#i love you 🥺
suugarbabe · 2 months
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shut up, benny
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glossysoap · 11 days
you genuinely have such a beautiful soul and i love you
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molsno · 9 months
yknow, this past week has been a really hard and terrifying one after finding out I'm being laid off and having no details beyond that. combine that with a few other things and I've been extremely stressed and scared.
I haven't really done this in a long time, but it's making me think about the past year. 2023 has undoubtedly been the worst year of my life. in january I was a pathetic shut-in living in my mom's house who was too scared to even think about existing in society, so being told I had to move across the country alone for work was my worst nightmare. I had literally never done anything like that before - I'd never even had a real full time job before that. I couldn't stop breaking down and crying to everyone who would listen.
as soon as I left the airport after arriving here though I started to feel different. I felt like maybe I could do this after all. and I did! being forced to do things on my own with nobody to bail me out if I failed made me really take responsibility for myself! I started to feel like an adult for the first time! sure, I made some bad financial decisions due to my lack of experience, but I was able to make everything work out and acquire some stability.
it's kind of strange too how I mostly started off feeling very isolated and alienated even from my friends. sure, I had two girlfriends, and I had a few friends that I was pretty close with, but I was still very much fueled by my anxiety and trauma with regards to friendships. but over time I started to make new friends - in person even! and yes, I'm still just as awkward as ever, but I've had some really great times with them. I've even started to repair the bridge between my longtime friends and be more honest and trusting with them. I even rounded out the year with another girlfriend, much to my own surprise.
don't get me wrong, the trauma I've sustained this year has blown everything else in my past out of the water. but I've grown so much and it's really astounding when I think about how different I am now compared to how I was at the beginning of this year.
2023 was unbelievably difficult, but throughout it all, I've grown a lot, and I'm really happy about that. it wouldn't have been possible without all the people supporting me, of course, and I'm really grateful to everyone who's been a part of my life this year. I've been extremely scared and stressed about 2024. big changes are coming, and I'm almost certainly off to a terrible start. but unlike earlier this year, I feel like I'll be able to get through it. and if all goes well, I'll be much, MUCH better off this at time next year.
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miyaheestar · 1 month
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Top 10 anime betrayals 😔
but babe 🥺 that's how i show my love 🥺
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kimtaegis · 3 days
Annie OH MY GOD how are you so talented that you can make me tear up over GIFSET I think this is one of my new favourites, it makes me feel so soft by just looking at it 🥹
you’re so insanely talented and creative! 💛
oh my darling you’re so sweeeeeet I’m so glad you like it!! 🥺🤍 it really made me all soft too today I’m not gonna lie!! I don’t think it involved any talent (except 6-year-old annie’s painting skills of course), just lots of love for those three and pat 🤍🤍🤍
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my cat loves to recieved kisses and to give me some back. he is the most precious boy in the world and i want you to understand that his version of giving me kisses is opening his mouth slightly and placing it on the tip of my nose for a few seconds
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dylanlila · 2 months
fuck whoever said that to you because one of the reasons why i love you sm and why i’m so happy to be your friend is because you are a GENUINE person. your enjoyment of things and the world around you isn’t performative or fake!!!! you are the sun, you make everything and everyone around you brighter and better ☀️❤️ love ya!!!!
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castielsprostate · 1 year
sometimes it feels like we're both standing on the shoreline and we're shouting "I LOVE YOU" at each other across the sea over and over again
🥺🥺🥺🥺 oh 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i think that's exactly what it is actually, but our messages always reach each other 🥺 and when we put asks in each others' inbox it's like throwing bottles in the ocean 🥺
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lilacandladybugs · 10 months
Oh my god, Lilac I’m so sorry someone sent that shit about Skeppy to you- not everything has to be a morality fight. I’m sorry they said that /gen
thanks apple <3 its okay.. i really dont know whats going on in myct world bc i havent been keeping up
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kimarisgundam · 11 months
I'm not ready 😭???
I wasn't expecting him cos I have 0 primos and no pity 😭?? I rolled for fun... I didn't expect to actually get him???
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Wriothesley is such a gentleman 🥺
He didn't make me open my wallet 🥺
I love him
Marriage ended with Childe, Wriothesley is my new husband now
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llumimoon · 1 year
Sprints in here you posted the ask game yesyesyes I get to gush!!! YOUR LIGHTING GAME GOES CRAZY INSANE LIKE GENUINELY ITS SO PRETTY AND DRAMATIC AND IMPACTFUL AND COLORFUL AND. WAUGH. It's kind of like. Very painterly but also kinda blobby with lots of texture??? Impressionistic almost. Also your poses are soooooo beautifully bubbly and expressive and it's like. People who show whatever they're feeling with their entire body??? It's like that but with every single character you draw your poses are so Dynamic and they match up with the character so well every time!!! Not to mention the actual expressions themselves bc the way you shape mouths and eyes especially are sooooo distinctive and cute and your shapes are so round and squishy. Your art gives off the same vibes as saltwater taffy and I honestly don't quite know what that means but it feels correct 🥰🥰🥰 And then lastly. Definitely not the least. The way you draw outfits and clothing has my jaw on the floor CONSISTENTLY like your detail work and the thought that you put behind every aspect of an article of clothing has me so in awe all the time!!! Um 😳 sorry for the absolutely massive size of this ask just know that I love your art sm and I also love you /p 💜💜💜
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suugarbabe · 8 months
i’m here to rizz you💕
get rizzed, hottie 😈
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I am completely rizzed up
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rinnysega · 2 years
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subpixie420 · 2 years
if i was a Pegasus and you were a Unicorn, would you talk in horse to me??
Yes of course 🥺 we could give eachother nose boops too (you'd just have to avoid my horn lol 🦄)
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masculinepeacock · 2 years
assumption: you give really good hugs (even though luka has already confirmed this assumption for me lmao) 💖💖💖💖
AWWWW THIS IS SO SWEET!!!! i also assume you give good hugs <3333
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butchdiaz · 1 year
i love the video and you. i think i may be changed as a a person though. 🫶🫶🫶
i hope ur changed for the better but i understand if its for the worse. cause same
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