#i love how confused i was in the beginning
b14augrana · 2 days
‘Close By Me’
When your team finds out about your upcoming departure from Barça to play for Lyon, your relationship with your captain takes a turn
Alexia Putellas x teen!reader
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Warnings: angst, kinda mean ale but theres a happy ending
A/N: cute and short one for ya. i really like this for some reason 🥲 i hope you do too!! ‘nobody gets me’ + ‘white ferrari’ in my head while i wrote this 🫶🏼
“You’re what?” Alexia almost yelled, her eyes bulging in shock.
The others stood around her with hands on their mouths, and the frown on Aitana’s face made your heart ache.
“I’m.. leaving, to play in Lyon,” you mumbled. You didn’t want to cry in front of all your teammates, but your lip quivered and before you knew it, there was a steady flow of tears going down your cheeks.
Your shoulders shook with every sob, but you were shrouded in warmth from the tight hugs of your teammates as they ran up to you. Aitana’s arms were wrapped around you, and you could smell Patri’s perfume and feel Frido’s fingers combing through your hair.
But there was something missing. Someone missing.
When you peeked through a gap in the hug, you could see Alexia standing dormant behind you all, her gaze fixed on the group with an unreadable expression.. one that looked similar to disappointment.
Trainings were different since then. Your favourite part used to be passing with Alexia and playing keepie-uppie tennis, but there was a tense energy that followed her as you walked up to her, a ball in your hands and a hopeful smile on your face asking to be partners.
You guys didn’t play keepie-uppie tennis. You did regular one-touch passes instead, which wasn’t nearly as fun and it started to feel like a competition as Alexia kicked the ball harder and harder every time until it got out of control and hit your calf with a loud slap.
You frowned deeply, rubbing your calf to soothe the reddening skin as Alexia walked towards you. At first, you thought she was going to help you, but instead she flicked the ball up into her hands and walked away.
You had never seen her be so cold, let alone be on the receiving end of her dull behaviour. It confused you, because you didn’t do anything wrong to make her act this way.
Her coarse behaviour continued for a week. It varied from scrutinising glances to harsh criticism’s , and you were beginning to realise that this new issue stemmed from the day you had told the team about your departure.
The others were fine. Alexia wasn’t. She was a changed woman ever since that day.
Games were a nightmare. You moved tentatively, scared of making any mistakes in front of Alexia, but that in itself was a mistake because you got berated for your indecisive moves.
She ran over to you, her face crumpled in sheer anger that made you recoil backwards slightly as the string of angry Catalan sentences came spilling out paired with aggressive hand gestures until she finally stormed away, returning to the play.
You felt like a little girl again as you stood stupidly in the middle of the pitch, trying to calm down your shaky lip and prevent any tears from falling in front of a full stadium, but you were overwhelmed with sadness and embarrassment to move. Alexia never yelled at you. She never blamed you for any mistakes.
You thought she understood how it felt to be so young and scared, given all the talks and reassurance she gave you whenever she felt like you weren’t good enough to be playing in the first team. You obviously thought wrong.
“She’s upset, hermanita,” Aitana whispered to you in the locker room after the game, her hand rubbing your back consolingly. “You mean more to her than it seems. You’re like a daughter to her, mi querido, and she isn’t used to loving someone so closely.”
You leaned into her touch, succumbing to her hug. In the locker room, it was just you and Aitana.. and your thoughts.
Back in Alexia’s apartment, there was a tense atmosphere that lingered as she sunk onto her couch, any traces of happiness absent in her face.
She had plans for you at Barcelona. She knew that you could better than her if not the best, and you’d help her crush Lyon and give her club a feel of European glory once again. All those dreams, all her plans, they were ruined.
She felt betrayed, not so much by you, but by her club for not being able to see the potential right in front of their eyes and for letting you go. She didn’t know how to handle losing you, the little girl she watched grow up for years, to the team that she had never been able to beat in her career. It would be harder than ever to try beat them now that you were set to be in their squad.
Alexia wasn’t emotional. She didn’t want anyone to think she felt strongly towards anything except winning, Barça, and winning again. If you were going to play for Lyon, she wanted to make sure you were ready, by making you face the worst side of her to prepare you for playing with the best.
Second best, behind Barça. Obviously.
You had spent your entire Friday night scheming up ways to get back on good terms with Alexia.
That’s how you ended up on her front doorstep, hesitating to ring the doorbell, with your means of mediation in hand.
Before you could weigh up all the possible outcomes, you lurched forward and hit the doorbell. You could hear footsteps inching closer to the door from behind it, and you scrambled to straighten up.
When Alexia opened the door, there you were, big-eyed and scuffing the floor with your shoe nervously.
“Hi Ale,” you started nervously, looking at the ground momentarily before gazing back up at her and sticking your hand out, “I made cookies… double chocolate chip, your favourite.”
You stayed up all night making them to perfection. You kept the slightly burnt or malformed batches for your family to eat and gave her the batch you were most proud of.
She took them from your hands, and the smile on her face made you breathe a silent sigh of relief. She looked at the container, examining the batch of cookies before nodding towards the interior of her home, “Come inside, please.”
You stepped into her apartment, a familiar place that you were sure to miss once you were in France. She gestured for you to sit down as she placed your cookies on the bench, but you stayed standing. The woman turned back around and was surprised to see you still standing until you spoke.
“I don’t want you to be angry at me, Ale. I want to be on your good side because I really love you and being your friend,” you rambled, conveying weeks of rough emotions to her in a minute, “I miss playing keepie-uppie tennis with you and I hope you’ll still care about me when I go to Lyon and–”
You were cut off as you were smothered in a warm, tight hug. The blonde wrapped her arms around you, and when she pulled away, she looked at you with a soft expression.
“I care for you now and I will, forever,” she whispered, moving strands of hair out of your face. Your cheeks went warm, and the feeling of tears emerging in your eyes swallowed you whole, the only difference being what they represented; they weren’t tears of sadness or worry. This time, they were happy tears from finally communicating with Alexia and getting through to the fact that she still loved you.
Her hand reached your shoulder to place a steady grip on it as she spoke once more, her voice low and on the verge of breaking as shown by the slight shakiness to it. “I’m so sorry for how I acted, I just– how am I supposed to let you go, mi todo?”
“Don’t,” you responded, your lips teetering between a smile and a frown.
“You are more than just my captain, Ale, you’re my second mamá. You always will be. It’s impossible to let that go.”
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sky-high-standards · 21 hours
Yandere Knight x Dragon Reader
sry I haven't posted in a while my single pringles enjoy~
Yandere Knight~ Who was summoned to rescue a princess from the clutches of the most feared dragon in the empire.
Yandere Knight~ Who indifferently agrees and begins his quest.
Yandere Knight~ Who charges to your land on his trusty steed and is then face to face with you your scales shimmering and your eyes burning with fury you were much more magnificent than he imagined...
Yandere Knight~ Who fought well bravely and was about to take the final blow ready to launch his lance into your throat when suddenly you transformed into your weakened part human form stopping him in his tracks.
Yandere Knight~ Who's eyes widened at the sight of you, you were gorgeous much more beautiful than any princess could ever be he took a moment to take in your form as you struggled to stay standing your wings spread and your fiery eyes glaring into his waiting for him to take the blow.
 Yandere Knight~ Who cautiously approached you and watched you sit there accepting your fate and smiles slightly as your eyes open confused as he caressed your cheek and horns muttering to himself.
Yandere Knight~ Who is startled when you growl and fly away, and his eyes linger on your now distant form and internally groans when the princess runs out and throws herself at him as he fights back the burning urge to throw her off.
Yandere Knight~ Who confronts every dragon ologist to learn as much as he can about your kind, He has to know every detail about his new beloved after all.
Yandere Knight~ Who finds out your love for precious objects and always comes to your land leaving treasure and jewels behind picturing how lovely you'll look in them.
Yandere Knight~ Who outright refuses the kings proposal for him to marry the princess as a reward for saving her his mind only occupied with how stunning you looked amongst your flames.
Yandere Knight~ Who makes sure no other knight is sent anywhere near you he can't have anyone else seeing your beauty or attempting to slay you.
Yandere Knight~ Who's attempts end up being futile and is sent with troops to slay you once and for all.
Yandere Knight~ Who is furious to see the last remaining knight standing over your weakened for with his sword raised ready to finish you off.
Yandere Knight~ who charges and kills the knight slicing his head clean off with a sick smile as he watches it fall at your feet seeing your frozen expression as he caresses your face with his bloodied hands.
“No one will ever hurt you my treasure I’ll be the only one who knows your true beauty, and I’ll never let anyone else see it~”
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I have gone down this rabbit hole now and I'm afraid I'm never getting out. I hope I give justice to this. And sorry if this is long.
I've seen a lot of the Colin and Marina vs. Colin and Penelope analyses in here and I want to raise this parallel as to how the Butterfly ball was such a powerful move for both Penelope and Colin. We all have our issues with how they handled Pen and Colin finding their way back to each other but let me add this perspective and hope it helps us understand how real they handled the issue of LW and pushed the character development for them both.
The scene on the left is from S01e06 (Swish) and the right is S03e08 (Into the Light)
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S1 scene - Violet is still in her dressing gown, obviously distraught having just read something from LW. She hears someone come down and finds Colin.
S3 scene - Violet is dressed for the morning and her face looks a combination of surprise and confusion after reading a letter. She turns around when she hears someone coming down the stairs.
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In both scenes, we see Colin coming down the stairs.
S1 - we only see Colin's back. We're in suspense on what emotional state he is in but we do know that he's on his way to elope with Marina.
In S3 - we see Colin's face immediately looking determined and ready. We see Violet calling his name quite urgently.
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S1 - Colin sees his mother's face looking like a combination of disappointment and anger. He asks what's happening. She doesn't say anything but just looks at Colin with a sadness that only a mother can give.
S3 - Violet pointedly says that she received a letter from Colin's wife (I love this line so much) that sounds awfully like "I need you to explain what's happening right now."
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S1 - Violet hands Colin LW without saying anything and just looks so so so sad. Colin is shocked to his core because we learn that LW (Pen) exposes Marina's pregnancy and that she has been pregnant from the beginning of the season.
S3 - Colin determinedly faces his mother telling her that they had better sit. And I'm guessing that Colin tells her everything.
Where am I going with this? (Gosh, doing an analysis is hard 😂)
The first time Colin fell in love (thought he fell in love), he was blindsided. But I believe the pain he felt at that time was made deeper because his family had to save him from the situation (Anthony explaining that his actions in the scandal will affect his sisters' prospects as well). To think that it was his mother who first learned of the situation added salt to the wound because we all know that he is a mama's boy and that the one person he dislikes letting down is his mother.
The second (and last time) Colin falls in love, he once again feels betrayed. But he's fallen in love so deeply that he can't imagine his life without Pen. The struggle he goes through in understanding his emotions was very hard to watch and it's because the issue goes beyond his and Pen's relationship. It extends to his family.
Colin's hero complex goes beyond feeling worthy of Pen's love but also worthy of the Bridgerton name. We see it several times in S3 when he mentions it in his confrontation with Portia (" I advise you not to sully our Bridgerton name...") and when Pen tells him that Cressida discovered her secret ("It will besmirch our Bridgerton name. The entire family").
The whole sequence in the study is now more significant because of what Pen addresses in their conversation-- Colin's family ("Your family... the one you so kindly shared with me, they are too good").
Pen's "sacrifice" ("But I can no longer conceal the biggest piece of information I have. My identity."), I believe, was to save the Bridgerton family (once again) and she asks Colin to stand by her as she formulates and executes this plan.
It was very important that Pen wrote a letter to Violet directly and that Colin was there right after she's read it to explain everything. From this point on, they were a team. From this point on, Colin moves in parallel with Pen instead of against it. Colin finally sees that version of Pen that she's always been even while she was LW-- the person who was always determined to save his family just as much as he does.
From this point on, their goals were aligned.
10 rewatches after, I finally see how Colin found his way back to Pen. It wasn't very obvious to me how he got over the feelings of betrayal after he discovered Pen was LW. Of course, him reading the letters help but the events leading up to the Butterfly ball, helped him see her as both Pen and Lady Whistledown and the overflowing pride we see on his face was heart-melting to watch.
From this point on, they finally see each other eye to eye. From this point on, they finally accept this version of each other.
If you got the end, thanks for reading my humble musings.
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frost-queen · 2 days
Dogfights (Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
Requested by: anon , Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex–awesome–22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers  , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly  ,@denkisclown , @wildieflower  ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine  @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury ,@imagines-by-her,@evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
Summary: Reader hates Hangman cause he's an asshole. Hangman can't stop teasing you about it. When he sees you flirt with another he jumps in, acting all jealous and possesive. Dragging you to a secluded area, he asks just how much you hate him before kissing you. Shocking your crew when you start dating.
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Your F16 shot past Phoenix and Bob one’s. Breathing loud in the mask as you turned the handle. Your F16 doing a turn, hanging vertical up in the air. – “Wow slow down there Y/n.” – Phoenix called out over the intercom. – “Back.” – Bob shouted loud seeing another F16 behind him. Phoenix pulled up as the F16 went nose up. She let it tip till it faced forwards once more. Confused she looked at the F16 that had simply flew forwards.
Ignoring them in the dogfight. – “What are you doing?” – Phoenix whispered. You groaned loud making your F16 twirl in the air. The F16 on your tail, not easy to loose. – “Cut it out Bagman!” – you shouted over the intercom. You heard him chuckle. – “I’m coming for you.” – he laughed out. He sped up ignoring Coyote’s F16 that he could’ve easily played out of the game. 
Turning and tumbling, you tried to get your F16 behind Hangman’s. – “Not interested in more snacks?” – Phoenix teased over the intercom. Hangman only seemed to have eyes for you. Making it his goal to cut you out of the game. Everything else not caring for. – “Nope, just the big meal.” – he replied over the intercom with a smile.
He was tailing you. Following your F16’s movement smoothly. Narrowing his eyes a bit, he flipped the protecter up. Giving him a clear to press the button. The scanner on his screen tracking you mindlessly till it found a lock on you. –“Gotcha.” – he said pressing the button. There were some beeps as he cheered loud. – “You’re out of the game Scout.” – he shouted loud in victory.
You turned round to fly beside him. Hangman saluted you as you held your hand up, flipping it over to stuck your middle finger up to him. Hangman laughed more. – “God I love winning from you Scout.” – he said with ease, getting all comfortable in his seat. You brought your F16 down to the landing track.
Rooster came running up to you as you got out of the F16. – “God I hate him.” – you muttered out. Rooster joined your side, swinging his arm around your shoulder. – “3 minutes Scout. You managed to get him off your back for 3 minutes. That’s 20 seconds longer than last time.” – Rooster spoke as you laughed mockingly at him.
“Every damn dogfight!” – you groaned out. – “He always singles me out.” – you finished with frustration. Every dogfight Hangman always came chasing after you to get you out of the game. In the beginning it took him about 30 seconds to do so. Over the courses, you had figured he’d only come after you so you adapted. Learning how to stay out of his sight that little longer.
Today it seemed to be 3 minutes. 3 minutes he had been chasing you around before kicking you out of the game. Why? No one had a clue. Perhaps cause he was just an asshole. Rooster pushed you closer to him. – “I’ll buy you drinks when this is over.” – he said. – “You better.” – you answered nudging him in the side.
Rooster chuckled leading you back to the others. Maverick patted you on the back once you joined the others. With a deep sigh, you sat down. Listening in on the intercom of Hangman and Phoenix still up in the air. After another 2 minutes or so. It was over.
Hangman walked in all smug. Phoenix shooting him a glare as Bob walked quietly behind her. You were all dismissed as you and Phoenix walked to the changing rooms. Holding your fresh shirt in your hands, you had the need to groan loud in frustration. – “Every single time.” – you called out catching Phoenix’s attention. – “I hate it.” – you added. – “I know.” – Phoenix said dramatically noticing a figure appear in the door opening.
