#i know they have the honorary oscar but i think there should be one where they have to say the specific performance they should have won for
marisatomay · 2 years
just to shake things up every year there should be an oscar awarded for a past performance that didn’t win that includes a note that reads something like “ahah yeah sorry about that what were we thinking** anyway here you go”
**you lost during the weinstein years
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arrolyn1114 · 2 years
Elvis Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @alienelvisobsession
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
Honestly can't remember but it would have been sometime when I was a little kid. I love music and my tastes cover multiple decades and genres. My mom introduced me to music at a very young age. I jokingly say that while other kids were watching Sesame Street I was watching music videos and listening to records. But my love of music originally comes from my mom introducing me to rock music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. So Elvis was mixed in there with all the other artists she loved.
And what was your first impression?
I loved how powerful his voice was, I remember being very impressed with his vocals.
Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
Oh man, I mean, I like both, but I really love those jumpsuits!
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
Not gonna lie, I kinda dig this shirt haha. It's both hideous and amazing at the same time.
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But in all seriousness, probably one of the many jumpsuits, those things were so cool.
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
"If you don't tell me what you want I can't help you get it!"
Whew, sir, please. 🥵🔥
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)
Absolutely. Omg.
What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
I know others have already stated it, but it bears repeating: his sense of humor. He had a great sense of humor.
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?: A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit” F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
F. He walked into my knife. He walked into my knife 10 times.
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What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
Oh, it's hard to pick a favorite because there were so many things that were just phenomenal about the movie. It was amazingly well done. But if I *had* to pick a favorite, I would say scene by the elevator in the parking garage. That scene absolutely ripped my heart out and stomped on it but that's because it was so well directed and acted. I honestly think that's the clip they should show at the Oscars for Austin's nomination. Because if he's not nominated I will fight someone.
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
Seriously, just one thing? Well, I guess I'm gonna have to go with either the '68 Comeback Special or the concert film, "That's The Way It Is."
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here)
(Laughs in bilateral salpingectomy) But, for the sake of theoretical situations, however many he wants.
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
Graceland, baby!
What is the peak Elvis era? warning, this says an awful lot about you…
Mid 60s - early 70s for sure.
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Actually the Elvis movie is the first thing I ever saw him in and so far the only thing I've seen him in. He was amazing in the Elvis movie though so I hope it gets him more quality acting jobs. He deserves it.
What kind of Elvis chick are you? -a 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s filmset fling or a Vegas torrid backstage affair?
Oh I'm a Vegas torrid backstage love affair baby, all the way!
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options: A. hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks. B. hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South
So, I'm from Virginia which geographically is part of the South, but I'm specifically from Northern Virginia which is actually a suburb of Washington DC and anyone from any part of VA will tell you it's a completely different place from the rest of VA, the rest of VA actually considers itself a part of the true South. So, that said, honestly, I don't know. I guess he can be a honorary Southerner if he wants but you're better off asking someone from the actual South this question.
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut?…or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
I'll read pretty much any genre of fanfic if the writing is good and I enjoy the story.
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along)
Oh swallow, for sure. And I don't care who knows it either.
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration
I mean...I'm kind of a dirty horndog who absolutely has no shame in admitting I want to do sexy fun things to her son but I mean, other than that, maybe? Honestly, I don't know haha.
Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite?
Uh, is this a trick question? 50s Cadillac, man!!
What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
Well, I am an athlete, I'm a runner and I box/kickbox and do functional strength training so I might have a chance to at least hold my own for a decent amount of time. He obviously is taller/heavier than I am, but size isn't the only important thing in a fight. Speed and ability to dodge and slip are also important factors. So I'm going to go with I'd be able to put up a good fight but he'd probably end up kicking my butt in the end.
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
I'd tell him that he had such a lasting impression on music and pop culture in general and that he is so loved even all these decades after his death and will continue to be loved going forward. Basically I'd tell him that he will never, ever be forgotten.
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis
Comic books since I know he loved comics too. We could talk about our favorite characters and series.
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
I quote "Cause Colonel's got big debts baby!" a lot.
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
Top 3 go-to songs are gonna be: Can't Help Falling in Love, Suspicious Minds, Polk Salad Annie
If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
I mean, I wish I could spare him several tragedies but if I had to pick only one let's say his mother dying when she did. It was a catalyst for so many other issues that surfaced afterwards.
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves?
Pffffft, good lord no. He was one of a kind, accept no substitutes.
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul, B. I left feeling alarmingly horny, C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet
Ah, I think it was E, because I remember my first thoughts being "Ok this movie was honestly way better than I thought it was going to be. I'm impressed, well done Baz." And then as I processed what I had just watched it started to hit me how amazing of a movie it was and I got emotional at that point. I had a D reaction during the second viewing.
And we won't talk about how many times I've watched it total. I finally had to buy myself a copy because HBOMax was going to get tired of my ass and eventually and cut me off. And I don't want to get cut off, I need HBOMax for other things.
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
I mean there's a lot of gifs and pics that I like but for this post I'll bless you with a gif from the 68 Comeback Special. You're welcome.
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Whew, that was a long ask game. But I enjoyed answering it. So if you read the whole thing I hope you enjoyed reading my responses.
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criticalbennifer · 11 months
Hullo! I've been wondering for a really long time if Ben's career as a serious actor (mr i won 2 Oscars, I miss him) is over? His past few movies haven't done really well, I'm not sure about Air, (didn't check the numbers)
Matt on the other hand has been extremely successful, in perhaps not the lead roles but ben's BO collection still pales in comparison
What are your thoughts?
I don’t think it’s over. Not yet.
I just wish he’d pick better or riskier parts. In the parts he does pick he looks/sounds so sleepy or absent in every role. A lot of the time it seems like he takes a role, psychs himself out, and then gives up. Or he picks projects where he doesn’t (have to) try too hard. He picks safe things which wouldn’t be so bad if they were in better movies. The Accountant?! It’s fun but…
He can do good work. He was great in Tender Bar but the movie was just average. He’s good in background roles where he’s not the focus (and maybe he thinks no one will notice him?) like Last Duel or Shakespeare in Love. A lot of people liked him in Boiler Room? I didn’t. He and it were trying too hard to be another movie.
I’ve heard he’ll pick a movie, get on set, then pick apart or rewrite the script. He knows he picked a poor script (because he just wants to work?) and then gets embarrassed and tries to fix things while in motion. So maybe he thinks he’s too good for the parts he picks? But why doesn’t he just pick a great script from the start? Maybe that’s why he’s a better director. He can nitpick things to his hearts content before he gets on set -  by then he knows what it is and what he wants. He has a “I know what’s best personality”
He’s not playing “just the dad” roles yet where he’s in a movie for an honorary 5 minutes so I think he’s still got time to do great work if he wants to. About 5 more years maybe? 7? 10? I think the pandemic and now these strikes has interrupted a flow he might have been on. His tabloid life often also gets in the way of his career. I think he and Jlo are trying their best not to be tabloid fodder, and they’re doing ok with that. If it wasn’t for that upcoming album people are eager to dissect, ( and that stupid Apple interview where she had to open her big mouth-inviting all of the intrusion in the first place) they’d be doing even better. I don’t think ‘bennifer’ should get in the way of things like last time, despite a targeted smear campaign he may/may not be a part of
There’s a lot of great/interesting or promising movies out this year. Was he not offered any of them? 
I wonder what roles he’s turned down?
Air did pretty well. Not great-it did open against the Mario movie.
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crapyouknowme · 4 years
Highlights of 2020
Tagged by @mfshirtballs - this should definitely be interesting because I'm going to have to wrack my brain...
list your top 10 shows (bl or not) you watched in 2020 (doesn’t necessarily have to be shows that came out in 2020 though!)
tag at least 10 people you appreciated this year
tag 10 more people to continue the tag
Top 10 shows of 2020 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
As I wrote this, I realized that this is in no particular order because I was wracking my brain.
1. Cherry Magic
What to say - this show literally carved itself into my heart and forever be such a warm memory as the year ended. I never felt such a visceral, soulful PURE LOVE at this level in a LONG time. This drama felt... real, relatable and just PERFECT? Kurosawa was such a disaster gay - to be in a one-sided love for 7 years??? WHAT. Adachi.. his clumsiness and his insecurities felt so GODDAMN relatable that I rewatched the show from ep 1-12, 4 times!! 
Thank you Cherry Magic for being such a surprising, yet wonderful gift.
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2. Until We Meet Again
I know that the chemistry between Korn/In and Pharm/Dean really struck me as being so painfully beautiful. It got confusing a bit but their pain had a searing affect on me. Watch for the gut-wrenching love and stay for their chemistry.
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3. He’s Coming To Me
THIS WAS THE SHOW THAT INTRODUCED OHM TO ME so I’m forever grateful because MY GOD CAN THIS KID ACT??? He just breathes pure talent. The story is bittersweet if you think about it but OH-SO-WELL-DONE by both Ohm and Singto! The story felt like fate and it can get super depressing but then it hugs you like a soft cloud.
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4. 2gether The Series
I don’t think I cannot put this show - I was so beyond invested that I would watch even when subs weren’t uploaded on time hoping that I would magically understand Thai. At first, Tine was a complete doofus and in a way grew onto me as an endearing doofus. Then, when Sarawat’s story came to be - I think I literally saw my heart leap out of my throat. A must watch show!
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5. 2moons2
I know people were apprehensive about a remake, as was I, but I was willing to give it a chance to see the other two couples’ stories fleshed out. BOY, I was... just invested in Ming/Kit + Forth/Beam more than I thought I would be. It was just nice to see what could have been with the original.
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6. Where Your Eyes Linger
Tae Joo and Kang Gook.. truly.. TRULY..  were precious and all I ever wanted to do every goddamn episode was to give them the warmest hug. They both needed it. The episodes were shorter than I would have liked but creatively (screenwriting, acting, direction, cinematograph) well-executed. I mean I felt the tangible ANGST between these two IDIOTS whenever they breathed. 
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7. Your Name Engraved Herein
Why does this show exist to just hurt me. It’s rhetorical and there’s no if/way about it because even if I were to re-watch it, which I won’t because I maxed out on pain already for 2021, I would bask at the beautiful acting, direction, lighting of this show.. There were many times where I would literally be clutching my pillow with a deathly grip as I watched the pure heartbreaking sadness consume me. So many Oscar worthy scenes SO MANY. I felt like bawling so many times but I would have never finished it if I had let those flood-gates open. What a beautiful, yet macabre movie.
8. Theory of Love
oh man.. this show.. for me, THIRD carried this drama (not that the other actors didn’t do their best). He is one of the best actors I’ve seen and it’s just really refreshing to see someone with NUANCED acting. He conveys his unrequited love with a breath of fresh yet suffocating air. Khai... oh Khai... I don’t think I would ever understand you but thank you for coming around and giving love back to Third.
9. Gaya Sa Pelikula
MY first Filipino BL and it literally blew my goddamn mind?????? LIKE WHAT. The premise of it was literally ‘like a movie’ and so I stayed because I was immediately captivated. If you’re hesitant about watching it because of whatever reason, just know that Vlad and Karl have immense chemistry and truly bring justice to the story.
10. I Told Sunset About You
THIS..fucking show. I MEAN PURE TALENT exists with Billkin and PP because where in the actual fuck did they find these actors? I honestly thought I lost at least 5/7 lives during this show. It is a damn masterpiece and I’ll be damned if I don’t watch it another 11 times. Teh’s internalized insecurities are just so beautifully fleshed out, which is such a contrast to Oh-Aews struggles. To be ripped apart by circumstances at no fault of their own (well Teh had his moments), to find each other once more.. UGH CANNOT WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL.
Honorary Mention: DARK BLUE KISS
I don’t know much people on Tumblr so I’ll just tag @purple-howl @seekingstarlightinthecity @gunsatthaphan 
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rwbyconversations · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Review
Two weeks out from Volume 8 and I finally cared enough to write this. Go team I guess. 
Part of it came down to my feelings on Volume 7. It’s a complicated season that’s made me realize a lot of my overall feelings on RWBY as a series, particularly a lot of the less flattering feelings. Volume 7 is just... frustrating in general, as for all the good that it does have, and it does have a lot of great elements to it, it’s let down by a frustrating script and writing choices that feel distinctly amateurish, especially as the series moves on and gets better and better looking each year. There’s elements and kernals here of great character writing, season-wide arcs that land in a really good way and get me emotionally invested in the characters. But on the other... Ren only has two hundred words the entire season and you can tell! 
Volume 7 is a season of dizzying highs, some of the best moments of the entire franchise... and some of the series lows. It’s a season where there’s no production reason for its shortcomings... it just comes down to an awkward script that focuses on the wrong elements far too often. Let’s talk about that. In a very long and drawn out manner.
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Thanks to @jamesbranwen​, @h-e-m-o-goblin​ and @retro-riffraff​ for help with GIFs and consultation on this review.
1) The Good Stuff!
A) Atlas is very pretty!
I cannot stress enough how on a set level, Volume 7 is leaps and bounds above the other seasons in sheer environmental detail and setting dressing. Mantle has a great atmosphere with its New York influences, the smog covered backgrounds and oppressive streets and alleys. Ironwood’s office which is deliberately designed to evoke astronomy themes to represent James’ love for the stars. The cold oppressive atmosphere of the Schnee Manor and how Jacques has begun warping it to glorify him with only lip service paid to Nicholas in public. Penguins! 
There’s a lot of great set design work that went into this season and the crew deserve props for it. Genuinely. 
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B) Ironwood’s arc is the best character arc in the entire franchise
Yeah just wearing my heart on my sleeve there, I fucking love Ironwood and his character arc here in Volume 7 is the best written arc of the show. I simp for the tin man who just wants to do the right thing. This one season of content is better than a lot of the series-wide material being honest. I went back to James’s big volumes in the last month to rewatch the show and it’s interesting to see the early seeds in retrospect for where his arc goes. His need to protect everyone he can and the brutish measures he considers necessary for such an act, his conflicting loyalties towards Ozpin that manifest in both frustration at Oz’s seeming apathy to the growing conflict, but also desperate desire for validation from Ozpin that what’s he doing is the right call. After the Mistral seasons set up James as going off the deep end following Volume 3, having him open the season with an earnest smile, an immediate apology for the team’s arrest and trusting them with his plans for Amity and Salem is a jarring but pleasant surprise. He’s not been slacking off, he’s been trying to keep the world together in the way he thinks is best. He lets his guard down around the heroes and we see the good man underneath, which makes the moments where he raises his walls hurt all the more. While Em and Merc are still probably my favorite characters period, James is absolutely my favorite character in Volume 7 and Top 5 favorite characters series-wide. I’m very eager to see where he goes from here. He also rocks the beard and fixed his T-Rex arms so James came out of the washing machine that is Volume 7′s costume design. He truly is the Best Boi, and I cannot give Jason Rose enough credit for his performance this year. He hit every note of Ironwood’s character perfectly and I wish the fandom would give him more credit for giving James as much life as he does.
Oh, and as the obligatory comment on mlm rep that I am known for getting obsessively weird anon hate over: IronQrow hug nearly had me crying on a convention floor from how goddamn soft it was. Remember conventions? Ah good times.
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This just... hits me... ya know? Seeing him lower his guard so much to come in for a hug just shows how isolated he’s let himself become to let himself have this moment of contact... Godamnit James. Also this is the second time after Martial Arcs that two guys hug and I really liked their ship for the following hiatus. 
C) Soft Qrow hours are nice
Qrow’s a good guy, he went through a lot of bad stuff in Volume 6 but now he’s on the other side and purged his voice of the demon within. I think Volume 7 was a very good year for Qrow overall. It was great to see him interacting with more characters his age and lowering his own guard. His moments of letting the facade drop around James and Clover especially are great expansion for his character. Jason Liebritch hit the ground running as Qrow and gave him a far more dynamic range than I think Vic could. While I wish Qrow going off alcohol had been given more of a focus as it’s kind of done off-handedly that he’s gone cold turkey and otherwise doesn’t get brought up barring his revulsion at the wine in the Schnee Manor, he overall had a great year. And trust me I’ll get to the fights later, I have a lot more I can say about the bird boi there. 
D) I liked the Ace Ops! 
I was ambivilent towards the Ace Ops on first watching. They’re kinda underdeveloped in the context of the season at large and most people immediately pegged them as a miniboss squad/fodder for Salem to kill. But in rewatch they do still get to shine, if not as brightly. They’re very enjoyable. Clover especially is just really fun in retrospect, I love cocky fighters in general, and he was infectiously enjoyable (I’ve already covered the FG stuff in the past, not doing it again). Marrow came a close second because... well it’s Marrow, he is The Best Boi. Harriet got points for being a punchgirl which is always cool, I liked how her Semblance was shown and being cocky while being able to back it up is always a win. Elm and Vine are tied for dead last, I like the body diversity Elm introduces with her muscles and Vine... existed... but overall I think with the time they had, they did get to establish themselves well. I wish I could say that about their relationship with Team RWBYORNJ but this is the Nice Section so we’ll leave it there for now.
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This is one of the best shots of the entire season. I adore it. God I like the Teryx design.
E) God the villains rocked this year! 
