#i love circus and carnival settings so much
forever thinking about how good turnabout big top couldve been if the plot didnt hinge on three grown men wanting to marry a child
mentally rewriting it in my brain forever to remove that shit
ill make my own circus murder trial! with blackjack! and hookers!
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Top 5 fave Dick, Mary, and John Grayson family moments?
Funnily enough there’s so many moments I can think off yet ironically so little moments overall involving those three that don’t involve Mary and John doing that fateful performance at Gotham canonically lol
Here’s some Flying Grayson 1.0 moments that stand out for me the most
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While this moment will most definitely not save Taylor’s writing at all, it’s still a nice one (Nightwing Vol 4, #83)
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That’s actually sound advice Mary, boosting your son’s confidence while tampering with the fact he can be too ambitions for his own good
(Batman Vol 1 #339)
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To think this one photo op will set both Dick and Tim(my)’s going forward in a path that makes them both heroes for the innocents of Gotham to be inspired by yet also names the criminal underground fears…all because Janet wants to make sure her baby boy had a fun day at the Circus
(Batman Vol 1 #436; Year Three Part 1)
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Really nothing else to say much here though I guess Dick might be either at a tender younger age or Mary just likes saying that to him cause that’s how Moms are like. Even over a great height, she can’t help but baby him a bit despite probably no doubt Dick going in his head, “Not a Baby, Mom”
(Nightwing Vol 2 #7)
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Really these guys’ entire dynamic summarized in a nutshell. Mary can only lose count of the many times when her husband and little boy taken all sorts of risks, whether on or off the ropes, and she can count pretty high. But damn it all, she love her two favorites no matter what.
Plus even this is further evidence of Dick being just a baby faced menace of a kid; good heart and soul yet he laughs and beams in the face of danger. He welcomes it if anything
(Secret Origins Vol 2 #13)
Quickie Honorable Mentions:
All these wonderful moments from the elseworld story The Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Novel
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Thanks for the ask @spider-jaysart It’s appreciated 💙💜💙
Tagging: @celaenaeiln @meara-eldestofthemall @camo-wolf @northoftheroad @sbd-laytall
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candysweetposts · 1 month
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MCL NG ep 6 (pt 2)
I just realized I've been using "she" in some of the posts with Avery. Sorry, Avery! I'm just not used to. T-T
HC time:
Avery got very excited about the carnival. They have fond memories of it. One time they went with one of their dates and got very drunk, their stuff stolen and spent the whole night there. They snuck around and pretended that the rides were open and that they and their lover were running a circus. At some point the police found them and they returned home eventually. About the stolen stuff, they did find it but only the IDs and some random candy Avery had in their backpack.
The Danica interaction: Avery thought it was funny. The fact that Danica talked so seriously and acted like the cats' life depended on her changing jobs made Avery laugh in front of everyone. Avery had cats as a child but fed them what they ate as well and they felt like they didn't spend much. Also, Avery said, "You sound like a crazy cat lady that people talk about".
Avery liked how Thomas handled the situation because they now think Thomas is a down-to-earth guy and that makes them more attracted to him.
Avery happily tried the rides and had a lot of fun. They liked the ghost train and the mega-catapult.
About the games, Avery did well when it came to the shooting range. They asked Thomas for help. When the employee mentioned them being a couple, both said no, but in their head, Avey said "Not yet".
About the fortune teller: Avery felt bad for Thomas when they heard what that lady told. To them, the fortune teller said "A change will come soon, and also love". Avery thought it was interesting, but nothing to make them think further.
Avery chose to go with Thomas to the mega-catapult. Avery felt a bit nervous but insisted on going. But when they were set to go a huge anxiety hit Avery. Hopefully, Thomas was there to calm them down. Avery held Thomas' hand the entire time and oh boy, it was a very tight grip, so much and left a mark on Thomas' arm. But a least they had fun~. After the ride, Avery felt much better, as in their anxiety was gone, but everything else was spinning. They took a short break and then returned to the others.
Avery said goodbye to everyone else and went home where they told their roommate everything about the carnival day.
Here's the outfit:
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Ragatha x mute s/o headcanons pls? I love her so much ToT she's so sweet
Ragatha x mute!reader
UEUEUEUE I wasnt expecting to get TADC requests but I am all for it! Perhaps I should make an official post to advertise requests being open, feed into this new interest of mine.. mweheheheh
Side note! I'm writing this on mobile, so there may be more typos and grammar mistakes than my recent stuff (which has been done on computer)
I simply
Do not wanna get out of bed, it's very cold in my house <\\3
That said I hope you enjoy! Possible OOC since I'm still studying characters and trying to figure out how I wish to write/interpret them!
+ some other hcs since the post felt too short with the simple base idea
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Right off the back with the main idea that helped push me to answer this now rather than later; ragatha would definitely learn sign language so she can understand you, if you find sign language to be easier/more convenient ! If not she always keeps a pen and paper on her in case you need it/forget your own notebook
Immediately welcomes you to the circus, similar to in the pilot she would show you around and explain the general way of things in the digital circus
Advocates for you when others (mostly Jax) speak over you (ignoring your signing, your writing, ect) or dont pay attention to you in a conversations
She doesnt try to force you to speak, nor does she pry for why you're mute
Generally very sweet and patient and stands up for you in group settings and makes you people pay attention to your input
No thoughts only you two cuddling in one of yalls rooms and you start pressing signs into her skin, communicating that you love her or that shes pretty or that you're enjoying being around her , stuff like that. I think that's sweet, like how some people trace a finger over someones freckles or moles during cuddles
Now onto more general hcs and ideas
I saw a ferris wheel at the digital carnival. You already know what I'm about to say: THE FERRIS WHEEL GETTING STUCK TROPE. Ragatha tries to keep the air nice and light while you guys wait for Caine to fix the issue. Afterall, she ain't afraid of anything but centipedes!
Speaking of, you're not afraid of centipedes, are you? Borrowing this from random things #7, where I mention an idea of the reader helping rid her room of the wretched things, that can be a surprisingly nice bonding moment with you two just talking and you letting her vent her frustrations
You two naturally gravitate to one another when Caine has everyone do a game or challenge or whatever he has planned for that day
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thepaintedsable · 10 months
Uh oh, who let me into a fandom again? Who left the niche within a niche door open??? Y’all should know better.
@sm-baby’s Carnival AU for The Amazing Digital Circus grabbed me by the bootstraps with??? Inspiration??? Not only have I dodged most fandoms and the motivation to draw fanart (not that I don’t want to show support; just no ideas in the noggin), but I genuinely don’t think I’ve sat down and put a non-ironic, genuine OC for a media I like on paper since my Warrior Cats/Creepypasta era. This AU didn’t just get me to sit down and make an OC that fits with the original media, but one that fits with their derivative. I saw other people doing it and it looked like so much fuunnn.
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First, have standard TADC version! Either that or a player.
This is Tuus! They’re mainly based on the beanie baby dragon to fit that sweet sweet 90s theme, but generally a mixture of beloved childhood toys I have sitting on my shelf. She’s scruffy, worn, and kinda dirty looking and that’s on purpose. She’s bottom heavy, and I wanted her wings to give off the texture of that basically-plastic shiny fabric you used to see on a lot of toys.
No mouth, but a randomly appearing lizard tongue. For fun.
