#i love the asoue women
saw speak no evil last night, which i really enjoyed! it proved to be my very favorite kind of stressful movie, i.e. a slowburn thriller where people go to a beautiful and remote location and then Things Go So Wrong! it reminded me a lot of other faves ex machina, men, 10 cloverfield lane, the menu, ready or not, the recent blink twice, etc.
just some thoughts about this movie (spoilers!)--
+ i really enjoyed all the gender role stuff going on in this one a whole bunch. this is, of course, a classic gothic romp in my eyes. therefore, watching the dad -- down on his luck, feeling emasculated by his female family and by life not favoring him as much as it was supposed to! -- get seduced by the alpha male andrew tate-y bs embodied by james mcavoy's character, like the dad was but a shrinking naive gothic heroine missing or even lusting after all the red flags, was SUCH a fun subversion to me. yes! yes!!!
+ every time that mackenzie davis's character tried to establish boundaries and they got run over and then she let it slide to be palatable, i viscerally FELT THAT. there was, of course, a big element of 'privileged people wanting to appear woke so they keep being boundlessly pityingly nice to the poor people', but even deeper than that, i think this was a great portrayal of how women in particular are expected to constantly accommodate and ignore their intuition. the bit with making her eat the goose. D: and it got worse!
+ i also really liked how in the big showdown, the mom and the kids were the ones who actually took out the enemies, and the dad was the only one without a 'kill' to his name. (though he did sacrifice himself by jumping off the roof, mirroring Accomplice Wife's self-sacrificial death!)
+ gosh, the dark implications re: Accomplice Wife's character were so harrowing - the victim becoming the abuser - and the fact that the little girl was being primed to follow in her footsteps ..... D:
+ i enjoyed that the kids were the ones who had the sort of Big Finding Bluebeard's Closet Of Dead Wives Reveal. (my bf pointed out that this is a bluebeard story, and it so is! my favorite!) that sort of ASOUE-y feeling of kids having to make it on their own because adults aren't a guaranteed source of safety. MAN, poor ant. :'( that kid had a HORRIBLE time. i really admire his persistence in keeping on fighting and trying to communicate.
+ i saw someone in the reddit discussion thread say that couple vs. couple is an underrated trope, and i agree! would love to see more of that in cinema.
+ love how the title operates both on the level of "this kid can speak no evil about what we do because we cut his tongue out" AND "don't ever say anything mean to people or you might hurt their feelings and what could possibly be worse than that (oh, this, i guess) 😬"
+ can't believe they did nick miller's favorite song cotton eyed joe so dirty like that. :( that scene honestly brought tears to my eyes from pure misery. the fact that some parents really do treat their kids like that ...................... (even if that wound up not being totally the situation in this particular movie). disgusting and heartbreaking.
+ the most a+ "eternal flame" use since gilmore girls.
+ after i watched the movie i read up on what the original film was like, and may i just say: that would have broken me psychologically in the movie theatre. thank god i didn't have to see that. THANK GOD! sometimes american optimism really works for me, honestly. if it's a gothic, then in the gothic, they've always got to make it out at the end!!! bruised and bloodied and haunted but still standing! so i'm really glad they did!
+ it honestly never occurred to me that people would thirst over james mcavoy in this movie, because he's so gross and horrible, but it takes all sorts to make a world, it turns out. the internet teaches me that every day!
+ anyway, i had a great time watching this! would definitely watch again! but gosh, was it a special kind of fun and stressful to watch it unfold the first time.
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velvetvexations · 20 hours
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It depends a lot on what kinna book one has in mind. I like a lot of 40k, the Culture series. The Discworld and Revelation Space books I've read are fantastic. ASoUE is my great love.
My single favorite work is probably The Great God Pan, which did a lot to inspire my own writing. In fact, my own setting is largely a kinna sequel to it and takes it's name from the Memoirs to Prove the Existence of the Devil, the name of the files the proto-occult detective protagonist (this was in 1895) keeps on supernatural events he's investigated. The King in Yellow, coincidentally released in the same year, is also close to my heart - enough so that I really hate how it's treated by people who try to write about it and completely miss the point.
If you want to read something that really captures the spirit of The King in Yellow, read the short stories The King in Yella, Toward the Banner of the King, and The River of the Night's Dreaming, or play the games Signalis and Who's Lilah?. All are explicitly within the "Yellow Mythos" and are fantastic.
If something names the titular King "Hastur," throw it in a fire and run far away.
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They constantly make it about TMEs lol.
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It's the most radfem coded thing they could possibly do. Literally over a year ago I conceived of this exchange between two cis women talking about a cis radfem:
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They read other people's impressions of Whipping Girl and that's the extent of their experience with "theory."
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Yeah, like, I repeat that I mostly saw trans women doing it when it was happening.
I should probably read the story too sometime.
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Completely does not engage with the lived experiences of transmascs at all. Ridiculous.
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RIP. Maybe he can take the next pop quiz.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I don’t know what the word is for the kind of environment ASOUE (A Series of Unfortunate Events) and TMBS (The Mysterious Benedict Society) have, but it needs a name (quirky fantasy? Neurodivergent fiction? Idk…) but I’ve noticed enough people say they are similar, and I want to make this genre a thing. Here are some similarities I noticed that I believe describe the genre well:
• the adults are almost all neurodivergent and/or traumatized and no, they’re not handling it well. Especially the villains. • Most (if not all) of the children are either child genius or bully archetypes. Most will be neurodivergent as well. Bonus points if their neurodivergence and story arcs parallel the adults.
