#i love ambrose! and could talk about him forever honestly
small-sinclair · 1 year
Hello :3 Imagine this, Bo Sinclair x future s/o that's having major car troubles. The reader seeks out the help of a local mechanic (Bo <3) but absolutely doesn't know how to react when the said mechanic decides to get all flirty. The reader becomes embarrassed -they don't know how to handle such advances but they have a massive crush on the stranger. I can picture Bo getting so cocky at being able to turn them into such a blushing mess with just mere words. Sadly the car "can't" be fixed anytime soon so the reader "has" to stay around much longer than expected. Now, I do suspect that you might be raising your brows at the quotation marks but there is an explanation behind them - an explanation which neither Bo nor his future SO are willing to admit. The car isn't truly in such a bad condition. A quick minor repair could have done the trick, the troublemakers both simply didn't want to part ways. The reader secretly disconnected a cable, while Bo decided to remove some spark plug leads or they did something else to make the car not run, while the other person wasn't looking. Thank you for reading, I know that this request is massive and super duper loaded. I will be grateful for anything you decide to do with it and of course, feel free to edit and change the idea as much as your heart desires. At the end of the day, this is all about us having fun and I know I'm going to love whatever you come up. -Snake, your internet fan ^u^
I love this one! I would do the same, honestly :3 . I tried my best with this one.
Soulmate AU
Bo x reader
Contains: Bo tries to kill you, stealing car parts
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You weren't supposed to be in Ambrose this long, both you and Bo can agree on that, but the both of you didn't regret it.
Besides, that's how soulmates work, right? As soon as he felt that ping in his chest and the pull in his heart, he was already yours without you needing to breath his name.
At first, it was your break pads needing repaired along with the break line being cut, but you didn't know that he took the clippers and did the cut. Instead, he told you it'll take a week before the part comes in, forcing you to stay in Ambrose at his home.
Bo wanted to kill you at first, but the way you smiled and worked so easily within his life... it's like your the last piece in his heart puzzle. His mother told him that it would be a miricel before anyone would love him including his soulmate, but you made it look so easy that it made him want to cry. He actually did cry on the fourth night you were here. His heart was bursting and beating so fast that he didn't know what to do. On one hand was his mother's legancy, in the other was thoughts of you being called Y/n Sinclair. When he crept into your room, he was ready to kill you. He raised his knife high above his head and was about to bring it down, but the moon had other plans. She cast her soft glow over your skin and soft lips. You looked like an angel sleeping in one of his old shirts. Bo's heart ached and bleed. He lowered his knife and left the room.
As soon as he closed the door behind him, you fell to his knees and cried silently in his hands. You were it. You were his soulmate.
But weren't making this easy for him. His house truly felt like a home as soon as you stepped into the living room.
Your smile and laughter, how you looked at Vincent without fear, and how you loved on Jonesy and Lester as if you knew them since forever, Bo wanted you to stay, but he knew he couldn't have you. That doesn’t mean he should give up trying to have you stay, though. How he got you to stay longer was stealing the transmitter and spark plugs.
For you? You were just as sneaky as him.
The moment you laid eyes on him, you were in love. You know he was your soulmate as soon as that ping in your chest chimed. It's like something clicked in your brain when he wiped the sweat from his brow and button his work uniform, his smile painting a sunrise, and the way he looked talked and acted-- you were sold.
At first, you acted disappointed when he said you had to stay a week with him and his family until the part came in, but you felt as if you were home as soon as you helped wash the dishes after your first dinner there while staying still long enough for Vincent to draw you. When he told you about the transmitter and the spark plugs along with the unfortent news that you had to say another week, you were more than happy.
Back at the house, you made yourself useful with cleaning, cooking, gardening, and talking. Whenever you were with Bo, you two worked so well with each other that it scared Vincent and Lester. It's like you two knew a dance that was never taught, and it was beautiful.
As the ping grew, you felt like he was made for you. He would talk to you while he leaned in the doorway of your room, hands in his pockets. He felt as if it was so easy to talk to you about his dreams and hopes, and you felt like you could talk to him forever about your past and your ideas of a future home. One night, you two stayed up in until you fell asleep on his shoulder in your room. You two sat on the floor in front of Vincent's old bed as you talked about the best times and worst times until four in the morning. Around you, an empty pizza box along with empty bottles laid around you two.
“Wanna stay?” You asked sleepily. “Just until the sun comes up?”
His answer was a smile and his arms pulling you in.
You wanted to stay forever after learning about your soulmate, but you'll only stay if he wants you too. However, you didn't want to wait for an answer. While his back was turned after putting on the spark plugs, you cut two wires in your car. What were they for? You didn't know.
He slammed the hood on the car and started it up, but it didn't turn. Smiling to yourself, you knew he would have you stay another two nights, and Bo was okay with this.
So, how long did this game of tag go? You taking parts while he broke some?
Well, Lester and Vincent let this game go on for two months. Clearly, they knew what was going on as soon as Bo had Vincent hide your car keys while you had Lester hide your car battery.
"Why can't they just kiss and call it?" Lester complained after watching Bo hide the spark plugs again.
Vincent shrugged while he held out the second set of break lines you took off the car. 'This has to stop, man. I don't know if I can take anymore of this.'
Lester watched as Bo and you danced around each other, both speaking about the missing parts and dinner. You’re thinking spaghetti. “Simps, the lot of them.”
You've been in Ambrose for five months when you felt the ping in your chest tighten. It was so hard that it knocked the wind out of your lungs. You were in the middle of bringing out dinner when it happened, and you dropped the food and fell to the floor. Bo felt the pain, too, as he held he gripped his shirt tightly and coughed.
Lester helped you stand and brought you to the chair before he started cleaning the mess. Vincent brought you water and rubbed your back.
Bo? He went outside and had a cigarette on the porch. He racked his brain until he couldn't take it anymore. To make it stop, to make the pain go away, he had to tell you. He knew you felt the same based off everything, but he didn't know how to tell you about the missing car parts and how he was destroying your car.
That's when he heard you tell Lester to put the battery back into the car and return the wires once he walked through the door.
You made eye contact with him and looked down at the table.
He couldn't believe it. You... you were doing the same thing as him.
Bo let a smile leave as he knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his, and said, "I was doin' the same."
You raised a brow. "What?"
"I've been stealing parts of your car to make you stay," he said, shaking his head, laughing. "I was doin' it because of 'is whole soulmate thing--"
"So, you feel the ping, too?" You asked. "It's been tearing me apart for months!" You smiled at him as the warm feeling around your heart eased. "Here I thought I was going crazy and feeling bad about breaking my car..." you shake your head and smile. "Bo, we are meant to be."
“Sure are, darlin’,” he drawled, laughing He met your smile and kissed your knuckles. As soon as his lips touched your skin, his heart eased and the pain left. He looked up at you with hopeful eyes then asked, "Does that mean I have to fix your car still?"
"Only if you let me give you the tools."
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ashen-crest · 3 years
Hello, I want to say that I really love your WIPs, especially for all your incredible characters! I'm curious if you intentionally write any of them as being on the autistic spectrum (even if you can't name that in-world bc fantasy)? I've wondered for a while, but the detail about Ambrose complaining about the loud fluorescent lights in the modern AU about the scholarship specifically stuck out at me. If you don't want to answer that's ok too, thanks again for sharing your work with us!
hello!! thanks so much for the ask, I really appreciate it!
for that specific beat, I did think as I was writing it that it could come across that way. I was actually basing it off some objectively loud and obnoxious fluorescent lights in my actual college library. That said, I really don't wanna take that away from you if you're particularly vibing with it, you know?
[oh no here comes an Ambrose rant, apologies] Ambrose is an interesting one, because he is pretty withdrawn, isn't super great at social interaction, does totally hyperfixate on potion-making, but I based it more off his upbringing and his very flawed credo than autistic traits, if that makes sense?
He was more or less raised by his potions master, who was...not a very cuddly guy. Knowledgeable teacher, not a good father figure. Very much instilled in him a sense of self-sufficiency, self-isolation, don't owe people, don't bother people- and that's just the motto that Ambrose follows. He really doesn't know anything different, and doesn't think he wants anything different.
Over the course of the book, he doesn't lose his introversion, or his hyper-fixation, and he still struggles to vocalize his emotions and needs to others. BUT he starts to let people in, and starts to pay attention to others' needs, as well. And it's not just Eli I'm talking about. He starts actually stepping into the community of merchants on Rosemond Street- people who have watched him and taken care of him from afar, for years without him realizing it. And he learns that maybe leaning on others and being Perceived(TM) is okay.
I don't wanna be like "oh ambrose totally isn't autistic," because let's be real, I'm not even done writing this first draft yet, and I want to see where the character goes. But right now, I'm not coming at him through that specific lens, if that makes sense.
(also- elements of my anxiety and adhd just slip into my characters whether I realize it or not, so I bet there are a bunch more things that I'm adding in that I'm not even aware of! example- Emry Karic. so much about Emry Karic....so sorry, bud. so sorry.)
Anyway, this was way too long of a response. Thank you for being patient!!
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katerinabythesea95 · 3 years
(I know Surprise surprise)
Didn't plant on doing this but I'm watching Bo scenes cause I wanted to see him and here we are.
When he tells wade that he gets stuff delivered to his house, he's blinking various times quickly (I don't remember for sure exactly, but it's a sign of lying)
He seems a bit sarcastic when he talks about his mom's dream with the wax figures
I don't think he cared much for the figured themselves
From my previous rant, I stated the possible similarities between the Sinclairs and the sisters from Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? (the movie playing in the movie theater scene)And right now Im thinkin there's more clues to my theory that Bo wanted to keep Vincent hidden just like the older sister did to the younger sister in the baby Jane movie.
Also HOW do they keep the electricity and water running? Are they pulling some kind of Dexter's lab ish at ambrose? They hits to pay the bills somehow.
Do we honestly know if Bo has no real job? Like I think he really is a mechanic who worked in ambrose until it died out, and then he went to get another Job In another gas station or car shop. (Ill be elaborating more on that topic in my HOW fics)
I love Brian van holt, he's a great actor and all but He's not in a lot of shows or movies that I would normally watch, so THANK YOU TO JAUME COLLETE for introducing me to Brian.
I've also fallen in love with Vincent after reading and writing about him, fancon is just amazing like that.
After reading a post I've recently found about Vinny's deformity, It backed up my personal theory that he in fact, is able to speak, maybe a bit of a speech impediment but still. I think he just gets really tired when he talks cause maybe his brain works faster than he can speak or his brain gets a bit mixed up when he speaks.
I bet the brothers have matching tattoo
I wanna expand the back stories of ma and pa Sinclair. Not to defend them but to explain how is it that they became the way they were. To show them as human beings instead of just evil parents.
I don't think Victor was a dead beat dad. He was a Surgeon who literally did the complicated and possibly deadly operation that separated the twins. He could've just let them be conjoined forever or killed them on "accident" he was probably a mess trying to desperately save perform the surgery and keep his sons alive.
The fact that although in an inadvisable method, he did deal with Bo and his episodes.
I prefer to use the word episode instead of tantrums because I'm pretty sure that Bo wasn't just misbehaving.
There's a difference between throwing a hissy fit and having a mental condition that causes panic attacks
Maybe something Victor did that morning triggered little Bo and he started having his anxiety/panic attack. (Waking him up before he was ready, treating him roughly, or yelling at him or maybe all of the above)
From the little pictures we have of baby bo smiling that baby Yoda adorable level smile I think he was a happy child, not a troublemaker.
Maybe at one point his parents mere presence became a trigger to Bo and he experienced more episodes
Trudy had a freaking cyst in her brain it could've very well been there when the twins were born or soon after, and grew undetected until it was too late. Maybe that was the root of her behavior towards Bo.
I think she was immature in the sense that she couldn't cope in a healthy way with Bo and his condition that she just reacted the way she had learned as a child herself. (It happens alot, even when adults try not to, they always resort to some extend to how they saw their own parents handle situations. It's inevitable, yes there are many who try to break the habits but it's not easy and it doesn't happen overnight.
I also have a personal headcanon that Bo has a real job, cause like HOW in Davey Jones locker do they have running water for an abandoned town supposedly nobody knows about (Just like Dexter and his lab. Like my dude how do your parents not get a loaded electric bill??)
I wanna see the brothers' drivers licences (hahaha🤣🤣🤣 we all know those never come out right) only one I wouldn't tease is Vincent. I don't wanna hurt my poor baby's feelings. 🥺🥺
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I wanna cuddle with all three Sinclairs on the couch and just binge on horror and Disney movies
Im sad cause we don't have more canon material with them talking and being themselves
I've said it in an old post of mine, WE NEED A HOW SERIES. I think Brian can pull of playing Bo again and they can use Dylan minnette as young Bo and Vincent and I'm not sure but maybe Thomas Brodie Singer as young Lester, Vera Farmiga as Trudy and Patrick Wilson as Victor ( actually using the latter two as ma and pa Sinclair in my fanfic)
I absolutely love the idea of the Sinclairs as fathers and uncles.
The three of em nar definitely hopeless romantics, they just show it differently. 😍😍😍
Okay thats all for now it's almost two am and my brain is finally starting to feel tired
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dippindaz · 3 years
Hiiii I was wondering if you could write some headcanons for Lester Sinclair with a boyfriend who’s very much an outcast in his group
Like his group gets stuck in Ambrose for whatever reason and it’s obvious that he’s distant from the rest of the group
Thank you!!
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Lester Sinclair Head canons with a male reader who’s distant from his friend group
Honestly I loved getting a Lester request, he needs more love. I hope you enjoy this Anon! I’m sorry if it doesn’t seem like you’re reading a “x male” fanfic, I don’t write guys a lot but I’m working on it. Thank you for the request! :) Apologies if it didn’t focus on romance as much as you would’ve liked.
Warnings: Being used, knives, mentions of taxidermy,
* You were the “provider” of your friend group.
* The designated driver, the one who bought snack, bought the gas, pretty much everything was thrown into your hands.
* This made you distant to your friends. They were practically using you and you just didn’t click with any of them.
* So when your car broke down off some abandoned road, you had a massive fear that you’d be the one they sent to find help.
* Well, surprise surprise, who was now walking down the road without a car or living creature in sight?
* Yes, you were.
* It was hot and you had no clue where the nearest town was. To make matters even worse you were about to begin an uphill walk.
* It made you wonder why you even agreed to go on this road trip. You weren’t close with any of them, held no real attachments to any of your “friends” so why bother?
* In the midst of your thoughts you heard an engine. Over the hill came a truck.
* You flung your arms about and they slowly came to a stop. Rolling down the window you could now see a man with brown hair and eyes and a very confused expression.
* “What’re you doin’ out here?” He asked tilted his head at you.
* “My car broke down,” point to the direction of your car you said, “over that way. Do you know anywhere near by where I could get some help?”
* He was quiet for a moment and then turned his head back to you. “Well there’s Ambrose, not to far from here. I, I could give you a lift of you like.”
* “Would you? That would be great, thank you.” Truth be told, you were most excited to just in the AC. Could you be blamed? It’s the middle of summer.
* “Oh yeah, just come ‘round and let yourself in.” You hated to think it but the goofy smile he flashed you as he said was just adorable.
* You walked around the front of his truck, and hopped in the passenger side.
* As he drove, the two of you talked and you were a little surprised. You and Lester (as you learned very quickly) just kind of connected.
* “Why were you the only one walkin’ ‘round?”
* The questions made you hesitate. You told him about your friend group already but it sound better than it was.
* “Well, I’ve never been very close with my friends. They always just kind of used me for gas and stuff.”
* “That ain’t right, friends shouldn’t treat each other like that.”
* There was an awkward silence before he quickly changes the subject to knives and showed you some of his.
* You thought his hobbies of knife collecting and taxidermy were kinda cool. Maybe the slightest bit strange, but otherwise very interesting.
* Lester had driven you all the way to the gas station, the normal 20 minute drive had felt like 5.
* Both of you were disappointed and neither hid it. You both enjoyed each other’s company.
* So, Lester took a chance. He told you about the town and his brothers. The operation they held. He expected you to try and run, to leave him and the town forever.
* But you didn’t. You stayed right in place. “Why are you telling me this?”
* “Well, I-I thought we really connection y’know, and ya liked my knives. I don’t really wanna kill ya.”
* You averted your gaze from his and out to the town. “What if I agreed to help?”
* “I’d have to ask Bo, but I don’t see why not.” He flashed another one of his goofy smiles at you.
* From that day on you and Lester had been the pair luring people into Ambrose.
* You Lester worked so well together and made each other happy. It was more than you ever expected to come from that road trip.
* Though, you weren’t accepted immediately. Bo was very against the idea of another person, but Lester had managed to convince him. You proved yourself by helping life your own friends to the town to become wax figures.
* Bo still didn’t like you, but Vincent warmed up to you. He was probably your best friend in Ambrose, excluding Lester of course.
* You and Lester soon became boyfriends after the decision to stay in Ambrose. It was the best relationship you ever had, he was goofy, sweet, and never failed to make you laugh.
