#i love u madeleine........
taniushka12 · 3 months
i wish the mentalist was more popular here for many reasons but one of them bc theres literally nobody else i know that ships the jane/lisbon/hightower ot3 and i Know they'd be good,,,,
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gus-dix · 1 year
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wanted to draw the girls from hunchback of notre dame 1 and 2 dancing cause they both have a red dress and i thought it would be cute
+ it always seemed likely to me that one of the triplets in beauty and the beast was only pretending to go along with her sisters... and due to that she’s good at playing a role but not so much at being herself so when she gets an interest in belle she suddenly turns real shy
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
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devsis didnt draw clotted with his tentacle belt things forming a heart for valentine's day so i had to take matters into my own hands😔🫶
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blueiight · 11 months
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basedj3remy · 3 months
hello tad tumblr i made a playlist full of recommendations for fans of the amazing devil
the vibes are its either lyrically similar or the sound is similar or both
please give more song recommendations to add to this playlist
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
🎤 EXPOSE ME TO A BAD FRENCH ACCENT or anyone really!! :D
Here's when a Big Boobs Sexy Woman was trying to seduce him during their Illegal Dealings but he said "begone harlot 😑"
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about to spend 5 whole days in london with my two favourite girls in the world. trying not to be sappy about it but like genuinely they make my heart so full; i’m so excited to drink bottle after bottle of wine and giggle and shop and dance our hearts out to our favourite band. we deserve it so bad. i love them so much<3
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strkyoo · 10 months
I see that the requests are open from what I see so let me just slide in. So could I request trans-masc reader x Lynette with reader who loves her so much? Lynette deserves so much love and appreciation so I would love to be the one to give it to her. The reader love language can be either acts of service or affectionate touch. Also imagine if reader would leave small sticky notes for Lynette randomly to brighten her day just a bit (English isn't my first language I apologize of it doesn't make much sense, I really hope I did this request according to the rules).
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— mon amour
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PAIRING ; lynette x transmasc!reader
IN WHICH ; a day in lynette’s life with her trans masculine s/o.
NOTE ; WAAAAA this is so cute tbh, transmasc reader ftw ‼️‼️ i hope you dont mind if i make them live together :3 also lynette can be read as transfem so it can be t4t but its up to u
// FLUFF — drabbles, established relationship, kinda short bc im sleepy af — wc ; 418
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⋆ lynette who secretly likes to sleep right next to you whenever she come home late from her late night magic shows.
⋆ lynette who likes to slip her hands underneath your sleeping outfit and letting it rest on your waist, and sometimes on your chest. not in a sexual way, she just loves to feel the warmth of your body when she’s about to sleep.
⋆ lynette who adores your homemade conch madeleine so much. the texture, the tantalizing aroma, the sweet, delicious taste— you really meant it when you said you made it with your love...
⋆ lynette who frequently receives some small sticky notes from you in such a random place and time. one time, she found a small sticky note on lyney’s pigeon when they were practising a new magic trick for their next magic performance. how the hell did you do that? she was confused, yet she appreciated the encouraging words in the note regardless.
⋆ lynette who doesn’t mind it when you become all clingy to her. in fact, she likes the closeness of the two of you— as long as she has you in her arms, everything’s just fine.
⋆ lynette who likes to help you with your chores, even if it’s just a ‘small’ chores. she just wanted to help you (AND to spend her time with you).
⋆ lynette who loves to hold you close when you’re in cuddling sessions. she likes to whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and you can tell she stole some of those sweet yet teasing words from her brother.
⋆ lynette who loves to call you ‘mon chéri’ and/or ‘mon ange’ whenever you’re on a private date. she knows if her brother hears her call you by such a romantic and affectionate nickname, it will flood her with endless teases from him.
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mon chéri — my dear/my sweetheart (masculine), mon ange — my angel (masculine)
another note ; IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS TOO SHORT AND NOT AS WHAT YOU REQUESTED,, i dont feel like writinf recently idk why 😔
likes, comments & reblogs are appreciated ! ♡
— © strkyoo.
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lemon-slushie · 24 days
Hey so this isn’t really an ask but I’ve always been a big fan of your art, especially Madeleine since he’s one of my favorites! And I saw your post of him in a server costume and loved it!!
