#i love her with short hair in her modern verses
allmothered · 2 years
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when you've got it, you've got it
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Also don't think anyone has said this (thats a joke) but like, art styles aside:
The animation, expressions, movement, everything of ATSV is IMPECCABLE.
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Like insanely, ridiculously, almost mind bogglingly good.
[This is a MEDIUM length post]
The main strength is the Emotion -
In terms of animation, the range of emotions Miguel is capable of expressing is like... crazy good. Gwen's emotions ARE UNSPEAKABLY IMPRESSIVE.
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And the movie hinges on this - almost every scene has an emotional cue that HAS to hit. Whether is Jess's looks of hesitation or Peter B.'s looks of horror.
And this may seem like the most ridiculous comparison ever made but like...
The Bee Movie and Across the Spider-Verse came out FIFTEEN YEARS APART.
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THE BEE MOVIE...THIS MONSTRASITY that has plagued humankind - was made less than two decades from THIS:
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The fact that we progressed that far as a society (pun intended) in that short of a time will never not baffle me.
I genuinely cannot name any other animated movie that:
Has multiple styles throughout the duration
Can seamlessly change styles without the viewer immediately noticing (like Gwen returning to her universe)
Show two or more animation styles on screen at the same time (and no, Roger Rabbit and Space Jam don't count - that's half live action lol)
Just off the top of my head - ATSV shows up to three styles in one scene: I'm mainly thinking of the scene that shows Hobie (customized - style 1), Peter B. (standard - style 2), and Miguel (a light stylized - style 3).
It can be brought to four if you want to count Miles/Gwen, though their style isn't visible.
I can think of a couple scenes that genuinely blew me away in terms of animation -
One being Rio's 'What-EVER?!' because of the little stance correction and head bob she does, because it's such a natural thing to do. And it adds so much to an already perfect line.
It's something someone would genuinely do IRL without even noticing.
Another I LOVE is Pavitr and Hobie roughhousing.
Like, I can't yell about these five seconds of animation more.
It's SO fluid it looks like Motion-Capture and I left the theatre googling is any Mo-Cap was used in the movie (and from what I can tell - no, it's all original animation).
The way Pavitr falls to the side and bumps them - This not only being a natural reaction to Hobie and his weight, but it also LOOKS natural. So much so you can see it affect Hobie's model too. The movement has kinetic energy on both models -
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In this shot alone, there's the guitar, vest, AND Hobie, all of which have their own animation rules. Plus the outline on his guitar AND him. And then there PAVI too, who's running at a higher frame rate, touching and interacting with Hobie.
So much so that Hobie's model nearly wraps himself around Pavi. Pavi's hair is moving, Hobie's guitar is moving, there's movement in the background - and it looks GREAT.
PLUS THE CAMERA IS MOVING AND GOSTLING. IT'S NOT A STATIC SHOT. The models and camera are moving AS IF THEY'RE REAL when they're not.
But by far, I think the range of expression used on Miguel is like... Chef's kiss.
(of course I was gonna trick you into reading another post about Miguel. Uh-huh that's what's about to happen)
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Like... are you kidding me?
The whole later half of the movie hinges on Miguel looking buckwild crazy insane and they NAIL that. And like-
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Oh my god what the actual fuck
?????????????????????????? I........ I have nothing to add. After that picture......Nah... LMAOOO
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(left: actual photo of Moche watching this happen)
But Anyway chile, This movie is like.. genuinely a modern marvel.
If Marvel gave Tim Gunn 4 billion dollars and five years, whatever live-action rendition he would have made would not even compare to ATSV on any conceivable level - that's how good it is so jot that down.
And like...don't even get me started on Hobie..his design..his representation...girl I will start crying in this Arby's do not play with me
I just felt that needed to be said.
you get what I'm saying yall know what I mean iight coo
Here's a picture of Hobie to cleanse your palette.
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lunawish · 3 months
✨ general portrayal notes for god's favourite princess and the most interesting girl ✨
in act i, she'll behave mostly like her early access self aka all the snark, all the sass, the brusqueness, and the dark humor. the released version dialed it down and whilst i do adore her in the released version, i love her early edge a lot more.
generally "good" aligned play through. i put good in quotes because sometimes you don't intentionally save the grove, sometimes it's just a byproduct of a selfish need for knowledge on how to get the damn tadpole outta your brain. i am also more than willing to explore "evil" playthrough dynamics (again, it's in quotes bc sometimes you don't slaughter the grove ... the grove slaughters itself bc kagha psionically tells people that you attacked her for idk executing a child???)
act i and early- act ii can be summed up by the words cognitive dissonance
i am much more partial towards her exile path versus her dark justiciar path — which means she frees aylin from the soul cage, defies shar, has a mental breakdown hair cut etc
i lean towards the theory of her hair being white after the shadowfell as a result of the pain and torture she endured. so in short : marie antoinette syndrome.
that being said, if i were to play her as dark justiciar the ending is still going to be her betraying shar. she'll free her parents and take them far away from the cities. it's due to personal discomfort that i can't fully commit to the route of her becoming mother superior.
i understand her canonical model and general consensus is that she's a white woman. however, on this blog she's portrayed as mixed race ( white and asian - wasian ) if a modern verse should arise. that being said, this will influence how i adapt her post-game and her finding her roots as a person.
my preferred ending is her saving her parents and then moving into a cottage. i don't believe the curse is entirely incurable and it'll bind her and her parents' fate to shar forever even into the afterlife but that'll be a whole post on its own because forgotten realms lore is messy.
though i also do very much adore the moonbathed adventurer ending as well! that's something i like more if she was romantically (or ever queerplatonically) involved with someone just so she's not lonely on the road.
also on the topic of religiosity: her powers are blessed by selune, yes. she's a "moonbathed" cleric, yes. but she's not gonna be a devout selunite. at least not for a while. for my default portrayal, in early act iii she will begin to dip into a few levels of ranger as she still understands the importance of her being the group's healer and because she needs to adapt to using a bow more frequently than she has in the past. after defeating the netherbrain she will fully transition into the ranger class, taking up the subclass of gloomstalker which allows her to use the skills she's learned as a sharran and reclaim them for herself.