* Life was a rough journey, but laying in bed with Lester, your arms around each other, you were certain you finally found your home.
✨Thank you for reading!💝
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slashhinginghasher · 4 years
Stargazing with the slashers
Bo Sinclair
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You knew it bothered Bo sometimes (a lot of the time) that he couldn’t take you on a real date. Real dates required money and proximity to interesting things, both of which were in short supply in Ambrose. You honestly couldn’t give a shit - you had Bo, what else could you need? - but it chafed his pride, being unable to provide something that even pimple-faced teenagers could do.
He also got defensive if you ever tried to make suggestions, so you had to be sneaky about it. You’d casually mention how your sister’s high school boyfriend had taken her stargazing, had packed a little midnight picnic, and how it was one of her favorite dates, and if Bo got inspired, then it was obviously due to the powers of his mighty intellect and creativity.
(It had actually been your high school boyfriend, but Bo didn’t need to know that. He was a jealous man; comparing him to another guy, however inadvertently, would not end well.)
So now you were cuddled up in the bed of his truck, which had been transformed into a nest of blankets. Miles from the nearest town, there was almost no light pollution, and the night sky was as crisp and clear as you’d ever seen it. The two of you had talked about this and that, nursed a few beers, eventually winding up flat on your backs, a position you rarely found yourself in with Bo unless you were asleep or...
Ah, yes, there it is.
A touch of lips on your neck, hot but fleeting, sent tingles across your skin. Bo pressed a few more kisses to your neck and jaw before sucking on that spot that drove you wild. At the sound of your blissful sigh, he raised himself up on his forearms to hover over you.
“Bo,” you scolded teasingly, “you’re blocking the view.” He flashed his signature smirk, equal parts sexy and infuriating.
“I am the view, baby.” You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Swear to god, Sinclair,” you grumbled, fighting back a grin, “one of these days I’m gonna kick your ass.”
But you didn’t complain when he lowered his lips to yours.
Jason Voorhees
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Jason hated the lake, but he hated the idea of you wandering around alone at night more, so when you announced that you were going to go stargazing on the dock, he insisted on joining you. But now that you were actually there, you could tell he was starting to regret his decision a little. The sounds of chirping insects and the gentle lapping of the lake were almost enough to lull you to sleep. Jason, by contrast, was as stiff as the boards he lay on.
Your heart gave a painful little squeeze. You hated seeing him so unhappy. You almost wanted to tell him to head back to the cabin, but were afraid he’d think you didn’t want his company. Instead, you reached over and took his hand.
“See those three stars?” you said, pointing with your other hand. “The ones in a straight line? That’s Orion’s belt. He was a mighty hunter. So mighty that the gods put him in the sky to live forever after he died on Earth.” You felt Jason relax, just a little. Encouraged, you pointed to a bright star near the Belt. “And that’s Sirius, his dog.”
You pointed out other constellations and stars you knew: the Big and Little Dippers, the North Star, the Seven Sisters, Betelgeuse. You told him the stories behind their names, which were probably half wrong, but he’d never know or care. Soothed by the touch of your hand and the soft sound of your voice, the tension slowly seeped out of Jason’s body until all thoughts of drowning were replaced by the stars, and you.
Maybe the lake wasn’t so bad after all.
Asa Emory
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Asa wasn’t doing a lot of things right now. He wasn’t letting the dogs spend extra time out of their kennel because the brush of their noses against your hands made you smile. He wasn’t thinking about how cute the way your furrowed your brow in concentration was as you pored over star charts and fiddled with lens focus dials. And he definitely wasn’t admiring how great your ass looked in those jeans.
Nope. Definitely wasn’t doing that.
He’d bought you the telescope on a whim, which in Asa’s world meant after weeks of research instead of months. You were something of an amateur astronomer; the intricate mathematics of orbits and light refraction escaped you, but you’d always loved the stars. Childhood trips to the planetarium, camping trips in the mountains, an epic road trip once to view a solar eclipse. The sky was your happy place. Asa was your happy place, too, but he wasn’t always around. The stars were, every night without fail.
You’d lit up like the sun when he’d set the heavy box in front of you with zero comment or explanation. You’d squealed and thrown your arms around him, and if you’d been looking at his eyes, you’d have seen something that almost looked like tenderness.
Now you were set up in Asa’s backyard, searching for Jupiter. It was trickier than you expected - there was a lot of sky - but excitement tempered your frustration. You had read the telescope’s user manual cover to cover - twice - and pulled up maps of the night sky from no fewer than four different sites. You never half-assed things you cared about, a trait that Asa both understood and admired.
“Asa!” you shrieked. “Asa, I’ve found it! You’ve gotta see this!” You’re practically bouncing with excitement as he peers through the eyepiece. “Do you see that little dot near the middle? That’s Io, one of the moons.” Asa nods, stepping back and allowing you to resume your admiration of the distant planet. As you continue to gush over the cloud bands, the Great Red Spot, the tiny moons, a faint smile appears on his lips. Perhaps he’ll start acting on his whims more frequently in the future.
Thomas Hewitt
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“Mama? D’you think Thomas and I could have the night off tomorrow? There’s gonna be a meteor shower and I wanna show him.” You and Luda Mae are working through a mountain of dishes side by side at the kitchen sink.
“How’d you know it’s gonna happen tomorrow?” Luda Mae asks.
“It comes every year around this time,” you reply. “My daddy and I used to watch it every summer when I was little. I just thought Tommy might like to see it.” Luda Mae’s face softens. Playing on her motherly tendencies does that.
“Well, ain’t that sweet. Course you can, dear.” She shakes a wooden spoon at you. “And don’t let Tommy give you no for an answer. That boy works too hard as it is.”
The Texas heat is a lot more bearable when the sun is down. You and Thomas are propped up on the rusty hood of one of the wrecked cars that dot the lawn. He’d been confused when you pulled him towards the front door after dinner, but a sharp look from Luda Mae quelled any protest he might have made.
“Look!” You grab Thomas’s arm as a thin streak of white flashes across the sky. More and more meteors fill the sky, until they’re coming nearly every minute. You ooh and aah over the brighter ones, oblivious to the fact that your hand is still gripping Thomas’s arm.
Thomas, on the other hand, is very aware of your warm skin on his.
“This was always my favorite part of the year,” you sigh after a particularly bright meteor. “I always wished on shooting stars and there’s so many of them now, I figure if I wished for the same thing on each one, at least one of them’s gotta work, you know?” You glance over at Thomas and are once again struck breathless, this time by the intensity in his blue eyes. Your cheeks heat and you return your gaze to the sky, moving your hand away from his arm.
An hour or more passes, the silence between growing thicker with each minute. You’re beginning to wonder if you made a mistake, if Thomas really didn’t want to be here with you.
A large, tentative hand brushes your cheek with aching tenderness, turning your face back to Thomas. He seems to be steeling himself for something, and before you can ask what’s wrong, he leans over and brushes his lips against yours. The kiss is chaste, but it sets your heart racing, and when you lay a hand on Thomas’s chest, you can feel his galloping along as well. It’s an eternity and an instant before he pulls back, slowly.
“Wow,” you whisper with a smile as bright as a shooting star. “It came true.”
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Think Twice Part 12
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“I am going to make sure you never even think of touching my girl ever again. I am going to make sure you wish you never even met her.”
Seth Rollins X OC X Jon Moxley/ Dean Ambrose 
Rated: M
No warnings I think
Tag Team: @sithstatlander @xladyxfatex @awkward-teenaged-girl@steadysuitcasepurseranch @themansbliss@katelynirwinhemmingsclifordhood@strwbrryshrtckexo @bluedragonfly678 @luleelurah @mohawkmama @foreverthenerdprincess @aujenaeblaze @missnena2194 @suicidepanda07 @kelseyann2002 @princessminjikwon @nerdgirlsblog @multi-stan-kpop @REDZ0MBIE @thebornalpha @acon1120 @jonsmoxley @dayasvalkyrie @goddessofhardrock @1dluver13xx @vampirepixi @dietwrestling @ASKTVHEAD @moxslilangel2020 @chynagirl13 @new-zealand-chic @hotyeehawman @lavandernightmares 
A/N: I am such a horrible person and have been forgetting to update tags. Sorry, If you were waiting :(. I also should hopefully either tomorrow or Wednesday have some Mox smut out ;) And another Negan, sorry lol not sorry. 
“You want to explain to me why I saw Jon leaving the apartment,” Alexa asked as we sat down at the table. She raised an eyebrow at me, a small smirk across her lips. 
I shrugged, blushing, “I told you I was going to talk to him.” “Yeah, on his lunch break. I got off early, but I didn’t get off that early.” 
“How did you get off early?” I asked her.
“Don’t change the subject, but I got off early to go check on you. Our boss was worried about you. She knew things had been rough.” 
I groaned softly. I lived in a city that seemed like it would be big, but sometimes it felt the same as a small town. Everyone knew each other's business and wasn’t scared to insert themselves. She must have known that Seth and I broke up again. “I am fine.” 
“Clearly after I saw Jon leaving the house. I was really worried about you going back to Seth.”  
“Why would you be worried about that?” I asked her, raising an eyebrow. 
“Girl,  when you told me that you had slept with Seth again, I thought I was going to die right there. I was for sure you would pick him again and never talk to Jon. You know, I haven’t ever seen you have feelings for anyone else.” She paused. “Besides Dean.” My heart stopped at the mention of his name. My memories of him are still fuzzy. The doctors said that is normal with memory loss. I had regained most of my memory back, but parts still fuzzed here and there. Dean was one of the big things that fuzzed. All I knew is what others had told me about him and why he wasn’t around anymore. “I don’t want to talk about him,” I said as I started to eat the food that had been brought out. 
“You never do. How are you going to remember him if you never talk about him?” Alexa sighed. 
“He doesn’t want me to remember him. He is probably getting plenty of girls wherever he went.” 
“That’s what Seth wants you to think. He told you lies so you wouldn’t go looking for those memories. If you don’t remember what a great guy he was to you, then you won’t remember that you can have better. If it wasn’t for me, Seth might have left out all the cheating too.”
Tears filled my eyes, “I know. I remember little things. Like, when Jon called me a kitten for the first time. I remembered that used to be Dean’s pet name for me. Only me, he would say.” I shook my head. “Someone else is probably his kitten. He is better off where he is. Wherever he is.” 
“He loved you, Aria. He thought he was doing what was best for leaving.” 
“Right after my dad died! I needed him the most. He didn’t even come to the hospital after that car hit me, Alexa. How does that sound like someone who loves them?” 
“Aria,” Alexa started, but I wasn’t having it. I didn’t want to listen to any more of this. I got up from my spot at the table and handed her a twenty. 
“Just take it,” I said before leaving. 
As I walked out of the restaurant, my phone started to buzz. I groaned as I looked at the caller ID. “You are seriously the last person I want to talk to right now.” I said into the phone. I heard movement behind me. I quickly whirled around. “And tell your goons to stop following me.” 
“Aria, I need to talk to you. You have been ignoring my calls and texts all week. I had to make sure that you were okay.” Seth sighed into the phone causing me to roll my eyes. What made him care all of a sudden? 
“So you send people to stalk me if you are so worried.” I snapped.  “Because I told you I needed a break.” I rubbed my face. I was already mad at Alexa for bringing up Dean when I told her I didn’t want to speak about him. I knew there was a reason that Seth didn’t want me to remember him, but maybe it was better I didn’t. 
“And I asked you, why you needed a break and you never told me why. You know I worry about you.” 
“Because,” I sighed. “I think you know why. Come on, Seth, you have people always watching me.” 
“Maybe I stopped them to give you some space as you asked. I am not all bad like you seem to think. I just want to know why we have sex one minute and the next you are pulling away from me? What’s going on, Aria? This isn’t like you. We always fight and then makeup. That was supposed to be the make-up part.  
“So that’s what you listen to. Maybe sex was the reason why. Maybe I realized I am sick of all this stupid back and forth we keep doing. If I took you back, would you even be faithful or would you just go back to your old ways?” I yelled into the phone. I paused taking a deep breath. “Just stop your goons from following me. I wanted a complete break from you.” I shook my head as I hung up the phone only to have him call me back. I turned my phone on silent as I walked back to my apartment. The restaurant wasn’t far from there. Once I got home, I sat down on the couch looking at my phone. I had tons of missed calls and texts from Seth. I rolled my eyes. I almost missed the one from Jon. 
Jon: Hey, sorry I had to catch up on a few things at work. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. 
Aria: Of course. Where? 
“You have to tell her the truth,” Alexa said into the phone. She had called about Aria’s recent outburst. 
“You and I both know how that’s going to go down. I can’t do that. You just told me how she felt about how about...well, me. I don’t think telling her after I just slept with her twice is a good idea. She isn’t going to like any of us. Plus, if she doesn’t run to Seth, who knows what will happen to her. Even if she does run to Seth, we are fucking screwed, because she won’t trust us.” “Did you ever plan on telling her the truth about who you were?”
“I honestly didn’t plan for any of this to happen,” I said running fingers through my hair as I began to pace. “To be honest, I really didn’t think it would get this far. I figured we could regain a friendship, but never ever did I think I would end up fucking her!” 
“Calm yourself and figure out how you are going to tell her the truth.” 
I sighed while hanging up the phone. How could I tell her the truth? It would kill her. She was better off never knowing the truth about who I was. I rubbed the back of my neck as I sent her a couple of texts.  
Jon: Okay, I will meet you outside your apartment and we can go chill at my place. 
Aria: Sounds good. I will go get ready now. :)
I groaned. Now, I had to figure out how to tell her. I walked towards my house. There was no way I could do this. She would hate me forever if she knew that I had lied to her and slept with her. It will look like that’s all I was using her for. When that wasn’t the truth. If that would have been the truth, I would have tried harder when I was still Dean not when I was just  Jon. 
I rummaged through a few things trying to find something. I had it. She wouldn’t believe me off the bat. She would probably think this is some sick joke or something. I had a picture of her that I had taken one day. One day when it was easier. 
“Stop, Dean.” She giggled as she tried to take the camera away from me. I pulled it back. 
“Just one picture. Come on you look great tonight.” I told her as I pointed the camera at her again. Aria wore a tight red dress that hugged her curves with her long blonde hair flowing down her back. Her hair curled at the ends.  I took the picture. She posed for a second before giggling. I caught it just at the right time. She was in between giggling and posing. I could see the light in her eye even in the old polaroid. 
“Where did you even find that thing? It has to be as old as you.” She teased. 
“It was my mom’s. I think it’s actually younger than me. She must have bought it not too long before she..” my speech drifted off. The camera was one of the last few things that I had left of her. When I was traveling from foster home to foster home than group home to group home, things got lost or stolen. Sometimes even the family you would stay with would take things. I was with a strict Catholic family for a bit and they were the worst about taking things if it didn’t fit into their religion. A Muslim girl I was with lost all her belongings when she stayed with her. They burned anything that was part of her religion because to them it was evil. I felt so bad for the poor girl. 
“Do you have any pictures that your mom took with that before she?” Aria asked. I could tell she was being cautious about how she asked things. 
I nodded. “Yeah, a couple from Christmas that year. I think that was the year that she got it. It must have been a present from my father or something.” 
She nodded smiling, “Come on, let’s take a picture together.” A smile grew across my lips and I nodded handing the camera to her. She wrapped her arm around me and did something I never would have thought she would do. She kissed my cheek gently. It took me off guard when she did it. Her lips were soft and gentle against my stubble on my cheek. It had to be rough across her lips. I never thought I would feel something like this. She created a warmth that was inside my soul. Something I thought that had died long ago when I lost my mother in a car accident.  
“Aria,” called Seth. His voice sounded harsh. “We are going to ber late what the hell do you think that you are doing?” Charles must have been breathing down his throat because Seth never sounded this rude with her. Or was there something I didn’t know? The way she flinched and handed me back the camera told me as much as I needed to know. I wished I didn’t have to know what went on between them. 
“Sorry, Seth.” She said as she fixed her dress running towards him. I sighed as I watched her run up to him and give him the same peck on the cheek. He wiped it away as soon as her lips left his cheek. I could see him saying something before pulling her away. 
I looked back down at the picture in my hand from that night. There was a couple more mixed in together. As I looked at more, something fell out from between them. It was a letter. The letter I had meant to give Aria. Just like I didn’t have the balls to tell her the truth about who I was. I didn’t know what it was about Aria, but she had my heart in one hand and my balls in the other. I was never nervous like this with anyone else, but her. I wish I knew what she had done to me. 
I walked towards her apartment still trying to figure out how I was going to say this. Alexa kept texting me telling me that its time to do this. It needs to be done. I never thought this was something that was ever going to need to be done. I don’t think she thought so either, but now it was the time apparently. I didn’t think so, but she was sure that it was. 
I sighed as I ringed her apartment. She answered it by coming down, a smile on her face. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. She wore just a normal tee shirt and jean shorts with flip flops. Even in casual wear, she looked amazing. I held out my hand, “Shall we?” I asked.
She took my hand, “We shall.” Her smile was brighter when my hand touched hers. I could feel the electricity between us as soon as our hands meet. This only made it harder to tell her the truth.
