#i know they're toxic as hell too but that's what makes them so spicy and fun to write/talk about!
crayonfears · 5 months
Man just saw your comments and you really don’t know how happy I am 😭 btw I would love to know If you have some little headcanons about these 2 losers (doesn’t matter if they sad, happy or just plain weird😃) because for me I always think about the little things they like for example what kind of music do they listen to? Or if the music taste is the same or complete different? Or what kind of clothing style they have ? I’m sorry If I’m rambling to much 🥲 so feel free to tell me to shut up 💀
hi there, friend! it's so nice to see how happy you are over my answer. please know it's the same feeling for me whenever i see you in my inbox/comment 🥰
ohh i do have a few hcs of them myself. idk about the kind of music they'd listen to, though, cuz i have the worst taste in music myself 😂 i do think they'd have very different taste, although han seo will say he likes anything/everything hyungnim does just to appease han seok. one hc i do have about their taste is in movies. this is one i created with a friend i used to talk to. basically it's just han seo not really into action movies. they put him to sleep - literally. whenever han seok puts one on for their brotherly bonding session or whatever, han seo falls right sleep before the intro's even done. han seok would tease him about it so much; sometimes even get annoyed because han seok really wanted han seo to see the movie for whatever reason (he'd be the kind to be into big blockbuster hits, that fucking nerd, quoting lord of the rings and shit). this could be cute too - imagine han seok seeing han seo all tired, and wanting him to rest without actually telling him to rest (that'd be too sentimental, and han seok is NOT that!), he'd just put on some random action movie and han seo would be out like a light.
another hc of mine (which, really is just an observation) is how han seok only being affectionate to han seo whenever han seo isn't looking/isn't aware of it. if he's been more clear about how much han seo meant to him, perhaps han seo would never have turned on him 🥲regarding their clothing style... hmmm, we know from canon han seok got that business casual with the hoodies going on. he'd be the kind to love designer stuff, but just the most gaudy designs he could find - aka that versace bathrobe of his, so iconic haha. han seo, i think would go for more looser clothes whenever he could. the moment he could get out of the high-collared and tight suits (very nice symbolism for the hold han seok had on him; say what you will about vincenzo, the set and costume design went off), he immediately would and instead put on some soft t-shirt, maybe a nice hoodie. i love him with his glasses on, in that cute cardigan in their father's death scene. i wish we could see more of that han seo ;;
another hc i have which i hold very dear to my heart, you could pry it from my cold dead hands is han seo being really cold always and han seok being super hot in contrast. at first i just thought it'd be interesting that the cold-blooded one runs hot while the other is cold. and really, han seo/kdy is so fucking pale it isn't hard to imagine he got some bad blood circulation going on in there haha. i also just like to imagine han seo burrowing in han seok's large hoodies. han seo cuddling close to han seok for warmth. han seok going to han seo on a hot day, making him his personal walking ice pack.
that's the few i can think of right now haha and please don't ever apologize for rambling - i welcome all kinds of jangbros ramblings in my chat/inbox always. thank you for this ask, my friend! you know i'd always jump on the chance to talk about these losers always ❤️
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evilminji · 6 months
Been Watching Weird Fruit Explorer(?)... and I just...
W-Who let Bored Danny have BooTube?
Sorry, YOU-Tube. He has TWO Apps now. BooTube is bigger. Way more random, yet... somehow more niche? Meh. It's what happens when you get billions of billions of people who all have their own Obsessions to rant over, on a site.
Ember's channel is pretty lit, tho, ngl.
He stopped using YOU-Tube almost overnight. Too many ads, weird algorithmic pushiness. No thanks. It was too small and too "trying to take my money". You know?
Buuuuut? See.... TUCKER is the Tech guy.
Coding and that sort of stuff. HE does hands on work. You want a toaster? He can MAKE you a toaster! With LAZERS! Runs off The Goo! But a program? Eeeeeeeh? Hit it with hammer maybe? Monkey make fire? Hit with stick? Blergh.
Yeah, he can SORTA push through.
But he suuuucks.
