#i know you didn't ask for a info dump but ya getting a info dump lol
byte-your-tongue · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi Characters x Sick Reader
(Platonic, Gn Reader)
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AN: Was written with platonic intentions but ig any of them could be read as romantic???? I'm so sick i'm dying which is why i wrote this. That and i wanna get back to writing headcanons when i have the time
Will try to get you to eat all sorts of monster parts that are said to give good health. He's trying to help, but some of the stuff he feeds you is questionable....
He will try to perform small healing spells on you if you are in pain.
He would probably ask the rest of the party how to help you and you will end up with a ton of stuff done to you as Laios takes all of their varying advice.
If you snap and tell him to just let you rest he will feel slightly bad for bothering you, but you know he didn't mean any harm by it.
If you want him to keep you company he will info dump about monsters for hours. Don't worry about falling asleep while he's talking, he's just glad you are getting some rest.
"Ahhh... i think they fell asleep. I'll just tell them about this monster when they are feeling better!" He smiles and whispers to himself when he hears your breathing change.
Will do all the traditional stuff to help you, but probably isn't well versed in actual medicine.
What he does to help is more like the natural remedies/old wive's tales your mom would give to you. Not all of them are backed by science but he swears they will help and he seems so confident so what choice do you have but to trust him?
If you're nauseous or have a fever he will sit by your side with a cold wet rag and run it over your face.
Will brew you tea and swear it will fix everything (my mom did this w yerba buena tea lol)
Will load you up with citrus fruits if you have a cold.
Is the type of person to tell you to gargle warm salt water if you have a sore throat
He will scold you for getting sick, telling you to take better care of yourself. He will say mean stuff but he's also tenderly staying by your side and caring for you... so like.. do with that what you will.
"Ugh it's such a pain taking care of you, you better not get me sick!" He complains, but he's still by your bedside attending to your every need.
Will cook for you. Expect a LOT of soup while you are sick.
He plans out your meals to have lots of vitamins and nutrients to help you recover faster.
He will sit by your bed and stay with you in silence.
If you want him to talk to you he might tell you stories about his time in the dungeon and all the things he's learned and the people he's met.
He is keeping you SO hydrated you will be forced to drink water constantly.
"If ya don't eat well, yer body won't have what it needs to recover. So take care of yerself and make sure ya eat up!" He says while presenting you with your 3rd bowl of soup today.
She does NOT know how to care for a sick person. But she's trying..??
Will cuddle up with you and purr. It gives comfort if nothing else.
She might also lick your hair or otherwise groom you.
If you express concern about her getting sick from being around you she will brush it off saying that as a beastman her immune system is probably better than yours.
Doesn't know how to help you but she's worried about you.
She probably tries to tell you some superstition about sickness she learned from Shuro's party that she believes is totally real.
Might drag Chilchuck or Senshi over to you to take care of you.
Don't expect her to fetch you most of what you need, she will probably sleep more than you do while sick. You can try to wake her up and tell her to get something but she will grumble about it.
"huuh..? You want me to get you food? Why don't you just ask Senshi?" She says while yawning and curling back up in your bed.
Tries her best to look through books she's read to find anything that can help.
She panics quickly and worries the worst will happen even if you are only slightly sick.
Might try to get Falin to help take care of you if she's around.
She probably is more worried about your health then even you are.
She gets overwhelmed and tries a lot of things to fix you but it probably takes Senshi or Falin to remind her that you just need to rest and will get better with time.
She gets very anxious and will stay by you the whole time you are sick. She probably ends up getting sick after you do and you get to take care of a whiny Marcille. (It's ok she's sort of cute while sick)
"*sniffle*, You have to take care of me now cuz you're the reason i got sick!" She whines while curled up in her bed with a disheveled appearance.
Will perform healing magic on you if you are in any pain, she will do what she can to sooth your discomfort.
Might cast a spell to put you to sleep if you need the rest.
She's very chill about it and will sit with you and keep you company. She will joke and talk with you while you are in bed.
If you fall asleep she will read or quietly slip out of the room.
You might think she's one of the more level headed ones here and that she wouldn't do anything weird to you. You would be wrong. She is 100% doing some weird thing that's from the village where her and Laios grew up. She's convinced this is good for you even if it's super weird.
She will read stories to you if you get bored. Or she might even come up with stories on the spot to keep you entertained.
"C'mon! Eating raw onions is said to help bring your sense of taste back and help your nose stop being congested!" She says smiling sweetly, meanwhile you're pretty sure she is trying to poison you.
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robertoarts · 2 years
Semper Fi
I am not a writer by any means, but I just had this idea, and I couldn't get it out of my head.
This takes place after the end of Avatar 2 so expect spoilers. I am 100% just gonna make shit up here, hope that's ok. idk where this is going, I have covid and ItS 4:21 am, but here you GO I have NOT READ THIS SO IM SORRy FOR MISTAKES OK
This WILL be multiple parts if ya want
Also sorry for the info dump at the beginning but really am not a writer and wanted to provide some context ok
Na'vi Quaritch x Fem Na'vi Reader (former RDA)
(1,896 words)
Some tags ig
[slow burn, like the slowest of burns ok?, memory loss trope, i can fix him trope]
[warning - blood mention]
You have been sneaking through the forest, entertaining yourself, bounding from tree to tree, sent out on a hunting mission along with a few others. You split up a while earlier to spread the load more evenly. Hunting has never really been your strong suit, you preferred blades to bows, and you're larger than most na'vi women, leaving you a little less agile. You knew it had something to do with the human physiology you used to have. You took pride in your strength, and being in the military gave you a purpose...for a time at least. You mostly worked with scientists, working escorts and the like; you were basically a glorified chauffeur, and when the RDA came to Pandora with the promise of new life and new land, and you being a solid 20-year-old marine, you did what you do best. 
You were assigned a role on the AVTR team working on a separate subsection; you didn't fully understand what they were doing or why, but it had something to do with integrating the humans and the Avatars, removing the need for the linkbeds altogether. This idea was the beginning of something they called the Recom project. The work was a success and a small group of humans fully integrated into their Na'vi counterparts. You were one of the first ones they tried the experiment on. Being the muscle, the risk of you dying would have little effect on anyone. You were happy to oblige; you preferred being in your avatar body. 
Your time in Pandora was a complex one. While protecting the scientists, you fell in love with the planet, the culture, and the people. As you spent time in Pandora with the scientists, you lived among the Anurai Clan. Renowned for their artisans and craftsmen. It went against everything the RDA said, the people weren't savages, their planet was beautiful, and their connection to Eywa was sacred. You kept this to yourself for a while. Being the property of the RDA, you knew not everyone would share your sentiments, but as time passed, you knew you were not the only one. When the war with the sky people began, you and over half of the scientists took the side of the Na'vi, and the rest went back to continue their Recom research. 
The war with the sky people and the Omaticaya clan is well known, but the effect on the Anurai clan was severe, almost wiping them out. Few true Anurai remained after, and you, as a united people, moved away from your home, settling somewhere new to find peace, knowing the RDA would eventually react.
The 17 years since have been a mixed bag. You had become good with crafting, knives were your speciality, but you also carved small sculptures in your spare time, usually making Thanators for members of the Clan. With it being their totem animal, you had numerous requests. And while RDA did respond, your focus was on helping the Anurai clan breathe life back into what they once were, and slowly the Clan has begun rebuilding. You did anything they asked, hunting, gathering but mostly fishing. 
That is the quest you had been sent on this eve. Although you were more significant in size than most, you had a stillness about you in the water, making you a pro and capturing the river fish. The walk was extensive, but you still enjoyed the physical exertion—a soldier trait you couldn't kick. One leg in front of the other, repetitive motion to keep your mind still. The view was spectacular, too, you didn't connect with Eywa often, but you felt her all around you as you travelled. 
You picked some Nurra berries while walking the route to your favourite part of the river. There were places closer to the Clan, but you liked to take the time to walk to your favourite spot. A home away from home, a small waterfall with a cave hidden beyond the water, the fish were more relaxed, and you had set up a little space in the cave with some things you preferred to keep private. 
