#i lowkey think he has a scent kink
yeyinde · 2 years
A small token for indulging me. A nasty little thought from my horny little brain.
Ghost fingering you real quick in the bathroom of a bar. OBVIOUSLY you make a mess all over his hands, with slick running down your thighs. The man takes his mask off, turns it inside out, cleans you up, puts the mask back on, gives you a lil’ smack on the butt and hauls you back outside.
It’s nothing compared to what you’ve just given me 🥲
stopppppp you've been giving me everything!!!!! always so good! 🖤🖤🖤
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62 notes · View notes
joonberriess · 6 months
k e r o s e n e
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⋆ TAGS — cheating, older!oc, oc’s a mommy (her hubby’s a hunk), obsessive!jk, blackmail, dead dove do not eat, non-con and dub-con (oc never says yes at all bc she’s coerced even if she "gives in"), dark, smutty smut, tit play, mentions of breast milk, protected sex and then unprotected sex (dw reader is secure n safe!), harassment bc jk does not take no for an answer, threats that oc lowkey gets hot n bothered by, exhibitionism but my way (SPOILER: someone gets fucked next to a sleeping body), some plot, slight(?) dirty talk, jealous!jk, jk is not a good guy at all, oc’s morals r questionable 2, open-ending, SOMEONE DIES sooo, office sex, angry(?) sex, drugging, meanie!jk, degradation, breeding kinks r mentioned, misogyny and objectification, possessive!jk
⋆ WORD COUNT — 15 k
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I can live in your dreams, will you be my fantasy little baby? 
“Oh, it’s you.” You let a breath of relief from your lips, “Did you need something?” There’s a small pause and you end up averting your eyes. 
The tension is heavy and it has your stomach twisting in knots out of anticipation. Your eyes flicker over to him and you make eye contact in an instant. You stare into his eyes nervously as an all too familiar sensation of feeling like prey washed over you. 
“Always so cold,” Jungkook’s steps are calculated and slow, his dark gaze stays on you the entire time, “but for you though? I’ll take anything y/n.” He stops in front of your desk with a wicked little smile, “My bad–Mrs l/n.” He corrects himself. 
You bite your tongue as a twinge of annoyance passes over you, “Jungkook..” A soft sigh of frustration leaves you, “One of these days you’re going to get me in trouble if you keep calling me by my name, it makes people think..we’re close..” You murmur the last part to yourself while looking to the side, “ ‘s not something I feel like explaining to the dean either.” 
Jungkook draws closer to you, he slides his hand along the surface of the desk as his fingertips lightly graze the wood. Your eyes drop down nervously, you take a step back but he follows. You’re at the corner of the desk when he finally cages you in with one arm, “And why would you have to explain to the dean? Hm? What kinda stuff you got goin’ in your pretty little head?” He grins. 
He’s so close you’re practically inhaling his cologne, he smells undeniably good as you hold yourself back from breathing in more of his intoxicating scent. You jump when his fingers brush over yours, “Relax,” Jungkook laughs playfully, “you’re always so tense.” 
“Was there something you needed?” You finally breathe out after realizing that Jungkook wasn’t going to be paying attention to anything you’ve said up until now. Telling him to stop would be like letting him off with a slap on the wrist and you figured it was better to see what he wanted so you could get this entire interaction over and done with. “I have a few meetings to attend so my time is short.” 
A few beats of silence pass and Jungkook doesn’t say anything which makes it harder for you to figure out what he was feeling. “Do you now?” He hums, “But no, nothing much, I just needed help with the rubric.” 
You quickly retracted your hand from his and stepped away from the desk, “What part did you need help with?” You’re gnawing at your bottom lip, just itching for this entire interaction to be over. 
Jungkook beckons you over, “How am I gonna show you if you’re all the way over there?” He snorts, “C’mere, I won’t bite.” He breathily hums while he fishes out the papers from his bag. 
You wobble over on uneasy legs with your arms folded numbly over your chest. You’ve long tuned out Jungkook’s voice, the only thing you were acutely aware of was where his hands touched as he talked to you. You peered from the corner of your eye to watch as he stroked up and down your arm slowly. Occasionally he’d give you a small faint squeeze to the arm while his thumb rubbed circles over your goosebumps. 
“y/n?” Jungkook’s voice grounds you back to reality, you’re suddenly more aware of your surroundings—more aware of him. “You with me?” He appears out of the blue in your face, you flinch at the close proximity and turn your head. 
“Yeah.” You softly breathe out, “I, uh think you should be fine. You’ve never failed the other assignments before, so this should be no different.” You tug your arm from his hold, “Is there anything else before I go?” Despite slipping on your coat, Jungkook’s piercing gaze manages to make you feel like you’re naked. “Jungkook..?” You whisper. 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side as his hooded gaze racks over your covered form, “Mm,” he toys with his lip ring and bites his bottom lip, “nah, I think I got somethin’. I’ll see you around, Mrs l/n,” he coos softly while licking his lips. 
You’re left standing alone with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. 
I can be what you need, little baby. Just tell me what you need. 
You’re not sure when the obsession began, nor WHY it even existed. Had you possibly led him on? Did Jungkook get any mixed signals you might not have been aware you gave him? There were so many why’s but very little answers. 
Jungkook came from a very wealthy background (old money), his father was a famous business tycoon and Jungkook was set to inherit the family company in the future. Much like his father Jungkook lived up to the Jeon name. He was ambitious, intelligent, and cunning. If things weren’t going his way it was known that Jungkook would make it happen one way or another. 
What Jungkook wanted, he got. Thanks to daddy’s money of course. Despite this though Jungkook proved to be a highly intelligent individual. His exam scores over the years were proof. Even now Jungkook’s scores were at an all time high, he was the picture perfect example of a good student. The perfect role model if it weren’t for his rather unorthodox behavior. 
It began with little thank you notes attached to snacks, then small gifts like plushies and flowers. From the very beginning you had been wary of his gifts, you couldn’t decipher whether he was sending them platonically or romantically, but you being the absolute saint decided to give him the benefit of doubt. That alone would be your demise. 
What began as brief polite conversations slowly turned into lingering looks and wanton whispers of unspoken desires. 
You as his teacher knew better and tried to set things straight with him but each time you sat him down he’d give you those devilish eyes of his and leave you a sputtering puddle. What even was the point if Jungkook always managed to turn you into a mess with his cocky attitude?
You found yourself worrying about your job more often. Jungkook simply didn’t care about the ring you wore around your finger, it’s something he’d come to tell you many, many times. You partially blamed yourself for not being firmer with him, Jungkook was a brute who had no regards for your personal boundaries. It was evident in the way he cornered and handled you to his liking. 
Which is why you weren’t surprised with him anymore. 
“Comin’ to bed soon love?” You look up to see your husband propped up against the doorway with his arms folded over his bare chest. You’re tempted to look further down when you notice he’s wearing those damned sweatpants, the ones that hung low on his hips.
“Yeah, I have one more left and then I’m all yours.” You sleepily smile while blowing him a gentle kiss, “And Jae? Did he fall asleep already?” 
Jicheol brushes his wet hair from his face with one hand, “Out like a light, must’ve been real tired from today.” He comments, “Which reminds me of a certain someone’s bedtime.” He gives you a look that immediately has butterflies fluttering, “If you’re not in bed by eleven I’m comin’ in here and carrying your ass out. You’re warned.” He tosses you a little smirk over his shoulder before slipping away and shutting your office door. 
Your face flares up like a shy schoolgirl as you chew on your pen to distract yourself from the not so nice thoughts invading your brain. You notice the papers you’re holding belongs to Jungkook, you’re surprised he ended up at the bottom of the stack. You scratched your head in wonder and curiosity since you wanted to see what Jungkook wrote. With a lazy hum you lean back in your desk chair and begin reading. 
‘I can be your baby in real life, sugar,’
‘Look me in the eye tell me I'm the one,’ 
‘Can't you be my fantasy, little baby?’ 
Your heart begins to race and you swear you can hear your heartbeat hammering in your ears. Shock fills your entire being the more you read and the heat never leaves your face. You don’t know what to think or say, this by far was something you would have never guessed would happen to you. Not even in your wildest dreams, or nightmares. 
The icing on top was the fact that he had written within the essay requirements and had met each and every one of your expectations so technically the essay was valid and you couldn’t just toss it out. It was clear that he had thought it through, he went about his word play smartly and knew how to phrase his words just damn near perfect. 
So here you were now going through a crisis because your very hot student just said he wanted to bang you in different positions all night long. You felt like if this kept up with him you were going to be taking a paid or unpaid leave, it didn’t matter to you as long as you could take a break and get away from this all. Get away from him. 
“Babe?” Jicheol’s voice brings you out of your moment of hysteria, “It’s past eleven-ten come to bed now, yeah?” He strolls into your office, “Damn, that bad?” He says while eyeing the papers sitting in your hands. He goes to reach for them when you finally snap out of it and yank the papers back. “Uhh..okay, didn’t know it was THAT bad of an essay, now quit playing and come to bed.” He groans tiredly. 
You place a hand over your racing heart and sigh, “I don’t wanna talk about it.” You toss the essay onto the desk and lead your husband out by the arm, “Let’s just call it a night.” You mumble while hiding your face in his arm. Jicheol doesn’t mention anything else. 
“He went too far.” You whisper under your breath while turning away from the innocent papers sitting on your desk—innocent but oh so ominous.
Since reading it you’ve been on edge. You tried to avoid the topic of essays during a lecture but a sweet girl had asked and you were forced to talk about them. Jungkook had a (knowing) smirk the entire time as you informed the class that you indeed had finished reading and grading them. You hadn’t meant to but your eyes slowly gravitated towards him, your gazes met until you were the one who turned away with a flushed expression. 
A gentle but firm knock brings you out of your inner turmoil, “Who is it?” You softly call back while turning to the door with a hand over your chest. 
“Me,” Jungkook replies while already slipping into the room like he has many, many other times.  
Your heart skips a beat and your stomach does a flip, this was harder than you initially thought it would be. You’re not so sure this is even a good idea but you inhale deeply and close your eyes, “..I’m going to keep this very brief with you,” you step behind your desk while reaching for the essay lying on your desk, “the essay—why?” 
Jungkook grins softly, “What?” He shrugs innocently, “Didn’t like it? Was I a little too ‘vulgar’? Not somethin’ you’re used to people telling you?” His gaze alone is enough to make you feel like he’s undressing you with his eyes, unpleasant little shivers creep up your spine and you try not to let it show how nervous he’s making you. 
“Don’t–” You raise your hand with gritted teeth, “..There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed, and you’re crossing every one of them. I warned you time and time again about your..‘actions’ but you’re not taking me seriously.” You give him a pointed look trying your best to come off as stern. 
Jungkook lazily grins, “Oh but I am taking you seriously Mrs l/n,” the way your name rolls off his tongue shouldn’t make your stomach swoop the way it does, he takes a step closer and you backwards, “ ‘s why you’re my favorite teacher y/n.” 
Your patience finally snaps, “Let me make myself clear: these little games of yours? Stops today. I’m not entertaining you nor the stupid child’s play you have going on. If this keeps going I’ll report this to the dean and have you removed from class.” 
You try your best to stand tall and keep your gaze unwavering but Jungkook’s a challenge though. He stares back defiantly with his dark onyx eyes—they’re empty and void of any emotion (his tongue poking the inside of his cheek says it all though). “Really now?” He hums, “Let me know how that goes for you,” he chuckles under his breath while reaching over with a tattooed hand to play with the family picture lying on your desk, “Cute you even came up with that silly little idea.” 
“Excuse me?” You watch closely as he handles your picture frame so carelessly in his hands.
“Go on,” he nods his head as his lips curl in amusement, “run to the dean and tell ‘em allllll about how inappropriate I am. You have my essay as proof,” he licks his lips, “I wonder if they’ll think the same thing as me,” his voice drops to a husky whisper, “pretty face..soft lips..” His gaze drops down before he’s meeting your eyes again, “Pretty everythin’.” 
You clear your throat, “Leave,” you point to the door, “I can’t have you in my class any longer. So leave, I’ll have this situation sorted with the dean by tonight so expect to receive a letter or email.” You hold your hand out for the picture frame, “Jungkook.” 
Jungkook tosses the frame up in the air a few times, each time making your heart skip a beat as you wait with a bated breath. “Okay.” He grins and places the frame in your hold, “There’s a tiny little problem though,” he mumbles and suddenly grips your hands tightly and squeezes. 
You gasp in surprise as he tugs you closer until you’re both leaning face to face. He’s so close you can smell his spicy scented cologne, the forced proximity begins to make you panic with fear. The only thing separating you two is the desk and nothing else—even then you have no doubt he’d just pull you over the surface if he wanted to. 
Your eyes flicker over his face a few times and you nervously lick your lips, “Let me go,” you’re not sure why you’re whispering when you could be yelling and screaming bloody murder right now. 
But you don’t. 
“You know,” he starts softly, “my dad always said if I wanted something then to take it. No one’s going to give you anything simply because you say please and thank you. You’re either at the top of the food chain or…the bottom. ” You make a wounded noise and turn your cheek to him as his hot breath fans over the side of your face, “and right now ‘m gonna take.” He mumbles, “And if I have to take a little walk down to the dean’s office and tell them that my beloved professor is making moves on me—I will.” 
Your eyes widen and his grip slowly loosens when you start going lax in his hold, “You wouldn’t want me to tell everyone their favorite teacher likes fucking her students? Maybe we can make it a little spicy and tell them how we’ve been having a three month affair? Hm?” 
“Y-You’re insane.” You yank yourself back from his hold in a rather harsh fashion. You cradle your sore wrists to your chest and stare back at him with glossy eyes, “None of that is true and you know it.” 
He barks out a laugh, “Oh baby,” he wipes an imaginary tear from his eye, “who said anything about truth? It’s a wonder what money can buy these days.” He hums, “ ‘s a reaaaalll shame my dad funds a few organizations here too don’t you think? Maybe my dad should have a loong phone call with the dean tonight, they’re pretty good friends after all. I’m sure they’d like to catch up.” 
You feel like your world is crashing down, he’s cornered you and now you’ve got no escape. You’re filled with hopelessness and despair, Jungkook’s got you right where he wants you. “C’mon don’t make that face,” you don’t notice when he comes to stand in front of you, “no one has to know..” He coos quietly while backing you up into the desk.
“Jungkook–” Your hand comes up to push his arm away when he sets it right next to you on the desk, he cages you in with his breath fanning over the side of your face because you refuse to look him in the eyes. His hand is so close to your thighs too it nearly has your heart jumping out of your throat. “Jungkook, please.” You whimper while turning your face as the two of you look into each other's eyes. 
His lips part but a knock brings the two of you out of your trances. He looks at the door in annoyance and clicks his tongue, “Fuckin’ hell.” He mutters more to himself while refusing to move from his spot. “Mrs Gong?” You hear one of your students say, “I was um, wondering if you had a few minutes to talk about the essay.” She says softly. 
“Go on,” Jungkook whispers in your ear, “answer her.” He teasingly nips at you. 
You tremble under him and push at his chest repeatedly, “Y-Yes..! Give me a moment I’m finishing up with another student right now dear,” you yelp when Jungkook strokes over your inner thigh, slapping a hand over your lips for a few seconds, “... J-Just sit out there, I’ll come in a bit.” 
Jungkook chuckles quietly, and ignores the fierce glare you throw his way. “Let me go, Jungkook.” You attempt to slip away from the desk but Jungkook brings you back in with a hand curled around your waist, “Jungkook–” He silences your desperate pleas with a soft little ‘shh’ as he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. You can’t do anything but helplessly stare back at him, angry at yourself for being so weak and caving in. 
“Here’s what’s gonna happen baby, so listen carefully,” he softly whispers, “I’m going to leave you my phone number and you’re gonna answer me later on tonight—ah-ah, none of that now,” he says when he sees a protest bubbling up, “you’re gonna be a good girl and reply okay? I don’t give a fuck if your husband is there or not, if you don’t answer me baby I’m gonna be forced to do somethin’ ugly and we don’t want that now do we? No, that’s right.” He talks to you like he’s speaking to a child or something. “Got it all down?” 
You nod timidly and hold your tongue, “Good girl.” He smiles and lets you go, “Remember baby: answer.” He waves his phone in the air teasingly while stepping away. 
You watch him walk to the door, he stops briefly and your heart skips a beat wondering what he could want now. “And for the record—I meant every little word just now.” He smirks darkly before pushing the door open and stepping out. You’re left standing there in the middle of the room trying to calm your racing heart.  
“Mrs Gong?” The girl timidly calls out. 
Your eyes snap over to the picture frame sitting in your hands and you take a deep long breath, “Come in.” You just dug yourself a hole you can’t even get back out from. 
You looked out of your class window to see that the sky was beginning to set and it was a lovely shade of red-orange hues mixed with purple. You quickly glanced down at your watch and figured now would be a better time to leave. You shrugged your coat on and carried your things out the door. The janitor greeted you on your way out as you made your way down the dimly lit hallway. 
The campus was pretty lonely and empty save for a few people here and there. Your heels clicked against the pavement as you made your way down to the teachers parking lot. From a distance you heard another pair of footsteps but you paid no mind thinking it was probably another teacher or the security guard. Sometimes things were too good to be true. 
“Was beginning to wonder where my favorite teacher wandered off to.” Jungkook calls out from behind. He stands there with his hands in his pockets and a hand combing through his slightly messy hair. “Thought she might’ve run off for a second, we can’t have that happening now can we?” He hums. 
You let out a chilly breath and shake your head, “Been busy with work and life stuff..” Your eyes are lowered to the ground, you refuse to meet his eyes because you already know what’s staring back. “Did you need something?” You tilt your head. 
Jungkook toys with his lip ring and nods, “I’m guessing that’s why you requested days off for next week then hm? Husband takin’ you on a little trip, is that it?” He looks mildly bothered but the underlying possessiveness in his tone makes it easy to ignore. “Tell me baby,” he steps closer while caging you in between him and the car, “you trying to get away?” 
You look up at him through your lashes and shake your head, “Jungkook, we’re outside.” You squirm around uncomfortably, “Someone’s gonna see us..!”
“C’mere,” he curls his hands around your waist and tugs you into him, “we got some business of our own.” You nearly stumble when he begins walking you two away from your car, your eyes dart around the parking lot in panic as you attempt to budge yourself away from Jungkook. 
“Where are you taking me? Stop..! You realize how crazy this looks,” you turn your head in time to see a sleek black car come into view, no doubt it belonged to Jungkook though. “Why am I here Jungkook?” You pushed at his chest until he finally stumbled back a little. 
Jungkook gives you a playful smile, “Out, gonna give you a nice little send-off before you run off from me next week baby.” He reaches around you to unlock his car, “Get in, ‘s fuckin freezing out here.” When you came out the sky was still colorful, now it’s completely dark and the only thing around was the orange lighting from the several lamps in the parking lot. 
“Jungkook I’m not getting in the car with you,” you hopelessly look at him while pursing your lips in an attempt to suppress the oncoming whine, “I have things of my own to do, my husband is waiting for me.” You secretly relish in the way his eyes narrow when you mention ‘husband’, “Can’t all this wait for another day?” 
He props himself against the car, his gaze drops down to your lips before flicking back up to your eyes. “I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands baby,” he leans down to whisper low in your ear, “we do this the easy way or something really bad can happen.” His lips slide along your cheek gently, placing a small trail of kisses to the corner of your mouth. 
You meet his eyes as a thick wave of tension falls over you both. He takes your silence as an answer and pecks your lips, “Get on then,” he murmurs. His car lights up in a fuschia pink color when he starts it, you feel small curled up in his leather seat. 
This is it. You’re really doing it. 
Your heart races even faster when you see Jungkook reach over to shift the gears, “Wait, Jungkook–” You slip your hand over his marveling in the size difference, “My car, I can’t leave it here.”
Jungkook lets the steering wheel go and for a minute you think he’s giving in, but ignorance is bliss. He tugs you in by a hand to the cheek, slotting his lips over yours as he uses his hold to keep you still. You sit there unresponsive in complete shock, Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind as he occasionally tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth. He moves his lips languidly until wet little smacks begin to fill the quiet car. 
You reach over to push him off but he quickly snatches your wrist up in his hold, you barely even fight back as you end up falling into his touch even more. You make soft noises as tiny little moans spill into Jungkook’s hot mouth, your lips are glossed over and slicked up with spit from his kisses. 
Jungkook pulls away and pants hotly into your mouth, “You make it hard to control myself.” He quietly murmurs while pressing chaste kisses on you, “You have no idea,” he whispers, “those pretty little eyes and sweet lips drive me mad sweetheart. Fuck,” he clicks his tongue in annoyance. 
Jungkook quickly shifts the car and begins pulling out of the parking lot. You end up hopelessly looking back at your car as it gets smaller and smaller the further he gets. To add more salt to the wound your phone buzzes loudly in your purse, you pause and Jungkook does too. “Answer it.” He says whilst slipping his hand over your knee, “C’mon baby, don’t keep him waiting.” 
Your eyes sting with unshed tears as your worst fears come true, Jicheol’s texting you asking if everything’s alright and if you’re coming home now. Your eyes slide over the words over and over again, you can’t bring yourself to reply to him it was too much. Eventually though (because of Jungkook’s piercing gaze) you manage to reply that you’re heading out for drinks with some colleagues. 
Jicheol replies with a ‘have fun, love u lots’ and something inside of you twists bitterly. “Tell him not to worry,” Jungkook turns to face you at a stop light, “me and you? We’re gonna have a nice loong conversation all night.” 
“Relax pretty,” Jungkook mumbles behind you, “just sit back and let me do all the work.” His big hands settle over your hips using his grip to guide you towards the large bed sitting in the middle of the room. 
Originally (or so you’ve been told), Jungkook was planning on having a dinner date first before taking you back somewhere for some fun. But here you were, standing in the middle of a hotel room feeling like a cheap whore. Funnily enough Jungkook had picked out a couples suite too judging by the rose petals, candles and bottle of wine. 
You came to a stop in front of the bed, your hands were gripping the sash tying your coat together in an effort to stop Jungkook. Like everything else though, he took again and again.
His hands pried yours off and slipped the coat right off your shoulders, it pooled around your feet and you were left standing in your white blouse and black pencil skirt. You could feel his hot breath fanning over the side of your neck, sending pleasant little shivers down your spine. 
“Look at you,” he whistles low as his hands cup both of your tits through the blouse, “like a wet dream come true, you’d make any man fall to their knees baby.” He purrs while massaging both soft mounds, the stimulation has your tits aching and nipples hardening through the cups of your bra. 
A weak whimper slips past your lips, you reach up to grip his wrist tightly rather than attempt to pry him off. You stumble over your coat just trying to get away from him, “Jungkook—no,” you turn in time to see him advancing towards you like a predator. 
He licks his lips slowly as he reaches out to gently shove you onto the bed, “No what baby? I’ll treat you realll good, show you how you’re meant to be fucked stupid. I’d have you hangin’ from my cock in a heartbeat, ‘s all you’re good for baby: takin’ cock and bein’ filled with cum.” Jungkook climbs over and pins you on the bed, “Don’t need to use your pretty little head when you’re with me baby,” 
You cry out in surprise when he rips your blouse open and leaves a flurry of hot open mouthed kisses over your chest and peeking tits. “Fuckin’ hell,” he snarls and yanks the bra down, your tits come spilling out from the cups. He takes a hard nipple into his mouth and suckles gently, mimicking that of a hungry babe. 
“Oh,” your eyes squeeze shut as hot pleasure shoots all the way down between your legs where you need it the most. His tongue rolls and swipes over your nipple repeatedly, he hums low and sneaks his other hand up to cup your tit. You moan louder as Jungkook fondles the soft flesh in his hand and your nipple ends up rubbing against his palm. 
“You like that?” He rasps out and pulls away to give your other nipple the same treatment, “Got such slutty little tits for me, bet I can make ‘em leak for me.” A cheshire grin paints his lips as he deviously licks over your wet nipple, “We’ll just have to wait ‘n see, don’t we little mama?”
It feels like you’re in heaven right now just by having your tits played with. It wasn’t like Jicheol and you didn’t have an active sex life—nor was it boring by any means—but one thing that never quite went away was the sensitivity in your tits. Another thing you had discovered was that you still had some milk in there, if you played with them for long enough your tits leaked like crazy (Jicheol knew this firsthand). 
Your eyes flutter shut as more moans force themselves out of you, “Fuck–wait,” you whisper out while pushing his head away, “hurts a little…” You mumble while shivering from the cold air hitting your wet nipples. 
“Gonna taste that pussy of yours baby,” Jungkook reaches for the zipper to your skirt, “wonder if it’s as pretty as you.” He licks his lips hungrily, “Show me,” he pats your thighs and tugs the skirt down your legs. 
Jungkook moans when he sees the lace garter attached to your sheer black stockings, “God, look at you. You were made for me weren’t you baby?” He strokes over your legs and then pries them apart, settling nicely between your open legs. 
Jungkook tugs you close until your hips are pressed tight against his own, you can feel the print of his hard cock through his joggers. It feels hot and heavy, you’re already picturing how big his cock’s gotta be and the mere thought is enough to make your mouth water. As ashamed as you are to admit it, but you’re eager for him to fuck you. You want him to make good of his promises to fuck you all night in different positions until you can’t cum anymore. 
A wave of regret washes over, “Wait,” you sit up and cover your chest with one arm mentally preparing yourself. If you were going to cheat, then you were going to make sure you didn’t remember any of it, “pass me a glass of wine.” Your lips are pursed in a soft pout, gaze half-lidded and dreamy-like (a charm you used on Jicheol to get your way at times). 
“There you go sweetheart,” he reaches over for the entire bottle and pops it open, “let yourself go for me.” He purrs and brings the wine directly to your lips. 
You become hyper aware of everything around—the rain that hits outside the fogged-up windows, the faint crackling noise from the candles, and the shuffling noises from the bed. How much time has passed since you both got here?
“Oh fuck..” You hear Jungkook breathily mutter under his breath, he continues to fuck his cock in and out of your soaked and sopping pussy without abandon. The lube ends up dripping from your folds and slides down the crevices of your cum splattered cheeks.
You’ve lost track of how many times you’ve cum, your clit’s numb and rubbed raw by now. An array of used condoms litter the trashcan nearby and by the looks of it the box might be empty after this round. Surely he’ll stop there…right? 
“Hear that?” He grunts with effort as he smacks his hips into yours, “Sloppy pussy drippin’ all over me, ‘s like you were made for me, made to take cock ‘n be my lil’ cock sleeve.” He purrs low and lowers himself until he’s hovering over you. His strong hand comes up to grip your thigh, he wraps it around his waist and holds you close while he fucks into your greedy pussy over and over again. 
Your face heats in embarrassment as the squelching and slapping noises get louder, you manage to bite your bottom lip and suppress the cries and whines that threaten to slip out. Everything about this is so good, from the way he fucks down to his heavenly cock that Jungkook sure as hell knew how to use, but you rather die than admit your enjoyment openly. 
“Shit.” Jungkook looks like a wet dream come true as his head hangs low in pleasure and his necklace swings back and forth from the force of his thrusts. 
You’re scrambling to find a grip on him, your hands curl around his shoulders and hold on for dear life. Your once quiet sighs become louder mewls and moans, little breathy “uhs” leaving your lips. The louder you get the harder he goes, he’s driving his cock deep inside with such force you wonder if you’ll be able to walk after this. 
With each punishing slap he lands there’s a sweet little sting that follows afterwards. A particular thrust startles you bad when he brushes up against your g-spot. You find yourself leaning into him, thighs widening around his waist as you angle your hips in a way you know his cock will hit the spot. 
“Mm–wait, ‘s good there,” you breathe out, “fuck..right there…” Your words are slurred and come out borderline pornographic reminding you of a porno or something. 
Jungkook doesn’t reply anything other than a grunt, he reaches down to hook your thighs over his shoulders. He’s pressed so close his chest is rubbing up against your sore tits each time he lands another thrust. You’re finally letting your moans slip as the volume begins steadily increasing inside the room. The noises you both make rival those of the creaking and skin slapping. 
“My name baby,” Jungkook whispers over your lips, “let ‘em know who’s fuckin’ this pussy.” The crazed look he has in his eye paired with his wild thrusting has your orgasm slowly ebbing away at you again. 
You don’t like how close he is, how exposed you’re feeling from the forced face to face proximity he has you in. The hunger in his eyes has your cunt clenching around him like you’re afraid he’s gonna stop fucking you. Jungkook lets out a low moan and reaches up with one hand to squeeze your chin tightly, “C’mon, don’t go all stupid on me,” he licks his lips. 
“Jungkook,” you softly moan as your lips part in a tiny ‘o’ from the grip he has on your chin/cheeks, “mmph—’m coming..!” You grit your teeth and arch your back just a tiny bit given that Jungkook’s got you in a mating press. 
Jungkook lets your face go and does the unexpected, he lands a hard slap on your ass before he’s rubbing the sore skin gently, “Louder.” He lands another smack, this one hurting more than the one before.
“J-Jungkook..!” You cry out with watery eyes. 
“Again.” Smack.
You manage to whimper out a half-garbled cry of his name, your pussy rhythmically throbs around his cock in a milking motion. There’s a nasty sound each time he bottoms out balls deep inside, your thighs shake and tremble from their spot on his shoulders. You’re left with a dazed cloudy feeling afterwards—nipples sore and your pussy wet as hell. 
“Mmm,” you bite your lip and turn your face away in dizziness, “s..leepy..” 
Jungkook doesn’t stop fucking you even if you sleepily beg him to stop. He pumps away at your spent cunt until he’s coming with a low groan of your name and a throbbing cock. You let out a sleepy sigh as your eyes begin slipping shut, you feel Jungkook gently tap your chin to get you awake again, “Open up for me baby, we’re not done here.” He hums low. 
You woke up early in the morning after barely managing to catch any sleep. Jungkook had his face tucked in the crook of your neck and his arms tightly wrapped around your body. Your back was pressed against his chest where his necklace tickled the back of your neck. His hands were folded over your middle, grip tight and snug. You were beginning to wonder how the hell you were getting out. 
“Fuck my head hurts,” you whisper out while lifting your head to survey your surroundings. 
Clothes, shoes, bags—they were tossed everywhere. The sheets were sliding off the bed and the comforter was completely off hanging to the side. You spotted the empty glass of wine and two cups sitting together on the nightstand next to the candles, bitterly reminding you of the night before. 
“I need to get out of here.” You whisper while tightly wrapping the white sheets around your body. 
You don’t know how but you somehow manage to untangle yourself from Jungkook’s arms and slip off the bed. Jungkook’s still sleeping so you use this as a chance to dress and leave quickly. You’re not too sure if you’ll be leaving anytime soon if Jungkook wakes up. 
“Shit.” You frown when you see all the messages Jicheol sent you (there were a ton of missed calls too). 
jicheoooll<3 : babe r u ok? 
don’t get too wasted, call if you need me to come
having fun?? 
you staying with friends tonight babe? pretty late alr
gn, call me in the morning beautiful 
Once you manage to get dressed and call a taxi, you put all your attention to replying with a made-up story in your head. The guilt is eating you alive but you can worry about feeling like a shitty person later, right now you need to get away.
