#i like how it looks as a sketch so i dont think ill be continuing to work on it
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I made a "Dora Having Sensory Issues" sketch page a while back but didn't like how it turned out; this is one of them that I refined because I wanted to turn it into a comic but lost the motivation for it; autism + sunlight sensitivity is one hell of a combination lol
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cogmented · 9 months
how do you come up with your designs for mcyt’s? theyre so creative and cool so i thought id ask
now entering yap city tihs will be a long post
my steps are basically
og look of minecraft skin/branding
player movement
other ppls fanart (if any)
things that happened/cultural associations
i start with a bunch of random sketches to get the feel of the person.. that's why so many of my early posts were doodle pages. to me, character design is more based on what the person is like rather than what they look like. i think a lot of people do that
I do this with all of the above and shape language, but in bigger art pieces outside of lineups i also use color and perspective (as in youll see more of someone like spepticle in large, sweeping scenes while someone like zam in closed, heavily perspective-based ones) to indicate personality. ill change designs when suited for this too (spoke with or without a gas mask, vi with or without a mouth, etc etc)
my first iteration of lifesteal designs heavily relied on the look of the skins and were gradually tweaked over time. my most prominent example of this is my spoke design, so i'll use him at least once in the examples for continuous comparison.
i watch a couple of each person's videos first, understand their voice, personality, and what they do, then focus on them in other people's videos too to get a full story, their movement, and what others think of them (helps with personality and things we might not see). streams are the most helpful because they're less biased and you see so much more of their antics. huge stream fan.
i get into the how after this
this process doesnt go in order for some designs and others have a more prominent focus on particular parts of the process that override or effect other parts
starting off with not spoke here's a problem i encountered when designing wemmbu
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I based him a lot off of spoke and ashswag due to not knowing much about him besides the fact that he schemes (spoke&ash-esque) and he doesn't move his character around too much when talking (ash behavior). he didn't match the left one because his voice doesn't have the dramatic, flamboyant fratboy flair that spoke has, so I shifted it to be more friendly yet still dangerous with curved square shapes rather than triangles. i made his scheming, diabolical nature more evident through his clothing that's pretty jester-like and sharp, but with a smoother middle that spoke doesn't have (and to match his eyes).
voice also impacts character height. i dont know how to describe this. mapicc and zam are similar heights because their voices are similar, same goes for parrot and vortex, but leo and vitalasy are close to the same height (due to vitalasy's huge fuckass ears) despite having wildly different voices, with leo's bold text voice and vitalasy's higher-pitched jumbled kinda speech they still take up the same "amount of space" in conversation. they stand out. and even though spoke's voice also stands out an incredible amount he is still only slightly taller than average. this is where personality overrides voice in my designs.
spoke is sharp in every sense of the word, but is also able to mold himself around to get what he needs.
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my first attempt at him was pretty lackluster. i didn't know much of him at the time, only his wither video, and thus understood him mainly through his association with parrot. he seemed a lot more evil and more serious at first glance. like woah! fully fledged mouth and nose?! not anymore.
i cover certain expressive parts to also depict more of their personality in some abstract, holistic way. after watching streams and whatnot, spoke doesnt actually speak (excluding his random sounds and yips or whatever he does) too terribly much, except when the spotlight is on him or he's trying to get something. so, i tweaked his design to encompass that when i understood him better.
i take away his arms to allow his hands to stand out more (character movement thing, he moves around a lot when no one is paying attention to him, punches the air when ..not talking but making a point ig. he's a big fan of hovering menacingly), i give him a slinky-like outside skeletal structure to both capture his affinity for withers (i made him a wither thing because of the wither sounds in his video.. and the withers in general) and to give him the feeling of more freedom with his movement.
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i also just really like gas masks so. basically, spoke is someone that hides away until he chooses to stand out. thank lord heaven he looks like some shadow creature.
later on i gave him more magenta highlights, especially in the wormhole era because 1. magenta wasnt heavily included in his rainbow look, making it stand out on his whole being, and 2. because magenta is really really cool and people should use it more.
og minecraft skin/branding
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hi spokeis here. this will be quick because his branding is so heavy. lightning, rainbow, black. boom. character. withers and white eyes? easy. causes a lot of anarchy? again, lightning and withers.
planetlord on the other hand is someone i greatly differed from the og skin and branding. i saw the design in a vision idk. i shift his colors all the time in different pieces but i use more of his pfp colors now because there's too many purples in this world. his branding, personality, and voice all connect very well. a bit misleading, he's a bit of a weasel.
i never used to look into movement, but pvp styles and conversational movement of lifesteal is intriguing. unfortunately it was only something i started paying attention to during the end of s4 because vitalasy's movement was so interesting. he's a big fan of getting in people's faces.
ill be real, i didn't really notice spoke a lot during things because he was almost always never alone, and when he was it is always at a distance or you knew he had people to back him up.
spoke's movement isn't actually too abnormal. he's goal oriented and tends to always be doing something, and when he does he finds the most efficient way possible. pretty basic. his design choices are based mainly on voice and personality.
someone like mapicc on the other hand has very particular movement. he spins around people when fighting and gets right up in their face (in nethpot pvp mostly), so i made his clothing tighter to the skin with looser parts to accentuate that movement: practical clothing for close combat battles. it was also noticed (by the lord) that he tends to look straight forward instead of the slightly down that most players do.
zam fights differently, but i made him with the og branding (he's princezam) and what he does in mind. his body language in my art is more indicative of his personality.
Other people's fanart
shoutout the community, a notable amount of ideas were from the mid-late 2022 lifesteal community.
dog leowook and leather jacket mapicc were from gen, jackalope rek from aoi i think, "croptop" jacket spoke from saints-blade, snail terrain from navy-leader, tv ashswag from kish, sock puppet red definitely from someone i dont remember, 4 armed squiddo from seri, and old cartoon jaron was from bucket
Things that happened/istarted talking about cultural inspirations
spoke and his connection to godhood influenced his redesign greatly. this section affects what the character wears most of the time.
i give both spoke and vitalasy painted palms (alta) due to their connection with godhood and destruction, with spoke in particular reminding me a lot of Kali Ma, thus i gave him a skirt (due to nppp too). vitalasy's clothing is based on Indonesian cultural clothing. wemmbu's also takes inspiration from Indonesian and Bhutan cultural clothing.
indigenous cultures inspired some designs too (i do a lot of ethnographic anthropology work with some of the tribes i base the clothing off of), with woogie having Yupik and Inuit inspiration. polar bear = cold climate in my head. and leo has Haida and Yunnan (minority Chinese providence, not a tribe) inspiration.
bacon's... not bacon strip design's clothing was based on Bangladeshi clothing (im Bangladeshi, i also added alpona patterns to ash's design), nomadic cultures, and some german pilgrim thing?? idk not my best design. i specifically looked for nomadic inspiration because of his willingness to flee at any moment lol. i didnt do this for rek despite his fleeing reputation because i dont watch rek content too much and he already had hybrid traits that took care of that presentation.
poafa's design is a goat because of the medusa trials where he was used as a scapegoat. makes sense i think. his horns are from past associations with jepex that infected mapicc as well (devil trio s1). zam's design is very much from s3 empire and s4 castle.
planet's design changed slightly, mostly rounder shapes, but also the number of "spikes" on his scarf, now stuck at three because of 3ht.. and easier to draw than five. minutetech has a bow instead of a bowtie from jumper due to s5 happenings. the gem on his crown has wemmbu's highlights from his gem's main color.
roshambo's design was also heavily influenced by medusa where i gave him a snake body. in my art that depicts before medusa events he doesn't have the snake body, and same goes with before s4 spoke where i draw him with full pants. in some sketches ive depicted mapicc with a muzzle only after the destruction of s4 spawn due to quix's mapicc dog influence shoutout.
mapicc and ro have matching things that persist seasons (mapicc periwinkle collar, ro red painted ring finger... head finger?), as did subz and vitalasy with matching shoulder pads (beginning of s4 subz had a bandana and vitalasy had a bell that traded between them through artworks of mine) Vitalasy also gained sun and moon earrings. mid and 4c have matching hoods/cloaks ^_^ marriage or something.
hope this made sense and covered everything you could have ever wanted forever... feel free to ask me questions i love explaining processes
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kibblemaniac · 1 year
important kind of
hi guys! a couple of days(?) ago i posted this wipV
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im actually almost done with the sketch, i just need to draw frank and julie and ill be done!
ill definitely be polishing this bad boy but as for posting it publicly.. I think ill wait until clown is back from his break. I've got 2 reasons why.
