#i love episode nagi so much. they so cute.
wind-anemone · 1 year
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[9] Happy Reo
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marcsnuffy · 1 year
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rei-caldombra · 3 months
Yubisaki to Renren Anime Episode 4 and 5 Review - Love Blossoming in a Cosco and Growing Closer in Healthy Ways.
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I really wanna talk more about Yubisaki to Renren. If you haven't read my first impressions post, I really love this show so far. And these episodes keep this show going strong. I’ll be covering my thoughts on episodes 4 and 5. I’ll be starting with 4 then moving onward. I basically wrote this as I watched the episodes so it will be structured more chronologically than my usual posts. Let me know if that’s something you like or don’t like if you feel strongly about it. As Itsuomi would say, do you? Or do you not?
I like the awkwardness on Rin’s romantic side of things. It’s cute how they are cheering on Itsuomi and Yuki. I’m excited to see how this continues between these two as a backdrop to the main romantic pairing. I like the small bits of perspective we get from Nagi. I can see the potential setup for him bringing up how he does not like seeing girls cry from Itsuomi’s rejections. If he ends up rejecting Rin he could be the one causing that thing he hates. 
We also got a bit more of Oushi, with some legit beef growing between him and Itsuomi. I think the most interesting part of this segment is Itsuomi covering Yuki’s eyes. He is clearly trying to prevent Yuki from seeing the conflict. I’m looking forward to how this battle between men continues. 
I also really appreciate great friend Rin telling Yuki about Itsuomi’s tone of voice. This helps her understand a perspective she cannot on her own. This helps Yuki feel more confident about the idea that he treats her differently in a positive way. We see her being unsure about how he truly feels about her. It gives her another perspective to help her look at the situation more holistically. 
Now I have a confession to make. The piece of info that pushed me to watch this show was learning that there are lovely romantic shenanigans at a Cosco. I heard about and looked into this show because of that. Hopefully it is not disappointing to know that point is what had the most reach out of everything wonderful about this show lol. The Cosco segment does not disappoint, I enjoyed seeing them react to oversized food and them providing the substance for cute interactions. This is an accurate depiction of Cosco and the power it holds. 
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Now on to episode 5, where I will be starting with my main talking point. It seems like there is some controversy around him being much touchier than the average character. I’m gonna talk at length on this point. This is definitely true, I noticed this pretty quickly. From touching people’s shoulders and hands casually to the more directly intimate things he does in this episode. Especially for the average Japanese character, he is very touchy. For normal Japanese society and the media, from my understanding, this is very abnormal. I can understand if they have a stronger reaction than me, who would not bat an eye at a lot of this. As I see it currently, there is nothing problematic about his behavior as she clearly expresses her consent to what he does, and we see how he changes his behavior as he interacts with her more. 
I can see where this perspective could come from. As someone who is unable to vocalize, that would make it harder for her to express feelings like discomfort or a lack of consent. This is an important idea when it comes to interacting with people in general but especially disabled people. It’s good to be perceptive of this and respect people’s boundaries. But that does not mean she is entirely unable to express consent. She has multiple options she could take to make it clear to him if she was uncomfortable. Her body language could show this, like her shrinking down. She could directly move herself or move his arm away. She could also use her phone to use text to communicate as they do multiple times in this episode. Just because she does not speak does not mean she can be unable to express consent. 
So far with their interactions she has not reacted negatively to any of his physical advances. So there is no precedent currently set for him thinking she will be uncomfortable. It is understandable for him to do what comes naturally to him, then back off if she takes issue with that. You should err on the side of caution when interacting with people you don’t know the boundaries of. But as of now she has never taken any issue with his behavior. They have known each other for a bit and clearly expressed that she enjoys spending time with him. 
We also have the benefit of seeing directly into her mind. So we know that she is comfortable with this and enjoying it. We know there is no notable pressure in her mind that would make her think she couldn’t take action if she was uncomfortable. He has never done anything that would make her feel threatened. There is pressure from her being in his house, meaning he would be in a stronger position to take advantage of her. There can be pressure from her being in his place. But nothing he has done would make her feel unsafe being with him, and he did nothing to pressure her into accepting. Later when he keeps asking more questions, he stops to ask her if these questions are making her uncomfortable. I do think he could have asked earlier as he says he should have. But it makes sense that he asks this after she previously responded “sorry” instead of answering his question. That gave him a clear reason to think he may have made her uncomfortable. You should also keep in mind that with this series trying to write grounded, realistic characters, people are not going to act perfect. I think this is doing a good job of portraying a character who is interacting with someone they don’t exactly know how to interact with. He is not perfect, but he is acting with good intentions and learning to be better. And this fits with his character, of being someone who desires to learn. And you cannot learn without doing. Which he does by interacting with Yuki then changing if needed. We see him learning from her responses and understanding her better. He previously grabbed her hand roughly, now he grabs her softly. When he tickles her, she pushes him away, so he stops. He asks her what the boundaries are, and does not push those boundaries until he gets the full answer later. Most direct of all, she chooses to say that she is not setting any physical boundaries with him. And then after understanding that he pushes forward to his furthest escalation of kissing her hand. How many more confirmations of healthy consent does one need? Consent is a nuanced topic that can differ from person to person, but I really think this episode should cover reasonable ideas of consent. This is a very long winded way of saying that to me her consent to his advances is clearly established. This is a fantastic showing of two characters getting to know each other and realizing each other’s boundaries. It’s rare to get such great chemistry when it comes to characters getting to know each other. I see nothing bad here.
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Moving on from the main topic now. The different ways they communicate in this episode is so cute. I absolutely love them conversing through writing on the journal pages. This felt so natural and was super cute. 
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I'm also glad they brought up the vocalization point in more detail. People telling her she has a weird voice made her insecure about vocalizing outside of her family. That’s very sad and makes sense as something that happened. And is a natural thing for him to ask about. His curiosity comes across as very genuine and endearing. I really see his deep desire to get to know her better. I really love these two as a couple. Their chemistry is great and their interactions are so wholesome and engrossing. 
I appreciate how fast everything is moving. We aren’t even 6 episodes in and most of the people interested in someone are making it very clear. Emma is trying way too hard with Itsuomi and causing some drama because of that. While kissing a hand can be seen as not romantic in some cultures that’s a bit harder to explain away as him just being curious and thinking Yuki’s cute. Rin is trying but kinda failing, cmon girl you got this. Yuki is not confessing but saying anything is fine with him goes pretty far. I could actually see Kyouya being dense enough to not see her making moves but could also see him being aware. Oushi’s behavior could be seen as just overly protective and a bit possessive rather than romantic but I think it’s probably going to go in the romantic direction. Everyone feels very natural, sweet and awkward in the best ways. I’m very excited to see how things continue both romantically and for the conflicts that are being set up. 
Another set of great episodes! If I continue to feel the passion to write about this, I’ll continue doing incremental reviews rather than waiting until the end to do one more. Don’t assume that I’m not enjoying it anymore if you don’t see another right away though. Thanks for reading!
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ecargmura · 4 months
A Sign of Affection Episode 1 Review - Love Under The Silent Snow
This is actually a really good premise for a romance show! I really like it! It’s unique in that it’s a shoujo set in a college environment when the genre usually prefers high school love stories. The fact that it’s a love story between a hearing-impaired girl and her upperclassman who is a globetrotting backpacker is also interesting! I really liked what I saw in this first episode!