The cold air hits you in your face when you step out of the warm building, people are going about their days and cars are moving steadily through traffic. You hear a beep and you see your taxi parked on the side of the road. For now you can forget and you’ll worry about Jungkook later, you think to yourself while slipping into the warm car. 
Your heart begins pounding at the sight of Jicheol’s car which is still parked out in front when you come home. You check the time on your watch and numbly realize he must’ve called in, the guilt feels ten times worse. With a heavy sigh you park the car in the driveway and slip out with your things and coat in hand. You were going to have to face him and your son one way or another, no use in crying over it now. 
“What’s done is done.” You find yourself thinking out loud while heading up the steps. Your key is halfway in when the door suddenly opens and the warm air from inside hits you in the face. You’re momentarily stunned as you stand there with your hand still hovering in the air, “Jicheol.” 
Your husband lets out a breath of relief as his big hands come up to cup your face inspecting for any injuries etc, “You’re okay,” he says in obvious relief, “did you have fun last night?” 
“Yeah..” You whisper back, “Think ‘m gonna shower though, I stink.” You complain softly while heading inside rather quickly in an attempt to avoid Jicheol because you don’t know whether you want to cry or scream at your own guilt, “How’s Jae?” You were hoping to slip away to the bathroom before Jicheol could catch up but he’s hot on your tail after shutting the front door. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, you bitterly think while turning the hot water on. 
“He’s fine, your mom came and picked him up last night. He’s gonna stay over for the weekend.” Jicheol slips his hands around your waist and gently guides you into the spacious bathroom, “Wanted to be here when you came,” he mumbles in your ear while kissing over your neck and shoulder, “missed you last night.” His hands slowly unbuttoned your messy blouse, “Couldn’t stop thinkin’ bout your fine ass, should’ve never let you walk out the house like that.” He huskily says. 
Normally you’d shudder in anticipation and delight but right now the guilt is eating away at you. Your eyes slip shut in an attempt to focus and steer your mind away from what happened last night but god Jicheol’s making it hard. No matter how much you try to think about something else, your traitorous mind finds a way to flash images of Jungkook ripping your top open and sucking your nipples till they were sore and leaky. 
“Got such slutty little tits for me, bet I can make ‘em leak for me.”
A breathy little ‘yes’ falls from your lips when the pair of hands massaging your tits slip under the cups and knead your sore mounds of flesh. Jicheol rolls your nipples between his fingers knowingly, tugging just the way he knows you like. “So fuckin’ needy.” Jicheol chuckles darkly. You lose yourself in the feeling as moans and sighs fall, the heat from the water running isn’t helping much either. 
Your eyes slip open and a noise of confusion leaves you when Jicheol stops to tilt your chin towards him. Everything shifts back into place and you’re suddenly aware of everything around you—the running water, the steam, Jicheol—you try to ignore the disappointed feeling you get in your chest (you're scandalized that you’re feeling disappointed to begin with). 
“You okay baby?” Jicheol looks worried, “Want me to stop?” 
“No,” you wrap your arms around his shoulders and tug him closer to you. Jicheol stares at you through half-lidded eyes, licking his lips hungrily when you bring his face down. Your lips hover over his, “I missed you too.” You whisper quietly before closing the distance between you two. 
Jicheol releases a muffled groan and slips his hand down to grip your hips tightly, you sigh blissfully when you press up against his front. You can feel the outline of his cock pressing against your lower stomach, sitting there throbbing from its confinements. He mutters a husky “fuck” and lifts you up onto the countertop with your back pressing against the foggy mirror. 
Jicheol always makes you forget. 
You ended up pulling Jungkook aside after a lecture sometime later on during the week. You spend the entirety of your mini-vacation at home sulking in discomfort anytime you think about what happened with Jungkook, and Jicheol wasn’t making it any easier with his sweet self. It was driving you insane and you felt like you needed to talk about it to feel a little better about your shitty actions. 
Jungkook already has a sly little grin on his face when he slips into your office, “Why the pouty little face? You’re the one who called me here,” he folds his arms over his chest as he stands in front of you with amusement written all over his features. 
You meet his eyes hesitantly and take a few seconds to gather your thoughts, “Now that you got what you wanted, can we both mutually agree this little thing of yours is over?” What’s scarier than Jungkook’s anger is his silence. It was like trouble was brewing in your face and you didn’t know how to stop or control it. “Don’t look at me like that Jungkook, you knew what was coming. I’m married for fucks sake,” you whisper to him, eyes darting back and forth between him and the door.
“Our thing.” Jungkook loudly corrects making you turn your head in alarm, “last I remember it takes two to tango baby, ‘n you sure as hell didn’t seem done when I fucked you all night long. Or did you forget?” He tilts his head to follow your gaze when you begin avoiding his eyes, “Hm? C’mon sweetheart, tell me how much you enjoyed it—how your little pussy was so good to me and soaked my cock?” He cages you in and yanks your chin up to face him, “C’mon, say it.”
You let out a terrified whimper and try to push him away but Jungkook pins you up against him, “Jungkook–let go,” you turn your face away trying to look away, “get off..!” 
“Oh but you loved it baby,” he coos out while watching you fight against him like a child throwing a tantrum, “ ‘s why you gave it up to me so easily,” he pouts mockingly, “rode ‘n fucked me like the little fiend you are sweetheart.” He rasps hotly in your ear, “Gripped my cock nice ‘n tight with that soaked cun—” 
You moaned wantonly as he wrapped his lips around a sensitive spot on your neck, through your panic though you began pushing at his shoulders to stop him from leaving a mark, “J-Jungkook, no,” you bite down on your lip with a muffled moan, “fuck—just listen to me dammit!” You grip his face in both hands, “There are rules and boundaries Jungkook, you can’t just fucking waltz in here doing shit because you feel like it alright?! My job, my reputation, my LIFE is on the line and you’re more concerned with getting your dick wet? Do you just not care that my life can potentially—no—be ruined, all because you’re a rich brat who wanted pussy?” 
Jungkook recovers from the initial shock when you snapped at him, he cups your face and slams his lips against yours. You pant hotly into his mouth while he spins you both around and guides you onto the desk, papers and pens go flying as Jungkook comes to stand between your parted legs. You’re forced to let him in as he moves his slicked up lips desperately, he kisses with such ferocity it knocks the breath out of you. 
“Mmph—Jungkook,” you whisper between harsh breaths and kisses, “stop.” You gasp out as he buries his face in your neck and leaves more filthy opened mouthed kisses. 
He pulls away with a soft pant, “You don’t want me to, trust me,” he tilts your chin again so you’re facing him, “I’ll make your life a living hell in point two seconds baby, don’t test me. Unless you want everyone to see how much of a cock slut in bed you are, is that it baby? You want them to see how pretty you look when you’re hanging off this cock? Because I can make it happen.” He darkly whispers. 
A sick part of you shivers at the threat when he talks to you in that low tone he uses when he’s angry. Your pussy has a second little heartbeat down there because of him, you can’t even say you’re ashamed anymore. You silently stare because you refuse to give him the satisfaction of replying. Jungkook doesn’t need to hear it though because he’s already leaning in to kiss you more gently than before. 
“Don’t need to think,” Jungkook mumbles, “just sit ‘n look pretty for me sweetheart, ‘s all you need to do.” He trails off as his hands slip up your skirt, hooking his fingers around your panties and tugging. They come sliding down to your ankles while Jungkook works his belt open, “Gonna give you what you need,” he trails off. 
Your lust filled eyes meet him in a fierce stare down, not once do you look away as he spreads you open and makes himself comfortable between your legs. You hate how easy it is to submit and fall under his control. You were supposed to be the one with authority here, not him. Funny how he turned you putty in his hands each time. 
Jungkook fists his cock with slick noises, he’s pushing through your slicked up folds and you feel the head poke at your unclenched leaking hole. There’s a filthy little voice in the back of your head that hisses in excitement chanting a series of ‘yes’ and ‘in’ over and over again. Your cunt’s hungry and desperate to be stretched out by his fat cock.  
“.. Just shut up and fuck me.” You find yourself whispering while wrapping your legs around his hips and bringing him closer.
Jungkook forgoes the condom entirely, he taps his cock over your pussy a few times before he’s pushing in with a low hiss. He fills you up inch by inch, everything feels so much better with him going in bare. Your mouth waters at every little bump and curve you feel, your pussy opens right up and molds to fit around him.
Your lips fall open in a silent moan as Jungkook bottoms out in your tight little sopping hole, your rim stretches and hugs his cock nice and snug. It’s a tight fit but you’re in utter bliss right now, and even if you wanted to complain at the small sting you feel when he shifts but you don’t bother to. Jungkook’s not going to listen anyways, he never has. 
“There you go,” Jungkook bites on his bottom lip, he keeps you steady with his hands curled around your waist, “open right up for me baby.” He breathes out. 
His hips slowly roll forwards, he idly grinds and bumps his hips against yours. You feel some pressure here and there, like your poor pussy’s going to burst but each time he moves you feel him hit a sensitive spot. Your hips jump when the tip nudges into your cervix, just poking like he’s testing the waters or something. 
“Jungkook–” you huff, “slow down, hurts.” You try shifting around to see if you’re able to steer his cock away from your cervix. 
Jungkook lays a soft apologetic kiss over your shoulder before he’s hoisting you closer, he has your hips tilted at an angle where he’s striking dead on into your oversensitive walls. You moan in relief, biting down on your lip to keep your noises in. You nearly forget that you’re both still on campus, fucking on your desk like it’s some cliche porno. 
“Fuck you feel so good,” Jungkook whispers into your ear, he hooks his chin over your shoulder and fucks into you. His hips roll into yours over and over again, slipping in and out of your drenched pussy with ease. You can faintly hear the wet noises start up wondering if your desk will be salvageable by the end of this. 
You find yourself holding on to him tightly with your arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders. Your moans threaten to spill out each time he fucks himself in, the tip keeps grazing over a sweet spot repeatedly sending pleasant little shivers down your spine each time. Jungkook doesn’t stick to that languid pace for much, he ends up bucking his hips eagerly and shoving his cock deeper. 
“Oh fuck,” he rasps out while hugging your body tighter, “c’mon, make some noise for me baby. Let ‘em know who’s fucking this greedy cunt.” He grits his teeth and slaps his hips into yours with a loud squelching ‘plap’.
“Fuckin’ filthy,” as if on cue your pussy makes another embarassingly loud squelching noise. You’re so fucking wet it’s slipping down between your asscheeks and pooling under you. “And these tits,” he groans and slaps one through your blouse, “such pretty fuckin’ tits on you, wonder how they look all swollen and filled. Maybe I’ll breed this cunt till you catch, it’ll make a nice little surprise for your husband.” He grins wildly. 
You whine loud—it’s unintentional (you’d like to think)—the very thought of possibly ending up pregnant sends a sick thrill down your spine. You find letting cries and whimpers slip from your lips, they’re louder and clearer than before. Jungkook smirks knowingly and you know what he’s about to say, but he simply lays you back on the desk and lifts your legs over his shoulders. The angle changes again and your mouth falls open. 
“There..!” You throw your head back and groan. 
His cock repeatedly punches into your g-spot, you scramble to get a hold of something to keep you grounded. You feel like you’re going crazy with him hammering away at your sore cunt and your impending orgasm bubbling in your lower stomach. Jungkook’s face hovers close and you can feel his hot breaths fanning over you. 
“There?” He moans, “Like it when I fuck you stupid huh? Pretty pussy all meant to be mine,” he slows down but keeps his pace brutal, “gonna fill you up baby, you’re lucky I can’t put a baby in you.. Or else.” He darkly mumbles while leaning down to swallow up all your moans and sighs. 
Your eyes flutter shut from the strong pleasure, he knocks the breath out of you each time he bottoms out. Your clit throbs pathetically from neglect and you desperately want to reach down to soothe it but Jungkook’s pounding you so good you can’t focus. Your lips part with a needy cry, he uses it as a chance to bite on your bottom lip and swipe his tongue over the seam of your lips. 
“C..um, ‘m gonna cum,” you softly whimper while arching into him, “please ‘m so close.” 
You wrap your legs tighter around his waist, he quickly falls into you and rolls his hips into yours over and over again. You trap him against you but Jungkook figures out a way to keep moving. Jungkook grinds into you slowly, letting you feel every inch and the girth. This makes your mouth fall open as a shudder runs through your body. 
“Fuck..” You begin shaking from pleasure, your arms slip from his shoulders but Jungkook simply hoists you upright into his strong big arms. 
You’re caged against his chest while he slowly fucks in and out, you’re so close you just need a tiny little push. If Jungkook could just hit that spot one more time—ohh.. “Jungkook,” you feel a strong tremor pass over you. Your cunt squeezes him tightly, rhythmically clenching and massaging him as you cum all over him and yourself. 
Jungkook doesn’t let up no matter how tight you get, he’s groaning and hissing under his breath while whispering the most filthiest fucking praises, “There you go baby, jus’ like that. Go on and make a mess for me, want you dripping my cum out of that loose cunt of yours.”
He cums a few minutes later with a loud moan, you like the feeling of his throbbing cock buried deep inside as he unloads all his pearly white cum into you. You squirm around a few more times but Jungkook ultimately ends up gripping your hip to stop you, “Shit–don’t do that.” He moans painfully. 
The two of you pant quietly while trying to catch your breaths. It turns into a slow little make out session you can’t refuse or resist because he’s that sexy post orgasm glow. You’re lips-locked when a knock brings the two of you out of whatever world you were both just in. 
You pull back from his lips with a wet noise, panting hard as you try to catch your breath from the brutal fuck just now. “Mrs Gong?” You hear one of your students say. 
Jungkook’s still hazy from his orgasm (evident in the way he looks at you all blissed out), he tucks his face in the crook of your neck and quietly moans when you clench around his half-hard cock. He doesn’t say anything thankfully, “I’ll be right out,” you finally manage to say without sounding like you just ran a marathon. 
This boy was going to be the death of you. 
jungkook : get ready, gonna take you out. wear somethin pretty too
You frown in both annoyance and confusion, when and how did Jungkook get your address? “I don’t even wanna know.” You mumble while shaking your head, with Jungkook there’s no limits to his depravity. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had someone paid to get your information. 
You look over at the bedroom door and make sure it’s closed before you sneak to your closet and dial Jungkook, “What the hell do you mean we’re going out?” You mutter while balancing the phone on your shoulder, “I don’t remember little dates being a part of this arrangement.” 
“The tongue you got on you,” Jungkook says from the other line, “makes me wonder if I need to stuff it with somethin’ else damn baby. But we’ll save that for another day, today I wanna take you somewhere nice,” 
You pulled a sweater from a hanger and paused, “Jungkook what’s the dress code?” You sigh in exasperation, all this talking and he still wasn’t telling you anything. You figured you might as well make the best of it, “Hurry up I still have to call my nanny to come take care of my son, I don’t have all day.” 
“Casual, not too casual though. I’ll see you in five.” And with that he hangs up. 
“Great,” you sigh while tossing your phone on the bed after shooting the nanny a quick text, “I’ll see you in five, my ass,” you mimic while finding something nice to wear. 
The door creaks open and your son Jae comes running in making excited airplane noises, “Where you goin’ mama?” He tilts his head, “Are you going to see aunties for lunch? Ooh, can I come, can I come?” He buzzes in excitement while smiling from ear to ear. 
“No baby, mama’s meeting a different friend, a work friend.” You gently correct yourself while surfing through your jeans, “Wanna help me choose an outfit,” you squat to Jae’s level and brush his unruly hair out of his face, “looks like I’m gonna need your eyes for this Jae.” 
His eyes widened comically, “Mama but you have your own!” He gasps while covering his face with his tiny hands, “These are my eyes!” He squeals while running out of the room. 
You grin deviously and chase after him with a “come back here”. The house is filled with your giggles and Jae’s excited yells and laughter, you end up chasing Jae back to your room as the little boy hides himself under the blankets. 
“C’mon, mama wants to look pretty today won’t you help me baby?” You pout while sitting on the bed, “Pretty please with sprinkles and fairies on top?” 
Jae pops his head out with a dramatic little sigh, “Fiinee,” you grin triumphantly, “I’m gonna make you look prettier than any other lady out there today.” He smiles toothlessly and runs into your closet. 
You end up wearing a pair of light-washed jeans and your cream colored sweatshirt. Jae didn’t know anything about shoes so you slipped on your cozy socks and a pair of brown tasman slippers. Upon Jae’s insistence you applied a little mascara and clear gloss over your lips, “There, is mommy done now?” You ask while spraying some body spray he was holding out to you. 
“Done, you look so pretty.” Jae shyly says while hiding his face in your leg, “Is Miss Danielle coming today? I like her a lot, she’s super cool and nice.” 
You hum absent-mindedly while putting your phone and wallet in your purse, “Yes she is, mama needs you to be the bestest boy ever okay? I’ll be back around dinner time when daddy’s coming home okay?” You smile sadly, “I’m gonna miss you.” 
“Me too,” Jae softly says before the doorbell brings him out of his trance, “I’ll get it, I’ll get it!” He runs off leaving you to your devices. 
“That boy.” You shake your head and slip your watch on. You can hear Jae talking with Danielle down in the foyer as you finish getting ready. 
Your phone pings and you immediately know who it is, “Danielle,” you greet while passing the girl in a hurry, “thanks for coming last minute you’re a lifesaver.” You sigh in appreciation, “House is yours and if you’re hungry order some delivery for you and Jae okay? I’ll pay you extra if I take too long. If my husband comes home first then you’re free to go.” 
Danielle already has Jae in her arms as she smiles sweetly at you, “No problem, you know I like Jae a lot anyways.” She shrugs, “Have fun.” 
“Oh I will.” You bitterly mutter, “Bye my loves.” You blow a kiss to your son at the door and head out. Jungkook’s Mercedes is parked right in front of your house and you done nearly sprint over in fear. Your heart quite literally almost falls out of your ass. 
“Are you fucking insane?” You spit while slipping into the car, “Jungkook move, oh you just finally fucking lost it didn’t you? Anyone can see you—my neighbors, my son, the nanny!” 
Jungkook laughs quietly and brings you in for a messy smooch, “Calm down, we’re leaving right now.” 
“No, right now.” You glare, “Move.”
Jungkook’s eyes drop down to your lips in obvious hunger, “Give me a kiss.” You look at him in disbelief and he merely shrugs, “What? You heard me.” He’s really not playing around because he doesn’t budge or make a move to shift gears or anything. 
You nervously look around the area before leaning over to quickly kiss him, “There.” 
“Another one.” He calmly replies despite your whining and the face you make. He’s serious then, you think while curling a hand behind the back of his neck and pulling his face closer to yours. 
Your lips meet in a hot kiss, you find yourself putting a little more effort into it than most times he’s kissed you. Jungkook’s a good kisser you won’t lie/deny, if anything you felt shittier for admitting that you enjoyed kisses with him. You gently bite down on his bottom lip in a mix of arousal and curiosity. 
Jungkook lets out a quiet groan and leans more into it to deepen the kiss. “No more,” you whisper when you pull away to catch your breath, “I’m serious.” You softly say albeit a bit more gentle and less hostile. 
“Okay.” He pulls away and starts the car. His hand comes over to settle on your thigh, fitting so easily like you were made for him. 
You slump in your seat and turn your head to watch your home slowly disappear as Jungkook pulls out of the neighborhood. If you look closely though, you won’t miss the awe-struck looking nanny standing there looking from the living room window. 
“Are you okay? What are you looking at?” Jae asks. 
“Nothing,” Danielle mumbles as she shakes her head, “let’s watch tv yeah?” There’s no way she just caught her boss kissing someone who was obviously not her husband. 
“How was your day?” You find yourself looking up from the bowl of chips you’re having when Jicheol suddenly talks to you, “Dani told me you had a last minute meeting with a coworker?” He hums while unbuttoning his dress shirt slowly, “y/n?” 
Your focus shifts back onto Jicheol after momentarily spacing out, “It was good,” you mumble and try not to think about earlier when Jungkook was buried balls deep fucking you over the hood of the car, “Had some lunch and then we went for like a nature walk..of some sorts.” You trail off dumbly. 
Jicheol raises a brow, “Some sorts..?” He tilts his head with confusion written all over his face. 
“Fuck, Jungkook!” 
“Right there..!” 
You freeze mid-chip and peer over at your husband, “Yeah..some sort,” you crack a tiny smile to break the tension, “that’s not important though,” you set the bowl off to the side somewhere, “how was your day?” You smile prettily. 
Jicheol (thankfully) takes the bait, he has a smile painted over his handsome face, “Boring, I had a few meetings here and there and then some paperwork to file.” He sighs heavily and falls dramatically on the bed next to you, “You busy tomorrow?” He quietly asks while poking your side. 
“Depends,” you softly whisper and lean down to press gentle kisses over his lips, “what are we doing?” You blow against his lips gently, cracking a smile when Jicheol hooks a hand around the back of your neck, “Hm?” 
Jicheol doesn’t reply and instead brushes his lips over yours, “C’mere,” he quietly murmurs, “on my lap sweetheart.” You can feel his big hands over the small of your back, he guides you over so that you straddle him. 
You bite your lip and watch Jicheol closely, the excitement builds up quickly because something about your husband drove you wild. Jicheol didn’t even have to try to get you in the mood, god bless for fine men like himself. You lean down to attach your lips to his rather eagerly, if you both could just skip the foreplay—
“Babe,” Jicheol pauses when your phone begins to ring loudly. You let out a deep sigh and hesitantly pull away from him looking mildly annoyed. His sharp eyes stay on you while you reach around for your phone and check who it is. “Who’s calling?”
‘Great’ you think while seeing the caller ID, “No one, probably spam.” You say through gritted teeth while turning your phone off ALL the way, “Don’t worry about it,” you mumble while giving him quick pecks, “ ‘s not important baby.” You run your hands along the planes of his chiseled chest and toned stomach. 
Jicheol uses his hold on you to switch your positions, you giggle up at him when your head lands on the soft pillows, “What’s so funny, hm.” He buries his face in the side of your neck and sucks marks into your unblemished skin. 
Your lips part and you bury your fingers in his hair, “Nothin’,” you lick your lips as you catch your phone from the corner of your eye, “nothing at all.” You say as his lips find yours and the two of you sink into the sheets. 
The cold morning air brushes against your cold cheeks fiercely, only fueling your adrenaline to keep jogging despite your lungs begging otherwise. You liked morning jogs a lot, helped clear your mind and get you away from everything for a bit. Besides, the trail you took was local and not many people came out at this hour. 
“Ah shit.” You whisper tiredly while pausing in your tracks to pick up your fallen AirPod. You take a minute to inspect it and clean the earbud of any dirt and grime it might’ve got from the floor. 
You hear footsteps nearby but you assume it’s another runner (while there weren’t many, it wasn’t rare either). You move off the trail to get out of the way when suddenly the steps stop and a strong pair of arms wraps around your middle. You yell out in surprise and turn your head to see who your attacker is. 
“Jungkook..?” You breathlessly ask, “You scared me, what the hell is wrong with you?!” You smack his chest a few times.
Jungkook has this scary look on his face but what’s new? This spoilt brat was always pissy about something so you weren’t phased, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Don’t fuckin’ do that again.” He glares, “You intentionally ignored me for one,” he takes a step forward, “and then two, come to my surprise baby you turned your phone off. The fuck is that about?” He growls. 
You shake your head and sigh in disbelief, “Really? You’re crying about me turning my phone off? So what, am I supposed to ask you for permission now? Can’t even let my phone die without you freaking out?”
Jungkook snatches your wrist and tugs you towards him, “Don’t fucking give me that,” he whispers dangerously low, “I’m not a fucking moron like you think I am.”
“Nobody said that.” You tug on your wrist, “Now let me go, someone’s gonna see you and I have to get back home.” Jungkook’s about to answer when he suddenly pauses, staring at something. You frown in confusion and look, “What?” You follow his eyes and you go still. 
The marks. 
You really done it now. “Jungkook…” You hesitantly meet his eyes and wish you never had. He looks so fucking pissed you don’t know whether to cry or run away. 
The fear kicks in and you take a step back from him. Jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue and slowly nods his head, “I see..seems like you were too busy being a little cockslut hangin’ off someone else’s cock. Tell me was it good?” He darkly mumbles, “Did he fuck you better than I did? Did he have your pussy droolin’ and creaming around his cock like you do to mine? He make you scream like I do baby?” He envelops your entire throat in his hand, not gripping but rather just holding you in place. 
“I’ll scream.” You whisper shakily. 
“Go ahead,” Jungkook laughs in your face, “you do it plenty so I don’t see the difference now.” Your face burns with humiliation and you turn your face away from him, “Oh don’t give me that,” he mock-pouts, “c’mon baby look at me.” He grips your cheeks between his fingers as he squeezes them together and makes your pouty lips form a tiny little peak that he smooches. 
“Jungkook please,” you softly whine, “not here, someone’s gonna see.” 
“You’re right,” he mumbles while staring at the dark hickeys Jicheol left on you, “I know a better place.” You follow his eyes and look over to see that he’s set his sights on your home. Immediately you turn to protest but Jungkook lifts a finger over your lips, “Ah-ah, just do as I fuckin’ say.” 
You’re walking on pins and needles right now, today might just be the day your entire world ends up ruined. You can’t help the way your eyes flicker over to the laundry room, the anxiety claws at your insides and you’re desperate for any escape. After Jungkook had demanded you let him into your home things started piling one after the other. 
First it was Jicheol who had decided to come early from work (out of all days you bitterly think), and then you had Danielle over helping with Jae. How the hell are you planning on explaining anything if Jae or Danielle accidentally enter the laundry room and see Jungkook in there? This isn’t a “oh, my mistake” situation, there’s no coming back from this once everything begins to surface.
You shudder just thinking about it, “Danielle–honey, do you mind taking Jae out to the park for a bit? I got a lot on my mind right now and I think I’m gonna just cook dinner or something to get my head out of the clouds. I’d prefer if Jae wasn’t in the house though.”
Danielle stops coloring the page Jae had handed her as she tilts her head up to meet your eyes, “Oh, sure. Do you want me to pack him something or will we be coming back early?” She stands to her feet while dusting off her jeans. 
“Pack a few snacks,” you look over at the closed double doors and nervously bite your lip, “actually here, just take this and bring me back the change—or don’t. Just head out before it gets dark.” You say while ushering her and Jae out. 
Danielle doesn’t comment on your jittery behavior, she simply waves bye and takes the little boy with her down the street to the local park. Now you just have to find a way to keep Jicheol occupied. “Jicheol? Baby do you mind stopping by the store and bringing me a few things?” You loudly call out. 
Jungkook’s long made himself at home in your kitchen, he waves his hand with a teasing smirk on his face. “Fuck you,” you mouth while passing the kitchen to head upstairs where Jicheol was probably at, “Jicheol baby can you run to the store?” You sound out of breath by the time you reach the top, Jicheol’s standing in the doorway in his loungewear. 
“Sure, you got a list or something?” He hums. 
“Uh yeah, I wrote it down but I forgot where I slipped the note. Just go, I’ll send it to you when you’re on your way yeah?” You try to appear as calm as possible but the devil downstairs wouldn’t let you. 
Jicheol looks at you weirdly but ends up nodding anyway, “Okay well, you do that.” He slips past you, “I’ll call you if you don’t send the list by the time I get there.” He begins descending downstairs, “By the way, did the neighbors get a new car? I swear I keep seeing that same Mercedes up and down the street.” 
You freeze in terror and clench your fists tightly, “..Oh really? I didn’t know either,” you slip downstairs and turn the corner to see Jicheol standing in the kitchen while drinking a glass of water you don’t remember seeing him or anyone for that matter set out. 
“Maybe you should get going before it gets late. I kinda need the things for the dinner I’m making.” You nervously smile. 
“You tryin’ to get rid of me now?” Jicheol laughs, “So jittery baby, what’s got you all fired up hm?” He tucks you into his arms and rocks side to side, “Did something happen baby?” He softly says in your ear. 
“No,” you mumble back, “was planning a surprise.” 
Jicheol nods slowly, “Okay, I’ll be back then my love. I can’t wait to see what you got planned.” He winks and parts from you. You close your eyes and wait for Jicheol to leave, you can hear him getting his keys and a few other trinkets of his. Any minute now.. 
. . .
“Jicheol?” You call out when you don’t hear the front door open or close, “Is everything okay?” 
You end up stepping out to go see what was happening, instead you got a fat load of Jungkook carrying your unconscious husband away to the living room, “Jungkook?! What did you do? What the fuck did you do?!” You begin panicking, pacing back and forth throughout the room, “Fucking hell, are you some sort of deranged psycho!” 
“Relax,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I drugged him, well been drugging him with the water I left out.” He snickers and tosses Jicheol over the couch, “Fuck he’s heavy,” he cracks his back and rolls his muscles, “baby, baby,” he raises his hand, “you’re stressin’ me the fuck out with all your walking and pacing.”
“Well excuse me, my husband is drugged and passed out in front of me, but sure I’ll keep it down for you Mr Jeon, anything else?” 
Jungkook lazily grins, “You can be as loouuud as you want, I’m not complaining.” He raises his hands in surrender, “But you know what, there is something you can do for me.” He purrs low, “Come here.” 
Your eyes widen knowingly and you shake your head, “No, fuck no. We can go to the room or anywhere but not here—not in front of him.” You hiss. 
“I don’t really give a fuck.” Jungkook tugs you close, “Awake or asleep, I’ll fuck you whenever and however the fuck I want.” His hot breath ghosts over the side of your neck, “I know that deep down—you love this, gettin’ fucked silly in front of your husband, don’t you wanna show him how well you take my cock?” He whispers. 
Your eyes slip shut in both arousal and horror, “No.” 
“Liar.” Jungkook bites down on your earlobe teasingly, “Explain this,” he suddenly thrusts a hand into your sweatpants. His cold fingers cup you through your panties, heavy palm sitting right under your pulsing heat. “Hm?” 
“J-Jungkook, no,” you fight against his grip and squirm around, “listen to me dammit!” You sob in frustration as all the fight begins to slowly leave your body, ending with you melting into a mush of goo. 
Jungkook coos softly, “Baby needs a cock in her? Is that it?” He cages you in between him and the coffee table the back of your knees bumps into, “C’mon tell me, you know I like hearing filthy things leave that pretty little mouth.” He tilts you by the chin to face him, “Look at me,” he patiently hums. 
Your eyes flutter open to the bleary sight of Jungkook, “Just get it over with,” you blink tears away, “please Jungkook.” 
He doesn’t say anything when he slides his lips on yours, his hand cups the side of your face to hold you perfectly still and pliant in his hands. Your face scrunches cutely and you find yourself trying to guide him away from the living room with hands over his abdomen. However a frown makes its way to your face when you notice he doesn’t budge. 
“We’re not going anywhere sweetheart,” he calmly says after pulling apart with a string of spit connecting your messy lips, “but you already knew that, why play dumb?” He talks to you like he’s talking to a child. 
You make a noise of protest but it dies down when Jungkook begins moving. He guides you over to the armrest of the sofa Jicheol’s passed out on. Your heart slams in your chest violently like it’s about to burst. Jicheol’s sleeping face is centimeters away from yours making it all the more horrifying.
Jungkook steps behind your bent form, he runs his hands over your sides and thighs with a pleased sigh. He slips his hands into your sweats, taking his sweet time in massaging your hips and the swells of your ass cheeks. You end up biting your lip and trying not to squirm away from his unwanted touches. 
