#i love these characters and love imagining what they would be doing 15 years after the game
rubykgrant · 8 hours
OK, my thoughts about the final season of RVB! If you haven't seen it yet, warning for SPOILERS!
In general, I thought it was alright. The good parts were GOOD, but it felt kind of rushed, and a few things were disappointing. Certain parts I wish had been different, but I'm glad it exists. Watching it with lots of cool people made it fun, and it had a decent enough ending for what it was... though, after so many years, so many characters, just so MUCH of a story, I wish things had been a little MORE. It was a shame it was so short and rushed. I'm still glad the people who worked on it got it done, and we were all able to see it.
So. Actual thoughts on different bits...
I'm somebody who enjoys seasons 15-16-17, so while it will always be real in my heart, if they HAD to do a ret-con, having a spoof with a Retro Convention was VERY funny. Kai would absolutely milk her relation to Grif for some attention. I thought it was weird that Dylan was there, but she was a convention host? I feel like it would have made more sense for her to be one of the people asking questions about where the Reds and Blues went (y'know, like she ACTUALLY DID in 15). Oh well.
Things were very rushed... if this had been a more full season (or, in my perfect world, a story split into 2, so we get 19 and 20 out of it. I'm sorry, it just bugs my brain when something ends on a 9 instead of a 10. that's a ME problem), there could have been more of a Big Reveal about Tucker being the Meta. HOWEVER, since things were very condensed, I can appreciate how amusing it is to have Epsilon info-dump the plot to every body.
I did get a chuckle out of Epsilon being a "recorded prediction program" and not the true AI, and he decided to just be an obnoxious little youtuber. Like, that was so awful, it was AWESOME. It is also something that would have made Alpha Church super ticked off, which is very fitting. Good job Epsilon, 10 out of 10~
I was so happy to see Sheila and Lopez! Mechanical love lives on. It was a bit meh seeing the Reds act like they don't care about Caboose (we've been there, done that), but some of the funny bits that followed and Simmons getting Sarge interested by bribing him with Blue Defeat saved it (listen, these guys have been insisting they hate each other for 2 decades, but they can literally not live without each other. let them just admit they are ALL FRIENDS). Grif ranting was excellent.
No Donut is some major BS! Look, I get it, we stole the spot-light in 16-17, he was the time-god's most specialest pink princess and a harbinger of death, it can be intimidating to include something so powerful after trying to erase all that from existence... but come on. With all the important call-backs and connections 19 made with previous seasons, AND having the ending be in Blood Gulch? DONUT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE AND HE SHOULD HAVE THROWN THE AI UNIT. No, I mean it, imagine the thing gets knocked really far away, maybe from an explosion, and Donut throws it clear across the canyon, because you KNOW he can! This time instead of it being a grenade that kills Tex, she catches the unit, tra-la-la, it all comes together. I'm sorry, Simmons doing the cool sports-ball throw was fun, but... Donut. DONUT!
Alright, moving on. It felt a little awkward that Wash is yet again hurt, and nobody is there with him? Oh wait, Doc is there, except no he isn't. Listen. Listen. I love plural Wash. I also love the idea of him genuinely having an emotional connection with Doc, because it DOES make sense; when Wash kid-napped him, Doc just kept making all his sarcastic little comments the whole time, and it tricked Wash into having real conversations with him. I honestly think that if Doc hadn't been with them, Wash wouldn't have been so open to the idea of finally settling down after his Villain Moment. They also both have a lot in common with AI incidents, and again, Villain Moments. I'm just annoyed that the Pacifist and the Original Bad Boy evidently died. Off screen. Give me back my purple boys. If we need to have Wash Not Be Around for a while, have him and Carolina go off to track down Hargrove or something. Maybe they went to two different locations, and Wash gets back to the others first, so we still get Carolina to the rescue.
Anyway, the plot! There was a lot of funny bits when it came to looking for Tucker, getting into the ship with the "video call security", and Niner being there! Hooray! I am... a little disappointed about WHY and HOW Tucker is a "villain". Obviously, I can't picture him being legit EVIL, but the idea that he's just the physical puppet being controlled by the AI isn't very... good. I understand how it was explained, sure, but still. I know I keep rambling about my own thoughts for alternate scenarios, but I can't help it! I just don't like when Sigma (or Omega) are just plain EVIL, for no reason. They've always been more complicated than that (the Meta wanted to be HUMAN, remember. and Omega even told Epsilon "I'll be here if you need me". they are definitely different kinds of harsh and intense, but they aren't the Murder AI or the Evil AI). I don't like that Tucker is being tortured into doing what they say... a more subtle manipulation, the Fragments not only convincing Tucker but also themselves that they NEED to do all this to get Alpha back, is very intriguing. After Epsilon Deconstructed, the Fragments lost their Memories. They just know they aren't complete. Tucker just knows he wants to talk to his best friend again.
If it needs another push to make it more insidious, I'd buy that Meta suit being a trap to begin with; Hargrove probably had that thing rigged to make it into a trap for anybody that wore it, so they'd have this subliminal inclination to collect all the AI, and kill anybody in their way. Something-something forgetting what your motives are, and only caring about the GOAL. Tucker and the Fragments ALL need to remember who they are and why they want the Alpha; it isn't about being a weapon. If there was more of a fake-out/reveal of Tucker being the Meta, maybe with a false hint of it being Felix with the orange/black colors, a sign that Tucker is still in there would be him getting close to killing everybody... but he backs off each time.
Speaking of killing... Sarge. Oh, Sarge. I will admit that, just from a thematic point of view, yes- it works to have a Sarge death. I don't care for it being Tucker that did it, or that Donut isn't there to share the moment as well. Matt Hullum acted the HECK out of that scene, though. In fact, the whole bit of Sarge running back to save Caboose, and trapping Tucker with a bubble shield, was AWESOME. I didn't want Sarge to die... but he went out wearing his red armor, and told Grif and Simmons he cared about them. It was sad, but it was well done. In my perfect world, we just THINK he died, but then at the end it is revealed he's still alive! How? Well, Doc gave him CPR! Doc isn't dead either, that is integral you see. I'm not sure of Sarge going "Hurgh Bleh" would have been better or WORSE. Well, heck. I wish he wasn't dead, but as much as I hate it, I... didn't totally hate it?
I kind of wish Simmons had more of a break-down over it. I wanna see him lose his temper. OR, he acts so quiet and cold, it is just UNNERVING. Then Grif helps snap him out of it. Let's be real, those two are so co-dependant, it ain't even funny. I appreciate Simmons telling Grif he is officially free to leave, and the conversation of "Come with me" leading to Simmons saying he wants to see this through, and Grif agreeing to come along was good. Simmons has aspired to be an impressive soldier from the beginning, and Grif has just wanted to be DONE. In the end, they meet in the middle.
I may be a sappy Grimmons person, but I can say, as objectively as possible, they should NOT be separated at the end. Grif and Simmons are literally the introduction to the series. They were the first two characters we see, they have been side by side almost CONSTANTLY, they are always bickering but they are also each other's favorite person. I don't even mean in a shippy way, it is just a fact. To have them say good-bye and just leave each other is honestly out of character (we saw that before, remember, in 15; Grif got so guilty about it, Simmons came to the realization that opposites attract, and they finally had to admit they missed each other. it was a WHOLE THING). I think it would have worked if, after telling Grif he's free to leave at the end, Simmons waits minute, then starts following him-
Grif; What are you doing?
Simmons; Coming with you. What the hell else would I do?
And that is that, wherever they do, they're together. Also, Kai shows up and HUGS HER BRO, come on, please!
Now, as a sappy Grimmons person, they should have just gone through with it. It has been more than 20 years. Seriously. We all know it. People who don't even care about the ship know it. Just commit to the freaking bit. Stop being cowards. Let them hold hands, or hug, or gently bump the visor of their helmets together, SOMETHING. Show them taking a walk on the beach together, all lovey-dovey. We deserve some emotional satisfaction after a 2 decade queer-bait slow-burn. JUST DO IT.
Sigh... OK, that is out of my system.
My absolute FAVORITE thing in 19 was Tex. She was so freaking PERFECT. I love Caboose telling the unit a story, his way of bringing her back, because that was how he talked to Epsilon. It was so sweet. When they asked Caboose why he brought her back instead of Church, he told them- "Because I wanted to win". Listen, Caboose LOVES Church, but he knows what is up. It was hilarious to see her go through the teleporter to get her black armor back. I absolutely ADORED her saying she's NOT a "failure" anymore, because she's not just based on the Director's memories of losing his wife, she's also got the memories of the guys who REMEMBER HER KICKING THEIR ASSES. 100 percent, Tex return was the best. Her reuniting with Church was also very sweet... the only thing I would have liked more would be the other Fragments showing up in there, so they can all be together (and Church gives Theta a hug; he doesn't even need his memories yet, he just knows he loves Theta).
I didn't care much for deleting the Fragments at the end, but I get the "reasoning". Like, sure. Fine. In my perfect world, Caboose gives the unit to Carolina, so someday, when they're all "ready to wake up again", she can see her family. Wash taking the fall to alert Carolina was both kinda wonky, but also very funny, and hey- it got her there! Again, I don't know why she wasn't there with Wash from the beginning. Also, just. A few characters being dead, and most of the others splitting up at the end... nah. They all need to live together and be friends and be happy and be OK! Like, come on. They've had a lot of "endings" in this series that were bitter-sweet, or kind of sad. I know life doesn't always have a happily ever after... but just once, give them that.
OH, and ANOTHER THING; if things had been just slightly different, if both the Fragments and Tucker sort of "forgot" who they are, the way to remind Tucker should have been JUNIOR. Heck, maybe Carolina was off finding Tucker's kid, and when they come back Junior gets his dad to remember who he really is... but the suit is still controlling him, forcing him to fight. I just want a happy Tucker family reunion. Give that kid his daddy back. Even if Junior isn't there for the big conflict, he should have shown up at the end, with Tucker promising they won't be separated again.
Well, that sure was a lot! The final season was a lot, in a short amount of time! Again, I wish certain things were different, but I'm happy I could see it. Even after everything, all the good and bad parts, I know that it still isn't "the end". I've got a lot of ideas for stories, and so do many other fans out there. I know people are going to keep sharing their thoughts, creating their art, telling their stories... because a universe without stories? That's just empty space.
Bow-chicka-Bye Now!
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thaisibir · 2 years
Digimon Survive time skip headcanons
~15 years after the truthful route~
Takuma (29) - counselor Starting off as a perfectly average student with no particular ambitions or passion for a career, Takuma finds his talent in counseling through the adventure with his friends. Remembering how much his words have consoled and motivated them through dark times, his friends encourage him to make a living of it. He goes on to become the first counselor to specialize in human-Kemonogami relations, working to help his clients understand their feelings, sort out any conflicts, and deepen their bonds. His friends still sometimes come to him for advice and a second opinion, and for them he always provides his service free of charge. He manages their group text and coordinates their reunions, so they manage to stay in touch no matter how busy or far apart they are.
Minoru (29) - disaster relief worker, occasional stand-up comedian Driven to be among the heroes he always read about, Minoru signs himself up for a job that demands courage and selflessness in all kinds of dire situations. He pitches in to rescue the missing and injured during tsunamis and earthquakes that often plague Japan. When he's not providing help during these disasters, he dabbles in his side gig of stand-up comedy. Minoru hasn't found much success with securing a long-term girlfriend, but that doesn't stop him from his lifelong mission to put a smile on people's faces.
Aoi (30) - MI5/Security Service agent The journey through another world kindled in Aoi's heart a sense of justice and the power to protect innocents. She decides to pursue a career in law enforcement. After high school, she moves to the United Kingdom and enrolls as an international student. She works hard to become fluent in English and be proficient in firearms and self-defense. She joins the MI5: the UK's domestic counterintelligence and security agency. Aoi's had her fair share of busting drug and human trafficking rings, though her calm and collected demeanor is put to particularly good use as a hostage negotiator. She marries a fellow agent, an Englishman, and together they have several children. She is beloved and respected by her colleagues for her kind heart, quiet diligence, and delicious meals she'd bring to potluck. Aoi has assimilated comfortably and happily as a working wife and mother in England, but should her childhood friends in Japan need help, she won't hesitate to come running.
Saki (27) - pediatric anesthesiologist As a sickly and frail girl, Saki made frequent trips to the hospital for surgery. Out of the many medical professionals she encountered, the anesthesiologists left the biggest mark on her. They’d relieve her worries and anxiety before surgery, and helped make her hospital visits less scary and painful. Inspired by their role and positive impact on her health, Saki decides to become an anesthesiologist herself. With a soft spot for kids, she specializes in pediatric anesthesia. Her frank and outspoken manner is an asset in the OR, letting her be heard and respected by even the most curmudgeonly surgeons. Throughout her medical training and career, Saki turns down countless men and hasn't gone on even a single date. Her colleagues joke that she's married to medicine, but in reality her heart belongs only to a certain girl she adventured with and admired all those years ago. That girl had gone on to start a career and a family on the other side of the world, leaving Saki to bury her regrets and feelings left unsaid through long shifts in the OR.
Kaito (29) - rock star Kaito never really stood out in school, but he did like music. He finds a healthy way to channel aggressive impulses through head-banging rock, moody lyrics, and sick guitar riffs. He becomes an international sensation and never stays in one place for too long, touring all over the world as a nomad and sometimes collaborating with other rock stars. He's best known as the singer behind some opening and ending themes to anime adaptations of his sister's manga series. Kaito builds up a huge fanbase and is wildly popular with female fans, but he was never interested in girls. Only those who were spirited away with him in the Kemonogami world know who gets him all flustered and red in the face. He would rather die than admit it, of course.
Miu (26) - mangaka, professional cosplayer Staying true to her quirky and eccentric personality, Miu finds great success in becoming an author of horror and dark fantasy manga. Her bestselling work, however, is the one most true to life: the one detailing her adventures in the Kemonogami world. She also dabbles in professional cosplay, making a name for herself on social media. Miu would tease that her brother's music sounds like "growling demons banging pots and pans in the garage", but is actually his biggest supporter and would often promote his singles, albums, and tours. She has also been the occasional artist for cover art of his songs.
Shuuji (31) - university professor A career in academia wasn’t Shuuji's first choice. Pressured by conformity, tradition, and high expectations of his family, Shuuji tries at first to become a physician. During his college studies, he realizes that he has no interest whatsoever in his pre-medical courses. Most of all, he didn’t think he could handle the amount of responsibility and leadership the profession demanded. Remembering the Professor as a positive adult role model in his life, Shuuji decides to follow his footsteps. In an act of rebellion against his family, he drops the pre-medical route and pursues a masters and doctorate in history. When the Professor retires, Shuuji succeeds him. Through teaching, he finds the right balance in guiding the next generation without shouldering the kind of responsibility and stress that'd crush him. Deeming Shuuji a failure and a disappointment, his family cut ties with him. Shuuji is grateful that he has a second family to lean on, a family from two worlds.  
Ryo (30) - sign language interpreter, disability advocate Once being a caretaker for his chronically ill mother, and being partnered with the nonverbal Kunemon, left a significant impact on Ryo and influenced his choice of career. Underneath his abrasive and prickly demeanor is a great sense of compassion towards those who struggle with expressing themselves. Nothing sets off his berserk button more than seeing someone being discriminated or mistreated for their disability. Ryo truly enjoys his work, though of course he hides the fact behind a front of constant grumbling and griping. His interpreting services are often needed at the same hospital Saki works at, cementing the odd yet steady friendship they've started all those years ago.
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In 1985, one of the only persons interested in an interview with a “new” writer called Terry Pratchett, after his publication of the Colour of Magic, was one Neil Gaiman. Neil Gaiman was writing for Space Voyager at the time. "The Colour of Pratchett" was the name given here:
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It ran exactly one page inside the June/July issue of that year. The interview took place in a Chinese restaurant in London.
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Here is Neil many years later holding that issue. You can see it here if you want. Warning: extremely emotional video.
Neil arrived wearing a grey homburg hat. “Sort of like the ones Humphrey Bogart wears in movies” he later wrote. (Before saying that in fact he did not look like him, but like someone wearing a grown-up’s hat). Terry Pratchett, photo courtesy of one @neil-gaiman, was in a Lenin-style leather cap and a harlequin-patterned pullover. At this point, Terry was already a hat person, although not that hat.
Terry offered Neil this : "An interview needn't last more than 15 minutes. A good quote for the beginning, a good quote for the end, and the rest you make up back at the office"*. (Terry Pratchett had worked many years in journalism by this point ).
But the meeting went terribly well. The two of them realized they had "the same sort of brains". So well indeed, that in 1985, Neil had shown Terry a file containing 5282 words, exploring a scenario in which Richmal Crompton's William Brown had somehow become the Antichrist. Was a collaboration in the cards as of that moment? Not really. But Terry found in Neil someone to whom he could send disks of work in progress and to whom he could pick up the phone sometimes when he hit a brick in the road of his writing.
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Terry loved it and the concept stayed in his mind. A couple of years later, he rang Neil to ask him if he had done any more work on it. Neil had been busy with The Sandman, he had not really given it another thought. Terry said, "Well I know what happens next, so either you sell me the idea or we can write it together". **
And as you know, unless you’ve been living in Alpha Centauri, the rest is history. That was the beginning of what would become William the Antichrist and later would get the name Good Omens:The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch. (Title provided by Neil Gaiman and subtitle by Terry Pratchett).
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From the introduction to William the Antichrist: “In the summer of 1987 several odd ideas came together: (..)I found myself imagining a book called William the Antichrist, in which a hapless demon was going to be responsible for swapping the wrong baby over, and the son of the US Ambassador would be completely undemonic, while William Brown would grow up to be the Antichrist, and the demon would need to stop him ending the world. The unfortunate demon, whom I called Crawleigh, because Crawley was a nearby town with an unfortunate name, would have to sort it all out as best he could.
It felt like a story with legs.
Terry took the 5,000 words, and rewrote them, calling me to tell me what he was doing and what he was planning to do. The biggest thing he was going to do, he told me, was split the hapless demon into two characters – a would-be-cool demon in dark glasses (which was, I think, Terry’s way of making fun of me, a never-actually- cool journalist in dark glasses) who had renamed himself Crowley, and a rare-book dealer and angel called Aziraphale, who would embody all the English awkwardness that either of us could conceive.”
