#i love it all though but i wish they could've given him more time with croz
gyuzgrl · 8 hours
her //kmg// pt.3 happy ending
summary- as confusions build to an overbearing crescendo, a sudden visit by Mingyu's sister leads to an unplanned encounter with your ex-husband. will seeing him one last time help you make up your mind?
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Things can't possibly get any more confusing.
For Mingyu and for you.
While on one hand, he wants to do right by you and let you go, he can't escape the simple fact that he needs you. Long, hard days filled with thoughts of you are his reality now- they have been for the past week or so. Unable to move, to eat, to sleep, Mingyu finds himself at the lowest he's ever been.
And that message- god, he feels so stupid for contacting you when you clearly didn't want to talk. The tiny letters below his text, marked 'read' feel like little needles moving deeper into his heart every time he clicks on your chat.
That isn't to say he resents you, though. It's quite the opposite. Mingyu's time alone has given him the opportunity to grow a newfound hatred for himself, and he spends every waking moment wishing he was someone else. Someone who didn't hurt you.
You, on the other hand, are confused too, but for a different reason altogether. Although you love him, and long to be with him, the question of your self-respect remains. Letting him back in would mean giving the man who cheated on you a second chance, but staying away would mean losing the man you love, over a mistake he regrets making.
As you sit across from your lawyer, hand trembling with the weight of consequence, your thoughts race around like jolts of electricity- flooding your head with doubt.
"...and this is the last of it, so you can jus-" he trails off, noticing your shaken state.
Your head snaps up, eyes widening.
"y-um, yes, I'm listening- sorry-" you mumble, swallowing hard as you blink away the tears welling up in your eyes. Thankful for the opaque, white table separating you, you suck in a deep breath, trying to hide your trembling limbs.
"don't be,"
He offers a gentle smile, eyes filled with pity as if to say- 'oh, you poor thing...', and slides one final paper your way.
"here's the last of it- after this, you'll be free for good,"
For good? As in permanently? There's no going back? You look towards the man before you, helpless and confused. Although this is all your own doing, you can't help but feel a pang of doubt at the last leg of your journey.
"so after this we would have officially separated? he'll no longer be my husband?"
From the slight tremble in your voice, your lawyer gathers that something isn't right. It's the same quiver he detected in Mingyu's words a few days back.
He sighs, retracting the final document.
"ma'am, we can do this on another da-"
"no I just-"
"there's no rush, is there? I can tell your mind isn't completely made up just yet, and the last thing I want is for you to make a decision you aren't 100% sure of."
You feel a tear slip down your cheek, dripping onto the papers below. And then another. And another.
The universe can be so unfair, so cruel, sometimes. What twisted satisfaction do the Gods get from watching you suffer like this? Things could've been so good with Mingyu. He could've treated you so well, been the perfect husband, loved you so truly- but no.
They had to come in and ruin it all.
"you can take your time, I'll be at the front desk if you need"
You barely acknowledge his departure, staring blankly at the table as tears blur your vision. It shouldn't be this hard. It really shouldn't. After all, this was your decision- your choice.
Mingyu fucked up. He broke your heart. He's the reason your self esteem is at the lowest it's ever been.
So why...
Why does this feel wrong? Why does it hurt so bad?
Your breaths grow shallow, each inhale speeding up until your heart thuds against your chest. The rapid rise and fall of your shoulders paints a pitiful picture, and you want nothing more than for the Earth to open up and swallow your sorrow.
That night you spent with Mingyu, opened up a world of possibilities- a world of hope- only to have it all come crashing down in an instant. For one night, you got to lay with him, to love him, to be loved by him and that was it. You saw a faint glimmer of hope, that shining light at the end of a long tunnel, but it slipped away just before you could reach out and grasp it.
Reality shook you awake and now here you are- crying in a cold meeting room, all by yourself, wishing none of this ever happened.
It pains you to say it, but the truth is these past few days have been really hard. You've spent hours scrolling through your phone in search of Mingyu's pictures, spent every night forcing yourself to put your phone away only to have him haunt your sleep- you just can't push him away.
All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door. Your head jerks up, eyes making out a petite frame through the translucent glass doors.
"come- come in," you call, rubbing your eyes furiously, "I was just about to leave"
The door creaks open and a familiar face comes into view.
Mingyu's sister.
Minseo's eyes grow watery at your state and she hurries into the room, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"how did you-"
"word travels fast," she interrupts, cradling your face as she stares sympathetically at your puffy, red eyes. "I thought I'd check in on you both, but neither of you has been answering my calls..."
"sorry I-"
"don't be! I just wanted to see if you're doing okay, y'know?"
Her eyes lock onto yours, asking silently- 'you are doing okay, right?' and you can't help the way your gaze falters. She looks so sincere, so apologetic, you don't want to lie to her.
"I'm fine"
Her voice is firm.
You meet her stare.
"let me buy you something to drink, hm?" she smiles, veiling her concern. "starbucks?"
"I don't go there anymore,"
"someplace else, then."
You nod, offering her a small smile, and you make your way to a coffee shop nearby. As you find a table and place your orders, Minseo's smile falters ever so slightly.
And then she begins to speak.
"I know this is the last thing I should be asking, but um- you haven't- you haven't heard from Mingyu, have you?"
You sigh, shaking your head.
The slight quiver in her voice has you on edge, and your fingers itch to reach out and hold her hand. Before you can stop yourself, a hesitant- "why're you asking?" slips past your lips.
"it's been a little over a week... all of us have tried to call or text or- I don't know, we've tried everything- fuck, I even went to his house, but still, there was no response. I'm a little worried, you know?"
Attentively, you nod along, brows furrowing as she goes on to explain further. A few minutes pass, and her story moves from bad to worse. So far, from what you've gathered, it isn't clear where or how he is.
Minseo's eyes begin to glass over, lips quivering as she speaks on.
"I know what he did is wrong, I would hate him too if I was you, but he's-" she cuts herself off with a trembling sob, "he's my brother, my family- and- and I don't know how to fix him, y/n. I don't know what he's doing in that house, I don't know if he's even in there anymore-"
Before you know it, your own eyes begin to water, and she takes in a breath.
"I don't know what to do, y/n"
"listen- Minseo I, I'm the last person he'd want to see right now- I'm not sure what you've got planned but-"
"no- no he loves you don't you get it? he only wants to see you right now. not me, not his friends, certainly not that other girl- just you."
You stay silent.
"I'm asking for a lot, I understand, but he's- I just need to know he's okay. and- and you're the only person he'll let in"
That's how you find yourself here, standing before the doors to your apartment. The familiar frame floods you with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, and you're almost about to turn around when something catches your eye.
Newspapers, bills, letters- all scattered at the foot of the door, unopened, piled upon each other the way you've seen before at abandoned homes.
Tentatively, you press the doorbell, cringing at how the sound seems to pierce through the still air. The sharp twang echoes all throughout the house, like a bullet ricocheting, and your heartbeat quickens.
For about a minute, there's no response- just silence. Maybe this was a bad idea. He probably isn't even h-
"leave me alone, Minseo." a hoarse voice interrupts suddenly, drawing your attention right away.
He's here.
Right behind this door, he's standing, breathing.
"it's um, it's y/n, actuall-"
Before you can finish your sentence, the door swings open, and to your dismay, Mingyu looks like shit.
Standing before you dressed in the same old pajamas, your ex-husband looks a mess. His eyes are so red and swollen you can't tell if he's slept at all. He's lost weight too... The once proud bulk of muscle he sported has drastically reduced to a much slimmer, skinnier figure.
But this all seems like nothing when you notice something held tight within his grasp-
"is that my-"
"no! no- it's uh, it's" he sputters helplessly, stepping back to let you in, "I was jus-just cleaning up! yeah just um, just cleaning,"
Your heart twists. The iron grip he's got on your t-shirt tells you a completely different story, but for now, you let it be. You don't need to dig up his feelings. Not when you haven't sorted your own out.
"how come you're- why are you here?"
"oh uh, m-my stuff? yeah! all my stuff is here and I need it, so..." you lie, looking around the house as you walk to the living room.
It's colder than before, somehow. Haunted. There's not a light or a lamp in sight, no fire burning in the fireplace- just total darkness. Everything is just as you left it too; your mug of coffee is still on the dinner table, Mingyu's briefcase is still set near the couch, the wall clock still hasn't been wound, now telling the tale of the past.
He notices your wandering gaze and suddenly feels conscious. Scratching the back of his neck, Mingyu ushers you quickly to the couch, blocking your view from the side so you don't see the true mess.
The bedroom.
Your bedroom, rather.
Oh, if you saw the state of that room-
Dark, heavy blinds shut off the outside world, a swirl of your clothes and blankets litter the bed, and the air hangs heavy, with spritzes of your perfume clinging to every surface.
The last thing Mingyu wants is for you to see the state of that room.
"could I-"
"have a seat-"
You both start at the same time, turning to each other awkwardly. He let's his gaze linger on yours for a moment too long, and all hell breaks loose. The air of pretense dissipates within seconds. Mingyu's eyes tell you all you need to know.
You're the first to look away, suddenly overwhelmed by the emotion behind his stare. The longing and guilt and hurt etched deep in the universe of his eyes is too much. If you stared any longer, there's no holding either of you back.
"you first," he urges, "you were saying?"
"nothing really, no I uh, I just wanted to get some of my stuff, so if I could just go ins-"
"I'll do it!" he interjects suspiciously, his body going rigid at the thought of you walking into his pathetic little chamber of secrets. "I'll um. tell me what you need"
Unable to catch on, you insist further, telling him- "no! no really I can do it myself, please-"
A few dozen fruitless protests later, you've won.
Mingyu tried his best, although in vain, and now he's got you sitting on the couch as he scrambles to tidy up to the best of his abilities.
But of course, he should have known.
With your level of patience, it was only a matter of minutes before your curiosity got the better of you and led you straight into the bedroom.
"hey, you really don't have to bother so mu-" you start as you walk in, freezing at the door when your eyes glance over what once was your bedroom.
With a bunch of your t-shirts tucked away under his arm and a couple more scattered over his pillows, Mingyu halts his actions, paralysed.
The air is damp and clammy and it stinks of your perfume- strong enough to give you a headache. It feels as if time itself has stilled, as if it hasn't moved past that night you spent together.
Your bra is still in the corner of the room, your slippers are still at the foot of the bed, your pillow still has tear stains at the edge; it's like you were here just yesterday.
He looks guilty. Like a puppy that got caught red handed with it's little snout burried deep inside a can of treats. You hate to say it, but it tugs at your heart a little more than you would've liked.
"I know how this looks-" he starts, still clutching desperately onto your clothes, "but I promise I'm okay." His voice cracks at the end, a slight quiver making it's way through the tough facade he's put up, and you feel your eyes begin to water.
Your eyes glisten with the saddest tears you've shed- the brightest, most sorrowful stars in Mingyu's galaxy- and suddenly, it doesn't matter to him that he's not yours anymore. Taking long, purposeful strides towards you, he closes in, dropping the clothes in his arms and taking hold of your face instead.
"I'm okay." he whispers, cradling your face, "I promise."
The tears begin to fall, one after another, and soon you're sobbing like a lost child. Your face crumples into the most devastating look Mingyu's ever seen, and before long, a heavy drop cascades down his cheek.
He thumbs away your tears continuously, swiping gently at your skin in distress with an expression that reads- 'but why are you crying? baby, please stop crying-'
It's a pathetic picture you two paint, but the moment means more to you than the he would know. All your thoughts of revenge and rage have cooled and now you see things for what they truly are.
He loves you.
He loves you and he knows he's fucked up so he's letting you go, no matter what becomes of him. To give you a shot at finding someone better, someone who won't hurt you like he did.
"please don't cry-" he begs, "I'll stop! okay? I'll clean up and give you your things ba-"
"you idiot"
The quiver in your voice silences him in an instant.
"you- why are you-" your voice gives way, cracking as you choke back a sob, unable to speak further.
Mingyu's lips tremble watching you. This is all his fault. You don't need to see this. You don't need to feel sorry for him. Yet, here you are, crying terribly for the man who hurt you.
Crying for him. After all he's done.
As if he hasn't given you reason enough to cry, Mingyu seems to have managed to add to the list, albeit unintentionally.
"baby-" His thumbs wipe away your tears and he lowers his face towards yours. "baby, please don't cry,"
He looks defeated. Like the last standing soldier, helplessly outnumbered by the enemy. If he felt like an asshole before, this just took the cake. Despite vowing to himself every night to never hurt you again, never make you cry again, here he is.
"c'mere, we'll go outside, okay? don't- don't stay in here"
Dumbly, you let him lead you to the hall, standing beside him as he grabs a tissue from it's holder. With the most gentle touch, Mingyu dabs at your skin, blotting away your tears, unaware of his own.
The proximity between your faces is dangerous. He's too close. While he's focused on wiping away your tears, you're torn between your thoughts.
His lips are right there, a mere inch away from yours. Technically, kissing him would be the easiest thing in the world- afterall, he's right there,- but somehow, he couldn't feel further away.
"did you stay in there this whole time?"
Finally, your voice finds it's way back.
His fingers halt their movements, and his eyes meet yours.
"yeah." he sighs.
There's an immeasurable guilt in his eyes, one that almost forces you to look away.
Screaming from within, your mind urges you to draw your eyes back, but your body doesn't yield. It can't, rather. This was a bad decision to begin with- going to see your now ex-husband, when you yourself aren't certain where you stand. Do you still love him? Are you going to be okay without him? Will you be able to forgive him?
Despite being on shaky ground, you decided to come see him, and now, whatever resolve you've managed to build over the past week, comes crashing down.
One thing sticks out to you.
If there's anything that hurts more than a divorce, it's this- seeing the man you love turn into something unrecognizable, seeing him so struck with guilt and grief he barely seems alive.
As if connected by string, your eyes stay on each other's, neither one of you daring to look away. The pull of a strong magnet draws your bodies closer, and he whispers- "I miss you,".
With the gap between your lips closing soon, your eyes flutter shut, lips trembling ever-so-slightly with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.
Mingyu's breath fans over your face, the heat of his body burning softly against yours, and you lean closer, trying to close the gap between you and him, when all of a sudden, that warmth disappears.
Your eyes snap open, widening when you see that he's backed away.