I am a villain whore. I own that. I will embrace that monkier. But when they’re as cool as this, I feel validated in this Chilli’s tonight. Watts and Tyrian really make the season shine and don’t have a dud scene all season. They have great chemistry together, shining bright in even the weakest or most mediocre episodes. Watts went from “Oh yeah you exist” tier to “Oh yeah you rule” tier. His vendetta against Ironwood feels so real and pre-established, even though this season is the first time it’s ever come up. Watts just ozzes style in everything he does. The animators bring him to life and make every step, every flick of his twist and even just how he moves his eyes all bleed contempt. He’s such a rat and I love him! Chris Sabat finally gets to stretch his wings after a few years playing Watts as just Evil Scientist Guy, and he makes the most of it. 
And Tyrian remains an absolute treat. He didn’t get much in V6 but here he takes center stage with Watts and also gets so much impact because of it. All the little twitches, and tilting of his heads, and dramatic gestures, he’s still just so goddamn cool to watch and we even get a little backstory of him. I know he’s irredeemable. But I just want to watch Tyrian kill people and scream. Like hot damn his line “THE GRIMM SHOULD HAVE DESTROYED OUR ENEMIES, NOT MADE THEM FRIENDS!” is so fucking raw. He’s having fun destablizing a nation with his boyfriend! 
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“You want more chaos than a Grimm invasion?” “If anyone on Remannt can do it, wouldn’t it be you?” There is no heterosexual explanation for how these two look at each other and yes this is me outing myself as a Nuts and Volts fan.
Watts and Tyrian really do become the absolute highlights of the season alongside James. They have a great dynamic and even during their more slower moments there’s so much care and thought put into their every mannerism. Animators, seriously, great job, I love what you did. And their fights... we’ll get there. But they’re so goddamn good. 
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Look they even run the same! They’re soulmates! 
Honorary mention to Salem by the way. She’s only in two scenes but her presence is felt throughout Ironwood’s arc and his growing fear of her and she damn well delivers when she shows up. That shot of her arriving in person is a killer shot to end on as well.
Oh and I guess Cinder and Neo exist don’t they? Eh, we’ll come back to them. 
F) Oscar got a character arc!
Finally! He did it! He got an arc that began, continued and ended all onscreen! It only took four tries! 
But yeah Oscar had a really good set of scenes in Volume 7. I like him being the first to confront Ruby on the Ironwood lie, bringing up the hypocrisy after their condemning of Ozpin just last season. I like him having a more forward role (outside of not getting to be part of the celebration in episode 4 what the hell guys), and that he’s the big link between RWBY and Ironwood was a great call. Having Ozpin shelved for one more season so Oscar can take center-stage was an inspired choice. I love his dynamic with Ironwood, and how James closing himself off emotionally gets reflected in how he begins slipping in how he refers to Oscar, starting off as treating him and Oz as separate, ending with him gunning Oscar down as he doesn’t care anymore to differentiate the two.
My big issues with Oscar’s arc are that I’m first of all annoyed at the lack of followup on the Oscar stuff from V6, I’m still waiting for Qrow to apologize for punching Oscar guys! I also really wish Neo’s first attack wasn’t offscreen. CRWBY’s cliffhanger fetish meant I got to break out the Offscreen Pine jokes again. And of course, the Neo hallway punch was a bit bullshit.
G) (Most of) The fights are amazing
There’s no punchline. These fights are great, two of them are in my Top 10 Series Wide fights list and at least the duds aren’t Volume 5 bad.
If you’d told me before Volume 7 that Watts would get an extended firefight with James, I’d have felt that a bit cheap as Watts to me doesn’t feel like a fighter, more a planner who hides behind armies of mechanical soldiers. But damn if they didn’t sell me on Watts “You’ve yeed your last haw” Watts whipping out a Glock just to spite James. 
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This is another one of my favorite shots in the entire series.
Ironwood vs Watts is potentially my favorite fight in the entire series, and if it’s not, it’s easy Top 3 alongside Yang vs Mercury and Pyrrha vs CRDL/Mercury. It makes great use of Amity in the abandoned gravity biome meant for SSSN vs JNPR, with Ironwood and Watts deftly moving around in a manner that very easily could have been difficult to track with the constantly shifting gravity, but the crew do their best to keep it coherent as to who’s where. The credits showed their dedication also stretched into visual continuity, as James and Arthur’s route throughout the Arena was carefully considered so they’d loop around organically. 
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This is what I mean when I say the crew went above and beyond to keep things clean.
Ironwood vs Watts could have easily failed to impress, given its lack of choreography on the level the series usually does, but the team’s efforts went instead into showing a situation that lets Watts get a dragged out battle: James wins whenever he closes the distance here, so Arthur’s constantly on the run and being forced to tamper with the arena. Great camerawork, a GOD TIER song from Caleb Hyles that I’m still listening to today, and two characters with a fantastic history coming to blows makes for easily the best fight of the season and a series-wide highlight. Watching it develop from storyboards, to mocap, to animations and the full version is a delight to see. This is what CRWBY can do when everything comes togehter. The orchestra’s all tuned. It’s a goddamn symphony.
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THIS is my favorite shot of the season.
Tyrian also gets to shine with his two battles this year. His alley fight with Qrow, Robyn and Clover is short but sweet, the corvid and the scorpion especially trading brutal blows in the cramped space. Qrow goes full Devil May Cry with his style-switching here, Harbinger being swapped between sword, tonfa and gun forms freely alongside Qrow applying The Power of Punching. His 1v1v1 with Clover and Qrow though is the true highlight of the season in terms of choreography. It’s lighting-fast, and has some impeccable shot work. Qrow gets to use his scythe with deliberate nods to the Red Trailer, Clover gets to shut up everyone who doubted his weapon, and Tyrian is just along for the ride and he makes the most of it. It’s frentic, it’s heart-pounding, it’s everything a fight should be. 
Honorary mentions as well go to Ace Ops vs the Geist, which is just really fun and has a great backing music choice, the opening battle with Sabre having Ruby’s obligatory ten seconds of fighting that come at the start of every new era of the series, and the Ace Ops vs RWBY fight which has some good choreo in places.
H) Winter and Penny have good chemistry
I don’t have a ton to add here, I just like their dynamic and how they advance each other’s arcs. It’s nice writing. I also like Winter apologizing to Penny when she’s angry at Jacques and takes it out on Penny by accident with the “You wouldn’t understand” line.
Penny as a Maiden is a nice idea, I think her new design is cute. Penny says trans rights.
Those are a lot of my favorite things about Volume 7. It’s a killer season when it’s firing on all cylinders but unfortunately... it often misfires in frustrating ways, many of which are unfortunately due to core emblematic problems with the series that won’t go away.
2) The Bad Stuff
A) The costumes
It’s been a over year. It’s low hanging fruit. I don’t care. Most of them are still not good and they’re ludicrously over-designed.
Blake’s in a fetish suit and I wonder how she even goes to the bathroom. Weiss just looks like an abino Sabre alt, Yang is what a Halloween costume site would describe as “Sexy UPS Driver,” (why does she have a thigh window) Ruby... looks fine, it’s one of her better costumes. Jaune’s hair is silly, Ren’s model has lost some muscle definition and he looks like an e-boy, Nora’s costume really doesn’t fit the Atlas visual design and looks like a rejected Kingdom Hearts costume. Cinder’s is too black and I actually can’t track her in darker scenes because of it (which is kinda bad during... a fight scene... where I need to know where she is...), Neo looks like a Ren Fair cosplayer doing a bit for her OnlyFans, Winter’s is anatomically weird with super skinny arms and legs, and Blake’s hair is a fucking hate crime. 
Qrow’s is one I liked at first but in retrospect it does feel like a downgrade. To quote @h-e-m-o-goblin​ from a Discord chat:
in a show like rwby, where color is such a vital defining aspect of every character, a cohesive colorscheme goes a long way. qrow's original outfit works great in this regard. neutral tones. greys, whites, and blacks, with red accents that pop against the otherwise sparse color. it's good! it's distinctive! it doesn't feel cluttered and it doesn't look like a clown vomited on him! the subdued colors really lend themselves to the grey, cynical energy qrow seems to carry with him. a literal lack of color in his life. the outfit itself feels like something he would wear; a combination of "clearly trying to look cool" and "a little disheveled and laid back." the design breathes, it isn't cluttered. let's contrast this with his vol 7 outfit. a lot of outfits in vol 7 suffer from this problem, but first and foremost it doesn't look like something he would wear. where his old outfit had a casual feel to it, his new look feels like someone dressed him up for a family christmas dinner. it's too... tidy. now of course you could argue this is him "cleaning up his life," but i dont feel like you have to sacrifice his own personal style in order to convey that. if that's really what they were going for, they easily could have just, oh i dont know, given him a cape that isn't tattered???
remember how i said qrow's original outfit really made his colors pop? how less is more when it comes to having a character with a specific color theme? vol 7 butchered that. we suddenly have articles of clothes that are tinted with greenish blue tones, browns, and with gold trim? on TOP of the old colors he already had in his design. it's muddy. it's ugly. the burgundy vest is fine, if they wanted to work more color into his outfit they should have done it that way throughout, shades of grey and different tones of RED. his COLOR. it just feels like they tacked so much on there without a second thought and i really think he deserves better. its just. such a mess.
The ones I did like were Watts’ new coat (I like the puffy hood), Penny’s is fine, the Ace Ops look great, Ironwood’s new outfit is stellar (those last six are great examples of how to do a lot with just primary colors of white and red), Neon’s Jolyne cosplay is cute and Flynt is slick. Otherwise, Volume 7 feels like it’s taken a lot of the wrong lessons from the costume design of the earlier seasons. Less is often more but now it feels like they have a pathological aversion to empty space on the costumes, leading them to feel like... costume vomit for lack of a better word. I didn’t love the Mistral outfits, but their modifications at least were carried by how many of them called back to the Fall of Beacon and emphasized the themes of loss in Volume 4. The new Atlas outfits... don’t have that shared theme. It feels like a hodgepodge of different design influences without trying to find a way to unify them. It’s like putting Baki the Grappler beside My Little Pony, they just fail to mesh.
Also for fuck’s sake already CRWBY just give the girls muscles already.
2) JNR suck and Ren’s arc is glorified character assassination
I don’t love JNR. They’re fine, but the show has arguably not needed them for a while and while I’ve liked them all at different points, it’s never been adoration outside of Ren in Volume 4. I was cool with the idea of them staying in Argus to help cover Mistral after its Huntsmen were wiped out, and Volume 7 has... made me wish they did that.
Jaune is just comic relief, and it kinda blows for later reasons but the big one is that he’s just not very funny. His big role in Volume 7 is basically to crosswalk some kids so we can have a joke scene during the Mantle Battle where Jaune uses his tactical genius to teach people to walk in single file. I feel like at this point Miles is just actively trying to kill Jaune’s fandom out of spite for how badly Jaundice was received. He’s never allowed to be cool or try and redeem himself. His hatedom aren’t going to stop hating Jaune because he gets more comedy guys. They’re going to stop when you write Jaune well. It’s a bummer he got some genuinely great upgrades for his sword and shield and never gets to use them outside of the opening. 
Nora exists. She got a surprising amount of focus this season in that she got focus of any kind. I liked her confronting Ironwood over his choking of Mantle because we know she was once the kind of person Ironwood would have been stifling. I like her being the one to realize the loophole in Jinn’s “You can’t” line. I don’t like much else about Nora this year, or at least the Nora the writing team are pushing. She’s not funny like Jaune but Nora just absorbs so much screentime in the first half with her constant shrieking. Sam Ireland has good range but making Nora into Discount Harley Quinn is pushing her out of it. She sounds shrill, making Nora sound like she has no heart outside of the election rally. A shrill voice is one thing. A shrill voice that never lands a single joke? Yeah that character is tainted by association. 
And Ren... oh God Ren what happened to you.
The Volume 7 commentary confirmed a suspicion of mine that Ren’s arc was heavily cut down from what was planned. Even watching V7 I could tell his arc was bare-bones at best, and it’s downright character assassination in places. Why is he suddenly so cold to Nora? Why is he now so obsessed with training? Why does he side with Ironwood for all of... one line which is this last between episodes 7 and 11. Ren only has two hundred words of dialoge in Volume 7 and they feel so weird in places. Ren goes from seemingly disliking Nora, to kissing her, to never referencing the kiss, to partaking in the Worst Scene Of The Season, all with no consistency. It’s not even threadbare. Ren’s arc just has no connecting tissue for so much of it! It’s insane how badly Ren was hurt by this, and I shudder to wonder how bad his Volume 8 arc will be because you know that was one of the first plotlines they cut down on when they inevitably overreached again. 
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I don’t know how they made Renora kissing feel unearned? But by God they found a way with how much of a trainwreck Ren’s writing is in regards to tainting this. 
If Ironwood is an example of RWBY doing character writing well, Ren is the mirror image of how badly they can do. JNR really suffered from Volume 7 (also fun fact, Ren has about 200 words of dialogue? Ironwood has 4400). Maybe not to the level of irredeemable dislike? But very close to being on the same tier as Cinder of “Just go away already.”  I’m not looking forward to their content in Volume 8. 
3) RWBY themselves are poorly handled in Volume 7
It’s unfortunate that the actual title characters of the series are also some of this season’s weaker links. RWBY feel... superfluous to this season in a way they’ve never felt before. It’s baffling how much of the season doesn’t change if you just don’t include them, and apparently Volume 7′s first draft? Was even worse.
The commentary says that many of the RWBY moments were added later in production. Stuff like Ruby and Renora at the rally, Blake and Yang’s talk with Robyn and Ruby and Qrow’s chat were all either added in near the end of the writing or were “low priority” enough that they could have been cut which is... veyr alarming that’s stuff even the main protags have to worry about! 
Ruby feels half-baked. I was looking forward to her in V7 after how V6 gave her a more dynamic personality and the focus she got in Brunswick, and having Penny’s return had me interested in seeing Ruby grapple with her emotions about it. She watched Penny die, how would it influence her to see Penny back and OK? Good question, we never get to see it. Ruby’s just OK with Penny’s return, the one time they touch on it Penny immediately glosses over it. Ruby just goes back to her old happy go lucky persona where any and all negative emotions are immediately forced down instead of confronting them and growing from them. I’m getting a little tired of Ruby bottling her grief and being teased about finally getting her snapping like a Twix Bar. We finally got her crying and it lasted all of ten seconds. And it doesn’t help that Ruby’s still getting shafted for fights. Her scythe choreography has no excuse being as flacid as it is now after Qrow vs Clover showed they can do scythe fighting! Why is Ruby being upstaged by (let’s be real) a supporting character! Why is she being limited to ten seconds of good combat then nothing for the rest of the season outside of flimsily swinging it or shooting. It’s disappointing, especially after how good V6 Ruby was.
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I swear, Gravity’s not just my favorite episode of the season just because Ruby finally cries in it.
Weiss was kinda just done dirty though. At least Ruby has a good outfit. Weiss confronting her father has been a long standing plot thread for the series, it’s been Weiss’s Big Thing since the White Trailer. And when Jacques finally appears, he’s very... bland. He’s just evil corporate dude who exists less as an obstacle for Weiss and more just a roadblock for the plot through the election. Weiss finally gets a chance to take her father down and work to redeem her family name... but instead of earning said victory and it being treated with the same gravitas and emotional weight as Blake defeating Adam... Weiss has her victory handed to her. And it’s played for comedy by her abusrdly attractive mother. 
Listen, I like I Willow Schnee. I think she’s a fascinating character and I like the idea of a person who is aware of the harm they’ve done by accident but is too broken to fix the issues she accidentally left. I love her calling Weiss out on her treatment of Whitley. But she is absolutely a Deus Ex Machina that exists to get Jacques out of the plot as fast as possible. You mean to tell me Hackerman Watts never once made sure Jacques had hidden cameras? Or that none of the staff found Willow’s cameras and reported them under the assumption they were White Fang spies? It’s so... convenient. It’s handing Weiss her victory on an unearned platter. Which sucks. I was really looking forward to Weiss beating Jacques. Instead she just gets given the plot device while JNR engage in the Worst Scene of The Season in that Whitley food stunt.
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Me whenever I’m asked to rewatch Cordially Invited
Blake and Yang have much the same problems, in they never separate. I know they’re going to be together. I know CRWBY are making it canon (get it over with already). I still would like Yang and Blake to have individual character scenes. I’d like Blake and Marrow to talk about being a Faunus Huntsman in Atlas (another thing that got cut thanks to Robyn Hill). I want Yang and Ironwood to discuss their PTSD and have Yang thank Ironwood for his trust in her that he commissioned the arm despite Yang attacking Mercury. I want Blake to be well animated in fight scenes so she’s doing more than just jobbing so Yang looks better. I want Yang to stop hogging all the good Team RWBY choeography. I want them to interact with other characters and continue to grow instead of feeling like two halves of one character. And no, making a meta joke of how Blake and Yang don’t talk to other people doesn’t make it OK. It just means you’re self aware about your own faults. 
(Also give Yang better merch or quit the favoritism. If you’re gonna milk her, put effort into it beyond crapply overpriced flannel. RT’s merch store is actively making me hate Yang.)