•People dress like they are either going to a funeral during the Great Depression, a church service on Easter Sunday, boarding school, a fancy cocktail party, or like the concept of neon/highlighter threw up on them
•everyone has a tragic backstory. Everyone. Even the quirky side kick who only has a few lines. At least one of those few lines will suggest something awful happened to them.
• Orphans
• Villain has to have that one person he/she cares about to show that maybe they do have a heart after all (aw). Examples might include an ex-girlfriend or adopted kid
•the heroes and villains have tons of cool tech and inventions that we can only dream of (e.g., mind control), but despite all these smart characters with a knack for inventing, no one can make a smart/cellular/mobile phone. It’s their one weakness. Everyone has to use landlines. Everyone. This weakness (which affects all characters in this genre, villains and heroes) is super useful, especially when a character needs to make a call, but the writers don’t want them too, one can simply have them frantically search for a phone to no avail, or have a villain cut the phone lines and there’s nothing anyone can do about it
• some characters require such bland underacting that the character’s voice and expression remain almost completely neutral throughout the whole show no matter what happens. Other characters will require the hammiest most overacted performance of a lifetime such that any minor inconvenience that befalls their character (e.g., having to wait 5 minutes) might as well be the end of the world (personal side note: the second one is a dream role for me)
•whimsical travel. Like in a trolley, blimp, hot air balloon, old timey steam train, submarine, or some contraption someone made out of spare parts
• the villain has some personal connection to the heroes, whether it’s a close connection (e.g., being their adopted uncle) or a distant one (e.g., being their mother’s ex’s sister’s former love interest)
•secret societies and organizations that are cool with employing children (or at least allowing it). It’s considered ok/necessary when the good guys do it, very bad when the bad guys do it. The kids in the bad guy organization can either be groomed victims out to grab their redemption arcs (SQ, our boy), or one dimensional bullies (looking at you Carmelita and Book Martina).
• a genius toddler/baby with a special power that can range from super strong teeth to being psychic
• Twins or triplets are not only characters in the show, but the fact that they are part of a set of multiples will be important for the plot somehow (e.g., the Benedict brothers, the quagmire triplets, the denouement triplets, whatever Jillson/Jackson are)
• There are dramatic flashbacks to character’s tragic pasts to show the audience where it all when wrong.
• Few, if any adults, are truly both mentally stable and living in reality. I know I covered this on my “neurodivergent that’s not well adjusted” bullet point, but it seems important enough to repeat
• The villains are theater kids. Whether they used to overact performances at the orphanage and now do magic tricks for their captives, or use their old theater group as henchmen(and women), they live for the dramatic arts
• the villains were at one point told (either by critics or unimpressed parents looking to adopt) that they weren’t that good at theater, which increased their motivation to either join an evil organization, or pursue a STEM or business degree to begin their own evil organization. This has increased their mental instability as they still try to incorporate the dramatic arts into their villainy and waste a lot of time that could be spent plotting things figuring out how to make their villainy more theatrical
• when the heroes try to tell people the villain is evil, no one believes them
• despite fighting literal children, the villains are not juvenile and present serious threats (murder/world domination)
• despite the previous 2 points, the villains are repeatedly defeated by orphan children with an assist from the villain’s own hubris/stupidity
• musical numbers are involved, even if they are flashback staged performances those count
•villain’s side kicks still roll with him/her despite the abuse to the point where the audience genuinely wants better for them and want more information about them and their tragic past (but their stories usually won’t really be focused on, heck they might even be written out completely. With a few exceptions of course)
• we’ve already discussed that the kids are “genius or bully” types but more broadly the characters are also “books or theater” good guys love books and libraries, bad guys love drama and the theater. We’ve covered the bad guy = theater connection, so focus on the books/reading = good guy connection. The good guys will constantly hang out around libraries, have libraries in their house, be librarians, be friends with librarians, etc. someone (either a bully or villain) is obligated to make fun of one of the good guys for reading at least once. This also implies that a theatrical character who loves reading would be perfect for an antihero or morally grey character.
• the time the story takes place is very vague, but has elements of fashion, cars, and style that suggest the 1950’s-2000’s or more generally sometime in the 20th/21st century
Feel free to add to this list
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gellavonhamster · 10 months
near dark (1987) but make it asoue
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@carnivorous-horses-lover first of all, thank you for enabling me
Secondly, imagine, if you will, a small-town young man who works at his stepfather's farm. The young man's name is Fernald, and his life is pretty miserable - his attempt at an acting career in the City failed, forcing him to return to his hometown, and now he's stuck in a routine he doesn't enjoy. His relationship with his stepfather Widdershins isn't great - in part, probably, because his stepfather is a pretty miserable man too, a former sea captain now bound to live on land after sustaining injuries that made him unfit for life at sea. Nearly the only bright spot for Fernald is his teenage sister, Fiona - she's talented and smart, and surely won't become a failure like him.
One evening, as Fernald is getting drunk at the bar after a particularly angry row with his stepfather, he meets a cute and charming person called Orlando (I think this name would fit in fine in this AU - iirc, Sunny refers to the Henchperson like that at some point either in the books or in the series, and Virginia Woolf's Orlando is able to live for centuries without growing old). They hit it off right away, and damn, this might be the drink talking, but Fernald feels like he's falling in love. At the end of the night, just before sunrise, as Orlando is about to leave, he kisses them.
And then Orlando bites him. Bites him and sucks his blood.
