#i love Slade's old design
As someone who has only seen the new london revival of starlight express, I really don’t see what people’s problem with it could be. I know that with a lot of people, as with anything else, don’t particularly like when things may change, but if you look at what the director and producer and things say, it’s a play that’s designed to change with the times.
The first major change that I’ve seen people have a slight issue with seems to be the change in songs. The thing is though, I’d been told beforehand that the show tends to cut old songs and add new songs with every new production. The songs felt modern, engaging and fun in a way that dragged me, a young adult, into the atmosphere, and did the same with people of all ages around me. I understand that people seem to have some favourite songs that have been cut (my personal favourite that I’d listened to before the show was “A Lotta Locomotion”, but that had been cut) but it seems like the reaction is slightly bigger than that.
Obviously, one of the other major changes is the reworking of a large number of the roles, with the racers, freight, electra’s components and two of the coaches being changed from existing characters to new characters. I understand the issue there may be that people had their characters that they get attached to, but a lot of the characters weren’t fully new characters, having the personality and plot/lines of the previous characters. The characters such as the racers have been stated to have been changed as the concept of the new production is more intergalactic than international, as they are running more with the idea of the stars and space.
The change in the concept and ideas can also be seen in the costumes of all of the characters. By the concept being slightly bigger than earth, the space-like, futuristic vibe of the costumes worked well with the other parts of the play. If the costume designer had been anyone other than Slade, would be less likely to draw the connections between Six’s costumes and StEx 2024’s costumes, with the link being that they’re both highly stylised modern/futuristic costumes, so it’s not surprising that Slade created designs that people believe are similar.
For obvious reasons, I’m going to address the changes to the main characters of Greaseball, Electra and Momma/Poppa. Momma/Poppa is the change I’ve seen the least amount of issues with, mainly because there’s less of a change than can be seen with the other two in my opinion. Electra’s change was from a previously male, Bowie inspired train to a much more androgynous, sleek train, going from male to non-binary. This androgynous, sleek version of Electra worked really well in my opinion, characterizing the idea that Electra is the newer, modern, almost Robotic train that’s powered through electricity. Greaseball, last of all, has the most backlash out of the three changes. Personally, as someone who has never seen a previous production of StEx, I loved Al Knott’s punkier, lesbian Greaseball. From what my family have said, Greaseball’s personality hasn’t changed much at all - the main thing that’s changed in reality is the range of notes and the way that Greaseball sings.
Overall, the fact of it all is that this is a play about a child playing with their trains and dreaming this fantastical race, a point put across perfectly by the addition of Control as a character that interacts and causes certain moments in the play. I think that as someone who had no expectations of the play (except that it would be good), there was not a single thing that I came out of the Troubadour thinking that wasn’t good about the new shows.
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in-death-we-fall · 3 months
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Murderdolls: Turning The Corner
By Tom Lindgren Photo: Frank White
Hit Parader 462 — March 2003 (drive link)
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They say that lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place. But these days you’d have a hard time convincing Joey Jordison about the validity of such a claim. With the immediate, out-of-the-box success of the Murderdolls, Jordison has now played a vital role in helping two bands reach the apex of New Metal acclaim. And while the ‘Dolls have yet to attain the level of fame and fortune enjoyed by Jordison’s “other” band, Slipknot, this trash-’em, bash-’em glam metal unit seems well on their way to grabbing hold of rock and roll’s proverbial gold ring. On their debut disc, Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls, Jordison and his bandmates— vocalist Wednesday 13, guitarist Acey Slade, bassist Erik Griffin and drummer Ben Graves— have proven that they’ve got what it takes to deliver the kind of high-impact, action-packed sound that a fast-growing legion of today’s fans crave to hear. With all this good stuff goin’ on, we figured what could be better than having a heart-to-heart chat with Jordison and Wednesday about all the positive things happening within their musical lives.
Hit Parader: How satisfied have you been by the kind of reaction that your first album has generated?
Joey Jordison: It’s been great. But one of the first things I learned with Slipknot is that you can’t let any sort of commercial expectations get in the way of what you’re doing. You’ve got to make the music you want to make and then let things just take their course. But since the music of the Murderdolls does have a very broad-based appeal, I would hope that a lot of people would get into it. This isn’t just another one of those records with the kind of depressing lyrics that you hear out there. This music is the polar opposite of that— in fact it’s the polar opposite of just about everything that I’ve heard played in the last decade.
HP: Do you include Slipknot in that assessment?
JJ: Absolutely! I’m not criticizing what we’ve done in that band in any way. But this band was designed to be different, and it is. If I wanted to make the kind of music we make in Slipknot, I just would have waited until we all went back into the studio. But I wanted to do something different. I play guitar here— not drums. There are no masks, and the music is about as fun and exciting as it can be. I’m not saying it’s better… only that it’s different.
HP: The band has received some criticism because of your lyrics. Was that something you anticipated?
JJ: It wasn’t something that surprised me because a lot of people take things on a very superficial basis. They don’t want to delve one inch under the surface because they might end up revealing the truth. Anyone who’s listened to our songs knows that on songs like Graverobbing U.S.A. and Kill Miss America we’re just having fun. That’s the main thing— this is great rock and roll music that is fun to play and fun to listen to. Don’t try to analyze it much more than that.