introspection. so much introspection. she's having a crisis of faith every goddamn minute but she's trying to talk herself outta that crisis as well. so her internal dialogue is a whole mess (what it means is if i write you six paragraphs of her thoughts it's fine if you don't match length in fact if it's not natural for you to please don't ahaha)
body dysmorphia. it'll be a common topic relating to her whether about her wound/curse or her in act 3 about her scars, her body, her feeling unclean etc. plus, due to a lack of a coherent identity (her memories being literal chop suey at this point), she has a messy relationship with gender that she can't quite articulate but know it's There.
i'll be treating her like she's never had sex or kissed before because she's voluntarily wiped her memories, so she's gonna be a little cautious and nervous about it. the innuendos and sly remarks you hear her make is a front to keep the vulnerability of her lack of experience behind a hidden achievement (plus the body remembers traumas!).
there will be flareups where she isn't crying out or is noticeable to others. this is inspired by the fact in her origin, she doesn't always cry out and her companions don't notice her in pain. the moments where her wound flares and others know mean 1) it's excruciating and/or 2) she trusts the other person enough to express herself.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Long Walk
Male Lead: König Universe/AU: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2/ Bloodthirster Canon Status: ???
Not making this part of the cope/OC: Goblin canon it's just gonna be a nice little stand alone sorry it might be short
Note: SOOOOO I had to switch this from regular to bloodthirster au because I had to reword this several times to try to get regular to work and I was really unhappy.
Brass eyes look at the clock as Jocnr (Price) blows out a lazy cloud of smoke out of his mouth before he looks over to Arnetrihts (König) and nodded. "Have fun on your date." He drawled as the several other bloodthirsters got up and left the room at once rushing off in several directions to allow Arnetrihts to rush down another hallway.
He had to be very careful with talking with his liebling. Oh he couldn't resist the sweet call of the liebling as he pulls off his hood as he pulls the black hair tie from his wrist off to tie back the long auburn in a low ponytail as he heads to the elevator. Flames lick his hands as he grabs the collar of his shirt pulling them out as they roll down his back leaving a black jacket with red and brass trim and symbols.
He steps inside and pushes the button down to one of the lower floors. He hums softly as he cracks his neck as the flames reach the end of the coat jump to his boots changing from the plain combat boots to something much nicer that he has seen other agents wear when they're trying to be fancy and look good.
He looks at himself in the reflection of the elevator's side watching flames change the compression shirt to a button up with a collar that he fixes as the flames add other items and trinkets. They wash over his hands leaving short gloves on as he flexes and pulls the material. He pulls out the brass knife on his hip forcing his eyes to turn icy blue as he watches it in the reflection before putting it away.
He hears the ding as he walks out and hums heading to the correct living block as he soon knocks on her door to which he feels so large in this section of the ship. Use to the large hallways that would allow space marines to walk through.
When she opens the door she is met with that soft sweet smile from... "Hans!" She says a little breathlessly as she doesn't have as nice of clothing as him but he's someone important verses...
"Maus." He purrs out as he pulls someone out of one of his side bags.
Her eyes widen as she feels her cheeks warm up looking at the brass made rose. "Ouch." She flinches as she pricked her thumb on one of the thorns.
"Es tut meir leid Maus... I made it rather accurate." He says taking it from her before placing it in a vase near her door distracting her from the way the brass drinks up her blood, "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah." She says pulling her pricked thumb from her mouth as she grabs a coat and looks up to him. "Are you sure I'll be allowed up onto that deck?" She says locking up her hab unit and taking his arm as he always feels so warm oh she would love to have him over to keep her warm in her perpetually cold hab unit.
"Yes Maus just stay with me." He says with such confident authority as he walks over to the important elevators as he swipes some card. Bullying the machine spirit to obey him and open up and they do as he punches the number for the observation desk. "You look pretty today."
She cant help but blush a little as he says it so softly and sweetly. She looks up at the old scars across his face and that nose that was clearly broken and set not exactly correctly. "And you look as handsome as always Hans." She hears his airy chuckle as they fill the silence of the area with small chatter.
He can feel the others plucking his essence to confirm where he is as they're causing their own mischief to let him have his date and like all khornite demon brotherhood he will owe them his own assistance later. But he just plucks back before watching the doors open up and holds his arm out watching his maus blush as she wraps her arm around his.
The large windows of the observation deck are uncovered as the shutters are folded away. This deck is more stylized as a park as a hand of his rests on her hand wrapped around his arm. He looks over as hey meander over to a window as he watches how her eyes are wide just watching the stars.
What he can see is different from what she can see... he can see the way the blood flows through her veins... he can see her soul cradled in her breast... and he can see the way the aether is entangled in every pour of her and the way it just dances in her eyes.
"I've never seen this many stars..." She whispers softly just letting her eyes dart around as she has only been privileged with noosphere pictures and maybe a passing glance of getting close to a window when going to the cathedral on special holy days. "Thank you Hans." She whispers leaning her head against his chest as his arms engulf her from just wrapping around her.
"You're welcome Maus. We can be here for awhile before I have to take you back." His gloved fingers run through her hair as they slowly meander around the deck, ignoring the other couples here. Even taking a moment to lay in the grassy knoll in the center of the deck and he watches her eyes just focus on the grass as it feels so strange against her skin. Smooth yet waxy? She cant explain the feeling of grass but it feels different.
They lay down as she looks just breathless as the entire ceiling is also open to the stars and for Arnetrihts he feels like he is back on Terra... his cradle... sitting there with the soldiers laying there in the trench... or those who lay there in no mans land just staring up at the stars at night as their whole world feels cold till those "angels" come to collect their charges.
Her head lays on his shoulder as eventually he can feel questioning plucking as they've noticed he's not running around with his brothers. "Alright Maus I have a feeling I might be missed."
"Mhmm." She says as he looks down at her tired eyes as she yawns. "Voidcheck on that dinner?"
"Of course Maus."
They make that slow meandering walk to the elevators and inside he can't help but steal a small kiss and he feels her return it. The small smile between them as his chin rests on the top of her head as he holds his Maus close. He slowly walks her to her door as both of them clearly do not want to end this cycle but... He kisses the back of her hand.
"Have a good rest Hans." She says softly before letting out a small yawn.
"You as well my dear maus." He steals a kiss of her cheek before he walks away. Once in the elevator dismissing his apparel and pulling his hood back on his face as his eyes become molten brass again. As that warmed his brass covered heart... he'd have to visit his Maus again soon.
