#i love when characters are students in stem fields i have SO many stories to project onto them XD
songsofadelaide · 4 months
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"Lives have grown roots around each other. We both know the truth is, we don't really care to find any room to doubt each other. We're tied by the roots of whatever we share."
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Zoology major!Laios x crim student!reader who were introduced to each other by your mutual friend, physics major!Marcille, whom you took general education subjects with. You and Laios couldn't be any more different from each other, but you unexpectedly clicked after going on one coffee date together. He is a pretty lively character who is chronically online, and his Instagram is filled with his fascinations— reptiles and amphibians. He mentioned that he wanted to go for a herpetology masters degree when he graduates.
Laios was equally interested in your aspiration to become a lawyer, and eventually a judge. You told him that your pursuit of justice stems from a deep-seated desire to see something happen— and you joked that it was a long story for another coffee date— which he quickly agrees to. (When asked about your date, he told Marcille that you were cute. You said the same thing. Marcille felt like an accomplished matchmaker. She asks you guys to tell her more about your next date, too.)
Your different majors meant different class schedules, so you two try your best to meet up whenever you can, especially when you both have your vacant hours. You follow each other on Instagram now, and he posted a photo of your coffees and sandwiches and his mysterious, faceless date with the caption "🦎💗🦎", to which his many friends and followers blasted likes and comments on.
"Oh, Marcille just texted me. She said this is a... soft launch? Does she mean soft lunch? Sandwiches are soft and light, after all."
You laughed. And Laios swore the sound was sweeter than his coffee.
Your friends and blockmates are both baffled and amused by the handsome zoology major frequently showing up outside the Faculty of Law building on campus with your favourite snack and drink onhand. Likewise, Laios's blockmates are puzzled by your presence in the College of Science building, usually just to drop off some energy boosters for him. (You bring him orange eggs and fish balls every once in a while since you both like them, but you always remind him to eat well and eat full meals.)
Laios made your supposedly grueling days in uni much more fun than you anticipated. Criminology wasn't for the weak-hearted and you had your challenging days, too. But Laios was so full of life and his carefree smile was something you wanted to protect, along with the rest of society. On your second anniversary, he gifted you a very detailed bearded dragon plush. While his major required him to be on the field most of the time, he always made sure to call or message to update you on his whereabouts and what he and his blockmates have been doing. Most of the time, you don't hear him say how much he misses you when you fall asleep while on video call.
You did not choose to call it quits when the time for majors came. Laios wasn't one to give up on something he adores— he loves— so why would you? His pursuit of knowledge for his favourite cold-blooded creatures brought him to James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, while you continued your pursuit of justice as a law student in one of the finest schools in your very hometown.
Laios returns home to you after three years in the Australian outback and marshland— taller, tanned, stubbly and still so lively. He was still the same dreamer you met so many years ago, and you're suddenly filled with dread that you might be holding him back from a life that suited him more. When he noticed how withdrawn you became, he was suddenly filled with dread that he might be too much of a distraction to you as you continued law school. Marcille wasn't having any of that, though, and carefully orchestrated a way for the two of you to bring your concerns to the table, just like how she orchestrated your first meeting.
"I love you," he said, but it's not his words that pull at your heart, but the way his eyes lit up when he gazed at you. He held you in his arms as you cried.
"I know. You still look at me like I'm made of starlight even though my glow has been dulled by so much cynicism."
Laios slept a little bit too deep that night, obviously relieved to still have you in his life. You always did like how honest he was. It was the very thing your profession required but not everyone in the field had it in them. You lay on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief yourself. You may as well be talking to the moon, but you needed to let him know how strongly you felt for him too.
"You are every good in this unforgiving world, and I know it will never forgive me for holding you too close to my heart. This world needs a spirit like yours— warm, curious, forgiving— to heal itself from its curse of indifference and unkindness."
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"—come acclaimed and internet famous herpetologist— a reptile lover, people! In case you don't know what that is— wildlife educator and conservationalist Laios Touden! We're glad to have you with us today!—"
"—sure is all mine! Glad to be he—"
"Oh, turn that thing up, Falin!" You excitedly stepped out of your bedroom and found your sister-in-law Falin humming to herself as she helped herself to a glass of juice in your kitchen. She reached for your TV remote and turned up the volume.
"That interview's today, huh? Are you going to watch all of it? You have a trial to attend to, right?" She asked you with a small smile on her face.
"Just seeing his handsome face already cheers me up so much," you replied to her with a dreamy sigh. "But anyway, you're right! I should head court now. That's what he'd want me to do."
"I'll look for links to the interview online if you want."
"Thank you, Falin!"
The young woman left at home in her brother's house turned her full attention to the interview this time, an amused smile on her face as she watched and listened to his television interview.
"—you know, my wife is a Supreme Court Justice, one of the youngest ones, too! And I'm really proud of her for that. On her first day on the job, she reopened a cold case relating to the deaths of several environmentalists from 200X. It was such an old case, but it was important to her, and to me, to an extent. Her family was par—"
"—nly able to do my job, happily at that, is because of her will to protect environmentalists and put those responsible in jail—"
"My, he sounds so eloquent. I suppose a certain judge helped him with that," Falin laughed to herself. "I should call Marcille and tell her about this interview, too."
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snickerdoodlles · 3 years
was rewatching bb (as one does) and the scene in the cafeteria when Korn winks at wai... If u look closely i think he's actually winking at pran,, responding to prans nod. also, the angle also makes it seem like it. this ask has no point i just got excited and u have your kornpran friendship agenda so yeah...they're besties who tease wai and pat together. thank u for your service btw. i absolutely love all your bb fics...💗💗💗💗💗
you know when someone waves at you and you wave back, only to realize the person was actually waving at the person behind you? that’s korn winking at wai or pat. it’s never actually for them, it’s a signal to his bestie pran standing behind them that the day’s prank is a-go
the kornpran agenda is ALWAYS import, so thank u for thinking of me during your rewatch 🥺💕 and thank you for you’re sweet words ajkfdkjdf, here’s a sneak peek at the first ~600 words or so of my next kornpran friendship WIP ❤❤ (*see full snippet under the read more)
):)  (:(
Korn’s going to pass all his classes thanks to his new best friend.
Pran is the best study buddy. Sure, he has negative interest in learning engineering concepts, but he lets Korn rant when he’s stuck. (“Really?” “Honestly, I’m so used to Wai bitching as we work that it’s the perfect white noise to me now.” “I feel unloved.” “What can I say? I thrive when you suffer.”) It’s so much better than studying with Pat or Mo--Korn actually gets a chance to figure shit out, instead of one of the geniuses just doing his homework with a vague Like this, see?
So yeah, reserving a room with Pran? Secret to academic success right here. Korn’s currently spending today’s study date just whining about his stupid calculus professor, but he’s doing it with his head pillowed on his textbook and he’s probably absorbing the information via osmosis or something.
“No cheat sheets unless they’re permanent tattoos,” Korn mimics in his whiniest voice. “Asshole. Professor Worapong says he’ll give us all the equations we need, but in the midterm he only gave us the general equation, which we’d spent a week deriving all our other equations from at the start of the term. Like what the fuck? We only have two hours to do an exam, does he want to test us on how well we actually apply the knowledge or just our powers of derivation? Ugh.”
Pram hums and taps the back of his pen against the table thoughtfully. Korn twists so that he can see Pran better; he doesn’t usually respond to Korn’s whining.
“You said he allows cheat sheets?”
Korn frowns. “Only if they’re tattoos,” he reminds. “If you want to cheat here, you should be ready to cheat in life. He thinks he’s so funny.”
The corners of Pran’s lips twitch. “I meant, he put that in his syllabus?”
“Yes?” Korn wrinkles his nose. “Bolded and fourteen sized font and everything.”
Pran carefully doesn’t look at Korn. “Did you know that if you only ink the surface of your skin, a permanent tattoo will eventually fade and drain away?”
Korn stares at Pran. “What.”
Pran shrugs, still avoiding Korn’s incredulous stare. “You’d have it for a few months. Maybe up to half a year? But…temporary permanent tattoo.”
Korn straightens. He hasn’t blinked once this past minute.
“Amazing,” he breathes out with a wide smile, and Pran blushes. Awww. Then Korn frowns. “Do artists do temporary stuff like that? How much would it even cost?” Korn sticks his tongue out at the thought. “Maybe I should just do it myself…”
Pran snorts. “Absolutely don’t do that, your handwriting is atrocious. See if you can get a tattoo gun and we can do it at my place this weekend.”
Korn takes a second to process that. “You know how to give someone a tattoo?”
“I’ve done it a few times,” Pran says modestly.
“A- A few times? How? When?!”
Pran scoops up his markers. “I have to get to class.”
“I memorized your schedule, no you don’t.”
Pran ignores him. “My place, Saturday, after rugby practice. Bring lunch.”
Pran makes a hasty retreat. “Text me if you can’t source a gun. Bye.”
But he’s already gone and down the hall, Korn’s questions trailing behind him. Korn gets the feeling that something sudden and mysterious is going to pop up during tomorrow’s study session too, which means that if Korn wants to know more about Pran’s shady past, he’s going to have to either go through Pat or show up Saturday with hopes of the tattoo drawing out more information.
“Well played, Pran,” Korn murmurs as he pulls out his phone and pulls up machine listings, “Well played.”
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Don't mind me, just gonna drop some hypothetical 'About IK' voicelines for Genshin characters I like.... PLS I LOVE HER SO MUCH I WANT ONLY GOOD THINGS FOR HER
Chongyun: About IK
"I'd consider IK a kindred spirit in the field. She doesn't quite work in thaumaturgy, but she has a similar understanding and respect for souls, both departed and lingering, and she's usually quite supportive about my endeavours in exorcism... and I don't know anything about Seelies, but I can appreciate her work in studying them."
Xingqiu: About IK
"Ah,the Seelie Whisperer! Yes, we know each other. Her knowledge is invaluable in coming up with new ways to mess with Chongyun. How, you say? Well, you'd be surprised how many so-called ghost stories stem from Seelie activity. I simply get a few good ones from IK, and they're usually more than enough to convince Chongyun of a demon that needs exorcising, haha! ...don't tell IK that's what I need the stories for, though. She's still under the impression that I'm using them to write something..."
Xiao: About IK
"The Seelie...? ...oh. Yes, we've spoken. The butterflies... no, never mind."
(I like to think that IK stays at Wangshu Inn sometimes while out studying Seelies, and she's accidentally befriended Xiao because she keeps running into and chatting with him there. Xiao sticks around to listen because he's intrigued by her stories. As for the butterfly thing, I got this image in my head of IK using Cryo magic to make little ice butterflies that she can make dance about like the real thing...)
Xiangling: About IK
"She visits me at Wanmin a lot, and we're always running into each other out exploring! But, I should warn you - never let her carry an ingredient pack! Everything inside will end up bruised and battered! Honestly, it makes gifting her snacks for exploration pretty hard, you've got to make sure it isn't something she'll accidentally crush..."
Yanfei: About IK
"Hm-hm, the amount of times she's gotten into trouble for trespassing... not just legally, mind you, she keeps ending up in Jueyun Karst, too. I'm not even sure if I have the authority to make a Sigil of Permission... but so far she hasn't been smites but any of the adepti, so the ones I'be been giving her seem to work. But still! There's such thing as being too caught up in the Seelie-studying chase..."
Arataki Itto: About IK
"Aw yeah, that's a great kid right there. Couldn't have asked for a better beetle-fightin' student. And, you know, a bunch of Electro Seelies show up around where Onikabuto like hanging out, so everyone's happy when we go trekking out in the wilds! Yep, so long as she keeps up the practice, she'll go far. She'll never beat ME, of course, but she's in her way. Attagirl, am I right?"
aw this are so cute!! xingqiu's is so in character and AHHH the concept of ik making little cryo butterflies is adorable
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cogentranting · 3 years
Some assorted Amazing Spiderman thoughts (mostly 2, but I also watched the first one last night)
There’s sort of a dark undertone to the first movie when you know how the second one ends because doom hanging over Gwen (and her dad) and sort of this niggling thought in the back of your head of “is it Peter’s fault?” 
Differences between this Peter and the Maguire and Holland Peters:
- I think this version is the smartest. No doubt the other two are brilliant but this one that aspect is a real point of emphasis in these movies, whereas the other two Peters feel a little closer to the range of a normal, exceptionally gifted student. 
-He’s more flippy and frenetic in the way he moves and he uses his webs more and in a wider variety of ways (which in itself is an interesting factor considering how Gwen dies and thus how he, as many have pointed out, Saves MJ in No Way Home entirely without webs). This ends up making him feel not quite as strong as the other two, but more agile and resourceful. 
-He’s not as kind as the other two. Which is not to say that he’s any less a good person or that he’s mean or anything. But he has a sulky petulant side that we don’t see in the other two (or at least not as much) and he’s more aggressive, and his humor when he’s fighting is careless in a way that borders on spiteful. And I don’t say that as an insult, because I love him. I think what you have with this version is a character who at his core has a good heart and is sweet and thoughtful (the way he gives the kid his mask, or brings May eggs after the climax of the first movie, or the way he interacts with Max the first time they meet), but who is hurting deeply and is prone to being reckless or aggressive because of it. And I think part of that stems from making his parents a major part of the story which the other two versions don’t do. So this version of Peter is starting with this traumatic source of pain and confusion and anger in his life, instead of having that first instance come with Ben when he’s older. 
- He’s just a different brand of awkward than they are. 
Amazing Spiderman 2 observations
it’s really rude to have Gwen give a speech on how life is short
Maybe its different in different places but from my experience that is not how High School Graduations work
I think this Aunt May is my least favorite. I think my order is 1. Marisa Tomei 2. Rosemary Harris 3. Sally Fields
Peter  at the beginning saying that he promised Captain Stacy to stay away from Gwen and keep her safe and how even something as simple as eating dinner with her family makes him feel like he can’t live with himself and then saying he can’t lose her. And then knowing that years later he hasn’t really gotten over her death and hasn’t forgiven himself? Absolutely destroying my heart. 
