#i love you batanon
captainshazamerica · 3 years
Yeah I don't like brutalia either primarily because talia is out of his league no pun intended (and ahem she's my wife piss off bruce lol) i love that the impact of thier story is Damian!!!hahaaa
I dont ship babs with anyone really I wouldn't mind DinahBabs but I'm not fussed I just don't like her with bruce or any of his kids, they squished her into a relationship with dick and then in animated movie she was with bruce 😨 and I'm not sure if her and jason ever actually got together but he left her a note confessing his love which she never read so? Also Jay kid going after his big bros ex 😅
I dont really like WonderBat for no reason other than it feels so freakin weird to look at like my brain refuses to process it
I'd die for supes/lois harlivy and alfred/tea 😊 I like that you sent spideypool to superhell hahaa
Dickkory is supreme imo they should get married and let live in peace with thier chaotic super kids
Platonic stucky & SuperBat the brotp feels!!!! Just choosing someone and being like that idiot right there is my brother my family and I'd die for them is just ahhhh you're right platonic ships are the best ❤ohh whose your fav ships/otps ? I mean Lee and Ed yeah? I love ed he's such a poor disaster honestly bless him
LMAO at Talia being out of his league, the pun fits way too much tho 🤣👏🏻"piss off bruce" lmfaoo, get it!😂 I just dont like that some versions have dub con with her and Bruce, puts a yucky taste in my mouth and kinda tainted the whole ship for me tbh. I like versions of her where she isnt like evil lol. Honestly I dont really ship Bruce with anyone, I like the Ace!Bruce headcanon tbh! But lmao yeah that's exactly where I was going going the impact of the ship being damian ahahaha
Yeah I feel like I just dont know Babs well enough (well in canon, I feel like I know Fanon her way more xD she never seems to be in the stuff I watch and read too much) to go full out shipping her with someone, I dont oppose to DickBabs tho and love a good childhood friend to lovers trope, I just havent seen them in canon much. And yeah never actually heard of DinahBabs, again I'm not opposed to it but I honestly dont know Dinah well enough to ship her with anyone other than canon tbh. Wait which animated movie with babs with bruce?! I for some reason dont remember that?! I know she was Jim's wife in Gotham by Gaslight (hate that but like the movie, especially the street rat Robin's all together omg). But like I can actually see her and Jason a bit, I need to look into that more. Omg he did? Which comics???he is so dramatic tho, he freaking would leave a damn love letter 🤣that's so jason tho to go after his brother's ex too😂👏🏻
Omg SAME ABOUT WONDERBAT, omg, like that's my EXACT feelings towards it! For some weird reason it makes me brain go Huh? But I cant pinpoint why! I mean, she also is too good for him/out of his league lmao
So confession, I've never liked Supes that much at all and only recently started to come around after diving so deep into the Bat and titans world xD So I dont have a huge connection/seen Supes/Lois in much but I do think they are very cute, I just need to watch and read more of them! And Harlivy is iconic man. And are you even a batfan if you dont love Alfred and tea?! Gosh I would die for alfred tbh, he is too freaking pure for this world. That bats would be NOWHERE without alfred man
Lmao about me sending spideypool to superhell 🤣 like listen,there arent too many pop ships I would send there but they are one of them man xD On top of the fact I think of Peter as a high schooler and Wade way older, not to mention wade would corrupt that poor child, the whole ship just gives off Cursed vibes to me man🤣🤣🤣
Bro I need to read more of Dickkory cause while I dont like oppose, i just feel pretty neutral! What makes them supreme to you? Win me over Batanon!! Like I wanna go hard for it but again I guess I just havent read enough of them?(tho again, I LOVE the IG Teen Titans version of the ship!)
Dude YES to platonic stucky and sueprbats!!!! I rarely see them get platonic love in the fandoms!(tho platonic superbats gets more than platonic stucky it seems). But YES! Amen to what you said! I also am an only child so I kinda love any found family sibling vibes, especially bros.