“Isn’t that sweet.” – Hangman came leaning against the door, arms crossed. – “You’re getting all worked up over me.” – he teased with a pestering smile. Giving him a glare, you threw your shirt at his face. He dodged it as it landed in the hallway. Jake chuckling teasingly taking a run for it. You rolled your eyes, getting to the hallway to retrieve your shirt.
You finished getting dressed, slamming your locker shut. You drove with Phoenix to the bar, meeting up with everyone else. Most of the boys were already there. You waved Phoenix goodbye, coming up to the bar. You held two fingers up to Penny as she already knew the order.
On the other side of the bar appeared Hangman. – “I’ll have four more on the old timer.” – he said, leaning with his elbow on the bar. Penny quirked her eyebrow up. – “Oh, I meant Y/n.” – he enlightened Penny with a slight point at you. – “Don’t you ever grow tired of your lame jokes?” – you asked him. – “Nope.” – he responded all quirky. – “Certainly not when I can make you blush like that.” – he said.
Immediately you pressed your hand against your cheek, feeling if you had warmed up. Feeling if you were flushed without you knowing. Jake laughed loud from your reaction. He had lied, but it was fun to see you actually believe it. Penny sat down the beers in front of Hangman. – “Next time it’s your turn.” – she warned him.
Hangman clicked his tongue with a wink at you. Penny turned to your side of the bar. Giving you a sympathetic smile whilst giving you the drinks. You took them, going around the bar to your company. Phoenix sat in one of the booths with Fanboy and Rooster. You set her drink down, scooting in at Rooster’s side.
“He still bothering you.” – Rooster asked, swooping an arm over you. Your gaze flashed towards Hangman by the pool table. He looked back at you with a smile, tapping the pool stick gently on the ground. – “He just thinks he’s interesting.” – you told them, making them all laugh. – “Enough about Bagman. I want to enjoy this night.” – you said leaning closer to the table. – “Cheers to that.” – Phoenix said holding her drink up.
You raised your drink as well letting it touch with hers. The four of you chatted and laughed. Having so much fun it showed. It caught Hangman’s attention from time to time. A few more hours in and drinks away, you got up for another order. Exhaling loud you made your way over to Penny’s bar. Leaning a bit on the counter, waiting for her as she had gone to the back for some refills.
From across the bar, your eyes met up with a boy. He wore his uniform as you figured he was on a different program. He smiled at you, making you smile shyly back. He couldn’t seem to get his attention away from you. Penny returned, blocking his view as you saw him try to look past her to catch you.
It made you chuckle teasingly finding it cute. The man ordered as he then gestured at you. – “I’m buying her drinks too.” – he said. – “That’s be five more drinks on your behalf.” – you told him, letting him know he wasn’t just buying for one drink. – “Sure.” – he responded with a sweet smile. Penny didn’t interfered getting the drinks. The man patted the bar before going around and joining your side.
“So you’re a Top gunner.” – he remarked observing your uniform. You turned more towards him, observing his uniform. It had a dark blue shade. – “You’re an upper-sider.” – you acknowledged. – “That I am ma’am.” – he said making you laugh. Penny was setting the drink on the counter as you only seemed to have eyes for each other. The guy picked up a drink, handing one to you. He took one for himself, letting your drinks touch. – “Cheers to you sugar.” – he said. You leaned a bit closer, chatting with him. You remained by the bar as your friends were still waiting for their drinks.
Hangman’s gaze fell on you by the bar. Seeing another man with you. His eyes widened brief before they narrowed to a glare. – “Hangman… Hangman… Jake.” – Coyote said to get his attention. Coyote patted Jake against his shoulder. – “It’s your turn man.” – he said surprised when Jake pushed his pool stick into his hands. He made his way over to the bar, ready to break whatever was going on apart.
Jake moved himself in front of you, blocking your way from him. The guy looked surprised at the sudden appearance of him. Jake eyed him up and down. – “What do you think you are doing?” – he asked rudely. – “I…I’m just talking to her.” – the guy answered. Jake scoffed with a put up smile. – “Jake.” – you shout-whispered behind him, nudging his back with your fist to make him cut it out.
“I’m sorry but I didn’t gave you permission to talk to her.” – Jake answered. – “Jake.” – you repeated giving him another nudge to stop embarrassing you. – “I didn’t know I needed permission.” – the guy answered, not backing down. Jake gave him a taunting smile to mock him. – “Jake please.” – you begged for him to stop being such an idiot.
“I’ve got a fun idea.” – Jake said giving the guy a little shove by his shoulder. – “Why don’t you back off.” – he called out. – “Jake!” – you called out loud, already feeling embarrassed enough as all your friends were watching. – “What are you her boyfriend or something?” – the guy asked loud. You hated it and wanted to escape so you started to leave. Before you even set two steps, you were held back by Jake grabbing your wrist, keeping you by his side.
His grip firm around your wrist. The hatred in his eyes clear. Jake bumped hard with his shoulder against him, whilst dragging you along. You looked back over your shoulder to Phoenix, not sure what was happening. Phoenix could only stare speechless back at you. Jake dragged you over to where the toilets were. Secluded and away from everyone else. He let go of you by the window.
“What the hell Hangman!” – you called out. Suddenly startled when Jake moved closer, pressing his hands beside you on the glass, locking you in. – “How much do you hate me?” – he asked, making you widen your eyes in shock. – “What?” – you called out confused. – “Just how much do you hate me Y/n.” – he needed to know. For a moment you thought he was serious till you saw that smirk appear.
“I…I…I don’t know.” – you responded stuttering as you couldn’t utter a word. Not with Hangman leaning in so close to you. You looked away, finding his fixed stare a bit too intense. Hangman removed one hand from against the glass, taking your chin to make you face him. – “How much.” – he whispered eyeing your lips. You parted your lips to speak, not sure what to say. A moment later were his lips on yours.
To your surprise you were kissing him back. Not sure why you were kissing this fool back. His hands touched your lower back, pressing you closer to him as your hands found a way to his neck. Hangman broke the kiss off whilst smirking. – “So how much?” – he asked teasingly making you roll your eyes at him, pushing his face away by his cheek in a playful way. 
He grabbed you again, kissing you a second time as he didn’t seem to get enough from it. The two of you returned to the others, collecting the drinks still on the bar to hand them out. Hangman winked at you before returning to Coyote to finish his game.
The next day you were in the hangar with everyone. You sat down with Phoenix and Bob. Maverick chatting with Cyclone as they waited for the last recruits to join them. Hangman, Fanboy and Coyote neared to take a seat. Hangman first went over to you, coming to stand behind your chair. He pressed his hands down on it, lowering his head as he gave you a kiss upside down.
Phoenix’s eyes widened as Bob’s jaw dropped. Even Maverick stared shockingly at the display. Hangman pulled himself back up, seeing all eyes were on him. – “What?” – he called out. You could disappear from embarrassment. Hangman nudged Bob against his arm to get up, making way for him. Bob got up still staring as Hangman came sitting down in his seat.
"Please begin.” – Hangman told Maverick. Bob quickly took a seat behind Phoenix as Maverick cleared his throat. He moved up to the front, beginning his lecture. It was hard to get everyone’s attention as no one had thought the two of you would start dating. Coming as a total surprise to them.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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deanssluvr · 2 days
midnight memories
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pairings: frat!joost klein x fem!reader, friends to lovers
warnings: mentions of alcohol and drugs. SMUT. handjob. cowgirl. unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it). mdni.
word count: 3.3k
a/n: I did it. Literally couldn’t think of anything else but this. yes the title is based on a one direction song. It’s what sparked this idea. hope yall like it. requests for Joost Klein are open.
You entered your new dorm, heavy boxes in your arms. You always hated this process of moving back in. But you were happy about the upgrade. Only one roommate this time, and a bathroom in your dorm meaning no more communal bathroom. You walked to your shared living room and you set the boxes on the floor. A loud crack as they hit the ground. You cursed yourself as you knelt to open the box and assess the damage.
“Fuck.” You picked up the pieces of the now broken desktop mirror. You loved this mirror because it was so convenient and you’ve had it since your freshman year. But now you have to trash it. You decided it was a good idea to pick up the pieces with your bare hands, but quickly regretted it when one of them cut your hand. You let a string of curses leave your mouth as you rushed to the sink. You winced as cold water washed over your wound. You spent 15 minutes tending to your hand and finally wrapped it in gauze.
You walked back out to your car to grab another box. As soon as you picked it up, your wound stung but you ignored it. You just wanted to finish unpacking as quickly as possible. You treaded back up the stairs to your dorm and stopped at your door. You set the boxes on the ground so you could get your keys out of your pockets.
“Heyyyy” You knew that voice and you groaned.
“Hey, Joost.” You turned to see your friend Joost standing in the doorway. He was in a plain white shirt and black sweatpants. You were confused about what he was doing in the girl dormitories, especially during move-in day. “What’re you doing here?”
“I’m just here to help a girl move in.” You knew he was lying.
“Right. You’re just gonna help her. That’s it. Isn’t that how you ended up sleeping with my roommate last year?” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“What? First, that was a coincidence. And second I’m genuinely going to help her.” He attempts to explain himself. Because he was looking for a reason to see you, but he would never admit that.
“No. I don’t believe it. You do this all the time. You’re just trying to sleep with her.” You finally find your key in your pocket and open your door.
“I would never. What do you take me for? A whore?” You looked at him, giving him his answer. It’s not a secret that he sleeps with a lot of girls. And you see why. He’s attractive but cocky and you would never give him the satisfaction. He looks at your hand and sees the bandage. His face changes to concern and he gently picks up your hand. You wince a little at the contact and he apologizes, examining the wound. “What happened?”
“I broke my mirror that’s all.” You should’ve pulled away, but you didn’t. His hands were gentle with yours. Almost as if he cared. He looked at you with expression you couldn’t make out.
“Let me help you unpack the rest of your stuff.” He offers as he picks up the boxes that are still sitting next to the doorway.
“Are you trying that trick on me?” You raised your brow at him.
“I mean is it working?” He smirked, but you weren’t falling for it. “I’m kidding. I promise. I just want to help you out.” He gave you a genuine smile. You opened the door to your dorm allowing him to come in and set the boxes down.
After some time, the boxes finally made their way to your dorm. The hard part was over. You both sat on your couch, collectively deciding to take a well-needed break. It was silent between the both of you, but comfortable silence.
“We’re throwing a party tomorrow to celebrate coming back. You should come.” You knew exactly what party he was talking about. His frat always throws the biggest parties at the beginning of the year. They’re known for it.
“I don’t think I have a choice. My friends are dragging me there.” You chuckled looking at the unopened boxes that now littered your floor. If you looked at him, you would’ve seen him. looking at you like he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Which is exactly what he thought. He was so incredibly in love with you and has been since freshman year. But he would never tell you that. He believes that you deserve better. Better than him at least. He was brought out of his trance by his phone vibrating. He took it out of his pocket and looked at it and sighed.
“Hey I’m sorry but I gotta go. The guys need wanna go shopping for tomorrow. But I can stay if you need help.” He hoped you’d ask him to stay. Partially because he doesn’t feel like going and mostly because he wants to stay here with you.
“No, I’ll be fine. All I gotta do is unpack at this point. Plus my roommate should be here in an hour and she can help me if I need it.” you give him a reassuring smile. “Plus if you want to help somebody, I’m sure that girl that you mentioned probably still needs it.” you laugh and he rolls at you.
“You got jokes?” he gives you a smirk and playfully laughs. When you both stop you’re just looking at each other. It was quiet between the both of you.
“Uhm well, I should head out before they leave without me.” He looks away and gets up. You both say your goodbyes before he leaves your dorm.
You and your friend had decided to get ready together in your dorm since it was closer to where the party was being held. Your friends all crowded into your bathroom trying to finish their makeup. You had already completed it before they arrived and now struggling to pick an outfit. You just wanted something comfortable but cute because you’ll most likely be on your feet all night. You finally settled on an outfit that you were happy with and picked up your phone.
“Guys, we’re already 45 minutes late.” You yelled across from across the hall. You groaned when you heard no response and walked over to the bathroom. 2 of them were already finished while one was still working on her makeup.
“Sophie, how much longer are you gonna be? Because at this rate we’ll never make it to the party.” everyone laughed except Sophie.
“I’m sorry. This lash isn’t sticking no matter how much glue I put on it.” You watched as she tried placing a lash on her eye again only to take it off in frustration. Walking over, you take the lash out of her hand. You reapplied the lash glue and gently grabbed her face. You carefully placed the lash on her eye.
“How does that look?” You both were looking at her in the mirror.
“It looks so good thanks.” She smiled.
“Okay. Well, let’s get going.” All four of you quickly gathered your things and made your way out of your dorm.
The walk to the frat house wasn’t too long which you were grateful for. As you walked up to the place you could hear the music blaring and see multiple different colored lights through the windows. You and your friends arrived at the front door and were greeted by two guys. Obviously, they were members of the frat.
“Heyyy ladies.” One of them greeted you. Both of them looked at you and your friends like you guys were a full-course meal. It creeped you out. They moved out of the way to let you all in. The fraternity house throbbed with pulsating basslines that reverberated through every corner. Dim lights flickered overhead, casting shadows that danced against the walls as bodies moved to the rhythm of the music. It was packed. Two of your friends went to find their boyfriends and promised they’d meet up with you later into the night. Leaving you with Sophie who was already eyeing a guy.
“Wanna go get drinks?” You pull her from her trance, and you both stumble through the crowded living room, waving to familiar faces and exchanging playful banter. You both finally made your way to the drink table. You looked at the mystery punch and immediately passed it up opting for a beer. You were about to pick one out of the cooler before a rowdy group of students clamored over the table looking for refills. You rolled your eyes, grabbed your desired drink, and found your back to Sophie. She softly nudged your arm.
“Hey isn’t that the cute frat guy that you’re always around.” You looked in the same direction as her and your eyes met Joost’s. The room seemed to quiet down for a moment. The both of you just smiled at each other. Sophie grabbed your attention by pulling you by the arm.
“Let’s go dance!” You nodded and gave one quick look over to him again, but he had already turned back to talk to his friends. The part of the room that was considered the dance floor was tightly packed. But Sophie was able to find a spot in the crowd for the both of you. Your favorite song had come and Sophie was screaming the lyrics with you. You both were feeding off the energy of the crowd, dancing along with them. You had to admit that the playlist was fantastic because never was there one full moment on that dance floor. You were too busy having fun to notice Joost’s eyes on you. He had completely zoned out of his friends’ conversation to look at you. He was mesmerized by the way your body moved to the music. His mind drifted to dirtier things as he thought about his hands exploring your curves as you danced against him. He was quickly pulled from his trance by his friends pulling him to go get more shots. But after 15 minutes you were getting quite tired. Then one of the frat guys from earlier asked her to dance. She looked at you with pleading eyes.
“It’s okay. Go have fun. I’m gonna go take a break.” You tried yelling over the music, but she heard you anyway. She mouthed you a thank you and was pulled away to another part of the dance floor, leaving you to yourself. You made your through the crowd. You wanted to find somewhere where you could breathe for a moment, so you made your way to the front. You passed two guys on the threadbare couches who seemed to be engaged in a debate over something. On the patio outside, you leaned against the railing, escaping the heat and chaos inside. you watched as groups of friends played beer pong with fervor, their competitive spirits adding to the party's vibrant energy. The cool night air offered a brief respite from the sensory overload indoors.
“Want some company?” Turning your head, you see Joost walking over to join you. You smiled softly, silently allowing him to stand out on the patio with you. You both didn’t say anything for a few moments. You feel the cool breeze blow past, letting the heat you felt earlier go with it. You hear him dig through his pocket for something.
“You want one.” He offered as he held out a box of cigarettes. You shook your head, and took one out, putting it between his lips. He pulled out a lighter and lit it. You watched as he inhaled and blew the smoke into your face.
“Oh my god. You asshole.” He chuckled as he watched as you fanned the smoke away from your face which resulted in you laughing. A few moments pass again before you speak again. “Can I ask what you’re doing out here? I thought you would’ve been doing something stupid with your friends or trying to get in some girl's pants.” You took another sip of your beer.
“All of my friends are wasted,” he paused briefly, “And the only girl I care about is standing right here.” You looked at him in disbelief, but he was avoiding your eyes.
