#i love the poppy war but i am excited to finish it so i can reread this series in full
every time i think about the locked tomb series i just circle back to “you can’t take loved away” and “life is short, love is long”
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here is ruthie about to bite the corner of this novel because she’s soooooo bored and I’m not paying enough attention to her lol. we got up early and I spent the morning finishing yellowface so I can discuss it with liz later. I’ll be honest: I hated it!!! I thought it was a sharp, engaging metafictional thriller but I found it to be just as grimdark as the poppy war in its own way and I REALLY did not like being immersed in the narrator’s headspace. I remember when I finished the poppy war it took me a week to shake off the mood it sunk me into & then I just wanted the book out of my house, like I needed to physically shove it away from me so it didn’t poison my living space. I love dark themes but damn I have a hard time stomaching works that don’t permit you even the faintest glimmer of light or humanity. everyone in this book sucks so much! everyone is parasitical, paranoid, greedy, grasping, narcissistic, status-obsessed, and incapable of empathy!! I may be dropping this off in a little free library today so as to get it out of my house lol.
okay. ugh. need to stick my brain under running water or something to wash the bad feelings off. let me try to think about the day…
I’d like to run today… probably at the gym because I feel guilty about how little I’ve used my expensive annual pass
I have to take the dogs on our usual long walk
I might talk to Liz at some point today if she can get away from family trip stuff
I am not feeling much of an urge to work on work stuff at the moment so I’m going to let that be… idk this book depressed me lol it’s hard to get back into excited mode. but maybe reading some of my work books would help me shake it off faster?? IDK UGHHH. or maybe I should start reading another novel just to cleanse my palate lol. I do have some holds at the library I could go pick up hmm
my aunt said she’s free today or tomorrow to talk about fostering/adoption… I might call her tomorrow when I’m feeling less bleh
I could write!
OOOH I could put on music or a podcast and deep clean the house. maybe that’s what I’ll do… it’ll feel better than lying around stewing
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The Poppy Wars by R.F Kuang
Checkpoint #1: Chapter 4
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I am excited to finally start The Poppy War Trilogy by R.F. Kuang! After I finished the Daevabad trilogy, I was becoming desperate to indulge in a fantasy book again, but not one with a European Narrative. I was in a book slump where I would grab at books and try to read but it wasn't working. I wanted another trilogy to indulge in, however, I wasn't so sure where to turn next. That is when I saw multiple people recommend this trilogy to suffice those fantasy cravings.
I am excited about reading this novel because this will be my first R.F. Kuang book to read! Funny enough, but I have all her books on my shelf or in my e-books, but I have not touched them because I am a bit scared that I may have fallen for her hype. I have both Yellowface and Babel staring at me, however, I figured, if I really want to appreciate her work, why not start off with her first work to ease in.
So far, I can say that I have no clue what this book or series is about, and I am okay with that. I wanted to jump in without giving myself too much information about what I was reading. Thus far, Rin seems pretty strong and I am here for that. Man or woman, I love a character that can throw a punch and intimidate people with their sturdiness. I am still at the beginning, but I am hoping to document my little reading journey here!
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Let's start this bad boy!
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lantur · 3 years
Detailed outlines are a game-changer for chaptered fics. I took ~two weeks to write a detailed outline for the next chapter(s) of my blind!Roy fic. That has made the process of writing chapter four go so much smoother and easier. I'm 8k in already and I'm hoping to finish the chapter sometime next weekend, perhaps. ❤️ No words for how excited I am for the remaining chapters of this fic!
I really appreciate the clarity of mind I get every morning when I take the time to organize my thoughts and write out my to-do lists for both of my jobs and for home tasks. I've been doing this for 6 months now, and I have no idea how I functioned before this. (Not well.) It helps for me to tell myself, "I have 12 hours to get all of this done, and I can accomplish all of this in that period of time."
One of my goals this month is to save more money. The other goal is to care less. I tend to get really anxious and upset about the stupidest things, namely outcomes/things going poorly, and how I'm perceived by others. This could be solved by simply not caring, so I will try to do that.
Derek and I finished our Curse of Strahd D&D campaign yesterday. We've been working through this story together since January of this year, and it was a wonderful experience to share together. I couldn't be happier with how our campaign ended, and I'm excited for the next adventure!
I have been continuing to love Spiritfarer. I just took my first spirit through the Everdoor. :(
I started listening to The Blade Itself, by Joe Abercrombie, recently. It's dark fantasy that I've heard is reminiscent of ASOIAF and Locke Lamora. I loved both of those series, so I'm hopeful for this one. I'm also very close to the end of The Dragon Republic (The Poppy War, Book #2). This was such a strong follow-up to The Poppy War. I think that The Poppy War is not just my favorite series of 2021, but it could be one of my favorite series ever. I'm looking forward to starting The Burning God this week!
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smalltownfae · 3 years
Top 5 Books To Read This Year
Tagged by @xserpx (thank you :D)
I have this weird thing where I prioritize authors I haven’t read yet in order to find out if they are a new favourite. This happens because I already know I can count on the books I have left to read from authors I really like. That means this list doesn’t have any Octavia E. Butler, Patricia A. McKillip, Kazuo Ishiguro, etc, even though of course I am always excited to read their books that I have left to read.
1. “The Curse of Chalion” by Lois McMaster Bujold - This was sold to me by @beeblackburn as a more optimistic Hobb and from the two chapters I’ve read already I did notice some similarities in characters and feel, but the writing isn’t as pretty. I put it on hold because I am reading “Imago” in order to finish the Xenogenesis trilogy and those two are ebooks. I am trying to stick to 1 ebook at a time. If I read more than one book at once it will have to be a different format. Currently I am also listening to “The Last Unicorn” audiobook and I started “Station Eleven” on paperback, for example. Also, I have been more in a scifi mood, but Peter S. Beagle is changing that a little and pulling me back into fantasy again.
2. “The Traitor Baru Cormorant” by Seth Dickinson - This book has so much hype around it and people keep saying how good it is and how the ending destroyed them. I too want to be emotionally crushed by a book again. I started this book last year actually, but I put it on hold to do some reading challenges and then ended up reading books with similar themes. However, I decided to read it again from the beginning this year and I did love the chapters I read of Baru’s childhood so it will not be a problem to reread them at all. My only fear is that I might want to read the other books immediately and the series isn’t finished yet.
3. "Jade City” by Fonda Lee - I can’t stand people hyping these books so much and me not being a part of it. I keep hearing how great the characters are and how much the 3rd book made them cry and once again I also want to be obliterated by a book. I need to know. I am not aiming super high for character work because I know how hyped books work, but I expect “The Poppy War” level at least. I am a bit in doubt about this one because I don’t like mafia movies and such, but I heard someone put “Jade Legacy” along with “Fool’s Fate” as books that made them cry so now I got to know (if I ever get there). Points for being a complete trilogy.
4. "A Wizard of Earthsea” by Ursula K. Le Guin - Storytime: I tried this book before and was not into it. I started it on ebook and wasn’t feeling it then I listened to half of the audiobook and my mind wandered so much I missed most of the story and I was so bored. HOWEVER, I had the wrong expectations going into it. I was expecting something similar to how Hobb approaches story in Realm of the Elderlings since so much in it seems to have been inspired by this book. Turns out that was the wrong approach so I tried reading it again recently keeping in mind that this would be closer to a Patricia A. McKillip book and... it went much better. It really gave me the same feeling as “The Riddle-Master of Hed”, which is an unusual McKillip work because it’s more traditional fantasy and less fairytale-esque, but I still enjoy. I already asked a friend to let me borrow his book that includes the first 4 in this series so if he remembers I will get it tomorrow. Reading it will happen eventually.
5. “Deathless” by Catherynne M. Valente - Look, you people really need to stop posting quotes from this author around because they are really beautiful and I am so tempted all the time. I don’t even remember what the book is about. All I remember is that every time I read quotes from it I am like “wow that’s really pretty” and yet I still haven’t read it! That will hopefully end this year. I will at least try this book out.
6. (because I’m a cheater) “Lonely Castle in the Mirror” by Mizuki Tsujimura - The concept of this book is magnificent and have you seen the cover? It really seems like it would be my thing. Plus, storygraph says this is emotional and mysterious. Two of my favourite moods. I got to read it.
Tagging: @whatevsbla @monpetitrenard @electropeach @vydumaj @alloysius-g @logarithmicpanda @garnetrena
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spideeysense · 4 years
It started with a roll: A Royal!Bucky Barnes x Reader.
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you all enjoy the first part of this fic! This is a Royal!AU Bucky Barnes x Reader fic, with also elements of Peter Parker x Reader (Platonic!).
Word Count: 2.8k 
Warnings: None
This is a slowburn, which I’ve never written before, however I hope you all enjoy it!
Part 2
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The morning air was crisp and cool as it wafted into your shop. It intermingled with the sweet smell of pastries and bread that had been baking all throughout the morning. The little bell over the door signaled that someone had entered and you rushed to the front, wiping your flour covered hands on your apron. “Yes yes, I’m coming,” You murmured while moving to the front of the store, careful to not knock over any baking trays. Once at the front, your eyes widened at who stood by the pastry case, your jaw dropped. 
“Your majesty!” You did a deep curtsy, “My apologies for not coming sooner.” You said as you raised your head back up, and gave him a soft smile. 
The man in front of you simply waved his hand, as if to say No, don’t worry. The guard stationed behind him and moved to stand in front of the door. 
“I’ll only bother you for a quick second,” He started as his eyes shifted around the room. His dark brown eyes studied the many rows of bread. “You know, this bakery makes my favorite bread, I had a slice of it every morning when I was a child,” His statement shocked you and you gave him a big smile. “My parents were very fond of your father,” He said simply, a distant look in his eyes. “I always knew his daughter would still be in the business,” He smirked at you. 
“Well, I am honored,” Placing a hand over your heart. “I’m Y/N, How can I help you today, your highness?” You questioned. 
“Y/N,” He paused as if to savor how your name rolled off his tongue. 
“I have quite a big request, my engagement ball is coming up and I’d love it if your bakery could make the side rolls for the dishes that night,” The king said he walked closer to the counter. “Preferably rye rolls if you could.” 
You whipped out a piece of paper and an ink pen from the drawer and gave the King a confident smile. Your heart thumped in your chest. This was so exciting! “Yes of course, how could I say no!” 
He gave you a small smile and clapped his gloved hands together. “Well, that will be all for today, thank you, I’ll send over a messenger later to deliver more details,” You nodded, and the guard started to open the door when you called out. “Your majesty, before you go might I offer you and your guard a bundle of apricot scones to send back with you?” Quickly, before they could answer, you heaped a bunch of small scones into a small basket and covered it with a piece of cloth, dotted with small emblems of your shop. “Freshly baked at dawn”.  For a moment the shop was quiet, and you were afraid you had done something wrong. The king turned around and smiled. “That would be lovely, many thanks,” He said as he picked up the basket of scones and handed it to his guard. “I’ll be going now,” The King did a curt nod before exiting with his guard. And the scones. 
The rest of the day all you could think about was how good it was going to be for business (and maybe how handsome the King was). All day the store was bustling with business, all sorts of people came in and out, always leaving with a smile. After all, that was the bakery’s promise. Near the end of the day, the stream of customers had mellowed out, a single customer remained. He stood in the corner, a dark red hood covering his face. “Can I help you?” You asked, a little nervous as to who he was and what his intentions were. “We’re closing soon” You stated, raising your head to try and level yourself with the stranger. After a beat of silence, he moved forward in one quick movement. “I’m Sir Parker, I am assuming you are in fact Y/N L/N, “ He paused and watched you nod with cautious eyes.
“I come with a message from the King”. Relief flooded your system as you relaxed your shoulders. “Yes, he came by this morning.” The man, more like a boy, if you were being honest, quirked an eyebrow “He did?”. 
“Uh-yes, is that not how he usually does it?” You asked. 
Sir Parker shook his head and pulled out a letter and tossed it over the counter. “The requirements for the baking,” 
“King Barnes requests your presence at the Palace, at dawn tomorrow.”
A moment of silence again passed between the both of you. “At the Palace?” Shocked, you gripped the counter with both of your hands. 
“Yes, he says he’d like you to bake different batches, so he can taste test, says his fiancee is peculiar about her bread. Besides-no offense- but your oven here is quite small.” And with that Sir Parker took his leave. 
