#i love when she laughs during her sets mid song because she looks out in the crowd and just feels so happy to be there augh
pterosounds · 5 months
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Chappell Roan @ Boulder Theater, Boulder, CO - 4/9/24
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kjsfandoms · 25 days
Lust and Love
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Description: Eddie is dating the girl he's been pinning over for years- Chrissy Cunningham. What happens when a new girl enters his life?
Word Count: 3k
Chrissy and Eddie have been dating for a good few months now and they both truly are happy. Eddie had been crushing on her since their middle school talent show and was insanely surprised when she came to him to buy drugs. The Chrissy Cunningham High buying drugs from him? He couldn’t believe it. 
Not long after their first deal, Chrissy started to realize that she really enjoyed Eddie’s company. One thing led to another and soon enough the freak of Hawkins High was dating the queen of Hawkins High.
Though they were dating and loved spending time together they still always made sure to have time for their friends. Hence why Eddie still sits at the hellfire table for lunch (also totally not because the majority of the popular kids hate him). 
One day during lunch as Eddie is sitting at the front of the table, munching on his pretzels, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike join him. “Hey, fellas.” Eddie says as the boys start eating their unpleasantly looking school lunch. They talk about DND for a good minute until Dustin turns around mid-conversation when he notices Y/N sit down at the table next to theirs.
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Hey there, Dustin.” Y/N replies as she takes off her headphones and gives him a friendly smile. Mike and Lucas then notice her as well and say their hellos. Eddie looks back and forth between the boys and this girl, Y/N. He takes in her appearance and notices the eyeliner, dark denim jeans, and the loosely hung Black Sabbath t-shirt. How the hell did these boys know this girl and why has he never seen her around?
She turns back to her own table and puts her headphones back on. He can briefly hear Judas Priest coming through them before being interrupted by Gareth sharing some more DND ideas.
After school he walks Chrissy to her cheer practice before heading over to the drama room to set up for the upcoming hellfire session tonight. In there he spots Dustin who is also usually there sometimes to help Eddie set up. “Hey, man.” Eddie greets. “Hey, Eddie. I already set up everyone’s character sheets.” “Thanks, Henderson.”
As Eddie and Dustin continue to set up, the question from earlier still lingers on Eddie’s mind. Who was that girl? ‘Might as well ask’, he thinks to himself.
“Henderson, who was that girl you guys were saying hi to at lunch?”
“Oh, Y/N? We’ve known her for a few years now. She’s friends with Jonathan Byers so we met her by association. She’s really cool though. I’m surprised you guys have never met considering you have a lot in common. But why do you ask?” Dustin says as he pulls out some dice.
“Was just curious. Never seen her around.”
“Yeah, she can be more on the quiet and loner side, but she’s great when you get to know her.”
Hellfire went pretty good as Eddie had been playing that campaign for weeks now. The boys and Erica have already left by now, but he stayed back to clean up. As he’s putting away their chairs he hears the drama room doors open. In walks her. Y/N.
“Oh, hi! Sorry, didn’t know you guys were doing hellfire today. I’m just setting some things up for the talent show this weekend.” She says. That’s when Eddie notices her carrying two guitars and an amp. “Don’t worry, you’re all good. Just cleaning up. You want some help with that?” “Please,” she says with a breathy laugh, “carrying these all at once is not easy.” “Oh, trust me I know. I play in a band.” He says as he walks over to take the amp out of her arm.
They walk to the stage and as Eddie plugs in the amp Y/N sets up the guitars. Wanting to break the silence, Y/N asks, “So, you’re in a band. What do you play?” “Guitar. I also help write some of our songs.” Y/N looks up at him with a smile and says, “No way! I also play guitar and write songs. Though, it’s just for fun. I’m not in a band or anything.” Eddie looks shocked at this. He’s never met a girl that’s been into music like this, not to mention music that he likes. “That’s sick! Think I could hear one of your songs one day?” “Only if I get to hear one of yours.”
Continuing their conversation, they’re eventually interrupted when the drama doors open once again, this time revealing Chrissy. “Hey, babe!” Chrissy cheers and she walks over to give Eddie a hug. “Hey, Chris. How was practice?” Y/N watches as the obvious couple interact, slightly disappointed in the fact that he has a girlfriend. But Y/N isn’t the one to overstep boundaries and disrespect someone’s relationship, so she pushes those thoughts to the back of her mind. 
“Bye, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” Y/N says with a smile as she starts to leave. 
“You too, Y/N.”
It's been a few weeks since the first interaction, but over those few weeks the two have created a friendship. They hang out every now and then, Eddie sharing his time between Y/N, Chrissy, and his hellfire friends.
This day in particular, Y/N and Eddie finally decided to act upon the deal they made when they first met, which was to hear each other's music. Eddie invited her over, but Y/N declined. She thought it’d be rude to hang out one on one with a man who is in a relationship inside his own home. Eddie understood where she was coming from, but assured her Chrissy knew. Still, she stuck to her word and the two agreed to meet up in the drama room after school instead.
“So, you wanna go first?” Y/N asks as the both of them sit criss cross on the stage floor, both holding guitars in their lap. “Why not.” Eddie replies as he takes his guitar pick off his neck and starts strumming. He opted to playing a more simple rock song of his rather than metal as he thought it’d be way too extra. When it came down to Y/N’s turn, she stuck to more of one of her indie-rock songs. 
“You’re better than I thought you’d be.” Eddie says with a playful grin.
 “Same for you, Munson.” 
“I’d like to state for the record, that was an easy song I played. I’m usually ten times more metal.” He says with a slight smirk, “You should really come watch me and my band play some time. We perform at the Hideout on Tuesdays. Maybe you could even perform one of your songs.”
“I’d love to watch you guys play, but as for me performing, hard pass. I’d rather stick to putting on a show for my stuffed animals rather than real people.” Y/N replies with a smile and small laugh.
“Oh, come on! I’ll be there to cheer you on. I bet your stuffed animals can’t do that.”
Y/N let out a dramatic playful gasp and jokingly says, “What?! Peter the pig always makes sure to give me a round-of-applause.” The two share a laugh and Eddie replies, “Fine. You can stick to your stuffed animal crowd. As for me, I can pick you up around seven after I pick up Chrissy, if that’s fine with you?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Tuesday comes around and Y/N is patiently waiting on her couch for Eddie. She eventually hears loud heavy rock music coming from outside and takes that as her cue to grab her things, not forgetting her guitar. Even though she said she didn't want to perform, she decided she wanted to surprise Eddie tonight by performing a new song of hers.
She runs outside and slides open the van door and greets Eddie and Chrissy as she goes to sit in the back. Soon enough they’re there and Eddie is parking the van. “I’m just gonna go help the boys set up. Are you guys good with waiting inside for a few minutes?” Eddie asks as they all start getting out of the van. “Yeah, that’s fine, Eds.” Chrissy replies back with a smile. Y/N had a few interactions with Chrissy since becoming friends with Eddie and from what she can tell, she’s the sweetest girl Y/N ever met. Eddie is a real lucky man, she must say.
As Y/N and Chrissy start walking inside, Chrissy notices the guitar case. “Oh, you’re playing too?!” Chrissy cheerfully asks. “Yeah, but don’t tell Eddie. Was gonna surprise him.” Y/N happily replies back, hoping that that didn’t upset Chrissy. Thankfully, Chrissy saw no problem with it and the two headed inside.
Chrissy takes a seat at one of the tables while Y/N places her guitar case next to the stage. They patiently wait and talk for a little bit as they wait for Eddie’s band. Soon enough, they hear the name ‘Corroded Coffin’ being announced on stage.
You watch as Eddie pours his heart and soul into his performance as his passion for guitar shines through. Chrissy wishes she could watch as deeply as you are, but she can’t help but pay attention to how whenever Eddie looks down at their table, his eyes travel to Y/N. 
The band finished up their last song and then walked off stage. As Eddie is putting his guitar back in his case, he hears the bar owner announce, “We have one more performance tonight! Please welcome, Y/N!”. Eddie perks up at this and immediately his attention is on the stage. Chrissy sees this. She nervously plays with the ribbon in her hair and looks at how Eddie’s eyes never left you as you walk onto the stage with your guitar.
Chrissy knows Eddie loves her, no doubt about it, but seeing the way Y/N and Eddie have bonded over the past few weeks, she knew his love for her was slowly decaying. They had so much in common, she should have seen it coming sooner. And Chrissy being the sweet girl that she is, couldn’t bring herself to be mad at it. She’s had her fair experiences with love and is well aware that you can’t choose who you fall for. 
She brings her focus back to the stage as Y/N starts playing guitar and eventually singing her most recent lyrics. ‘They even have similar writing styles’, Chrissy thinks to herself. She sighs and looks down at her hands. She loves Eddie, but this isn’t right. Chrissy isn’t the girl he wants anymore. Those years he spent pinning over her have gone to waste, which hurts Chrissy to admit.
She looked over at Eddie and that’s all it took for her to accept what was going to have to happen. His eyes were so full of admiration, lust, and love. The same way he used to look at her. 
Y/N walks off stage and Eddie immediately runs to her and gives her a hug so big he’s picking her off the ground. Y/N is first to break it as she knows Chrissy is right behind them. Chrissy notices this and sadly smiles to herself. She can’t even blame Y/N. She could tell how Y/N always made sure to respect their relationship and set boundaries. Y/N always made sure Eddie was spending more time with Chrissy than he was with her, she always made sure Eddie still walked Chrissy to practice after school even when he would offer to walk Y/N to her car, and she always made sure Eddie never stopped showing his love to Chrissy. 
Chrissy feels a tear slide down her face but quickly wipes it when the two of them start making their way over. 
“You guys were great!”, Chrissy cheers. 
“Thank you.” Both Eddie and Y/N say, almost in sync.
They finish up their night at the hideout with some fries and drinks then eventually head back out to Eddie’s van. Y/N is first to be dropped off which leaves the couple alone.
 “Eddie?”, Chrissy says sadly. 
“Yeah, Chris?” Eddie replies as he head bops to the music playing on the car radio.
“We need to talk.”
Eddie pulls up to Chrissy's house and stops the van in her driveway. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He asks.
 “I think we should break up.” 
Eddie sits in shock for a few moments before turning to face Chrissy and asks why. “Eddie, you know I love you and I know you have love for me. But you’re no longer in love with me.”, Chrissy says with watery eyes.
“Woah, woah, woah. What makes you think that, Chris?” Eddie says as he reaches for Chrissy’s hand, only for her to pull it away. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know, Eds. You like her, don’t you?”
At her words, Eddie looks down, refusing to make eye contact. His silence confirms Chrissy’s question. 
“It’s okay, Eddie.” “No, it’s not. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” Eddie’s eyes start to gather tears as he still has yet to look up at Chrissy. “What do you mean?” Chrissy asks with furrowed eyebrows. “I mean,” he sighs before continuing, “I’ve had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. Never once have I ever felt that way towards another girl, so when me and you got together, I was the happiest man in the world. I truly started to believe that opposites do attract,” He finally looks up at Chrissy as he says, “but I think that’s only because I thought there was no other girl out there that was like me. But then I met Y/N.” Chrissy looks at him with sad eyes, but a soft smile. Eddie returns a sad smile back. “I really am sorry, Chris. This isn’t how I meant for things to go. But I do want you to know I truly was happy with you and I enjoyed our time together.” “It’s okay, Eddie. And me too. I don’t want to trap you in a relationship that you don’t want to be in.”
They sit in awkward, yet somewhat comforting silence for a moment before Chrissy asks one last question, “When did you know you fell for her?” “Today, actually. At the hideout.” This somewhat shocked Chrissy as she would've thought it’d be way earlier, though she lets Eddie continue, “Sure, these past few weeks my crush for her did start to develop, but it felt wrong considering I’m with- or well, I was with you, so I pushed the thought of being with her to the back of my mind. But seeing her today on that stage, I couldn’t hide it from myself anymore.” Eddie says, looking at his lap, somewhat disappointed at himself. He had been chasing Chrissy for years, and once he finally got the girl his heart decides to do a whole u-turn on him.
“Again, Chrissy, I really am sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Eddie. It’s okay. Go get her.” Chrissy says with a happier smile this time. Even though the smile was definitely forced, Eddie smiled back and gave Chrissy one last hug as a goodbye.
Eddie pulls out of Chrissy’s driveway and heads straight for Y/N’s house.
He climbs to her bedroom window and knocks. Y/N opens her curtains, not surprised to see Eddie as he surprised her with a similar visit a week ago for a quick smoke sesh. She opens the window and welcomes him in. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He pants out, slightly out of breath from climbing through your window.
“What’s up, Eddie?” Y/N asks. She notices Eddie is fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, a habit of his she recently noticed. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something. About us.” He says, head down as he can’t bring himself to make eye contact. He notices the shift in Y/N’s stance, sensing that she probably has an idea of what he’s about to say. 
“I like you.”
 She sighs before saying, “Eddie-” 
“I know,” Eddie cuts her off, “I know, I know, me and Chrissy. But we broke up.” Y/N looks up at him with shocked eyes and says, “What?! Why would you dump her for me?” Eddie grabs both of Y/N’s hands into his and looks her in the eye as he says, “She dumped me, Y/N.” Y/N takes her hands from his and puts them in her hair, slightly panicking. “No, no, no, no, I feel like a homewrecker, Eddie. This is wrong.” “I know it is, but I can’t control my feelings, Y/N.” 
He sits on the edge of her bed. She takes a seat next to him and deeply sighs. “I don’t even know what to say, Eddie.” He looks down at her and puts her hand in his once again. “Just say how you feel. If you don’t feel the same way, it’s fine. I can get up and leave and pretend this conversation didn’t even happen.” Y/N sighs once again as she responds, “Eddie, I like you too. But this feels so wrong.”
Eddie’s heart lightens at her confession. He smiles to himself before saying, “It’s all up to you, love. If it makes you feel any better, this was all Chrissy’s idea. I don’t want you to think she hates you for taking me away from her. None of this is your fault, okay?” He places a finger under her chin and lifts her face up to meet him eye to eye. He can tell how her eyes are full of so many different emotions right now, but he gives her a reassuring look.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I want to be with you, Eddie.”
“That’s all you had to say, sweetheart.” He replies with a smile, slowly bringing her face to his and letting their lips connect.
Y/N feels the guilt seep into her gut as she kisses Eddie, but can’t bring herself to stop. She had been crushing on this boy the moment she laid eyes on him. Sitting at the table next to his was totally not on purpose. She of course feels for Chrissy, but when Eddie and Y/N walked into school the next day hand in hand, she saw Chrissy give her a genuine smile and a thumbs up, and all of a sudden the guilt slowly started to disappear. 
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valyalyon · 5 months
4 Roadside Rhapsody
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CW: explicit language, controlling behavior, descriptions of stripping, dirty smut wut can i say, unprotected intercourse, p in v, slight jealousy towards the end. 2.1K words.
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Into mid-November and immediately after his performances Rocco began growing in popularity throughout the Lilac Gorge. There was a lot of talk about his music, there was a lot of attention on him from locals and visitors when he entered the club.
When he’d enter, Angel would be under his arm, always in a short dress and her puffer jackets.
Her hair had gotten cut now and was at her shoulders, but the whole point was for her face to be accentuated by her short hair, and her body to be highlighted by the dresses and jewelry Rocco draped her in.
She was happy in a weird way, but found herself resenting all the attention. She was ecstatic for him to have the attention, yet she was jealous. Angel desired his attention, his brown eyes on hers.
He was so good at giving her validation. He treated her like his partner, like a final decisions manager, and he always looked off during his performances. During these trail offs, he’d meet her green eyes and sing just to her.
Her heart raced, feeling as if in those moments they shared some spatial connection that no one else would get to have. That made her less jealous.
Front row, every show like a hype man. Sing along word for word watching my bae.
Angel always had a spot near the stage, and she loved listening to him. Most of the time the clubs paid him to sing radio classics, but when he’d sing songs he was writing, Angel felt so special.
She sang quietly to those with him, her eyes so excited as she watched him move along the stage. She never made a sound, she was too shy for that, but she loved watching him perform. He was in his element.
Whether the crowd knew the song or not, everyone always loved Rocco. He was just so pleasantly show stealing without being overwhelming, and he was crazy charming.
She watched him wondering why she always found herself so enthralled with these types of men. The types to gather attention to him like a light to moths. They were always beyond human, they were God like and powerful.
She couldn’t figure it out, but Rocco made eye contact with her from the stage, and her mind dissolved as she listened to his singing and faded into the background.
You and I, so who do we trust? You and I, until the day we die. Groupie love.
When the show ended, everyone disappeared from the stage, with Rocco and Angel disappearing into the changing room they had for talent.
It was a decently nice room with a comfortable sofa, an area for clothes, and a mirror. The lights in the room were identical to the lights in the club, so you’d do your make up to look good in the dark.
Angel followed him into the room. The tall, dark man had shades on in the bright hallways. Maybe he’d look ridiculous with the shades, if it wasn’t him. He just exuded charm, so he was easy to forgive for anything.
He wore a light weight button down in a lilac color, and she was wearing a dress that matched. The dress was as short as he liked it.
Soon as they entered the changing room, Rocco began to kiss Angel, “fuck, Star… this dress looks amazing on you, you looked perfect sitting in the crowd.”
“Was I your favorite girl to look at?” Angel asked him, teasing him and returning his kiss with her open mouth.
“I haven’t been looking at any other girls since I met you,” Rocco promised, lifting her dress to feel her bare ass, “I was thinking about you, and this… the whole damn time.”
“How’d you not get hard?” Angel again poked him.
Rocco laughed and then pulled away, noticing he was still wearing his shades. He took them off and set them on the vanity, taking Angel’s hand and kissing it, “I didn’t get hard because I couldn’t disrespect you like that.”
Angel laughed, pulling her hand away and walking away from him, “sit on the chair.”
He did as she asked, and she came around him. She started by rubbing his shoulders in the dark room, humming a song that he had been singing. The massage caused Rocco to groan happily, leaning his head back.
She loved that she got to experience being a stripper. Everything about Angel was sex appeal. She was beautiful, hard to ignore, but besides the physical — her personality and eyes always drew people near her.
Her green eyes were sweet, and didn’t carve into your soul. Her touch was electric to anyone that got near her.
Satisfied, Angel moved around to the front of his body, touching him with a finger as she moved. Once in front of him, she sat her ass down on his lap, beginning to grind and dance on it.
She was singing a song in her head, humming it aloud for Rocco to hear, but he was just mesmerized. Her hips moved so hotly, and sure he’d noticed that during sex… But, they’d never really danced together until that moment.
Rocco sighed, touching along the back of her dress, “you look so good.”
As she moved her body along his growing bulge, she began to shed her dress, slipping out of it sexily. His hands went to her waist, but she grabbed his hand and removed it, “no, no…”
“Why not?” Rocco asked, rubbing his crotch against her grinding, covered pussy.
“I can touch you, you can’t touch me. Don’t just forget the rules,” Angel spoke firmly, and continued her seduction of Rocco.
It only intensified as she got on her knees, and began to pull his pants off. His bulge only got scarier without his pants, his underwear holding on tightly to the fighting cock.
She moved up, pulling his boxers down and inviting his cock out to play. Her breasts, out of her dress, pressed to his cock. She spit on her tits and rubbed her nipples into the saliva, spreading it over his tip with her tits.
He groaned, and went to touch her, but stopped himself, “fuck, Star… fuck, that’s a really bad girl, not letting me touch you.”
“Promise, I’m not,” She told him, standing up and pulling her panties down in front of him. She was bent over, showing him her wet pussy. He wanted to eat her, taste her, suck on her clit, but he wasn’t allowed to touch. He watched with anger increasing.
She lowered her pussy down onto his cock, not on his tip, but along his shaft, rubbing her ass up and down as she moved. She kept humming that song, her tits moved freely. Rocco couldn’t help himself, and started grinding back, guiding his cock into a moaning Angel.
“Mmm, Rocco…” She gasped and looked back at him dramatically, knowing this had been her plan along.
He started by making sure he was all the way in, and then he told her, “keep moving that ass like you were just a second ago. You were being all sexy and stuff, keep it going then!”
So she did, moaning timidly, but moving her hips expertly along his cock. He bit his lip watching it happen, “fuck, Star… that’s my Star…”
Her hips shook, dropping her fat ass down while her pussy swallowed up his cock. She was hot and wet, and he was rubbing her clit without permission while her moans got louder.
He felt himself on the verge, his thrusts starting to slow as he attempted to temper himself, “I’m going to cum very soon, I need you to suck my cock.”
This time, though, she didn’t jump off. Instead, she increased her speed, and looked back at him, her lips trembling, “what if I let you cum in my pussy?”
Rocco’s breath hitched, “you sure about that?”
“Fill me up, Rocco,” Angel encouraged him, dropping her hips along his shaft. She wanted to take every inch of his cock, she wanted him to feel this good.
He continues thrusting along with her, his mind lost at what must have changed her mind. He doesn’t care though, given the opportunity to cum in her? To fill her up? That wasn’t worth questioning.
He finished with a groan, bursting all the way into her. She felt her pussy tighten to try and take all his cum in, then felt the excess begin to leak out. She lowered her hips, trying to collect everything that fell out.
Too sensitive to keep fucking her in the same position, Rocco lifted her off of him and took her to the sofa in the room, laying her down.
“That was so amazing,” he leaned forward to kiss her, squeezing her breasts in his hands.
Angel smiled and kissed him back, “I wanted to feel you, Rocco. Did you like it?”
“It was the best I’ve ever had,” Rocco promised her, kissing her again on the mouth and groaning, “fuck, we can’t stay here… Come on, get dressed… We’ll finish at the van.”
Angel at first lazily hesitated, but after a sexual choking from Rocco and a couple more deep strokes in her pussy, she got up happily after Rocco.
She put herself back together, and they exited the building. The little town audience had gathered outside waiting for Rocco, and countless people asked for autographs.
Rocco signed away, a quiet Angel holding onto his coat while he met so many different people. There was last a woman, about Rocco’s age and older than Angel, with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She was pretty and Angel immediately didn’t like her.
When she spoke to Rocco, she told him, “my name’s Grace, I’m actually a drummer with my own set. If you ever need someone to play percussion for you… I’m your girl.”
Angel watched Grace. The woman looked at the smaller girl, smiling at her and then turning her attention back to Rocco, “here’s my card.”
She handed Rocco a card with her name and number on it, and then asked for an autograph on her arm. Rocco gave her the signature, placing her info card in his coat pocket, “I’ll be sure to reach out then if I see myself needing drums.”
Grace smiled at him and walked away. Angel counted in her head, trying to stay calm and not freak out unnecessarily.
Rocco led her to the van, and soon the two were inside, having sex again. Angel couldn’t shake the thoughts of the woman, though, and she spoke, “if you hire Grace, she’ll try to sleep with you.”
Rocco was in the middle of plowing into Angel from behind, “what? She didn’t give off the vibe at all.”
He didn’t slow down, mostly because the conversation just wasn’t important to him — he had no interest in Grace and wouldn’t sleep with her even if she was being presented to him on a silver platter. He had Angel and he couldn’t get enough of her.
Still, Angel was nervous as she spoke, “do you want to sleep with another woman?”
Rocco stopped, “No! I’m happy with you, just you, since I met you. I don’t want anyone else. How could I? You give me so much and I’m constantly hungry for you.”
Angel seemed satisfied for now, kissing Rocco and pulling away. She asked him to lay down and she got on top of him, dropping her fat ass down along his thick cock.
