#i left did you wait out bc it’s just an intro
lqloonatv · 10 months
Let’s get controversal: worst track on Version Up
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bigtittiecomitte · 3 months
Stuff from Episode 7 bc i rewatched it too much
First of all. The new Glitch intro looks freaking awesome, I noticed that they left out V this time so sorry V fans, you won’t even get to see her in the intro lmao
Something I’ve been thinking is Dr Chambers. Even though it was just a random guy that accidentally was in Dr Chambers suit, where was the real Dr Chambers? And why was he so important? Was he friends with James? Idk
YEVA SCENES!! I know @dreamii-krybaby was freaking out about that. The moment where she was trying to help Nori was really cute too, I wish we got too see more of her
Thad and Lizzy comeback as well. They lied when they said Thad is just playing basketball cause now he’s caught up in this mess too 😭 and is it just me but Lizzy’s voice sounds different, did they recast her bc I don’t remember her voice sounding like that
Nori being alive and acting just like Uzi too, like mother like daughter. Was a bit sad that her voice wasn’t Elsie’s normal british voice but her voice actor did a great job nonetheless
J finally having a role. She didn’t do that much but in Episode 8 no doubt her time will finally shine
Khan also having a moment, the freaking Nightcore references got me so bad cause damnit stop calling me out. And they brought Uzi’s railgun, it’s so nice seeing them acknowledge that Uzi has some sweet as engineering skills
AND WE FINALLY GOT A NUZI CONFIRMATION!! I think N just assumed that him and Uzi are dating after the hand holding scene which I find adorable. Him also telling Nori about it was super silly, he was writing it like it was those “will you go to prom with me” signs
Them screaming and hugging before they eventually split will always hurt me AND HIM PATTING HER HAIR TOO?! He’s so in love with his wife u guys he missed his wife
Knowing that Episode 8 won’t come out the next next month will hurt and even more waiting but I hope we are well fed and are patient enough to wait a bit more
Moral of the story: What was even going on in this episode I’m still screaming
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drysdaleknieslee · 5 months
Will Smith x MC Isabella
This is just the intro to something beautiful and amazing.
Bell met Will through Gabe. She never noticed him before, and neither did he to her. She was just Isabella to everyone else, but only the most important people to her got to call her Bell. Gabe has known her and her family since they were little. She and her family moved to America when she was six, and Gabe was the only guy willing to talk to the new kid. He stuck up for her when kids would make fun of her accent or the traditional Filipino food her mom would make for her. The platonic fondness was mutual and her family was happy that she made a friend that accepted her for who she was.
Now Gabe had tried to get Bell to attend a BC game since they arrive there. He pushed her to apply so they could go to the same school (didn't take much convincing when he told her they had a good dance program and there was a little cafe near the school she could work at) and since he got the schedule for the mens hockey team he's been pushing for her to go.
"Come on Bells you've never seen me play before" Perreault would whine.
"I literally watched you play in high school" she quipped putting on her ballet shoes.
"That was high school hockey. This is COLLEGE hockey. Two different things" he said pointedly.
His whining got the best of her, and here she sits in Conte Forum, waiting for the game to start with her BC attire on. Since she started working at the cafe a few blocks from the school, she made a deal with Gabe to bring him a scone for the good seats. Of course, he obliged.
They were still practicing when she first arrived and she waited by the locker room with two warm strawberry scones waiting for him.
"HEY ISABELLA!" yelled Gabe from the other end of the hallway. He was accompanied by two other tall guys, his teammates when he saw her. He knew to call her Isabella when other people were present.
"Keep your voice down! I brought the stuff, now where are my tickets?" She asked scoping the surrounding area.
"What is this, an illegal drop-off?" asked one of the guys. The other just stood quietly, staring at Bell. Not in a creep way but a longing sort of way. His gaze then focused on the scones in her hand.
"Nah, she brings me food from that cafe near the forum. Genuine I think it's called."
I hand the scones over to Gabe and just stare awkwardly as he takes a bite and makes that satisfied sigh he always does when he eats one. The other two boys eye him, annoyed, as they want some too.
"Nope, these are mine," he couldn't get the words out before all three start fighting over the two scones.
In the end, Gabe got one and 'Alex' got the other, leaving the blonde boy looking sad. "I'll bring you one tomorrow. None for those two." she says pointing at the two boys stuffing their face.
Leaning close, she whispers, "I'll sneak you some if you want so that you don't have to fight over one." He stiffened up when Bell got closer to him. She noticed this and was glad that he didn't move away. She also saw a red tint on the tips of his earlobes. "You don't have to do that" he muttered.
"Please. I owe it to you since I'm friends with those dummies too. I don't even know your name either. I maybe can get you a discount in the cafe."
"His names Will. Will Smith. Nowhere near as cool as the actor though" muttered Alex with a mouth full of scone.
"Well, Will, good luck at your practice, and I promise next time I see you, you will have any dessert or drink from the store. Scouts honor," says Bell, making a cross over her heart.
When she turned to walk out she didn't know the conversation that these three boys would have later in the locker room to suit up for practice.
"Hey, Isabella, your friend," said Will to Gabe sitting to his left, "the cafe, do you know her usual hours?"
"She's part time on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Times vary around her classes and dance practice-."
"When are her dance practices?"
Gabe starts to catch on to his friends questions and can't help the wolfish smile growing on his face. "You like her don't you?"
"No, she just seems cool and I want to get to know her better."
"Sure, man, sure. Just ask her next time you see her," says Gabe before walking out of the locker room to head to the ice. Will couldn't stop thinking about Bell and what he could've said to her. He could've asked her about her schedule or even her socials. Gabe's gonna be too much of an ass to tell him, so he'll have to muster up the courage next time. For now, he'll have to think about her smelling of coffee grounds and caramel and hope he doesn't bust his ass on the ice.
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sof-writes · 2 years
make me sing ; hwang yeji
Anonymous asked: Producer y/n eating yeji out when recording her solo part of a song and just recording all her pretty moans, helping her “destress”. - 🥯
content warning: nsfw! profanity as always, smut, lots of oral, recording (consensual), a long ass intro that y'all aren't going to read anyway
word count: 1989
a/n: WOW sos for her kitty I guess? thanks for inspring me bagel anon! I didn't proofread this bc I'm too lazy but I hope it came out alright lol. feedback (positive or negative) welcome as always. 💖
a/n 2: I wrote a sequel to this featuring choi jisu aka lia.
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Your fingers hovered over the red button in front of you, a sigh escaping your mouth before you pressed it, giving Yeji the ability to hear you from the other side of the lightly tinted glass.
"Try to relax your voice a little more on the last syllables, it'll make it easier for you to reach the right note. You're almost there" you said in a supportive manner, only to receive a slightly spiritless "Yes" in reply.
Now Yeji usually wasn't the spiritless type, not at all. You'd generally describe her as rather diligent. Today, however, her performance didn't seem to meet her high standards.
"Let's try that once more, okay?" you said, before letting go of the red button.
The instrumental filled the studio, soon to be accompanied by Yeji's unedited vocals. While she didn't necessarily sound bad, it just wasn't it. Judging by the way her facial expression changed as soon as you cut the instrumental, she realised it too.
"I'm sorry" she mumbled as she stepped back from the microphone. Her shoulders fell.
You kinda felt for her. As the leader of the group, she carried a huge responsibility to constantly perform to extremely high standards and to outdo herself.
Your finger ghosted the red button for a bit, not quite sure what other tips you could give her to help her reach the right notes.
"It's okay" you finally spoke, looking at her as you twisted a pen between your fingers "I can always do some editing on this"
She quickly shook her head, shooting down your idea without using words. Apparently, editing wasn't an option.
"No, I can do it" she said, seemingly frustrated "It's just..." a deep sigh "Stress" she adverted her gaze, looking down at her shoes. Not much left of the Yeji who usually tried to keep the positive vibes going during recording sessions.
You nodded understandingly, grabbed a cold bottle of water from the minibar juist under the desk and swivelled the chair, turning your back towards Yeji before getting up. The condensation that quickly formed on the water bottle wetting your hand while you walked towards the door separating the recording booth and the studio.
"Have this" you said, handing her the bottle right after you walked in "And sit down for a bit, you're way too frustrated right now"
"Ordering me around?" she asked humourlessly while flopping down on the couch, using her simple white t-shirt for extra grip in an attempt to open the bottle.
"No, just taking care of you" you countered, shrugging before letting your arms fall to your sides.
Her eyes suddenly lit up. "By giving me a bottle of water?" she scoffed jokingly, before looking back up at you "That's how you take care of a girl stressed beyond limits?" a sly smile formed around her lips "No wonder your ex girlfriend left you"
Panic took over for a second when she mentioned your ex girlfriend. How the hell did she know? People you were working with weren't supposed to know about you being into women... Ah right, you must've told her when you got shitfaced during that company dinner to celebrate the release of their first full alb– wait... What did she just say?
You just stared at her in disbelief, not knowing what to say. Confusion probably visible all over your face.
Contrary to your expectations, Yeji didn't break the eye contact. She kept looking at you intensely, the entertained smile around her lips getting bigger as the seconds passed.
Slowly she got up from the couch, exposing her cleavage as she leaned down to put the water bottle on the floor. You know you shouldn't be looking at her like that, but her comment made it hard not to.
"I'm sure you can come up with something better" she said, her eyes following her hand, which she trailed down your arm just to intertwine her fingers with yours in the end.
"Listen Yeji, we–" you were gonna tell her how you weren't allowed to get involved with any artists you were working with and how this would only make future collaborations between the two of you harder. Yeji didn't want to hear any of it though.
"Oh please" she rolled her eyes before you could even get to the first point. Suddenly, she seemed more confident than ever. "We both know you're not gonna pass up this opportunity"
She softly squeezed your hand as she redirected her eyes back to yours "Besides, don't you want to deliver a great song? A potential all-kill?"
Those cat-like eyes, that piercing gaze, her suggestive smile, the oozing confidence... Fuck it.
You placed your free hand on her hip with the intentions of taking the lead, but she halted you in the process.
"Lock the door" she spoke, her words accompanied by a small nod in the direction of the door between the booth and the studio, which you left open before as this wasn't part of your initial plan.
"Right" you mumbled as you made your way to the door, just to be interrupted for a second time.
"Actually..." Yeji said, her sudden seductive tone causing you to turn around "You might wanna hit record first, producer"
You had never expected Hwang Yeji to say such suggestive words while giving you the most fatal flirtatious look you had ever seen in your life, but it made you feel things, obviously.