AIDY BRYANT? (she’s the time square Statue of Liberty) 
The decision to retcon in a friendship with Harry is kinda odd
“Electro is just mad that spiderman didn’t come to his birthday party” is a common claim but the birthday party thing is literally never a part  of the motivation for Electro. He’s mad because he thinks Spiderman used him and tried to have him shot. And beyond that he’s mad at the world for a lot of things. And he’s not thinking clearly because of what happened to him
I’ve realized that I’m REALLY unclear on the timeframe of this movie. 
“you’re MY boy” ok this version of May wins some points. 
I think that as a whole this is a movie that overcomplicated itself. It should have been Electro or Green Goblin/New Goblin. Not both. They needed more time to build the relationship with Peter and Harry in order for it to hit home. 
Between the taser thing he gets hit with in TASM 1, fighting Electro in TASM 2, and then bearing the brunt of Electro’s attacks in No Way Home, I think its safe to say this version of Peter has been electrocuted by far the most of the three. 
Overall I like this movie a lot despite all the criticisms. But I do not like their Goblin character design at all. 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT! 「眷然恋影」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Zuo Ran Birthday 2021- Days to Re-Live Forever (4.24: Exchanging Movie Reviews)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Will also be filed under Zuo Ran’s tag #Tears of a Lawyer *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
4.18 / 4.20 / 4.22 / 4.24 / 4.26 Messages / Investigations / Call
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Location: Live-action Studio
As Zuo Ran's birthday drew closer, the Film Festival gradually approached it's ending, and the scene I was trying to recreate on-set was soon to be complete.
Now, I had to exchange for some other things that could serve as a birthday present, in addition to a variety of props.
For example, the "Collector's Edition: The World-wide Film Script Collection" that was listed under the gift catalogue.
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MC: (This is the best of the best! Nothing can be more suitable than this for someone like him, who loves movies so much!)
But in order to get this gift set, I'll need either 200 volunteer points to redeem it, or to clinch the first prize in the Film Critic Competition.
MC: (After calculating the cost of the remaining set props and items I need… That extra 200 points I require looks really hard to obtain…)
MC: (Looks like I'll have to win the Film Critic Competition before I can think about it.)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Cafe
Simply watching a movie won't be enough to clinch victory in the Film Critic Competition.
During this period of time, I ran straight to the Cinema immediately after work in a bid to feed my pool of film knowledge.
But I'd never expected for my actions to have caught the attention of Mr. Li, the director of the award-winning film "Thousand Stars", that had won a gold award this Film Festival.
Director Li treated me as if I was a student in Film School, coming over to make small talk. Again, and again, until we eventually got acquainted with each other.
MC: Director Li, this is Zuo Ran, an Elite Lawyer. He's my partner, and also a movie enthusiast.
Zuo Ran had been absolutely busy with work the past two days, but due to the contents of his work, it was also something that I couldn't help him with by splitting the burden.
I didn't want him to get so "invested" in his work that he ended up burning himself out, so I specially invited him out to introduce him to Director Li, in hopes of getting him to relax a little.
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Zuo Ran: It's been a long time, Li Yuan.
Li Yuan: Miss Lawyer here told me that she was going to be introducing me to a friend of hers. I was wondering who; but turns out it was you. It really has been a long while, Zuo Ran.
MC: You guys… Know each other?
A smile broke out on Zuo Ran's face; one that expressed the joy of reuniting with an old friend, one that spoke more than words.
Zuo Ran: Li Yuan and I were from the same batch of students, from the same law school. Only just that he changed his line of work as soon as he graduated.
Li Yuan: But that's only because it's so hard to pass the bar exam! I don't want to be memorizing anymore laws.
Zuo Ran: We're all acquaintances here, no need to be so courteous.
Zuo Ran: (Y/n) is my partner and will be participating in a Film Critic Competition soon. She has watched your movie, "Thousand Stars", many times over.
MC: Wait, how do you know that, Lawyer Zuo?
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Zuo Ran: Weren't you playing "Thousand Stars" on your Pad this afternoon, while you were eating lunch?
MC: I've been re-watching it a couple of times lately, yes.
Li Yuan: You really like this movie that much? You've never brought it up in any of our previous conversations.
Li Yuan: I thought you disliked it but didn't dare voice it out to me for fear that it'll embarrass me, so you simply avoided the topic altogether.
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MC: You're greatly mistaken! I really love "Thousand Stars"!
MC: But because I'm going to be participating in the Film Critic Competition, I can't help but to feel that talking to the Director of the film before writing the review's a little like playing cheat. So…
Zuo Ran: It's only to understand the Director's creative ideals. Whether it's worth it's recognition, whether or not it's nice to watch; those are things that only you can evaluate and judge for yourself.
Li Yuan: That's right, don't feel guilty for it.
Li Yuan: Look, I put out that many reasons for my shooting ideas back during the movie's promotional period; but yet, there are still people who have split opinion about whether or not this movie's a good one.
Li Yuan: So, come on, hurry and tell me what your rating is. Just think of it as you giving me a spoilery film critic about my work, alright?
MC: If I may be so presumptive to share my own opinions on the matter.
MC: I think that the plotline in "Thousand Stars" is clear, the pacing is just right, and the actors have also managed to portray the characters really well... 
MC: Especially the unique setting of having two male leads, I think that's very well done, and they're both very charismatic. But...
Now came the hard part of talking about just what was lacking. I unwittingly snuck a glance at Zuo Ran.
He gave me a reassuring nod. That was when I finally gathered up enough courage to voice my own thoughts.
MC: But, I can’t say I agree with the “Villian’s impactful acting during the explosion” that everyone’s been raving about.
MC: The excitement that stems from the scene between the final showdown between the villain and the protagonist is mostly because the protag was spurring on the villain emotionally. 
MC: The explosion scene, and the editing method used to cut straight to the heroine’s scenes also further intensified the tension.
MC: With both of these in play, don’t you think that the acting skills of the villain aren't reflected well enough, on the contrary? 
Li Yuan: I see. What do you think of it, Zuo Ran? Or don’t tell me you didn’t watch my film?
He pretended to threaten Zuo Ran with a threatening gesture.
Zuo Ran: My opinion is the same as (Y/n)’s.
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MC: Huh? You think so too?
Perhaps we could have seen Robin’s movie review of the “Thousand Stars” if only he wasn’t that busy with work.
But alas, it was much better to hear his live commentary about it in-person now.
Zuo Ran: Yes. This scene is none other than the final decisive standoff between the villain and the hero, where they each have to kill the other party at all costs.
Zuo Ran: The character of the villain is that he is strong, paranoid, but very calm and composed; and that he's also a meticulous schemer. That being said, despite all the emotions running high here...
Zuo Ran: There's no need for such strong physical actions. Rather, it'll have been more fitting if you’d simply rely on the subtlety of actions to influence the audience.
Zuo Ran: But in this case, not only did the villain’s actor exaggerate his sneer a little more when the mood changed, but he’d also used a larger action to make up for the lack of visible expression.
Zuo Ran: He also deliberately raised his voice, so that the character he portrayed no longer retained his calm and paranoia, but instead, falls closer to disarray and madness. This conflicts a little with his initial persona.
Zuo Ran: But, although the performance of the villain’s actor was a tad choppy, he still has unlimited potential yet to be tapped into as a greenhorn.
Li Yuan laughed, clapping.
Li Yuan: Man, oh man, oh man! As one would expect of a Lawyer like you, Lawyer Zuo! Getting straight to the heart of the matter, I see!
Li Yuan: You’re absolutely right. The villain’s actor is a good seedling that has just graduated and requires more experience in the field.
Li Yuan: But I never expected that you’d have such thoughts about the actor’s acting either, Miss Lawyer. Or perhaps… Do you and Zuo Ran share a tacit understanding of each other between normal boundaries?
His eyes “scanned” us, flickering back and forth between us, an ambiguous yet knowing look on his face.
MC: You flatter me. I'm only but an amateur at this, and I haven't watched that many movies compared to Lawyer Zuo…
Zuo Ran: Movies reviews are something where you're meant to express your own views about it; professional experience and how excellent your review is as a whole does not matter.
Zuo Ran: Personally, I think a good movie review is one that resonates well with people.
Zuo Ran: We've watched many movies together now, and there are always points we mutually agree with.
Zuo Ran: In actual fact, I've always got something to learn from your evaluations of the movies we watch.
MC: Lawyer Zuo…
Li Yuan: Miss Lawyer, this is the first time I'm ever hearing Zuo Ran sing this many praises about someone else.
Li Yuan's tone and expression grew increasingly suggestive...
MC: ……
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Zuo Ran: Cut it out with the jokes, Li Yuan.
Li Yuan: Yes, yes; alright. You're still the same as ever, huh.
Following that, we all started talking about other movies.
I could literally feel the tension and exhaustion leave Zuo Ran as time went on. His entire being had entered a state of relaxation.
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MC: (This isn't a wasted trip at all since it got Lawyer Zuo to relax!)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Talking to both veterans of the field made me gain lots of enlightenment.
I went to polish the movie review I'd already written at night, after getting back home, before making my official submission.
With some twist of fate, my review was actually awarded the first prize; and I managed to redeem the "Collector's Edition: The World-wide Film Script Collection", just like I was hoping to.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Previous Part: (4.22: Dubbing Contest) | Next Part: (4.26: Birthday Celebration)
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nextwarden · 3 years
Webtoons are good for the soul PART II - ECLECTIC BOOGALOO
A continuation of this.
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Sea Salt and Sand by neggut [ongoing]
In the autumn holidays 3 months ago, Brynn and Bailey shared a kiss. When Bailey left, Brynn tried to forget all about her and continue living an unremarkable life, only for Bailey to suddenly transfer to her school! What follows is a coming of age story full of pining, misunderstandings and confusion as Brynn and Bailey question the true nature of their relationship. 
It’s cute and a bit angsty but not too much. The art style often feels incomplete or rushed but in a good way, its flaws give character to the characters and the story. One of my all time favourites.
Apathy meets labrador/10
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Dragonbourne by Gummy Shark [ongoing]
After a troubled past, Sir Ross Edmund Avery is somewhat content to lead a mundane existence, alone in his house. However, when he stumbles upon a child in the woods on Solstice Night who is anything but mundane, his simple life will be turned upside down.
A scar(r)ed man adopts a feral child, hijinks ensue. Once again, the art style is endearing, full of curves and long lines. Haven’t checked on that one in a while but the first twenty chapters were very promising.
Found family/10
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The Last Human by Zack Jordan [ongoing]
She's the galaxy's worst nightmare: a Human. Fortunately, she's the last one. Now her adoptive (alien) mother is realizing that raising a young Human is no easy task.
Basically the badass and child duo trope but the truth may surprise you. Fun, cute, very wholesome, and surprisingly emotionnaly philosophical at times. Spidermom is best mom.
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Vampire Husband by Scragony [ongoing]
The life of Charles the Vampire an Cheryl the human after years of marriage.
What if tragic romance between human and vampire but they had their “happy-ever-after”? This is after. It’s funny and cute.
Relationship goals/10
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Blood Stain by sigeel [ongoing]
A story about courage, growing up and finding friendships in most unlikely places... spiced with some MAD SCIENCE! 
Haven’t quite wrapped my head around this one yet, but it’s fun and drawn by sigeel (a.k.a. Linda Sejic) so of course it’s beautiful. Enjoyed it a lot, will have to keep reading.
Bloody merry/10
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Punderworld by sigeel [ongoing - on hiatus]
Hades' and Persephone's love-struck misadventures.
Another take on Hades and Persephone’s love story. Once again, sigeel, so of course I love the art.
Bumbling idiots/10
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The Queen and the Woodborn by Shiniez [ongoing]
Far away behind seven hills and seven forests, seven fields and seven rivers, there lived a Queen... welcome to the queen and the woodborn. a fairy tale romance for the mature readers about the unseen Queen and the Goddess in the woods. a tale of the two forgotten by the world around them who will make the world remember their names. expect gods and monsters and a romance for the ages.
Not many chapters yet but very long ones to compensate. This one is by Shiniez (a.k.a. Stjepan Sejic) so, once again, love the art. The story, the character designs and concepts, and the pace are all amazing.
Very wow/10
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P.E.T.S. by Gyxks [ongoing]
Just when Tasha was about to start a new life, she was abducted by aliens. Fortunately, she and other humans were rescued by an interstellar general named Tourmaline. She soon discovered that her body was unfit to return home without endangering life on earth. Join her on her journey traversing this new world and these new feelings for an alien general. 
POV: You’re living your best life as a young adult, at the shopping mall at 2am in your pyjamas, when suddenly death aliens rain pain all around and you’re abducted only to be saved by tall buff alien commander lady. Romance ensues. Maybe, it’s slow burn but quite enjoyable to read.
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Scoob and Shag by Misterie Krew [ongoing]
Scoob and his best pal Shag are up to their usual hi-jinks, but everything is not as it seems in their latest adventure. 
No relations to any character whatsoever. None. None at all. Also no relations to any kind of sense at all either. Can’t quite explain that one except that it’s genius. Just read it.
Is that a gun?/10
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Bewitched by peachyytown [ongoing]
The witch who keeps "kidnapping" the princess is actually her girlfriend and they're just going on dates.
Short but cute alternative take on all that witch/monster/princess shenanigans. In the same vein as Our days in Lumain. Also the art is very nice.
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When the Pink Trees Bear Fruit by neggut [completed]
A sweet love blooms between two women on an orchard in 1973.
A short story, five chapters only, but play devastatingly well with one’s heart. In the same vein as It Stems From Love by Soya S. Holm. neggut ist sehr gut.
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Rooftops & Roommates by Zaanart [ongoing]
Jeb is an architecture major at university, rooming with his best friend Todd. There's just one problem... Jeb’s secretly a gargoyle! Between studying, partying, and a bad ghost problem, will Jeb be able to keep his true identity a secret?
Jeb is sweet, Jeb is fresh, but Jeb is decidedly not very good at keeping a secret. It’s funny, slice-of-life, roommate college shenanigans at its finest. With a magical twist.
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Everything is Fine by Mike Birchall [ongoing]
Sam and Maggie are a normal couple, in a normal house, in a normal neighborhood. There is nothing strange about their heads, their neighbors or their sweet little dog. Everything is Fine.
I haven’t actually started this one yet, but the premise is very very very interesting. Perhaps not for thos who are faint of heart? Deceptively cute. Or is it?
