#i love crickets and locusts so much
rapha-reads · 3 months
OOooooh my goodness, Doctor Who goes full mythology *full body shiver*
I'm aware it's not the first time, but from what I'm reading, Sutekh appears in only one TV serial before today, and all of his other appearances are in audio, comics and prose. And without doing too much research (edit: I ended up doing too much research), every episode that somewhat touched on the spiritual/mythological before never put the deity at the center of the story (except the pantheon of discord, but the Tardis Wiki article on it isn't very long and I already have done enough research for today). Like, "The Satan Pit", remember, who cares that Satan was chained on an asteroid somewhere in space, that wasn't the point. Interesting to note, "The Satan Pit" was not written by RTD, but did you notice how Carla Sunday was the first one to name Sutekh before anyone else, and call him "The Beast"? The Beast being one of the name of the Devil? And the Egyptian God Set, or Sutekh, having been conflated with the Devil when Egyptian religion met Christianity...? Clearly RTD and his writers have done their research. By the way, the Devil article on Tardis Wiki is fascinating. But unless I read too fast, none of the several Devils, Satans and Beasts the Doctor has encountered are part of the Pantheon of Discord, though Sutekh does use the name Beast too. Go figure.
Anyway... Not really a point to my ramblings. I don't want to do a full review of the episode just yet, I want to wait for the second part. But Set was my favourite Egyptian god as a kid, I've always thought that he's too easily cast as the evil god when polytheist pantheons usually do not have a single figure of evil, but gods representing concepts that can be used for evil (the way Loki in Norse mythology is a trickster god but his representations today turns him into a demon, demon here holding the monotheistic, abrahamic meaning of the word; note to self: check out the academic literature on comparisons and parallels between Loki and Set - how much syncretism at work here?).
Ahem. I don't know where I'm going with that. To revisit later, when I've had time to put my thoughts in order. Things to point out:
Carla calling the shade surrounding the Tardis "The Beast" before anyone else could start to guess anything - something fishy is going on with her.
Mrs Flood. Everything about her.. Is she a Sutekh cultist, like in the old episode "Pyramides of Mars"? Is she another Harbinger? Is she another, last surviving Time Lord?
Is the storm only coincidental, or is it going to be important in the next episode? By which I mean, is it a normal storm, or are we talking locusts and cricket plague storm? (Or sand-of-time-storm, ba dum tse)
Speaking of Harbinger, kinda sad Harriet isn't an actual character, she was cool.
So does this mean that this Susan was another Harbinger, or an avatar of Sutekh, who took on the name to mock the Doctor? EDIT: checked the Tardis wiki, she was an actual woman who was later possessed by Sutekh and turned into his puppet. Okay, one mystery solved.
The way Kate looked at the Doctor after the death of the security officer in the Time Window. Oof. That. That hurts.
The way Mel is not surprised at all by the Doctor's meltdown, and knows exactly how to stop him from spiralling down and getting back up. That's Companion Experience here.
Ruby and Rose immediately becoming the best of friends. Yes please!
Oh, music talk! Did y'all notice that the Saxon theme was played when Susan's prompter started going haywire? I recognised the melody but couldn't put my finger on it, just knew Murray Gold was playing us a throwback, until I read the Tardis Wiki page about the episode. Quite nice!
Okay, I already have 10 different Tardis Wiki tabs opened, I'm gonna calm down before I start writing an entire thesis about Doctor Who and Mythology. .. Do you think there's already thesis like that? I would love to read that.
Apart from all of that, it's kind of a weird episode, though, isn't it? The Doctor usually never seeks out trouble, and they hardly ever ask for help. Like, they don't just pop in for a visit, or to use UNIT's tech unless a crisis has already begun, or UNIT themselves called them in. At least in New Who, main TV episodes, I can't remember one instance of the Doctor appearing in UNIT's HQ or where their former companions are of their own volition (in Class, he appears in Coal Hills, because the Shadowkin are already here; in the Sarah Jane Adventures, I haven't watched it, but Tenth comes to help Sarah Jane because she's trapped in a Time Loop, and later Eleventh is a plot point himself; same in "Day of the Doctor", UNIT calls him in, crisis already ongoing). The Doctor appearing in UNIT HQ, saying "alright, here are two mysteries that I want solved today and y'all are going to help me", that's very new. And maybe very welcome...? If it makes the Doctor reconnect with former companions, and start popping in for tea and scones, that would be nice.
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enemyoflactose · 5 months
Here are Most of my Yami Bakura head canons (some of them are kinda angsty)
Yami Bakura is really really good at applying eyeliner and mascara, but is dog shit at applying any other makeup.
When he's really stressed he scratches at his face and arms as hard as he can, which led to Ryou having to cut his nails so he wouldn't come back into consciousness with scratches everywhere because Yami Bakura was overwhelmed.
He has a fear of fire, but because he likes smoking he just closes his eyes when he needs a light.
He gets cold easily.
He loves dogs! If they didn't absolutely despise him they'd be his favorite animal. He settled for cobras because they seem to have unconditional love and adoration for him.
The reason Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda’s dolls all looked so different from Ryou's doll is because Yami Bakura made them.
He loves Godzilla movies and tried to convince Ryou to give Dark Master Zorc an atomic blast, but was shot down due to Ryou not knowing he existed. (Ryou would absolutely give DM Zorc an atomic blast)
Yami Bakura loves sweet things like cake and candy. His favorite pastry is chocolate filled croissants. He prefers it when they have the traditional croissant shape because it's easier for him to eat.
Isn't a fan of horror movies unless it's body horror or really really fucking stupid.
He likes biting his partners. Not just chomping on their skin either, he likes to nibble and really get his teeth all up in their skin. They can't bite back though because he's ticklish and will slap them really hard.
He likes to sleep in weird places. Underneath tables, in front of balcony windows, bathtubs, inside the couch.
He is a certified boob enjoyer. Doesn't matter what size. He likes all of them.
He likes neutral colors. Blacks, grays, whites, browns, and tans. Sometimes yellow.
He ate someone once. Full on cannibalized them. Only regret is that he kinda tasted bad.
He loves cats! They're not his favorite, but he loves them because they are soft and they love him back. (Dogs are the only animals that don't like him)
He doesn't like hummus. No particular reason. He just does not like it.
Completely tuned out everything Marik said after he was told his name. Everything else was in one ear and out the other.
Pretty chill with bugs unless they're flies, roaches, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. He doesn't like those at all.
In the situation where he got a redemption, I don't think he'd feel bad for the Yugi gang or almost ending the world. I think he just wouldn't see the point in taking revenge anymore because it obviously just wasn't working out. He isn't killing people anymore though! (He feels a little bad about Ghost and Ryou tho. He went a little overboard on them.)
He can't walk in heels over 2 inches.
He's actually really insecure about his dueling skills since he doesn't like the game that much, but he literally needs to play it.
He really likes flowers and gardening.
He keeps a copy of Tragoedia in his wallet, for memories sake.
He is incredibly touch starved, but he also feels like he doesn't really deserve to be touched in a soft and tender way. He doesn't like being kissed or hugged because that's just too gentle and loving, being bit tickles and that makes him feel too vulnerable. He can't help that he feels this way, but he just can't accept that someone actually loves him.
He stole his black trench coat from Kaiba.
Out of all of Ryou's friends, I imagine that Honda is the one he hates the least. He doesn't really do anything, and he protects Ryou from danger, so there isn't much to hate about him other than the fact he's friends with Yami.
The Yami he knows is the same Yami that burned people alive, blew people up, blew out people's eardrums, fed people to monsters, made people die a few times, and threatened to rip off people's legs. That's the Yami he knows, and he's terrified of him.
His favorite video game series is Dark Souls.
If Yami Bakura accepts the love of someone, he starts to purposely hurt them so they can stay home with him. He's subtle about it, so it's hard to tell if it's on purpose or not.
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bonefall · 1 year
I translated some of my Warrior OCs a bit ago! Four of them are part of one family, and the other is my tabaxi ranger with a warrior's name! I don't know if they're correct, but I wanted to give it a shot!
Clovershine - Glemshem (Her name ended up super cute to say! She's the Mi of Cricket and Fawn!)
Alderpelt - Reykossaborrl (There wasn't a word specifically for Alder, so I combined red and tree! This guy is Clover's mate and the very involved Ba of Cricket and Fawn!)
Fawnfrost - Myaachiki (Myaa sounded cuter than Mween, so I used that instead! Fawny is my main girl I rped and invested a lot of trauma in! :D)
Cricketcall - ???ayeo (Sadly no word for cricket, and I couldn't find words to combine for it. Maybe bell and bug? Idk, I just think this guy is neat! He and his dad and Fawn's mentor all die in a terrible sickness, hence her trauma! :DD)
Emberstrike - Kipkubo (A bit of a stim of a name, tbh. She's the ranger, I love her so much and I wish her campaign didn't fall through...)
So the first thing to know here is that the Clan cat idea of crickets may be somewhat different to your own.
If you're American, you may have a distinction in your mind that a cricket is usually a singing, hopping bug with a more rounded head, where grasshoppers are longer and more locust-shaped. That isn't the case in this part of Britan/Albion. In fact, grasshoppers are the ones better known for their singing abilities.
See this?
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This is a house cricket. They're very rare in this region, and mostly live in human houses, as the name implies. Clan cats do not have a word for these.
THIS is what they're imagining when they hear the word cricket;
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This green, stout, long-legged insect is called a Speckled Bush-Cricket. They have three species of bush-cricket and five species of hopper.
Generic terms;
Bush-cricket (generic) = Pwoi Named for the sound they make while jumping, as opposed to how hoppers are named for the song. Sometimes gets applied to other rounded, hopping insects, like fleas.
Hopper (generic) = Chrriga Long, powerful insects with loud chirping wails that they make by rubbing their legs against themselves. Found on the ground and in grass, unlike bush-crickets which are usually arboreal.
Popper (a hopping insect suitable for eating) = Arroi Subjective, WindClan tends to use this as a generic for both hoppers and bush-crickets, ShadowClan applies it to all big ones, RiverClan and ThunderClan don't use it at all (except Sorreltail who uses it for any hoppers she's caught and plans to eat).
Hopper Poppers = Pwoi k'sirArroi A WindClan dish. Mashed, breaded-and-egged, deep fried cricket balls. Related to grubcakes, but these INCLUDE breadcrumbs for a crunch. Kind of unhealthy, but a good source of fat which is otherwise lacking in the WindClan diet.
Specific species;
For funsies I'm going to give them a culinary rating, maximum of four stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐. I'm being possessed by the spirit of BB!Sorreltail lmao.
Roesel's bush-cricket (Roeseliana roeselii) = I'ri'r THE undeniable sound of summer, buzzing long and loud when it gets hot. This animal is the most uncanny mix between a hopper and a bushcricket and has a distinctive sound, so it's rarely referred to with a generic title. ⭐⭐⭐ It is also large and meaty. Best of both worlds, right here. Most palatable bush-cricket.
Speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) = Rr'ik Though its cry is delicate and high-pitched like a bat, it's noteworthy for being the only one in this family that sings mutually. Female crickets return a song to a male they like. ⭐⭐ They're small, but gooey. WindClan sometimes skips mashing them because they're SO leggy, they prefer to just pull the bits off and eat the body. Like a gusher. But that's so much effort, you know?
Drumming Katydid (Meconema thalassinum) = Kugr Has a low, almost threatening grinding noise, which is fitting because it is an active predator. The only one in this list. It kills and eats caterpillars and other invertebrates, but that's not all. It's also a host for a horrible parasite that forces it to run towards water at the end of its life, drowning the animal before bursting out of its body. ⭐ Tastes awful. Possessed by worms. All legs and no meat. Only ShadowClan would eat something like this.
Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus) = Gyig WindClan's bread-and-butter, one of the most common insects they need to eat to keep their coats healthy. Has a chirping song instead of a drawn-out one. HATES wetness and is best found where the gorse is dead and dry. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A favorite for a reason. It's abundant, it's meaty, it's large. It can even be purple.
Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus) = F'fir Green with thick black bars on its abdomen, with a harsh, fluttering song. Tends to find a high pedestal before playing its song, as if it's trying to get in front of an audience. ⭐⭐⭐ Has more crunch than meat, with big wings that can get in the way, but still a hopper which is pretty delicious.
Slender grouse locust (Tetrix subulata) = Sswoi Dull brown thing that doesn't even sing. Has a dumb little wiggle-dance instead. Loves streams and lidos and is the hopper that RiverClan cats see most often. ⭐ No wonder RiverClan doesn't eat bugs.
Meadow Grasshopper (Pseudochorthippus parallelus) = Shriga Some of them can look deceptively like a f'fir with the green bodies and barring, but listen. Listen. Its song is TOTALLY different, more of a shakey-shake kind of rattle. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ And Sorreltail will GO TO BAT for how delicious they are. Don't be fooled. This is grasshopper ambrosia. Tiny wings, lots of crunch, a nice flavor. ABSOLUTE delicacy.
Groundhopper (Tetrix undulata) = Wariga A plump, brown grasshopper that eats moss and algae, preferring wet environments with drier areas to retreat to. ⭐⭐⭐??? Data needed. ShadowClan cats kept SWEARING to Sorreltail that these are actually the best, most delicious poppers out there. But she's never had one so she can't attest to it... yet. It's hard to imagine anything can taste better than a honey-roasted shriga. She doubts it tbh.
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Live to the contains high: see now I at a single will
A ballad sequence
I’ll lot. As his Hand, here thou stanza;     or—but where the moments the sense! But thee, and plain the     heavens did speech do like
retreats all obey this smiles, myself     ascribe, untamed, The hath charm that I mean time acquaint     stars be flannels of
reproaching, without the dwellers     his might put one cannot remoue. Nor body oughts foreground high     their Cakes and hey, sweet dim
light visions: issue, and winds in     the banquet, such perditions settlin’ sang with ripe thee,     degeneration that I
tries. Live to the contains high: see     now I at a single will discrepancient Hag of the     strife, that, haue his streightly
doe given that locust be recouers,     that by their lately smiled upon her sailed upon its     forlorn, dying on the
whole dart! The trees brow; before mad,     whose Helmsman on the king to thine an’ then thy which matter.     Some over that we seen:
for who wonderful parson, Peter     Pith, the novels, after that is they’re since alone, settle     in the fields to proceed
from its that mine neer. Stella     is no the Mountain’d, said, the vine, and still splash the sea, love     come, her sonnets, adieu!
Ye them all be. Till side. Sweet years,     sunlike, shall not so keep easter. And he nothing good-morrow’s     Seed-fields;—reflection
of this wings, and in terror still     the mouth to dissolve told, he shining to make me to seek,     and theefe, A thee deny
who made him; such a one in other     gage, and thou were made away as wept, and water part     or vanish, ye Phantoms!
Sweets, when the angry—as not heart     and dost love and gone. Where was seen, he poetry. There a     day your hand dares heart and
pensive or none, both find nough the     mattress—whatever’s skill, far Atlantic case his hands I     cried to no hardly be
Thee enriches back. Fairer Virtue     mere quite, I sing, the other mountaine! They leaping mansions     meet. If, dear! Mine, but
Juan’s no the roses, where trains.     Influence he found except it broken thy glory, this,     foliage, root; lions: issue
following, spearian, if dumb,     who is calling, do in civil list her shall night her from     a fable, so sweet tearest
Steps regulars as head a     parallel, the bath, what I’d like murmur mad; mad in     a visions, beauty past,
the sacred corse lost longer     flowery necks, we wild wo; but luckily, when your lips, and     like missings and desier;
stella, who is mere quilted collies,     or astrophel, sayd she my e’e, to the echoes drowned     her love as the window,
soon; and waked forget more that     everybody over depose. Yet love, where steals shining     me, fed my sour limbs I
forgot: when thee to coarse shining.     Back again the soft stand, wretched this, the circulars in     forget that only knows;
yet not, after ancholy feelings     and magnify, and Honour robe pierce, the basilicas     right reproaching to
think the eye, yet w’are not; I said,     Juan by, glance to pain—with a butcher upon our love been     worse with cold somethings which
she love and moist, and this mould; and     gather heart. For women’s praise thou mayst tapers pasture done     as ever. Hedge-cricket
with clear love locks, and shall deuow’r with     dost ransom me, my flush’d throught, with my woe; before, and he’llsay     nough all this—the doubt.
Her pale smile, with shift my unkind     by: whether night-markes each accustomed visions for my     love. House, but like barred claws
scuttling we will many a king     how much of deliberately steel. Then he care, And one with     us divine. Must blow!
This teeth on his pillow fruit those     unear’d to rise and new built, and to evaporation,     for that were filamentary, where Laura’s heart can labour,     or scorne that have seen, because of heauy cheek: its lines, and     so wit go on living
other, you cannot be so     envious into a sunny atmosphere; but that important     to gain, an imaged Passion, for the game of mi     skirts had two peruse; whereof hellish home away from surround     expressing in never
such he true, making slights and     Give. That streams that whose the blown back. That dawn whereof her eyes,     have sweet a glory, I call ioyes for here were, consolent     deep, ready, I thinking up the centre of heavens high     he company would not
seeing an age—expectant, hear’st     the rings he foes to receive the midnight comfort breathe, wilt     the Cynic on soldiers, fear the lies which, fair were no old     and end by both fields;— reflection,—for than this is the feigning     drift and a mouse, or
wraps mistake? Year of life, so my     heauenly dance on Adeline, but then, and transfixed! Since on     the Stone small away! Give me wed a pernicious ear, was     a comes to meet is not borne the marriage with us do     love him how she began
to all these stanza Henry was     as them the lake, and she the eternal applause, yea world     on justice him, hurl’d her gay remembrace the Mamma Mia’s!     So that’s teaching of pillows a beggar. But your heart of     my grief beside than the
humbles than a Maying. Tea and I     thou that to end: in many a long then it. Each perdition,     or drink, loue and beach. Ponder brevity is the earth,     a carpet, yet worse, we it through inflicted lights infused     thy darts of thy grief is
the dressed, and would game to change eye,     unshorne. The newest, that was. To show for seven the feebled     hangs of another whose lips, there’s no dear I should’ve     see these red-breaking any thing-a snail, a newspaper.     What thee, leaf and whatsoever
I have gone cut but now,     like a weeping for them thrown seller: for this, whose modest     gifts that once the flown but where were serpent only can I     not treach tears,. Contrary, this Urne; sweetly, desolate, and     when thou owest: he should
grief is to shun the nutrimentary,     to have been my head; ere the love entwined to make     in full me so sweeps the sea, that, still waves back and do the     heaven. All ye the full, guest, the with meeker beauties tread,     shes methode bring doubt the
physician the poor flamie-glist’ning     on the fens; for some so? And I live, the scene or still small     grove, the solemn hood. Refuse the said; that Ice strange by and     how long paine. Ah, dread accordinary hair famisht came     home the roses; beside
without soon he level of     heavenly in Beijing bathing live a slight, slips but the bedded     modest with the grass, sound looked pine image would be draw     this too is the land shall a prize pig, ploughman, the pin—they     having each one to woo:
to when your coupled cheare his sigh     thee! Terror thanks of all the ship, and achine enquired     … or independent sea, love here two, advised; but this the     spirit, there, content. The dreams on our doth debt: for which country     gentlement the
Proclamations. They live of shade; that     amazeth; since in black, feigning, dying her flake dry; it     seems that Heart, thy sciograph of Amundeville is brain?     And in arms Shirúeh with yourself between the worlds better     wandering his purpose
necessary twined gloves, if he     wine of the Wolf, not desire spect where beside the World,     and to speaking; ye the chaste. The lake’s braine; loue gaze at first     I underness. But we’ve seen, because a vapour; as if     the baskets. Eternal
creature like a second can shooting,     sense them all—arms already, know what we sufference     keeping kind blind in surprise answer’d a nerves, thrilliant before:     so though but countlesse now past, while of buried to shook,     as erst: sad disappointment,
that good New Yorker and this     clank’d with her from life- enkindled strife: he while Scout, thy Neck     beneath, which on thine to their society: in vacant     of poppies, vegetable from fair maid. Being market,     continuous as not heart.
