#i like my characters big and evil with a pinch of silly
viciouslyfilthy · 1 year
Another urge manifests today: that of making a REALTOR and/or a Regular Guy oc
Please I'm SO into weird feral guys that are either houses or balls of fur
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bobamania · 2 years
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this challenge but it's mlp but i haven't watched anything beyond season 6 episode 4 (minus the finale). also i'm going to ramble too much NOT SORRY!!
blorbo: it was rainbow dash for the longest time because ykno she's awesome and cool and all that shit. also lgbt literally my gay awakening. but at the end of the day it's APPLEJACK<3 i've always loved her myyy country gal. there was this fanmade song called applejack and i ate that shit up i was fucking obsessed with it and i didn't stop listening to it like it was my oxygen. i love my country gal so much my sweetie pie my honey. also i kid you fucking not i had to pause the mlp finale for an HOUR because i had to calm myself down like APPLEJACK AND RAIMBOW DASH GOT MARRIED....HOLY FUUUUUCKKKK... HHE??HEHRJDKDJD oh mygod
that was in the PAST tho like waaayyy back when i was still really into mlp. i am now officially announcing that shining armor is my new blorbo. congratulations sir
skrunkly: RUMBLE. is his full name rumble lane idk but look at him okay justtt .. Just look at him. he looks like the sweetest little boy ever. you just wanna pinch his cheeks and give him cookies and give his forehead a big ol' kiss that leaves a red kissmark like grandma does. this sweetheart activates my Inner Granny. also i read thru the mlp wiki and read most of the plot & apparently my little rumbly bumbly gets his own episode???? and it's SO GOOD????? hoooo be still my weak heart
scrimbo bimblo: big mac and shining armor #TBH 😖 sorryyyy i'm an only child and i've always wanted brothers hoooweee. i liked them back then for very different reasons as i do now. they're generally appreciated ig like they're not hated on or anything but i never really see them being mentioned as someone's fave?? give my men apprecation
and BRAEBURN!!!! I FORGOT ABOUT HIM FOR A SEC!!! MY FUNNY BOY!!!! can you see that i have a type i'm so sorry
...and soarin. LISTEN GUYS I JUST LIKE STUPID MEN (except for mac he's the only sane one here)
glup shitto: applejack aka best background pony NAHH just a funny lil jokesies :) that totally went over my head as a kid and i got genuinely offended bcs shes a main character!!! OMG youre so mean to her
i have several glup shittos actually. mlp was my biggest hyperfixation so i even memorized most of the background ponies. apple fritter my cute gal. rumble counts since all the content of him that i had bAcK iN mY dAy was his little scene in hurricane fluttershy. thunderlane should count too. candy apple. rose. lily valley.
does anyone remember the S5 episode slice of life? of course u do. it's definitely a fan favorite. i loved it so much. iconic. and the brief scene with the staff wearing horse masks... yeah that ep was so fun.
poor little meow meow: zephyr breeze 😅😅 i haven't watched his episode but i kinda know what kind of character he's like and tbh he's so fucking pathetic....
the EVIL ones tho.. early seasons discord aka before he got annoying and weak despite being the so-called GOD of chaos. ugh. pls he got so fucking annoying. celestia didn't need to turn him into stone. give him a chinese finger trap and he's dead. oh and king sombra. i think he appears in later seasons and i would like to put a disclaimer that sombra does not exist to me beyond season 6 episode 1-2. tbh i dont think he appears there but u get my point. i have a horrible feeling that they'll make him goofy like they did to discord. and DAYBREAKER!! i forgot that ive watched that ep. she's powerful. it's ok. i <3 women
horse plinko: zephyr breeze, he's pathetic and helpless. he is literally like this one guy on tiktok that i can't fucking remember but i'll get back to this when i find his videos. shining armor, i like seeing chad types in peril. discord, he's silly. sunburst, he's also silly. pinkie pie, she's crazy just like me.
i would also like to literally see these goofballs in a plinko.
eeby deeby: spike with wings (especially post timeskip spike). he deserves nothing.
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Since I don't really enjoy character death fics (I'm an absolute crying mess after reading them😂😭) I request a fluffy fic where, a few months after bumi is born, the gaang get together and they all want to carry bumi after not seeing him for so long😂🤷‍♀️
Character death fics chip away my soul I stg (tho I might just make that fic a coming-home fix since I left Aang’s death kindof dubious👀)
This prompt was a lot more fun than I anticipated lol. I’m still a tad loopy from my fever, so grammar may or may not be optional😅. I hope you enjoy my hot mess madness tho!
(Bestuncle!Sokka? Bestuncle!Sokka😤)
Words: 1,023
“You just had him! It’s my turn! Besides, I’m his favorite.” Sokka bumped his nose with Bumi’s and tickled his tummy with his fingers. Bumi was hardly as big as a loaf of bread, but his laugh was as loud as Appa’s happy-groan-growl. “Isn’t that right, Boom-erang? Yes, it is. Yes, it is~ Ow!”
Bumi didn’t let go of Sokka’s finger even as Sokka stomped his foot and bit his lip to hold back a curse that would have given Katara more than enough reason to end him. Bumi may not have any teeth, but, Spirits, did the kid have some jaw strength.
“That, Snoozles, is called karma.” Toph simultaneously scooped Bumi from under his arms and bumped her hip to Sokka’s; and though the touch seemed light, the Water Tribe warrior left a dent in the wall as he flew from the blow.
(Zuko winced and probed Sokka’s drooling, almost-broken form. Sokka clung to life...but just barely.)
Maternity suited Toph just as beautifully as Katara, and Bumi smiled a supernova when she cradled him in her arms. His grasping hands reached for her face and patted her cheeks to feel the curve of her smile.
“Awwww, look at you, little warrior,” Suki cooed. She offered her fingers for Bumi to latch onto, and his giggle reached crescendo as she wiggled his little fists. “You are absolutely adorable. You’ve grown so much!”
“He’s heavier, too.” Toph frowned. “And a little cold. Hey, Flames-for-Brains—”
Zuko was a shadow at Suki’s shoulder and already curling his hands under Bumi’s bum and back. It had taken him a while to learn how to hold Bumi just right, but now Zuko accepted the transfer with ease.
Bumi froze, looked shocked, and then turned to bury his face in the little sun holding him.
Suki cooed some more. “Looks like you’ve got some best-uncle competition, Sokka.”
Sokka was on his feet in the next second. He looked at Suki like she just grew a third head. “What?!” he cried, his voice cracking like when they were kids. 
They all laughed, Sokka sulked, and none of them thought anything of Sokka’s (or their own) volume until Bumi flinched and sniffled.
Then he started to cry.
And Sokka looked ready to throw himself on a pyre to save his nephew from even one more tear.
“Sokka!” Suki hissed. Zuko looked as ticked as she sounded.
“Oh, nononono, it’s okay Boom-erang. It’s okay. I’m sorry.” Sokka tripped over himself to offer his hands to the babe in a small sign of apology. “It’s okay. Uncle Sokka was just being silly.”
Bumi’s tears thinned to small streams...
...but not before the Avatar tore through the temple to save his crying little world. 
Aang turned the corner at such a high speed and at such a sharp angle that he slid, parallel to the ground, into the adjacent wall. He was shirtless, shoeless, and so flushed with panic that he rearranged his facial anatomy with how wide he made his eyes.
“Bumi?” He fell twice before standing. “Guys, where—What’s Bumi—?”
“Calm down, Twinkletoes. Bumi is fine. Sokka is just a moron.”
“It was an accident!” Sokka pleaded in a whisper.
Aang teleported to Zuko’s side. Bumi turned to his father like a sunflower did to the sun—knowing where he was and grasping for him even though his eyes were closed. 
Once Aang had little Bumi safe in his arms, his world stopped tilting all crooked. His baby boy’s cry was broken by a comforted sound—content—that muted his next whine into a dull whimper. Smacking his lips, Bumi cuddled into the warm safety that held him, but he squirmed when he found no robe to hold onto.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh...It’s okay, Boom-Boom. Daddy’s here. Shhh…” Aang held Bumi high enough so one of his hands could anchor onto his prayer beads. Bumi’s other hand flailed until it found the fingers of Aang’s free hand, and Bumi finally—finally, bless the Spirits—calmed. He almost looked on the verge of sleep. He curled into his father’s chest, bodily hugged Aang’s hand, and gently gnawed his fingers.
Then it was quiet.
Then Toph smacked the back of Sokka’s head.
Then Suki did, too.
“Ow! What was that for?”
They said nothing, but their glares said everything. Zuko walked up, pinched the bridge of his nose, and flicked between Sokka’s eyes.
They all looked over at father and son. Bumi giggled again and held Aang’s finger a little bit tighter.
“There’s that smile,” Aang said. He kissed Bumi’s head and blew a small raspberry that made his son giggle even louder and squirm even more.
Then Aang stopped. 
And Bumi looked at Sokka expectantly.
Then Bumi started to cry.
Suki turned on Sokka. “What did you do?!” she demanded in a whisper that shook the room like a shout.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“I swear, Zuko! I swear!”
Toph smacked the back of Sokka’s head again.
And Bumi…Bumi giggled.
Toph smiled something evil. “I think Bumi thought that was funny.”
Zuko pinched between his eyes and mumbled a dozen different prayers to a dozen different deities. Sokka backed up like he wanted to do the same, especially when Bumi cried again.
“Now, now, come on, guys, let’s not—Come on, Suki, I know at least you can’t…u-um…”
Katara rounded the corner so fast that a wind like a bite-sized hurricane chased in her wake. The way she slid into her brother should have sent Sokka through the wall, but the Spirits Zuko had prayed to cushioned Sokka’s travel through the air by catapulting him among the sacks of flour and grain.
Bumi laughed like he was born to do nothing else but smile. Katara melted, weighed down by a relieved grin, as she vanished and reappeared at Aang’s side.
She kissed her husband and son, gave Bumi one extra just because, and turned to the others like she was a spirit that demanded a blood sacrifice if she were to remain benevolent.
Katara looked to Suki for an answer. Suki shrugged and pointed to Sokka.
...Toph grinned something even more evil than evil.
...Zuko sighed again but with passion and sulked into a corner to alert the mortal coil that everything was about to go to shit.
Sokka paused his struggle of getting free of the grain bags, shivered from the sudden cold rippling through the weave of the universe, and pulled himself out with a plea at the ready.
“Katara, listen, I don’t know what they said, but it’s not—”
The universe was merciful and Katara was all-knowing, but Sokka didn’t know what to think when his sister dragged him by his scruff to an awaiting Aang and a fitful Bumi. 
Then Bumi looked at Sokka expectantly.
And Aang put his baby boy into Sokka’s arms.
Sokka still didn’t know what to do even as Bumi smiled and squirmed, his hands reaching for something.
“I’m sorry, Boom-erang. Uncle Sokka didn’t mean to scare you. He promises not to—Ow!”
Bumi smiled around Sokka’s finger. Spirits, the kid had some jaw strength. 
The world got a little lighter as Sokka’s once impending doom retreated back into the form of his sister. Katara was shoulder-to-shoulder with him and making Bumi smile even wider when she brushed the fine hairs on his head.
“...You’re lucky you’re his favorite,” she whispered. 
Now it was Sokka’s turn to smile, and he couldn’t care less when Bumi gnawed a little harder.
“That’s my little Boom-erang~” he cooed. “I knew you would come back around.”
I’m still trying to get a knack for writing Sokka. He’s the member of the Gaang I struggle the most with idk why. I would have thought he’d be the easiest for me, but nope
(And, yes, that was a shameless Ice Age reference in there lol)
(Also! I’m trying to do these prompts in order (IM NOT IGNORING ANY OF THEM I SWEAR I LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM ALL DEARLY), so up next: kataang pilot AU!)
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prompt: write something bad :)
(clears throat)
Anyway, enjoy.
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Cryptun and it was ruled by the kind and beautiful Princess Ka-rah. Princess Ka-rah was as kind as she was beautiful and everyone in her kingdom loved her because she was the best princess ever and she made sure they were always happy.
One day, Princess Ka-rah was travelling to a village on the border of her kingdom when she found a handsome young man lying on the side of the road. He looked hurt so Princess Ka-rah decided to bring him back to her castle and help him get better.
When the handsome young man finally woke up, he told Princess Ka-rah that his name was Mi-key and he had been attacked by evil pirates who had stolen everything he had. Princess Ka-rah felt bad for him so she told him that he could stay with her until he was all better and could go home.
While Mi-key was getting better in Princess Ka-rah's castle, he caused a lot of trouble like a naughty stray puppy. Mi-key played a lot of pranks and made Princess Ka-rah very angry a lot of times but the pranks were actually really funny and no one ever got hurt and also he would say the funniest jokes ever and she would laugh until she forgot why she was angry at him.
After another one of Mi-key's pranks one morning, Princess Ka-rah was chasing him through the palace garden to scold him when suddenly a giant robot T-Rex appeared and attacked her. Just as it was going to really hurt her, Mi-key flew into the air and used his magic cape to defeat the giant robot T-Rex.
Princess Ka-rah was very happy he had saved her and actually she secretly like-liked him a lot so she asked him if he wanted to stay with her forever. Mi-key was also very happy because he secretly like-liked her a lot too so he said yes and the giant robot T-Rex became their pet.
While they were having a party to celebrate Mi-key staying, however, a dark cloud of evil magic appeared in the room and two ugly evil-looking women came out of it. The older ugly evil-looking woman turned out to be Queen Le-xe of the nearby kingdom of Daxxim and the other one was her daughter Princess Lee-na. Queen Le-xe was actually the evil stepmother of Mi-key who was actually the prince of Daxxim and she was there to kill him so that her daughter Princess Lee-na could rule Daxxim instead.
Princess Ka-rah was very angry at Prince Mi-key for not telling her that he was actually a prince but Prince Mi-key told her that he had been hurt that day by evil pirates that Queen Le-xe had sent to kill him. He told her that he had been scared to tell her the truth because he didn't want to go home and get killed but also because he like-liked her a lot the moment he saw her and wanted to stay with her instead.
Even though she was still a little angry at Prince Mi-key, Princess Ka-rah decided to forgive him because she was super kind and because she still like-liked him a lot too so she told Queen Le-xe that she wasn't going to let the ugly evil stepmother queen or her ugly evil daughter hurt him.
Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na were very angry so they decided to try and kill Princess Kara too but Princess Kara and Prince Mi-key used their magic capes to fight the evil queen and princess and they won. Then the giant robot T-Rex which had also been sent by the evil Queen Le-xe to kill Prince Mikey chomp-chomp-chomped the evil queen and princess because they were really really mean to him last time.
Now that Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na were dead, Prince Mi-key was safe and he could go home to become the king of Daxxim. Even though she was very happy for him, Princess Ka-rah was also very sad because she didn't want to say goodbye to Prince Mi-key.
Then Prince Mi-key said he didn't want to leave her so he asked her to marry him and bring their kingdoms together. Princess Ka-rah was really really happy to hear that so of course she said yes and they had a big beautiful wedding and lived happily ever after and had lots of beautiful babies.
“The end,” Abigail finished reading with a proud smile on her face before looking up at her parents who were sitting on the couch in front of her. “What do you think of my story, Mommy, Daddy?”
Both Kara and Mike could only blink, stupefied, as they tried to find the words to answer their daughter. “Well... it's, um... it's very... unique,” Kara ventured hesitantly. “Just, um... I just have a few questions?”
Mike covertly pinched her thigh with just enough strength to get her attention. “Kara, are you seriously going to critique our six-year-old daughter's writing assignment?”
“I'm not critiquing! I just want to clarify a few things!” Kara hissed angrily before plastering a smile on her face and turning back towards an earnest and oblivious Abigail. “So, um... Why is... Shouldn't Princess Ka-rah be a queen if she's ruling her kingdom?”
“But princesses are cooler than queens, Mommy!” Abigail protested with a frown.
“I... I see...” It was only then that Kara remembered they'd had a Disney Princesses movie marathon during Abigail's sleepover party just a week ago. “Okay, um... So how was it Princess Ka-rah didn't recognise... um, Prince Mi-key if he was from a kingdom so close to hers? I mean, she had to have seen him at least once before, right?”
“Oh, she's just silly like that,” Abigail giggled.
Mike made a shoddy attempt at disguising his snicker with a cough that turned into a pained wheeze when Kara ground her heel into his foot.
“A-And... why a giant robot T-Rex?” Kara asked next, knowing that her husband would be even more insufferable if she asked more questions about Princess Ka-rah's 'silliness'.
Abigail beamed. “Because robots are cool and dinosaurs are cool so robot dinosaurs are twice as cool!”
“...I see.” It struck Kara then that 'because it's cool' was probably going to be the reason for all the random elements in her daughter's story. “Is that... Is that why Prince Mi-key suddenly has a magic cape too?”
“That's because he's a superhero!” Abigail cheerfully corrected her mother as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Mike instantly sat up straight. “Wait, he's a prince and a superhero?”
“Uh huh!”
Kara glared at her husband and the stupid self-satisfied grin growing on his face, all too sure exactly what he was thinking. “Well then, that means Princess Ka-rah is a superhero too since she also has a magic cape, right?” A magic cape she didn't have until that last moment out of the blue, she added mentally.
Abigail nodded vigorously, too caught up in her enthusiasm to notice the looks her parents were giving each other. “That's another reason they're perfect together!”
“...Okay...” Deciding that she was probably going to get even stranger answers if she asked any more questions about this particular aspect of the story, Kara moved on but not before throwing one last glare in Mike's direction. “So... um, one last question: Was it really necessary for, uh, Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na to be, um... eaten by the... giant robot T-Rex?”
“But they're evil, Mommy!” Abigail insisted in a way that only a six year old could. “Evil people should get eaten by giant robot T-Rexes! Then there would be less evil people in the world and the robot T-Rexes won't go hungry!”
It was at that point that Kara finally gave up and decided to let things be... until she heard Mike let out another poorly disguised snicker. That was it. If she had to suffer – okay, so maybe she had brought it on herself but that was not the point – then so did he. “So what did you think of the story, honey?” she asked in a voice that dripped with false sweetness.
Mike predictably choked once he realised both his wife and daughter were now looking at him very intensely for different reasons. “Uh... I've, uh... never heard anything like it before,” he floundered for a bit at first before inspiration struck and he beamed. “It's very avant-garde for sure.”
Abigail's eager expression turned into one of adorable confusion. “Evan... card...?” she tried and failed to repeat what her father had said. “What does that mean, Daddy?”
The smile on Mike's face instantly vanished. “Uhhh... It means rich people will pay a lot of money for it!” he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
Just like that, Abigail's smile returned in full force. “So it's good?”
Once again, Mike was rendered speechless and even Kara had to blink at their daughter's conclusion. “Uhhh... yes...?” he offered uncertainly.
“Yay! Thanks, Mommy, Daddy!” With a great big cheer, Abigail ran over to hug both her parents in turn. “I'm going to go draw pictures to go with my story now!”
For several long minutes after Abigail had run off to her room, both Kara and Mike could do nothing more than stare blankly at the spot where their daughter had been standing.
Unsurprisingly, Kara was the first to speak. “She's not going to... draw us, is she?”
Mike levelled a flat look at her. “Considering the names of her characters are nearly identical to ours, what do you think?”
“Oh god...” she groaned in embarrassment as she buried her face in her hands. “Her teachers are going to think- I don't even know what they're going to think about us now.”
“You're overreacting,” he brushed off her fretting breezily. “At most, they'll probably chalk it up to how much she loves us or something. Which, you know, is pretty true since she clearly thinks we're cool enough to be royalty and superheroes at the same time.”
“Of course you'd focus on that part...” she muttered accusingly. “I bet you didn't even notice that our daughter seems to have forgotten the 'stranger danger' talk we had with her if she's writing about bringing home random guys lying on the side of the road as a good thing...”
“Kara, it's a story that didn't even make sense most of the time! I mean, pirates on land? A giant robot T-Rex? Magic capes appearing out of nowhere? You're really taking it way too seriously.”
“Am not! I-I'm just... concerned about what it might mean! Mike, our daughter is writing about... about people getting essentially murdered in a very gruesome manner!”
“Evil people, Kara. And they're just characters.”
“Characters very obviously based on two people we know!”
“Two people we know and really don't like, I might add. Which is probably where she got the inspiration. Although I'm not sure how to feel about the idea of a fictional Lex Luthor in drag being my evil stepmother...”
“Mike, would you please focus?! Our daughter's apparently in favour of some kind of... extreme vigilante justice!”
“Again, it's just a story. Besides, if you can fantasise about throwing your sadistic boss into the sun with powers you don't have to blow off steam, I think we can let our daughter imagine obviously evil people getting eaten by giant robot T-Rexes that don't exist.”
“I should've known you'd react like this. Or should I say I should've expected nothing less especially since she probably got this from you?”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“You! You're such a... a... weirdo sometimes! Like how you insist that orange juice should go well on cereal just because it's normal to have them both in a single breakfast!”
“Yeah, well, you married and had a kid with this weirdo so what does that say about you?”
