#i love them sm they make me wanna blow up shit
jincheeto · 1 year
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Reminder that it's been 2 years since these boys brought us all to tears 💙💛
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rueclfer · 25 days
neopet graveyard // shigaraki tomura
when you two always end up working the night shift together.
a/n: all together now! "finaaallllyyyyy" we collectively say. i love shiggy sm this fucking loser is the loml. <3
my smau warm up for this fic here too
@bbluefllame hehe
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12:37 AM the buzzing analog clock sitting on the counter glared back at you. Long and slow shifts like tonight's were agonizing to get through. You may have been getting paid to sit around and flip through dusty catalogs and sort through old video game discs, but you often wondered if you'd rather be at home broke and asleep right now.
"Hey Shigs," You call out, breaking his attention away from his phone. "Tits or ass?" You hold up the vintage Playboy magazine up to his direction from across the store.
"You have neither." He replies, leaning forward and slightly squinting in your direction. "I can't see that far. What are you showing me?"
"It's a fucking porn mag, you dick." You call out, throwing a pen in his direction, letting it bounce off the glass counter beside him and landing among the cardboard boxes behind the register.
"Freak, where the fuck did you find that?" He cocks an eyebrow at you, setting his phone down.
"In bossman's desk." You shrug. "Quite a collection he's got in there, actually. Answer the question."
Tomura stops for a moment, leaning against the glass counter behind the register as he deeply thinks about his answer. Given his stoic and apathetic personality, you were half expecting him to tell you to fuck off and eat shit.
"Loser-" You began, getting ready to shoot him the most annoyed eye-roll you could muster.
"-And ass." He cuts you off with a smirk before returning to his phone.
You chuckle, tossing the magazine back in the desk drawer with the others before slamming it shut.
You make your way over to the opposing side of the glass counter where he stood, peering over to see him playing clash of clans on his phone.
"I'm bored. Dying of it, actually." You exacerbated, blowing a breath of air into the pale strands of hair hanging over his forehead "Put your phone away and entertain me for the last hour that we're here."
"Piss off and perish." He mutters, eyes still glued to his screen.
You pout at his coldness. You had spent the day cleaning, reshelving, wiping down any counter you could find, and now at this ungodly hour, you've been left with nothing you could possibly do except wait for the minutes to go by until the end of the shift.
"Wanna make out in the back room?" You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, staring up at him with a flirty smile.
His thumbs pause on his screen, eyes snapping over to meet your own, annoyance flash across them the moment he sees your cheeky grin and fake-innocent eyes staring back at him.
"What?" A faint blush dust over his cheeks as he avert his gaze from your own.
"You heard me." You playfully lean back on your heels, swinging yourself back and forth. "All this alone time, you're not itching to take my clothes off? A little fun, Shigs? Something to help you loosen up?" You inch your face closer to his.
More often than not, you ended up on the schedule with Tomura for the most brutal hours of 6:30pm-1:30am for most nights of the week. Your boss says it's to stay available for the nightcrawlers of the city, but business is always dead by 11:00pm. For those excruciatingly slow last few hours, you cherished spending them terrorizing Tomura for his flustered reactions and the amusement of annoying him.
The pink of his cheeks bloom into a bright red, causing him to hide his face in his forearm, covering it with a cough.
"Just kidding, Shigs." You lean back and playfully shoving his shoulder from across the counter. "I'm just being silly, no need to get your panties in a twist."
"I fucking hate when you do that." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing back the strands that always end up falling back in his face.
"Do what, exactly?" You cock your head to the side.
"You know what. You're worse than Dabi." He huffs. "Start doing your closing work or something if you're bored." He turns his back to you and leans back against the counter, frantically scrolling through twitter- obviously not reading any of the words on screen, but just trying to avoid you for long enough so you lose interest in bothering him.
"I finished those an hour ago." You whine. "Crazy idea, but what if we close early? There's only less than an hour left and these cameras have been out of service for the past 2 months."
He looks back at you, and takes a scan at the state of the store- cleaned, restocked, inventory logged, everything seems to be in order. It wasn't like the store's upkeep was any hard work, anyways. In fact, the owner barely ever came in and you were half sure that he used this old comics and game store for money laundering purposes.
"That might actually be the smartest thing your dumbass has said all shift."
The night breeze blew right through your sweater, causing a chill to crawl up your spine.
"Alright, Shiggy, I'll see you when I see you, then?" You squeak out, rubbing your arms for the heat friction.
"Hold on." He mutters, cigarette hanging from his lips as he wiggles the door to make sure it's properly locked. "I'll walk you home."
"I do this walk multiple times a week, Shigs." You smile at the sentiment. "I'll be fine. I live close by."
"I know you'll be fine. I just don't want to go back to the apartment yet. Dabi's throwing a party and I'd rather not deal with a group of drunk idiots right now." He shrugs, taking a drag of the cig before passing it over to you in which you gladly accept from his fingers, letting the intoxicating smoke warm you from the inside.
"Oh, that's right. He invited me when I saw him during the shift change." You exhale, blowing the smoke behind you, starting to lead him towards the direction of your home.
"Shouldn't we head that way, then?" He stops in his tracks.
"Well, I'd only go if you were there to keep me company, but if you're not feeling it then probably not."
"Parties aren't really my thing, but if you're there, then it'll be fine. I can tolerate it." He mutters, kicking a pebble to the side. "I can always just lock myself in my room, I'm sure they'll be too shitfaced to notice, anyways."
"What? I'd notice." You pout.
"I'll lock you in with me, duh." He coughs, hiding a smile while sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
He nods his head in response.
"Sounds like you like my company a lot more than you give off, Shigs." You smile, redirecting your walk back towards his apartment now.
"Heavy on the tolerate." He meets your eye for a moment before returning them down at his feet.
It had been an especially cold winter night. Hoodies and knitted sweaters were always a staple in Tomura's wardrobe, in any weather, but tonight he sported a dingy old leather jacket over his usual hoodie for the extra warmth. The cold air nipped the apples of his cheeks and tip of his nose into a rosy pink, and if he didn't have his hood over his head, you were sure the tip of his ears would be under the same condition.
You naturally ran hot, but your favorite part of a chilly walk home from work was the blast of warm air hitting your face and defrosting your fingertips the second you walked into your apartment- which fortunately also motivated you to get quick with your pace.
"I think Twice and Toga live this way too." You mumble, starting to recognize the surrounding structures.
"They do. We walk together if we're scheduled together, which is almost never, but a couple times a month, maybe."
"Do you ever think about quitting?" You turn to him and ask.
"Only when the general population is being extra stupid. Other than that, not really. You?"
"Sometimes. I have an existential crisis about what I'm doing with my life every now and then, but I like working with everyone."
"With everyone? You mean just me?" He chuckles, earning him a scoff from you.
"I just tolerate you, actually. I live for those 5 minutes in between shifts where I say hi and bye to my people."
You catch the end of an eye-roll.
"What do you get so existential about?"
"You know, the typical stuff every twenty-something year old goes through. Progressing in life and all that bullshit?" You sigh.
"Get specific, dumbass." He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke fog around you. "I'll grant you some of my wisdom."
"Lately, it's a lot of if my kid-self would like my adult-self, if working at the shop is just me trying to hold onto my childhood, dropping out of college, never having my first kiss, miss being taken care of, and probably a million more things." You list off, counting on your fingers.
"Damn. I'd hate to be in your brain." Tomura mutters. "Shit happens and we all die. Better to not stress about it."
"Great wisdom, dipshit." You chuckle, nudging him with your elbow.
"If it makes you feel better, I also dropped out and haven't had a first kiss."
"No education I can tell-"
He flips you off.
"-but no first kiss?" You dramatically gasps "I don't believe that. You're so cute!"
"And you're not?"
Your mouth gaped open at the subtle hit of flirtation from him. The coldness on your neck and cheeks were quickly replaced by an unfamiliar rush of heat.
"Shut up." You mutter, snapping your head forward to hide your blush. "I guess people don't like cute now-a-days."
"Guess not."
After coming up on his apartment building, you two halted to a stop. You two spent most of the walk in silent solitude, passing back and forth the same innocent subtle glances with every puff of the shared cigarette.
"You ready?" He steps out the butt of the cigarette and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
"Can't wait to see that crusty dusty reddit-incelified gaming set up of yours." You tease.
"Just wait 'til you see the jar." He retaliates, causing you to scowl in disgust and slapping him across the bicep.
For a second, you could almost make out the softest glimpse of a smile on his lips, but you decided to let that be something you keep to yourself, locking it away in your memories.
You follow him into the apartment complex and up the dingy and loud humming of the elevator that replaced the need for conversation. From a few steps outside of the door you could hear the trashy garage band music emitting from the inside- definitely Dabi's kind of party.
You watch Tomura fumble with his keys for a moment before swinging the door open, letting a rush of hot air mixed with the fumes of stale cigarette smoke and beer slap you in the face.
You two cram into the doorway, almost back to back as you kicked off your shoes and shed off unnecessary layers.
You take a step into the living room to see many new and familiar faces huddling in small circles around the apartment, sporting flushed cheeks and drink in hand.
"Dabi's wasted." Tomura leans down and whispers, lips lightly grazing the shell of your ear, sending a shudder up your spine. "Watch out or he might claim your first kiss. He's a stupid affectionate drunk."
Unfortunately for you, your eyes instantly caught onto Dabi's from across the room, causing him to bum rush his way over to you guys, throwing his arms around you two into a hug, crushing your body together against Tomura's.
"I told you." Tomura mouths down to you with an annoyed expression.
"Fuckers, you're late." He slurs into your shoulder. "I shoulda burnt that fucking store down to get you here earlier."
"Aren't you scheduled for the morning?" You cock an eyebrow at his drunken state.
"That's tomorrow-me's problem, sweets." He says with a lopsided grin. He grabs Tomura's head and presses a wet kiss to his temple before slapping one on your forehead. "You kids mingle and go get something go drink."
Once Dabi returns back to the party, you turn to Tomura with a laugh. After wiping off the side of his head with his sleeve, he places a hand on the back of your head, and uses his other to swipe across your forehead, wiping off the remnants of Dabi's drunken kiss.
"Fuckin' gross." He mumbles to himself.
You two spent a little less than an hour making your rounds around the party, a shot here and there when the other coworkers demanded one from you, but with the nod of his head towards the hallway, you knew his social battery had been drained.
"Handling your alcohol?" He asked, pulling you towards his room by the sleeve of your sweater, slightly stumbling over the carpet.
"Of course." You mutter. "You?"
"Couple shots got nothing on me."
The second the door clicked shut behind you, you audibly sighed from the sweet relief of a moment of silence after a full shift of the same work playlist on repeat and the party's music following you around the apartment.
"Finally." Tomura groans, reaching up behind his neck, lightly tugging on the back of his hoodie.
You took a seat on his gaming chair, hugging a knee up to your chest as your eyes scan across the walls of his room, glancing over at his various superhero posters, and bookshelf of collectables until it locked on his pale lower torso that exposed itself from his t-shirt riding up with the hoodie as he yanked it off over his head.
"Uhh." You begin, swiveling your chair around and averting your attention towards his gaming setup. "You stream? You got a webcam."
"Do you care?" You feel a hand grip the head of the gaming chair, swiveling you back around to face him, who is now leaning over you. "Thought you didn't care about all that shit."
"It's different if it's you." You smirk up at him, letting the alcohol boost your suave facade that had originally faltered upon seeing a few inches of his naked torso.
"Relentless flirt." He brings his hand down to flick your forehead before taking a seat on his unmade bed, leaning back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.
You accidentally knock the mouse cursor with your elbow, waking the monitor. Staring back at you in a bright red blocky font was 2:39AM, suddenly sobering you up.
"Oh shit, it's getting pretty late." You check your phone to confirm. "I should get going."
"Uh, isn't your apartment in the opposite direction from work?"
He only had to look you up and down one time to know that you weren't sober enough to make the walk by yourself. He wouldn't even think about letting you leave this apartment at this hour, anyways.
"Yeah? So what?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
"I mean...you think you should stay the night?" He starts, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "If you want, I don't care."
"Do you want me to stay the night?" You shoot him a daring smirk.