She moaned with every thrust that ripped her pussy open, his hands hungrily and greedily littered bites and kisses along her breasts and neck.
Her voice peaked as she felt him begin to fill her again. He’s erupting into her pussy with just as much cum as he had earlier. Her pussy is soaking wet from his semen.
They kiss tongue to tongue, holding each other before pulling away.
“Hot,” Angel commented, fanning herself with her hand, “sometimes you fuck me too good.” She slipped her panties on to capture the cream leaking out of her, and then moved to the passenger seat.
She was naked except for her panties, luckily there was a sun vizor covering each window, but she blasted the AC to get some relief from the heat of sex.
Rocco laughed, but he was drenched in sweat so he joined her the moment he’d cleaned off his cock.
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Rocco's storyline is... not gonna lie here... probably my least favorite to write. Which, knowing what's coming? I feel like that's saying a lot! Another pretty short one, but I feel like this story is going to wrap pretty nicely and I think I'm going to enjoy finishing the last post for everyone. Stick around cuties pies ;) <3 Songs below
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SONG REFERENCES Groupie Love by Lana del Rey featuring A$AP Rocky
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galaxysharks · 1 year
Ej was such a big brother to Maddox. Just the pure joy when he saw her having fun, he humors her so much and it means everything.
Imagine Ej's earlier years at the camp:
Jock!Baby!Elton gets sent to Shallow Lake cause camp 'builds character' and Cash can't be bothered to raise his one and only son.
Ej figures he will coast by in the ensemble/security/person who can lift things.
Realizes quickly that all the fun tools and props are locked up to keep unsupervised children away from them, as instructed by the director.
Trys unsuccessfully to charm director because the old man can tell when a kid is helping, and when one just wants access to things that can make fire.
That's when he notices that the weird little tween that only speaks to the director and tinkers with the tech equipment has the only other set of keys.
Que: Operation: get keys to fireworks part 2.
Report: Mission failed because Maddox doesn't understand metaphors for stealing minor explosives and won't break rules anyway. Also never leaves them anywhere, so he can't just take them.
Ej decides to pretend to befriend this girl until she trusts him to have keys, and because he is at this point a proto-Cash, he does this by suggesting she do stereotypical 'camp' behaviors like playing reveille at 7 am, or asking for secrets in the cabins, or any other amount of behaviors that would get her socially eviscerated. He figures most of the camp would follow his lead, so he just needs to play nice for a few days, then they can do whatever while he gets to explode things. Starts calling her Gadget, cause he can't remember her name.
Except Maddox Loves Camp. To her, Ej is rapidly becoming her best friend because he actually wants to be around her, and do the things she loves. Sure Val listens to her, but Maddox's too awkward around pretty girls to have any real conversations, and Ej is even giving her suggestions to make this summer even more like the old movies.
Val pulls Ej aside like: Don't you fucking dare make fun of this child, she's going through things right now..
Ej get 0.001% into this plan and realizes, oh shit she's adorable, I can't let people ruin this for her.
Cue Mr. Elton Jock wholeheartedly throwing himself into every one of these stupid challenges and traditions. Taunting and egging on everyone and generally becoming the helpful kind of menace to society that makes the weird parts of a summer camp seem fun.
The first night the camp serves tacos, and that's awesome, but Maddox tells him it's not usually a great idea to eat twelve of them at once.
Spoiler: she's right. Ej spends a morning dedicated to vomit and pain in the medical cabin. Maddox sits with him and helps him read lines for his different ensemble characters in between laughing at him and dodging Val bringing him more water and crackers.
They are assigned to the same tent in the wooded camp out night, because the director has noticed, and she usually takes a solo tent, which is not a good look for their safety rating.
She's jumping at shadows and hiding as soon as the tale of Susan Fine is over. She knows it's not real, but she's still freaked out by it.
Ej tells her that they're going to make it real, and she won't be scared cause she'll know what 'susan fine' will be doing all night. Maddox is going to be the woman in the woods, he'll be a shrub monster and they can scare people together.
He buys a large pack of twizzlers, some geodes, and candles from the local shop, and they set up the first ever Susan Fine shrine.
They collect a record 11 full screams and 1 full tackle from some kid named Johnny that breaks things alot.
After they've had their fun, Ej and Maddox spend the night making up a dumb camp song. With references to the taco disaster and the scary stories.
They perform at a mid-week talent show, and get a request for an encore at camp prom.
During color wars, Ej notices Maddox was missing, and Val tells him she helps the director set up the fireworks every year, but she'll be back in time for the sing-off.
At this point Ej is having more fun doing the color wars than he would have had stealing the fireworks to begin with.
She saves him a bottle rocket. They launch it later and Ej catches his shorts on fire. once he is put out and in his boxers, Maddox and Val try to find something between them for him to wear. When cleaning Val notices a patch on the inside lining of the burnt shorts 'Elton John Caswell'. Maddox laughs at him and calls him Rocketman.
Most of camp thinks it is because of the bottle rocket, but Val and Maddox know.
Uses his call from winning color wars to tell Cash that he'll take some business courses in school if he gets to come back to camp every year.
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kiri-cuts · 1 year
A bid for Black Sabbath bravado in “Friday Night Lights”
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Within the pilot episode of the masterful mid-’00s teen drama “Friday Night Lights,” we’re presented with two best friends. There’s the all-American, wholesome good boy, Jason Street (Scott Porter) -- the star quarterback of the Dillon Panthers, with little else but a bright future glistening in the crosshairs of his steely focus. And then, there’s his lifelong pal, Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch) -- a lovable party boy who turns up to practice with vodka on his breath, and who has seemingly accepted the inheritance of a dead-end future from his deadbeat dad. If Lux Lisbon would have survived “The Virgin Suicides” to have a kid with Trip Fontaine, it would have grown up to be Tim. 
Set in the small town of Dillon, Texas, the two teens occupy vastly different corners of the pigskin pressure cooker within which they exist. Nice guys like Street do well a place like Dillon, and he has everything going for him -- incredible career prospects, a head cheerleader for a girlfriend, and the entire town’s adulation. 
Meanwhile, Riggins is shown to be a reckless rogue, forgiven for his sins only because of how great he plays ‘ball -- and how much the ladies love him. You can see him souring between scenes and his burnout feels inevitable and overdue -- living with his brother amidst a blur of blondes and beer bottles, with nary an emotion in sight. While Street trains and studies and earns his place on the pitch, Riggins emerges with all the discipline of Iggy Pop on a stage full of broken glass -- raw and wounded, he takes whatever fire might fuel that inevitable burnout and pours it like kerosene onto the field. 
At a Panther’s Party hosted at Garrity’s Automobile -- the hottest ticket in town, folks! -- Dillon’s mayor, Lucy Rodell, squares up to Street to tell him some home truths. “You’re a nice boy,” she tells him. “And you got great manners.” And while he’s politely Yes ma’am-ing it up in response, she cuts to the chase. “Knock it off. You can't go into the game tomorrow night like that,” she proclaims. “Carpet bomb 'em, you understand? ...  Chew 'em up, spit 'em out.”
A closeted lesbian who clearly knows her way around unleashing a certain amount of repressed energy wherever she can, Rodell recommends that he listen to the early work of Black Sabbath, assuring him, “It’ll make you mean.” Boys can’t be soft and nice. Winners have to be mean and gristly. The survival of the town depends on this mentality: It chugs at a fountain of toxic masculinity and it lays waste to those who cannot swallow the broth and conform. 
During an episode of the podcast, “It’s Not Only Football: ‘Friday Night Lights And Beyond,” Porter revealed that the sequence wasn’t scripted. But it certainly sets up the tone for the rest of the episode, if not the rest of the show. After all, it was Black Sabbath who performed, “Killing Yourself To Live” in 1973, with singer, Ozzy Osbourne -- a good boy who arguably had to make himself mean to survive -- singing, “How people look and people stare, well I don't think that I even care. You rot your life away and what do they give? You're only killing yourself to live.”
And while the song’s lyrics may be about the hollow nature of the music industry, the song could certainly apply to a small town community that rests all its hopes, fortunes, and futures on the score card of a teenage sports team -- no matter the cost. 
That certainly feels true when Street becomes paralysed after experiencing a catastrophic spinal injury during a tackle on game night. The Rodell scene might have been played for laughs, but it lurches back into focus like a harsh foreshadowing: Was Street too nice? Too polite? If he would have been tougher, meaner, nastier, would his body have experienced the impact of another body differently? Would he have been protected by the dark arts of Black Sabbath?
Obviously, the answer is no. As Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) reaffirms to Street, his team, and just about anyone else who needs to hear it, the tragedy was blameless. Unfortunate but unavoidable. Life is cruel. Unpredictable. Much of “Friday Night Lights” pivots around this problem -- like a coach drawing up the strategy of an upcoming game, you have to decide how you’re going to play against the obstacles of being alive. 
Alas, though apt, “Killing yourself to live” isn’t the mantra of the Dillon Panthers, but rather the searingly motivational, “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.” Like much of the storytelling on “Friday Night Lights,” the team motto doesn’t just apply to football -- it’s also a sturdy life affirmation that just about anyone in need can scribble onto the desperation of their morning journals. It’s a statement that urges anyone who can pay attention to it to remain sweet and vulnerable in the face of adversity. You’ll be dealt tough tackles, the mantra insists, but don’t lose yourself in the pursuit to overcome them. 
Ultimately, it’s a mantra that suggests that softness, sweetness, and niceness can also create winners -- but it’s all about strategy. It’s no good being soft, sweet, and nice if you don’t how to apply those qualities properly. Alas, the universe -- and other people -- are generally not so kind. Make yourself too pliable, and life will contort and reshape you into something you may not recognise -- or at the very least, may not want to recognise.   As the show progresses, it becomes evident that much of “Friday Night Lights” also pivots around the “Can’t lose” aspect of that mantra. Say it isolated, without the eyes and the heart, and it sounds desperate -- almost deranged. For many of the male characters, their arcs in the show center around how they reckon with failure, tragedy, and defeat: What loss does to masculinity and how others perceive it. 
For Street, it hardens him. But it’s earned. 
During an appearance on “It’s Not Only Football,” the showrunner of “Friday Night Lights,” Jason Katims, revealed that in the development of the show, he was drawn to the idea of producing stories about marginalised people. “There were very few shows at the time -- or movies for that matter -- that really looked at real small town America [and that were] about people that weren’t privileged,” he explained. “Television, even the good television, was really about privilege.”
In the world of “Friday Night Lights,” all fortune is predicated on football. If you’re within the vicinity of the ball, then you wield a certain amount of privilege. Whether you’re a player, a coach, a financer, or a loved one of any of these people, then you probably have a little of power to leverage within Dillon. But that isn’t to say that this power is versatile or something that can be wielded within the real world.  After all, it becomes quickly apparent that being a part of the game doesn’t protect any of these characters from the indignities of prejudice. Nor does it salvage against the sort of failure that becomes of a person who isn’t equipped with the same access to opportunities as those with more privilege.
With the exception of a sacred few well-to-do, able-bodied white folk in the show, “Friday Night Lights” is populated by characters who are weighed down by obstacles related to poverty, abuse, race, gender, addiction, homophobia, and disability. However, part of the show’s charm is how it centers on these characters not so much overcoming these obstacles, but rather rising above the prejudice and bullshit of it all so they can figure out how to live their lives on their own terms. Even if that means leaving small-town Dillon, Texas -- and the team -- in the process.  
In the pilot episode, Street is presented as being perhaps the most privileged person in Dillon. His parents appear to be happily married and of a fair, stable income. He’s straight, able-bodied, athletically gifted, good looking -- and, impossibly, almost ridiculously humble about all of it. But with one injury, much of that changes. He’s forced to reckon with being paraplegic while watching his family’s savings and income be stripped to the bone due to medical expenses and rehabilitation. 
He’s reconfigured by the community that once heralded him a hero, and he loses access to almost all the corners of the world and the people that meant anything to him: His game, his girlfriend, his best friend. 
While Street reconfigures his idea of masculinity -- featuring some bold declarations about simply being a cripple who wants to listen to Nirvana, moooom -- and toughens up in the process, Riggins stops fighting his emotions, and softens up, instead. When Street becomes paralysed, something inside his best friend breaks open and for episode after episode, he lets life pulvarise him into a tender steak of emotional frailty -- and it’s rare that he ever gets a swing in, himself. It’s a far cry from the beer chugging emo-void of episode one. Regardless, although Street accepts a tougher interior, he nevertheless maintains his heart. He might speak up for himself more now, but his actions are rarely cruel or without merit. 
The character arcs of “Friday Night Lights” lean against this same principle again and again -- the people who prevail aren’t necessarily the ones who give in to the impulse to strike back and be spiteful or seek vengeance. But rather, its those who allow themselves to be vulnerable -- who take the hits without striking back and who rise above, soft and strong. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. 
But there’s someone who can put this far better than I ever could. At the end of the pilot episode, Coach Taylor makes a rousing speech to his wounded team. They’ve just watched their friend and teammate be carried off the field, his parents and girlfriend screaming from the rafters. Pushing their feelings aside, they were forced to continue the game and not lose sight of the goal. 
“Life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable. And we will all, at some point in our lives ... fall. We will all fall,” he tells them. “We must carry this in our hearts, that what we have is special. That it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us, we will be tested ... It is these times, it is this pain, that allows us to look inside ourselves.”
Crucially, “Friday Night Lights” hangs its cap upon the stern fist pumps of this speech. It’s a sentiment that offers the reminder that nothing is owed, and everything is earned. Mayor Rodell had it wrong when she encouraged Street to get mean and obliterate the opposition. What the show suggests is that the only path to true success and accord is to leave yourself open to being the one to get chewed up and spat out by life, not the other way around. The victory can be found in however you emerge from the other side. It takes courage to be vulnerable -- and to be vulnerable requires a period of transformation.  Even Black Sabbath dropped their meanness and bat-snacking to reckon with heartbreak via a piano-ballad, “Changes”  -- “The world had its evil way. My heart was blinded, love went astray.” Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose, boys. 
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Tel Aviv 2019 – Semi-Final 1
Host: Israel Slogan: “Dare to Dream” Participants: 41 Voting method: 12-point system (50/50 system - separated) Format: 2 Semi-Finals / Grand Final = the top 10 of semi 1 & 2 + the Big 5 + host
General Overview:
I just finished a year with super imbalanced semi-finals, and now I get to do... another year with super imbalanced semi-finals! Except it's the reverse of 2018. This time, SF1 is the “mid-off” and SF2 is the “bloodbath”. In fact, none of this year's top EIGHT comes from SF1.
2019 sees Israel host the last contest of the decade for a third time (after 1979 and 1999). While the number of participants drops to 41. Bulgaria left for financial reasons. And Ukraine were forced to withdraw after Maruv refused to sign a contract that restricted her from performing in Russia. The 2nd and 3rd placers in Vidbir also declined to replace her. A real shame, since “Siren Song” would be a contender for my #1 this year.
The presenters are Erez Tal, Bar Refaeli, Assi Azar and Lucy Ayoub. Their humour isn't as strong as Petra and Måns or the Portuguese team. But I still find them amusing. Erez is my favourite; I laughed when he mocked the waving audience members. The other memorable jokes tonight were: Assi sneaking into Bar's shot, Assi pulling up a shirtless pic of Miki, and the empty CD/DVD reveal.
The show opens with a 5-year-old Netta and her family watching Dana International win in 1998. She takes this inspiration to sing “Toy” at a kids talent show. This cuts to a recap of her 2018 winning moment. Next, we go inside the arena, where a bunch of robotic “look at me”'s and flashing bars of light set up Netta's grand entrance – where she comes out of a giant cat figurine. Then she sings a remix of “Toy” that changes production several times, including a chicken clucking beat at first. She also unleashes a crazy note at one point. It's a hype opener, I'll admit that.
The interval stars Dana International singing a cover of Bruno Mars's “Just the Way You Are”. Her performance starts in her dressing room, then she walks down a hallway that leads to the stage. Once on stage, there's a kiss cam showing straight and gay couples kissing. Dana is there to spread love! Next, we see a montage of the 2019 artists dancing in the postcards... this is pure filler. And later, there's a DJ Earworm-style mash-up of famous Eurovision songs from the past. I liked that one.
Australia wins this semi-final, despite placing 2nd in the televote and 3rd with the juries. The televote winners is... Iceland. Didn't see that coming. While the jury winner is Czechia, because of course it is. The public saved San Marino at the expense of Hungary. While the juries saved Belarus at the expense of Poland. Poland was 2 points away from qualifying, actually.
✓ Cyprus: Tamta - Replay 2019 kicks off with “Fuego” 2.0! Both songs have Major Lazer-esque production and female singers acting playfully dominant (“You've got a problem”... “I'm the one to blame... “I know you miss the taste”). The subject twists and turns at 2AM craving Tamta, so they call her “early in the morning” for an undercover booty call. But she's not a tease, she's “all in tonight”. The title “Replay” implies this is a recurring thing. The song is also catchy AF, particularly the “THAT'S WHEN YOU CALL ME” / “EARLY IN THE MORNING” repetition shouts and the “replay-replay-replay” stutters (it replays the word replay!) The stutters have a jittery visual effect too. On stage, Tamta wears shiny leather and turns to the side a lot. There's also 4 dancing cowboys. They move their hands into the frame and remove her jacket later on. She then gets sensual during the bridge. The performance starts with the spotlight turning on/off on Tamta as well. And the black clothing theme is contrasted by 6 pillars of white light. Musically, “Replay” opens with laggy guitar plucks. Then the first verse suppresses the plucks, while inserting a few purring motor bursts (like the song is glitching), and adds taps midway to get things moving. The chorus stops the beat via a slam, like it's had enough. Then the beat returns and builds up, pausing on the main lyric. Then broken stutter ticks lead to the brass-y “womp-womp” drop. That drop makes you sink on the dancefloor. The bridge is a cool down. And there's pyro bangs to start the last chorus, which keeps the beat this time.
× Montenegro: D mol - Heaven This just sound like Christian music on a beach. No thanks. The group harmonies, the wholesome smiles, and the white outfits give that vibe. The vocals, staging, and instrumental are messy as well. The chorus uses the word “falling” too many times. The odd camera angles don't really work – I don't like how they keep turning towards the camera. Their different placements on stage at the start look random. And I cringe when they all look up to heaven. Moreover, the lyrics aren't profound. The narrator was left lonely, heartbroken and empty before they found love. They felt naked, blind and ready to give up. That's the entire story. The first verse repeats a few words, but not in a noticeable way. The “I'll catch you while you're falling” line feels shoehorned in too. The group even tries to catch one of them from falling at the end... which is also cringe. And the instrumental has WAY too much going on. It doesn't mix traditional and modern very well. The intro feels “off”, with squeals, snaps, and a warped siren. The first verse is mainly piano, with a bit of traditional strings and echoing steps. There's a splash transition. Then the chorus has a snappy beat, pan flutes, and more squeals; followed by a string break. The song's tempo increases from this point on. There's quacks in the 2nd half. Verse 2 reduces to computer “blips” midway, followed by a hip-hop-ish drum, a quick pause and a thunderclap. And the song ends with more strings. Nothing about this entry works.
× Finland: Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away Finland selects the DJ behind the “Sandstorm” meme, while UMK chooses the song. It was the same with Saara Aalto last year. But “Look Away” finished dead last in SF1. The melody is limp, the “drop” is nothing, and the “look away”s in the chorus are never-ending. The “is it in my heaaaaad” hook is fine though. The song's message is about how we “look away” from the serious issues affecting our world. Sebastian is done with singing about love; this is more important. He can't ignore what's happening. He wonders how we sleep at night and questions if he's the only one mentally affected by this. Musically, the song starts with two drum kicks, then the dance club piano and buzzing comes in. Those kicks are reused for transitions. While the pre-chorus piano is more isolated. Then there's a beat acceleration at the beginning, middle, and end of the “drop”. But the “drop” plays it too safe and doesn't change things up enough – it's just a faster tempo. Things briefly cool off before verse 2, which adds splashy drums. The next pre-chorus uses antsy guitar and a slower boom-boom-splash beat. The latter is repeated at the end of the song. The staging is the best aspect though. It involves a random dancer, all alone on the main stage, moving against a wind machine with seawater on the LED behind her. Midway through, she “disappears” into darkness, and is shown drowning on the LED. Then she “magically” returns to the stage. I guess magic works when you look away.
× Poland: Tulia - Fire of Love (Pali się) “White Voice” singing is polarizing. The first few seconds of “Fire of Love” involves ear-splitting shrieks... it's not a good first impression. But the verses salvage this somewhat. There's an electric guitar that runs through them that slices through everything and gives a bad-ass attitude. It's just the sneering, high-pitched chorus vocals that are grating. Although they do serve a purpose. “Pali się” is the Polish way of shouting “FIRE! FIRE!” to alarm someone. So Tulia are literally shouting “FIRE! FIRE!” in that chorus. Lyrically, the song is about how love will melt the frozen, doubting heart. How it'll free the abandoned, indifferent heart that's hard as stone and feels nothing. All it takes is one small spark. And then the fire brigade is useless! On stage, the 4 women stand on a spinning platform, while dressed in traditional attire. They're draped in long red veils that they remove in unison early on. And the LED shows their faces one at a time. After that a cappella shrieking intro is over with, the electric guitar and claps jump in right away, alongside an “ah huh ah huh” chant. The guitar groove drives the verses, with light stomps and hi-hat. While the chorus is a clappy schoolyard chant with tambourine jingles. There's a pause after each chorus before the guitar returns. And the 3rd verse delays the guitar even longer for an audience clap-a-long moment. The song also begins and ends in English.
✓ Slovenia: Zalagasper - Sebi “Sebi” expresses intimacy so well, with Zala's minimalist vocal, the chill instrumental, and how the couple stands very close to each other. She looks directly at Gašper while he takes in what she says. He alternates between smiles and serious faces. And he breaks eye contact a few times to look at his instruments as a distraction. The camera also spins around them, and the LED shows a starry night sky. There's a nighttime ambience here. “Sebi” is a late night conversation, where Zala offers her support when Gašper feels overwhelmed. She says progress keeps her going. That she goes with the flow and resists it. That it's okay to cry. That they accept each other despite different desires. That he doesn't need to prove himself. Not everything has a meaning; nothing is forever; and common tears and fears create a bond. The chorus, meanwhile, repeats the words “Stay true to yourself / Don't tell me to forgive you”. The message is that you don't have to be a perfect person in a relationship. Zala is taking that pressure off. The production is very atmospheric and quirky as well. The intro has dark dreamy keyboards, hollow knocks, broken metal tick rattles, and computerized claps. While the verses reduce to just knocks and taps, with some purring motor bits. Verse 2 has more rattles though. And the chorus is the same as the intro. They both soar. There's some distant voices in there too. None of these quirks clash either. It's smooth. Zala's vocal might seem boring, but the chorus melody makes up for it.