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Tuus deals with the circus by sleeping. A lot. Too much. If you don’t need to sleep, then you don’t need to be awake. If she’s doing to be trapped in a digital hell, she might as well be catching up on her naps. And she will sleep in the worst places. Time for a digital feast? She’s on the table. Caine wants to have an adventure in the lake? Girl is at the bottom. Sleeping with the fishes fr fr. And you need to find her one day? Nowhere to be seen, probably on the roof.
It’s playing on the whole big, lazy, sleeping dragon thing that used to be in a lot of children stories I remember. But also how well loved childhood toys seem to pop up and disappear, there when you aren’t looking but gone when you are. Her name also means “Your” or “Thy.” Your dragon.
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What amusement park is complete without a gift shop? What game doesn’t have a place to buy goofy digital goods? Tuus is the big lady in charge of the gift place of the Carnival! Her room is what should have been a shop of sorts, to buy whatever products that darned company would have tried to push. Cosmetics, virtual toys, digital snacks, whatever. But, uh, I don’t think anyone told them dragons don’t like to…. share. Becoming sentient did wonders for the attitude. You should be just fine if you don’t make too much noise, though! She’s a lazy lizard, and often sleeps sprawled around the place. I imagine the level would be set up like a maze, or a labyrinth. Isles and isles of things, with peaks of a tail or smoke every now and again. Toys, clothing, and even random things that shouldn’t be in there just trash the path. It’s your job not to step on anything! It’s different each time, though (a speed runner’s nightmare). One level you might get lucky and have a straight shot with a sleeping dragon, the next there might be so many things it’s physically impossible to reach any exit at all. Potentially can get out of trouble with some digital coin™, but you’ll have to have found enough hidden in the room to forgive each “damaged item.”
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Here she is much, MUCH larger and far cleaner. An oversized display never meant to be bought. A collectors item far too expensive for a child. Think “I used to be a beloved toy and now I’ve been forgotten, even forgetting myself, and this is how I cope” favor VS “I have never known the touch of a person and have been trapped on this shelf only to be abandoned and have the personality of an unsocialized dog” flavor.
She has no mouth, but she bites.
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I want to draw more of her :) She’s a goof.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Batman's Bird Watching Scrapbook
This fic for the @batfam-big-bang was written for @jube-art's AU concept and artwork. The way the fic is done up, it just... it would be way too much work to post all 35 chapters on tumblr, so you get the first one, and the AO3 links. So far, the first 4 parts are up on AO3.
There are two versions of this fic.
The Cool Version, which has all the coding and formatting to make it look like an actual scrapbook. And
The Simplified Version, which does not have all the coding and formatting to make it cleaner and easier to read on mobile.
Chapter 1: Arrival of Haly's Circus in Gotham
The circus wouldn't normally attract my attention, but Alfred had been telling me shortly before, to lighten up and do something fun. I think he could tell that my mission had been taking me to a particularly dark place at that time. I snapped at him when he made the suggestion, and ended up taking it as a way to apologize to him. I had no idea what awaited me. — Bruce W.
Gotham Gazette April 5, 2009 Traveling circus comes to Gotham by Bill Finger
Though known to many as a dreary city, Gotham does have its bright spots. Yesterday afternoon, Haly's International Traveling Circus set down in Amusement Mile and set up their striped big top in the fairgrounds on the waterfront.
Performances begin tomorrow at 6 P.M. and are planned to continue daily until the night of April 18th, so be sure to get your ticket to see the show while they're still in town.
Haly's Circus boasts a wide variety of acts, carnival games, and sideshows including performances of trained, live, wild animals. Among those animals are Zitka the Asian elephant, and lions Gunther and Gurbel who perform alongside Wild Wilhelm the Lion Tamer. Haly's talented horseback dancer Linda Grey does the ballet atop Dungi the Zebra.
I had the privilege of being able to interview Mister Haly before opening day, though he was very busy, and am excited to pass on some of the highlights of what he shared with me.
"We've got all sorts here," he said, "all your standard circus folk, like Sando the strongman, Pedro the dwarf, our knife-thrower Zane and his lovely assistant Zephyr, a fabulously talented group of fire-dancers, as well as the greatest menagerie of clowns you'll find in any traveling circus around the world, if I do say so myself."
I asked him what made his circus special, and Mr. Haley was more than happy to answer me. "Well, sir, our circus may have many acts you've seen before, contortionists, and magicians, and a pair of stunning tattooed ladies, but you've never seen anything like the Flying Graysons," he claimed.
The main event at Haly's Circus, the Flying Graysons, Mary, John, and their son, are widely regarded as among the most skilled acrobats on Earth, with their young son, Richard, holding the high esteem of being the youngest acrobat in history capable of successfully performing a quadruple flip on the trapeze.
As if that weren't impressive enough, the Flying Graysons fearlessly perform all their daring trapeze stunts without a net. You'll definitely want to stay until the end to catch their closing act.
(showtimes for Haly's International Traveling Circus listed on pg. 14)
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 “I was excited about the prospect of exploring fashion in Paris in the late '20s," Colleen says. "I pushed it into the early '30s because Paris is always ahead of the fashion curve; it’s [a] city known for its elegance and style and that was a great period for design.” 
Can you take us through your creative process for designing the costumes?
"The first part of the process was meeting with the director and reading the script where you get the idea of what the story is. The next step is meeting with the production designer so you see the world that he's creating. This particular movie is set in Paris and a little bit of New York. I start and go do my own research, and look for inspiration from that time period in Paris, which was a very rich and amazing time for design where so much was going on.
“Newt still has his beasts, but his shell is a little slicker. We put Eddie in clothes that are close to the same silhouette, just a bit better fit.”
"I took all the layers from the art world, to the carnivals, to Moulin Rouge, all the things in Paris that make it such a spectacular city, back into with the different levels of humanity that I'm creating for the film, for the real world, and for the wizarding world. [The wizards] are living not seperately from the muggle world, they have a double life. So they live amongst the regular folks but they have a little flare so I had fun with them with different shaped hats, and different things that were subtle so you could kind of tell it was them when they were mixed with the muggle world. But then when you separate them, I pushed reality a little bit more. They're more strange looking, with different kinds of color and things like that. In this case, because I know the main four from the previous film, I take each character and think about how they evolve and how they've grown from moving through a couple of years into their lives and breaking that down with each of them."
"[For Grindelwald] The name begged for an Alpine twist, and I’ve always loved Bavarian clothing. We made the lederhosen a little bit longer, coupled it with a tall boot, and ended up with a kind of Bavarian meets the New Romantic."
How would you describe the evolution of the costumes from the first movie to the second one?
"Since they went from America to Paris, they have a more European flavor in general. The principal characters are more sophisticated, they've evolved. Katherine Waterston's character Tina has moved back to her old vision as a higher up. Queenie has evolved and become a more grown up, less flippant character. She's in darker colors and a more grown up look. Slightly pushed into the '30s. For Eddie Redmayne's character, it was sort of similar in silhouette and shape as his previous costume, but with a more urban flavor, a more sophisticated fabric, and [with colors that are] a little less bright."
"[For Queenie,] it’s a bit more grown up and has a slightly darker edge than her dress in the last film, but at the same time, it’s feminine and has the whimsy of that big bow in the front. "
How would you describe your designs for the movie?
"In general, I think my designs defnitely have a flavor of movement and color, and a sort of trajectory into the '30s that was different from the first film. I think they're quite sexy in a quiet way, not in an obvious way. I have some amazing beautiful characters like Claudia Kim who is Nagini. She has a very amazing dress that  transforms into other things so I had a really magical times with  the costumes."