1 clown seems very stressed right now and whatever kind of attraction to welcome home i could cause could stress them out more! dont wanna kick them while theyre down, yknow?
2 i just.. kind of want clown to see the finished product? thats definitely wishful thinking on my part, but i really do want him to see how much i enjoy his project and how much fun i have drawing his characters. i dont think theyd be able to see it until after they come back
ill still be posting small doodles here and there, but bigger stuff like this will be private until then. (or at least just not posted here online) im not sure if ill wait until clowns back to continue writing my fic (this one https://www.wattpad.com/story/338828243-there%27s-a-human-in-the-neighborhood-i-apologize tumblr mobile wont let me do the link word thingy) i enjoy writing it and it looks like its gained a small following on wattpad, so im still deciding on that. i just hope the people who enjoy that fic enjoy the writing for raw!fruit.
speaking of raw!fruit, while im still bummed out about losing a lot of my files, ill be attempting to redraw those two lost pages this weekend, as i think ive regained enough muscle memory. i think ill get a usb drive for raw fruit specifically, just depends how busy ill be this weekend.
well, that's all for now i think. just some general art updates (mostly about welcome home tho)
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pathos-p · 2 years
"Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game" but i got tagged in it so i am gonna answer all of them 'cause theyre fun
questions by @/i-like-eyes
thanks for the tag @king-chook!! ^^
1. Art programs you have but don't use
i thiiink i have a license for clip studio paint that came with my old wacom tablet but i never rly used it. also used to have krita installed for the longest time but just always felt off to me idk why. don't currently have it installed anymore tho
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
to their right is a bit easier i think. not smth i consciously notice, mostly i'm just thinking abt when im doodling on the margins of stuff they usually are looking to the left of the page
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhh idk tbh, i dont think much of my art draws from that
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
cityscapes !!! i love cities they r so pretty and cool looking but goddamn theyre so hard to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
80-20? i post everything that i finish. basically the only stuff that doesnt get posted is sketches i give up on
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmm not that i can think of rn...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
watercolour !! i've tried it a few times and Struggled but i love seeing ppl's work in it
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
so many animatics ..................... also many comic ideas ..................... i get so many ideas that i just never start on or start and only do a little before losing the hyperfocus/fixation and just Cannot continue them. it sucks
9. What are your file name conventions
usually the character name, maybe a bit of description of what theyre doing... idk not much of a convention to it
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmm i like jackets :)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
yes, usually music. sometimes random youtube videos like stream highlights or video essays.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
uhhh hair? maybe idk. hard question bc it varied a lot depending on what kinda style and just. sometimes smth is hard in a particular drawing then easy later idk
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of anything i will edit it in if i think of anyone
14. Any favorite motifs
in my drawings i dont feel like i use any much. mostly i pull motifs from whatever im doing fanart of lol. in music, i like religious motifs (but not like. ones abt christ or bible stories, rather heaven, hell, god/divinity, angels)
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home pretty much exclusively. in bed lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
idk i feel like the stuff im better at is the stuff i like bc i practice it more for fun lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not usually
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
surprisingly little. mostly bc i do more digital art lol
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
weapons and nature. especially ice for nature
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i cant think of anything ill add it if i do
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love rougher styles, like ones with a lot of visible brushstrokes and bold lines and shit. so cool. idk how to make it look good lol i dont have the confidence in my lines for it
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none... probably i should change that
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah, often i use a multiple layer for shading then a variety to colour adjust at the end
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
cant think of any
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
there was this poem i wrote about capitalism and how shit it is and someone thought it was abt interpersonal relationships/smth along the lines of a breakup. i rly didnt mind it tho i thought it was cool bc the emotion was not far off, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. just a very very different subject
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
no lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i ran a zine (digital only) for the dimension 20 zine jam! and also made art+writing for others in that :D also was part of a polygon yt fanzine a while back
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
spider-man (not the MCU, mostly tasm and a few of the comics)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i rly like the cj comic i did i am genuinely so goddamn happy with the result so . even tho it did very well by the standards for the fandom its for and my current follower base it is underrated
alternatively this one https://www.tumblr.com/pathos-p/704380503765221377/tridential-sovereignty?source=share bc it didnt get all that much attention on any social media site but i think its cool !!
(mostly only using recent ones bc i dont wanna dig back further esp onto my old twt acct, too much work lol)
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notyobabygirl · 2 years
my gut tells me that i have an amazing bf who has made mistakes, and this is his first serious relationship so he’s had to learn some of these things as well. but my anxious attachment and intensity in relationships is telling me that i shouldn’t have forgave him for these things, or that he’s lying about them. even though i have zero proof or reason not to believe him. we haven’t had any issues, and he continues to reassure me when i get into a bad headspace about our past. we’ve also really reconnected and fallen even more in love with each other in the last few months. most of the situations i’ve listed happened during our rough patch or right after it. but when i’m alone for too long or get in a overthinking mood- that’s when i start to question if i should have stayed with him after everything or if i’ll ever be able to 100% trust him and forgive him for everything. because i have a habit of holding grudges on things and letting the past affect present me. i guess my question is- are any of the things he did something you’d break up with someone over? did i overreact or underreact? i know everyone is different, but i’ve seen how real and mature your outlooks on relationships are, so i’d value what you would do in those cases. and do you have any advice on forgiving someone you love for their mistakes that hurt you? or just any advice on how i can grow and not be so insecure within my relationship? i feel like i’ve recently become more confident and started to trust him more, so i have a little progress there. but i obviously still have overthinking issues and am not completely over the past yet. i wish i was more present/future focused :/ sorry this was so long and ended up being 3 parts! you’re an absolute angel and i’m looking forward to even a little bit of advice/insight from you 🤍
hi hi! okay ill answer every one of your questions. no i dont think any of those things are worth breaking up over. he was unhonest yes but he never did anything crazy. i think you reacted fine, i would be sketched out too and ask a million questions for reassurance. i think something to keep in mind is not to act too over bearing because then they might keep stuff from you. like if he turned off his location because he thought you would get upset at him at a strip club then you need to ask yourself why? he should be okay with telling you hes at a stupid strip club instead of hiding it from you. its not good hes hiding stuff but theres a deeper reason. like for example if theres acouple girls on the explore page you cant freak out over it because he literally might get scared of you and start hiding stuff. if he tells you a story about a girl, dont ask a million questions. you have to act confident and like you dont care. you have to get over his past and whathappened in the beginning of the relationship because holding onto that will only hurt you. recently i have been telling myself to act like a confident and cool girlfriend. dont be over protective, dont act like a mom, the less strict you are and crazy, the better your relationship will be! love you <3
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tenshindon · 4 years
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soda kiss
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readymades2002 · 2 years
the good news is that drawing is fun again. the bad news is that it is only fun when i am drawing things that are not the big drawings im supposed to be working on
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
WIPs, WIPS, Everywhere (by Whip!)
so! i was tagged by @asher-hyperfixation-hell to do this wip challenge thing!