As you throw some Nurra berries into your pack, your ears prick up. The forest shifts. It feels quiet, almost unnatural. You immediately slow, bend low, a unsheathe your knife. You move slowly, down to the ground, and deliberately to make little noise. 
That is when you hear it, groans, almost inaudible. They sound pained? Close by, off the path ahead. You move towards it, holding your knife to your chest; it is bigger than the average, handcrafted by yourself, your personal initiation to your Clan. The groans get louder, and you prepare for anything as you follow. You slowly push some flora out of the way, and you see...a man?
Shock grips your soul. You see an RDA avatar wearing military gear, completely ripped to shreds, blood-staining his green tank top. His face is towards the ground, and you can see his typical Jarhead haircut and his kuru, the hair around it dishevelled, showing his skin in unprotected areas. Your ears roll back, and you hiss in his direction. What is an RDA soldier doing out here?? The sound of your hiss stuns the man into movement, desperately turning, pushing himself off the ground, mud covering his face, turning to look. Fear tugged at his face, ears submissive and mouth agape. 
You leap towards him, knife at the ready, "What are you doing out here, soldier!?" you shout in English. He tries to push himself away from you, confusion painting his face. "I... I " you hear a deep drawl. With menacing intent, you begin to move closer, standing taller to assert your dominance. You were wearing some traditional Anurai garbs but opted for leggings which one would usually wear for riding, another human perk you hadn't shaken yet; the feeling of pants made you feel safer. The sky above you opens up, and you feel the wet drips on your body as you stand. The sound is roaring, and rain begins belting down to Pandora with heavy ferocity.
The man looked pathetic below you, scared, wet, and bleeding. He was helpless; he had no weapon you could discern and seemed desperate to get away from you. He is pushing himself away, digging into the wet ground to find traction.
"Answer me, kalweyaveng!" your voice boomed out, causing him to flinch, his tail swinging recklessly behind him. "I don't know!" He shouted in response, "I don't know where I am, I don't...I don't know how I got here. I can't .." your head tilts at his answer.
"You can't....? What is your name, soldier?"
"I don't..." the man looks scared and confused; he looks around, pulling himself further away from you. Your eyes widen, you take the risk and take your eyes off the man, looking around for any sign of backup. Was this some trick? You can see in your peripheral that he is trying to stand, and you turn your head to look. He is holding his midsection, the rain accentuates the crimson colour leaking from his fingers. 
Guilt pangs at you, this man acts like he doesn't know who he is, where he is or why he is here. And now he will die alone, scared in a place that is not his home. You lift your knife, ready to move toward him and take his life. He isn't even looking at you anymore, he is pushing himself off the ground, standing. As he stretches out before you, you can see he is exceptionally tall, his body holds muscles in a similar way to yours, not of the Na'vi living at home, all limbs and grace. He is dejected, almost accepting of his coming fate. So much needless death, you think to yourself, reluctance seeping from your being as you inch your way forward. 
That's when you see it, atokirina, a seed of the tree of souls. Not one, but two. Floating their way over to this strange man, in this madness, seemingly missing every torrential raindrop divebombing their way towards them.
Doubt and reluctance combined with this sign from Eywa were enough to sway you. If Eywa could accept you, why could it accept this man? You slide your knife back into its tstalsena. You take a breath, cautious, and say, "Semper fi", moving towards him, grabbing his arm and placing it over your shoulder and sharing his weight with you, "Come on stranger, let's get you out of this rain, I know a place not to far from here we can take shelter.". He winces, letting himself relax a little, putting more weight onto you. He is far more strung out than he let on, which you didn't think possible.
The two of you make your way to your safe space, unsure of what to do with the avatar yet. Better to take him away from the Clan for now and figure out what to do later. 
Supporting his weight was beginning to grow tiresome, but you can see your waterfall ahead, the rain is relentless, and you can feel the man shivering around you. You have shared silence on your journey here; his tiny breaths seem to grow weaker, and worry begins to sit in your stomach. You pull more of his weight onto you and walk faster. 
You pull him into the cave, walking underneath the waterfall, the water warmer than the rain, and you pass through. You place the man down, leaning him against the back wall of your cove, in front of the small fire pit already prepared. You take out your knife and begin striking the hilt onto a rock, trying to create the spark you need to warm your new five-fingered friend. 
An orange glow and the following warmth emit from the pit, and you start throwing on logs to generate more heat. You move to a pack with some different medicinal poultices and bring them over to the stranger. He seems to have passed out since placing him on the ground, he is weak and injured. You take what you have and do what you can, lifting off the dark green tank top and seeing the damage to his muscular chest. You smear the goop onto the open wounds on his body, and they are not severe, he will not die from these just yet. Due to your walk through the rain, his face is no longer muddy, and you can finally get a good view. He looks young, younger than you, maybe in his 20's? He is handsome, his short hair suits him well; short hair is something you do not often see among the Na'vi people as their hair often tells stories. He is cute, you think as you examine the damage to his face. He also has a burn on his neck, which you treat the best you can. You are not a healer, it is not your strong suit, and you a very quickly using up what medicine you have stashed away, you will have to ask Euatx for more when you go back. Around his neck, you see tags, you peer at them, hoping to get a glimpse of his name; the tags look damaged, and you only see one name.
"Huh. Hello Miles." 
kalweyaveng - son of a bitch
atokirina - woodsprite
tstalsena - knife sheath
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angelkitty54 · 5 months
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Making yet more Sonic fankids! These be Dash and Nova from an AU where Sonic is a divorced single dad! Failed relationships galore in this AU!!
Bit of an info dump about them below the cut. Tho there's still a lot more that isn't mentioned coz I don't want this to get too long... You can ask them stuff if ya want! :)
Dash (actual name is David but no one really calls him that) is Sonic's first kid from a failed relationship with Amy. They got married too young and had a kid way before they were really ready. But where Sonic was able to adapt to being a parent, Amy wasn't able to.
Amy had stubbornly clung to her childhood crush and the dream of marrying the handsome hero, settling down with the white picket fence and the big family, but when she finally got everything she wanted instead of being happy she found herself feeling empty instead. She only realised that this wasn't actually the life she wanted for herself after she'd she'd given birth to Dash and by then it was too late. Things only got worse from there, in both her marriage and relationship with her son.
She and Sonic stayed together for a while but really only due to social conventions. Neither really wanted to stay together but they were just sorta stuck. One day Amy saw how much of an angry, hateful person she had become and just couldn't stand it anymore. So one day when Sonic was out, she just packed up and left, leaving divorce papers for him to sign and a note that said he could keep the house. At that point Sonic was so emotionally drained that he was honestly just kind of relieved it was over.
Dash doesn't have many memories of his mum, and the few he does have are not that great tbh. The clearest memory he has of her is the day she abandoned them. So yeah, he does not have a great relationship, and does not desire to have one, with Amy. Even after she and Sonic reunited and reconciled their friendship years later. He loves his dad tho and otherwise is having a pretty great childhood.
Nova was created by several GUN scientist that went rogue. They stole the confiscated genetic research done by Starline and combined it with what was left of Project Shadow to create a new living weapon for their own purposes. Fortunately they were discovered before they could finish their schemes, and they only specimen they managed to create was taken by Shadow.
He brought her to Tails and Sonic, mostly coz he didn't know what to do with her, and no longer trusted GUN security. And also the fact that she was made with Sonic's DNA too. Nova is constantly in a semi-super state, which is not good for her coz unlike her dads who when they run out of energy in super state would revert back to normal, she can't. So she taps into her own life force instead. Her inhibitor rings block most of her power and regulate her energy so that doesn't happen. Unlike Shadow's, they don't come off.
Nova might look like about 12-ish, but she's actually only about 4 years old. And she acts her age too. When she was first brought home she couldn't walk, talk or do much of anything really. Which of course made everyone very concerned about her development. Shadow had worried he'd been too hasty in pulling her out of her incubation tube. Sonic was the one to figure out that tho her body looked older she was, in fact, a literal baby and thus would need to learn how to do everything the same way a literal baby does. Good thing he already had experience raising one baby already.