[For Nagini] “Throughout the film, she is wearing her performance costume from the magical circus, so I wanted to amplify the fantasy aspect.  For the material, I took lace and screened over it with metallic foil to give the look of snakeskin, and then added ruffles around the bottom and the sleeves to suggest the coils of the snake.”
Did you face any difficulties in designing the costumes?
"I think for a movie like that, the most difficult part is just the time you have to create a lot of ornate cotumes. Getting them ready and getting them aged and looking interesting takes just about enough time to get it done. For instance, Queenie's dress is a beautiful piece of fabric I found in Germany from the '30s, but in order to make it work for her costume, I needed enough to make 12 costumes. In order to do that sometimes I take the inspiration of that fabric and print it myself so I create the fabric for the characters before I make the costume in order to have the feeling of the period and the kind of fabric I want for that particular character. In doing that, everybody's costumes shouldn't look like it just came from a store, it should have a lived in quality. So the same people that do the printing and stuff make things look dirty, if there's a fight they tear it, they do dyeing of fabrics for making different colors and all kinds of things. It's a huge creative department painting, taking the leather coats—when I first get them they look very stiff— and breaking down things so they look like they're comfortably lived in."
“David Yates and I wanted Dumbledore to be the professor the kids all love, their go-to guy.  He needed to look professorial but at the same time approachable, so I used softer fabrics and textures in tones like heathery grays, which add to the approachability of the character. I also love corduroy, so I made a wide-wale corduroy coat for him and Jude just loved it.”
Would you say each character's costume says something about their personality?
"I think that each character's costume is part of their character, so for instance, the idea of Tina's leather coat gives immediate authority with its silhouette. I would consider how each character looks not only close up, but how they look far away, standing in a doorway or something like that. They don't have a lot of changes, but they have a look, and I think that's part of the design of the character that's the most important thing to find."
“Tina has more self-assurance since her reinstatement as an Auror.  She looks like a true detective in a great blue leather coat.  We were fond of everything about it…except how much it weighs.”
Did you have a favorite character to design for?
"That's a hard question! Not really, it was fun working with Zoe Kravitz on the film because she's so sylish and it's great to design things that are chic like that and more sophisticated. 
“Leta is from the manor born, so her clothes are all very elegant and rich in color.  Zoë looks fantastic in anything, so it was fun to dress her for the period.”
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rose-edith · 2 years
Hey Bestie love you xxxx also going to the carnival with Gibbs would include? I can see him winning you a big ass teddy bear 😄
Love you too. To make this seasonal- let’s set it as a Valentine’s date! Hope you like it.
A Valentine’s Date with Gibbs at a carnival would include:
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•as much as the date is your idea, our handsome man is happy enough to spend time with you. And he’s low-key a little bit cocky about going to the carnival.
•plus, an evening spending little bits of money and having a lot of fun is very much more representative of the two of you as a couple- a fancy restaurant in best clothes isn’t your style. In comfy plaid shirt and comfy jeans and boots, Jethro is much happier. And so are you, who wouldn’t be happy at the carnival with the silver haired fox? Constantly holding hands? Able to snuggle up together at any moment? All sounded like heaven to you!
•he knows you’ll want to squeeze his hand on the teacups, because as much as you’ll giggle and laugh and be curled into his side, there’s still a part of you that doesn’t like it.
•he chuckles as he finds his way through the hall of mirrors easily, but you swear up a storm when you keep walking into the mirrors! You curse his beautiful blue eyes, and then end up smiling up into them when you finally make your way out of the maze of mirrors.
•to give Gibbs credit, he does buy you whatever food you want- whether it’s loaded fries, candy floss, a hot dog, toffee apple, whatever you want you can have. And he’ll have the same too…with a strong black coffee, of course!
•and then your competitive streak comes out. You know he’s a damn good shot- can’t be a sniper if you’re not! But you reckon you can give him a run for his money, and you tell him so with sparkling eyes. It’s the start of foreplay, and you both know you won’t make it all the way home tonight. (Though fortunately, you’re in the truck and there’s lots of dark, shady spots for you to pull over and unleash your passions.)
•so you arrive at the air rifle stall, the best of five shots. You go first, hit four. That’s all Gibbs needs, he practically swaggers as he picks up the rifle, and quick as a flash he takes down all five targets he needed to get, perfect shots every single time. And the baffled, amused stall holder passes Jethro an absolutely ginormous teddy bear!
•and that teddy bear goes straight into your arms. It’s part of your present, and you love it so much! Who doesn’t like a massive teddy bear that’s given to you by the love of your life? Frankly, it’s all feeing incredibly romantic.
•the teddy tucks into your side; it sits beside you when you’re watching the circus show, it’s the stretchy acrobats that gets your attention.
•however, you don’t get to stay to enjoy the whole show…as the contortionist bends, Jethro leans down and whispers in your ear the most delicious words you’ve ever heard…and suddenly you’re sprinting out of there, teddy being dragged along with you, as the rest of your evening gets started….
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cathalbravecog · 8 months
more work on my carnival/circus + casino cogs!! they're very sillay and self indulgent because if you don't know by now i love designs with suit symbol themes + cards game themes in general (which is why hr was such a bit hit w/ me) (IM LITERALLY CALLED GUZMA SPADES if i shorten my name PLEASEEEEE)
i've been struggling with jack of all trades for months now - and finally sitting down and designing the cast of cogs that's supposed to come with them really motivated me. feels good to sit down and just do a design without stressing over it. JOAT will still take a while to finalize, as will everyone else - but i am very happy what i've got so far! carnival barker needs work though, i don't like him very much yet but i suppose that was my rushed attempt to make his head design not be an obvious a furry artstyle.
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at least currently, they do not belong to any particular departments. they're sort of supposed to be their own thing. my idea for them that they'd function as contractors - one day settling in toontown with their circus hoping to get new attention on their show (seeing as hr's show was a hit, and they're very familiar with who they are. this follows my headcanon and story that high roller is not non-canon and sticks around as a separate being from dave and buck obviously)
perhaps getting toons to visit their carnival and circus is just the right thing! but, of course, that doesn't mean they're not shady - it is very much so a cog carnival, still.
perhaps they don't ever work or contract for cogs inc ever, but they still mutually agree to let their carnival happen there. and so they don't have official departments? since to me those mainly exist within cogs inc and not the whole cog society. i still gotta figure it out! but i'll do that once their designs are more set-in-place and they have deeper dynamics between each other. especially JOAT who feels disconnected from the other 3 to me.
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ryuichirou · 9 months
We gave you a break from my art but not from my replies lol
Anonymous asked:
Will you draw more Scott Pilgrim content?
Not in the nearest future. Like I wrote in the post itself: we haven’t watched the show yet; and probably won’t for quite some time (I’m positive it’s not something we’d be able to recover from to jump back into twst). But Wallace’s anime design is adorable, so I really wanted to draw him with Todd. We’ll definitely watch it though, and then I might spam more art with them... or keep it to myself.
