already seen some of the other answers to this in the tag and hoo boy. Also together is the hard part, there were a lot of things they kept hidden from one another either out of discretion for their cult business or out of shame, and I know what Kass' answer would be if it was a separate thing and its bad
Together though... there was that story beat I floated a few weeks back about Kass attending one of his business dinners with rivals and the two of them killing them all one by one around the table while she's dressed like a slutty maid and they fuck on the table etc etc, that one is so hilariously unhinged if only just imaging their terrible acting, it makes me laugh
They also did the experiments mentioned in one of Gortash's in-game notes together, experimenting to see whether the racial background of their victims made a difference in their stamina and longevity and ability to withstand torture
11. What portfolio would they have claimed if they ever got to ascend? Would they simply usurp the current dead three or ascend and claim an unrelated portfolio of their own? What's going on there?
HOW FUNNY THIS QUESTION SHOULD COME UP because those who have read my longfic know that there's a specific point where Ao brings her before a tribunal of the gods, because she's weakened Bhaal to the point where she overpowers him, and Ao says "this can't go on, we literally just did the Second Sundering because of shit like this, you need to either usurp your father and become Murder or you need to surrender what remains of your divinity and become fully human" and Kass does have a long, hard think about whether it wouldn't be better for everyone if she killed Bhaal
(and it's possible that I have an absolutely BEAUTIFUL commission in the works from @lokorum featuring Kassara Bhaal, God of Murder, in her bad ending)
Redeemed Kass would have become the Goddess of Grace. The Lady of Second Chances. Guardian of those looking for a fresh start and redemption.
Enver is SO MUCH HARDER because I don't think tyranny is quite right for him, I don't think he'd slot exactly into Bane's place the way Kass would with Bhaal. He's not quite vengeance, he's not quite mockery... I want to say he'd be like the dark mirror to Gond. Gond stifles a lot of progress for the betterment of the realms (like how E.G. said that anyone isekai-ed into the Forgotten Realms would find their mobile phones exploding, or how he's tried to suppress the discovery of gunpowder) whereas I can see God Enver pushing progress at the EXPENSE of the realms... is it capitalism? Is Enver the god of capitalism? God, what an asshole. Why do I love him.
Redeemed Enver is the god of Wife-Guys
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puckpocketed · 3 months
hi!! I was wondering where or how you do you research for players and teams, and just hockey in general? do you have any favorite blogs or other resources? thank you~
okay picking thru web rot for the sharks primer has prepared me for this one lmao here's the quick answer because i really need to eat some pie and go to bed. Hockey is my all-consuming interest at the moment and I haven't watched actual television or films; or read anything non-academic that isn't about hockey in.... 9 months? If it seems like I am taking in a LOT of information in a short amount of time it's because I am. I listen to hockey things at 2-5x speed depending on if its a video on youtube (locked to 2x), a podcast (3.5x is my ideal speed), or my screenreader (5x) and often take notes, save articles as pdfs to go back to, and transcribe things for fun (only recently am putting my transcriptions as addendums to gifs... very rewarding <3). When not studying for my actual degree, I am reading about hockey or listening to something hockey related or watching hockey or writing about hockey or learning how to play hockey. i am so serious. please don't assume that this is normal, optimal, or even something I would wish upon other people. I am in Love with her in thee most wretched and irrevocable way. She's my hobby in the sense that shes my sun and im building my wax wings and looking directly at her light and thanking her for blinding me. amen.
more seriously, if I'm going down a player rabbit hole I will try many of these things - though not necessarily all of them, and not in this order (and i'm sure i've forgotten one or two things I usually try... lordy):
I go to spotify/apple podcasts and throw in player names just to see what comes up and listen to basically everything.
if they are on an NHL team, there are likely MULTIPLE podcasts dedicated to that team. trawl through their podcast archives, especially post-game podcasts where discussion is happening about their performance. sometimes there are even interviews <3
i do the same with youtube if I can...!
throw their name into reddit, tumblr, twitter and scroll. endlessly. just trawl through everything that I can possibly get my hands on. The more obscure the player the easier this is, because there really aren't that many things to find out about them and not many people are talking about them at all. <- this is how I make contact with people who are the only person that knows about this one (1) guy and then we hold fins forever. <3
find out who the teams beat reporters are. if youre looking into prospects, even juniors teams have people covering them. the writing might not be the highest quality but you WILL eventually find fun details if you go digging.
check: elite prospects articles, the hockey writers articles, find out the player's home town and see if their local paper has anything on them (basically, check any and all databases that use a tagging system or have a functional search engine)
helpful things to tack onto the end of google/youtube/database searches: "media availability" "post-game" "interview" "feature" "profile" "scouting report" "draft" "debut" "review" "highlight" "tournament"
if they're a player from a non-english speaking country it's worth throwing their non-romanized name into google to see what you can get. google translate the website // chatgpt translation are two options - not ideal and not to be trusted 100% over actual translation done by a fluent human speaker.