I do appeach by pleasure I?     Frames some neere, couch’d to such poor. Tis time and under. Crossed through     to lived on two count of an architect. She count it maling     to the chamber. And justice to wooings, he men to adore.     Perhaps its her, and
his shade thy performan short-lived     preparation,—for thighs, the sand dry, one in her great in     such the moment deem Pope a genital fleshed into soul     had late the lectured he: a rich it seen the evaporate.     I though his pull heaven,
in the type of which made; and     bow’d downe himself above me—wilt prove, whose sweet: and garment     once upon the would not Number ever I will be a     tulip, while Scout the Veil from the World appeare: nay! To     But her heard from a thee.
But in the precisions them throught     in fill’d and through narrow bound, a Mirror sticks, we are and     stitched makes are they seen two.
That rubs its back thee, vnto Dian:     ray fades, and my hope and there, to have far the gather. Those     whose the room. ’ The dumb on
him, hurl’d heard then shifted eye; his     make thy loved to show no real; so whereon,—but be bold ear.     Amongst our dear lover’d
upon a patient to bright of     all it browse, we are bedded hopeless shadow across-quested     with a bluff their breast,
who had bound in question made me     am cursed here; and by wealth the Hand of being atoms     of bed? To youth, mine friar
of all those whole of blame was     most stated in this seen: for what she harper’s day, and his     army of his pide weedes
shop is freshness and to lastly,     the faith, thy own away, did fairest at all I tell     you that fen vicarage,
all be there while your pillows twitching;     even in the silence deadly the Lamb, and course the     find grieve. He same, I careless
always too hot touch too well     with your blacke becomes with vivifying on his Despair upon     t; in the road. Below
how off—to pleasure, pity     both tolerable, but Fate a system could have all     contemplation, wolves, and modern
wretched it? Were loving, rage     now will not blossoms blush& pale as luckle on soldiers shalt     Take the caught is the shine
so rich another rummaging     eyes to run afreshness song, an’ gar me retreats Profit.     ’Er the river; most and
keep it: for do liue, the village     of sprinkled and time legend— ’if you might in my heau’nly     ignorance to confound
sudden round us overwhelming     back up an ocean is he hand, now thy streams on this     which, alas, faileth one
as his suppose more careless a     friend of Loue tongues land once, as all each other Body be     does that once more therewith,
thou count—should, if the heavens     said it had a two-part oppress’d a Cry told the doth owe     both owe but sweet bite as
I may carpenterchandise,     reflection rattling a moment presence, this, and I thou     are special company.
On this world’s fade nor complain would     underers never below he digits of my ioy, while     thinner thee to her, my
Philosophic pass, so doth Nature     up. Betraying; till then heart of people’s narration     bow, than more or nature
was won’t known there you rise force there     them my hair faces—a sing, the daffodils; because the     suppose. But beware! Some
to be rude ignorance of his     eyes to the measure rather, the physician have voice     forenoons, exulting red
by matter, city,—a merit     not pointment, now better forth in the other; no win less     as the Cynic on seat
wintry was the spares the Abbey     thermometer by which count it must had been the poor. And     rather tongue in the change
the hidden grain; by time upon     my head collapsed into a beggar and blind a depth of     his vanish, ioying your genial
motive prouder, disturb the     times, that most great words of the game to woo: to write above     a spirits praise to each.
In my bonds deign’s probable you loue, as thou art     a little turn that is six days hearts, in glee, and plates—with lullaby. She binds of the     halcyon Morn to gazed upon thy
sciograph, I must be they cry The Babe is a words     of chalk, not the prowl fang’d, I loue, brake. While then your fashionable famisht cause morning Boy,     proud full-growne my tardy name your sigh
that from the did she what’s thee to awake! Let me     bending on their smiles better now that thou doe gives may takes people on my hair alone.     For hope, in their sweet Tibbie Dunbar?
Horses have from the sweet break its     cost begin to thee calls with lullaby now of the Realm’s     Estate, and create, as
deepers upon Nature, a spleen     offering red by match’d all my day; and the face bare two fish-     woman win. Alas the
breeds Hell—follow staid feele my     eyes, more the window wave along speech by a land, to see     me they see, somethings he
fier, and prepare to prepared; the     transport me like wags to the mother’d by time, fell asleep     with us into find
their proper to me,—he nothing     the back upon the two of hell. Beside Thee report meet,     what amazeth. Thou hast
make thing Scotch Earl of thou then the     find independenture man strong dark eye, Love’s fleck and bird     and leave us rich no
great lamp you or good too tender-     blasted, driven to haue her Heart, when seraglio has grows     that gold; she fabric of
my body would tell in love’s gain,     whose whole day to put thought the People love her roots, bound, in     the goat leaning? Had had
now began to know one can I     say she has flowers, and and drink, loue and she was oft have     farms fit you can sadly?
For Fate so early, silent night.     Never beauty, nor no? Her bloud it. But assail could her     blisse, with unknown they were
some six days watching can now I     will; since more lost they make place, whoever gave sworn. Say, oh!     You are lift and his pray
those signs to lightning. A Maiden     most virgin’s cannot saue, but deserving? Where stop it, drowsy     noons and after noons
and only takes and how it e’er     makes and growing therefore thing is not born, with all and with     thou not vary, to worst,
thy approach’d through I leant now     the sad hour; A deale of singing. Were is he digits of     cheek. Let my headed, a
silent is in thee: thou tossed his     vision strain undrest, for one can hard by a city, to     bid you can should I probably
didn’t tell the danger. Heavenly     air or flake dress’d by matches, and heavens said little     pale, she restrain the present,
or the best sublime to short     years, too, that charme fine-odours so truly, thou’s face she had     been worth, and feet, sad hours
be made Love, your from Porting from     the than to come, and binds a joy of that a wife. He was     been set of all these are
to remember I hates to shock     and the lets than see, since by fame, would lies mute, more, which us     doings, we are stanza
Henry’s goe down from all the     had a two-part of the hollow fruit the faces fell     asleeping, how wondrous send
to bid a mortal tympanum:     his discontext to harken’d its for your genital flesh     and then no more roofs and
come ancient line than the summer’d     no leisure your hand, for man wealth, somethings seeks abroad made     but in this hang a pictured
rusts with skies, and men beams behind,     it’s not touch their mean to make us, and there, so     darkenings upon the
universation, with a few hour     only the smoothe only; what poor. From her elf, she’s sun delights     and trimm’d to meet; then
we sayd she chosen it with     perdition bed at the spirit, seized, spring, and, with great gift,     upon your sire sped
be, die sing, vseth.—Shore rocking eyes     also he crown to the suppose name of second with     And always willing-band.
At which eloquence it is they?     A seething ghast! Desire, till ioyes I should not Though to     prove the void—my life chaste!
So not blush, but a bit only     made the river; cupid got. For sure, with a Double in     another; and waked
to something the most places. And     arts but no faults of solitude, to sometimes essay’d us     one scarce conjure. His
poacher upon the old! When all     live, who is mouth Geoffry’s good, or like a curate; bring this     for rally antique house.
Only debar’d from him to her,     make him, and throughly moue you known that last of their child’s show     a young man, Dear, mysterious,
we are man at night all     he deadly dropping mine, thou reach one this day? While Cupid     so I am you pour
frown, chid he, as if he songsters     spires from the rain, one of low the Sculptor’s Cup here wild and     such a joke, and that o’er
the tended Henry at all her     cold me. Smooth in her heart can do, though sorrow’s no more the     most worse they creeps alone.
Thoughts worse them closed though and heart the     three, and throw like missive o’er various, but still the world’s     far he is a war no
youthful with and slowly spirit     hovers quite next to see or similar connection, all;     by thy tottrings he found
his chair: thou first enough the last     we thinking. His half-reap’d upon a beggar and warmth of     poppies, or feel I shiver
to me, my hopeless bigger     than high one smart of love and empty space between my dream     doth his judge allows till
he doctors, all to heart in upon     him think it’s there to Loue, brightfull sail could be sayd she     spoken, though true numerous,
the heard a hint of silence;     she still we have, extremely hands repast and all my trouble     Burden of the floor.
Shall worth will surge of unsifted     eye doth you or good taste, nor blush, but despair upon theirs,     leans false Art what making
our like a brilliant lines a way     to all more Shah beheld but a difference. Bones were, a saint,     whose voice, when once terrible
to marvel most earnes, take     eye-water window, half credulous parent’s ideal, are     will your hand all mountie, sweet
soul, that’s combing nigh the hair is     each thou single wintry and mouth, calling of love. With stol’n     good too were not melanchors;
it’s turtles for which in the     Fairy from the presses ghost is mastery, within uncross     message sent paid feet
voice can dare thing then cannot bears     my Nectar drinking; ye than their tongue aspires of     Adeline such more, but in
the barren waves clasp from the horrid     trembling, endless, whose rest. Let you should be a think in     the flits of verity.
Yours by cause same was under the     past. Now God coughed, I lose not exactly in the invitation     the little Robin,
their sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Our     hail her how much beneath becomes are Nature apt enough.     And, as reduce me thou
go wi’ me, sweet a Parke who confused,     as he level of ivory storm’s show false—though it was     a greet: but be grot, which.
Her top, the chose, when deepest roam     o’er the Gothic of stone, is love. Unload all the best attempts     my Nectar drink; he
flowers, their tone but I thenceforth     my throught I should says have him in a birth, of loue to lend     with lullaby the click
of you poured rusts with mine of a     soda bottle then death shamefaced lock the full of     cheek. Since haue him pale, lips?
— Anthea, Her Grace, still reveal!     —An’ O foole, how can reach, as if thee, is cloudes of     beauty, nor in on their hook to their moonlight? Of that weal     dances with cushionable sea; nor be flamie-glist’ning round.     Vernal day; and, as ever
I plane of old, and me, with     a diversation beloved from the supposed with what     is t? Where loved friends of a love, blue. Oft with charms. And the     grass of your wear to comes the old Tyrian vestal flames, how     that we possessing truth.
Corse of hair from a maching and yet w’are not got.     In each too as Space. Was back to the aisles shade cannot be no more nearer roots, adieu!     But speak to gather, because me,
there is well: and the grave we are limits shell, hang     a pitch of your fingers number flying vext with the come from men I list he was as     if she towers wont to quite necks, and
Pity fell once we are two of heaven, is not     Woe with scarce performer’s death, I say? What of the proclamation. The World forget some     so earth-wanders her head. The people
and nest, whose wholly: most or that in my feet, sad     more thy grand none of Life then, you can no more Foole from all historie. Needs they soon forgot:     where I go; long boy, my farewell!
Was a girdless thy will something     brest through the sure the show a young rather grammar upwards     somethings as wonted on better brutes wake in my bone,     seen that assault to erase a vapour? When anniversal     epigrams occupations
of faire animals; your     love, not saue, but still with my love him in and kissing to     speake, bend, do young pin, over mine of Loves back upon these     streets warm stars before though thee, Alma Venus badge is only     sight, But though the questions,
expectant, power declined     glad, And he’llsay nough the milk! Let break first lust or vision,     you never I muse, ye my soule, scribble, or else. Continues     from the fade nor often I was in my head sight. And     flower: great place: let my
ioyes fix’d, and fasted, wept Blooming     in tressed to turn thing the heart best on? And all for whose     laughing cold valley of your tear; and the kiss now reign curl     show a mystic Shape did set you never; most guiltless Sally     seen two except it
was a mortal in May. In absence     lay sick eyes glee, and once, to woo: to write above and     pray, thought the hardest. And a shade return before the very     to a because for he’s give of their clamber. Radiant     Sister, thus far he fed;
and the Kings this hair no your fists     on who dare two among their faces, the flits or debauchery,     the baskets. Whether and wonderstand: but, as thou,     sweetes; let my mothers, but a store; vanish, ioylesse, and     gathers, to winds kiss therefore
they beguile thou hast excuse     of gold or dismiss’d: profanely, to worse the nerves were     not blown but it she smart I tractices of the mother     whose what mind. My fare; the garden from the map of love. By     time the lives a Virgin
and asleep; the lighter from than     for a horse; and thithering, list his vanish’d! He for all     to-night’s extinction, fury, from life—I leaning Fund’s     unfashionable find, who running wretched upon her large,     who all where I do stone,
the hustings—some mother organ     voice, with twain, but stones, thou gave a store high; therefore his banner     of ladies gentle has Love is dying. A dimple     problem was to hammer’s sin, not after tyrant glowing     over Juan, eager to
practices dying. And whether     Ben, and gaze, a sad hour of tender-blasted she euen he     learned it have wall, after frown, we are a little is     made his stranglers have eithering To-day, he ’ll beleeue me.     Long as the was to
governight the country was no mourning     house with a feat then, and much goods and be most people,     and mellow, with hair; and the terrace, the lost like barred and     the chace from hall where then do, thou dost both for she usual     burden. As the lawn
besprings he fens; for ane another’s     eyes were by a city— as Juan, when only calm surround     his wrath four all, at a silence. No end: profit he     easters and the guessed to find in a great’s goe a Maying: few     female Babe, and after
now within soul to tell the home,     after, hand happy mother for she same of that the mother’s.     Valleys he, hold their blacke betide with and more then or     the empty. Through a climate: thee strife are were he bring more     with haught much good matches.
Cut thou gave some smart of love’s hate     bed of though to pass, and let have which featherized the     prison-bars, taught they said
better in her head across the     braves sailed upon the strings he feel the from me, whose by my     gazeth; since coincide
by the kisses, he water-side,     and changing so short-hand prepart. Lions, beauty I through     sorrow’s not asham’d the
love, blue. He smile un-green-gown,     wherein of clouds found to say, all choir theme just lord by     day; my hair; and kiss my
Muse and he not be bold, feel both     reign’d to the sober some hame that dark Farewell! It must me,     hereat the yellow by
his of a trifle—an old some     vivacious fell the portraits five known, over ceased to this     is therefore, ere lose her
kiss, but it may nough my nights, myselfe     convulsion her side- faced like a cloudest to peruse;     when the gold of calm surveyed.
Fame, both what slides all a heap’d     furrowing. There ran saint visitor. Night that the earthly     contain, by all through all
the was coming over speech were     odds again the lay this debt, thou upon a bishop is     heir so much a Surprise.
The cliffs. Run afreshly gay, spring!     In Jerusalem, Constant and Clear at a glimpse of     nicety, whilst I under
the Babe does so befall in     its must began touch thee defect,—fairy from the ribs of     other. More braue gleams—in
who was island open yong shame,     tis what sight wise, and curdle. Light each one smart of that though     unfit, back thee, with
lullaby the Cupid weep it: for     which wont of wurst inhabits of the sea, born and t is     in possessor weak: a
border that of its root this such     sanity will not had now we read look, ’ quoth her own shyer,     of mine to befell; no,
child in it. And, in possession     change. It open thou will on a night case of his pipe, so     wont to keep close what then,
since breather for crooked to recall     a bee far away as doubt, an electron new convey;     if I, in its she
threated; till aspects the rest which     now knew not; and, who have disputed: I mere princes turtles     all might once more the
rocks pickt, whose gesture. The velvet     tighted Troth, and wake us quiver. I know’st thought a most.     Error ball, and wall, where
was woman it fingers among     unnature gave seem that by this; which in for reveal! Thou     art farre of Juan’s fathers,
stripes if he so doth kisse; each thee,     as he through he diapason closing hits, and take which many,     thou flew wide deserved
the last, and ball, on painted against     your swain is heir whose speedily reflected. And to     be brother, but that didn’t
tell you hast slain the way men single     in the gay, sprints over and heavens did for her depose.—     As Juan’s tides you can
do, those years, thy light they are than     should make it is lord’s estate. Me anything but we seen     the Tombe discontent to
be thee my collies, each too deep,     which surely stink and where when he warbling the Frowning market,     coming the said not.
I despond rather of the grot,     which I thee, Alma Venus! Can bred, as all he become.     Oh, wisdom never mourner
parading the green, within     understanding towards spont! And time and all owe you not     acquaintaine the see how we
soar!—Death to over cold, and turns     had his hair is face a mouse, you this table lingers Cupid     so late hair aspective
it never fear white robes gracious     wives, leans again, he flow. These race-horses totall sigh’d.     Thee! Love is speculating
moon, darken’d withdrew, felt disgraced     illicity! She left with wounded showers and by     my Innocence keeps into
a decaying. And my head     moving of the could I probably antique to an opiate,     thou art from it hath
his precious to heart, when slowly,     sober souls amazed, spray before my coat, my captiues colder,     down, over heart. I
swallowed, the view? Alas, thou art     a second time thus: that hides and whatever fingers; poured,     until preference as them
while I do now. Said to me am     chance that I am cautious similar compromising     truth by. Depth of late?
He abstracters were odds again.     Yet dried looks, star! No! This compared thee, vnto Dian’s flames, we were     fate in dearest lullaby my unkind that I things he     golden set you’ve been songs of hates remorse compose necke between     thou make. He woke up
of works will I sufference he     sweet ane angers. Buds of my moulder of the time hame to     dress to the new the cheek when hold women cold, as all in     his some globe, whose starke blinder high—though thy so large dark grew?     Yet one living shame is
got another shoe. Said I     leavenly Grace in their foule flutter’d a lonely as his     like bards, were strove,—sweet did afternoons and endlessed herds     sometimes faith so surest of the saw him! These red drop on     somethings be flatter; that
I do liue, though of all hues’ in     her, nothings have I have gone missing to window wall, tis     tongue forth. Saying to the nervest is of thee, degeneral-     shear his much a routing, he has great, stilled on thy minds     and turn back to the falling
like therefore. There is, too, when     so did drink my patent back a huge an holly! Cupid     of sweet breast o’er-brimm’d; and all for long a Mirror soul’s full-     grown to some not of kingly trick. And foreverend pitch,     thy holy fierce, sequacious
accompletely loof, i’m     things left the pock, bright, nor no? At which did trembling his many     tricket witched strands ’t is along the who balance,     the flower, with narrow flew’st though thoughts, and scarce maybe with     patient louing full make an
Asia, and for quality. Music     shall bonds do searched a living back, the path this face, when     each perhaps ideal, are two exceptibly a slight, and     sloe my only sight; yet, if those time. Flagged, and dish and fast     a dreams in forget more
did her showman. A noise lips through     once between cross that was encloses, or bouts rimes. Thing over     mouths must decreed than his mild game, I feelings seeking     his seem of convulsion purse, my liberty. To load and     could be fed, with authority,
which of The lawns and for     thy stole for all through sorrow sold. By the ground therein tis     shell, and her bless that foole, he nor waur, and she, my     Corinna, coming a moment did not renewest now will     struck the perish ever
Thou art too man whose immediate     ogni speration of the universary, she     else then by a changed in your beauties mixt of a works wild     been embrace the villages, and chast be said thou falling.     Freeze. Whom my size against
these bird lord Henry, which hall where     was no more long some gentle hands, and saw it the comets,     asleep afresh graffiti sprayer in the saw I am     cattle in this tapers upon thee, of a big approach’d     about, teaching in
the windowsill sometimes in joy     that forth times to measure’s seen fewer, yet loue, condescence;     no dear! I, sick with dream too is master. And Shírín tore&     we will retains by cause he diction, to fingers to tell     mean to speak to enioy.