You woke the next morning before dawn. You brushed through your hair and then pinned strands in place, leaving a few in the front to frame your face. Opening your wardrobe you stared at the few dresses you had. Mostly in dull neutral colors, it’s not like you were trying to impress the king, you were simply trying to dress nice. It is the Royal Palace after all. You settle on a simple grey blue dress, and a green wooly shawl, to protect yourself from the frosty morning before the sun rose. Quietly you sneaked out of your room, and left through the front of the shop. You had let your employees know that you had business to attend to, but not specifying where. In your satchel you carried a few utensils you use because they are “lucky”. And off you went.
The streets in town were quiet at this hour, you passed a few monks on their way to the monastery, a few shopkeepers were opening, ready to start the day as soon as the sun rose above the horizon. Approaching the Palace you grew more nervous, the letter with the King’s seal on it, suddenly felt like a huge weight. You tried to push away your anxiety but to no avail. Soon, you arrive at the palace gates. 
“Halt!” The guard standing right of the gate raised his spear and aimed it at you.   
Quickly you pulled out the envelope from your cloak pocket. “I’m here on official business.” You pushed the letter with the seal towards one of the guards. “How do we know you’re not a fraud?” One of the guards sneered. You were at a loss for words. You could barely produce a sentence as you fumbled over your phrases, you were definitely not expecting this. 
“Reid! Manstricht!” Suddenly a voice called from behind the gate. The guards spun around and straightened their posture. “Sir Parker!” 
You watched as Sir Parker bounded down the front steps of the palace, with an agility and grace you had never witnessed before. 
“She’s with me!” Sir Parker said as he opened the gate’s just enough for you to slip through. The guards, baffled, nodded quickly. “Our apologies,” they murmured to you as they headed back to their posts. 
“You’re lucky it was me and not the King” Sir Parker narrowed his eyes at the two guards and put his hand on the small of your back to push you forward. 
“Sorry about that, we usually have more hospitality than that, but those were guards from the Queen’s regiment..” He didn’t finish his sentence as you and him entered the palace. 
As soon as you entered the palace, you were in awe. Everything was beautiful. Tall ceilings with fresco paintings depicting wars, gardens, and angels framed by gold. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were dazzling, and you were sure that the rest of the palace was equally as beautiful. The windows reached floor to ceiling, and the lush red curtains were drawn back to let in the morning sun that had just begun to rise. “Wow..” you let out softly. 
“Well, I’m sure the King is eager to make your acquaintance once more-Shall we?” Sir Parker lent you his elbow, and you held onto it softly. 
“Thank you Sir Parker,” Your eyes were still trained on the glamour that was surrounding you. 
“Please just call me Peter, Sir makes me feel old,” He stifled a laugh as did you. 
“Alright then, Peter.” 
Soon you reached what you could only assume was the grand kitchen. The wooden doors opened and revealed the grandeur inside. Multiple dark oak counter stops, at least 4 large stovetops, and two smaller clay ovens, while a larger one rested in the middle of the room. 
“Consider this your second kitchen,” Peter said as he led you inside.
You smiled widely as you looked around, not paying attention to where you were going you felt your body make contact with another. 
“Whoa there” Two firm hands grasped your shoulders and turned you around. 
Immediately you felt your cheeks grow hot from embarrassment. “Your majesty!” You curtsied. “My apologies,” 
The king simply chuckled and moved on. “Well, I hope this place works for you, my employees here know not to bother you or ask questions today, so please feel free to use the space as much as you want.” 
Your jaw dropped at his statement, but you were quick to pick it up off the floor. “Thank you King James”  you bowed your head.
“Please,” The King placed a hand on his heart, “Call me Bucky, all my employees here and I are on a first name basis,” He explained as he circled the kitchen once more. 
“My personal guard here is Steve, a fine young lad, and you’ve already met Peter.” Bucky motioned towards the two men, as you furtively nodded your head. “Peter will be here to answer your questions, and Steve-well-he’s here in case there’s trouble.” 
And with that, Bucky left the kitchen, Steve trailing behind him.
At the door, Peter stood, his hand on the knob. “I’ll see you later,” he said and left you alone in the kitchen. 
You set out your utensils and got baking. Bread is what he wants, bread he shall receive. You worked on multiple loaves, rosemary, rye, rye and wheat, pumpernickel, a sweet poppy seed roll, and a pumpkin roll. You kneaded each into a roll-like shape and let them rise. 
While the dough was rising, you stoked the flames of the ovens, making sure it was the right temperature. The kitchen grew quite hot, and you found yourself sweating. You pulled your hair into a loose bun, and took off your blouse revealing your corset and the chemise you had underneath it. 
You carefully placed the rolls in the oven and while they baked, you waited by the window, fanning yourself with a small piece of paper you found. 
You examined the grounds of the palace, large, spacious, and very very lush as it was July. The apricot and peach trees would start bearing fruit, and you were eager. Summer was your favorite season, simply because of all the fruit cakes you got to make. You mindlessly chewed on the lunch that was brought to you by Peter a little while earlier. 
Soon, the aroma of baked bread filled the room as you pulled the rolls out of the oven and let them cool. You placed each type on a plate and lined them up at the table. You sat down by the windowsill again, staring out at the garden once more. You liked to watch the gardeners trim and tend to the garden. Multiple summer flowers were blooming, and it looked magnificent. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the door creak open. Quickly to make yourself decent you pulled up your chemise sleeves to your shoulders and tossed on your blouse again, trying to make it look as tidy as possible.
“Hello?” You called out as you turned around, wiping your clammy hands on the front of your apron. 
“Y/N!” It was Bucky and you smiled at him, drinking in his appearance once more. What, the King was handsome, and here you were in his palace, you had the right to appreciate such a specimen. He was built like a greek statue, muscular, with a sharp jaw, and steady eyes. 
Your reverie was interrupted by a second presence in the room. The soon to be Queen. “You highness!” You curtsied. You could feel her eyes trained on you, and for a moment you thought she could read your mind. 
“We’re here to taste your rolls,” His fiancee said simply, as she moved towards the table covered in different types of bread. 
“Y/N, that is Astoria Ferdinand of the neighboring, Worcester Kingdom, soon to be Queen Astoria Barnes.” Bucky explained to you as you both joined Astoria at the table. 
As Astoria and Bucky eyed the many rolls picking off small pieces and placing it into their mouths you eyed the Queen. Tall, perfectly proportionate, and her eyes were the color of sapphires. However, her aura you could sense was cold and withdrawn. Not as sunshine-y as her counterpart, the King. Her neck was adorned with many jewels, rubies mostly, worth more than you and your shop most likely, and her dress was a charcoal black, with grey accents. What an odd dress to wear on such a warm day. On her slender left hand, rested many rings, but the one that stood out the most was what you could assume to be her engagement ring. It was a big sapphire, one that matched her eyes, it was encrusted with small diamonds, and the band was pure gold. You realized you were staring when a soft scoff drew your attention back to reality. “Pardon me,” you murmured. “Don’t get any ideas.” Astoria sneered. Honestly, you were shocked that she assumed you would steal. 
The King stared at his soon to be fiancee with wide eyes before clearing his throat, to rid the air of it’s tension. 
“These all look very lovely, it’s going to be so hard to choose.” Bucky bent at the waist, his face almost touching the rolls as if he wanted to study them very intensely. The thought made you chuckle, but you quickly shut up when Astoria snapped her fingers at you. 
Bucky once more, eyed his wife out of the corner of his eyes, then his eyes trailed his way up to you. You, whom he has only known for a day and half. Yet the moment he laid eyes on you, he thought you were the most beautiful person to grace this earth. You reminded him of a painting, if he was going to be honest, you were a classic beauty. He couldn’t help but compare you to his soon to be wife. And decided that in that very moment, he would rather marry you instead, if given the chance. His steely eyes met yours, and he noticed that your cheeks flushed a very light pink. 
“Which one is your favorite?” His question surprised you. You wouldn’t have thought that any royalty, let alone the King would be interested in your favorite roll. 
“My favorite?” The King nodded. 
“Well, I would say the rosemary roll, it’s very good with any meal.” You suggested as you pointed to the plate of rolls near the end of the table. 
Astoria simply eyed you with an almost, disgusted look. 
“Very well, the rosemary it shall be,” Bucky beamed at both you and his fiancee.
Astoria rolled her eyes and left the room with a huff. Leaving you and Bucky. “Sorry,” you murmured. 
“No, don’t apologize, she is quite the diva.” Bucky said, he sounded exasperated. Once again, the distant eye in look returned as he gazed out the window. 
“You’re lucky, she is very beautiful, I can tell you that all the young ladies will be jealous. I know plenty of young women who would be over the moon to marry you” You chuckled, trying to draw him back. 
“Including yourself?” Bucky cajoled, with a chuckle. Before you could respond he moved on. 
“It wasn’t my choice.” He disclosed to you. “Most things are never your choice when your king, besides the military.” 
You looked at him apologetically.
“Well, I am very glad to be a part of the festivities, albeit from afar.” You smiled at him, hoping the change of subject would ease the vibe of the room. 
Bucky chuckled. “Of course” He paused for a moment, pondering something before speaking. Bucky moved towards you, gingerly, and stopped in front of you, his body mere centimeters away from yours. You felt your heart beat rapidly in your chest, and you were certain he could hear it. This definitely was too close for a King and a lowly baker, but he didn’t move away. 
Lifting your hand gently, he sandwiched it in between both of his. 
"It would be my pleasure if you would attend the ball.” 
Eyes wide your mind started to whirl. You had never been to a royal ball, let alone an engagement one. Hell, this was your first time stepping into the palace! 
“Yes! I would love to”
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mkobooks · 4 years
Jade War by Fonda Lee - book review
When I finished my read of Wheel of Time in November, I wasn’t expecting to be hooked on a new series so quickly! I’d spared a passing thought on how difficult it must have been for WOT fans in the 90s and early aughts to have to wait between books. Now, as I join Lee’s countdown to Jade Legacy, I have a bit of an idea of how they felt. Luckily, I’ve only got to wait ‘til the end of the year to see how the Saga of the Kaul family concludes.
As a fantasy fan and something of a Sinophile with a MA in China Studies + trying to read more diverse books and actually living over here in Asia, The Green Bone saga was exactly what I have been looking for. It hooked me where Ken Liu’s Dandelion Dynasty left me a bit cold, had more compelling characters than the somewhat robotic protagonists of Liu Cixin’s Remembrance of Earth's Past (3 Body Problem books), featured tragedy and brutality that didn’t just piss me off like RF Kuang’s The Poppy War, and was more modern and accessible to lao-wai (westerners/gweilo/ang-moh...etc) than the epic wu-xia classic Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong. However, I think my familiarity with these books (especially Condor Heroes) is what made the first two Green Bone Saga books really “pop” for me.
These books are about a battle for control over the city of Janloon, the pan-Asian-influenced capital city on the island of Kekon. Until ~20-30 years before the start of the story, Kekon was ruled by the larger, foreign empire of Shotar (which made me think Kekon was a bit like Taiwan under Japanese occupation though Lee says there is not one influence for the setting... as a former Hong Kong-er, Janloon definitely didn’t “feel” like HK to me though). What makes Kekon special among all the other lands in this world is that it is the only place that produces jade. This isn’t normal jade like we know it. Rather, it gives people something of a “power-up” effect and the Kekonese people are the only ones who are able to hone it without becoming addicted or losing their minds. It is central to their culture and they have a rigorous code of honor controlling who can have it, how they train to use it, and what these “Green Bones” can and can’t do with it. 
During the occupation, there was one Green Bone clan called the One Mountain Society that organized a successful rebellion for independence. Now, in peacetime, that one clan has splintered into two, the Mountain and the No Peak, and are more like rival mafias squabbling over control of territory, business interests, and influence over politicians in the rapidly developing and prosperous modern Kekon. 
When I realized that their jade-powered magic system was the same as the feats of the heroic "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan" in Condor Heroes, this book sunk its claws into me and would not let go. Because for as much as this book is pitched as “The Godfather, but Asian,” it is that homage to the wu-xia genre that really made it special for me. To be fair, it contains plenty of “mafia” tropes--fancy cars (that may or may not explode), visits to brothels and gambling dens, and the struggle of supporting your family or leaving that life behind--but these mafiosos have the power of super strength and speed, are impossibly light on their feet, can make their skin unbreakable to blades, and the most powerful can “channel” the life right out of someone. If you’re having trouble imagining this, here’s a short clip I found from a Condor Heroes adaptation (there are a million of them) showing a wu-xia stye fight. What I loved about this book is that it’s this but in suits in a contemporary, ~1960s-70s setting. Almost like Legend of Korra and Republic City, but much grittier and adult.
