#i love hikki so much
Day 1: Radiance
It’s the last day before the full reveal! We are pleased to present our final guy, Hikaru Kazama!
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The ever-charming Hikaru hails from a time long past. In a time where the supernatural and the human worlds were one in the same, he was born to a goddess and human.
Due to a certain chain of events, he was sealed away for hundreds of years until waking up three years ago. Now Hikaru strives to see and do everything in this new world. But he still prefers things that remind him of the time he lost long ago, though rarely will one catch him without a smile plastered on his face.
“Sometimes I miss the days gone past. But I don’t regret protecting the people I love. I just wish I could find a reason for why I still exist in this world.”
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qiekzart · 4 months
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"I hear sirens ringing out, I've shot and killed myself in a selfish act" (video linked has flashing lights)
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kyles-afro · 1 year
DAMB i didnt even notice my queue ran out.....
well its gonna have to be a few more days sans south park yaoi for i am outside unfortunately
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ryuichirou · 1 year
What do you like about Idia?
I got so excited when I got your ask, Anon. And now it’s your problem because I’m probably going to talk a lot lol Thank you very much for asking and giving me an excuse to shower Idia with compliments.
And sorry for replying so late.
To be honest, Idia feels scarily close to being a perfect character for my liking, he kinda has all the qualities that I usually fall for + somehow manages to (unintentionally) incorporate vibes of so many other characters that I like. A friend that got us into twst knew that I’d instantly get invested, it’s almost embarrassing, to be honest lol
So the easy answer would be that I kinda like everything about Idia, but I am annoying, so here are some categories:
Idia’s design is so damn cute. I really like the combination of him being a lanky scrawny creature with bad posture and being almost “moe” level of adorable. His creepy smile and silly giggles and dark aura works very well with his pretty face with dark lips and this almost… pathetic regular expression. I think his face is what I like about him the most, both the expressiveness and the way it’s drawn in general.
His hair, obviously, are also a big part of it. It’s so unique. One of the first things I said when I started drawing Idia regularly was “oh I’m going to miss drawing his hair so much when we move on from twst” lol Because there is really no other character like that (well, there’s also Ortho, but you get what I mean). The shape, the physics behind it, the fact that it expresses Idia’s emotional state so nicely not only in colour (which is very pretty btw, both the blue and the pink hues, and the orange ones as well), but also in how it “acts”.  
Also, Idia’s overall silhouette is great. It’s just… his clothing choices are so fun. His long moe sleeves in his PE uniform, his striped shirt that he wears under his uniform, and of course the huge bell-shaped hooded jacket that hides his body. For some reason it’s, I don’t know, especially cartoony? In a good way, of course.
And lastly, his body language. I love how awkward he is and how much he tries to take as little space as possible when he is stressed out or scared.
So yeah, as someone who draws, I really enjoy Idia. I always have fun with him, and it’s a huge part of why I’m so into him.
He is so annoying 😔 … and I love every second of it lol
I love the fact that Idia isn’t just a lovable hikki otaku guy, and he has a lot of unpleasant qualities: he is an elitist, he is stubborn, he is rude sometimes, he makes assumptions about other people (well, he’s surprisingly perceptive so he’s usually right BUT). He likes to tease and to get on the other person’s nerves, and whenever he feels threatened, it’s not unusual for him to attack with negativity first or just to take a dig at his opponent. He is both self-deprecating and self-loving at the same time. But honestly this is what makes him so great. I usually draw him being freaked out by others, but in fact I really really love it when Idia is insufferable.
Because it a) makes sense considering his background; b) is written in a way that is very fun to read; c) is balanced out very well.
Idia isn’t malicious; he’s just socially inept and genuinely scared of others. He is an asshole, but in reality it is due to the fact that he doesn’t know how to connect with others and doesn’t want to seem desperate, plus gets overwhelmed by others very easily. In fact, I think he is much more empathetic than Azul, for example, but I won’t talk about it this time.