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Don’t Wanna Lose You
I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post…I hope you enjoy!!
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You sat in the bed of your hotel room, reading a book. Roman was in the shower so you decided that you were gonna wait it out. The way his match went tonight, you had planned to jump him because…just…damn. Then again, it’s not like you need a reason to jump his bones.
You heard the water turn off and the shower curtain open. You felt yourself getting giddy. It had been a little bit since you’ve had him all to yourself and you missed him. But you tried to play it cool, deciding to continue reading as he walked out of the bathroom. You looked up to see that he was dressed to go out.
“Where are you going?” You asked curiously as Roman sat on the edge of the bed, putting on his shoes.
“I was gonna go out with some of the guys for a drink.” Roman asked, never bothering to throw a glance your way.
“Ro, I thought we were gonna just stay in tonight.”
“We were but then my cousins texted me saying they were in town with Dean. Figured we could go see them.”
“No. I’m good.” You then went back to reading your book for real, with the roll of your eyes.
“What’s with the eye roll?”
“It’s nothing.” You replied irritably.
“You know what, I’m not in the mood for this tonight.”
“Fine. Then just go.”
“What is your problem, Y/N? You were fine literally moments ago.”
“Then maybe you should think about what was said those moments ago that made me like this.”
“What, so you’re mad about me going out with my cousins and Dean?” You shrugged your shoulders. “You got a problem with them all of a sudden?”
“My problem isn’t with them, Roman.”
“Then what is your problem?”
“You, okay?” You closed your book and dropped it on the nightstand next to you before crossing your arms in front of you. “You’re my problem. You’ve been neglecting me. You have been for some time now.”
“Neglecting you? The fuck you talking about?”
“When was the last time we went out together?”
“A few days ago.”
“Yeah…with Rollins and the New Day.”
“I remember you having a good time that night.”
“I won’t lie. I did. But this is the first time I’ve gotten to spend time with you in a while. Just us.”
“Oh come on.” Roman turned away from you, walking to the door. “That’s not true. You’re overreacting.”
“Am I? Think about it. When was the last time you and I have even done anything more than sleep in the same bed together? When we travel, it’s with others. We get to the arena, you have stuff to do or I have something to do. I haven’t really had time with you these past few months unless I’m sharing you with somebody else. Or you just leave me all together. I feel ignored a lot of the time, Roman. I mean, we haven’t even been here a whole 20 minutes before you talk about leaving again.” You voice got calmer as you kept going, Roman having stopped with his back to you. “All I’m asking is that—”
“Look. You are completely blowing this way out of proportion. I haven’t been ignoring you. Your problem is you want to spend all your time with me and I can’t do that.”
“I’m not asking to spend every waking moment together, Roman.”
“That’s not what it sounds like to me. Look, I’m not doing this tonight.” Roman scoffed as he opened the door and walking out, slamming the door behind him.
You sighed to yourself to keep the tears at bay before you punched the pillow right next to you.
“What’s the matter, uce? Something’s been bothering you all night.” Dean asked Roman.
“It’s nothing, man.” Roman replied, taking a drink from his mug.
“Come on. I know when something’s up. Talk to me. Is everything okay with Y/N?”
Roman looked at his watch. It was 12:30 in the morning and his cousins had already gone back to their rooms and to their wives.
“No.” Roman took another drink. “She says that I’m neglecting her.”
“Really?” Dean raised his eyebrows in surprise. “She finally told you, huh?”
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew, Rome. I mean, you guys started dating a few years ago…she’s a sweet girl. You really think she and I wouldn’t become friends in the process?”
“She said that she feels like I’m ignoring her.”
“She’s not wrong.”
“She isn’t?”
“No. Think about these past few months. In reality it’s more than a few months, but really think about them, Rome. I’ve seen it too. You guys get to the arena, you go your separate ways. She’s gone for a kiss more than once but you just don’t see it and you blow her off. I mean, all the way up to earlier this year, every time someone invited you out you would at least turn down a few of them to spend time with your girl. But…you don’t do that anymore. Honestly, I’m surprised she’s put up with it for this long.”
“I’ve been feeling like I spend too much time with her.”
“You haven’t. You’ve been spending all you time away from her. I know moving in together has got you a little spun out, but you have been neglecting her, man. I mean…do you even love Y/N anymore?”
“Of course I do, man.”
“You have a funny way of showing it. If you keep treating her this way, you’re gonna lose her.”
It was like suddenly his life flashed before his eyes. He then saw the moments in his head the times you tried to kiss him, but he just walked away from you; he saw when you had gotten dressed up to go somewhere, but then he blew you off for his friends; he then saw how things unfolded between you two earlier tonight…how the hurt shone in your eyes but you still tried to remain strong.
Oh god…he was a fucking asshole.
Dean was right…moving you in had him a little spun out but he didn’t think it would be that bad. It shouldn’t have been that bad in the first place because you guys have been together for 3 years. He didn’t even realize what he was doing to you. He really was trying to take time for himself to sort his feelings and in turn, he was hurting you in the process. That was the absolute last thing he wanted to do.
“I gotta go.” Roman said, getting up.
“Go make it right, brother.” Dean replied, patting him on the shoulder as he got up himself to head back to his room.
You were sitting on the balcony, looking up at the stars as you relaxed in a pool chair the hotel had out there. You couldn’t help but think if this relationship was gonna work out for you anymore…not if Roman continued to act the way he did. But then again, you’ve been dealing with it long enough. Maybe it was time for you guys to call it. You knew you would have to start moving out the moment you got home. Renting a storage space wouldn’t be too bad until you could find your own place.
You heard the sliding glass door open, breaking out of your thoughts.
“Roman, we need to talk.” You started when you saw him.
Roman immediately helped you to your feet and pulled you into his arms. You were shocked for a moment, your arms at your sides.
“I was wrong, babygirl. So wrong.” Roman whispered into your ear. “I didn’t even realize I was doing it and I have nothing better to tell you than I’m sorry. There is no excuse for it. I promise you that I will do better. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”
You stood there for a bit as you soaked in his words. Holy crap, he sees what he’s been doing? You felt Roman’s arms beginning to loosen up on you when you realize that you hadn’t hugged him back. Before Roman could pull away from you, you wrapped your arms around him. You heard Roman sigh as he kissed the side of your head and buried his face into your hair.
“What changed?” You asked, keeping Roman in your arms but pulling away to look him in the eyes.
“I talked to Ambrose. He made me see what I was doing. I’m stupid, Y/N. So stupid. Then I thought about what you said earlier.” Roman pushed some hair away from your face. “I knew it wouldn’t be long. I love you and I don’t know if I could handle losing you.”
You looked him the eyes for a moment. You were relieved to find the sincerity in them. You then rested you head on his chest and closed your eyes. You felt Roman kiss the top of your head.
“I love you too, Roman.” You finally said, breaking the moments silence between you two.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Roman mumbled before pulling away momentarily.
His thumb traced your jaw line before he leaned in a kissed you. The kiss was sweet and gentle, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair. He backed you towards the chair he pulled you from. His hands went to the back of your thighs and he lifted you up, your legs locking around his waist as he turned around and sat in the chair.You pulled Roman’s hair from his hair tie and ran your fingers through it. You then felt Roman’s fingers on both your shoulders, lowering the spaghetti straps of your top down. You rested your cheek on the top of Roman’s head as he placed gentle kisses on your shoulders. He then pulled your shirt down a little more, exposing your breasts to the cool night air.
“Y/N…” Roman panted as his forehead rested against your chest, his hands moving from your waist to cup your breasts. “I need to be inside you so bad.” He then went to kiss your right breast, swirling his tongue around the nipple.
“Here?” You asked breathlessly.
“Right here, babe. And we have to be quiet unless you want people to hear you.”
Roman helped you to your feet. You began to remove your shorts while he undid his jeans and pulled them down with his briefs. Sure enough, little Ro was standing at attention. He sat back down on the chair before you straddled him once more.You positioned him at your entrance before slowly sinking down on him. God, it had felt like forever since he’s been inside you…you missed him. Roman growled when he was fully sheathed inside you. You began a slow pace as you continued to adjust having him inside you. You were mindful to keep your sounds and noises to a quiet minimum.
Roman’s hands wandered to your back as you picked up your speed. His short fingernails gently grazed your spine and lower back, urging you on. It had been long enough that he wouldn’t last as long as he wanted to. But once he was good to go again, he was gonna pound you into that mattress later. Shit, the thought of that turned him on further, he felt himself getting closer and closer.
“Fuck, baby.” Roman mumbled, his jaw clenching before he continued. “I’m not gonna  last long.”
You were glad to hear that because you weren’t either. You picked up the pace once more, riding him as your orgasm continued to build. You bit down on your lip, trying to hold back your moans. Roman’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him. His face rest on your breasts as you rest yours on the top of his head. Your fingers tugged on his hair as you were about to cum.
“Roman…Roman…” You whimpered.
“Cum for me, Y/N…come on, baby.” He breathed, turning his head to bury it in between your breasts to muffle any noises he might make.
Your body quivered and shook as you let go. You used the top of Roman’s head to muffle your moans. You felt Roman’s warm seed fill you as he grunted into your breasts. You continued to ride him until you were sure he was finished.
You both remained in place for a moment as you worked to catch your breaths. You pulled away to look him in the eyes.
“I love you, Roman.” You told him, pushing some hair away from his face.“
I love you too.” Roman replied, pulling you down for a kiss. “I’m gonna change, okay? I promise.”
You smiled at him and kissed him again. The kiss deepened once more and you felt Roman start to get hard again while he was still inside you. Roman stood up and wrapped your legs around him for you as he walked back into the hotel room.
“Where are we going?” You asked with a knowing smile.
“The bed. I need to show you exactly how sorry I am.” He smiled back at you.
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Uneasy Lies the Head - Dark Lord/OC - Chapter 5
Chapters - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
Chapter 5 - Snapdragon and Arrows
The days following Aunt Zelda’s wedding and Ambrose’s imprisonment were somber. Samara’s original plan was to depart from the Spellman house shortly after the wedding and head back to Vail. She had a business there after all. However, with all the recent developments she had decided to stay with her family and offer the support they needed. So as the dawn rose, Samara got herself ready, patted Phlox on the head where he still lounged in the bed and left her room. 
Aunt Hilda was downstairs in the kitchen, mixing something in a bowl. Stress cooking. Samara approached her melancholy Aunt with a soft smile.
“Auntie, I wanted to talk to you for a minute.” 
“Of course, my love. What is it?” Aunt Hilda dusted her hands off on the apron she was wearing.
“I know originally, I was going to be leaving today to head back to Vail. But I figured, what with everything going on, I could perhaps stay for a bit longer? Just until everything is figured out with Ambrose and Auntie Z is back from her honeymoon. I just want to help.” Samara wrung her hands together and stared out the kitchen window, towards the many flowers that swayed in the wind. The brightly colored Snapdragons caught her eye.
“Samara, when would we ever deny you staying?! Of course, my girl! We’d be thrilled to have you around some more. Perhaps we can even convince you to stay forever with a little more time. Keep your cousins out of trouble.” Aunt Hilda squeezed her hand teasingly. Samara let out a low chuckle.
“We’ll see, Auntie. Well, if I am going to be staying for longer than I planned, I do need to hop back to the shop and get some things ready for it. I’ll be back before evening. Anything you want me to bring back?” 
“Oh! How about some rationality brew to pour down your bloody cousins’ throats?” Samara laughed at her Aunt’s joke. She leaned forward and kissed the woman on her cheek.
“I’m afraid even the Dark Lord himself couldn’t brew a potion strong enough to keep their heads on straight. I’ll see you soon Auntie. Give Sabrina my love.” Samara stepped back and braced herself for the teleportation. With a whispered chant she was floating through space and time. 
She landed in the small sitting room of the house she had in Vail. Luckily there was a side table near where she appeared and she used that to steady herself. She shook her head to clear herself of the disorientation. Snapping her fingers, the lights flickered on and she moved to the workshop at the back of the house. It was a nicely sized room where she did all her brewing, grinding and bottling for her work and hobby. Dried and fresh ingredients lined the walls and ceiling either in containers or hanging. The pungent scent of herbs and flowers lingered in the air.
Samara felt the tension she held in her shoulders release as she took in the scent of her workroom. She checked the moisture level of the foxglove and mint as she passed by them. She had a lingering thought that they’d be dry as a bone by the time she returned. Shaking the thought away she turned to the brews she had on one of the counters.
She went to work bottling the requested brews and writing letters to her clients that she’d be indisposed for the unseeable future. She’d get in touch with all of them when she returned to work. She gathered everything up and set them in their designated boxes. She focused for a moment and then began tapping each individual box which instantly disappeared and transported to the client that needed it. 
The time passed quickly as she continued to work. She safely stored some of her more testy and hard-to-aquire ingredients and gathered some gifts for her family. As she got her little cottage prepared for a more longer term vacancy. She went around the house and gathered what she’d need for her longer stay at the Spellmans. By the end she had two suitcases ready in the sitting room. 
She went outside to her sprawling garden and began to carefully walk through the many rows of herbs, flowers and foliage. She stopped by the large patch of red Chrysanthemums that had been what convinced her to buy the cottage. Not only were the flowers beautiful, they were incredibly useful in many brews she made. And without fail, whenever she used those flowers her potions were always successful and potent. Samara was sad to part with them, even if it was only for an indeterminate amount of time. She stroked one of the petals before she headed back inside.
She went over to her bags and glanced at the clock. It was just reaching late afternoon. Hopefully she’d get to the Spellman house just in time to be able to help plot something for Ambrose. She grabbed her two bags after making sure all the lights were off and took a deep breath. She chanted under breath and began teleporting. 
She landed in her room at the Spellman house, falling forward onto the bed after dropping her luggage. Samara groaned as the feelings of teleporting drained from her body. She sat up and took stock of her room. Thankfully her suitcases had remained sealed and not spilled everything everywhere. She’d done that before. She quickly set to work unpacking her bags and settling in. 
The sun was still high in the sky when she finished. She had heard noise downstairs indicating someone was there. More than likely Sabrina since she would’ve just finished with school; her having to return to the mortal school since she’d been expelled from the Academy. Samara brushed her hands off on her jeans and headed downstairs. She was interested in hearing what plans Sabrina and her Aunt had come up with to help Ambrose. She had a few ideas herself.
Samara felt herself begin to frown in confusion as she heard a male voice talking downstairs and her cousin’s voice replying. She hurried down the stairs to see who their guest was. She entered the kitchen to see her cousin filling a glass with water and a taller, handsome man standing by their dining table.
“Cousin. Who’s our guest?” Samara felt giddy delight brush through her at seeing both jump at her question. Sabrina turned around and smiled brightly at Samara but before she could answer her question the man spoke.
“Hi. I’m a missionary for my church. But the young miss here explained that your family already has a faith. I just asked for a glass of water before I left.” The man stared at Samara as he spoke. Chills raced down Samara’s spine for some reason. She stepped closer to Sabrina and watched the man. Her Shadows threatened to twist and turn where they were but Samara kept them still, not wanting to show them to the mortal.
“I see. Do you get many converts, going door to door?” Samara asked, still remaining by Sabrina’s side. Something was off about all this. Samara tried to brush it off, thinking it stress and worry from the past couple days.
“Uh, you’d be surprised. The Word of the Almighty can hold a lot of appeal to people. As long as they’re open to it. I’m Jerry by the way.” He accepted the glass of water from Sabrina and began peering around the room.
“Sabrina. And this is my cousin, Samara.” Samara shot a quick look towards her cousin for giving their names to a stranger.
“Thank you. It’s thirsty business doing the Lord’s work.” Samara subtly rolled her eyes at the man. She leaned back against the counter with Sabrina, her taller cousin shooting a quick smile towards her.
“What religion do you practice? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“It’s more spiritual, really. Personal to our family.” Samara answered before her cousin could. Her arms crossing over her chest. The chills up and down her spine were getting more intense. More feeling like flames and ice racing along her skin. 
“Does it comfort you?” His question was off-putting. Samara thought back to the night she signed her name in the Book and the reassurances she had been flooded with.
“To be honest, sometimes it scares me.” Samara turned her stare to her cousin at her answer. Barely concealing her shock and irritation at divulging personal information to this stranger. A stranger that promoted the words of the False God at that!
“What about it?” Jerry was subtly prying and Sabrina was falling for it. Samara wanted to grab her cousin and shake her. Where was her sense?
“That at its core it’s...What’s at the core of your religion?” Samara let out a quiet breath at her cousin not fully answering.
“Forgiveness and salvation. Who couldn’t use more of those things in their lives?” He gave a soft chuckle with his answer. Samara kept her eyes on him as he began rounding the table towards them.
“But aren’t some people beyond saving?” Sabrina’s question held honest confusion. Samara closed her eyes in exasperation. Honestly, her cousin just didn’t know when to stop.
“Not in my book. No matter what choices they’ve made.” The man continued to look at her cousin. Something in Samara wanted him to leave and stay away. Something in her wanted to flee. She wanted to grab her cousin and run. It was such a ridiculous thought. This mere mortal was causing her senses to go haywire. Maybe she inhaled more of the fumes from that Confusion Concoction than she originally thought.