✓ Czech Republic: Lake Malawi - Friend of a Friend The “Don't Come Easy”/“Dance You Off” of 2019. There's so much awkward energy here - the nervous smiles, the spoken word pre-chorus, the lead singer hopping backwards, his dance moves, him sliding/falling to the floor, him gesturing the camera to follow him. And it's like they're acting awkward on purpose, which comes across pretentious. I do like the editing though. Each band member is inside a rectangular frame, and during the chorus, their frames multiply and shift around, while the LED alternates bold colours. They wear bold sweaters too (black, yellow, or red). But those are Belgium flag colours, not Malawi. Also, the lyrics are asinine. The singer overhears his crush making love next door, and later upstairs. This must be an apartment. They were neighbours at 13 but now she's just a “friend of a friend of a...” etc. I don't really like that hook. He still dreams about meeting up, saying “I'm your man”, even though he forgot her name. This is one-sided. I think it's meant to be silly though. The production shifts between dreary and chipper. The song starts with gradual drips, then the drums and cowbell come in. There's a sad desert guitar. Then the pre-chorus reduces to a bluesy keyboard, creating awkward silence for the spoken word part. The drums return for the chorus, alongside a wiggly guitar groove and dull synth gargles. An 80s synth break follows this, with the same wiggly groove. There's also annoying “I'm only a friend” responses. And two long notes at the end.
× Hungary: Joci Pápai - Az én apám Joci returns after just 2 years... only to give Hungary their first NQ in 10 years... and they haven't participated since. “Origo” was captivating, but I can see how “Az én apám” got lost. The only catchy part is the “n-na na na na na; ya ya ya” part. Joci's performance shows the song is meaningful to him though. He's cherishing the memory of his father, who was gentle and told stories through song, which drove away Joci's sadness. Every road lead to him. It was the “old beautiful days”. Joci remarks how life is too short. He notices the facial resemblance as he ages. And he's proud to tell his son about his grandfather. Musically, “Az én apám” is a folk song, starting with just an acoustic guitar. The foot stomps appear next. Then the first chorus rests, with a couple string? dives. Then the post-chorus uses snaps, thunderous stomps, and folk strings. The snaps remain in verse 2. And chorus 2 adds a marching snare and more heavy stomps. The percussion is strongest by the end. The outro goes on a while though. The song is over before it reaches a climax. But it's a touching dedication. The “na na na” part is like humming or whistling while lost in thought. It is a pensive song. The stage is simple. It starts with Joci sitting on a box in dark lighting, which works for a folk song. Then the LED shows fatherly faces. And a golden tree with roots on the floor later on. There's also fire rain at the end.
✓ Belarus: Zena - Like It #StandWithUkraine
Also Belarus's last performance. Zena's vocals aren't great, some of the lyrics have bad English, and the chorus is bratty and repetitive (“YES YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT” x8). The “tam-tara-ram” hook doesn't do much either. But the two dancers constantly doing flips are engaging. And the ad libs break the repetitiveness (I like the “BABY REPEAT MY MOVES” ending). The song opens with a short distant cry. Then an acoustic guitar brings '00s pop nostalgia, with piano and clacks added midway. Next, there's a halting strike, a low piano chorus, a beat acceleration, a hanging synth, and a blaring synth “drop”. I like those last 2. Verse 2 adds a bass synth and broken metal tick stutters. While the bridge extends chorus 2 before cooling down; leading to a “yoUu goOo wIth mE bAAAABY” climax. The song advocates putting yourself out there. Zena is attached to her phone, outside her comfort zone, and tired of being alone. She asks karma what to do. But she's done with being all talk no action - she'll take the risk and won't give up. The chorus is her convincing either herself, her crush, or other introverts “yes, you're gonna like [going for] it”. Then, verse 2 is an invitation to dance. “Add hashtag to find ya” is certainly a lyric. On stage, there's a bunch of equipment boxes. Zena sits on one and the dancers wheel her around. She later leans ontop of the dancers. And the backing singers come out at the end. The LED shows a severed face with animals running through it (weird). There's also pyro during the chorus.
✓ Serbia: Nevena Božović - Kruna The only 2019 qualifier I didn't remember. “Kruna” is an ordinary Balkan Ballad with a shout-y chorus. And I thought that chorus was her crying in desperation at first, but it's actually a rooftop declaration: “Let the world hear me now / I'm guarding you with my life!” Nevena wants everyone know about her devotion to her fiance. She also says his “dear eyes” calm her down, the night is long and sad without him, she'd die to protect him, and “the crown is yours”. The lyrics aren't super deep. But Nevena's voice is powerful and she owns that stage despite being completely alone. She also wears an assortment of silver accessories and a black dress that exposes one leg. And she conjures a hologram of swirling blue water at one point. The LED, meanwhile, displays cracked ice and a splashy whirlpool. Musically, the first half of “Kruna” is driven by an acoustic guitar. There's also a fiddle and backing whispers that appear at certain points. The chorus switches to raging acoustic guitar and piano, finishing on a stop that removes the tension. The song's ending does this twice. At the midpoint, there's an electric guitar ignition that ushers in the drums and orchestral strings for the second half. Then a few piano notes lead to verse 2. And those drums pause for the next pre-chorus, leading to another ignition. The pre-chorus also switches to English. The electric guitar parts are too short though.
× Belgium: Eliot - Wake Up Just like last year, Belgium NQ's with a song similar to “City Lights”. This one even shares a songwriter. Maybe it was Eliot's timid vocal. He gives the song sensitive vulnerability though. The lyrics are open to interpretation. Eliot feels rejected and craves a connection. It keeps him up at night. He fights to have someone and won't passively wait for it. He runs into liars, so lies back out of fear. Then, in the bridge, he's ready to face them, saying he won't abuse them. As for the metaphorical “light”, it signifies change, motivation (“feeding our fire”), and hope (“saving our lives”). “Wake Up” is an atmospheric synthpop song. The verses follow a wandering, dry-air synth, with clicks and drums added midway the first time. Then the chorus changes the vibe and tempo entirely (it “wakes up”). There's a drum pound for each syllable on the catchy “I came to fight...” repetitions, followed by 4 separated keyboard notes. It's quite effective. This stumbling chorus resists the smooth windy verses. The second verse then sprints, with constant clicks this time. And the bridge escalates, then stops upon the last chorus. On stage, there's two drummers striking large upright drums. Their drumstick movements are engaging (when they raise and cross them). They also wear blue T-shirts with orange peace signs; the same colours as Eliot's jacket. And during the chorus, everyone raises their fists (drumsticks included). The overhead triangle thing moves around too. And there's a smoke puff climax.
× Georgia: Oto Nemsadze - Keep On Going “Keep On Going” certainly takes you on a journey. It feels like I'm staring the Grim Reaper in the face. It's a haunting funeral song. But it's so overly intense, serious and... creepy. The song opens with a church bell slam and weary bagpipes. Then the piano and little guitar fidgets take over, with more slams. Plus background throat chanting and orchestral strings. The pre-chorus uses twitchy snare, ground-shaking drums, and strings; escalating midway with firm clasping drums. This build-up cut offs, reducing to a heartbeat thump. Then the instruments return one by one. The beat stops again for a creepy choir chant with church bells. And the drums return for the ending. These drums are so intense. Oto's voice also becomes raspier and growlier as the song progresses; especially during that agonizing “Vaarada varada varada rada hee” bit. But ultimately, this song is one long build-up to nothing. The lyrics reference the barbed wire fence that separates South Ossetia from Georgia. Oto repeatedly says “go”; as in: Go walk. Go find the missing songs. Go follow your heart. Go cross that fence. There's a wounded singer behind the fence still singing. Singing heals each other's wounds. On stage, the LED starts with an ECG, then a line of walking silhouettes. It's mostly mountains after that. Oto walks across a dock image on the floor at one point. The camera spins around him for a bit. The choir marches forward when it's their turn, as Oto faces them. And there's hellfire flames at the end.
✓ Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity I knew Kate from “The Last Day on Earth”, a #3 hit in Australia in 2009. It's a beautiful song, but “Zero Gravity” takes a more unusual direction. The most memorable aspect is the inventive staging, where Kate and the two backing singers swing around on tall poles, as they “orbit” an Earth hologram. And the LED adds an outer space backdrop. They literally escaped gravity! Kate's tiara and sparkly white dress give snow queen vibes too. The song is equally unusual. Verse 1 follows sparse piano notes, with a subdued, anxious, rapid, bubbling beat underneath, and lingering “hey you...”'s. While verse 2 uses a jogging synth beat instead (I like when it kicks in). And the “I've been...” pre-chorus adds an angelic harp. The chorus completely halts the momentum. Twice. Kate gives an operatic “ze-E-e-E-E-Ero... gra-HA-HA-HA-vity”, guided by string jerks. It's polarizing, but it works. Then some piano slams and tense strings escalate things. Which is a tease the first time; the eventual climax is SO epic and worth the wait. The 2nd post-chorus builds up with some “and it feels like”'s and Kate's operatic flexing, culminating in a big note. Then the backing repeatedly shouts “NOTHING HOLD ME DOWN” as the drums slam down with snaps. That climax has such a freeing feeling and the wild swinging on stage really complements it. The song then speeds up at the end. The lyrics are about Kate needing to let go of someone holding her down. The pain and sadness gotta go. She couldn't open them up. And she feels cold staying there.
This year, Australia did a national final for the first time. Sheppard and Courtney Act took part, while the runner-up, Electric Fields's “2000 and Whatever”, is a massive fan favourite.
✓ Iceland: Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra Iceland breaks a 4-year NQ streak by sending one of the most “WTF” entries in Eurovision history. That's 3 strange entries in a row tonight. “Hatrið” is the epitome of “love it or hate it”. And... this is just not for me. The microphone-eating screaming vocals in the verses are downright un-listenable. The deranged baby voice in the chorus is fine though. And I kinda like the hardcore, industrial techo beat. It persists for almost the entire song, save for a couple pauses, and when the bridge offers a breather. The song opens with a body-vibrating heavy bass. Then a “HUH!” ushers in the main beat, which includes construction site metal clanging. And the chorus adds lighter euphoric synths to it. I assume the lyrics are a commentary on the rise of far right politicians (ie. “Europe will crumble”). The title translates to “Hate Will Prevail”. The song mentions unrestrained debauchery, an endless hangover, meaningless life, all-consuming emptiness, illusionary happiness, and “Multilateral delusions / Unilateral punishments”. It's very dystopian and pessimistic. And the chorus expresses vague sadness. The staging is the most “WTF” aspect though. The band wears BDSM gear. There's a giant cage with a punisher swinging a hammer back and forth ontop. There's laggy and blurry visual effects. There's welding sparks and flames. A dancer escapes the cage, looks submissive, and crawls around. The chorus singer lays upside down on the stairs at first. And he gets pulled around later. The screaming singer scares me lol.
✓ Estonia: Victor Crone - Storm I guess we need a palate cleanser after Iceland. But this sounds like a generic Melodifestivalen entry. In fact, Victor will have his own generic MF entry in 2020! “Storm” just lacks personality, and the melody and production are bland. Sure, the verses are introspective, where he keeps questioning if his approach to life is wrong. But his story isn't personal enough: he keeps fighting tides, he worries about losing it all, he misses the meaning of what remains. The chorus (and post-chorus) then promote a message of resilience with uninspired lyrics. At the end of the song, Victor questions if he's wrong about this too. Otherwise, this fusion of folk and dance music is like Avicii's “Wake Me Up”. “Storm” starts with a “content with life” acoustic guitar. Then the finger snaps and backing “woo-oo”s come in, followed by an actual thunderclap. The chorus aims to be an anthem, where it punches on each syllable of Victor shouting “STORM. LIKE. THIS.”/“MAN.LIKE.THIS.” etc. The first chorus holds back, whereas the second one builds with sawing strings. The latter is when the “drop” finally hits, which is big, energized house music with more snaps. The post-chorus continues this climax until the bridge quiets down. The song also returns to acoustic at the end. On stage, Victor plays a guitar, as the LED shows blocky clouds. He turns around a couple times so the camera can show the audience behind him. And later, he's surrounded by holograms of clouds and lightning. Cool effects.
× Portugal: Conan Osíris - Telemóveis Back to the strange entries. The staging involves unique green outfits, fake sideburns, a shirtless dancer, and squirmy dance moves. Plus dark red lighting. There's camera cuts at the start. The dancer sits on a staircase. Conan meets him up there. They walk down in unison. The dancer collapses, tiptoes, sticks his tongue out, leans back, and shoots a pretend arrow. Then Conan is dragged backwards like a marionette. The instrumental is dark and mixes elements from all over the world. It begins and ends with patient, ominous East Asian strings. As if your boat is approaching danger. There's bass booms, then the trap-y “BA BA BA” beat overtakes with relentless striking/skipping ticks and human gasps. The second verse reduces to nudges, before heightening back to the fuller sound. Then a Portuguese guitar emerges. All the above elements come and go throughout the song. They're used in various combinations. There's “HEY” pauses too. The lyrics warn against cellphone addiction. “I broke the cellphone trying to call heaven” sounds silly, but it's saying we shouldn't waste time trying to contact the dead. The “who kills who?” repetition relates to how phones give constant dopamine hits that consume us. Conan also repeats “I'll break the cellphone” if you won't respond to real life's demands. Then at the end, he reveals he's the one “who killed who”. Last year's host country can afford risks. “Telemóveis” is kinda pretentious and overhyped but the beat and dancing are interesting. I like whenever the full beat returns.
✓ Greece: Katerine Duska - Better Love Greece was also overhyped. I wasn't keen on Katerine's voice in 2019 (those “ooh ooh hoo”s in particular), but “Better Love” has grown on me since. She sounds earnest in her quest to go beyond society's made up expectations of what love is. She can't hide or fight this urge to find “better love”, which she defines as enjoying the messiness, feeling ageless, and learning carelessness. She's lost enough already. The bridge then invites the subject in, not caring what others think. And the outro repeats “What you waiting for?” many times. The song opens with tunnel voices; followed by a little bubbling sound, then finger snaps, then taps. The chorus is quite loud by contrast, with thunderous drums and claps. It also includes quivers, individual clicks, and backing “ahhhhhh”. The second verse adds splashy drums and backing “hey!”s. While the bridge switches to deep rolling drums with the claps. Katerine also gives a long note afterwards. The stage is like an 18th century royal ball. It involves pastel colours and fancy clothing. It starts with everyone frozen in place in front of this pink backdrop. Then two ballet dancers sword dance. Someone carries a giant balloon and tosses it into the audience. And the dancers twirl ribbons at the end. The backdrop also fills up with flowers and the LED shows petals. The chorus hook is kinda “blah”, but I like the song's atmosphere of supreme elegance. It fits a royal ball. It has an opening up to the world vibe too.
✓ San Marino: Serhat - Say Na Na Na San Marino's best result is surprisingly NOT “Adrenalina”, it's Serhat. The televote loved “Say Na Na Na”. It's a very upbeat song with a fun, catchy chorus. It isn't creepy like his 2016 entry. And he has fun on stage. But he can't sing... at all. The disco production is cheap. And this isn't the most essential bop. The song opens with a thin drum machine. Then the lively disco energy is pretty consistent. The verses have more modern synths. The pre-chorus submerges. The bridge has flappy drums and a call-and-response routine. And the Turkish counting includes 3 bangs. In the lyrics, Serhat notices someone who's “sad and lonely”. He asks what's wrong and why they want to run away. He also gives a bunch of advice: “who cares... it happens everyday”; “love all colours of this life”; “be a hero, be the rainbow”. He's very pushy about it, saying “look at me”, “hear me”, “call me anytime”. And the chorus repeats “say na na na” too many times. I guess singing “na na na” is meant to lift your spirits. The performance is better than the song though. It starts on the overhead camera in red lighting, as the 5 backing members look up and wiggle around, and the floor light flashes. They have very positive energy. Then we see Serhat on a platform, where the LED is used very well. It shows lyrics, flashing colours inside a box, pixelated noise, hypnotic moving lines, and white boxes rippling outward. There's a pyro blast upon the final chorus. And the two dancers next to Serhat are enjoyable.
My Ranking:
01. Slovenia: Zalagasper - Sebi ✓ 02. Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity ✓ 03. Cyprus: Tamta - Replay ✓ 04. Belgium: Eliot - Wake Up 05. Serbia: Nevena Božović - Kruna ✓ 06. Greece: Katerine Duska - Better Love ✓ 07. Hungary: Joci Pápai - Az én apám 08. Portugal: Conan Osíris - Telemóveis 09. San Marino: Serhat - Say Na Na Na ✓ 10. Belarus: Zena - Like It ✓
11. Estonia: Victor Crone - Storm ✓ 12. Poland: Tulia - Fire of Love (Pali się) 13. Finland: Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away 14. Georgia: Oto Nemsadze - Keep On Going 15. Iceland: Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra ✓ 16. Czech Republic: Lake Malawi - Friend of a Friend ✓ 17. Montenegro: D mol - Heaven
Slim pickings here...
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randomshyperson · 3 years
CEO!Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Resigned Position - Chapter Four
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Gif is from Pinterest, thanks to whoever made it.
Summary: You drink too much and insult your boss in the middle of a bar during a company social gathering. But surprisingly, you wake up in her bed. Following the events of not sleeping with your boss, falling in love with her, or threatening a harassment report. Not necessarily in that order.
Warnings: (+18), sexual themes, Dom!Wanda (mostly), Brat!Reader, Unspecified age gap (Milf Wanda/Reader in her mid-20s), explicit language | Chapter Warnings: Dirty talk and teasing with a bit of fluff and angst. || Words: 3.681
All Works Masterlist || AO3 || Series Masterlist
Resigned Position - Chapter Four
All your reports had to be approved and signed by Wanda.
Which meant that she would see the little number typed in the corner of the page - which to many would just be a typo - but the woman would surely understand.
Biting back a smile, the first thing you did as soon as you arrived at the office that morning was to go to Wanda's office. She would always arrive a bit late when she took the boys to school, which turned out to be a good thing because you found the place empty.
Leaving your reports on the desk as you always did, you looked around for a moment, unable not to chuckle to yourself when you noticed the drawer ajar.
A peek inside and you had your confirmation with the lingerie set - previously folded - completely turned over inside the drawer.
This woman.
Figuring the numbers were just the tip of the iceberg, you took your clothes back, able to imagine the frustrated expression that you had disobeyed her again.
The office was filling up gratefully, and you wasted no time in getting down to work, although your mind was going to be very much focused on the arrival of a certain redhead.
Natasha arrived shortly after you and raised an eyebrow at seeing you so cheerful in the morning - mumbling songs and answering emails kindly even though they were about things that were not your responsibility - so she knew immediately that you were up to something.
"What did you do?" she asked curiously as she took off her coat to put on the back of her chair. You laughed, spinning in your seat to look at her.
"First, good morning, Nat, how are you? Did you sleep well, did you and Maria catch any traffic?"
Nat laughed too, shaking her head. "Everything is great, now tell me why the little smile before ten. You are not a morning person."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I just woke up happy today." You retorted casually, turning your chair toward your laptop again.
Nat continued with a suspicious expression, and as she took the water bottle out of her purse, she questioned:
"Yeah, I don't buy it. Come on, tell me."
With a sigh of amusement, you continue to type although you replied, "Let's just say I'm testing out new buttons to push."
Natasha frowned in confusion. But then she noticed that you stole glances toward Wanda's door a few times, and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm afraid to ask what you've up to this time."
"An innocent lie."
"Another one?" Nat retorted impressed, and you just shrugged.
Nat laughed, shaking her head. "What are you going to make up now, that Strange asked you to marry him?"
"Who is getting married?" Bucky cut in curiously, arriving at the office accompanied by Steve, both with Starbuck's cups in their hands.
Nat chuckled, gesturing that it wasn't that. "Y/N is messing with the witch."
The guys made curious expressions, and as they placed their folders on the table, Steve commented:
"I think you risk too much, Y/N. After what happened on Friday..."
"We shouldn't talk about that." Bucky mutters making you chuckle confusedly. Steve nudges him to shut up, but you've already heard him.
"What do you mean you shouldn't...?" You start but by the mixed expressions of shame and guilt, you lock your jaw. None of the three look like they are going to tell you anything, so you stand up to address the woman approaching with some sweet cookies.
"They were out of your favorite, honey, but I-" Maria went to advise in her wife's direction, but your sudden approach caused her to shut up with a confused expression.
"Why can't they talk about the bar?"
Maria sighs, casting a scolding glance at the group next to her before lowering her voice to tell you, "It was a request. From Wanda."
"Y/N, you shouted insults about her in the middle of one of the most popular bars in New York." Maria begins to clarify. "The whole team was there, and even some executives. It's a bad thing internally, and it can get even worse if it gets to journalists for example."
You felt your stomach sink. "But there weren't any there." You tried, but Maria gave a sad smile.
"I don't want to criticize you, not really, we were having a lot of fun, but we drank a lot. It's not like any of us were paying attention at the door." She argued, looking around at the now practically full office, and leaned in a little so you could hear her. "The Daily Bugle people love a little gossip, you know that. And they are like cockroaches, they are everywhere in this city. Wanda asked us to let that story die."
"But she didn't say anything to me."
Maria giggled. "Well, she always had a sweet spot for you and your antics. Maybe she trusted that you wouldn't spill the beans, or worse, she really thinks you're leaving the company and have no reason to torment her anymore."
With another sigh, you crossed your arms. "I'm starting to feel guilty about this whole thing. Wanda is ruining my fun."
Hill just smiled, shaking her head in disbelief. "I mean, imagine what a terrible thing you two having to stop racing around in circles and actually talk about your feelings like two grown adults, huh?" She sneered, and despite the slight blush on your cheeks, you rolled your eyes, stealing the sweet cookies from her hand and receiving a chuckle in return.
Back at your desk, you managed to pretend you were concentrating on your work for almost a full hour. Nat didn't buy it for a second, glancing at you from the corner of her eye as if she expected you to have some kind of stroke the moment Wanda stepped into that office.
When it finally happened, around 9:45, she came in with a bag on one wrist, her loose hair swinging majestically as she walked out of the elevator towards her office room.
How was it fair that someone was so breathtaking?
"You're drooling." Nat warned and you frowned, looking away from the moving figure - busy on her cell phone - to the computer screen again.
"I wasn't." You grumbled begrudgingly, but risked looking at Wanda again and caught a glimpse of the accentuated curve of her pants and had to bite back a sigh. "Okay. Maybe a little."
Nat chuckled, rolling her eyes. Maria, who sat at the front table, made an amused expression about your behavior but said nothing.
You weren't even pretending to work anymore. You left your fingers hovering over the keyboard, your eyes intent on the glass panes of Wanda's office, where the woman was putting her purse on the table and typing something into her cell phone. She turned her attention away from the handset when she noticed your reports, and you held your breath when she slid her fingers over the papers.
You didn't notice the frown from Nat and Maria watching your fixation in the room ahead, nor did you hear the redhead's whisper to her wife "If she faints, I'll say she was in heat and take a picture for the staff wall" that made the other laugh.
Your attention was completely focused on the way Wanda squeezed her cell phone and threw her hair back, a sigh you didn't hear leaving her lips.
Suddenly she looked to the side. You almost knocked the keyboard to the floor by turning your face away so abruptly and trying to pretend you were working and not staring, but you were pretty sure she had noticed.
With your heart racing in your ears, you didn't risk looking up.
"She's coming over here, better get your love confession ready." Nat mocked lowly from your side, and your hands began to sweat.
Only when you could smell the floral scent, did you raise your eyes to the imposing figure beside you.
Wanda smiled, but it was insincere and almost victorious. She was carrying your reports in her hands and placed them on your desk.
"I can't approve those, they're all wrong. Do it again." She stated simply, and you had to blink a few times before you questioned incredulously:
"What's wrong with them?"
Without hesitation, she replied, " There are typos, yes? Right here on the first page, and on the sixth page too."
"You want me to redo just because of a number in the bottom? That you can cut out?" You retorted indignantly, aware that your colleagues were watching intently.