It’s fine/10
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Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin [ongoing]
What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born.  Such is the story of two young sea creatures.  One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future.  The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own people might thrive.  When both reject the course set for them, it leads to a raucous adventure as big and unpredictable as the ocean itself – and a romance that nobody could have predicted.
It’s fish. It’s gay. It’s under da sea and ya gotta kiss the boy. I haven’t read it all yet but enough to vouch for it and to have some vested interest in the universe and its lore.
Enemies to lovers/10
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Demon Highschool by Kiiyoko [ongoing]
After a compromise it was agreed that criminals would attend a "demons highschool" where they would work as slaves for demons And while it was all in good favor, things take a very dark and twisted turn at said, highschool.
There’s something, some kind of twist, about the MC which I haven’t gotten to yet, and which I am very interested to discover. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this one as of now, mostly curious I’d say.
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Hooky by Miriam Bonastre Tur [completed]
Dani and Dorian have missed the bus of the school of magic. Now, they must find someone who teach them how to be a great and good witches... Or maybe not.​ 
This one is a strange one about witchery and family. Surprisingly deep and serious at times, very enjoyable. Unfinished on Webtoon but a good start to get into the story.
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Loving Reaper by Jenny Jinya [ongoing]
Animals struggle. Pets and Wildlife alike. The reaper cares for their stories and helps them with the crossover. Short stories about the "Loving Reaper" to raise awareness and collect funds. Breaking hearts for a good cause.
Beautiful bittersweet stories about animals, pets, life and death and love.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures by StarBite, CRC Payne, Kielamel Siba, Lan Ma, C.M. Cameron, and Camille Cruz [ongoing]
Batman needs a break. But with new vigilante Duke Thomas moving into Wayne Manor and an endless supply of adopted, fostered, and biological superhero children to manage, Bruce Wayne is going to have his hands full. Being a father can't be harder than being Batman, right? 
What if Bat-family but happy? Official comic, barely started, very fun.
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The First Night With the Duke by MSG, Taeva, from an original work by Hwang DoTol [ongoing]
A handsome, selfish noble falls for a beautiful, kind commoner -- at least, that’s how the story’s supposed to go. When an average college student wakes up as Ripley, an extra in her favorite romance novel, she resolves to enjoy the luxuries of her character’s status while watching the novel's plot unfold from the sidelines. However, her plans are soon derailed when she finds herself in bed with no other than Duke Zeronis, the novel’s hero! Dodging the villainess’ schemes, the Duke’s advances, and her own feelings, can Ripley keep the story on track and survive beyond the first night? 
Haven’t read that one but a very dear (and respectable) friend (*cough*  @berigolote​  *cough*) of mine keeps pestering me to give it a try. So here it is, try it.
Do it before me and you get a cookie/10
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HEART Anthology by Marvin.W, caw-chan and many other artists. [ongoing]
Featuring stories from the 2020 Short Story Contest!  From wholesome stories to tearjerkers, are you ready to catch these feelings?
A collection of beautiful stories on the shorter side, all about the many kinds of love in life, the many beauties of it, and the pains that make it worth living.
Tears that warm the heart/10
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In My Heart by Redfield42 [ongong]
Sasaki Mari is a typical delinquent troublemaker whose only goal is to get a boyfriend, but due to her reputation as bully and low grades, all the boys reject her. Then she decides to change her style, and asks for help from the student with the best grades in the class.
It starts off light and fund and progressively seems to delve a little bit more into the seriousness of life. Not a tragedy, however, and very much worth a read still.
I think I have a trope I like/10
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My awkward princess by LazyArts [ongoing]
This love story is about a girl named Luna charlotte, and the student council president Alice Evelyn. Luna is a delinquent whom often gets in trouble, as Luna reaches the end of the line she almost gets expelled, now luna has to become a model student with the help of Alice. Will Luna be expelled or will she succeed, read to find out.
Along the lines of Not So Shoujo Love Story, In My Heart, and Susuhara is a Demon. Delinquent/Good Student meetcute, romantinc hijincks ensue.
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RAINBOW! by Rue & Sunny Gloom [ongoing]
This is the story of a girl named Boo. She has pink hair and a vivid imagination and she is about to discover a side of herself that she never considered before. 
Okay, so yes, this one is also also a delinquent meets cute nice girl, but - BUT! - there’s an element of story telling that I love about it: the way we see Boo’s anxiety incorporated visually into the story. Just for that it is one of my favourite recent discoveries!
Okay, that’s all for part II. Hope you enjoy those as much as I do. Thanks for your attention, sorry for the length and, please, do keep on reading, they all deserve it! As do you.
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nissakii · 4 years
How similar are Hinata and Deku?
In a previous blog post I covered the similarities between Bakugo and Oikawa, finding out that both of those characters actually share more traits than visible at the first glance.
You can read it here, if you didn’t read it yet.
This time I will continue with another Boku no Hero academia meets Haikyuu comparison!
Deku also known as Izuku Midoriya and Hinata Shoyo, what makes them so similar?
Role model figure
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In real life as well as in many stories the common role model figure is present, which the person that is the core of the story looks up to.
Both Midoriya and Hinata have that kind of person that they look up to in an unnatural and almost shackling way, that drives them to become much stronger and grow out of their weaknesses.
First of all we have Midoriya whose greatest role model and aspiring dream to become like him is Toshinori Yagi, the eighth holder of One for All.
Even before becoming his successor and inheriting the power of One for all himself, he always looked at videos on repeat of his favourite hero and role-model.
In his room as well as later on in season 3 when the U.A students moved into dorms, you can see Deku’s room filled with posters, figures and various other articles of him, making it more than a simple I look up to this person.
On the other hand we have Hinata Shoyo who overly admires the Little Giant, someone he feels connected to by their background.
Unlike Deku who found his role-model much earlier in his life, Hinata found his role-model figure around the end of elementary school.
He admired him for being such a strong Volleyball player despite his lacking height and amazing jumps that made Hinata wonder if he could do the same, and so Hinata started his path as one of the shortest middle-blockers being even shorter than the Little Giant as coach Ukai stated.
In the Karasuno team he even gets the shirt number 10, that used to be the number of the little giant and like Deku you can see the parallels between the successor and role-model.
Both of them try to step into the footsteps of their role-models as close and in the same way, being shackled down by the fact that they are chasing to become them instead of developing an individual playstyle from the get-go.
Another thing is that they are the two people who seem to be a little bit obsessed with the idea of becoming the next one after their role-model that you cannot see in any other character of the specified series, making them blind to their own weaknesses and potential as an individual, as well as their influence on their environment.
Off mode
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We all know that people who are overly passionate get into their thing and suddenly switch modes as they keep babbling and showing you the world they love so much.
But as soon as you move them out of their field of passion they tend to immediately become a whole different person, as if you pushed the off-button.
This trait can be seen especially with our two young men.
Hinata who is naturally energetic and cheerful is much more nervous and easily frightened when not playing Volleyball, at times he can be even socially-awkward when it comes to certain people like girls, upperclassmen or elders.
Even Oikawa, who he challenges in season 2 indirectly or talks cheerfully about how strong he is on the court, becomes a threat that scares him into shivers when meeting in front of the bathroom outside of the court.
Also he has the habit of throwing up or using the toilet before a match, making him much more fragile, sensitive and overly-anxious when not being in the game, even more than the usual anxious characters like Asahi or Yamaguchi.
Same goes for Deku, he is someone known for his easily intimidated and jumpy personality.
While he can talk clearly and loud when in a fight or in his hero mode, he usually stutters and mutters his opinion while becoming nervous, avoiding eye-contact and fidgeting with his hands.
Here it doesn’t matter if it’s the intimidating childhood friend Bakugo or the cute considerate Uraraka, even some other students who approach him naturally make him jump and stutter sometimes.
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Despite their looks and seemingly low presence when compared to their peers, both Hinata and Deku always manage to focus everybody’s eyes on them, due to several positive as well as negative reasons.
Let’s start with the positive reasons on both sides.
Hinata surprised everyone with his seemingly never-ending stamina and crazy jump-ability, making everybody focus their eyes especially the first time they see it.
Combined with Kageyama’s setting technique, the freak duo quick is one of the things that people still gape at when they see it several times.
As mentioned Deku in his off-mode is someone of not much presence, but when he fights and talks seriously, he can make everyone look at him for being one of the view who possess the essence of a true hero.
He rather sacrifices himself to save anyone he can save, fully aware of his own inability power-wise in some situations.
The first one to act as well in a dire situation.
His attacks are always progressing, surprising, combined with his analysis skills and observation his quick judgement and ideas make him unpredictable and worthy of an opponent.
On the negative side, Hinata sometimes focuses too much on jumping and getting the ball, making him seem scary and reckless, also bumping into his own teammates.
After a long time of pressure he tends to become more easy to read since he is not on the brain side of things and purely acts on instinct and his trust in Kageyama.
His opponents focus on him, block him and can see when something is wrong immediately in Hinata’s expression.
Deku is also known for acting reckless, people view him as useless in fights  despite his analytical skills and strength.
This stems from his will to even sacrifice breaking bones and injuring himself in a fight to a point where he is immobilized.
An example would be the sports festival in season 2 where he indeed caught people’s eyes but in the end was viewed as crazy and reckless due to his fighting behaviour.
Judged by the cover
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Like mentioned in the paragraph before, people underestimate Hinata and Deku.
Hinata for being short and Deku for several reasons, one would be that he used to be quirkless and can’t use his quirk properly another would be his shy and “wimpy” personality.
Yet they both always impress both allies and enemies with their outstanding power when they are serious about something.
Being mocked at the beginning of the battle just to make their enemies and allies wonder what more they could be hiding when doing their thing.
Therefore do not judge a book by its cover, since even a short middle-blocker can outplay you and even the former “wimpy” kid can become a more outstanding hero with an amazing quirk.
Helping hand
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For the one who longs to be a hero it may be simpler to explain since it is immediately shown in the first episodes.
One of the very  reasons why Deku was chosen by Toshinori is the fact that he is the first one to help and lend a hand, pushing his own life into the background while doing so.
Even when he was quirkless he rushed to the scene to save his bully and childhood friend Bakugo while he bore the risk to be kept hostage or get killed in the process.
In many other scenarios it was seen that when everybody, even much stronger heroes and aspiring heroes froze, Deku was the first one to rush in and fight for others.
Two big cases would be Kota in season three when both were almost killed by a villain, despite Kota offending Deku and even hitting him… where it hurts.
The other one in season four when he was adamant of saving Eri, even facing Overhaul who injured and killed so many with his quirk already and almost getting eradicated by Eri’s quirk if it wasn’t for him breaking his bones constantly.
In other cases he also cheers up his friends and classmates, may it be due to his nerd-talk or just him being so innocently kind.
As a parallel we have Hinata who is not a hero, but a Volleyball player yet in many scenes we can see him cheering Kageyama up, adapting to his pride by making it look like teasing.
In other cases he even tells him there is nothing to fear since he now has Hinata, giving him a safe space to move in.
Other cases would be him talking to Nishinoya to get him back in the team, as well as Asahi and cheering up Yamaguchi when he missed his pinch serve.
He all does that in a way that doesn’t make the other person feel pitiful but in his own way.
For Yamaguchi as example he told him next time he would get ten points back for sure or that they both get ten points each, and that he won’t lose to him being on the court.
With that he makes Yamaguchi feel like a threat , stealing his place on the court which results in Yamaguchi having the feeling of actually having potential and belonging to the team.
Another example would be Yachi.
When he heard her problem and story, even when she insisted she would be okay, Hinata literally dragged her to her mother and wanted her problems to be resolved.
He forced his help on her and due to his help she could full-heartedly become their new manager.
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Earlier the negative side of the eye catcher was mentioned, concluding that both of them recklessly work hard to achieve their dreams and forget what is around them or even in front of them.
Again, Hinata fixes so much on the ball and wants to improve immediately that he forgets that there are other middle-blockers around, crashing into them.
Also when heated up or nervous he becomes easy to read and makes a lot of mistakes since he still lacks a lot of technique when it comes to his serves and receives.
He often gets scolded by Kageyama and Coach Ukai for this behaviour, they even think of him as a potential monster when gets into that mode.
Also Hinata’s habit of bumping into several of his rivals and wanting to start a fight when he gets defensive outside of the court makes him a bit of a troublemaker when nobody of the third-years are around.
It also happened that Hinata got lost several times while focussing on running faster than Kageyama or training in general, showing his naive and innocent side as he talked to Kenma the first time who was a complete stranger.
This all can be applied to Deku who basically breaks all his bones in a fight.
He attracts villains and rivals alike, due to his presence.
His reckless behaviour made him the focus of events.
Also in season three, after being released from the hospital he sneaks out to save Bakugo with a couple of students, he does get into a fight with Bakugo on the school grounds and his quirk that he inherited from Toshinori was labelled as very similar to his quirk.
Therefore Aizawa and the rest of Class 1-A, labelled him one of the trouble students.
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One thing both of them clearly have in common with not much words needed, an unbreakable spirit to go on with their dreams.
Even if it was shown that they both have suffered many setbacks, judgement and suffering (which they rarely show on the outside), they never stopped  working hard for their dreams, if not even harder than before.
As many people watch them, call them names and ridicule even mock them, they do not give up.
Instead, they give them that one look, which is going to show them how much they are ready to give and fight to become the person they want to be.
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Last but not least, fanboys.
Not only do their eyes glitter and shine, as well as their voices sounding much more energetic, no they do not hide the fact how amazing and admirable they find the person in front of them.
May it be villains, heroes, teammates or opponents, nobody is safe from a little smooth compliment.
Their respect for the person in front of them is big and they do not underestimate or ridicule them at all.
Deku always analyzes his allies and enemies, noting their strength and technique until he breaks out into a mutter concert he cannot stop.
He does not hold back openly complimenting and letting his inner fanboy out, even flushing from the overexcitement as seen in several cases at the cultural festival arc and sports festival arc.
A case where Deku complimented a Villain would be in season four when he finally beat Gentle and told him he was the hardest opponent he fought yet and that he thinks he made the right decision when he turned himself in.
Hinata is not much more different, unlike Deku who in general analyzes Hinata simply sees things as they are and just is amazed by them like a child.
He even rushes over telling the person in an unknown excited mix of japanese and his own description of sounds, how cool and amazing they actually were and if they could teach him.
One example would be Nishinoya and his rolling thunder, another one is Bokuto’s feint.