And like... he had a headache, okay? His project had just, quiet literally, exploded in his face. So when he looked at his phone? All the apps were blobs. He clicked the one that LOOKED kinda right. Shoved his arm in his phone and brute forced a channel set up.
He figured he could ramble about Space!
It's not like he cared is anyone LISTENS or not! It's a "for him" thing, you know? Like a diary. But more... putting on a ☆~show~☆?
So he rambles from the floor of his Lair's Lab, crashs and wails in the distance, green sky occasionally visible as he lazily floats by windows. Dropping... juuuust past human knowledge understanding of Space. Talking like he's STUDYING somewhere. Referencing PAPERS no human will ever be able to find.
But a few they WILL.
Some of which, are currently? Only half written.
But then? Oh YEAH... he should eat! You know... Sam keeps bringing him fruits and veggies and stuff from her internship at that Botanical Lair. Stuff never seen before of Earth. Or hasn't been seen in centuries.
Again, like, a FEW that? Randomly? Have???
He picks up something sharply purple, bright orange insides. Crisp crunch. He makes a face. And starts to ramble about it, distracted from Space. "Weirdly mushroom-y" he notes. "Kinda bubblegum sweet? But like... CHEAP bubblegum. Like it hits you all at once and is kinda chemically. But it disappears real fast? Huh. Spicy too..."
It's the first video on the Playlist. One of hundreds. Two of the green Lanterns RECONIZE that fruit ad HIGHLY toxic to humans, can't recognize what planet they're seeing. Or how this alien teen got himself on YouTube.
He seems... unaware of how incredibly famous he's become.
But his strange techno Pharoah friend has not. HE is both perfectly aware and apparently amused. Has taken to feeding him rare and hazardous flora and fauna, to see if it tastes good.
....there have been an alarming number of plants from dead planets.
And the comments the kid makes? Alarming as hell.
Sam's just pleased everybody's getting their greens. Danny's glad him n tuck get to hang and do "try weird foods and fuck around, bro time". They've made lazers! Talked about stuff! Debated why Martian Manhunter is THE superior Justice League member.
Danny understands. Wonder Woman is a BAMF. But he's biased, Tucker. He doesn't CARE if she has a sword and flowy, impressive locks! Shape-shifting telepath! From MARS!!! *imaginary mic drop*
And Tucker? Is conquering the YouTube scene with this charming, weird, relatable young alien. Who rambles about Space, debates nerd stuff, eats weird plants and describes them, and makes sci-fi technology! Theme? WHAT THEME? Phantom is a weird channel, man. You never know what you'll find!
And no one can get rid of it.
Believe them, governments have TRIED. Censorship? Not possible. Not without removing the whole SITE.
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acti-veg · 1 year
hello! I'd like to ask, do you have any tips on how to perform harm reduction and be vegan in a very unsupportive/toxic house? my parents would berate and insult me for being vegetarian so while I live with them this is not really an option... I try to avoid animal products as much as I can but since my parents buy the groceries and pretty much everything else I don't know what to do
every time I tried telling them to at least buy things vegetarian for me if they're too lazy to search for vegan options, they'd come back saying "well we don't know what to buy for you! we don't have anything else in the house that you can eat, shame that you have to eat meat right? 🤭" so for them I should be starving instead of eating (at the very least) something different from meat and fish, nevermind the fact that I could eat only potatoes, mushrooms and spicy hummus and be happy like that
I'm sorry to hear you're in a difficult position at home, this is something a lot of us deal with early in our veganism, so you're definitely not alone in it.
As much as they should be making an effort for you, it's clear that they're not, so it's is up to you then, to make your transition to veganism as effortless for them as you possibly can. You could volunteer to cook your own meals if you don’t already, you could shop for/pay for your own food if that’s a possibility, you could accompany them to the supermarket to point out good vegan options, or you could make a list if that would be easier for them. Go to the supermarket with them or go by yourself if you can, make a list of options (including which aisle they're in) and they really have no reason to refuse you at that point.
Faux meats are not difficult to find in a supermarket and you cook the same way you do meat. The advantage of that is that you can eat the same meals as them, you'd just subsistute the meat part for faux meats, and remove any dairy/eggs. Failing that, they can definitely find most of the common vegan staples, like pasta, noodles, rice, canned chickpeas/lentils, beans etc. That's really all you actually need. We eat the same things they do, just without the meat.