"Do you want to stay the night?" He retaliates.
"Sounds like you want me to. So fine, I guess, if you're begging for it."
"Fuck off and get eaten by the coyotes." He scowls in irritation, pulling his phone out to divert his attention.
You hop onto the bed next to him, catching his panicked expression the moment he realized how close you two were now. On the same bed. Alone. Along with the new question of where you would be sleeping- something that he had not thought about until now.
"C'mon Shigs! It's no fun when I'm the one that's always doing the chasing, babe. You have to want me as much as I want you, that's what makes it fun." You jokingly sigh.
"Who says I don't?"
Your eyes go wide. You were so used to him deflecting all of your useless attempts to fluster him, so you weren't sure how to handle your short circuited brain the second he finally returns the same energy.
"Uhhh. Okay, I take it back. Don't do that again." You press your lips together in defeat.
"I say four words and you start losing it?" He chuckles. "Think I got you beat at your own game."
"I guess tonight will test that, won't it?"
You were slowly eating your words with every second that passed. Your alcohol induced fake confidence had slowly dwindled down to nothing and now here you are sharing a bed with Tomura with your heart beating out of your chest, when you probably should've just offered to take the floor.
You two were lying on your sides facing one another with the covers pulled up to your chin. You were desperately trying to fall asleep, but you could hear his soft inhale and exhales and feel the air brushing past your cheeks as a constant reminder that he's right next to you, sharing the same bed, sharing the same air, all under the same blanket.
You slightly opened your eyes to peer through your lashes to see him wide awake and looking right at you, the back of his hand pressed against his cheek and soft eyes scanning over your face.
You open your eyes to meet his own.
"You're awake?" He whispers, slightly taken aback.
"How can I sleep when your stare is burning into my soul?" You tease. "Go to sleep, Shigs."
You never were able to get this close to Tomura without him flinching back or turning his head away to avert your gaze, but he stayed right here, letting you fully take in his presence. You almost wanted to reach your hand out and touch him, feel the softness of his cheeks, and tuck the stray hairs behind his ears.
"You don't think I'm trying?" He huff "It's fucking freezing in here. Dabi has daddy's money to always have the AC running even in the Winter."
"You should've said something earlier. We've been lying here for the past 30 fucking minutes." You start throwing apart the pillow wall that he put up between you two to prevent any 'funny business.'
"What are you doing?" He furrows his brows.
You say nothing, but instead grabbed the fabric of the t-shirt and pulled him in to close the gap between you two. His eyes widen at the sudden closeness. Your faces were mere inches away from each other, your leg shoved its way in between his, and your arm snaked its way around his waist.
"This okay?"
"A warning would've been nice." He mutters under his breath, stiffly letting his arm hang over your body, landing his hand in the middle of your back.
"I like the essence of surprise." You chuckle, looking up at him. "Better, though?"
He sighs in confirmation. "You're like a fucking furnace." He groans into your hairline.
"And you're like a popsicle."
"This would be nicer if you didn't talk."
"And this would be nicer if you'd relax and stop being so stiff." You pat the area between his shoulder blades, motioning him to let his arms loose. "I've seen you and Spinner cuddle it out on the couch in the backroom all the time, so don't act like you don't know how to do this."
"It's different." He mumble, reluctantly letting his body relax and mold against your own. "It's you."
"You dislike me that much?" You sigh, pressing your cheek against his chest, tapping your fingers against his back in content. "Do it for the purpose of survival, then."
"The opposite."
Your breathing hitches.
"Huh?" You tilt your head up to look at his face.
"Yeah." He presses his lips together, eyes darting around the room.
"You're saying 'the opposite' as in you do like me?"
"Fuck off. Don't make me say it again." His eyes finally lowered to meet yours.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Say what again? You quite literally did not say anything."
"I think this is the worst fucking time to have this conversation. Go to sleep and talk later."
"No!" You pout. "I'm not tired anymore. Let's talk now. What did you mean by that?"
A moment of silence fell between you two. With your face against his chest, you could hear his heart pounding. You suffered from the same feeling. Your throat goes dry from the anticipation of a potential confession that you'd been silently hoping for since you first met him.
"I thi-" He begins, stopping for a moment to swallow down his nerves. "So fucking awkward." He groans. "I do like you. As if it wasn't obvious, you dumbass."
"Obvious?" You scoff. "I'm obvious. Me. You on the other hand, definitely not."
"You obvious? You flirt to fuck with me."
"I flirt with you because I like you." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Also to fuck with you, but because I like you."
You two were rendered speechless as you're left to stare at each other with wide eyes, digesting this dual confession.
"So.." He begins, trailing off into nothing.
"So.. is this where we have our first kiss?" You awkwardly laugh, trying to cut through the tension.
"Are you joking?"
"Yes if you're not, but no if you are? I don't know? Not like either of us have done this before." You say through clenched teeth, cringing at yourself as your poor attempt to lighten the mood.
"Okay, then."
"Are you serious?" Your eyes widen at the sudden permission. "That easy? You're not going to tell me to fuck off?"
He disregards your hesitation and props himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a look in his eyes you've never seen before.
"On your back." He instructs.
Your body suddenly goes hot and numb as you slowly turn over onto your back, looking up at him looming over you sporting the same pair of flushed cheeks.
"This is unexpected." You whisper, balling fistfuls of the comforter in your hands. "What the hell is possessing you right now?"
"You, I think." He sheepishly smiles, cautiously bringing a hand down to cup your cheek, his cold hand absorbing your body heat. "It's what you wanted wasn't it? All those times when we're alone at the shop? Asking me to join you in the backroom? You did just say it wasn't just because you were fucking with me."
Just like that, the last 6 months of night shifts spent tormenting Tomura had come to bite you in the ass.
"Okay." You squeak out, reaching up to lay one hand over his, and the other on his shoulder. "I guess you're right. You're not freaking out, though? This is fine for you?"
"Definitely am freaking the fuck out. But I've been waiting for this, so I don't care." He mutters, running his thumb across your lower lip.
"This okay?" He mutters, inching closer to your face.
"Yeah." You whisper a moment before his lips grazes your own.
He finally closes the gap between you, letting the stray strands of his hair drape onto your face, tickling your forehead. For a second, the kiss was stiff with anxiety, but it wasn't even a second until your lips melted into each other's. It was almost suffocating- the sweet gentleness of it all.
Your hand traveled up his shoulder to the nape of his neck where you entangled your fingers in his hair, lightly tugging on the mass. His own hand made it down to your waist, flushing his palm against its curve.
When you broke apart, he collapsed on top of you, hiding his face in the crevice between your neck and shoulder before you two burst out in fits of childish giggles.
"Okay my turn. Get on your back, slut." You laugh, trying to shove him off of you.
"Hell fucking no. You want to kill me? We're done, go to sleep." He buries his face deeper into your neck, releasing a deep sigh of content. "Deal with everything else tomorrow."
"Talk tomorrow." You agree, turning over and entangling your body with his own.
You couldn't help but admire the look of his swollen-kissed lips and sleepy eyes staring back down at you. One last time before you two went off to sleep, you pressed a tender kiss to his lips before melting back into his body.
bonus scene:
your hands were lazily attached to one another's during another chilly quiet walk to your apartment the morning after your confessions and kiss.
"you didn't have to walk me home." you mutter, shyly peering over to him.
"i wanted to." he shrugs, tightening his grip on your hand. "the least i could do for keeping me company last night."
you hum in agreement. "no probs. thanks for letting me hang out. we should do it more often."
"the hanging out or..." he tugs down the collar of his knitted sweater to reveal an array of purple and red bruises on his collarbones and shoulder that conspired that early morning of more playful kisses and giggles.
"you see, i don't know how the hell that happened." you press your lips together, suppressing a smile. "must've been a ghost."
"must've been." he smirks, looking on ahead.
once you arrive at your door, he leans his shoulder against the wall as you dig through your bag for your keys.
"you're off tonight, yeah?"
"i am." you glance up at him before pulling out your bundle of keys. "you're kicking it with toga tonight?"
"mmhm. think i can come by after work? we're getting the new volume of terror tales tonight, so i can snatch one for you before it sells out?"
"already planning out the next time you can see me, shigs?" you smile, inserting the key into the door knob.
"i mean, i can let you scour ebay and pay triple for it too, see if i care." he rolls his eyes.
you grab the collar of his sweater and pull him in, connecting your lips for a brief moment.
"it better be in mint fucking condition." you mutter against his lips. "see you tonight."
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luveline · 1 year
Omg jade hii <3 I know it's not shy friday yet but can I request maybe eddie with a shy best friend who's secretly in love with him? 👉👈 up to you wether he notices or is oblivious. I love your fics sm thank u any way❤️
omg hii thank u for ur request, I guess it is shy friday now!! i hope u enjoy! fem!reader, 1k
Eddie grabs your hand as soon as he gets close enough, his delight to see you completely unshielded. "Holy shit!" he says, forgetting your hand to throw his arms over your shoulders. "I missed you so fucking much, never ever go on vacation again." 
"Eddie," you murmur reproachfully, though your arms have a mind of their own, wrapping around his back. 
"You're not allowed to leave me. I hate everybody who isn't you the longer you're gone, it makes me a bad person." 
Eddie steps back but keeps your shoulders in his hands. His eyes are soft and brown, but his excitement to see you has his pupils like pinpricks. His cheeks are quickly chapped in the cold wind blowing in through the doorway. 
"I bet it was warmer there, we're knee deep in winter now," he says. "You look like you had a good time." 
"It was good," you agree, sliding the bag of presents from your elbow to your wrist, assuming he'll want to see them most. 
He begged for gifts, in person before you went and down the phone while you were gone, landline calls he insisted on. I worry about you, I wanna make sure you're okay when I’m not there.
You got him everything you could afford, a magnet, a bottle opener, a key chain, a teddy bear with a flag around his neck. Basically a bag load of candy on top. 
"I really missed you, sweetheart," he says. "Not to be sincere or anything, but I fucking love you. Next time you go away I'm gonna have to come with you." 
You laugh nervously. "I love you too," you say, averting your gaze to his collar, black double stitching against his neck. 
"Are you hungry?" he asks. 
"No," you lie. You hate being an imposition on him, even knowing that Eddie will tell anyone willing to listen that you're his best friend. 
"Seriously? You were on a plane for hours, and you came straight to see me, let me buy you pizza or something, yeah?" 
You lick your lips and nod. Eddie lifts your face to his, and it genuinely feels like a heart attack, that sudden realisation he could kiss you if he wanted to, the proximity of his face to yours. Instantly, you're wondering if your breath is okay, if you have eye crusties, if you smell good. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, concerned.
"I'm alright, I'm just tired," you say. 
"You don't look tired, you look cagey. Sorry, I forget that you get all shy again when we don't see each other." He talks brazenly but not without sympathy, patting your shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
"Can we order something? I'm sick of being in motion."
Eddie throws his car keys like a longshot into the bowl on the sideboard by his front door. "Yes. Absolutely. I'm sick of moving too, and this is the first time I've stood up today." 
"I brushed my teeth before you came over," he says, bearing them garishly as proof. He talks through gritted teeth, "Pearly white, no?" 
"Looking good." 
He beams. Eddie wraps a hand around your wrist like the touch means nothing and tugs you along to the living room. He pushes you down into the seat you always take, tosses your usual blanket at you, and whizzes off to the kitchen for coke and popcorn. He has the sweet stuff in a bucket that he eats a handful at a time, the lid sealed. 
"New one?" you ask. 
"Waiting for my best girl to get home," he says easily, collapsing down into the seat next to you, dropping the remote on your chest. "Shit, I missed this." 
"You didn't watch TV while I was gone?" you ask, confused. 
"I watched TV, it just wasn't good without you in my ear judging people." 
"I don't judge people… much." 
"Everybody judges people. I love when you judge people 'cos you say what I'm thinking." Eddie drops his head into your shoulder, his curls brushing your cheek. "I missed you so much." 
"You said that," you say quietly, a little breathless. 
Eddie looks up at you, something playful about him as he says, "I know. It's fucking true as all hell, too. What do you want from Marino's? I'll get you two if you promise not to go away again." 