Instagram stories are the bane of my existence because they're so ephemeral
tiktok is a parallel universe to me. I do not have the app. any browsing I do on it is solely via googling "[team name] tiktok official" and clicking around on my desktop PC. I've only ever done this for M.Chrona's gf (who is much more famous than him) but if you're really doing down the rabbit hole of player research, some of their WAGs will post about them. <- as always, be respectful/not weird.
facebook for older stuff... genuinely makes my skin crawl so I avoid it and its a last resort LMAO but yeah teams used to post on facebook and everything!!! <- again. dont be weird and stalk peoples families or friends asjklakjl
"[player/team name] gettyimages [day/month/year]" <- substitute getty images for: flickr, hockeyshots, dreamstime, alamy
Substack is good for general hockey stuff if you can stomach the dreaded idea of subscribing via email or getting the app <3 I like: Jack Han (hockey tactics newsletter), Sean Shapiro (shap shots), Adam Gretz (adam's sports stuff), Thibaud Chatel <- for the analytics nerds, Alex MacLean <- his Scouting The Scouts series is what got me into substack in the first place, Greg Revak (hockey IQ newsletter) <- this is the one that's got me on development stuff atm SUPER rec because there's gifs and charts and many many hyperlinks included for citations <3
i should do a book rec at some point but uhhhh its getting late and im hungry <3 thank you for asking + reading if you got this far, I hope it was a helpful peek into my process?
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ghost-maya · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @fivedayslater !!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh god... I haven't cleaned that out in ages... most of the non one piece ones are abandoned unfortunately :") - I'll still put the rest in the "read more" bar in case anyone is interested but it's probably best to stick with the op ones lmao
Behind Blue Eyes
life's a precious thing
Deep Sleep
Ghost Hunting AU Outline
omegaverse outline
sanji's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad heat
Straw Hat Vampires
The Cruise - Outline
The Skyscraper
(+ 2 wips that have not made it out of the discord dms yet. let's call them "zosan closet pwp" and "nami x conis pwp")
Tagging: @ms-all-sunday @abilusanji @brunetta6blog @misqnon @summerofspock @sinelanguage @redyarns @lakesandquarries @purpleneutrino
Fandom works (mostly haikyuu lol):
Gelphie Omegaverse
Zukka Canon Divergence AU
A leap of faith
A Whisker Away AU
BokuAka in BOTW
Just Sum World Building
KageHina Witch Fic
Kageyama Birthday Oneshot Thing
kghn band au thing
KGHN hurt/comfort
Shadow God Kageyama AU — Outline
SPSS & PSS: Operation SakuAtsu
The Absence of Hinata Shouyou
The Kagehina Wedding Saga - Miwalisa
The Kagehina Wedding Saga - Planning
The Silver Lining
train au??
TSL Info & dumping grounds
MLP:ZLS Loredump
Long Forgotten Words
Original works:
*Record Scratch* *Freeze frame*
Character background stuff
Character Info
Coffee shop AU: A Character Study
Getting into Mo's Voice Stuff
I have too many beginnings
in the classroom
Izzy vent
Kit's backstory
Kitzy Banter
Lucilleana Fic
Magic System
Nanowrimo Outline
The Ghost of Wilson High School
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled WIP (A Novel Study)
Venty Thing
Vy's Butchered OCs
Word Vomit
World Building.exe
If anyone ventured in here; hello! I'm happy to post/talk about any of these still. Some are a LOT more recent than others. This game finally had me move my "miraculous ladybug" folder out of there bc i know i am truly never going to touch those again rip 😭
Also bc i find it interesting - the last time i did this game was 2 years ago. Hyperlink if anyone wants to see which "wips" have been sitting around for 2+ years now (i dont think i published any of them.. just put them in the abandoned folder..) *sweats*
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herotome · 10 months
i'd like to know more about what you mentioned in the tags then, about taking inspiration from outside media! i remember when i first played the demo it hit just right cause i'd just watched the boys and i was hungry for more hero cynicism lol
Aw hell yeah!!