Fluffuary TagList: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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strrkie-art · 1 year
some hcs about aged up!Kokichi Muta in modern au
Kokichi had poor health as a child, he was so weak that he seemed to have lost touch with his body, and he could not feel anything, he thought that this would always be with him
Kokichi inadvertently got a lot of fractures in childhood and was forced to live in a hospital for a long time (at that time he wore a short haircut that did not require care, but he really wanted to grow his hair) + And as a child, Kokichi broke his spine swinging on a swing on a hot summer day. but in the end he was able to recover and start walking again
Kokichi has a wooden decoration (well, this sign on Mechamaru’s forehead) and he doesn’t notice it on his neck at all. Also he doesn’t remember when he got this decoration, but it seems like it was in middle school and it was a desire for him to grow up healthy. Kokichi never believed that this decoration would have any effect on him, but he willingly continued to wear it because of cool design. Muta liked to imagine that he was a forest druid
Kokichi is the only child in the family
In elementary school, he had no friends, he only watched other children on the other side of the window, how they had fun, quarreled, tried to find compromises, later these observations influenced the habit of chasing impressions. his friends were replaced by television programs and books from his parents library, he sat down to books when he got tired of watching TV, most of all he liked to look at small pictures on the pages and look at the street through his father's camera
Kokichi was a child who was often unable to attend school due to health problems. and when he showed up in class, his classmates didn't recognize him or joked something like "wow, it's not your ghost, it turns out you're still alive".
In the school diary of observations, he drew funny sketches with a ballpoint pen, imitating those small pictures from the books of his childhood, and inserted photographs into the corners, which he pasted on the sheets with his own hand
Kokichi has traces of stretch marks on his body, he began to grow sharply in adolescence
Kokichi doesn't like it when someone touches his neck, and he tries to touch this place as little as possible
Kokichi is well versed in skincare cosmetics (he has a dry skin type). he never forgets to take care of his skin, no matter how tired he feels
Kokichi's skin looks deceptively warm because of the light peach shade
Kokichi has a thermosensitive tongue and his teeth hurt on cold and hot food/drinks
Kokichi has crooked canine teeth
Kokichi has a deep voice and he doesn't try to understate it on purpose when he speaks
Kokichi often bumps into something, which is why bruises quickly appear on his skin
Kokichi has a habit of touching the scar on his cheek when he is thinking deeply about something
Kokichi’s hands are always cold
Kokichi ambidexter (he learned to write with his right hand when he broke his left)
Kokichi has thin wrists (I imagine he and Miwa have the same girth and both of his wrists can fit into one hand of Noritoshi) and picking up rings for him is akin to punishment, usually they hold perfectly only on his index and middle fingers
Kokichi has long and angular hands, wide bony palms, long roughened fingers with knobby joints, half conical and half square phalanges
His hair is a little curly so putting bangs in the morning seems like a punishment
Kokichi paints nails
Kokichi has a tattoo on the phalanges of his fingers ‘h o p e l e s s’ , chibi Hatsune Miku on thigh and big tattoo on his back
Kokichi likes to come up with short stories while walking
Kokichi an cinemaddict (from Hello Kitty to Reservoir Dogs by Tarantino)
Kokichi loves his camera and jokingly calls her his girlfriend
Kokichi shot hospitalcore aesthetics, telling others with the help of photographs what kind of atmosphere most often surrounded him as a child (I like to think that he works as a photographer, and after hours he does not takes pictures of people, preferring to shoot liminal spaces)
Kokichi makes short captions to his publications with photos
I imagine Kokichi's room in the aesthetics of cybercore + minimalism (his perception was influenced by the interior of the hospital ward)
Kokichi likes to draw, he has a special wall in room and I dare say that an abstraction with TV interference would have lived much longer than its predecessors
Kokichi likes to come up with pathetic nicknames for his social networks like glitchprince (he was the first because of deliberately bad frames in hospitalcore aesthetics under the glitch filter half of the image) later replaced it with a permanent cybersamurai
Kokichi has about 30k subscribers, he is not very sociable with his audience, but always thanks them for their attention  
Kokichi keeps gifts in a special box even if they are trinkets
Kokichi likes to build Lego, and he has an impressive collection
One day Kokichi saw a cardboard stand with a large mecha in the store (yes, it was almost the same height as himself 185 cm) and even offered the sellers of the video games department to pay for this stand and happily went home with it.
Kokichi carries his favorite childhood toy a plush robot in his backpack and posts stories with him on Instagram
Kokichi loves nature (he likes to walk and look at the amorphous outlines of clouds, lie on a grassy hill, listen to birds singing and the roar of the wind, take random photos blindly without people in the frame
Kokichi attracts animals like a magnet - from yard dogs and birds in the forest to cats in the homes of his friends.