Abigail paid no attention to the sound of her parents bickering in the living room. After all, she already knew that this fight would end the same way all the others had in the past: They would get all kissy-kissy, lock themselves in their bedroom, make a lot of funny noises and then be really happy for the rest of the day.
Sure enough, the sound of their bedroom door clicking shut followed not long after but by then Abigail was too engrossed drawing the wedding of Princess Ka-rah and Prince Mi-key to notice.
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jjba-arni-reblog · 4 years
I needed something cute with Abbacchio being a great dad person for Narancia so fuck it, I there ya go. As much as there is mama Bruno stuff, let me show you some wine dad Abbacchio.
Characters: Abbacchio and Narancia (platonic ofc)
Timeline: Pre-Vento Aureo, some time after Narancia joined the gang.
Words: 1.5K (hell yeah)
Tell me whactha think!
Two young gangsters sat in a small living room; no words exchanged. Narancia was trying to do math exercises that Fugo left him before going on a mission. It was rare for Pannacota to be the one going but he wasn’t alone, the leader himself was with him. Bruno had decided to monitor as well as help Fugo with his anger issues. The teenager was still uncertain about his position in the gang and after obtaining his stand, he became even more aware of the danger he might put others in. Bruno, on the other hand, decided to use such stand and help the blonde with controlling it. So for the couple of days, the two men left the small house the gang shared, leaving Narancia and Leone alone. They weren’t very talkative or open to each other, yet the feeling of comfort surrounded them. And Abbacchio knew how to cook delicious pasta so Narancia couldn’t complain.
There weren’t much the two of them could be talking about, as the pair had quite different interests. So they sat together on a big couch, the older man listening to music while the teenager desperately tried to solve equations, grunting once in a while. It didn’t help that worrisome thoughts ran through Narancia’s head, prompting him to lose concentration.
The last mission.
He almost failed.
If it wasn’t for Bruno and Abbacchio, he would have failed the mission. Feeling the frustration overwhelm the teenager, he threw the pencil and notebook away, grunting at the homework. He didn’t know how to do it.
Another failure. Narancia hugged his legs, burrowing his head in a sign of defeat.
Maybe joining the gang was a mistake?
“You’ll have to clean up later, if you’ll keep this up,” the rough comment came from the opposite side of the couch.
“I know, I will,” Narancia mumbled, trying his best not to let the tears fall down. He didn’t want to cry, especially not in front of Abbacchio. The man didn’t like when someone cried or showed weakness.
“What is it?” Leone’s voice cut through the air as his attention was now on the younger man before him.
“It’s nothing,” Ghirga answered, turning away in hopes to wipe his tears before the stoic man could see them.
Feeling the movement, Narancia tried to hide his face better. He then felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Tell me” Abba said, his voice being slightly softer. He made the teenager turn around, facing him as small tears ran down his face.
“It is just that…” Narancia couldn’t find the right words, making him sigh “I just wish I was useful…” he mumbled the last part, slightly embarrassed to confess to the goth man before him.
“I wish I could be like you, Abba” he suddenly half-shouted, looking at the ex-cop straight in the eye, desperation in his voice. Leone’s eyes widened a little at the confession. As if he was the one to look up to, anyway.
“You are already better than me, at least your stand is useful” Abbacchio sat down, hie eyes rolling a little.
“Don’t say that!” the teenager answered, somewhat angry at the sight of the older man putting himself down “you are strong and smart! I could only wish to be as smart as you or anyone else,” he them pointed at notebook and the pencil, lying across the room “I can’t even do a basic math, what I am good at, even? Nothing” Narancia concluded, leaning against the couch and letting out a tired sigh. He felt Abbacchio move closer, sitting next to him.
“You are good at being you, that is enough,” Leone explained, sincerity in his deep voice “listen, I am going to say it once so don’t get all cocky. You keep the group together and-“ he was promptly cut off
“How?” Narancia’s eyes widened at such words, he was eager to hear the explanation as he wiped the tears away.
“Jesus, let me finish,” Abbacchio said, pinching Nara’s cheeks to make him listen. Sighing, the man continued “listen, your presence is keeping us mentally together. Do you think he three of us are the most positive and talkative people? Bruno is struggling to maintain the position and keep Fugo in control. Fugo himself is still confused about his place in this world. Especially after he got his stand…” Leone’s eyes became darker for a moment, as if remembering his first encounter with a deadly stand “you saw it, didn’t you, Narancia? Even if he screams at you when tutoring, he still enjoys your company, we all do.”
“Even you?” Narancia’s eye widened, a small smile present on his young face.
“Yes,” Leone grunted “so stop with all this depressive shit, there is enough of that in our quartet, “ he leaned back on a couch, turning away a bit.
“Abbacchio” Nara called for him
“Yes? Wh-“ he man let out a small yelp as the teenager launched himself at the ex-policeman, clinging to him and hugging Abbacchio with all his strength.
“Thank you, you are so great, Abba, I am sorry,” Narancia apologized and complimented the goth, hugging him closer, not quite ready to let go.
“Stop clinging to me, you brat” Leone made an attempt to pry him off, unsuccessfully.
“No” Nara laughed, burying himself into the man’s chest, tightening his hold around him. It was a clever trap
“No~ Not until you will feel better about yourself” the teenager said, smile on his face. Now he should be the one to say such nice words, shouldn’t he?
“I won’t” came the grunt as Abba still fought with him
“Then I’ll be here forever” Narancia declared, determination in his words. He wasn’t planning on letting go of the goth. No before the latter would feel better.
Sighing, Leone admitted defeat. He returned the hug, somewhat awkwardly. Yet the tiniest of smiles was present on his serious face.
“Of course you will”
Narancia gradually took more missions, even asking his mentor to provide him with extra ones. Those paid well. Bruno was confused at first, feeling the sudden shift questionable. So one evening, he directly asked Narancia about the reason behind such change. He couldn’t help but to smile as he heard the answer.
Hearing a knock on his door, Leone reluctantly approached it, hoping that it was something serious. Maybe a mission.
“Abba~” the cheerful young voice called for him, making the goth roll his eyes a little. Yet he still opened the door.
“Stop calling me that, brat. What do you need?” he was straight-forward as usual.
“I have something for you,” the teenager answered, surprising Abbacchio. His shy behaviour confused him even more as Narancia continued “I don’t know if you will like it, maybe I fucked it up or-“ he stumbled over his words, eyeing the floor instead.
“Come in,” Leone opened the door to let the teenager in. Turning around, the older man eyed Narancia “What is it?”
“Here!” Ghirga half screamed, pulling a poorly wrapped gift from behind his back. Taking the gift into his hands, Abbacchio prayed that it wasn’t some sort of a cruel joke. One could imagine his shock as Leone was met with a new CD-player together with a deluxe CD edition of his favourite musician.
Not quite understanding goth’s reaction, Narancia anxiously explained “I got these for you. As a thank you… and simply for being awesome” came the innocent and somewhat silly explanation.
As Leone didn’t say anything, Nara grew worried. Did he mess up something?
“You don’t like it?” his sad voice cut through the room “I can get you something else or-“
The teenager was suddenly pulled into a hug as the gift was placed on a near cupboard.
“Brat, stop with all the nonsense” came the reply, yet something about it was strangely soft and sincere.
“Abba, do you like my gift?” Narancia asked, excitedly, returning the hug.
“I do”
“I am so happy, I was worried you were gonna get all angry ‘ya stupid brat, stop knocking, I am in my goth mood yada yada’ “ Narancia mimicked the man poorly, making his voice lower, trying to resemble the ex-cop.
Abbacchio smacked him lightly on the head, not believing what he was hearing.
“Is that how you see me, you idiot?” Leone’s sharp and somewhat offended voice contrasted Nara’s loud laughter.
“Maybe~” the teenager teased him, laughing at Abbacchio’s reaction.
“I will tell Bruno about your ‘bullying’ ” Leone threaded Nara with an evil smirk as the latter now tried to escape his hold, laughing still.
“No, stop, you cruel emo” he answered, struggling against the older man’s hold.
“Who are you calling an emo, you stupid child?”  Abbacchio suddenly grabbed his sides, finding his weak spots and tickling the teenager a little. How cruel of hi,
“STOOOP” Nara’s laugh and screams became louder as all the attempts to escape the supposed ‘emo’ were futile.
After couple of minutes of fighting and genuine laughed, Leone stopped the small torture as Narancia now wiped his tears from laughing too much. His voice then turned softer.
“Abbacchio” he called for the taller man.
“What now?” the grunt could be heard.
“Can I hug you again?” the small voice asked, still unsure.
“Only this time” he still tried to maintain his stoic posture, acting as if he didn’t enjoy the warmth feeling of Narancia’s presence.
The feeling of a family.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi there! If your ask box is still open, how would Masamune, Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Sasuke, and Hideyoshi react to their favorite character from their favorite story coming to life (suppose the reader is their favorite character)? Thanks!!
(。◕‿◕。)Hi, there love! Thank you so much for the request! Hehe, honestly I had a hard time wrapping my head around this! I had so many ideas bouncing around lol, but this is what I ended up with, lol I am not sure if this is what you envisioned but yeah. So I am a sucker for romance fairytales, and I know absolutely nothing about Japanese fairytales… oops… so I chose some of my favs. I hope that is okay with you!
Warlord React to Fairytale character coming to life feat: Masamune, Nobunaga, Sasuke and Ieyasu 
Masamune- Tarzan
Every night as a child while the head maid tucked Masamune in bed, she would tell him a new fairytale (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
Masamune’s life was hard, with him having killed his father and his mother constantly trying to kill him 
The maid knew he needed to escape and the best way for a child to do that is through imagination (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Masamune had taken a particular liking to one of the fairytale
Tarzan (✪㉨✪)
He like that he was strong, wild and free ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Although Tarzan was by no means his favourite character, his favourite was Jane  ❤
His eye would light up in delight the second Jane entered into the story
He loves how she spoke her mind freely and how she lived with so much conviction (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
He would often tell the maid that if Jane were a real woman he would marry her in a heartbeat  -ω(‘•ω•`)♡
Masamune forgot about the story of the wild jungle man and the stubborn love interest as he grew older
Until one night
He was out in the forest taking a walk and clearing his head when he saw a woman falling out of the sky (◯Δ◯∥)
He rubbed his eyes in disbelief (゚ω゚;)
He steadied himself and caught her in his arms (っ*’∀`*)っ
NO WAY ◉_◉
He got a closer look at her- IT WAS JANE (•ω•)
He asked you a billion questions  �(゚□゚*川
You had told him that you didn’t know who Tarzan was, and that you were busy walking in the jungle when all of a sudden the sky swallowed you up
Cue masa smirking like a cat that got the cream (^-人-^)
He showed you around Azuchi, and you were amazed by everything
You were especially shook to see Masa having a pet tiger (◕▿◕✿)
Masamune was completely awe stuck you were exactly how the stories described you to be, strong, resilient, determined, stubborn and extremely curious ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Just as you had saved him in his childhood, you had appeared to him once more to help him, except this time you were real (◠‿◠✿)
You lead him out of the darkness that covered him and back into the light, in some ways his life was like Tarzan and finally he had found his Jane
Nobunaga- Snow white
Nobunaga loved his mother, she was the kindest sweetest person in the whole world (◕ω◕✿)
Every night before bed she would tell him a love story about a fair maiden and an evil queen
 ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ (`∀’)Ψ
Nobunaga loved this story, and he would always low key get jealous of the 7 dwarves getting to live with such a wonderful person (ʘᗩʘ’)
He found her innocence and purity refreshing, and he definitely wanted to kill that evil queen for trying to poison his love with an apple 
̿ ‘“\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’ ̿’ ’ ̿
His mom would always just laugh and shake her head when he would loudly proclaim 
“Wherever you are evil queen you better watch out cause ima kill you for trying to hurt my precious snow white” ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
That night as Nobunaga was staring at the moon and drinking sake, when a fond memory popped up (人◕ω◕)
He remembered his mother and the wonderful stories she would tell him as a child 
He went to his desk drawer and fished out the old fairytale book
He traced over the name of the book with his fingertips (´・ω ・ )…oо 
“I wish I could meet someone as wonderful and you one day”
At that moment a shooting star flashed across the sky and the book he was holding started to glow (꒪ȏ꒪;)
Nobu threw the book in panic and it landed in the middle of his room
He watched as the book opened up and the light coming from inside growing brighter and brighter ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
Nobunga was SHOOK ◉_◉
A beautiful woman with lips as red as a rose, hair black as ebony, and skin as white as snow appeared before his eyes (;゚д゚)
You looked up at him with her big doe eyes, and he instantly lost his heart
You were super confused, one moment you were in the forest with some creepy dwarfs accepting an apple from some nice old witch lady, and now you are here ☼.☼
Oh right the apple, you honestly could never say no to free snacks
As you lifted the apple to take a bite (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
“Why some nice creepy old witch gave it to me, plus I'm kinda hungry”
“Silly girl, it's poisoned, didn’t your mom ever teach you never to accept food from strangers”  (ー_ー)!!
“Nope”, you were super naïve and way too trusting
You took a bite of the apple and in the next moment everything around you went black (︶。︶✽)
“Fool, good thing mother taught me what to do in these kinds of situations” (≖ᴗ≖✿)
Remembering that the kiss of true love could break any curse he gently cradled you in his arms and leaned in to kiss you  (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
He stopped mere millimetres away from your lips, doubts creeping in
“Perhaps I'm the fool for having believed in fairytales all my life”
And with that, he kissed you  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
And the two of you cuties lived happily ever after
♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
Ieyasu- Sleeping beauty
As a child Ieyasu moved around from place to place as a hostage
His favourite place was with the Oda family (´・`’ )♡
Yeah Nobunaga was alright, but his mom, his mom was so sweet and kind (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
She would drag him to sit with her and Nobunaga and read them fairytales
Ieyasu would always roll his eyes at the young Nobie proclaiming the snow-white would one day be his wife ⚆ _ ⚆
“Yeah right if anything you will probably end up marrying the evil queen”
Cue Nobu wrestling with Ieyasu
(ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t taken a liking to the princess in that one story” ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ
“I don’t know what you are talking about” 
“OOoooh really then why do you always blush whenever mother mentions sleeping beauty” young Nobu would say with a smirk ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
“S-shut up, I don’t know what you're talking about” the little Yasu would reply while giving Nobu a brotherly punch (*≧∀≦*)
Years later
Ieyasu dreamt about Nobunaga and his mother and the story about the sleeping princess (◕ω◕✿)
As a child he used to wish on the morning star that somehow he would be able to meet that girl one day (人ゝω・)
Ieyasu woke up, from the dream feeling someone beside him 
He was still half asleep and couldn't help but notice the scent of flowers, it was warm and comforting and before he knew it he was cuddled closer 
(/^-^(^ ^*)/
In that moment he fully woke up (☉_☉)
His eyes went wide at the woman who slept peacefully beside him
He gave a small squeak and instantly backed away )Д⊙`)
Wasabi was curious as to what all the commotion was about, and came prancing into Ieyasu's room ˚ᆺ˚ (◕ω◕✿)
Curious Wasabe trotted her way up to the woman and sniffed her face
˚ᆺ˚ (^̮^)
She smelled just like flowers and the little fawn couldn’t help but nibble      on her nose (◕ω◕✿)
You woke up, giving a big yawn as you moved to sit up and stretch (⌒▽⌒)
You saw a sweet little fawn nuzzling your face with her nose and you let out a chucked (◠‿◠✿)
“Morning Wasabi” ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
Ieyasu, was in the corner of his room rocking back and forth (•゚д゚•)
“H-how did you know her name,” he asked shyly ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
“ Oooh she told me” (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
“WAIT, you can talk to animals,” Ieyasu got up and cautiously made his way towards you  (⑉⊙ȏ⊙)
There was no way this was happening to him, you looked and acted exactly like the girl from his favourite fairytale ◉_◉
You noticed the room was a little messy from Ieyasu’s freaking out and decided to help him clean it up  (。・‧̫・。).**♡
You summoned your forest friends to help tidy up the place 
(◕‿◕✿) ʕᴥ· ʔ 
Ieyasu.exe stopped working ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
He soon got used to the idea that his favourite fairytale character had come to life and started asking you a billion questions in that contrary way of his   (♡´❍`‘)*✧‘✰ ‘*
It didn’t take long for you two cuties to fall in love  ( ° ᴗ°)~ð (/❛o❛\)
And now the two of you can often be found sleeping the day away
Or dancing together while you hum your favourite song 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
Sasuke- Frozen
Before Sasuke travelled back to the future he watched a bunch of Disney movies | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
He had taken a liking to the newest one “Frozen” ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
He especially liked the funny quirky redhead named Anna (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
He would at times find his mind drifting to the movie and his favourite female character ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
One day during a banquet he saw her ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and pinched himself ⚆ _ ⚆
This can’t be real ◉_◉
You happily made your way up to the scientist and introduced yourself
He was shook (((゜Д゜;)))
You simply shrugged off the fact that you were in a different place 
Your sister had shut you out her life and you had never left the confines of your castle, so you were so ready for a new adventure ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Sasuke showed you around Kasugayama and you were in complete awe at everything (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
You and Sasuke spent the whole banquet making joke and pranking people (¬‿¬)
Yuki was a little suspicious of you, and as is the standard procedure for the boy, he called you an evil enchantress ⚆ _ ⚆
Sasuke broke out in laughter when you rolled your eyes and sarcastically replied “Nope, that would be my sister”  (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
Sasuke still couldn’t believe it  =^_^=
Not only had he discovered time travel but now his all-time favourite movie crush had come to life (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
Of course, Sasuke being Sasuke he did what any reasonable person would do in this situation (─‿‿─)
He broke out into song  (/◕ヮ◕)/
So the two of you sang “Love is an open door” and lived happily ever after
 ٩(*❛⊰❛)ʓਡ~❤ ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
The end  ♥
 I hope you enjoyed it dear! \(^ω^\)
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Fractured Moonlight on the Sea
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Summary: During a storm, a human gets sent overboard and Bucky makes the decision to save the human. It doesn’t take long for him to fall in love with her. The only problem with that is Bucky is a merman and belongs to a different world. So he makes a deal.
Word Count: 4536
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse, character death
A/n: because @geosaurusrrex​ asked me too *not my gif. like i said queen of hell also this is ALL sea’s fault so 
The waves had calmed significantly after the storm that had been raging all week. 
Bucky’d always enjoyed swimming closer to the surface, especially in the eye of a storm when the moonlight seemed to be at it’s brightest. Bucky knew that the calm wouldn’t last very much longer so he breached the surface to get a clear look at the night sky.
A ship was lingering not too far from where Bucky was. He ducked underwater quickly before realizing no one was paying attention to him or the water. He swam towards the ship and listened to the people above him.
He’d always been curious about life as a human. He watched them as much as he could without getting caught. All of his friends thought he was crazy for being so interested in the lifestyle of humans. The other merfolk thought that humans were silly and unnecessary. 
Not Bucky, he marveled at the fact that they lived such short lives and tried to do as much with that short life as possible, but he supposed that it was part of being mortal. With immortality came loss of interest. But the humans, they were constantly changing and evolving.
The people on the deck of the boat above him were pirates from what he could tell, and they were upset that a woman had stowed away on their ship. Pirates believed it to be bad luck to have a woman aboard a ship. So they made her walk the plank.
The poor woman clearly had terrible luck because the storm was staring back up and the crew was getting antsy. A clap of thumber boomed through the night sky and the wind and waves picked back up.
The entire crew was yelling now and after the first big wave crashed against the ship, the woman landed in the water.
Bucky knew two things for sure as he watched her fall to the sea. Number one, that she was never going to be able to get out of this situation without help. And number two, that it was expected of him to leave her alone, let nature take its course.
But that wasn’t the type of merman that Bucky was. Steve would say that he was kind and a protector, that his heart was too big for his own good.
So it was no surprise to Bucky when he found himself swimming towards the helpless human. She was sinking and going down quickly. Bucky swam at full speed towards her and pulled her back towards the surface.
The sun was already rising by the time Bucky was able to find a piece of land to take her to. When they finally made it to shore he laid her down on the beach. He was finally able to look at her. She was beautiful. 
She had short red hair that went down to just below her chin, she was a small thing but she looked strong. He wished she would open her eyes so he could see what color they were, or that she was awake so she could tell him her name.
Bucky brushed some of her hair out of her face.
“This is a bad idea,” he muttered to himself. But that wasn’t going to stop him from doing it.
He placed his hands on her cheeks and closed his eyes. The magic that flowed through all merpeople was slight, only enough to help heal someone or something. The group of merfolk that Bucky belonged to mostly healed fish and wales that had become subject to some terrible things. (Another reason his peers found it odd he was so interested in humans, but Bucky had to believe that they weren’t all bad.)
The woman began to cough as she turned over to her side. Although Bucky was infatuated with the human world he was also scared that this woman would see him as a monster. A lot of humans did. So when her eyes started to flutter open Bucky dove back into the ocean.
