#i may constantly edit or delete posts
sharlmbracta · 2 years
at this time period in the night i am a lil paranoid i am constantly swapping between ao3 tumblr and blender that's ok it's normal for me it happens to me daily and working with him gives me energy :)
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woovalin · 28 days
i’m in such disbelief right now and beyond disgusted.
i really hope y’all are choosing your morals over kpop; because we do not know these men at all. i will never side with or defend a predator and a criminal, even with little to no proof. even if there is the smallest chance he may be innocent, i will always believe the victim first.
some of you, as fans of the boys for years and him in general, i know you must be feeling disappointed and betrayed. you’re not dumb for previously supporting him, as we couldn’t have possibly known. but now is the time for a reality check and it’s time to wake up and take a step back. this just goes to show that we know absolutely nothing about them.
for sm to just outright put out a statement on their own before any rumors even surfaced and immediately kick him out? this has to be insanely serious and i’m terrified of what he could’ve done. the crazy thing is with everything currently happening in korea with the telegram situation, and korean women constantly being in danger in general because of the men there, i’m not at all surprised that celebrities are being exposed. sm has protected criminals before, and held onto lucas when his scandal came out as well as other artists who have been exposed for similar crimes. i can’t even imagine the severity of the current situation. we’ve seen what happened with the burning sun, and these men are not immune to being misogynistic, vile human beings.
members have already unfollowed him and deleted posts with him in them; his best friend of 17yrs has unfollowed him. the company taking the initiative and him getting kicked out of the group in less than a second before anything even came out, no denying the claims or even trying to defend him. that should be enough to tell you and understand how serious this actually is. i am beyond disgusted with him and this whole situation.
i sincerely hope the victim is doing okay and praying for them to heal and get the justice they deserve. and remember that your love for these celebrities should always be conditional, because we do not know them. it’s their job to put on a show and show you their public persona, but behind closed doors? we don’t know what they’re actually like. we put them on a pedestal and yet we don’t know what they’re really capable of. they are still men after all. i hope the police are taking this seriously. there needs to be consequences and these women need to be protected.
let this be a lesson to all of us. they don’t know us, and we don’t know them, not really, not at all.
ALWAYS choose morals over these strangers you idolize. and as women, we should be standing with the victims.
maybe not all men, but enough of them. and maybe not all men, but somehow always a man. and going forward, i will continue to support nct as a whole with the remaining members. however, keeping the situation in mind, i will be supporting from afar for a little while. if the situation escalates and other members are investigated and new information comes to light about the rest of them either knowing or possibly being involved, it would be best to step away for good. i will do my best to stay updated. but i do hope the rest of the members are doing okay, and hopefully no other members were involved; but this, just shows that they can always surprise us. you never think it’ll be your fave, until it is.
let’s hope this causes a domino effect and more of these people are exposed and charged for the crimes they’re committing.
sending love to anyone who has ever experienced sexual violence or has been targeted and been in a similar situation. it is not your fault and it never was!
love you all and my dms are always open if you need to vent. <3
❗️EDIT: also i wanna add that we need to not praise the rest of the members or any other celebrity for simply unfollowing him on social media. that is the least of anyone’s worries.
we don’t know if they were aware, we don’t know if they knew and were protecting him or turning a blind eye. it could be them trying to save themselves and clear their guilty conscience. maybe they didn’t know and are just as shocked as we are, we don’t know that either.
we blindly trust these people and believe they have good intentions but look at where that can lead to. fans being upset is valid, yes; but remember people with money and power will do whatever it takes to sweep things under the rug and make it go away in order to save face and keep their image and reputation.
follow-up post here.
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discord-lurking · 9 months
Dungeons and Daddies Wiki Drama: A Greek Tragedy Told through the Medium of Forum Posts (Part 1)
Greek tragedies are typically formatted in three or more acts interspersed with choral interludes, beginning with a prologue, and ending with an exodus. In these, protagonists often meet their downfall due to their fatal flaw, or hamartia: the ways in which the protagonists are their own undoing. Our own human failings are the things that bring us the most pain.
When considering a three-act Greek tragedy structure for this, my first thought was to use the Oresteia as a framing device, a trilogy of plays written by Aeschylus about Agamemnon's family in the aftermath of the Trojan War. Upon reflection, though, the themes of the Oresteia (revenge vs. justice, perpetuating a cycle of violence, honor and punishment) didn't quite fit the story I was trying to tell.