Kokichi doesn't drink alcohol. He and Satoru are only teetotallers at all the parties
Kokichi and Choso would be good buddies who would walk for hours and willingly talk about nature
Sometimes Kokichi spontaneously buys things just because he might like the color
Kokichi loves oversize clothes and wears mostly total black
Kokichi spends money on socks with interesting prints because if he doesn't buy it, he will definitely regret it, because this pair of socks can definitely come in handy
Kokichi has a soft mermaid plaid 
Kokichi is picky about choosing comfortable shoes
Kokichi hates to hurry and when someone hurries him
Constant stress forces him to smoke, although Ichi is trying to cope with it (the pockets of his jackets are stuffed with cheap mints)
Kokichi smokes regular cigarettes, instead of a lighter he uses matches, mechanism of lighters infuriates him
Kokichi wears a bracelet with beads in the form of round pills with letters, likes to collect words from them and shoot the process for insta stories when he wants to relax
Kokichi likes shibari
Kokichi has seen a lot of cringe stories in his life
Kokichi prefers wired headphones to wireless ones, he likes process of untangling wires, he explains this with benefits for fine motor skills
Kokichi as a hobby mounts short films from randomly captured materials on his camera
Kokichi would have succeeded in sound design and could have organically joined the party of experimental music
Kokichi likes playing basketball with Miwa (Noritoshi is taking pictures of them on camera at this time)
Kokichi is friends with Junpei, Toge and Yuuta (he met him at the hospital)
Kokichi is friends with Mai, they met in a photo club in middle school
For other people, Kokichi is a silent, good listener, but at the same time remains cold and harsh in his statements, and with close people he becomes softer and more talkative, especially when he has the strength to do it (it becomes impossible to shut him up)
Kokichi is sure that his jokes are not funny, although I think he could make Noritoshi's cheeks hurt from laughing
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ka-go-me · 7 months
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Minamoto (formally Higurashi) Kagome 源 (日暮)かごめ NICKNAME: Kags, Miko, Koishii, Neko Miko TITLE(S): Miko, Hime AGE: 15 - 47 (verse dependent) SPECIES: Human SEX: cis female NATIONALITY: Japanese INTERESTS: Sewing, cooking, playing the flute, working as a kind of taijiya, hanging out with her friends, cuddling with her mate, learning new things, learning how to control her powers. PROFESSION: She works as a healer, wife, mother, and part-time taijiya. BODY TYPE: She's small in stature, slim but not thin, muscular arms due to her use of the bow and arrow, medium-sized bust, EYES: Mahogany Brown HAIR: Her hair is obsidian in color with natural blue highlights, marking it as a blue-black--It looks cobalt when it gets wet. It's long and usually down. She rarely puts it up, but like everyone with long hair, she does occasionally. SKIN: It was fair--almost alabaster when she was little, but ever since she came to the Sengoku it has darkened slightly in tone. So, now it's a very light tannish color. FACE: Heart/oval shaped, small bubble gum pink lips, large eyes, small nose POSTURE: She has to have good posture to be able to use a compound bow with any accuracy. However, when she's relaxing she'll often slouch. HEIGHT: 5'1" ( 154.94cm ). VOICE: speaking: Listen Here | singing Listen Here SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Her most known outfit is the green seifuku (school uniform), and her second is the miko kosode no hakama, that's what I generally have her in, the kosode no hakama, however, I also love having her in furisode kimono, and leather when she's in the modern era. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Inuyasha, typically, played by: @loneinuyasha and Kikyou COMPANIONS: Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Kouga, Ginta, Hakkaku, Kikyou-canonically, Hua Mulan @adversitybloomed, Anna of Arendelle @sparesovereign, Princess Yona @akarxuu, and a few others outside of canon~ ANTAGONISTS: Naraku, Houjou, Shichinintai, STRENGTHS: Kindhearted, loyal, empathetic, understanding, healing power, WEAKNESSES: Opinionated, short-tempered, possessive. FRUITS: Strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, kiwis, oranges, lemons. DRINKS: fruit teas, water, milk ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: sake---rarely SMOKES: she doesn't smoke. DRUGS: she doesn't do drugs. DRIVER'S LICENSE: N/A.
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tagged by: @adversitybloomed ( Thank Yu luvy ! ) tagging: @holified, @akarxuu, @peculiarbeauty (Hello~! xD), @prettymoonmuses (your choice!), And you.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Ode To Salvador Dali -  Federico García Lorca
A rose in the high garden you desire. A wheel in the pure syntax of steel. The mountain stripped bare of Impressionist fog, The grays watching over the last balustrades. The modern painters in their white ateliers clip the square root's sterilized flower. In the waters of the Seine a marble iceberg chills the windows and scatters the ivy. Man treads firmly on the cobbled streets. Crystals hide from the magic of reflections. The Government has closed the perfume stores. The machine perpetuates its binary beat. An absence of forests and screens and brows roams across the roofs of the old houses. The air polishes its prism on the sea and the horizon rises like a great aqueduct. Soldiers who know no wine and no penumbra behead the sirens on the seas of lead. Night, black statue of prudence, holds the moon's round mirror in her hand. A desire for forms and limits overwhelms us. Here comes the man who sees with a yellow ruler. Venus is a white still life and the butterfly collectors run away. * Cadaqués, at the fulcrum of water and hill, lifts flights of stairs and hides seashells. Wooden flutes pacify the air. An ancient woodland god gives the children fruit. Her fishermen sleep dreamless on the sand. On the high sea a rose is their compass. The horizon, virgin of wounded handkerchiefs, links the great crystals of fish and moon. A hard diadem of white brigantines encircles bitter foreheads and hair of sand. The sirens convince, but they don't beguile, and they come if we show a glass of fresh water. * Oh Salvador Dali, of the olive-colored voice! I do not praise your halting adolescent brush or your pigments that flirt with the pigment of your times, but I laud your longing for eternity with limits. Sanitary soul, you live upon new marble. You run from the dark jungle of improbable forms. Your fancy reaches only as far as your hands, and you enjoy the sonnet of the sea in your window. The world is dull penumbra and disorder in the foreground where man is found. But now the stars, concealing landscapes, reveal the perfect schema of their courses. The current of time pools and gains order in the numbered forms of century after century. And conquered Death takes refuge trembling in the tight circle of the present instant. When you take up your palette, a bullet hole in its wing, you call on the light that brings the olive tree to life. The broad light of Minerva, builder of scaffolds, where there is no room for dream or its hazy flower. You call on the old light that stays on the brow, not descending to the mouth or the heart of man. A light feared by the loving vines of Bacchus and the chaotic force of curving water. You do well when you post warning flags along the dark limit that shines in the night. As a painter, you refuse to have your forms softened by the shifting cotton of an unexpected cloud. The fish in the fishbowl and the bird in the cage. You refuse to invent them in the sea or the air. You stylize or copy once you have seen their small, agile bodies with your honest eyes. You love a matter definite and exact, where the toadstool cannot pitch its camp. You love the architecture that builds on the absent and admit the flag simply as a joke. The steel compass tells its short, elastic verse. Unknown clouds rise to deny the sphere exists. The straight line tells of its upward struggle and the learned crystals sing their geometries. * But also the rose of the garden where you live. Always the rose, always, our north and south! Calm and ingathered like an eyeless statue, not knowing the buried struggle it provokes. Pure rose, clean of artifice and rough sketches, opening for us the slender wings of the smile. (Pinned butterfly that ponders its flight.) Rose of balance, with no self-inflicted pains. Always the rose! * Oh Salvador Dali, of the olive-colored voice! I speak of what your person and your paintings tell me. I do not praise your halting adolescent brush, but I sing the steady aim of your arrows. I sing your fair struggle of Catalan lights, your love of what might be made clear. I sing your astronomical and tender heart, a never-wounded deck of French cards. I sing your restless longing for the statue, your fear of the feelings that await you in the street. I sing the small sea siren who sings to you, riding her bicycle of corals and conches. But above all I sing a common thought that joins us in the dark and golden hours. The light that blinds our eyes is not art. Rather it is love, friendship, crossed swords. Not the picture you patiently trace, but the breast of Theresa, she of sleepless skin, the tight-wound curls of Mathilde the ungrateful, our friendship, painted bright as a game board. May fingerprints of blood on gold streak the heart of eternal Catalunya. May stars like falconless fists shine on you, while your painting and your life break into flower. Don't watch the water clock with its membraned wings or the hard scythe of the allegory. Always in the air, dress and undress your brush before the sea peopled with sailors and ships.                        