heres the ruleeees!: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either.  Sketch titles?  Comics?  DnD campaigns?  If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
unfortunarely im not much of a sane person, so i dont actually have a "wip folder" i literally stick all my doodles in a HUGE canvas where i pick what i like and finish it or.. not! (most ot the time its the latter)
i know, im a mess, im so sorry BEHDKRN
but what i will do is ill give them mostly intriguing names right now on the spot and you guys can just look at them and ask about whichever you want!
some of these are separate files that are just opened cause i never saved and closed.. but i wont say which ones
alright! here we go!!!
posessed / corrupted kai wip
post seabound lloyd comic (real small)
lloyd staring
red shogun and green dragon loser
baby dragon
pissed e g g
bad morro
bad aspheera
kai and greenbean
digi lloyd
many baby lloyds
the DARK gi
lmk/ninjago crossover
lloyd and his plushies
dtiys sketch
unfinished oni lloyd
l-l-o-y-d his dad is bad and so is he
continuation (pages 16 to 23 are all opened, so im only counting those)
unfinished z!lloyd
alright! i think thats all of them! i am warning you now that a lot of these will be quite underwhelming since they're all doodles, though there are some that may or may not intrigue you!
as for tagging... uh i dont actually have many friends in the ninjago community... not many as in.. i dont.. have any at all AHJRNDB (other than kai, who ive known for a long time before joining the actual community here with em). i am hoping to one day make some friends here though
so. i'll just tag a bunch of people i think are cool instead! here i go! @whitexisneutral, @acidsaladd, @marsipain, @sugarglider-s
dont feel pressured to do this by the way, you guys!! i just didnt really know who to tag hdjdjdnf
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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tricewithaz · 4 years
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Various sketches and abandoned wips ive done over this week
first is a sketch of ehri, was trying to figure out her face. still not too sure of her design tho, her eyes look a bit weird.
second was going to be an illustration of zoya tamar and genya changing their hair together but i hated how genya and tamar looked so i got rid of them, also zoyas nose sorry babe. was gonna actually finish it and all but i dont think ill continue it at least as it is, but i liked the sketch.
Third is a sketch of zoya on a horse with a ponytail. Now theres two blonds obsessing over the concept.
Last but not least a character doodle of my girl tamar cause i love her
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 2 — Talk To Me
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a meanie
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You woke up the next day to your slightly annoying alarm, groaning as you stretched. You reached for your phone to snooze your alarm, yawning loudly as you opened your phone to see notifications. You checked your text messages first, seeing two unknown numbers that sent you a text.
(Sent September 23rd at 11:24 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Hey y/n! This is Shoyo!]
[From the volleyball club!]
(Sent September 23rd at 11:28 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Yo, this is noya!]
You smiled and responded to both of their texts before climbing out of bed, stretching your arms and legs. You grabbed your uniform to slip it on before remembering something. You haven't sent Kageyama a goodmorning text!
(Sent September 24th at 6:34 am)
Y/N: [good morning Tobio! Do you want to eat lunch together today?]
[Ill bring your favorite snacks!]
Kageyama: [can't, im busy today]
Y/N: [how about tomorrow?]
Kageyama: [busy.]
You sighed and brushed it off, thinking for a bit. You smiled, Tobio was so cool! He must be busy with something important, you thought as you dressed into your uniform. Your mom let you decide if you wanted to be driven again or walk, it was only a 15 minute walk. You knew sooner or later you'd be forced to walk so you decided to walk today.
It was chilly out of course, so you slipped on a scarf and slipped out the front door. You decided to stop at the convenience store on the way to the school, grabbing three meatbuns and purchasing them. When you continued on your walk, you noticed a familiar face.
"Hey Kageyama!" You called, causing the male to jump and look around until his eyes landed on you. His calm expression turned slightly sour, and you giggled, jogging over to him. "Good morning Tobio!" You huffed out, handing him a meat bun.
"Morning, and no thank you," he declined the meat bun, making you shrug and take a bite. "Do you always walk to school?" You ask, kicking some rocks, humming a light tune. He lightly hummed and didnt bother to look at you, making you pout. "You could give me a real answer Kageyama."
You cross your arms and notice the males ears turn slightly red and he nods. "Sorry," he mumbles and you guys arrive at the school, entering the door. You sighed lightly of relief, smiling at the slight warmth the inside of the school offered.
"Where are you going to Tobio?" You asked, turning to the male, leaning over and slapping your knee lightly. He took a glance at you and turned away, "im going to class. Bye." He walked off without another word from either of you two, and you huffed lightly.
(Sent September 24th at 6:51 am)
Y/N: [Shoyo! What does Kageyama do during lunch?]
Shoyo: [What? He doesnt do anything, what do you mean?]
Y/N: [He said he's busy today but i didnt get to ask him what he was doing :'/]
Shoyo: [Ah! Uhm.. ill ask him!]
You bit your lip and thought for a bit. You guessed maybe Hinata and Kageyama weren't as close as you thought. You stuffed your phone into your pocket and headed to your class, taking your seat behind the blonde, Tsukishima. "Hey, Tsukki," you tapped him.
"Hmm?" He hummed turning to face you. Class hasnt started yet, so you placed your plastic bag on the desk, smiling. "Want a meat bun?" His eyebrows went up before he glared at you, then nodded. You beamed at him as you handed him a bun, watching him take a bite.
"Thanks," he says and turns back to his seat. "Oh yeah, and don't call me Tsukki." He went back to working on some work that he had left to complete. You ate the last meat bun before placing the plastic bag into your backpack.
During lunch you decided that you would stay in the classroom, you didn't bother to go find another spot to sit or anyone to sit with. You slipped on some headphones and shuffled your favorite playlist, smiling at the tune. You ate your food that you had prepared as you doodled on some homework that you had finished.
You were so into your doodles that you almost didn't notice the freckled boy trying to get your attention. "Hello?" You looked up at him, smiling instantly at the cute boy. "W-wow, hey!" You slipped off your head phones and paused your playlist. "Im Tadashi, Tsukki's friend."
"Ah, you're from the volleyball club huh?" You smiled and took a quick bite of your food before turning your attention back to the male. He smiled and nodded his head, "yeah, you're kageyamas friend uh.. y/n?"
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," you said and he scooted close to you. "What are you drawing?" He took a peek at your sketches and then looked back up at you, smiling. "Ah, sorry this is unrelated but– your eyes are so pretty," you giggle, cupping the males face, making him giggle as well.
"You know, you're very open," Tsukishima adds, turning around in his desk to face both you and Tadashi. You took another bite of your food and then leaned back in your desk. "Well, what's wrong with that?" You ask, smirking, "it makes it easy to talk to people and make friends."
Yamaguchi giggles a bit at your comment, but you weren't sure why. "Maybe if you were more open Tsukki, you'd have more friends," yamaguchi laughed out, causing you to also burst out in laughter. Tsukishima tried hard to act offended, but couldn't help but crack a small grin at his friends comment.
After school you decided to go to the gym again with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You walked next to Yamaguchi and you two talked and laughed on the way there. "Volleyball is pretty fun! Have you ever played?" He asked and you smiled, nodding. "My old friends from Nekoma let me play with them sometimes," you blurted, bouncing with each step at the happy memory.
"N-nekoma?!" Yamaguchi gasped, jaw dropping. You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows. "Yeah, why?" You questioned, also noticing an intrigued glance from the taller male. "You moved from Tokyo? From Nekoma High?" He asked as you guys stepped into the gym.
"Yeah, I'm from Tokyo," you smiled, you and Tadashi following Tsukishima like puppy dogs, continuing the conversation. "Y/N!" A loud voice called and you turned to see Hinata running full speed at you. He stopped on his heels, infront of you with a big smile. "Hi!" He smiled widely and bounces.