“Jesus,” he mutters under his breath when he tugs your sweatpants down and sees the pretty undies you had on under, “well happy fuckin’ birthday to me.” He whistles and runs his palm over the waistband, hooking his fingers in and pulling until the band snapped back in place. 
You yelped and jolted from the stinging sensation you felt in your hip, he finally decided to grant some mercy and tugged the panties down your thighs. They dropped around your ankles alongside your sweatpants leaving your cunt out in the open for Jungkook. By now you’re sure some wetness had built up between your sticky dewy folds, they felt moist and drenched. 
“Such a little liar,” he smacks your drooling cunt, sending you reeling over the couch with a cry of shock. Your face is dangerously close to Jicheol’s, you catch yourself from letting out another yell when Jungkook spanks you again. The pain sparks a heat inside of you. 
“If I woulda known this slutty cunt drips at the thought of being fucked infront of your husband, I would’ve fucked you a long time ago baby.” He chuckles breathily and rubs over your tender pussy. You moan in protest from the “soothing” touch, he has to give you a warning pinch when your squirming becomes tedious, “Behave.”
Jungkook slips his fingers between your folds, parting them in a ‘v’ as he strokes over your entire pussy. A delicious shiver passes over you when his fingers brush over your slippery clit. The touch is enough to make your swollen bud throb with anticipation and need. You bite a whiny moan and let your head hang in slight disappointment. Jungkook isn’t deterred though, he keeps brushing over your clit never quite touching it. 
“Drippin’ already.” Jungkook murmurs while burying his face in your neck, “head up baby, want him to see the slutty little faces you make while getting fucked stupid.” He shallowly dips his fingers into your sopping hole with a lewd squelch. “Hear that?” He purrs low, “filthy already.” 
Your face grows hot with shame but Jungkook doesn’t stop swirling his fingertip around, he wipes his finger clean in your inner thigh, leaving behind a dollop of slick smeared all over. He shuffles behind you until the head of his weeping cock slides through the mess between your legs. His cock comes poking out through your thighs as he slips himself between your squishy wet folds. 
He slowly rolls his hips and lets his cock slide over your mound again and again. The underside of his shaft rubs against your clit giving it the much needed friction you were craving. “Mmh,” your thighs squeeze together and you push your hips back, plush ass meeting his pelvis with a messy smack. 
“Needy little thing,” Jungkook muses and steers you forward with a hand over your back, “gonna fuck it out of you though—he may have married you but this cunt still belongs to me at the end of the day.” He suddenly slams his hips forward, instantly filling you with a loud splat as his balls collide with your folds, “Mine to fuck, mine to breed, mine to claim.” He groans. 
Your mouth falls open and you shudder, his cock from this angle somehow makes you feel fuller and more stretched out. Your rim hugs his cunt tightly and you can feel the slight tug on your perineum when he backstrokes. Another lewd “uhn” leaves you when he drives his cock right back in, the tip pokes your cervix but it’s nothing too serious or painful. 
“Let me hear you,” Jungkook bites his lower lip and rolls his hips faster, “let your husband hear how you—really—like to get fucked.” He huffs under his breath and brings the hem of his shirt up to his mouth, biting it so he can see his cock disappear into your ruined cunt over and over. 
Your ass ripples with every thrust and there’s a low smacking noise, he’s punching more and more moans from your throat. It’s harder to keep them in when he’s rubbing those spots so good. His cock bumps into your g-spot occasionally but Jungkook wants to drag it out so he doesn’t hit it yet. Your pussy clenches around him drawing a hiss from him as his fingertips dig into your hips. 
Jungkook slams forward and sends you toppling over the armrest a little with your feet dangling a few inches from the floor. You’re jostled closer to Jicheol and hold back a terrified scream you almost let out. Jungkook’s losing control and the pace is sending you flying towards your husband, one wrong move and you’re going to topple on top of Jicheol.
“J-Jungkook slow down,” you mewl, “ ‘m gonna fall..!” You gasp, he hits your g-spot head on with vigor. When he sees the tremor that wracks your smaller frame he starts pounding into that spot wildly. 
Your cries are clear as day, the wet smacking is thundering and the couch rattles loudly over the wooden flooring. You scramble to find a good grip to keep yourself steady while you get the pounding of a lifetime. His vicious thrusts send you forward but his firm grip keeps you speared right on his cock. You chant Jungkook’s name which only spurs him on as he fucks you like a madman. 
Jungkook lets the hem of his shirt go and trails a hand up to twist in your hair, “Fuckin’ slut—pussy’s mine ‘n mine only. Let’s leave him a nice little present for when he wakes up baby, yeah? Gonna fuck this slutty pussy on him even with my cum dripping from it? Least you’ll be all loose ‘n wet for him,” he smirks, “you’d like that wouldn’t you? Maybe we should let him join next time, we’ll fuck all your little holes and keep ‘em filled with our cock.”
You shamelessly moan at that and tilt your head back for him without having to be asked. He lets out a pleased moan and leans down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss, “One cock not enough anymore?” He rubs your ass with his other hand and lands a hard slap over it, “Hm?” 
“N-No,” you hiccup with teary eyes, “need t-to cum,” you gasp, “soo close..mmh..” 
“Cum,” Jungkook whispers, “go on,” he brings a hand down between your sticky thighs and smacks your clit with two fingers. 
The sting sends you over the edge with a loud cry spilling from your lips. You shake from the intensity and slump over with a tired moan. Jungkook doesn’t care that you came already because he keeps pumping his cock in and out of your, using your cunt for his pleasure. 
He yanks you back like a ragdoll and wraps his hand around your throat tightly, “Next time think twice about lettin’ him mark you,” he growls in your ear, “or else drugging won’t be the thing I do.” He lets you go carelessly and grinds his cock deep, pelvis pressed tightly to your ass. 
Your lips part silently in a ‘o’ as you shudder, a mini-orgasm takes you by surprise and you’d rather not think it’s because of what he said just now.. Surely not right? Right.. 
Jungkook moans softly as your pussy hugs his cock nice and snug. He fills you spurt after spurt with cum, not bothering to pull out right away. In fact he grinds his hips in tiny motions to milk his orgasm out, sighs of relief slipping from his lips. The room feels hot and you’re pretty sure the stench of sweat and sex is pungent in the air.  
“Jungkook,” you shakily murmur while pushing back, “c’mon, it’s not funny anymore let me up.” You softly plead while looking back at him with wide glossed over puppy eyes. 
Clean-up is a quiet ordeal, Jungkook looks smug when you pass by with shaky legs. He doesn’t miss the chance to smack your ass, to which you fiercely glare at him as you disappear to quickly change. When you emerge in a comfy home outfit you stand in the doorway pointing to the front door. 
“Out.” You glare, “Not in my house Jungkook, this is the first and last time we do this. You hear me?” You’re not entirely sure he’s listening but you say it anyway. This was not only risky as hell but stupid too, everything was at stake (even if the adrenaline was crazy). 
“Kiss,” Jungkook mumbles with a grin as he finishes slipping his coat back on, “c’mon before I go baby.”
You stare at him unimpressed and walk over to press a gentle kiss over his lips. Of course he wraps his hands around your waist and tugs you closer to him, kissing Jungkook was never a quick ordeal. Nothing was ever quick with him. “Okay,” you push at his chest gently, “enough. My kid and nanny are coming home any minute now, get out.” You huff. 
“Yeah, yeah, you weren’t saying that when I fucked your brains out–” His laugh is cut off when he pauses to stare down the hall in amusement, “Looks like we have a audience baby.” He grins. 
Your head whips to see Danielle standing in the kitchen doorway, she looks shocked and disturbed. Jae’s nowhere insight but your heart still drops to your ass, “D-Danielle.” You’re going to fucking lose it right now. 
She takes a step back and looks at Jungkook with both fear and nervousness, “T-The front door was l-locked so we came through the  b-back.” 
“Dani–honey wait,” you stretch your hand out to her but she’s already running. You can hear Jae in the pantry loudly asking where the applesauce pouches are at. You look at Jungkook with fear in your eyes, “Jungkook—s-she..s-she knows!” You quiver and hold back a sob. 
Jungkook cups your face in his hands, “Don’t cry sweetheart, I’ll fix it yeah?” He hums, “Don’t worry that pretty little head, everything’s gonna be fine.” He kisses your cheeks and wipes your tears with his thumbs, “Smile for me—yeahhh, there you go pretty girl.” He grins, “I’ll handle it.” 
Jungkook blows the smoke out from his lips, he crushes the cigarette under his boot and clicks his tongue in annoyance, “Shit,” he mutters and digs around his pocket for his phone, “hello?” He answers with his head tilted back as he watches the tiny snowflakes fall around him. 
“Did you handle it?” 
“I did,” Jungkook chuckles, “what, not gonna ask if I’m tired? It was a lot of work baby, don’t you think I deserve a present?” His eyes flicker down briefly but he goes back to snow watching. 
“...Thank you.” 
“Oh you will be thanking me later, but for now I got a lot of things to attend to so I’ll see you around baby. Don’t get too comfy, I was thinking about heading to London just the two of us. I’m sure that pretty brain of yours can come up with somethin’ to tell him, bye baby.” He smirks and hangs up before you can get a word in. 
He stands in silence just staring at the lump in front of him. “Poor kid, shit luck and shit life.” He grunts and lights another cigarette, “..Gotta get the cleaners ‘n shit—fuck it’s a mess.” He sighs and dials another number, “Hello?” He loudly says, “Round up the cleaning team—no it’s only one, might be two but for today it’s one. Teen, the baby-sitter.” He nudges his foot against the stiff limbs laying in the snow. 
“I’ll triple the payment if you help me eliminate a certain someone..yeah, spring cleaning. Oh, and don’t tell father about this. He’ll be real sad to know it happened..again..”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan @lilyflowerguk @sayokodiary @babycandy111 @looneybleus @ash07128 @gyukookswhore
3K notes · View notes
cupid-styles · 4 months
valentine's day (nerdrry x camgirl!yn)
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word count: 3.5k
content warnings: smut! (exhibitionism, toys/bondage, daddy kink, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, overstimulation)
original nerdrry x camgirl!yn story
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Most mornings, Y/N can’t remember where she fell asleep the night before. 
It’s not because she’s a bad sleeper or has chronic insomnia or anything like that. In actuality, in the past few months that she and Harry have officially started their relationship, they find it nearly impossible to be apart for the night. Y/N hates waking up without feeling his warm body pressed up against hers, his chest curled into the form of her back and his arm looped around her waist, while Harry dreads the feeling of her cold, unmade side of the bed when she’s not there.
So, even with warnings of codependency tucked into the logical portions of their brains, they try not to worry. Instead, they enjoy winter evenings made just a tad bit toastier with the presence of the other: Fuzzy socks and steaming cups of tea, bubble baths and eucalyptus soap-scented kisses, soft palms pressed against one another as they read their respective books in a bedroom bathed in a soft golden light. 
It’s good — Y/N thinks it’s all really good, and she’s really happy, and she doesn’t care that it’s Valentine’s Day because every other day that she’s spent with Harry has her walking around with hearts in her eyes, even if her friends tease her over it. But Harry is Harry and he does care — he cares a lot, actually.
He promises her he won’t go all out. She even makes him wrap his pinkie around hers and pledge not to get scammed by buying expensive, overpriced flowers and chocolates. And he doesn’t — he listens to Y/N and opts for a far more lowkey version of what he had envisioned for her.
But right now, Beatrice, his sweet, gray haired cat, is ruining it. 
Beatrice is ruining it!
“Bea,” Harry hisses. The cat’s eyes barely blink open and she stays firmly placed on top of Y/N’s chest, where she’s apparently decided to take real estate this morning. “Beatrice Styles, get down!”
He’s trying his best not to speak too loudly to avoid waking Y/N before her surprise, but his hands are full so he can’t scoop Beatrice up and nudge her tush out of the room like he normally does. (Y/N hates having sex with her in the room, explaining that it’s guaranteed to scar her “poor, innocent eyes”, so both Harry and Beatrice are used to the routine by now.) And perhaps this is payback for all the times he’s kicked her out because he swears he’s never seen her so stubborn before.
“Beatrice Stevie Styles, if you don’t get down right now—”
“Are you threatening your cat?”
Harry huffs when he hears Y/N’s croaky morning voice rasp out from above the covers. He shuffles to the edge of the bed and gently puts down the tray he’s holding and leans forward to grab Beatrice’s plump body. 
“No,” he mutters, “She just chose a very inopportune time to be… evil.”
Y/N hums non-committedly as Harry places Beatrice down. She hasn’t yet cracked her eyes open, which sends a bolt of excitement through his chest — he still has a chance at surprising her. 
“Keep your eyes closed please,” he says as he curls his hands through the wooden handles of the tray. 
“To be honest, I think I kind of liked having her on my chest— it was like a soft, suffocating weight. Almost like a weighted blanket, maybe?”
“Y/N,” Harry warns, and she peeps an eye open to see her boyfriend hovering over her, “Y/N! Didn’t I say to keep your eyes closed?”
“Oh! Still?”
He sighs, flashing her an annoyed look before lowering slightly to show her the array of breakfast foods diligently placed over the maple-hued wood: heart shaped pancakes, fruit cut into stars, her favorite tea in a mug with her initial on it. It instantly makes her grin, sitting up hurriedly against the blue velvet of Harry’s headboard. 
“This is so sweet,” she coos, looking up at him with a wide smile. The frustration sitting in Harry’s body instantly melts away and he grins back at her, heart squeezing slightly at the tired puffiness in her eyes. “Thank you so much, H. This is perfect.”
“Yeah?” he asks as he slowly places the board down. She moves her book out of the way so he has room on the nightstand. “I know you said nothing big, so…”
“So this is perfect,” she emphasizes. She scooches over and pats the empty spot next to her, encouraging him to lay down next to her. “Happy Valentine's Day. I’m sorry Beatrice and I ruined your big surprise.”
Harry snorts, grabbing the small bowl of fruit and handing it to her. She accepts it graciously and pops a strawberry between her lips before feeding him a blueberry.
“She’s been getting naughtier lately. I think you’re inspiring some bad female energy I didn’t know she had.”
“Or maybe you were just stifling her energy,” Y/N points out, “She needed a cool camgirl in her life to bring it out.”
“Right,” he mumbles playfully and Y/N giggles, elbowing his ribs lightly. 
“Speaking of which. You’re still fine with me streaming tonight?”
He shrugs as he leans over to grip her mug, carefully maneuvering the full cup of tea. He sets it on his lap, welcoming the warm feeling between his palms. 
“It doesn’t bother me at all, baby. You know that.”
It’s the truth, too — Harry’s willing to recognize that streaming is part of her lifestyle. It’s more than just a job for her, especially considering her 9 to 5 position as a graphic designer is still rather lackluster. In the months that they’ve dated, they’ve had many conversations about it: why she liked streaming and had no plans to give it up, mainly. She viewed it as a form of sexual freedom and autonomy over her own body and the money certainly sweetened the deal. Who was Harry to argue with that? 
The only thing that’s changed is her schedule. Since bringing someone new into her life — someone who she cared for and wanted to spend time with — she revised her daily streams to three times a week. She also posted additional photos and videos for members to supplement both the income she was losing, and the content her viewers weren’t getting. 
Valentine’s Day is different, though. She’d asked Harry a few weeks back if he cared if she went online that day and honestly, he didn’t. He knows that if he didn’t have her, he would probably look to watching her stream to feel just a little less lonely. And while he wasn’t entirely too keen on sharing his girlfriend with the world, he also knew that they were committed to one another. They were grateful for that stupid website and her dedication to it, otherwise they never would have met. 
“I just feel bad,” she says with a sigh, referring to her plan to stream this evening, “Feel like I’m making a fucked up choice.”
Harry shakes his head. “It’s not like we have plans or anything, and you know I’m fine with it. Don’t feel bad.”
Y/N hands him the bowl so she can curl into his side. He welcomes her, eagerly wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her hair. 
“It’ll just be a few hours and then you can come over and spend the night,” he murmurs, ducking his thumb beneath the fabric of her tee-shirt to rub circles into the skin. “Or I can come to you if you’re too tired. Whatever works.”
That seems to light a spark in her brain because she’s suddenly sitting back up. Harry’s staring at her and trying not to smile at her wild bed head, but the slightly thrilled look in her eyes is a bit distracting anyway.
“Remember that time we talked about you being with me while I stream?”
Harry raises his eyebrows slowly.
“Like, being in the room with me… telling me what to do… you remember that, right?”
He clears his throat. “Yeah, I remember that.”
“What if we do that?” she asks, shifting onto her knees. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable. But you could be behind the camera and you could just… I don’t know, dominate me from there. Is that hot? Or is it a stupid—”
“Hot,” he cuts her off before coughing into his hand. “Definitely hot.”
She grins. “You think so? We could use that toy I got us forever ago, too. From when we met.”
His chest starts to feel warm as he nods eagerly. “T-The vibrator?”
“Yeah!” she nods excitedly. “So you can control it while I’m streaming, too. Does that sound okay?”
He swallows tightly and tries to will away the hardness thickening up in his briefs. 
“I like that a lot.” 
“Okay,” she’s smiling at him widely, completely unaware of just how appealing the situation sounds to him. She leans forward to press a light kiss to his lips. “Do you wanna finish breakfast and then shower? I have to be at the office—”
Suddenly, he’s pinning her down against the array of messy blankets scattered over the bed, a sinful smirk on his lips. 
“I want you to shut up and let me fuck your face so I don’t accidentally bust when I spend my whole day thinking about tonight.”
She’s giggling loudly, the sound of sunshine and bells chiming in the wind, before dropping her mouth open. 
. . .
Y/N spends way too much time tying a heart-shaped shibari harness around her chest, but it’s entirely worth it the second Harry sees her that evening. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters, drinking her appearance in. His throat instantly dries as his eyes scan over her lacy pink lingerie set and she warms beneath his gaze, nibbling on her bottom lip. 
“Do you like it?” she asks, pushing her chest out slightly. 
“Do I like it?” he repeats breathily, running the pads of his fingertips down the length of her chest. He tucks his knuckles beneath the vertical rope and tugs lightly, making her gasp. “You look incredible, baby.”
“Thank you,” she giggles, intertwining her fingers with his free hand, “Are you still feeling alright about this?”
He nods and she smiles, guiding him over to her streaming setup in her spare room. She bounces down on the futon and squeezes his hand. He’s never been on this side of things before, so he has to admit that it’s fascinating and exciting to see it all from her perspective instead of a private tab on his phone. 
They discuss the logistics of things before she clicks ‘live’, mainly just in case either one of them gets uncomfortable and wants to stop. In lieu of a safe word, they settle on a motion of tugging their ear three times to signal that they no longer wanted to take part. They decide that Y/N would immediately log off and they would discuss what went wrong — but if both of them are being honest, they’re both bubbling with excitement. 
And, with her toy on and ready to go, Harry perched on a chair behind her laptop, Y/N starts her stream.
He swallows nervously and she sends him a wink, a silent, flirtatious reassurance that everything will be just fine. She nibbles on her lip as she waits for the chat room to fill up, a small smile forming as messages begin to float in. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day my loves,” she greets cheekily, shifting onto her knees. Her heels dig into her bum as she wiggles excitedly, glancing up at Harry. His tongue peeks out to lick his lips as his eyes scan over her chest and down to her covered core, zeroing in on where her vibrator is inserted firmly inside of her. He palms himself through his briefs as she makes small talk with her viewers. 
She leans back and splits her thighs open to reveal a string of lace barely covering her pussy. He swallows back a groan. 
“Are you excited to watch me play?” Y/N asks, eyes flickering to the male sitting across from her. It wasn’t her plan, but she can’t help ignoring the chats coming through, instead too enamored by the fact that her boyfriend is watching her. And, as if he can read her mind, Harry nods before mouthing the words touch your tits. 
Immediately, she does as she’s told. She pulls the fabric of her bralette down and swirls a finger in her mouth. She pinches her nipples and whimpers softly, back arching slightly. 
“Know you love my tits, daddy,” she whimpers, her gaze set on Harry, “They’re all yours. Every bit of me belongs to you.”
With a smirk, he pulls the remote to her vibrator out and clicks it on. She instantly moans at the low sensation pressed deep against her g-spot, eyes rolling back from the intense pressure. 
“Touch yourself for me,” she pleads, trailing her fingers down her stomach. She plucks at the straps of her underwear and wordlessly looks to Harry for permission. He nods, and not a second later she’s pulling them down her legs and tossing them to the floor. “Shit— do you see how wet I am for you, daddy?”
The chat goes crazy when they see the vibrator inserted deep inside of her. She can feel her pussy already begin to pulsate around the small silicone toy and she reaches out to grip the blanket beneath her. She only glances up when she hears the familiar sound of slick passes, a whimper leaving her lips when she realizes Harry’s jerking his cock to the sight of her falling apart. 
“So good,” she moans, their eyes locked. He stares at her intensely, his gaze only turning her on even more. “Can I touch my clit, please? N-need more.” 
Beg, he mouths. 
“Please, daddy— fuck, please let me touch my clit, daddy!”
He smirks as he squeezes the base of his length. “Go ahead.” He murmurs lowly, quiet enough so only she can hear him. 
Y/N makes hurried motions to circle her clit tightly, whimpering loudly from the much needed stimulation. Her eyes are shut tightly when he turns her vibrator up another notch, eliciting a sharp gasp on her end. 
“Oh my god,” she mewls, “I’m gonna cum— fuck, please, can I cum? Please, please—“ 
Harry cuts her off with another quiet response: “Ask them, not me.”
She can hardly keep her eyes open long enough to read through the responses coming through the chat. It’s an evil punishment, especially when he turns her vibrator up again. Her legs are shaking as she sits up on her elbows, the slightest bite of pain nearly pushing her over the edge from the rope digging into her chest. 
“Please, I need to cum,” she begs pathetically, trying to scan over the messages in the chat: 
No!!! Edge urself 
Cum for us baby
Go ahead 
Such a good girl
It’s too much for her to process — the toy is vibrating aggressively against the soft spot deep inside of her and she can’t hold it in much longer. She moans, unable to keep herself from reaching her peak, her muscles tightening and her pussy pulsating. A slew of curses fall from her lips as she rides her orgasm out, eyes rolling back into her skull. 
It’s the most delicious feeling, especially knowing Harry is sitting across from her and watching it all happen. Her eyes flicker up to him for permission to take a break, hoping his thumb is already brushing over the off button on the remote, but instead she’s met with a smirk she knows all too well. He looks borderline sadistic as she gasps, their eyes locked when he turns the toy on even higher.
“Oh,” she breathes out, laying back against the mess of blankets beneath her. At this point, she knows all anyone can see is the mess of arousal between her legs. It’s embarrassing and perfect.
“‘s a lot,” she slurs out. She thinks she hears Harry chuckle but she’s not sure. “Fuck— fuck, I think— have another—“
“You do,” this time she’s sure of his quiet voice, hushed so his words are only for her ears. “You have another one in there for me.”
Her knees are bent and knocking together as she wedges her hands between her thighs. She has to do something to ground herself; a half-assed attempt at mitigating the intense pleasure filling her body.
“Inside,” he commands from across the room. She moans, but only because he’s asking more of her. “Put your fingers inside or don’t touch yourself at all.”
She chooses the former because it somehow seems easier, quickly pushing two fingers into her pulsating hole alongside the small vibrator. Harry fills her up more than this but the knowledge of what she’s doing as his direction is incredibly hot. It doesn’t matter that she’s taken more and abused her pussy far more than this before — especially not when she’s a desperate submissive for Harry, willing to do whatever he asks of her.
The slight stretch of her pussy feels delicate and delicious and she can barely gurgle out the words I’m coming before it’s happening. Harry groans at the sight, slicking himself and pumping faster as her ribbon unravels, a small burst of liquid gushing from the movements of her fingers.
As soon as her peak slowly begins to taper off, she’s too exhausted to notice him rise from his seat. She gasps when he shuts her laptop closed before she even has a chance to say goodbye to her viewers. Instead, he leans down to wrap his hand around the rope secured around her chest, pushing her down against the soft fabric of the couch. 
“You’re gonna take my cum all over that dirty little pussy,” he growls, pumping his cock quickly in his palm. She’s too stunned and turned on to reply so she quickly nods her head, parting her pussy lips with v-shaped fingers. The toy is still vibrating inside of her, sending aftershocks through her body. 
“Good fucking girl,” he grumbles throatily. The sight of her wet center is enough to send him barreling to his orgasm, a series of groans toppling from his mouth as he sprays his seed across her pussy. “Fuck, there you go, baby, take it all.”
She whimpers at the feeling of his warm cum painting her core. As soon as he finishes, she makes quick work to yank the vibrator out, her body entirely too exhausted and overstimulated to stand it for another second. 
Harry’s panting loudly as he lowers to his knees and presses a few light kisses to her thigh. He catches his breath as she runs her fingers through his curly hair, coming down from her own influx of lust. She’s unsure of how long they stay like that but eventually, Harry stands up to kiss her forehead. 
“Gimme a sec to clean you up,” he murmurs. She nods, allowing her eyes to fall shut. A few moments later, he returns with a damp towel and gently swipes over her core. They settle into a comfortable silence as he does so, and he lays down next to her when he’s finished. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her sleepy form into his side. Exhausted, she allows him to maneuver her. 
“Did you have a good Valentine’s Day?” He asks softly. Y/N hums as she buries her head into the crook of his neck. 
“The best,” she murmurs, “How about you?”
“The best.” He echoes with a small smile. The quiet returns but neither of them want to fill it. He thinks she’s fallen asleep, assuming he’ll have to help guide her to the shower (which she’ll give him shit about, surely) when she shifts a bit, pressing her cheek into the comforter to look at him.
“I love you, you know.”
It's the first time she's said that to him. It feels like a million fireworks are going off, filling him and making it seem as though he's bursting at the seams with the same love and adoration for the girl next to him.
If he's being honest, he thinks he's known he's loved her — and she's loved him — for awhile now: Through small gestures like when he makes her bed in the morning because she's running late for work, or when she quietly fills up Beatrice's bowls with food and water when he's in a meeting. Bigger things, too — her taking the day off for his birthday and doing whatever he wants, all day. Or the time she picked up two of his favorite scent of candle because they were on sale, or when she's had a bad day so he surprises her with her favorite meal (garlic chicken stir fry with extra cilantro) via meal delivery service because he knows she wants to be alone.
"Yeah," he nods with a smile, "I do know. I love you, too."
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faetreides · 1 month
pwetty please more dom art, switch patrick, sub reader. that blurb was so so good i think “Go ahead and make daddy cum while I give him kisses, ‘kay?” may be the hottest thing anyone has ever said ever actually
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cw: WEIRD VIBES, dom art switch patrick sub reader coded, heavy on the art x patrick, breeding kink/pregnancy/ambiguous baby trapping (???), art’s lowkey mean, daddy kink (referring to patrick), patrick calls you a slut, oral (afab reader receiving), patrick’s sandwiched in between you & art, anal sex (m receiving), summer heat will have you displaying behaviors and acting in ways, ambiguous era, feminization (one use of “mama” not in a mommy kink way), stream of consciousness style writing, they’re gross but so are you, reader having a hamlet holding up the skull moment
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Art fucks Patrick like a bat out of hell, you lie beneath them wet and wanting as you watch patrick’s sweaty body flail around like a ragdoll. Art squishes your bodies together, pressing his weight against Patrick's back. There’s so much pressure on your lungs, you’re scared you’ll pop. The humid July air is so thick around you that the plush bedding feels swathed in a soft old film yellow tint, you and Patrick swap glassy eyes when his tip finally sinks into your tight ass. No lube in sight, you want pain that only skinny dipping in a private river after dark will fix. Reminders of youth, the sting from the current as it travels through the indents of teeth.
You would think Art had become a ferocious shark, inky pupils dripping onto Patrick's shoulder blades and toothy grins, feral and lead only by his cock at the first scent of blood he could catch. yours, Patrick’s, his. Patrick fucks your ass to the point of no return, his pace never ceasing until all you is the word “Daddy” howled out over and over. Every thrust earns art deeper inside of him, Patrick greedily rolls his hips back. In appreciation Art leans down and watches his spit highlight how cock drunk the two of you are, a see through trail trickling down both of your faces onto the pillow.
It’s like Art doesn’t have any worth until he’s fucking you and Patrick out of your minds at the same time. He hooks his chin in Patrick’s shoulder, winking down at you as he ramps up the speed of his thrusts. Patrick’s eyes tighten in pleasure-pain but any sounds he has to offer are muffled in the seams of your slick lips, you open your mouth to catch them and hoard them all. Breathy pants and whines and growls becuase Patrick may be the one getting fucked the most, but you should never forget who’s next in line to benefit from this little symbiotic expression of your relationship. You’re the atlar, solid foundation and the center of life’s devotion. Art and Patrick are the attendants, bringing you animal sacrifices in the form of their flesh and soul and hearts. In their bones and in the nerves connecting to their brain, where you all exist in an undefiled state even as fluids are spilt in between the cracks in the marble. A poor man’s kintsugi.
Patrick begs Art to cum, but you defer to Patrick when it’s your time to be a babbling brook around his thick length. Art always says yes when the other man’s balls deep in you, plus he has dibs on your pussy this week. It’s in their nature, to desire each other carnally and still keep each other entangled in steep competition even when those desires are fulfilled in excess. Art really wants a baby, you’ve been too gung ho to bounce all over the world as if it were your very own tennis court. Explaining it by using their busy careers as an opportunity, you must not know that you’re best when you’re right where they can see you. Even if they’re not there, jerking each other off to grainy security cam footage is their own bonding time. Sometimes you put on shows for them, modeling expensive lingerie that you think is going to be a surprise for their welcome home. Art always has an eye and a hold on Patrick, they both want that with you too.
“Go on,” He whispers for only Patrick’s uniquely shaped ears to hear, sorry angel. “The sooner you give our baby that nice big tangy load I know you’ve got for us, the sooner I can get their tummy swollen.”
Daddy gets his favorite kind of kisses when he floods your ass with cum, and he licks the remaining drops off your stretched rim with Art’s hand heavy on his head. You get your kisses too, from each of them until you’re sinking so far into that dreamy kind of headspace that affection from you means you lazily smack your lips together and call it a job well done. Fuzzy voices coo at you that it was indeed a job well done, squelching noises accompany Patrick reluctantly pulling out. You both whine the exact same way, Art beams and shushes you, using Patrick’s bruised ass to get rock hard and wet again for your puffy pussy.
“Just like that, fuck! Should have taken a picture, don’t you think? Make it last longer, keep you useful.”
All talk, as long as he’s alive he’ll have use. Existence breeds obsession, split three ways, the way some god intended. Like calls to like, moths to flame, water to silent desert rock, bleeding knuckles to piping hot iron, copper to silver, bones to soil, ball to grass-clay-concrete court.
Patrick hates it when you and art fight, turning him into a scared puppy. He doesn’t say to your face that he agrees with Art, that you shouldn’t leave the house amidst all the stress that a possible pregnancy can bring. Stress that’s easily worked off under their touch, stuffed full of so much cum that it might as well replace your gray matter. You can’t run laps around the house despite it being what your anxiety is telling you to do. You have to wait there on the toilet, holding each of their hands as you wait for the test results. Once the necessary time has passed, you can’t overcome your nervousness and instead wait for Art to look at one of the sticks.