After that, Orlando runs away without explanation, so at first, Fernald doesn't understand what has happened to him. But then the rising sun starts burning his flesh. As he's trying to hide in the shade, an RV drives up, and Orlando pulls him in. Inside, he finds a group of people all screaming at Orlando that they should kill Fernald, but then Orlando tells them that they've already turned him, and, after some discussion, the strangers inform him that they'll let him live - for now. Fernald learns that his new acquaintances are a band of vampires who roam the Land of Districts under the guise of a travelling acting troupe. The band is led by Count Olaf, a man claiming to have been an 18th century nobleman. Apart from him and Orlando, there's Olaf's girlfriend Esme, a Bald Man, two White-Faced Women, and Carmelita, a tween girl recently turned by Esme when the latter decided she wanted a daughter. They travel from town to town, kill people to feed, and occasionally steal a new vehicle and burn the old one to cover up their tracks.
The Count and the others tell Fernald that they're going to give him a probational period of sorts - he gets a week to learn to hunt, and if he doesn't, they're going to get rid of him. The problem is, Fernald can't make himself kill people. His thirst is strong and he can feel his organism starting to reject human food, but he cannot overcome his fear and disgust. Orlando helps him by hunting for him and feeding him their blood after they have fed themselves, but they tell him this cannot go on, and Fernald knows that eventually he has either to become a murderer or be murdered. In the Village of Fowl Devotees, where the vampires attack a bar, he fails to kill a local handyman and lets him escape. Everyone but Orlando is furious and wants to kill him, but then the police arrive, and Fernald risks his life to help the rest of the group escape. This pacifies the vampires, and they decide to give him more time to adjust.
Meanwhile, Widdershins and Fiona follow the trail of the vampires' rampage from town to town, hoping to catch up with Fernald and see if he can still be saved. They meet the handyman, Hector, who has seen which direction the vampires drove off to. After driving all day, they decide to stay at a motel, not knowing that Olaf's troupe is also staying there. At some point, while Widdershins isn't present, Fiona goes out of their room and runs into Carmelita. They strike a conversation, and Carmelita, happy to finally have someone her age to talk to, invites Fiona to their room. When Fiona sees her brother, she is overjoyed, but he immediately gets worried and tells her to leave. It is, however, too late: Carmelita wants a friend, and even though Olaf hates the idea, Esme is still fond enough of her toy - pardon, her child - to indulge her whims.
Luckily, Widdershins arrives and threatens the vampires with a gun. A scuffle ensures, and the whole family, including Fernald, manages to escape. For some reason, Widdershins is sure that a blood transfusion might help Fernald revert to human state. They try it, and it works.
The family returns home and wards the house against vampires ("but Stepfather, how do you even know all these things?" - "don't worry about it"), yet it turns out they've been followed. At night, Orlando comes and persuades Fernald to go out and talk to them. They try to convince Fernald to let them bite him again and go back with them, but eventually, unable to lie anymore, they break down and reveal that the other vampires made them distract him. Turns out that while they were talking, Olaf's troupe somehow broke through the protection of the house. Fernald discovers that his stepfather is grievously wounded and his sister is gone. Widdershins tells him that the vampires took Fiona away and urges Fernald to follow them. Fernald calls the ambulance for his stepfather and leaves to chase the troupe, who have by then picked up Orlando and driven away. He is attacked by the Bald Man and the White-Faced Women, but manages to defeat them.
Orlando, who is genuinely in love with Fernald, decides to risk incurring Olaf and Esme's wrath and help Fiona escape. Together they break out of the car and run towards Fernald. The sun is rising, and Orlando has to cover themselves with a jacket, because the sun keeps burning them. Furious Olaf and Esme, with Carmelita in the backseat, pursue them and attempt to run them over with their car. Fernald manages to push Fiona and Orlando away, but the car crashes into him, and he passes out.
He regains consciousness in the same small - and, honestly, shady-looking - hospital where his blood transfusion was performed. He is aching all over, and one of his hands has been amputated, but he's alive. Fiona is there, and so is his father, bruised but still standing - and Orlando, who has also been cured by a blood transfusion. Another person present, strangely, is the handyman from the Village of Fowl Devotees. He tells them that the car with the vampires exploded in the crash, but no human remains were found when the fire was extinguished. Perhaps they burned to ashes completely. Perhaps not.
Okay, says Fernald, what the hell. Why are you here? How did Stepfather know that the blood transfusions would help? What kind of hospital is this?
Widdershins and Hector share an awkward glance.
There used to be an... organization some years ago, they tell him. An organization created to battle supernatural threats. It was founded long ago by people privy to the secrets of the world. But it has been dying out for decades, and their generation was the last. Too many died, too many quit out of fear (Hector looks away, embarrassed), too many were seduced by the occult and joined the other side. But the few still remain - the ones who don't seek out the enemy actively, but still remember how to fight against it.
They call themselves volunteers.
And it seems no one can hide from what one is forever.
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no-psi-nan · 6 months
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[Context] I did 18 & 25 for her already!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Honestly I love her self-confidence and intelligence! We love to see a girlboss! Her shutting down Imu so effortlessly was one of the best Teruhashi moments in the whole series tbh, that was soooo funny. She's the top dog and she knows it. Slay!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
😮‍💨 I don't like that she was kinda set up as the default romance option for Saiki when there was so little character development for her, so little chemistry, and such aggressive chasing on her behalf that was never addressed.
She is literally such an interesting character but canon only shows her obsession with her own superficial appearance, various guys' obsession with her superficial appearance, and her obsession with the idea of Saiki rather than him as an actual person.