No, this is a classic tale of hubris: excessive pride and its ultimate downfall.
After all, what position could come with more power than that of wiki moderator for a Dungeons and Dragons podcast series?
Act One: The Beginning of the End
The D&Dads wiki has historically been... unhelpful, at best. (Source: Myself.) Trouble had been brewing for a long time.
Forum posts from spring 2022 began noting issues cropping up around the wiki. First, it was a complaint about anonymous users "disrupting" the wiki (specifically on Jodie-related pages) while also fixing mistakes in articles.
I'm unsure what specific "disruptions" were meant, but the proposal to ban anonymous users didn't garner much traction.
March 21st, 2022:
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After little activity for months (only one forum post, related to infoboxes), wiki user TwoRatner had a radical proposition: wiki migration.
December 17th, 2022:
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TwoRatner suggested an alternate platform that would have different editing options, then made a potentially-prophetic statement: the wiki might be cursed.
This warning went unheeded.
December 27th, 2022:
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Ten days after the migration suggestion, TwoRatner came back to ask if there were any recent changes. This went unanswered for months until new user Penguinwithafancytophat reported adding art to character pages (including Glenn, a main season 1 character since the start of the podcast in 2019, who incredibly might not have had any official art on his wiki page before March of 2023).
Spring of 2023 seemed to bring along a revival of the wiki, with new editors coming in, engaging with the forum, and attempting to make suggestions on how to improve wiki organization.
March 31st, 2023:
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May 27th, 2023:
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July 17th, 2023:
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October 2nd, 2023:
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Interestingly, the only administrator seen to be interacting with these enthusiastic new editors? Gaycowboyrats. Let's put a pin in that.
Enter: the drama.
It started out simple enough- a forum posts for administrators to discuss changes that needed to be made.
November 3rd, 2023:
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76 replies.
Seventy. Six. Replies. Each deeply interesting in its own way.
However, this is a Tumblr post, not an Hbomberguy video essay, so I'll keep it brief.
The discussion started out as one might expect a wiki admin discussion to start:
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Mods discussed blocks, deleting stub pages, spam, etc. Standard wiki business.
The first reply to ping my interest:
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Removing cast pages from a wiki about their work seemed like an odd decision, in my non-wiki-editor opinion, but the last line is what really stuck out: "Besides, I hate the idea of someone vandalizing the pages to defame them."
Several questions arose for me:
Was this a known problem? Were people constantly vandalizing cast pages?
Would a vandalized fandom wiki page really defame somebody?
Isn't the point of wiki editing to remove vandalization on articles?
The administrators began to stand out to me as deeply invested in a very specific sense of wiki justice.
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Users TwoRatner, Brazil86, and TheOneTrueGod41 agreed with Honic's take.
Another thing to ping my interest: these users seemed to share a similar odd, slightly stilted, writing style. Almost Tommy Wiseau-esque.
Brazil86 expressed optimism about users engaging with wiki pages, something that would begin to set them apart from other administrators.
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As I read, themes began to emerge: wiki justice, and incongruous one-liners.
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Quoth Honic Washington: "I just found a wave of nonsense fish. My backyard is full of them. Hey, TOTG41, do you like jazz? I like jazz."
Truly, modern poetry.
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Administrator Marth8204 suggested giving people more time. More time for what? Unclear. It seems a plan was afoot.
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TwoRatner came in with a hot take: "I feel like we need a community more right now, than adding links that people can search for in the search bar."
Brazil86 agreed: Changing the navigation was less important than getting people editing and making friends.
Another theme began to emerge: wiki community as more important than wiki functionality.
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Gaycowboyrats had some (incredibly reasonable) objections to this, pointing out that the wiki was a resource for many visitors who might not participate- something that is generally true of wikis as a form of content.
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Honic Washington responded to this, the signs of wiki-related stress beginning to show.
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Honic posts a long rant about the thankless task of moderating a wiki, which goes largely unacknowledged.
Notable TwoRatner quotes:
"You can't crack open a few omelets without punching a few egg-rolls."
"Now Freddie will get more money. What do you all say? I think I helped quite a bit."
Another theme emerges: discontent in the wiki moderator ranks.
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Honic reaches full Joker mode. Again, this goes largely unacknowledged.
Honic: "I am leader. I am a painter! Keep your rules. Keep your status. Keep your friends."
"Keep your status"- words that will reverberate throughout the rest of this tale.