He swam behind a rock to keep an eye on her to make sure that she made it off the beach alright.
When she was gone he submerged himself to go find Steve.
Steve stared at Bucky incredulously.
Bucky had gotten this look before and knew that Steve was about to start a lecture. So Bucky sat on a rock on the floor of the ocean. He propped his chin up on his hand and waited for his best friend to start spewing out the words that were brewing in his mind.
“Are you out of your mind?!” Steve yelled. A few fish stopped swimming and looked over at Steve who waved them off. “You cannot just go up to the surface and save every human that you come across!”
“It was just woman, Steve,” Bucky said calmly, “And she was forced off her ship because she was a woman and according to the humans having a woman on board is ‘frightfully bad luck’. And she didn’t stand a chance in that storm. What was I supposed to do, let her die?”
Steve kept quiet but Bucky could see the ‘yes’ that wanted to come out of his mouth. Steve pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You’re going to do something else incredibly stupid aren’t you?” Steve asked, eyes still closed.
Bucky grimaced. Steve opened an eye to see his friend’s facial expression.
“Oh Poseidon,” Steve muttered.
Y/n was humming to herself. A pointless tune but the silence in her cave was about to drive her crazy. 
An octopus, named Fury, was resting on a piece of coral next to the table Y/n had. Fury was the only company she ever had but she didn’t mind too much. Fury, who was named that way because of his bad attitude, glared at Y/n. She wasn’t sure that he had any other facial expression.
“Fury if you have something to say,” Y/n said as she tucked a little piece of purple coral behind her ear, “just say it.”
“Someone’s coming,” he muttered as he glared towards the opening of the cave.”
Y/n got up from her spot in front of her desk as she did her fin seamlessly transitioned into 8 tentacles. Her surroundings went from light and colorful to dark and grungy. There was a cauldron in the middle of the cave where they had been nothing before.
“You going to kill them?” Fury asked with a frightening kind of glee.
“I don’t even know what they want, Fury.”
Just then a merman swam deeper into her cave stopping at the entrance of her home.
He wasn’t her usual type of costumer. Typically they came in crying or believed they weren’t much to look at.
This one though, this one was calm. And beautiful. He had dark brown hair and a little bit of stubble that lined his jaw. His eyes were bluer than the sea and the top half of his body appeared to be crafted by Poseidon himself. And his tail had so many different colors it was unlike anything Y/n had seen before.
“And what brings you here child?” She asked although he looked to be full grown. “It can’t be that you want to be prettier -” she swam over to him and circled him just to scare him a little bit, “- no, it’s got to be something else. Were you dared to come in here? Offered something if you came in here and stole from me?”
The water around her got darker and darker as she spoke and Fury, who still narrowed his eyes at the intruder now had the smallest grin on his face.
“No,” the merman insisted “I would never -”
“Then what is it?” Y/n floated up so she was above him but put her face right into hers.
“I want to be human,” he blurted.
Y/n lowered herself and the water around her returned to the lightness it’d been when the merman entered.
“What’s your name child?”
“Bucky,” he answered.
“Bucky,” Y/n repeated, she liked the way he flinched when she said it. “Now, Bucky, what could possibly possess you to want to be a human?”
She swam back to her desk and pulled out a book. When he didn’t answer she whipped her head towards him.
“You fell in love.” It wasn’t a question. “Oh, my dear sweet child, falling in love with a human is a dangerous game that I don’t think you’re prepared for.”
Fury snickered next to her and Bucky turned his head towards the octopus before looking back to her.
“Can you do it or not?” He asked inpatients creeping into his voice.
“Careful child,” she warned, “I am still the sea which.”
Y/n sat down and studied Bucky. There was something about him that made Y/n hesitate.
“Fine, I will turn you human -”
“Really?” He smiled and somehow became more beautiful.
“But,” he froze, “She needs to kiss you by the sunrises on the fourth day. And I’ll need something in return.”
“But I don’t have -”
“Your voice,” she cut him off, “That’s all I want from you.”
Bucky stared at her for a moment. Y/n almost shifted under his gaze but she stayed still and stared back.
Y/n grinned at him as the light around him turned pitch black.
Bucky woke up on sand he knew that much. When he opened his eyes, the sun was brighter than he’d ever witnessed. He sat up. It didn’t register at first the bottom half of his body. But once it did he wanted to laugh or say something but when he tried to no sound came out. 
He sat on the beach completely naked unsure of how to go about walking.
“This is a bad idea.”
Y/n’s head snapped to the octopus. “No one asked you, Fury.”
“Maybe not.” He continued to swim next to her. “But I’m right and if you’re so set on keeping up the appearance of your evil sea witch persona, you might want to reconsider this idea.”
“I’m only checking on him,” she insisted. “Besides he was different than the others.”
“Oh gods,” Fury whispered.
The two of them rose just enough so their eyes were above the waterline. She looked at Bucky who was sitting on the beach just where the water met the land. He looked. . .happy. Happier than she’d ever seen anyone. He’d also gotten more beautiful, which was a little upsetting to her.
“He really is beautiful isn’t he?” Y/n was speaking to herself but of course, Fury couldn’t go a minute without adding whatever thought was running through his head.
“Do you have the memory of a pygmy?” Fury asked.
“Shut up,” she groaned.
But Fury had a point.
Y/n hadn’t always been known as the evil sea witch nor had she always secluded herself to a cave deep in the ocean where no one dared to go. In fact, she once lived in the heart of the underwater city that she was sure Bucky had come from.
She was well-liked and had many friends.
One day she was speaking with her father about who she would one day marry. Brock, the most desirable merman they knew and somehow Y/n’s father had set it up. But a few days before the wedding, Y/n’s father died a result of a terrible accident.
It was then that Y/n started to see Brock’s true colors and he began to beat and abuse her. He would take every opportunity to abuse her. It lasted a lot longer than it should have and one day Y/n just snapped.
All merpeople had magic, most of the time it was just the ability to heal other creatures. But sometimes, very rarely could a merperson develop the ability to harness any other type of magic. But Y/n had.
One day when Brock was being particularly mean and Y/n was at the point where she feared for her own life, something happened. Whether it was Y/n snapping or her own body unable to take the strain of his blows anymore, something burst from inside her and Brock became a school of Skipjack Tuna. The school of fish darted away from Y/n quickly.
Rumors spread about how Brock was just an innocent bystander of Y/n’s wrath and how she’d been beating him for quite some time. She tried to tell people the real story but no one believed her so she retreated to a dark cave where no one dared to follow.
Since then she’d kept up the illusion of the evil sea witch almost granting someone’s wish but adding something that would make them rethink the deal they were about to make. Bucky was the first person to agree to the deal in years.
So she was curious as to how this would go, Fury could bite her for all she cared.
Fury chuckled next to her as they watched Bucky struggle to stand.
“How is he going to get someone to kiss him if he can’t even stand,” Fury laughed at him.
Y/n didn’t answer nor did she take her eyes off of the blue-eyed man. 
“Y/n, I beg of you not to do anything stupid,” Fury said but it was too late, Y/n was already swimming towards the new human.
Bucky was confused as the sea witch that had been described to him as the evilest creature living in the sea emerged from the ocean and silently helped him up to his feet.
He had so many questions he could voice, the biggest one is why she had given herself legs and was currently helping him.
“You’ll need clothes if you’re going to blend into life up here,” she told him softly. With a wave of her hand, he was covered in cloth that felt weird on his body, or maybe it was just his new-ish body that felt weird.
The sea witch stayed with him and helped him learn to walk until he had the hang of it.
“Your legs will be shaky for a while, but I think you’ve got it,” she smiled at him. “Now remember you have until sunrise on the fourth day, that gives you three whole days to get what you need.”
He nodded still so very confused as to why she was helping him. Shouldn’t she be hoping and praying for his demise?
“If you need any help blow into this,” she placed a small shell into his hands, “and I will see what I can do, but I think you’ll do great.”
Bucky turned around and looked at the settlement of humans behind him for a second as bells rung and when he turned back the sea witch had gone.
Finding the girl he’d saved was easy enough. Her name was Natasha and for the first day, he tried to find a way to communicate with her. Luckily he understood what she was saying and he was able to write down his name so she wouldn’t have to guess.
He wasn’t sure how to go about explaining the rest of the situation though, so he just didn’t tell her. Because how was he supposed to say ‘oh hey I’m a merman and I saved you from certain death during that storm and I traded my voice in for legs so that I could see if you wanted to fall in love with me. By the way, you have to kiss me in three days otherwise I’ll die and the sea witch will be in charge of my soul.’ No, He would keep that to himself.
It was the morning of the second day, and Bucky was sitting with Natasha in front of a cafe where everyone frequented to have breakfast or lunch. Natasha had ordered for him, she had said a million times that she was afraid that he wouldn’t like what she had chosen for him.
When they got their food Natasha watched him nervously as he took a few bites.
“Do you like it?” She whispered, he continued to chew as if he were thinking about it. 
Bucky nodded his head with a smile on his face.
“Good,” Natasha beamed. “Ok for the rest of the day I was thinking we could -” she stared listing off ideas of what they could do around the city and Bucky was only half paying attention. He knew that whatever they ended up doing he would have fun so long as he was with her.
By the sunset on the second day, Bucky was head over heels with Natasha. He knew it was soon and rather naive of him to be falling so quickly for someone he’s barely met but he couldn’t help it.
Natasha would show him the sights of their kingdom and they would dance together anytime they found a street performer. Bucky knew that he could be charming if the mermaids from back home were anything to go off of. But back then he had his voice. Now, now he just had to hope that Natasha was starting to feel the same way towards him.
He was beginning to think that she might, until the middle of the third day when he saw Natasha run into the arms of another man. Which he would’ve normally brushed off until he watched her kiss him with a passion that Bucky had only ever seen once or twice in his life.
It wasn’t until the sun was just about to set that night when he blew into the small shell that the sea witch had given him.
Y/n had been watching Bucky every chance she got. She’d transformed herself into a small bird to keep an eye on his progress. She was starting to get jealous of woman Bucky was wooing, whose name ended up being Natasha.
It was when she watched the look on Bucky’s face when Natasha kissed a different man that Y/n was unable to take it anymore.
She rushed back to her cave and began looking through all of her things.
“I told you it was a bad idea,” Fury unhelpfully pointed out but Y/n ignored him. She was upset that Fury was right. It was a bad idea to watch him but there was something about Bucky that drew her to him. Something that she hadn’t felt since Brock.
But Bucky wasn’t Brock. Or at least she hoped that he wasn’t.
She looked through every book, scroll, and scrap of paper that she had but found nothing.
As luck would have it, someone else swam into her cave. With no warning from Fury, who seemed to be keeping up his trend of the day of being unhelpful, the merman Steve got to see what so few had. 
Y/n had heard of Steve, he was the subject of a few wishes that never actually became deals.
He saw the sea witch not for what she wanted everyone else to see but who she actually was. Someone who’d hidden herself away after the world had wronged her.
“What do you want?” She asked still holding a book that was turning out to be useless.
“I want to get Bucky out of the deal,” Steve spoke.
“What?” Fury asked only to be shushed by Y/n.
“I’ve been watching Bucky after he made the deal with you and I want to get him out of it. It’s not fair that he has to kiss someone who’s in love with someone else. He shouldn’t have to go through with that,” Steve said.
“He should’ve thought of that before he made a deal with a sea witch,” Fury sneered.
“Silence,” Y/n snapped at Fury who sunk back into his spot. She then turned to Steve and slammed the book she was holding. “The squid is right -”
“Octopus,” Fury hissed.
“- your friend should’ve thought of that before he made the deal.”
“There has to be some loophole to get him out of it, please,” Steve begged.
“I can’t,” Y/n said in a softer tone.
“But -”
“Steve, I can’t,” she said again. “I’ve looked for a loophole but I can’t find one.”
“Then I’ll make a deal,” Steve said. 
Before Y/n could respond she felt the magic of the shell she’d given to Bucky calling to her. 
Bucky sat on the dock waiting. The witch had never actually told him that she would help him, just that she would see what she could do. He should’ve known that it was all a trick. That the witch was truly evil and just wanted his soul to be trapped with the rest of the merfolk souls she’d collected over the years.
He’d been so naive to think that maybe she wasn’t as bad as people had insisted she was. All he wanted to do was let out a scream but he would never talk again. That was the price he paid for his Poseidon forsaken legs.
Just as he was about to toss the shell into the ocean and head popped out of the water next to the dock. He looked down to find the sea witch. She pulled herself onto the dock, she had human legs and was wearing a brown dress with a white apron something that Bucky had noticed was common around the human kingdom.
“Sorry,” she apologized as Bucky helped her up. They stood in front of each other staring. “I was dealing with something but I’m here now.”
Bucky opened his mouth to explain what had happened but couldn’t.
“Oh, sorry,” she said and gently swiped the pads of her fingers across his throat.
“She’s in love with someone else and I don’t know what do,” Bucky whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek.
“I can get you out of it,” the sea witch, who’s name Bucky had forgotten until just then Y/n. How’d he had forgotten her name was a mystery to him. “But I need something in return.”
“Haven’t you taken enough?” Bucky asked he looked at her confused and irritated.
“It’s just how magic works, Bucky,” she said his name so softly he almost forgot that she was a witch. “If I don’t get something from the person who wants it then later something else will be taken from them.”
“You use magic all the time,” Bucky said, “what is taken from you?”
“I’m assuming you know the story of me and Brock.”
“I know what people say happened, that you randomly turned him into a monster. But I also know that not a single merfolk has asked you what happened.”
Y/n stared at him for a minute and Bucky wondered if he’d said something wrong.
“He used to hit me,” she finally said. “And after months of it happening. . . he went too far one night and almost killed me. And so my magic protected me by turning him into a school of tuna. But of course, people wouldn’t believe me so I secluded myself. My loneliness and the trauma I went through is the price I pay.”
“So what price do I have to pay?” Bucky looked at her and she handed him a dagger.
“To save your life, you must take another,” she whispered looking at the dagger.
“I have to kill the one I love,” he said understanding.
“No,” she said and laughed humorlessly. “You wouldn’t do that. I’ve kept an eye on you for the past three days and I hope that I’m right about you. Because I don’t think that you would do that.”
“So what must I do?”
“You have to take the life of the person who loves you.”
Bucky froze. “I don’t have anyone like that.”
“That’s not true, Steve loves you. And he is willing to give his life for you, I know this because earlier today he barged into my home demanding I let you out of our deal.”
“I’m not killing St-”
“You also have me,” Y/n cut him off. “It was stupid of me to fall in love with someone that I’d barely met but I did.”
“Y/n -”
“You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met, and you’re the only person to not assume what happened between me and Brock. You’re also one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I wish we would’ve met under different circumstances because then maybe things would be different. Maybe we might’ve had a chance.”
Bucky who was so confused by everything that Y/n had just confessed cupped her cheek with his free hand. She leaned into his palm and Bucky could almost see it. The two of them being together and happy, maybe they lived in her cave, maybe the people back home would listen to her side of the story and they could live out the rest of their days there.
“I didn’t think I would ever fall in love, so thank you,” Y/n whispered. 
Bucky, with the dagger down at his side, leaned over and kissed Y/n. He wasn’t exactly sure why he did it but he liked it, he liked the small smile the dawned on her lips as they moved against his, and he liked when she brought up her hands to rest on his face.
When she pulled away on of her hands dropped. “That one won’t count,” she told him sadly.
The sun was almost done setting and Bucky noticed the tears on her face. He wiped them away, he wanted to say something to her but he wasn’t sure what. Did he love her? He wasn’t sure, it wasn’t as if he couldn’t see himself loving her.
But they were out of time and Y/n pulled him back in for a hug. She whispered something in his ear, it was in a language he didn’t understand. 
Before he could stop her, she grabbed his hand that held the dagger and plunged it into her heart.
“No,” Bucky whispered. They were still in an embrace and whispered something else in his ear.
“It’s ok, James,” how she knew his real name he’ll never know, “You’re going to find someone that you love who loves you back in the way you deserve.”
He sunk to his knees still holding on to Y/n. He pulled the dagger out of her and looked at her face. She had a small smile on her face and before he could say anything else to her, her body turned to mist and spread out across the sea.
Now when Bucky looked out he saw the reflection of the sunset on the ocean and it sparkled like her eyes had.
His legs turned back into his tail he removed his human clothes and lowered himself into the water. His heart was heavy for a mermaid who’d he’d barely just met. But he took solace in the fact that every time the sun would set over the sea it would sparkle just for her.
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
So there’s this little cartoon you may have heard of...
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As I’ve said on this blog before, I’d never watched all of SatAM. This might be shocking to hear from someone who runs a blog dedicated to Archie Sonic and one of the top twenty Bunnie Rabbot fangirls in the world. But it’s true.
SatAM was very difficult to track down compared to other Sonic cartoons when I was a kid, and I just never got around to watching it as an adult. So for the longest time, I had only ever seen the first episode, which I found uploaded in parts on YouTube in 2007. As the one cartoon featuring the characters I liked from the comics, it became sort of this holy grail of Sonic media for me as a kid, especially with people online always talking it up as the best thing ever and petitioning for a revival. Hell, to this day, a lot of people hold it up as this masterpiece and act like the Archie comics were a complete mockery of it
Anyway so I finally got around to watching the whole series with my boyfriend these past couple weeks, and it was pretty good. So instead of covering a comic today, here are some thoughts on the cartoon that started it all
General Thoughts
SatAM is a pretty good show. It isn’t the greatest piece of Sonic media ever, unlike what some older fans will tell you. It might not even be the best Sonic cartoon (you could easily make a case for the Japanese version of Sonic X, or Sonic Boom if you’re looking for something more comedic). It hasn’t aged the most gracefully, in some ways. The animation’s cheap, the stories sometimes bland. But for a DiC-produced video game cartoon from the early ‘90s, it’s really solid
I think that in many ways, SatAM is carried by the strength of its ideas over its actual execution. The darker, more serious tone is a really cool idea, even if at times it can get a little dull, and even if the show actually gets silly as hell pretty often. (This is a show where Snively literally tortures a captive Antoine by preparing French cuisine improperly.) That opening scene of Robotropolis in the first episode actually sets the mood really well and feels like it came straight out of some cyberpunk anime from the ‘80s or ‘90s. The concept of Robotnik turning people into robot slaves is really cool, even if surprisingly little was done with this aside from Uncle Chuck’s storyline. And I think the Freedom Fighters make a great supporting cast for Sonic, even if the writers didn’t use them to their full potential
Interestingly, I’d often heard from fans that season one was the stronger of the two, when I’d say that the opposite is true. Season one episodes were pretty samey, usually involving low stakes missions to Robotropolis with no real continuity, and Sally ended up being a damsel in distress more than I’d like--hell, so did Bunnie in a few episodes. It wasn’t bad, but it was highly repetitive, and I got a little bored at times. Season two had a few real stinkers (the Antoine episodes) and Dulcy was an unwelcome addition, but I thought the heavier focus on continuity gave the season some real momentum and more emotional weight, which made it way more enjoyable overall
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Things I Liked
Sonic. I quite liked this version of Sonic, actually! Jaleel White is a great Sonic, and he was written pretty well. At times the extremely tubular ‘90s lingo was grating (I never wanna hear “Gotta juice!” again), but I was surprised to see that this version of Sonic had a lot of heart. He really cared about the well-being of his friends and Uncle Chuck, and they even let him cry a couple times. I thought they struck a good balance between snark and sincerity with him
Sally. I don’t think SatAM Sally was perfect, but I liked her. I’m still of the opinion that she should have been given more ways to defend herself physically (maybe some kind of power of her own) so that Sonic didn’t have to save her as much, but I liked the banter she and Sonic had. Unlike the early Archie comics, Sally doesn’t come off as the bossy girlfriend who ruins Sonic’s fun. Maybe it’s Jaleel White and Kath Soucie’s performances doing most of the work, but they had a fun back and forth dynamic, with Sally’s sarcasm keeping Sonic’s ego in check, but there still being clear chemistry between the two of them
I also liked the greatly reduced emphasis on her being a princess compared to much of Archie’s material. Like yeah, it’s there. Her dad’s the king, and left her some classified info via Nicole. But her status doesn’t really affect things much. They don’t talk about her having this grand destiny and being the next in line to rule. It’s clear that she’s in charge of the Freedom Fighters not because of her status, but because she’s smart, brave, and gets shit done. That’s the Sally I like.
Plus! In the finale, Sally insisted upon going with Sonic for the final confrontation, and was a crucial part of the climax. Her powering up with Sonic and matching his speed and strength ruled. Compare that to the climactic defeat of Robotnik in Archie, where she was fucking dead
Robotnik. I don’t think much needs to be said here. Jim Cummings rules as Robotnik, like everyone has always said. He’s just so evil and so much fun to watch
Snively??? I’ve never cared for Snively as a character, but Charlie Adler rules and his over-the-top performance made the character way funnier than he should’ve been. Just something about all the little noises he makes, and the way he almost shifts into the Red Guy voice at times
Nicole. It was fun to see Nicole start to get more of a personality in season two, having some banter with Sonic and also picking up some slang from him. It makes the later decision to turn Sally’s computer into a full character (which would have happened in season three, and obviously eventually became a big subplot in the comics) make a lot of sense
King Acorn. While he was only around briefly, I liked that he wasn’t a huge dick, unlike Archie’s King Max
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Things I Didn’t Like
The misuse of the other Freedom Fighters. This is, by far, the show’s greatest crime.