Wanda licked her lips, softening her voice as if she had no problem explaining her motives or being questioned. "Y/N, these are official documents. I can't just tear up the sheets. If there are errors, you must correct them."
Biting your tongue, you took a deep breath.
Count to five so you don't strangle her.
Wanda had a glint of defiance in her eyes, but that wasn't all. She was getting back at you, of course she was. Her posture, the direct order.
I am still in charge. Don't forget who you were talking to.
Your little tease had worked.
"Of course, Wanda. I'll bring it to you as soon as I'm done." You warned. She patted the reports with her fingertips.
"Priority for these, Y/N. They're already late." She returned as a final taunt, and you couldn't resist retorting as she smiled:
"Don't worry, if I'm into it, I can finish in five." And you spun the rings you hadn't taken off since the night before on your fingers, watching Wanda's gaze flicker for a second. Clearing her throat, she forced a smile and turned back to the room, slamming the door as she did.
You let out a loud sigh, realizing that you only started breathing normally again now that she was meters away.
"What the hell was that I just witnessed?" Natasha commented with a frown of confusion and disgust as Maria laughed from her table. You buried your face in your hands for a moment, still feeling your body shaking with anger and something else as well. "This was all sex coding, right? You two know you're in the middle of the workday?"
"Please, let's just not." You muttered in a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, moving to plug the headphones into the computer and start working on the reports Wanda asked for.
Luckily, you always back up your work, especially the kind that you might need to remove the number of times you didn't cum from the page.
The little lie that Wanda didn't need to know. About trying in the bathtub, and in bed, risking new angles and only getting frustrated grumbles. She didn't need to know that you missed her, or much less her tongue inside of you.
So fake numbers on work pages were enough to push her buttons. But she didn't back down and made you repeat all the work.
Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Before lunch you had your reports finished, but Wanda seemed very busy. She hardly stayed on the floor, her schedule full of meetings, and you didn't want to admit that you were waiting for her to come back so you could put the reports in her hands, watch her reaction, whatever it might be.
From Eden, by Hozier, suddenly stopped playing in your ears, and you realized that you were staring at Wanda's empty office door again because you had to look down to see Nat's finger pausing the Spotify in your laptop.
"I've been calling you for half an hour, can you stop pretending you're in a music video and answer me please?" She jokes and you let out a sigh, hanging your headset around your neck and swiveling your chair in your friend's direction.
"I'm all ears."
Nat smiled. "We're thinking of eating at Minetta today." She remarks but you give a short chuckle, denying with your head.
"I appreciate the invitation, but not a chance." You say sadly. "Those reports have put me behind, and I still have a session with Agatha this afternoon. I'll order something."
Nat sighed. "I thought we had an agreement."
"We do, but I can't just go across the district on a one-hour lunch. There' still going to be a line!" You defend yourself. "Hey, I'll make it up to you. Can we have a movie night with Yelena?"
Nat rolls her eyes, but smiles, "Okay, but no more bad sitcoms, I want the classics. And Maria is invited too because I wanna cuddle."
You chuckled, imitating a contingent sign in mock that caused her to lift her middle finger at you. Your colleagues left for lunch soon after, the office gradually doing the same, and you were getting some of the things ahead of schedule until Wanda returned.
It took almost another twenty minutes for this to happen.
She was no longer wearing a sweater, the elbow-length sleeves of her dark green social shirt exposing enough skin to make you shiver in your seat.
Great, now you were turning into a complete mess.
Jesus, keep it together.
She walked distractedly onto the floor while she was reading an envelope from the small stack she was carrying on her arm, and went straight into her office room, not noticing any of the three people - counting you - who had not yet left for lunch.
Taking a deep breath, you stood up with your reports in hand and headed toward Wanda's room, who raised her eyes as soon as you knocked twice on the open door.
"Hey, I brought the reports."
"You took your time with them." She teased, but smiled, picking up one of the pens from the desk and approaching you. She just stood by your side, close enough for you to smell her perfume, and raised her hand to turn the papers toward her, signing them unhurriedly.
Swallowing dryly, and unable to keep your eyes off the woman in front of you, you asked, "Aren't you even going to check if it's correct?"
Wanda looked at you with a mischievous smile. "I know they are."
"B-but you asked me to..."
"Because I can." She interrupts softly, biting her lips for a moment and making your breath hitch. "Do you see my point? I can make you do whatever I want."
A soft sigh escaped your lips, but you tried to maintain some composure. Wanda however, seemed to have other plans. She decreased the distance between your faces and brought her mouth closer to your ear.
"I could keep you late, just so we could be alone. Make you sit at that table to fuck you with my cock like I did at my house." She whispered, and you had to bite your lips to hold back the moan that threatened to come out of your throat, remembering exactly how it felt to be with Wanda, and wishing it would all happen again, and again...
"I could say no." You retorted hoarsely, and Wanda chuckled breathlessly against your ear, pulling away to look at you with a corner smile on her lips.
"You're going to challenge a direct order? You're getting bold, Miss L/N." She commented, the pen she was holding resting against the valley of your breasts, and Wanda began to slowly lower it down. "HR has policies for that, but if you piss me off enough, I'll take care of your punishment myself. Something tells me you'd love that, wouldn't you?" She teased, the tip of the pen stopping at your belt height, and you swallowed dryly, feeling your whole body on fire.
"Interesting to find you two here!" A female voice erupted behind you, and Wanda pulled away so quickly that she almost knocked the reports out of your hand.
Agatha didn't seem to notice, the smile full of second thoughts never leaving her face.
"I'm glad you two are getting along after that little incident of yours." She began crossing her hands in front of her body as she stopped beside you in the doorway. You cleared your throat clumsily, trying to push all the arousal away at once and disguise how your legs were shaking. "Or I imagine everything is okay. You weren't arguing, right? You look a little flushed, Miss L/N..."
"I'm fine!" You quickly retorted. "We weren't arguing, we just-"
"I'm still her boss, Agatha. We'll keep seeing each other and talking, and working together as adults, no need to worry." Wanda interrupted before you made the whole thing worse with your guilty babbling.
Agatha grew suspicious. "I hope so, Miss Maximoff, I wouldn't want any harsher actions taken for either side."
“Of course not.” Wanda said with a forced smile.
She clearly wished Agatha would leave, but the woman seemed quite keen to stay.
"You left the meeting room so quickly that I couldn't keep up with you right away, Wanda dear." Agatha started again, and only now did you notice the golden envelopes she was carrying under her arm, identical to the ones on your boss's desk. "The staff in the Human Resources just received the corrected invitations from two of your employees. It was a small miscommunication, they hadn't updated the registration of-"
"Thank you, Agatha." Wanda interrupted almost impatiently, gesturing for the other woman to deliver the envelopes soon. Harkness didn't seem to be too affected by this, and smiled as she added with a soft exclamation:
"Don't forget your leadership session this afternoon yes? I heard that Carter was preparing a little game interaction with you guys. I would love to watch that, but I'll be looking after Miss L/N this afternoon, and any complaints she has..."
Wanda clutched her pen almost instinctively, but otherwise just nodded politely, waiting for Agatha to say goodbye and leave the room.
Sighing loudly once the director was far enough away, Wanda turned her attention back to the golden envelopes, taking them to the pile of those on the table, probably to discard the old ones.
"What are all these?" You asked curiously, watching her frown as she read the names.
"Invitations to the weekend's convention." She answered quickly, and then lifted one of the envelopes off the table, muttering to herself.
"Everything okay?"
Wanda hesitated, and then let out a dry laugh. "Yeah, it's just that I just now found out that Romanoff and Hill got married."
"Oh." You exclaimed, suddenly getting a little clumsy when you saw the confusion on Wanda's face. "Yeah... That happened two weeks ago."
"I didn't even know they were dating." She stated, almost annoyed as if she was thinking several things at once.
"Well, you never asked." You muttered half-heartedly, and Wanda locked her jaw, assuming a defensive posture.
"My employees' personal lives are not something I should be meddling in." She retorted, and you gave a humorless laugh.
"I guess so, but you can just talk to people, you know? Even if they are your employees."
"I talk to people!" She defended herself with annoyance. "I just don't keep asking who they're dating."
Switching your reports on your arm, you sighed. "Okay, but when was the last time you had any interest in anything other than our work? We're people, Wanda. Each of us has a life going on outside of this office." You retorted. "Nat and Maria turned in their relationship paperwork as soon as they started dating, but I don't imagine you have any real concern about looking at personnel files that have no bearing on our performance numbers."
A flash of memory flashed through Wanda's mind. Two or three years ago, a wedding invitation with your name embroidered on it. But she just pushed that away, shifting the weight of her feet as she looked away to the window.
"HR takes care of such matters and only communicates to me when it's something that affects the function of the employees directly. When Nat and Maria sign off on that sort of thing guaranteeing that the company's interests won't be compromised, I'm not communicated."
"Nor do you have any interest in being." You mutter causing her to raise her eyes at you in irritation."
"I'm a busy person!"
"We all are!" You retort indignantly, and Wanda sighs impatiently.
You fall into a tense silence, and you look down at your shoes before adding in a calmer voice:
"If you have any interest in knowing, it was a closed ceremony." You comment. "They didn't invite many people, and they weren't sure if you would accept the invitation."
Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, hesitating for a second. "I don't know if I would."
"But why not though?" You ventured, and Wanda gave you a sad smile, shrugging. "We've worked together for years, you're welcome to approach us outside the office even if you're evil boss most of the time."
Wanda rolled her eyes with amusement, knowing that you were just teasing her. With a pause, she clarified:
"Employees come and go, Miss L/N. It's just the way things are, and I wouldn't want to get attached to someone who might suddenly leave my life."
You frown. "So you don't form relationships because you think you'll be abandoned?"
Wanda cleared her throat, giving a short chuckle. "That's a pretty somber conversation for the office hours, don't you think? Come on, I'm sure you've been working all morning without a break, go get some lunch."
Suddenly, all her walls are up again. Wanda gestured to the door and returned her full attention to the envelopes.
You turned to leave with a worried frown at the sudden change in her posture, but before you left, you told her:
"Wanda, I’m here. You can always talk to me."
She tensed, fingers hovering over the envelopes for a second before she nodded softly without meeting your gaze.
You left, and because she didn't look at you, you didn't notice the tears that formed in her eyes.
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m-jelly · 2 years
Second of my requests, haven't we met before???
Marvel AU (Ur talks abt it inspired me), where Levi is a Winter Soldier w Bucky, and he knows Steve as well, so when he goes to join the Avengers he meets reader...
And now, if u don't mind me torturing u a bit.... I know you don't like him, but I already had this idea on my notes.... reader is Tony's daughter, she has basically the same personality and is very bounded to her dad, but she surprises Levi when she's on Cap's side of the Civil War, and so they fight side by side and she's a big help bc of her intelligence and they start "flirting".
You haunt my inbox...hi!
So, I looked this up and had to check if the age gap wasn't too bad. Tony was born in 1970, so his daughter during this time would be mid-20s. So, we're good age wise!
Line in the sand.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Marvel AU, modern AU, cross over, Winter soldier Levi, romance, falling in love, cute, fluff.
Concept: You abandon your dad and run off with Steve Rogers with all your tech and stand with him in the civil war. You work hard at their little base to make equipment that can help the team. While working, you get to know the two winter soldiers, but one captures your eye. You and Levi work together and take your devices for a test run, but soon you're taking each other for a test run.
Side note: I have never done cross overs before, so I am sorry if I butcher this and it's terrible.
You looked up at Tony and smiled. "You off now?"
He nodded as he fixed his outfit. "Be good, alright?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Don't worry dad."
He pointed at you. "Got my eyes on you kid."
You smiled a little and waved at him. "Yeah." You waited for him to leave before checking your sensors around the base to check that your dad was leaving. You packed your things up as soon as he left. "Steve? He's gone."
Steve entered the room after a few minutes. "Let me carry everything."
You handed him your bags of tech over and turned on your flying orb bot. "Delta, are you all ready?"
Delta's soft feminine voice came out of the bot as a blue light lit up as she spoke. "Yes, I have everything in place for you. I will support you, always."
You smiled at her, then hugged the floating orb. "Thank you."
Steve opened the door and called your name. "Come on, we have to get out of here before Tony comes back."
You ran with Steve to a waiting car. You held Delta close as you were moved fast and in secret to a new location. You followed Steve inside and let him unpack everything for you in a small tech room with a bed hidden by a screen in one corner. It wasn't perfect, or clean, but it was your freedom.
You got to work cleaning your place first. You set your little bots to work and had Delta organising them. You were scrubbing a table clean because, for you, everything had to be tidy so you could work properly. You hummed a little song to yourself as you cleaned.
Levi left Bucky and Steve so he could see young Miss Stark. He opened your door to see bots flying around and cleaning, along with you scrubbing the place up. He watched you closely and admired you a little.
Delta flew up to Levi and scanned him. "Super soldier Levi Ackerman, also known as Legion. Welcome."
Levi frowned a little. "Thanks?"
"I am Delta. I assist Miss Stark."
You walked over and smiled. "Hello." You cleaned your hands, then shook his as you said your first name. "I prefer that and not the Stark part. I love my dad, but I am with you, Bucky and Steve."
He nodded. "Right...you have a nickname? Ironwoman?"
You shook your head. "No thanks." You laughed a little. "I'm a tech and mechanic."
"Tech brat."
You laughed. "Okay."
He slipped into your room and looked around. "Tch, not bad. You clean well."
He picked up a few plans of yours. "You're pretty smart too."
You stood at his side and hummed. "I guess so."
"You are. This is good stuff."
You took a plan. "It's not as good as my dad's work."
He put down your plans. "You shouldn't think so badly of your work. You're better than you think." He stared at you. "I've admired you from afar."
You blushed a little. "Me too."
He cleared his throat and walked over to your weapon area. "This is unique."
You picked up a device. "This is a special gun. It has no bullets! It fires like this sonic blast. It disables people and knocks them back."
He checked it out a little. "That's amazing."
"It's alright. I could do better." You tapped away on a computer. "I have new EMP grenades as well. This will target my dad's armour and anything similar."
He played with it. "Interesting."
You nibbled your lip. "I'm working on new armour as well for you all. It's going to take some time, but I will get it done."
"Thank you."
You bowed. "You're welcome."
Levi felt his cheeks burn. "I'll umm...keep an eye on you. Not that I don't trust you, it's just umm...I want to help."
"Thank you."
You frowned a little as you tried to get your tool into the weapon, but there was resistance. You pouted and forced it a little more. "Come on." You slipped and burn a line across your hand. "Shit!"
Levi walked into your office, as he was now a permanent feature there, with snacks and drinks. "Hey, tech brat." He looked over at you. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head. "Fucked my hand up."
He rushed over and inspected the burned line on your hand. "Tch, clumsy brat."
"I know."
He grabbed the medkit and sat next to you. He started cleaning the wound. "Relax."
You let out a long sigh. "Sorry, it just hurts."
He hummed and put burn cream on. "Don't force things, okay?"
You nodded. "Okay."
"You work way too hard." He wrapped up your hand. "You should rest."
"Not with a war going on."
He held your hand. "Are you sure you're okay with going against your dad?"
You frowned a little in thought. "It's odd. He's taught me so much. He's a bit of an ass, but he's a smart guy. However, he has this all wrong. He sees all this with tunnel vision. I understand his loss. My grandpa is dead, but Bucky had no control over himself. Instead of hunting Bucky, he should be stopping the people who manipulated and hurt Bucky."
"You're a better person than your father."
You smiled a little. "Dad's selfish, he always has been but there's a reason for it. With Grandpa dying on him, he kind of just closed up and just thought of him and only him."
He played with your hand. "Is he good to you?"
You shrugged. "Sometimes. He gets lost in himself. You see, his dad was gone because he was killed. My dad was gone, emotionally and mentally. He loved his tech and money a lot more. I know he loves me, but it would have been nice to have him around more when I was little. It was only when I showed potential in tech when I was a teen that he took notice."
Levi kissed your cheek. "I'm sorry."
You locked eyes with Levi. "It's okay. He's my dad and I love him. I do. I know he'll think I'm terrible for this." You looked away. "That's I've been dragged into this, or I'm an ungrateful kid, but I know what's right and wrong."
"You're incredible."
"I'm not."
He kissed your hand before standing up and packing everything away. "You got that new armour for me?"
"Yeah." You grabbed the parts and stacked them on the table. "This is it. I made sure to include the two wings for your symbol."
"It's perfect. Thank you."
You smiled a little. "It's all yours."
He pulled on the tight and flexible armour. He bent and twisted his body, then looked over at you. "This is amazing."
"I'm glad you like it."
He walked up to you and held your hands. "I appreciate it."
You blushed a little. "I just want to make sure you'll be safe when you face off against my father."
"Thank you."
"Be safe. I'll support you all and get Delta to help."
He leaned closer with his lips close to yours. He gulped, then turned his head away. "Stay here and don't leave this safe house. It'd kill me if you...if you got hurt again."
You hugged Levi. "You'll protect me, I know it."
You tapped away on your computers as you controlled and sent commands to your bots. You watched the camera feeds and mainly kept an eye on Levi. You were scared and worried that he might get hurt.
You jumped when one of your bots went, then the others slowly went offline due to your father. You sent commands to Delta and got her to stay with Levi. You smiled when Levi looked at Delta and smiled back like he knew you were gazing at him.
You sat back in your seat when it was clear the fighting was over for Levi, the last part was between Steve, your father and Bucky. You called back Delta to the base. You blushed as Levi followed Delta, but then he split off to get something.
You let out a long sigh and waited for Delta. You looked over to your window and saw her fly inside. "Thank you for protecting them."
Delta snuggled up to you. "They mean everything to you, so they mean something to me."
You hugged her tightly. "Was dad mad?"
"He enquired about you, but I assured him you are very safe and healthy. He isn't mad, he is proud you took a stand, but wished you were with him."
You sighed. "Well, I have to be my own person."
"Oi?" Levi walked over. "Your armour saved my ass."
"I'm glad."
He blushed a little as he hid something behind his back. "You uh...you helped me a lot, you and Delta."
"I needed to make sure you were safe."
He hummed a little. "I umm..." He offered you flowers. "Thank you."
You hugged them to your chest as your cheeks burned. "Thank you."
"You're better than you think you are. If it weren't for your help and assistance in our fight today, we would have lost."
You put the flowers in a vase as you listened to Levi. "I don't know about that, but I'm glad I could help."
Levi took your hand and lifted it. "It scarred"
You turned to him. "Yeah, it did."
He leaned closer and kissed your hand. "Sorry that happened."
"It's okay." Your cheeks burned. "It doesn't hurt or anything."
He pulled you closer. He said your name softly as he held your chin. He tugged you close and lightly kissed your lips. "I worry so much about you. You're always on my mind. So, I guess I'll just have to keep you with me all the time."
You giggled. "You asking me out?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. You hummed and sighed as Levi gripped you in his arms. You pulled back before you lost your breath. "I will go with you. I want to and I want to be with you."
Levi smiled as he felt his heart sore in joy. "I'll keep you safe. I promise. No more fighting, no more silly fights, no more wars, no more pain. We'll go somewhere safe where we can just be ourselves and I can love you."
"Let's go."
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 8
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous → Part 7
Next → Part 9
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Feeling a body shift beside you, you slowly began to wake from your deep, dreamless sleep. With thin rays of sunlight shining through the crack between the curtains, you let a content, sleepy smile toy at the corners of your lips as you rolled over in Keishin's arms and came face to face with his sleeping form.
It had been over a week since you had started staying with Keishin and even though waking up beside someone every morning definitely took some getting used to, you were a little surprised by just how quickly it was beginning to feel normal. Not only that, but you never slept better than you did in Keishin's bed with his warm, calming presence beside you and strong, protective arm draped over your waist.
Eyes closed and lips slightly parted, Keishin was fast asleep. His chest rose and fell rhythmically and at some point during the night, just like every other night, his hair—which wasn't tamed by the headband while he slept—had gotten all messed up and a few strands had fallen into his face.
Whenever you woke up before him, you would always take the chance to just look at him. While he slept, he seemed completely and utterly at peace—no longer burdened by the stress of coaching volleyball, working at the store, and no doubt whatever extra problems you had brought into his life. You thought back to the time you had watched him sleeping on the couch in the back room and sighed happily; the thought of how much things had changed in such a short period of time truly putting things into perspective.
Unable to keep your hands to yourself any longer, you reached out slowly and brushed the loose strands of hair out of his face and tucked them behind his ear—the same way you had done when you two had first had sex and the same way you had done countless times since.
Keishin could sleep through a thunderstorm or the sound of you calling out his name, but as soon as he felt your fingertips graze against his cheek, his eyes fluttered open. Upon noticing he was awake, you made your touch more prominent and caressed his face.
"Good morning," you whispered, unwilling to raise your voice any more than that and ruin the soft ambiance of the early morning.
Keishin leaned into your touch and smiled softly. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing," you answered as you ran your thumb along his bottom lip, internally debating if you should ambush him with kisses now or wait until he had woken up a little more first. Chuckling to yourself over your own thoughts, you caught yourself staring at his lips and directed your gaze back to his eyes. "I'm just looking at you."
Keishin scoffed as he pressed a gentle kiss to your thumb. "Why?"
"Because you look so beautiful when you're asleep," you told him matter-of-factly. "Not that you don't always look beautiful," you added quickly before he could make some sort of sarcastic comment.
Keishin rolled his eyes before pulling you flush against his chest and kissing you. "You're such a sap, you know that?"
You laughed. "First, I'm dramatic. Now I'm a sap. What's next?"
"I have no idea." Keishin shrugged the best he could while lying down. "What I do know, however," he glanced at the clock, "is that we need to get up and get ready."
Following Keishin's gaze to the time, you huffed sadly when you noticed there were only five minutes left until your alarm would go off, forcing you to get ready to open the store. "Can't we just stay in bed all day?" you asked, hoping you could convince him to stay under the covers with you.
"Not unless we want to go broke and end up living under a bridge together."
You chuckled as Keishin crawled out of bed, the temptation of slapping his ass gently when he stood up almost too much but you managed to control yourself. "Together?" You grinned. "You'd stay with me even if we were both dirt poor?"
Keishin rolled his eyes playfully at your takeaway from his statement. "Of course." He collected his clothes before making his way around to your side of the bed and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "But I think I like plumbing and heating too much to give them up, so let's shower and get ready."
Sitting up in bed, you cocked an eyebrow. "You want to shower together?"
Keishin flashed a devilish smirk as he headed for the bathroom. "Purely for the purpose of saving water." He disappeared into the bathroom and seconds later his boxers flew out and landed on the floor, indicating he was completely nude. "But if you hate the planet, then I guess that's on you."
Your cheeks flushed red but nevertheless, you swung your legs over the side of the bed and began removing your clothes as you approached the bathroom. "Sure," you laughed as you closed the bathroom door behind yourself and let your eyes wander over Keishin's wet, naked body as he stood under the steaming water. "If it's for the planet, how could I possibly say no?"
20 minutes of passionate kissing and soapy hands exploring every inch of each other's body later, the two of you towelled off and finished getting ready before sitting down for a quick breakfast together.
"So the volleyball team has a game today, right?" you asked Keishin as you poured milk into your bowl of cereal. Keishin nodded. "What time do you think you will be home?"
Keishin thought for a moment before answering. "Probably around six or seven tonight. The game is right after school so it shouldn't run too late."
"Okay." You sat down across from him at the table. "Should we get dinner after I close up the shop?"
Keishin nodded again. "Sounds like a plan."