As fast as you could, you walked towards the desk on the other side of the wall, hitting record as you looked through tinted glass just to catch Yeji wiggling off her light blue jeans. It obviously wasn't going to be romantic, but fuck that.
With one swift movement, you closed the door, locking yourself in the soundproof booth with a now half-naked Hwang Yeji.
She sat slightly slouched down on the couch, plain white t-shirt pulled up to just under the swell of her breasts, exposing her toned stomach. Your eyes traveled down a little further, finally landing on her well-groomed pussy between slightly spread legs.
For a second, you considered pinching yourself as you slowly walked up to her... But then you realised that even if this was a dream, you wouldn't want to wake up anyway.
You could feel Yeji's eyes on you as you placed your hands on her toned thighs before getting on your knees between your legs. Her gaze burned, but you didn't dare to look up. Not until she raked her hand through your hair, basically forcing you into making eye contact.
"Well? Make me sing" she whispered seductively, biting her bottom lip impatiently. The words made you squeeze your own thighs together and tighten your grip on hers.
And then, finally, after all the teasing, you tasted her. One long, terribly slow lick from her entrance all the way up to her clit. Just the feeling of her warm, soft flesh on your tongue was enough to pull you into a trance.
And God was she delicious. Her pussy was only slightly moist due to her own anticipation, but you couldn't wait to taste her more. Tongue exploring of its own accord, long teasing licks over the full length of her slit as you felt her nails pressing into your scalp, urging you to give her more.
"Hmm" she hummed in a pleased manner as you pushed her legs further apart. Your tongue found its' way between her lips, allowing you to better taste the slippery wetness that slowly but surely started coating her pussy.
Your tongue and lips played with hers, almost as if French kissing, and you got rewarded with a beautiful but soft moan. Too soft to your liking.
So you licked your way up again, wrapping your lips around her clit before softly suckling on it, your nails scratching the insides of her thighs ever so slightly. Now this gave you the reaction you were yearning for.
Her moans got louder and you could feel yourself getting uncomfortably wet too. "Fuck, that's– that's it" she breathed between moans, hand tangled in your hair as if she was afraid you'd stop your assault on her sopping cunt.
You pressed your tongue flat against her clit, lapping on her sensitive nub over and over just to hear her sweet moans.
"You're eating me out so well" she whined, lifting one leg just to throw it over your shoulder, the sudden weight almost causing you to lose balance. "You're gonna make me..." she locked her smooth, long leg behind your neck securely "Gonna make me cum so fucking hard"
Your eyes shot up again while you kept on licking her clit, you had never expected Yeji to have such a foul mouth, but you absolutely loved it.
She had her eyes pressed closed and her head thrown back on to the backrest of the couch. Her free hand was kneading her own tit through the fabric of her bra. She was hopeless for her release.
Noticing how wet she was getting, you couldn't help but let your tongue slide towards her entrance again, greedily lapping up all the heavenly juices that she was leaking.
Initially, she whined at the loss of contact around her most sensitive spot. But as soon you started teasing her entrance with your tongue, she quickly went back to being a constant moaning mess.
"Don't waste anything" she moaned, her strong leg basically forcing your face into her dripping pussy "I'm so– so wet for you"
You just nodded for as far as possible, eagerly licking up her wetness as she started moaning your name. Shit, this was going to be your best fucking recording ever.
"I'm close" she half announced and half moaned. Her body started to squirm, seemingly wanting to direct your tongue back to her nub. "Suck–" she sighed while pulling on your hair "Suck on my clit again"
You hummed lowly before latching your lips onto her engorged nub again, occasionally letting the tip of your tongue come into direct contact with her clit. She was so insanely sensitive.
"Harder!" she demanded desperately, almost screaming between moans.
While not entirely sure if she could take it, you decided to obey. Adding a little extra suction as you toyed with clit.
"I'm..." she didn't have to finish for you to know what she wanted to say. Her legs started shaking, the one that was previously holding you in place even more uncontrollably than the other.
You switched back to flat-tongued licks, hoping you could keep her in her high for as long as humanly possible. She repeated your name over and over again as she pressed her hips up, forcing herself onto your tongue harder while she rode out her orgasm.
Her grip on the back of your head loosened and her hand flailed to her side, falling down on the couch with a thud.
"Ah– stop" she moaned breathlessly as you licked her clean, not wanting to waste anything she gave you. Her body twitched, obviously too sensitive for a second round.
You withdrew your head, moving your jaw to prevent any further cramping before looking at her. She looked absolutely spent, yet tried to regain her composure quickly.
"Well..." she sighed, still out of breath, legs shaky as you both stood up and she straightened her t-shirt. A smile formed around her lips after she reached down to grab her panties and jeans.
She turned her head towards you, seemingly up to something. "Let's try that once more" she teasingly imitated your voice before shooing you back to the studio, where you carefully saved your recording to three different folders just to be sure.
While your computer processed the files, you looked up through the tinted glass. Yeji stood in front of the microphone with her shoulders confidently straightened. Yeah, she definitely was more relaxed than before.
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scintillyyy · 1 month
also did a read a random dc week~
i ended up with 9/18/2000
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of which i've read 3/17 (lol @ my lack of the titans and birds of prey, i've only managed to read sporadic tie ins. they're firmly on the eventually will read through once i have time). and full disclosure, i'm only gonna read it if it's on dcui. if it hasn't been uploaded...too bad.
so without further ado...
aquaman #73: wait. skartaris?? warlord?? i've only seen such in zahri's recaps but i am intrigued lol. we start with mera hanging with a delightfully half-dressed warlord, both captive. valgos has apparently control of aquaman's hand (and aquaman) and used it to punch warlord in the face. mera is tied up suggestively by some tentacle looking roots. garth is here, also getting sucked into some suspicious water. so is dolphin, but something mysterious is being implied about baby cerdian. anyways arthur got out of being mind controlled enough to give mera a way to get her and warlord out. day is saved, warlord is still scantily clad. not out of skartaris yet!
batman: dark victory #12: how have i never read dark victory? weird. well, may as well jump in on the penultimate chapter. i'll be honest, i'm only so-so on jeph loeb & i can tell dark victory has all of his hallmarks--a quick whos who of everyone in an attempt to tell an iconic story that will be collected & reprinted forever. good & enjoyable tho.
gotham knights #9: could i read dick & tim watching batman fight hugo strange on a rooftop and eating popcorn forever? yes, yes i could
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sorry but look at them!! look at tim's little grin as he's like!! look dick they're on the rooftop!!
birds of prey #23: dinah & lady vic looking for gorilla grodd. trying to get a heart for blockbuster. deathstroke is unfortunately also there. i do like that ted thinks babs should send the justice scouts to help her & says that that's the team robin said he was on...i assume this conversation occured after tim locked dick in the simulation room and left with ted. i can only imagine how that conversation went and let me assure you it was delightful.
cartoon network starring #15: can't find it on dcui. thank god, bc i didn't want to read it.
deadenders #9: found the collection on dcui ultra. i have no idea what is happened, but it seems good.
jsa #16: it's a jsa book that's for sure. lots of characters, many of whom i don't know but some of them i do. it was. Alright.
legends of the dc universe #34: hal is the spectre & he's a mostrous many headed beast to kill someone. and then spectre things happen. it's the middle of a story, so i only have so much working knowledge of what is going on here.
millenium edition the brave and the bold #85: looks to be a reprint of the original? so i just read that. anyways. batman & green arrow team up. a senator gets shot & he was going to vote on an anti-crime bill. they want to name bruce as his replacement. both oliver queen & bruce wayne are both having an identity crisis about whether they're more important as their civilian or hero personas. bruce straight up tells the son of the senator who got shot (and who bruce wants to replace the senator instead) that he's batman and then says he can't reveal bruce's secret because he's a psychiatrist...bruh he ain't a priest lmao. then oliver also tells this same dude he's green arrow. bro if we're looking to a team therapist lets bring back this ed dude. he did get kidnapped tho. bruce becomes a senator. and then resigns. and then ed self hypnotizes himself to forget who the heroes are. and i say forget that, bring psychiatrist ed back.
orion #6: i feel like i read an orion issue during like. J:LL or something? and i didn't like it then and i still don't really like it.
robin #82: ahahaha brentwood. wesley the new roommate! intro of danny temple! steph being reasonable about wanting to know tim's identity and jealous and unreasonable about eveything else! i did forget that tim called dick to ask for advice & dick was like "go on the weekend trip with them!" & he does. and steph sneaks into the hospital star is at. classic.
superboy #80: roxy becomes a burning alien! serling! the titans show up at the end & are kind of dicks! (love when other characters show up to be antagonistic to the protagonist even tho they're not like that at all lmao)
superman the man of steel #106: that sure is a Chin on clark there lmao. john henry & lois working together is fun! lex winning the people over bc he's running for president! fun!
the dreaming #54: honestly, going into these things blind with no context has been fun. no clue what's happening or why but the vibes are fun. mr. corinth is apparently mortal and the lady with teeth eyes is having fun.
the powerpuff girls #7: also can't find it in dcui. another thank god, cause i didn't wanna read it.
the titans #21: the trial of cheshire! while donna and roy are apparently in some sort of situationship. jessie quick's mom is giving me fanon janet drake vibes. there's a lot of moms in comics who seem to have the vibe people want for janet, but like. they actually exist, unlike fanon janet. anyways people want to kidnap lian to stop cheshire from testifying. lian is adorable, i love garth swimming roy to get to her "hold your breath" & i really do need to read this series front to back at some point. deathstroke jump scare at the end.
tom strong #10: motherfucker this was written by alan moore? siiiiiigh. if i *must*. immediately:
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thanks, i hate it. there are. a lot of adjectives here. honestly the whole time i'm reading it i'm thinking of the guidance counselor from 10 things i hate about you constantly trying to find a different description for an erect penis. you know what's a good movie? 10 things i hate about you. this is not. and then the second half is a story where tom strong is in a land of furries for some reason. he finds an anthropomorphic rabbit alternative version of himself. anyways, first story: not good. second story: not good. third story about tom strong's daughter tesla also running into alternate universe versions of herself? definitely the best of the bunch but also
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not good.
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analviel · 4 months
ATLA NETFLIX, some of the thoughts I wrote down while watching:
The costumes!!!!!!
Fire. Bending.
The bending in general but FIRE bending and the way it left the victims.
Gasp! Oh, oh, oh! Help was sent to the earth kingdoms, maybe not the best fighters but still a lot of them, that's why the air nomads were wiped out and the southern water was devastated while the Earth kingdom stood the strongest. I like the way they set this up.
Monk Gyatso!!!
Kinda bummed that Katara didn't break the ice by getting angry but I'm gonna be optimistic.