Where is the episode where Teruhashi realizes she reacted poorly to both Imu and Aiura and starts to think about how she perceives and acts towards other women? Where is the episode where Teruhashi realizes she's throwing away Anime Harvard to follow a guy she hasn't spoken more than a few words to? Where's the episode where Teruhashi stands up to her brother and her parents about the expectations that have been put on her since birth, and about the way she practically seems to be raising herself at this point? Where's the episode where she stands up to her simps and forces them all to see her as a real human person instead of a beautiful fantasy creature? Where is the episode where she decides for herself what she should be like, instead of leaning on the traditional heteronormative definition of perfection she's been aiming for?
Answer me Asou!!
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faeriemarie · 1 year
my exes
(except they’re just people who i am no longer shifting for)
1. dylan kingwell
I was a massive ASOUE fan and quigley was my #1 throughout middle school. i scripted a dr where we would have a teen dream summer of our lives thing and we would be so cute and his fans would be obsessed with me
2. shay rudolph
happened around the same time as my dylan kingwell obsession but this time i was obsessed with the babysitter’s club. we were the same age and she was WAY cooler than me. i think i just wanted to be her
3. timothee chalamet
it was quarantine and i was just a 14 year old girl whose comfort watch was SNL. that and i had recently watched greta gerwig’s little women. i can’t even defend myself on this one because i still find him attractive to this day.
4. mcu peter parker
it was when all those marvel shows were coming out on disney+ and i was really into them. i was tony’s daughter of course and i scripted that i was smarter than both peter and my dad.
5. dash malloy
ngl i still wanna shift to dash & lily because i need a whirlwind romance like that. i also just love dash so much. misanthropic sarcastic boys are my kryptonite. i took over lily’s life but changed a few aspects so she wouldn’t be as cringe. also i am not doing that edgar storyline
6. quinn fabray
i had a glee dr. i am a gleek. i was the most talented member of the club and i got more solos than rachel berry. also santana had a crush on me. i slayed.
7. cho chang
i love cho. she’s my best friend and i just realized i could never shift to a dr where we’re dating. it would be weird. she’s my platonic soulmate not my romantic soulmate.
8. some guy who i had 2 conversations with but had a crush on in sophomore year
i wrote fanfiction about us. i wrote fanfiction about a real person. a real person that i knew in my life. he gave me a high five one time and that was the highlight of my week. i’m ashamed, okay. we all do dumb stuff.
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cygninae · 9 months
Hi! Do you have any lgbt+ hcs for the unfortunate gen? :) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️[I’ve read a few of your Dunklaus fics so I know there’s at least them :)]
Hi Ven ! I've thought about this somewhat, so I have an answer for you.
I think Klaus is bisexual, my reasoning being I like him both with Duncan and Fiona. He has the opportunity for such interesting dynamics with both, though as you and anyone who follows me knows, Dunklaus is my favourite.
Duncan I would headcanon as gay - no, I don't think he had any romantic feelings towards Violet. I think she perhaps liked him, but he probably didn't even notice. Duncan can be a bit clueless in the romance department, I think. Which is why the thought of him and Klaus stumbling around trying to admit their feelings is pretty hilarious to me.
For Violet, I'm really not sure at all. I would say she's maybe bisexual or something? But I've never really been sold on a headcanon for her sexuality and can only say I really, really love her with Quigley, but also love the idea of her with Isadora or Fiona. Violet, I think, would fall for someone without any notice of their gender.
On that note, Quigley is my favourite unfortunate gen character and I have so many headcanons about them. Firstly, I really, really like the headcanon that they are non-binary, which I wish was more popular. I could make a whole separate post at some point on this headcanon (which I might?) so I'll leave that there. Anyway, Quigley's sexuality.... I would say they are just attracted to women, but I totally respect the bisexual Quigley headcanon I see quite a bit. Since we don't see them show an interest in anyone besides Violet in canon, it's pretty hard to say?
Moving on to Isadora, I headcanon her resolutely as lesbian. Honestly, I'm usually very flexible and not bothered about headcanons, but to me this is, like, canon. I mean, come on, Sunny calling her Sappho during their first meeting? AM I MEANT TO READ NOTHING INTO THAT, DANIEL HANDLER??? I love her femslash pairings. Her with Violet, or Fiona? Absolutely iconic and should be worshipped by everyone because to me she IS a lesbian. Loves women . Her and Quigley bond over it.
Oh, and I know the popular headcanon that Isadora is transgender - male to female - and I've made a short post about that before. Love it ! Totally see this being canon and would love to read about it more in fanfiction. Though I may not explicitly state it, it can be happily assumed that Isadora is transgender in any fanfiction I write for ASOUE!
Lastly(?), Fiona ! Not 100% sure here, I don't really have one - but perhaps like Violet, gender isn't something that really comes into account for her when she starts dating. I could see her definitely having a crush on Violet and love when I get the ship on my feed. (Thanks to whichever mutual is reblogging them, I can't remember who you are.)
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asouefanworkevent · 2 years
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woevember is coming!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 13th through november 19th, 2022. each day of that week is dedicated to a different group of characters from a series of unfortunate events and all the wrong questions.
what do i do?
the character groups will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 13th, you’ll create fanworks about the characters, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 13th - 19th!