Lmao you know me so well, def Nygmakins (Lee x Ed) is like my otp(he truly is a mess and needs her to stay in line man, Oswald is too much of a mess as well xD ) and I love how she is helping him fight his inner demons type trope and they are both like morally grey at that point in time and the chemistry and ah!
But also, Bbrae (Beast Boy x Raven (in all forms), DamiRae(Damian x Raven(especially in Justice Leauge Dark Apokalypse war), YJ Artemis x Wally (cant think of the ship name at the moment ), and most recently Jaytemis(Jason x Artemis, dif Artemis, this one is an Amazonian Bi queeeen )
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softestvirgil · 6 years
Hello!! @teacupfulofstarshines BatAnon here!! I made a blog to more effectively talk to everyone!! I just wanted to say hi and that i love you Virgil!!
I love you back!!
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a, c, e, d, j, k, p, u LOVE YOU MOMMA STAR ~your eldest child BatAnon
a: i love you / LOVE YOU TOO, ELDEST CHILD
c: i love your blog / i don’t know why but i love you
d: you’re cute / SO ARE YOU 
e: you’re nice / YOU TOO KIDDO
j: i love the way you express yourself / i’m a disaster bi but go off i guess
k: you’re too beautiful / YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL
p: awesome blog / THANKS
u: we are mutuals and i don’t understand how / BECAUSE YOU’RE MY FIRSTBORN AND I LOVE YOU
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leon-trans-kennedy · 6 years
Hi, yes, this is just a reminder that I love you and I think you're great and I hope you have a great day ❤❤❤❤
thanksI think YOU’RE great BatAnon!
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nuvomica · 7 years
I am the night
i love and support you, batanon
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
dude I have no chill when it comes to asks 😅
2. Do you like the arrowverse if so what's your fav show? (Mines flash but legends is so so chaotically lit it's a dumpster fire of awesomeness highly recommend that even tho they did my fav kinda dirty they had no need to do that to her but hey)
5. Fav character(s)?
15. Dark trinity or trinity?
17. Teen titans or Young Justice?
18. Fav animated show and/ or movie? (BTAS is supreme to me lol)
22. Fav Robin! ( this is so hard but also not I feel like dick gets it just cuz he was the first )
31. Do you like the character of the joker?
38. Who do you think is the most over looked and under used character?
51. Justice League or League of Assassins or Justice League Dark?
🎪I haven't started wayne fam adventures yet but it looks sooo good and is everyone there!? It seems like everyone's there just from what I've saw on tumblr but I don't remember seeing steph? Please say alfred is there!?
random side note just cuz you like jonny there's DC fear state coming out over fall and scarecrow is the main villian messing s*it up in Gotham and the batfam, I ain't gonna be reading that for a while tho cuz I've put a cap on comic purchasing because I'm making myself broke 😅 but it looks quite cool tbh
Dude I love that you have no chill with the asks omg xD Its so great, I get so excited when I see you do it hahaha
2. Do you like the arrowverse if so what's your fav show? (Mines flash but legends is so so chaotically lit it's a dumpster fire of awesomeness highly recommend that even tho they did my fav kinda dirty they had no need to do that to her but hey) Same, my fav is Flash, tho Im not caught up at all/havent caught up since like mid to late season 4, I got too busy during college and I was kinda getting bored with it, but now that Bart is in it, it makes me wanna watch it again! It was also before I got super into DC so Im sure Id love it even more now. I actually havent fully seen the others, just some episodes here and there and the Crisis crossovers! LoT looks like a chaotic lovable mess though, Ive heard that several times xD Who is your fav that they did dirty?
5. Fav character(s)? I mean its me so I can never chose just one xD Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Gar Logan/Beast Boy, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Edward Nygma/Riddler are my all time favs!