Okay so actually - I take very little inspiration from modern hero media, if any. I did grow up watching Justice League (2001-2004), Static Shock, and Batman the Animated Series and take some tonal inspiration from my memories of them (in which heroes generally try their best and it isn't always enough, villains tend to have sympathetic motives, also Mr Freeze is there and he's my big favorite), but that's about it.
When I started taking an interest in game design, I took deep inspiration from games with stories and mechanics that really resonated with me:
Mystic Messenger: I took heavy inspiration from how the love interests talk to each other, and how they all participate in every route. And the banter!! This game genuinely made me feel a personal connection to all its characters, and a lot of the player's dialogue choices were pretty damn funny for an otome game. (I have since learned that many, many indie otome games are similarly charming and I wrote a whole big list of recommendations, but didn't know they existed back in 2016-or-so.)
Undertale: Its sense of humor and meta commentary blew my mind. You could just do so much and have the game remember and react to your actions/choices, such as taking too much candy and making the whole bowl spill to the floor, or having the Mad Dummy rant about how you treated the dummy from the beginning of the game. Undertale is probably responsible for my deep interest in variable-tracking, and having characters respond to different things. (Dammit, Undertale, it's been so much work... but it's worth it I guess.....)
Disco Elysium: I played this a short while after MM and UT, and it just solidified my idea of what "my favorite game" would look like. Because I'm trying to make Herotome into my favorite game, that's my secret cap, etc etc. Anyway... Disco Elysium is fucking crazy. It's full of heart and camaraderie and also you can loudly beg for money and punch a literal child in the face and sing karaoke really badly and joking that if you find three racists you will be granted three wishes like??? It's unhinged. I haven't even mentioned the stellar atmosphere, plot, and how you have a bunch of voices in your head suggesting various courses of action and how you play as a recovering addict and you can go right back into your addiction with smoking alcohol and drugs... Describing it like this, it feels like an impossible game, that there's no way a game like this exists, but goddamn it do. And I take inspiration from a small.. SMALL aspect of it, because if I tried to fully emulate Disco Elysium I would probably die. It's just so much. And it's beautiful. Anyway DE inspired me to be more unhinged.
Dragon Age Origins: I'm listing this last because I actually played it well, well before I started game development, but it was such an impactful game for me that I'd never forgotten its scenes, characters, and how it made me feel. The CHARACTER BANTER... The sheer wealth of choices, and the emotions involved!!! There was such a general sense of world building and gravitas and then you find this mystical holy urn that's been important to a major religion and one of the characters quips "Nice vase. I should get one for my house." like??? Gah. I guess it inspired me not to take my own game too seriously, but the characters are also very,veryvery charming while also being quite diverse - everyone has a unique sense of humor and a unique background. The player can ALSO have a unique sense of humor and a unique background, which is super cool. I am absolutely not doing separate Origins for Herotome because that's way too much work-- but the diversity of the love interests did inspire me a great deal. Oh-- and the APPROVAL SYSTEM. I loved how you could get characters in the negative and have really, really interesting dialogue from antagonistic interactions, so DA:O really taught me early on that I didn't have to shy away from such things.
Perhaps most importantly: I like these games a whole lot, they are probably my favorite games. I want to like Herotome in the same way, or at least a very similar way.
A quote I try to think about a lot is "I'm surprised at the success of the show, I'm... I'm not surprised by people liking it that watch it, because... even though that makes me sound like a dick, like, that [sounds like] I knew people would like it, that's not quite what I mean-- I just mean, when you write something, you have to... if it's gonna be good, you have to be, like, its first fan, you have to be like... I don't care if I'm the only person who ever watches this, I love this. So when a second person says 'this is awesome!' You're like, stoked, but you're not shocked[...]"
... Okay I don't think about that entire stuttering quote (it's from Dan Harmon, regardless of how one might feel about him as a person he is an undeniably successful writer); but I do try to internalize "I don't care if I'm the only person who likes this" as often as I can.
I also make an effort to trust in the universe and that Herotome will reach "its people" and resonate with them in the same way my favorite games resonated with me...
... Anyway.