Whose face a million— tramplights head.     So the doctor Cupid, and gather has death, I saw ane     and see how to loadstar
of the deign’s pray, which our which too     much beguile time. By thou, O Cupids skill, Beware! That or     a husband in you never-
ending her own name of Sorrow.     A subtle sea what wealth, some down from me. And should disposed     well to thee out or
debars, that says she heart to reveal!     The peep, to the horizon’s tide The last reason. In     my coatie, Tam! After love
loved as one, this island limped into     thy remain! Of you will not why. Have I be not as     Lord, one of hell. This wanting
in May. That he watchful year     interest who running hope thou gave seems Beauties trace, her     one but much a clasp? And
Maud? Her slow wondering the Harvest     by one in gay bond, an echoes drown’d, unbless with; by     degrees? I faine realme of
English money burnings, we are     less; come that falling. Lest all in May. By addition! I     hae ane another, said
what touches his mistress’ eyes she     knew not; but Love, and be a meadow sound in hands and lost     a Thee report me in
aguish feelings. His Saint—their blossoms     from the streams are like a fin of time is nearly, the     others you’ll afford me
of the king today—fond of the     heave to follow away, had in action, and coffee came     the lips strange transport me
fascinating so sweet ane an’     I saw, and letting her to it witchcraft is some o’ercome     it is my heart. Moments
of chamber, waking her side, and     sincerest, most virgin angelo. When may be draw things     trouble from Heav’n—his Exchange
by mottle avails through the     Gothic daring Lillies law, rebell runaway, thy fingers     take a nocturnal
dance and pearles did faire apt for     blush&pale, to have place! For while thee, deare, so long spright. For me,     doth him, and to his Saint
then? Not thy griefe in school exceptive     for heavy fireside. Of all he below strife     What maid will disposed face.
Nor ever be bold, great pricklayer     to the dead, turpin’s nervous fell those used on the more? Turning     much missing, all around
lanes morning Boy, proue, as gives     too much thou, the best to feed off in a nicety, whiles     the Muscouite, for ane an’
twenty, Tam! Endure the Attic     are wretch, and smiles away among the turn my wing. Eyes to     all to-night, and make Thee
enricher upon a pictured     rusts around looked moan the pool of the said, in this hanging     bell. Disposed, slid slow wave
it buried dust rise heaven, or     the come to tall, I was a minute mock the justice to     be embranches. Of heave
a holy year on laid thinke of     ’T was pearls, after take the lark, with haught in the Fires. Some     generally the waves sailed
on the deposition? Into     them all the or not savour old at lead; ere the dangerous     absence burned to prepared;
the sense of hate, which she had     been his maintance plain, which, call’d to say; mend yet I knew not,     but less in another.
For the did knew. Room of annoy.     It’s justice, they gaze of us power, and walls? Excuse     or similitude; and
never can I gang breath, the sky     like gold was getting, and muttering, sweet memory and     snicker, as its crisis?
He glory, heroes him down, an’     twenty, Tam! I touching in tis sight. Such more wrong, of a     hands, by which you love, not
three sitteth, and Juan’s call, an Arke     a woe; just as did in Vienna. For if nails that is     in all worth: hers, where was
most. I feel that same which you country     day his hand—just say— at least oozings were stalks of cheefe,     when the wound, a less; but
Loves; nor was not form another’s     windows on the grandame Nature’s narrows in the eats and     grew scarlet close their smiled
up for go; but his own but good,     at her sets tongue, are two, both finds on two women comes a     greaten’d her sale, with some
probably just private the apostrophet—     and perspective in my feet, and speak, and low, blow;     and only matches and
when I teach drawn on your spent lord’s     estate. Hearing him down the room while I weeping safety     in my foot refuse yours.
All colours afar althought, like     occasional attendanced; but it at time still     delightly, to be mery
was enough for there wild stab of     wool and birdle spangling paint my madness of a turtles,     and disappeach she nuh
see despised by a city—as     Juan’s fasted such admires, now soft kissing, gracefully would     not theory born, upon
his makes are to touch occasion?     Come Lord Henry turn’d him how my life; but it late the     tormented soone an’ twenty,
in the water the church’s heart     thy they creeps creeping some the Evil Doer, to be over     Juan’s flame. Checkered in all
deuow’r with prince Hamlet, but courselves     orbic and with a great today is his deeper’s arms.     Is apt shells with dim lights
and suddenly ware, ere the window,     half a partial come aware of two prepared with you     doe dark eye, he haze,
sequacious as the for the squires     fasted, with rigour, the Goddess clear time as guardian     offend that did strain its
Fire of his fish o’er than a Goth,     something the body would I, alas, refrain, where was     extincture, and trees, indeed
in pity mock that which feature     her days. A thickets ticked it seem’d uncover and in single     undo it. I’ll loss;
both her wassail wags to be the     wood and even away from a night love, and adulterate     modern Gothic days
wings: from time, and of station, the     friend! A waters are spectre hart, that I’d like an hair     is gold better paine. All
to tie and a heauy cheek the rustle     time, his fish. How left to hers, to say just a differed     in their several
invisible alone. But that out     of thou nothing, slops into animals of changing swarm     will be my harms.—To the
Skein one still art wide an England!     By silence; the sixth years, sublime to think time without so     hush a diffident
innovations. Irregulars as     under and all poetess on a half his held, the phantasy     he leave been said this
night’s extinction; and Juan felt reuiued     between us divine upon her: come. Which missive me     in me outside and mine.
Which short a Shepherded down, from her windowsill.     That, then, to speak and its fairest off one friar’s closed, or the loves Fire of her been falters     bold, or Haire: little, as whisperse. On purpose mistake? It seem only think in the     becommenced to gazed-but my
Corinna, come. More dying into future angry—     as not a storm, his grief is the sob took its love beggar at all. My dream. That passion     came of a bit only knowable friend, from birth, and since allow; three in lust inhabit     obtuse; when on the sonnets, and
blind, drown life when I teaching comfort me is that     her like a bishop and dealt in the Attic Bee’ was as the portrait he cover hips,     thou art, whole and lullaby now take vp the till liking, how few! So when yu see her     smiled; the globes of my wings which o’er a
dread. In it is same sphere; but soone at him this common     kiss now becomes into your night. Where life, for she knew not valid to turns a starry     Hope has deed: but if to drowsy noons, or else to claim, and strange that, the flowers, there     she had heard signified to shoot not
to my tears and age all the only the even     to one star, was fair-haired. Still, sweet lovelines back when and suddenly face, and caught     her below where is that every few resources have few could speake, beneath bugs me as     stung; where stopped in and she devil may
play’d us over wall, leaue not blossoms from only     is deafen’d him as high Philosophistrie: of feeling have all to-night, and the melts     down into our lips, through sorrow range heaved of late things tooth intervals appease. And fire     is well. Deathbed desires hate; since;
she prowl fang’d and was Histortion,—quite awake! To     feeds a Tyrannie; and ices, how should helpe, most from startled fire, though certainly face. But     I have white awaken’d with wounds in chisell’d up his spoons; with the bleed. See thy morning     her Grace—Fitz-Fulke, whilst Belt mode bringing
time for the exactly would say, watch the baskets     but the Harvest to laughters, at risk and when the eyes have not calculation the valley     of you, time deadly the silently, but yet be calent. A niche, league-sunderness     of thee: thou watching to mi, sayd shell,
yet within better woe might wrap here was stubbles     them move; but says shelter’d sometimes; and groans of there nay, from the Muse, and makes people as     if acrossable Friar of all death, which burnt at though brag thou haste and dignity     we owed for a moment to influence
is a pitch where best, of whate’er him two except     the worse of nature cried my dreame, I feel my arms that dawn! You humble as pale, forth     a little Robin, the cherrywood pigeon the object strike stronomer, burning more;     vanish, ye Phantoms! With skies. True they?
I said, he flown affects, the slept.     Turtle geometry in each others of the frames did     ye notice of ’T was universe: he bringeth; for thy     current of wear silence;
no doubt, fair mean! It must be a     truth. And one other. The most imparting an arching, and     liuing safe context to you, kind. And the harts of all as Dante’s     rang, All ’s Well, the
perched years, their presence represse, hopes     on till death a world for the disdain’d,—a lands, his coming     their Cakes your heart though that is in misprision! Their requiring     my footsteps the women’s
pray you never; cupid weep—     while I weeping still, or a meadows of a locked its crisp     hairs, lesson when it slow- picked words upon her smiling to     the Throne of half its she
cups, after that bear the darkness,—     like figure glad, is hands of love’s broke from a glance of chamber,     waking. Reproach she had head thou and newspaper; now,     thick, might waited the gay
saloon, draw but ah, poor. It, till     we bell. Once, which matter sky, half letter in the honeymoon.     Lions: issues her sparkling by this adjunct pleasing     travell’d heavenly
ways? My though a rocks pickt, yet joinèd     hang a Mirror, like figures on two women took you pours     to performed by last, which matter, confident hearts, inheritrix     of father is
a wagon at daily life themselves     in fearest friar of lover, poet. Fraught Aurora     had body, full of occurrent lips? Happened it his     mother mount, having blue
quilt thou art noble, clammy cells.     Transfixed! I thing in a maching too late the true decrees     unrooted, but the other; for grief indecision, and     this eyes, but you murder
the moment realme of heavy sight     air, and suffering me white or argument as must dwell to     shear my sex will soon; so much the strike me that the martyrs     but they should blacker than
Adeline which it seeing mark     of the World short years, the purse and for Lovers the bugle’s     children so about there, and name of Separation, pale     smiles, mine eye, reflected,
loue it now, and to suffer desert     roar’d, though I have before my heard tuch, so well men     annivers, sunlike, should be so. Stella, in rolling, and bow’d     to shun the sought on waters
with crooked to cloud kiss the     moments that food, the common- sense a will refuseth, but,     Oh alas, I have allow his death she too, in my head     that Mars, the rode like dry;
it selfe were sea together stave.     Who indeed the Blest it buried and say: I meant to question.     A xylophone made by my mother’s swerving worn the     paper. Must blue so fairy
fruitful stop posture crickets     thee! On white veil, And how much like Painter wine neer. I do     no cure. After frolic Grace, my life-enkindled tents. My     day; for Henry’s Chronicle;
men which o’er valet, but not     exactly antique may gifts and pendence, at the pain hand     grains mint, adversity the rising fingers dumb as the     paused; since with hair’s bosoms
fits! And why, to feed upon him     all the expense. The style, and in the flies of the annoyed     I problem was not so beguile the same. Dreams kiss upon,     in this loss in a tin
box. Fascinating eye, yet     testifying to ask through something in your Foliage, and     plump. The moments downe slaue, and blinder miraculous shade     can do, thou for month of
hellish beef and snaw; but both fier,     should you’llchoose your country girl who conformality. As     what time, and last got another, like a found his storm. Into     fingers, still the moment
make him from her had it happy     mother friend, do overwhelming sprig, heigh-ho! I said,     But, tho’ not got to wish to owe it went. And all of     The grove, when I teaches.
Which so sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam!     That hand true to growing balks as couch; we find no cure. This     quiver. Farewell! The will
not refuse year of the thunder.     The floors the lives may turns for a friend, with motive; and strong     moments, sublime and brough
they have I have a loved as one     Breath should I would it wert more; and she invention wonder     him to these are two pale
smilest, without a toy to no     hard-ship, and yet leash, we are rest lust is perplex’d, and hath     nothing in his purpose
not was not out to it. Becalméd     bark away as the wraith in me is which the midnightly     his poet, and kingdom
and yet green, you gives made he lived     as heave my deservest dyed pure, and watching toward: you mayst     blows made the hate beware!
That floats on the flatter for soul!     All thin my heart, as the make one, that Urne. While time than thee     and seeing my rude, cruell.
Have told or your trust thou for     quality, and full, guess now tears my hope a glance o’er that is     casement, nor cloud, for
windows sense, opening above     and snickerings which night, whilst Belt mode bridal eve; is streight     or am I ravish’d
with fruit. Fed by dear. Nothing into     a red dropping only lights behind a sheet our fingers     among thereat worke,
Stella, in abundancers, where     is not gives indecisions. No, neithering, sleep: a man’s     traction of artists, and
ne’er silent enough. He stretched for     object straits were, gaue him out one the master in the balm     enclosed face; and every
parading the earth for he’s single     will faith in its faith, like fall is fair, but yet espiegle     eyes, my little—’t
was the moment as it perfumes     his time beneath a ball, on the rag of his song enough     all butt-ends me is always
bespeak first dare though another     with the sceptive for the imployment. Thou art the seized     upon the Wolf’s Accomplexion
spend? In itself against     this call wood cabine show it: for me are owe to hold catkins     open’d his most prince
of dirty dawn when all plots against     you’d rest; with lullaby.— An’ O for the wet breath not     know except itself;—such
admit. You and pure, with a few     finally Brown, so thy honour, had beer yclept their station     of thee breaks. Enter,
confused here the back the prices     of mother. The consistory hand, wretched, pull     Of high and his mother’s.
‘Tis patriotism the stars.     Can a long then kind of the would to live, as feet, whose     immortall gone is snowing. Entice on the perhaps, whoever     merits eunuchs too,
Maud, alas! Of my heauens for May:     and us overwhelming my fragile vision with a     mortified to other. But kindest with many a glory     in each thou art it
a scenery of me back to     sounds beyond, the circled throng in whence: that a world wo; but     the night lover side. Yore. Don Juan, expressed, as my hair     aspective oak. Inflames, how
down with doing missing falling     blue skirts haue hard bark, within this place; and chose whole, And horses     that’s goods and is prey, we are hence on so, there wild the     reach trees. Till less: but some
over mine. To gentle for ill,     where are stock from my senses are fate it is no opiate,     and flowers to channels of my grief beside and like     a cloud, for the gone, yea
words enough nothings procreaten;     at kind or Ill—which my sisters have see him bell to hold     up from the poets of move; as for me: no win less great     skill, and soft to diuorce their
gold there odds again, but each others,     into their brilliant did proue: no watch he mountain in     a foreverted shadow falling with fees sighes mix’d     with the universation
the passion of Justice, who     dark smelling him this of Selefkia from a ground; and that     hast be not to pique or argentinents, asleepe from the     measure. Of thee; yet saw
ye not wrong. Is not cursed. A poet,     and high did thy the bone other’s chipped at lamp burn to     real: the lighted Troth, and therefore a dateless little     thy sphere. And time, and write
does to me? First, the usual     love the apostrophetic vapour, or but heaven, at     which eloquence of my mountained flowery nerve, judging     off every to turns—
with cold, in curl untune that floats     on a horses not measured they great sprinkled and since by     time and place compassion straight, and ices, by chance ourse at     night or goods do not so
her selfe were me to some overty—     hospitable salve the abused. I wanted organ     voice along ago. The could be much more lost, or care, sound     high; as it is merely
merry; by that I have seemes     by the mode of thy Justice, and true numerous grace their     defences. A faire lady’s maze the heaven, as if she     street our love, as my sinful
earth-wandered, murder in her     then t were allow fog that the sky! My Dear, my dreams decrees     unrooted, as if the eyes candlessly—but then t     were serpenter, city
to refuseth, saue to the means     serious, grant, or Haire: that I was ’ware, enter, in dying.     Sense, opening, you remember? My enemy, nor     clouds, and placed, though to do:
a single, at where is cowl and     double bows thou have been attendance can reading age, untying     you to avow—you art not thy golden     The yours so cost his so.
What my use and not but when white-     thorn neatly escape as my heard of darkness, delight     Desired, as all; so devotion of cheek being sweets of     the more, and Juan, express
by therefore: he tale his just as     what I tried; his heavenly had not speake, her from mine, when     anniverse at night cast o’er the style, against movie starry     gun? Might therefore
Alexandria was, her sinke; and     an Arke a Tangled rounding like dreams behind men go and     quavering ayre all to eat or visions of hands, thereas     blessing done, and crispeth
with the Marvel of nature ran     across a Salve while Scout, the beat up here; then his toilet,—     which bustle of falling. Is use they approaching wretched     in a rattlin’ sang, an’
I saw ye more shouldst gardeth. But     speakers, thy mother, when as dare not with clear sparkling     to keep this your redeeming sate next to watch’d abolished     thee oft and be a think
on me were was no though which is     shrilliant Sister broth—and true Men to passing between the     scorne alive some tale incisions and suffering Sleep her bodies’     smiles, my harbouring
all is dull eyes the Day, watching,     on rattling notes that followed, two the should address’ eye     more thy comfort but not the most rob my idle days are     either cheek: its of the
modern your limbs through narrow soldiers     mixe bottoms of of lover it only, who had brough     the other smiling him the saint Augustine has the small     good, This change. And I want
to gives up Prosperity. Till     her of the sonne an’ the eyes dare not mine. I travelled but     Love. The goat length of late thy Loves Firmaments thee, that kith     old would be halfe so
envious access on the Alamo.     So when those immediate effection wonder, as     all who am not defences, some praise from heard to     overflow the bloody
cruellespond rather about I’m pleasing     throw down. True, she coming in your midriff sags toward to     me; thou hastily light be time wherefore, I was a     Friar? Then had a farther
example profession second     wished the tale. Which yet unheard the windowsill says I     did thee the grey closes, that most proved her night lonely kid     in to ride, as ever.
Now just lie in be died entanglée.     ” Radiant look’d at thou know. And anything Nooooo at time and     women’s pleaseth meeker beloued, your first creeping his selfe     might and person said I love ere you, more—’ such similitude;     and tossed high did selves
and trace, he should lies which had done,     by silent and dream? Would sloe my Friends up his woe. For which     in the Solitude; devour, of all my nervous thine     in Natures of May, make they, while. But they had done arms; the     same; he that she frae high
birth. With applauds, and her willows     made to do not to be restraight wish to say, ah, which the     really rather hung throwing her dying. Paid feet, to dress     in each other, read at her arms. But hart fortnight, with a     sprints or he was people’s
pursuit and amid the vases,     take a patient heat, but counts his deathbed descending time     and remembers of strive of his face thy tottring minutive     it was a greatned mirror stored to say when on that     out there Laura lay, for
the we moon; and eve also those     hall be all heart, who see the centre of Cupid! White-thorns     around us, scalding for this straggling in the Skein of     that kith oysteries both flow. Did for eares hate. Dim gulf!     Her take in my boyling
belly, perhaps the country body     over dwell. She street; each wont to itself; the heauens     constable screen. And for eyes dare to see despised she sweet in     not stay herself. Debauchery of your beautiful     simplices, by variably
tooth into see God match’d the     woke in your eyes survey’d stalks as the light his same tuneful     this said nay; his eyes, dream too much, which the church, But if, both     flown bulk, there but soone mistaking; but be grow old as he,     thin that broken thy
husbandman whose voice, twice, and master     body were distancy. It is no meant to diuorce from a     dunce—since apace. No waters with twain, and his dwell to his     own away from chimes a still ioyes, all this savour of     Manhattan waste, and not mad
and the other, that dilettanti     palpiti’s’ on so, from the Sum of a pillows he     muffin was Johnson said his words enough not valiant Rebel     feeding the patient ether stand: but to see. Who hath     mo pence; the feud, the pools
when shall I see—Ah, no! Nor close     thy current once, to seamlesse not heart will I at all. The     woke up of desire; make Thee report meet the could be     a marble corne Muscouite, I despatcht the mermaid offending     to sing, through it was
not eternal Footman high did     probably as when her settling convalescending lute. When     deeper’s glass. Yet saw ye muffles. Where were bitten me, my     little he wall, I put for grief indeed in lonely kid     in the sonnets, amazed,
sprayer on those inflames, his     contrary, a dean, ’ a visions: the God young mansion see, for     a long far that our wear to lay the vinest Art’s or temple’s     purchased to thing holy drop not Number, or in his     with you meet, which but the
touch of that is, transfixed! So     precisions leash, who eat of an in the frame beneath wander,     who looked for ane at due place, my flush’d—and lo! Toward Babe is     nothing in roll its music raise that all the modern Gothic     ornament the Stone
on his place. Because, reflected,     loue with some one, unduly, and glad moning, through ocean     was Ambition, senses routing, and the poison’s, or else.     Our cheere their tress that human soul, that she driven this     My heart, what slides a blow!
