#i love idol au
kymsys · 3 months
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‘Why do you look like that?’
Eyes like the sky widened at the aggression in Suguru’s tone. He hadn’t meant it to come out that harshly, but the deluge of unwelcome emotions generated by the sight of the singer had landed somewhere near panic.
‘We left the shoot in a hurry, I didn’t have time to change.’ Satoru looked down at himself with a frown. ‘You don’t like it?’
And Suguru almost laughed — because the singer was so far off the mark it was actually funny. He’d never been intimidated by Satoru’s height before, but the tall, broad frame of the man before him made his knees weak then. Satoru looked like every mean-mouthed, motor-head bad boy Suguru had ever fallen for — but better in every way, because he was Satoru.
------------------------------------------------------------- this is just a little snippet from @fushiglow 's latest chapter of:
"Over the Threshold"
i could not NOT draw them 😩🙏
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bitwein · 2 months
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brocedesbenz · 4 months
my favorite part of fandom is that specific moment when we all collectively go, "Oh yes, now blorbo needs to open a coffee shop" followed by the infamous "and they should fall in love w shitto while they're at it"
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safwunnz · 10 months
“Welcome to the show”
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Idol AU and Idol killer by @zucchiyeni
Idol Horror by @westaysilly
Idol dust by me :)
also here’s the reference pic :3
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cakesmelons · 8 months
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Happy birthday @tuxibirdie!!!! (it was yesterday but i couldn't finish these yesterday 😭)
Both boys are by @tuxibirdie
Idol AU is by @zucchiyeni
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eggluverz · 10 months
hello!! would like to request a modern au with blade, where he’s a idol and due to him being busy with work, he didn’t have the time to visit/spend time with the reader (can be gn! or fem!). hence, he took it upon himself to surprise his s/o
bonus points if they are in a secret relationship and let’s say the reader works as a barista, so imagine the chaos the cafe will be if they see idol! blade having a lover SHSHDHDH
take ur time to write it hehe :3
In which you’re feeling down about not seeing your boyfriend in a few months and Blade takes time out of his busy tour schedule to surprise you.
PAIRING. idol!blade x barista!reader
GENRE. modern au, idol au, fluff
NOTE. thank u for the request !! <3 i chose gn reader btw :) this was soooo much fun to write ٩( ᐛ )و i enjoyed this sm but warning it’s so very cheesy heh if u don’t like fluffy romcom cringe look away :3 hope y’all like it xx sof
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It wasn’t always easy having a long distance boyfriends of sorts. A busy long-distance boyfriend who you sometimes didn’t see in person for months on end. 
You knew he was busy, but you also knew he dedicated most of his free time talking to you. The relationship was important to the both of you— There was no doubt in your mind about that. Still, there were times the sadness and loneliness crept in. 
Today was one of those days. 
It wasn’t a “special” day as one would say. It wasn’t your birthday. It wasn’t Blade’s birthday. And it wasn’t even an anniversary. But still, you missed him so much. 
You had gone months without seeing him. Your only solace was knowing Blade has gone just as long without seeing you and missed you just as much. He has been in and out of the recording studio whenever he had time in between performances, which limited your ability to call or even text each other even more. 
You were aware the life of an idol could get hectic at times, you knew that well before the two of you started dating. But at times, it took more of a toll on you than you would expect. 
“What’s gotten you so down in the dumps?” The voice took you out of your negative thoughts.
You turned to look at your close friend and coworker, Serval. You sighed, thankful afternoon rush hour had just died down so only few customers were at the coffee shop. “Nothing, really. Just missing Blade.”
She patted your back sympathetically. “I can only imagine. It’s hard enough barely seeing my brother because of military service.”
“How is Gepard, by the way? I haven’t seen him in ages!” 
“He’s coming back for a bit next month! We’re having a little party if you want to come,” said Serval excitedly. “But back to you and Blade. When is the last time you saw him?” 
“Over two months,” you said with a pout. You knew some people in long distance relationships would view that as nothing— Some would even be grateful that a month of not seeing their partner was a long time. But that wasn’t you and you felt yourself growing more dejected each day. “We haven’t even video chatted or called for longer than ten minutes in the last few weeks.” You tried to look on the bright side. “But at least I know he’s doing what he loves. I just hope management isn’t pushing him too hard.” 
