#i like masculine or gender neutral language tho
real nonbinary experience tbh
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waterinathermostat · 2 years
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aristotels · 7 months
wait you arent trans? huh
you arent the first person to be surprised lol, and now i wonder if people think im transmasc or transfem when they think im trans. ive heard both assumptions. :P
in any case, whatever you think, its not a big deal, but here a more detailed explanation
i dont consider myself trans, tho i technically would fall under that umbrella i think; i am agender, i am not cis, and since i dont even perceive my gender (aside when talking about materialism and class opression of women), i just dont feel like i fit in either cis or trans categories.
in any case, even though im uncomfortable when my sex is brought up and when i am perceived and treated as of certain gender (i already talked about how this seriously bothers me regarding stand up comedy), at most its annoyance and anger at misogyny. my gender is not very important to me, i do not perform it, and i dont think about it in context of me as a person. aside, from, as i said, opression that affects me as an opressed class.
in general, i just see gender as a very annoying thing that i gotta drag around. and since i dont perceive myself as a person with any kind of gender, then cis/trans just... in my self-perception dont apply to me. cis or trans from what. from nothing to nothing.
was always like this btw, i thought i was transmasc when i was a child and a teen, turned out what i yearned for was state of neutrality; my yearnings didnt have anything to do with masculinity, but were aimed at the monologues, philosophy, literature which interested me, and often was from male perspective and gender.
but even back then masc pronouns in my language didnt feel right for me, what i used was "we" until parents trained it outta me lol.
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daz4i · 1 year
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@mike-queerler hi hi i didn't wanna derail casino's post so! other instances of transgenderism in bsd (the original tag was partially a joke but these are stuff that certainly makes you go Hm):
kouyou and kyouka being based on male authors, yet being depicted as. well. girls (p sure that's where the common hc that kouyou is trans came from)
q, and that one wan chapter i unfortunately don't know how to find rn. i can't remember who it is but there's someone questioning if q is actually a boy, but it ends with smth along the lines of "when i saw how cute his face looked when he's happy, i stopped caring about whether he's a boy or not"
gin's whole Thing. like presenting as generally androgynous (at work at least) and not correcting anyone when they refer to her as "he" or call her a guy
these are just the most obvious i can think of tbh, not even getting into other androgynous characters (sigma is most obvious, tho fyodor, nikolai, kenji, chuuya are all characters I've seen confuse readers about their gender too) or dazai using gender neutral language etc (bc that's more a homage to irl dazai's writing. still, not gonna stop me from being insane abt nb dazai) and other smaller things that are easier to brush off hehe
also, this one's I'm certain is accidental, but aya and her dad's thing about how she's a failure at being a woman is so. both transmasc and transfem pain. and that last chapter where she talks abt how she never wanted to be an ideal woman but wanted to be like him! is! while not great! even more of a transmasc thing imo
and ofc chuuya being a short guy who speaks in an excessively masculine manner, doesn't remember his childhood + that more angry once a month joke. and his story is all about questioning your own identity due to the people around you - your family especially, or at least people who claim to be your family and that they know what's best for you - insisting you are something that you're certain you aren't, and you have to stick with it and keep believing in it to make it through and truly be yourself, and generally coming to terms with your identity, can be very easily read as a trans allegory as well
tldr: transgenderism. fuck yeah 🔥 if asagiri did even one of these things on purpose then well. i think that'd be really cool 😌 but even on accident it's still p fun!
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eroticcannibal · 11 months
it is still mostly suffering but Ive realised gendered language does open new avenues of gender fuckery. Like, using the masculine plural for women or feminine verbs for a guy, etc. some ppl have also developed gender neutral Hebrew but idk how widespread or accepted it is, I definitely wanna learn it too tho
Ooohh your mind. I had not considered the possibilities.
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tosahobi-if · 8 months
different anon, if it's okay with you, i'm interested in how you come up with the names! i've been using random generators but perhaps seeing a different approach is what i need...
this took me forever to answer and i'm so sorry about that, but this is about to be a lengthy post so strap in!
i'll give an overview of korean names and i'll explain some ideas for how you can go about naming your characters! for now i'll stick to korean names, but i've also done research into go-on kanji and chinese given names during the late three kingdoms period, so i can offer a little bit of help on those if people are curious about those as well! i can't promise it'll be as comprehensive tho hehe
a "brief" overview: modern korean names are made up of a surname followed by a given name. for the period tosahobi is set in it was exceedingly common to NOT have a last name. historical records state that last names typically only belonged to nobility and/or royalty, hence why certain characters have last names (jinwol) and other characters don't (yul). korean names are written with hangul, which was invented in 1443 however murim stories are an amalgamation of historical fact and fantasy, which is why i used the "modern" naming system.