"What am I gonna do with two pizzas?" you ask, the warmth of him seeping down into your shirt. 
Eddie digs a nail into the popcorn lid, face turned to you but gaze on the bucket. "Uh, eat them. Eat one tonight, take one with you tomorrow for breakfast." 
"I don't want two pizzas, just one is good. I'm gonna eat all your popcorn anyway, I won't have room." 
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, eyes flying to your face. "You think so, huh?" 
Your heart in your mouth, a shudder coursing down your chest, you have a moment where you think for sure he knows, he's found out, and he doesn't care —he looks like he wants you to confess. 
What a fantastically dangerous idea. You avert your gaze and thrust your bag of gifts and candy into his arms. "You'll be too full for popcorn after those." 
You can feel his gaze on your cheek for a little while longer, but eventually he moves from your shoulders, laughing quietly as he digs through his new things. 
"You're so awesome," he says, pulling out the keychain you got him. It's an electric guitar with an enamel body the same colours as the flag. "I'm putting this on my keys right now." 
Eddie kisses your cheek. "Thank you," he adds.
He stands and rounds the couch to go get his keys. You feel your cheek with a trembling hand. Eddie kisses you, he hugs you, he has a thousand affections and all of them set you aflame. Sighing, you let your cheek drop into your hand. It's hopeless. 
He watches from the doorway as you sigh. His smile can't be described any other way —he's infatuated. The sooner you realise, the better, but for now he's really enjoying the run up. 
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octopiys · 1 year
Some incorrect quotes and scenes for the pies
Roach: *Screams*
Ghost: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Capt. MacTavish: Should we do something?
Capt. Price: No, I want to see who wins.
Alejandro: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Valeria: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Alejandro: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING RODOLFO WITH ME
Rodolfo, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Price: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.
Ghost: That's why I carry two knives.
Soap: I made tea.
Ghost: I don’t want tea.
Soap: ....I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Ghost: Then why are you telling me?
Soap: It is a conversation starter.
Ghost: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Soap: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Gaz: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming
Price, putting his head in his hands: Does anyone in this goddamn team ever think before they speak-
Graves: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Alejandro: I do have a sense of humor you know
Graves: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Alejandro: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Graves: fuck you
Alejandro: fuck you
Soap, motioning to a Halloween display: All these ghosts! All these ghosts! I still can’t find a boo.
Ghost: is it because I said I didn't want your tea-
Ghost: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
Gaz, just finding out that Ghost is legally dead:
Gaz: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Price: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Soap: Three of us saw it, Cap. How do you explain that?
Price: *points at Soap* Sleep deprivation. *points at König* Paranoia. *points at Ghost* Delusional personality disorder.
Gaz: damn.
Roze: What’s something you guys are better than Horangi at?
Hutch: Mario Kart.
O'Conor: Yeah, video games.
König: Emotional vulnerability
Graves: *Gets down on one knee*
Alejandro: Oh my god, it’s finally happening.
Graves: *Falls over*
Alejandro: The poison is kicking in.
Gaz, after falling out of a heli for the third time: Do you take constructive criticism?
Nikolai: I only take cash or credit.
Soap: Can you keep a secret?
Ghost: Do you know anything about my life?
Soap: No I do not. Good point.
Gaz: Hey heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this haha-
Roach: What did you-?
I just wanna say thank you all sm for 300 followers! You all r loved and I'm not good with responses but I appreciate them all so muck, thank u again :DDDDD
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moremaybank · 2 years
Hello! I love your jj posts!! Can you maybe write a jj x reader angst where they are together and haven’t seen each other for a few days (long working days and school stress etc.) and reader really misses him so they agree to meet later in the week at readers house, so she makes dinner and makes it all cozy but jj texts her last minute that he is a bit later because he's going to have end of the week drinks with colleagues and then he gets a bit drunk and forgets about the time coming home to reader late and she gets mad and sad because she missed him sm (maybe jj first tries to make up for it with his dick, bc you know boys are stupid) but later sees his mistake and notices how she made dinner etc, so he feels really bad and it ends with jj making up (fluff)! Hope this is okay and clear hahaha! ❤️ Have a nice day!
pairing jj maybank x gf!reader
summary jj comes home late when you two have a date night planned and he tries to make it up to you
warnings angst, mentions of alcohol use, jj being dumb and trying to fix things with sex
author's note started and restarted this way too many times for someone who is supposedly sane.
jj masterlist
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your place looked amazing — like it was straight out of a rom-com. dimmed lighting with the golden glow of candles illuminating the space. rose petals scattered over the floor and table. the five-star meal you’d worked tirelessly on throughout the week trying to perfect. and let’s not forget about jj's favourite dessert from the restaurant he took you to on your first formal date. everything was perfect. jj deserved the best, and that’s all you wanted to give him. 
he had texted you as soon as he got off work, explaining that he would grab a quick drink with his colleagues before coming home to you for your highly anticipated and long overdue date night. 
but that was two hours ago, and now, you were over it. so. completely. over it. 
you were starting to blow out the candles littered around the room as jj stumbled through the door.
"hey, pretty girl. sh-shit. you look pretty. my pretty baby," he cooed, approaching you after removing his shoes and setting down his belongings.
you ignored him, continuing to clean up. you grabbed both of your plates and set them down next to the sink. you began to put the food in containers to store in the fridge when jj finally reached you.
"what are you doing? i thought we had dinner planned?" he questioned as he watched you pack the food away.
"we did. two hours ago," you retorted, refusing to even glance his way.
jj paused, dragging a hand over his face as he glanced at the clock.
9:03 pm. shit.
"don't, jj. i don't wanna hear it," you huffed, putting the food in the fridge and returning to the table where you blew out the remainder of the candles. "i hope you had a nice night."
jj's hands found yours from behind you, halting your movements. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. the guys and i were just blowing off some steam, and i-i lost track of time. we can take the food back out and eat it now," he pleaded, wrapping his broad arms around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. "let me make it up to you, please?"
"i'm not hungry anymore. you can eat by yourself if you want to."
for weeks, you and jj had been so busy, and you barely had time to see each other. the only time you got to spend with each other nowadays was when you two were in bed, asleep. so was it too much for the two of you to set aside time to enjoy each other's company while you ate a meal together and felt the love you shared? two hours ago, you would've said no. but after jj's forgetful behaviour, you weren't sure if your answer was the same.
"c'mon, pretty girl. i promise you'll feel better once i take care of you," jj whispered into your ear. his teeth grazed your earlobe before he pressed soft, open-mouthed kisses to the nape of your neck, trailing them across your shoulder as his fingers worked to remove the fabric of your sleeve. "mm, y-you smell good," he spoke, sniffing your skin.
"stop," you scold, shrugging him off and putting some distance between you two. "seriously? you think sex is just gonna make me forget that you completely blew me off? what's the matter with you?"
"wait, that's not what i meant. of course i know that's not gonna fix everything. but we were gonna end up there after dinner anyway, right?"
you scoffed in response, "wow. did you really just say that?"
"you know what? it was one thing to have a drink with your work friends to relax after work. and i was fine with that, i really was. but i was able to prioritize time for my relationship. i just wish you could have too."
jj stayed quiet, mentally cursing himself for being as stupid as he was, trying to get you into bed without even letting you explain your side of things. he honestly didn't even consider how you felt about it all, and he was kicking himself. hard.
"i'm going to bed. you can clean up the remainder of what was supposed to be our date night, and when you're done, you can sleep on the couch. goodnight," you said before storming off, leaving jj alone with his thoughts.
how the hell was he supposed to fix this?
you woke up to your remorseful boyfriend rubbing your back soothingly to lull you out of your sleep. he smoothed your hair away from your face, landing a soft kiss on your forehead as your eyes fluttered open. "good morning, beautiful."
you grunted in acknowledgement, still not in the mood to speak to him.
he chuckled softly, thumb skimming over your cheekbone. "i know you're still mad at me, and that's okay because i deserve it. but i am planning on making it up to you."
"with sex?" you remarked, giving him a pointed look.
"no, not with sex. i learned my lesson. but i do have a surprise for you," he replied.
you raised a brow at him in confusion, "what is it?"
"you're gonna have to come with me to find out," he sing-songed with a cheeky grin. the one he knew you couldn't resist, even with all your power.
you let jj pull you out of bed and lead you to the kitchen with his hands over your eyes. he reminded you not to peak because it's considered cheating, and you rolled your eyes behind your eyelids. he was already on thin ice, but you decided to swallow the snarky comment and save it for later in case you needed it.
you two finally came to a stop, and jj hesitated, debating if he had done enough to make things right, or at least start to. "you ready?"
"alright, open."
you opened your eyes, and your gaze landed on the beautifully decorated kitchen in front of you. jj had relit the candles littered around the room from the previous night. the rose petals were still artfully scattered across the floor and table. there were giant metallic balloons against the wall that spelled out, 'i love you.' lastly, on the table sat two plates with a gourmet breakfast that consisted of chocolate-chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and home fries, alongside a mug of hot chocolate — the high-end one that you only splurged on a few times a year. your eyes began to water, but you blinked your tears away, not willing to give in to jj just yet.
"c'mon," he encouraged, pulling out a chair for you. you sat down, and he pushed you closer to the table before taking a seat himself.
"i know this won't fix everything, but i figured it could be a start," he smiled gently, his hand finding yours on the table. "so we can sit here and eat this delicious breakfast while you talk to me and let me know how you feel. we're gonna figure this out together."
you looked into the eyes of the boy you loved so much and saw the apologetic feelings behind them. your gaze softened, and you sighed.
"i'm sorry i got so angry with you, but i was hurt. i've missed you so much these past few weeks, and i've been so stressed out. i've just really needed you. so when we made the plan for our date night, i was so happy that we would finally get the chance to spend actual time together. but then you came home late, and it felt like you forgot about me. it felt like our plans weren't important to you...that i wasn't important to you, and it hurt," you explained. "i know our schedules can get super hectic. trust me, i understand that. but i need to know that we'll still make time for each other no matter what, because i want to build a life with you. i'm in this for the long haul, j. you need to show me that you are too."
he squeezed your hand in response, "i am. i'm in it for the long haul, baby, i promise. look...in hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea for me to go drinking with the guys. i just had a really long day at work, and i wanted to loosen up before i came home to you so that i wouldn't sour the mood."
"you know, next time, you can just tell me that instead of making me feel like you want to ditch our plans," you teased, lightening up the mood between you two.
"i know. i'm sorry. and i'm also sorry for trying to initiate sex instead of talking things out with you. alcohol-influenced jj is a dumbass," he apologized. "but i don't ever want you to think that you don't matter to me. you aren't someone i'll ever just cast aside. you're my home and my heart. i love you, and i'm so lucky that you love me back," he spoke, bringing your hand to his lips so he could kiss your knuckles gently.
you smiled at him softly, and your free hand cupped his cheek. "i wouldn't mind hearing those things more often."
"i'll remind you how i feel about you hourly if it'll get you to see how important you are to me."
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jj tag list (join here!): @maybankslover @skydisneylover @kittyqrt
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Hey! 🐗 Here and I know that your oc is very different from another OC but they kinda reminded me of each other, *cough cough priests in mond cough cough* it's from a webtoon called breeze to ascension and I totally recommend it! I don't remember the name of the character right now but the story is really good and I think you might like it, based on my very bad character read lol. Anyway thanks for the answer and oh my gosh Ella, hilichurl OC's for the win!!!!!!!!! She is already in my heart and I love her!!!! Wings!!!! She is just so akbeksjqvmshdbwjs!!! Care to elaborate a little on her? My mind in already making up scenarios with her and I don't even know her lol
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I don’t usually read Webtoon but I can at least look it up!
Also Ella!! Yay!!! I love her sm I’d be more than happy to talk a bit more about her!
Her entire deal is that she is a winged Churl, which were thought to be extinct. If you look through the Genshin manga (or just look em up), you can see that they existed during the time Mond was under the aristocracy rule!
She is able to speak the common language and has “human” intelligence, making the Mondstadtians feel a bit off and iffy about killing them.
She a take-no-shit give-no-fucks kinda girl. She will fuck you up, no hesitation if you mess with her.