Just showing them the kind of meals you can make and how simple the food can be can sometimes be enough, because many people just can’t conceive of what a meal without animal products even looks like, and they object because they are picturing themselves having to buy expensive ingredients and cook from scratch because none of the meals they cook for you now are vegan. This isn’t the case of course, but it will take some time for them to realise how simple and straightforward cooking and eating vegan can be.
In terms of dealing with them serving you meat now, how you do that will depend on how safe your household is for you. Most parents are realistically not going to let their kid's starve, and if it's safe to do so then you absolutely should put your foot down here and refuse to eat animal products when they're served for you. In my experience, people who are not supportive will only respect boundaries if they're insisted upon - if they know you'll eat meat when it's served to you, they'll keep serving it. Sometimes boundaries can only be put in place by insisting on them, and enduring that initial battle of wills.
That only applies if it's safe for you to insist and be stubborn on this, if it's not, then all you can do is the best you're able to in your situation. Eat plant-based when you can, and buy vegan products whenever it is your choice to do so, until you're in a position where you can shop for yourself, or preferably, get the hell out of there. Good luck with it either way anon, and remember that my inbox is always open if you need advice or resources.
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mewnia · 11 months
Annon-Guy: I asked other DotNW fans this, but what are your thoughts on;
Emil/Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus as characters?
What do you think of Emil X Marta and Alice X Decus?
Sure thing, dude! I'll make this the last post of tonight's Tales of Sunday, too. Let's set this up the same way I did on this post.
Emil: He's baby boy baby! I know a lot of people who play (and dislike) DotNW can't stand Emil's cowardice and hate towards Lloyd at the beginning. Besides the hating Lloyd part, I always found it very relatable! Admittedly it's still a character flaw for him to get over, but I don't find it as annoying as others do. But I love him, I love his development, and his eventual friendship with Lloyd. I think his character was handled really well. And dude. Especially how he feels responsible for Aster's death and stealing his life? Relatable, I would feel the exact same way 100%.
Ratatosk: Spicy baby! Honestly his character development was a lot of fun to see through the story, especially how it all comes to a head when he fights Emil in the true ending. (I also love the detail that he's just as good a cook as Emil, he just doesn't care about presentation lol). The way he gets soft for Marta is very sweet, too. I have mixed feelings about how his character is handled in the crossover games, though.
Marta: Haha, like I said, she's not my favorite Tales Heroine, but she's not bad. I also loved her as a kid! She was like a silly self-insert for me at the time. Her weapon has always confused me, and her battle combos aren't great, but bringing optimism to contradict Emil's pessimism was always a nice touch. I especially love her relationship with Tenebrae, and her eventual friendship with Colette. I'm not a ~huge~ fan of her reading too much into Emil's interactions with the other female members of the party ("I see you're into older women now" like what the hell), but when she's sincere I really appreciate her.
Tenebrae: love him, snarky doggy boi :3 His clothes are the same as his skin... always bothered me, ha! Besides Repede, I think he's one of the better designs of a dog character in the series. LOVE his tail hand. Iconic design. 10/10.
Richter: He's fine, he serves his purpose. I wish I could love him as much as other fans, but much like Yuan, I never really clicked with him. His motivation and how much he believed in Aster is very moving, though! And his theme? Top tier.
Aqua: she's a character. Love her design!
Alice: a really good character to hate! Her baby voice makes my skin crawl, her malicious innocence is entertaining. All her nicknames for people suck, and I think that just adds to it. To be clear, I don't hate her as a character that exists! I'm glad she exists, she adds to the plot and to fleshing out Marta. It sucks she gets dropped for a good while after the raid on the Vanguard base. But man. I hate her.
Decus: he's fine. I tend to have a bias towards characters that have a lot of jewelry (due to my phobia) in not liking them as much as other people? He's in the story to exist as a Lloyd-framer and a mirror to Emil, but otherwise they don't do much with him that matters. He's comedic. Too much so. You can't take him seriously even when they want you to because he's too goofy.