I always think about that line that Idia said when he was roasting Riddle for not knowing how to play videogames. I don’t remember the exact line, but it was something similar to “I’ve never seen anyone who is as much of a noob as you lmao but I’m a fucking loser with no friends so yeah makes sense”. I think it describes Idia’s view on others and himself quite nicely: torn between “everyone is shit” and “I am shit”. “I am a genius and everyone is wrong” and… you know.
I also love that Idia drowns himself in his coping mechanisms, but he is still surprisingly realistic about what’s going on in his life. He did create a robot to resemble and act as his diseased younger brother, but he never allowed himself to forget that it is indeed a robot. He doesn’t want to forgive himself, but he also is tired of feeling pain and doesn’t know how to cope with it. So his solution is extreme escapism, but also hyper-awareness about his own faults and never-ending state of excruciating guilt.
So yeah, he’s such a fun character to dive deeper into psychology-wise.
Love his serious moments, love his silly moments, love his complaints, love his emotional rants, love that he’s passionate about stuff that he likes, love that he critiques society in the pettiest ways possible, love his giggles, everything.
(He also reminds me of Katsu in a lot of ways so I am biased lol)
Oh I’ve talked about how much I loved Ch6 a lot, so I won’t write another essay (physically stopping myself).
I’ll be brief and just say that I honestly would have loved Idia even without learning his backstory, because he is just that entertaining, but knowing it made me appreciate him on a whole other level. I love how much depth his character has, how nuanced it is and how beautifully his chapter ended. Seeing him getting closure was very satisfying, and I love that it didn’t change his character drastically overnight.
His love towards Ortho is a beautiful thing, ship-wise or not.
So yeah I kinda just blacked out at some point, I think lol I can talk about Idia forever. He is just an extremely enjoyable character to both read and write.
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regarding-stories · 1 year
Reading the books: "My Youth Romantic Comedy is wrong, as I expected."
What takes 15 days? Correct! Reading the 14 main line novels of "My Youth Romantic Comedy is wrong, as I expected." and the Volume 14.5 short story collection. What a ride...
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What I definitely can say: The anime series was extremely faithful to the books. When you stick to the mainline and omit the short stories, you would mostly miss out on one thing. The best thing!
Hachiman Hikigaya's endless inner monologue!!
Good lord, this boy has issues. He's overly in his own head, makes lots of assumptions, is too smart for his own good, and too clueless. I just love it.
Gazing into the abyss with rotten eyes
Writing a series completely or almost completely from the point of view of its protagonist, basically mostly from his stream of consciousness, has of course its own set of challenges. Luckily it's not plain stream of consciousness but also scene setting and descriptions of the other people's actions, and a lot of the fun of the series derives from contrasting Hikki's assumptions and interpretations with your own.
It's also frustrating... (Also, spoilers, I guess.)
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And late in the series I was asking myself, if the boy had any connection to his feelings at all. Author Wataru Watari has a habit of hiding the obvious, and so our main characters beat around the bush to the very last. I did get a tad annoying. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
What actually works quite well is the evolutionary change we see in Hachiman over the series. The way he thinks about people changes subtly and continuously. In the beginning he even calls the ever-lovely Yui Yuigahama a "ho" and a "slut" to her face. Hardly charming!! This is one of the moments one has to endure, proof of Hachiman's resentment towards the world after having been ostracized for so long, his hate for "normies." And on the surface, Yui is the uber-normie, the adaptable, the one willing to change for the sake of popularity - something Hachiman cannot abide with. Initially.
It paves the ground, however, for enjoying all the deeper the kindness Hikki displays in his thoughts later on towards Yui, or how highly he thinks of her in the end. (Though not of her lack of book smarts which he confuses for intelligence.)
