#i like the funny lil ice cream parlor
pixlokita · 2 years
I actually watched the leak and I have like… fifty questions, I’m choosing to believe your interpretation now l so
The true villain has been the fountains all along …. Honestly tho just by seeing the sets and the leaks I’m in love with it. Kinda sucks they’ll hold back on the gore and make it 13 and up but it still probably will be terrifying just like the first game is.
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ruizpizzaria · 11 months
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ok first off i cant put into text or words about how i fucking insane i am about this movie so uhm ahahaha im not gonna or i might explode my head off and end up looking like cc's foxy's plush. THIS MOVIE WAS THE MOST LOVINGLY LOVING LOVE LETTER TO THE FANBASE AND I COULD NOT BE MORE NUTS ABOUT IT
do i even have to say anything about this??
the theater went ballistic yeah
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In the movie we get a full glimpse of a disassembled sparky suit in parts in service -> max gets stuffed inside this suit later on or a suit next to sparky
the diner that matpat works at is also called Sparky's ( lol foreshadowing )
this is still pretty unreal to me.
There's a scene towards the end of the movie where Abby is hiding from foxy and runs to hide behind some arcade games -> reference to the sequence where Foxy is chasing Charlie in the silver eyes (lighting is almost one on one too)
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The animatronics realize they're getting manipulated by afton /spring bonnie when Abby shows them the truth through a drawing depicting spring bonnie's true nature -> reference to Carlton showing the dead children that spring bonnie / afton is their enemy through drawing spring bonnie as their killer
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i just find it kinda funny that the guy eaten alive by cupcake was named carl seeing as how carl was cupcake's fanon name
also he can defy gravity too ig
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Chica's magic rainbow from FNAF world gets its own branded ice cream parlor chain :
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Spaghetti and Pizza analogy
this one is a bit more obvious but I like how its used as away to illustrate how mike had to choose giving up abby or cc ( i refuse to call him garrett he is either evan or chris. )
Hospitalized Vanessa Theory
Now that Vanessa is hospitalized could she be filling the roles of cc or mike in fnaf 4 ( mainly cuz of hospital hallucinations )-> shes traumatized by the animatronics and could hallucinate back to her days in the hospital ( if she wakes up or if its a dream sequence or something not sure ) ; also could also work since she's afton's daughter
point where i died in the theater and ascended
so yeah yk id say the trap was sprung successfully
I am the most normal about this movie
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yan-randomfandom · 15 days
Hello! We loved what you did with our dev ask. Wanted to know if you would do Yan! Irep headcanons? I'm a little surprised that Dale got a request before irep.
💘ficto anon
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Yandere!Irep x GN!Human!Reader
warnings: hickey or biting mentions!!
just realized how right you are about Dale having a yandere request before Irep,,, woah— half bullet & half drabble!! lil square man
I feel like he'd easily get attached to you on the first day. If you somehow check all the boxes that catch his attention, at least.
For example, buying him ice cream. Surprisingly, it's simple enough to get him to stay with you.
When he heard you say it was your treat, the first thing he thought of was karma. He had done something good for you, and now you were returning the favor. This type of positive thing never happens to him.
Even if he didn't like sweets, he wanted to know what would happen if you bought him ice cream. A simple action, but to him, it felt like you were making up for years of his social interactions.
He's an anti-fairy. His species is feared and avoided. Irep doesn't have many friends, really—he's the second fairy born in a thousand years.
His family, while they love each other dearly, often don't have as much quality time as the originals. They're probably too caught up in their evil schemes.
Having said that, he'd nonchalantly reveal that he's a fairy to you the second you take his heart.
You're so kind to him. It's new. It's nice. Even his parents don't offer this much kindness.
So, if you think Peri is deprived, imagine how much more deprived this guy is.
Irep loves praise. Call him handsome. Call him stylish. Call him better than Peri—he's folded.
He would do anything for you. Literally. Da Rules can't stop him. A stranger is talking to you without acknowledging him? Woah. Where'd they go?
Clingy to a fault. Irep would show you off to the world; he has no shame.
His parents are confused about why he's mingling with a human, but they're supportive nonetheless.
Loves to tease you. It's the most evil thing he can do to you (in plain sight).
Much like Peri, he'd love cuddles. It's a funny thought, but he'd often rest his flat head on your chest or lap. At least he's comfortable.
With fangs like his, he might playfully bite you. He'd love nothing more than to give you hickeys, but he would never leave marks on your skin—unless you ask nicely.
While he's certainly confident, filled with his ego, sometimes there's an inkling of doubt in the pit of his stomach. He's still an anti-fairy, and he would hate to see you go.
This is where his manipulative side can come into play. He’ll make sure you see him at his most vulnerable, making you feel guilty enough to avoid even considering leaving him.
He may be a bit rough around the edges, but Irep can genuinely be good support. After all, that's all he ever wanted: to be useful and to have something for himself.
Irep was disguised as a human. This was the closest he could get to Dev and Peri without getting caught.
The duo were currently inside an ice cream parlor, with Hazel as their company. Irep squinted his eyes. Oh, wait, his reverse parents were there too. Of course they were, being Hazel's godparents and all.
A sneaky smile crept across his face. He had an evil plan brewing in his mind, but first, a loophole must be discovered. Maybe they'll fight right there and then, allowing Irep to reach Dev again.
So, all he has to do is... wait.
...Until Dev or Peri decide to separate.
It didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon. They were happily chatting, smiles on their faces. Hazel offered a spoonful of ice cream to Dev, who grumpily accepted anyway.
Finger after finger, impatient tapping fell on the table. Has it always taken this long? Man, it feels like he's wasting his eternal life just... stalking them.
In fact... He's been having this weird emotion for some time. Irep unknowingly goes deeper into a space of his mind. Has defeating Peri always been his goal in life? Well, obviously. He won't ever deny that. But is that all there is?
Anti-fairies are despised as villains, bringing bad luck and destruction, yet still, there is a delicate balance. Something, something... Ugh... It's such a hassle to think about. Maybe all the time he spent stalking and brooding alone finally got to him.
Still, isn't there anything else he can do?
Hazel and Dev eventually stood up and began to leave the parlor. It was time for Irep to follow them again, as usual.
The anti-fairy stood up and trailed behind them, his hands shoved into his pockets. Huffing, he couldn't push back the restless thoughts.
Someone suddenly bumped into Irep, but with his quick reflexes, he caught the person before they fell to the ground.
He stared at you with widened eyes.
"I'm so," you fretted, hastily adjusting your position. With a crooked smile, you sheepishly patted his clothes to straighten them. "Sorry! Thanks for catching me."
Irep didn't know how to talk to a human. He had only ever dealt with them when necessary, and in those times they usually catch him in the worst mood possible.
Perhaps this was one of those times.
"No matter. It's fine, fellow human," he remarked, adjusting his sleeves. By now, his future godkid and Peri were already at the terminal.
"Um, okay... I can buy you ice cream if you'd like," you smiled. "As an apology. Oh, wait, unless you've already bought one!"
"Ah. I don't like sweets. I have to go— Wait, did you say it's your treat?"
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blooming-violets · 9 months
Hi! This isn't a request but how do you think Peter would react to reader being a Funeral Director? Let's say it's like a blind date (set up by Auntie May ofc). Im asking because a good amount of your fics that you write with Peter revolve around death- weather it being Ben's, Gwen's, and/or what he see's around just being Spider-Man.
Lol this is coming from someone who's about to get their license to become a f.d if you couldn't tell :)
omg over a decade ago i used to roleplay with an oc who was my dark humored, lil goth queen and she was studying to become a funeral director and even though it was so long ago, once an oc, always an oc. she still lives up in my brain with the rest of every other character i've ever created in my life time. i'm going to channel her energy into my soul for this one
Ok, so! I love this.
(using gender neutral "they/them" for this character)
This might sound slightly gruesome but I'm going with it! May is getting a little older in age. Nothing crazy but she's a realist and she wants to be extra prepared when it's her time to go because she doesn't want to burden Peter with such things. She knows what it's like to go through the entire process of burying a dead loved one when you are in the middle of the worst grief of your life. She doesn't want Peter to have to make any of those choices like where to go and what casket to chose. She's a planner and is going to keep nurturing her boy even after death.
Soo she starts doing the rounds of looking into funeral homes, types of caskets, potential flower arrangements, details for the service, how she wants her body to be prepared...she's got it all figured out and in a binder with laminated pages. And she's having the time of her life doing all this because any chance to pull out some stationary is a good day in her book.
Peter freaks when he finds out because that's his girl and he refuses to let her die ever. But she calms him down by reminding him that death can happen to anyone, at any time, and she wants to be prepared for him. All he will have to do is hand over this binder to the director and they can do the heavy lifting so he can just take time to grieve. He's still not happy about it. Aunt May will never die. He doesn't even want to entertain the idea that it's a possibility even twenty years from now.
But then she throws in a lil twist.