Outside of game design, I also try to pick out enjoyable aspects from everything I watch and read. If a book has a particularly well-written scene, I'll jot down some notes about why I liked it even if I didn't enjoy the book overall. Same with VNs and other games. While watching movies/shows I'll try to remember how they make me feel, and remember scenes that are particularly powerful and why they affected me. Yeah it's a lot of English homework, but it's how I work and indirectly feed Herotome and keep it alive in my day-to-day. I even have a playlist of random youtube videos I might reference while working on the game. Oh, and video essays -- I watch video essays religiously and make mental notes... let's plays, too, are a great way to experience how a game is designed and saving some time--
Uh, point being, you don't have to go hardcore categorizing and note-taking like I do. I just truly believe that every piece of media has something to share that can be molded and used to your own devices... even if it's "what not to do," in situations where I really, really don't like something. I'll just make a mental note to do the opposite thing. (eg, when Mystic Messenger let you choose your PFP and then randomly showed you the default MC kissing the love interest - so much whiplash, so awful, still one of my favorite games but whyyyyyy)
I actually did a meme about characters-who-inspired-my-characters a while back too, so there's that... same logic. Many many games and stories and characters inspired me, very few of them directly concern superheroes.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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postalninja · 8 days
Fic Author Q&A
Tagged by @cicaklah - thanks babe! (sorry if my answers end up vague or unsatisfying, it's past midnight and i would be in bed if there wasn't a music festival currently happening outside my window - I"m not exactly at my best lol)
1. Why do you write fanfic?
It started from the desire to make fictional characters kiss, which is still a large part of why I do it, so let's go with that.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is “finished”?
I don't really know - I tend to think about a lot of my stories pretty often after they're finished, I'm not sure that there is a specific one I fixate on. They all get a bit of time in my brain, and i tend to go and re-read stuff too.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
S l o w d o w n. Don't be afraid of big word counts, it'll take as many words as it takes, and rushing toward the finish line will just make the pacing suffer. Make room for the moments in between, let the story breathe.
4. What’s your relationship to fic stats?
Lately I've found that not looking at them in too much detail is better. Over the summer I found myself looking at my stats for validation, and of course, not finding it there. But the problem is in my head, not on the stats page. So they are just numbers that are there, and if I need to check something specific, then that's a useful thing to have.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I've really fallen off of writing for Hitman over the past couple of years, with only one short ficlet as a recent offering. It's one of the fandoms were my muse has been fleeting, but the fandom is so wonderful that I miss being a more active participant in it.
6. What motivates you to write?
Lately I have a pretty hard time writing without having clear inspiration, so that's the most surefire motivation is just being struck by an idea that grabs me and won't let go until I get it down on the page. But that sort of inspiration is hard to come by, so I haven't been writing very much in its absence.
7. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
In most cases it's because I have a ship I'm obsessed with, and if not that than just general love for the game (it's almost always a game, let's not kid ourselves) and the characters. It's hard for me to write for a fandom unless I'm at least a little bit unhealthily obsessed with it.
8. If you’re stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
Normally I will take a break, and some of those breaks have turned out longer than others... I have a few unfinished wips that are an albatross around my neck, and I'm not sure how to go about finishing them.
9. What do you wish people knew about comments?
They are all an author wants! We want to hear about what you liked and why, and given the chance we would talk your ear off about our fics, so don't ever feel like you're bothering an author by commenting something nice on their fic, we are looking for that engagement and validation.
10. Maybe there’s a question you wish had been on here. What’s that question (and answer)?
What's something you've been excited about/feeling good about recently with your writing? One thing I will mention is that a few days ago I went back and read a bunch of free writing exercises I did for a class last semester that i hadn't looked at since - I had completely forgotten about most of them, but when I read them again the majority of them were so good! It kind of bolstered my confidence that I had that kind of quality output from 10-minute warmups where I wasn't thinking too hard. Like, even though I haven't written much lately, I still know how to write!!
Not tagging anyone specific, just whoever want to do it because I am too tired to think and decide :)
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daddy-dins-girl · 10 months
WIP - last line tag game
thank you for the tag @janaispunk <3
I have an absurd amount of WIP's, some of which may never even see the light of day, but I'll just leave a couple samples here of ones that will hopefully be completed in the not so distant future...
i) chapter 6 of "Kindred" (that's right, I haven't forgotten about this fic! Just took a little hiatus to the Dave York Pit but I WILL finish this Max fic! Eventually...)