“You mean…” that statement could mean anything. You watched as he took in a breath and looked at you. It was dark with only the light of from the party seeping through the window behind you. Through the faint multi colored light you could see the hesitation in his face.
“I mean I like you. Like really like you.” You’d never seen him nervous until now. He flirts with so many other girls, but when it comes to you it’s different. He tries to read your face for any sign that you might feel the same.
“Joost I…” Words were lost to you. Nothing you could think of didn’t feel like enough of a response for him.
“No, it’s fine. I wasn’t expecting you to feel the same.” He gave you a pathetic smile. A bad attempt at hiding how he was feeling. “I was just tired of you not knowing how I really felt.” He sighed. He was sure that he just ruined everything between the both of you. He dropped the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. Anything to avoid your gaze. But you gently grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you. You watched as his eyes scanned over your face. He thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. You finally pull him into a kiss. He was caught off guard but enjoyed it nonetheless. He was hesitant to touch you at first, but his hands found their way to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
Out of nowhere, a group of clearly drunk guys came yelling and laughing out of the party. They noticed you and Joost and cheered him on. You both pulled away a bit embarrassed. Joost more than you. You can see a faint blush rise on his cheeks and you giggle at him.
“I know somewhere more private.” He took you by the hand and you both went back inside. He pushed his way through the crowd of people. The energy still hadn’t died down in the slightest. As you both made your way through the crowd, you spotted Sophie still dancing with the guy from earlier. Then you saw your other friends watching their boyfriends play beer pong and losing. Joost led you up some stairs and into a hallway, which was crowded with random people making out with each other. It was awkward pushing past them, but you did it anyway.
He stopped once he arrived at a room. He opened the door and you both went inside. He locked the door behind you. The room was relatively tidy. You looked around and saw multiple posters littered on his walls. All pictures are different from artists to video games. There was also a flag that you assumed was from where he’s from.
You lifted his shirt over his and tossed it somewhere on the floor. Your hands were quick to explore the exposed skin.
“Is this okay?” You felt his hands reach up your back to your zipper. He was nervous and he hated it. You were the only one who made him feel like this. You nodded. He unzipped it and lifted it over your head. Then toss it on the floor along with the rest of your clothes. His lips found their way to your neck, kissing and sucking where he could. His hands carefully reach up your back to your bra. When he tries to unclasp it, he starts having trouble. You couldn’t help but giggle at the struggle, so you reached back to do it for him. He slides it off your arms and tosses it aside. One of his hands was in your hair, pulling you into another kiss. Your fingers unbuttoned his jeans and wrapped around his desperate cock and started stroking softly. He pulled away and inhaled sharply. You pick up the pace and he leans his head back, a low groan escaping his lips. You leaned forward kissing and sucking at the new exposed skin. He curses under his breath and grabs your hand, stopping your actions.
“I need to fuck you schat (baby).” he breathes, panting hard, his chest heaving. He sounded desperate. He sat up on your knees giving him room to pull his pants and underwear down. You pulled your panties to the and grabbed him, lining him up with your entrance. You slowly sank, letting yourself adjust to his size. One of Joost's hands went to your waist, to help support you. You sank lower, having to bite your lip but unable to stop a low moan from escaping you. Once he was fully inside you stopped. You placed a hand on his chest gently pushing so he was lying on his back. He had many meaningless one-night stands, but you were more than that to him. His eyes scanned over your body and he looked at you like you were the most beautiful girl to him, a goddess even. His hands come to rest on your hips. Without warning you start moving your hips at a quick pace. You feel his fingertips digging into your soft flesh. Strings of curses mixed with broken praises leave his lips. His breathing was fast and heavy, and while he continued rubbing you, he had a moan of his own escape him.
"Fuck," he said, the curse not typical for him. "You're so tight." You were becoming a moaning mess with every thrust. The loud music still blaring downstairs was the only sound blocking your near pornographic noises. You looked down at him while you moved. There was a light film of sweat on his brow and his face was one of utmost pleasure as he watched where you both connected. It was filthy and beautiful he thought to himself. He knew you were both close when your movements became messier. So he sat up, his arm around your back. He was meeting your movements with his thrusts, pulling you against him. His mouth landed between your neck, kissing you there, as he kept using his new leverage to fuck up into you. In this new position, he was able to find your sweet causing this newfound pleasure to surge through you as he relentlessly kept hitting it.
“I’m going to, i’m clo-“ You could barely talk, but Joost knew what you were saying.
“It’s okay. I want to feel you come.” He thrusted up into you a few more times and you held onto his neck for support. That was enough to bring you over the edge. Your orgasm hit you like a train and it felt as though fireworks were going off all over your body. He followed suit as he came only a few seconds behind you. His grip on your hips was tight as he brought himself over the edge. Then he stuttered to a stop, breathing heavily, his face against yours. When it was over you nearly collapsed on Joost, your forehead falling on his shoulder. He laid you both back, careful of how sensitive you were at the moment. You both lie there catching your breath. Your hand rubbed soft circles over his chest.
“Did you mean what you said earlier?” This question had been gnawing at you since he said it, “about liking me?” He looked down at you in disbelief. But then he realized he was never the most honest with girls of his past and you knew this. But he wanted to make you see that you were different from any other girl he’d met.
“I meant every word. I promise.” You chose to trust and believe him. As much as you wanted to speak further about it, sleep was quick to take over you. Your eyes fluttered closed and he noticed.
“Slaapwel (goodnight).” He placed a kiss on your forehead and that was the last thing you felt before you blissfully fell asleep.
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milliumizoomi · 3 days
do you think armando is the type to wanna pay for everything? like the man will literally not let you pay for anything while you’re with him even if you protest against it
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☆彡SUMMARY.; His money definitely talks but he doesn’t let yours do so much as whisper.
☆彡WARNINGS.; Google translated Spanish, Mature language, Armando being you’re resident sugar daddy
☆彡NOTES.; this was too funny and I loved writing thisssss,, tysm for the request and I hope yall enjoy!!😋💕
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★ public service announcement
★ when you’re with him the only you gon need in that purse is ID and your phone
★ that’s it
★ if he catches you paying for anything, he’s taking the money from you and paying for it himself
★ don’t matter how much you wanna argue I promise you he not listening
★ the card in your purse? Confiscated.
★ the cash you have saved? It better stay saved.
★ I promise you this man is not playing with you at all when it comes to this
It’s looking like the credit card you have ain’t good for nothing really.
You don’t have enough fingers and toes to count how many times you’ve been in this type of situation with your hardheaded ass boyfriend.
The both of you have been out all day. He wanted to spend the day with you since he barely gets to, with managing the mafia and all, so he decided to take you out. The only problem is…
You can’t look at anything for too long or he’s buying it.
AND, don’t ever say you’re buying anything cause he ain’t even entertaining that.
“Babe look at thissss!!” You pointed at beautiful white diamond anklet. You wanted it so badly because you knew it’d look gorgeous on you. So, you decided to get it. As Armando walked up to you, you were already talking to one of the sellers so they can retrieve the item for you.
“¿Qué le das a mamá?” He asked as he finally got near you.
“Esta tobillera aquí mismo... ¡es tan bonita!”
You practically skipped away to the cash register and started fishing for your card to pay.
Then your purse disappeared.
Just completely vanished.
You stood there for a moment, very confused, then you look over to see your boyfriend pushing your purse into his pocket and taking out his money to pay.
In cash.
The woman at the register was as wide eyed as you were watching this man casually count hundreds like they were ones.
“How much was it?” He asked.
“O-oh..! It’s $350 sir!” He handed her the money and all you could do was stand there and stare as he took the piece of jewelry.
“Come mama.”
He guided you, by resting his hand on your lower back, and took you to a nearby seat and told you to sit. When you did, he opened up the box with the anklet inside and took it off and began putting it on you.
All you could do is look at him.
When he was done, he stretched out your leg.
“Looks good mama..”
You smiled and agreed, thanking him.
“You don’t have to pay for me all the time you know.” Getting up, he pulls you up too and says, “yeah I do.. and don’t ever let me see you trying to pay for shit again? You hear me?” You couldn’t help the shiver that ran down you’re spine at his words, but you crack a small smile and nodded. “I’m gonna keep trying anyways but fineeeee..” He rolls his eyes at you and kisses you on the forehead and you both begin to walk out the store.
“Baby?” You call to him.
“Can I have my purse back?”
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“¿Qué le das a mamá?” —“What you want mama?”
“Esta tobillera aquí mismo... ¡es tan bonita!” — “This anklet right here... it’s so pretty!”
{TAGLIST} :: @armandosbabymama @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf @radioloom @butterflyybabe @dyttomori || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms🤗💕.
©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — MILLIUMIZOOMI. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission.
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206 notes · View notes
ghost-proofbaby · 1 day
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kissing lessons
summary: you and robin have already shared several firsts as best friends: your first time holding hands, your first time cuddling someone, your first time flirting. so what's a little platonic kissing?
pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader
warnings: lots of sapphic pining, yearning, etc. assumed unrequited love. hopeless crushing. doing romantic things and claiming they're totally platonic when they very much are not. mentions of reading trying to conform to the 80s standards by dating a boy. reader is explicitly female (which should be given since robin is canonically a lesbian)
wc: 3.4k+
a/n: this one was a long time coming. it's based off of my own first kiss, loosely.
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Being best friends with Robin Buckley has always been about growing – together.
Life has a plethora of lessons for young souls to learn in time, and some of those lessons were simply hard. The first time you picked up a musical instrument and attempted to play your very first note, and it sounded atrocious. Nothing like the movies, more difficult than you could have ever imagined. The first time you walked the halls of your high school, and the terrifying first wave of panic at the realization you’d need to learn the map of the lands in order to navigate that maze for the next four years. The first time you walked into a classroom all of two minutes late, and the first shatter of embarrassment in your chest as every eye in the room turned to you. The first time you trip over your own laces on your way to Chemistry, the first time you impulsively cut your hair with the kitchen scissors, the first time a boy asked you out as a joke, and the first time someone asked you out genuinely only to fumble over every single word. Your first school dance, your first time cooking pasta from scratch, your first time attending a concert without a chaperone. 
Firsts, firsts, firsts. Life is simply full of them, and they never get any easier or kinder, but having a best friend at your side certainly makes it all bearable. 
Robin Buckley was that rock for you. And you, for her. 
It’s sort of how you got into this mess to begin with. 
“It’s going to be weird, isn’t it?” 
“It’s not going to be weird unless we make it weird, Robin.”
“How can I not make it weird? Where would my lips even go?”
You’re both lucky that no one is home to hear all the shrieking currently occurring in your small bedroom. Only the posters on your wall and your teddy bear you’ve had since you were five are witnesses to the current predicament occuring. 
Robin had been the one to suggest it, in all fairness. Graduation was next week, and there had been a lot of reminiscing flying about. All the firsts, all the hopeful lasts, and all the fatal moments you needed to drag by the hair to the backyard and bury six feet under. 
The topic of conversation had veered pretty erratically, turning left towards that one stubborn B left on Robin’s postcard as a result of her refusing to attend her assigned tutoring for Geometry last year, and then sliding right as you’d huffed about that one girl who had been an absolute menace towards you sophomore year when you’d botched your improv solo at a band concert. But in the last five minutes, it had finally straightened out – it had finally begun to follow the trail of a line of remembering that no one else would ever be allowed to know outside of you and Robin. 
You’d brought up the first date you’d ever gone on. A ridiculous milkshake outing with some guy in your freshman English class that had left you feeling more confused than starry eyed or lovesick as the books promised. 
The date that had caused Robin Buckley to offer to hold your hand at random, in private moments, the week leading up to it. Just so you’d know how it felt. Just so you could figure out how to best intertwine your fingers with someone else’s without feeling terrible foreign about it all. 
It had been platonic. You both swore it had been, shrugging carelessly as you’d let your palm meet your best friends. 
And you’d felt more every time your skin brushed hers than you had the entire night with that boy. Spent the entire date wishing it was Robin’s knuckles bumping yours when you’d reached for that damn strawberry milkshake. 
“Against mine, I’d hope.” 
The dissection hadn’t ended at the hand-holding. Next, the two of you had wistfully recalled the sleepover in which you’d first decided to learn how to spoon one another. Robin had read about it in a magazine, you’d never had firsthand experience, and it just felt right to suggest. Robin had rambled for a good five minutes before you’d tugged her back into her bed and commanded her to just lay there as you figured out where you arm should go as your body curved along the back of hers. 
It had been nice. Really nice. 
You’d never gone out on another date after the Great Milkshake Catastrophe, as the two of you had called it. Robin claimed none of the boys at school could handle her eccentricism. Both of you, young girls fumbling about the world, starving for touch completely unaware. You told yourselves everyone cuddled with their friends. You told yourselves it was normal. 
But then, you’d switched positions, Robin being the big spoon as the teen magazine had described, and you swore your heart had burst when her arm wrapped around your waist and her fingers slotted between your own against your abdomen. 
You’d fallen asleep in that position. Awoken to Robin’s face pressed right into your chest as you’d spread out on your back. Ignored the flaky drool stain left behind on your skin when she’d finally joined the living once more. Pretended like you both hadn’t had the best rest of your lives as you’d clung to one another through fading dreams and subtle snores. 
It was normal, right? It had to be, because it was nice, and it had become a part of your normal sleepover rituals. 
Friends used each other’s boobs as pillows all the time, as Robin had defended. 
“Yeah, but, well-” Robin cuts off in her current stricken rambling, throwing her hands out around the air between you two, “What about when it’s more than just pecking? You know? All that gross shit, where tongues get involved and spit is exchanged and, oh God, should we be sucking on some mints right now or something? Oh my God, what if you’re allergic to my chapstic-”
Gross shit. 
The not-so-clever code word the two of you used whenever describing any sort of romantic interactions. Kissing, making out, sex. The things all of your peers were regular experiencing, sometimes even displaying in public, that the two of you only turned your noses up to. 
You didn’t want to suck the face off of Connor in your fifth period pottery class. The only person you could imagine on the receiving end of that that didn’t make your stomach turn was sitting right in front of you now, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as she clearly panicked. 
“I’m not allergic to passion fruit Lip Smackers, Robs.”
The switch to a passion fruit flavor was new. Robin had been using the strawberry flavor religiously prior, but had recently offered it to you with the excuse of your obsession with strawberry flavored things. 
And now, you’d been using it daily. Trying not to think about how many times her lips had been on it prior to yours. Trying not to think about how many ways you could twist it into some sick secondary kissing metaphor, to have your lips slick with the same sticky substance as hers had been so many times before.
Tried not to think about what Robin Buckley’s lips tasted like, period. Easier said than done when the thought crosses your mind every time you lick your lips moment after application, getting the faux sweetness all over your tongue. 
“You could be. And how would we even know? I can’t even drive! If you start to have an allergic reaction, I can’t even take you to the hospital! We don’t have a c-” 
You can’t do it anymore – any other day, you relish in the sound of Robin’s voice as she’ll squeal on and on about everything and anything. But not today. 
You cut her off with a kiss.
The very same kiss you’d both timidly agreed upon when you’d both realized graduation was next week, and neither of you had had your first kiss. 
The same deal as the cuddling. The same deal as the hand-holding. The same deal as all the pick-up lines and flirting you’d try out on each other, the same deal as all the sweet ‘love notes’ you’d write for one another and slip into backpacks and binders alike. 
The same deal as that fluttering in your chest every time she looked up at you at the local pool, eager to see if you’d witnessed her flip beneath the water. The same deal as all the nights you’d cried into your pillow after being pestered about if any boys at school caught your eyes, because you knew they hadn’t and they never would. Your eyes were already too busy, completely captured by the sight of the brunette now pressing her lips against yours. 
None of the boys at school could ever compare. 
Passion fruit and strawberry mingles within the short peck, freckled cheeks and nose smashing against yours in the most awkward fashion possible. It could be weird; it should be weird. 
It’s not. 
When you pull away, Robin is completely stunned into silence for quite possibly the first time in her life. And her lips are shining with some of your residual spit, and her cheeks are the perfect shade of rose that no actual flower could capture.