“But if you dedicate your entire life to something most people think is wrong...or evil...you can’t just wash that away.” Sabrina walked closer to the dining table as she spoke. Samara tensed and dug her fingernails into her arms she still had crossed.
“A hundred percent you can. You just have to ask for forgiveness.” Jerry set his drink down and leaned towards Sabrina.
“If only it were that easy.” Sabrina’s face was scrunched in disbelief.
“Sabrina, that is exactly what I am saying. It is.” Samara scoffed at his words about retort when she heard Phlox making one Heaven of a commotion outside, screeching and chattering. She felt herself tense even more, torn between sticking to her cousin’s side or checking on her familiar. Her answer was made when the phone began to ring and Sabrina hurried to pick it up. Samara rushed out the back door to check on Phlox.
Her worry instantly died when she found him sitting in the garden flicking his tail. He looked fine and nothing around him seemed disturbed. 
“What? Phlox?” Her questions stopped when she heard something going on in the house. She began running back in with Phlox at her feet growling and chattering. She entered the house to see her cousin and the missionary man missing. Cautiously walking through the ground floor, her worry began mounting as she still couldn’t find Sabrina. Just as she rounded the corner of the staircase, she could see the front door hanging by its hinges. She could see Jerry hulking in the doorway, looking out towards the driveway. Just around his side she could see Sabrina cycling down the driveway Salem close behind. Samara began to slip back around the corner and run when Jerry turned to face her. 
“Wait! You can be forgiven! I can show you salvation!” He began screaming and quickly approaching her. As she turned to run she saw the familiar glint of a blade in his hand. Samara felt true panic and fear begin to settle in her chest. She weaved through the house with Phlox sticking close. She could hear Jerry’s thundering footsteps close behind her. She just needed enough space between the two to be able to teleport away, but she also needed to be able to have Phlox touching her so he could teleport with her too.
She was almost to the stairs leading down to the mortuary when she tripped over one of the many rugs in the house. She landed harshly onto her knees and was quick to flip over onto her back to keep Jerry in her line of sight. Seeing her on the ground, he slowed. He began stalking towards her, knife stretched out at his side.
“The choice to be who you are now was made for you when you were still a child! There is still time for you to change and be saved! Repent! Ask for forgiveness and you shall receive.” His ramblings were causing irritation to flutter in with her fear. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the Shadows begin to writhe and twist. She felt her core relax a bit at the sight. She began to slowly extend her arm towards Phlox.
“Sorry bud, I like my cult, not looking to join another one! Phlox!” She yelled to her familiar at the same time the Shadows descended upon the man, keeping him back as she gathered her familiar in her arms.
“Lanucae magicae.” She spoke clearly and buried her face in Phlox’s fur. She landed with a thump in the middle of Cerberus’ Bookstore. She was sure her Aunt would be there. She lifted her head out of Phlox’ fur and took in her surroundings or rather what was left. The bookstore was in tatters, shelves busted and books strewn everywhere. 
“Samara!” She heard her Auntie yell her name. She raised a trembling hand and was helped up. Sabrina was by her side and they quickly wrapped the other in a hug.
“What happened here?” Samara’s voice was buried in her cousin’s shoulder.
“Witch-hunter. It seems there’s a couple running around here. What happened to the one at home?” Aunt Hilda’s hand stroked through her free-flying hair. Samara pulled back and looked at her.
“He’s still alive. I got a couple seconds to run away and I did.” Samara stared at her Aunt as she spoke, hoping she’d get the meaning behind her words. Luckily she did. Aunt Hilda’s face lit with realization and relief. She patted Samara’s cheek in response.
“So, there are two witch-hunters running around Greendale. Lovely.” Samara sighed, Phlox leaning against her leg.
“Three.” Nick’s breathless word came as he burst open the door. “Well, there were three. They call themselves the Innocents.” Sabrina immediately went to him and wrapped him in a hug. “The one who stormed Dorian’s is now trapped in one of his paintings. Sorry Sabrina. I was a dick before but believe me, I’m sobering up fast.” Nick grasped Sabrina’s arms as he apologized.
“What do they want? Do we know?” Samara broke their reunion with her question. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked around at the damage.
“To kill all the witches in Greendale. According to the hunters we subdued, their plan was to start with the outliers. You, your aunt, the crew at Dorian’s. And then converge at the Academy.” Nick answered. They all looked at eachother with worry.
“They’ll all be sitting ducks. We have to warn them.” Sabrina stressed.
“We’re expelled. There’s no way we’re getting into that school. Not without a Hand of Glory.” Nick had a good point. Samara and Hilda shared a glance.
“Oh! You can take your pick in the botanical room at home. I mean, I have half a dozen at least. Okay?” Hilda reassured the two. Samara stepped forward, her arms unfolding.
“Let’s go kill some Witch-Hunters.” She shared a wicked smile with Nick and Sabrina.
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
hello everyone. let me just take a moment to introduce myself. my name is Megan and two years ago, I started this blog originally under the user name @/syzygy-yoongi to post one shots about the boys from IQIYI’s Idol Producer. since that time, i have gain a mass following (2,000+ today) that i am forever grateful for. i have also made many friends that i love dearly and am so blessed to have in my life.
when i began this blog, i didn’t expect so many people to pay attention or to read my stories. if you remember, i was pumping out chapters two or three times a day, finishing series within a week or two because i loved writing that much.
today, i’m going to rank my top five completed series that i have written. feel free to reblog with your own opinions/rankings as well or leave me an ask with your opinions about my stories! (i’m very bored).
Now let’s get this show on the road!
1. Girls Like You (Cai Xukun)
Summary: IP High School is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in China for the fine arts. Owned by the Huang family, the school only accepts the best of the best. Many of China’s biggest stars came from this school and many of their students already have offers upon their graduation.
This year will be Cai Xukun’s fourth year at the school and fourth year witnessing the favoritism of his classmate, Zhu Zhengting (who’s parents are world class dancers) as well as the favoritism from students Fan Chengcheng (little brother of China’s most famous actress) and headmasters’ son, Huang Justin. The three of them are known to run the school. They get away with being late to classes, missing classes completely, missing assignments, talking back and Xukun swears he’s never seen them in full uniform. Safe to say that he kind of despises them and their “holier-than-thou” mindsets.
So when Justin’s sister joins them for her senior year, he could only roll his eyes at the news. While all of Xukun’s friends seem to fall for her, he can’t see the magic of it all.
“Girls like you? Girls like you are the kind that I can’t stand! You think just because you’re rich and pretty that we all have to fall for you? Well news flash, it’s not going to work on me. Now stay out of my way!”
MY OPINION: I really hold this fic near and dear to my heart because of the amount of work I put into the relationship between YN and Justin, YN and Zhengting and YN and Xukun. These were the three main relationships throughout the story that I feel really made readers pick sides. In all honesty, I was very nervous the first half the the story because everyone was on Zhengting’s side. This story was one of my most popular series and I was very pleased with the outcome, though I do have some regrets.
LOVED MOST: The relationship between YN and Justin. Justin’s character was the most difficult character I have ever portrayed. The early stages of developing his character actually spurred from Charlie from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. As for YN’s character, I grew up in a household where my parents were always at work and so I had to raise my younger siblings (obviously not to the extent of YN’s and my parents are kind people). Her motherly tendencies came a lot from the things I had personally done growing up (making meals, putting together backpacks, so on and so forth). I think of all the relationships I’ve ever written, YN’s and Justin’s “Huang or Die” relationship is always going to be my favorite.
BIGGEST REGRET: The ending. Looking back on it now, I honestly think the story should have gone another way. Of course YN runs from Zhengting but I personally think that the ending was way too rushed. It was something I put together in the matter of hours just because I wanted to get the story over with. I think now, I would have let YN have more time to be herself and to be a kid in Korea rather than carrying on being a mother. I also would have liked it if she had ended up with Chengcheng, the only boy in this entire story besides Zhengting, who had been there from start to finish . I would have also liked to have seen the more interaction with her and Yanjun and Ziyi, considering they, along with Bingbing were the main hands that took part in her escape.
2. SUBSCRIBE! (Xiao Gui)
Summary: Wang Linkai just posted videos of himself playing videos for fun. He never in a million years expected to build the type of following he did.
Zhu YN started off just posting little home videos for her and her friends. She never in a million years expected to build the type of following she did.
The one where you and Xiao Gui have no idea who the other is until one day, your brother sends you the link to a video called “REACTING TO TEXTS FROM AN ANGEL I MET TODAY!”
MY OPINION: Though Xiao Gui continues to be my bias up until today, the fic that I wrote for him is second place. I had a lot of fun writing it but with a more regrets than I did with Girls Like You. (Also let’s all remember when I wrote that he was a matcha frappe guy and then days later, he was papped with that exact drink).
LOVED MOST: Xiao Gui’s character development is something I’m always going to take pride in. I think out of all of my stories, his character was one of the most carefully planned. There were little details (such as when Gui goes from stealing Ziyi’s car keys to asking for them in the end) that really showed how much he grew. I’m also glad he didn’t just give up his dream for love and how he wanted YN to be free while he was away. I feel like had he been the same person from the beginning, he either would’ve given up his music career or made YN wait for him. I really loved to see how much he grew during this story.
BIGGEST REGRET: How YN knew Xiao Gui’s mother 🤦🏻‍♀️. That was such a plot twist ending that didn’t even make sense. I wish I had found a different way for YN to have gotten Gui to be with his mother other than “oh she sells me fruit”.
3. Smile for the Camera (Zhu Zhengting)
Summary: Nine Percent Photography is a small company with big names. Owned by Y/N, it features the faces of Cai Xukun, Chen Linong, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Justin, Lin Yanjun, Wang Ziyi and You Zhangjing.
Nine Percent Photography is best known for their creativity and ability to push their models into various aesthetics. They are one of the richest companies in Asia with every model raking in an estimated 2.3 million dollars every month. It is every model’s dream to be apart of this world class company.
Zhu Zhengting is an aspiring model. Up until this point, he has only scored small gigs. That is, until one phone call changed his entire life.
Zhengting finally has the chance to follow his dreams. He’s not going to let anything get in his way. Right?
MY OPINION: This story was the first story of mine that really blew up. It’s my pride and joy and where my following really started to build.
LOVED MOST: I loved the harmony between the company. It was like they were all destined to be together. I also liked how they were so honest with each other towards the end. I loved how they all had to fall apart to come back together. I also really appreciated Yanjun’s friendship with YN and how much YN loved her company.
BIGGEST REGRET: I should have made the the story longer so that YN and Zhengting could have had more time to fall in love with each other. I reread it a couple of weeks ago and honestly, the way the fell was so awkward and rushed. Had I gone back to write it, I would have focused more on their love story. I also wished I would have gone and written more about their modeling and/or their work since they were a modeling company. I also wished I had gone deeper into YN and Zeren’s backstory.
4. Oblivious (Wang Ziyi)
Wang Ziyi has never been the type to confront his feelings head on. He’s always swallowed the butterflies, tied his shoe laces and held on to the safety handle to make sure he never let him fall for anyone. He likes to say it’s because he doesn’t want to get his heart broken but his friends say that maybe he’s just saving those feelings for you.
the one where people aren’t sure whether you two really hate each other or really like each other.
MY OPINION: This was one of my more humorous stories. I’m usually an angst writer so getting to write Ziyi and YN in such a playful manner was like a breath of fresh air. This is also the story that came after I took my first hiatus (which was supposed to be like a week but ended up being like a day lol). I remember the stress of wanting to write something angsty for Ziyi and not having the storyline so instead, I decided to write a funnier story for him. Though, not as popular as Girls Like You, Subscribe! or Smile for the Camera, it still ranks high for me.
LOVED MOST: I LOVED HOW FUNNY ZIYI AND YN’S CHARACTERS WERE — actually all of them! One of my favorite parts of the story is always going to be the line where Linong says he has “bible study in an hour” and Yanjun replies “PLEASE STOP CALLING YOUR THEOLOGY (the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs) CLASS BIBLE STUDY!” All of the characters played a big part in the story unlike in the others where characters like Zhangjing and Linong are more of the background extras.
BIGGEST REGRET: THE WHOLE ENDING! I remember a lot of people were upset with YN and her plans and I agree because what she did was a bit uncalled for. But I remember just wanting it to end so I let it end the way it did. Had I gone back and rewritten it, I probably would have let Xingjie and YN play out for a bit before the two realized they were better off as friends. Sort of along the lines of Lara Jean and John Ambrose.
5. Trust Me - Lin Yanjun
Summary: Summary: Ever since you were a freshman in high school, Wang Ziyi has always felt the need to protect you. Now you’re a freshman in college and nothing has changed. When he hears that the labeled player, Lin Yanjun, is trying to make his way into your life, Ziyi finds it harder to keep his secret under wraps - especially when you make friends with You Zhangjing, Lin Yanjun’s best friend.
MY OPINION: Ah yes. I feel like this is a forgotten story of mine. It was one of my first ever series. I think I was still @/syzygy-yoongi at the time that I wrote this. I still get nostalgic when I see people finding it now. This is actually the story that got me into writing series (I had never written one before Trust Me) when a follower suggested the idea to me.
LOVED MOST: I really loved the plot twist at the end. I think of all of my stories, this was the only one that I really planned out and stuck to it. I didn’t overthink Trust Me because at the time, I did get have many followers and I didn’t have anyone to disappoint.
BIGGEST REGRET: I think the reason why I ranked Trust Me so lowly is because of the lack of quality it had. It was the earliest development of what yanjuniverse is today. This is the story that made me realize that I really had a knack for angst. I have the fondest memories of Trust Me and I’m so happy I wrote it.
Conclusion: This was my top five rankings for my completed series. Of course it doesn’t go into my incompleted series (I Bet would’ve knocked Trust Me right off of this list). This was a complete waste of time but just something I wanted to do because I had just spent the past couple of weeks rereading my fics. Hope you all enjoyed and if you made it this far, thank you so much. I’m so grateful for this blog. It really made me who I am today. I’m so grateful for the memories and how much I grew from these stories!
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lynelovespopculture · 5 years
From the very first moment he appears on the screen, Father Faustus Blackwood, High Priest of the Greendale’s witches coven and Headmaster of the Academy of the Unseen Arts is set up to be the show’s big bad. But is he truly evil? How did we get this way? Can he ever defeat the Spellmans? Using what the show’s two seasons has already given us and little guesswork, I’ll try my best to answer these questions. Before I get started, I like to state that the ideas discussed in this are 100% mine. The next season could prove me right or wrong, I don’t know. You, of course, could agree or disagree. I would love to see a debate here but, as this blog is a safe place, I must ask everyone to please keep things friendly.  Now, let’s begin:
As a feminist, I want to address Blackwood’s extreme sexism. There is nothing good to defend here. Since this wasn’t even an issue until the middle in season 2, some viewers have blamed lazy writing and I don’t disagree but it is in the show so I’ll talk about it. I’m fairly sure that little boys aren’t born thinking that they’re better than little girls.  They need to be thaught that shit. Which leads  me to my 1st   guesswork. We know nothing of Faustus’s childhood, but given his disgust for ‘half- breeds’, I felt safe saying that the Blackwood family are all pure-bloods. I imagine that Faustus’s father is an ancient warlock who had a weak, submissive witch wife and possibly both believe that ‘witches must serve warlocks’ jazz. As for Faustus’s boyhood, I am 2 minds; he could be a golden child-a only child or maybe an only son, favored above his sisters because he was a boy. Or if he had many brothers, he might have been a black sheep; overlooked, teased for preferring books to more manly pursuits.
Whatever lays in his childhood, at age 16, Faustus Blackwood signed his name in the book of the beast and enrolled in the Academy of  Unseen Arts. He must have done well there. After all, he was popular enough to win the election of top boy (unless he cheated) and he’s a powerful warlock so he must have studied hard. Of course, he becomes a teacher and while teaching at the academy, Faustus meets the family that changes his life forever; the spellmans.
