#i lowkey sped run this
wineauntie · 3 months
I’m in the hospital for a little bit and I’ve just been binging your Hughes!sister imagines! Any way you can do one of her in the hospital and they just don’t know what’s going on? I swear I’ve been poked and prodded for the last couple days wayyyy too much for someone that doesn’t like needles. If not no worries, just wanted you to know I love your writing
WE’VE GOT YOU — hughes brothers x sister!reader
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summary: where one trip to the grocery store ends with you in a hospital bed and three worried brothers
note: once again, I lowkey deviated from this ask, but I low-key live for angsty-fluff <3 I’m so sorry to hear you were/are in hospital and I hope you’re alright lovely!
warnings: use of y/n & y/n/n, medical stuff like insertion of needles, blood, IV’s and hospitals in general, fem!reader, fainting. (I think that’s all really)
word count: 2.6k
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Summer at the lake house was one of your favourite times of the year. It was one of the few times you could spend your days doing nothing besides spending time with your brothers. Your parents were busy for the next three weeks, leaving you completely in the care of your brothers as the four of you flocked to the lake house for some "rest and relaxation".
The four of you were two days into being there when Quinn decided that today was the perfect day to do the weekly, well-needed grocery shop, and he generously volunteered you to help him out.
With nothing better to do, you went willingly.
You'd been feeling off all morning, a sharp pain in your stomach had wracked around your body but in true tested fashion, you popped an Advil and tried to carry on with your day.
"Alright," Quinn huffed, knocking you out of your stupor as the two of you began walking down the grocery store's first aisle. You hummed and pushed the cart forward all whilst he pulled out a list of food to get. "Divide and conquer?"
"I can grab the cereals and snacks, you get the veg and meat?" You suggested, tilting your head to look at your brother who nodded with pursed lips.
"Deal," he confirmed, shaking your outstretched hand. Your warm hand met his cool one as he grimaced and pulled away. "Ugh...Your hand is all clammy."
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes and withdrew your hand. You felt a pang of pain bounce through you as you tightened your existing grip on the shopping cart. "I'll meet you at the registers."
Quinn nodded and the two of you separated, your head tilted to the side as you scanned the shelves for everything you needed. You'd given the shopping list to Quinn, having memorised everything you needed to pick up. As you reached to grab a box of cereal you let out a hiss, the box dropping as your hand shot to clutch your side.
Stars spattered across your vision as you stumbled to grip the cart. The pain in your side was now vicious, biting at your every nerve as your heart sped up. Glancing around, you searched for any sign of your older brother. Your face was fixed in a grimace as you slowly pushed the cart towards where you'd last seen Quinn run off to.
The pain, like daggers, cut through you, aiming for debilitation, you reckoned. The agony grew as you shuffled towards the fruit and veg section, spotting Quinn's blue backward hat from above the wooden shelving. 
"Quinn!" Your desperate call was more of a croak than a yell but, despite the distance and quietness of your voice, he somehow heard you.
His head whipped around, his eyes meeting yours as his eyebrows scrunched together. By this stage, you were leaving heavily against the cart with your face scrunched in pain as black spots danced their way along the borders of your vision. Quinn placed down what he was holding instantly, his eyes steady on your form as you began to tremble.
He knew something was wrong— call it that big brother instinct (or just having proper eyes...but nevertheless).
His eyes remained glued onto your form as you struggled to keep yourself upright. When he finally reached your side, you felt your knees buckle, his arms slipping under yours to keep you upright.
"Fuck," Quinn swore, steadying you as much as he could. His worried eyes spanned across your weak form as you let hot tears roll down the cushioning of your cheeks. "y/n/n, what's happening? What's wrong?"
"Hurts, Q," you let out, your voice shaky and small. If Quinn closed his eyes it was almost as if you were a child again with bruised and cut-up knees looking for him to put a bandaid on it. You put a hand against your side as the pain pulsed and thrummed like a hoard of drummers.
"Okay," Quinn took a deep breath in whilst he shifted in his place. Now wasn't the time for floundering, he needed to take charge. He needed to know what to do–even if he had no idea whatsoever. "I'm going to take you to the hospital, alright? You're going to be okay."
You nodded as he helped guide you out of the shop, ignoring any questioning glances you received as you abandoned the shopping cart and store. He helped you into the passenger seat of the car, reclining it for you before he buckled you in. You drew your legs slowly up onto the chair, curling into yourself as more tears spilt over.
"Just hold tight," Quinn muttered, brushing his hand over your hair before he closed your door and hurried towards his side to start up the car. He gulped as he scanned your small form once more before he drove out of the car park.
The drive felt like a blur, your tears flowing as you tried to focus on anything but the rattling pain. Quinn's voice spoke clearly to you, constantly reassuring you. His familiar voice was one you clung to for any semblance of comfort.
"Hey, Luke, is Jack with you?" Quinn's stern voice spoke and it was only then that you realised he'd called your other brothers, letting it connect to the car's speakers. "Put the phone on loudspeaker..." Quinn looked towards you briefly before readjusting his grip on the steering wheel.
"Y/N isn't doing so well," he continued, "She collapsed on me in the store, so I'm taking her to the hospital."
"Wait, what?"
"What do you mean hospital?"
"Quinn, what's wrong with her?"
Jack and Luke's voices overlapped in a flurry of questions as Quinn sighed and tried to pick through them.
"I think it's her side, she was holding it tightly but I'm not taking any risks," he firmly stated. "We're five minutes out from A&E, I'll keep you posted."
"Keep us posted?!" Jack scoffed, "We'll be there in thirty minutes, maybe twenty-five if I speed a little."
"No speeding!" You groaned, your voice cracking as you pried your eyes open. "Please be careful."
"Alright, y/n/n," Luke piped up, "I'll make sure he's safe...well as safe as he can be, you know how bad he can be at driving."
"I'm not bad," you could imagine Jack scowling as a soft thump resounded. If you knew anything about your brothers you knew Jack had just whacked Luke straight across the head. "We'll see you soon!"
Quinn hummed and hung up as he pulled off of the main road, into the lead up to the hospital. He still looked at you every few seconds, his eyebrows permanently furrowed deep as you carefully squirmed in the leather seats of his car.
"Just hold tight, y/n/n," he muttered, changing gears, "it's going to be alright."
That's the last thing you comprehended before your vision completely darkened.
The incessant beeping coming from what you presumed to be a machine was the first thing you heard when you'd woken up. You moved your head groggily, your eyesight blurred as you blinked heavily.
The room was washed in pure you,wokelights above blinding as you lifted your hand to rub at your eyes. You felt a sharp scratch and upon glancing towards the feeling, you eventually noticed the IV jutting out of your paled skin.
You were suddenly wide awake.
You heard the beeping of the machine speed up as you attempted to sit up in the uncomfortable bed you seemed to be lying in. Patting your hands down your body, you discovered a thin hospital gown and a section of bandages across the middle of your stomach.
The door to your left swung open as a woman in scrubs and a white jacket entered with her clipboard in hand. She had a warm smile across her face when she noticed you were awake.
"Hello, I'm Sara, your doctor," the woman's soothing voice explained, as you looked at her in pure bewilderment. "You may feel disoriented for a while, but you’re in one of our recovery rooms at the moment."
"Recovery from what?" Your voice felt chalky if that was even possible. Sara rushed to grab you a glass of water waiting on a table beside you, handing it over to you for you to sip.
"You were brought in around..." Sara paused and checked your chart before looking back at you. "Eight hours ago with severe abdominal pain. You were unconscious, your brother carried you. We ran some tests and discovered that your appendix ruptured."
"My appendix?" You breathed out, your head was swirling as your shaky hands placed the plastic cup of water down on the table.
"Mhm," Sara hummed, stepping closer to the bed with her clipboard. "We took you in for surgery to remove it and now I'm here just to make sure you're awake and alright, before we bring you up to your room!"
"Oh...where is my brother?" You asked quietly, your hands folding cautiously in ront of you.
"The one who brought you in is waiting upstairs, and two other young gentlemen joined him shortly after you arrived."
"Also brothers," you supplied, a small smile weaving its way across your face. You winced as you shuffled beneath the thin sheets of the bed. "When can I see them?"
"As soon as I check you over and grab some bloods!" Sara beamed, waving her clipboard and pen. You leaned back against the pillows and allowed the woman to assess you as you stared at the ceiling.
She pulled out a needle and vial, along with a blue rubber strap. You watched apprehensively as Sara expertly prepared the equipment, her movements precise and practised. Despite your best efforts to remain calm, the sight of the needle made your stomach churn with unease.
"Alright, just a little pinch," Sara reassured you, flashing a reassuring smile as she tied the rubber strap around your arm. With steady hands, she swabbed the crook of your elbow with alcohol before gently inserting the needle into your vein.
You braced yourself for the anticipated sting, but to your surprise, it was only a brief discomfort before the sensation faded. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the ordeal was over before you knew it.
Sara expertly filled the vial with your blood, her movements smooth and efficient. Once she had collected an adequate sample, she removed the needle and applied a cotton ball to the small puncture wound.
"All done," she announced cheerfully, placing the vial of blood into a small tray and labelling it with your information. "You did great."
"Thanks...You make it look so easy." You offered her a weak smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that the ordeal was over.
"It comes with the territory." She chuckled softly, gathering up her supplies and tucking them back into her bag. "Now, I'll get these bloods to the lab and then we can get you settled into your room."
With a final wave, Sara left the room, leaving you alone once again. You let out a long exhale, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over you now that the adrenaline had faded.
You took a deep breath in as Sara pressed a button to open the doors to your supposed room. As it opened, you spotted all three of your brothers jump to their feet, their eyes fixed on your incoming bed.
Your eyes met Quinn's, as he seemed to let out a breath and let his shoulders drop. The tension in the room eased as his gaze softened, relief washing over his features like a gentle wave. You could sense the worry etched in his eyes, the weight of concern lifting as he saw you safe and awake.
"Look who finally decided to join the land of the living!" Jack exclaimed with a grin, nudging Luke who was standing next to him.
"Yeah, we were starting to think you'd taken up permanent residence in the land of the appendix-less," Luke chimed in, trying to lighten the mood despite the worry etched on his face in the form of little lines between his brows.
Quinn, ever the one to keep his emotions close to the chest, simply nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Glad to see you're okay," he said softly, his eyes reflecting relief as he ruffled your hair. You couldn't help but chuckle weakly at their attempts at humour, grateful for their presence despite the circumstances.
"Thanks...and Quinn, I guess I owe you one for bringing me here," you quipped, wincing slightly as you shifted in the bed.
"His biceps needed a workout anyways" Luke teased, earning a slight glare from Quinn.
Sara stepped back to give you some space with your brothers, her smile warm and reassuring. "I'll leave you all to catch up. Just remember to take it easy. You're still recovering," she admonished gently before slipping out of the room, leaving the four of you alone.
As you settled back against the pillows, surrounded by the familiar faces of your brothers, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, you knew you were going to be alright as long as you had them by your side.
Luke leaned in, his eyes scanning you with concern. "Seriously though, how are you feeling? You look like you've been through a wrestling match with a grizzly bear." He winced, glancing down at your IV.
"I've been better, I'm just glad it's all over now." You managed a weak smile, appreciating his attempt at levity.
"You scared the hell out of us, you know?" Jack plopped down in the chair next to your bed, his grin faltering slightly as he studied your face. "Typical youngest child behaviour, always the dramatic one."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as Jack gently laced his fingers through your non-IV hand and squeezed ever so carefully.
"Yeah, I almost had to call in the cavalry to drag your stubborn, passed out self into the ER," Quinn added, a hint of teasing in his voice, though his eyes betrayed his worry.
You chuckled softly, feeling a swell of affection for your brothers. "Well, thanks for not leaving me to suffer." You lolled your head against your pillow as the boys shifted in their stances. The three boys stayed silent as they watched you move with a few groans.
There was a beat of silence before you spoke again.
"So...do you think I can use this whole appendix thing as an excuse to get out of doing chores for, like, the next year?" You asked with a mischievous yet lazy grin, earning a collective groan from the boys.
"You wish, y/n/n," Quinn retorted, rolling his eyes with a chuckle. "But nice try."
As laughter filled the room, you couldn't help but feel a surge of relief wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, having your brothers by your side made everything feel a little bit brighter.
You listened intently as the three explained what had happened exactly from the moment you'd passed out to the very second you'd been brought into the room. Jack and Luke had apparently run over various traffic cones out in the parking lot whilst Quinn had apparently drunk his body weight in caffeine.
As you listened to them, a sudden thought dawned over you.
"Hey...so do Mom and Dad know?"
"Oh, fuck..." Jack grimaced, slapping a hand to his forehead as Quinn swore low under his breath. "We are dead."
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dickmastersfruit · 4 months
ok the art you sent me has me spiraling but imagine getting it on with alastor maybe hes a little pissy or whatever so he’s extremely in the mood to bite EVERYWHERE and i think we all know its not weak little bites its hard bites especially if hes in a bad mood and definitely hard enough to draw blood and then be starts swiping that blood up with his finger coating them with your blood and drawing little smiles (especially smiles its literally alastor) and hearts all over especially on the readers face
My Painting
Pairing: Alastor x F!reader
Warnings: Alastor being horny and lowkey a vampire, accidental housewife kink oops, if you hate blood dont read this
Word count: 765
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There wasn't much light shining through the windows anymore as you sat on the counter waiting for Alastor. You took in the smell of the home baked muffins in the oven as you looked out the window as the sun set. The front door slammed shut making you jump off the counter and you waited patiently for him to notice you standing there. He finally walked into the spot where a little bit of light shined on him. You took in his disheveled clothes with rips and the light traces of blood across his whole body.
“Well how was your day?” You joked as you looked him up and down turning on the overhead light so you could get a better look at him.
He rolled his eyes, muttering to himself. Something about some evil tv man and how he wants to kill him so badly. You stared at him with a soft smile as he continued muttering to himself. He looked like a child who was told no for the first time as he began pacing around.
“Hon” You say, getting his attention as he finally took you in. An apron hugged your waist as you wore a white baby tee that stuck to every curve of your body and jean shorts. He smirked, taking long strides toward you.
He pushed you against the kitchen counter as he stared down at you like you were his prey. His hands slowly wrapped around yours as he pinned them behind your back leaning down to gently bite your earlobe.
“God look at my little housewife” His staticy voice said, breaking the silence that had previously been there. His hands let go of your wrists but instead he set a firm grip on your hips. “I didn't even know you had this,” He said, pulling at the strings that tied the apron behind your back. It slowly fell as your tight clothes were now on full display for him.