korean was originally written using chinese characters. that's why there are typically two versions of a korean name, one in hangul and one in hanja. there are tens of thousands of characters in chinese and many of them have similar sounds which can be differentiated by intonation.
rather than being read logographically, korean is phonographic (modern korean no longer has intonations and different phonemes than chinese) so the same reading can be attached to different characters. (this is called sino-korean!)
hangul was designed to simplify the language to spread literacy to the population. each character represents a sound, and written together they form a syllable. for example, jin (진) has multiple hanja (進, 鎭, 眞, 振, etc.) and are all read as just jin, but in mandarin, they could be read as jìn, zhēn, chén, and so on.
thus korean names are chosen in hangul (ex; jinwol or 진월) then each syllable is assigned a hanja which carries the sound of the syllable used, but carries a corresponding meaning! i did a little breakdown of the hanja used in jinwol's name here!
some things to think about: if you take away anything here, it's that there's no single definition for any name! the components of a name make up the meaning. unless it's a name like yul with a singular character, the two syllables can be built to signify a wideeee variety of things. (that's why you shouldn't trust Name Your Baby sites that are like xyz means This Exactly HAHA!)
gender! hangul names are typically gender neutral, however, hanja can sometimes denote birth gender as there are masculine, feminine, and neutral character radicals. (ex the syllable "yeon" is gnc, but with the hanja 延 (to stretch, lengthen) it can be seen as masculine since that's a more "masculine" quality whereas the hanja 媛 (beauty) it is seen as feminine.)
there are indigenous korean names that come from native korean words being used as names. iseul is one such example! her name 이슬 means "dew" and does not have a corresponding hanja.
important!!! one can still assign arbitrary hanja to syllables, which is why in iseul's case i chose corresponding characters that i thought suited her personality! vibes are a really easy way to go about it. the hanja i chose for "i" (이) is 怡 for joy and 瑟 as in the guse, (known in korea as a seul) which is a type of zither. all together her name signifies "rejoicing at the pleasing sound of the guse".
how i make a name: names are usually one or two characters, for example, iseul is (怡 and 瑟) while yul (律) is one character. some nobility had three character given names, but since this already getting super long i won't be delving into those today.
typically i make the name in hangul first. i think you could do this in reverse (hanja -> hangul) but it'd probably be harder. most given names consist of sino-korean morphemes for each syllable, but you could def give your character a native name like iseul! (ex; garam, naro, roda)
you can theoretically choose any hanja you want (jsyk there's a korean law with a list of hanja you can't use in a name HAHAHA) parents, especially well-educated ones put together names with deep meanings and cultural references.
a common practice is to visit a naming-place where a fortune teller or a scholar (almost always a fortune teller, i've never met any naming scholars but they're out there!) they'll assist parents with hanja meanings for names after receiving information like due date estimations and personal details!
this is where elements of anthroponymy come in and they analyze things like stroke count and the five elements of nature to come up with a "beneficial" name for the child! (for example, if a child was lacking in the water element, the fortune teller could suggest a hanja related to water in some way -> balance achieved!)
vibes are a great way to name your character. one of the first things i consider is personality (are they happy? sad? thoughtful?) followed by things like birthplace (topographic names are popular!) and goals/achievements (what kind of person do i want them to become? brave? smart?) and then start looking up the hanja to attach to their name!
if this seems overwhelming, you're not alone! i take foreverrrrr to name my characters for that exact reason. names are considered very special and sacred (maybe not so much nowadays LOL) but back then they were thought to be a vital part of the soul and identity, which is why it's such a lengthy process!
anyways if you've somehow read to here, thank you so much for sticking through my (unedited) rambling. i'm really excited to be sharing this with you guys! and i'm also happy to help you guys come up with names if you send me asks or dms for your mc if you're having a hard time thinking of a name.
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katzenklavierr · 7 months
Genuinely don't think it's that hard to understand that:
Language with gendered origins can become gender neutral if enough people use it in that way
These words, in European languages at least, tend to be masculine terms (there's a variety of sociocultural reasons for this, also feminine terms are often linguistically marked in a way masculine terms aren't)
These terms often still maintain their gendered meaning in addition to their newer non-gendered meaning; which meaning is intended by the speaker or perceived by the listener depends heavily on social context
HOWEVER, even if the intended usage is gender neutral, if someone expresses discomfort at being referred to a certain way (e.g., a trans woman not wanting to be called bro, dude, man, etc.), the fact that these terms can be gender neutral is not a valid reason to continue making someone uncomfortable when their gendered functions still very much exist and are specifically used as a covert means of targeted misgendering.