Just like Deku even with an opponent he doesn’t hold back as seen in season one when he first saw Oikawa play in the inter-high preliminaries along with Nishinoya, he even gave him the name Grand king and talks highly of him as he keeps saying he wants to play against him.
Some opponents are even irritated when he directly tells them during a game or after how amazing they were.
For now this is all for our favourite tangerine and cabbage boy.
Did you see any of these similarities before?
Do you have more that weren’t mentioned here?
Drop it in the comment!
Now let me take a sip of my- wait who knocked my tea off with a volleyball?!
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funigami-games · 3 years
A dream come true! The Prince's Heart is getting a Voice Over
When we started The Prince's Heart, we never thought we'd find so many wonderful persons willing to collaborate on our project.  Here we are now, a month later, with an entire crew of professional and aspiring Voice Actors willing to help us realize our Visual Novel!
Special thanks to our amazing Casting Director, Jacob Wilson, who directed the whole Voice Over process.
Let's meet the entire cast (in order of appearance in the game)!
Nick Chang as Edward (Protagonist)
I was born in Manhattan, but raised in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, where I currently reside. I also proudly identify as a 2nd generation Asian American (half Hong Kong via my mother, half Taiwanese via my father) and a member of the LGBTQIA+ community (gay and demisexual). Since childhood, I have had a distinct love of music and performance. Having played violin from 4th to 12th grade and sung for even longer, I used music as a primary means to express myself growing up. As I progressed from high school to college, I discovered online voice acting, but it was not until my time in graduate school that I formally decided to become an actor. My interest initially stemmed from a desire to help out in localization projects, but over the time I have spent voice acting, I have come to not only develop a great appreciation of the craft of acting, but also further deepen my love of music and rekindle my love of performance. With my singing experience as a basis to my unique perspectives, I hope to bring sensitivity, curiosity, and innovation to every project I work on!
Jacob Wilson as Adam
I’m a voice actor, Casting and voice director based in Dallas Texas. I’ve been working in this field for almost four years Now. It’s a journey that has taken me literally around the world and I’m so thankful for all I’m able to do and have accomplished. Being a part of amazing projects like this one are what fuel me to pursue my passions. I realized I was bisexual when I was 18. It’s a group in the LGBT+ community that continues to get flak from seemingly all over. But my faith in it and myself has always been unshaken. Outside of VO I am a drag artist in the making under the name “Twilight Stunning”, who I’m going to show more properly in the coming months! I’m so thankful I’m in the position I am, and I can’t wait to see what we have in store for y’all!
Bradley Gareth as Michael (Main Character)
Bradley was raised in Western Pennsylvania, learning piano from age 5 and taking up local community theater at age 10. He pursued the performing arts throughout high school, consistently participating in high school musicals and chorus festivals during his tenure there. At the end of high school, he also took multiple classes in musical composition and began doing online voiceover work.
During his time in college, Bradley participated in numerous professional and amateur voiceover productions both online and at the University of Pittsburgh's student radio station, WPTS Radio. While at WPTS, Bradley also began writing advertisements and online content for websites.
Now out of school, Bradley continues to lend his voice to multiple productions, dabble in musical composition, and provide content writing for WrightlySo.com.
Jared Prize as David (Main Character)
Singing provides me with some of the greatest joy in life. Outside of that, I love voice acting, hiking, and hanging with friends. My day job involves working with computers, so I like to find a bit of an escape into the creative-realm during my free time. My sexuality has always been a struggle, but I find comfort in not putting a label on it (at least for now). Mostly, I am very excited to be a part of an ambition team of lovely people. Working within a project like this brings excitement during the process, and even more-so while waiting for the final piece! I hope you enjoy what's to come xo
Marisa Duran as Lady Marie
Hey there, I’m Marisa Duran. I’m an actress working and living in Dallas, Texas.
I caught the "theatre bug" at a young age. My parents will tell you that it started when I was two years-old, dancing around to the Barney theme song. I agree wholeheartedly.
I grew up in a suburb on the east side of Dallas and was fortunate to have the opportunity to explore a city known for its rich culture and artistic influence. My passion for theatre was fueled by the many musicals that toured through town and I quickly decided that I wanted to spend the rest of my life as a professional actor.
In 2016 I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre, emphasis in Acting. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of working with multiple professional theatre companies in the DFW area. I’ve also expanded my career into the worlds of film and voiceover, landing roles in short films, webseries, and commercials, and lending my voice to over a dozen anime titles at FUNimation.
Art has the power to heal, to change, and to empower. As an artist, I believe that my purpose on this earth is to tell stories, and through these stories I hope to make a positive impact and leave people better than I found them. I consider it an honor to be able to use my talents in such a profound way.
Whenever I’m not rehearsing or recording, you can usually find me at my day-time marketing job, playing video-games, or drinking coffee at a local coffeeshop.
Kiba Walker as Zachariah
Born Arthur Lee Walker III in Tacoma, Washington, Kiba Walker is an American actor, musician, director, writer, and performer based out of Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
Kiba trained under the likes of various industry professionals such as Shane Sparks, Donyelle Jones, Tony Oliver, Betty "Waters" Kennedy, Chuck Huber, Sonny Strait, Chris Rager, Justine Reyes, Lorette Spicer, Bill Quinby, Angie Irons, Dan Lorge, Holly Clark Lorge, Spencer Christian, and many others. With 16 years of collective industry knowledge, Kiba has performed with the likes of Alice Underground, The Stereo Killers, Frankly Fictitious, CRVSH, Grant Davis, Ashley Ann Farley, Steve "Warky" Nunez, BASH!, Ryland Lynch, Ross Lynch, Will Jay, and more.
Voice over came to Kiba in his later years, around the age of 18, when he found his love doing an ask blog for Tumblr. From there, he took the craft seriously and networked profusely with various actors and companies in the voice over realm. His first roles were as Boku Temagawa in "Love Games" and Mike Connelly in "Zoolaplex".
As a musician now, Kiba currently has one album out, titled "XO", that released in May 2016. He runs a music channel called "KibaKovers", adapting anime and video game openings into English for a broader audience, as well as regular Top 40 covers. He is also one of the champions of the hit Fort Worth Drag Competition, The 3, as Salem Moon!
Mike Young as Sir Tiphis
Hello, I’m Mike Young. A dynamic, versatile and different British VP voice actor with gravitas, who can turn on various shades of Bristol, and run the spectrum of silky smooth, to warm and friendly.
Under the brilliant tutelage of Tanya Rich, my road to a professional voice acting career begin in 2018, having produced a wide variety of stories and audiobooks.
I lend my talent to a range of different projects:
Hard sell and soft sell commercial and corporate scripts
IVR for telephone systems and mobile apps
Instructional e-learning courses
Promotional adverts and trailers
Public service announcements
Character narration for video games, film, audio dramas and books
…and more!
I love it all, I do it all! And if you like what you hear, contact me! I’ll be sure to make your project gurt lush.
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acim · 4 years
Burden, Labels, and Throwing the Towel In
I can vividly remember the exact moment that I tried to kill myself. I stood in my room at my dresser, with a bottle of pills, alone, crying, inconsolable. I had switched out the pills in a vitamin bottle with Tylenol PM, I didn’t want my mom to find out what I had done. As if she wouldn’t notice her dead son. But I didn’t think of that, I just wanted to waste away alone, never to be a burden again. And so I swallowed all of the pills in 6 mouthfuls, each one more painful than the next. I past out shortly after. I remember waking up on the bathroom floor, covered in vomit, my mother banging on the door, before I slipped away again. I finally woke up in a hospital bed and was transferred to a psych ward shortly thereafter.
Unsurprisingly, this was a difficult experience, but also a transformational one. I would not be who I am today if not for this dark moment. It was sobering. In the hospital, I saw stranger-peers in some of the greatest emotional pain I had ever seen; I heard stories that emptied me and made me feel absolutely hollow. I realized that although I have had a tough childhood, many - even those in my family - have had it much worse. This brought myself into a new perspective that has allowed me to forgive those that had failed me in my time of need, as I know they did so not out of spite, but out of inability or ignorance.
While in the hospital, I wanted nothing more than to comfort each of these people physically, through a hug, a handshake, a hand on the shoulder, something small but significant. But we were not allowed to connect physically unfortunately, out of the ward’s fear of bodily harm. So instead, we connected emotionally through our unity in labels, we were the mentally ill.
Specifically, I was “generally anxious” whatever that vague label means. I’ve never been comfortable with that label, and have always felt it as something I had to hide. I thought people would hate me or reject me if they knew that I was “weak”. And I’ve tried to unpack that and get down to the root cause of it, whether that be masculinity, shame, or saving face; I’m unsure. However, I do know that it partially comes down to never wanting to be a burden to anybody. Which is a very common worry of most people, but it’s such a weird thing to worry about when you really think about it. I love people “burdening” me in ways that I’d worry about. I love people venting to me and sharing with me things that they hold sensitively. But yet we all still worry about it.
“I should ask them to hang out, but I know they’re busy”
“I already texted him, I can’t double text him”
“I probably am boring to him”
And maybe partially this stems from the innate fear of rejection, especially by people we hold near and dear. We can never truly get away from that fear or rejection until we are truly connected with each other, as we cannot know what we are separate from. However, we can take action to try and get over this barrier; because in reality, by being a “burden” we are unburdening each other. We are helping them through bringing them closer to ourselves, and they are helping us by bring ourselves closer to them.
And that is a Miracle.
So be bold, be a burden.
Although my previous label of Generalized Anxiety brought negative emotions, my new label of ADHD has brought untold unity and connection. This is not only because of the physical effects of the medication, which allow me to obtain the clarity and motivation to think this deeply and write, but also because of the unity I find in the label. I find comfort that other people have felt this way before, that I am not insane, I am not alone. No one wants to feel alone and separate, wholly loveless. But yet we often push ourselves away from others through seeking ways to diminish this absence of love. We are self-sabotaging. One of my favorite quotes in the Course is about this:
“Yet the ego, though encouraging the search for love very actively, makes one proviso; do not find it. Its dictate, then, can be summed up simply as: “Seek and do not find.””
There is so much to unpack here between the futility of actively looking for Love -- when you can only receive what you give out -- to the temptation that seeking has over finding -- that’s the fun part we love to do after all; the grass is always greener on the other side. But, I want to focus in on how this quote relates to labels for me.
Labels, while they cannot create unity within a group, tend to also create disparity outside of a group. Although at our very core, we are all the same, we do have significant differences in our behaviors, actions, and thoughts. To find like-minded people is pure joy; it is like a breath of fresh air when you can talk to someone and really feel understood. And labels help us quickly see where those people may be, they help us Seek.
“Democrat” “Conservative” “Gay” “Christian” “SJW”
And this is not a bad thing at all, this gives us a quick way to bring each other closer, and that is never a bad thing. However, a fine balance, as always, is needed. Trekking too far into a label can create this “us vs. them” mentality. This happens particularly awfully when we start to identify more with the concept of the group than with the group itself, and this is where we give in to the ego and lose the ability to Find. We then begin to be closed-minded and the people and ideas that oppose your concepts are now hurtful because they also oppose you, as you have separated yourself and become the concept. You cannot be both the concept and the group, for one is self-centered while the other is selfless-centered. If, rather, you can identify as the group, then you can more easily accept conceptual dissonances and grow from that acceptance. You are then less likely to Attack and Judge others based on your ideology because you do not feel the need to guard it so vehemently, as it is not yourself.
So always remember that when you are connecting with people, you are not connecting with their ideas, but with them.
One specific label that has brought me a lot of agita over the past week or so is teacher. I think this is partially self-inflicted from me thinking I’m different than everyone else; and I’m trying to get into right-minded think in that regard, but uhh… we not there yet. At the same time, it is intrinsically true that I am not the concept of a teacher, although that doesn’t mean that I am not like teachers. Meaning, while the description of character and passions/desires of a teacher may not follow my own - I do not have passion for youth, or for creating great lessons, or for education in general - I am like my coworkers in that I do care for my students greatly. I can do this as a job temporarily, but I can not make it long-term. It is both a disservice to my students who deserve someone that can and will provide for their needs (especially for my students that have extreme needs that I cannot even begin to provide, as I am not whole). It is also a disservice to me for not following the path I have been set on, and for not prioritizing my mental health, which has struggled as a result of teaching the past few months.
I forced this new decision to become a teacher so hard. I knew this job was not for me, but I squashed that thought, I did not listen to Myself or God, both of which tried in vain to guide me. I also went into it for the wrong reasons: a desire to move on and not truly live in the present (Seek but do not find), a desire for a better schedule, a desire to be someone I’m not - I can lose myself in others that are close to me like I said - a desire for a “better” job. I will get on the right path again by leaving education quickly and going back into the medical field in some way. What way, I am unsure of yet. I am confident though that this is the correct step back onto my path.
This is a recurring theme for myself and many others as well: we force ourselves into who we think we are or who we want to be rather than allowing ourselves to be who we truly are. And that’s such a tricky problem to tackle, it’s so big and nebulous. But I think the best way to do this is to let go of the past - this frees us from who we think we are - and the future - this frees us from who we want to be - and focus on the present - this sets us up to be who we truly are. This is not to say that we should barrel forward like a bull through a china shop, never looking back or forward. But instead, we should be observant of our past actions, and try to understand the cause that underlies our non-harmonious actions through reflection. And that reflection is the keypiece that brings the past into the present and makes it so fundamentally different than the past.
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audreycj-things · 4 years
[𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰 𝓽𝔀𝓸]   My Top Five I.T. Career Choices
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Are you a current or aspiring student of the information technology department? Are you having trouble with what job to take once you’ve completed your four years of torture college? If that’s two yeses, you’re in luck because in this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you the possible careers I’m considering on taking after I graduate.
But before that, let me share with you how I became a part of the Computer Studies department in the first place!
A Back Story of My Career Dilemmas  
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Roughly three years ago, upon approaching my senior high school years, I was dead set on taking the path towards becoming a lawyer. Hence, I enrolled under the Humanities and Social Sciences strand. (I no longer remember why I wanted to take up law though.) A few self-evaluations later, I realized I wanted to become a medical professional, specifically a neurosurgeon. I can attribute this to familial expectations, the many Korean dramas I watched, and my desire to improve the country’s healthcare system, to help people, and to be one of the few doctors with nice handwriting. And so, I shifted to the STEM strand up until I graduated.  