There are a plenty of exciting twists and turns in these books that I would be remiss to spoil. I’ve definitely become attached to the Kaul family, the “heroes” (or anti-heroes?) of the book, and I am really excited for both the final book to be released this year and for the potential TV adaptation because there are many exciting fight scenes that would like great on screen. The combination of guns, knives, swords, martial arts, magic... it was fun to read but damn would it be even more fun to watch!
I loved these books, though I’m not sure who I’d recommend them too since I think it is my love for and familiarity with Chinese and other Asian media that took these books from good to great for me. As with any unfinished series, I’ll just have to wait and read the last one before passing final judgement. Perhaps I’ll squeeze in a reread in the mean time. 
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Jade War
Fonda Lee
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
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Here, have a free pass to ramble about losleep!! -space anon
today’s losleep rambling sponsored by @blinksinbewilderment who gave me a prompt thingy to talk about: prince!Remy and knight!Logan losleep. also she looked it over (which is code speak for I wanted someone to read it while I couldn’t post it and she also did some editing while she read it and I believe in credit where credit’s due)
Warnings because I wrote this while my tumblr was nerfed so it got REAL long: Mentions of war/fighting/blood/injury, (false) belief that a main character is dead, not eating/sleeping, grief, but all and all a happy ending because Me
    -So Remy’s a prince
    -He’s as expected- slacker, not very interested in running a kingdom, mostly messes around in his room and goes between sleeping (rarely) and reading (excessively, since no twitter to scroll through in these times)
    -Logan’s a peasant in one of the towns under the monarchy’s power
    -He wants to be a scholar, but like I said… peasant
    -He can’t afford proper teaching
    -He also can’t read or write
    -He’s very smart, of course, but there’s only so much you can learn from village elders and the such
    -So Logan applies to get proper teaching from royal teachers
    -No one accepts him, of course- he’s a peasant, why would they?
    -He’s hanging around the area near the castle a lot, though, and eventually someone mentions to him that the only job he’d ever get at the castle would be as a guard
    -So Logan figures, hey, at least with that he’d be in proximity of royal teachers and such
    -So he becomes a guard
    -Guard in training
    -But, like with everything else, he takes very well to learning the sword
    -And reflexes and fighting and protecting and all of that
    -He ends up at the top of the ranks, tossed in with the group being considered for a new head of guard
    -Head of guard not only organizes the squadrons and their patrols, but is also personal guard to the prince
    -The most recent one was thrown out after being found conspiring against the prince, so this time, the prince himself will be helping to select his head of guard
    -For reasons of trust and such
    -Remy comes mostly before a dozen or so strong men fighting for the right to spend time with him can’t be that bad of a time, right?
    -Logan catches his eye, not just because of his muscles (though that does help) but also for his skill- in his battles, he never has the physical upperhand… but he always wins with the strategical one
    -Remy catches him in between battles, moving and speaking with ease and charm
    -Most of the guards bow easily and greet him warmly, looking to be favored
    -Logan doesn’t
    -His bow and greeting are perfunctory, done of duty and training alone
    -He keeps his eyes on Remy, but they’re bored, and Logan’s stiff. The prince does not excite him, especially not just by existing
    -Remy should be offended
    -But he isn’t
    -He’s… intrigued
    -‘so. looking to be head guard?’
    -‘I’m looking to be whatever you need me to be, my highness’
    -‘well then, would you be looking to be my head guard if I asked you to?’
    -‘of course, your highness’
    -‘and what if I told you to be head guard you had to call me beautiful?’
    -‘then I suppose I wouldn’t be head guard, your highness’
    -Remy just smirks
    -He can work with this
    -So Logan becomes head guard
    -He’s only thrilled a little since being around the castle will likely mean more chances to hear information, to learn more
    -But he’s mostly stuck with the prince who, in his honest opinion, is a moron
    -Prince Remy’s flighty and daydreamy and cares more about his looks and flirting than the kingdom
    -Logan will give him half points for being pretty enough to warrant part of his confidence but that’s about it
    -The problem, however, is that for how much Logan dislikes Remy?
    -Remy just loves him
    -Not romantically though (not yet anyways)
    -But he loves Logan as a person. Loves his stubbornness and his principals and his looks and his muscles and his brain
-Especially his brain! Logan may not know much (or speak much) but when he does, it’s always so… refined, especially for a peasant
-Remy just knows there’s more to him than meets the eye
-So he drags Logan around the castle, walking beside the head guard as he talks endlessly, mostly jokes and flirts and compliments
-Logan mostly ignores him or gives him odd stares, but every once in a while…
-Seems not even the ‘emotionless’ guard is completely impervious to his charms
-Logan, if asked, would say he is
-(But he’s a liiiiiii-arrrrrrr)
-It all comes to a head three or four weeks after Logan is promoted to head guard
-Remy’s strolling them through a garden
-Logan’s focusing between the flowers and the area past the garden walls, looking for security threats
-That is, at least, until Remy completely catches his attention
-‘And you see, here, the common poppy, also known as the papaver rhoeas, or as I call it, the sleepy bitch flower-’
-‘wait. say that again’
-(no ‘your highness’ because Remy got sick of that within two days. He told Logan to call him ‘Remy’ or any variation of ‘beautiful’ he liked, but Logan seemed content to simply use neither)
-‘sleepy bitch flower?’
-‘no, no- the, the name you called it after ‘common poppy’’
-And Remy tilts his head with some confusion before he repeats the scientific name
-Logan’s eyes light up
-‘how do you know that?’
-‘well… I am a prince. I’ve had an expensive education’
-‘can you-’
-Logan cuts himself off before he can finish his thought, shaking his head mostly to himself and going back to looking for threats
-Because he wanted to know if Remy could teach him, make this worthwhile, let him actually get at that knowledge he had been seeking for as long as he could remember
-But Remy was a highly educated prince. Why would he want to help teach some peasant who’s quick with a sword?
-But Remy isn’t letting this drop
-‘can I what?’
-Logan doesn’t respond. Remy frowns
-‘guard, I’m ordering you to tell me what you were going to say’
-And Logan grimances, because he can’t defy a direct order, as much as he’d like to, so he sighs and finally turns back towards Remy
-‘can you teach me’ he says, lamely, not even a question, really, hoping that Remy won’t respond to it, especially since Logan could already feel his reactions: anger, disgust, maybe amusement as if it were some sort of impossible joke
-That wasn’t his reaction
-Instead, Remy smiled, and tilted his head even further
-‘I’d be happy to, if you really want, hun’
-Logan’s… surprised, to say the least
-‘you… really? No jokes?’
-‘none. swear it on this patch of sleepy bitch flowers’
-So Logan starts getting an education
-Instead of wandering all day long, he and Remy sit down in Remy’s room, where he’ll pull a book at random off the shelf and start teaching Logan from it
-It’s not easy, at first, especially with having to teach Logan how to read and write
-But they do have a lot of time, so eventually, Logan has the alphabet down, and he’s starting to be able to spell all those complicated words he can say with ease
-It’s about two weeks into all the learning that Remy breaks the schedule they had fallen into
-‘y’know, Logan, all this has been fun, but I’m starting to feel a little taken advantage of’
-‘…how so?’
-‘well, babes, I’m teaching you all this stuff, and yet getting nothing in return. I think that’s going to have to change’
-Logan’s not sure what Remy could possibly want from him. He’s just a peasant guard, after all, he has no riches that the crown cannot outmatch with ease. All he really has is himself and… oh
-‘I’m not entirely sure why I would be your first choice for, eh… such, um, matters, your highness, but if that is, eh, what you… require, than, uh, I-’
-Remy raises a hand and silences Logan
-‘firstly, sugar, I think I told you to stop calling me ‘your highness.’ secondly, I was gonna ask you to teach me the ways of the blade or whatever. What were you thinkin’?’
-Logan doesn’t answer, just staring at Remy as his entire face steadily turns a very bright shade of red
-Remy stares back, still confused, until his eyes widen in understanding. His face quickly also becomes red.
-‘…I see. uh, please… please never think that, just uh, never, ever think that again. um. yes’
-So, horrible miscommunication and following insane awkwardness aside, Remy is now getting sword lessons!
-They can only practice at night, however, because Remy’s parents and kingdom are based on a foundation of peace
-The prince should look pretty and be smart and uphold peace, not be weapons training
-But it’s fine, because Remy’s already used to nighttime environments and Logan say it’ll help with his night vision/night fighting, should he ever need it
-So now they’re learning by day, fighting by night, and sleeping during dawn and dusk
-All sounds good, right?
-Well it gets even BETTER
-Because, really, there’s only so much time two pretty gays can spend around each other and remain uninterested in the other
-Helps that Remy’s never been exactly ‘uninterested’
-And that, for all he protests it, Logan has always found an odd sort of charm to Remy’s… Remy-ness
-So things, as they are ought to do, start happening
-Hands brushing more often as Remy passes Logan papers and quills, his smile never changing no matter how many times he saw Logan’s eyes light up as he learned something new, Remy always congratulating Logan on a day well spent in a soft tone matched with a sincere smile
-Remy constantly seeming to need Logan to readjust his grip on his sword, Remy favoring moves that forces him and Logan right beside each other as they trade blows, Remy still stumbling despite being such a quick learner (but he only ever stumbles when Logan can catch him, and he always seems to linger in the soldier’s arms. doesn’t help that Logan lets him)
-The trip back to his sleeping quarters seeming to become more tedious every time Logan has to make it, one time even falling asleep for a minute halfway there, making it easy for Remy to convince him that it’s quicker, and safer, if Logan just shares his bed when it’s time to sleep. to protect him better from attacks twenty-four/seven Remy says
-Because it’s just for protection, really, when Remy curls up against Logan, and Logan wraps his arms around him, just protection to hold him close, because if there’s an attack he’ll be able to get Remy moving as quickly as possible, and like this he’s blocking attackers from getting to the majority of Remy’s torso, which is very important
-It’s also important to be warm
-And to be able to nestle his head on top of Remy’s
-And to listen to Remy mumble in his sleep quietly and nonsensically and yet beautifully
-But that’s still all for protection, clearly, since a warm, talking Remy held close to Logan is a safe, living one
-And those are the only reasons he’s doing any of this
-Things continue like that for a few months
-Fleeting glances, prolonged touches, too much sincerity in what should be harmless flirts and pet-names
-Talk starts up, of course, between the guards and the lords and such
-Talk of the head guard who has a much too close relationship with the prince
-The two of them spend all day with each other, they whisper, and they spend all night out and about doing something, something explicit, likely
-Logan’s not even reporting to the barracks, anymore; stopping by in the mornings to assign their stations for the day, but never for bed, never to sleep
-It doesn’t take a fool to guess where he must be sleeping instead
-Remy and Logan mostly ignore it
-They don’t care, after all
-Logan is still the guard Remy’s chosen and trusts
-Logan still protects Remy, and he would do so with his life if it came to it
-The king and queen, luckily, also don’t mind
-It helps that Remy has made it clear to them, multiple times, that he and Logan are close, yes, but not like that
-They’re just friends, he says, and he’s not lying, even if he almost wished he was
-So they allow it
-But it’s a grim reminder, the day Remy finds a book of royal etiquette left in front of his door, a very specific page marked
-Royals marry Royals or Nobles
-They do not hold relationships with peasants
-And they are never officalized
-‘it’s not pertinent information to us’ Logan says when Remy drops it on the table
-‘nope.’ Remy agrees. He smirks at Logan, but it’s slightly more flat than it should be, doesn’t carry the right weight with it. ‘thought if you fall in love with me, let me know’
-Logan smirks back at him, but it’s also flat, also wrong
-‘not a problem’ he says
-But it already is
-But it’s alright
-They’re alright
-They still have their lessons
-Logan still protects Remy (from day to night, and from dusk to dawn)
-Remy’s still… not dead
-So they’re fine
-It’s fine
-Everything’s fine
-Until it isn’t
-There’s an attack from a western nation
-The kingdom’s thrown into war
-And they need soldiers
-When they say that they have to take Logan away for the fight, Remy protests as much as he possibly can
-He needs a head guard! There are plenty of men who can go! Why must it be Logan?