"what ar-"
"we shouldn't-" he gulps, turning away as he steps back, putting safe distance between you and him. "it didn't uh, didn't end too well last time,"
You hang your head, shoulders drooping- "you're right I shouldn't have forc-"
"no! no, I want to kiss you so bad, god I wanna kiss you- I just, let-let's talk first? before rushing into things, I just, y'know, I think we should talk. and- and I need you to be sure that this is what you want"
Your stomach flips hearing him speak.
'god I wanna kiss you'
"just kiss me, please" you whisper, holding back another wave of tears.
"I don't want you to leave again" Mingyu's brows scrunch together, a look of pain painting his features as he reminds you of what happened. Of how you made love only to part the next morning.
"we c-"
You interrupt each other once again, growing tense as the air begins to weigh down on you both. There's a stale, heavy feeling clinging to everything, and it smells distinctly of the past.
"I can't lose you again," he says softly, eyes glossing over. "I won't be able to live with myself if I get to feel you again only to let you go in the end"
Here lies the last step, the final decision.
Mingyu's words mark the end of your dilemma- you have to choose now.
Letting out a shaky sigh, you shake your head, trying to stop the free fall of tears- "I'm so confused-"
"you're confused and I've hurt you and I wish I could change things but-" he winces, running his hands through his hair, "but I- no matter how I think about it, I love you. I love you and I've never stopped loving you. If you want to end things here, I understand, okay? I really do. After what I've done- I don't want to be forgiven I just- just please stop hurting"
He pauses, sniffling.
"and if moving on is what you need, if someone else can help you heal, I'll gladly let you go. so stop caring about me, okay? I'll- I'll be fine, I am fine, see?" he laughs through tears, clenching his fists, "just- I want you to be sure of whatever you decide."
"I love you, okay? I really fucking love you and that's why I'll be alright. just show me that you'll be okay, that you'll find someone better-"
"there is no one better you idiot-" you sniffle, stepping towards him slowly, mind miraculously made up. "I'll find a good man, an honest man, a man who doesn't make me cry but I'll know for every second that I breathe, that he isn't you."
The air stills. The sound of cars and people and the city suddenly disappears as if in a vacuum.
Marching towards you, Mingyu closes the distance between you and him, wrapping his arms around your waist as you throw yours over his shoulder. His palms press down on your lower back, fingers splayed, and he burrows his head in the crook of your neck.
"I love you- I love you I love you I love you," he chants, lips pressed against your skin.
A hand slides up to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer still, and your grasp tightens around him.
It's like a scene straight out a movie- like perfect fiction with it's tear-stained confession and reconciliation- and you swear you hear music. The orchestral build, the grand crescendo that plays when two lovers are finally reunited at long last.
There's violins and cellos and harps and rhythm, and it all feels complete. It all feels right.
A tear wets the skin of your neck, and you pull back, gazing intently at Mingyu. He opens his mouth, taking in a sharp breath.
"I've missed you-"
"I missed you too,"
You reach up briefly, standing on your tip-toes, and press a chaste kiss to his lips, smiling sweetly with tears swelling in your eyes.
He clears his throat.
"what's next?"
You shrug, eyeing him mischievously.
"I've just gotten divorced", a humorous smile lights up your face, "don't I need to find myself a handsome young man now?"
Mingyu matches your grin, pecking your lips quickly before saying-
"how 'bout I take you on a date- say, Saturday, 8 o'clock- and we see where it goes?"
"mm, I'd like that very much"
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mads-weasley · 4 months
I can't be the only one who was completely blindsided by Bubbles' death. I've read A Wing and a Prayer by Harry Crosby, so I thought I was going to have more time to prepare for what was eventually going to happen...wrong. I knew what was going to happen to Curt at Regensburg, I knew what was going to happen to Buck at Bremen, and Egan at Münster, but this???? THIS????
It's the only historical inaccuracy I have a qualm with so far. I know they can't do everything exactly right, but Bubbles didn't go down for another 5 months. I looked it up on the 100th BG Foundation database, and Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne was KIA on April 28, 1944, while being the lead navigator on a mission to Sottevast, France, after the 100th brand new (idiot) CO decided to go over a target twice at the same altitude (on the same mission). Payne is buried at the Normandy American Cemetery at Omaha Beach.
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jaysgirlx · 5 months
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living with choso might have just been the best mistake of your entire life. the intended plan was for you to finally get your own place but when you get there the place is in shambles. you got your deposit back when you threatened to get the police involved because the place looked nothing like its pictures.
choso had offered you his spare bedroom time and time again but you couldn't. choso was already such a good friend to you and you just didn't want to impose this on him. but of course, you're not even given a choice to ask him because the moment choso finds out how messed up your new apartment is he's already taken your stuff back to his place.
you're two months in and you realize choso and you had fallen into a pattern. a pattern that you hope won't everbreak. you wake up and choso's already made breakfast for the both of you. he says he's used to it from when he and his brothers used to live together, even though he only makes enough for two.
when you both arrive home from work, you either go out for food or order in and then of course you guys watch movies. "what do you mean you've never seen toy story?!"
"i didn't have much of a childhood, so i haven't seen a lot of movies" he mumbled quiety. for the rest of the night, the two of you had a toy story marathon with tons of snacks (provided by choso of course).
choso knew you loved to snack, so he learned to find your favorites in bulk. anytime you saw you snack on something when you hung out, he would memorize its name so he could buy more. he wanted to make his apartment as comfortable as he could for you. his place was meant to be yours.
sometimes the two of you would fall asleep on the couch together, all cuddled up together. however, it didn't start out like that, at first you would lean on choso's shoulder hoping he wouldn't mind. and eventually, he got annoyed with you just leaning on him and pulled you into his arms. you wanted to protest but you enjoyed it so much that you instead leaned into his body. whenever he'd feel you get comfortable in his arms or his lap he'd whisper "good girl" in your ear. coming from him those words drove you crazy and you wished you could hear them more.
on some nights, after you've both had a long day at work choso tends to carry you back to your room when you fall asleep. he even kisses your forehead and you've caught him doing it and you wish you had the guts to confront him on it so bad but you're happy here. so why risk it?
when choso works late you bring dinner to him and the two of you eat in his office. he always tells you, that you don't have to. that he can bring you dinner instead but when you warn him that you'll nice out he easily shuts up. you guys don't get to watch movies but you do get to talk.
"how's yuji?" you ask him after setting his food on his desk.
"enjoying college life apparently, nobara said they're going to a frat party tonight," he says while chucking.
"do you miss him?"
"why would i miss him when i have you?"
in your mind, there was no way he could've possibly meant that romantically. even after he changed the topic you were still thinking about it, thinking about what he meant and what could be going on in that head of his.
during the weekends, choso spends all his time with you. if you want to go shopping, he pays for everything, buys you lunch, and carries all your bags. he tells you it's in exchange for all the dinners you've bought him even though he's already paid you back for those. and when you get home he helps you try them all and all he can do is compliment you, like you're all his, "these jeans look so fucking good on you, can you only wear them in the apartment? just for me pretty girl?"
and you'd agree to his pleas cause, let's be real you only bought these jeans cause he keep eyeing you in them. and they way he cursed, you knew he wanted you because you felt the exact see way.
maybe living with choso a little longer wouldn't be such a bad idea.
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❥ a/n: a little drabble to make up for not posting the college au choso fic yet.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Secret Artist ?? ´ˎ˗
Leo Valdez x Fem!Apollo!Reader Synopsis: Leo found the secrets drawings you made of him, leading into some confessions !! Warning(s): some cursing and a little blood, nun to crazy Word Count: 2202
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You loved art. Painting, drawing, pottery, you name it. You loved creating things, making things that last. That's how you first began to get close to your now best friend, Leo Valdez.
During a sword lesson, you couldn't have been more bored. When it came to fighting you were already remarkable with a bow and arrow, though given your Apollo lineage, you supposed that was a given for you. But moving on. You had found yourself drawing on your hand with a pen you always kept in your pocket (sucks it didn't turn into a sword😒), and when you looked to your side, you saw the Hephaestus boy, whose name you had previously learned was Leo, was pulling random things from his tool belt and started fidgeting with them. What truly confused you about this, the belt was empty.
"Where are those coming from?" You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
"What-" Leo turned to you, looking wide-eyed for a split second before answering. "Oh um, it's a magic tool belt I found. I can ask for whatever little pieces and it gives them to me."
"Wow, really? Can you ask for a pen, mine ran out mid drawing." You pouted while holding your arm out to Leo, showing the dragon you were drawing around your arm, and showing how the pen ran out before you got to the top.
"Wow, that's so cool, you just did that right now?" Leo grabbed your arm to get a better look.
"Yeah, I was using Ladon as my inspiration." You smiled as you pointed to the tree that used to be Thalia, that is now wrapped with the golding fleece being protected by said dragon.
"I didn't know that dragon had a name. Does he breathe fire like my Festus?"
"Wait you were the one who repaired Beckendorf's dragon that went rouge? WAIT! You're the fire proof kid?" You gushed, you had heard about the fire proof kid, but you didn't know who it was.
"Oh, you've heard?" Leo grinned. "I hope it was all good things you've heard, like how I'm really cool and funny and ripped."
"Oh... yeah!" You said in a joking tone. "But seriously, I heard some kid went out to find the dragon so I got all the burn stuff ready. Then I got bored and took a nap and slept through, well you, flying into camp on your dragon."
"Trust me its a sight you wish you wish you could've seen. God I looked so awesooommeee." Leo started flexing his 'muscles.' You just started laughing before suddenly you interrupted by Luke, the one leading the sword lesson, clearly his throat to get he both of your attentions.
"Well, if you guys are finished we can continue?" You both quickly nodded. You two were already trying not to laugh, so you refused to look at each other with the fear of bursting out in laughter.
After that lesson, you and Leo continued to hang out. Despite both agreeing that sometime artificial life is easier to be around than human life, you found it easy to spend time together. You guys also made a good team, you made him drawings that he turned into 3D machines, and you patched him up from time to time when he gets his hands all cut up.
After a few months of the two you hanging out everyday, you slowly started developing a little crush towards the fire boy. You loved the way when he got excited he started to set himself on fire, you loved his stupid jokes, you loved his stupid grin, and honestly the list went on. When there were times you weren't hanging out with him, you were drawing. Not just drawing anything, but drawing pictures of Leo, or ones of you and Leo together. Of course, since you never wanted to weird Leo out, you never told him of the drawings, and hid them in a shoebox under your bed.
One day, you were hanging out with your half-brother Lee Fletcher. You both were at the archery range, shooting shot after shot, always on target. Bless Apollo genes for this.
"Why couldn't you just tell him that you like him?" Lee said while aiming toward his target.
"Because, it'll make stuff awkward between us."
"There's no way you don't think he likes you back." Lee side-eyed you.
"We're just friends and we're gonna stay like that. He's just girl-crazy, that's what your seeing, not him genuinely liking me."
"Gods, I'll never understand how you live in such an ignorantly bliss bubble." Did that even make sense?
"Now what if I used you as my next target?" You chuckled as you aimed toward Lee.
"Oh of course, now what if got an apple to place on my head?" Lee said sarcastically as he used his hands to make a circle shape above his head, making you both laugh harder. Suddenly, in your peripheral vision, you saw another one of your brothers running toward you with a slightly worried look on his face.
"Hey Austin what's wrong?" You asked him as your laughter died down.
"You and your healing abilities needed back at the infirmary. It's Leo." Austin stated causing your eyes to go wide.
"What? Is he okay?" You asked quickly.
"Well, he's not dying, but he still needs some of your healing." And with that you were off making your way back to the infirmary. When you finally got there, you quickly swung the door open and saw Leo and blood dripping from his hand, more than what he usually comes in with.
"Oh hey there Y/N" Leo said as he threw a playful wink, not really working because his face showed he was clearly in pain.
"Leo, how does this even happen." You scolding as you walked toward him grabbing his hand in yours. You couldn't even bother getting flustered while looking at his hand.
"Oh I-um" Leo looked around for a second, he looked like his face was getting hot (he was always hot but this time in a different way). You raised your eyebrow at him before he finally spoke up. "I just fell into a bunch of screws, their sharper than you think."
"You're such a klutz you know that." You laughed at the boy, who was suddenly more quiet than usual. "Hey, you good there?"
"Huh, oh yeah. Perfect and dandy."
"Uh, okay. Anyways I can't give you nectar and ambrosia for this, but it shouldn't take too long to heal." You said as you smiled and out your hands on your hips.
"Thanks to you and your magic hands."
"My magic hands?"
"Yeah your- never mind." You started laughing while Leo was rolling was rolling his eyes saying that it wasn't even that funny. It was pretty funny.
"Anyways, wanna hang out at my cabin later, I got the delivery guys to bring me back some gummy bears and jolly ranchers." You asked.
"Um, obviously? Who do you think I am?" You just chuckled as you both started walking toward the Apollo cabin. "How do you convince the saytrs to pick stuff up for you when they head out? I've tried so many times and they just tell me no every time."
"You're not as charming and amazing and gorgeous and humble as I am." You joked as you flipped your hair.
"Well... humble might be a little stretch but I'll let you have it."
"Are you just using me for my free candy?" You gasped.
"Ooohhhh I would neverrrrrrr." Leo laughed you opened the doors to your cabin. Leo took the chance to run and jump on your bed like he does every time he comes over. Except this time, Leo jumped a little to far and fell from the side of your bed landing on the floor.
"Leo how do you even manage, your supposed to be taking it easy you know."
"I'm for the workshop not the battle field" he joked as he laid on the ground.
"Excuses is all I'm hearing from here. Anyways I stuffed the candy in Lee's stuff so gimme a sec." You walked toward Lee's nightstand to retrieve your stash.
As you did so you had your back turned away from Leo, not realizing he was still on the floor. What you also didn't know, was that he had in fact, noticed the shoe box that resided under your bed. And with out saying anything he decided to take a peak at what's inside. To say it shocked him was putting it mildly. He stared at them in awe, not realizing you turned around till he heard you drop the bags of candy you were holding.
"Leo.." You whispered out. Your heart literally, just shot outta your ass. These were the last drawings you never wanted him to see. And there were enough to make you look like a total stalker.
"Y/N.. how come you hid these from me. I look so cool. But I do think you made my muscles a little underwhelming though." Leo commented. You continued to stand there with your mouth slightly agape, not knowing what to say and he continued to look through them. You desperately wanted to rip from his hands but you were frozen with embarrassment. Finally you snapped out of your haze.
"Leo.. can you like, put those away.." You said as you sat down in from of him.