During my last few months in senior high, I underwent personal dilemmas on what I really wanted. Amidst my extended family’s career expectations for me, my wise mother constantly reminded me the reality of medical professionals’ work. She emphasized the importance of your college program being a product of your own choice rather than everyone else’s expectations. And so, I was no longer sure of what program to take in college. At this point, I was already panicking, especially after seeing how confident my peers were with what career they had in mind. All I knew is that I was completely clueless of what to become and that I am a fairly versatile individual who always tries her best in whatever situation and opportunity she’s thrown in. (I’m known to be a jack-of-all-trades type of person.)
Seeing my struggle, my mom recommended me to consider the I.T. field. As a college professor and her university’s official representative to local and international seminars, she has witnessed and understood the potential and significance of professions under this field. Although hesitant at first—mostly because I haven’t been too exposed to opportunities that allow me to acquire advanced computer-related  skills (not including the ones I learned in my basic education’s computer classes)— I gave her suggestion some thought and decided that I shall take up the challenge.
And so, here I am, enrolled as a Computer Science student in the tech savvy Malayan Colleges Mindanao.
My Top Five I.T. Career Choices
Before anything else, allow me to explain briefly about the I.T. field that I plan to be a part of. This is for you to be able to catch up with what I’m trying to say, especially since there are going to be various technical terms from here on. And who knows? I might spark your interest in giving this career path a try!
According to Computer Science Online, the information technology industry operates across a range of industries, such as healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment. Broadly, information technology can be defined as the use of computing via various components (e.g. hardware, services, software) to develop, manage, transform, share and store information in different forms. Careers in information technology deal with the design, creation, management, and maintenance of the varied components of the system, including software, hardware, networks, systems integration, and multimedia.
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The number one thing that I absolutely want to become is to be a computer programmer.
Following Technopedia’s definition, a computer programmer is a skilled professional who codes, tests, debugs, and maintains the comprehensive instructions known as computer programs that devices should follow to execute their functions. Computer programmers also conceptualize, design, and test logical structures to solve computer issues. Programmers make use of specific computer languages like C, C++, Java, PHP, .NET, etc. to convert the program designs developed by software developers or system architects into instructions that the computer could follow. They often refer to code libraries for simplifying their coding and might build or make use of computer-aided software tools to automate the coding.
I’ve always been awestruck of how coding works. It amazes me how a series of words and symbols arranged in a definite order will result to apps, websites, and other various software—even this word document I’m using under Microsoft Office! It’s surreal how each element of this software functions in such a smart and creative manner, especially when you know it as merely words and symbols in its raw form. I want to be able to do this by developing and learning all the knowledge and skills a good programmer should possess. Afterall, one should aim for excellence first; success will follow.
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Another career that I would love to have is to be a software developer. 
According to CollegeGrad, software developers are the creative minds behind computer programs. Some develop the applications that allow people to do specific tasks on a computer or another device. Others develop the underlying systems that run the devices or that control networks. Software developers oversee the entire development process for a software program, including testing and maintenance. They design the program and then give instructions to programmers, who write computer code and test it.
Admittedly, I prefer doing the back-end job of a programmer. I don’t really love leading a team in a somewhat creativity-based project. However, the idea of initiating and facilitating the coming-to-life process of a computer program seems incredibly fulfilling. If ever I do become a software developer, I would probably create a computer program that will be of use to hospitals and schools. In fact, my mother encourages me to consider developing an enrollment system someday. No pressure.
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My third option is to become a database administrator.
According to Learn How to Become and Wikipedia, database administrators are responsible for establishing databases for organizations in all sectors of the economy in accordance with their specific needs in order to ensure that data is readily accessible for efficient and effective use by anyone with permission to use it. They use specialized software to store and organize data. Their role may include capacity planning, installation, configuration, database design, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, as well as backup and data recovery.
A database administrator’s job appeals to my perfectionism. The idea of being in-charge of keeping everything organized is a huge but ultimately fulfilling challenge.  
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Another career I have in mind is to be a cyber security consultant.
Top Universities emphasizes that maintaining cyber security in the modern world has become increasingly important, so a cyber security consultant’s role focuses on understanding the risks to the security of information or data. I would have to analyze where security breaches may occur or have occurred, and restore or reinforce systems against such breaches, to ensure that confidential data is protected. This role could include ‘ethical hacking’, meaning deliberately attempting to hack into my employer’s network to expose any weaknesses. Alternatively, I could work as a computer forensics analyst or investigator to combat the increasing phenomenon of cyber-crime.
I can attribute my attractions towards this career to the movies I’ve watched that portray hacking (or anything of the sort) to be cool. In several action movies, I always felt excited when seeing characters getting out of a tight, life-and-death situation with their cyber security-related skills. Although now I know that there’s more to this job than hacking—which they only do for testing reasons, otherwise it would be a crime—it still appeals to that part of my self that craves for thrill. In hindsight, the chances of coming across serious cyber security situations (like a government cyber security breach) here in the Philippines is quite low compared to other countries, so I guess my thrill-seeking self won’t be too satisfied if I work locally.
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My last and fifth career choice is to become a game developer.
According to Top Universities, game developers produce games for personal computers, games consoles, social/online games, arcade games, tablets, mobile phones, and other handheld devices. This role splits into two main parts. First, there’s the creative side of designing a game and dealing with the art, animation, and storyboarding. Second, there’s the programming side, using programming languages such as C++.
I fit into the second part of developing game—the programming part. Although I’d rather invest on computer programs that are of use to the community, helping create a game seems like a fun way to apply coding. In hindsight, games are not just limited to the “fun” aspect because they offer more benefits than entertainment, so I guess I’m still helping the community in a way. I play games myself, especially the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game called League of Legends. I understand and have experienced that one can learn, acquire, and hone skills (like strategy planning, enhanced reflexes, analysis) from playing games, especially complex ones. Furthermore, one can create and maintain friendships with games, as well as improve their self-confidence.
Computer programmer, software developer, database administrator, cyber security consultant, game developer… whatever my career will be, I hope I’ll love what I’ll do and contribute something to the betterment of the community.
I also hope to prove some family members wrong about IT-related jobs being insignificant, that graduates under this program just “end up in computer shops.” While managing and maintaining a computer shop is a noble job, there’s so much more to the professions under I.T. that are constantly being overlooked and taken for granted. We are literally living in the digital age, yet many people still don’t appreciate this field enough. Hopefully, I’ll be able to enlighten and inspire people to try this career path and be a part of the tech savvy community.
Wish me luck in my journey!
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dweemeister · 5 years
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Best Animated Short Film Nominees for the 92nd Academy Awards (2020, listed in order of appearance in the shorts package)
Since 2013 on this blog, I have been reviewing the Oscar-nominated short films for the respective Academy Awards ceremony. This is one of my favorite traditions for the “31 Days of Oscar” marathon I hold yearly, and I recommend to all my North American followers to seek these shorts out (see this) – they have just released to theaters as of this review’s publication and the reach of each package’s distribution increases every year. As a one-off for the 92nd Academy Awards, the Oscars are being held on their earliest weekend ever, giving everyone less time to see the nominated shorts.
Without further ado, here are the Academy Award nominees for Best Animated Short Film. Three of the five are stop-motion animation. It’s a solid bunch and – despite the fact I have seen better nominee slates – all fully deserving of their nominations (it is rare I feel that way) in a tightly contested year. They are all, in some ways, featuring characters and showing how they connect to others.
Hair Love (2019)
Co-directed by Matthew A. Cherry (former executive at Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions); Everett Downing Jr. (a journeyman storyboard artist who has worked with Blue Sky, DreamWorks, Netflix, and Pixar); and Bruce W. Smith (creator of The Proud Family and former supervising animator with Walt Disney Animation Studios), Hair Love becomes what is most likely the second film in the history of the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film to have significant involvement from a former professional athlete (Cherry; the first is probably 2017′s Dear Basketball). Distributed by Sony Pictures Animation following a Kickstarter campaign, Hair Love played in front of 2019′s The Angry Birds Movie 2 – talk about a disparity in quality. The film follows a young girl as she refers to a YouTube channel (this film showcases modern technology but does not, like many other animated films, date itself in its technological depictions) to style, if not tame, her hair. Her father – who appears to have little experience with cutting or styling hair – is hesitant to help his daughter, but they struggle and learn together. The final moments of Hair Love reveal that their time learning from these online tutorials extends beyond their bonds as father and daughter.
Hair Love, riding on Hollywood goodwill from figures rarely associated with animation, has been lauded for its depiction of black fatherhood. In American popular culture, black fathers in black-centric narratives have often been portrayed as abusive or absent. So to see the opposite in hand-drawn animation is a welcome sight. The daughter’s hair almost has a life of its own and is normalized (black hairstyles have long been otherized in the West); an abstract sequence where the father is doing combat with the out-of-control hair represents the awkwardness of this scenario – with zero dialogue – perfectly. For an animation studio ridiculed for releases like The Emoji Movie (2017), Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) and Hair Love serve as partial correctives. 
My rating: 8.5/10
NOTE: Hair Love can be seen on YouTube as of this review’s publication.
Dcera (Daughter) (2019, Czech Republic)
The Czech Republic can lay claim to being the home of the late Jiří Trnka, arguably one of the greatest, most innovative stop-motion animators of all time. Carrying that legacy forward is Daria Kashcheeva, a graduate of the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). Her graduation film, Dcera (“Daughter” in English), won a Student Academy Award and was deemed the best graduation film at the famed Annecy International Animated Film Festival (the most important all-animation film festival in the world). In Dcera, we find a young woman at the side of her father’s hospital bed, reminiscing about their relationship. Wordless and shot largely with a shaky camera and in close-up, we see several images from the woman’s childhood – how her father, barely scraping by with household duties, had little time to express his love to her. Dcera often breaks into literal flights of fancy and the daughter’s surrealistic imagination. And yet even when retreating into a world crafted so that she can escape, there is a longing to bring her father in.
Kashcheeva’s notes about Dcera elicit that she wished to accomplish an, “authentic immediacy and a para-documentary nature” to her film via the film’s constant close-up shots and low depth of field. She mostly succeeds; although the shaky camera is distracting and prevents the audience from forming an emotional connection with the characters onscreen. The stop-motion puppets appear to be made of papier-mâché and are intentionally rough –reflecting how difficult their lives have been and the innumerable imperfections of their personhood. The production design – when we are allowed to see it (the lack of production quality is not any fault of the film’s, considering that it is a graduation work) – resemble something from a lucid nightmare. Dcera is an outstanding feat of stop-motion stylization. In its final minutes, it seeks to understand and to forgive that which was never realized. Its emotional impact is imperfect, but its intentions nevertheless pack a wallop.
My rating: 7.5/10
Sister (2018)*
When the Chinese Communist Party brought an end to its one-child policy in 2015, it concluded a decades-long experiment that has left China in a demographic bind. Stemming from a decision made in 1979, the policy’s consequences include a skewed age disparity and sex ratio at birth that will affect the nation for more several decades. Siqi Song’s graduation film from CalArts, Sister, has the one-child policy in mind. The film, narrated by Bingyang Liu (no previous film credits) is a reflection by a man thinking about his life with his little sister. More than midway through Sister, the audience learns that the film is nothing more than speculation. In China even now, the one-child policy – since replaced by a two-child policy – has left its mark on numerous generations be they children, parents, grandparents. The film’s unique character design is wool-based, with its monochrome pallet recalling an older family photo album.
According to Song, the film’s story, “didn’t change from the very beginning. [She] always knew the film would be about a man imagining how his life might have been like had he had a little sister.” What did change while Song – a “little sister survivor” whose family made a tremendous effort to keep her a part of their family – made Sister were the stories of a brother and sister as the two grow up. The never-to-be siblings have their conflicts, as well as their moments of familial love. Not all of the ways this is depicted work, most notably the scene where the sister grows beyond her crib to become a giant looming over her brother (the metaphor here is too heavy-handed). Our narrator ponders whether he might have been a different person if his mother – pregnant with his younger sister, wanting very much to bear her – never had the policy-forced abortion. Given the trauma it inflicted on his mother, the narrator – even from an early age – will be left pondering this well into his adulthood. Is there regret in his narration? Guilt? I don’t have any answers, but I will leave it to those of Chinese descent to discern theirs.
My rating: 8/10
*Sister is entirely in Mandarin. For non-English language films, I usually list the film along with its country/countries of origin unless it was primarily an American production. Despite Sister being listed as an American/Chinese co-production by Song, I see no evidence of a Chinese studio backing the film. For record-keeping purposes, Sister will be deemed an American film.
Mémorable (2019, France)
Last year, Ireland’s famous Cartoon Saloon garnered acclaim for Louise Bagnall’s Late Afternoon. Late Afternoon, an expressionistic study in an elderly woman’s dementia, is a distant cousin to Bruno Collet’s Mémorable. Here, an artist named Louis (André Wilms) shifts between periods of remembrance and forgetfulness. His wife, Michelle (Dominique Reymond), tends to his needs and to his increasing disconnection to the things and people around him. If Louis has one fixture in his life, it is his painting – with brushes or, close to the end, with his fingers. Collet, noting the increase of short films – animated or otherwise – about dementia in recent years, indeed questioned the wisdom of yet another film about someone suffering from it. He then encountered the works of artist  William Utermohlen. Utermohlen, like Louis, continued painting even as his dementia impaired his understanding of his surroundings, let alone his work. Collet, now convinced of the validity of his plans by learning of Utermohlen’s life, set straight to work on Mémorable.
Mémorable evolves as the film progresses. What seems like a straight stop-motion animated short film transforms itself as Louis’ dementia worsens. By the film’s end, Louis’ figure begins to melt into something like oil paints, making him a living Impressionist painting while others around become surreal on the terms of a Picasso or Dali. With Mémorable containing plenty of dialogue, none of this ever detracts from this short’s abstractions The film’s final moments – an uplifting dance scene between Louis and Michelle – is an extraordinary marriage of stop-motion animation and computerized animation. By then, Collet has depicted the progression of Louis’ dementia in as cinematic a way as possible using an array of styles that could not have been predicted within a twelve-minute animated short film. The technical daring of Mémorable and the strength of its artistic conceit is breathtaking to behold.