-Because Logan’s a strong fighter. He’s tough. He’s one of the best guards they have. They’ll replace him with five guards, Remy will be safe, they promise
-When Remy spits at them that they know that’s not why he’s upset they just look away from him and say they’re sorry
-It hurts to say goodbye
-Logan tries to tell Remy he’s going to make it back, tries to promise that he’ll return
-Remy just shakes his head and asks him not to
-Because they both know he can’t promise that
-And Remy can’t take that false hope
-So they just say goodbye
-And pretend neither of them want to cry (because they do, but Logan’s a head guard being sent to battle and Remy’s a prince with an image to maintain)
-And Remy pretends he’s just staying by the gate as long as he can see the troops marching off for the fresh air
-And Logan pretends that he just keeps glancing back as long as the castle’s within sight to check that all the men are keeping in file
-The time they spend apart is… hard
-Remy doesn’t sleep as well, the bed colder, and his dreams always nightmares now, bloody and much too realistic
-In the middle of a warzone, Logan isn’t sleeping any better
-Remy has nothing to do with his time anymore, no lessons he can teach or learn, his love for books gone sour without Logan
-Logan is constantly thrown into battles, fighting not necessarily for his life but for the one he had with Remy, fighting to get home
-After six months, Logan is taken captive in battle
-He’s only a prisoner for three days, however- the troop that caught him is unorganized, mostly untrained; his bindings are loose, his guard is easily distracted, and by the nightfall of the third day he’s gone
-But Logan’s injured, a bad leg cut alongside the common scrapes and bruises
-He makes it to a forest near the battle zone, and gets as far into it as he can, because he knows he won’t survive trying to cross the warzone to get back to his squadron
-He makes his way through the forest instead, surviving on plants he knows are edible thanks to his lessons with Remy
-But by the time he gets to the other side… his squadron is gone
-Moved on to a new fight
-And he’s officially MIA
-Back at home, Remy knows none of this
-His parents are getting updates from the war, but they refuse to tell him anything but vague details of general stats
-Remy almost prefers not knowing
-If Logan really was hurt or a prisoner or…
-Remy’d just rather not know
-At seven months, the nation warring against them offers to establish a peace treaty
-But only on one condition- that Remy is the one to negotiate with them
-It’s clearly a trap, the nation clearly hoping that the inexperienced prince will be a poor negotiator
-But Remy agrees, because he doesn’t care what it takes
-He wants peace
-He wants Logan home
-They meet at a neutral point, beside the road that is between both their territories
-Each bring the same amount of guards, who all station themselves at equal points around the area, to serve not just as protection but also as witnesses to the deal to be made
-Everything goes fine enough at first
-The nation’s king makes a demand, Remy matches with something lower, they come to a compromise and move on
-Remy knows he could probably be bargaining harder, longer, for better peace and better benefits for his kingdom, but he doesn’t care. He just wants this all over with
-Eventually, however, things go south
-The warring king makes too high of a demand, and Remy can’t offer him anything he’ll take
-He gets frustrated by Remy’s offers and he draws his sword
-The warring king shouldn’t even have had the sword on him, not at this meeting of peace, but Remy’s not surprised when he draws it. No one brings a sword to a peace meeting and doesn’t use it
-His parents hadn’t allowed him to bring his own, but that’s alright
-Logan had known he’d never be given a sword
-So it’s more instinct than thought when he reaches over and steals the sword of the guard beside him, the move one he had practiced many a time before
-He takes a single step back as he does, avoiding the jab the warring king makes at him with ease
-It’s three slashes to get the king’s balance thrown off, the sword thrown behind him and barely in his grip
-Remy turns to the side just enough to elbow the king in the chest, hard
-The king stumbles, falling, his sword fully slipping out of his grasp and sliding across the ground
-Remy puts a foot on the king’s chest, presses the tip of his blade to the base of his throat
-None of the guards move
-It is clear that the battle started is a problem of the negotiators, not them
-Remy leans down, putting more weight on the king’s chest as he does so, sword tipping moving up to rest uncomfortably close against the top of his neck, just below his chin
-‘this war ends tonight’ he says, voice low and and serious and deadly. ‘the only choice you have left in the matter is whether or not I seal the peace treaty with your blood’
-The king agrees to a peace treaty that easily favors Remy’s kingdom by an insane degree, but he does walk away with his life, so it balances out in the end
-The troops and soldiers and guards come home
-Remy is ecstatic
-Ecstatic until it’s been two hours of men straggling home and nowhere amongst them is Logan
-His parents eventually pull him aside and tell him the truth
-Logan’s been missing for a month and a half, last heard of as being a prisoner to the other side
-He’s assumed KIA, but officially he’s just MIA
-Remy’s… well, Remy’s a lot of things
-Angry, at first, that they never told him, that he didn’t have a chance to force a peace earlier, to find a way to help him sooner
-Then desperate, talking to every soldier he can, hoping for any hint, any information, anything that might lead him to Logan, to even lead him to believe he’s still alive
-But no one has any good information, nothing to put him at ease, nothing to help him, only to hurt him even more
-So then he’s just… well, sad isn’t quite it
-He feels more numb
-As much as it hurt to exist away from Logan, it hurts even worse to be forced to exist without him, likely forever without him
-He no longer has nightmares, but he doesn’t dream, either, just sleeping and waking and barely recognizing the gap in time
-Remy wanders the palace, because there’s nothing else to do, and sitting still just makes the void in his stomach settle in place and hurt worse, so he keeps walking, endlessly in circles with little regard for how long he does for any stretch of time
-It’s been two weeks since the soldiers returned home
-Remy’s out in the garden
-It’s late, but what does he care?
-Day, night, light, dark… it doesn’t matter anymore
-None of them have Logan in them
-So he’s in the garden, wandering past the flowers and plants with very little care
-He stops by the patch of poppies, still alive and blooming even though it’s been roughly a year since Logan asked Remy to teach him
-He brushes his fingers against them
-‘Common poppies’ he says, because Logan liked it when he’d list the plants and flowers and their names, common and scientific, because it was knowledge and learning and Remy loved it too because his eyes would always light up and-
-‘Common poppies’ he repeats, voice now sounding choked as he fights back tears, ‘also known as papa- as papaver rhoeas’ he manages, and he’s stumbling over the words and the pronunciations are wrong but that’s okay, really, it’s not like anyone cares now, especially not now that- that-
-‘I think I prefer to call them sleepy bitch flowers’
-Remy turns so fast his vision blurs (which might also have to do with the lack of sleep and his non-existent appetite and the tears he’s one hundred percent sure are in his eyes and running down his face)
-He almost doesn’t believe his eyes
-But that tone? That reference? That voice?
-Remy knows it even before he sees him standing there, in the middle of the garden, looking dirty and tired but alive, oh so very alive
-It’s Logan
-He’s next to him before either of them can so much as blink, holding Logan’s face in both of his hands, looking him over
-‘Are you alright?’ he asks, because that’s what matters first, matters now that he’s here and with him
-‘More than’ Logan answers. He’s tired, yes, and there’s still a healing scar on his leg, but it’s been two months and he knows how to take care of himself, knew how to get what he needed as he fought his way home, giving up on finding his troops and instead focused on finding his way back to Remy, on finding his way back home
-And now that he’s here, now that he is home… he’s almost certain he could fly
-Remy nods to himself, glancing over Logan again, finding him dirty and ragged and a little bloody but he really is okay, really is alright, and he looks back up, finally, looks in those crystal blue eyes that he’s been missing for too long, and it’s not a choice so much as a need when he pulls Logan forward and kisses him
-It lasts for a mere second, Remy pulling back almost immediately after he moved forwards
-They pause, looking at each other, eyes wide, both surprised
-And then they kissed again
-It lasts longer this time, like it’s meant to, the kiss filled with desperation and fear as if the other will suddenly disappear again, as if this isn’t the beginning of their forever but instead the end of it
-But it’s also filled with hope, with hope and promise and love, filled with every bit of wishful thinking and misplaced hope that they had throughout it all, all of it building up to one thing, to one moment- this one, right here, right now
-When they pull away this time, they’re breathless
-Logan’s hands had moved to hold Remy’s waist, while Remy’s still cradling Logan’s face, and even when they pull away they press their foreheads together because they just can’t let there be space between them not now, and likely not for a long time
-‘I’m going to marry you’ Remy promises, fervently, and maybe hastily, but he really can’t bring himself to care at all
-Logan laughs, and it’s watery but it’s genuine, ‘I don’t think you can do that’
-‘Don’t care. I’m going to marry you and make you my king and you’re never going to get sent away to any stupid war ever, ever again and I’m not going to- I’m never going to lo- to lose you again because I- I can’t-’
-Logan’s arms slip from their place at Remy’s hips to wrap around his back instead, holding him close as Remy sobbed into his shoulder, and Logan cried too, Remy’s arms moving to hold Logan too
-They stayed like that for several minutes, holding each other and crying, every once in a while murmuring something, sometimes a promise or partial sentence but mostly just the other’s name
-Eventually they start to sag even more heavily against each other, Logan tired from his journeys and the remnants of his injuries, Remy tired from sleepless nights and feeling so empty for so long
-They stumble to Remy’s room, to Remy’s bed, to their bed, still holding each other even as they fall onto it, curling into each other as they get comfortable
-In the morning, Remy will call the court doctor and make sure Logan’s truly okay, and wrap and bind and take care of whatever they need to
-They’ll then go to face Remy’s parents, together, still holding each other, as Remy declares he’s going to marry him, regardless of what they say or think
-His parents will protest it for a moment, but not long
-And they’ll begin the wedding preparations as soon as possible
-But for now, they’ll sleep, holding each other close, finally warm, finally close, finally whole again
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its-ashleyreads · 4 years
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Finished: 12/03/2021
The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang
“I don't want to read about the balance in the universe,” Rin grumbled, tossing aside what seemed like the hundredth text she'd tried. “I want to know how to beat people up.”
Rating:  ★★★★★
When Rin, a poor, dark-skinned, uneducated, war orphan from an outlying province in Nikan, aces the Keju, a standardized test used to place only the smartest youth at the most coveted military schools, her whole world opens up. No longer resigned to a fate of arranged marriage, Rin travels to Sinegard to take her place in the top military academy in the Empire. But everything is not as she imagined it would be and she quickly realizes that the Keju was the easy part.
Rin’s background leaves her an outcast among her peers, looked down on by the masters and more determined than ever to prove them wrong. So, with the help of an unlikely ally, Rin becomes more powerful than she ever imagined, but with war looming on the horizon, will that be enough?
It has been such a long time since I’ve been so invested in a series of books! The last full series that I read (I’m not counting the Bridgerton novels because they’re more spin-offs) was The Discovery of Witches trilogy (which I hated) back in 2019, but the last series that I actually enjoyed was the Vampire Academy series which I read the summer of 2018. It’s been almost three years (!!!) since I’ve read a series of books that I just couldn’t put down and man, it feels good to be back in this obsessive headspace. Always worrying what’s going to happen to your favourite characters, who’s going to make it out alive or turn towards darkness. I love the rollercoaster of emotions, and The Poppy War has delivered that in spades so far!
When I first started reading it was mostly out of obligation. I’d just finished The Library of the Unwritten, which I really enjoyed, and wasn’t super excited to immediately start yet another series when I knew I probably wouldn’t be able to finish it right away, but I was doing a buddy read and a book club with it this month, so I had to. But something that I’m apparently only just realizing about my reading habits is this, I like reading pretty much everything and because of that I’m okay with leaving a series on the back burner while I finish other projects etc, but when I love something? When I love something, heaven and earth couldn’t stop me from reading it. If this experience has taught me anything, it’s that I am not nearly picky enough with my reading because this book was amazing. To think that there are other books out there that are just as amazing that I haven’t read because I’ve been content with mediocrity. I’m appalled at myself.
The Poppy War was full of beautifully written, complex and dynamic characters, an exciting plot, a bit of history, and some really interesting moral questions about war. There really wasn’t a dull moment in over 500 pages. Kuang’s writing was some of the best I’ve read in the fantasy genre in a long time, and her characterization was as exciting, if not more so, than the main plot. You can clearly trace how Rin and the other characters began and ended they way they did. Every choice had a consequence, every death sent shockwaves through those left behind, every little bit added to the whole so that on the last page nothing felt contrived or forced. I am in awe of Kuang’s talent.
I wasn’t going to start The Dragon Republic right away, I’m in the middle of moving back to Canada and really don’t have the time, but it cannot be ignored. I must know what happens next! I just started it yesterday which is why this review is a bit sparse, but I didn’t want to accidentally add bits to the review that were actually from book two. All I can say is that so far, The Dragon Republic is just as entertaining as The Poppy War.
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aceinabook · 3 years
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So, I posted a TBR a couple of days ago thats different than this, but I realized I have way too many library books checked out right now and need to plow through them. I have finished two of these books off so far, but I started them in April so...
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang: I'm already done with this as I type this list up, but I highly recommend reading it! It's a Historical fantasy and the worldbuilding and the characters are excellent. I'm excited to read the Dragon Republic as soon as I get to it!! FINISHED.