With a few more bites of his breakfast, Keishin was setting his dishes in the sink, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, and rushing down the stairs and out of the building to start his day.
As you listened to his footsteps stomp down the stairs, followed by the sound of the back door opening and closing to indicate that he had left, you sighed to yourself and sat back in your chair. It was then that you took a minute to think about everything; your job, your boyfriend, your living arrangements, your tattered relationship with your parents. In the span of a few months, your life had completely turned upside down, but that wasn't the part that freaked you out the most.
What really got you thinking was the fact that, even though your life had done a complete 180, you had never been happier; which led to the constant internal questioning about if you had ever really been happy before you had met Keishin at all, or if this was just a different kind of happy—a happy that only a stable, supportive significant other could provide.
Before you had the chance to get lost in your thoughts, you snapped out of it, finished your breakfast, and headed downstairs to open the shop and begin your day.
As usual, you dealt with the typical morning rush of people stopping in to grab a coffee or other various food items on their way to work or school. Once the mid-morning slump hit and the customer traffic went way down, you took the time to do some routine cleaning and inventory. By now, you were like a well-oiled machine when it came to the daily task of running the store.
Around noon, as you were finishing up stocking some shelves, the front door opened and a very well-dressed man strolled into the store. "Hello," you greeted him, standing from where you were kneeling in front of the shelves and dusting off your pants.
The man gave you a once over, eyeing you from head to toe. Without so much as an acknowledging nod, he brushed past you and toward the full-length fridges at the back.
Assuming the man just wasn't in a chatty mood, you took the empty boxes to the storage room. When you exited, the man was already standing at the front counter, impatiently tapping his foot while he held two bottles of water in his hands.
"Sorry for the wait," you apologized. "Just the waters today?"
The man just nodded and let out a grunt.
Trying not to take his dismissive attitude too seriously, you rang up his purchases and gave him the total. Instead of pulling out his wallet, however, he just gave you a dirty look.
"That's a little expensive for two bottles of water, don't you think?" he retorted.
You didn't know what to say to that, so you shrugged. "I'm sorry, I don't make the prices, sir," you told him. "I just work here."
Huffing loudly, the man fished his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled out some bills before tossing them haphazardly onto the counter. "Fine. Don't forget my change."
Before you could open the cash register, the front doors opened again and a woman dressed in a beautiful dress with her hair done up elegantly walked in and stopped beside the man before you. "Have you paid yet?" she asked the man, who was either her boyfriend or husband based on the way she was hanging off of his arm. "I just realized I'm out of cigarettes."
"I'm just paying now," he told her, his face softer than you had seen it yet before he turned back to you and asked for the brand of cigarettes that his partner smoked.
Spinning around, you felt your stomach twist at the sight of the empty dispenser of cigarettes, meaning that you were out of the brand he had requested. Of course, the delivery for that day hadn't come in yet, making your job even harder right now.
Plastering the warmest smile on your face that you could muster, you turned back to the couple. "I apologize, but we are all out of that brand. Can I get you something else?"
The woman rolled her eyes. "No, everything else tastes like garbage."
"I see." You stepped back up to the cash register. "So just the waters then?"
The man nodded. "I guess so if your shitty little store doesn't even stock up on popular brands of cigarettes." He watched you intently as you opened the register and counted his change. "I knew we should have stopped somewhere other than this hole in the wall."
As much as you so desperately wanted to rip this man and his spoiled girlfriend a new one, you bit your tongue instead and grinned as you handed him back his change. "Here you are." You dropped the coins into his outstretched hand. "Have a wonderful day."
Neither one of them said anything in response as they turned on their heels and marched out of the store, noses turned up at everything around them. As you watched them get into their fancy car and speed away, you wondered if they treated everyone like that or just lowly corner store workers like yourself.
Trying to let the incident slide off of you like water off of a duck's back, you returned to the remaining tasks on your to-do list and tried to forget all about being treated like a second-class citizen.
As the day turned to late afternoon and the after-school and after-work rush hit, you had found your way back into your groove again.
An hour or so before closing time, and roughly around the time Keishin would be returning, you heard a pair of heels clacking against the tile floor and stood up front behind the counter only to come face-to-face with your mother. Dressed in a pencil skirt and blouse, it was obvious she had just come from work, but your attention was more focused on the envelope she was holding out to you.
"This came for you the other day." She didn't even bother with a simple greeting even though it had been weeks since you had seen or spoken to her or your father.
"Oh, okay." You reached out and took the envelope from her. Turning it over, you felt your heart jump into your throat when you read that it was from the University of Tokyo.
You looked up at your mother expectantly but she waved you off. "Don't ask me what it says, I didn't open it," she said, folding her arms across her chest. "Why didn't you tell your father and me that you applied to the University of Tokyo? It's a very good school."
"Because I didn't do it for you," you said as you tucked the envelope into your back pocket. "And I certainly didn't do it to go to law school or anything you guys would approve of."
Your mother narrowed her eyes at you. "Then why did you do it?"
"To play soccer," you answered, your mind immediately going to the conversation you had had with Keishin while taking inventory together. "And because I told someone I would."
Your mother eyed you for a minute more, waiting to see if you would reach for the envelope again to open it. When you made no indication of sharing your application results with her, she hummed softly. "Well, whatever that letter says, you should take some time to seriously consider what your next step is going to be." She turned to leave but stopped halfway to the door and looked at you over her shoulder. "It's not too late to make the right choice. Think carefully before you throw your life away."
With that, your mother exited the store, leaving you with a mixed slurry of emotions and no clue how to deal with any of them.
Pulling the envelope out of your back pocket, you set it down on the counter in front of you and stared at it. Whatever was printed on the single piece of paper inside would set a course for your future . . . although you were unsure if you even still wanted the future that this piece of paper could give you.
All you wanted was to be happy, and all you knew was that Keishin gave you that.
Anything more felt like asking for too much.
Anything more felt like a gamble that wasn't worth the risk.
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moonrazeeclipse · 3 years
Day at the Amusement Park.
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The last time I went to an amusement park was when I was 12 years-old. My memories have been mostly shaky, but what I can remember was the happiness and joy I felt with my mother and father.
It’s been tough for me to have fun these days. Being a 23 year-old working a typical nine-to-five shift made it difficult to have time for myself. Stressed about the quotas, the numbers, job stability, and everything else in between. Good sleep has eluded me for months.
Then I look at my girlfriend, Nicha, and my hope has never been brighter.
Ah, Nicha. Everyone else knew and recognized her as Minnie, but the closest to her called her by her real name. If I thought an average office job was a grindfest, then hers was a gauntlet. Idol life meant she had to be up as early as 3 A.M. and she’d run through several sets of makeup, practice, interviews, and appearances. During one of her off days she and her members visited my building while I just so happen to be on coffee break. One funny stare and the next thing I knew, we were hiding our relationship from the whole world.
No matter how exhausted she got, she kept that same positive, happy energy as if she had unlimited battery life. Each occasional glance as I drove to the old amusement park, she was beaming, singing along to the songs on the radio, like she were a child. This was one of her rare off days where they didn’t have any schedules, so maybe that’s the reason why she’s extra joyful too.
The park itself hadn’t changed much since I last visited all those years back. The entrance looked rusted and devoid of any life or color. There seemed to be way fewer people visiting as well. Nicha offered to take me to that newer park with those virtual reality simulators, but I turned it down with a chuckle, saying that I wasn’t making enough money to spend a day there. Regardless, we entered the place, her hand holding mine, dragging me with the brightest smile on her face.
Whatever she wanted to do, I followed along. Nicha ran ahead of me, acting like a child and not a famous, recognizable idol. Being around me must be freeing for her; she could be herself when I’m with her. None of the rides were renovated or refashioned, which gave me that nostalgic feel. Because there weren’t that many visitors, waiting only took less than ten minutes for each ride. Despite my motion sickness, I powered through the first roller coaster without a problem. The second one? I recalled hurling up minutes after getting off that one as a child. Nicha screamed her heart out on the first coaster, but was overcome by fear on the second. She leaned into my chest while I was fighting every urge not to puke mid-ride. I sought a barf bag once we got off, making her laugh.
“Ahaha! You look hilarious!” Nicha mocked.
“Why are you gloating? Don’t act like you were hiding your face on my chest.” I retorted. She blushed in embarrassment before pretending to run away. No matter how much she loved to make fun of me, I couldn’t get upset. Her wholesome smiles made her a great person to hang out with.
Walking along the park, we came across a row of booths. These booths offered challenges in exchange for prizes. Dad won me a basketball as a reward back then. Even with age, one of the game masters somehow recognized me by my eyes.
“Hey, hey! It’s been a long time! You’re all grown now!” He said, calling my attention.
“Oh, hey. How did you recognize my face?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You have your father’s eyes, that’s why! How’s he doing?” He changed the subject.
“Umm, great I guess.” I honestly didn’t know how to answer, since I haven’t spoken to him in years.
Nicha suddenly came in from behind and hugged me. The game master’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“Oh! Is this your girlfriend? Why don’t you step up and show her your father’s talent?” He challenged me on the spot. I sighed as Nicha moved right next to me. Her beaming eyes and bright smile gave me more pressure to do well.
I was poor at sports, so I wondered how bad I’d mess up at ring toss. I didn’t have deft hands like my dad, and I wasn’t practicing at all. I’m better with keyboards, I murmured under my breath as he gave me the rings. First toss. The ring hit the bottle. My eyes widened. Second toss. The bottle was a little more distant than the first. I threw the ring and to my surprise, it hit too. Shock drowned out my girlfriend’s cheers and the yell of the game master. One more ring, one more toss. The bottle was placed at a greater distance compared to the earlier ones. I was doing better than I thought, so maybe my luck would run out on this turn. I flung the last ring, and time seemingly slowed down as I released it from my grip.
One, two, three, four, five. Bingo.
Nicha hugged me in celebration. I made all three tosses as the game master applauded me. Wow. Honestly, that may have been divine intervention, considering how awful I am at these games. It must have been five minutes before I moved because I stayed frozen in place, unable to let my victory sink in.
“You do have your father’s genes in you after all! Go ahead and pick a prize.” The game master said, snapping me back to reality.
I turned to Nicha, implying that she could choose the prize. She took the hint and pointed at a gigantic brown teddy bear. The game master grabbed it from the shelf and handed it over to me. I gave the stuffed animal to her, and she buried her face on its belly.
“Aaahh it’s so fluffy! You’re really good at this, Minki!” She cuddled the bear as I just chuckled and waved goodbye to the game master.
The rest of our day at the park was just riding the rest of the attractions and eating an ice cream sandwich along the way. Nicha and I had so much fun together, refusing to let go of the teddy bear. The sun had set and nightfall came, and our time was almost up. But before we left, there was one more ride we hadn’t gone in. The ferris wheel.
The passenger cabins were suited for four people, so we hopped on one, including our stuffed animal. She placed the bear next to her as the wheel began moving. From where I sat I could see the bright lights of the highway, overlooking the specks of people thousands of feet in the air. Nicha looked out the window before turning to me, taking my hand.
“I’ve had so much fun with you today,” she said, caressing my hand gently and pecking it. “Thank you.”
I gazed into her eyes, gleaming brighter than the stars in the night sky. She stared back at me, looking at me the same way. Then something sprung in me to lock lips with her. Nicha sunk into the kiss, pulling me close and our tongues swirled with each other. She was sweeter and tastier than dessert. I cupped her cheek and she placed her palm on mine, running it across her face.
She broke the kiss and slowly spread my legs. I panicked a little because of the situation we’re in. Nicha feigned ignorance and unbuttoned my pants, pulling them down alongside my boxers.
“Nicha! We’re still in public, remember?”
“Your cock says otherwise,” she replied, slapping my hardened cock with her hand. “I’ve been missing you so much. I can’t help myself.”
She seized my balls, giving them a rub. “You’re full. You’ve been missing me too.”
I groaned as she kissed me from my balls, making her way up to my tip. Her soft lips felt so good on my shaft. She looked at me with widened eyes, satisfied with the pleasure she’s giving me. I slumped into my seat and closed my eyes, allowing the euphoria of her swirling tongue to override my brain. If that wasn’t enough, she added her sensual moans into her slurps, giving me tingles up my spine.
My hands flowed through her black locks, while the rest of my body just numbed in pleasure. I didn’t realize she took me in her mouth, hollowing her cheeks. Nicha bobbed her head back and forth, coating my shaft with her saliva. We didn’t care if anyone caught us in the lewd act. Nicha had her way with me and my body happily fell under control.
Pop. She released me from her mouth after blowing me off for a while. I was really sinking into that excitable feeling too. Appropriate timing too, as she finished up just as the car was about to reach ground level. I quickly buttoned up my pants as she pretended like she didn’t suck my cock leaving the pod.
We reached my car just as the park was closing, and she gave me a few pecks on the cheek. “When we get home, I wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Sure, baby. I’ll let you fuck me wherever you want.” The thought of her splayed body already riled me up and I couldn’t be any more excited to drive home.
I turned the key. Rough gruffs roared from the engine. Again. Gruffs. In frustration I slapped my hands against the steering wheel. The car couldn’t start. Fuck.
“I just had it checked last week,” I grumbled. It was second hand but I didn’t have any excuse. Nicha giggled. She was still smiling as she watched me suffer and curse my car out. Oh, no matter how terrible a day gets, you’re always the jovial one.
Conveniently there was a subway station nearby whose line started and ended at the park. We both got out of the car and decided to take the train home. Nicha still refused to let go of the teddy bear.
Entering one of the cars, we sat at the back end of the left row. All the walking wore our legs out, so I slumped down in my seat. Nicha set the bear at the corner chair before sitting beside me. Drowsiness began kicking in and soon enough, I fell into a deep sleep holding my girlfriend’s hand tightly.
I felt a sensation below my chest that woke me up. My eyes opened slowly, vision blurring my sight. I looked to my left and saw only the teddy bear. She probably went to the bathroom, I thought. I tried going back to sleep, but I felt that twitching in my stomach again. I looked down and to my surprise, my pants were on the ground. Nicha was on her knees, sucking my erect cock.
“Nicha! What did I say about doing this in public?” I whispered, trying to avoid causing a disturbance with the nearby passengers.
She responded by taking more of me into her mouth, making me moan with her humming sounds. “Mmph, I can’t help myself. Your cock rubbed on me as we slept.”
It took all of my willpower not to submit to pleasure, but I was able to scout the area. There weren’t a lot of people on this late train ride home, except a man wearing a business suit calling someone on his phone seated on the opposite aisle.
I slowly hopped from one chair to the next using the rail, keeping Nicha busy on my shaft without her letting go into it. My free hands lifted the stuffed bear from its seat and placed it to where I was sitting. The prized toy was huge enough to act as camouflage from unsuspecting train-goers.
“Yeah. Let’s discuss the business trip to Japan at the cafe. I’ll move up so you can spot me as I get off,” the man said as he stood up from his seat and trudged to the front.
I sighed a breath of relief, but that was only a temporary win. I looked below to see how Nicha was doing and my eyes widened. She stripped off her overalls as her bare legs were now exposed.
“Nicha!” I almost screamed, panicking at the situation she’d got us into. She giggles at my reaction before kissing my tip with her soft lips.
“While you were busy covering us up I took my overalls off. I really can’t wait for you to fill me inside.” She said matter-of-factly.
I groaned in annoyance but I couldn’t help myself. She was opening herself and I guess my patience ran out too.
“We still have a few more stops to go before our stop,” She added, stroking me with her fingers.
My psyche crumbled under her control again. I resisted her lips, but not her hands rapidly pumping my cock. I threw my head back and allowed the pleasure to jack my brain, grazing my hands on her hair again.
I must have drowned deeply to the delight of Nicha’s handjob that I ignored the dings and voice of the operator over the speaker indicating the train’s destination. My eyes, struggling to open, somehow caught a glimpse of a few new passengers entering the car. Quickly I bent over and took her overalls as well as my large coat and veiled my crotch. She continued jerking me off under the covers, eager to get me to orgasm. The commuters gave me either  weird or neutral looks as they walked by. I gave them a gaze of exhaustion, pretending as if I was ill. I just hope they didn’t notice the suspicious bulge below me.
Most of the travelers moved onto another cabin but some of them sat a few rows behind or ahead of ours. Thankfully none decided to sit in the same aisle as us. My hands, which were positioned on my lap, were grabbed by Nicha. She led it down to her clit and I felt her wetness. Even with some bush she was clearly dripping.
“Fuck me, please,” She whispered, each word laced with lust. “I’m so wet for you, babe.”
I hoisted her from the floor and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I rose for a minute before sitting down with her on me. I carefully lined my shaft against her crotch before burying my cock in her walls. She let out a lengthy, low moan as I started ramming into her tight pussy. My hands snuck through her shirt, pinching her taut nipples, making her squeal.
I could feel her juices cream my hair as I grinded back and forth, making sure she feels every inch of my length. One hand escapes her shirt to cover her mouth, preventing her from letting out wild screams. I pulled her face close to mine, her features indicating pleasure as our lips met for a shaky, passionate kiss.
As we continued making out my eyes caught a glimpse of a stewardess slowly making her way across the cabin, punching passengers’ tickets. I broke the kiss off and drove Nicha into my chest, bundling our bodies with her overalls and my coat. The attendant reached us, her formal smile shifting to a confused look at the weird image ahead of her.
“Oh I’m sorry, is she okay?” She asked matter-of-factly.
“Y-yeah. She’s just a little ill, so I’m warming her up, that’s all.” I answered, nodding repeatedly.
Nicha sold my act by freezing in my arms. I reached into my coat and pulled out two tickets. She punched them and smiled as she walked by, believing my lie.
My girlfriend looked me in the eyes, lust ridden over them. I squeal as her finger reaches my cock, still buried in her soaked cunt, stroking me off. Through the pleasant sensation I managed to keep my eyes alert, watching the passengers slowly leave one by one at the next stop. Now it was just the two of us in this cable car.
“We’re alone. Fuck me,” She said as the train started moving again.
Perhaps her eagerness drove me to thrust into her a lot faster than I thought. I rocked back and forth on the chair, drilling her with my shaft. Nicha closed her eyes and let the pleasure fill her, her mouth making a wide ‘O’ shape. At this point we ran out of care for our surroundings, made clear by our audible moaning. Her hands claw my nape and hair deeply, her slender figure bouncing up and down my lap.
The tightness of her pussy, as well as her soft, seductive moans made it hard for me to keep control. I was losing another round to her lewdness and this one would be the hardest of them all. I was all but ready to climax, only slowing down my pumps to keep the euphoria last longer.
“F-fuck, I’m going to cum,” I whispered.
“On me. Fill me, please. Fill me with your cum.”
One. Two. Three. With a heavy groan I reached my peak. I felt shots of warm semen fill her womb. I pumped through my orgasm, shooting flecks of cum in her until I was drained. My hips stopped grinding. I put my head down in exhaustion over that intense, risky session. She cupped my face then kissed me on the cheek.
“T-that was s-so g-good. I can’t wait until we get home for more.”
There’s a clear trail of white on my chair and on my pants. My cock slipped out of her slit as I set her down on the ground.
“This is the last station! Thank you for riding with us.” The operator announced over the intercom. We’re almost at our destination.
I pulled her overalls off my coat and threw it at Nicha. “Put these on, we still have to walk home.”
“I don’t wanna,” she pouted. “I want to go home with your cum dripping down on me.”
I sighed. Nicha decided to be bratty on the way home, when everything was almost perfect and after all we’ve been through. But what else can I do?
I gave her my coat as I took her overalls and placed it in my bag. We got off the train with her wearing my coat, our mixed juices still running down her legs. We enjoyed our little walk home, having forgotten the prized teddy bear that she was attached to all day long, but that didn’t matter. As soon as we reached home, we stuffed our bodies into each other throughout the night.
And that’s my first work done. I didn’t do a lot of editing as I was excited to publish this one. I finally decided to jump into the world of smut writing after being inspired for a while now. Thank you for reading!
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alliedbiscuit · 3 years
msr fic / s7 post-closure but pre-all things / wc: 3398
Scully takes Maggie out for a birthday dinner, and you'll never guess who they run into.
“So, how are feeling about dessert?” the waiter asks hopefully.
Maggie Scully scoffs. “Oh, no. I couldn’t eat another bite. Maybe just a cup of coffee? Decaf, please.”
“Mom, are you sure? You should get dessert,” Dana Scully prods, stopping herself short before she could let it slip, “It’s your birthday!” The last gift her mother would appreciate is a gaggle of underpaid waiters singing some public-domain-compliant version of a birthday song while the whole restaurant turns its attention toward her. Like mother, like daughter.
Well, the daughter made an exception and found that kind of thing charming exactly once. But at least she got a nice keychain out of it. All her mother would get was humiliation and a chocolate lava cake.
As soon as the waiter leaves to fetch their after dinner coffees, Maggie reveals her true intentions.
“I was thinking we could go to that ice cream parlor down the street. If I’m going to indulge, I think I want a hot fudge sundae. Or maybe we could split a banana split?”
“Or you could get a hot fudge sundae and I could get a banana split, and we could split both,” Scully suggests.
“See, that’s why you work for the FBI.”
“Dessert Conflict Resolution was part of my training at Quantico.”
Both Scullys giggle.
“Does Fox have the same specialty? Or is that what you bring to the team?”
“Mulder’s dessert strategy is just to eat everything and then swim a mile and run five the next day. No, he’s a Takeout Menu Marksman, though. He knows where to order from and what to order so it travels the best and doesn’t get cold and congealed by the time it arrives. Might sound like a trivial skill, but it’s a lifesaver on movie night.”
Maggie continues smiling but cocks her head slightly. Dana realizes why almost instantly.
“You have movie night?”
“It’s not a set thing or anything. We just…if we’re not busy with a case.”
“You just watch movies? As coworkers?”
“As friends.”
“Just friends?”
Dana lets out a long sigh as she stares her mother down. Her mother, maintaining that gentle yet challenging grin. Dana considers her response carefully. She could offer a simple yes because that is the fact of the matter. They are just friends. She could criticize the wording choice. “Just” friends? Why does it have to be “just” friends? As if friendship isn’t somehow enough or isn’t valuable?
She could realize it’s her mother’s birthday and she’s the only other Scully woman left to confide in about matters of the heart, and although she doesn’t want to bring up the New Year’s kiss because she still doesn’t really know what it meant, maybe they both need this little gift of honesty, filled with tempered excitement and promise.
“For now,” Dana Scully finally admits.
Maggie’s grin grows as Scully just shakes her head and manages to keep her slight eye roll from reaching embarrassed teenager level. The waiter does bail her out a bit by choosing that moment to deliver their coffees.
“How is Fox doing? After his mother…” Maggie trails off, but her daughter knows not to expect any more specifics.
“Better? I mean, as well as can be expected. The thing is, right after that, he found out some more about his sister. About what happened to her. It was just so much all at once. I was really worried…”
Maggie reaches across the table to lay a hand on hers.
“But, it was almost like he was ready for it. He finally had some answers. Like it brought him some peace.”
“That’s wonderful.”
“Yeah. He needed that.”
“We all do.”
Maggie is the one to spot him first as they’re heading for the door.
“Is that- is that Fox?” she asks her daughter.
“What? No, he wouldn't…” Dana trails off as she looks straight ahead to where her mother was indicating and confirms that it is indeed Fox Mulder, standing with his hands in his pockets and his eyes trained to the floor as he appears to be waiting near the vestibule for the restrooms.