Wednesday 13: I’m one of those people who is a definite product of his environment. I grew up in North Carolina, which is a conservative place where there really isn’t that much to do. So I was forced to listen to a lot of music and watch a lot of horror movies. That’s the real inspiration for most of my lyrics. I loved movies like Night of the Living Dead and Friday the 13th, and some of the stuff we do plays off of that same kind of mentality. You just can’t take it too seriously.
HP: You’re (sic) sound is an amalgam of old and new. How would you describe the essence of what the Murderdolls are doing?
JJ: It’s rock and roll, that’s the best way that I can describe it. Rock music has lost so much of its edge over the last ten years. What was once this great outlet for rebellion and fun has become this sad-mouthed excuse for bemoaning everything. Our goal was to get rock and roll back on the right path. I like to say that the world needs us right now— that this is the right time for the Murderdolls to make their mark.
13: We’re taking all of our influences, everyone from Motley Crue and Twisted Sister to Alice Cooper and the Sex Pistols and just mixing them all together, shaking them up, and seeing what comes out. It’s just a blast. There’s an edge of craziness and danger to everything that spices it all up and makes it very exciting.
HP: Do you believe that it’s time for so-called “hair metal” to make a comeback?
13: I’ve never trusted any musician that looked too normal. I want my rock and roll heroes to be larger-than-life. Maybe today’s kids don’t know any better because that’s all they’ve been exposed to, but we’re here to show ‘em that you can look cool and sound cool too. It’s really sad that an entire generation of kids have grown up without seeing bands really lay it on the line on stage. I remember seeing the Plasmatics, and watching them destroy everything in their path. That was incredible… that was rock and roll!
JJ: We’re trying to avoid being labeled in any way, but we know that’s asking for the impossible. We’d like everyone to just enjoy what we’re doing, but we know that a lot of people are gonna look at us, listen to the music and call us “glam”, “trash metal”, “hair metal”, whatever. It’s no big deal. We knew from the day we came up with all this, that the Murderdolls were going to shake things up. That’s all that matters. By now, we’ve heard it all, and it’s all okay. We’re presenting something that’s very aggressive, that’s got a definite attitude. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here. We’re just trying to make sure that the wheel runs as fast, as loud and as far as it possibly can. This is the kind of rock that I love— the kind of stuff I grew up listening to. The problem is that nobody is playing that kind of music these days. That’s why I keep saying that the Murderdolls are needed now more than ever before.
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elderlyfish · 10 months
I don't often see 616 octogoblin fans, so I must ask: May I trouble you for some personal headcanons?
Yes!!! I've been waiting for an opportunity to share, I even have character sheets :3
Possible trigger warning for mention of self harm and abuse!!!
Along with old men in their underwear
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•Norman and Otto are engaged but every time they try to plan a wedding they get into a fight and try to kill the other then they get flattered by how well they know the other and end up making out mid-fight
•Otto loves kidnapping Norman for no reason other than that he wants him all to himself
•Norman has minor vitiligo but it's more noticeable now after bonding with carnage
•In gay man terms, Otto is a bear and Norman is a muscle daddy
•Norman struggles with self-harm
*feeling he deserves it and manic episodes
*Guilt from being the Goblin
•Otto and Norman go back and forth buying coffee for each other
•Norman has freckles since he's a stupid ginger, but he tries to cover the ones on his face with makeup
•Otto has stretch marks and is embarrassed of his body but pretends not to care so he doesn't seem weak for having insecurities
•Norman adores Otto's body and may or may not have a thing for his weight (self-projecting😔)
•Otto likes how thin yet strong Norman is but fantasies snapping his limbs or tearing him apart (lovingly)
•Norman LOVES rats, they brought him crumbs when his dad locked him away as a kid, and now every time lab rats are brought in he steals them
•After Otto's accident he stalked Norman for a long time
•Norman knew but he liked that he wasn't alone
•Otto will get flustered so easily, that his whole face will tint pink and sweat more but he doesn't show an expression
•Norman buys Otto sweaters every year on his birthday even after they stopped talking
•Otto's got big brown eyes
•Norman's eye color changes according to his mood as an after-effect of the Goblin serum
• Otto's voice claim is Michael Dorn (specifically Battle Beast from Invincible)
•Norman sounds like Slade from the original Teen Titans show
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Yell at me and maybe I'll make Doc Ock and Goblin designs
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
So I just caught up with MAwS and I'm with the decision of a younger Slade Wilson! Some of you just can't handle my man being in his twink era despite the fact he will later be the sexy old man we know and love.
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The only downside is that with the way Twink Slade is, he wouldn't be able to tell nobody shit cause they would simply end the convo/argument by being like baby boy,
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Yeah so that's how I expect friends and foe alike to respond to Slade until he enters his sexy old man era. My point is because I realised I went off topic is that we are seeing a younger/newer version of everyone, so I like Slade's design as it fits the aesthetic with every other character.