The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie: This was last month's book club pick(meeting is the 12th.) I didn't care too much for it, but I liked it way more than I liked And Then There Were None. Either my tastes changed or it's better than that piece. FINISHED.
The Tiger Queens: The Women of Genghis Khan by Stephanie Thornton: It's really slow and kind of boring. If I can't get into it soon I may drop. I just wish it was more entertaining. It's just so dry. I feel like I'm reading a history book. Pages: 165/462
The Travelers by Regina Porter: This one is interesting. I'm using it to fulfill a Family Saga prompt for the 52 books challenge, I'm liking it, but it's def contemporary and nothing seems to happen except for family drama. Pages: 55/320
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff: I read Nevernight last month and want to read this sequel. I understand that Kristoff is kind of weary of late because I hear he fetishes Asian characters. I think it's important to look at him critically, and I can't say if he really is or not as I'm not Asian. I def don't agree with him getting 5 ARCS for one release very weird to me on that front.
The Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris: I'm using this poetry collection for a prompt in BookRiot's read harder challenge. Just flipping through and the art is beautiful.
The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski: I loved The Winner's Curse and am excited for this sequel it has been over a year since I read book one so if I get confused I may need to give book 1 a reread.
Real Life by Brandon Taylor: Using this for Bookriots challenge of reading a book in the midwest.
We Could be Heroes by Mike Chen: This book sounded interesting listening to Mike Chen talk about it on reading glasses and I know I also wanted to read it for a challenge. I just don't remember which one so hopefully I can fit it to one after reading ;;
We Used to be Friends by Amy Spalding: Using this for the 52 books challenge dual timeline.
Bookclub pick
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams: I've only read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Adams and enjoyed it, but this one seems more serious by the summary.
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beautyiisterror · 4 years
10 questions tag 📚
Rules: answer 10 questions and ask 10 new ones. Thanks so much @therefugeofbooks for tagging me in this, i’m so excited!!!!!
1. What's your favorite cold drink?
if we are talking about alcoholic drinks, caipirinhas are the utimate cocktail, do not @ me!!!!! all flavors, are just *chef’s kiss*, but like in general i love orange juice and ice tea.
2. What's the first thing you notice about a person?
i honestly don’t know??? i mean, if they are goodlooking and not a bad person??? those are literally my two criteria. i like people who are smart and have pretty smiles and kind eyes, just not to sound shallow (which i kinda am lol)
3. Do you have any pets? What would you name if you had one (more)?
I DO!!!!!!! i have two pets acctually, a cat and a dog and they are EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! their names are jake (the dog) and belo (the cat). if i had one more, i would like to have a black cat named luna, because i’m a sailor moon trash.
4. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
i don’t really remember, but i used to love all shows with girls doing stuff? like winx club and totally spies. i used to love those!!! i still kinda do actually. 
5. What's your ideal vacation?
i love travelling with friends, and unfortunately, i don’t get to do as often. so i think my ideal vacation would be like travel to a really cool, unexpected place, with the biggest number of my friends that we can gather to such adventure. 
6. Is there any book that you want to read but by any reason you keep avoiding it?
you mean like, 70% of my bookshelf/kindle library????? hahahaha honestly, i buy books faster then i can read them so is always a HUGE tbr pile all around my room, i’m a chaotic reader, and i take no pride in that. but usually the books i keep avoinding are the classics, and the bigger ones. specially because, from a little time now i’m trying to add diversity to the cultural stuff that i consume, and it doesn’t help that most of the books i have here are from dead cishet white dudes. but i will get around reading them, even if is just to complain about it. 
7. What book do you hope will be turned into a movie or TV show one day?
one of the best books i’ve read this year was my sister, the serial killer by  oyinkan braithwaite, honestly, this book has everything that i love in fiction: complex women, sibilings relationships, FAMILY DINAMICS TO DIE FOR, pretty women comiting murder, humor... honestly five out of five stars, and i would love to see a movie adaptation of it. i would also love a kyoshi duology adaptation, even if i’ve only read the first book yet, i just love avatar universe so much, and kyoshi is my favorite avatar (ALSO A BISSEXUAL WOMAN OF COLOR IS JUST EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) it would be awesome to see a show about her. bonus points if it is animation, but honestly, there are so many great asian actresses around, i would love anyways.
8. Are there any books that are really popular but you dislike?
i can’t really remember many of those, even if i’m really picky with my readings, i’m quite easy to please. but a recent reading that was ABSOLUTELLY FRUSTRATING because i really wanted to like the book, was hanya yanagihara’s a little life. once again, the book covered subjects that i usually fell really drawn to, such as coming of age, found family, FRIEND GROUPS THAT DON’T FALL APART AFTER ADULTHOOD, non white writer/main characters, lgbtqia+ characters. honestly, a nox’s favorites textbook premise. AND YET, I HATED IT SO MUCH!!!! all the unecessary pain that some of the characters go to, that at one point through my reading i just rolled my eyes when something terrible happened/was revealed about the past of one of the main characters. and the identity of the non white characters wasn’t really explored as they should? it honestly felt like just more excuses to make those characters go through MORE PAIN. it was honestly hard to finish it up. and the more frustrating thing is that so many people seem to think this is a great representative book, just doesn’t sit well with me. i also think is impotant to say that there are SO MANY POSSIBLE TRIGGERS IN THIS BOOK, AND I DIDN’T SEE ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS BEFORE I READ IT!!! so i’ll leave a list of the triggers i was abble to notice throught out my reading, in case anyone is thinking about give it a go:
content warnings for a little life by hanya yanagihara: self harm, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, disordered eating, physical abuse of a minor, domestic abuse, abuse of character with a disability, loss of a child, drug abuse/addiction, sexual assault/rape, pedophilia, ptsd, forced prostitution of a minor 
9. When did you last visit a library?
wow it has been so long... i think it was sometime in march of this year, that i went to my college library to pick up some class readings that i had to do, and then QUARENTINE HAPPENED, and i still am with the books i picked up lol. thank god that they lifted up the tax for late books or else i would have to sell my soul to pay it hahahaha i really miss going to college...
10. Could you recommend me a book that you think is underrated?
THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! as i’ve said, i’m trying to do more diverse readings, and in this time i have come in contact with celeste ng’s work, and it’s honestly SUCH GREAT STORIES!!! i also love some contemporary brazilian authors like vitor martins and lucas rocha (both were translated to english recently, and i really recomend that if you are a english speaker you check their work), i also loved laura pohl’s debute novel, the last 8, she is brazillian as well, but her work is published in the us so no excuse not to check out. also, if like me you are a big fan of avatar universe you totally should check the kyoshi’s novels by f.c yee!!!! i also been meaning to pick up the trilogy of the poppy war written by r.f kuang and children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi, simply because: WOMEN OF COLOR WRITTING FANTASY!!!!! but it’s not really a recomendation, as i have not read those books, but i am definetly doing it in a near future. 
(another author that i can’t go without mention is olivia pilar, she is a black bissexual woman who writes love stories between black women, and some of her short stories are available in english as well, and honestly WHOLESOME CONTENT!!!!!)
— Here are my ten questions, i don’t really know who to tag, but if you see that, and want to answer it i would love to see your answers, so feel free to keep on the tag! i had a lot of fun answering it, and i hope you guys do to!!!
what is your top 5 literature characters, and why?
are you a tea, coffee or hot chocolate kind of person?
what is your favorite/chosen aesthetic?
if you were the final girl in a horror movie, which song would you like to play in the soundtrack when you got away?
who are your favorite relationships in fiction (of any kind)? 
how do you feel about villans?
what is your favorite boyband?
do you prefer physical or digital books?
what is your favorite type of story?
what is your favorite season?
Looking forward to see your answers ✨
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randaccidents · 5 years
Eyes on You
When I said the holidays fuel me, I said the holidays fuel me.
Second fic of the week! I’m returning to my initial speed whoops. Don’t expect this to last though, school is coming for me.
So here we have a fic that combines canon and my own headcanon (that might become canon who knows Imma keep writing it like that)
Shadow People AU belongs to @mine-sara-sp who is lovely
TW: Watchers, emotional manipulation, intrusive thought, intrusive mind things, mild panic attack (I might have missed things please let me know if I did)
I’m back on my angst bullshit, and someone cares more than they show it.
Raven, don't you miss us?
3D paused, dropping the poppy in his hand. Was that?
He looked up at his surroundings, eyes widening in recognition. This was near the first portal, the one he made to connect to the Watchers, the one he didn't… deactivate…
Come back to us, you need us.
3D found his feet moving without permission, pivoting to point towards-
No. He dug in his heels. He remembered what they had made him - asked him? - to do when he was Puzzler. He didn't want to hurt anyone like that again.
But you weren't hurting anyone Raven. You were helping in your own way. They just could not understand.
3D slapped his hands over his ears, hoping to block out the voices. He couldn't just leave, his friends were here!
Were we not once your friends Raven?
He mimed the action of swallowing, feeling as though the air was too thick to move through. He could feel his wings fluttering hummingbird-fast on his back, although whether from fear or excitement he didn't know.
Reaching out a hand, he felt for the nearest tree. He felt the rough, bumpy bark, let it ground him in the now and hold him in place. He took a deep, unnecessary breath, remembering what Chamomile had taught him. In, out, in, out, in-
Come now Raven, have we ever done anything bad to you? You were a valuable part of our collective mind.
His breath jolted. The hivemind. He had forgotten about it, how safe it felt to be surrounded by others, sharing thoughts and feelings.
Now, it was just him alone in his head, no echoing voices giving him instructions and encouragement.
The voices speaking to him now had a context to be compared to, and he could pick up familiar threads amidst the words despite being out of practise. They were from his original hivemind. They had been with him.
He missed them.
You are so alone, small in this world that hates you, Raven. Come to us, and we will fill your mind once again.
He took a stumbling step.
We can share with you what you've lost.
He blinked.
Before him, hidden amidst the foliage, a singular portal shone bright purple. He could feel the whispers of his hivemates pressing against his mind. His wings shifted in the light. If he just took those last few steps, he would be reunited with them.
But he was so scared of what would happen if he went back to them.
We will accept you, of course. Come home to us Raven.
He took one step forward.
A voice, a real voice, filtered through the trees. He stopped, tilting his head to listen.
Ignore that, you are so close to us Raven. Just a few more steps.
He took a step-
And another.
And another.
Until he could no longer see the purple glow of the portal.
And he stood there, wings shifting with the leaves, unsure of where to go.
“3D, that’s where you went.”
A gentle hand on his shoulder turned him around, bringing him face to face with Tripwire. He hurried to plaster an unassuming smile on his face. It wouldn't do to make his friend worried after all!
Raven, you're making us worried.
"Hi Trip! What are you looking for me for?" He forced out cheerfully, shoving the voices of the hivemind aside. Trip's face showed how unconvinced he was by 3D's act, yet he carried on as though this was just another conversation. "Mostly, I was looking for someone less feral to hang out with. It's Red's explosion day today."
It was? He must have lost track of time somehow, last he checked explosion day wasn't for another two days. Missing the flash of concern that crossed Trip's face, he smiled up at his friend. "Well, you found me! What do you want to do now?"
He could see the concern practically bloom on Trip's face now, no longer hidden, and he had to clutch a hand behind his back under his still wings. He made a mistake, his normal persona would have suggested an activity, not ask Trip. He was worrying him now.
You're worrying us too Raven. Please, just come home.
"Weren't you trying to leave poppies for everyone?"
Trip's voice cut through his dark thoughts, giving him something to hold onto in the winds. Remembering his plan with the poppies, he quickly perked up. "Oh! Yes, I was! Could you help me Trip? I still have to find the more elusive shadows!"
Ever efficient, Trip simply used his hand to turn him around, unintentionally turning them away from the portal. At his touch, the whispers died down. "We need poppies first. Certainly you know where to find them?"
3D bounced on the soles of his feet, wings pulling up in excitement, his earlier struggle forgotten in his plans and the leaving of the hivemind. "Of course I do! But how are we going to find the others?"
He felt a hand lightly comb through his now-fluttering wings, gently dislodging a few loose feathers. "Tell me who you're missing and I'll give you information."
3D tilted his head back to give Trip a grin, all smiles once more. "Come on then!" he exclaimed, quickly turning back to bound ahead.
Trip looked down at his clenched fist. Loosening his grip, he let the purple feathers he had teased from 3D's wings fall to the ground. The whispers were strong here, no wonder 3D was so out of it.
"Trip! Come on come on come on! We gotta go get those poppies!"