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I know that there’s going to be a lot of comparisons to A Silent Voice, but A Sign Of Affection actually differs a lot despite sharing similar premises. Unlike A Silent Voice, being deaf isn’t all of Yuki Itose’s shtick as she has so much personality despite being reserved. While she cannot hear, she still loves cute things like clothes and objects; heck, the story starts with Yuki happy that she got a very cute dress for a good price. She’s not bullied for being deaf, nor is she treated as lesser for her disability. She’s an ordinary college student who just happens to be deaf. She communicates well with her friends and her schoolmates. She has a good relationship with her mom. She’s never seen as pitiful, which is a good thing as stories about disabilities shouldn’t be seen as pity-parties all the time; those with disadvantages can still live happy lives. While it defines her, it’s not who she is all the time. She’s not a poor girl who needs to be constantly saved by an able-bodied knight in shining armor; in fact, he only helped her once and she becomes infatuated that she’s the one going out of her way to get his deets. Yeah, get your man, Yuki! I do like that while her life is peaceful, she still has some ups and downs that aren’t dramatic like how her friend Rin had to explain to Kyouya, the cafe owner about Yuki’s disability, which Yuki catches on about, but doesn’t say anything. She knows that her disadvantages will always have these little minor aspects, and listening to her thoughts really makes me want to give her a hug.
I know that some people might question why Yuki has hearing aids, but cannot hear very well. Hearing aids don’t give deaf people complete hearing, just partial. Maybe Yuki is wearing them just so she can show people that she’s deaf and that it wouldn’t cause misunderstandings. Who knows? Like how people like carrying around devices that give them convenience and comfort, Yuki most likely does the same. Maybe she wears them because she’s comfortable doing so and it’s more of a habit than than anything. I hope this does get explained a bit in future chapters so that viewers won’t have to ask questions constantly.
Itsuomi Nagi is quite interesting as the male lead. He’s a globetrotting backpacker, meaning that he doesn’t like to stay at one place all the time. While he’s a college student, he likes going to foreign countries. Because of that, he’s familiar with different languages. His voice actor, Yu Miyazaki is actually proficient in English and it shows! The way he asked the guy on the train if he needed any help was actually good English, albeit a tad accent on the “need” part. Still, an English speaker like me approves of it! I do wonder if his wanderlust will be a source of conflict or if it’ll be a source of bonding between our leads. Personality-wise, Itsuomi doesn’t seem like a scumbag. However, he is a bit too touchy when it comes to Yuki and that does bother me a bit. Maybe because I don’t really like skinship and I value my personal space. I feel like this guy’s only flaw is that he’s too touchy and doesn’t respect Yuki’s personal boundaries. Other than that, I just hope he’s a nice guy. Please don’t make him turn out to be a red flag. Please…
Rin is actually a really good friend. She doesn’t pity Yuki and treats her like an equal. However, there is still a slight border between her and Yuki at times. She has a huge crush on Kyouya Nagi, the cafe owner and Itsuomi’s cousin. I want to see more of her; maybe her and Kyouya are the side couple that helps Yuki and Itsuomi get together?
However, that Oushi guy though… He gives off weird vibes. He saw Yuki running along all happily and he was like “What’s wrong with her?” I just hope he’s not that one jerk who treats Yuki as lesser due to her disability. He’s gonna be on my shit list if that happens. I can’t wait to see other characters too.
I really love the implementation of snow used in this episode. Yes, the ‘snow means love’ trope is a cliche, but damn it, it works. Heck, the kanji in Yuki’s name literally means snow. She’s her own ‘snow means love’ trope. I do love the symbolism of snow in a way. Snow falls down and it is a silent weather condition, much like how Yuki’s world is a silent one. Snow is also white and blank, meaning that Yuki’s white world can finally be full of color now that she met Itsuomi. Maybe I’m looking into this a bit too much.
The voice actors are so good. Sumire Morohoshi is finally a lead in a shoujo anime. She has a soft voice that works well for the reserved shoujo leads; she suits Yuki so well. Yu Miyazaki is actually a voice actor I’m not too familiar with, but I do like his voice. It sounds perfect for someone like him. Like, he doesn’t sound too young or too old. I also love that he can speak English too. I hope he can speak more later on! Other voice actors in this show are Kaede Hondo, who plays Rin—good choice for a rising star; Ryota Ohsaka voices Kyouya—he always has a nice voice that suits ikemen characters; Takeo Otsuka voices Oushi—I need to see more to evaluate more; Tasuku Hatanaka voices the hair salon guy—wait, what? I never knew Hatanaka could produce a voice like that. I usually associate him with his rather gravelly, gruff voice. That’s so cool. Anyways, I do wonder who else will be in the voice cast of this anime. I’m satisfied with the results.
Overall, I think this has the potential to be a great romance. I can’t wait to see what it has in store. If I really enjoy it once it finishes airing, I’ll definitely buy the manga! What are your thoughts on the first episode?
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narwhaltortellini · 1 year
didn’t end up liking Blue Lock for the reasons I meant to
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I have just finished watching the first season of Blue Lock, the homoerotic soccer prison dystopia(?). I was very cautious about entering since despite never willingly playing a single sport in my life, I tend to like my unrealistically homoerotic sports series to be more realistic in the sports area and this concept sounded like absolute peak nonsensical crack. Which, as it turns out, in a way worked in its favor because it was just so utterly unfathomable it felt more like watching fantasy/scifi/speculative fiction. By the end when it started feeling like it might actually be tuning the crazy down a bit (or was I just getting desensitized?) I actually felt sad. Like no, no, wait, don't go. You've sold me on this now, don't back down. Let's go even more insane. Let's introduce blindfolds and lava pits and lasers, I don't know. LET'S RAISE THESE STAKES. MAKE THOSE BOYS CRY. CHILD ABUSE, LET'S GO. I will say I was a little weirded out I watched over 20 episodes and despite what I am sure were the creator's and animators' best efforts to entice me, I didn't feel even the slightest desire to ship anybody. What is wrong with me? Am I a broken? A broken fangirl? This is too tragic. I could tell who they WANTED me to ship. But...weird meh? Bachira's fixation on Isagi (while eventually explained more, but it took so long...) felt so random and one-sided and, I don't know, maybe just a hair mentally unstable? ^_^; Don't get me wrong, I love Bachira's weird chaotic vibes, he might be my favorite character. But to me he came off more 'weird' than 'romantic interest' or even 'good friend.' Then when they get separated and Isagi seems to want him back I couldn't help but think 'That's kinda cute but...since when you have you cared that much about him? Did I miss something?' Finally, in the last moments of that LAST game, when we started seeing more background and vulnerability from Bachira, I finally started feeling it. Kinda gives Hikago Shindou/Touya vibes with the not wanting to be left behind/believing the other can catch up. I'm worried those vibes and that intensity between them is going to dissipate now that that...particular hurdle in their character development has been passed though... But, will see? Reo and Nagi aren't quite there for me but growing on me too, now that there is a lot more tension in their relationship. Kunigami and Chigiri are kind of cute... Definitely looking forward to reading the manga, which seems to have very lovely art and probably better pacing. Maybe some things will hit better in that form, too?