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but also edits, gifs, analysis posts, even just headcanons!! super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, this should go without saying, but in case it doesn’t, sibling romance and age gaps are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different character group for each day is so everyone’s favorite character (or a character you like or find interesting) will hopefully come up at some point, so everyone’s covered, and you can at least make something for one of the days.
what are the prompts?
i tried to get a good mix of characters we already love a lot, and characters who you might not have thought about before!
november 13th – sugar bowl gen siblings
the best siblings. the worst siblings. they’re going through a lot, at all times. "the schism has turned many brothers into enemies."
character options include: snickets, denouements, anwhistles, calibans, sebalds
november 14th – firestarters
what makes a “firestarter”? (besides needing to find seven broad categories in which to fit many, many characters.)
character options include: olaf, esme, the bald man, fernald, the henchperson, the white-faced women, the man with a beard but no hair, the woman with hair but no beard (also related characters, like ernest, georgina, olivia)
november 15th – the city
there is so much in The City! and so much with a deep vfd history, that every aspect of the city must’ve crossed paths with vfd or the baudelaire’s story at some point, in some way.
character options include: jerome, eleanora, geraldine, esme squalor’s fanclub, honestly anyone you would like to stick in a specifically City location
location options include: the punctilio, the banking district, the herpetological society, the hemlock tearoom and stationery shop, the taxi, the opera, the fountain of victorious finance, 667 dark avenue, veblen hall, orion observatory
november 16th – unseen characters
there’s plenty of characters we hear about in the series, but never actually really see. give us your takes on them!
character options include: lemony's editor, the snicket parents, olaf's parents, haruki, the baudelaire's uncle elwyn, madame dilustro, gina sue, whoever beatrice and bertrand invited to their dinner parties besides mr. poe, moxie's mother, ellington's mother, violet's friend ben, lemony's friend playing the sonata on the pipe organ in the cathedral of the alleged virgin
november 17th – stain’d-by-the-sea
what becomes of stain’d-by-the-sea and all the people still living there, after lemony leaves? what happens to wade academy? what happens to ellington?
character options include: moxie, pip, squeak, jake, cleo, kellar, ornette, lizzie, ellington, prosper lost, stew, the mitchums, the talkie brothers, any character from 13SI (theodora can also be included here)
november 18th – the unfortunate generation
what are they up to, post-canon? or what were they up to, pre-canon?
character options include: violet, klaus, sunny, duncan, isadora, quigley, fiona, carmelita, friday, the second beatrice
november 19th – free space!
is there a character you want to make something for that didn’t necessarily fit in these categories? (and my deepest apologies for who didn’t. the duchess? miranda? ishmael? the islanders? widdershins? hector? the village of fowl devotees? jacquelyn? larry? phil? beatrice and bertrand, technically????) is there a character you wanted to do but you didn’t like the group they were in? (you’d rather talk about esme outside of her relation to the firestarters?) do you want to do something centered on a ship? (lemony/beatrice/bertrand? dewey/bertrand? kit/beatrice? violet/isadora? jacques/jerome? olivia/jacques? beatrice/bertrand? monty/gustav? sally/r?) put it here!
can i do ships for other days?
you absolutely can! i’m just giving options in the free space.
can i include other characters that aren’t a part of the group set for each day?
yes, as long as the major focus of the work is still on the designated group! for example, for sugar bowl gen siblings, you could definitely make something about, say, beatrice interacting with the snicket siblings, as long as the focus of the work is still on the snicket siblings. or, for stain’d-by-the-sea, you could definitely write about those characters interacting with vfd characters, or the unfortunate gen, or even mr. poe, as long as the focus of the work is still on the stain’d-by-the-sea characters.
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating and i hope to see lots of you november 13th - 19th!!
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trash-soup · 2 years
Since my blog is gaining followers i figured I'd do a pinned intro
HI! I'm Sabri. I'm 29, I'm 6'4", and I'm a Hispanic Latine Genderfluid Nonbinary Pansexual (any pronouns, whatever you feel most comfy with 😊)
Everyone is welcome here except the following
DNI: Race/age/ableists, Xeno/Homo/Transphobes, Anti-Semitic/generally hateful/toxic and otherwise vile people.
On this blog, we stand for a FREE PALESTINE, Black Lives Matter, AAPI Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter, Palestinian Lives Matter, Latine Lives matter, LGBTQ+ Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, Genocide is condemned, Trans Women are real women, Trans Men are real men, Non-Binary and Queer people who don't fit into standard boxes are valid, Ace and Aro people are valid, all bodies are beautiful, Nobody owes you androgyny or anything else because of their pronouns or labels, and Love is love is love. Kindly fuck off if you disagree with any of that.
Things I love:
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, writing, cooking, cackling at memes, learning useless knowledge about niche subjects, singing, playing guitar, More.
Games: Stardew Valley (all time favorite), The Sims, Frostpunk, The Witcher, Age of Empires, Tsuki's Odyssey, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls, More.
Books: Just literature in general, Edgar Allen Poe, the Osten Ard series, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Harry Potter(Fuck JK tho), ASOUE, More.
Music: Sara Bareilles, Nelward, Soupy Garbage Juice, The Altogether, Led Zeppelin, Classic rock/Folk rock/Folk pop/indie/Alternative, More.
Movies/TV: LOTR/The Hobbit, Harry Potter (Fuck JK tho), Twilight (look up #sabriwatchestwilight) ASOUE, Game of Thrones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ted Lasso, Sex Education, The Witcher, Doctor who, Supernatural, Sherlock (Yes i was a Superwholock, shut up), Bob's Burgers, South Park, Pixar, Disney, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Poirot, More.
Youtube: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Dimension 20, Dropout, Gab Smolders, Crankgameplays, Game Grumps, Jarvis Johnson, Andy King, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, Kurtis Conner, Chad Chad, @strange-aeons, Sarah Z, Sam Onella, Binging with Babish, Uncle Roger, More.
Aesthetic stuff: Dark Academia, Cottagecore, Victorian, Nature, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, More.
I used to be @theactorsmind-blog and @theactorsmind-blog1, but those have long since been dead.
I've been on this hellsite since i was about 14, on and off sometimes. I was here stealing shoelaces, I've liked the color of the sky, i saw (read:Participated in) the mishapocalypse, i witnessed the great Titty Famine, I've been around for a good long while.