Mother Nature herself could never replicate the girl in front of you. The girl you’d been best friends with for six years now, the girl you’d pined relentlessly for for just as long. 
Only you’d just recently realized it. Somewhere between the lip smackers exchange and the movie night in which you’d intertwined your legs on the couch and felt the weight of her between your hips as she’d passed out. 
Looking at her now sort of feels like realizing it all over again. Sort of like looking out over a precipice, and taking a deep breath, because you know you’re leaping off the cliff. No scared looks over your shoulder, no hesitation as you throw your foot out into mid-air. 
The kind of rush you’ve never felt with a boy, and never will. 
“Was that…” she whispers, voice hoarse before she clears it, batting her gorgeous lashes and taking the shakiest of breaths, “Was that good?”
“I dunno,” you lie, “I think we should try again.” 
It’s like a dance, you soon realize. Following her steps, guiding her with your own. She slides her way up closer, and you press your back against your headboard. Her hands are shaking when they brush your outer thighs, and your blood is racing as you tug on her elbows to guide her to straddle your lap. 
You both had said, after all, you needed to learn to be better kissers. That you couldn’t leave high school without having shoved your tongue down someone’s throat at least once. Your words, not hers. 
Your desperate attempt to make sure that someone was Robin Buckley. Your pitiful attempt to have the one thing you don’t think you’ll ever be allowed to hold. 
The weight of her on your lap is nice. The feeling of her lips returning to yours is nice. The way neither of your hands know where to go as you let your lips linger together a few seconds longer than the first time is nice. 
It’s far nicer than Connor from English could ever make you feel. It’s far nicer than that poor boy at the diner ever was, though he tried his best. 
You’re the brave one, when it’s all said and done. You’re the first one to let your palms settle at her hips, squeezing ever so gently to feel the softness beneath slot perfectly into your hold. You’re the first one to timidly include tongue, parting both your lips, trying to ignore the shivers running up your spine as all you can taste now is passion fruit lip smackers. 
Even with your own lip balm, you know your lips are horribly chapped. Dreadfully thirsty and desperate to absorb all the love you know isn’t yours to claim at this moment. Chapped lips, quivering hands, shaking breaths. Unsure movements and the ringing question in the back of your head of am I doing this right? 
Is she feeling what I’m feeling? 
Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. But she’s kissing you back. Her tongue is meeting yours in movements that are nothing like the movies, shy baps that you both will probably laugh about later. Kitten licks to test the waters. 
And then there’s the retreating. The rock of her body as she settles her weight closer to your knees, and her tongue is put away in favor of just letting her lips slot between yours in slow and lazy movements. You can feel every deep breath she takes through her nose between the kisses, you can smell her perfume seeping into your psyche every moment she spends so close to you. 
The only lesson being learned right now is that you were an idiot. You were an absolute fool, and you are absolutely in love with your best friend.
“Better?” she questions when she pulls away entirely, and you try not to whimper. Try not to show her how badly you want this, need this. 
You hate the silence and you nearly wish she’d start babbling again. You wish she’d give you a reason to kiss her and shut her up, if for nothing more than to taste passion fruit and yearning all over again. 
You’re quiet for a few beats, staring at her as your chest heaves and your heart begins to twist up into terrible shapes. “I… Yeah. Yeah. I think we’re getting the hang of it, don’t you?” 
“Oh, absolutely,” her nervous smile breaks, and you wish she wouldn’t continue the thought, but she does, “You’re gonna be a pro in no time, breaking boys hearts left and right when you kiss them like that.” 
You don’t want to break a boy’s heart. You want to break hers – you want to entirely implode her heart the way she has yours, and have the honor to know it was mutual. A mutual destruction you both dove into headfirst. You only want to kiss Robin like this, forever. You only ever want to know how right her hand feels in yours, not some guy who can’t even choke out the right words to invite you to the cinema. 
You want, and you want, and you want. 
And just as you bite your tongue, decide against pouring out all your affections all over your bed sheets and pulling her right back into you again, desperate to share air with her and only her, you can hear your front door slamming over. 
Robin has never moved so quickly in her life. Jumping off your lap, leaping to the edge of the bed as a feverish blush overtakes her entire body. As though she might be embarrassed, as though she might be regretful. 
You still haven’t moved from your position, back sticky with sweat against the headboard, when your parents walk past your open door and say hello. 
They probably don’t even hear your sad and quiet excuse of a returned greeting, too enraptured by Robin’s own excited quip of saying hi. 
Your parents love her. Adore her in a way parents should care for their child’s closest confidant. They treat her like their own daughter, and Robin’s parents do the same for you. Once a month, your mothers meet up for mimosas over brunch and probably giggle about how lucky their girls are to have one another. 
You get it. You love her too. But certainly not in the way you should love your best friend. 
They finally leave, and Robin is quick to turn to you, eyes shining with all the stars and sunshine the Universe could have to offer, “That… um, thank you.”
“For what?” you laugh breathlessly, finally shifting forward, looking down at your thighs that had served as a temporary home to the girl who holds your heart, trying to swallow down any shame and all that rapid longing. 
“For… you know,” she smiles, a secret for the two of you to only ever keep, never sharing with the world. Selfishly, you almost enjoy the sentiment, “I’m sorry I was acting so weird about it before. You were right, it didn’t have to be weird unless we made it weird. I’m lucky to have you as my best friend, you know? And like I said, if you’re…. You know, doing that with boys, you’re going to be a certified heartbreaker. The world isn’t ready for my best friend. Besides! Another thing checked off the list, right?” she pauses, and you swear the smile has gone sad, but you can’t risk the projection, “Now we can both say we’ve done… that… before graduation! And-”
You speak before you can think better of it, interrupting her entirely, “I think I need more practice.” 
She stops in her tracks, eyebrows raising wildly and eyes turning to saucers, “What?”
“I think…” your head reels, desperate to come up with an excuse to kiss her again. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. “I think I need more lessons, yeah? Like, I don’t know. More practice,” Oxygen evades you in desperation, giving your best puppy dog eyes, system in overdrive as you stare at her lips and your voice drops to a careful whisper, “My parents are out of town next weekend… Maybe we could try again then? Same time?” 
You swear her smile shifts, and you hadn’t even noticed the ingenuity in it previously until she dazzles you with one that must be real. As if you’ve just made her year, lightened her load, offered over your first born to the darling girl. 
“Well….” she moves her eyes across the room, focusing on a polaroid photo of the two of you pinned to the wall above the desk, “I mean, we did say lessons, plural. I can see if Steve will cover my shift on Saturday night if that works?” 
Am I doing this right? 
“That definitely works.”
Is she feeling what I’m feeling?
“Perfect. It’s a…. date, then.” 
“It’s a date.” 
It’s not. Only to you, never to her. 
But it’ll be enough. It’s enough to know next Saturday, she’ll be back here, in your bed and in your lap, getting that passion fruit chapstick all over your lips and shaking your chest from the inside out until it’s ready to burst. 
One day, you might be the brave one, when it’s all said and done. You’ll tell your best friend all the ways she feels so nice, and all the ways you want to capture that niceness in a bottle for the rest of your days. You’ll tell her the way you have no interest in the boys at school and how you’re cursed to forever be the heartbroken, never the heartbreaker, and only ever at her hand. The very same one clasping yours as she stands at your front door, thanking you vaguely once more, grinning ear to ear as she gives you three tight squeezes that are completely lost on you. 
Today’s not the day, though. Today is the day where you spend the night in your self-made cage, face buried in the pillow, noises somewhere between desperately muffled screams of frustration and dry sobs of torture leaving your lips as you picture the way she’d looked after the kiss. Her eyes softly shut, her lips still puckered, her neck entirely exposed as she tilts her chin back to look at your ceiling through her eyelids. Picturing the way that next time, you’ll try to convince her the two of you should learn the art of neck kisses. Picturing the way that next time, maybe you’ll grab her hips a little harder or let your hands wander a bit farther to her thighs. 
Tonight is the night you have no idea amongst your pity party, that Robin Buckley is on the other side of town, experiencing the exact same turmoil as she longs for the girl who tastes like her gifted strawberry lip smackers – the very same one Steve Harrington berated on her to get rid of when she’d vomited out all the ways she hates fake strawberry flavoring, but you love it, and she’d convinced herself if she bathed herself in enough of it, you might just want her the way she wants you. 
Tonight’s not the night, though. 
One day, the kissing lessons will simply be kisses. One day.
ghost's taglist: @emmaisgonnacry @figmentofquinn @bebe07011 @barbedwirebats @ayooooo0
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@madaboutjoe @take-everything-you-can @josephquinnsfreckles @thebanisheddreamer @water-loos
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@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng @acenby-weirdo @hazydespair @royale1803 @batkin028
@ninejlovebot @charliewb1996 @imwaytoolazyforthis @definitionwanderlust @idkitsem
join my taglist!
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epiphainie · 1 day
I see and love all your tearjerker proposal ideas, but we don’t talk enough about the absolute hilarity that would ensue with an Evan Buckley Proposal™️. Like I’m imagining him being soooo excited about it in the most Buck way possible. He has this ten page speech about how much he loves Tommy and how they’re soulmates and the universe pulled a sick one by putting them on each other’s paths and he’s planning to tell Tommy all that before he pops the question and he’s preparing this big romantic night for it with the most romantic flowers and the most romantic music and the most romantic ring at the most romantic place in all of Los Angeles and he’s roped in everyone at the station to help him, threatened Chim with cold-blooded murder if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut, made Eddie reassure him about every step of his plans not twice but thrice, talked to Bobby with blushing cheeks and fidgeting hands till Bobby gave him his absolute blessing. Hen, Maddie, Athena, they’re all in on it. He’s Ready to do it The Right Way.
Then at like 2pm on a lazy Tuesday afternoon his poor brain that has been overworking on this for weeks gets overloaded and crashes. And suddenly he Needs To Ask Tommy Right Now. Like, just like that the entire plan is overridden, and he doesn’t even process what he’s doing before he sends Eddie a text that just says, “I think I will do it now” and ditches his phone and marches to the garage where Tommy has been working on his truck all day.
The next thing we know Eddie is opening his door to a Buck who has his arms wrapped around himself and his big blue eyes are filled with tears. He looks like a puppy kicked a thousand ways and before Eddie can even open his mouth he cries out, “He said no,” and drops face first on Eddie’s couch. Eddie is like ???? but also “Well, I can’t deal with this shit on my own,” so he calls Hen and Chimney and ten minutes later Buck is sitting on the couch being interrogated by his best friends.
They’re all obviously confused.
Hen, disbelieving, asks, “He said no?”
Buck makes the most pathetic pitiful sound known to the human kind and nods.
Chimney, not really helpful, murmurs, “Well, that doesn’t make any sense,” to himself because he knows how much Tommy loves Buck and would say yes to marrying him months, hell, years ago.
Hen, trying to make sense of it all asks, “What did he exactly say?” because Chim is right, it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Buck, still looking like a wet cat, goes, “He said it wasn’t the right thing for us.” His voice hitches and he moans, “He said it wasn’t s-smart.”
Hen and Chim shoot a look at each other. Eddie at this point is getting angry because what the fuck? Which is exactly what he says and Hen, the only one trying to be actually somewhat helpful, shakes her head like, “No, Eddie,” and then to Buck with what she hopes is a reassuring voice says, “Maybe he just doesn’t believe in the institution of marriage?”
Buck looks even more miserable at that and buries his face in his hands as he bemoans “Noooo,” and shakes his head like he’s grieving. “We t-talked about it before. At the beginning of our relationship, we both agreed we’d do that if it felt like the right time.” He slumps back on the couch like his life has just ended. “I t-thought it was the right time.”
Eddie, totally pissed off now because how are you gonna be with a guy for years, move in together, buy a house together, be committed to each other fully, and then say no to his marriage proposal, goes, “Oh fuck him. Do you want me to beat some sense into him?” Because damn, this is his best friend who looks absolutely crushed and Eddie will kick Tommy’s ass, fuck the fact that he’s really good at Muay Thai, he hasn’t seen Eddie’s wrath before.
Hen, still the sound of logic and seeing how Buck gets sadder each passing moment, stops him again. “We’re not beating anyone up.” Then says, “Buck, I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding. Tommy loves you.” Because yeah he does in the most sickening teen boy with a puppy crush way, so none of this makes sense and Hen’s brain is whirring but she’s not sure what’s happening yet. “And you love Tommy.”
Buck, hands covering his face again moans into his palms, “I do.” Then his hands drop, and his face shot with panic and fear he goes, “Wait?! Does this mean we broke up?”
A pissed-off, disbelieving noise leaves Eddie; Chim shoots another look towards Hen’s way; Hen just gives an awkward unsure smile. “No. No.” She tries to reassure him. “Of course not.”
“I mean,” Chim says with a shrug. “I don’t see how a relationship comes back from that, you know?”
This gets Buck start crying again.
“You’re. Not. Being. Helpful. Chim.” Hen mutters.
Eddie jumps up, “Oh, I’m beating him up for you.”
Buck’s wails get louder.
It all devolves from there with Buck going between hollering and sniffling and Eddie dead-set on confronting Tommy and Hen trying to do damage control with “We’re just gonna talk to him,” and Chim continuing to be absolutely unhelpful with his comments about how Tommy is great, and so cool, and perfect, and he’d make a great brother-in-law, and this doesn’t make any sense.
So, the four of them somehow find themselves marching towards the Buckley-Kinard house with Eddie at the helm and Buck looking like a pathetic mess between them. They’ve barely entered the front yard when Tommy bursts out the front door with his phone in his hand and he goes, “Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you for hou—”
“I trusted you, man!” Eddie shouts, voice echoing through the street.
Tommy stops in his tracks. He takes in the sight of his friends who are all shooting him deadly (and confused) glares. Then he looks at his boyfriend and finds him avoiding his eyes, keeping his gaze at his feet like all the happiness has been sucked out of his entire universe. Brows furrowing in confusion, Tommy takes a step towards him. “Evan.” He tilts his chin up and sucks in a breath when he sees the tear tracks on Buck’s face. His own face crumbles, now in concern. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Eddie lets out a mirthless laugh. “Pretending you don’t know, huh?”
Tommy looks at him, at Chim, at Hen. “Don’t know what?”
“Oh, you’re a bigger asshole than I thought, Kinard.” Eddie spits in his face, his head shaking. “Acting like nothing’s wrong after saying no to a guy’s proposal so cruelly.”
Tommy freezes. His gaze snaps to Buck with a confused, “What?” but Buck is avoiding his eyes again. “What proposal?” Tommy asks. “Evan didn’t propose to me.”
At this point all tired and beaten Buck sighs, “It’s okay, Tommy.”
“No. No—” Tommy shakes his head. “What are you talking about?”
Buck shrugs. “We don’t have to talk about it now.”
Sighing again, Buck finally looks up. “Look, I get it. We can talk about it later.” He chews at his lip. “Right?” Because he’s still not sure if they’re broken up or not and god he really wishes they’re not because marriage is a dumb institution rooted in patriarchy to maintain and reinforce traditional gender roles and they didn’t even let two men marry till a decade ago, so it’s not like they need anyone’s acknowledgement and all he needs is Tommy, but also he had the absolute perfect ring picked out and he doesn’t know if he can get a refund on it, and calling Tommy his husband would be so fucking nice, and maybe he has been dreaming about that for the past however many years.
At this point, he’s tearing up again, so Tommy cups his face and brushes away some of the tears, before saying with the biggest gentlest eyes, “We can talk about anything you want. But… Baby, what proposal?”
Buck sniffles. “Earlier. W-when I asked you in the garage.”
Tommy frowns harder because that doesn’t make any sense. “You didn’t ask me to marry you, Evan.”
“Yes, I did, Tommy,” Buck huffs.
“No, you asked me if I wanted to take a vacation.”
“I think I know what I asked.”
“You said you wanted to go on a trip!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“Okay, you didn’t say trip! You said, you said something like if I wanted to take a new journey with you! Embark on adventure or something. You said you wanted a travel companion for a voyage!”
“Lifelong voyage.” Buck murmurs, lips pursing and arms crossing together. “For our grand adventure together.”