Shadow moved in together with Sonic to help raise Nova. They got really close during this time, even tho they were constantly arguing over how to parent their tube baby. Shadow ended up being confronted with a few revelations about his "childhood" aboard the Ark as well as even more complicated feeling he had towards his creators. He found himself trying to push the same image of perfection onto Nova that had been placed on him, and being at odds with Sonic as a result. Over time he came to feel inadequate as a parent, especially given Sonic's methods tended to work better than his most of the time. After the first year he began to pull away and by the end of the second had moved back out entirely.
Nova was sad that Shadow isn't around as much anymore, tho she's a little too young to fully understand everything. For the most part she is a happy, healthy little girl who loves her daddy (and her other daddy too!) and her super awesome big brother!
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smol-guppy-wuppy · 6 months
Mermaid au info dump time!!!! Not really a properly written thing but rather a rambly mess but hopefully y'all get the gist... This literally only started because of this one time I drew leon as a merman for mermay lol. ALSO!! I AM WORKING ON OTHER CHARACTERS FOR THE FANTASY AU. RN I'M WORKING ON ANOTHER OC AND JILL SO STAY TUNED FOR THAT!
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Info dump below!
Quinn and Avery (my other resident evil oc, Quinn's best friend) babysit Sherry because they work for the Berkins (her family) as assistants before their own careers take off (Quinn 21, Avery 19). So they decide to take her to the beach (it's a private one owned by sherry's family/the company they work for idk). And while they're there they're messing around, being loud, and just having fun!
Now some friends down below were also doing something similar and heard the ruckus above. Claire (Leon is already friends with all the main racoon city people at this point, so claire, chris, jill, rebecca) decides to investigate and pokes her head out of the water.
Sherry is the only one who notices her but by the time she points it out to Quinn and Avery, she's gone. So they pay it no mind but Sherry is determined to see what it was so she heads towards the water. A particularly nasty wave knocks her off balance and she gets swept in with a shriek which alerts them.
Upon seeing this, most of the merfolk swim away, afraid of catching more attention than necessary but Leon stays. He ends up securing Sherry just as Quinn dives into the water to get her. So now Quinn sees this strange man under the water who's holding Sherry and they lowkey freak out before Leon just calmly hands her to them. They're like. stunned for a moment but are quick to swim back up with sherry in tow.
After they make sure she's okay, they decide that that was enough beach for the day. Quinn didn't mention what they saw but Sherry raved on about how she saw mermaids while she was under there (Avery assumes it was just her seeing things because of lack of oxygen).
So after they get Sherry home and tell her parents everything, they decide that Sherry isn't going to be around water like that for a while, which Sherry isn't happy about but yeah.
Later when Quinn and Avery go their separate ways, Quinn decides to go back and investigate. They end up calling out in hopes of being heard and thankfully they were! You can see that as art here (leon's design is more updated there)
Upon hearing their calls Leon hesitantly pops out of the water, curious as to why they were back there. Quinn just goes and says they wanted to thank him but also ask a few questions about him and what exactly he was.
So they talk for a while before Quinn has to leave and that goes on for a little while. Them visiting in secret and just chatting and getting to know each other ya know?
But soon Quinn stops visiting and Leon doesn't know why. The reason is that Quinn ends up leaving for school for a while which leaves Leon to think they got tired of him.
But like 6 or so years later, Quinn comes back to that same beach where they met (re4 looks for the characters at this point and leon is a little sad and emo because of some stuff he had to deal with idk what specifically yet but basically the same ol re4 leon just a little less intense lol).
They didn't think Leon would be there but they wanted to relive the nostalgia of being there.
They end up reading on the pier while humming to themselves before they find themselves growing bored. Soon enough they decide to go for a swim and end up stumbling across a small opening in the rocks under the water that they'd never noticed before. It piques their curiosity, so they go and explore. They manage to squeeze themselves through and end up in a cave beautifully illuminated by some kind of bioluminescent algae.
Quinn notices that there are several different pools inside the cave including the one they had arrived from. Upon noticing them, they assume they're each connected to other points of entry. With a spark of curiosity they decide to look around the cave more, but before they can proceed further, a large splash catches their attention.
Their attention shifts to the direction of the noise and they spot a figure emerging from the water. The figure turns and spots them and the two of them immediately freeze.
It's… Leon? (Turns out the cave is his own secret spot he likes to go to in order to be alone with his thoughts)
It's a silent staring contest for a while until he's like. Is that really you? And Quinn is immediately touched that he remembers them while Leon well. He's happy they remember too but also he's really upset that they left for so long without saying anything.
So Quinn goes on to explain that they left for school to be a proper marine biologist and that they wanted to study sea life. But he gets all huffy and is like. I'm literally sea life??? Why couldn't you stay to do that here??? And they have to further explain that. isn't how it works.
Leon is still a bit salty over the situation, but they both eventually come to an understanding. So the visits continue with Quinn promising that they won't be leaving again (at least not without telling him). Eventually the two introduce each other to their friends and stuff and fall in love at some point and yeahhh I'll probably figure out more stuff eventually idk
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darknoverse · 5 months
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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mod-kyoko · 2 years
hey hey mod kyoko this is my first time requesting something on your page so i'm going easy on ya!
May i request Tsumugi Kirumi and Korekiyo with a ultimate astrologist s/o? like they study space and stars and mars and the other sturf of astrology? For some odd reasoning i find shinguji extremely comforting and pleasant to the ear and eyes :)
Thank you and Happy New year!
-Mod Kaito
ahh the v3 cast <3 (specifically kirumi <33)
dude i hope you meant astrology as in horoscopes too because that's how i interpreted it
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tsumugi, kirumi, korekiyo x astrologer!reader (gender neutral)
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tsumugi is definitely the type to appreciate an art such as astrology
in fact, she's super into it
she thought some posters would liven up her room so she bought some charts of constellations and the planets
she'd ask you to teach her how to interpret a birth chart, get obsessed, and then ask everyone she knows for their time and date of birth lol
she spends a lot of time reading up on this sort of stuff because she knows it's your passion
anyway, she's done so much research she knows almost as much as you, so the two of you can have hour long conversations, which is refreshing, because most people you talk to think astrology is fake? weird? yadda yadda
tsumugi's recent birthday gift for you was a brand new telescope
it was the latest model, with newer technology built into it, like the kind a laboratory would have, and now it's in your home!
thank tsumugi for being almost unhealthily obsessed with your interests
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you and kirumi will stay up late at night drinking tea, starting a fire, and gazing at the night sky through the windows
she always plans these nights on a calendar, like the super organized maid she is, and prepares small entrees as well
she is always pointing to constellations and asking you to name them
she's really good at making conversation about your interests, it's like she has a database of conversation starters specific to you because it's her heart's desire to make you feel wanted and cared for
though, she doesn't really understand the horoscope part of astrology
she asked you if it was real one time
she probably meant is it accurate?
you'll tell her to take it with a grain of salt. some people really believe in it, and others think it's silly.
though she recognizes horoscopes as a pseudoscience, she does think it's fun to read them and see how accurate they are for her
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the two of you are literally always going to be outside at night. always
korekiyo actually bought you both a tent so you could camp
the two of you have contests to see who can spot the most planets, stars, and constellations
imagine sitting on a blanket in the grass together, and he has his arm around your shoulders as he points up to the night sky omg
astrology appears in many cultures so of course he knows all about it, and you're the perfect match for him
he has always wanted an s/o who appreciates the universe as much as he does, and has interests similar to his own
and in moments like this when you two are talking about your shared interests is when he truly falls in love with you over and over again
sometimes he'll ask you to just rant to him about astrology so he can see your face light up as you talk about your passion
and of course you're so focused on info-dumping that you don't realize how kiyo is staring at you so intensely with our adoration in his gleaming eyes
literally didn't even like korekiyo but now because of my own damn writing im a simp 😭
-mod kyoko
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feeling-grubby · 1 year
I see you have a puppet child. I am curious to know more about them. Spill the beans :gun emoji:
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Oh, you dumb motherfucker I am bout to info dump on your ass. Fucking had me redraw this wriggler just so I can show you some half decent art of what they used to look like. Cause there was no way in hell I was gonna show you my initial drawing of him from when I was still in middle school. You better buckle in bucko this is a long one.