My rating: 9/10
Kitbull (2019)
If any animation studio has a history with animal, it is Disney. Released as one of Pixar’s “SparkShorts” – a program created in 2019 to foster the talents of Pixar’s younger animators to force them to make short films with limited resources – Rosana Sullivan’s Kitbull joins that esteemed company. Sullivan, a storyboard artist who worked on the likes of Monsters University (2013) and Incredibles 2 (2018), was previously training to be a veterinarian and had helped many pit bulls in clinics and shelters. She, “saw how sweet and gentle they could be, despite [her] initial fears.” Her work with unadopted black cats formed the other half of what would become Kitbull. In San Francisco’s Mission District, a scrawny kitten and a pit bull who is forced into dogfights (even the implication of dogfighting would render Kitbull ineligible for wide theatrical release by Disney executives, knowing their insistence on a sanitized brand) strike up a friendship.
The design of the kitten is not realistic, but it would not be believable if Kitbull was filmed as a stop-motion or CGI-animated film. The kitten’s unrealistic body proportions make it more appealing and the minimalism of the pit bull’s design (there is a minimum amount of lines used to trace its facial shape) is effective artistic economy. The pit bull is a type of dog in need of an image rehabilitation. Perceived the be among the most violent of dogs, pit bulls are anything but naturally violent and Kitbull plays into this misconception. Sullivan’s experience as a former veterinarian student are fused with themes of loneliness and trust-building. Cut down from an 18-minute-long storyboard to its nine-minute runtime, Kitbull is an efficiently told animated short film evoking the pathos of animal-centric Walt Disney Animation Studios’ feature- and short-length films of the 1930s and ‘40s.‡
My rating: 8/10
‡ Which, for younger readers that have not seen Disney films from those decades, should be taken as a high compliment.
NOTE: Kitbull can be seen on YouTube as of this review’s publication.
^ Based on my personal imdb ratings. Half-points are always rounded down.
From previous years: 85th Academy Awards (2013), 87th (2015), 88th (2016), 89th (2017), 90th (2018), and 91st (2019).
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crickey-itsjake · 5 years
BDRP Questionnaire
1. Characters: 
Jake Rogers, Monica "Mocha" Chino, Arista Triton, Haley Long, Megara Creon
2. Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
I’d be truly missing out if I didn’t discuss my oldest current character (since from before my triumphant return): Arista. Now Ris began as a twin to an old Adella. She was the sunshine to her moodiness and truly was naïve and entirely bubbleheaded. She grew into herself though, and that's what I'm most proud of. She went from being someone so enamored with love and going from one hook up to the next, but now I'm perfectly content with her being single. She had her heart broken a few times and then left and when I got her back I knew I wanted to mature her a bit. I wanted to make her a little more grounded and reason out the way her mind worked. The old Arista had her classic word mix ups ("Self-decapitating) and random bouts of train derailing, but I'd never truly dove into that. Writing her now, there's a certain way I've figure out how she talks, almost in a dreamy sort of way, when before she sort of had a bit of an airheaded valley girl-esque way of talking. This is partly due to the fc change (Allie Gonino the American vs Lily James the Brit) and partly to do with me remembering how British the Tritons are while watching Love Island. I think overall Ris has gone from an everywhere, energetic, hyper and sporadic party girl, to someone who floats from one place to another and sometimes that floating happens a little too fast and it looks like too much of a stretch to people who aren't paying too close attention. I'll always love my bubblehead beginnings, but she's developed into a character I can be extremely proud of and count on to bring the feels.
3. Pick another character and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year?
So going into the new year, I think Haley's gotta solidify her clique. She's still floating a little bit and eventually she'll have to choose a solid crew. I really want to get these current paras done so that follow up ones can occur in the new year and really develop her relationships with her friends. (Also I wouldn't mind a little teen romance as I have no idea which way the wind blows this fire). More Dragon things definitely. A lot more magical occurances and powers coming out at inopportune times. How will people knowing about her Dragon form affect her life? Will she be able to handle all her commitments and jobs? Who knows?
4. Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it.
Sorry ya'll but I really gotta go for my HP plot. It had drama. It had comedy. It had socioeconomic talks with elves. It had chaos, secrets, intregue and poison. It had just everything. I'm pretty proud of it. It honestly remained an Alex plot through and through and is kind of the epitome of how I plan things and it was all from my glorious brain. (MK and Lauryl can tell everybody that I literally spammed them with my ideas for most of the week while the tournament was going on). In any case, really the pinnacle of my creation was Cappy the Elf. RIP Queen. You yeeted out of there Lord Farquaad style in a crispy blaze of glory, your ambition, revenge, and lack of education on ironic names was your downfall.
5. In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
1) Comedic timing. I've always kind of had a knack for timing things in a sitcom laugh track sort of way. I don't know if it was just growing up and watching Gilmore Girls and every other witty comedy under the sun, but ironic timing and strange turns of events that all somehow loop back together seamlessly just kind of happen. 2) Witty rapport (which leads to dialogue because that's my shit man, people talking). I mean, if anyone's ever seen me say anything on discord they know I've got it (even when no one wants it). Honestly voices always come to me before anything else. Whenever I get a reply I have an immediate knee jerk response in dialogue and then I build everything else after it. 3). Extended metaphors. I've said this time and time again but yanno, I love me a metaphor. Music or the sea for Ris. Animals for Jake. Really anything at all for Mocha. I just go on a symbolic tangent and I think it just enhances things.
6. In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
1) Body movement and words for it. Most of the time I can see what I want them to do, but I can't figure out how to say what I mean without seeming basic. 2) Body positioning/facial expressions when talking. I get so focused on the words that I think I get a little repetative with the ways I describe facial features or like what they're doing with their hands while they talk. See:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQwJyE77ets 3) Smut descriptions. I'm real rusty fam.
7. Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts.
Megara Creon
Medea by Euripides
A play about Ancient Greece which could provide inspiration for the relationship of Megara to her father. Medea involves King Creon as well as Megara as a minor character before she's married off to Hercules.
"Divine Comedy" by Dante
Provides inspiration about the circles of hell and the demons and creatures that can reside within them. This could be used for future adventures in dealing with other tiers of demons and contracts
Inferno by Niven and Pournelle
I loved this book as a high school student. Inspiration in the same vein of the divine comedy but its twisted into present day and modern examples of each circle and filled with all sorts of symbolism as you follow Carpentier.  It's a way of interpretting hell as not just the big red fiery place
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter by Jackie Kessler
This story is about a Vampire Hunter who becomes a succubus throughout the novel. Badass lady who becomes a succubus? Provides some inspo in the development of all that comes with the title as well as balancing life in the pursuit of a supernatural career. This series was based out of a gender inequality for women in detective and monster hunting positions in novels
8. And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! (i.e. a good ol’ fashion forbidden romance, maybe you want to dig deep into racial identity etc) This doesn’t have to necessarily be attached to any characters or stories you have now– it’s just meant to help you see for yourself what kind of stories call to your heart.
Teen dating/crushes/romance with Haley
Meg having to do research and going to various sorcerers and people who have ties to the darker demon sides of magic to figure out how to get her soul back/get rid of demon boi
Do some gigs with Ris and figure out how exactly I'm gonna convey her sound
9. OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
I've always wanted to do more creative writing. I'm in a STEM profession which doesn't allow for much in that field. I've got so many random ideas for puns and jokes and things but no outlet for it. I wrote Fan fiction back in the day and when I came to rp for the first time like seven and a half years ago, I found a community of people who felt the same as me and who had the same interests and who supported me in a lot of ways. BDRP came into my life when I was feeling real low. I was disconnected from all my friends and forced to move back home where no one was. I was working long nights and honestly just felt really down and depressed. Then one day, I was talking to Pet and she was like JOIN US. And so I did. And honestly, it gave me some real great people and some real great moments where I've truly felt like I wasn't alone and I was still good at something. I left because of school and I truly missed it and had some serious creativity overload without putting it to any use so I came back to my rp family. I RP because it lets me focus on something other than the worlds impending doom, or my own future. I RP because it lets me explore sides of my personality in slivers that I put into every character. I RP because it lets me I RP because I let me I melt because RP An absolute RP melt, that's me.
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rylie-studies · 5 years
Paper, protractor, and bookmark for the asks?
Paper: What kind of book would you write?
I’d write a book about a girl who has felt lost for most of her life and has always wanted to escape the pressures and stress of society and the obligations of life and she goes off to an unknown place; a place where no single soul would recognize her and she could truly embrace who she was. However, what she didn’t know was that she had traveled to the future and she was the only one left in the world, but one night, as she lays down on a field at the edge of a lake and looks up at the night sky while smiling and connecting all of the constellations with her fingers in a soft and gentle manner, a boy comes up to her and sits down next to her and he turns out to be her soulmate, but he wasn’t a romantic soulmate, but rather the best friend she’s been searching for in her entire life. Together they roam amidst the serenity of the world as one connected soul for they were no longer lost stars as they had found a home in each other’s presence. 
Protractor: An unpopular opinion/angle you have on an issue?
The education system needs to change; we’re living in an age sheathed with innovation and technology and novelty and everything has changed in this modern society from the way it was 60 years ago yet why is education still the same? Why are classrooms still the way they were in the 1950′s? Why is education reform such a taboo topic when it should be one of the most significant issues we can do, as a collective group of people, to improve society holistically? The amount of stress and anxiety and mental illnesses that stems from all of the pressure put on the students in schools is atrocious and it sickens me so much everytime I think about it. 
Bookmark: A book that means a lot to you and why?
Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe! If you’ve followed me in my journey as a studyblr long enough, you’ve probably seen me talk about this book a lot. This book holds such deep and sentimental meaning into my heart that I can’t even begin to describe it! I first read it when I was a naive freshman just trying to find a book to read for outside reading in my English class and, like the universe enthusiast that I am, I really loved the cover and also the title and I read the short blurb in the front and wanted to try and read it and see how it goes and, boy oh boy, this book changed my life. The characters crafted so beautifully with such unique stories, themes and messages that can connect to so many people in different ways, a plot that just makes you fall in love with Ari and Dante and you can’t seem to get enough of them…gosh this book makes me speechless everytime I think about it. To anyone who can read and is willing to spend some time of their days to read, I highly, highly recommend this book!!! The one word that I can remember freshman me writing on the paper that we had to write each Friday in my English class about the book we read for this novel was: enlightening. 
Thank you so much for taking some time of your day to send this question, sweets! I hope life has been treating you well lately! x 
Stationery asks!!
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maiji · 6 years
“If you could pick 5 members to be on your team in the dark tournament, who would it be?”
So while I was going back through my archives trying to see if I had any incorrectly flagged content (I scrolled all the way to 2015, found three, and gave up/went to bed lol), I kept getting distracted and rereading old posts out of amusement. One of them was this 21 Questions Yu Yu Hakusho meme - and one question in particular made the gears of my brain clank so I thought hey, why not? Let’s answer it.
I'm going to tackle this question from two angles.
A) If I could pick ANY characters in Yu Yu Hakusho to form a team.
B) If I could only pick characters who appear during the actual Dark Tournament.
As soon as you see my first list, you'll understand why I was like, “oh.” and opted to do it again from B lmao.
(Oh yeah my tags spoil everything but oh well. Hope the rationale makes up for it hahaha)
VERSION A: Fun times
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I'm sorry, the tournament is over now, thank you for coming. Seriously though, he's Yusuke with a million times more firepower and brains/experience. Also, one of the appeals of Yusuke is that he makes fighting fun, which is why everyone wants to go up against him. Raizen's friends express the exact same sentiment repeatedly. Raizen in his prime in battle would be a sight to see. He'd be all DID SOMEBODY SAY FIGHTING?? YEAH I'LL FIGHT ALL THE FIGHTS WAHOO and nobody would be able to get him off the arena platform. If there is an arena platform left. Or an arena. Or anything.
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Jolly uncle/all-round good dude, I love him. He also loves fighting, so he is also lots of fun. He seems much more cool-headed and practical than Raizen, and definitely takes the lead in coordinating the rest of Raizen's pals. Thus, he's a great wingman for Raizen. If you somehow actually manage to defeat Raizen- haha, what am I talking about? OK, if Raizen slept in or something, then you can fight Enki. And in that case the tournament is still over.
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LOVES FIGHTING AND WILL KICK YOUR ASS. Even Enki was relieved he didn't have to face her. I firmly believe after Raizen she's the strongest - or at least one of the strongest - out of all of Raizen's already insanely powerful friends. Honestly, between Raizen and Kokou they'd probably just take everybody down, including each other, and have a blast. 
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My perfect noodle husband Hokushin.
Obviously no one is surprised at this pick on my blog. Also loves fighting, plus super duper reliable, he's perfect support for anything. Along with Enki, he'd help temper Raizen and Kokou's wild party. And somebody needs to clean up after all the mess and make sure everybody gets first aid and whatever. Well, first aid for the other team they just massacred, I guess.
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One more Raizen friend: Natsume.
We could put another one of Raizen's friends here, but I pick Natsume because we know a lot more about her and she's so badass and we should have more women. Also, because she's very clearly another great mashup of LOVES FIGHTING and NOT STUPID, as a fifth member, she can easily step in to fill any of the others' shoes, whether it's happily beat the crap out of everything in sight or be calm and strategize. If anybody ever actually needed to be filled in for some reason.
I call this amazingness Team Old People. IMO this team is flawless because they would just be so damn entertaining on so many levels. You have five extremely powerful and smart warriors with centuries of experience who have nothing to prove aside from sheer enjoyment of battle. Every one of them has expressed a passion for fighting because it's simply a joy for them, which means they wouldn't be playing it safe/boring. Seeing a master in action at practically anything is awesome, and not only that but they’d be willing to experiment and take risks and do things that are out there. A tournament is also a form of entertainment for the audience (both the real life audience and the one in the show), and that combined with their expert level combat skills means that I think they'd be so fantastic to watch. And all of them have distinct personalities that balance "I am an ancient demon with wisdom and stuff" VS "I love punching people (or getting punched) in the face!!" in different enough ways that they still offer really interesting character dynamics and interaction opportunities. And they would also be incredibly supportive of each other while still allowing for plenty of snark.