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, do you have like a genderbend tag or something to see all your works with the twisted boys as girls together 👀
I do! It’s not strictly about twst, but it’s the only thing I post nowadays, so it probably doesn’t matter: #genderswap
I do have quite a lot of drawings of twst boys as girlies, but we haven’t posted much of them… I hope we will one day. 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
Do you think that Fem!Jamil would have less complaints than Regular!Jamil about those times where Kalim tries to dress her up? My guess is that she would simply see it as Fem!Kalim wanting to "play dolls" and wouldn't really think much past that. Annoying, yes, but nothing more than a childish whim. Also, if this requests involve crossdressing, I imagine that her male counterpart would make more of a fuss about it than her.
(we talked about fem!KaliJami in our reply yesterday)
At first yeah, probably. She’s definitely more comfortable with it than the regular Jamil, because it’s easier for her to rationalize it in a non-romantic/non-sexual way. It really is as if Kalim just treats her like a pretty doll, and it’s nothing unusual: they used to play like this a lot when they were little. But when she’ll realise that whenever she’s dressed in pretty silks (and sometimes quite revealing ones), Kalim looks at her in an amazed but also clearly enamoured way. The moment Jamil realised that Kalim probably desires her, she’ll start treating these little dress up games differently.
Anonymous asked:
Ortho got a new card for new years. So picture him with Vil in his new years. Same goes with Rook in his new year. You know what? Have the three of them together in new years?
Ortho’s been getting so many new cards recently! He deserves all of them. The best boy lol Really liked the new year’s one!
Vil’s New Years outfit was so good that my heart actually stops whenever I remember him, and I’m super excited that he could be paired up with either Rook or Ortho now. Or both~
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu and katsu, did you guys read the translation for the previous jp event 'Playful Land'? I haven't seen you guys talk about it or mention it, so i'm curious to hear your thoughts and opinions on this event.
personally, i enjoyed most of the event  This is basically falling into the Black Butler territory lol (But i heard rumours that Yana wasn't involved in this event and a few previous ones apparently?).
Also, what do you guys think of the two new characters? Fellow and Gidel. I swear Gidel looks almost identical to cheka :'DD
Anon!! Sorry that it took so long to reply. We haven’t seen this event yet, so we edited out some of the parts of your ask to keep it spoiler-free; I don’t know when we’re going to finally watch it, but we’ll keep your ask in the askbox so we could share our thoughts when it happens. It might take quite a long time though, so I’m sorry.
I’ll reply to the rest of the things you’ve mentioned.
I’m not sure about the rumors, but I think Yana mentioned in her twi that she and her team was involved in the writing + design work for the event? But she has to do a lot of things these days, so I can’t say for sure.
The Black Butler vibes are very strong though, the whole circus/carnival theme is like a classic Yana setting, especially when it gets dark and traumatic lol Very excited to learn more once we watch it.
Fellow and Gidel look great!! Really love their design, their sprites are also great, Fellow especially has great expressions, and I really really love sleazy characters in general. Gidel has a lot of Cheka vibes lol but Cheka is more of a >:3 kid, and Gidel is more of a =w=, also I trust Gidel much much less. But in a good way, because once again, sleazy characters = good.
Anonymous asked:
So I've seen this hand held octopus citrus wringer, let's just say it looks like something else, so I'd like you to imagine Azul shoving a tiny octopus up Idia's ass
You mean… this one? Wow, it really looks like something else…
Poor Idia and his poor butt. Come on, Azul, it’s not an orange!!
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Anonymous asked:
Neige could be Cady, but in universe fans would probably say he's a good fit for Regina George bc of his beauty
Either way Janis cusses both of them out so Vil gets paid to insult Neige on-screen
Let’s be honest, his fans would be so scandalized by Cady-Neige turning into “the second Regina” during the course of the movie lol I don’t know why I keep picturing his fanbase as a 90% wholesome people but. Still, he would absolutely be celebrated for that role and for going outside of his unproblematic box.
But yeah, if Vil got to play Janis in this scenario he would probably enjoy his opportunity to vent lol
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lackablazeical · 2 years
Addams! AU Snippet 6: 'Freakshow'
As usual, art to add on! It was a 1 layer challenge I gave up on partway thru, mostly just cus I wanted to be done with it, lol! Greyscale is always so fun, tho!
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Full snippet below the cut! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
“Hold still, you little scumsucker.” As the burly human patted Mikey down, he came up quickly with two small daggers tucked into Mikey’s belt, as well as the ones hidden in the holster at the small of his back. “Shit, kid, how many more knives have you got, huh? Cough ‘em up.”
“Well,” said Mikey, “There’s the whole family with Mr. Stabby, and Miss Gashy, and the Puncture Brothers, and Auntie Slicer, and–”
The pile of small blades was already over half-a-dozen strong, and the man still managed to find three more.
“Oh, no!” Mikey wailed as the last one hit the table. He twisted against the tight ropes that bound his wrists behind his back, “You’re going to take all of them?”
“We know who sent you, we’re not taking any chances.” Finally satisfied, the man hauled Mikey none-too-gently by the elbow and dragged him out of the covered wooden cart that served as the freak show’s ‘office.’
The small encampment was reminiscent of a traveling gypsy convoy, with colorfully painted covered wagons. Some were cages for “FEARSOME GRUESOME MUST-SEE MUTANTS” with bold-lettered signs and warnings to stay back. Others were smaller, with striped awnings and shelves of cheap merchandise or galleries of rigged carnival games, with “STEP RIGHT UP AND TAKE A CHANCE” invitations for any fool willing to throw away hard-earned coin.
The heavy-set human dragged Mikey toward one of the larger cage carts. “Gonna put you someplace where you’re too worried about stayin’ alive to think about running off or causin’ trouble.”
He stopped in front of the enclosure. It looked as sparse and uncomfortable as any of the other terrible accommodations in the traveling freakshow. Unadorned iron bars, no straw or hay strewn for the mutant held within. The guard shoved Mikey through and slammed the cell door behind him.
Mikey tumbled onto the grated metal floor, lying prone while he waited for the man’s footsteps to fade. As soon as everything was silent, he flipped upright. From the corner of the cage came a low, throaty growling, and the occupant of the cell rose to his feet.
Even hunched, the alligator mutant was massive. Four times Mikey’s size. Larger than Raph, even, and little else save teeth and muscle.
“Don’t be…alarmed.” Every word the alligator spoke was slow and deliberate. “I…won’t harm you.”
“I know!” said Mikey. “I made Donnie do research on everything before I came.”
“Woulda been pretty stupid for me to run in here without knowing everything about this lame-o sideshow. Besides, getting details is easy. It was supposed to add to Mama’s Spectacle Spectacular, after all. She bought it. And it woulda been such a cool thing, too! Everybody loves her circus, she has all the nicest hotel rooms for her performers, and you get to eat at the buffet, and the bar is open all night, and–”
“You…don’t seem…concerned,” said the alligator. “Were you…not poached…like the rest of us?”
“Ha! Nobody could poach me if they tried. Know how much Donnie has to add to his tranq formula to knock me out? Betcha don’t, because it’s a lot. I have resistance.” With a quick roll of his hips and shoulders, Mikey twisted his bound hands from behind his back and hopped over them like a backward jump rope. “Boy, am I glad they put me in here, you’re my first choice, anyway.”
“For helping, of course! These humans turned out to be a bunch of dirty, no-good, double-crosser, deal-breaker cheaters, and they took Mama’s money and tried to cut and run. So now Mama wants me to burn the whole thing to the ground! Isn’t that great?! Anyway, are you good with pulverizing all the stuff? Because Raph didn’t wanna come, he was busy watching the Mrs. Cuddles’ Puppets-in-Peril Halloween Specials marathon. So if you could go ahead and do all the smashing, that would be awesome.”