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badlydrawndrawnings · 7 months
Even More ASOUE Characters (Still The Adults)
And the Beatles Songs I Can't Help But Associate Them With, Part Two.
Montgomery 'Monty' Montgomery, Penny Lane (~Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs/Of every head he's had the pleasure to know/And all the people that come and go/Stop and say, "Hello"~)
Josephine Anwhistle, Octopus's Garden (~We would be so happy you and me/No one there to tell us what to do/I'd like to be under the sea/In an octopus' garden with you~)
Isaac 'Ike' Anwhistle, Here Comes the Sun (~Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces/Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here~)
Gregor Anwhistle, Strawberry Fields Forever (~Let me take you down/'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields/Nothing is real/And nothing to get hung about/Strawberry Fields Forever~)
Hector, Blackbird (~Blackbird singing in the dead of night/Take these broken wings and learn to fly/All your life/You were only waiting for this moment to arise~)
Madame Lulu, Tomorrow Never Knows (~Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream/It is not dying, it is not dying/Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void/It is shining, it is shining~)
Olivia Caliban, I'm Only Sleeping (~Keeping an eye on the world going by my window/Taking my time/Lying there and staring at the ceiling/Waiting for a sleepy feeling~)
R the Duchess of Winnipeg, Boys^ as cover by The Beatles [~My girl says when I kiss her lips/Get a thrill through her fingertips] + I Want to Hold Your Hand* (~Oh please, say to me/You'll let me be your man/And please, say to me/You'll let me hold your hand/You'll let me hold your hand/I want to hold your hand~)
^Originally a song by The Shirelles about how a girl feels about boys, I picked the cover version for R because given the irony about a man (Ringo, who sings the cover) singing about boys, I feel there's more irony by associating the cover with R, an implied canon lesbian, by changing the context of the cover: a woman who loves women 'singing' about the boys her lover dated/kissed before.
*Given that a cover version of I Want to Hold Your Hand appears in the movie Across the Universe (2007) with change of context being about a female's singer unrequited love for her female friend who is straight, I couldn't help myself but associate the song with R.
Captain Widdershins, The Fool on the Hill (~Day after day/Alone on a hill/The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still/But nobody wants to know him/They can see that he's just a fool/And he never gives an answer~) + (~But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down/And the eyes in his head see the world spinning 'round~)
Fernald, Hey Jude (~And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain/Don't carry the world upon your shoulders/For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool/By making his world a little colder) + (~Hey Jude, don't make it bad/Take a sad song and make it better/Remember to let her under your skin/Then you'll begin to make it/Better, better, better, better, better, better, oh!~)
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lesbian-in-leather · 8 months
Asoue and wwdits
Into the woods if you feel up to it
Thanks for the ask, darling!!
Just answered for asoue here
What We Do In the Shadows
OTP: oh it's gotta be Nadja/Lilith. What can I say; I'm a sucker for lesbians, Lucy Punch, and bitter exes. They really have it all <3
Favourite canon pairing: Nadja/Laszlo of course. Though in recent series they haven't really been getting any screen time so my love for them has been dying somewhat. I hope they get some good scenes in the last season!
Worst pairing ever: Nadja and Colin. Why did they do that. Why did they do that. Why did they do that. Why did they-
Guilty pleasure pairing: I WAS HALFWAY THROUGH WRITING AN 'OH I DON'T REALLY HAVE ONE' PASSAGE WHEN I REALISED I DO. I FUCKING DO AND NO ONE WILL KNOW WHAT I'M ON ABOUT BUT HERE GOES ANYWAY!! Okay so you know in that one episode when Nadja was on the council and they had a fancy banquet and Nandor was in his depression nap and everyone thought he was dead?? Well one of the sexy vampire ladies that turned up was Carmilla (famous vampire from the vampiric novel, Carmilla) and I ABSOLUTELY wanted her and Nadja to get together. There it is, that's the guilty-pleasure ship, yet another one-episode character but somehow worse than Lilith because Carmilla only had like three lines
A pairing you want to see more: Nadja/The Guide!! The Guide is throwing herself at my girl and she is absolutely clueless. Icon <3
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Nadja/Jenna. Really not into it, she gave me a VERY strong maternal vibe and I am. Not a fan of shipping them. Again, you do you, but like. Not for me
Favourite non-romantic pair: Nadja & Guillermo! I wish we'd given more focus to their dynamic earlier in the show, they' 've always had the potential to be really great bitchy friends, but we DID get her going absolutely fucking feral to save his life, risking hers in the process, so... it's a win <3
Into the Woods
I have basically never thought about shipping these characters so this is going to be fun
OTP: Baker's Wife and Cinderella. Straight up, I think it would be really fun and also the whole "when you know you can't have what you want what's the profit in wishing?" vs "how can you know what you want til you get what you want and you see if you like it?" I'm just saying, their little late night heart-to-hearts could have turned into something fruity
Favourite canon pairing: Cinderella's Prince/Baker's Wife is literally just funny. Like girlie what was even going through your head there
Worst pairing ever: Rapunzel/Rapunzel's Prince. I'm sorry, she was locked in a tower for her entire life, then abandoned by her mother for the horrible crime of making a friend (and fucking him, but still, that was your fault too buddy-boy), and he has the audacity to complain that she cries too much?? She wandered alone in the desert with newborn twins thinking that you were DEAD. It's been less than a year! My girl had TRAUMA and she deserved better
Guilty pleasure pairing: the Witch and the Stepmother. Do they ever interact? No. Do I think it'd be super funny to pair up the only villainous women just because? Absolutely. They can start an "I was a bad mother but also I love my children with my whole heart" club and make each other worse
A pairing you want to see more: Florinda and Lucinda with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, respectively. First of all I think it's funny that it would fulfil the whole 'good marriage' thing, but also I just think the stepsisters get a really rough deal and someone needs to get those princesses out of there before the aspiring Henry VIII's get on to their second wives
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Baker/Baker's Wife. I'm sorry, there is no good option here. She cheated, he undervalued her at every turn, yells in her face because she just wants to help, and then has this ~wonderful realisation~ that "wow, maybe I should work with my wife!" before going straight back to his "you stay here and do nothing Because I Said So" mindset in act two. Mans has anger issues and I don't like it. Also, again, she cheated. There is no good angle to this relationship
Favourite non-romantic pair: Cinderella and the Baker. They really said "well, that was an awful lot of trauma none of us asked for. Guess we're sticking together and raising a family of two orphans and your infant son that you had with your wife (who's now dead) who cheated with my husband (who's telling people I'm dead)". Like that's so fuckin iconic.