William the Antichrist being a direct inspiration of the 1976 film The Omen. If the baby swap had just been a little bit messier and the kid had gone off somewhere else he would have grown up as somebody else. “And then there was a beat and I thought, I should write it, it will be called William the Antichrist” says Neil. ***
“The first draft of Good Omens was a William-book. It was absolutely in every way it could be a William book. It had Violet Elizabeth Bott, it had William and the Outlaws, it had Mr. Brown”.
Over time they realized that they would have more creative freedom if they in their own words filed off the serial numbers. William and the Outlaws becoming Adam and the Them.
But the spirit of Just William was never far away.
The joy for Neil was to construct “perfectly William sentences”. The one when Anathema tells Adam that she has lost the Book, and he tells her that he has written a book about a pirate who became a famous detective and it is 8 pages long… that’s “a William sentence”.
Good Omens was also inspired by a particularly antisemitic moment in The Jew of Malta and John le Carre's spy novels. (Neil’s ask)
“When we finished the book we estimated that the words were 60% Terry’s and 40% mine, and the plot, such as it was, was entirely ours.”
(Here are some slides of mine where I go into some other details concerning the origins of Good Omens).
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*Quote: from Terry Pratchett A Life With Footnotes by Rob Wilkins, but said by Terry of course.
** All the quotes, facts listed here : see above.
***all other quotes by Neil Gaiman from various interviews and asks I’ll link.
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asdfghjklmals · 10 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. WORD COUNT: 3.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, established couple. adoptedkiddo! tsumiki.
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SYNOPSIS: tsumiki wants to study abroad for high school, but satoru gojo is against it. will satoru let tsumiki go? AUTHOR'S NOTE: ***manga spoilers*** because of what happened to tsumiki in the manga, i decided to write a more wholesome version of what i would think tsumiki would've wanted to do. she is going to make small appearances and still have her name mentioned in my future fics, but this is dedicated to her. and because i think satoru loved having her as his child 💚 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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you sat down on the couch, “satoru, we need to talk.”
“i swear, babe, it wasn’t megumi’s fault.” he stared at you innocently with his hands raised.
“megumi?” you looked at him, brows furrowed and confused, “no, babe, we need to talk about tsumiki.”
satoru sighed in relief, glad he didn’t get himself in trouble. he didn’t want you to find out about megumi getting sent to the principal’s office for fighting at school today. that was another lecture for another day.
“what’s going on with my favorite child?” satoru joked, putting his arm around your shoulder.
you explained the situation to satoru, “now that tsumiki is graduating middle school, we had a grown adult talk about her future plans. she told me she wants to study abroad for high school. she wants to learn english so she can teach kids here in japan after she graduates.”
“absolutely not. she’s staying here.” satoru said without even thinking. no reasoning to support his decision.
“but babe, i think it’s a good idea. she’s 15 and starting high school next year. there are good study abroad programs out there. and it's great to live in country of the language you want to the learn.” you said, trying to justify tsumiki’s decision to satoru.
“no, (y/n).” he said sternly. since when did he ever directly call you by your first name instead of a petname? and since when did he want to play patriarch? you were usually the shot-caller in this household.
it was time for the back up plan if all else failed. kisses. you grabbed satoru’s hand and peppered it with your soft lips. “please? for me and tsumiki?”
he looked at you and took his hand away. you stared back at him in disbelief, “satoru gojo, what is your problem today?” even the government name didn’t make him flinch like it usually did.
he never acted like this, even when he disagreed with you, he was usually calm and rational. he would have data and reasons to back up his decisions, but not today.
“i just don’t think a 15 year old girl needs to go study abroad in another country without her guardians.” he said bitterly, “and that’s final.”
he removed his hand from your thigh and got up from the couch, leaving you alone in the living room as he made his way to the patio to join catoru in the sun. your jaw dropped. what was wrong with him today?
later that night: tsumiki's room
“(y/n), did you ask gojo-sensei if i can study abroad?” tsumiki asked curiously as you towel dried her long brown hair for her. she had spent the last week convincing you about letting her attend a private academy in california, and you were totally on board with it until satoru shot you down earlier today.
“i did… he wasn’t too happy to hear what i had to say though.” you frowned at her. she looked at you with sad eyes.
“what did he say?”
“he thinks that you’re too young to study abroad and that you should stay here in japan with us.”
“i’m not a baby, (y/n).” tsumiki said, “why can’t gojo-sensei see that i can take care of myself?”
you thought out loud, “maybe because you’re his little girl... his partner in crime. he doesn’t want to lose that. you know what a softie he is.”
“yeah, but it’s not like i'll be gone forever! i can come home for the semester breaks and i’ll always have my cell phone with me!”
“i know, sweetheart. coming from how i grew up, i think this would be a great experience for you.” you commented as you thought about how you wanted to attend jujutsu high instead of being homeschooled when you were tsumiki’s age. (read ‘love at first fight’ here)
tsumiki sighed in defeat, “can’t you give him a kiss or something? he never says no to you.”
“believe me, i tried.” you chuckled, “he pushed me away and said no.” you and tsumiki both knew satoru gojo's weaknesses.
“what?!” tsumiki gasped, “that man is so obsessed with you and he did what?!”
“i know, that’s the last time he’ll be getting any kisses from me.” you stated, sitting down on her bed.
“well, that’s just mean.” satoru interrupted your girls only conversation. his tall frame leaning against tsumiki's bedroom door, arms folded.
tsumiki smiled, “oh, hi gojo-sensei!”
“hi tsumiki.” satoru greeted her, sitting down on her bed next to you. tsumiki sat on the floor. “(y/n) says you have something you wanted to talk to me about.”
"oh... yes!" tsumiki nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head. "well, since i'm graduating middle school, i wanted to ask you and (y/n) if i can attend this boarding school in california. it's called e.f. academy."
"okay, if you're going to go this far away, you're going to have to convince me. so tell me more." satoru encouraged her.
"well..." tsumiki started to word vomit, "it's a private high school academy with small classes. they have a lot of extra curricular activities and travel opportunities. they'll prepare me for college. they have advisors that i can talk to if we need anything..."
"tsumiki, can't you do all of this here? why do you have to go so far away?" satoru asked. this was his way of being 'reasonable'. he was starting to ask questions so he could make the best decision.
tsumiki was smart and calculated, just as you and satoru raised her to be. she started her rebuttal, "you and (y/n) have always taught me and megumi that we are not going to grow if we don't step out of our comfort zone. you even told megumi to be greedier, so this is me being greedy."
satoru nodded his head, "okay. give me a week to think about it. don't bother (y/n) and don't ask her to give me kisses because that's unfair."
you smiled as you watched satoru and tsumiki talk. they were really a father-daughter duo, partners in crime, two peas in a pod. you missed the days where your 6 year old adopted daughter used to keep your 18 year old boyfriend in check.
"really? you'll really think about it?" tsumiki asked satoru with a hopeful gleam in her eye.
"yes. i promise." he answered.
tsumiki stuck out her pinky as satoru laughed. he intertwined his pinky with hers, both of them kissing their pinkies to seal the deal. (read 'pinky promises' here)
one week later: satoru's office
satoru knew that he only had one week to make a decision that would change his life and ultimately, tsumiki's life. megumi and you were all for tsumiki studying abroad, while he was the only one against it.
"she's the only one that doesn't have cursed energy. she can't see curses and she can't attend jujutsu high with us." megumi's comment ran through satoru's mind. it was true, being the only one who couldn't see curses or practice jujutsu in the family could feel alien. but tsumiki never expressed that she felt alone.
satoru sighed while he sat in his expensive office chair. he knew that he was going to have to give tsumiki an answer today. he still wanted to say no, but his heart knew the right decision was to say yes and let her be free to be her own person.
he heard a knock on his office door. the four signature knocks signaling it was you (or him). ten years later, that has never changed.
"gojo-sensei?" your saccharine voice called out for him as you opened his door.
he greeted you with a bright flashy smile, "i love it when you call me that."
you rolled your emerald green eyes at him as you made your way towards his desk, sitting against it. "did you make a decision yet?"
"i'm thinking about it." he mused.
"you know our baby girl is waiting for an answer. she's at cheer practice right now, so she should be home at 6 today." you commented.
"let me take one last walk and i promise i'll be home on time for dinner." satoru huffed. you leaned down to kiss him before heading back to your office. he grabbed your hand, stopping you.
"wait, can i get another kiss?" he requested with a shit-eating grin.
your radiant laugh filled his office. he peeked one of his shiny blue eyes out of his blindfold. you turned back around to grab his chin with your hand.
"see you at home." you whispered, kissing him again fervently.
satoru decided to take the long way home instead of teleporting. he wanted the last couple hours to himself to think.
why was he so against tsumiki studying abroad? he thought about the conversation he had with you last night.
"i think you have abandonment issues, satoru. that's why you won't let tsumiki leave japan." you realized as he pulled you closer to him in bed, your gentle hand resting against his bare chest.
"hmmm. you think so?" he mumbled, pulling your chin up for a sweet peck on the lips.
"i know so."
abandonment. the first person who came to satoru's mind was suguru geto, his bestfriend. the original partner in crime. a person who he loved and cared about til' this day.
"losing suguru really changed you, babe. and that's okay. you've become a better man because of it." you said softly.
"i guess you're right." satoru acknowledged. he sighed deeply and closed his eyes. he felt your delicate breathing against his skin as he fell asleep.
it was true, what you had said. satoru didn't want to be left behind again. even though he knew that tsumiki wasn't actually leaving him behind, he didn't like the fact that another person he loved and cared about wasn't going to always be present in his life.
he knew that if he kept her here, she would just grow up pushing him away or maybe even resenting him. and he couldn't have that. he knew what he had to do. he was going to let tsumiki go.
later that night: family dinner
"so... did you make a decision, gojo-sensei?" tsumiki interjected at dinner.
yours and megumi's green eyes met at the dinner table. the ball was in satoru's court now.
"i did, sweetheart." satoru said calmly. you and megumi extremely curious, tsumiki's heart beating quickly.
"you can go."
"really?!" tsumiki jumped out of her chair.
"really." satoru confirmed.
tsumiki cheered and squealed in delight. running to hug satoru. she ran to her room and grabbed her acceptance letter to show the white haired sorcerer.
"you already have an acceptance letter?" megumi questioned his sister.
"they have a 99% acceptance rate, so it doesn't matter. but i wanted to show gojo-sensei anyways." she beamed.
"i guess they just let anyone into that school." megumi muttered. you kicked him under the table as he shot a glare black at you.
"when is the first day?" satoru asked you and tsumiki.
you answered, "classes start in two weeks. i already bought our plane tickets and made sure our passports were good to go, tsumiki has her student visa ready as well."
"you already bought our plane tickets?" satoru questioned, chuckling, "and what were you going to do if i said no?"
"i knew you wouldn't have said no, babe. you can't say no to me or tsumiki to save your life." you grinned.
"she's right about that." megumi added. tsumiki nodding in agreement. she did get catoru because satoru said yes. (read 'the purrr-fect approach' here)
"i can definitely say no to (y/n)." satoru defended himself as his family ganged up on him.
you picked up your empty plate, and walked to satoru side, "can i get a kiss before i start the dishes?"
"sure, babe." he replied with no hesitation as he gave you a quick peck, unaware of your tricky mind games.
"see? you can't say no." you laughed as you picked up the rest of the empty dinner plates and utensils.
"what did i say about using kisses as a weapon?!" satoru complained. "that's so unfair!"
the dining room was filled with laughter from you, megumi, tsumiki, and satoru.
two weeks later: tsumiki fushiguro takes california
satoru was glued to tsumiki by the hip for the past two weeks. they went shopping together for all her academic needs, for new clothes, a laptop, and a new matching backpack and suitcase. they went to get their hair cut together, and even got their nails done together (satoru loved getting pedicures, you thought it was because of the foot massages). he wanted to spend as much time with tsumiki as possible before parting ways.
orientation for tsumiki's school was a two day event. during the first day, the families would be given a tour of the school and then everyone would attend a social hour to get to know the faculty and other students. the second day, the families would help their student move into their dorms and say their goodbyes until semester break in the late fall, early winter.
during the first day of orientation, tsumiki had already started to make friends. she was just like you. beautiful, nice, caring, friendly. people wanted to be around her and wanted to be her friend. you and satoru watched from the sidelines of the gymnasium as tsumiki mingled with her new classmates.
"are you still worried about her? she's already getting used to things here." you tried to comfort satoru as you watched your future high schooler.
"i was hoping she'd beg us to take her home." satoru frowned. you smacked his chest playfully with the back of your hand.
"mr. and mrs. gojo," a student aide approached the both of you, "can you sign these papers for tsumiki? these are the final documents for admissions."
"sure thing." satoru replied, grabbing the clipboard and pen from the student aide. you waited until they walked away to turn to satoru.
"mr. and mrs. gojo. what did you think about that?" you sneered.
satoru chuckled as he signed the document, "sounds like music to my ears."
"give me a 10 carat diamond ring first, babe." you grinned as satoru handed you the clipboard to sign the document too.
satoru gojo would give you the world if you asked for it.
"(y/n)! gojo-sensei!" tsumiki shouted from across the gymnasium to catch your attention. she waved while pointing at the two of you. she was showing her new friends who her cool and awesome parents were. you and satoru waved back at her, giving her both of your world-class smiles.
satoru used blue to hold up all of tsumiki's luggage as the three of you made your way to the dorm room that tsumiki would be staying in. you and satoru paid extra to make sure that she would get her own room. you sat down on the empty bed, tsumiki joining you.
"what do you think, sweetheart?"
"with a little extra decorating, i can make it look like my room at home." she said with a bright smile.
you and satoru helped put on the bed spread, duvet cover, and pillow cases while tsumiki unpacked her clothes and placed them into her small dresser.
you could feel satoru tensing up, his cursed energy spiking every now and then. he was dreading saying goodbye to tsumiki. whenever he would look at you, you would give him a soft smile and rub his back in reassurance.
"gojo-sensei, (y/n), look what megumi gave me for my dorm room." tsumiki's brown eyes twinkled as she showed you a pink sparkly picture frame.
the picture frame contents were of the four of you. it was a recent picture from tsumiki's 15th birthday. you had your arms around megumi while satoru had his arms around tsumiki. it was a rare occasion that megumi was smiling in a picture. tsumiki's signature bright smile lit up the picture. you could feel the love radiating from the frame.
"megumi says that this picture will be a reminder of home and that you all love me."
"he's right." you patted her head, brushing her brown hair. "are you sure you want to do this? it's not too late to change your mind. we can go back home if you want."
"no, i'm sure!" tsumiki said confidently.
you laughed, "you're breaking satoru's heart, baby girl." you hugged satoru, his arms were folded as he quietly laughed, shaking his head.
you and satoru spent your last couple of hours with tsumiki reminiscing about her younger days and what kind of child she was growing up.
"remember the day that satoru lost you and megumi at kanda matsuri? i was going to have a heart attack."
satoru shot you a glare, "in my defense, there are thousands of people at that festival. it's one of japan's big three festivals! they were like four feet tall at the time! i told you we needed to get them those child leashes."
"you were such a responsible girl, going to the lost and found." you ignored satoru and laughed, remembering that tsumiki went to the lost and found to have the festival employee announce 'satoru gojo, can you please come to the lost and found to pick up your children'.
"remember the one day gojo-sensei forgot your anniversary?" tsumiki peered at satoru, giggling.
"oh god... don't bring that up." satoru hid his face in his hands.
"what was that? our third year of dating?" you asked satoru, "and your cute 9 year old partner in crime saved you that day. she went to the flower shop down the street and bought lilies with your credit card."
"then how did you find out that i forgot if she saved me?" satoru interrupted you.
"because you always get me roses, even though my favorite flowers are lilies. not only is tsumiki responsible, she's extremely thoughtful." (read 'lilies and roses' here)
"remember when tsumiki brought me a homemade lunch for teachers day?" satoru smiled at the fond memory. tsumiki was only 8 years old when satoru got an official teaching position at jujutsu high.
"it was her idea too," you reminded satoru, "she asked me to help her bring your lunch to the school that day. our baby girl is so caring. what did we do to deserve such an amazing daughter?" you gushed at your 15 year old, hugging her tightly. tsumiki just smiled and laughed like she always did.
"i think i'm the lucky one too! what did me and megumi do to deserve such loving adoptive parents?!" she remarked.
"all you two had to do was look cute. that's why i picked you two up off the streets." satoru joked. (read 'learn to love' here)
you heard a knock on tsumiki's dorm door, tsumiki opening it. the resident assistant announced, "curfew is starting soon. parents are going to be saying goodbye to their students in the courtyard."
you felt satoru's cursed energy spike again. he wasn't ready for this moment, and honestly, neither were you. you weren't sure what was going to break your heart the most: letting tsumiki go or watching satoru leave a piece of his (still) healing heart behind.
you and satoru quietly followed behind tsumiki as she confidently led the way to the courtyard. it was like she belonged here at the academy the way she navigated through the halls. the courtyard was dimly lit, the california skyline in the background, clouds kissing the top of the city buildings.
you watched as satoru sneakily wiped his tears away from his cerulean blue eyes. he crouched down, softly smiling at tsumiki.
“you gonna be okay without your partner in crime?” he asked her.
as strong as tsumiki was, her brave face started to falter. her warm brown eyes brimmed with tears as she ran into satoru’s arms for one last hug before you and satoru had to leave the campus.
tsumiki babbled through her tears, “thanks for letting me come to school here… i promise i’ll study really hard... i love you and (y/n) so much. you two are the best mom and dad ever.”
satoru scoffed through his tears and continued to hold her. you put a reassuring hand on satoru’s shoulder, joining them for a group hug. tsumiki looked up at the both of you with flushed cheeks.
you kissed the top of her precious head, an action that she never grew out of (and you hoped she never would). you smiled back at her with tears in your eyes, “wherever you are, baby girl, satoru and i will always be one call away. we love you and we’re so proud of you, tsumiki.”
"no boyfriends, please." satoru added with a chuckle. he didn't think he could handle another heart attack.
"did you see how much tuition costs at tsumiki's boarding school?" you asked satoru as he sat down in his first class airline seat.
"no, i didn't even bother check the brochure they handed us at orientation." satoru stretched his long legs, "how much could a high school tuition cost? one or two thousand a year?"
you just laughed at his ridiculous comment. you were amused at how naive he was.
"what? why are you laughing?"
"try seventy, babe." you stared at him. satoru looked like he was going to have a brain aneurysm.
"seventy what? seventy dollars or seventy thousand?"
you annunciated each word clearly so he could understand you. "seventy. thousand. dollars. a. year."
satoru fake-clutched his chest, "we have to go back and withdraw her, immediately."