Instead of replying, Mikey stuck out his tongue as he reached for a spot on the back of his neck, just below the rim of his shell. He withdrew a short, narrow length of sharpened metal, and proceeded to cut through the ropes.
“You managed…to sneak in a weapon,” the alligator marveled.
“Pffft,” said Mikey. “He only took my knives. This is my shiv.”
With his hands free, Mikey took a moment to stretch like a dancer before a routine. Then he promptly flopped down into a sitting position, legs crisscrossed. He set the shiv down on the floor of the cage and began pulling random assorted items out from non-existent pockets in his clothing and lining them up. “I still got lots of good stuff, see? This is my bolo, and this is my garrote, and this is my ice pick, and this is my can opener, and this is my bookend, and this is my cherry pitter, and this is my…”
The alligator watched as Mikey continued unabated. He blinked slowly at each new addition to the stockpile, his face becoming more and more skeptical as the items became less and less…perilous. When Mikey placed a penny down, he finally spoke.
“What…exactly…do you intend to accomplish…with a coin?”
“Ooooo, goody, I’m glad you noticed, I like this one.” Mikey flipped the penny with his thumb and caught it between his fingers. When he held it up to the light, the sharpened edge all around its circumference gleamed. “We’ll use it first!”
He tugged loose a lacing from the knee of his pants and looped it around the penny. Then he stood, approached the bars of the cage, took a deep breath…and began shrieking.
“HELP HELP MISTER JAILER GUY, I’M SCARED I DON’T WANNA GET EATEN BY AN ALLIGATOR!” Mikey twisted and rammed his shell against the bars to make even more noise. The camp echoed with resounding, repeated clang-clang-clang. “LEMME OUT LEMME OUT LEMME OUT OH PLEASE OH PLEASE!”
Several of the freakshow guards were on ‘patrol,’ roaming the perimeter of the camp. One who was nearby didn’t exactly come running, but he did seem annoyed and stepped quickly in the direction of the cage. “Shut up, kid. The more you screech the faster that freaking monster’s gonna chomp on you, just to get the goddamn noise to sto–”
The guard’s yells pitched up into a howl as a razor-edged penny, launched like a slingshot, lodged in his eye.
“What’s wrong?! What’s wrong?!” a fellow guard hurried up to assist him.
Mikey grinned as he picked up another weapon from his cache, aimed it between the bars, and punched a button.
Two metal barbs pierced the second man’s chest and an electrical current lit up his entire frame with sparks. He collapsed to the ground, convulsing.
“That’s my taser,” Mikey said. He reached through the bars and fished a keyring out of the guard’s pocket and quickly released the lock. He jumped onto the cage door and rode it as it swung open, dropping the taser in the dirt beside the unfortunate human, current still running.
“Come on, mister—ah–” Mikey craned his neck to look at the advertisement emblazoned across the top of the cage, “--Lethal Leatherhead! Smashy-smash, while I torch everything!”
Tentatively, Leatherhead stepped out of his enclosure. “You wish…to burn everything? With what…?”
But Mikey had already withdrawn a liquid-filled bottle from some hidden pocket in his coat. He drew a long, silken scarf from his glove by sleight of hand, flicked it to catch the flame on the tail of his mask, and then stuffed the burning wick into the neck of the bottle. “Molotov cocktail!”
He flung the bottle through the window of the largest wagon. The resulting explosion blew out the remaining glass, and Mikey dashed forward to intercept as guards raced to escape the inferno.
“What the hell is going o–”
The man who had unluckily blundered closest to him gurgled, the handle blooming from his throat.
Another guard screeched and flailed as two small wooden clips were driven into his eyes.
Strangled gagging.
Leatherhead watched from the open door of his enclosure as Mikey continued his spree, shrieking the name of every item he produced and laughing maniacally as he dashed from one victim to the next.
A rhinoceros mutant in the cage next to his leaned towards the bars. “Friend of yours?”
“If it will convince him…to not jam a small kitchen tool down my throat…” Leatherhead ripped apart the hinges on the rhino mutant’s cage, “...then I will readily be his friend.”
The screech of “Rice paddle!” and a subsequent choking sound echoed across the grounds. Both mutants cringed.
“...rice paddle. Sure.” The rhino tagged along after Leatherhead as he moved to next cage. As that door bashed open, a warthog mutant jumped free and clasped hands with the rhino. They jostled briefly before turning to flee into the night. “Good luck with your crazy friend.”
“Bottlecap!” Mikey cackled from somewhere across the camp. “Stapler!”
Wet, squelching thumps and more screams.
A gangly mutant with mantis-like arms lounged near the door of his enclosure, watching Leatherhead expectantly. “That kiddo yous got over there has the right idea, I say,” he drawled.
Leatherhead nodded. “Fist,” he said. And punched the cage.
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justavulcan · 9 months
Backgrounds With Class: Rakdos Cultist
I'll be honest: Ravnica has always fascinated me. I was a high schooler when the first set came out, and I was immediately consumed creating characters for the setting. Now that we've actually received my long-awaited crossover, I thought it would be nice to write a love letter to the setting in the form of another Backgrounds with Class series. After all: some guilds have natural class choices tied in, from a conceptual standpoint. Boros and Fighter, Izzet and Wizard, Selesnya and Druid. But guilds aren’t class-restricted, and so I wonder what it would look like if you paired every class with every guild background, even the ones that seem at odds, like Izzet and Barbarian, or Gruul and Artificer.  So I thought about it, and this is what I came up with.  Some character concepts for each class, and each Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica background for each class.
Rakdos Cultist
The Rakdos Cultist Artificer is what you get when you cross a bartender with a stage pyrotechnician.  Not much of a talker, he’s pursued the mixture of dangerous liquids ever since his pa brought him to bring-your-child-to-work day with him in the Izzet lab he worked.  The fizz and spark of the fluids, the pop and bang of the explosives, and the screeches of dismay and inspiration sat heavy in his mind ever since, and he’s chased that high all the way from the top of a magister’s tower to the underground club where he makes sure the stage lights cast the best illumination and the pyro’s always on point.
The Rakdos Cultist Barbarian has been a fan of the circus his whole life.  From when his Orzhov parents first stood enthralled on the street by the carnival’s call to when his sister walked the razor-tightrope to her own end, he has always felt a burning for life and the fleeting performance that no cold coin can cool.  Now, roustabout in his free time and blade-juggler on stage, he chases his dream- to throw himself body and soul into the cult’s every move, be it stunts on stage, drinks in a dive, or a riot set to ruin neighborhoods.
The Rakdos Cultist Bard has skipped out on his parents’ legacy of kill-suiting in favor of better blades over more blades.  Born for the limelight like many of the cult of Rakdos, his small stature is as much a surprise to audiences as his opponents, as is the killer-slapstick routine he’s working on.  This routine, “The Bumbling Swordsman,” is an acrobatic marvel, integrating his natural athleticism and skill with the blade to make sure his co-performers meet various hilarious “accidental” ends throughout the performance and has, so far, even killed a member of the audience from sheer hilarity.