She’s essentially the Churl representative for Mond. Churls & humans have reached a kinda symbolic relationship here because of Ella’s & Ludwig’s attempts!
I can also say this about her, she fucking hates Liyue. She flew over it once, nearly got killed by a certain short Anemo boy. Fucking hates them. She hates a lot of thing ngl-
For world building I like to give them voice lines so here’s a few:
Good Morning: “What are ya doin’ out here? The sun’s barely up and you’re going f’ what? A walk?.. Let me come with. The sleepin’ pile’s gettin’ crowded.”
Good Night: “The moon’s up… Nice time f’ a bonfire beneath the stars… Wanna come? Pretty sure some of m’ mates are gonna sing some songs. You ever danced a Hilichurls waltz?”
Good Afternoon: “It’s nice ta take a moment… jus’ ta breath n’ take it all in… oh. You’re here too, I guess.”
Good Evening: “Nice crisp winds, perfect f’ flyin’. You got one of them uh… wing gliders? If not you can ride m’ back. No right grips or nothin’ though.”
When it Rains: “Guh… hate the rain… makes m’ hair all matted n’ stuff… you know how hard it is to comb ya hair with no hands?”
After the Rain: “Ngh… Now m’ all wet n’ cold n’ shiver-y…”
When it Snows: “GAH?! I don’t fly up Dragonspine f’ a reason!! To cold TO COLD!!”
When the Wind is Blowing: “Finally, some nice weather!”
About Ella: “What do ya wanna know me? M’ a talkin’ Churl who has wings. What else could ya possibly want ta know?”
About: Vision: “Vision? Don’t got one. Doubt the bast… I mean… people up in Celesta would even consider givin’ one to a ‘monster’ like me..”
About Diluc: “Diluc? Ya mean that guy who goes around at night beating m’ friends up? Yeah, hate his guts. Should see how he looks at me when I stroll around town durin’ th’ day.”
About Razor: “Wolfie? Ya I know im’. Nice little thing when ya really talk to im’. Nice hunter too. Gets th’ good stuff heh.”
About Klee: “The amount of time I’ve had ta tell her I ain’t for blowing up is insane. Good kid, don’t get m’ wrong just… uh… I don’t know what ta call her honestly…”
About Albedo: “The weirdo tries ta experiment on me every. Single. Chance he gets. Can’t shake im’ off or nothin’. Hate im’ and hate the way he looks at me… freak…”
I think I’m gonna stop here, but that’s the basis for her! She will beat you up, no hesitation, give her a chance. She will. And I wanna hear some of your ideas now that you know a bit about her! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
Also more questions are always welcomed and appreciated!! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
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jakowskis · 5 months
Day 23 - Discuss Tosh. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
tosh my babygirl my princess light of my life angel darling… shes so good. shes so good 🥺 i love her dearly. she’s so damn underutilized i hate how the show regulates her to a supporting role + only uses her for romantic plots. WACK shes so much more than that. i want a plotline about her cyberterrorism like hello??? i want a plotline about her warped little mind.. i want a plotline about her finally learning spanish ;-; that show did not do her justice and it did not deserve her. i often say torchwood’s characters are too good for the show; tosh is probs the best example of that. no other character gets screwed over as badly as she does by the narrative (not even ianto!) she’s so tragic and lonely i just wanna give her the biggest hug ever. 
fav moment… every time she smiles. (or smirks. hrgh. tosh call me.) also every time she geeks out about smth. im tryna think of a specific moment but idk if i have one?? i just love her overall i smile every time she’s on screen she’s my girlie. when i rewatch i might rmr one though
least favorite moment, the absolute only thing i can think of (hell, my only complaint with her as a character other than i wish she’d get over owen cuz bad taste queen pls u deserve sm better) - it’s always bothered me how she goes over to owen’s flat in aditd and just starts babbling about her own problems. she even says something like “you think everything’s about you”, and in that ep it’s like ??? why are they all acting like he’s unjustified being miserable and angry when he's fucking dead?? like they're all so unsympathetic and mean, even tosh, and out of her it's especially weird?? tbh it just strikes me as ooc (+ kind of misogynistic highkey) writing. i mean, by all means, let tosh bitch, she deserves to blow off some steam + esp deserves to be rude to owen tbh fhsdkjfsd, but the way it’s done in that particular moment feels ooc and, like, how men write women as talking too much and never listening lmao u kno what i mean (owen’s tuned out in the actual episode but you can see her full ramble in the original script, on page 23). tosh has never troubled anyone with her issues before, why would she choose now to, and when she knows owen’s struggling? yeah, on second thought, i don’t hold that against her actually, that’s ooc to me fhdkf. thts just the writer being a wiener.
my only unpopular opinions (slash hot takes) are that 1) towen fucking SUCKS get her away from him, and 2) most people like tosh but she’s highkey underappreciated, esp in fanfic, because of fandom racism + misogyny. she’s not bashed like gwen is but she’s ignored completely which is nearly as bad, and a lot of it’s cuz she happens to be in a show with two white men in a gay relationship who are overwhelmingly prioritized 💀 i will never not be petty about the way that ship dwarfs everything else in comparison. also throwing towen into the background of janto is so gross n cheap. if ppl cared abt her they'd do smth more interesting. and it's never well-done either. ugh.
i have a few hcs that are gonna end up in my owento verse (gwen and tosh are prominent characters in it bc i love them, and their relationships w owen and ianto and each other also have value lawl). tbh a lot of em are just things i think they should introduce into their lives to be happier. i want them happy ;-;
she starts coding video games recreationally!! nothing fancy but she rlly enjoys it + also gets into the swing of making little storylines n getting to express herself that way which is good for her. owen playtests shit for her
her and gwen go on spa dates sometimes. they put it on the torchwood credit card
she gets into fish tanks and fish tank care!!! esp like aquarium plants. shrimp and moss balls, that sort of thing. maybe plecos or loaches. she loves it + it’s grounding, which is good for her bc shes otherwise always got her head in her computers yanno. she’ll sit by her tank while she codes her games and the water sounds are calming. 
she also sits by it while she studies her spanish books which she does finally do. she doesn’t get around to the piano, though; doesn’t prioritize buying a keyboard. maybe one day (this is a nobody dies au btw so she will in fact eventually get around to it ;-;)
oh she’s autistic have i said that. the fish tanks absolutely become a spin. she has a few we know of from canon - math and computers, obviously, but also history (gbg) and the uk’s rivers (from gooseberry; i think it was just the uk maybe it was europe’s rivers. or the world’s! i don’t remember). she also loves trivia like she knows a fair amount about quite a lot of things + loves accumulating random info
lowkey also. giving her a kitty. i think tosh should have a lil fuzzy kitty to keep her company 
well this is smth from my owandy verse but i think it should happen anyway. so it kind of kicks off bc gwen mixes up a blind date (it was gonna be tosh & andy and then owen & a friend of hers, but shes an adhd icon n bungles the invites <3)... tosh ends up with gwen’s friend, who’s straight, but they hit it off and she invites tosh to have drinks or maybe come to a bookclub meet or something with some friends of hers?? point is, tosh makes some casual friends. maybe meets a pretty girl there or smth 👁️ but mainly i want tosh to have girl friends like i think she grew up very lonely i want her to have some normalcy
also sometimes i like tosh x andy maybe they have a little meet cute at a torchwood crime scene or smth fshdkfd. i think they’d be cute and he’d treat her well. she'd babble abt tech stuff and he wouldnt understand a damn word but he'd listen very intently
i also like tosh x ianto for similar reasons. i think it’d be a kind of friends to lovers sitch... they should just be close in general tbh, platonically or not yanno, and in my owandy verse i like the idea of smth kicking off between them i just think theyd be so sweet
she’s a very sleepy drunk and also a lightweight. if the team goes out to drink she’ll get two glasses of smth moderately fruity and then fall asleep against someone’s shoulder it’s very cute (this is just cuz i like the idea of a sleepy tosh 🥺 my baby my baby shes so precious to meee)
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sungbeam · 1 year
describe your favorite mutuals & their bias/biases <3
omg i always feel so much pressure for these cuz i have quite a handful of moots but i shall try my best !! thanks for ur ask anonie o7
@justalildumpling & na jaemin — both just uber delulu and mutual orgasm donors 😭😭 their astrology/horoscope reading says they'd be good for marriage, but i think WE r a much better match 😚 anyways, i love u j my beloved wife and soulmate !!
@jaehunnyy & jung wooyoung — bro i didn't know which teezer to pick for u 😭😭 but since the craze lately has been mr wooyo 😗 chip is just the sweetest and most wholesome bean ever?? (except lately 🤡 woosan is getting to her) but she deserves the absolute world
@winterchimez & lee sangyeon — my parents !!! absolutely adore ally :')) she's always encouraging my shenanigans and one of the most supportive people on this app. i feel like every day i learn that we have another thing in common w each other LOL
@ethereal-engene & lee jihoon — NO CUZ EKFNEKDK when i tell u ash looks like woozi (゜-゜) im not even kidding, they both look SO good in specs and i love ash sm, she GETS ME and im so convinced we're like actually long lost relatives 😭😭 the way she puts up w my shit and supports me all the time :')
@loveliestfelix & choi yeonjun — omg no because nana is supermodel material?? supermodel gf and bf say HUH???? her writing is something to fall head over heels in love w !! my beloved angst queen 🫂 ilysm im always thinking of u <3
@tranquilpetrichor & (i wanna say) yoon keeho??? — eris i just realized i don't really stan some of the groups u do and i haven't seen u talk abt ur biases recently 😔 SO PLS DO TELL ME ABT THEM !! but i wanted to include u here bc it didn't feel right without u 😭 but she's so underrated and one of the chillest people ever, and a literal ballerina like 😳 that shits hard bro
@zzoguri & ji changmin/kim sunwoo — MY FELLOW KYUBODAN MONI AHHWHDINEJDJD they are AMAZING at writing??? i guarantee u will fall in love w their style, and they're also just so easy to vibe w and talk to 🤧🤧 hope to get to know u even better bestie :'))
@haet-sal & ju haknyeon — CAKECEYYYYY 😩😩😩 ik the ship name is hakcey/hickey LMAO but cake 😎 anyways LMAO lacey is prob who i aspire to be?? 😭 like u guys don't understand how pretty this girl is and the fact that she's SO COOL TOO?? i feel like i'd be so intimidated by u irl tbh 😳
@goldenhypen & jake sim — my canadian counterpart and chinese 04 twin 💖💖💖 i miss u sm omg i will always uphold that em is one of, if not, THEE nicest person on this app. like if u touch her I HURT YOU 😐🔪 she is sooo so compassionate and caring and just wah i love u sm i hope ur doing alright :'))
@sseastar & byun euijoo (i think? im sorry i don't stan &team 😔) — yet another author here who's style of writing absolutely blows me away skdnkendk like the slice of life ghibli movie vibe of her writing makes me SING and she's also a very cool woman in stem™ </3 she's also so soft and sweet, and i only have the most tender of thoughts toward her
@hqrana & omg im so bad i know eric sohn for sure 😭 — we actually haven't talked about many other groups besides tbz and svt skdnekdk OKAY BUT MY MARVEL MOOT !!! i treasure noa so much, like what a star and the way we literally have so many fandoms in common??? for the longest time (and still) i look forward to interacting w her just cuz she is absolutely SO fun to talk to 💖 ly bff
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Peacemaker S1 Ep3 Better Goff Dead live watch
tagging @tinalbion in the subsequent posts for this <3333 thank u for convincing me to finally start it 🗣️🗣️
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-“we know who she is we don’t need to know how much she enjoyed having sex with you” “what if it’s a clue?” “it’s not” “fair. i was just trying to slip it into conversation. hope nobody noticed. my bad” JFKWODNKWD stop bc why do i enjoy christopher sm rn 😭
-he’s just funny!!
-theM YELLING AT VIGILANTE FRIM BEHIDN THE TRASHCAN AND HES LIKE “why do i have to leave i’m just looking from behind a trashcan” IDKSKJD
-ur honor… he’s perfect
-“are u a psychiatrist?” “WHAT?” “then don’t tell me what’s normal!”