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The character you are referring to is Rakker Dolika. The name "Rakker" means "a rascal, a tomboy, a scamp," which points to his mischievous nature. I also chose the name because it sounds close to "wrecker," which I think fits a destructive clown boy. "Dolika" means "doll," which correlates with how he does his makeup and how he dresses up.
Rakker was created when I was working on a stupid project. The idea was to take Wonderland characters and turn them into trolls. These trolls would be part of a circus/carnival that would buy low-blood slaves and make them perform. They would try to sway the public's opinion about the church by using the supposedly not-enslaved performers as an example. They would claim that the low bloods had seen the light of the mirthful messiahs and converted to believers.
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I ultimately scrapped the idea, but I enjoyed Rakker a lot and ended up keeping him. I can't tell you what character in Alice in Wonderland he was supposed to embody, because it was a very obscure one.
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(The art is bad I know. it's just to help you visualize em. I did not spend a whole lot of time on it. wasn't gonna go all out when I plan to revamp the design later to something I like more. would've been a waste of time really.) Originally, Rakker was supposed to follow the Alice in Wonderland theme and look like a character from the book. However, I strayed away from that theme and instead made him look like a ventriloquist dummy. I thought the face paint design was interesting, and I never really had an idea for his horns, so I didn't draw them in the image above. Because ya know I had nothing to go off of. So this is close to how Rakker originally looked without having to show you my horrible old art work.
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For the revamp version of Rakker, I have some things figured out. Some of those things include his sign and horns. His horns are designed after his sign. I took the weird circle thing on the left side of the sign and rotated it upside down. That ended up being his horn design.
As for what his future revamp design will be, I'm currently on the fence about that. I thought about changing him from a ventriloquist dummy to a Harlequin. I will eventually get around to drawing him and figuring him out fully.
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Story wise, with this revamped version since the carnival doesn't exist anymore, I've been fussing around with some ideas. I was thinking he was kind of like an internet troll. He plays pranks on the elders at the church and starts really stupid online debates. He acts like those 14-year-olds you see on the internet who think being obnoxious is a charming personality. He is only 13 though.
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That age there actually has me a little worried about adding him to my blog. So, he has a personality, but I may more so only show art I make of him and will refrain from using him in rps. He will also most likely not be included in the narrative I might build up for my blog.
Rakker is a character that I created specifically for my own enjoyment. He isn't complex with some insane backstory. His only real story is his relationship with his best friend, Angora, who is the same age as him. He is supposed to simply be a character that brings me back childhood nostalgia. I could go into more detail about Angora, but since you only asked about Rakker, I will spare you. Need to show you some mercy after this if you even read it all lol.
(Thank you for the ask and sorry for taking so long.)
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marinerainbow · 1 year
As it happens, I do have a further question! ^^
How do you think the members of the toon patrol would act experiencing an info-dump session from Poppy about bugs? XD
Now now- I know she is too lovely and sweet to force someone to sit and listen to her, so, assume she's been drinking or she's taken cold medication 😅😅😅 She's fine, actually feeling pretty good, she's just gotten loose-lipped XDD
Oooooh my man, I love this so much you have no idea XDDD
Ok, let's see...
Smartass: Well... At least it's not Stupid breaking something or Psycho chasing a rat around the kitchen. Depending on when she gets into info-dump mode, he'd probably try to either tell her now wasn't the time, grab one of the others to entertain her, or just walk away. Especially if he had buisness to take care of. But if she caught him at the right time, like maybe he needs a distraction, or he's just going over the finances, he'll relent and just nod along to whatever she tells him. Might even pick up a fact or two, "I hear 'ya... That's pretty interesting... Yeah, I'm listenin'."
Greasy: There was probably a time he was trying to hook up with Poppy, and probably would be willing to listen to whatever she said whenever in hopes it'd give him a shot. Though it probably caught him off guard to encounter someone- aside from Psycho- who loved this kind of topic so much. It doesn't faze him anymore though, and like Smartass he'll just nod along to her rambling, especially if she needs to be distracted from something, "Si, si, I'm sure senorita. What was that about mantis' again?"
Wheezy: I like to think these two would get along pretty well with how relaxed he is compared to the rest of his teammates. I can just imagine he's smoking out the window, staying near Poppy in case she needs anything after a night of drinking or while she's sick, and she's just talking about her favorite insects while he listens and chimes in occasionally. He might even find it amusing or something, how passionate she is about those critters, "Damn. 'Didn't think bees could actually do that."
Psycho: Oh this ain't gonna be an info-dump. This is going to evolve into a bug TED talk. They will not stop if you leave these two alone to just go off the rails with bug talk. Poppy's got the books, Psycho's got the dead insects he found around the house or collected just for this occasion. Nothing will stop them, so the other weasels can either ignore them or get swept up in the insect talk. There is no in-between, "Oh! Oh! Did you hear this about funnel spiders?"
Stupid: He's buddies with Psycho, so chances are he's heard all this- and worse. Aside from Psycho, I imagine Stu would be the most engaging weasel of all while Poppy just goes off the rails. He'd be curious, asking her questions, and Poppy would take this chance to teach him what she knows. It'd be a nice way for them to bond, "Wait, worms can turn into more of themselves?? But how!?"
Thank you so much for asking this!! It was so fun to think about ^^
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Imma throw this at ya though it’s outta nowhere but simply cause me an my sis have been making jokes about it.
When they change twitter to X it’s gonna be awkward when folk tell people to follow them.
When they change twitter to X ya ain’t gonna call it following anymore it’ll be called stalking.
When twitter changes to X ya won’t be tweeting anymore you’ll be crying.
When twitter changes to X you won’t be verified anymore you’ll be dumped.
When twitter changes to X things are gonna get awkward for a few reddit boards.
When twitter changes to X r/LatinoTwitter is gonna become r/LatinoX.
Elon is only changing Twitters name cause there wasn’t any other way to say he owned his X.
Elon changed twitters name to X because his families emerald mine dried up an he’s hoping for buried treasure.
When twitter changes to X we on tumblr can’t joke about checkmarks anymore it’ll just be x’s.
When twitter changes to X it won’t be the bird site anymore it’ll be Scott Pilgrim’s hell.
Disclaimer: My brain somehow filtered out the first line of your ask, because ADHD and or Dyslexia be like that some times,
My issues have been coming at me particularly hard lately, I'm skipping whole words when I'm typing them out, not sure what to do about it other than triple my proofreading efforts.
so I was thinking this was some kind of slam poetry instead of jokes, in retrospect the Scott Pilgrim thing should have given me pause, so I went in with this trying to come up with a serious answer.
Which I'm leaving because I learned some stuff I didn't already know and will assume others might do the same. ______________________________
Asprin is (or was) a trademarked name owned by the Bayer company, Jet Ski, Rollerblade, Jacuzzi, Band-Aid, Xerox, Jello, and just a ton of others are brands that have transcended to the level where their name is just what we call things.
People will still call Twitter Twitter, hasn't changed the domain name yet just the logo, and I doubt anyone but the musk fan club will be calling it "X" even if he does.
As for the family mine, pretty sure he's got nothing to do with that, believe he disavowed that part of his family even before getting going on PayPal.
You know I've never actually looked all that up tho, so I just did.
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His father was elected to the Pretoria City Council as a representative of the anti-apartheid Progressive Party and has said that his children shared their father's dislike of apartheid.
That's not something I've heard anyone ever say. Let's see some more about his dad, I've literally never bothered to look any of this up so it's all new information, confirming what I've seen people saying, or totally contradicting what I've seen people saying.
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In November 2022, Snopes debunked rumours linking the mine to slavery and apartheid, and linked to an article published in The New Yorker that referenced Musk's part ownership of the mine.
I bet snopes was unhappy about having to debunk the bit about slavery and apartheid there.
Also explains why this is new information to me, since nobody seems to want to give the man a fair shake, he's a tool and a douchebag but it would appear many of the other bits of info are false. ____________
all that aside, folks are still gonna call it twitter, the name is ingrained in our minds, why he's decided to change it is perplexing, at least I haven't heard a reason he may have one I dunno. ___________________________
Going back over the whole thing after reading about them being jokes makes this double funny, and slightly embarrassing on my part, you did forget a few additional bits of info.