This next section I assume you mean like, shipping wise?
Emil x Marta: They're cute! I like them a lot, as characters, but not so much as a couple, I guess? They're a cute high school couple in a Christian School setting, but once they head off to college either they're going to need to really make things work or settle with being friends (close friends!). That's the vibe I get from them. I don't see them completely separating, but I also don't see them like. Having kids. At least, not without problems.
Alice x Decus: they're a mirror to Emil and Marta's relationship! That's... about it. I'm going to be completely honest, I don't really have any thoughts about them other than that is a toxic relationship. They're okay!
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demon-mortician · 1 year
The less spicy meme with...
Admin: Why, of COURSE xD
A Less Spicy Shipping Meme
Send a 💖 and I’ll tell you what a relationship would be like with my character:
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How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (Keep reading pls I can explain jsdfjsdfjh)
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No (I'm sorry she's just a Servant and won't try anything because she thinks that she isn't worth his love and that she's inferior)
Say “I love you” first? Yes | No (It would take her a lot to actually say it but she demonstrates love in other ways)
Cheat on them? Yes | No (Not even if it depended on her life)
Be the jealous type? Yes | No (If any other girl flirted on the King then that's okay, maybe they're better than her)
Plan the dates? Yes | No (This one's ambiguous, she wouldn't take Hell in dates as she assumes he's too busy/serious to do so, but if he asked her to plan a date then she definetly would keke)
Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No (Dude she wouldn't even get close to him in first instance skjsdfkjd)
Remember anniversaries? Yes | No (Most probably, but wouldn't do make a fuzz about it, perhaps like "Hey Hell I got this rose for you, today's our anniversary hehe :> have a good day" and then she would continue the rest of the day normally sjdfjksfk)
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other (I don't really know if Hell makes his relationships public xD I highly believe that he doesn't (correct me if I'm wrong though!) that's why I chose 'Secret Lovers'. The sexual tension well HAHAH the fact that Hell finds Tommy cute and all and Tommy finds him actually really attractive sets a weird vibe in there since none of them know how to adress that, I just thought it fitted too xD and for the last one, I believe their relationship it's very complicated since they start as two people who feel attracted to eachother by mere appeareances but none of them say anything about it, plus one of them doesn't actually know what she's feeling, and so they (or perhaps just Tommy) don't know how to act about it so they continue to meet eachother and develop a serious love for eachother hjsdfhsdhjf at least that's the idea that I had but I dunno what you guys are planning, I'll be more than glad to know 👀)
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection (They wouldn't be so secret then jdsfhjsd plus she's super akward and gets flustered easily)
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection (It would take Tommy quite some time to get accustomed to having Hell's trust, at the start she wouldn't even try to be affectionate with him but once he'd reassure her and told her that she could be affectionate if she wanted to she'd start to do all of these things sdjfsjdf she would ask for permission at first though, but as they spend years together she would directly just be affectionate with him whenever, without asking for permission or anything sdfjs just full on touch-starved girlfriend in general)
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other (I MEAN WHY NOT I would love to hear what you guys think about it though sdjsjf I think it's quite early to think about their end but this is my best prediction :3)
What terrible pet names would they give each other? The Tomoky of this universe thinks that nicknames are too cheesy and childish shjdfjsdh but maybe at some point in their relationship (And I dunno if this counts) she would start calling him "Love" or perhaps "Dear" (Just so he knows how much she trusts him).
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richardsondavis · 1 year
So I went over at KnowYourMeme, great site. Good resource.
I was looking at two articles specifically because it just entered my head recently.
These are quite juicy and a little toxic, too toxic and I am quite infuriated to be honest.
But as I always remind myself, cope, seethe and recover. I just don't get a lot of concepts and ideas unless it's spoonfed to me or I have experienced it.
Enough of that, I'll start.
I have taken screenshots of comments from the articles I've linked above. What I'd like to do is to post them and give my opinions of them here.
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Wow! Wow!!! Really? Redneck waifus? Way to be fucking racist, these fucks are what's wrong with this world. I just wish they see things the way I do. Be neutral on the matter.