“Mulder?” Scully questions as she approaches, her voice giving away her confusion and growing concern.
His head darts up in surprise, but a beaming smile of recognition quickly overtakes his face.
“Hey, Scully! Mrs. Scully, it’s so nice to see you!”
“You too, Fox,” Maggie kindly replies, although a quick glance to her daughter confirms her suspicion that Dana is still very confused by his presence.
“Did you…did you need something?” She suddenly feels silly for presuming that he must have come there with urgent news or a case or something, but why else would Fox Mulder be at Petrino’s on a Saturday night? Did his informants trade in clandestine meetings in parking garages for family-style Italian?
“Hmm?” Mulder asks.
“You didn’t come here to find me? I told you I was bringing my mom here for her birthday, didn’t I?” He didn’t look like he had rushed to the restaurant from the office or his apartment as she had originally assumed. He had clearly shaved and combed his hair nicely. He wore an olive green sweater with dark blue jeans and a black wool pea coat rather than his leather jacket. He had definitely made an effort.
“You did, but I thought you were going out tomorrow night on her actual birthday. Happy birthday, by the way, Mrs. Scully.”
“Thank you, Fox. I’m going to have lunch with some ladies from church after mass tomorrow, so I asked Dana if we could do Saturday night instead.”
“Ah. What a weird coincidence then. I can’t believe we didn’t see you at all during dinner.”
Oh God.
Mulder was on a date.
Mulder was on a date in this restaurant on the night he thought Scully wasn’t going to be there. Mulder was on a date right after Scully had confessed to her mother (and herself) that their “just friends” status was in the process of changing. Mulder was on a date right after he’d been through so much pain but seemed to come out lighter and more open and he wanted to share it with someone…who wasn’t Dana Scully.
“So, you’ve already eaten then?” Maggie asks since her daughter appears unable to form a coherent statement at the moment.
“Yeah, we just finished. I’m just waiting for her…” he seems to trail off just to motion towards the restroom rather than say anything indelicate, but then he notices Maggie’s poorly masked look of concern toward Dana, and then he notices Dana’s completely unmasked look of shock.
And then he gets it.
“Oh, no! It’s not…I want you to meet her,” Mulder insists as he grabs a hold of both of Scully’s elbows and then glances anxiously toward the restroom door.
Dana Scully looks like she might be ill.
Thankfully Mulder only stammers a moment longer until the restroom door opens and he finds reprieve when a tall, thin woman appearing to be in her mid-60s walks through the door.
“Aunt Helen,” Mulder calls.
Somehow Scully’s eyes manage to get even wider as some of the color returns to her face.
“Aunt Helen, there are a few people I’d really like you to meet. This is my partner, Dana Scully, and this is her mother, Margaret Scully.”
Aunt Helen smiles widely in recognition, first shaking Maggie’s hand and then Dana’s. “It is such a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard such wonderful things.”
She lingers with her hand holding Dana’s while she says this, and the younger Scully is left blushing. She hazards a look at Mulder, but he doesn’t look embarrassed by this revelation. He holds her gaze with nothing but pride.
“This is my aunt, Helen Briggs. She’s my mom’s sister. She’s visiting for the weekend from Charlotte.”
They all kind of marvel over the fact that they were in the same restaurant and what a coincidence and oh, we were seated near the back bar, that must be why we didn’t see you and Scully is just starting to feel her pulse return to normal as Aunt Helen laments not having a chance to talk with the Scullys.
“Well, Dana and I skipped dessert so we could go to The Big Dipper for some ice cream. Would you two like to join us?”
“Oh, that would be lovely. As long as we’re not intruding,” says Aunt Helen.
“Not at all,” Scully assures her. “There is one catch, though.”
“It’s not real ice cream. It’s that Tofutti nonsense, isn’t it?” Mulder groans.
“It better not be,” Maggie insists. “I don’t know how she eats that stuff.”
Scully ignores her mother and her partner’s bad mouthing of her frozen treats as she returns her attention to Aunt Helen.
“I’m afraid if you want to come along, you will have to reveal a few good Young Mulder stories. And by ‘a few,’ I mean as many as you’ve got. And by ‘good,’ I mean the more embarrassing the better.”
“I’ll start thinking now,” Aunt Helen laughs.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant,” Mulder says regretfully.
They’ve just sat down to a small, round table for four with their ice cream when Mulder stands up to get them all more napkins, and Aunt Helen retrieves a small, rectangular piece of paper from her purse that she then deftly slides to Dana.
“Oh my god!” Scully exclaims with joy.
Staring back at her from the paper is a very young Fox Mulder. She guesses he must be around 8 or 9 in the school photo. His long, sandy brown hair falls just above his eyebrows. He doesn’t have his distinctive nose yet, but his bottom lip is already a little pouty. The real give away is the eyes. He’s grinning for the camera, but his eyes still have that soulfulness, that slight sadness.
She’s surprised. She knows she shouldn’t be. His eyes didn’t suddenly change when Samantha was taken. His eyes were probably always like that.
But she had always assumed that the great tragedy had flipped a switch for Young Fox Mulder. That before that single event, he had certainly been a perfectly happy child. Funny and athletic, popular for sure. But the humor developed as a defense mechanism later in life. And the sports were a great physical release as well as an excuse to be out of the house as much as possible. She didn’t actually know what he was like before, but now that she thought about it, home life was probably never all that great if it eventually led to a father sacrificing one child and leaving the other to always live with the guilt and loss.
It was very possible that Fox Mulder had always been a little boy with a lot on his mind.
In contrast, present day, adult Fox Mulder looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world as he returns with extra napkins, ready to tuck into his chocolate peanut butter ice cream in a waffle cone – that is until he realizes what his friend and partner Dana Scully is looking at.
“Oh come on. I was gone for thirty seconds, and you have the visual aids out.”
Scully continues to beam as Maggie finally gets a glimpse of the photo in her hand.
“Oh, Fox!”
“Okay,” Mulder said exasperatedly. “Does this meet your embarrassment quota?” he asks, looking pointedly at Scully.
“Not even close! This isn’t embarrassing. It’s adorable!”
Mulder rolls his eyes but can’t hide his bashful grin at her comment.
“It’s only fair, Fox. I know you’ve seen family photos of Dana at my house,” Mrs. Scully says, sounding like a mother well practiced in settling disputes between children.
“Just a couple. I do like that high school graduation picture, though. I still don’t know how you kept your cap on with all that hair.”
“That was the style back then. Everybody teased their hair and used a ton of hairspray.”
“I thought it might be a religious thing at Catholic school. The higher the hair, the closer to God,” Mulder teases.
Maggie and Aunt Helen chuckle, though the latter gives him a good-natured swat on the arm in admonishment.
“See, this is what I need, though. I need something from the teen years. That’s peak embarrassment fodder,” Scully says.
“If you ask our colleagues, I think my peak embarrassment fodder would come from about 1991 to present,” Mulder points out.
Aunt Helen just looks slightly regretful. “I’m afraid I don’t have many stories from those years, Dana.”
Mulder makes eye contact with Aunt Helen. “You didn’t miss much,” he insists. She looks like she wants to debate him, but he just places a hand on hers reassuringly, and they seem to make a silent agreement to not argue the point any further.
Mulder had never really mentioned any other family before. She knew his grandparents had all passed before she met him, but she had assumed, just like with everything else, that any other extended family connections had disappeared along with Samantha. That no one would know how to comfort and console The Mulders in a situation like that, with no explanation.
His aunts and uncles must have had questions, probably even had their own theories. Did his mother’s side suspect his father’s involvement, or did his father’s side blame his mother somehow? Did any of them blame…no, she couldn’t go down that route. Besides, did anyone ever suspect horrific things like that before the days of cable news and supermarket tabloids?
The point is, it was a tense situation, so Scully assumed they had all done what wealthy white people in places like Martha’s Vineyard and Boston and Raleigh did with any uncomfortable subject – they avoided it completely.
And that meant avoiding the little boy with a lot on his mind as he became a teenager with even more on his mind.
Scully had accompanied Mulder to a small burial service for his mother in Raleigh a few months ago. It was just the service. No gathering or dinner after, or at least not one that Mulder told her about. The attendees at the service were all pretty spread out, not much mingling. Again, it was another sudden loss shrouded in mystery. They all avoided particulars as much as they could.
Scully didn’t remember seeing Aunt Helen that day, but maybe she was there and just couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Maybe she wasn’t there because she couldn’t bring herself to go and then regretted it. Dana Scully didn’t know, and it didn’t actually matter. The point is that she’s here now. And that’s exactly what Mulder’s look of reassurance and acceptance seems to say.
It seems to help her perk up because she offers playfully, “Oh, what about that summer on Quonochontaug? I think you were 9 or so, and you were collecting leaves for one of your Indian Guide badges.”
“Oh god!”
“I’m hooked already. Not to jump ahead, but please tell me there’s poison ivy involved,” Scully says gleefully.
Aunt Helen’s bark of laughter and Mulder’s exaggerated eye roll are all the confirmation she needs.
“It was heavily involved! But that’s not the worst part. While he was working on his Leaf Collecting badge, he also earned credit towards his Wildlife badge when he came across a skunk in the woods.”
“No!” Scully shouts.
“Ivyed and skunked at the same time,” Mulder admits.
“Oh you poor thing,” Maggie adds sympathetically, but with barely contained laughter.
“He had to jump right from a tomato juice bath for the skunk smell…”
“Which didn’t work!”
“…into an oatmeal bath for the itching.”
“Which worked better, but I still smelled like a Grateful Dead concert.”
Both Scullys are full on giggling at this point.
“Do you remember what Grandpa Ralph said when he walked in and saw you and mom dunking me in a tub of oatmeal?” Mulder asks.
Aunt Helen pitches her voice deeper and amps up her Southern twang, “Why don’t cha dip him in some egg and flour next? We toss him in the frying pan, we got supper! We’re havin’ Fried Fox tonight!”
Now they’re all in hysterics. Even the man who usually hates his given name can’t help but laugh along, especially when it makes his lovely company so happy.
Scully enters the basement office Monday morning to find Mulder already there, flipping through an open drawer in the filing cabinet.
“Good morning,” she says cheerfully.
He looks up and smiles. “Good morning. Long time no see.”
“How was the rest of your weekend? Did you guys do any sightseeing or anything?”
“No, we just had a late breakfast yesterday before I took her to the airport, but it was good to catch up some more. She told me to thank you again for letting us tag along for ice cream. It was really nice.”
“It was,” Scully agrees.
Mulder appears to be considering something for a moment before he crosses over to the desk and picks up a small envelope.
“She also told me to give this to you,” he says almost bashfully, extending the envelope in Scully’s direction. “She told me I couldn’t look inside, and I didn’t. But I think I know what’s in there, and if I’m right, you don’t have to keep it. You can just leave it here on the desk.”
Well, now she’s intrigued. Scully opens the envelope to find a small handwritten note at the top.
“I thought you might like these. I have plenty more too, if you’d ever like to see them or want any more stories. Please don’t be a stranger.”
Scully lifts up the note to see the remaining contents inside and finds a small stack of photographs, a mixture of more school photos along with a few wallet-sized family portraits and a couple candids taken on the beaches of the Vineyard or Rhode Island, she can’t tell. But she sees the same set of eyes in all of them.
She looks back to read the rest of the note.
“I’m so glad I got to meet you, Dana. Take care!”
Below Aunt Helen’s elegant signature, she has also written her home address and phone number. Scully will have to call and thank her.
“She tried to give some to me,” Mulder explains, “but I didn’t really want…and like I said, you don’t have to…”
“No, I’d like to keep them,” Dana insists.
Mulder lets her statement hang in the air for a moment, but he can’t help but diffuse it.
“You just want more blackmail material.”
“Something like that,” Scully says teasingly, but there’s no bite behind it.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant.”
She chuckles lightly as she shuffles the photos into a neat stack to place back in the envelope, thinking that this is the point where they get back to work. Mulder stays standing in front of her and appears to be considering something again. Does he have another envelope that he’s afraid to give her?
“You know it was pure luck that we ended up at Petrino’s the same night as you. I actually gave Aunt Helen a few options and let her choose. I was pushing more for that Thai place in Arlington, just off Old Dominion. The one that’s been there forever,” Mulder explains.
“Oh, the one with the secret menu? I’ve still never been there. Can’t say I’m surprised that Aunt Helen wasn’t up for Thai food, though.”
“Yeah. Fair point,” Mulder nods for a moment too long before continuing. “Would you like to go there sometime? Like this Saturday? With me?”
Scully slowly looks up from the envelope to see Mulder’s face because in all matters, other than the divine, Dana Scully needs to see to believe. And the slightly nervous yet gentle grin that she finds allows her to believe it to be true – Fox Mulder has just asked her out on a real date.
“I would like that,” Scully says gently.
“Good. You wanna say 7:30? Or we can always figure out time later,” Mulder states, aiming for practicality to keep him from grinning like a complete idiot. He ends up grinning like a moderate idiot, but he’s okay with that.
“Sounds good.”
Yep, Scully will definitely have to call Aunt Helen and thank her.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
Hermione Granger x fem Slytherin!reader (fluff)
requested: (@chokemepansy) im terrible at requesting because i blank on ideas BUT anything for hermione please <3 take your time ily 💓
warnings: a single curse word, but mainly just soft hours
summary: Hermione has her very first date with you at Hogsmeade (song inspo from Fergie's Clumsy) (pardon my lame ass summary)
a/n: ty for requesting, luv 🥺 hope you like it! i made the reader slytherin just bc of you <3 and yes, i put in an outfit inspo but it's not like the cringy ones from wattpad
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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You came to love the smell of parchment and books. The sound of pages being turned, the feeling of a new book in your hands. You loved them because it made you think of Hermione.
Merlin, you were infatuated with everything about her. The excitement in her voice when she talked about her favorite books, the small paper cuts on her fingers from turning the pages – she didn't mind them as it was normal for her – and the look on her face when she received praise from professors.
She was all you thought about and you wanted to go to the top of the Astronomy Tower and yell out "I LOVE HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER" for the whole school to hear. And you were positive she felt the same. Hermione would refuse to let go of your hands when you walked together from class and on some occasions, you'd catch her staring at you during study sessions. Just like she was doing now.
"Miss Granger, for the last time, I am asking you what are the contents of polyjuice potion?" Snape was hovered over her desk. Hermione jumped in her seat and turned to face the brooding professor. Your Slytherin housemates who sat at the back of class laughed at her startled state as she named the contents. You looked back and glared at them all. When Snape left your table and continued his lecture, you leaned closer to Hermione and whispered as low as you could, “Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted,” you noticed.
“Y-yes, I'm fine,” Hermione stuttered. Snape excused the class and Hermione waited for you to be done packing your things just so she could hold your hand to the Great Hall. “Are we still going to Hogsmeade on Saturday?” you asked.
“Harry’s got detention with McGonagall for ‘ accidentally’ turning Crabbe into a water goblet in class,” Hermione used her free hand to make air quotations, “and Ron’s busy with Lavender that day.” She had a sad look on her face, thinking that they wouldn't be able to go to Hogsmeade after all. You picked up on it and had an idea. “So, just the two of us then?”
Hermione’s chest became warm, “Okay. It's a date.” Your eyes slightly bulged out and to Hermione, you had an indistinguishable smile, “I mean, not like a date date, but a girls date.” You weren't sure if she meant it like that, but you laughed at her stumbling her words. The always composed girl becoming a cute, blubbering mess for you. Not that you knew for sure it was because for you but you’d given it a lot of thought.
She never held Harry’s hand like she did yours unless he was upset about something and she was comforting him. And she certainly never held Ron’s hand. Nor does she ever hug him knowing Lavender would go ballistic. Not that she’d ever want to. He was her best friend, yeah but she had never gotten used to it. They both had an unspoken thing to not hug.
“Sounds fun,” you chirped, “can’t wait for it.” You gave her a lingering hug before going to your table. You sat in between your best friends Pansy and Daphne. Pansy had a smirk on her lips once you were in her line of sight, “Did you finally tell Granger?” You knew what she was talking about and nudged her arm with your elbow, “Shut it.” The two girls chuckled and gave each other knowing looks. “I might tell her on Saturday,” you disclosed.
They had matching shocked faces; for nearly a year, they’ve watched you pace around their shared dorm debate with yourself whether or not to tell her about how you feel. You’d have a sparkle in your eyes every time you talked about her and nearly spent every day with her. They weren't upset about it. In fact, they couldn't wait to see you two together. But you were unexpectedly insecure by thinking of the worst case scenario in which she’d reject you.
“That’s great, Y/N/N. I’m so happy for you. I know everything will turn out well,” Daphne supported. Pansy nodded and pointed to Daphne as to say ‘Me too’. You grabbed the hands of both girls and held them tightly, “Thanks, girls. I love you guys.” You wrapped an arm around both of them and brought them in for a hug. Daphne returned it while Pansy made a fake coughing sound. “I can’t b-breathe,” she exaggerates. You held on for a couple seconds more before letting go and started eating. “Okay, so how is this happening?” Pansy asked.
“We’re going to Hogsmeade together on Saturday,” you inquired. “So the whole lot is going as well?” Pansy was talking about Harry and Ron of course.
“No, just the two of us alone,” you replied, taking a bite of the chicken on your plate.
“You mean, this is a date?” Daphne exclaimed. “We’re going to help pick an outfit, no questions asked.” She had a stern look that dared you to talk back. As sweet as Daphne is, once her mind is set to something, she doesn't budge. You accepted it and was met with her usual warm smile. Inside, you were ecstatic and couldn't wait for Saturday. Your crush has gone on for too long, and you were tired of waiting.
Your dorm mates got you up at the crack of dawn. And by crack of dawn, it was actually 10 am at most. They made you change into every outfit they picked out which totaled in 8. You appreciated everything they were doing, but some of the outfits were too much for a day in Hogsmeade. Daphne picked out tennis skirts with cropped argyle sweaters. Pansy picked short dresses that stopped at your mid-thigh and black wool turtlenecks to go over them. They had completely different aesthetics which is what probably made them perfect friends.
You settled on something casual; a thick striped long sleeve polo with light blue jeans and white trainers. It was going to be a nice spring day and you didn't want to wear something that would be too short and you get cold later. Daphne did your hair in two French plaits and Pansy did your makeup modestly. Once you were done, it was noon and you rushed to meet Hermione for your ‘girl date’.
She took the air straight from your lungs. She looked more breathtaking than the night of the Yule Ball. You distinctly remember being incredibly jealous of Viktor Krum and beat yourself up for not asking her before he did. But now, if he was here, you were sure that the famous Quidditch athlete would be jealous of you.
Hermione’s usually wild hair was tamed into smooth wavy curls that framed her delicate face. She wore a floral print button up that was definitely new as you’ve never seen it before. Or did she save it just for you? Her navy jeans hugged her ankles and she donned light pink flats. And probably for the first time since the Yule Ball, she had mascara and lipgloss on. Casual, but perfect.
Your face was flushed, and you weren't sure if she was also blushing or if maybe she was just wearing blush. “Shall we?” You reached out to grab her hands – her soft hands – and waited for her response. She didn't say anything when she laced her fingers with yours and started walking on the path to Hogsmeade. Hermione was about to say that you looked pretty when she tripped over a small rock on the pathway. “Are you okay?” you expressed concern. She was still holding onto your hand as she steadied herself up, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You snorted and had to hold the butterbeer in your mouth, “Ron did what?” Hermione laughed as she told you how Lavender exploded on Ron for forgetting their anniversary and when he tried to make it up by giving her chocolates that he got from his older brothers, Lavender instantly grew a huge chin that drooped over her neck. Ron had gotten so mad at them and in unison, they told him ‘Why’d you think we’d ever give you real ones?’
“So that’s why no one has seen her for a couple days!” you noted. She was nodding as she laughed. You could only imagine what it was like to see it in person. Poor Lav. You went back and forth talking about whatever went on since the last time you were together.
Hermione went on talking about a new book she read about over the winter holiday. The way she expressed her emotions and passion for it made you fall for the Gryffindor girl more. When you hadn't said anything, she stopped and lowered her head, “I’m boring you, aren't I?”
You sat straight in your chair and fumbled your words before reaching out to grab her hand from across the table, “No, no, no, of course not. I could never be bored of you, I love you.” Your eyes widened. You didn't exactly expect to let it slip out like that, but you studied her reaction to see if you could leave it at that or otherwise. She sat still with a poker face. “Y-you’re my best friend, Mione–”
“I love you, too,” she confessed. “Huh?” Please, please, please tell me I heard her right. You didn't get to fully process what she said because after a few seconds, she gathered all her courage and reached over the table to give you a quick peck on your lips. It would've been a sweet moment hadn't she accidentally knocked her glass over in the process. Everyone in the Three Broomsticks had their eyes on you, Hermione’s face beet red and lowered out of embarrassment. You tried cleaning the mess and out of nowhere, Hermione ran out. Fuck this you thought as you ran after her.
“Mione, wait!” She hadn't gone far and luckily for you, she listened. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes averted from yours. “Where are you going? Aren’t we on a date?” Confidence had finally kicked in when you asked her. Hermione’s breath hitched. She couldn't see anything in your face that showed you were joking. Because you weren't. “Yes,” she grabbed your hands and started walking towards the other shops in the small village. Until once again, she nearly fell back when she nearly slipped over another rock on the ground. You supported her back up and giggled, “You’re so clumsy.”
requests open!
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tpwkjerii · 3 years
strawberry kisses
you and felix have a longstanding tradition of baking the day after finals. usually, it’s the best method of relaxing after long hours of studying. unfortunately, you find yourself rather tense this time — after all, it’s always fun to spend an entire day in a cramped kitchen with your crush, isn’t it?
pairing: lee felix x reader
warnings: fluff and kissing, mild angst, reader likes strawberries (sorry if you’re allergic skdlsd), ex boyfriend (but supportive bestie) minho, reader has low self confidence :(, like two curse words, kisses!!
genre: friends to lovers au, kinda idiots to lovers, mutual pining
word count: 2.9k+
a/n: short fic for Felix hehe
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Your eyes glazed over as you reviewed the last response of your final exam of the term. After two long hours of plugging equations you hardly understood into your nearly-dead calculator and speed-writing to the point where you’re sure you’ve bruised your dominant hand, you finally finished. At lightning speed, you gathered your exam papers and submitted them at the front with a quick prayer to the universe.
A few other students followed your rushed pace out of the large lecture hall, all of you eager to finally get out of the stuffy room.
As you stepped out of the packed hall and into the cooling outdoors, you checked your phone, which was filled with texts from the one person you were trying desperately to get out of your head (and miserably failing at that).
felix (strawberry head) <3
5:23 PM
did you finish your chem final ???
hyunjin and i just submitted our video for our dance performance
your editing was very good btw :D
5:35 PM
y/nnnnn you’re taking forever :(
we’re waiting at the quad for you !!
5:40 PM
*i am waiting at the quad for you
the others got too hungry and left, but i’m waiting for you!
pls hurry it’s cold :[
You bit back a laugh at his texts, his heartwarming tone filling you with a familiar fuzzy feeling. You pushed the feeling aside as you texted a reply.
5:43 PM
be there in 2 :D
You stifled a smile as you rushed towards the quad. Soon enough, you saw Felix and his bright, red-dyed hair (you first noted that it closely resembled a strawberry). The moment your eyes met his, you felt your heart skip a beat and heat spread across your face. This was the common reaction you’ve had for the past few months whenever you see Felix.