While we're at it, Hikkitani's eyes gaze upon a few other things. I was remarking in my original post about the anime series how refreshingly low on male gaze it was. Well, our protagonist is male, and he occasionally compares bust sizes... not in the most charming way, either. However, it's neither permanently so nor done unconvincingly. We did enter the mind of a male teen, after all. In reality, we would have been bound to find much worse things there, after all... Of which we get one hint, really. (I will not tell.)
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An almost unbroken stream...
What we also get is a lot of Hachiman's thoughts about his boy crush Saika Totsuka. Which is endlessly hilarious in all its bi-confusion. The scenarios unfolding in his mind without filter - I can't tire of them.
However, for the first 11 volumes we are home alone inside the head of our anti-hero. The last three, however, mix things up a bit. Labeled as "Interludes" there are scenes that take place without Hachiman, written from the view of another character. With Volume 14 we also get a multi-installment "Prelude" that features the scene between Yui and Yukino we didn't get a detailed glimpse of at the end of Volume 13.
What's annoying here is the tendency of omitting part of the dialogue and only describing it vaguely. We can infer that Yukino admits her love for Hachiman to Yui - whispered in her ear. Because that's what Yui knew all along but didn't want to hear. And we get Yui admitting the same to Yukino - that she's in love with Hachiman - but again it's not spelled out. We all know. But for some silly reason it's not spelled out.
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Another central interlude is earlier when Yui discovers Yukinon's hidden treasure. Behind the stuffed Grue bear Hachiman got her, her hidden image of holding on to him on Splash Mountain. (Which hasn't been quite accurately transcribed into pictures.)
These scenes are necessary to understand everybody's actions for the complex ending. To understand why Yukinoshita seems to reject Hachiman and send him towards Yuigahama. To understand why Yui will in the end ask if it really feels alright and prompts her Hikki's final bid... towards the other girl. And why they all can remain together after. It also reveals Yui's mature side, her high degree of emotional intelligence, and her deep understanding fo and love for others.
We also get a bit into the head of Iroha Isshiki, Yukino and Haruno Yukinoshita, Hayato Hayama, and even Komachi Hikigaya. And a bit more of that if you read the final volume, 14.5. But the star of these scenes will always be Yui, the glue that holds them all together at the end - at great pain.
But in Volume 14 we get maybe the most convincing thing of all, something that I needed after seeing Hikki's indecisiveness for so long. He sums it up like this:
"I wish it had been a simpler kind of feeling. If it had been ordinary love or yearning, then I'm sure I wouldn't have felt so intensely. I wouldn't feel like this only happened once in a lifetime."
This is during Hachiman's confession. He says he wasn't struggling so much with being in love or a crush. What took him so long was figuring out a very complex feeling. (The passage is longer.) He's apparently able to discern between teenager hormones and the fact how well suited he is to be with this particular person, and how important that is to the other - to be seen, understood, and be loved at a deeper level. But the complexity is also discerning it from the love he already feels - like he would for Yui.
Other things you get from the books
One of the best things about the books besides Totsuka fantasies is the ability to read Iroha's terribly revealing rejections to Hachiman, each of them escalating over the previous one, getting ever more like invitations to ask her out just not right now. And her increasing complaints that he doesn't listen at all when she says them.
Also Irohasu's merciless teasing is best paced in the books. And Hachiman's opinion of her. These two would have chemistry for sure. It's just that this particular protagonist was made from the beginning for a particular heroine, and that's what I find so convincing about this series' narrative.
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Sadly volume 14.5 only treats us to only one date between Yukino and Hachiman. I was hoping for more, but I take what I get. Even on their one month anniversary they're still all blushing smiles and red ears, but at the same time Yukino is already setting out a common future. Very cute.
If you want a real treat, however, search the internet. There are several anthology volumes filled with content mostly by other authors borrowing the characters - but also the short story "Thus A New Enemy Appears Before Him" from the anthology called "Yukino's Side" written by Wataru Watari himself. It has been translated by fans - I couldn't find a way to buy an actual English translation for any of this. The short story, however, is told from the vantage of Yukino's dad - his perceptions of the three highly intelligent women in his life and how they establish facts for him. The eternal struggle of the future father-in-law is real! The way he finds out that his youngest has a boyfriend had me in stitches. Also, Yukino's mom is on her game the whole time. Basically him mostly watching as his wife, Haruno, and Yukino interact is ... priceless.