It's becoming X (ask how I can remember a mid 90's trip hop group but spell cow wrong)
It's also gonna give it to ya (why isn't there a official, unedited version of the video dammit)
RIP DMX, you went hard from start to finish
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saltynsassy31 · 1 year
what happened to berry 🥹
Okay, okay, I'll tell ya what happaned to her XD
So for her backstory
Basically she was part of another group before joining Dusty's team
She was actually the leader! Surprisingly
A little info you gotta know though is that she works for Sheldon once he had moved to Splatvile, she's the only one (along side shiver apperanly) who would listen to his rants enthusiastically, she was never the type to talk anyway, she liked listening to people info dump
She would volunteer to work for him for free but eventually he convinced her to let him actually hire her for real
And the reason she'd go to him so often is cuz he was actually nice to her, unlike her teammates
Yeah so, they were kinda mean to her, a lot actually
They were childhood best friends, that is why they were a team! But over time they started to get annoyed with her shyness and quiet behaviour and one in particular was especially mean to her because he didn't see why she was leader, she was incompetent!
It one day boiled down to him railing up the group against her, sick and tired of loosing another battle
At that point she also stopped hanging out with them outside of turf, she was either at Ammo Knights or at the Art Academy (where she had met Dusty and her group, who she quickly became friends with, she didn't join their team yet, but would help them in their "side gig", aka. Hero work (and in the manga, they still do hero work but not in the agent type of way, even outside of coroika, Dusty wanted to be a vigilante, NSS just helped speed up that process) but that's a whole other rant lol)
They had a fight and it reached a point where the "friend" absolutely broke her splattling to pieces
She ran off crying with the left overs of her weapon
When she went to work, Sheldon took notice of her puffy red eyes and asked what was wrong, and for the first time he stayed quiet and listened to her as she broke down
She ended up mentioning how, without her weapon, she can't do her "side gig"
She doesn't have any other weapons!
That's when Sheldon had an idea and offered her the Gal (with kraken special)
It was just a prototype, and this was before its release
He said that it should take about a day or two for him to fix her Splatlling but that in the meantime she could use the gal! As long as she only used it for her side gig and not turf war, as it has not been registered as a weapon yet
She agreed and thanked him immensely
It wasn't long until she joined Dusty's team too, dropping out from her old team
But because of her old team she has now new insecurities and although she was already pretty quiet, her shyness turned up to over a 10 and she had really, really low self esteem
Never speaking up and having a panic attack whenever she was put in the position of leader or needing to do any decision making
But with her new friends she'll get better!
Coroika version though, it differs just slightly:
She was part of the higherarchy before Braids was, but after they lost the last match, Ocho came to her and told her she couldn't be part of it anymore and right after that did her "friends" break her weapon.
This happens right before Braids comes into the scene too (I'd assume that Sheldon has built his shop a couple months before Blue Team showed up, I'm trying to keep the time line as vague as the manga makes it, I tried thinking of the time line with Skipper's story smd it killed my braincells XD)
But yeah, there are other little neat facts about her but this is her backstory :P
Also, on a side note, the reason I had her have 2 different weapons is cuz I couldn't decide on weather I wanted her to have the gal or the splattling cuz both fit her! (The splattling cuz it was heavy and she is actually pretty strong snd kinda muscular, just not as visible, and the gal cuz its pink smd sparkly and cuz of the kraken since the idea of this shy little girl being able to turn into a giant kraken is hilarious to me XD)
And bonus! Here! Have her! This is how she look likes!
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lenklanklonk · 2 years
I'm about to watch AoTC for the first time as an adult and I'm gonna put my thoughts here.
:read more:
1. Beginning scroll says thousands of star systems are leaving the Republic and I'm so shocked cuz like I never thought about how BIG The Republic is??? Ya know?
2. Poor Padmé she's genuinely sad that her handmaiden died and she even expresses her regret for even coming 😭
3. Like why is Naboo still part of the republic? At the end of TPM I totally expected Padmé to give a speech about how the Republic failed them and call for a vote on whether or not to leave. And she (so far) expressed disappointment/distrust in the Senate???
4. Jedi council are all in a meeting with Palpatine. Mace tells him "that we aren't soldiers and that we don't have enough people to protect the Republic." Which just disproves some anti-jedi arguments I've seen
5. Awww Yoda being so sweet and nice to Padmé
6. It's so bittersweet how much the Jedi still believe Dooku to be a good person
7. Jar jar in a dress
8. Obi Wan is like, telling her she's beautiful in front of my salad???
9. Obi-Wan and Anakin are just having a domestic in front of everyone is just so funny
10. Anakin hasn't seen Jar Jar in 10 years and yet the second Padmé leaves the room Anakin just starts ranting about his crush XD is the normal for him? like does Anakin pull random Padawans into conversation and just info dump his problems?
11. "I much rather dream about Padmé" right to Obi Wan's face!? This clown I can't stop laughing
12. Like I totally expect Anakin to have every one of her speeches saved, a scrapbook of her official photos, and maybe even a space Tumblr all about her XD (his username is QueenAmadalasHusband)
13. The only reason Obi-Wan doesn't approve of Padmé is cuz she's a politician XD if Anakin brought Padmé home for Thanksgiving for the first time. it would go like this
" Padmé what do you do for a living? :)"
"I'm a politician. :)"
"oh. :/"
14. Props to the people who worked on the chase scene. The CGI still holds up and the design of the buildings/speeders are nice
15. she's a changeling??? What does that mean in the sw universe cuz I don't think Anakin is saying she's a fairy
16. Looking at the club clothes I'm just thinking like damn what if Disney hired Haus of Gaga to design some star wars clothes
17. :( Yoda says that arrogance is popping up in more and more Jedi
18. Also Mace and Yoda having more faith in Anakin than Obi-Wan is ironic since Anakin would think the opposite
19. I just noticed that jar jar speaks some Spanish?? He said muy muy in the correct context
20. Anakin once again info dumping his problems onto people XD the victim this time? Padmé
21. The sadness Padmé expresses when she tells Anakin not to grow up too fast 🥺 Girl had to grow up so fast
22. Awww Obi-Wan gets hugs from Dex
23. Dex knows of the Kamino?? Huh
24. And now they're showing droidism... It's like finding out your favorite aunt doesn't like the immigrants "taking all the jobs" :/
25. Anakin and Padmé having a heart to heart at a crowded space Denny's
26. Wait Padmé straight up asks if loving is forbidden for Jedi and Anakin immediately corrects her saying "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden...One might say the Jedi are encouraged to love."
Do the people who are anti-jedi even pay attention?? Like if you find the Jedi order boring just say that, you don't need to come up with a bs moral justification
27. Anakin "your are just like how I see you in my dreams."
Padmé proceeds to pretend she didn't hear that
28. Every time Anakin mentions having dreams about Padmé I just assume they're wet dreams
29. Yoda is teaching the younglings to listen to their feelings so the unfeeling Jedi trope is just fanon. Good to know
30. It's kinda sad how Padmé didn't actually enjoy being Queen
31. Padmé just straight up dis Anakin in front of the queen "he's not a Jedi just a Padawan learner" like I'm pretty sure every one who is in the Jedi order is called a Jedi the difference is only in rank
32. I do like Kamino design
33. Excuse me!? Anakin and Padmé are already kissing?? I feel like I missed a few scenes
34. Anakin straight up to Padmé's face suggests that if a wise person is in charge then maybe dictatorship isn't so bad. Palpatine's influence no doubt. He probably also got it into Anakin's head that he's the best one for the job
35. I can see why Jango/Obi-Wan is a thing. It's not for me but I see it
36. Anakin's "agony" speech is actually quite poetic. I personally don't find it romantic but it's certainly poetic and pretty sounding.
37. I know Anakin is talking specifically about his love for her but him saying that he can't be rational. is funny when applied to his whole character
38. Aww :( the foreshadowing of them keeping their relationship a secret would destroy them
39. Wow George Lucas is not subtle
40. Anakin's nightmare scene and all I can do is stare at his nipples 🙈
41. I'm glad they show Watto getting his cumupence
42. Props to the costume department Padmé is styling
43. I really do love Owen and Beru. I'm glad the actors got to come back for the Kenobi show
44. Wow Cliegg I know they kidnapped your wife but you really shouldn't generalize a whole people group like that. wow Ani really took what he said and Internalized it huh
45. 10,000 more systems!? Once again how BIG is the Republic!!????