You barely catch a glimpse of the test result when you’re tackled. Patrick’s on you first, sucking your tongue into his mouth while cradling your head in his hands so you don’t feel it when you bump into the wall. Art chastises him of course, pulling him back by his ear to give you some space. They’re both smiling, wide and blinding white grins so dazzling that you’re worried you’ll go blind. Their reactions alone tell you more than you could ever need to know, the monarch butterflies scurry from stomach to stomach. Those teeming with life and those forever starving. Art gives you a slow kiss and hums into you, the vibrations travel down to your flexing toes. Bubbly laughter drowns out the cracks of lightning outside, baby blanket blue on fire white.
You want to be loved in a way that’s wrong and out of sorts, your arousal is heightened by what your paranoia tells you will be someone’s undoing. Yours or theirs. Both. No one really needs pure intentions to love or be loved at the end of the day, and maybe that’s something to be grateful for. There are people who can love the sin as well as the sinner. Your hormones are doing a number on you, that much is clear, if you’re philosophizing about the morals of being in love when there more than likely are none. There’s just that so much time to think, that initial fear of being left when you yourself would be too overencumbered to. Art picks up on these kinds of thoughts more often than Patrick, who’s just happy to belong somewhere and to someone. The former busies himself with the heft of your tits. Sucks the life out of your hard nipples and then some, he adores when you come begging with a dripping cunt after a late afternoon nap because you had a very good dream.
“Lie back angel, working so hard right now… you need a break, mama.” Art giggles, engaging in a riveting one on one conversation with your throbbing clit, rapidly flicking it with his tongue as he locks clear eyes with your sleepy blinks. “Pussy’s gushing like a fountain now, ‘s so chubby too, I hope you never fucking work off the baby weight.”
Later they’ll wipe you down from the shower with their tongues, slurping up the water droplets like they’re bugs hovering around an in bloom blush pink flower because they’re freaks like that. Patrick’s out on the now usual run to the nearest convenience store for your latest cravings, he’ll try it with you too no matter what it is. Art does his best, but you’re too sensitive to others being nauseous to handle seeing his skin almost cartoonishly flood with a light mossy green undertone. Fall brings a whole new array of food combinations and flavors of snack cakes just waiting for you to inhale them worryingly quickly. Art brings your focus back to him with a teasing nip to your bud, closing his lips around it and giving it a firm suck as the front door unlatches. The crinkling of plastic grocery bags reach your ears before Patrick’s corny “Honey, I’m home!” does. More single minded than a dog with his bone, the bags clatter to the floor and his shoes pound the floor on the way to where you’re cumming on Art’s face in a flash of white.
Patrick frowns, “You know I don't like you being a slut when I'm not there, now you owe me two rounds.”
Art reminds the other man that you might not have the energy for the two rounds he’s imagining, full of slapping skin and ghoulish howls, Patrick simply says that you can drift off while he ruts away. Into you or on you, so long as his puffy tip is touching some sort of skin, makes him wish he could burrow and dig a tunnel inside you. Live in one of the chambers in your heart, Art in the other, your kids in the next, a no vacancy sign boarding the last of them shut. You tilt your head to the side so he runs his nose along the faint line of your pulse. He should record the echoing rhythmic thumps for when they’re traveling and can’t sleep without their missing piece. His chest burns when the words well up and won’t come out how he needs them too, how can you express that you need to live in someone’s very dna without letting your huge dick do the talking for you? He’ll quite possibly never know, maybe a rare showing of Art riding Patrick into the center of the earth as he gasps for life saving breath will be enough for you.
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yameoto · 10 days
perv!patrick Zweig with a scent kink methinks. (OUGHHHH im having thoughts.)
imagine this mf being your roommate, and you’re just like “oh he seems nice! i hope we’re friends!”
next thing you know, you overhear him whining, and moaning right next to YOUR bed. he’s totally not jerking off using your underwear/any other piece of your clothing, sniffing it, slobbering all over the fabric—
(he would definitely cum on your underwear with no shame. and he’d had clueless when you ask him if he knows why your underwear keeps going missing). he’s obsessed with your natural scent, and lowkey hates it when you wear perfume/cologne to cover it up.
to put it lightly, he pops a boner everything he smells you. hehe 😁
good lord, i have (SO MANY. too many, actually.) other thoughts on the characters of this silly little tennis movie. you didn’t ask but..
you shall receive anyway 🫡🫵
about to fall asleep but fuuckkk. need gross nasty musky scentaddicted patrick zweig to perv on me bad.
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perv!roommate patrick w a scent kink… oh i think the concept of your musk mixing wld drive him crazy. sifting through your dirty laundry like the freak he is and pressing your damp, freshly jacked-off panties to his nose.
and yeah, he’ll lounge back in bed with one hand fisting his cock and the other rubbing your dank panties to his face, of course. but he’ll wanna wear them, too. he’ll take some sick perverted pleasure in that it’s your underwear that his balls are swamping up as he plays hours of tennis under the sun. that it’s your underwear his dick is swelling up against, darkening the fabric in spurts of his precum. that it’s your underwear he has to pull aside to give his sack room to breathe, adjusting them as he walks. and yeah. your underwear that he’ll eventually drench in several fresh loads of cum. wrapping them round his dick and moaning n bucking like wild as if he’s fucking your cunt and not the barest impression of it.
perv!roommate patrick who comes back from practice all sweaty n gross. his skin is sticky, damp clothes clinging to his body, hair plastered to his forehead like he’s just been dunked in water. and of course when he gets back the first thing he does is collapse onto your nice, clean sheets. making a show of rubbing his face into your pillow (and grinding his growing hard-on into your mattress) before you yelp. shove him off. playful.
though, it’s not like you can stop him when you’re not around. the amount of times he’s treated himself after practice; rolling around your sheets like a pig in the mud is countless. patrick’s face buried in your pillow as he huffs the scent of you. dragging his nose further, further down the mattress to press against where your crotch might be and creaming in his pants immediately. grunting like an animal as he humps your blankets n pretending it’s your face. he’s definitely jacked off in your bed, too—once or twice. don’t worry, that old t-shirt you left lying around makes for an excellent cumrag.
perv!roommate patrick just leaving his mark everywhere because maybe if you smell like him, too, then he can pretend that you’re his, for real.
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borathae · 2 days
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↳ Full Art
"Because Taehyung is currently on a business trip, you and he haven't been able to be intimate in weeks. Plagued by unbearable desire, you ask him to send you something sexy. Luckily for you, your husband is an obedient good boy with an amazing artistic sense."
Pairing: CEO!Taehyung x CEO!Reader
Genre: Smut, married life!AU
Warnings: sub!Taehyung, Dom!Reader, sexting, sending of a dick pic, kinda public sex at first because he touches himself on a balcony, phone sex, guided masturbation, mutual masturbation, lots of dirty talk, praise, good boy!kink, she uses a vibrator on herself, he uses his hands, she tells him to cum on his own briefs, he is so whiney and needy for her, guided aftercare, they're lowkey so kinky with each other
Wordcount: 4.2k
a/n: i decided to write something for the ihyily!couple again hohoho enjoy besties, this is very horny 💚 i hope you guys are enjoying my stories lately, feedback's been kinda little for all of them so i can't really tell. also big shoutout to all the lovely people who do leave feedback, i see you and love you!!! either way, enjoy my besties hehe
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You are on your back, stretching your limbs from you in the middle of your king sized bed and with your eyes glued to the sky light on your ceiling. On normal nights, you would already be fast asleep by now, but because you haven’t been with your husband in a week, you aren’t. 
The bed is too big without him. 
You miss him so much. You miss his cuddles and his kisses and his voice and his scent and his smiles and his jokes and his hugs and his everything. You huff out air in frustration. Yes, you miss his everything. 
You roll your head to the side, flipping your phone to check the time on your clock app. When one of you is on a business trip in another time zone, you always put in the zone on your apps to see what time the other is currently experiencing. 
Taehyung must currently experience early evening hours. The beginning of sundowns, the sound of people driving home from work, the scent of dinner in the air. You want to be with him. Listen to Paris get ready for sleep, eat dinner on the balcony, drink wine and play with him.
You falter for a moment. There it is again. That heavy lump in your stomach. That heavy, hot lump of build up frustration. It has been bothering you ever since the morning, making it difficult to work. If Taehyung was home, he would have already helped you take care of it. You miss him so much. In more ways than one.
Before Taehyung left for his business trip to Paris, you and he weren’t able to have goodbye sex because you were on your period and felt too shitty to be horny. You aren’t on your period anymore and you are paying the price. You keep thinking back to the last night with him where you cuddled instead of fucked. If you could turn back time, you would take him so many times in so many ways that he forgets his own name. 
Your eyes gaze at your home screen. A family pictures of you, Taehyung and your daughter. Nope. You need other pictures, now is Not the time for family pictures. You need to see him and only him. In the kind of ways only you get to see him. You open your pictures and the folder you titled “my stinker”. It contains pictures solely of Taehyung. Be it random candid pics, posed pictures or all the selcas he sends you. There are too many of them and you are currently getting lost in them. 
He is so handsome and cute and pretty and sexy and handsome and, and, and. 
You huff out air. You want to bite his cheek and feel him up, but you can’t. It’s fucking unfair. 
Missing him unbearably, you open your messages next. Your text is typed within seconds.
-          You: do you have time?
Taehyung’s answer comes moments later.
-          My handsome ♡: I do, but why are you still up? 
It is currently one in the morning where you are. You normally fall asleep at eleven, sometimes even ten because being a working CEO and mother is exhausting even with such a supportive and involved husband as Taehyung by your side.
-          You: i can’t sleep ㅠㅠ
-          My handsome ♡: NOOOO why?
-          You: I miss you ㅠㅠ and I’m lowkey horny
-          My handsome ♡: 😪😪 
-          My handsome ♡: I understand your pain
-          My handsome ♡: 😪😪
You wiggle your toes in excitement.
-          You: are you horny too?
-          My handsome ♡: 😂😂 No, I meant that I miss you too 😂😂😂
You huff out air, feeling slightly hot in embarrassment.
-          You: sorry, I misunderstood ✊🏻😔
-          My handsome ♡: 😂😂 It’s fine ♡♡♡ 
-          My handsome ♡: I’m getting horny now that you mentioned it ;)
You feel hot in excitement. He is willing to play into it. God, you are tingling like crazy between your legs.
-          You: are you?
-          My handsome ♡: ;) yes ;)
-          You: fuck baby…
You put the phone aside for a moment to get a toy and some lube. 
You prop yourself up on your backrest and work yourself up with just two fingers first. You get to play with him. The aspect is turning you on to the point where typing becomes difficult to do with one hand.
-          You: I got a toy…
-          My handsome ♡: omg 🥵 are you using it? 
-          You: soon…working myself up
-          My handsome ♡: You’re so hot 🥵😭🥵
-          You: fuck Tae 🥵 where are you?
-          My handsome ♡: Hotel balcony. I’ve got the sun setting and a glass of wine by my side. I’m wearing your favourite sweater ;)
-          You: the green one?
-          My handsome ♡: Yes ;););)
-          You: 🥵🥵 you are seducing me
-          My Handsome ♡: 😂 only you can get horny over a jumper
-          You: Don’t judge me, you look hot in it
You take a few deep breaths. Your touch feels good. Knowing that he is sharing this moment with you really excites you. You crave something again.
-          You: Fuck Tae, send me something sexy please 👉👈
-          My handsome ♡: Something sexy? Like this?
A selfie of him arrives next. He is looking into the camera with half-lidded eyes and his lower lip between his teeth. The golden light of the setting sun gives his hair and skin such a sexy glow to them. On the lower corner of the picture, glimpses of his green sweater are visible.
You bite your lower lip and let out a frustrated whimper. You want to crawl through your phone and eat his entire face. He is so fucking handsome.
You type your answer with shaky fingers.
-          You: I wanna tell you the nastiest things right now…
-          My handsome ♡: don’t hold back ;)
-          You: I wanna fucking sit on your face and ride it till I cream it…I’m touching myself right now, but all I want is your tongue on me…
- You: If you’d be here right now, I’d use your pretty nose as my toy and mark it as mine. Fuck Tae, you’re so sexy…
Taehyung types for a while. Knowing him, your answer surprised him despite your initial warning. He is a little shy cutie after all. You stay online until he finally answers you.
-          My handsome ♡: omg…
You smile, feeling your stomach tingle. All this time of typing and his flustered brain came up with “omg”. If you didn’t need him before, you need him like crazy starting now. Your fingers speed up between your legs. He is so sexy.
-          My handsome ♡: This just made me hard omg…
-          You: Show me fuckk I need to see
You are panting as you wait for the picture. Taehyung went offline, which means he is taking it with his phone camera. He will probably take a while because he is very particular about the kind of nudes he sends you. You have a folder of them on your phone, hidden behind a passcode only you know. He also never sends you nudes without getting asked or warning you, which makes them so much sexier. You can’t wait to see how he is going to show you his pretty cock.
The picture arrives with one singular emoji under it.
-          My handsome: 🥺
It taunts you. Of course he is acting like that when he literally just sent you his dick. You download the picture, opening it with bated breath. One you release in a moan once the view presents itself to your eyes.
He is pulling his beige pants down, exposing his shaft and pubes. His hand is in the picture, his green sweater is as well. The picture is clearly taken outside, judging by the warm, sunset-esque colours. He took it on his balcony.
You try to text him, but then get too needy to do so. You send him a picture back. Two of your fingers buried deep inside you. You are all wet and puffy, presenting yourself for his viewing pleasure. He sees it and goes offline instantly.
A second later your phone rings. It’s him.
You pick up without hesitation.
“Hey there”, you try to sound nonchalant, but your voice is just slightly raspy from arousal.
Taehyung is panting. You know that he is struggling with his words because of you.
“Can I touch myself, please?” he croaks, sending jolts of excitement through you. He is such a good boy asking for permission like that.
“You wanna touch yourself?”
“Yes. Oh god, you’re so sexy”, he groans.
“Mhm…you’re sexier”, you purr and turn on the toy. You hold it close to the phone so Taehyung can hear.
His breathing speeds up. His chair creaks in the background as he clearly shifts in it.
“Please”, he begs quietly.
“Soon. Listen to me push it inside, yeah?”
“Yes, Madam. Oh god, you’re so sexy, I’m going insane.”
You drag the toy through your folds twice then finally thrust it into you, moaning loudly as it fills you up. Taehyung moans with you, turning you on like crazy.
“Tae…baby…I’m so wet, fuck…it fills me up so good…”
“Can, can I touch myself now?”
“Not yet, be patient.”
Taehyung whines, motivating you to move the toy inside you. God, you love when he is needy for you.
“Mhm Tae… I’m fucking myself with it. Almost feels like you.”
“Oh god, I’m so hard”, he whines, “please can I at least take it out?”
“Are you outside?”
“I am”, he has his sexy voice on. God, you want him so bad. 
“And you still wanna take it out?”
“Yes please, hurts so bad.”
“Poor boy.”
Taehyung whines, breathing shakily afterwards. You take out the toy and thrust it back inside, giving him a delicious moan. You know for a fact that he can hear the vibrations and how wet you are around the silicon shaft.
“Please Madam…” he begs with an obvious pout on his lips.
“How much do you want it?”
“So much. I miss you, please I’m horny too.”
“I love it when you talk like this. Fine, take it out.”
Taehyung thanks you in a breathy moan, lifting his hips so he could pulls his pants over his butt. He lets it punch up under his balls, wrapping his long fingers around his cock. It glows prettily in the sunset light, begging to be touched.
“Now listen to me, okay?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“Are you holding it right now?”
“Feel up your shaft for me, but leave out your tip.”
Taehyung follows your orders, guiding his fist around his length. It feels good, but leaves him desperate. His tip is his favourite spot, it’s so sensitive and reactive. Having to leave it out feels like torture. He breathes heavily into the phone, giving you little whimpers each time his fingers have to stop right under his frenulum.
“For how long do I have to do that?” he asks hopefully.
“Until I tell you otherwise”, you dismiss him and bury the toy deeper, “fuck Tae seriously, this toy feels fucking amazing. It’s hitting the right spots.”
“Oh god.” He ogles his own cock and his fingers right under his tip. Maybe if he controls his voice well enough, you won’t find out that he is touching his tip. His fingers itch in the desire to disobey. One little movement… just one….
“You feel better tough, fuck I’m thinking about you and how you fuck me. You’re always such a good boy for me, Tae sweetie.”
Taehyung moans, moving his hand away from his tip as quickly as possible. What was he thinking? He doesn’t misbehave, he is your good boy. He bites down on his lower lip and keeps his touch focused on nothing but his shaft despite how leaky his tip gets because of it.
“Are you my good boy, Tae sweetie?”
“Yes, Madam. I’m your good boy”, he keens, nodding his head vigorously.
“Of course you are…are you wet for me?”
Taehyung looks at his tip. It is flushed red with pearls of excitement leaking from his slit. If you were here right now, you’d play with it or lick it off of him. Taehyung rolls his head back slightly at the fantasy, whimpering his answer.
“I’m wet for you.”
“You are…” You increase the vibrations, opening your legs further. “Take some of it and taste it for me.”
Taehyung obeys your orders, letting you listen to him as he licks his finger. He moans softly as he does it, acting slobbier than he needs to just so you have something good to listen to. Your breathing speeds up, your heart races. It sounds as if he is between your legs sucking and licking your clit.
“Does it taste sweet, baby?” you ask him shakily.
“Yeah, sweet”, he purrs, flicking his tongue against his own thumb.
“Fuck Tae, do it again.”
Taehyung obeys, licking and sucking on his fingers as if he was feasting on your pussy. You talked about sitting on his face and creaming his tongue and he is hellbent on making the fantasy as real as possible.
“It tastes so good, Madam”, he lulls.
“I wanna fucking sit on you, fuck.”
The desperation in your voice makes him tingle. He is needy too, but you sound feral. If he wasn’t such a good boy for you, he’d tell you a bratty little comment about your state. But instead of teasing you, he begs again.
“Can I touch my tip now, please?”
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
Taehyung acts instantly, wrapping his fingers tightly around his cockhead to pump it. He moans loudly, rolling his head back and closing his eyes.
“Thank you, ah…feels so good…”
“Slow down.”
His obedience comes before his mind can even register what his hand was doing. He slows down, keeping the movements as minimal as possible. The whimper he lets out makes you speed up in return.
“It’s so slow…”
“I know baby, I know. Keep it like this until I tell you otherwise.”
“It’s hard, mhhmmm.”
“Be my good boy, baby. I know you wanna be my good boy.”
“Yeah..good boy…”
You smile in bliss. He is so perfect. Even now that he is so desperate, he still listens. You could probably tell him to stop and put his cock back into his pants and he would listen. Your stomach tingles. What a good idea actually.
“Tae sweetie?”
“Yes, Madam”, he gets out between his heavy breaths.
“Stop touching yourself and put your pants back on.”
“What?” he sounds devastated.
“Go on, you heard me.”
“Why? Please…”
“By my good boy, baby.”
You hear him whimper in frustration followed by agonized sounds of him having to stuff his raging boner back into his pants. You throb around the toy at the aspect. He is such an obedient boy for you. It’s difficult to hold back on your orgasm when he is acting like that.
“I did it. I don’t know why you made me do that, but I did it”, he tells you with the biggest pout ever.
“Send me a pic.”
“Wait”, he is still clearly pouting.
Moments later your phone vibrates. You put him on speaker and open the picture he sent. He actually put his pants back on. The light material stretches around his boner, barely wanting to keep it in. A dark spot has appeared on the fabric where his tip can’t stop leaking.
You laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” he sounds distressed.
“Oh it’s nothing, I’m just laughing ‘cause you actually did it.”
“You told me to”, he is almost sassy in the way he talks back. Sassy but also very frustrated.
“Mhm I did. I was just messing with you.”
“___”, he gasps, making you laugh and moan at the same time.
“Okay, okay fuck stop whining, it’s making me cum.”
“No, you’re so mean. It hurts to have it inside”, he continues whining.
“Fuck Tae, keep talking and I’m gonna cum.”
“I, I…really?” he whimpers.
“Yes, fuck”, you pull the toy out, groaning in agony, “fuck that was so close.”
He takes a deep breath, squeaking as he breathes out.
“Please can I touch myself again? Please?”
“Go inside first.”
“Why do you wanna tease me today?”
“Just feeling like it.”
“Oh god.”
Taehyung keeps the balcony door open, now standing in his hotel bedroom with a hard-on in his pants and his head dizzy in need.
“I’m inside. Please can I touch myself now?”
“Get naked first.”
He puts the phone on speaker and starts undressing. He is in the midst of sliding off his sweater when you stop him.
“Keep the sweater on. I’ll ask for a picture of proof.”
“I’m already naked then.”
“Yes? Good boy. Send me a picture of your cock, keep the sweater in the angle.”
Taehyung obeys your orders, using the sound of your heavy breathing and little moans as motivation. The picture he takes is definitely not his most artistic masterpiece. It is a little blurry because he can’t stop his hands from shaking. Your loud reaction is satisfactory enough however.
“Fuck, look at you. I wanna sit on it. God, wanna fucking choke on it and make it squirt.”
Taehyung feels weak in the knees. It aches not to touch himself.
“Does this mean I can touch myself again? Please? Maybe? Please, please?”
“Soon. Put your briefs on the bed and do it over them, okay?”
He obeys your orders even if he is confused. He lays out his briefs and begins pumping his cock above them.
“I’m doing it, Madam”, he moans, feeling blurry. His touch is electric, his cock so sensitive.
“Good boy. Keep touching yourself. I want you to cum on them and then mail them to me.”
His knees buckle. He has to use the mattress to catch himself and push his own faltering body back into a standing position. He leaks heavy droplets of pleasure, feeling his pulse throb in his cock.
“What?” he squeaks.
“You heard me. Repeat it to me.”
“You want me to.” He gasps and whimpers. “Want me to cum on them and.” He keens your name. “And mail them to you.”
“That’s right.”
“Madam, this is getting me close.”
“I know it is. Don’t stop. Focus your touch on your tip.”
“I am”, he whines.
“Good boy. Keep telling me how close this is getting you.”
“It won’t take long.”
“Good boy, keep going.”
The line fills with your shared moans. He is so loud and breathy while you answer him in purrs and drawn-out moans. You both have your eyes closed, minds racing with images of shared moments together. If you concentrate hard enough, it almost feels as if you were fucking each other right now. As if Taehyung was pumping his cock deep into you, hitting the best spots over and over again.
“Fuck Tae, keep going baby. So good”, you moan, arching your back.
“Can I move my hips please?”
“Whatever you need baby, just keep moaning for me.”
Taehyung chases the pleasure instantly, fucking his own fist as if he was fucking you. He moans louder for you, feeling his sense of reality blur.
“You’re so tight tonight”, he gets out.
“I am?”
“Yeah, so tight. Ah!”
“Just for you baby, my good boy”, you moan, meeting his movements with needy rolls of your hips. Not that he is actually with you, but it feels like it.
You and he are so far gone in the fanatsy, the distance is no longer there. It’s just you and him. 
“Love fucking you, baby. Love it so much…aahmmm….”
“Madam…ah…love it too…”
It is Taehyung who breaks the fantasy first. His instincts told him to open his eyes and look at you and so he did only to be met with an empty bed and his hand around his own cock.
“I miss you”, he whimpers.
You open your eyes to his flushed face only to be met with the ceiling instead. Your stomach tightens.
“I miss you too”, you get out, “Tae, it felt like you were there.”
“For me too”, he confesses, “I’m really close, just letting you know.”
You laugh breathily, “fuck, you’re so good. Such a good boy. Tell me three things you love about yourself and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
“My, my eyes and my hands and my…my nose.”
“Cause I can grind on it?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers, nodding his head vigorously.
“Shit, so hot. Where are you touching yourself right now?”
“My tip. It’s so wet, Madam.”
“So sexy, fuck. Keep talking to me.”
“My, my cock is so flushed. I’m so red at the tip.”
“Fuck, so hot. Ah Tae”, you moan, rolling your eyes back in delight as you bury the toy as deep as possible to draw circles with it. Your voice pitches, only coming out as gasps.
Taehyung speeds up his hand, furrowing his brows at the perfect sounds you let out.
“Are you feeling good, Madam?”
“Yeah…so good…hitting the right spot.”
He exhales shakily, moaning deeply.
“I’m leaking on my briefs, Madam.”
“Shit. Tae. Woah fu-fuck.”
“It’s all over my fingers too. They’re so wet and sticky, Madam.”
“Tae. Baby”, you whimper, tightening around the toy.
“I can’t stop leaking, Madam”, he mewls for you, jerking his cock loud enough that you can hear the wet mess he makes.
“I’m cumming”, you get out and feel the knot burst. All you can gasp is his name, body shaking out of control as your high takes over.
Taehyung moans with you, scrunching his face in agony from holding back. He wants to cum with you, but knows that you never gave him permission to do. So he is left moaning prettily for you and listening to you floating on absolute bliss.
You come down with curses and shaky gasps for air, ending it with a disbelieved “damn”.
“Fuck, can I cum? Please?” Taehyung begs, feeling delirious in frustration. He genuinely can’t do this for long anymore.
“Cum for me, baby.”
“Yes. oh god yes. Madam, yes. ___, yes, yes, yes”, he chants and breaks with one last squeak of your name, emptying his heavy balls all over his briefs. He twitches and shakes, throwing his head back as your name repeatedly leaves him.
“Good boy. Cum for me. Good boy”, you talk him through it, tingling in your afterglow. Listening to his orgasm is truly the best way to calm down after your own intense high.
“I’m done. Can, can I stop?” he soon begs, sounding stressed. You know that his sensitive cock is burning in overstimulation.
If he wasn’t such a good boy tonight, you would have told him to keep going.
“If you have to. You were such a good boy tonight, you can choose yourself.”
“I’m stopping. Sensitive”, he says and the wet squelching stops. He breathes out shakily, mumbling a ruined, “holy fuck.”
“Mhm, liked it?”
“Yeah, liked it.”
“Did you cum on your briefs?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“Good boy”, you praise and sigh in contentment, “lie down for me, sweetheart.”
He obeys, letting his head sink into the pillow. He takes one of them and hugs it to his chest. He purrs happily.
“Yeah, just missing you.”
“I miss you too.” You sit up to discard the toy and clean yourself. “Do you have a tissue by hand?”
“Yeah, by the nightstand.”
“Clean yourself for me.”
He obeys, giggling quietly.
“I’m sensitive.”
“Be careful, yeah?” you chuckle fondly.
“Yes, Madam. Oh god, I’m so giddy. You fucked me so good.”
“I feel giddy too. You were such a good boy for me.”
Taehyung giggles, snuggling back into the pillows and kicking his feet giddily. He loves being your good boy.
“Do you actually want me to mail you my briefs?”
You laugh, “I think I was just being unhinged there. I feel like it would start to smell funny before it can get here.”
“Right”, he agrees, laughing with you, “oh god”, he exhales, “this was actually so sexy. I’m still dizzy.”
“I’m glad you liked it. I was kinda feeling myself.”
“I was feeling you too. You’re such a good talker.”
You wiggle your toes in giddiness, feeling really good inside. He always knows what the say to make you feel like the sexiest Dom ever.
“God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You and he smile, hugging the pillows you are holding closer. If you concentrate hard enough, it almost feels as if you are hugging each other.
“Mhm, I’m so comfy. This is exactly what I needed.”
“Me too. I was thinking about you before you texted me. It’s been a week since I left and I kept thinking about our last night together.”
Your heart flutters. You and he are so similar.
“You did?”
“Tae, I regret not fucking you that night.”
“God, don’t say that”, he says, having to giggle.
You smile, “you’re cute.” A yawn interrupts you.
“Are you tired?” he asks.
“Mhm, yeah.” Another yawn. “I know it’s not really night at your place yet, but can you stay with me as I fall asleep?” you ask him.
“Of course, my sweetheart. Can I tell you about my day?”
“Please tell me. I wanna know everything, my sweetheart. I might doze off in the midst of it though.”
Taehyung laughs, “that’s okay. I don’t mind.”
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Hello! I really love your works sm, can i request a sfw or nsfw head cannons of the angels from WHB? Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked them!! So I’m tryna write the angels as best I can Gabriel is the only one I’ve met outside of a event, I’ve seen the other two in the Halloween event! I like em but ngl they have…unique kinks I needed to google hifth
I hope you enjoy!!
Over all cw: blaspheme (I think?? ((Angels worshiping you)), death (not main characters), abuse of power
Sfw/nsft hcs on Angels!
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Cw: inappropriate boners,
He basically a guard dog standing over your shoulder 24/7 to keep you safe, he calls you his ‘Lord/Lady/Highness’ and has an army of angels who think the same of you
He’s not very affectionate but if you just say ‘hold me/my hand’ or ‘kiss me’ he’d do it in a heart beat. As his God he only wants you pleased
He’s a terrible cook and somehow steals food and is terrifying good at getting away with it (it must be an angel thing??) he dosent even lie saying he made it, he’s just vague where it came from (only once have you caught him in the act and you made him apologize, but the person gave him the food regardless)
He dust a lot in your home and you cant help but notice the ‘home made’ duster he ‘found’ has feathers matching his wings…
Canon Kink: Hierophilia; deriving sexual pleasure from religion, religious places and objects as well as find the act itself religious
He enjoys watching you participate in religious activities…maybe too much. He also finds pleasure in treating you as his god.