Team RWBY’s biggest contribution to the season is the Ironwood Lie which is... a can of worms. They certainly had a point in withholding some of the bigger truths from James but I feel by Pomp and Cirumstance he’d proven himself truthwrothy enough to warrant being told the truth about Salem. But then when he’s finally told the truth, it’s offscreen’d and the consequence isn’t “Why didn’t you tell me earlier” but “Fucking Ozpin man.” Gravity has it bite them in the ass, but it’s more an accessory to Yang and Blake telling Robyn about the Amity tower. I wish more had been done with the team disagreeing on whether the lie was a good choice or not, maybe have Yang be hardline against it due to her own “No more lies and half truths” policy instead of... having Yang tell more lies and half truths (Commentary confirms she never told Ruby and Weiss about the Robyn stuff BTW). But that’s a wider problem where RWBY aren’t allowed to disagree beyond surface level “I don’t know if this is the right call” dialogue. There’s never a threat of one of them cracking and just spilling the beans to James, everyone just blindly trusts Ruby and Qrow tells the audience “No this is different from when Ozpin lied. Trust us.” 
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This is the most RWBY get for content in the season finale: Ruby just nuking Cinder with no difficulty after having trouble with the eyes three episodes ago. Kinda lame tbh.
Team RWBY are just disappointing in Volume 7. They’re not given good animation, their story roles are largely insignificant, the impact of their roles on the story is threadbare and... well most of their costumes suck don’t @ me even CRWBY have admitted Blake and Weiss’s haircuts looked bad. It’s a whole barrage of a letdown for the main girls. And it’s really sad that the best scenes of the season... are usually the ones where RWBY are nowhere in sight.
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Why the hell didn’t Yang get to keep the sunglasses come on guys. One job.
4) Robyn, the election plot, and the Happy Huntresses
Oh God, Robyn Hill is... not great. I could and likely will write a full meta on her character and how they bungled it but I’ll just be blunt here: I don’t like her design, the colors don’t mesh well, he head’s too small, Christina Vee is sleeping through the role and her weapon’s lame. Introducing her in a scene where she threatens to attack our heroes, and her agents are actively sneaking up on them to do it, is not a great first impression for a hometown hero. And that the commentary thinks she’s meant to be the hero in that scene is... staggering. 
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RWBY’s greatest threat yet is a wine mom Karen and her Home Owners Association army. 
The election plot is less a misfire and more the engine just exploding. There’s so little good content between when it’s introduced and concluded, with it usually being individual scenes that are more good in spite of their connection to the plot (such as Tyrian’s massacre). It drags in pacing, going on for nearly half the season between episodes 5 and 10, and it purely exists as a roadblock to keep RWBY spinning their wheels while Watts and Tyrian keep going with the main plot. I don’t know why CRWBY went for this plot. They could have easily had something else fill the gap that also allowed for a lot of the character beats (such as Marrow and Blake’s talk and Ren’s entire arc) to shine, or at least condensed it to the important elements instead of letting it become bloated. It ends in such an unsatisfying way where Willow just shows up and goes “We have four episode left, here’s the plot device to beat Jacques, get back ot the main plot.” If they wanted to do the election plot, the best route would have been to give Volume 7 more episodes or stretch out its events to two seasons, but neither is realistically possible while RWBY lives off the teat of AT&T. 
Jacques and Robyn are just boring. Evil corporate man and a lame adaptation of Robyn Hood who only has fans because of thirst who also like downplaying Robyn making a racist remark at Marrow (to say nothing of that weird subsection of Robyn fans who make her a Fox Faunus who cut her tail off to join Atlas Academy which is... certainly a creative choice especially when Marrow and Neon are punching holes in that angsty BS backstory). They can’t carry this plot and the artifical attempts to make it seem more exciting with the two cliffhaners ending on Mantle under riot or Grimm attack are laughably cut short by the next episode in each case opening the morning after. On binge watch it becomes weirdly funny more than anything and that’s not a good reaction. The dual cliffhangers being cheaply resolved is a short but succint example of V7′s pacing issues, and they almost always loop around to the election plot being too bloated, slow and just boring.
Also the Happy Huntresses are just... lame. I like their Semblances but that’s it. Fiona’s OK because she gets some screentime but May’s just “the surly one” and Joanna doesn’t even get her Semblance or much dialogue (oh wow she really is just a female Sage Ayana isn’t she). Robyn should not have been leading the HH and running for Council. That’s really stupid. And kind of wrong. Having May or Fiona be running instead while Robyn leads the team in relief efforts would have been better and could have split the focus more effeciently instead of leaving May and especially Joanna feelng like roster padding. There’s also some delicious irony in the show trying to frame the HH as the resistance fighting for the people and representing individuality, only for them all to have the same boring outfit and weapons (I think even the exact same model just with different sizes) while the Ace Ops are meant to be the military drones who are “Just following orders,” only for them to be more racially diverse, more diverse body-type-wise, and have more unique weapons. It’s another one of those odd creative dissconnects between what the writers wanted and what the artists/animation teams chose to do. 
The election plot is overall toxin for Volume 7, and Robyn in my opinion, has one of the worst introductory scenes of any character in the franchise (and CRWBY have tacitly admitted that V7 had a character they were surprised at how controversial they were, which has to be Robyn). In a year where they were already juggling so much content and characters, adding in this bloated subplot was something I don’t think anyone wanted, especially now that we know we lost so much content on the sacrificial altar for this. It’s a black mark on the season and I don’t really care for the return of the Happy Huntresses or Robyn in Volume 8. None of them are interesting enough to care for outside of meta reasons like “cute.” 
Also fuck you Fiona, can’t believe you got a shirt before Ironwood. 
5) Cinder and Neo sure exist
To be fair, this is one of Cinder’s best years, easily her best since Volume 3 but that’s more because Cinder in the Mistral era was crap. (And if I wanna be cruel, because Cinder wasn’t in two thirds of the season)Her fans were finally vindicated after years of telling anyone who dunked on Cinder that “nooooo she has a super covert backstory that’s gonna be amazing when it’s revealed! You’ll see!” And well they finally got it. All of one line during a fight about how Cinder “refuses to starve.” 
It’s still something so I guess we have to take it. Seriously... how do we still not have Cinder’s backstory. 
There’s just not a ton to say about Cinder and Neo in V7 barring I that don’t think they needed to be here. They feel very superfluous and just here to have a big boss fight in Cinder’s case alongside continuing her streak of ending the odd numbered seasons fighting a female side character... which for me became an exercise in tyring to find during Cinder during the damn fight.
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And this is why when most people saw Cinder’s V6 outfit they went “It’s gonna be hard to see her in darker environments,” then were vindicated when it became legit difficult to see Cinder in this scene. God if they at least just made the inside of the cape red it’d be easier.
Neo is Neo, which means she makes funny faces and mocks Cinder (I like that), but she doesn’t get a super good fight which uh... we’ll get to. I’m interested to see her finally exploding at Cinder and going for a backstab, but really Neo in V7 was kinda hit hard by the double whammy of the Oscar Hallway Punch and how humiliating ORNJ vs Neo was for ORNJ. Cinder’s definitely had far worse years and after how aimless she was in Mistral this feels like a sep in the right direction, but at this point CRWBY just need to shut up and tell us her deal. It’s been seven years guys. Come on. At least make her interesting if she’s gonna say around. They’ve had worse years, but unfortunately Cinder and Neo’s role in the finale leads into...
6) Some of the fights weren’t good
I wanna be clear, I like most of Volume 7′s fights. It’s just a bummer the worst ones are back and back and make up a chunk of the finale. ORNJ vs Neo is just crap. It’s the worst fight since the Battle of Haven. There’s nothing else I can say, it’s poorly animated, paced, choreographed and written. JNR especially are made to look like complete jokes after they spent all season training, to the point where it looks like V2 Yang could solo V7 JNR after this. Oscar I expect this from because he’s not allowed to have fun stuff onscreen after accidentally stealing the Haven budget for his fight with Hazel, but JNR were just done dirty. There were ways to make the fight work in a way where Neo still won but JNR looked good. They went for the worst possible outcome that just leaves Neo looking like she got fan-wanked and JNR looking like they’re just not allowed to be cool due to Miles’ spite at the Jaune-Self Insert stuff (and that’s not even getting into JNR being forced to run from lame rent a cops who can’t even handle a single Grimm). Cinder vs Winter and Penny isn’t much better, with her dark outfit making it very hard to track the fight because she blends into the background too well. It’s not a great showing for Winter or Penny given their earlier feats but, hey, some random female character had to fight Cinder in this odd numbered volume, carrying on Glynda, Pyrrha and Raven’s tradition. It’s at least better than ORNJ vs Neo, but that’s really not saying anything. At least Cinder’s VA work isn’t too bad this time but this fight commits the cardinal sin of a finale fight: It’s just not super interesting because we know Cinder can’t kill both Winter and Penny and she’s not becoming a Maiden, while Winter’s been too blatantly set up so it has to be Penny.
RWBY vs the Ace Ops also gets a dishonorable mention due to the choreography on display here... and the lack of it for Weiss, Blake and Ruby. Ruby never once swings Crescent Rose the entire fight and is just reduced to getting the tar kicked out of her by Harriet. Weiss barely gets to use her sword and largely just sticks to her summoning and glyphs which makes for a very visually uninteresting fighting style at the best of times. Blake just swings around and gets caught by the bad guys so Yang is motivated to fight stronger. She never dual wields (again) and her best moves are just setting up Yang to do all the hard work while Yang gets to personally KO two of the Ace Ops. There’s a lot that can be said about whether or nor RWBY earn the win, but while the animation team try to sell the Ace Ops landing heavy hits, having only Blake’s Aura even flicker really undercuts the idea from the commentary that this wasn’t meant to be a stomp for RWBY and they had to work together and be in synch to win.
Which is why Yang solos two of the Ace Ops whle Blake plays support, Weiss beats Marrow alone and then kill steals Harriet from Ruby, all while the song playing is an extended diss track from RWBY to the Ace Ops about how badass they are now, and the commentary itself says the Ace Ops are hard carried by Clover’s Semblance (because you gotta love basically saying four POC were only competent because a white guy led them, and then have them lose because said white guy wasn’t around to carry them!). Great job guys, you really sold it.
And talking of Clover, I feel it worth mentioning Qrow vs Clover vs Tyrian. It’s animation wise near perfect, but unfortunately I do feel it would be remiss to not mention that I feel the writing really has to bend over backwards to justify this fight. A lot of it is stuff I would say in that hypothetical Robyn essay, but I feel Robyn, Qrow and Clover all have to become massive idiots for this specific sequence of events to occur, and for Clover especially every retroactive attempt to explain why he prioritized Qrow over Tyrian just sounds more and more desperate. Between the references to MCU Captain America (a person whose entire arc is about learning when it’s OK to defy bad orders) or the attempt in the commentary to say “Oh Clover thought it would be easier to take out Tyrian alone instead of Qrow,” none of them land and just further drive home how much the plot had to stretch and reach to get that moment of Tyrian killing Clover. I like the fight. But I hate the road the show took to get there.
Some of the misc fights are also weak like ORNJ vs FNKI and elements of the Mantle Grimm battle, but those are the big offenders. Otherwise, again, the fights are largely good. 
7) The soundtrack wasn’t... great
I mean the vocal songs only, don’t crucify me. Trust Love is just lamer Let’s Just Live/Triumph, Celebrate and Let’s Get Real are so boring I thought they were the same song until the OST dropped, Brand New Day is boringly peppy and Jeff’s vocals are dreadful. I completely forgot Touch the Sky until I was checking the tracklist to make sure I didn’t forget any songs. War has good singers but tries to sell the RWBY-Ace Ops bond as way deeper than it was. The lack of a villain song did really sting though, those are always the highlights.
There are good songs. I really like Fear, I feel it encapsulates the themes of the volume well and serves as a good condemnation of Ironwod’s mentality. Until The End is finally the Ruby song I’ve waited for since Red Like Roses 2 and I enjoy that she got a melancholic song, and Hero is easily, hands down, best track of the record and probably best RWBY track, full stop. Caleb killed it, I loved the second verse, opening opera was strong, guitar riffs were a plenty. Stellar work all around for that one.
The OST has great work from Jeff and Alex as usual, but the Jeff and Casey songs are really starting to lose their appeal. Going for a peppy feel this year didn’t help cover the cracks that are beginning to show with RWBY’s vocal songs (especially Jeff’s vocal range), and while a few standouts remain such as Fear and Hero, they are the slim minority in an otherwise very boring vocal tracklist that barely scrapes above Volume 5 for weakest set yet.
8) It wasn’t as funny as it thought it was
Comedy is subjective but man a lot of these jokes didn’t land. RWBY really needs to realize that does work in traditional 2D does not translate into 3D and just comes off as making official reaction GIFs for your Twitter account. Making characters SUDDENY SCREAM LOUDLY is not good banter. Please stop making Nora into Harley Quinn. Marrow was probably the most consistently funny character but that was it. Also I dunno why CRWBY thought Forrest was funny or what the deal was with that FRWBY crap. 
“Honorary” mention to the JNR food scene in Cordially Invited which is genuinely one of the worst scenes in the entire show and I hope whoever animated it has their save files deleted for a game where they were about to beat the final boss. Nothing sums up JNR’s pointlessness in the series more perfectly than this.
C) Conclusion
See what I mean about Volume 7 being frustrating? 
It’s weird that I overal think of Volume 7 as a mid-tier volume. There’s so much here I genuinely adore, with some of the best stuff to do with the show coming out of this season (barring lame, overpriced merch that feels like clothing gacha), but simultaneously the whole thing is let down by outside circumstances that unfortunately are ones the show can’t ever really recover from. Put bluntly, Volume 7 is the most technically proficient season of the show with the best lighting, backdrops, (some of the) character models, etc. CRWBY definitely didn’t slack off this year, but the problem isn't with them. It’s with the writing. A wider reaching problem is just that Miles and Kerry can’t really improve to the level that the series now requires. Eddy and Kiersei’s first season could have gone far worse, but it definitely was notable whenever they took over. Volume 7’s core problems are fourfold: The comedy is terrible and none of the jokes really land, the season focuses on the wrong plots and gives them too much effort, too many episodes are spent building up to new plots only for them to be weakly resolved (especially the Mantle Riot/Grimm attacks that are shoved off-screen), and the character bloat strikes hard here and leaves a lot of the cast feeling like dead weight. CRWBY don’t need more writers. They need more editors willing to tell the team what has to go instead of them hemming and hawing themselves on if they if they can include a plotline. The election never should have gotten past its first draft, there was too much already in this season before adding that.
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When this is an unironic shot in your series... you’ve got character bloat issues.
At this point, I think JNR need to go. The show had no idea what to do with them throughout the season, leading to Jaune just being comic relief while Ren and Nora became characters I actively dislike. Renora was the easiest ship in the show to land, and they still managed to blow the engines and ram at least three icebergs just to prove that RWBY can’t romance to save its life. Team RWBY themselves are little better, with Ruby’s feelings about Penny’s return being shelved, Weiss’s victory against Jacques feeling un-earned and undercut by comedy, while Yang and Blake are benched for the volume and become a singular entity with how tied at the hip they are. Maria basically yeeted herself out of the show and I didn’t notice, Pietro is just a death flag, and while the Ace Ops had a good intro, it was undercooked by how they had to play the villain role to give RWBY something to do in the final hours. Cinder and Neo didn’t need to be here. Robyn had one of the worst introductions for a character I’ve ever seen, I never enjoyed her moments and it genuinely feels like she only has a fandom because RWBY’s community are in fact that desperate. 
On the brighter side, Ironwood’s arc is fucking perfect and Jason Rose deserves all the love. Great fight, great song, great design, love the beard, it was a perfect downfall for Volume 7’s true protagonist. Qrow had a fun volume and I loved his dynamic with Clover (I don’t see the ship stuff but that’s more because I’m an IronQrow main so my blinders were on). Clover was also way cooler than I remembered. His fights stood out but the guy’s just really cool at the end of the day, with Chris doing great work as a VA. Oscar even managed to do stuff this year which was a shock and a half, but a welcome shock and a half. I didn’t mention it, but the Ozpin fear monologue is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show and it and the Ironwood/Oscar confrontation in the vault save the finale. And of course, Watts and Tyrian were the MVPs. I don’t have a bad word about either of them, they fucking nailed their roles and I can’t wait to see them again. 
And that’s kind of what I mean when I say Volume 7 flummoxes me. It’s frustrating at times with how it handles seemingly easy tasks and drops the ball. Renora went from “everyone liked that” to wondering how badly Ren’s stuff got butchered for him to be the way he is. RWBY themselves could be almost entirely cut and so little would change, and the fact that the finale basically hinges its entire emotional stakes on Winter, Penny and Oscar is a staggering call. And it really feels like the season was compressed beyond necessity because they decided going in that Volume 7 had to end on Salem’s arrival. There’s two volumes worth of material here, and maybe it would have been best to have broken up these events. Volume 7 does too much in too little time, and RWBY especially suffered from it. But when it works… it’s good. Never close to the highs of Volumes 6 or 3, but there’s genuinely good material here. The fights are mostly getting better with far less missteps than previously, the acting (mostly) continues to improve and it’s obvious that RWBY is a very good looking show at this point. Ironwood’s arc is franchise-wide highs, I loved Clover, and Marrow remains the best boi. But it’s frustrating that despite all the tech advances Volume 7 has made, it still makes such threadbare, rookie writing mistakes in cast management, comedy and character arcs. I’m glad Miles and Kerry finally realized that they needed more writers, but it won’t mean anything if the show just continues to circle the drain on the core mistakes it’s been making since 2013. Volume 7 has good in it. But I can see where it could have been great.