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roses-for-readers · 5 months
Hello, this is my first time requesting something and i was kinda nervous and i have a few ideas in mind.
But i was wondering if you can write an avatar x maleficent readeri don’t see many of these and i would like something different, and love your writing (if you can’t thats totally fine) thx
This was such a cute idea that I had immediately started it once I got this request! I kinda did a style of the movies still exists and it's not just a random occurrence in the universe. I cut this off to have a nice and fluff type ending but with the opportunity to do a part 2 with heavy angst. And if you want one with the second movie, like it's a growth from this one, just let me know.
Finding Home ~Avatar x Maleficent! Reader
Warnings: Small injuries and a miscommunication that almost causes a fight (Tsu'tey doesn't understand human friendship dynamics)
Being born with wings was definitely a surprise when everyone in the delivery room when I was born. Especially when I later began to grow horns with each passing month. I could only imagine everyone's surprise when they all found out I was exactly like the Disney character Maleficent. That the story wasn't as fictional as everyone had once thought.
Growing up I had idolized the movies of her, ecstatic that I was unique just like she was. Though their were difficulties with my uniqueness as I got older. It was harder to breathe normally compared to someone that had regular problems when I had come to be about 6.
Mom worked with the RDA as a researcher, so they were willing to take a look at me to see what might be wrong. They finally came to the conclusion it was because of the lack of natural forests with fresh air. This caused me to have to use a special inhaler at least 3 times a day. But it was also a discovery that changed my life because I got to meet Grace.
"You know, I'm going to a special place. A different planet that's supposed to have a lot of trees and all kinds of animals and flowers. I think it's just the place you need to truly thrive. Do you like that idea?"
That's what led me here 21 tear years later, technically 15 if cryosleep isn't counted. A botanical expert that would be working alongside Grace and the other members of the Avatar program.
During the safety briefing, I could feel everyone staring at me. But I had become used to it and just focused on the information that was being given to us. Feeling anxious to see Grace again after so long since I first and last saw her.
After the meeting was over, I got ushered along with a Norm and Jake to go and meet up with Grace. I had a small bounce in my step as I walked along with them, not even noticing the weird looks.
"I just gotta ask. What's with the wings and horn things? You like dressing up in them or something?"
I chuckled softly at the question, casually looked over at the both of them as Jake just waits for an answer as Norm looks absolutely mortified. Stretching my back slightly, I lift one wing up to hang over his had for a second. Smirking at the look of pure awe on both of their faces. "That good enough for you?"
"Holy shit," Jake softly laughed out as he stared at them for a few more seconds before shaking his head. "Now I've seen it all."
"No, I don't think you have yet." I look ahead as we get to the control center of the Avatar program. A smile spreading across my face as I take in all the technology around us, focusing mostly on the screens that were playing overhead.
The sound of one of the pods opening drew my attention away to across the room. A genuine smile coming across my face as I saw her sitting up from the machine, Dr. Grace Augustine.
Grace spoke to some of the other researchers before she turned to look at all of us. I had to keep myself from jumping in to hug her when she turned her focus to me.
Taking in my appearance, she had a small grin as she reached out and affectionately cupped my chin. "Look at how much you've grown. I don't even recognize that little kid that used to carry around a stuffed Maleficent toy like it was a part of you. I'm glad you got to join the program, (Y/n)."
"Thank you, Dr. Augustine," I bashfully reply, feeling ecstatic that she even remembered my name from one interaction years ago. "I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here and working alongside you."
"Always the modest one. That's one of the things I admired about you." She playfully shook my head before finally letting go. Her face becoming a little more stern as she looked at Jake and Norm. Speaking a little more firmly with them.
Letting her words fade into the background, I look back over at all monitors that sit in the center of the room. Marveling at the images that were showing up along with the graphs and how quickly they changed every few seconds.
"They update in real time, you know." I turn my head over to see a guy with glasses standing there with a smile. Pointing up at one of the screens, he continues, "The graphs and the numbers. They help us monitor the vitals of everyone while they are in the pods."
I let out a small 'oh' in understanding as I look back at the monitors for a couple more moment before looking back at him. Holding my hand out, I begin to introduce myself, "I'm (Y/n)."
"I heard," he chuckled out as he took hold of my hand. "My name's Max. I help track the vitals of everyone. And I'm sure everyone heard your name earlier. Grace has never been that nice to anyone before, except for the children."
"Children?" I give him a questioning look as I drop his hand. "They have children here on the base?"
"No, the Na'vi children. Oh, I bet that they are going to love you when they get a look at you." Max's eyes widen when he realized what he had said. Opening and closing his mouth as he tries to find something else to say.
"(Y/n), follow me. Time for a little academic show around." Grace calls out as she begins to head out the door with the men close behind.
Turning back to look at Max one last time, I raise my hand with another smile as I walk away. "I hope your right about that."
I lightly jog to catch up with the group as Grace leads us through the series of hallways until she pushes open a set of doors. When we enter, the first thing I noticed was the dim lighting and blue tint that almost glowed around us. The second thing was the glass tubes that held our Avatars.
Grace placed a hand on my shoulder before leading me to a specific pod off towards the back of the room. Speaking softly when we get closer, "It will take a little longer for you to get your Avatar than the others. It decided to pick up a few extra strands in your DNA that we used."
I stare in awe as I stand in front of the tank, noticing what she had meant. There laid a Na'vi body with features just like mine. Along with a small set of horns and wings that were still developing to fit the rest of the body. Stepping closer, I set my hand on the glass as I smile down at the body. "It's beautiful."
Grace stood beside me with one arm around my shoulders as she put her other hand on the glass with me. "Just like you."
While I didn't have the Avatar body, Grace still let me tag along during the research expeditions. Just as long as I promised to keep my inhaler on my person and my mask stayed on at all times if I didn't need to use it. Just because she wanted to test out the theory of me potentially being able to breathe the air here slowly and in a controlled environment.
We were carefully walking through the forest to a spot where Grace had decided to get some new samples from earlier. There wasn't much talk as we took in the sight of living plants in front of us. Or at least me and Norm were mostly focused on them.
"So, are you able to fly with your wing? Or do they not work for that?" I turn my head up to see Jake staring back at with a confused look on his face.
"I can, but not very well. There weren't many places that I could do something like that back on Earth," I casually explain to him before looking around back around at the area around us.
Grace kneels to the ground around some roots in a tree as she begins to get the equipment ready with Norm as she guides him on what to look for with the images that showed on the screen. I tried to pay attention as I looked down, but I saw Jake walk away out of the corner of my eye.
Following after him, I see him interacting with a different kind of plant. The moment he touched it, it retracted towards the ground as a defense mechanism. I smiled as I watched him do it again with the same result. We both laughed slightly until all of them went to the ground to reveal a small group of the native animals.
We both hold our breaths as one of them gets closer to us. Grace comes running over with Norm as she calls out to Jake. "Don't move. It's only a defense tactic. Just stand your ground."
I watched as he stared down the creature until I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Slowly turning my head around and up, I saw a different animal with sharp fangs staring down at me. I held my breath out of fear as it looked over at Jake and let out a low growl. Jumping over the both of us, it stared down at Jake as he took a step back.
"What do I do with this one?" Jake called over to Grace as he locked eyes with the predator in front of us.
It let out another low growl when Grace called back, "Definitely run!"
I barely processed the fact that Jake had turned around to start running. I let out a small scream as he lifted me over his shoulder. I held onto his shoulder as I helplessly watched as the creature chase after us through the dense forest.
Suddenly Jake came to a halt which caused me to look over to see we had gotten to a cliff edge near a waterfall. "What are you doing?! Go!"
"Can you swim?!"
"Fucking jump!" I apparently didn't have to tell him a second time when a deafening roar sounded through the trees. He pulled me down to his chest and jumped down as he stiffened his body. I wrapped my wings tightly around us right before we hit the surface.
Water rushed past us for a few seconds before Jake began to swim upward. Pushing away from him to start swimming myself, we raise our heads over the surface. Jake gasped for air as we both look to see the creature slowly walk back into the forest.
I let out a small sigh as we swim over to the shore and check for any injuries. I glare at Jake after making sure I was fine from the fall. My voice laced with a subtle anger when I say, "'Can you swim'?"
Jake looks at him as he raises a hand as he backs away. "I was trying to make sure you would be safe if we-"
"Can you swim!? Can you fucking swim!? That's the first thing you thought of!? Not, 'is your mask waterproof' or 'is the thing catching up'! You could have thrown me and I would have flown down while you jumped if you were that worried! But 'can you swim' was all you could think of!?"
"You know," Jake began talking as he turned around and started to walk through the forest, "you are very angry for someone that looks like a Disney character."
"She was a villain to begin with anyways. Maybe you should watch your back Sully." I continue to glare at his back as I walk behind him deeper into the forest.
He looks over his shoulder with a smile as he takes in my disheveled appearance. Trying his hardest to hold in his laughter as he shrugged. "Grace wouldn't let you."
"Grace isn't here," I whisper to myself as we continue to walk. I hear noises of unknown animals from deep in the forest. Despite being mad at Jake, I quicken my pace to be walking beside him. Looking up at the trees, a strange feeling coming over my body as I scan the leaves overhead. "Jake..."
"I know," he mumbled as he carefully scans the trees as well. Reaching a hand out, he gently takes hold of my arm and pulls me to his side. "I feel the eyes too."
"Where are they? What are they?" I hold onto his arm as I start to breathe a little erratically. Using my free hand to rub at my chest as I begin to cough.
"Hey, hey. Calm down there. We'll be okay." Jake looks down at me as he stops walking. Kneeling down a little as his hand goes to my soaked bag. "You need your inhaler 3 times a day, right? You haven't used it since breakfast. Let's get it out and take a deep breath. Can you get it out?"
I nod my head as I let him take the bag off my shoulder. Trying to take a few shaky breaths as I begin to rummage through everything that I had packed. Quickly grabbing hold of the inhaler the moment I uncover it from under everything else. Pulling it out as I shake it lightly as I look at Jake. He gives a small nod, which help my nerves as I bring my free hand to my mask. Pulling it up just enough, I bring my inhaler up to my mouth and take a deep breath. Pulling it away almost immediately to secure my mask back into place with a deep breath.
Jake rubs my shoulder as he waits for me to catch my breath. Giving me an encouraging nod as holds my bag open as I put my inhaler back inside. "There we go. Come one, we need to keep moving. It's going to be night in a few hours and we need to find a place to spend the night."
I nod my head again as I look back at the trees above. Taking my bag back from him and securing it on my shoulder before we began to get on our way once again.
The sun had went down just a little over an hour ago. The sounds of multiple animals circling around us was all that I could hear as Jake began to sharpen a stick. I anxiously look around the trees to try and find where the animals might come from, but they just kept circling around just past our line of sight.
"(Y/n), look at me," Jake speaks in a slightly stern voice as he grabs my arm. As I look at him, I see the fear in his eyes at the situation. But he keeps his composure as he keeps talking as if he wasn't to begin with. "If anything happens, if I tell you to run, you forget about me and get out of here. You fly up and get into a tree until morning when Grace will come back and find you. You look after yourself and I know that you'll be fine. Do you understand?"
I quickly nod my head to show that I understood. I was going to say something to him, something about how it wouldn't have to come to that, but the words stopped short as the bushes right beside us rustle. I can't even fully comprehend it before Jake began to push me away in the opposite direction as we started running again.
We didn't run for long until the animals began to circle us in. I ended up with my back pressed against a tree as the dog like creatures snapped their teeth at Jake. I shut my eyes as soon as he begins to fight off the creatures. I didn't want to watch if he potentially had to kill a few of them before they hopefully ran off somewhere else.
Just as soon as everything got crazy, everything went quiet. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see Jake on the ground as a Na'vi woman kneels down to one of the creatures. Though I couldn't quite make out what she was saying, I could tell she was mumbling a prayer for the creature. That act alone made me look down and away from her, remembering how Grace told us of how sacred life was to the people.
Jake apparently wasn't informed of that or didn't remember as he tried to get closer to her, reaching out and touching her shoulder as he repeatedly tried to thank her. I had to keep from laughing as she swung her bow and hit Jake right in the face. I didn't do that good of a job as she looked over at me with a small hiss before turning around and running into the forest.
Jake quickly got off the ground and followed after her. I didn't even have the chance to protest as he called out from over his shoulder. "Come on (Y/n)."
I quickly made sure my bag was still closed, I ran after the both of them. Though it was a little harder considering that they were larger and more physically equipped to be jumping around the limbs of the trees.
"Hey, wait up!" Jake called out to the Na'vi as we got to a tree that was decently high up from the ground. He had just caught up to her when she turned around to face him.
"Away. Both of you," she spoke in a quiet tone, but the disdain was evident as she looked between the both of us. Getting so close in Jake's space that he took a step back and almost slipped. I held my breath as I watched Jake try to reason with her, even blocking me from her view by steeping to the side just slightly.
I tried to keep focused on the situation, but something moved closer to us out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head out of fear that another creature had followed us. But to my surprise there were small plant like things floating in the air. Slowly getting closer to us before most of them began to land on Jake. A hand full of them remained floating in the air nearby. Hesitantly, I reach a hand out to them, watching in awe as it slowly landed on my open palm. I laughed softly as it gently tickled my skin while the others continued to float around us.
After a few moments, they began to float away from us. I turned towards Jake with a huge grin at what had just happened. My gaze quickly turns curious as I see the Na'vi looking at us both in awe as well.
She looked between me and Jake before she beckoned us with a wave of her hand. "Follow me. Come now."
Jake looked like he wanted to protest her sudden change in heart, but I lightly pushed against his back to get him to follow her. With a sigh, Jake quickly began to chase after her with me following close behind.
We continue running across the tree limbs that seem to stretch on for eternity. Anxiety and anticipation coursing through my veins as the three of us go deeper into the forest.
"Where are we even-" Jake stops in the middle of his question as something comes in contact with his legs. I watch in horror as he violently falls down to the forest floor.
"Jake!" I call out as I lean over to see if he was injured. But I was forced to stop short as something wrapped around my chest. Throwing me off balance as I fall down to the ground as well, landing just a few feet from Jake. The impact leaves me disoriented as my head hits just lightly against a rock that was barely uncovered from the dirt.
I blink away the blur that comes into my vision as yelling sounds from almost every direction. A pair of hands lifts me up before one removes itself. My body tensing up entirely as I feel a sharp, cold blade carefully press right in between my shoulder blades.
Glancing over at Jake, I see he was in a similar situation with a knife pressed against his neck as they held him by his queue. But my attention quickly shifts again when the Na'vi who seems to be the leader of our ambush committee comes forward. He jumped down from his mount as he began to stalk over to Jake.
When he got just a few feet from Jake, the woman jumped down from the branch. Effectively blocking his path as the two of them began to argue between the two of them. I wasn't able to catch most of what they were saying due to how my head was throbbing due to the fall. What I could tell was that he wasn't happy with our presence and she mentioned something that involved their Tsahik.
The conversation came to a quick halt as the leader got back onto the horse like creature. He gave a short order to the rest of the group, which caused the Na'vi that were holding us to pull us to our feet. The sudden movement caused my head to spin so much that my stomach churned. I kneeled back to the ground before lifting up my mask, throwing up what little content I had in my stomach. Barely having enough time to secure my mask back on before the Na'vi begin to force me to my feet once again.
"Kehe!" The tugging on my arms stops when the woman calls out to them. They quickly let go of me when she pushes them away. She gently grabs my face with a small frown as she turns it to the side. Her voice is soft as she ghosts her fingers over a spot on the side of my head. "You are hurt. Let me help you to Hometree. You will get treated once we are there."
I don't stop her when she awkwardly wraps her arms around my body. Being tentative not to touch at the base of my wings too much as she lifts me up. I close my eyes with a small sigh as I slowly grasp at her words. My voice hardly a whisper when I ask, "We're going to Hometree?"
She shushes me as she begins to run with the rest of the group. I hold onto her with a small whine from the motions, even if I wasn't seeing the sights that were passing us by.
Before long, the movements came to a stop as soft murmuring echoed around us. I open my eyes to see that we had finally made it to the Hometree of the Omatikayan people. Many of them gathered around as the group came to the center.
I gently get set down near Jake, leaning into his side as I sway just slightly on my feet. I take another breath as I hear a conversation happening between the woman and another member of the clan. Making out just bits of what each of them were saying in the broken haze of focus that I had.
"What is he saying?" Jake's voice sounds out like a sore thumb when he asks the question. Though I couldn't tell if he was asking me solely or if it extended to the woman as well.
"My father is deciding on whether to kill you both or not." I frown at the blunt explanation she gave at the question. I barely even had time to register that information when I felt Jake move slightly before yelling sounded and I got jostled around.
My eyes immediately shot open at the motion as my wings stretched out in a defensive manner. This had caused more yelling as Jake pulled me closer to his side. But all the noise stopped when another voice calls out for silence. Everyone shifts their gaze over to see the Tsahik stepping into the center of the circle.
I blink away at the dizziness that I feel when she stands in front of us. Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up to my forehead as I do my best to greet her without messing up the pronunciation.
When I lifted my gaze back up to her, she had a small grin on her face. "I see you were taught some of our ways. Though I see that you might not know the language."
I look at her confused at what she had just said. Looking up at Jake, I speak in a soft voice, "I swear that I pronounced it right."
"You didn't say anything," Jake told me with a concerned expression.
I blink at him a couple of times before I pointed at him with a serious look. "I believe I have a concussion."
"You believe? What gave you that impression?" The sarcasm dripped from his voice as he looked back up at the Tsahik. My face scrunched up slightly before I looked back at her as well.
She slowly took out a knife that had been resting in her neckwear. She quickly stepped towards Jake as she stabbed into his chest. I cringed as she licked away the small bit of blood that was on it. She looked at Jake with a curious expression before she looked down at me again.
She was about to do the same thing until the younger Na'vi, presumably her daughter with what I was gathering, stopped her before the knife hit my chest. She gently took my hand and pointed to the center of my palm. "One touched here."
The Tsahik seemed slightly intrigued by the statement, but she didn't say anything. She gently poked her knife just enough to collect a small bit of blood on the tip before licking it way with a thoughtful look. She looked between us once more before she addressed the crowd. "The Dreamwalker and the... human, shall stay with us. They will learn of our ways and what it means to be Na'vi. We shall all watch them as they learn."