I already write approximately 100k words a week on this blog about how I think Bunnie Rabbot is amazing and criminally underused, so I’ll keep this brief, but I was shocked to see how little she was used in this show. People tend to say Dulcy stole her screentime in season two, but she didn’t have much to do in the first season either! We somehow never got a single episode focusing on her. The one where she got temporarily deroboticized focused much more on Uncle Chuck. We never got to learn the story behind her roboticization, or delved into her feelings on the matter much. She mostly just served as a positive, lighthearted supporting member of the team who acts cute and gets some funny lines, but usually stays home
Antoine might have been even worse, honestly. Like, they used him so much! They had multiple episodes focusing entirely on him! And yet I’m not sure he ever really helped. Sonic and Sally kept taking him along, but every single time it felt like it would’ve been a wiser decision to bring Bunnie instead. The jokes about his broken English were just dumb, and god, the way he constantly hits on Sally and starts kissing her hand at the most inappropriate times is just SO fucking creepy. SatAM Antoine is just a horrible, one-dimensional stereotype. There’s a reason why readers of the Archie comics wanted him out of the series until later writers majorly rehabilitated him
Rotor also didn’t get much use, which was a shame, but it at least felt like he was used efficiently. I got the vibe that Rotor was much more bitter about the war with Robotnik than his friends, and it would’ve been interesting to see this explored more. At least we got that one fun episode where he went to space with Sonic
Dulcy. Oh my fucking god. I wanted to like Dulcy! I really did! But most of the time she was just a clutz used for comic relief, and they kept reusing the same joke where she crashed, bumped her head, got dizzy, and thought she was talking to her mom. This happened in almost every episode she was in.
The other miscellaneous Freedom Fighters. Like in the early Archie comics, none of the other miscellaneous Mobians they meet were as interesting as the core cast. They just always felt very bland and I was never as invested in them as the writers wanted me to be. Ari was boring, and that episode where they found the underground city and this other dude started hitting on Sally was a drag. Lupe’s cute though
Rings. This is a common problem in Sonic adaptations, but the fact that rings always serve as Sonic’s instant win button kind of sucks. Basically any time Sonic’s in a pinch, he pulls a ring out of his backpack, powers up, and wins. Not exactly a recipe for suspenseful action
Oh, also, I did kinda find it weird how much Sonic and Sally kissed? Like, all the time? Often while their friends just stand there and stare at them? Not something I’d expect from a Sonic cartoon
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Things Archie Did Better
I’ll limit this to the first 50 issues or so, since I don’t think it would be fair to compare two short seasons of SatAM to the highlights of nearly 500 issues of comics
Tails. Tails is okay in SatAM, Archie just used him as Sonic’s sidekick way more. He was barely even in the show. Poor little guy only gets to play dirt hockey all day
Bunnie. Again, Bunnie was underutilized in both series, but the Archie comics did her better. They actually showed the story of how she got roboticized (even if it was a silly story), and they got to flesh her out a bit more. Gallagher showing that she was a carrot farmer before her roboticization and saying she wanted to be a hairdresser was at least something. And as I keep harping on, Rich Koslowski’s backup story in #37 where we find out Bunnie has recurring nightmares about her robot parts taking over and making her a threat to her friends? This single backup story did more to flesh her out than all 26 episodes of SatAM combined
Antoine. Not hard to do better than SatAM here, really. He was really bad early on, serving as little more than Sonic’s punching bag, but eventually they started to set up a romance between him and Bunnie and explored his past a bit, saying that Antoine’s father (his personal role model) was a member of the royal guard who was roboticized in the war. While he still had a long way to go, these were important first steps towards him being a decent character. Hell, these days, being Bunnie’s love interest is one of Antoine’s defining characteristics! And it doesn’t come from the cartoon at all
Roboticization in general. I was surprised how little this came up in the cartoon! In the comics, it’s such a central element. We see more of the heroes’ loved ones turned into robots, and we even got some fun stories where characters like Sonic and Sally were roboticized temporarily. The Freedom Fighters’ efforts to reverse the process was a major part of the plot for quite a while. Bunnie’s fear of losing control is a pretty important part of her character (even if it was only touched on briefly), and after they’re rescued, the rest of the Mobians fear that the “Robians” (including Sonic’s entire family) will turn evil again. It comes up a lot! There are interesting things to discuss here! But SatAM only really talks about Uncle Chuck. We never even see what happened to everyone else
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Closing Thoughts
SatAM is not the best show in the world, but it is a solid and enjoyable one. It’s easy to see why people who grew up with it are fond of it, even if I think that it’s long past time certain fans quit acting like it’s the only valid take on the Sonic source material and petitioning for a third season. At the very least, the concepts and characters introduced here are strong ones, and it’s easy to see how they spawned over 20 years of comics exploring said ideas in greater detail. While I’m not sure I could recommend it to non-fans, I think it’s definitely worth checking out for Sonic fans who missed out on it (especially fans of the Archie comics)
Anyway I got to see Bunnie dropkick some Swatbots twice her height so I had fun
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Pink Bubbles of Impending Romantic Doom
Author: Nimmy_
Year: 2008
Rating: PG
Characters: Naboo, Bollo, Chav Shaman, The Hitcher
Naboo shifted uneasily in the moonlit alleyway, glancing furtively left and right. Bollo’s reassuring presence was tangible just behind him as always, though his nerves still were as taut as stretched cheesewire. This was a shady operation; if he was found out the board would revoke his powers or worse. “What time is it, Bollo?” The tiny shaman rasped in his slightly worried monotone. “Ughh. Quarter to one,” the familiar answered, glancing at an imaginary timepiece. “We’ve been here over an hour! I don’t believe this, where is he?” “Cool ya boots, Naboo – I’s ere, innit?” Naboo’s little heart almost popped right out of his chest as the shady black-market shaman appeared. “About bloody time, where’ve you been? We’ve been waiting ages!” “Aright, chill, yeah? Lost track of time, me an’ Deebo were playin’ Mario Galaxy on ‘is Wii and I was well givin’ im beatin’s!” Naboo’s dark eyes smouldered quietly. “Do you like Mario Galaxy, Naboo?” “I dunno. I haven’t got any computer games,” he paused. “Well actually, Bollo’s got a gameboy. I’m good at Pac man.” Bollo grunted his agreement. “He better than me. I no can get past ghosts.” “Pac man? Dat’s well borin’, you gotta get one of dem Wii fings, dey’re the shit, yeah?” Naboo pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, have you got the stuff?” “Yeah, you got money?” the shady shaman looked left and right theatrically. Naboo held aloft a roll of notes that amounted to no less than two thousand Euros. “Now we is talkin’,” the shaman took the notes and tucked the roll down his pants. Naboo grimaced. Next, the shaman produced a blue plastic flask from inside his Adidas shamanic tunic. Naboo’s expression melted from tense anticipation to flat disbelief. “What the hell’s that, you jerkoff? I just paid you two thousand Euros for a Thermos of coffee?” “Chill, yeah! Me mum’s washing out all dem mystical-lookin’ glass bottles, dey all had crusty shit at the bottoms. This is all I ‘ad, bruv. It’ll do, yeah?” he extended the flask to the grouchy little shaman, who snatched it from his grasp, quick as a cobra. “I’ve probably got a spare phial to put it in back at the shop,” Naboo conceded with a mutter. “Yeah, sorted!” the shaman looked to the left for a second, scratching his head through his turban. “When you’ve done that den, yeah, can I ‘ave the flask back Naboo? It’s me dad’s, he does a nightshift at the factory and he’ll kick off if he finds out I’ve nicked it.” Naboo rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ll bring it with me next time,” he started to walk away. “Come on, Bollo.” The shifty shaman grinned after him with his shimmering gold face. “Cheers Naboo. Laters.” * Naboo arrived home at the flat unannounced, and heard heavy, running footsteps as he ascended the stairs. “What’s going on?” he called, reaching the top of the staircase to see just a flash of little blue knickers and silver go-go boots disappear behind a hastily slammed-shut door. There were satsumas all over the floor. After an impressively short amount of time, Vince appeared from the same door, fully dressed in a superb outfit that was an inspired amalgamation of New Romantic and Beatnik. “Alright!” he grinned, exuding sunshine and fluffy pink candyfloss. Naboo ignored the breezy greeting. “You making a mess in my flat again?” “No,” Vince said, subtly kicking a satsuma under the settee. At this point Howard emerged from the doorway. “Naboo! How’s it going? Did you get your shaman squash?” Naboo frowned at the jazz maverick. “Shaman juice,” he whipped out the flask and brandished it. Vince grinned, sniggering. “Looks like a flask of Nescafe to me.” “He didn’t have a shamanic magic phial, all right? I’m gonna change it,” he snatched the flask back and marched into the kitchen area on his little legs. “So what’s this one do, Naboo?” Vince asked, following him. “Is it like the one last time, does it give you really mental powers? That last one was genius, despite the episode with the horrible fox with shitty breath.” Naboo unscrewed the flask and began to pour the glittering pink liquid into a beautiful rounded jar of red tinted glass. “Nah, it’s nothing like the last one. This one is a cure for hangovers – just one drop will take away the worst hangover. If you’re off your face on speed, one sip will bring you back down instantly.” “Wow!” Vince laughed. “Good for you shamans then, you’re always getting wasted. You’re well hardcore.” Naboo corked the jar and put it in the fridge. “Well, we’re charged with protecting the world from evil and magical menace. That’s a pretty big responsibility. It’s good for us to let our hair down now and again.” “Now and again? You’re a load of crackheads!” A warning glare from Naboo’s direction quieted Vince. “Right, me and Bollo are going in my room to work on Shaman stuff. Keep it down, will you?” “Yeah yeah.” Howard waited until Naboo’s door was shut before hissing at Vince. “You said he wouldn’t be back tonight!” “Yeah, well I could’ve sworn he said he was staying at Pete’s…” Vince shrugged, averting his gaze. Howard wasn’t placated. “The satsuma game isn’t for anyone else to see, it’s just for you and me at night, when we’re on our own!” “Cool it Howard, he didn’t see anything,” Vince brushed off the admonition, taking Naboo’s potion out of the fridge. “Wow, check this out. It’s all pink and sparkly, like a Flirtini. Genius!” “No, come on, Vince – don’t be touching Naboo’s potions. It’ll only end up in disaster-” “It’s only a glorified high-strength Resolve, Howard – what’s it gonna do, cure your headache? Ooh!” He gestured with his hands in mock-terror. “Even so, little man – you can never be too careful. Even Howard Moon, man of action, shows the proper caution when dealing with substances of unknown origin. Oh yes, there have been some close shaves with a particularly lethal magic cocktail in the past. But there was no need to fear, for Howard Moon was there to set all to rights. They call me the maveri- Vince, what are you doing?” “This stuff’s great, it goes all frothy when you shake it up a bit. You can blow bubbles with it. Genius!” Howard watched in disbelief as Vince dipped the little plastic hoop from his bubble-blower into the potion and blew a couple of large bubbles from it. “Vince! You really don’t listen to anything I say, do you?” “It makes big pink glittery bubbles! Look at ‘em, they’re sparkling like psychedelic Fairy liquid disco balls!” Vince giggled as he danced among the bubbles, revelling in the pinky glitteriness. “What were you on about, Howard?” “Nothing. Truly, nothing,” Howard grumbled and flopped onto the settee. Vince went over to the window and opened it. “Check this out. Shoreditch is gettin’ some of these glitter bubbles!” “Fascinating.” Swishing the little plastic hoop around in the shimmering pink potion, Vince took a huge deep breath and created an explosion of glittery pink bubbles from the window. The wind carried them away in all directions and filled the night sky with tinselly orbs of pink. “That’ll cheer everyone up,” Vince laughed, stepping away from the window. He bounced over to Howard and sat next to him. “Howard?” Silence. “Howard.” “…” “Howard, Howard,” Vince pressed. Howard studied his nails. “Howard, Howard? Howard. Howard. Howard! Howard! Howard? Howard. Howard, Howard!” Howard swung his head around to face Vince to give him a sharp reprimand, only to receive a mouthful (and indeed, a faceful) of pink glitter bubbles. Howard spluttered and cursed as Vince just laughed himself silly and blew more bubbles at Howard, hitting him in the hat and the moustache. “Hohohh, aw Howard. Sorry. I couldn’t help it.” Nothing. “Come on, Howard. Don’t get your y-fronts all twisted. It was just a prank to cheer you up.” Howard just grabbed the potion from Vince, looked at him, then splashed him in the face with the jar. Vince gasped in shock and horror. “Howard, you ballbag, look what you’ve done to me hair!” Howard simply found the cork, plugged the jar and put it back in the fridge before storming off to his room. Vince was fuming. He threw himself towards the nearest mirror to inspect the damage. It had completely soaked, and therefore flattened, the front of his hair. His entire fringe. He wiped the pink glittery wetness from his face with the back of his hand and licked it from his lips. It tasted remarkably like Pink. If each colour had one definitive taste, this is what Pink would taste like. It was rather nice, actually. He continued licking around his mouth and cleaned the smears off the back of his hand with his pink-stained tongue. ** Far away now, the pink bubbles rode the currents of the wind like little men riding magical horses of cheese. The winds tossed them far and wide. One of them passed directly over the house of the shady black-market Shaman. The one with the Gold Face. We don’t know his name, really. Let’s call him Francis. Francis was just mopping the last of the tomato sauce from his plate with a soggy toast soldier when a thought occurred to him. After meeting Naboo, he had just returned his potions to their freshly washed phials, to discover that he had one hangover-cure too many in his stock cupboard. Thinking this just a jammy mistake on his potion-dealer’s part, he’d continued to munch down his spaghetti hoops without concern. But now, as he chewed on the sauce-smeared soldier, he decided he should check his stock. He left his plate for his mum to find and wash, heading to his room. * He looked at each carefully labelled jar, and checked them against his hand-written stock-sheet. “Two bottles of Nympho juice, ‘free bottles of sex-reverse potion, two bottles of owl-beak cream…” There was certainly a theme ongoing in the majority of Francis’ stock, due to the majority of demands. “… one jar of Goff salve, three jars of fut’cha peanuts… shit, where’s me bottle of Lov’ Juice?” Francis searched frantically through the cupboard. It was starting to make sense. He had one extra jar of hangover-cure, and he was missing one bottle of Love Juice. And he’d just sold Naboo what was supposed to be… Francis gulped. “Friggin’ ell.” ** In the faraway reaches of London’s east end… ** “What’s for tea?” “Toad-in-the-hole.” “Toad in the fuckin’ ‘ole? What ‘ave I told ya, boy? I’m fuckin’ lactose intolerant. Cheese plays merry ‘ell wiv my stomach you onion. What ‘appened to that pie you ‘ad in the oven?” “It got burnt!” “You burnt me pie? Then go out and get anuvver one, you slag!” “Yes boss. I’m a cockney, I’m a cockney…” The Hitcher shook his head in disbelief as the door shut behind Stu. “Useless, that boy…” he muttered to himself. “I need a slash.” Stepping out into the cool night air, The Hitcher unzipped his fly and began to relieve himself right there in the garden. Toilets were for nonces. As the yellow stuff arced from him to make a shimmering frothy pool on the moonlit grass, the Hitcher tilted his head skywards with a groan of relief. “Ohhh, that’s good,” his voice quivered. His eyes closed in rapture, he didn’t see the pink bubble zooming towards his face even as he opened his mouth to make yet another exclamation of bliss. “Fuckin’ ell!” he choked, grasping at his throat. “What the fuck was that?” His eyes were streaming from the coughing fit, and he dabbed his powerful peeper with a grubby handkerchief. “Dear oh dear…” he groaned. Regaining his composure, he tucked away his little green man and zipped his trousers back up. “Fuckin’ insects flying into me gob… hmm. Tasted… pink. Extraordinary.” He went back inside, the little puddle of yellow slowly sinking down into the soil.
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hoodoo12 · 6 years
Party (part 2 of 2)
I would like everyone to know that the characters mentioned and the discussions regarding Dungeons and Dragons are based on yours truly and some of the crazy campaigns I’ve played.
Mature SFW, due to language and suggestive adult banter. 
Diligence ducked down even further, while Cop, whose back had been to the window Lust indicated, spun around. Wrath knocked his chair over in his haste to join him--afterwards, you were grateful he didn’t just vault over the table--and you got to your feet as well.
“Jesus christ!” Wrath shouted, peering through the curtains. “It’s fucking Envy, skulking around out there!”
You hurried to the door while everyone else began collecting themselves and righting everything.
“Envy!” you said, holding the door open. “You gave everyone a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry . . .” he whimpered, from the far end of the porch. “I just . . . you were all having such a-such a good time, and I wanted to see it . . . I wish I  . . .”
As his voice trailed off, you said, “Come in, okay? You hanging around out here is creepy.”
“I-I-I . . . I wish . . .” he repeated, and slunk forward.
He was wearing his human-suit, you saw, which made him look a little more Rick-like. You were internally grateful for that, even if the stitches looked a bit pulled and stretched tight.
“Come on,” you offered. “There’s stuff to eat and drink, and there’s one more seat available--”
“I don’t want to play,” he disagreed. “I just want to-to-to sit and pretend that all you are my friends, and this is my party, and you’re having a good time . . .”
“Sure, sure,” you consoled him as you ushered him in so you could shut the door again.
Envy continued to slink around the perimeter of the room, gazing wistfully at everything and declining to sit down, even though there was an empty chair between Diligence and Cop. He ended up in the living room on the couch, sinking into the cushions while watching everyone in that forlorn and plaintive way of his. You were all used to his behavior and went back to actually starting tonight’s session.
It wasn’t long into it--everyone finally decided to head back into the village to purchase more supplies; Wrath hoped out loud there would be hobgoblins or orcs that would ambush their group as they went through the forests--before the timer on the oven went off.
A potential intruder didn’t move Gluttony, but the potential of brownies did. The massive Rick pushed his chair back, shaking the table, making all the figures Diligence had set out so carefully tumble over. “Hey!”
Gluttony didn’t care about that, but the rest of the table did, so you quickly jumped up to keep the whole situation from disintegrating.
“I’ll go get the brownies, okay, Glut?” you said, to placate everyone. “Just stay here!”
Lust popped up to help, saying, “Just keep walking through those woods, darlings! Imagine that the two bards are serenading you! Officer Sanchez, my bard is checking out your Paladin’s ass in that skin tight leather he likes to wear!”
Cop groaned but Lust blew him a kiss and followed you into the kitchen. He grabbed the bottle of wine the Officer had brought and wine glass, and filled it almost full before hopping up and sitting on the counter while you opened the oven door and tested the baked goods for doneness. Finding some oven mitts after a second’s rummaging in a drawer, you removed the two pans of brownies that’d been baking.
“I saw how you were looking at Patrick, and touching his lower back when he arrived? That’s bold . . .” he teased, taking a sip of his wine and watching you slyly.
“Patrick?” “Patience Rick, silly! Pat. Rick. Isn’t that clever?”
You hummed a non-committal answer and bumped the oven door shut with a hip, setting the hot pans on the stovetop.
Lust eyed you. “And you let him use your die! That’s some serious stuff, right there--one of your cardinal rules is that no DM touches your dice!”
You shrugged like it was no big thing, even though in previous sessions you’d been extremely vocal and made it very clear you had some superstitions about Dungeon Masters touching your dice. You defended your actions by saying, “Glut took everyone’s dice! He needed one for a moment!”
“You should totally fuck him.”
“Lust, what?! Shh!” you exclaimed, scandalized.
No one from the other room asked what was going on, or seemed to hear, which you thought was good.
“Shut up!” you hissed at him. “What if he hears you?”
“So you do want to fuck him?” Lust asked, licking his lower lip.
You tried to maintain a neutral, deadpan expression as you replied, “That is none of your business.”
“Hmmm,” the Sin Rick responded. “Baby, I am pretty sure it is.”
You rolled your eyes and found a plastic spatula to cut one pan of brownies. “What about you?” you asked, deflecting. “You grabbed Cop’s crotch! You know he has a girlfriend, right?”
Lust laughed low in his throat and crossed his legs. There was a faint whisper as his stockings rubbed together.  “You know I think everybody should fuck, right? I seriously thought this whole D&D thing was just a front for a big ol’ orgy at first. Did you know that?”
You hadn’t.
“Huh. Well, anyway--you should totally jump on his dick. He doesn’t wear any underwear, so it’d be quick and easy to--”
“Are the brownies done?!” Gluttony bellowed from the other room.