15. Dark trinity or trinity? Dark trinity as in the 2nd Red Hood and the Outlaws? (Jason, Bizarro and Artemis ) Then def dark trinity haha, I love those 3 misfits so much omg
17. Teen titans or Young Justice? AHH this is soooo hard omg. Like the shows or comics or groups in general?! Like imma go with Young Justice show but Teen Titans overall. They overlap though soo
18. Fav animated show and/ or movie? (BTAS is supreme to me lol) Ahh I actually seen all of BTAS! Ive just seen the first couple episodes and seen random ones here and there but like know everything about it xD Hmmm, for show I gotta go with the Young Justice cartoon, and animated DC movie, a tie between Justice League vs. Teen Titans and Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (the Damirae ahhhh). Though oooh also Under the Red Hood is also a classic and Jasonnnn
22. Fav Robin! ( this is so hard but also not I feel like dick gets it just cuz he was the first ) Ahaha I knew you would say Dick!!!! xD I was gonna ask and be like, its Dick isnt it xD This is like the hardest question ever oh my goodness. While they have all been my fav at point point, Jason and Tim have like been tied for first for the last couple of months. Like I love them both so freaking much. But if I absoltly HAD to chose one, ahhhhh, im going to have to go with Jason, Im so sorry Tim D: But Jason's character is just so complex in every version and his comics are sooo good(tho I love Tim's Red Robin ones too) his arc as a character is just SO interesting to me and his constant battle with himself and how far he fell from being robin and its all so sad but makes such a good character ahhhh
31. Do you like the character of the joker? Ahaha, this one is hard/I have mixed feelings. I have always liked him as villain even before my Batman obsession (and of course use to say he was my fav dc villain hahaha) and tbh I still think he is a pretty darn good villain and there is a reason he is so popular, even though he is an abusive piece of poop. Id like him a LOT more if he didnt abuse Harley so much tbh. And I think DC over uses him waaaaayyy too much, though I do like every version of him, excluding Leto's version, and think the acting is always amazing. So yeah, I guess I do like him but he isn't my fav, but I can appreciate him and his pop culture impact and how good he is as a truly evil unhinged villain who is interesting to watch.
38. Who do you think is the most over looked and under used character? TIM DRAKE!!!!!!!! And Riddler!!!!!!!!!!!
51. Justice League or League of Assassins or Justice League Dark? Gotta go with the classic justice league man
And ahhhh yes you have to read Wayne Family Adventure, its pretty much literal perfection. Here is the official link if you need it! https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/batman-wayne-family-adventures/list?title_no=3180&page=1 It comes out every thursday! (tho you can pay to read ahead a few weeks) But yes, Steph is in it too! Her and Tim were being the disasters they are <3 And yes, Alfred is freaking great in it omgggg, you will love him in the 2nd one ahhh
Oooooh, I didnt know that!!!!(its soo hard to keep up with dc comics omgggg) I thought I heard something about that the other day but didnt know what it was/anything about it! Thanks so much for telling me!! I hope they release it digitally on DC Infinite!!!! Cause sameeee
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captainshazamerica · 2 years
I'm literally just back from watching batman yooo I am conflicted, I liked it but I dunno for some reason I give it like a 7.5 outta 10 which is weird cuz it wasn't bad. Alfred and Jim 10/10 tho 😅see when bruce is like you're not my father boy hurt my heart young man you be nice to alfred! This Selina kyle was quite good and she went through too much pain I usually like angst but oh my gosh poor baby😢 the one thing I didn't like about her was that she basically said all riddlers victims had it coming yeah they did bad things but the way they were tortured and that kid finding his dad like that 😢😢😢 (literally bruce did nothing wrong!?) it does leave room for character growth for her, Gotham really poisons peoples minds, that scene where bruce stops her with falcone one of the best scenes she aced that scene 👏