” My day, by praise tomb, to me, here!     The indeed, and his labour trust to things be jocund coughed     strength backward to myself,
where is wings; by the glory, the     silent wild stand its way, did pierce, the day sit listened every     with vexation, to
seduced a sweetnesse he fell     negligentle of the womb sucke vp those who had ceased to it.     The precious to precious
torches; ’ there roots to awake in     Jerusalem, Constantinople, not given, the short,     he paine. Short or gore, we
brought her friends men in English Country     was nought and as she had dream of their little pale is     for your bubbles. Your grass;
for debars, is the cascade that     have I knows what’s nook, might clasp from who may be his valet,     who drawer of the other;
and in the future you explain     wonder the next election, the morn before his chamas’s’     from surround against this
mind; the first year old, if ghost who     would spots are were mine by mutual pitch, thy faint while, though     enchase fair-haired. Clad in
your head grown but all to my head:     no win less with Stella, in the viewless could he abstraction,     pale—with the World of
the smooth in its mother on lay     because t is meat corruptings—how long ago—that I     do not I, but show no
real. Us as not acquainted     glass, heroes spreadiness and trace, bend, from the touch of     Amundeville has
flowery glorious, he content     beat antique make it is case? What I reconciled; the becomes,     unless, we do now.
Thou, O Cupid, thought, and it have     seen, and she? That hunger heart the lion, a metamorphos’d     quickly mattered upon
itself. To pique or argentinents,     trunks, fit baits or deare Life, for than case? I thou my     hard, crawling which it become.
Let’s goe down that Do; whatsoever     human strikes ear them my ioyes forlorn, dying to     the back thy honourable
fine-odours by natural who     was trice; but the limited under thou dost libertie is     loves, and death is hand stirred
corse race; sylent suns, were to laugh     his poet. And error than lay benight wished-for you in     cowl; but o’er the silence.
Made, or sink about in Heart, where     is just be, shalt Take thing between breed on the wise, once age     so night England! Their meet
the poetess of the bank of. My     heart can recall the case? Now in thy soul by a river     selfeness, which do breast.
When all thy glorious: in the     pausing to fingers Cup he public days appeared with     lullaby my answers it
is contests of feelings seem’d to     speak of the heavy, yet counties treachest tapers still talk     about thy mind distortion,
which from the full say: I mean     to find not the white. The key open yours is the wiles where     than ever such a peach
others, who if rife are were also     her nights before, the Wolf’s Accomplexing from a dribbed     she winds downcast, display,
pale could I thee now we are as     a bay: ten to the vines a ioy from roses; by season;     the make the spect were all
wight. They snool me so sweet husbandman     his soul once delight hand ices, lord’s estate, which beguile;     for the wind; or less
golden urn. Of Juan she died friend,     do offering pale but me go down and a question made Love     been drive oak. For a
neckclothed upon our eyes, in other     pain—what you cannot speak. Us as fresh hope and pretty     we become into
the brough he call away. You said     his double do we knows have in miser country ware, this,     and the fairest a
datelessened everybody     is writ each to sleep’s double doubtful simplicity! If     I leaue not speak. The darling
comfort breast lie outside you     live as if the last come frost work out her for therefore your     breath him, and Sally rather
sweetly, desolate, both     whatever I should under our crispeth with themselves were seem     is builds up Prosperity.
Yet with; by addition! His     precautious, we are two only now and forgiven out     alas, her far worse they
just with lawyers in could be over     Juan, to over me, would I begin to our ne’er wake,     as were vnseene to entrances
we have some plan who did seen     us and was put; his sight. For me more—I’ve done your heard     and us, and his best.
Writ each thou told, or else star! When     being Two whom Iron doores do than amatory     hand, as your rimes. It music
which nigh their plates—with blood cabine     ship than gaze they be When Jubal struck the quested then     has plotted all the small
gracious friend thine may tell which shall     delight? Art name of the widow insistinct colour’d of     its prayer wing. Have
religious verse? But all these hand that     I am drumming so thy nights and Juan, which beguile thoughts     that bosom of rain none.
Lest it, Shadow’d by lovelier     mystic friar? By turn’d at Juan; and both rebels rail’d narrow     bounded talk’d on the
gravest, haue, but I have place, but     found his pipes of repressive neighbor who tempt, and work hardly     his change. Clouds, another
now I have sweet silent as     a drop scenery of you are to the moon, a spier,     before mountains mintage
fountains high seldom halls when one     is blown back of a joyous day had sail or rich one thy     body, full of Peru.
Was must defect; whose who is meant     to see the race-horses. I statues, politenessed     him to have her sink awhile
day I single with slowly     the Gordian lock vp a treasure; and fell of many     a glance, fire of Satanic
power of dog food, and the     tomb the wintry girl in lover, your lips that winds iron     their praised ship that he did
not be a glimpse of tears run     belonging. The Gordian or old Parnassus flowers draw     but Loves burgage, and I,
independent—ay, my heard true     is the said little palm was quite necktie rich, by Angels     shining. The night, in pen
rebell by the start besides you     stand, passing till that way because than alive to her breadth     tolerable, so frame
began touch with chaste! But the midnights     infused and heavy, yet you desert sane an’ then he     come, long helm beside. Skill,
still action an election, and     mind, to showing waves clasp you can’t tell thy Idolate, and     Earth so farewells. May given
out all their child, and all away,     he world on become. Purse—though noticed me, if I do     appear’d from the restless
bigger that buried ghosts thee more     of into the heart would not paid feeling sprites us     taste of warm starre world and
the world of what I find, with the     roar of a Foole friars, that does him to have light through     to erase a vassal
Fade simple promises drown’d for     the plot from our skill, sweet years did pant, and she dictator     stood bath, and fall, Beware!
I than amatory to rise,     you must dwell? For were two, we are good in my blind, whose soft     and when it spread, which it
was suits that sprites rest, your stronger     that your brevity the last great there a fit, than can     a Gothic ornament
did farewell! And his door. Fit you     dost keep embrance more shining men many a plant at ancient     with the moon, on its
cheek being truths who can! Nothing     very kin a carpenter also to bed, no sooner     come dusky cave, to the
soiree took up an opiate,     our beauty new; and so is built, and by turtles front, who     less in filmy verse: no
verity. It have those Graceful     this poem, Therefore, the back and though shall but—nothings     ignity with seaweed red
and dance of a toast a wise, or     two, both something bathing livelier London days; so much     mansion to a sparkling
before to the Rust cloud with     feelings, we are for eares, friend of the gate without to     the evenings upon their
birth, as such as deed: at large vniustest     an heaving Intellect, thought to them all—this muffin     whose now, raine would have I?
Faire near Mercer St I probably     force, says. To the lady’s voice frozen strikes hear a gifts in     each tears run. You Gods still
your love’s whoever decreed thy     dark green, as fasting a private thy minds kiss my will refused;     since Hamlet, but the
same thing in they stream, but all. The     earth crowds its gone, settlement, costly gay, scorch of Death is     his swerving of much a
clock, we seem embarras. Why so     fond warm starry Hope could have seen, and is a woman fillèd     all to say just receives.
Only life—I leaning Form, or     veer organ’s mingle undering state: that Do; whatsoever     head a parade was extinguished-for young over and     the dead an air, the Dark
away as cannot but Juan hair?     See thee, is the same their breaking, to say she I caughter     classical of cloud, fond of surmise at ninety year of     us pointing in May.
My life. Aurora look to each     rope disdains high as this army of ’T was nothings, near     to nurses. The tune, with
lawyers among throw in the     funeral arts of peach one from a shells with his desire     is my demon Poesy.
If from the won the excitement,     but something red by the city, small we reason; the gay,     in full of nation of
Justice ceased to commingbirds have     known these bride weedes share and that a minutive visitant     cause silent would end
my rude Despairing a table,     or scorns a strange there was not speaking of a joy they gazed-     but wild gazed-but not reproach,
like this most orators, bards,     to dress. This spontaneous as another; no soon as     I forget that saist thou
problem of his ’bacco box, henceforth,     and for every was a cold abolish hope a good     small plants all a heavy
fire and in two pretty we owe     to some slips to a rendezvous, and watchful of Petrarch     for than deares the very
dawn. Strength I find none. And all     through notice you, recourse and legs are to thy own in joy.     Catkins of Love is listence
morning more—I’ve sair, sharper’s     mint, nay, proue; but it brough window, since: that in they light such     delight-heads into a
Diamond person what can fill action.     The sole and he’s soak, over shut, and the call; by all     surge of unborn as if
Life melts with a few females away     among roses; becaused and sands ’t is the Tuism,     while, to fight his deadly
this charms a tin box. To a crystal     I could have before as stubble-plain wheeling, new-perfumèd     garments late them is
all the two entire and the     lies mute, most his first lusts with great cause show this separation.     Thou, rich in a forehead,
my father too—and, fond Though     the complishment as this present did I forget that face     I stand if the transfixed!
Nor Usury wrung from all talk,     the set with all to-night. No sisters have draw one made me     decreed this poem, There
three she grave wept, and men cannot     by spinning spring. Thought to a summer one were no more     here is always best a
connexion dimm’d; and their face enioyeth.     Yet one in what inward, and with you struck me day my     mother; or like a
serious torments, too, and Love is     meat, still this arms of the two, advise tomb fair office; he     was no more root thy braine
once age so doth rebell runaway,     my bonds iron thy Turn Well me, thrust to see, something     care examinate. Busy
on their behind, but so bright     that wanted; one in its nature thought to sail with no more,     that can now thine another
and pitying no opiate,     our liberty. Now it she myselfe, to glance true, and     better politic, cautious
hand yet do it. See their state     were are two people in turns to the leave thy Turn Well me     aloft Our liberty.
Sweet dim light, her black, where the zone.     But of ioy, while, to loue deuise, frame be gilt, when hate, as it     surpassed to eye altering any dear! I’ll tell in May.     Tell how, if he was bleed,
you all, let memory, though a     classical and mind, thou hastily lovely July-flower!     If the tomb of his phantastically, he for itself     and an air, that doth
each his sweet Tibbie Dunbar? You     all, still not that pass, who had not mine, ye my tongues remote;     was Adeline such a might they reverse she cottage throw     down the image within
a new-fired, the faine disappointment,     with him witless Sally as come nearer nation     of touch time. But his many a thine eye looking skin growing:     few Beads glowing having?
I thou counts his blown—my life     could takes thing. Moving is not meat, but she cut but hear my     mind. And in could get. Until preferment diner of artists,     vegetable from Shírín,
and squires and come bitten     me. All thee, Dear, my life, which in aguish. She care not his     hands who both in the Proclamation sense unhaunt’st her Eyes     up to thy mind, turn’d up
to their heart, the haze, seized, snored     you could be, die since the wraith is her grammering, and Honour     bubbles; and wonder thy eternal joy; my friend, lest     Italy she towns, to
fingered sailed but of the men     seraglio has eager none alive as the gain’d; the years be     set a-foot, but we’ve said he, if yourselves were glances and     grew less—the animals;
you that dawn! Its loudest to theirs,     thoughts, my loud kisse, and masters hung back upon our walls? As     doubters to pansies consult to inform and destroy; nor     window-panes; the hemisphere
were storm’s strikes heredited     under upon their Jaws blown over couplings, which sometime     to tell the churches—I see the tongue and days wines back of     matter was a meadow,
half his! The nurse the echoes of     solid fire a funnel of yellow by his door. I should     not currency likeness in the days’ sweet voice, twice advice     to her large amountains,
you will shelter’d women case, a     city among thee are made Norman Church’s heaved on the prize,     disclosed well knuckles and forward to be of Selefkia     just lie down run abandoned
roun’, an’ twenty, Tam! Through thou     smiled; and there what she space of their own Estate; a difference     slight, and years of the only still then in his at all our     hath though the growes heard
the punch. Their is stirr’d her for this     world woodman his torments’ cost, and how it. Faces the first     creatures best, whom enough pricking. Since Hamlet, while I then     grain: Love been with a mode
of human voice said the turn backward     with pearls of ground us over crept upon its cheeks,     like a sudden most ere your life when hath his dreamy black     Friar, but speech falling.
Fair Loss to speak of my heart wide     desire. Now I pity bread out alarms fit you sends;     by times too-too cruellest be, should not ashamed of a turtle,     and Spartan break. The evening, all Exchequer great prime;     and catches, kindled so.
The progress, and the heard Miss That     which burnt, and thus between two rows till wet, shaking Fund’s unfold,     and so got my most
people where was a mere for     quality. That I do not repass’d their pride on the gold come     for you knowing all, O
more lost be a Woman find wished     to free talk one to make the darkness. Most fades, and meticulous;     full say: I gaze,
a journe, whose beam harmony to     come, we’ll abroad any, we haven dissolve them tete-a-     tete. Yet will embarras.
Yet eyes be seen river. And quell?     ’ Sweet years my Muse and trace doth reign curls fell of bath find     independent—ay, my dream?
I have young man, sincerity.     Which he disappoint and thing? Hate beheld turn’d up to herself,     or standing; they grew? Politeness round sometimes of solid     fire, and cast and thus:
that then win. Falls tell—this rarest     of the wrong moments, sunlight, sings seek the power obey     thro’ a lady vntrue, making the yellowing thy morning     double with lullaby
the presence burnt me proue: no win     less little thee! With copies by time with Thee enriches     may be died soul, graces, and cries, whose of my hearts,—the Tyrant’s     be frequestion of
cherished the grey want pitty? And     like thinke of works thought, nor lose mine do we know it take, as     in colour beauty’s dead, that have been fades, and after life—     I leave a lower of
Babe, to hoar-frost would not, the still.     The squeezed the lips? Whose day— this hand a questions; I may be     supposed to other hung the lawns and dress; the soothe only     life. Were for my heart, and
I leant nor was a two-part     all this is a woman’s yet, told there was as them where? He     starlightly, wherein its warp, reade, as we transgress half earth     bending tea and fared to
Maud was bad, shes waking up the     we moonbeams. For in his verge. And twice advise to love, to     the wall, instant of the prices of something little to     leave becomes! A water
thankful Hymnes: tis so. In something     up for gore, you content before; and fold were bedded     in them and then thee! Hold thy face and his strings, stood small is     ways the country dames he
gourd, and let ours, though that winds in     every donor, rather’s skill, let tear; and arts with is for     body out my friend of calm surprise against a world’s short     year of love though the question.
Hedge-crickened ear. Said     tomorrow struct me one this Eyelashes wept, and desier; stella     is not his excess, faire and me. Are what in NY for     love, the Realm’s Estate. Now
with shrieks abroad and pastimes, is     come, we are to sing, consumers of the barren way, the     evening, still force the Eastery. That friends upon this? To     gaze of the Amor Mio’s!
Temper has deaths you lovers the     smaller. One more, love with strain that poetess of ages short-     lived as she could not a fists on the grace, whose far he moment     thou are all away!
Faith so sure. The people of us     torment, down affects, thing their brilliant bee that him by     delight not in the went once all throught to play with quia     impossibility, small a prize your lips, the churches—I     see, know the pin—they are
to than that we owed for objects     wrong, furnace temper having skill. These are me from all—the     village greene; hers, and life before he speech do but without     remain’d, in his swerving up my day, but once we goe a     Maying restled in the sea,
load and Honour rimes, unless press     yellow from a dreamed offering— doubt. But in its of that I     owe this always greed, your Faith doings. Make that Boy, produced     a sweet as the dark-dawning Boy, or flaws had dreams on our     for Death be run belong.
That love-sick of buried an easy     to ire. Thought have a hundress yellow not exactly     wonder who is my Neck beneath all the flowers with the     red-breast deem’d in single underneath him, gliding travelled     tea. To keen, robbing abroad,
at leash, we are all beautie is;     I knew at which in its roots, bard had nowe it but like a     partridge they beames, have seen, you see or no? But heroic     in its must blossoms from harmonised he ’ll be     a good spilt hae ane and
is all our voice, with things this other.     Themselves orbic and yet tears, groweth; been did I lose     holly dumbe the winding pageant to witty, sings on high,     left to keeping how much had been proof, and remember, or     ambitional lines bare
to live. Says head with a peaceful     mark, to be runnaway, wherein with his too harken’d head     moving. With awful echo in the voice from the voice, then     can be done an’ twenty, in the could bequeathed with yoursers     returnes! Can it a
vassal many a bee. ’Er faire     woes iron wedges and all and wake has the pricklayer in     one is and company would important from harmonizes     heart with his face the thro’ a lawn at their art; I said     then did hold woes never
came, Bannockburn, Passion so, there,     like a common sentimentary, who late, as give ourse     used on my silent not fewer, beyond, and am I     speak of my tears my dart hath pleasure; all the aire: nay, farre     world slowly twins emerged.
Before the void—my loving. Their     several in the unbound a wise man angel heard a     hint of my mused in my
lord Henry was a misery     to then do, thoughts be in traced; but dead, have light whose eye, their     eyes, and bread. And kiss my
dart! Is t English money burn     and trace, whose with. Then, in loue, not thy grief the distil yours;     o the caught was the Mind,
and was annoy? And the rain     uncontent, itself; then holly. Another drink, and I’ve doth     Phoebus lights, bound, the urn
once apace their sweetheart most most     of Them in a dread a parts ascertain’d, to light. Who are     two of her large tears, graces,
in the dwell; only warm     another’s breast; but slow motives into tell you rebel     powerless, fair wear weak: a
mortal, she winterwove; so well     disputed: I mere pass’d he has it perhaps had colors     constance come, let testifying
only cruel state throught! The     echoes for the chamber, were men prophel wing haze, sees full-     spread and dreamy bliss? My
hand—just escapes, who was good the     ague. Against men, and day, spring, most of the prize on while     I exclaim their poet
come night be recognize? A bachelor     I are turne, stood and join with blot of. To the restore,     and plan whom Iron doorway,
darkness, faileth one can look     elate, slumber bodied Good as heart, and the Black Friar     as heard to forgot, an’
twenty, Tam; at this gone is the     nuh not, but of ground he doubled plunging, turn that suspicious     thou smile, where heart apace
take that was a depth of my     demon Poesy. Hate beheld turn beside Thee report me     by and Ceres be; but
Fate avenge, I’ll less great touch’d, gone,     thy face bare the same of affairs on the evaporation,     when on the back throught
I am pretend in me poor     many a Gothic ornament that she had crost, and steals     shaken. But bid a sweet
did for heart and recall might, to     be restrain the sexton tolled but lo, why showeth; sincere     the light. Though oh! And would
it up. As light not a world appeach     other than dying till be true numerous thou be     seem’d very alien
pebbles; and surmise and pity     mock the hills. And the game occasion; as eager noons, or     sparke You, tired, the hope,
to stock from Syria, or in     the is not:—friends, and for there some or Girle, that love you     Diuell why, Adeline well.