-vigilante wants to be chris’ best friend :3
-“even tho i mostly kill white people so…catch ya guys later :D”
-lets kill a senator baby
-goff is a little butterfly
-him laughing so god damn hard at her stop
-a butt baby 😭😭
-judomasters little suit
-“any questions?” “yes…is scissoring real i keep getting contradictory reports” “i always suspected u were a butt baby from the beginning” STOPPPPP bffs
-“what? i’m an ally!” “having a lesbian haircut doesn’t make you an ally” I LOVE HER
-let’s see if he can draw the dove of peace
-nope yeah looks like a ghost
-“there. there’s a feeling of mine” murn is just like me
-murn is so funny actually hehe
-she’s sharing her trail mix w him and he’s putting everything that’s empty calories back 😭😭
-not the berenstain va berenstien bears fight 😭
-judo master eating cheetos he’s just like me
-“i’m not a fucking drawer >:(“
-them shit talking amanda in front of her daughter D:
-the way he is sitting on the ground JDNWOJDIS
-anyways. christopher and emilia weirdly flirting and bonding over their shitty fathers and childhood >>
-i’m glad he doesn’t want to kill kids anymore and is like,,,, becoming a better person
-vigilante-mobile 😭😭😭😭
-“dude they know ur here get out of the bushes” “i don’t know what ur talking abt” JFKWOFNKWF
-them STILL fighting abt the berenstain bears JDJEKDJJE
-what is this goop
-their butterfly mouths
-is he gonna be able to do it
-he’s :( guys he’s making me sad
-is vigilante gonna do it for him :3
-damn all 4
-here comes murn 🗣️
-“obviously he feels anger -_-“ JFMWODNWK
-judo master kicking adrian’s ass 😭😭
-harcourt getting mad that leota didn’t want to kill the secret service guy but this whole time she’s been talking abt how they don’t kill innocents and then killed an innocent so 🤨🤨 what’s the truth
-i am forever in the leota defense squad
-judo master w the cheetos once again <3
-“ur fucking adorable i wanna put u in my pocket. i wanna take u home and play with u with my gi joes”
-“remember when i fucked you up?” period
-the senator is kind of … SORRY
-the soundtrack is so good
- torture time 🗣️
-JUDWJIDND judomasfwr flipping peacemaker off like exactly
-they pulled adriens mask and he’s changing his facial expressions 😭😭
-fuck you christopher.
-james better stop judomaster from leaving
-“uh…maybe you could just give him a little” no fr
-“WHAT? my pinky? why me again???” :( STOP BEING MESN TO HIMMM
-the way his face dropped when christopher said to cut off all his toes he deadass went 😦
-can these bitch hurry up and blow the fucking door down AND SAVE HIM
-murn getting blown up
-blew his head off <3
-damn knocked him out of the car and everything 😭
-him laughing 😭😭😭 “ECONOMOUS MOTHER FUCKER”
-adrian :3
-economous dancing like exactly
-the butterfly design is cool
-OH DAMN there’s a lot of suspected butterfly’s
-like a LOT
-ok end credit scene
-“but if you just be chris smith people might actually like you” 🥹🥹
-ok i’m excited for episode 4 bc uhm. adrian in his little prison jumpsuit…..gulp
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freeuselandonorris · 5 months
omg ok. my brain is a vault of stardew info ive been playing since release basically.. u get copper ore from the mines, found frequently on floors 1-40. once you find your first ore, the blacksmith will bring you blueprints to make a furnace to smelt it into bars so you can use them for crafting, building, upgrading tools etc. the mines are located near robin’s house and linus’s tent, if you just follow the path to the left of their homes!
haley sucks at first (tbh half do imo) but if u gift her things she likes and keep talking to her, she warms up pretty fast! all of them have liked, disliked, loved, hated, and neutral gifts and will give shitty reactions to disliked and hated gifts ):
i played the fuck out of cyberpunk !! i loved the story behind it, smth ab having a flashdrive stuck into my brain and then some hologram dude talking to me just does it for me. i love johnny sm. what boss are u coming up on?
omg anon ur an ANGEL. honestly my one criticism of stardew valley is that it just kinda…dumps you in it and doesn’t really give you any kind of tutorial lmao?? i’ve figured out a fair amount of stuff through trial and error and followed the journal quests but holy shit it would have taken me forever to figure out that u have to go to the mines to do mining. which like. now it’s written down OBVIOUSLY that’s where you go to do mining but sadly my brain doesn’t work like that lmao.
side note: i went and tried fishing after ur earlier post and oh my GOD it’s annoying. 0/10. took me about four goes just to time the fuckin hit right to get the mini game loaded. horrendous.
CYBERPUNK MY BELOVED!! i have had such an insane trajectory w this game lmao. i was SO excited when it first got trailed because it’s so obviously inspired by neuromancer (i mean frankly the plot is very nearly ripped off neuromancer entirely at times) and blade runner and cyberpunk as a genre is a longstanding intense obsession of mine. and then i got the 1.0 PS4 release when they were practically giving it away for free bc it was such a mess and i barely got halfway through Act 1 bc it was buggy as hell.
THEN like…years? later i got made redundant from work (if you’re non-UK, i think the USeng equivalent is laid off?), impulse bought a PS5 (thanks, adhd impulse spending!) and downloaded 2.0 and promptly got fucking obsessed.
cut for mild spoilers
like. i have never been emotionally invested in a game like this. i’ve never wanted to live inside a game like this! night city feels so so real, and i fuckin love playing as V (i’m playing boy V which is a v good gender experience). there’s some elements of the gameplay i find frustrating and the levels/perks system drives me slightly insane but the storyline, voice acting and the whole design of night city is mind blowing to me.
i have also never ever wanted to fuck a fictional character as much as i do johnny silverhand lmao. GOD. my screenshots folder is full of pictures of him with that cyborg arm on show 🥵 i’m kinda desperate to finish it so i can check out the fic bc i need johnny/V porn but i don’t wanna spoiler any of the endings for myself lmao.
ANYWAY so the boss fight i have coming up is at the end of play it safe, after the parade…i’m just about to start taking out the 3 snipers but i’ve seen on reddit etc that the boss fight at the end of this is hideous, esp if you’re not really highly levelled on body attributes which like…i think i’m on about 11 for body so not super low but i’ve been focused on tech ability (after tbf taking a pretty scattergun approach at first and regretting it). if the boss fight at the end of i walk the line is anything to go by i’m fucked — i gave up on sasquatch in the end and just ran into the cinema lmao, i literally tried about 20 times to get her 😭 my hand eye coordination is NOT good enough for this!!
i have phantom liberty waiting for me after i’m done w the main pack i can’t waittttt
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onlyjaeyun · 10 months
greetings my dear zadie 😁 i missed u sm (sorry for the disappearance- i really missed filling ur inbox like this pls don’t mind me💔) & i genuinely have no idea where to begin from because i just got caught up with like 30 chapters of strictly business and i haVENT BEEN SLEEPING SINCE YESTERDAY BECAUSE I CANT CLOSE MY PHONE 🧍‍♀️ first of all what the FUCKKKKK IS GOING AWNNNNN😨 like what the hell what the fuck the whole family situation is so heartbreaking then we have the fucking mind blowing jaw dropping earth shattering identity crisis inducing universe colliding inducing smut to have ever grazed tumblr idk if it’s the severe daddy issues but my GOD thewayjongseongisaservicedommakesmegentearup also can i just say as someone who’s been reading your masterpieces since hype boy i absolutely adore. like ADORE 🧎‍♀️ the way you write your smuts they always like ooze out love and i adore it sm like it’s like that one meme where u know it’s not a quick nut but smth made with love & care and that’s exactly how you be writing your shit dawg like you’re so talented?? out here making me close my phone every 5 mins just to giggle and calm myself down. now when i tell you my legs r aching bcs of the amount of hours i just spent swinging them while giggling because of the shit i was reading for HOURS BRO. 😀 like i’m so obsessed with how you write i want to kiss & appreciate each every single one of your neuron cells and axons for connecting to eachother to form such beautiful ideas mamas. anywho back to the story FUCK YOU SHIAH UGLY ASS PREHISTORIC ASS BITCH THE FUCK IS YOUR GODDAMN PROBLEM DAMN. like you’re genuinely a miserable grandma if you’re out here in your 30s or smth pushing 89 and you’re bullying & talking shit about a girl who’s 21 💀 like girl go teach at unis what u learned about dinosaurs since you’ll be talking straight up from experience. i bet yo ass she was there at the last supper arriving with her horse and all that like GIR- sorry excuse me for the disrespect fr 🙏🏼GREAT-GREAT-GRANDMA. GET YOUR GODDAMN SHIT TOGETHER AND BACK THE FUCK AWF 🤺 anywho now that we talked about the literal cause of the big bang theory let’s go talk about jongseong 🤭 no because i love this man with my whole entire heart i just- i <3 mature men <333 he’s so cool & mature & understanding & it’s making him so much more sexier than he already is it’s actually driving me crazy because wHERE do i find a replica of the man i just read about. like sir. SIR im losing my mINDDDD 🤸‍♀️🕳️ and then going to yn i love her sm :( she’s so smart & kind and she did not deserve anything that happened to her she’s such a sweet girl i can’t do this i can’t stand kind hearted people getting their souls hurt like this like pls she deserves sm better (i’m literally coming for you shiah. sleep with one eye fucking OPEN.) i’m so glad she has jimin & aeri w her i love them all so much and nayeon (btw making nayeon jongseong’s older sister single-handedly saved approximately 26392 lives and prevented 6 million deaths im telling u, ur mind? legendary.) and then we have seoul’s fav four oh mY GOD i love jaeyun sm. he’s so hilarious like bros always speaking & asking the ACTUAL questions he’s so funny i love him sm & hoon is just hooning he’s a bad bitch & a serious mf i love him sm for that fr always serving shit and all that a fucking icon he’s so real 💯 and oh lord 30 year old hee? is going down in the history books i fear 🚨 u making hee this attractive right after poison is just so ooooooo i wanna fight you so bad (w kisses & hugs duh!) but like gen. easily one of the best stories i’ve ever came across, easily one of the best authors/writers i’ve had the chance to read the works of and witness with my own eyes 🙏🏼 like thank u so much for your service fr i love u sm pls take care of urself & don’t tire yourself out (i’m ignoring all events that took place in the most recent chapter because no.) sending u sm love & kisses zadie ! <33
actually no fuck that what the fuck do you mean the engagement is ACTUALLY GONNA HAPPEN. didn’t jongseong already put that bitch in her place like GRANDMA???? R U NOT EMBARRASSED THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. chasing after a dude when he literally told u all ur shitty fantasies AINT GONNA HAPPEN and someone who put u in ur goddamn place and SO OBVIOUSLY HAS SOMEONE ELSE HES INTERESTED IN (WHICH TALK YOUR FUCKING SHIT JONGSEONG 🗣️💯 SPEAK UR TRUTH DONT LET THEM SILENCE YOU!!) IS SO LIKE ??? girl stand up fr you’re famous ig & hella rich u can find someone else leave my babies alone i beg. and oooo girl jongseong’s dad fr about to make me become a lawyer to jail his stupid ahh alongside yn’s father (and her brothers) 👩‍⚖️ now one thing shitty men will always excel at is being a fucking asshole to everyone including your family yet excluding your side chicks! like at your prehistoric grown goddamn age you’re gonna force your son to marry someone he doesn’t even like 😧? shit’s wild fr. anyways fuck you shiah fuck every single dad in the story and fuck you shiah (pt2) cuz u ain’t SHIT. you will never be SHIT with your horrendous pick me attitude and with your personality that’s literally revolved around being a trophy wife (and being in a marriage with a man who doesn’t even want you??? like do u have no shame. no self respect. like idgaf if this is about business and allat the man DOESNT WANT YOU 🫤 get that shit in your thick ass head grandma) like that shit’s crazy and fuck that account that posted that shit i hope yn’s okay and jay makes shit up for her cuz come on now 😐
-⁉️ <3
MY BABY IS BACKKKKKK HI BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how much i giggled and smiled seeing you in my inbox imagain i MISSED YOUUUUU and hope life has been treating you well baby 🥺💞 pls tell me you havent been overworking yourself or i will have to fight you 💔
and please the way i couldn't even hold back my ugly laughs while reading bc you expressed my thoughts and feelings about yoo shiah in strictly business too spot on 😭😭😭😭
when i tell you the part where you started complimenting me, the smau and my writing made me tear up like i dont think you guys know how much your words mean to me and i will forever keep them super close to my heart so thank you so, so much baby. sending you the fattest kiss right now pls accept 🥺💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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creepling · 2 years
🍄: what was your very first fandom? Did it inspire you to write or did that come later? When did your passion for art start and what artist/writer was most influential for you?
hello shroomie!!
ugh man my first fandom was one direction, can’t deny that. i was big on harry potter, narnia, percy jackson too but didn’t discover the fandoms until i was using the internet at like 12.
then it was hp, etc that got me into fanfiction writing (weirdly enough never read 1D fics when i loved them, probs bc i was young and not online). i was always writing tho; i learned how to write before i could talk so it was always a way for me to express myself.
my passion for art was always with me too. my dream job as a child was to be an actor, and that lasted up until i was 17. but i was always writing and got into script writing when i was 16, and one day i woke up and decided i wanted to be a writer instead. now i implement all those things when im making short films which is so fun.
god i just get inspired by everything. and it’s cringe to say but i wanted to be like jk rowling when i was 13, then i grew up and realised she was a shit writer along with being a shit human being. when i branched out of YA i began to find way more writers that inspired me, that made me think “i wanna write like this”; those being the likes of james baldwin, shirley jackson, donna tartt. for film david fincher is so fucking inspiring, his style blows me away i love it sm. and as much as i don’t like him now; tarantino’s scripts taught me sm about how to build tension and write engaging dialogue so i must pay my dues there. oh, and lynne ramsey; i resonate with the nihilistic tone of her work and that influenced me sm.