Thanks for reading, stan IronQrow and please get Whitley a therapist.
And for the love of God already make an Ironwood vs Watts shirt! 
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homogrimoire · 5 years
Ego Ollor od Esiasch Coronzon
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 7 - AU / Free Day (Priest/Demon AU)
Read it on AO3 here.
Qrow Branwen, priest of a small chapel in the middle of nowhere, was content with his life as it was. Bad luck followed him all his life, as he was born cursed by an ancient magic that not even Oz could undo. The only things he could say were good in his life were his nieces, but even then, he felt that he had to be careful. He didn’t want them to be victims of his existence. They would visit every once and a while, which was perfect in his opinion. They would stay long enough to have fun together, but not long enough to where anything seriously bad could happen. He supposes that getting the opportunity to stay at the chapel was also nice. He was given the opportunity to stay there by an old friend, headmaster of a prestigious academy. Needless to say, he agreed without a second thought. Read to some people from a book and answer their questions two days out of the week? Easy. Be away from people so he couldn’t harm anyone? Help the headmaster with some occult mystery now and then so he could finally feel useful? It was practically a dream come true.
As the years went by, he grew closer to the few people that would show up, especially a young farmhand named Oscar. He reminded him of his nieces. He grew to understand the hope the gods could give and inspire, even if he himself believed them to be cruel and uncaring. His nieces visited less frequently, but called much more often, which he was alright with. Some of his hair began to grey, which he quickly grew to like. It made him look more mature. His experiments, while they were almost always met with some complication, always helped Oz with something. He was as content as he could be, save for one minor thing.
Qrow was lonely. Sure, people came to the chapel on a regular basis, but it was hardly personal, save Oscar. He always made sure to save him some extra sweets, even if he was a teenager now. Ruby and Yang called nearly every other day, bar when they were on a mission, but made sure to visit their favorite uncle at least once a month. Tai called every now and then and would also sometimes visit. However, Qrow realized just how lonely he was when his sister showed up out of the blue. Instead of immediately throwing blessed water at her and muttering a prayer from the book, he actually considered inviting her in. He settled for chatting outside, so that there could at least be witnesses. It went better than expected, but that wasn’t saying too much.
Oz, of course, called frequently, chatting about the magical experiments or sharing the latest gossip with each other. One call proved to be pivotal in Qrow’s life. The day was already eventful. Oscar confessed that he had a crush on one of the other farmhands, hired from a nearby city, he heard, which wasn’t a sin in any book, but Qrow didn’t really care too much about that. As an honorary uncle and father figure, he was mostly just curious about the crush and proud that Oscar was growing up. … Even if it meant Oscar would leave. It was making Qrow feel lonely again. The last time he had a crush, the kid wasn’t even born. Needless to say, he was feeling a bit down when Ozpin called. The moment Qrow answered the call, he knew something big happened, but by his tone, it wasn’t anything bad.
“So, Qrow, I believe that I may have found something that may be of interest to you.” Oz began.
“Mhmm.” Qrow responded, slouched in a chair.
“I’ve found what I believe to be the instructions for a ritual that may help your bad luck problem.” Qrow couldn’t see it, but he knew Oz was smiling.
“You’ve got my attention.” He said, quickly sitting up. “Tell me more about it.”
“From what I have learned, it may have some relation to the brother gods. Its incantations are certainly very old as well. It’s all a straight forward. It just has some… unique ingredients. I’ve procured some of the rarer ones for you, They should be there in a week’s time. Until then, I’ll leave you to find the more common ingredients. I’ll send you the instructions and list of ingredients right now.”
“Wow, Oz, I─ I don't know what to say.” Qrow was dumbfounded. To believe that his curse could be cured...
“You don’t need to say anything. You’ve done a lot more for me than I’ve done for you. But if you want to thank me, do it when the ritual is a success. You know how fickle magic can be.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”Qrow knew that he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Who knew if some ancient ritual would hold up in the modern era. Steps could have been lost as time passed, the magic that powers it may not even exist any more, hell, it could even just end up making things worse. But, Qrow trusted Oz, and there was still the off chance that things did go as expected. At the very least, he could debunk the ritual and let Oz know.
“Although, I should tell you… no. Just, be careful with this one.”
“Alright, I will.” Qrow said suspiciously. In all fairness, Oz always was mysterious.
“Good night Qrow.”
“Good night Oz.” Once the call ended, Qrow received the information, as promised. After reading through it, he could see that it was simple. It just required a lot. There were a few ingredients he had never heard of, but imagined that those would be the things Oz sent him. A few strands of hair from a calico cat were easy to get, only having to deal with a sneezing fit, as well as a horseshoe. He just paid a visit to Oscar and gathered a few hairs from a random calico cat there and bought a horseshoe. Oscar might have tripped face first onto his crush while Qrow was there, but he didn’t feel too bad once he saw them holding hands as he left. All that was left was a shamrock and a fishing pole made by the one invoking the ritual. The shamrock, while it would probably take a day of searching in a clover field to find, made sense with the ritual’s theme. The fishing pole made no sense. If anything, it made him doubt the ritual’s authenticity a little. But, regardless, he made a cheap one out of a stick and some string with a toy lure. It was sad, but it would do.
By the time Qrow had everything he needed, it was still four days until the stuff Ozpin sent would arrive. Qrow could have continued memorizing the incantation, but he had already been doing that. So, he decided to make a more respectable fishing pole. He didn’t take woodworking in school for nothing, even though he would have to do most of the work by hand. In the end, he just looked up how to make a bamboo fishing pole online. It was a nice change of pace from his daily routine. There was still another day until the supplies arrived by the time Qrow found the rod satisfactory. He decided to spend the day carving out a bird from a piece of wood to use as a bobber. He decided on a kingfisher, for their fishing prowess. Once he finished, he decided to go to bed. He had a big day ahead of him.
The supplies he needed arrived late in the afternoon. The mailman almost tripped while holding all the supplies, but Qrow caught him just in time. He was really hoping the ritual would work. Ozpin sent him some jars of a black goop. Qrow didn’t know what it was, but he wasn’t going to question it. Along with the goop, came an odd looking rug, a faded green, that was easily centuries years old, and perhaps even millennia if he were being generous. With no time to waste, he got to work. First, he laid down the rug that he would make the sigil on. Next, using the black goop, he carefully and slowly drew out the sigil, intricate with its many lines. At the tips of the center triangle, he placed the four-leaf clover, the horseshoe, and the strands of calico cat hair. In the center where an ominous vertical eye rested, he placed the fishing pole. With that done, he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together, reminiscent of a prayer. He began to utter the incantation, grateful that Oz knew the pronunciations.
Torzu od adrpan, [n] ascleh k iabes
Cruscanse [xitha] siatris
Amma bab argedco ils
Bien k hoxmarch ivmd ils
Pir ooaona ors
Ollor teloch olpirt dorpha
Ol argedco ego bab
Qrow opened his eyes to see that the black goop had been swirling upwards, the ancient rug and the items he gathered caught in the vortex, until it suddenly paused mid-air, and then fell onto the floor with an anti-climatic splat. He looked at his arms to see if he was any different. He didn’t feel any different. For a moment, he thought that the ritual failed, resulting in nothing. It evidently resulted in something, as a hand shot out of the puddle. Qrow wasn’t a believer, but he grabbed a nearby holy book. It would be better than nothing. It pulled itself up and out of the puddle, the goop dripping off the figure as it emerged. Soon, he could make out slicked back brown hair with graying sides, and deathly pale skin marked with red and black veins. He was clad in a green vest similar to the ancient rug and light colored pants. He opened his eyes to reveal that the sclera were pure black, and his pupils were an unnatural and piercing red. He grinned, showing sharp canines, which was very hot, and very scary.
“So,” it spoke, “you’re the one who summoned me?” Qrow nodded his head, unable to drawl out any words. Then, it looked him up and down. “What’s your name, handsome?” Did he just… flirt, with me?
“Qrow. Qrow Branwen.” was all he could muster out.
“Hm. Handsome name for a handsome guy. I suppose you're wondering what my name is then?” Qrow didn't respond, so the entity continued. “Well, like any respectable demon, I go by many names, but you can call me yours. ” The demon winked at him. He really is flirting with me. He didn’t know how to respond to a demon flirting with him, and a rather hot one at that. “Still shocked, I see. You weren’t exactly expecting me, were you?” Qrow noticed that he held the fishing pole he made slung across a shoulder, and wore a shamrock pin.
“Well, I hate to intrude, but I think it’s best that talk in the morning, you know, so you can sleep on all this. Oh, and it looks like you only got one bed. Lucky me.” Yeah, lucky. That snapped Qrow out of his stupor.
“Hold on, I am not falling asleep when some random demon is here!” Even if those arms are very tempting. He noticed that one arm had a red armband wrapped around it.
“Like what you see?” the demon teased, flexing his arms. Qrow realized that he had been staring, and began to blush.
“I’m calling Oz.”
“Her ex-husband?” the demon asked.
“Who’s what?” Ozpin picked up the call.
“So, how did it go?” he asked calmly as he took a sip of his drink.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were making me summon a demon?!” Qrow exclaimed.
“The dollar store knock-off goddess says fuck you, and that she wants the kids.” the demon interjected
“Tell her I said to pay the child support.”
“Will do.” the demon saluted. Ozpin turned his attention back to Qrow.
“He’s an alright demon. You can trust him.”
“That doesn’t answer the Question! Oz!”
“Well, if everything went as planned, you should have been able to make a deal with him by offering the fishing rod.”
“And a pretty nice one at that. I like the little kingfisher.” the demon interrupted, holding up the rod for all to admire.
“But evidently, something went wrong.”
“Yeah, you used female calico cat hair. You should have used male calico cat hair.” he corrected. “Lucky for me, it looks like I’m stuck in a pretty nice place,” he said as he looked around the room, “with an even prettier person.” The demon winked at Qrow, again.
“Stuck here? What do you mean stuck here ?” Qrow asked, flustered.
“Well, since the ritual went awry, we’ll have to make another portal to send me back.”
“And that involves going back to hell to get some of that sludge. Trips to hell aren’t easy, you know.” Well shit.
“You went to hell? For me?” Qrow asked. He was touched.
“Yes, but think nothing of it. I owe you a lot.” Oz took another sip “Besides, you’re stuck with a demon now.” Qrow looked behind him to find The demon lying down on his bed, patting the empty space beside him as if offering it to him. Qrow turned away to hide a light blush. “Well, have fun with your new roommate, good night.”
“Wait! Ozpin you little─” with a click, the line was cut. Qrow groaned. He fell back into a chair to stare up at the ceiling, tired and stressed. He looked at the demon, who was just smiling at him. “So, what should I actually call you.”
“Hmm,” the demon thought for a moment, “Clover.” he said as he flicked the shamrock on his vest with his thumb.
“Alright then, Clover . What kind of demon are you anyways?” Qrow was still a little bit suspicious, but he didn’t sense any malicious intent, so there was that.
“Well, let’s just say I have the devil’s own luck.” he grinned. Despite the smile seeming slightly sinister, Qrow felt a bit of hope.
“So what you’re saying is, that you're a demon who brings good luck?”
“Good luck for a fee, and I’d say you’ve paid yours rather nicely.” He pulled the rod out of nowhere to admire it. “I really do like the kingfisher you’ve made. It must have taken a lot of time, and a lot of skill to make. I think this one’s my new favorite.” With a quick movement of his hand, it disappeared back into nothing. “I consider myself pretty lucky, but I have a feeling I’m going to get even more lucky with you here.”
“Pfft.” Qrow scoffed. “You haven’t dealt with someone like me.”
“And why’s that?” Clover sat up, genuinely interested in Qrow’s response.
“I… was born cursed with bad luck. It affects me and everyone around me.” This wasn’t information he gave so freely, but, for some reason, he felt that the demon could understand him, so he told him.
“I see.” The demon appeared to be thinking hard. “When I was human, I was born blessed with good luck, if you can call it blessed. I’m not gonna deny it, it had its benefits. But, as I grew older the more and more people thought that all I was, was my good luck. Everyone wanted to be around me for my good luck, and never for me. You get it, don’t you.” Qrow notic ed that there was something in his eyes: sadness, loneliness, a plea for someone to understand.
“I do.” he told him.
“I thought you would.” Clover smiled and laid back down, patting the empty spot beside him once more. Qrow gave into temptation, and laid next to the hunk of a demon in the small bed. He could have forced the demon onto the floor, but he didn’t want to be rude, and he certainly wasn’t going to sleep on the floor himself. Qrow had the best night of sleep he ever had in a long time, cuddled up in those muscular arms. Yeah, things will be fine. he though as he drifted to sleep.
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jbeverywhere · 5 years
Myths about Poland and Poles
It’s time. Let me explain you some things. I hope this post will be a nice Polish culture lesson.
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I asked some foreign friends what they think about Poland and Polish people, what had they thought before going there, how it was different at the end, etc. And also I added what I usually hear and drives me crazy 🤦‍
1. Temperature
Polish person: “It’s cold” ; Foreigner: “but you’re from Poland..”
And what? I’m Polish and I don’t feel cold? Aha. I think this is the most annoying answer which I hear a loooooot of times.
People have really bad image of Polish climate especially when they haven’t stayed there for longer time. So we have 4 seasons (+ 2 transitional ones).
early spring - March and April when the weather is going crazy. One day is snowing and -10⁰C, another day sunny and +15⁰C. You never know :D So if you go to Poland that time - be prepared for that, take different kind of clothes.
spring - May - first storms, during Juwenalia always rains, but the first week last years was really sunny and warm - perfect for Polish barbecue opening season :D
summer - may be hot as f.ck or colder and rainy. Many storms especially in August. Nights are much colder than days. But - surprise- temperature around 30⁰C is normal. And because the nights are colder you can sleep well - you won’t melt in your bed.
autumn - colder nights, leafs are brown, it may be really beautiful. More rainy days but still can be sunny.
early winter - October/November - crazy like early spring - may snow, may rain, may be sunny. You feel the winter in the air.
winter - yes it’s cold, but outside. Inside the buildings - it’s warm - surprise. For example I don’t have special pyjamas for winter nights because in my room is around 20⁰C. You go outside you put winter jacket and boots on. May be even -20⁰C (omg wow omg) but then you enter the house and t-shirt is enough. For example in Spain - I’m dying. Winter in Barcelona and in the flat for 3 months 12⁰C - IN THE FLAT. I opened the windows to put some warm air. In Valencia maybe not that drastic (probably it depends on the flat as well) but still I slept with 1 duvet, 2 blankets and the warmest pyjama ever xDDD So please, don’t tell that I’m from Poland and 12⁰C in the room should be perfect. Please.
So in Poland it’s like from minus extreme to plus extreme - variety! I think I like it, I just don’t like that the weather changes immediately. But the most important - inside the buildings - nooooo extreme. It’s pleasantly. So please don’t say to Poles that we should be used to the cold temperature. It’s personal not national thing, I love when is warm and I’m “more ok” with the summer in Valencia than Valencianos (they should be used to that hot no? XD exactly).
2. Music
“Omg la polaca knows reggaeton songs”
“OMG there is Polish reggaeton” 
Ok. Music is a difficult topic. But yyy yes, in Poland they use to play reggaeton (fortunately or unfortunately). For example - in Warsaw and Krakow there are clubs: Teatro Cubano - where there is only reggaeton and some latino rhythms. So if you love to dance to this kind of music, don’t worry, you will find a perfect club for you. 
I really like Polish music, especially now I think it’s really good one. But I like others as well, I have Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, even one German song in my playlists because - why not - variety! And reggaeton I like for the energy and dancing rhythms. Also I like it as a “culture”, for me it’s interesting and fascinating - I can talk about it hours! :D
3. The look
“Polish people are blond with blue eyes” XDDDD hehehehehehhehehehehehhehe
I’M NOT BLOND - first thing to note. The sun in Spain makes my hair lighter but still is not blond. In Poland there are different types of hair and skin. We are not so white. And blue eyes are not thaaaat common. Brown, green, blue, grey - but also not that brown like Spanish ;) AAAAAND - surprise - we can be tan! Wow! xD There are people who have really white skin and the sun changes it to red, but mostly Poles are tan in summer and even I would say that we love to be morenitos ;) What is funny for me (here we have the Spanish myth) that I’m more tan than many Spaniards. So let’s repair the myths: Poles may be tan in summer Spaniards are not tan at all (the Latinos yes - but also not always!).
4. Location
OK. It’s geographic lesson time.
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What I heard once: “For me everything what is on the right from Germany is RUSSIA” omg. Where is my patience. omg. Please, think before saying shits like that. It hurts.