Raising a foot, he ground down on the feathers. They splintered and broke into tiny purple particles, broken portals drifting upwards. Satisfied at the destruction, Trip moved to follow 3D.
It wouldn't do to keep his friend waiting.
I can give you more power… Your training is incomplete...
Cavalier sighed, leaning back against the tree. Looks like the whispers had decided to be more than background noise in the back of his mind again. Pat raised her head from his lap, confusedly woofing at him, but he ignored her. Mentally, he moved inwards.
Listen to me, Cavalier
He growled low in the back of his throat. Oh no, he is not going to listen. It had taken him way too long to realise that these voices he’s heard since the war were not just his thoughts. When he’d told Paladin, they’d pulled him straight to Wels. A few hours of lectures and crying about the dangers of entities in your head was enough to drive the point home.
But he didn’t know how to get them out of his head. They'd been with him for as long as he’d had the feather-
...this gift that I give to you…
-and he was too scared of what he would be without it.
You’re part of the Empire now, and I will teach you all that you need to know.
Digging deeper, he tried to find that hook, the one that he had been practising on finding. He shivered slightly at the memory. It might have been Wels, who he trusted, but Vex magic was so cold.
It was also completely unlike the whispering brushing through his mind.
How’s your training been Cavalier?
Where was that hook? He pulled further into himself, allowing himself to slip away from the real world. It was fine, the wolves were with him, and he could worry about what he missed when this problem was over.
Come here, Cavalier.
They were so much noisier today.
Cavalier, that is an order.
Why were they getting louder?
Get. Up. We are done being nice.
Unconsciously, he lifted his hands to press against his head, eyes shut tight. A small whine escaped his lips. This is new. They were dropping all pretense of speaking through his memories of Puzzler. His head hurt. Everything was only whispers now.
We’ve been helping you this entire time, giving you advice and observations. 
He mimed gritting his teeth, mentally pushing past the voices. It had to be here somewhere. Where was the hook?
Have you forgotten your training, soldier? Stand up, there is a portal nearby. Come to us and we can finish your training.
What- training? He was finished with his training, the war was over, there was no need for-
That is not the training we are talking about. This one will make you powerful. Now, come to the portal.
Portal? There was none left, 3D had taken dow-
There is one left. The first.
An image flashed across his mind. Purple light mixing with jungle leaves, Puzzler turning to face him with a smile, a broken portal-
His back hurt, two lines vertically down along the middle. He clenched his hands tighter around his head.
He was scared.
You know where to go Cavalier. Now come.
He shook his head desperately. No no no, he didn’t want to go anywhere, he wanted to stay here with his family and friends and wolves and-
No no no-
Shut up shut up shut UP-
A hand on his shoulder made the voices all the louder, and he flinched backwards. Eyes snapping open, he stared paralyzed into 3D’s concerned eyes. Shakily, he tried to give 3D a smile, reassure him, anything other than concern. He wasn’t worth that concern.
You’ve sworn your loyalty to him. Act like it. Don’t show weakness.
Both of them flinched at the sentence, but neither noticed the other’s reaction.
Another pair of arms touched him, separating him from 3D. Distantly, he realised that Pat was no longer in his lap. Through the whispers, Cavalier could hear someone telling 3D something, then footsteps moving away. He looked down as the person kneeled down before him, keeping his hands away from his body. 
He was grateful for that. He didn’t know if he could handle another person’s touch right now.
Weak. But no matter. We can make you stronger.
“Can I touch your hands Cavalier?”
The voice was familiar. That was good right? He nodded his head.
Someone tugged at his hands. He loosened his death grip, let the person pull his hands from wherever they had gone. He still couldn’t hear anything outside the whispers. His back still ached.
He was still scared.
A hand waved in front of his face, prompting him to look up. He traced up the lines of a suit, over the moustache on the other’s face before he finally focused on the eyes, mentally grasping the familiar features close.
An ally. He should help you. Make him help you.
He flinched again at the words, hands tightening in Trip’s. Trip’s eyes hardened as he opened his mouth.
“Cavalier, can I tie your band more securely?”
Cavalier blinked. His band? The feather? But that was his most vulnerable spot, he shouldn’t let anyone nea-
And yet, Trip was the one to help tighten and adjust his favour back during the time of the Empire. Slowly, he nodded his consent.
To his shock, he saw Trip tease a golden thread from under the cuff of his sleeve, one that he recognised. Trip huffed at the look on his face. “Deleting the power didn’t delete the strings I had summoned. I managed to keep a few looms of small thread before it destroyed them all.”
Shakily, Cavalier took the information, processing and analysing and filing it away, as he always did. The whispers grew pleased.
Good, you remember your training then. Learn information, use it against them in the future, destroy them.
His next flinch coincided with Trip touching his arm. The other shadow looked at him questioningly, hand never moving from its spot on his arm. He was grateful for that safety, knowing that Trip wouldn't do anything to take his feather away.
Shakily, he nodded, and Trip's fingers began moving again. Deftly, with practised movements, Trip untied the knots of the makeshift band made up of gifts from those he loved. Blue, yellow and purple untwined from the central clasp, a dance of his ties, which was held down delicately by Trip's fingers. A familiar procedure, one they had done after rough scouting missions and harsh fights, for comfort, for camaraderie. He closed his eyes as Trip wound his own string into the band, joining the assortment of colours into one continuous thread.
He felt… calm now, the familiarity comforting him. Trip's fingers left light touches on his arm, soothing him further. He closed his eyes-
-and almost startled at how soft the voices were. Where once there was a rabble, now there was a more manageable mutter, not as overwhelming. Hesitantly, he sifted through his mind, finally finding the hook he'd practised so long to find. It wasn't in the same place as Wels' hook. He must have been too panicked to really feel it. With a sharp twist-pull, he dislodged the hook.
Instantly, all the voices became background whispers to the noise of his own mind, comfortably unable to speak to him, hopefully for a while. He was certain - no he knew that he wouldn’t be rid of them. He sighed, finally peaceful in his own mind. Feeling threads tighten to a comfortable degree around his left arm, he allowed his eyes to open.
He smiled up at Trip, not quite ready to speak yet, hoping his expression was enough to convey his message. Thankfully, Trip seemed to catch his thanks. The shadow stood, brushing off his pants legs before holding a hand out to him. “3D is looking after your wolves. Let’s go grab them before he’s overrun by the fluff.”
Giggling, he took hold of Trip’s hand, letting the other shadow haul him to his feet. His heart felt light after that entire experience, and being able to hang out with old pals sounded like fun. The other shadow placed a hand on his back, lightly rubbing circles where the lines of pain had been, pushing him towards the clearing where 3D was being assaulted by affectionate wolves.
Cavalier didn’t notice the fading purple glow from under the clasp, or the faint image of wings fade away from his back.
But someone else did, a hand clenching into a fist.
Closing the entrance contraption behind him, Trip made his way over to his planning desk. Grabbing a quill, he began to angrily scribble messy, half-made plans and words into the first book he got his hands on.
Those Watchers, he had heard them again today. Not just once, but twice. He narrowed his eyes, strokes written bolder and harsher than before. He hated how they tried to twist others to their needs, hated how the entities twisted everyone for their own entertainment.
Sketching out one final plan, he threw down the quill and read over his angry scribbles. One day, he will find a way to punch an entity.
And when that day comes, they will regret ever hurting anyone.
 Especially his friends.
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You seriously don’t realize how much you watch until you create a list like this. I’m even more shocked because at the start the semester was still on. Some nice picks this month. Check them out but be careful-as always-of spoilers. 
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I could probably dedicate a whole post to talking about this finale (and final season for that matter), but at the same time I have spoken about it to so many people that I don’t know if I can continue to do so at this time. Either way, I’ll keep it brief here. :) Like others have said this season was a combination of disappointing and underwhelming. It was rushed. Six episodes were not enough to finish this story properly. One season should have been dedicated to the Knight King and another to Dany’s madness. (Or rather to taking her down.) So many plot holes were left unresolved. I bought the first book years ago and I am considering to actually start reading them.
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Starz’s third series in their Royal Collection tells the story of Catherine of Aragon as she comes to wed England’s Prince....Arthur. You heard me correctly. If you know your history you know who she actually marries and all the drama that will unfold, but nonetheless it is interesting to see how they portray the first wife of Henry VIII. (It actually made me do some research and I don’t know how I didn’t know they were married for so long before he married Anne Boleyn.) This series, just like the previous ones produced by Starz, is based on Phillipa Gregory’s books. So as expected they are not always the most historically accurate (but then would it be as interesting??) I did watch The White Princess before starting this series, but I don’t think you have to watch it. However, it will just make you feel like you know the family more. (See Binge-ing for my White Princess review.)  
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After all of my binge-ing earlier in the year I HAVE FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!! (Well, expect for this week’s episode--thanks baseball.) It’s always hard when you finish binge-watching a show or catch up to the live episodes. You have that feeling of: What do I watch now? Luckily the present season is still playing so I don’t have to experience that...yet. I’m even more upset now that it is the final season. I was a huge Michael fan when he was a regular on the show, but I was not overly happy when he returned. I felt like the show ran out of plot-lines and it wasn’t needed. I’m happy that this plot only was part of the season. Can’t wait to see where we’re headed! 
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I AM SOOOO HAPPY THIS SHOW GOT RENEWED. I know it was on the bubble for a bit towards May sweeps and I am beyond excited that it got picked up. I’m actually shocked that I haven’t spoken about this show more on this page. It has become-HANDS DOWN-one of my favorites of the year. It definitely deserves a second season and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us. Did you see that finale? I LOVE Will and Angie and I seriously thought we were close to a kiss at the end of this episode. Please give us that next season writers!! I also loved seeing Angie’s ex, ironically played by Leighton Meester’s actual husband. At the start of the season I did not see Poppy and Douglas becoming a thing and I love their relationship too. I’m so excited for next season!! **Just noticed this picture doesn’t have the real Amy and Emma, lol. 
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Another last season from a CW show. iZombie is such a great one and there is nothing else out there like it. Each time it comes back I remember how much I love it. At first I was really upset of it ending this year, but I feel like it will end on a strong note. I’m not sure what other plot-lines they could explore. This show has come so far from the original season when Liv and the other zombies were the minority to now a divided Seattle populated by zombies and humans. I feel like this show does a great job drawing a lot of parallels to the world we are currently in. The character development has been so strong that if you were watching the first season you might not recognize some of these characters. I am definitely going to miss this show. As well as all the brains that Liv has consumed over the series. Last week’s dancing episode was fantastic and I especially loved Ravi’s montage of learning to dance. Clive seriously has the moves. 
THE 100
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Just like iZombie, the 100 returned mid-season with its sixth season. As usual, I was excited for the new season because I love this show, but the promo released made me very confused in what this season would bring. I have only watched 2 of the episodes so far and it does feel like a new show (which I guess makes sense with the whole: End of Book 1). I felt like I needed to re-watch season 5′s season finale (which I didn’t) to remember everything that happened and why certain people were mad at each other. I have seen some spoilers (because I am behind and I follow the show’s official page), so I don’t know if I’m ready for the direction the show is going but I’ll be there to see where it goes.
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As mentioned earlier one of the shows I decided to binge-watch this month was Starz’s second series adapted from Phillipa Gregory’s books: The White Princess. In anticipation for watching The Spanish Princess (now currently airing) I decided it was a good time to watch it and one of my sister’s watched it previously and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to give it a watch. This show is only 10 episodes and I quickly watched the series. The beginning instantly captured my attention. I am definitely one for an arranged marriage where the couple does not like each other at first; as it was with Henry VII and Elizabeth. As the Tudors take the throne they join the houses of Lancaster and York. I had heard much of the War of the Roses but (even though I know this show is fabricated) this helped me understand it better. I also watched a behind the scenes segment about how they wanted to show the York side differently as many people are familiar with Shakespeare’s Richard III, etc. Years ago I tried watched the White Queen and just couldn’t get into it (the series before the White Princess). Now I might give it a try to see some of the earlier versions of these characters. If you enjoy historical romance dramas then this series is for you. 
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Last year I started watching the Marvel Netflix shows beginning with Daredevil. I had gotten up to the Defenders (which I did enjoy) but then needed to take a step back from this Marvel universe and watch something lighter. Unlike some people, I really liked the first season of Iron Fist. Previously I didn’t know anything about the character, so I liked learning about his backstory and why he had returned to New York City. Then I heard the great response the second season had gotten, so I am even more excited for this season. I am still early on, but am enjoying it so far. I have a lot of questions but I have a feeling they will be answered pretty soon. I know the show was cancelled so I might be disappointed by the ending, but maybe it will get picked up by the new Disney Streaming Service as many people suspect. 