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ess-presso · 2 years
hi ess <3
miss taylor: dancing with our hands tied, blank space, & treacherous <3
ty for the fic rec <3 i love texting fics sm i eat em up everytime. here's one for u, operation: toebeans by moonymoment (cute lil wolfstar fic, they fuck around with minnie and shes so tired of them)
chatting <3
id love to see a massive colonel sanders statue irl. it would definitely be significant enough for people to make pilgrimages to it & in fact i think id visit it myself.
fuck san francisco (im sure its lovely) i hate it there (it looks kinda cool tbh). sadly we've already broken best friend code cause she lives in a different city for uni 💔💔 havent seen that bitch since the beginning of january and im losing my mind. but its fine i think i get to see her this month🕺
ah yes the only two requirements to date someone: be hot and funny. (no but fr thats it. the bar is so low)
hozier <3333 (yes canadian money smells like maple syrup!!! just the notes though not the coins. i wish the coins were scented too)
now for the jesus/judas au..... i think peter simply has to be judas. but for jesus i wanna say james because judas revealed jesus' identity = peter revealing james & lily's location (although sirius as jesus would be funny too with his long jesus-like hair & the way he kinda came back to life via escaping azkaban)
american harry styles scares me fr.
fuck seagulls like actually. they always steal my food at the beach while im swimming and i cant swim back in time to stop them. theyre public enemies around these parts.
oh god. an eighteen year old dating a fourteen year old while he has another gf...... so fucking gross. (someone free both those girls rn. actual leonardo dicaprio behaviour)
i got anne carson's sappho fragments book for christmas & i was gonna go ahead and annotate it but now i feel like i should wait until i have someone to annotate it for. or maybe ill just annotate it and then i can give it to my person when they come along <3
ur def right im the opposite of final girl material but i am impulsive and stubborn so i will explore the church if its the last thing i do. (it will be the last thing i do cause im gonna end up getting myself killed)
six cans of monster can cure anything & i truly believe that. even a horrible hangover.
philosopher's stone>>>> sorcerer's stone sounds so bad anyways. im glad canada isnt quite dumb enough to get the sorcerer's stone treatment.
all of my halloween costumes are pretty lame tbh. i was a bee for my first bday (hence my nickname) but ive been a witch, vampire, zombie, ghost, etc. nothing special really
u should definitely tell harvard. theyd be too stunned to deny u entry its foolproof.
i loved blowing things up in chem. truly my only motivation to go to class.
using music apps based on our fav colours thats so real of us.
i may not have gotten wingstop but i did see florida (jumpscare)
joey in season one <3333
infinite bag of money thats a great idea how did i not think of that.
u will be banker one day. im manifesting this for u.
tumblr will forever be the superior social media idc. this website is untouchable.
oh god that guys a mummy's boy...... freud would absolutely lose his mind. a field day.
i understand u. like sometimes ur drunk self has a mind of its own and will do random shit. ive cut my hair drunk and woke up very confused but at least i managed to not botch it!!!
love in the dark is SUCH A JEGULUS SONGGG oh my god. adding to my jegulus playlist right this instant.
omg listening to music while looking at art>>>>>> perfection. makes u feel so peaceful and cool fr. (WENDYS!!! i love wendys so much.)
ur completely right id rather be having a horrible time with liv than be somewhere nice with someone i hate. doesnt matter what we're doing or whats happening it'll just be better if shes there.
i love that taylor likes 13 like yes girl me too. but 13 is actually a lucky number in italy so my family has always liked it!
oh god james and lily im so sorry......im just glad i wasnt born in 1981 or else id be highly suspicious that im the reincarnation of one of them.
american and canadian accents are super similar unless we're talking southern united states or far eastern canada. they literally sound irish over there no joke.
drarry <3 i just love the angst. so many possibilities for them.
jily & jegulus <33 ur right, jegulus for the fics (theres just SO many good ones) but jily for the ships theyre just so sweet.
after that guy i swore to never watch a movie for someone i like ever again. (also mainly because most of the time the movie is SO BAD!!!!) but yes its so cute when ur watching something with someone and they tell u all about it <333
we kinda did have a lot of paint lying around! it was mostly just lil kid art sets with crappy cheap markers and pencils but they were fun. if i was lucky i was allowed to use my parents fancy stuff.
it was genuinely so funny like i wish i couldve seen the sock fall from the audience's perspective i bet it was ridiculous.
literally ezra/aria. it was so gross but at least it wasnt real.
rude old people make me so mad like how have u lived so much of ur life and still carry so much hate in u......get a life old lady!!!!!!
hermione & harry <33
its true dramione fics are better. romione fics are usually just as bland as they are in canon. still cute tho.
tote bags!!!! love em. and omg a pride and prejudice tote thats so cool. i have one with constellations all over it i love it sm. (but also tote bags make my shoulders hurt so bad i swear im gonna get scoliosis one day)
wireless headphones till i die!!!!! how am i supposed to clean my room while watching netflix or something with wired headphones. how am i supposed to cook with wired headphones.
omg a 2! alexa play lover by taylor swift. (im a 5, apparently the investigators. i do love solving a good puzzle so ill take it)
red nail polish 4ever. looks good with anything i swear. my fav is a dark wine red and its just perfect.
wait thats so funny. it sounds straight out of an episode of friends or something. (glad everyones okay!!!!)
THATS SO CUTE!!!!! AHHHHH! top tier gift fr.
also a top tier gift. signed copies of ur fav books + unabridged podg + museums???? a flawless gift.
THE EMMA QUOTE OHHHH MY GOD!! i love that quote so fucking much. those are all so good. quotes that make u feel completely unzipped are the best always.
that poem is so good wtf. "i fear no fate (for you are my fate my sweet)" WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! IM UNWELL.
i wanna visit the lake district so bad ohhh my god. it looks so nice. the air looks so crisp there.
the locket that is so cute im crying!!!!!! i have a pic of liv and i from when were like 3/4 grinning at each other and ive wanted to put it in a locket forever so u have inspired me thatll be her bday gift.
tigers are so cool thats an excellent choice. king of the jungle fr.
horror movies & romcoms thats so real of u. the duality of man. & horror movie adrenaline rushes are unlike anything i swear.
not picking between jily and jegulus REAL!!! theyre both so perfect.
answering qs!
im not allergic to anything! (that i know of. so far so good.)
i totally believe in fate, at least to the "everything happens for a reason" degree. i think people need to just live their lives and let things happen cause we cant control everything and it would be impossible to even try. if its meant to be then itll be.
i accidentally fucked up a really good friendship a while ago by not being there for someone when they needed it (to be fair we were both going THRU it so i didnt realize) but we both moved on & they had moved to a different school so we drifted apart eventually. shit happens but theyre happier now so thats good.
i wake up bright and early (its 12pm.) i gracefully get out of bed (i sit on my phone for half an hour before dragging myself out of bed) i go brush my teeth and do skincare (i do brush my teeth but i definitely dont feel like doing skincare) i go make a nice nutritious meal (i make a coffee and some toast if its a good day) i do a wakeup workout (i sit in bed and drink my coffee) i get dressed for the day (im not changing out of my pjs) i do my makeup (im not doing my makeup) i head to campus for my class (my class is online. i stay in bed.)
spiderman or thor!!! ive never read any of the comics so this is purely based on their movies but peter parker i love that man. and thor is a dumb idiot i love him.
i think id switch lives with either elon musk or jeff bezos so i can give away all their money to charity or to pay for important things that they can afford like solving world hunger. i think id also love to switch lives with timothee chalamet like what goes on in that boy's head hes so funny sometimes.
(like which pre-existing fic do i wish i was the author of?) i wish i had written just lovers by zar (also intermission by zar) just because that fic is a masterpiece and to be the author of such a work of art would be an honour.
i wish i had written the iliad and the odyssey cause it would be cool as fuck to be as iconic as homer. (also since homer mightve not actually existed id love to be that much of an enigma too. keep em guessing)
ive never been in love! ive liked people but it never gets past that. i guess im just waiting for the right person to come along. but also, in a way i think i fall in love with everyone i meet. some people are just so cool and ill carry that memory of them forever.
i dance and sing a lot when im drunk. i get loud in general but i will karaoke the shit out of whatever is playing. also i get giggly cause everything becomes funny for no reason.
the worst fight liv and i have had is so dumb, she called me telling me that she was having people over at her place for her bday. i said i wasnt sure if i could make it bc i had 4 papers due that same weekend but i would try bc i obviously wanted to be there for her bday. she called me back a bit later sobbing saying she wanted me to be there and that she was mad i might miss it, i started sobbing because i felt bad and because i was overwhelmed, i told her okay, id be there no matter what, she said okay. we hung up and then she called me back 10 mins later completely fine and we both apologized for the dramatics & everything was fine and i managed to write my 4 papers in time so i could go. (uni and exams were kicking both our asses & we both had a breakdown cause neither of us had slept in like 2 days at that point lmfao)
probably either stargazing and seeing sirius & regulus & that comet, or when i last saw liv in january - we got coffee and walked around a lake for like 3 hours and talked shit abt the bitchy people from high school. it was lovely.
jegulily yes! ive never read any jegulily but i wouldnt mind reading some at some point. again, james has two hands!!! plus i think their dynamic is so fun.
i actually dont watch a whole lot of romcoms so i had to look up which movies would be considered romcoms and from that search my favs that ive seen are: enchanted, easy A, mamma mia, & 10 things i hate about you!
i also dont watch a lot of horror movies but i was fucking OBSESSED with IT in 2017 like fully obsessed. my entire personality was from that goddamn movie.
qs for u!
piercings vs tattoos?
whats your fatal flaw?
if u were any emoji which would u be?
whats ur love language?
fav superhero?
fav fic of all time
fav disney/pixar movie?
whats ur preferred method of annotating books? (like do u add random commentary or do u add deep analysis & thoughts?
what do u think ur animagus would be?
fav aesthetic?
do u prefer to stay in to watch a movie or go to the theatres?
fav day of the week and why
whats your literary archetype? (fun lil quiz, i got the ruler)
thats all for now <3
bee my darling <333
(first apologies for replying late.I seem to have a knack with doing those kind of things. but now I'm on half-term break , exams are over, so I'm mostly a free bird !!!)
miss Taylor -
dancing with our hands tied - JEGULUS - 'I loved u in secret'. that's all. secret love is theirs , they own it . also also , this is so regulus's line - 'I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us'. HIM HIM HIMMMM.
blank space - all the women - I simply couldn't choose between them and since this song is very very female rage to me , I'll say all of them. especially Marlene , because if she's one to sleep around , you just know she was shamed for it.
treacherous - WOLFSTAR - I just really feel the vibe of sirius being like 'I'll follow you home' and remus thinking that the love he feels for sirius is treacherous !!!
chatting ----->
nah imagine being under that statue and you see boxes of free kfc just hanging around . colonel the redeemer would be gods child fr.
everything in the us looks either cool or dangerous. SHE BROKE THE BFF CODE. yta divorce immediately. lu lives like five minutes away from me and it's to and fro from there like everyday. I see him all the time and I haven't even thought about the possibility that one day I might not see him everyday. like that's not happening. peace to u bee , u brave for not tearing the fuck up.
nah fr where are my hot and funny little bitches/bastards. like bro come here and kiss me on the mouth and take me out and we can get married in like an hour.
hosier is bae baeeee. (that's so fucking cool. and I think the coins should so smell like maple syrup. it's fucking unjust that they don't. sue Trudeau.)