Like why is this even a debate. I don't understand why people are getting so defensive about calling trans women by masculine vocatives (lbr tho it's probably just unchecked transmisogyny and/or lack of consideration for people with differing experiences than oneself).
Even language that isn't explicitly gendered can still be used in a very gendered way, also depending on social context, such as being called a pet name or diminutive by a stranger or superior as a means of demeaning them; this happens often to both trans men and trans women, as well as cis women.
TLDR Communication goes both ways and your intention is only half of it. Grow tf up and don't call people things they don't want to be called.
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menalez · 1 year
omg hi! I was thinking about it after I saw post on radblr about gendered languages soo I want to ask you to make a poll if it's okay!
my native language is gendered so you can refer to chair as he and to door as she and everything, it is not only reflected in nouns but also in adjectives and verbs. and since everything is gendered, you can't talk about someone without specifying their sex, so for example, if you want to say "this teacher is very nice" you need to specify in every word that teacher's sex.
so the problem in my country that feminists are dealing with, is that people, when referring to a woman, are using he/him for noun and she/her for the rest of the words. like in "this doctor is very nice" "doctor" will be used in a male form, while all the other words will be used in a female form or if someone want to say "this doctor is a good specialist" they will only specify that this is a woman only in a word "this" or won't do even that.
this way of using words is already erasing women from the language, but with all that, one of the arguments against using female form while talking about a woman (which is grammarly correct and is what feminists are asking for) is that female form sound "unserious" or "unprofessional". it is also a common thing to hear something like "she's not an actress, she's an actor!" as if "actress"(female) is inferior and "actor"(male) is superior.
there are female forms of words that people do not care about(some still do), mostly because it is usually women's professions like "teacher", "kindergartener", "flight attendant", "babysitter", etc but it is only adding to all that misogyny.
so all this talking was because I wanted to ask you to make a poll about if other women speaking gendered language have this kind of problem in their country/language.
I also always feel weird when people in english are using gay as an adjective, like saying gay woman instead of lesbian and gay people while referring to LGB but not lesbian people or bi people for some reason. but it seems like a lot of woman here on radblr don't really mind that? so I thought that it might be because of how english is not gendered and if there's any gyns speaking gendered languages, I would also like to read what they think about it.
my language is similarly gendered! coincidentally, chair is also masculine, but the door is also masculine. table is feminine, pillow is feminine, blanket is masculine, room is feminine, etc. it would also be in arabic that if you say "this teacher is very nice" it would be "this(feminine) teacher(feminine) is very nice(feminine)". its extremely gendered which i dont mind but what i DO dislike about it is if you want to be neutral, the default is male. masculine is both masculine and neutral depending on context. male as neutral doesn't sit right with me personally.
how it works in your language sounds terrible! one thing i like about my language is the way words are feminised is pretty simple and consistent. doctor vs doctora, teacher (mudaris, male) vs teacher (mudarisa, female). you just add an -ah sound at the end of the profession & it becomes female.
i would argue english IS gendered tho, its just not as gendered as languages like arabic, german, spanish, etc but it is indeed gendered. especially compared to languages like mandarin, in which the pronoun for both sexes is ta (so no he nor she, just ta. context clues or the character used will indicate the sex tho). theres also stuff to be said about how "female" and "woman" have "male" and "man" in them.
ANYWAYS... heres the poll u asked for,, i wasnt sure if some of these options apply to any languages but i thought id make these options regardless in case thats simply my ignorance:
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Hey yall, just a heads up, and I really dont mean this in a harsh way, but in one of your latest posts (the terzo helping the reader with a nightmare one), the request asked for a male reader and it was asked what difference the gender makes here and while I agree that ofc it doesnt change anything, you cant just say that and then use female terms of endearments in the fic (dolcezza for example)
Now ofc I am not a native italian speaker and I imagine most readers wont know the difference anyway and its especially difficult to ask the internet/translators (esp google translate) for help when translating stuff from a non-gendered language (english) into a gendered one (italian), but I just thought that you might wanted to know?
hi, i'm a european with a heavily gendered language, so i get where you're coming from. the others are native english speakers.
italian, similarily to polish, has little to no gender-neutral terms of endearment (tho i'd argue that polish has more than italian does because it's a very flexible language).
to clarify, anon means this ask for amab (not specified that it's for a male) reader.
the "what difference does a penis make" was a reference to a post i made some time ago, about how unless the reader's genitals affect anything, we're gonna keep the reader gender neutral.
death themself is female-leaning and we do take most asks in a self-indulgent way, so it most likely stems from this. we mix up the terms between fics (feminine in one, masculine in other), but for a more fem-aligned person, usage of fem-aligned words is much more naturally flowing and in all honesty, we just don't really have a good way to write it in a more gender neutral fashion.