No one says anything for a minute as Buck avoids their eyes and scuffs his feet in the dirt.
At last, as the person with any semblance of intelligence Hen says, “Buck. Did you use any word related to marriage? Like “husband” or “marry” or even “matrimony”?” Her eyebrows rises. “Anything that’s not a metaphor?”
Buck, face red up to the hairline now, just shrugs. “I had a-a speech, okay? I was n-nervous and it was long so I had to paraphrase.”
Finally, Hen sighs, not unkindly.
Chim chuckles, kinda unkindly.
Eddie looks almost as embarrassed as Buck and murmurs, “Sorry, man,” to Tommy as the realization hits it was just his best friend being a huge dumbass and Tommy actually didn’t do anything to deserve a beating.
Tommy, his entire focus on his boyfriend and not paying them any attention, pulls Buck’s arms down and lifts his face up again. He gives him a smile. “I said no because I thought you were asking to go on a trip, Evan,” he says softly. “And that we’ve just got a mortgage together and can’t afford one.” He shakes his head. “I was covered in grease, Pearl Jam was playing in the background, I wasn’t paying attention.”
Still looking abashed but at least not snotty anymore, Buck says, “N-no. No. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, Tommy,” he says with a shrug.
Tommy smiles again. “It’s okay, baby.” For a moment, he rubs his boyfriend’s arms up and down, then says, “Sooo…”
Buck, realizing the faint pink on his boyfriend’s face, looks at him with the roundest eyes. “You mean…?”
“Well…” Tommy shrugs. “Are you gonna ask me for real or what?”
The sun dawns on Buck’s face. His eyes go bright with fresh but happier tears. “Yea-yeah.” He nods frantically. “Tommy. W-will you marry me?”
“Yes,” Tommy says. Buck pounces on him with a kiss that gets a surprised moan from him as Hen, Chimney, and Eddie start clapping and Buck cries again and so does Tommy and later that night, Buck gives him the perfect ring he had picked out and come Saturday they actually go to the greatest restaurant in LA and Tommy listens as Buck explains every step of his original proposal and all the metaphors he’s curated carefully for his speech.
The end.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 days
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: Cast Away AU. What if Tara was with someone when you returned
Warnings: angst but happy ending
WC: 2.8k
Author’s Note: requested by @blackwidowifey Hope you like it dude. Sorry for any mistakes
The flight home, your mom refused to let you out of your sight. To be home, back in your that had not changed had felt so surreal. A part of you was scared, scared that you'd wake from this dream and be back on that island. If that were to happen you weren't so sure you'd survive.
"You don't need anything sweetheart?" Your dad's voice brought you back to the present, you were still standing in front of the door of your room.
"No, I'm okay dad. Thank you."
Your dad couldn't begin to imagine what you went through for the past three years. Almost four. He knew you had changed. Not just physically but mentally as well. To see you like this. So confused, lost. It hurt him. He wanted to help you. But he just didn't know how.
You were told by your sister that things had changed quite a bit. From your friends and Tara no longer living in Woodsboro. To your family not being in contact with Tara for the past year.
"Riley?" You had entered your sisters room, who didn't even live here anymore. Another thing you missed that you were now an aunt. She had gotten married two months ago. To the man she had loved for so long.
And you missed it.
"Yeah? Everything okay?" Riley had never moved so fast to get home the moment her mom called to inform her that you had been found. Almost four years thinking her little sister was dead. The sob she had let out had alarmed her husband. Her husband. The man that you met, the man that held her when the cops told the family that your flight had crashed and there were no traces of the plane. The man that held her when the search party gave up after just two months of searching. The man that kept her going after your funeral.
The wedding she had, had been small. She had no bridesmaids, that spot had been reserved for you. You were her little sister but also her best friend.
"What made you stop talking to the Tara and the others?" It had only been a day since you returned back home. You were still extremely weak, bruised a little too easily, still had some sun burns but with the luxury of some aloe. Those were healing a lot faster.
"They moved a year after the search party was called off. They tried to stay here but it had been hard for them. Tara took your dea-disappearance hard. She wasn't the same. She was different, depressed, in denial. Sam moved her to New York permanently so she could heal and move on. After a year of them being there. Our connection kinda stopped. I didn't reach out and they didn't either."
You listened to everything she was saying. Almost four years of being gone. You knew that if you made it and came back. Things would be different. People would have moved on.
"Can I..can I see your phone." Riley handed you her phone. You opened instagram with one person in mind. Typing in her username. She hadn't posted in a quite a bit. But what she had were just some nature shots. So you moved on to the next person. Mindy. The first three picture being of the friend group with new faces. A average height man had his arm around Tara. A smile on her face as she smiled at the camera.
Your vision blurred with tears. The same feeling of loss grew. Tara, had have moved on. And you couldn't be upset about that. You had no right to be upset. Tara could wait forever.
She didn't need you anymore.
You now hated the smell of fish and coconut. You vowed on that island that if you ever got off it you would never touch fish or coconuts ever again. After your dad said he had a few things he had to do. You jumped at the opportunity to get out of the house. It had only been four days since you were back home. The past four days you had spent them in the house resting.
When he drove to the cemetery you knew what he was doing. Seeing your own tombstone was something you never really thought of. Seeing the rock was bone chilling.
Going to the store after that was the distraction you needed. Helping your dad with the grocery shopping, but the more you moved around the more tired you were starting to feel, you tried to ignore it. You went three and a half years moving around barefoot and half nude. A little walking around a store shouldn't bother you. Your dad saw that you were getting tired and was quick to gather the groceries.
Meeting your niece was as tear filled as could be. The guilt of missing everything, you and your sister had always talked about being there for one another. You knew it was out of your control. But you could have tried to leave the island a whole lot sooner than you did. Granted it did take you awhile to understand how the changes in the seasons affected the waves.
"Are you ready?" Your dad asked, he was already dressed in a business suit. You had been for a while the one to take over your dad's business when he retired. The original plan was to finish college and then take over. But with everything that happened you didn't know where to stand. You weren't sure if that was still the plan. Six days since being back home and you still felt so, lost.
"Do I have to go?" You were in a suit as well. Matching the one your dad had.
Your dad sighed softly going into your room to stand behind you. You were looking at yourself in the mirror. You were healing nicely and quickly. Your cheeks filling in with all the food your mom had cooked. No longer looking hollow. He couldn't imagine how hungry you had been.
"It's up to you buddy. If you're comfortable enough. We could go or we can stay here and watch some Harry Potter. You know they made a game about Hogwarts."
He chuckled at the excitement in your eyes. He will always see you as his little girl. The amount of times he cried alone in your room, holding the stuff Curious George bear that you had refused to throw away. He reached over and fixed your crooked tie.
He could ditch the business party. He was boss after all. What he says goes.
"You know what let's go to the store buy a ps5 and we will play the game together."
Being back home after a year of being gone was a bit rough. Being back for thanksgiving break to be with her mother. One thing she had yet to do was something that she hadn't done in a whole year.
"Hey you okay?" The feeling of heavy hairy arm being wrapped around her shoulder. Pulling her attention away from the direction of your house. She hadn't spoken to your family in a year. A part of her felt guilty for stopping. But her boyfriend who was friend at first, had said it would be for the best. He had said she'd never move on if she never did. And in a moment of weakness, she stopped.
"Yea Frankie I'm fine. I have to go somewhere. I'll be right back okay?" With quick kiss she left her house before he could say anything.
It had been a year since she last saw your tombstone.
Parking her car, and walking the rest of the way. Only for her body to freeze in place. Your tombstone was gone. The patch of dirt was still fresh. The flowers she had dropped. The same sinking feeling of losing you came back.
"Excuse me where's the tombstone that was here." The gardener who was taking out over grown weeds stopped what he was doing to look at the brunette.
"Uh I heard from one of the workers. They were moving and took their daughter with them. I'm sorry miss that's all I know."
Moving? She picked up the flowers and rushed to her car. She needed to get to your parents house. The drive there was fast. She may have ran a stop sign or two. Yes, she may have started dating now. Mindy had pushed her to say yes to Frankie. She knew Mindy wanted what was best for her. And she won't deny that she did have fun with Frankie. He was sweet, a bit of a douche but sweet nevertheless.
Her car screeched at the sudden break. The 'for sale' sign was front and present.
Why would they move?
Being in a new house was nice. There was a big pool and hug backyard. A week since you been rescued. Your new room was much bigger than the one you had before. You had been building the courage to call Tara. When you finally did call the call never went through meaning this number was no longer in service.
You didn't know how else to reach her. Just tell them you were okay. That you were alive. But the more you thought about it. Remembering the picture you saw, they looked so happy. Did you really want to crash back into their lives, by all off sudden coming back from the dead.
"Honey, I have to go to work. You okay-Can I go with you?" You asked before your dad could finish his sentence. With a smile he nodded. Not caring that you were dressed casually. He was just excited to see you back in the office with him. He remembers clearly how you used always follow him around the office. Remembering how his little girl always sat on his chair. You used to be so small, now you were taller than him.
Curse his own tall genes.
Being back in the office had been as overwhelming as you had expected. Everyone greeting you, everyone looking at you like they've seen a ghost. It was all so overwhelming. But what really had you overwhelmed, had you feeling like you couldn't breath was when you saw the familiar brunette. She had looked as beautiful as the last time you saw her. She was breathtaking, she looked more mature.
Without really thinking about it your feet moved on their own accord. Halting, when a man took her hand. You heart breaking no matter how much she wish it didn't at the sight of her smile. A smile directed at someone else.
Tara was back in the building after a year of not setting foot in it. Being back her felt odd. But Frankie had an interview here. And he wanted her to come with. When she left what was once your house. She didn't know what to do. She tried calling your mom, your dad, your sister but none of them answered their phones. So she hoped that being back in your father's building. She'd run into him. Ask him why he took down your tombstone.
She felt Frankie take her hand. A small smile she towards him before looking away. She needed to find your dad. She looked around the lobby only for eyes to snap back to where she saw…you? Expect it couldn’t be. The person she could have sworn was you was walking away now.
“Tara? Tara where are you going?”
Ignoring his voice as she basically ran to where you once stood. It couldn’t be you. You were..dead. Gone. Watching the back of this person grow closer as they both turned into a less crowded hall way.
Her hand reaching forward to grab this persons arm. The moment this person turned around it had felt like all the air in her lungs had been punched out of her body. Her eyes refusing to believe who was standing in front of her. Those y/ec eyes that she had missed so badly. You were as beautiful as the day she last saw you at that airport. Those eyes that were now filled with tears.
You didn’t know what to say. You wanted nothing more than to pull her into a tight hug. Just like you had imagined. But now you weren’t sure if you could. You didn’t know your place in her life anymore. You didn’t have to say anything at the end. She had basically thrown herself at you. Her arm wrapping around your neck as she hugged you tightly. Her cries being muffled as she cried into your neck.
You lived in the moment. Forgetting the man she was with as you hugged her back just as tight. Even if this would be for the last time.
“You’re alive. When-when did you get back? Why didn’t you call?” She pulled away to look up at you. You looked different, skinner.
“Last week. I uh was on deserted island. Been there for the past few years. I-I tried calling. Your number wasn’t the same.” You reluctantly pulled away. When you saw from behind Tara that same man walking towards you and Tara.
Tara was still trying wrap her mind around what was happening. Feeling like this was all a dream. The way you looked lost and heartbroken made her want to just cry and pull you into another hug. To hug you. Kiss you. Her hands refused to completely let you go. She was confused on why you were letting go. Her hold on your hands was tight.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. If I would known I-Everything okay here babe?”
The confusion was no longer there. Now she knew why. The you looked away, this time completely letting her go. She knew exactly what you were thinking. That she didn’t love you anymore, which completely wasn’t the case. Her own eyes filled with tears. The guilt she had growing. Ever since agreeing to going out with Frankie it had felt like she was being unfaithful. She knew it wasn’t cause at the time she didn’t know you were still alive.
Seeing the hurt and heart broken look on your face (that you were trying to hide) brought that guilt back in bigger than before. Your eyes finally hers. And she saw the acceptance, the forced smile. The tears you were trying to blink away.
“It’s okay Tara. It’s okay.” It was all you could say. Hoping your voice didn’t give away that you wanted nothing more than to cry. With a small nod. You dug into your pocket. Taking out the pocket watch. The watch you had refused to go anywhere with out. You turned around and walked away.
She watched you walk away before looking down at the scratched up pocket watch. Opening the watch. Seeing the familiar picture. Except now it was faded. The picture becoming blurry. All the memories flashing in her head. The love she had for you was still there. Still here. Had grown more and more even when she thought you were dead. She still loved you.
You. It always had been you.
No one else.
Her eyes looked back at Frankie. “I’m sorry Frankie. I can’t do this.” It was all she said before she ran to catch up to you. She was not going to let you go. Not bothering to look back as she tried to find in the crowd that had quickly filled the lobby. She knew it was the lunch hour, she needed to find you.
She was quick to step on top of the receptionist desk. Ignoring her commands to get down. She scanned the room seeing your figure getting closer to the front doors.
“Y/N WAIT!!” She didn’t care that the voice echoed through out the big room. It grabbed your attention along with everyone else in the room. She jumped down the desk and the crowd quickly parted. You were on the other side. Eyes red from trying to hold in your tears. Quick to get to your side. Stopping directly in front of you.
“I love you. Only you. No one else.”
“But you looked hap-I could never be happy without you. I don’t love him.”
“Are you su-” You were cut off by the pair of lips you had dreamed of. The feeling of her lips on yours was like kissing her for the first time. Your arms wrapping around her body, bringing her closer.
You no longer felt the dreadful feeling of loss. No longer did you feel lost. You felt complete.
Whole once again.
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mister-a-z-fell · 1 day
People often say to me ‘Aziraphale, what exactly is Firmament?’
And by ‘often’, I mean ‘twice’, and they don’t so much say it as send me little enquiries on the Twitters and the Tumbler, along with inexplicable demands to know whether Crowley or I go ‘on top’.
I’ll get to the point in a moment, but, since you’re here, I would like to make it clear that our sleeping arrangements are nobody’s business but our own.
In any case, we don’t own a bunk bed, so the point is moot.
The subject of Firmament first came up on a clear night a few hundred years after I followed Adam and Eve out from Eden. Seth — their third child — was lying on a stone outcrop near the settlement, watching the sky, and I was sitting a little way off, keeping an eye out for scorpions.
‘Ol-ah-kwa*?’ The boy was usually full of questions, but that night he’d been uncharacteristically quiet. ‘What are they called, the lights above?’ It wasn’t the first time he’d asked and he already knew the answer perfectly well, but that was his way.
‘Those are stars. Has your father shown you how to find your path by them?’ He shook his head, and I resolved to talk to Eve in the morning.
‘How are they there? Are they like flowers on a bush? Or spots on a lizard? How many there are.’
I wished Crowley had been there, just then. He could have explained it so much better. I did my best, although I think I left him with the impression that every star hovered high in the heavens like a hummingbird, and he took some convincing that they wouldn’t eventually grow tired, having nowhere to perch, and come crashing down around us.
‘But why are they like fires? If they were made to fly up there forever, why don’t they grow feathers and just be birds?’
‘Well, that would rather defeat the purpose, B-qa-lyl**.’ And that might have been the end of the matter, but the boy had long since learned my weakness.
‘Don’t you know?’
And this is what I told him:
‘They are stars, because God told them to be stars. If She ever decides that they should be birds, then birds they will become. She told your father and mother to be human, because there was a place made in the world for humanity. Your purpose in this life is to discover what it means to be human.’
‘What about the next life?’
‘Wait and see.’
And this is what I didn’t tell him:
In the Beginning was the Void. And God spoke into the Nothing -That-Was, and that word was the first Firmament.
Firmament exists without mass, without substance. It is the Almighty’s intent, Her design, Her love; it is a blueprint for reality, pure potential and the Universe is spun with its threads. In the hands of the Virtues, it takes on form, accretes matter — becomes Material, a mechanism turned with a key that sounds like ‘LET THERE BE’.