“Well usually i'm done cooking by the time you come home my love” You say as you move your hands to the belt loops on his pants moving him flush against your body. “But maybe I should wear it more often” You smirk, staring up at him. 
His eyes darkened as he brought his mouth down to your neck. It started out slow and sensual. His lips moving slowly nipping softly as he moved down your neck to your chest. The more you whimpered and withered under his touch he not only sped up but he began to bite harder. Finally as he reached your neck again he bit down hard. You moaned loudly bucking your hips into his as he bit down like a starved man
“Alastor jesus” You whimper as he backs away smiling watching the blood run down your neck. Instead of cleaning it up he bit down again on the other side of your neck. Blood began to spill down as you winced at the pain. You could feel it dripping down, you couldn’t tell if you were grossed out or incredibly turned on. Maybe both. 
The blood had finally reached your white shirt. “Oh no, my little housewife is a little dirty” He said sarcastically as he ripped it off your body leaving your top half naked as he stared intently as the blood spilled down your chest.
His hands reached up grabbing your boobs as the blood smeared across his hand and your chest. You could tell he had an idea as a sinister smile formed across his lips. He began to trace his name in your blood and many other vulgar words across your neck and chest as he continued biting to make more paint for his beautiful painting.
He soaked his fingers in the blood and made little smiley faces across your chest. You giggled as he drew little pictures in your blood. “I'm running out of blood” He pouted. 
Before you could even react to his words he was biting deeply into your skin causing you to yelp in pain. That was definitely leaving a scar or some sort of mark. Instead of light dribbles of blood it gushed out as he grabbed more blood and began to paint small hearts on your face. He looked you in the eyes as he licked one long strip across his whole hand, your blood now dripping down his chin as he sucked the blood off his fingers. 
“My beautiful little painting” He says before leaning in kissing you hard. The taste of his spit and your blood lingering in your mouth.
Masterlist Alastor Masterlist
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Y/n sneaks out to a party that she don’t have no business in going and ony catches her when she get home and fuck ha shit upp Like he always doo
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party pooper
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cw: gun violence
word count: 2.1k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
you were thinking about this party all week, having an outfit and everything picked so you didn’t have anything to worry about the day of. ony knew you were going out tonight, but you kind of left out the fact that you were going to the trenches to shake ass at a party. he still ended up finding out anyways, telling you to stay your ass home, but who tf want to do that.
he wasn’t supposed to be home until late so you figured you could just sneak out and be back by the time he got home. so that’s exactly what you did. your friend was outside your house by ten and you got right tf up outta there, skirt riding up your ass as you ran to the car in excitement. “bitchhh you ready?” sasha yelled, hands gripping the steering wheel as she shook in excitement.
“nah i’m actually shakin in my boots. if this man find out i think he might kill me furreal.” you and sasha were basically in the same predicament, going to this party without the approval of your boyfriends. “who give a fuck? we live right now and we’ll die laterrrr.” you giggled, nodding your head in agreement as you turned up the music and sung along for the rest of the journey.
the party was jumping. there was bitches shaking ass (including you), niggas selling drugs, and good music playing so loud that it could be heard down the block. you and sasha got comfortable real quick and we’re honestly having the most fun you’ve had in awhile. “this is your song girl you can’t let these hoes outdo youuu!!” sasha yelled as the intro to freak hoe by speaker knockerz began to play. you made your way to the middle of the floor swaying side to side until the beat dropped.
ass shaking in circles as you leaned over and held onto sasha’s arms for support. everyone’s eyes gravitated towards you as you continued moving to the song, that was until three loud gunshots were heard. bodies began to scatter everywhere as the entire party got ruined. people were jumping out of windows and running in random peoples cars just to get away from the cause of the deadly sound.
you and sasha finally made it to her car. pissed that your fun was ruined. “Y/N! bring your ass over here, NOW!!” your body froze as you listened to the familiar voice. while you was too busy being hardheaded and living it up at a party you shouldn’t be at, you didn’t think to try to at least be lowkey. ony and connie were chilling at their trap house when he looked one of his friend’s story. there you were, shaking ass for the whole world to see, skirt practically on your stomach as you gave everyone a show.
“man ima kill this girl” connie looked at his friend in concern before bubbling with the same anger as he watched the video replay on his phone. “i know that’s not my girl in the back. yea we out.” connie grumbled, pointing at sasha who was right behind you recoding as well. with that the two of them sped to the party, guns hidden securely on their waists as they walked inside.
ony didn’t plan on shooting it up, he actually was just gon calmly grab you up outta there for your safety because this is a bad area you were in. he looked around the house until his eyes landed on the center of a big circle of people. once he registered the sight in front of him he could help but reach right for his gun. your boyfriend was nowhere near insecure. he knew it was your body and that you had every right to shake some ass if you wanted, but the sight of the men around you made him sick.
cameras out, zooming closer and closer to your more private areas as you were obliviously dancing along to your favorite song. in no time his gun was out and there were three bullets let off in the ceiling. ony watched the people scatter as he waited inside for the house to be empty. him and connie stood on the porch, watching you stand next to sasha while she scrambled in her bag for her keys.
“m’not playin wit you girl. come over here now or it’s just gon be worse for you at home.” your legs moved slowly as you thought of an excuse as to why you were here. before you knew it, you were face to face with his heavy breathing chest, instantly making you revert your eyes to the ground. “unt uhh look at me mama. ian down there.” his strong hand wrapped around your throat, forcing your head to shoot upwards towards his face.
“here’s what’s gon happen. you gon get in the car, quietly. ion wanna here no crying or whining during this whole ride or ima add it on to the lesson ima teach you when we get home, understand?” his voice was low and menacing as he stared into your eyes, face drained of any emotion. “o-okay.” your lungs filled with air as ony let go of your neck, nodding towards his car.
you sat in the passenger seat scared shitless as you watched him give the guy that threw the party a stack of cash, probably for the damage he caused, before dapping connie up and saying goodnight to sasha. he got in the car quietly, not sparing you a single glacé before driving the two of you home. the ride was completely silent like he wanted. any excuses you thought of were quickly swallowed as well as the urge to cry.
you didn’t even notice when you got home until you felt your door open. “let’s go.” ony mumbled. he walked you to the living room, manspreading on the couch while you stared down at him. “m’really really really so-” he sucked his teeth before throwing you over hip lap. skirt already so short that his brown eyes got a good view of your soaked panties. warm palm caressing your ass as he spoke. “what’d i tell you baby?”
the smoothness of his voice made you shiver. “why you shakin’? ian spank you yet.” a chuckle rumbled from ony’s chest as he listened intently for your reply. “m’scared.” you were terrified. usually when you’d get in trouble your boyfriend would lecture you and make a big fuss so his calmness was very foreign to you.
“good.” a hard smack was brought to your ass causing the pending tears in your eyes to begin to fall. your hands instantly flew to cover your burning skin, sheliding them from his rough palms. “you know why ian want you over there right?” he grabbed both of your hands into his singular one, ignoring your whimpers. “b-because it’s n-not sa-“
“because it’s not fucking safe, that’s right. a nigga could’ve put sum in your drink or snatched you up. that’s the shit that be happening at parties like that and instead of being my good girl and listening to me, you decided to be. a. brat.” three more strikes were made to your ass. each harder than the last as you thrashed around on his thighs. “m-m’sorry papa.”
your tears created a small wet patch to form on the couch. you honestly didn’t mean to make him worry so much. it was just that you haven’t gotten to go out in awhile and wanted to finally have some fun. the wet patch went unnoticed until your cheek was smushed into it. ony removed himself from under you, positioning his body behind your before pushing your back down. “yea i bet you are baby. hold onto that pillow right there.”
head nodding towards the cushion as he untied the strings of his sweatpants. you gushed at the sight of his print through his grey briefs, moaning out loud as you thought of how good he was going to feel. “look straight mama. this a punishment, not a reward.” you obeyed, gripping the pillow tightly as you prepared yourself for the stinging stretch of his dick.
“be g-gentle daddy.” you mumbled as ony gripped both of your asscheeks, pulling your panties to the side and squeezing them as he spreader them apart. “be obedient.” he trusted his full length into you, giving you no time to prepare as he began pounding you into the cushion of the couch. “oouuu fuck mama. you always so tight.” ony groaned, hand flat on your back as his other delivered many slaps on your ass.
you outstretched your arm, pushing at his stomach for him to ease up. “p-pleaseeee aahhgg. jus take a little out daddyyyy.” whining as you were already trying to run from him. ony grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pulling your ass all the way back to him to the point where you were flush against his stomach. “stop running and take this shit. and move your fucking hand. barely even started yet.” he slapped your hand away, continuing to pound into you.
all eight inches of him curving just right in your pussy. as you got more used to his size, your heat grew wetter as the constant friction. moans began flying from your mouth left and right making you tighten round him. “there you go mama. takin me like a good girl.” his hips began snapping into you harder, making it more difficult for you to take him. “ahh w-wait a little bit daddy. s’too biggg.”
ignoring you, ony thrusted into you harder, pushing your back down lower so he could reach that spongy spot deep inside you. your stomach brushed against the couch as your body jolted. “unt uhh baby where’s the big girl that like t’sneak out, huh? where’s the girl that like to go out and shake her ass in a skimpy lil skirt while her man is worried sick about her?” where she at?”
wetness trickling down your thighs as you kept your death grip on the pillow. “s-she said she’s ahh s-sorry. m’sorryyyy daddyyy.” ony halted his trusts, giving you a hard slap on your ass and tightening his grip on your shirt. “mhmm throw that ass back princess. make it up to daddy.” his strong arm started you off by pulling you back and forth by your shirt before letting you do it on your own. ass clapping repeatedly as you twerked on his dick.
his brown eyes rolling as he felt you clench tighter around him. you continued working yourself on his shaft, chasing your upcoming orgasm. “d-daddy?”you were met with nothing but his hips fucking you back as he stared at where the two of you were connected. he was hypnotized by your body. “baby?” his head snapped up towards yours, shaking himself out of his thoughts before replying. “y-yea pretty? ahh fuck.” he breathed.
“i’m r-really sorry. i d-didn’t mean to make y-you worry, honest. i-i jus wanted t’go have funn, and when you told me the day of that i wasn’t allowed i g-got a little upset. i wont g-go over there e-ever again i swearrrr.” you began pushing yourself back harder as you held eye contact. ony’s resolve weakened as he felt his blood begin rushing to his dick, signaling to him he was going to cum if he didn’t get in control quickly.
ony’s hand tangled in your hair before pulling you up to his chest, arm wrapping around your middle as he kissed up and down your neck. his long tongue licked a stripe behind your ear before whispering dirty words to you. “mhmm. m’not finna say it’s okay ‘cause it’s not, but i forgive you mama. now keep making daddy feel good and i’ll give you this nut. how dat sound?” his teeth closed around your ear, gold girls pinching the skin. “y-yes please.”
the both of you moved on one accord, fucking each other dumb as you reached your climax’s. body growing weak and legs shaking as your thick cream rushed down his shaft. ony easily held you up, continuing to use you as his personal fleshlight. “ughh fuck baby m’finna cum.” his pace quickened, hips pistoning into you as you screamed from the overstimulation. he gave you one final trust before kissing you to keep you quiet, moaning into your mouth as his hot ropes flowed into your walls.
the two of you stayed like that for awhile, giving each other light kisses as you panted in each others mouths. “lemme get the water ready mama. we needa take a bath.”
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yanderederee · 2 months
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June1st, 2004
a/n: coping w past trauma go brrrrrr— I thought it was a cute idea. I hope yall like it♡ longer than my usual words tbh, 3.5k words… whoops. ALSO!!! I love! Writing! For MamaBaji Ryoko! Why is she also lowkey a comfort character at this point? Pls read it for her if nothing else ♡
c/w: off screen child ab*se, fluffy comfort though.
before! › now! › after!
Keisuke and Ryoko Baji were sat on their living room sofa, eyes glued to the TV. This was it, the finale of their favorite detective-murder-mystery show. Already half an hour into the episode, they were at the edge of their seats. All the answers to all the mysteries would soon come to light…
That is, until the shrill call of the home phone broke the tension.
“Kei, you get it.” Ryoko said quickly, eyes not leaving the screen. Keisuke clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Just let it ring, I ain’t missing this!”
His mother threw an empty beer can at him weakly. “It’s bad luck to not answer a phone call!”
Keisuke gave an exaggerated groan, before doing as he was told. “Don’t let me miss anything!” He called before picking the phone from its receiver. If only he could simply pause the show for a moment to pick up where he left off….alas, it is 2004—-
“What?” He asked rudely. Before he could even have the chance to correct himself with a proper greeting, the eerie sound of crying stopped him in his tracks.
“K-kei…” your strained voice rang loud— despite it only being a whisper.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? Where are you?” He rapid fired questions, already itching to throw on his shoes.
“H… he hit me… not l-like usual… I—“ you cried even harder, breaking your poor boyfriend’s heart.
“That fucking bastard… are you still at home?” He asked. Honestly, he was eager to speed over and beat your father to a fucking pulp. He’d only met the guy once, by accident. After he learned of your father’s disgusting habit of hitting you anytime he was frustrated, Baji made it a point to make sure you were home as little as possible. He should have rocked his shit the second he first found out.
“He… kicked me out. I kind of already started walking to your place… if that’s okay,” you said softly, worriedly. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you beforehand, if it any trouble- I’ll—“ you began to excuse yourself, in case inviting yourself over on such short notice was a nuisance.
“I’m on my way. Keep walking along the same path we always do, I’ll find you. I’ll take mom’s phone with me just in case, call me if anything changes, okay? I’ll be there in just a few minutes.” Keisuke sped his words out, turning to his mom expectingly. “I’m sorry….” You sobbed into the reciever. “Don’t apologize, don’t ever apologize. I’ll be there soon, I promise.” He replied softly. “I’ll see you soon, remember, call me on mom’s phone if you need me before I show up.”
After he’d receiving your confirmed response, he hung up the phone and ran to his room to grab his bike keys. “Who was that? Where are you going? Why do you need my phone?” Ryoko called out, worried.
“Y/n. I’m picking her up. Need your phone just in case, alright?” Keisuke said, rather than asked. Her eyes grew wide with worry, quickly pulling the decise out of her purse to hand it to him.
“What happened?” She asked, but her son was in too much of a hurry, already stepping on the heel of his shoes. “I’ll be back,” he gave no further explanation, before running out of his apartment and down the stairs.