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
VBS Monster of the Week?
Ah yes this one is very much “I’ve started watching Buffy and am viscerally reminded of why I love a good, basic monster/conflict/problem of the week AU” so I guess “things that would happen” are just. Episodes
First episode is when everyone in VBS finds out the others are monsters (except Akito. He’s painfully normal). Akito knew Toya was a vampire but not about the others.
Obligatory Beach episode where Takeshi (cringefail loser monster hunter with a crush on An from one of Skye’s fics if you want to read it [he is less of a cringefail loser in that original fic but he is an abusive pos so that’s why we have him be a cringefail loser when he shows up in other aus]) tries to out the others as monsters but fails to do some because he’s completely wrong about which monsters they are so throws holy water on Kohane and just makes her angry and wet. Also Toya hypnotizes him into fighting with a crab
Arata is a Lenan Sidhe and also Akito’s half brother. All the SMT images of Lenan Sidhe have these little hook things that we have found no lore about so we’ve bullshitted that that’s like the source of their powers. Arata’s mom gave one to Akito’s dad for inspiration and then he never gave it back (bc he’s stupid not malicious) and then he gave it to Akito and Akito eventually gives it back to Arata’s mom but not before Akito thinks Arata’s trying to seduce his dad when Arata asks about him to get revenge for his mom
EVER is a group of centaurs and they’re all pretty normal and chill. Meanwhile Kotaro was a normal dude and then he died when a piano fell on him and no one noticed for like two weeks until his brother found his body and then learned magic to bring him back as a ghost (I have more lore for him from when I played him in a Monster Hearts one shot @galaxae and he ended up even more pathetic. He managed to get mugged at one point despite being a ghost). One episode is dedicated to him and his unresolved trauma. EVER is again, just vibing
Akito is kind of the chosen one but no one knows what the fuck that means because the translation of the prophecy isn’t great but roughly it means he’s supposed to ‘make the human and monster worlds one’ and some people think it means he’s gonna help monster and humans live in harmony, some people think it’s gonna smash earth and the monster world together and the monsters are going to kill everyone, some people think humans are going to overrun monsters, and all of this is based on a rough translation of a language so old and dead even immortal demons can’t speak it perfectly but the prophecy did, fortunately, come with like a picture that’s very clearly Akito so everyone has very strong opinions on their interpretation being correct and depending on that try to kill/kidnap him
And as a bonus ok I have this whole other AU where Yusuke’s mom was a part of RADder back in the day before she decided to pursue art full time it’s on my to-write list I just have to redo the entire thing but in this AU she’s a werefox and Taiga and Nagi are werewolves and Ken’s a siren so as a joke whenever Mamagawa, Taiga, or Nagi complained about something that Ken didn’t get they’d be like “of course the fish wouldn’t understand” “it’s a mammal problem” it’s very funny and cute
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pashminalamb · 1 year
If you make an another account will you be posting it? You know so I can immediately follow and all 😁. And same I’ve always been a loner too. There have been a few exceptions though. But the past year taught me a lot about friendships so I’m just working on myself this year. It’s kind of lonely but at the same time really peaceful? I think I’m happier now than I’ve been in a long time. Yeah the lack of friends and companions makes things lonely but it’s not something that I’ll let break me anymore. I know I’m stronger than that now. Someone’s I think online people are easier to interact with because there’s no attachments?? Like if they left me I can assume something happened or they decided to go offline but I know for sure (mostly) it’s not my fault you know? And people online are just so much kinder in general. Not that I interact a bunch of people online, just a few, but that’s just my experience so far. Didn’t mean to go off on a rant there my bad 😅.
And don’t apologize for closing the chat box!! It’s completely understandable. As kind as people can be online there are still a bunch of creeps out here 🤢. So pls stay safe!!
YOUR SCREENSAVER?!??! ASDGKKGFFGG MY BABY HE LOOKS SO PRETTY. Also I’ve only recently gotten a Haitani brothers brainrot so like that’s a big factor atm 💀💀. OH there’s this one artist that posts her drawings in insta and tiktok abt TR and they look amazing and are so freaking funny I end up clutching my stomach every time 💀😭😂.
Here’s one of them
I’ve posted a few things on my blog but only drabbles really. I’ve been wanting to start doing analysis’s for a long time but I never got around to it. Just like character analysis’s and relationship analysis’s and story arcs and all that jazz. I love all of it. And in my opinion the best stories are the ones where the characters are what drive the plot of the story. TR did an amazing job of doing this and it’s one of the reasons I fell in love with the story in the first place almost immediately.
That one illuminati ask was…. something 💀.
Comfort fics are my favorite and the ones that explore real experiences and feelings and aren’t just a colt bf paste of the same words really do it for me.
Thank youuuu ☺️!!! Yeah my blogs a mess but I have so much fun with it. I haven’t posted anything in a while tho and I’m thinking about starting character analysis’s posts first. I’ll probably brainstorm over winter break. Which cant come soon enough btw. I have so many ideas for stories (besides fics I mean) and I wanna warm up and practice with tumblr.
Emperor! Izana ehhhh 👀👀?? Don’t worry I can wait. I can be patient when I want to be 😌. And the 30+ WIPS?? I felt that 😭😭. I don’t even wanna look at all the almost blank documents where I speed typed like 30 words at 3 am and when back to sleep 💀💀.
REOOOOOO!!! See like Nagi is also very adorable. And Barou has been growing on me lately 👀. See what I’m doing with blue lock now is just being spoiled left and right. I gave up trying to avoid spoilers (my lack of patience really shined through here) so now I see a post abt a match point or a duo breaking up in the manga and I’m like WAIT WHAT and then just don’t read the manga 💀💀. I WILL (eventually) soon but after the first season ends.
I love love love analyzing people and hearing their stories and learning things through experience. Which is really rich cause Im not good with talking to people and I never leave the house 💀💀. You can see my problem 😭😭.
How’s reading TR going? 👀👀
Ohhh I’ll check out those recs.
What did you think of the new episode of Chainsaw Man? Shit really hit the fan after the first 5 minutes 💀💀.
You should’ve told the guy where you found the picture so that he could save it as his wallpaper if he liked it so much 😌🙄.
Also can I mention how much I love the headers you put at the end of each ask? Like they’re so adorable and cute and thoughtful. I just wanted to say I really appreciate them!!! You’re so sweet ❤️❤️.
As for me, I’m currently in the library waiting for my next class to start. I took a tumblr break after eating lunch. My professor just made a big essay optional and extra credit because he wants us to review for our last unit test and midterm throughly. SO LIKE HECK YEAH!!! But also I already have an outline for it so I’m debating if the 10 point extra credit on our midterm is worth the extra work or not.