The Rakdos Cultist Cleric is walking proof that not every member of the Cult of Rakdos belongs on stage.  Painfully clumsy and gifted with a total lack of a sense of humor, he instead leverages his massive frame to roustabout for his troop.  Between shows, he studies tactics, convinced that Rakdos mobs shouldn’t limit themselves only to frenzied orgies of violence.  This unusual focus on warfare has started getting him some attention at parties- after all, every party needs a planner to blow it up.
The Rakdos Cultist Druid has an uncanny connection with the various beasts that make themselves at home in Rakdos clubs, fight-pits, and pitfight-clubs.  Capable of speaking to and guiding the many rats loyal to Rakdos himself in performance and defense of their buried territories, his ‘pets’ have earned him the honorary title of ratcatcher.  That this half-ogre is a runt for his kind and has a bad back to boot matters little when a chittering carpet of filthy fur and teeth can back him up in combat.
The Rakdos Cultist Fighter never could pick between fire-breathing or axe throwing. When his troop’s leader asked him drunkenly “why choose?,” the path became clear.  Now, he breathes fire without oil and blocks the other thrower’s axes with magic, the better to put death-defying stunts in his shows.  Part-time enforcer, part-time performer, and part-time miner, he’s operated on minimal sleep for years, claiming the sleep-dep hallucinations and irritability only sharpen his edge and heighten his performance.
The Rakdos Cultist Monk, like many in the Cult of Rakdos, is not one to miss a party.  Unlike most, though, his legendary constitution makes sobriety a daunting wall to climb- and not for lack of trying.  Despite a constitution given by his demonic grandfather, he can blackout with the best of them, and his appetite for new and stranger drinks and other intoxicants is insatiable.  And when the call goes out for entertainment, he’s always third to heed the call, bobbing, ducking, weaving, and knifing with the best bar brawlers in the Cult.
The Rakdos Cultist Paladin wasn’t always the proud middle-finger marauder he is today.  Once he was a Boros Legionnaire, training to serve as angelic honor guard.  Then everything changed when he was sent to Precinct Four for a month of border watch.  In that month, he saw Gruul raiders rip through disciplined troops like a ball through pins, izzet wierds level buildings, and his fellow legionnaires ignore noncombatants in danger.  It got to be that his nights unwinding at the local Rakdos clubs were the only thing that made sense, and when the rest of his squad pulled out, he stayed behind, forsaking his rank in favor of the mad hedonism of the club floor.
The Rakdos Cultist Ranger has a deceptively difficult job: taking care of the beasts for the cult’s performances.  Not so easy when the beasts include horses with nightmare sires, just-barely-not-hellhounds, and rats the size of cats with the temper of wolverines.  Still, she’s quick with a beastmaster’s blade and whip, and has an eye for training beasts to perform alongside her, so she might go far yet.  In the meantime, she also finds herself playing crowd control when the audience tries to escape to upstage the other cultists.
The Rakdos Cultist Rogue walks the path of the blade bravo, full of tall tales and braggadocio too grand to believe- almost.  In truth he is a talented swordsman, and an ambitious performer- his boasts are the show, and with a packed bar to play off of, he can claim greater and greater impossibilities- that he fought the sun, that Tin Street’s named after his family, that Isperia of the Azorious Senate is a casual ‘playmate’ of his.  Of course, making such boasts in mixed company has brought him trouble before, but that’s what a quick blade and a quicker step are for.
The Rakdos Cultist Sorcerer doesn’t really know where he came from or why.  Born in the Undercity and manifesting unusually scaly skin for a human, he aways assumed he was the runoff from a Simic experiment.  He spent a lot of his youth running with freaks and geeks from the Rakdos’s mining operations between his own stints in the mines.  It wasn’t until he was nearly an adult before the scale color came in and he realized he wasn’t a failed krasis or guardian project subject, but that he somehow ended up with high-octane dragon blood and the sorcery that came with it.
The Rakdos Cultist Warlock has always felt the thunder in her soul, like so many of her herd; unlike the rest, she is content to surround herself with drums and chase the pulse of the crowd. After lancing three of her roustabouts in a grim comedy routine Rakdos himself chuckled at, she swore to make the ringmaster laugh- and he pulled a lance from his own flesh to hand to her, mark of her promise.  Now she’s a rider after his own humor, aiming to plant her charge where it can hit the hardest- a striker fit to bust a gut.
The Rakdos Cultist Wizard puts a lot of effort into only burning the right things for his performances.  A fire-juggler by trade and a student of Evocation magic by fancy, he specializes in acts of pyrotechnic grace and complexity on the stage.  Currently he’s thrown his lot in with a handful of like-minded souls, and they lowkey compete to see who causes the most property damage at their venues.  To the winner go the nightly spoils- a new brand and a drink.  He’s got four brands already, but there’s always room for one more.
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
I love your headcanons and thoughts!
Can we hear more about Bronwyn D. Clown?
How the Strawhats think of her or more about her personality and what she wants to be?
If that's okay?
Yeah of course!! Winnie is my little cutie patootie and I love her so much I'm soft ♡♡
So it's very evident from an early age that she's very opinionated. She also inherited Buggy's sweet tooth, which is absolutely adorable and funny as heck bc as a tiny tot, they introduced new foods fairly frequently with time between to check for any allergies ((None that they know of btw)). When they introduced her to ice cream, she went a little feral and it was to the laughter and amusement of her parents. She did the whole OoO face and just straight up grabbed the ice cream, double fisted and face planted into it. It was hilarious and adorable.
As she gets older, she begins mellowing out. She's not hesitant about having her own opinions, but she's by and large rather soft spoken. She's pretty quiet all in all, but when she speaks, she has a way of projecting her words and being HEARD. She loves the circus just like her baba, and she takes to aerial silks like a fish to water. She enjoys darker, richer colors like her dad and papa, but patterns like baba. Essentially think dark carnival aesthetic.
As for thoughts of others about her, I'll itemize the list lol
- absolutely wrapped around her little finger. All she has to do is flutter those lashes, pout a little, and go "grandpa-" and he's folding like a house of cards. Absolutely spoils her rotten. Unashamed of it. Is the type to pick her up like "aww, poor thing, are your parents being mean to my princess? How terrible, let grandpa help-"
- he loves her so much, and they somehow manage to both have an It's On Sight policy (/hj). From an early age, Winnie has enjoyed gently bullying him, and he's so soft about it because she reminds him so much of how Buggy was a child, just a little more mellowed out. It starts with an elephant to the face. He always overreact to get a laugh from her, up to and including getting "beat up" and hitting the ground, groaning and pleading for mercy. He's very much the fun uncle and his responsibility is.... touch and go. Will absolutely keep her safe and protect her with his life; will also not hesitate to be like ".... you wanna try this-?" And offer a 5 year old a sip of rum. Can only babysit if Benn, Yassop or Hongo are there as well. Kind of stupid, but full of love.
- is not trusted to babysit until Winnie is about 10 and even then it is preferred to have another adult on hand. He sees her for the first time when she's about three or four, and he's just mesmerized ((and also a little thrown off because her dark hair is wavy and the freckles and glare make his chest ache a little)).
- doesn't even question the baby making logistic of a few men together, just goes "Oh neat, can we play?" Buggy is soft and refuses to admit it. He also refuses to admit that the scrapbook for Winnie's growth includes more than a few pictures of playtime with "Lulu", and a few of some inpromptu naptimes.