"What why, these are so cool." Why is he so obliviousssss??
"Because you weren't supposed to see those." Will he get the hint this time?
"Wh-" He stopped himself. It clicked in Leo's head. It was quiet for a second. You wanted to crawl in a hole and die before he finally spoke up.
"Y/N, do you want to know how I actually messed up my hand?" You nodded and Leo continued. "Well, I was working on random stuff with Charles and Nyssa, when they kept bringing up this one girl. They kept telling me to just man up and ask her out, but I was sure she didn't like me. I got so bothered by them and slammed my hands as hard as I could on my workbench to make a point, but of course it was covered in the screws and they all went through my hand. And well, you know the rest." You sat there in silence. "The girl is you by the way, just in case you didn't get it.
You stared at him in disbelief, to think the both of you were having the same kind of conversations on different ends of the camps made you laugh. The fact he actually liked you back was endearing of course but still, the drawings he found were kind of embarrassing.
"Wow, sounds like you have anger issues really, might wanna get that checked out." You joked. Leo just rolled his eyes.
"Haha, can I kiss you now?" You jumped forward and kissed him. You both continued to make out until Lee and Austin can back into the cabin, standing over the two of you. Lee cleared his throat and got the both of your attentions.
"Do you mind?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, we do actually. Get a room that isn't about to get filled with a bunch of little Apollo campers getting ready for dinner." Austin said. You and Leo groaned as you both stared getting up.
"Yeah take your candy and stalker drawings with you please." Lee joked and you wanted to take the drawings and give him a paper cut in between his index finger and his thumb. Yeah, that'll show him. You didn't though, you choose peace as you put the drawings back and left with Leo and the candy.
"Y/N, can you follow me I want to show you something." Before you even had the chance to respond Leo grabbed your wrist and dragged you away.
"Are you kidnapping me?"
"Of course."
And finally you both made it to Bunker 9. You've actually never been in here before. Most people haven't even heard of it, it's normally kept between Hephaestus campers and a few others. It was empty at the moment with everyone heading out for dinner.
"Leo, what are we doing here?" You saw Leo looking through drawers and cabinets.
"Well, I was making something yesterday and I left it here before the whole hand thing happened. It's somewhere- AH! Here it is." Leo ran up to you and handed you his little creation. "It's just something I did in my free time, you know." It was a mini bouquet of metal flowers. You always got sad when the flowers you had always ended up dying and at some point you mentioned it to Leo.
"Aw Leo, these are so cute." They were in he shape of sunflowers, your favorite flowers. You don't even remember telling him these were your favorites
"Glad you like them, it sucked seeing you upset over dead flowers. So I made ones that would last." Leo grinned, you just walked up to him and kissed him once more.
"This is really sweet, but we should probably rush to dinner."
"Yeah probably."
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killuagirly · 4 months
Hello I hope you’re doing well :D
Would it be ok to request headcanons of a time traveler reader who is a part of a “time traveler organization” from the late 21st century who meets with Alois, Ciel and Sebastian? Perhaps they decide to stay a while to collect some history info for their organization and also because they find the characters entertaining lol ^^
I wish you a lovely day or evening! <33
Ciel, Sebastian & Alois[Separate] x Reader
Summary: As a part of a modern-day 'time traveler organization', you had gotten yourself the opportunity to meet Ciel, Alois, and Sebastian in person. What will you do with this once-in-a-lifetime chance?
Notes: This is a cute idea; it feels like it'd be more entertaining//funny if anything. I didn't know whether or not to separate them, but I tried to give them all their own pieces anyways! I hope you have a great day//night as well and thank you for requesting!! [Sorry this took longer than usual to get out]
CW: Nothing to see here..
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☆ Seeing as you were part of a time traveling organization, you didn't think you could be so captured by a sassy Earl who enjoys throwing orders around. You were meant to investigate and bring back information for your company during the time you would spend there, but would it really hurt to stay a bit longer in the company of the Earl Phantomhive?
☆ In the beginning of the times you had yet to dig deeper into who he was, he was already picking at your history trying to find out just who in the world you were. You were dressed in clothing that was not of the Era and didn't seem to know most of the etiquette commonly used during that time. His curiosity was peaked, he wanted to learn more about you and just what you could've been doing there.
☆ It was humorous for you honestly, watching him try to uncover details about your past through any means he could come up with. In all of London, he couldn't find a single document containing any records of you or your birth. Given that you technically hadn't been born yet during this time, it made perfect sense. However to Ciel, he was convinced you were a spy of some sort, or maybe had a criminal record to hide.
☆ He was dead set on figuring you out, even ordering Sebastian to follow you around and gather information from the shadows. Although, to no prevail, the butler could only come up with some of your favorite treats from around town. Eventually Ciel just outright asked you something along the lines of, "Who the hell even are you!?" You simply laughed and brushed him off, providing nothing but, "I'm [Name], that's all there is to it."
☆ Sebastian almost instantly pointed out the difference in your clothing compared to the standards of the current their time, down to the fabrics used in the making. He also mentioned the odd style of manners you used and your lack of a 'wealthy appearance' as he called it. Though do you suppose people cared more on clothing than they do in modern times, it was still a bit rude.
☆ Ignoring his initial impression, you found Sebastian as good company to be around even if he seemed even more dedicated to his young lord in person. It was entertaining to watch him fulfilling his daily tasks along with correcting the other servants', all the while he held conversation with you. He seemed to be rather interested in your origins, but surprisingly didn't pry much at your short answers.
☆ He kept a watchful eye on you the entirety of the time you has spent there, which was longer than what was planned. Only because who could really resist the chance for just a bit longer with the butler of the Phantomhive Manor? Certainly not you. Getting to know him better was hard though, and he only seemed to answer your personal questions just as thoroughly as you did his.
☆ You knew he was doing this deliberately, trying to see if he could crack you open for answers without directly asking for answers about your identity. Similar to Ciel, he used what little free-time had had left in the day searching for files, records, or any sort of information on you. When nothing came up in the demon's hands, he was honestly a bit baffled. Although, he does find it humorous watching you struggle with little things that you aren't accustomed to.
☆ When you first met Alois face-to-face, he was curious about you and asking questions non-stop. It was everything from your 'odd clothing' to what your blood type was. You didn't perceive him as the type of person to want to know everything before your trip back in time, but you certainly did after that meeting. He was practically all over you like a curious puppy finding something new.
☆ Despite not knowing a thing about you, he didn't seem to have trouble telling you whatever you'd like to know about him. Of course you didn't get too personal with the questions you asked, but at some point in time you were convinced that even if you did he would still provide you with nothing less than honest answers.
☆ You often catch him looking at you funny for not understanding some mechanics of his day, but simply assists you in said task nonetheless. He doesn't quite grasp just why you aren't educated in the basics of everyday life, but he's not complaining about getting to show off or brag to you when he knows how to do something you don't.
☆ Even if he is a bit clueless on the subject of your past experiences, Alois is drawn to you because of the mystery behind who you were, The company you work for wouldn't mind if you stayed a bit longer, now would they? Afterall, spending quality time with this blue-eyed blonde is something you can only do for now. Why not embrace it with goofing off and familiarizing yourself with the day and age?
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nqctar · 4 months
𖦹 fireworks ; anton lee
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pairing. best friend!anton x f!reader. genre. fluff. childhood friends to lovers. inspired by tsitp. synopsis. in the midst of a perfect summer night’s breeze, through flashes of fireworks, your summers spent wishing for anton to give you a sign finally come true. warnings. kissing. physical touch. wc. 1,344 words.
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you were in love. you knew it the moment you took glances at anton through your embarassingly large and round eyeglasses. right down to the first brace faced smile the two of you shared, there was always an unspoken mutual pining. though it had been years since that first encounter, seeing him each summer was like the first time over and over again. almost as if anton was a dream you conjured up through fevered nights. he seemed like someone you'd make up in your head to pass time and daydream about.
he was the physical manifestation of all your daydreams. knowing that made your heart ache. every summer you spent with him, digging up seashells along the salty shorelines of cousins beach and pushing each other into the freezing cold water still wasn't enough. you needed more than summers from him. you needed his cello callused hands to run through your hair. you needed to wake up in the morning and see his big brown eyes marveling at you.
you didn't need the summer anymore, if it meant you'd bask for eternity in anton's presence. he was everything to you.
though you wished every lovesick thought you had of him could come true, you found yourself going home at the end of each summer wanting for more. wishing you'd left with a kiss instead of a secret handshake the two of you made up in his treehouse the first summer you met. you deserved more, you thought. with nine years of wishing, something's gotta give.
"i am in control of my destiny," you say through closed eyes while sitting criss-crossed in front of lit french toast scented candles and a mirror. "my fate is up to me." the meditation track booming through your noise cancelling headphones drowned out the sounds of anton's audible confusion.
deep in your own zen and thought, you feel a gentle hand reach out and touch your shoulder. the feeling makes you jump, letting out a yelp louder than you can hear over the music.
"holy shit anton! where did you come from?!" laughter ripples through him, and he clutches his stomach while trying to regain some composure. as always, your heart does backflips upon seeing his beaming smile right in front of you. crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes. he looked so, so pretty. you wanted to lean in and-
not now. maybe not today, even. things were perfect between you two. ruining your friendship with a kiss wasn't a chance you wanted to take. not now, not ever.
brushing your feelings aside, you blow the candle flames out and toss your headphones onto the bed. anton had calmed down already, though giggles still shook his body. you rolled your eyes at him. "it wasn't that funny, shut up." anton wiped a tear from his face, shaking his head. "don't be lame, it was hilarious."
"we're about to light the fireworks, obviously i don't want you to miss it so," he stops to brush a strand of long hair out of your face. an action he'd done many times before. it was almost second nature to him, yet it almost made your knees buckle. "finish your weird demonic chanting and come outside with me."
you grab your hoodie, one that actually belonged to anton during his brief stint on the cousins beach rowing team, he'd given it to you two years ago. it was a size too big for you then, and still too big for you now.
"you actually still use that? stop reminding me of my dark past." anton groans.
again, you roll your eyes. “it's comfortable, deal with it. and what 'dark past?' you were on the team for like two weeks. what's the worst that could've happened?"
anton shivers as the two of you step into the surprisingly chilled july air. "i tipped over in the boat and started screaming. people recorded it. they called me the cousins beach klutz." he cringes at the memory, and in turn you laugh. "okay, maybe that does count as a dark past."
the two of you walk down to your special spot, one you both found accidentally after running along the beach back to anton's summer house thinking you'd miss the fireworks. you remember the flashes of red white and blue that lit up the sky, how your hand brushed up against anton's as you both settled on a huge rock. that was the first time you considered your feelings for anton being more than just a normal crush.
it was also the first time you realized how quickly your feelings for him grew.
the two of you both sit down somewhat comfortably on that same rock, closer together than last year. he sets his the stand of his phone down in front of you both, something he does every year to document your reactions to the fireworks. you never questioned it, though something in the back of your mind gives you hope that he's doing it as an excuse to fill his gallery up with pictures and videos of you.
neither of you talk. there's tension in the air for some reason, and anton can feel it too. he peeks down at your hand, covering it with his own.
"your hands look cold," his voice is quiet. he's coming off shy. something is different.
"i'm just... warming them for you." your heart begins to race faster than it was before. you turn to look at him just as the first fireworks begin to colour the sky.
between the illuminated flashes of colourful lights bursting in the night sky, the earth had a population of two.
just anton, and you.
to your surprise anton was staring right back at you, big brown eyes peering into yours. he brushes a lock of hair away from your face and leans in. "i really want to kiss you." he whispers. the intoxicating scent of his vanilla conditioner calms you. anton is as perfect as he's always been, your very own dream come true.
this moment was the culmination of your winters spent praying to whoever was listening for summer to arrive quicker than last year. every drive back to your house at the end of each summer you held tears back was not in vain. everything you wanted was right in front of you.
"kiss me," you utter. "just kiss me."
with the last few bursts of fireworks blooming in the starry night sky, anton's strawberry chapstick flavoured lips meet yours. he kisses you with the fervor of years spent pining and waiting. his hands run through your hair, your noses bump, he lets a thumb smooth over the side of your face. he's everywhere you want him to be.
his hands drag up and down your sitting frame. the two of you pull away for air, lips swollen from the intensity of the kiss.
"we just kissed." anton remarks, somewhat in shock. his hand finds yours again, lacing your fingers together with his.
"i've been waiting so long for you to make a move, y/n." he lets out a nervous laugh. "i was worried you didn't feel the same."
your face reddens. "i didn't want to ruin us. i was scared that i'd do the wrong thing and you'd leave me." you admit. sympathy flashes over anton's face. "god no, i wouldnt—" he picks your hand up and kisses the back of it. "i'm not going anywhere, y/n."
"you're stuck with me forever." he grins.
you place a soft kiss to his lips again, savouring the brief moment.
"i wouldn't have it any other way, anton." he blushes at your response, ears reddening with shyness.
an unspoken 'i love you' lingers in the air, both of you too timid to say it out loud.
maybe next summer, you think.
for now, you curl into his side, choosing to rest your head on his shoulder.
everything in this moment feels perfect.
it's just you and anton existing together. you'd spend the rest of forever this way, if only you could.
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oklotea · 8 months
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Anyway, I'm going to ramble about these guys and you can't leave until I'm done ok? Ok.
First of all, MY BOY MY SON MY PERSONAL LITTLE DEMON, ABDULLAH!!!!!!! he is very endearing to me!!! But I really do wish we could've seen more of him!!!! He looks mischievous enough to sneak on adventures along with the marlinspike crew himself for shits and giggles!!!!! HIM AND HIS DAD'S DYNAMIC IN LAND OF BLACK GOLD IS MY FAVORITE IT MAKES ME SO GIDDY AND HAPPY. like no matter how obnoxious and annoying Abdullah's pranks can become, his dad will forever love him unconditionally. MY FAVORITE DYNAMIC. I MISS THEM SO MUCH.
A little note, even though a lot of poc representation in tintin is pretty influenced by the stereotypes of the time, and a bit of orientalism, tintin and the land of black gold is also the first time in my childhood where the words "assalamualaikum" Was muttered in any piece of animated media. It definitely wasn't perfect, but that was important to me as a Muslim child. Maybe that's why Abdullah and his dad hold a special place in my heart!