I will be very uncomfortable with the art, if it does come out. These fucks would see it as fine but I am quite woke enough to know that that's not what it entails. That's not how it goes. They're making that art to be racist and that's fact. We've seen it with Chuck Dixon and VoxDay. People like RevSaysDesu, The Critical Drinker and Shadiversity would say positives about it. Fucking hell, Jesus bleeding Christ.
Although, I must admit I would like to see more Wendy's mascot fanart or more redheads with tanktops. Very spicy 🔥🥵.
I too would like to see how the SJWs would seethe at the existence of the art, and I'd like to see how many takes there are braindead or really interesting to consider.
Okay, that's me. Next comment.
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Okay, when I first read this comment I thought that this is just one of the things that the racist, homophobic, fatphobic fucks over at KnowYourMeme.
However, after rereading the entire thing, I can see the point of the person. It is most heinous to claim that one's own interpretation of how the world is to them is faulty and presenting a "corrected" version is very rude.
Although, if one has not checked how they see the world and perhaps if it's not really realistic then maybe it's time to discuss certain topics like how the Japanese portray their women, particularly shonen. I am never in favor of coercion. Coercion includes going on Twitter or going out of one's way to get the attention of the publishers or the authors to make demands or screech like there is no tomorrow. That is wrong and is not very helpful in the longrun.
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Anufenrir. Very fucking based. These people are just seething. Apparently, not taking a stand or looking at things from a different perspective inspires ire.
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mauesartetc · 2 years
(in relation to my previous post)
Blitzo and Stolas breaking up would be almost too good for this show, actually. If done right, it could be a REAL comment on a toxic relationship. That people who don't respect you aren't worth of sticking around? That you in any circumstances deserve better than a partner who belittles you and treat you like an object? That you should think what are you doing wrong if your partner tries to avoid you constantly and doesn't want to be around you? That you shouldn't do things that makes your partner uncomfortable? I can go on, but I think you get a picture.
Fans like to talk how "deep" this show is and how it's all about relationships, but so far it implicitly gives you a really bad advice on it, by showing how the characters are constantly tolerating and ignoring shitty behavior from others. I know, "they're in hell" but it's really bad when your characters get almost no consequences for said shitty behavior. And this show doesn't strike me as cynical either, Viv clearly wants us to believe that this characters would get better as people, she just does a really bad job for conveying it. At the end of the day, I think Viv just wanted to have some spicy relationships in her show but didn't know how to do it properly, so we ended up with this. And, well, it sells, apparently.
Welp, that was a lot. Sorry that you had to read my rant, lol. I really like your blog and I just wanted to share some of my thoughts, I hope that's okay :-)
"Fans like to talk how "deep" this show is and how it's all about relationships" Yeah, relationships that are either abusive, smothering, or unrealistically happy. And does anyone else find it weird how Viv's mlm characters are overly sexualized in their words and actions when no other main character is*? Angel Dust makes sexual comments to every dude he sees, Blitzo's a bit too eager to trade sexual favors for what he wants, and Stolas spends a good chunk of time sexually harassing Blitzo (until Ep 7 when Viv suddenly decided he was in love with him). Seems a tad... fetish-y.
Now there's nothing wrong with excitement over the prospect of two dudes boinkin'. You're into what you're into. But it becomes a problem when you prioritize the sexual aspects of characters in mlm relationships over their personal development. Do you want to tell a deep, nuanced story, or do you just want to make hentai? Either is fine, as long as you're honest about it, and you don't end up fetishizing the group you're writing about.
*I vaguely recall reading that Husk and Moxxie were pan and bi, respectively, and they aren't over-sexualized like the three characters I mentioned. However, until we see some evidence of these orientations in Hazbin and Helluva, I don't consider them canon. Information regarding both shows has been so spotty and unreliable (Viv herself can't decide if Loona's 20, 22, or 23 years old) I don't know what to believe at this point. Better to wait and see what's established in the source material than get conflicting "confirmations" from five different livestreams and two different Patreon Q&As.
And no, that evidence doesn't have to be a giant neon sign that says "I'M INTO DUDES", Viv. Treat your audience like the intelligent adults you want to attract. A little subtlety can go a long way.