Speaking of nap times-
- is actually a decent responsible party, and is semi awkward because he refuses to think of Mihawk as anything other than a begrudging mentor ((he's his dad, but he will Not admit it)). Looks at Winnie like "oh... a goth clown.... yeah that checks out I guess." 11/10, will protect, but also fairly hands off. Most of the time spent together is either play fighting, training, or naps.
- aww, cute kid~ she isn't all too fond of children personally. She loves kids from a distance, and she'll protect them with everything she has, but she likes them in small doses. Winnie is the same with most social settings, she likes people when she's in the mood for people. They both love treasure though, shiny things and dress up. Girls Trips.
- Story Teller Extraordinaire!! Loves kids, best babysitter, the main one Buggy actually trusts 110%. Honestly Usopp is one of the best to handle her, he can match the energy levels of the day and is good at engagement.
- lowkey uncomfortable with kids, but Winnie is a good kid. Will protect, will make fun snacks, absolutely down for princess tea parties and monster tea parties, makes the themed snacks without hesitation. He adores her.
- Friend Shaped. They get up to hijinks together. Slightly over protective but for good reason! Shenanigans Pal
- enjoys being Winnie's favorite strawhat auntie if only because Crocodile is So Awkward About It. Spoils the girl rotten. Equally macabre as Winnie. Ironically also passes as a relative to her. Gets mistaken as Winnie's mother on occasion. Is THRIVING while teaching a small child swears and the science behind mummification.
- Weird Big Brother/Uncle Man, loved by children, let's Winnie decorate his mechanical parts with fridge magnets. Taught her how to spray paint. They go on graffiti adventures.
- will die again before allowing harm to befall a child. Finally has met his match for puns!! They love skeleton jokes and Winnie even gives him new material. Gallow humor besties. They absolutely go APESHIT on Halloween. It becomes smth of a tradition. Halloween is coming up? Cross Guild and the Strawhats are picking an island for a meet up so Winnie and Brook can go feral on the poor townsfolk (/hj) ((dw it's all ethically sourced, they wouldn't scare and traumatized GOOD people.))
- Oh That Is A Tiny Human
- decently amicable with Mihawk, less so with Crocodile but still civil and respectful. Ironically, he rather enjoys Buggy's company, and their daughter is simply Very Cute. Is happy to he assigned uncle by proxy, and the first time this tiny little pink nosed girl called him "unc'a Jimmy", he simply exploded and hugged her. Responsible but fun uncle - a little bit of an enabler but within reason. She can cause mayhem and mischief, but nothing Too Far. Honestly, has vague Wine Aunt meets Nerf Gun Uncle energy. Absolutely would carry her in a baby carrier with matching sunglasses and Starbucks. Now allowed to dress her up though, his taste in prints is atrocious.
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Also please tell us more about the circus of death au 🥺🥺🙏🙏
OH!!! Gladly!!! Thank you so much for asking about one of my aus it means a lot :D!
Okay okay- so- Circus of Death au, my beloved, it's been a while so I think I'll do a lore post since I haven't explained much for this one yet.
The Circus of Death (or Dead Circus for shorter convenience) is a circus of dead souls that exist in a magical demonic space between life and death!
They greet those who have stumbled into that realm and provide them with one final performance before death!
Only those who have - died tragically, enter the river that connects the realms, or who wish to join the dead circus - may enter the realm where the circus of death remains.
Spirits who are dead have tickets to the show which allow them to pass peacefully once the performance is over.
Those who wish to join may volunteer as an audience member during the performance - they will die during this and become part of the circus.
Don't eat the carnival food, its made of demonic shadow-y matter and you will just die.
The rest is going under a cut because it is long and also ->
CW // death, graphic details of said deaths, generally dark themes:
So. In life there was a circus. People knew it as a 'cursed circus' because they were renowned for constantly having accidents and mishaps and things going wrong.
But they were well known.
The ringmaster - literal piece of shit - had signed a contract with a demonic entity: "Give me fame and money and in exchange I will give to you all the souls that join my circus."
And so, everyone who joined the circus had signed their souls away via a contract without knowing. This caused them to be seen as a whole big massive bargaining chip by both the demonic realm and the ringmaster.
The ringmaster was an asshole and treated his circus as animals and shit. A lot of them were mutilated for his own gain (like hawks having fake wings stitched into his back for show, etc)
- -
Now, for the roles (+ how they died) ->
Tsunagu: Aerialist, did trapeze and aerial silks together with Shinya and he was the centerpiece of the show. (Hung and beheaded. The One Who Started It All.)
Shinya: Partners with Tsunagu, did all the same things. (SURVIVED. The Missing Piece)
Kuugo: escape artist specialising in water tricks and water escape stuff. (The lock jammed and he drowned.)
Hawks: Did acrobatics and aerial tricks. (Wings and props got stuck and he fell.)
Miruko: Did a mixture of circus acts mostly including tumbling and trampolining and knife-throwing. (The scaffolding fell and skewered her.)
Ryuko: Fire tricks such as juggling, fire performance, and such. (Set herself on fire. Down came the circus, alongside her.)
Uwabami: Snake-handler(?), she did tricks with a pit of venomous snakes and also just looked after them. (She fell in.)
Mic: Tightrope tricks, did all sorts of tricks. Also was in charge of announcements and introductions. (He fell as the structure holding the rope broke.)
Aizawa: He did knife-throwing and also looked after the kids with powerloader and midnight in the side tent. (Was crushed by the structure as he rushed out when Mic fell.)
Ectoplasm: Lion-keeper. He took care of them and did small tricks with them. He loved them a lot. (Killed by them and ripped apart by those which he cared for.)
Powerloader: The magician. He did classic magic tricks during breaks and waiting times, and entertains and looks after the audiences/circus members kids during the shows in a side tent with magic and arts and crafts. (Watched everything happen, clawed his eyes out and was killed. The Witness to it All.)
Snipe: Sharpshooter, did tricks with his gun and partnered tricks with Midnight. (Shot himself.)
- -
Now back to plot and lore.
The ringmaster saw Tsunagu as this. Trophy. This shiny little centerpiece for his shows that was the most important thing because he was a) pretty and skilled, and b) made him more famous for a good show.
But, since Shinya came along and partnered with Tsunagu and they were together, he HATED Shinya.
But at this point everyone knew how horrible the ringmaster was, and they were struggling financially.
So the ringmaster plotted. He was going to kill Shinya in a staged accident, which would make Tsunagu not be able to perform, and then the entire Circus -> this way, he could run away with Tsunagu and start ANOTHER circus that was more successful.
And. It worked. But not the way he intended.
Their final performance.
Ringmaster hired a few subordinates to help with the plan, sabotaging most of the equipment and stuff.
Shinya was supposed to be the first death -> he had to step in as the target for someone's knife-throwing, which he had done before.
The knife was supposed to go through his head and kill him, but the guy missed and it went in his eye, and somehow he survived but was too injured to perform. The show continued.
They did a few acts regularly to avoid suspicion and were going to initiate the plan after the break (which is after Tsunagu and Shinya's performance usually)
Tsunagu refused to skip, and went on to perform (despite this being against the ringmasters plan) and his death was the first and only pure accident.
His routine went wrong, he got tangled in his silks and basically slowly hung himself above the ring and no one could get to him bc of the ringmasters meddling.
The ringmaster lost it over this, and ragefully went up and. Cut off his head so that the rest of him could just fall down and the show resumed.
Shinya was knocked out and stuffed into a closet so he couldn't interfere and the rest of the circus members were threatened to continue, some already figuring out what was happening.