You wave a small goodbye to Tadashi and Tsukishima as they go to set up and you turn back to the orange headed male. "Whats up Hinata?" Nishinoya and Tanaka trailed after Hinata, "you dont have friends here yet right?" Tanaka asked and you tilted your head.
"Ah, well its only my second day here. I only have Kageyama but hes so grumpy and busy all the time, but I think you guys are pretty cool," you giggled, swinging one of your legs to a random tune playing in that head of yours. "Do you want to walk home with us today? We're gonna stop by the coaches store after practice," Noya spoke up, hope in his eyes.
"Of course! As long as they have meatbuns," you closed your eyes, smiling at the thought of meatbuns. "Wow, you must really like meat buns. Kageyama said that you bought some this morning," Hinata jumped up and down in place to keep his legs warm.
"Yeah, theres a convenience store nearby my house on the way here, so I had to get meatbuns!" You heard Daichi calling the boys to huddle, so you took a seat near the side of the gym near where the managers were standing. You worked on some homework, once again letting your mind wander as you doodled on the page.
You decided to take a break and went on your phone. You were mindlessly scrolling through social media for the rest of the practice, not once noticing the time that passed by until you felt quick repeated taps on your shoulder. You jumped and saw Hinatas big goofy smile in your face.
"Lets go go go!" He jumped and rushed out the door, leaving you shocked and rushing to grab your stuff before running after him. You saw Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi waiting outside the door, watching you and hinata rush out the door. "Noya and Tanaka had to leave early so its just us!" Hinata informed you. You guys head to the store, kageyama standing on the opposite side of the group of you.
"Hey Kageyama look," you grabbed a bag of candy off one of the shelves and held it up for him to see. "You used to eat this all the time in first grade," you giggled and inspected the bag. You decided to purchase it and some meatbuns before you guys finished your walk home.
It was nice to talk to new people, new faces, but you really wanted to spend time with Kageyama.
"Kageyama, do you want my mom to give you a ride home, my house is right around the corner," you say, stuffing a meatbun in your mouth while shoulder bumping the male playfully. Hinatas expression was confused, but slightly worried. "Kageyama are you okay?"
Kageyama looks up at Hinata and nods his head "I'm fine." He said, completely ignoring what you had asked him. Thinking he was maybe being stubborn you poked his ankle with the toe of your shoe, "atleast give me an answer Tobio."
"I'll walk home by myself," he muttered and sped up his pace, leaving you behind. You slowed down until you were next to Tsukishima and continued to eat your meatbuns. "Why do you let him treat you like that?" Tsukishima asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Like what?" You asked, staring at the blonde with a look of utter confusion, making him nod. "He just ignores you or brushes you off half the time." He states before waving at Tadashi and Hinata that turned down different roads. "He's always been like that, even since we were children, hes just stubborn."
Tsukishima scoffs lightly. "Stubborn," he repeats softly, then turns to face you. "Ill see you tomorrow shorty," he says before slipping on his headphones and taking a right, leaving you to go left. You thought about what Tsukishima said, what did he mean? Kageyamas just like that, right?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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darkmoonslayer · 3 years
Unexpected Normal- Peter Parker Part 4
Summary: Incredibly smart girl Gets Unexpected powers, Turns to peter for help.
Part 3, Part 5 
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“Do you have the orphanage number ill call ahead and arrange every thing before you get there.” Tony ask Thea
“Yes it is (585)-300-5898. Her name is marry, she’s old and hard of hearing. But she’s sweet” Thea says, tony types it into his phone before telling Friday to get happy to drive to the orphanage.
Peter and Thea walks out of the lab and down the hallway to the elevator. Once in they start to descend Friday says,
“Miss Thea, Mr. Stark would like me to tell you, I have put you and peter into the system. You both now have access to the lab, Living quarter floors, the training floor, the kitchen, and full access to my system. Mr. Stark as gotten your rooms ready, I will show you the way once you get back. If you need anything just tell me or Mr. Stark and we will help you”
“Thank you Friday” Thea says.
“ I think Mr. Stark could use you and your smart brain of yours.” Peter says, Thea blushes as the elevator opens. Happy is standing against the car waiting for the two, barely noticeable considering how dark it has gotten. Thea looks down to my cracked phone screen and see its almost 11:00 PM.
“Hey, how are you guys doing?” Happy says as Peter and Thea walk out of the building looking at 
“Better now” Thea say sas peter and her get into the car.
“Thanks for doing this.” Thea says as happy gets into the drivers seat.
“No problem kid” Happy says as he starts driving.
“hey happy could we stop by my apartment its close by the orphanage, i need to pick a couple more things up plus tell may what going on” Peter asks.
“Sure thing” happy says.
“So Thea how was your stealth air drone sketches coming along?” Peter asks
“Well its okay i guess I’m just struggling to configure the sizes to stabilize the heat fan. if i get the wrong sizes it could ruin the motor. I cant afford to take guesses.” Thea explains.
“Well maybe we can talk to stark, maybe he can help?” peter offers.
“That would be amazing if he could. But i don’t want to bother him, he’s doing so much for me already.” Thea say nervously
“Hey, i think you could help him tremendously. How about we get your sketches and have him look through them.” Peter reasons
“That would be amazing, he is one of the smartest inventors of today. If he even looks at just one of my inventions that would mean a lot.”
“It sounds like you look up to him” peter teases.
“ I mean yeah, he inspires me to invent, Oh my god i hugged him!” Thea realizes as She blushes.
“You are ridiculous” peter says she rolls her eyes at him.
They continue to talk, until the car pulls up to peters apartment.
“Do you wanna stay here or come up?” Peter asks
“I’ll come up, i wanna say hi and sorry to may” Thea say getting out of the car and walking to his apartment.
“Why?” Peter says confused
“Well earlier she said hey and didn’t say anything. I kinda feel bad” Tha says as the two make it to the apartment. Once inside peter calls to may who is in the living room.
“hey aunt may we are back.”
“Oh hey guys. So what’s going on?” She asks
“Well, it looks like I’m going to be staying at the tower for a little while to help with Thea I just needed to get some more stuff.” Peter says before heading into his room for a little bit.
“Okay, thanks for letting me know. How are you doing” she looks at Thea
“ I’m doing a lot better, i wanted to apologize for ignoring you earlier” Thea looks down feeling guilty.
“Hey its okay peter said you were upset and out of it, something about powers. I dont know but, i think he knows what he’s doing” she says smiling
“Yeah, i uh just found out i have powers and didn’t know how to control them. At Mr. Starks tower i was able to get it under enough control for the night until i can start training. But it seems he really helps me control it.” Thea says shyly.
“Well i know peter is good at that type of stuff.” may says
“Thanks may” Thea say hugging her just at peter comes out with a suitcase.
“Ready?” He asks Thea
“Yeah” Thea says walking to the door. Peter says a quick bye and hugs may before head out the door and to the car. once Peter and Thea get to the car happy drives them to the orphanage. Marry is out on the porch like usual.
“Hello mam.” Thea says as peter and her walk up to Mary.
“Ah YThea, i got a call from Tony Stark saying you will be staying with him. I wanted to make sure you were okay with that before you go.” She asks
“Yes thank you i would like to stay with him” Thea responds
“Okay i will have to let child services know but it shouldn’t be an issue. If you need bags i only have trash bags. Trish got the last ones she left yesterday.” she informs
“Oh my thats great. Well thank you mam for taking care of me i wont be to long.”
“make sure to visit sometimes” she says before Peter and Thea disappear into the large house.
“So most of the young ones are asleep so we have to be quite. I don’t have to much stuff so we wont be here to long.” Thea whispers to peter as she gets a trash bag from under the sink. Then making their way the the girls room.
She walks in slowly being quite, she grab all of her clothes, her four Sketch books her two stuffed bears, Her 3 research books, and the last few things her had. She takes out a page in her sketch book writing down a quick note to the girls before heading out with peter.