Multiple reactions sound through the crowd at the choice their Tsahik had made, but she didn't pay them any mind. Instead, she turned to her daughter while saying, "Take him to get out of his demon clothes. I will tend to the child."
"I'm in my 20s. I'm not a child," I spoke up at the comment about my age. I knew that compared to their size I probably wouldn't been seen as a full adult to them. But I had been expecting to be acknowledged as more than an adolescent.
Jake gave me a light pat on the shoulder before he reached into my bag and started rummaging around. "Let's get your head working right first before you argue how old you are. But you're going to use your inhaler first before you get out of my sight again."
I let out a sigh as he pulled my inhaler out and placed it in my hand. Nodding my head at his statement, I took a deep breath before lifting my mask back up and taking a couple of puffs of the medicine. I blink back my dizziness when I put my mask back into place.
Jake takes my inhaler from my hand and puts it back in my bag for me. He tilts my head up slightly so I look him in the eyes as he speaks again. "You do what she says so you get better. And don't fall asleep for at least a couple of hours so we make sure your actually okay."
"Yes, mother," I snark at him as the Tsahik gently grabbed my arm and began pulling me up the steps that they had for the tree. I was mostly nudged up the tree by her until she guided me into a small platform that was suspended between the branches. She guided me to sit down on what seemed to be a woven blanket. She moved around and collected a few plants and a small bowl before she began to grind them into a paste.
She never looked up from her task as she spoke to me in a soft tone. "You are not entirely human."
I shake my head with a bashful grin as I watch her mix the plants together. Leaning forward slightly as I try to get a better look at her process. "Everyone thinks that I have fairy blood or something. None of the scientists could really agree on one theory about my condition. Just that I had a mutation somewhere in my family tree or such."
"You used a human thing earlier. What is its purpose to you?" She continued speaking as she grabbed my chin to turn my head. Gently rubbing the paste against where I had hit my head.
I closed my eyes with a small sigh, enjoying the cool feeling on my skin. Humming softly as I think of how to explain it to her. "It's a medicine thing. I use it so I can breathe normal enough to go on day to day. A lot of humans have the same thing. I just have an extra special condition."
"You can't breathe your own air." Based on her tone, I knew she was making a statement and not asking. I opened my eyes as she removed her hands from my body. Watching as she went over to grab a few bandages and a small bowl like container.
I shook my head as she sat down next to me again. Watching as she applied a bit more of the paste to the bandages. "No. That's part of why I'm here. Grace had thought I could maybe breath the air here with the forests. But that was before everyone knew the air here was toxic to humans. But she still wants to see if I can handle. Grace wants to do a few test before we fully see if I can."
As I finished my explanation, she began to carefully wrap the bandages around my head. When she was done with that, she then grabbed the container and held it out to me. "Drink this. It will help with the pain and let you rest well through the night."
I wanted to argue that I shouldn't go to sleep anytime soon, but I stopped myself when she gave me a stern look. I took a few quick drinks as I repeatedly took my mask off so I could drink however much she saw fit. When all the liquid was gone, she finally took it from me with a small nod. Almost immediately after I put my mask back on for the last time, she began to guide me to lay down on the blanket.
I watch her walk around he area, organizing things as she went. My eyes started to flutter shut with passing second that I watched her before speaking up just slightly in the quiet space, "My name's (Y/n)."
I thought I saw her smile a little as she continued to move things around on a shelf. I heard her voice speak out one last time before I went to sleep. "You may call me Mo'at, (Y/n)."
I begin to wake up to sound of hushed giggles filtering in and out of my consciousness. With a small groan, I opened my eyes to see a group of children standing over me. As soon as they see me wake up, they let out small shrieks before running off towards the bottom of the tree. Effectively dodging Mo'at as she comes into the area with a small basket.
She smiles as the children run by before she comes back over to me and sits down. Immediately lifting me up into an upright position as she begins to undo the bandages on my head. "I see the children have already taken an interest in you."
I smile at her before glancing over at the stairs that lead down. "I guess they do. I'm just glad they aren't terrified of how I look."
"They are young. Your world makes them curious and they have never seen one of your people with your... characteristics."
I laugh softly at the last part of what she said. Looking back at Mo'at, I saw she had set aside the bandages that she put on my head last night. My gaze becoming a bit more serious as I noticed a small bit of blood had soaked into it.
"You are fine. The worst that might happen is a small scar," her voice was firm but gentle when she reassured me. Taking a few new bandages from her basket before rewrapping my head in a slightly more snug way than last night. When she was done, she gave my head a small pat before pushing the basket towards me. I noticed that it had a small arrangement of foods in it as she stood back up and moved over to a shelf. "Take the mask off so you eat. It's not of use to you if you can breathe the air."
"But we don't know if I can breathe the air. Grace hasn't done the test to see if I could." I quickly try to remind her that it was only a theory that I could live without the mask on Pandora. That I couldn't know for certain if it would possibly to even do it for even a short period of time.
"You seemed to do just fine with it being broken while you slept." My breath caught in my throat as I took in her sudden revelation.
I frantically grabbed the small oxygen tank to see that the capacity was at zero. Frantically taking off the mask, my gaze immediately fell on a small bit of glass that had broken off and leaving a small, but still noticeable, hole. I take a few small breaths to see if anything seemed off, but it all was normal as I kept taking deep breaths.
"I'm not dead," I utter in disbelief as I look back at her in confusion. My mouth hanging open as I try to piece together how that could have worked. "But... how?"
"I believe you had said something about 'fairy blood' last night. Or did you not really mean that when you told me?" Mo'at had a playful grin on her face as she glanced back over at me.
"I'm going to be perfectly honest here, after I fell off that branch last night, I don't remember much of anything. It's all a blur besides from getting here, your daughter Neytiri, and a very grumpy man who shouted a lot."
"Tsu'tey. That is the man you remember. Now eat," she spoke firmly once again before taking a few bottles from the shelf and setting down not to far from me.
I shuffled a little closer to the basket and pick out some of the fruit that was there. Taking small bites as I watch her work on refilling the herbs that she had begun to get low on. We just sat together in silence as she did her work. Occasionally, I would interrupt her work to offer her a piece of fruit that she would take with a ghost of a smile.
Our attention is soon drawn to the entrance when Jake and Neytiri come walking in. I bit back a laugh as I take in the sight of Jake, dressed in the traditional clothing and covered in mud with a few cuts here and there.
Jake immediately stops in his tracks when he looks at me with wide eyes. "Where's your mask at?!"
"It's broken." I give him a small shrug before I look over at Neytiri. Watching as she went over to her mother and motioned for Jake to come closer and sit.
"What do you mean it's broken?! How are you not dead?!" He continued standing there in disbelief. Completely ignoring the small glare Neytiri was giving him.
"I'm special or something like that." I grab another few pieces of fruit from the basket and hold my hand out for Mo'at and Neytiri. Mo'at takes a piece before Neytiri does the same with a small nod of her head.
Jake just continues to stare in disbelief as he moves over to sit down. I pass him a piece of fruit before giving him a small pat on his shoulder.
"I see he is learning well," Mo'at comments as she passes some herbs over to Neytiri.
"He's a skxawng," she responded before she crushed the leaves into small flakes before moving to rub it into his cuts.
"What does that mean?" Jake looks at Neytiri, hoping she would explain. When she ignored him, Jake looked over to me with a confused look.
"It means you're an idiot." I give Jake a smug grin when I answer his question. Eating another piece of fruit before I glance over at the entrance. Tensing up when I see the Olo'eyktan and the man known as Tsu'tey walking towards us. Lowering my gaze, I lean towards Jake and whisper to him, "Now, try not to be an idiot and keep your mouth shut when they walk in."
Jake rolls his eyes before looking at the two warriors as they walked into the area. I glance up at the two with a small frown on my face. They both look at me and Jake for a second with guarded looks on their face. The Olo'eyktan soon shifts his gaze over to Mo'at with a knowing look on his face as he tilts his head slightly towards the entrance. She nods her head in return before standing up. Mo'at affectionately brushes some hair out of Neytiri's face with a smile. Then she turned to me and softly pats my head before walking down the tree with her mate.
Once they leave, I look back at Tsu'tey to see him already giving me a small glare. I give him an awkward smile which only makes him scowl even more. "Demon," was all he said before looking back at Jake with an even deeper scowl.
"Hey there buddy boy," Jake playfully quips back as he begins trying to wipe off some of the mud on his chest with his bare hands. Though he didn't do much other than just smear the mud around as he smiled like an idiot.
"Accident," he continued to scowl as he looked Jake over. Clearly unammused by Jake's joking attitude.
"Aw. I think he likes you Jake. You should give him a big hug to become friends." I have a grin on my face as I look between the two men. Taking notice of how Neytiri looked shocked by my suggestion one time as I glanced towards Jake.
"He raises a hand towards me, I will cut him," Tsu'tey speaks in a menacing way as he glared at me.
"I know," I laugh a little as I stare straight back at him. Biting my lip as I try not to grin like an idiot at the shocked look on Tsu'tey's face.
"Okay, (Y/n). Reel in the manic for a minute. I think you're freaking them out with your humanly sense of humor." Jake slightly pushes my head in order to bring me back to the moment.
I roll my eyes with a small pout before picking up another piece of fruit from the forgotten basket. Popping it in my mouth and slowly chewing. Looking at the woven floor as I finally mumble something pointed towards Jake, "Virgin."
"What did it call me?!" My eyes widen as Tsu'tey reaches down and grabbed ahold of the front of my shirt. A small scream coming out of my mouth as Jake and Neytiri both shoot up from their spots. Both trying their hardest to get between us and remove me from his grasp.
It had been a little over a month since Jake and I had gotten to Hometree. He had been training hard as a warrior while I learned more about the plant life from the clan healers. Everything was going well for us as time went on, despite the bad start that I had with Tsu'tey. Though he seemed to be convinced that I was in fact talking about Jake and not him after I explained a few human customs that were common among friends.
Jake even had enough approval within the clan that he was able to get Grace to be able to visit. She was shocked about the fact that I hadn't been wearing my mask since we had gotten there. But she was very happy that I was thriving in the environment like she had always wanted for me. She even told me that in another month, I might finally have a viable Avatar to use if I still wanted it even though I apparently could live without it.
But living amongst the Na'vi didn't mean that everything from my life before them stopped. Especially with my unique genetic makeup.
I went over to Jake as he ate breakfast with Neytiri and Tsu'tey. He looked over at me with a smile as I nervously sat down near the group. "Well good morning. You normally don't come and join our group until it's around time for lunch."
I fidget with my fingers as I look at the group, glancing at everyone until I focus on Jake again. "I need your help with something. And I'm only asking because your a good friend and I have to do this today."
Jake's expression becomes serious as he looks over at Neytiri and Tsu'tey. They both appear confused as well when they look at me for an explanation.
I look down at the ground as I bite my lip. My face heating up as I quickly tell them what was wrong. "I'm molting."
"That's it?" Jake seems in disbelief at what I told him. He even laughed a little as he leaned closer to try and get me to look at him again. "That's not too big of a deal. I'm sure you'll be okay."
I glare up at him as I stare him down. Taking a deep breath as I begin to further explain to him the situation. "It is a big deal. I can molt for multiple days sometimes, but I need to get as much taken care of the first day. If not, I could get infections and intense back pains that could last for months. And that's on top of the pain I can normally feel due to having wings."
The smile on his face faded away as I kept talking. His eyes becoming apologetic as he let's out a sigh. "I didn't know it was that big of a deal. Are you sure it has to be today?"
"I'm very sure. Once when I was in high school, I waited two days because I had to focus on studying for some stupid geometry final. When I finally got it taken care of, over half my feathers were gone, molted and perfectly healthy ones. It took months for them all to grow back and I couldn't even sit up in my bed without having someone help me for weeks."
Jake nods his head a little with a serious look in his eyes. "Tell me what you need help with."
"Thank you," I softly mumble as I sit with my back facing him. Slightly spreading my wings for him to have an easier time with helping me. I take a deep breath as I begin to lightly guide my fingers through the feathers. "You just basically brush them with your fingers and let the bad ones fall out. If there are any that are loose but not coming out yet, leave them be. They probably just need a little time to be ready."
It took a few moments, but I finally felt Jake start to work on the back of my wings. I could tell he was hesitant to do it because he didn't want to cause me any pain. As the time went on and I didn't tell him that it was hurting, he began to get a little more confident with each movement.
There was a decent amount of feathers laying around me when I took a small break to look around. Stopping my gaze when I noticed a group of children looking over at me from around a corner a little ways from us. Most of them a little older with what seemed to be their younger siblings. They kept pointing as they whispered to one another. But one little girl stood out as she just stared in awe while looking between the pile of feather and my face.
I smiled a little as I reached my hand out, gesturing for her to come closer. She seemed a little taken aback by my action, but soon smiled as she quickly walked over. She immediately sat down beside me, leaning against my body as she excitedly reached a hand up to touch one of my horns.
"Aen'ya!" Neytiri trys to scold the girl, but I raise my hand to let her know it was fine. Neytiri looked at me with a sympathetic like look. "She is very trusting. But she also still needs to learn to keep her space."
"She's okay. Kids back on Earth would do the same thing. I'm just glad one of the children is doing something other than just pointing from a distance." I smile at Aen'ya as I speak, happy to be a part of her child like excitement. I gently take her hand and she looks spooked by the contact. But she keeps smiling as I move her to sit on one of my legs and hand her some of my discarded feathers.
As she takes them out of my hand, I look back at the small group to see them all looking back in awe. I wave my hand at them to come join as Aen'ya starts to randomly place feathers into my hair. A few of them start to laugh as the excitedly push each other closer as a couple others run off in the opposite direction.
Soon the group comes and sits down closer by as they lightly reach out and touch my wings. They are extra gentle as they laugh with each little handful of fluff they managed to pull out. By the time they have their own little piles, the others that had run off return with their arms full of strings and a couple of baskets full of other little supplies to do whatever they had planned. Passing everything around as a few of them began to hold up a combination of beads they had to my skin with little giggles.
"Wow. You look like you got dragged into a second grade art class," Jake lightly snickered as he leaned back into his original spot once the kids took over for him to get a couple more feathers.
I make a face at him which causes the children to start laughing. But the seem to take his words as an invitation, because a couple of them grab his arms and pull him to sit on the ground. A couple even go the extra mile and do the same thing with Neytiri and Tsu'tey. Neytiri seemed happy with it as she began to help them with what they each were making. Tsu'tey most just sat there with a soft scowl on his face, but he would pay attention to any of the children if they held up something for him to look over.
We all just sit there laughing with one another as the children continue to work on their projects. But soon one of the boys grabs my arm to hold it still as two girls begin tying something around my bicep. I look at it confused until I realized that they had made me an accessory with beads and a couple of my feathers hanging down. Then a few others do the same thing as they tie an anklet on me with wide grins.
I take a look at both pieces of jewelry to see just how uniquely beautiful they were. Smiling as I open my arms out to pull each of them into a hug as a thank you. They all laugh as they begin to lean into my arms for one big hug.
A warm feeling came into my chest as I just held all the children close to me. Staring at each of them as a sense of peace washes over me. Similar to the feeling I had when I watched the movies when I was young. The feeling that I had finally found the place that I truly belong.
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this little installment. I'm glad for my first request and I'm going to start working on a few other add ons for Silent Treatment and Aggressive Caregiver (I need a masterlist at some point). But have a good day and remember; We are bad bitches, and bad bitches follow boycotting to the fullest. Don't actively give any money to Disney for anything. We're smart and kind people who were raised on revolutions that Disney wrote. I'm sure we can pirate movies from someplace or have the DVDs for the movies. Do your part as best you can. I love you all and stay happy for the year to come.
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theangelssing · 3 months
Good Evening
prompt: after a hard day with SAMCRO, Chibs could really use a shower, a dinner and your presence. Nothing else but a sweet evening with his s/o.
gender neutral!reader, third pov, Chibs & reader are a couple, reader is friend with Sons of Anarchy, 820 words
warnings: mention of blood, mc’s activites, nudity, smoking, drinking (wine) allusion of sexual activity, age gap, physical touch (romantic way)
a/n: small fluffy imagine with Chibs just bc I love him; don’t hesitate to send request for every character you want (:
masterlist - inbox
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“Babe I’m home,” you heard Chibs’ voice across the small apartment you two shared. You got up from your bed you were sitting on and you came to meet a slightly bloody Chibs. “Not mine,” he just whispered as he saw you looking at him.
“You wanna talk ‘bout it?” you simply asked while you both were heading to the bathroom.
“Nope. Right now I want you and me in the shower,” he replied with a grin, which made you laugh.
“You never stop,” you said and he shook his head.
“Never, babe.”
Chibs kissed you, already undressing himself. You did the same, and the both of you went under the hot water. You were used to Chibs’ activities with the Sons of Anarchy. In fact, you were used to the charter’s activities. So when Chibs would returned at home all bloody after a day, you would not freaked out or complained. You would always stayed there for him if he wanted to talk, but you would never pushed him, only doing whatever the two of you wanted to enjoy your evenings.
After your shower Chibs was only wearing a towel around his hips while you were already wearing your pyjamas.
“What d’you want for dinner?” you asked him.
“Ye,” he replied, a crooked grin on his lips.
“Again? You sure you can handle that many rounds?” you were only playing with him, of course.
“Love, I migh’ be more than 15 years older than ya but I still can show ya who’s the boss here.”
He gave you a kiss and a small slap on one of your butt cheek, making you laugh.
“To be honest I’ll eat whatever’s left in the fridge and the cupboards. I think ya’ll need to run some errands tomorrow if it’s alright for ya.”
“Yeah no prob’ I’ll do it.”
You smiled softly, already busy finding what to cook. You knew Chibs could also cook, but sometimes you just like being the one cooking. While you were busy making dinner, Chibs would usually set the table and poured a glass of wine for the both of you, the smell of his smoke blending with the smell of the food.
After having put some sweat pants on, Filip returned in the kitchen, dinner almost ready. You didn’t do anything fancy, only spaghetti, but that was always great for him after a day working with the club. You put the plate before him as he was turning the tv on. You sat next to him and he gave you your glass of wine.
“What d’ya wanna watch?” Chibs asked.
“Let’s watch Pride and Prejudice!” you immediately replied.
“Again? Isn’t it like the third time in two month we watch it?”
“Yeah but I love it,” you said with big pleading eyes.
“‘kay but next time I’m the one choosin’ the movie.”
You smiled and went to put the dvd in the player.