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claraxbarton · 8 months
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @dwisp
List 3 ships I like: cross-fandom trash that I am: McMattDrai, Winterhawk, Jay/Slade
First ship ever: oh wow, so I am old as DIRT. Gundam Wing, 3x5 was like... the first ship I wrote for?? DON'T SEARCH, you won't find the fic.
Last Song I heard: October Passed Me By (by Girl in Red) from a new playlist I'm still trying to settle into.
Favorite Childhood Book: the real answer? Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Huh, you might say, that collection of short stories is dare I say, E rated. You're right. My grandmother gave it to me and then she died so... I read the shit out of that. Uh, the less wildly inappropriate answer that STILL explains a lot about me? The Little Prince by by Saint-Exupery. No, I didn't read it in French until high school torture french.
Currently Reading Now: hrpf like... that's it. But for my real life? A lot of textile history books.
Currently Watching: hockey. I'm not good at watching tv shows because I hate literally everything (I also hate hockey but I love it too). I recently tried that TERRIBLE Apple TV adaptation of The Buccaneers and like. Holy FUCK. Costumes are revolting, production design is garbage, anachronistic social behavior is rampant, but the soundtrack is full of bangers and some of the (certainly not from Edith herself) dialogue is pretty cute.
Currently Consuming: Diet Dr Pepper #2
Currently Craving: a good excuse to get out of going out to dinner with a friend from grad school tomorrow night.
Tagging: @schildmehdchen @deformed-globule @bibliofran @carcrash429 @fannyyann @coggedcorset @jules-in-deep @keyshui @mollynoble
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cocomuffy · 1 year
I watched Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017) because The Batman (2022) was too long.
spoilers, obviously. here are my live thoughts:
Kory kissed him to learn English- I'm laughing so hard right now this is hilarious.
if i had watched this movie in 2020 i would have realized i was bi a lot sooner
The coloration of the "Five Years Ago" and "Now" text is messing with my designer heart rn
it's the red nightwing outfit!!!!!! i havent got to see that much. i much prefer the blue bc there's already like seven red batfam members but like i do think it looks stylish because its dick and dick pulls off everything
"Nightwing." "Nightwing." "Dick..!" "oh, yeah?"
"they're different..." trails off. "like kory will tell you." "noo, you go aheaddd..." "I've been studying them for years--"
I ALREADY LOVE THEM "robin stop complimenting the bad guys"
no they did not just got there (at 9:40)
damian is just such a brat i love him
kicking my feet, squealing, giggling, throwing up BECAUSE SHE HAS HIS NINE AND HE HAS HER SIX--
i took a fifteen minute break to do the math on how old dick and kory are and got 36?!??!?!?!
garfield has no rizz
i just got like... punched in the gut seven times??? "i just miss my son"
it's the fact that damian is like "i approve of your gf" and nightwing's like "okay???"
"You don't have to move a mountain to help people, Terra." - Probably the theme of this movie
i was not ready for the sexual jokes
oh no raven is on the groundddd
how stupid is damain?!?!??!?!?!?!! especially after the part that slade says about lazarus pits?! he has to know that there is no way he can feasibly win this! and terra isn't helping! which means that terra is probably working with slade!!! GUESS WHO CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god this slade and terra stuff is no good
please tell me that we were not about to get a dick and kory makeout scene
oh thank god for damian
oh my god imagine going into your surpise party thinking people are about to kill you :skull:
ugh i dont like this garfield selfie timeskip whatever
and hasn't anyone noticed robin isn't here???
im doing os much calculations rn for no reason at all
aw. beastboy being supportive
"Do you know why I'm an orphan?" "uhhh... your parents died?"
nooo terra and beast boy kissed absolutely not they are not for each other terra doesn't need any relationships periodddd
aww but bb is really cute after so ig it makes it a lil better
slade shut up this is supposed to be a nice moment
i will never get over dick calling kory babe its too precious i love them so much
i dont trust that gift. i dont trust that.
they're making their moveeeeee- they're taking all the titansss oh noooo
i think that leaves nightwing as the last survivor which is really nerve wracking because i love dick grayson so much??
gar youre so stupid
oh no kory i love you kory please be okayyy
dick just got shot in the chest oh my god, oh my god. screaming crying hyperventilating oh my god oh my god oh my god.
oh i shouldve known he'd be just fine htis is why i love him hes so dependable
"What did you do to Robin?" "I beat the crap out of him for being mouthy."
i have the stupidest sense of humor.
guys i love dick grayson so much and he's the only one left and mmmmm im so ready for this i love dick grayson hes my favorite
ohhh huh terra's getting betrayeeddddd (i never liked terra even though she makes sense she just gives me ickies)
eugh i hate slade he just likes to make sexual references to people that he should not be making those references to i know hes like a predator but it just doesnt make me happy
what is this machine even doing? is it draining their blood? you would need some sort of needle or something? ik that brother blood said something about life? is it draining their life force like some kind of dark crystal jim henson type stuff? what's going on with it? their powers? like... if they wanted nightwing then they weren't going for powers, and they did regular humans first anyway? i dont understand.
woah its the titans against a villian with similar powers!!!!!!!! /j
i like this first pairing of kori and jaime and gar and raven against brother blood and damian and dick against slade bc it feels really personal and also fair.
terra was obivously going to save them all there was no doubt in my mind.
and then teamwork and then they win because of course they do
woah she just shot him like three times that was excessive
oh noooo terraaaaa ( im not sad )
"Terra Markov was like a diamond, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
no beast boy dont make me feel for her
i just realized that i think i called "jaime" "hime" for some godforsaken reason i swear to god my ears are stupid.
final thoughts:
this movie was a bit much for me on sexual innuendos and references, but most of it was plot relevant. i love to see dickory so im good with that. animation was good. characters were good. had to warm up to gar but that's okay.