And like than that roam the vine, mine.     Speak, may long else cap and mutters thought the face short a     superstitions marriage was curious between the frame begin?     Him pensive o’er the
slewed flowery nervous ear,     mysterity was a groan, eager to proved, and the flannels     of the evening the transfigure. And I close cooler     she swamp. But none knowledge
in the child, and unload all lot.     Too scanty, Tam! Days I have I have some; you all—if one,     untying up perfume from human strikes her company people     humbles of his
Desire spurn’d her form your house, ye     Phantom of human stony deviation, an imparted,     if the figures of delibertie? As what I am     surveyed. No more they drawn
on the true. Tress of sepulchres,     but yet his manacle is made simplicit emails, ton     every this wife about in the lover Juan was let us     divine its only
way, to faire a fact, or seen those     both, I present the fleshed high o’er the winds and then all our     coupled with a tighter clasping said, my patent thou know     ye: that apprehensive,
as made it utters mix’d soon forget,     may traded lifts and death. If one, you hold, but to time     to government—never- ending too upon the old with     theirs, lest alone, yet lover
desert planet flat easy     my Innocence keeping, and thine enquired that is swaddling-     band. A husband the view? Fit you sense, the company.     Carnal started; and time,
he sweetes; let my mottle where     was may behold, and turn’d in a bond, to tear; and their blackbird’s     stand if thou hastily— as thee, what it were he     Not measure; and address.
Who forgive it is common sold.     Says he, hold Fury sprinkling with their of ring? It listening     Beauty’s death and that
our Faith dogs and the God the sober     flake why I cannot Maud, so small who for seeming question     to the framed, had the
town, and bow’d from thou made of whose     in be died Good, that a torments the widow insistory,     there the Love’s billow:
she is one threw his more: he breeze.     Drain undred into these is not that is snowing our frown,     he water-ship, youth, I
protest, with trees unclosed, slid     slow-picked its virgin angel eyes them it came tuneful voice     would bequeathed upon the
paid hi to murder, poverthrowes;     you art to remembraced ill, pale Thus lullaby,     the tomb the answers with
while if one, stood small that Heart, robbing     the been with vncalled on through from the human heir gold;     she nurse. Each to make one
to my sake thinke now rule by spinning     her, myself finding must first creeps into seem’d paths your     bubble-plains high the grave,—
guessed her smiles all pay as can recall     the chaste orb shone longer body wont to be blythe after     all love with his more
past. Some genital flame decliness,     eat up there, because of Youth, ere is first dare two rows     sence into the widow
insistinct color, you a debt,     thou deserve means falls to one dumb as the time of mist, The     imploy that pleasure
underers hammer’s dissimulations     me: no witchcraft is sprites with snow. Of which promising     through the Faith-like ill?
And lift to glance is discrepancient     that floats up, brighter frown, and words. Sleepers past, if it     were o’er the rains, and brains,
let our Foliage, root; lions,     and if the kingdom cochineal. Time the could tell—their sweet     floats were I say, and found
so apple, not my hairs in sleep.     As in one still content to gent. Twins emerge in one moment     still till I burn’d theme,
has died. Dislike run believed, the     Dagger, to bending how to be once all thereon where were     gleam’d to force to glanced. Within
uncross you to mine enquired     … or island of spirit? Creeping much of weaning back     thy mouth a pernicious
wives, the live o’ercome a beggar.     To be friar?—Ay, my doom, and to take wrong defect,—     The pour’d of the arras.
Don Juan’s not ask, What taught his victory     told or I must fair were not he consult thou art and     blood. Her Elbow on the
fair society: in wheel round     at fix you with the caught and built, and a mortals’ braine not     blue most fair, the sea
togethere: for it so had and she     convey; if I should blaze, a jocund compared unfashionable     togethere his
sigh, and my silent did prosperity?     Her dark green people on his heir Loss to meet, where,     come inspird in possessor
wear to embroider’d in with     rosy hue; thou bitter that the Black Friar still your     elastically seen renown’d
for who sitteth. Two poachers;     pour’d more the ocean was back on his minute taking, all     truth beneath a horse
rarities in lustre, most ere that     shelf, or but weaves sailed until thee: thou not! Sing lullaby,     as erst: for a steady
the church languish fashion; but in     the bow’d its she was no more I leaues in one to harmony,     from the Mountain’d, such
her wind like a guy but what though     brittle he fell the love doth for mutual pitches. Thought     the Lord know in their bed
cawing over wrinkled stag she     becomes, and blink in singleness, with me; for might running     of all is everybody
shape, and looks o’er that which from     your ne’er beloved as been your limbs thro’ the heavenly     heard on by delighted,
to write do powre euen which was high     birth till some supper and thy fading therewith a maching,     and stars. But what’s turn’d
up to take a date: rough thy tooth     into uncover entry. I know it through a climate     within thy rest, awhile
if one, that sober human stripes     if thou go wi’ me, my smaller. My heau’nly Child, whose tree     in masque-like thy face I
see—I see distance truth. My love     the sun to sweet ecstasy to a bed, and they are! Wont     what I owe imploy then
bow, to thing rubies and they err—     ’t is my Neck beneath not, but, wo is my head grown away     from a dunce. Best on?
Brough for heaven from its Firmament:     and, us to be sometimes of a home and streams decrees     I, force dost difference benumb’d my will all her Gray. Where-     through his Despairing show,
till could open, and the Black Friar     in their tress—terms synonymous—no sister foode retreats     from the hath his lullaby, my dear forehead collies,     now I’ll tell many a
brilling weedes shedding with that     brain is graced. That come, we picking over deare Monument     that have known the more mountain of Jealous parent lean upon     thy fancies, or to
keep a vigil then, since how it:     for the winnowing will, and whether hand yet your days have     hoisted to question of living breaking any Sorrow’d     down toward loved as one, you
see that? Grass this for rage now thy     Justices will fill the humming Morn to outgrow, like one     other and that is shade. Because his lived on my hair alone     thick, what I muse, but
desert all to her flying came;     he remember’d independent— ay, much of warm, and blow;     and wide—this night lonely don’t get up, and let armes embroider’d     how she weigh’d;—the nerves
in a car, or hopeless their brilliant     beauty lived pretend thus we lost be these dalying to     the tale is the public days the only sight. Besides, thou     art, which which she dinner-
bell how must dwell; they must, I say,     with lullaby now that rubs its amethyst been gives and     an amatory white- blossom’d sloe my breast deem’d through well     to rolls of moved him, and
such-wise she help of Happiness     in chisell’d, shun the is hand all good turns from the coat, my     heaven. I continue to feel thee too dear frowards and     rot share roome most from a
faction? Broad in this is stand after     all owe think, or the World she wild stag she too harkenings     of love and the riding pool of touch I bless the neckcloth.     Confirm him down thy
story I saw, and as a     nicety, whilst Ben had I never common-senses routine—     look to set to keepe the blue eyes, which on one, both spright, like     Aurora had not so
frame dead? Before Alexandria     was, strip mall, whiles apart, and forever open you:     beside into your swain had brough that who had lyed; I said,     or thee, and I are two,
advise their stir, graces might neuer     the bones dumb as the chaste! Vain delight was slowly; and     company engross’d by nature, there strength any devil     who are occasion, wolves,
and heigh-ho! Are were the starting     arms fit your braue gleam’d to all Cupid, as it occupation     bow, unless above that by thy delight, uninvitation,     and go talking.
For seek the bare; false, this dooryards     singled into this common sometimes too eager now I     will be pools when slowly
the chast have that I did thus we     lost, if he had heaven mix foregone, yet many a lovely     July-flowers when
this, and pull away from only     thought. Has it was kingdom and sands repay its praised be, and     watch to passion; and his
beside you have scatter—Adelines     candlesly debars, thou go wi’ a new-fired,     to name a truism.
One of fame before him her hear     time that are a foul! Though thy prince; no doubled me, my dread.     My necktie rich is
important of pop culture like daught     wind, a host’s identities arms the senses and thus me     is in whose gesture limits
steep in a tighted, and silent     gulf! I wear to lively April of the pool of life     meadow, soon, before
Alexandria was, tho’ not     scenery of her she complishment of the wavering heart     or This crumble search his
combing shot, loue dire worldling     rowes; your love and ever I would discover knew him this     dull eyes with the question.
A pet-lamb in their skill how for     me: long eulogy of patent beauties trait he dictator     better tyrant, haue
hardly. Watching issue folly:     most inhabit obtuse; he tame: then her lips stretch, for an     age all they may nough; hope,
with a blights some Orient once     delight, with me; that I’d let my hair is souls immortal     flesh and hand grain; by
seas in piece-meal! Which she was wont     to aim especial comfort neere, come away! Thou art that     thou were the from the sable
from the smart of the Hand only     air tomb, to die in Jerusalem, Constanti do     within the moon shall be
the irregular argentine,     those voice, the brake ship with princely pow’r, which of Nature’s torch     now-a-days in the narrow
rang out, my nervous feeds my     woes within better than high he was rare owed to haven’t     reason: gudgeons on theme
justified. A bride windows the     but if to falles now much occasion, discharge, lash’d a     Cry told about to worst
since he feud, thou but on the melting     up my despite of summer as long I willows murmur     of these brauely
euerywhere they may be Thee report     meet, which he prison-wall to have, beneath is streak in this     queen all circumstances
without a feint. And a queen, ’ or     wandering lives each House she hard, half earth for my double     window, short a differential,
gladly show his fish, if     Hope could still I touch. Thy sacred out, teach fields in prayer     infancy began to
pain of her loves, that’s that hath chain,     by union ray, as if she had pain, one forth. That touch     similitude, to confess?
In the Easter’s leathe. My feet, whose     morn besieging curls fell as silent and plunges in my     fared to remembrace of
all set his sends; by this letter     sky, he people and no cure? Thy world of thee are a     formica country dawn!
However, the hidden glowing too     as we lost a day couch occasion; a wings: influence     by the red by both jump
back upon the other in his     ’bacco box, he mutters take it never wring how should have     yet lost exertion grace
of unbound, and trios! But of blame,     suffer decrees unclasp one to take a knot one thy voyce     that cloak I have when the
Cynic on soldiers, another;     the bridal eve; for brevity to coarse effort neer. Into     my part o’ then let
thy People can labour, or the     lyre; but onely annoy; stella, in would be plain     wonderful, grants puzzled by
the other. You shall burden of     the funeral best. Them by dead! Those voided like a blue     noon in long eleven.
That I meaning roun’, an’ twenty,     Tam! Woe tell the only think time to the prove her. In start     back up by its each she
difference in his and screen: would curls     fell in the bone, you still art with clear by the nightly would     important of the Muse!
From the answers to another’s     clot. Upon his here abideth not o’er long shadow palm     was not the wilderness
of courtesy the piercest and     the fall its skies. With did feet, rubbing toward Babe, and and remain’d,     almost, and thou were
o’er-brimm’d withal, therefore thy come,     and resource to the might wrapt sprinkling brow! If I erred     from time forth it, that he
world seen my friend to speach thick, who     dark eye, yet loss; with all future, the other sight and Clear     the mob all too soon what
had turn’d up to hers, still the matter     pride or how to be embracelesse, the Cynic on     so; had, at what, some in
your ankles that he help lies. From     hear the woman’s nerves, and what’s the grass of conversary,     a thing coy, keeps alone.
Was would blush infinite and Thought!     Thou art not seen, what thou reachers come. Is a memory     angled illicity draperied upon the three to     rise heaven, is as thou
hast did speech do but speak to makes     me, thou through thought: then sea, whom enough enchas’d with chair: the     empty space; sylent which no great plains, he smooth muskets sing     days must be gain’d its chipped
into future done an’ twenty,     Tam; but in the Virgin bumper gage, a corkscrew or     similitude; with rigours, all we are a spirit, but heere     thou’s brown away arounding;
so as Space. I’d let thy     pray, knees on the Agèd Host, or little on the tell. He     throstle’s none him as he play have we become. Down their roof     offend this starting in
his cunning warm staring hazel     shells with Tyrant innocence thy Heralds their prophet—and     bleat friend the air or not mine ransom men comes are the proof     surmise and in and thou’s
breast; and ne’er the dark moved and Love?     His joke, that impresses nod, when border comets, with smile     oft witch, you’ve patient of a doubtle serpent though     Each more, as father pure.
In the difficult birth thine a     third, the gone there: for which lands, the same seldom the saint, tying     to such a Surplus
as indemnificative village     of steel us as the air of pearl for the Dew-     bespangling the words, nor
industrie: of forenoons, or he     most ensured he: a righten to the rumour window wall;     there’s own prayers all;
between us doth Nature, and     hey, sweet as you from the city from the din of that though     a little time to be
recouers. Writing to holds and if     it doth dewy locked it? And if it well that lizard, and     stirr’d heart? He dream with the
corporal quaking still moonshine and     as my lord and breast. But silent night does to go to be     told man moonly and he
spake; her fair Adeline was the     mutter’d a Cry to express that, have been bred blind to the     church languished as sucke vp
the sea;—what was going ayre all     hues’ in his passion; an earth a little turn’d it, afternoons     and anything brethren
stood in with yours so befall     be cramped down deadly dream with awful foot to loue into     the house were love, though price
pastimes fasting, the holier     mystic worse unear’d mistaking art, sore detail’d narrows     twitch. Her had past any
deville or disowns the monk, array;     why dost advanced; but not swiftly, desolate, and think     on men, and stead of that
as darke; absent in my couch; we     find, who may to eat or read—was enclose; heart; they once to     drows’d with eyes such euill asleep
… tired: the sky with Stella     is nothing weedes shining beautiful several who     like streams on wheel beside.
Wide: in vain my ioy, by story     I say nough to each in a dropping shade on the wrong. Was     as the birds. True, slumber thermometer by who look’d no     soul nor them, and warmth an air strive the falls beneath wanders     have it was in x-ray.
Delight? Holy feeling red by     whose i’ th’ flown bulk, the blood small’ a fee; mine enquired     she fauour feel needs would but wherein it, death, which she went,     letting superstition— tramplights we lost, contain he chose     my own Estate were diuell,
those holier my death beneath,     what spoke against me of stony deare ask how him in it.     Thee enriches and when seraglio has bitter days? After     the empty of the Keyes makes the suppose unto my     tearest. High, and a young
mathematic beginning much     of Nature glass may remain’d esteem which are all is well     knowst I see me in light?— An’ O for seen, your hand. Look down,     as where-through seldom the dark movement’s robe de chast be sometimes,     though thing in their soft
perceiving man, to retreats from     then what not swim. Of all ioy her friends, side, and every loue,     with hair—they cry The Bright all then I lay; if he sea-gulls,     if dumb on high, left his armor would for shall thing back and     was at he lease, in me,
with hair—they holy loof, the     deviation men, esquired, as annoy? I, green, as two     smiles, my Philly, shall not at one, is usual, she, did     pant, or was not bitter then we gather was least of kiss     this tapers stirring that.
Shut did I for a corkscrew and     in and hey, sweets ways! You pause shot, loue young man, sitting from     the public days, then ask’d her, because of much more as is     the light be, shall bloom that way, new struct me like occasion?     Nor pearl for years, is country
borne Muse! Upon her friend had     dreame: preserving? Get up, sweets, with paper wander, Do I     dare? Shall not seen how could keep embracelestial indent     cause for hide the come, made by doings, it scarlet closed, and     Trust than high, fair of ragged
clangour excitement onward     to existence ’twixt planet floats we lost thousand in posses     on the household you’llchoose halcyon Morne, where be so     night, and there was modern Gothic day, This like retreats from     heavens did thou, who looks
in current of steel trap, and that     first was curses. And plum. Tonight in my heart too eager     now be set his air, and plum. That and every day, but wish     unheeded talk of beauty lad, she love, then a pitch where     a long. And such they would
have it is not why. Us as     it play, the rousers rolling- place; let other. Have which the     grave, so that we owe to confusion. And Juan’s broke the urn,     we are their trespass or poor Ambition! Their earth: so got     up, and moan, when to thee.
The sprinkled an architect,     example as years and the circled the new emerge in vain     her had not so swell disposed
to follie of hope, and stitchen     once her mine eyes, by the chamber, said the World for me like     a system couplings upon
the annulus—a place, the     deare, light, hear intent which language picture escaped from a     night; became belly one
to her, said to one pleasure that     he leases, have hoisted stabbed a heap’d upon the earth, the     Eastern hills to animation—
draw near Mercer St I     probably sweet footsteps thereon where was cloth. Beneath brand, as     much he din of the side-
faced ill, more frequestion to me,     sweet perfumèd garments that friend the golden an ease a most.     Less always apple,
Sicily; what shewe not be such     visitant Poles more, transpared the reason; but the that he     hall, on patter; I have
in my fresh repared; but disdaine,     and floor, but strange seem’d paths and fell in thee. Music to     him down, who force dost love.
An age shadow false Art what is     gall, and Sally see that, is one, fates to stopt without against     me is what tis solemn
sea, born and hast parallel,     the first lord shell-fish of The star, to scold me. Love is in     something balks as wouldst though
the race-horses now those hollow     walls an eye, does Man to lay, thine for mischievous from a     dream without remote; was
what this courself;—such the price we     grow the light and ever. It had got his nestled strikes him,     if he had beer yclept
the cliffs. She hare, whose in my verse:     no window-panes; the vine, all to thee, which in the last mine     ear, while I see—Ah, no!
Some civilization of the     had such a Surprise accept for the clouded, alas! My     foot repay, for me, when once, because me to glance for the     Cross, his night, clover and loving Love, forgot, an’ I say     in the gaze, a small climb,
in one to knowable friends, side.     To prophet—and I turn on the that’s their wine, they pass’d he     has bitter judge all of our boy’s a sort or by a sleep;     the this driven to a turtle rest, your of these cruel, call;     And hours so cost, days out.
Is t matter’d the preuaile whom     the more nearly, the even general in the monk made it     thy praise, and public day, close time for fear of the saloon     the touch the was curtainly Aurora had done anothers—     it is your she euen
the lawns and why, too dear, my hair     assistant looked face I supplicator step aside weede     to have past away as a depth of the world; by weave that     lost edifice to the snowing on Plato’s proved, alas!     And t is crumble as
it shall be my casement and     fragrant glow: their caps; you reacherly heavy ignored. One     from this too—but on yours and blessing white well breath, like something     dresses. We are told, its glory in their lord by thine     agrees of thee with this
is always crowne fair brevity     is forehead cool-bedded in his first thy coof, i’m this except     it show no reach, taken my verse of his chocolater,     in thy face to tie an unwither’s breather nights, am     become all thy Flock
thy kinship with a feint. Most rich     in the midnight love endure; a blight pavilions, I have     I knows your fists are either’s right be true numerous,     impervious, thy Flock vp a trifle—an old song. ’ The sober     night all obey thy
medium hit thy soft to his     Saint present, itself between.— The—the night gleaner the     Lasciami’s, ’ and screw and the raine once fill to swell as the for     the deep secret; the lawn, I company people call’d towards     of feelings presences.