Next up we've got ARREGEHFHFHHGHJ!!!!!!! CHANG!!!!!!! MY FRIEND FROM SCHOOL WHO HELPED END A CRIME RING IN SHANGHAI!!!!!!! I adore him and his personality so much!!!! HE WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS AS A KID AND HE STILL IS TODAY WHEN I REWATCH BLUE LOTUS!!!!!!!! The way that the moment he was saved by Tintin in that flood he pledged his undying loyalty to Tintin will never not be sweet to me. HE IS SO TALENTED AND CUNNING, HE SAVED TINTIN FROM CERTAIN DOOM MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE LITTLE TIME THEY'VE SPENT TOGETHER, AND IN TINTIN IN TIBET, TINTIN SAVES HIM ONCE AGAIN (Tintin in tibet is also a very memorable and special episode for me) AND JUST-- ARGEHDBEHF I CAN CONTINUE ON AND ON ABOUT HOW CHANG SHOULDVE BEEN INCLUDED IN MORE ADVENTURES!!!!! actually Tintin has TONS OF CHARACTERS who should have been given more important roles in a lot of different stories!!!! Idk maybe that's just a wish that will never be fulfilled.... Still I can dream!
SHE WAS A HIGHLIGHT FOR ME!!!!!! AND SHE IS VERY UNDERRATED!!!! I love seeing how much she treasures her friends, how she's so dramatic about everything, how she has such an unapologetically loud and large presence and personality everywhere she goes, how she is genuinely passionate about her singing and her art, how she clearly knows her worth and won't settle for less from anyone.
Every time she was on screen she always made me feel very happy and warm inside, also I really like her voice!!!!!
I'm ngl, she was the hardest for me to draw. But at the end I'm quite satisfied with the results!!!!
Anyway, the last picture is how I'd imagine Chang and Castafiore's first meeting would go. She as always, acts as sweet and polite and extra af as she always does, let's Chang know that Tintin's talked a lot about him! And then she would bring out some biscuits and pastries she bought as a gift for everyone, and then she and Chang would sit together while eating, and they get along really well, CHANG HAS A WICKED SENSE OF HUMOR THAT CASTAFIORE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF, (haddock would be completely dumbfounded with how good at talking to Castafiore Chang is, and how anyone could talk to her for so long) but little did haddock know, in their conversations, Castafiore does a whole lot more listening than speaking, especially when Chang starts to tell his back story, and all the things that have happened to him and Tintin. After Chang ends his story, he looks up at her after a while of being lost in his story, and mascara is dripping down her face silently, her mouth is agape, and for a few moments couldn't say anything.
Suddenly she burst out loud, pulled Chang into a hug, and sobs after listening to the horrors this sweet kid has gone through.
In over a few hours she seems to have grown a strong attachment to this kid, she'll probably send a package filled with gifts a few months later, along with a long letter talking about what she's been up to and her wishes that Chang will succeed with anything he's currently busy with, and that he shall take care of himself well.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the small character appreciation I was able to share for some obscure/underrated characters! And that they will occupy your mind just for a little while. I love these three so much, tintin shaped me as a person, tintin made my childhood, I hope you have a great day.
Click for better quality!!!!!!
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fencecollapsed · 11 months
I have some opinions about the Barbie and Ken dynamic,, let me know if I'm out of line here but like I wish they were friends
I know it was supposed to be abundantly clear that Barbie is uninterested in Ken romantically, and believe me I'm all for that. but she didn't seem to like him much at all, and I feel like that was kind of a missed opportunity?
I believe that Ken's arc is partly supposed to resemble watching a boy you grew up with and trusted and were close to becoming an alpha male misogynist seemingly out of nowhere, I see that intent and it's good. I personally didn't really feel that in the movie though because I don't super believe that Barbie considered Ken a friend. if Stereotypical Ken was Stereotypical Barbie's very best friend - which he definitely isn't - him turning on her would've hit harder
it could've given more to explore with their relationship overall. unrequited romantic love between best friends tends to be portrayed as sad for the friend who's in love, but what about the friend who isn't? in middle school I had two guy friends who I considered family, they were like brothers. I thought they were great and I really liked being around them. both of them ended up asking me out, and when I turned them down, our relationships changed. one of them got distant and jealous, and the other stayed my friend but every now and then would still try to convince me to date him. it sucked, and on both occasions I felt bad that I didn't feel the same way they did. I missed how things were before
going deeper into that dynamic with Barbie and Ken could've added an extra layer to the movie. they used to be so close, things are different now, they love each other, but Ken loves Barbie romantically and Barbie loves Ken like a brother, and they both know it. lately she's spending more time with the girls and less time with him because things are awkward and she feels bad, without realizing she's starting to disregard him entirely. Ken feels lonely and dejected and falls into the patriarchy and starts believing that Barbie not loving him the way he loves her isn't just unfortunate, it's wrong, he's entitled to that. all the Kens are entitled to that. if she doesn't love him how he wants her to why should she get the respect she doesn't give him?
their little talk at the end could have more weight and them going their separate ways could be more bittersweet because they do love each other. they'll miss each other so much, they've always been best friends. but they've been hurting each other too much for too long without realizing it, and it's better to say goodbye now than to hold on until they end up hating each other
also I wish Ken apologized to Barbie. I know, I know it was definitely intentional, it was about the man hurting the woman and the woman still feels the need to apologize to him, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!! if Ken's arc was supposed to be remotely sympathetic he should've said he was sorry!!!
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violeteclipseboaty · 28 days
So I recently went to go watch KOTPOTA again. I wanted to share my thoughts overall on the film, I couldn't properly do it before because I had forgotten some stuff lol
The pacing: at first watch I though it was kinda weird but watching it again I realized it pretty much went straight to the point, if anything I wanted MORE but you know the movie would've been too long but I wouldn't have minded either way. I mean, I've watched the Avatar and Harry Potter movies, so yeah I could've handled that lol
I really like the environment they set up with the eagle clan; their culture, their tradition with the eggs, and their bond with the eagles. I hope we get to see more details in the next movie.
The cinematography was amazing, they really nailed it. The sceneries were outstanding. A lot of that stuff reminded me back to Rise, back when it was filled with human life, now sadly the structures are abandoned and overtaken by nature but look pretty either way. The action scenes omg were so engaging and just done so well.
Let's talk about the main characters:
Noa: Great character. He's curious, smart, brave, and compassionate. I know a lot of people wanted him to be Caesar's descendant but i didnt really care about that. I'm excited where his next journey will take us if they have the chance to make a sequel (please 🙏) I'm pretty sure at the end of the film, Noa now has a new view of the world he lives in and now questioning his entire existence lol
Raka: loved him!! I really like how he truly understood what Caesar stood for. I did notice some things he believed were wrong lol but he's got the spirit and would lighten up the mood after what happened with Noa's clan. He's got a good heart, he sacrificed himself for Mae despite knowing her for a very short amount of time after all. Also I refuse to believe he's dead so there's that also and I hope he comes back to guide both Mae and Noa onto the path for the coexistence of both apes and humans.
Soona: I really wish we could've gotten more scenes with her, but I really like her. She's brave, sweet, and a ride or die for both Noa and Anaya. I hope we get to see her more in the next film
Anaya: yall already know cause I made a seperate post lol but loved him and I wish we had more scenes with him as well! I felt so bad for him when we see him again with Proximus, he's been through enough!
Proximus: he was a great villian and I did not like him, which is good! Not all villians need a sad backstory, this dude was clearly only hungry for power. He was twisting Caesar's words, enslaving other apes, killing humans, and wanted access to technology capable of bringing destruction and chaos. He's smart and knows how to be resourceful. I find it funny that he was talking smack about humans yet his way of thinking and actions are similar to the bad side of humanity. I only wish we could've gotten more scenes with him; he was underused and I thought he would have a much bigger role based on the trailers, but I enjoyed his presence overall.
Mae: I've already made a seperate post about her character and I still sorta feel the same way about her. Rewatching it again, I got to sympathize more with her situation. She's a survivor who clearly grew up and was taught misinformation about apes, but after meeting Raka and bonding with Noa; i truly believe she'll come around and change her mind. I believe in her, and I hope we get to see her again and get more of her backstory to understand her better.
The movie was great. The plot, visuals, and acting were so well done. I took about 5 years for them to work on this, and it SHOWS. Their dedication shows that when enough time is given; movies that involve CGI can be done properly. I'm sick of projects being crunched and the visuals ending up looking like 💩 because the teams/artists aren't appreciated enough. I definitely recommend watching at least twice, and I pray for a sequel.
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grlzluvmyswag · 5 months
"Oh, my god, come on." You stand before him in the staff lounge, gritting your teeth and making a mental note to wipe that shit-faced grin right off that pretty-boy face of his soon. You irritably grab two fistfuls of your uniform shirt, as well as the lacy bra beneath it, and yank them both upwards so that they’re bunched up above your bared tits. For him, this should be adequate. It was adequate the last time, right? Men love boobs, surely he’ll just appreciate the gesture and give you what you need…? You almost groan in exasperation at his unpredictable nature and the apprehension it brings along with it. The man slinks back into the most ridiculously expensive chair you've witnessed the like of with a lazy sigh, proactively making you wish you could dropkick his lanky frame to the cold, hard floor.
"Ehhh..." Gojo taps his chin with a slender finger, giving the impression that he is "thinking about it", albeit in the most unconvincing way possible while making a face at the sight of his student in the same scenario she was in the previous week. At once, an apparently innocent smile brightens up his face, and those keen eyes peer up into yours as though you happened to be having a normal discussion. "Yeah, no, not good enough for me."
"Huh…!?" is what you yell in reply to his selfish conclusion. Naturally, you could've called that response, but that doesn't make it piss you off any less! Please, who does this cocky bastard think he is? Given the taboo element of your budding relationship, he should consider himself so lucky to be seeing your tits for the second occasion in a row.
Gojo, who was hoping for that exact reaction, grins more enthusiastically than ever. He shifts back in his chair, sets his polished boots on the desk in front of him, and interlaces his fingers behind his head. He looks a little too proud for your liking, you think to yourself with a scowl.
"I said... not good enough." He shrugs his shoulders, making fun of his agitated student and all that she's trying to do in order to acquire additional training sessions with him. His claims are contradicted by that dumb smile of his, but he'll keep this up just a while longer for the hell of it. Maybe he can get more than he originally bargained for?
"Why." you promptly ask, planting your fists firmly on your hips as you continue the heated interaction, playing right into his game. Gojo is determined to have you as on-edge as possible, and it's evident in his sparkling blue gaze.
"Why is this not good enough?"
"Yeah, why."
"You're asking me for more one on one training. You know that's gonna eat into my personal life, right?"
You sigh frustratedly at the way he forever finds a way and a will to skirt around the answer you expect from him, palms slamming upon the polished surface of his desk in a futile attempt to intimidate the man. Your movement is carried with such ferocity, yet all it accomplishes is to lure the idiot’s interest back to those exposed tits. They sway and jiggle a small distance from Gojo's face, and he finds himself beyond turned on. Enough that even his leg is beginning to bounce as a way to cope with the overwhelming urges he's suppressing inside.
"Can you ju-" you cut yourself off suddenly, frozen as ice once you register the sensation of your tender nipple being delicately rolled between his knuckles at the same time his other big, veiny hand squeezes at your chest. You swiftly shift forth for him in search of more touch even when your body's instinctual need to jolt away from the stimulation is activated. "Huh, w-wait..." before you can stop it, a soft whimper manages to escape you, and this automatically motivates the teacher to insist on continuing with an air of smugness up until you fiercely slap his hand away.
The sorcerer chuckles breathily at your harsh behaviour while he tilts his head. And to really gain your sympathy, he shamelessly adjusts and briefly strokes the throbbing bulge in his slacks, because look at him... he's already painfully hard at the sight of your perfect tits! You just have to let him get his way after what you've done to him!
"Oh dear, just drop that god-awful attitude already, would you? What I'm sayin'... is while the sight is good, more would be good enough."
"...What are you playing at, Satoru Gojo?" Your tone is cautious, slightly breathless as you gather yourself. It's only a question of making sure. You know he loves to take every advantage he can just to get under your skin. He’s already had the pleasure of fondling you just then, so maybe it’s only acceptable for him to want more from you. That’s what he wants you to think, anyways. The man huffs impatiently, crossing those long, lean arms of his.
"Tch. Come onnnnnn. Do I seriously have to spell it out for you?" He groans like an impatient child, a slight pout contorting his lips. "I want you to let me suck on your tits. Play with 'em."
Yep, there it is. Ever so determined to cross the line, isn’t he?
"…you’re kidding." You blink at the man. Once, twice. 
Gojo is bewildered. No, he's not kidding at all! If he didn't intend to act on  it, why would he state something so obscene? You look at him as though he were known for abusing your feelings or something... it’s almost hurtful!
"No, I’m not." He expresses his annoyance with an exaggerated sigh, running his fingers through locks of snow white, pushing back the strands that messily rest over the frames of his shades.
Oh, wow. He’s truly not kidding. What is this… self-entitled, utterly infuriatingly handsome man’s issue?! He must really enjoy the thrill of greedily sinking his teeth into more than he should chew, mustn’t he? And he’s just so shamelessly rude about it! Yet somehow that’s barely enough to keep you from actually, actually, considering the price he wants you to pay. What really gets you thinking about it is a quick peer at the teacher's (effortlessly aggravating) mouth. You have to admit that with those perfectly pink lips sucking, kissing and everything in between, your view could certainly gain just that little bit more oomph. And oh, you can only imagine how absolutely delectable that silver tongue of his would feel, lapping at your hard nipples till you feel weak. On top of that, the task ought to shut him up for a moment or so! A highly appealing aspect indeed.
But damn it all! If what you were doing were to be discovered by an unsuspecting member of staff or a fellow student who hadn't left yet, what in all hell would you do? Really, what would you say? "Sorry, I was just letting Gojo-sensei here suck on my tits so he'd continue to supply me with the additional training I need"? God, no! You're practically gasping for air at the mere notion of something so probable occurring, however you're struggling to determine if this is due to that sinking sensation of dread or… arousal.
"Thirty seconds." you place a time limit in a stern tone of voice, not wanting to allow the smug bastard to think he has the upper hand in this little negotiation.
"A minute." Gojo counters almost immediately, a challenging smirk curving the edges of his mouth much to your displeasure. It’s only natural for him to push the limit, after all, so how could you snap at him over something of such common knowledge. It’s not like you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into here, is what he’s thinking.