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We are not that small in Europe. We have 7 neighbors, OWN language which is not Russian (it’s juuuust a liiiiittle bit similar, like some words). I can understand somehow Slovaks and Czechs but Russians - few words. AND IMPORTANT - we have Latin alphabet! Not Cyrillic like Russia. We are Slavic countries, our language is from Slavic family, Slavs love each other (in their way of love ;* ) but each of us is different and we exist, we are not Russia - note that in your head.
5. Religiousness
This is difficult topic. Yes, we are mostly Catholics and we don’t hide it. But not everybody. Many people are very religious - and I respect that. It’s kind of beauty, traditions and everything. It builds the culture. The problem appears when someone forces others to own rights. When religious is an argument in the politic world. And this I agree - in Poland we have a problem with that. But when you visit Poland don’t show your aversion to the religion. Respect it and be curious - then you can discover many nice things, interesting traditions and some kind of passion. I love to talk about our traditions and you can see it in my posts about Christmas and Easter.
6. Safety
This is more region problem than country problem. I mean, everywhere you go - you can meet bad people. In Kraków there were “bad times” but it was long time ago. When I was living there I felt really safe. Many times I came back alone and I’ve never had a strange/dangerous situation. And I always passed so many police during the night. So I think in big cities the government cares about the security. 
Just don’t enter any places where you can meet pseudo-fans of football and don’t scream any football team name. This I see still as a problem in Poland. But I don’s say that going to the matches is a bad idea.
7. Food
This I’m writing thanks to the opinions of those who visited Poland and tried Polish cuisine. So what I heard, that some Erasmus were afraid about the food, that it may be a bad quality and not tasty, but theeeen - surprise! - Where are you from? - from Poland - oooo soplica!!!! (ok, this is not food) - żurek! - pancakes - placki ziemniaczane! - PIEROOOOOGI <3 
So if you haven’t visited Poland yet, you haven't tried Polish cuisine - be prepared 😋😋😋
And you have me to ask before!
8. Language
Hehe Ok, it’s not the easiest language in the world. But it’s not an impossible one! So if you are planning to spend in Poland even only few days it’s nice to use: - dzień dobry - good morning - dziękuję - thank you - przepraszam - I’m sorry/excuse me - proszę - please/you’re welcome - do widzenia - goodbye - dobranoc - good night
Poles will appreciate a lot! We love when someone is trying to say something, and we know that it’s not easy. 
And! I know some people who stayed to live in Poland and their Polish is - wow! So as you see, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE ;)
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9. Character
Hmmm I heard that some of you were afraid that Poles won’t be friendly but then again surprise. Well, I think we are nice people xD We are for sure hospitable. There is always a bottle of vodka and some cookies for a casual visit.
English is not our native language, more and more people can speak it but still not all (well like in other countries). But we won’t leave you without helping you when you ask. Gesticulating, speaking slower and louder (because this changes everything xD) - there is always a way to communicate and express yourself. 
So smile and don’t be afraid of us, especially me, I don’t bite! :D
Meme to sum up
10. Famous Poles
I think you may know many but even you don’t realize that. So let me remind you or introduce you Poles who have changed the world.
- Robert Lewandowski - football player in Bayern Monachium
- Jakub Błaszczykowski - was a football player in Borussia Dortmund
- Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) - Heliocentrism, stopped the sun, moved the Earth ;)
- Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin - composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era
- Marie Skłodowska Curie - (note: her first surname is Polish. And in many places they skip it -.-) - physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and the only woman to win the Nobel prize twice, and the only person to win the Nobel Prize in two different scientific fields
- Tadeusz Kościuszko - military engineer, statesman, and military leader who became a national hero in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and the United States.
- Pope John Paul II - Karol Wojtyła - the first non-Italian pope since the 16th-century, the second longest-serving pope in modern history, one of the most travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate. Etc, etc. We are really proud of him and you can see that - everywhere there is his name, a looot of monuments etc.
- Lech Wałęsa - statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the first democratically-elected President of Poland.
- Andrzej Wajda - film and theater director. Recipient of an Honorary Oscar, the Palme d'Or, as well as Honorary Golden Lion and Honorary Golden Bear Awards.
- Roman Polański - film director, producer, writer, and actor. There was a quite big scandal with him - no comment.
- Robert Kubica - he became the first and only Polish driver to compete in Formula One.
- Anja Rubik - supermodel, activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman.
- Adam Małysz - former ski jumper and rally driver, one of the most successful athletes in the history of the sport.
- Wisława Szymborska - poet, essayist, translator and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature.
- Robert Korzeniowski - the best walker in the world, he won 4 gold medals at the Olympics (Atlanta, Sydney and Athens).
- Izabella Scorupco - actress, singer, and model. She is perhaps best known for having played Bond girl Natalya Simonova in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. 
- Justyna (Justi, JB) Biel - Polish butterfly with Latin blood, author of this (and the other) blog. Known by you, one day by others as well.   
and much much more!
11. Alcohol
Yes, I know, I shouldn’t forget about the most important - vodka. Yes we drink it, yes, on the parties, birthdays, etc. Yes, shots. We drink shot of vodka and then one/two/many sips of juice/coke/water/etc.
But come on, I don’t get why it horrifies you. Like vodka is 40%, rum, whisky, gin - all which you drink is also 40% and for me has even worse taste (especially gin, uff please don’t offer me that, never). Or tequila! Madre mía.
We don’t drink vodka with the dinner, like many people do with wine. Wine is also kind of alcohol I would like to remind.
And yes, we love beer a lot. And normal glass of beer is 0.5l - we don’t have smaller ones.
So, I hope... since now when I ask you to drink vodka on the before party - please, don’t be afraid and drink it with me, I’ll appreciate it! 
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Ok. I think that’s all. I hope that since now your image of Poles and Poland is much better - the correct one. Here you have everything in one picture xDD
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joealwyndaily · 5 years
Joe Alwyn recently met his childhood hero. The 28-year-old was attending the Academy's annual Governors Awards for the first time, where a who's who of Hollywood had gathered to schmooze with Oscar voters and watch this year's honorees receive honorary awards. The hobnobbing eventually led Alwyn to cross paths with none other than Zorro himself, Antonio Banderas.
"It took everything in me not to challenge him into a sword fight," Alwyn admitted.
Banderas, of course, starred as the masked vigilante in 1998's The Mask of Zorro and its sequel. "I was such a huge fan of Zorro growing up," Alwyn grinned. "That's one of the reasons why I probably ended up acting somehow. I literally just shook his hand and said, 'Hi!'" As it were, Banderas is in the awards season shuffle with Pain and Glory, while Alwyn was out in support of his new film, Harriet.
"There was no competitive element, obviously," he said. Still, the Governors Awards serve as the first pit stop for any potential Oscars contender. "You're sitting there watching these four amazing legends being honored for the most amazing backlog of work, someone like David Lynch and Geena Davis. And then you run into people that you have grown up watching."
Now, Alwyn is the one being watched. After studying at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, as actors such as Sir Laurence Olivier and Andrew Garfield did before him, a then-unknown Alwyn was cast as the lead of Ang Lee's Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk in 2015. "That was the strangest experience when it ended," Alwyn said.
"Because it was such a surreal, full-on experience: Going to a country I'd never been to before, being on a film set -- which I'd never been in front of a camera before -- with a group of people who I'd grown up watching, it was the most intense experience I'd had, ever. And then suddenly--" He snaps his fingers. "It's ended. And you are back in London and everyone's still over there and you're back to walking the dog and it's raining and you're trying to compute what's just happened. It was very surreal."
When I met up with Alwyn after the Governors Awards, he greeted me at the door to shake my hand and promptly offered to get me a water. "Or Coke? Or coffee?" he asked, surveying the spread of beverages. All of which is to say, he's polite. And humble, too, whether it be over compliments of his wardrobe -- a peacoat over a cerulean sweater, khaki joggers and great boots ("Thank you! They're not mine!") -- or the trajectory of his career.
If Alwyn's unlikely start feels nearly impossible to match, he followed Billy Lynn with a run of meaningful supporting roles, which were only possible because Lee took a chance on him. "Every opportunity since is because of that," he said, arm draped over the back of the chair. "I owe him everything."
"I felt very lucky to work with someone like him for the first time, and I thought, if I can, I want to keep trying to work with really interesting, great directors and not just jump into something that's a big role or big for the sake of it," he explained. "Trying to find parts in really interesting projects and build that way rather than just blindly jump."
That thinking led to a truly breakthrough year in 2018, with Alwyn appearing in Operation Finale, as the Nazi son of Ben Kingsley's Adolph Eichmann, in The Favourite, as the airhead paramour to Emma Stone, in Boy Erased, as a troubled love interest for Lucas Hedges, and in Mary Queen of Scots, as hand to Margot Robbie's Queen Elizabeth.
All the while he was gaining recognition for his acting, there was another angle of interest about Alwyn, casting him into the public spotlight for his personal life as the longtime boyfriend of Taylor Swift. How, then, was he able to reconcile the two?
"I just don't really engage with anything that I don't want to engage with," he said. "And so if there's any kind of extra noise about things that I'm not so interested in, I'll just turn it off. And so it just disappears, to a degree."
Currently, he's engaged with his return to theaters in director Kasi Lemmons' soulful Harriet Tubman biopic. Harriet is the first time the abolitionist and activist's story has been adapted into a proper biopic, and Alwyn acknowledged that, before being sent the script, "I ignorantly didn't really know much about Harriet. Growing up in the U.K., she's not part of the curriculum. I'd heard of her name, I'd seen the iconic older image of her, but I didn't know really who she was or what she did and what she achieved."
Cynthia Erivo plays the titular role, with Alwyn co-starring as Gideon Brodess, the son of Tubman's enslaver. The Brodess family is a matter of historical record, though Gideon exists somewhere between composite character and fictitious creation. That posed a challenge for Alwyn as he began the process of finding his way into Gideon.
"It was tricky. I mean, he's obviously a horrible person," he said. "And a horrible family. And they stood for something that is impossible to connect with today. For any good human being, it's impossible. The idea of slavery is repulsive and abhorrent, and so trying to find a way in is hard."
Instead, Alwyn searched for any relatable human qualities he could latch onto. Harriet posits that Araminta "Minty" Ross -- the child who would grow to become Harriet Tubman -- and Gideon Brodess would have been born around the same time, and Gideon might have even considered Minty a friend during their childhood. "Then, suddenly, a line would have been drawn and he would've been taught to hate or told to hate," Alwyn explained.
Their ties are further knotted when Gideon's father dies and he becomes Harriet's enslaver. "Whatever feeling it is he has for her that we touch on throughout the film -- whether it's love that's buried there, or whatever it is -- I don't think there was a language to understand that for himself. So I tried to hold onto some kind of confusion as a human being. Or to an obligation and loyalty to a family, even if that family is completely horrible."
He had the fortune of navigating it all alongside Erivo, with whom he shares the majority of his scenes. Erivo signed on to the project before anyone else and had spent years with it, in addition to the research and physical training she did before filming. Ahead of production, Alwyn and Erivo met with their director for a week's worth of rehearsals, during which they walked through the duo's most difficult scenes.
"It wasn't the kind of film where it would have been helpful to play mind games and go and sit in the corner and not talk to each other," he chuckled. "Because of the nature of it, you want to be in a safe space with each other and give each other a kind of understanding and a reassurance and permission to do whatever you need to do in order to service the scene, service the story in the way that we're trying to tell it."
And that story, he decided, was not strictly about a historical figure and what she was able to achieve in her lifetime. Harriet speaks to what has come to pass, now as much as ever: "If you're scrolling through Twitter or you go on the news, you're inundated with stories of division and prejudice and racism and families being torn apart," he said. "That's something that the film touches on, and Harriet is -- as much as any figure I can think of -- someone who fought and overcame those hurdles and is a shining light against all of those things."
With Harriet playing in theaters, Alwyn's next projects are already lined up: He's playing Bob Cratchit in FX's dark reimagining of the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, opposite Guy Pearce's Ebenezer Scrooge. Then there is an adaptation of Jojo Moyes' best-selling novel, The Last Letter From Your Lover. And then? "I'd love to do a big war movie," he grinned. "Like a World War movie or something. That'd be cool."
And there are more awards season events ahead, too -- the Governors Awards being only the beginning of the race to the Oscars -- which means future opportunities to proclaim his love of Zorro. Alwyn didn't do it the first time. "I was just like, 'Hello!'" But it's bound to happen sooner or later." As I leave the hotel that day, who should stroll past me inside but Antonio Banderas himself? Perhaps it will be sooner.
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So I have this theory that Ozma is the final big bad and here why. So you know how the gods said they would be judging humanity what if that was a lie instead Ozma is the one going to judge humanity. I believe that when all relics unite Ozma would transform into I don't know something and then judge whether humanity should live. It course, not based on Ozma feeling alone. It would go off on every past life and, humanity feeling as well. Wish I could go into better detail but there a word limit.
Hello Dreemurr.Firstly, apologies for the very late response to your inbox, fam. Secondly, no worries---I believe I gotthe gist of your theory concept and might I say, it's a pretty interesting one. 
Ozma being the final boss of the series would be an unexpected twist. As amatter of fact, it kind of makes me think back to how the second season of Green Lantern: The Animated Series concluded. Just in case you'renot familiar with that series, in the show, there is a character named Aya.Without spoiling much, Aya was an AI created who practically one of our herocharacters fighting the good fight to protect the galaxy against the forces ofevil as a sort of honorary member of the Green Lantern Core.
In the second season, after taking out the main bigbad for that season---the Antimonitor and his Manhunters, in a surprisingtwist, Aya takes control of the Antimonitor's corpse, assuming control of hisManhunter Army with a declaration to destroy all organic life in the universe.So basically, Aya---our titular hero characters ends up becoming the mainantagonist for that season.
That being said, it would be interesting if Ozma isthe one to judge humanity in it end. However; technically, it wouldn't be Ozmathough. It would be Oscar since he is his current incarnation. Unless, my Pinehead headcanon about Oscar being the true incarnate of Ozmabecomes a thing. Even now I still love the concept of Oscar being revealed asthe embodiment of Ozma's original body that he never got backpresently born in modern Remnant.
It would make so much sense and make everythingcome full circle with who Oscar is supposed to be and why he's so different from all the other Wizardsbefore him.
Plus if Oscar is truly Ozma---the real Ozma, whatcould be a nice addition to your idea is if Oscar ends up turning away from theGods and instead of judging humanity, imagineif …the Brother Gods themselves were placed on trial by the very being theycreated to save humanity.
When I think about it, Ozma...and essentially Oscar has every reason to turn againstthe Gods or at least be furious with them enough to tell them off first chancehe got for what they put, not just him, but his past Wizards and all of Remnantthrough. From the get-go, Ozma had beendragged into a fight that he never started. Ozma never created Salem. It was Salem who dared to challenge theGods when she attempted to manipulate them into his resurrection and as aresult of her deceit, the Gods punished her with the very immortality that hasmade her the threat she currently stands to be in Modern Remnant.
It was Salem’s action that caused the genocide ofFirst Remnant. It was then the Brother Gods who chose to leave Remnant with theimmortal Salem. And it were those same Brother Gods who left their darkestcreations---both Salem and the remnants of the Creatures of Grimm left withoutthe God of Darkness to keep them at bay---to walk the lands of new Remnantknowing full well that life; unsuspecting of these beings, would return.
As much as I find the Brother Gods to be intriguingcharacters, it still bothers me how much they contributed to the currentproblems in Remnant. Salem was their creation and rather than dealwith her themselves, they abandoned Remnant with Salem still being alive withthe curse they left on her.
And what bothers me even more is that these sameBrother Gods have the audacity to say that they wish to be the ones permittedto judge humanity…after leaving it behind for years and bringing back a deadman to correct their mistake.
At least Ozma has lived amongst humanity for notjust one, butseveral lifetimes. Ozma and his descendants have watched over andguided mankind. Ozma alone has seen humanity at its best and its worst. How canthe Brothers judge humanity when they themselves have never truly lived amongsttheir creations. Not as Gods but as beings.Despite creating man, the Gods know nothing about what it’s like to be well…human.
The Brother Gods may have created humanity but dothey even understand the verycreations of life they made together? Are they even willing to understand?After all, look how quickly the God of Darkness demolished all life on FirstRemnant just because of the blunder of a few who were only influenced by theactions of one.
Honestly, it bothers me how poor Ozma (who was dead and resting peacefully by theway), was brought back to basically correct a fault that the Godsthemselves made and left behind when they chose to abandon Remnant after thepersonification of their greatest mistake (i.e Salem) forged an army againstthem.
This also kind of highlights the hypocrisy of the God of Light in a way.When Salem first approached the God of Light to return Ozma to her, he refusedher request deeming it an act of imbalance and all that philosophical jibberjab. Yet…later in the Lost Fable, we saw Light resurrect Ozma (well his soul atleast) for the sake of fulfilling an objective that he slapped him with.
At the end of the day, Ozma spent countless oflives roping a culmination of innocent men into aiding him in fixing a problemthat was not of his own doing. May I stress again that it was the Gods who madeSalem immortal, destroyed the first wave of humanity because of her and evenleft Remnant with her.
And rather than correct this mistake themselves,their solution is to force an innocent soul who had long passed on intocleaning up their mess regardless of how many lives it took him to do so.