How’s your day going? Papers are rough but you got this 😤😤!!! Don’t forget to take breaks and eat something and drink water today okay??? *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Kinda want to announce it so that I don’t seem sus - but I also wanna be discreet abt it so that I can interact with people who wanna message me (in priv) and not people who want a part 2 of something from me ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა (please I get that you guys don’t wanna be left on a cliffhanger - but. I have a life outside tumblr and left with less hours to write. And if you want quality, you’re gonna have to wait. Pushing me isn’t gonna work cause you’re gonna be disappointed with the end result and so will I) you’ll be able to tell it’s me cause I will say this - it’s a TR username - I have two of them in mind and I can’t figure which one I want more cause the one I got represents me in whole and the other is a guy who’s high (ikyk)
Yeah, it gets lonely here- but at least it’s peaceful; I follow a few blogs - mostly art + JJBA updates (and I’m super excited to check out the new eps of stone ocean) interaction wise... i have tried it out before, but none of them lasted long. what hurt me the most was when i was trying to be genuine abt something and writers here (not all but some) are really closed off yk? like they're fine interacting with friends but are really selective with new people? cause of that i just gave up interacting with them altogether and after my ideas got taken and neither was anything being reciprocated back on my blog by them despite us following each other- cause it goes both ways and if its just me, i wont do it anymore. my experience online hasn't been that great except with the upload of fics... and the only interaction i would get was comments or going through tags that was included by the person who reblogged it- but with recent developments, a lot of that has changed and i'm comfortable talking to people now ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Oh yea definitely. Safety is super important to me - that's why i never reveal too much about myself just small things cause you can't be completely safe on the internet- like when i was still a small time writer i got followed by a spanking account (istg the way my eyes widened when i saw it; and it wasn't even the kinky variety- it was traditional method of disciplining someone) - won't go much into detail about it but yeah i ended up blocking him. And now that i think abt it he must've read my hanma fic - but still (T.T)
Rindou is so pretty- i. he looked at me on the train (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Unfortunately, I don't use tiktok. I used to be there - but i realized that i wasted a lot of time with endless scrolling, some of the content had received a lot of likes despite there not being enough effort? not to mention my ex's friends came to troll me through that app. I deleted my account and as i got older, i decided to never go back - so now i just stick to pinterest, twitter and instagram with the latter two being purely for uni reasons. so yeah i'm not much of a social media kinda person - and yeah i live under a rock and i'm ancient (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Oh yeah when characters take the drive and the plot goes ahead is a different thing altogether - and i agree. like even in tr, i was really surprised to see the turn of events and character development - especially Kazutora and yeah i saw the drabbles (didn't get to read them cause i haven't watched one piece but maybe i should soon) - glad to know that you're a woman of culture for liking ace cause i like him as well - despite not watching the anime (is a zoro fan as well) and now i wanna change the theme of my blog as well- thinking if i should go with beige, sage green or blue- gonna see how this pans out
that illuminati ask had me dead- and i was just laughing from confusion and saying that idk who was a part of project and conspiracies- it's gonna be an inside joke on the blog 😂
Oh yeah emperor Izana - very fitting for his image tbh; and literally- when its time to write, it is time to write and lately i've been feeling the word "cold" a lot which added to True north Aiku's part (yes i will talk abt my husband- and apparently he's set a standard for me in men too shaggy hair with a mullet minus the side shave + scruff/ 5 o clock shadow) I haven't watched the latest of bllk - i read the new chapter though - not much action but Isagi's development; and you found out abt a duo breaking up- ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა dw tho - there are more pairings that come in and you'll get to see Barou with his hair down- p hot ngl .What i really really pray for is aiku getting animated (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i wanna see him touch him feel him (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
TR reading - might start uploading manga panels soon and i still like Senju/ Senjuu - she's like me (๑>ᴗ<๑) (although i know some ppl would disagree- i'm curious to see what character would you relate me to tho)
And i forgot to add that i read philosophy as well - i'm all over the place tbh - one of my favs is tuesdays with morrie. Its a sad book but totally worth the read.
I haven't watched chainsaw man just read the manga- but i think i should start watching that cause mappa did a good job with it and honestly- the animation looks very different than their usual (i was roped into re-watching aot - likes reiner and porco )
Ty fur liking the headers- (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i'm gonna put them for every ask - might start putting webtoon ones too
Oof good luck on the review!
So, i wrote the review and the prof liked it a lot- i got summoned to the archival section of the library - the books there are so old and dusty and i'm working on a research paper with my prof (had to wash my hand three times to get the dust off and i'm thinking of carrying surgical gloves for this-)
I hope your say is going well too, starry!
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I do not regret sending cursed images I found on Pinterest
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lovedazai · 1 year
on episode 7 of bllk and all i can focus on is how BIG everyone’s necks are 😭😭 actually it’s so funny like okay!!! + just got introduced to nagi n he’s so cute! i like the guy with purple hair too but i forget his name rip!
LMAO PLS ego kinda has that 🦒 look yk
nagi nagi i love him so much hes so fucking cool :( + the one w purple hair is reo :o !! BUT MITZI !! I NEED TO KNOW UR THOUGHTS ON BACHIRA TOO 🎤
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lys-lilac · 2 years
IDOLiSH7 Third BEAT! Episode 16 Review
This episode almost killed me. 
(Spoilers ahead! Proceed at your own risk!)
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UGH. WHY. Why this man popped up first? With Yaotome Papa bowing to him nonetheless?! I am so frustrated at him. He doesn't even have an ounce of sympathy, that it boils my blood. Well done to the VA though ^^;
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Angry Tsumugi is such a treat to see, hehe.
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(pFT. Role reversed Iori! Don’t mess with her!)
Re:Vale, TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 all are rivals, but look at the way they are supporting each other in times of need. Back of Ryo, you are about to get in real trouble right now. I am so so happy to see it.
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(wahhh TT)
Darn. On one hand, there’s caring Anesagi, on the other hand there are angry Tsumugi and-
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(T-That aura eekkk!)
This scene. This darn scene killed me.
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His eyes are writhing with pain. The so called cute, caring and handsome Nagi's facade has finally slipped out.
It's very unlike of Nagi to raise his voice like that. It can only mean one thing, how much precious Haruki is to him. How his voice wavers and then goes on the shouting mode? Eguchi san has well played this part. 
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(He really is a prince after all...)
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(Haha, he’s adorable!)
Anyway, I feel so bad for Haruka. Being abandoned by Kujo, and now being told in the face that Tenn is a good son to Kujo feels like a slap. Poor boy teared up, which shows how much he cared for Kujo, only to deceived by him. At this point, after watching the episodes and getting the gist, I truly believe ZOOL is not bad at all. It’s Ryo who’s the evil one. And since they have their own reasons to fight back, they are bound to take part in his plan to drag down TRIGGER.
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(WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????!!!)
*bangs head on table* 
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Anyway, here's my take on the thing. Kujo is indeed right. Tenn might put a facade of strictness in front of Riku just to protect him, but he is very pure and innocent at heart. At the same time, Riku might seem as the weakling type, the younger brother who needs to be constantly pampered, but indeed is very mature and knows how to deal with situations. One example is in the previous episode where he puts up an act of being ill, the other can be his monologues in the episodes. While Tenn's willing to go to any measures for Riku, Riku at the same time is capable of getting out of this care. Tenn puts his all, works super hard to be loved by his fans, & Riku, he has this wonderful ability to naturally capture all the fans with his smile.
That's probably the reason. I love Riku, but at the same time, this explanation is justified as well.
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(So here’s my daily dose of this cutie. SOGOOO!!!)
Also, I love the way how he positively sees every situation. While most of us would have been surprised to hear the term ‘monster’ for Riku like Iori, Sogo explains it perfectly. I love this boy ahh.