“That’s a big ask for money-hungry corporations,” Serval said dryly. “Poor boy is definitely overworked. Have you seen their back to back show dates? It’s all over social media. I’m sure he’s using any possible moment he can to spend time with you without being too obvious and letting the press know about your relationship.” 
You nodded, trying to cheer yourself up the moment you saw a group of customers walk in. It was the end of work hours for most office workers around here so you mentally prepared yourself to give your best customer service smile. “I know he is doing his best. I just get sad about it sometimes, but I know it’s all worth it.”
“There you go.” She smiled. “And you’ll see him in no time, I’m positive. But for now, get ready for the evening rush!”
“One step ahead of you,” you sang, already at the cash register prepared to take the orders. 
As you greeted the hoard of customers and helped your coworkers make drinks if they needed extra hands, you realized the rush lasted longer than normal. 
“Is today international coffee day or something?” you asked as you passed by Serval. “It’s crazy busy right now.”
She shrugged, placing two drinks down at the ready table. “Not that I’m aware of. But this has been more than a rush hour. The sun isn’t even out anymore.”
“And people are coming in without buying anything or sitting down?” 
As you wondered what was going on, you heard a loud, high-pitched scream coming from outside. The sound was followed by more and more squeals of excitement. 
You and Serval looked at each other. 
“Speak of the devil,” she said, shaking her head with a grin. “What a grand entrance.”
All reason left your mind as you were filled with hope and joy. You looked back at Serval, asking for permission to leave the cash register. 
“Go,” Serval laughed. “I’ll cover the rest of your shift.” 
“Thank you! I love you!”
With a big smile on your face, you rushed out of the coffee shop and pushed through the crowd outside. Standing tall above the group of fans, Blade stood there with black sunglasses and a face mask— A poor disguise that did little to nothing to protect his identity. 
You lifted your hand up and waved from the back of the crowd, unsure if he would even be able to spot you amidst all the people. You wondered, even, if you should acknowledge him like this in public. You knew the press was crazy and the fans could be even crazier. Blade’s manager thought it was for the best he keep your relationship away from public eye. 
But he was right here. And you didn’t want to wait another second before running up to him and giving him the biggest hug. Still, you refrained. 
You did not want to jeopardize his image, no matter how much you wanted to give him a kiss right now.
Blade looked around the crowd before his gaze landed in your general direction. He lifted his shades to expose his captivatingly red eyes. When he saw you, he gave you a crooked smile. 
“There you are,” he called, his deep voice rumbling over the muffled chatter of his fans. “It’s been too long.”
He maneuvered through the crowd, ignoring all the photos his fans were taking of him. The only thing Blade was paying attention to was you. Not caring you were in front of a large crowd, Blade immediately takes you into his arms. Time stops as you feel yourself melt into his embrace. The scent of his expensive cologne filled your senses, your face warm as it laid flushed against his chest. 
“I missed you,” he murmured into your hair. 
“I missed you, too,” you said. “But when did you get here? I thought you were in another continent? And are we allowed to be like this in public?” 
As happy as you were to be with him, you didn’t want to get him in any sort of trouble with his management company. 
“I got here just a few hours ago.” Blade rubbed slow circles on your back, not releasing you from his embrace. “I have a show in two days but I needed to see you. And, yeah, I might get in trouble by management but who cares?” 
You pulled back urgently, looking up at him in concern. “You should care! I don’t want you to put your career in danger.” 
Blade frowned and closed to distance between the two of you once more. “Management has worked me to the bone for years, if they want me to keep working for them, then they’ll have to put up with this being public. I’m tired of hiding you.” 
Your arms wrapped around him, a small giggle escaping your lips at how ridiculous this must have looked to the public. You didn’t like being in a secret relationship either. You knew it was for his work, but when you happened to watch his interviews and had to hear him lie and say he was single, it hurt your heart, just a little. 
“Besides, at this point in my career, I’m sure they need me more than I need them,” he said with a cocky look on his face. Even with his mouth and nose covered by the mask, you could see it in the crinkle of his eyes. 
“That’s my Bladie,” you teased, running your fingers through his tangled hair. “Mr. Popular and you know it.” 
“And I also know I want to be alone with you right now,” Blade said with a smirk. “Is your shift almost over? Let’s go back home once it ends.” 
“Serval said she’ll cover the rest of my shift for me. We can go home now.” 
“Thank you, Serval,” he said happily. Blade held your hand as he lead you to his car. “I might have to drive a little fast to lose the fans that’ll inevitably try to follow us. Is that okay?”