And at the end of it all, what does Ozma and theWizards get for their efforts? Based on the events of V6-V7, the answer is blamed for choosing to keep the dangerof Salem’s existence from the world a secret. All of his previous efforts andsuccess at maintaining the peace for years erased.
It's actually be kind of sad how Ozma and byextension, Ozpin and now Oscar---are treated practically the scapegoats for the fault of the Gods andSalem too. While the Wizards have made many mistakes themselves throughout theyears, it doesn’t change the fact that all of it was to correct a mistake thatGods made. The Gods made Salem. This all started with them and her feud withthem..
And what? In the end, when the Relics are united,instead of granting its user the power of a God---it’ll summon the Gods back toRemnant from where ever to judge humanity on the one day that things go to shit? Y’know…exactly like what happenedlast time/
Going back to your theory, it would actually bemore fitting if Ozma---well Oscar--- was the one to judge humanity or at least pleadfor humanity’s salvation against the Gods’ final verdict since, in my opinion,the Gods have no right to place judgement on the creations they abandoned witha problem of their doing.
Not to mention that the Gods have never lived amongtheir creations---not unless, Ozma (and by extension all of his followinglives) have unknowingly acted as the vessels through which the Gods existedamongst their so-called greatest creation.
Y’know like whatif…since it’s the God of Light’s power that’s been keeping Ozma’s cyclegoing for so many years, how do we knowthat the God of Light hasn’t been ‘silentlyobserving’ the development of humanity through Ozma and his descendantswithout their knowledge? How do weknow that the Wizards haven’t been a surrogate vessel for the God of Light all this time?
As a matter of fact, do you know what wouldactually be kind of ironic? I remember joking about this once upon a time in apast theory post but---imagine if…theWizards---Ozma and all of his successors--- are basically meant to be thetitular Jesus character of Remnant.  In the Bible, God sent his one and only son toEarth and ultimately, Jesus died on the cross for the sins of man.
So what if…thatwill be the case for Oscar’s fate as part of a choice he makes in the end, in asense? What if… ultimately, the Godsdo end up deeming man irredeemable with plans to destroy Remnant only for Oscar---asthe successor to Ozma---humanity’s champion--- to make the ultimate self-sacrifice. His life for humanity.
Think about it. When Salem first challenged theGods, all of Remnant was killed except for her and the Gods left Remnant forgood. So what if…this time, when theGods return, Oscar tells them to takehis life to save all of humanity and due to his noble choice, Remnant is sparedwith the Gods returning to make humanity whole again just as the God of Lighthad told Ozma before.
I know this sounds like an “eh” type of theory to consider but it’s worth putting on the tableof possibilities, right? Unless…the person to give up their life for Remnant isRuby Rose instead of Oscar. If Irecall, Ruby once commented that as a child, she always wanted to be a herojust like the ones in the tales read to her in her childhood.
In fairy tales, don’t the heroes normally dowhatever it takes to protect the world? Even at the cost of their lives. Imean, not going to life, I can definitely see Ruby agreeing to give up her lifefor Remnant too. I can picture it just as much as I can picture Oscar makingthe same type of choice.
They are our two smaller, more honest souls and asit was said once upon a time, victory is in a simple soul…or something alongthose lines. Then again, this too is only just a small theory.  
So in conclusion---as I said, I like your idea Dreemurr. Ozma---meaning Oscar, judginghumanity would be a pretty neat twist. Then again, I would love this idea evenmore if the Gods are placed on trials by Oscar himself somehow.
I mean, the Relics were claimed to be the gifts that the Gods left humanity sothat they can learn about themselves or something to that nature. So youhonestly expect me to believe that the only thing the Relics can do is summonthe Gods back to Remnant for them to judge it? That’s it?
The CRWBY Writers really want me to believe that one person gaining the power of knowledge, creation, destruction andchoice between light and darkness can’tascend to godly status themselves?
I know that would’ve been the cliché approach but,I dunno---imagine how much more chaos something like that would’ve stirred ifthe general public of Remnant knewthe existence of magical artifacts that could grant a normal human such divine powers.Especially if, similar to magic, the Relics are used against the Gods in an actof revenge to force them to fall from grace.
Again, cliché but…I dunno, I can’t help that partof me that wants someone to tell off the Brother Gods or make them feel somesemblance of comeuppance for the problems their actions caused Modern Remnant;y’know what I mean?
This makes me question the mortality of the Godsthemselves. If the Brother Gods created Remnant, the Grimm and Man then whocreated the Brother Gods? Is there a third high being who is responsible forthe birth of light and dark?
Despite being powerful beings, can the Gods bekilled in some way? And since Light and Darkness exist to balance the otherout, what would happen should one of them disappear or die? What sustains the existence of a God? Is there a heart that beats at their core or are they just walking bodies of magic?
While I doubt we’lllearn anything new about the Gods for a while, these are some of my more curious questionsabout them. 
But for now, I think that’s all I have to say to your questionDreamurr. Not sure if I answered you but I hope I did in some way XD
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soniabigcheese · 5 years
Precious Moments with Mom - Gordon
Gordon Gordon Gordon. Where do we begin?
He was such a little bundle of energy, always keeping everyone on their toes.
So ... what precious moment should I choose?
Ohhh ... so many.
It was the day they found a distressed little turtle, tied up with a discarded illegal fishing net. It had wound itself around the poor things neck and one of its front feet. So it was unable to walk properly.
Gordon found it first, whilst hunting for seashells and fancy rocks, and immediately picked it up and ran straight to his mother.
She was particularly nervous around turtles and this one was still feisty enough to put up a battle, despite being partially incapacitated. How on earth did Gordon manage to pick it up without it giving him a nasty bite?
But she put her fear aside as she saw his wide brown pleading eyes. He sniffled.
"Please help him?" He asked, a desperate tone in his voice.
She took a deep breath and sighed. At least his three older brothers were visiting the Space Centre with their dad. Gordon was too young and space stuff didn't really interest him.
The last visit, had him causing mayhem with a couple of well placed practical jokes. He had been asked not to return.
Not that it bothered him. He was happiest visiting the nearby aquarium.
Anyways, Lucy looked at her youngest son and the turtle. Who was beginning to weaken. She didn't have her sewing kit handy or she would have cut the netting away and released it there and then.
She sat up and looked around, then had an idea.
“Tell you what,” she said, standing up and brushing the sand from her clothes, “there’s a rehabilitation centre not far from here. If you can manage to hang onto that little fella...”
“... Oscar ... okay,” she never question him about naming everything, that was Gordon for you, “if you can hang onto him, we’ll go to the centre and see if there’s anything they can do there.”
He nodded, and they both marched to the car, she had to carry everything, since his little hands were quite full with a squirming, snapping turtle called ... Oscar. He was wisely keeping his little arms outstretched to avoid any bites.
Getting the seatbelt on him was proving a problem, as he wouldn’t let go, and this thing, despite weakening, still had some salt in it’s blood and kept snapping at her hands whenever they got too close.
She managed, buckled herself up and off they drove. It was but a 10 minute drive, but took a little longer due to heavy traffic.
“How’s he doing back there?” “He’s fine mommy.” “Just try not to pull that netting off in case it digs in further and causes more damage.” “No I won’t mommy.”
They finally arrived, and once again she struggled to un-clip the seatbelt but managed as the turtle was starting to lose some of its fight. They both hurried through the doors and were greeted at reception, where a couple of the staff turned their attention to Gordon, asking him all kinds of questions.
He answered most of them, then listened attentively as they explained what type of turtle it was ... what they were going to do ... how long the turtle will be in the centre. And told him what a clever and thoughtful little man he was for finding this sea creature.
They gave him an honorary badge, as well as the rehab centre’s mascot ... a toy squid, before thanking the two of them for their quick thinking and assured Gordon that Oscar would be returning to the sea fairly soon, but if he wanted, he could visit at any time and watch the turtle’s progress. 
He was even invited to the day they would return the turtle to the sea.
They got into the car, and as Lucy was buckling her seatbelt, Gordon piped up ...
“I want to be a sea helper,”
Lucy turned and smiled at him.
"And I think you’ll be a great person for the job.”
And you know what? For a kid of six years old .... he kept that solemn promise and continued visiting the centre, kept tabs on Oscar’s progress ... even volunteered when he got older and studied marine biology.
And now ... as he turned on the engines of Thunderbird Four and felt it rumble into action ... he knew he’d made his mom proud!
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dweemeister · 6 years
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Movie Odyssey Retrospective
Mary Poppins (1964)
After the animators’ strike in 1941 saw many of his talented artists depart for cross-Hollywood rivals or create their own studios, Walt Disney bristled with bitterness. Disney – an artistic visionary, an anti-unionist, and fervent anti-communist (he believed the strike was ignited by communist agitators) – had felt betrayed by the striking animators he considered his family, and would no longer be as emotionally or personally involved in any of the studio’s post-Bambi (1942) animated features. His attention turned to supporting America’s World War II efforts; the studio’s entrance into live-action films in the 1950s; television; and the construction of Disneyland in Anaheim, California. As one of the most honored individuals in Hollywood, one accolade eluded him: a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Picture. His best chance by that point came with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) – which was instead honored with a novel honorary Oscar presented to him by Shirley Temple. Disney had poured his soul into the innovative Snow White and, privately, he was perturbed by the Academy’s (and the public’s) belief that animation was subordinate to live-action cinema.
By the early 1960s, Disney was reflecting on Snow White, the then-critical (not commercial) disapproval of Song of the South (1946), and how his daughters in the late 1930s asked him to make a film about P.L. Travers’ Mary Poppins. After on-and-off negotiations with Travers beginning in 1938, Disney finally secured the rights to the Mary Poppins books, and Travers was brought on as a consultant on the film. Directed by Robert Stevenson, this would be the final film that Walt Disney truly felt passionate about. Though Travers instantly disliked (but made some peace with) this adaptation of Mary Poppins, the cinematic heavens broke loose. Mary Poppins is the greatest live-action Disney film ever made; there is, as of the publication of this write-up, no serious competition.
The film begins with a chimney sweep/one-man-band/screever named Bert (Dick Van Dyke) breaking the fourth wall to introduce a corner of London on the cusp of dramatic change. It's grand to be an Englishman in 1910; King Edward's on the throne and it's the age of men. At least that is what George Banks (David Tomlinson) thinks. George is married to the constantly out-of-the-house suffragette Winifred (Glynis Johns) and their children, Jane (Karen Dotrice) and Michael (Matthew Garber) have just driven out their latest nanny. George, a high-ranking banker, is consumed with work – making him emotionally distant from his children. One day, Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) floats into 17 Cherry Tree Lane, essentially hires herself (to explain this in words to those who have not seen the movie will make little sense), and meets with Jane and Michael for the first time. With Mary Poppins, Jane and Michael and Bert – who is platonically familiar with Mary – have their share of fantastical adventures in London. Though it may appear at first Mary Poppins has arrived for the children, that is only the secondary reason for her arrival at the Banks household.
Mary Poppins also features the maid Ellen (Hermione Baddeley); next-door neighbors Admiral Boom (Reginald Owen) and first mate Mr. Binnacle (Don Barclay); the gleeful Uncle Albert (Ed Wynn); and Banks’ boss Mr. Dawes, Sr. There are also brief cameos for two of the best actresses of Old Hollywood: Elsa Lanchester (the title role in 1935′s Bride of Frankenstein, 1957′s Witness for the Prosecution) plays Katie Nanna and, in her final film appearance upon the personal request of Walt Disney, Jane Darwell (Ma Joad in 1940′s The Grapes of Wrath, 1943′s The Ox-Bow Incident) as the “Bird Woman”.
Upon her arrival at 17 Cherry Tree Lane, the Banks family is obviously dysfunctional. From the initial parental perspective, Jane and Michael are undisciplined, too often indulging in play, and not following the regimented lifestyle of their father. Through Mr. Banks, their childhoods are being wasted on trivial pursuits. Mrs. Banks is well-meaning, but absent – despite being the impassioned suffragette, she is reluctant to speak out against her husband (this is never explored, but is her activism a way to express herself outside a stifling household?). Jane and Michael’s parents are often unavailable, leaving their small gestures of compassion ignored or shrugged off. This is not a familial situation to be wished on anyone. Enter Mary Poppins. The idea that she arrives at the Banks household primarily to correct the behavior of the children has been resilient since the film’s initial release. While with the Banks family, she advocates for cleanliness and manners – something that Jane and Michael sometimes lack, yet their cases are not extraordinary compared to what one might expect from children. Mary Poppins, the character, almost never explains her intentions, does not explicitly attempt to “fix” the children, and will act in ways reminding Jane and Michael that their parents are important than she. Mary Poppins retains a mysterious, unknowable distance from most everyone in the film – a feature respectful of Travers’ literary characterization of the flying nanny, and fully dependent on a magnificent performance from Julie Andrews.
Mary Poppins is ostensibly about the title character or her attempts to “save” the children. Mary, Jane, and Michael are the concentration for most of the film. It is when we see the less visible source of the Banks’ troubles that the film shifts its focus to its inner heart. Mary Poppins, through the children, reminds their father of what being a caring, supportive parent means. Mr. Banks – as Bert tells the children late in the film (“they makes cages from all sizes and shapes, you know – bank-shaped some of them, carpets and all”) – has no one to look after him at the Fidelity Fiduciary Bank. Mr. Banks’ cutthroat working environment is predicated on making as much money as possible. His workplace is impersonal, without regard to any of the employees’ unspoken desolation. When Mr. Banks comes home, he is unable to unwind, to appreciate his children enjoying their childhood – a lot of earned praised comes Dick Van Dyke’s way, but save a thought for David Tomlinson, who delivers a heartrending performance as the film finally centers on his character in its final act. He does not talk about the previous day, proceeding to chastise Jane and Michael for not being as uptight as him. Mr. Banks nor the bank are antagonists; this is a rare Disney live-action film without a villain. In their cloistered, specific culture, Banks’ fellow bankers have eroded his ability to remember what is important – that kindness and mindfulness for their own sake are never for naught. Life is too fleeting for anything else.
Jane and Michael learn that the difficulty of their father’s work impacts how he acts around them. More subtly, they also learn how to care for him. This is not easy for children watching for the first or even the tenth time to fully comprehend. Mary Poppins may seem – to those who have not seen it recently or at all – to be a sugary children’s musical. It is anything but. The Walt Disney Studios filmography, as far back as Snow White, is too often painted with such generalizations.
Despite being a bit overlong and Robert Stevenson’s typical uninspired direction, this is a film of incredible technical achievement. With Song of the South’s echoes still reverberating in Disney’s imagination, there is a lengthy animation sequence melded with live-action – the first Disney film to do so since So Dear to My Heart (1948). And like Song of the South, Mary Poppins’ animation/live-action segment has a showstopping musical number based on a fictional word. The seamless use of animation – opposed by Travers – is mostly thanks to animator/special effects technician Ub Iwerks (who had worked with Disney since the silent era) adjusting the Technicolor camera and process that were previously used for So Dear to My Heart. Even with the advent of computerized animation today, Mary Poppins’ animation – steeped in the post-One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) limited animation aesthetic that would dominate Disney animation for the next few decades – is as flawlessly integrated as it appeared on its premiere.
The Sherman Brothers – Richard M. Sherman and the late Robert B. Sherman – wrote more film musical scores than any other duo. Robert was the melancholic half who mostly did the lyrics; Richard remains the jocular one who usually composed melodies (their duties were interchangeable, so it is rare to delineate each Sherman brother’s contributions). Near the start of their songwriting careers, they became staff composers at Walt Disney Studios after charting with a single sung by Mouseketeer Judy Harriet and, later, her fellow Mouseketeer Annette Funicello. 1964 would be a banner year for the Shermans, beginning with “It’s a Small World (After All)” for the 1964 New York World’s Fair (the attraction from the World’s Fair would reopen at Disneyland in 1966, where it remains). Their score and soundtrack to Mary Poppins came next. The final product is in the conversation for the strongest collection of original songs composed for a movie musical.
Those who have never seen Mary Poppins should skip the next four paragraphs and the two lyrical passages that follow.
Two of the early songs will be reprised multiple times during the film: “Chim Chim Cher-ee” and “The Life I Lead”. The former is Bert’s primary song, like a working-class waltz, with the verses changing depending on when the reprise appears in the narrative.  It is meant to expedite exposition, revealing plot points and locations through the only character who breaks the fourth wall. “The Life I Lead” will be used as George Banks’ primary song and leitmotif in the score – reprised and retitled as “A British Bank” and “A Man Has Dreams” (this latter reprise is sung with Bert, who sends Mr. Banks into deep thought without confrontation or humiliation) – and is composed like a march. With a set of lyrics like these, Mr. Banks’ character is outlined in a brisk couple of minutes:
A British bank is run with precision A British home requires nothing less! Tradition, discipline, and rules must be the tools Without them – Disorder! Catastrophe! Anarchy! – In short, we have a ghastly mess!
Moving into the middle third of the score, one encounters musical numbers that are known even to those who have never seen a clip of Mary Poppins: “A Spoonful of Sugar” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. “A Spoonful of Sugar” will be Mary Poppins’ motif in the film’s score and is used to teach Jane and Michael to see busy work through a different lens: that, with the correct attitude, it can be productive and fun. Mary Poppins does not remark on Jane and Michael’s cleanliness much, but recall this is not the foremost problem that the children face, and this is largely resolved through this song. “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is the greatest song with a fourteen-syllable word title ever composed – a lyricists’ nightmare to craft, yet impeccably performed and constructed. Both songs’ reputations are earned, but the best is yet to come.