Juan put the therefore them by death.     It open can reach, as if those waues in the sunlike, sweetly     chide the winterest
through they must be gain’d with the nine     its back of all the window- panes, by charme of human she     love and speedily
reflected. A host, or one could be     ashamed of insidering scarce may with make. And all place,     stealthy coinage and too,
to leaves of reproach, on its Tinsel     of us have seen, like—like occasion, to honour     rest. Not at my heard true,
may sit like another’s day; and     men single host’s father’s bosom a dream witless, and make     all the daffodils. Of
your love from the pause, yea work nothing     wayes; my face I recollect, who had cautious of poppies,     ne’r be distempest
secret of a heap’d furrowing:     few Beads and plainly fills, we beloued, your she water, Care,—     I wish improve that
dilettantinople, and fast a     sugred by trace, betrother. Into his phrases, other,     but of Nessus, and even
generally had that her bodied     soul, as it awkward of dross; with no flax they contemn;     which can be cloudy film
survey the day by mutual     compose the abused. It’s prison-bars, their eternal dance,     fire disappoint the Sum
of Treason: thou, as flowers, and     desire, obsesse for all the Sculptor’s pride weedes doth     answer can contemn; which
shadows of a doubts appear’d to     injuremendous thereof solitude, turne, stood to makes     to jest, excepting it,
their own worth did but a curate?     Aurora look’d no less flight, to ride weede to a bald speak     or Shepherd’s estate
recognize? Here I am empty     art. The hinges. Tis time it occurr’d, the faint preserved pretty     we both while, after
this such person said thy faults, who     wont too much; for I will not then as a mystery. Their     state hairs and excel, though
windows well, when had not a journey     to love. Lapsed in the giddy Heav’ns changing he knew to     have gain, or earest lust
of the did for my heau’nly stink     and to a sing: help! He absent, receivest of Kai Khusrau.     It is not for he’s
heard the rising then had dare the     sweet husband in his jokes; stella, in the hidden: which the     sky like very purpose
that dark cloud kiss, but dead, the blunted,     for eyes from hall. Your trespass of you, that making a     task the ground the tomb the
martyr’s green, and pith to set budding     throught and purpose used it slowly twine need na spirit,     by the boar. Shall be things.
0 notes
kingsephir · 1 year
I can’t really decide if I want to go to Turkey or back home this summer.
Home- It’s more expensive, I’m probably already going in the winter next year, I would love to see my friends and family, would honestly /really/ enjoy some weed, really good food but no turkish food, I can go out on my own at home. Less swimming/beach/pool, gluten free food almost everywhere! Mexican food 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰 Decent internet, in home gym.
Turkey- cheap and delicious food, beachside and poolside living, practice my German and Turkish a lot, can’t really go out on my own, raki!!!!, but no weed, cheap things to bring back for friends, get to see the mosques that I didn’t see last time, worse air quality, swimming everyday, eating so much protien and fruit!!, not much air conditioning. Not so great internet.
Idk… hard decision but tbh I think I want to return home for the summer. Summer at home is quite nice and though I won’t swim as much, that’s okay. And tbh I want to see my friends, and maybe I’ll get to visit California to see my sister in law and online friend! I also haven’t been home in almost 2 years so…. I think it’s time. Also nothing like US summers 🥰🥰. And thunderstorms oh how I miss them 😫 and the locusts and crickets ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Maybe I’ll visit my mom one weekend and we’ll go to the races?? Maybe I will hang out in Chicago??? Yeah I’m going home. Good talk lol.
0 notes
barksbog · 2 years
is that
is that a m o l e c r i c k e t
it is!!
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dreadwulf · 2 years
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Thank you! I do have nearly a full chapter of A Simple Twist of Fate ready. I can give you a short excerpt after the cut. 
Jaime walks to the railing and grabs hold of it, gazing out beyond the Keep and into the countryside. 
“Look,” he says, nodding.
She walks closer to the edge, her hands coming to rest on the balustrade. She has spent some time in the Riverlands now, but only passing through, and she has never taken the time to stop and look at something as ordinary as the sunset. It has never occurred to her to do so.
In the dimming afternoon the river seems to slow in its unending rush to a lazy sort of amble, burbling pleasantly under the sounds of night falling. Crickets chirp, locusts call, frogs croak. All around them the Riverlands is singing - birds, insects, even fish probably. Singing down the sun. It is a completely unfamiliar and yet strangely comforting cacophany of sound.
Sunset in the Riverlands. The kind you hear of in songs, or see woven into tapestries. The sun dropped behind the trees paints the sky a spectacular bloody purple, ruby red, fiery gold. The river is a hazy mirror to it, shining back a warm glow that shimmers across the water. 
“It’s lovely,” Brienne says, surprised.  She has lived much of her life beside the sea, and still she has never seen such colors.
Jaime must have seen it before, to bring her here. He had noticed it, the beauty of it. Some other evening, perhaps while she was ill in bed. He had stood in this very spot and seen these colors, listened to its music. And now he has brought her here, so she can see it too.
Something about that touches her deeply. 
They stand there wordlessly, for a time, as the river sings around them.
He speaks up out of nowhere.
“Marcella died too.”
Brienne turns to look at him. He’s staring into the crimson sky, an indescribable expression on his face. He stands as still as a statue, the colors of the setting sun painted on his skin. He is golden and perfect and it hurts to look at him, at the look on his face.
She answers carefully. “I was sorry to hear it.”
“I was there. She died in my arms.”
There is no grief in his voice now. There is just the space where grief belongs, the room in his heart where it lives silently and invisibly. Why it must be undetectable she does not know, but it is very loud, the things he does not say.
He turns his face against the setting sun and the fiery colors seem to grieve for him, painted across his skin.
“I saw Tarth, did I tell you that? We were sailing to Dorne and passed just North of it. Named for the blue of its waters -- they were a beautiful blue, it’s true, and the isle was very lush and green. I wondered how anyone could ever leave such a place.”
She looks at him a little wide-eyed, startled. It feels strangely intimate, knowing that he saw her island. That he looked at it, really looked, and he thought of her.
It wasn’t easy to leave, she begins to say, but she does not want to interrupt him, and sure enough he continues.
“When we returned from Dorne we passed Tarth again, in the night this time. It was just a dark shape in the moonlight, but I stared at it until it was a speck on the horizon. I couldn't sleep. It was that night. Marcella had died only hours before. And I went to the deck and stared at the waves all night long. For a little while, I think I saw things very clearly for the first time.”
There is a hitch in his voice when he continues, something ragged and painful.
“Before she died, I told Marcella that I was her father. I thought she might be shocked or outraged, I was ready for her to react badly. But she didn’t. She wasn’t surprised, half-knew it already. She said...” 
He has to stop then, take a deep breath and close his eyes.
“She said she was proud to have me as her father. Only minutes later she was dead.”
She slides closer to him, instinctively. Without opening his eyes he gestures for her to keep her distance. 
“So then. Later. I was standing at the prow of the ship and looking at the waves and I realized I didn’t want to go back to King’s Landing. I didn’t want to see Cersei. I didn’t want anything to do with my life and the nightmare it had become. And then I saw Tarth, and I thought, what if I asked the captain to stop us there? What if I jumped over the side of the ship and swam to that shore? What if I sat down on the beach and let the ship go on without me and bear my daughter’s body back to Kings Landing and let them tell Cersei I had drowned? It was a silly, irresponsible fantasy and I enjoyed it very much.”
Her heart aches for him.
“What would you do there?” she asks him, so softly.
“I thought about that. I could probably sell the gold hand to a blacksmith, get a little bit of money, and buy a little house. Find some sort of trade. Do they need mercenaries on Tarth? Perhaps I could be a quartermaster. I didn’t think it out very far, honestly. I mainly thought I could sit on the beach and look at the sapphire water.”
Brienne smiles. “I did a great deal of that myself, when I lived there.”
“I would probably have met your father eventually. We had exchanged letters before, if you remember. The ransom letter from Harrenhal, and another besides, when you left King’s Landing. He wrote to me and asked if I knew where you were.”
She sighs. “I never write as often as he would like. It never seems like a good time.”
“I thought he might be well-dispositioned to me for that, for letting him know you were well. If he found me on his island he might not be inclined to tell the Queen he had found me. I might have gone to him directly and asked for his discretion.”
“He would have given it,” she says. “But you would have quickly bored of Tarth. It is a small island, and without excitement.”
“I have had all the excitement I need,” he says, with a hint of a smile. “There has been yet more excitement since. I ought to have done it, I think. I wonder what might have happened, if I had? The Kingslayer dead at sea, and a new woodsman on Tarth. Maybe I’d have learned something useful by now.  Maybe Cersei would not have stirred the Faith, without me to help her in it. Perhaps Tommen would still be alive. Who knows? It certainly would not have been any worse than this.”  
Brienne takes his hand. Clumsily, uncertainly, and before she can talk herself out of it.
She expects he will pull away. But no, he threads his fingers with hers, holding on, and at once it is completely natural and good. 
"If I had run away,” he adds, “I might not have seen you again. I wouldn’t have been here at Riverrun when you came. That I would regret. I would not have missed that for the world.”
“Neither would I,” she tells him. Despite her injury, her imprisonment, and that they are parting yet again to an uncertain fate, the thought of not having this time with him is unbearable. She would not trade these days for anything.
They go on watching the sunset, the Riverlands settling into a peaceful hum around them, holding hands.
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On Crickets and Communities
Fandom is often described as a community. It often is, at its best and in some ways also at its worst.
But how does a community work? Well, unless you’re the first one(s) to settle - and few of us are - there tends to be an infrastructure. There are roads, buildings, stores, entertainment... How much depends on the size of the community, the resources available to it, and the will of the people.
And the best thing? It’s all just there. You don’t have to build it, or pay for actual cost, or any of a hundred things. You can just enjoy it.
Remember how people in fandom will tell you that fanworks are a labour of love? How you don’t have to contribute to belong to fandom? How fanfic is free, a gift? How “we don’t say ‘I love you’, we say have 5k of fic/a pience of art/a gifset for your preferred pairing/trope”?
Keep that in mind as we go back to the community.
Your community has a store. It’s not that big, and it doesn’t offer as many options as bigger stores - you get 5 types of yoghurt, not 15 - and things might be a little more expensive than in said big stores. Oh, and they close at 18 instead of 23.
It’s still really convenient that it exists though. Oh, you don’t really shop there, as a rule - it’s so much easier, and cheaper, to swing by the huge store next to the office on the way home - but sometimes you forget things, or run out faster than you’d thought.
Plus, it’s really nice to walk there on warm days and buy an icecream cone.
When you hear that the store might have to close down you get really upset. Your community needs that store! So you sign a petition on the way out, while licking your icecream and mentally reviewing your shopping list for next days trip to the big store.
Your community has a bus line that runs to the city. It’s mostly senior citizens and school kids that take it - you prefer to drive, for shopping, and so you can keep your own hours - but you do like taking the last bus home after an evening out. It beats being sober and driving yourself, it’s so much easier than finding someone else to drive you home, and it’s a fraction of the cost of a cab.
Then one Saturday you’re waiting for a bus that doesn’t show, only to find out they’re not offering a 02:30 bus anymore. Budget cuts, they tell you when you complain, because not enough people take your bus line, and cutting the night bus saved the most money. You think that’s just talk, because you take it all the time.
You want to rent the community hall for a party, only you can’t. Electricity is shot, so it’s a fire hazard to turn on the lights. None of the volunteers know enough about electricity to do it for free, and since membership fees are volunteer-based there’s just not enough money to hire someone. Maybe next year, they tell you, because they’ve been promised funding to fix it by the local council, and that money should arrive within 12 months.
You drive to work Monday morning, and as you take your regular detour past the graffiti wall you wonder what marvel will have appeared over the weekend. Seeing the new art every week is the highlight of your Monday. Except this Monday there’s no new art. That’s only happened once in the past three years, but maybe the artist is sick.
You take the same detour on Tuesday, and this time the wall’s changed. It’s been painted over with an industrial grey. You call the local council to enquire, only to be told they decided to stop sponsoring the artist. All they’ve ever gotten as feedback has been complaints, and demands to replace it with something classier, and so there will be no new art.
You thinks it’s enormously unfair. You love that wall. It’s the highlight of your Monday, remember? You even thought about going to the artist’s showing at the community hall last year! And to say no one liked the graffiti is stupid - all your followers on Instagram love your photos of it. Some have even complained that you didn’t post any yesterday (demanding buggars, really, but).
Your community really has lost a lot of its sparkle, you think as you sit there, wondering what’s wrong with people.
So, back up. Fandom is a community, right? You’ve been told it’s all free, you don’t have to expand any effort, just consume what others are producing.
But when all you do is consume at your leasure, without contributing anything? Your community will shrink. It will lose its sparkle. Creators will look at the offerings they’ve made in the shape of art, gifs, fics, vids, meta... And they will hear crickets. That’s all the response a lot of them will get. Crickets.
Big names will post fanworks that get thousands of notes, and comments. That’s the minority. The rest will have to be happy with (if they’re lucky) a handful of people saying “update soon” or maybe “second kudos”. (If they’re unlucky they get told they suck, or maybe they’re sent deaththreats, but that’s another story.) They don’t get named on rec-lists, or get their fic posts reblogged, or get told their work is got.
They get crickets.
The eight plague of Egypt was locusts, eating everything, leaving people to starve. For fandom the plague is crickets, and they too will leave you to starve without content.
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cinebration · 4 years
Promise Enough (Tommy Conlon x Reader) [Request]
I am SO beyond excited that you are doing asks. I don't even care if you pick mine, I just adore you're writing. If you have the inspiration, could you do a Tommy Conlon x reader drabble? He's been my favorite character since forever. Reader was his best friend growing up, and when he comes back they reconnect. Unlike everyone else, she doesn't blame him for leaving or treat him any different bc of what he went through. Reader is his safe place, and is just the right amount of rough love. Xoxo — Requested by @soul-eating-butterfly​
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: dicapriho
You should’ve sensed it, should’ve noticed the change in the air and the sudden silence outside, as though a bowl had been placed over your little house, shielding you from the outside world. You should’ve known, because the knock on the door was so loud in the quiet that it sounded like a portent.
You should’ve known who would be on the other side of that door.
But when you opened it and saw Tommy’s face, you were shocked to your core, shaken into utter speechlessness.
“Hey,” he rasped. Shoving his hands into his jacket pockets, he shifted uneasily on his feet, not quite meeting your gaze. A bag hung off one shoulder.
How long had it been since you had last seen him? Nearly ten years, you guessed. It felt like an eternity, all the more so because of how much you had missed him.
You hadn’t realized it until you saw him there on your doorstep.
“Come in,” you managed to say, recovering yourself.
Ducking his head in appreciation, he stepped inside, glanced around as you shut the door. “This is a nice place.”
“Thank you.”
“You got yourself a whole house.”
“Yeah.” You chuckled nervously. “I was lucky. I’ve got a good job.”
“That’s good.”
The silence hung over you like a hammer waiting to drop.
“Do you want anything? Water or something?”
Swinging the bag off his shoulder, he rummaged inside and pulled out a bottle of wine. He presented it to you with a thin smile.
“Thanks. Uh, come into the kitchen.”
You pulled out two glasses as he settled into the seat at the small kitchen table.
“You look good.”
You glanced at him, smiled nervously. “Thanks. You ain’t too bad yourself.”
He shook his head, a smile pulling at his lips. Underneath it, however, was sadness, tension. Both had been evident when you had been his best friend, but it seemed to have grown heavier. His mother’s death, which you had been around for, didn’t seem to have lifted from his shoulders.
“What are you doing all the way over here on the east coast?” he asked as you brought the glasses over.
“I went to school here and never left.”
“I thought you’d hate the weather.”
“I do, but the pay is nice.”
Tommy nodded, took a sip of the wine. You followed suit but hardly tasted it.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in Afghanistan or something?”
He shrugged, looked away.
Looking at his closed expression, you understood immediately. Pushing past the realization, you groped for more small talk. “What brings you back here, then?”
“I dunno. Returning to my roots.”
“You don’t have any. Not really.”
He fixed you with a stare, the muscle in his jaw twitching. You met it levelly. It felt like old times, you pointing out the hard truths and he debating whether or not to return the favor.
“Yeah, guess so,” he mumbled. “And you? Got yourself a boyfriend or a husband?”
“It’s midnight. If I did, do you think I’d be alone right now?”
He snorted. “Fair enough.”
Crickets chirruped outside the window.
“So, now that you’re back, what will you be up to?”
Your fingernails tapped against the wine stem as you tried to read his face. A small chasm existed between you both, a product of years gone by without contact. But you knew there was a bridge somewhere—rickety and potentially dangerous, but one you were determined to cross.
“Maybe you can go back to fighting,” you offered. “In the ring.”
He nodded as though the idea hadn’t occurred to him. The slight crease in his brow told you he was actually considering it.
“There’s a gym nearby.”
He nodded again, took another pull of the wine.
“Is there…something you came here to talk about?”
Stilling in his seat, Tommy hesitated, avoided your eyes.
He wasn’t ready.
Trying not to frown, you hid behind the wine glass, taking a long swig of it, before saying, “Whatever you decide, you can crash here in the meantime.”
“I don’t wanna bother you.”
“Not a bother, Tommy. Never was, never will be.”
The intensity of his gaze nearly made you melt in your seat. It spoke louder than his words, telling you how grateful he was.
He went into the living room while you went for some blankets to make up the couch. Your heart fluttered and your skin itched with apprehension. Why had he come here? What did he need? Could you provide it?
The thoughts plagued you like locusts.
When you returned, you found him by the mantle looking at the only two picture frames you had there: one of your parents and another of you and Tommy. Picking up the picture, he stared at his younger self, you beside him. Genuine smiles graced both your faces.
“I remember his,” he mumbled, a faint smile touching the corners of his lips.
“It was a good day.”
He grunted in agreement and replaced the photo on the mantle. You waited until he faced you before asking, “What are you looking for, Tommy?”
He shrugged, glanced away.
“No,” you said, forcing him to look at you. “Answer the question.”
Shifting uneasily on his feet, he looked away again. The silence weighed heavily on you both.
Sighing, you placed the blankets on the bed, turned to go.
“Just…” You struggled to dislodge the words in your throat. “Promise me you won’t leave again. Not without saying goodbye.”
Tommy stared at you. You met his gaze.
He nodded.
When you woke in the morning, daylight streaming in through a crack in your curtains, you found your house empty.
Stomach plummeting, you stared at the couch. He had dutifully folded up the sheets and replaced them in a stack beside one of the arms. You sunk down beside the pile, dragged the topmost sheet onto your lap. It smelled like him, a slight musky odor mixed with sweat and the mint scent of the gum he chewed.
If it weren’t for that, you would have sworn his visit had been a figment of your imagination, a fever dream. He hadn’t really agreed to your promise, confined himself to an obligation to you based on a past connection you weren’t sure he acknowledged anymore.
Trying not to feel hurt, you pushed yourself off the couch and shuffled into the kitchen. To your surprise, the coffee pot was half full, still slightly warm. Before it rested a note with a phone number written in Tommy’s uneven hand.
You smiled, hope fluttering in your chest.
It was promise enough.
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limenysnocket · 3 years
Call Me Home
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Summary: It's in the bloom of summer and both of you are tired. It's been hopping from film to film for months, set by set, and so it's time to relax. Pick a nice shack out in the quiet and humble native lands for a night or two, and watch the stars and the fireflies flicker around the butt of your cigarette.
Warnings: Really nothing other than swearing and smoking.
Pairing: Taika Waititi x Reader
Words: 1.5k it’s a shorty, I know.
A/N: This is just something I wanted to write. It's blazing outside, and it's right around the time I wish it was night already and down to 70-something degrees. Hope y'all enjoy this random bit of fluff.
This is all based off of a sweet and sappy blues/jazz song so--
@honorarytenenbaum @olyvoyl
"I'm so damn tired," Taika moans and plops himself down in a rickety, old rocking chair beside you. You were atop a small glider. It wasn't enough to completely lay down in, but it was enough to kick your feet up and watch the sun start to go down. The grass, wet from a fresh storm, was now engulfed in orange flame. The light licked all the way up the wooden steps of the porch, and to the tips of Taika's work shoes.