The riddler and all his creepy followers 😨 did like him but boy can he whine and that squeal crying thing in his cell was a tad annoying and his mind set he definitely not well!! The juxtaposition between edward and bruce was so freakin well done. What was with Eds breathing honestly what, I didn't like the song choice ava maria being a peaceful beautiful song the motherly love of Christ's mother and then just all Eds evilness and Gothams corruption it gave like a sickening effect to me but that was prob intentional and also ed didn't get the love of a mother
Wayne manor looked dope the aesthetic of movie in a lot of parts was mwah Jim Gordon absolutely stellar as usual 💙 not gonna list all the bits that I liked cuz this would be waay to long lol but I will say bruce helping the people in the water and the adults too afraid to take his hand but then the kid does ahhhh selinas comment about bruce being married to Gotham Ed having a social media following of awful people gave me the heebie jeebies because there are prob people irl who'd be down with that. This Gotham in the early years of batman starting is I feel like the most horrendous and evil Gotham on screen yet
I thought I wouldn't like the fact that he doesn't upkeep his bruce wayne celebrity womaniser act up but you know what it makes so much sense in this without it because he doesn't go to bed at night he does physically and mentally gruelling work when he gets home I'm pretty sure all the energy he's got left is for sleeping and eating
Ahh i cant remeber who but I think Selena or was it penguin? Asked bruce if he lived in a cave hahaaa
Not that it needs to be said 😅 but yours sincerely batanon
BATANON!💖💖💖💖 I am so sorry this took so long, I have no brain cells/energy lately avjvdiavidvisvie, but I love your batman rants so much, I loved reading ittt!
Only 7.5 out of 10?!?! Did you like it more or less than dark knight tho?👀 I liked it so much more as a batman adaption, ya know? Omg alfred and jim in this are def 10/10, also 10/10 Jim and Batman dynamics omg, best I've seen👏🏻
Ooof that part with alfred killed me😭
See that's like def in character for selina to say given her background tho, and also why she is almost always more anti-hero, like jason todd def would have agreed with her lol. But yes, she freaking KILLED it as Selena oh my goshhhh!
Haha, his monologue in the cell was honestly one of my fav parts, like especially in terms of acting, like the way he loses it is just *chefs kiss* in terms of character and acting! Or are you talking about when the joker is monologing and riddler is just pacing and whining? Lol. Oooh and that DEF was the intention with that specific song, it's so meant to be unsettling with juxtaposition, the evil like to take something that is meant to be pure and corrupt it , so I personally thought it was brilliant. Like it was 100% suppose to give the sickening effect you felt!
Oooh yes, the aesthetics were great! And I liked the take on wayne manor with the gothic cathedral like vibe!
Ahhh yes, the kid taking batman's hand first was SO good, that whole part was so amazing and shot beautifully omg
Yes, ed's following and streaming also gave me chills along with the shooting scene because it got all too realistic at that point in this day and age🥴
And yes, I agree with you about bruce and the act! I was like so conflicted on it at first but really liked the direction they went! Emo bruce wayne looking like he always got rained on is perfect 🤣
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
yeah tis batanon should I leave a lil halys 🎪 all the time so you know it's me ?