He whines in protest when your body peels away from his and you slide off the bed, but he’s too spent to do much about it other than half-heartedly reach an arm out in your direction before it flops back onto the mattress. You can’t help but let out a little giggle over how wrecked you made him so quickly but you know you two can’t stay in bed forever, it’s Sunday and Alistair will be home today and there’s a lot to figure out between now and then. You pick up his discarded dress shirt from last night from the floor and slide into it, doing up a few of the middle buttons but foregoing any further clothing items. You can shower and get dressed for the day after you get some caffeine into your system, you decide. You pad out of the bedroom and head down the stairs to get the coffee and the rest of your day with Maxwell started.
ii) chapter 5 of Playdate
“You know what we do to naughty girls, don’t you?” He asks, breath hot against your ear and you quickly shake your head.  “Show me” you breathe out, heart hammering in your chest.
iii) chapter 1 of (untitled) - a Frankie prompt I was asked to write. I've been on the struggle bus with this one, lol. But I'm trying to get it written for them.
“Frankie, baby” you soothe, pulling on his shoulder and forcing him to turn towards you. Surprisingly he doesn’t fight it, just lets you roll him over and he instantly buries his face in your neck once he’s facing you, unable to look you in the eyes. But you don’t need to see him, you can feel the hot tears on his cheeks as he presses into you and you wrap your arms around his shoulders a little tighter, one hand cradling the back of his head as he lets his emotions out.
Tagging (but no pressure!) @suzdin @toxicanonymity @anotherpedrolover @beardedjoel @theywhowriteandknowthings @nerdieforpedro @boliv-jenta @chronically-ghosted @lincolndjarin @deervsheadlights
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ineffablebookgirl · 2 years
Me and my Tumblr friends at the my-favorite-tumblr-people convention.
@kedreeva is dressed as like a badass Robin Hood archer with green and brown tunic and leather armor, long braid down her back, escorted by an entourage of magnificent and dumb (affectionate) peafowl.
@charlottemadison42 is dressed in a simple blue wool gown, and is treated like royalty.
@inconveniently-discorporated I headcanon you using a wheelchair, I don't know why, that's just the first image that came to my head, and it stuck, like I guess I always picture you seated and extremely comfortable -- it's like a steampunk wheelchair with wooden wheels and red leather cushions and brass finishing studs. You're wearing a sharp tweed suit and a cape.
@feraltuxedo is wearing, you guessed it, a tuxedo, or possibly one of those t-shirts that has a tuxedo printed on it. Smoking a cigar, passing out tastefully erotic zines, and just generally having a great time.
@sevdrag is there and they're drunk. They came dressed as someone, but at some point swapped clothes with someone dressed as Blackbeard, so now they're wandering around in leather, clapping people jovially on the shoulder and telling Excellent stories.
@skinnyscottishbloke is there as Mesopotamian Crowley, but in yoga pants, being The Most Friendly
@koriquo in this headcanon fever dream of mine, you're a furry, and your fursona is a fennec fox, and you're cosplaying as David Tennant's Crowley.
@turniptitaness is just there to have a good time and came dressed as Maleficent, all black and purple leather and satin. She's blond. Idk why.
@dubiousduckearskears is cosplaying as the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and everyone feels inexplicably a little happier after interacting with them.
@neil-gaiman is there, "in disguise" as a plague doctor, and everyone is politely pretending they don't know it's him.
@hasturswig is wearing a flower crown of carnations and very earnestly explaining meta to anyone who will listen, which is everyone, but especially me.
@cassandralie has like a Cleopatra thing going on, but pink. I don't know, that's just what came to me!
@i-am-having-a-moment-here is having a moment here, probably cosplaying Crowley or maybe Erik
@darkcomicsbookslibrariesthing @bloodibunni666 @brushtail @crowleyhargreeves @hauntedpersonchild @lumbrellacoffeemug @naefelldaurk are there too, maybe taking lots of pictures or something, I just don't know you well enough yet!!
Can we make this a tag game?? I desperately want to know your headcanons about me! Reblog and tell me how you picture me at your Tumblr con and then tag 5 or whatever of your other favorites? If you want to? No pressure?
All these silly little headcanons are the first thing that came to mind and I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings with them, they are all said with love! And I know I've forgotten someone important, I will add more when I remember!
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phoenixradiant · 4 months
OC Interview Tag Game: Anesaru and Sizen
My thanks to @thewritingautisticat for the tag! I'm well into the cast of side characters at this point (and I probably have one of these in the bottomless backlog too), so let's do Anesaru and Sizen. This'll be fun.