He rushed over to you with a giddy smile and his arms outstretched. Quickly, he barrelled into you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You took so long,” he whined, his chest vibrating as he spoke.
“I know, I know. ‘M sorry,” you responded, your voice slightly muffled by his shirt. You took a second to enjoy his hold and the comforting warmth that Felix always provided you whenever he was near. Over the past few years, you’ve grown accustomed to the scent of his sweet floral perfume, the feeling of his tight hugs, and the way he played with your fingers when he was bored.
All the things you were fond of were now extreme nuisances in your life. Not because they were annoying or because you disliked Felix, but rather the complete opposite; you were completely, helplessly, and foolishly in love with him.
“You ready to go?” Felix asked suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts. He brought his arms down from around you, and you looked down at the ground as you nodded, hoping that he didn’t see the intense blush that was spreading from your face to your neck.
You are so fucked for tomorrow.
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After an entire night of tossing and turning in anxiety, the next day finally arrived. To say you were nervous was a massive understatement.
The minute you woke up, you began to anxiously clean your apartment while your roommate Ryujin laughed at you. As you wiped down every visible crevice, she made sure to pester you about a “missed spot” or tempt you with sweets.
“You’ve never cleaned this much whenever Felix came over before,” she pointed out with a laugh while you wiped down the kitchen counters for the fourth time.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice uncharacteristically high-pitched.
Ryujin scoffed. “It is so obvious that you like Felix, there’s no point in lying to me,” she stated bluntly.
Your hand froze mid-wipe on the counter. You looked over at your blue-haired roommate nervously. “Is it really… that obvious?”
“Yes,” she deadpanned.
You winced and dropped your head onto the smooth stone countertop. “Do you think he’s noticed?” you moaned into your arms.
“If he hasn’t, I will personally pay for his glasses prescription.”
You whined again as you lifted your head up to look directly at Ryujin. “If he’s noticed then why hasn’t he said anything?”
She stood up as she answered, “Not sure but you could always ask him today.”
Your mouth dropped in horror at the suggestion. “I can’t tell him how I feel! That would completely ruin our friendship!”
“So you’d rather continue tip-toeing around him and never get a clear answer?” she questioned, her arms crossed.
Ryujin sighed and started to collect her things. “You can do whatever you want,” she started as she placed her papers in her backpack, “but I recommend you tell him soon.” She stood up and headed for the door. Just before opening it and leaving you alone with your thoughts until Felix arrived, she turned around and said, “I won’t be home until late, have fun.” With that, she winked and walked out of your shared apartment.
You scoffed at her suggestive tone and stood upright to check the time.
10:08 AM
You gasped. Felix said he was going to arrive at 10:30, but knowing him he would be at least 15 minutes early, meaning you only had 7 minutes to get yourself together!
You cursed and rushed to your bedroom. Switching out of your wrinkled pajamas, you opted for a random hoodie you grabbed out of your closet and jeans. After you changed, you made a beeline for the bathroom and fixed your appearance. You quickly brushed through your hair and washed your face, hoping you removed all remnants of your restless sleep.
Just as you predicted, you heard four distinctive knocks on your front door right at 10:15.
“Coming!” you exclaimed as you rushed out of your bathroom.
Right before you opened the front door, you placed a hand on your beating heart and mumbled words of encouragement to yourself. Then, after deciding that you were probably taking too long, you pulled the door open.
Immediately, Felix, covered in a large hoodie and arms filled with large bags of baking ingredients, greeted you with a large grin. Like every other time, you felt your heart skip a beat when you made eye contact with him.
“Hi,” you said simply, a smile on your face.
“Hi,” he responded. He looked you up and down, asking, “Are you wearing my hoodie?” 
You paled and looked down at the large pink hoodie, immediately recognizing it as the one that Felix lent you almost one year ago when he dropped you off at the airport since you forgot yours in the car. Once you got back from your trip, you’d forgotten to give it back to him.
“O-oh,” you stuttered, looking down at the oversized sleeves. “I didn’t even realize,” you continued awkwardly. “You can ha -”
“It’s fine,” he cut you off, the smile never leaving his face. He shrugged. “You look better in it anyways.”
Your mouth dropped and you found yourself unable to respond for a few moments. Felix laughed at your dumbfoundedness and gently pushed you aside to walk into the apartment. Once he set the bags down on the kitchen counters, you returned to your senses and closed the door to walk over to him.
“So, what are we making today?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. It wasn’t an easy task to do, considering his proximity to you.
You held your breath as he grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. “What’s your favorite fruit?” he asked excitedly.
“Er, strawberries?” you answered, tilting your head to the side in mild confusion.
At that, Felix let go of your hands and quickly pulled out a carton of fresh strawberries from one of the bags. You gasped in delight at the sight of the bright fruit and immediately thanked him.
“It’s no big deal,” he responded while sliding the fruits into the fridge. “I’m gonna eat most of the tarts and choco strawberries anyways,” he added with a sneaky laugh.
You scoffed. “You always say that but you always end up giving me the most.” You smirked at him while taking out the baking materials.
“I don’t give it to you,” he countered. “You steal them.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you told him with a sing-song tone. He laughed from your side, and you swore that you heard actual sparkles, as if he were a fairy, when he did.
You cleared your throat, hoping to rid your mind of distracting thoughts that could be potential problems during the next seven hours that Felix would be at your apartment. “So, master chef Felix,” you started, lowering your voice like a TV show announcer. “What are you going to do first?”
“Well, my fair announcer,” he began, holding up the silicon whisk like a microphone. “I think we should start with preparing the shortbread dough, what about you?”
“Ah, you are the chef. Lead the way,” you responded with a wide smile.
You both laughed together and actually began the baking. Like usual, Felix did most of the work while you played music and assisted from the side. You worked together seamlessly, and soon enough the shortbread cookies were done and strawberry jam cooling to the side.
While you taste-tested the jam, Felix began to whisk the melted chocolate, and you took this time to admire him. You stood at his side, allowing you to admire his side profile.
Felix was easily one of the most beautiful individuals you ever laid your eyes on. But his appearance wasn’t the only part you fell for — he was one of the few people whose inside beauty matched their outside beauty.
Felix was kind, funny, optimistic, and just about every positive adjective you could find in a dictionary. After every failed test, he was there with a cup of strawberry ice cream and a shoulder to cry on. When you landed your first job, he was there to celebrate with you even when your own family wasn’t. And when you and Minho mutually broke up, he was there to give you advice as you coped with the end of your first relationship.
How could you not fall for him?
And sometimes you had the feeling that he liked you back. The touches that would linger for just a few seconds too long, the soft smiles that Chan claimed he only ever gave to you, and his late-night texts all spurned a tiny hopeful fire in you that kept your crush alive.
No matter how many times you tried to get over him and convince yourself that your crush didn’t exist, the tiny voice in your head still spoke. “But what if he likes you back?”
Now, as Felix stood by your side with a soft smile on his face while he whisked the chocolate, that voice screamed louder than ever.
And just as you gained a sliver of courage, the same paralyzing thoughts that have held you back for the past few months returned.
Felix was out of your league in every way. He was social and easily commanded the attention of an entire room with so much as two words. His outward beauty matched his insides, and everyone on campus reached a collective agreement that if angels ever existed and walked among us — Lee Felix was certainly one of them.
And those things were only the tip of the iceberg that is Felix. He was talented, sensitive, supportive, passionate, and everything you could ever ask for and then some.
You then thought back to all the people he rejected - kindly, of course - and how you matched up to them. If Felix didn’t choose to go out with all those beautiful and talented people, what on Earth made you think you would choose you?
At this point, Felix picked up on your sudden silence and how your breaths grew heavy and uneven.
“Are you… alright?” he asked carefully, his own chest beating heavily.
You stared at him, panicked that he caught onto your apprehension. “Um…” you started, trailing off as you met his gaze.
Felix let go of the whisk and grabbed your hands. “You can say whatever you need to.”
“I uh,” you started after a few moments, internally battling yourself to gain courage as you realized that it’s now or never. “I kinda like you,” you admitted quietly, looking down at your intertwined hands anxiously. You waited for him to pull his hand away in disgust and start to kindly reject you like he did to all those other people, but it never came. After a few seconds, his hands still the entire time, you looked up at him with glassy eyes in confusion.
“What?” he finally said, his deep voice softer than ever.
You looked back down at your hands shamefully. “Do I really have to repeat it?” you asked weakly. “I like you, Felix. I have for the past few months and it’s been driving me insane because it feels like my heart’s about to stop dead whenever I see you and I can never think straight when you’re with me. Apparently, it’s been pretty obvious and I really tried my best to get over it so it wouldn’t hurt our friendship.
“Trust me, I really wanted to get over it but I couldn’t, and I know you don’t like me back so it’s ok. I can deal with it on my own and you can just leave a -”
“Y/N,” Felix said suddenly, his voice firm. You looked up, tears rolling down your face as you were sure that he was about to reject you.
“Felix please don’t interrupt me. At least let me finish what I have to say,” you pleaded softly, removing your hands from his.
“Y/N,” he repeated, his voice much gentler. He carefully wiped the tears from your face and took your hands into his again. “Can I say something before you finish?” he requested.
You choked back a sob as you nodded, certain that he was just going to let you down kindly.
“I like you too, Y/N,” he said shyly, a blush spreading across his freckled face.
Your entire body froze.
“I was too scared to admit it because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he continued, the words slowly registering in your mind. “To be honest, I thought you still liked Minho.”
You blushed at his words, thinking back to all the times you would pull Minho, your ex-boyfriend, to the side to talk about Felix these past few months. You didn’t realize how it must have looked to Felix or your other friends.
“I was also… afraid of ruining our friendship, so I’ve just kept it to myself the past two years.”
You gaped at him. “Two years?” you sputtered, causing him to laugh at the way your eyes widened comically. “That’s when we first started uni!”
He shrugged. “What can I say? I was instantly attracted to the way you fought Chan on why you should be allowed to keep the minifridge in your dorm,” he joked.
You blushed at the embarrassing memory, although it wasn’t completely regrettable as it was how you met most of your current friends — including Felix.
“I’m surprised,” you voiced simply. “I didn’t think you would ever like me back.” You breathed out, your muscles relaxing instantly.
Felix grinned again and he moved slowly to envelop you in his arms. He rested his hands on the small of your back and his head on the crook of your shoulder.
“Does this mean that I can take you out on a date?” he whispered.
“Will you promise to stop taking unflattering pictures of me and sending them to me in the middle of the night?” you asked, your head resting against his and arms around him.
He sighed. “Fine,” he answered reluctantly with a whine.
“Then sure,” you responded and pulled your head back to meet his eyes. His eyes shined from the sunlight pouring through the windows and his freckles glimmered like stars across a canvas. Felix was truly beautiful inside and out.
“You have some strawberry jam on your lip,” he said after a few silent moments where you both admired each other.
“Really?” you asked. Your hand moved from his back towards your face, but Felix caught your hand in midair and returned it to its original position.
“I’ll get it,” he murmured with a gentle smile before closing the distance between your lips.
You held your breath as he pressed his soft lips against yours. You instantly recognized the strawberry chapstick he uses and the taste of the shortbread cookies. He swiped his tongue against the corner of your lip, and the sudden sensation caused a shiver to run down your spine.
You brought your hand up to his hair and gently tugged at his dyed locks. Felix brought you closer to him and massaged your back as he deepened the kiss.
When you finally pulled away, your face was burning red and you were completely breathless. Felix was smiling giddily, his arms still around yours.
“I think there’s still some jam left,” he told you, not even giving you a second to respond before he pressed his lips against yours once again. This kiss was much more playful than the last as you giggled against each other in the kiss.
“Did you get it all?” you asked him, your voice reduced to a murmur as he continued kissing your lips.
He hummed, kissing you once and twice in between, before responding, “I don’t think so.”
You laughed against his lips. “Well, I guess you better get it all. I can’t have strawberries stuck on my lips all day.”
He laughed with you, and true to his words, he eventually did get all the strawberry jam off (an extra two hours and an uncountable amount of kisses later).
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Gold Rush ↬ t.h
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Gif by @parkeraul :)
A/N: I'm in love with that song 🙈 also here's my super late contribution of professor!tom 😋 cause I've been procrastinating on the wandavision au (in my defence though, it's taking a lot of brainstorming 😂) anyway here you go-
Wc: 2.6k+
Warnings: lemme know if you find one :)
Summary: He taught British History and you chastise yourself for not auditing for that subject earlier.
Pairing: Professor!Tom x Student!Reader
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Waking up with a start, you groan at the shrill sound of your alarm. With a sigh that was more of a grunt of annoyance, you tried to reach for your phone at the side table, hissing when you felt the corner of your elbow hit the table, pain shooting up to your shoulder. 
Great, you weren't even up yet and your day was already going shitty. You just hoped that your professor won't be grumpy about you being late for the millionth time this semester. 
You hated cultural architecture. You had nothing against the course, but You hated your professor with a passion and wished that you could burn your textbooks for all you cared, right in front of your teacher's eyes, watch him writhe in fear as you banished the very existence of your material. 
You were being dramatic, but in your defence, your professor was an old bastard who never left an opportunity to reprimand you, going as far as letting you know how uneven your margins were on your latest project. 
He wore birkenstocks with a three piece. You wouldn't trust him with your assignments. 
Getting out of your dorm room was work, hard work. But you got out, brushed your teeth and wore what you hoped were presentable clothing. 
"You look hungover." Your roommate, Stacy, commented, spitting in the sink as you scowled at her. 
She was straightforward, outspoken and somehow managed to look like one of those Victoria secrets models that you loathed, even at seven in the morning. You hated her. 
(You didn't.)
"Thanks, I hope I smell too. Want that son of a bitch- what's his name, Wilson, to suffer for giving me that C minus on my thesis." You grumbled, rubbing your hands through your hair to flat them out. 
"You really hate him, don't you." She snickered, popping off her shirt. You tried not to look, not wanting to come off as a pervert, but damn, she was fit. You contemplated her words, frowning at your own reflection. 
You looked disheveled, the dark eye bags under your eyes very apparent as you tried to mask them with foundation, setting your hair for the millionth time. Oh well, you were presentable enough. Sweatpants would have to do for your only class today, you could binge Netflix after this wretched class. 
"I do. I hope his third wife divorces him and he loses his thermos of coffee in the subway." You said, adding your look finally before wearing your shoes. 
"That's cruel, didn't know you had it in you." She snickered, patting your back and following you as you closed the door, "Well I have to go to my boring science lectures now so, see you later hun." 
"Yeah, enjoy your chemistry period with your boyfriend!" You cheered sarcastically, rolling your eyes and hugging her to tell her that you were only joking. Your relationship was this, of jokes and hugs and kisses. You considered her your best friend. 
Rushing towards the gates of your university, you hastily tightened your loosening hair tie, adjusting the straps of your bags. You were pretty sure you had broken your record of being late to your class. You may hate the professor, but you actually enjoyed the subject. 
Wheezing as you ran past the late comers, you nodded at the receptionist, hastily signing yourself in. You would blame your clumsiness for what happened next, because one second you were fixing your sande on the foot of the fountain, and next thing you knew you were crashing into a firm body, your nose hitting the random stranger’s chest.
"I’m so sorry! I’m kinda late to class and I wasn’t looking and- whoa, ow.” You rushed your words, groaning when you felt blood rush from your head to toe, nose throbbing with double vision, a reminder of your clumsiness. 
“Whoa, hey calm down, it’s okay, I wasn’t looking either.” The stranger said, his thick South Western accent snapping you out of your self pity. 
You felt blood rush to your cheeks instead, not anticipating your face in a flush this early in the morning, when you got a good look at the stranger. He was good looking, in his black high turtleneck and brown checkered pants. He had a small leather satchel clutched in his hands, face looking as flushed as you felt when you realised that you had been gawking at him.
He was probably no older than his mid twenties, making you wonder what he was doing in your university. He was too old to be a student, and too young to be a professor. But then again, you wouldn't judge him for joining college late.
"S-sorry, you um, you must be really late, you should go." He stuttered, your heart fluttering at his dimpled chin and thick accent. His eyes were gleaming in the morning sun, captivating in a way that left you in awe. 
"Um yeah, I am." You nodded, composing yourself, hoping that you didn't look too sleep deprived or disheveled, "where are you going, if you don't mind me asking."  
"Um, the architecture wing?" He said, unconsciously stepping besides you.
"Oh, I'm going that way. Is it your first time coming here? Haven't seen you around." You asked, trying not to stare at his sharp jawline and the way the morning sun hit him just right, illuminating and accentuating his curly brown hair. 
"Yeah, it's my first lecture, so um, looks like I'm late too." He smiled. It was infectious, you noticed as you mirrored his expression. 
"Oh, you're a student?" 
"Actually, I'm a professor. Just transferred from UCL." 
So you were right, he was a professor. He looks so young though. You thought, nodding at him, your thoughts interrupted by his laugh. Looking at him with confusion, you raised an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, everyone says that. I started right after finishing graduation so, I guess I'm not much older than you." He smiled, kicking the small pebbles littered around the set grassy ground. It had just rained, the smell of wet ground still fresh. 
"I said that out loud didn't I?" You smirked, ducking your head to hide. 
"You did." 
Entering the building, you realised that you hadn't asked which subject he taught, crossing your fingers and hoping that he would replace the old bastard that taught you cultural architecture. 
"I forgot to ask, which lecture do you teach?" You asked, looking for your class in the end. The hallways were empty, it was way past your first lecture and all the students were already in the auditorium. 
"Oh, uh, British History." He answered. You didn't let disappointment show too much on your face, smiling shyly before gesturing towards the class, "that's you." 
"Oh, um thank you." He smiled, pursing his thin lips together as he walked towards the class. You could hear screaming of the students as you both neared the classroom, you still standing by the door, "I didn't get your name." 
His question snapped you out of your disappointed gaze, 
"Oh, it's Y/n. Y/n L/n." You said with a smile. 
"Pleasure to meet you Y/n, I'm Thomas Holland, but you can call me Tom." He said awkwardly, before turning back to his class, who had yet to notice him.
"The pleasure's all mine Professor." 
For the first time in your college life, you didn't feel like tearing your hair off during your lecture, your thoughts wandering around. You wanted to berate yourself for not paying attention, but your thoughts kept going there. 
It was funny, how you met him not long ago and he was already taking up residence in your brain. You could not control your feelings after all. Something akin to nausea or excitement eased into your stomach when you pictured his smile, his black turtleneck that accentuated his biceps and pectorals. The little rebellious eyebrow and the tiny scar above it. 
It made your heart flutter, everything seemingly seemed to stop around you. It scared you a bit, how You had managed to envision the little details of his face in your brain after such a short duration. 
You didn't realise that you were smiling until you felt a nudge on your side, making you nearly jump on your seat. 
"What?!" You hissed, scowling at your classmate. 
"Who're you thinking about?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned towards you. You had known her long enough to know her name but never bothered learning, and you were too scared to ask now. 
"It's none of your business." You muttered, glancing up to see your professor scowling at a student as they stood up. 
"Well okay, but did you hear about the hot new professor? Apparently he's teaching British History, I regret not taking that as a subject now." She said, her cheeks flushed with excitement. You furrowed your brows, feeling a pang in your chest at the realisation that you were probably just another girl with a stupid crush on the hot professor, that there were already girls who would die to feel his touch. 
"How do you know about him?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you try to act nonchalant. You weren't being subtle, apparently, because you could see her snapping her bubblegum with a smirk, leaning forward as if trading secrets. 
"You kidding right? Everyone knows about him, you got a crush on him or something?" She suggested, scooting close enough to make you squirm. 
"I literally just met him, and ew, he's a professor, why would I see him that way?" You whisper, willing your heart to stop palpitating at the thought of said professor, your gut twisting in anticipation. 
"I don't know girl, he's hot and young and so much better than this bastard." She sighed, leaning on her palm with a fake dreamy expression. 
You went back to ignoring her after that, noticing how her notebook said 'Eloise'. At least you didn't have to ask her her name now. 
Your class went surprisingly well, or maybe it was because you weren't paying attention and thinking about him again. You really needed to get a grip on yourself. 
Walking out of your class, you decided to go to the cafeteria, your stomach begging for your attention.
Setting your things on a table, you took out your phone to scroll through Instagram, before switching it off and looking around the cafeteria. You didn't know what you were expecting to see, but your stomach was gurgling with hunger and nothing made sense when you were hungry. 
Walking to grab something to eat, you pick up your bag, hanging it over one of your shoulders before getting in the line. 
Just as you were about to turn with your bun and cup of coffee, you crashed into someone for the second time that day. Cursing your clumsiness, you heard a familiar British accent curse not very colourful words, making you stumble over as you tried to wipe off the hot coffee off his shirt.
"Hey, it's okay." He said, stopping your frantic gestures by holding your wrist with his to cease any movements.
"Professor Holland! I'm so sorry, it's like, I'm just clumsy. I have no excuse." You sighed in resignation, mentally facepalming at spilling your coffee at the hot professor. 
"It's okay darling, I've had much worse spilled on me." He smirked, his hand still holding on to yours. You had started walking away from the location, and yet his hand didn't let go, "You know, I used to babysit during my college days." 
"Oh, babysitting, right of course." You chuckled awkwardly, chest heaving with the sudden close proximity with the professor, dissipating the not quite PG thought that just occurred in your mind at his words.. 
"Sorry for-" You said in unison with him, chuckling. 
"You go first." He said.
"I'm sorry for spilling coffee on You, it must have hurt and I ruined your shirt and now there's a big splotch of coffee right in the middle!" You said, circling your fingers around your palm as you walked with your back to the exit as you walked out of the cafeteria, food forgotten and him following your pace. 
Before you could continue your awkward blabber, you were standing in the garden outside, leaning against a pillar with the garden in your view looking golden in the setting sun. He was standing in your view, the shadows around his jaw making it look sharp enough to cut glass. 
Taking a breath, you looked up at his smiling form with confusion when he didn't answer, instead leant onto the pillar next to you.
"You were... gonna say something?" You reminded, smiling awkwardly as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Oh? Oh! Oh yes yes, You know, I was kind of disappointed that you weren't in my class, Mister Wilson talks very highly of you." He said, folding his arms on his chest, it made his biceps bulge. 
"He does?" You looked at him with surprise, guilt panging in your chest when you remembered yourself bad mouthing the professor not long ago. 
"Yes, says you're a bright student with a bright future." He answered, leaning his head back so that his neck was exposed, Adam's Apple bobbing as he gulped, his hair falling into place perfectly against his forehead. The arch of his neck was beautiful, tracing it with your eyeballs as you imagined which other curves of his were as beautiful, immediately dismissing those thoughts, chastising yourself for thinking such a way of a professor. 
"That's… sweet of him. I've never heard him compliment me once in the two and half years I've been in his class." You chuckle, leaning your elbow on the pillar to get a better look at his side profile. 
"Hmm, he says he's hard on you because he wants you to do your best..." 
You stopped listening past that, your breath growing more erratic the more he talked, his smooth voice washing over you like warm honey with a squeeze of lemon. Swallowing a sudden lump in your throat, your heart leaping, leaving you nauseous and in a dream like trance. 
Tom noticed immediately, noticing your slouched posture as you stared at him with a small smile, the upturn of your lips so inviting that he almost dived in, wanting to know the feeling of them what they felt like against his. 
He wasn't the kind to date his students, in fact, he rarely dated after joining uni and becoming a professor. 
He strictly believed that student/teacher relationships should end in only a professional non romantic set up. That was all up until he crashed into you that morning. 