Hoooooo Sokka and Zuko exceed my expectations! "His destiny". "Repeating it doesn't help".
Although, the face burn is a bit underwhelming especially with what we just saw of the previous fire victims.
Sooooo excited for all the bending!!!
Idk why maybe bcs Katara is my favourite so I'm watching her but she feels so.... Hmmm. Quiet. What happened to her lines at the beginning, for someone who's words are the first we hear in the OG.
When Sokka said "Before you kill someone", I expected at least a "Sokka!".
I do love the actress with the lines she's been given tho. With the rant to Sokka on the Air Temple. Gets that hopeful glint Katara has.
Zuko flipping out yes! He's so... Spazzy, does that make sense?
I'm not too young, I just haven't seen the world yet- Suki
Suki and Sokka are sooooooooo awkward I LOVE IT!!! Also that Mulan make-up remover. Asians are just built different I guess.
Katara standing in Zuko's way- I can't wait until Zuko offers to kill her mother's killer with her!
We got Azula!!! Oh I love those first lines delievered like that!
Did I mention I love how Zuko is visibly falling apart, barely able to keep himself together, because I do, I really do!
Okay I'm gonna say it, Katara feels like she's just being dragged around everywhere. No- no initiative.
Do not like that.
Feels like she's not getting riled up enough by Sokka maybe.
Mai is SO Mai, you can hear it so well!
They did Jet's intro good!
My Cabbages! The most passion so far!
Ooooh! Oh I do adore the secret tunnel scene in this!!!!
The Bumi actor is so good.
A friend. A friend! The direct Aang/Zuko and Gyatso/Iroh parallels.
The Zuko redemption storyline is living up to itself so far.
As for Azula, I really wished they left the breaking down era a little bit later. Like yeah, Azula wasn't right in the head from the beginning but that was shown more in how terrifyingly aloof and unstoppable she was in the earlier episode I believe but, well.
There's already a bond between Aang and Zuko but I've yet to see anything half like OG Katara and Aang!
Hmmm, actually, regarding Azula..... Ozai is, weirdly, invested in Zuko in a way we could've said OG Ozai would never say that. Which explains Azula here.
I love the avatar state glowy effects!
The sexism against Katara doubled and coated with genuine concern and real-life reasons that makes it hard to counter argue is making me lean in, in anticipation of how it will make my Katara blow up.
...... So no plan?..... I'm working on it, Uncle.
Sokka rushing towards Katara to 'convince her'.
Azula and Katara in the same episode is foreshadowing parallels.
Excited to have Katara's bending to visibly improve, like in the OG. And by that I meant how organically her water whip evolved smoother and faster in the animation. Like, you could see it.
........ Pakku vs Katara. Love the action, the effects. It could've been so good in regards to catharsis if Katara had just raged...... I'm just. Not going to.
Getting rid of their machine controls renders the fire army sitting ducks in the middle of ocean. Which makes me think of that reverse AU where the water tribe conquers the world.
If the water benders all work together, they can just have a giant tsunami turn them all over.
Master? Master Katara?...... That's so.... It's surprising rather than something you'd anticipate and cheer when we finally gain it.
Not a single waterbending training montage with Pakku. I'm still not sure if Pakku trained her or just gave her the title.
I like that I can tell that they know what they want to do with Sokka.
Not so much with Katara.
I gasped when all the Northern Tribe female waterbenders stepped forward like that.
So. There's a lot of stuff that they removed and added that I didn't like- less 'added', and more 'rushed'. Things that should've built up gradually, that could've been revealed in little bits were just immediately shown to us- my example here is Azula. When I first saw Azula, she was terrifying, her and her group were both my dream group and incited fear and awe in younger me, I didn't think she was insecure, I didn't think she was scared, she was practically the damn terminator with that epic episode of tracking the gaang slowly but steadily and driving them to exhaustion.
Is she actually insecure and batshit insane and scared? Yes. Was that what you were supposed to be able to tell with a single glance? No.
At first I thought maybe I was just biased with Katara, but I also feel like a lot of stuff they did with Azula was just.....
They did Sokka good, which was actually who I was concerned about the most. Zuko- I really love his portrayal. My moments of doubt with Aang are actually closely tied with Katara, which makes sense because hello, their friendship and bond was very important to the whole thing. Would've been a wonderful contrast to his Past bond with Gyatso and his Future bond with Katara.
I do think it's good.
Let me marinate on this.
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goomens · 8 months
@i-llbedammned commented 7 for the ask game :))
7: post a snippet of a wip
so i don't think this is even a wip bc i abandoned it <3 however i'm obsessed w the parent-child crowley-muriel dynamic, so instantly wanted a road trip type fic idk (intro snippet under the cut!!)
Crowley’s just about to cross the Anglo-Scottish border, and (hopefully) a particularly slow driver in a red Toyota Auris, when Muriel materialises in the passenger seat of the Bentley with a flustered look and a little miracle ‘pop’.
“Fucking—Jesus, fuck!” Crowley cries out, righting the steering wheel where he had harshly spun it in shock. “What are you doing!”
Muriel blinks and rights their collar. “I expected you to return to the bookshop. I waited for hours but you didn’t show—and neither did Aziraphale—and I—well, I thought—”
“Yeah?” Crowley sneers, sticking two fingers up at the driver of the red Toyota as he finally speeds past them. “You thought what?”
“That maybe you were in trouble! I wanted to help you.”
“Oh, right.” Crowley clears his throat, the ire draining out of him as quick as it had risen and casts a quick glance at the angel. Muriel has their hands clasped on their lap, knuckles white, and seems increasingly uneasy about the whole being-in-a-speeding-car-for-the-first-time thing. Crowley relaxes a bit on the accelerator. “Alright, then. Sorry for not, y’know, checking in. Before I left.”
With a sudden bright smile, Muriel shakes their head like all is immediately forgiven.
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softspiderling · 10 days
crush talk below the cut heheh
okay so… my CRUSH let’s call him eggsy he’s one of my english class and in one of my educational science classes. the educational science class is a block seminar tho, so we had the intro session at the beginning of the semester and then we just have three full days of the class. so i’ve seen him in the english class first and then the intro session of the educational science class was on zoom and his camera was on so i recognized him (also bc he’s mad hot)
anyways i’ve been talking about him with my friend cleo bc i said that he’s hot and blablabla anyways today i was saving cleo a seat next to me, our friend mary was sitting to my right. i sent a few people away bc i was saving the spot for cleo. Eggsy walks in past the free row in the front (his friend was behind him) and walks straight to the empty seat next to me, (his friend sits down in the first row). he starts pulling out the chair next to me and i was like freezing bc bro on the one hand i wanted to save the seat for cleo and on the other hand eggsy😭 i told him hey can u just maybe scoot over if my friend comes right and he said sure. class hasn’t started yet and i was working on my presentation for the educational science class (lets call it esc from now on) this weekend. and i was like “i need to talk to him” so i turned to him and said “hey aren’t u in my esc class this weekend per chance” like girl yes he is and he was like omg yes and we started talking about it blabla and we were saying like how it’s so long (friday to sunday, 10am-6pm) and he was like yeah bc i have another class on fridays from 8-10am so i’ll be at uni for 10 hours and i was like yeah i have another block seminar next weekend which is only like one and a half day and he was like “oh which one” and i said history and he was like oh okay okay. WHILE WE WEFE TALKING this man started taking his hoodie off. AND IT WADNT EVEN WARM RIGHT LIKE HE JUST DID IT FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES😭 and we were just like talking and blabla anyways class starts and the prof hands out the attendance sheet where we have to sign our names. eggsy hands me the list, and i was flipping through the pages waiting to see if he was gonna offer me his pen (i only had my ipad and computer on the desk) I NOTICE HIM WATCHING ME and he goes “do you need my pen” and i was like “yes id love your pen👀” i died dead
meanwhile i was texting my friends mad freaking out with eggsy next to me 😭😭
anyways at the end of the class it was running longer than it was supposed to,eggsy started checking the time on his phone and i side eyed him and then we both started laughing😭 when class was over we like packed up our shit, cleo and mary both left pretty quick, eggsy turns around to me and says “see you friday” OMFGGGG i died
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prongsmydeer · 9 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Shrek 1 and 2
"Once upon a time there was a lovely princess, but she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort, which could only be broken by love's first kiss." Interesting that they choose 'first' instead of 'true' here
It's always the highest room of the tallest tower. Can't be a princess and afraid of heights I guess
RIP Steve Harwell, and the iconic Shrek song, Allstar by Smashmouth
Honestly, this intro makes Shrek out to be very meticulous, as an Ogre. He's getting all fresh for the day, cleaning out his log gutters, painting an artsy little sign, making himself a little snack, burp-flamethrowing a fire to relax. Am I crazy in saying I understand why people keep romanticizing Shrek
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The animation is really holds up, considering this was 20 years ago. Shrek was onto something!
"Ogres, they're much worse. They'll make a suit from your freshly-peeled skin. They'll shave your liver. They'll squeeze the jelly from your eyes. Actually, it's quite good on toast." Can we confirm or deny whether or not Ogres are actually eating people or if this is just something Shrek is saying to be left alone. I would like to know
Even if we deny the inherent sentience of the Donkey and Pinocchio, like the witch and dwarves are fully humanoid, so this collection and "resettlement" for money essentially suggests that one of the main plot contentions of Shrek is the trafficking of people. Why did I never think about this LMAO
I love that Donkey singing "Friends" implies the existence of Bette Midler in the Shrek universe
Shrek is so soft-hearted it takes literally 10 seconds of pleading for Donkey to convince him to have a houseguest for the night
"We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles." How does Donkey make waffles without hands?
Are those HUMAN eyeballs Shrek is plopping into his martini as a little condiment??? Discuss
Extremely rude of the seven dwarves to knock Shrek's dinner off the table using Snow White's glass coffin lmao
Did they all come bc Shrek is the only one intimidating enough for the knights to leave alone (protection racket for Fairytale diaspora who are victims of democide) or because the swamp is the only fairy-tale safe land (forced displacement under occupation) or both
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The "eviction notice" makes it seem like the latter, but I am honestly intrigued by the political implications of Shrek LMAO
""I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now, and get you all off my land and back where you came from." Shrek, accidental advocate against settler colonialism
"That's enough. He's ready to talk." How long has the Gingerbread Man been being tortured omg. Also what an evil opening line
"Alright then. Who's hiding them?" This implies that it IS an active form of democide
Fhfkjhfkjhf I didn't remember that Cinderella and Snow White were also Bachelorette options. I love that they have other roles in the movies
LMAO at the Mirror trying to give the Curse Caveat about Fiona and being dismissed. You'd think that'd be part of the intro
"Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you." Every passing comment in this movie implies more and more that Shrek has eaten people in the past
"Please keep off the grass, shine your shoes, wipe your—face." Hidden memory unlocked lmao
You know, Donkey is as equally responsible for defeating the knights as Shrek is. He holds his own!