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That’s right, I’m going for it. For the past couple of summer’s I’ve been checking off some big shows to binge and I thought why not watch Walking Dead. Back in the day I watched the first (maybe second) episode, but I only remember a couple of things. I’m ready for the journey!
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The Amazon Prime Original will be released May 31st and I am constantly seeing ads for it so I am getting more and more pumped. Only a couple more days. 
So what are you watching? What are you excited to watch over the summer? Are there any shows I should add to my list? Let me know. 
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11/11 (Make a Wish) Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @capshorty!
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you; make up 11 questions; tag 11 people to answer them.
1.) How old were you when you realized writing was something you wanted to do? How old were you when you actually started doing it?
Funny story, I denied the fact that writing was my calling for like four years. I’m sixteen and I’ve been writing regularly (almost every day) since I was eleven. It took pretty much everyone who I let read my (very bad) earlier work yelling at me that most kids don’t sit around crafting stories and actually doing a decent job for a majority of their time. I didn’t really start taking myself seriously (AKA actually writing not just for my own amusement) until I was fourteen/fifteen. 
2.) What are your favorite fandoms? Do you read or write fanfiction for any of them?
Tbh, I go through fandoms like candy. Right now I’m into a few different crime dramas, but I’ve always been super obsessed with Star Wars and Once Upon A Time. I like The Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, and Marvel right now. As for fanfiction, I’ve never actually written a legit, full-length fanfiction. I wrote part of one for Portal awhile ago, and when I was younger and got bored I would basically make up Star Wars fan fiction in my head, but I eventually turned that into an original idea, so I’m not sure if that counts. For the most part, all of my work is original. As far as reading fan fiction, I only really read my friends’ when they send it to me.
3.) What was your first story idea that you really felt was solid?
I never plan out my stories to any degree (AKA I’m horrible at outlining/following an outline so I have a pile of notes and cinema scenes in my head that I use), so the first story I ever really wrote to be published was a big deal because it was planned out. I had step by step planned out and I spent months on character profiles. It’s been two years since I finished the first draft and have been working on it every now and then, and I still feel like it’s pretty good. I don’t want to talk about it too much because I don’t know what the future holds for it, but I made some dumb memes on this account, so if you seen anything that mentions ‘AUT’, that’s the placeholder name for it.
4.) What’s your best solution for getting over writer’s block?
Just fucking write, man. Whenever I get a block, it’s usually on a boring transition scene I don’t want to write (most of my stuff is heavy in internal conflict and development, so I don’t like to write out of order, period, in case I lose the flow of my character) and for the most part I just have to rip off the bandaid and get into the exciting stuff. 
Granted, sometimes I also get writer’s block after I’ve been working really hard for a few weeks and I just run out of creative juice. When that happens, the best thing to do is just let myself recharge. I chill out, I watch some shows, I read some new books. I let myself rediscover my creativity before I hop back in.
5.) What book(s)/author(s) have you read that you think have influenced your writing most?
The Narnia Chronicles have honestly influenced my writing more than I would like to admit. I’m a fantasy geek all the way, but he was also the author that taught me just what you could do with a story. For instances, Narnia was a reflection of his faith. As much as I like to make fun of English teachers who are like “White drapes! It’s symbolism for freedom and purity! I don’t expect you to understand!” I love finding good meaning beneath stories and pretend the author leaves it there. I put a lot of focus on psychology and philosophy in my own work, and while reading John Green certainly hasn’t discouraged me, it really all started with stories that I grew up reading and found out meant so much more.
6.) Which of your stories was/is the easiest to write? Which was the hardest?
This might be a weird answer, but the ones where I can just write. Grimm’s Heights (go check out my Wattpad) was really easy to write because I didn’t care how bad it was. I just took a scenario and I let it unfold. I have a lot of stories that I write simply to write. There’s no pressure, so it doesn’t really matter how good it is. An Abundance of Dragons and The Limerence of Audrey Douglas are two of the hardest stories I have ever tried to write. Abundance is because I have such specific goals for it (AKA I want it to be wholesome and sweet, but I am Emo AF so no can do) and Limerence because I started it from a place of anger and betrayal and wanted it to prove a point to the person who made me angry. It’s easy to get dissatisfied when I don’t see myself moving fast enough, or I don’t feel like the story is as good as it was in my head, and that just discourages me from writing. Still getting better though!
7.) What are some of your favorite tropes to read/write?
Enemies to lovers. “But you gotta save the WORLD”. Love triangle but where it doesn’t end the typical way (AKA two girls fighting over the guy, but surprise they gay AF and start dating each other). Oh no, Character A is in trouble? And Character B arrives at the perfect time? Lovely! “I’m just an ordinary person.” WRONG!
8.) If you could date any fictional character, who would it be?
Tbh, I can’t think of a single character I’d actually want to date from anything I’ve read/watched. Even my own.
9.) What are some of your favorite things to do outside of writing?
Watch TV and read books, then mumble under my breath “I could’ve done it better.” I also like to take care of plants, annoy my dog, and go to iHop with my friends for no reason.
10.) Where would be your ideal place to live?
Rockies, like Colorado somewhere. College town. Just big enough to have a personality without traffic problems. I’ve lived in the Midwest (specifically Texas) for my entire life, so pretty much anywhere but here.
11.) What’s the most underrated book you’ve ever read? Most overrated?
People are always talking about Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, but I’ve never heard someone other than my mom even mention the Belgariad series by David Eddings. It’s super great. It’s fantasy and it has different but very solid and real characters. It’s got humor, it’s got combat, and the world building is perfect for the story. The only thing I didn’t like was the final battle (I thought it was a bit anticlimactic), but I guess it’s about the journey, not the end.
As for the most overrated, there are a lot of books I could point out, but I’ll go with the Shannara chronicles. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I didn’t end up reading all of them, and I only watched part of the television series because it just made me soooo mad. I don’t want to go into it now (I could write a thesis on it, honestly), but the gist of it is that I liked the world but not the execution. I absolutely love a good post-apocalyptic fantasy, but I hated the story and the only character I actually genuinely liked was the only character killed off. The only reason I watched the television series was because my friend really liked it, and I criticized her taste a lot afterward. Anyway, I tried it because I heard great things, but it just didn’t do it for me.
As I’ve said many times before, I’m bad at these things because I never know who to tag. I spent like twenty minutes scrolling through some of my mutual writeblrs. As always, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag! :) 
Tagging: @thepanickingwriter @bluewrites0 @gardamn @writings-of-an-elm-tree @writings-of-a-narwhal @ink-on-poppies @latechickadee @amerakandreamer @clarissalopeswriter @senawrites @the-violet-writer
Questions for YOU!
1. What was the first idea/project that you ever tried to write?
2. What is your biggest strength as a writer? What is your biggest weakness?
3. How do you stay focused while writing?
4. If you could have lunch with one character you have written about (original or from fanfiction) who would it be?
5. What type of writeblr posts help you the most with your own writing (advice, resources, word lists, prompts, etc.)?
6. What is the most mind-opening book you’ve ever read/show or movie you’ve ever watched?
7. Have you written fanfiction? If so, on what?
8. What is a book/story/poem/anything you were forced to read in high school that you actually ended up liking? 
9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would you see? What would you do? Why?
10. What is the weirdest thing you have done/searched on the Internet for the sake of research?
11. If you could adopt any animal as a pet (and I mean any animal) what would it be? (Also, it can be extinct/not real)
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July is a busy month for me. Not only do I have quite a bit to do in real life — which includes a bachelorette weekend — but I have big reading plans too. I plan on participating in TWO readathons this month: The Book Junkie Trials and the Medieval-a-thon. Both are RPG-style readathons that are so ridiculously creative I can’t even begin to describe how much I’m in love with both of them. I really pulled myself out of my slump in June, and with my excitement for these readathons, I hope my July is even better reading wise.
The Book Junkie Trials, created by Rachel Marie Book Junkie on Youtube, is a map-based readathon where readers are divided into teams, read for points, and follow a path to glory. Since the trials is the most involved of the two readathons, I organized my TBR around that and fit the Medieval-a-thon prompts around the books I chose. The Medieval-a-thon, created by Holly Hearts Books on Youtube, is a readathon where you create your own character by the books that you read; the number that you read is what caste you’re in and there are different prompts for clothing and weapons.
My goal is to read at least eight books this month, which is doable I think. If I manage to do that, I will complete my team’s path for the trials, finish my own TBR challenges that I have for every month, and end Medieval-a-thon a queen with a crown, cape, bracers, chest plate, boots, and a sword — a very formidable queen, I think.
I’m following the Mage path for the trials, and have to read these five books in order no matter what (no DNF’ing either).
Prompt 1: ORC GROVE: Read a book that is gruesome, gory, or gritty
Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 4: Sui Ishida
In the dictionary, Tokyo Ghoul has to be next to the definition for gruesome. There may be worse offenders in manga than this, but it really toes the tolerance line for me. But, the storyline and morality of the world are so fascinating that I keep returning to the series. This’ll be an interesting start to this readathon, to say the least.
Tokyo Ghoul also fufills the class specific challenge of reading a book out of my comfort zone since I normally hate horror/gory stories.
Prompt 2: OL’ PIRATE COVE: Read a book that takes place, at least in part, at sea
Dark Shores (Dark Shores: 1): Danielle L. Jensen
This is one of my most anticipated releases of 2019, and I’m so excited to finally dive into it (pun fully intended). I mean, a book about gods, pirates and politics? Sign me right up.
Dark Shores also covers the crown prompt — read a book where a character fights for the throne — for Medieval-a-thon.
Prompt 3: GLIMMER: Read a beautiful or colorful book
Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children: 3): Seanan McGuire
McGuire’s Wayward Children is one of my favorite series of recent years, and I loved Down Among the Sticks and Bones even better than the first book. I hope that Sugar Sky continues this trend of being better than the last.
Beneath the Sugar Sky also covers the cape prompt — read a book with read on the cover — for Medieval-a-thon, and my personal monthly goal to read an adult novel.
Prompt 4: DRACONIC ISLE: Read a book that features dragons
A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire: 2): George R. R. Martin
Okay, so I know this book has been on a monthly TBR before, but this month it will happen — I mean, it has to for me to complete the trials. I love this story, and I think it has been long enough since the finale that I can dive into the world of Westeros once more.
A Clash of Kings also covers the bracers prompt — read a thick paperback — for Medieval-a-thon, and my personal monthly goal to read a sequel.
Prompt 5: THE BOOKIE GRAIL: Read the group book
Stardust: Neil Gaiman
This book has been on my shelves for ages (so long that I actually forgot that I owned it and almost bought a second copy…whoops). I’m so glad that this was picked as the group book and will end my mage journey. I think it’ll be a breath of fresh air after Clash of Kings.
Stardust also covers my personal monthly goal to read a backlist title since it was originally published in 1998.
  In order to complete my personal goals and Medieval-a-thon, I have to read three more books. These books would be extra for the trials, and will still give my team points.
Prompt 6: THE GREAT LIBRARY: Read a book that has been on your TBR forever
Three Dark Crows (Three Dark Crowns: 1): Kendare Blake
I’ve had this book for ages — I had an ARC of it and it came in an OwlCrate box back in 2016 — and I haven’t picked it up once. One of my friends (this one is for you, Nicole) have been pestering me to read it ever since, but I kept putting it off. But this month, I randomly picked it from my TBR jar, so it’s time. Plus, I think it’s quite fitting to read while participating in two fantasy-based readathons.
Three Dark Crowns also covers the chest plate prompt — read a shiny book — and my personal goal to read a Top 10 to Read in 2019.
Prompt 7: THE HALLOW ISLE: Read an atmospheric or horror book
Here There Are Monsters: Amelinda Bérubé
As I said earlier, horror books are not my thing. But, I picked up a copy of Here There Are Monsters and fell in love with the cover (I mean, it’s so freaking gorgeous and atmospheric all on it’s own). I’m hoping the book is just as amazing as it’s cover and doesn’t freak me out too much.
Publication date: August 1, 2019
Here There Are Monsters also covers the sword prompt — read a book with something pointy on the cover — for Medieval-a-thon, and my personal goal to read an ARC.
Prompt 8: EMPTY BARREL INN: Read an indulgent read
Slammed (Slammed: 1): Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover’s books are such a guilty pleasure of mine. I haven’t read her most recent ones (yet), but those that I have read I loved (except Confess, but let’s not talk about that one…). Slammed is one of Hoover’s earliest novels and I’ve heard mixed things about it, but I’m sure it’s going to be as indulgent as ever.