You noted his mischievous smile and laughed. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the thought of escaping them excites you.” 
“I’m a simple man.” He opened the passenger door for you and gave you a small slap on the ass as you crawled in. “Buckle up, baby.”
“I can’t believe you did that with everyone watching!” you cried as he gently shut the door. You shook your head even though you knew he couldn’t see it. “It’s a good thing I love you.” 
When you woke up the next morning, your phone was filled with texts from your friends. You opened Serval’s first. 
Serval: LOL guess who’s famous now
Serval: #CoffeeShopASScape #BladieOnTheLoose ... all the trending hashtags are about you and Blade
Serval: I wish you luck LMAO
You stifled a laugh, only mildly concerned about what people had to say. As you shuffled around on the bed, Blade stirred awake. He inched closer to you and lazily draped his arm around your waist. 
“G’morning,” he mumbled. 
“Good morning,” you greeted, kissing his forehead. “Blade… Have you checked your phone yet?” 
“Yeah, when I woke up an hour ago. My manager let me know just how much chaos I caused over voicemail. Then I decided to go back to sleep with you and deal with it later,” he said simply. 
He noticed the furrowed crinkle between your brows and he rubbed it away with his thumb. “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll get it all sorted out eventually. All that matters is I’m here with you right now.” 
“You’re right. Let’s enjoy this before you have to go back on tour,” you said, placing your phone on your nightstand and ignoring the notifications lighting up your phone. “And if damage control is too hard to deal with, know that I’m always here for you. I’ll answer your call even if it’s in the middle of the night here.” 
Blade cupped your face and softly kissed your lips. “What did I do to deserve you?” 
“I ask myself the same thing,” you said with a smile. “Now, wanna get some coffee?”
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sircarebearalot · 7 months
ok but what’s really funny is that kim dokja presented himself to bihyung and essentially said ‘I’m gonna make you a lot of money, I’m gonna make us famous’ and bihyung was like ‘the audacity of this punk… prove it’
and then kim dokja did
okay now picture this but bihyung is a talent scouter/unsuccessful manager and kim dokja is tryna be an idol
I could see that sob being an actor
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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guilty challenge doodle... LMFAOOO🏃🏻
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mxtchaas · 7 months
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AU where yuuji is an idol and satoru gets into his fansign and gives him a veil headband
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lunarwednesday · 1 year
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I had a small little brainrot of a hsy idol au lol
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y4ntaoist · 2 years
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idol au teyvat girls!!!
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asliceofzosan · 7 months
little thing that's been on the brain lately is zosan idol au BUT it starts off as them meeting in a competition reality show to become idols.
sanji was actually in a group that flopped and he joined this competition for one last chance to prove that he's worthy of being an idol. he's good at this. one failed group can't define his career forever.
zoro has been a trainee for ten years and has never been picked to debut by his company. so he left that company and joined as an independent trainee with the fire in his eyes and an 'i will win no matter' what attitude.
two nineteen year olds ready and willing to do whatever it takes to debut, butting heads all the time in front of AND behind the cameras, and the audience EATS IT RIGHT UP. production doesnt have to do jack shit to provoke drama between them because it just HAPPENS so naturally and instinctively for them. ironically enough, zoro and sanji are the least edited among the trainees. their raw emotions and tenacity at wanting to become idols is better than whatever storyline the directors could come up with.
zoro's known more as a rapper but he shocks everyone during the position evaluation part of the show where he chose VOCALS and lo and behold... he and sanji chose the same fucking song. sanji was like 'theres no WAY that stupid marimo will choose a ballad love song haha i am Free i wont see his dumb face—wHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ZORO CHOSE THE LOVE SONG????'
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calciumdreams · 9 months
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idol horror is so pretty <3
(idol au by @zucchiyeni, idol horror by @westaysilly)
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Ngl i’m kinda obsessed with this meme
Cross by Jakei95, Ink by Comyet, BHC Blue outfit by owl_bones
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elizakai · 10 months
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I feel the need to explain this💀
I had a nice background like 80% finished but a sibling of mine had a spillage and well. It was either cut him out and save what I could or scrap it 🫠
kinda gave up on fixing it further , but figured I already shared the WIP. T-T ‘s fine, we do real life here 💀
Idol! Dream design by @tuxibirdie
Idol! Au belongs to @zucchiyeni
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lumagarden · 2 months
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my stuff came in! lil haul + a closeup
(@/keedweedloser on insta :3)
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