So I made a sprite edit of it :3
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(Forgot to attach it in the first ask so I remade it sorry :,] )
OH MY GODD THIS IS SOOO GOOD AND CUTEEE WOWWW u replicate the style so well wow this made my day. Thank u so much!!
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wlw-imagines · 5 months
Inevitable - Camila Mendes/Reader
prompt: "Hello! Maybe something where reader joined the riverdale cast and her and Camila Mendes gets close?? Like they flirt every day and after a while they start dating? Thanks💋" - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing  
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Your relationship with Camila had started out as a strange one. You were clearly bound to be friends from the moment you met when you joined the RIverdale cast for Season 2. The idea of joining a cast that had already bonded terrified you but she had welcomed you with open arms and always spent her spare time with you.
At first you had thought she was just one of those extra friendly people, her and Lili always mentioned how they got on so well from the beginning, but your friendship wasn't really like that. At least not in your eyes.
That may have been because you had very quickly developed feelings for the girl. Your relationship had quickly become a flirtatious one, only fuelling your feelings. But you were sure that for her it was only ever going to be a friendship - flirting with one another was only a competition of who could be the bigger flirt. You were convinced she would never feel the same as you did.
You were walking across the car park to the set for your first filming, the costume you were wearing already felt like home and the friends you were with already felt like family. You were all joking together when you were distracted by a distant wolf whistle.
Looking up, you noticed Camila standing in the direction you were walking towards. Once she noticed you were looking again she wolf whistled again and you could just about see her wiggling her eyebrows with a cheeky grin.
You looked behind you, slightly confused, "Who's she-?" Madeleine laughed and hung her arm around your shoulders and Lili smirked. "What?"
"You just got cat-called by Cami, congrats." Lili squeezed you lightly, “She means well. It must be her horny teen way of flirting, I think.”
"Who... with me?" The two nodded, laughing. "Huh?" You glanced at Camila again who was still looking at you but obviously attempting to pretend not to.
Lili looked between the two of you and let out a small gasp, "Are you guys dating?"
"What? No!" You shook your head. You'd only known each other just under a month, not that that had stopped you falling half in love with the girl.
"Well, I'm calling it. It's happening." She shrugged as if you no longer had a say in the matter any longer, it was fate. You just shook your head and rolled your eyes before heading on set.
It had been three weeks since you had started filming with the cast of Riverdale and you were glad to say that your character hadn't been murdered off just yet, hopefully insinuating that they liked you.
You had really settled in at this point, having to spend hours in makeup helped forge your friendships with the crew and spending even longer with your fellow actors behind the scenes meant you were as close as could be. It was strange how quickly you could make friends when you were together 24/7 in their highs and lows.
Right now was one of your lows.
You were in makeup, it was 4:20 in the morning and you wouldn't exactly say you were elated to be there. Michelle, the woman who worked on your makeup, had made your life as cheerful as it could be at such an early hour. Even so, when you had to look in the wall mirror in front of your chair, you'd immediately noticed the bed hair and dark circles under your eyes. Michelle had her work cut out for her today.
And talking about Michelle, she had disappeared. She had told you where she was going but you were definitely not concentrating. So you were kind of surprised that when you heard someone come up behind you, it wasn't Michelle but Camila standing there.
"Looking hot Y/N." You looked at Camila in time to see her wink at you, already in full make-up and her cheerleading costume. Not for the first time since meeting her, you felt the butterflies in your stomach but shook them off and jokingly rolled your eyes.
"Right back at you Mendes." You attempt to wink back but since you were still half asleep you failed miserably, causing the other girl to throw her head back and let out a loud laugh.
She came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders so you were both looking at each other in the mirror. "You know, I think you're cute... so I mean this in the most loving, supportive way but- you actually look slightly like death. You sleep okay?"
"Mhmm," You nodded, not wanting to delve into a deep discussion about your sleeping issues. It did, however, make your heart skip a beat to see Camila look genuinely concerned for you, but before she had the chance to push further you moved the conversation on, "I mean, obviously I would have slept better if you were by my side."
The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she shook her head and softly said "You're welcome to join me any time". She stood there for a moment, just looking at you before taking a deep breath and unwrapping her arms from you and straightening up, "I'll see you on set Y/N."
"Yep, see you." You gave a small wave but was quickly distracted by Michelle reappearing out of the storage cupboard. And so began the torturous session of hair being styled, lips being painted and eyelashes being curled (it was never ending).