Peter = judas and James = Jesus (and I so see ur point with the sirius looking like Jesus parallel. like James (if he was alive) would've so made some jokes about that.
TALKING ABOUT HARRY STYLES - please tell me you saw him at the brit awards yesterday. please. I was in fucking tears when I saw. like broooo he mentioned Zayn??? my boy Zayn ???? my directioner heart is healing for real. (and lewis Capaldi is probably the only person in the world who can among to get the band back together. he has the power.)
I get chased by them whenever I'm at the beach and they've stolen chips from my fish and chips before and it's so fucking annoying like genuinely I wish they'd go fuck themselves.
no genuinely someone should arrest that guy. fucking hate him. piss bag.
ahhhhh annotate it and then buy a new copy for your person and annotate with shit like 'made me think of u' and everything I would cry my fucking eyes out if someone gave me that.
nah bee a nun gonna fly in and drop kick u in the face (now laughing at this image)
it did not cure my hangover ! it made it worse !!! and the worst part was that lu was also hungover so he couldn't work his magic with his hangover potion. and he also emptied his insides out (he threw up) and I was his sick nurse and made him soup and everything. (he was so out of it it was funny as fuck)
canada is smarter than the use for sure (free healthcare and gun control for one.)
bee as a bee oh my god that's so cute (and those costumes aren't lame they're classics)
fr Harvard is so calling.
blowing things up is so so fun. I used ethanol in class recently (there was a big boom) and it was very funnn.
yes pink and green stay winning always >>>
ew not florida ewwwwww.
joey is just bae. I love him so so much. (his funeral fit stays banging.)
I'm just smarter than u bee , let's face it.
update on the banking thing - he said no. he just doesn't like powerful women.
tumblr is so bae , like vanilla extract is so funny to me now
freud would love to dissect that boy fr.
cutting your hair drunk ??? and not botching it ??? you are the chosen one. I bow down to your brilliance.
THE MOST JEGULUS SONG TO EVER JEGULUS. yes yes u must add it. can't believe it wasn't already there in the first place.
it is so perfect. such a vibe honestly. (Wendy's slaps hard. but it wasn't square so I feel betrayed.)
bad times with your best friend so that ten years in the future you can look back and laugh on how stupid and dumb you were.
ahhh no my family has always considered 13 bad luck. but I don't believe it so 13 stays winning <333
can't tell the difference fr (Irish ??? never knew that that's fucking weird (in a good way))
DRARRRRRRYYYYYY the angst is unmatched. unmatched I tell you.
jegulus fics are so so so good I eat them up like soup. and jily is just - perfect. I love them. I love it so so much.
no because those kind of movies are so weird. it annoys me so much. (but watching stuff with someone who's obsessed with the thing you're watching ??? like whatttt. it's so sweet. eg Lu's fucking obsessed with sports and shit and he knows I'm just not - so he always always explains shit to me like when to cheer which team we support and everything.)
I would feel so proud if it was me and I was allowed to use the fancy paints. like so so important and everything I would love it so so much.
I can imagine it now. sock falling in slow motion.
yes thank fuck for that.
get a life of their own frrrr. high time considering their lives are just about to end.
herm and harry are my darlings honestlyyy
yes yes romione is so cute and awesome but I don't personally like fics about them fr.
OH MY GOD A CONSTELLATION TOTE ???? honestly you're so fucking awesome it's fucking coooolllll.
WIRELESS HEADPHONES 5ever fr fr. could never deal with the wires when I'm doing stuff.
LOVVVVERRRRR. ( a 5 ??? that's awesome !!!)
mine's that kind of red or a classic bright red. love them classics and everything I love it <33
it really really really was. (we're all good but we have matching scars now ! hey - tattoos right there ???)
no I loved it so so much I love it so fucking much it's cool as fuck. prize present <33
I'm literally the best friend ever he should bow down to me and my excellence. (no but I just got him all his favourite things and bro got super emotional and everything. )
YES I FEEL SO UNZIPPED WHEN I READ THAT SHIT I FUCKING LOVE IT SOOTHES ME. those kind of confession quotes will always be so dear to me.
YES YES U GET IT. favourite poem ever <33
the air is super crisp and everything feels mega real up there. like I am hyper-aware of the fact that I exist.
yes yes a locket like that is so so cute. she will keep it close to her heart trust <333
horror movies & romcoms have my whole heart. rom-coms come first , but horror movies are a close second. (and horror-coms are lovely too !!!)
jily and jegulus are amazing. top-tier always.
reviewing your q's -
god bless u and ur immune system. the chosen 1 fr.
fate fate fate. I believe in destiny and fate and I love it because I really truly believe that I could bump into someone and fall in love. like it could so so happen. It will happen. manifesting the fuck out of it.
friendship break ups make me so so sad. like damn you don't want me anymore???? sad as fuck. (glad you both are doing good now !!!!)
WHAT A FUCING MOOD. same though. I think it's something in the air when I'm getting ready for school. like I get ten times more slugger in the morning I'm getting up for school like I really curse the fuck out of everyone and their mothers.i do it so often.
Peter Parker always <33333. I love them so so so much.(tom and toby and ANDREWWWWW)
(yes yes that's what I meant !!!) I so so need to fucking read it I swear I'll do it. I'm going to do it as soon as I have time honest.
homer is iconic you're so right. keep them guessing always and forever for reals.
I fall in love every time I look in the mirror. no but if we're being honest - me neither. I feel like it's coming though. I love love and I want to be in love too. (meeting the best people and carrying the memory of them forever >>>)
NO HONESTLY. man wearing hat ???? funny as fuckkkk.
not being able to go places because you have exams is so so so fucking annoying. like exams can go to hell (she cried for u ??? that's so sad and honest and sweet honestly best friend GOALS.)
talking shit about bitchy people with your best friend >>>> especially because it's always the darnedest things too and the best friends we have would never expect it and it's always so funny to shock them.
I honestly don't really mind jegulily. I think it's fun , and I might read a couple fics here and there but they'll never be my OTP. I love them , but jegulus and jily stay winning alwayssss.
'I hate the way I don't hate u. not even a little bit , not even at all.' my heartttt. and also Cameron is amazing and needs to be appreciated more.
q's -
now I love piercings (want at least 3 in each ear) but tattoos because to me they can hold much more meaning than a piercing. like it would be amazing and they just .... do stuff piercings can't. piercings still slap though.
loyalty to the people I love. like I've said this before , but I'd absolutely go feral if anything untoward happened to the people I love. i would genuinely fuck the aggressor up. like I genuinely feel like I saw a ten foot tall hunky muscle guy slap lu once , and I was there , I'd get so mad I'm pretty sure my sheer anger would scare him the fuck away. but I'd do it even if they were wrong. like if he says the sky is purple in front of people he doesn't like , then the sky is mf purple until we get home then I ask him what the fuck is going on.
the raising a single eyebrow one. I'm always making that facial expression. (I used to hang out with some pretty sus people and the things they used to say ..... shiver.) and of course the love heart ( where is my pink love heart , apple ?????? where is it ????) simply because I am a hopeless romantic.
acts of service !!! I will always do something like that for someone I love. like you need the groceries ??? not a single word more I'm going rn. also also love love giving gifts. like I really think them out .
SPIDERMANNNN. I love all 3 of them so so much I love the fuck out of them they're my favourites always always.
oh my god I couldn't possibly. but I could. (for each ship I have 1 or 2)
drarry - mental , temptation on the warfront.
jegulus - absentmindedly making me want you
dramione - wait & hope , isolation
wolfstar - of memories and milk thievery , lessen my load
nottpott (harry x theo nott) - rendevouz receipts , lethal combination
btw lethal combination is by the same author as the one who wrote the atlas six !!!! I love it so so much !!1 (nottpott is a guilty pleasure ship)
7. my favourite Disney movie is tangled always always <33333 unmatched. Pixar - UP (I fucking love it. it made me cry so so hard, I love it so so much)
8.i do both. like I have clear post-its , and sometimes I jot my notes down there , other times I have annotated the fuck out of them on the pages. in my copy of Gatsby , I have the word 'gay' written next to a lot of the times nick talks about Gatsby (maybe I'm biased but he was so in love with Gatsby.)
9.i'd love to be a black cat. mostly because I hate how they're said to be bad luck. like they're so sweet and cute and I just love them always. they're amazing. (plus being lazy and thinking they're better than everyone ??? so me honestly.)
10. dark academia !!! I so so so wanna live like that like it's the dream I love it so much. everything about it. the outfits , the scene , the vibes , the feel , the feeling that if I fall in love with someone , it'd kill me to be without them. I just LOVE it.
11. cinemas !!!! I love cinemas so much the vibes , the popcorn , the snacks I've snuck in , the way people clap when famous actors come onto screen >>>>
12. friday !!! end of the week , game night , no alarm to wake upto the next day . Friday has it all always. very dear and near to me <333
13.the lover !!!! no one was surprised by this honestly. it's very literally me. I am very much an idealist always looking for love wherever I can find it !!!
q's for uuuu -
which 1d member is your fave ?
top 5 Taylor songs ?
top Shakespeare quote ?
fave Shakespeare play ?
fave modern family character ?
style vs ootw?
cruel summer vs dress ?
fave tay tay lyric ?
controversial opinion you have ?
famous person you hate (not an obvious one like Kanye or John Mayer we all hate them they don't count) ?
sickest burn you've ever given ?
sickest burn you've ever got ?
moment when you wanted to slap liv's face the fuck off ?
moment you've been horrendously jealous ?
(beee beee beee I love u tonnes. sorry I've been so bad with replying. I'm so going back to normal after this I pinky promise. come back soon <3333333 I missed u!!!)
0 notes
duskamethyst · 4 years
I honestly love your writings! I've read all of your jjk fics and its soooooooo goood! Is it okay if I request a Naoya Zenin x Reader x Toji Fushiguro threesome (degradation kink and creampie pls make it pure filth if you'd like) 👀 Reader is a servant of the Zenin household and you know whats next 👌
thank you sm! i hope you’ll like this one too :)
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warnings: degradation kink, creampie, threesome, spit roasting
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“you think you can come in here and get to fuck one of my sluts?” naoya tuts.
“if i knew, i would’ve never left.” toji replies in a sneer as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face to see you struggle fitting his cock inside your mouth.
“that’s why you’re only– fuck– getting her mouth.” 
“you’re having a hard time taking me, sweetheart? says a lot about how you’ve never taken a big dick before.” toji ignores him, who’s pounding into you unforgivingly from the back. 
you look up at him through your lashes, eyes teary and glossy while your cunt drools an ample amount of slick for naoya.
“mmh–” you whine as your tongue glides against the prominent vein on his dick.
“don’t you fucking answer him, you dirty slut.” naoya ruts into you harder, jolting you forward and causing you to take more of toji’s cock into your mouth.
“don’t you wanna show me how good naoya has taught you? unless this is a new challenge for you.” toji deliberately taunts further.
thanks to naoya’s egotism, pushing his buttons is effortless. toji can almost see the slight twitch in his eye when he hears that.