The final theme? Wiki moderator status, and the maintenance of it.
After Honic's bomb drop, conversation about regular wiki moderation continued, with mods considering the addition of a bot to make edits.
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Admin Discussion Zone, first started by Honic Washington, ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
Over nearly a year of forum posts, patterns emerged.
Firstly- users attempting to engage in the wiki, wiki administrators not engaging with these new users, then wiki administrators bemoaning the lack of user engagement.
The notable exception was Gaycowboyrats, the only wiki administrator to engage with new users in the forums. Gaycowboyrats, the administrator whose (incredibly reasonable) suggestions ended with Honic Washington's villain-esque monologues and denouement as a moderator.
Secondly- administrators putting forth large-scale, drastic solutions to real or perceived wiki problems. This includes Cheesoid4 wanting to ban anonymous users, TwoRatner suggesting site migration, Honic deleting cast pages to prevent vandalism, and more to come.
Thirdly- wiki administrators seeming to share similar styles of speech and occasional non-sequiturs. Interestingly, this mainly seems to include the wiki administrators who agree with each other.
Funny how that happens.
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Stay tuned for Part 2, where the forum drama really starts to heat up.
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parkerlyn · 1 year
Major PSA: Patreon Changes & Discord Shutdown
Oh, I hate to be predictable lol.
What it comes down to is, I've lost the love in creating this story. (But this is NOT a "I'm not writing anymore of this story" post!)
I've put a lot of pressure on myself to put out bonus content on Patreon, and it and the Discord server hangs over my head - giving me that feeling like since I'm not constantly posting or growing an income around The Nameless, that I'm not doing enough or I'm not legit enough, etc.
I do want to stress that y'all are wonderful, and I'm honored that you've stuck around this long, and there has been absolutely NO pressure from you - it is self-inflicted guilt for sure.
The reality is that my day job workload is much more than it used to be with the new role I took earlier this summer - but it's work that I love. And I'm so thankful and pinching myself that I was able to find that.
In the end, I hope that will mean better things for you and the game - giving me the time and space to draw and write out of joy instead of guilt, getting to share a lot of content with everyone on tumblr again, and focusing my writing in on the game instead of trying to balance too much.
So, Patreon will be turning into a tip jar.
1. Currently, billing is paused. On September 2, the current tiers will be deleted and tiers will be added for (USD) $2, $5, and $7.
2. For current patrons, when a tier is deleted, your subscription IS NOT AUTOMATICALLY CANCELED. You must edit your pledge on your own to a lower tier if you don't want to be charged what you were before.
3. (EDITED) There will be no guaranteed bonus content, and the only difference in content will be that 18+ posts will be reserved for the $7 tier . I'm still planning to do the first meeting POVs and some art specials, it just may be slower and take a little while longer. I'm also hoping to at least post monthly progress reports, and will be figuring out how to open the current posts to the new tiers.
4. I will also be shutting down The Nameless Discord permanently today.
Thank you again for your patience with me, and I hope this will turn a new leaf and get me back in the head space for the actual game again.
Sending y'all much love, and thank you for everything. <3
Parker xoxo
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
why did you delete careful?
i went to go re read and its gone 🔫🔫
Just to clarify for everyone - yes, I did delete it from Tumblr. My series Careful (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader) - has been completely scrubbed from Tumblr, aside from reblogs by other people that I cannot delete.
Why did I delete it? Honestly, the tone of your message really drives home why I deleted it - entitlement from readers, a general unkindness toward me and this work that I have put hundreds of hours into. People being rude in the comments and blatantly misunderstanding the work because of a fanon acceptance of babying Spencer to the point of emotional incompetence and absolutely smooth flawlessness. (So having me prod at his flaws in the fic makes me worthy of such harassment.)
I really wanted to drive home the fact that you are not entitled to fanfiction. Fanfiction is a privilege.
I deleted it because I wanted to make a point: fanfiction is free, and you cannot treat it with the same harsh, unhinged criticism that you would with a piece of media that you paid for. (Especially because fanfiction authors are directly reading your comments, while TV producers/writers and movie producers/writers are not.) If you do not like something in a fanfic that you're reading, click away and forget about it - don't comment on it.
And I really hope that me deleting this fic and people 'missing' it will cause people to take a step back and self examine so that they are kinder and more thoughtful the next time that they comment on a fic.