Omg @ Shrek inadvertently selling out the Swamp Squatters to the person trying to hunt them
We interrupt this liveblog to present you with a Venn diagram of Ogres and Onions (Shrek 2001)
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"I know what I smell, and it wasn't no brimstone." Donkey has some qualms about bodily functions for someone who just pissed out a fire
"Sure, it's big enough, but look at the location." [Laughing] I love the little jokes Shrek makes when he goes to a place
Genuinely endearing how Shrek cradles Donkey's face when assuring him the the lava bridge is fine
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[Pats face] "That'll do, Donkey. That'll do." Hahahahah @ Shrek tricking Donkey into completing the bridge by making it too stressful to stay on. Get u a friend who will force u to face ur fears when necessary
"So where is this fire-breathing, pain-in-the-neck anyway?" "Inside, waiting for us to rescue her." Donkey and Shrek said, about both of their future spouses
"Fear's a sensible response to an unfamiliar situation." Donkey provides some fair emotionally-intelligent commentary
"Of course you're a girl dragon, 'cause you're just reeking of feminine beauty." What a compliment!!
"You should sweep me off my feet, out yonder window an down a rope onto your valiant steed." "You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you?" "Mhmm." Fiona is so sweet with dreams of romance haha, at least Shrek recognizes that
"Well, I have to save my ass." HAHAHA they said u can use one ass word, as a treat
Donkey is actually incredibly good at communicating his needs to Lady Dragon. Also how do they go from running away from her to her and Donkey having kids hahaha
"Say there's a woman that digs you, but you don't really like her that way. How do you let her down real easy so her feelings aren't hurt, but you don't get burned to crisp and eaten?" I want to know more about the DonkeyDragon love story
"You're just jealous that you could never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad," said Fiona, with absolutely zero knowledge of who he was
"That's Throwback, the only Ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields." This Ogre constellation story does beg the question of where all the other Ogres are hanging
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"Look I'm not the one with the problem, okay. It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. People take one look at me and go, 'Ahhhh, help, run, a big stupid ugly ogre.' They judge me before they even know me." Awww, Shrek
Donkey and Shrek's friendship has genuine emotional depth lol
Why does Lord Farquaad look under his sheets while staring at Fiona like that jkhghjgg. This is a children's movie!
How did Fiona even get food while in the tower??? Did she have to keep singing nearby birds to death, or did they have some kind of carrier pigeon delivery
I do not remember Robin Hood being French jghjkhgjg
"I like an honest fight and a saucy little maid." "What he's basically saying is he likes to get... paid." The adult jokes continue
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Hahahaha Fiona and Shrek are so sweet with their fly cotton candy and amiphibian/reptile balloons
"Now, I don't mean to brag, but I make a MEAN weed rat stew." AND Shrek can cook. Entirely self-sufficient and thoughtful man
I also like that they've returned to the sunflower field of the Onion-Ogre debate
"By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm. Until you find true love's first kiss, and then take love's true form." You know, I have always found it so bizarre the Fiona ends the story as an Ogre, because she is naturally a human, and whether she's a human or Ogre is irrelevant to her and Shrek being in love. But I guess the answer is in the curse, because the form of her true love is an Ogre, so I guess after breaking the spell, she becomes whatever version of a person she fell in love with? It's like the Little Mermaid but if Eric was an Ogre
"I thought you might like [the sunflower] because you're pretty." SHREKKKKKK
"Princess and Ugly don't go together." Fiona looks fine actually, just like a normal person with wide features LOL. I bet there are a bunch of people with Ogre-Fiona features
"Who could ever love a hideous, ugly beast." "I thought that wouldn't matter to you." "Well, it does!" JUST COMMUNICATE
RIP the Donkey and Shrek friendship breakup
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"Can you forgive me?" "Hey, that's what friends are for, right?" Donkey being the number one communicator out of every character in this movie LMAO
"No one likes a kiss-ass." Ass count: 3. They can't keep getting away with this hahahhaa
"Really, it's rude enough being alive when no one wants you, but really, showing up to a wedding!" This is the inner monologue of social anxiety
I did spare a moment to think of the legalities of Fiona being married to Farquaad but with his death I suppose she becomes a window of the world's shortest marriage (no pun intended)
Also who is in charge of Duloc now? Fiona? Did Farquaad have an heir? They're really abandoning this lordship LMAO
"I don't understand. I'm supposed to be beautiful." "You are beautiful." Like Grease, the moral of the story is that it's okay to change for a man as long as the man learns to communicate his feelings and rides off into the sunset with you to a sickass soundtrack
(I'll go to bat for Danny also changing tho. I don't know if Shrek changed all that much in this first movie, but he did become more personable. He had so many wedding guests!)
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I would like to 1) Examine the continuity of the Three Blind Mice being both the carriage horses and coachman as well as in Donkey's musical number and 2) Examine the disability representation in Shrek. Started off questionably, but arguably ended well in this movie? LMAO
Onto: Shrek 2
I love how the narration for each opening also serves as a character introduction (Shrek for the first movie, Charming for the second)
"Princess... Fiona?" said Charming to Big Bad Wolf, uncertain if it was a furry-adjacent curse
Hansel's Honeymoon Hideaway is a fun little location
I wonder just how many movies and shows in the early-2000s parodied the Spiderman kiss
"I don't know, [Dragon]'s been all moody and stuff lately." Hahahah, foreshadowing the dragon pregnancy
Reggie the Announcer's Solo also implies the existence of Hawaii 5-0 in the Shrek universe
Gjkghgjkhg I'd ask what kind of parents miss their only daughter's wedding, but I suppose it's the same kind of parents who lock their daughter in a tower
"And who says I want to be a part of this family?" "Uh, you did! When you married me!" Men really do be like this sometimes
"It's gonna be champagne wishes and caviar dreams from now on." Donkey is experiencing being a friend to royalty for the first time LOL
Mr. and Mrs. Far Far Away have apparently not heard tell of the Ogre Marriage of Their Daughter
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"They're my parents." "Hello? They locked you in a tower." "That was for my own—" "Good. Now here's our chance." I looove the way this dialogue flows into each other, it's a very fun storytelling technique
"I suppose any granchildren I could expect from you would be..." "Ogres, yes." That's a lot of prejudice for someone who's a part-time frog, Harold
HAHAHAHA @ them having a cameo of Prince Charles, who is now King, to the line, "The kind of gal the Prince would date."
Shout out the Bichon puppy, who has nothing to do with any of this
"Whether your parents like it or not, I am an Ogre. And guess what, Princess? That's not about to change." "I've made changes for you, Shrek. Think about that." That's what I'm saying! Fiona gives up the species she was born to, to be with Shrek. Why does she need to be an Ogre? Does she want to, or is it just be with Shrek? Or is because of the spell? Explain to me why she didn't get any agency over who she was, physically
"Fiona does, and she'll never forgive you if you don't [give your blessing]. I don't want to lose our daughter again, Harold." Shout-out Lillian for being a very accepting parent
If the Fairy Godmother and Harold had already arranged a marriage, surely they could've just announced it instead of playing all these games. Fiona was willing to marry Lord Farquaad, she can't be that hard to please
Harold and Lillian's first kiss by the lilypond and the Lady Frog saying, "Do I know you?" are truly the foreshadowing I did not know of the first time I watched these movies
Like Fiona, Doris The Ugly Stepsister is actually a normal woman who is called Ugly for having features that are more wide or perceived as more masculine. People act like there is something crazy disproportionate or out of the norm of how they look (green skin for Fiona aside.) Justice for both of them:
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I fully forgot that Puss in Boots is introduced as Antonio Banderas's disembodied voice agreeing to assassinate Shrek
Not the portrait of Sir Justin Timberlake hahahahah
Awwww Fiona was mimicking the words of her childhood doll when she gave Shrek her hankerchief in the first movie!!
SCREAM @ the Chastity Belt World Tour. Who is that a parody of
"Dad. We both acted like Ogres. Maybe we just need some time to get to know each other." Shrek is extended an olive branch while Harold is extending an Assassin Cat
"I say we take the sword and neuter him right here. Give him the Bob Barker treatment." This is a reference I had to google, but apparently, founded an organizatoin and spent millions on neutering animals. ALSO, he died three weeks ago???? How many Shrek-adjacent deaths have there been in the past month
"Come on Shrek, don't feel bad. Almost everyone that means you wants to kill you." Hahahaha harsh but true
"It's not like I wouldn't change if I could. I just, I wish I could make her happy." Fnally, some reciprocity on the changing
"On my honour, I am obliged to accompany you until I have saved your life, as you have spared mine." "Sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken." Very self-aware of Donkey to say so
I love everything about Puss in Boots, the purrfect character:
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Love that Shrek and Fiona have each adopted their own new animal friends in each other's absence
"Be sure and use small words, dear. He's a little slow this morning." Hahahaha Lillian politely calling Harold stupid
"Why don't we just pop in there for spell?" I love Shrek's consistent habit of making jokes about whatever new place he's in
"We represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign. Are you feeling at all degraded or depressed?" "Uh... a little. We don't even have dental." I know it's a bit but I choose to believe that Shrek is pro-union
In this world of Fairy Tales, does it imply that Cinderella and Snow White's stories are non-fiction biographies?
Shout-out to the Helpers of Species Unknown and the employee of the month, Theo:
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I did wonder for a moment, as Puss in Boots stared at the Happily Ever After potion, if he was not going to be able to read
"But you love being an Ogre!" "I know. But I love Fiona more!" Awwww Shrek
"A cute button nose?" Wild how Shrek's nose as a human is not that different from Fiona's nose as an ogre but it's fine for him because he's a man. Something something gendered beauty standards
"I'll be true... enough." Hahahaha, the ladies are fun
"Someday I will repay you. Unless, of course, I can't find you, or if I forget." Hahahaha Shrek being very relatable
"What happened to your voice?" "The potion changed a lot of things, Fiona." Prince Charming claims the beauty standard includes not having a Scottish accent (he is wrong)
"She's a princess, and you're an Ogre. That's something no amount of potion is ever going to change." Except it literally did change Shrek into a human LOL and if they wanted the potion to be permanent on Fiona, the Charmings do need Shrek to kiss her
"I hate Mondays." Yet another pop culture reference
"She loves that... Pretty Boy, Prince Charming," said Shrek, as if it had not been canonically established that human Shrek is very handsome
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Shrek and Donkey and Puss all attending the nightly Unhappy Hour hahahaha
"You can't force someone to fall in love." "I beg to differ. I do it all the time!" Sinister of the Fairy Godmother to say
Not the Donkey calling out against police brutality and the Puss getting charged with possession of catnip. Feels a little targeted lmao
Shrek being willing to step aside if it's Fiona's choice to leave him but ready to intervene if he know she's being pushed into it ❤️
Joan Rivers the Cartoon is also yet another early 2000s reference.