That said, FUN FUN FUN aside, the very obvious problem with this team is that they seriously break the question. And everything else. Even if they don’t intend to flat out obliterate everything, that’s what would probably happen, and that unfortunately can easily head towards its own kind of boring. Everyone would be like "why are we having a tournament, we're going home". So, we must leave Team Old People behind and move on to version B.
VERSION B: Serious business
Dark Tournament characters only. I will exclude members of the Toguro Team from my selection for obvious reasons. NO MORE FUN TIME. This is me pretending that I'm some rich underworld dude or whatever putting together a team I'm betting on to get through the tournament. You're going to see a clear pattern emerging from my picks.
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The veteran. Intelligent, experienced, very powerful and pragmatic. I'd shell out big bucks to get her to come back to be my team's captain. No question for me, she's a must, even if all she does is sit on the sidelines and coach the rest of the team. With a group of serious, motivated and talented fighters, she'd be the best mentor and my team would be well-positioned to MAKE ME LOTS OF MONEY SO IN YOUR SMOKY SCARRED FACE SAKYO
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Those who know me may find it shocking that I'm including Hiei but not Yusuke, Kuwabara, or Kurama. Hiei doesn't appear on my tumblr very often, and of the four main characters he's probably the one I'm least emotionally invested in. But if you're assembling a team for the Dark Tournament, you're IN IT TO WIN IT!! And Hiei is the best bet. I shall explain.
Hiei is efficient and effective, and his success ratio is the highest out of all Urameshi Team members - the most number of individual fights without a single loss or draw. Granted, he sits out for a chunk of the tournament, but he rarely appears worn out at the end of a fight. The only time he overexerts himself is against Zeru; after his recovery, he never seems to break a sweat. Even against Bui, he had no real issues. From a betting perspective, his odds are very, very good. Kuwabara and Kurama both experience multiple losses - Kuwabara often because he's young and overconfident or becomes so personally involved that he cares more for a positive outcome for other people than for winning; Kurama often because (as Hiei notes) he tends to overcalculate the situation and draw things out so long figuring everything out that it turns into a disadvantage. Yusuke's very strong and has huge potential, but he's also focused far too much on the experience. This makes his battles fun to watch but would give a strategist heart attacks. Many of his fights involve near-misses or less-than-ideal situations stemming from amateur errors. And finally, he gets dinged with a draw in his match with Jin, in part because his dawdling on the field made the deception feasible. Yusuke's great for drama and storytelling, not great for the comfort of my pocketbook. Having him on a team is risky when I know the other underworld bosses I'm competing against are not above using underhanded tactics.
As a result, based on a purely practical evaluation, Hiei is the most reliable choice. He's very focused on, and very good at, the one thing I want - DEFEAT THE OPPONENT UNEQUIVOCALLY. He comes in and tears people apart and there's no chance of an ambiguous referee call. He just needs his team members to be people he can respect to keep him in line. With Genkai as captain, that shouldn't be an issue. Nor with the rest of my picks.
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Ryo (Kai in the anime) / M-3.
This is the Dr. Ichigaki member with the invisible claw powers. After their fight, he offers to be a replacement for the seriously injured Kuwabara (Yusuke appreciates it but has to turn him down because it's against the rules unless Kuwabara actually dies). He seems to be the strongest of the three students who were brainwashed by Ichigaki, and without Genkai's intervention and his own struggling against Ichigaki's mechanism, he would very likely have wiped out Kuwabara and Yusuke. He's extremely serious and dedicated, and with someone like Genkai steering the helm I think he'd go far. I'd be comfortable putting money on him. I also like him a lot and wish he had more involvement in the story - I've always felt that if Togashi didn’t need to get Koenma in for story purposes Yusuke hadn't been so freaked out and completely lost mentally when Genkai died, he probably would've asked Ryo to be the replacement fifth member. SOMEONE WRITE THIS
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Stronger than Gama, less arrogant than Risho, more reliable than Jin (who has many of the same problems as Yusuke), and Bakken sucks and will never be considered by anybody. Touya's powers are also very flexible. Somebody just needs to tell him to NOT TALK TO HIS OPPONENT. Don't talk to them, don't listen to them, don't let them distract you, don't let them get into your head, JUST GET IN THERE AND EYE ON THE PRIZE AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THEM OKAY lol. I also think when Genkai was training everyone for Kurama, Touya was probably the one who gave her the least hard time. I mean, out of Touya, Jin, Chuu, Rinku, Suzuki and Shishiwakamaru who do YOU think would bellyache the least? I thought so.
The fifth member is actually a backup/alternate who doesn't necessarily see action (if you recall, this is why Chuu was mad). For my final pick, I took a while to decide, so I'll tell you about both of the last two people I was considering since I enjoy any excuse to talk about characters I don’t usually see mentioned.
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5a is Zeru. 
OK, partly I considered him because nobody remembers him lmao - he was Hiei's first victory, obliterated into a shadow by Hiei's training-wheels Kokuryuuha. But if you look at my other picks, I think you'll appreciate why he's on my radar - he fits the profile of what I'm looking for very nicely. I want someone in control of themselves; who is a reliable, consistent, focused fighter unlikely to get distracted by other things; who clearly demonstrates power and is committed and has potential to grow really fast with the right direction/team captain. The only thing is that with Hiei already on the team, this may be duplicating the skillset and the mental profile a bit too much. And I think it's clear Hiei already has the upperhand in baseline power. So,
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5b is Suzuki. 
His strength isn't fighting. It's his ingenuity in adapting, augmenting, and outfitting his team members with really good, really creative tools. He's honestly more a tinkerer and an inventor, imaginatively tweaking things to be even more useful, and whenever he realizes and accepts this about himself instead of trying to be just another fighter in the limelight, he'll be rich lmao. Anyways, this skill makes him a hugely valuable asset. I don't need him to be in the ring, I'm fine having him support with cool gadgets to amplify the rest of the team.
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creative-type · 6 years
Murder of Arthur Wright IX
First  Previous AO3
AN: Sorry again for the lack of updates. I kind of hate poetry and have no idea how some got into my story 
Also hawkshaw is Victorian slang for detective
Chapter Nine: Child of Sorrow
Margot reached the Red Griffin Inn as the bells struck noon. She scanned the streets for a familiar face, but Cain was nowhere to be seen. With a mild sigh of irritation she settled outside to wait. It was a cheerful and bright Sunday afternoon, and the traffic showed it. It was the sort of day to spend relaxing outside with loved ones, not investigating gristly murders.
Margot was especially dour after a poor night’s sleep, the new revelations of the Wright family churning in her mind. She was a mage, a woman of science and method, firm in both her opinions and convictions. She believed problems were best dealt with when they were small and manageable—whether that was in the workplace or at home.
The Wrights were messy. Even if Master Wright hadn’t been killed it was the sort of family drama that wouldn’t have been easily solved. In the past Margot had helped students deal with difficult situations at home, and knew on a more personal note that Lyra’s relationship with her mother was…complicated, to say the least. But this seemed different somehow, more tragic after two very preventable deaths.
She supposed part of her disappointment was with Master Wright himself. Their last interaction aside, she had always admired his work and was proud of the opportunity to play a small part in his research. A talent like his only cropped up once or twice in a generation, and with an elf’s longevity Master Wright could have contributed to his field for decades to come.
Margot was not so naïve to believe that being a good mage made one a good person, but it still shook her to have the pedestal of someone she respected—someone she had met and thought she knew, if only a little—crumble so spectacularly.
She was still mulling over her thoughts when Cain appeared ten minutes later lecturing a ratty-looking child in a newsboy cap.
“No scampering off till you make eyes with everyone in the building, then report back to me. Do you understand?”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Unlike your beard, I ain’t stupid. But I’m telling ya, that’s Rockhead territory. Louis broke his arm tanglin’ with one of their gang.”
“You saying you can’t handle it?” Cain asked.
“I’m saying you ain’t paying me to scoop a building and keep clear of the Rockhead lads.”
Cain fished in his pants pocket and thrust a handful of coins at the boy. “That ought to cover your trouble.”
The boy snatched the money almost before Cain had his hand out of his pocket. “It otta. Pleasure doin’ business, Mr. Cain.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Tobe. Ever think of cutting an old man some slack?”
“Only when my purse is as fat as your head,” the boy said with a cheeky grin. He tipped his hat to Margot. “This hawkshaw fancies himself a gentleman, so don’t let ‘em work you without buyin’ lunch first.”
The boy melted back into the crowd before Cain could say anything more. He rubbed his eyes, exasperated. “I swear that boy will be the death of me.”
“Who is he?” Margot said, suppressing a smile.
“A common ragamuffin,” Cain said sourly. “A scoundrel of the highest order, pickpocket extraordinaire, and my best informant. I’m having him watch the playhouse where you first met Anansi on a hunch.”
“He’s a kid,” Margot said.
“He’s a runaway who had a very good reason not to want to go back home,” Cain said. “I make sure he’s got money to eat and a fire during the winter, and in exchange get another set of eyes and ears on the street. He’s got a knack for it, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
Cain fished out a piece of jerky and sighed. “Do you have a half-penny I can bum? I just gave away all my spare change, and from what you said Anansi’s the type to stick to particulars.”
“You don’t have any in those magic pockets of yours?” Margot said.
“Pocket,” Cain corrected. “The rest are perfectly normal.”
“You never did say how it worked.”
There was a quiet snort, and Cain scratched the back of his head. “I’d hoped you’d forgotten about that. Shoulda known better. To make a long story short, it’s a vanishing pocket. Anything I put in there is technically in a state of existence and non-existence at the same time, which fools most spells protecting against theft—especially in old houses since the technique was only developed a couple of decades ago.”
“You’re lucky the Wright’s haven’t updated the defenses on their estate,” Margot said.
“They can’t, not without undoing a century of spellwork,” Cain said. “That house has had so many protection from fire spells on it you could douse the whole thing in kerosene and it still wouldn’t light. Would you risk taking that away on the off-chance an enterprising detective happens to have a workaround?”
“Tricky,” Margot said, impressed despite herself.
Cain tapped his forehead, grin spreading. “Mind like a steel trap.”
“And no change in your pockets, magic or otherwise.”
“Can’t deny it,” he chuckled.
“Anyway,” Margot said, “it’s probably best if I pay. Anansi very specifically said they would tell me a story.”
“That’s fair. Just remember, we’re trying to find out what Anansi knows about Desdemona.”
They walked inside together. The Red Griffin Inn was the type of place that, while not having the freshest paint or softest pillows, carried a certain amount of charm. It was only a few streets over from where Margot met Anansi for the first time, and catered to the same rough and tumble crowd. But the place was clean and sun streamed through open windows, carrying a fresh breeze along with the sunlight.
Margot’s attention was immediately drawn to a gaggle of children crowding the lobby. Some wore carefully mended clothing and went barefoot, while others were dressed in the crisp, clean linins of a merchant’s child. One girl, whose golden hair had been styled in the latest fashion, sat next to a boy so raggedy he made Tobe look like a prince in comparison. Every eye was glued to an orcish woman who sat at the center of them all.
She was dressed like a sailor and puffed contentedly on a long-stemmed pipe. Laugh lines framed deep-set brown eyes and a streak of white ran through a long braid. Even at a distance Margot could see the faint scars of a brawler across her knuckles.
The woman scanned the children while she smoked, a crooked smile spreading across her face as Margot and Cain settled in near the back. “Noon has come and gone. Who vould hear a story?”
As if by magic a coin appeared in each child’s hand. The woman handed around a battered cap, only pausing when she reached the ragged boy.
“For you, solnyshko, I vould speak a thousand stories,” she said, pressing the coin back in his hand along with a shiny red apple. Where she found one out of season would forever be a mystery, and the boy sat back with his eyes as wide as saucers, the fruit cradled protectively against his chest.
“Now yesterday I told the tale of the great Vizard Hym’s victory over the dread pirate Roberts. Should I continue his story, hmm? Or perhaps you vould like to hear the Dwarf King’s battle against the Lords of Night?”
The girl with the golden curls shot her hand into the air. “I want to hear about the Fairy Queen!”
“No, Khrone the Unkillable!” another shouted.
The woman listened to half a dozen suggestions and discarded them all before a young orcish girl at her feet said, “Can you please tell a story about the Wasted Lady?”
A hush fell over the children as the woman sat back in her chair and took another puff on her pipe. A glint entered her dark eyes, and she smiled. “You vould hear of the Lady? Very well, den. Our tale begins long ago, ven the stars vere still young in the sky…”
It was a story that Margot had heard a dozen times before, but the children were enraptured. Cain chuckled quietly under his breath and whispered to Margo, “When you said Anansi would tell any story in the world for a half-penny, I didn’t think it was literal.”
Margot craned her head at him. “That’s not Anansi.”
Margot pointed behind the bar where a pimple-faced and beleaguered young woman was wiping down glasses. She was so unassuming Margot wouldn’t have noticed her, if not for the faint flicker of familiar magic that hid her true form.
“That’s Anansi.”
Cain did a double take. “You’re kidding.” Margot only shook her head, and he rubbed his chin in thought. “Right. Okay then. That’s not what I was expecting.”
“I get the feeling that’s how Anansi prefers it,” Margot said dryly.
Cain grunted in agreement. His eyes darting between where the orcish woman told her story and the false barmaid. Margot could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he processed this new information.
“Alright then,” he said so quietly Margot wondered if he was talking to her or himself. “Two can play that game.”
He strode over to the bar in a way that made his coat billow dramatically behind him. Margot followed in a less ridiculous manner and took the seat next to him. Cain had yet to remove his hat, and the shadows framed his face in a way that might have been intimidating if Margot didn’t already know him.
For a moment Margot felt uneasy. Trying to bully Anansi for information wasn’t going to work, but before she could say anything the not-a-barmaid was before them.
“What’ll it be?”
“It’s quite the crowd you’ve got here,” Cain said conversationally.
“If you don’t like the kids you can leave,” Anansi said. “Gudrid likes ‘em and she owns the place. Now what’ll it be?”
Cain nudged Margot softly in the arm, and she slid her half-penny across the bar. “I hear Gudrid isn’t the only one who knows her way around a story,” Margot said softly, voice laced with deceptive sweetness. “And I’m still looking for Desdemona Wright.”
Anansi blinked in surprise. It was the first time Margot had seen them break character, and her lips curled with the minor victory. The moment was gone almost as soon as it had come, and they regarded Margot carefully, dark eyes unfathomable.