Thea and Peter fall into a comfortable silence once they get into the car.
“Just a few hours earlier everything was normal, walking home from work. When would i have found out about these powers? Would i have found out?” Thea is brought out of her thoughts with peters knee nudging her knee with his.
“Hey, what’s going through your mind?” He asks
“Only a couple hours ago everything was normal. I didn’t even know i had powers. Now i live at the tower. Planning on working with one of the most powerful people in the world and once of the smartest. Just a lot has happened in a small amount of time.” Thea looks at peter
“Yeah, but you are lucky, when i found about mine. I couldn’t tell anyone. I had to figure everything by myself.”
“I’m so grateful to have you, i don’t know what i would have done if you didn’t pick up” Thea says.
“Okay i wanna see your sketches” Peter says looking over to her. She digs through her trash bag of her belongings. Once she is able to pull it out she quickly flips through it trying to find the right page.
“Here it is” Thea says moving the book towards him.
“Woah you made some changes.” Peter says looking at the drawing
“Yeah i had to add another fan to take in the new thrusters. Because of the weight of the panels.” Thea explained
“That makes sense, What about a coolant?” He suggests
“I thought of that but i don’t have the supplies to support the liquid enough. Plus its almost impossible to make sure of any leaks, i cant afford to get a leak and ruin the motor.” Thea explains.
“i think you should show this Mr. Stark. Honestly this is incredible.” He complements as he continue to look over the sketch.
“i don’t know, he’s already busy. I’ll think about it.” Thea says
They continue to talk about some more of the ideas as we flip through some of them. Once they get to the tower the three of us get out, happy comes around and grabs their bags for them
“I will take these to both your rooms. Tony just texted say saying Pizza just arrived and is waiting for you upstairs.” Happy says walking into the building with their stuff. Thea holds onto her sketch book forgetting to put it into the bag before he took it. They make it to the elevator once they start are way up Friday says,
“Welcome back Peter and Thea. Pizza is in the kitchen. Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Sam are on the mission. Bucky, Wanda, Tony, and pepper are in the dining room.” She informs Thea and Peter
“Thanks Friday” Thea says. After a minute or two the doors open to a large room. To the right there is a huge kitchen with 4 boxes of pizza. To the right of the kitchen there is a large table and there sat the four people mid conversation. Peter and Thea walk over to the pizza quietly, they grab a couple pieces of pizza. Peter goes to the second fridge in the corner. In it was filled with many different sodas.
“hey want a soda?” Peter asks
“Yeah a coke please” Thea respond.
“Coming right up.” Peter jokes. The two both sit down at the table, leaving a seat in between the others not wanting to disturb the others conversation.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 23 - ricky horror
title: one in seven
its official where i live! marry christmas and happy holidays to yall. i hope you all have a great day and enjoy the last couple fics of the year! thanks again for reading and sharing, i love you all and wish you all the best in 2021.
prompt: Notes and gifts from a "secret Santa" take a strange turn
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @thisplace-ishaunted @xyours-eternallyx
one week. thats all that was left. five days till christmas day and i was all but turned off by the idea of gifts and celebration and parties and everything else that came with the holiday. i think my secret santa knew that though, whoever it was. dont get me wrong, i didnt mind being on the road for christmas, i didnt like the day, and i didnt have family to spend time with so it didnt really matter. but little did i know at the beginning of this that everyday i would wake up to something weirder in my stocking. and not even in a bad way, cause the two things id received already were super awesome.
and yes, it was the guys idea to put stockings up and do secret santa. that way we each got something small the seven days before christmas and the day of we would ultimately find out who our gift giver was over dinner as they gave us one final larger present. and dont get me wrong, i was an excellent gift giver, already two days in and vinny had loved the two things i had secretly slipped into his stocking but i was getting more impatient. i wanted to know who was getting me things only a few people knew i wanted. and ultimately i wanted vinny to know who was giving him his gifts.
when i got up today i wasnt exactly sure what i was going to be pulling out of the stocking hanging outside my bunk. the first day i had gotten a skeleton hand mug, the second day i had gotten a bag of death wish coffee, and i really just wanted to know if the theme would continue. maybe this person was trying to tell me something. i laid in my bunk as my alarm went off, silencing it almost immediately since i was awake already, just staring at the ceiling. i tossed the blanket off and slid out of my bunk slowly, looking up at chris as he leaned back into the opposing one, sipping out of his Starbucks cup from yesterday.
i said and he held his cup to me in cheers.
he said groggily.
"you check your stocking yet?"
i asked and he nodded.
"yep, todays was a voodoo donut and a starbucks giftcard."
he said with a smile and i laughed.
"guess you get it twice a year now huh."
i said and he nodded contently,
"whats in yours?"
he asked and i turned around, my eyes going wide at how thick it looked. i drew my brows and reached my arm into it. i felt something soft graze my hand before pulling it out.
"awe, its so cute."
i said as i pulled the plush bat out, taking the black silk eye mask off of it and petting its head. i showed it to chris.
"either my secret Santa thinks i sleep too much or not enough."
i said with a laugh, putting the eye mask into my bag next to the coffee and mug. chris laughed a little bit as ricky slid his curtain over from behind him.
"what you guys talking about?"
he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"y/n's concerned with the gifts from her secret santa."
chris answered and rick raised a brow.
"how come?"
he asked and i shrugged, hugging the bat to my chest.
"ive gotten two things of coffee so far and two things to sleep with. im getting mixed signals to say the least."
i said with a laugh and he nodded, jumping down from his bunk with a thud.
"maybe they think you needed something to help you keep up the good work, and something to help you relax. you do work harder than all of us combined."
he mentioned, making me smile.
"thanks rick, i guess ill just have to wait another few days and ask when i find out who it is."
i said and he nodded.
"guess so."
"okay, this is getting more and more confusing."
i said, unwrapping the fuzzy blanket, holding it out to look at what was on it. the whole thing was solid black with alchemy symbols, pentagrams, crystal balls, and the likeness on it in bright pastel pinks and purples. it was really cute and matched the bat perfectly. all this stuff just had me wondering what i could be getting at dinner. i knew this blanket wasnt cheap, it had a black craft tag on it after all.
"whats confusing?"
vinny asked, holding the new bulls jersey in his hand.
"the theme of these is a little skewed to say the least."
i said and he shrugged.
"that looks comfy."
he said, running his hand over the side of it and i nodded.
"what else have you gotten?"
he asked and i sighed.
"coffee, a mug, a plush bat, a sleep mask, pastel bath bombs, a coffee and honey face scrub mask, fuzzy black and pink socks, and now this blanket. its like a care package."
i said and he shrugged.
"guess youll just have to find out at dinner, which we should probably get ready for."
as we all sat around the table i watched intently as we went down the line, each person giving their last gifts.  justin had chris, chris had ryan, ryan had aj, aj had justin, i had vin, vin had rick, and finally rick had me. as he got up he reached for a large box and my eyes went wide.
"okay y/n i know all week youve been trying to figure out what the hell this all could be leading up to but i asked all of the guys if we could pitch in on something so its not just from me."
i drew my brows.
"we all know you work ten times harder than the rest of us so we all wanted to do something special for you."
he said, setting the box down in front of me on the table.
"you guys didnt have to do that. you guys put so much into the band, im nothing special."
i said and he sent me a disapproving look.
"but you are, without you none of this would work. so as a thank you from all of us..."
he said, pointing to the box and i moved slowly to open it, all of them watching me intently. i ripped the paper off first, then going in to rip the tape off it and popping the sides open one at a time. when i pulled the tissue paper out of the way i drew my brows. in it was a large wooden box.
i asked, pulling it out and setting it on the table in place of the carboard box.
"open it."
chris said from across the table and i pushed the gold tab up, lifting the lid. as soon as i saw what was in it my mouth dropped. i wanted to inspect it more but my vision was going blurry at the tears behind my eyes.