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from-the-dead · 2 years
Updates people, updates!
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Folks, friends and foes, meet Faelyn Glynngolor, my first and so far only Dungeons and Dragons character I created for a still ongoing campaign that started in 2019.
Faelyn is an Eladrin elf rogue from Calimshan who used to fight in the war against the Genasi and was part of a rebellion that emerged in his country. He got into some critical conflicts with his general and the other members, which lead him to flee into exile and go undercover. Since then he's been travelling the lands, studying other cultures and gaining strength in order to someday return to his country and confront his old enemies or find a new meaning to his life.
He met two of the other members of our party in a small town in the north of Faerún: The compassionate halfling ranger Kithry and the chaotic but creative half-elf bard Hikki Ajani. The group went on a few quests and decided to stick together for some more time. Eventually they met their fourth member, aasimar monk Liúlàng Hàn, and entered the big city of Waterdeep.
A lot has happened during this time and our wonderful Dungeon Master is taking a lot of time and energy to create these incredibly well written adventures, environments, NPCs and atmospheres.
I have taken over the role of the group's artist and I will use this blog to share some of my experiences and artworks from the game, since it means so much to me. Almost 4 years went into creating and shaping this character and his development will hopefully go on for many more years.
Follow me and Faelyn on our journey through loyalty and love, anger and hate, trust and friendship and the discovery of one's true identity.
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omori-aus-archive · 1 year
So, this is a Coma-Mari-like AU inspired by @rayn1lazd’s recent Spirit Mari post.
So, the drawing of Mari would be one of a few appearances she takes on, symbolizing how she sees herself as a prisoner of her own mindset. Much like how Sunny saw himself as nothing but a murderer in-game.
She’d also have other forms based on the Ten-No-Ko comms that I purchased from @neskastree and MoltenGates.
It’d be a Coma-Mari AU thematically, but it would have both Mari and Sunny in a coma or hospitalized in some way, thus connecting their Headspaces.
As of right now in my imagination, the accident still happens, but both siblings end up falling down.
Basil would probably get Hero, Kel, or their parents to call an ambulance, obviously panicking and freaking out.
In terms of Headspace, Mari and Sunny’s memories on the day are very inaccurate. Mari believes Sunny ran away or killed himself, due to him not being around. Sunny believes that he truly killed Mari.
I don’t know how Sunny’s mind would perceive time and act like he’s still living, but Mari’s mind would have her live each day with guilt on her shoulders, before eventually marrying Hero and having children.
Eventually, cracks begin to form as they’re able to hear their friends and family speak in the hospital. Mari is convinced that it’s a hallucination and continues, while Sunny actively attempts to search for the source.
Eventually, Sunny reaches Black Space and prematurely has to go through it, eventually finding himself in Mari’s Headspace. Mari thinks that she’s hallucinating and begins hyperventilating, only to calm down when her brother hugs her tightly.
Unfortunately, the reunion is short-lived, as the Headspace attempts to expel him as if he’s a parasite. After Sunny is forced away, seemingly dying in front of Mari, Mari snaps as she realizes that she’s in a mental hell and resolves to free herself and Sunny of their own prisons.
Headspace would be separated into four separate sections, based on elements, memories, and emotions (as well as certain organ systems necessary for self-preservation).
Brain would be fire and rage, mainly influenced by the still-fresh memories of the incident. Lungs would be air and joy, influenced by all of the happy memories that the siblings had with the friend group.
Stomach would be water and sorrow, influenced by Sunny nearly drowning (which is honestly a better concept for a HIKKI/OMARI AU than the accident).