There is   a lot to unpack here so I decided to discuss Blackwood relationships have broken down Spellman by  Spellman:
EDWARD: Faustus was Edward’s mentor. It’s possible that, in the beginning, given Edward’s power as a warlock and the fact he was the top  boy himself, Faustus could see himself in Edward. As a teacher/mentor and student, Faustus and Edward were close, possibly even friends. However, the clash between them had to happen. Why? Faustus Blackwood is an extreme traditionist, Edward Spellman, the extreme reformist. It’s the old vs new, Blackwood vs Spellman. The fact that Edward was made high priest, a student put in a position of power ahead of him, must have rubbed Blackwood the wrong way. It’s not only over ideas these men clash it’s also over love. The scene where Faustus tells Zelda that he once confided in Edward that he was going ask for Zelda’s hand in marriage. What’s so interesting here it’s not what’s be said, it’s the faces. Zelda has a look of surprise, this is brand new information to her and she’s not sure what to do with it. But look at Blackwood’s face when he said Edward rebuked him. The man looks in physical pain. Okay, it’s likely that Edward knew about Faustus’s way with women and didn’t want his sister near that mess. Yet, I would like to know what the hell Edward said to Faustus about marrying Zelda that even now, 16 years after Edward’s death and Faustus still looks like a sad puppy just by recalling this memory. It’s also worth noting that Zelda also taught at the academy while Edward was alive. Talk on the show suggests the brother and sister were close and as he was Edward’s mentor it is not that far a stretch to imagine that after he began high priest and headmaster, Edward would make Faustus and Zelda his top advisers. If this is the case, Edward might have unknowingly set the groundwork for Faustus Blackwood’s resentment of him.  Think about it; Faustus started out as Edward’s mentor NOW he’s Edward’s employee at school, Faustus is a devout man but Edward is high priest so he must obey but disagrees with all his polities add to all this that Faustus is working closely with Zelda-a woman he’s clearly in love/in lust with  but had been forbidden to marry. At this point,  Blackwood tries to find comfort by having meaningless sex with women who mean nothing to him. Things come to a head when one of these women (Prudence’s mother) becomes pregnant with his child. Sometimes after giving birth to Prudence, a  female child, the mother begs Faustus to marry her but Faustus, perhaps still entertaining hopes of making Zelda his wife, flatly refuses to marry the mother of his child so the poor woman drowns herself out of shame. Blackwood didn’t feel guilty about his lover’s suicide on the surface, but it was guilt, shame or pity that makes Faustus take his motherless infant to be fostered at the academy, where Blackwood can keep an eye on Prudence but isn’t forced to actually forced to claim her as his own. I had already said that Faustus and Edward don’t agree on many ideas but a prime example of this is their conflicting views are on mortals. Faustus has no needs for mortals, it’s against witch law for a witch/warlock to marry a mortal and Edward did just that by marrying the human Diana. Now Edward is not just changing the rules, he just breaking them. Edward fell in love with Diana-a full human who knew nothing of witch ways, the church or path of the night yet Edward married her and only punishment he received was to sign his child’s name in the book of the beast, something he was expected to do anyway. Yet Faustus was in love with Zelda-a full witch of their world and devout to the path of night, the ideal partner, yet he was forbidden to marry her. Blackwood did eventually, marry a witch named Constance, but from what I’ve seen there’s nothing of love or lust between them. So, why her? I personally believe that Faustus was forced to marry Constance, possibly even by Edward himself. Let me explain. At some point, Zelda, maybe even before Prudence’s birth, must of left teaching to focus on her training as a  midwife, maybe she even left the country, going to England to study with Hilda.  Yet Edward knew his sisters would not be gone forever. If he knew the sad story about Prudence’s mother, Edward would have kept a  close eye on Faustus and was dismayed when Blackwood showed no signs of interest in settling down with a woman that wasn’t Edward’s sister. When Constance showed interest in becoming Lady Blackwood, Edward took matters in his own hands. Playing on Blackwood’s love of power, as headmaster, Edward offers  Faustus a  big job promotion,   but ONLY if he marries Constance, Faustus grumpily agreed. As high priest, Edward perhaps married them himself, killing Faustus’s last, lingering hope of marrying Zelda, well, at least, for a while…
I’d saved the million-dollar question for last: did Faustus Blackwood kill Edward and Diana Spellman? The 1st time I saw the show I thought of course he did but as  I reviewed the evidence in mind,  I honestly don’t know. True, as a warlock, Blackwood could cause a plane to go down without being near it and Edward’s ghost directly Sabrina that it was Blackwood that killed him. Case closed? Not really. Edward is one DUMB ghost.  Right after he tells his daughter that Blackwood bought his plane down, he also tells Sabrina that if Blackwood marries Zelda, he will kill her too but we know that this never happens. I really do get the need to reach out to his child,  but for all her determination and well-intentions, Sabrina is still only 16, a child and not the best pick to stop the wedding.  My question is if Edward wants to truly stop the wedding, what didn’t he just go talk to the bride, Zelda himself? Zelda even has this question herself. But let’s get back to the main question, did Blackwood kill Edward? On the morning of the wedding, Sabrina tells Nick about Hamlet.  For those of not in the know,  Hamlet’s uncle murdered his brother but the guilt only shows itself after Hamlet gets actors to reenact the murder in a play presented to his uncle. Sabrina does not this effect. Sure, when  ‘Edward and Diana’ crash the wedding, Blackwood sees right through it, he knows it’s just the kids using a glamour spell. But in explaining he knows it’s them, he oddly pays Edward a  complement, says that Edward would disrespect their ways by interrupting a sacred rite like a marriage service. Afterward, Faustus still shows no guilt, he simply goes on with his day, throwing Ambrose in a cell and marries Zelda privately. Is Blackwood’s hatred of Edward so deep that he simply feels no guilt over the murder or did he not commit the crime? If it is Blackwood’s master plan to destroy the Spellmans, why kill Edward and then wait 16 years to make his next move? The show doesn't give us enough evidence, either way, to show him as proven guilty or innocent.
 Okay, guys, this went on way longer than I thought but I have a lot more to say so I'll break this into parts. Meanwhile, I want to hear from you! Do you like this? Do you agree or disagree? Did I miss something? A like is nice but I LIVE FOR COMMENTS AND I LOVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Make Me Happy (Ambrose Spellman x reader)
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A/N: this gif does things to me djskshdbsj. Why aren't ppl in real life this attractive???? Chance Perdomo has totally fucked up my standards, jesus.
Warnings: none I think
Your family had been close to the Spellmans for as long as you could remember. You had spent countless hours in their company, especially the company of one particular warlock. Ambrose and you went way back. As in, you were there when he tried to blow up the Vatican and you were the first one to tell him how stupid he was. You were there when he was sentenced to remain in that house and you were his shoulder to cry on.
So, when your mother told you that your family was going over to the Spellman's for dinner, you thought nothing of it. It was nothing out of the ordinary. When you arrived on their front porch, Ambrose was the one to open the door, sending you a smile as soon as he did.
"Lovely to see you Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N."
You parents filed into the house, you following close behind.
"And you as well, Y/N."
"Nice to see you too, Ambrose. How are things at the Academy going?"
He closed the door behind you, raising his eyebrows.
"It's, well, interesting, to say the least."
"And how is Luke doing?"
At this, Ambrose stopped in his tracks, freezing on the way to the dinner table.
"We broke up, actually. Just the other day."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," you rested a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"I'm holding up just fine. It was for the best."
You nodded as you both sat down at the table, joining in on the conversation that had started up with everyone else.
Dinner flew by, and soon everyone was just sitting around the table covered in empty dishes, talking and laughing.
"Do you want to head up to my room? Maybe talk? I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever."
You looked at Ambrose when he spoke, his voice barely audible. Sending him a smile, you nodded. You both excused yourselves as you ventured up towards his room. As soon as you walked through the door, you plopped down on his bed, sitting with your legs crossed.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Ambrose smiled as he sat down next to you, leaning back and resting his weight on his hands.
"Nothing in particular. Just wanted to spend some quality time with my favorite witch."
"I'm flattered. So what did you mean when I asked you about the academy earlier? What's so interesting about it?"
Ambrose chuckled, shaking his head.
"Let's just say the other warlocks there are not on the same page as me. I feel like they're part of some secret 'boys only' club."
You grimaced. "Yikes."
"That's a great word to describe how I'm feeling. I want to earn my freedom and all, but something feels off."
"Just follow your heart, 'Brose. You're smart enough to know what's right for you."
Ambrose looked at you and smiled.
"You always give the best advice, Y/N/N. It's infuriating."
"What?" You gasped. "How is that infuriating?"
"Because sometimes I simply want to bitch and moan and you have to go all deep on me."
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be a good friend," you said, shaking your head with faux annoyance.
Ambrose laughed, scooching closer to you.
"Oh, don't get all salty on me. You know you love me."
You looked up at him, smiling.
"Yeah, unfortunately, I do."
You rested your head on his shoulder, and he pressed a gentle kiss to your hair.
"You're too good to me, Y/N/N."
"I know," you sighed. "I don't know what you did to deserve me."
"Oh, shut up."
You laughed, savoring the sweet moment you two were sharing.
"How are things with you? I feel like all we've talked about is me," Ambrose said after a little gap of silence. You perked up at this, remember the news you had forgotten to tell him.
"I got a job at the Academy, teaching divination."
Ambrose gasped, and you looked up at him.
"No!" He smiled. "Does that mean I'm gonna have to see you every day?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Oh, it would be too bad. You'll just get to hear me complain about Father Blackwood's Satanic Boy Scouts even more."
"Oh, joy."
"Honestly, though. I'm really happy for you. I mean, technically we'll be co-workers."
"Thank you, Ambrose. I'm excited. Hopefully, I'll get to teach 'Brina."
"When do you start?"
"This week, I'm not sure exactly when. The current teacher is retiring, so Fr. Blackwood said he'd let me know when she leaves."
He nodded, looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
You frowned at him.
"There is something going on in your head. Tell me."
"I just... you make me really happy, Y/N/N."
You smiled at his words.
"Thanks, 'Brose. You make me happy too."
"Y/N, we've been friends for a while. Do you maybe wanna try being something more?"
Your eyebrows shot up.
"Like.. date?"
"Yeah. I mean, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of each other, why not give it a shot?"
"Okay," you smiled, nodding your head. "Why not?"
There was a silence as you both looked at one another with a gentle smile on your faces.
"Can I kiss you?"
Ambrose laughed at your words.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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theworldofotps · 5 years
Fighting Over Ambrose
Pairing:Ambrollins, Deanee, and (Seth and Cathy idk what their name would be.) Word Count: 1,705 Description: Seth and Renee both have feelings for Dean, with Cathy in Renee's corner Cathy tells Seth that despite Dean loving him he couldn't love Seth like he does Renee. Cathy's reason for this? Sparing her friends from heartbreak and her feelings for Seth.
“That was an amazing match.”
Roman grins as they walk backstage a successful match against Apollo, Finn and Heath with The Shield coming out on top. Seth grins nodding his head as they walk to their changing room Dean grins wrapping his arm around Seth’s shoulders.
“We dominated them baby it was perfect."
Chuckling Seth nods as they walk into the room trying to keep the butterflies he felt at bay. It wasn't any secret to a majority of the roster that Seth was bisexual. He hadn't explored too much of his liking for the samesex but that didn't mean he couldn't have feelings for his fellow Shield member Dean. An boy did he have it bad for the Ohioan man the only other person he felt this crazy for had been when he first met one of his best friends Cathy. But like all new crushes Seth's faded and his feelings for Dean had grown there was just one problem.
Renee Young.
Don't get him wrong he loved Renee but her feelings for Dean were making things difficult. She knew about Seth's feelings for Dean she was always kind about it but Cathy when she found out she kept threatening Seth to stay away from Dean if it wasn't platonic. Lately Seth and Renee had started fighting about it because Cathy was in her corner constantly telling her to make Dean fall for her.
He asks looking at Roman who's standing with his arms crossed over his chest head tilted.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the last fifteen minutes."
"Sorry my mind wandered away, what is it?"
"Are you going to get drinks with us at the hotel bar?"
"Yeah after my shower."
"What the hell were you thinking so hard about?"
"Just Cathy being on my case again about Dean she's constantly in Renee's ear about how to take Dean away."
"You three need to get that settled it's tearing friendships up."
"I know."
Seth sighs as they wait for Dean to come out of the shower so the last two members could get their showers. Once they were clean the three head back to the hotel Dean on the way revealing they would be meeting up with Renee and Cathy.
"Show him what he means to you."
Cathy says from the bathroom where she's doing her hair before they meet Dean, Roman and Seth for drinks downstairs.
"I have been we've gone to his favorite restaurants and watched his favorite movies together."
Renee says fixing her outfit as they talk about how else she could get Dean to fall for her instead of Seth.
"Just sit and listen to him enjoy yourself tonight I'll handle Seth for you."
Cathy smiles coming from the bathroom grabbing her wallet they walk out of the room down to the elevator.
"Do you think Seth and I can still be friends after this is all done with?"
"Of course he knows part of Dean loves you and above all else he wants Dean happy."
Renee nods as they make their way into the bar spotting the guys Dean waves them over patting for Renee to sit on the other side that Seth isn't occupying. Sitting down Roman orders their drinks and strikes up a conversation with Dean and Renee.
"Finally given up on being more than friends with Dean?"
Cathy whispers to Seth who shoots her a glare shaking his head quickly Cathy scowls.
"Why don't we dance?"
Cathy asks and Roman shakes his head with a chuckle looking at them.
"Y'all go ahead I'm gonna text the Mrs. for a few minutes."
Grabbing Seth's hand Cathy pulls him to the small dance floor arm on his shoulder and hand in his.
"How many times do I have to tell you leave Dean alone let Renee have him."
"Why should I give up on him? What makes her so much more special than me?"
"Because Dean loves her I think his feelings towards you are more of a brother then a lover."
"Has he told you that?"
"No but it's obvious by the way they are around each other I can only imagine how hard it is for him to pick between you two. But anyone can see he's head over heels for her do yourself a favor and let him go you're going to be only hurting yourself more in the end."
Cathy says before motioning for him to look over where Renee and Dean are simply swaying together and laughing. Heart falling Seth waits till the song is over before excusing himself.
"Hey Roman I'm gonna go to my room I don't feel too good."
Seth says biting his lip Roman looks up at his friend when he hears the crack in his voice.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing I just need to go lay down."
Looking behind Seth at Renee and Dean the Samoan's face softens as he looks back up at Seth.
"Okay buddy but if you need to talk or just need someone call me and I'll be right there."
Nodding Seth quickly leaves heading up to his room and locking himself away for the rest of the night. When Cathy joins Roman he sends her a heated glare which causes her to flinch.
"What the hell did you say to him?"
"Facts Roman that's all."
"It's not your place to say anything that needs to be left up to Dean to speak about with him not you."
The two sit looking at each other Dean and Renee soon joining them a look of confusion on Dean's face.
"Hey where's Seth at?"
"He wasn't feeling to good suddenly so he went to lay down he'll be fine."
Roman says his cold gaze still on Cathy who looks down at her hands the four spend the rest of the evening chatting over drinks. As for Seth nobody needed to know the tears he shed for one of his best friends as he fell asleep.
"Seth please will you talk to me?"
"I need to go to get ready for the gym Dean can't we talk later?"
"No your stubborn ass has been avoiding me for days and I want to have this conversation now."
Pushing Seth onto his bed Dean paces in front of him before sitting in a chair in front of him taking the other man's hands.
"Roman told me the real reason why you left that night at the bar it took me forever to get it out of him but he said you saw something that hurt you. Then he told me to talk to Cathy so I did and she told me the whole conversation why didn't you talk to me?"
"Because it's obvious I would just be wasting my breath so why bother? You're in love with Renee I just want to move on with my life while I can."
"I know this has been confusing for you both babe but I love you both Renee I want her by my side as my girl and one day my wife. You I need by my side as my best friend my in your words wrestling soulmate. I can't love you the way you want or deserve I especially can't do that to Cathy."
"What on Earth does she have to do with anything?"
"She's in love with you nearly obsessed but not in a bad creepy way that's why she was so passionate about getting you to try and move on. I can't give you what she or someone else could I love Renee and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I want you both in my life do you think you can live with that?"
Seth wipes his eyes nodding his head quickly he'd rather have Dean in his life as his brother then not at all.
"Yeah I just need a little time."
"Take as much as you need."
Dean smiles hugging him then leaving to give Seth some alone time over the next few weeks Seth slowly works over his feelings for Dean. During the time he and Renee spoke smoothing everything between them both happy to have their friendship back. He had been avoiding Cathy while he thinks over what Dean told him about her feelings. One night after Raw he finally pulls her off to the side to speak with her.
"Hey how are you?"
She asks sitting down on a crate Seth sits next to her swinging his legs.
"I'm doing better I've worked through my feelings a lot lately and I'm still working on them. But I wanna ask you something and I want you to answer me honestly."
"Ask away."
"Why were you so against my feelings for Dean?"
Cathy sighs scratching the back of her neck running a hand through her hair looking at him.
"Because I saw how badly you were hurting and how in denial you were about it. I knew that Dean was falling more for Renee and I didn't want your heart broken any further."
"Dean told me there was another reason the one about you having feelings for me. Do you love me Cathy?"
Seth asks taking her hand in his rubbing the skin softly under his thumb.
"It doesn't matter it won't change anything."
"Well I can't tell you that I'm starting to realize I still have feelings for you if you won't tell me out loud."
Cathy looks over at Seth who has a small smile on his face kissing the back of her hand Seth nods.
"I want to take things slow with you Cathy but I want to try again."
"I would love nothing more Seth."
She smiles giving his hand a squeeze the two smiling at each other.
"I'm glad because Dean demand we go on a double date with him and Renee for lunch tomorrow."
"Of course he did when doesn't Dean demand."
The two laugh hoping off the crate and head off hand in hand to find their friends.