“Yes! We’ll be right in!” you called back. To Lust you said, “How do you know he doesn’t wear underwear--you know what? Never mind that. You just keep your lips zipped about what you just said. Okay? Not. One. Word.” Lust cocked one plucked eyebrow. 
“What if I let your bard sleep around with the next NPC that shows any interest? Okay? I didn’t mean to take that goatherd, Patience just escalated the conversation we were having when I went to his farm to buy a goat . . .”
Lust let the weight of those words--that Patience himself created an encounter between a character he was playing and yours, resulting in an adult sleepover--sink into you, to prove his point. You shook your head and repeated your offer to let his bard have the choice of next sexual encounter in exchange for his silence.
“I suppose,” Lust sighed dramatically, and pushed himself down from the counter. He took your waist and rocked his pelvis into you as you juggled the pans to take them back to the other room, and leaned down closely to whisper in your ear, “Patrick’s got a different body type than me, but this’d be a good position, wouldn’t it?”
You giggled with embarrassment and moved out of the hedonistic Sin’s grasp. “Knock it off, Lust!”
“Just helping to stoke that fire, baby,” he replied saucily.
As you expected, he didn’t help carry anything except his own wine glass back to the group.
You set one full pan of brownies on a tray table beside Gluttony and told everyone else the pan you cut was for them.
Finally, finally, the game started up in earnest. It was the same as every other time the group got together: decisions on what to do next, ragging on each other’s characters, ridiculous ideas for getting out of scrapes, barely organized chaos when it came to encounters, lots of bickering and laughing. Everyone ate and drank too much, thanks to Gluttony’s influence. Diligence kept things moving along and was the first to answer any questions about the rules. He also helped with adding modifiers to any dice rolls.
At one point Cop’s Paladin was coerced into joining an evil cult, forcing a realignment that pissed him off and everyone else to yell at him out of character for making stupid decisions.
Patience did some quick recalculations and told Cop his character needed to do some major atonements before his god would grant absolution and allow his Paladin to have lawful good alignment again. The rest of the group decided to storm the tower he was in, with the pretense if they all destroyed the cult that would be a good first step in helping get him back on the right track.
It took several hours and multiple combat encounters--plus some incredible luck with the dice--to pull it off, but you all managed to literally blow the cult’s tower up and defeat all its members.
During the climax of the battle, when it wasn’t a sure thing that everyone in the party would get out of the crumbling tower on time, Envy snuck in and sat at the table between Cop and Dil, as if he were part of the group.
Even though the whole thing was done on paper and through collaborative role-playing, it was exhausting.
At the end, Patience sat back in his chair and told you all there was no way any of that should have worked.
You all took his incredulous, mild amazement as praise.
“That’s why you’re the best DM!” you complimented him. “You just roll with whatever crazy thing we decide to do!”
Lust pinched your thigh under the table and smirked. You knew he loved that it looked like you were flirting, but you ignored it.
Diligence suddenly realized the time.
“Oh crap--I’ve gotta go! I picked up an extra shift and have to be at work at six tomorrow morning. Why did we start so late? Why did we get together on a Saturday?!”
He stood up, and that was everyone’s cue that this get together was over. Dil started fretting that he should help clean up, but he really needed to run, but it wasn’t right that everyone pitched in except him, but he wasn’t going to get enough sleep if he didn’t go--
Laughing and insisting it was all right that he didn’t help, you helped guide him out the door. Cop mentioned that he needed to go too, and offered to give Dil a police escort so he could get home sooner, if that made him feel better.
Gluttony left the actual clean up to everyone else and took care of the leftover snacks and drinks. He and Wrath left next; Glut suggested a nightcap at the local dive bar and his fellow Sin Rick didn’t disagree. Envy followed you around like a lost dog as you gathered all the dirty dishes and took them into the kitchen. He didn’t help--you didn’t expect him to--and eventually Lust wandered in as well, and found him crouched in a corner, watching you.
“V, come on! Stop being creepy, okay? It’d be different if you were doing some voyeuristic thing, but there’s nothing going on here--yet!--so you’re just making things awkward!” he chided as he marched over and grabbed Envy by the upper arm.
“I didn’t mean to--what did you mean, yet? I don’t mean to b-b-be creepy, I just like to see a n-normal life, like hers--” Envy tried to explain.
“Who’s making things awkward?” you said pointedly to Lust at the same time.
He twittered and winked. “Patience is the last one here, so . . .”
“We’re still here,” Envy pointed out.
“Nope, V-sweetie, we’re showing ourselves out,” Lust replied, hauling him up. To you he said, “Baby, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do--which means the sky’s the limit!”
You groaned and followed them to the front door. Patience was finishing organizing the last of the player’s manuals for you and his notes. Lust made a rudely suggestive gesture involving his hand and mouth behind the Virtue Rick’s back for your benefit. You flipped him off, to which he replied aloud,
“That is a fine option too, baby!”
Patience turned, and Lust smiled at him. “Excellent management of our campaign, as always, Patrick! I think we got lucky tonight. Maybe you will too!”
While you felt a blush rise on your cheeks, Patience looked puzzled. Lust giggled and kissed him on one cheek, then the other, then made his exit with Envy reluctantly in tow. The stitched Sin Rick kept his eyes on you and Patience as long as he could, before the door came between him and you.
“Thanks for hosting,” Patience said. 
“Thanks for coming over,” you replied. “You really are the only one who has, ahem, the patience for all the craziness this party does.”
He gave you a smirk, like that pun was something he heard all the time. “It does seem like most of the ideas the party comes up with shouldn’t actually work. And most of the plans I have for different sessions take hard right turns. So I keep things flexible since you all fly by the seat of your pants.”
You laughed and he laughed with you. There was a little discussion about when the group was going to get together again as Patience started for the door. You followed him, your hand straying to his lower back again. You blushed horribly, imagining what Lust would say, but Patience didn’t mention it. You wished him good night, and locked the door behind him after he left. 
The house was quiet now. There were still some things left to put away, but you decided it could wait until morning. It’d been a fun night playing Dungeons and Dragons, as always. No matter what Lust suggested, you were content with that, for now. 
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Hot for Teacher part 3
Title: Hot for Teacher part 3
Characters: Steve Rogers x black!reader
Summary: The reader and Steve finally have their date
Warnings: Pre-smut, creepy dudes, and a long ass chapter and no keep reading cuz its mobile
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A couple of drinks after your little performance, everyone decided to call it a night and went home. Well everyone except Shantae, she went home with Sam. Steve offered to take you home, but you declined his offer but you told him you would text him when you got home.
As soon as you entered your home, you texted Steve that you made it because if you didn’t, you surely would’ve forgotten.
“Texting Rogers you made it home,” a familiar voice from the shadows asked.
You dropped your keys into the bowl by your door and sighed. “You can’t just text me if I made it home safely like a regular dad?”
Nick Fury never did anything like a regular dad, except the fussing part. You remember the whoopings you used to get because you decided to be a smartass.
Your dad let your pet cat, Goose down, emerged from his seat and gave you a hug. “I’m not a normal dad, sweetie.”
“I’ve noticed. What are you doing here so late, old man? I hope you don’t want a report on my night with Steve.”
Your dad let you out of his embrace and returned to the couch. “No, I’m not even worried about Rogers. Now if you were going out with Stark, we would have a problem. I’m praying that this thing with Rogers work out. Your mama is already planning your wedding and for her future grandkids.”
You threw a pillow at your dad. “You told mama about Steve!?” You slinked down the couch in despair, your mom’s been bugging you about kids since you were an only child. She didn’t care if you got married, she just wanted grandkids.
“You know she’s a better investigator than I am. I couldn’t lie to her.” Its true, no one could lie to your mom, she had a knack for getting to the truth. “Anyways, I’m here to officially recruit you,” your dad stated as he slid a manila folder towards you.
Inside of the folder were photos of a local gang leader, Terrence and he recruited a lot of kids that go to your school. He truly was a menace to society. He didn’t care who got hurt as long as money was lining his pocket. As you went through more photos, you saw Terrence with an older gentleman.
“The older guy with Terrence works for Ghost, a terrorist who probably has done as much as evil as HYDRA. I know you got a couple of students connected with Terrence. I need you to find out what Terrence has planned with Ghost.”
On occasion, you were known to get involved with your students’ personal lives if they were in trouble. One instance, you fought in an underground fight club match so your student wouldn’t have to, but that was different. Your dad wanted you to work for SHIELD in an official capacity and that was big deal.
You pinched your nose, “This is a one-time thing. And I’m only doing this for the kids.”
Knowing that he won, your dad broke out into a shit-eating grin that few people got to witness. “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll have Hill send you a briefing within the next 72 hours and you’ll report to me on Saturdays. Now I’ll see myself out.” He gave you a kiss on the temple on his way out.
Great, in the same night you landed a date with Steve Rogers and became a SHIELD agent.
The following days you and Steve were texting and talking non-stop. Sometimes it was silly stuff about the stuff he missed while he was in the ice. At least he knew about the greats like, Marvin Gaye and Aretha, but you had to put him on Beyoncé and the masterwork of Lemonade. Other times you would talk about more serious stuff like, his time in the army or you training as a super spy as a child.
One day, Steve actually stopped by your school during your planning period to bring you lunch, since you told him earlier that you didn’t eat anything that day, because you were so busy. Even though, you couldn’t talk to him because you allowed some students to come for a tutoring session, he stayed and helped you by grading some papers. You were convinced that Steve was angel and you were praying that everything would work out.
Friday came before you knew it, but the day dragged on. Somehow, your students found out that your date with Steve was that night and they teased you all day long, especially since they could sense you were anxious. When 3:30 stroked, you practically ran out with the students and sped out the parking lot.
Arriving home in record time, you decided to try and take a nap, because if you stayed up you would’ve gotten ready early and been a nervous wreck. The week must’ve caught up with you, because you had no trouble taking a nap.
Soon, you found yourself knocking on Steve’s door at exactly 7pm. He invited you over for dinner and the dance lesson at his place, because when he went out in public people typically recognized him and asked for pictures and he didn’t want to subject you to that invasion of privacy yet.
The breath was knocked out of you when Steve opened the door. He had on an apron over a blue Henley and black jeans, and you didn’t know if it was the domesticity of the apron, the tightness of the Henley, or a combination of both, but you had a hard time stopping yourself from jumping Steve’s bones.
“Hey, come on in.” Steve waved you inside and pulled you into his warm embrace. He smelled like the food he was cooking and his cologne, and you wanted to drown yourself in that scent.
“I like your place. Its comfortable and welcoming.” Your eyes wandered Steve’s apartment. It didn’t feel like the typical bachelor pad. He had photos of his old and new friends placed decoratively, a record player, and a couch that made you sleepy from just looking at it.
Steve grabbed your purse and jacket to put them in a chair in the corner. “Thanks. Tony had Pepper come and decorate.”
The smell of the food had you gravitating towards the kitchen. Before you had a chance to look in the pot, Steve is pulled you towards him and shuffled you to a seat at the dinner table. “No peeking,” he jokingly reprimanded you.
You kissed your teeth in disappointment. “That’s not fair. I just wanted to see what was causing my stomach to growl. I should warn you Rogers, I don’t play about my food.”
Steve gave you a deep belly chuckle as he came back to the table with two plates. “Duly noted.” He set before you a plate of shrimp alfredo pasta, one of your favorite dishes. Steve Rogers was really pulling out all the stops if he kept it up, he might just get lucky, you thought to yourself.
As dinner began the two of you made small talk. You talked about how you had to stop a fight between two of your students, because Lyric stepped on Diego’s shoes and then they began arguing about how the other were too broke to afford good shoes. The joke was on them because, both of their Jordans were knockoffs but you didn’t have it in you to break their hearts. Steve told you how Tony caused the electricity to short-circuit during making a new suit.
“Okay Rogers, enough stalling! Its time for your dance lesson,” you announced at the end of dinner. You backed out of your seat and stood by Steve and reached out for his hand.
He grimaced and regretfully placed his hand in yours. “Promise you won’t make fun of me?”
To soothe his nerves, you kissed him on the cheek and whispered into his ear, “I promise.” It was definitely not the kiss that calmed him down, that made him more nervous, but it was the smile that you gave him while you looked into his eyes that did calm him down.
Steve scrolled through his phone until he selected the song he wanted, and then the bluesy guitar riffs of Tennessee Whiskey began to fill the room.
“Ohhh, you wanna learn how to two-step,” you joked.
The super soldier smiled and down casted his eyes to the floor. “Yeah, you did say you love country and the dance seems easy enough, but,” he held up his hand in objection. “I don’t think I’ll be ready for any twirls or lifts.”
It was your turn to give a belly-out laugh. “You’re that bad, huh?”
Steve pulled you into him and swayed the both of you side-to-side. “You’re about to see,” he whispered into your ear.
His dancing wasn’t so bad, but then again you two were only doing a basic slow dance. Confident that he could start doing the two-step, you instructed Steve that he had to take two steps forward and one step back.
After his failed attempts and a couple of stubbed toes, you took the lead to demonstrate how Steve should lead. You took the lead before with your friends, but this time was different because first, Steve obviously wasn’t a female and second, you felt smaller than your dancing partner.
“I think I got the hang of it now. I can lead if you want me to.” Steve commented after you being in the lead for fifteen minutes.
“Are you sure?” Instead of verbally responding, Steve took charge and he was much better than he was at the beginning of the lesson. He would stumble every so often and mumble ‘shit, I’m sorry’, but other than that he was great. Steve even managed to end your last dance with a twirl.
Currently the two you were sharing dessert while sitting on his couch and listening to music.
“So how did I do, teach?” Steve asked between bites.
You nodded your head side-to-side in deep thought. “Umm, it was rough in the beginning. Like for the life of me, I don’t understand how someone who fights in life or death situations and still trips over their own feet while dancing. But you got it at the end and that’s all that matters.”
“True, but I couldn’t have done it without my wonderful teacher.” Steve’s voice dropped lower as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
The both of you sat there in silence while the sexual tension filled the room until it boiled over. You don’t know who made the first move, but suddenly you were in Steve’s lap exchanging kisses. Steve must’ve had some practice since 1945, because the things his mouth was doing to yours made you wonder if he could do the same thing to your lower lips.
Abruptly, Steve pulled away to stop kissing you. “Damn, I forgot to ask. Are you okay with this?” Wow, only Steve Rogers would stop making out just to ensure he had consent. At that moment you knew Steve would own your heart sooner rather than later.
In response, you assaulted Steve with your lips and he gave a growl of approval. He flipped the two of you so you were laying on the couch while he was on top. Both of you were exploring the other’s body, getting dangerously close to start undressing the other.
Your hands were reaching for Steve’s belt buckle when your phone started ringing. Steve tried to get you to answer it, but you were too wrapped up in the idea of seeing what Steve was packing under his jeans.
“Doll, I really think you should answer it,” Steve suggested as the caller called for the second time.
Angrily you reached for the phone and answered, “Hello.”
“Umm, Ms. Y/L/N this is Nia.” Quickly your attitude was gone and you were on high alert. You gave some of your students your phone number, because you knew they had some troubles at home and you told them to not to hesitate to call you if they were in danger or trouble. If Nia was calling she was in some serious trouble, because she always had this jokester/tough girl exterior thing going on.
“Nia, what’s going on sweetie?” Steve was automatically on alert as he heard you say your student’s name.
“Can you come by, please? My…my…my…my mmm-mom owes these guys money and they’re beating on her and I-II-III-I think they’re coming for me next.” The young girl stuttered through her tears.
You were already grabbing your things before Nia explained the whole situation. “I’m on my way. Just lock yourself up until I get there, okay.”
“I already did. Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N.”
As you gathered your things, you didn’t notice Steve was getting ready as well. “I gotta go. Nia’s in trouble.”
“No problem. I’m going with and I’m driving.” You didn’t have time to argue with Steve and you were grateful anyway, so you hopped on the back of his motorcycle.
Before you got to Nia’s apartment door you could hear the fight in the hallway and no one in the complex would go in help, but they sure did have time to stand in the hallway and listen. If you weren’t on a mission to save Nia, you would’ve cuss they asses out.
Finally, you and Steve approached the door with his shield on his arm and your sai in your hands. Giving each other a nod, Steve finally kicked down the door.
The two of you were greeted to the sight of two men, who looked like they belonged on someone’s defensive line beating on Nia’s mom, who was clearly a drug addict. Then another figure caught your eye. It was another man and he was trying to kick down the door that most likely held Nia behind it.
The two guys hitting on Nia’s mom made eye contact with the two of you and made one of the smartest decisions they made that night. They ran.
“I’ll handle that one and you go get those two,” you ordered Steve as you nodded your head in the direction of the door.
“Be safe!” Steve yelled as he ran out the door.
The other asshat finally stopped pounding on the door and looked you up and down with a mix of lust and mirth. “What? Are you the new diversity hire for the Avengers?”
“Ha ha ha. You’re a real comedian. Why are you beating on my student’s mom and trying to burst into her room?”
All of the laughter left his face and it was replaced by a mask of anger. “Because that druggie bitch,” he pointed his gun at Nia’s mom. “Owes my boss money and she refused to pay up so I thought a little fun time with that little ho she calls a daughter could be a down payment.”
Disgusted at the man’s sick plans for Nia, you rolled your eyes. “You thought wrong.”
“Oh, what you gone do about it?” Ole dude pointed the gun in your direction.
You let out a desperate sigh and rolled your shoulders. “Listen, you and your crew ruined my date so I’m already pissed. So, are you sure you wanna do this?”
He looked you up and down in contempt. “Am I supposed to be scared of you, teach?” That’s all the answer you needed. Next thing you did was throw one of your sai’s into the man’s gun and sent a flying kick to his chest, effectively knocking him out.
After you cuffed him to the dining table, you knocked on Nia’s door. “Hey, Nia, sweetie. It’s Ms. Y/L/N. You can come out now.”
Tentatively Nia opened the door, but once she saw you she bum-rushed you. You stroked the young girl between her puff balls as you held her while she cried.
“Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N,” Nia confessed between sobs.
“No problem, sweetie. Are you ok?”
Nia pulled away from slightly to look up at you. “Yeah, I’m good. Sorry I ruined your date with Captain America.”
You grabbed the young girl by the shoulders and knelt down until you were eye level with her. “No, I’m happy you called. It means that you’re safe now.”
After calming Nia down, you checked on her mother and gave her a gentle but stern warning about using drugs. It seemed that the woman took it to heart, but God only knows.
Once you were sure that they were okay, you took the intruder to meet with Steve outside. He currently had the other two guys knocked out as well.
Steve pointed at the guy you were dragging. “You know you could’ve called me to get him.”
You shrugged your shoulders and gave a look of indifference. “Eh, I liked that he kept bumping his head on the stairs. And besides I need the arm workout.”
All three men were unconscious and you needed them awake. With no water on hand you had to kick them to jolt them awake, but it’s not like you felt bad about it.
A chorus of ‘what the fuck’ pierced the air as they awoke.
“Okay, this is how it’s gonna go. All three of you are now my bitches and work for me now and gonna be my informants. I need you to tell me about any information you have on Terrence and any business dealings he has with a Ghost. And if you don’t wanna comply or I feel that you’re jerking my chain, I’ll throw your ass at a SHIELD black site like that,” you threatened with a snap of your finger.
The douchebags were pissed off and wanted to say something, but one look at your face and they knew you weren’t playing. You had those Fury genes to thank for that.
Each grumpily agreed to your terms of conditions. Before they left you did threaten to cut off their balls if they attacked Nia and her mother or any other woman like that again.
When the two of you returned, you immediately apologized to Steve. “I’m sorry, I ruined your night. I’m sure you get tired of fighting and that’s exactly what you did on your night off.”
Steve reached out to you and placed a kiss on the back of your hands. “You didn’t ruin anything. Tonight was perfect and I like that you’ll drop anything for your students to help them out.”
“Thanks, everything was really great tonight. I hope we can do it again, but I should go. I have an early morning tomorrow.”
As you reached for the doorknob, Steve pulled you back and ask about turning the guys into informants. You informed Steve of you officially becoming a SHIELD agent to find Ghost through Terrence’s crew.
“I mean it’s only if you’re comfortable,” Steve scratched the back of his neck as a nervous tick. “But since it’s late and my place is closer to the tower, you could stay here for the night. But that’s only if you want to,” Steve hurriedly added on the last part.
Steve’s place was closer and he was harmless, you thought to yourself. “If you don’t mind, I would love to stay.”
The soldier was elated you decided to stay. He tried to give you his guest room, but you preferred to sleep in his bed with him.
Thankfully, you always had a go bag, so all you needed from Steve was something to sleep in.
When you emerged from the bathroom, Steve automatically grabbed a pillow to cover his hard on. He didn’t think he would have such a strong reaction to you wearing his shirt. Right at that moment he vowed that every chance he had, he would try to get you into one of his shirts.
“What are you staring at, pretty boy,” you teased, knowing full well Steve was staring at your curves.