After retrieving his bike, he was off like a bat out of hell on route to you. Keisuke could remember the path you both took to walk back and forth between each other’s homes even if he was blindfolded at this point.
True to his word, it had only taken 7 minutes to reach you; who was walking small on the furthest edge of the street. “Y/n!” He yelled after you, skidding his bike to a halt, too quickly had he hopped off and kicked over his kickstand.
He ran to you, arms open for you as you rammed yourself into his chest, tugging tightly to his tee shirt.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you.” He said calmly, careful to maintain his composure for you. He didn’t want you mistaking his pent up aggression as your fault. He could wait to release it the next time he saw your father.
“Keisuke..” you sobbed into his shirt, shaking like a leaf when his arms wrapped around you tightly. “I know. Don’t cry anymore, everything’s fine now.” He did his best at comforting you, even if he wasn’t confident in his ability to do so.
“Let’s go home, we can stop by the corner store and grab some snacks on our way. ‘You ate dinner yet?”
He pulled away, just enough to look at your poor face. God, you bruised fast. Keisuke hated how much the sight sent him over the edge. He always looked at you to feel steady and at ease with all the was wrong in the world. Yet now, seeing you so upset, hair disheveled, tear stained, and bruised… he wasn’t sure how long his restraint would last.
Still, your angelic smile took him out of his grotesque thoughts of violence. You smiled like you were so relieved to see him. Despite your poor state, you were happy to finally be held by your ever concerned boyfriend. “I’d like that…” you whispered, throwing your arms over his shoulders again before burrowing into the crook of his neck.
Baji took a deep— deep breath, before letting it out, and holding you tighter.
How many times would he break his promise of protecting you? The pain of not being able to do so was slowly eating away at him.
When you both finally made it home safe, Ryoko was sitting at the table, fiddling with a cup of tea anxiously. Quick to greet you both, the mother all but froze upon seeing your bruised face. Similarly to her son, her stomach sank and turned. Unable to hide her prickling of tears, Ryoko rushed over to you and held you in her arms tightly.
“Oh honey…” she whispered into your hair, holding back from crying as best she could. Things like this didn’t usually upset her, she’d gotten used to her son coming home with much worse a long time ago.
But you were a different story. You didn’t deserve any of the hurt that came your way.
The feeling of being embraced by her motherly scent, you were quick to tip over the edge as well. You were just emotionally vulnerable right now, you couldn’t help when fresh hot tears came spilling over onto her shirt.
“Sit on the couch, I’ll be right back.” She said with a squeeze, a final look over of your face, before dashing off to the bathroom.
Unsure, you looked over at your boyfriend. He gave you a warm smile and smoothed a hand over your back. Walking with you andsitting next to you on the couch, he pulled open the bag from the corner store. “I know you said you were cool with it, but you’re sure Yakisoba’s alright for dinner? I mean, I do it all the time I guess so I ain’t one to talk but—“
“What? Have you not eaten?” Ryoko asked with furrowed brows, hands full with anti-swelling gel and an ice pack. Nervously, you looked down in your lap. Ryoko sighed, sitting on her knees while giving your face another look over. “It’s okay, I’m not mad sweetheart. I’m happy you’re here,” she said kindly, resting her hand on your opposite cheek. “If you ever need anything, we’ll help you. You don’t even need to ask, okay?” She said while looking you in the eyes, apparently emotional as she did so.
You tried to reply to her kind words, but got chocked up before you could. So instead, you nodded softly, hugging her. She hugged you back, looked at her son, glancing at the first aid materials laid out on the table, and back to him, expectedly.
Keisuke nodded to his mother when she gave you another final squeeze before lifting to her feet. “I was just about to whip up some dinner,” she lied with an award winning grin. “Any requests?” She asked, already halfway to the kitchen.
“Her cooking sucks, but it’s tolerable—“ Keisuke began to tease, expecting to have to dodge a thrown ladle in response. But given the situation, Ryoko’s death glare was equally as bone chilling.
You giggled at the exchange, feeling a weight of tension lifting off your shoulders being in the casual and warm home. “No ma’am, no requests.” You replied. “She likes extra konbu in her soup, and extra rice.” Baji called over, grinning ear to ear when you gave him an embarrassed shove.
“Here,”Keisuke held the ice pack up, now that it wasn’t dangerously cold to hold against your face. Still cold to the touch, you flinched unexpectedly. “Hold that on there for a while. ‘Less you want to be spoiled, I can hold it for ya” he chuckled in jest.
“I got it, thanks.” You chuckled back, and held the ice pack to your cheek.
Keisuke was practically a professional when it came to patching up wounds, ever since his mom started making him to do it himself years ago. He’d be sure to help you apply the anti swelling gel after dinner.
To waste the time, Keisuke quickly turned on the re-run for his show’s finale.
You’d seen enough episodes to know a few characters names, and some important plot points, but still fell short of many of the shocking twists the show threw at your flabbergasted boyfriend.
Sitting so closely on the couch was still a little foreign to you, normally used to sitting side by side on the floor pillows. It felt weird when your knees would touch eachother, or when his arm would casually fall behind you in the back of the couch, his warmth radiating against the back of your neck.
You felt yourself wanting to lean closer, to lay your head against his shoulder. Perhaps if you were alone, you would be so bold. But with his mother just a few feet away; you couldn’t bring yourself to do so.
“Damn that was good!” The youngest Baji hollered with glee. “I know right! Even I couldn’t have saw that one coming!” Ryoko hollered back with a laugh. “Alright, dinners ready!”
Quick to help you up from the couch by ever so chivalrously taking your hand in his, you both made way to sit at the table with giddy little smiles.
It wasn’t much, and while Baji’s off-handed comment wasn’t incorrect, you felt as though you’d just finished eating the best dinner you’d had in a very long time.
“Thanks for the meal!” You tried gathering the dishes together to help clean, but Ryoko simply wouldn’t allow it. “I’m glad someone appreciated it,” she chuckled before beginning the washing.
“About tonight, I’d offer you Keisuke’s bed tonight; but that brat can’t keep his room clean to save his life. The sheet probably hasn’t been—“ “I just washed them three weeks ago!” “Oh my god.” She sighed.
“Anyway, if you don’t mind sleeping on the couch, I’ll have Kei bring out a few blankets to lay on. Is that okay?” She asked worried.
“I really shouldn’t impose,” you tried to deflect the act of kindness, but the thought of going home made you physically want to throw up. “But… as long as you’re okay with having me, the couch is plenty. Thank you so much.”
Ryoko smiled happily, and gave her son a quick look, as if to tell him to fetch what she’d asked for. He obediently got up from his spot at the table, and left to bring in the spare blankets. “Do you need a shower?”
“No ma’am.” “You’re sure? You don’t have to be shy, I’ll lock Kei in his room so he won’t peek.”
“I WOULDNT DO THAT!” Keisuke yelled at the top of his lungs with a red face.
You laughed. “No, I’m alright, really.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back with some night clothes.” She patted your head before walking off to her room.
All the attention had began to overwhelm you, as you started fidgeting in the dinning room chair. It was a lot, more than you could get used to in such a short time.
“Sorry, I can tell you’re probably uncomfortable. That’s just the way she is.” Your boyfriend spoke in a quiet tone, as to not alert his mother in the room over. “She just really cares about you. ‘Appreciate you for putting up with her.”
You both sat in silence for a few seconds, until you stood up and helped with tucking in some blankets between the couch cushions. “You have a really good mom, Kei. I understand why you’re so serious about doing well in school now. Let’s work together to make her proud, okay?” You said to him, earning you a shocked look.
The shock wore off, and left behind a childlike smile. “Let’s do our best.” He agreed, patting your head gently, til his hands began running down the sides of your hair, and onto your cheek.
The genuine moment shared between you two made your heard pound. He’s touch was so gentle and considerate. Had you only known Baji as a brawler, the act would have seemed foreign coming from him. But you knew Keisuke as a gentle person, who loves animals enough to care for the local strays, who looked out for his friends, and fought on their behalf.
This was just another side of him you absolutely adored.
The tension created was undeniable, as you both slowly leaned into one another, threatening to share a kiss in his own living room.
“Alright, here you go!” Ryoko called out loud, as if intentionally. Your faces both went red at being caught to blatantly. “T-thank you!” You yelled back, quick to your feet and to grab the garments from her arms. “I’ll get changed.”
Quick to lock yourself into the bathroom, you couldn’t get over how hot your face was burning. The swelling on your cheek stung at the blood flow, eventually bringing you back to reality.
About why you were there in the first place. You looked in the mirror, assessing the damage for yourself. It was definitely dark, but the swelling was not as bad as it could have been.
As you changed out of your day clothes and into the clean night wear, you noticed something funny. The sweatpants fit fine, but the shirt was considerably large. Looking it over, it was a black shirt with a skull print. Definitely Keisuke’s.
Did she accidentally give you the wrong shirt? Still, as you brought the collar up to hide the lower half of your face, you could smell his usual scent over the laundry detergent. It was so comforting.
After folding your clothes as neatly as possible, you left the bathroom and headed back to the living room.
“Alright let’s see… a plastic bag to store your clothes… an extra pillow… that should be everything.” Ryoko yawned. “Alright, time to call it a night. I work in the morning, but I’ll be quiet so I don’t wake you. Sleep well Y/n~”
She escaped to her room, but quickly gave a shout, “You too Keisuke! Go to bed and don’t try pulling any funny business! My door’s open!”
Keisuke clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes at her final comment.
“Here, let me help you with this real quick, then I’ll be out of your hair.” He said while pulling out the gel from earlier. Careful as to not apply any unnecessary pressure, his middle finger gently rubbed circles into your cheek. You sat patiently as he did so, happy to be taken care of as if you were made of glass.
Once he’d finished, he tried retracting his hand, but… couldn’t. Keisuke looked over your face again, disappointed. “I’m sorry this happened…” he whispered, and hung his head. His hand followed suit, gripped in a fist as it rested beside you on the couch. “I keep saying I’ll protect you, yet…”
You smiled, accepting that it was your turn to comfort his insecurities. “You take care of me more than you realize, Kei… I couldn’t be selfish enough to ask for anything more.”
Baji sighed, laying his head in your lap.
“You should be more selfish, yaknow that?”
“I’ve always taken care of myself. I’ll manage.” You said softly.
It didn’t do anything to comfort him though.
Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He smiled, and looked up at you from his resting position. “How’s learning self-defense sound? I’ll teach ya.”
Your eyes widened. “Learn self defense? Like, how to fight? I don’t think—“ you nervously looked away, but Keisuke took your hand in his, leaning closer. “Not how to fight, dummy. I’d rather kill someone than let you fight. Just some basic self-defense. Well, maybe more intermediate.” He thought about it eagerly. “Please? I swear I won’t be hard on you. I’ll even demonstrate with Chifuyu first so you know what to do.”
Keisuke has always been a pretty passionate guy, but right now, he was absolutely starry eyed.
Always quick to give in, you giggled at his eagerness. “Sure, I think that’s a good idea.”
After agreeing to his idea of teaching you how to defend yourself, and a final call from his mom to leave you alone, he finally departed into his own room.
Even with all the lights off, and no voices echoing through the small apartment… it felt like a home. A genuine home. It was nothing like the cold, large and quiet house you visited after school.
You felt safe, secure under the cozy blankets. The couch was comfortable, and the extra pillows elevated your head to lesson the swelling in the morning.
Therefore, There was no reason for you to be awake still, after two hours of tossing and turning.
It’s not like you were uncomfortable. Why couldn’t you go to sleep? Perhaps it was because your mind was working overtime. When you went home in the morning, dad was sure to be pissed at you for not coming home, even if he was the one to kick you out in the first place.
You were literally damned if you did return, and damned if you didn’t. You were worried about the consequences. Would he hit you the same as he did just a few hours ago? Would he ignore you? Ground you? Forbid you from seeing Baji ever again?
Well, it’s not like he knew Baji was your boyfriend in the first place. He probably already forgot all about his existence.
Still, the possibilities kept multiplying, causing you to stir with upset.
“Hey, you still awake…?” A soft whisper called from the other end of the living room. Turning to face the sound, you found Keiuske standing awkwardly. “Yeah…” you whispered back in a disappointed tone. “Can I sit with you?” He asked right after; already making his way closer to you.
You could never deny him, ever.
“Of course,” you smiled at him through the darkness, finally able to make out his facial features with him closer now, seated on the floor by your head. “Why are you still awake?”
Keisuke rested his arm on the couch, laying his head like a pillow against it as he stared at you. “I dunno.” He lied. It was easy to tell when he lied when he looked at you so sincerely.
“You sure?” You doubled down, propping your head up on your wrist to look down at him. He didn’t look away.
“I just…” Keisuke thought about his next words carefully. “I don’t know why, really… guess I’m just restless.”
You nodded, folding back a piece of hair that fell in his face. “Me too.” you lied. And he could tell. He didn’t call you out on it though. Playing with his hair eventually lead to you running your fingers through it, the same as you would when petting PekeJ. This brought Baji so much comfort, his eyes started slacking.
Not wanting to say anything to ruin the mood, you silently kept petting Baji’s smooth hair through your fingers., occasionally running your nails along his scalp to ease him further. While he began to doze off, you took time to appreciate how pretty your boyfriend was.
His clear complexion, although littered with tiny battle scars. His thick eyebrows, permanently narrowed to give him his signature resting bitch face. The faint scent of strawberry chapstick, the same one you gifted him after teasing him about how chapped his lips were for your first kiss.
Everything about him made you feel so at ease. Completely entranced, you couldn’t think about anything else.
No stupid stuff like your family, at least.
Once you were certain he had fallen asleep, you leaned in close and laid a kiss on his forehead. “I love you,”you whispered away from his ear, not wanting to wake him.
And despite not being conscious, Keisuke smiled.
You pulled one of the multiple blankets off of you, and gently draped it over him.
You laid your head down again, and watched the back of his eyelids dance in slumber, his soft snoring helping ease you to sleep yourself.
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taglist: @lovley212 ,
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peachhcs · 3 months
trust fall
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy does a small tiktok prank with will while they’re running errands (based off of this tiktok)
words: 1.1k
i saw this tiktok the other day & was inspired to write a little blurb about it. hopefully more posts soon because my spring break is coming up! :) lowkey a blurb lowkey not lol
au masterlist
samy thought her idea was brilliant. she'd been on a tiktok kick lately and the video she stumbled across was a perfect one to test on will as they ran some errands today. when he wasn't looking the girl set her phone up to start recording and catching her while she did surprise trust falls. copying the couple in the video, samy started by making sure will was looking at her and falling backwards. the couple stood in the bread aisle and of course, the blonde didn't understand what she was doing, so samy had to catch herself—a small giggle escaping her lips.