Moments like these were some of your favourites. You had reached the end of filming for the second season and so most of the cast were hanging out at Madeleine and Lili's as an end of season party. You had bought in a load of pizzas and KJ had brought alcohol. A lot of alcohol. You all took this as an opportunity to chill out, gossip and just let your hair down.
It didn't take anyone long to get way too drunk, everyone apart from Camila and Lili who seemed to be making sure no one set the apartment (or themselves) on fire.
"Camila." You smiled as you fell down next to her on the sofa, "You look very sober."
She smiled and looked at you, and if you were sober you would definitely have managed to notice the heart eyes she had when looking at you. Drunk you just thought you were hallucinating. "And you are very drunk. Come on, I'm taking you to a bed." She stood up and helped you up as well, holding you close to her to keep you steady.
"At least take me on a date first." You laughed, swaying dangerously close to her lips.
She raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly, "Mhmm, maybe tomorrow."
You nodded, seemed a fair enough deal, "I'm holding you to that."
"I'm not so sure you'll remember." She opened the door to Madeleine's room (Madeleine was already passed out on another sofa) and placed you on the bed, "Wait here, I'll get you some water." Camila walked out and you let yourself fall back on the bed and closed your eyes. In no time at all, Camila was back with a plastic cup of cold water. She helped you sit up and drink some before relaxing slightly, her protective side showing ever so slightly.
You glanced at your water and then to the girl sitting next to you before smiling a very drunk smile, "Okay, okay. Cam, what's your opinion on water?" She took one look at you and shook her head, laughing.
"Oh god, this isn't your attempt at drunk flirting, is it?"
Nearly tipping your glass of water, you tried rolling your eyes before putting your hand on her knee, "Just answer the question, dumbass."
She cleared her throat and licked her lips, looking down at your hand before answering, "Alright, I, uh, I like water. It's good. Why?"
"Because, that means you like 80% of me."
Her face broke out in a smile and she kissed your temple (although that may have been something you also hallucinated in a drunken haze) "Oh babe, I like 100% of you." She moved some hair out of your face and took the glass of water away, putting it on the bedside table. "Come on, let's get you into bed." She stood you up again and begun to unbutton your trousers.
'Woah, woah, woah. Stranger danger." You mumbled, squirming away.
"Y/N? I'm not trying anything, I'm just-"
"You'll be uncomfortable sleeping in your jeans, I'm just-"
"You are such a pain, get in bed." Giving in, Camila forced you under the duvet and was about to leave when you pulled her in next to you.
"Good night Cam." You mumbled, wrapping your arms around her. She was about to protest when she looked at you and suddenly couldn't think of anywhere else she would rather be.
It had been a few months since you had seen your friends and cast members. You had been completely absorbed with your latest project working on Supergirl and hadn't managed to see anyone. That was until you started the press run for Riverdale. AKA days of interviews, comic con panels, photoshoots. Doing all this only reminded you of how much you were in love with Camila. You were hardly able to look away from her in any interview.
It took until the very end of your press tour to decide to confess. You were tired, in love, and ever so slightly drunk when you knocked on her hotel door.
Camila opened the door and looked suitably surprised to see you. She opened her mouth to say something but you interrupted her. "I've just realised something." You stared at her, taking everything about her in. This made you pause long enough that she spoke up.
"It's 2am, you're either drunk or you've finally realised that you're completely and totally in love with me." She smirked slightly but you didn’t miss the slight way her eyes dulled. You grinned and stepped (swayed) closer to her.
Rolling her eyes, she gave you a fond look and pulled you into her room, closing the door behind you. "Right, I'll get you some water. Come on, I-"
"What? Why would I need water for- oh, no. I'm... It's not the drunk option. Although I did have a bit of liquid courage before with the guys at the bar to get me to-" You stopped yourself from rambling and shook your head. "I love you Camila."
Her hands became still as she looked at you, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock and her eyebrows raised. She blinked a couple of times before she cleared her throat and forced a smile. "You're drunk, kind of reminds me of the end of season party." She shook her head, "You don't mean that. Or you won't in the morning." She bowed her head, distracting herself by fixing you up a glass of water, making it look like a much harder job than it really was.
You frowned at her reaction, not quite expecting that from her. You didn't truly know what it meant but you stepped forwards, taking the glass out of her hands and turning the tap off. Putting both hands under her chin, you softly pushed her chin up so she was looking at you.