Writers use their free time to work hard on fics, and there is a huge amount of stress that goes into getting an idea down on paper, making it coherent, editing it - even something like making fanfic covers to embellish our fics to make them more enticing to read. There is a lot of hard work and stress that goes into a fic before it's even seen by anyone, so I don't need the added stress of rude comments, entitled people, and the passive-aggressive 'this is good, but-' comments that people constantly bring to the table.
I really, really loved Careful when it was in my drafts. I was so excited to post it for everyone to see - but after posting it, the comments I received made me resent the fic so much, made me question my entire creative process as a writer, and made me really bitter toward the fictional characters I was writing about, but when I went into the fic, I had nothing but genuine enthusiasm about them.
Making someone develop a deep, vile resentment (bordering on hatred) toward their own fic is really something else. And it made me realize that people don't deserve to read that fic in order to comment on it.
It will not be reposted to Tumblr, but it is still on AO3 - and that is very purposeful on my end, because all my fics are archive locked, so fewer people can see them and read them. I was considering deleting it off every website altogether, but AO3 is an archive for a reason. I may orphan it on AO3 later -or I just hope that I can write enough works that I am proud of and that I love in order to bury it deep in my catalogue so that I don't have to look at it or think about it anymore.
If you really want to read it, go find it there. If you don't have an AO3 account - then idk what to tell you.
Just be kinder and more thoughtful when commenting on fics. And please, learn to support writers in other ways - actually reblog their work instead of just lingering with a blank blog, go back and read older fics on their masterlist, engage with them.
And if you already do these things, this message is obviously not for you. If me saying this pisses you off, then this is probably for you.
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 months
Want to say this outloud so that the rest of the tag+comunity knows it and knows it well: not all the Lily Orchard-critical blogs and people HAVE to be buddy-buds with each other. It's always nice to have unity and no-infighting but you need to understand we are all adults talking about how we and other people have been hurt/set-upon by her base, or even preyed on by Lily herself.
Barring shitty transphobes and KiwiFarms (I 100% get why someone would go there, espec when receipt trails are getting harder and harder to keep up and are reported as harassment in sites like this one; I personally wouldn't trust the farms and the bozos there to handle my info well or with good faith. Other people who are using farms for receipt-tracking? Sure. The Farms themself? Fuck no and fuck Null) and obviously predatory people in their own right like Zena and Poppy, we're here to tell our stories and make sure other people's stories get told. Beef, even particuarly ugly beef like accusing each other of dismissing ab*se, zionism, or being angry that we're on servers w people we don't like - it's valid to not be chummy and mad at each other. Still, none of that will ever make us what Lily (or Zena and Poppy) is.
Lily Orchard-
wrote CP (her 'Stockholm' series). It may not have involved real children so it's not punishable by law in many states/prefectures, but y'know writing graphic cp is not a good thing. Most annoying proshippers defend the semantics of 'drawn material' out of fear that those rules will be abused and used to silence non-vile art: BUT, they don't support it and they don't want it around;
also, Lily up and lied to her audience, first that she ever wrote Stockholm then that the videos were she admitted to writing it were deepfakes and that the fanfiction's graphic bits were edited in by bronies who were mad at her.
stole (ie. copy-pasted other people's writing) other people's words and passed them off as her own
CONSTANTLY talks over people of color and other queer people. I'm too damn white and not native to dictate if Lily is truly 'native' or not. What she does/say though in the name of fighting for other lgbtq and bipoc folk is really scummy.
and that's JUST the tip of the iceberg!! Lily-
had PatchworkHearts make graphic p0rn of her behind her[Lily's] partner's back, most of which Patchwork was not comfortable with making but did so out of desperation that Lily took advantage of, including drawing r@pe-bestiality of on of Lily's x's ocs.
is quite possibly is a serial sock-puppeteer; creating accounts to live out her darker fantasies. On the offchance that Tara Callie is somehow a real person, than that real person is vile as hell and was just as much (longer so) a friend of Lily's than she was Britt's, so it's cruel of Lily to act like Britt was complacent in Tara's crimes and not her.
has been accused of lying about medical ailments to get money from her audience.
immediately dumped ILoveKimPossiblealot for having the gall to talk to LIly's accusers and get their stories, rather than just take Lily's word.
keeps instinctively misgenders people and only stops when she gets any heat for it like she did to EssenceofThought. By contrast every one of her main critical blogs has not misgendered or deadnamed her, and the one who initially did has actively avoided deadnaming and misgendering her since.
in now deleted videos and older tumblr posts, told friends of abuse victims not to care about their abused friends and parents of incestuous siblings to accept their children's incest.
is being accused by her sibling of CSEM. Lily has said it's the other way around but then also draws her sibling as the darvo'd sister from an incest game, dismisses said siblings abuse at the hands of their half sibling because Lily 'loves' him, and also proudly has mentioned beating up said sibling and slying saying she 'ran off with a pedophile' at 17 as though being taken advantage of (I know, Courtney does not view said relationship like this) is the sibling's fault.