“show him. show how well you can take a cock.”
and he almost laughed when naoya took the bait.
you try to relax your jaw in order to accommodate more of his thick girth, taking him deeper until nothing but a string of expletives tumble free from his lips. 
“shit– that’s it.” his head is thrown back as he groans, eyes closed once engulfed by the warmth of your mouth. 
you squeeze him by hollowing your cheeks and bob your head as you begin to suck him dry. toji looks at you with half-lidded eyes, watching how your lips wrapped prettily around him, almost like it’s where it’s meant to be. 
on the other hand, naoya is welled up with pride as if he has proved a point to the other male. in his arrogance, he still needs to remind toji who you actually belong to; the only one who can actually use you whenever and however he likes. 
“tell that fucker who the fuck owns you.” his hand maneuvers under your body, reaching to pinch your clit and making you gasp and draw away from toji.
“m-master naoya!” you keen, body trembling as he flicks your clit with his fingers. 
a conceited smirk curls on his lips as he hears the way he’s addressed; an indication of his superiority. “yeah? and who are you gonna cum for?” 
“f-for you–” you moan as you buck your hips to meet his ferocious thrusts. obscene squelches evoke from your sopping cunt, tight walls sucking him in greedily.
“i can’t take this anymore.” toji tugs the back of your head to shove his cock back into your mouth. he begins snapping his hips forward, the tip hitting the back of your throat and making you gag while you squeeze naoya’s cock. 
“i knew you liked choking on dicks. i can feel you clamping down on me.” naoya grunts, landing a harsh blow on one cheek.
vibrations from your unsuppressed moans drives toji mad and his pace becomes more unrelenting as he fucks your face. tears prickle on the corner of your eyes and drool start to dribble from your lips down to your chin. 
as toji’s grip on your head grows more loose, you pull away from him. toji looks at you in silent curiosity before his eyes widen in fascination when you tilt your head to suck his balls while your hand wraps around his cock to rub on the flushed tip with your thumb.
“oh, that’s the shit right there.” a guttural sound leaves his throat as he grinds against your fist.
the fact that you submissively and pathetically carter yourself to a man arouses naoya even more, causing his cock to become impossibly harder.
“if only you could see yourself right now.. come on, tell me what you are.” he smacks your ass harshly, his balls slapping against your pussy.
“ah– i’m– i’m a slut.” you whimper, the stinging sensation has your grip on toji’s cock to be firmer.
“louder.” he spanks the same cheek again and your skin grows warmer from the cruel attention.
“a slut!” you cry louder.
toji laughs, tapping your swollen lips with his tip. “whores like you would take anyone’s cock, huh? you like dicks that much?”
the demeaning remark shouldn’t make you feel hotter, but it does– especially having two gorgeous men fighting over you and filling you up. you can feel the prominent vein brushing against your walls in every drag from naoya and you can taste the salty precum leaking on your tongue from toji, both waking a familiar feeling in your guts and clouding your head with pleasure. 
“please let me have your cum.” you breathe before gently milking the tip and running your tongue on the slit with swift strokes. 
you can hear a faint tsk coming from behind you, displaying his repulsion as he ruts into your pulsing cunt. 
“i’m gonna cum all over your pretty face.” he grunts, sensing his climax approaching as you remain to focus on the sensitive tip. 
with a pop sound, he pulls out from your mouth and pumps his cock in his fist as you draw out your tongue and let him splurt ropes of cum on your face; landing on your nose, cheeks and tongue. 
“that’s it, lick it clean.” he grins, panting heavily as you offer kitten licks.
a whine escapes your mouth when you feel naoya toying with your clit, drawing your attention away from the other. 
“so you wanna be everyone’s cum dump? ‘cause i’ll throw you away to every single man in here.” he spits with venom in his voice. “and let them take turns ravaging your whore cunt.”
“n-no– don’t–” you moan feebly with no strength in your words, mind frenzied with every exquisite drag of his throbbing cock against your walls along with the taste of toji’s cum inundating your senses.
naoya tugs you by the scalp, jerking your head back. “then, cum. cum on my cock and i’ll think about it.” 
with another roll by his fingers, your body tenses and you gush around him with a shameless moan. all thoughts erode from your mind, even the pair of eyes that is attentively watching you fall apart. naoya’s cock twitches as he feels you cream all over him and he knows he’s close.
his pace turns sporadic and he growls as he cums, hips stuttering out of control as he empties out inside you. it feels like he wouldn’t stop going until he finally releases you and pulls out his spent cock. you let out a whimper when he spreads your folds with his fingers and he grins at the sight of your quivering pussy oozing out his thick cum, slowly dripping onto the mattress. 
“now, show this to that old geezer.”
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amnxsia · 3 years
nsfw alphabet yuka makoto
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content: fluff, smut, crack and me trying to be funny
tw: gun play, breath play, and choking
word count: 1039
taglist: @namrekcaivel, @callmepromise, @namischild, @erens-piss-cleaner​
(let me know if you want to be included in the taglist)
a/n: the sniper mask brainrot has been getting to me so here some food next person might be eren or the whole jjk and aot universe cause im down bad hehe. and this is inspired by @pancakesv​ hcs of sniper so i just thought why not do my own version of it :)
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A= Aftercare
What he’s like after sex
Yuka would be surprisingly very soft after sex, like he would bridal carry you to the bathroom to wash yo off, take showers with you, clean you up like between your thighs, fix your hair, help you with your makeup all of that type of stuff BUT ITS TOTALLY DIFFERENT when he’s railing you into the mattress with no sign of stopping all of that Yuka being soft and cuddly goes out of the window like he enters this mode sheesh just makes me want him more .
B= Body part
His favorite part of your body 
For Yuka it would probably be your collarbone and neck, he could easily get you flustered and worked up by just easily raking his fingers which are very cold down the side of your neck and into your collarbone, and if he has his gloves on which are warm it would be even worse could you just feel leather moving very very slowly in your collarbone and neck and if was he was feeling horny better believe that hand is going to be in your shirt lightly playing with your boobies. And speaking of boobies that would be another favorite part of your body I honestly see him taking off his mask and just smashing his face into them
C= Cum
His favorite place to cum & and what his cum is like
Yuka’s favorite place to cum on your body would be your stomach when your laying on your back and he cums he just likes to see his artwork in all it’s glory, you being his artwork cause he loves you & your body sm. His cum wouldn’t be to thick and it wouldn’t be watery??? it just slides down your throat with ease :’)
D = Dirty secret
A secret that he will never tell anyone
He likes it when you wear lace panties bras, and skirts so when the wind blows so he can see it but he acts flustered and oblivious cause his horny ass doesn’t wanna get caught LMFAO. But yeah he’s going to take this secret to the grave.
E =  Experience
How experienced he is in sex  
I think Yuka is decent at sex during your first time he would most definitely be flustered a lot and he would awkward but then you guys do it more and more times and the awkwardness ceases and then he’s more confident in himself and his abilities to please you during sex.
F = Favorite position 
His favorite position during sex
Yuka’s favorite position during sex would be reverse cowgirl. He just wants to be with you and get all the physical contact as possible!! He’s just touched starved for u poor bby <3 
 G = Goofy 
How he acts during sex
Yuka would most definitely not act goofy during sex since that it is a intimate and scared time that means sm to him he would most likely act very concentrated 😏 if ykyk
H = Hair
How trimmed he is down below
I = Intimacy 
How intimate he is
Again Yuka is 100% intimate with you he just likes to be there with you in the moment basically nothing else matters to him then making love to you and with you <3
J = Jacking off
How much he likes to jack off
Alright so I could be wrong about this one folks but I’m going to try. I think Yuka only likes to jack off when he’s just stressed in general like he just needs to release some pent up emotions 😏
K = Kinks
Yuka’s kinks
Breathplay, gun play, and choking << lightly though cause he doesn't wanna hurt you <3
L= Location
Where Yuka likes to get down and dirty 😏
I think Yuka would probably only like to have sex in the bedroom or the couch in your house, away from prying eyes
M = Motivation
What get’s him “worked up”
Just seeing you physically active means bONER aCTIVATED 
N = No
What he says no to
Yuka would most likely say no to heavy bdsm
O = Oral 
Does he prefer to receive or give?
It’s a 50/50 thing. He likes both but really prefers giving.
P = Pace
What’s his speed 😏
Again folks I’m not so sure about this one but I’ll give it a shot. I think Yuka would probably last a good three - five rounds, cause this baby is so tired for some reason jdjhfhfhj but we love him all the same.
T = Toys
You guys don’t use toys. 
U = Unfair
He’s a cocky and mean little shit 🙄👊
V =  Volume
How loud he can get and what noises he makes 😳
He makes these cute little whimpers and grunts when he’s being a sub, it’s so cute it makes you wanna stop and give him a bunch of hugs and kiths 😚. He can get a bit loud depending on the situation but he never gets like: AAAAGGHHH FUCK OH MY GOD (IM SO SORRY IM CACKLING I HAD TO) 😭.
W: I couldn’t think of anything for this letter don’t hate me 😞.
Damn papa you a rare breed, no comparing 😩☝
X: X-ray
His dick 😳
Ok ok, Yuka’s dick is probably a 12 inch  6-7 in length he’s trimmed and clean down there too. *lip bite*
Y: Sex libido 
How much he wants to get down 😏🤲.  
How horny he is basically.
I’d say around 6.5 - 8.5. But if you’re not in the mood that’s perfectly okay cause he likes cuddling and doing other things with you.
Z: I couldn’t think of anything for this letter too don’t hate me 👊👊.
And it’s motherfucking scary, trying to keep him cause I found him 😁☝.
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
aaaaa!! i lov ur work sm ,... can u do hc for enjoying colder weather with dallas?
heya birdie! i love dally sm. he's a big shit but he's highkey hilarious dfjsfjs i hope you enjoy these! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Enjoying Cold Weather with Dallas Winston Hc's:
° Alright imma say it- stiff nip central™ on Dally's side of things asujfsdfghjsdfsj
° He's freaking mean, man! Deadass destroys your ass with snowballs djfjsdfjsd
° But you're no pussy! You hit him straight back!
° Your snowball fights are intense! But if Dally hurts you, he actually feels so bad-
° This one time he whipped a chunk of snow at your face and busted your lips. He ran over to you to wrap you in his arms whilst he tried not to laugh sjfdfjhds he kissed your lips after cleaning them up. he teased you about that for awhile, but all in good fun! he never whipped snow at you again.
° He called you fish lips for the next two weeks
° You kinda play dirty too, like the amount of times you've just shoved snow down the back of his shirt and the absolute SCREAM Dallas let's out- It's magical haha!
° You make the two of you hot chocolate and Dally loves it because you make it the best. Buck's hot chocolate tastes like ass, according to Dally.
° "Where's my candy cane? This thing usually comes with a candy cane."
° "Up your ass, Dal-"
° "What was that you little shit?"
° Y'all go ice skating istg it's actually cute- Dally holds your hands and it's one of the most mushy things you guys do in public.
° Rip to the guy who called you guys a bunch of pansies- Yeah... he doesn't have any teeth left dfdsjfsjfs
° When y'all go on walks and you're alone, he'll take your hands in his, rub them and blow hot air on them. He even let's you put your hands in his pockets it's so wholesome oml :'(
° In private Dally will cuddle up to you, especially when it's cold in his room at Bucks. He literally puts his cold ass feet on your calves and he laughs so evilly wtf
° "Damn babe, we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet and you're already screamin' my name! If you keep at it we'll get our asses thrown outta this dump."
° This one time you wanted to make snow angels with Dally. He obliged, but only if you sat on his lap whilst he did one lmaoo
° You always put your cold hands under his shirt and Dallas hates it despite being from New York. He deadass get's so mad about it and won't let you near him till your hands are warm again. You're crying of laughter, chasing him around the house. It always ends up making him crack a grin.
° "Eh, stupid! Quit chasin' me around- I'm tryna stay mad at you!"
° "You do this to me when you wanna grab my ass, Dal. Pay back's a bitch."
° "Try that again and I'm gonna rip your teddy bears head off-"
° Y'all have so much fun istg but the cold makes Dallas even more cranky than usual.
° But lucky for him, he's got you to warm him up!
° Istg I can't believe I actually wrote that... fuck that was super cringe-
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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