"Camila, it has taken me way too long to say this.. but, I love you. And that really isn't alcohol talking." Softly but surely you placed your lips on hers, finally doing what you should have done months ago.
Camila pulled away and smiled, keeping her arms around you and your body close to hers, "Y/N? I love you too."
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tessa-liam · 7 months
Turning the Page
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Against All Odds –5- 
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. 
Rating: M🔞Warnings - Series will contain crude language, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
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 Against All Odds – 5 
Chapter Summary: Liam and Leo arrive in New York City. As Leo represents Cordonia and attends the U. N. conference, Liam, with the assistance of security intelligence, finds and reunites with Riley, uncovering her secret. 
Music Inspiration: To Love Somebody, Beyries; More Than Words, Extreme 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found. 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week#58, prompt #3 - “I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”  
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Brooklyn Heights, New York City 
As the season's first snowflakes fell softly on the ground, Riley sat curled up on her couch, a soft blanket tucked around her legs, her laptop balanced on her knees. William, who had spent the afternoon playing with his toy train and building blocks, was now napping peacefully beside her. 
Riley was lost in thought, the events of the past few days weighed heavily on her mind. She had read the news about Madeleine's pregnancy and had read the press statements on the internet. She was more than surprised by the announcement and curious about Liam's reaction to Madeleine’s revelations. Of all the questions she had, what bothered her most was the question of what would happen next. She couldn't imagine the stress Liam was under, but she also couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the marriage was finally over. 
Riley was drawn from her thoughts by the sound of her cell phone ringing. She reached over and picked it up, glancing at the caller ID. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that it was Maxwell. She took a deep breath and answered the call. "Maxwell, hello!" she said, trying to sound casual. 
"Riley! I am so glad I got a hold of you! Are you doing alright? “I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” Maxwell's voice was filled with concern. Riley could hear the background noise of the city through the phone, and she could picture him rushing down the busy streets of the Capital, his phone tucked between his ear and his shoulder. "Did you see the news? How are you holding up?" 
"I'm okay, Maxwell. A little shocked, but okay." Riley paused, her mind racing. She wasn't sure how much she should reveal, but she knew that she could trust Maxwell. "To be honest, I've been thinking a lot about Liam and wondering how he's doing. Do you know if he is alright?" 
Maxwell hesitated for a moment before responding. "I'm not sure, Riley. He was not taking questions after the press conference. When Drake and I tried to get his attention, he was called away by his advisors, but he did smile back at us. I think he'll be okay." He paused again, and Riley could tell that he was carefully choosing his words. "Look, Riley...I don't want to keep secrets from you, and there's something you should know." 
Riley's heart started to race. "What is it, Maxwell?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
"There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to be blunt. Liam is coming to New York, Riley. He's coming to find you." 
Riley was speechless. Her mind was reeling, and her heart was pounding. She had so many questions, but all she could manage to say was, "He's coming here?"  
"Yes, he's arriving tonight. Look, Riley, I know you're probably not ready to see him yet, and that is completely understandable. But I wanted you to hear it from me and not from someone else. And... I just want you to be prepared." 
Riley's head was spinning, and she could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Maxwell...I don't know what to say … are you sure about this?"  
“Little blossom, yes,” Maxwell responded, somberly. 
"You don't have to say anything, Riley. Just promise me that you'll give him a chance. He needs you now, more than you know.” 
As the snow continued to fall, Riley sat quietly on the couch, staring out the window, lost in thought. Her heart was conflicted. On the one hand, she knew that Liam’s arrival would bring a torrent of emotions and feelings that she was not yet ready to face. But on the other hand, she could not deny that part of her was excited to see him again. 
… and William! Riley’s swallowed hard; her hands trembling, as she felt him stir beside her. 
The Four Seasons Hotel, Manhattan 
Liam stared out of the floor to ceiling window of the penthouse suite, the lights of the Manhattan skyline spread out before him. He was filled with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. He knew that finding Riley was the first step, but he had no idea how she would react to his arrival. He sighed and turned away from the window, walking over to the bar cart. 
“Well, Li, how do I look?” Leo asked, walking out of his room, slipping gold cufflinks into his sleeves. 
Liam chuckled and lifted a bottle of Macallen and poured the amber liquid into two crystal tumblers. “Very dapper, brother. I’m sure the ladies will love it.” 