And that's all I could remember for a single post. Im going to go back and post links once this headache I'm suffering from is sated.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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candy // 26 // she/her // fiction writer
this blog is now an archive, the owner of this account no longer accesses this blog, monitors asks or creates new works.
click here for my fic masterlist navigation // click here for my list of personal favourite fics by other writers // click read more for some rules/warnings before you choose to delve in.
i do not give permission to copy, steal or repost my works on any other platform. i do not give permission to feed my work into AI systems. please support my work with reblogs and likes. Copyright @usedtobecooler
it’s been a little over a year since i made this post, and now more than ever i felt like it was time to update it for new and old followers alike :)
18+ only on my account please, i shouldn’t have to reiterate this constantly. as an adult this is my safe space for consumption of nsfw content, this is not a place for children. if you’re over 18 please put your age in your bio, as any ageless blogs will be blocked.
your media consumption is not my responsibility, everything you read on my blog is a work of fiction and doesn't imitate real life.
whilst we're on that topic your triggers are not my responsibility either, if you choose to ignore the warnings on my works before reading them that's on you. this is a safe space for all adults and i will try to include any and all triggers i can think of in my warning section, if i miss any you think i should add please tell me so i can edit it.
i am lewd and crude and i will never apologise for that, venturing onto my blog means you will see consistent nsfw posts by myself and other creators. i am not responsible for any of the posts you may see me reblog whilst you’re scrolling out in public, at work, school or anything similar.
my anons are turned on for followers who do not feel comfortable revealing their identities but still would like to converse with me. do not abuse my anon button by sending me hate messages, hate will be deleted and the person sending it will be blocked from my account.
on that same note please do not come to my inbox with drama regarding anything i am not involved in. same goes for trashing other writers or fics — we don’t do that around here.
i think that's it for now! enjoy your time snooping around here, if you go to my favourites tag you will see some incredible works by the most amazing writers, please go give them some love they so deserve it!
lots of love. candy.
(dividers by the incredibly talented @firefly-graphics)
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poisonedspider · 5 months
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poisonedspider: INDIE roleplay blog for ANGEL DUST (ANTHONY) from HAZBIN HOTEL. Incredibly NSFW muse. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Spoilers present. Canon divergent. Semi-selective. Medium activity. Multipara/Novella literate writer for 20+ years. Multiverse and multi-ship. Mostly head canon based representation of (one) famous porn star. Mature and triggering content present, must be 21+ to interact. Blog will explore extreme trauma, abandonment, s*xual assault, physical violence, death, etc. Mutuals only, please! Authored by Strode, he/him, 30+. Re-established April 2024 (originally wrote in July 2019). Please read rules under the cut on this post.
Stand-alone blog, not strictly affiliated with the Hazbin/Helluvaverse and community (and certainly not in support of Vivzie). Open to any and all characters and interactions. Let it be known I am NOT AN ASK BLOG. Personals are allowed to follow, but will not be followed back and will be BLOCKED if they keep interacting with my stuff. Do not reblog this post.
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Angie's main bitches: @featheredbarkeep, @sirserpentine, @veelentino, @hazbinned, @mothvalentino, @widdlestwucifer, @doublejango, @grimowled, @voxxisms and @hzbinsouled.
Don’t be an asshole. Literally my number one rule, and basically my only rule. This is a hobby. We are nerds writing as fictional characters. I’m too old to feel in high school again. If you don’t like what I write, the block button is a function. Block me, and move along. Forget I exist. I do not participate in call out culture, and will not be forced to choose sides.
Memes are definitely the best way to interact with me. I personally will turn all memes into threads, as I feel that’s the point of them. You don’t have to necessarily continue them, but I’d appreciate if you did because I put a lot of thought and energy into my replies.
Never feel the need to match my length (I write a lot), but also know that I reserve the right to delete a thread if I don’t feel like what you wrote gives me enough information to write a well thought out reply. Also always feel free to delete threads I send to you that you no longer have muse for. This is for fun, it isn’t a homework assignment. You don’t need to explain yourself on your own blog!