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buggiesbuzzing · 4 years
AMARANTH [ c. cullen ]
TITLE :: Amaranth
CHAPTER ZERO :: The Beginning of the End
PAIRING :: Carlisle Cullen x reader, various x reader
GENRE :: Drama
SUMMARY :: Once leading a life of what she seen as relative normality, a sudden change sends poor y/n into a disastrous spiral.
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Y/n had a normal life, as normal as she could possibly have, and she was happy with the mediocrity. She was rather successful; she was getting married soon, she was working as the personal assistant to a regional manager for some big corporate business and made good money — hell, she even made an effort to reconnect with her parents, before they passed away, that is — she even planned on going to college after getting married so she could pursue a career as a pediatrician. But, of course, life hardly ever goes as planned.
Her life came crashing down towards the beginning of January, during her bachelorette party with a few of her close friends. At first, she hated the idea of having a bachelorette party, but after endless pestering, her friends convinced her to go to a club with them. However, Y/n happened to more introverted and somehow came up with an excuse to hang out in the empty alley behind the club for a breather, and sneaking a secret smoke. She lit the tobacco and inhaled the chemicals, her lungs stinging since she'd abstained from cigarettes for a while. She knew they were toxic to her health, but in overly stressful situations, she would break out the ol' cancer sticks for a bit of relief.
The cool night breeze sent shivers down her spine. She was not wearing the most comfortable winter outfit. Quite frankly, she was freezing her tits off at the chill. The outfit she was in was a pretty small dress with a pair of black boots, revealing a lot of skin, which was borrowed from one of her friends’ closet.
Her cigarette had almost completely burned out when she heard some gravel being kicked around while feet quietly shuffled around on the ground. She became slightly paranoid at the thought of someone being in close proximity to her. She dropped the cigarette butt and stomped out the faltering flame, picking it back up once it was out and tossing it in an outdoor trash bin. When she turned back to see if an animal was causing the little noises, but she was met with a man who had stunningly pale skin and blond hair held up in a ponytail. She was terrified, and her eyes scanned him, looking for any sign of familiarity. Alas, she found none. He was wearing a pair of jeans, but no shirt, which she found strange, especially because it was January and there were flurries of snow falling to the ground.
Y/n had no idea what was going on, but couldn't help the small, scared whimper that she let out when he clamped his cold hand around her mouth with fast, bruising force, ensuring that she couldn't scream out for help. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he sunk his rather sharp teeth into her clavicle. She was terrified, she could only see a glint of red in his eye, before a rush of intense pain coursed through her veins. The blond pulled away from her neck, a bit of red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. She choked out a sob and fell to the ground once his hand left her jaw, bare knees hitting the rough, loose gravel.
The doors of the club opened, to reveal a couple of Y/n's girlfriends, worriedly chattering; the stranger darted off, not wanting to be caught. She struggled to stay conscious, her vision becoming worse by the second, black dots spotting her surroundings. She squeaked out a small "help" before collapsing on the ground entirely, the ache still running through her body.
The girls panicked, seeing their dear friend fall unconscious in their peripherals, turning and running toward her. At first, they thought she was a goner, but one of them thought to pull out a small mirror from their purse and stuck it below her nose. Although it was minor, her breathing caused a slight fog on the mirror, letting them know she wasn't dead yet. They let out sighs of relief and did their best to pick up their friend, but the heels they chose to wear were no help to them. Instead of attempting to lug her out and flag down a cab, they focused on trying to find out exactly what happened and who they had to kill for causing this.
One of the girls, Stephanie, looked her up and down, seeing if she had any injuries, and came across a large, bleeding wound on her neck that looked like a bite if you squinted. Stephanie pointed out the spot to the other girl, Lisa, while she fished a makeup wipe out of her purse. She used a wipe to clean up the injury, but Y/n hissed in pain as the wipe made contact with an open part of the wound.
Y/n's eyes opened, and she took a moment to regain herself, pressing her back against the wall of the building. "I. . . I'm gonna go home." She grumbled, bending down to pick up her clutch.
