#i live right next to the technical college so i went in
stupidpunk · 1 year
I just enrolled in college 🥴
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nadvs · 3 months
Would you ever write reader and rafe running into ty at a frat party or something a few years into college and how that would go down? Or just what would ever happen if they saw him again?
omg yes!! rafe is so protective that he doesn’t even give ty a chance to see her 😭
set in the home before dark universe
she would be unable to erase the date ty’s set to be released from prison from her mind. at that point, she graduated and is working and engaged and living with rafe and every time she sees the date on her phone even weeks leading up to when he’ll be let out, she feels like she’s just as scared as she was the night he broke in.
the day before, she mentions it to rafe. he remembered. he hoped she didn’t. he can see the emptiness in her gaze. it’s the same look he saw when she went to the police to file the restraining order, the same look he saw throughout the trial. it’s like she gets so scared that her mind goes blank to keep her from losing it.
he loves her too much to allow her to relive any of it.
rafe calls the lawyer who helped her through the case, asking what to do if ty tries to contact his fiancée. she tells him the protective order has lapsed at this point and ty technically can be in her vicinity, can even talk to her, and he wouldn’t be breaking any laws.
rafe is fuming. but he’s not surprised. he always found the law to be senseless. and he knows he’ll have to take matters into his own hands.
within a day, rafe tracks him down. night has just fallen as he pounds on ty’s front door, in a rundown dingy apartment building on the south side of the island, purposely covering the peephole.
when ty opens the door, he wavers in fear, trying to swing the door shut but rafe already has a foot in the space.
ty shuffles backwards, clearly terrified of the man who shot him years ago.
“what do you want?” he asks rafe, trying to sound steady. “what are you doing here?”
“you need to leave town,” rafe tells him. “do you understand? go wherever the fuck you want. i don’t give a shit where. but leave.”
rafe feels the side of him he hasn’t felt in a long time coming out. pure rage boils through him. he could kill this man for the mark he left on the love of his life. he could do it with his bare hands.
“you think i don’t want to?” ty says, up against a wall now. “my parents cut me off after… listen, i don’t want to be here. everyone knows me. they know what happened. i’d love to get off this fucking island. but this is all i can afford right now.”
rafe considers him, his fists clenched at his sides. and he realizes things are different now. he can’t just give into his aggressive impulses whenever he wants. his choices affect her. he’s building a life with her.
he could kill ty. honestly, he would. but to put her through the consequences of committing a crime like that isn’t worth it for rafe. no matter how much he loathes the person he’s looking at right now.
“how much?” rafe asks through gritted teeth. “how much for you to be gone for good?”
he wants to die at the thought of giving anything to ty, but really, he knows he’s giving something to her.
ty mutters a price, more than enough for transportation to the mainland and presumably a few months of rent, but it’s hardly pocket change to rafe. he tells him he’ll wire it to him and that he needs to be gone by tomorrow night.
then, rafe steps closer to him, grabbing his collar, staring at his frightened eyes.
“if i see you around here,” rafe threatens, “if i even hear about you around here, and i swear to god, if you try to get near her, i’ll kill you. do you understand?”
“yeah,” ty says shakily. “yeah. i understand.”
rafe gets home to his fiancée that night, finding her in front of the tv. she’s still not entirely herself, clearly on edge.
“hey,” she says. “where were you?”
rafe leans down, sitting next to her.
“you never have to worry about him again,” he says.
“rafe…” she says, face dropping in worry, immediately knowing who he’s talking about.
“i didn’t do anything to him,” he says. “but you won’t see him around. he’s leaving the island.”
“h-how?” she stammers.
“how about this?” rafe says, shifting closer to her. “how about i promise you that he’s gone and we never have to talk about him again? it’s like he never existed, alright?”
her eyes sweep over his face, her breathing suddenly fast.
“okay,” she finally whispers. she trusts in him wholeheartedly.
rafe confirms that ty is gone the next day, his apartment already up for rent.
for the next few weeks, he doesn’t let his girl out of his sight. he hires a private investigator, who finds ty on living in the mainland like he said he would be.
eventually, rafe can breathe easy. and when he sees her slowly acting like herself again, unafraid to go out into public, he knows he did his job.
he has always wanted to take care of her. even when they were just a couple of kids. he’ll keep her safe until his last day on earth. and by the way she falls asleep curled up to him every night, he can tell that she knows she’s protected.
as they lie in bed, her hand is on his chest, and he wonders if she knows that every one of the heartbeats she’s feeling is for her.
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cowgurrrl · 8 months
Lavender Girl
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: A field trip [4.7k]
Warnings: financial stress, school fight, June once again introduces an ex, having a muse is creepy and weird, flirting that’s not flirting but it’s not not flirting, June putting her art history knowledge to work
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Most days, you're a good teacher. A teacher that students want to eat lunch with or inadvertently include in their silly TikToks. Most days, you're patient and kind and only have to raise your voice a handful of times, if only to be heard over the blanket volume level of teenage conversation. Today is not one of those days. "Guys!" You yell, pausing the music on your computer and turning to look at your class, obviously annoyed. "We're supposed to be talking about Picasso. I don't know why I'm hearing so much conversation about lunch." It's a lie. There was a fight between two students at lunch. It'd also been the topic of conversation in the teacher's lounge, but still.
"Miss, we already talked about Picasso!" One of your kids bemoans, and you raise your eyebrows at them. 
"So, if I asked you right now, you could tell me what historical event his painting Guernica is supposed to depict?" You ask. The entire class goes silent as you wait for a response that never comes, and you sigh. "Please, do your work."
The day started with getting yet another email from another gallery, this time from down south, telling you they loved your work but not enough to showcase or buy it. Then, a text from your manager letting you know that paychecks will be late because of technical issues with the system, even though you're already beyond broke. Then, a sad text from Andie about how she's feeling homesick and misses you and wishes you could get on a plane to come see her. Then, to top it all off, an email from your ex, Henry, popped up the second you pulled into the school. 
Hey, long time, no talk! I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and let you know I've got an exhibition going up later next week and wanted to invite you to the opening. It's about-
You didn't read any further, anger and a wave of past emotions drowning you before you could. You and Henry were together all throughout college. You met during a freshman art class and were inseparable after that. He was tall, sensitive, and had a penchant for listening to country music when he worked, leading to many delirious nights spent crooning to Emmy-Lou Harris together. He surprised you with new paint and spontaneous trips to scenic parts of Texas to fuel your inspiration. You were happy for a long time. You even thought you'd marry him at one point. He wanted to be the next young, groundbreaking artist, making you his muse, no matter how many times you tried to assure him you were also an artist. Your work would go up in galleries and exhibitions, and everyone in your small program would gossip about the two of you. "He's so talented. It's insane," you heard one of your classmates say once. "And she's so beautiful." 
The compliment dug under your skin and stayed there as your relationship failed. You didn't want to be a muse anymore. You stopped letting him paint you in various states of undress and started asking for more alone time to work on your own stuff. You went from being the perfect, polished doll he could position however he wanted and started living in your paint-stained jeans and old, ratty shirt. You started arguing more and more, first about little things like why he left his paint water cups everywhere, and then about big things like your decision to pursue teaching and the "inspiration" he found in an impressionable freshman. He suddenly moved out after graduation without a word, leaving you to nurse your wounds in a half-empty apartment for the rest of your lease, and you hadn't heard from him until this morning. 
There's something more than the sting of hearing from him all these years later that bothers you. You're a high school art teacher struggling to make ends meet, and he's doing exactly what he set out to do. He's getting his work in front of his eyes and receiving praise for it. "Why do you wanna be a teacher when you can just be an artist?" He asked you one morning as you studied for your certification exams. "Or, at least, an artist's wife." 
"And what if I'm not good at that?" You asked. "Then what? I'm just supposed to be your muse for the rest of my life? Have kids to fuel someone else's inspiration and have no time for my own work? Wither away while you go on to make art and give talks and become a cynic? Fuck that." 
You stand by what you said, even all these years later, but there is an irony in that, even as a teacher, you don't have time to do your own work. Still, fuck that. The bell rings and signals the end of another class, and you quickly stand as students start packing up their stuff. "Okay, guys. Remember, your art history essay is due in two weeks! I'm excited to read all about everything you've learned since we started this unit. I love you, and please make good choices." You announce, hoping that at least some of them are listening to you, as they spill out of the classroom and the next students stream in. Ellie's sweet face is a welcome reprieve when she walks in. 
"Hey Bellie! How's your day going, kiddo?" You ask, and she smiles. You'll swear up and down all day that you don't have favorite students, but if you did, Ellie would be one of them. 
"Good. I have my signed permission slip for the art club field trip." She says. After your experience with Joel outside the bar, you couldn't sleep and knocked out all the field trip paperwork before falling asleep on your couch. But you weren't safe from his lips and broad shoulders, even in your subconscious. 
"Oh, my hero! I've been meaning to remind everyone about those. Thanks for getting that in so quickly." You say as she hands the paper to you, Joel's scribbly signature at the bottom. Somehow, you're not surprised that the box indicating he wants to be a chaperone is ticked. "Perfect. Your dad knows when the field trip is?" 
"Yeah. He wrote it down on his calendar and everything." She says, rolling her eyes fondly, and you laugh.
"Well, good, because I'm gonna need all the help I can get when I'm dealing with you guys."
"Hey!" She feigns offense as the bell rings, signaling the end of the passing period, and the last of your students comes running in. Ellie takes her seat near the front, and you grab your silly, colorful pointer to talk about Guernica, which is still proudly displayed on the board. After a quick art history lesson, you release them to work on the projects they've been working on for a week now. They still have a few more days before it's due, so more than half of them are slacking off quietly, which you're fine with. As long as you get a finished assignment at the end, they can do whatever they want.
You play quiet music as they work to help them focus and answer some emails. One email that catches your attention is from the parent of one of your students, Dalton, who's an amazing football player but is less than passionate about art, to say the least. You emailed his dad to let him know he was missing some assignments and could still turn them in late for only a slight penalty, but if he turns in nothing at all, you'll have no choice but to fail him. You also CC'd the football coach so he'd know the academic standing of one of his star players. Needless to say, you've been subject to a few not-so-nice emails from all parties involved. 
Once you're done firing off another round of emails, you decide to step away from your computer so you don't have to see the next reply until absolutely necessary. Walking around the room to answer questions, give opinions, or just hear what's happening in students' lives always makes you feel better. In one period, you helped a handful of students put the finishing touches on their projects, heard the latest gossip, and talked one of your girls out of sending a nasty text to the boy who just broke her heart. And they say teachers aren't important. 
The second you get a little bit of peace during your planning period, your phone buzzes with a notification. Given all the notifications and messages you've received today, you're hesitant to even pull it out of your pocket. But curiosity wins, and you open your phone to find a text from an unsaved number.
Is there anything I should bring to the field trip? Snacks, gum, alcohol?
You laugh to yourself and start typing a message back. 
Alcohol won't be necessary, but it might be good to bring some lunch and a few snacks. I think we're gonna try to have a picnic or something at the museum. 
Yes, ma'am.
You still feeling up to chaperone? Teenagers are no joke.
Do I need to remind you that I've raised two? I think I can handle a few more.
Oh, I can't wait to see this.
It can't be that hard, right?