"what are you doing?" will chuckled too, some confusion on his features.
"nothing," samy shrugged, not wanting him to know she was doing it for a tiktok. her boyfriend eyed her suspiciously before going back to what he was doing.
about five minutes later, samy set her phone up again, pretending to look at spices. she glanced over her shoulder, making sure she'd be in will's eye line before positioning herself for another trust fall. the boy saw her body going backwards from the corner of his eye, instinct taking over as he quickly reached out to grab her before she hit the ground.
samy laughed as will got her back upright, confusion still on his features. "jesus, what was that?" the boy wondered.
"catching me means you love me," samy teased. will playfully rolled his eyes, returning his attention back to whatever he was doing beforehand.
the brunette waited until they were in another aisle to do another trust fall. she made sure will didn't see her set up her camera, but two seconds later, his phone buzzed. the girl could hear faint sounds of ryan's voice on the other end as will began listing him off the different kinds of ranches. for a moment, samy debated on waiting until will wasn't on the phone, but she also didn't care and wanted to test her boyfriend's strength and multitasking skills.
she waited until he began walking in her direction and let herself fall backwards. will's footsteps sped up and his one arm had a tight hold on samy's waist a second later, hardly breaking the conversation with ryan, "classy ranch or just the regular one?"
samy giggled as will met her gaze briefly, trying to act annoyed but failing miserably as a playful expression replaced his attempt to be annoyed.
her next one didn't happen until they were in the parking lot after loading the groceries into will's car. she sneakily set up her phone when he was putting the cart away, giggling to herself and watching as will walked back over to her.
"ready?" he wondered, kissing her cheek and opening up her door for her.
samy stood still for a moment, making no moves to get in. will's confusion returned until samy began slowly falling backwards. the boy grabbed ahold of her waist, pushing her back upright again.
"come on, get in," will said playfully, watching as the brunette spun around to grab her phone.
"how many times are you gonna keep making me catch you?" he raised his eyebrow. like always, will reached over to buckle samy's seatbelt. she flushed every time he did that for her despite how many times samy told him she could buckle her own seatbelt.
"however many times i want to," the girl responded, smiling widely. another playful eye roll came from will as he quickly kissed her lips and hurried around to the driver's side.
the ride back into campus was uneventful. ryan and gabe helped will and samy unload the groceries when they were back at the house—the two boys probably only excited for the food the couple bought for them.
samy thought it was another perfect time for a trust fall. as soon as her camera was set up, she spun around and immediately fell knowing will was right behind her. the boy grabbed her, quickly pushing her back up.
the giggles never left samy's lips, watching as will shook his head at the camera. "and i thought it'd stop when we were back home," he teased slightly, eyes falling back to samy.
the girl shrugged, "i like being unpredictable."
not even five minutes later, will was rushing to catch samy again. the girl was a fit of laughter. “you’re killing me, hughes,” will muttered, but samy knew he secretly liked her little game.
“it’s what i do best though, right?” the girl grinned. will didn’t say anything besides the little smile tugging on his lips while going back to cutting up vegetables.
the last time will knew exactly what samy was doing as he watched her set up her phone a few feet away from him and spin around so her back was to him. as soon as she tipped back on her heel, his palm was flat against her back to keep her in place. samy looked back at him, smiling as will slowly took his hand away.
she waited a minute before falling back again, but will was as quick as the first time. his one hand pushed her all the way back to the cabinets, determined to keep her in place and stop falling backwards.
samy’s little giggles brought a smile to both of their lips. will discarded his vegetables for a moment to press his own back against samy’s to keep her from moving. the girl was now squished between her boyfriend and the cabinets, laughing to herself and will being satisfied he found a solution.
not even 30 seconds went by until will’s boyish behavior took over and he reached behind himself to place his hands on samy’s ass. the girl squirmed, quickly grabbing ahold of the blonde’s wandering hands knowing she was recording them and about to put the video on the internet. will tried fighting her for a moment, but let her go with a smile on his lips.
“okay, i’m done trust falling for now,” samy giggled as she ended the video and peered up at will.
“finally. i’m tired of being on edge that you’re gonna fall and i’m not gonna catch you,” the boy mumbled, rolling his eyes again.
“hey, it was funny. you were laughing too,” the girl poked his cheeks. his face flushed, spinning away from her.
“whatever. wanna help me make dinner now that you’re done making your weird tiktoks?” will returned to the counter.
“only if you promise to make this other tiktok with me later,” samy smirked, sliding in beside him.
the video was posted later that night, immediately blowing up with likes and comments.
user1 i LIVEEE for this content
user2 the way he caught her every time 🥹
user3 he caught her with one arm in that one clip 😫
user4 this is so cutie omg
user5 now WHO was trying to buy classy ranch wtf even is that
| ryan.leno_4 only the best ranch in the history of ranches
ryan.leno_4 smitty’s soooo down bad
user6 my favorite couple
gabeperreault44 so that’s what y’all were doing in the kitchen
user7 why are they so adorable stop
user8 my bf fr would’ve let me fall every time
126 notes · View notes
reidsaurora · 7 months
"Trick, No Treat" ~ D. Morgan
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Summary: When Derek and Reader get stuck on the haunted house ride at the fair, they play a game of Twenty Questions to calm Reader down. Little do they know… they were the answer to Derek's question all along.
Pairing: Derek Morgan x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,129
Content Warning: very mild swearing, mentions of haunted house related things, mentions of food, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: i think i forgot how to write Derek fics because this lowkey sucks akshshddhh
Originally Written: 10/29/2023 through 10/31/2023
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
Halloweek masterlist can be found here!
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Your heart raced as you assessed the situation, panic running rampant through your veins.
It was dark and cold, and the smell of carnival food, while once pleasant, was overwhelming your senses and making you nauseous. The thumping in your chest sped up with every passing second that the ride didn't move again.
As if he could read your thoughts, Derek reached over to your side of the cart, nudging your fingers with his own. "You can hold onto me if it'll make you feel better," he said, the words never judgemental, but instead sympathetic. "I don't bite," he chuckled.
If you weren't already embarrassed from your apparent scaredy-cat behavior, you might've taken him up on the offer. "I'm okay, just… just talk to me?"
You might fight serial killers and terrorists for a living, but dammit if you weren't afraid of the dark. It didn't help that he'd somehow convinced you to go on the 'The Creep Show,' where a demon had jump-scared you moments before the lights went out and the ride froze.
"About what?" he asked, fingers still brushing yours in the dark.
"Anything not related to clowns, demons, dolls, or Jason Voorhees," you said, the words meant to be lighthearted but still managing to come out shaky.
Derek's breath was warm against your skin as he settled in closer to you. Chatter had begun to pick up in the dark area, everyone no doubt discussing what had happened mid-ride. If it hadn't been for the circumstances, you might've felt his presence unnerving, given your long standing crush on the man, but tonight, the heat of his words and the sound of his breathing managed to bring you a tad bit of comfort in all the chaos.
"Okay… uh, tell me your favorite color."
The question caught you off guard, and while it wasn't visible in the pitch-black space, you shot a confused look in the direction of his voice. "What?"
"You said to talk. So I'm asking you a question. Favorite color?" he asked again, this time stating it almost as a command.
"Um… purple," you answered, curious to know where he was going with this.
He paused for a moment, as if to think about his response. After a few seconds, he spoke again. "Okay, I'm thinking of something that reminds me of the color purple. Now you have to guess."
Derek's game seemed a bit childish to you, but you supposed it was a distraction regardless. "Um, is it alive?" A strategy you'd picked up as a child, to weed out the animals and humans from the inanimate objects.
"Yes," he answered, a chuckle settling on the tip of his tongue.
Your minds raced to think of all the things it could be. "Okay, is it a person?"
A small wave of jealousy came over you, despite your lack of confessing the crush you had on him. Still, you managed to take a deep breath, reminding yourself that it could be any number of persons. "Are they a celebrity?"
"Depends on your definition of famous."
A confused crease formed between your brows, though it was invisible in the non-existent light of the broken ride. "Okay… are they pretty?"
"The most beautiful person on planet earth."
A pang shot through your heart, a poisoned arrow hitting a bullseye. You wondered why he'd bother to bring up someone like a supermodel or an actress or anyone else for that matter when you were right there in front of him. After all, regardless of if Derek had knowledge of your crush on him, it was just common courtesy not to, given one's self esteem.
Just as your next question started to leave your mouth, the ride started up again, the loud music drowning out any words you might've attempted to say. Your eyes stayed straight ahead of you as the ride continued, focusing not on the clowns and demons jumping out at you, but rather on the tears that you willed not to fall.
Soon enough, Derek was holding out his hand and helping you out of the cart. He acted as though nothing was wrong, as if he hadn't just crushed what little hope you did have of ever asking him out.
"You never gave me a final guess, by the way," he mentioned as the two of you started to walk toward one of the concession booths.
You shook off your thoughts, meeting his gaze as he stepped into the line. "I'm not sure you gave me enough information," you jested in an attempt to act natural.
"Oh, I think I gave you plenty of information," he chuckled back, his eyes soft as they returned your gaze.
A soft huff of fake annoyance fell off your lips. "Well then, your hints suck because I truly have no clue who you were talking about."
Derek flashed you that signature smile of his, and your heart screamed in anger at your brain for falling desperately in love with it. "Okay…" he started to say, "How's this for a hint?"
The world felt as though it was moving in slow motion when one of his hands cupped your cheek, glancing between your eyes and lips as he waited for an answer. Your sadness quickly turned to a wave of anxious excitement as you nodded, nearly fainting when he planted his lips on yours. A rush of joy and anticipation and exhilaration coursed through your veins, and you truly couldn't believe this was happening.
His lips parted from yours, and already, you wished he'd never leave. Still, he met you with another one of those beautiful toothy smiles, butterflies floating around in your belly at the sight. "Think you know the answer now?"
Never one to back away from your friendly banter, and despite the anxiety flowing through you from head to toe, you managed to joke, "I think you were referring to Megan Fox."
A light snicker tumbled out of him at your comment. "Trust me, she's got nothing on you."
"You promise you aren't pulling my leg? This isn't some Halloween prank?"
He met you with a look of honesty, lips pulling together for a closed-lip smile. "I promise, this is all treat, no trick. Besides, if it was a Halloween prank, would I offer to do it again?"
You shook your head. "I suppose not." You thought for a moment, meeting him with slightly confused eyes. "Are you? Offering again, I mean?"
"If you're accepting."
Suddenly, a wave of confidence came over you. Flashing the man a smile, you placed both hands on his cheeks and pulled him down for another kiss, electricity shooting through you at the feeling of your lips on his. "I'm always accepting when it comes to you, Derek Morgan."
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Happy Halloweek Finale, my dearest auroras! 🥹
As previously stated, I totally meant to have this up sooner, but life kicked my butt the past few days and it took me so long to get a chance to edit these last few fics for you guys.
I really hope you guys have enjoyed this week as much as I did! I had so much fun writing all these fics for y'all and getting to celebrate the holiday with you guys. If all goes according to plan, I'm hoping to do something similar to this near Christmas as well so stay tuned for that!
I hope you all had a very happy Halloween and a wonderful Halloweek! Thank you all so much for the love on these fics 🥰
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-> taglist: @1234-angelika @lowsodiumfreaks67 @drayshadow @alexxavicry @leigh70 @darkloverfox @sammyrenae68 @cherrycandle @asgardprincess97 @gh0stgurl @esposadomd @randomwriter1021 @eddieharrington @danielle143 @topguncultleader @ah-blossom @reidselle @dungeons-are-too-cold @louderfortheback @reidsbookclub @cwritesforfun @maelartasch
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aj1dordinary · 8 months
chat is this real???
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader
lowkey crack???
im crossed asf and while viewing a MK1 tiktok w/ Johnny and ‘International Love’, couldn’t help but think of how cool it would be to be Johnny Cage’s assistant… like he has the same energy as a Gen Z-er. We’d be besties fr.
just so u know, im black and fem so !reader is gonna be interpreted as black and fem xox
“johnny baby~” you trilled as you step out of the Uber to meet him at his house. as his social media manager, it was your job to record all the content across all social media platforms. with his new movie coming out paying homage to the ‘Indiana Jones’ franchice, you thought it would be good for promo if you recorded you both doing a trendy Tiktok dance.
fans of Johnny Cage knew you nearly as a duo. when people conduct interviews on a set or on the red carpet, people could always count on you ready to capture that night’s funniest quote or moment that would circulate like crazy. you’d also frequently appear in them, physically forcing johnny to keep up with the latests trends as a nearing 40 year old man. The comments would always be filled with remarks like “i fear for your well-being if you EVER get rid of y/n” or “y/n’s mind neverrr misses”. safe to say, your career is secured.
you nearly skip to his door when you notice the door was wide open, obvious signs of a break-in occurring. “oh my god,” you inhaled deeply, the tone coming from a mix of your head and your belly. “mr. cage!” you then screech, you hide in the nearest shrubs while fishing through your purse to find your phone then your taser. when the two items occupy your grasp, you look up to sky, take a deep breath, then let out a war screech. simultaneously, you start the instagram live while holding down the button of your taser, the electric crackles breaking up the audio of you screaming. 
you run in through his foyer before stumbling upon a scene between some japanese guy strapped to a chair, a man with glowing fucking eyes, and two hot guys. ok, maybe one hot guy, the other guy had literal frost coming from his hand… still hot tho.
“Oh damn y’all.. i just caught the behind-the scenes of johnny’s gay porn. my fault og’s.” you said before abruptly ending the livestream.
you barging in phone-first with the need to catch johnny cage’s demise on camera being the first thing you think of before your wellbeing (the taser) had johnny chuckling a bit. if anything, had it actually been his demise, at least you would’ve got his good side. he liked that you were committed to the job as he was committed to cinema. suddenly, a lightbulb idea hit him. 
“oh~” he chuckled. “i hope you don’t mind if i bring my assistant.” he patted the shoulder of the glowing-eye man, before tipping his sunglasses at you . “I’m afraid i won’t be at my 100% otherwise.”
“nuh-uh” you raise your eyebrows, appalled that he was gonna offer your service on behalf.
“uhhh yuh-huh.” johnny mocked you now turning toward you. the party that you’ve yet to address just look between the two of you riff off one another. johnny (supposedly one of Earthrealm’s defenders) and a young women (maybe the source of his strength/energy)? the two hot ones look at each other through a side eye before shrugging.