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What’s Yaotome Papa planning? Throwing that termination letter like that?!
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(This, this is some plan right? RIGHT?)
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Where are they going to sing? I am supporting you though, TRIGGER. *remembers that particular scene and gets scared* 
Anyway, this was such a rollercoaster. For now, let's recover from all the pain with this Riku's smile... 
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See you soon!
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tinyshinysylveon · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
ahh thanks for asking! i believe i haven’t had someone ask me this question before so i’ll try my best to answer! _(:3 」∠)_
my top 10 favorite characters (not in any particular order)
1. katsuki bakugo (BNHA) - i’ve grown attached to him since the first season aired, but he didn’t became my absolute favorite until the episodes keep coming in and he started changing his ways ;; 
2. anya forger (SxF) - i love the silly faces that she makes! and her power of reading minds is so interesting! plus the “waku waku!” she says is so cute!
3. killua zoldyck (HxH) - okay, i thought he was cool with the way he fights as an assassin and how he slowly mellowed out while he was with gon 👀
4. gojou satoru (JJK) - I IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE WHEN HE FIRST REVEALED THOSE BLUE EYES OF HIS SUE ME OTL but i also hate him at the same time i-
5. ichimatsu matsuno (osomatsu-san) - i can relate to him bc he’s a shy character and loves cats (but i also like dogs too). he’s so antisocial that i just want to bundle him up in a blanket and hide him from the world ;; 
6. zenitsu agatsuma (KNY) - sooo my first impression of him was.. annoying, i should say? but he grew on me when he didn’t judge tanjirou’s sister or tanjirou himself for harboring her in the box and still fell in love with her. the icing on the cake was his revealed powers when he falls asleep even tho he can be a coward asdfghjkl 
7. nagi seishirou (blue lock) - i fell in love with nagi bc he’s just so lax (and i find his personality funny!) and since i’m up-to-date with the manga, i like that he’s been improving his play while also getting more serious while in blue lock
8. karma akabane (assassination classroom) - let’s just say he was interesting to me when he first appeared and there’s actually sides of him that’s cute even tho he can be a little shit sometimes lol 
9. luffy (one piece) - once upon a time, i was caught up with this dang anime while watching it for about a month and it was already like 500+ episodes in until i stopped bc i couldn’t wait for the next episode anymore orz anyway, he has such high regards for his fellow crew mates and y’all don’t know how much i have cried while watching this show ;; i even drew him and everything a long time ago when i was obsessed 
10. last but not least *drum rolls* comic batman! - if i could, i would own a lot of batman comics, but it’s his dark and brooding character plus having a double life playing as a “rich playboy” while also being a hero of gotham, i had a lot of fun reading up about him! 
i feel like i have more characters (not just anime but tv shows as well) that i like but not particularly love so i didn’t include them bc if i did, then the list will just go on, so these are just honorable mentions of who stuck by me ;;
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2018-01-20 · 1 year
i feel like the anime would give me a lot of inspo because koko and inui will appear in today’s ep ncjfjckfk.
ooh a nagi kisser ohoho. idk if you know but nagi has a spinoff called episode nagi (but reo’s more like mc lmaooo). you should read it if you haven’t! bachira is so cute and he makes me really happy. rin took some time to grow on me; u20 is really his arc. he popped off.
my favorites are kunigami and reo! ok ngl fell in love with kunigami right away because of his intro and a little bit of looking like bakugo & ichigo from bleach lol. but what caught me off guard is that he’s actually a nice guy (but in the manga bllk broke him ummm that’s all i can say).
reo took some time to have him grow on me because of how he was in the beginning but i’m in love with his character development in the manga UGHHH he’s so cool. i took a kin quiz and got reo and now that i caught up with the manga i was like oh god i’m like him fr. also when he ties up his hair… losing it over the bare minimum… why am i like this.
yep, a mini series! i’m writing the synopsis as we speak. it’s taking me a day to write it all down because words are stupid lol. i can tag you if you’d like 👀👀👀.
last week i bought the manga! i went book shopping with an irl who started buying manga after lockdown. at my bookstore vol 2 wasn’t in stock so it’s only 1, 3, and 4 but they weren’t on the shelves, so i had to ask the cashier for them. she sent someone in the back to check on them and that person came back with all volumes AHHH i won that day.
i showed my irl bllk and she likes rin (her type is mean basically jgjfjgjfj).
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omg if that’s so then im definitely gonna check it out 😳 i love nagi sm and the fact that u are a reo kisser WAAAHAHFBNFN I LOVE USSS !!! i definitely see what you mean w kunigami and the fact he’s so nice and gentle omfg he deserves so much love 😭 and reo character development you say? 👀👀 im loving what im hearing HEHE
PLEASE DO TAG ME ARGH I LOVE EVERYTHING U MAKE 🥹🥹 u writing blue lock rn is inspiring me to open my drafts and type out all of my brainrot LOL. ALSO THE MANGA LOOKS SO GOOD DJFMNSNF ILL GET THEM ONE DAY ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ
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katasstrophy · 1 year
Also babe after the latest episode of blue lock, literally all I've been thinking about is being in a relationship with chigiri and Nagi after we got those few crumbs of their friendship 😭😭
omg you and hanni (@sacchariins) would get along SWIMMINGLY mhm !! 👀 they have one very, very deliciously spicy post about poly nagi x reader x chigiri if you’d like me to direct you to that bc ngl it made me sweat a little and bite off my fist LOL (hanni dearest sorry for the shameless plug teehee but you’re like THE poly nagichigi (?? is that their ship name 👁️👁️) writer i know and love on here so i hope you don’t mind<3)
me personally i must confess that i’m not much of a chigiri girlie sorry bestie 😭 (nagi tho… dear god yes he can hit it from the back ANYTIME) but i do think their friendship is real cute! 🥺 and they’re like unreasonable pretty together. in my head i dubbed them the candy cane duo loll
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Hello, my frieeend. Do you have any anime recommendations for us? 😼 or a series, it's fine. I really want to watch something but I don't have an idea of what so I will be really thankful 🙏. Also, if you don't mind when you have time, can you explain about 'angel's numbers' I mean about a post or something that tells how they work/show things, what it is their meaning, etc? As requested, idk if it can be because it's not a K-pop request, but I understand if you can't. Thank you so much for reading me 💜
Hi there friend 🩵
I’ll see what I can do with the angel numbers. I personally haven’t looked that much into it since I don’t see them often enough to do a lot of research 🧐 but I will create a post with things that explain it and are easy to digest ^^
Now as for the anime recommendations I’m going to attempt to categorize these. Since I don’t know what you like I’m going to create a variety list of shows I’ve watched/currently watching/want to watch. If you’re a fan of anime or watched it before you may know some of these ^^
Currently Watching:
Oshi no Ko it’s about this japanese pop idol who finds herself pregnant and for some reason her doctor who was minutes from delivering her baby ends up being reincarnated as her kid. This one is on-going but I highly recommend! It really made me think about our kpop idols and what all they have been through or worse…possibly go through. There is much more to this plot so I’m looking forward to it ^^