Gosh the more and more i learn about canon talia the more I almost vomit why would dc even have her do that, fanon talia > canon talia canon talia don't exist to me 😅 I just pick and chose which is canon to me lol
Babs would totally take a day off being crazy just to go shopping with Kory also random side note barbara dresses like a giant teddy bear with those fur coats like a lot and I wanna hug her Jim Gordon is so ungrateful I WISH barbara would kidnap marry me 😁👰
Okay I think im getting pretty good at telling when its you tbh xD (and you are like my only consistent anon/one that freaks out with me about batman and titans xD <333333 ) So its up to you! <333333
hahaha, honestly, I love fanon versions and with DC its so hard cause they are often sooooo freaking inconsistent with the characters over the years and runs that you just gotta pick and chose what you want as canon cause thats what the darn authors do themselves xD
Omg yassss! Someone needs to make fanart of those 2 now ahhhhhhh. Lmaooooo xD Jim doesnt think anything of it cause that man is always kidnapped lmao. He is such a disaster in Gotham, I love it xD
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Literally all I have to say is that Gar would be worthy of Thors hammer and when he lifts it he should whack dick with it cuz dick is being more than an emotionally stunted asshole than what people think Bruce is, why must he keep referring to jason as the enemy who needs to be stopped especially seeing as they now know what the toxin actually does to people I ain't saying jason is blameless but you'd think dick would show some openness toward the possibility that jason can be saved or helped I love dick but he stresses me out so much sometimes like ahhh
I know the writers are trying to keep everyone happy by showing dickbabs and dickkory and there's no harm in trying to keep all the fans happy but and no offence to dickbabs but yo anytime dickbabs is even alluded to my brain is just like uhh hurry up and go away make this stop
!Blackfire becoming part of the titans!!!!!!!! 💜 Korryyy why did you trust that the Gotham mob lady had good intentions with her son, she is a mob lady in Gotham, honey no! I did not expect kory to melt her yikes
Gar better hug jason when he gets back and dick better start behaving like a big brother, honestly gar my boy bless you 💚 I think even bruce would be side eyeing dick bruce would be like boy whatt! 'enemy' he's not the enemy but he does need stopped I wish Alfred was here to be like master dick careful now son you're living up to your nickname 😅
When are Rachel and Donna coming back!?
i love that one shady mob lady that was all nervous and looking around and the guy was like chill the bats not in Gotham-little details like that are just mwah 😚😍
Jonathan Crane is lit, human garbage but still lit tho 🔥
🎪(Trying to watch this weeks episode was sooooo painful for me cuz of the glitchyness it was the most glitchy ep yet but at least the sound was okay )
BRO GAR WOULD BE ABLE TO LIFT MJOLNIR OMG! New headman accepted!! Like im obsessed with that idea ahhhh and its sooo true. But right! I love that boy SO dang much omg, I am SO happy SOMEONE still believes in saving Jason ahhh. Right! I was so sad when Dick thought he was beyond saving when like just a couple episodes ago he was so adamant about Crane using and turning him into a monster. Im wondering if he’s just conflicted and is trying to focus on the mission but still thinks he can save him, OR, like, I think it could be apart of his character arc this season of being different from bruce in the emotions department, like Im wondering if he will try to take down jason again, something will go horribly wrong(or that already happened) and he will finally realize that he has to have a different approach than bruce and the only way to stop it is to save him(with probably Gar being the one to get it through is head/show him jason can be saved. I hope they don’t just ignore all that character development cause at the beg of the season it seemed like Dick was really growing in those ways
Ahahaha really? I actually loved this Dickbabs *hides* But I know im in the minority xD During that scene though , i was thinking, Batanon ain’t gonna like this xD
Lmao Im Kori, I totally would have done the same and didn’t expect the mob lady to kill her son xD I really thought she was on the fence anyway, Im too much of a sucker for redemption arcs, I would never survive in DC world man xD But yes! I am SO happy they went with making Blackfire part of the titans! AND THAT OUFIT CHANGE THO LIKE YAS QUEEN!!!!!! But yeah, I am shocked Kori killed her, Dick is gonna be so mad omg, thats probably gonna be a bad fight later
Gosh, now all I want is for Gar to hug him omg, even tho i doubt its gonna happen(tho I also doubted they would make Blackfire part of the titans and that bruce would kill the joker yet here we are so at this point who knows lol). AHAHA, omg, Alfred canonically would tell him that though omg xD Dang, wasted opportunity!
Oooh, I keep forgetting about rachel and donna lmao *hides*, I wanna know when my Tim is gonna have some screen time!