“nuh-uh johnny, that wasn’t in the contract. i told you that if you had any body other than me as your assistant right now, you would’ve been got your ass lit up in fucking court. i cant stand your ass sometimes, y’know?” johnny speed walked (sped walk?) over to you as you kept going off on his ass, before grabbing your elbow and dragging you to some corner.
“y/n~” he whined almost on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Meanwhile, you stand firm, tapping your feet as though you were impatient. “you’re embarrassing me in front of a literal god right now. and i mean LITERALLY god.” you scrunched your face up and roll your eyes. “no, believe me I thought the same thing at first, but he literally shoots fireballs out his hand and summons dragons. other two remind me of that show you watch, y’know the intro that goes ‘then everything changed when the fire nation attacked’” he nearly pouted, trying to think of a way to get you to believe him.
You raise an eyebrow, rolling your eyes at the near puppy-dog eyes johnny gives you through the dark lens of his shades, his lips nearly quivering. 
“oklahoma?” you state, both of you binging had been binging ‘Ted Lasso” and thought it’d be funny (for yourselves and his audience) to start implementing it.
“oklahoma.” he returns with bated breath.
You try to see if you can gauge any other emotion before sighing and withdrawing your tense stance.
“i need you to record everything we encounter in this “Outerrealm”. for when i’m busy improvisin’ and kickin’ ass. all of it.” He paced both hands on your shoulder.
“24/7?” you question.
“sounds like an unpaid business trip. what’s in it for me?” You respond almost before he could finish the word. 
“$1 million pension and I’ll let you have 50% of the rights on the new movie i make about this shit.” He responded just as fast.
“done. nice doing business with you old man.” you shake his hand.
almost as quickly as he pulled you away, you fix your appearance before heading back out to the living room to address the crowd of supernatural men.
“alright boys. you heard him, the name’s y/n and i need to be with johnny 24/7. if i can’t go, he can’t go. We have a very tight schedule to run and demands must be met before we let you squeeze in your alleged plans to save the world.” you cross your arms in front of you and look up at the three sweaty and built (damn. damn. damn. d-) men.
“my name is lui kang, champion and protector of Earthrealm. as much as i'd hate to have a civilian on the front line, i anticipate that your liveliness is secure. regardless, if that would make johnny more than comfortable, then i gladly accept your presence.” the  supposed god said. 
“glad we could make this work” you stuck out your hand to shake all three. the god returned the gesture - his hands warm and rough. you offer the gesture to the rest of the entourage, the man permeating the frost didn’t dare look at your outstretched hand, refusing to return the gesture. but he spoke a rough “bi han” that you took as his name. the other grasped your hand and shook it, more amused at your obvious lack of knowledge of who you were dealing with. he was broken out of his thoughts when you look at your hand in near amazement. “kuai liang” he spoke.
“sir, i think you’ve just cured my anemia” your eyes widen in admiration. johnny just rolled his eyes as he cut what you assumed to be the intruder out of the chair. you address him next.
“and sorry for johnny’s affinity for ropes, he’s got a thing for BDSM.” 
“do not..” he mumbles, you throw him a knowing glance.
“kenshi” he merely grunted, wiping broken glass off his suit.
“well,” you start. “looks like shit in here, but i’m sure we can write it off somewhere. what’s next on the schedule kangaroo?”
lui kang looks a bit taken aback at the nickname you chose for him, but he clears his throat to recalibrate.
“we must travel to wu shi academy to prepare for a tournament where Earthrealm’s fate lies in the hands of warriors i have hand picked.”
“and this guy is one of them?” you interrupt. the guy deemed kenshi chuckled.
lui kang smiled and nodded his head.
“well,” you check your watch. “let’s get on with it. we have a tiktok due at 7 PM and a set to be on within a week.” 
lui kang turns and begins swirling his hands before a literal portal appears in johnny’s living room.
“holy-“ you start already pulling your phone out to record like johnny requested. he nudged your side as to say ‘i told you so’.
so thus, your journey begins as johnny’s personal cheerleader and assistant as he sets off to kick some serious ass and not care about the names.
!please!let!me!know!what1you!think! i feel like a suck at writing, but i do maladaptive daydream a lot so i have plenty more ideas i’d like to write about. otherwise, xoxo go piss girl
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starhvney · 2 months
um.... what if gene x fem reader that got stuck during the starlight ultima incident with his friends 🥹 what's he feelin... what if they reunited..
Sorry if this is cringe 🙏
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: gene and the rest of his trio made it to starlight, but as soon as they arrive, they’re told they’re trapped on the island. amid the chaos, gene finally finds you, only for you to be ripped away from him once again
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: angst, hurt/comfort, zenix being slow(in the head), lowkey wingwoman sasha, gene crying and whimpering >:), could be seen as slightly ooc but i traumatized him for the plot so :3 oopsi!
𝐂𝐖: mentions of character death and violence, getting shot
𝐀/𝐍: did someone order a gene fic, extra angst? i haven’t caught up on rewatching the later seasons of mystreet, so i’m sorry for any inaccuracies in the lore! anyways another gene banger had to do it to em
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it had happened so quickly. one moment, his eyes had landed on yours, the corners of his lips raising as he started to walk towards you. it had been too long since he’d seen you, and he couldn’t help the almost childish excitement he felt in his stomach. his mouth had only barely opened as he was about to call your name, when he realized the panicked expression on your face, your head shaking at him to stop. it stopped him in his tracks, the way your eyebrows were pinched together and your eyes were wide in… what was it? shock? fear? 
it was then he realized people were shouting and pointing in your direction, drawing the attention of some nearby soldiers. the ones who trapped everyone in here in this big mess.
“isn’t she one of the ones with the ultima?”
“right here! guards!”
then it was chaos. the crowd around him screamed and pushed him further away from you as armed men swarmed the area. he had started to push back, confused and dazed as he finally caught a glimpse of you again, running in the opposite direction.
then there was a loud popping noise, one that echoed across the plaza, and he watched your body drop and disappear amongst the crowd. loud, panicked screams sounded muffled in his ears as he stumbled back, the blood in his face draining.
why was his vision blurry? where was he again? 
he couldn’t breathe. he can’t breathe.
familiar hands pull him out of the crushing pushes of the crowd, keeping him upright as he gasps for air. when did his ears start ringing?
“gene! gene! come on man, let’s go, we need to get back to the room.” he’s finally able to focus on a voice, his normally narrowed blue eyes blown wide in shock.
zenix felt disturbed, looking at the state of gene in that moment. he had never seen his friend like that, his mouth was agape in shock, chest hitching unevenly as gene’s glazed over eyes looked straight through him like he wasn’t even there.
“what happened…?” he trails, before shaking his head and dragging his paralyzed friend through the crowd. “come on, sasha is back towards the condo. she’ll be worried.”
it was a blur, the next week. the guardian forces sent out a curfew, only letting people out of their rented residences if they were getting food or necessities and arresting anyone they deemed “suspicious”. he couldn’t sleep, eye bags darker than usual and skin gaunt from exhaustion.
anytime he closed his eyes he saw your face, his heart twisting at how anxious you had looked in that moment. were you able to get away? or did you bleed out on the concrete, losing consciousness as the crowd kicked sand in your face? was it instant instead, sparing you the suffering and pain? what if he was able to make it to you before you were shot, could you be here with him right now?
regret ate him alive, every moment he had spent with you replaying like a movie. your smile when you’d lock eyes with him. your eyes when you were talking about the things you liked. how he had hesitated telling you how his heart sped up when he was around you, knowing you would be leaving on vacation. what if he told you, that day?
a faint but rapid knock interrupted his thoughts, his eyes darting up to meet the wary looks of sasha and zenix. After a moment of contemplation, he gets up slowly, approaching the door and grabbing a kitchen knife from the counter. it doesn’t matter if it was the soldier who fired the shot at you or not, his jaw clenched as he hardened his resolve to plunge the object right into the throat of…
just as you were anxiously questioning if you got the condo number right, the door in front of you slightly opened, revealing the man that you had been looking for. a second passes as he stares at you, dull blue eyes boring into yours with an unreadable emotion in them. you hear something metallic drop to the tiled floor behind him, tearing your attention away from him for a split moment.
before you can say anything his hand reaches out, grasping onto your hoodie and yanking you into the room with unexpected force. shaky arms wrap around you, tight enough to almost be near painful. you register the door shutting behind you, but your focus falls on gene’s hitched breaths hitting your ear, his body feeling slightly weaker and thinner than you remember.
“who…? oh shit, she’s alive.”
zenix’s voice disappears as soon as it had appeared as sasha dragged him into another room, her voice hushed and muffled.
“gene…” you cautiously call out, earning you another tight squeeze.
your feet drag as his back hits the wall, sliding to the floor and taking you down with him. his legs trap you against him, keeping you completely crumpled in his lap. just as you’re about to say something again, you feel his entire torso shake with a silent sob, an almost inaudible whimper meeting your ears. his quiet gasps for breath hit your hair, tears dampening your neck and hoodie as his whole body continued to shudder against yours.
for a moment you’re left frozen in shock. you can’t remember one time you had seen the man cry, let alone break down as he was right now. you move your arms as much as his unyielding hold would let you, trying your best to return his desperate embrace.
“...were dead.” his voice cracks out hoarsely, only letting you hear the end of his sentence.
“i thought you were dead.” he shudders out another whimpered breath. “i saw you get shot.”
one of his hands that was clutching onto your shoulder moves up, shifting his grip to the back of your head and tucking you closer to the crook of his neck. he presses his nose into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo before placing a teary kiss against your head.
“i was grazed by a bullet, but i’m okay.”
his other hand finds your cheek, moving your head back enough for your eyes to meet. gingerly, you use your thumb to wipe the remaining tears from under his eyes, frowning at the swollen dark circles underneath them. his dark eyebrows are uncharacteristically upturned, and his eyelashes wet and stuck together.
midnight blue irises dart down to your lips before he meets them with his own. it’s desperate, the way he tilts your head back, one of his hands threading through your hair and the other rubbing and pinching the skin on your cheek–as if he were checking that you were really there. his lips taste salty, his tears only slightly hiding how chapped they were from a lack of hydration. he parts from you to rest his forehead against yours, his breaths finally steady and full. you stare up at him in a surprised daze, feeling the pieces of a large puzzle begin to click in your head.
slowly, the two of you rise to stand again, his hands still clinging to you as if you would disappear from them if he let go. you hear soft footsteps enter the room again, and turn to see sasha peeking through the doorway. she scans you with her eyes, before her downturned lips stretch into a rare smile.
“i’m glad you’re okay.”
zenix appears behind her, arms crossed and lips pressed together in thought. sasha kicks his shin with her foot, causing him to curse under his breath at the sharp pain.
“me too, obviously.” his eyes narrowed. “but… how did you find us, exactly?
“it’s a long story, but i came to get you guys to bring you back to where we’re all hiding out. if michael or the gf finds out you’re associated with us… you guys are safer if we’re all together.” their eyes stare blankly at you in confusion. “i can explain more later, but you should pack what you can and get ready to sneak across the island.”
“sneaking into places we’re not supposed to be is the one thing we’re good at.” sasha smirks before she and zenix retreat back into their rooms.
you glance back at gene, only to see he was still staring down at you. you raise on your tiptoes, pressing a short kiss to his lips. he leans down as his lips try to follow yours, eyes hesitating to open again 
“and when we get back, you can explain more about this later.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
Yan!Superhero!JohnnyxGN!Reader pt.2
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Haechan watched as Johnny came into the house, a body hanging limp over his shoulder.
“Whoa whoa whoa… who the fuck is that now?!” He said, annoyance present in his voice.
Johnny ignored the young man, walking pass him and to the steps.
Haechan scrambled up from the floor, walking after the man.
“Is this another villain?”
“No.” Johnny answered bluntly.
“Then who is that?”
The two have already went up the second flight of stairs and stopped in the hallway.
There was a latch at the top of the ceiling, the one that led to the attic.
Johnny laid the unconscious body on the ground and Haechan eye’s immediately went to the body. There was a bruise forming on their wrist.
Johnny has done this plenty of times.
He’ll bring villains and would be villains into the house kicking and screaming, bringing them to the basement and torture them for days, weeks even.
Haechan knew there was something wrong with Johnny.
Yes, heros weren’t the best of people but Johnny was simply too gleefully sadistic. It honestly scared Haechan.
But for some reason, this person in particular wasn’t going to the basement like always, they were going into the attic.
And then Haechan remembered Johnny telling him about a friend of his he grew up with.
He didn’t tell him much details, only that they were close and so were their families and that he was madly in love with them.
Johnny even told him that he has looked for them so many times only to find nothing and that he was becoming desperate, willing to do anything to get them back in his life.
Haechan didn’t want to think that Johnny would kidnapped someone but considering that the supe was a bloodlust sadist, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.
Haechan’s eyes couldn’t leave the bruise that was forming on the body’s wrists.
It started halfway up the hand and ending slightly below the wrist.
He felt nauseous.
“Johnny… who is this?” Haechan asked once more but this time, there was fear evident in his voice and Johnny heard it.
He grinned.
“My long lost love.”
Jungwoo was worried.
Where the hell where you?
It wasn’t like for you to just up and disappear. You usually told him and Kun when you were going out, which you did.
You were nowhere in Kun’s house.
You’d always text them saying that you got back safe.
Since your mother was deliberately killed, they were worried about you.
They had a feeling that you could be next.
Jungwoo took out his phone, going to his messages to see what you last text him.
I’m going to the cafe today snoopy. I might be there longer than usual though
That was the last thing you had texted him.
He remembered the name of the cafe you started going to.
Palais de la Luna was the name of it.
Putting in the name of the cafe into google, once he got the directions he sped out the door, quickly ending up in front of the alleyway that led to the cafe.
He walked in the alleyway, looking around, trying to find any trace of you but he found nothing.
Pulling the door of the cafe open, he walked in, the dim lights and the smell of caffeine greeting him.
There were only one person sitting at the table of the cafe and two workers behind the counter.
He understood why you came here, it was very lowkey.
He walked up to the counter.
“Hi. I was wondering if you have seen this person?” He asked at the cashier, pulling up a picture of you on his phone.
The cashier eyes widen in recognition.
“Yeah, I have.” She answered. “They were here two days ago. They always come here for coffee. They were talking to some guy who came in. They must’ve gotten into a fight because suddenly, the plants wrapped around the man and they quickly ran out of here. That guy chased after them.”
Jungwoo felt his heart pounding.
“Did you get a look at the guy? The one that chased them?”