46. Shim's actress is so good her trying to say 'I love you' made me tear up :(
47. I don't really like how short the scene where Anakin kills the tusken raiders. It's the first time (of the prequels) we see Anakin touch the dark side. It's a huge turning point for his character. I feel like it should be treated as a climax. Bit it feels anti climatic to cut away. I just feel like it should've highlighted more that these are real sentient people he's massacring.
48. What the fuck!? Anakin just blames Obi-Wan??? Palpatine don't gotta manipulate that. That boy will really blame everyone else before taking responsibility,
49. I can see why people type Ani as Nuro divergent
50. Anakin's response is interesting 🤔 to Padmé's statement that "it's human to be angry" is "I am a Jedi. I know I'm better than this." Idk on how to put it into words but this statement recontextulizes a lot for me... I think I'll make a whole post on its own about this
51. Cliegg at the funeral thanking Shim for everything 😭
52. Anakin,I hate sand, grabbing the dirt from Shim's grave :(
53. Wow Anakin thinks he already lost Obi-Wan like he lost his mom and Padmé is like nope we're going after him
54. Palpatine Really calling Padmé out for being radical enough to call a vote for emergency powers. I can't help but feel this is a reference to TPM
55. Dooku straight up lying to Obi Wan right from the start. It makes more sense now that Obi Wan didn't believe him when he said the sith was on the Senate
56. Dooku calling Obi-Wan,my young Jedi, really shows how the phrase got passed from master to master :)
57. Like really the only truth Dooku has said so far is about Darth Sidious I really don't blame Obi-Wan for thinking it's also a lie.
58. Jar Jar is the one who proposes giving Palpatine emergency powers 💀
59. C3PO and R2 really are the Scooby and Shaggy of the star wars universe
60. Padmé really was almost boiled alive
61. "I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."
If I was drinking I would've done a spit take.
62. Awww Anakin looks genuinely surprised and happy that she loves him 🥹
63. Good to know that the base of their relationship is we may die so let's love each other while we can. At least on Padmé's side of things
64. Anakin said the "I've got a bad feeling about this" line. Now Obi-Wan knows Qui Gon's pain
65. Mace is so cool why do people hate him?
66. I've decided Obi-Wan and Mace are bros
67. Wow I did not know Mace was the one to kill Jango 😯
68. Jedi are dying :(
69. Wait the first plans for the death star started here???
70. In like a spy modern Au during the high speed chase scene Dooku would be on a motorcycle while the trio chase him in a car
71. Poor Obi-Wan. He missed Anakin's entire character arc and now has no idea how to properly communicate with him
72. I keep trying to figure out which clone is Cody but so far no luck
73. I do love Dooku's lightsaber design
74. Aww he pushed Anakin in exactly the right position to put his head on Obi-Wan's feet 🥺
75. Oh shit I forgot that this would be the first time audiences saw Yoda be BAMF. I hope people lost their shit
76. Padmé just runs up and gives Anakin a hug right in front of Obi-Wan and Yoda. These two are not subtle in the slightest
77. Mace doesn't dismiss Dooku's claim of Darth Sidious having control of the Senate. Once again another complaint I've seen turns out to not be true
78. Yoda is so wise for realizing that geonosis wasn't a victory but a loss cuz war has started
79. Having the imperial march play after the declaration of the clone wars starting makes me think that THIS is the true start of the Empire not when the Jedi order was destroyed
80. Padmé's wedding dress is so pretty. I want it
Final thoughts
I definitely had more fun watching this movie than TPM.
I found the beginning of the movie and the way the exposition was given hilarious. I laughed so hard.
Another take away from this movie is a lot of complaints about Mace, Yoda, and the order in general are not based on Canon just personal feelings
Even if Anakin never fell, Palpatine has everything planned so well the Empire would still rise. The Jedi were truly placed in a lose lose scenario. The countdown on the end of the Jedi order started with this movie
I don't understand why people found Anakin annoying but then again people really really don't like teenagers and Anakin was definitely acting his age of 19
It's obvious on Padmé's side of the relationship is: Fuck it, my whole life I've done my duty, never got to be a teenager, and I may die any day, I might as well do what I want and marry the man I love. I would rather love and lost than never loved at all.
But on Anakin's end he has a firm belief that he needs to get more and more powerful to keep the people he loves from dying. On his relationship with Padmé, I think Anakin's brain functions on an if so, then statements. If I love Padmé and she loves me, then we should get married. :) And that's all the thought he put into it.
Padmé has accepted her mortality. Anakin has not.
Poor Obi-Wan. He missed Anakin's entire character arc so 1) he can't properly help Anakin with his emotions 2) correct Anakin's wrong assumption that if he got more powerful he could solve his problems and 3) now can't communicate properly since Obi-Wan doesn't know their relationship dynamic has changed
Phew it's done!
Because I kept pausing to write my commentary this movie took 4 hours to watch XD
I can't believe I wrote 80 points. I may put some of them in separate posts
Thank you for reading till the end. The fact that someone cared enough about my thoughts to read the whole thing makes me very happy 😊
May the Force be with you!
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catrose13 · 2 years
To start the "this episode brought to you by" is hilarious, and the Chapter art is awesome Yugi is so smol.
Yami's confusion, and the weird lapses where you know he's trying to remember something and failing, also Yugi's unintentional info dumps... "Osiris' Festering Nipples"
Does Yami know what a furry is?
"Goblin-Mokuba" the foreshadowing of the absolute feral that is Mokuba begins. Freakin' Yugi "Don't be uncharitable to his family"
"Magic?!" No bish it's science
I am not alarmed by the forbidden god...definitely not
The absolute offense at Kaiba using Blue Eyes White Dragon after ripping up Grandpas and giving him a heart attack
Kaiba's confused fear for his eyeballs and his not swearing in front of Mokuba (who lets be real has probably heard or said worse)
A Beautiful and Sacred transaction
The God of "Actually Go Fuck Yourself" and very clear instructions no other ideas happening on your part buddy
Oops didn't mean to do that
Lol Yugi the troublemaker
The Boat motor "fell out" wut? I- I don't think that's a thing that can happen
...It's not like anyone else is going to get there before me...Dude Murphys Law, you are basically asking for someone to get there first
He compared you unfavourably to his pet Hodgekiss, if his snek had opposable thumbs and a forklifting license you'd be out of a job
How long has it been since Grandpa made weed-free brownies that he thinks the batter looks wrong. Did Yugi just grow up eating edibles?
The casual dissing of Joeys mom
"What are you a vampire?"!!! Right from the gddammed beginning. Hm Social Anxiety or Vampirism…hard to tell... And Tristan and the Werewolf certainty
"Ever try to get rid of roaches Joseph?"
Drag Personas!
Why will this teenager not move into their basement?!
Is he sick or just British?
...Vintage Hoo-Ha
Ah the selective hearing of teenagers
Videotape, fetishwear and choking hazards?
"Duel Monsters themed porn again." AGAIN?? Like I'm right there with ya Grandpa who the heck is sending that to kids?
Capital D Destiny
A Wholehearted Evil Asshole
The Internet "Where All The Weird Shit Is". Correct
Tea the Sorcerer
"A Hypothetical Responsible Mom or Your Actual Mom?" Clearly Yugi's Mom can go in the box of bad parents with Joey's Mom..and Yugi's dad too
Hokkaidocino the first time I was introduced to Japan-merica and it's city names
Tea's acting is on point, and Tristan's too
Tristan so middle-aged sounding a lawn mower just manifested in his garage
The Return of Mokuba, so smol, so feral
I wonder if Tristan will ever retrieve his Jacket from the Kaibaland Lost and Found?
Joeys dad is also in the box… Tristans Dad is a tentative box parent and Tea's Mom is in a cult… tentative box
Why is Grandpa ADDING crimes?