Haha right, and then the second she heard the titans she was like, yeah im out xD I loved the mob guy eating ice cream cause same xD
Yes!!!! Human garbage man but the most lit human garbage man! Like, he is SUCH a good villain here omg, like he is the worst and creepiest but i think thats perfect for this world omg. Its nice seeing him as the mastermind and not just a puppet for a dif bad guy for once!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
APPLAUSE FOR OLD MAN BRUCE 👏👏👏 I'm glad bruce actually did it. Jason my son he's lost his shit entirely and ahem episode 3 don't wanna say too much in case you haven't watched that one yet but boy my fave excuse me jason! F*ckk. Okay but I feel kinda robbed like we coulda had a backflash of batgirl and jason as robin and bruce mildly scolding him for his choice of language while babs pisses herself laughing love to have seen him go off on mad hatter and hatter being like batman you have instilled absolutely zero manners into your little cape wearing child. this guy as jason/robin plus the characterization is perfect this redhood on the other hand is very interesting very heartbreaking and I very much wanna whack him with something although that's what started this mess sooo maybe not btw thanks for the not link lol I managed to get an app thingy to avoid pop up shit but the freakin audio is a couple secs out on the video and it stops and starts kinda but at least it works so, I had to use Yt to rewatch the fight scenes DUDE dick smiling and kinda teasing the bad guys before he eskrima's the shit out of them and electrifying the stair case was yooo Gar fanboying in wayne manor and the bat cave is EVERYTHING and and gar watching nature docs and talking to jason as if he's there😢 and oh my gosh mama kory telling gar and kon what happened and trying to make sure they don't end up that way 😢 I f*cking love her and her suit! starfire looks the best outta everyone's suits, nightwings suit is okay aside from the ken doll situation at this point I feel like they were trying to make a dick joke with that cuz like why 😅 Inside wayne manor is mostly green like what's up with the decor bruce, isn't green jokers colour? It feels weird to sign this but hi it's batanon you could probably tell that anyway
RIGHT! I WAS THINKING OF YOU WHEN BRUCE DID THE THING! i was like OMG BATANON WAS RIGHTTTTTT! I can't believe dc actually did it! Proud of them, even tho this bruce is even more emotionally constipated than usual xD
OMG RIGHT! Gosh I wished they would have actually shown that jason cussing out the mad hatter scene omg, that was pure GOLD and SOOO in character omg, I can picture it soo well though!
Speaking of, JASONNN, boy, like it was just as much angst as I was expecting omg. And right, isnt his acting amazing?! Gosh that kid is killing it, you can just see he is putting his heart and soul into the role! and they absolutely NAILED Red Hood's intro scene, like he even said some of the exact lines from Under The Hood! And yes, Im so glad you also like the characterization cause the opinions seemed very mixed. I personally like the route they are taking and keeping us guessing by not making it exactly the same and having stuff be revealed in time and us just having to guess and pick up clues! Like I DEF think Scarecrow is behind it/him/is apart of it. That gas he took before he died reminded me so much of fear toxin in looks and reaction (the way his pupils dilated), like it seems like anti fear toxin.
"I very much wanna whack him with something although that's what started this mess" OMG I literally laughed out loud omg nooo xD
And Im sooo glad you were able to watch it!!! aw man, sucks that it keeps glitching tho :(
Omg i LOVED Dick's little smirk and the constant swinging of the eskrima's and teasing and ahh, its so in character! I love where they are taking Dick this season and how he is trying to save Jason and called him his brother and ahhhh
GAR IS SO PURE!!!! I love that boy so freaking much, him watching those nature docs was too cute, and narrating for them omg. And yes, I knew Gar would be dying inside to see the batcave xD
RIGHT, I loved Mama Kory in this!!! She has always had that relationship with Gar but now with Conner and its even stronger ahhh. And that protective mamma bear hug she gave Gar at the end of episode 3 omg, my heart. And yaaass, her suit looks SO GOOOOOD!!
"nightwings suit is okay aside from the ken doll situation at this point I feel like they were trying to make a dick joke" LMAO, I didnt even notice that ahahahahaha.
I didnt notice the green decor either, that is super interesting hmmm.