"Oh, by the way, Peter...you have a date next Saturday night. I set you up with the director of the parlor. They were just lovely! So accommodating, so funny, absolutely gorgeous, not anything like I was expecting. I told them I had a nephew who was single. Showed them a picture of you. You know that picture I took last summer of you at the beach eating a Ninja Turtle popsicle next to the ice cream truck? I just love that picture...reminds me of when you were a boy...anyway, they agreed to meet up with you! Isn't that wonderful?"
And he's standing there speechless and mortified because only Aunt May would start prematurely planning for her death and then go around showing embarrassing, shirtless pics of him to his potential suitors...who are also helping her plan for her death. He tries to refuse to go but it's May and you can't say no to her. She will always win.
She picks out his best outfit for him and makes sure he's all dolled up (also to be sure he actually goes through with the date and doesn't bail).
He's shocked at how young and attractive they are when he meets them. Even though May insisted they would be a good match, he still was picturing some creepy old, sickly pale, skeletal man wear a dark suit. He's been dating a bit lately but nothing really sticks. This date feels different. He starts off by making a dark joke about dating the person who's going to bury his (still very much alive) aunt. Which gets a laugh from the both of them. They start in on how lovely it was to meet her and how she brightened up the house when she came for a meeting. And Peter talks about how baffled he was to find out she was even doing all that in the first place. He would have gone with her or been more than willing take care of everything. But they insist that May was adamant on doing it on her own. Peter asks a lot of questions on why they would ever want to go into this line of work but they just laugh it off. They're helping people, even after death. Helping their loved ones have the best final goodbye they can have.
The first date flows smoothly. They both try to avoid the death talk after the first few minutes and keep things light and happy. Peter is unknowingly smitten at the time but finds that once he goes home for the night, he can't stop thinking about them.
A second date is soon to follow. And a third. And fourth. And so on until they are officially dating.
I think as they get more comfortable with each other and open up to each other more, Peter will start to reveal how badly of a relationship he has with death. Reader has a healthy outlook on it. They don't mind taking care of the dead. They enjoy being able to provide that kind of service. Nothing really turns their stomach at this point. Peter can't remember much about his parents or their funerals, Uncle Ben's was a blur, and Gwen's is blackened out from his memory. It really upsets him to picture Reader doing any kind of body preparation. He keeps having intrusive thoughts about them working on Gwen's corpse and it kinda fucks him up. (They obviously weren't the one's who did that but his mind is putting the two people he cares about together without reason). Sometimes it makes it hard for him to look at them. It causes tension in the relationship. He starts to resent that they do that job. He think that they are "better than that" and they should leave that sort of job to someone else. He thinks it's gross and upsetting.
Reader would take massive offense to that. They love what they do. It's very important to them. Peter keeps not being able to hear what they're saying and is throwing his own uncomfortable attitude into the mix. They represent death to him and he hates death. Almost like they're a constant reminder of everyone he loved who has died. Cue the climaxy fight part where they separate for a bit in order for the growth to happen. Peter goes off to sulk and eventually ends up on May's doorsteps like a lost, sad puppy.
He'd need to go have a heart to heart talk with her about why he feels so uncomfortable dating someone who is so close to death. She'd talk about his past traumas, losing so many loved ones, and how he never allowed himself to put those people to rest. That's what Reader does. They helps other's put their loved one's to rest. And that frightens Peter because he's afraid of letting go. They represent someone who is at peace with themselves and Peter is living in a constant state of turmoil. In order to love properly again, he has to let go of the past. Reader can become a healthy path forward but only if Peter is able to cut off the baggage that is holding him back.
He'd let that talk sink in for a few days until he finally crawls his way back to their home with a box of their favorite chocolates (not flowers because they've seen enough flowers to last them their entire life time). He's met with nothing but a gentle smile and open arms. He'd open up to better explain himself to them so they can understand where he's coming from and see into his past. It's a healing moment for him to overcome.
Over time he'd warm up more and more to the idea of them working so closely to death. They both like to lighten any dark moods with some terrible jokes and dumb comments. A lot of silly ghost/ haunting talks. A lot him questing them about things. Like if guys can get an erection after death. Or what exactly is embalming fluid (bc he likes science-y things). And trying to find out the craziest things they ever experienced while working. They have endless stories to share so there's never a dull moment.
And when they finally find out about Mr. Parker and his big, giant Spider-Man secret, they threaten Peter that he better never end up on their table or else they'll mutilate his corpse by cutting off his dick and keeping it in a jar. (too dark? lmao not for them!)
Peter loves it. It makes him feel loved.
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Some Ninjago headcanons just for the OG 4 cause I wanted to.
Note: Some of these headcanons are moreso personal interpretations and you may not vibe with it. IDK, this is just some thoughts chucked out for fun.
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He's an FTM trans that's gotten top surgery post-season 3 through the money he earned as a wrestler.
When he gained muscle from training, he was prided in going around the monastery without a shirt on.
He's always liked his hair long. It can be styled upwards with gel or look hella stylish in a ponytail.
His stomach is the warmest place on his body when he isn't using his element. It's common for the group to hug him or wrap their arms around his waist when it's cold out.
Anger quickly elevates his body temp. It sometimes helps, other times he burns things he touches.
He barely finished his last year of school before dropping everything to run the Smith shop.
Since he learned to use his firepower, his favorite hobby is melting candles/wax. Plays with the malleable stuff till he's done and lets it cool down.
Kai hates ice cream. He used to like it as a kid, yet now that he has fire powers the stuff melts faster than he can eat it.
He puts Llloyd in timeout on top of the kitchen counter so he can keep watch of the gremlin while he eats lunch.
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When he decided to join Wu in training to become a ninja, he went all out with removing himself from society. People thought he legitimately went missing as a kid.
His hair getting longer over time is from him wanting to look more like his mom.
Cole is hella gay!
He is bad at cooking and kinda okay with baking.
Since he's the Master of Earth, he's found a cool hobby of making his own clay for sculpting.
He knits. He likes soft-knitted things.
As much as he hates his background at Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts, he still does some acting (for missions).
During his ghost phase, he was oddly enraptured with rain. The sound was pleasant to him, but he still didn't like the idea of getting wet.
His favorite prank is to stomp the ground and trip up goons with raised earth.
He plays with Lloyd and gets a little evil influence with pranks.
The only thing he continued to do after leaving school was dancing (for excersice) and playing the piano. His mom liked the piano and he wants to keep playing for her.
He leads the team out of danger but sure as hell can't put them in it. He stresses too much.
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Jay does love his parents! The only real reason he doesn't like seeing them is that he's convinced he'll eventually disappoint them.
They've been so supportive, but he's scared that he's being tested sometimes.
You know he's in a bad mental state when he uses pet names. "Baby" "Honey" "Sweetie" are immediate red flags if the group is in any stressful situation.
He's the second most person to cook. He may not have the expertise like Zane, but homecooked meals learned from his mom is a huge hit.
Before joining the ninja, his parents (and his bio dad) put aside money to put him in a live-in school near Ninjago City. After he left school, he pushed his funds to savings and to support his lil' sis.
Antonia is his adopted sister. It's funny since he didn't know he himself was adopted. She was adopted when Jay found her scrounging for her own food during his first year of schooling.
Yes, he knows that she and Nelson are BFFs. Yes, he is looking forward to mentoring Nelson (if Kai or Cole doesn't beat him to the punch).
His meeting with Sensei Wu happened when he got a week off from school and used his free time to complete his wings. Which failed as we all know.
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Since he's spent a lot of time wandering, he's learned how to navigate without opening his eyes.
He fails every time to understand "give me a hand". He keeps disconnecting an arm to throw at/offer the others.
He got nipple piercings. Kai joked about him never doing anything really "rebellious", resulting in him taking a chance going to a 24/7 piercing/tattoo parlor.
Over time he, Pixal, Nya, and Jay built a complete casual body for him to use at home. This one has the piercings and has the back covered in engravings depicting all his teammates' elements.
Before meeting Wu, he roamed the forest and helped travelers from time to time. When a bad storm came in and pushed him out, he lost his way home and began wandering Ninjago.
During his guiding days, he met Morro who was still trying to become the destined Green Ninja. They became friends, but Morrow didn't stay long enough or even gave Zane his name before he left.
Before meeting Wu, again- His former home Jumanakai Village, where Miystake took him in as house help. Plus his resistance against the colder weather made him the perfect errand boy.
His favorite meal to make is soup. It warms him :)
After the pink Gi incident, Zane found that they really like pastel colors. They started enjoying more scenecore stuff after SOG.
After Ice Emperor, Zane avoided near to all use of his powers. It took him a while to even get the bravery to freeze a water droplet.
Carries water bottles everywhere. Not just for the team to rehydrate, but to make ice if trapped in an area too air-tight.
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Learned that over time he could also control the temperature of things around him. He took advantage of this power by making smoke screens of various things (steams, dust kick-up, smoke, etc).
With adding temp, he can take heat from things to gain power, but items affected by this become stone-cold or even crack from the massive cold drop.
Learned that he can semi-use other elements by mixing them with his earth. Basically adapted to a point where a thin layer of dust can hold a pocket of water for him to throw at fires/enemies.