And heart would be nothingness and fear. For Mari, it’s because she knows that she’s a prisoner of her own making and has unintentionally harmed her brother. For Sunny, it’s because he believes that he’s a failure and a mistake.
Both are influenced by the fact that they had expectations placed on them and that they could’ve prevented the situation that caused the incident, but weren’t able to.
Thus, they look like walking skeletons.
The heart is more or less White and Black Space mixed together. And not naturally too. It’s like if they had a head-on collision with each other. You know that red sea scene from Evangelion? That’s what it kinda looks like.
Eventually, Mari’s resolve is strengthened after hearing stuff from the doctors and the siblings’ parents. I’m NOT sure what they should say. Sunny’s taken away once again and all of Mari’s Headspace collapses in on itself, becoming Red Space.
Mari’s left to fight as the person she IS and WANTS to still be (a loving, forgiving friend and sister) against the person who she was trying to be (perfect, flawless, not accepting anything but perfection).
Mari eventually wins and thus wakes up. She then asks for a doctor to bring her to Sunny and after she and Sunny are alone, Mari lets her tears flow freely as she apologizes and begs her brother to come back to her.
Sunny eventually wakes up, before the two have a tearful and much needed reunion. After the two have physical checkups and health evaluations, the two request to have the friend group come. Once the friend group is reunited again, the siblings explain what happened to them.
I’m leaving the timeline from the accident to the recovery unknown because I feel like it should be based on viewer interpretation. Though it’s not longer than 4 years and not shorter than 1.5.
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techtechonmymind · 2 years
ok i’m enjoying my trip down utada hikaru memory lane here are random thoughts and memories:
- they are an incredible songwriter truly and truly. writing and composing songs like they had been since they were 10!!!! amazing. doyoung and chaewon still singing that first single that 16 year old wrote 24 years ago to this day 🤧🤧🤧
- hikki thank you for always being up for writing the kingdom hearts themes - they wouldn’t be the games they were without them. i’m sure they got that disney money, but it still means a lot haha
- hikki also experienced that not publicly out lgbtq+ real human person is accused of queerbaiting thing on twitter that that heartstopper actor went through, but to a much lighter extent. so just a heads up the internet has been internetting since before 2020. sigh.
- aw i just looked back on it and she was so sweet about it lolllll
- but it’s cool how often they used lgbtq imagery and themes in their work - colors, kiss&cry, tomodachi, later nijikan ofc.
- i just loved their music video and fashion choices so much - and still do! they were so particular to them. so interesting!
- forever shout out to hikari’s music video - they said simple and clean and it’s literally just hikki washing dishes. i loved a slice of life even as a kid haha
- deep river/ultra blue/heart station back to back no skip albums, so iconique
- lol i forgot about easy breezy “you’re easy breezy/and i’m japaneesy” rare L with that one haha
- maybe i’ll go through her entire discography and review each album 👀 i think hikki did a really good job of sequencing her albums
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papirouge · 2 years
What jpop artists do you like? Lately ive been getting into some like perfume, and sheena ringo or even vintage ones like pink lady or candies. Ive also heard lots of good things about hikada utaru, but aparently she identifies as nonbinary now?! Does it make me petty not to want to listen to her just because of that? Like i expected better of Japan artists but i guess even they can be delulu like american artists...
Yeah, there's been a whole discourse with Hikaru Utada because she suddenly said she didn't want to be described with gendered pronouns such as "Ms." before her name (and instead use Mx. or something like that). It's interesting to note that Hikki is fluent in English, and there was hardly any chance that someone who only speaks Japanese get so nitpicky about pronouns. 'Ms' doesn't really exist in Japanese, and actually Japanese is a pretty non gendered language (even less than English). So it's really interesting how the linguistic influence of the West took a toll of her. This statement was clearly dedicated to her Western audience, the only that would consistently use pronouns to describe her. However, she never stated she wanted to he called "she/they/them" or whatever.