“Still running errands for Felix then? I thought you were smarter than that, darling.”
“May I introduce my associate Mr. Dashiell Cain,” Margot said.
Anansi did the unthinkable and broke character a second time. They whipped their head toward Cain, sudden smile splitting their face. “Of course!” they exclaimed, drawing a look of ire from Gurdrid. Anansi offered a bashful apology before leaning across the bar table.
“You’re Conan’s little project?” they said in a stage whisper. “My goodness, you’ve grown.”
Cain frowned. “Do I know you?”
“No, but I know Conan Westmacott.” Anansi said. “Wonderful man. Spoke very highly of you, you know. I wept when I heard of his retirement. Wept. But it seems to be suiting him well, and he’s got you to follow in his footsteps. It all makes sense now.”
“Mr. Westmacott…talks about me?” Cain said, caught completely off-guard from this revelation.
“Of course, darling! You know, when I wrote that play of his he absolutely insisted on complete and total accuracy. No skimping on details, not even for the little half-orc who helped crack the case once and for all.” Anansi shook Cain��s hand enthusiastically. “Goodness, that’s been almost fifteen years now, hasn’t it? That play was my big break. I owe my career to Mr. Westmacott, and by extension you.”
“You wrote the play about the dwarven counterfeiting ring?” Cain asked.
“Wrote, produced, and acted,” Anansi said proudly. “My first one-man show. Conan thought the illusions were too gimmicky, but audiences loved it.”
“I didn’t know you helped Mr. Westmacott on the counterfeiting case,” Margot said, looking up at Cain.
“I…well, I didn’t. Not really,” he mumbled, his cheeks darkening with a blush. “It was a happy accident. I was just a kid who happened to be in the right place at the right time.” He coughed awkwardly.
“Anyway, that’s not why we’re here,” Cain said, trying to reassert himself. But it was as if the universe itself was trying to amplify his embarrassment. Any authority in his voice was drowned out as Gudrid finished her tale and released the small sea of children back to the streets.
Once they were gone Gudrid sauntered behind the bar and smacked Anansi on the back of the head. “I let you listen if qviet. Go make trouble someplace else.”
Anansi flashed her a charming smile that looked downright wrong on the face they were wearing. “You let me listen because I’m willing to work the bar for free—ow! That was uncalled for!”
Rubbing the back of their head, Anansi turned mulishly back to his audience of Margot and Cain. “See the abuse I put up with? I come trying to learn from the best storyweaver this side of the Tributine, offering free labor and asking nothing in return but to listen…”
Gudrid let out a low growl of warning, and Anansi raised their hands in a pacifying gesture. “I’m going, I’m going! Stars and stones, you’d think I drank all your beer and punched a hole in the wall.”
With nimble movements Anansi vaulted the bar before slinging an arm around both Cain and Margot’s shoulders. “Let’s go someplace more private, shall we? It seems I owe the professor a story of my own.”
Anansi led them to a private table and took the liberty of ordering them drinks. When Gudrid came around Margot took a polite sip and complimented the orc on her ale. The orcish woman softened a little at that, and Anansi was able to spout a cheeky retort without getting smacked.
The relationship between the two made Margot curious, but so curious enough to risk their chance at Desdemona by asking. Once they were are comfortably settled she caught Cain’s eye, and he gave a subtle nod.
“We would like to speak to Desdemona if it’s at all possible,” Margot said. “Do you know where she is?”
“I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you, darling,” Anansi said.
“Can’t or won’t?” Cain asked.
Anansi shrugged languidly. “As long as you work for Felix Wright, I fail to see the difference. I’m disappointed, Mr. Cain. Conan never would have taken a client of his sort.”
Cain’s features hardened, but he gave no other reaction. “What’s your beef with Wright junior?”
“He’s a pompous, self-inflated buffoon,” Anansi said. They leaned on their hand and looked at Cain with a dreamy expression. “I’ll admit I don’t know him, but what I saw at the mage’s conference was enough. The conference paid for rooms for all the speakers. I always enjoy speaking with the locals when I travel, and was having a lovely conversation the proprietor of the hotel after my show when young Mr. Wright came stumbling in, drunk and angry. It must have been near two in the morning, the day before his father’s great demonstration and he was near-shouting with the help for not having his rooms ready.”
Anansi went silent for a moment, frowning slightly at the memory. “I was aghast. Felix Wright portrays himself a gentleman, but what sort of gentleman needs his daddy to come down and get him to behave out in public, hmm? I’ve seen his type before, and I despise it. I’ll not lift a finger to aid whatever cause that overgrown child is championing.”
Cain and Margot shared a look. The story Anansi told was completely at odds with Felix’s tale of the night before the murder. But which one was telling the truth?
“What exactly did Master and Mr. Wright say to one another in the lobby?” Cain asked.
“Oh, Master Wright knew better than to cause a scene in public,” Anansi said. “But I would give one of my eyeteeth to have been a fly on the wall in their room.”
“What about the performance itself?” Margot asked. “I was told The Death of Desdemona was written anonymously.”
“You heard rightly,” Anansi said. “People often give me copies of their work. I honestly don’t recall where I picked it up. The play itself is nothing special, there was a line of verse that caught my attention. That’s the only portion I performed at the conference.”
Anansi cleared their voice, and their demeanor changed, the playful trickster replaced by the famed performer. And with the change came a new face. Gone was the comely human, and in its stead was an elven woman with long brown hair. Almond-shaped eyes were the color of emeralds, her skin a rich olive complexion.  
It was not the face of Desdemona Wright. The girl in Master Wright’s photograph had brown eyes, and even at the tender age of five it was obvious that the Wright twins took after their mother. The mask Anansi wore bore little resemblance to that of Adaline Wright, but at a distance, in a darkened performance hall…
Margot tried to think of it from Felix’s point of view. It had been a decade since he’d last seen Desdemona. Her name alone shook him, perhaps enough to subliminally suggest that the woman he saw on stage was in fact his sister.
Whether the guise fooled Master Wright was another matter entirely, but Margot could believe that the name, along with a face that bore a slight resemblance to his daughter, would be enough for him to storm back stage and demand answers.
All of this flashed though Margot’s mind in the time it took Anansi to finish their illusion. In the blink of an eye she wasn’t in the Red Griffin Inn, but the grand stage of Benson Hall where Anansi stood on stage. The auditorium was dim save for a spotlight where Anansi stood.
Margot gripped the arm rests of her seat. She knew it was only an illusion. She knew. But her senses disagreed with what her brain knew to be true. She could feel the uncomfortable wooden seat, taste the familiar buzz of two hundred mages sitting in the same space.
Anansi spoke, their voice clear and ringing throughout the auditorium.
“Child of sorrow, none do mourn Alas, tis fate, now bear their scorn Lord and Lady turn their face And abandon thee in thy disgrace
Child of sorrow, none do mourn From friend and kin cruelly torn Fortune’s favorite son turns his head And finds another in your stead
Child of sorrow, none do mourn Lost in mis’ry, wandering lorn Seeking, searching as silence swallows pity’s cry Your father’s daughter bids thee die
The sun soon rises on an empty grave Though once abandon’d, hope doth save Child of sorrow, none do mourn As fire consumest dross, thou hast been reborn”
Each word was dripped in honey and hit with the power of a berserking orc. When Anansi finished Margot’s heart ached and tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she didn’t know why. She was not sentimental enough to fall apart over a melodramatic poem, but with Anansi’s performance that didn't seem to matter.
Suddenly Margot was back at the inn. Anansi offered her a kerchief, an apologetic smile on their face.
“I’m sorry, darling. I forget sometimes the affect it can have the first time”
“Hells bells,” Cain breathed. “That was…wow.”
“It’s not a great work by any means,” Anansi said. “It doesn’t scan and there’s no meter to speak of, but sometimes even a poorly written piece can have meaning.”
“A really depressing meaning,” Cain said.
Anansi raised an eyebrow. “Mr. Cain, do you know what the name Desdemona means?”
“Not a clue.”
“Ill-starred,” Anansi said. “Unlucky, miserable, and—dare I say it—sorrow. The death of Desdemona is the death of misfortune.”
“Reborn through hope,” Margot said.
“Exactly!” Anansi said. “Whoever the author was, they weren’t writing a lament. They were writing a celebration.”
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rashenditrash · 6 years
Boy Meets Girl (Voltron)
[A silly idea I got after thinking about my two fave characters from Voltron: Legendary Defender, with an opening inspired by 500 Days of Summer, one of my favourite movies - speed write, so forgive the roughness.  I hope someone enjoys]
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This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Takashi Shirogane, of the planet Earth, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he left earth and sped off into the stars. This belief stemmed from the knowledge that a chronic illness would one day ground him forever, and a deep insatiable longing for the beyond. 
The girl, Honerva of the planet Altea, also yearned for the beyond. For most of her life, she'd only loved two things. The first was the thrill using her skills of invention to create something entirely new to the world.  The second was how easily she could destroy her own creations and feel nothing. 
Shiro meets Honerva soon after being abducted by Galra soldiers during a mission to the moon Kerberos. Honverva knows almost immediately, that he is who she’s been searching for. 
This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story.
Honerva was born over ten thousand years ago, on the planet Altea.  Though not of noble birth, she quickly rose to prominence as one of Altea’s great alchemic minds, rivaled only by the royal Prince Alfor, who alone possessed knowledge of the mysteries of Oriande.  From an early age, Honerva knew she was destined for greatness, that even without the power and privilege bestowed so freely upon Alfor, she would one day be responsible for unravelling the deep secrets of the universe.  
Shiro was born a great deal less time ago.  Like Honerva, he too was a gifted individual from an early age - excelling at both athletics and academics, while showing a natural talent for leadership.  By day, Shiro, through his talent, hard work, and dedication, proved himself to be one the best and brightest of his peers.  At night, Shiro would look up at the sky, and dream of the worlds that might exist for him to explore out there.  
Neither the boy, nor the girl, were any strangers to love.  For Honerva, it was a close friend of Prince Alfor, Zarkon, Emperor of Daibazaal.  At first, the Galra Leader was an amusing annoyance, constantly intruding on her work of understanding the mysteries of Quintessance.  However, over time, she came to appreciate Zarkon’s company.  Unlike Alfor, who was at times brash and arrogant, and at others overcome by useless sentiment, Zarkon was a figure of seeming unending strength and resolve.  He was a true leader, moreso than the Altean Prince could ever aspire to be, and in his deep strength, discipline, and determination, Honerva found a match for her own resolve.  
For Shiro, it was Adam, a man who, despite sharing many of Shiro’s dreams and asipirations, could keep him grounded.  A man who made him want to be the best in truth, not just in reputation.  A man who cared for him enough to ask him to give up his dreams to save his life.  
But Shiro loved his dreams more than he loved Adam.  With the impending doom of an illness that would forever steal his dreams from him, Shiro, once eternally patient, now a brash and desperate thing, scrambled to take advantage of his last chance to be out in the stars. He told himself he could patch things up with Adam when he returned home, but part of him knew Adam meant it when he said he wouldn’t be there when Shiro got back.  
As much as Honerva loved Zarkon, she too chose her dreams over love.  After all, what was the warmth of Zarkon’s strong arms compared to the twin pain and pleasure of Quintessence coursing through her body, or the divine euphoria of creating new life which millenias of evolution had not yet developed?  Even as she became pregnant with her first child, Honerva refused to let her research be stopped, determined to unwind the secrets of the cosmos.  
After all, if Alfor could use those secrets to create Voltron, what wonders could she create?  
After Shiro was captured by the Galra, he was brought to fight in an arena for the entertainment of his new masters.  Though he lacked the natural and artificial enhancements of his competitors, Shiro excelled, beating every enemy arrogant enough to stand against him, earning the epithet of “Champion”.  
Even champions meant little to Honerva, now called Haggar.  After all, by this time Haggar had slipped beyond death’s door, and returned to life with newfound power.  She occupied an honoured position at the apex of an entire order of students of Quintessance and the workings of life and death, and at the right hand of the Emperor of most of the known Universe.  A skilled combatant from a backwater planet should have been nothing to a woman capable of creating living weapons with the ability to destroy entire worlds in an instant?  
And yet, the Champion wasn’t nothing.
Maybe it was the look in his cool eyes as the flashed up and down his opponents, taking in weaknesses and strengths alike to calculate their inevitable end, the precision with which he dispatched each foe, or maybe the wild beating of a heart that would not give up, no matter the odds.  Whatever it was, the Champion caught the eye of Haggar the witch, and their meeting set both on a path that would change their lives forever.  
“A pity,” Haggar said, lifting the Champion’s arm as she inspected it, “That such power will be lost to you before you have reached your prime.    You had potential to be a great weapon for the Galra.  Instead, you will continue to fight in those stinking pits for the rest of your miserable life, surviving each fight with the knowledge that one day your own body will betray you to your enemies.”  
The Champion opened his mouth to respond, but falls silent, refusing to play the witch’s games.  
Haggar scoffed.  “Fine then, accept your fate.  Making one’s own greatness is the Galra way.  Victory or Death.”
Time passes, and the Champion’s victories continue.  During one match, his arm fails him, and he nearly falls.  And yet, somehow, despite his imperfections and failings, he survives.  
He should be dead.   Haggar frowns, watching as the medics remove him from the field.  And yet he is victorious instead.  In that moment, something stirs within Haggar, as she remembers that the Champion is not the only one who should be dead, but continues to live.  
She finds her way to the medical room, and orders everyone out, leaving her alone with the Champion.  His eyes are wild, alight with pain.  And yet, as she searches them, Haggar seems something else.  Something she had only seen once before, remembered from her ancient past, or perhaps from some dream.  
He has the eyes of a Paladin.  Eyes that her emperor should have, but now seems to lack.  Thousands of years have passed, and though Zarkon hungers for the black lion he lost, Alfor’s last betrayal still keeps the magnificent weapon from its master’s grasp.  Despite her unwavering loyalty to Zarkon, meeting the Champion’s cool gaze sows a seed of doubt in Haggar’s tattered soul.  What if Zarkon’s time is coming to an end, and what if this paragon in front of her has the potential to become something even greater.  
Haggar sends for her druids and smiles.  “Well, Champion, it’s you are lucky that death does not become you.  You won’t remember this, but today I will use you to create the greatest weapon the Galra Empire has ever seen.”  
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