"you guys."
i said, closing it and standing up to give rick a hug.
"so i take it you like it?"
he asked and i nodded against him, pulling away and wiping the tears off my face.
"its beautiful."
i said, opening the box back up and looking over the kit of art supplies. there was everything i could ever ask for in here: a water color palette, gouache, oil pastels, soft pastels, colored pencils, drawing pencils, two sketch pads, brushes, the whole nine yards.
"we wanted to get you something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. this whole week ive been building up stuff that could make you comfortable during or after a long work day: comfy stuff to sleep with, coffee when youre running around making sure we're all in line, spa stuff to help you chill at home. they all helped with this idea but we thought it could be something to get you out of the real world when youve had enough. and now youll think of all of us when you use it."
he said with a wide smile and i couldn't help crying again.
"you guys take such good care of me."
i said through a sniffle as vin leaned over and hugged me, then Justin leaned in and did the same, pretty soon all of them were standing around me in big a group hug.
"we love you y/n, we wouldnt get anything done without you and we're so glad to call you a team member and most importantly a friend."
rick said, as they all stood back up and went back to their seats.
"thank you guys, for everything. and thank you especially for making this a special christmas, the most special christmas ive ever had."
he squeezed my shoulder gently.
"youre part of the family now y/n, and we wouldnt want it any other way."
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Telephone Line
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,449
Warnings: pretty sad ngl but not angst, mentions of death, mentions of cancer, these warnings sound bad but i promise its just kinda sad lol
A/N: ngl even i dont know where this came from lol but ill prob make a pt 2? if the idea i have strikes enough material for another part. enjoy anyways tho!
A deep orange hue shines through the cracks of his blinds as Bucky looks at the new shiny exterior of his new iPhone. Being too reckless on a mission led him to a cell phone cracked in two, resulting in him having to spend four hours at the Apple store all the way in Manhattan, quite a ways away from his apartment upstate.
Low trumpets flow softly through the speakers of his record player, a bold blue box that Sharon gifted him this year for his birthday. He hums to Marvin Gaye as he goes through the device in front of him, setting up account after account, typing in password after password. Gaye was a few decades after his time, but he won’t let it show in front of Sam how much he enjoys his music. 
He downloads the mindless puzzle games he had on his previous phone and is thankful that the contacts that were in his old phone were able to be transferred for him. 
He locks the phone and sets it aside before taking out the small sketchbook from the drawer in his desk. He also grabs a pencil from the cup sitting on the corner of the wood and flips his book open to a fresh page. A new hobby Bucky’s picked up since Steve’s passing. 
His real passing. Not the one everyone sold to the world in order for him to live the rest of his life in peace in a cabin far away, probably crowded in trees and flowers; perhaps the house is where a rainbow begins or where the sky rains golden droplets. Bucky wouldn’t know, he never visited after seeing Steve as an old man after he returned the stones. 
There wasn’t anger; Bucky and Steve spoke about his plans before he left and Bucky was happy for him, he was finally getting the life he deserved after so much time spent doing the “right” thing, and not what he wanted. It was a situation of feeling… weird and awkward around this new Steve. It was a completely different Steve with different experiences, different memories. A family. Kids and grandkids and great-grandkids. Photos probably hung on the walls of the house of people he wouldn’t recognize. He always wondered what happened to him in Steve's timeline. In other words, he wonders if Steve rescued him from Hydra and spared him the eighty years of torture. He wonders if there’s any pictures of him in Steve’s house. For Bucky, it became, “I’ll go visit him another day,” until, well, there weren’t any more chances. 
A sketch of what he can remember Times Square to look like from this afternoon appears on the paper. Rough lines shaping out tall buildings and people, small squares to outline the pavement, bigger boxes to indicate the shapes of the numerous cars that filled the area. He reaches for his box of colored pencils in the side-drawer of the desk when the generic ringtone of his new phone belts out loudly.
A number that isn’t saved into his phone appears on the screen. A Brooklyn area code. Maybe all the contacts didn’t transfer themselves.
“Hello,” Bucky answers after swiping his right pointer finger along the slide bar.
A hitch of feminine breath is heard before a few seconds of silence, before the three beeps signaling the caller hung up. Probably an accident.
Bucky goes to pick up his pencil again before the tone is heard once more, the same number on the screen. An eyebrow quirks upwards and he answers the phone again.
“...Hello?” Bucky says once more. Again, he’s met with silence before being hung up on. Maybe not an accident, maybe a prank caller. I’ve had the phone for maybe six minutes and this is already happening.
The same number calls for a third time and Bucky debates even answering this time. He lets it ring three times before answering.
“Hello?” He asks, met with silence. “Listen, I’m not in the mood for prank callers, so if you don’t mind-”
“Who is this?” A quiet feminine voice finally answers through the speaker against his ear.
“Who is- What do you mean who is this? Lady, you called me first!” Bucky responds, already exasperated with the conversation.
“How did you get this phone number?” She asks, voice shakier than the first time she spoke.
“I got a new phone and they gave it to me? How else do you get phone numbers?”
“No, no, no. You don’t understand. This-this is my husband's number. It can’t be your new number!” The woman responds, voice cracking this time.
“Okay, okay, hey, relax. Maybe there was a mistake? Maybe your husband received a different phone number?” Bucky offers, not really wanting to play Tech Support as he draws to wind down his day before dinner.
“No! There wasn’t a mistake, my-my husband is dead! This was his phone number and-and-and I call it everyday once I-I get out of work! How did you get this number, why did they give his away?!” Pants and shaky breaths are heard between almost every other word as you start audibly crying on the phone.
Bucky’s eyes widen, not expecting that explanation. Great, a fruit gave away her husband to me.
“Hey, okay, take a breath.” Bucky suggests, and waits for her breathing to become a little more regular before continuing. “I’m sorry they gave me your husband’s number, it was randomly selected. I mean, I hope it wasn’t the last thing you had of his voice?” Bucky tries to offer.
“Of course it’s not,” You reply, voice sounding calmer now. “I just wasn’t expecting them to give away his number like that, it stayed for a few weeks so I thought,” a humorless chuckle, “I thought they’d let me keep it.”
“I’m really sorry about your husband. I, uh,” Bucky hesitates, questioning if he should be telling this emotionally unstable widow about his personal life, but continues anyway, “I recently lost someone important to me, as well. My best friend.” Bucky confesses, fingers toying with the circular edge of the back of the colored pencil.
A pause, “Can you tell me about him?”
“He, um, was a good guy. Real selfless. He was uh,” Bucky thinks of how to talk about Steve without actually leading to the fact that he’s talking about the former Captain America, “He was a bit older than me, and he passed away from health problems. Heart problems.” Bucky comes up, technically not a lie, his heart did stop when he died.
A small sniffle, “My husband passed away from lung cancer. The doctors told me there was no other hope for him; he needed a machine to help him breathe and a bunch of tubes in him to help him do everything else. So I asked the doctors to just…” You trail off.
A sudden deep sigh escapes her, the raspiness of her voice heard through the speaker and flows into his ear, “Sorry, I probably sound like a crazy person right now, calling her dead husband everyday just to hear his seven second voicemail.” You apologize, another humorless laugh following your words. 
“I don’t think you’re crazy. I think you’re just trying to cope the best way you can. You miss him.” Bucky objects, still toying with the purple colored pencil in his hand.
“Um, yea.” You respond, probably not even expecting Bucky to actually listen to your rambling.
“What’s your name?” You ask.
“Of course it is,” You mumble, eyes closing on the other side of the call.
“What was that?” 
“I said, of course it is. That was my husband’s name, too.”
A sympathetic smile pulls at his mouth, even though you can’t see it.
“Listen, if you even want to call again, I don’t mind. I can either listen in silence, or we can talk, or, whatever you want. It’s okay.”