primarily, the terms used depend on the writer. death will use feminine terms more often than masculine because they're fem-aligned. zenith will use masculine terms because he's a trans man. i will mix up the terms because my gender i have multiple genders and i like using funky terms.
in the end, i don't think it matters all that much? i'm not trying to dismiss your concerns and i will think about how to make it better in the future, but based on my own experience (again, my own experience, doesn't have to be the same for everyone), it's not really a big deal? it's not hard to just swap the "a" and the "o" in your mind. and i was a hetalia fangirl, so i read things with multiple languages and gendered terms. in my mind, as long as it's grammatically correct, it doesn't really impact the fanfic.
however, just to get some feedback (because i realize i am fairly biased as a polish person) i'd like to include a quick poll here.
- Nosferatu
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo are also considered feminine leaning tho!
Hj has a pretty balanced "feminine" and "masculine" chart overall tho leaning towards feminine.
Moon in gemini is considered a pretty queer placent too (and I can attest to that xp) and the sag placements and 9h(in placidus at least) would make me think the possibility of liking any kind of people and gender, same in 11h tbh.
Btw, even if it wasn't super direct, I still 100% believe that was him coming out as pan bc why would he specify wether man or woman? It wasn't necessary to say🤨 And yeah he said that was a different story but pretty sure he explained it to contextualize on why that was his ideal type, bc also he followed by "SO yeah I don't have an ideal type, I try to see that person vibe first" meaning it was indeed connected to the story.
Also Korean is a very neutral gender language but they do use the word girl or man to define ideal type as well yet not only he specified "wether man or woman" bf but also said the word person a lot🤨
And yeah het ppl can also be attracted romantically or/and sexually bc of the inside too but that's mainly an aroace spectrum and pan experience and you don't really see het allos defining the ideal type excluding their gender unless they are multisexual, ace or/and aro.
Idk I just think since he was soo smooth about it and he wasn't saying "pansexual" explicitly it's easy to ignore and not think much about it but bc of what I said I still think that was proof and he came out!
(2/2) Which I also find interesting is him having planets that even if they don't have to mean only that, they can indicate being in the trans umbrella. Like his Sun/Uranus aspect to say one example. I obviously wouldn't rely on astrology to state any sexuality or gender, just using it to explain the possibility in astrology terms! But either way, no one can convince me Hj is cisgender tbh. And I don't mean it bc of stereotypes or gender expression(gender non conformity doesn't necessarily mean being trans as well although it can be common they align), I mean well those and other things open more possibilities for me thinking so but yeah I just think he isn't cis. But anyways it doesn't matter nor what what we think so
Oh anon, giving me a reason to continue writing essays hahaha- I'll try to address each bit at a time.
Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo are also considered feminine leaning tho!
I did go back and check that I got Virgo right in this writeup, where I put it as neuter leaning feminine (she is the maiden, after all). If I didn't make it clear, I consider the planets with contrasting elements one way or another to be "leaning" as well. So in the case of Scorpio and Capricorn, their elemental positioning causes them to not be as strictly tied to the binary. Scorpio is related to the scorpion that killed Orion, and Capricorn to the goat that suckled Zeus. Of the two, I personally take Scorpio to be a bit more masculine than Capricorn, but that's personal flavor of finding Mars energy a bit more overt.
Hj has a pretty balanced "feminine" and "masculine" chart overall tho leaning towards feminine. Moon in gemini is considered a pretty queer placent too (and I can attest to that xp) and the sag placements and 9h(in placidus at least) would make me think the possibility of liking any kind of people and gender, same in 11h tbh.
I'd agree on the sentiment that Hongjoong has a mixed chart, but I find most people do- it's what makes people that have type dominant charts (stelliums, elemental imbalance, etc.) so interesting because they're that much rarer.
Moon in Gemini is actually one of those placements that trips me up because it shows so differently across different people based on where it's placed. I very rarely can clock it without looking at a chart. Naturally, Ateez would have 3 of them xD
As far as Hongjoong's placements go, it's his Mars in Virgo sitting in the 9th house, not his Sun (edit: as per traditional astrology) which I think would lead him to being way more traditional. The thing highly combatting that would be his Jupiter opposite in Pisces, my belief for one of the artiest-fartiest placements a person can have (especially in the 3rd house!). To your point though, under whole signs that Sun/Venus combo gets thrown to the 11th house, which I would describe as much more open. Interesting how two very different placement systems can generate a similar outcomes.
(Sagittarius is indeed a very forward thinking sign borderline rebellious, but by whole signs it's in the 12th house, so his Mercury, while charged, can work against him in this regard.)