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[Tarhos to Haru ❤] - I'm bringing you lunch, I'm almost there
A quick text to let his boyfriend know he'd be stopping by, but it wasn't really like anything was going on at work today. He wasn't really needed there and he wasn't in any hurry either. Instead he parked his car next to Haru's and walked inside setting the take out he had gotten them on the counter. Something simple and easy that they both liked.
"I hope I'm not bothering you, but... I thought you might like the company. It's been a slow day."
The water feels cool on his hands as it cascades down the faucet, cleansing the soap from his bronzed hands, a sign of a job well done as he glanced over to his client. The young woman was admiring the covered work with awe and excitement, chirping to him like a happy bird while he finished washing up. Haruko tilts his head to the side with a pleased expression, warm like the sun in reaction to her joy - but all things had to come to an end as she then regarded her friends. It was always like that, first tattoos were special things - the beginning of a journey ... in a strange way. Soon again Haru is left alone in the shop once more, his palm caressing the top of Bonnie's head affectionately while he knelt infront of her, "You did a good job, keepin' her calm like that, ohhhh who's my pretty girl? Yes! It's you!"
His praise is quickly cut short when the phone bursts to like on his desk, he can practically see Bonnie rolling her eyes at the thought of her snuggle time being interrupted. The artist pushes himself off of the ground to pluck the receiver off of the hook and lean against the nearby wall, "Good afternoon, Haruko Nakasone, how can I help you?" His lips feel parched while the man on the other line begins to speak, quickly switching hands as to reach towards his desk's chapstick; his curiosity picques at the notice of a text message in his inbox - flagged for his lover. Black brows furrow as he hangs up the line with a quick 'goodbye' towards the inquiry and finally opens the text, sent 15 minutes ago. The young man scanned over the words ... A bounce in his step pushes him from the nearby wall, his palm caresses his cheek in delight at the message: it was something he had learned to not expect. But lately ... lately Tarhos had been so ... romantic. Little gifts, lunch here and there, movie nights - effort that made Haruko feel like a swooning schoolgirl.
His black curls jump when the bell chimes at the door and his husband catches him in such a dreamy position, his first reaction makes him nearly toss his phone into his desk with a light flinch. Something innocent flutters to Haru's face as his expression lightens into a shy grin, dark eyes crinkling in warm regards to the man infront of him - like a blossoming rose. The polite entrance catches him off guard, softening him with a shake of his head, "You're never a bother to me, babe - I ... I'm sorry I didn't answer, I had only just seen it. But ... " He begins his approach, "I'd love the company, it always gets slow 'round this time of day, everyone's off having coffee or taking a nap ... It's like the whole city decides to momentarily turn off." Haruko closes the space between them with a quick kiss, about to speak before Bonnie stuck her head out from around his hip to raise her paw to Tarhos.
"Haha, let me - let me get you a chair. And no no, you're always welcome at the shop I just ... I just don't want to interrupt you during your day, all up in your high rise office buildings. Plus, I'm dating you, you never bother me - I mean, you do but not when you do shit like this. Alright chief? You can stop by whenever you feel like it but..." he saunters back with his hair swaying from side to side, jumping sweetly when his back hit his desk, opting to instead sit on top of it. "I'd like it if you did..."
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drengar · 4 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Yoshiharu Shida
► TITLE(S): Lady of Balla Dubh, Shogun
► AGE: 32
► SPECIES: Half Eastern Dragon / Half Wester Dragon
► SEX: Female
► NATIONALITY: Japanese / Scottish
► INTERESTS: Usually Shida claims that she doesn't have much free time for hobbies. But she does enjoy some more relaxing things like crocheting. She also enjoys caring for animals and has her own animal sanctuary where she helps rehabilitate injured animals. She owns a griffon and hippogryph that live at her sanctuary too.
► PROFESSION: Varies depending on verse. But in main verse she is a Lady so she owns land and oversees that it is taken care of along with it's citizens. She also works as a spymaster for her family.
► BODY TYPE: Slender with defined muscles along her stomach and a few places on her arms and legs.
► EYES: Violet
► HAIR/SCALES: Black, short on one side with the other being longer and gradually reaching her jawline. In dragon form, she has black scales, fur, and feathers.
► SKIN: Pale and healthy complexion
► FACE: Live action: Ueto Aya ; Animated: Maki Midorikawa
► POSTURE: Healthy
► HEIGHT: 5'2''
► VOICE: Ueto Aya
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: In main verse it depends on what she needs to do during the day. If she needs to be active then she tends to wear a kimono or a men's suit, something typical of the Victorian era. If she's staying at home then she will wear dresses. In modern verses, she usually wears leather jackets, tank tops, and jeans with boots.
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eventually marries an oni if she follows her main verse canon.
► COMPANIONS: Ren (her oni bodyguard), Hiro (younger twin brother), then her cousins
► STRENGTHS: Her stubbornness is actually a strength. Shida will not let something go until she is certain that it's resolved correctly. Be it an issue that was brought to her attention or making sure a family member is being taken care of. She will go to great lengths to sure the problem is resolved to her high standards.
► WEAKNESSES: Her family is a very big weakness of hers. She will sacrifice everything to make sure they are happy and protected. It doesn't matter if it's her brother or cousins, even if she can be at odds with Ciar from time to time. Because of this, it's easy for anyone to take advantage of her once they figure this out. The only saving grace is Shida is a private person and tries not to make it public just how much she loves them.
► FRUITS: She will eat just about any kind of fruit. Usually apples and cherries are ones she loves eating the most but she won't turn any fruit away.
► DRINKS: She alternates between water and tea. Usually whatever is more available to her at the time. Alcoholic drinks are also something she will almost regularly seek but those she saves for the evening or when she's at a social gathering. In modern verses she does drink coffee in the morning.