Adding with blatant earth bending, he's learned how to subtly move the ground by moving his hands and arms in short, swift swings. He can also do this with his feet with stomping to raise earth, kicking to chuck spikes, and running his palm against walls to create rock projectiles.
His electricity has done weird things to his body. He's able to avoid food for a longer time than normal people do. Sapping energy from batteries or toys for a power boost.
He's also learned to weaponize his blood :) Literal, when injured, he can focus his powers on his blood and toss actual plasma bombs at his foes.
Like Nya, he's grown to adapt his ice power to not be entirely solid. Pushing to let the ice soften to make snow, meltdown to make fatal slush whips.
Like Kai, he can also control the tempo of his element and can freeze/melt things upon contact. But freezing anything fragile may cause it to explode at the slightest touch.
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Ice Cream Princess
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: There isn't a day that JJ doesn't come to visit you at work. On the day he doesn't, you decide to visit him at work instead.
Word Count: 1,876
Note: A Stranger Things and Outer banks crossover imagine that no one asked for. Please give me feedback on anything but the title, I'm judging it and laughing at myself because of it. I hope you love it!
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An ice-cream parlor opens up across the street of The Wreck. The owner quickly judges all of the teenagers that come in looking for a part-time summer job. Luckily for you, your older cousin Robin sweet talks her way - agrees to watch his daughter- to get Hopper to hire you on the spot.
Your favorite co-worker is Steve. Both of you share stories and talk about anything and everything. You're weren't too surprised to find he hang outs with "lil punks".
He has a childish side that comes out when it's you two in the shop. If a touron gives you a weird feeling and tries to flirt with you, Steve takes over like a protective older brother. You started calling him mom when he bossed you around the first time.
Last night there was a party held by the Pogues at the Boneyard. When Robin's girlfriend texts you saying that she woke up with a hangover, you agree with her that it would be best if you cover her shrift.
When you get to the shop on your bike, you park it next to Steve car and cringe when the annoying front door bell rings as you enter. "I'm surprised to see your face this morning."
"Good or bad surprised, mom?" He rolls his eyes as you walk past him and pat his shoulder.
He yells, "the worst!" As you make your way to the small back room and put your backpack in your locker.
You grab the lanyard Pope gave to you and trace the lil doodles Kiara drew on your nametag.
Clocking in, you wave at Hopper through his open office window. He learns further in his chair, arms across his chest.
"You work too much."
"You don't pay me enough."
Humming to the radio that's connected to the speakers that hang from the ceiling, you look over Steve shoulder to see which Playlist he's playing.
You mutter, "I hate that thing" when the bell rings.
JJ is leading everyone, arms flaring around as he jumps on top of the counter. He bends one knee underneath his other leg to sit more comfortably sideways and grins at you.
"You're ass is going to break that and you'll have to pay for it."
"Are you telling me I have a fat ass?" He puts a hand over his heart and fakes cries. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Princess."
You shove him off, chuckling when he almost doesn't save his fall and trip over his own two feet.
"So dramatic like always and Y/N is still my name." You point down at your nametag. "Y/N. Not Princess."
"What do you guys want today?" Steve asks.
JJ glares at him but smirks when you pick up a scoop. He leans over the counter and says, "I'll like a lick of that."
You tell Pope thank you for slapping JJ in the back of the head, making his gray and red snapback fall off.
He runs his fingers through his hair and you barely catch it when throws it towards you.
"You would look better in it than that." He reaches over to tap on your uniform hat wear.
You blush at the hidden complaint and slap his hand away.
"Stop flirting." John B says as he hands over JJ his ice cream.
Kiara slightly pushes him towards the table, they always sit at.
Steve smirks as he leans against the counter. "Princess?"
In the corner of your eye, you see JJ giving himself whiplash. You know Steve is on a mission to find a nickname for you, especially something that you hate as much as he hates 'mom'.
But JJ doesn't. "It's a long story."
"I'll love to hear it someti-"
JJ claps his hands together as the chair slides across the floor as he stands up. "Once upon a time, little miss Y/N dressed up as a princess one Halloween. There was a picture of proof that her mother gladly showed me. Ever since, I've called her Princess and one day she'll call me her Prince. The end."
Sarah 'awwws' and says, "That's actually really adorable."
"Thank you, I know." JJ says proudly and you both smile at each other.
During your next shift, it's only John B and JJ.
"Well hello there boys."
JJ takes off his sunglasses off slowly and puts his arm on the counter. "Princess."
You try not to pay attention to how good his arms look with his gray tank top.
You're the one who breaks eye contact. You don't miss the little fist pump he does but you miss how his shoulders drop when you look at him after seeing how panic John B looks.
Oh, right.
"We need to get the biggest bowl of Sarah's favorite ice cream. Her monthly came to visit and John B, the sweetheart idiot he is, doesn't remember her flavor."
You make 'o' shape with your mouth. "Got it. It's the end of the world for him. Well lucky for you, I know it."
John B screams out, "I owe you one" as he grabs the cup container from you and runs out to the Van.
JJ puts money in the tip jar. "From future Sarah."
After you watch him put his sunglasses back on and the door bell rings when the door closes, Robin pinches your leg.
"Are you going to start helping me again with this or am I going to have to restock everything myself?"
Blushing, you say, "I'm not Steve."
She stops laughing after a few seconds to say, "I bet you that JJ knows his Princess favorite ice cream flavor."
"Shut up."
Pope, Kiara, and JJ all give you a pointed look when they stop by the shop before seeing a movie. The movie you agreed to go to one minute but then the next you said "wait sorry, I have to work." and hanged up on JJ.
"I'm about to drag you and your cute stubborn ass out of here for once and all, Princess."
Kiara has a hand on her hip, when she says, "You need to take a break."
You close your eyes and throw your head back, annoyed that she's right. "You guys know how much I need this job and the money."
A look of understanding crosses JJ's face but he straightens himself and says in a stern voice, "You are also supposed to have fun with your friends once a while."
"I know that!" He doesn't flinch at you raising your voice.
Thinking he's used to it, your heart and face fall.
"I- I'm sorry. How about we all hangout tomorrow at the Chateau and relax? Or we can do anything you guys want to do. Let John B and Sarah know and-"
JJ strides behind the counter and pulls you in a hug. No one words are needed when you shove your face against his chest and catch your breathing.
Pope puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, JJ. We're going to be late."
"You know what? I'm actually in the mood for ice cream not theater popcorn. Go on without me."
Kiara tells you both goodbye and Pope mouths "whipped" and does the wrapped around a finger hand's motion as she pulls him away.
You look up at JJ. "You didn't have to do that."
"Do what?" His cocky grin becomes bigger when you roll your eyes before helping a costumer. He leaves the counter to sit at the table, hands on the bottom of his chin as he does silly faces from behind the stranger's shoulder.
Steve looks up when he hears the bell ring and watches as JJ loses his step.
Before he can walk away, Steve says, "She will be back shortly. I sent her to the bank real quick for more change."
JJ lets the door close behind him. He takes a big breath in as he turns around. "You trust her that much, huh?"
"Don't you?"
JJ lets out a dark laugh. "It's different. You get payed to see her, I do it because I want to."
That's Steve's breaking point. "Okay, I don't understand why or how you started hating me the first time you met me but I think I can get a wild guess why. A attractive, couple of years older comes into her life. You're jealous over nothing, dude. I see her as annoying little sister. And yeah, I get payed to do this shitty job but when she's working too, she makes it fun."
"Are you done?" JJ is looking at anything but him.
"One more thing, don't waste anymore time."
Steve looks at the clock on the wall and figures you'll be back any minute.
"I have to get to work." JJ looks over his shoulder.
He opens his mouth but changes his mind, and closes it and walks out.
On the other side of the sidewalk, he doesn't stop when you call out his name.
"Funny seeing you're here."
JJ slams his tray down on the table next to yours. "I work here."
He stops wiping it down and gets the sudden urge to squirt you with the cleaning product bottle when he hears you tapping your feet against the chair across on of your table.
When he looks around and notices there aren't a lot of people in the dinner room he sits down and huffs and puffs. "Why are you here?"
"What? You can come visit me at work but I can't?"
When you both notice another bus boy, you let JJ grab the nearest glass pitcher and pull you some water.
"Now you can't walk away and ignore me, like how you did a couple of hours ago."
"I'm sure Steve told you all about it." The biter in his voice makes you lean over the table to grab his hand.
He jumps but doesn't pull away.
"He told me that you came in the shop, you looked like a little lost puppy when you made eye contact with him instead of me. You guys actually had somewhat of a conversation, which, I'm surprised actually happened."
JJ smiles a little as you start spinning one of his rings. "Steve didn't tell me what it was about...at first."
JJ can't sit still.
He stands up and as he talks, he walks in pace. "He, he uh- shit. Fuck, okay. He got in my head. I couldn't talk to you cause I didn't want to say something that would ruin our friendship. I didn't even know how I would say it-to be honest, still don't but you're smart, I think you know where am I going with this-"
He stops talking, mid-sentence when you laugh. "JJ, just say it or I'll crush your ego by saying it first."