Firmament can only be seen by the shadows that it casts. Gravity. The way that particles converse. Electromagnetism. Slood. It moves in mysterious ways and it reaches everywhere that is not Void. One day, scholars will glimpse the outer edges of ‘omnipresence’, and call it ‘quantum entanglement’.
I should have found a way to explain that — while stars aren’t birds — they share their firmament as all the brush stokes of a masterpiece share their canvas, as the individual notes of a melody are carried on the same breath. Everything touches everything. ‘Look what ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, the same have ye done unto me.’
Perhaps if I’d taught Seth that all that lies between each of us and the furthest, strangest star is a triviality called ‘distance’, which only really has meaning inside the preserve of mortal dimensions, he might have understood. I tried to explain it to his descendants, but perhaps they were too old, too certain of themselves, to listen. I was never much of a teacher.
Later, in all the confusion of Babel, rāqīa (something beaten thin to form a surface) and rakhmyn (love) went their separate ways, and whenever I encountered the subject of… celestial scaffolding — for want of a better word — it came in the context of the former. A shell to support the stars, to hold back the upper waters. They forgot about the ‘love’ part.
Later still, Crowley got volubly drunk with a fellow named Copernicus and made some progress, but even his controversial model couldn’t let go of firmament as the pastry around the universal profiterole.
Then there was Giordano Bruno… but we don’t talk about him.
So, here I am, trying again. Hoping that I’ve explained myself better this time, because, after all, that’s what an angel is: Firmament imbued with mind, and grace, willed into life by words of purpose unique to each one of us. Wearing atomic fancy-dress so that we can speak to you in words you can comprehend (ideally without falling down and giggling while your hair smoulders gently).
We are, at base, figments of Her imagination, which is so powerful that it was necessary that She invent free will to stop all things yielding unfailingly to Her whim. As a consequence, reality tends to become malleable in our immediate vicinity.
What is Firmament? It’s everything. It’s Creation. It’s humans, and demons, and angels. It’s stars, and it’s the walls of Eden. It’s the bullet, and the finger pulling the trigger, the magician and the audience, and the shocked air expanding in ripples from the burning powder. It’s the scalpel, and the flesh. And inside, beneath the dancing atoms, it’s love.
Try to remember that part, because sometimes it seems very well hidden.
It’s love.
**Something small
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 day
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[4:59 pm]
(cw: spoilers for Bridgerton season 3, description of a steamy scene from Bridgerton)
You had been waiting two long years for season 3. A season that for you and many other was highly anticipated since you already knew the characters that were going to fall in love. You were excited to see the shenanigans the Bridgertons would get up to, if Eloise and Penelope would med their friendship, and how Anthony and Kate would act like a married couple. You were beyond excited.
You'd gotten all your errands and some chores done earlier in the day just so you could have your afternoon free to watch part 1 of season 3.
You'd made it all the way through episode 1 with no distractions. Then came episode 2 and Jaehyun had lingered behind you while watching Colin "train" Penelope. 10 minutes later he was still standing behind you and asking questions. You were frustrated, sure, but you still paused the show to explain the Bridgerton lore. And 5 minutes later you were restarting part 1 for Jaehyun to watch from the beginning.
Now, here you were on the last episode of part 1 at the edge of your seat. You felt your heart ache for Penelope, Lord Debling really could have been a nice match for her. Was she in love with him? No, but what else was Colin doing besides being stupid?
"Wait!" You heard from the screen.
Jaehyun gasped, "it's Colin!"
"Shut up! I can't hear!"
The door of the carriage was pulled open and sure enough, there stood Colin. Jaehyun turned up the volume and you leaned forward, closer to the screen. Something big was going to happen, you knew it.
You bit your lip as you watched Penelope snap at Colin, ugh she was so right. You rolled your eyes as he gave his reasoning, as if she owed him anything. And then feelings! Colin has feelings for Penelope!
You throw yourself back and kick your legs with excitement, he likes her! Your heart soared hearing his confession, god, every confession in every season was amazing.
"But I'd very much like to be more than friends," Penelope breathed heavily.
Jaehyun yelled excitedly, "they're kissing! Again!"
You watched with your jaw dropped as the kissing got steamier and steamier, then the kissing led down her chest, and woah- exposed shoulder.
"What is his hand doing?! What is he doing!?" Jaehyun yelled with his hands in his hair, stressed but intrigued.
Penelope's jaw drops and the music peaks, Jaehyun gasps, "People can see! There's a window right there!"
Your own hand is over your mouth, watching in absolute shock as Jaehyun watches Colin... explore beneath Penelope's dress until the carriage comes to a stop in front of the Bridgerton house.
You both sit in silence, trying to process what you watched, taking in the words and the rest of the scene, too in shock to laugh at Colin's horniness.
Colin pulls Penelope's strap back onto her shoulder and your jaw drops once again. You can hear Jaehyun's surprised whisper, "his fingers."
Colin steps out of the carriage and you're confused, eyebrows furrowed, until Colin says, "Are you going to marry me or not?"
You squeal and Jaehyun stands in shock before pausing the show to gather his thoughts.
"That's it? He kisses the girl 2 times, has a sex dream, and gets under her dress and he wants to marry the girl? All the seasons are like this?"Jaehyun asks out loud.
You think it over, "um, similar but more angst."
"More?! What are we doing? Put them on!"
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th3crow · 7 hours
OUR GENTLE SIN , aegon ii targaryen
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aegon ii targaryen x niece! reader
warnings & notes: no use of y/n , mentions of dying , main character death , panic attacks , , LOTSSD of angst , betrayal ,, in the like 3rd person? i think lol ,not proofread
aegon walked the halls of the red keep, his footsteps echoing against the walls, sending vibrations down his body. his eyelids felt heavy, his mouth flooding with a bitter taste as he attempted to shake the heavy feeling that had been clouding his mind since the news of the capture of his half-sister’s only daughter.
at first he paid it no mind, she was now his prisoner of war and she would stay it until the end. through their shared history, he had no intent to harm her—despite what her mother and step-father might think. but once upon a time, aegon targaryen was in love with rhaenyra’s daughter, and though now they stand on two opposite sides of the same war—he couldn’t shake that feeling as if they were both children once again.
even now as he marches his way to her death.
in every inch of the red keep, he can see bits and pieces of the two of them. memories that resurface when he would want them to stay hidden, one that bring the tears of nostalgia to his eyes as he attempts to keep his composure. with each step of the stairs, he’s reminded of the time’s they’ve ran around the red keep, hand in hand.
when he finally reaches the bottom, he swears he can hear her laughter. as if it’s taunting him. he turns around quickly, catching the attention of his guards before he turns back around. walking by the room where they had shared their first dance, where they were told they were to be promised to each other forever.
as aegon catches a glimpse inside of the room, he swears he can see himself and her. laughter emitting from the two of them as aegon raises his chalice, his arm wrapped tightly around his soon-to-be bride, a smile plastered on both of their faces.
aegon picks up his speed, shaking his head as he clears his throat in an attempt to get rid of the metallic feeling rising up. as he gets closer to the outside of the castle, he remembers how his love had dragged him half-drunk and upset back into the red keep. she dragged up up the stairs, dismissing the guards as she took care of him, letting him sob in her arms as she whispered into his ear.
once he’s outside the sun stings against his skin, making him look paler than he already is. the door to his carriage is opened for him and he hesitates for a moment, trying his hardest to put one foot in front of the other but he simply cannot.
“my grace?” a guard asks, looking at the king confused.
aegon doesn’t reply. he simply presses his lips together so tight he swears it’s bleeding. then, he slowly gets inside the carriage, shifting uncomfortably around in the seat. he requests to sit alone, not wanting anybody to catch him in this state of confusion? distress? aegon did not know what exactly it was he was feeling.
hatred. he feels hatred, hatred for his half-sister and the blacks for the planning and murder of his only son. the son that kept him sane despite this ungodly war. he felt hatred for how the velaryon’s treated aemond, for how lucerys did as he pleased—taking out the eye of his younger brother.
aegon remembers the events of driftmark as if it were yesterday. it was nighttime. the air was cold and fresh and the waves rang throughout the entire island, he walked alone. drunk as he always did, in an attempt to escape his grandsire. in the far distance, he noticed his niece, sitting with her legs to her chest as she watched the waves get closer and closer to her, almost as if she wished they’d take her away.
“my betrothed!” aegon shouted drunkenly as he approached her, placing the bottle of wine to his lips. she didn’t answer. instead, she stayed facing out into the ocean. it wasn’t until aegon grew closer that he could hear her faint sobs. “what is wrong?” he questioned, sitting down next to her.
she wiped her tears away with her dress. she didn’t bother looking at aegon, she kept her eyes glued to the sea—one that she would be to rule someday. “you’re drunk.” she states, cracking her knuckles anxiously.
aegon grabs her hand quickly, intertwining it with his. she looks at him silently, his long white hair flowing in front of his face. “you told me you would not drink anymore.” aegon stays silent, looking at her in confusion. “my grandsire…my mother, everybody wants me to rule driftmark when i come of age but what if i don’t want too?” she whispered. “i’ve seen what the battle of ruling can do and i do not want that.”
aegon placed the back of her hand to his lips, gently kissing them before placing them back down on his lap. “we can runaway together, ride our dragons all day and eat cake.”
she chuckled, “eat cake?” she questioned.
aegon nodded. “we shall eat whatever it is your heart desires.” he stayed silent. “i’ve voiced my feelings to you about the iron throne, about my father. we both share the same sentiment. it would only be right for us to leave the whole world behind.” he whispered.
she stayed silent. inhaling the scent of the waves and the wine, mixed together. a part of her feeling that it could stay like this forever.
“your grace? we’ve arrived.” a voice snaps aegon out of his thoughts.
aegon’s heart could break out of his chest. his stomach churns, his hands shaky as he slowly steps out of the carriage. the entrance to the dragon pit was open, people attempting to pool inside the building. what disgusting people are excited to view an execution? aegon flinched at the whispers of his nieces name, his hands shaking as they find its way to his sword.
he’s guided up the stairs where he can see his mother and brother waiting for him. his sister-wife exempted from this burden due to the death of their child. once he sees the cold gaze on his mothers face, he’s reminded of the night she had told him that he would not marry the love of his life. instead, he would be promised to his sister.
he remembered how he argued, fought his way out of the red keep and to his way back to his love before the guards could find her and take her away to dragonstone. when he caught sight of her, he ran to her quickly—cupping her face as tears ran down both of their faces.
“let us run away together, now i know where we can go.” he whispered, wiping the tears from her eyes.
she stays quiet for a moment, kissing the palm of aegon’s hand as she chokes back a sob. inhaling in her pain before her eyes meet his. “i cannot. i have a duty to uphold.”
it isn’t until aegon’s at the stage of the dragon pit that he realizes this is actually happening. he sits on a make-shift throne as his brother and mother stand on both sides of him. guards are surrounding the place as another carriage arrives outside. he grips onto the handles, anxiously shifting around in his seat. he can feel the bile pooling up in his throat as the crowds start to roar.
in the distance, he can see the girl being guided out of the carriage. her hands and feet chained, with one being wrapped around her neck as she keeps her eyes glued to the floor. she looks, tired and not at all how aegon had remembered her. once she steps into the dragon pit, the crowd starts to boo—excited for her upcoming death.
she’s introduced. introduced as the heir to driftmark, as the princess, as a traitor to the realm. the entire time she keeps her gaze down at the floor, not wanting to catch a glimpse of the past lover.
aegon however, cannot avert his gaze from her. he’s shaking, feeling the tears start to form in his eyes as he looks around at the guards, at his brother, his mother. he wonders if he could take them all down, if he could just sweep up his love and run away from king’s landing just as he had wanted too all those years ago.
but fate was cruel.
the chain around her neck is taken off, but she doesn’t budge. she’s kicked down to the ground and aegon almost jumps out of his seat, being stopped by the firm hand of his grandsire. of the entire reason why his niece was here in the first place.
aegon’s mouth runs dry, his clothes feel tighter on his body and the crown feels heavy. he cannot breath, he feels like he’ll throw up any minute now but he has not had anything to drink.
“do you have anything you wish to say to the king?” ser criston’s voice says, piercing through aegon’s heart as he anxiously awaits her response.
he wonders if he calls this off, would they listen?
she opens her mouth to talk, but she stays silent. forcefully, ser criston grabs her by the jaw and forces her head upwards—her eyes on aegon’s as she slowly begins to panic. “i couldn’t hear you.” criston states firmly, “is there anything you wish to say to the king?”
her eyes begin to tear up and aegon stands up, he wants nothing more to walk down the steps and pardon you for your crimes against the kingdom. but he knows he couldn’t. he would die alongside you. but maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.
“aegon sit.” alicent pleaded, fearing for her son’s life.
“aegon..” the traitor whispers. aegon’s eyes begin to tear up as he feels his heart break into a million pieces, his hands shaky as he walks closer. she clears her throat, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “if i could convince the gods to turn back time, we would be eating cake right now.” she confesses.
aegon blinks fast, his tears running down his face and his throat as he attempts to move closer to her, but he’s stopped by his brother. he shouts as aemond holds him back, getting help from other guards as aegon yells profanity’s. he has so much adrenaline right now he could take out the entire red keep.
“aegon!” the traitor shouts once again. everything stops, aemond, the guards, the crowds—they all go quiet as she begins to sob. “it is okay.” she reassures.
aegon stops, shaking his head as a cry escapes his lips. he could feel the stares of the people, all wondering why the king cries for a traitor. he knows he will be scolded for his actions, but he does not care.
“i’m okay.” she smiles, her hands shaking as she hears the chains being pulled tighter.
aegon opens his mouth, but no words come out. to everyone else, the king looked shocked—but to her, she could see the words he mouthed clear as day as the sword ran against her neck, blood spewing out as she gasped for a moment before falling backwards.
i love you
aegon flinched at the sudden act. at the sight of the love of his life being executed right in front of him, of her lifeless body laying down on the cold stone floor. his chest rises fast, attempting to catch his breath as the crowds of people cheer. aegon’s ears are ringing as he makes his way down the stairs.
he hovers over her lifeless body, his voiceless cries becoming more vocal as he falls to his knees. he puts a hand over her neck, getting covered in your blood as he attempted to bring her back to life. in anger, he looks up at criston cole, tears in his eyes. “i didn’t give the order!” he shouts.
“i did.” otto replies behind him, placing a hand on his grandsons shoulder. “get up, my king, you are making a fool of yourself.” he spits out.
aegon doesn’t move on his own. instead, he’s forcefully picked up and escorted towards the entrance of the building. he’s fighting his hardest, just as he did when they crowned him king. his eyes looking back at the lifeless body.
“i’m glad that bitch is dead.” a voice from the crowd spits out.
aegon breaks out of his grandsire’s hold. he makes his way towards the voice of the poor bastard who spoke those words and swiftly, aegon takes out his sword and cuts the man’s throat open. the crowd jumps back in shock as aegon attempts to catch his breath.
“aegon you must stop it!” his mother shouts as he drops the sword to the ground.
the guards continue to push him out and into the carriage, his clothes covered in blood as his brother and mother get in with him. he can tell they’re staring, he can tell his mother’s shouting but he doesn’t hear anything.
he stared out the window. looking back into the dragon pit as the carriage begins to move out of view.
but for a moment, a small, simple moment.
aegon can see her standing at the entrance, a sweet smile on her face as she wave’s goodbye at him.