You jokingly thought of making him go to church, only for him to jump at the chance. He lowkey regretted it when you didn’t touch him, and made him stay squirming in his seat instead of helping him get off. He for whatever reason thought you’d let him jerk off or would touch him yourself as you were holy, nothing you did was wrong but…touching himself in this place is
You’ve actually caught him touching himself to you praying before, he got bashful upon getting caught but you swear you’ve heard him doing it after that, you just don’t catch him in the act (though you’ve caught him awkwardly standing by and adjusting himself)
He’s got a adorablely small and sensitive cock and he genuinely doesn’t need it touched to cum, roll it between your fingers for a few minutes and he’s trembling as he spills out all his cum
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Cw: murder, inappropriate boners
He’s strict with everyone around you, but not you, in his eyes you are the law since he serves only you, you cant do wrong
He’s terrible if you have guest, he demands they now to you and though he’ll settle if you tell him to, he watches them like a hawk and makes sure nothing gets out of hand
You see that leash? If you get mad and pull on it, he will calm down and you have his full attention, give it another tug downwards, and he’ll drop to his knees in front of you, and anyone else in the room
He likes brushing and styling your hair, he’ll try to help you bathe, insisting you don’t need to lift a finger, he will take care of everything, just relax
Canon Kink: Erotophonophilia; ‘Muder kink’, deriving sexual gratification from killing or watching someone get killed (BOY IS THIS A HARD KINK TO CASUALLY WORK WOTH)
If push comes to shove he has a habit of killing people who harass you too much/threaten you, but he gets…really excited afterwards and is pressing his thighs together to hide his erection, especially if you’re clearly not in the mood
You’ve seen him get in fights while still aroused from the last kill an honestly, when in public you sometimes just force a chastity cage on him to discourage him acting out
Though he believes self pleasure, or just the act in general is…sinful, he will do anything for you with no qualms, he only feels good when you touch him anyway
He suffered from wet dreams whenever you’re around him or he has objects with your scent
When he want to fool around desperately he will walk right up to you, kneel and beg you to touch his neither regions, stroking, slapping, pinching, doesn’t matter as long as you touch him
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Cw: messy kitchens, messy person, furniture abuse,
He’s messy and kinda gets annoying at times since he discovered how much fun it is to smash condiment packages
He’s good about cleaning, and he even cooks to make up for the mess…but he’s a sloppy cook too but at least it’s not intentional this time
He doesn’t understand that the furniture isn’t trying to hurt you and doesn’t need to be punished. He’s broken threee tables, one bed post and five chairs since he’s moved to being your ‘Guardian Angel’, all for tripping you or you stubbed your toe on them
He’s not affectionate but he’s not distant, he just follows your lead, he stands close by and if you ask him to come over he flops in your lap and looks up at you like a puppy. He likes when you watch tv and let him lay across your lap, he falls asleep easily that way
Canon Kink: Automysophilia; getting sexual gratification from defiling oneself, being dirty or defiled
He enjoys getting messy with cum, blood, dirt, just about anything. He will be blissed if you strip him and cover him in…well it’s up to you ;)
He has no qualms with jerking off in front of you if you don’t want to touch him while he’s too messy, but he wants you to be fully clothed while he’s sprawled out naked in front of you
He’s fucked slime before since it feels…weirdly good around his shaft, to the point he gets excited when he sees it around the house. You had to punish him for thinking he could ‘fool around’ with it then hide it away again
He’s got a very sensitive halo, while other angels get off to them being touched like a devils horns, he avoids it since it brings him to his knees in seconds
388 notes · View notes
tiredmamaissy · 1 year
hey beautiful, could i request a sub neteyam x reader (wifey) with an exhibition, spitting in mouth and degradation kink.
context: neteyam is oblivious to flirting from other females. so, reader decides to make it a point to show everyone neteyam's is theirs.
love love love your work. thanks for providing the neteyam spice that we all need 🤌🥰
Hide and Peek
a lil sumn sumn for y'all before bed
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Neteyam Sully (20) x Omatikaya Reader Y/N (19) Warnings: NSFW, degradation kink, spitting in mouth, exhibition, oral sex, foot stuff, knotting, sub neteyam
Word Count: 3.5k Authors note: My first ever request. This is a softer version of exhibition, etc. as public things are sort of a trigger me, so I hope this is okay, anon! :) lowkey got into it at the end, though.
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It’s been a few weeks since you and the Sully family have sought uturu in the Metkayina village, Awa’atlu. At first, the people were wary of all of you, thinking that providing you guys with a sanctuary would bring danger upon their people. However, after pulling your weight and adapting well to their way of life, they’ve become accepting of you and the Sully family. You and Neteyam have been so focused on adapting that your intimacy has taken quite a hit, to the point where the Metkayina people think you’re apart of the family, rather than Neteyam’s mate.
You sit in the sand next to Kiri, soaking up the warm rays of the sun that beats on your bodies.
“I could definitely get used to this. It’s not too bad here.” You say, digging your toes further into the sand. Kiri giggles, and shakes her head. “Nothing will compare to home. But I will admit that here is nice. Look around us, Eywa keeps on giving.” She takes a deep breath, savoring the scent of the ocean. You close your eyes and dip your head back, listening to the waves crash into the shore. It’s so serene that you feel like you’re going to fall asleep any second, when you hear three voices behind you.   “Yeah. That Neteyam boy is cute. I’m glad he’s unmated... because I would mate with him.” Alira says, smiling to herself.
You look at Kiri, and scoff. “Forget what I said.” “Yeah? Well, I’d do way more than just mate with him.” Maru smirks. “Me too. I’d spit in his mouth and dominate the fuck out of him.” Vineya laughs, looking down at her feet.
Maru looks at Vineya. “Okay that’s a bit far… I’d probably just call him a few dirty names and put him in his place. He looks like he wants to be tamed.” She giggles.
“Well, I’d take his knot happily. It must be huge… he’s so tall and muscular. I just want to eat him up.” Alira mumbles to herself. “Definitely. I’d eat him alright. Probably have him eat me too.” Vineya moans softly, getting excited. “Maybe we can all share him then.” Maru suggests. “Shit. He’s coming, shush!” The words coming out of their mouths set a fire deep in your chest. Jealous isn’t a good enough word to describe the burning sensation inside your chest. You’re so livid that you feel like getting up and putting them in their place for talking about your mate like an object. He is not unmated. He is your mate, and he has been since he became a man. Kiri rests a hand on your thigh, as if to say, ‘don’t listen to them’. Her touch brings you back to reality. You shake your head, trying to get their words out your head.
Neteyam walks over to you guys, braids swaying side to side, and calls for you. “Kiri. Y/n.”
He glances at Kiri, and then at you, looking you up and down whilst smiling. He’s happy to see you. Likewise. You both stand up to greet him.  “Brother. Coming to disturb us I see.” Kiri rolls her eyes. “Hey, you.” You walk towards him, returning the smile. “Just coming to check up on you two.” Neteyam says, resting a hand on your lower back. “Yeah. We all know who you’re actually here to check up on.” Kiri shakes her head, turning around to go sit back down in the sand. “I guess that’s my cue to leave.”
Neteyam laughs. “I cannot say she is wrong. I have been missing you. Dad has me watching Lo’ak, sorry I have been away so often.” He leans into you, moving his hand to your waist.
The simple touch feels so good; it’s been too long. You see the group of girls watching you guys intently. They talk among themselves, trying to encourage each other to come over and make a move.
You lean into your mate, and tippy toe, brushing your lips against his ear ever so slightly. He holds onto your waist a little tighter, providing you with some support, as he tilts his head down.
“Eclipse. Our spot. I miss you more, by the way.” You whisper in his ear, although it was more of a moan, and drop back to the flat of your feet. He turns to you, brows raised, and a grin plastered on his face. He stares at your lips - his way of saying ‘understood, my mate’. The girls make their way over and Neteyam loosens his grip around your waist to acknowledge the oncoming company. Neteyam was raised to be a gentleman, so he greets and speaks kindly to all people, even the ones with an ulterior motive. Typically, this means he’s oblivious to all flirting outside of yours – he couldn’t quite understand why someone would flirt with a mated man. He greets them with a smile, like a gentleman, which sends the wrong message. Strike one. Their approach is aggressive, causing you to take a step back as they surround your mate. You see red, the heat now radiating from your chest to the rest of your body. Did they not just see you touch your mate? Whisper in his ear? Him grab you by the waist? What more do they need, you to fuck him in front of them? Not a bad idea, y/n. You smile to yourself, and then at them. “Hey…” he looks at each one of them up and down as they circle him. Strike two. “Hey, mighty warrior” Vineya speaks, brushing her hand over his bicep. “You are a warrior, yes? You have the body of one” Neteyam laughs with her awkwardly, “Yes... I am”. “Hi. Do all Omatikaya people have braids?” Alira asks, twirling her finger around one of his braids, completely ignoring Kiri’s hairstyle. Neteyam is taken aback by the physicality, but puts it off to curiosity. “Not all of us, no.” He examines the girl intently. Strike three. “My name is Maru, hi.” She looks at his tail, stroking it from base to tip. “Your tail is so different... aren’t you slower in the water?” she asks. He chuckles uncomfortably and steps back, inching his way back to you. “Uh, somewhat. I am getting the hang of it, though.” He smiles at them and turns around to face you. “Y/n. I must go, dad is expecting me soon.” He smiles at you, tucking a braid behind your ear. “Kiri, I’ll see you later.” He waves at her, and then the group of girls. “Bye Neteyam! Hope to see you again soon!” The girls say in unison. Kiri rolls her eyes for a second time. “No respect.” She grabs your hand and pulls you towards your Marui pod.
To her surprise, you smile at her with a twitching eye, and say "Give me a minute.” You approach the girls who are gushing over your mate, once again. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, girls. I’m y/n.” you greet them. “Neteyam… he’s quite the catch, isn’t he?” They all greet you, looking you up and down. “He is. Any way that you could set us up?” They laugh again. “Yeah. Definitely.” You shrug your shoulder, smiling with them. “Y/n!” Kiri whisper calls for you, with confusion plastered all over her face. You move your hand discreetly to your back and shoo her away. “Sorry for my sister, she’s ready to go home.” You smile. “Anyways, as I was saying. There is a spot that I know about that Neteyam likes to go for some ‘alone time’. No one else is really allowed to follow him there, but I could show you guys.” You lean into their circle and whisper, “but you have to keep hidden, and quiet – very quiet.” They all quiet down and huddle into you, as if they were being told a secret. “Okay. We will be” They whisper, grinning with excitement. You pull back. “Good. Meet me here right before the eclipse, and I’ll show you where it is.” You smile, taking some strides backwards. “See you girls later.” You take Kiri’s arm and walk away quickly. “What are you thinking?” Kiri interrogates you. “I’m going to teach them a lesson. A lesson that’s obviously needed.” You say, dropping your mask and showing her your true feelings. “And how exactly are you going to do that?” Kiri asks, rolling her eyes for a third time. “You don’t want to know the details. Trust me.” You fume, breathing heavily.
When you get to the shore, you see the three girls huddled together talking amongst each other. The sky is getting dim as the eclipse is fast approaching. You walk over to them. “Hey girls.” You nudge your head in the direction of the rocky coast. “Follow me” You call for your ilu.
They come willingly, excited to spy on Neteyam. You all bond with your ilus and make your way over to the secluded spot, a small open cave, nestled in a sea of rocks by the mangroves. When you all arrive, you see Neteyam waiting patiently for his mate, his bioluminescence glowing in the darkness. Seeing your mate took your breath away, as it did for everyone else, too. You were ready to take him and make him yours all over again. You all hide behind the curves of the mangroves, peaking through the cracks of the roots. They’re mesmerized by this glowing body, as he starts to remove his hunting knife from his hip. He fiddles with his loincloth, repositioning it before he makes his way into the water. Spying on your mate like this arouses you, your already wet loincloth becomes wetter from your slick. You fall back, and swim quietly away from the girls, making your way towards a hidden hole in the mangroves that lead to the small open cave. You swim low and slow, keeping hidden until the very last moment, where you see your mate walking into the water. You slowly emerge out of the water, just as he’s crotch deep. In your direct line of sight is his cock, imprinting out of his wet loincloth. Brushing your face against his bulge, you stand slowly looking deep in his eyes. You make your way to the shallow end of the cave, backing him up against the rocky wall.
“Hey, mighty warrior.” You run your hand up his arm and squeeze his bicep. “You are a warrior, yes?” you lean into his chest, and kiss his muscular breast. “You have the body of one.”
He looks down at you with a smirk on his face, knowing exactly what you’re doing. He responds with his line, “Yes... I am.” He pulls you in closer by your waist, leaning in to kiss you.   You cup his bulge suddenly, making him jolt instead. “Need help removing this?” You smile, brushing your lips against his.
“I missed you, my mate.” He moans into your mouth, moving his hands up your back.
You glance to the surprised eyes that peer through the cracks of the mangroves and smirk. “I missed you more, my love.” You look back at him and meet your lips with his.
He kisses you hungrily, allowing his hands to explore your body, running his hand along your queue. You melt into his feverish touches, rubbing his bulge eagerly.
“I want to try something new today. You trust me, yes?” you whisper into his mouth.
“I trust you, always.” He smiles, nibbling on his bottom lip.
“Good.” You twirl one of his braids around your finger, then tuck it behind his ear.
You move your hand to the base of his queue, and run it along it’s length, holding the end and bringing it between you two. You both watch his tendrils dance excitedly, while he brings your queue forward. He puts your queue against his, and both your tendrils intertwine, connecting together. The feeling is exhilarating, causing both your eyes to dilate as you sync with one another.
The girls watching feel like they're invading a deeply intimate moment between mates – because they are. They’re taken aback, whispering to each other that they didn’t know you were his mate and that they thought you were merely his sister, or some sort of family pet. As much as they want to leave, they can’t. You see them linger longer, watching the show intently.
Being watched like this gives you an adrenaline rush, bringing feelings of extreme excitement to your body, transferring it to Neteyams.  
“Why so excited?” he asks, watching you kiss your way down his body.
“Just excited to see you, babe.” Your sloppy, wet kisses reach his belly, where you play with the dips of his abs with your tongue.
His breath becomes raggedly, and his cock hardens even more.
“You’re making me rock-hard, y/n.” he says through a clenched jaw, feeling good from your kisses.
You untie the knot of his loincloth, unleashing his raging cock. You could practically hear the girls gasp at his length. You were going to give them the show of their lives. You rub your face against his cock, breathing in his musky scent. He stares down at you, with desire in his eyes. He wants you so badly, and you can feel it.
“I just want to eat you up.” you taunt, licking his cock from base to tip.
Eat me up? he thinks, confused.
“But, I prefer you eat me first.” You stand up quickly, moving him to switch positions with you.
You lean back against the wall, and rest your foot on a rock, opening your legs. “Get on your knees.” You demand him.
He looks at you, with an arched eyebrow and smiles, as if he can’t believe the words coming out your mouth. “What?”
You hear the faint giggles coming from the mangroves, as if they were saying that you couldn’t dominate your mate.
You untie your own loincloth and use it to blindfold your mate. “I said, kneel.” You say sternly.
He kneels immediately, obeying his mate’s command. His nose brushes against the soft flesh between your legs that lay open. He inhales deeply, savouring the sweet scent of your cunt.
You grab a fist full of his braids and shove his face into your pussy. “Now, eat.”
Being blindfolded, he has to rely solely on his other senses. His hands explore your thighs, while his tongue licks the flesh between your thighs, tasting the different flavours your body has to offer. Once he starts tasting the sweetness of your nectar, he laps up your juices hungrily. His nose is buried in your cunt, rubbing against your sensitive pearl, while he drinks the juices that flow out of you.
“Good boy. Fuck” you moan, rubbing your cunt against his face while gripping his head.
He’s drunk off your scent, gulping the slick that fills his mouth the more he eats you out. The water splashes against his back as he kneels and sucks on your clit, making your legs shake. You look down and see him, blind folded, making out with your cunt and it sends you over the edge.
“Ugh, f-fuck. You look like my little fuck toy sucking on my clit like that.” you purr, caressing his cheek. “Does this little toy want my cum?” you tease, feeling your climax approaching.
Yes. Fuck. He begs you.
All he can do is let throaty moans vibrate through his nose into your cunt, which brings you even closer to your peak. His breath is heavy, panting hot air into your pussy while he’s gripping your thighs as you thrust into his face, desperate to cum inside his mouth.
You dip your head back, feeling ecstasy from your mate lapping up your pussy juices, and peak at the girls watching you about to cum in his mouth. You give them a smile, and they look away in embarrassment.
“Look at me.” You demand.
They look back at you, eyes wide, looking you up and down.
He shakes his head. I can’t see, y/n.
“Not you, baby boy.” You moan breathlessly, about to cum any second. The thought of them watching you face fuck their little crush makes you so, so turned on.
You can tell your mate is getting weary, as his movements are becoming more erratic, desperate for you to cum in his mouth.
“Yeah? Want me to cum inside your mouth that bad? Fuck.” You moan, shoving your pussy against his face.
The heat in your chest shoots down your spine, into your cunt, and out into his mouth.
“Oh, fuck! Cumming!” you shriek, grabbing his head and pushing it harder into your cunt.
You look down to see your mate gulping loudly, swallowing every drop of sweep nectar that drips out of your aching hole. You pull his face away from your cunt suddenly, letting him gasp for air. Strings of your cum that connect your pussy to his lips break as he sits back into the dip of his feet.
His shoulders move up and down from how hard he’s trying to catch his breath, making choking noises in the process. His hands rest on his thighs as he hangs his head, your cum still dripping down his mouth onto his chest. You’re panting too, trying to come down from your high.
“You did well, sweetheart.” You praise him.
Using a single finger under his chin to tilt his head upwards, he parts his lips, panting small, hot breaths.
“Open wider.” You command. He opens wider, tilting his head back even more, and you spit directly into his mouth. He whimpers, completely under your trance. “Swallow.”
He swallows your spit greedily, licking his bottom lip, corner to corner. Your foot presses against his bulging, throbbing cock, causing him to whine under your touch.
“Since you were such a good boy, I’ll make you feel good.” You take your mates cock between your toes, providing him with just enough friction.
The strings of precum dripping from his throbbing cockhead coat your toes in a thick slick, allowing him to thrust his hips freely.
“Work for it, my little cumslut.” He bucks his hips into your toes, moaning and whining loudly.
“Nghh... y/n. Why are you acting this way?” he asks through shaky breaths, working for his climax.
“It’s your punishment.” You state, like it was a fact.
“What did I do, baby? Mmnnh…” he whimpers, his head dipping back from being almost there.
“You don’t know?” you pull back your foot.
He thrusts against nothing into the air, still trying to chase his orgasm. “Fuck. Please, y/n.” he begs, extending his hand to touch himself.
You kick away his hand and crouch over, taking off his blind fold to reveal his watery, drunk eyes, willing to do anything to cum. “What did you think of those girls?”
“I don’t know, y/n.” he whines, “...they were friendly, I guess”
“No.” you straddle him. “They were flirting. With my mate.” You take the entirety of his pulsing, swollen cock inside your slippery cunt in one thrust, already feeling his knot emerging.
You both moan in unison, as you feel the heat of each other mix together. You look into each other’s eyes, forehead to forehead, panting from the feeling.
“That’s your problem. You think people are just being nice when really...” you lift your hips up, “...they want your huge, fucking cock.” You slam your hips against his.
His eyes squeeze shut as he dips his head back, feeling overstimulated by your walls that clench tightly around his girth. “I’m sorry, baby” he whimpers, resting his head into your bosom as he  runs his fingers up and down your back.
“You better be, you little slut.” You whine on his knot while you breath into his ear, “make it up to me... and give me this fat knot of yours.”
Hearing these words drive him into a frenzy, fucking you erratically and moaning loudly. Just as you feel his cock heat up, trying to burrow it’s knot into your cunt, you grab his jaw and turn it towards the mangroves.
“Look at the audience while you cum inside your mate.” He looks through the cracks of the mangroves to see three, bulging, glowing pairs of blue eyes watching them.
He’s so deep into the thick, hazy fog that it turns him on even more to know that they’ve been watching him be dominated this entire time. He thrusts into you even harder, even deeper, showing them that you’re his. You lick his neck, holding his head in position while you ride out your oncoming orgasm, moaning in his ear.
“Knot me. Show them you’re mine.” You moan, feeling your cunt start to pulsate around his cock.
He’s panting, staring at the blue eyes that stare at back at him while he ruts into you relentlessly, listening to your loud moans in his ear.
“Oh – oh shit. F-fuck! Cumming. Cumming!” he lets out lengthy whines, driving his knot into your cunt, tying you two together.
You turn your head to the direction of their glowing eyes, and smile, planting wet kisses all over your mates face, as he gasps for air. “That’s a good boy. I hope you learnt your lesson. All of you.”  
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Photo creds: sberrymango (on insta)
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flowerinjuries · 1 year
Heyoo, can you do yuta as bf just like the one you did for Mark?
yuta as a boyfriend <3
the soft side:
oh this guy was crushing on you so hard before you two started actually dating
to him it was like love at first sight
did not hesitate to be a flirt
i’m sure he asked you out in a cheesy romantic way with flowers and a huge grin on his face
at the start of the relationship he’s just really giggly and soft
holds doors open for you
he likes to take candid pics of you because you’re just so cute
he just wants to remember the small moments spent with you
he definitely shows you off
loves seeing you wear something sexy and acting confident when you two go out
such a laid back boyfriend
he knows you’re his so he doesn’t really get jealous besides you both know no one can fuck you better than yuta
anyways you definitely love bragging about him to your friends
they all agree he’s so good to you and makes you so happy
yuta is lowkey a romantic
loves doing traditional things like holding your hand and paying for you
he’s also like your personal chauffeur
loves to go on long destination-less drives with you
especially at sundown and nighttime
you know his hand is gripping your thigh as you sit in his passenger seat
this man glances over at you 24/7 just to soak in and memorize your beauty
like i said he’s really laid back
you two will have dates where you just sit on the couch listening to a new album or watching a scary movie so he can hold you when you’re scared even though he also is scared
he gets so excited when you ask him personal questions or show interest in him
he just adores your attention and loves spending time with you
has all sorts of nicknames for you like baby, angel, sweetheart, dolly.. the list goes on
he’s so fragile with you and your feelings
wipes your tears away and coddles you
he always has your back and is never afraid to stand up for you
he’s your personal hype man so he’s always cheering you on and always takes your side
loves to smother you with his hugs
you act like you’re annoyed or you can’t breathe but in reality being this close to him gives you an excuse to really take in his warmth and his amazing scent
idk why but i just know this man smells so fucking good ok
that’s why you never sleep on your own side of the bed
you just have to be as close to yuta as possible
he doesn’t mind though, he always welcomes you with open arms
he’s so cute when he’s all sleepy
random thought but i think yuta definitely wears a necklace with your name or initial on it
needs the whole world to know you’re his
and he’s just so confident too
especially since you two started dating
you definitely gave him an ego boost
i could go on and on but i feel like this is getting too long…
overall yuta is the sweetest most perfect boyfriend who you just get along with so well
all he does is uplift you and push you to do your best and be proud of who you are
yeah he’s perfect
the not-so-soft side (nsfw/18+):
a fucking sex god
the definition of brat tamer
no you’re never gonna dom this man
maybe he’ll let you, but it won’t last long
he’s super freaky and super down to try anything you want to
first and foremost he prioritizes your safety and comfort
don’t forget your safe word
ok yuta has a lot of kinks
did i mention he’s a brat tamer?
don’t you dare piss him off
piss him off anyway though because then you’ll have the best sex of your life lol
he’s sadistic and loves angry sex
i said he’s not jealous, but when he’s fucking you he is sooooo possessive
“scream my name again, yeah? remind everyone who fucking owns you”
“you think he could ever fuck you as good as me? huh? do you? what a good fucking joke, y/n. let’s see who will be laughing when i fuck you so hard you can’t even make a noise other than the sound of my name leaving your dry, fucked-out throat”
he probably fingers you with his cold silver rings still on
he likes when you tug on his hair, but he likes it more when he’s pinning your wrists down
likes it when you really can’t move :(
so that’s why he’s super into bondage
has cute pink rope he ties around your skin so tight it bruises
gags you with your own panties
after he has a taste of course
yuta gets what he wants first
loves to fuck you with his tongue
you ride his face while your hands are tied either behind your back or handcuffed to the bed
ok that’s enough
he wants to fuck your throat
“god stop fucking crying over this. how’s it gonna be once i finally fuck your sopping wet hole? what are you gonna do then? such a fucking cry baby. you can barely take what i’m giving you now, so why should i give you more?”
smacks your ass until it’s red
grips the back of your neck and forces your face into the mattress so he hears your muffled screams
just imagine him fucking into you at a really hard and fast pace as the cold necklace with your name on it hits his chest back and forth
if only you could see it though ;)
he grunts really loudly
he has such a filthy mouth
he just gets angry when his baby is bratty
someone has to put you in your place
warns you to never make him angry again after he cums all over you
you give him a look with your wet puppy eyes that promise that you’ll be good
but you both know you’re gonna act up again
yuta is the king of aftercare
cleans you up with warm towels and runs you a bubble bath
washes your hair and body for you as your body goes limp in the tub
kisses your cheeks
maybe gives you a massage too
dresses you in your pjs
combs your hair and sings you to sleep softly as you two face each other
yuta is perfect
thanks for reading! as always, asks are open! don’t hesitate to send me any thoughts you have :)
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jakes3resin · 8 days
Have we ever considered Bucky wearing perfume and Gale getting really jealous because he thinks someone else was with Bucky? Bucky showing up suddenly not wearing the cologne or aftershave that Gale has come to associate as Bucky's. Gale slowly losing his mind because Bucky keeps showing up wearing that perfume that Gale doesn't recognize. Except what if Bucky bought the perfume because he was trying to fit Gale's taste and thus doesn't understand why Gale is suddenly annoyed but likes how handsy Gale is with him now?
I mean Gale sniffed Marge's letter mighty long, sooo Bucky later went and bought perfume because he thought Gale liked when his partners smelled all floral or feminine or what have you. But Gale just lowkey has a scent kink.
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paradisiacvl · 9 months
NSFW alphabet with JEFFREY MASON.
NOTE: this is my first hc list so i apologize if it's messy!
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFTERCARE (What they’re like after sex)
Will make sure you're okay, clean you up, barrage you with kisses all over, and run you a bath/shower if you want one.
—‘B’ IS FOR BODY PART (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands and arms
He likes how strong they are and what he can do with them
He likes your entire body; waist, boobs, hips, ass, hands, mf feet even
He just thinks you're perfect
Head to toe...literally
—‘C’ IS FOR CUM (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Cums absolute buckets like??
Literally so much
Loves to cum in and on you
Loves smearing and rubbing in all of the cum he leaves on your body
He's so messy
Dirty, dirty boy
—‘D’ IS FOR DIRTY SECRET (Pretty self-explanatory; a dirty secret of theirs)
He really wants you to give him a foot or heel job, he doesn't know how to bring it up tho
—‘E’ IS FOR EXPERIENCE (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Very inexperienced
You're his first but he has a good understanding of what to do
Learned from research, watching p0rn, etc.
He watched those instructional, "how to" p0rn vids lmao
He's an eager learner, just wants to make you feel good
—‘F’ IS FOR FAV POSITION (This goes without saying, can probably include visuals)
Mating press
Cowgirl– whether he's in control or not
Legs in the air
—‘G’ IS FOR GOOFY (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's more serious but he's more relaxed with it yk? just to make it more comfortable for the both of you
Serious if he's jealousy fucking you though or smth
"God, look at this mess you're making on me, doll. Spencer couldn't do that, could he?"
—‘H’ IS FOR HAIR (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Keeps himself trimmed up, has a nice lil happy trail
Not like you can really see it tho
Carpet does not match the drapes
White pubes ofc
—‘I’ IS FOR INTIMACY (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can be very intimate, even when he's being rough.
—‘J’ IS FOR JACK OFF (Masturbation headcanon)
Masturbates a lot
To you ofc, whether he's thinking of you or using pictures of you
The amount of times he's jizzed on his phone screen is concerning
—‘K’ IS FOR KINK (One or more of their kinks)
Voyeurism; more specifically, watching you– touch yourself, bathe, or undress. It drives him crazy.
Knife play
Wants to carve his name on your lower back, give you a cute lil tramp stamp
Also wants you to suck on the handle of his knife
Scent kink
Panty fetish
Light bondage
Slight daddy kink
Spit kink
A lowkey foot fetish
Has a finger sucking fetish, he loves it when you lick and suck on his fingers. He'll do it to you too sometimes
Somnophilia (sex while you're sleeping)
Hair pulling. Loves it when you do it to him especially
Choking (giving and receiving, gives way more tho)
Impact play (spanking you)
Overstim (giving and receiving)
Orgasm control (giving and receiving)
Ear licking/sucking (giving and receiving)
Dacryphilia (likes seeing you cry from pleasure)
Wanted to learn Shibari but doesn't have the patience for the more intricate ones, but he knows one..
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He uses it to "punish" you
—‘L’ IS FOR LOCATION (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere tbh
bed, floor, couch, counter, table, against a wall, in a doorway...
He does not care
—‘M’ IS FOR MOTIVATION (What turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes he can just look at you and he gets a hard on
You being bratty, whiny, or teasing
Wearing anything revealing, but that's a given
You in dresses or skirts. I can imagine him just sticking his head underneath and eating you out like a starved man
—‘N’ IS FOR NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Age play
Coprophilia (feces)
Basically just really disgusting stuff
—‘O’ IS FOR ORAL (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves giving and receiving head but likes giving more
He loves to pleasure you, he likes to see how good he can make you feel with just his mouth alone
He likes leaving you fully satisfied
He leaves sloppy kisses all over and tongue fucks you when he goes down on you
Tells you how pretty your pussy is and how good you taste
But...he also loves the way you look with his cock stuffed in your mouth
How you kiss it or slide your mouth along the base, and how you look up at him all while doing it.
—‘P’ IS FOR PACE (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually fast and rough but switches it up to slow and rough
Will switch up paces during to tease you
If you ask to go faster, harder, etc. he obliges but not after a little teasing
He can be slow and sensual when he wants to, it's not often though
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUICKY (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn't do them often as he likes to take his time and do it right
On the occasion he just cant wait, he'll pull you away somewhere private and fuck you stupid
And like I said in my last bullet in motivation; he most definitely will stick his head up your skirt or dress and eat you out
—‘R’ IS FOR RISK (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
—‘S’ IS FOR STAMINA (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last pretty long, 3-4 rounds.
Expect him to get even more vocal the more rounds you do, you just feel so good to him
—‘T’ IS FOR TOY (Do they own toys? Do they use them; on a partner or themselves?)
Both! Loves to use them on you and for you to use them on him
—‘U’ IS FOR UNFAIR (how much they like to tease)
So unfair, loves to tease
Just likes to see you whine for him, then he'll give you what you both want
—‘V’ IS FOR VOLUME (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Very vocal, moans, groans, whimpers, and whines and doesn't care who hears
He'll want you to be vocal too, don't hold back
It spurs him on, encourages him
Boost his confidence hearing how good he's fucking you
Wants everybody to hear how good you're making him feel and how good he's making you feel
Will absolutely be calling you pretty while he's fucking into you
Talking you through your orgasms too
Tells you how good you feel, how good you are, how pretty you are, etc.
He gets so cocky after smh
—‘W’ IS FOR WILD CARD (Random headcannon(s) for the character of your choice)
He's a switch but v top leaning
He will bottom on occasion but he tops more
He really likes when you do take control, he loves the veiw
Absolutely hypnotized by his gorgeous girl topping him
Despite other ppl hc him to like degrading you, I think it would be the opposite ☝️
He doesn't like saying mean things to his love, he knows what that feels like
He likes praise, giving and receiving
Maybe I'm biased bc I'm a praise girl
He'll only degrade you if it's something you really like or if it's twisted with some kind of praise
"So pretty...such a pretty lil' slut f'me."
Loves kissing during it, likes feeling your moans and whines in his mouth
Pleasure dom?? yes!
He's a stalker and when he's watching you, he's rubbing his cock to his pretty little thing changing, showering, masturbating, sleeping, etc.
You just look so pretty doing absolutely anything, he can't get enough of you
And you have a very conveniently placed tree in front of one of your bedroom windows
He's hid in your closet while you were home jerking it too
He's such a fuckin creep <3
—‘X’ IS FOR X-RAY (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's packing idc
7.5-8 inches, has some girth
Slightly curves up and to the left, flushed pink tip
Nice, round, heavy balls
—‘Y’ IS FOR YEARN (How high is their sex drive?)
Very high, his mind is always in the gutter
Constantly wants to fuck you
You gotta pry him off you sometimes, he's so feral
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After the aftercare, he's knocked tf out.
But sometimes he'll just watch you as you're sleeping, caress your face and hair, and admire your beauty. He wonders how you could like someone like him :(
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frenchfrywrites · 3 months
it keeps repeating, will you please complete me?