"I love you." He says it over and over again in the middle of the kisses after you say it back.
He stops when someone yells his name and tells him to get back to work.
You give him a quick peak and have to put your hands on top of his to move them off of your hips.
"I'll see you later, JJ. We can go watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a date, Princess."
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what’s that? divorced mociet au for maximum angst? don’t mind if i do!
they meet in a local park, deceit probly says something like “Nature is so beautiful, it’s a shame man tries to own her” and patton is like “omg so deep take me”
they go on sum dates
patton dives head first into love and drags dee with him
pat wants to get married, dee is unsure, but want to make pat happy so he accepts
they adopt a 3 year old logan and 1 year old twins roman and remus
tensions rises as they have two distinct styles of parenting
a friend of patton gets pregent young and asks him to raise the baby (trans!remy for added angst maybe idk)
pat agrees without talking to dee
dee finds out and they have their 1st big fight
dee agrees to raise the babe but the tension has snapped and is poisening their relationship
lil babe virge joins the famILY
deceit goes “i’ve only know virgil for a hour but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone and then myself”
they divorce and there’s an ugly custody battle
dee: “you aren’t responble enough to raise children!!!”
pat: “my baaaaabbbiiiiieeeessss!!!”
Logan (5) and Roman (3) go with Patton
Remus (3) and Virgil (2) go with Deceit
Patton moves away to a new town and they break off contact
pat enrolls his sons in a K-12 school and they do really well
dee works long hours to support his sons
he puts remus in a public school, but remus doesn’t do well in school
he gets into fights and gets expelled
dee sends him to a new school
this happens alot
dee wants to keep remus and virge in the same school, so every time remus gets expelled, he moves both of them
they never stay in the same school for more than a year
this is very stressful for dee who eventually has to move around to keep up with remus’s school-switching
this is also super hard on virgil who never learns how to make friends
dee, who is always stressed and not always there, and remus, a fuck-up who couldn’t care less, become his contants
they move to a new town before virgil’s freshman year
virge and remus go to the local highschool
remus meets roman in their classes (surprise! they have ended up in the same town patton moved to earlier!!)
they don’t reconize either other (obv they were like 3)
remus chalenges roman to a fight durring lunch
virge is like “remus no” and remus is like “remus yes”
crowd gathers and roman wants to protect his pride
they fight and it gets bloody quick
roman’s older brother, logan (:O), comes rushing in and breaks it up
he reconizes remus and virge (he got good memory or sumn)
and leaves
Logan is surprised pikachu face
the whole school is buzzing with gossip of new kids und log and rom
virge skips class and hides in the liberary
logan finds him after school
logan: “bro i’m like ur older bro” virge: “wth no way bro” logan: “no no i got this picture with both of our now single parents in it” virge: “fuck dude that’s sum pretty solid evidence”
virge opens up a bit to lo
they go to the dention room together but!! patton is there (gasp) and virge is like “omg i can’t let him see me” and lo is like “ur tots right, i won’t say a word”
pat and boys leave and virge goes into dention room
but remus is gone????
suprise bitch he went home early- virge learns thru dee’s “wth are u!!” phone call
dee and boys have dinner, which doesn’t happen often
dee: “im so sorry we can’t have this more often” remus: “whatever ur cooking stinks” virge: *internal panic* cantlethimfindoutcantlethimfindout
back to pat- he’s not angry, roman, just disapointed. fighting=bad
everyone goes to be tired and upset except remus, bc he’s a bastard (look i love him, but he is a bastard)
next day is school day
people whisper about virge and reem in the hallways, but he indimidates them with his Insane Looks TM
Roman “”””forgives””””” Remus when the meet and remus shrugs and insluts his non-existent mother
logan is there and calmly reminds roman not to retaliiate
things go okay for a few weeks
virge is loney, remus is bastard, roman is trying so hard to not punch him in the face, and logan is a nerd
virge needs lo’s nerd skills to pass a test
lo teaches him at the school
ro joins one of their study sessions
at 1st he’s rude to virge but then he reliezes virge is not a bastard like remus
they become friends, an lo and virge tell ro ~The famILY Seceret~
later ro begs virge to join Drama Club
virge is like “nuuu” ro is like “pleassss” virge is like “...ok fine.”
they are doing a play version of The Parent Trap
Ro and virge gets the role of the twins 
rem makes fun of virge for his growing interest in the-ay-tar, but dee’s happy he’s putting himself out there and making friends
logan finds the play ironic lol
pat is excite!! and support!! for roman and his starring role
but then!! lo ro and virge Relieze both parents will Be There and See their Sons or Each Other
remus shows up like an eavesdropping bitch and is like “lol what if we dedicated it to them lol it be funny”
lo’s like “welp nothing we can do bout it now”
ro: “wait! what if u and remus took the other parent of the child on stage out of the theater so they only see their child!!”
lo: unrealilistic
virge panic tm
remus gives a ton of really bad ideas
everyone goes home with this big fat problem in their minds
remus starts dropping onimous hints about the play and dee is Concern
the day of the play comes
ro and virge decied that no matter what, the show must go on
they perform and do really well, breaking both their legs (jk)
(remus throws a tomato onto the stage at the climax lol)
after the show virge finds dee an ree in the crowd
dee is super quiet and looking around (he has the program in his hand)((the program with roman’s full name)) (((which would have patton’s last name)))((((u get it))))
virge panic pt 2, but remus saves the day (whaaa) by asking to go for icecream
dee agrees and they go for sum BR
BUT! ro lo and pat had the same idea!!
they’re in the same icecream parlor!
remus stiffs a laugh
dee cooly glances over to where the pat and boys are sitting before heading over to the country to order
virge quietly follows
lo notices them and nudges ro who abruptly stops talking and looks over at dee and boys, alerting pat of their prensence
flashes of grief on pat’s face
the table is quiet before ro awkwardly picks up the conversation where he left off
dee gets a table as far away from pat &co as possible
however, he looks up once and locks eyes with patton
both tables are quiet
dee breaks the eye contact and starts talking to his boys
patton smiles sadly at his icecream
“I thing we should go home kiddos.”
at home, lo explains everything
pat nods numbly and locks himself in his bedroom
logan comforts roman
at the ice cream, dee talks to virge and remus about the play until patton leave
“so do you know them?”
virge breaks down and admits everything
remus isn’t as much as a bastrad now
dee ods calmly and they eat ice cream in silence
they next day is saturday
virge stays in his room despite remus atempts to play 
remus also locks himself in his room
dee finds logan’s cell number in virgil’s backpack and calls him
surprisingly patton picks up
they talk for a while
they agree to keep the kids in the same school
“I miss you somethimes, dee.” a pause. “Your mistake.”
dee hangs up
he looks up to where virgil’s room is and sighs.
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pvcked · 5 years
Tumblr media
s u r v e y :       d a r b y    b e l l e    m o n t p e l l i e r
written in purple gel pen. it be like that.
basic information
FULL NAME: darby belle montpellier PRONUNCIATION: DARH-bee bell mAHnt-pell-yer MEANING: without envy REASONING: darby belle was named after a beloved family dog who was tragically killed by an automobile the night before she was born. how… quaint. her mother insisted on adding “belle” to match her older sister, elody mae’s, “name flow”. her father never really approved, but he his second army deployment began just before her birth, so her mother went ahead and did it anyway. NICKNAME(S): darby, darbs, darby belle, belle, fruit loop, the singer from pelagia, dee, db. puck ( only by her late father ) PREFERRED NAME(S): darby, darby belle BIRTH DATE: march 3, 2001 AGE: 18 ZODIAC: pisces GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS:  she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual NATIONALITY:  american. ETHNICITY: american. there are some french roots, way back, but they’re bastardized: her family pronounces their surname the southern way, not the french.