It was your little habit. Just you two and a movie night, relaxing together. Of course Chibs loved to spend the night at the clubhouse but sometimes he was better alone with you than with the club. And sometimes he also loved having you around at the clubhouse. It all depended on his moods, yours, the day you both had. And right now, spending some time with your loved one, felt like the perfect evening.
“Aye, can’t get enough of that movie, can ye?” Filip put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him as the movie just finished.
“I’m sure you love it too,” you joked.
“Kinda have too, after havin’ watch it that many times.”
Chibs laughed then kissed you and you went deeper in his embrace. You smelt his cologne mixed with the smoke and you felt at home.
He let a hand running through your hair and you stared at the paused screen in front of you. The black background was letting you see yourself in Chibs’ arms. You also could see his disturbed face and look.
“What’s going through that head of yours?” you asked, brushing his cheek with your nose.
“Too many things, babe. Don’t wanna upset ya with the club’s shit.” He kissed your forehead. “Jax’s a good president, I trust him enough.”
You nodded and kissed his cheeks. He lit a cigarette and you looked at him, only to meet his gaze on you.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothin’. Ye’re cute. What if we go to bed?” Chibs asked, a small and soft smile on his lips. You agreed and you both put an end – in your bedroom – to another crazy day.
You knew a small evening with you in his arms could make Chibs’ day better, so that’s what you did tonight. With him, you never felt the need to ask him about his day or about the club’s activities because he was the one to talk to you when he needed to.
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 months
Hello! If IOL were to get adapted into a TV show (or film I suppose), what are some things you'd be excited for, or things you'd want revealed that we don't get from Elliot's POV?
(also fun fact: my name is Elliot too! It may or may not have been very helpful in getting me to read the book three years ago)
Hi Elliot! A fine name. :)
The silver screen by its nature allows us into more points of view - it’s why my TV tie-ins always had more and briefer PoVs than I usually write, to give the same effect as a moving camera. And In Other Lands is a very limited third by design, since we really have to feel Elliot’s feelings to be in it with him. So immediately a visual, more-on-the-surface medium would open the story up to more reveals - there’s a lot to be done with Serene and Luke, and (for my money) with Captain Woodsinger, Golden, Adara and Myra.
The question also arises what the director’s or showrunner’s vision is, because the showrunner would not be me. There are so many different ways to tell a tale.
If they’re going gritty child soldiers, there’s more to be done with the wars between the different peoples, with dryads and dwarves, and with Delia Winterchild and her lost twin. If they’re going, say, romcom like a fantasy Heartstopper, we’re probably putting Wings In the Morning and In Other Lands in a blender and starting with the characters 15 and up. If they’re doing children’s adventure a la (gayer, weirder) Percy Jackson, we might meet the key three waking up in their respective settings on the day they head off to the Border camp - Serene exiting in a rebellious huff after blazing row with her mother, Luke worried under the weight of loving expectation, Elliot totally clueless and friendless in another world - are these children going to meet? What will hap— Holy SHIT the redhead is being rude! But we’d get it, because we saw where he came from.
The mood of a story is often dictated by what information you parcel out when.
And TV throws curveballs. (Movies less often.) What if the Elliot and Adara actors had lightning-in-a-bottle chemistry? What if Luke and Dale did? I hardly dare imagine. But then again, if it was a She-Ra-style animated series, that would be far less likely. So it’s hard to say what I’d be excited for, as I wouldn’t know what to expect!
I’d be really excited if they did any kind of series, because that’s such a show of faith in my work. And it would mean more job security, and new covers, and more chances for me to get more readers and perhaps most important of all to write more in the In Other Lands world… which (more on this later) I would love to do.
A show is always a wild shot - I’d always try to think of the books as my first concern, as they might do something totally bonkers with an adaptation. (Me, if Luke and Serene fell in romantic love while Elliot died a cowardly weasel’s death: What Show? I Cannot Perceive the Moving Pictures, I Just Do Not Know.) Buuuut, if it ever did happen, I would love to see more of the interdynamics at the Border camp, stuff that flew totally over Elliot’s head. I’d love to have Golden introduced earlier. I’d love to have the harpies in sooner, but as a sinister presence until the big reveal. And of course, channeling my inner Elliot, I’d love to see the mermaids. Throw the whole budget at mermaids!
Thanks for asking, and dreaming with me. 💜
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hannya-writes · 1 year
When they saved you from a brothel (Luffy Edition)
Title: We can satiate your Hunger
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Luffy x prostitute!Reader
Other characters: None really
Category: adventure? Romance maybe? It's just Luffy being Luffy (?)
Warnings: Mention of slavery, violence, sex, I think... I'm not sure, but nothing explicit I guess. There's no smut in here, walk away, horny people!! (No wait come back!!)
Author's note: This is situated 6 years in the future because Idk, I wanted an older Luffy, at least when I wrote it I had that in mind but you can imagine this however you want! Also, this story was wrote with a female reader in mind.
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You didn't started working there because you wanted.
When you were 15 your Mother/Father were sick and you wanted to help them.
You started cleaning the floors, washing dishes, serving the woman who needed help with make up or hairstyles.
The owner of the place tried to make you work for them as a prostitute, but you didn't wanted to.
So they started to pay less, at first just some berries. But those berries lost made you unable to pay for your parent medicine.
After a month without the medicine your parent started to feel worst and worst.
And like a balm, the brothel owner offered you a loan, just the right amount for the medicine.
And you thought the owner was a good person, that you would be able to pay back.
But one day some one robbed you and the owner give you more money.
In another occasion someone stole your clothes as it was drying in the sun, the owner gave you money to buy yourself some clothes.
You couldn't pay the owner back and somehow the loan got bigger and bigger until it became an impossible amount.
Then the owner offered a deal: You could pay working for them as a prostitute or he could turn you to the police for stealing.
That time there was no room for you to say no.
Since then they gave you a room, nice clothes and even a maiden to help you with everything you needed.
Close to no clothes, very tight clothes or the worst: Lingerie and a silk robe.
And you do what you are forced to do.
There are clients that are gentle but there are those who get violent, who creep you out, who enjoy when you say no.
It's a nightmare so you try to escape. At first you sneak out but get caught.
Then you jump from the window of your room, but the guards save you from a sure death.
When they realize that you are trying to kill yourself they start to drug you.
And that's the worst because then you can't leave, you need the drug if you don't have your dosage you start to feel ill. You feel like dying but without dying.
And then you just… give up.
Luffy was not supposed to be there, he wasn't looking to get laid. However in the facade said "Pleasure house, we satiate your hunger"
So he entered, because he was hungry.
He just needed food since he got lost after a couple of hours after getting on the island.
They were there only to supply the ship with food and some other things needed. 
Luffy being Luffy decided to explore and eventually got lost.
He saw the sign in the facade and entered. He sat there, asked for food and they served him some snacks and pineapple. Why were they giving him that? He didn't ask, it was food.
He saw you and… and nothing happened, because Luffy can't fall in love just from seeing a pretty face, he had seen the most beautiful woman alive naked and that didn't phase him.
However when the women of the house saw him, they started to throw themselves over him, they smiled and rubbed themselves on him but he didn't mind.
Since Luffy didn't pay attention to them, the women slowly, very slowly left him alone.
As you were serving wine to a client one of your friends let you know you could take a break. So you did.
Luffy can look like and act stupid, but he's good with social cues.
He notices the difference between the looks of the other woman and the way you looked at him at that moment.
Your eyes shine, there's a little smile in your painted lips… and your intentions, your intentions feel different. You didn't have lust in your eyes.
You were smiling because you found him cute and it was funny how he was eating all the snacks possible.
"Enjoying your food?" You ask him sitting by his side in the bar.
"Yeah, it's good," he answered while chomping on some meat.
"That's Lamb, it's very tender and juicy. You can try it with this" you handed him some sauce and he looked at you, directly to your eyes as if looking into your soul.
And he does, he actually sees through you and chooses to take your advice.
He hums in delight as he tries the meat with the sauce. He loves it. 
That makes you giggle. You like how expressive he is.
"I'll leave you to your food" you told him and he nodded as you walked away.
Luffy followed you with his gaze for a moment before going back to his food.
Moments later the bartender started berating him about eating as if it was a restaurant.
Which only made Luffy ask "is this not a restaurant?"
"Of course not, this is a pleasure house!"
"But it says you can satisfy my hunger"
You giggled because there was no failure in his logic.
"Listen, if you are not taking one of our girls, we can't keep giving you food"
Luffy's hunger was so big he pointed at you like a toddler and say "I'll take her"
Suddenly you were in a room with a man who hadn't presented himself, who hadn't tried to get your attention and chose you out of the blue. Not only that he had taken away your break.
"You are rude, mister," you told him, seeing how he steadily ate everything.
"I'm no mister" he let you know with a mouthful of meat. "I'm Luffy"
You looked at him, having a feeling you had heard that name before. Thinking about it gave you a headache, but it also gave you the idea you had seen his face before.
But then again, you saw many men every day, hovering over you, calling your name. The faces blurred over time. Maybe you had served him before.
"I'm Y/n" you presented yourself looking at him ate. It made you think that maybe he had a weird fetiche with eating in front of women. 
But he wasn't actually paying attention to you.
"Can I do something for you?" You asked, noticing that he had gotten fatter than before. Was that even possible?
You had seen him before, he had a lean body with nice muscles, six pack, and an attractive chest. He was a total hotty.
"What are you?" You asked surprised by what you were seeing.
"A gum gum man!" He said 
"A what now?"
"I ate a devil fruit"
You looked at him mouth agape.
"I can stretch like gum!" He said and stretched one of his arms to put it over your head, ruffling your hair.
"What is a devil fruit? How do you do that? We're did you find that?" You were so surprised and saw him with such wonder that made Luffy look at you as if you were a weird bug.
"How do you not know that?" He asked "everyone knows about devil fruits" 
You looked down embarrassed. You couldn't tell him the truth: You were being drugged and had lost parts of your memories, that faces blurred and the drug helped you forget the worst parts of your job.
"I just don't" you admitted but Luffy noticed your change in demeanor, so he solved your questions as he ate.
And when he got satisfied, he stood up, went to bed and fell asleep.
Now if he didn't want to have sex it was up to him, he was paying for your time anyway.
You laid in bed by his side and pinched his cheek and stretched it a little. It was funny. Looking after him you fell asleep.
2 hours later you woke up by the side of him but he wasn't fat anymore, he had the same toned body from when he entered the pleasure house.
You could touch it if you wanted, not everyday you had the luxury of having such a pleasure.
But instead of touching his very appealing body, your hand went through his hair, combing his soft black hair back.
His face was as attractive as the rest of his body but you enjoyed combing his hair, it gave you a warm sensation in your chest, a warmness that had nothing to do with sex.
"You're cute" he suddenly said and you noticed he was awake.
"Am I?" You teased caressing his face, slowly moving to his lips.
"But you know that" he added and you made a pout.
"I have to look good if I want clients" you said without thinking.
"Nee, why you do this?" Luffy said furrowing his eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" You stopped combing his hair and it was his turn to pout like a child.
"Keep playing with my hair" he said, taking your hand to put on his head. 
"Please" he added when you giggled at his order.
"Fine, but answer the question"
"You don't seem happy here, why do you stay?" Luffy asked as you combed his hair. You doubted for a moment
"I can't leave, I'm a slave" you stated with seriousness.
"a slave? But you are not in shackles" he frowned and you saw him for the first time as the man he was.
"Some people don't need shackles to be slaves" his face showed annoyance and you didn't like it, you liked him more when he smiled so you straddled him and bent down to kiss him.
His lips were soft and tasted like the pineapple he had eaten. Your tongue explored his mouth and he let you, barely moving his own tongue.
You separated to take a breath, thinking he had forgotten the topic.
"Are you comfortable being a slave?" He asked and you saw him surprised by how ineffective that kiss had been.
"I don't remember freedom," you confessed.
"What?" He was so perplexed it made you smile 
"They make me take a drug that makes me forget things, I've forgotten my past"
He placed a hand on your cheek and his thumb made the motion of cleaning a tear, even if you weren't crying.
"You need help" he said and you laughed
"I have asked for help, I can remember it but I can feel it" 
"Ask for my help"
"Can you help me?" You asked with apprehension 
"I'm a pirate, I can do whatever I want!" He stated so confidently that made you giggle, it was like hearing a child but the man in front of you seemed to be in his early 20's
"Then take me away" you asked softly, playing along with him, voicing your real dreams out loud "I want to be a pirate and collect a handful of earth from every island in the world!" You stated confidently knowing you would probably forget about all of this.
"Why do you want a handful of earth? that's weird!" he said and you laid back by his side with your head in his chest only to extend a hand towards the ceiling, making a fist.
"Because then I'll have proof of every place I've been! There will be proof that I lived! Even if I forget, there will be proof of my actions!"
"It's weird tho!" He said and you laughed.
"You make me want to be free" you added.
"Then we should go!" He said standing suddenly like a spring.
His arm suddenly grew longer and wrapped around your waist before putting you over his shoulder.
"What the…?" Before you ended the sentence Luffy started running.
You panicked as he punched his way out of the pleasure house.
Luffy on the other side was laughing.
From the perspective of your friends, coworkers and clients, you were being kidnapped.
Only that when you were out of the pleasure house he ran back in.
Seconds later people started running away. Your friend, the staff, the bodyguards half beaten to death. In a couple of minutes everyone has left and a gigantic fist pierced the building making it crumble.
"Y/n! Let's go!" Luffy said as he came out of the clouds of dust.
"Luffy, that was awesome" you said, impressed by what you had just witnessed.
"Yeah, they deserve it, now where are the docks?"
"Oi Luffy! I told you not to go too far away!!" An angry woman yelled from the deck of a pirate ship when you got closer.
"We got just in time" Luffy announced as he jumped aboard carrying you bridal style and the red head looked at you with a questioning eyebrow.
'oh shit, is this the girlfriend?' you thought to yourself.
"Nee, Captain, who is this?" She asked as Luffy put you down.
"She's our new nakama, her name is Y/n" He said, putting you down.
"Nice to meet you, " you said, bowing to her.
 "Oi, Luffy, why did you destroy that building?" A man with a long nose asked, making you jump at his sudden apparition.
"I'll tell you later, where is Chopper? I need him to check on Y/n" Luffy and the reindeer came out of his office leaving you speechless.
"Chopper we got a patient!" Someone guided you to the reindeer.
"Oh! Right… Y/n should I get a handful or earth!?" Asked Luffy with a shout making you turn towards him. He was smiling so widely that it was contagious.
"Yes, Luffy, Thank you!"
• • •
Coming soon: Zoro Edition
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mcx7demonbros · 9 months
An Unfortunate Thief
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Characters - GN!MC, Belphie
Pairing - Belphie x MC (MC is poly)
C/W: Murder, swearing, violence
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"MC, turn off the alarm."
You opened your eyes and struggled for a while to reach your ringing phone on the nightstand. After turning off the alarm, you decided to sit on bed for a little while before doing your morning routine.
"MC, lie down and sleep with me. Ignore whatever you have to do for the day."
You startled. As far as you remembered, you lived alone. So what was that voice that told you to turn off the alarm and lie down?
You slowly turned your head to look at the other side of the bed, where the source of the voice was. You were hoping you wouldn't see something scary. Since that year in the Devildom, you knew the supernatural world to be real.
"Belphie?" You exclaimed in surprise as you found the youngest brother of the seven lying on your bed with his signature cow pillow.
"MC you are being too loud." The brat said, as if you were the one intruding on his bed and not the opposite.
"Belphie, what are you doing in my bed and in my house? Aren't you supposed to be in the Devildom?" You asked.
Belphie grunted and opened his eyes. He knew you wouldn't be off his back without a proper explanation.
"Satan and Mammon worked together to prank Lucifer. It kind of... backfired in a really bad way. Half of the house was destroyed. So I decided to go to the human world to stay with you."
"There's something you didn't tell me. You were in for that prank too, weren't you, Belphie?"
"Fine...alright, I admit. I was in that prank too. But just so you know, I don't want the house to burn down. It's all Mammon's and Satan's fault."
You sighed. You could imagine the tired and stressful expression on Lucifer's face right now.
“Fine. You can stay here until everything has calmed down." You said.
"Thank you, MC. I knew you would be kind enough to let me stay." Belphie said while smiling.
You sighed again. The brat was pampered by his brothers. And you couldn't help but pampering him too.
Too much love breeds rebellion. You said to yourself as you got off the bed and went to the bathroom to do your morning routine.
"Wait, where are you going, MC?" Belphie asked.
"I have work of course. And no, you can't follow me." You said as you entered the bathroom and locked the door.
More than an hour later, after finishing breakfast, you said goodbye to Belphie at the door.
"Be good at home. If you are hungry, there's food in the fridge. I'll be back between 5-6pm, depending on the traffic." You said.
"Alright. Do your best at work." Belphie said even though the expression on his face told you that he preferred you to stay at home with him.
"I will. Thank you." You said before giving Belphie a peck on the side of his lips. You left him blushing at the door as you hurried to work.
Without you, nothing in the house interested Belphie. So he went back to bed and continued sleeping.
Belphie was woken up by the sound of rummaging. He thought that you had returned and was preparing to go out and greet you when he saw the time on the clock. It was 2:15pm.
Maybe the clock is dead. Belphie felt uneasy as he checked his phone. The time on the phone was also 2:15.
Belphie soon connected the dots and knew what was going on. A thief had gotten in the house.
The thief was rummaging through the living room when he heard a sarcastic voice.
"Finding something? Do you need help?"
When the thief looked up, he saw a boy in a hoodie with a cow pillow under his arm, looking very harmless.
The thief took out a knife and began to threatened:
"Where's the money? Show me where all the money is kept!"
"Sorry. But I don't know where the money is. Let me make a call to my lover and ask them where they keep the money." Belphie said with an amused voice as he took out his phone.
"Don't fuck with me. You want to call the police." The thief shouted as he approached Belphie and thrust the knife into the boy's chest.
However, to his horror, the knife immediately cracked when it came in contact with Belphie's skin. It soon turned to dust, adding more to the thief's horror and Belphie's amusement.
"It's my turn now." Belphie kicked the thief's leg, which immediately bended in an unnatural way.
The thief screamed, while Belphie chuckled. The Avatar of Sloth kicked the thief's other leg, breaking it, making the thief fall down.
The thief screamed again, but the demon already placed his foot on the man's throat, preventing him from doing so, along with breathing.
Before the man ceased breathing completely, Belphie lifted his foot.
"Now tell me. Why would you think it's a good idea to steal from this house?"