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Thirst post over slade in MAWS in your neighborhood? More likely than you think. (Spoilers for maws ep.2)
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Oh hello there. Im digging the boots. Im digging the whole outift.
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Its giving team rocket for some reason. I dont know why. But um yeah. Hes cute. Rly cute Also peep the orange eyes??? I like it.
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God look at that snarky face. I love it when they let slade be snarky. Hes a little asshole let him be one.
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Oooo escrima sticks. Its giving nightwing. I like it. Also the HAIR😩 (its like a mixture of his mid length rebirth hair and his shorter choppy hair). mmm chefs kiss🤌 also i love the gloves they look like the ones from the rebirth comics.
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In spain without the a. Also ouch. Ehh he'll be fine. At least hes not missing an eye. Yet
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EVIL SLADE EVIL SLADE. still cute tho. Would bang 10/10
tho minus a point for working with waller and the gov. Screw them.
Anyways in my professional opinion the conclusion for MAWS Slade is that im absolutely not beating the allegations. I would fuck the young/old man? Do we even know? Anyways. Yeah im digging the new design. Alot. I cant wait for the coming episodes.
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webginz · 6 months
Why do you like or dislike this character?
What's something you have in common with this character?
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Favorite picture of this character?
in my inbox they have numbers but now when im typing the response they disappeared... wtf tumblr -_- ill just use 1-4
1: ur totally setting me up with the second half of this question arent you... lol. well i like him for a very simple reason... hes so cool. i dont know what else to say... i started reading comics when i was like 13. thats all i needed...
hes just a really entertaining villain!!
i like his personality, too. in the og comics in the 80s/90s hes very manipulative and calculating but also can be pretty sassy and funny. teen titans took the first half and exaggerated it a lot, making him really scary. arkhamverse took the second half and exaggerated it a lot, and made him really silly. its fun. hes a character that can be used in a lot of different ways.
i dont like the very obvious thing... 😒 in arkhamverse he isnt a creep and thats my favorite version of him, sooooo its okay... (<- extreme copium)
2: have in common... with slade... uh................. hm. we both like the robins. and i shoplifted once so.. yeah. weve both committed crimes... i guess ._. (girl what am i supposed to say, he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.. >_<)
3: omg i avoid slade stuff in the fandom bc its so bad. i despise everything ❤️ its either dudebros who are annoying as fuck and excuse his bad behavior/miss the point of him completely or "pro shipper" weirdos who ship stuff like sladin. i would kill myself at the gate of the airport ^_^
4: i have so many pictures of him i like hehehheheh
this panel of him with black mask from utrh / the shot of him someone stitched together from yj. (i love his design in the early young justice seasons, before the animation got cheap and they changed his design..) / this panel from deathstroke rebirth where hes in prison.
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the scene after you defeat him in arkham knight / another yj pic / this one panel of him from arkham knight genesis (sorry for bad quality)
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hes so cute. i had more on my old phone but alas....
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schrijverr · 4 months
Why Her?
s02e06: Keep Your Enemies Closer. Introspection of why Oliver slept with Isabel brought upon by Felicity asking why he did it.
On AO3.
Ships: pre-slash Olicity
Warnings: implied/referenced dubcon
“Why her? I mean, besides the obvious leggy model reason,” she asks, the hurt clear in her voice. She can’t understand why he’d sleep with her, this woman who has been mean and rude to not just her, but to Oliver as well.
Oliver gets it. He does. Isabel Rochev is not a nice woman, not even pleasant either. She always has an angle she’s working, a way to use you and discard you after. She doesn’t care, she has a ladder to climb.
Despite what it looks like, Oliver isn’t being an idiot about it. He knows that Felicity thinks it is mostly because of the leggy model reason, but it isn’t. However, he doesn’t know how to explain to her why he did it. Not without revealing pieces of himself that he’d rather keep to himself.
He can’t tell her that Isabel accused him of sleeping with Felicity, of only giving her that promotion because she slept with him. As if Felicity has nothing else to offer, no talents that earned her a promotion. As if she isn’t right there by his side every single night protecting him.
Oliver wanted to protect her from those rumors the second he heard of them, because protecting Felicity has become one of his priorities in a scarily little amount of time.
But he doesn’t think she’d appreciate hearing that sleeping with Isabel would be a way to confirm that he didn’t go on this trip to sleep with Felicity. That it isn’t like that. That Felicity has earned her place there on professional merit.
He has been using his body to protect friends, to protect himself, long before Yao Fei and Slade Wilson taught him how to fight.