“Thanks, James. That’s nice of you.” You say, voice watery, but Bucky doesn’t mention it.
“I’ll, uh, let you go, James. Sorry for any bother.” He can tell you’re struggling to hold back tears with the way your voice is straining.
“No bother at all. Have a good rest of your night, okay?” Bucky bids her, hoping she will, but accepting that there’s a good chance this poor woman will be in tears for the rest of her evening.
“You, too.”
A couple seconds of silence follow before the call ends. Bucky sighs, locking his phone once more. He picks up the pencil in front of him, ignoring the small tremor in his fingers, and presses the pencil to the paper.
He thinks about her for the rest of the night.
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wolferals · 4 years
🇪🇸ella es linda🇪🇸
finally fallin' chapter 2
<arón piper x reader>
Tumblr media
(The spanish is all google translate, i wont take responsibility for mistakes)
chapter 2
„Hola" a tall, very handsome man with a silver hoop dangling from his ear and short brown hair spoke and got closer to the both of you.
His eyes were brown, light brown with a hint of green maybe. Plump, nice lips and a mole under his left eye.
He was wearing a loose blue polo shirt and some black jeans. Under the shirt you could see a silver necklace sparkling towards you.
You were startled by his appearance. He was really attractive to you and you had to do a lot not to start stuttering. „We talked before I think."
You shook his hand.
„Y/n, nice to meet you too."
He smiled brightly and gave you a long gaze before looking over to his friend.
It was quiet between you guys for a second until you broke the silence by saying:"Alright I wont bother you guys any longer, have a nice day you too."
Your „classmate" nodded and then asked:"Am I gonna see you in photography tomorrow?"
You nodded at him.
„Wait can I get your number so we can text each other if one of us is lost on campus or anything."
He laughed.
Excited you agreed and afterwards you put your number in his phone.
„Y/n ya?“ He asked as he read through it again.
„Yeah, and you?“
His friend Arón chuckled quietly and then replied for him:“His name is Itzan.“
Well at least now you knew his name.
„Alright.“ you laughed and pushed some hair out of your face.
„Okay see you tomorrow then." You put your phone back in your purse and said goodbye. „Hasta luego." He spoke as you slowly walked away, giving the tall handsome another glance, smiling.
He was really good looking, you'd already figured that and he seemed to be nice. He helped out his friend after all.
Since you had nothing else to do than get back to your place and unpack some last things that you hadnt gotten the chance to in the past week. Especially your clothes had to be sorted into your white wooden closet before they all got wrinkly and started to smell from your suitcases.
So you went on with it. After grabbing an apple you turned on some music and finally finished unpacking and decorating your place.
As you were about to turn on the tv and sat down on the bed you heard your laptop making a „ring" noise.
Who would send you an email nowadays?
You carefully grabbed your laptop, opened the mail service and started reading.
„Dear class,
I've had a good time today getting to know some of you and bringing you the fine arts of photography closer.
Due to the loose schedule we need to start soon with the practical work.
What I'd like you to do is, find yourself a group of other students in this course (2-4) and work on a photography series that expresses a certain feeling. The series should include 5 individual photographies that all somehow work together either in color moments, editing or background.
Find a nice location, take some shots and be creative with either photoshop or other photo editor programs.
You can be free in the choice of materials, if you'd like to use a professional camera, we can sort that out in our next class.
But using you phone would be enough for now.
I hope you're all having a wonderful day, see you in the next course.
Sandra Rodriguez"
Alright, you figured. No problem at all, you could ask Itzan if he wanted to work with you since he's the only person you've talked to so far. And it should be fun.
He was really handsome, maybe he'd be willing to be the model for this series.
He mustve gotten the email as well, so you decided to ask him the next day if he wanted to work on it with you.
So first things first, you wrote down some ideas you'd like to shoot and made some sketches on your iPad.
Afterwards you watched some shows for a while and then had a long phone call with one of your friends from back home.
You went to bed rather early this day just to feel good tomorrow for a rather long day. You had 4 different classes the next day. First course would be fine arts, starting at 9, then photography again and after that a class of media‘s. Then a 2 hour break and as a last class of the day you‘d have typography.
The class you were most excited about was media, you‘ve always wanted to design ads and stuff on medias.
And you were definitely going to talk to Itzan about the photography series project, but you were confident he‘ll say yes since he doesnt seem to be friends with anyone else yet.
*time skip to 2:45 next day*
„Hey.“ you greeted the dark haired boy who was sitting at a table in the middle of campus.
Itzan smiled at you. „Buenos dias.“
You smiled back and sat down next to him.
„How was your last class?“ You asked and took out the sandwich you had just bought.
Itzan leaned back and started telling you about his last informatics class that he already regretted taking.
„Aw man, i hope you can get out of it.“ you said with half your mouth full.
He nodded and replied:“Yeah i hope so too, how was yours?“
-„It was great! Media is fun, we were drawing some fruits on photoshop as a first practice.“
You guys kept on talking about your different classes until you decided it was time to brainstorm a bit for the photography project. Itzan actually had been the one to ask you if you wanted to work as a team which made you glad because that meant you didnt have to be awkward.
So first you showed him the ideas you had written down the previous night and he added some things he‘d like to do.
„Do you want to model this though?“ you laughed and looked up to him.
He gave you a disgusted look.
„No... Do I have to?“ he asked confused.
You started laughing from his reaction. „No you dont HAVE to, but i dont want to do it either.“
Just as he wanted to complain his phone rang.
„Its your boy.“ he grinned and picked up.
„Hola...“ he spoke into the phone and kept on speaking in Spanish so you didnt really understand.
„Maybe we could ask him!“ you suddenly exclaimed after thinking about it.
Itzan looked up to you and put the phone away from his ear for a second. „Arón?“ he asked.
You nodded.
He then laughed and seemed to actually ask Arón about it.
„He said no.“
You pouted and put your hand out to gesture you wanted the phone.
„Let me ask.“
Itzan grinned, said something to Arón and handed you the phone.
„Hey Arón.“ you spoke in your sweetest tone.
„I‘m not modeling for you.“ you heard his deep voice laugh.
„Come on, please, we need to do it and none of us wants to do it.“ you spoke and looked at Itzan who had just bitten into an apple.
„Y/n..“ you heard him sigh.
„Por favor.“
He started laughing. You immediately got concerned that he was laughing at your terrible Spanish pronunciation.
After a little bit of silence he answered:“Alright, when?“
You started cheering inside but just replied with a „ohh thank you, perfect!“
he paused.
„You have to help me with something too.“
You waited for him to tell you what it was.
„Yeah what is it?“ you then asked since he didnt reply.
„Tell Itzan to give me your number, I‘ll text you tonight.“
You started smiling. A cute guy wanted something from you and said he‘d text you tonight.
„Will do! Thank you so much! Gracias.“
He laughed again and you symbolized Arón‘s approval by showing Itzan a thumbs up.
He grinned back at you.
„You‘re welcome, but i‘ll only do it if you help me with my project.“
-„Of course.“ you smiled and nodded. „Cant wait. Thanks, bye, ill give you back to Itzan.“
You heard him chuckle.
„Goodbye y/n.“
Smiling you handed the phone back and went back to eating your sandwich.