On the day of the field trip, it turns out to be that hard. The only adults accompanying twenty teenagers to the museum are you and Joel. They're excited to be out of school and doing something new, but you can feel your migraine starting before you even get on the bus. Thankfully, the ride to the museum (and the traffic) calms them down, and they're more manageable by the time you arrive. A curator meets you outside the front doors and begins by walking your group through the outdoor sculptures, giving a little bit of history of the museum and the pieces themselves. The kids ask insightful questions and take turns snapping photos or even sketching a rough outline of the piece before moving on to the next. You stay at the front of the group while Joel manages the middle and back, silencing kids with a stern look. You fight a smile when you catch him and Ellie lingering at a sculpture, whispering to each other before he urges her forward and takes a sweet picture of her smiling in front of it. 
After the initial walk of the grounds, you stop to have lunch in a sunny garden and listen to the kids gush about their favorite part so far and what paintings they're most excited to see inside. 
"Miss, what's your favorite thing here?" Kayla asks.
"I like Dream Village by Chagall. If you find it before me, you'll have to let me know." You say. "Do you have a favorite?"
"Not yet. Maybe I'll find it today." Kayla says.
"I like that attitude!"
"Kissass." Jacob coughs, and you both give him a look. You can feel Joel's eyes burning a hole in the back of your head as you stare at Jacob.
"What's my policy?" 
"Are you really gonna make me say it?"
"Yep." You say, and he sighs.
"You can be anything you want to be, but you're not allowed to be a dick." He mumbles.
"Exactly. So, please, be nice," you say as you fish around in your lunch box for something. "Here, have a cookie. It might help make you feel a little better." He mutters a little thanks and unwraps it, already in a better mood after one bite, and you smile. 
"You just carry around cookies, waiting for a kid to be in a bad mood?" Joel asks, and you turn to look at him. He's wearing a plain blue t-shirt and jeans with sunglasses sitting atop his head, but you think it might be your favorite thing he's worn in your presence. You like it when he wears color.
"It was my cookie, but he needs it more than I do," you shrug. "Besides, things like that are a great morale booster. It's hard to be grumpy when you've got something sweet." 
"I'm inclined to agree with you." He quips a little too smoothly, his eyes flicking across your face and down to your lips, and you feel your cheeks getting hot. Thankfully, all the kids have returned to their own conversations and couldn't care less about what the Adults are talking about. 
"You're relentless." You whisper.
"Do you want me to stop?" He whispers back, and you sigh. If you were a stronger or better person, you might be able to think fast enough to come up with a response, but you're not. So, you just look at him and rack your brain for something to say but come up empty. "That's what I thought." He smiles and offers you his sweating Dr. Pepper can as a peace offering. You roll your eyes at his smug look but take a sip anyway. 
Once everyone is done eating, you all stand and make your way into the museum lobby, the kids already chattering about what they want to see. 
"Okay, you guys are free to roam but please, please, please remember that you're representing not only the school but also me. Be respectful and kind, and please don't act like you've never been in public before, okay? Go, be free." You say before the kids split off into their little groups with their obligatory activity in hand. Ellie stays near Joel, only a little shy, until Kayla turns around suddenly and waves her on.
"Ellie, c'mon!" She says. Ellie takes a few steps in her direction before turning to look back at Joel.
"Go. I'll be okay." He says.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Now go. Have fun." She doesn't need any more encouragement after that and skitters off with the rest of the kids, leaving you and Joel alone in the atrium. 
"She's doing really well." You tell him even though he can clearly see for himself. 
"Thanks to you." 
"All I did was give her a push."
"Take the credit. You deserve it." He says, his lips pulling into that award-winning smile. 
You fall into silence as you walk through the different galleries, Joel never too far behind you. Sometimes, he'll start at the opposite end of the room and work his way down until you meet in the middle, making a deliberate effort to bump your shoulder or hand as he passes. Other times, he'll stay right next to you, and, for some reason, it doesn't bother you. You like being so close to him and feeling his eyes work over the piece like it's a puzzle he doesn't quite know how to work. When he can't stand the quiet anymore, he'll whisper a question to you about the artist or the history, his breathing fanning out across your neck and making the hair there stand on end. 
After moving through a big part of the museum together, you and Joel end up at the same painting as the dull hum of voices fills the space between you. You smile to yourself, practically hearing him trying to find something to say as he stands there and observes how the lines of bright colors follow each other. Some are stark and almost resemble lightning in how they move around the canvas, but others are muted, blended together with careful precision and patience. It's hard to imagine what West Texas could've been like in 1953, but this makes it a little easier.
"What's this one supposed to mean?" Joel mumbles, leaning ever so conspicuously into you. 
"I can't tell you." You mumble back, and he finally turns to look at you head-on. You meet his eyes with an amused smile, and he shakes his head at you.
"You're really not gonna tell me?"
"I can't tell you what art is supposed to mean to you. I can't tell anyone that." 
"But, you're a teacher."
"If you're asking me for an art history lesson, I'd be happy to help, but that's about all I can do for you."
"'S cruel and unusual punishment."
"If art and culture are cruel and unusual punishment, why'd you sign up to chaperone?"
"Maybe I wanted to see my friend," he says, bumping you with his shoulder, and you laugh a little too hard. "What? We can't be friends? Is there a school policy against that, too?" 
"Nope, no school policy. I just," You pause and revel in how enraptured he looks at every movement, pause, and breath you take. "I already have friends, so..."
"Oh, and you're 'fraid of bein' too popular?"
"Famously." You say, and he chuckles next to you. You go back to staring at the painting quietly with him so close you can feel his body heat. You're the one to break this time, knocking him with your shoulder to get his attention again. You didn't need to. When you glance at him, you see his focus is on you, not the painting. "It's Texas. Canyon, to be more precise. Up by Amarillo where there's nothing but cattle and desert. O'Keeffe taught out there for a few years and wanted to paint something that showed how big the West is. It's supposed to make you feel like you're two feet tall and seeing the sky for the first time. For her, it might've been the first time in a long time she'd gotten to see a sunset that big. So, she painted it so other people could enjoy sunsets like that. It's like a love letter." 
"How d'you do that?" He asks once you're finished explaining, and you furrow your eyebrows. 
"Do what?" 
"Make little things seem so beautiful." He answers easily, like you asked him what color the sky is. You don't know what to say. What are you supposed to say to something like that?
"'S just what art does." You shrug and break away from his gaze to look at the painting, if only to not feel him staring into your soul.
"No, it's what you do to it. 'S why those kids love you so damn much. You make everythin' feel like a masterpiece, even the little things." He's not flirting. He's not trying to persuade you to do one thing over another. He's genuine and heartfelt. You swear you would start crying if you had a little less sleep. You take a deep breath and lean into him for half a second, just enough to feel his body against yours, before standing upright again.
"Thank you." 
"It's what friends are for," he says, leaning into you in return. "I should make sure they haven't seized the museum or anythin'."
"Oh, I can do it. You're a guest."
"And you work too hard," he stops you. "Take a break and enjoy what you love. The world won't end if you take some time for yourself." If ever there were awards to be given out for sweet talking, you think Joel Miller would win all of them. 
"Okay," you say, and he walks behind you to move on to the next section. "You really wanna be my friend?" You ask before he can fully pass behind you, looking at him over your shoulder. He smiles devastatingly, light sparkling in his eyes, and nods.
"I really wanna be your friend." He says softly, his voice low and rumbling in his chest. He lingers for a second or two before finally making his way to the group of students, leaving you to scrutinize the painting you've been staring at for God knows how long.
The day crawls to an uneventful close, with you forcing all the students to take a picture in front of the museum for the yearbook. Joel takes your phone out of your hand and all but pushes you in the photo, and your students lovingly welcome you into their little group. In exchange, you grab Joel's phone and take cute pictures of him and Ellie for their own memories. They smile almost identically, and Ellie makes a fake annoyed face when Joel kisses her temple. Your fingers brush against each other when you hand it back, and for a second, you can feel the callouses from his job. It feels like unlocking a new piece of him or a new quirk. 
Too bad this isn't a date. Too bad nothing can ever come of this. Too bad you had to meet this way. Too bad. Too bad. 
The ride home is quiet and full of the clinking of backpacks and new souvenirs. When you get to the school, parents are waiting in the parking lot with fast food dinners and excited ears to hear all about their days. Almost everyone immediately slinks home, tired and happy, before you can even get close to the school doors. Almost everyone. Joel and Ellie help you carry your backpack and some things you bought for teaching purposes at the museum into your classroom. The school is virtually deserted, and you return to your room to find all the lamps flipped off and mostly positive notes from the sub. 
"Dad, what are we gonna do for dinner?" Ellie groans as you sit in your chair and open your email quickly before you can pack up the rest of your stuff. Their dinner debate becomes background noise as you find your inbox full of annoyed messages from Dalton's parents, coaches, and even Principal Martinez regarding his grades. Under all that vitriol sits Henry's half-read message about his gallery opening, and you feel the perfect bubble of your day burst around you. Joel and Ellie seem to realize it because they're both quiet when you tune back into their conversation, and you turn in your chair to look at them. 
"Are you okay?" Ellie asks, and you snap out of it, putting on your best teacher everything-is-fine face.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just some emails. It's not important." You wave her off, but Joel isn't so easily convinced. He thinks for a second before pulling his keys out of his pocket and handing them to Ellie. 
"Go get some practice driving." He says, jerking his head toward the door, and Ellie's eyes light up.
"Just bring the car to the front, and don't hit anything!" He says, but she's already taken off with the keys and her stuff in an excited whirlwind. You laugh at her enthusiasm, and Joel leans against one of the desks near you, crossing his arms in front of him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." 
"Your whole face fell when you opened that computer." 
"It's nothing." 
"If we're gonna be friends, you're gonna have to tell me if somethin's wrong otherwise I can't help you." He says, and you fight a smile. 
"I don't know how you're gonna help me with this one." You say. He bumps your foot with his and gives you a pleading look. Big brown eyes on men like him should be illegal, you think.
"Talk to me." He begs quietly, and you take a deep breath.
"When I was in college, I dated this guy. He was an artist, too, and we were like the little power couple of our program. Things ended kinda badly and abruptly, and I hadn't heard from him since graduation until last week when he invited me to his gallery opening. I really don't want to go alone because, honestly, I haven't been able to get anything showcased in years, and I'm embarrassed. Plus, he broke my heart and made me feel like shit for a few years." You can't stop the words from falling from you once the dam is broken, but Joel doesn't flinch.
"Well, you've got friends to go with, right?"
"I do," you say. "But I want to invite you."
"Oh." He says, seemingly unintentionally.
"Oh." You repeat. "You can say no. I just thought... since we're friends and all now."
"I just... I don't..." he struggles before finally giving in to what he wants to say, what you think he's wanted to say all day. "I don't think I'm smart enough to go to somethin' like that. I don't know anythin' about art. I don't even know how to dress for those kinda things."
"Nobody knows anything about art. Not really, at least. Especially not Henry."
"You do."
"Then I'll stick with you all night and feed you lines about composition or some shit," you say. "And you just wear a nice shirt and some slacks. Maybe a suit jacket if you're feeling snazzy. It's really not as big a deal as people make it seem. We'll go, drink wine, say something about the colors, play nice, and then we'll leave. I'll have you home by 9:30. Earlier if you really hate it that much." He rolls his neck like he's rattling something around in his head or thinking about your offer, and all you can do is watch him and the way his Adam's apple pressing against the delicate skin of his throat. You're convinced he's gonna say no.
"Are you asking me on a date?" He finally asks, and you laugh.
"Not a date."
"Sounds like a date. You even promised to have me home to my girl at a reasonable time."
"Fine, it's a friend date."
"A friend date?" He raises his eyebrows at you, and you nod. 
"It's perfectly normal to go on friend dates, Miller. You're just behind on the times."
"Seems like I am. Maybe you can bring me up to speed during the gallery opening?" He says, and your shoulders drop in relief. "I'll pick you up if you agree to help me not look like an idiot."