"I'm s-sorry. On my way to work, I usually go pass this neighborhood. And many times I saw a crow bringing shiny things to this house. I don't know how the owner of this house did it, but I started to think they have a lot of money in the house with that trick and I began to have the thought of intruding into their house and do the stealing. So I asked to leave early today..."
So it's Mammon's fault. Belphie said to himself.
"When I approached the house, I found the door unlocked, so I thought luck was on my side."
Belphie startled. You said goodbye to him at the door, so it was his job to lock the door. But his mind was so occupied with the kiss you gave so he forgot to lock it.
"I can't let MC find out about this." The demon of Sloth mumbled.
Belphie began to lift his foot again. The thief knew what he was going to do, so he cried and closed his eyes, waiting for his death. The Avatar of Sloth stomped his foot, which turned into a cow's hoof for a split second, on the thief's head, crushing the skull, killing him.
"Now I have to clean this mess up." Belphie complained as he began to do the job.
"Wow, Belphie, you cleaned the whole house for me. Thank you, thank you." You said happily and kissed his cheek.
"It was nothing. I figured I should do something for you. After all, you let me stay here."
"Thanks again. Alright, let me make go make dinner."
"Let me help you, MC." Belphie said, smiling.
Author's words
It has been so long since I last wrote an OM x reader fic. I hope you guys enjoy it.
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dsaf-confessions · 2 months
I've been in the dsaf fandom for a year or two by now lol. but like I've only been lurking and...some fans take dsaf TOO seriously. Like, no hate. none at all. but,, I wish people acknowledged more often that Dayshift at freddy's at it's core, is silly. like, all three games are full of jokes (some less than others) and that's the original premise. Yeah, there's the serious lore bits and all.. but what about the SILLY bits? Can we have the silly bits appreciated? Jack can piss for 15 minutes straight, Dave ate an entire ashtray of lit cigarette butts and lost his sense of taste after, ALL the phone guys were programmed to say "darn" and "heckin'!" as a substitute for swearing, and Dee is a tickler (not ticklish, a TICKLER she tickled Dave til his springlocks went off in the premature ending, and she can tickle Jack when in the suit to set it off if you don't wind the box). Henry is the reason why they have cameras in the fazbender's bathrooms.
I love seeing the serious bits too, but I wish people spent as much time with the silly bits as the serious ones. Even when it comes to making your own silly bits!!! Like, yess!!!! Go write that Undertale!DSAF AU. Go write about Dave and Jack as kitchen appliances. Go write about what you headcannon Dee's favorite songs and movies are. Go write about Jack having magical princess half wolf demon powers. EVEN WITH THE PAINTINGS!!! I saw a drawing of Dave and Jack in sailor moon get up and they killed it. absolutely. I know the dsaf artists out here are killing it with their art, it's all amazing and I have lovingly gazed at all of them before. and yes!!!!! Go RP as Peter Kennedy having a deep carnal desire for bird watching, go RP as Harry Fitzergald enjoying himself at an aquarium, go RP as Dave Miller spending hours trying to figure out how air fryers work so he can give it a shot at building one at home.
Please do anything your heart desires!!!!! You can look out the car window with your headphones in and listen to music while imagining sad sfms of the characters and keep it to yourself. But if you wish to share, just now that there's people out there that have been wishing someone would create what they've been imagining too!!! Make your funky spotify character playlists!! Even your youtube music ones!! Because there will be someone out there who thinks the same as you and enjoys them the same as you !!
I live for the serious ones too. Please, go write that heartfelt fic about Dave yearning for his soulless friend's presence in the afterlife. Please, go write about Jack despairing that he doesn't just stop existing after death, and is stuck in a void. Please, go write about Dee speaking to the gang in afterlife about how she wishes she had a longer childhood, and how she is sad that the very few things that made her childhood a childhood is gone and that she can never truly have it back( jack, and all the friends and lovely gifts and animals and all the joy). Please, go write about DaveTrap surviving the fire in the good ending and being miserable because no matter how much he was angry and hateful, he missed Jack, he missed having a quarrel with him, he missed asking just one more time, if Jack wanted to kill kiddins' with him, and then him having to visit Jack's grave and despairing that Jack had never lied when he told him his name. And then DaveTrap sees the other graves, all the other ones, of the kids that died at fazbender's because of fazbender's. And he also sees a grave bearing his own name. His real name. And it was right next to four other graves, of people who's names rang bells in his ears, of people with a last name he recognized, of people he remembered betting on whether or not they'll die with Henry.
AHHH I think this might be too long. i just love ranting about my ideas because as much as i have a love for writing, i can never execute the ideas. they are cursed to forever be just an idea i can share to my friends who don't like dsaf but like hearing my rambles.
So, whoever is reading this, please go enjoy the games as much as you wish!! enjoy the silly AND the serious side !!!!!
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positivexcellence · 1 month
‘Walker’s Jared Padalecki Shares a Look at What’s to Come in Season 4
Collider: You’re four seasons into this TV series now, which isn’t the 15 seasons that Supernatural was on the air, but it’s a very respectable amount of time.
JARED PADALECKI: Thank you so much. Hopefully, we’ll have 40 more. But Season 4 is certainly bizarre and amazing and incredible, and I’m grateful and flattered and love the journey these characters have gone through.
What are you loving about Season 4 and about the Cordell Walker of Season 4? What are you most enjoying about this point of the journey?
PADALECKI: With Supernatural, we would flip between maybe the big bad guy and then the problems at home or with the brothers. But in the case of Walker, we will go from big bad guy to family stuff to bad guy of the week to family stuff. Just like life is, it gets big sometimes and it gets small sometimes, but there’s always some issue. And so, what I love about Season 4 is having a serial killer out there that is from our past and that haunted us back then and is sure to haunt us again this season, as The Jackal does, and also, there’s so much drama at home. Cordell has a daughter who’s a freshman in college and a son who’s a senior in high school. Mom and dad are trying to figure out what to do. His brother is trying to figure out what to do. It’s just that feeling that we all get, as humans and as adults, where it feels like, “Can’t just one part of my life calm down?” And sure as hell, it never does.
It feels like this show was originally brought back to television because there was a real hole in this type of programming at that time, and I’m glad the series is still on because it still feels like it’s really needed in that space.
PADALECKI: Agreed. What’s funny is that I grew up in Texas. I grew up in San Antonio. I’ve lived in Austin for 15 years. I grew up watching Walker, Texas Ranger with Sir Chuck Norris, himself, so that was a part of my childhood. For those who’ve seen the original and seen ours, this is obviously a very different show. I’m certainly a fan of action movies and action shows and action books and action stories, but I found myself, after 15 years on Supernatural, which was very much based in family as well, wanting something that anybody of any age could watch. I wanted something that wasn’t just about cutting off vampires’ heads, or killing God or the devil and everything in between, but was more like, “How can we make this as realistic as possible to what’s going on right now, and what has gone on in the past, and what is sure to go on in the future?” The commentary is oftentimes about how people have seen the original and love the re-imagining that we Walker put together. But more often than not, I love that I’ve had parents come up to me and talk about how Walker, though the situation is different because he’s a widower, is going through life and trying to figure out his kids while they’re changing, and he has to go to work because he has a job. There’s something universal about that struggle and that experience that seems to have really communicated and landed with people, no matter what their job is and what their family situation is.
Is it challenging to make this series with a shortened episode count, or does it feel like you can really just pack more into every episode?
PADALECKI: I get both. There’s a quote I heard one time about actors and writers and directors and producers and whatnot, and they used it in the form of an actor. They said, “If you give an actor three years to prepare, it’ll take three years. If you give him three months to prepare, it’ll take three months. If you give him three days, it’ll take three days. If you give him three minutes, it’ll take three minutes.” It’s one of those things where life imitates art. We’ve found such wonderful stuff, and kudos to our great writing team for making it possible, but it feels very like life. It feels very much like Cordell’s life would be. You find out sooner than you would’ve hoped, “Hey, this is coming up,” or “You’ve gotta do this or that.” While it’s certainly been different, if you could give me 30 days to do an episode, it’ll have its challenges. If you give me one day to do an episode, it’ll have its challenges. I think that goes from top to bottom, cast and crew alike. We’ve had a great time. Because of cross-boarding some episodes, we might be doing episodes one and two, and even if a character is only in episode two, since we will shoot two together, I still get to catch up with that human being during the filming, which is wonderful.
You’re kicking off this season with a lot of storylines happening for these characters. He’s stepped up his romance, his daughter is not coping well with things, and there’s a serial killer. I love that there’s really this balance where you have the romance and there are some good things on the horizon for the family, but then there’s also the dark and deadly aspect of a serial killer. What sort of balance will we see this season between the light and the dark? Will we get to a point where things get more dark and more intense, as things play out with The Jackal?
PADALECKI: You certainly will. Given what happened with the strikes, over the last 12 months, it didn’t make sense to do a direct pickup after Season 3. So much time has passed between the end of Season 3 and when Season 4 will air that it just didn’t make a lot of sense for our viewers and our lovely and wonderful loyal watchers. Kale [Culley] just turned 18 in May, and he’s almost my size now. If we picked up Season 4, episode one, directly after Season 3, the final episode, it wouldn’t make sense. You’d be like, “Oh, I guess August grew four inches overnight.” Our writers were very aware of that and tried to make every bit of that as real and human as possible. We certainly do see, as characters and as viewers, how this Jackal that haunted Captain James and Ranger Walker back in the day, five years ago, still has a stranglehold on them, and just how deep and dark they go while trying to keep all the other plates spinning in the other aspects of their lives.
It’s certainly never great to keep secrets from people you care about, especially when they’re big secrets. And on a TV series, those secrets are bound to come out, and likely at the worst possible time.
PADALECKI: Yep, that’s what our sadistic writers try to do. Teasing, teasing, teasing. No, they do it in such a wonderful way. Going back to before even the pilot, one of the things that Anna Fricke and I talked about before we’d even staffed the room and cast the characters and hired the crew was that we want this to be as real as possible. Although in a different arena, with Walker being a Texas Ranger and a widow, we want this to have universal problems and issues that every person goes through on different scales as they navigate this life.
Jensen Ackles directed an episode of the series. Do you think he’ll do that again?
PADALECKI: I sure hope so. Now and always, I will work with Jensen, wherever, whenever. He’s obviously a busy man. He’s got a wife and three kids of his own. He’s here, there, and everywhere. He’s been in Toronto, he’s been in Vancouver, and he’s been in New Mexico. He’s a very busy guy. He and I see each other a lot, obviously, with Supernatural conventions, and we text often. He certainly is up for it. It’s just like life and like Cordell Walker, trying to figure out when things will work out.
Do you see yourself directing an episode?
PADALECKI: Not to speak for Jensen, but to try to speak for Jensen, directing is something that he was always really passionate about, and producing is something that I was always really passionate about. I have a deep respect for directors, and the door is not closed. If the opportunity arises and I think, “Man, I really wanna direct,” then I will. But over 24 years in the industry, I’ve worked with so many talented directors who deserve the episode more than I do. Obviously, as the executive producer and the guy in the poster, I could probably make a phone call and say, “Hey, I want an episode,” and they might say, “Okay, you get one.” That’s not what Jensen did.
From day one, he was like, “Hey, I wanna direct some day.” That’s not where I was. And so, I don’t wanna take an episode away from a really deserving, talented director. I really love my job as an actor and as a storyteller, and as an executive producer, I help guide the storyline and help in the casting and help with the editing. So, I’m a pretty happy cat right now, where I stand. I love that puzzle. The director puts the puzzle pieces together. I like getting the puzzle pieces and figuring out how they can work even better. I think a lot of artists go, “Hey, I wanna guide this.” For me, I love the puzzle of acting and scene breakdown and story breakdown, and just trying to figure out how to make what’s already great on the page and great on the set, even better if I can.
You and Jensen Ackles have both talked about having interest in a possible revival of Supernatural. Is that something you’ve seriously considered doing? Have you had any real conversations about that, or are you just having conversations about having conversations?
PADALECKI: It’s not that I have seriously considered doing it, my single answer is yes. It’s timing. It’s availability. Jensen and I feel so strongly about our show that we had for 15 years together that we don’t wanna just do it just to do it. We don’t wanna go, “Hey, I have two weeks off in June. Let’s go ahead and shoot 10 pages a day, just so we can have some more content.” If and when Supernatural comes back, it’s going to be a labor of love, and we’re gonna put every hour in to make sure that it’s as true to the cannon and to the fandom and to the story and to the characters as possible. So, my short answer is it’s not a consideration, the answer is yes. I just don’t know when I’m available. I don’t know when he’s available. But again, my answer is yes.
Have you thought about all the different possibilities of what it could be, as far as whether you’d do a shortened season, whether you’d want to do a movie, or if none of it works, whether you’d do an animated series?
PADALECKI: Yeah. Honest to God, I don’t think about the medium in which it would air. I think about the story that I care about. If Jensen and I talk about where we would like to see Sam and Dean appear on screens again, and we think, “Cool, we like this, and we like this arc, and we like this conclusion,” then let’s do it. If they make it into a movie, great. If they make it into a limited series, great. If they make it into a flip book that’s available on Amazon, great. But at this point in time, I feel so protective of Supernatural that if the story’s fine, then I don’t care how it gets into the world.
Eric Kripke has also always made it known that he’d love to have you on The Boys anytime you were available. Would you like to make an appearance over there? Have you actually spoken to him about that? Would you even want to be in that world?
PADALECKI: Yeah, he has reached out to me and my response to him 90% of the time is, “Dude, I’m 41 now with three kids. I’m not 25 and working out three hours a day. I know you’re going to fucking make me get naked, so give me a heads up. I’m in, but let me get a nutritionist and a trainer and get in the hyperbaric chamber for eight months before you make me show up.” But yeah, it would obviously be a lot of fun to see Kripke again and to work on that show, which is a great show that I’m a fan of.
It certainly seems like a little wild break of fun.
PADALECKI: A little wild? Have you seen the show?!
Yes, and I love it very much. But I also have a sick sense of humor.
PADALECKI: I do, too. I love watching it, but imagine putting yourself in it. I’ve got kids. My mom and dad are still alive. I’ve got grandparents that are alive. I don’t know how to just unplug their electricity when the show airs.
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nanowrimo · 1 year
10 Tips for Fast-Drafting
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Freewrite, a 2023 NaNo sponsor, is a dedicated distraction-free drafting device designed just for writers. Today, author Ashley Poston and the Freewrite team share some tips for completing a first draft of your novel quickly:
Hello from the Freewrite team! 👋 Here at Freewrite, we love a NaNoWriMo challenge, because we’re all about getting words on the page. We asked Author & Freewrite Ambassador Ashley Poston to share her best tips for fast-drafting and getting that first draft DONE!
No surprise, one of her secrets is her Freewrite. But what else does Ashley do to get those drafts done fast?
Here’s Ashley:
I have a confession to make: I hate drafting. It’s the bane of my existence. If I could reach into my brain and take out my story, fully-formed, and just work on the editing bit? I’d do it.
But, alas, that’s not how writing works. (Which is a real pity because I really do love editing. The way you go in with a fine-tooth comb and just torch the entire novel, then rewrite it for the third time. It’s truly majestic.)
Though after ten years, I’ve yet to figure out a way to pull a novel, fully-formed, out of my ears. So, instead, I like making the part of drafting as painless as possible… by doing the most painful, maddening, infuriating thing imaginable.
In other words: fast-drafting.
I’ve perfected the art. I can write a book in a week if I have enough caffeine and a death wish, and with these ten tips, so can you.
1. Find your characters.
Truly, the most important part of fast-drafting is knowing your characters from the outset. In a first draft, you usually find your characters in the middle of the second-to-last chapter. (Or is that just me?) So it often helps to know your characters inside and out from the start. Not only that, but know how they’d react in certain situations, know what would be on their Spotify playlist, know whether they’d have a repertoire of Your Mom jokes up their sleeve. How do they take their coffee? If faced with ten seconds to live, who would they call? Most of these questions you’ll never answer in the manuscript itself, but it’s important to know these people in your head on an intimate level.
2. Use your time(r) wisely.
Setting a timer can be a great way to increase your writing speed. Start with a short amount of time—maybe 15 minutes—and write like the wind, Bullseye! Then shake yourself out, set that timer to 15 again, and repeat. (This is SO easy on my Freewrite Traveler, because it has a feature that keeps time for you, making 15-minute sprints easy-peasy.)
3. Outline.
In addition to your characters, you really should get to know your plot, too, and a great way to do that is making an outline! There are a bunch of different tips and tricks to outlining—I personally use Susan Dennard’s 1-page Synopsis whenever I need to hash out a plot, and Rachel Aaron’s 2k to 10k Blogpost from Ye Olde 2011.
4. No distractions!
Writing is already hard enough, but it becomes almost impossible when you have a cat pronking on you every chance they get. Sometimes, life can just be that—distracting—and you can’t do anything about it. But minimize distractions wherever you can, especially if you’re sprinting. Turn off your phone! Disconnect the internet! And here is where I tell you my Freewrite has saved my butt countless times. I’m horrid at the whole “cut distractions!” bit, but with Freewrite, it’s easy as pie. It’s a lot like a typewriter, so internet? Never heard of her. iMessages? iThinkNot. It’s just you, your words, and the mounting existential dread of existence.  
5. Compression gloves. (No, seriously, especially if you write every day.)
This is gonna sound like one of those weird ones—and that’s because it is. But if you’re planning on writing every day for at least an hour, please do yourself (and your budding carpel tunnel) a favor and get some compression gloves. Learn some hand exercises. We don’t call writing fast “sprinting” for nothing.
6. Don’t look back.
It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to perfect the prologue, but this can absolutely hinder you. Take it from someone who loves to make the first chapter perfect—you never will. I promise. Instead, focus on getting your ideas down on paper and worry about editing later. I promise that sentence you didn’t like will be there when you come back to it. It’s not going anywhere. This is another area where my Freewrite helps me focus.
7. Use prompts!
Sometimes, your brain gets stuck. If you feel stuck, or in a corner, use a writing prompt to get the creative juices flowing again! Maybe you’ll never use the scene, but that’s OK. If it means you get going again? That’s what matters. 
8. Stuck? Hit the bricks! Real winners quit. But like… not forever.
Writing can be mentally draining, so it’s important to not push yourself too hard, and to take breaks when you need it. Take a walk, stretch, dance it out to ABBA—whatever helps you recharge. And then when you come back to the scene, you’re refreshed and rearing to go.