Itzan continued talking to Arón until looking at you for a second. He grinned and replied to Arón:“Lo se, ella es linda.“
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lillsxd · 4 years
stupid project
peter parker x reader 
requested: no
word count: 1999
hey guys give me notes on what i should fix so i can get better thanks 
what does life mean? what is living? i ask myself that everyday. why am i stuck in this crazy world? “y/n, y/n hello. earth to y/n” i hear snapping out of my thoughts “yes peter” i look over to him sitting in his desk tapping his pen to his mouth. “we have to get started on this paper” the nerdy friend of mine rolls his eyes and sitting back in his seat. i let out a sigh.”Pete i know but i dont wanna its stupid and annoying and” i stop and look at peter confused. He is looking behind me and back at me like there was a bug in my hair. i was about to say something as the blonde teacher slaps two detention notes on my and peters desk. as she walks away.
he whispers “really y/n again” this was the second time this week. “sorry lets get started” i reached for the instructions on peters desk and he stops me. “you know i could just do it later” he scratched the back of his neck. why would he say that. does he not think i can do this.  know this is our last grade of the year and peter dont believe in me  “no” i say with no emotion in my voice. “but y/n-” “no” i cut him off and snatch the paper from his hand and write down what i need to until i get cut off by the bell. i grab all my stuff together and leave as quick as i can before peter can say something to me.
why would he? as i walk down to the hallway to the bathroom to skip my last class i bump into his friends. “oh hey y/n” Ned says waving. i ignore him completely, trying to hold back my tears running to the bathroom locking the stall. he dont trust me. why am i reacting like this i should be mad i should just brush it off. the bathroom door opened and i lifted my feet up so no one sees me in here. “y/n are you in here” mj says. the footsteps get quiet as i dont respond, looking under the door i see her shoes. they are boots with little chains on them her shoelaces are mismatched and she knocks on my stall door. i dont answer looking around the stall. ‘school sucks’, ‘BLM’, ‘spider man is soooo hot’, were written on the stall wall with different handwriting and colors. “y/n are you okay” she knocked again. “im fine mj just ate something that messed up my stomach” i wiped my tears and pulled down my hair to fix it so my puffy eyes arnt noticeable.                                                                                                                                                                                                      As i put my feet down from the toilet about to unlock the door she slides a drawing under my stall. “i know thats not the reason that your in here maybe this will cheer you up, and y/n if you need anyone to talk to girl to girl call me my number is on the back. and if its peter i will kill him. i will let you be but for real text me i am here.” she says walking out of the gross bathroom. the door shuts and i grab the paper. It is a dawing of me and peter. it looks like it took months to finish and i flipped the paper over and it reveled her number. I've known peter for years we have always been the bestest of friends until he met mj and started to hang out more with them. ive been alone most of this school year. in the begging of the class he wouldn't talk to me or look at me or anything. it was like he forgot i existed. i got cut off from my thoughts as my phone lit up buzzing. i opened it to see peter texted me.
Pete: y/n are you okay?
Pete: please answer me
Pete: do you wanna come over and do this project after detention? we can listen to your fav music and watch movies afterwards?
my fingers tap out a message ‘no i dont want to i just wanna go home you dont even tr-’ no i shouldn't say that. i tap on the screen erasing the message i try again ‘sure Pete meet you by the buses’ i type out.looking at my screen for a minute. he will probably just bale on me like last time. so dont get my hopes up. my thumbs tap on the send button.
Pete: okay meet ya, are you coming in the next class?
my face gets all red. i forgot i had two classes with him how stupid ill just tell him im busy or something. ‘no i got called to the office for something dont tell teacher’ i type thinking it was a great excuse. i reach for my bag and grab out my sketch book and flip to an empty page. as my pencil sketched away the rest of the school day peter wad in class writing my notes for me until the bell rang.
After the bell rang i got out of the stall reaching for my bag of makeup going towards the mirror. I see black running down my face and fix it. i get out of the bathroom and start walking to the detention room. Maybe it wont be as bad i thought it would. “y/n over here” peter calls sitting in a empty desk patting a spot next to him i roll my eyes and walk twords him. “hey y/n” peter waves and i just nod and sit down. as the hour of detention goes by peter looks at me time to time seeing me draw something in my sketch book. “hey y/n” he whispers and pokes my arm. i look at him. “i have to do a quick thing before we head to my house okay so just wait for me” he says nervously. “ok” is all i say before the teacher looks at us. The rest of the time passes i get up to leave shoving my book into my bag and walking out to where the buses would usually be. i wait. putting headphones in i play Shawn mendes. listening to music waiting for peter.
As time goes by to 30 minutes to an hour to two hours to three. i get up from my sitting position. he ditched me again. i feel tears hit my cheeks as i start to walk home. walking turned into running hearing leaves crunching under my feet. music blasting in my ears. why. he is probably with mj or Ned. why do i trust him. why did he pick me for the project. why would he. tears getting stronger. running not home just anywhere. my feet taking me wherever they want until i reach the woods. there was smoke and pieces of metal everywhere. i wipe my face looking to see if anyone needs help. moving pieces of metal and wood and i see a blue and red piece of fabric from far away. i run to it..the person is  trapped under a big chunk of metal. “s-spider man?” i question. realizing its him the hero himself. he looks over and sees my puffy red face and coughs a little not being able to talk. i look at him more closely he is all beaten up and dirty. he has holes in his suit and some hair poking out of a rip on his head only revealing the color of his hair. “can you grab a pipe and lift up the metal please” he says trying to deepen his voice. “o-oh yes of course” i say grabbing a big pipe almost to heavy to pick up and shove it under the metal. i try to push it down but it wouldn't budge. so i stood on it and jump and as soon as it lifted a little he managed to push him self out.
“thank you ma’am that i have no clue who is at all” he says in his deep weird voice as he nervous laughs. i furrow my eyebrows and nod “sure Mr spider man who saves the world” i laugh copying his obviously fave voice. he just sits there in silence and i turn on my heals to walk away “wait” he says in a familiar voice “i mean wait” he cuts himself off in a deep voice. i stop and turn around waiting for him to continue. “who ever you are running from he will come back just give him time” he says in his deep voice and starts to limp away and lift his arm up and start swinging away. what was that about and what was that terrible voice. and why did he seem so familiar?
I start to walk home forgetting about peter. after hours i get home seeing no car in the drive way. “looks like its a late night for me” i say under my breathe unlocking the front door and stepping inside. i throw my backpack on the ground and take my shoes off. my body hurts but i still manage to get up the stairs and going to my room. as i lay down on my bed my phone rings. i look at it. ‘Pete’ it says buzzing in my hand i answer it
“what peter” i frown into the phone disappointed and sad.
“y/n i am so sorry i ditched you i was leaving and i got a call from my boss and i had to come in im-” i cut him off  “peter its okay down worry about it goodnight” i say about to hang up
“wait can i come over i can explain everything so much better” he says nervously “ i guess peter” i say hanging up. ten minutes has passed and i hear a knock at my door. i run down stairs and open it to see peter. he has a big coat on with black sweat pants. he has bruises all over his fave and cuts. i gasp and grab his face “ OH my god peter what happened are you ok let me clean you up” i say grabbing his hand bringing him towards the bathroom “y/n im ok its just a scratch” he said squeezing my hand softly. i stop “i swear if flash did this i will kill him.” clenched my jaw, opening the bathroom door and making him go in and i close the door behind me. “no y/n it wasn't him i promise but i do have to talk to you” he says grabbing the rubbing alcohol from my hands. “well what is it peter? if it was about ditching me we can talk about it later let me-” he cut me off by unzipping his jacket showing me his suit “y/n im spider man thats why ive been ditching you someone very dangerous was out there today you helped me get out from under scrap metal today y/n” he says pulling out his beated up mask from his jacket pocket and looked at me.
i was just standing there looking at him in shock. “y/n?” he says “you are spider man?” i say in shock “yeah im sorry i didn't show up after school and been treating you differently” he said holding my cheek “parker is spider man” i smile “ i knew it” i giggle “your man voice is funny” i say looking into his eyes. he leans in “y/n” he licks his lips and looking at your lips and back to your eyes. “hm” i say leaning in to where our lips are almost touching. He kisses me passionately as i kiss back holding onto him. i pull away for air and i say looking in his eyes smiling...
“ive always loved you parker”
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