Warnings: top cis male reader (implied switch), bottom Leona Kingscholar, internalized homophobia, self discovery, mild angst maybe?, gay awakening, very lowkey armpit/scent kink (?), blowjobs, eating ass, safe sex (a lil? Could be safer lmao), situationship turned relationship
“You've been staring at me a lot lately,” you'd meant it playfully, flirting with him as you've been doing for months, finally working up the nerve to call him on it. It started with little glances now and then, but for the last few weeks he's hardly taken his eyes off you. You've jerked yourself off too many nights in a row thinking about his beautiful brown eyes staring you down in the locker room.
Leona only ever willingly studies if you're there with him. He's a godawful study partner, when he does cram with you. He'll do anything but study. Usually he sleeps or bitches about something unimportant, but today he's been gazing at you— nearly unblinking— for the last 5 minutes. It's distracting.
You'd meant it lightly, trying to be cute, expecting him to blush and confess, but Leona looks scared. So often he boasts about being a predator, but right now he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
“No I haven't,” he growls, “I'm not-” he swallows, his gaze hardening, “I haven't.”
This is not the reaction you'd thought you'd get, so your brows furrow in confusion.
“Uh yes you have? It's okay,” you smile, touching his hand with your own, “I've been looking too, you know” Leona jerks his hand away.
“I'm not gay,” he insists. And that makes you pause.
“I never said you were,” you reassure, “I only said you've been looking. That's okay,” relief slowly returns to his body. He clears his throat,
“Yeah? It's not weird?” He asks, sounding so unsure it makes your heart break. You remember this, what it felt like to start looking— so to speak— for the first time.
“Not at all. You can look all you want,” you hum, smiling softly, “I'd let you touch if you wanted, too,” you admit with a hum. Leona flushes, gazing at you openly now that he has permission.
The two of you leave it at that for now. You'll bet money that whatever this is will snowball into something more, but you're content if all he wants to do is look for now. 
The conversation comes back up again, as you thought (hoped) it might. Leona comes to you after gym, once the locker room has been cleared out. His hair is up, which is an unnecessary detail to note, except for the fact that it makes him look all the more handsome in your eyes. It also reveals his face to you, leaving him nothing to hide behind. 
He stands there silently for a second, completely still beside you, his gaze heavy and predatory. Your bag is packed, and you go to grab it and leave, since he hasn't said or done anything, but the sound of Leona's voice stops you.
“You said it was okay to touch.” It isn't a question. Confusion lasts for a second and then you're nodding, remembering exactly what it was that you said to him.
“Sure.” You set your bag down and turn to him, offering your body to his curious eyes and hands.
“It's fine, as long as we don't kiss,” he decides, placing his hands hesitantly on your pecs. You hum, absentmindedly. Whatever it takes not to scare him away.
“Take your shirt off,” he demands, tugging at the fabric. You do as you're told, your hands trembling slightly and your cheeks hot with flush.
Leona pokes and prods, pressing a finger against your nipple, cupping your chest like they’re boobs, feeling up your biceps, then lifting your arm to inspect your pits. He steps into your personal space— so close you could kiss him, but you won't— squinting at the hair there.
Then his face is pressed oh so close to your armpit, and he's smelling you. You almost can't believe that he's doing this and claiming not to be into you, or men in general. It takes everything in you not to laugh at how this seems like a bad gay porno come to life.
“You smell so much different than the girls I've been with,” he hums, pulling away to look at you as he says it.
“I imagine,” your voice comes out deep and quiet. Leona licks his lips, his tail flicking from side to side. Before you can say anything more he busies himself elsewhere, taking notice of your cock tenting your gym shorts.
He tugs your pants open, peering inside, then hums, impressed. He looks up at you, seemingly for permission; you nod, granting it.
Tugging your waistband down, he wraps his hand around your cock. You sigh softly, leaning against the lockers, and reaching out to hold onto his arm to ground yourself. As if magnetized to you, Leona leans further into your space, so close you can feel his breath against your skin as he holds you in his hand.
“It's weird touching another guy's…” he trails off, leaving the words unfinished as he rubs his thumb over your tip.
“None of the girls…” he trails off again, “well, maybe some of them did have dicks, I dunno,” he seems to be talking to himself, but you hum as if you're listening, “sometimes they just wanted to suck me off, y'know?” Your heartbeat is pounding so hard in your ears that you can barely even hear him, but you nod anyway. You choke on your spit before stammering,
“Is that something you'd want to do?” And you know you're pushing hard against the lines of the imagined box that Leona has trapped himself in, but the look he's giving you right now emboldens you.
He holds you tight in his fist, glaring you down, thinking it through, and then he's shrugging and falling to his knees before you.
“Whatever, sure,” he scoffs, “I just want to see what all the fuss is about.” You nearly laugh at that, instead giving him a sincere smile.
“Yeah, I get it,” you reach over to dig a condom out of your bag, “I like giving head,” you add, passing it to him. Shock morphs into frustration on Leona's face so quickly, if you blinked you would've missed it. He snatches the condom from your hand.
“Whose dicks are you sucking?” and oh, ain't that cute. He's jealous.
“Nun'ya,” Leona scoffs, and opens the condom, ignoring your bait. As he rolls the condom onto your length you mumble “nun'ya business,” to yourself, despite him not falling for your bit.
“If you keep annoying me, I'll bite you,” he threatens, smirking while showing off his canines. You tug on his hair, and Leona laughs out loud.
“So…” he hesitates now that he's so close to your cock, “what do I do?”
“What do you like?” you prompt, holding his head softly, mostly to have something to do with your sweaty, shaking hands. Leona returns his attention to your dick, sizing it up, before kissing his way from your tip down to the base. His hands station themselves awkwardly on your thighs, his thumbs digging into your inner thighs, causing a tingle to run along your skin.
Leona inhales your scent, completely beside himself, then sucks your head into his mouth. He'd joked earlier about his teeth, but he's very conscious of keeping them clear of your dick as he sinks you deeper into his throat.
He's a natural, taking you deep into his throat, sucking and swallowing around you like he's been dying to get a taste of you. His eyes flutter shut and his tail sways steadily from side to side as he begins to bob his head up and down along your length.
“Fuck,” you hiss, “feels good.” Leona hums at the praise, laving his tongue along the underside of your cock. He pulls up to suckle on your tip, taking a moment to catch his breath. His hand comes to stroke the bit of you that's not occupying his mouth.
You're unable to hold back soft moans and whimpers as he sucks you off, and they echo along the locker room walls. Thank god you're the only two in here.
Leona's quick to get you back down his throat, choking a bit along the way, but quickly recovering. If you weren't so focused on him you might've missed it, but you catch the soft purring coming from him. You rub the spot behind his ears, far too affectionate for what he's doing and how he came about doing it, but Leona leans into your touch, moaning along your length.
“Shit, I'm not gonna last much— hah — longer,” you confess. Leona hums in acknowledgement, bringing one hand to fondle your balls. “Leona,” you gasp, warning him as a shudder courses its way through your body, and then you curl forward, caging him in and holding his head flush against your cock while you fill the condom.
It's only when your body feels limp and sluggish with post-orgasmic haze that you release him and lean back against the lockers.
Leona coughs once your soft cock leaves his mouth, peeling off the condom, tying it off, before tossing it into the nearest trash can. You reach a hand out to help him up, and Leona takes it, shakily rising to his feet. He's hard, his cheeks flushed as he wipes drool from his chin. Pride is radiating from him as he gives you a smug grin.
“Yeah,” he coughs again, his voice thoroughly fucked, “I get why girls wanna do that.” Again, Leona doesn’t give you the chance to get a word in edgewise before he's turned around, and is swiftly making his way out of the locker room. “Thanks,” he calls just before the door can close behind him.
You stare at the door for a solid minute before tucking yourself back into your pants and sighing so loudly it echoes against the walls. You're so fucked for indulging in whatever the hell you've got going on with him. But if it leads to him blowing you more, you really can't complain.
“You said you suck dick?” Leona's question comes so suddenly out of nowhere, and he says it so nonchalantly that for a moment you honestly believe you've misheard him. The two of you are in the middle of a chess game in Leona's room, having not spoken about him sucking on your dick since it happened a couple of days ago. If it weren't for the evidence of your missing condom, you might've written it off as a particularly good and realistic wet dream.
“Yeah,” you move your rook, capturing his knight. Leona growls at your success, and goes quiet as he thinks. Naively, you assume that's the end of it.
“You'd suck mine?” he asks, finally moving his bishop near one of your pawns. It takes everything inside of you not to rush out a “yes,” showing him just how desperate you are. You pretend to think about it for a moment.
“Yeah,” you push your chair away from the table, “right now?” Leona shrugs,
“If you want to.” He sounds like he's doing you a favor, but his tail wagging excitedly and the excited grin on his face gives him away. He pushes his chair back and you get yourself between his legs.
Gently, you undo his pants, and pull his cock out. You drool, finally getting a good look at him. All you've had up until this point are crumbs, glances when he's changing before gym, and the tent you caught when he'd walked away with a hard on after sucking you off.
“Nice,” you hum, to quell any insecurity he may be having. Leona grins, his chest puffing up with pride. You stroke him to full hardness easily (a little too easily. You seriously wonder how long he's going to claim he's not into men).
“You got a condom?” you ask. Leona bristles,
“When's the last time you had sex?” you ask, despite part of you not wanting to know the answer. He avoids eye contact,
“Been a couple'a months,” he huffs. You continue stroking him,
“You've gotten tested?” He nods,
“Yeah, 'm good,” you grin up at him,
“Me too,” you state before taking him into your mouth. Leona swears, his hands flying to your head. Hid dick may be impressive, but you're a good cocksucker, and take him down your throat with ease.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, staring down at you with wide eyes as you start sucking him off properly. Your hands roam, massaging his hairy thighs, rubbing circles into his flesh as you drool and swallow along his length. Even if you weren't harboring a dangerous crush on him, you think you'd worship Leona's cock all the same; his dick fits so nicely in your mouth, and his reactions have you hard and leaking in your pants, it'd only make sense to give him your best.
He's moaning your name, his voice cracking and pleading, leaking pre into your mouth, his hips jerking involuntarily, his hands tight on your head, purring up a storm. Selfishly, you want him changed from your blowjob. You don't want him looking at girls any more, you want him addicted to your mouth. You want to do something special for him.
You pull off his cock suddenly, and Leona whines openly, a “please,” nearly falling from his lips. He swallows his words when you rub his tip against your lips, stroking him, then kissing his groin. Your other hand, the one not stroking his cock, presses lightly against his rim.
Leona twitches, looking down at you with wide eyes. He looks fucked dumb just from having your mouth on him. Sweat drenched hair clings to his forehead, his mouth is open and panting, his chest heaving.
“Anyone ever put their mouth here?” you purr. Leona shakes his head dumbly. “Want me to?” He audibly gulps before nodding.
With his permission, you nestle yourself under his dick, and lick his hole.
“Fuck” he gasps, pre leaks like a faucet from his tip as you lick and massage his rim. You get him wet with saliva and drool. It'd be better with lube, and you'll apologize for the dull ache that will come later, but you're able to slip in a finger. At first, Leona tenses at the intrusion, and then as you lick and wiggle your finger he relaxes and opens up for you. He melts into the chair, his cock twitching as you continue to stroke him off.
He's close, and you'd rather not get cum in your hair or on your face, so you keep fingering him as your mouth returns to his cock. You take him down your throat, and curl your finger towards his prostate.
“Fuck— fuck, oh god, cumming, gonna cum, ah,” his orgasm must've sneaked up on him, because that's all the warning you get before he's filling your mouth. He flutters around your finger, his hips weakly thrusting his cock further down your throat as he rides out his orgasm. You steal a glance up at him as you swallow his cum, and you know you're going to be committing his face to memory, and jacking off thinking about it later.
“Off,” he murmurs softly once he goes soft in your mouth. You let his cock out of your mouth slowly, gently pulling your finger from his ass.
“Good?” you check, doing him the favor of pulling his pants up. Leona wipes the sweat from his brow, nodding.
“Yeah, you were alright,” he states. You laugh (because you know damn well that was better than “alright”) getting to your feet. Leona immediately looks at your hard cock tenting your pants. You almost expect him to ask to return the favor, but he pulls his gaze away from you, and back to the chessboard.
“Your turn,” he mumbles.
With a smile, you sit back down in your chair, and think about everything and anything that'd make your erection go away.
It only takes a day for Leona to knock on your door. He looks slightly awkward, a little embarrassed, but not ashamed.
“Can I come in?” he asks. You step back to let him in. He's quiet for a good second, avoiding eye contact.
“I can't stop thinking about it,” he finally states.
“It” of course being your finger in his ass.
“Neither could I, when I first tried anal,” you admit, plopping yourself down on a chair in the living room. Leona follows you, sitting stiffly on a chair close to yours. His typical lazy attitude is all gone right now, and honestly it's a little unsettling.
“You've tried it?” He asks.
You give him a look, one that says “are you kidding?” without you ever having to say the words. Leona huffs, knowing the question was a dumb one.
“How 'm I supposed to know you bottom,” he mumbles to himself, then turns to you, trying (and failing) to look smug and confident, “can I fuck you?” His lack of tact makes you crinkle your nose with ire.
“No,” you pause for a moment, considering it, imagining it. Your cock twitches with interest. “Not yet at least. You've done enough of sticking your dick in holes,” and now Leona's looking more comfortable. He looks hungry, staring you down. You try not to think too hard about how that’s all this all started.
“Anyways,” you rest your head on your hand, looking him down, “aren't you here to get fucked?” He chokes on his spit,
“No,” he snaps, then swallows and looks away, “I mean, I don't know, maybe?” and then he's looking at you all hopeful. He's so cute it makes you want to scream.
“C'mere,” you pat your lap, testing him. Leona does as he's told, straddling you, clearly very unsure of himself. You can't have that.
You let one hand hold his thigh gently, as one goes to touch the spot behind his ear, the place you petted when he sucked you off and purred. That seems to calm him down a bit, and he looks at you expectantly.
“Listen, if you want this, that's alright, but you gotta stop pretending you're something you're not,” Leona bites his lip, “I don't want you acting like you don't want this.” He nods, understanding. He swallows heavily,
“I don't know what I am,” he confesses quietly, barely above a whisper, “I don't know, I just know I—” he nearly looks like he's going to bolt. “I just like you, and I like how you make me feel. I want this,” with a shaky breath he continues, “I want you to fuck me.” You give him a reassuring smile,
“That's all I needed to hear, sweetheart,” Leona visibly relaxes at the pet name, “you don't have to know what you are, or whatever, I just needed to hear you be honest with yourself,”
“Fuckin' corny,” he huffs, but he's smiling down at you, more relaxed than you've seen him in weeks. You think he needed to be honest with himself more than you needed to hear it. You squeeze his thigh and ignore his comment,
“I like you too, and I want to kiss you,” you add. Leona nods, leaning down to capture your lips. It's sweet, and you're grateful you're able to do this before you fuck him stupid.
He takes the lead, deepening the kiss by licking against your lips. You tug on his hair, pressing your tongue into his mouth, licking inside until the two of you are panting. When you pull back to get a good look at him, a string of saliva connects your mouths. Leona's pupils are blown wide, and his hands hold onto the front of your shirt.
“I couldn't stop thinking about your mouth,” he whispers, whimpering when your hand comes down from his head to cup his face. He leans into your touch, opening his mouth when you press your finger against his bottom lip.
It's astounding how much more eager and pliant he is now that he's open with how he feels. He wants you bad, and it's obvious.
“Tell me more,” you prompt, caressing his face as your other hand presses against the tent in the front of his pants.
“As soon as you left, I had to jerk off again. I—” he hiccups a moan, grinding into your touch, “I tried to put my fingers inside again, but it didn't feel the same. It was good, but not enough,” his claws dig into the fabric of your shirt.
“Cute,” you murmur, and Leona's eyes widen. You wonder if any of the girls he's slept with ever dared to call him cute before. “I wanna take my time with you,” Leona whines at this, shaking his head in protest, “hey,” you squeeze his cock roughly, and he keens, “I said I want to take my time with you, but I guess I'll go slow next time, because you're aching for it, huh darling?” you coo, teasing him. Leona nods all the same, letting out a purr at the promise of a next time.
“You've waited so long already, haven't you?” you murmur, tugging on the hem of his shirt. Leona practically tears it off for you. The hand that was on his face moves to play with one of his nipples as you kiss him again.
“Fuck me,” he demands, against your lips, “fuckin' please,” he adds, halfheartedly.
“Get undressed for me,” you help him off your lap, smirking at how he takes a moment to find the strength to stand, and leave him— with a kiss before you go of course— to grab condoms and lube. Before you know it, you're naked on the chair, with Leona in your lap, holding onto your shoulders, slightly digging his nails into your skin.
“Alright baby, lift your hips a bit,” you instruct, so you can slip your now lubed fingers between his cheeks. Leona does as he's told, sighing when you press your fingers against his hole.
“Gotta relax,” you remind him, moving his hair to the side so you can kiss at the place where his shoulder and neck meet. Leona wraps his arms further around your neck and slumps his weight against you, his cock hard and leaking against your abdomen.
“Yes,” he gasps as one finger slips past his tight ring of muscle and inside of him. “Yeah,” he moans, as it sinks deeper into him. You rub and press against his insides, and it's not long before you can slip in another finger.
“Ungh,’ he chokes when you scissor and fuck your fingers deeper into him, curling into his prostate, “yeah, yeah, more, fuck,” he babbles, grinding himself against your hand. His tail flicks from side to side, and he nuzzles into your skin, letting his canines graze your flesh as you stretch him open for your cock.
“Fuck me, I want it, I need it, please,” he whines once you get a third finger inside of him.
“Just a little longer,” you promise, feeling him rut and leak against your stomach. Leona growls, his patience running thin. You keep your word, and after a minute or so you slowly slip your fingers from him.
Leona sits back on your lap, quickly tearing open a condom and sliding it over your cock. He messily slathers lube along your shaft and then hoists himself up. With your help, your cock slides between his ass, and the tip presses against his hole.
“Let me know if it hurts,” you state, kissing his cheek gently. Leona purrs, lowering himself onto your cock. He cries out when the tip of your cock pops into him, and slides down fairly quickly onto your dick. He takes it like a champ, gasping and moaning like a bitch in heat as you fill him up.
“Oh my god,” he whispers once he's fully seated in your lap. You bite your lip, using every inch of energy to not thrust your hips up and fuck him. You let him adjust to the sensation.
Leona clings to you, panting, eyes wide. “Oh my god,” he whines again, “there's so much— it feels so— hah,” he buries his face into your shoulder, moaning your name, “move, please, fuck me,” he begs softly.
“Leona,” you moan, holding his hips gently and bucking your hips into him. Leona goes limp on top of you, which you expected. Part of you wishes you'd moved this to the bedroom, that you had him in missionary, or even doggy style instead, because fucking him like this is a lot of work. Luckily, you don’t think either of you will last long. 
“You’re doing so well for me,” you pant, squeezing and massaging his hips, “taking me so good, like you’re made for takin’ my dick, baby,” Leona flutters around you, keening at that. He’s purring and moaning and drooling on your shoulder, taking all you give him. 
It doesn’t take long at all for Leona. You wonder if he’ll be embarrassed about it later, but he cums within minutes, without warning, spilling all over your stomach with a weak moan of your name. You fuck him through it, and then still when he shivers. He moans, then whines, then finally groans, 
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ take your cock out of me.” Your hips twitch at his words, and lust pools within your loins. You don’t know how long you sit like that, with Leona warming your cock, catching his breath. 
“Keep fucking me,” it’s supposed to come off like a demand, but it sounds more like a plea. You obey, slowly fucking him, getting closer and closer to finishing. “Cum, inside of me, fuck me ‘til–” he chokes as your head brushes against his prostate, “until you’ve cum, fuck me,” he moans. 
“Gonna-ah cum,” you murmur, as you fuck him faster with each thrust, chasing your orgasm. Leona whimpers, 
“Please,” and it sends you over, lodging yourself deep inside of him and fucking your cum into the condom. 
“Good?” you ask once your hips still and you find your voice again. Leona nods, 
“Yeah, I guess,” he finally dislodges himself from your shoulder, leaning back and smiling at you, “I don’t know though. Maybe you should fuck me again so I can see if I really like it or not,” he flips his hair over his shoulder, and you’re half surprised he doesn’t wink to really sell the act he’s putting on. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” you huff, slapping his thigh gently. Leona laughs, his nose scrunching up cutely. “Let me clean you up, and then I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll forget your name.” 
Leona stops laughing at that, and instead licks his lips. “I’ll hold you to it,” he says gruffly, sealing the promise by leaning in and kissing you.
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jaeyunsz · 2 years
good boys go to heaven (m) - s. jake
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pairing: jake x fem!reader (she/her)
genre: 80′s!au, church boy!jake, experienced!reader, smut
warnings: religious innuendos, corruption, jake kinda acts like a perv, y/n is lowkey manipulative, smut [sub!jake, dom!reader, loss of virginity, protected sex, masturbation (m), humping, public sex, voyeurism, praise kink, oral sex (m & f receiving), usage of ‘puppy’ / ‘pup’ towards jake, overstimulation]
word count: 13.5k+
summary: all good boys go to heaven but jake sim has secured a place in hell, thanks to you.
a/n: this is 80% smut and 20% actual plot + i was too lazy to edit and google docs was not working properly, so this piece is unedited! ignore any mistakes pls! AND let me know what you guys think about it! 
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His whole life, Jake tried to be the perfect son his parents could ask for. The boy was kind and respectful, always listening to whatever his parents needed to say. He fulfilled his parents’ every wish, always with a bright smile on his face. He graduated high school at the top of his class, always getting the best marks in every exam. He never failed to be his teacher’s favorite. He had close friends who enjoyed his presence and he never failed to spend quality time with them. Most importantly, being the son of a Christian family, he had never skipped going to church on Sunday’s. 
From a young age, Jake was taught the good, the bad and the red line separating them. He was never the one to commit such sins. Even if he did, he would have been ashamed for the rest of his life. However, as he grew up and learned stuff about the world outside of the rules he was made to follow, he realized how thin the line between good and bad was. Foremost, he learned why sins were actually called sins and the reason why they were prohibited. 
It all started with you. 
Instead of going on a boy’s trip, Jake decided to return to his hometown for the spring break. College took its toll on the boy, he just wanted two weeks of peace. Plus, he was sick of eating nothing but instant ramen during his dorm experience since neither he nor his roommate knew how to cook a simple meal. Jake needed power to finish the rest of his semester and the only thing that could make Jake keep going was his mom’s cooking. Not to mention, he also missed his friends from high school and after hearing that all three of them would be back home for the spring break, Jake didn’t need to think twice before buying his bus tickets.
Of course, his parents had to take Jake to the church on the first Sunday of his arrival. It had been a while since he stepped into the old church. The scent of wood and the smell of damp filled his senses. His shoes clicked with every step he took on the stone floor. His eyes watched the sunlight come through from the colored rose windows. The wooden bench creaked when he took a seat next to his parents, wishing that his older brother was with them too but sadly, he had to work in the city. 
It was usual for most of the residents of the town to attend church on Sunday mornings. Since it was a small town, everybody recognized each other. Even if Jake didn’t know every single person’s name, he was familiar with the faces that appeared, except for one of them. 
To say that the spotlight was on you when you walked into the crowd of people trying to find a seat wouldn’t be a lie. Jake was sure his eyes weren’t the only ones staring at your figure. With the white dress you were wearing, Jake could swear that you were an angel. He kept his eyes on you as you chatted with a boy younger than him, Jake remembering his name being Jungwon, as you took a seat a few rows in front of where he was sitting. He could barely hear your voice from all the people talking. He wondered what your business was with the Jungwon kid as he caught a glimpse of you smiling at whatever the younger boy said. Jake didn’t even realize that he was staring until you turned around, making eye contact with him. Jake jumped slightly on his seat, looking down at his feet immediately. Knowing that he was caught in the act, his ears turned red from embarrassment. If he was just a little bit more daring, he would have caught you smiling at him. After getting caught, Jake thought it would be better if he gave his attention to the service rather than you but he couldn’t help but steal a few glances here and there as the day continued. 
Jake went outside for his parents to come instead of waiting in the church when the service ended. They did take a long time chatting with every single person who attended that day. He could have walked home but it was a bit too hot to walk for his liking. Plus, the car had AC. Even though Jake's eyes were mostly on you, he didn’t catch you leaving in the middle of the service. Maybe that was the reason why he didn’t want to walk to his house as soon as he got out. He wanted to see you one more time and maybe get your name. 
‘’Hey Jake! Have you seen my sister by any chance?’’ He heard Jungwon ask from behind, making him turn around to face the boy. 
‘’Sister? Isn’t she standing next to your dad?’’ Jake questioned, pointing where Jungwon’s father and sister were standing, conversing with random people. 
‘’Ugh- Not that one. My step-sister actually. My dad recently got married with her mother and they moved in a few days ago. Soon enough, I found out that she likes to vanish into thin air.’’ Jungwon rambled, looking around for his so-called-new-sister. ‘’She was sitting next to me, the one who wore a white dress… The one who caught you staring at her?’’ Jungwon added, teasing the older boy with a smile on his face. 
‘’First of all, I haven’t seen her. Secondly, I wasn’t staring. I was just curious because I’ve never seen her around here before.’’ Jake shrugged, looking away from Jungwon’s gaze as if he was running away. 
‘’Her name is Y/N by the way, if you were wondering. Anyways, she left saying that she had to use the bathroom but never came back afterwards. I went to look for her, in case something bad happened since nobody takes that long to use the bathroom but she wasn’t there.’’ Jungwon let out a sigh, wondering where you ran off.
‘’Maybe she was feeling dizzy and went to the infirmary. It’s pretty hot today, you know…’’ 
‘’Anyway, if you see her around can you tell her to text me? Also I saw Heeseung earlier, he was looking for you.’’ Jungwon mentioned before his father called him over. He waved a quick goodbye before leaving Jake’s side. 
Hearing Heeseung’s name, Jake decided to go back inside and look for his friend since he hadn’t seen him get out either. His parents were still in a deep conversation with their neighbors and looking at it, they didn’t plan on ending the talk anytime soon. 
See, since Jake’s parents took him to the church whenever they got the chance, he knew the place like the back of his hand. When they were children, Jake and his friends loved playing hide and seek at the back of the church where they had private rooms or downstairs where the storage was. Without any doubt, Jake made his way downstairs to the storage room since it was the place Heeseung loved to hide the most. The storage room was also a place where Heeseung liked to go when he had stuff to think about. 
Jake smiled to himself as he walked to the storage room. He could already hear Heeseung’s quiet voice. As he got closer, he could hear somebody else’s voice. Was Heeseung with somebody? Knitting his eyebrows in confusion, Jake saw that the door of the room wasn’t fully closed. In order not to disturb, Jake took a quiet step and held the doorknob, opening the door enough to see who was in the room with his friend. He was being extremely careful for the door not to creak or make any noise. He lowered his head and squinted his eyes enough to see what was going on in the other side of the room from the opening. 
To say that Jake was shocked at the sight in front of him was not enough. With widened eyes, Jake decided it would be for the best if he just closed the door and left and forgot what he had just seen. But somehow his feet weren’t moving nor his eyes couldn’t help but stare at how his best friend was fucking you. 
Jake got a clear sight of you while Heeseung had his back to the door. The taller boy got you seated on a desk as he stood between your legs. With the skirt of your dress lifted over to your stomach, your white lace panties were dangling on your ankle as one of Heeseung’s hands was squeezing the flesh of your hip while the other one was one your mouth, trying to keep you as quiet as possible. Heeseung’s face was hidden in the crook of your neck, kissing the skin as his hips continued to ram into you. Your hands were on Heeseung��s broad shoulders, holding onto him for support. With Heeseung’s every move, Jake could hear your muffled cries of pleasure. 
Jake licked his lips as he felt his pants getting tighter. Not only he was feeling guilty watching you and Heeseung have sex inside the fucking church but now, he also got a hard-on by secretly watching you. 
When Heeseung let go of your mouth to wrap your legs around his torso, you wrapped your arms around his back and decided to rest your forehead on his shoulder. When you finally decided to look up again, Jake’s eyes met yours, making him raise his eyebrows in shock. Not only Jake was caught staring at you earlier in the morning but now he was caught watching you fuck his best friend. If Jake could die from embarrassment, this would be the right moment for it. Jake was ready to close the door and leave but the look in your eyes made him stay at his original spot. Jake would have thought that you would panic but your eyes said otherwise. It was something he had never seen nor felt before. 
He was taught that lust was one of the seven deadly sins. Lust was said to be selfish, a sexual craving that you failed to control. A desire that gives birth to a sin. 
Somehow you made lust look like a blessing rather than a sin as you kept staring into Jake’s dark eyes when you hit your orgasm. The look on your face when you came was imprinted on Jake’s mind already. He had never seen a person look that blissful. Jake thought, if lust was one of the seven deadly sins prohibited, and premarital sex was considered as a sin, why did it look so tempting? 
The following day, Jake found himself back in the church. Sitting by himself in the back corner, he asked for God’s forgiveness. Not only for watching you and Heeseung get intimate but also for what happened in the bathroom and when he got back home. 
Telling his parents that he wasn’t feeling good, Jake ran back to his room and locked the door behind him just like he did an hour ago when he found himself in the bathroom, still inside the church. There was no way Jake could step outside with a visible hard on in his pants and definitely not after you caught him. He asked for God’s forgiveness before unzipping his pants and lowering them along with his boxers as he sat down on the toilet, focusing on getting himself off. He had sinned once already, it wouldn’t really matter if he sinned more, right? 
Jake would be lying if he told that he hadn’t touched himself before. Of course he did. His morning woods didn’t go away magically. It was just that he didn’t do it often. 
He thought his boner would have gone away after his little getaway at the bathroom but he was still as hard as a rock when he arrived back at the house. He just couldn’t stop thinking of you; how angelic you looked even if you were committing such sin. Was Heeseung that good, you couldn’t keep your hands off him? Would Jake be able to make you feel as good as Heeseung did? Maybe even better? 
Jake wanted to be in Heeseung’s place so badly. He wanted to be the one to hear your needy moans up close and your touch against his skin. Would you also let Jake fuck you the way Heeseung did? With all these sinful thoughts clouding his mind, Jake couldn’t take it anymore. Once again that day, he found himself lowering his pants and boxers as he lay down on his cozy bed. He let out a quiet whimper when he touched his cock, his thumb grazing against his sensitive tip. With his other hand, he covered his mouth. God forbid what would happen if his parents came up to his room and caught him pleasuring himself. He couldn’t dare to make any noise. 
He spat on his other hand before bringing it back to touch his dick. He moved his hand slowly at first. He was still sensitive from his previous orgasm. Squeezing his cock slightly, he started to move his hand faster. He spread the precum on his dick, getting it wetter so he could move his hand easier. The silence was replaced with the wet sounds of his hand pumping his dick. He wanted to keep it low-key but it felt so fucking good, he couldn’t get himself to slow down. Jake thought he had everything under control but suddenly everything turned messy. He was now biting on his hand not to make a noise. He closed his eyes to focus on his pleasure, the sight of you getting fucked by Heeseung appearing in front of him but this time, it wasn’t Heeseung but himself getting a taste of you. 