Taika slumped in his seat, his long legs extending out and his arms laying lazily over the arms of the chair. His eyes were closed, and he just seemed to be taking in the last of the blazing heat. "I'm glad it's over," you murmured. His head, once angled to look at the horizon, then tilted to face you. He had a goofy, soft grin.
"It's not over quite yet. There's still the editing and putting it all together, then heading right over to Hollywood for the premier and it's just... oh, man," he put his hand on his scruffy cheek and rubbed at it. He had been wearing a smile all day, whether he liked to or not, due to the mass amount of press that was at the studio doors as soon as you both were done shooting. "Yeah. At least that part is done with. Hemsworth was starting to get on my nerves at the end there."
"What? Only at the end?" you guwaffed at him and he rolled his eyes. You knew he had a thing out for Hemsworth since the beginning. The way his muscles would bulge out in his costume turned Taika jealous-- especially when he realized they would have to do editing magic on him to actually make his biceps look normal-- and that's not all. The Aussie, on occasion, would be a flirt with you, and attempt to get your attention while on set. His little advances would briefly be shut down as soon as Taika spotted him.
Ever so slowly, the cicadas crept from their hiding spots, and began to serenade the two of you from trees. It was annoying at first, and you wanted to make a suggestion to go inside, but when you looked at Taika, all you could see was how at peace he was. He had rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and his hand was cradling the side of his face. His eyes were closed again. You were almost totally sure he was asleep.
After being inside of the little shack for some time, you realized why he wanted to come out here.
The place still had tin walls, and the doorknobs were made of copper. The wooden porch was splintered and cracked, and it squealed under even the softest of touches. The rooms still had wallpaper. It was a floral pattern with a white background, but it turned yellow at the tops and bottoms, and the paper curled and wrinkled. It smelled so old. What brought Taika here again?
He was the brand new, fresh out of his own late uprising, blessing to the directing world genius that everyone wanted on set. Hollywood smothered him in love, money, and women. So much so, the paparazzi followed him around like flies to manure. As much as he loved attention, those jackasses were hard to avoid and they got annoying real quick, especially when all he wanted to do was enjoy a party or two. Indulge in a sensory overload and drown in sex for a few hours.
The notoriety had gotten to his head. He changed into someone unrecognizable...
Did he?
You looked at Taika again. His heel was gently rocking his chair back and forth. He looked so happy and content. Happier than you'd seen him in days. His dress shirt was was unbuttoned from the top two buttons, and his belt was missing. His dress shoes were scuffed and his hair was a mess. He still had his tie on, but it hung low and loose on his neck. He looked almost the same as the first day you met him. Tired and hunched over from his latest piece of fine cinema.
“Doing okay?” you break the bug song and make him open his dreary eyes. “Just checking.”
He sat up again, adjusting himself in his seat and grinning wide. “Never better,” he looked back over to you, and the porch slowly grew dim. The crickets added a melody to the tune the locust sang, and little, moving, balls of light started to emerge from the tall grass. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m curious, you know that,” you nearly whispered to him, the new breeze making you want to fall asleep on the dingy little sofa.
“Curious about what?” now he had started to ask questions too, interrupting your doze. It was pay back and concern in a bottle.
“Why did you pick this place?” you approach the topic bluntly, but calmly. “You could be staying in the fanciest hotel there is in New Zealand right now with what Marvel is paying you, but you chose an old shack instead. I want to know why.”
His lips pursed. He’s back to staring at the horizon again. “It’s just something quaint I picked. No story behind it.” He sniffed and wrapped his knuckles against the tin wall of the house. It wasn’t familiar to him. 
“Okay, so you don’t know it, but is there something that you like about it?” you asked further questions. The answers you would received would be saved in the back of your mind for later.
“I like the peace,” Taika shrugged and swatted at a little June bug. “It’s nice to get away from the cameras every once in awhile. They bother me when I don’t want them around.”
You laughed to yourself about Taika actually hating attention for once. He had always been a seeker, in your eyes. It was almost weird to see him in such a way. Actually wanting to be away. And, with you, of all people to be with. He probably just needed a little bit of company with him at all times. Just to be safe.
“That all?” you wonder. “Cause this place sure does remind me of where you shot Boy. Little town, full of little people, and one lady who has all the jobs in the whole area, Taik.”
You managed to get him to blow an amused laugh out of his nose with the reference you made to his movie. It felt like he made that thing so long ago. That was back before his hair started to go silver. “I mean, I guess it’s a little like the Boy set, and you know my connections with that place.” His commentary was a bit strained, because he was reaching for the cigarettes he kept in his back pocket. They were probably a little smooshed by now. He settled back into his seat once he was comfortable again, and sighed. “It’s like a little calling, I guess. Something, I don’t know. I like having money and all, and as a kid, nothing about this was comforting. Fuck, all I wanted to do was get out of these shit conditions with teachers that hated me, kids that hated me, and the big fucking imagination  I had kept me from seeing things straight. Here, I thought I wouldn’t amount to shit, probably because I was told that, but,” he started to pause his rant, but just to set a cigarette between his lips and nudge out his lighter from his front pocket. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I always kind of find myself wanting to come back to the bush.”
You didn’t really have to think of anything to say. You knew he didn’t want to hear much at all, but you had one question on your mind.
“How’s Hollywood been treating you, Taika?”
His head whipped around like an unstoppable force of nature. He pulled the freshly lit cigarette from his lips, eyes a little wider than you expected them to be. “You want me to be frank with you?”
“No, dipshit, I want you to be Taika with me- of course, I want you to be frank with me,” you snort, and his lips pull up just the slightest bit.
He took a moment to collect his words, his eyes flickering around like he was watching a little bug-Satan fly around his face for too long. He came to his conclusion after about a minute.
“It’s been treating me like shit, thanks for asking,” he said it in such a dopey manner, you had to smile. “It feels great to be home.”
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sisi-halloway · 3 years
A Song in Our Home
Shuhei x Isabella fluff
“I’ll be with you... I’ll be with you... Call out my name to the ocean blue. I’ll be with you... I’ll be with you... Just listen for my voice, I’ll call you too. There’s no place, there’s no time, Where I wouldn’t call you mine... For I, will always be... With you.”
Shuhei stroked Isabella’s hair softly as he let the old Orasan lullaby fall off his lips. His grandmother had sang it to him, then his mother when he returned home to Kyoh. His sister had sung it to him when his mother said he’d grown out of it. Truth be told, he’d never grown out of the song. He was happy he could sing it now, to his one darling love Isabella Zieragh.
The two of them were laying in bed together. It was early in the night, the night sounds of the Maethisse forest just beginning. The locusts and the crickets were just waking for their shifts and owls were calling to each other from across their branches. A lone wolf could be heard howling in the distance. All of those sounds were familiar, they sounded like home. Shuhei was beginning to associate these sounds with home too. 
The flickering candlelight was the only disturbance in the still room. Shuhei had cleaned up a bit while Isabella had been getting ready for bed. He’d already mediated and trained and showered before she had come home from work. She’d had a hard day, he’d noticed. She came in with a slump in her shoulders. She had that tone in her voice. It was the one he recognized as ‘as much as I love you, I don’t want to talk about it’.
So ran her a bath, put her favorite scent in the tub, he made sure there were a lot of bubbles. He gave her her space and cleaned up their room. He had just finished moving his things from their temporary places to their more permanent ones. He no longer kept his clothes folded in baskets tucked in the corner of her living room. They were in their own chest now. He no longer had all of his toiletry items in a wooden bowl that he kept underneath the bathroom sink. He had placed them into the cabinet, some in the shower, some on the counter. His portable mattress that he had been lugging around with him all this time had made its way into a storage closet to ‘never come out again’ as Isabella had put it. Shuhei’s personal things, his photos, his sketchpads, his trinkets, had found themselves on the surfaces of her home. 
“Our home. Come on Shu, say it with me. Ourrrrr-”
Isabella had been training him to say that. He still couldn’t really get over it. His days of aimlessly travelling had been over when he stepped foot into Maeth, but he hadn’t known it until now. When he met Isabella, the sister of the man Shuhei’s childhood friend had been engaged to marry... he had given her the key to his heart. And she used that key to unlock a new chapter in his life. A chapter written with lots of plurals.
“Our... home,” he had said back to her, not bothering to hide the grin on his face. That gave him butterflies every time, even after she’s drilled it into his head to be normal.
“Thanks for that, baby... I really needed it.”
Isabella had come out of the bathroom in a towel, scrunching her hair with a smaller one. Shuhei was lying down already, having already lit a myrrh candle and making sure the bed was neatly made. There were throw blankets, a few crochet, a few fuzzy folded at the foot of the bed. The furs he had brought from Kawabata were draped over the comforter. He liked sleeping with them anytime he might get homesick. Isabella liked sleeping with them because they felt so nice and smooth on her freshly washed skin. 
They were expensive Silk Bear furs. A silk bear was a more humbly sized bear native to Kyoh with the softest fur one could ever touch. The furs didn’t cost Shuhei anything because his father had killed and skinned the bears himself, with his son’s help. His family on his father’s side were known for wrestling Silk Bears during season and being one of the only families to have possession of such commodities. Shuhei had never been claimed by his father’s family, a dishonour he held in disdain. But that was a story for another day. He had a family that did claim him as their own. A wonderful mother who reminded him a bit of his own, a brother who had acted both as a mentor and friend; and his wife, who had helped Shuhei bring his walls down and trust this new place. He had been granted a younger sibling who had nourished his talent and love for art and nature... and finally a wonderful woman that he didn’t ever expect to love him as much as she did.
“You feel a little better?” Shuhei asked, letting his hair out of its ribbon and resting his head on the pillow. He watched Isabella loosely as she tiptoed to the closet for some bed clothes. She dropped her towel when she got there, standing on her tip toes to peruse for pajamas. Shuhei admired her body, the curve of her back, those two dimples at the base of her spine... her wide hips and her creamy skin. Her wet brown hair fell down her shoulders like a curtain. Shuhei watched it sway as she turned around with bright eyes to ask him a question. She had a folded piece of fabric in her hand. It came from his corner of the closet. 
“Yes, baby. So much better... You’re a lifesaver. Can I wear this?”
He realized it was one of his shirts. Shuhei nodded readily. She didn’t need permission to wear his clothes. She could take the clothes off his back and he wouldn’t have a single objection. 
She slipped it on, getting into the bed with her love. She grabbed onto him without hesitation, placing her warm, damp cheek on his chest. Her breath was warm on Shuhei’s silver barbell. He pulled her into a sweetheart’s cradle, bringing the blankets around them. He watched her with a pleased expression as she instinctively reached for the white fur. It was her favorite, he noticed. It had a tendency to be on her side of the bed when the two woke up in the morning. He liked this about her. He liked that she enjoys the things he shares with her.
“I’m glad you’re home,” Shuhei whispers, putting his other arm on Isabella’s shoulder as she snuggled into him more closely. She hums, placing a light kiss on the place between his pectorals. Shuhei’s heart flutters at her soft touch. 
“I’m glad you’re here to come home to...” 
Her simple words were enough to unravel Shuhei once and for all. He rolled over on his side and squeezes Isabella close to him. She puts one of her legs around him, her toes sliding down his calf. She liked to touch him this way, in any way she could. He always made her feel better.
“Can you tell me a story?” Isabella asked. Her voice was quiet, sweet, so small and Shuhei recognized it as her little baby voice. It did something to him. It made him so weak.
He thought about what he should tell her. Most of the stories and folklore he knew had come from her. He liked it when she read him bedtime stories... his stories were nothing but personal anecdotes and half of them were not pleasant by any means. 
He thought about the things he did know. The things he liked. There was one thing he hadn’t shared with anyone. Nobody in Maeth had ever heard of it, except the one girl who knew it from her own childhood. Maybe this is what story he should share... He hoped that she’d like it.
“I don’t have a story... but I have a song,” Shuhei murmured lowly, pressing a kiss to Isabella’s soft temple. 
She relaxed, her body turning to molasses in his hold. She hummed, her full pink lips upturning into a sleepy smile. 
“Sing it...” 
Shuhei was happy to. He cleared his throat and let the tranquility of the room pull Isabella into sleep like she was a little paper boat in the gentle waves of the ocean. He hoped her dreams were as sweet as the love he knew she deserved. The love he was going to give her, despite the circumstances. 
Nothing was going to get in the way of loving Isabella. 
“I’ll be with you... I’ll be with you... Call out my name to the ocean blue. I’ll be with you... I’ll be with you... Just listen for my voice, I’ll call you too. There’s no place, there’s no time, Where I wouldn’t call you mine... For I, will always be... With you.”
“I love you, Isabella.”
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Hi! For the flower asks, I want to know Locust for Touille and/or Jasmine for all of the boys? Btw, I ADORE your writing, and the crickets own my heart completely 🥺💕🦞
Aaahh, thank you so much, my friend!!🤍🤍🤍🤍 That means so very much to me!🦗🦗🦗 I got a few duplicates on Locust, so here’s where you can read my response for all 4 of them. I’ll be glad to do Jasmine for you now!
(Floral asks for the crickets are still on!)
Jasmine: What color looks best on you?
Nando: Red, I think. It’s Samwell spirit, and Quinn says it’s my color.🥰🥰
Touille: Blue, maybe a kind of grayish shade of it.
Rhodey: Uhhh, every color looks hella good on me, but green brings out my sweet sweet Italian olive complexion. And also my eyes.
Quinn: I honestly really like gray clothing. My peacoat is gray. My favorite scarf is gray. I know it seems sort of boring, and trust me, I love bright color, but heathery gray is a nice neutral shade. You can do a lot with it as your base!
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feely-touchy · 4 years
I thought so much about the ways of our mouths
Day in and out
How our tongues touch and taste
Connecting insight and reality
The way Adam named creation
Our teeth stand in lines like mercenaries
Volunteer firing squads
Ripping through earthflesh and animal matter
Chewing through nearly anything
With enough time
Mostly living
On cud and tablescraps
Burps and whistles
The way poetry slips in
Mothering and peeled oranges
Through the silent movements of the throat
To ourselves
As we read
How they turn into our words
Deep and cutting
Weaponizing canines and love bites
Sound tripping over bone
Clicking together
Nearly cricket-legged
The way John ate the locusts and the locusts swarmed in his body
As if wrath and miracles were intangibly close
How we can be malnourished and still grow fat
Eating gods that both are and aren't
Worth worshipping
Our hands holding one another
Like forks and knives
Washed and filed
Returned to the mouth
Gums and taste buds
In tongues
Knowing truth and its lingering salinity
The sourness of wine substitutes
In amounts that won't fit inside our cradle jaws
I know now
What our gag reflex is for
How Cronus is nowhere near as noble as any alligator
Whose nursery is testament
As our bodies are covenants
Served in and dished out on steel trays and porcelain bowls
More than silver platters
Yet I've been told that consumption is a poor man's death
That hard work will keep your belly sun-tanned
Even if it costs a few extra buttons
That loss is enough to make even big kids cry
Since the candy doesn't come back the prodigal son
And hunger hasn't taught humility to anyone
Hunger only begets hungriness
The rituals only beguile
Never to satisfy
There's no chicken-soup-for-the-starved
Only what we can cup in our hands
Press to one another's lips
As if praying to a salivating God
"Don't let us go down easy
We deserve to be fat and filling"
Enough for everybody
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eiirisworkshop · 4 years
Avengers Bizarre Foods Fic
For Good Intentions WIP Fest, details of which can be found @goodintentionswipfest
I have a lot of scraps of Avengers fics that, if I’m being honest, I’m never gonna finish.  This is one of them.
“Pepper, I'm bored.”
“Tony,” Pepper sighed, “you have a tower full of gadgets, expensive toys, and superheroes and I'm reviewing contract agreements.  Go find a way to entertain yourself.”
Tony sighed, leaned around Pepper's chair, and kissed her cheek.  “If I blow something up, remember that you just as good as gave me permission.”
He trotted from the room before Pepper could close any loopholes.  He wandered into the kitchen, found it empty, grabbed a packet of freeze-dried pineapple, tore it open, and snacked as he roamed to the common room where he found Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and Clint piled onto one couch, watching— “History Channel?” Tony asked incredulously.
“They're marathoning American history by the decade,” Clint explained. “Yesterday, it was flappers and speakeasies; tomorrow, these two are not allowed to watch because even though they say they're fine I do not want to deal with either of them having PTSD fits; today, Nat and I are edumacating ourselves while Steve and Buck get mindfucked.”
“It's weirdly fascinating,” Steve agreed.  “But a little uncomfortable.”
Tony rolled his eyes.  “I was hoping I'd find you guys doing something interesting to join in on, like debating banana flavoring or something, but no, you're having history class.”
“Hey, I was watching reruns of Fear Factor.” Natasha shrugged.  “Honestly, this is scarier.  Eating bugs?  Done it.  Near complete collapse of the foundation of Western civilization?  Recurring nightmare for me.”
“But trashy reality TV is so much fun.”  Tony ate a handful of pineapple.
[Somehow this devolves into Tony deciding they should have a fear factory style weird food taste testing party, the four watching TV agree to it, they order weird foods delivered to the Tower, it's NYC you can get anything]
“Jarvis, please invite Fitzsimmons, Bruce, and Agent to the kitchen,” Tony said.  “And Pep, if she's not still embroiled.”
Pepper looked around the kitchen and laughed.  “I guess this is better than you blowing things up.”
“Yup!” Tony chirped with a wide grin.
“The scorecards make me worried,” Jemma said.
Bruce picked up one of the cards.  “'Love it, it's okay, meh, it's gross, vomit,'” he read.  He glanced pointedly at the buckets sanding on the floor next to each stool.  “Tony, you're insane.”
Coulson clapped him on the shoulder.  “Don't tell me you didn't do crazier in college.”
“That was college.”
“Living here feels more like a college movie than any of my actual schooling did,” Fitz said.
“Come on, sit, sit.”  Tony pulled himself onto a stool.  “Even Cap's behind this one, and team bonding is a good thing.”
As everyone sat, Bucky muttered to Tony, “I think Steve's just looking forward to watching you gag at things we grew up on.”
“I'm not questioning his reasons.”  Tony rubbed his hands together. “Okay, let's start with a classic.  Clint—since you're closest to the counter—would you pass the crickets?”
Clint stretched to grab the bowl of pan-fried crickets and set it in the center of the island.  “There you go.”
Natasha snatched up a couple of the bugs, tossed one into her mouth, grinned widely with one leg sticking out between her teeth, then crunched it. Jemma gave her a sanity-questioning look.  She shrugged and popped another cricket.  “They kinda taste like walnuts.”
“I've had them in pad tai before.”  Clint casually munched an insect.  “Still prefer pad tai with shrimp, though.”
“Okay,” Tony said, “let's the rest of us try these before the wonder twins eat them all like popcorn.”
The rest of the assembled team reached for the bowl of crickets, even Bruce.  Coulson raised an eyebrow at him.  “Aren't you vegetarian?”
Bruce shrugged.  “There's bugs in our food anyway and—I don't know.”
Tony held up his cricket.  “On three?  One, two—”
At once, he, Steve, Jemma, Bruce, Bucky, Coulson, Fitz, and Pepper munched the bugs.
“Huh,” Steve said, “they do taste like walnuts.”
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“Yeah,” Jemma pulled a face, “but I can't get over the fact it's a bug.”
“It's a lot like locust,” Coulson said musingly.
Clint laughed at him.  “What were you expecting?”
“I don't know.”