Music wise, I'm not really fond of her music. I really like her 'ULTRA BLUE' album (which is famous for "Passion" which was Kingdom Hearts 2 theme) and some songs here and there though. Hikki is famous for having Jpop most groundbreaking debut at only 16 years old with "Automatic" (this song aged like fine wine tbh) by 1)being one of the biggest selling record in Japan 2)shoving R&B element in her music which was very outstanding at that time. The fact that she wrote at such a young age (and still do) all her lyrics + is fluent in English gave her a very solid 'ace' aura, and die hard fans who still to this day will jump on your throat if you 'dare' criticize their queen lol I remember someone who said that even her most upbeat/positive songs (Keep tryin', COLORS, Traveling…) always had a sad & melancholic era, and I think that's the most accurate description of her music, maybe that's why I have a hard time listening to her albums bc they (beside 'ULTRA BLUE' and 'HEART STATION' which are imo her most lighthearted ones) have this very downer, softdoom vibe~
That being said, it would be ridiculous to not listen to her just bc she has pronouns anon lol It's pretty funny how some people are getting so cranky abt pronouns-having artists and boast about how refuse to entertain anything that they do....but will have issue to keep watching/listening to movies/music of predators, sex pest and convicted rapists lmao
I always got a weird vibe from Sheena Ringo and never got remotely interested in her music. The rumors about she being a closeted Japanese nationalist just bc of her NIPPON album era (where she had her audience wave Japanese imperial flags) are insane though lmao Hopefully those people have the same energy to call out Miley Cyrus for being an American Nationalist for her song "Party in the USA" where she dances before a giant American flag 🤡
I hardly listen to new Japanese artists anymore. I replied to an ask not too long ago where I professed my love for Ayumi Hamasaki (her 10 first year of career were pristine - she really should've retired at her 10 years Complete Singles best album momentum because everything after that has pretty much been trash tbh). Her album LOVEppears is probably my favorite album of all time 🥴
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I'll never be over how cute she looks on "Fly High" MV (one of my favorite of her - those platform shoes + micro short + glittery sweatshirt combo will never get old / this MV is 23 years old and that outfit is still KICKIN #legendary)
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Also pretty random because that's not a band that I'm checking like that, but THE ORAL CIGARETTES 'UNOFFICIAL' album is an absolute no skip banger. I hardly remember a Jrock album that got me hooked like that those last few years😳
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I have so many other Japanese acts that I love it's really insane (I am more savvy of Japanese music that western one).
Soloist wise, I grew up in womanhood listening to Kana Nishino and her music is literally the soundtrack of my early 20s. We were born only a month apart and felt so connected to her and her songs. She truly has a special place in my heart. Her debut & sophomore albums 'LOVE one.' and 'to LOVE' got 20 years old me on a CHOKEHOLD! "Motto" got me crying all my tears off a dusty lmaoooo😭 it's insane how her songs matched with my life - we truly had a connection
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Tomiko Van and Kana Nishino are Jpop best vocalists imo ELLEGARDEN (rip) and ART-SCHOOL are my favorite bands of all time. ASIAN KUNG FU GENERATION and UVERworld had a decent run in the 2000s. Perfume is still kicking.....but I don't really catch up with them anymore cause I've been trying to cut out secular music off my playlist
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Hey.....me.  I’m back again, and so much has happened, in particular this semester.  