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shaunashipman · 2 days
When they say Oliver is so disgusted you can see it in his face all I read is that they think this man is so unprofessional that he can’t read his lines and act? Like idk but I don’t think he’s taking a stand again a light hearted daddy joke bc at the end of the day it’s his job. If he can say he’s an ally ✊without breaking the fourth wall I think he can make silly eyes even if it kills him lmfao. I remember when the episode aired and I hadn’t blocked most people yet I saw somebody gif bucks face after Tommy made the hospital wing joke and say Oliver hates the scene he can’t even hold it in when the whole point of him acting like that was so Tommy could catch on that he was upset and ask him if he’s ok. I’m willing to engage in anti bucktommy/tommy takes in good faith bc I love reading all sides of things but some of these have me so confused 😭
no nonny, you don't understand, oliver is supposed to be showing that buck is subtly disgusted by tommy, it's intentional because............
yeah I don't understand it. how exactly does it work it their head? they insist that buck is put off and put down by tommy, that he is disappointed by tommy, that he is disgusted by tommy. so why is buck staying with him? it's not even like with taylor in s5, where he was clearly in a bad place, his fear of losing ppl was coming true with maddie and chimney gone and chimney angry with him, with Eddie going through a slow breakdown, so he clutched at taylor so he didn't lose someone else, passed the point of him being unhappy, all the way to him cheating and then trapping her. bad story, didn't like it, but it makes sense emotionally.
this bullshit "theory" they're running with simply does not make sense. buck is in a good place, he wasn't shown questioning his place anywhere at the start of the season, all of his friends and family are doing good (up to the last episode and a half), and though he broke up with natalia, he did it for perfectly normal reasons, no one had to be the bad guy, they just weren't compatible, and there's nothing to suggest it wasn't an amicable or at least neutral break-up, showing growth in the relationship and ending there of department.
so why would he have a problem ending it with tommy, or you know, just not calling him for coffee after tommy so callously abandoned him to fend for himself in the scary wilds of downtown L.A? unless you just ignore all the growth he's had, there is no reason buck would stay with someone who made him as unhappy as they claim
and how does this go with buck having feelings for eddie? either he doesn't know it yet and is transferring his feelings to tommy, because this man who treats buck so terribly is just so similar to eddie (huh?), or he does know it and? is staying? with tommy? anyway?
literally no part of it makes sense. not from a story-telling perspective and not from a character perspective.
(and yeah, i remember after the ep aired they were using a shot of buck from earlier in the date or from when he was talking to eddie at the beginning to try and say he was uncomfortable. and when called out their response was basically "what's your point")
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theodorenmyth · 3 days
LB , TN x male vampire reader?
Feeds on their fingers in class when hungry & tends to be very clingy as an apology for feeding even tho they reassure that they don’t want him to starve.
Enemies who find out reader is a vampire and originally plan on using it against him but find out he starves himself cuz he hates that he has to drink blood and they suddenly get super protective of the one they’re supposed to hate??
Blood Ties
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x M! Reader x Lorenzo Berkshire
Summary : In the shadows of Hogwarts, you navigate the unique challenges of being a student with an insatiable hunger for blood. Thankfully, you have the unwavering support of your boyfriends, Lorenzo Berkshire and Theodore Nott. As you feed on their fingers in class and cling to them in apology, they reassure you with steadfast love and acceptance. In this tender tale of romance and acceptance, you learn that true love means embracing all parts of each other, no matter how unconventional.
A/n : David Clark is an OC I've made so there's no confusion! Enjoy. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Warnings) : Nothing!
Word count : 900+
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You sit at your desk in the dimly lit Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, feeling the familiar pangs of hunger gnawing at your insides. The lesson drags on, Professor Lupin’s voice a distant hum in your ears as you struggle to concentrate. It’s been hours since you last fed, and your stomach twists in painful knots.
Your eyes dart to your boyfriends, Lorenzo Berkshire and Theodore Nott, who are seated on either side of you. Lorenzo is scribbling notes with his usual fervor, his brows furrowed in concentration. Theodore, on the other hand, looks bored, idly twirling his quill between his fingers.
You lean closer to Lorenzo, your voice a whisper. “Enzo… I’m hungry.”
He glances at you, his eyes softening with understanding. “I figured you might be,” he murmurs, discreetly sliding his hand under the desk. “Here, love. Take what you need.”
You hesitate, your gaze shifting to Theodore. He catches your eye and gives you a reassuring nod. “Go on, Y/N. We don’t want you starving.”
With a grateful smile, you take Lorenzo’s offered hand, your lips parting to let your teeth graze his fingertips. He doesn’t flinch, accustomed to the sensation by now. You start feeding, the familiar warmth and taste of his blood flooding your senses. The hunger begins to abate, but guilt seeps in to replace it.
After a moment, you pull away, licking the last traces of blood from your lips. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.
Lorenzo squeezes your hand gently. “It’s alright, Y/N. Really. You don’t have to feel bad about it.”
But you do. Every time. You lean into Lorenzo’s side, your head resting on his shoulder in a silent apology. He wraps an arm around you, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your arm.
Theodore shifts closer, his knee brushing against yours under the desk. “You need to stop worrying so much,” he says quietly, his voice a calming presence. “We’ve told you before, we don’t mind.”
You sigh, turning your head to look at him. “I know, Theo. But I just… I hate having to rely on you two like this. It feels wrong.”
“It’s not wrong,” Theodore insists, his eyes fierce. “It’s who you are. And we love you for it. All of it. Feeding and all.”
Lorenzo nods in agreement. “Exactly. We’d rather you feed on us than suffer. It’s not a burden, Y/N. We’re here for you.”
You smile, a small, tentative thing. “I’m lucky to have you both.”
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The rest of the lesson passes uneventfully, the three of you wrapped in your own little world. When the bell finally rings, you gather your things and head to the Great Hall for lunch. Lorenzo and Theodore stay close, their presence a constant comfort.
As you sit down at the Slytherin table, you can’t help but notice the curious glances from your classmates. You’re used to it by now—the whispered conversations, the speculative looks. Being in a relationship with two of the most popular boys in your year naturally draws attention. But today, the looks seem more intense, more focused.
David Clark leans over from his spot across the table, a smirk playing on his lips. “Feeding in class again, Y/N? Honestly, you’re going to give poor Enzo and Theo a reputation.”
You bristle, but Theodore speaks up before you can respond. “Mind your own business, Clark.” he says coolly. “We don’t care what you think.”
Lorenzo nods, his expression calm but firm. “Y/N’s our priority, not your gossip.”
David’s smirk falters, and he turns back to his lunch, muttering under his breath. You relax, grateful for their support.
As the meal progresses, you feel the lingering guilt from earlier fading away, replaced by a warm sense of belonging. Lorenzo and Theodore’s unwavering support means everything to you, and you’re determined to show them how much you appreciate it.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
After lunch, the three of you head to the library to study. As you settle into a secluded corner, you can’t resist the urge to be close to them. You curl up next to Lorenzo, your head resting on his shoulder, while your hand finds Theodore’s under the table.
“Comfy?” Lorenzo asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Very,” you reply, nuzzling closer. “Thank you for earlier. Both of you.”
Theodore squeezes your hand. “Anytime, love. We mean it.”
Lorenzo leans down to press a kiss to your temple. “We’d do anything for you, Y/N. You know that.”
Your heart swells with affection, and you tighten your grip on Theodore’s hand. “I love you both so much.”
“We love you too,” they say in unison, their voices a soothing balm to your soul.
The rest of the afternoon passes in a comfortable silence, the three of you lost in your studies. Every now and then, you glance up to find one or both of them watching you with soft smiles, their eyes filled with love and devotion. It’s in these moments that you realize just how lucky you are—to have found two people who accept you completely, who don’t just tolerate your needs but embrace them.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
As the sun sets and the library begins to empty, you finally pack up your things and head back to the Slytherin common room. The day has been long, but with Lorenzo and Theodore by your side, you feel like you can handle anything.
Once inside the common room, you collapse onto the couch, pulling them down with you. “I’m so tired,” you admit, stifling a yawn.
“Then rest,” Lorenzo says, his hand stroking your hair. “We’ll be right here.”
Theodore nods, his fingers laced with yours. “Always.”
You close your eyes, a contented smile on your lips. Surrounded by their warmth and love, you drift off to sleep, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you’ll never face them alone.
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toxophilitis · 17 hours
Spread, Auntie, Spread cont
Lori's sister smiled at her, and Lori saw her reach behind and take Marty's hand. "Hello, Lori," Karen said, not seeming to be shocked to find Lori coming out of a motel room with her husband. "Did you and my husband enjoy yourselves?"
Lori looked from her sister to her brother-in-law. She was confused and a little afraid. What surprised her most was the total lack of shame on either of their faces. Then she looked at Marty, who was standing next to Karen, a big grin on his face.
"Why don't you come in our room, Lori?" Karen said, reaching out and taking her sister's hand. "Come in here and let's talk about this."
Woodenly, not understanding, Lori allowed herself to be pulled into the room. Bob and Marty followed, and Lori found herself sitting on the bed next to her sister. This room was a bit larger than the one she and Bob had been in and had two chairs. Karen continued to hold Lori's hand, looking into the wide, still shocked eyes of her sister.
"You've always thought I was a prissy, moralistic, cold kind of bitch, Lori," Karen said. "But you're wrong. I don't have a cold bone in my body. In fact, I'm probably hotter than you are."
"But I don't..." Lori started in a shaky voice.
"I know you don't understand," Karen said. "There isn't any need to understand, not really. What matters, honestly speaking, is that you've been wrong about me all this time. It's been a face I had to put on, because I was not as courageous as you. I've got ten years on you, honey, and that's a big difference when it comes to the times of our day, you know. But that don't mean I'm not as hot as you are, Lori. I've had to keep it concealed, hidden, you might say. But the truth of the matter is, Bob and I have been fucking ourselves silly with anyone willing. We've been doing it for years, ever since we were married. Why do you think I always go on his trips with him? Because we meet others and fuck and suck until we're exhausted. No, I'm not jealous of Bob. I go with him for those reasons only, otherwise he would go by himself."
"But all these years, Karen," Lori asked, "you never once told me, said anything, to make me understand."
"I wasn't certain about you, Lori," Karen said, holding her sister's hand tightly. "Bob wanted to fuck your little cunt from the beginning, but I was the one that made him wait."
"But surely you knew about me, Karen."
"I knew, but still wasn't positive," Karen smiled at Lori. "I knew it from the time you tried to sneak into my bed and play around. It was too bad her parents found out. I would have let you sleep with me every night, but you know how they are. So, I had to keep you away from me so they wouldn't be suspicious. It wasn't because I didn't want you to touch me, play with me. I did, and I would have loved to play with you then, too."
Lori was no longer confused and shocked. She squeezed her sister's hand tightly. "But you and... Marty?" she asked. "I mean, how did..."
Karen laughed. "Bob and I knew Marty before you did, honey. In fact, I fucked him long before you got your hot little hands on him. If you want the truth about it, Bob and I was the one that told him about you, and Marty took it from there."
"And today?"
"We decided, after talking to Marty," Karen said, "that it was time you knew about me and Bob."
"You could have told me," Lori laughed. "I almost shit when I saw you standing out there."
"I know, and I guess we could have handled it differently, but we didn't."
"Now what?" Lori asked.
Karen stood up and began to undress. "Now I'm going to play with you. I've wanted to taste that hot cunt of yours for quite a while, honey. It's about time I had my face in it, don't you think?"
Lori shot a look at Marty and Bob, who were sitting there watching, pleasure showing in their eyes. She looked up at her sister, seeing her flawlessly shaped tits now naked. She ran her tongue over her lips as Karen began to wiggle from her skin. Then her sister was standing naked before her. Lori gazed at Karen's thrusting, full tits, at the rubbery hard nipples. She dropped her gaze and stared at a pussy as hairy as her own, and she felt a deep throbbing starting inside her own cunt.
"Take your clothes off, honey," Karen urged in a thick, throaty voice. "I want you naked so I can lick and kiss you everywhere! I want to taste that creamy flesh and sweet ass and deliciously wet, hot cunt!"
Lori looked at Marty and Bob, who had taken their cocks out. Her eyes were hot as she looked at their hard pricks. And then she was quickly getting out of her own clothing.
By the time Lori was undressed, her cunt was boiling like never before. As she looked at her naked sister, seeing her fantastic tits and hairy cunt, her long, creamy thighs, her swelling, delicious ass, Lori understood with startling clarity that she had wanted this for many years.
Her mouth began to water as she spread out on the bed, her long legs sprawled wide, bushy cunt revealed. She found it intensely exciting to be gloriously naked on that bed, with Marty and her brother-in-law looking hotly at her, their cocks throbbing, dripping. It was even more exciting to have her sister, Karen, with desire upon her beauty.
Karen placed a foot on the edge of the bed, her knee swung wide. As Karen framed her cunt with the fingers of both hands, looking down at Lori, licking her lips, Lori gazed passionately at her sister's wet pussy. Her cunt lips, framed by curly hair, were pink and succulent, and the tip of her clit glistened.
Karen rubbed her cunt for a moment, squeezing her clit delicately between two fingers. "Lori, you've wanted to kiss my cunt for a long time, just as I've been waiting for you. Well, we don't have to wait any longer."
Karen lay atop her sister, her tits smashing into Lori's. Lori's arms went around her sister, holding her tightly, her hips squirming. The curly hairs of their cunts mingled, and Lori felt the heat of Karen's cunt on hers. Lori ran her hands down to her sister's swelling ass, clutching her asscheeks with her fingers. She squeezed and caressed Karen's creamy asscheeks, grinding her cunt up.
Lori did not really think of Marty and Bob now. She was thinking only of her sister, that she was soon going to have her face against that sweet, hairy cunt. The men were there, of course, watching them, and that served to intensify Lori's desire.
Karen scooped Lori's naked body into her arms as her lips opened, then pressed down onto Lori's mouth. When Karen slipped her eager tongue into Lori's mouth, Lori mewled and began to suck furiously, grinding her ass on the bed, feeling her sister's cunt rubbing and pressing against hers.
Lori opened her thighs lifted them high in the air, then wrapped them around her sister's naked hips, locking her heels on the cheeks of her ass. Both girls whimpered and mewled and gurgled as they twisted and squirmed in passion.
Lori felt waves of pleasure building inside her pussy. Her cunt, as always, was going through a series of orgasms, each one swelling and growing and ballooning, stronger than the last.
The sisters scissored their legs about each other, so each boiling cunt rubbed and pressed against the other. Lori squeezed one, of Karen's tits, her other hand clutching a springy asscheeks. They ground their cunts together, rubbing and banging in gasping delight.
"Good!" Karen hissed. "So fucking good, Lori! Oh, God... does your cunt feel hot against mine! We're fucking, Lori! We're cunt fucking! Your pussy is so hot... burning my cunt! I love cunt fucking!"
Neither one of them were aware of Bob and Marty, who had removed their clothing and were now on each side of the bed, watching the two overheated girls rubbing their cunts together.
"Karen! Oh, Karen!" Lori mewled. "Fuck my cunt, Karen! Oooo, fuck my cunt with your cunt! I love it, Karen! Fuck... fuck!"
Their naked bodies began to tremble, their eyes squeezed shut, mouths partly open. They banged their cunts together hard.
With a yelp of ecstasy, both Karen and Lori came at the same time. They pressed their cunts together harder as their naked bodies shook, tits swelling, asscheeks flexing.
When they pulled apart, gasping from the thrill of cunt fucking, they saw the two men standing at each side of the bed, cocks throbbingly hard, dripping fuck juice from flaring piss holes.
Lori and Karen looked at each other, then giggled. Karen pulled at Marty's cock, bringing him onto the bed. Lori grabbed her brother-in-law's cock, and the two men lay side-by-side, their cocks straining up from their wiry hair and full balls. Squirming down and getting between their legs, both Lori and Karen bent their faces to the cocks.
They turned their eyes, gazing at each other. Lori began to suck up and down on the thick cock of her brother-in-law, and watched her sister sucking on Marty's prick. Their eyes sparkled with pleasure, their lips stretched as they raced their mouths up and down the hard-on's.
Karen reached out and took hold of her husband's balls, tugging and squeezing them gently as Lori sucked his cock. Lori did the same to Marty's, and the two sisters gurgled with the pleasure of having hard cocks filling their hungry mouths.
As though in a contest, both Lori and Karen sucked their throbbing cocks desperately.
Lori felt Bob's cock jerking inside her mouth and she gave a squeal as her lips tightened around his prick. This time she was not going to have his cock so deep in her throat when he came.
She wanted her tongue lapping at his piss hole when his sweet come juice gushed. Holding the head of his swollen prick between her lips, she tasted the first squirt of her brother-in-law's come juice as it spewed over her tongue. She squealed again as it filled her mouth, then she had to swallow.