"You won't look like an idiot." 
"Not with you there, I won't." He says, and you want to laugh, but you also want to tear up a little at his kindness. It's been a long week. 
"Thank you, Joel. Really. I owe you." You say, and he nods. 
"'S my pleasure," he says. For a minute, you two just stare at each other in your empty classroom like teenagers with an obvious crush. You think that's what you feel like. You think that's all you'll ever be able to feel for him. "I should go. I've got an impatient teenager waitin' for me." 
"Yeah. Go get her some dinner, and I'll text you the details." You say as you stand to walk him out. He stands to his full height, opens his arms, and approaches you. You didn't think you were hugging territory, but as his arms wrapped around you, you couldn't help but hug him back.  
"Goodnight." He says into your hair, lingering for another moment before disappearing as fast as he appeared. 
"Goodnight," you say. With that, he starts walking to the open door with a smile stuck to his face. "Hey, Joel," you call before he can step over the threshold, and he turns around to look at you. "Art is for everyone, and even if it wasn't, you're more than smart enough to enjoy it."
"Yes, ma'am." He says with a half-salute and a wink before stepping out of your classroom. You let yourself rest against your desk and take a deep breath. Finally, you let yourself pull out your phone and read the rest of Henry's email detailing the time and place of the gallery. 
I hope you can come. It would really mean a lot to me. I miss talking to you and even though things ended the way they did, I still love you.
See you soon,
Henry Hall
"Fuck that."
TAGLISR: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk
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7ndipity · 1 year
Roommates with Jin(College au)
Jin x Reader
Summary: Headcanon list and blurb about moving in/being roommates with Jin
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I started it as a drabble, but couldn’t decide on a single idea, so I made it a hc list instead, I hope that's alright. Also, big thanks to everyone for your patience as I slowly catch up on requests.
Requests are open
Moving in together was technically his idea, after your roommate announced they were transferring and you were stressing about finding a new one
“What if I just move in?” He’d all but blurted one evening over dinner, leaving you to nearly choke on your drink before gaping at him.
You’d only been dating for about six months, so you definitely had some concerns about moving too fast, but you couldn’t deny that the idea was a lot more appealing than living with a potential stranger, so ultimately you agreed.
He was so happy when you said yes, practically skipping to buy packing supplies.
The two of you fell into habit with each other surprisingly fast, balancing out tasks and chores almost without thought.
He makes sure you wake up on time in the morning, you make his coffee. He takes the trash out, you do the vacuuming. Etc…
You’re friends joke that you’ve become the parents of the group, bc there’s always someone sleeping over on your couch or staying for dinner(and by someone, I mean usually Jungkook)
Which reminds me, he’s a really good cook(he jokes that he almost went to culinary school instead of majoring in film) He was lowkey horrified by the amount of instant ramen and takeout you’d been surviving on previously, so your diet definitely improved when he moved in.
Half of your conversations are yelled because you’re on opposite ends of the appartment and refuse to walk through the house to find each other.(yeah, the neighbors kinda hate you, but it’s just Joon and Yoongi, so it’s nbd)
Late night cram sessions, where one or both of you are almost falling asleep on the other’s shoulder, but you won’t just go on to bed because you’re trying to be supportive.
Movie nights that he claims count as studying for him(even tho you’re like 99% sure his professor didn’t assign Shrek 2 as viewing material)
Being able to find each other's things, but never your own.
Going all out for holiday decorations, but you have to agree on them before purchsing bc one time you bought one of those motion activated figures for Halloween without telling him and he almost had a heart attack and punched it in the face.
Groaning as you set down the last box, you staggered over to where Jin sat unpacking another box before sliding down to sit next to him on the floor with a soft thud.
“Is that the last of it?” He asked.
“Yep, everythings here.” You slumped against his shoulder, “Ugh, I’m so tired. I think I went up and down those stairs two hundred times.”
“Hey, look.” Jin nudged you as he looked around at the disorganized mix of furniture and boxes scattered throughout the space.
“We did it. We’re in our apartment.” He said, grinning at you proudly.
“Yeah, we are.” You agreed, returning his smile.
”This is our living room. That’s our bedroom, our bathroom.” He pointed as he spoke.
“We have a kitchen too.” You noted.
“You wanna cook dinner together in our kitchen?” He asked, raising a brow at you.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” You sighed, falling back on the floor dramatically. “Can we just go to bed?”
“Fine by me.” He chuckled, getting to his feet and turning to face you. Rather than helping you up, however, he simply grabbed hold of your ankles and began pulling you across the floor.
“What are you doing?!” You squealed.
“Taking you to bed.” He said. “I can’t carry you right now, my back hurts.”
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for cooking meth with my former chemistry student, killing two people, and lying to my family about it?
I (50M) was recently diagnosed with inoperable, likely fatal lung cancer. I work at a highschool as a chemistry teacher, but both the pay and the students are terrible. Case in point, my "lab partner" (24M) - who we'll call "Cap'n" because of course he'd insist on a stupid nickname like that - not only completely flunked my class, but then went on to skip college entirely and become a meth-addicted drug dealer instead.
Understandably, I was a little shaken after receiving my diagnosis. It came as a surprise since I've never smoked, I keep myself in relatively fair health, etc. (Recently my wife has taken to vegan bacon- apparently it helps lower cholesterol, but I digress.) I haven't told my family about the situation yet; I'm still trying to figure out how to "let the cat out of the bag", not to mention I doubt my wife will take it very well.
As for deciding to try cooking methamphetamine, well. I'm not really sure how to explain it, exactly, but there's a lot of money in it, money that would benefit my family, and I don't have much to lose anymore. This may sound cliche, but it's as though I'm really awake for the first time in my life.
Cap'n and I formed a partnership by circumstance only; I found out he was in "the business" and offered to either turn him into the DEA or work with me, and he naturally took the second option. He had no idea what he was doing on the chemistry side of things - chili powder in the meth! applying heat to an Erlenmeyer flask! no wonder I flunked him, he clearly learned nothing in my class - but does know the trade.
(Note: Don't buy all of your supplies from the same store.)
Sorry, I'm getting too far into the weeds here, let me skip ahead. We purchased a trailer and drove out to somewhere in the middle of the desert to cook without added attention or need for dramatic cleanup if we had to leave the area in a hurry. Our first batch was, according to Cap'n, "pure glass." After all of that complaining, I had cooked the finest product he'd ever seen on the first try! Goes to show paying attention in school does pay off, ahem. In case any of you were reading this and thinking of skipping off to go and make highly illegal substances and risk years in prison instead of doing your homework. You all still have your entire lives ahead of you. I don't.
After making it, the next logical course of action was to sell. Cap'n said he had some connections - I mean, he is a drug dealer, I saw no reason not to trust him (I now see how little sense that makes.) - and came back with two men with guns pointed at both of us. You must understand, it was a kill or be killed situation. These are the kind of people who don't care about morals, or what's right or ethical or kind. If they'd lived... not just me, but my wife, my son, and my entire family would all be in serious, mortal danger. I had no choice.
Cap'n by this point had been knocked out cold- still alive, but entirely unhelpful with the situation at hand. I was on my own. So I offered to show the goons how I made the "glass", surely they wanted to see how it was done? And they did- I still can't believe that actually worked. But, ah, instead of actually cooking anything, I gave them... let's call it a chemistry lesson. When significant heat is applied to red phosphorus - a key ingredient in Cap'n and I's "extracurricular science project" - it oxidizes. Your result is phosgene gas, highly deadly, hence the "killing two people." One... technically isn't dead yet- somehow he managed to survive, I still don't fully understand how, but I'm... I'm working on it. Cap'n still has yet to get rid of the first body, so... technically I'm not failing to withhold my share of the cleanup, since he hasn't done so with his.
I realize now this is very long, but I wanted to explain the context for my actions. However, a tl;dr for those who might be in a hurry: I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, so with nothing else to lose decided to try to make some money for my family by cooking and selling methamphetamine. Coincidentally, a former student of mine was also in the business, and I convinced him to work with me. When we tried to put our product on the market, two people tried to kill us, so I acted in self-defense.
But I really, really must know... is what I did wrong? Should I have been content to live the rest of however-long-I-have-left working a miserable job as a public high school chemistry teacher instead? Should I have found a less fatal way of dealing with the two men who tried to kill me and my partner? AITA?
P.S. It's pretty late as I'm typing this so I might've made some errors in coherency or grammar, for which I apologize.
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rosesloveletters · 1 year
Love Potion.
pairing: Patrick Verona x Reader
word count: 801 (less is more with this one)
warnings: angst
summary: Reader reflects on their almost-marriage to Patrick Verona years after it’s all been said and done. 
author’s note: Yes, I wrote another sad fic. I’ve had this in my head since last October. Based on a song...guess which one. 
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A lot could be said for all the sleepless nights, the grieving in slow-motion and the oblivion that followed, if you weren’t too exhausted to do so. For the last several years, you’d retreated from the world, hidden in plain sight, as it were, and you found solitude in the mundane. An average life for an average soul and that sentiment only bothered you as much as you were willing to admit.
You didn’t know what Patrick was doing now or if he had moved on. You hardly thought about him these days. Much had changed now that the two of you had grown up and apart; you were adults now and the impulses of youth that shrouded your past relationship had faded with time. The wounds were only so deep, but if you pick at a scab, it’s bound to open and that was the last thing you wanted.
You couldn’t say why he was on your mind. Something had reminded you of him, you were certain. Perhaps a whiff of peppermint had wafted into your nostrils and suddenly you were five years younger, sitting on the school bleachers next to your high school sweetheart, Patrick Verona, who was sucking on a peppermint candy he pulled out of his jeans pocket. He always used to carry them around with him. “It hides the smell of the cigarette smoke” he told you then in that thick, velveted Australian accent of his that always settled into the pit of your stomach just right.
He was like Christmas.
Senior year was rough on you both. You went off to college and Patrick got a technical degree to become a mechanic. He liked cars and was good with his hands. He made decent money and the hours weren’t the worst he’d ever had. He liked to work and it kept his mind off the fact that you weren’t there.
That must have been culprit. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, except when you’re two young adults trying to figure out the rest of your lives and where you fit in the other’s story.
Patrick was an impulsive young man. He made snap-decisions, but he had to live with them after and that was trouble. You loved his half-baked ideas, when he would beg you to skip class with him during fifth period so he could take you to the mall or the park. It was a lot easier to date Patrick when there were no strings attached. You had your whole lives ahead of you, why settle for a smaller picture?
You loved him. If you hadn’t known it then, you did now.
Why hadn’t you told him so more often?
Whatever the reason, it didn’t matter. You had said it enough times to convince him to propose.
At the time, the worst things you could think of were losing your job, failing an exam, never reaching your goals. You never stopped to think about how much worse it would be to have to put a wedding ring on your finger.
You didn’t have the time to devote to a full-time marriage. You had spent your whole life striving to reach the point where you could be fully independent, and you were ready to take the moment and taste it; there must be another way.
Who gave you the right to break his heart?
Patrick was too nice. He did things just for you, he built his life around the promise of a future with you, but when you asked for it, he gave you your freedom just the same and you craved the hurt it brought.
Patrick was sunshine, but you felt more comfortable in the dark.
You wanted the pain the came with a clean break and you wouldn’t have been able to cut him off any other way.
You had changed after high school; your lover stayed the same.
You had led him on and that was your fault. It didn’t have to end this way, but sometimes you just don’t know the answer until someone asks the question and you wished you had been more prepared for the fallout.
At least now you were unbound.