BIRTH PLACE: jonesborough, tennessee HOMETOWN: jonesborough, tennessee SOCIAL CLASS:  upper-middle. FATHER: eric montpellier. deceased march 2, 2014. suicide. gunshot wound to the head. ptsd resulting from military duty. MOTHER: kenna mae montpellier. deceased february 22, 2007. housefire. SIBLING(S): elody mae, legal guardian. 25. artist and interior designer. faceclaim. BIRTH ORDER: youngest of two. elody mae is 7 years older. PET(S): none. she gets the sniffles! OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES:  n/a. PREVIOUS/CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS: she’s been in a long-term relationship with clark beecher since the fall of sophomore year. ARRESTS?: nope! PRISON TIME?: nope!
occupation & income
SOURCE OF INCOME: darby’s band, pelagia., has paid gigs around town and in neighboring towns. they sold copies of their first ep, too. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: yes!! between her and elody mae, they make things work. darby loves music; she practially lives and breathes in song. PAST JOB(S): she delivered papers for a lil’ while in tennessee. tagged along while elody mae biked. SPENDING HABITS: darby knows how to find herself a bargain! MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her dad’s dog tags, which she keeps hidden under her pillow. some of his old navy blue sweaters. she throws ‘em on days when she misses him a little extra.
skills & abilities
TALENTS: musicianship. performing. songwriting. agile skating. playmaking. interpretive dancing. making her friends laugh. going cross-eyed for long periods of time. rolling her tongue. SHORTCOMINGS: she can’t say no to anyone she loves. quick to blame herself for things she can’t control ( like her parents’ passings ). elody mae rubs her wrong a lot and it’s not her sister’s fault, but they’ll go several days at a time without talkin’ when things get tense. swallowing her pride: she’s stubborn. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, enough spanish to get by ( acquired from high school classes, but her southern accent kinda bleeds through? so kids in class always kinda smirk when she tries out the speaking exercises  ). DRIVE?: no. never learned. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: no. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: no. RIDE A BICYCLE?: nope. her dad never got ‘round to teachin’ her. SWIM?: no. they never had a pool. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: countless. she sings, plays guitar, piano, drums, banjo. PLAY CHESS?: she prefers checkers. BRAID HAIR?: is the sky blue? yes. TIE A TIE?: mhm. PICK A LOCK?: nope, but that’d be cool!
physical appearance & characteristics
FACE CLAIM: natalia dyer. EYE COLOR: bright baby blue. HAIR COLOR: light brown. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: down to her shoulders, curly. typically up in a ponytail or some kind of quick style. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: nope. DOMINANT HAND: right. she plays right wing. but she likes to cut food with her left. HEIGHT: 5′0 even. WEIGHT: 108 lbs. BUILD: very, very thin. surprisingly muscular, though. not built like a typical hockey player but boy, does she command the ice. her strength, like… bewilders everyone. recruiters came to see her play this spring and fuckin’ lost their shit. this girl ?!  captain ?!  right wing ?!  does she disintegrate when she’s checked ?!?! EXERCISE HABITS: always movin’ and groovin’. darby loves going for runs. weight-lifting. playing pickup games with her boys. SKIN TONE: very fair. freckled. TATTOOS: none.  PEIRCINGS: she has her ears pierced but almost never wears earrings, due to rink rules. MARKS/SCARS: some burn scars from the housefire that killed her mom in 2007, on the back of her left forearm/wrist and across her stomach. she’s really insecure about them and almost always wears long sleeves because of it. she also has a birthmark shaped like canada on the arch of her left foot. when they were alive and darby was very young, her parents used to joke that god put that mark there because he knew their daughter was going to be a hockey star.
NOTABLE FEATURES: her eyes. her tiny size. her laugh. USUAL EXPRESSION: smiley, vibrant. CLOTHING STYLE: long sleeve sweaters, jeans, vans. graphic long-sleeve tees –– she really likes the nature designs on patagonia ones, or cool/eclectic designs. converse. timberlands, leggings, and oversized sweatshirts. denim jackets. in the winter, she’s always bundled up because she runs cold. honestly? she’d sooner wear a hoodie and shorts in the summer than throw on a t-shirt. she does wear short sleeves, but mainly for team workouts and runs. JEWELRY: she wears her father’s wedding band around her neck on a thin gold chain, always tucked under whatever top she’s wearing. her sister does the same with her mother’s. ALLERGIES: strawberries. peanuts. bees.  BODY TEMPERATURE: she runs real cold. are you using that sweatshirt? DIET: when elody mae cooks, darby eats well –– lots of pinterest recipes and plant-based meals.  left to her own devices, she reverts to ease: poptarts, protein bars, almonds. sunflower butter and jam sandwiches. she typically skips lunch at school to write, or free skate, or sneak into the weight room with whatever team’s rented it out that period. she always snackin’ on pretzels. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: insomnia, since her mother’s death. worsened with her father’s passing. i imagine it’ll get worse with her sister disappearing, too. her mild dependency on painkillers.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good. TEMPERAMENT: sanguine. ELEMENT: air. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: insomnia. SOCIABILITY: she’ll talk to anyone and anything! she flits around west ham’s social sphere like it’s nothing. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: sensitive. doesn’t hide things well. PHOBIA(S):  snakes.  being stung by a bee.  never being loved  /  never having the wherewithal to find it.  not getting a hockey scholarship.  emptying the medicine cabinet.  not being able to call her dad’s cell to hear his voice.  losing elody mae.  losing everyone. ADDICTION(S): painkillers. but she’s in denial. DRUG USE: a little here ‘n there. if others are doin’ it. ALCOHOL USE:  about as standard as you’d expect, from a varsity athlete dating another varsity athlete. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: if provoked. she’s got a hockey stick and she’ll use it, if you threaten anybody she cares for.
QUIRKS: bites her bottom lip and rolls it between her teeth when she’s thinking.  squints directly at the sun despite being scolded for it for years.  latches on to friends’ arms as if the universe might tug them apart at any moment, and navigating the school parking lot is exhaustively complex –– like she might get lost; like she might lose them.  calling instead of texting.  sniffing peanut butter: she can’t eat it, but she loves how it smells.  sleeping all curled up in a ball, on her left side, with the blankets tugged up tight against her chin.  wearing beanies and baseball caps indoors.  waking up early enough for church each sunday: getting dressed, beginning the walk across town, only to turn back halfway.  running drills at the rink instead of attending lunch hour.  jotting down lyrics on standardized tests.  humming in school stairwells, when she thinks she’s alone.  tapping her locker dial three times with her index finger before putting in her combo. wriggles her nose when she’s trying not to laugh. gaze always, always drifting to the nearest window.  funky patterned socks.  she has a pair with picasso. HOBBIES: hockey. guitar, banjo, piano, drums. singing. songwriting. running, weightlifting. elody mae tried to get her into yoga, but her headspace is far too cluttered.  making late-night ice cream runs to the local parlor, because she knows the owner and he’s always ready to give her a free scoop.   HABITS: tapping her fingers on flat surfaces.  skipping meals when she’s stressed.  texting thumbs-up emojis to avoid having to give an actual answer to “ how are you? ” .  masking darker thoughts with game suggestions and silly jokes.  deflection.  wearing her father’s old army tees to bed, and sniffing them each time as if the laundered clothing might still hold onto even just a whiff of his cologne.  falling for the wrong people.  believing.  letting her nail polish chip and chip and chip until all that’s left is a silhouette of pigment.  biting her nails.  midnight runs.  pressing leaves into notebooks to capture moments for which she lacks the words.  over-gifting outside her means, arguing with her sister about it later. NERVOUS TICKS: biting her lip. not making eye contact. rubbing together her left index finger and thumb. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: honoring her parents’ memories. standing by elody mae. getting that hockey scholarship locked down, so her sister won’t have to give up more for her. making clark smile. oh, that boy’s smile. FEARS: the dark. heights. being stung by a bee. losing everyone.  elody mae might find out she kept their dad’s dogtags. POSITIVE TRAITS: saccharine, musical, virtuosic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: diaphanous, dewey-eyed, naive. SENSE OF HUMOR:  bubbly, giggly. she can find most things funny. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: no! her parents used to wash her mouth out with soap. CATCHPHRASE(S): “ well, golly ! ”  &  “ i’ll be darned ! ”  &  “ who’d have thunk ? ”
ACTIVITY: making music, playing hockey. ANIMAL: she loves bees. even though she’s terrified of ‘em! BEVERAGE: water. BOOK: twenty-thousand leagues under the sea by jules verne. her father used to read it to her at night, chapter by chapter. it inspired her band name: pelagia .  it means the open sea. CELEBRITY: david beckham. adam mcquaid. COLOR: army green. DESIGNER: she likes thrifting. FOOD: pretzel sticks. FLOWER: daisies. GEM: amethyst. HOLIDAY: new year’s eve. she loves getting to blow party kazoos in everyone’s faces. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walking or running. MOVIE: he wedding date. she’s a sucker for those stupid rom-coms. the mighty ducks. slap shot. MUSICAL ARTIST: cigarettes after sex, stevie nix, amy winehouse, the band camino, daniel caesar, etc. QUOTE/SAYING: “ honey, you got a big storm comin’ ! ”  SCENERY: big open fields with bright green grass, wildflowers. SCENT: she doesn’t like candles, open flame. but she likes those lil’ air fresheners. eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint calm her down. SPORT: hockey ! SPORTS TEAM: the west ham centurions, varsity girls hockey. she’s biased. she also likes the bruins. TELEVISION SHOW: bob ross specials. she used to watch ‘em all the time with her sister. WEATHER: warm ‘n breezy.  VACATION DESTINATION: ontario, it looks so calm.