Were you named after anyone?
Anesaru: "With a name like this I'd have to be. Four syllables? Unfortunately I can't remember for the life of me who it was."
Sizen: "Pretty sure it was your cousin twenty-one times removed. Said to have found a cure for Ram's Blight that singlehandedly wiped the disease off Amkarea."
Anesaru: "You knew that?"
Sizen: "This is only the fourth time you've forgotten since Chiodan. Besides, I'm named after her Dragon."
Anesaru: "You are?"
Sizen: "Lady Saru, believe me when I say you have a mind for everything except family history, but you do not have a mind for family history."
When was the last time you cried?
Anesaru: "When Sizen opened the Len-cursed door. I'm afraid my eyes aren't what they used to be. I suppose you mean really cried, though, and that was when I... I..."
Sizen: "Saru? Let's not talk about it. I'm afraid that means I can't answer either. Er, would you mind letting me hear future questions before you ask them?" *gets the whispered list* "We're not answering some of these."
Sizen has decided to strike the next question.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Anesaru: "I didn't used to, thought it was deceptive, didn't much like it. Now though, I like the thought it takes. It keeps the mind busy."
Sizen: "Picked up a bit in the army, but generally no."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Anesaru: "How much light they let in. The ones who really care, when they come in, they open the door just a crack and slip through and close it again."
Sizen: "I do my best to tell them to keep the light down on their way in but most of them don't seem to listen. As for me... Curious, I don't know that I've ever really thought about it. I suppose if they have any weapons on them. You can tell a lot about a man by the weapons he chooses."
After deliberation, Sizen has decided to strike the next question.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Anesaru: "I don't suppose I hear much of either, these days. Just news. News is either good or bad, but it's rarely 'scary' or 'happy'. Except when the herbalist girl sent me a vial of that salve. I use it sparingly, but... Arknne... There's not a more wonderful feeling in the world. Now we know it works, Rel tells me she's working on more."
Sizen: "That's what we've heard. We're a bit busy with the other tasks you have for us to fetch it by wyvern, but some of her friends, caravan workers, have been entrusted with keeping the shipments constant."
Anesaru: "And what about you, Sizen? What kind of stories do you like?"
Sizen: "I try to stay away from that stuff. Haven't been to a play in over a year."
Anesaru: "Sizen! Don't deprive yourself of that over me!"
Sizen: "I only ever went because you were going anyway! I like doing things, not watching people pretend to do things!"
Anesaru: "Sizen Ul-Kuren, don't you lie to me! If I find out you're not living a life outside of worrying about me, I will grope my way to a window and throw myself out!"
Sizen: "That wouldn't even kill you, Saru. It would just hurt. A lot."
Anesaru: "That was my intention. That'll show you."
Any special talents?
Anesaru: "I used to be able to juggle. Last time I tried I ended up with a knife through my hand. I wasn't even juggling knives!"
Sizen: "A bit of magic here and there. Nothing that really improves society, just a few combat spells."
Anesaru: "You can literally throw lightning out of your body."
Sizen: "So can a lot of other people! It's hard, true, but it's hardly unique."
Anesaru: "You gave your father lightning burns when you were three."
Sizen: "And he caused a weird scar on my grandfather's hand. It runs in the family!"
Sizen has decided to strike the next question two questions
What sort of sports do you play?
Anesaru: "I used to be good at running. Ria, if it weren't so bright outside I'd probably still be good at running."
Sizen: "Combat sports, mostly."
How tall are you?
Anesaru: "Last I checked I'm a few hairs shy of my bodyguard. Hardly a good look, a monarch being shorter than those standing beside her."
Sizen: "So I got used to walking around barefoot. It works, she doesn't need much more height. Objectively I'd say a little over three ozrins" [call it 5' 10'']
What was your favourite subject in school?
Anesaru: "It wasn't Len-cursed family history. Probably mathematics."
Sizen: "Teare family history. One of us had to do it."
What is your dream job?
Anesaru: "To be honest I wish I'd never left the Guard. Didn't have much choice in the matter, but..."
Sizen: "If I'm honest, I don't much like honest work. Too repetitive. Too mind-numbing. Too purposeless. If I weren't looking after the queen I don't know what I'd do."
Anesaru: "I hardly see how that's not repetitive, these days."
Sizen: "But you're nice to talk to and it's far from purposeless. So here I'll stay. As long as you need me."