Discussion on the video itself
I do think his verbage is very interesting, and it reminds me very strongly of Felix or Suga. (Felix has also basically come out as much as I think will be allowed of him).
THAT BEING SAID, I would remind us all that an idol's job is to be appealing. That's not being pessimistic so much as the pragmatism of someone realizing their interested demographic and playing to it. Not to say anyone, Hongjoong or otherwise, is lying when they form responses like this. It's just also recognizing that if you approach me at my job about my opinion, I'm gonna give you a neutered answer. I think the same applies to idols. So, while his take to the inquiry makes me raise my eyebrows, as to how far I'd infer something with it..... I stick with my original commentary of "pan-coded".
Finally, if you haven't read enough, I'll link this fun article on queerness in theatre, which I think also applies to other artistic professions such as music or fashion. At the end of the day, I find it very interesting how K-Pop and its fandom has become something a haven for queer people despite being rooted in a still-conservative country.
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magentagalaxies · 2 years
Jessamine Accidentally Writes An Essay About Two Conversations Ze's Totally Normal About
one of my beloved mutuals (@souplover13) is reblogging a lot of queerpunk posts tonight which just reminded me of two conversations i want to document. yes this story involves paul bellini why wouldn't it (fr tho i was considering not making this a post bc i was like oh god do people really want to hear me ramble about these 63-year-old gay dudes again maybe i should give it a rest but whatever it's my blog and if people don't like it why are they even following me this is all we do here)
anyway the story actually begins with a conversation i had with my parents earlier today. now, i'm lucky enough to have parents that are constantly trying their best to be good allys and are always learning to do better. they're not perfect, but they want to learn. while at lunch today my dad took a picture of me and my mom together since i won't be home again for a few months and he affectionately said "my girls." i've been out to my parents as nonbinary for around a year, but i let it slide since my gender wasn't the most important part of that sentiment, more the fact that it was a nice family moment.
a beat later my mom corrects "girl and person," and while i am grateful for her seeing that i'm not a girl, this type of correction always makes me feel more awkward than being misgendered. like, the point of my dad calling me "his girl" was this tone of familial affection, but the word "person" just feels cold and distant, which is something i struggle with in a lot of gender neutral language. but beyond that, it's just this weird separation. i jokingly correct my mom again, saying "hey, we're both people."
the conversation continues and eventually my mom asks if it bothers me when people call me "girl" like that. and the truth is: i don't know. it bothers me a little, but the forced neutrality bothers me more, and honestly i don't really care what gendered language someone uses for me as long as they mean it in a way that shows me they care. like, i'd rather be called girl affectionately than be called "genderqueer nonbinary person with a strained relationship to androgyny who uses ze/zir pronouns and feels represented by the word transfeminine" in a derogatory way. I respond "it's contextual," but that's not a satisfactory answer. the conversation moves on to a nonbinary person who stops by my mom's work often and how my mom's had to correct some of the older employees to stop calling them a girl, since times are changing.
the second conversation is from a few weeks ago when i first visited canada to help with the mouth congress concert and got to have lunch with paul bellini beforehand. at one point the conversation developed into paul asking me what being "nonbinary" means for me personally. it was clear he wasn't intimately familiar with the concept (though to his credit he did have more experience with it than i expected), and some of his assumptions were inaccurate to my experience, but he listened intently as i described my experience not knowing how to specifically label my gender but just knowing i don't want to be seen as a cis woman while also having no desire to be fully male. he related it to his own experience as a gay man with his own complex relationship to masculinity and femininity, acknowledging it's not the exact same, and by the end of our conversation i truly felt like he respected my unique relationship to gender even if there were certain parts he still needed to process.
but most importantly, it was funny. granted our conversation was a unique case since both individuals were queer comedians from different generations, but approaching the strange concept of gender identity with humor made it so much more comfortable. paul described being a little feminine gay kid and thinking "i'm not a boy or a girl, i'm a god" and i responded that's it exactly. i brought up the mouth congress song she-male: master of the universe, saying the vision of a vengeful genderqueer space goddess is the most represented i've felt by a piece of media, only half joking. but also there were times when i made jokes about failing at gender (e.g. referencing a group of "girls" at my high school who made me realize i'm nonbinary since i always felt weird for being the least feminine person when we hung out, and then the fact that several of them came out as transmasc after graduation meaning now they can be better than me at being trans as well) and while paul acknowledged the joke he also assured me i was exactly where i needed to be in terms of my gender presentation, and honestly i'm kind of tearing up just thinking about it.
paul never asked me for my pronouns, but to be fair i did somewhat volunteer them in the form of a joke: "i use any pronouns, but i will silently judge you based on what you do with that information." that line got a laugh.