"Thirty. Seconds." Yes, that’s right. Stand your ground, you! Show him who’s boss right here and now—
"Minute and thirty seconds."
He could have been so considerate as to try concealing the certainly antagonising snicker behind a hand, or at least disguising it with a little cough! But not even the most meager attempt!  Without so much as a small slant of his head to keep you from catching it, it simply slips by those sparkling pearly-whites. He knew you would cave eventually, but this quickly? Brilliant, really. No, truly! Brilliant. Ugh, and if you had thought ‘that ego couldn’t possibly get any more obnoxiously huge!’, it’s very well proven by that fucking smile that yes, yes it can get any more obnoxiously huge. Of course, the man can’t help but smirk at the dirty scowl on your face as you simmer, taking off his shades to get a better look.
I am your most strongest, most incredibly attractive downfall, sweetie. Those are the words that his sultry gaze conveys as he beckons you closer, firm thighs spread out on that damned rich-prick-vibe chair to accommodate your body between them. Having forgotten that your chest was bared free, you’re abruptly reminded once his open-mouthed breaths lightly fan over the soft and sensitive skin, not failing to direct your attention to his actions. Shit, the view’s pretty. It’s all so very pretty. Bright blue eyes peering up at you, sparkling and enthralling enough to the point where you study them too intently and catch your own reflection. Rosy, full lips that fluidly mould against the shape of your breast, planting slow kisses with his cupid’s bow prominent and glistening with a thin sheen of saliva. Stray locks of pure white that fall across his forehead, the ends getting caught on the tips of his long lashes when he blinks up at you. Flawless, yet such an entitled asshole.
With minimal thought, you carefully brush the flyaways from his face, carding your fingertips through the perfect mess that is his hair. It's so soft — soft enough that it could be mistaken for the feathers of an angel's wings.
"Mmph, fffuck… again." the sorcerer groans lowly against your dampened flesh, dancing his eager tongue around your areola and barely making contact with the stiffened bud at the centre, just enough to have your breath hitching. The heaviness of his palms caressing your waist is fucking dangerous, something you feel you could get addicted to very easily. Could? Will.
"For god’s sakes…" with a deep sigh and a roll of your eyes, you let him feel your nails grazing his head once again and gently tug on a loose fistful of hair, earning a genuine moan sent straight from the back of his throat. Oh, the noises he makes are downright delicious, you could just… "Ooph-…!"
Gojo swiftly pins you between the staff room’s large desk and himself, carefully bending you backwards until your head could rest on the surface if it wanted. The teacher’s deft hands leave no distance when it comes to your bare skin, greedily rubbing up and down over your ribs and stomach like nobody’s business. He’s thriving for the overwhelmed yet delightfully pleasured expression on your sweet face, chuckling to himself before happily leaning over and wrapping his warm lips around your nipple to suck on it.
"Uh, mnn..." you moan quietly within the otherwise empty lounge, nails instinctively sinking into the nape of his neck as his tongue swirls around your sensitive bud. He’s super into it now, teeth grazing and suction differing, so many techniques directed at one area until he decides to switch to your other nipple, only to mess around with your fleeting reactions. Every nibble, every hot caress of that silver tongue has you reeling. Even your toes curl at the sensations he brings you, causing you to feel more than ashamed of yourself for genuinely enjoying Satoru fucking Gojo.
He’s hovering you above the desk, marked papers, stationery, folders and god knows what else being knocked off by the force of his passionate movements. A string of little gasps, oh’s and ah’s escape your mouth, twitching and jolting in a pair of strong arms in response to his advances. It’s so sexy, the manner in which he goes about handling your body. Rough but not too rough, quick but not too quick for you still find yourself yearning for much more of him than you would ever like to admit. Realising you’re about to start thinking of him in a different light, you forcefully lay a hand on his chest and attempt to push him off. You’re way too paranoid about being caught right now, you lie to yourself for an easier, less aggravating excuse despite having just remembered where you were only a few seconds ago. Damn it, he’s too good and it’s tempting your inhibitions to jump out the window.
"Hold on, hold on-" the man murmurs in a concentrated state as his teeth are almost taken away from your sweet flesh, chest pressing against your hand in order to get closer again since he’s clearly not done the time. Actually, Gojo’s almost a little offended that you think he’d miss the chance to get the last few seconds in on such a perfect pair of tits.
"Hey, what the hell!" a vexed whisper leaves you when he doesn’t comply, kicking your legs in the air in a half-assed attempt to strike him.
"Four… mmff, three." he counts down the remaining seconds out loud and pays no mind to your thrashing, desperate flicks of his tongue and short, gruff moans occasionally interrupting the sequence of numbers, "Fu- two… mmnnn one."
Finally, he stops sucking. However, his warm mouth trails up to your neck as you reluctantly hold your shirt and bra as high as they can go for his access, and its only after the last couple of open-mouthed kisses that he allows his slicked lips to detach from your body. Gojo can feel his pulsing cock trying its very best to escape the irritating confines of his clothes now, pushing and jumping against the fabric as he effortlessly continues to hold you, a sign that he needs to leave before he lets himself get too carried away.
"Minute and a half, bam."
"A minute and thirty-seven seconds…" is what you retort snappily in return, glaring at that dumb smile he’s sending your way.
"Training on Monday." The man purrs in your ear before carelessly dropping you against the desk, humming obnoxiously as he strides out into the hallway on those string bean legs you’d love to kick in as of right now.
"Ugh!" you grunt loudly when your head bumps upon the hard surface, immediately scrambling to sprint to the doorway with a hand rubbing the bruise that’s definitely forming as you shout, "Prick!"
"…You say somethin’?"
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finelinevogue · 1 year
don’t break my heart this year
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summary - you break up with Harry but you live to regret the decision
warnings: self-deprecation, breakup, anxiety, family death, depression, but also fluff and a happy ending, i am one with hurt-comfort fics :)
pairing: ex-boyfriend!harry x reader
word count: +7.2k
It hadn't even been a year since you'd broken up with Harry and yet it still haunted you.
There wasn't a day that went past where you thought about how your life could've been so different if you had of stayed. If you had talked everything through with Harry. If you had been that little bit stronger. If you had given Harry a chance to explain how he felt.
Your breakup with Harry wasn't like most. Neither of you had cheated. Neither of you had fallen out of love with one another. Neither of you had stolen off the other. You had simply moved back home, to take care of your widowed mother and had lost contact with him. Your mum lived up in the top hills of Scotland, meaning the signal was dire. If you wanted to call anyone, including Harry, you'd have to drive at least 50 miles before hitting service.
It wasn't fair to keep Harry waiting days on end, just to have a five minute phone conversation with you. It wasn't fair that Harry couldn't see you because you lived so far away. He deserved so much more than you could give him. He deserved someone he could come home to each day, after work, and shower him with endless love. So you did what you believed was the most mature thing, and broke up with him. You drove all the way down to London to explain it to him in person, feeling like he deserved that much from you. He didn't take it well and neither did you. You left before he could ever really tell you how he felt, not having the courage to stay.
Since that day, you hadn't spoken to him. You knew it would hurt too much if you did.
Your mum wasn't doing well. Two years ago your dad had passed, due to heart problems, and your mum had taken it very hard. She was not in a good place, mentally, and you knew she needed someone to look after her. Being an only child made times like these hard.
Life had been hard recently, and it didn't seem like it was getting any better.
All your time was being devoted to looking after your mum that you hardly had any time for anything else. You were trying your best to study at online university whilst holding down tough hours at the local restaurant. Your average day would be 9-5 at university, but dipping in and out to help aid your mum in anyway you could. Then from 6pm until, normally, 1am you would work in the local pub. It was quite the drive from your mums house, but the money was needed.
In recent weeks it had gotten tougher. The work load from university had started to ridiculously pile up, to the point where when you finished at the restaurant you'd have to stay up until 5am just to finish off some readings or essays.
Your mum was worsening too. She no longer liked going outside by herself, because she was worried the "big, bad, world" might snatch her up just like it had you dad. You promised her she was okay, but she'd lost a lost confidence in herself and the world she lived in. Having a conversation with her was harder too - almost like you were losing her mentally.
All you could think about was how Harry was doing. Was he okay? Was he dealing with the breakup well? Or did it not really bother him at all? He was constantly on your mind, invading your every thought and you wished to have a moment away from him sometimes. Only sometimes though, as he quite honestly was the only thing holding you together at the moment.
As much as it pained for you to admit it, you truly hoped he'd found someone else - someone better. You knew the possibility of ever seeing him again, let alone being with him again, was shattered the moment you walked away from London. You'd left your heart with heart with Harry that day and you would be dammed if you gave it to anyone else. It was his to keep - even if he was unaware of its presence.
Tonight was just like any other night. Until it wasn't.
The pub owner, Patrick, your boss, had put you on an even longer shift today. It was getting closer to Christmas and the locals tend to come to the pub more often, sometimes even bringing relatives and friends from around the country. So today you didn't finish until 2am, having started at 5:30pm. It was tiring after a full day at uni.
You'd finished serving Alan and his friends their third round of beer for the evening, before getting back to cleaning up. It was getting close to closing time and you were beyond ready to go home now. Your mum would hopefully be in bed, but if not that would add an extra hour on before you could go to sleep.
Alan and co. luckily ended their night after round three, thanking you for your impeccable service as they left noisily.
The other staff members, who worked alongside you, had left ten minutes ago or so, claiming they had to be up early in the morning and so had to head off. If only you had the courage to say the same. You'd love to get off a little earlier, but it just wasn't practical.
As you were stacking chairs the front door chimes went off, signalling that you had a new customer. It wouldn't be an employee or Patrick because they'd all use the back entrance.
"Oh, i'm sorry we're closing." You explained, not looking over your shoulder to see who'd entered. You were focused on wiping down tables to rid them of alcohol stains, and flipping the chairs over to balance them off the tables so you could wipe the floor.
You didn't hear the sound of the door opening and closing again. Instead, you heard his voice.
"All this way and you wont let me even have one drink?" He teased you, making you freeze in your motions.
You turned around cautiously, prepared for anything because it could just honestly be your mind playing tricks on you. Maybe you were losing the plot, not your mum. How wrong you were, though. So, so wrong.
There he was, all warm and loveable. Nothing had changed really. He had a little bit of stubble, clearly proud that he had finally grown some facial hair. His curly locks were piled underneath his infamous Green Bay Packers beanie, the one you'd bought him on your trip to New York. His cheeks were a little rosy from the cold winters eve, explaining why he was also layered in clothes.
"Hi Harry." You warmly smiled, feeling a small red burn creep onto your cheeks now. You were nervous stood in front of him again and you didn't know why. It was just Harry, after all .
"Hello." He replied the same way he always does upon meeting someone. You felt like you had to shake his hand or something to break the awkward barrier you'd built, but you didn't.
You were so caught up in the beauty of him that you completely forgot you were being rude.
"Oh, i'm sorry. Would you like that drink?" You offered, after clearing your throat and dusting down your clothes, even though the last thing you wanted to do was make another drink this evening.
"I was only messing, love." Oh how you'd missed him calling you that. The mere sound of it again sent butterflies straight to the depths of your stomach. He made you feel like life was on an eternal rollercoaster and it was one that you'd never want to disembark.
"Well, I-I can't serve any food past—"
"In not here for food either." He shook his head softly, maintaining the comfortable distance between you two. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable.
"Oh. Um, then what service do you require? Are you lost, um, because we have a phone out back that—"
"I'm not lost. I'm exactly where I need to be." Harry cut you off again, a habit you'd always found annoying but now found endearing. It was like he knew your thought process better than you did. He knew what you were going to say before even you did.
"How did you even find this place?" You asked confused. You had trouble finding this place and you grew up here, so how Harry has found it was an incomplete puzzle.
"I have my ways." He smirked his signature cheeky smile, the one which you'd fallen in love with. The one you were still in love with. You laughed and shook your dead at his idiocy but also his gentle humour. You really needed it after the past few months you'd had. The past few months that you caused. The ones that broke the perfect man standing in front of you.
"Irene?" You questioned your mothers name, not being able to think of another way he'd know your location.
"Irene, yes." Harry laughed at how quick you were. "How is she?" Harry continued, wondering if she was any better from the last time you'd spoken to him about her.
"Not good." You nodded your head and tried your hardest to smile, although it felt very unconvincing sat on your face.
Harry nodded too and you knew it was his way of silently telling you that he was sorry and that he hoped everything would get better. You were having a hard time believing him though. "And you?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his coat pockets to warm them up. He didn't understand how you were only stood there in a tshirt and cardigan, on top. Your tights and skirt were nice and toasty warm, but you were chilly up top.
"Okay, yeah, um you?" You quickly brushed past his question, not wanting to delve deep in to your feelings with him right now. Harry could tell you weren't okay though, no matter how much you told him otherwise.
He noticed the tired eyes. He noticed the stressed brain. He noticed the ever-slimming figure. He noticed the messy hair. He noticed the irritated and scratched skin on the top of your wrists. He noticed the way your hands were slightly shaking and your teeth were barely chattering. He noticed it all even when you thought he didn't. You weren't okay. He knew that much and you knew it too.
"Been better." He truthfully admitted, making you feel worse than you did before. You couldn't do right for wrong and it was slowly exhausting you.
"Mhm." Was all you could reply with, not having anything else to say because he'd heard it all before when you'd gone to London. You stacked the last few chairs and a thick blanket of awkward silence filled the air. You didn't want it to be awkward, but then again you should've thought about that before breaking up with someone you could never stop loving.
"What are here for then, Harry?" You wondered, moving behind the bar to maintain a distance between you two. You decided you'd sweep the floor tomorrow, instead of tonight, just wanting to escape from this shithole now.
"For you." He firmly put it, not sugar coating anything but just providing the honest truth.
"Oh-uh," you cleared your throat again, not sure how to continue the conversation, "any particular reason?" You stupidly asked, as if you didn't know the reason he'd travelled hundreds of miles to see you.
"Well it wasn't to come and shout at you, you'll be happy to hear." He joked, but all you could do was breathe a huge sigh of relief. You don't know whether you could take the hate today, even if you did heavily deserve it.
"Yeah, that is good to hear!" You joked along with him, but knew that wasn't the tone of what he wanted to talk about either.
"Hey? How about we get out of this dark and saddening, beer smelling, pub and go somewhere a little more fresh?" Harry offered, telling that you were desperate to get out of here and literally go anywhere but here.