"Are you kidding, Y/n? You need to go to the hospital! That thing on your neck is disgusting!" Stephanie was shocked, she was clearly concerned about the wound, but Y/n didn't seem to care as much.
Lisa chimed in, "It could get infected if you don't get it treated, Y/n, you should have it checked out."
The corner of Y/n's mouth twitched upwards, a weak smile appearing. "Steph, Lis, I can take care of this, it's nothing," It was definitely not nothing. She could feel an ache all throughout her veins and her head felt like it was about to explode. Y/n didn't want them to worry, she knew them all too well and she knew that if the weirdo who bit her gave her some disease they wouldn't stop blaming themselves. "I'll go home, get some bandages and antibiotic ointment, then I'll be good as new. Don't worry."
The girls, very reluctantly, let her go — trusting her instead of arguing with their stubborn friend. "Do you want me to come with? I can help, it's kind of an awkward spot to be fixing up on your own." Stephanie offered.
Y/n shook her head and politely murmured, "No thanks, Steph." They respected her wishes and headed back inside while she caught a cab driving by.
It took only about fifteen minutes for the cab to get her home, opposed to the usual twenty — the driver had seen the dried blood that had stained her skin and decided that it would be best to get there as fast as he could. She thanked the man and paid her fare, plus a hefty tip, before stumbling into her home. It was around midnight when she decided to stop waiting on her fiancé, Tyler, to get home since he was working late, yet again. She dressed her wound in bandages and took some pain killers along with a shot of whiskey to dull the ache, then retired to bed.
The next morning, she felt nothing but the raging pain of her blood coursing through her veins like poison. She swallowed it down with a few shots of hard liquor and her daily medicine. The entire day she was on edge, always looking over her shoulder. She took the day off from work, but her husband hadn't; something about extra paperwork to file before dinner. His parents were coming over to celebrate their engagement over dinner, and although Y/n wasn't feeling good, she wasn't going to up and cancel.
Instead of making a meal, Y/n called a nearby Japanese catering company, ordering a few plates of assorted sushi rolls to be delivered by four o'clock. She didn't worry over the cost, but rather plopped down on the couch, trying to rest before she'd have to deal with her to-be in-laws.
She must've lost track of time because before she knew it, there was a knock at the door, and she was mindlessly getting up to open it. There stood an awkward-looking teen with a few insulated cases in hand. "Ms. L/n?" In response, she nodded and he gestured to a receipt sitting on top of the boxes. "Sign on the dotted line," The delivery boy pulled a blue pen out of his pocket and handed it to her, which she took with hesitation. She signed for the food and took the boxes. "Have a nice day!" He spoke quickly as she shut the door.
"Why can I still smell him? He smells like Frito's dipped in guac," Y/n grimaced, however, the stench made her hungry. "Whatever, I can dig in once they're here." She sighed.
Only moments passed before the door opened, revealing her soon-to-be husband, Tyler, and his parents. Tyler took it upon himself to set the table and help his parents settle in for their stay. Y/n stood in the bathroom, observing her neck and shoulder — whatever used to be there was now but a faint ring mark. Unfortunately, that didn't mean her pain stopped. Thankfully, she had a higher tolerance than most, and a bit of liquor helped.
They were part-way through dinner, and Y/n was picking at her second California roll. She could just barely stand the scents her nose was taking in — and the sushi wasn't the cause. She could separate the smells too; one of them smelt like rotting pears, another was a variation of sour wine, and the final one was by far the one that made her hunger plunge deeper — it was floral, and yet bitter. The sushi was no longer of any interest to Y/n; those smells, though, they were mouthwatering.
"Oh, dear, Y/n," Tyler's mother, Jill, started. "I just don't understand why you couldn't have made the food yourself; then again, you've always been quite a lazy lady." The last part was more of a reminder to herself but still, hurt Y/n nonetheless.
Y/n smiled, but everyone could tell it was fake, and there was nothing but pure rage behind it. "Oh, Jillian, you always critique my cooking skills anyways, so I thought why not save you the trouble and just get food elsewhere." Bitterness seeped from every word she spoke as she glared daggers at Tyler's monster of a mum.
"How thoughtful." The father, Wayne, added, shoving a spicy tuna roll down his gullet.