I told the same line to my parents after our "girl" conversation today, earning only confusion, and it made me realize something: so much of modern trans allyship centers entirely around language, be it pronouns or recognizing the lack of neutrality in our everyday speech. and while these things are certainly important, that's not understanding. cishet allys so often want to be able to say the right thing, so they approach the subject as learning the rules for how to incorporate this new approach to gender into their lexicon. i think there's something to be said for how this parallels how we're often taught about cis gender roles: these are the rules you follow to be a man or woman. when you find out someone doesn't fit neatly into those boxes, it's natural to ask "okay, what are your rules?" this also leads to some cis people (even gay cis people) complaining about how "you can't say anything these days" since it's portrayed as just another set of rules you need to learn.
but honestly, i don't know what my gender rules should be. my approach to gender lately has been the equivalent of "idk dude i just work here," i don't know where i specifically fit in but i do know how i feel inside. the answer "it's contextual" doesn't give you the cheat codes to gendering me correctly, because even i don't know how to gender myself correctly half the time. however, more importantly imo it gives you a window into how it feels to be me, a nonbinary person with complicated relationships to every facet of gender who's decided to stop expecting language to fully represent me but still has to deal with language being applied to me all the time. my nonbinary gender is confusing as hell, and i'm tired of having to pretend it's not as if that's the only way it's worthy of respect. every gender (including cis genders) is confusing as hell, and it's only when we all accept this fact that we can actually make a meaningful connection.
as my parents and i were driving away from the restaurant my only thought was i wonder how my dad would've referred to that photo if it was my brother and my mom in the picture. would he have said "girl and boy?" or "girl and person?" or would he have simply said "family"
#soup i tagged you bc i feel like you'd be interested in this#tbh i didn't plan on this being as long as it is but whatever i clearly needed to process something#tbh i'm kind of rolling my eyes at myself like ''ah great another paul bellini post'' but like#having an older queer comedian mentor actually really means a lot to me and i think i'm allowed to celebrate that#also honestly didn't realize how much the genuinely compassionate response to my high school joke actually meant to me until this moment???#like in the moment i was like ''no that was a joke isn't it funny the same group of people made me feel inadequate in multiple genders''#but now i'm like wait. oh. i've been holding onto that idea that i'm not good enough. insert crying cat meme#also shoutout to another anecdote from that paul conversation:#apparently he has a younger cousin who's a trans girl and he brought scott with him to visit them for christmas this year#and he said ''that cousin and scott ended up having one of those conversations where everyone around them is on edge bc any second someone#could say the wrong thing. it was awesome'' and like unironically i agree???#like yeah having someone say something accidentally transphobic is shitty but one thing i enjoy about scott it he's not a performative ally#if he doesn't get something he will say it. and tbh at this point i've been around enough people who know all the language#but don't really get it or worse think the opposite#that watching someone like that is honestly refreshing
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ochnoe · 2 months
It's interesting figuring out what kinds of gendered expressions I am fine with because it doesn't really seem to follow a pattern for me...
German is a very gendered language and there are few neutral options. I prefer neutral options in every aspect but I am fine with ppl using masculine forms for descriptors (tho I am seeing the -ys ending as a neutral option more and more in queer spaces so I may establish that in my circles) and he/him pronouns for me if they are entirely unfamiliar with dey/demm/deren and not a close friend/family member who I expect to learn.
I am also fine with being called the german equivalent of Mister/Sir tho I would prefer no honorifics, as there isn't a gender neutral one I like.
And while none of the gendered options are actually preferred I am ok with them.
I know this because yesterday my brother called me brother and everything inside me immediately went 'Nope, absolutely not, no.'
And I went 'Huh so thats a step to far for some reason'.
And I think thats interesting.
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: Ableism, Conversion Therapy, Neglect.
Name: Ryu Takashi (龍隆)
Special Titles: “Tight End” of his football team, Hime-Sama. (姫ー様)
Username: @hanahakiboy
Nicknames: Imoto (妹.)
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A very formal neutral pronoun.)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Genderfuck, Pretty Boy, GNC.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Autism, Depression, PTSD, AFRID, Checking OCD, Body Dysmorphia, Suicide Ideation, Hikikomori Tendencies, Social Anxiety, Insomnia, Night Terrors.
Active Addictions: Cigarettes, Self Harm.
Religion: Catholic.
Job: Drag Performer/Waitress, Mangaka, and Basically any odd job he can muster.
Major: Art.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese, Mongolian.
Accent: Yamanote, Monotone.
Vehicle: Heely’s.