GREATEST DREAM: make it big in the music industry. have that be her career. GREATEST FEAR: she’ll lose more people she loves. MOST AT EASE WHEN: she’s with clark. or making tunes. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: she’s alone in the dark. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: selling out toad’s place for pelagia’s biggest show. BIGGEST REGRET: the last she said to her dad wasn’t i love you. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: she punched a boy in second grade for calling her a wussy. and then his crying made her cry. BIGGEST SECRET: she prayed to make a deal with the devil to bring her parents back and bartered anything he wanted. she feels like her father’s death is her fault. TOP PRIORITIES: spending all the time she can with clark. lookin’ after tess, making sure grizz knows he’s being watched. taking care of elody mae, at least, as much as she can. securing that hockey scholarship for college. winning states. being a good captain. making music, and using that to help... mend.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 1
Requested by anon: Can please request a seungcheol mafia au with angst and fluff 💘 
hi lil anon i was actually already planning on writing this au right before you requested! I hope this was something along the lines of what you were looking for!! happy bday to papa cheols he is sUCH A BIAS WRECKER!! AND IM SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! THIS ALMOST SURPASSED WOLF!WONWOO’S LENGTH JLSDJFDLS I WILL DO A PART 2 IF PEOPLE WANT IT!!!
also I was in the middle of writing this when all of a sudden i got a notification that @cheollies posted one and i was like oMG ARE U SERIOUS HERS IS SO MUCH BETTER!! go check hers out IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER WRITING OMG SHE GIVES ME INSPIRATION!!! my au takes a different direction bUT I FIND IT FUNNY HOW WE BOTH DID IT LMAO
warnings: fluff and a whole lotta angst, mention of some violence
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Yes another one
I apparently really like assassin and vigilante aus bc,,,, just look at wonwoo’s
anyways birthday boi papa cheols can run me over with this au bye
Seungcheol had always been involved in the shady realm of business
His father was a politician and,,,, well he wasn’t bad but he wasn’t good either
Seungcheol, however, thought his father did some questionable things
His suspicions were confirmed one day
“You’re gonna need to protect me”
And lil cheollie was like ???? what do you mean dad????
“Son, I have a lot of enemies, and that’s inevitable when you have this type of job. I don’t trust anyone else to do this job,,, so,,,,,,”
Poor smol cheols is still really confused like dad im still not understanding
“I need you to,,,,, take care,,,,,, of some people for me”
“Take care?? Like help them when they’re sick???”
“Sure…. Sick…. Let’s go with that”
And from then on, seungcheol started this dirty job his father brainwashed him into doing
He was only in middle school when he had to do his first “mission”
Since his dad didn’t want him to do anything big just yet, he only had cheols start off by dropping in poison discreetly in drinks
His missions slowly started to grow larger and next thing you know Seungcheol is taking up self defense classes
He’s now in his early 20’s and,,,,
His heart has completely hardened
I’m sad now
All he thinks about is how his father will be proud for completing whatever current mission he needs to do
The reassuring words of “i’m proud” always made him feel overjoyed,,,, his father had never once said that to him even when Seungcheol had good grades or brought his team to first place in the football championships,,,,
No. His father only congratulated him every time he took care of an “inconvenience.”
“If this is what I have to do to get him to notice me,,,,, then I’ll do it.”
His father is in the middle of negotiating with another distinguished political figure,,, but things aren’t going very well
Being the manipulative person he is, cheol’s father is blackmailing the man to give in
“You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your daughter,,,,, do you?”
“,,,,,You wouldn’t. Leave her out of this and settle this like a real man.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would, Park. Do not test me.”
The man mulls it over in thought before caving in
Ofc,,, seungcheol doesn't know about the dirty work his father does himself
He only thinks there's a reason for why his father has a need to get rid of bad men, and he just goes along with it
At this point he’s completely void of warmth and nurture
Whatever his father orders him to do, he does it without hesitation whatsoever
Until,,,, he meets,,,,
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you apologize for running into someone
He doesn’t have time to deal with this since he’s on his way to meet his father but he takes one look at your face and he is star!! struck!!
“A-ah,,,, it’s alright; I wasn’t looking either,” he says with a dazed look
And you’re like oh good sorry about that again!! And you rush off to wherever you’re going
He watches you leave but then he’s like o right i gotta meet dad
The rest of the day he just has thoughts on the stranger he bumped into
His next mission is to get rid of the man’s daughter, but he can’t immediately kill her just quite yet
His father tells him to wait it out if the man pulls any tricks on him
But as for now, the father is holding off any missions for cheols bc the other politician is his main concern rn, and there doesn’t seem to be anything shady just yet
Cheols is like welp ok guess i’ll just,,,,,,chill or smth,,,,,,
And cheols hasn’t had free time in a loooong time so he’s kinda unsure what to exactly do
He decides to just go to the gym and hang out around a mall or smth like he literally does not know what to do
He’s at a nearby mall one day just chilling on a bench and sipping his smoothie he bought from the food court when he suddenly sits upright
A few shops down is the same person he bumped into!!!
You’re on a lonely shopping spree that consists of just window shopping and going around to stores that seem to have cute clothes
And he’s just like ,,,,,,,,what are the chances of meeting her again,,,,,,,,
He casually walks over at a reasonable distance where he’s far enough to not seem like a stalker but close enough to have you in sight
When he sees you heading out of the store he just casually bumps into you
“Oh sorry -- omg it’s you!” you say pointing your finger at him
And he’s like lmao :) yes :) it is me :) totally coincidental :)
“It’s alright,,, i’m already used to it ;)”
And you’re like l m a o,,, k then
“Are you by yourself?”
“Well,,, just having some me time” you raise your hands to gesture to the bags in your hand
“You look like you can use some company ;)” cheols pls
And you’re like ahhaahaha,,,,,, well not realllllly LOL but,,,,, you can join if you’d like,,,,,,, or smth,,,,,
And that’s how you got Seungcheol to spontaneously join you in what you originally intended to be your me time
When you had to get going, he was like you wanna,, exchange numbers so we can do this again??
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,sure
Smooth cheol not really bye
You guys keep this up for the next few weeks, either you hitting him up to “have someone accompany you,” or him seeing what you’re up to and joining you regardless bc “you need someone to protect you”
I mean you lowkey do tho
You grow closer to Seungcheol but you’re utterly oblivious to what he does behind the scenes
And quite frankly, he wants it to stay that way
For once, he was not shunned bc of his work and he wants to keep it that way
He’s finally met someone who’s overlooked everything he’s ever wanted to hide and he doesn’t ever want that to be taken away from him
You and seungcheol have grown so close that you guys don’t even bother to use an excuse to see each other like how you did the first week or so of meeting each other
“Hey let’s go down to the new cafe down the street”
“Be there in 10”
Seungcheol didn’t realize how deep he fell until he saw you with another guy
Once the person leaves, he sidles up next to you and starts badgering you
“Who was that guy”
“What did he want”
“I think he was standing a little too close to you”
“He didn’t try anything funny, did he?”
And he’s like i don’t like it when guys get too close to you
And you’re like why do you even care so much?????
“Bc,,,,,,,,,,i like you you don’t know self-defense”
And you’re like uM IM NOT WEAK
“Try throwing me over”
“You’re like twice my size wtf”
“dO IT”
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,ok fine i’m weak
And the way you’re pouting and playfully hitting his arm
It’s all it takes for him to laugh with a twinkle in his eyes and he realizes
He’s in love
The curve of your lips, the crinkle of your eyes,,,, it’s enough to set him off
He only stands there staring at you and you’re like ????
“Earth to cheols???” you wave your hand in front of his face thinking he spaced out
You have a very perplexed look on your face and he’s like okAY I CAN’T TAKE THIS
He grabs your face and you’re like uH????????????
“You need to stop”
“Stop,,,, what? What do i need to stop????”
“Being so vulnerable. You only make yourself more irresistible”
And before you can even ask him what he means by that, he juST PULLS YOU IN AND KISSES YOU
And you’re like o H MY GO D WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT
But the warmth emitting from his body and the softness of his lips make you wanna dIE and you both soon engage in a passionate kiss
You hadn’t realized you liked him until that moment
You,,,, love him
You both break away, completely breathless
“You’re too irresistible, I couldn’t handle it”
“Shut up and kiss me again”
Soon enough you have to part ways and call it a day and both of you are essentially floating back home on cloud 9
You close your door and lean against it, bringing your hand up to your lips
You,,, had your first kiss,,,,,,
Meanwhile back at home, Seungcheol is trying to keep his heart and thoughts from racing
He can still feel your body under his and just merely thinking about it makes him break out into a gigantic foolish grin
The next day, you text him to see if he wants to go check out the ice cream parlor
But,,,,,, you never get a response
You’re thinking he’s probably busy doing something but,,, he doesn’t respond the entire day
Nor does he respond the entire week after that
And you’re just,,,,,,, really hurt and confused
“Where,,, did i go wrong???”
You thought the feelings were mutual that night,,,, now suddenly he got cold feet and left you like this????
Two weeks pass and you still hadn’t heard of anything from him
You text and call him but to no avail
You’re just about to give up contacting him after calling him for the fifth time but you suddenly hear a voice that you’ve been waiting for
“Cheol what happened to you! I thought,,,, i thought,,,, you didn’t wanna see me anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
And there’s silence on the other end
“Cheol, are you still there?”