His hips bucked into his palm as he arched his back whenever his thumb brushed past his tip. His toes curled with every thrust of his hand, tears formed in the corner of his eyes. He wanted to moan your name so bad. Jake thought, if you enjoyed being watched, you would also enjoy watching him pleasure himself. He got even more turned on imagining you sitting by the edge of your bed as you ordered him around like a puppy. He would do literally anything to please you. 
Jake changed his position since his hand was getting tired. He lay on his stomach, hiding his face into his separate pillow. He folded the other pillow, putting it just under his abdomen. Jake didn’t have a single idea what he was doing but he really needed some kind of release and it seemed like humping his pillow would be one of the better choices he had in mind. With his nails digging into the white sheet covering his bed, he started moving his hips. He moaned into the pillow when he felt the friction against his cock. It was a satisfying feeling, the material of the pillow cover was soft, it didn’t burn like he had expected. 
As he continued to hump his pillow, he imagined rubbing his dick on your pussy. He had no doubt that you would feel a hundred times better than the pillow. He thought about kissing every inch of your body as you lay beneath him, begging him to fuck you. He just knew that you would sound so pretty moaning his name. Jake was ready to sell his soul to the devil to hear such intimate noises come out of you. Bonus point, if he was the reason for your pretty moans. 
Jake would never be able to erase the memory of you hitting your high and especially the state you were in when you came. He just couldn’t get the image out of his head. Your hair was all tangled up and messy, your lips were swollen, probably from kissing. Your legs were trembling as you tried to hold back your moan. Your face was glistening with sweat as Heeseung continued moving his hips to hit his own orgasm. 
Soon enough, Jake felt the familiar feeling of his orgasm building up. He started moving his hips faster. He slipped one hand between his body and the bed to massage his balls. He knew for sure that he was failing miserably when it came to keeping his mouth shut. He felt his dick twitch when he gave his balls a squeeze. It was getting hard holding himself up. Drops of sweat rolled down from the side of his face as he panted. 
Rolling on his back once again, he leaned against his elbow, holding himself up. His other hand wrapped around his dick again, jerking himself off as fast as he could. His eyes were locked on how his hand moved on his pulsating cock. Once again, he imagined it was your hand wrapped around his dick instead of his. The thought was enough for him to cum right there and then. 
‘’Fuck, Y/N-’’ He mewled right before he came into his hand. He continued to move his hand as he rode out his orgasm. Jake threw his head back with a not-so-quiet moan as he continued to release his seed. Jake didn’t know he was capable of cumming this much. 
After he finished, he couldn’t find the energy to get up and clean himself. He dragged himself out of the bed to take a quick shower in his bathroom. For the first time, Jake didn’t feel guilty about touching himself. Why would he when it felt like drinking lemonade after a hot day out? 
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Jake was only back in town for the spring break, for only two weeks. He could go two weeks without bumping into you or simply ignoring you. It didn’t seem to be so hard and for two days, he was going better than he expected until Wednesday. 
Of course, his parents had to drag him to the bake sale taking place at the church’s back garden. He could have easily said that he was sick, again, but his parents acted quicker by handing him a try filled with chocolate chip cookies. 
He just knew that you would be present and not because he knew how much Jungwon enjoyed eating his mother’s chocolate chip cookies but because of the uneasy feeling he had inside. Jake's so-called sixth sense never lied to him and yet, once again his gut was right when he saw you standing right in front of him. 
‘’Are you going to ignore my presence or do you want me to sit on your lap that much to get your attention?’’ You said, making Jake look up from his phone. He was doing so well at ignoring you since he arrived at the bake sale. Jake was wrong to assume that you would also forget about what happened a few days ago but it seemed like you had other plans; plans that included him. 
‘’You want to buy some cookies for Jungwon?’’ Jake asked, trying to keep his cool. He looked unamused from the outside, but he was burning up inside. 
‘’You and I both know I’m not here for cookies.’’ You replied, taking a step closer to the boy. ‘’So you’re just going to ignore me and what you saw a couple of days ago, huh?’’ 
‘’It was none of my business so it would be for the best if we don’t bring it up ever again.’’ Jake shrugged, trying to ignore the tension between you and him.
‘’If it wasn’t your business, why didn’t you leave?’’ You leaned in, whispering in his ear. ‘’Not even after I caught you red handed. You’re into that kind of stuff, aren’t you Jake?’’ 
Jake’s breath hitched in his through when his name left your lips. His name sounded even sweeter when you were the one calling him. He turned his hand into a fist, knuckles turning white as he tried to hold himself back. It was funny how this was the first time you were having a conversation yet you had such a big effect on him. It seemed like you had caught up on it since your innocent smile was replaced with a sly smirk.
‘’You like it when I say your name? That’s cute.’’ You teased him, making his face turn red. 
‘’What you did was inappropriate. I don’t care what you do with your personal life but at a church really? And you left in the middle of service just to have sex with a guy? I know somebody who has a reserved place in hell.’’ Jake scoffed, taking a step back to put some distance between the two of you. 
‘’That makes two of us. Did you also think about me when you were getting off in the bathroom?’’ You chuckled, making Jake stop dead in his tracks. ‘’Yeah, you weren’t being quiet but don’t worry nobody else heard you. You want everyone to think that you are the perfect Christian son but guess what? That ship has already sailed and left you behind. You’ve already got a taste of what can lust offer and on top of that, you enjoyed it. You want more. You crave for more. You are already in too deep, not even God will forgive you for your actions from now on. So tell me, do you want to see more or are you still going to beg for forgiveness?’’ 
In another universe, Jake would have ignored everything you said and maybe continued helping his family out by selling the infamous chocolate chip cookies. Maybe he would have acted the way his parents wanted. He would have made a decision according to his morals and ‘chose’ the right path. 
Maybe in another universe, he wouldn’t have ended up with his cock in your mouth in the same storage room where you and his best friend hooked up just a few days ago. 
Jake knew that he wasn’t going to last long from the moment you dropped on your knees in front of him. His knuckles turned white from how strong he was holding the edge of the desk he was leaning against when you pulled down his jeans along with his underwear, leaving his cock free. 
‘’God, Jake you’re so big.’’ You said, wrapping your fingers around his dick and moving it slightly. Jake gulped at the sudden contact and inhaled a deep breath. You just didn’t bring up God’s name while you were touching his cock.
‘’Please keep God’s name out of this. Don’t say it.’’ He requested with a quiet voice, earning a chuckle from you. 
‘’Oh, sweet boy.’’ You cooed, looking up to his red face as you continued to move your hand at a slow pace on his cock. ‘’You won’t remember the existence of God by the time I finish playing with you.’’
Your words made Jake’s eyes widen and before he could reply, you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. He whimpered at the new feeling and bit down on his lip. He closed his eyes, not because of pleasure but from embarrassment. Here you were, with your pretty mouth on his cock and he didn’t know where to look, let alone what to do. 
You pulled back just seconds later and stopped your movements on his cock. ‘’Watch me, puppy.’’ To Jake, that sounded like an order, making him immediately open his eyes and look down at you, meeting your eyes. 
There it was, the change in your eyes. The exact same look you had when he watched you from the small opening of the door. The lustful gaze, the premier reason why he was here. 
‘’Good boy.’’ You mumbled, putting your hands on his bare thighs. ‘’Keep your eyes on me.’’ 
Once again, you put your mouth to good use and this time Jake’s eyes were on you. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw you take his cock into your mouth. The warm and wet feeling of your mouth was way better than his own hand, of course. He just wasn’t used to it. One thing he was sure about was that he wanted more. 
You started off with the tip again, swirling your tongue around it teasingly. Gradually, you took more of him. You held your tongue down, lapping at his cock as you tried to fill him in your mouth. With Jake staring at his cock disappearing between your lips, he tried so hard to hold back and not buck his hips. He let out a needy cry when he felt his tip brush the back of your throat. You looked up to him through your eyelashes, wanting to see his reaction. 
‘’Please.’’ He mouthed, craving for some kind of friction. He needed you to move, not that he wouldn’t come with you staying still with his dick in your mouth. He just wanted to experience the whole thing since there was no way he was going to get his dick sucked a second time. 
When you started to bob your head, he let out a shaky moan. It didn’t take you long enough to figure out that Jake was very vocal and he wasn’t trying to be subtle about it. You liked a man who didn’t hold back his moans. Since Jake let you know that you were, indeed , making him feel good, you moved at a faster pace. He whimpered every single time when his tip touched your throat, making you gag in progress. 
Jake was so lost in the pleasure he was receiving from you that there was nothing in his mind other than you and especially the urge to cum. The feeling was just too good, he couldn’t focus on anything else. With his dick twitching in your mouth, he figured out he was about to cum. It was kinda surprising that he lasted this long. He just needed a little bit more, he was just on the edge. Jake didn’t need to tell you that he was close, it was easy to read him. 
You focused on his sensitive tip again, sucking on it as you jerked off the rest of his cock. He was already letting tears of pleasure roll down his cheeks as he begged for more and more. His palms were sweating, his hands couldn’t hold the edge of the desk anymore since they were slipping. 
‘’God, please-’’ He whimpered, throwing his head back. 
He wanted to pull away, not sure if you were okay with him coming inside your mouth but when he tried to, you grabbed on his thighs tighter and didn’t let him. Good that he didn’t try again since the moment you dug your nails into his thighs, he was already painting your throat with his cum. Closing his eyes, he let out moan after moan. He opened them right back on time to watch you swallow his seed, your eyes staring into his as you licked your lips. 
‘’I thought we were not going to bring God’s name into this puppy.’’ You teased him as you got up, brushing dust away from your dress as Jake pulled up his jeans. 
‘’You are the devil herself.’’ Jake mentioned, still not coming to a conclusion, that he got his dick sucked, in a church, while his parents were selling cookies outside. 
‘’You’re not far from it either now, are you? Better take that purity ring off your fingers. God knows what you did.’’ You snickered, eyeing his finger. Jake hid his hand as his cheeks turned red. Suddenly guilt washed over him again. 
‘’This was a mistake.’’ Jake spoke, not glancing at your way before making his way over to the door and getting out, leaving you alone in the dusty room with a knowing smirk on your face. 
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Jake didn’t expect to sit right across from you at the local diner when the original plan was to meet up with his friends, not you. When he saw you enter the diner with Heeseung, he felt like his head was going to explode. He didn’t like how you laughed at everything Heeseung said, how touchy you got with him and most importantly how you didn’t even look at Jake’s way ever since you arrived. 
Jake knew he was in the wrong for feeling this type of way. He was the one to say what happened between you two was a mistake and leaving. He hated how he craved more of you. He was jealous of how Heeseung could joke around and make you laugh, how he could touch you easily and how he got to fuck you first. 
Jake despised how you were able to ruin his life in less than a week and pushed him to commit not only one, but now two deadly sins; lust and envy. 
‘’I hope you guys didn’t mind me bringing Y/N along.’’ Heeseung started when you left to use the bathroom. ‘’She was hanging around by herself in front of the church so I asked her to come. She’s pretty, isn’t she?’’ 
‘’Hmm, heard that she was Jungwon’s step-sister. Jay is a lucky one since he can just show up in front of Jungwon’s door whenever he wants to.’’ Sunghoon sighed, playing with the napkins in front of him. 
‘’Why would you think that?’’ Jay shook his head, taking a sip from his drink.
‘’Aren’t you his tutor or something? You can use the tutor card to see his new sister every day. I mean I’d do that.’’ Sunghoon explained, nudging his friend’s arm.
‘’First of all, you were disgusting. Second, why didn’t I think of that?’’ Jay says in awe, patting Sunghoon’s back before turning to Jake. ‘’You met her at the church, right Jake?’’ 
Jake nodded in response, not in the mood to talk nor listen to the conversation his friends were having about you. 
‘’Fuck- Is she a church girl? She’s going to be hard to pull off then.’’ Sunghoon muttered, sad that his plans failed even before he got a chance to try it out. 
‘’She’s not, don’t worry.’’ Heeseung snickered, a smirk on his face. ‘’Talking from experience.’’
There was nothing more Jake wanted to do than punch Heeseung in the face. To think about it, he wanted to punch Sunghoon and Jay too. Them talking about girls wasn’t something new. Whenever the four of them returned to their hometown for a small break from the university life, girls and sex were two things they talked about. Sometimes Jake felt like an outcast since he basically had zero experience until two days ago and not to mention that he was still a virgin, by choice of course. He basically learned everything he knew about sex from listening his friends’ experiences. 
All eyes were back on you when you returned but your eyes were on Jake for the first time that evening. Jake was fast to break eye contact and turn his head. He expected you to take a seat but instead you stood in front of the table. 
‘’It’s getting late. I have to go, promised mom to unpack since I still have a few boxed lying around my room.’’ You explained, thanking Heeseung for inviting you. 
‘’I’ll take you-’’ Heeseung started his sentence but soon, he was cut off with Jake getting out of the booth to stand next to you.
‘’I’ll walk you home. It’s closer to mine anyway.’’ Jake interrupted his friend, earning an unamused look from him. Jake was sure his friend was planning to bring you back to his house, too bad for him. 
After saying your goodbyes, you left the diner and started walking back home. Street lights were the only source of light since it was a cloudy night, moon nowhere to be seen. With the chilly breeze kissing your skin, you hugged your thin sweater tighter. You cursed yourself for not wearing a longer skirt but in your defense, you didn’t think the night would be colder than usual. At least, your house was not so far away from the diner.
No words were exchanged between the two of you at first but you didn’t fail to catch Jake glancing at you from time to time. Jake thought he made a wrong decision by offering to walk you home. He just did it so Heeseung wouldn’t. He couldn’t foresee how silence could be painful. He wanted to speak to you but whenever he opened his mouth, he just shut it right back. 
‘’Such a gentleman, aren’t you?’’ Of course, you would be the first one to break the silence. Jake was lowkey hoping for you to be the first one to talk since he didn’t have any balls for it. ‘’You seemed pretty upset back there.’’ You continued with a teasing tone. Maybe it was time for Jake to speak about what was going on in his mind. 
‘’Why didn’t you look at me back there?’’ Jake asked with a quiet voice, still not having enough courage to meet your eyes. The question made you giggle.
‘’So you wanted my attention? Cute.’’ You chuckled, smiling at Jake. You stopped walking to stare at him which made him stop too. ‘’Weren’t you the one telling that what happened back in church was a mistake?’’
Jake let out a stressed sigh, looking at his feet. ‘’I did but it doesn’t mean that I want you to ignore me.’’ 
‘’It seems like you are the one ignoring me.’’ You clapped back, stomping your feet on the ground like an angry child. 
‘’Ugh- I just- I can’t-’’ He stumbled over his words, bringing a hand to scratch his neck. ‘’I thought you’d want to talk to Heeseung rather than me.’’ 
‘’And why would you think that?’’ You folded your arms over your chest, tapping your feet as you waited for an answer. 
‘’He’s just- He’s older and more mature than me. Not to mention, he’s taller and more handsome. He always knows what to say to a girl and make them fall on their knees-’’
‘’You made me fall on my knees Jake, let me remind you that.’’ You cut him off, clicking your tongue. ‘’I don’t suck every dick that is offered to me. I only suck the ones I want and before you ask, no I didn’t suck Heeseung’s dick.’’ 
Jake was confused, nothing you said made sense to him. Why wouldn’t you want to suck Heeseung’s dick but his? Heeseung was more experienced than him and the older boy sure knew what to do way better than he did. Jake was just a nineteen year old virgin college student. Nobody would prefer him over the Lee Heeseung. 
‘’I like good boys… like you.’’ You confessed, making Jake finally look up, only to meet your pretty eyes staring at him. ‘’Looks like you’re not such a good boy anymore though. Where did your ring go, pretty boy?’’ You mentioned, eyeing his empty finger on his left hand. Jake hid his hand in the pocket of his pants, his ears turning red. 
‘’How did you notice?’’ Jake questioned, feeling your gaze on him once again.
‘’I always look at your fingers.’’ You revealed, making Jake tilt his head in confusion. ‘’And think about how good they would feel inside me.’’ 
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When you mentioned that Jake was going to help you unpack the boxes crowding your room, your step-father was more than happier to let Jake inside. Since it was still considered early for a Friday evening, none of your siblings were home and your mother was visiting the neighbors. To think that your step-dad was a workaholic, you assumed he was going to lock himself in his study room next to the kitchen until your mom came back. 
‘’We’re not going to unbox anything, are we?’’ Jake asked, stepping inside your room to see everything was already in place. 
‘’We’re not.’’ 
He didn’t really expect to lay down on your bed, half naked, with your body tangled in his. Jake had already had his first kiss but he had never made out with somebody. When he told you this, you were more than happy to help him out.
Lying down sideways as you faced each other, you guided Jake’s hands on your body, giving him consent to touch you wherever he wanted. Jake was already breathing heavily and it felt like his heart was going to jump out from his chest when you leaned in closer to his face, noses brushing against each other. You kissed him delicately at first, you didn’t want to start off harsh and scare the boy away. Putting one hand behind his neck and the other one on his cheek, you pulled him closer to you so you could depend the kiss even more. When he felt comfortable, he started kissing you back, trying to copy your movements. Using his left hand, he brushed your hair back so it wouldn’t bother you. His right hand was shaking slightly when it finally came into contact with your waist. 
You mewled into the kiss when his cold fingertips grazed your skin, making Jake pull away, thinking that he did something wrong. When you assured him everything was alright, you put your lips on his again. You decided it was time for taking things a little bit further after coming to a conclusion that Jake was enjoying it. You sucked on his bottom lip gently as you moved your hands to his broad shoulders. Jake whimpered when you slipped your tongue into his mouth, making you giggle into the kiss. It was the sweetest sound Jake had ever heard in his life. You sucked on his tongue with him repeating your actions. He was surprisingly good for his first time, as expected he was a fast learner. As the kiss got more heated, Jake became uneasy. He could feel his dick getting hard under his boxers and you had taken a note of it since his crotch was brushing against your leg.  
‘’Touch me more, puppy.’’ You mumbled into the kiss, saliva dripping down your chin. ‘’I want your hands everywhere.’’ 
You lowered your hands on his chest, grazing his skin with your fingers before pulling him closer to you by his waist. You tangled your leg with his, bringing his thigh just under your crotch. Jake groaned when he felt how wet your panties were. You were soaking through the material. His grip on your waist tightened, making you smirk into the kiss. 
‘’You feel how wet I’m for you pup?’’ You said sweetly like it was the most innocent thing ever. You started rocking your hips on his thigh, spreading your wetness. He gulped nervously as his eyes were glued on you. He wanted to look down below but he was too flustered for it. 
‘’F-For me?’’ He stammered, his heart loudly in his chest. ‘’I made you wet?’’ He sounded surprised, making you put on another smile on your face. You brought your thumb to caress his swollen lips as you looked at him with dark eyes. His plump lips were redder than before from all the kissing and you were sure that they hurt a little. 
‘’Of course, puppy. You’re so handsome and sexy. Every girl out there would have gotten wet if they were in my situation.’’ You hummed, pushing your thumb into his mouth. You pressed it on his tongue, making him suck on it. You continued moving your hips on his thigh as the friction felt too good on your pulsating clit. Jake whined every time when he felt your damp panties stick on his skin. ‘’You’d like that wouldn’t you…’’ 
‘’You’re the only one that matters.’’ Jake mumbled when you pulled your thumb back. He wanted to kiss you again but he didn’t want to be the one who initiated it. He looked at you with his chocolate brown eyes, lust hiding behind his irises. 
‘’Tell me what you want, baby.’’ You murmured as your lips moved to his jawline, kissing and sucking his skin. ‘’I wouldn’t know if you don’t tell me.’’ 
Jake hesitated before saying what was in his mind, what he wanted to do to you. He just wanted to feel all of your body, touch you, kiss you like you were doing to him right now. It felt different when you kissed his neck, much different than what he felt when you were kissing his lips. You got his toes curling when your lips met his neck, leaving him whimpering needily. 
‘’Can I kiss your body?’’ He requested, making you stop and raise your head. You raised your eyebrows in surprise before nodding. 
He tried to reenact how your lips were moving on his body. Hesitantly, his lips met your neck. He inhaled your scent, your perfume making him dizzy. He started off with peppering kisses on your skin. Then he decided to put more pressure into his kisses. He knew he was doing an okay job when he heard you let out a short moan. He moved his hand to your back as he lowered his head to kiss your shoulder then collarbones. He halted his movements when he came face to face with your bra. 
‘’You can undress me baby.’’ You encouraged him, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
Yeah, Jake wanted to take off your bra and throw it somewhere across your room but he simply didn’t know how to get it off. He knew there wasn’t a clasp or anything in front of it since he found himself staring at the pink ribbon in front of your bra. So he thought there should be something on the back. He dragged his fingers on your back until he hit the material of your bra. His fingers searched for a zip, a button, anything but he was still left with nothing. 
‘’I’m sorry, I can’t-’’ He huffed in annoyance, his palms sweating. 
‘’It’s okay, pup. I’ll teach you.’’ You brought your hands to your back where Jake’s hands were, guiding his hand over to the hook holding your bra together. You unhooked it as the straps fell down on your shoulders. ‘’You can take it off now.’’ 
Jake licked his lips before pulling the straps down on your arms gently. He took it off your body and put it elsewhere. He stared at your hardened nipples, feeling anxious again. Realizing the change in his mood, you cupped his face and pressed a kiss on his plump lips. Just when you were about to pull away, Jake followed your lips, not letting you break the kiss. 
‘’Do you want to continue kissing me, baby?’’ You mumbled, not breaking the kiss. Jake just hummed and continued to make out with you messily. You brought his hand to your breast, encouraging him to feel it. He moaned into the kiss once again when he felt how hard your nipple had gotten. You yelped when you felt him brush his thumb against it. ‘’More…’’ You pleaded, your hands roaming all over his body. 
Jake repeated what he had done before, flicking the nub with his thumb as he played with your breast. You moaned into the kiss, squeezing your thighs together to feel some friction. He had no idea how worked up you were getting over him. You wanted to teach him everything you knew, corrupt the pretty head of his with sinful thoughts. You wanted to use him for your own pleasure. 
You rubbed your crotch against his bulge, making him let out a cry. He was already painfully hard from all the kissing and touching. You slipped your hand between your bodies to palm him through his underwear. 
‘’Fuck-’’ Jake cursed when you grabbed his hard cock over the thin material. His boxers were already stained with precum. You started to move your palm up and down, putting on some pressure on his dick. Jake was already sweating, his hair sticking on his forehead. 
‘’Does my puppy want to cum?’’ You cooed, playing with the waistband of his boxers. ‘’Or do you want me to keep playing with you?’’ 
‘’Please… Touch me more.’’ He panted, his eyes giving you a pleading look. ‘’I need it, please just-’’ 
‘’Let’s try something new, hmm? Something that will benefit both of us because only God and I know how drenched my pussy is right now.’’ You whispered, pulling your hand away from his cock just to grab Jake’s hand and guide him inside your panties. ‘’Seems like there will be a third person on the list soon.’’ 
Jake sat up straight when he realized what was happening. He leaned against the headboard as you crawled closer to him, standing on your knees. With your hand on top of his, you guided his fingers on your clit first. You let out a whimper when his fingers grazed over the small nub of nerves. You felt even more sensitive than before and one touch was enough to get your clit throbbing for attention. You made Jake put some pressure on your clit, making your toes curl in return. Jake’s eyes were stuck watching how his hand moved inside your underwear. He had also noticed that whenever you made him circle your clit, your legs trembled. You were trying so hard not to close them. It was getting harder for you to support yourself on your knees as Jake took the lead, moving his fingers gently on your clit. You withdrew your hand from your panties and let Jake do whatever he wanted. 
‘’Feels so good, just like that baby… Such a good boy.’’ You praised him, locking your fingers in his hair as you focused on the sudden pleasure you were receiving. You held onto the headboard with your free hand for support. With the sudden confidence, Jake moved his fingers to your folds, his eyes widening even more when he felt how much wetter you had gotten. ‘’That’s how much you turn me on, pup. Believe me now?’’  
Jake only let out a low groan, his fingers grazing your wet folds. ‘’You’re dripping on my fingers.’’ He murmured, before slipping a finger between your folds, then a second one, catching you off guard. ‘’Y-You wanted this right? You said you thought about how my fingers would feel inside of you.’’ He reminded you, pushing his fingers all the way in but not making any attempt to move them. 
‘’God, Jake move your fingers.’’ You cried, trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. 
When you said ‘move’, Jake didn’t understand how you wanted him to move his fingers. Did you want him to move his fingers in and out or back and forth? He tried to curl his fingers upwards, remembering the time when Sunghoon was talking about how he made this one girl cum by simply doing this. 
You let out a choked sob when Jake’s fingers put pressure on your sensitive spot. Your legs shook as he kept pressing his fingers on it rather than pumping them. It felt weird but in a good way, you couldn’t explain it even if you tried. Your walls clenched around his fingers and if he didn’t stop, you’d be coming soon.
‘’Baby, not like that.’’ You managed to say, making him stop his movements. ‘’In and out, alright pup? I need you to stretch me so I can take your huge cock with ease later.’’ 
Jake whimpered at the thought of his dick filling up your cunt. He couldn’t wait for the moment to come so he did as he was told to. He started pumping his fingers diligently after you pushed your cotton panties aside, giving him more space to work easily. 
‘’Your fingers feel so good, baby.’’ You breathed out, caressing his soft locks. Every now and then, Jake looked at your reaction. He needed to know if he was making you feel good. He needed your affirmation, he wanted to hear you say that he was doing a good job, that you were enjoying it. So when these words came out of your mouth, he smiled to himself. ‘’They’re so pretty, just like you.’’ 
It was easy to make Jake blush. He looked so cute when his cheeks turned into a soft crimson color. You loved seeing him all flustered because of something you said. You adored this side of him but also you couldn’t wait to see him cry and beg for his release later, not today but soon. 
‘’Can I take your panties off?’’ He asked, his big puppy eyes staring into yours after he pulled out his fingers. With your consent, he rolled down your underwear off your knees, leaving you bare in front of him. 
Jake took a minute just to stare at you, taking the sight in front of him in. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. Everything about you made him go crazy. He met you less than a week ago but he was so deeply attracted to you. He was in awe. How could a person looking this angelic was a sinner? 
‘’Can I kiss you… here?’’ Jake mumbled, moving his fingers to your clit once again, pressing against it. Your breath hitched in your throat once again, you didn’t expect such a bold move from him. 
‘’Baby… Don’t you want to cum?’’ You asked, cupping his face in your hands, caressing his cheeks with your thumb. ‘’We can do it some other time.’’ 
‘’I want to do it now.’’ He insisted. ‘’I want to make you feel good too. I want you to tell me that I’m doing good. I want to be your good boy, please.’’ 
‘’Cute.’’ You commented before rolling on top of him, your knees failing to hold you up. You felt more relaxed with the sudden change of your position. You leaned in to place a kiss on his lips. ‘’You’re already my good boy.’’ 
You hooked your fingers under the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down. Jake let out a relieved sigh when you finally took off his underwear. His dick was already twitching and there was no doubt that he would come before he could even more inside your pussy. Should he tell you? It would be less embarrassing than cumming the moment he pushed his dick between your folds. 
‘’I don’t think I’m going to last.’’ He confessed with a quiet voice. ‘’I mean if we have sex now because I’m just- When I touched you I got so excited so like-’’ He kept on rambling. 
You held his chin between your fingers, making him look up to you. ‘’It’s your first time, baby. Nobody lasts long on their first time.’’ You reassured, pushing his body against the headboard before leaning towards your bedside table to grab a condom. ‘’Now be the good boy you are. Got it, pup?’’
You helped him put the condom on before adjusting your position above his crotch. Jake held your bed sheets in his hands as he tried to ease his heavy breathing. He felt like choking as he felt a lump on his throat. He didn’t know where to look; your face or his dick. His eyes kept moving from left to right. His heart felt like it was going to stop. He was sure that you could hear how fast it was beating. The goosebumps on his skin were visible. He licked his lips in anticipation as he waited for your next move. 
God, please forgive the sin I’m about to commit, he thought. 
Lining up his cock at your entrance, you slowly started sinking on it. The tip of his dick slid easily in your wet cunt. You stopped your movements when you heard Jake grunt, making you look up to him. His cheeks were flushed red as always when his eyes met your nose. Your faces were at close proximity, making your nose brush against his. Jake blinked at you, letting you know that he was good to go. You placed your lips on his for the nth time that evening, trying to get him to relax. The boy couldn’t even kiss you back properly as his lips were shaking.
Putting your hands on his shoulders, you continued to lower yourself on his cock more. You continued to kiss him with tongue, giving time for him to get used to the new feeling as you tried to adjust to his size. Jake let out broken whimpers of pure bliss when you sat down on his cock, taking every inch of him inside of you. Before moving, you made sure that Jake felt more relaxed, so you just stood still with his huge cock in your slick cunt as you sucked on his neck. 
‘’Oh gosh-’’ Jake cried, his voice shaking. His toes curled at the new kind of pleasure he was feeling. 
This new pleasure was way different than anything he had experienced before. Not his hand nor the feeling of your mouth came close to it. The warmth made his eyes roll back in pleasure. Your walls were hugging his cock tightly, he had never imagined that your pussy would feel this tight, not even after he fingered you. He could stay still like this, with his cock in your tight pussy, for hours but suddenly, he felt the urge to buck his hips upwards. His cock pulsated in your cunt, aching for some kind of friction. 
‘’How do you feel, pup?’’ You mumbled, pulling away from his neck. You smirked when you realized he was breathing heavier than before as he tried to hold back from jerking his hips. 
‘’So good…’’ His voice cracked.
‘’Your cock is so big Jake. Do you know deep inside you are?’’ You brought one his hands on your belly, making him touch it. You pressed his hand harder on your belly, the pressure making your mouth form an ‘o’. ‘’I feel you right here. Mmmh, so fucking huge. I can’t wait to cum all over it.’’ 
‘’Fuck me. Please fuck me. I can’t handle it anymore.’’ He begged eagerly, moving his hands to your hips. 
You chuckled at how needy he sounded. You got him exactly where you wanted. Without saying anything else, you lifted your hips and sank back down on his cock. Jake cursed, throwing his head back. You continued your movements and bounced on his dock at a steady rythm. His beautiful body was already trembling from pleasure. 
‘’Look at you, pup.’’ You breathed out, resting your forehead against his. ‘’Feels good doesn’t it, letting me use you like a fuck toy?’’ 
He just moaned in response. He wasn’t in the state to open his mouth and speak, let alone form a proper sentence. His grip on your hips got tighter with your every move. Jake’s orgasm was already on the edge, like he had told you before. If you kept saying such nasty things, it wouldn’t be taking him long to release. 
‘’Do you like it, puppy? Do you like how pussy feels wrapped around your big cock?’’ You leaned in, whispering in his ear. ‘’Talk to me.’’
‘’So tight…’’ He whimpered when you started sucking on his earlobe. ‘’Feels like heaven.’’ 
‘’You better not forget how my pussy feels since you’re not going to heaven anymore.’’ 
If you didn’t kiss him again, Jake would have choked on thin air. His one way ticket to heaven was long forgotten from the moment he first saw you. There was no fucking way anything in heaven felt better than what you were making him feel. 
Your pussy was his heaven. 