Climbing into the bed and straddling his lap, you felt Steve’s erection. Deciding to be a tease, you rolled your hips around, which elicited a sinful moan from Steve’s mouth.
Promptly, Steve plopped you on the other side of the bed.
“What the hell, Steve? What’s that for?”
Suddenly, there was a shift in the air. Gone was the sweet and nervous Steve, but there was the confident and dominant Steve.
He gripped your chin and pulled your face closer to his.
“When I fuck you, you won’t be able to properly function for the next couple of days. And I doubt you want to accidentally call me daddy in front of your dad tomorrow, but if you do, then by all means let’s get to it.”
Steve was motioning to take off his shirt when you let out a meek, “I’m good.” You wanted nothing more than to be underneath Steve writhing in pleasure, but the way he may it sound you would be silly putty in the end and you didn’t need that your first day at SHIELD.
The blonde pulled his shirt back down and smirked at you. He kissed the side of your head and told you good night before he wrapped his arm around your waist.
Now you had to go to sleep hoping there wouldn’t be a wet puddle on the bed from your dreams of Steve screwing you silly.
Tags: @jojolu @ladyamandapanda12 @kashirenae92 @areubeingserved @dumbchick @wakanda-inspired @blacknthemix @pastelastronomy24 @chaneajoyyy @chonisberonica @everything-is-awesomesauce @blackreaders-assemble @nickidub718 @valkyriesnymph @marvelmaree @lildashofmelanin @cyrioussoul @destinio1 @toniilaney @euphoric05 @yoyolovesbucky @the-undecided-compass
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harleyquilt · 6 years
I wanted to write mini fic based on more domestic touken based and inspired on the recent and last beautiful chapter to the series of Tokyo Ghoul, so here’s my small fluff addition. Nothing amazing, just a lot of fluff haha. Hope you enjoy~
Touka stood by the door to the study, watching Kaneki type away at his computer with his glasses slipping down his nose every now and again. His brows furrow and his lips form into a pout as he leaned back into his seat, making Touka almost burst out into chuckles as she watched her dorky husband with soft eyes. He had been working so hard on his own work, knowing how eager he had been since starting his own little project. It kept him busy, though she was sure to always remind him not to overwork himself.
Kaneki, as if sensing Touka, turned to her with a pleasantly surprised smile. It had been six years since the Dragon War and yet it was still so refreshing to see that smile again, a smile so sweet and filled with honest joy. It was always a reminder that they finally had everything they could’ve asked for - a family, a peaceful home and a life they could call their own. That single sweet smile reminded her of all that. She hoped it would never disappear again.
“I’ve brought some coffee.” Touka places his hot mug of coffee on the desk, Kaneki leaning up to place his hands on her hips, his face turned up to face her. He was practically beaming at this point. “Making the last improvements to your book?” He nodded and his eyes slowly moved down to her round stomach, one hand resting on top and rubbing small circles.
“Yeah, it turned out better than I thought.” He said with a small hint of pride, resting his head against her stomach. She giggled and brushed her fingers through his soft hair, knowing how much he loved being so close to their soon to be born second child. What a sap. “But right now…” he stood up, tugging her closer and tilting her head up, “I think I should rest.”
“Mm, is it because I nagged you last time?” She smirked and he chuckled, pulling her longer hair over one shoulder where his eyes landed at her bite mark. She always worried about him so much - it was as heartwarming as it was bothersome, not that he didn’t appreciate it of course. “Maybe.” He chuckled, leaning down to plant a light kiss against her lips.
“I’d help with your work, but, well…” She bit her lip, not sure if she was willing to admit he was much better than her in Japanese. “I’m not a huge nerd like you. Like who even uses the word calumniator? It’s so dumb.”
“Touka-chan,” he gave her another smile, pressing his lips to her head and  he tightened his arms around her a little, “don’t blame the words for your lack of knowledge.”
“Did you just call me dumb?!” Touka snapped, feeling Kaneki laugh against her cheek. “Don’t tempt me, Ken, this baby bump is deadlier than it looks.”
“So cute.” Kaneki mumbled and Touka lightly slapped his arm, continuing to throw death threats at him. He leaned back and saw her puffy cheeks, kissing both and he saw her crumble at his sweet nothings. “Careful, you’ll give our little boy your temper.”
Pouting again, he distracted her with more kisses, saying he loved her temper along with several other things. All the while, he continued feeling her stomach through her, well his, shirt, completely taken away with the small kicks he felt against his hand. It had been a while since he been through this joyful experience, remembering how he would always do the same with Mai when Touka was first pregnant. It reminded him of what he had, of what he was living for and what he wanted to live for in the future. He already had the perfect family, still at times in disbelief at what he could finally call his own. And now he was going to have another beautiful child, something he still didn’t think he deserved, along with his wonderfully amazing daughter who was so many things and more.
And Touka was still by his side, just like she always was. It was so silly how giddy he got, but he couldn’t help it; not when she was in his arms like this, staring up at him with those big beautiful eyes he’ll never tire of looking at and that told him all he needed to know in any situation. She was so perfect and he shouldn’t of had the chance to fall in love with her, to kiss her, to have a family with her. To say her name every single day with all the love he could convey.
“Touka-chan.” She raised a brow, a little worried at his seriousness, but he simply cupped her face in his hands and kissed both eyelids shut, ghosting kisses down her cheek where he brushed his lips against hers, feeling Touka smile against him. “Touka, I-”
“Mama! Papa!” Mai burst into the room, legs and hands covered in mud and a wide gappy smile on her flushed face. Her ‘sesame pudding’ hair, as Touka called it, was ruffled. Wasn’t it tied up before..?
“Look at what I found. Look!” She tugged at Kaneki’s leg, both parents trying to ignore the mud. In her other hand, she proudly held up a stag beetle, making Kaneki tense up and Touka light up. “It’s a- a stang beetle!”
“Stag beetle, baby.” Touka corrected, though Mai wasn’t really listening, hopping around with a probably terrified bug in hand, shouting it’s name. “That one is real big, isn’t it, Ken?” She smirked as she saw Kaneki nervously nod, his eyes undecisive in whether they wanted to admire his beautifully energetic daughter be proud at her accomplishment, or to save himself from looking at that..that...thing.
Touka’s head them quirked up, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of her lips at the rememberance that Ayato and Yomo were supposed to be with her. After asking Kaneki to deal with her, his almost disdained look of desperation only adding to her amusement, she waddled back into the living room, seeing Yomo and Ayato crouched and clutching one another in the corner. Hinami was in the middle of both taking selfies with them and comforting them.
Touka took her own phone out ready, deciding now was probably a good time for that christmas card photo. It was amazing how much Ayato ended up resembling Yomo after all these years, though she was pretty sure he hadn’t figured out their actual relation like she had. Though it didn’t matter much, they were still incredibly close, something Touka could be proud to say for her family at last. And to think all of them had been so distant for so long, though they couldn’t help the cruel circumstances. She was more than happy with how things were now. It was almost perfect. If only they weren’t such babies.
Yomo was frozen and Ayato was quivering, trying to stand every now and again only to tumble down dramatically every time. Though, just when Touka was about to lecture about their melodrama, Hinami gave him a tight hug and he seemed to break character, his face a bright red as he called Hinami a big idiot - even if he pulled her into an even tighter hug for ‘needed therapeutic comfort.’
“Get a room, you saps.” Touka teased, pulling the traumatised Yomo up. “Shut up.” Ayato yelled back, his face like a kicked puppy when Hinami moved back with a sweet giggle.
Kaneki eventually joined them, Mai in his arms and her muddy handprints all over his cheeks. Giving Touka an awkward smile, she rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed a cloth from the kitchen to clean her two idiots.
“The beast- I, aha, mean, Mr. Stag has been graciously released back to the wild.” Mai nodded at her dad’s words, squishing her muddy hands as she shuffled in his arms. “He will be missed dearly…”
“Honestly, with everything we have been through, a tiny bug shouldn’t be an issue.” She stuck her tongue out Mai as she cleaned her cheeks, making her laugh delightfully. They all watched Mai fondly as Touka moved on to Kaneki, the two gazing at each other playfully as she pinched his cheek. “And could you really not have avoided this mess? Oh wait, I remember, you need to make a statement with you always returning in sewage and blood and-”
“That’s not fair!” He protested, but she silenced him with a quick kiss, caressing his cheek and her eyes wandered to the black mark that trailed from his eye, a reminder of their past. “Does it bother you?”
Touka looked up in surprise, before frowning and pinching his cheek again. “No, of course not! I was just thinking of the past…But it’s fine. I’m just more thinking of our future.” He smiled and nuzzled his nose against hers, her words always being what he needed.
“Gross, get a room!” Ayato yelled and she threw the cloth at him, Mai laughing and using the sponge she had to attack Ayato too, her evil grin almost identical to her mothers’.
This was the only future all of them wanted and it was sure to be a beautiful one.   
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vankoya · 7 years
Fight Blood with Blood.
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Genre | Witch Hunter AU.
Pairing | Jeon Jeongguk / Feminine Reader.
Words | 6,611 words.
Conspectus | Amid the white of the snow, the pitch black of the night, the small witch besmears the calm scenery as a speck of crimson. Marring Jeongguk’s every thought like the death of him.
Warnings | Blood. Vague gore. Character and animal death. Also note that the ‘reader’ is referred to as small and tiny. This is not necessarily what her figure is, it is just how Jeongguk visualises her in comparison to his own size, which is comparably much bigger than the size of real life Jeon Jeongguk.
“This is the truest of crimes, you know.”
The air is bone cold. Ice crackles and pops beneath the two wooden wheels of the cart. Breath steams in puffs of white at his lips. 
But she is vibrant. Blood against the white backdrop of snow that sticks to the soil, tucks between the frostbitten bark, and drips from icicles clinging to dead branches like daggers threatening to fall. Thick scarlet flows in the cotton of her red riding hood coat. Jeongguk pales beside her frame that nestles into his hulking side, a black mass of fur trim that tickles the cut of his jaw; wraps in grimy leather boots around his calves; shimmers in the onyx metal of the shotgun resting against his thigh.
Often, it is difficult to remember who is the monster. The cardinal or the crow.
“What is?” Jeongguk hums, tries to act indifferent but he knows she sees right through that facade now. Like mist clinging to the glass of a windowpane, her warm palms had effortlessly wiped the condensation away weeks ago, and he just as easily allowed her to. It is almost as though he wanted it, for her to peer in and take a look, to see that his insides are just as black as his plumage.
The handcuffs jingle when she lifts her wrists into view, leans into him. She feels warm against his arm, tempting. “These little darlings. Enchanted with a binding spell that I knew how to perform by the age of ten. You claim to hunt my kind, yet you need us to do so in the first place.”
It is true, the hunters need them, those malevolent, selfish witches with their wicked fingers and tongues, as evil to their own kind as they are to all but themselves. Anything to have the upper hand, the benefit, the promise of another hundred years to crease the skin of their knuckles with lines of the cast; the making, the destroying. Fight blood with blood, they say. But she, the little bird that Jeongguk found whistling a sweet tune between evergreen trees, chasing a sickly rabbit to have in a stew, to ground the bones for later magic, never fit into that mould. Not an inkling suggested that her voice has ever crafted an incantation that’s seared villages down to the ashes, pulled a human apart limb for limb and eaten their heart from the inside out, poisoned a lake that supplies fresh water for the three towns within a fifty mile radius.
He still does not know, after all, what she did to land here beside him on this winding, snowy road in the middle of here and there. Handcuffed, wrists raw from the biting metal, trembling around her soft voice that chirps every now and then to the man that will claim the bounty on her head. A couple ten thousand. Not the biggest that the hunter circle has known, yet the largest sum he will ever stuff into his own, dirtied pockets.
“It’s getting dark, will we make it?” Her lips pout, brow daintily pinching. A pretty little thing, she is. Probably a murderer, too. All the ones that look like sugar and cream have thick tar running through their veins, pumping out of their heart.
But Jeongguk bets she tastes as sweet as cherry pie and has thought such a thing since five weeks ago when she willingly offered her hands to the jaws of the cuffs. All the way up until this very day.
“No, we’ll have to set up camp in the woods,” Jeongguk mutters with blatant distaste, eyeing the withered horses that seem to stride slower as the sun descends at a steady pace behind the thick blanket of overcast. The present threat of the darkening evening lugs at their hooves, weighs down at the tips of his own lashes in an unwelcome lethargy that has him pulling their reigns, guiding them off the path; neither too near to the tracks where a wandering by crook can steal his loot, nor too far that they completely lose the way.
She shrinks closer to his body now, looking absolutely unsure with her wide, fawn-like eyes, nervous as the horses tiredly wind them through the stark naked trees. Her teeth cling to her swollen lower lip again, and Jeongguk wants to hold her rubescent cheekbones between his grubby fingertips and kiss her silly. A dangerous, dangerous thought.
“Is the big bad witch afraid of the wilderness?” Jeongguk hums instead, admittedly satisfied at the way she tucks her stocking-covered knees into the side of his thigh, melding ever so near, handcuffs tinkling like fairy music; a sharp reminder ringing through his hearing of who she is, why she is here.
“I just–“ And she shivers, the kind that ripples from your toes to your nose and rattles your teeth in its trek– “Hate, hate, hate the cold.”
“We’ll build a fire,” Jeongguk chuckles, knows of at least three other ways he can keep her warm though retains those thoughts, tightly sealed underneath his tongue, “or we’ll try, at least. Might be too wet.”
She grumbles under her breath while Jeongguk pulls tight on the reins, the horses snorting and huffing white mist as they come to a standstill in a small clearing of white space, surrounded by the stark silhouettes of tree trunks. Effortlessly, he swings off the cart like a swooping crow and tends to the two black beauties, unhinging the pole between them, numb fingers fiddling over the buckles and leather straps of the breast collars, traces, and bridles; soothing them under his breath all the while, palms gentle on their smooth, midnight coats. The air is colder on his lips by the time he is releasing them from the weight of the cart, carefully lowering the front onto the snow-covered ground. Though his hands slip at the last fifteen or so centimetres and it suddenly thumps down. His ears perk up at the tinkling of chains, the panicked shriek and scuffled scramble as the witch struggles to keep upright on the seat.
“You’re still up there?” Jeongguk frowns, to which she lifts up her shackled wrists and stares levelly at him, encouraging him to roll his eyes. “You could’ve jumped down.”
“I’m cold, weak, and bound,” she huffs, gaze trained on him as he strides around to her side of the cart, “so it didn’t seem like that fantastic of an idea to test out. I don’t want a face full of snow.”
“No, we most certainly don’t want the imprisoned witch to suffer,” and although the sarcasm is laced lethally through his tone, Jeongguk stretches his long arms out to her anyway. Dark, strong muscles that look like reaching shadows amongst all the white. “Come here.”
Wetly sniffing, she shuffles close until his hands can wrap around her red waist, thumbs pressing into her bottommost ribs and thinking how simply he could crush them when he lifts her up and out of the cart. Once her laced boots are touching the ground, she stumbles a little and Jeongguk balances her with a hand on her shoulder, staring at her pinched and pretty features until she looks up at him, curiosity piqued, and only then does he break away. Jeongguk crosses the open space to near the looming trees and misses her murmured “thank you” when it drifts quietly after him.
Beneath his palms, the bark of each tree is soggy and sodden with melted snow. Jeongguk lolls his head back with a tired groan, and the sky is truly dark now, some of the brighter stars managing to dimly flicker through the sheet of grey clouds.
“No luck?” She calls, and Jeongguk tilts his body just so, enough that he can see her wearily eyeing the horses that hang their heads low, nudging one another.
“Completely saturated.”
“Well, I have an idea, but I don’t think you’ll like it.”
Jeongguk stiffens at that, something terrible striking through his heart and he struggles to keep his face composed, biting down on the twisted hope that tries to leak into his voice, “What might that be?”
She lifts up her wrists as she had done so in the cart no more than a few moments ago, exhibiting that same, level stare that manages to pierce through him, even when they are metres apart. “I can make a fire if you unchain me.”
The laughter that barks out of his throat is sharp, piercing; disbelief and disappointment mixed tightly together into the harsh, grating sound. Of course, of course. How could he think it would be anything other than that? A fool, Jeongguk, a complete and utter fool. Still, he watches her, the way her features remain unchanging, deadly serious and stoic, not giving anything away. Just like that, he falters, considers.
It takes seven steps to reach her, to loom above that tiny frame like the shadows that slink and play around the clearing. Even so, she is more dangerous than he ever could be. The crow may be the predator, but the cardinal is just as cunning.
“Can I trust you?” Jeongguk narrows his eyes, scrutinising her, though she upkeeps her calm play.
“No, of course not,” she’s honest at least, unusual for a witch, “but the risk is up to you. We either freeze over and die just like that, or you can have a little faith and let me build us a fire.”
The ideas circle through his mind again, the other ways to keep warm. He wonders what her skin feels like, if it is soft and plump, hot to the touch. But it seems to be a concept that will be fruitless to tease out of her, witches never being too easy to tempt. And so, for the sake of another day to survive, he rifles around his coat pocket until he pulls out the silver key.
Her eyes do not even zone in on the metal, the means of her release, remaining to keep on Jeongguk’s face and such a matter convinces him all the more that perhaps, it will be okay.
Jeongguk takes her left wrist, bringing it up so that he can fit the key into the cuff there, jostling the binds about until the teeth snag on the latch and the shackles unhook, gape open enough for her hands to easily slip out. His gaze does not leave her own as he stuffs the handcuffs and the key back into his coat pocket, proceeding to fold his arms and raise a thick eyebrow, hoping she is convinced by the brave facade that he stretches and moulds around the thin anxiety clinging to his form.
She sighs. He startles.
“Can you please take some bark from the trees? Just a few handfuls, doesn’t matter if they’re wet,” the witch skirts around him, gingerly rubbing her raw wrists, gaze flicking across the snow that she steps through. Her boot prints are dainty compared to the stomps of his own that press deeper into the white. When she notices that Jeongguk has not moved, nor said a thing, she looks back over her shoulder. A bloodstain beautifully marring the gradient of black to white. “Please?”
“Oh,” he shakes his head, thinks about the sleek onyx of his shotgun, shakes his head again, “yeah, I’ll do that.”
They both work in silence, with Jeongguk peeling and the witch still observing the ground that she treads. He has one armful by the time that she is crouched down, eyeing a spot at the centre of the small clearing, the fingertips of her right hand intermittently clawing at the snow in between shaking the ice from her nails, hissing and cursing under her breath because of the cold. Jeongguk keeps a distance of three feet from her small, hunched form, watching her dig and dig until she reaches the frozen dirt underneath, to which she elicits a pleased sound.
“May I borrow your knife?” She speaks without looking at him, a tiny palm splayed out just beside his boot where the hilt of the blade barely juts out. He wonders if she has noticed it nestled there since the day he chained her up, if maybe she plotted using it against him like this.
“As long as you don’t gut me,” Jeongguk says lightly, but the joke is no joke, and they both know it as he reaches down and pulls it from the strap, carefully twisting the blade in his hand and offering her the hilt.
It is only then that she finally flits her gaze up to him, doe eyes watching widely with amusement, swallowing him whole.
“If I had wanted to kill you, I would’ve done so the moment you unchained me. No, even before that, I would’ve snapped these shackles myself,” and he looks so alarmed that she laughs, a song caught in the still, chilly air. “Like I said, I’ve known this spell since I was ten. Sure, magic is harder to undo than it is to create, though it’s not impossible. Besides, if I really wanted to use that knife against you, then instead of asking you, I would’ve casted an incantation that charms you into handing it over to me without you even realising. You would only notice once the hilt is sticking out of your heart.”
She takes the knife from him then and, instead of driving it into his calf like he thought she might, she starts hacking it into the snow, breaking the frost apart to reach the soil underneath.
The cardinal is an enigma. Jeongguk, scared relatively shitless, knows that one fact for certain.
“Why aren’t you trying to escape? Nor attempting to kill me?” He cannot help but ask, a mountain of questions piled high in his throat, demanding to be spoken while she continues to scrape away the snow.
Her grin is tiny, soft and wicked, like the fact that he says “attempting” is hilariously sweet, to think that he even has a chance against the likes of her. “I’m not escaping because I deserve this awful end. I’ve lived a handful many decades, and I’ve done terrible things that merit a dismal way out. My time to die has come. Maybe a little earlier than I expected, though it happens to the best of us.”
Jeongguk wants to ask more, wishes to pick apart her bones and search the marrow for the answers, more truths, to learn of the genuine honesty about herself and who she is. But whatever he wishes to say becomes lodged in his mouth when he watches her bring the blade to her palm and cut a clean slice through the flesh. Crimson that looks like liquid black beneath the moonless sky instantly bubbles to the surface and spills into the clear patch of dirt that the very same knife carved out.
“W-What are you doing?!” He panics, which the witch has found among her years is a common reaction to the sight of blood, the very essence of mortality. She finds it rather ironic how blood is considered bad because the only way it can come into visual perception is through injury; meaning harm and danger and death. Thus, it is only safe and okay when it is trickling through veins and arteries, out of sight and mind.