Wait but ALSO the Witch and Rapunzel??? That's a fucking fascinating dynamic right there, like the Witch does love her! She absolutely unequivocally does! But also she doesn't know how to love her, and it is SO endlessly interesting to me and always will be
Send me a fandom and I'll answer these questions!
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eve-e-jane · 10 months
Hi :>
I'm a little demonic gremlin that crawled out of my little hidey-hole for a moment.
Random question: what are your favorite fandoms? And also— how are you? I hope you're doing good 💚
Back to my little cave now :D
Omg hi!!! Thank you for asking!! I’m doing pretty great- I hope you’re well too!
Favorite fandoms is SOOOOOO hard to narrow down because A) I love so many, and B) I often times forget lots of them, even if I love them a whole bunch (cause you know- hyper fixation).
But ask and ye shall receive: here I go trying to name everything I like:
-Right now I have just started OUAT which has been really fun to watch with some friends. So- that.
-I love Dimension 20, but I only really know Fantasy High and Unsleeping City (cause those are all that are free and available on YouTube).
-The Magnus Archives (and Stellar Firma for that matter) are some of the only podcasts I’ve listened too and I’m thoroughly hooked! I just started my second listen thru of Season 2 of MAG and I am SO excited for TMP!!
-I am a big book person: my fav rn is Dracula but I constantly switch it up. I also love Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes (need to re-read this one), A Tale of Two Cities, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Little Women, Macbeth, Hamlet, Jane Eyre, and a few other classics. I also love a bit of YA: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Lunar Chronicles, ASOUE (if that is considered YA?), and recently I read Sorcery of Thorns!
-Another hobby of mine is watching crime shows!! I’m all caught up on NCIS, Blue Bloods (SO sad this is ending), Chuck, Monk, Psych, and a few others here and there. I also love Superman and Lois on CW (SO sad this is ending too.) I have a few other shows that I’m not CRAZY well versed in but I love the characters and talking about them! That’ll be Merlin, Supergirl, The Flash- I didn’t finish the last two in that list and Merlin,,,, ah Merlin.
-Video game wise I am so behind in things but I do love them! I love the new Spiderman games though I haven’t played the second one so no spoilers!!! I am almost finished with Hogwarts Legacy and I love it so far!! I also love Jedi: Fallen Order and I have finished it but I have yet to play the second one so no spoilers there either!!!
-I’m also big on musicals! Not all of them, of course, but ask and I’ll let you know!
Well, that was FAR more info than I’m sure you wanted to know but you DID ask. I sincerely hope you’re well, and I hope we can be super cool internet buddies!
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femmefae2005 · 1 year
Tag Game!! tysm to @bisexualfbiagents for the tag 🥺
Three Ships: this changes on any given day but i'll go with some easy picks aka the 3 i have tattoos vaguely related to-- kirk/spock, msr, stonathan
First Ship Ever: i think this miiiiight maybe be violet and quigley from asoue, but other early runner ups are dramione, zutara, and sasuke/naruto
Last Song: naked in manhattan by chappell roan (whole album has been on loop since sunday tbh)
Last Movie: watched Stand By Me (1986) yesterday 😊
Currently Reading: i actually need to pick a new book but I just finished Lone Women by lloml (literary love of my life) Victor LaValle
Currently Playing: Spiritfarer on the switch (i've been working thru it since july and am. 59% through #gamer)
Currently Watching: i'm in the middle of rewatching x files s2, and am also watching psych for the first time! playing with the idea of throwing a pushing daisies rewatch in there too
Currently Consuming: hot cocoa
Currently Craving: hot cocoa but with a lot of whipped cream
tagging (no pressure tho! only if it's fun!) @lesbian-shakespeare @catholiccastiel @onedaybehind @dumbcuckbucket @bpdsiriusblack and of course anyone else who wants to say they got it from me :)
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gellavonhamster · 6 months
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
for asoue and/or one piece you pick
For ASOUE: I can't say there are any ships that are simultaneously popular and my NOTPs, but I don't really care about most of the Unfortunate Generation ships, if we're being honest. I'm firmly in the Sugar Bowl Generation corner of the fandom in terms of shipping and I'm not much interested in reading about 13-15-year-old kids falling in love. I could read that if it's part of the larger plot of a fic where something else happens, but probably not a fic focused just on that (unless I know the author is talented and I am likely to find their story interesting even if it's a phone book retold).