When he and Tommy drunkenly kissed at a party and gay rumors starting floating around that might get Tommy into hot water (not to mention Oliver himself), he was on the cover of a gossip rag three days later, plenty of models on his arms. He made sure one of them sold the story afterwards too, performed the hell out of that orgy.
How when old lady Duchard started getting handsy at one of the balls with Max Fuller who was clearly uncomfortable, Oliver turned her into a conquest. It’s not that bad if it’s his own design and she clearly didn’t care who she lured back as long as they were under twenty, but enough of an adult for her to not end up in court.
And when Thea started getting sexualized at the ripe old age of twelve, he punched paparazzi in the face. High publicity and Laurel not finding out about his cheating, because he actually loved her and didn’t want to do that to her. Not yet at least, not then.
Felicity can’t know these things about him. Can’t know that he slept with Isabel to protect her, because using his body is the only way he knows how. He knows what he looks like, he knows he can be charming, it’s just another asset and he’s happy to use it to keep his friends safe.
She’ll probably be upset if she knows. She’ll make him never do that again. But she doesn’t get that he doesn’t mind doing it. For him sex is just like a good work out, or a nice conversation. It’s just an action, nothing special. He enjoys sex the same way he enjoys good food. Not a necessity, but nice to have.
Sleeping with Isabel had never been his plan, but with the information he had, it was the best move to keep Isabel away from Felicity and the situation under control. Oliver likes it when he has a situation under control.
So, he goes with bits from the truth, since he’s always been bad at lying to her, showing her the pieces she expects to prevent her from searching for the pieces he wants to stay hidden. “It just kind of happened. It didn’t mean anything.”
Felicity looks upset by that. He never meant to upset her, he did it to make Isabel stop thinking about her like that. To keep her happy. Of course he failed at that.
“Hey,” he finds himself saying in a soft tone, unable to let it go. More honest than he has ever been with her or himself, he says: “With the life that I lead, I just think that it’s better to not be with someone that I could really care about.”
She looks at him for a moment, then nods, more to herself, before spinning her chair, getting up, circling him.
He stands there for a moment, taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes. The regret washes over him, but he doesn’t call out. Doesn’t set the record straight.
It wasn’t a lie when he said that not being with her was better. He can’t risk having that and messing it up. Despite who he is trying to become, he still carries so much darkness, while she is brightness personified. He doesn’t want to risk holding her when his hands are best at breaking.
Sleeping with Isabel was better. She is hardened to the world and he doesn’t care if he holds her too tight and leaves a few bruises on her hips. Sleeping with Isabel is just an action, sleeping with Felicity will be so much more, and he doesn’t think he can handle that. He is only good at using his body, he isn’t good at the everything else. And Felicity deserves everything else.
So, he lets go off all that regret and tries not to flinch when Felicity says: “Well, I think you deserve better than her.”
Because maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Whatever it is, it was the best tactical move at the moment and just because he might deserve better than Isabel, doesn’t mean he’s worthy of someone like Felicity.
All he can do is watch her walk away and wonder: why her? Why did he have to meet someone as incredible as her? And why can’t he hold onto her the way he wants to? Why does he keep messing up when all he wants to do is keep her safe? Why is she the amazing IT specialist that has gotten caught up in all of this? Why not anyone else?
Why her?
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
I really, really hate Bart being Kid Flash.
From a character motivation standpoint, I do get it. He’s the grandson of the Flash, that alone is a big looming legacy. And then there’s Wally, who was already a respected teen speedster and now he is the Flash and Bart compares himself to him.
It doesn’t help that everybody in-universe looks at him and just sees an unreliable comic relief. (On which I could write a whole standalone rant because the amount of times Bart has saved everybody’s hides is too damn high for that level of disrespect, damn it.)
So, from his POV, it makes sense. He got shot by Joey-inside-Slade’s-body (...that sounds so much more wrong than it actually was and it was already very wrong) and spend one and a half years in total isolation entirely focused on learning and improving himself, becoming better. And, to him, Kid Flash - Wally’s legacy - is an improvement, is “better” than Impulse. Because Impulse is the class clown nobody takes seriously.
But gosh darn it I hate everything about that.
The fact that everyone’s perception of him influences him that much, that nobody can see him for the hero he actually is, that he has to prove himself over and over again. That he doesn’t seem to find enough value in being himself, so he changes. It’s not just the different name, it’s Wally’s old costume, heck, Wally’s damn hair cut - Bart’s wild floof of a mane is absolutely iconic and as Kid Flash, his hair is so much shorter and... tamer.
Look, I have a general issue with how mindnumbingly boring and unoriginal it is for the legacy characters to just wear hand-me-downs, both as costumes and as names, or worse yet to share names at the same time (giving current-time Tim the stink-eye here for going back to Robin for fuck knows what reason).
Kon and Cassie at least got creative with the costumes, if not with the name. Tim... let’s not talk about the Robins. But Bart! Precious Bart, with his own costume and his own name!! That was honestly the first thing that endeared me to him, before I even properly met him. Saw that floofy mane and individual character-design and especially for a speedster, now that’s a breath of fresh air (I still have to check wikis to see whether Barry or Wally is behind that Flash mask if I encounter a random Flash in a comic...).