Special request from @devilzadvokitty for a friend's birthday tomorrow. I hope you both enjoy thank you for requesting and darlin I hope you have a wonderful birthday! 💕
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softambrollins · 5 years
when the party’s over (dean/seth) - fluff, angst, goodbyes, post-wrestlemania 35 (ao3 link)
Their story never ends. If they've proven anything in the last nine years, it's that they always, always find their way back to each other. There's no Seth Rollins without Dean Ambrose. Just like there's no Dean Ambrose without Seth Rollins. Their bond will always be strong enough to bridge all the miles and all the years that could ever separate them.
a/n: listen to when the party’s over while you read this for maximum angst.
also, thank you to everyone who’s read my fic over the last 3 years and who’s had such nice things to say about it. i love you guys. 💙
As soon as Seth spots Dean when he gets backstage, he stops in the middle of whatever he's doing, abruptly excuses himself from whoever he's talking to, and heads straight over to him, weaving around all the other people lingering in his path like he's in some kind of a daze, like he suddenly can't see any of them. Can't see anything but Dean. When he's finally right in front of him, he doesn't say anything. He just grabs him by the hand and unceremoniously drags him into the closest secluded corner he can find, away from all the noise and the crowds and the cameras.
He doesn't let go of his hand, like he's holding on to it for dear life, like it's the only thing keeping him afloat right now. He locks eyes with him, standing close enough that Dean can feel his breath on his cheek. Dean can see the palpable distress in his eyes, can feel the tension in his grip and his entire body. And that's not how this is supposed to go. Seth's just won the Universal Championship; he should be all smiles, overflowing with joy and gratitude. But that isn't what he's getting right now.
"Don't go," Seth tells him in a hushed plea, looking up at him with wide, imploring eyes.
"Seth..." Dean exhales, blinking at him in surprise.
"I know, I know I said I wouldn't do this," he says, his voice cracking. "But I just did the impossible out there. And I couldn't do that without you. I wouldn't have this without you." He looks down at the title still clutched in his other hand. "I can't do any of this without you."
Dean just regards him for a second, and then he slowly lets go of Seth's hand but only to reach up and gently take his face in both his hands, making him look him right in the eye.
"Yeah, you can," Dean assures him. "You're gonna be so fucking great. And I'm so proud of you. Of everything you've done. All on your own."
Seth shakes his head, his eyes brimming with tears. "I can't — I don't know how to do this, to be this person that goes out there and does all this ridiculous shit in front of the whole fucking world, without knowing you're right here if I need you. It's fucking selfish, I know, but — Please, for me… Please..."
His head's bowed now like it's hard to look at him, eyes closed, and Dean brushes some hair out of his face, gently presses his lips to Seth's forehead, arms wrapping around his shoulders to hold him close.
He pulls away the slightest bit, and Seth tentatively raises his gaze back up to Dean's eyes. He looks wrecked, utterly devastated, and Dean feels his own heart slowly start to shatter. There's a reason he's been avoiding talking about this much, that he's been trying to keep this lowkey, and it's because it's easier for him. And maybe Dean's been selfish too. Because maybe Seth's needed this from him all along, and all the overwhelming emotions from tonight just finally pushed him over the edge.
"Seth, I'm not really gonna be gone," he says, gently resting one hand over Seth's chest now, feeling his heartbeat against his palm. "I'm always gonna be right here with you. No matter what. Whenever you need me."
Seth nods at him, lifting his own hand to wrap around Dean's, holding it closer against his heart. "I know. It's still gonna fucking hurt, though. More than anything else. More than anything we've ever done to each other."
They've broken each other's hearts a million times over, deliberately, by choice, but somehow it's always the things that are out of their control that cause the most damage. Having to leave when you still love each other is so much worse than having a lack of love.
"We'll be okay," Dean tells him quietly, because that has to be true. "It's not the end. Not really."
Their story never ends. If they've proven anything in the last nine years, it's that they always, always find their way back to each other. There's no Seth Rollins without Dean Ambrose. Just like there's no Dean Ambrose without Seth Rollins. Their bond will always be strong enough to bridge all the miles and all the years that could ever separate them.
Seth manages a broken smile. "I just want you to be happy. I want that more than anything. Even if it's not here."
"I'm happy right now," Dean tells him honestly. "Because of you."
Seth's smile turns a little brighter, his big brown eyes shining.
He leans in and kisses Dean on the mouth, so, so soft that it almost hurts. Dean parts his lips slightly with a small sigh and returns the kiss, slow and sweet and lingering, just for a second or two more, his fingers curling into Seth's hair.
When they break the kiss, they just stare at each other for a moment that feels like it goes on forever. And then Seth pulls him into a crushing embrace, his hands fisted into the back of his jacket, his face pressed hard into his shoulder like he's memorising the feel and the smell of him, like he never, ever wants to let go. Dean holds his body tightly against him, strokes his fingers over his hair soothingly, presses his mouth to the top of his head. Keeps him there as long as he possibly can.
"I love you," Seth says right against his ear before he pulls away, voice raw and desperate, his breath warm on his skin.
Dean touches his forehead to Seth's, their eyes falling shut, just basking in this moment, in each other, in the sensation and weight of being together like this one last time.
"What happens now?" Seth eventually says, gazing at him with a soft, vulnerable expression.
"Tonight, we're gonna celebrate," Dean tells him. "And after that, we can talk about everything else."
"This isn't gonna change, is it? You and me? Whatever comes next?" Seth asks him, unguarded and hopeful.
Dean shakes his head. "Never," he promises him.
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shtbgs-blog · 6 years
me: has 500 muses me: adds more
shush i am in a battle to have the most muses and just bc i have like 600 doesn’t mean i don’t want to play them a few of these are old old old muses I always have muse for and would love to start playing again.
under the read more you will find introductions for:
ambrose hartley ( bebe rexha ) colby blackstone ( sofia black-d’elia ) harley maddox ( miley cyrus ) brinley joseph ( chloe norgaard ) quinn james ( kehlani parrish ) daniel silver ( herman tommeraas ) lance nash ( justin bieber ) holden clover ( james franco ) & conor johnson ( nicholas hoult )
Do I hate myself? Yes I do.
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AMBER ROSE “AMBROSE” HARTLEY looks an awful lot like BEBE REXHA. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they're PLAYFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty ABSENT MINDED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HURRICANE by HALSEY. 
Ambrose came from a really loving family tbh like, she had no problem with them at all in the slightest
her problem was she just couldn’t stay tame no matter how hard she tried, even when she was young she seemed to be full of energy and at the age of six they had adopted another little girl to be Amber’s best friend
For a long time they were the closest of friends, and there were times where Amber thought they’d be friends forever, but as they grew older she could see how different they really were, and how perfect she seemed to fit into Amber’s family
Better than Amber ever had, actually.
So at the age of eighteen she packed up her things and moved out.
She didn’t move far, at first, instead she decided to crash with one of her girlfriends but that honestly didn’t last long.
That was when she began to travel but no one ever seemed to match her wild and adventurous persona.
While she was gone she did do a lot of bad things you could say. One of those things being mixed up with a man who actually sold her for prostitution but you won’t ever catch her talking about that
During one of these wild adventures, though, someone made the joke that they thought her name was Ambrose because of how fast she speaks. Ever since then it just stuck. That was a few years ago ( 25 )
She just recently came back to Kola after deciding maybe it was time to go home and see her family and old friends. But who knows how long this will last.
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COLBY BLACKSTONE looks an awful lot like SOFIA BLACK D’ELIA. SHE is TWENTY and while they’re LAID BACK, they have a tendency to get pretty IMPULSIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to FAST CAR by KHALID COVER.
papa was a rolling stone..... legit
her dad is a rock star and she’s one of hadley’s siblings
her mom is just as wild and firey as her father with a legit passion for music and maybe did a few songs with him but she was most known for kind of being a hot mess ( courtney love vibes )
which is why it’s so fucking weird that colby is the way she is like? she is just this soft spoken chill individual who likes to take photos
she’s been her parents photographer for events since she was sixteen but she’s been dying to get away from them 
so off to kola university it was, where she’s studying photography
she’s here to have a good time and she’s pretty chill
unless you get her stoned then she’s fucking wild
oh and when she’s drunk????
she’s basically a fucking rockstar just like her parents
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HARLEM “HARLEY” MADDOX looks an awful lot like MILEY CYRUS. THEY are TWENTY FIVE and while they’re ACCEPTING, they have a tendency to get pretty OBNOXIOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to CURSE OF CURVES by CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR. 
Harley is here to steal your girl honestly they flirt with every single female they come into contact with it’s kind of overwhelming 
but they arent strictly into females they just feel more comfortable around them
They have always been masc / the dom in every single relationship they’ve been in, romantic or platonic. 
They just have always had that more dominant personality type which has lead to them getting into a great deal of fights
When they were seventeen they came out that they identify as agender and go by they/them pronouns but their parents just didn’t seem to get it???
it wasn’t super bad or anything it just lead it to be awkward in their house hold so Harley decided to leave at the age of eighteen after graduation
Ever since they’ve been living with their best friend ( wc ) 
They work in a liquor store where honestly they get to pick up on a lot of people and get invited to a lot of parties so they dig their life a lot tbh.
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BRINLEY JOSEPH looks an awful lot like CHLOE NORGAARD. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re HELPFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty SKETCHY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to RAINBOW by KESHA
. oh my god this is my oldest muse I’m bringing in so far and I’m actually writing a book based off her life so there’s a strong ass chance this is gonna be long and I’m gonna have the absolute most muse for her because i know her so well
so basically when brin was 16 her father convinced her to start dealing drugs for her in school because it was like the easiest way for him to make money since so many people in LA, California were smoking pot esp in high school 
And her dad has always been like a brodude more than an actual father figure and like she agreed because hey she got to pocket some of the cash and she was able to live her best life right
wrong at seventeen she actually fell in love with someone while her father was gone for a full fucking month and he had the audacity to come back pissed off at her for pulling away from him / he also may be on the run from the cops bc he almost got busted but he was mad at her for the former
so he took her away from la and they began their travels on the road
she never even got to finish high school
Basically she lived in an RV with her father traveling from city to city selling drugs just to get by
Her father had a way with talking to people that made it easier for them to sell and what not but soon, her father’s connection ran dry
She was nineteen the first time one of her fathers friends cornered her in the small RV bedroom and no matter how loud she yelled, he never came.
He swore it’d never happen again.
Three months later it was an almost routine practice and Brinley realized she never meant anything to him
She was too scared to leave and still to this day hasnt
She’s currently living in Kola, California but she’s staying in a motel room
Her father was able to score some drugs when they got there so she’s currently selling but she’s scared when the drugs run out he’s going to turn back to the old routine.
Give me some new friends for her
give me some people who will show her she can leave her father and stay in kola forever
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QUINN JAMES looks an awful lot like KEHLANI PARRISH. SHE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re SELFLESS, they have a tendency to get pretty MESSY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to THE FEELING by JUSTIN BIEBER. 
Quinn is such a mess of a human being I swear to god
She would give her left foot to a stranger if they needed it which is wild because she thinks thats her best attribute
NO IM JOKING BUT SERIOUSLY THIS GIRL WOULD GIVE ANYONE HER WORLD and she’s so quick to fall in love with people it’s absolutely disgusting
but she’s just the kind of person who thinks too far ahead but she’s such a fucking optimist she feels like everything will work out and nothing could POSSIBLY EVER GO WRONG!
wow is she constantly wrong it’s a problem but listen you can’t get her down no matter how hard you try
she’s new so thats legit all i know about her
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DANIEL SILVER looks an awful lot like HERMAN TOMMERAAS. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re HELPFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty UNREALISTIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to I’LL SHOW YOU by JUSTIN BIEBER.
Oh my god this wild fucking animal right here was well, at first he was cosima silver’s nephew but now since i have them in the same group he’s her cousin and lives with her in the apartment above her little shop
This did not happen easily, oh no, he comes from a family of very strict parents who actually exiled Cosima’s family from their lives at a young age because they believed in her ‘gifts’ and they thought they were crazy
Daniel, though, thought the exact opposite. When they were young and before the split happened Cosima would talk to Daniel about her gifts and he would reel in them and he literally loved it so much
But when they were cast out of the family Daniel sort of realize just how horrible his family actually was??? and how different he was????
Sadly his dumb ass was honestly stuck there until a month ago where he finally packed up his shit and completely bailed on his family then moved in with Cosima and he’s been here ever since
He works in her shop as a tarot card reader or rather, he’s trying to learn how to do it. He has literally no gifts but he wants to help people and maybe start to learn from Cosima 
Personality wise he’s my big pansexual mess who is flirting and messing around with just about everyone every chance he gets and he just lives for making out and hooking up and having a good fucking time okay
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LANCASTER “LANCE” NASH looks an awful lot like JUSTIN BIEBER. HE is TWENTY-SIX and while they’re RELIABLE, they have a tendency to get pretty IRRITABLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HOLY GRAIL by JAY Z FEAT. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.
 lets start off with the fact that Lance is the oldest of SEVEN CHILDREN his mother being the common denominator 
Lance was the first born and her most prized son out of all the kids but as he got older, and she started having so many suitors, and started toying with various hard drugs he sort of lost that connection with her and was forced to grow up way too young.
When he was ten, he already had three siblings, each one of them born a year or two after the other and Lance was the only one who could really take care of them. Him and the second oldest were often left in charge of the kids but they didn’t want much to do with all the kids and Lance sort of understood that.
When he turned nineteen and the second oldest was eighteen they left town without so much as a letter which only forced Lance to become the actual father the whole family needed.
His life has always been about the kids. He now has siblings ranging from 3 to 25 and he usually keeps tabs on all of them. 
But ya boi has to make money some how, so, he’s dedicated any time he can get away from the youngest kids to doing what he does best and thats babysitting drug addicts or being a designated driver.
He personally does not do drugs but he knows what to do and how to take care of people when they’re tripping so he has become the druggie babysitter of Kola, California.
He’s honestly a really cool dude who is actually really fucking helpful all of the time
He just gets really god damn moody sometimes and wants to punch people in the throat but think about it his day starts at 6 AM with 2 children and 2 tweens, you’d be moody as hell too by 9 pm while driving some drunk asshole home
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HOLDEN CLOVER looks an awful lot like JAMES FRANCO. HE is THIRTY-NINE and while they’re BALANCED, they have a tendency to get pretty FICKLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to A WALK THROUGH HELL by SAY ANYTHING. 
his gif doesn’t match my aesthetic at all or his aesthetic but IDGAF BECAUSE IM ALIVE FOR IT
ANYWAY Holden is a cop:tm: he’s been idolizing them his entire life and now he’s just a good guy cop who sometimes lets people off with a warning and is that ‘cool cop’ around town like
all the kids love him, even criminals like him he’s just really charismatic and seems really chill????
ugh i have literally virtually no information for him other than he was divorced and it’s gonna be one of the many wcs i write up and submit but if someone wants an ex husband who gets too focused on his job all the time hmu for sure
he also has a younger brother who may or may no t better be dave franco
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CONOR "CJ" JOHNSON looks an awful lot like NICHOLAS HOULT. HE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they're COMPASSIONATE, they have a tendency to get pretty RECLUSE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to IDK LOVE by JEREMY ZUCKER.
ok he’s not a zombie in his main verse but like if u think for ( 1 ) second im not turning him into a zombie for the zombie verse ur WRONG!!!!
but lets focus on mainverse cj and talk about zombie cj later
Conor has always been a nice and compassionate kid and honestly, he got married at 23 to the love of his life
But after three beautiful years he lost his wife to a car accident and he hasnt been the same since
a lot of people in town look at him like this poor broken bird because ever since his wife died he hasn’t been able to be like a normal human being 
he doesn’t go out
he barely goes to work
he’s going to lose his house
he’s just in a deep deep deep depression and honestly it’s actively sad
but he’s still nice and charming and flirty at times but it’s very rare
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glowrioustrash · 6 years
Prompt: “If you could make it a horror story involving Dean Ambrose and Renee Young as a couple? Along with Seth Rollins and Cathy Kelley as exes who pretend to hate each other, though it's clear they still have feelings for one another. I'm trying to think of a way the four of them can be brought together... Maybe Dean and Renee could be going on a road trip, and he invites his friend Seth, while she invites her friend Cathy. How the road trip leads to horror is completely up to you, but my friend loves horror and suspense, so make it as creepy as you want." Requested by @devilzadvokitty​ for her friend’s birthday. 
Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Renee Young, Seth Rollins x Cathy Kelley
Word Count: 6200+
Warnings: Kidnapping, blood, various (nonthreatening) injuries, mentions of a gun?, lots of swearing. It’s not a fun one lol
Author’s Note: WOWEE So this was a challenge - and I love a challenge. This was out of my comfort zone for a few different reasons, including: the genre, trying to get it done in time, I don’t typically write Renee, I’ve never written Cathy. Basically I had no damn idea what I was doing, but I hope it turned out okay! Part of me felt it was really short as I edited, but the fact that the word count is over 6000... and honestly this is kinda tame. I could have really put these four through the ringer, but again... timeline.
ANYWAY Happy birthday mystery friend!