I had so much fun this semester, with my friends more especially. The memories i’ve made with them, are definitely to be grateful for and cherished. I had made up my mind about boys, well....i was fooling myself, cause i’m sleeping with one now. Yeah i saw him through a friend, but i just couldn’t help my cravings, of one year 3 months without sex. I was celibate for that long, i too am flabbergasted that i stayed that long without sex. Well, it was for my own benefit, to focus on me for a while, my academics mostly. I took the decision to be celibate because i was also prioritizing my spiritual journey with God, to be pure. But this year, 2023? Amazing so far. I have never had so much confidence in being a player, literally all my life, i just wanted to settle, but my chances to were always slim. So much has happened, partying with the gents, drinking constantly like....EVERYDAY bro, its alcohol and weed. I am starting to not even get used to the life of being a sober minded person, its boring, but its not, i’m just addicted to it. I grew more open with the gents, man, because i had devoted my time and energy to them, my family there in Jozi currently. They’ve been nothing but so good to me, and i love, absolutely adore our time spending together, its epic! Mzwandile, Kat, and Ron are good friends, for real. I appreciate them so much, man, for all that they have done. Kwezi, Luzuko and Kabelo, my favs ke sana, my flag family. Yeah, there’s drama, but one thing about us, we got each other’s backs so much. I had never imagined, again, i’d be associated with a gay squad because of how dramatic it turns out to be, but these ones? So refreshing, man. .  As months continue to go by, i still get triggered by small things, things that are in the past but i had forced myself to forget, for what?  Met a nigga i liked, through a friend, but honestly, i wanted to just sleep with him, but he got it the other way around. Now, we’re friends, urgghhh...i never wanted it to start like that. Yeah we kissed, and i absolutely loved it, i wanted it to happen so bad, but it happened at the wrong time. It may look like i betrayed my friend, because they were vibing, well...used to vibe a year ago. Now, i’m still fucking a nigga the very same friend of mine knows, except that i have decided, we’re gonna be fuck buddies this year. It was my first time being cuddled, getting hikkies and doing such good sex positions. Oh my word he fucks so good, he literally does his job, and i give him an 8/10. I am still proud of myself for not forsaking God, my source, my Lord and Savior. With all the drinking and smoking on a daily bases, i still am stuck with God, through praying and reading the holy word. I guess this year is my year to explore, to do as i please, and never be apologetic, a year of not letting my emotions rule my judgement, to not be partial but be a person who is fair. I also met Mookodi, whos such a free spirit, we click and i like our vibe. He has been through a lot, man, but i believe we add on that cherry on top of his problems as his friends.  Now, i’ve got 6 months left to make it, to ace my academics, with Mzwandile and Kat, but its all gonna be worth it, i know. 
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penumbralwoods · 2 years
1 3 7 12 14 24 28 and 31!!!! for the omori ask game
1 (favorite main character): BASIL!! i love basil he was my favorite from the beginning i spent all of my first run (especially black space) ignoring everything but him and then missed a ton of shit /silly 3 (favorite song(s)): you CANNOT get me started on the ost itll take hours. anyway duet, omori/alter, any of the a home for flowers variations, and the song for the loading screen/roboheart i can never remember the name of 7 (favorite area in black space): ok my memories of black space 1 are spotty at best because, as mentioned earlier, i sped through everything trying to find basil, but i like the vibes of the black forest. 12 (favorite route/ending?): ok here's the thing. for meat of the route i LOVE hikki, because i'm a sucker for a good battle system and theres SO MUCH TO FIGHT + it feels like exploring the region post-championship in a pokemon game. but for the ending itself, true ending absolutely. going in blind having it as my first route was definitely for the best. 14 (favorite moment?): BASIL AND SUNNY FIGHT. GOD. could talk for days about that. or the omori fight that too 24 (scene that scared you the most?): the arachnophobia segment bc i do have REALLY bad arachnophobia and it triggered super badly. HELLMARI also freaks me the fuck out. i dont like empty gaping mouths. 28 (any new friends after playing the game?): nope! im not really involved in the fandom and dont really plan to be. one of my close buds is really into it though, wink wink nudge nudge.
31 (do you want to high-five kel?): OF COURSE I FUCKING DO WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A HEARTLESS BASTARD?????????????????
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rosecaffelatte · 3 years
[Karasuno eating breakfast together.]
Ukai: We need to save every Yen, so we can go to the tournament.
Ukai: Tanaka, go easy on the orange juice. That stuff doesn’t grow on–
Ukai: ...
Ukai: Wait, it does! So why is it so damn expensive?!