You wondered if he ever thought of you and the answer came, years later. It was a postcard and Christmas never looked so good.
He had a family and that was what was supposed to happen, only it would’ve been your arm around him, your lips on his cheek and your children wearing big smiles and even bigger holiday sweaters.
From all appearances, your Patrick, ‘Peppermint’ you remember you used to call him, had moved on.
He still thought of you when it mattered and it always had to him.
And life went on.
You never thought of him again, except on nights like this.
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asterrrific · 11 months
"Y/N... y/n, wake up." your friend, Chan gently shakes you awake.
You were still in the student council's shared office with the student's technical committee. You were the secretary to the council President who's also your friend, LeeKnow, while on the other hand, your boyfriend, Han, is the chairperson of the tech. committee.
It's an overtime kind of shift today because tomorrow is the start of your university's anniversary week, and as the student leaders, you were placed incharge of the preparations for the grounds where booths and activities for students will be held.
"Mmm? What time is it? Sorry, I dozed off for a bit..." you slurred, as you rubbed at your eyes, willing yourself to wake and get up from your makeshift bed: one of the tarps for tomorrow as your bedding and Han's backpack as your pillow.
"No, it's okay. You did great today. I think you did the most today, together with LeeKnow," Chan explains as he kneels beside you. "I just need to get the tarp, we're gonna put it up now." he adds.
"Oh, right. My bad." you chuckle, feeling your cheeks turn red a little when you realize you've been sleeping on the welcome tarp.
You start gathering your stuff and helped Chan with the huge tarp. The other officers are doing the same with the smaller college banners.
"Where will we be hanging them?" you ask.
"Oh, don't worry. Changbin and I got this big one. You can just come along and check if we've hung it straight or skewed later." Chan offers.
"Oh, but-"
"Don't worry, y/n. Leave it to us." Changbin cuts in, as he gently takes your other end of the rolled tarp.
You let Changbin and Chan do the work as you look around looking for Han. Last you checked, he was in the office, sorting files on his laptop according to the flow of events starting tomorrow.
"You're awake. Thank God." Leeknow dramatically sighs from behind you. You roll your eyes at the sound, feeling a bit more awake now, courtesy of your friend's annoying comment.
"Looking for Han?" Leeknow asks as he passes by, a box filled with flaglets in his arms.
You nod your answer as you feel your pockets for your phone.
"He was outside the office not too long ago. I think he went to the CEO to have the program checked." Leeknow offered.
"Thanks, Pres." you smile a bit sarcastically which Leeknow returns.
You turn on your phone and look for your favorite contact, messaging him an update on your whereabouts within the campus for your next tasks. You sit on the floor, waiting for your message to be noticed, but to no avail.
Feeling like Han is indeed busy, you follow the guys and everyone else as they file outside the office, the midnight wind making you all shiver a little bit, especially you who just got up from a nap.
On your way to the main gate to fulfill your tasks, you finally see Han with some hired lights-and-sounds folks, probably explaining the plan for the lights, speakers, and main sound system.
You wave at him to check up on him, but he was too immersed with whatever they were talking about, so you just shrug it off and jog after the two guys in front of you.
"Y/N, can you check if it's good?" Chan calls out from the ladder as he and Changbin positions the tarp before attaching it to the ropes that will hold it up on the gate.
You do your best to direct them so it won't look skewed, even going as far as assisting Changbin's ladder when it suddenly wobbled a bit because he was leaning back too much when he was checking the tarp as well.
When your task was done, you sit on one of the plant boxes, leaning on to the railings there, watching the your two friends bicker over who ties the rope first and who keeps the tarp level.
There's noise around you, but you're used to it. The noise is filled with life and laughter. Your fellow officers and other student volunteers chattering over their tasks and laughing at the most mundane things. It's one of the most normal things for you. One you feel you can't even live without.
With the cool wind caressing you over the noise, you find yourself feeling sleepy again, so you fight with yourself in order to stay awake.
You force yourself to sit straight, away from the railing. You even try pinching yourself awake, and even bargaining with your brain that you have to stay awake... but to no avail.
"Baby..." a voice pulls you from behind, getting closer.
"There you are," calls the voice again, this time, directly behind you.
As you continue to fight to stay awake, you feel warm arms trapping you in an embrace from behind, doing a good job in keeping a bit of the cold out.
"Baby, you're freezing." Han exclaims as he burries his face on the crook of your neck, still hugging you from behind.
His teasing voice finally does the job of jolting you awake.
"Hannie... where were you?" you ask, voice laced with a hint of sleepiness.
Han turned your around his arms so you are now face to face. He cups your cheeks with his hands, squishing them around, making funny faces with you while his eyes are lit with adoration.
"I had to direct where the lights and speakers will be staying. I would've asked you to come with me earlier, but I saw you fast asleep on the floor beside me." he explains, hands still on your cheeks.
"So your bag..."
"Yeah, I used my bag to turn it into your own pillow because you were literally just sprawled on the floor, my love." He teases. He ruffles your hair a little bit, while his arm drapes around your shoulder.
"Oi! There you are." Chan calls out as he and Changbin approaches. Just as they were nearing you and Han, a loud snap echoed throughout the area, and the flapping sound of the banner falling came next.
"Oh shit." Han curses suddenly, all while suppressing a snort of a laugh.
"I TOLD YOU THE ROPE WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH!" Chan and Changbin say in unison, pointing at each other, daring each person to get the blame.
"Hannie, I gotta break those two off." You laugh, as you try to brush your boyfriend off. He laughs with you, but makes his hold tighter, as he maneuvers you closer to where dumb and dumber were having a debate on who's to blame with the tarp.
"Let's just put it back. Maybe find a thicker rope." You suggest, as you start to pick one corner of the tarp.
Han then stops you, grabbing the tarp instead.
"You go find a place to sit, baby. I'll handle this. And these fools." he winks, eliciting a giggle from you.
You did as you were told, giving in to the fact that you are indeed getting sleepier again, and the ladder may be high, but your height won't still be enough if you dare assist with the replacing of the huge banner.
Han then starts joking with the other two as they help one another in putting back the tarp, making sure it's extra secure this time. You on the other hand, find a spot under one of the big trees lining up the fence that runs along the gate.
As soon as your back hits the trunk, you feel your eyelid getting heavier. So, you decide to get a bit of shuteye while the boys worked.
Slowly, you feel yourself get gently shaken awake... and somehow, you feel like floating.
Your eyes flutter open, and then you realize, you are being tickled awake by a bunch of curly hairs on the back of a familiar head. A comforting familiar scent of flowers and coconuts wafting to your nose along with the scent of wet grass caused by fog and dew.
Han was humming along, as he carried you piggyback, unaware that you're already awake.
"Baby..." you whisper in his ear, trying to nuzzle closer to him if that's even possible... trying to make yourself feel warmer despite already wearing his windbreaker over your own sweater this time around.
"Shhh, relax baby. I'm taking you home. You fell asleep while we were going spiderman on the gate." Han jokes, tugging your lips into a smile.
Apparently, Han took the shortcut in the park from your campus to the apartment complex you both stay in. It was an 8 minute walk. "Even if home is miles away?" you follow up. Home is literally miles away from where you're both studying.
Han pauses dramatically in his steps, exaggerating a gasp. "Oh no. I'll be too tired by then!" He exclaims, making you giggle louder. Satisfied, he chuckles low, then resumes his walk.
"Well... home in the apartment, love." He says, stroking your thigh from where his hold was while carrying you.
You tap him on the shoulder, asking to be put down so you could walk beside him instead. He refuses.
"Eyyy, don't. We're almost there anyway." He tsks as the complex takes form in sight.
"You could've just woken me up." You tell him, smacking him gently on the chest from where your arms crossed to hold on to him.
"And wake you from your beauty sleep? No chance." He scoffs.
You reach your complex, and it was only then that he brings you down, just to immediately intertwine your hands together as you took the elevator to your floor. Comfortable and sleepy silence enveloping you both as you started going up.
When you reach your door, Han, being the gentleman that he is, walks in front of you. He punches your lock number and goes in before you do. A routine you've both been doing ever since you moved in to the same complex together.
He turns on your lights and sets down your stuff on your counter. Moving as quietly and swiftly as he could, he moves to your bathroom and prepares a hot bath.
You can't help but sigh as he does his usual stuff. Even after three years of being together, you still get butterflies everytime Han shows you his different love languages with you.
You silently move towards the bathroom, and he points to the sink. Here, he lets you do your skincare while he continues to check on the tub, making sure the temp and bubbles are just right.
"Let me see my baby." He coos once you finished cleaning your face. He gently takes your face in his hands, observing you with love eyes which makes you blush involuntarily.
"Perfect." He says, planting a sudden kiss on your nose.
"Your bath's okay. I'll leave you now. I'll wait for you on the sofa." He says, before stepping out.
"Thanks. You're the best." you hurry and he winks before closing the door.
You take your time with your bath, of course after working for a whole day both in the student center and campus field.
When you were done and changed with pajamas that Han managed to prepare for you, you step out of the bathroom, calling his name.
"Hannie I'm done, you can-" you stop in your tracks when you reach him in the sofa.
Han was already fast asleep while sitting on one end of the sofa. His mouth slightly open due to the hand he used to lean himself on to the arm of the sofa.
You coo at the sight, but you move to grab throw cushions and a blanket for Han. He's just as tired as you are, maybe even more, since he carried you home on his back, so you gently move him with effort so he could lie comfortably instead.
Before you tucked him in, you lean to give him a goodnight kiss on the forehead. But then, he suddenly tackles you so you land on top of him.
"I thought you were asleep!" you whisper shout, trying to wriggle free from his embrace, eyes still closed. He then starts to attack you with tickles on your sides, making you squirm in a fit of giggles.
"I was. But baby, you didn't have to tuck me in. That's my job. Besides, I was just getting shuteye while waiting for you."
You turn to face him, reaching out to pinch his cheek.
"Shuteye? Hannie, you were practically snoring and almost drooling on my sofa." You tease, with which he pretends to be offended.
"I was not!" He gasps, making you laugh for the nth time today.
You both share laughs, and after a few beats of silence, he scoots lower into the sofa to make you the big spoon.
"I'll take a nap for a bit my love. Then I'll go back to mine." He whispers, as he cuddles close to you, inhaling your scent fresh from the bath he prepared specially for you.
"Sure baby. Don't sleep on me." you tease him, knowing damn well that he'll end up sleeping in your place anyway, while he replies with a smirk.
Gently, you start to comb through his locks with your fingers, lulling him to sleep, as you felt his embrace on your middle gradually begin to loosen.
When you were sure he was asleep, you give him a long, lingering kiss on the crown of his head, and you whisper:
"I love you, Han Jisung."
as sincerely as you can, like you always do.
You feel him smile in his sleep against your chest, and that was enough to convince you to fall back to sleep that night again.
Had fun writing this. Idk but I really really saw this in my head. LeeKnow as council president sounds "WHAT?!"