You had been in his mind all day, stirring him crazy as he imagined your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your subject of interest, the say your fingers fiddled with the ring you wore on your index finger. 
He wondered if this feeling would last forever or become a vague memory, an attraction of hearts that didn't last but felt good till it did. If he was rushing, or if you even felt the same way. 
He was smart, of course that's how he became a teacher, but he still couldn't place your feelings. 
So when he saw you staring at him, his heart leaping in his throat at your adorable smile, the only logical answer his brain gave was that you liked him too. Temporary attraction or not, he wasn't one to look a gift horse in it's mouth. 
Next thing he knew your lips were crashing onto his, your chest pressed against his firmly as your hands reached up to the base of his neck. 
Your fingers were soft, tongue swishing against his as he opened his mouth to let you enter. His hands automatically reach for your waist, holding onto firmly as he slammed you against the pillar. 
The sun was nearly down, the last of the rays hitting the garden, lighting you both up in a golden glow that left you breathless with a fire raging in your souls. 
"What do you say that I audit for British history? I'd like to learn more lessons from you, Professor Holland." You said, breathless against his chest, hiding your nose against his sternum, blood rushing to your ears as his warm hand burned against the bare skin underneath your shirt. 
"That would be great darling, anything to see your pretty smile every morning." 
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A/N: let me know what you think! :)
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Could u do one w famous!reader (singer and actress) and she’s Brazilian and they met at late late show or idk some other talk show?? Thank u love ur writing
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A/N: Thank you so much for the request, @lebortoletto, and sorry it took so long! Hope you like it!! 
Word Count: 4,746
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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The Late Late Show
Y/N always loved coming on James Corden’s ‘The Late Late Show’. His team was always super organized and kind, and James sometimes treated his guests with a meal at a restaurant after the taping since it was usually filmed during dinnertime, and they always had a lot of fun on-set. James was one of the few television hosts whom Y/N would consider a friend.
Of course, being an actress provided Y/N an opportunity to meet and make friends with hundreds of other celebrities, and she considered herself to be amongst nearly all groups of celebrity friendships, but there were some more notable people which she hadn’t had the pleasure to meet, yet. One being Harry Styles.
She’d wanted to meet him since the days of One Direction, but their paths somehow never crossed, which was odd considering nearly all of her friends were mutuals with him. They followed each other on Instagram and Twitter, and would occasionally like the other’s pictures or tweets, but that was about as far as it went. She didn’t have the courage to message him. But that ended today. Both of them would be appearing on his show together.
She and her team arrived early, being escorted to a private room. Most of her team went to the main backstage room while Y/N got her hair and makeup done in her private room. There was still some time left to spare by the time they were finished, and Y/N, along with her PR person, decided to greet everyone backstage and have a quick snack before she changed clothes. She bumped into Reggie and a few other members of James’ team on the way back, smiling and chatting with them while they walked down the hall. As soon as she entered the room, she heard her name called out.
“Y/N! Hello!”
Y/N turned her head in the direction of the voice and smiled when she saw James Corden in the middle of a conversation with Harry Styles and someone else she hadn’t recognized, presumably on his team. She made her way over, noticing Harry holding a small, half-eaten sandwich, and trying to keep her composure.
“Hello, so good to see you again,” Y/N grinned, taking Jame’s hand and pecking him on each cheek before turning to Harry, heart pounding, “Hi, how are you? I’m Y/N.”
“Good, thanks, I’m Harry,” his voice was deep and muffled, trying to introduce himself with a mouth full of sandwich. He leaned in for a one-arm hug and pecked either side of her face. Once they pulled apart he had dramatically swallowed his food and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry,” he chuckled, “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“We were just talking about you,” James interrupted.
Your expression changed to one of surprise before Harry chimed in, holding a finger up and nodding, “Yeah, I’m a big fan. Salacity was incredible.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Y/N blushed, looking between the two of them, “Well, I’m obviously a fan, too. Who isn’t?”
“Obviously, you mean me,” James joked, flicking his imaginary hair back.
The two laughed while Y/N nodded, “Obviously.”
Y/N continued on, asking James about his family, and attempted to remain calm while Harry’s overwhelming presence barely a foot beside her lingered. She could feel the warmth radiate from his side, fighting the urge not to look over at him every five seconds, though she couldn’t help but feel his eyes occasionally glance her way.
Since James was so close with both Harry and Y/N, it seemed to be easy to hold a conversation. But when James was ushered away by the crew to start prep and begin filming for his show, it left Harry and Y/N an opportunity to talk. They still had a bit before they would be called out.
“So, I heard you’ll be in the new Marvel film,” Harry turned to her.
Y/N’s mouth fell open, smirking unsurely. That news hasn’t been released yet, and as far as she was aware, not even her biggest fans knew about it. “How did you hear that?”
He grinned, looking down and then back up at her, “Uh, Alexa may have mentioned it.”
“Alexa Chung,” Y/N repeated, rolling her eyes with a smirk. Alexa Chung was a supermodel and one of Y/N’s closest friends. She shook her head, muttering, “I knew she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Yeah, I mean the contract is still under negotiation, but it’s looking good.”
Harry smiled, “Congratulations. I’m sure it’ll be amazing. Can’t wait to see it in theatres.”
“Thank you,” Y/N nodded.
Soon they were joined with more people from the crew of The Late Late Show, as well as more people from their own team as they were told the order of operations and how things were going to run tonight. James had a few segments he had to do on his own before interviewing the two of them, then on to a game, and a small break before Harry would perform.
They listened, intently, a handful of m&m’s in her hands. She noticed Harry shifting in her peripheral and when she turned to see what he was doing, he was already looking at her, pointing at her hands and mouthing, ‘throw me one’. Y/N giggled, picking up a red chocolate candy and scanning the circle of people to make sure no one was staring at her before quickly flicking it across the circle. Harry jerked to the left, trying to catch it in his mouth, but it just bounced off of his chin and to the floor. Only one girl seemed to notice and chuckled.
Harry turned to her, mouth ajar and brows scrunched up, pretending to be indignant and mouthing, “What was that?”
“Another,” Y/N mouthed, grabbing a blue one, this time. Once again, she scanned the circle and chucked the m&m higher.
This time, Harry hardly had to move. He opened his mouth and caught it, smiling and chewing on the candy. “Nice throw,” he nodded, approvingly.
After the meeting, Y/N’s Publicist urged her back towards her private room so she could get changed. She slipped into a sexy red pantsuit that plunged down her neckline and flared at the wrists and ankles, pairing it with a pair of matching red high-heels. Again, she made her way backstage where Harry was, talking to some more people, and when they both saw each other they froze, eyes widened for a moment before their smiles turned into laughter.
He made his way over, now wearing a white button-up underneath his red suit and matching red pressed pants and red shoes. “You copied me!”
Y/N shook her head playfully, joking, “We should swap our suits mid-show and see if anyone notices.”
Harry laughed, “Yes! I can wear yours for the performance!”
The two were greeted by another crew member and led to the side of the stage where they had to remain silent. They looked at each other and back to their crew, silently shimmying and to the sound of James’ voice before their names were called and an eruption of screams and claps echoed through the air from the live studio audience.
Harry let Y/N walk out first and followed her towards the stage as they smiled and waved to the crowd before stepping up on the platform to greet James with a friendly hug and peck on the cheek, sitting side-by-side on the couch.
When the cheers died down, James turned to the two with a grin and said, “It’s great to have both of you back on the show. What is this?” he motioned towards their outfits, laughing, “You’re wearing the same outfit! Did you plan this?”
They both laughed and Harry joked, “Yeah, I rang her and asked what she was wearing and went out and bought the same exact thing.”
“I wanted to give you a heads up so you could match us, too, but Harry told me not to because you would outshine us,” Y/N played along, making James belly-laugh along with the audience.
“I was this close to being upset with you both for not including me,” James laughed, settling down, “You two have never actually met before, have you?”
“No,” they both shook their heads, looking at each other for a second with a smile, “First time.”
“That’s surprising because you both seem to have a lot of the same friends.”
Harry nodded, “Yeah, we seem to run in the same circles, but never at the same time.”
“I think he was just avoiding me, really,” Y/N nodded, making the boys laugh.
Harry chuckled, “yeah, I see her at a party and I duck behind the trash cans,” he did his best impersonation.
James laughed, turning towards Y/N, “You must have been partying a lot this past weekend after your big win.” Y/N smiled widely while the audience, along with Harry, clapped loudly. Cheers, again, echoing from the crowd. James continued, “You’re new movie, Salacity, was nominated for a bunch of awards, but you made history as the first Brazilian to win an Academy Award for Best Actress. What was that like?”
Cheers erupted again and Y/N bit her lip, nodding and looking up at everyone. This never got old. “Thank you,” Y/N grinned, turning back towards James, “Honestly, I think I blacked out when they called my name.” Everyone laughed as she continued, “It was so surreal. I’ve always dreamt of winning an Academy Award but never thought in a million years that I would be the first Brazilian to win. I’m incredibly proud and grateful and just so honored to even be in the same room as all of those talented people. I’m very lucky.”
“Well you deserved every bit of it,” James nodded, earning a voice of agreement along with more cheers from the audience, “Salacity was also nominated for Best Original Song, which was written and sung by you, is that right?”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, Harry’s not the only talented musician here.”
Both of them laughed as jokingly threw his hands up, stood, and pretended to walk off set. When he plopped back on the couch he said, “First you steal my outfit, then you steal my job?”
“I’m so sorry. I’ll let you open for my next tour,” she joked back.
She felt silly for being so nervous when she woke up this morning. Truth is, this is one of the easiest interviews she’s done. Normally she struggled for the right words to say or with getting a feel on whether she needed to be more professional or if she could let her silly flag fly. Because she knew James so well and got along with Harry so quickly, it made things a lot easier.
They discussed Harry’s career for a bit before circling back to Y/N as James said, “Now, we had your counterpart, KJ Appa, on our show last week. Such a nice guy, by the way.”
“So sweet,” Y/N nodded in agreement as James continued.
“And he had nothing but good things to say about you. He even said that you were one of the best on-screen kisses he’s had” James admitted, making the audience awe as Y/N blushed and smiled. James carried on, “But he did mention a particularly….awkward moment between the two of you on set. Care to elaborate?”
When Y/N’s eyes widened and shifted in her seat in embarrassment, James laughed. She looked at Harry beside her to see him curious and she began to explain, “Well, as you know, Salacity is a very, uhm, how do you put it?”
“Erotic?” James offered, laughing again.
Y/N nodded, chuckling, “Yes, there’s a lot of sex scenes. So, anyway one the very first sex scene we filmed, I’m in this sexy, lacey black lingerie, basically strapped onto this harness contraption in the air and KJ’s character has to come in from behind me, but the harness that was holding my arms snapped, tore off my bra, and I was dangling by my legs upside down with hundreds of crew members watching. And KJ, the sweet guy he is, sees that my bra came off and panicked, and he jumped in, practically hugging me as I was hanging upside down to cover me. But he didn’t realize that the only thing he was wearing was this sock that covered his dick because we were just about to film this sex scene, and it was all up in my face.”
Everyone burst into laughter as Y/N explained, “That poor guy was just trying to help, but they got me down pretty quickly. But it definitely lessened the tension for the rest of filming. We got closer after that.”
“Can’t get much closer than that, can you?” Harry joked, making her laugh, as well.
When that portion of the interview had finished, cameras cut and their team had rushed over to do a few quick makeup and hair touch-ups, laughing and joking with each other about how well it was going so far. They were then directed towards a different area of the stage, sat around a table with rancid smells lingering around.
“Have you ever done this before?” Harry asked her as they were getting re-wired and James was getting prepped.
Y/N shook her head, pushing her hair behind her back and screwing up her face, “No, and I might vomit just looking at all this stuff.”
Harry nodded, “I’ve got an extra toothbrush you can have afterward.”
James came back and they were given two minutes to get situated before the cameras focused in on them. Reggie and the band played the theme song of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, while Y/N rang her fingers and Harry looked between her and James. Cheers and claps sounded and James smiled teasingly at the two.
“You both look thrilled to be doing this,” he said, sarcastically.
“Oh, yeah, can’t wait,” Harry retorted.
Y/N pursed her lips, shaking her head, “I must have been out of my mind when I agreed to this.”
They laughed as James directed their attention to the table, spinning it, “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got here. We’ve got 1,000-year-old egg, Fish eye and bird saliva, cow tongue, salmon smoothie, cow blood and pork tongue jelly, bull penis, hot dog water, which is the absolute rankest thing I’ve ever had, and giant water scorpion.”
“Why?” Y/N groaned, sitting back in her chair in disgust.
Harry chuckled and James laughed as he explained, “So here’s how this game works. We are gonna ask each other questions, okay. The questions are written here and we have not seen them. We have a choice. We can either answer these questions truthfully, or, we have to eat the food that the other person chooses. Okay?” Harry and Y/N nodded in understanding. “Alright, ladies first. Y/N, you are going to choose a food for Harry that he has to eat, should he not answer the question.”
She glanced and spun the tabletop in search of food, bending down and taking a whiff of something awful, she gagged, making them laugh, turning the tabletop until something was placed in front of him, “I’ll go with the fish eye and bird saliva.”
“That’s the one I was least looking forward to,” Harry groaned.
“Were you looking forward to any of them?” James shot back, laughing. “Alright, Y/N, what is your question for Harry.”
Y/N turned her card over in her hands and scanned it before chuckling, blushing, and looking up at him, “Harry, backstage you mentioned you were a big fan of my new movie. How much of it had to do with my sex scene, and what did you think about it?”
“Which one?” he joked, smiling, making everyone in the audience gasp and giggle.
Harry blushed, straightening out his suit, a lopsided, shy smile still stretched on his face, “Uh...I mean, even without the sex scenes it’s a brilliant movie. But, uh, yeah. They were very….Oh god,” he slapped a hand on his forehead, looking down and making the audience laugh. Y/N shook her head in amusement as he attempted to regain composure, “Yeah, they were very realistic.”
“How many times did you rewind those scenes?” James teased.
“No, no, no, that wasn’t the question. It’s my turn now,” Harry waved his finger, making everyone laugh again as the band played and Harry spun the table. “James, I’m going to give you….well, I know how much you love hot dogs, so I’m gonna give you the hot dog water.”
“You dick,” James groaned, taking a sniff and gagging, “That really, truly is the worst thing we’ve ever had on this show. Alright, then, what’s my question?”
Harry picked up the card and grinned, “James, you have had a lot of big-name celebrities on your show. Who was the biggest disappointment?”
The crowd ooed as James’ face fell, shaking his head and looking back at the producers, “Who wrote these?”
“Come on, don’t be a pussy, answer it,” Y/N joked, making everyone laugh.
James shook his head, “I can’t. I can’t,” and he picked up the shot glass and tipped it into his mouth.
Everyone gasped and he immediately reached for the bucket and spit it all out, “That is horrible!” he exclaimed, rinsing his mouth out with water, “Why do we still have that? Alright, Y/N, I am going to pick for you….” he spun the table around before grinning and halting a pink, meaty cube in front of her, “Cow blood and pork tongue jelly.”
Y/N winced, poking at the large cube and gasping, “Oh my god, why is it so hard?”
“That’s what she said,” Harry chimed, making everyone laugh.
“We all know how you feel about my movie, Harry,” shot back, making everyone burst into laughter and Harry blush.
Harry hit his face for a second before James continued, snorting, and looking up at Y/N, “Y/N, you’ve been rumored to have very famous exes. Between Timothee Chalamet, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Zakhar Perez, rank them from best to worst in bed,” Y/N’s mouth fell as the audience gasped and laughed.
“Pattinson’s gotta be the best, hasn’t he?” Harry assumed, making Y/N hide her face.
“Now, this is not to say that any of them are bad. Maybe they're in the top three,” James suggested, “But of the top three, who is the worst,” he laughed.
Y/N uncovered her face and looked between the two men, reaching for her fork and knife.
“Oh god,” Harry winced, as James shouted, “No! No!”
She dug her fork in and sliced a corner off, “I never kiss and tell,” placing her knife down and taking a deep breath before hurriedly putting it in her mouth. The texture was what she imagined dog food tasted like, and she gagged, grabbing her tin can and spitting it in before swishing her water around in her mouth and spitting that out, as well.
“That was disgusting,” Y/N blotted her mouth with the towel.
“I can’t believe you’ve done that,” James shook his head.
“And I’m not doing it again,” she took another sip of her drink, “Is it my turn now?”
“Yeah, Y/N, you go ahead and choose something for Harry to eat if he doesn’t answer the question.”
She spun until she landed on the 1,000 year old egg. James announced what it was as Harry nodded and said, “Alright”. Y/N picked her card, turned it around, and said, “Oh, no.”
“Oh, God, what is it?” Harry sat up straighter.
“Harry,” Y/N started, “You and Niall are the only remaining members of One Direction who are not parents. Rank the members of One Direction from worst to best parents.”
Without hesitation, Harry stabbed his fork into the egg and shoved it in his mouth. Everyone gasped and Y/N pulled away, covering her face with the card and using it as a sort-of shield. He made a show out of slowly chewing it, holding back a gag. He used his water to swallow it down and stuck his tongue out to show that he had finished it.
“No way,” Y/N shook her head, nose scrunched.
“You are insane,” James shook his head.
“Tastes exactly the way you think,” Harry took another sip of water. “Right, James. I’m going to choose for you…...the water scorpion.”
“The giant water scorpion. For reference, this is what he’s chosen for me,” James picked up the stiff, hard, black bug and showed the camera. “Go on, what’s your question.”
Harry cleared his throat, picked up a card, and chuckled, “James, I’ve been on your show for years, and even taken over for you twice. Who is your favorite member of One Direction.”
A smile slowly spread on James' face and he shook his head, staring off at the audience as they screamed and laughed. “I can’t choose that,” James breathed, turning to face him.
“Well, you have to, or else you’ll be eating a giant water scorpion.”
“Oh, come on, we all know it’s not Harry,” Y/N joked, earning an amused glare from Harry.
“Excuse me,” Harry said, “I happen to know, for a fact, that it is me. Go on, James. Tell ‘em.”
“You think it’s you, do ya?” James questioned, looking between them before finally picking up the water scorpion, “You keep thinking that,” he joked before taking a bite of its head and chewing. He laughed mid-chew, spit it out in his bucket, and took another sip of water.
“How dare you,” Harry joked, indignantly.
James laughed, turning the table, “Y/N, It’s my turn to ask you a question. But first, I’m going to give you the salmon smoothie.”
“Ugh,” Y/N sniffed it’s pungent aroma, sitting away from the glass of pink, chunky fish.
She looked up at James as he scanned the card and laughed, “Y/N, you were nominated for a lot of awards this year. Who has won against you that didn’t deserve to?”
“Oh noooo,” Y/N trailed, throwing her head back, causing James and Harry to laugh.
“No, come on, we were all shocked on at least one of those categories,” James offered. Y/N shook her head, taking hold of the glass.
“Chug, chug, chug!” Harry chanted, compelling the audience to join in.
“Fuck off,” Y/N mouthed to Harry, making him laugh as she took a swig of the monstrous drink.
The second it hit her tongue, she heaved, quickly grabbing the tin and spitting the contents in as James called the end of the game. She took several sips of water, gulping it down to alleviate the lingering taste in her mouth. They called for a wrap, and Harry immediately dug out a packet of gum from his pocket, offering one to each of them while more crew rushed up to them.
Y/N thanked him, shoving the wrapper in her suit pocket, and after they were briefed from the crew, they had about fifteen minutes to spare while they set up for Harry’s performance. People from each of their teams tried to talk to them, but Y/N had something else in mind.
“Follow me,” she told him, grabbing his arm and jogging through the halls backstage. He chuckled, confused, but intrigued, following closely behind her until they reached the door of her dressing room. “Give me your suit jacket.”
Harry’s eyebrows raised and mouth formed an ‘O’, realizing what she was doing. With a grin, he unbuttoned his suit and shrugged it off, carefully handing it over to her. She shot him a smile, which made him grow steadily more keen, watching as she slipped into the room and closed the door behind her, disappearing. He waited, leaning against the wall for what seemed like a little longer than necessary for switching jackets. When she emerged wearing his jacket, his smile widened.
“Looks better on you,” he smirked.
She smiled, passing him the clump of red fabric that was her top, “Let’s see if we can say the same about you.”
He slipped his arms through the sleeves of her jacket, and although there was plenty of room in the arms because of the flare, the chest and waist were a bit tight. He made sure not to tie the sash too tightly and straightened it out, “How do I look?”
She giggled, flattening the collar of the jacket and joking, “Beautiful.”
They made their way back towards the main area of the backstage, surrounded by their teams and crew, laughing about the jacket change and prepping Harry some more as he rummaged through a small travel-sized toiletry bag for the disposable toothbrushes and toothpaste, and the two of them brushed their teeth.
Eventually, Harry was ushered to another stage where he and a band were situated. Lights dimmed and shone strategically on him as he was announced and began to play. Y/N, never having been to a Harry Styles concert, and a fan of his music, watched from the side of the stage, arms crossed and leaning against a large black case of some sort. He looked over at her a couple of times, trying to hide a coy smile, he danced around the stage and used the sash on her jacket like a rope, swinging it around.
When he finally finished, she, along with the studio audience, clapped and cheered for him. He thanked them, clasping his hands and bowing a few times, humbly repeating, “Thank you,” while James announced it was a wrap. Y/N joined Harry on the stage where the two of them, along with James, greeted people in the audience, signing pictures, papers, and phone cases, just chatting with the fans and taking selfies with them.
James, Harry, Y/N, and their publicists spent about an hour and a half to two hours after the taping to sit down at a nearby restaurant for a bite to eat. They were seated at a private table, enjoying some more banter and fun. She had a feeling that Harry was flirting with her, or maybe she was just hoping he was. He started it off by sneakily stealing bits of fries off of her plate throughout the meal as he sat across from her, and she would reciprocate by ‘accidentally’ stepping on his toes under the table.
“Hope I didn’t scuff those Gucci loafers,” she winked, smirking.
As much as she didn’t want the night to end, there weren't many excuses she could make to prolong the conversation, and everyone else was very clearly tired aside from the two of them. Y/N stayed towards the back of the group as they made their way back outside, and Harry slowed his pace and hung back until he was walking side-by-side with Y/N.
“I guess I should give this back to you,” he slipped the jacket off of him as they exited through the back, letting the cool LA air swirl on their faces.
Everyone was giving hugs and saying their goodbyes. Y/N looked down at her jacket in his hand and she leaned in to kiss either side of his face, lingering a little longer than normal. When she pulled away she shook her head and lightly pushed the jacket back towards him, “No. Keep it. An excuse to see you again.” And as she began walking backward to join her group, she called out, “check the pockets.”
His toothy smile turned into a furrowed eyebrow. Confused, he dug his hand in either pocket of the jacket until he pulled out what looked to be the gum wrapper. But, upon closer inspection, he noticed a series of numbers written in black ink. Her phone number. He looked up just in time to see Y/N opening a car door.
“Call me!” she shouted, smirking, before getting in and closing the door.
Harry’s smile grew even more, clutching the red jacket tighter and slinging it over his shoulder, making sure to carefully store the gum wrapper in his wallet and watching as her car drove off down the street and out of view.
@odetostep @mylittleangel9403 @thurhomish @fallingfordolans @gwenlovesharrystyles , @harryswinterberries, @gucciboots, @golden-grande, @mylittleangel9403​ @korlynn-grace @ilovedogs1989 @aalessandrabarboni
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