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neesocks · 3 years
i’ll start referring to things in the past that i can’t fathom were real that i can’t congregate with my own view of myself as a hallucination & a delusion this will fix nothing & make me worse
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Azul×Idia headcanons... hand em over, I wanna hear them all, every single one
(You're artsyle is so scrumptious it's not even funny❤❤❤❤❤❤)
Dear Anon! Sorry for the late reply. I am very happy you like my artstyle, and I am especially happy that you like Azul/Idia. They are our first twst ship, they are actually the first twst ship that we’ve written headcanons about, and our first post with them was almost a year ago?? That’s a long time, but I still feel like we just fell in love with these two lol
Just in case, here are some previous posts with hcs about them:
The very first one
Some more headcanons (+the ones about the Marriage AU)
The one with octo!Azul
The one about the overblot versions of these two
There are also some about Idia and the OctaTrio, but you can find all of them in the according tag (“headcanons”), so I won’t link them here.
As you can see, we have a lot to say about them lol, but it’s been a while since our last hc post about them, so I’ll give you some new ones! God I hope they’re new… I hate it when I accidentally repeat myself lol
They are an odd couple because both are allergic to sincerity and have a hard time opening up to each other. It’s almost like they’re afraid that if they say something honest and romantic, the other one is going to laugh at him. And to be honest, Azul is worse at it than Idia. Like, Idia’s initial reaction would be laugh it off and say that Azul is cringe (as a defense mechanism), but he would actually appreciate it a lot and maybe even open up in return. Azul, however, is absolutely terrified of being rejected for his feelings and sometimes has a hard time reacting to Idia’s own sincere moments. But he’s slowly getting better, I guess.
Despite that, Azul is actually quite romantic sometimes. If he falls asleep in Idia’s room, he clings to him, his long limbs, his warm hair. He is actually quite needy when he lets his guard down. But Idia learned not to comment on that, because Azul instantly gets embarrassed and super pissed off and sometimes even bites him :( Ouch
They actually argue quite often. And god forbid if they argue about something that can’t easily get googled and prove one of them wrong, because this petty argument is going to last for ages. Sometimes it ends up being an arousing thing for them, but Idia always comments on how much of a cliché it is to yell at each other and then make out passionately.
Their sex life used to be super awkward at the very beginning of their relationship, because they are basically a combo of a socially inept hikki guy whose kinks and preferences are super far detached from a real human life, and a merman who didn’t have legs or human reproductive organs only 3 years ago. So they weren’t even super into sex at first, it’s just too much mental and physical work, too awkward and embarrassing. That being said, they did have their early horny moments when they got really carried away and way too into touching each other.
After they’ve been together for some time though, sex is going to become less stressful, at least for Azul. He learns very fast, and he is obsessed with getting better, so Idia is going to be overwhelmed and fucked in all the right places at the same time lol But they still have these vibes of two awkward but horny nerds sometimes.
There are periods during which they don’t have sex at all, and barely even have any romantic interactions. During these one might even think that they’re just friends, since they seem to be very neutral in the ways they interact and talk about games and stuff. Idia doesn’t mind it, but it’s a bit wild even to him sometimes how not interested in sex Azul actually is…because when Azul is aroused, it seems like sex is the most important thing in his life lol I guess this is an animal within him.
They aren’t really into bdsm, but they’re one of those couples who fall into the d/s dynamics naturally sometimes for some reason. Mostly because Idia is very bratty with Azul and likes to tease him, and sometimes Azul gets pissed off and reacts in a very dominating and overwhelming way, and then all of a sudden things happen… Let’s just say that Idia got spanked more than one time.
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pocasu · 5 years
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Shroud brothers
These two seem so sweet, I love family dynamics so much aaaaaa........ Ortho and Idia....... u are both Baby........
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marizus · 7 years
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We thought of this special day and we're on our way now
A two-hour vacation rendezvous at the edge of the beach
It's fine if it isn't enough
Fun is best a little at a time
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