I liked that. I liked that a lot. And I especially loved how well picked his name is. Sure, many in-universe look at it as him... not thinking. But it’s more that he follows his gut, reacts on impulse. And I think that’s okay, because he’s a speedster, of course is he quick on his feet and more bound to action.
I just... I really hope that Bart gets to appreciate himself for who he is? Because on its own, I did appreciate that plotline. It made a whole lotta sense that at one point, the way others treat and perceive him would affect him and the whole getting shot and getting a prosthetic under what must have been torturous pain is a very, very good reason to spiral in that manner.
It’s just the way I’m like five volumes farther now and he’s still Kid Flash and we haven’t really focused on his internal process, or had any of his friends... I don’t know... check in with him about all this, because it’s just super obvious what’s happening here and Cassie, Kon or Tim could really catch on too at some point?
(But then I suppose that Young Justice: Dark Crisis did nail one part. It’s the way Cassie, Kon and Tim are very caught up in themselves and their other friendships and treat Bart more as their sidekick as opposed to their equal teammate and friend, both in Young Justice Vol 1 and, so far, in Teen Titans Vol 3...)
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mekatrio · 2 years
ok let me list down the most slayest issues for my self reference
issue 3 - adaptation of og teen titans cyborg plotline which is slay
issue 7 - starfire's race w blackfire, always slay when she's here
issue 9:
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issue 10: aqualad issue!! i love the issues with the titans east members very much (≧∇≦)
issue 11: terra centric issue :D
issue 12: Extremely good mr mumbo issue that breaks the 4th wall and plays w the comic book medium! very very fun
issue 14: speedy centric 😎
issue 15: kwiz kid, kitten, and killer moth are very fun here hehe
issue 18: VERY GOOD issue with more 4th wall breaking, this time with a particular focus on the chibis!! this issue is so great 😭
issue 20: injustice the video game issue
issue 24: SUPER EPIC AWESOME ISSUE featuring a powerswap!!! has this gem:
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issue 28: beast boy backstory 🥺 soooo so cute
issue 30: issue with the EXTREMELYYYY GORGEOUS ART.... like oh my godd the linework and coloring in the first section is so amazing, and the environmental design of the second section is just incredible!!!!
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im so sad there were done by guest artists bc i would have loved more issues in these artstyles.... T_T
issue 31: the issue with the time paradox that broke poor 15 year old me's brain 😭 also hi nightwing
issue 34: very cute crossover issue where kid flash races mas y menos :3 also on a sidenote i love how kid flash looks in tt2003's artstyle, its so nice for a character to have robin's proportions but not his face as well (speedy, kwiz kid, etc...)
issue 36: DONNA TROY ISSUE AKA BEST ISSUE IN THE WORLD!!! also just a big ol homage to the Original original teen titans which is just great (not wolfman's titans, the OG ones)
issue 37: extremely adorable christmas issue 🥺
issue 39: very cute and fun valentine's day issue, also DONNA TROY APPEARANCE YIPEEEEEE
issue 40: the first section is a very fun villain pov plotline.... and the second is.... thunder and lightning. ok. at least it has nice guest art tho
issue 41: Epic girl-centric girlboss issue
issue 43: has this MASTERPIECE of a cover... i remember it being my phone background as a kid 😭
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issue 44: a well written raven centric issue where she willingly chooses to keep the part of her that is trigon 🥺
issue 45: beast boy and cyborg origins! featuring a justice league cameo lmao
issue 46: oh these last few issues are extremely good.... starfire's long lost brother + blackfire closure! this one really shouldve been its own episode
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also baby starfire is so cute T_T
issue 47: very sad robin backstory angst.... featuring a gross batman cameo lmfao
issue 48: SUPERRRR good issue omfg, features an atlernate universe where the titans are evil, its so so great and fun. the alt universe designs are soooo good. also this page itself is amazing
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issue 49: issue with slade the fucking loser, and also rose!!! extremely slay.
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issue 50: another fun crossover issue with THIS masterpiece of a cover 😭
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(nauck's pencils and stucker's inking is just so incredible 😭😭😭)
issue 51: yeah man these last few issues are really just storylines that shouldve been episodes but they couldnt afford to adapt into episodes. its alright tho bc at least they are comics! anyways, terra centric! another long lost sibling episode, and proper closure on terra's storyline <3
issue 53: cute bb flashback story.... and some kid flash and jynx closure :3
issue 54: talk about a last fucking minute appearance.... anyway i love the interaction between the two wonder girls so much. so so fun and i wish it was animated
issue 55: AWIFJFIOSOFPEPSLKLF,/S33/2 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Twice/Hawks Anon: I’ve come to realize how simple my taste in characters is. People out here are writing metas on the thematic significance of their favorite villain. Me? I’m just here for their aesthetic. My top villains (subject to change) are Karasu & Washi from Kubo & the Two Strings, Slade from Teen Titans, Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen, Eris
from Sinbad, and the Other Mother from Coraline. The designs, voice work, & aura of these characters are phenomenal. Who are your top 5 villains or favorite villains from 5 different medias?
Aizen from Bleach.