Also, Han working hard with the tech for the event feels so HIM somehow🥹✊🏻
Anyways, I hope y'all liked it! And as always, please like and reblogso other people could see my works too🥹🩷
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thought I'd make a little post about my tattoos and what they mean (if anything yknow? like they just look cool) SO, in order of which I got them lego; #1 - Little blink Smiley for my fav band if it wasn't evident enough
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#2 - One of my fav blink songs - Going Away to College (also the reason behind the url u see? TECHNICALLY ALL 3 OF MY BLOGS ARE THE LYRICS SO it's all connected) It's a really good song it goes; I haven't been this scared in a long time And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me
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#3 - TECHNICALLY I got the next 3 in one session lmao, it was pain. but here's Pingu and Twenty One Pilot lyrics from Isle of Flightless Birds "The ground taunts my wings" (see? you get it right? pingu? flightless? fuck I'm hilarious) but also I used to get called "Penguin" back in school because apparently I waddled and wrote an essay/presentation on them in Year 7 English lmao so it kinda stuck, but I also do love me some Pingu "I am cold, can you hear? I will fly, with no hope, no fear And the ground, taunts my wings Plummet as I sing, plummet as I"
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#4 - blink-182 again oops but from their Song - Wishing Well. Neighborhoods is one of their best albums, will throw hands. The instrumental intro to the song with Tom's voice n lyrics just really stuck with me and the tattoo is inspired by the chorus; "I went to a wishing well, it sank to the ocean floor Cut up by sharpened rocks, and washed up along the shore I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand It made its way through my heart, had fun in the promised land"
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#5 - Neck Deep - Eight/Magic Ball from Citizens of the Earth "The Eight ball said "Things Don't Look Great"". Kinda was a bit late getting into Neck Deep ngl oops, but idk this song and hearing it live and the whole childhood memories of having a magic 8 ball.
"And then the 8 Ball said "Things don't look great" You know we can't break loose if we stay in place Every earthquake starts with a little shake And then we'll see who is standing in the wasteland"
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durudurururu · 8 months
Linked Universe Vtubers Au
So I like Linked Universe. I also like Vtubers. The result? LU vtuber AU! This has refused to leave my brain ever since it came up and now you shall live with this too!
It's a basic modern AU but everyone is a Vtubers instead of any normal job they could have. Their Vtuber lore is the same the actual chars, but their Irl counterparts are different. I'll talk about the agency the characters are in later, so have some fact about them!!
The chain
Married to Sun.
The one's who's been a Vtuber the longest.
30yrs (may change)
Was a pilot before becoming a vtuber due to his wife thinking he would like it.
Was indie before being recruited by the agency (Was called Crimson).
Oldest in the Chain
Was still raised in the forest, but not by a tree
Has a teenage daughter named Navi (had her at 31, she's now 15yrs)
Learnt her to speak Kokiri.
Married to Malon
Only have a few cuckoos and some horses instead of a whole ranch.
Only became a Vtuber since his wife and daughter likes them and he wouldn't mind some extra income.
Has a toggle in his model to turn into the Fierce Deity.
In a April fool'd stream he has a 3D model of Time as a kid which he used the whole day.
Twins with Linkle and lives with her in an apartment in Castle Town.
Used to live out in the country but moved away since he doesn't have the best relationship with his dad.
Hides his accent, uses a quite posh one.
Worked full time at a make up store in the morning and did night security shifts at 3 times a week before becoming a Vtuber.
Quit because it was making his health way worse and he had more wiggle room when Linkle moved in as she (supringly) also had a job.
Became a Vtuber due to the extra wiggle room. Wanted to be one since they helped him through some tough times.
Wind and Arryl (his cousins) visit him on occasion, and he loves them.
Wind found out his Vtuber identity immideatly, but is not a snitch.
Dating Arthemtis.
Crazy ex Cia that he still had traumas from.
Married to Flora
Used to date Mipha before the accident.
She lived in another country and though she wanted to give him her support, she often couldn't, and since so much about him changed with the memory loss, she sadly had to cut her losses and break up, even if Wild technically didn't know it at the time.
Still looses his memories, but now because of a car crash. His parents died in it and though his sister survived, she didn't go in a coma but went to an unknown relative. Happened when he was 19, awoke when he was 20.
Wheelchair bound but can technically walk and stand, just not good.
Does his best to hide the fact that he's disabled.
His model does not have any scars because of this as he wants it to be perfect, unlike himself (yes, he is in therapy, because who thinks he isn't perfect?)
Became a Vtuber as it was difficult to find jobs he could do whilst wheelchair bound that doesn't pay like shit or force him to move away for college. He also really liked them regardless.
Trans (FtM). Had surgery before the accident and didn't know until he was 21.
Most popular of the chain.
4 streamers in one channel.
Green, Blue, Vio, and Red
Blacksmiths, but has some extra jobs as it doesn't pay too well.
Became Vtubers because of Shadow and since they wanted the extra money.
All their desks (+Shadow's) are right next to each other.
Both streams alone and with each other. Rarely all 4 unless it's a special occasion.
Has a model that all four can control at once. Yes, it absolute chaos.
Their individual models are just coloured differently than that one ^^, otherwise looks the same.
Streams at least 4 times a week, one day for each of them.
Dating Dot.
Works part time at a café
Helps with planning their streams and any collabs that their manager doesn't do for them.
Works at an animal shelter when he's free.
Has almost ruined his set up too many times to count due to gamer rage.
Dating Shadow, but hiding it...kind of. They're playing up their relationships for jokes and the community ships them to all hell.
Has a Shadow body pillow that doesn't exist Irl (yet) that their model sometimes holds during streams.
Non binary (they/them).
A bit goth.
Works at a library.
Aromantic and Asexual!
Calls his fans his Rubies.
Everyone—including the rest of the chain—will protect him with their life.
Works at a a cat café. It is a different café than Green, and he hides that he's jealous about being able to work there.
Lives in the middle of nowhere and does not know where anything is.
Somehow lives off of hunting (don't worry, he has a license) and the instant noodles etc he buys from the store that's very close to the middle of fuck who knows where.
Somehow still used Internet Explorer when he started. Did not know what Firefox was until Legend explained it to him.
Refused to use Chrome as he didn't know how to change his browser.
Still shocked at being a functioning Vtuber.
Became one because money was getting tight and since he grew up in a village in the middle of fuck who knows where, didn't have too many good jobs he could have.
Married to Ravio.
Still refuses to wear pants.
Puts even more of a tsundere act when on camera.
Has quite a posh accent but hides it and uses one that's actually normal.
Twins with Fable
Dated Midna, but she suddenly broke up with him and he's still slightly heart broken.
Time's (technically Malon's) nephew.
Got a country accent.
Sadly had to move out of Odinia because of college. Now works part time at a veterenarions clinic.
Became a Vtuber because it sounded fun even though he wasn't the biggest fan of it at the time.
On his debut stream he found a toggle to turn his model into a wolf and Legend send a donation just to call him a furry.
Doesn't join the agency until he's 18, and he's 15 for most of the stories that I have planned. This may change.
Warriors' cousin. Often visits because his Grandma can't take care of them every day, especially Aryll.
Slowly starts to join streams even though Warriors is very reluctant. Warriors' fans love him.
About the agency and some lore:
The agency is called Fates and their theme is good vs evil. Their first wave was called Inception and had four members: First, Fi, Hylia, and Demise.
They were suprisingly successful, but after 1 year, Demise took a break because of some bad rumours about him started to spread, and not long after, First graduated due to personal issues.
Fates was already in the progress of adding more members, and eventually the new wave by the name of Clouds came out, having 2 new members: Sky—a former indie Vtuber by the name of Crimson—and Ghirahim, who was also an indie before joining the company.
Everything went great, Demise coming back to streaming...but then the rumours came back, and they found out that they weren't just rumours. Demise was quickly terminated as he had been harrasing fans on an alt account, then Ghirahim got terminated as he had been meeting with his fans Irl and given them special bonuses, which even went for outside of his streams.
As a way to save their image, Fates let out a new wave by the name of Destruction shortly after, having 3 members: Vaati, Dark, and Shadow.
Both Sky and the members of Destruction got a fair amount of hate, mostly from people saying that the company is simply trying to replace First and Demise with cheap knock offs.
Fates has open Vtuber auditions for the first time since the agency started, and recruit 7 people that joins a wave called The Chain: Time, Wild, Legend, Hyrule, Twillight, Warriors, Four.
Later they would open auditions again, and have a new wave by the name of Mortality with 4 members: Impa, Calamity, Majora, and Ganondorf.
Other important characters:
Most popular member when he was still streaming
Hand picked Sky as his succesor
Though she technically didn't graduate, rarely streams any more. Now is a higher up in the company.
Helped Sky find his footing at the start.
Sometimes holds Vtuber game shows with Shadow
The most popular streamer in the agency.
Often has collabs with Indie Vtubers and Impa.
The best at the game show Shadow hosts.
Was re-named to Zelda because of continued harrasment for sharing a name with the goddess.
Has been a Vtuber for (at least) 3yrs.
Graduated after 2 years due to the continued hate.
Still talks with Shadow and Dark.
20yrs when he graduated.
Lives with the Four gremblins and is dating Vio.
They are way too gay for each my Lord.
From Lolrule.
Darker skinned.
Used to work at the same library as Vio. Only there because no other place would accept him.
Was with the bad boys in High school, is getting better now.
Likes holding game shows for other Vtubers.
From Lolrule.
Darker skinned.
Quite shy but doesn't show it much.
Can be very childish.
Dyselxic. Why? Because I say so.
People always said he was a teaser for another Vtuber, which was technically true, but he still didn't like hearing it.
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ramspatula · 11 months
Carnations | Cole Brookstone x fem!reader | Part 2
Ghosts don’t exist. And I’m not crazy. I swear I’m not lonely either.
Previous part, Masterlist, Next part
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I toyed with the pink flowers Cole gave me and looked to the one on the wall, in the frame.
“Peach can you see that?” She turned from where she was laying on my bed, watching some random video on her phone.
“See what?” She asked
“The pink carnation… flower. The one in the frame.” I said and she frowned.
“Yeah I’m the one who put it in the frame and put it up there…. Why?” She asks and I turn to her.
“Do you remember when I told you about that old woman who came in every Sunday and only bought a newspaper and always had a singular pink carnation?!” I asked- demanded and she went wide eyed- sitting up.
“Woah. Yeah I do. Why?!” She asked again and I sighed.
“Nothing… I was just told that the woman died over a decade ago and the newspaper hasn’t existed for over 20 years.” I said and watched her face, she reacted oddly calm. I expected her to call me weird or tell me someone was messing with me.
“Ghost?” She asked and I deadpanned.
“Ghosts don’t exist.” I told her and she raised an eyebrow.
“Colourful people who can control elements and live for thousands of years exist but ghosts don’t?” She asked and I looked down. I didn’t want to think about that. I couldn’t be talking to a ghost?!
“That would mean I was being haunted by a ghost and I didn’t even know.” Why would Cole’s grandmother haunt me?
The room went silent and Peach sighed before looking at the carnation.
“Lloyd said he can’t see the flower. He asked me why you had an empty frame and when I told his that there was a flower in there, he looked at me like I was crazy.” She revealed and I turned to her.
“What the fuck?!” I questioned and she turned to me.
“Ghosts haunt lonely people. Are you lonely, Y/n?”
Am I lonely?
0:57 ————|——— -2:10
“Who can tell me how you can prioritise children first in an establishment?” I could do without this class right now. I could do without college right now.
“Are you lonely, Y/n?”
“Am I lonely?”
“Are you talking to yourself?” Kai asked. He taught the basic self defence class. Not that I ever did much. Not that many people turned up anymore. And by that I mean none. It was our hour to talk shit and pretend that we do anything. Peach always spent this time with Lloyd. At his home gym. They were definitely working out in some way.
“You so were. C’mon tell me what’s going on?” Kai said, leaning on his elbows as we sat on the empty gym floor at the small university we both went to.
“Do you ever think about how this might not all be real? Like what we see isn’t what’s actually there.”
“That’s deep. I don’t like to think like that. Makes me feel unstable.” He told me and I nodded.