Heheh Mongers
Bro I don't think getting possessed should be classed as a minor nuisance
Lol "murderous tapeworm"
Oh Bakura I don't think the Parasite is interested in the carnal activities
Oof that foreshadowing of multiple Ancient Assholes
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carica-ficus · 9 months
“Fourth Wing”
Reading progress: 105/498 (21%)
Read through since last update: 105
I'm not going to lie, throughout this last year or so, as "Fourth Wing" reached the height of its popularity, I kept thinking whether or not it would even make sense for me to give it a chance. Sure, I do like a good YA novel, and I am a huge lover of dragons, but I know this book would potentially not be cut out for me. Still, when I noticed my library finally had a copy available, and when I heard my friend actually liked it and thought of it as fun, I decided to give it a chance. I don't expect this to be my favorite book. Far from it. But I do hope it's at least going to be entertaining. So I'm staying positive! I actually do hope I'll like it in the end. And I do hope I'll like the romance part of it!
And so, without further ado, the notes so far: (Spoilers ahead!!!)
I hate when female characters, especially teenage or adolescent ones, are portrayed as if they hate their perfect, curvy body because it's not up to another character's standard. It's such a pet peeve of mine. If you want to have an unattractive or flawed character, at least try to make one. Don't try to sell me a beautiful girl that somehow doesn't understand she's beautiful. We've been over that trope one too many times.
The dialogue is so tacky. I feel like I'm reading a fanfiction made by a 13 y/o.
She's surprised she passed the physical even though her mom mentions she was one of the top applicants?
Wait a second. The riders quadrant is the only sector that takes up only volunteers. But what about Xaden then? And the other rebels?
Chapter 1 is done. It's extremely info-dumpish. Too much is said, as if the author wasn't ready to let go of her first draft and was concerned her bland characters wouldn't keep her reader's attention, so she compensated by revealing too much, which, in my case, didn't work. I started reading this with low expectations, but seems like they weren't low enough...
At least three people have asked her if she's really the General's daughter in the last 5 pages.
Maybe it's because I just read "Gideon the Ninth" and was blown away by how realistic Muir portrayed physical exertion, or if it's my own experience in sport, but I don't vibe with the way Yarros writes about Violet's training and her approach to high stress during some performance (like walking over the parapet). It feels so... Plastic. Unrealistic.
Things are looking up after chapter 2. Even though I feel as if there's still too much happening, it's at least becoming more interesting. But I am yet to find a character I actually find likeable. All of them are so bland...
It gets a little better, then it gets a little worse. That scene with Xaden on the rotunda and Dain trying to protect Violet is so forced. And for what? And now she's running? And for what? Is Xaden really this animalistic to hurt Violet in broad daylight, without being provoked? (Going back to this after continuing with reading and I still don't really understand the point of it?)
I hate how easy this romance is structured. Xaden is the bad guy that secretly probably has the hots for Violet, while Dain is the "good guy" that seems to be the right choice, but is way too overprotective. And Violet is the token beautiful, snarky female protagonist that doesn't comprehend her worth. It's like they were picked straight out of the "generic love triangle mold".
I do wanna read this book. I wanna know what comes next, I'll confess that much. But the balant info-dumping that happens in every chapter... Not to mention the incredibly poor worldbuilding... It sticks out too much for my own liking.
Okay, okay! Now we're talking! That Battle Brief class was actually very well constructed! Much better that what I've seen so far. Now that was a good scene where I got a lot of information in a very interesting and entertaining way!
As for stuff that's been revealed. I like the idea of wards. I like the idea that they're faltering. I like how Violent used her chance to prove she's cunning! Nice nice nice.
Okay, I'm 50/50 on the sexual talk. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it's so forced. The fact that guys train without their shirts? Idk, weird and yucky in my opinion. I know this is a romance, and I'm no prude, but like... Not liking this choice. Mostly because it's kinda stupid. They don't wear shirts cause they fear someone is gonna grab them by it and use it as their advantage? By that logic, they should be completely naked? (You could say I'm nitpicking, but it's weird. And I'm entitled to my own opinion. 🤷)
The training montage was cool! I really like how brutal Imogen was with Violet. Made the ending so much more effective. And painful. That's going to hurt for a while.
Can Dain just fuck off already?! I know he's worried, but damn. Leave the girl alone! She doesn't know what she's doing, but she's smart enough to push through anyway.
I do love the relationship Mira has with Violet. And I like how they kept that one little memory of Brennan. Yes, it's useful, but it's also obviously comforting, and I love how that feeling was portrayed in the text.
I get you, Violet. I'm not keen on names either. I suck at them. But still, Yarros really doesn't have to keep making a background out of every single character that appears in this book. Violet doesn't know their names because she doesn't have to. Like, come on, just say it's some guy and move on with the dialogue.
I really liked that snarky little remark from Xaden when he says she should go back to bed. 👌
Speaking of which, glad to know the separatists are teaming up and scheming. Because now I'm wondering what they're scheming about. What's the catch here? 🤔 I'm guessing that there's more to the rebellion that meets the eye. In other words, the Naveare ain't as guiltless in the whole thing as they present in Basgiath.
Yoo, Rhiannon and Tara?? Nice. Knew there was something fruity about her.
Oh, stuff is cooking. I like the whole part with Brennan and Naolin, the former rider of the black dragon, though there's something left unsaid here. It's unlikely he wanted to revive Brennan just because he wanted to win a favor with the General. Something else is at hand here. Maybe love? Maybe treason?
Violet really put herself into deep shit by going a little too far with her concoctions. Fighting Xaden next? What an ending to a chapter.
Okay, I'm done for now. Probably gonna continue tomorrow (especially because I got sick and now I'm bedridden :<).
After a very rough beginning, this book started to be really fun and I'm glad I kept reading! It is generic, but at least things are finally starting to fit into place and it seems like Yarros finally grew into her style. (If that makes any sense.)
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sirsharp-a · 4 years
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                ❝ Believe you me, there is  NO  greater pleasure than taking control of a conversation that previously belonged to somebody who made it all about them.  They waltz on in expecting you to bend and squeal, only for you to flip the discussion a complete one-eighty, leaving them not wanting to talk to you anymore.  It feels good. ❞
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Ok so, more Rammy info dump
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Imma start off and say I'm sharing this info dump for the ppl who dont know much of her, bc there isn't as many Rammy enjoyers, most are just mutuals
But I've been wanting to doodle her more, so with this post i leave my ask box open for doodle requests for her, bc i want stuff to doodle by tomorrow, but well anyother day will be fine as well Ú3Ù
And if you want i can doodle her with your oc as well (human version or huamn in general, i still struggle a tad bit with animals/animatronics 👉👈), just put in an image of them!
Basic info
♡Rammy the Racoon
•Real name: Renata Oliveira
•Age: 26
•Currently in a "friends with benefits" relationship with Roxy and Chica
For the new folks, here's some basic info about her, and another work featuring her
You can also find some more info of the au her human version is from here, if you want just the Rammy info, then scroll down to Character Relationships/Stories, and you'll fine her info under "Renata (+Suise and Rachel)", tho around the Timeline area, on 2021, you can find a bit of extra info about how she came to be part of the Pizzaplex
Now the dump
•She can be a bit dense at times
But she's very helpful still. She grew up with having to be well behaved so she would be on her teen sister's good side (it didn't need to be alot, her sister never wanted anything bad to happen to her and could be a little protective at times, but ya know, teens can be angsty).
She also learned to perform at a young age as she liked to put on shows after her sister's friends dressed her up. She also enjoyed singing alot of lullabies for her baby cousins (Idk if its a general brasilian thing, but how i grew up family is very important, and cherished, so she has a close bond to many of her family members)
She also is quite fluent in English, tho still struggles a bit still, causing her be quite oblivious to some jokes between her coworkers and not understanding them.
•She's also very abservent still, even if she cant understand a joke, she can read someone's body language very well, and can see whether they are lying or not. Not 100% right, but at least 90% of the time she is
She also has good memory (unlike me-) and is what she does in her role: Search for the lost items and give them back to their owner, if she doesn't remember she always has it written down on a small notebook.