What did you think of Tim?! I know we only saw him for like 5 mins BUT I ALREADY LOVE HIM SO MUCH OMG
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Incase you haven't watched yet just gonna say here this ask is about this weeks TITANS episode I would say this is spoiler free but just thought I'd mention incaseys. P.s it's batanon, s'up dude 😊❤
girl.lady.ma'am.listen.yo.EPISODEFIVE!!!!was everything and so emotional oh my gosh the flashback scene whythankyou titans writers thankyousooomuch! and yesss gimme the feels and dude that one jonathan crane scene was so true gotham rogue vibes at least to me not often in Batman media does one feel the rogues gallery vibes off a villian but this guy got it! 🎪🎪🎪I hate waiting a week for each episode and I need to absorb the whole thing into my brain immediately my poor son jason I can't even with this show
Hello my love!!!!💖💖💖💖 AH no I have like 30 more mins til my work day is over (I'm remote for now and while like I totally could have watched it eariler, I wanted to watch it uninterrupted cause I probally would have had to stop and start), but the second it hits 5 I'm watching it and AHHH IM SO EXCITED AND SCARED DUDE. Like I know this is the episode we find out what happened to jason and like the freaking name of the episode alone, Lazarus had me screaming but now I see this ask and I CANT WAIT MAN (I'm so gonna record myself in the background cause my reactions are always so big, tho I doubt I'll have the guts to post it tbh🤣🙈)
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captainshazamerica · 2 years
Hey for the ask game how abt Stucky
(P.s. Happy New Year 💕)
Ahhh thanks kind anon! (Possible batanon?💖) I love doing these ahh!
Timsteph: OTP AHHH😍😭💖😍😭💖😍💯💯💯
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Stucky: Ultimate brotp. They are brothers 😭
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Ed/Oswald(I don’t wanna type out the ship name, it’s so long lmao): unpopular opinion but I really don’t like them at all. I think the relationship is super toxic tbh😬
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Babs/Jim (Gotham I’m assuming?): Meh, I don’t think they are compatible at all tbh😬 and she manipulated him a lot😬 Aesthetic wise they are nice tho tbh xD
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Babs/Tabs: Not personally invested in but total power couple. I liked them together for sure
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Batcat: Depends on the version tbh, I filled it out as more general but I def ship Gotham Batcat more than comic or movies batcat
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And happy new year to you too!!!!! Have a great start to 2022!💖
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captainshazamerica · 2 years
MEREDITH SPIDERMAN NO WAY HOME AHHHH I was so thankful for my mask hiding my gigantic smile don't wanna give you spoilers but yoooo whole shit was lit (and the batman trailer played before it can't wait to see diggory as batman and gollum Alfred and that bat mobile and just the dark and weird gotham vibes) 🎪
Also I don't wanna snowball you with a bunch of asks so I'll just wish you a Merry Christmas while I'm here lol Happy Christmas to you and your family, hope yous have a wonderful day and God Bless ❤⭐
AH I STILL HAVENT SEEN IT WVRJVAIBDKVQIBSIS😭😭😭 I've only heard amazing things tho ahh! I'll let you know when I've seen it!
Ahgsvuachecuw gollum alfred and diggory batman KILLED me oh my gosh, I'm wheezing
AWW thanks so much my dear Batanon! Love you bunches! Merry merry christmas to you and your family too love! And God bless you too!🙏❤💚❤💚❤💚
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Hey Meredith 😊 I'm touched that you missed my titans rambling like aww 💖 I haven't watched the lastest episode yet I'll maybe watch it tomorrow before tomorrow's episode, I got covid and I'm kinda sick although thank God I'm not too bad really though self isolating is kinda sucky 🎪
Oh noooooo! Batanon nooo! Im soo sorry D: While Im glad you aren't too too sick, it still really sucks!(I got it in Jan ). I hope you are feeling better!!!!! Sending you lots of love! The last 2 episodes have been so stressful omgggggggggg
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Batanon is perfectly acceptable 😅 ahhh I get what you mean about it being slow but it picks up the pace eventually, I had no idea who any one those marvel characters were until the show either so I'm grateful to the show for being freakin epic and for introducing me to daredevil, aww crap I think I'm gonna be rewatching daredevil now (honestly it's the fight scenes for me I cannot)
Titans is out soon! but I might avoid watching it and try really hard to avoid tumblr spoilers and wait til all the episodes are out so I can watch it all together without having to wait cuz I think waiting would drive me demented this season (fingers crossed for brucey whacking the shit out of the joker)
And hey congratulations!!! on your new job!!!🎉 (it sounds so cool btw) 🎉
❤ lots of love ❤
Okay good to know! I will def put it on my list then! Oooh the fight scenes would be cool wouldn’t they, since he’s blind it would have to be a whole dif fighting style oooh.