The audience also weren't allowed to leave.
Slowly, the acts played out. Sabotaged. Accidents and tragic deaths occurred and one by one, the members of the circus died. Occasionally they were simply just killed by the ones that planned it.
It ended with fire. The tent went up in flames and the ringmaster had already snuck off (with Tsunagu's head). Shinya woke up and managed to escape but he was semi delirious so didn't know what was happening.
The circus burned and the souls were claimed by the demonic entity from before, making them manifest in the other realm. But they don't know themselves, they don't know how they died. Who are they?
Shinya was the only survivor and the missing piece. That and Tsunagu's head.
In order for the circus to regain their sense of self fully, to know who they were and what they are: Shinya must die, Tsunagu's head must be burned and brought back to him, and the ringmaster must be killed.
For now, the only thing they know is to repeat their last performance over and over again in the realm between realms.
They perform and die for other dead souls over and over again, slowly learning who they were. They wear masks that show parts of themselves. But the one who still doesn't know anything about himself is Tsunagu.
He waits.
The Circus is a family, it is a whole piece, and it is waiting for Shinya to come home.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Caine x reader HCs for how Caine would react if reader proposed to him? Romantic of course
(scurries behind a wall)
Caine x reader who proposes to him!
points at the wall i was gonna say something silly but i got distracted by the silly music im blaring in my headphones rn sobs
Tumblr media
bold of you to assume he wouldnt propose to you first the second he gets his hands on a ring, of which he can likely summon at any given moment/j
that said if you were to propose to him first, i think he would blankly stare at the ring youve presented to him for a few seconds
not because you did anything wrong
nono you did nothing wrong... hes just a little surprised is all..!
before you can ask him if hes alright you just see his eyes get all wide, perhaps even sparkling like you see in cartoons and/or anime, and he just
says yes
not a simple yes, mind you. no, caine is always showering you in affection and compliments, going on entire tangents on every single little thing that he loves about you, gushing about you to everyone regardless of if theyre listening or not. pretty much spilling his heart out to you every chance that he gets.... and this is not going to be an exception, he launches into one of his monologues about how lucky he is to have you, how much he loves you, how yes hes going to marry you. probably starts planning your futures together before you can even slip the ring onto his finger
absolute sucker for love, i think. very much into stereotypical romantic tropes and gestures, so if you want a build up to the proposal i recommend a date. and a really good one. ask him out to dinner, hes going to take you to that fancy restaurant where he and bubble were... or perhaps ask him to the digital carnival, and propose to him at the top of the ferris wheel... or perhaps dont do a date. set him on a scavenger hunt where the final prize is you with the ring! you could even get some of the other circus members in on it!
immediately launches into wedding planning, no no no in fact he might even ask to get married right then and there! he can just 'magic' in the appropriate décor for the ceremony!
though if you tell him to slow down, he will attempt to contain his excitement
bubble is the officiant at the wedding/j
though, oddly enough i can see kinger having officiated a few weddings in the real world.. dont see him as a priest or anything like that, though, but it appears you dont need to be in order to be an officiant. cant explain why i can see him having done that, maybe its because hes old and i see him as a sap, buuuuuuuuut.. so if you dont want bubble to do it you can probably ask kinger/hj
gotta hit em with the angst, but imagine the exit to the digital world is found. like can you imagine having to make a choice between returning home and staying with your new husband
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madamrynodm · 7 months
Batman (2022) Sequel thoughts/ideas/wishes
Ok I've thought about this way too much to keep it to myself. So, I cast my thoughts to the void and maybe the void will give me a gold star for my efforts
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I've got 2 big hopes/what-ifs for the sequel to The Batman. Easily became one of my favorite superhero films ever, and I cannot wait to see more! Anyway
2 big hopes: Dick Grayson and the Court of Owls. I wanna see them. I wanna see them so bad. I think there's potential for a SICK story if they go that route
1. Dick Grayson. PLEASE GIVE US ROBIN I BEG OF YOU! I think BatPat is a great candidate for a Robin story. Him being fresh on his journey to understand who he is as Bruce and Batman would be great to see contrasted with a young Robin on the trail of vengeance. We could watch him struggle with the desire to help Dick get justice for his parents' deaths (something BatPat hadn't gotten), but also want to protect him from the dark pit Bruce found himself in in the last movie. I'd like for Dick to actually be a kid in this rendition, maybe a teen. Either way, let him be young. I wanna see Bruce lose his mind trying to be a parent while Alfred watches smugly
2. Court of Owls 🦉 They'd be perfect here! Now, I don't want them to be the Big Bads yet. Let's just uncover them. The death of the Graysons can lead the film, and we can discover a deeper conspiracy linked to them later on (set up a 3rd movie?). If I remember correctly, in the Court of Owls run (2011?), they orchestrated the Grayson murders to try and nab Dick. Bring him into their fold as a new assassin. The Court could also play into Bruce's continued struggles with the Wayne family legacy and the "sins of the father" theme (what with the Court manipulating the Waynes for generations)
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Ok ok ok now for the meat and potatoes of my rant. Here's how I'd run the Batman sequel if I had any power or even vague experience in filmmaking:
We open the movie loud. The opposite of the first. I'm talking bright lights and loud music. It's a carnival, a public event. Something to raise money for Gotham. Bruce is there, and he hates it. But, hey, if he wants to help the city, he's gotta step up his public game. We follow him through this loud, oppressive environment to the big top. Time for the main event. Circus begins, all eyes on the center ring. Introduce the Graysons! We got Mom, Dad, and Dick all performing their hearts out. The movie gets louder, everyone loves their performance!
Then, it goes dead silent. The Graysons fall. They die in front of everyone, right there. Bruce and Dick both have front row seats to the tragedy. The circus goes nuts, but we don't hear a thing. Cut to later, Dick is alone, maybe with the police, an EMT, idk. Anyway, in a scene that mirrors the mayor's kid in the 1st movie, Bruce sees Dick suffering alone and takes him in. (I don't know if that is when a formal adoption happens or if that's saved for the end of the film)
Moving on, Bruce takes to the streets as the Bat, investigating the Grayson deaths. Something's wrong. This is shaping up to be a murder. He later investigates another murder. Pull this scene from the comics, Owl motifs, warnings, all that. Movie follows that line of tying the seemingly unrelated deaths together and finding the Court beneath it all.
Maybe give Dick a bit of Tim Drake and let him catch on that something is up with Bruce. Dick wants in, he wants to find his parents' killer. Bruce lets him, recognizing his desire for justice and thinking that it'll help this kid. Shenanigans ensue. Like I said before (I think), a central arc we could see is Bruce now watching the path of vengeance from the outside, trying to help this scared and hurt kid heal while giving him and his parents the justice they deserve. Further examination of what it means to be a hero, what it means to truly heal, etc.
We can wrap up with Dick bringing the killer to justice and finding some peace. But it ain't over yet, as Bruce realizes that there's something deeper going on. Gotham's boogeyman, the Court of Owls, is real! And they're up to something! BA BA BA!!
I think Dick should become Robin in act 1 or the start of act 2. Either way, if we are gonna get a live action Robin, I wanna see him in action! Also I wanna see people like Gordon and Martinez react to Bats just... suddenly having a child around. Let Dick make bad jokes please 🙏
Whew! That's is for me! I finally wrote this all down, maybe I can clear out some brain space now
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