I don’t work full-time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not constantly busy. I’m traveling almost every other weekend, and I’m trying to put my energy into being off Tumblr if I can help it. I may not always have the spoons to talk or do replies, even if you see me online. Just please be patient with me!
There will be a LOT of R-rated material on this blog. Almost everything will be NSFW - look at the show content, and especially this character. I do my best to tag all triggers, but please let me know if something specifically triggers you and I’ll edit it to be tagged right away so you can blacklist it. I’m still going to keep writing it, though. This is my blog. It is not my duty to make sure that you have a safe space, and if you don’t feel safe, I will not be remotely offended if you unfollow to keep your dash what you want it to be. It’s kind of impossible to write Angel and Angel’s story without some triggers coming up (Episode 4? Yeaaaah.)
Personals, do NOT reblog things. It already happened from the hour I made this blog, and it will become an automatic block. This is a roleplay blog. Period. I am also not an Ask Roleplay Blog, so while I may respond to some of those things in jest, it isn’t the purpose of this blog. Hazbin fan blogs and whatnot, leave my stuff out of it. If you continue to do this, I will report your blog. 
Angel Dust is gay. He will not be having romantic relationships with any females in the show. The only way he would ever be with a female, is if for whatever reason Valentino decided that he needed to sleep with a woman for his porn. Which I can’t see happening but….yeah. 
Speaking of Valentino, the way I play Angel is him still definitely within the confines of the contract. He might do things he is ashamed/embarassed of and doesn’t want to actually do because of the contract. Dubcon will probably be explored on here to some degree because he struggles saying no to Val. That doesn’t stop him from fighting back, but he’s going to do some gross things because his soul is owned. Also, my Angel does have love for Val. That doesn't mean I ship them AT ALL. It means that I have no shame as a therapist in exploring the cycle of abuse and toxic relationships, and that this is incredibly important to my Angel's story.
This being said, dubcon would be the only thing I'd put under a Read More because I know other people hate it. I don't really intend to write it out, but people could argue that Valentino using his 'poison' is considered dubious consent, and yeah, I'm going to write that and flesh it out a bit. As for other read mores, I'm lazy and it ain't gonna happen. You followed a character who is a sex worker. There's going to be smut. Murder. Cussing. That's the content of the show. I have no shame putting it out in the open. As mentioned, you can check the trigger warnings on my posts before reading something.
I’m a multipara/novella roleplayer. I’ll do some one liners and crack stuff, but it won’t be as common. I want to have elaborate threads. I want to flesh out this character. I’m going to come up with things about him that Vivzie doesn’t and make him a little bit my own. And that comes from writing, writing, writing. If I don't reply to you, it's probably because I can't work with one liners and I am stumped.
All the graphics and whatnot on this blog were either created or commissioned specifically by/for me. (I know I’m not a fabulous photoshop graphic maker but hey I tried). Do not steal from me. If I find out that you have, I will report your blog for theft. Majority of the graphic work on here is done by both @cerberuscommissions and @17webs.
DO NOT GODMODE. I will literally scream, cry, and throw up (okay, not literally). This is my blog, and I want to control Angel in my way. Please and thank.
I don't necessarily need people to reblog from the source, but if my activity is blowing up with the same person reblogging and reblogging, I'll kindly ask you to stop. If you continue, that will lead to a block because I already have hundreds of drafts and don't have time to swim through activity.
Sorry fam, I don't do Discord. I've had a few people ask, and while yes I do have it, I have it with a burning fiery passion. All roleplaying will be done here and here alone, because I like to have a Tumblr blog as a sort of 'archive.'
As for the mains (listed above), to not be discouraged just because I have mains. I was avoiding choosing them for a bit because I hate how it can feel like favoritism, but the fact of the matter is that there are unfortunately people on here that Angel has much more muse for, and that I talk to ooc almost every day. Those people get first priority. Let it be known that does NOT mean they are exclusives. As mentioned, I will be writing with every single character, no limitations. Nor are there any rules specifically associated with my mains. Mostly just means they get priority on things.
I don't have any triggers. Period. I appreciate people asking me if such and such is okay in a thread before we do it, but really, just do whatever your character feels they would do. I'm a therapist. And sure, therapists have their triggers too. But I've been exposed to so much shit that nothing really phases me anymore.