Tagging: @castielscamander​ / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury​ / @kakakatey​ / @thirstiswet​ / @calwitch​ (I don’t have my tag list with me ATM, so if I miss anyone, sorry!)
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“All set?” Renee asked over Dean’s shoulder as he loaded the last of their bags into the trunk of the SUV.
“All set.” He confirmed, turning to lay an arm over her shoulders. “Just gotta wait for the tagalongs.”
“Don’t call them tagalongs,” Renee laughed, smacking him lightly on his chest. “That makes it sound like they weren’t invited.”
“Fine. The squatters.”
“Dean!” She laughed even harder, shaking her head. Dean grinned down at her, squeezing her shoulders.
“Seth’ll be here soon, then we can hit the road.” Dean told her, noticing the way she froze under his arm.
“Yeah. You told me to invite a friend.” He reminded her.
“But not Seth!”
“Who else did you think I’d invite?”
“You thought Roman would want to come to a cabin in the woods with us, for a whole week away from his wife and kids?” He asked her, skeptically.
“Well, not when you put it that way.” Renee grumbled.
“Why is this such a problem anyway?”
“Because I invited Cathy.” Renee told him.
“Ahh, shit.” Dean cursed. “This is gonna be nice and awkward.”
Seth and Cathy had been dating until a few months ago, both of them agreeing that the relationship just wasn’t working. The stress of being on the road, as well as dating a coworker, was getting to be too much and they parted ways. It had initially been a fairly civil breakup, a few words exchanged in passing and a functioning working relationship. In the past month however, the working relationship had dissolved. Now the ex-couple would ignore each other at best, snide comments and glares across the way at worst. Everyone knew it could be worse, they had seen plenty of messy break-ups in their company, but those usually ended with one of the two either quitting or getting fired. Their friends all hoped it would resolve itself before it got to that.
Dean had been right, though he wish he hadn’t. The moment Seth and Cathy saw each other, the temperature around the four of them dropped. Lucky for the married couple, it seemed that today the duo were happy to ignore each other and not get into any sort of fight. The silence in the car was stifling, Renee trying to carry the conversation for 45 minutes before she eventually gave up. She turned the radio on to try and alleviate the tension.
Three excruciating hours into the drive, Dean pulled into an old, abandoned looking gas station.
“Is this place even open?” Seth scoffed.
“Says it is.” Dean shrugged, pointing at the neon sign blinking in the window. Without that sign, there was nothing on the outside of the building that would give any hint to it being a functioning gas station. Renee shot him a look, clearly asking if he was out of his mind. He just shrugged and opened the door, stepping out of the SUV. Seth followed him from the backseat.
Renee turned to look at Cathy, who seemed to share the same sentiment.
“Stretch our legs, I guess?” Renee offered.
“Yeah, it’ll be nice that we stretched once we’ve been murdered in the middle of nowhere.” Cathy shot back, only half joking.
Renee glanced at the guys who were making their way into the building. “What’s going on with you and Seth?”
“Nothing’s going on. What do you mean, what’s going on?” Cathy answered, a shade too quickly for it to be true, prompting Renee to shoot her a look of disbelief.
“Everything was fine when you two broke it off, but lately...” Renee trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Maybe… maybe I miss him.” Cathy admitted quietly. “But maybe I’m just lonely. I don’t know. I can’t tell if I’m missing him for him or if I just miss someone being there.”
“Why don’t you say something?”
“Please. He hates me.” Cathy shook her head.
“You’d be surprised.” Renee encouraged.
“We should stretch before the guys come back.” Cathy shut the conversation down, opening the door and climbing out of the vehicle. Renee sighed and followed suit.
Inside they found the boys skeptically searching through the offered snacks. Nothing looked particularly appetizing. Most of the packages were covered in dust or had visible mold inside. Renee reminded herself to share the hand sanitizer she had in the car once they left. She glanced around, seeing Seth was out of earshot if she kept her voice down.
“Babe,” she wrapped her arm around Dean’s waist as he grimaced at the bags of chips. “Do you know if Seth still feels anything for Cathy?”
“How would I know?” He asked with a shrug, picking up a bag to inspect it.
“Don’t you guys talk?” Renee questioned.
“Why would we talk about his ex? He hasn’t brought her up and I haven’t asked.” Dean explained as he set the bag of chips back with disdain.
“Could you ask?” She prompted, giving him her best doe eyes.
“Why? What kinda trouble you tryin’ to get me into?” Dean smirked down at her.
“Cathy misses him. What if the break-up was just stress from all the travel or something? We’ve had a few drag downs on the road. It’s normal in this business.”
“Yeah, but we make up. And I do enjoy making up with you.” He growled lowly, pulling her in close, making her giggle.
Seth was a few rows down, frowning at the “food” being offered. He looked up at Renee’s giggles, wandering away from the section with a sour look on his face. He questioned why he had agree to come on this road trip at all. It would have been bad enough being the third wheel to the happy couple, but now on top of it he had to spend the time with his ex. It was a lose-lose situation.
Thinking about his ex, he couldn’t help it as his eyes locked onto her where she stood at the magazine rack, sunglasses pushed up on top of her head. She looked good in her peach coloured sundress. Before he could let his thoughts get away from him, he forced himself to look away. That’s when he noticed the large, older man standing at the cash register, waiting for them to finish their purchases. The man was being extremely obvious as he looked over Cathy, clearly appreciating her dress as well.
Seth frowned and marched over to Cathy, draping his arm over his shoulders.
“Seth!” She jumped. “What are-”
“Shh, the guy working here is eying you.” He whispered, picking up a magazine. “It was giving me the creeps.”
“Oh.” Cathy settled down, accepting Seth’s hold. She even leaned into his shoulder… just to really sell it, she told herself.
“So, where you kids headin’?” The man at the cash asked as Dean approached with a box of twinkies. They were dusty, but those things lasted forever, he reasoned with Renee.
“Uhh, just a cabin little ways from here.” Dean answered, keeping it vague.
“Nice rom’ntic get’way, huh?” He man leered, showing off his several missing teeth.
“Something like that.” Dean shrugged it off. “How much for the twinkies?”
“Sure tha’s all you want?” The man tried.
“Yeah. You know what?” He threw a five dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change.” Dean stormed out.
“Dean…” Renee started as the door to the store closed behind them.
“What? Did you want to spend anymore time in there?” He challenged, which Renee didn’t respond to. “That’s what I thought.”
He opened the box, happy to see the twinkies looked edible. He tore into a package, passing one of the two to Renee. They leaned against the car, waiting for Seth and Cathy.
The two exited shortly after, neither having bought anything. Renee saw that Seth’s arm was draped over Cathy and got excited, but Cathy shook her head subtly. Renee deflated at that.
“We set?” Seth asked.
“Yeah. Thank god we packed food.” Dean spoke around a mouthful of twinkie as he opened the door.
“Let’s get out of here.” Cathy agreed, pulling her sunglasses off her head and putting them on. The four climbed back into the car, happy to have stretched their legs. Renee and Dean noted that the climate between Seth and Cathy seemed less hostile as well, which hopefully meant the rest of the trip would go over smoothly.
Dean turned the key to start the car but the engine sputtered and failed.
“Are you serious?” Renee groaned. He huffed and tried again, only to get the same result.
“What the fuck, man?” Dean grumbled under his breath as he kept trying to get the engine to turn over. After five times he sat back with a loud groan.
“What do we do?” Cathy asked from the backseat.
“C’mon Rollins. Let’s take a look at this thing.” Dean ordered, climbing back out of the vehicle. “You two stay in here, okay?” He told Renee and Cathy before closing the door. Seth parroted the instructions for the girls to stay put before he joined Dean outside. Dean popped the hood easily, looking over the engine.
Cathy and Renee sat inside, anxiously waiting for the guys to fix the car. Neither of them liked that with the hood up, they couldn’t see the guys at all.
“I’ve got no service.” Cathy spoke, moving her phone around to try and get some reception.
“Let me check.” Renee dug her cell phone out of her pocket too, unsurprised to find that in the middle of nowhere, she wasn’t getting any reception either.
“Well, if the guys can’t get it figure out, we can go back in and ask if they have a phone.” Renee suggested.
“I really just wanna get out of here.” Cathy admitted. “I’d rather not talk to that guy again.”
“Yeah, me too... “ Renee agreed. “Not that we’re damsels in distress by any means, but we’ve got some pretty good men to take care of us while we figure it out.” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’ve got a good man.” Cathy corrected. “I’ve got… well, I don’t really have anyone.”
“Seth’s not gonna just leave you out here.” Renee argued. “No matter how he feels, those two are gonna figure this out.”
Cathy opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by a loud thumping noise and the car jerking suddenly. Both women jumped, looking to the front of the car. They heard a loud yell from Seth before a second thump was heard, paired with another jostle of the car.
“The hell was that?” Renee asked.
“Seth?!” Cathy called loudly, knowing it wasn’t easy for the men to hear them through the car.
“Dean?!” Renee tried as well. It was very quiet, not even the sound of the men speaking could be heard. The only noise the women could hear was the whistling of the wind through the car.
Renee reached for the door handle only for Cathy to stop her with a shout.
“They’re not answering. I’m not just going to sit here.” Renee argued, opening the door.
The hood slammed closed, making both women jump. The man from the register leered at them through the windshield, Dean and Seth nowhere in sight. Cathy screamed as Renee slammed the door shut again.
“What the fuck do you want?!” Renee screamed at him.
“Where are Seth and Dean!?” Cathy yelled. The man bent down, disappearing behind the front of the vehicle. He came back up, an unconscious Seth hauled over his shoulder making both women scream again.
“Seth!” They both called for him as the man turned and started walking back into the store with him over his shoulders.
“What do we do?” Cathy sobbed.
“Dean’s still out there.” Renee answered, determined as she opened the door. Cathy yelled at her to stay in the car but she was already outside, leaving the door open.
Dean was laying on the ground, barely conscious with a trickle of blood flowing from his forehead.
“‘Nee?” He groaned when he saw Renee. “Ge’ back in-”
“He took Seth. You need to get up.” Renee urged frantically and took Dean’s hand in her own, trying to pull him upright. Her tiny frame couldn’t support his dead weight, making him flop back onto the ground. “Dean, please.” She sobbed. “You have to get up. Before he comes back.”
“Renee get back!” Cathy cried for her. The outburst made Renee look up, another man appearing in the doorway of the shop. He looked like the first, but he was leaner. The same grown out beard, but this one was greying more than the other man’s.
“Dean, please!” She sobbed, trying again to pull Dean up.
“Go!” He moaned, trying to push her back. She reluctantly let go and ran around the side of the car. She was about to slam the car door shut when the man’s meaty hand grabbed a hold of it. He ripped the door back open, Renee scurrying back towards the driver’s side, kicking out at him as she went. The man stood there, not moving, but smirking at her.
“Get away!” Cathy yelled, throwing her shoe at him. The man chuckled and looked down at the door, one fat finger pressing the door unlock button.
The click of the lock was followed by the driver’s side door being wrenched open, Renee falling out into the arms of the first man. She flailed and screamed as the larger man picked her up easily, carrying her back into the store.
“No!” Dean screamed, trying to pull himself upright. For good measure, the man kicked Dean in the head on the way by, effectively knocking him out.
“Just you an’ me, princess.” The man still standing at the passenger door sneered at Cathy, barely heard over the sound of Renee’s screaming. “Where you gonna run, huh? I like to chase.”
Cathy was shaking wildly as she reached for the door handle to the backseat driver’s side, thinking it was her best bet. It was farthest away from the man. She pushed it open and ran out, stumbling to the ground in her hurry. She heard the man laugh as he rounded the car. She scurried back to her feet, ready to run.
His meaty paw closed over her arm and she swung back at him. She caught him in the jaw, but he was barely phased. He pulled her close to him, her back to his chest, and she started flailing to get loose.
His free hand came up and covered her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. Cathy grabbed his arm, scratching at him to get free. He didn’t budge as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. She tried to bite at his hand, scratch him up, kick behind her to connect with any part of him she could. She was doing everything she could to get free, but it wasn’t long before she fell limp against him.
Renee was still conscious when they threw her into the cellar beside Seth, who was out cold. A welt had popped up across his forehead, but he looked fine otherwise. The man followed down the stairs and held her down as he secured her hands behind her back. The cool metal and the clicking made her think they were handcuffs but she couldn’t be sure. He then clipped her cuffs to a chain around a pole in the center of the room so she couldn’t leave. The chain could move up and down the pole, letting her stand or sit, but she couldn’t move from the spot.
Soon after, Cathy was brought in and thrown unceremoniously to the ground. She called for her friends, trying to get them to wake. She could see them both breathing, which was a very small comfort.
“Let us go!” She screamed when she heard the door open once more. She watched in horror as the two men threw Dean into the room, letting his body tumble down the few stairs until he crashed to the floor beside Seth.
“Dean!” She yelled, trying to run to him to make sure he was okay. The blood had smeared over his face during the fall. She couldn’t tell if he was still bleeding from the same place as earlier or if they had hurt him anymore. “What do you want, you sick fucks!?” She shouted at them. One of the men merely laughed as he closed the door. She heard the loud clicking of a lock before she was left alone with her unconcious friends.
“Dean! Jesus Dean, please wake up.” She cried, watching as Dean’s chest rose and fell as he inhaled and exhaled.
“Seth?” She called to the brunette, who was laying almost within reach of her feet. “Seth, wake up. Please!” She begged, managing to barely nudge him with the toe of her shoe.
She kept yelling, begging for one of the three to wake up. She didn’t know how long had passed when the door to the cellar opened again, one of the men descending the stairs with an old rag.
“Please, let us go.” Renee pled.
“You’re a mouthy one, ain’tcha?” The man sighed, bending down to her level.
“W-what are you-” Renee was cut off suddenly as he tied the rag around her mouth, silencing her. She gagged as the dirty rag touched her tongue. She tried not to think about where it had been before this.
“That’ll keep you quiet.” He had the nerve to smile at her. He patted her on the head like a dog, which she flinched away from violently. The act of defiance made him frown deeply, earning her a backhand across the face. Her head snapped to the side as she cried out in pain. The man chuckled at her before retreating back up the stairs.
Renee cried quietly to herself, unable to do much more until one of her friends woke up. There were no windows in the cellar, the only light coming from a flickering fluorescent bulb overhead. She had no way to tell how long she sat there, waiting. She pulled at her bonds until her wrists were raw and aching.
Seth was the first to stir, rolling onto his side with a long, drawn out groan. Renee tried to call for him around the gag in her mouth. She tried to nudge him with her foot again, but he had rolled in the opposite direction.
“The hell?” He growled, holding his head in his hands. Renee tried once more to get his attention and he finally looked over at her.
“Renee? The fuck?” He sat up quickly, a dizzy spell hitting him and he had to brace himself to avoid falling over, even from his sitting position. Once the spell passed, he slowly looked around the room.
“What the fuck is going on?” He gasped. Renee tried to motion for him to help her and he finally crawled over, pulling the rag away from her mouth.
“Seth! Thank god you’re awake.” She gushed.
“The fuck is going on? My head is killing me.” He breathed as he took in her appearance, a little confused from the blow to the head.
“That guy… the creepy one at the register. He jumped you and Dean or something. We couldn’t see, the hood of the car was up.” As she explained, Seth looked at the chain holding her to the pole, trying to get her undone. After a moment with no progress, Renee continued.
“Please go check on Dean, he was bleeding and I don’t know how bad it is.” She started crying again, the reality of the situation hitting her all over again as she had to explain it out loud.
Seth looked towards Dean, seeing the dried blood covering his face. He crawled over, rolling Dean onto his back. Renee watched with bated breath as he checked over his tag-team partner.
“I think he’s okay?” Seth told her, sounding unsure. “He’s not bleeding anymore, and he’s breathing.”
“Thank god.” Renee breathed a sigh of relief.
“Dean?” Seth gave his shoulder a shake but the man remained unresponsive.
“Cathy?” He tried, scurrying towards his ex-girlfriend. She whined in her unconscious state as Seth gave her a shake to rouse her. “She’s coming to. Do you know what he did to her?”
“No.” Renee shook her head. “They pulled me away and locked me down here. She was still in the car when he grabbed me.”
“They?” He asked, pulling Cathy up into his lap.
“Asshole has a friend.” Renee huffed as Cathy curled into Seth.
“Cathy? C’mon baby, wake up for me.” Seth urged, stroking her cheek.
“Seth?” She croaked as she woke, blinking up at him.
“Is she okay?” Renee called over, trying to see.
“I think so.” He answered, brushing Cathy’s hair out of her face.
“Renee?” Cathy asked, lifting her head to look for her friend. Once she caught sight of Renee, still tied to the pole, her eyes widened. “No. Oh god, no.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Seth tried to soothe her as she started crying. “We’re gonna get out of here. We’ll figure it out.”
“Are you okay? He just grabbed you like it was nothi-”
“I’ll be fine. Headache, but nothing I can’t handle.” He reassured her, forcing a smile.
“How are we going to get out of here?” She whimpered.
“Shhh!” Dean hissed, making the other three in the room jump.