9. Chunk it up.
Breaking up your writing into smaller, manageable chunks can make drafting so much less daunting. Instead of making the goal finishing the novel, just finish the chapter. Finish this scene. Sometimes, it helps if people set a goal for a certain amount of words a day, but I find that this often just leads to burnout a lot faster. Instead of a word count, set a goal for a scene instead. Turn off the word counter. A first draft doesn’t have to hit a certain number of words—it’s called a first draft for a reason.
10. Practice makes more practice.
Like anything else you do, writing takes practice. I know I can easily hit 5k a day, but that’s because I’ve been writing professionally for a decade now. If you’re just starting out, don’t compare yourself to anyone else. (In fact, this is a great rule of thumb regardless.) Everyone writes differently, and everyone writes in their own time. No one ever asked Van Gogh how long it took him to paint sunflowers, did they? No one told Monet he was taking too long on his water lilies. Writing is an art, so let yourself enjoy it.
I hope this helps you, at least a little, write your next sexy dragon-shifter book! (Or whatever you’re working on.) Godspeed, and just remember: only you can write the idea in your head. Different writers can be given the same exact prompt, and every single story will turn out differently. Keep your eyes on your own paper, your heart full of joy, and chase that story only you can tell.
It’ll be worth it, I promise.
Reminder: Camp NaNoWriMo 2023 participants are eligible for a special Freewrite offer. Find all the details here. 
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Ashley Poston is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of The Dead Romantics. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a bachelor’s in English, she spent the last decade working in the publishing industry before deciding to pursue writing full-time. When not writing, she likes trying various arts and crafts (she’s currently addicted to building miniature rooms) and taking long walks as an excuse to listen to Dungeons & Dragons podcasts. She bides her time between South Carolina and New York, and all the bookstores between.
Top photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash  
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uneednotknow · 3 months
Vaughn Morozov
Headcannon with fem!OC.
Disclaimer: I do not own Vaughn or any other characters mentioned in this hc, besides the fem!OC, they all belong to the rightful author Rina Kent. I wrote this just for fun, since Vaughn isn't getting his own book and I'm intrigued by him, I'm putting my own thoughts on this.
There could be inaccuracies of how I write the characters but bear with it,please. Crazy, but I haven't read any of RKs works (besides GoP) and so it could be a disaster.
I am aware of his unnamed girlfriend but like I have mentioned, this work is a figment of my imagination and I'm writing this purely for entertainment purposes, so don't take offense to any of this.
Enjoy your read.
Vaughn was presumably mentioned to be17/18 in GoF.
So I'll be writing in and around that timeline.
Vaughn Morozov, Kirill and Sasha's son, heir to the New York Bratva, the future Pakhan, the Pakhan's heir, and so on could be used when it comes to giving a small idea about him.
Being the sole heir and born to loving parents, Vaughn was raised in a family of love, despite the harsh reality of the mafia world.
From a young age, he knew of his future, the legacy he had to continue, the empire he had to lead. Yet, his parents didn't pressurize him about such responsibilities wanting him to live a "normal teenage life" for as long as he could.
But Vaughn, was, well one could say, a thoughtful kid who is mature for his age. He displayed leadership skills from a young age, even when he was with Jeremy or Nikolai and was younger than them, he did not lack behind anywhere. Especially when it came to academic and being a smartass.
Hazel eyes like his mother with dark brown/black hair like his father, Vaughn was blessed with good looks, not Greek God sculpture like but definitely one that would be preserved in a museum just because there was no one else like him. At this growing stage he was tall, maybe not always the tallest amongst The Heathens but his growth spurts were definitely not done growing. Standing a good 6'2 already at the age of 17.
If it was anyone else, one might use the advantage of what he had, after all he has almost everything, the money, the power, the looks, the charm and the brain. But this man is just so uninterested and aloof when it came to dating life or just having a crush in general.
Seeing his mom and dad be in love, Vaughn too desired for it, wondering how it feels to be in love and be taken care by that one special person. And so he thought he was defected for never once experiencing having such romantic feelings for anyone.
Don't get it wrong, yes he is still young but while he has heard here and there from his friends about their crushes when they were little boys. Little Vaughn was curious and frustrated for never being able to experience such fluttery feelings.
So once he got older and got to learn more academic knowledge and just what life had to offer to a 15 year old, Vaughn started expecting less.
"It's just not for everyone." He thought. And with that he just got more aloof on those expectations. He didn't care anymore.
Or so he thought.
What happens when an Earthquake occurs? One's first instinct is to get to safety, maybe an open space or maybe duck and stay underneath a sturdy table. But what can Vaughn do when the 'earthquake' shook his entire world and he had no place to hide. No table too strong to avoid the devoid galaxy of ice cold feelings to finally start thawing.
Okay maybe that was exaggerated. He was just 'intrigued' to know more about a certain someone. Yeah, that's it. Just curious about a particular female, who had bagged a prestigious scholarship to study in the expensive, elite,private school Vaughn goes to.
Why her in particular? There were other scholarship kids in the school too, but it was just her whom he wanted to know about.Well, he don't have the answer to that yet.
Jane Kim. Asian. Black hair. Brown eyes and average 5'4 in height. A bright student, academically thriving and even street smart. She is a hard worker and an achiever. But that didn't mean she overestimated herself or belittled others.
Whatever it maybe, she was grateful to be able to study here. Coming from a working middle class family, with parents working, she wasn't underprivileged but they weren't rich either. So she decided to take the advantage of the scholarship and study and earn a good certificate to support her education even for college.
Being a foreigner and all alone in a big country and even a big state like New York was overwhelming, especially for an introvert like her. Had it been those teen dramas, she might have been a victim of bullying. And with her parents away, living in another country, it might just be worse.
But luckily none of the bullying happened, she had safely passed her freshman year and is now a sophomore in high school. For credits and pocket money, she took up part time jobs in the library near their school and has recently started tutoring the new freshmen batch.To keep her scholarship, she had to work, work and keep on working to maintain her grades.
She was 2 years younger than him and was a class below him. Her being a sophomore and him a junior. And besides that all he did was observe her from afar.
He would never admit it but he would watch over her anywhere she would be in the school premises, like sitting on the floor above her, watching her as she taught the group of freshmen. He was jealous. But poor boy, just don't know it. He just felt a tug in his heart everytime he saw her talk to others, except him.
For her whole freshman year, Vaughn just watched over her, admired her from afar.
The first time they actually had an encounter was during her sophomore year, Vaughn (in his junior year) was playing for the school's ice hockey team.
He saw Jane interact with the rival school's captain, giving him a faint smile and probably wishing him luck.(He dont know that Jane and the other guy goes to the same church and are good friends, their friendship was mostly like a brother-sisterly relationship.)
Oh boy, did that snap something in Vaughn. Frustrated and annoyed to the core, he was a beast on the field that evening. Beating the rival team by a huge gap, and almost caused a physical fight.
And when he saw Jane counseling her friend, it only added fuel to the fire.
He didn't know why he was acting like the way he was, suddenly he was dragging Jane out of the arena, holding his bags and hers all on one of his arm.
Confused and startled Jane stops him, she knew who he was Vaughn Morozov, a rumoured mafia heir, she didn't know whether to buy that rumour or not, being the skeptic she was.
"What the heck? Can you let me go?" She yanks her hand from his grip and snatches her bag from his hand.
Do you know Vaughn is no longer an intelligent person whenever Jane is near him? Yeah, he discovered it just recently too.
"Don't you think it's ironic how you were more concern about the rival team than your own home team?" He says, tone filled with sarcasm and almost like fury bubbling under it.
Jane stared at him in disbelief, annoyance soon filled her face. She wasn't going to answer this stuck up snob, she thinks to herself. Only glaring at him, she push passes him to make her way back to her students apartment.
He messed up. This was no way to make a first good impression, but his pride didn't allow him to correct himself. He didn't say or do anything only watching her as she walked away from him and gosh did she look good even in their royal blue school uniform. He was malfunctioning surely.
So that's how their strange rendezvous started. No, this isn't the 'guy bullying the girl' case. Rather, from that day onwards, Vaughn only made his presence known to her.
He was almost everywhere she was at this point.(as though he wasn't doing that already)
Don't blame Jane for not liking his presence though, that was no way one should behave especially to someone they barely knew.
At first no one really paid attention to the duo.
But after some weeks, the whole school started to notice that wherever Jane was, Vaughn would be there with a minimum of 10 metre radius near her.
Lunch breaks? Yeah, he is either tailing her or just casually sitting in her table. Her friends excited for whatever was to unfold, always teasing Jane.
Whenever she had to tutor the freshmen? He would be on the same floor above her, just watching her whilst doing his school works.
When she goes to her part time job? Yeah, he is busy studying in the same library she worked at. Sometimes he even did her chemistry homework for her. He started doing this when he discovered Jane did not like the subject at all.
Though she did confront him not to snoop around her homework. She preferred to do it herself she said, but he didn't stop.
His parents started to notice that he would be late from school most of the days and he simply told them he prefers studying in the library and finishing his homework there.
"You must be really bored to be doing this." She tells him, noticing that he is always there watching over her. She was uncomfortable at first, the fact that someone was monitoring her always. But she got used to it slowly as he won't do anything other than quietly doing his own work and occasionally having a break time by staring at her.
He will always be there for her, whether she like it or not. All she had to do was call him. His number on speed dial, that he set up himself. Earning a smack on his arm when he did so. Taking advantage of his height as he saved his number on her phone.
Somedays he even helped her stack the books in the library, the upper shelves which she couldn't reach unless she use the ladder. Somedays he held the ladder for her. And he did it without a word. It was weird but Jane got used to his silence.
Some days her buys her coffee or different flavours of milkshakes.
"Eat up, Darling." Is the only thing he would say. And she would glare at him. That was something new. Well, at least verbally because in his head, thats what he always calls her whenever he sees her. She appreciated his actions but that didn't decrease any of the annoyance he brought to her.
He knew she was tolerating his presence not exactly despising it but also not exactly welcoming. So he made sure that as much as he showed his actions, many others were hidden.
Like how he would follow her from a good distance,making sure she made it back to her apartment safely. It's New York, as bright as the place maybe, it could be as nasty too sometimes.
He wasn't taking the chance, he would make sure she is safe from anything and anyone. Lord save anyone who crossed Jane. Because if you cross Jane, you crossed Vaughn.
She is independent and stood for herself, not letting anyone walk over her, so she would tell people off either passive or aggressive or both.
But Vaughn? Yeah, no one is getting off the hook easily if he catches those people who got on his bad side. Not before a good warning.
One thug tried to rob Jane, one evening as she made her way back home, but luckily before he could get to her Vaughn caught the man.
A good punch knocked him out leaving the unconscious man on the alleyway, then he made sure she reached home safe without knowing what could have happened to her.
After that he went back to take the man. Waiting for him to regain his consciousness before 'confronting' him.Let's just say Vaughn had mercy on that man by leaving him alive. One broken rib, two dislocated clavicle, a dislocated jaw and a broken nose and a few bleeding later, the man's battered and bruised body was later found by pedestrians who took him to the hospital.
All is well for Vaughn, if Jane was safe and sound. It didn't matter if he bruised his knuckles or suffered a few punches from that man. Or from anyone in that matter.
Good thing, it's a Friday evening. He thinks as he gets home, not having to explain the bruises to his peers or his teachers. But he had to answer his parents. Who looked at him with wide eyes.
Do I look that bad?
Yes. Yes you do. His tie askew, his shirt wrinkled, his knuckles red, hair disheveled and a cut on his left cheekbone.
Now this is worrisome. Why? Vaughn never got in trouble at school. Sure, he wasn't a golden student but he strayed away from unnecessary issues. He was a gentleman,compared to most men, he knew when not to be gentle. Maybe that's why he stood out a lot, among the mafia men especially.
The next week, Jane breathe a sigh of relief when she realised Vaughn hasn't appeared infront of her the whole day.
That's when she noticed the tall guy, in his Jersey and black sweat pants, hair tousled because of having put on a helmet for practice, most probably.
He was sitting in the library she works at, his bags dropped to the floor as he simply sat and watched her. Leaning against the chair, legs spread, one arm on the table the other relaxed on his thigh, Those Hazel eyes of his framed behind his glasses, following everything she did.
"Let me take you on a date" he blurted out, voice gruff. He notices Jane pause a little as her out stretched hand stopped midway from placing a book to its place, as if like processing what he just said.
That's how he got rejected for the first time. She simply stared at him, eyes cold and shaking her head. She wasn't planning in dating or going out with anyone anytime soon, especially not when she had no romantic feelings for anyone.
Persistent and determined, Vaughn didn't let that rejection stop him. He would occasionally propose his offer time and time again, I.e after every week.
"There are plenty of fish in the sea, Morozov. Go bother someone else." She glared at him through her glasses, turning and walking away from him, ignoring him.
It was like a broken record, playing the same scene again and again at this point.
But Vaughn didn't want just any fish. He wanted an orca. Silly as it may seem. He wanted Jane by his side.
He just know, he couldn't see anyone else but her. She was the only worthy opponent for him, the one who silently challenges him to be better, work harder and smarter each time.
She was the only worthy person to him, someone who would put him in his place without hesitation.
In his eyes, together they would be unstoppable. Together, they would be on top of any and every food chain.
So what they were just high schoolers? He knew, that she was his ultimate conquest,no matter what challenges would come to him.
So what if she never gives him the attention he wants? So what if he has to chase her even when she pushed him harder each time? He didn't mind it at all. He prefers his examinations to be hard, to test if he is truly ready for the storm.
But maybe destiny have another plan for them.
Maybe high school, was the only time they had.
Soon, he would graduate and leave for UK to study in King's University, like all his other friends in his mafia family.
He could have force himself into her life, he could have kept being persistent.
But no he didn't. Though, that didn't mean he would stop chasing after her.
And no matter what, he wouldn't stop protecting her from any harm, from any danger. And he will do it without her knowing. Making sure she is safe and not even a hair is touched.
She was his girl after all. He wasn't going to upset her by being an idiot who didn't know boundaries. He wanted her to know he respected her.
She was his lady after all. No matter how many glares she sent towards his direction, it would never fail to make his heart skip a beat. No matter how short and how bland her answers were to his failed attempts to make a conversation with her.
She was his Darling after all. He is going to lay himself bare, show all his cards to her if needed. He is ready to do anything and everything for her. And no one would dare even look at her the wrong way, not infront of him. As long as he is alive, he is going to make sure he provides her safety and just be there at her disposal.
She was his woman after all. And however life turns out to be, he is ready to bend and break every bridge just to make sure they walk on the same path.
She was his Jane. His lady. His Darling.
P.S: She started to notice after some weeks of their first meet, that Mr. Vaughn couldn't help but have the faintest smile or the slightest smirk on his face whenever she glared at him or be rude to him. And this only causes her to either glare harder or shove past him and walk away in annoyance.
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I do think that he will only get more ruthless and unhinged once he starts college. Not that he isn't, but right now he is more tame. And moreover he seem to like those men who is quiet but deadly charming and gets shit done. You should never underestimate him kind of person
Thanks for reading. It was long and dreary. Longer than I imagined. And it was silly. And bad, it honestly framed better in my imagination. Again, I'm no writer and this was terrible but I needed to pen down this thoughts that was distracting me ever since I got to know about White Mask.
Do share your opinions. I just want to talk about Vaughn and your version of him.
Take care. Stay safe.
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madeofcc · 5 months
2023 Top ♥
Tagged by @someone-elsa and @shesthespinstersimmer ♥ Thanks a lot !
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I didn't remember doing all that this year !
Thanks a lot to everyone who's been following me through this journey. 2023 was one of the worst year of my life but also one of the best weirdly so let's hope 2024 will be better for everyone ♥
below the cut I'll put the link and explanations for each edit
1/ The Moonlight/Moonwood Tales concept : Based on the lore that came with the werewolves pack, I imagined a story that would explain everything between the werewolves, vampires and spellcasters. I actually prepared a plan for season 1 ... Maybe I'll post it next year ?
2/ The stories I planned for this year but so far, only Melodia is still going. DH3 will start next year sadly and Another Side has been cancelled because of lack of time and a bad computer.
3/ Aïssa in the city : a special photoshoot/lookbook with some items I love and also a small interview including infos about DH2 and 3. It's also a way for me to show more about Aïssa's modeling life. The title is also a reference to the upcoming spin-off about her ...
4/ The DH3 women and the DH3 gang because I want you to love them when the story will start !
5/ The EDGEWAVE fest organised by @aniraklova ♥ It surely was my favourite event this year ! What an awesome idea it was and a lot of people did amazing stuff during 2 weeks ! You saved our summer for sure ! I used Candy Bher as a reference to Another Side and MOON who's a character in DH3 ...
6/ Toxic Don ! A potential new Another Side story I've been thinking about years now ... It would be fun !
7/ The Ghostface DH3 edits : It's a reference to DH3 and Scream of course; the plot will be a tribute to Wes Craven actually !
8/ The Melodia musical video part : it actually was awesome and fun to create but it took me an entire month just for this little video. I decided to stick to a more boring regular way to post this story. I also don't have a lot of readers so far so I guess they will forgive me. I still see it as one of my biggest achievement here though so check it if you can ^^ I love how the episode turns into a musical movie
9/ @windbrook's Slashed Challenge : it was one of my favourite CAS challenge of all time ^^ I'm a huge slasher fan ! It was perfect for simblreen and people created awesome characters and stories !
10/ A makeover of the Three Sages that comes with Realm of Magic : Ana Mae is actually an original OCs, they all should appear in DH4 and 5 ... Morgyn should be very important in DH4 actually ...
11/ URBZ Mag DH3 edition ! Get the girls part here and the boys part there ♥ I love doing fake interviews and mag covers ! Sorry not sorry
12/ Valentines day ♥ My favourite is the one with the Destiny, Leïla and Aïssa because it's funny and feminist, what this trio is together ! They surely had a great night that day, it's also supposed to happen after Melodia so ...
13 / Franck and Madame Sophie : the first drag sims I create ! I wanted one for the Aïssa spin-off so I guess it will be them :)
14/ Recent edits I like : Maria Perron for @birdietrait's coven (I love her and I'd love to make a little story about her) / An other Another Side new idea focused on Venessa Jeong / Destiny's last portrait for the ocs associations
15/ My favourite gif coming from Another Side Episode 1 : I think it's the best ending for this episode as it shows all the plots and times together. Everytime I see it I want to get back to the story ...