“Oh, please. Like I need help getting their attention.” Leo flashed a wicked grin, accepting a tumbler of scotch. 
“Right. Just make sure you stay focused, Leo. I am counting on you to stand for and represent the crown.” 
Leo raised an eyebrow. “I know, I know. You have nothing to worry about. I will handle the press and keep them off your back.” 
Liam nodded, grateful for his brother’s support. “I appreciate it, Leo. What would I do without you.” 
“You would be a royal mess, that’s for sure,” Leo quipped. 
Just then, a knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Bastien opened the door, allowing for a stream of Liam’s royal guards into the suite. 
“Your Majesty, we have a report that the American media has caught wind of your arrival and are converging on the hotel.” 
“It’s showtime,” Leo said with a smirk, downing the last of his drink. 
Clapping Liam’s shoulder, Leo left with two of the guards to attend the U.N. conference opening ceremonies. Liam had no doubt that his brother would be the center of attention and charm of the press and dignitaries. As Liam finished his scotch, he turned his attention to Bastien. 
“Bastien, is the car ready?” 
“Yes, Your Majesty, it is waiting downstairs. There is press coverage outside the front entrance; I suggest we exit via the service entrance, Sir.” 
“Very well, lead the way.” 
The limo ride to Brooklyn was a blur, as Liam’s thoughts were consumed with seeing Riley again. He knew he was taking a significant risk by arriving unannounced, but he could not let another moment go by without reaching out to her. 
When the limo finally pulled up in front of her brownstone, he took a shuddered breath as he watched Bastien get out and perform a quick perimeter sweep. Once completed, Bastien returned to open the limo door, and Liam stepped out. As he walked toward the steps and up to her door, the air felt electric, and he could feel his heart racing. 
What would she say when she saw him? 
Would she even speak to him? 
Liam had so many questions, but the only way to find the answers was to take a leap of faith and knock on her door. He hesitated for a moment, then lifted his hand and rapped on the wooden door. After a few moments, the door opened, and Liam’s heart stopped. There she was, the love of his life, the one who had captured his heart and never let go. 
“Riley...”- he managed; his voice choked with emotion. 
“Liam,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. 
Their eyes locked, and Liam felt as if the rest of the world had melted away. They stood there, staring at each other, both lost for words. Liam’s mind raced, and his heart pounded. He had imagined this moment so many times, but now that he was standing here in front of her, he was paralyzed with fear and uncertainty. 
...and, wow, she looked incredible! 
Her chestnut hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled with emotion. She was dressed simply; a soft, silver grey sweater and jeans. But there was no mistaking the elegance and grace that radiated from her. Liam’s breath caught in his throat, and his heart ached with longing. 
She was his sun and stars, his everything. 
He knew he was in for a battle, but for Riley, it would be worth it. 
Riley lost her struggle, her eyes welling with tears. 
“Liam...” she managed, before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his neck. 
He held her close, inhaling her scent, savoring the feel of her body against his. It felt like a dream, a moment too good to be true. 
“I missed you,” he whispered. 
“I missed you, too.” Her voice was a soft murmur, muffled by his shoulder. 
Liam felt her trembling, and he pulled away to look into her eyes. “Are you alright?” he asked, concerned. 
“I’m fine. I’m just...” she trailed off, unsure how to continue. 
He smiled tenderly and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. “It’s all right. I am not going anywhere.” 
His heart was pounding as he looked down into her beautiful eyes, and he knew in that moment that he would do anything for her. 
Riley grasped his hand. "Please, please, come in." She turned and pulled him toward the living area and motioned for him to sit on the sofa. 
"Would you like something to drink? Wine, scotch, whiskey?" Riley asked. 
"Scotch sounds great." 
As she busied herself with pouring his drink, Liam took the opportunity to look around her home. It was filled with warmth and love, and it was clear that a family lived there. Toys were neatly gathered beside the fireplace, alongside a bookshelf of children's books. 
Riley returned with his scotch and settled onto the couch next to him with bottled water for herself. 
“You have a beautiful home, Riley,” Liam commented. 
She smiled shyly. “Thank you. It's not quite a palace, but we’re happy here.” 
Liam noticed all the pictures, framed and positioned throughout the room. Taking note of the two men and small boy standing beside Riley next to a Christmas tree. 
“So, you’ve got a family now. Are you married?” 
Riley’s expression grew serious. “No. No, I’m not.” 