“Dean!” Renee called for him, trying to move closer to her husband, the chain rattling as she moved.
“Tryin’ sleep.” He grumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes. His groaned in pain as his forearm flopped into his aching head.
“Dean, you gotta wake up, man.” Seth told him.
“Seth?” Dean questioned, pushing his head up to stare at his friend. “What’re ya doin’ in my bedr’m?”
“Dean, are you okay?” Renee urged.
“Wh’re we?” He slurred, sitting up while holding his head. He froze when he saw Renee. “Why ya tied up?”
“Try to help Renee, let me check on Dean.” Seth told Cathy, who nodded. She moved to stand, but cried out in pain when she tried to put weight on her ankle. Seth steadied her right away.
“I… I must have sprained it when I fell out of the car.” Cathy thought out loud, wincing as she slowly tried to set weight on her foot again.
“Oh fuck… that fuckin’ bitch ass....” Dean groaned as he started to remember what happened. Seth helped Cathy over to Renee, setting her down before he moved to Dean.
Cathy looked behind Renee’s back, seeing the padlock that was keeping her handcuffs attached to the chair. Seth meanwhile was looking at Dean’s pupils, try to tell if he had a concussion.
“Back off, Rollins.” Dean groaned irritably, pushing Seth away. “Could just ask. Yeah, feels like I got my bell rung. The fuck he do to me?”
The four of them paused when footsteps were heard overhead, all four of them holding their breath. They heard the man above them giggling, making their stomachs drop. Luckily, the footsteps moved away from them.
“Dean, think you could pick this?” Cathy asked.
“Let me take a look… prob’ly.” Dean nodded as he pulled himself up to cross the room. Seth followed, helping Dean get there without stumbling too much.
Dean pressed a kiss to Renee’s temple before examining the padlock. “Yeah, this is pretty simple. Either of ya got a bobby pin?”
Cathy pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, handing it to Dean.
“Just relax babe,” He soothed Renee as he fiddled with the padlock. “I could pick this in my sleep.”
“Then why didn’t you?” She teased back, trying to laugh but it came out more like a sob. Seth set his hand on her leg in solidarity as they waited for Dean to work.
It took him longer than he would have liked, his vision swimming every now and then, but the telltale click of the lock giving way echoed through the room.
“Thank god.” Cathy breathed.
“Bring your arms around your front now.” Seth suggested to Renee.
“He’s right. Easier to manage.” Dean nodded, letting himself give in to the spinning of his head for a moment now that the lock was undone.
“Help?” Renee asked. Seth helped her to stand, then kept her balance while she brought her hands past her feet, stepping through until they were locked in front of her. She saw that she had been right in guessing they were handcuffs.
She saw Dean still sitting on the ground, holding his head, and dropped to her knees next to him. She leaned heavily into him, nuzzling into his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She whimpered.
“I got ya.’ Dean cooed in response, wrapping an arm around her.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’ll live.” He tried to smile but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Know how to pick those cuffs?” Cathy asked.
“Yeah, just… I need a minute. Took some concentratin’...”
“Take your time.” Seth told him, trying to calm him down while eyeing the door warily.
“I was so worried when they threw you down the stairs.” Renee cried.
“Explains the pain.” Dean huffed. “C’mon now.” He gently pushed her away so he could look at the cuffs. “Sooner I get ya outta these, sooner we can prison break.”
The other three watched as Dean inspected the cuffs. He made a point of not focusing on how chaffed Renee’s wrists were from trying to get them off. He could worry about that later.
“Lock’s decent. Chain’s cheap. We might be able to break it with somethin’ heavy. Hammer or somethin’.”
Cathy had to stay sitting because of her ankle, but Renee, Seth and Dean all started looking through the cellar for a something that would work. Seth came across a small mallet when they heard the lock of the cellar door unlatch. Dean grabbed Renee and pulled her back towards Cathy, on the opposite side of the room from the door. Seth crouched down low beside the concrete stairs.
“Well, I see our guests woke up.” The second man, the one who hadn’t been inside the store, drawled as he started to descend.
“Fuck you.” Dean spat, standing in front of the women, Renee huddled next to Cathy.
“Oooh, smart mouth on the bleeder.” He laughed. “Boy when you went down. Hooo, we had a good laugh. Bled like a stuck pig ya did. Had the blonde all worried.”
“Don’t fucking look at her, fuck face.” Dean snarled, taking a step to block Renee from the guy’s view.
“Oh, you’re gonna be fun to break.” The man sneered.
“Funny. I was thinking the same about you.” Dean spat back. Seth took that as a good cue to lunge, hitting the man in the head as hard as he could with the mallet. The man crumpled to the ground in a heap, already unconscious. Dean ran forward, giving him two swift kicks to the head for good measure.
“C’mon. Let’s go.” Seth urged, nodding towards the stairs.
“My foot.” Cathy reminded him as Dean helped Renee up.
“Shit… Dean, take this.” He handed Dean the mallet. Dean took it and stood at the bottom of the stairs anxiously.
Seth scooped Cathy into his arms, carrying her easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m gonna get you out of here.” He promised.
“Stay close.” Dean warned Renee before ascending the stairs. Renee kept her hands on his lower back, both to stay close and to help steady him.
Dean stuck his head out, looking left and right. There was no sign of the other man and he crept forward, motioning for the others to follow.
“Left.” Renee whispered to him, remembering the route the men had taken to throw her into the cellar. Dean gave a short nod and turned left.
“Hold up.” Seth whispered, making the other two stop. He turned back towards the door and pulled it shut. “Babe, get the lock.” He told Cathy, who was able to snap the lock shut easier than he would have.
“Smart.” Renee nodded.
They stayed low, moving quickly and trying to stay quiet as Renee guided them through the house. She led them to a door at the end of a long hallway before she grabbed Dean’s arm, stopping him.
“I think this leads back to the store. He’s probably there.” She cautioned.
“Well he’s not gonna get the jump on us this time.” Dean growled, standing to his full height. With a loud roar he kicked the door open, charging into the room.
“For fuck’s sake!” Seth huffed, setting Cathy down next to Renee and rushing forward to be Dean’s back up. Cathy leaned against the wall, keeping her weight off her injured foot.
The women watched as the men stood back to back, much as they would if they were working together in the ring, searching for the other man.
“He’s not here.” Seth told them as Dean lowered the mallet. Cathy wrapped an arm around Renee’s shoulders and hobbled forward.
“We need a phone.” Renee told them. “The car wasn’t starting, remember?”
“Fuck!” Seth hissed, rushing towards the counter. There was an old landline next to the register but when he picked it up, there was no dial tone.
“There’s no service out here. We tried earlier.” Cathy mentioned. “What do we do?”
“We walk.” Seth sighed.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Renee pointed out.
“And I ain’t stayin’ here. Let’s go.” Dean added.
Seth crouched next to Cathy, instructing her to get on his back. The four of them left the store, seeing the men had rummaged through their vehicle. Their suitcases were spilled open all over the place, articles of clothing having blown away in the wind. The cooler Dean and Renee had packed was left open, but there was still water inside. Renee grabbed a bag, Dean helping her to fill it with the water. They had no idea how long they’d have to walk until they found help.
“Here.” Dean held an open water bottle up for Renee to drink from. She guzzled half of it down, he throat still raw from screaming and crying while the other three had been unconscious.
Seth crouched down, picking up a large branch that was laying on the ground. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work as a weapon if that first man made an appearance.
The quartet started walking down the road, Dean’s arm over Renee’s shoulder to help him keep walking through the dizzy spells of his concussion.
They had been walking for about 15 minutes when Dean stumbled badly, catching Renee off guard. The two fell to the ground. Renee was unable to catch herself properly with her hands cuffed and fell hard on her side.
“Shit. M’ sorry.” Dean slurred as he held his head. “Fuck, you okay?”
“You good?” Seth asked, crouching beside them.
“Head’s killin’ me. Think I’m gonna puke.” Dean admitted, leaning forward just before he started dry heaving.
“I’ll be okay.” Renee told Seth, ignoring her now aching arm. She scooted towards Dean, rubbing his back the best she could.
“We have to keep moving.” Cathy spoke up, looking back the way they came.
“Give him a minute.” Renee spoke up.
“No, she’s right.” Dean croaked, pushing himself to standing before helping Renee up. He inspected her arm, seeing she had scraped it up in her fall. He wiped the blood away with his shirt.
“Are you okay?” Renee questioned him.
“Lived through worse.” He tried to grin at her, but it was cut short as he lurched forward, dry heaving again.
“Someone’s coming!” Cathy called happily, pointing down the road where they could see a vehicle kicking up dust.
Renee guided Dean as the four of them stood off to the side of the road, out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Cathy started waving her hands  from Seth’s back, trying to flag them down. The truck stopped next to them, the person inside putting it in park but leaving the engine running as he opened the door.
“Well, well, well,” the man drawled as he stepped out of the vehicle. The man was tall and lanky, unlike the other two they had encountered. He had a thick accent like the other two, but had a noticeably nicer smile. “What do we have here?”
“Please, o-our car broke down.” Cathy started.
“Doens’t look mighty good, all this blood.” He grinned, sauntering towards the group. Renee moved closer to Dean as the man approached. “And you’re all cuffed up.”
“Long story.” Seth butted in. “Can you help us get to the nearest town?”
“Nearest town? Son, your best bet is to head back the way you was comin’ from.” The man told them. “Bet Charlie’d be real happy to see y’all again.”
Dread filled the four as the man smirked maliciously. Dean pushed Renee behind him, wobbling as he held the mallet up.
“Stay back.” He growled. Seth set Cathy down again, coming up to stand beside Dean.
“Hold on, no need for that.” The man had the audacity to laugh. “Don’t want any trouble now.”
“Oh you’ve got trouble.” Seth spat, swinging the branch to keep the man at bay.
“Fiesty ain’t’cha? I see why Charlie wanted y’all so much.” He practically giggled.
“Charlie can lick my left one. Get the fuck back.” Dean snarled.
“That’s enough outta you.” The man’s demeanor changed immediately, his smirk dropping as he reached behind him.
Seth didn’t hesitate, bolting forward and swinging the branch hard enough to knock him off his feet. Dean followed, landing a hard kick to the man’s gut.
The women hung back, knowing they couldn’t help in their current predicaments. Both of their blood ran cold when they saw the man had been reaching for a gun hanging off his belt.
The man was a blubbering, bloody mess by the time the men finished with him. Seth bent down and plucked the gun from the holster, tucking it into his waistband.
“Use one o’ those before?” Dean panted, looking pale.
“No, but I’m guessing I’m a better shot than you at this point.” He told him. Dean stumbled, Seth reaching out to steady him. “Renee, help me get him in the truck.”
Renee ran over, placing herself under Dean’s arm. The man was nearly dead weight on the other two at this point, dragging his feet.
“‘M fine.” He slurred.
“Get in the truck.” Seth told him, not wanting to argue. They managed to push him into the small backseat, Seth helping Renee to climb in with him. She laid his head in her lap, brushing his hair back.
“Tired.” Dean mumbled.
“I know, just wait til we get on the road, okay? Once we’re far away from this shit hole, you can sleep.” Renee pled.
“Killjoy.” He huffed.
Seth meanwhile rounded the truck to pick Cathy up, depositing her in the passenger seat.
“Are you okay to drive?” She asked, cupping his cheek.
“I’ll be fine.” He nodded. He started to pull away when Cathy slipped her hand around the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss.
“Get us out of here.” She whispered against his lips. Seth nodded, staring at her in surprise before he closed the door, rushing around the front of the truck. He climbed in, cursing when he noticed the truck was a stick shift.
“Can you drive stick?” Renee asked from the back, looking up from Dean.
“Yeah. Been a while though…” Seth grumbled as he situated himself. It took some thinking, especially with the headache he’d been sporting since he woke up, but within a few moments he had the truck peeling down the road.
Cathy turned to look out the rear window, making sure no one else was coming to get them, but they were alone on the road. After a few minutes, everyone felt like they could breathe easier.
“R’ly wanna sleep.” Dean mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Okay, babe. You can sleep.” Renee told him, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“Th’nk’ya.” He mumbled, reaching blindly for her hand. Once he had it in his own, his breathing evened out.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Cathy asked, looking back at the married couple.
“I hope so.” Renee breathed.
“Ambrose can handle it.” Seth told the women, hoping to alleviate their worries. “He’s had worse concussions than this.”
“Yeah, and a trainer right there to look at him.” Renee pointed out.
“He’ll be fine. We’ll all be fine.” He promised, reaching over to rest his hand on Cathy’s leg. She gripped his hand tightly in her own, silence filling the car as they drove. None of them would call it a comfortable silence by any means, all three of them trying to make sense of what they had just gone through - replaying it in their heads, wondering what they could have done differently to prevent it - but as they got further away, as their aches and pains flared up as their adrenaline waned, the tension left their bodies as they realized how lucky they were to have escaped.
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caterpillar-anon · 6 years
Here’s my notes from the Tonys
I loved watching the Tonys so so much!! I watched it with some friends so some of these notes are things that they said! Also heads up, this is pretty long so you have to click to keep reading if you actually want to read them.
okay this opening number is very relatable
Sara and josh sound perfect together
of course they’re at pianos
And they look so amazing
omg yesss ensemble
Kerry Washington looks amazing announcing best lead actor in a play
Andrew Garfield’s speech is really great
“let’s all bake a cake for anyone who wants a cake”
ahhhhhhh yes the Mean Girls performance!!!
so what sounds like tap dancing on the soundtrack is actually trays??
aww Taylor must be so nervous i mean that entrance is amazing and it’s the tonys (and I think they may have changed the key so that the songs would flow better together??) and overall that must have been so stressful
but she still did absolutely amazing
barrett and grey are so great together
love ashley park
love kate rockwell
omg when they just kept zooming in on Karen I was dying
Angels in America thing is very cool and terrifying
and the joke about that being what would happen if someone talked too long was definitely @ bette midler
I’m still annoyed by that
okay that my fair lady performance was fun
Lauren Ambrose (eliza) is very very good 
love the can can dancers
this honestly looks like a blast to perform
yay Lindsay Mendez won best featured actress in a musical
I’m so happy
She’s so cute I want to be her friend
She deserves this
Intro for spongebob is the cutest
I love tap dancing
No one in the audience looked happy afterwards lol
why would they not look happy?
squidward just tap danced with four legs
honestly go gavin lee for that
tap dancing is great
Sara and josh yellow outfit song is really great
also that outfit looks like one of my dance costumes and I was laughing so hard
The bands visit wins best book!!
He’s shocked he beat Tina fey
He’s so nice aww
Nathan Lane wins best featured actor in a play!
that speech was so sweet
Of course Baryshnikov is announcing for Carousel
Dance is amazing
Six pirouettes okay thanks man
Who is this guy I love him
they are so talented
also fun fact, my school’s supposedly doing Carousel for our musical next year but my school is all-girls so when we saw that the number they were performing was all males we were dying because lol good luck to us
yayyy I’m so happy for Ari’el stachel winning best featured actor in a musical
Broadway debut
He’s so happy he’s crying
Im so happy
that speech was really great
Ashley park is the best
I love when they show her reactions
Margery stoneman douglas kids!!!
matthew morrison is the best
I’m going to cry
Seasons of love
I’m crying
this Harry Potter bit is the best
so cute
Josh groban to Jamie Parker or wait Harry Potter
Yes patti LuPone
yay Glenda Jackson won best lead actress in a play!!!
“Thank you very much indeed”
I love her
Sven coming out in this costume is my favorite thing
James Monroe Iglhart!!
I love this performance so much
Patti Murin is perfect for Anna
Caissie Levy is perfect for Elsa
Caissie’s last note omg she is saaaanging
so so good
I love Frozen
Love this Andrew Lloyd Webber and Chita Rivera mash up
aww Chris Jackson announcing the in memorium
Dear Evan Hansen aww
this is Will Roland’s last experience with dear evan hansen aww I’m going to cry
This is beautiful
yay Summer the donna summer musical!!
love the announcers
Yes this is amazing
Yes ensemble
Yes jumpsuit
best play goes to Harry Potter!!
everyone in this cast aww
this is so cute
Melissa Benoist announces Once On This Island
I love her!
I love this so much
Hailey Kilgore is amazing
omg his abs
this is really fun to watch I love it
yay Band’s Visit performance!
I’m so excited!!
Omar sharif
Katrina Lenk yesss
she is actually stunning
I could listen to her forever
best revival of a musical goes to once on this island!
Yes cute
They’re so so so happy
Lady crying so much I love her
Rob Deniro announcing
bleep??? standing O?? (later found out he said f- trump lol)
Bruce Springsteenis taking forever
This is like I’m at a retreat
Next verse of Lord I Need You
okay now he’s singing
Tony shalhoub best lead actor in a musical!!
Yes go him
He sounds so nice
I want to be his friend
yay Leslie Odom jr announcing!!
Katrina lenk yessss
She’s stunning
That dress is beautiful
it looks like she’s floating on a cloud
tbh she probably is
go Bernadette Peters love her
The bands visit wins Best Musical!!!!
So many people
So proud
So cute
this closing is so great
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