The witch stays quiet and calm, dropping the now tarnished blade to the snow and dipping her fingertips into the sticky, red mess accumulating in her other palm. They come away dripping, soaked in the colour of her very own coat, and Jeongguk observes with his lips parted, shoulders rigid while she draws nonsensical script into the frozen surface of the dirt she has cleared. Witch language, looking twisted and evil, like it is going to reach out and bite him if he dares to look away.
“Blood magic,” Jeongguk finally whispers, completely baffled.
Her laugh is melodic, soft, accompanied by the frost that forms on her breath as she continues to write. “Did you think all of this red was simply for show?”
The corners of his lips would quirk towards the darkened sky if he were still not so surprised. “I thought it may have just been your favourite colour. It suits you.”
“So does your smile. It makes you less intimidating.”
Jeongguk cannot tell whether she might be joking, for she is quite possibly the most frightening thing that this forest will ever see. His threatening presence is infinitesimal in comparison to her own.
The inscription is seemingly complete when she lifts her hand away from the intricate cursive, looking back up to Jeongguk with a beckon of her dirt-and-blood-caked hand, following with a point of her forefinger to the exposed soil.
“Drop those on here,” she requests of him, and albeit slightly hesitant, Jeongguk gradually closes the distance and kneels down beside her, the cold seeping through his thick pants as he arranges the bark into a misshapen pile over the nearly invisible crimson marks. She beams at him, a curve of white that sparkles between her lips and causes his heart to race before she faces the beginnings of a fire and squeezes the rest of the blood from her wounded palm atop the already damp pieces of tree.
Jeongguk watches her press the gash against the snow, wiping away the remnants of crimson, and only a moment later does he realise she is whispering rapidly beneath her breath. A spell that loops and winds through the quiet clearing, frosts white at her lips until suddenly, with a cracking sound like a snapping branch, the bark ignites in a burst of well-needed warmth. Candescent orange licks along the dead bits of tree, sizzling when the tongues of flame venture too near to their snowy confines.
“There, we won’t be dying by the hands of the cold tonight,” she says, though Jeongguk hardly notices her soft voice in the clearing with his eyes peeled on the sight of the gash on her palm slowly healing itself. A sinister sense of danger thrums heavy in his chest, fingers itching to reach for the icy metal of the shotgun and level the barrel at her heart, yet he snaps his gaze towards the kneeling witch when her lips part a second time. The smile she wears is too tender; cast with warmth by the flames.
“Pull the rear of the cart to the edge of the fire and we can use the bed as a seat instead of the snow. That way, our coats won’t get wet and we’ll stay warm.”
Jeongguk wordlessly, ludicrously, abides by the word of his prisoner. He lugs the cart away from the horses and turns it so that its bed faces the fire and the witch, albeit with a fight from the snow getting caught in the old wheels. The flames reside close to the edge of the bedding, though, with the cold wetness that has seeped into the wood of the cart’s structure, there is hardly a single chance that it would catch alight. Obviously pleased with this turn of events, of having a flickering fire and a relatively dry space to lay, the witch claps her hands rather sweetly, wincing a little and pouting over the sharp sting at the impact made with her wound.
Jeongguk carefully skirts around the cart so he can sit on the edge of the bed; a bundle of darkness huddling into itself. He inclines his chin towards her hand and says, “Isn’t it painful cutting yourself to perform magic?”
“Not anymore, though it hurt like hell when I was just a kid,” the witch inspects her palm, the puckered gash that no longer bleeds. “But back then, I only did magic that required a small amount, only pinpricks to fingertips. I can control how much blood comes out, so I could’ve made the inscription for the fire with just a slice the size of a paper cut, but it would’ve taken much longer. The bigger the wound, the faster the magic.” She presses a handful of snow to the freshly sealed cut, holding it tight between her palms, cocking her head as she looks up at Jeongguk. “Also, didn’t you know I was a blood witch?”
“Not a clue,” Jeongguk looks away as the confession slips from his lips, sheepishly rubbing a hand at the nape of his neck. Out of the corner of his eye, her expression appears genuinely baffled, staring at him with saucer-wide eyes before returning her focus to the fire.
“Isn’t all of that information already provided to you before you hunt? So you know what you’re facing?”
Jeongguk scowls at the way in which she adjusts the alight bark, her fingers dipping into the fire without a care, coming out unscathed, a black ash that dusts her knuckles being the only evidence of the contact. “No. Your papers were untouched, save for the sum of your bounty. There was not even a smudge of ink to suggest what your abilities were, what you had done to earn such a penalty. That’s why I took you on when nobody else would. There’s always a fear when it comes to chasing the unknown.”
She ceases toying with the fire and swoops to her feet with airy elegance. “But you’re not afraid?”
“Everyone’s afraid, that’s natural human instinct,” Jeongguk says with a shrug, making space for her on the edge of the cart. The witch sidles up to him much like she had before sundown, packed into the heat of his side, and Jeongguk oddly, suddenly, feels warmer all over. “But the unknown tends to be the worst of them all. If everyone is too frightened to face it, then it will come for them just as quick.”
“You have a brave heart,” she smiles, teeth like pearls, “if I was worse off, I’d eat it.”
The itch to leap for his shotgun on the front seat of the cart nags at him once more. He is unsure whether it is the fact that he knows he will not reach it in time before she retaliates, or if he truly feels no impending desire to use the weapon against her, but instead, he says, “And being executed isn’t something you consider as ‘worse off’?”
The whites of her teeth slip away, hiding behind the firm line of her soft lips. “No. In this world, it’s quite possibly one of the better ways to die. Dishonourable for a witch, of course, since we take pride in letting our own magic do the bidding.” She picks at a fingernail, swings her small, booted feet. “I’ll burn at the stake, won’t I? I hope they scatter my ashes deep in the forest. It would be nice to rule there.”
“To rule?”
“They always take the ashes far from the town they burn the witches in, don’t they?” She asks, looking up at him once more for confirmation. Jeongguk nods at the tiny bloodstain that she is. “That’s because even when we are burned, our magic still thrives, albeit in a weaker state than when we die naturally by our own magic. You see, our bodies are merely vessels for the magic, and our souls are integrated with it. Once our magic and soul is without a body, they will accommodate the particular vicinity that the body last existed. The range of this vicinity depends upon the strength of the witch and how greatly she fostered her magic throughout her lifetime. So, if they were to leave the greater portion of the witches’ ashes within the town, the magic and the souls would combine and inhabit it, and it would be safe to say that the townsfolk would be absolutely doomed with all the magical beings and monsters that would spring up there.
“Also, different terrains host different types of magical beings. Imps and old demons dwell within forests inhabited by magic, though my magic would be strong enough to birth a talking tree and a dragon to protect the forest, too,” she says as casually as one would when figuring out what they are going to purchase from the market. Jeongguk feels rather stunned into silence, wide eyes blinking at her, absorbing all of the information that she speaks like water on parchment paper. Her sweet smile returns as she says, “That is why I hope to be scattered within a forest. It would be nice to rule one, don’t you think?”
He nods dumbly, brow knitted at the centre, and then asks, “It’s true then? The stories of the forest in the far East homing an albino two-headed dragon?”
“Yes, and it is an exceptionally powerful one, at that. The witch, Aenwyn, died by her own magic there. That is perhaps why it is more favourable for the humankind to burn us down to ash and decimate a great intensity of our magic with it, since the vicinities in which a witch’s magic inhabits when she dies is much, much stronger if she dies the way that we are supposed to. Aenwyn was over five-hundred years old, and she had lived within that forest for at least three-hundred of those years. A witch can tell when her time is up, so Aenwyn grew a tree around her body and let the magic eat her up, then the magic spread through the tree’s roots, which extend to all ends of that forest.”
The little witch traces her palm where the gash was buried. The skin is no longer raw and scarred; pearly smooth like it was before she had taken to it with the blade. She looks up at Jeongguk again, hooking her chin on his shoulder and looping her crimson arm around the midnight black of his own.
A foreign heat simmers underneath his skin, burning the frostbitten skin of his nose and cheeks all the brighter, especially when she softly says, “Not even fire could burn that forest down. Nothing other than a witch that is beyond stronger than Aenwyn would be able to eradicate it, and even then, that witch would die and the land that the forest stood upon would become a cursed site for demons to rule with the extreme levels of magic living in its soil. Luckily, Aenwyn was a kind witch, so there is no need for her forest to be destroyed, even if the humankind believe otherwise because of the two-headed dragon. They can be kind too, you know.”
At that, Jeongguk cracks, a breathy chuckle escaping him and she curiously watches him all the while. He notices her small hand resting upon his wrist and, without thinking, he takes it between both of his own, running a thumb over the bony knuckles. Beside him, her expression transforms, teeth sunk into the still swollen flesh of her lower lip. Jeongguk knows this is terribly wrong, touching her like this, feeling something come alive within his chest at the thought of having the witch he is sentencing to death for his own financial benefit tucked closer against him. A small furnace of warmth.
She tilts her head slightly to the side and asks, “What’s so funny?”
“Dragons and witches being kind, that’s the complete opposite of what I’ve been taught my entire life,” Jeongguk hums, staring at her hand clasped within his own. He sighs deeply, white mist gathering at his lips and dissipating almost immediately, and then settles his eyes upon her, watching the lambency melt into her skin. “Are you cold? Would you like to lay down? There’s sheepskin in the trunk.”
“Please,” she urges, teeth beginning to chatter now that she is no longer caught up in her own ramblings of forests and curses and the ashes that she is soon to become.
The cart creaks and wheezes as Jeongguk shifts so that he can reach the trunk strapped on the opposite end. He notices with an irritated groan that the locks are frozen over, so he grabs the shotgun from where it sits on the bench and busts the ice by slamming the stock against the metal, effectively shattering them. The sheer sight of the grey sheepskin inside warms him, and he gleefully pulls out the two rugs, each of which are certainly big enough to cover at least three people. The little witch must notice this, her soft voice piping up from behind him.
“Let’s lay one on the cart and then use the other as a blanket.”
Jeongguk, looking over his shoulder at her, hopes that the flush sitting high in his cheeks will be mistaken as the biting cold. “Are you sure? You don’t want one to yourself?”
She shrugs, and the dark may be hanging low in the clearing, unassisted by the fire that backlights her frame and melds her expression into a shadow. But Jeongguk swears that she is acting coy when she says, “We’ll be warmer if we lay together, anyway.”
“Are you trying to seduce me so that I won’t see it coming when you kill me?”
The witch laughs, tinkling sweetly in the air, and she crawls up the cart so that she is sat beside him. Here, he can see her pretty smile; glimmering something absolutely wicked. Jeongguk finds that he hardly cares. Jeongguk has somewhat always wanted to know if poison tastes like sugar.
“That’s a secret!” She giggles, and then helps him lay the grey mass onto the damp wood. Her voice is light when she winks and says, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it painless.”
He should take those words as a threat; loaded like the shotgun resting atop the closed trunk. Each word a bullet that’s just waiting to be driven through his heart. Instead, he lays on his side and wraps one half of the remaining sheepskin around his bulking frame and then watches silently, wide-eyed, as the witch begins to unhook the large buttons of her blood-red coat. The red riding hood image peels slowly from her figure, inch by inch.
The cardinal sheds. Revealing that, underneath, she was a crow all along. Just like him.
Jeongguk takes in her attire. Pitch black and skintight. Thick thermals that stretch from her throat to her wrists, all the way down to her booted feet; thighs and biceps and waist banded with belts and straps inscribed by witch language. Outlining the curves and dips of her figure like a dream. The orange light of the flames dances against her right side, melting into the onyx fabric, and Jeongguk only realises she is staring at him expectantly when she clears her throat.
“A-Aren’t you going to be cold?” Jeongguk stutters, trying to tame the thoughts that skip wildly through his mind. Nonetheless, he lifts up the sheepskin with his arm, welcoming the witch inside.
“I’ll be fine, you’ll keep me warm,” she hums nonchalantly, sliding between the rugs. Jeongguk can feel his pulse in the back of his throat as those words fill the air, expand in the clearing, and envelope him whole as she melds her small body to his own. Frozen, dumbfounded, all he can do is stare at her until she huffs and yanks his still hovering arm down so that the sheepskin embraces them and, similarly, he embraces her.
“See? Warm,” she grins up from where she is tucked into his chest, and Jeongguk, a man who is supposed to be a ferocious witch hunter with blood money wedged in his pockets, cannot help but soften into a dangerous, vulnerable state and smile back at her. When she notices the curve of his cracked pink lips, she snuggles in closer, the heat of her breath lingering on his chin when she whispers, “I wasn’t lying when I said your smile suits you. It’s like daylight breaching the horizon at dawn.”
Jeongguk shudders, neither a sensation of discomfort or pleasure. His body, under her insistent gaze, just cannot help but quake. “I’d stop there, if I were you. You’re making it hard for me to resist a prisoner.”
“That’s good,” she giggles, and Jeongguk, curling both of his arms tightly around her, feels the gentle vibrations of her bird-like ribs; humming a delicate song. Her hands that are crushed between their bodies emerge, the fingertips resting gently against his throat. “You can kiss me, if you like. It’ll pass the–“
If Jeongguk were asked to describe it, he would say he was incapable of doing so. Two opposite poles colliding; a wave crashing onto the shoreline; the sky passionately meeting the distant horizon. Perhaps, a deathly dehydrated man finding water for the first time in weeks; plunging himself into the cool mass, inhaling it into his stomach and lungs until his deprivation is satiated. Kissing her feels this way, like a force smashing into chaotic harmony with another. Satisfying a yearning that’s magnitude is only completely understood in all of its fantastic intensity when Jeongguk slices the tongue of her sentence and instead, presses his own to the soft seam of her lips.
She is pleasant; unbearably so. He elicits the tiniest, almost imperceptible sounds from her, like plucking a harp. Slanting his mouth slightly to the right, and she whimpers. Tracing the plush flesh of her lips with the tip of his tongue, and she sighs. Pushing it past her teeth to meet with her own, simmering when they touch, and she gasps. The witch coils around him, locking their legs together, urging him closer with her hands snaking around to his nape, and Jeongguk untucks her long-sleeve from the belt, slips his calloused, cold hands underneath the thick black fabric and slides them from the small of her back up to her shoulder blades. Her entire figure trembles, starting from her toes and climbing northward. Jeongguk no longer strums a harp; he holds an earthquake that splits down the centre, spilling open.
Unexpectedly, she pulls away. Jeongguk opens his eyes, hazy at first, blinking until her bright face comes into view and he can see the saliva glistening on her swollen lips. She seems to be about to speak, though Jeongguk cannot help but kiss her again; brief, enough to taste the chilly air already settling in the spit. The witch smiles when he draws back and brushes their cold, reddened noses against one another.
“I don’t know your name,” she mumbles, sounding almost embarrassed. Jeongguk presses his lips to her own in a swift peck, scattering more to her cheeks where the winter draws chilly patterns on her skin.
“Jeongguk,” he murmurs at the centre of her brow, gliding his mouth down the slope of her nose, then to her lips again; a magnetic pull that he cannot resist. Jeongguk smiles there, pearly whites curving against the damp pink, and she places a kiss on his teeth. “And you?”
“___,” the witch grins, her abdomen bowing delightfully into his groin as she fits herself closer. “I like your name. Jeongguk. Je-on-gguk. It’s nice.”
“It’s nice when you say it,” he agrees, drawing his hands still underneath the fabric of her shirt to settle on her small waist, massaging there. “So is yours. ___. Pretty, like you.”
“It’s pretty when you say it,” she mimics around a mouthful of laughter. Jeongguk, deciding that poison tastes like cherries and blood, catches her lips with his own once more, taking the lower between his teeth and sucking the sweetness from it.
“Tell me what you did, ___,” he suddenly murmurs into the corner of her mouth. The touch of her fingertips leaves his neck and instead comes up to his face, searing against his cheek; burning through to the bone. “I want to know. No, I need to know why I’m sending you to your death.”
The midnight dances across her eyes, almost appearing sinister if not for the way her lips are tilted in the stretch of a small, sad smile. One that, although faint, holds the weight of a past cast in thick shadows; jagged claws hiding between the floorboards; monsters looming in the corners, waiting to strike.
“No, we witches are too selfish, I cannot tell you,” she whispers, and the words are razors that slice as they fall upon his lips. But Jeongguk still licks the wounds with care, watches as her gaze washes over with a placid calm. “But it’s bad enough to be burned at the stake. You would be strung up beside me too if they knew about this.”
But all Jeongguk can do is grin, the hard exterior cracking completely. Always for her; the monster disguised. He tucks her head underneath his chin, holding her close, so near. The warmth of her breath is a gentle constant against his throat.
Jeon Jeongguk probably deserves death for living in such sin, and he is a fool to believe that he will have anything else coming for him.
“Sometimes, I think that might not be so bad,” he whispers, eyes closing and at long last giving in to the lethargy that has wound tight through his muscles since midday. Tucked in the nook of his shoulder, her smile is one of glass.
The witch of scarlet with a pitch black past burns silently at the stake within four days of the cold, cold night at the centre of the forest, tightlipped with her eyes closed as the flames blister and lick her skin black and burn her bones into charcoal. She is so hauntingly quiet that nothing but the crackling of the fire fills the town square, sounding like breaking bones; dying magic; the carcasses of promises.
The bounty is never collected.
It takes them a while, most especially since they had such little information on the blood witch other than her potential whereabouts. But they do find him eventually when they are deep in the neighbouring forest to scatter her ashes. The hounds sniffing through the fresh layers of snow are the ones to discover the hunter first; looking an absolutely disgraceful sight, frozen over and drenched head to toe in blood, wrapped in mottled sheepskin. Not a speck of it is his own, and rather, it belongs to the two headless horses collapsed either side of his body. 
It was the heart failure that got him.
If she was still here to enunciate the tale, she would confess that it was pity. That the heart attack was so easy to twist out of him, suggesting nothing more than the fact that he was not going to live any longer than a month, anyway. Make that pity and selfishness. Pity, that he fell so in love with such a witch as blood to bone evil as her. Selfishness, that she did not wish for him to watch her die in the fire, nor did she wish to escape with him to a place far away, building something together, only to bear witness to his heart crumbling like cracked ice within a matter of weeks.
As the witch was swallowed by the rich, fiery tongues of vibrant orange and red, she could not help but find comfort in their blazing warmth as they twisted about her strung up figure. She imagined they were Jeongguk’s arms wound tightly around her on their final, frosty night together. Keeping her close, even after he had drifted asleep for the final time, even when she had never planned to succumb to such unconsciousness because she was too occupied with contemplating just how she was going to do it. That was, if she could do it.
So maybe the cardinal did quite love the crow after all.
I have had this in the works since the middle of last year and it feels so good to finally have it polished off! This was originally going to be a part of my ATM drabble series, but I suppose it became long enough to deserve its own little post instead. Anyway, hooray for my first post since June and hooray for witches and Halloween!
All Rights Reserved © Vankoya. No translations, reposting and/or modifying of the material is allowed without my direct permission.
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k9cat · 7 years
A Somewhat Fairy Tale
Hi! Just another Sander Sides fic
Words: 1539
Summery: The Sides have fun playing around in dream land trying to reenact a fairytale.There's squabbling like usual
No warnings, just some good fluffy fluff, humour 
Thanks to @parsnipit for being awesome and proofreading 
On Ao3 Here
A Somewhat Fairy-Tale
 The horse’s hooves pounded away at the earth as it galloped its way through the dense forest. The steed and its rider barely missed crooked branches that liked to scrape flanks and snag fabric as the rider urged it to go faster.
With a grand leap, the steed broke through the overwhelming foliage and into the clearing that surrounded the tall tower. It was a foreboding image. The tower was tall, tall enough that the rider had to crane his neck back to try and view the peak. The large stones forming the walls were old and weathered, letting vines and other flora grow and cover the base of the tower, making even approaching the structure a challenge.
 “Oh come on! I thought you said this was going to be easy!” The rider yelled out, throwing back the hood on the dark cloak he was wearing. Instead of a regal prince as one would have thought, it was a darker character, with worried eyes and a tired frame. “Really? I don’t look that bad Patton.”
 “Sorry kiddo, this is what the script prompts,” the disembodied, omnipresent voice from above said.
 “Fine, can we at least skip to the part where the ‘evil wizard’ appears to stop the hero from rescuing Princey? I only said yes because you guys said you wouldn’t make it difficult.”
 “Of course, Virgil, just let me find the spot…” The narrator trailed off only to resume.
 Thus, with the hero so close to rescuing the trapped prince, the evil wizard who had sworn to take revenge appeared with a cloud of magic, declaring his statement.
 “Halt, hero, I will not let you defeat me and stop me from getting my revenge.” Logic said, appearing from said cloud of magic dressed in a sparkly cloak of midnight blue, looking like he was reading his lines off his hand from the way he was holding the wand in front of him, voice flat, not even trying to be in character.