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: She loves alcohol and will try anything new. Her go-to's are fruity cocktails, sake, and Scottish whisky.
► SMOKES: Every so often she will smoke but it's always used as a stress reliever. She will have a smoke maybe once every other month.
► DRUGS: Only for medical use and even then she only takes the ones that Senga gives her. Maybe with a very close friend, she will consider trying some.
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: In any modern verse she does have a driver's license. She actually has a motorcycle license as well. Her vehicle of choice, and something her family is constantly worried about, is the fact she prefers to drive her motorcycle than a car. She owns a black and purple sports bike.
Tagged by: I stole it Tagging: Just steal it from me
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crestfallercanyon · 2 years
Hello i know that everyone doesn’t like them but can you
O some Trenda headcanon ? 🙏🥺
With 1,2,3,5 ? Please…
Hiya Hope! Sorry this took me so long to respond!! I was a bit busy. And I have no problem with Trenda! They aren't my preferred ship anymore, but I will tell you they were what I was hoping was endgame when I read the books as a teenager so definitely see the appeal 😉
Anyways, so, 1, 2, 3 and 5. Let's GO!
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with "because I love you!"
Thomas. 100%. Thomas would do something protective (that Brenda doesn't need/want/won't admit to needing/wanting) and she would start arguing with him about how he doesn't need to be a hero and he would get frustrated and eventually it would culminate into "because I love you!" and Brenda would deadpan stare him in the face and go "you are such an idiot, that's not a good reason at all." but would secretly be very touched.
If Brenda would even get close to saying something like this, it would be much more she enacted revenge against someone who treated Thomas shittily (like keying their car or something) and Thomas would go "that's wrong!" and she would be far more cavalier about it.
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
I could see this happening with Thomas a lot and Brenda in the beginning tried to block him. Tried to get him to stay down, stay in bed, everything's alright, just keep reminding him. But that would only confuse and upset him more and then he'd feel bad later for getting upset. Now she kind of rolls with it (something Jorge told her to do) and makes sure to keep him in check. So if he wakes up in a panic and starts trying to run or go somewhere, she links arms with him and follows his lead and tries to whisper placations and keep him on track and keep him from doing anything dangerous but overall just makes sure that he knows she has his back.
For Brenda, I think she just needs weight. Containment and assurances. Thomas would wrap himself around her and lock her arms in and would just start talking about nothing. Lots of chatting, things that would normally make her laugh, things that would normally make her mock him. Just talk and talk and talk and pet her hair and slowly ease her back into bed.
3. Do they wear the other's clothes?
Brenda's a notorious sweatshirt stealer, not only of Thomas's, but literally all of her guy friends (she's platonic flirty in that way). Of Thomas's stuff specifically, she really likes wearing his basketball shorts and one of his old t-shirts. He particularly likes his t-shirts on her.
Of Brenda's... there's this old coat (that was definitely Jorge's) that she wears a lot that he'll throw on when he's going outside in the winter. It smells like her and makes him think of her. He also occasionally, if this is movie!verse Brenda, will wear the necklace of hers that has the picture of her brother when she's having a hard time. That way she still gets to keep it but she's not the one carrying that weight.
5. Describe their cozy night in.
I think they stay in bed all day. If it's modern au, they order pizza and layout newspaper over their covers and eat in bed. Thomas reads aloud for a while or Brenda plays her music. If it's canon world they listen to the sounds of Safe Haven bustling around them and work on little side projects. They talk every so often but I think after everything that happened, quiet quality time is often all they need.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed and again thanks for patience! This was fun to write up <3
from the Obligatory OTP Asks game
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naughtygirl286 · 10 months
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So This past Tuesday we went to see the new Ninja Turtles we were originally suppose to go see Oppenheimer but plans changed last minute so we ended up going to see Ninja Turtles. I was very interested in this movie and followed it production. Much like Transformers I'm a life long Turtles fan so I was curious about it being I think Turtles stuff should look a certain way and somethings that have been done in recent years such as Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I didn't like. I never watched an episode but I just think the character designs look like shit and I wasn't going to watch it becasue of that anyway on as for this movie I needed to see the character designs for this movie before I would do anything and happy to say I did like these designs but more on that below. Also yes there was some collectable goodies for this movie too which you can see here!
Now as for this movie. I thought it was great! I would have to say that I did enjoy it it was fun and funny at times and I do feel it has a nice message about family and acceptance and finding a place where you feel like you belong in the world.
Now this is a bit of a origin story and tries to reintroduce the turtles to a new and modern audiences. They are younger in this movie then they usually are in other forms of media the turtles are all 15 years old and not only that but April is also in her teens in this as well she is also around 15 and is still in High School in this movie
The Turtles origin is of course slightly different in this one. It is close to the familiar way the Turtles become mutants but its slightly changed as in how they became Ninjas. Also the origins of the other Mutant characters in this is changed as well. I think that did that just for the sake of the story and it does work in the context of this movies story.
As for the designs of the characters which as I mentioned was a very important thing I felt that the Turtle designs in this were actually very good they were different and did match the ages that the Turtles were shown as they were young and child like almost playing up the "Teenage" aspect of who they are. Some of the other characters looked great too like Bebop and Rocksteady and I love how they brought in various characters from Turtles lore like Leatherhead,Mondo Gecko, Wingnut (what no screwloose??), Genghis Frog, Ray Fillet, and more. Where its great that alot of these classic character appear on screen many of them don't look like their source material counterparts which is kind of a shame.
Now also another thing is the whole new April in this. She was alright for this she was written well and well voice acted and an interesting character in how she is presented. Now I could have done with out the whole puking stuff which was just a bit gross but also I know alot of people complained about her appearance and I can't say I would complain about it myself but I am a bit more old school and do prefer the more classic April with the short red hair and yellow track suit lol but this April was fine for this version of the characters.
Now like I said the movie is pretty great it was a lil bit funny and a lil bit weird but like I said it also nice message about family and acceptance and finding a place where you feel like you belong in the world. The animation was very nice and smooth and the artistic style of the movie where it all looks like it is sketched and painted to have that more comic book look and feel kinda reminded me of how the Spider-Verse movies look. but the voice acting and the music as well as the many references are really nicely done.
I feel the ending of the movie tho is a bit strange where they took it but over all I thought it was great and if you are a Turtle fan then I would probably recommend it.
also there is a mid credit sequence that is interesting and kinda sets up a possible sequel.