The cashier shook her head.
“No. Though, my coworker did run out of here to see what was happening but they were gone… Oh! One of them did leave something. Hold on.”
The cashier jogged into the back, disappearing for a bit before coming back.
She handed Jungwoo a photo.
“This was found on the floor in the alleyway.”
Jungwoo looked at the picture.
It was you and your mom.
It looked as though it was from a couple of years ago.
“I think there’s a poem written on the back.” His ears perked up at the cashier’s voice and quickly he turned the picture around.
there was a time when my thought soared as a king
or a time when i mourned like a prisoner
those days are gone and i have promised not to take myself seriously again
Jungwoo frowned in confusion.
What did this mean?
He looked up, giving his best smile.
“Thank you.”
The cashier smiled back.
“No problem. If you need anymore help, you can always come back here. They’re a really nice person and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them.”
Jungwoo nodded.
“I don’t think I know your name.” He said and the cashier laughed.
“I’m Jennie.”
“Jennie… I’ll come back if I need anymore information.”
Jungwoo thanked the cashier once more and exited the shop.
He then ran to Kun’s lab which was in the woods.
There was a hidden latch on the floor to get into his lab since it his lab was built in an old nuclear shelter.
Once he entered, he walked to where Kun was.
Kun looked up from his desk, pen in hand as he saw Jungwoo walking to him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, sensing the seriousness emanating from Jungwoo’s body.
“Y/N was kidnapped.”
Kun froze.
Jungwoo sat the picture on the table by Kun.
“Y/N was kidnapped. I went to the house and they weren’t there. I went to the cafe that they go to and Jennie said that they got into a fight with a guy who chased after them.”
“Who’s Jennie?” Kun asked.
“One of the workers there. Anyway. One of them dropped this picture. And there’s a poem on the back of it.”
Kun flipped the picture.
“This is a Rumi poem.”
Kun was quiet for a bit before saying. “This isn’t their handwriting…”
Jungwoo’s jaw clenched.
Kun closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He opened them, looking at Jungwoo and Jungwoo saw the rage that was swirling in his eyes.
“I’m gonna ask a friend if they can find out whose handwriting this is.”
Haechan felt bad.
No, actually. He felt horrible.
He would hear your cries and he wanted to so badly to let you go but he was afraid of what Johnny may do to him and to you if you failed to escape.
Haechan hated the predicament he was in.
Johnny was a well beloved superhero, no one would take Haechan’s word if he was to tell the world that their all amazing supe had his childhood crush trapped in an attic with no way of escape.
It’s been a week since you’ve been in that attic.
A week of Johnny doing god’s know what to you.
Haechan had had enough.
Even if Johnny did kill him, at least he’d have helped you and the superhero in Haechan, the goodness that was in him overtook his fear as he snapped his finger, a little flame on his thumb.
He prayed that Johnny wouldn’t come back soon.
He burned the lock of the attic off and jumped down from the ladder.
He quickly moved it away, reaching up and pulling down the ladder that led to the attic.
He ran up the ladder, his eyes widening at how void of the light the room was.
It wasn’t pitch black but it very dark.
Haechan snapped his finger again and used the fire that he made as a light source.
That’s when he saw you, your body laying on a thin mattress, a white sheet covering your body.
Haechan ran over to you.
You were passed out.
He shook his hand before lifting you up, carrying you bridal style.
He careful walked down the ladder and finally he saw you.
There was a grey undone in your skin, like as though you were withering away.
Your nails were brittle, lips chapped.
You looked close to death.
There was no way you would be able to walk out of here on your own and as scary as the decision was, Haechan knew he had to take you somewhere safe and nurse you back to health.
So, he walked downstairs to the living room, laid you on the couch and got some important thing he would need.
Once he was done he picked you up once more, going to the garage, unlocking his car and putting you in.
He drove off knowing that because of this deed, his career as a superhero was now over but why would he even want to still be one when supes like Johnny existed?
Thing is though, Haechan was becoming disillusioned with the whole superhero thing. All the new superhero’s were monsters.
Being a superhero use to be about helping the weak from those who wish them harm but it was now the heros that were causing the harm though the majority didn’t know that.
Haechan knew that he was going to be in danger and he needed to find a way to make sure that you can at least stay safe.
What Haechan did not know was that Mark was in the house the whole time and saw everything and unlike Haechan who came across as a brash and cocky superhero, Mark had a very goodie-two-shoes persona.
I’m fact, a lot of people compared him to the supes of the past, but do not be fooled, Mark was far from the persona he had created.
Very far from it.
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hrryshoney · 2 months
please god tea give me gyno matty thoughts
molly! so glad u asked i did miss this freaky man. idk if we want smut or fluff but yk what i’ll put both💐
lowkey have been thinking about this for a lil bc i mentioned it in the past but.. him saying she’s just so tight for him that he has to stretch her out… but he’s just a little sweetheart abt it ofc!
Matty’s head was resting on your thigh, curls tickling your skin as you threw your head back with pleasure. His fingers moved in and out of you at a slow pace, curling them and making a scissoring motion every now and then. He watched closely as your cunt leaked with arousal, and you could feel his warm breath fan across your clit. “Doctor,” Your whisper was breathy, and you bit your lip raw. Breath getting stuck in your throat as he continued his movements.
Matty’s thumb came to rest on your clit, a feather light touch that almost had your hips bucking into his hand. “Shh, good girl. Letting me stretch you out like this, huh? Dick is too big for my little girls holes.” He smiles at your gasps and whimpers, only moving his fingers faster and deeper. He looks at you with only adoration in his eyes, as if he’s not being filthy. “S’ok, I know. I know what’s best for you, and this little cunt, princess.” He thrusts his fingers inside of you pointedly, watching as you gush around his fingers.
Your walls clenched around the digits, and he slipped out of you to run his fingers through your damp folds. You shuddered, gritting your teeth together as he stared at your pussy. You bucked your hips into the air, hoping he would get the message. It didn’t do much for you, though, as his strong hands came to hold you down in place on the bed. With his fingers digging into your hips, you felt him blow a gust of cold air onto where you were dripping for him. “Matty! Please, need you.” A whine that accompanied your pout fell from your lips, and Matty licked a bold stripe on your upper thigh.
As he dragged his tongue closer to your core, you resisted the urge to squirm in place. Tingles ran all throughout your body. He was still grinning as his teeth grazed your clit, watching you struggle for him. He took his pointer and middle finger, spreading your hole for him as thumbed at your clit. He brought his head down between your thighs, inserting his tongue inside of you. You closed your thighs around the sides of his head, gasping at the feeling. He moved the muscle thoroughly through your cunt, making sure he tasted every part of you. He was messy, murmuring into your skin about how good you tasted, how he could stay here forever.
Matty moved his attention to your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves as he moved to insert his fingers instead. Three of his thick digits slid into you easily, being wet enough from how Matty continued to tease you. “My good patient. Fuck, so in love with you. In love with this body.” He moved his hands from your thighs up to your waist. Bunching your shirt up as he felt the curves of your body, eventually moving all the way up to your breasts. He squeezed and tweaked your nipple, rolling them between his finger tips. A mean pinch before he soothed them with the pad of his thumb. “Just my personal slut, right, bunny? Know you love it as much as I do.” The way he talked, you could think he was pussydrunk.
You nodded your head, feeling the pressure that had started building in your abdomen coming to a peak. “Yes, Doctor. L-love it so much.” You struggled to speak as his movements never halted. “I’m gonna cum, please.” You warned him as you squeezed your eyes shut, hips rolling into him. He sped up, flattening his tongue on your cunt. He shook his head between your thighs, and moaned against your core. You felt the vibrations of his groans, and it pushed you over the edge. White hot pleasure behind your eyelids, and Matty’s voice talking you through it the whole time.
“That’s right, so nice for me. Did so well, I’m so proud of you. Good pet f’me.” Matty’s accent was thick, sounding breathless himself. His last sentence full of lust and heavy teasing. His pupils were blown wide, and his hair was now nothing short of a mess. “Pretty little thing, my favorite thing to do it watch you cum.” He ran his fingers through your slick folds again, bringing them to his mouth and sucking his digits. You were blissed out, head against the pillow. Though, you could notice the very obvious tent in his gray sweats.
“Thank you, Matty. Felt so nice.” Your thighs twitched slightly with the aftershocks of your orgasm, and your reactions were slightly delayed. Which is why you almost didn’t realize when Matty’s hand found home between your thighs, again. “Fuck- what are you doing?” You sighed.
Matty’s face lit up as he grinned, his hand moving higher against you. He rubbed your upper thighs in small circles. “Said I need to get you ready for me. Need to open you up, sweet girl. We’re not done yet.” And when your eyes widened and you opened your mouth to ask him if he was serious, the only response he could give you was for you to, “Listen to your Doctor’s orders, princess.”
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cctinsleybaxter · 11 days
Furiosa thots!!! Putting under a readmore since it only just came out and i don't want to dissuade people from going. I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad (I lowkey hated it but the war rig scene made me go stupid aaaa)
Stuff I liked:
Pacing and sound design. Was really skeptical of the 2+ hour runtime but it went by quick and plotting made sense
Costuming! Any time a practical effect or something textured is onscreen (which is not always. bodes well for the 'stuff i hated' section) is awesome; I don't care if it looks stupid or doesn't make sense it's a pleasure to have in class.
Arm backstory
This car
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I went in thinking 'sigh well they're never going to beat robert de niro exploding that helicopter in midnight run' and then the war rig scene happened; I was going crazy!!! I loved it from beginning to end. I actually gasped because I'd noticed the grey mass of cloth being used as a flag at the first encampment and thought 'that's my favorite thing they've shown so far' (i was going to say prop but idk that it was practical); WELCOME BACK GREY CLOTH
Chris Hemsworth was somehow my favorite performance, I felt like he nailed the combination of goofy/ridiculous and scary/threatening
Stuff I didn't like:
George Miller uses bible allegories and imagery like he's the fucking Ultraman guy (Eiji Tsuburaya.) Why make posts about how fascinated you are by 'the japanese' using catholic imagery when we got that egregious crucifixion setup. Australians are culpable.
We don't learn anything about furiosa as a person that can't already be gleaned from Fury Road. I do think this does a pretty admirable job of storytelling for a prequel, we learn about what happened to Furiosa and we (sort of) get the character development that led her to take the wives with her, but I wish it'd been a brand new character's story
I like Anya Taylor-Joy and disagree with people saying this was a miscast because she can't act and is only suited to play models (misogyny takes many forms...), but I do think she's best in roles with a lot of speaking and micro-expressions, so playing a woman who barely speaks or emotes and will later become charlize theron just wasn't it. I'm also legitimately worried about how skinny she is rn
Stuff I hated:
This movie looked like absolute garbage in comparison to the rest of the mad maxes; even the ones I think are irredeemably bad. The combination of whatever frame rate they were using and the CGI was just. Ugh.
Scene transitions (so many fades to black) and montage (specifically thinking about the sped-up footage of them assembling the rig, Furiosa's Lion King dream sequence, and 'the horrors of war') were a hot mess
Framing dementus's anarcho-fascism as worse than immortan joe's regular fascism is such a misstep it casts a shadow over the whole movie. Yeah the hedonist with the working class accent who hates art and is too stupid/selfish to run a territory yadda yadda. It's very Stephen King villain, which would be fine!, but Fury Road had such good politics it just felt tired
You're telling me that a woman who spent her childhood kidnapped and threatened with rape (interesting that said threat only comes from individual extra bad guys btw; both evil men-dominated societies accept slavery and rape but condemn pedophilia) falls for her male coworker and mentor figure. You're telling me this is a compelling relationship between two victims of the same system. You're telling me you filmed it like a YA dystopian romance. You're telling me her backstory is that she showed a guy her most treasured and vulnerable possession, a seed from the fruit she plucked before being taken from eden and losing her innocence, and he bade her keep it by putting his big-ass yaoi hand over hers, and that's what solidified their trust. You're telling me she doesn't once speak to a woman who isn't her mom. Can we die? Can we go to the wasteland?
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childotkw · 1 year
YOO... i just sped read chapters 25-39 of CS and I'm absolutely. blown away. i know my last ask was pretty recent but i need to immediately run to your inbox. i don't think this is as long as the previous one but it is pretty lengthy, take ur time to respond :>
first off, rita skeeter gets on my nerves oh my god she is so annoying... i find it so entertaining watching hadrian using jacob for info though. i'm kind of a jacob sympathizer - he did mess up really bad but i do like that addition. i don't expect them to become buddy-buddy though,, LMAO hadrian blackmailing skeeter is also really funny imo 
the ball was cool and fun and all, loved the interactions between adalard and hadrian. it was very? relaxing? adalard is probably one of my favorite side characters. hadrian being drugged and then being yanked into riddle's office and then. they almost kissed was absolutely wild. it compares to the 'sleeping in riddle's office' scene. then hadrian's dread when he realized what he did was absolutely hilarious.  
THEN hadrian finds out about the order and lily's affiliation with them,,, hadrian meeting sirius was amazing i love sirius he is babygirl. later his interactions with the other members of the order are really cool. he knows them but he doesn't - he only knows them through the lenses and stories of lily's but there's no real connection. i think that's really sad :(( tonks and remus are so cute also. it's been years since I've read the books and i don't remember ever really getting the chemistry between them until i read that small scene you wrote of them !!!! 
oh jesus when lily and riddle meet,, bringing her to the place james proposed to her was just downright cruel man. i SWEAR the shock i felt when he took lily.... hadrian realizing like a day after and just GOING off to find her.
i originally thought that hadrian's patronus was a dog?? like sirius dog?? because he said 'good boy' to it and then sirius commented on it and i thought it was a dog. black panther is really cool though !!!!
THEN the scene with the woman and,, i forgot to mention her in my last post but lowkey she is way more intimidating than voldy for some reason. its the mysteriousness or something man,, and how she takes voldy not seriously at all. "little lord" is what really gets me...
the entire ball-doppelganger thing was cool as hell !! i love the dance between hadrian doppelganger and bellatrix . harry finding lily and going back - i felt really bad for tonks with what hadrian said though hadrian is entirely justified to what he said. he doesn't even know them.
honestly i was very very afraid for hadrian when voldy went to severus for the numbing cream and then talked about ... dark mark stuff. hadrian put himself through that - just so that lily could awake from her coma-sleep-whatever.
pleasantly surprised that it was not a dark mark though,, i wonder what effects that thing will have throughout the story. severus' discomfort while watching hadrian and riddle's interactions are hilarious. oh yes hadrian big brain realizing he has some of riddle's blood as well. however. let's get to the big thing
“Are you insane?” He whispered, voice cracking. “I’m me, mum.” 