Bocchi the Rock is another one I’m currently watching and this is sort of a band anime. A girl wants to overcome anxiety and she finds herself in a band unexpectedly. It’s cute 😊
My Hero Academia I started this but other things took priority I’m on S3 going on S4 it’s a good superhero anime ^^
Cute/Family Friends/18-
Spy x Family || Buddy Daddies || Lovely Complex || Brothers Conflict || Kamisama Kiss (Kamisama Hajimemashita) || Bed and Breakfast for Spirits || Nagi no Asukara || Magic Kyun Renaissance || Kimi no Todoke || Eureka Seven || Ancient Magus Bride || Snow White with the Red Hair
Slight Horror/Demons/Vampires/Ghouls/Creatures:
Blood+ || Devil’s Line || Castlevania (18+ for gorier scenes) || Tokyo Ghoul || Devilman Crybaby 2018 version (18+) || Demon Slayer || Jujutsukaisen || Hunter x Hunter || Chainsaw Man
idk where to put these:
Naruto || Kill La Kill || Kakegurui || Darling in the Franxx || Banana Fish 18+ (do not watch unless you’ve watched a show like law and order: svu or at least look up the topics of that show this anime may not be for everyone…it was good and I cried at the end 🥹)
Idol Anime:
Idolish Seven || B-Project || Marginal 4
lol anime (you’ll know why after the first two episodes) 🤣
Diabolik Lovers || Dance with Devils
Want to watch:
The Way of the Househusband || * Dr. Stone || * Black Clover || * Attack on Titan || *Finding Neverland (HORROR DO NOT WATCH LATE AT NIGHT ROFL) <- especially if you’re a chicken like me 😅
*I started these but just never finished them*
These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I’ve watched a lot but sadly a lot of the titles have escaped me. Hopefully this will suit anyone who wants to start somewhere. I watch pretty much anything that I find god after the first couple episodes. I’m pretty open so the list is a little all over the place in genre ^^
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sqeca · 1 year
Red, blue, and white. Now what color is this? #イロハのキモチ
The translation's not spot-on 'cause there are some lines that got run through google translate
4 February 2023
Hello. This is Iroha Okuda 🦙.   Yesterday was Setsubun, right? Did you eat Ehōmaki? I ate it up all without saying a word! I heard that wishes come true...! Good!   Nagi and I were talking yesterday. I asked her, "What's the direction for this year? "Ummm, south, north, south, north, south..." Where is it? She said, "Where is that? LOL.   We were talking about eating it facing straight up, but when we ate it, we did eat it facing south-southeast! ✌🏻     By the way, I went to Shibuya TSUTAYA a few days ago.
On the 1st floor, there was a big panel of Nogizaka VOL.03, and on the 2nd floor, there was an exhibition of Shin Nogizaka Star Tanjō! I was so impressed!
I tried to take a picture with the panel, but this was the best I could do...
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Shin Nogizaka Star Tanjō! Thank you for watching so much.
The next episode will be the last one...
40 episodes went by so fast!   Those of you who have been watching the show may already know that this is the first time for me to write a song for the show.
I tried my hand at "songwriting" for the first time!   It's something I've always dreamed of doing.
I was finally able to give it shape.
I may not be the best at it, but I put a lot of what I love and what I am passionate about into it!   (I'll write another blog post after the broadcast.)   I'm so glad I was able to make so many of my dreams come true at this event.   Shin Nogizaka Star Tanjō! will be aired on NTV on Mondays from 1:29 am to 1:59 am.
I hope you will watch us till the end!
❔ Questions Corner ❔
Q: what do you want to do in the spring? → Make my own lunch and have a picnic🍙.
Q: I sometimes think negatively, but how can I think positively? → I also think negative at times, but the opposite of negative is positive! Think the opposite! I also hear that looking down makes me think dark thoughts, so I look up 🙃
Q: What kind of manjuu do you like best? → Anman (red bean paste) by far! I liked to stop by the konbini after school and eat it on the way home…
Q: Which 5th generation members have you had fun with recently? → Aya and I went to see "Suzume no Domekimari"!
Q: What is the first thing you do when you get home? → Wash my hands, gargle, and listen to the radio!
Q: Do you have a memory of the best time in your high school life? → Going out with my friends after school to sing karaoke, club activities, and memorizing English words together during lunch break! I also like listening to music while eating my mom's lunch, and I love my teachers! I'm sure everything will be a great memory, so let's have fun 🎶!
Q: I'd like to see your standby screen! → A picture of Naomi Watanabe and Mickey holding hands. 🤳🏻
Q: Iro-chan, are you the type of person who remembers the dreams you have while sleeping? → I'll look it up on my dream book as soon as I remember it, so I'll remember it when I see it in my history! Haha!
Q: What emoticons and pictograms do you use most often? →😭✨🎶🙇🏻♀️🧡😌🦙(~_~;)
We're pleased to have you in the March 2023 edition of B.L.T! The theme of this edition is "Imagination".
On the cover is Kubo Shiori.
It's on sale now, check it out! 🌈
Iroha's view
Today's picture is here.
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These raccoons I met in Arashiyama, Kyoto.
They are so cute looking up at each other 😏
Finally, thank you for the online meet and greet today. It was a pleasure to talk to you so much~!
I was in a paired lane with Nagi, so we matched for the last part, ponytail!
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Ah, the answer to the quiz in the title!
It was the color of my outfit today. I don't know!" I'm not going to say "I don't know!   I'd like to end by saying that I hope you'll come back to talk to me again! See you soon!   Iroha
0 notes
minaramen · 2 years
Torao Midou - 16 Idol Album - Part 3: Playtime with friends
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Torao: Superheroes… we only played superheroes together 
Torao: They were the only things that connected me with my older brother except from blood, since we were years apart 
Torao:....never mind
Minami: Oh, Historangers, the World’s Four Great Civilization Squadron. Some older child actors I used to know appeared in that show
Haruka: I don’t think I know it
Torao: I guess you were more into the next series, Satsumago Kai the Bakumatsu King of Beasts
Haruka: Yeah, that one! How nostalgic…!
Haruka: But in the end things got so vague, and I don’t remember what the last part was about…
Torao: It became problematic because it turned out that enemies had their good reasons as well. It was quite a unique situation
Torao: You can still find the last part  featured in programs like “Nostalgic TV shows”
Haruka: Now you sound like you’re possessed by Rokuya Nagi from Idolish7…
Minami: You still watch it in the dressing room with the corner of your eye, when they feature the episodes on the TV
Torao: Mh? I don’t…They’re just in my field of vision
Touma: I understand your feelings! I glance at it as well, it’s so nostalgic!
Touma: I was happy to hear a story about little Tora! The gap is pretty good!
Haruka: Yeah. At least, it’s way better than a Torao hitting on every single woman he meets
Minami: I think the current Midou san has charm as well, but when I think about the pure boy he was back then I find him somehow cute
Torao: Give it a rest. I didn’t choose this picture because I wanted people to think I was cute
Torao: How did you guys have fun?
Touma: Let’s see… I used to go to the park and climb the jungle gym. We competed over who would reach the top first, or scrambled to get possession of the castle…
Haruka: Was it Tom Tiddler’s Ground? How nostalgic, I played that game too! 
Haruka: But you’re not supposed to play in a jungle gym, are you? You should use trees that are in the park or some puzzling sculptures
Minami: Sculptures are pretty common. In a park you can easily find things like octopus and elephant sculptures, and even monuments with indefinable shapes
Torao: Does a park really look so much like a museum…?