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sunlightandsuffering · 11 months
Yeah since canon Mikasa constantly has to be strong and is always suffering due to her position as one of the strongest soldiers, I love reading fics where she's free to just be girly and embrace her feminine side. Let her big, muscly bf Eren do all the tough stuff for once so my girl can just take it easy. I feel like you always nail this dynamic in your fics, especially Switch where Mikasa is basically just "head empty, horny thoughts only".
Also idc what anyone says, canon Mikasa is hella girly! People act like her having abs and short hair makes her a tomboy when her personality is nothing like that. Mikasa is modest, blushy and a bit clueless at times. Sasha, Ymir and Annie are all more tomboyish than Mikasa is. Canon Mikasa's ideal life is literally wearing cute dresses while living a peaceful cabin life with her hubby Eren 🥺
Thank u tho, I appreciate it! I definitely was going for those vibes when I wrote Switch lol, but I can never help giving her a sassy demanding side either. Like especially in Switch, she's a bit of a ding dong, but she's also like such a brat and she can hold her own when she needs to, really make Eren work for it lol!! Depends on her mood and how enraged she is 😂 which I hope also shines thru lol.
But yes it is this juxtaposition that i love so much, HORNY THOUGHTS ONLY, GOOD VIBES ONLY!! But yes Mikasa just wants to be a stay at home wifey tbh. Like i think in a modern verse she'd probably begrudgingly have a job bc she's a hard working girl, but if rich lawyer Eren came along she's also 1000% be happy to be his stay at home wifey, driving to yoga in her black range rover and getting coffee with the gals at 2 pm, spends hours in whole foods shopping for the best ingredients and comes back to make Eren a balanced dinner.
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adversitybloomed · 1 year
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE ?  For the majority of the time her scents are of; lotus flowers, cherry blossoms and or magnolia. Likes the scents & the majority of the time it’s mixed in with lotions / oils, while the petals are in her baths. However, if she has just been in battle, her scents are mostly of; blood, fire & ash. Though she quickly tries to bathe to get those smells off of her.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE ? Soft. Despite her intense training in both archery & swordsmanship, she regularly puts oils & lotions on. Which results in very smooth skin.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY ? Mulan is can eat everything & everything. She loves food & she loves eating with other people. She especially enjoys a variety of meats, vegetables but mostly desserts. It is important to note though two things, one she is allergic to eggplant ( she gets hives ) & two she does have an eating disorder which when triggered, she stops eating or skips meals. A lot of the time she has one meal a day because she tends to forget to eat when she is busy, unless reminded. But for the most part, if invited out for food, she can eat a lot as she is enjoying both the company & meal.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE ?  yes, she loves to sing & she has good range. However, she gets very shy about it when it comes to singing in public.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? Yes, her eating disorder for one. Another is she tends to be headstrong, impulsive & will allow herself to get hurt if it meant that others are safe. She does have a bit of a temper, but she masks it’s well with what seems to be a calm surface. She has a hard time expressing when she gets depressed for upset. She barely gets three hours of sleep, if she sleeps alone, due to her nightmare disorder. She also falls asleep in random places, including tree branches, over her work desk, on stair cases, outside even if it’s beyond chilly. She also when upset gets extremely quiet ( almost completely shuts down ) as she’s trying to either keep her temper in check or keep herself from crying. Some nervous habits of hers is playing with the bottom of her hair. Poking her long nails somewhere in her skin to distract herself. Bitting her lower lip & hiding underneath her hands. I could really list on but I think this covers the majority of it.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR ?  Mulan has extremely long hair no matter the verse. She tends to wear it both half up & half down. She likes very light aesthetics, such as she does not like heavy headpieces, but instead will use ribbons and or very simplistic but beautiful headpieces to decorate her hair. She loves hanfu & for mostly all verses chooses to wear it; whether it’s simplistic in design, or a battle hanfu, this is her preference for dress wear. Her colors are mostly: Reds, Blues, Light Greens, Pinks, Whites. However when she does wear armor, she prefers the silvers & or black armor with silver & or gold mixed in. Tbh just look at her fc for reference, legitimately exactly how I envision her. When it comes to modern verses she mostly wears her hair down. She also is prone to wear dresses, shorts & pants. She likes comfort clothing, but she always dresses appropriately for her culture & does not enjoy revealing a lot of skin in public, though once in a while it is okay, depending on who she is with.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE ? HOW SO ? She is very affectionate to those she trusts & cares for. Mostly she is kind. But when she trusts others, she is more willing to give hugs. When it comes to her SO, she gets clingy, where she prefers to sometimes sit in laps, or cuddle against them because they are her safe space.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN ? She sleeps on her stomach or sides. Very rarely it’s her back unless she is sick. But she kinda just curls into herself, as she tends to toss & turn due to her nightmares.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM ? No. Mulan walks very softly. She does not mean to but she tends to sneak up on people because she is so quiet & because she is short she 9/10 times kinda just appears
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tagged by: @luckhissoul ( ty ! ) tagging:  @battleguqin + @incissam + @sparesovereign + @lcvelj + @caelestcs + @excaliborn + @the-rogue-dragon + @princessofmuses + @ka-go-me & or steal & tag me !
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? If we're sticking to the time period and running all the time with the VDLG: dirty lmao. But honestly, I imagine Cassie always has a floral perfume on. So either a floral perfume, or a fresh, clean smell if that makes sense. Like clothes out of the laundry. This would likely be during her childhood. In the VDLG, she probably smells a bit like horse, dirt (around her hands since she gardens), and whatever plant she was interacting with that day. I don't think this would be a bad smell, but more of an alive smell if that makes sense? There's less a polished, structured routine to it.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? I think in her childhood, her hands are soft since she didn't have to do any manual work. With the VDLG, having to sew, do laundry, garden, and more hands on work, I think her hands hardened a bit more. I think they are softer than most of the men's hands in the gang, but not as soft as they used to be.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?  Cassie actually eats a relatively healthy, balanced diet. She almost always has to have fruit or veges, meat, and she really loves mashed potatoes, or green beans to the side. With the VDLG running around, its hard to do that since while Cassie has a few vege plants in the wooden plant boxes she uses, seasons and constantly moving can diminish and affect their quality.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? Yeah? I don't like saying Cassie is good at everything, because she isn't. She would probably get a few compliments, but in no way is she a songbird or anything. She had some practice with her voice when she was young and she enjoys singing, but through the years, her singing voice kind of diminished in quality because she doesn't practice enough. Her singing isn't an innate trait, by any means.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? Cassie does smoke, she bites the ends of her pens when thinking, and she doesn't really save money well. Cassie could basically buy anything she wanted as a kid (she had to go through her dad first), and since money was never an issue until later in her childhood, Cassie tends to spend money quickly when she has it. Cassie was never in control of her money, so she tends to spend it more often. (She still fals into the trap of buying luxury items, too).