•She's usually very friendly, and seen as the sweet niave type (which honestly, she is most of the time), but she can be smart when she needs to. And don't get on her bad side, cuz she's a good prankster. What type of prankster? The dangerous type if you annoy her (which can consist of insulting her loved ones or mistreatment of kids)
She doesn't play pranks as much, so you'll never expect it from her. It starts out harmless, then it gets annoying
The the target wont know its her with her innocent act, and will accuse the obvious ones. If they figure it out it's her, no one will be on their side as she plays innocent, then it gets a bit risky, and until they learn their lesson
She won't stop.
Tho that side of hers doesn't show that often.
•She's also a bit short tempered at times. She tries her best to be nice, but she breaks it a bit when she gets frustrated. Which can be out of small things such as, the sound of paper or gum chewing, snoring, or breathing the wrong way or skin touching even if her own (definitely not stuff i lose my temper with)
She learned how to keep her composure, especially around kids
But she'll need a cool off afterwards, which luckily Sun and Moon provide her with. Or cuddles with Chica and Roxy. Tho those are usually by the end of the day since both Chica and Roxy are usually way busier then Sun and Moon. Plus the twins are right next to Rammy's post, so it's faster to go in-between work breaks.
•As for her hobbies. She likes to play dress up and do her makeup, even if not for work
She also likes to sow and draw! Mostly designing her outfits. Most of the stuff she uses is hand made by her too! Ofc not everything but most of it
•And on a final note
Her area is basically a remodeled version of kid's cove now, which makes her be quite close to the daycare
She usually helps out sun and moon, her and sun having a close bond
They chat, share gossip, help each other with the kids when one area is more hectic
And in the end Rammy likes to help out in cleaning duty if the daycare
(Also, doodles may not all be done quickly, if at all, some might take days to make. I just need a collection of ideas to do throughout the times i get bored)
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
ok so tlh is set in 1903 and there are a few things we know about the clothes from the books themselves- 1. we have a vague idea of the silhouette, as briefly described in the book and the dresses on the cover (although those are mostly incorrect, they do, I suppose, set the reader into the general mindset.) and 2. apparently only pastel colors are fashionable, they do not look nice on cordelia specifically (not all poc girls look 'washed out' in these colors, Kamala, who is often depicted in official art with a similar skin tone to cordelia is stated in the books to look very nice in her pastel dresses)
firstly, the 1900s were a rather odd decade for clothes silhouette wise. this decade was the transition from the 1800s dresses with foot-length hemlines and fuller skirts into the 1910s trends of dresses that reached to the bottom of the calf and a more utilitarian and accessible style. Dresses in the 1900s still had the tubular shape of the 1890s, although it was less severe and it eventually faded out by about 1906 or 1907.
Speaking for now only about the first half of the decade as the books do take place in 1903, the dresses would have had a very structured bodice with flowing skirts that reached to about the ankle. Their undergarments would have included at least three layers (something in between the corset and their body, the corset, and a corset cover) with drawers, stockings, padding at their hips and bust, and at least 1-2 petticoats. dresses consisted of the bodice and skirt as separate pieces, with lace and embellishments used to bring the attention to the bodice.
Day clothes were more structured and less busy, most of them including high necklines and long sleeves. (yes this means that the stupid thing with james always staring at cordelia's chest is not realistic.)
The ballgowns and party dresses that are often mentioned are slightly more accurate. These dresses tended to be very busy with lots of patterns and lace on them, often toward the bust line to achieve an ideal silhouette. skirts were longer and fuller than the day dresses and gloves were always worn with these dresses to make it appear more modest as it had low necklines and short sleeves.
a couple of notes about historical accuracy- number one being the corset. there is a part in chain of gold where cordelia complains about her corset that makes me mad every time I read it. corset were modern bras but more comfortable, they were incredibly supportive and didn't mess with anything permanently. there was always a layer between the skin and the corset as protection for both the skin and the corset as they were intended to be worn for years on end and needed protected from oil and dirt from the body. tight lacing is essentially the historic equivalent to people today who get dressed up in their fanciest clothes for an 8 a.m college class. it wasn't standard and it was only done in very specific situations in which the wearer wanted to look a certain way. for the most part, the super narrow waist wasn't actually all that small, and it looked that way because of padding on the hips and chest.
number two on the standards for fashion at the time. at this point being fashionable was less about standing out as it was about fitting in. If you were wearing something out of fashion it was abnormal and you would be ridiculed for it, along the lines of wearing jeans and a t-shirt to a formal wedding. it was a matter of propriety and respect. Getting dressed a certain way wasn't chore or special thing, it just was.
number three is on the aesthetic dress movement. this would be the category the cover dresses fall into. the aesthetic dress movement encouraged women to dress individually by rejecting the high fashion and emphasizing freedom of movement and practicality. (that is not to mean that high fashions weren't practical and comfortable, its basically just the equivalent of wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants as opposed to something like jeans, a blouse, and five accessories. both are good, its just that they feel very different.) these clothes took from greco-romanic traditions as well as that of eastern asian cultures, with flowing, airy fabrics and loose silhouettes. this style was usually only worn around the home.
next we're going to talk about color. first of all, pastels do not wash cordelia out, she is absolutely stunning in them, as well as the jewel tones. on a more historical note, clothes in the 1900s weren't all pastels????? lighter colors were in trend, as more of an aesthetic dressing style was in fashion, but dark colors could never actually go out of style from a practical standpoint. day dresses from the early half of the decade usually had darker colors, I will link or send another ask with two examples. one, from 1900, is a dark red and gray dress and the other is a walking dress actually from 1903 and is a perfect example of something cordelia could have worn. (it has a very nice brownish gray color with gold embellishments and a high neck.)
now evening dresses on the other hand were usually light colored, almost all of the surviving ones from this decade are a creme or gold color (there are a few in black and some in other colors as well, but the majority are creme, gold, or extremely light to the point they look white.) this is where the biggest plot hole is in my opinion. so it would have been most fashionable by mundane standards to wear a white or gold, which are the mourning and wedding colors respectively, so they obviously couldn’t have done that, which means that the women are either wearing day dresses that wouldn't come into creation until 3-5 years later, they are breaking mundane fashion rules, or they are breaking strict shadowhunter tradition. (out of all the shadowhunter things, the color code seems to actually be the one most consistent through all of the series, aside from the line about the youth in london wearing white sailing outfits.)
cordelias jewel tone wardrobe from anna is incredibly unrealistic in multiple aspects. for one, multiple dresses that would have had to have been custom made by hand plus, correct me if i'm wrong, accessories or undergarments, would have been WILDLY unrealistically expensive. there are plenty of money questions for the shadowhunter universe, but an entire wardrobe like that isn't even historically accurate for the british royal family even with all their blood money. on top of that is the fact that with the cultural implications of certain fashions cordelia very well could have become an outcast for wearing something so wildly out of fashion. there isn't really a modern correlation for it, but while she wouldn't necessarily have become a complete outcast or pariah, with the way we are told the shadowhunters align with societal values of the time (I.e cordelia being ruined) accepting that wardrobe would have been completely counterintuitive to her mission of being accepted by the shadowhunter society.
so that was a lot and i'm not sure if I got everything. let me know if you need any clarification, or want anything continued!!! thank you so much for letting me info dump and rant in your inbox, you are amazing!!
links for photos:
Worth 1903 evening dress
Worth 1903 walking dress
Worth 1900 day dress
plus an article that is the best thing i've ever read
I also have some other video/article links if anyone wants them!!
I will be honest with you anon
I really have nothing to add to all this besides that this is absolutely fascinating
I love how you compared clothing to different types of modern day equivalent that genuinely made it so much easier for me to visualize
I had actually heard complaints about the corset thing before! I had actually seen that many authors seem to write them as if they are the bane of many ya historical fantasies, when in reality it wasn't that at all. So in that scene in chog Cordelias corset was the equivilant of dressing in your fansiest clothes for a class?
See I would have never guessed it!
So more flowy greco-roman inspired clothing got it!
The movement mostly went towards freedom and practicality
Oh that does seem like a problem
The confiction between being appropriate in shadowhunter culture and in the fashion of the time
This is amazing
I will be refering to it more for ficts :D
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