Weapons: Has a collection of different types of weapons. Usually has a butterfly knife on him.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Dog.
Hobbies: Football, Parkour, Marathons, Boxing, Weight Lifting, Mobile Gaming, Cheerleading, Tennis, Sewing, Speed Cubing, Combat Robotics, Street Fighting, Stick and Pokes, Poetry.
Diet: If It’s not on this list, he probably won’t eat it.
Favorite Drink: Apple Juice, Grape Ramune, Lemonade, Peppermint Tea.
Favorite Meals: Mac and Cheese, Dino Nuggets w Fries, Spaghetti w Octopus shaped Hotdogs, Instant Ramen, Natto, Takoyaki, Onigiri, Yakitori, Soup Dumplings, Ehomaki, Sushi Salad, Handroll, Southwest Eggrolls, Cheese Pizza, Bubur Cha Cha.
Favorite Candy: Saka Neriame, Tanghulu.
Favorite Snacks: Strawberry Poptarts, Wheelchips, Blueberry Muffins.
Favorite Dessert: Dried Persimmon, Mooncakes, Shirokuma, Sugar Cookies with Icing, Icecream Sandwiches.
Favorite Flower: Dandelions.
Scent: Like a Spa, Strawberries.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 1st 2003 (Gemini, Snake, AB)
Fun Facts: Has a secret Ao3 account where he writes smut, In fact he has allot of secret social media he doesn’t share with anyone he knows.
Unfortunately is a BL fan. He’s a little bit cringe.
Special Interests: Sports, Otaku Stuff, Drag.
Stims: Fidgets with his bandages and his clothing, Various purple stim toys.
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Comfort Objects: Djungelskog, His backpack, Weighted Crab Plushie.
Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Erhi Batbayar, Makoto Takashi (Parents.)
Friends: Kagayaki, Uru, Atsu, Otoko.
Romance: Boru (Boyfriend)
Pets: Chad (茶で) (Bearded Dragon.), Kaminari (雷) (Newfoundland Dog), Inazuma (稲妻) (Black Kitten)
Brief Personality: Ryu is a Bit of an odd duckling, He is very passionate about the things he likes but he has a tendency to shy away from other people, He prefers to be alone but will make an exception for his friend group. He has a tendency to worry about how people perceive him and likes to keep his secrets locked up tight.
Brief Backstory:
Ryu grew up with just him and his dad. He’s always looked up to his dad ever since he was little, however his dad… was.. an interesting character to say the least.. There’s a reason why Ryu’s mom isn’t in the picture and it’s not because she was abducted by lizard people like his father says.
Ryu has always been an exceptionally intelligent kid, he was able to excel in school but his dad.. didn’t really appreciate this.. or anything about Ryu really. He tended to just put Ryu in his room and let him fend for himself.
His father was a very religious man, he didn’t like that Ryu was a bit girlier than the other boys, Ryu 9/10 in his childhood were in and out of church therapy trying to pray the gay out of him.
Eventually Ryu gave in, and he attached himself to any masculine thing he actually enjoyed. He did really like sports so he put his all into that, showing people that he was normal..
Of course even tho he acted perfect his father still couldn’t see that. His fathers theories on the world got more and more unhinged every day.. and Ryu just had to sit there and deal with it.
His father has a tendency to compare Ryu to something inhuman due to his personality, and dehumanize him. Though Ryu is so use to it at this point it doesn’t fully register anymore.
Ryu eventually was able to make friends with his “Bros”, he loves them dearly. He isn’t good at showing it though..
I’m sure that gay thing wont come back.. It’s fineee.. It’s just guys being dudes after all.
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phycorb · 2 years
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I posted 5,061 times in 2022
That's 3,489 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (1%)
4,997 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 565 of my posts in 2022
#echo speaks - 22 posts
#reference - 14 posts
#ref - 12 posts
#prev - 11 posts
#jokes - 5 posts
#oh my god - 4 posts
#important - 4 posts
#watch later - 4 posts
#ask - 4 posts
#art - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i only read like the first and second letter and i remember he said he ate mămăligă. i didnt see sour cream mentioned so im judgemental tho
My Top Posts in 2022:
For Mutuals eyes only
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Inspired by the post about selfies that I reblogged right before this
9 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Nblm blog: @hazel-nblm
Writing blog: @unspoken-echo
List of sideblogs
12 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
I remember when i first saw blorbo from my shows on my dashboard and i genuinely thought it was a character from a fandom, so I went to block it. Because I block all fandoms im not into to keep my dash clean
12 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Dont reblog this
13 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tempted to coin a term which means "a nonbinary person who is (not necessarily exclusively) masculine, but is not male-aligned" since I can't find a term like that
Signed by a masculine (and also neutral / androgynous) person who is rather neutral-aligned.