ahhh omg with the new job news and the olympics I forgot Titans was THIS week omg. Crap, I was gonna rewatch everything but now imma have to binge them 🤦🏻‍♀️ But omg I’m so excited. I wonder if they are gonna be released all at one time or once a week, like you never know anymore. After all the new marvel shows I actually realized I like having them weekly vs all at one time cause then it’s over too fast! It gives me something to look forwards to each week🤣 but I get not wanting to wait each week, I did that with stranger things 2 and 3 haha. I’ll be sure to tag everything Titans Spoilers! and bro, if someone doesn’t beat the shit out of the joker imma throw hands xD
And ahhh thank you sooo much love! I still can’t believe it, it seems so surreal!
Love you Batanon!!!l💖🦇💖
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Hey Meredith 😊 this is random af buuttt just wanted to know if you've seen daredevil netflix show?? becuz I shit you not, its marvels greatest achievement (sometimes my brain gets confused that it's not DC cuz the show has such DC vibes at least to me) but duuuddddeeee I love it so much I mean there are parts that are quite meh but overall it's just so ahh I could spontaneously combust thinking about it. also Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock was a stroke of GENIUS! like how the Heath Ledger joker will always be THE joker Charlie Cox will always be THE daredevil. also the fight scenes are supreme, season three fight scenes consist of a high level of awesomeness, internal screaming and office stationery and it's lit 🔥Nightwing vs Daredevil would be so tormentfully interesting to watch ngl although I love grayson I would be upset if he won, Matt I'd say would come out on top but it'd be dope to see them like really go for each other but I'd be worried for dick, I wanna go buy a bunch of daredevil collections but I'm trying to actually have some savings and I just got dark nights metal and the Locke and Key compendium which is oh my goodness one of the most interesting things ive read in a while, i dont think marvel are gonna ever top what they did with daredevil on netflix I'm not saying they'll never be able to make good daredevil content again just that whatever else they do the Cox one will always be treasured again kinda like how there's been good joker content (looking at you gotham) but nothing has ever touched the realm of Ledger, I'm gonna stop rambling now if I can help it, titans anon here and yes it was me that said your blog is big belly burger hahaa 😚 💙
MY LOVE!!!!!! HELLO! I LOVE RANDOM ASKS!😍😍😍 (sorry it took so long! I've been crazy busy this past week!)
Okay so omg you are gonna kill me, I've tried to watch it more than once but I just cant get past the first 2 or so episodes! It was just soooo slow for me at the time! My ADD couldnt take it xD However! You have me convinced!!! I will try it one more time! 😂 especially since I like DC and its vibes way more now than when I tried to watch it the first 2 times xD
I did love Charlie Cox in it though and thought he did a great job! I can def see that show in the DC universe! Tbh, I really dont know much in general about any of the characters that marvel did for Netflix! Like I have never seen that 2003 daredevil movie or had even heard if the character before the series!
When I have time I will try to watch it and post my reactions here if you want 😂
Also yas, Gotham's jokers are so dang underrated holy crap. But I agree, nothing will ever beat Ledger's. Like not possible lol
Omg ily so much😍😍😍😍 oooh here, wanna be BatAnon from now on?😂 lmao
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