Not all songs can be stunners, as seen with the nevertheless-incredible “Stay Awake”, “I Love to Laugh” (an entertaining diversion and nothing more), “Fidelity Fiduciary Bank” (its humor underrated), and “Step in Time” (which I admire for its choreography, not the music). “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” is a valedictory musical hurrah basking in unbridled joy. The song’s lyrics may seem simple, but given that it appears in the final minutes and considering what has just occurred, it is a musical and contextual triumph. Mary Poppins’ most resonant song is the one that does not trumpet uptempo energy. “Feed the Birds” is a masterpiece musically and thematically. The lyrics, shifting from E minor to G Major, on paper, do not initially appear singable. But the melody is perfect (the score’s best cue is “Mr. Banks is Discharged”, which combines “Feed the Birds” with “The Life I Lead”), allowing lyrics like these to appeal to the audience’s hearts:
All around the cathedral, the saints and apostles Look down as she sells her wares. Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling Each time someone shows that he cares.
To see the world through another’s eyes – especially those most in need (in which “need” is relative and appearing in various forms) – is worthwhile. It lessens the suffering of others, inspiring them to act in goodwill when they can. "Feed the Birds” and “Stay Awake” would be the only two songs that P.L. Travers approved of. The former encapsulates what Mary Poppins has to say.
The Shermans never wrote a better musical. Their work on Mary Poppins flows with the plot, incorporating the film’s central ideas without being pedantic or repetitive. Just a glance at what films they composed for afterwards will inspire awe: the Winnie the Pooh films (1966-2018), The Jungle Book (1967), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), The Slipper and the Rose (1976), and beyond. This is not even diving into their works for the Disney parks!
Originally not invited to the film premiere because of her outspoken opposition to many of the cinematic decisions, P.L. Travers shamed a Disney executive into letting her attend. Travers appreciated Mary Poppins as a film, but not as an adaptation of her books – forbidding anyone involved in the Disney adaptation except Julie Andrews from starring in any other Mary Poppins-related adaptations (Travers specifically singled out the Sherman Brothers by name). Disney’s intransigence, recalling his conduct during the animator’s strike, strained relations between Travers and the studio. Recently, Saving Mr. Banks (2013) told the story of the making of Mary Poppins from Travers’ perspective, taking numerous historical liberties. Travers’ estate approved the production of Mary Poppins Returns (2018) – a sequel to this film.
Disney received that Academy Award nomination for Best Picture – the nomination itself was the validation he wanted from his Hollywood colleagues. In the years after the film’s release, years of heavy smoking were catching up with Disney. With no close friends at the studio, he told almost no one about his health. After Mary Poppins’ release, Disney would request the Shermans to come into his office on Fridays to talk about the workweek, and ask the Shermans to play “Feed the Birds” at the meeting’s end. "Feed the Birds” became Walt Disney’s favorite song from any film he ever made. According to Richard M. Sherman, following one meeting, with the final notes of “Feed the Birds” fading to silence, he remarked, “That’s what it’s all about, everything we do at Disney.”
Mary Poppins debuted to an America and a world soon to plunge into turmoil – most of which Disney himself would never see. Traditional, big-budget musicals like Mary Poppins, My Fair Lady (1964), and The Sound of Music (1965) became cinematic refuges. Those three films had dominated American filmmaking in a two-year span and the major studios – taking a page from Fidelity Fiduciary Bank – wanted to make head-spinning profits. Many of these post-Sound of Music musicals could not match the standards set by those three musicals, and the widely-covered failures of these musicals would make the genre anathema to Hollywood by the next decade. Maybe it is because of this timing that Mary Poppins is so often described as a children’s movie. However one describes Mary Poppins, it is one of the final statements by a Walt Disney Studios still helmed by its namesake. Its production was turbulent in an era where changing tastes should have worked against it, but Mary Poppins rivals the best Hollywood musical movies.
My rating: 10/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. Mary Poppins was upgraded from an initial score of 9/10. Mary Poppins is the one hundred and forty-eighth feature-length or short film I have rated a ten on imdb (this write-up was expedited before the write-ups on the films that will be the 149th and 150th).
This is the thirteenth Movie Odyssey Retrospective. Movie Odyssey Retrospectives are write-ups on films I had seen in their entirety before this blog’s creation or films I failed to give a full-length write-up to following the blog’s creation. Previous Retrospectives include Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), Dumbo (1941), and Godzilla (1954, Japan)
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itsclydebitches · 7 years
N and Z for RWBY?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
1. More teacher-centered fics because I have my FAVES and how DARE the fandom not cater solely to my tastes :D
2. More Ozqrow. See #1
3. More courtesy?? Like I am very aware that every fandom has its drama and stupidity, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hope. Be kind, people, jeez - to the creators and each other. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
um OKAY so I am in NO position to be thinking of more AUs but I really want to write an Ozqrow pirate au?? yeah basically this would involve qrow being captain of this crazy pirate ship (probably named after some god-awful bird pun) that wasn’t taken seriously at first because it’s half manned by KIDS and what are these pint-sized sisters going to do?? a hell of a lot apparently holy shit don’t let ruby experiment with the canons. they’re not actually bad though. not to the average person anyway. think more robin hood-esque raiding. so yeah anyway they’re a Thing on high seas with one hell of a reputation and where should they land next but OZPIN’S town. and of course ozpin is the equivalent of a rich as fuck eligible lady who spends his days fending off suitors, hiding in his library, and dreaming of adventure like a NERD. maybe he’s pursued by the equally rich and pretentious military man James who is sworn and bound to apprehend the Evil Captain Branwen, but has been a little distracted by Ozpin in those new knee-high boots goddamn - you know, if I want some OT3 shenanigans. and of course after Qrow arrives he “kidnaps” Oz (he wanted to go man’s bored af) and James sets off after them, catching up probably like 10 stupid chapters later to find that the ship has made Oz honorary First Mate (Tai is cool with it) and is learning how to drink rum from the king of pirate drinking, is getting it on in the small quarters like rabbits, and has already adopted Captain Branwen’s tiny pirates in training: nieces, cabin boy Oscar, and like eight other kids they’ve picked up along the way. INCLUDING MERMAID PENNY because that’s suddenly important to me. maybe there’s actual plot involved. something something corrupt schnees... something something lifting a curse of immortality/bad luck. 
am I SAYING I want to write a rwby/pirates of the Caribbean au? 
....yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying 
(Oz wears corsets because he likes them and faints. Jimmy and Qrow both dive in after him ayyyyy) 
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benji-deeds · 7 years
Stanlon, Day 2: Tea Party
A/N: I've been posting these everywhere but here. I'ma catch up on here today.
Prompt #2-Tea Party, this oughta be interesting
Au where Georgie is fucking alive. I took the heights from the book in this one.
"L-Listen, Georgie...H-He really wants y-you guys there." Bill was talking to his friends, practically begging for them to join him in helping Georgie, "H-He's started p-putting everything o-out and is r-r-really ex-excited."
Eddie and Bev both said their parents won't allow them to be out so late, and so they had to decline Bill and go home. Richie was all in, stating that he'll make this the best time Georgie's ever had. Ben was with his mother, as well, saying that she needed some help around the house, which I personally thought was really admirable of him.
I had called my mom off of the house phone in Bill's place and she said that it was perfectly fine, and she was happy that I was making new friends in the town. I smiled at that, lucky to have such great parents, though I was a bit worried about my animals since I wouldn't be there to take care of them.
Bill looked at Stan, who was anxiously calling his father. I noticed the little tics and fidgets he had when on the phone with him; Stan's pointer finger was tapping against his palm in an odd rhythm-he'd tap three times, pause, then tap again. It was perplexing and yet somehow also infatuating.
Stan sighed, putting the phone back on its place of holding, "Dad said I can, but I'll have to do a bunch of chores when I get back." Stan shrugged, rolling his eyes a bit, and went back to my side.
Bill nodded, giving us a slightly apologetic smile, "C-C'mon upstairs, g-g-guys."
We followed Bill upstairs. Well, Stan and I did. Richie was already halfway up the stairs, a large grin painted on his face. He set his hands on his hips, leaning down to talk to an excited Georgie, who was bouncing up and down in a long, yellow sweater and a pair of light pink shorts.
Richie walked into Georgie's small, circus themed room, and we followed suit. Seeing the noirette playfully sitting in one of the small, kid-sized chairs that Georgie had set out, I considered how good of a father he might make.
Bill sat down next to Georgie, long legs nearly up to his chest as he sank into the short chair.
Stan was just a bit shorter than the redhead, and so he decided to sit cross-legged on the floor. I was short for my age, only 5'7'', and so it wasn't as big a deal for me.
Georgie smiled wide, "Anyone want tea?" He held up a plastic tea pitcher expectantly.
Bill raised his hand, and Georgie poured the fake tea into Bill's bright pink cup. Bill laughed, "Th-Thanks, G-G-Georgie."
Richie gave out a woot, "I'll have some, kiddo. Tea is just so... chuckalicious."
Georgie giggled and poured some into Richie's cup, which was red and covered with stickers of turtles.
I apparently came next, as Georgie was already pouring some for me, an invisible liquid in my yellow cup. Georgie said, "Billy told me your favorite colour is yellow! Mine, too!"
I returned his bright smile, "Thanks, Georgie."
"Welcome!" He responded simply.
Stan was somehow surprised when Georgie came to him next, and he gave the kid an odd smile that meant: I don't know why we're doing this. He participated, anyway.
Georgie gave Stan a pat on the head, at which I laughed. Stan turned to me, eyes narrowed slightly, and I responded by repeating Georgie's action, patting Stan's head, then ruffling his soft, curly hair.
He rolled his eyes, which was his weird way of playing along with me.
Richie gave out a low whistle, "Geez, get a room. This is a classy tea party." He then preceded to sip at the air from his cup with a serious expression that I was sure should earn him an Oscar.
Stan shot back at him, "Then why are you at it?"
Richie gasped, putting a hand over his mouth, "I'm classier than any of you-except for Georgie, of course." Richie tipped his imaginary hat toward the kid, who grinned, showing one of his missing teeth.
Stan moved to rest his chin on my thigh, fiddling with his hands under the table. I ran another hand through his hair, then moved it down to rest on his cheek.
Stan smiled up at me, and this time, it was one of his genuine ones, though there was still that flash of lovely dryness in his eyes, "Drink your tea, Hanlon."
I snorted, "Drink yours, Stanley."
Bill cut in, "M-Ma-Maybe we can all have a t-toast together. Wh-What do you th-think, Georgie?"
Georgie nodded, raising up his glass, "To, um, what is it to?"
Richie stood, one foot on his chair and the other balancing midair, "To the Losers! And Georgie, honorary eighth member!" He paused, holding out a finger to stop anyone from 'drinking', "Even though half these assholes didn't show up today." He waved his hand, "Proceed."
We all, even Stan, took a sip from the cups Georgie set out for us.
Georgie went around and refilled our cups, skipping around the table to hug Bill around the shoulders.
My attention was taken away from the two brothers when Stan stood to do the same to me. I tilted my head upward to look at him, standing over me.
Richie commentated, "And now we see Stanley the Manly wanting attention. Wants does Mike 'n Ike do next?"
Stan replied, "Beep beep, Richie," but continued hugging me.
I smiled, looking around at my friends being happy together. I made a mental note to thank Georgie when we left for the tea party, and the time he gave us.
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ilovethecompanions · 7 years
Companions react to a cat imprinting on them and following them around
Cait: At first she is annoyed. She doesn’t want the thing to follow her around! Tries to scare it away but the cat still stick to her. In the end she decides to ignore it. But as weeks passes she grows accustomed to it and ends up taking a liking to it. A great liking. This is her cat and if anyone hurts it she will hurt them. She enjoys the company, even though she will deny it. Cait ends up naming it Charlie, regardless of gender, and gets proud every time it brings her a mouse or a bird. That’s right, who’s her little killer? You are, you are!
Curie: Oh, she’s so happy when she realizes the cat likes her! It’s so cute after all! If it’s a male cat she names it Alan and if it’s a female it’s Fabiola. Curie makes it a large bed made out of various fabrics and makes sure the cat is as healthy as possible. She really loves the cat and pets it all the time. Would snuggle it 24/7 if she could. Brushes it every day and baths it once every week. This is the healthiest and cleanest cat in all of the Commonwealth.
Codsworth: This poor little bot is so confused, help him. He doesn’t understand why it follows him all the time, he is made out of metal after all! Nevertheless, he lets it stick around and does his best to make it comfortable. Codsworth is a bit distressed since he can’t pet it without accidentally hurting it and feels terrible for not returning its affections. The most he can do is let it rub against him and sit on his ”head”. Poor, poor bot has never wished he had hands more in his entire life. Names the cat Marvel, since it’s a marvel it chose just him.
Danse: Doesn't even notice at first that the cat is following him. When he does eventually notice he just assumes it wants food and that it will go away once it realizes it won't get any. But when the cat still follows him, into battle nonetheless, he is confused, more so than Codsworth. Why does it follow him? What should he do with it? This man is clueless. Eventually he decides to keep it. It reminds him of proctor Quinlans cat, Emmet. Probably names it after some high ranking and important Brotherhood member, that dork. Totally babies the cat and talks to it as if it is a two year old child. His two year old child to be precise. It’s both adorable and terrifying how this hunk of a man can turn into such a blubbering mess in a few seconds with this cat.
Deacon: Instantly turns the cat into the mascot of Railroad. Likes to dress the cat up with different bandanas, glasses and hats. Names it something like Oscar or Claire but demands everyone call it agent Fluffington. Oh yeah, totally makes it an honorary agent and makes it write reports (it’s just paw prints on a paper to be honest). Everytime the cat meows he responds. “Meow”. “Gasp! No way! Tell me more!”. “Meow”. “She did? That’s amazing!”. He somehow finds some cat toys for it. Also; cat puns, tons and tons of cat puns. Please stop him, Glory is about to kill him.
Dogmeat: This doggo loves its new friend! He will protect it with his life!
Hancock: Ok, this cat is the most well protected thing in Goodneighbor, seriously. Everyone knows not to mess with it since Hancock will literary cut anyone who does. He loves it so much that it’s almost scary. No, scrap that, it’s totally scary. The cat has its own personal seat in the Third Rail and in his office. When Hancock has a speech it sits on the railing on the balcony while he talks. Totally does the Bond villain thing where he turns his chair around while petting his cat when negotiating with someone in order to intimidate them. It’s surprisingly effective. There’s also this unspoken thing that if the cat does not like or trust someone, neither does Hancock. Names the cat Cookie, just because he can.
Maccready: First things first, Maccready is more of a dog person. There were many dogs in Little Lamplight and he loved them all. But just because he prefer dogs does not mean he dislike cats. It’s actually the opposite. He appreciates their independent nature and aloof personalities. So when the cat starts following him around he’s all for it. Carries it on his shoulder when walking or in his backpack. Accidentally gives it a dog name since he knows shit about what to name a cat. Probably names it so something like Buster or Buddy.
Nick: The cat is his new best friend and sidekick, he is Sherlock and it is his Watson. Totally names it something like Noir or Bobby. Nicks favorite thing to do is sit in his office and pet the cat after a long stressful day. It always helps him unwind and sort his thoughts. When traumatized clients come in seeking help he always lends them the cat in order to calm down. It always works and the cat is loved by all. Wherever it goes people gives it treats or pets it. Everyone in Diamond City refer to it as Nick Jr..
Piper: Probably found it as an injured kitten, nursed it back to health and after that it stuck with her. The cat is incredibly fond of both Piper and Nat and they love it unconditionally in return. It’s part of the family. Is named Scooter or Marble. Piper swears she doesn't spoil it but she totally does and everyone knows it. It sleeps in her bed and eats what she eats. Plus all the treats. Oh god, the treats. If the cat did not move around so much it would undoubtedly get fat. It’s extremely embarrassing to watch when Piper talks with her cat since she used the most extreme baby talk in the history of mankind. It sound like incoherent babbling and only Nat knows what Piper is saying. If Piper had a functional camera she would totally be one of those people that have hundreds of pictures of her cat.
Preston: If there’s someone that deserves a pet it’s this guy. With everything he’s been through he sometimes get depressed and when that happens he needs someone to keep him grounded and calm. This someone is his cat. Whenever he starts to panic it always snuggles up to him and starts to purr. This never fails to calm Preston down and he’s so grateful for it. When the cat first started to follow him around he hesitated to take it in, afraid that he would not be able to take care of it. He never realized it would take care of him instead. Loves his cat immensely and treats it with respect. Preston names it Sunny.
Strong: When he first meet the cat he tries to eat it. Several times. But the cat still follows him. Either it’s incredibly brave or really stupid. Maybe both. Strong thinks it’s weak and pathetic. But then he sees humans with their pets and wonder if it has anything to do with the milk of human kindness. So the next time the cat approached him Strong started to pet it. This was the start of a wonderful friendship. The cat is always sitting on Strongs shoulder, wherever he goes, and Strong constantly talks to the cat. He simply calls the cat Kitty and he’s incredibly fond of it. Anyone who even looks at it the wrong way is killed. Strong totally feeds it the flesh of his slain enemies. He is very gentle with the cat and loves how fluffy it is.