OH MY God that line. i've seen it in another one of your asks before HOWEVER it hits so much harder in context. earlier sirius had reprimanded? scolded? lily for dismissing hadrian because of his age and referencing his own fallout with his mother and it hits so hard when hadrian and lily have their own fallout. .... .
i want to strangle lily,... she has the audacity to say shit like that after hadrian did so much to save her?? and like, she just doesn't even consider the amount of hurt she'd cause by saying that... GJJDHJHSHGAGSDG
anyway, im going to continue reading so have my kudos author-nim !!!! ur fics make me feel so many things
Oh you are flying through the chapters!!
Rita Skeeter is the bane of many peoples' existence I feel 😂 while she only pops up once or twice, I'm glad I managed to get her unique brand of obnoxiousness right.
Jacob's actually a fun character to see the reaction to over time. He started out as someone most were chill with, then the goblet happened and it was all fire and pitchforks, and then slowly over time he's largely now become a tolerated presence. It's genuinely so much fun to see the progression.
And I'm glad you liked the Yule Ball! It was such a fun chapter to write! Adalard got a chance to shine, and of course, The Interaction between Hadrian and Riddle 😂 fond memories
The Order and Lily and Hadrian is such a mess, but the conversations in those early scenes really set things up for future events 😉 and I'm really happy that Tonks/Remus worked for you in CS! I know wolfstar is usually the default ship, but I actually really like Tonks and Remus so I couldn't resist haha
And the kidnapping of Lily...you can't say she wasn't tempting fate there 😂 Hadrian going into mission-mode to rescue her, creating his doppelgänger, invading Riddle manor, snarking with Bellatrix - he was so fun to write hahaha
The Lady is an ongoing mystery in CS - discord has a whole list of potential suspects lmao. I'm holding my cards close to my chest on her though. Her lack of concern over Riddle is such a boss move though - she basically speaks about him like he's a misbehaving toddler 😂
And oof yeah the mark - people were losing their minds when that happened! Hadrian sacrificing his freedom for his mother, and then having her spit in his face...that was brutal. That whole fight, and Hadrian's poor little heart breaking...I felt so bad for the boy.
It's wonderful from a writer's perspective though to hear that the fight between them, and that line in particular, got you good. All the context in that scene, and all the little things that had been building up since the early chapters - it was very very satisfying to write!
Thank you again for sending in your thoughts! It's always a delight to see your username in my inbox, and reading your reactions never gets old!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Temtem – 11/18/2022 – Happy Scarvi Day
And what better way to spend it than to play Temtem instead and make Game Freak suffer! :D
Oh gosh I haven’t played this since December of last year it’s been so long that they actually have gotten out of beta OTL
I love this game but good night adult life doesn’t give me a lot of time to play it
Also I love how when I write articles about this game the Pokémon shills get mad XD
Real talk if Temtem had released with the level of jank Scarvi has y’all would have massacred it where it stood
“But game freak is so smol be nice to them!” *looks at all the other indie companies that do better* Yeah sorry no excuse
Anywho, on to Temtem!
Boy I hope the jump to full release didn’t eat my save….
Huh the “this is a beta game” window got replaced with a “terms of use” page
Does anyone ever read through this stuff?...
I can’t help but sigh at some of this because yes it’s important to say no to discriminatory language but people are so sensitive anymore that saying “hi” could tick them off
“No class action lawsuits”—uh hi Crema wtf?
Do all TOS have this bs or have I just started paying attention to the darn things?
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Oh cool they’re showing livestreamers in a little bar there
Oh there’s an achievement system
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What are these feathers?....
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I do love this tho increases the playability and encourages the player to keep playing take notes game freak where is our post-game?
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Oh luma
Okay so now the exp gain is kinda sped up so I can’t see the numbers how do I reset this….
So water is weak to poison….
Ooh Snuggie has synergy with Perry :D
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Now to catch it….
Granted it doesn’t have the ability I’m looking for but STILL
Nessa was weak to Turtlinni I’m never catching this stupid thing
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This is new 
 Stickers ovo
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Of course I’m being helpful
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Success another reason to keep playing :D
Krazy Kamikaze, congressional agent XD
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So this is my tax dollars at work
Oh my first sticker!
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So that’s fun
Okay heading to town to swap out some guys maybe level up some dudes and NOT kill the next Nessla
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Bro’s Company nice
Okay swapped out Lowkey and Turtlinni
I…do not really have low-leveled guys anymore X’D
Mighty Machine like the name
Okay so it was the electric that was weak to the glass
Oh new move for Perry!
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This is a reference, I can tell
Now that I’ve got my two poison guys up front X’D
Now to catch it…
It kept breaking free of the cards IT WAS EXHAUSTED AND POISONED WHAT THE HECK
Do gotta say that I love the sticker book quest’s name XD
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And Perry learned another move nice
And another Nessla OvO
At least they spawn more frequently now
Let’s see if this one stays in the card….
Nope they’re just physically incapable of staying in there apparently
And fond of killing themselves rather than being taken alive this is the squid all over again
Okay maybe I’m approaching this wrong do I have a guy that’d put it to sleep?...
I feel like Tay-toe might be able to idk
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I don’t know what this is but it looks like a cross between a bull and a moose
Oh Snuggie’s tempedia entry finally registered! :D
Nope closest I got is Nightshade but that move puts them to sleep, not their opponent
Can’t wait until I do finally run into Max again I’m going to be so overleveled from hunting these darn Nessla
But gotta quit for now gotta do chickens and dinner
But anyway that was fun—need to start doing this sort of thing regularly, like Temtem Tuesday and FF14 Friday, stuff like that
I’ve got a ton of games I want to play but I never take the time for them I gotta start setting aside like an hour for them in the week so I don’t have another year gap between play sessions OTL
Also Mom saw me playing this and asked about it and I’m describing it to her
Mom: “Oh it reminds me of that other game you were playing!”
Me: “Which one?”
Mom: “That one with the lava and the water and all the weapons--”
Breath of the Wild
Mom thinks this game looks like Breath of the Wild and I can honestly see it with the color palette and some of the stylization
And honestly I would pay good money to see that crossover time to go kick Ganon’s tail with naught but a stick and my buddy Tateru \.o./
(that reminds me I want to play BotW again too)
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witheringvoice · 2 years
I don't know what to do right now so I'ma just talk about random shit.
My leg was bouncy because I have too much energy, really wanna go on a late night walk right nowwwwww BUT I CANNTTTTT.
Living in a shit neighborhood and being a miner (IN MINECRAFT DUH) and a biological female really fucking sucks sometimes.
Reminds me of this story one time-
TW: Mentions of near kidnap, knives.
So one time my sister went on a late night walk and she was walking forever and got lost. She started getting nervous so she started messaging me, right? The sister in question is four years older than me, I believe this story was...Two years ago? Or so? I don't remember exactly, but anyway, so she was walking around she was lost, it was really late at night. But she did bring a knife with her, she has a knife for self defense purposes. And so, as she was messaging me, she told me she saw a van and she's seen it multiple times already driving past her. And she started getting really scared and I started getting really worried because- THAT IS MORE THAN A HORROR MOVIE/CRIME SHOW BEGINNING SCENE THAN ANYTHING IF I'VE SEEN ONE- And well, I kept trying to keep her calm and asking her about where she was and if there was anybody around, there wasn't. There was also no like businesses or anything around so, this was a scary situation. Eventually, she said the van was slowly driving up towards her, so she put her knife in her hand. And to this day, we assume the glint of the knife or whatever scared that van off because they sped off and didn't bother her the rest of the night, or ever again as far as I know. She got home safe. True story.
~~TW END~~
What else can I talk about?
I'm the kind of person who talks about how broke they are and shit and complains about it (because it's funny), and then if someone tries to buy me something, I will immediately refuse and get really guilty. Unless it's consumable. I fucking love food and sweets and drinks, okay? I'm a sucker for them, though it still might take some convincing sometimes.
Very few people actually know this, but when I was little, before I got asthma (which was in first grade), I actually loved sports.
Especially soccer, or football depending on where you're from lol.
Anyway, I actually lowkey wanted to play soccer for school or something if that was somehow possible or if I could.
Because I really loved running and soccer was just so fun.
Then, my mom ignored the fact I'm allergic to cigarettes and smoked in our house quite a lot.
Got asthma, no longer enjoy physical activity, started loathing most sports, and yeah.
I love hiking and swimming though. Except I can't swim, true story.
I also like rollerskating but I haven't been very much so I'm not too good.
Basketball and volleyball are the only interesting sports to me now, but I don't bother actually learning how to understand it soo....Yeah
I am to this day pissed that Allegiant literally didn't explain about the shipwreck that was in the other two Divergent movies (divergent and insurgent), and I specifically read the books to figure out WHAT THAT SHIP WAS ABOUT. And you know what? IT DIDN'T EVEN MENTION A FUCKING SHIP IN ANY OF THEM. I'M PISSED. WHAT WAS THAT SHIP ABOUT HUH??? HUH???
To this day I can't get over it, it's been years (2-4) since I finished the movie series and it's only been a year or so since I finished the books but still- Fucking pissed.
My two favorite flowers are flowers and roses but I love dandelions and just about any flower.
I've had a baby minecraft pig stuffed animal for as long as I can remember and named him Porkins in respect of the Yogscast series playing on the adventure map: The Last Potato but am planning on figuring out how to make a crown and renaming him Porkins-Blade or something in dedication to Techno as well because I was never able to afford his merch and I don't know if it's still possible to get, or if I'll ever have money to afford it if it is. Because the little drawing I did was not enough respect in my opinion.
My favorite youtubers when I was younger were Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie (but mostly when he was playing with Marzia), the Yogscast (mostly Lewis & Simon), and I think that's all I really watched? My brother tried to get me to watch Soot House, but he always dissed anything I liked (unless we both liked it), so I spite the things he tries to show me most of the time, to this day. It took me so long to finally watch Wilbur Soot because of that, Quackity too.
I spent most of my elementary school days playing Minecraft (first the demo over and over, then the Xbox360 version), Skyrim, Oblivion, and a few other games...While also watching Minecraft videos (Sky does Minecraft, stampy long nose, captain sparklez, dantdm, popularmmos, Minecraft parodies), mostly Minecraft parodies though. I loved Minecraft parodies with a passion, it was scary.
I still watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, and the Yogscast occasionally, but Markiplier is my favorite now. It used to be Jacksepticeye, and before that the Yogscast because Minecraft was my life and I loved their adventure maps and yoglabs and shit.
I didn't really understand social media for the longest time, not really knowing it existed because, I just didn't have a phone or an iPad for the longest time and didn't care for social media. I still don't care for it too much, but I do indulge in it now.
In elementary school my favorite class was math, when sixth grade happened, I no longer thought that.
My favorite food is potatoes (most kinds), and my mom thinks that's because I have a lot of Irish blood from both sides of my family, but I was born in America so I disagree, believing it is just because potatoes are holy and delicious.
When I was little I wanted to be a singer not realizing that I'd have to be famous for that and when I did I no longer wanted to be a singer
Nowadays I want to be a music writer/musician, content creator, photographer, artist, and mostly writer. But I don't want to get big, just big enough to inspire people. That's what I really want to do, help people and bring beauty to their world.
I also want to be a psychologist/therapist/counselor or English teacher, but they're mostly backup plans.
I plan on getting a PhD/doctorate in psychology and maybe English (at least what a BA in creative writing), but not just for a backup plan, also because I like the idea of being called a doctor and I really like psychology + I like writing so I might as well know a lot about English, right?
When I was little I wanted to be a profiler or private detective but when I thought harder about it I decided against it because I don't think I'd handle that kind of thing well
I've always hated blood and I don't know why, I hate that specific monthly occurrence with a burning passion.
My favorite fruits are grapes and apples but I only like certain apples because some taste gross and I can only explain it as they taste/feel bubbly and it's just disgusting, and I don't like super sour grapes or grapes with seeds.
My favorite vegetable is corn + potatoes but I always forget potatoes are a vegetable, I just think of them as their own thing.
I joined the DSMP community around the time of Tubbo and Ranboo's meetup, and when the benchtrio meetup, that's when I decided I wanted to check out the community.
I have always wanted to watch Minecraft Manhunt's after seeing an edit and not knowing who it was about, but I spite things that are popular for no reason in particular.
My first contact with the DSMP fandom either technically came with Wilbur or Quackity before the fandom existed but their content wasn't entertaining to me at the time because I can never focus on things for long, even though I can totally do that, I honestly don't know why they didn't entertain child me. Maybe I just preferred other content back then.
I jump from thing to thing as a coping mechanism and my "obsession" never usually lasts more than a year but the DSMP has already lasted a little over that, so I have a feeling that this is going to be like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Skyrim, and Minecraft. They'll stay for good no matter how much I might end up hating it (I won't).
I love(d) ds games, specifically drawn to life, but the second game was the one I finished and am still yet to finish the first because it is much harder, and I will always love the games.
One of my favorite cartoons (before I got to watch adventure time/gravity falls) was team umizoomie or whatever the fuck, the freshbeat band, and that yogabagaba one. Umizoomie one because of the math, the band one because of the music, and the gaba gabba one because it was funny.
I have always had a slight interest in burning things, but you'd never be able to tell because it was usually quenched by making smores. Now it is quenched by randomly burning things with bad memories or with a lot of emotion (poems, pictures of my father, etc)
My father shortly left my mother after my first birthday because he was threatened by my grandfather to pay rent because they were living in his basement at the time. He sends a lot of child support from time to time, or none at all. He is supposedly the worst person my mom has dated before and that makes me feel like I might become a terrible person.
I always got really good grades, still do for a matter of fact, but my biggest weakness was always homework. Not even forgetting, sometimes it would be finished and in my fucking backpack, and I'd just never take it out. LIKE WHAT THE HECK MINI ME???
I've always struggled with sleeping for as long as I remember. When I was little I'd wake up before the fucking sun to do whatever that day, and I'd always struggle with restlessness when trying to go to sleep + jumpiness, which I'd try to quell with reading, or doing workbooks or playing, or staying up watching youtube videos or playing games, but my mom assumed it was just me trying to stay up late. it was in fact, not, it was me not being able to fucking sleep.
In second grade the thing I obsessed over ended up being the titanic and i'd fall asleep watching documentaries about it because it was so fascinating to me, I don't even know why. I could state multitudes of facts about it, but I can no longer.
I love frogs and toads and geckos.