"That's not my husband," said Fiona, in an unparalleled act of intuition
"Well folks, it looks like we're up chocolate creek without a popsicle stick." I LOVE idioms translated to new circumstances kjhgkjhg
Mongo the Giant Gingerbread wanting the big Farbucks cup. He's so cute!!
Shout-out Shrek 2 for some of the best jukebox musical integration since Ella Enchanted (which, apparently only predates this movie by like two weeks hahaha)
Also shout-out Mongo for literally laying down life and limb for the cause:
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Harold redeeming himself from trying to trick his daughter into marriage by taking a magical bullet for her
Also if the magic reflects back on Fairy Godmother to burst her into bubbles, why does it also work on Harold to turn him into a frog? Riddle me that magical logic
"I just wish I could be the man you deserve." "You're more that man today than you ever were. Warts and all." Bold of Lillian to be cool with being married to a frog
"I want what any princess wants. To live happily ever after with the Ogre I married." I once again do not understand why Fiona HAS to be an Ogre to be with Shrek, given that is not what her heritage is, and the being an Ogre was a spell just like this one, but if she wants to choose Ogre life, good for her!
Awwww Donkey is so happy to be a dad to these weird little children:
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chuuuvi · 4 months
Chuang Asia Thailand Episode 1!
It’s been too long since I got into a survival show lol. I mean my last one was Girls Planet 999 and that was 2 years ago! So anyway I’ll be taking you all with me on this journey by posting the notes I took while watching the episode plus my current top 9. Spoilers ahead!!
•First off before you ask where I’m watching: it’s on the Tencent Video app and it’s free. Ooh and if you’re also watching pls let me know so we can talk about it together!
•I’m happy to see Nene as a mentor! I loved her when I watched Chuang 2020
•This is produced by Jackson Wang? They’ve got TEN??? Okay Chuang Asia I’m interested.
•Looking at the contestant list and of course there are 14 year olds. Don’t vote for the 14 year olds you guys. My personal age minimum for voting is gonna be 17 so I won’t consider anyone younger than that. Contestants that are over 18 get my preference though. The idol industry is bad enough for adults, I’d prefer if we didn’t debut minors as well. I know ironic coming from someone who ults Yeseo lol. (She was the youngest active kpop idol when she debuted in Busters.)
•Also they're really going hard with this being international. This makes Mnet look pathetic for what they did in Girls Planet lol.
•Oh the flirting part with Jasmine was so akwarrrrrrd. 100% secondhand embarrassment.
•I felt bad for Elyn when she was crying and said “No Filming!” But they proceeded to just zoom in on her crying face :( TURN THE CAMERA AWAY FROM HER!
•The trip.com ads are so funny to me because these survival show ads where they pretend to use a product are usually for stuff like snacks or beverages or makeup. But they’ve got these girls pretending to casually book a flight lmao
•The barbie group having only one member thats older than 16 and then proceeding to perform Barbie World where they say stuff like “that pussy so cold” and “he spank me when I get bad” -_- Someone should have made them pick another song.
•OOOH the Avex group’s performance of Left Right was great. Maybe the best of the episode although Mindy was really impressive too.
•Ilene’s little fan moment with Jackson was adorable!
•They announced the first top 9 but I feel like we’re still missing some performances?? Is that an editing thing to get that ranking in the first episode and we ares still going to get more next episode or did they just skip some people? Like I don’t think we saw Ruan and I was waiting for her. I could have sworn there were some CSR members too and I haven’t seen them perform either. I guess we’ll see.
• I watched the theme song on YouTube and it’s so cute!! Weird that it’s all about summer when this is airing in winter though. Is it summer in Thailand?? I thought they were above the equator. Okay yeah they are so idk why they’re singing a song about it being summer. Also I got spoiled for Ruan center! Now I know they wouldn’t just skip her. There’s got to be more intro round performances next episode.
•Okay so my Top 9 picks will be based on who performed in this first episode only so I’m sure it’ll change a lot after ep. 2.
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1. R-Jing - She blew me away in the extra performance. Her singing was so pretty! She’s so cute too and apparently trained at SM?? I always latch onto a girl first episode and this is my girl!
2. Akina - Maybe it’s bc of her experience in her past group but she seems really comfortable on stage. I like her vibe and she’s clearly very talented. She seems really nice and down to earth.
3. Rinka - I looked back at her gp999 performances and I can see why I didn’t remember her. She seems to have improved so much though! Her voice stood out positively and she’s got some star power I didn’t see in her old performances. I’m excited to see more of this new Rinka!
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4. Lissa - I don’t know how to feel about her strange vibe but I liked her performance. Lots of energy and a nice voice. I’m very intrigued by her at this point.
5. MingMing- such a clear and pretty voice!!! Her and Pangjang together were both the vocal highlights of their team’s performance but MingMing is the only one of the two thats over my voting age limit.
6. Mamcú - Really interesting and beautiful voice. Apparently she competed on the Voice?? We’ll need to wait and see how she does with dancing but she seems really earnest about her desire to he an idol not just a singer so I’ll put my faith in her!
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7. Shye - We barely got to see her performance but I was intrigued by what we saw. I don’t know if she can dance yet but I’ll find out soon enough. And lets be real, I have a lil crush on her and thats enough to get you in the top 9 at this point in the game. I mean look at her in her leather jacket!
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8. Emma - Her dancing was great and she choreographs her own stuff too! I was really impressed by her dance skills both in her extra performance and the dance battle!
9. Tegan - gorgeous gorgeous deep voice! She’s so pretty too! I really liked her but I have no idea if she can dance. I feel like if she could she would have shown it since she got two performances so I’m hesitant.
Honorable Mentions:
Krista Shim - I’m not voting for Krista because she’s under the age I decided on being my voting limit but honestly I’d put money on her making it to the final group. You can just tell with these shows. It's in the way they edit it.
Mao Xiu Ling & Mao Xiu Ting - Of course we have a pair of twins! I’ve always loved this survival show gimmick. I love their look and their dance together was really cool! 
Kaylen - The other half of the Hawaiian Duo! Kaylen pulling Jackson Wang up to the stage with her was such a power move. I didn’t like her solo performance as much as her partner Tegan’s though
Praew- I liked her energy when she introduced herself and then her dancing was insane! I will not be voting for her because she’s 15. She's just a baby.
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anderperry fic rec
hi! if youre seeing this, i actually answered this in an ask but i think i accidentally deleted it bc i literally cant find it, so im repost it here. im keeping my intro of my ask just bc i gave some backround about the fics i listed. happy reading!!
Hi thank you for the ask!! Oh goodness my favorite dps fics…I will include in general fics that I liked, but the ones that I have placed an asterisk with are pieces that had me–for lack of a better phrase–crying, screaming, shitting on the floor from how poetic they made me feel. Which really doesn't make much sense, but when i say poetry within me i just mean this strange feeling that is difficult to describe. Also these are all anderperry because i am a basic bitch, so apologies if you were looking for any other pairs! Maybe after finals I will look into some of the other pairs and put together a list for them too :)
(in no particular order)
What We Stay Alive For **** by PiscesVanity on ao3, 18/18 chaps, 66,485 words.
Summary: “Do we get second chances in this life, Todd?” Neil asks him like he expects a negative answer. Todd doesn’t give that to him.
“Yes. we do. I know it.” 
“Do you?” Neil grins, playfully elbowing him. “Did you at least wait to take it? That second chance? Until the world was more peaceful? More kind?” 
Ten years after the death of Neil Perry, Todd Anderson wakes up with a second chance.
My notes: This incredibly crafted piece of art was the first dead poets fic I ever read. It honestly set the bar for me, for future reads. Also i didn’t have the chance to reread this one because this baby is long as FUCK and as much as I love long fics to read, I have to study for finals today so I can’t right now. I’m like 80% sure this is the fic where they confess by the lake and say something along the lines of “if you feel something even similar to what i feel…” but again i can’t be sure. Either way all I remember is that this fic is fricken good. Just for context, this is a time-traveling fic, but the type of time travel that happens in 13-going-on-30. Todd prays for a second chance on the eve of the 10 year anniversary of Neil’s death and he wakes up in his 17 year old body, on the day that he started school at Hell-ton. I think in general I just love the dead poets fandom because it combines some of my favorite tropes in any form of reading–50s/60s time period, boarding schools, and well…being gay. It is a fix-it so there is some angst, but there is a happy ending. But it will hit hard, especially since it comes close in the end so be wary. When I first started it, I was concerned about my own interest dwindling because the fic was going to cover the entirety of the movie, and since I have issues rereading or rewatching pieces of media when I know the end or the majority of it, I didn’t know if I was going to last. But the author of this stunning work (I know it sounds cheesy BUT IT IS) crafted it in a way that didn’t leave me bored. Even though several lines were pulled from the movie due to it being a time travel fic I still felt involved and captured by the story. It was comforting at the beginning to see how Charlie and Todd took care of each other after Neil’s death, and it was also intriguing to see how Todd almost started where he left off with Neil when he went back in time. He was more open than he had been prior, but eventually had settled back into his ‘old’ personality that he had before his first encounters with the poets. 
to be alone with you by wordshakers on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 3,602 words.
Summary: “Thursday evenings were, unequivocally, Neil’s favorite part of the week.
On the surface, the explanation for this was simple enough. It was his opportunity to turn his focus entirely to the topic that made him happiest: Shakespeare. He savored the time he was able to spend sitting out on the dock, overlooking the lake, reading and reciting the words he loved so much.
The other reason–perhaps the more prominent one–Neil wasn’t able to explain quite as easily. In fact, he could hardly admit it to himself. Thursday evenings…they meant being alone with Todd.
An anderperry first kiss fic, set in a near-canon universe of the film (minus the death). Fluffy mutual pining.
My notes: I can’t recall everything about this one because my mind has been scrambled the last few days, but it is fluffy, it is cute, and it has Todd and Neil practicing lines together–what more could you want? 
letters to my dearest beloved ****by UniversalSatan on ao3, 4/4 chaps, 34,162 words.