“Look,,,,,,, y/n,,,,,, we can’t do this”
Your heart sinks
“W-what can’t we do?”
“This was never gonna work out,,, we should just end it here”
“Cheol, i don’t understand, let’s just meet up and talk--”
“No! Y/N, forget it! Forget everything we did. Forget about us. Forget,,, forget about me.”
“Cheol, stop talking nonsense--”
And the line cuts.
Your arm limply falls and drops the phone
You can’t eat or sleep for the next few days
A week later you return to the same cafe you bumped him at and a small inkling of you wants to meet him but at the same time you don’t know what would happen if you did
You end up going to the cafe every day because of that stupid little small spark of hope inside of you,,,, you keep telling yourself you’ll never see him again but,,,, your feet keep taking you there
Just around the corner of a building across the street, Seungcheol sees you desperately trying to find any signs of him
He grips his gun
“I’m sorry dad,,,, i can’t do it this time”
Might make part 2 if there’s a good response!!!!
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nottellingu · 7 years
A/N: A teacher!lily / singledad!james au because my school reopened. Well it’s three weeks past so . . .
Read it on ff.net
“Just one more.”
“No Dad, we’ll be late,” Five year old Harry Potter whined. But nonetheless he posed for another photo.
James Potter clicked away on his phone. With his toothy grin and his too-big-Bob-the-Builder-backpack, Harry was the most adorable kid to ever walk the earth.
“Da-ad,” Harry whined again.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” James slipped his phone into his pocket and took his son’s hand. Together they began walking to the red school building.”
When they finally found the right classroom, there was a young teacher in a pretty floral dress standing outside the classroom.
“Hello. I’m your new teacher, Ms. Evans.”
Harry half hid himself behind James’ leg. “I’m Harry Potter,” he said shyly.
Ms. Evans knelt down. “Hi Harry, do you like fingerpainting?”
“I haven’t tried it.”
“Would you like to?”
Harry nodded and came out from behind James’ legs.
“Good. I like people who try new things. I think we’ll be great friends. Do you know why?” Ms. Evans leaned in closer to Harry and whispered so softly James had to strain his ears to hear. “We both have green eyes.”
And sure enough, they both did have the same green eyes. It was uncanny, really. James didn’t know where Harry got his eyes from. He had only met Harry’s mother twice in his life – once for a quick screw in the club bathroom and then the day she dumped Harry in his arms – and both those times he hadn’t really paid attention to the colour of her eyes.
Ms. Evans’ eyes were beautiful - the kind you could write poetry about, the kind you could get lost in, the kind that could cure any ailment, the kind that could -
“We do!” Harry exclaimed loudly. Ms. Evans laughed. James shook himself out of his reverie.
“Well then,” she started saying and took Harry’s hand to lead him inside the class. “Let’s go.”
Harry walked a few steps before stopping.
“What’s wrong?” Ms. Evans looked down and frowned slightly at him.
“Can my Dad come too?” He asked timidly. “He’s my bestest friend.”
“Oh, no bud. Remember we discussed this - ” James began but Mrs. Evans cut him off.
“It’s fine, Mr. Potter. Parents are allowed to sit with their children today for an hour. It’s sort of an orientation class.” She turned her head to smile at a new mother-daughter duo. “I’m sorry, I have to greet the others. You can help Harry find his place, his name is stuck on it.” With a parting smile, she left.
James walked over to Harry to help him find his seat. They sat down and James asked Harry how he liked his new class.
“I like Ms. Evans,” Harry said decisively and turned to talk to the red haired boy next to him.
“Me too,” James agreed silently while watching the attractive teacher interact with her students.
James pulled out his phone to text his best friend, Sirius.
James Potter to Sirius Black: ill b 1 hour late orientation class with harry
Sirius Black: i’ll cover 4 u. as usual.
Sirius Black: how’s d lil bugger?
James Potter: he likes his new teacher
Sirius Black: she fit??????
James Potter: the fittest
James Potter: green eyes
Sirius Black: haha u r so fucked
James Potter: i kno
Ms. Evans wished everyone a Good Morning and he put his phone away.
“Welcome to kindergarten! Since it’s your first class I thought we could start with something fun. I’m going to give you all a white paper and some paints. You can use your fingerprints to make a cool picture with your parents. Does that sound fun?”
There were a few mumbled ‘yes’es, some remained silent but most talked amongst themselves.
She distributed the paper and gave each table a set of paints. Harry and James dipped their fingers in the various paints to make a pot of flowers. James’ huge thumbprints became the brown flowerpot and Harry’s tiny fingerprints became the colourful flowers.
“What pretty flowers,” Ms. Evans commented from behind James.
“Thanks Ms. Evans,” Harry beamed and proceeded to press his finger on the paper with a renewed zeal.
“It’s a pot of flowers because we’re the Potters. Get it?” James was awarded with a light tinkling laugh for his joke. His stomach swooped.
“Very clever.” She grinned before moving over to the next desk.
When it was time for the parents to leave Ms. Evans made announcement.
“On your child’s desk, I’ve kept a file for the parents. One set of papers are forms for emergency contacts, allergies and other such details. I would appreciate it if that form could be filled and handed over to the office in three days. Another paper has all my contact details. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any trouble.”
James found the blue file she was talking of and immediately flipped to her contact details.
Lily Evans
Phone Number: 7639847906
If you wish to meet with me in person, you may do so during the lunch break, 12:00 – 1:00.
James saved the number into his phone at once. For Harry’s sake only and not for any other reason.
(Yeah, right.)
As the weeks passed, Harry grew steadily fonder of Ms. Evans. It was Ms. Evans this and Ms. Evans that. Not that James minded. Not in the least. In fact, James too grew steadily fond of Ms. Evans with each of Harry’s stories about her, not to mention the small smiles she would give him when he picked up Harry from school.
One afternoon, as James was collecting Harry from school, Ms. Evans stopped him.
“Mr. Potter, I would like to talk to you for a minute.”
“Harry, why don’t you go draw me picture?” Ms. Evans suggested. She pulled out some crayons and a paper and settled Harry in a seat in the corner. She gestured for James to follow him to the teacher’s desk.
“Mr. Potter, I think your son needs glasses.”
“Yes, he has a hard time seeing the board. Perhaps this weekend you or your wife could take him to the ophthalmologist on Third Street.”
“I’m not married but will do. Thanks.”
Ms. Evans smiled at him and his brain turned to mush.
“Bye Harry,” Ms. Evans waved to them as they were leaving. “Goodbye Mr. Potter.”
James Potter to Lily Evans: i took Harry to d doc  
James Potter: u were right  
James Potter: he needs glasses
James Potter: btw this is james
James Potter: james potter
Lily Evans: if u were tryin to do bond james bond that was a MASSIVE FAILURE
Lily Evans: glad to help :)
James Potter: help show dat i’m a failure?
Lily Evans: NO. help harry.
Lily Evans: tho that was fun 2.
James Potter: i’m offended
James Potter to PETE HAS A DATE! The world ends at 8:30 tonight: she txts lyk me
James Potter: and congrats Pete
James Potter: what did u do
James Potter: blackmail her
Sirius Black: haha good one
Peter Pettigrew: i hate u both
Remus Lupin: Who texts like you?
Sirius Black: who else? harry’s teacher. the one he FANCIES
Peter Pettigrew: u r pathetic
Reums Lupin: I second that.
James Potter: she is a nice person with a cute cat
Remus Lupin: How do you know that?
James Potter: . . . . . . . . i found her ig
Sirius Black: fyi I’m facepalming
James Potter: she posts pics of her cat
James Potter: her bf
James Potter:  or her cat and bf
James Potter: her captions r puns and funny jokes
Peter Pettigrew: she has a boyfriend?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Remus Lupin: Again, you are pathetic.
Sirius Black: Say aye if u think Prongs is pathetic and needs a shag
Remus Lupin: aye
Peter Pettigrew: aye
Sirius Black: AYEEEEEE
James Potter: NAYYYYYYYY
James Potter: @marmarlovesbonbons
Sirius Black changed group name to James Potter is the new CEO of Stalker™
James Potter changed group name to NO I’M NOT
Remus Lupin: It’s not too late. You can still get help.
James Potter: blocked
James Potter: gtg harry spilled milk
Remus Lupin: Good riddance.
On Monday morning James dropped Harry bright and early unlike most days on which they managed to reach in the nick of time. In fact Harry was the third in class; the other two were a boy with blonde hair and a girl with bushy brown hair who James recognized as Hermione Granger and one of Harry’s best friends.
“You’re early,” Ms. Evans said. Then she noticed Harry’s new glasses.  “You got glasses!”
“They’re just like my Dad’s.” Harry said proudly. Harry had chosen the round, wire-rimmed spectacles despite the doctor telling him he looked adorable in the glasses with the green, rectangular frames.
“You look handsome, just like your Dad.”
“Thanks, Ms. Evans,” Harry beamed. “I’m going to show Hermione my new glasses. Bye Dad!” Harry quickly walked up to Hermione, leaving the two adults alone.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I think Harry’s cute.”