Touma: No, it’s not such a splendid place! The park I used to go when I was a child didn’t have anything like a monument 
Touma: There was only a jungle gym and some swings, then a slide, an exercise bar and a sandbox
Minami: Oh dear, in my opinion that’s a splendid park
Touma: Naw, there were places with much more to offer
Touma: Like those that have playsets where slides are included into the jungle gym, or animals you can ride and swing on
Haruka: Those animal playsets are pretty indefinable as well. Sometimes there are bugs, other times rabbits…
Torao: I can understand rabbits, but…bugs? Are children happy with that?
Minami: I guess they’re quite particular steeds
Touma: I loved them when I was a child! Even now, when I see them, I feel the urge to take a ride!
Touma: Ah, but I don’t do it! I’d just like to, but I don’t!!
Minami: Nobody said anything, Inumaru san
Haruka: You should just ride them, if you want to!
Haruka: Then I’ll sneak a pic of you from behind and upload it on Rabbiter
Touma: Stop it!
Torao: What kind of playset did you like, Haruka?
Haruka: The slide was the one I liked the most! Grandma used to wait for me at the end of the slide. Then, after I slid down ten times, the game was up for me and we went to buy ice-cream on our way home 
Minami: Fufu, what a precious memory
Minami: I….well, I’ve been a child actor ever since I can remember, and I only went to parks for recordings
Touma: I bet you got surrounded by many parents and children who were interested in watching you when you went!
Haruka: You surely could make many friends!
Minami: Well, I couldn’t take enough time for that. You weren’t used to going to park as well, were you, Midou san?
Torao: No, because I’ve been kept in a golden cage. They didn’t let me play outside so I wouldn’t get injured 
Torao: I played superheroes alone inside the house, or with my two older brothers
Torao: Now that I think about it my brother took time out from his busy schedule to play with me
Torao: It must have been hard for him dealing with a brat who was ten years younger than him. I could never do that. Using my free time to line up at a toy store…
Minami: I’m sure those were moments of reprieve that your brother holds dear
Torao: Who knows
Torao: Even now if I happen to meet my brother, he persistently asks me what superhero is popular nowadays 
Torao: Not the kind of speech that a man who passed his twenties should make
Minami: Surely…he’s trying to keep a connection with you 
Torao:....... well, maybe
Touma:........! Play superheroes with us!
Torao: With you?
Touma: Just like they keep you connected with your older brother, superheroes could connect the four of us…or something like that
Haruka: I agree. Tickling Torao must be fun!
Minami: Let me play the villain, please. I’m pretty good at it
Touma: Alright, let’s do it now!!
Touma: Which superheroes are we? You choose, Tora!
Torao: Hey, you must be joking. Aren’t we too old to play around?
Touma: It doesn’t matter! Also, there’s nobody here except for us
Touma: You can play with all our strength and laugh like an idiot, you can even skin your knees, and nobody will scold you
Touma: We’ll play with you, Tora
Torao:....! Ahah, that’s crazy…
Torao: Let’s say it’s the opposite. It’s me playing with you. Don’t forget I’m a professional playboy
Haruka: What does it mean?
Torao: Something that Yuki from Re:vale told me.  “If you’re a pro, play with all your strength like a pro would do”
Minami: As always, he has quite a curious way of speaking
Torao: I’ll play, then. With all my strength. I’ll do it with you too…
Torao: On stage too…
Touma: Okay, so which superheroes are we?
Torao: We could be the Four Great Civilization Squadron. Too bad we don’t have any transformation items, however…
Haruka: Is it okay if I make one? I mean, with cardboard. I made plenty of them with cardboard when I was a child 
Torao: I see. So, there’s also this way of making them?
Minami: I’ll go and ask if they have some cardboard, then
Torao: It’s getting interesting…if we have to make it, that’s definitely the best way
Torao: I’m gonna play for real, just like I do on stage. Wear your Miracle Historangers’ belt and join me!
TL notes:
Thank you so much Gloria for sending me so many helpful recordings, including Torao’s 16 Idol Album!
Next up... Yuki’s I-Hake!
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
HEAVENS: Love letters
Soooo this is the last of the love letter, I really must reiterate how thankful I am to the people who responded to my message. Specially thankful for the people who ended up writing for one of the boys, all of the love letter writers are so cool. If you wanted to write your own love letter for your oshi then feel free too!! Utapri Tumblr is kinda dead.... but! I hope you enjoyed the love letters
Please enjoy under cut!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Anon:
Eiji Otori is another member of HEAVENS and he is a down-to-earth type of character. One can say he is a cinnamon roll as he looks out for HEAVENS and his brother, Eiichi. Eiji talks in a formal manner to people outside of HEAVENS and addresses them by their surname like the time he worked with Tokiya for Mighty Aura, or when he was working with Camus and Masato for Feather in Hand. Around HEAVENS, Eiji talks casually, calling them by their first name. He is very mindful of other members of HEAVENS and Eiji keeps an open mind for ways to improve his skills as an idol and to help out his bandmates come to a solution where both sides agree. Eiji speaks very fondly of the people he works with formality and a lot of respect.
What I love about Eiji is his relationship with his brother, Eiichi Otori. The two have a strong bond as Eiichi looked after and took care of Eiji when growing up. The two of them are inseparable and do a lot together while looking after each other. Personally, their sibling bond is what I wish to have with my sibling as well, even though we're complete opposites like day and night! Their interactions are easily seen throughout the anime, you can even see their sibling bond show the most through HEAVENS Radio as Eiichi and Eiji are the co-hosts. If there is anything that I'd like to know more about Eiji, it would be about his hobby, gardening. He has a lot of knowledge on plants and perhaps agriculture. It'd be nice to see HEAVENS talk about their hobbies one day. But all in all, Eiji is a great character that I appreciate with a heart of gold!
From Anon:
Eiji Otori, the 4th member of HEAVENS is one of my two most favorite characters in Utapri. I was originally drawn to his kind and gentle demeanor, that made him such an easily lovable character. He was introduced in the 4th season of the anime in the cross idol unit episodes. The way he treated Tokiya besides knowing he was part of the rival idol group ended up becoming an essential part of Tokiya’s later character growth. Although Eiji is meant to be a foil for Tokiya’s character their personalities are completely polar opposites, their devotion to wanting to be an idol being one of the only similarities besides level headedness. Eiji is his own character, right down the way he speaks to the way he sings. Eiji seems to always carry the group in a loving and family-like way, even going as far as having domestic hobbies like gardening and baking. We always see him and even hear the way he interacts with the other members of HEAVENS on the radio show as if they were an inseparable family. Eiichi, his older brother and the leader of HEAVENS loves him in a way that is so complex but Eiji will always love him back with every fiber of his being to the deepest parts of his soul. There is a deep connection between the brothers that is so beautiful that even poetry couldn’t express, it’s more profound then words can show. It’s a bond they share that only they know, like a secret.