Slammed also covers the boots prompt — read a book that has yellowed over time — for Medieval-a-thon.
  If, by some miracle, I finish all eight books and there are still days in the month left, I picked books for every other prompt for both the Book Junkie Trials and Medieval-a-thon. There are some that I would love to get to sooner rather than later, but when I put pressure on my reading is when I get into a slump, so I really am just going to wing it. I’m not going to get into why I picked the books I picked — this TBR is already long enough as it is haha — but you can always drop a comment if you want to chat about them!
Prompt 9: THE DROWNING DEEP: Read a book with rich world building
Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicles: 2): Jay Kristoff Godsgrave also covers the duel daggers prompt — read a book with assassins — for Medieval-a-thon.
Prompt 10: THE FORGOTTEN FORESTS: Read a sequel
The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings: 2): J.R.R. Tolkien The Two Towers also covers the bow & arrow prompt — read a book about elves — for Medieval-a-thon. I mean, I couldn’t not.
Prompt 11: CRIMSON PEAKS: Re-read a favorite
The Night Circus: Erin Morgenstern
Prompt 12: QUEENDOM STONE: Read a book featuring Royalty
American Royals: Katherine McGee Publication date: September 3rd
Prompt 13: THE WEEPING FALLS: Read a tear-jerker
The Fountains of Silence: Ruta Sepetys Publication date: October 1st
Prompt 14: DWARF MOUNT: Read a book with a hint of romance
Ao Haru Ride, Vol. 3: Io Sakisaka
Prompt 15: APOTHECARY TOWERS: Choose a book at random (7, 3, 42)
The Bride Test (The Kiss Quotient: 2): Helen Hoang (I had my mother pick three numbers — one for the bookshelf, one for the specific shelf, and one for the book number — and this was what she picked. What luck!)
Prompt 16: THE ELVEN GUARD: Read a book with War, Military or Politics themes
The Poppy War (The Poppy War: 1): R.F. Kuang
Prompt 17: GIANT SQUID: Read a book that intimidates you
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage: Haruki Murakami
Prompt 18: HELMET: A book with a dragon on the cover
The Ruin of Kings (A Chorus of Dragons: 1): Jenn Lyons
Prompt 19: BATTLE AXE: A book with mercenaries
The Boneless Mercies: April Genevieve Tucholke
With 19 books, my TBR for July is my biggest and most ambitious yet! (Hopefully my slump stays far far away.) Check out my full July TBR for @Medievalathon and @TheBookieTrials here: July is a busy month for me. Not only do I have quite a bit to do in real life -- which includes a bachelorette weekend -- but I have 
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Choices September Creates
Hey! If any of you have requested something or wondering why I haven’t posted any fics lately, I’m here to tell you why! I’ve spent the past 2(ish) weeks preparing for Choices September Creates and I finished my last fic today! So without further ado, I bring you the schedule and ships/fic summaries for the upcoming events! Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of them, the first one Rain comes out September 1st, Apology the 2nd and so forth! (these are all at liberty to change if I see fit, but currently, this is the determined schedule for me.).
l. Rain - Hana x MC
Tonight, Liam will pick Nicole to be his bride, unknowing to him that she and Hana have fallen in love. Despite her attempts to force herself out of her feelings, Hana simply can’t stop herself from falling for Nicole. Finding herself in the pouring rain, Hana has to make her choice and Lady Nicole has to accept it.
II. Apology - Hana x Madeleine (NSFW-ISH)*
Madeleine finds herself having to leave Hana after a night of love, due to her occupation in the palace it’s rather urgent and she finds herself having to leave Hana again. Reflecting on the past Madeleine and Hana talk through her apologizes, leaving Madeleine to wonder what Hana will ever see in her.
III. Dance - Eleanor x MC
When Victor’s birthday rolls around, Hannah invites Eleanor to join her, knowing it would be her first time to a club Hannah wants to make sure Eleanor can handle it. Eleanor, however, is very perplexed by the idea of grown adults in this century enjoying high tea for his birthday late at night.
IV, Magic - Kenna x Annelyse
Annelyse and Kenna journey back to Aurelia after being repaired from Dom’s destruction under Hex’s capture. Kenna finds herself compelled at how well Annelyse’s people have settled back into her home and the respect they all share for one another. Kenna sees it as nothing more than magical.
V. Fight - Drake x Liam (NSFW)
Drake wants Liam, Liam wants Drake, but Liam knows it’s not possible. Yet he always finds himself night after night with Drake beneath him, his heart full of love, desire, and lust. He wants to fight his instincts and be with Madeleine, however, he can’t bring himself to fight the sexual gratification and love he gets from Drake in the dark of the night.
VI. Home - Zekei x M!MC
Zekei and Nova decide to spend the night together, after raiding the kitchen staff for snacks they retreat back into Nova’s room and reminisce about home and their childhood, both opening up more than they ever have before. Nova finds himself straddling his best friend, but what will that mean for them?
VII. Future - Kiara x Penelope
Kiara and Penelope often find themselves questioning the future, what will it mean for them? After yet another rift between the pair, Kiara worries that Penelope is moving on and as much as she tries to not let it bother her, she ultimately fails. Trying on the maid of honor dresses together for Hana and Nicole, Penelope makes an admission Kiara will never forget.
VIII. Cozy Night In - Kate x MC
After being released on bail, Kate and Jesse decide to spend the night together at Kate’s apartment. Jesse organized all kinds of treats to help Kate relax and feel better after finally being able to come home from her time in captivity. But what’s a sleepover without an admission of love?
IX. Vacation - AME Jury House Fic (Comedy)**
The night of the double elimination, Bianca and Jamie wind up in the Jury House with all the previously booted out cast. Together in the living room, Teagan helps set up a movie as everyone argues about Han’s pick mainly Lina. Can they survive the night together or will there be hell to pay?
X. Loss - Damien x M!MC (MCD)***
With the loss of some members of their crew, Damien and Kai must move forward with their remaining crew to save themselves and other from Eros. However, Kai finds himself falling further every day unable to cope with the loss in his chest, his only safety coming from Damien now, but can he pull himself together before it’s too late?
XI. Family - Ivy x MC (SUGGESTIVE)****
Ivy invites Jamie back to her hometown for a family reunion. The pair reminiscing on the past they’ve lived and further to come, and Jamie gets to know Ivy’s mother and her past in pageantry. The night falls and Ivy wants nothing more than a few quiet moments with her lover, but her mom may have other plans for her.
XII. Anniversary - Kenji x M!MC (NSFW)
Celebrating the one year anniversary of Talos and Nightwing coming together, Kenji invites Kyle to his apartment where they share a dance on the deck and a bottle of wine. However, Kenji has more exciting and fun plans for them that night, but will Poppy and Dax interrupt their fun?
XIII. What If - Kate x MC
The night before Kate is due to be wed, she and Jesse relax in his room at the bed and breakfast in Jesse’s room. Drinking liquor they stole from Miss. Harlenay, Jesse and Kate decide to think about how life could have turned out? What their wedding would be like if it happened to them?
XIV. New Beginnings - Bianca x MC
Bianca and Jamie agree to do a swimsuit photoshoot to promote America’s Most Eligible. After the season they’ve had and the feelings they’ve harbored for each other, Piper and Jen both agreed it’d be the best course of action to get them more viewers seeing the love that will bloom on TV. However, Jamie starts to have doubts about doing this photoshoot, luckily for them, Bianca’s there to help.
XV. Smut - Kenna x Val (NSFW)
As a war takes Kenna and her group by surprise, an attack they couldn’t have planned for no matter what Kenna finds herself alone and stranded in the woods searching desperately for Val. After their fallout moments before the bombs went off, Kenna couldn’t forgive herself if Val died thinking Kenna hated her.
XVI. Heartache - Becca x MC
Armed with evidence of an affair between the pair, Becca can’t handle the drama, the deceit, and betrayal she’s felt from Emily and packs her bags. Emily begs her not to leave, confused why someone would say she and Kassidy were sleeping together behind Becca’s back and why Becca would believe her.
XVII. Unexpected - Poppy x MC
Alex sets up another date between Dax and Poppy in hopes of getting them together and leaves them in a bar to talk things through while they help Eva with a secret project. Poppy knows she doesn’t love Dax or even remotely like him, at one point maybe, but not anymore. Before the night ends she and Alex can’t help, but make a half-drunken mess of things.
XVIII. Bad Day - Madison x Becca
After being broken up with, Madison turns to Becca for a day of helping her feel better. However Becca can’t help, but notice how flirty Madison keeps acting around her and she’d be a liar if she said it didn’t scare her and excite her all at the same time. With the recent news of their breakup, how will the day affect Madison and Becca’s relationship?
XIX. Camping - Dan x MC
Dan and Devon decide to go camping in the woods to cope with everything that happened post-Redfield, Dan knew he could use the support and Devon pretending it didn’t bother them as much as they said it didn’t. Devon can’t help but want to set up a memorial for Noah, no matter how much it hurts to be there or how much Noah hurt them. All the while a surprise visitor waits for them.
XX. Fluff - Crash x Chazz
This one has been deleted. I can’t write anything I don’t like, and as much as I loved the pairing I couldn’t find myself inspired to work with it. Sorry to anyone who was loking forward to it.
XXI. Autumn -
Couldn’t figure out what to do for this day. If you have any ideas hit me up, otherwise this prompt ain’t being done.
XXII. Endings - Kamilah x MC (NSFW)
Kimberly finishes her final day working for RainesCorp as Adrian’s right-hand woman and secures herself a position now as Kamilah’s, with Kamilah’s assistant moving on to a better position within the company. An ending is a new beginning, and Kimberly wants to break in the new job with some fun.
XXIII. Birth - Victoria x MC
Victoria and Normani are having their first child, with all of their friends around Normani delivers her baby with Victoria by her side the entire time. Matt’s petrified because he looked, Seth is making fun of him, and Teja is getting her hand broken by Normani’s grip while trying to keep the boys under control.
XXIV. Animals - Maxwell x MC
Maxwell invites Riley to a private dinner for two during an endangered animal awareness event. Where he plans a special surprise for them, but Riley has other plans for how the night should go on. But the pair may find themselves in deep trouble when they get caught.
XXV. Best Friends - Kaitlyn x MC
Celeste needs help with her fanfiction, Vasquez told her to channel her creative energies further than her internship and she decides fanfiction is her best bet. However, she’s having trouble putting into words how Val and Kenna should confess their love, luckily Kaitlyn is around to help (and tease her).
XXVI. Lies - Alana x MC (SUGGESTIVE)
Nadia and Kai discuss Kai’s relationship with Nadia. Kai worries that Nadia doesn’t care about them, and the fact that she lies so much to them, even over little things that shouldn’t bother Kai as much as it does. Nadia’s advice might not be all that helpful, but at least Kai channeled away some frustration.
XXVII. Sleepover - Naomi x MC
Jesse wants to surprise Naomi at her ranch with a night of fun at home, after finally being able to make their way back to Birtchport for the weekend. They cook her a lovely meal and get news over the phone that will change both of their lives for better or worse. Can they tough it out and make it last?
XXVIII. Moving Day - Han x M!MC (NSFW)
Han and Landon finish moving all of their stuff into their new apartment after spending the entire day moving by themselves, at Han’s suggestion of not needing any help. Landon finds himself surprised they managed to do it all, and sore with his back killing him. Han offers to give him an innocent massaging, but Landon’s expecting a little more from his boyfriend.
XXIX. Clean - Bianca x MC
Lina shows Jamie Bianca’s biggest secret much to Han’s disapproval, a confession that could easily make or break their relationship. Smuggly Lina walks away leaving Bianca and Jamie to sort out the details of what happened and decide what comes next for the pair or if anything at all comes for them next.
XXX. Celebrate - Grace (@zig-a-zow’s mc) x Aiden
When Grace’s birthday rolls around, Aiden decides to plan something special for her and the rest of their friends. Grace admittedly appreciated it, however, he wasn’t sure if she even wanted to celebrate further than just her and Aiden. As the party rages on an item on the menu catches her hand and she’s determined to prove herself to have a good night.
Books with M!MC + F!MC that just say ‘MC’ will have they pronouns, so you an picture it however you want!
* - NSFW-ISH means exactly what it says, it’s not NSFW but it directly references NSFW actions.
** - Comedy means it’s just a funny fic, it’s not anything deep except a joke fic to make you laugh!
*** - MCD is Major Character Death
**** - Suggestive hints to NSFW concepts, but isn’t directly NSFW/NSFW-ish!
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