“No, I don’t think that’s what you said. You said that Harry looks handsome, just like his dad.”
A slight flush coloured her cheeks, making her look very appealing. “I’ve got lessons to plan,” she said in a small voice and turned away from James, purposefully ducking her head.
James laughed.
James Potter to The Lads and the Dad: she thinks i’m handsome
Remus Lupin: Not this again.
Sirius Black: poor ms. evans
Sirius Black: I didn’t kno she was blind.
Peter Pettigrew: ahahahaHAHAHAHAHAH
James Potter removed Sirius Black
Remus Lupin added Sirius Black
Sirius Black removed James Potter
Sirius Black changed group name to The Lads
Remus Lupin added James Potter
James Potter changed group name to The Lads and the HANDSOME Dad
Remus Lupin removed James Potter
“I want chocolate fudge,” Harry told Sirius.
It was Sirius’ birthday and Harry, James and all his friends were out at the ice cream parlor in a mall. The mall was a shoddy building which had once been the office of a company that went bankrupt. Nobody cared for the mall much but it was home to the best ice cream parlor in the world, namely Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.
Before Harry was born, all the lads would have gone to a pub and gotten completely sloshed. But the last time they did that, Harry was conceived. Now they stuck to ice cream parlors and arcades.
“For me too,” Remus added while Peter nodded in agreement.
“You’re buying your own ice cream. I’m only sponsoring the little twerp,” Sirius said and ruffled Harry’s hair goodnaturedly.
“Harry, what did Ms. Evans teach you yesterday?” Peter asked.
“That we must be kind and help those in need.”
“Don’t you think Uncle Sirius should be kind and help those in need?” Remus pursued.
“And how can he help us?” asked Peter.
“By buying everyone ice cream.” Harry said. Peter and Remus smirked, James laughed, Sirius grumbled words which made James smack him over the head.
James, Harry and Peter found a table by the window while Sirius and Remus went to order the ice cream. James fiddled with his phone as Peter taught Harry how to make a swan out of the cheap paper napkins on the table. James didn’t pay much attention until Harry shouted, “Ms. Evans!”
James turned to look where Harry was looking. Ms. Evans stood by a nearby table, a shopping bag in one hand and the other hand balanced her vanilla ice cream. She wasn’t wearing the skirts or dresses that James was accustomed to seeing her in but was wearing ratty jeans and a t-shirt that advertised her love for The Beatles. James decided that Lily Evans was the type of person who looked good in anything she wore.
Ms. Evans saw them and smiled in recognition. She walked over to the table where they sat.
“Hello Harry, what are you doing here?”
“It’s Uncle Sirius’ birthday.”
“Well, tell him I say Happy Birthday.”
“Look! He’s over there.” Harry pointed to where Sirius and Remus were making their way back to the table.
They set down the ice cream.  Harry was happy to ignore the grown-ups around him and dug into his ice cream.
“Happy Birthday,” Ms. Evans warmly wished Sirius.
“Thanks,” Sirius replied chirpily. “You must be Ms. Evans.”
“How did you know?”
“Harry talks of you all the time.” Sirius pointedly looked at James as he said the last three words. James ignored him.
“He talks of you too.”
Peter, who had finished making his swan, tuned into the conversation. “Wait, you’re Ms. Evans?”
“Yes, Pete. Please keep up,” Sirius commented.
“The one and only,” she grinned.
“Cheers. You got us free ice cream.”
“Erm, thanks.” Ms. Evans seemed confused. “I think.”
“Don’t worry. It’s a compliment.” Remus said.
“I should hope so. You must be Uncle Remus.”
“I should hope so,” Remus echoed and Lily laughed.
James finally seemed to find his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Why Mr. Potter, are you one of those people who believe teachers live in school?”
“Uh, no?” James said almost as if he was doubtful.
“I ran out of Ribena,” she shrugged.
Sirius grinned at the mention of his favourite non-alcoholic drink. “I like her.”
Just then a tall, blonde woman joined Ms. Evans and James recognised her at once. “The paper towels in the loo are shi-” she began to say.
“Marlene,” Ms. Evans cut in. Her eyes pointed to Harry who was examining the new lady inquisitively. “This is my student, Harry, his father and various uncles.”
“Oh hello,” she mumbled sheepishly. The others just nodded. “The paper towels in the loo are shitake mushrooms.”
“Shitake mushrooms?” Harry asked curiously.
“Yeah, I hate shitake mushrooms. Bleh.” She screwed up her face to make an exaggerated, funny face.
Harry giggled. “I hate onions. They make your mouth smelly.” He then resumed eating his ice cream and tuned out of the conversation.
“Are you @marmarlovesbonbons?” Sirius asked.
“Yes.” Marlene narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him and even Ms. Evans regarded him questioningly.
It was mark of their friendship that Sirius didn’t even wince when James stomped on his foot; he had been anticipating it.
“I think you came on my suggested once,” Sirius explained.
“Right,” Marlene replied dubiously. She turned to Ms. Evans. “I think we’d better go, Lily.”
“Yeah. Nice meeting you,” Ms. Evans told the boys. “Goodbye Mr. Potter. I’ll see you for the parent-teacher meeting on Monday. Bye Harry!”
There were ‘Byes and ‘Goodbyes’ said in a variety of tones from all around the table. James watched her leave until the last strand of her auburn hair disappeared from sight.
“I like Ms. Evans’ friend,” Harry declared as he finished his cup of ice cream.
“Do you like Ms. Evans?” Sirius had a devious glint in his stormy eyes.
“I love Ms. Evans.”
“Your Dad likes Ms. Evans too.”
“Sirus,” James warned but Sirius ignored him.
“How would you feel if they got married?” Sirius persisted.
“You mean Ms. Evans would be my Mummy? That would be so cool.” Harry was thrilled. “Dad, are you going to marry Ms. Evans?”
“No, Harry. Your Uncle Sirius is just being stupid.”
“Harry! James said a bad word. Take five quid from him.”
“Stupid is not a bad word,” Harry said sagely
“What?” Sirius cried. “Last week I gave you two pounds for saying stupid.”
“Ms. Evans says stupid.”
“She says ‘stupid chalk’, ‘stupid shoes’, ‘stupid pencil’, ‘stupid stapler’ . . .” Harry went on.
Stupid became James’ new favourite word.
Come Monday afternoon, James felt jittery. He had never felt this anxious for a parent-teacher meeting, not even when his parents were called to the principal’s office after he flooded the school hallway.
As usual, he was one of the last parents to arrive. Ms. Evans was talking to a mother and father, while two children were playing with legos in the corner of the classroom, one of them being his own son. When James entered, Ms. Evans finished talking to the other parents. She gestured for James to sit in the seats the other couple had occupied moments before.
“Good Afternoon, Mr. Potter.”
On an impulse he said, “James.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You can call me James.”
“All right then,” Ms. Evans smiled and she stuck her hand out, “I’m Lily.”
James shook her hand and it was as soft as he had expected. “Nice to meet you ,Lily.”
“Harry is a good kid. He’s friendly with his classmates though at times he fights with Draco.”
“That kid deserves it,” James said darkly. He had heard all the stories of Draco cutting in line and Draco stealing Neville’s ball.
“Be that as it may,” Lily continued, amused. “Fighting with students is frowned upon. Harry is also very curious about the world but perhaps it would be best to teach him that living animals belong outside and not in his pocket.”
James laughed. And then shuddered. He remembered having to scrape out a dead lizard form Harry’s pockets when he was doing the laundry yesterday.
“Another thing I’d like to discuss is that lately Harry has taken to calling me Mum.”
James cringed.
“I know it must be difficult without a mother but no matter what I say he isn’t stopping.”
“That’s just a joke between him and Sirius.”
Well. . . what to say? What to say, indeed.
“Sirius might have told Harry that I like you.”
“Oh?” Her expression remained unreadable.
“Yeah.” Now that that was out in the open, James might as well expose all his cards. “In fact, I really like you and would love it if you’d grab some lunch with me.”
James was hyper aware of everything as the seconds dragged on –the way Lily’s lips had parted ever so slightly, the way her eyes had widened fractionally, the way his palms were becoming disgustingly sweaty and how dry his throat was becoming.
“I’m sorry,” Lily finally said apologetically. “There’s a rule that teachers can’t date their students’ parents.” James’ face must have shown disappointment because she quickly amended, “And I’m not just making an excuse. I genuinely like you too.”
James brightened at that admission.
“But I’d like to stick to the rules,” she finished.
James leaned over the table separating them. “But would you be open to a date when Harry’s in grade one?”
Lily smiled coyly, “Maybe.”
“I’m going to take that as a yes.”
She laughed and Harry, who was now the only student in the classroom, came running to know what was so funny.
“Nothing, Harry. Ms. Evans and I just made a deal.” James and Lily shared a secret smile.
“That you’re going to get married?”
Lily sputtered a bit behind the desk but James didn’t take his eyes off her while answering Harry.
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I actually want to go take a walk and do something of the things I used to do and hang out in Brooklin...who am I????
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