Jill obviously wasn't happy with the retort and turned to her beloved son. "I can't see why you didn't try to get with that Jessy girl at your office, she was an absolute sweetie; but I guess you like the sour bunch."
Wayne chuckled. "Yeah, if I were in your situation, I'd take the bait," He paused, taking a bite of another sushi roll before speaking up again. "Put in some extra hours, if you know what I mean." He spat, a piece of rice shooting out on his mouth and onto Y/n's nearby plate. Tyler let out a nervous laugh, looking towards his fianceé.
As she got angrier, the smells got more intense and the sound of rhythmic beating and rushing liquid filled her ears. She snapped her eyes shut so she could try to focus, but she just couldn't. Tyler attempted to bring her out of her pained expression with aggressive shoulder tapping, he was met with a push with massive force behind it. Said push sent him hurtling backward into a wall, causing his body to leave a hole in its place before he fell to the ground. Wayne stood up in shock, confused at what had just happened, and something had completely taken Y/n over.
No longer could she ignore her hunger, or the pent up fury within her. She leapt at Wayne, smacking his head against the wall harshly, before looking at Jill, who was going through her purse desperately looking for her Blackberry.
"No phones at the table, Jill." Y/n hissed before, kicking the leg of her chair, snapping the wooden block off, and making Jill fall to the floor.
To Jill, all hope was lost. Within seconds, Y/n fell to the floor and grabbed Jill's arm, biting it. The latter cried out, but Y/n quickly grabbed as much sushi as she could handle and shoved it into her mouth, muffling the screams.
Sharp and strong teeth replaced Y/n's former ones and she mercilessly sucked the blood from Jill's arm. Y/n's eyes had gone dark, and that was all Jill saw before she'd lost a large amount of blood and lost consciousness.
Y/n physically had to rip herself away from her would-be mother-in-law to prevent herself from draining the body completely. Once she had seen what was done, tears streamed down her face. Panic set in, and Y/n stood up and looked around at the mess she made.
Something felt off. Her hands wandered to her mouth, poking at her mouth to realize that her teeth felt much stronger than before and there was a thick layer of blood on her bottom lip. "Holy shit. . ." She gasped, scared of what idea came to mind. "Am I a fucking vampire?"
It sounded even more ridiculous out loud.
Her mind circled back to the blood dribbling down her chin and onto her blouse. What a shame. It was one of her favorites. How was she ever going to rid herself of this mess? This was her house, people in the neighborhood knew her, she would obviously be suspect number one and she had zero idea how to drop off the face of the earth.
Y/n's eyes shifted around the room, looking for some sort of sudden solution to her problems. Sushi, blood, candles, broken wood. . . Candles. . . Fire. She could burn the evidence. Her mind wandered back to the gas canister for her lawnmower; Tyler always kept it full so it would be there when he needed it. She rushed out to the garage, surprised at her speed, and retrieved the red can.
She poured gasoline on the floor, making sure the bodies were doused in the extremely flammable liquid. Let's be honest, if the bodies burnt enough, the police of this town probably wouldn't care enough to look too far into it — they'd most likely mark her off as deceased as well.
She had changed into a pair of thick spandex, a pair of comfortable sneakers, and a hoodie two sizes too large; and at the ripe, late time of '1:27 AM', Y/n snatched one of her lighters and her pack of cigarettes and went outside. She lit a cigarette and took a couple of moments to reminisce. She adored her house, but it could no longer be her home. She wouldn't be safe there, and she couldn't come back. She needed to be far, far away. She couldn't spend a second more there, so she took one last hit and flicked her lit cigarette through the door of the house and took off as flames spread through the house.
Hour, upon hour — they simply passed like minutes. It felt exhilarating to not be tired. She ran all night and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon, soft rays of light filtered through the crowds of trees. She was in a forest of some kind, and she had absolutely no idea where she was. After a couple of minutes of nothing but trees for miles, she stopped.
Somehow she felt absolutely no exhaustion from the obscene amount of physical work she'd just went through. She must've been at least a couple of states away, she should be safe.
tags :: @whattheheckisevengoingon​
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