Edit: I did!
33 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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octoagentmiles · 3 years
Okay real fast. What are your pronouns
ALSO i envy your knowlege bc this hyperfixation is rather recent and i cam only consume media off netflix which is A Pity. ANYWAY I saw your post about kwazzi redemption arc and if this wasnt a kids show i feel like there would definitely be so much plot involving the cat pirates. Going off that- i know the cats bwing pirates thing is probably for simplicities sakw, to be consistent with kwazzi being a cat but I kind of wonder if its a nod to how actual cats are p mischivious. Also. Persobally offended the mantis shrimp episode didnt include the Shrimp Colours Tm
my pronouns are they/she *finger guns*
AND if you wanna watch Octonauts anywhere else besides Netflix, every episode is on YouTube and on kimcartoon.li if you have good AdBlock (I don't have Netflix so I improvise lol).
The whole "there would totally be more intense lore if the age demographic was higher" thing is something I say to myself CONSTANTLY.
I genuinely believe with all my heart and soul, that Octonauts needs more recognition as a show for all ages. I think it should be seen as such because it's literally so good. It deserves a bigger fandom.
I like to imagine in Octonauts-world that all* cats are pirates; not all pirates are cats, but all cats are pirates. Anyone can wear an eyepatch, but creatures still instantly identify Kwazii as a pirate: probably because he's a cat.
(*there might be a few castaways here or there who rejected that life, which I'd LOVE to see explored if my theory turns out to be true one day.)
—I just thought of a joke where Tweak makes "shrimp vision" goggles (similar to the "damselfish vision" goggles) and Kwazii puts them on. Then he takes them off. And he's just like
"I will never be the same."
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Can I request Billy Hargrove and a gender nonconforming black!reader just being friends and causing mayhem Idk if you write 4 that tho
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Water fights
Billy Hargrove x Platonic!Gender-nonconforming!Black!Reader
A/n: as someone who's black and genderfluid I am always open to writing different types of readers an often prefer to write gender neutral readers. i did also see your other ask and didnt use any specific pronouns 
Warnings: strong language, brief mentions of Neil's terrible and abusive parenting, no pronouns used 
Word Count: 544 
Stranger things Masterlist | Main Masterlist DO NOT STEAL MY WORK
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Since Billy’s been in Hawkins he's found that so many people were so interested in him cause he was new, that wasn't to say you weren't curious but you weren't always bothering him and you weren't asking him to do things constantly or sleep with him. You had walked up to him one day at school offering to show him around Hawkins high since the school tended to just let new students wander around confused with a printed map of the school.
“I'm Y/n, anyone showed you around school yet?”
he shook his head no to your question.
“Well, I can show you your classes so you're not running around like a chicken with its head cut off,” you say laughing and patting his shoulder.
You motion for the dirty blonde to follow you. that started a good friendship you weren't fake like his other friends you felt genuine like some of the friends he had back in Cali. it took him a minute to get you though. You were comfortable with yourself not really fitting between feminine and masculine stereotypes but after a while Billy got used to it and felt like he could wear what he wanted around you, it was refreshing compared to the stuff he’d get called at home when he simply paid attention to his appearance.
“Hargrove think fast,” Billy didn't even have the chance to look up from his porch to see a water balloon hit him, looking down to his shirt and back up at you on skates with a wagon full of water balloons.
“Y/n what the hell,” he said looking down at his now wet shirt
“gotta be faster Billy, that's sad considering your on the basketball team,” you say laughing at your best friend.
“maybe don't go around throwing water balloons at people on their porch,” he says now wet.
“its just water you'll dry off if your come skate with me and we can see if the basketball player can actually aim,”
Billy puts tilts his head back. sighs walking down the steps he just walked up.
“your real lucky I know how to skate,” he said grabbing the other pair from your bag.
the both of you spend the day skating around Hawkins on the warm spring day and throwing the water balloon at people.
“Billy I swear to god if you hit me with the water balloon I will dump this entire wagon full of water on you” Billy threw the balloon at you bursting against your shirt. it was the last water balloon and he chose to throw it at you. in retaliation you poured the wagon on him soaking him. both of you skating in front of your house.
"your not too bad Billy,” you laugh.
”not too bad I'm great,” he said in response.
“Well, I did almost see you fall on Mainstreet so great might be pushing it,” you say.
as Billy stops, sitting on the curb tired, "I know I never say this but seriously thank you for being my friend,” Billy says smiling up at you still skating around the cul-de-sac. you stop looking at the blue-eyed boy.
"well I've gotta thank you for giving me a chance Billy,” you say smiling at the boy.
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