“But like-“
“Y/n, when was the last time you went out? Like on a date? And I don’t mean when you be really sad and join Peach and Lloyd’s movie dates.” Kai said and I whipped my head around, offended.
“Woah- first of all- fuck off. Second, I wanted to watch barbie and third, I have my fun. I just don’t need to brag about it to you.” I told him and he huffed, taking a swig from his drink.
“Hey! Don’t need to tell me twice. I was the fun- before I settled down!” He said and I scoffed.
“You’ve been in a relationship less than 6 months and that was back when I was 15 and you were 17. You should technically be locked up, pedo.” I told him and he looked at me offended, always hot headed.
“Don’t call me that!” He said and I laughed.
“Pedo! You like little girls!” I said and the ground felt a little warmer than usual considering it was nearing Christmas and I was wearing two layers right now.
“I am not a pedo! My girlfriend is older than me too! She’s 21, I’m 20… she’s the pedo!” Kai told me and I laughed.
“Mm sure.” I said and he threw his bottle at me and I gasped in shock.
“You’re a dickhead!” I swore and threw it back at him. He caught it without looking and opened the cap before taking a swig.
“So who you goofing around with now?” Kai asked and I shook my head.
“You wouldn’t know him- well maybe- he’s Lloyd’s friend- I think. I don’t know I met him at Peach’s birthday.” I told him and he frowned.
“Lloyd’s the biggest social outcast. He has less than a handful of friends. Do you know how easy that makes it for me to figure out?” Kai asked and I gasped.
“Peach would kill you if she heard you.” I said and Kai shrugged.
“Listen, spitfire, I would absolutely knock the life out of Peach. No effort.” Kai said and I kicked him, he whined. “Why?!”
“Peach would put you in a spliff and if not then Lloyd would snap you in a half.” I told him and he shrugged.
“Yeah I might struggle with Lloyd- since when were you that strong?!” He whined again and my face contorted into a look that read one thing- ick.
“Get up.” I told him and he sprung up.
“I’m good. Now let me guess this mystery man. Can’t be Jay because he’s Nya’s boyfriend… right?!” He asked, suddenly worried and I shook my head.
“I don’t think I’ve even met Jay.” I told him and he frowned.
“You must’ve. Ginger, freckles, yaps to save his life?” He listed and I shook my head.
“Definitely not Jay.” I told him and he frowned. “Why don’t we just talk about something else.” I said and he went to say something before his phone beeped.
“Sorry, gotta go. My boss just called me into work.” Kai said and was rushing out before I could say anything.
“Bye then.”
0:57 ————|——— -2:10
It was pissing it down. You could’ve convinced me it was a storm. I was wet and cold and I think lost?
“Fuck!” I yelled seeing the no signal or wifi available. I felt the tears enter my eyes. It was not my day.
“Excuse me, mam?” I turned to see the Earth Ninja and sighed in relief.
“Thank God! It’s you! I thought I was about to get mugged then.” I said and he laughed.
“Not on my watch. I actually remember you… bush girl.” He said and my face dropped.
“Do not give me that nickname it can mean two things.” I said and he raised his hands in surrender.
“How about we just get you home?” He asked and I smiled, professional man. Big man. Strong man. Stop it.
“Okay, thank you.” I said and he led the way, completely ignoring the fact that he the way to where I lived. I started to shiver.
“Okay this is no good. You’re shivering like you’ve just fell into an ice pool. Why are you out in just a hoodie?” He asked, concerned and I shrugged.
“Because I didn’t think!” I replied and he shook his head.
“C’mon, doll. Let’s get you out of here.” Before I could register he was hoisting me up into his arms, bridal style and jumping onto different building until he reached the top of the skyline and I screamed.
“What the fuck?!” I screamed and screwed my eyes shut, burring my face into his- wet- chest as he moved quickly and silently. Like dead silently, considering he was such a big guy. We suddenly came to a halt and he was slowly making his way through something before coming to a complete stop. I took the risk and looked up to see my room and then looked up to see him.
“Do you want me to put you down? Because I don’t mind holding you, sweetheart?” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“Just put me down, thanks.” I said and he gently set me down. I lifted my hoodie over my head, needing it OFF. I turned to him who was leaning on my open window sill and watching. I looked at him, questioningly. “Everything okay?” I asked and he nodded.
“I’m great. In fact I’m waiting for someone- hey Greeny! Straying a bit far from your patrol area aren’t you?!” He suddenly yelled out the window and the green ninja suddenly appeared on my window sill.
“I am still your leader, Earth. I can go wherever I think is best.” He told him and I made an ‘ooh’ sound, mainly to antagonise earth. I was also in complete shock that the green ninja was on my window sill.
“And I am still you’re big bro! Team comes first, okay Lil bro?” He questioned and the green ninja pushed his head away.
“You seem to be far away from your position too… bro.” The bro did not sound friendly…
“Okay, I see your point. I’ll be there in a minute.” Earth said the ninja squinted his eyes.
“Will you?” He questioned and Earth nodded.
“Just go! Don’t ruin my fun because I ruined yours.” He said and the green ninja rolled his eyes before jumping off the sill to god knows where.
“What the hell just happened?!” I questioned and he turned to me.
“It’s a big day for you! Meeting me and Greeny!” He said instead, cockily.
“Get out I need to shower.” I said and he tsked before sauntering over to the window sill.
“I’ll see you again?” He asked and I looked at him weirdly.
“Yeah whenever I’m about to die from hyperthermia again I’ll summon you.” I said and he laughed.
“Promise?” He questioned and I shook my head.
0:57 ————|——— -2:10
“Peach! Peach! Peach! Peach! Pe-eeeeaaach-!”
“Woah okay, don’t wear it out. Might start using my actual name.”
“Okay I-“
“STOP! Just might make me disappear.” She said, hidden meaning and I didn’t even think about it.
“Does Lloyd even know your actual name?” I asked and she paused.
“Yeah- I think. He’s seen my drivers license. You know the one I have because I can drive- anyway I’m doing an order, do you want this hoodie?” She asked and I momentarily forgot what I wanted to tell her. It was cute.
“Too bad. They don’t have your size.”
“What the hell?! Why would you even ask?! Anyway- trust me you are not gonna believe this. Like you might-“
“Just tell me.” Peach said, leaning back against the couch in our shared apartment.
“The Earth ninja took me home today.” I said and she sat up, alarmed.
“What?” She asked and I smiled.
“It was raining and I was lost because Kai had to go into work so he couldn’t drive me home and he showed up out of nowhere-“
“They’re ninja they do that.” She told me and I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah but this is special because he literally waited in my room for a moment before the green ninja showed up and I think he was tryna see you again. I remember when you said you used to run into him all the time, do you still see him?!” I asked, rushed and she seemed uncomfortable with this topic.
“Yeah, he pops up every now and then to check in. People aren’t the nicest when you date Lloyd Garmadon. After that group tried to jump me he still sometimes makes sure I get home safe and he checks in to see if anything has happened. He’s sweet. The ninjas actually care. That’s why they’re better than the military… and they’re more powerful.” She said and went back to writing her essay.
“They’re sweet…. He was a total flirt! He called me doll, sweetheart and- and bush girl but I’m ignoring that.” I said and she frowned at me.
“Bush girl? Also- are you crushing on a ninja? I’ve never even seen you like a guy.” She said and cracked open her can of Diet Coke.
“I don’t wanna talk about bush girl. Okay I-“
“Don’t say it! Just tell me about this-!” Just then the door opened and a sweaty, out of breath, Lloyd came in.
“You have keys to our apartment now?!” I asked and he chuckled the keys in the bowl.
“No I have her keys.” He said and walked over to kiss his girlfriend before going to put his stuff away in Peach’s room.
“Staying the weekend?” I asked and Peach smiled.
“Hopefully. But who knows. He’s always on call but he promised that no matter what. He’ll come back here!” She said, hopefully. Lloyd, despite everyone hating him for his Dad, was in a pretty high position at his work and he was constantly on call. Personally, I think they hired him because they knew he’d have to do whatever they want.
“Hey, baby- did you hear?” She said giving me a mischievous look. I mounted a “what?” To her, confused.
“Hear what?” He said.
“Y/n’s met her dream man.” She said and I deadpanned.
“No way! Who?” He asked, coming out her bedroom door, shirtless- SINCE WHEN DID HE HAVE ABS?!
“The earth ninja-!”
“Really?!” He said, amused.
“Yeah and she saw the green ninja too.” Peach added and Lloyd chuckled, making his abs flex.
“The green ninja huh? He’s real fond of you, peaches-“ That’s the closest his nicknames got to her name. The nicknames were ridiculously cute. “-but the Earth Ninja too? Are you two going for a theme?” He said and she laughed.
“You know if it wasn’t for your- abs- me and Peach would be lesbian lovers. Inseparable.” I said and he chuckled sitting on the couch with Peach settling between his legs and leaning her head against his thigh. “She’s was my pookie bear first.” I said and Peach rolled her eyes.
“I think you’ll find I have a lot more to offer than these abs.” Lloyd said and made his pecks do that thing where they move one by one. Peach hit him in the nipple and he didn’t flinch but laughed.
“Actually can you put them away- your muscles are scaring me.” I said and they both laughed.
“Okay but does my pookie bear want me to-“
“Hey! I named her pookie bear first-“
“Enough! You two are not having this argument again. And the next time one of you call me pookie bear and I’m gonna jump out that window.” Peach said.
“Speaking of names, Lloyd what’s Peach’s real name?” I asked and she deadpanned.
“Uhm… It begins with an I.” He said and she rolled her eyes. “I’m kidding, it’s Is-“
“STOP!” Peach called out and he smiled hugging her from behind.
“You know I wouldn’t.” He said before she shook her head and stood up. “You two behave whilst I order dinner.” She said like a mother with two silly children.
I immediately faced Lloyd and stuck my tongue out, he started doing the peck thing again and I cringed and put a hand up to block them from view.
“How are you supposed to date the Earth Ninja if you’re afraid of muscles?” Lloyd teased and I mock laughed at him.
“How’d you know he has muscles.” I said and Lloyd’s face dropped.
“Be serious.” He said and stood up, making his way to the bedroom. “Going in the shower, honey!” Endless supply of nicknames.
“Okay, pookie bear-!”
“ENOUGH! I am at my BREAKING POINT!” I yelled out to both and heard both laugh before Peach gasped.
“THE TAKEAWAY GUY THOUGHT I CALLED HIM POOKIE BEAR-!” I screamed and heard Lloyd let out a loud boisterous laugh. “WE NEED A NEW GUY.”
“Are you lonely, Y/n?”
Way to ruin my mood.
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theapollosystem · 1 month
I don’t know if i’ve mentioned it but we’re finally fully moving out of our parents house, no dorm living an actual apartment (well it’s more like a small house and we have a room in it). Our roommates are other queer people, we went up to meet them and sign the lease they were very nice. We’ll be living there for the next 3 years most likely, technically we only have 2 and a half years of college left but will most likely just stay there the full year.
Our parents are very abusive, they barely talk to us anyways when we’re not at home. Our dad is supposed to help us pay rent and pay for our college. We’re just submitting an appeal to the fafsa so we can be an independent cause once we have enough money he’s not gonna pay. Most likely he’ll pay for our apartment for a year and then once we have enough money to he’ll stop. i doubt me and my parents relationship will last 2 years more it’s already strained enough.
I’m just currently stressed the fuck out trying to get our stuff out of our room in our parent’s house. This is it though after a year here, I severely doubt our parents will even be in contact with us and definitely by the end we will be no contact with them.