 “I cannot let such thing come to pass, evil wizard! I will defeat you and bring justice to the kingdom!” Anxiety tried to imitate Roman’s usual grand tone. Lack of practice had him fumbling with words and the sword's hilt when he tried to make a grand gesture, almost falling off the horse he was still mounted upon.
 “Just get off the horse and swing the sword a few times, and I’ll declare defeat. I can almost not stand anymore of this frivolous, artsy display anymore. There is a reason why I narrate, and do not play a role,” Logan said with a very deadpan face.
 “Oh, c’mon Logan, give it a chance, you said that switching up roles would be interesting to gain an understanding of each other. I am really liking this, being able to tell what’s going to happen next,” Patton interjected with a giggle and then continued the narration.
 And so, carefully approaching the wizard, the hero lowered his sword and gave the wizard the hug he very much needed, showing that violence was not the answer.
 Virgil groaned and dismounted the horse dragging his feet toward Logic who looked as enthusiastic as the other trait. Virgil was two steps away from the hug when a voice echoed from the tall tower above.
 “Hey!” Roman sounded indignant, leaning out the window. “That’s not what happens! The hero defeats the evil wizard by battle and rescues the trapped prince! I’ve been waiting up here only to find you hugging! This is not what I planned!”
 He sounded royally angry.
 “We haven’t hugged yet! That’s what you get for putting Patton as the narrator. I told you switching roles was not a good idea,” Virgil yelled back snapping his fingers. His normal attire replaced the somewhat medieval fairy-tale look Roman made for him. Logan let out a sigh of relief as well, snapping his fingers and fixing his tie when it appeared.
 “I do not envy the antagonist’s role at all, Virgil. You are more than welcome to use the wizard costume though, if you wish to change up which type of antagonist you play.”
 “Oh come on guys!” Roman yelled, still at the top of the tower. “We need to finish the story, fairy-tale rules and all that state that I can’t get out unless the villain is defeated. And you guys not playing along is no fun.”
 Virgil gave a bored look to Logan, who did not look phased by the creative aspect’s theatrics.
 “Should we let him out? Or should we let him stew for a couple of hours and see how boring being the royal in distress really is?”
 “As much fun as that could be, I advise letting him out. We will not hear the end of it if we don’t,” the logical trait replied, he then called to the sky. “Patton, can you give something easy for us to finish the story with?”  
 “No problem! I have a great idea!”
 And so, after talking out their problems, the hero, the villain, and the royal in distress were all happy. Happy enough that the villain let the prince go, and vowed to never reign terror over the kingdom ever again. The hero and prince were happily reunited forever after. The End.”
 The daydream around them started to dissolve, the landscape and scenery gently blowing away like wispy clouds on a lazy summer’s afternoon. All four Sides soon found themselves in the blank space of the dream land.
 “I really enjoyed that! I wish I could have included a dog though.” Patton smiled happily, flipping through the thick hardcover storybook in his hands. “I can see why Logan likes to narrate. Princey, how’d you like the ‘damsel in distress’ role?”
 “It wasn’t as involved as I thought it would be, and far below the usual amount of participation I have, but it was nice to be able to take in the scenery for once instead of racing through and battling foes and monsters. Though, Virgil, how did you like the hero role?”
 “It was…very hero-y, and riding a horse takes work, and I do not like to work hard. That’s why being the antagonist is so easy, I just let you talk and swing your sword around.”
 “I did not find the antagonist’s role that easy though.” Logan frowned, looking ready to debate different points of view.
 “That’s because you didn’t let yourself play into the role. It’s easy to let the story play through if you let it.”
 “I’m usually narrating, so I don’t have the practice that the rest of you do.”
 “Well it’s not like you let yourself play the hero Mr. I’ll-do-my-best,” Roman snarked. “You complained the whole way about everything.”
 “It’s not like I had practice as the hero ever, Mr. I-shall-save-you,” Virgil snarked back. “It might be easy for you since you played it every time.”
 “Hey, hey-hey, let’s not bicker, the reason for switching roles in the first place was to see what they are like and experience what the others usually do,” Morality piped in before the two could really start to push each other's buttons. “I think it went wonderfully, and we should totally do it again. I think we all deserve a cookie or two. This story has dragged-on enough.” He smiled at his own pun. Closing the book, the fatherly trait let it poof off to wherever it rested till next time.  
 Logic sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated at all the silliness, already half sunken out of the dream land. Princey gave a big smile and a laugh while Virgil nodded in affirmation, letting Patton know that he got the play on words. With a big smile on his face Morality sunk out, ready to get the cookies.
 With only the two of them left, Virgil was just about to sink out when Roman halted him.
 “Wait!” he called out. Virgil gave a side glare to the fanciful trait, shoulders tensing a little bit.
 “I, uh, I would, I want to let you know that you did a good job as the hero today.”
 “You’re just saying that so we can switch roles again.”
 “No, I mean it. Logan is correct that he does not have much practice playing a role, and a story is only as good as the antagonist is, and you, Virgil, play a really good antagonist. Day dreaming would not be half as fun as it is if you weren’t here,” Roman said earnestly.
 “Is that some convoluted way of saying that you appreciate how well I act and stuff?” Anxiety was taken off guard at the honest words.
 “If you see it as that, then yes. I appreciate your skill in playing a difficult role. It is not easy to play a villain, especially as well as you do- wait, did I say something wrong?” Roman became concerned at the open stare he was receiving from Virgil.
 “No, nothing wrong. Let’s go before Patton eats all the cookies and Logic freaks out about how unhealthy that is.” With that Virgil sunk out, Roman quickly behind him, dreamland, and the story book ready to be played with on the next adventure.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “I’ll Be Bake” & “Blissfully Unaware”
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No, I wasn't unaware of these. Part 1 of 2 of the four shorts they put up alongside Power of Four!
I’ll Be Bake
Wow, that is a lazy pun. Such laziness is not unfitting for this short, really.
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As the title implies, this episode is all about baking. It would be a good break from the norm if the Reboot Puffs doing normal things in this reboot wasn't the norm. I'd be fine with this if it was doing the norm in a superhero way, but it's not going to be very apparent in this short.
The short starts with Blossom preparing to bake a cake. Bubbles and Buttercup show up, holding vases. They argue over which vase is more priceless, and immediately break them as soon as they see Blossom. Already, this short establishes that Bubbles and Buttercup are going to be on the insufferable end of their new personalities.
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Bubbles and Buttercup beg Blossom to have them help her bake that cake, which she allows, but only if Bubbles and Buttercup are filling to follow the steps precisely. There is a potential for comedy there, though it never really pays off.
We also learn that she's making it for Student Council, in that wording. This is the only line in the short that raises any sense of urgency, but it does raise a question: didn't she forfeit the Student Council in Presidential Punchout? Maybe she could have meant making the cake for the Student Council, possibly to appease them to give up one of their seats, or maybe this is something the writers didn't think about. I'm going with the latter.
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As predictable as it is, the rest of the episode is essentially just a bunch of scenes where Blossom tries to tell them something to do, and Bubblescup ruins it somehow. I say "Bubblescup", but one thing I can give this short over Bubbles Beauty Blog (But On Video) is that they try to give them things to mess up the cake in ways that fit their character.
For example, when asked for milk, Bubbles persumably steals a cow. She did have that habit of bringing random animals to the Powerpuff household in Helter Shelter, but I think it's more of an "oh, that silly Bubbles" joke. There's also Buttercup using tons of mixers with the butter, leading to a shot of a window getting covered in butter. Like blood! That's the closest this short gets to a joke I can recognize. Oh, and she says this before she does it:
Buttercup: Hasta la vista, budda.
Oh, so that's why it's called I'll Be Bake! It has a random Terminator reference! After Bubbles and Buttercup decide to play with the icers instead of using it to ice the cake, she's had it. What is she going to do? Is she going to inspire them to use their creativity in a good way? Is the cake just going to be ruined?
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No, she just ties them up with duct tape, and finishes the cake herself. At least duct tape a step up from ordinary rope and rubber bands. What lesson did we really learn here? Don't let incompetent people work on anything?
This is pretty much that Bubbles Beauty Blog short, but with cooking instead of fashion, and it's Blossom being tormented instead of Bubbles. I don't look back at that episode too fondly, either. Other than some cutesy scenes that are somewhat relatable, as hard as calling anything in this reboot cute can be, this short just felt pointless in the end.
Blissfully Unaware
Oh yeah, I’m unaware of any bliss when it comes to this show, but that's not the bliss they're talking about.
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But first, this short starts with an overly muscled chef named Chef Mussel. He's all about flexing his muscles, and adding a pinch of salt. For a show about little girls that can do feats of strength despite looking like cutesy little girls, they sure like muscle-related humor. At least there's some humor in the contrast.
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If you haven’t guessed, this short involves everyone’s favorite character, Bliss. Just assume this happened between Bliss appearing and Bliss moving Saturn all by herself by just how amazingly not powerful she is. It really does sound like an exaggeration, but that’s actually what happens. Bliss can move entire planets, while the Powerpuff Girls you all know and love can be stopped by duct tape!
We get to know one more thing about Bliss the special didn't get into: she likes pizza. She asks the Professor if he's making pizza, and he says she's close.
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The Professor is actually making something called Broccoli A La Grossier, which is filled with all the things that make 6-year-olds, and apparently 16-year-olds, squirm: broccoli, brussel sprouts, and parsnip sprouts! You know it's gross when they have to use actual photographs!
Bubbles: That’s more sprouts than I can count with my fingers!
I hope the joke is that she can only count to zero. Bliss isn't a big fan of the brocolli-based dish, either. I guess she was on an island for 10 years, so I should cut her some slack on never learning to eat her greens, or beat them for that matter. So she decides to do a plan.
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While the last short was about throwing a bunch of jokes and hoping one of them sticks, this one focuses on one joke, for the short's benefit. She telekinetically moves all of the healthy food away. That sitcom dad ends up being blissfully unaware that his replacements aren't necessarily healthy. I can't say the title doesn't fit!
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Bliss and the girls, their involvement is so little in this short that they might as well have a "and the rest" credit, remain smiling throughout this, acting like innocent little angels. That screenshot looks really important for some reason!
We get a montage of Bliss magically swapping the ingredients, and the chef saying things that remind me of the "Stir, Whip, Stir" scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special. PPG 2016 reminding me of great things, let me tell you. At least it's slightly funnier due to how over the top the chef is, though that's not a high bar to clear.
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...the Rude Broccoli is finished, which looks suspiciously like a deep dish meat lover's pizza. Of course, the Professor looks at this, and, in a shocking twist, he doesn’t notice a thing even after staring at it. On one hand, he did say pizza was close to what he was going to make. He's happy to see the girls happy, and he promises that he'll make broccoli every night, causing them to gag. Maybe even the girls knew Bliss was temporary.
I found this better than I'll Be Bake, even if most of it is on a technicality. At least it involves a superheroine using superpowers, something that was extremely rare in the last short. I would complain about the Professor being the oblivious sitcom dad rather than the genius he should be, but that's sadly consistent with his character in the reboot.
I probably could have done all four shorts in one go, but then I’d have nothing for next Saturday. Also, I needed the break so I could use more time to study for my midterms. See you next week!
← Power of Four (Parts 3-5) ☆ Bedtime & Mojo Jojo Builds A Shelf (shorts) →
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operationrainfall · 4 years
I’m still not entirely sure what to make of DEAD OR SCHOOL. At first glance, it appeared to be the love child of Senran Kagura, Resident Evil and Parasite Eve. After playing it for several hours, it’d be more accurate to call it a mixture of Senran Kagura, The House of the Dead series and any Metroidvania. In short, it’s a very ambitious game. Though I didn’t know this about it initially, it’s actually a crowdfunded darling by Studio Nanafushi, and it got published by the fine folks at Marvelous. (They probably appreciated the similarities to Senran Kagura.) It’s also a game that combines fan service, hideous mutants, and complex yet immersive combat in one package. The question then is were all those elements able to shine through the layers of awkward design choices?
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At first blush, it’s easy to believe DEAD OR SCHOOL will be a poorly written, derivative mess. And it’s true, there are a fair share of grammatical errors, as well as some very odd choices of punctuation. Despite all that, there’s actually a really compelling story here. It takes the zombie apocalypse genre and mixes it together with Sukeban elements. (I hope I’m using that term correctly.) Basically, a game that shows women can be strong and independent, and not reliant on society or men to save them. And since this is a game inspired by Japanese popular culture, there’s also a good deal of fan service in DEAD OR SCHOOL, such as main character Hisako wearing a sexy school uniform that, when torn, magically increases her power in proportion to the amount of exposed skin. I know some of you are getting turned off already, but bear with me. Despite the silly and over-the-top elements in the game, and despite the aforementioned design problems, there’s a diamond in the rough here.
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The plot of DEAD OR SCHOOL revolves around a cataclysmic war between humanity and horrible humans turned mutants, and the aftermath of that climactic war. Humans have been pushed completely underground, living in sewers and train stations, pretty much any large abandoned space. Things are calm until some silly young girls discover an elevator to the surface, and are attacked by mutants. They’re only saved thanks to the sudden and dramatic intervention of Hisako, who despite her unremarkable appearance is apparently a mutant killing machine. She rips through a horde of them bare handed like a little red-haired Hulk. While I suspect there’s perhaps a reason for her abilities, three levels into the game it hasn’t been explained. Regardless, Hisako is a total bad ass. Filled with her grandmother’s stories of the surface world and the paradise of the institution of schools, she ventures forth to discover the truth and establish a school of her own. Which might sound silly, but in a dystopian nightmare like, say, a pandemic, one starts to appreciate the stability a school represents.
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With the basic concept out of the way, let’s move onto where DEAD OR SCHOOL is strongest: the gameplay. Though it definitely qualifies as a 2D beat ’em up, it’s also very much a Metroidvania. Each area you explore features a series of interconnected rooms, complete with a mini map display. Better yet, as you fight you level up, growing stronger incrementally. You also increase your parameters by fulfilling sidequests and rescuing survivors. Basic stuff like HP or stamina will get increased, but one of the more important categories is weight. Every weapon you have equipped (You can alternate between three different weapons at a time.) contributes to your overall weight. That weight is increased by modifying the weapons with gears, adding new abilities and even randomly changing the weapon’s inherent ability. Just keep in mind, if your overall weight ever exceeds the upper limit, you’ll be rendered unable to attack, so you’ll have to work within your capacity.
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I love how easy it is to alternate between your three equipped weapons with a press of the shoulder button, and it makes combat fast and furious. The only limiting factor is your stamina. Most of the time I didn’t notice this at all, but when things got hot and heavy, I definitely did. When your stamina is depleted, it takes longer to recover. This is problematic, since stamina lets you do things like attack, jump, dodge, etc. When my stamina was depleted, I’d usually take a hit while trying to dodge, but not have enough stamina to do so. To help counter this, Hisako can crouch. While crouched her stamina recovers rather quickly, so you’ll need to balance your time between rushing, attacking, dodging and crouching. Again, normally not a problem, but when you’re facing hordes of mutants or one of the game’s intense bosses, you’ll need to moderate your actions efficiently.
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If it all sounds stuffy so far, fear not. The combat in DEAD OR SCHOOL is actually really fun. All the weapons you use have ammo (even the melee weapons like swords, for some reason). Once out of ammo, your ranged weapons, such as flamethrowers, grenade launchers and machine guns, cannot be used at all. The saving grace is that once you reach a save point, all the ammo for your equipped arsenal is replenished. But sometimes it’s a long trek between save points, and the game loves to throw large groups of mutants at you. Often you’ll even be locked in a room until you’ve cleared them out. I worried I’d run out of ammo, and that does indeed happen. Thankfully, your bladed weapons can still be used once out of “ammo”. They just deal half as much damage as they normally would. As a result, I really came to rely on my katanas and axes more than my ranged weapons, though those can also help you in a pinch. Every time you level up, you’ll get a skill point, which can be allocated to a skill tree for each type of weapon. You can bet I poured a lot into my katana, making it deal more critical hits, inflict backstab damage to foes, and even unlocking a powerful whirlwind slash. That said, it’s important to deposit skill points in each tree, since you never know what passive abilities you’ll find there, such as increased stamina or extra durability for your weapons.
More School on Page 2! ->
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Like I said earlier, DEAD OR SCHOOL has lots of Metroidvania elements, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a proper example of the genre. You don’t really get new abilities to help you explore. Instead, you’ll find key cards and such to unlock new areas, and you can use Hisako’s nimble acrobatics to get around. She can run pretty fast, double jump, and even cling to and swing from certain structures. You’re able to explore as much as you want to, and you are free to ignore optional sidequests. That said, it’s good to try a few, since each one will reward you with experience, and you’ll need to keep your level about even with the foes in your area. For example, when I got to the third level of the game, I quickly encountered a lot of foes at level 18, while I was only at 14. I was able to do okay initially, but then I wandered too far afield and found some level 21 foes. Suffice to say, they walloped me. Thankfully, the game is generous, and you don’t lose any experience or progress when you die (and I died a lot). The only downside is you do lose some cash, which isn’t that big a deal. All you use cash for is to buy parts and weapons, which are randomly populated in the shop you can access through the save points. Usually there’s a lot of items you can totally ignore. That said, I strongly recommend you either buy a weapon with a drone, or equip a part that provides a drone. Those little bastards saved my ass more than once, since they hover around you hitting foes with lasers. They’re not fast or super powerful, but they can hit foes from a distance, and they have unlimited ammo. Whenever I found an irritating section in DEAD OR SCHOOL, I would usually camp where a foe couldn’t hit me, and let my drone whittle their health away. Sure it’s cheap, but sometimes you need to be a bastard to get through this game.
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Overall, I do feel the balance in DEAD OR SCHOOL is mostly fair. Generally you’ll only be losing to a boss because you’re not paying attention to their attacks and avoiding them properly. Or maybe you’re not timing those dodges well, and missing out on the enemy being temporarily slowed down. But every once in a while you’ll find something that might be frustrating in this game. A good example is in Harajuku. One area had me fight wave after wave of foes and then get to two rotating gears I had to navigate. Problem was, I was instantly locked into a fight room, which was tricky since it involved moving gear teeth. Adding insult to injury, once I survived that, I stumbled upon another fight room, and once past that, it was punctuated by a terrifying slasher mini boss fight. This goes to show that though most of the combat mechanics are well balanced, sometimes the developers didn’t have a fair and balanced approach to stage layouts. It’s nothing that is game breaking, but having more save points or even less continuous stretches of mutant hordes would have definitely helped, especially considering I’m only a few levels into the game, and I can tell there’s plenty more. I can only imagine how difficult things will become later in the experience.
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It’s no secret by now that I exclusively play my Switch in handheld mode. And yes, I’m aware that doing so often means the games run less optimally or that the sound is especially muted. That’s very much not the case in DEAD OR SCHOOL. The game runs very smoothly, even with large groups of foes, and the music is catchy and does a great job of motivating you. Even the sound effects are really dynamic and attention grabbing, from the rat-a-tat of your gunfire to the shrieks of rage or pain from Hisako to the groans of filthy mutant scum. It does a great job of drawing you into the experience, and kept me entertained.
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Now that I’ve talked about the good, it’s time to unveil what DEAD OR SCHOOL did wrong. Earlier I touched upon the translation of the game, and how it has odd grammatical choices and bad punctuation. Frankly, most of the dialogue is forgettable. It doesn’t do a good job of showcasing the personalities of the characters, maybe with the exception of Yurika. She very much comes across as the mature woman trying to look professional yet being a total spaz. A bigger problem I have is understanding all the menus. Some things the game does a good job of explaining, such as the many tutorials for combat. Much as I appreciate that, I still don’t understand all the ins and outs of weapon customization, just as one example. Plus they can just be tricky to navigate, such as the parts menu. Having a way to organize or filter them all would be amazing. And while visually I like a lot here, such as the comic book illustrations, the way enemies jump in combat from the background and the various mutant designs, the models during gameplay felt constrained and small. Plus it’s just disconcerting how each foe has a wide red outline. Oh and much as I love the save points, it’s annoying how every time you use one, all surrounding foes respawn, including fight rooms that lock you in. Perhaps the wonkiest is the physics in DEAD OR SCHOOL. If you’re on anything other than a flat surface, things go to hell. Hisako slides down diagonal slants and even gets caught in stage geometry surprisingly frequently. On the plus side, the same also happens with foes, so more than once I dealt with a nasty mutant by trapping it in stage geometry then murdering it with my drone.
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All things said, I did really enjoy what I’ve played thus far in DEAD OR SCHOOL. I just worry it’ll be a challenge to beat the game given the issues I’ve covered, as well as some others, such as the game seemingly forgetting settings I input when I started the game. But despite all those rough spots, I feel there’s a really promising adventure here. Sure, it still needs work and polish, but if you can look past that, it’s a really unique title that many will enjoy. Just get ready for when Hisako has to kill a tank…
IMPRESSIONS: DEAD OR SCHOOL I'm still not entirely sure what to make of DEAD OR SCHOOL. At first glance, it appeared to be the love child of…
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