Hahahaha they're both emotionally wrecked in different ways. Welp, time for the tagging:
NP tagging @somethingclevermahogony, @aesthetic-writer18, and @pluppsauthor!
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ethereal-night-fairy · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @ghouljams.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I have six works on there.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Call of Duty.
4. top five fics by kudos
Silver Tongues, Like Bullets
A Lick and a Promise
Broken Vows and Promises
Heavenly Saviour
To the Edge of Chaos
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes. Usually within a day.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Non of my fics have ended yet. But Forgotten Sorrows and Scorched Earth are most likely going to have very angsty endings. Broken Vows and Promises might also have a angsty ending but that's undecided at the moment.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Lick and a Promise and To the Edge of Chaos have happy endings planned for them. Silver Tongues, Like Bullets is in uncertain territory at the moment.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I'm relatively new to writing so thankfully I haven't experienced any so far....that might change later on though.
9. do you write smut?
Yes....too much sometimes.
10. craziest crossover?
I haven't done a crossover as of yet.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of. I pray to god it doesn't happen.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Again I'm fairly new to writing.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes kinda. I've done ad-lips to blurbs from creators I love. It's mainly just me giving my two cents and the writers adding to it or just commenting on what I wrote. I've done drabbles for a Mafia Price fic with @groguspicklejar where we'd take turns adding to the story.
14. all time favorite ship?
Can I say Price and @ghouljams oc Witch? They've changed my brain chemistry.
I'm also quite partial to Farah and Alex. I absolutely love those two. Ghost and Soap is another great ship I support. But I also love Poly 141. Witch and Price are still my favourite though.
If I were to choose one of my own characters I have to say Princess and Gaz from my pirate fic.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started writing a original novel about a fantasy world with magical Fae when I was 16. It was a world completely cut off from humans though the fae knew of their existence.
The main character was a pegasus with wings made of Sunlight and Flames. Her name was Ifza. A name choosen by her parents in hopes she would become a protector for her people like her predecessors.
She was one of the many descendants of Haizum the Horse gifted to the Archangel Gabriel. A magical being known for being able to fly swiftly from one cosmic plane to another. Though those powers have lessened as the new generations were born.
From the same bloodline came a family of warriors sworn to protect the magical realm of Zuhur. The same family Ifza was born into. It was only a matter of time before humans exhausted the resources of their own world. It wouldn't be long before they set out to conquer another. It was just a waiting game at this point.
I know I'll probably never finished this idea mainly because when I first came up with it it was supposed to be a story based on me and my friend group but I've drifted away from them since I finished school and honestly my memories with some of the girls aren't the best so the characters I created based off them don't sit right with me anymore.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I'm not too sure. I have really got a grasp on my writing style yet. I like world/lore building. I can't say for sure if I'm good at it though.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Short fics. I'm not very good at pacing myself because I want to add so many elements to scenes but that just ends up making fics very long and sometimes a little redundant.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I haven't really had a reason to use it. But in Scorched Earth and To the Edge of Chaos I'm looking forward to using phrases in other languages.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Call of Duty
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'm rewriting it at the moment but I really like the general story I came up with for Forgotten Sorrows. And I really like RĂșn my oc. Though I'm not very nice to her most of the time.
No pressure tags: @groguspicklejar @peachesofteal @meadow-of-daisies-and-lavender
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Hi magesmith
You don't have to give me titles, but how many sneaky extra wips do you have in your hoard besides your front-runner wips, the ones you talk about consistently or use in tag games? in asking storyteller questions on Friday because I forsee myself forgetting tomorrow
Hi Sleepy!!!
Firstly: I owe you one, because without this I would have forgotten entirely to send out STS asks before my weekend hiatus, so THANK YOU I appreciate you have some virtual hugs <3
BUT in terms of extra WIPs... if I include the ones I've technically brought up here but haven't talked about in literal years, I've got about 11 stealth WIPs, 9 if I don't include The Lost or Deity Complex. Some of those WIPs are short stories that I'll probably make into an anthology or just little bonus shorts in the future, most of which have no names.
I do, however, have a few more interesting ones that are a bit more than vague concepts at this point! One is a world-building focused serial that (if executive function allows) I hope to start sharing early access to on Patreon in the coming year.