We’re still gonna struggle a lot mentally but we’ll get through it, I doubt what happened in February will be our last hospital stay due to suicidality. Healing is fucking hard especially when a lot of the shit that affected us is cause of others people decision on what to do to us.
We still have a lot of alters who are willing to hurt the body, it sucks we currently have self harm marks on the body. Being at home right now is eating away at us but soon we’ll be away. We move in very early september so. We get to focus on school and work.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
do you know any age gap everlark fics? thank you
Hello Anon!
Here's a list of Age Gap!Everlark Fics that I found in my search. I tried to shoot for notable age gaps rather than like 1-4-year difference:
Blowout-annieoakley1 (ao3) Summary: “You’re fifteen years younger than I am. I’m your boss. I’m technically your father’s boss. There’s a pretty significant power imbalance here, Katniss. How do you think your parents would feel if we were together? What do you think everyone would assume?” Everlark. Modern Day AU. Bullseye-DandelionSunset, Everylark, papofglencoe (ao3) Summary: When Katniss Everdeen finds herself stocking up on Midol and tampons at her local Target, the last person she expects to check her out is Peeta Mellark. An age gap!Everlark love story. Chemistry-annieoakley1 (ao3) Summary: A week away from graduating college, Katniss runs into her former high school teacher and first crush- Mr. Mellark. An Everlark oneshot. Electra-misshoneywell (ao3) Summary: Katniss has always been envious of the close relationship her best friend, Madge, has with her father. But after an intense situation helps bond her with Mr. Mellark, she realizes that it's not a fatherly relationship she wants. Crush-atetheredmind (ao3) Summary: When Katniss meets her friend's older brother Peeta, she is immediately smitten with him. She's only fresh out of high school, he's a college senior, and she's convinced he won't even give her the time of day…until he does. Leather-Jenye (ao3) Summary: His fingers are worked to the bone and the calloused digits tell stories of the countless hours he slaves to help support his family. The purple hues beneath his eyes only seem to enhance their mesmerizing blue shade. His blond curls never look entirely clean and his fair skin wears a pink tint beneath the thin layer of dirt he always accumulates. He had been sixteen when he took this job almost three years ago and now he looks every bit of a man nearing his thirties. Ride Along-thegirlonpeetamellark (ao3) Summary: "We drive along in silence for a while longer, and I realize this night has not gone at all like I had expected. I was ready to be pissed off the entire time and make it perfectly clear how I feel about this punishment. But Officer Mellark is nothing at all like I expected, and this night has been anything but ordinary." Modern Day AU Saint Peeta-thegirlonpeetamellark (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta in college. He wants her. She wants him. So, what’s the problem? The Baker's Son-misshoneywell (ao3) Summary: "He’s a grown man, Katniss. With secrets," he says to the trees. "You’re barely eighteen. Be careful." In-Panem AU. The Boy Next Door-atetheredmind (ao3) Summary: Katniss has a new neighbor. He’s good-looking, sweet. But he’s too young for her. And she is definitely too pregnant for him. The Girl Next Door-thegirlonpeetamellark (ao3) Summary: She turned toward the house when the light went on, and when she spotted him in the window she blew him a kiss. He stood there, frozen, torn between wanting to continue watching her and knowing that this wasn’t right. She was his grieving neighbor’s daughter. She was six years younger than him. Written for the Tumblr 'Prompts in Panem' 7 Day Challenge: Intimate Portraits The Piercing-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: 23 year old Katniss Everdeen is one of the Capitol’s premier marksman trainers for the Peacekeeper Core. She trains the best Peacekeeper recruits in various districts, but she lives permanently in the Capitol. It’s on one of her return home visits one year that she meets the newest Victor of the Hunger Games, Peeta Mellark. He’s a shy, sweet 16 year old who’s innocence reminds her of everything she’s lost over the years working for and living in the Capitol. When he asks her out she says no. Two years later they meet again and Peeta is almost nothing like what she remembered. Working Through It-thegirlonpeetamellark (ao3) Summary: Written for S2SL. "I think it's a good thing you're innocent and inexperienced, trust me. But I have…specific needs and tastes, and I just don't think it would be a good idea for us to get involved." Peeta hires Katniss for some contracting work on his home. Then they realize this is more than just a business relationship. Modern Day AU
Hope these ones are new to you! Happy reading!
Feel free to add any more you guys know of in the replies, tags, or reblogs and I'll add them to the list!
Update (12/19/23)
Every Time I Choose You-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Older Katniss makes a bargain for Younger Peeta to become her husband in this no Hunger Games, in-Panem arranged marriage a/u.
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
haii i like JUST watched the walten files… idk if this blog is still alive, but im tryin to learn the lore and if u could give me a run-down of like the timeline/lore i would rlly appreciate it ^_^ TY!!!
Well i'm definitely still active, but this is kind of a tall ask! Also pretty complicated since there's a lot of fringe stuff that I care a lot about but probably isn't actually that important for a new fan to familiarize themself with right away, and sometimes it's hard for someone like me to differentiate that from the essential stuff. That said, I've written a lot here so it's going under a cut.
Just to cover all my bases: If you've just watched the series for the first time, be sure that you're also checking out the two hidden videos. They're both present in the Official Playlist in the order you're meant to view them, but there's really nothing wrong with watching both of them last, you shouldn't be that confused. These are technically and literally bonus content, but they ARE lore-important.
Also, a mutual of mine, @gir-posting put together a neocities site a while ago specifically with the intention of helping people who are new to The Walten Files get their bearings with it, and you can find that here:
Just as a note and to add my own pedantic criticism, this page eventually guides you towards the series' companion website, Findjackwalten.com, and provides archived links of all* the iterated versions of that site's pages. It's a LOT, don't worry about catching up on everything, it is literally all just bonus content to make the wait between episodes more fun. The Twfinfo page here also calls it an ARG, which i would not consider it by any stretch of the word's definition. It's just a website.
*some pages were never archived and Twfinfo is also missing the most recent findjackwalten update from August 15th.
I recognize that literally none of this is what you asked me for! This is because I honestly have a really difficult time trying to summarize the events of The Walten Files. But this is the part where I try:
In the late 50s, two college friends named Jack Walten and Felix Kranken came up with an idea for animatronic performers that, through the years, would eventually morph into the concept for Bon's Burgers. Sometime between 1968 and 1972, Jack and Felix's company, Bunny Smiles Incorporated, would partner with a company called CyberFun Tech to assist them in their Bon's Burgers project, providing them with resources and engineering expertise to create those animatronic performers they had envisioned. After lots of work, Bon's Burgers was set to open on June 1st, 1974.
This is the part you probably know. On May 2nd, 1974, Jack asked Felix for a favor he was needing. He was doing overtime at the workshop trying to get things ready for the opening, but his two youngest kids, Edd and Molly, needed someone to drive them to a school party they wanted to attend. His wife, Rosemary, couldn't take them, because she was taking his eldest daughter Sophie to the dentist. Felix agreed to the favor. You know what happened then.
This is where it gets fuzzy. After Edd & Molly's disappearances, the Bon's Burgers opening was postponed to June 28th. It seems like Jack and Felix more or less continued to collaborate on the project until Jack's disappearance on June 11th. We have no idea what happened to him after that.
The restaurant opened. At some point presumably between Jack's disappearance and the 30th of June, the animatronic Bon went strange. The lead engineer, Susan Woodings, decided to examine him after noticing some "irregularities" during his performance during the day, and he violently attacked her, then stuffed her damaged-but-still-living body into the animatronic Banny, where she eventually starved to death.
Bon's massacre would continue with the elusive employee, Charles B., who we continue to know next to nothing about except that he ended up in Boozoo, and would finish with Rosemary Walten, who had been returning to the restaurant regularly with hopes of finding her missing husband. The screams heard during Rosemary's attack and dismemberment were reported by the neighborhood and led to the restaurant's immediate closure. All of the restaurants assets, including its animatronic performers, were relocated to a storage unit in the middle of a nearby forest.
Over the years Felix pulled a lot of cheap merchandising schemes to try and keep the Bon's Burgers and Bunny Smiles brand relevant in the consciousness of Brighton. Lots of toys and direct-to-video cartoons and even a reasonably popular television series. In the late 70s he put forward a plan to fix up all the animatronics and reopen the Bon's Burgers restaurant in a new location. The first version of the plan went really terribly, since they just went and hired some teenaged engineers and put them on crunch time to try and fix everything wrong with four half-decade old complicated machines. One of those engineers, Ashley Parks, ended up poking around in some back hallways she wasn't supposed to see and was killed by Bon for snooping. She ended up in the animatronic Billy, who was present at the old Bon's Burgers location but has been kept suspiciously separate from the other animatronics for years.
Flash forward to 1982. Sophie Walten, the only living member of the Walten family, has been living with medication-induced amnesia for years. This is until her girlfriend Jenny introduces her to the BunnyFarm arcade machine, which has just been installed in the basement of the hotel where Jenny and she live. Through the machine, the spirits of her dead friends and family begin communicating with her, and she learns a lot of the information I just relayed to you. And that's where we are, really.
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Rereading GCSS bc it is in someone's bookmarks I'm trawling through and I had A Thought. So question: Would you ever consider writing a snippet where Harley and Guy politely discuss custody?
So you know, I've been sitting on this for a while, going "I'll write a snippet for this eventually."
And then whoops.
I don't think this is a snippet anymore.
On Ao3
Guy Gardner meets Harleen Quinzel for the first time on the day of Crystal Brown’s wedding.
Guy was what the bridesmaid’s had dubbed a “Guysmaid” which was hilarious. He didn’t like Arthur, but he was willing to keep the peace because it made Crystal happy, and she was practically glowing, and only partially because she was three months pregnant under that concoction of taffeta and lace that was a wedding dress.
Harley wasn’t in the wedding, mostly because while Arthur and Guy got into aggressive staring contests on occasion and argued about petty things, Arthur hated Harley.
Which, in Guy’s book, signified that Harley was obviously a great person.
Once the actual ceremony was over, and Guy had managed to snag his dance with Crystal, which had Ma Bellinger having yet another fit about his involvement in the wedding as a whole, he grabbed two beers and went in search of the brunette.
They didn’t exactly get along, in the end. They were very dissimilar people. He was loud and abrasive and ready for a fight at all times, with a chip on his shoulder and a heart of gold. She was, in those days, a doctor with a romantic streak, with a bad tendency to psychoanalyze people after she had a few drinks.
They didn’t fight, because it was a wedding, and neither wanted to upset Crystal.
But in the end, they withdrew to their separate corners (Harley to the college friends, Guy to the Bellingers) and mutually resolved to spend as little time as possible with the other.
And then, a few months later, Crystal had the baby.
Harley gets the call first. Then, after Crystal rejects every single one of Arthur’s suggestions for godfather, Crystal calls Guy.
Guy is only a little bitter about coming second, but he gets that Crystal wanted someone more local first. He’s in Michigan, in those days, playing college football and working through his degree in special education, and he’s not sure where he’s going to end up next. Even if Harley leaves Gotham, she’ll probably just go to New York, which is hardly any distance at all from New Jersey.
He does, however, double down on spoiling Stephanie every chance he gets.
And when Harley disappears and becomes Harley Quinn…
Well, he triples down instead. He’s got to make up the difference, you see.
Harley and Guy both get the call at the same time, because the social workers in question aren’t sure how to find Harley, and Guy’s got an out of state area code on his phone number, so they’re not sure if he’s even available.
Guy has a slight head start, since the call to him is direct, rather than having to go through Harley’s mom, but Robinson Park is closer to Manchester, so Harley has a shorter drive.