Liam breathed a sigh of relief. Riley noticed the framed picture Liam referenced. 
“Remember, Daniel?” Riley paused, breathing deeply. 
“Yes, he worked at the bar...”, Liam’s words trailed off. 
“That’s right. Daniel, along with his husband, offered me a place to live, here, when I returned from Cordonia. They didn’t want me to be alone in the city.”  
Liam noticed that her hands were trembling as she set her water bottle down on the coffee table. 
“Liam...” Riley began, her voice trailing off. 
“What is it, Riley? Please tell me.” Liam encouraged, as her eyes filled with tears. 
“This is really hard for me.” Riley choked out the words. 
“Riley?” Liam questioned softly, placing his hand on hers. The worry now etched on his face. 
“There is something I need to tell you, Liam,” her voice wavering. Riley closed her eyes, unable to continue looking at him. 
“We have a son. His name is William. He is two years old.” Riley blurted out quickly. 
Liam was stunned. Rendered speechless. His head was spinning as he looked into her eyes. He swallowed thickly, not sure what to say. 
“Liam, say something,” Riley pleaded. 
“We have a son,” Liam said, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Yes,” Riley said softly. “I am so, so sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, but it was never the right time.” 
Liam took a deep breath and tried to steady himself. 
“I know it’s a lot to take in, and I don’t expect you to be okay with it. But I wanted you to know the truth. It was wrong for me to keep it from you.” 
“...but I was scared. So scared of what would happen if I stayed in Cordonia. Of what Madeleine would do. Of what that would do to your reputation.” 
Liam sat back on the sofa, his gaze not leaving Riley's face.
"I understand why you would feel like you had to do that, Riley. I'm not mad at you," Liam said, his heart heavy. 
"How are you feeling?" she asked, concerned. 
"Honestly? Confused, hurt, a little angry," Liam admitted. 
"I'm so sorry, Liam," Riley said, her voice breaking. 
"Riley, I just need some time to process this." 
"I understand," Riley said softly. 
"Do you want to meet him? William, I mean," she asked. 
"Yes," Liam said, his voice choked with emotion. “Very much." 
Riley stood up and walked down the hall. Liam followed her and stopped when they reached a door covered in brightly colored stickers.  
Sleeping on his side, wrapped in a blue blanket, William slept hugging his Scooby-doo plushie. 
Liam's heart swelled with emotion. He knelt beside his bed; eye-level with the little boy.  
“This is your son, Liam. William.” 
“My son.” He slowly repeated.  
Riley's lip trembled, watching his emotions starting to overtake him. “I'm going to leave you alone with him... if that is OK. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."
"Thank you, Riley."
She squeezed his hand and then quietly left the room.
As Liam looked at the child sleeping before him, a whirlwind of emotions washed over him. Pride, love, regret, sadness, all vied for a place in his heart. But most of all, he felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness and responsibility. This boy, his son, was a gift. Liam would do everything in his power to make sure he was safe and loved. 
Liam leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead.
"I love you, William," he whispered. "I will always be there for you."
With tears streaming down his cheeks, Liam made a silent vow:
No matter what, he would do right by his son.
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Thanks for reading 🫶
📌All fics & edits: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌TRR/TRF Liam & Riley @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker @jared2612
📌Turning the Page: @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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lyralit · 2 years
50 books to read in a lifetime.
The Magician's Nephew, C.S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis
The Horse and His Boy, C.S. Lewis
Prince Caspian, C.S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C.S. Lewis
The Silver Chair, C.S. Lewis
The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Avonlea, L.M. Montgomery
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, V.E. Schwab
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Charlotte's Web, E.B. White
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
James and the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
The Giver, Lois Lowry
Ghost Boys, Jewell Parker Rhodes
The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman
Macbeth, William Shakespeare
Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
Our Violent Ends, Chloe Gong
Holes, Louis Sachar
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saénz
Life of Pi, Yann Martel
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
The Mysterious Benedict Society, Tristan Lee Stewart
Les Trois Mousquetaires, Alexandre Dumas
The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
Winnie-the-Pooh, A.A. Milne
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers
A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine Miller
The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
Looking for Alaska, John Green
Genuine Fraud, E. Lockhart
Scythe, Neil Shusterman
The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
Le Horla, Guy de Maupassant
Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief, Rick Riordan
To all the Boys I've Loved Before, Jenny Han
The Summer I Turned Pretty, Jenny Han
If We Were Villains, M.L. Rio
Dracula, Bram Stoker
Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours, Jules Verne
side note: all of these are in different genres with different age groups and levels of appropriate-ness. some are older and may contain controversial subjects. I speak for none of the authors: I liked the book, and that's it.
tag and comment your favourite books to be added to the list!