However, even then there is so much more about Eiji that makes him such a wonderful character. When it comes to myself, Eiji hits a bit close to home in a more personal way. Perhaps that is also a factor in why I love him so much. I empathize with him and I can see through his eyes in ways only a younger sibling would know. As a younger sister to a sibling who has always been in the spotlight in some form of way with a big presence, I always lived in her shadow, but I admired her and cared about her above anything else. The way Eiji feels about Eiichi is something that I can personally relate with and understand. Eiichi is an essential part of Eiji’s character and the anime does not lack to show this, nor does it lack to show that Eiji is just as much an essential part of Eiichi’s character. It’s more obvious in the radio show that is hosted by the two brother but it’s not fully ignored either in the anime. I love how Eiji interacts with all of the characters, and seems to find ways to treat everyone with kindness even if they aren’t kind to him in return. He admires those who show a deep love for the things he does, and respects those who are more experienced then he is. He’s always eager to learn
and please. He’s the kind of person you’d always want around and you’d want a hug when things get rough. Eiji is definitely the most pure hearted character of all the Utapri characters. And, I’ll always stand by that through and through.
From @whereisvanderwood:
Kiryuin Van. Where to start? He’s cocky. He’s cocky as all hell. There’s something in his air that is poised yet undignified. Childish yet mature. The man is founded on juxtaposition, not dissimilar to a painting of Picasso. His ability to be unique in an industry that begs for individuality, to rise above a tidal wave of competition and stand apart from other fish in the sea, is awe-inspiring. Expectation is dead to him; though the oldest member of Heavens, the weight of bearing the role as ‘most mature’ or the ‘parent’ of the group couldn’t be further from his concern. He is only any dimension of himself he wants to be at any given time. Dumb bitch by morning, bad bitch by night. Much like his bandmates, his confidence and intimidating aura is unwavering. He claims his victory before a race begins, and I couldn’t say if that undying faith in oneself is a skill or a sin. Whatever it is, he owns it. He shamelessly, unapologetically owns who he is and shares it with his fans, friends and enemies.
Also, he’s hot. He’s very appealing to the human eye. His ruggedness reminds me of a warm blanket in winter. His voice, oh his voice. If the world was about to blow up and he just said “No it won’t”, in his own way, I think I’d believe him. Regardless of what he says being juvenile or mature, he’s always authentic. No sugar coats, no little white lies, only genuity. As just said before, he is who he is and wouldn’t change for anyone if it wasn’t in his own best interest. Who couldn’t love a guy like that?
From @kusagiiiii:
I'll be honest, I used to forget Yamato exists alot LMAO I fell in love with him when I was looking at a HEAVENS group photo! I think he is a very stronk,very cute and a very soft boy! in some ways haha he's my type
I honestly wish there would be more story on the HEAVENS boys since they all seem like they had a pretty rough past so yee that's basically it~
From Sammy:
Everybody, listen up! It’s Sammy here! Are you ready for some strong appreciation? Let’s shout it out! Yeah!!
Where do I begin when it comes to Yamato? It took me a while to actually like him. At first, I wasn’t a fan of how he was when he first showed up in the anime. I still remember when Yamato was one of the few HEAVENS members people really didn’t like or care much for, next to Eiichi and Nagi.
I used to be one of those people too with Yamato. I found him to be very stubborn, but over time after listening to HEAVENS Radio; The Drama CDs; Watching Maji Love Kingdom, etc… I came to realize there’s so much more to him.
I’ve learned a lot more about him, especially through role-playing as him, and my love for Yamato skyrocketed. Even with all the new content that’s been coming out for HEAVENS lately like Black Garden and Endless Score, my love grows even more every day. Yamato sneaked his way up to being one of my best boys.
Yamato is HEAVENS’ Strongest member. (Seriously, how the heck does this boy train everyday and do so much of it?!) He’s not always aggressive and violent. He’s actually a really thoughtful person who cares about his friends a lot, even being very protective of them. Yamato is the kind of person that’ll immediately stop what he’s doing, and only think about how to help the other person feel better.
A lot of things tend to be overlooked for him cause of how he’s written in the anime, and there’s fans who only pay attention to that. Not even giving the extra content a thought or a single glance.
As Ryuya’s younger brother, Yamato has his own insecurities, especially since he’s always seen as just a shadow. He’s been trapped in darkness where he feels he’s not good enough to be appreciated and loved as his own person. He doesn’t know what to do and which path to take. Yamato only became an idol just to defeat and finally be better than Ryuya at something. I feel that goal is still there, but it’s not a major one like before. Now, Yamato has people like the other members of HEAVENS, the angels, and the other idols. He found his light and happiness.
Overall, Yamato is the kind of person he wants everyone to be proud of. He wants to always share his strongest power and energy, carrying the burden of everybody’s smiles. Wanting to see those around him happy and be the best they can be.
Another part that I really like about Yamato is whenever he gets embarrassed. I can’t help, but find that really cute cause it’s something we don’t see or hear out of him a lot.
There’s also the times he demonstrates how much he loves food. Even though he overeats and knows he can’t help it when he’s hungry, I really liked when Yamato stated that if eating makes you happy, go for it. Just make sure you train afterwards to burn off calories. It helps people feel good about themselves.
Even the times when Yamato struggles with difficult words, specifically English and kanji. It’s embarrassing for him to admit, but he knows he’s not good at that sort of thing. What I really like about this is HEAVENS is always willing to help him, even Tokiya and Cecil. They help keep things simple and easy for Yamato to understand.
There’s a lot you can say I just simply vibe with when it comes to Yamato, and I love him. Hope everyone enjoys this long appreciation of this strong boy, and I hope you all love him too!
From Anon:
When I saw Shion for the first time, he caught my attention with his beautiful appearance. His cream-white hair, his periwinkle eyes and his pale skin were a wonderful combination that I just couldn't ignore. Physically, he was exactly the type of character I love… Even his hairstyle is great! And what to say about his pretty face! To me, he looked like an angel.
His style in clothes is something I also like about him. With all this mixed, the only word I can use to describe him is "perfect".
But, of course, there's more than just physical appearance. Shion's way of speaking, as we all know, is quite… Particular. And those beautiful words made me be more interested in this boy, even if they were a bit difficult to understand. This characteristic is something that, in my opinion, makes him special, not only in his group but among all the groups.
That poetic way of speaking is a beautiful combination with his voice. When he speaks I find it so mystical… And when he sings his solo songs I feel relaxed and even a bit emotional. He's not an angel just physically, he also sings like one!
But what made me love him completely was his personality. To be honest, at first I didn't understand why he acted so hostile to Cecil and signed with him, but when it was explained later I could see his point of view and I felt sorry for him, for how he was feeling and the big sacrifice he was making if we take into account his thoughts.
Loyalty is something I value a lot, and Shion has a huge loyalty towards his friends. After that incident, he changes his way of thinking and he starts getting more friendly to the rest, something I find beautiful.
I also find him very cute, an extra point for me to like him. His -sometimes- childish attitude is adorable! And how he acts around his friends… So lovely!
I also feel a bit similar to him in some aspects, such as listening to the same song again and again, liking birds or even usually feeling sleepy, besides other things. These similarities make me feel connected in some way with him.
Shion is a very special character for me, and I can't wait to see more content about him, to know more about this wonderful boy, for example, about his family, where he is from, how he ended up in HEAVENS, how he started to speak the way he does… There are a lot of things we don't know yet and I hope we can get more information about Shion soon!
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