Tagging @trippisimmies @badwoohoo @bobnewbie @uwutrait @frzr-bunny @windbrook @eslanes @budgie2budgie @nefarrilou @kashisun @birdietrait @castawavy @agena87 @fangs-trait @peonypyxels @barbieaiden @void-imp @ladybugsimblr @xldkx @nilonne @bakersimmer @whyhellosims @mangosimoothie @djservo @sea-cross @surely-sims @hufflepuff-sim @aniraklova @therichantsim @wolfavens @cinamun @alelelesimz @moontaart @pralinesims @cyberth0t @squea @helloavocadooo @cross-design @rebouks @crazy-lazy-elder-sims and anyone else who'd like to join ♥ feel free to tag me or ignore this as well ^^ (Also, check out these blogs, they're all great !)
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pandorascrush · 1 year
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WARNINGS: nsfw(18+), smut, minors dni, clit play, fingering, fem!bodied reader, metkayina!reader, dry humping, aged up neteyam, degradation kink, squirting,creampie, unprotected sex, breeding kink, dry humping, pet names 
NOTES: In this fic, and probably in any with Neteyam, he will be aged up. I don’t feel comfortable writing smut for Neteyam at his current age even if he is considered an adult at 15 in na’vi terms. This goes for any other character as well if I feel like they are too young. So he is aged up and so is the reader. So 18-19 age range for him. My song recommendation for this chapter is…. Deep dive by Zaryah <3 
You never would have imagined yourself in this situation. Once you began being with Neteyam, he had been the only one in your future, the only one for you. You had envisioned mating with him formally before Eywa, having his children, becoming his mate and family for life. Yet here you were, sitting in your mauri with your mother while she fussed around trying to get everything organized for your ceremony with Anoung. Sure he was kind, charming, and funny but you did not want him, you didn't see him the way you saw Neteyam.  You couldn't help but mourn for the life you no longer were going to live. The life you had wanted for so long, with him. If someone had told you a year ago that you would become Anoung’s mate, you would have laughed in their face. But now you were the one being laughed at.
It only made it harder now that it seemed that wherever you went, Neteyam seemed to be not so far behind. Whether it was in the water or on the shore, he seemed to be like your shadow. You tried not to think much of it but you couldn't help it. He had hurt you beyond belief with his words and actions, and all your sadness bubbled into anger. You couldn't help it, you were grieving is how you defend yourself. Grieving for what your life would become. You had begun spending more time with Anoung but he could tell your heart was not in it. There was no way to mask or deny your feelings each day the ceremony crept closer.
“You do not wish to mate do you?” He asked suddenly as you two walked on the shore as the sun was setting. His question caught you by surprise, you really did not expect him to ask so suddenly or be so blunt about it.
“There is another isn't there, I see it in your eyes. I see you, yet you do not see me.” He looked at the setting sun as he said it, avoiding your eyes. You couldn't help but stay quiet, you wanted to make him feel better, but your heart cannot lie.
“I’m sorry Anoung. There is another and has been for years.” Is all you could say. It was the truth after all, there was no denying it.
“Then why have you not mated?” He asked with curiosity rather than in anger, this time looking at you. Now that is what you did not dare to answer, the truth would hurt you more than him this time. Your shifting gaze and the tears pooling in your eyes was the only answer he needed. 
“If I were him, I would have mated with you before Eywa and declared you my mate a long time ago.” He said softly this time, caressing your face as a few tears escaped. He quickly swiped his fingers, wiping your tears away. He had pulled you in slightly, and you were closer to him than you had been before. You couldn't help but look up at him, and you felt a need to kiss him. You leaned in at the same time he leaned down, and your lips met for a soft kiss. His lips were soft and warm, yet not what you were used to. Not like the ones you loved. You began moving your lips against one another as you felt his tongue swipe trying to slip into your mouth, and you let him. As his tongue slipped in you couldn't help but feel it was all wrong. You yearend to be kissed, but not by him. But you wanted to accept him, you wanted to want him so you deepened the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth. As your tongues danced you imagined it was Neteyam and you began to lose yourself and you c ould feel your tail thumping excitedly behind you. Anoung began trailing kisses down your throat and you couldn't hold back your moans.
“-teyam please.” This is all Anoung needed to hear as he suddenly stopped. That’s when you realized what you had done. You began to feel awful and were about to begin apologizing before he quickly leaned down to give you a soft kiss again.
“I just wanted a taste of you before I made my decision.” Your mind swirled with confusion.
“Wait Anoung what do you mean?” You asked him, worried that you might have offended him beyond belief.
“It’s clear I will never be the mate you want. It would not be fair to you, especially to me to mate with someone who did not love me back. I’m calling off the ceremony.” His words left you paralyzed with fear. What would your parents say, what would his say?
“Anoung but our parents will be furious.” You said with your voice beginning to waver.
“Our parents cannot decide our lives for us. I will not say it is because you do not love me, rather it was a mutual decision. We both deserve happiness.” Is all he said as he gave your hand a light squeeze as he walked away. You couldn't help but feel a weight lift off your shoulders. You began to smile, feeling as if your life was finally in your hands again. But you needed time to yourself so you began walking along the shore, enjoying the way the moonlight shone down on your home. You had reached the end of the shore, and ended up where the forest began. You couldn't help but feel yourself being pulled towards the dark of the forest. You walked with caution as the path became familiar again, this was yours and Neteyam’s spot. You ended up in the clearing and sat down on the soft grass. The soft grass felt amazing so you decided to lay on it, and slowly began to squrim your body on the grass, enjoying the softness of it all. That’s when you heard him.
“You should not be here, this is our spot. Find a new one for you and your mate.” Neteyam hissed, his words dripping with venom. You shot up and looked up at him with anger in your eyes.  
“This was our spot, and I can be here if I want.” You hissed back as you stood up, not caring about the brief hurt that crossed his eyes.
“I can smell him on you. Go think about him somewhere else.” Is all he said before you tackled him to the ground. You were tired of being told what to do.
“I can think about anyone, anywhere I want.” You bit back at him and held him to the ground with your hands pushing down on his shoulders.
“If you can smell him on me, you’ll hate being able to taste him on my lips.” Is all you were able to say before he flipped you two over, letting his body fall over yours. He quickly leaned down and captured your mouth into a fiery kiss. He didn't even bother kissing you slowly, quickly slipping his tongue inside your mouth not caring. And you quickly slipped your tongue into his mouth, letting your tongues battle for dominance. He brought a hand down to your breasts cupping them and he quickly slipped it under your top pinching your nipples. You couldn't help but let out the moans that escaped your lips and your hands went down to his cock as you cupped him over his loincloth. 
“You are mine.” Is all he growled into your lips before he trailed his mouth down to your breasts as he tore off your top, leaving your breasts bare to him. He quickly took one of your nipples into his mouth and began sucking as his other hand went to pinch your free nipple and you couldn't help but weave your hands into his hair and hold him there. You began thrusting your hips up into his, needing to feel his hard cock over your pussy.
“You always were so needy.” He growls into your breasts as he lets go of your nipples with a pop. He quickly crawled his body down yours and his face landed directly above your crotch. He quickly unties his loincloth before he slowly begins untying your loincloth leaving bruising kisses on your hips, leaving dark marks in their place. Once he has your loincloth off he grabs your legs and spreads them wide. You can feel how exposed your pussy is as he slowly begins blowing up and down your slit. He leans in and you could feel him nuzzle his nose into your pussy.
“I’m going to make sure everyone knows that you're mine.” Is all he said as a warning as he dives into your pussy. He quickly licks up and down your slit, collecting your wetness all over his tongue.
“You’re already so wet for me, my love.” Is what he says before slipping two fingers into your sopping cunt. He begins thrusting his fingers slowly as his tongue searches for your clit, and once he finds it he begins sucking onto your clit as he rolls it around his tongue. You can't help but thrust up into his mouth as your hands go to pinch your nipples. His tongue is swirling around your clit as his fingers brush that soft spot in your pussy every time he thrusts his fingers, quickening his pace as he begins to feel your legs shake. He holds down one of your legs with his free hand as your other goes over his shoulder holding him there. You can't help but moan as he begins to suck harder on your clit and his fingers thrust deeper. You shove one hand down to his hair and shove his face even closer than before to your needy wet pussy. He needs to feel you clench around him so he holds both of your legs down as he dives in, devouring your pussy with just his tongue. His lips, his tongue, his grip on your thighs and the squelching sounds of your pussy sends you falling over the edge. 
“Neteyam, please I'm cumming!” You all but yell out as you cum all over his mouth, your pussy desperately clenching around nothing. You feel that coil inside you snap, feeling a new wave of wetness drench his face and he laps it all up with his tongue. The sounds that emit from the both of you need you wanting more. You need to feel him in you, filling you up inside with his cock. He crawls over your body, as your body still shakes with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Once he’s face to face, he pulls you in for a deep kiss as you taste yourself all over him. Your tongue slips inside his mouth deepening the kiss as you feel him take one of your legs over his hips and slowly begin to thrust over your wet slit. The feeling of the head of his cock brushing over your clit begins to make you shake in anticipation. He grinds down harder onto your pussy, making sure to get his cock wet with your juices. You weave one hand in his hair pulling him impossibly closer to you as your other grips his ass, helping him grind harder into you.
“I’m going to make sure you can feel me for days. I’m going to remind you who this pussy belongs to.” Is all he says before he takes his cock in one hand and lines himself up with your entrance and thrusts into you with one hard thrust. You can't help the gasp that leaves your lips as bottoms out into you, his balls heavy against your ass. He doesn't give you a chance to adjust as he begins a rhythm of hard thrusts into you, making sure his balls slap against your ass with each thrust. He grabs your other leg and throws it over his back, having both of your legs crossed behind his back as he thrusts even deeper than before at this new angle. You let one of your hands go down to your pussy as you begin rubbing tight circles over your clit, as your other hand holds onto his neck. He begins to speed up his thrusts as he can feel you clenching hard over his cock, sucking him even more than before. 
“I’m gonna cum so deep in you baby, gonna fill you up with my seed.” He grunts into your ear as you rub fast hard circles over your clit, desperate to cum again. 
“Throw my leg over your shoulder.” You tell him, egging him on wanting him to cum inside of you. He throws your leg over her shoulder as his thrusts become more erratic. His hips slamming against your, his heavy balls making a slapping sound echo around the forest as the head of his cock passes over that spongy spot inside of you. 
“Yes - yes - yes, I'm cumming.” You cry out as the burning coil inside of your belly finally snaps and you cum clenching around his cock. Your vision goes white for a moment as your pussy milks his cock, as his thrusts get harder and his hips become erratic. He keeps fucking into you like an animal in heat, feeling as the tip of his cock brushes your cervix a few times when you feel him cum deep inside you with a roar. His white hot cum coats your walls so deep, you begin to fill him drip out of you as he begins to slow his thrusts. He keeps thrusting into you lazily, not slipping his cock from your pussy as he finally stills his hips. You can’t help but look into eachothers eyes as his hot breath fans your face. He looks like he’s about to lean down to kiss you again when you take your chance and flip him on his back, with his softening cock still inside of you.
“Now it’s my turn to show you who you belong to.” You whisper into his ear as you begin to roll your hips. As you roll your hips you can feel him getting hard again, and you decide to slowly lift your hips, and then drop down hard over his cock. You feel him grip your hips, helping you drop down over his cock. As you begin a slow pace of riding him, you lean onto his shoulders holding him down as you begin to ride him faster. You can’t help but get lost in the delicious feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you, feeling as the cum from the both of you helps you slide faster. He takes this chance to sit up and lean back on his arms, making him come face to face with your breasts. He can’t help himself from latching onto your breasts as they bounce in his face as he begins to start sucking on your nipples, wetting them and biting down on them until your nipples become hard. You can’t help but look in between the both of you, the sight of his cock coated with your cum sliding in and out of your pussy egging you on as you begin to ride him faster. With one hand holding onto his shoulder, your other goes to rub tight circles on your clit as you slide up and down on his cock faster. He grips your hip with one hand and begins thrusting up into you hard, wanting to feel your pussy clench over his cock again.
“Cum for me again, pretty girl. And I'll cum deep inside of you. ” He whispers into your ear, emphasizing each word with a hard thrust. You can’t help but obey as you ride him even faster, the sound of your moans and skin slapping each other echoing around you. Your fingers rubbing tight circles over your clit, the feeling of his hard cock sliding in and out of you, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, and his lips wrapped around your nipples sucking, has you cumming hard clenching around him as you let out a cry of pleasure. You lean yourself on him hugging him as he fucks your through your orgasm, overstimulating you as he grabs your hips with both hands and fucks up into you hard. You're lost in the feeling of your orgasm as you feel him hug you to him as his thrusts become erratic as you feel him cumming deep and hard into your womb again as he moans in your ear. You feel him slow his thrusts as he comes to a stop, still seated deep inside of you. You sit there together, hugging each other, the feeling of the both of yours warm cum pooling in between you. He slowly lays you both down, and he ends up cradling you to his chest. You lay there in silence, and you begin to drift off into sleep. As you feel yourself start to give into sleep, you feel him begin to move. Afraid that he’s going to leave you yet again your eyes shoot open and you look up at him. He looks down at you and with one hand cups your face.
“I’m right here y/n, get some rest.” Is all he says as you cling onto him tighter, afraid he’ll leave again. You end up falling asleep and when you wake up, you realize you’re alone. You sit up and look around searching for him, and you can’t see him. You look down and see he’s dressed you but this time with his tunic. You feel anger bubble inside of you because he left you again. You get up and begin walking back to your home. As you get closer you realize everyone has met on the shore, you slowly creep up and that’s when you hear Tonowari announcing that your ceremony with Anoung has been called off, a decision from the both of you. But he continues, and this time Jake comes to stand next to him along with Neteyam.
“We have another announcement, my son Neteyam, will be mated to one of you.” Your heart drops as you hear those words. Your hand comes up to your mouth to stop the gasp that escapes your mouth as tears begin to spill. Tears blur your vision as you run to your mauri, grab a sack and fill it with some belongings. You try to be fast but your mother sees you.
“My y/n what are you doing, where are you going?” She asks with a worried look. You can't help but look at her with tears falling freely.
“I can’t do this mother, I have to leave.” You say as you give her a tight hug. She tries to stop you but you're faster and as you run, you call your skimwing over. You jump on and command it to swim fast, away from it all. As you’re swimming you can't help but look back at your home, knowing that you’ll miss it but you have to get away. You need time and space away to think about what you want in life. With one last glance, you look away into your future ahead of you, and away from the sadness, heartbreak, and Neteyam.
There you go guys, a part two! I know it took a while but I've been a bit busy. I also didn’t plan on a part two but I know some wanted a part two. I’m guessing this turned into a minor miniseries. But I hope you guys enjoyed it, and let me know what you guys think. I’ll add a taglist down below for those who asked in chase there was a part two. Enjoy! TOODLES <3
TAG LIST: @sasuvkee @reguluscrystals @arminsgfloll @valeriinee @sigh98 @blazeabader @msjae @zatarias-pandora @neytirishottie @immortalbloodhuntress
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episodeoftv · 5 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 1 of 4
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Propaganda is under the cut (671 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Chén Qíng Lìng/The Untamed - 1.50 Episode 50
The mastermind who plans everything has appeared. He's not someone who wouldn't think he would be the one who is behind everything, including Wei Wuxian's comeback. Who would that be?
I nominate this final on grounds of CCP information control, censorship and homophobia. They were so scared of the power of wangxian that they ended up banning ao3 in china and in the show they have to inexplicably have them part ways just to hammer home the no-homo. Plus the show is just kind of objectively bad.... but it rewires your brain all the same
Supernatural - 15.20 Carry On
cw: suicide
After Chuck is defeated and someone takes his place, Sam and Dean go about their life of hunting, but things don't turn out as expected.
1) you know why 2) god. where do i fucking start. this episode completely ignores this large cast of characters that were considered family in order to make it the "just two brothers" show again, scrapping basically every shred of character development shown throughout the course of the show, cutting out incredibly important characters at the last second (i.e. eileen being replaced with blurry wife for no fucking reason, cas not being there at all despite the whole love confession/ dying for dean that happened just two episodes before). in the penultimate episode the boys fight god. the finale? a random vampire from an episode of season one, who up until this point had never been mentioned again. then we have Dean being impaled on a very phallic looking spike and, after a speech about it just being about the brothers, dies. he then goes to heaven, where his father figure tells him his abusive dad is just down the road. he hops in his car (also in heaven, somehow) and drives for the next 60 odd years waiting for Sam to die. meanwhile, sam is moving on with blurry wife and i shown with a son named dean (as seen stitched onto his clothes), and we eventually see sam, now old and clad in the crustiest looking wig i have ever seen, die in the hospital. he goes to heaven, meets Dean on a bridge, and the last shot is the entire cast and crew on the bridge saying goodbye, completely shattering the fourth wall because fuck it, who cares anymore. and this isn't even mentioning everything that happened after. just an absolute mess the whole way through. 3) Random villain from season 1 kills one of the main characters, he goes to heaven and drives around while the other main character gets a montage of growing old a horrible wig. And that's not even all. 4) It abandoned 15 years of series theme and character growth, veered away from the natural story line and failed to resolve major plot threads. Dean deserved better, and so did Cas. See also Jared's terrible wig, Dean jr, Dean driving through heaven for five minutes... 5) Dean dies in the most anticlimactic way, cheap wig, blurry wife 6) There was no Castel :( 7) I mean... 8) destroyed every character arc in one fell swoop. the guy who tried to kill himself and struggled with depression throughout the show ended up killing himself anyway! was cas’s death even important? who was blurry wife? why was the absolute ugliest toddler imaginable cast to play Sam’s son? but in order to truly grasp how decimating this finale was, you have to understand the queerbaiting between 15.18 and the finale. why did Misha post that pic in the onion field with Uriel. why was Misha originally credited to be in 19 episodes of the final season on IMDb. why was . Hrrgghh. 9) Do I even need to write propaganda for this one? Even though it was the series finale we are still here after 3 years 😂 Title said 'carry on', but the fandom said 'nah, time for season 16'. 10) Bad old man makeup and no castiel 11) Everything had been neatly wrapped up in the previous episode. Then they decided "Hey you know what would be great? If we just killed one of the main characters." They killed him for no reason. He deserved to live a full life, have a family, retire, but nope! He met his match in a RUSTY NAIL. Not to mention that there were terrible wigs, blurry wives, and subtextual incest vibes involved.
+ After it aired, one of the actors unfollowed everyone who had anything to do with the episode.
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