Slade from Teen Titans (i should have included him in the Top 5 most menacing characters list lol)
Pitou (& the Royal Guards) from Hunter x Hunter.
This is probably recency bias, but they were fantastic antagonists and they stand out to me because they evolved so much throughout the course of the story and became more human by the end (even Pouf who was resistant to change).
Mithos from Tales of Symphonia. Incoming spoilers for TOS. (I seriously can't recommend TOS enough, it's truly a once in a lifetime experience and it's the kind of game you can play multiple times and still discover new things)
Part of what makes Mithos so great is that he does accomplish his goal : he brings back his sister after 4000 years at the cost of millions of lives. And what does she do when she realizes what he's done? She fucking rejects him and instead of having an epiphany and realizing his wrongs, Mithos doubles down and goes into deep denial, even denying that she's his sister. There's something so powerful about watching a villain who's orchestrated the entire plot and is the root cause of most of the characters suffering, just completely lose control.
And the saddest aspect is that despite loving his sister and desperately trying to bring her back for 4000 years by the time he did so, he barely remembered her for who she really was. He created this idealized version of her in his head and that's why when she ultimately rejects him, he can't cope.
Mithos isn't the best villain in the Tales franchise, I think that spot goes to Gaius (TOX) and Artorius (TOB), but the way Mithos' story and actions can provoke scorn, sympathy and pity left a big impact on my 8 year old mind.
Maruki from Persona 5 Royal.
Honorable mention to Kenjaku for being an absolute delight of an antagonist. Depending on how their story ends they're liable to enter my top 5.
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amischiefofmuses · 1 month
Ghost Rider - A stream of consciousness while watching.
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Decided I'mma post my notes I made while watching the movie, might do it for every movie rather than spam the feed with liveblogging me watching it. Some of it has absolutely no context and I want it to be known that especially for this one, I don't know the comics for ghost rider AT ALL so this is a blind reaction with only the movie itself as source material. I'm starting with movies not tied to the MCU or XMCU for now - then I'll be working my way into those too.
Younger Johnny is actually a decent enough actor, even if the film is super cheesy. The penance stare sequence with evil laughter, gunshots, a baby crying, screams, just so over the top I actually giggled.
Little disappointed that the cop checking his speed didn’t cut to it saying 666 - feels like a missed opportunity to lean into the silliness. So many unneeded flashbacks, yes I know what happened 5 minutes ago thank you.
The old guy is an actually decent actor, I like his vibes - wish he was the ghost rider the film focused on ngl. THE MIRROR SCENE WHERE HE’S CLACKING HIS TEETH TOGETHER AND MAKING FACES TO TRY AND TURN INTO THE GHOST RIDER, HELLO? Kjashdkjsha No wait, this whole scene of him trying to gain control is goofy. Good lord.
The ‘YOU’ thing is meant to be iconic, instead it’s so ridiculous- maybe because it’s cage. The prison scene, good lord, this man cannot act. ‘Don’t put me in here’. Pffttt. Criminals are angry he didn’t die in a jump??? ‘NICE JACKET.’
Modifying the jacket?? What ARE his powers? He can manipulate things like that just because he MUST look edgy????
I ALMOST DEFINITELY HAD A CRUSH ON BLACKHEART, this is the first time I remembered a line and it was that ‘Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I’ve sinned a lot’. Come on now young magnus, you gay as hell. No wonder I watched it so much.
The zoom on the guard pfftt. Goofy af. Finger waggle was kinda cold tho. If he didn’t blow things up wherever he went then maybe he wouldn’t draw so much attention smh. Flipping the cops off while driving away on top of the water was FIRE.
Remembering another line - ‘The suspect is going UP’, the delivery was great. Pulling in a helicopter, how strong is he actually????
I do think the elemental nature of the villains is p cool and their designs aren’t too bad, they are defeated shockingly easily though. The chain as a tool/weapon is also damn cool. Leave the old man alone dammit, stop kicking him. I know he’s a ghost rider but damn.
THEY DID KILL HIS FRIEND. I KNEW IT. Blackheart faking the penance stare working on him, this sassy little fucker. I really do have a type.
ALSO why is the old man hot, I hate it here. I would smooch that grandpa. Music choices bang HARD. Hate that carter slade only rode with him there and left, I was so hyped for the team up goddammit.
Bike giving him encouragement. Hell yeah. I’d love that tbh. Also is the bike sentient then???
DRAMATIC WILD WEST EYE ZOOM PFFTT. Reading the contract was a bit underwhelming, they could have added some latin fanciness in there or smth. ‘This is the contract. All of you,,, come to me!’
The red effect on blackheart’s eyes when he turns into legion, LMFAO NO. Turning the gun to a hellfire gun? Again, sir, what ARE your powers? Another penance stare, fuck yeah gimme the silliness.
His fire turning blue when he looks at her is cute af honestly, that is cute.
THE POSE. THE POINT. It’s kinda growing on me. Also I hope it’s acknowledged that he’s a known criminal now because,,, oof? Not gonna be easy if he can only be Ghost Rider at night. I LOVE THE ENDING SONG. Getting it later.