"You have somewhere in mind, Mr Spontaneous?" You teased him, knowing that he will be useless in finding a good spot out here. There were plenty of good hideout spots, you just have to know where to find the best ones. You'd proudly been to them all and you used them as a place to seek the calm amongst the eternal chaos.
"Actually, I do, Miss Know-It-All." He teased back, earning a stuck out tongue on your behalf to him. He was such a little prick sometimes. "Go get your stuff and let's go."
"Okay." You bit your lip in excited anticipation. This could be either the best night in your life's history, or the worst.
Running to the locker room gave you the opportunity to let out a breath that had been wildly built up inside you, without even realising. Harry was actually here, let alone in the pub but actually in Scotland. Harry had been in contact with you mum, just so he could travel across the country to talk. God knows about what - or maybe it'll be about who he's now with. You were just so incredibly happy that he was here. For so long you'd built up this idea that it would cause a war if you ever saw him again - that he'd get angry at you - but it was nothing like it. If anything, he was being overly gentle and cautious around you - like he was afraid that he'd say the wrong thing and you'd make a run for it again.
The crew room reeked of sweat and it didn't take long for you to start feeling sick because of it. You quickly grabbed your overcoat and your bag before heading back out to the main restaurant area. Harry was sat at the bar, aimlessly tossing a beer mat between his fingers. He didn't even notice your presence he was that caught up in his own thoughts.
"You ready?" You timidly asked, internally asking yourself the same question. The answer was an indefinite no.
"If you are." He nodded and warmly smiled at you, assuring you that this was okay and it was alright to feel nervous. Hell, he certainly was.
"Okay. Let's go." He let you guide him to the door, like the gentleman he is, stopping to let you turn all the lights and machinery power off. Once you were both out of the door and in to the bitter frost, you locked the door tight shut.
"It's fucking freezing up here." Harry complained, and you knew it wouldn't be the last time he made a remark like that today.
"Tell me something I don't know." You rolled your eyes at the weather, fed up of the depressing cold. Jamaica sounded lush round about now - with all the swaying palm trees, warm sandy beaches and cooling waves of the ocean. Here, it was just hills, snow, hills, rain, hills and hills.
Harry lead you to his truck. It was one you'd never seen before so most likely had hired for the duration of time he was going to be here for. You wondered where he was staying, since there were no five-star hotels out here - only Margaret and Tony's B&B. Harry would like it there though. It sat proud next to a quaint stream and you couldn't hear a car even if you tried - it was the perfect retreat for a critically acclaimed mega-rockstar.
He opened the door for you, lending you a hand to step up since it was a large step. The feeling of his skin touching yours was a sensation that you could write novels about. A feeling that you'd so dearly missed and craved more than ever now. It didn't take long for him to enter his side of the car and start the engine up. The first thing he did was turn up the heating, noticing how your hands had been ice-cold when they touched his and how you were silently shivering. He noticed.  
"It'll heat up in no time, I promise. In the mean time, here you are." He handed you the coat he'd just been wearing and it was still lusciously warm inside. It smelt just like him. It smelt of home.
"Thank you." Not even turning down his kind gesture because you were that cold.
"Trust me, still?" Harry asked you, setting the car into the right gear before looking across to you. It was painful to hear him have to ask such a question. You pulled the coat tighter over you, using it as a blanket, trying to preserve as much heat over your body as possible.
The drive was a very peaceful one.
No commentary was made between the two of you, only the soft, mellow, tunes of Sinatra danced around the confines of the car. You could sometimes hear the passing of a nearby car or steam train, but there were no voices. Comfortable silence is so overrated - at least you for you it was uncomfortable. It was because you were terrified of saying the wrong thing as to why you didn't say anything, but also you felt like you'd said everything the last time you saw him.
Your mind drifted to London, as you closed your eyes, on that rainy Thursday eve...
I didn't think i'd be this nervous for anything in my life, but here I was.
His house looked bigger than the last time i'd seen it. The ivy growing up the walls looked powerful, as if it could tear the whole wall off if it wanted to. The pink front door assured me that I was at the right house, but I silently wished that it was a different colour because then I wouldn't have to face what I knew was to come. It was all going to be my fault though. I would most likely leave with a broken heart and the guilty conscience that I broke his too.
But this had to happen. It wasn't fair to him anymore.
I got out of the taxi, thanking him for waiting just a few more minutes whilst I collected myself and went and did what I came to do. He was very sweet and let me ride for a discounted price, obviously sensing my abundance of nerves, saying he'd wait for me to take me back to the station after this. He didn't say anything else to me, but he didn't need to.
The walk to the door, underneath the porch out of the torrential rain, felt like miles and yet it was only a few steps. My mind rushed through every possible scenario this could end up as. I looked back at the taxi man and he was smiling with encouragement at me, as if he knew exactly what was happening here.
I knocked three times - each one with the same amount of power.
The anticipation was the worst part. I wanted to scream, but also cry already.
The door swung open after 27 seconds precisely, not that i'd been counting or anything. I was so ready to start my rehearsed piece with him, but I was so blinded by his beauty that all thoughts were forgotten. He couldn't have looked better. He was standing here in checkered pyjama bottoms and a navy-blue crewneck sweatshirt, with little brown loafer slippers for comfort, and he still managed to be the most handsome man on the planet. He was so perfect.
Unlike me, Harrys thoughts were clear and his mind was only focused on one thing. Me.
I'd never seen him move so fast in my life. He closed the distance between us instantly and sealed our lips together to knock down the final boundary. His hands cupped my cheeks so desperately I wobbled back slightly from the force. His lips had never tasted so good. So sweet. The sounds of the pattering rain were long forgotten and the overwhelming senses bursting off of Harry quickly infiltrated my system. The sweet taste. The freshly-showered smell. The angelic sight. The tingling touch. The blissful sound. My senses were overwhelmed by him and I couldn't help but cry into the kiss.
He didn't want to let go, that I was sure of. Each time I tried to move back and regain air he whimpered, pulling me back as soon as I had caught some oxygen. This was our longest, most passionate, most burning kiss. In fact it was our last, most passionate, most burning kiss - little did Harry know of that.
"Where've you been, baby?" Harry asked breathlessly, between a further two kisses to my now swollen, cherry, lips.
"A-away." I struggled get out my words due to Harrys continuous kisses.
"I was so worried. So, so worried." He shakes his head not wanting to think about it anymore. I pulled away from his grasp, stepping back to create a little distance between us. I couldn't say what I wanted to say if I was too close to him. "Where are you going love?" He chuckled out, but there was a heavy tone of vulnerability underneath his words.
"Harry y-you need to listen to me, okay?" I asked, but even he knew that he didn't have a choice. All he could was nod his head, too afraid to say anything. He had a disturbing feeling like this wasn't going to be a conversation about how much I loved and missed him - no matter how true that would be.
"I-I think you already know where this is going, so i'm not going to sugar coat anything." Harry was already shaking his head at me.
"Y/N/N.. Please, no.." Harry continued to shake his head, realising you two were on the same page now and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"Harry, I - uh - shit. C'mon Y/N." I mumbled to yourself, trying to hold myself together. "I love you, Harry. I've never loved someone half as much as i've loved you, and I never will. You have my heart - all of it. I need you to know that first, because it's important to me that you understand that," I watched him nod his head, "Harry, baby, I can't be with you anymore. It's nothing you did I swear. You were and still will be the best boyfriend to ever exist, because you are the most amazing person to exist—"
"Then don't do this, angel. Please." Harry butt in, tears now flowing down his face and it made it painful for me to look at him.
"Harry stop. Okay? It's not fair on you anymore. I can't be the girlfriend you need. I can't be the one you depend on anymore because I can't be here. My mum she's.. Well it doesn't matter, but she needs me more than ever and I can't leave her. Not now,' I watch Harry sniffle and wipe his nose on his sleeve, "You deserve so much more than me. You deserve someone who will give you everything, not that you didn't have everything from me - it's just I couldn't give you all of me all the time—"
"I don't care." Harry kept repeating like a broken record. This is what i'd made him into. I stepped closer to him again, cupping his cheeks to help him focus on anything other than his dark thoughts.
"Hey. You'll be okay. You don't need me. I was just someone passing by in your life, alright?" I pressed my forehead hard against his, and he cupped my cheeks to mirror me. If I could touch him then he sure as hell was touching me. He would savour every last moment next to me, because it might just be his last.
"No, Y/N/N, you're not. You m-mean everything t-to me." Harry sobbed out.
"Okay, but now you have to let me go. For your own bright and wonderful future, Harry, you have to let me go." I instructed him.
"No, no, no." He repeated and all I could do to shut him up was give him a kiss. The final kiss. I poured as much emotion as I possibly could do into the kiss, relishing every last second I had with him. After today I would probably never see him again. I would go back and live in Scotland, where the media is non existent, and live my life without my favourite person by my side. I would go back to working in the dirty bar and slaving away to the demands of university, all the while Harry will find someone new - someone better - and start up his wonderful life with them.
He was going to do great things.
I was the one to detach my lips first this time, knowing that if I didn't stop there I would never. I gave him one final, full of love, peck before pulling away from his warm embrace.
"I'm going now." I whispered, not wanting to even hear myself say those dreaded words.
"No." Was all Harry could say back. We both had faces full of tears and hearts full of hurt, but for now I had to be strong for him.
"I love you." Were my last words, before running back to the taxi out of the storm.
The look on his face was one that I knew was going to haunt me for years. There was no escaping it. He was utterly and completely broken - and all because of me.
My impending thoughts got interrupted by a call of my name. It was a distant voice, one that I didn't understand where it was coming from. It was so loud and clear and it sounded just like Harry, only when I looked at him his lips weren't moving. I'd left him broken on his doorstop and he couldn't do anything to fix the situation at- Y/N/N!
Again the voice repeated my name. Maybe I was having a stroke?
I couldn't stop crying in the taxi. The man knew to take me to the station, no questions asked. I respected him for that. My mind spiralled down in to a pit of self destruction and loathing. Every possible cruel thing I could think of, I could relate to myself. I couldn't stop thinking about the fragile Harry i'd left on the doorstep and—
"Y/N/N!" Harrys voice was much clearer now and it was obvious that you hadn't been dreaming him calling your name. He was standing outside the passenger door and it was only then that you'd noticed that you were parked up somewhere. "You're okay, you're okay." He assured you.
"Wha- where are we?" You asked, slightly dazed from the god-awful memory that just replayed in your head. It was a nightmare that kept you up most nights - it was one of the reasons you hated sleeping. It baffled you how Harry even wanted to be near you right now after everything you'd put him through.
"Come on and i'll show you." Harry held out his hand to help you back out of the truck.
The clicking of your seatbelt signified to Harry that you were preparing to climb out of the car and follow him. It meant that you continued to trust him, and that was more than enough for Harry. You grabbed on to his hand and allowed him to hold on to you tightly, in case you fell.
"There you go. I've got you." Harry spoke quietly, like he was afraid someone nearby would hear him. There would be no one around for miles though. It looked like you were at some outlook, somewhere, but it hadn't hit you exactly where yet. You were slightly disorientated considering how dark it was and not being awake for the journey.
"Thank you." You whispered back, both of you knowing it carried a much deeper meaning than you thanking him for helping you out of a car.
He pulled out his coat that you'd had wrapped around you, knowing it was too cold for you to not be wearing a coat right now. He pulled it around you, helping you slide both your arms in, before leaning down to do the zip up for you. He did it up teasingly slow and it made you nervous for when he'd reach the top. Once he'd reached the top he was stood so close to you that you could hear his heartbeat. His breath was shaky, but not as shaky as yours. You wanted to blame it on the cold but you knew it wasn't because of that.
He looked between your sparkling eyes and your rosy lips, being so indecisive of what he would rather look at. Your lips, he could kiss them for days, but your eyes - your eyes were something else. He swore they were the most precious things in the world. You were convinced he was going to lean in and kiss you, but he proved otherwise.
"Here," he took off his beanie and helped suit it onto your head instead, making sure your hair was tucked out of your eyes as he did so, "you're like a little icicle." He chuckled, making you laugh along with him.
"Thanks, Harry." You smiled sweetly at him, blessed to have him act so kind towards you. His heart was so big, yet so fragile as if it were made of glass, and deserved to be treated with all the grace in the world, but you'd managed to tear it down to its last shards - leaving nothing but broken pieces for him to pick up. "Aren't you going to be cold?" You asked, concerned for his physical health.
He reached in to the glove compartment, before bringing out another hat - a TPWK one at that. You laughed as he placed it on his head, finding it amusing how he was repping his own merchandise.
"You think it's funny? Me, wearing me own merch?" He laughed along with you, finding the most stupid things hilarious. It was just like old times - better times.
"Well do you want your hat back?" You offered, reaching for the bobble on the top of it.
"No. I like it better on you." He winked and it made you roll your eyes.
He slammed the door shut and locked the car with his keys, before stuffing them in his pockets. He took in a big breathe, most likely taking in the crisp winter air. It was refreshing, but something that was becoming all too familiar now. You needed a change. Jamaica, maybe?
Harry reached in to the open trunk of the truck and pulled out a regular rucksack. He slipped it on to his back before he held out his hand for you. "Ready?" He asked, not going anywhere until you took a tight hold on his hand.
"Ready." You nodded, eagerly grabbing his hand - wanting to feel those tingles all over again.
The walk, to wherever the fuck you were going, was exceptionally pretty. Harry chose well.
The path was hidden deep within a forest and it creeped you out at how dark and mysterious the whole atmosphere was. You felt completely safe standing next to Harry and holding his hand. He was warm and it warmed you up too.
No words had been spoken yet, only soft hums of a tune that Harry must be working on - seeing as you'd never heard it before. It was beautiful whatever it was. The eery night was so peaceful that you felt as if you had no problems left in the world. As if you mum was mentally okay. Your dad was still here. You and Harry were still together. What a perfect world that would be, but unfortunately some people weren't supposed to lead a perfect life. You were one of the unfortunate ones.
As you reached an opening of trees you noticed the lights shining more and more. They were becoming brighter and brighter the closer you came. Then it all started coming back to you. That tree - the one you fell out of whilst playing hide and seek with your dad. That bush - the one that you'd fallen in and cut your knee on whilst on a run with your dad. That pile of logs - the ones that you'd built many a campfire with, with your dad. And finally, that outlook over the valley below - the one that you would turn up at whenever you were sad with your dad.