“My dearest beloved,
It is with great relief that I finally write to you. I think it doubtful for my words to ever reach your ears, but spare me this chance to lend you a piece of my thoughts–and only a piece, for I must write with caution lest I be discovered.
Neil, amidst his own internal emotional conflict, accidentally stumbles upon letters Todd had been writing in secret to an unknown recipient. Neil (an idiot) continues to intrude on Todd’s privacy by reading each new letter in secret, continuously agitating over their purpose.”
My notes: I’m not 100% sure how well this fic is known because as I stated in the post you mentioned I am extremely new to this fandom, I think I only watched the movie the Saturday before last. Let me tell you, my heart was beating all over the place during this. I cannot believe the audacity of Neil! I don’t want to spoil it because it’s literally a masterpiece, like this should be published and printed and given awards to–the letters and the imagery in them were so *shakes author like a squeaky toy* I LOVE YOUUUU RAHHHHH. Anything i have to say just will not convey how fucking amazing this fic is. Please go read it if you haven’t. And also Neil is an oblivious little man in this fic, the best type of Neil.
A Midnight Summer’s Dream: A Story of Hope (chapter 2 specifically) by cc tinselbee (thearchivistonmars)
Summary: (my words) an almost main au that will tear your fucking soul from your body. Beautiful, amazing, life altering, makes me cry in the best way. The bittersweetness of it all is POTENT. It is an Almost Maine au (I am scared to look into almost maine now from how heartbreaking this fic was. I have only read the SECOND chapter, I’m sure the first chapter is magnificent but as of now I am in the midst of finals so I will check it out when I am done.)
My notes: Someone printed out this fic, tied it to a brick, and threw it into the window of my heart, shattering my soul into pieces. How could you do this to be, author? This piece has me able to physically feel my brain putting up barriers to stop thinking about the ending that is implied. Nope, nope, nope. If you are one for incurable angst, please go ahead and enjoy. It’s a wonderful story and it evoked emotions in me that I couldn’t even stand. The author is very talented for this and I’m manifesting that alternative/possible happy ending they mentioned in their notes/comments. I haven’t read the first chapter, so this is specifically about the second one because up until a few moments ago I didn’t realize that there was a first chapter–I clicked on the link to the fic from the author’s tumblr and was sleep deprived and thought it was the beginning of the fic 🙂
Gentle Lover, Remedy ****by violet_sunset on ao3. 1/1 chap, 13,135 words.
Summary: “Todd’s first semester at Welton marks the moment he stops going to church. There are regular Masses offered in the chapel, but whenever Todd thinks about going he’s overwhelmed by nausea and has to hover in the bathrooms until he is sure he won’t vomit. When he was a kid and he thought God was just a pair of arms open in embrace, he would have jumped at the chance to attend, to sing from the hymnal and listen to homily and absorb the sacrament of blood and body. Now, God seems like a distant thing.”
My notes: HOLY FUCK, RELIGIOUS GUILT MY BELOVED. That’s one of my favorite tags to see in a work, and it isn’t often that I have seen it in some of the pairings that I like. Of course, with religious guilt comes internalized homophobia and period typical attitudes–the fic actually made use of words used in that time period that were used to refer to queer folk, so if any of those trigger you please be wary as well. I love, love, LOVE the usage of religious metaphors and words that are littered all around in this piece as well as the descriptions that show Todd’s pathway of his beliefs. As we know Todd has a deeply ingrained inferiority complex and WOW does it shine in this fic. It made me cry feeling the second-hand guilt that Todd feels. Also, the author tackled the controversy of appropriation in the film–meaning Charlie’s preference of the name Nuwanda–and expanded on his ethnic background which was really nice to read. They also touched upon Charlie’s relation to gender and (semi-canonical?) non-binaryness (it's a word because I say so) in a beautiful and delicate way that is very rare in most works that I have seen. In general there are very few fics that I have read that have included Charlie as being anything other than cisgender, so it was wonderful to see it included in this work. As well as this, Todd having a panic attack/sensory overload when a certain ginger starts being homophobic was incredibly well written and it felt like it captured those feelings that you have during an overwhelmingly stressful moment, though that is an understatement. Todd’s inability to realize just what the fuck is going on and being sort of spacey during it all–been there and done that baby. This author is so fucking talented, and this is probably my favorite dps fic of all time. I dont have the words to effectively describe how amazing it is, so if you are able to, I highly suggest reading it to experience it for yourself :)
It’s Rotten Work by cc tinslebee (the archivistonmars) on ao3, 1/1 chap, 2,774 words.
 “I was hoping…” Neil peered back up at him with those fervent eyes before he broke his inconspicuous character and cracked a smile, “my favorite scene partner would help me test it out?”
In the midst of Todd’s continual crisis of what exactly Neil’s ‘no’ means, Neil asks him to read from a scene from Orestes. You know, for practice.
My notes: Short and utterly sweet. I love reading pieces that just show how much characters love each other whether it’s platonic, romantic, or somewhere in between. I’ve always been one for a slowburn, and it wasn’t until I realized that I was aromantic that the reason I love that trope is because in between the first ‘hello’ and the inevitable kiss, that love that I read about was similar to how I felt. Just a simple fondness that the characters had for each other that made them feel alive and safe etc. I could go on forever about that, but what I mean to say is that this fic captured that feeling of affection in a fleeting moment between Neil and Todd, and I think it’s lovely.
The Pepper Ghost Effect by Anonymous on ao3, 6/6 chaps, 19,472 words.
“1964. Todd Anderson, now a successful playwright, whisks away an old flame from a horrifying mental asylum. That old flame, Neil Perry, becomes Todd’s new muse.”
Notes: Beware of the tags. It is a very angst ridden fic that addressed Neil’s mental health and the possibilities of what could have happened if he survived his first attempt on his life. Key word, first attempt. There is period-typical homophobia, past abusive partners, and ableism and abuse stemming from the sanitarium that [spoiler] is placed in for some time. There is a happy ending, so it’s not just angst and I feel that this fic is severely underrated. There are like only 24 kudos on it right now and 4 comments which?? What?? It’s an absolute masterpiece, and effectively captures the feeling and emotion of hopelessness and depression of a situation. Neil’s emotional response and numbness to everything around him resonated with me and I felt like it described my own brush with darkness from the lower points in my life. Read at your own risk and don’t push yourself if any of the tags may be triggering, but if you are able to this is a wonderful read that will elicit all sorts of feelings in your heart.
In the Subjunctive by ghostlin on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 5682 words.
“The night the play opens, Neil turns left.”
My notes: This is a sort of fix-it fic with Neil coming back to the dorms after his fight with his father. It leaves off sort of ambiguous–and I do adore a good ambiguous ending–leaving the reader to imagine a happy ending. I consider it a happy ending because Neil is alive, but he is less than well mentally as of what he has endured. It also centered some on Charlie and Neil in the aftermath of it all which I enjoyed because I feel that sometimes fics forget that they are all friends. Todd wasn’t the only one mourning Neil–they all were. Also I liked the way the author captured the surprise of Charlie’s acceptance of Neil’s sexuality amongst the blunt hatred of the time. Often I feel like some fics don’t try to keep the edge of fear or vulnerability that that time period called for–which is totally fine! You do you, boo. I just have a preference for it because I feel that it almost adds to an ambiguous read of a situation. I also liked how the author wrote about Todd’s perception of Charlie and how he perceives him–whether or not Todd is supposed to be unreliable (I think it’s made somewhat clear that Charlie likes Todd–he wouldn't be encouraging Neil to spill his feelings if he didn’t) in his narration.
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
general thoughts and shit are going here in a list! see ya’ll on the other side!
got a late start bc i was w a friend i hadn’t seen in a long time.
oh shit okay jakarta this is where it pretty much started yea?
yuuuup there’s military men
this is so fucking horrifying bro
the slow buildup is so fucking good
i’m excited to see what neil does w this episode bc we know the dude can direct the shit out of a game haha
oh my god wait so the u.s. government probably got the idea to bomb after they did in jakarta?? CRAZY.
i feel so sorry for this woman. she’s absolutely horrified. these poor people in general dude. jesus christ.
the cold opens so far have REALLY set the tone well for the episodes and series as a whole
if anyone skips this intro, i simply do not trust them
this is fucking gorgeous
joel and tess sitting there like parents the next morning after you miss curfew💀💀
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here?” “just you.” “oh, funny.” THEMMMMMMM AAAHHHHH
his hand :(
anna torv is so pretty
LMAO the difference in what they’re eating
“you must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you.” AND THE WAY HE DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING BLINK
bella is literally ellie you bitches that doubted them better EAT GRASS
“whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine”
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“fuck you man i didn’t ask for this” !!!!!!!!!!!!
bella is ellie bro
joel is so over this shit lmao
“jesus fine i’ll just have to throw a fuckin sandwich at them.” I LOVE HERRRR
omg joel moving the heavy ass furniture HAHAHAHA
pedro looks so goddamn fucking good my god
omg i remember seeing bts of this SOOOO long ago this is crazy
she lied about riley to tess :(
“mom, dad, boyfriend?” “i’m an orphan and uhh nooooo” so subtle and so good.
THE MUSIC FROM THE GAME AHH it’s changed slightly but it’s the same basically
sorry haha
“i don’t know how to swim.” “seriously?” “you think we have pools in the QZ?” “no, smartass. i mean-“ *jumps in to show her that it’s shallow* “i don’t know how i was supposed to know that” LMAOOO I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH ALREADY
also it’s not the last of us without wading in some gross water
“you’re a weird kid” “you’re a weird kid”
proceeds to get fucking jumpscared by a skeleton and joel jumps to see what’s up
him reaching to help her up and them both letting go as soon as possible but joel lingers there and looks at his hand🥲
probably bc of the whole infection thing but also 🥺
guys if you have to take the elevator shaft DON’T.
omg now they’re left alone together HAHA
“where’d you learn to do that?” “the circus” AND HE JUST LOOKS SO EXASPERATED HAHA
i love that ellie is so inquisitive about who joel is in both the game and series now. i would be doing the same if i was traveling with this man i met less than 24 hours ago, but it just hits so much harder knowing what joel’s been through yknow?
him stopping her immediately from asking personal questions bc he doesn’t wanna get attached and doesn’t want her to get attached either bc that would be harder for him AHHHHHHHHHHHH
“how long do infected live?” “oh i thought you went to school” IN SUCH A SASSY WAY I LOVE HIM
he looks so fucking good.