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ghouuuulthicc · 1 month
Welcome to my Cringe Corner
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Socials ;
@/__metamorphos1s ( twt/X) 18+
AO3 : metamorphosissss
Discord; ( mutuals only pls ~ ) madeleine6860
About myself and my blog ;
I go by Madeleine but you may call me mad or Maddi. I’m a Hetalia veteran ( I’ve been in the fandom since 2008 )My pronouns are they/them and I’m just an autistic dork that loves to write and draw.
This blog will mainly contain Hetalia, nichu and top!japan stuff! I may post about my Original Characters and the lore that I have for them! (if you ask me about my ocs, ill kiss u so hard)
I may post other ships beside Nichu, but it will be rare for me :)
I will not engage with any drama within the community. This is a general rule I will stand by. I will not tolerate any kind of drama, racism, homophobia, transphobia.. etc. I will block you in moments— I will also block you if I find your posts offensive or drama engaged. I really don’t want any kind of discourse on my blog.
Dead Dove; Do Not Eat ;
I try not to involve myself in fandom/kink discourse and I assume other people take responsibility for curating their own feeds.
if my content makes you uncomfortable, please, feel free to block me.
Since I do engage and post “problematic” tropes.. The major ones being; dub-con, toxic ship dynamics, such as: power imbalance, manipulation, codependency, fetishes, and age gaps. Of course, I do not condone any of these behaviors outside of fiction.
Clearly, this account is for fun and my views on fictional humanized landmasses do not reflect me as an individual or my views.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
Do you consider milk cookie a himbo? And if you do, who do you think is the best himbo? Milk or Madeleine?
my instinct is to say yes..?? i dont think hes stupid tho kdhfjd but hes silly and insane enough to still qualify id say... definitely fits the buff and kind parts... and ive definitely called him a himbo before LMFAOO here r the receipts😮‍💨
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MADELEINE def fits all 3 of the himbo checklist hes a textbook himbo😭😭 attractive, dumb, and kind... And I cant answer "which one is better" but if ur asking me whether I like milk or madeleine better..... is that even a question NCNSMDNSH *points to my pile of 928392732838 drawings of milk cookie and 0 of madeleine to date*😶‍🌫️
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devoursjohnlock · 7 months
yo i am SHOCKED that u have watched deadloch because i really thot it was some obscure detective series set in a small town in my country, like i thought only australians care about it, but it has further reach than that??? i’m supremely thrilled!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hey! I stumbled across it and probably only took a chance on it because of Madeleine Sami because I normally hate procedurals, lol. Anyway, I LOVE the show; the writing is clever and funny, and the cast is terrific. So, highly recommend!! I have no idea how they would do a second series, but I hope it gets renewed.
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basedj3remy · 2 years
give me back my heart, you wingless thing
welcome to the storm, i am thunder / welcome to my table, bring your hunger
it’s what my heart just yearns to say / in ways that can’t be said / it’s what my rotting bones will sing / when the rest of me is dead 
oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what’s truly yours
and you grip me like an animal / that you’re about to spear / “be good to me” i whisper
my eyes are made of winter / and these hands i hold are skin and bone 
from within this gaping wound of ours / a new us has begun
tear me up and burn me up and rip me up / and leave a hand on the wall as you go
are you god or devil, ghost disheveled? / childhood friend or drunken revel? / i cannot stop, i’m bleeding out for you
‘cause i will suffer silence for the strings you tune / and i’ll withstand what’s written for the writer in you
and to those gods i will speak bluntly / we’ve an accord if you ever touch or harm him
if i don’t make it back from where i’ve gone / just know i've loved you all along
the horror and the wild, the amazing devil // the horror and the wild, the amazing devil // fair, the amazing devil // that unwanted animal, the amazing devil // that unwanted animal, the amazing devil // pray, the amazing devil // new york torch song, the amazing devil // new york torch song, the amazing devil // new york torch song, the amazing devil // secret worlds, the amazing devil // inkpot gods, the amazing devil // inkpot gods, the amazing devil
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