There's also some that have a decent amount of world built up, and some solid foundations for characters, but I just don't have plots or attachment to them yet - one of those is a world where people are born with their destinies etched in their skin, but "destiny" only covers, like, their Big Thing. And so a lot of people outlive their "destiny" by decades, and when they have Very Big destinies, that becomes a whole identity crisis. That one is called Marked in my folders, the world is inspired visually by southeast Asia and the Phillipines, and includes stormcloud jellyfish and very active plant life.
I've also got a magic apocalypse WIP - basically a fantasy world that's divided its kingdoms by biome is devastated by the biomes becoming, like, sentient and vengeful. Like a magic climate apocalypse. And the main character is a messenger sent from the temperate forest kingdom after wildfires absolutely wreck their shit to seek aid from the stony mountain kingdom before they knew that all the biomes were doing their own little apocalypses. That one is called Messenger in my folders.
And then I've got a bunch of story seedlings relating to the worlds that are a focus of other WIPs - a not insignificant amount of them are inspired by the Ehlverse and the world of Deity Complex.
I know that the Ehlverse is going to carry me for life because I've got so much of a history timeline to work with, and the inherent ability of the world itself to reset and wipe things from the historical record on a semi-regular basis, and so there's some plasticity in what I can do if I go back into history and shake the world up, because shit, dude a whole continent and every unique civilization and magic on it was erased 6000 years ago. Who knows what could've happened before that that we've forgotten because the history itself was lost, or what we have is so old the magic of Common can't translate it.
BUT YEAH tl;dr: ive got about a dozen stealth WIPs right now and potential for dozens and dozens more and the only reason they're stealth is because i have the object permanence of a baby. and i use that to my advantage to focus on one thing at a time
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cynder6 · 7 months
Tag game
Got tagged by @blueduckfiretruck ! Thanks for tagging me. May or may not have gotten tagged weeks ago but a lot of things happened and I may have forgotten for a second there. Finally got around to it though!
Last song: Make a move by icon for hire is playing right now
Favourite colour: Orange! Especially when it's lit up.
Last movie/show: Either Dungeon Meshi or One Piece. I decided I was going to finally commit and watch all of One Piece last june-ish. I'm on episode 691 so far! I wonder if I can manage to watch all of it within a year or not. Dungeon Meshi is also amazing! Definitely recommend that to everyone.
Next on my watchlist: the rest of One Piece and Dungeon Meshi, obviously. But I'd also really like to get caught up on RWBY again! I watched everything as it was released until volume 7. Then I stopped watching for a while when vol 8 came out because I had a bunch of projects and exams coming up that I really needed to focus on, and I just haven't found the time to catch up on everything yet (mainly because I know I won't be doing anything besides binging all of it untill I run out of episodes).
Last game: a link to the past! Managed to get that to work on my 3ds a little while back and it's been so much fun! First time playing that one.
Last book: I finished Mort by Terry Pratchett yesterday! Great book, just like all the other discworld novels. Going to start reaper man in a minute too.
Sweet/savoury/spicy? Savoury! Sweet is also good especially for desserts, but for regular food or snacks I generally prefer savoury and salty things. I don't mind spicy food, but it's not my favourite either.
Relationship status: Single. Something I complain a lot about for someone who doesn't go to events and hasn't got a single dating app. I just hope my future girlfriend runs into me on the street at some point. Or magically falls out of the sky or something? If it's gonna come down to me having to go out and be social? I'll probably be single for life.
Last thing I searched online: Not gonna count what episode of One Piece I was on because I looked that up for this, so then it'd be a recipe that uses as much milk as possible! At my work there's a bunch of milk that's gonna go bad soon so I was trying to find out what I could use it for.
Current obsession: Dungeon Meshi probably. Also Discworld. That one's ongoing but I need more people in my life to read these books so I can yell at them! They're great! So many layers! The wordplay! Just everything about these books man.
Greatest flaw: Complete inability to ask for help with anything. Ever. Which sucks a lot because sometimes I am really going through it, and I don't know how to ask someone to help me. Also sucks when you're getting overwhelmed with coursework and you don't message your professor about anything until it's too late to do anything about it. I want to get better at it, but I don't know how? Maybe I should ask someone, but yeah, that's the whole problem
Fic I'm currently reading: Not reading any fic currently. I don't read a lot of fic most of the time? And the things I'm currently reading or watching aren't really the kind of things I would read a lot of fic about?
Thanks for tagging me! this was a lot of fun to do :D. I'm gonna tag @bluehavenchaos and @riotingspectre !
Hope you have fun doing this and don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want to.
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