You felt his dick twitch when your walls clenched, making him let out another moan. His rusty moans were so sexy. You were glad that he didn’t hold back such pretty sounds. 
‘’I know, pup. Me too.’’ 
You continued to bounce on his cock as your orgasm continued to build up. You changed the angle slightly so his dick would hit your g-spot repetitively. You choked out a sob as your walls clenched around Jake’s dick continuously.  
‘’Fuck- I’m cumming.’’ Jake’s eyes rolled back when your pussy sucked his cock in. With your walls squeezing, urging him to release his seed, Jake’s body shook from pleasure. He came with your name rolling off his tongue. 
As Jake continued to cum, he jerked his hips upwards involuntarily. You started rolling your hips back and forth, chasing your own high. Jake rested his head on your shoulder, his hands wrapping around your body. He was sobbing, begging you to slow down since he was extremely sensitive from his orgasm. He wasn’t used to getting overstimulated. 
‘’Stay with me, baby. You want to see how your cock makes me cum, right?’’ You grabbed his chin, squeezing his cheeks with your fingers and made him look at you. 
‘’I-I do.’’ 
‘’Good boy.’’ 
You came with a loud moan, your walls clenching around his dick. You leaned your body against Jake’s. You didn’t have the power to hold yourself up any longer. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, whimpering as you continued to ride out your orgasm. Jake could have gotten fully hard again as he listened to the soft whimpers slipping past your lips, just next to his ear, if he had enough energy. 
‘’You did so well, baby.’’ You mumbled, bringing him into a chaste kiss. Jake hummed against your lips, relaxing into your touch. ‘’You weren’t that much quiet though. You’re lucky that my step-father locks himself in that dusty room.’’
‘’You weren’t quiet either.’’ Jake noted, making you raise your eyebrows. 
‘’Ah so, I’m the one to blame. Does my puppy need a fact check?’’ You smirked, slightly moving your hips on his semi-hard cock, immediately earning a moan from him. 
You leaned in to place a kiss on his lips again. Jake closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss but it never came. You pulled away from him when you heard your mom’s voice coming from downstairs. 
‘’Fuck.’’ You cursed, getting off from his lap to put some clothes on and fix your hair. ‘’My mom came earlier than expected.’’ You let him know, throwing his clothes at him and telling him to throw the used condom into the trash bin under your desk. 
You opened the windows to some fresh air into the room. You didn’t want your room to be smelling like sex and sweat if your mom decided to come upstairs and check up on you. As Jake dressed, you fixed your bed. You made Jake sit down on your chair as you took a seat on the edge of your bed right before somebody, possibly your mom, knocked on the door. Both of you jumped at the sudden sound, getting up once again when your mom entered your room.
‘’Here you are. My husband told me that we had a guest.’’ Your mother’s curious eyes were on Jake. 
‘’Ah, yes. Jake from church. You met his parents last Sunday after the service.’’ You commented, playing with your fingers nervously. ‘’He helped me with some boxes in my room. We were… We were just talking about joining the Bible study group in church next week before you came.’’ 
‘’Bible study gr- Yes, we are planning to sign up after the service this Sunday.’’ Jake backed you up with a weird look on his face. He couldn’t lie to save his own life. 
‘’That’s so nice. I’m glad that Y/N is making friends. Have you guys had dinner? Do you want me to prepare something?’’ Your mother kept insisting on staying in your room, mostly because she wanted to get to know Jake a little bit more. 
Jake opened his mouth to speak but he closed it back when you spoke in his place. ‘’Jake was about to leave before you came, mom. It’s already late, I’m sure he’s tired from helping me. I’ll walk him out.’’ 
‘’It’s nice to meet you, Jake!’’ Your mom said from behind after you grabbed Jake and dragged him downstairs. He could barely talk to your mom since you were literally running to the door. 
‘’Bible study group, really? I haven’t signed up for a Bible study group since I was 12.’’ Jake mentioned, standing on the front porch with you. 
‘’I’m sorry Jake. Do you want me to go inside and tell my mom that I fucked you in my room and we were just about to fuck again if she didn’t come home?’’ Your comment shut Jake up so fast, making you let out a chuckle. ‘’Joining the Bible study group is a good idea if you want to fuck more. You didn’t think this would be a one time thing, did you?’’
‘’You didn’t?’’ 
‘’Do you think I’d let you go after you gave me a proper orgasm? You’re mine now, puppy. You’re not going anywhere.’’ 
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Jake didn’t really expect you to show up at his house the next day, making up some excuse to tell to his parents so you could sneak inside his room. Jake was reading a book when you opened the door to his room. The look in his eyes was undefinable when he saw you standing just a feet away from his bed. Soon later, his book was tossed aside and you were getting comfortable on his lap, your lips locked on his. 
‘’You’re so naughty, letting me feel you like this while your mom is making cookies downstairs.’’ You mumbled, pulling away from the kiss.‘’Are you going to be loud like yesterday or keep quiet so your mom doesn’t catch his innocent son in such a suggestive position? You know, your mom told me not the lock the door.’’ 
‘’I’ll keep quiet.’’ He whispered, his eyes stuck on your lips, begging for you to kiss him again. ‘’I won’t open my mouth, please.’’ 
‘’Tsk.’’ You clicked your tongue, the corner of your lips turning upwards. ‘’God wouldn’t like you lying, hm? We both know that you can’t control yourself yet.’’ 
‘’N-No, I can do it. I swear-’’ 
You put a hand over his mouth, a smirk forming on your lips. ‘’Let’s do it my way, shall we?’’ 
That afternoon, Jake managed to keep quiet thanks to your hand never leaving its position on his mouth and came two times. Plus, you were right about how he wouldn’t be able to keep his voice down because even with your hand keeping his mouth shut, he was having a hard time not making a noise. 
The following days were not so different. After the Sunday service, you dragged him to the storage room downstairs once again. Ever since you told him that you weren’t wearing any panties under your skirt, he was looking forward this exact moment.  Jumping on the desk, you pulled his body to yours, making him stand between your thighs. You guided his hands under your skirt. His breath hitched in his throat when his fingers grazed your wet lips. 
‘’Still surprised at how wet I can get?’’ You teased as he pushed a finger inside. 
‘’Not that, I just can’t still wrap my mind around how I’m the one that gets you this wet.’’ He confessed before adding a second one. 
‘’You should be proud of yourself baby.’’ You stroked his soft hair gently. ‘’Since you’re the only one who can easily get me this wet.’’ 
Jake whined, getting impatient already. He adored it when you encouraged and praised him. He liked it because somehow you managed to make him feel comfortable enough to be bare in front of you and have sex with you. 
‘’Can I taste you?’’ Jake asked with a sudden confidence. Only God knows how much he wanted to place his pretty lips on your cunt and lick your arousal. He had been dreaming of it ever since you first had sex. His brain was clouded with the idea. In the last few days, whenever he touched himself, he got off with the idea of you sitting on his face. 
‘’Will you be able to hold yourself back and not touch yourself till I cum, handsome?’’ You smirked, lifting up your skirt even more to give the boy a view. He nodded in a desperate way, licking his lips in anticipation. ‘’Go down on your knees then puppy. You know I don’t like to wait.’’ 
Jake did as told, getting on his knees in front of you, both of his hands on your thighs. His eyes were locked on your lower body. Suddenly, he realized he had no idea how to give oral and looked up at you like a lost puppy. A soft chuckle left your lips before tangling your fingers in his hair. 
‘’You wanted to kiss right here before, so why don’t you start off like that puppy?’’ 
Putting his mouth to good use, Jake’s lips made contact with your cunt, placing a gentle kiss on it. He repeated the actions a few times. You wrapped your legs around his shoulders, balancing yourself. Jake decided to move to the next stage and gave small licks, curious about how you would react. After hearing your whimpers, he got more courageous and continued licking your cunt. He lowered his tongue to meet your lips, finally getting to taste your arousal. You tasted sweeter than Jake had expected and because of that, he liked it even more. He wanted to bury his face in your pussy and lick you for hours. Plus, he’d gladly listen to all the sounds you’d make when he’s eating you out. 
‘’Gosh, just like that. Keep going pup.’’ You moaned. Your hold on his hair got tighter as you pushed his face to your core, wanting to feel more of his tongue. 
He continued to lick stripes as you rubbed your clit. Legs shaking slightly from the pleasure, you tugged on his hair harder, making him moan against your core. The vibrations sent shivers to your spine. You wanted to wrap your legs around his neck and hold him between your thighs. 
Jake’s lips moved to your clit, replacing your fingers with his mouth as he gave kitten licks to the bud, making you whimper his name. Jake looked at you through his long eyelashes as his mouth stayed attached to your cunt. You forgot how to breathe properly when you saw him in that position. How could a person look so ethereal while going down on somebody? Somehow Jake Sim managed to do that. 
‘’Feels so good, baby. You’re doing such a great job.’’ You caressed his silky hair as he continued to devour your pussy. 
Jake started off with small licks and for a solid minute he didn’t try anything different but once he did, he got messy. He got so addicted to your taste and the sounds you were making, he didn’t want to leave his place between your thighs. He wanted to tease you and edge you on purpose, just to stay in the same place longer but knowing that you were the one in control, he wouldn’t dare to try such things unless you asked him to do. 
Oh, how good it would feel to make you sit on his face once. It was his new fantasy. He could just lie down beneath you and lick you up for hours. He would get to see you cum over and over again on his tongue. 
‘’I’m close baby.’’ You whimpered as he continued to suck on your clit. He hummed against your skin, making you throw your head back. ‘’Shit, do NOT stop what you’re doing even if i act otherway- Fuck.’’
Your pulsating walls clenched around emptiness as you reached your high. Jake’s mouth stayed attached to your core, even when you tried to push him away or closed your thighs, he didn’t stop his movements. You could swore that you had lost your vision for a second from the powerful orgasm. You didn’t even realize that Jake had pulled away, his chin glistening with saliva and your arousal. It took you a few minutes to regain your composure. Once you did you saw Jake trying to clean up the wet patch on his pants, making you raise a single eyebrow. Hopping off from the desk, you walked next to Jake, tapping him on the shoulder. 
‘’Did you come in your pants, pup?’’ You asked, genuinely curious. 
‘’No! I just- Ugh-’’ He stumbled over his words, trying to hide his pants away from your gaze. 
‘’Baby…’’ You called him softly, wrapping his arms around his waist and hugging the boy from back. ‘’It’s nothing to be embarrassed of…’’
‘’It is! I just can’t control it. I should’ve learned by now but-’’
‘’Hey, don’t say that. Everybody has their own pace right? You’re not going to turn into a sex master in a day. To be honest, it’s kind of hot that you came by solemnly eating me out. Seems like you enjoyed it as much as I did.’’ You kissed his neck before placing your lips on his shoulder. ‘’You are perfect for me, Jake.’’ 
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Jake didn’t think he would have it in him to bend you over his bed and fuck you from behind but here you were, on his bed as he fucked you into oblivion. His parents decided to visit a family friend out of the town and of course, he wouldn’t pass this opportunity to fuck you on his bed without stressing about his mom walking in on him fucking his friend from the ‘Bible Study group’. 
‘’Fuck- Just like that pup.’’ You buried your face in Jake’s pillow as his grip on your ass got tightened. 
‘’Yeah, you like it?’’ Jake muttered, his thrusts getting deeper. 
With each passing day, Jake got bolder not only with his movements but his words too. You had no idea when his mouth got so dirty. You had always encouraged him to speak to you during sex but he has never been this straightforward. Maybe the new position lit up something inside of him. Jake had only fucked you in missionary or sideways on the bed so taking you from behind was something fairly new to him. He had always imagined how your ass would look when his dick was inside of you, making you cry in pleasure. 
‘’I fucking love it.’’ You moaned, lifting your hips up so he could move more easily. ‘’Talk to me more puppy. You know I like it when you do.’’
Jake’s brain froze after hearing your words. Just a second ago, he was confident in himself and he knew what to say but when you told that you liked it when he talked to you, everything he had in his mind disappeared.
‘’Does my baby like to hold my ass in his hands while he pounds in me?’’ You managed to form a proper sentence while he kept thrusting into you roughly. ‘’Tell me what you like about it.’’ 
‘’I like y-your cunt more.’’ Jake stammered, sweating dripping from his chin. ‘’So wet for me and always so warm. Only for me.’’ 
‘’Yeah pup, only for you. You own my pussy, baby.’’ You breathe heavily. Your head started to spin from the satisfaction Jake’s dick was giving you. 
‘’Only I can fuck this pussy.’’
‘’It’s yours baby. All yours.’’ 
Jake whimpered at your words. The idea of being the only one who gets to stuff his cock in your tight cunt made him go feral. He was never the possessive type but you lit something inside of him. He wanted to be the only one who fucked you for the rest of his life. 
‘’Tell me what you want to do to me, pup.’’ You encouraged him once again, moving your hips according to his thrusts so you could feel him deeper. 
‘’Want to be in your pussy till the sunrises. I want to keep my dick inside of you as long as I can.’’ He moaned as his thrusts got sloppier. 
‘’Good because I want the same thing puppy.’’ 
‘’I’m gonna cum.’’ He cried, not being able to hold it in any longer. ‘’Can I cum?’’
‘’Such a good boy, asking for permission… Of course puppy, come.’’ 
Jake came in the condom with sobs, holding your hips against his, leaving no space in between. Wrapping his arms around your waist right after, he leaned against your body until there was no space left between the two of you. When he calms down from his eye, he rolls over next to you, taking off the condom and throwing it on the floor to clean up later. He was just about to take a quick nap before he came to a realization, making him sit up straight. 
‘’You didn’t come.’’ 
‘’It’s okay-’’
‘’No, it’s not. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.’’ He looked at you with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, his gaze making it impossible to reject his offer.
‘’Just kiss me.’’ 
As confused as Jake was, he didn’t hesitate to cup both of your cheeks in the palm of his hands and brought you in for a gentle kiss. You quickly hold onto his waist, your hands caressing his back as you depended the kiss. Putting one of your hands on his, you guided his hand between your legs where your clit had been begging for some kind of friction. Getting the hint, Jake rubbed your sensitive nub or nerves with his thumb, making you whimper into the kiss. 
‘’Need your fingers baby, give them to me.’’ You moaned against his lips. 
Of course, Jake wouldn’t make you tell him twice. Without moving his thumb, his slipped two fingers inside you easily. Jake learned how to finger you like a pro just within just a few days. After all, he had a teacher that he could count on.  
Jake loved how intimate the position the two of you were in. He had never thought about love, specifically loving you, before this exact moment. His heart softened at your quiet mewls. His mind went crazy whenever you moaned his name. The way your eyes rolled back in pleasure when he curled his fingers made him want to take polaroid pictures of you to keep in his wallet. 
‘’You’re spoiling me, Jakey. You make me feel so fucking good.’’ You whispered, your lips brushing his plump ones. 
Out of all nicknames you called him, ‘Jakey’ was his favorite. He liked the others one too, but he wished you would call him with his real name when the two of you were alone sometimes. 
‘’Call me by my name, please.’’ 
‘’Yeah? You want that?’’ You smirked, your nose touching his. You rocked your hips to the the movement of his fingers. ‘’Jake…’’ 
‘’Say it again, please.’’
‘’Such a polite, good boy, always asking nicely. Good boys get what they want, don’t they, Jake?’’ You moaned when he went knuckles deep in your pussy. His thumb kept moving circles on your clit. ‘’You want me to call you by your name and I will.’’
‘’Do you like how I’m making you feel?’’ Jake asked, pumping his fingers in and out. ‘’Tell me you like my fingers.’’
‘’Hmm, I love your long slender fingers. I love them even more when they’re inside of me, Jake.’’ You murmured, your lips chasing his. ‘’Can you hear how wet I am?’’ 
‘’I c-can.’’ He stammered, putting more pressure on your clit.
‘’Fuck- I’m close, keep what you’re doing Jakey.’’ You moaned, holding his body close to yours. ‘’Gonna cum on your pretty finger, baby.’’ 
‘’Please do, fuck-’’ Jake felt your walls clenching around his digits, making him gulp. 
‘’Jake- Oh god-’’ You rested your forehead against his as you reached your high. You let out a chocked sob, holding onto his body. ‘’Jake, Jake, Jake…’’ You moaned as he helped riding out your orgasm, continuing to move his fingers inside at a steady rythm. 
Jake pulled his fingers out before wrapping his arms around your body once again, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he peppered butterfly kisses on your neck and shoulder. You stood in that exact position for a good 5 minutes, not moving an inch, just enjoying each other’s presence. 
‘’So you’re really leaving tomorrow?’’ Jake broke the silence. He was never the one to like the quietness. 
‘’Hmm, I guess.’’ You murmured against his chest, getting comfortable on him. 
‘’What about us?’’ Jake asked, making you sit up straight and look at him in the eyes.
‘’Us?’’ You questioned. ‘’There is no us, Jake.’’ You got up from his bed to put on some clothes, him following you. 
‘’What do you mean ‘there’s no us’?’’ Jake’s voice got louder as he continued speaking. ‘’This really means nothing to you?’’
‘’It’s not-’’
‘’It’s not what? Don’t lie to me Y/N. You know what happened between us-’’
‘’Now don’t tell me that you caught feelings for me-’’
‘’What if I did? What if I like you? What if I want to be with you?’’ Jake followed you around like a lost puppy when you decided to get out of his room. 
When you went downstairs, you turned to face him with a frown on your face. ‘’Your heart is lying to your face, Jake. You don’t have feelings for me. You have feelings for the idea of me. I’m the first who kissed you properly, the person who you lost your virginity to, the first person to teach you the basics of sex, the first person that you became intimate with. That is the reason why you think you have feelings for me.’’
‘’That’s not true. Y/N, please-’’
‘’We did nothing but have sex behind closed doors, Jake. We never went out like people our ages do. You’ve never asked me on a proper date. You just wanted me to fuck you. If you really did have feelings for me, you’d think of me as a lover rather than somebody to fuck. So no, you don’t have feelings for me Jake Sim.’’ 
Jake froze on spot, not knowing what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. You realized he didn’t have anything to say so you continued.
‘’I will wait for you till summer because I actually have feelings for you and it’s not because I fucked you a few times. I genuinely like you Jake and I don’t want to get heartbroken when you change your mind about me a few days later. If you still have feelings for me when summer comes, you know where to find me. Until then, goodbye.’’ You said before placing a quick kiss on his lips and getting out of his house and maybe out of his life too.
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The summer sun felt different on Jake’s skin as he stood in front of the church. He originally didn’t plan on coming back to his hometown as soon as he finished the semester but something inside him kept telling him to visit. He held onto the hope of seeing you again. He didn’t have much expectation though, since he knew you had other plans for the summer; he found it out through one of many conversations you had with him after you fucked his brains out. 
He waited ten more minutes in front of the church before going inside and taking a seat right behind his parents. Shaking his head and trying to get rid of the idea of you, he looked up and scanned the people in the church. He looked through everyone and still there was no sight of you. 
Another day gone by without you showing up, he thought. 
He had been doing the exact same thing for two weeks now. He went to church every day to see if you’d make a visit. He took the same road you usually took. Sometimes he walked past your house, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. But it seemed like you were nowhere to be seen. 
Until he spotted a familiar figure entering the church. You haven’t changed a little bit, maybe your hair was just a little bit longer. You were wearing the exact same dress you wore on the first day Jake saw you. You were still an angel to him, no matter how many times he watched you sin, nobody could ever change his mind. Jake felt his heart thump faster, he felt like he was about to explode. 
When your eyes met his, he was welcomed with the infamous smile of yours, the prettiest one Jake had ever seen. Standing at the very back where nobody was giving you attention, you lifted your skirt slightly, showing Jake what he had been missing out on so far. 
Of course, no panties. 
Jake smirked at himself, knowing very well that the two of you would end up in the storage room downstairs at the end of the way, just like that one warm spring evening months ago but this time, he would be making love to you. 
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stay tuned for the follow up ‘bad boys bring heaven to you’
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blowedtvhead · 4 months
𝒞𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑜'𝓈 ℒ𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒𝓈
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Choso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: backshot mention, hair pulling, cunnilingus, lotus position, praise kink, masturbation, body worship, exhibitionism mention, vaginal sex, cock ring mention, teasing, marking kink, cock description,
NSFW Alphabet!!
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A = Aftercare = Choso is the kind of man to get you anything you need when giving aftercare. You want a bath? He’s already running the warm water. You want sweet cuddles? He’s pulling you into his muscular chest, massaging your body. If you asked him if he had some kind of preference, he would answer, saying he enjoys a warm bath. You sit together, wrapped in each other’s embrace in the warm, scented water.
B = Body Part = If Choso had to choose, he’d say your thighs. Whether it’s in a more innocent scenario like holding your thigh while driving somewhere or being crushed between as he draws orgasm after orgasm from you.
C = Cum = Choso loves backshots. Like LOVES them. He loves being able to see his cum run down your spine to the curve of your ass. It’s almost enough to make him hard again, to be honest.
D = Dirty Secret = Pull this man’s hair. When he’s eating you out or making out with you, he loves it when you grab his scalp. Like he’ll moan into your mouth or pussy when you do so.
E = Experience = Well, Choso isn’t exactly all that experienced. However, he is more than willing to learn. You’ll only have to show/tell him once, and he’ll get the hang of it.
F = Favorite Position = He loves the lotus position. He loves being so close to you - your chests pressed against each other and his arms about you. God, he loves it.
G = Goofy = He’s not very goofy during sex, I’d say, but if you are, he’s not opposed to occasionally laughing at a joke, maybe.
H = Hair = He never paid any mind before getting with you. However, when the two of you began to be intimate, he kept himself groomed - definitely wanting to impress you.
I = Intimacy = He loves the intimacy behind it. He loves holding your hand while pounding into you and setting up a romantic atmosphere. He loves praising you to high heaven like this man is a die-hard romantic. I stand by that.
J = Jack Off = When he’s not with you, he’ll probably indulge in some masturbation. He just can’t help it when his thoughts trail to you (which happens like all the time, ofc).
K = Kink = As I said before, definitely hair-pulling, lmao. But also praise kink - he loves praising you as much as possible. Going in hand with praise, I will also say body worship. He loves both giving and (receiving), although the latter is not something he will ask for lol.
L = Location = He would prefer the privacy of your own home, but he is not entirely opposed to a quickie outside of your privacy (but it would probably take a LOT of convincing).
M = Motivation = He has no specific motivations because he loves everything about you. Therefore, if you were to ask, he’d probably simply say, “Just you.”
N = No = He would never want to hurt you or your feelings. He would say because of his love and respect for you.
O = Oral = Giving for sure. He loves hearing you moan for him as he eats you out. (It’s the best sound he’s ever heard).
P = Pace = It depends on the mood of either of you. However, He prefers a slower and rougher pace because he gets the most beautiful reactions from you.
Q = Quickie = He does prefer to take his sweet time with you, but if he’s pent up enough, he might occasionally indulge in a quickie with you.
R = Risk = I feel like he’d be relatively okay with experimentation. Def a lot of prep for it tbh.
S = Stamina = He can last however long he needs to (basically, how long you want him to lowkey).
T = Toys = He likes using toys on you especially, but not too often for himself. He’s more likely to use them on himself when away from you. I’m thinking he uses a vibrating cock ring, honestly.
U = Unfair = He usually loves giving you what you desire. However, he does enjoy teasing you every now and then just to hear you beg for him and his cock.
V = Volume = At the beginning, he’s more likely to groan and grunt at a reasonable volume. However, when he’s about to cum he moans close to your ear. So, he’s not too loud and prefers only you to hear how good he feels.
W = Wild Card (A Random Headcanon For The Character) = He lowkey likes when you mark him up, whether with hickeys or scratching up his back with your nails.
X = X-Ray = He’s probably packing 7-7.5 with a pale pink tip, which will flush when hard.
Y = Yearning = He does have a decently high sex drive, but nothing too crazy (considering he’s not human). However, he isn’t always in the mood lmao.
Z = Zzz = If he were to fall asleep, he would wait until after you did.
.·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·..·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·..·゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜·.
© f33blesch0lar 2024, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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ohbloggerimagines · 1 year
nsfw hcs for kinks/habits rocket has ?
UH YES absolutely i can do that
i hope this is what you wanted and if not you let me know <33
(also sorry to anyone who doesn't use she/her pronouns its just easier for me to write like that ;-;
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Of course, he’s very into marking his territory. Biting, scratching, the whole like. Masochist, but a gentle one. He’s been through his own pain and doesn’t want to see you in too much pain…unless you ask for it..
He loooves to use his mouth. Cunnilingus, analingus, he just absolutely adores pleasuring you with his tongue. He’s not just good at using it for sarcasm.
Into the smell and taste of sweat. It’s a little weird, but he equates it with hard work. His scent power is just so strong and he finds your smell just so sweet and inviting. Absolutely loves on you after any workout or the like. You have caught him smelling your clothes and once even your underwear. (But you only caught him one time.. Who knows how often it happens?)
Bondage!! He himself hates being tied up of course after what happened, but he is very into tying you up and marking you up. He will always make sure you are comfortable, but the second you give him the go ahead its game on.
Very dominating in the bedroom. He will harass and tease the hell out of you just to watch you whimper and squirm, and definitely derives pleasure from you being under his control.
Lowkey into feet, but very lowkey. They’re just so different from his! Loves to massage your feet or just touch them. Not super into them sexually, but he gives them their time to shine.
Loves to roleplay, his favorite is pretending you don’t know each other at the bar and flirtin’ you up and trying to get you home with him. He enjoys the looks he gets from people seeing someone like him picking up someone like you. Into the whole “I’m gonna have to arrest you, sweets.” “What would I have to do to get out of it..?” type roleplay too.
Loves using things on you and in you. He loves being inside you on his own, but being in control with a remote vibrator in public? He just about loses his mind watching you try and hide your pleasure when you’re in a meeting and he’s using the damn thing on you. Has used a paddle on your ass a few times.
He isn’t super into being dominated himself, but he’s let you do it a few times just to see you happy.
Into nipple play, loves licking, touching, biting, anything to your pretty nipples and rubbing your chest. 
Whenever you say his name he gets excited, especially in the bedroom. Enjoys hearing it roll off your tongue begging for mercy. “Rocket..” “Shit, Love it when you say my name..” 
Whenever he knows you’re in the mood, he can smell it. And oh does he love to deprive you of it until you’re practically grabbing him. There’s been a few times where you’re in public/the presence of everyone else and he just knows. He does not let you live it down. “Were you thinkin’ about me earlier, doll? I could tell you wanted somethin’.” 
Gets horny at the wrong time all the time. You just turn him on soo much. He’s pulled you into the bathroom more than once for a quickie. The thought of someone catching you both gets him going. He acts cool and collected while you’re trying to stop your legs from shaking before you walk out and act like it didn’t happen. Even though half the time it's easy to tell..
Stoick and snarky to you in front of everyone else, but in your room, its all ‘good girl’ ‘my girl’ ‘princess’
Loves degrading.. “You like that?” “Take it.” “You are so easy..” “You came already? Fuck, I’m good.” “Don’t you dare come, or else I’m done.” anything like that he loves growling it into your ear.
Can go for a long time. But when he comes its like a fucking waterfall.
You get him back, though. Loves your gentle touching of the metals on his back and chest. Says he hates when you touch his tail but it’s because it just sends some type of shock and pleasure through him. Enjoys when you just love on his body since he thinks he’s not worthy. 
He will take care of you after everything is done, though, he makes sure you get the after care you deserve and curls up next to you and praises you when he’s done fucking the shit out of you. 
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mrzombielover · 3 months
Hi could you please write some relationship headcanons for Tuco Salamanca? Both sfw and nsfw please :)
ohmy goshh anon u are wild for this tuco scaresssss me 😭
NSFW warning, toxic relationships, lotta drug use, canon typical violence (it’s tuco what do we expect)
When Tuco likes someone, he is all in. He is so obsessive and expects you to be 10000% loyal and devoted to him
He’s impulsive and spontaneous, will randomly insist on taking you on drives/trips at 3AM, especially when he’s high
fantasizes about taking you away to live on a ranch in mexico. if you don’t speak spanish, you’ll learn, no worries
reallyyyy wants a family. would go feral if he saw you interacting with his family- taking care of his grandparents, playing with his younger nieces/nephews- it makes him weak in the knees
likes to keep his work and domestic life separate. goes to great lengths to hide the ugly side of his work with you
of course, you know, but you’ll never have to see or meet anyone from his work if he can help it. you’ll never have to clean blood from his shirt or a carpet, he’ll take care of it.
fantasizes about protecting you 24/7. sleeps with a gun on the beside table just in case- and he’s never had to use it, but if it ever does he’s so prepared.
he knows the world is full of men who’d hurt you. who’d harass you, traffic you, drug you. he imagines himself taking care of it. shooting, strangling, breaking the bones of any scumbags who’d come near you.
on that note he is extremely jealous and possessive!!!
and you know he’s not all talk, either. would prefer if you didn’t witness it, but he’d happily violently take care of any guy who made you even remotely uncomfortable
has some lowkey stalker tendencies. not that he doesn’t trust you, just that he knows that being with him puts a target on your head. likes to tail you, it’s his idea of keeping you safe from a distance. plus, it’s kind of nice to see you naturally, whether you’re shopping or getting food or running- you just look so cute
has a surprising sweet side. yeah, he’ll manipulate and guilt trip and snap at you sometimes, but you gotta know he doesn’t mean it. when he wants to, he can totally spoil you. loves to throw his money at you, and see the look on your face when he buys you something you’ve really been wanting.
likes when you have to rely on him. it’s a bit twisted, but if you’re really drunk or high, or sick and weak, he’s happy to take care of you.
“aww, shh, chiquitita, it’s okay, i’ll take care of you, don’t worry your pretty head about it,”
Insanely high sex drive. you can barely keep up! his hands are on you every chance he gets
loooooves high sex. would much prefer if you use, too, but it’s not vital. when he’s already on cloud fucking 9, adrenaline coursing through his veins, all he wants is you. to inhale your intoxicating scent as he pounds into you from behind.
so into rough sex. of course, he would never hurt you! but takes pride in the deep bruises left by his hands, the hickeys on your neck, bite marks on your collarbones, etc
could never be submissive i think. but he enjoys a struggle for power, he likes someone that can throw his energy back in his face, it keeps it interesting
remember when i said he really wants a family?? you guessed it he has a humongous breeding kink! doesn’t like cumming anywhere except inside you. then he pats your head and kisses your forehead and tells you you’ll be a wonderful parent
likes body worship, both ways. he knows he’s not going to heaven, but seeing you on your knees, begging for him comes pretty close. he always returns the favor, of course, his abuela taught him to be a gentleman
also very into overstimulation. partly stems from his insanely high sex drive. he just loves making you come completely undone for him, until your brain doesn’t work anymore and your legs are jello and you’re crying. he’ll lick your tears off your cheeks and tell you “just one more, i know you can do it,”
gives surpassingly good aftercare if he has the time. unless he had to make do with a quickie, sex with him lasts a looong time, and you’re both completely spent by the end. he likes to take baths after, he’ll massage your sore skin and tells you what a good job you did for him and how sweet you are
has this ultimate fantasy of fucking you while covered in the blood and brains of some inferior asshole who tried to hurt you in some way. he’ll show you how safe you are with him
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