It made you stop dead in your tracks.
"Harry." You whispered, finding it overwhelming that he knew of this place and how special it was to you. He knew that your father had passed, but you never really explained how it made you feel. You tended to bottle up all your emotions and keep them to yourself, finding it unfair to lay all your shit on someone else who might be going through things worse than you. This was uncharted territory for you.
"It's okay." He reminded you, bringing you closer in to his side with his arm. You appreciated him a bloody lot.
"No it's not. It's not and it's all my fault." You couldn't walk any further, not knowing where this evening was going and what Harry wanted to talk to you about. The guilt was eating you alive. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, no. Don't be sorry. I don't want you to be sorry, Y/N/N, okay?" Harry made you look at him, showing him to observe the small trickle of tears rubbing down your cheeks. You wished he didn't see them, though, because you felt selfish. If anyone should be crying it was him.
"But I—"
"I know what you did, I was there. Front row and centre actually." He laughed, bopping your nose to earn a laugh out of you too.
"How c-can you stand being near m-me then?" You were confused. You mum had told you that Harry would never want to see you again - charming.
"Because I love you." Harry put it in a way that was so simple, yet one that made your heart melt and walls crumble. He was still yours even after all this time, really?
"You l-love me? Still?" You had to double check, completely lost at how he was still devoted to you after all this time. After all that you'd said and done. Of course you still loved him, that was a given, but him still loving you was a terrifyingly happy surprise. He always has had the biggest heart of gold, and he remains to live up to that title. You were so undeserving of him and his heart of gold.
"I never stopped, baby." He squished your face close to his, large hands concealing your face to keep you focused on him and only him.
"You can't mean that, Harry. Not after everything I put you through." You whispered, searching for any signs of doubt behind his eyes. There was nothing but love for all you could see though.
"Listen to me Y/N/N. The last few months have made me realise something. It's made me realise that you're too special to me to ever let you go. Even though you made my phone miss your calls and we hadn't spoke since you went away, all I could think about was you and how you were doing. You didn't look good when you came to my porch in London, and you still don't baby." Harry was being completely honest with you, needing you to understand the complex depths of both sides of this relationship.
"No, i'm okay." You tried to convince him, but lacked the evidence to justify the statement.
"When was the last time you slept for a good 8 hours?" Harry asked, keeping you close to him - afraid you may dash at any point.
"Um, well—" You tried to rack your brain for an answer, but the answer was so long ago it was long forgotten.
"When was the last time you ate a proper meal?" He asked again, this time his eyes gazing down at your body. Yes, you knew that you'd become skinner but you didn't realise it was that noticeable. Or maybe it was just because Harry always noticed the most smallest, most minute, details about you.
"It was, um—" You squeezed your eyes shut hoping something would come to mind but you knew it was pointless.
"When was the last time you gave yourself a breather? A sit down? A bit of time to yourself?" He pressed for an answer, but it was obvious by now that you didn't have an answer.
"I-I," you let out a defeated sigh, looking towards the ground in shame, "I don't know." You admitted to him, and to yourself. You know you should take care of yourself better, but it's been hard to sort it out when you're doing a million and one other jobs too.
You two stayed silent for a few moments, reflecting on the words that had been spoken this evening. Finding out that Harry was still in love with you, in the area that was filled with fond childhood memories with your dad, whilst coming to teens with your mental struggles was a lot to take in in just one night. You could only take so much and you'd be forever grateful that it was Harry by your side right now and no one else. Not even your dad could come close to the secure and warm feelings that Harry gave you.
"I'm not okay, Harry, am I?" You had to ask Harry for support in your question, not wanting to admit the truth to yourself alone.
"You're just a little broken, baby, but i'm here okay? It won't be like this forever, I promise." Harry swore it on his mums life. His hands left your cheeks and instead wrapped around your body protectively, making sure you felt the mental and physical stability of him being there for you.
"I'm so-sorry for everything, Harry." You apologised for not nearly the enough times that evening - well technically morning. If you waited long enough you could probably watch the sun rise from this side of the valley - it was something you dreamt about doing with your dad, but it was too late to fulfil that dream when the time came around.
"It's alright." Harry shushed you, allowing you to carry on with the sobs you needed to let out.
"Is it?" You questioned, still not fully convinced that it was.
"I'll be alright as long as you are alright, love." You could feel Harrys smile against the side of your head where he was resting it, making you slightly smile in return. "Just need you back."
"If you'll have me?" You offered, wanting him to be positively sure of himself.
"Always." He replied, using the same phrasing you'd done earlier this evening.
You never thought it would be so beautiful and yet you were so magically lost for words. The way the sun caught its first few rays on the glistening, snowy, mountain tops was cinematic. The rays starting to warm up your icy skin was exhilarating, almost like it was feeding you life again. Oh how your dad would've loved this.
What was even more special than the sunrise was the boy that you got to spend watching it with. Wrapped under a layer of three blankets, your back against his front whilst sat perched against a thick oak tree, you got to witness a moment so singular and unique, with someone as equally unique, and you wouldn't swap it for a million pounds.
Harry had brought hot cocoa, with little pink and white marshmallows, in a thermo-flask to help keep you both warm. He'd clearly thought about this "date", you guess you could call it, with great passion. He had thought of everything. He'd brought bundles of blankets, the hot chocolate, an extra jumper for you - your favourite one of his in fact - and even a portable charger so your phone was ready to snap some shots of the waking sun.
You were positive his body was completely stiff now, most likely going to have crippling back pains for the rest of the week, but you knew he didn't care. All he cared about was you and that you were happy.
Throughout the morning, whilst you were waiting for the sun to arise, you spoke about everything and nothing. You'd learnt that Harry had been with someone a month after your broken up with him, but went in to a two week period of self loathing afterwards because she, quote, "just wasn't you". Apparently he'd almost said your name, to her, the morning after and that's when he knew it was never going to be anyone else but you. Of course your heart bled a little to hear him have moved on so quickly, but you also remember encouraging it so you couldn't really be angry.
You opened up about the grieving of your dad and the hardship that your mum had become. Although it was hard to hear, listening to Harry suggest maybe taking her to a group house for family rehabilitation, or something along those lines, it should be an option to consider. He never pressed you for an answer, but only letting you know he was here whatever you decided to do.
You apologised a lot more times and each time he shut you up with his lips. God had you missed those lips. You'd missed him more.
Harry admitted he'd developed a slight drinking problem and had had to stay at random hotel rooms, for the first couple of months, because he couldn't bare to walk around a house that was so full of you and your memories. The kitchen, where you'd prepared countless morning coffees for him. The study, where you'd read a few stories to him. The bedroom, where you'd spent many a night with him beneath the sheets loving each other until you physically could no more.
Both of you were extremely vulnerable and that's exactly how it needed to be.
To move forwards you vowed to be more open and honest with one another. Harry promised to stay with you for a while, up here, until he was comfortable that you'd be okay if he left you. You promised to never leave him again, which he was perfectly happy with. You also strictly told him that he wasn't to go near a bottle of alcohol unless you were with him, not baring the thought of having to send him into rehab for substance abuse.
The two of you had a long way to go to be perfect, but then again there was no such thing. You were just Y/N and Harry, and as long as you made each other happy, then that, in your eyes, was perfect.
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10underoot2 · 2 months
I finally rewatched Queen of Tears Episode 16.
Its given me a lot of clarity on why I didn't like it all that much. The episode feels very filler like, reiterating what I already know, no development nothing to draw me in. So here's a list of thing I really like vs things I had beef with: 
The Good:
- Hyunwoo's understanding of what marriage is is very profound and beautiful. Really appreciate that bit.
- The employees in this corporate sector have been 10/10 throughout. I cannot with how much I love them to bits. Still not over 'I just want to see the rich argue' 😭😂
- Yangi's bond with Hyunwoo is absolutely 10/10 
- I like Haein trying to find the reason of their divorce. It's important for her cause why did two people who love each other want to divorce each other. But again I hate how this wasn't a main cause of comcern around epsidoe 7. Like don't brush over it fam. Don't you wanna know why the man you love and who loved you to bits wanted to divorce you?
- Those last 7-8 mins. Though I wish I had more of them. I needed a linear passing of time. Something like the Germany Montage at the start would've been perfect. But at the very end just 'Way home' playing, Hyunwoo seeing Haein as an angel to pick him up, the familiar happiness and love just spreading around them was beautiful to witness. Really got me teary eyed both times I watched it. 
The Bad: 
- I'm not even getting into the uselessness and bad execution of the whole Yoon Eun Sung plot line since episode 14. 
- Still have no idea why Mol Soo Hee she wanted Suwan dead? Like there's no rationale? Why not kill Hae-in or SeoCheol in all those 20 years as well? It makes no sense to me.
- the episode felt so unnecessarily dramatic. I get it he got shot and was in a car accident but I was so sure he'd be okay? Did not understand or appreciate the over dramaticness also those Yangi shots in that sequence were a little tooo dramatic for me
- I don't like Haein getting back her memories cause they said the hippocampus would be destroyed. It's my fault for looking for logic in the first place but can we please stick to what we established writernim. Also wasn't this the whole problem that she's not getting back ANY memories EVER?!
- The scene between the mothers at this point was also unnecessary. We could've gotten to this realization back in the episode this was brought up the first time. She knew the location and date I don't see how reviewing her album was the light bulb moment.
- I feel super bad for this one but for me even Hae-in's bedside speech, once Hyunwoo woke up, lacked sincerity. As much as she might realize she loves him. He's still a stranger. Who does she miss? Her husband who's love she has no recollection of? The man she loved but she has no idea how she loved him? Take out the loss of memories and it would've hit me like a truck. Like she's not even holding his hand as she waits cause she recently met him. What am supposed to cry over here? What could've been? The pre ep 15 Baekhong I dearly misssed at this point?
- More on the Hyunwoo hospital scene. When he says 'I had forgotten' As sweet as it is I already knew all of it. It was so ill placed I didn't have to see it here.  Also like what does she care? She doesn't remember if you forgot or not in the first place 💀
- The Yangi x Haeina acene in the hospital - what notebook are we talking about? Did I miss something? Did I fall asleep somewhere like what?! Also I feally do like Yangi but I thought all of the scenes with him were kinda forced this episode.
- The conversations where Haein tells Hyunwoo he's perfect. Is it just me or is Haein extremely expressive after the surgery? I can never imagine Haein telling Hyunwoo that he's perfect even if she think so. It was a little off putting for me being introduced to this new character in the last episode. I miss my inexpressible power girl.
- Just the voice over off what happened with Mol Soo Hee would've sufficed but I guess we had to see that SNU degree in action. 
- The turn in Da hye's emotion - as sweet as it was also felt forced. They just showed me earlier she didn't care for him and bullied him. Now you want me to belive she mistook her feeling okay sureeee 🙃
- This is what meant by killing the temperment. They start Hyunwoo's monolougue 'We forgave those who we used to resent and then we cut to this long scene of Aunt Beom ja. Then we have Hyunwoo, then we have his brother's scene. The editing was off here. I wish we had a monologue of just them. It all threw me off so much.
And here's why a sequence of Baekhong was so necessary cause remember the first episode we instantly fall in love and get curious because of that lovely montage of BaekHong Germany scenes. 
All in all good ending, horrible last two epsiode. Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. It makes me long so much for the show I saw and fell in love with before. I have never felt this way about a last episode, I think I just expected better from this show. 
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staying-elive · 9 months
I so wish Figaro had been in TFATWS. Would've been so easy even if Hollywood doesn't like working with animals.
I can imagine it though.
Figaro chilling in the kitchen as Sam and Sarah talk...
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Sam could've given him a cute little boop or a little forehead kissy kiss like he does to the boat. 🥹
Speaking of the boat, Figaro could've been chilling in the background while Sam worked by himself...
*bonus points if he gets another little kiss boop after Sam kisses the engine. (He's so cute 🥹😭)
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(I'm just imagining him sleeping on that shelf in front of the window)
Figaro chilling while watching Sam and Bucky work...
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(This would be his audition process for future fellow Cat Dad Bucky 😆)
Bucky waking up and Figaro's just chilling on top of him...
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('Congratulations, human, you've made it through to the next stage.')
Basically, Figaro would be all of us! 🥰🥰🥰
Also, sets up nicely Bucky going... "Yeah, I want one of these too. This is nice." (Enter Alpine!)
Seriously though, from a more meta angle, Sam being a cat dad would've been a subtle hint to him not being the extrovert open book many people mistake him for. He doesn't open up easily until the time and effort is taken for him to trust someone. Plus I've always headcanoned that Sam adopted Figaro after he left the air force and Riley died. Like he became a support animal that helped Sam get up in the morning and take care of himself because he had a little buddy to also take care of.
Because I also imagine Figaro chilling in the background of Sam's CAWS home...
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(Of course Nat would trust Sam right away. He's a Cat Dad! 😁)
And then during Endgame, Nat could've had Figaro with her! (Maybe Sam's neighbour who'd looked after him after Sam was a fugitive also got blipped and Figaro was sent to the Avengers Compound...)
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Especially since this scene between Nat and Steve reflects on the people they've lost. i.e. SAM! The missing third person of their fugitive trio 😭😭
Basically what I'm saying is... I want more Figaro! Everywhere. He represents love and grief but also healing.
Love is stored in the Cat. Thank you.