Harley gets there first, in the end, by a slender margin, which is probably for the best, because if Guy witnessed her be confused about Crystal and Steph, he might have thrown something.
Guy shows up a few moments later, before Harley even gets in the house.
He looks at Harley, and squints for a moment, because of the blonde hair, but he places the heavy New York accent quickly enough.
Harley, now that she’s in the right mindset, recognizes him as well, and the two manage to keep their mouths shut until the social worker is out of the house and Steph is upstairs packing.
Then they start the hushed-tones argument.
“If you think for a moment I’m letting you take her to the Joker,” Guy says through gritted teeth.
“I’m not—we’re broken up! I’ve got a house! Well, it’s Selina’s house technically, but Mister J’s in Arkham right now, he’s not—anyways, you live out of state!”
“At least she’ll be safe with me,” Guy snaps, because he’d been friends with Bruce Wayne long enough to know a few things about Gotham City.
“She’d be safe!” Harley protested hotly. “I’d never let anything happen to her!”
“It’s fucking Gotham,” he points out. “Nothing’s safe here!”
“You really want to take her away from her mom?” Harley retorts. “And school starts soon, you want to… uproot her life? It’s good for a kid to have stability?”
Something shifts in Guy’s face. “Fuck. Crystal.” He points at Harley. “Put a pin in this, because we’re not done here. I need to make a call. I’m getting Crystal moved to a better facility.”
“Hey, I was going to do that!” Harley protested. “How do you have that sort of money?”
“I don’t. But I can call in a favor,” Guy said. He steps outside to make the call.
Harley puffs her bangs irritably, and then winces when she spots Stephanie Brown’s ponytail poking around the corner, obviously eavesdropping.
In the end, Harley suspects she knows how this is going to go. They’re probably going to have to take the issue to Steph herself.
Living with three supervillains but staying local, or going to Rhode Island to live with her Uncle Guy, who she actually vaguely knows?
If it weren’t for the fact that Stephanie Brown is so obviously Crystal’s daughter, Harley wouldn’t put money on her own chances of custody.
But then she starts hearing shouting coming from outside and she throws open the door to find out what’s going on, and she and Stephanie both get full view of Guy transforming into a Green Lantern to yell at Batman.
… huh.
Yeah, this is going to be tricky.
Steph doesn’t really. Know what’s happening anymore.
Her long-lost godmother is actually Harley Quinn, and she lives in a mansion in Gotham City with Poison Ivy and Catwoman. Uncle Guy, who she hasn’t really seen in-person since she was five, but who she knows from birthday cards and Christmas presents and fuzzy childhood memories, is apparently Green Lantern, and he lives in Rhode Island with the Justice League.
Also, he knows Batman, and is yelling at Batman for showing up at her house.
Guy clearly puts it together that she’s Spoiler on the spot, but he doesn’t call her out for it because Harley is there, but he lets Batman talk to her.
Before Batman can leave, but after he’s given her a communicator to contact him in emergencies, a third car pulls into the driveway, and Poison Ivy and a woman wearing a pantsuit that she assumes is Catwoman get out, and then Harley comes out of the house, and there’s more yelling.
Guy asks her if she wants to go inside to finish packing while the grownups hash it out, and she tells him no, since her life is being yelled about, and he shrugs and lets her stay.
He does give her a Zesti from the fridge though and lets her order pizza before he wades into the fight.
She sits down on the couch, watching Harley Quinn loudly promise to not break the Joker out of Arkham if she gets custody of Steph, while Guy points out that she’s a felon, and if it weren’t for the fact that Gotham City is a certified disaster zone, Harley wouldn’t even be eligible for custody.
Which sets Catwoman off about felon disenfranchisement and Batman looks like he has a headache, which is objectively hilarious.
She suspects that, no matter where she ends up next (she’s leaning towards going with Uncle Guy, personally, because even though Poison Ivy and Catwoman seem chill, it might be nice to live with people who aren’t supervillains for a while, plus Uncle Guy apparently lives with Big Barda, who is objectively one of the coolest people in the whole galaxy), her life will never be the same.
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colby-jac-cheese · 5 months
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According to my sister, when she and 2 of our other siblings first started college, she was still skinny! But! They moved from our dad's house, to an apartment! So she could no longer be an outside cat!
On top of that! All three of my siblings had VERY different schedules! One worked morning shift, so they were awake early morning and went to bed early evening! One was a full time college student! So they had afternoon classes, and woke up around 9 or 10 am to walk to class! Awake late morning to late evening but not obserdly late. The LAST!!! WORKED NIGHT SHIFT!!! they woke up mid-afternoon ish, and went to bed super early technically morning!
Which means!!! There were several hours when people came home/woke up where everyone else was unavailable!
Do you see where this is going???
THIS FAT FUCKING CAT WOULD PLAY UP 'woe is me. . . No one has feed me ever . . . I'm so hungry. . . .' EVERY FEW HOURS!!! WHEN ONLY ONE PERSON AT A TIME WAS AROUND!!! MEANING THIS ONE LAZY INDOOR CAT WAS BEING FED ALMOST 6 TIMES A DAY!!! And then one day they all looked at her and she was like this!
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Cut to me moving in
I was warned of this! Three years ago!!! They told me 'hey! Fatass is very smart! She will gaslight you into thinking she's starving. Don't believe her!'
I thought, foolishly, 'that's fine! I'm smart! I've owned 4 Cats myself! Surely I'll be fine!'
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W R O N G.
For several days, without fail, every other month! She manages to bamboozle me into feeding her!
The latest plot was uncovered today, and it is BY FAR her most insidious!
Imagine with me, if you will!
Be me: the baby of the house! Youngest sibling currently living under this roof! My operating hours are roughly 5 pm, to 6 am. Fat cat knows that she gets fed TWO. TIMES. every day! Once in the morning, and once at night!
Fat cat KNOWS she gets fed sometime after the sun comes up, but she doesn't know WHEN! She also knows that when she's hungry and ready to eat, she can go and ask for food! By. Meowing.
But she has never, IN THE 3 YEARS IVE LIVED HERE, come to ME to ask for food. Now don't get me wrong! I feed her! I am, in fact, primary cat feeder if the house! Because as the youngest it is my duty to get up and do whatever small task my siblings don't wanna do. (bring/guard cigs, feed cats, fill water bottle ect ect)
and she KNOWS I'm the feeder! Because the second she asks her parents to be fed, and they call my name, she RUNS to stare at me as I stand and start making my way to the cat food. So she is AWARE! THIS THIS IS MY JOB!
But I am not her parent. I am the interloper, the food slave, the one who doesn't pay rent and therefor gets no rights. So. She doesn't come tell me when she's hungry.
Now! Camera pan over to cats father!
my brother: the second eldest. He is very annoyed with me some mornings. Because every now and then, I stretch my waking hours to about 10 or 11 am, aka the time he wakes up for class and the few hours after the time that fat cat is SUPPOSED to be fed.
During the night, I keep my headphones on! This is me being considerate of the other people in the house. So none of my siblings wake to to the sound of my spooky ghost hunting videos or silly minecraft smps!
But this also means!!! I don't hear when the cat goes and meows in my brother's face at 8 or 9 am! Demanding to be fed! Screaming 'awaken father! I am withering away, and the sun is up! Feed me or face my wrath!' Two inches away from his face. So my brother, every now and then, wakes up and gets angry that I "let the cat" wake him up when I was already awake.
And she recognized what I was doing. Immediately.
So. The next time she sees I'm awake . . . She goes to my brother room. And starts meowing. . . At 6 am. Technically sunrise, which is when she's 'supposed to be' fed. . . Almost 2 or 3 hours earlier than she's meant to.
I then. . . MOST OF THE TIME. . . Go to sleep. . . After I feed her. . . BECAUSE I GO TO BED AT 6 AM! And then. . . AT 8 OR 9 AM. . . SHE WAKES MY BROTHER UP TO FEED HER.
She ALSO attempts to do this at her evening meals! Where she demands to be fed roughly an hour earlier than normal. And I think, 'well I fed her way earlier than she's used to, so I guess it makes sense. ' so I feed her.
She's very confused on why it doesn't work the same when an hour laster she demands food again, but everyone was AWAKE! TO SEE HER BEING FED! she's like 'it worked this morning? Why not now?' And is VERY upset when we don't feed her twice at night.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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~*~New Year's Eve~*~ Part 1 of 3
Phoenix arrives late to Morgan’s house. As he walks inside, he runs into Aurelio and Wolfgang who are on their way outside. Wolfgang: Heeyy Penis! Phoenix:  Hey Wolfy He says playfully as he greets Aurelio with a quick hug.
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Phoenix: How’s it going, man? Aurelio: Not bad. How was your exam today? Last one, right? Phoenix: Yep, last one. I think it went okay. Aurelio: Damn, I can’t believe you might actually get out of here early! Phoenix: Yeah, me either. Aurelio: You seem less enthusiastic than I thought you’d be. Phoenix: I guess I’m just not in as big a rush to get outta this town as I used to be. Aurelio: Greta? Phoenix: Well yeah, but not just her. Aurelio: Aw you’re gonna miss me, aren’t you? Phoenix: So, what if I am?
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Aurelio:  Well, then you’ll be happy to hear I’ve decided to apply to SMMI. Phoenix: Aha! Hell yeah! What changed your mind? Aurelio: Lots of things. Sophia badgering me, for one. Phoenix: Of course. Aurelio: But also, I’ve been playing a lot more lately and I finished this song last week that I think is pretty good. And I just realized that I don’t want to do anything else. And then there’s you. Phoenix: Me? Aurelio: Yeah, I mean you just decide what you’re going to do, and you do it. Kind of inspired me to get out of my own head and do the same thing. Phoenix: Well, I’m glad! It’ll be nice to have a friend in San Myshuno. Aurelio: Let’s not jinx it, I don’t even know if I’ll get in. Phoenix/Wolfgang: You’ll get in. Aurelio: Oh shit, something you two agree on? That’s a first! Wolfgang: Eh, when he’s right, he’s right. I’m gonna step outside, you coming? Aurelio: Yeah, I’m coming. I’ll see ya ‘round, man. There’s drinks and stuff in the kitchen. Greta and the others are in there, I think. Phoenix: Sounds good, you two kids have fun.
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Phoenix: Hey beautiful! Greta: Haha hi! Phoenix: Where’s Luna? Did she end up coming? Greta: Yeah, she’s over there with Morgan, waiting for the bathroom. Phoenix: Cool. How are you feeling? Greta: Okay. Better now that you’re here. Phoenix: Aw I’m glad. Greta: Oh, did your exam go okay today? Phoenix: Yeah, it was good. Greta: Yay! Oh, that’s exciting! I know how hard you’ve worked for this. How long before you find out? Phoenix: I’m not sure. Hopefully not long. I’ll be happy to never step foot in another classroom as long as I live. Greta: So, I can’t convince you to apply to Britechester with me? Phoenix: Sorry babe, college is not for me. Greta: Fair enough.
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Morgan: You know, when I planned this party, I did not realize I’d be waiting in line to use my own toilet. Luna: Don’t you have another bathroom upstairs? Morgan: Technically yes. But I don’t want to encourage anyone else to go up there. I’d rather keep the chaos as contained as possible. Luna: Good luck with that. Morgan: I know right? So how are you doing? Luna: A little anxious, but it feels good to be out again. Who knew sitting at home all the time could be so exhausting. Morgan: I thought you introverts were supposed to love that. Luna: No! I mean, I need a fair amount of alone time, but I still need time with my friends.
The bathroom door finally opens as someone walks out. Morgan: Ah! Finally! You wanna come in with me? Luna: Yeah, let’s stick together.
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