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? I have some outfits saved in her pinterest board, but basically she just wears dresses all the time. Cassie doesn't feel comfortable wearing pants or anything, even if she is an outlaw. Here's an old picrew of her that kidn of resembles what she usually wears. It changes a lot depending on the weather, but dresses and skirts really. In a modern verse, Cassie dresses more simple and loves wearing short sleeve shirts with overalls that are fitted). For her looks, Cassie basically is perfectly encapsulated by her fc: L.iana L.iberato. I think Cassie has a bit more texture and curl in her hair than what's usually shown in her icons, sort of like the image below.
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IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?  Oh yeah. I wouldn't say physical touch is her love language, but I think Cassie is pretty touch starved from her sheltered upbringing. her father wasn't really affectionate. I think Cassie would like an affectionate partner. In general: Sure? I would say Sean is a little bit more affectionate in nature, but Cassie doesn't mind a hug from a friend.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  She either sleeps on her side, curled up or her back. She changes her position throughout the night.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? No. Cassie grew up having to be quiet and to find ways to distract herself because her father was often busy in his office, working on things and going through his ledger, or meeting with others. She grew up with the frame of mind that children shouldn't really be seen, or heard unless she was greeting someone or her father wanted her to charm someone and make them comfortable in her home. Even at parties when she had to speak with others to kind of promote her father's business, she always stayed respectful and tried to prevent as much distress and annoyance as possible.
tagged by: @uncxntrxllable (thank you!)
tagging: @colecassiidy @darkoneprincess @anoseforrottenapples (mary?) @miss-polly @misshclly
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madamhatter · 2 years
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As my form of copium as I lost progress on my draft for Maxie, Here’s a headcanon:
Sophie’s hair, though this warm orange color, transitions to silver throughout her verses for various reasons. In modern verses and modern-aligned, it is very early onset gray hairs and a total pigment change. In fantasy-aligned or curse-aligned, like Tw.isted Wo.nderland, the process quickens, if not worsens, because of the curse’s effect and its aftermath. She still has silver hairs but works on dyeing in the latter verse until the inevitable curse.
Sophie is somewhat critical of herself (a nice way of saying it) and likes to keep herself looking proper and seemingly ordinary. She does not like standing out and has been raised to be on her toes (alongside receiving rather harsh words and directions on how she should be under the guise of ‘loving attention.’).
The short and simple version: Sophie is very self-conscious about her silver hairs and goes very hard in hiding them. She does not acknowledge it, but does not detest silver hair altogether. It is different because it is her. 
The only time she has a lukewarm reception to it is only when children comment about it. In a rare occasion, she will glance to the stray starry strands before musing over them and mentioning to the kid, “Oh, you mean these old whiskers of mine?” Even when children have called her “Mrs. Claus” around the holidays because of her hair color, Sophie never gets mad. She is self-conscious, but tolerates the exchange, finding it more valuable to entertain a child’s question and not push her own insecurities unto them. 
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girlfox · 18 days
does Ahri has tattoos in her modern verse? I saw the photo u put in your carrd, so I was v curious 🥺
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aww hi nonnie! modern ahri doesn't, aside from perhaps a few small tattoos here & there that aren't of much note. that image is more for the aesthetic than anything, i thought it was pretty hehe. while we're talking tattoos, however, i'll remind everyone that her challenger au does in fact have tattoos!
i'll also take this as a chance to expand on her challenger au a little bit more since i haven't spoken on it in a very long time, and it's one of my favorite au's despite never getting the chance to write it . . .
challenger ahri is based off of the season start skin line, but since there's no actual lore embedded in them, i made my own!
in this au, she is the definition of apex predator. as a young fox, ahri embraces the part of her that is monstrous and greedy, incapable of being loved; only seen as a violent creature. her vitriol for herself and the perception others have placed on her is channeled into honing her fighting abilities, but not as the elegant, cunning and masterfully magic self we all know, who dips in and out of the spirit realm as she pleases. no, this ahri is all claw and steel.
one day, she would enter a fierce battle with an ionian warrior who'd taunted her, making claims of slicing her tails and adorning them as trophies. the man was the lover of a woman she'd consumed. enraged, he made claims of her monstrosity and villainy, swearing to cut her down. although ahri was exceptionally powerful, the battle was long and arduous━━━her shame and grief gnarled and twisted into rage, into survival, into knowing that she could not be better than this.
as the sun set behind them, ahri finally laid claw into the man, striking his heart. it was over. drenched in the blood of victory, ahri caught sight of his woldo blade glinting in the light, and took it up as her own: a trophy, or rather, a reminder of who she was and what she was capable of.
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from there, ahri set out to master the art of swordsmanship, her combat style taking great inspiration from the fluidity of traditional geommu 「 korean sword dancing 」 . she would become heavily tattooed over time & cut her hair short with her own blade, allowing it to sit just at her shoulders.
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she would also adorn an intricate fox mask to hide her monstrous identity from the world. they would know not her face, but her actions. beneath, unique markings were painted 'pon her visage. over time, this ahri would subsequently become known as the ❛ DEMON FOX OF SMOKE & ASH ❜ , as she learned to imbue her moon - blade with spirit flame, rendering anything she cut down into just that: smoke and ash.
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this is actually one of my favorite au's, because i think she's so cool in it . . . she fully embraces the monster within and extends it to the blade, cutting down all those who dare to hunt the demon fox as their prized trophy. she's all vitriol, bite, bitterness and complete loneliness, stifled guilt, and the constant urge to cry choking you. she's the fox who wants to be loved, but at every corner, the world only wishes to harm her and take from her. so she turns back on it.
as a side note, all of her tattoos are from the real life korean tattoo artist sion kwak, i recommend checking out their work because it's all very, very cool.
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