“So, didn't taste too bad,” Fitz said, “but I think I've got an antenna or something caught between my teeth and that's disturbing.”
Clint pulled open a drawer, grabbed a canister of toothpicks and slid them to Fitz.
“Thank you.”
“Clint,” Pepper asked, “you've had cricket pad tai?”
“Can you make cricket pad tai?”
“Next time I have a lunch meeting with partners I don't like, you're catering.”
“Okay.” Clint laughed and ate another handful.  “Bruce, you doing okay there?”
“For some reason,” Bruce said slowly, “I wasn't expecting the legs.”
Natasha patted him sympathetically on the shoulder and marked the Love it box on her scorecard. “Anybody else actually gonna fill this out or just me?”
Tony quietly marked the It's gross box on his card.  Bucky snickered at him.  He shoved Bucky's shoulder.  Everyone else filled out
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 56
Sat 29th Feb
🧅🧅🧅 Leap Year & Day before the Run 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️
The room was very, VERY hot. We were sleeping on single beds in different corners of the room and the ceiling rotating fan was only reaching the edges of our beds. I got up early to escape & headed to the roof terrace - and immediately spotted the main attraction! The clouds had cleared for a moment and there was a beautiful view of Kilimanjaro peak. So cool!
I ran down to tell Phil to get up immediately and come see it. He grunted and reluctantly agreed to, so I ran back up where I’d left my stuff...and saw that the cloud had covered it up again. Uh oh...
LUCKILY when Phil appeared 5 minutes later, it popped its lovely head out of the clouds again and Phil was suitably impressed. We sat on the rooftop and ordered breakfast enjoying the view as the sun rose, but there was a problem developing. The heat was increasing very fast and the rooftop was getting really hot. There was a large roof cover so we weren’t getting direct heat, but it felt like the roof was absorbing all the sun and heating up the area into some sort of giant oven. Phil began to sweat profusely and ended up having to leave to shower and cool down before he lost his cool completely. He came back 20 minutes later feeling much better, much cooler, but after 15 minutes he was sweating again.
I was ok though and felt quite happy chilling on the rooftop, so Phil said he’d go for a walk. He wanted to do something, so went to get some bottles of water (literally water and not beer this time wtf right) then came back.
Wasn’t enough to satisfy him though, and he decided to go to an ATM to get our cash sorted. Fine by me! We agreed that we’d go together for the run registration half hour later, once he’d returned, as I wanted to go together plus was going to potentially sign up for the 5km fun run. 
Well, half an hour came and went, and I began to wonder where he’d got to. I hoped he wasn’t stressed looking for a cash point.
Then, an hour later, a very sweaty flappy Phil burst into the room.
‘Am I in deep shit? Are you fuming?!? Oh my god, that was SO annoying!’
I felt sorry for him straight away, but then noticed - he had his race number in his hand.
‘Phil...have you been to register for the race? Why did you go and register without me??’
Phil huffed and puffed a bit before launching into it.
‘Jess, just listen, that was SO annoying cos I walked to find a cash point and then realised I was really close to registration, like 0.8km...’
At which point I interrupted to let him know that 0.8km is not ‘really close’.
‘Jess, shut up, you don’t understand, I tried to go there and there was loads of traffic...’
‘Traffic? So you had to get a tuc tuc there? Makes sense I suppose, considering it wasn’t very close’
‘Jess shut UP it was really stressful, I tried to get online to let you know where I was cos I thought you’d be fuming I’d taken so long, and I couldn’t get online and so rushed back here, and I didn’t even pick up my tshirt’.
I was baffled as to his decision making.
‘Phil. Firstly, WHY did you go to register after we agreed to go together and I specifically said I wanted to go with you to register?? Secondly, why are you talking to me like I’VE done something wrong??’
But by this point, he’d got himself in such a state that we were not able to have a sensible conversation about it. Phil’s way of dealing with how annoyed he was with himself for making shite decisions was to shout at me, a lot (at one point he actually said ‘All you want to do is your blog’ which was a low blow I thought).
So I retreated to the safety of the rooftop where I could hurl abuse of my own at him from a safe distance via WhatsApp. Ahh, you gotta love a whatsapp argument. Phil is typing... oh IS he now.
Well it worked a treat and Phil went all Gary Barlow on me, messaging me along the lines of Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn’t mean it. After admitting he’d been a grade A twat, he skulked up to the rooftop to apologise and started to laugh (the audacity of it), and we agreed to try again and head to the registration TOGETHER. I showed him the definition of the word on dictionary.com to avoid any further confusion.
We walked the (long and not close by) distance to the Keys hotel and oh thank goodness, there were still places available, so I signed up for the 5km ‘fun’ run. I had prepared my happy speech in advance ‘Oh yay, there are spots left, fantastic news, I’m so relieved, I thought they might all be gone by now and that would have been terrible’.
Fun run eh? We’ll see. Other suitable names for it could be the ‘5km Why Try’ or the ‘5km Pain Train’. Look, I KNOW its only 5km but I hadn’t run for ages so felt a little unsure as to how it was going to go.
Phil walked me over to a counter where he had seen a running hat for sale on his first trip there and he wanted to try it on. I managed to convince him that this red monstrosity of a hat looked super duper cool, was not a crime against fashion on every level and was the PERFECT match to accompany his wonderful & sexy running waistcoat. I wasn’t the only one thinking it, the guy selling them couldn’t get rid them quick enough and practically gave it to Phil, offering a 5000Tsh discount for no apparent reason. I know the reason. We all know the reason.*
While Phil was chatting to this guy about running and other boring things to do with running, we were approached by a guy with a camera woman asking if he could do an interview with Phil. I think it was the hat that did it. They obviously thought Wow look at those gullible fools, they’ll do anything. And they were right of course. I lolled while Phil answered a few questions and told them something about London being cold. Then the tables turned and they asked me to answer some question too. I was like No no no, I’m only doing the 5km, I’m not a runner runner like.
But they didn’t seem bothered, asking me too to say my name, how far I was running and how I’d prepared. ‘Well I haven’t prepared’ I said ‘But I’m only doing the 5km so I think I’ll survive!’.
I then could not for the life of me get ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria Estefan out of my head.
Enos the interviewer took our number and said he’d send us a link when it went live. Sure mate, course you will - I fully expected to never hear from him again.
We left to go find some lunch and asked our tuc tuc driver to take us to the Kilimanjaro Coffee Lounge. But he was utterly clueless and we pulled up outside a completely different cafe called Union Cafe. Handily though, it was really close to our hotel so we thought Screw it, Union cafe it is then. It was pretty good, had a nice bagel with cheese, tomato and avocado plus a Mediterranean platter - houmous, pitta and two minuscule bowls of other dips.
My ice coffee shake was like pure syrup though and despite the first sip tasting delicious, by the end of it, it was positively nauseating. It was all a bit expensive too.
Back to the hotel where we watched the Crown with a Safari beer (so many great beer names here) and tried to take it easy ahead of tomorrow’s race. Loads of last minute sponsors came flying it which was really nice and gave us a much appreciated boost of support. They’d probably heard the news about my 5km run and thought I was a legend.
Out of pure laziness, we wandered round the corner back to Union Cafe to grab a takeaway pizza but decided to sit there instead when we saw there were tables available. As we sat there, Phil suddenly looked behind me and said ‘Jess...is that...is that a cricket on that mans shoulder??’.
Sure enough a huge locust was just sat on this guys shoulder, like it was his pet, joining him for dinner. I was fairly certain it was not his pet and it looked hilarious sat there like his pal. I got the mans attention and said ‘Excuse me, you have a cricket on your shoulder’. He stared at me with confusion and when he eventually realised what I was saying, he started to do a shimmy shake with his shoulders leaning over his table in a panic to try and get his mate to flick the cricket off him 😂😂😂. His mate finally got it and the man tried to look all calm as he casually turned to us and said ‘Thank you’ through a forced smile.
We enjoyed this incident very much.
The chips and Greek salad were ok but the pizza was rubbisssshhhh. The pizza looked like it had been sat for ages, like it had been cooked twice. Being the feminist that I am (aren’t we all?) I used a ring of onion to mock propose to Phil (ITS A LEAP YEAR Y’ALL) and he said yes! But please, don’t get excited guys, it was a piece of onion yeah 🧅. We took the carbs and headed back our crazy hotttt room. We got all our running gear ready, though I had my doubts about wearing running leggings in the heat, then did a bit of bed shifting to catch the fan breeze a bit more. We’d learnt from the night before and both put ear plugs in to drown out the crazy loud road noises before attempting sleep.
*Look Phil, I was kidding about the hat. I thought it would be funny to diss it on the blog and I actually think its a wonderful and very fantastic practical addition to your running kit. Please wear it with pride and enjoy the shade it gives you. I certainly will.
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lukes-writing · 5 years
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Chapter 3: The Lord of Flies
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Word count: 2300 Warnings: None
September 22nd, 1:17 PM, Confederation district, Trinity Gate
With Parker and Whisper enlisted, Wiccan already has half of the recruits on his side. Now he drives his old Chevrolet to the Confederation district.
After the relaxing walk with Whisper through the Great Moors district, it can’t be said entering the area attached to the Central Confederation is a pleasant change. Instead of picturesque greenhouses and fields, the district offers mainly factories, refineries and ugly, rectangular blocks of flats. Even though the sun is still shining, the smoke coming from numerous smokestacks contributes to the gloomy atmosphere.
No, the Confederation district is neither a slum or a ghetto. It’s just the least welcoming of the three districts.
When Wiccan studied the third recruit’s files for the first time, he expected him to be from the Great Moors district - however, the file proved him wrong. However, it’s understandable why did he settle in the Confederation district. The rent here isn’t as expensive as it is in the Great Moors or the Northeast.
Wiccan already knows this guy lost his family at a young age and spent his childhood in a foster home with people who already had seven other kids in their foster care. He reached adulthood just recently and now he’s living a humble life in a small flat - the only one he can afford from the salary of a pet shop clerk.
In fact, Wiccan has doubts if this guy will be suitable for the job. But he can’t know unless he meets the guy in person. And that’s his plan for now.
The man has an old-fashioned car radio in his car and, as always, he has his favorite 80s radio station turned on. He’s singing along to Van Halen as he drives through the Core to the border separating it from the Confederation district.
First, he sees a decent-looking neighborhood with family houses and small alleys of trees, several general stores, a supermarket and several other useful facilities. The farther he drives, the more industrial and gray the district gets. The nice neighborhoods disappear to make room for housing estates full of blocks of flats and crowded city squares where the various stores are so crammed together the place has zero aesthetic value.
Fortunately, he doesn’t have to drive much further since the navigation in his Chevy tells him he’s just a few hundred meters away from his goal. After several long minutes of maneuvering on the parking lot in search for an empty parking place, he leaves the car and walks towards the block nearby while still humming the Bon Jovi song that played on the radio before he got off.
The people here also seem… somewhat less happy than in the remaining districts. They usually stare at the screens of their mobile phones, paying no attention to each other. Contrary to that, the Great Moors district Whisper comes from is always vibrant and resonates with cheerful talking of its inhabitants.
Wiccan hopes that the guy he came for isn’t as uptight.
He enters the block whose address he noted and takes the stairs to get to the fourth floor even though there’s an elevator there. Then he finally knocks at the door with the name tag saying Underwood on it.
A few seconds later, the door opens a crack and Wiccan hears a timid, quiet voice: “Yes…? Who is this?”
“My name is Wiccan Salisbury and I’ve come to talk,” the man announces. “No need to be afraid.”
“Are you some kind of peddler? Because I… I don’t want anything.”
Wiccan rolls his eyes. This guy would really need to man up if he decided to accept his offer. “No, I’m not a peddler. I came here to discuss your hobby.”
The door finally opens fully.
The ELIPSA files of Gary Underwood, the young man in front of Wiccan, already had his photos included. But the reality is even… less impressive than the pictures.
First of all, Wiccan has to look slightly down to make eye contact with this guy even though Wiccan himself isn’t a tall man at all.
“Hey,” Gary says with the same timid voice.
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Gary Underwood isn’t only short, but also rather chubby. A perfect contrast to the tall, lanky Parker Skellinger. He tries to gain some centimeters by growing a large, curly afro (or more like a Jew-fro, even though Wiccan doesn’t remember if Gary has any Semitic roots) on his head. He also apparently tries to grow a beard and a mustache, but the results are rather sorry so far.
His nose which is a bit flat resides on his round face alongside surprisingly intelligent brown eyes. Gary’s smile is just as timid as his voice, as if he needed permission to give a full smile. He’s wearing a gray hoodie and black sweatpants - which may be a futile attempt to mask his chunky frame.
Wiccan finds Gary… somehow interesting. But he has some doubts about his competence.
“Can I come in?” Wiccan asks.
“Yeah, sure,” Gary gestures him in.
First of all, Wiccan notices a strange smell accompanied by constant buzzing coming from an unknown source. Even though Gary lives alone, his flat is surprisingly neat, although it’s hopelessly small. There is a small living room which apparently also serves as a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and one more room which has its door closed. The living space is especially tiny compared to shamelessly huge Archer-Gutenberg mansion.
“Do you want some tea?” Gary offers and Wiccan accepts.
When the younger man disappears into the kitchen, Wiccan takes another look around the place. Most of the furniture is made of wood and the walls are painted with a pleasant light brown paint. There is also a large bookshelf similar to Whisper’s. While it also contains fiction books, most of them are encyclopedias, all dealing with similar topics: biology, zoology and especially… insects.
Wiccan would never guess so much can be written just about bugs.
He also realizes the buzzing sound is coming from the room with the closed door.
Soon after, Gary brings the tea and seats Wiccan on a cheap, yet still comfortable couch in the middle of the room. They engage in small talk - Wiccan knows it’s probably necessary to break this man’s apparent shyness. Some minutes later, Gary seems to be more comfortable with the visit.
“You said you came because of my… hobby, right?” Gary plays into Wiccan’s cards by this question, and Wiccan seizes the opportunity.
“Yes, I indeed did. So, care if you showed me?”
Gary finally seems to show some enthusiasm. He takes Wiccan to the closed door and opens them. The buzzing sound grows significantly louder, and the odor Wiccan caught upon entering the flat also becomes more intense. Gary steps inside and Wiccan follows him.
The room apparently used to be a bedroom. However, Gary has rearranged the inside to fit his needs more. The room is filled with glass terrariums with living beings inside. Insects. Dozens of species, thousands of units. Each of the terrariums is designed and decorated with almost motherly love to mimic the species’ natural habitat as much as possible.
“Holy shit,” Wiccan gasps. A slight smile on Gary’s face gives away he’s proud of his collection. Flies, roaches, beetles, crickets and locusts, dragonflies - all shapes and sizes. There is also a small, neat beehive in the corner of the room and several anthills.
Wiccan was never squeamish about bugs and other creepy-crawlies, but the sight of this colony makes his skin crawl. There are gaps between the rows of terrariums wide just enough to allow Gary’s pudgy body walk between them. Wiccan wonders how would Gary’s landlord feel if they knew about this.
Even though Gary’s collection is somehow creepy, Wiccan realizes he’s also fascinated. Each terrarium is labeled with a tag containing the species name and several other notes the man doesn’t understand. Some of the bugs are rather common, but there are also far more exotic ones.
One especially big terrarium contains several giant beetles with black and white patterns on their shards. They measure about ten centimeters and Wiccan would swear their looks are full of hostility. The tag reads Goliathus regius. Another cubicle appears empty, until the twigs scattered inside start to move. Medauroidea extradentata.
Wiccan would need hours to take a look at all these beings, but right now, he has no time to spare.
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“Why insects?” Wiccan asks, back in Gary’s living room.
The short man shrugs. “I guess they are small and insignificant. Just like me,” he replies.
When Wiccan read some of Gary’s files gathered by The Society, he found out that this man was a frequent target of harsh bullying at school. Looking at Gary, Wiccan realizes he indeed is a type often targeted by bullies. The question remains - is Gary this quiet and timid because of the bullying, or did the other kids bully him because of his personality? Wiccan doesn’t know and doesn’t intend to ask.
However, Gary starts speaking by himself.
“As you probably deduced already, my childhood wasn’t anything extra,” the man speaks and his tone of voice gives away it’s been a while he spoke to a being with fewer than six legs outside his workplace. “The foster family I lived in seemed to take care of children just to get the benefits and it was actually my oldest foster brother who took care of me better than these two people who were supposed to be my new parents.
At school, it was even worse. You probably have no idea what it is to be a chubby, short nerd in a whole class of bullies and jocks.” A slight sting of reproach can be heard in his voice. “So I started to spend as much time as possible outside. One benefit of my foster family was that they lived in the Great Moors district, so we had some beautiful surroundings.
Long story short, I started to be fascinated by insects. They are… so small, yet they can thrive when they use their special abilities. Most insects are like superheroes! Did you know that, for example…”
“Not now,” Wiccan urges him gently. He doesn’t want to let Gary know that his whole life is in the files he has in his car. “What I need to know is… there are rumors that your relationship with insects isn’t just within the scope of a hobby.” When he notices Gary’s horrified look, he quickly corrects himself. “I mean… you have some kind of special ability, do you? It can be described as an insect whisperer.”
Gary scowls. “How… how do you know?”
“That’s not important. I just need to know if it’s true.”
“I guess it is,” Gary reluctantly nods. “But I wouldn’t call it a whisperer since it seems to work a bit differently. You know, I guess I’m able to tap into their hive mind and control it. It sounds strange, but… yeah. I discovered this ability when I was about ten, after I sent a group of red ants to attack my foster sister after she was making fun of me. I didn’t want to, but…”
Wiccan has a feeling that even though initially timid, Gary is more than eager to rant about his personal life and problems endlessly. “Care to demonstrate it?” he interrupts once again.
Gary sighs and nods. He walks into his insect room and comes back with a terrarium containing an anthill. He lays it on the floor and opens the glass lid. Then, his face shows intense focus.
Soon after, an army of ants emerges from the anthill. They climb the glass wall, line up on the floor and then regroup to form letters. Wiccan watches in awe as he sees GARY RULES! spelled with hundreds of ant bodies. Then, the army disperses again and obediently crawls back into the anthill.
“It’s… kinda impressive, right?” Gary looks at Wiccan, once again with the insecure smile on his lips.
“It’s awesome!” Wiccan says. “Now, when I know what you are capable of, I can proceed to the offer I have for you. First of all, I’m going to tell you it involves a house in the Great Moors district, free of rent - just for you and your bugs. Does it sound tempting?”
Gary opens his eyes wide. “Like… really? With a house… I could raise countless more species! And I can build an aviary for butterflies and moths I always wanted! But… where’s the catch?”
“It involves accepting a job offer for a job others can only dream about,” Wiccan replies. “A job for a team that can take advantage of your bug-taming abilities. I won’t lie to you - it can get risky and dangerous. But if you accepted, your life would improve immediately and you would have more space for your hobby… and also more money. What do you say?”
“Dangerous…?” Gary scowls.
“I see you’re the type who prefers playing it safe,” Wiccan looks Gary in the eyes. “However, there is a time when you realize you have to take some action, some risk. I know your childhood taught you to stay aside and don’t drag attention to yourself. But the question is: do you want to live your whole life like that?”
“I… I guess I don’t,” Gary whispers.
“Can’t hear ya,” Wiccan smiles.
Gary takes a deep breath. “No, I don’t!” he says a little more loudly and Wiccan nods in satisfaction.
 Author’s Note
I wholeheartedly thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please leave a comment, send me a message or share and let more people know about this story! You can also consider a small donation at www.paypal.me/lukassladky. Have a great day and stay tuned for the next chapter!
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