“what about that guy last night?” THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER KSHAKSHSKV
saved by the bell joel haha
i like that this is how they’re introducing the tendrils more. tess is telling both ellie and the audience how they work
these practical sets are INSANE
i fucking love how they’re so smart with each other already
the way they’re trying to get her to shut up lmao
this is bad. they are making so much noise without making any noise and i’m STRESSED
that’s so many bodies holy fuck
“twisted ankle, but yea.” AND ELLIE GETTING BIT AGAIN AND SAYING “i mean if it was gonna happen to one of us.” AND TESS’S FACE OH MY GOD PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE
this is another way i KNOW neil directed this
the way joel is immediately tending to tess :(
and how she’s snappy w him bc he’s being pessimistic, as per usual, and she’s dealing with A LOT rn
he looks kinda hurt dude AHHH
i’m crying.
“is it everything you hoped for?” “jury’s still out. but man you can’t deny that view.”
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and the frame stays on the ladder with the capitol in the background like the game 🥺
omg the way tess is so far ahead of joel and ellie AHHHHHHH
him checking on her arm to see what’s up AHHH
oh fuck. it’s the capitol building.
the way his paternal instincts have already kicked in i can’t. the way he moved ellie from the bodies UGH.
tess’s desperation is so palpable from the moment she stormed inside. anna torv is fucking fierce and i love her.
“that’s not my fucking home!” uh oh.
me during this whole fucking scene:
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oh my god.
the way he DRAGS her out of there.
oh my god. the way she’s left standing there but she takes those last few breaths to recenter herself. FUCK man.
this is almost worse oh my god.
the way she’s frozen in fear oh my god
the tendrils will never NOT be disgusting.
jesus christ.
i fucking LOVE that final shot of ellie. i will also discuss further.
i gotta wait a week for bill and frank??? DAMNIT.
the part where joel is talking to bill looks like a flashback! he’s got a lot less gray goin on. i’m excited to see more of their relationship!
barrie gower popped the FUCK off holy shit
FUUUCK man tess was literally about to start her redemption and she finally found hope :(
“neil understands how to create fear” YEA HE FUCKIN DOES GODDAMN
okay! holy fuck! i’m emotional! AHH!
i’m gonna go think about this shit and make seperate posts for my thoughts later bc it’s almost 3am haha
fucking amazing job to the cast and crew again. holy fucking shit.
i’m obsessed.
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bloodydrew · 11 months
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said Neil Gaiman waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with Neil Gaiman speaking one word after this episode not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip the intro and the credits when he’s mentioned
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he writes books but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some shithead whos a fan of sad gays and wanted to make his version ill go ham
BETTER have had a book make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned in the credits bc he wrote it and I lost it
where the fuck is Neil Gaiman if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch Gaiman and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when Neil wrote the second season script so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but be happy about the second season of Good Omens
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holy crap.  the universe does not want me to make this post I SWEAR.
I was having difficulties answering one of the segments of the format you were asking for, so I shelfed it for a bit to think on it.  I never came to a conclusion HASODH-
I scrolled thru asks and saw this.  Holy moly you have been waiting for so long, if you are still here I would just like to say that I am so sorry for that like.  I really meant to get to this sooner--
Well, if the wait has been this long, I had better make my response worth it right.  So I’d better get the text format.
wait where is it.
I scrolled through old posts and old asks for like 20 minutes to find the format.
I did not find the format
I typed up a long intro explaining this whole situation, and got started writing the ask
I also thought I lost THIS draft for a second and nearly screamed.  luckily I did not I was just on the wrong blog
this is try number.  across all of the times I’ve touched it I don’t actually know.  Time two today tho.
Anyway AHSOD I am so sorry for the long wait AND that I will not be using the original format because it has Disappeared.  If I do eventually find it, I’ll probably revisit this with anything I missed, but for now I will just be doing my best with what I remember and adding some other nonsense Just Because.  I hope this is good asdioh-
Headcanons about Canon and not AUs for once in my life
You know how in TDR, they have that really zoomed out shot at the end of the chase before Karr careens off a cliff where they do a bit of an Oopsie.  That oopsie being “there is a very clear way out of this situation.  that way is turning left instead of right.”
And you know how in KvK, Karr’s self preservation programming is basically thrown out the window?  So that they could throw model cars at each other or sumn I’m not being sarcastic there’s actually a few split seconds where you can see them throwing model cars at each other it’s so freaking funny I highly recommend going back and looking for it if you didn’t see it, it’s like behind the explosion I think, idk the exact timing bc it’s been a while but Yeah
Well.  The IRL explanation for these things is almost definitely “because it looks cool”, and I’m definitely making way more of it than there is, but behold.  I have basically informed my opinion on Karr’s personality (behind the whole scared for his life thing) from these things.  Because, as a hyper-intelligent AI, he really shouldn’t be able to make these sort of “dumb” mistakes, right?
The best I’ve got, then, is that he’s a LOT more influenced by emotions than Kitt is.  I don’t know whether I’d go as far as to say that he experiences them MORE, because Kitt clearly does have them... I think he’s just more cautious by nature, so he doesn’t really let himself act on them much.  Karr, though?  He’s impulsive, and easily swayed off course by panic, anger, sadness, etc.  That’s why, despite being just as smart as Kitt is, he often makes far less rational decisions.
He drove off a cliff because he was so scared that he just acted on impulse without doing any of the AI rationalizing stuff we’re used to seeing from Kitt.  If he’d have cleared his mind enough to scan ahead and process the routes as he drove, he would have made a different decision.  That’s Kitt’s biggest advantage in their fights, and it would be his greatest contribution if the two were ever to team up; both of them can smash things, but only one of them can work properly under pressure.
Even down to his programming--code can be changed, so it’s not the law that we often think of it as.  It’s just a very, VERY strong suggestion.  Kitt has never tried to change it; he’s never even CONSIDERED it.  Karr, though?  He reached his breaking point.  The thought of continuing to live his life on the run, unable to trust anyone or stay anywhere, was enough to drive him crazy.  He COULDN’T bring himself to continue with FLAG--and specifically Michael and Kitt--constantly on his tail.  So, he snapped and overrode his very foundation.  He’d either get rid of them or die trying.
That’s probably the core of why Devon was so scared of him, without providing much of a concrete reason.  Because Karr’s unpredictable, far closer to human than they’d ever expected him to be.  Even when he was on their side, they didn’t think they could trust him not to change his mind, or make a snap decision that endangered everyone involved.  I think he could have gotten control of it over time, but it definitely makes more sense that they wouldn’t want to work with him in this state.  Their response to it is still immoral imo, but if they didn’t fully realize his sentience and just saw it as a programming fluke, then I could see where it seemed necessary.  Especially if an accident like that had already happened... Not gonna elaborate on that here; I’ve made a post about it, and tbh I probably shouldn’t have because it wasn’t my idea in the slightest.  It’s just such a good headcanon that I basically adopted it immediately AHSIDO (Yes I did credit the fren in the original post, but it still just wasn’t the ideal way to go about it tbh, that’s why I’m not linking either.  If you really wanna scroll for it, it is still there so go for it ig best of luck to ye IASHDOHSA, but otherwise it’s really not mine to tell)
Headcanons that are so extremely Not Canon / for AUs
While the Karr that is in canon hasn’t had much time to be in the world, and thus is far less worldly than Kitt is, I would think that it would come much more naturally to him than his brother if given the chance.  I mean heck, he developed a whole salesman personality underwater sooo /lh  That probably means that he also does that copying thing really well, too.  Like, how Kitt picked up on the Trucker jargon that one time and got excited and parroted it for a bit... it happens pretty often, but that’s the clearest example I’ve got right now oops.  Anyway, I think Karr does that, too, but incorporates it in a somewhat more stealthy way.  Because if he messed up people will be Trying to Murder Him Again.
All I’m saying is.  One of them might have a chance of understanding meme culture and that one sure as heck isn’t Kitt.
Like, I actually think that Karr and Michael would have... shockingly similar personalities if Karr actually got to understand the world and himself better?  If they’d stop hating each other for a second, I think they’d get along really well.  Both loyalty driven, both impulsive due to emotionality, both sometimes make dumb decision because they just care too much... bothwouldprobablydieforKitteventhoughhedhateit oops what’s that my brothers bias showing????
Anyway, how this applies in Human!AU is that Karr can blend into human life really well.  Like, he’s just as curious and unsure as Kitt is, but he quickly picks up on the basic behaviors that people around him are routinely using and integrates them so as not to stick out.  And then, as time goes on, he just would kind of figure out what it all means himself, to the point where he’s reverse engineered how to be human with quite good accuracy.  Whereas Kitt is always very curious and is quite open about it, because why wouldn’t he be y’know he’s not used to hiding, so he’d probably stand out a lot more at first if he didn’t have Michael there to do most of the talking and explain things for him.  Idk if that makes any sense but yeah.  I just love the thought of Karr actually being the knowledgeable older sibling because he’s had much more time to adjust to his new form, and like he actually has a whole life of his own going on that he’s basically just disappeared into until Michael and Kitt show up.  Kitt asks him stuff, and he almost always has an answer.  On occasion, those answers are confidently incorrect.  But he’s trying OAHSDOIHSA
Also Karr and Michael bickering about basically everything, things that don’t matter in the slightest, while Kitt’s just standing there making sure it doesn’t go too far.  The second it starts going south “Why does it matter anyway?” and everyone’s just dead silent.  It didn’t matter they just had a bad case of the Himbos.
Like, it’s pretty easy to forget that Karr’s an AI after you’ve been talking to him for a while.  But then you ask him something when he’s not worked up about anything, and he provides this Giggachad Massive Brain response and it’s like “oh YEAH”
Love Language
Actually tho, I genuinely think love language is so important to his character specifically.  You can take it as romantic if you want, that’s not how I personally mean it in this case tho.  I mean how he addresses the people that he cares about, no matter what the nature of it is.
See, a lot of the (in my mind) misunderstandings about his character stem from how he acted whenever he got a new pilot.  Like, with Tony and Rev, it could be easy to think that he was being walked all over by them and that he was entirely aimless.  It would also be easy to think that, no, he did have a motivation, because he wanted to steal things + kidnap people.  Same with John to a lesser extent, because John never told him to do the bad things, just also didn’t really try to get him to do good things either.  So surely Karr chose to do bad because he really, really just wanted to?
But I think that, while it doesn’t excuse his bad decisions (ESPECIALLY not the ones that put people’s lives in danger), a lot of it can be explained by love language.  Karr, simply put, has the Acts of Service love language.
The reason Karr let Tony and Rev direct him however they wished is because, after they inadvertently rescued him from deactivation, he felt indebted and was genuinely grateful.  He showed it by DOING whatever they asked of him.  And all he hoped was that they would get him help in exchange, which they did in about the most awful way possible but yeah.