My favorite animals are cats.
I love foxes, trash pandas, pandas, and red pandas, and just animals.
The chromebook is about to die so I guess that's all for tonight Tumblr, hope you enjoyed lmao? I was bored.
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reannotfound · 3 years
“Oh Tommy...What did they do to you?”
CW: symptoms of manipulation, panic attack
inspired by @tamatojam on twitter!
Techno had just finished farming some potatoes and was making his way home. The day had been fairly uneventful, but he was still looking foreward to going home and just relaxing. He also needed to go deposit the 2 totems of undying that he had collected yesterday from the little hunt Dream had sent him on. He had been idly carrying them in his inventory, but he figured he should put them in his ender chest, as soon as possible. 
He couldn’t help but sigh in relief as his home in the snowy biome came into view. It wasn’t anything crazy, definitely nothing compared to some of Phil’s builds, but Techno was proud to call it his own. It was modest, but that was okay. After all, He was in retirement.
As he entered the house, he could have swore that he heard a disc playing? Maybe Phil had left one on? It didn’t sound like one of the discs they owned, though. Plus, it seemed like it was coming from under the ground. That was...interesting. Techno knew they had a basement, but unless the cow down there had learned how to play music, there was someone else down there.
He felt his fight instincts, hardened from years of conflict, kick in. He started to mine down, as quietly as he could. He didn’t know who was in his base, but he had a guess. After all, if there were anyone on the server who would play music, it would be Tommy. He stopped mining for a second, trying to think. Why would Tommy be in his basement in the first place? As far as Techno was concerned, Tommy had wanted nothing to do with him. It was pretty obvious, considering the way he was acting when Techno had visited, all those weeks ago. So, pray tell, what was Tommy doing under his house, playing music?
Techno could feel himself get angry as he finally spotted the ladders going down. Who gave Tommy the right to what, hide under his house? The whole time Techno had been on the server, he had just been used, everyone wanting a bit of his fame or his items, and here was his little brother trying to use his resources again. That settles it. Techo would go down there and tell Tommy off, hard. He was done just being a resource to the other players.
He landed at the bottom of the ladder, and faced Tommy, and couldn’t hold back a little gasp. Tommy looked, well, he looked like shit. His hair had gotten longer, brushing against his shoulders now, and his shirt was even more torn. He was even missing a shoe, for Notch’s sake! Tommy had armour on, chipped armour that he had obviously tried to make himself, and his head was tilted towards the note block, eyes closed as he took in the music. Techno noticed that the floors were yellow, and there was a little room on the side with a log and a bell attached to it. 
“Tommy!” Techno yelled angrily, shaking Tommy out of his trance. Tommy looked at him frantically, eyes wide and shaking. He then stood up, and started taking off the armour, before Techno could say anything. All the angry words he had been thinking of died in his throat as Tommy looked back up at him, eye’s now cold and blank, a far cry from the energetic blue that they used to be.
“Here Techno. These are all the items i’ve gotten since i’ve been here,” Tommy started, voice hoarse and dry. “You can burn it now. I’m really sorry.” 
Techno took a good look at Tommy, really taking him in. Tommy stood with a hunch, as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders, which it did at one point, Techno thought. He just looked so tired. Techno felt a small, treacherous part of himself sympathize for Tommy, wanting to just wrap him in a hug and get Phil here to help whatever trauma Tommy had been through.
“What?” He replied stupidly, eyes still on Tommy.
“Well, you’re going to burn my items, right? It makes sense, considering i’m living under your house and basically using all your heating. You could even kill me if you’d like, but use a mob, since I’m on my last life.”
His voice was so monotone, rivalling Techno’s own drawl. Techno couldn’t believe it. What the hell had happened to his brother? His amazing, energetic, super annoying little brother. What happened to the small child that Phil had brought home one day, to his and Wilbur’s surprise. What happened to the kid who helped him dye his hair when he went through his identity phase, wanting to look different from his twin. What happened to....the kid who had to fight 2 wars, give up everything for his country, and was constantly shunned from the people he loved. 
“I’m not going to destroy the items, Tommy,” Techno started, trying to step closer to Tommy but stopping immediately when he saw Tommy flinch. “You’ve earned these items yourself. Even if you are living in my ‘basement’” He said with a smirk, using quotations. Tommy didn’t laugh at his joke though, just continued to stare at him blankly, his eyes seemingly in another realm.
“You’re….You’re not going to burn my stuff?” He asked tentatively, as if the thought were unimaginable. Techno could not believe this. Who was this husk of a person where his brother should be?
“I’m not burning it, Tommy. I swear.”
“Pinky promise?”
Techno gave him a small smile, which was hesitantly returned. He slowly made his way over to his brother, making his motions obvious, as to not scare Tommy. Techno wrapped his arms around his brother, choosing to ignore the sniffles coming from the kid in his arms. Tommy was taller then him, but in this moment he felt so small, his head tucked into Techno’s shoulder and gripping his brother like his life depended on it. He rubbed small circles onto Tommy’s back.
“C’mon Tommy, let’s go upstairs. Phil’s going to be home soon, and he’s been perfecting his hot chocolate recipe.” Techno heard a small chuckle, and counted it as a win. He led Tommy upstairs, and if he made plans for an extra bedroom, no one had to know. 
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itsmentalillness · 3 years
𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫- 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝’𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐝
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a/n: the long awaited dilf james fic. and I lowkey hate this but it’s okay
Warnings: female reader, age gap (the reader is of age), power imbalance, smut, fingering but only for like one sentence because I'm kinda lazy, sex on a boat, vaginal penetration, exhibitionism???, choking, daddy kink 😔, idk why but the ending feels very...intimate
Word Count: 1.9k
Of course, spending a day alone with James Potter sounded wonderful. You dreamed that you could have him all to yourself. Every girl who knew him did. But making that dream a reality was not something you planned on doing.
Not today.
Not while on his boat. Not while stuck in the middle lake of his holiday home. Not in the starkness of a bathing suit.
There was nothing to worry about. Right?
It was just Mr. Potter.
It was just Mr. Potter. Who you spent many of your school holidays within his home. The same one who was the father of your best friend. Who was ages older than you. And was insanely attractive. It was just Mr. Potter- and you.
“Mr. Potter, I don’t want to be a hassle. I can wait for Harry.”
“Nonsense doll. It’s a pleasure to have you.”
Merlin. You couldn’t fight him. Something about him was so goddamn persuasive. His words were absolutely intoxicating. He could tell you to walk off the dock and you’d obey, without hesitation.
James Potter had you wrapped around his finger, and he didn’t even know.
You held your tote close to your chest, it was now or never, you stepped on the boat, heading closer to bow.
It was strange, watching as James silently free his boat from the dock without the help of Harry. Even if Harry’s assistance wasn’t the best. It tended to be a struggle for him, but he always tried, for better or worse.
To say you weren’t sure what you would do this afternoon, would be an understatement. You dreaded this boat ride. Without Harry to keep you occupied, you’d have to talk with Mr. Potter, and that wasn’t something you were sure you could manage.
It’s not that you didn’t like him, no, you adored him. But you loathed the effect he had on you. Every second you’d ever spent alone with him felt like an eternity. He made your knees weak. Your heart flutter. And words come out scrambled. He made you flustered more than anyone ever could.You know it is taboo to think of your friend's father in such a way, but you couldn't help yourself. Nevertheless, a girl could dream. That's all he was to you. A fantasy. A lust-filled fantasy. A fantasy you've caught yourself running over and over. You couldn't reckon how many times you dreamed of him to be the one caressing your body in the same fashion you did.
James felt quite the opposite. He was almost glad Harry hadn't joined today. It allowed him to see you all for himself. Yes, it was selfish of him but god was it good. Everything about you enticed him. More than anything he wanted you all to himself, all the time. He longed for his hand to be around your waist, to feel your lips against his, just to be able to call you his. But all he was allowed was you from a distance.
“Take a seat, we're off shortly.”
His words broke you from your trance. It hardly hit you that you had just been staring a James rather than making yourself comfortable for the extended day ahead. As he said, the two of you were off in a matter of minutes.
It was refreshing to feel the breeze and the boat sped through the clear. Mist ricocheted off the sides of the boat, making you laugh at the pure joy such a feeling could do to you. It was as if all worries had washed away for a second. Leaving only you to remain in bliss. Yet bliss can quickly be replaced.
The boat came to a halt, putting you back in the reality of where you were.
Just keep to yourself, ignore him as much as possible.
Which was easier thought than done. It was as if the whole universe was against you, granted you were stuck on a boat with little square footage. One would think that hopping off the boat to lay leisurely in the water would be a fine idea to escape Mr. Potter, but they would be wrong. He simply insisted upon keeping you company in the water, which you were excited about but refused to want.
He laid back, letting the sun hit his skin, making him seem more ethereal than usual. It was a peaceful sight, almost as if he had no care in the world. The Serenity of it put a small smile on your face. He was utterly gorgeous and you count help but admire it. Something in the way he just drifted in the crystal water was magical.
He knew you were watching. He could feel your gaze from you floating not too far from him. You tilted your head back up, focusing on the clouds moving above you. It stayed as such for a while. Delicate. Nothing could bother either of you, all worries were wiped away.
As you returned to your place on the bow, you felt less tense than you started the day with. Suddenly, having Mr. Potter all alone wasn't too bad.
Or so it seemed.
Your desire for the man only became worse as he took his place on the boat too. Running a towel over his dark hair, and his chest completely bare for you to take in.
“You alright doll?”
You were caught in the act of it all.
“Yes sir. Just, need some help.”
Help? Help with what? The fact you were head over heels in love with your best friends father?
“Anything love, what is it?” he asked, but nothing came to mind. Strings.
“My swimming costume needs to be retied.”
He moved behind your seated figure on the bow, taking the strings of your suit into his fingers. Your breath hitched at the sensation of his fingertips ghosting over the expanse of your back.
“Alright there doll?” you merely nodded at his question.
“Well I don't see why they need to be redone, they seem all fine to me.”
You turned your head to look back at him. All was still as you took him in. Merlin, he had the prettiest eyes ever. He was the prettiest man ever. The seagulls above you drowned out, the thought of Harry was gone. Everything was him. You had no shame in staring now, you were too deep in it to stop. And Merlin, he had the prettiest eyes ever. He was the prettiest man ever. It didn't register with you that he too was staring. He was lost in your appearance and the thought of you. He couldn't help himself any longer. He craved you in a way that was new to him. And so he kissed you. He kissed you with a passion neither of you had ever felt. It was one filled with devotion and desires.
It took no time at all for you to be under him, you were completely malleable to his touch. His kisses trailed down your neck and into the crevice of your chest. He had you where he wanted.
Desperate for him.
Desperate was an understatement. You couldn't think what it would be like if this was all a dream. You needed much more than his kiss, you needed all of him, in every way.
“Mr. Potter, please. I need it.”
That's all it took and he knew. He knew how to work his fingers under your bathing suit and how to get you even more eager. For his thumb worked circles on your clit and two fingers curled deep inside your cunt, just barely grazing your g spot, which seemed to be intentional given he adored your pleas for more.
“You poor girl. You want my cock? Is that what you need?”
You nodded your head frantically, reaching down towards his bathing suit so that you could get what you need quicker.
“Ah ah ah. Don't be greedy baby. I'll get there.”
And he did. He took his gracious time removing his shorts, making sure to watch your dismal expression. He was well aware you needed him, and he needed you just as much, but he wanted to savor all of it.
James stepped out of his shorts, precum smearing across the extent of his abdomen as your hips bucked up into nothing. To you, he couldn't take longer even if he tried. Yet, almost as if he read your mind, he was between your legs; moving your bathing suit to the side and covering his length in your slick. One more pathetic plea and he sheathed himself inside you, the thought of waiting any longer was unbearable.
Strings of curses fell from his lips from being inside you alone. His cursing only heightened from there. James rested hishand around your throat and started at a rough pace.
“Fuck doll. You know how long waited for this? How many times I had my hand around my cock wanting you?”
You whined at his statement, the thought of James getting himself off for you was something you needed to see in this lifetime. Your hips jolted upwards again, he only made you more worked up in ways you couldn't comprehend. He wasn't fond of your need seeing as he took his free hand to press down on your hips.
It didn't take much time for you to reach the near of that stolen orgasm of yours. The head of his cock hitting a heavenly place deep in your cunt, flooding with the slight pain that came from the stretch had you cockdrunk in the most pleasurable ways.
His grip tightened on your throat and his thrusts sped up, he was close, as we're you. The sudden surge of stimulation had your eyes rolling to the back of your head and hands clasping over your mouth. Which was a short-lived action.
“Come on baby, I wanna hear it all.” James took your hands from your mouth.
“Daddy!” the title you tried so eagerly to suppress slipped out, embarrassing you.
“Is that it? My pretty girl wants me to be her daddy?” he looked down at your trembling figure, tears stained your heated face and a softer side to James appeared. He stopped his movements and kissed your cheek.
“It's alright doll. Call me whatever you want.”
You smiled and hummed in agreement at his sentiment, “Daddy, I still haven't cum yet.”
“I know pretty girl, daddy will take care of it.” and like clockwork, he rocked his hips into yours, at a much softer pace this time. You locked your legs around his back in an attempt to bring him closer to you. His hand initially gripping your throat, moved to cup your face, while his other took place between your legs, pushing you closer to your impending orgasm. He could feel that you were close in the way your cunt gripped his cock so tantalizingly.
“Cum for me doll, I'm right there.”
And with that, rapture rippled through your body, and a long moan of his title fell from your lips. As he said, he was there with you, your orgasms in sync. His hips came to a halt and cum flooded your cunt, a feeling you wanted to endure for forever.
Slowly, he pulled from your cunt, and clothed himself before wrapping your shaking figure in one of his overshirts. He made sure to take good care of your sensitive mind as he took you into his arms and sat you on his lap, holding you close to his chest.
“There we go baby, you were so good for me.”
Taglist: @padf00ts-l0ver @oliverwoodmarrymepls @haroldpotterson @lovingloony @luxurvitae @el-imaskingforyourlefthand@peachybaes @1dpjohoohp @ildm4ev @wandas-wife @o-rion-sta-r @couldibeanymorechaotic @quindolyn @just-a-smol-spoon @reggies-baby @percyweasleyspuff@lunaiswifey @ameliasbitvh @just-a-smol-spoon @rottenstyx @emo-typical @remuslupinswhore@demirunner @remusjlupinisdead @dreamy-clouds-blog1
for eli because they're my biggest fan now: @wolfstar-lb
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