Karen, too, was getting her mouth filled with the come juice of Marty. Lori saw some of the thick white come juice escape the tightness of Karen's lips, and run dawn the side of his throbbing cock. She saw her sister's throat working and knew the pleasure Karen was getting, because she was getting the same pleasure.
When they sat up, Karen and Lori looked at each other, then giggled lewdly. "Yes," Karen said, "I'm a cocksucker, too! We're both cocksuckers, it seems."
They fell into each other's arms, hugging and kissing.
"Oh, Karen," Lori whimpered. "I want to kiss your cunt! I want to lick my tongue deep into your pussy... suck it! I want to tonguefuck you and make you come in my mouth! Oh, Karen, I've wanted to eat your cunt for so damned long!"
"Turn around, Lori," Karen said, then she and her sister were head-to-foot.
Lori peered down at her sister's cunt, her face inches from Karen's pussy. She shoved her lips to the wetness, kissing eagerly and wildly, her tongue fluttering over Karen's sensitive cuntlips and throbbing little clit.
She spread her legs over her sister's face, and felt Karen holding the cheeks of her naked ass, bringing her cunt down. Then Karen's tongue was working deeply into Lori's seeping pussy, licking and fucking in and out.
Lori's hands scooted underneath her sister's squirming ass, clutching at the creamy swells, drawing Karen's steamy cunt hard against her mouth. Her tongue slipped between Karen's hairy pussylips, and, as it went deep, she felt her sister's cunt sucking at her tongue.
Moist sucking sounds filled the room. Their tongues and lips worked, sucking and licking hungrily. They twisted about on the bed in a frenzy of ecstasy, rolling around until first one, then the other, was on top.
Bob and Marty were again sitting in the chairs, watching the two women as they ate each other in a frenzy of erotic pleasure.
Lori's tongue was deep inside the bubbling cunt of her sister, just as Karen's tongue was far up Lori's pussy. Lori felt her sister's cunt begin to flex about her tongue, and she tongue-fucked with renewed frenzy, as her sister's pussy exploded. Her own cunt was convulsing powerfully as Karen fucked her tongue in and out.
Their hands gripped the cheeks of each other's ass tightly, the whimpering sounds of ecstasy coming muffled from between squirming, hot thighs.
Finally, Lori and Karen sprawled on the bed, gasping loudly. Their naked tits heaved up and down, and their beautiful faces were smeared with the fuck fluids of each other's cunt.
"Oh!" Lori said, sitting up. "The kids! I've been gone too long. I've got to get back to them."
Karen laughed. "Don't worry about those two. They'll find something to occupy their time..."
"I told them I wouldn't be gone long," Lori said, reaching for her clothing. "They might get worried. I better go."
"Marty," Bob said, "why don't you take Karen to get her car? Lori, drive the kids home, will you?"
"Why don't we pick them up?" Karen asked her husband.
"Because," he said, grinning at her, a gleam in his eyes, "after seeing you and Lori suck cunts that way, I want to get a piece of my wife's hot ass, that's why."
Karen spread her thighs as Marty and Lori finished dressing. "Come on, big boy," she said. "My cunt is hot and ready."
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 day
Silver and Gold (M!Siren!Reader x M!Pirate Captain)
Pairing: Male!Flirty!Siren!Reader x Male!Pirate Captain
Genre: Pirates, Flirting, First Meetings
Word Count: 2570 words
Warnings: N/A
Summary: For living a life in a sailor’s death trap, you think you’d be used to handsome pirate captains, rushing headlong into adventure. But something about today’s quarry seems different.
Request May I request a flirty male! siren! reader with a male gruff pirate captain? I'll leave the details up to you! Love your works by the way, take all the dang time you need. :3
A/N: Alright now THIS one should be accurate to the request lolol. You guys get a two for one special!
Life in the Dragon’s Teeth was shockingly boring.
Its reputation is infamous, the majority of sailors being sensible enough to leave it well enough alone. Of the people who dared to enter most were young and braggadocious sailors looking to prove their worth, who often made for quite boring sport. They always thought they were somehow better than siren magic, that pure belief could beat an enchantment powerful enough to literally make men wantonly fall to their deaths.
You think, watching one such ship entering into the gorge, men lined up the sides like pigs ready for slaughter. Your ravenous siblings all leap for the chances, hiding behind treacherous rocks or laying alluringly on outcrops, all ready for a taste. Despite the ship you all sank just one week ago, their bellies never seem to fill.
You however, have grown tired of this. Too easy, too monotonous. Maybe it’s time you finally spread your fins and leave the gorge, head into open water and explore the seas. Would be much more interesting than this, that's for sure.
You roll back over on your fins as the siren’s begin to sing, a haunting chorus bouncing off the chasm as the ship deftly avoids the rocks. Rolling your eyes, you daydream about the Great Barrier Reef, wondering if it’s as magnificent as they say.
But then-
“Ugh, come on!” A particularly voracious sister of yours hum to a tune of discontent, harshing her usually sweet melody. “I’m hungry! Why is this taking so long?”
“I don’t know.” A more rational brother of yours whispers, just loud enough for you to hear from your outcrop. “They should be overboard by now.”
That’s enough to have you turning over, eyes lazily sweeping over the ship, now deep in the Dragon’s Teeth. To your surprise, every sailor still seems hard at work, keeping mindful of the edges of the ships, but fulfilling their duties. Even the watchman at the crow’s nest, isolated as they are, stays perched and at the ready, looking over at your beckoning family with nervous yet un-enchanted eyes.
Now this is new.
You slide down a mossy outcrop, slipping in between the confused masses of your siblings, whose songs grow more and more discordant. Some have even swam up to the sides, clawing at the bows and preening like young pups. Still, the sailors ignore them, not paying any mind.
For a whole ship to be free of a whole horde of siren’s is a shocking thing, a terrifying thing, a wonderful new thing. You have to know more, so you crawl along the rocks, exploring the entire hull with watching eyes. 
Is there some boon they’ve brought with them? Did they find a witch and ask for safe passage? Has Poseidon himself blessed their voyage?
You wander from man to man, trying to find a hint of any wills breaking. But while curious eyes occasionally steal a glance at your siblings, curiosity is its reason, not compulsion. Any who dare get a sharp retort from the man at the helm, though they hardly deem to notice.
It’s then you realize, all these men are deadly silent. Not a peep between them, not even shouting orders. Except the helmsman, all the others silently following a preapproved pattern, a routine.
Oh, and what a helmsman he is.
It's easy to see how much better dressed he is than his men, a crimson coat that falls to his knees, closed by several belts and buckles over a ruffle white shirt. Gold studs decorate up and down his ears yet he is sparsely decorated elsewhere. Long black hair peppered with gray is tied in a low ponytail, healthy and silky despite a life at sea. His beard is less maintained, more scraggly, split apart by the occasional scar across his jaw. His boots are polished leath, not a scratch or stain on them, and his trousers are well fitted. Especially across his buttocks, which you take the time to appreciate.
The other thing that catches your eyes are his hands. Hands which swiftly attend to the wheel, in fact are tied to the rudders. His breathing is labored slightly, his cheeks darkened from focused exertion. Still, he keeps his eyes straight, shouting loudly to a young third mate who dares to ean over the side of the ship. The man ignores him, up until the captain kicks at a nearby can into the man's leg, shocking him to attention.
Oh, I see.
Seems you’ve found yourself an interesting prey.
Royce felt like a fool.
All his life he’s been a pragmatic man. Where other Captains gambled, brawled, and squandered their lives in stupid feats of bravado, he had always kept a level head. Sure, he’s a pirate and knew to have some fun, but he always did so with care.
He had weighed his options heavily before deciding on the Dragon’s Keep. It wasn’t easy, nor without risk, but the quickness of the route and the assurances of his men had convinced him. His plan would allow them to reach their next port in half the time, beating out any other rival crews to what was rumored to be an excellent bounty. He had even concocted a plan to ensure casualties would be at a minimum, scrounging for texts and stories about the fabled place to be best prepared.
But he had just been so goddamned curious.
“Cotton in the ears, huh?” 
A melodic voice knocks Royce out of his focus, thanking the gods for his resilience and not flinching at the site of the siren, now hoisted up the side of his ship. He thanks his foresight in tying his hands to the wheel, knowing that even without a song, the siren could easily lure him to his death.
“It’s a good plan, surprised you’re the first to think of it. There’s always a risk of course, that we’d be louder, but it seems they’ve packed those eardrums full.” The siren drags a clawed hand across the railing. The siren has a more human disguise, fins and teeth and scales all out to show. It does not make him any less alluring. 
Glowing yellow-green eyes dance up and down the captain’s form, a black tongue wetting the siren’s lips.
“So why not you, Captain?” The title drips out of the siren’s mouth like honey, his beck arching as he relaxes along the railing, precariously balancing his weight yet not a care in the world. “Is it supposed to be a challenge, a test of your willpower?” Sharp eyes dart to his tied hands “Or just plain ego?”
Royce takes a deep breath, meeting the beast’s gaze. He is a proud man, maybe too proud, but he’s not stupid.
“I am an example for my men, siren. I cannot be bested by a simple song.”
“Hmm, a likely story.” The siren sits upright, tail now swung over and onto the ship. He leans forward, a gleeful look in his eyes. “You are doing rather well. Most men would have torn their arms clean off by now.” A heat lingers over Royce’s arms, the siren’s gaze covetous. “It would’ve been a shame, they seem like very nice arms indeed.”
Royce tries not to feel flattered. These are games, that is all.
“I have faced many challenges in my life. None of them have claimed me yet.”
Royce keeps the details to a minimum. He’s content that he’s able to keep his composure this much, the siren testing his strength.
The siren’s laugh is as frightening as it is charming.
“Ah, so ego it is. Though you seem smarter than other idiots who have tried it before.” The siren goes back to his tied hands, to his tense posture. “And far more handsome. Awfully bold, coming into a territory like this looking like that.”
Royce scoffs. 
“Are you here only to play with you food, beast? Or do you find joy in plying me with compliments instead of singing?”
“Ooh, some sass! Good to know your words are as sharp as your sword, Captain.” The siren licks his lips. “And that jawline. My, my, I think you put even my kind to shame.”
Royce rolls his eyes, only making the siren laugh more. It seems that this Siren is less interested in eating him and more in entertaining himself.
“I have to ask, most others who pass through here are looking for a fight. A chance to prove themselves. You seem rather content on passing through, your men as well. Why come through this place?”
Royce stays quiet, thinking over any potential danger in revealing his plans to siren. If anything, nothing could be more dangerous than the position he is in now.
“It’s the quickest route. My men seemed up to the challenge, and so was I. We’re pirates, it’d be unbefitting for us to cower away from the riskier route.”
The siren nods. “True, true. Still, quite a risk indeed.” The siren flashes a smile full of glittering fangs.
The ship rocks, several of his men thrown to their knees as a stray rock scrapes against its side. The siren rocks with the waves, easily keeping his balance.
Royce grits his teeth. Is that what this was? A distraction? But the siren seems disquieted, slightly annoyed.
“Gah, fucking ridiculous that lot. So gluttonous.” The siren leans over, hissing an angry song. Royce almost wishes for the cotton, but finds no compulsing rhythm.
The ship stops rocking, the sound of rushing water as sirens fall to the wayside. The cacophonous songs fall to the side, though some still linger, waiting for a fortunate accident to occur.
“This place you're going to, will it have adventure?”
Royce raises his eyebrow.
“One would hope. Treasure too.”
The Siren’s smile is giddy, almost like a child.
“Then it’d be a shame if you got stuck here, then.”
The siren leans over the side, raising his hand, pointing to the portside.
“You’ll want to turn 20 degrees. There's a hidden outcrop that will cut through your hull.”
Royce grits his teeth, but follows the siren’s instructions. The ship sails smoothly, barely rocking.
“Now 10 degrees.”
  Royce turns again, just missing another jagged set of rocks. Sirens hiss in the water, Royce’s companion hissing back.
“Seems dangerous, betraying your own kind like this.”
“Bah, they’ll survive. They’re not even hungry, just peckish.”
The siren eyes him up and down again.
“Though you have me absolutely ravenous, Captain.”
Royce focuses on the wheel, hoping the siren doesn’t see his ears tips turn red.
This is definitely the most fun you’ve had in the while.
The Captains is as cunning as he is handsome, deft hands talented with the wheel. He peppers in anecdotes from his times at sea, a casual tone for such riveting stories.
In between instructions you take the time to eye him up more, those thick thighs and that strong back. You weren’t lying, he does put some sirens to shame.
“You’ll want to avoid those.” You point toward a deceptive spot of calm water. “The area alone sank an entire Navy Ship once. We feasted for weeks, though the meat was less than exemplary.”
“With only military rations, I’d imagine they aren’t very tasty.”
“Exactly! Gods, you’d think I’d be the only siren with taste around here.”
You see the faintest of a smirk from The Captain, which he quickly stomps away. He shares your dark sense of humor, quite fitting. You’ll get a laugh out of him yet. “15 degrees, starboard-side.”
The Captain follows with ease, your directions trustworthy by now. The crew still seem wary, unaware of the conversation due to the cotton in their ears, but they continue their work. Either their trust in their captain is strong, or they're too terrified to disobey in such treacherous waters.
The sun has begun to peak through, the end of the gorge insight. Your mind is slightly conflicted. A sadness, that the most interesting person you’ve met will soon be on his way. A glee, that this might be your best chance to leave the Teeth and explore the world.
The Captain clears his throat.
“It’s got its ups and downs, pirate life. Plenty of boring days, plenty of dangerous ones, plenty in betweens.” The Captain’s eyes stay on the horizon, safety so close for him and his crew. You smile.
“Would this be one of the ups, or one of the downs?” You wave to the jagged rocks, to the hungry eyes that linger from the water.
“I’m still undecided.”
You and your arm on the railing, watching the tides front the gorge clash with the ones outside.
“Still, it’s better than the same thing everyday. I think that's why most men go to sea, for the adventure, the undiscovered.”
Your eyes must be sparkling, minds filled with whales, sea turtles, with sunken ships and glorious battles.
The sun now speckles the hull of the ship, men visibly relaxing as the bow breaches the Dragon’s Teeth and splashes into safe waters. No one removes the cotton from their ears, however, still aware of your presence.
“I must thank you for your service, siren. I do not think we would’ve made it through unscathed if not for you.”
“____, It’s ____.” You say, eyes still on the wide ocean, on all the possibilities.
The Captain smiles, a familiar longing in your eyes.
“And it’s no problem. I think you’ve helped me more than you know.”
You whisper, heart thrumming. 
“You could join us, you know.” That has you whipping around, eyes wide. “I think you’ve proven yourself more than trustworthy. Besides, it would be helpful to have someone as powerful as you aboard.”
Your heart rises, bubbling up with excitement. But the fearful gaze of the rest of the crew still stings on your back, hackles raised.
“I think I’m gonna go out on my own for a while.” You hum, tapping your claws against wood. “See the world, really prove myself.”
The Captain keeps the quiet, nodding along silently. 
You sigh. Just a couple of hours with this man and you’re already melancholy to leave. For shame, ___, don’t you know better?
“Well, it’s a big ocean, Captain. But I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” You ready yourself on the rail, sitting upright and pivoting your tail to the outside of the ship. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be especially hungry next time.”
The Captain smirks, clicking his teeth.
“I’ll put up a hell of a fight, ___.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will-”
“Royce, the name’s Royce. Captain Royce.”
You smile, scaly cheeks glittering like diamonds in the sun.
“Until we meet again, Captain Royce.”
You give him a wink, eyeing up that gorgeous body of his one last time, and jump tail first into the ocean.
His ship fades into the sun as you swim away, hopeful that you’ll bump into it again one day. A day when you’re more worldly, have more adventurous stories to share.
You eye up the reef, several sirens slinking away, discontent with their food stolen. Whatever, they’ll get over it.
Your older sister might be a little upset about your abrupt departure, but she’ll get over that too. After all, she often leaves to visit that pirate paramour of hers, so what's the big difference?
Hell, maybe next time, you’ll come back with one of your own.
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