And then John came along, and Karr is DESPERATELY trying to do the same thing... John never asks for his help with, anything really, but Karr is proactively trying to get him to ask for something.  Doesn’t matter what, he’ll do it.  It becomes increasingly frustrating when his acts of service aren’t seen as good enough, when he technically had what he needed but was still sorely lacking a friend.  And then he started going to truly awful extremes to show through ACTION that he was a loyal friend, that whether John thought he needed a companion or not, he’d be there, he PROMISED.
He also, to a somewhat lesser extent, takes action against those who have wronged him, as if to say “I’m done caring, and I’ll SHOW you how”, y’know?  A lot of it was out of self defense, but still important to mention ig.
You could say that this is due to the nature of them being AIs right, like built to provide a service from the beginning so I’m SURE they do feel that way yea.  However, I honestly feel like Kitt would express care through basically anything other than that.  Like, acts of service are the bare minimum, he’d do THAT for anybody because he was made for it.  If he goes out of his way to spend time with you, though--or in an human!AU, if he leans into a hug--then he really does care.  So, I really am not just defaulting to this.  I think Karr specifically thinks of it as more than his obligation, it’s his great joy to show how much he cares.
I think there were more things, but also this post is so long already what IOASHDOSAD- I’m also .  kinda sleepy so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense oo f- And I hope that it’s worth the wait aa ahhh
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Seeing Def Leppard in concert for the first time
This was at Hersheypark Stadium, July 12th 2022 :D
Normally I post these "concert diaries" on my main blog but we're gonna fire bulletpoints at you for this on this blog bc DUH it belongs on here, and I'm gonna talk about the ENTIRE show, not just Leppard. It was very not perfect which is what made it perfect
I got a VIP lanyard, a HUGE tote bag, and a poster with my VIP package
behind the VIP check in tent was the Leppard museum tent (but only VIP people were allowed in there)
despite this I did see the flaps from the tent blow back a lil and was able to see inside. I saw the framed pic of Joe with the guitar and his bear feet slippers, along with one of his jackets from the Hysteria/Adrenalize tour
while waiting in line for VIP check in, I SWEAR I saw Viv walk by behind the fence (meet and greet was in the tent, so it seemed to track) my heart stopped bc WAS THAT HIM?? I'm like 75% sure it was him
I FINALLY TRIED THE DEF LEPPARD BEER!!!!!! They had it at the venue and it was DISGUSTING :D It tasted like ASS I'm not a beer person to begin with so idk what I expected but it was VILE and I dumped half of it just to keep the can that I paid $16 for like seriously guys my body was shuddering bc it rejected the taste so hard
I was catty cornered from the left corner of the catwalk
before the show(s) started, at one point to the left of the stage there was a VERY loud engine noise that deadass sounded like an airplane or helicopter was about to take off right next to it, and then suddenly a LOT of smoke just started spewing out from that area, like I couldn't see 20 feet in front of me as this sound got louder and we STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS BUT IT SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME
Classless Act (opening act) played maybe 2-3 songs and were only on for ten (10) minutes MAXIMUM bc it started pOURING :DD I feel so bad for them bc they got did dirty by mother nature but I was jumping and screaming for them and I have a pic of the singer pointing right at my camera
me and Rachel got absolutely fucking soaked to the bone it was hysterical (pun not intended)
the venue made EVERYONE shelter under the stands for like 20 minutes while it briefly thunderstormed
it was HELL trying to get back onto the field and not even half of everyone was out yet and they made Joan Jett go on
I didn't know it was possible to shred on harmonica until I saw Bret Michaels
Bret is from the area so it was a homecoming show for him and most of Poison
Bret called the show "one of the best nights of his life" ;O;
Bret: *says CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIAAAA for the 43rd time in their set* the crowd:
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Rikki Rocket blowing me a kiss at the end of their set
C.C. DeVille playing Eruption during his solo ;O;
the energy in the crowd fucking PLUMMETED when Crue came on LMAO like Poison HAD us and we were just :| when Crue came on
they were SO extra. Like CRINGE extra. As in before they came on they had a "national alert system" type intro video warning them that they were coming and red smoke literally filled the whole stadium and everyone halfway down the field couldn't see anything lol
Nikki was literally spitting on the crowd and I wished he would spit on me
he was also throwing open water bottles into the crowd
unrelated but Nikki's wife took their 3 year old daughter to Chocolate World and she's just had a blast it was precious
Rachel caught a pick from Nikki!!!
Vince was... yeah. He was mumbling half the time and you couldn't hear him half the time and he was out of time with the music a LOT it was uh... :/ I'll let you decide
they basically had strippers as backup singers and dancers plus the giant inflatable women... the objectification of women was extremely prominent, even in the poster for the venue
they also had a ton of sharp metal structures everywhere and for some reason Nikki and Mick's mic stands were... upside down and handing from the ceiling of the stage? at one point Nikki's was swinging back and forth SO BAD I thought he was gonna get bonked
Tommy called the crowd "Hershey squirts" and said he was upset that he hadn't seen one pair of tits yet, then proceeded to get flashed by a woman in the crowd, so he told the camera guy to put the camera on her, and this woman's tits were on the jumbotrons :| yeah. can't make this shit up. the misogyny was real.
anyway that's all I'm gonna say about Crue THANK GOD THAT'S OVER
the sunset was SO pretty before Leppard came out I hope it makes it into the Slog for this show (WHICH I CANNOT WAIT FOR BTW I'M GONNA STUDY THAT SHIT BC I WAS A PART OF THEIR LIVES LAST NIGHT)
the countdown before Leppard came on made everything finally feel real
the last song that played over the speakers before they came on was Joe's cover of Heroes ;-;
before the countdown ended I spotted Sav offstage :D
before the screen lifted I spotted Joe behind them and I frantically slapped Rachel and went "tHERE HE IS"
guys. guys. I could go on for ages about how absolutely ethereal it is to see them in person. I could. I should.
Joseph. Joseph. Holy s h i t is he the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Seeing his hair blowing back and his dimple and ugh. I was mesmerized by him the entire time I had to remember to look at the others
Sav's hair was on fleek obvi and his face is just absolutely SO pretty you guys uwu it's one of the 7 wonders of the world
Viv is precious as hell at one point he was "arguing" with this guy in crowd about giving him a pick and like crossed his arms and shit bein' sassy
I couldn't see Phil or Rick very well bc Phil was always on the opposite side of the stage so I could only see him when he was on the catwalk, and Rick was swallowed by his drum kit LOL
They opened with Take What You Want it was INCREDIBLE
Joe looking at the crowd and going "this place is fuckin huge-"
Viv playing the Armageddon It solo and kinda "kissing" the heavens (which, if you ask me, was a nod to Steve)
VIV WAVED AT ME :DD I forget what song it was but he was on my side of the catwalk and there was a little opening between the people so I leaned forward and frantically just *flutters hand up and down* and he smiled right at me and waved back with a nod I'm on life support as we speak
I THINK Sav looked at me, we made eye contact for a split second and he just kinda gave me the eyes ya know 👁👄👁 he just kinda made his eyebrows go up and gave me crazy eyes for a split second
Joe introducing Kick by going "K-I-C-K KICK *kicks*"
if you watch videos of the acoustic set and you hear someone yell JOOOOOE when Joe first comes out, prob was me
Their set was cut kinda short I'm assuming bc of the rain delay earlier so they only played 2 songs in the acoustic set (This Guitar and Two Steps Behind)
Joe playing the end of Two Steps Behind by himself was absolutely an ethereal experience and I had THE perfect shot I could've taken but I was just so mesmerized by the view and the experience I just couldn't bear to look away for even a second. I might try and draw this view eventually.
Rocket was honestly one of the best parts of the show
BOTHB/Switch 625 was a religious experience
Joe still does the stupid lil dramatic walk to the microphone like he did the music video for BOTHB what a dork uwu
by the way I know we all refer to Joe as "all legs" on here but oh my god. Guys. I can't stress enough how BEYOND true that statement is irl. Words can't describe how all legs this man truly is. I kept staring bc I was just like holy SHIT??? Like gODDAMN his legs are the only feature of his that HAS NOT CHANGED IN 45 YEARS
I wasn't expecting them to roll into Hysteria after Switch and then they suddenly did and I was blown away
Joe came out in a different jacket for Hysteria and it was kinda glittery
I almost burst into tears multiple times bc Joe is that beautiful and everything was that beautiful don't @ me
Also Joe's booty DO BE POPPIN THO you gotta believe me when I say I wasn't TRYING to look but it caught my eyes bc 👌 boi
Joe did this new ending to Hysteria that I can't really describe you'd just have to watch it yourself (this isn't from my show bc no one uploaded it yet, start watching at like 1:30 it's even more beautiful than the Heroes ending)
Joe constantly doing the finger wagging like the dorkus maximus he is
towards this part of the show (I think) Joe was constantly holding his ear piece as if he was trying to listen to someone (probably telling them they need to cut the set short or not do the encore walk off :(
obviously in Sugar he did the "from my head to my- 👁👄👁"
crowd losing it whenever Rick was introduced
they didn't have an "encore" so to say bc they just went right into Rock of Ages and Photograph without pretending to leave the stage (the venue has a sound curfew we think so they had to finish up, especially with the rain delay from hours before)
When Rick came onto the catwalk for bows, he noticed me and gave me a peace sign ;O; (perhaps he recognized me? Lol as if)
me watching Joe til he was 100% out of sight ;-; until next time, hubby <3
I will ABSOLUTELY post all my pictures and videos later (I haven't gone through them yet bc I wanted to type this out first)
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
I have too many feelings.
Worth the wait we had, and worth the wait ahead.
I felt (and STILL feel) so much anxiety about Busted 😭 In a good way though I promise lol
Also, the way that intro section is written???
Fucking ART. Obviously everything you write is really good, but the way you set the scene/tone/mood/literally everything with it and kept that motif MOVING and changing and GROWING through the whole chapter just settled something deeply inside my reader-and-writer-brain. It was so insanely satisfying on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your crafts with us 💜💜
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oh my god?? this is so thoughtful of you to say thank you endlessly for telling me😭
the opening scene has a backstory, actually. i was struggling with busted for months, and one of the reasons why was the previous opening scene, which was a literal continuation of where forfeit left off. it was too frustrating and didn’t feel right so i kept avoiding it.
finally, i thought about putting in smth fresh to split the scene up and introduce something different. i just let whatever was on my mind flow out one day, and the result was something i liked so i just kept it.
i’m glad i did that too because it helped fill in a lot of the rest of the chapter bc of the theme set. it was one of the breakthroughs i talked about! so happy you pointed it out bc this saved my ass lol
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