For One Piece... ooh, can I be a bitch for a second? I do wonder sometimes what was added in the anime compared to the manga that I keep seeing people saying Law and Robin are gonna be endgame while I see literally no basis for this pairing in the manga. And, not to be cynical, but I also wonder whether it has something to do with the fact that the men she actually has what can be read as romantic subtext with are different kinds of non-human in contrast to the conventionally attractive and human Law... I say "attractive", but I actually find both of these not-quite-human men more attractive than him :D Also Zoro/Tashigi, because based on their interactions I don't feel like they, well, like each other at all, or enjoy it when they run into each other. There's even no meaningful rivalry between them, even though they seem to have been set up to have one (which is, of course, part of the bigger issue of Oda not knowing what the fuck to do with Tashigi). Not to mention that I ship her with other characters more and he is chronically uninterested in 99,9% of the women he meets
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Heya! Could you please do number 29 for ASOUE for the Drabble prompts? :)
29. Everyone thinks character is queer, but plot twist, they’re actually straight
This took so long because I genuinely could not come up with a character that was straight in asoue xD
Lemony sat on the bleachers, looking at Beatrice playing football on the field. Suddenly, he felt a smoking smell. It seemed to come from under the bleachers.
"Olaf? Are you smoking again?"
"Mind your own business," Olaf scoffed.
Lemony shrugged and went back to watch Beatrice.
"You are too obsessed with her," Olaf said.
"You'll get it when you fall in love."
"I thought Olaf already was in love," Esmé said, also sitting on the bleachers.
"Who would I be in love with?" Olaf said as he scoffed again.
"Yeah, you're really obsessed with my brother," Lemony said.
"I'm sorry? Jacques?"
"Don't lie to us now, Olaf!" Esmé chuckled.
"No, I don't like boys."
Esmé and Lemony smirked.
"Come on," Lemony said, "Everyone knows."
"Yeah, it's not a big deal," Esmé added.
"No, I'm serious. I only like women. Maybe that makes me not normal, but it's true."
He said it with such certainty he was either telling the truth or was in deep denial. But Lemony and Esmé kept quiet and decided to give up on it.
Olaf meanwhile finished smoking and went to bother some kids. Only he knew the real truth, and if he was lying or not.
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catastrxblues · 9 months
welcome to the waiting room !⋆。˚🌿✧˖
➸ greetings hi!!! i'm nadine. xvi. she/her. southeast asian. muslim. student. apparently an isfj. virgo. also bibble and phoebe bridgers enthusiast. late afternoons and afternoon sun my beloved <3
➸ other socials : spotify | storygraph | goodreads | letterboxd | serializd | pinterest | instagram | discord : soaperache
➸ (looking for a) creations (myth) : webweave, edits
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➸ credits : divider i by @benkeibear, divider ii by @gigittamic, divider iii, super important bibble masterpost by julie <33333 @octoberconstellation -> if you want any of your edits to be removed from here please do say so!!! thank you! <3
important : thepalestineacademy.com, free palestine, on west papua (i)
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┏ STEM at heart, but sometimes all i really want to spend the rest of my life doing is reading, pondering over poems, learning to bake, crying over songs, writing in an immense amount and be good at it, watching films and shows new and old, working at a bookshop, collecting so many books that i have sagging bookshelves on the walls of my room, watching the moon, examining the stars, and enjoying the afternoon sun in a meadow or hills or somewhere with running creeks and flowers (but that's unrealistic so)
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books ✧ the hunger games + ballad, six of crows, percy jackson, a good girl’s guide to murder, hp (fuck jkr) & the marauders, if we were villians, anne of green gables, the kane chronicles, keeper of the lost cities, five survive, solitaire, circe, tsh, every other ya contemporaries because!!
artists ✧ taylor swift, gracie abrams, phoebe bridgers, lorde, conan gray, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, maisie peters, ariana, bridgit mendler,
movies + shows ✧ little women (2019), thg adaptations, before sunrise, mcu, romcoms, clueless, bridge to terabithia, lady bird, barbie, heathers, lemonade mouth, bridgerton, heartstopper, jatp, asoue (show), alexa and katie, nhie, lost in space (2017), full house, the edge of seventeen, matilda, tpobaw, bottoms,
albums ✧ all of taylor’s but mostly : folklore, evermore, speak now tv, and red tv. good riddance, superache, guts, emails i can’t send, stranger in the alps, melodrama, the good witch, and yes i added this section just to tell you how much i love folklore and evermore. they’re the first albums i have ever loved and they are so so special to me.
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characters ✧ katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, the march sisters, all of the crows, anne shirley, sejanus plinth, percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, finnick odair, tigris snow, kamala khan, celine, remus lupin, pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, AND SO MANY MORE YOU HAVE NO IDEA
ships ✧ everlark, kanej, helnik, wesper, percabeth, odesta, pipravi, and soo many more i just can't think of any right now crying
check down below for some v cool moodboard and BIBBLE (first five are mastermind julie's creations!!!)
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↳ personal tags i want to save : my reblogs of tumblr hall of fame posts (2) | i love you | save for later!! | rambles in shambles | long posts | my (unserious) edits | 💌 | ✉ | tagged (2) | album releases edition : sntv rants ✧ guts some incoherent thoughts ✧ 1989 tv know places we can hide
↳ some of my sideblogs : @electrictouchftvtv -> used to be a random writing blog, but got shadowbanned. @andillwatchh -> movies & shows sideblog @iborrowlibrarybooks -> i don’t know, book quotes / moodboards / aesthetic blog? haven’t used it in a while. @everlarkestt -> supposed to be a thg sideblog but it’s currently empty except like two posts because i’m lazy. @labyrintharchive -> I WANT TO BE LOVED. I CARE MORE TO BE LOVED.
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