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Artist Research - Maurizo Anzeri (Physical Manipulation)
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'MakeUp', 15 December 2011- 11 March 2012, A Palazzo Gallery, Palazzo Cigola, Piazza Tebaldo Brusato 35, 25121, Brescia, Italy
Anzeri is a contemporary artist born 1969 in Italy, who works in London. He studied design and and sculpture at Camberwell College of Fine Arts, and was awarded his MFA at The Slade School of Fine Art in London. Anzeri is a multimedia artist who has worked using; photography, drawing, sculpture and more. Anzeri takes vintage photos, and sew into them with thread in interesting and complex patterns. He focuses on the human appearance, and it's connection to the mind, its emotions and thoughts. Some represent a more physiological factor, others provide coverage (costumes, nudity etc), or just interesting patterns. The contrast of the aged photos against the more crisp and fresh looking thread, is eye catching and is an interesting take on how to make old things, new. The contrast of new and old helps build a bring between the past, present and future.
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Round Midnight, 2009 Embroidery on Print
This piece was eyecatching because of the girls nudity, something rather taboo, and ethnicity. Anzeri stitched a veil over the girl, a thin grasp at providing 'modesty' for her, though forced.
My own work -
Quotes -
DD: Where does this style of embroidering photographs derive from? What made you first want to embroider images? Where did you learn the skill? Maurizio Anzeri: The constant fascination with faces and the passion for transformation is the starting point. I see embroidery as the best way I know to draw and started to experiment with it without knowing where it was going to take me.
DD: Why do you think there’s a growing eagerness to reconfigure or customize? Maurizio Anzeri: Because we are constantly changing and transforming ourselves.
DD: Do you think there’s such a thing as ‘ideal beauty’? Maurizio Anzeri: 'Beauty' is always present, it is the 'ideal' that is constantly changing.
Anzeri's work is so complex, despite it's simplistic idea. The intricate details within the embroidery, using patterns and strong contrast to tell a story that the original image does not. I love the technique here, it helps build up the story, and adds a beautiful geometric texture the viewer can get involved with. I would like to attempt to utilize this technique.
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Artist Research - Maurizio Anzeri
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Robert', 2011 Embroidery on photograph
Anzeri is a contemporary artist born 1969 in Italy, who works in London. He studied design and and sculpture at Camberwell College of Fine Arts, and was awarded his MFA at The Slade School of Fine Art in London. Anzeri is a multimedia artist who has worked using; photography, drawing, sculpture and more. Anzeri takes vintage photos, and sew into them with thread in interesting and complex patterns. He focuses on the human appearance, and it's connection to the mind, its emotions and thoughts. Some represent a more physiological factor, others provide coverage (costumes, nudity etc), or just interesting patterns. The contrast of the aged photos against the more crisp and fresh looking thread, is eye catching and is an interesting take on how to make old things, new. The contrast of new and old helps build a bring between the past, present and future.
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Round Midnight, 2009 Embroidery on Print
This piece was eyecatching because of the girls nudity, something rather taboo, and ethnicity. Anzeri stitched a veil over the girl, a thin grasp at providing 'modesty' for her, though forced.
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'AlpsRed' - 2016
Anzeri has also dipped into landscape work, such as 'AlpsRed'. Although he prefers to work with photographs of humans, his landscape work is also effective. This piece shows the energy of the slopes
Anzeri's work is so complex, despite it's simplistic idea. The intricate details within the embroidery, using patterns and strong contrast to tell a story that the original image does not. I love the technique here, it helps build up the story, and adds a beautiful geometric texture the viewer can get involved with. I would like to attempt to utilize this technique.
0 notes
suzylwade · 2 years
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Faye Wei Wei “The ‘Slade’ is a wonderful enriching place, I really miss it. I fell in love so many times there, which makes you grow up fast. I did all my growing up there. I learnt a lot from the amazing tutors, but also they have a huge emphasis on studio culture there. Really you learn from interacting every day with your mates, drinking wine, arguing about painting, stumbling around Soho, the ‘Slade’ is a lot of fun. It's also really tough though, but that's great, they really teach you to think on your own there, you come out stronger for sure.” - Faye Wei Wei, Artist. A year after graduating from the ‘Slade School of Fine Art’ British-Chinese artist Faye Wei Wei (b.1994) found her romantic, large-scale canvases serving as a backdrop to ‘Shrimps’ S/S 2018 presentation. Wei Wei’s paintings have a whimsical quality to them so collaborating with ‘Shrimps’ founder Hannah Weiland seemed like a natural fit. In 2018, the then, 24-year old took over ‘Manchester's Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art’with her motif-filled works, and even performed in fantasy musical ‘Care' at the ‘ICA’. Wei Wei’s devoted online followers seem as captivated by her eclectic style as they are by her art. On her large-scale canvases the artist combines pastel hues with muted earth tones. Wei Wei uses a unique feminine symbology that she derives from folklore and art history. The results are dreamlike, exploring a psychological terrain. #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #design #words #pictures #love #whimsy #motifs #fables #folklore #romantic #bells #crosses #horses #dreamy #magical #mythical #femininesymbology #dreamlike #psychological #painter #fayeweiwei (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCt4_PIJgJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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