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conjuring-ghouls · 4 months
My dog died on Monday, while I was holding him. It took me a while to make this post cause, to be honest, I still don't know what to think. I still feel like it's not real, like he will come shaking his tail to greet me when I step into the living room in the morning. We got him when I was 9. He used to sleep on my bed with me as a puppy. He was there when I graduated high school, when I got into uni, when I dropped out of uni, when I went through a hard relationship as an adult... basically through every meaningful event of my life, good or bad. And even after moving here from Brazil, he helped making this new apartment feel like home. He helped making a whole new country feel like home just cause he was there through the process. Cause "home" always meant somewhere he was at. So if he was there, everything was alright. Everything would be alright. Now it's so hard to think that he isn't there, though. The house feels quiet. It's hard to see his empty bed, his water bowl still sitting in the corner, his black hair still staining his favorite spot on the living room rug. It's hard to hear a random noise and instinctively think it's the tipping sound of his paws walking in my direction only to turn my head and see that he isn't there, that he isn't coming. The longing to spend some more time with him, to hug him again, is just overwhelming. Different moments with him keep repeating themselves in my mind endlessly. I keep thinking of all the times I got mad at him for stealing cat food or trying to jump on the sofa with his dirty paws. I wish I had let him on the sofa more often, let him eat some more cat food. I wish I was a bit more patient. These small things feel so meaningless now. It feels impossible not to feel like I could've done more to help him in the end, that maybe things could've been different if I was faster, if I had done anything differently, even knowing that he was already old and tired and there was nothing else that could be done. I can't think of him without crying, and I can't do anything without thinking of him. But in the end, I know that being there for him and holding him in my arms as he passed was the best thing he could've asked for, even if it broke my heart. The important thing is that he wasn't alone, and the trauma of seeing him passing was worth the comfort that me being there must've given him. And even though I'm swirling in emotions and crying again while writing this, the feeling that sits with me is gratitude. Pets don't live as much as we do, and our job is to give them all the love and comfort we can while they're still with us. We can't be selfish to the point of wanting them to stay with us forever. They're not ours to keep, we're just priviledged enough to be their guardians during their short time here. And all the pain that's left when they're gone is just the small price we pay for the whole life of happiness and devotion they gave us, for all their unconditional love and loyalty. It hurts a lot rn. But I would do it all again, over and over for him. Te amo meu preto, meu lobinho, meu velho 🖤
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Your writings are so great and capturés the captures so well!! I have a request based off from your previous req fandic of Noir x criminal!reader. (I LOVE THAT SO MUCH AA) can you write where the crimimal!reader gets badly injured and Noir takes cares of them, gets mad and scold them for being so reckless then starts to beg them to quit the criminal life cus he wants them to be safe? It can be a hurt/comfort type of thing
HIIII OMG I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT??? and ofc anon babe, i gotchu >:)) imma consider this a part 2 for the noir x criminal reader :DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
content warnings! mentions of bleeding, open flesh wounds, mentions of guns and firing of guns, and light cursing up ahead. please don't read any further beyond the cut if you are uncomfortable with these themes ^^
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"when is this ever going to be enough for you?"
his voice was stern, though extremely exhausted. he was finishing sewing up the wounds you sustained earlier when he found you. he had a long day fighting crooks, and to top it all off, you were there. you were there, and you got hurt, badly. he knew he didn't need to help you, you knew he could've knocked you out and threw you to the curb to wait for the cops to take care of after a few hours--but he did. he carried you in his arms gently, said sorry when you moaned out in pain as he felt over a flesh wound on your side which was generously given to you by one of your 'allies' as they screwed up shooting a guard and had the bullet ricochet and lodge itself into your side.
you felt dizzy a while ago due to how much blood you were losing, but luckily, peter found you and brought you to a rooftop where hardly anyone frequented and patched you up with a stray med kit he found at a nearby clinic. he was a little scrappy at it, and you had to teach him how to do it since you were used to getting scuffed up on this crappy job. you winced and breathed in sharply through your teeth as he took the bullets out, applied the ointment, and sewed up the open flesh wounds you got. you told him exactly just how painful it was, it was a stinging pain that you wished would go away as you told him to take it easy, but he refused to give you that luxury--a pass on the pain you deserved for thinking you would be able to live a carefree life after trying to continue this life of crime.
"what do i have to do to change your mind?" he asked you after you hurled insults and curse words at him while he patched you up and finished. "change my mind? with what?" you asked a little sarcastically, knowing that peter would get angry like he did last time, which you found... a little attractive. peter sighed as he looked up at you unmasked; he was dashing as always; looking soft and harmless, but you knew he was anything but those things, in reality. "you know what i mean." he said as he got up and looked down at the alley he found you and a few other members of your little ensemble down there, injured. you breathed out a sigh as well as you looked up at his back that was now facing you. "i would if i could, parker. you can say you know how shitty this world is, and yet you don't seem to realize why i do what i do." you said with an ironic chuckle, a chuckle at how depressing your situation had become.
"and you don't seem to realize that i do everything i can to help you." he chimed in as soon as you stopped talking. he turned to face you, no longer having any anger in his eyes, instead pure sympathy and care filled his frame as he brought his shoulders down and faced you like you were no criminal, no evil doer, no sinner--a human, just like him, who struggled to survive. "i'm more than willing... more than willing to wire you money. aunt may's told me to give more than i can receive, and you're always the first person i think of every waking hour. connect the dots, why don't you?" he asked you to do with a cracking voice as he sat down next to you, taking off his glasses to wipe the tears forming in his eyes.
"i'd give you the world, a whole new one, if you wanted." he said as he met your gaze, staring into his own with a look of perplexity and just a tad bit of guilt and shame. he gently took your hand in his own gloved one and sighed. "even if this world hates you for what you've become... i'd protect and love you anyway." he muttered, which made your eyes go wide, and your mind run a mile a minute at what he said. you opened your mouth to speak, but when no words--no sound, no peep, no squeak, no nothing--came out, you closed it again, and found yourself merely staring at him, fazed entirely by those six words he uttered.
"please... don't do this anymore. it kills me every... every time you..." he muttered, unable to continue his thoughts as he took your hands in his own and clenched them, sobbing, begging for you to give up this dangerous life and just... let him in, let him help you.
a/n: gonna end this here, sorry :' )) but i want it to be up to you guys where this goes ^^
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @maxoloqy @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper
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rainbow-crane · 23 days
I'm feeling like being controversial today. Here, take some DR character opinions. Clutch your pearls besties
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17- Makoto. I feel nothing for this character, in any positive or negative direction. To me, he's only ever been the vessel for which THH takes place for the player. That's kind of it. Bro is just chilling. (Note: these opinions are exclusive to the THH game.)
16- Leon. He suffers from what I like to call chapter 1 syndrome. Not only was he killed extremely early, but he had no plot or character significance before or after the fact in-game. I think the idea of a character that hates their talent is really interesting, and his design slaps, but he just didn't have any sticking power for me.
15- Yasuhiro. He's got funny moments here and there (the ghost bit in the ch 5 trial never fails to make me laugh) but he has no story. They don't do anything with him besides 'stupid occult man' jokes, and I can't help but feel like there was wasted potential to do something with his fortune-telling talent that was only ever used as another gag of his stupidity. Disappointing as a character, but at least he was around longer than Leon.
14- Byakuya. Asshole characters are always hit-or-miss for me, and Byakuya missed by a ton. I know he *technically* got showed up during the chapter 4 trial, but getting upstaged once and acting like nothing happened afterwards isn't enough of a character arc for me to find him surviving over so many others in the cast worth it. He's also just pretty weak as an antagonist in comparison to the others in the series(not to mention there was an objectively better option for antag in this very cast). He's the type of character I'd probably like way more in like, Ace Attorney, but here I just got so sick of hearing him speak.
13- Hifumi. I can appreciate the attempt to make a subversion of the 'perverted nerd' character, but they failed the second they actually made him a perverted nerd, even if they gave him that bare minimum ideal of rape being bad. Fanon interpretations of what could've been prop him up for me a good bit, too.
12- Mukuro. Similar to Makoto, she feels like a character that exists to serve a narrative purpose, and we never really meet her as herself in-game. Unlike Makoto, we actually got FTEs playable in the post-game that allude to a greater story with her and her doubt in despair that makes her retroactively more tragic and adds both to herself and her sister.
11- Toko. They just didn't do enough with her in THH to warrant me placing her any higher than this. I think the differences between her and Genocider are interesting, and I wish they'd been given more growth in the game instead of spending the entire game post-chapter 2 pining over and stalking Byakuya. Toko gets ranked lower because she wasn't as fun to have onscreen and I got sick of her insisting people disliked her for being ugly, even though she's pretty conventionally attractive beyond having glasses.
10- Junko. She was an incredible mastermind twist and had a ton of charisma and presence in the final trial, from her sprites to the VA's performance, but they just didn't use her enough to warrant putting her any higher than the characters above.
9- Mondo. I like the characters he's attached to more than I do Mondo himself. I like the 2-sided coin of toxic masculinity they write between him and Chihiro, and I love his relationship with Taka, but I just don't care much for him outside of what he provides for those characters. He's fine.
8- Genocider. Basically everything I said with Toko, but she's way more entertaining from her cheery and violent personality and is just more expressive and fun. I got excited whenever she came onscreen because I knew I was about to have a good time.
7- I don't think you could change Kyoko's role in the story much at all without drastically altering the game as a whole. Makoto may be the POV, but Kyoko is undoubtedly the main character of THH and not only is she the most capable member of the class, but her growth as she opens up to Y/N Makoto and puts her faith not only in the absolute truth, but also hope is beautiful to watch, especially as we get to learn the mystery of who she is and where she came from. In another world, she'd be my #1, but I've never actually shed tears for her so she ends up as low as 7th.
6- I'd say from an objective standpoint, Sakura is probably the most well-written character in THH. Her internal conflict as she's forced to play the role of spy paired with her rapidly growing relationship with Hina as she finally, finally finds someone that sees her as the woman she so desperately wants to be acknowledged as, growing past her greatest weakness- her fear- to stand up to Monokuma, and having to take the role of a fighter on for a class of people that hated her to be both victim and killer, freeing her classmates from having to become either- I think I've made my point. I still wish we'd gotten that 3rd-person fighter about Sakura.
5- When I went into THH, I fully expected Hina to be a dumb blonde character for the entire game, with no substance beyond her character design. Maybe that low expectation was what made her shoot so high up my list. She wasn't the smartest character, sure, and the game definitely focuses on her body an uncomfortable amount, but she still has an incredible arc in her relationship with Sakura. Her depiction of grief is so deeply emotional, and her sense of justice, which up until then had been alluded to but never put into her hands, became a weapon that almost took down the entire class with her tears. Not only does she lose her best friend, but she's then manipulated by Monokuma to make that pain so much worse by pinning the blame for her loss on everyone around her and herself. Her attempt of a murder-suicide of the entire class followed by the reading of Sakura's real will and her guilt and regret afterwards is one of the strongest moments of the series. I've always thought if Makoto didn't exist, Hina would've been a great choice for a protagonist for this game, since she starts with that same optimism and easygoing ability to make friends that Makoto does, but is a strong character in her dedication to her sports and fierce love of those closest to her.
4- As a trans man, Chihiro's story was a lot like looking in a mirror, especially when I was playing the game as someone who'd only just started opening the closet door. His insecurities due to his body and his attempts to forcibly feminize himself to receive acceptance and masquerade as something he wasn't was something I was intensely familiar with, and the tragedy of his finally gaining enough confidence to open up to a close friend and seek out help to try and become his true self, only to be betrayed by said friend and killed before he ever got the chance, was one of the best personal gut punches I've gotten from this series. Regardless of the transphobia and misogyny written into said storyline, he's a character I'll never not relate to. There's a ton to dive into with Chihiro's character writing, and he's one of those characters I can tear into like a raw steak and go not only into how he's treated by the show, but also by how many ways there are to write him better than the game actually did and all the different ways different corners of the fandom have treated him. (Also, to be clear, I'm not opposed to transfem Chihiros hcs, I'm using he/him bc that's what's canon.)
3- Taka. My beloved boy, underrated outside of his relationship with Mondo. I'll defend this man until the day I die, and will always believe he should've been a member of the surviving cast over Hiro. His constant uphill battle with trying to connect with and protect his classmates only to fail at every turn from his lack of understanding of social norms, going as far as to rationalize hobbies as a form of studying in his first FTE, and his pure joy in finally connecting with someone being decimated by the reality that that man went on to be a killer is so powerful. Watching him completely snap and go near comatose, only being pulled out of stasis by the news that an AI of Chihiro still exists and begging for forgiveness for not being able to prevent his death was shattering, and his fusion with his perception of Mondo pushing him over the edge only to be killed unceremoniously in the background of Celeste's plan was infuriating. This man struggled and clawed his way through the first half of the game for whatever scraps of screentime the creators would leave him, and then they tossed him out when they couldn't think of anything better to do. Justice for my man!!!
2- Celeste. Remember when I said there was a character more well-suited for the role of antagonist than Byakuya in this game? Well, this is she. Not only would she have worked as a narrative foil to the player, as Makoto and Celeste are both in the class for their luck-based talent, but she would've had a much more powerful and thematic rivalry with Kyoko, the girl who seeks out absolute truth, as the girl who wraps herself in a veil of lies. I already found her fascinating as she was, having a character that's unashamedly a bad person and follows her own ideals with no regard for the effects on the rest of the class beyond how easy it'd be to manipulate them, but her lack of regard for the class trials and refusal to cooperate could've been how she functioned as an antagonist, refusing to help the group when it didn't immediately serve her or intentionally leaving out details that put her in a bad position. Essentially, she'd function as an antagonist in a way inverse to how Kokichi functioned, which not only would've been phenomenal for THH, but for the parallel storytelling V3 later goes on to employ. That said, that's all hypothetical, but even without all of that, she's still an intriguing character that I can't stop thinking about.
1- Sayaka. I hated Sayaka when I first started playing, not because of anything she was doing, but because I didn't like how the game was seemingly gluing her to Makoto's hip. I didn't like having to slough my way through tutorial after tutorial going through her to talk to the entire rest of the class, and I didn't like being forced to burn my first FTE on her when there were other characters I wanted to learn about. I cheered when I found her body because it meant I wouldn't have to jump through hoops to speak to the other characters anymore. All that hatred dissipated as the first trial took place. Taking the cutesy sidekick girl and making her not only the first victim (something that was huge for the genre at the time) but also going on to reveal that she was actively betraying us and plotting to frame us for murder to save herself and her fellow idols was a genius move. Since then, Sayaka has become a stronger presence in my mind for this series, and her impact on the series as a whole can't be overstated. She put the first killing game into motion. She carried with her the first despair, and inspired the first hope from Makoto. Her desperation for a dream she had to fight tooth and nail for, that desire to hang onto her dream that'd kept her going for so long pushes forward everything. 11037 became a staple point for the series and the fandom, not just because of the poor western translation, but also because that was her point of regret, the guilt that stopped her from killing Leon successfully and ultimately saved everyone, her final moments being to save Makoto and the others. Every moment spent with her at the beginning is designed not just to make her seem like the desirable sidekick girl, but also to weave into your perception of her the darkness she carries on the inside, the dedication and determination to remain liked and retain her fame by any means necessary, feigning being agreeable yet still unwittingly developing genuine feelings for someone who's nothing but genuine. The money I'd pay for a prequel anime about Sayaka's rise to the title of SHSL Idol is unreasonably high.
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