X6-88: Ok, this one is long so bear with me . Let’s say that the Institute made synth cats and let them roam around in the base. Everyone loves them and they love everyone. Except for the coursers. Whenever a courser approaches they start to hiss and claw at them. Nobody knows why. But then there’s one cat that’s different and decides to imprint upon a courser. And that courser is our dear X6.
He doesn’t know why it follows him but he decides to ignore it. This only serves to make the cat more determined. Whenever X6 sits down it jumps up on his lap and when he’s got paperwork to do it lays down on it. But X6 is stubborn and won't give in to it’s adorableness. At least that’s what he tells himself. But he just can’t help to scratch behind its ears when it rubs against him or pat its head when bored. It’s not his fault, seriously.
But really, X6 and the cat is inseparable. Everybody knows that wherever X6 are the cat is close behind. And eventually X6 grows so accustomed to its presence that he grows worried when it’s not nearby. What if something happened to i? Of course he never voices these concerns but he visibly relaxes when it returns. The Institute have already officially “named” the cat so X6 sees no use in doing to himself.
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/watch-regina-king-mahershala-ali-describe-their-oscar-wins/
WATCH: Regina King, Mahershala Ali describe their Oscar wins
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Transcript for Regina King, Mahershala Ali describe their Oscar wins
Let’s get back to the action. All of the winners just so genuine last night. Celebrating each other and their fellow nominees. This was an Oscar of historic firsts and barriers broken. Hannah beekler. Ruth Carter! Reporter: And just like that, history was made. Hannah beekler and Ruth Carter becoming the first black winners in their category. For best production design and best costumes. Regina king weighing in. You saw Ruth. You saw Hannah. Two historic wins. Two historic wins. And this. What does this all mean to you? Oh, man this is the — one of the most reflective academy awards ceremonies ever. You know, when you look at the nominations. So sh to receive this during this ceremony is priceless. This San historic moment. Everybody is acknowledging it. How does that feel to you? I feel like what I love about it is, it’s — I want all the young women of color and girls of color to be able to now stand on my shoulders. Because I have stood on so many shoulders of all the women that came before me. I give the strength to all of those who come next to keep going. To never give up. When Hannah got up there and said what she said. She’s right. It’s all of us together working on a story. Building a world that has never been seen before. Reporter: And spike Lee telling us he’s ready to party. How will you and your beautiful wife celebrate tonight? We’ll be popping some bottles. Go to several parties. Obviously, GOP governor’s ball for a quickie? Right. Vanity fair? Yes. Jay Z and Beyonce. We’ll end up there. I know you have one. You have the honorary one. Two-time winner mahershala Ali talking about the friendship in his movie, “Green book.” I think people seeing didn’t characters that technically should not be friends come together and are able to have a wonderful friendship and relationship. I think that resonates with people because you are seeing how just being in close proximity with another person how that begins to break down the stereotypes. And people begin to drop their guard and see the other person. Reporter: He fit in a quick snack break of trail mix, courtesy of his lovely wife. This is what you give an Oscar winner? Olivia Kol map now finally able to recover after a very rewarding and surprising awards season. I don’t remember any of it. It’s a blur. Sort of terrifying. Your speech was amazing. Do you remember yelling out to gaga at the end? No. You took a moment to acknowledge Glenn close. Well — it’s a good place, isn’t it? It was very sweet. Oh, she’s amazing. You almost apologized for winning. Well, yeah, it should have been her. And man of the hour, rami Malek taking it all in. People say this could happen I don’t think it H. I’m going to treat it as such. Making sure his agent’s mom gets a shoutout. And his mother is named sherry. And she loves you. And she loves you show. I have to give her a shoutout. Sherry? I love that. Thank you. What would you say to little bubba rami about tonight? Oh, man. I was a shy kid. I knew something was going on in the back of my head where I created characters and didn’t know what I was going to make of it. Whether it was going to take me down a dark hole or perhaps lead me to something special. Never did I ever think it would be something as special adds this. Finally, Regina king reflecting on the road she’s traveled to get this far. I would like you to look at this picture. What would you say to this little girl about this moment? Oh, man. I would just say continue to smile. Continue to dream. And even when you don’t feel like smiling, there’s so many people out there smiling for you. Yeah. I mean — yeah. Look at you now. Look at me now. And I got so much more to do. Yes, you do. So much more to do. And I can’t wait to see it. I mean, it was so amazing back there. It was like truth serum. Even just really sharing. Olivia Colman was beside herself when I asked where she would keep her Oscar. She said, in bed with me, between me and my husband. She said he didn’t know that yet. But was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mind one bit. Guys, back to you in New York. That was — that was just an incredibly special moment for Regina. She is just getting started. She’s directing now and doing other things. How cool was T it, “Captain America” Chris Evans helped her. How cool was that? Captain America. No, no, no, no. Captain America. Chivalry. Of course.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
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loveaningenue · 8 years
Kaylor: Media Timeline
All the random Kaylor articles the media published and interviews where Karlie or Taylor talked about each other. To view the article, click the date for the first section and the title of the article for the second part. I probably missed a bunch of interviews/articles, so if anyone wants to add send me links.
Buzzfeed - April 7, 2015 Are You More Like Taylor Swift Or Karlie Kloss?
Teen Vogue - August 3, 2016 How Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss Became Friends
MTV - October 5, 2016 Karlie Kloss Has One More Thing In Common With Her Good Friend Taylor Swift
MTV - November 3, 2016 Karlie Kloss And Taylor Swift Could Build A Tech Empire
E! News - December 12, 2016 How to Be Taylor Swift: A Study in Five Parts
Tigerbeat - December 17, 2016 Quiz: Who Said It - Taylor Swift or Karlie Kloss?
People Magazine Snapchat - December The 29 Most Perfect Taylor Swift NYC Style Moments
Dating Symbol Quiz - January 10, 2017
Refinery 29 Snapchat - January 15, 2017 True or False? More Americans Are Identifying As LGBT More Than Ever Before.
BuzzFeed - January 17, 2017 Which Iconic Taylor Pic Got The Most Likes?
E! News- January 18, 2017 Taylor Swift: What Happened to Hollywood’s Most Famous Girl Group?
People Snapchat - January 19, 2017 Which Is Taylor and Which Is Karlie?
GQ  - February 15, 2017 How To Date... Karlie Kloss
InStyle - May 3, 2017 Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift’s Absolute Cutest BFF Moments
Karlie and Taylor talking about each other:
Italic: Interviewer 
Vogue - Taylor Swift: The Single Life
“Swift spots a photo tacked on the wall of a model in one of Gurung’s dresses. ‘I love Karlie Kloss,’ she says and touches the picture. ‘I want to bake cookies with her!’”
Teen Vogue - December 2012/January 2013 Issue
“Ultimate MTV Interview?
Taylor Swift. I was introduced to her at the Met Gala, and we joked about having a baking date!”
New York Magazine - Taylor Swift Wants the Karlie Cut
“‘I met Taylor Swift last night and she said, 'Ohhh, I want to cut my hair. Karlie, if you see me in a few months with that haircut, know it's because of you.'’"
HollywoodLife on Youtube - Karlie Kloss on Taylor Swift
“Do you had a favorite part of the show?
One of my favorite part was actually Taylor. I’m a big Taylor Swift fan. I thought she was... I thought she rocked it, rocked the runway. She is the sweetest girl, so down to earth. I was really pleasantly surprised by how nice and normal she is.
We saw you guys dancing a little when you were on the runway together and that was such a little girl crush moment for us. Were you guys friends before? How did that come about?
No. We met at the show, we never met before but we’re BFFs now. No. We really are. We hung out since and she’s really nice. It’s nice to meet another American girl, sort of. We’re the same age and she’s so inspiring for, you know, she’s so talented but she’s true to who she is. She’s a cool girl and I’m glad she’s in the show this year, she rocked it.
Tell us how it’s like to hang out with her one on one because it just sounds like a dream date come true?
We both just normal. I guess, at the end of the day we’re normal girls.”
Hollywood Take - Karlie Kloss, Taylor Swift Best Friends After Victoria’s Secret Show! Supermodel Tells Us Why She’s Obsessed With Singer (EXCLUSIVE)
“Taylor had so much fun doing the show, and it was so much fun doing it with her. It’s really so unlike any other fashion show I’ve been a part of. It’s amazing.”
 “She is my new BFF. I’m obsessed with her. She’s really, really sweet, and I was so glad that she was a part of the show this year. She just brought such an energy.”
Cosmopolitan on Youtube - Karlie Kloss Talks Taylor Swift
“I will tell you. She is the coolest girl, she is so sweet. That was really the first time I got the chance to meet her and -you know we’ve crossed paths a bunch of times- and you know at the show, it’s such a fun experience, and I really got the chance to get to know her. 
What did you talk about?
She’s a normal girl. She’s not that much older than me, she’s like two years older than me, but I mean normal girl stuff you know. I don’t know. Boys and dancing-
Award Shows
Of course, as one does. So, she’s a really nice girl that I’ve gotten to know, so yes. 
What did Taylor Swift say to you that no one knows that she said to you?
What did Taylor say to me? I don't know. 
Was she ever like: oh my God, do you see that girl’s shows?
She is perfect and nice and never says anything mean.” [...]
People Style - Taylor Swift on Her Cat's Attempt to Destroy Her Met Gala Dress: It Was Like a Crocodile Attacking an Antelope on National Geographic
“I got ready with Karlie. We were both wearing Oscar de la Renta, and we kind of shared a hair girl and got ready in a hotel room. It was so much fun getting ready with one of your best friends.”
US Weekly - Karlie Kloss Says Best Friend Taylor Swift Has "No Time for Guys!"
"She's true to who she is. She's such a special girl. I feel really lucky that we connected and our paths crossed. She's just a special girl."
Rolling Stone - The Reinvention of Taylor Swift
“Swift leads the way into one of her four guest bedrooms. ‘This is where Karlie usually stays,’ she says – meaning supermodel Karlie Kloss, one of her new BFFs, whom she met nine months ago at the Victoria's Secret fashion show.”
TaylorSwiftVevo on Youtube - Taylor Swift - Shake It Off Outtakes Video #2 - The Ballerinas (Behind The Scenes Video)
“My friend, Karlie, when she walks the runway, you can tell she grew up doing ballet.” 
Vogue - We Called It: Karlie Kloss Named New Face of L’Oréal Paris
“No doubt. It appears that your cut influenced the celebrity crowd, too—including your friend Taylor Swift. Has she taught you any good beauty tips? 
She does a killer red lip. I’ll give that girl credit. She can whip a red lip on like nobody else, and it’s amazing. Even if we’re working out, she’ll have on this gorgeous red lip. She’s not human!”
“Do you push her at the gym, or does she push you? Who is more competitive?
We’re a good team because we kind of push each other just to get there, just to get to the door! It’s important to have a good friend that challenges you—even if it’s simply to get to the gym.”
“Who is better in the kitchen?
I love to bake, because I’ve always had a sweet tooth. My Gran—she taught me how to bake my whole life, but cooking was never something I ever took the time to learn. I would always rather have a cookie than make some complicated dinner! But Taylor is an expert.”
“What is Taylor**’**s signature dish?
I’m vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, but she makes a mean Brussels sprouts and cauliflower side dish that is tasty, and grilled fish. She’s Chef Boyardee!”
BBC1 Live Lounge - Taylor Swift Talks (14:03)
“She’s very like nurturing and sweet.”
Access Hollywood - Taylor Swift Interview
"She puts everyone else’s needs or wants before her own and that is an incredible thing to have in a friend. She is so giving and so open and so warm."
Lucky Magazine on Youtube - Taylor Swift Behind the Scenes - LUCKY S1 EP12 (0:29)
“I bake with Karlie all the time.”
E!Online - Karlie Kloss, Behati Prinsloo & Doutzen Kroes Talk Taylor Swift, Adam Levine & More Ahead of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
“Have you and Taylor Swift been chatting about the show in the past few weeks?
Yes! We say, what are you wearing? It's like going to prom! I also love the feel of preparing for the show.”
Glamour - Karlie Kloss on the One Piece of Makeup She'd Never Leave the House Without Wearing
"Is there anything you're looking forward to seeing Taylor perform?
I'm just excited to have her there more than anything else. It's always nice to have a really good friend here. And Taylor is so much fun! Last year we had so much fun on the runway but also just experiencing this special show together. It's a once-in-a-life-time opportunity if you're lucky, and I've done it four times, so it's amazing. It's really good.”
Daily Mail UK - Karlie Kloss: From the catwalk to the kitchen, supermodel Karlie Kloss is proving herself to be one clever kookie
“Taylor is such a great girl. She’s a good friend and she also loves to bake – so we do that together sometimes. I think the key to me being able to not just survive but to actually thrive in this industry is having my friends.”
Grazia - Victoria's Secret Angel Karlie Kloss On 'Honorary Angel' BFF Taylor Swift
"Taylor Swift is performing for the second consecutive year - what's it like being friends with her?
Taylor is an amazing friend. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to walk on that stage so to be able to do it with your best friend is pretty spectacular. I'm very lucky. She should be an Angel herself. I mean she practically is. She looks pretty heavenly out there. I'd sat she’s an honorary Angel.”
Yahoo - Karlie Kloss: Harvard, Hair Styles, Taylor Swift, and cookies
“Who does the dishes?
She does.”
People Magazine - Karlie Kloss at the PMAs “What is it like being one of Taylor Swift’s besties?
I’m a lucky girl, she’s a good friend.”
Daily Mail UK - Karlie Kloss: From the catwalk to the kitchen, supermodel Karlie Kloss is proving herself to be one clever kookie
“‘Taylor is such a great girl,’ she says. ‘She’s a good friend and she also loves to bake – so we do that together sometimes. I think the key to me being able to not just survive but to actually thrive in this industry is having my friends.’”
Good Morning America - Karlie Kloss talks Vogue cover & her Taylor Swift friendship
“Taylor and I are very close. We have very different jobs in very different industries, but also are 20-something year old women working very hard and very focused to pursue our dreams and our goals and I think we are both very supportive of one another and I think that kind of friendship, whether it’s sister or friend, that kind of friendship is really powerful and it’s been a huge part of my success.”
CBS News - Karlie Kloss: Cracking the fashion industry code
“Is Taylor Swift really your bff?
“She is. She’s incredible.”
“I think we both really admire one another for how hard we work.”
Access Hollywood - Interview with Taylor Swift
“I think that is one of the best things about Karlie- She puts everyone else’s needs or wants before her own. You know that is an incredible thing to have in a friend. She is so giving, and so open, and so warm and I think I’m really drawn to people who are all of those things.”
Glamour UK - The 10 women who changed my life
“Karlie is pure sunshine, and anyone who has met her would tell you that. She thinks of everyone else before she thinks of herself. She tries to make everyone around her better and stronger. She buys random presents and stops by (just to say hi and give you a hug). She has a million things to juggle and I’ve never seen anyone do it so gracefully, all the while putting herself last on her list of concerns.”
Glamour Paris - Interview: Karlie Kloss répond à vos questions (Karlie Kloss Answers Your Questions)
“Quel est la meilleur chose lorsque’on est amie avec Taylor Swift (What is the best thing when we are friends with Taylor Swift?)
‘Taylor is an incredible friend. She’s fiercely loyal and she’s an amazing chef as well, so that’s probably the best part.’”
E!Online - Karlie Kloss Talks Sharing Clothes With Taylor Swift, Having Jennifer Lawrence Hair Envy
“You and BFF Taylor Swift have famously shared a runway (Victoria's Secret) and a major magazine cover (Vogue)—do you also share wardrobes? 
Who doesn't share with her friends? That's what friends are for!”
Vogue UK - The Vogue Interview: Taylor Swift
"Taylor's an incredible and special friend of mine. She's humble, caring and thoughtful, and she has a huge heart.”
Gossip Hot List on Youtube - Koding with Karlie Kloss at the Flatiron School
“Are you going to try to get your friends involved because I was at the Taylor Swift concert and you were there on Friday? 
It was a good concert, right? She was good. It was the first one that I - I had never really seen her - but I thought it was really good. I was like ‘You’re good at your job. Alright.’”
Glamour - Karlie Kloss September 2015 Glamour Cover Interview
“And here we go! Taylor and I met at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show two years ago. Lily Aldridge introduced us. She was like, "OK, you two are kindred spirits. How have my two nice American friends never met?" And that was it.”
Joe Fresh - Meet The Fall Faces of Joe Fresh
“Last question: what music are you listening to right now?
I really like Bruno Mars, Beyoncé, and The Black Keys. I even like Taylor!”
Elle UK - Interview With Supermodel Karlie Kloss
“Taylor is someone I call if I want to have a fun night out as much as a cosy night in watching movies. We’ve had a lot of fun and adventures, both being glamorous and being normal twentysomethings.”
Love Magazine - Karlie Kloss / Model
“Yes, I’m a big fan of Tay Tay, but I love her for who she is and what a wonderful friend she is. So I’m a fan, and a friend.”
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