I do not own the character Angel Dust or any content from Hazbin Hotel. I am not associated with Vivziepop and am in fact an Anti-Viv blog (please don't associate me with her). Shocker, I know. But gotta put that on here. 
Tldr; Be chill, have fun, don’t follow if don’t like hypersexuality, severe trauma, or sassy gay men.  
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lixenn · 20 days
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Getting surprise attacked not by this question! Thank you so much for stopping by Jojo!
Edit: I fucked up and posted this on accident when it wasn't ready yet. So I deleted it and made it a seperate post. Sorry about that OTL
I'll try my best to answer it 🫡 (Disclaimer: the time line here is a bit of a mess. Since Housekeeping AU is pre-canon most of tenth gen would be itty bitty but for the sake of this ask just assume I'm talking about the canon versions)
Squalo (romantic) Squalo and Dan simply vibe. The Captain and the Chief. Loud and quiet. Co-parenting the assassin nutcases together, complaining about the latest stunt some idiot pulled, despairing over Xanxus throwing stuff habit. They are comrades in suffering, your honour. Their bond is forged with blood (not theirs), ink (from all the paperwork) and alcohol (because they need it), it's unbreakable trust👍(beware the bickering though because there's lots of it when these two get going).
Xanxus (romantic) Now, while Squalo and Dan share similarities, Xanxus and Dan are pure contrast. Xanxus is one of the few people that can really rile Dan up, for some reason he knows how to press all his buttons and regulary breaks Dani-boy out of his shell. Squalo brings calm and rest, while Xanxus brings fire and passion. And lots of swearing.
Lal (platonic) Lal and Dan are a great duo. Both competent, both no-nonsense, both sick of training idtiots and dealing with their bosses. They would get along great, quietly exchanging stories over a glass of wine while their partners off doing stupid shit (which they are steadily ignoring). Their friendship would get so much done, they would terrify anyone into submission with a soul piercing stare, it'd be fun!
Fon (platonic) These two haven't met and I don't know if they ever will but they would chill togehter, drinking tea. Just relaxing. Dan would appreciate Fon's zen and ability to kick ass, because he values competence in all forms.
Tsuna (platonic) Dan truly understands Tsuna's plight. Surrounded by chaos, constantly dragged into nonsense... When you just want some godforsaken peace and quiet. They would bond over the craziness that is their life and Dan would teach alll the ways to cope with the chaos (there may be alcohol involved).
Dave (all platonic cause Dave is on the aro spectrum)
Lussuria Sharing a passion with fashion and gossip, Dave and Luss get on like a house on fire. They regualary meet up for spa sessions where they exchange the hottest tea and bitch about Chief not taking care of himself. Sometimes they fuck, sometimes they just giggle and paint each others nails, it very much depends on the mood.
Reborn Chaos gremlins stand united! Dave and Reborn are two peas in a pod, living for the trolling, making everyone's life hell just for the lols. Chief's chaos sense will go haywire should they ever meet and he will instantly cash in all his vacation days at once, cause he ain't dealing with the clean up no sireee~
Bel Another litlle shit going on the list. Dave and Bel are competing over the top spot of: driving Chief to homicide and let me tell you it's a close race. Davey-boy and Baby-Bel love getting up to mischief together, with Dave trying to hold back some of Bel's murderous tendencies. (Dave prefers pschological torment and he's not really that much of a fan of corpse clean up). You could see their relationship as brotherly but if you mention it to either of them they will probably hiss and bite/stab you.
Haru Dave would find Haru adorable! Look at her! Designing funky custumes, eating all the cake and chasing after love. How cute! Dave approves! They would bake cake together, talking about boys (while Dave gives all the wrong advice because he doesn't know shit about romance actually).
Chrome Dave takes on look at Chrome and instantly takes her under his wing. He'd see the look in her eyes, her shy demeanour and thin figure and feel like he's staring into one of these fun house mirrors. Like recognises like. He'd try his best not to spook her, soften his edges a bit and then get some food in her. They'd cook together with Dave showing her the ropes, telling her funny stories all the while, trying to make Chrome laugh. Their relationship would have a bittersweet taste but with a satisfying finish at the end.
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
Hey everyone 👋🏽
I haven’t bothered clarifying anything here simply because I’m more active on TW and, to a smaller degree, my IG. I’ve voiced my thoughts on those platforms but I guess I should also preserve it here so I’m doing that now💜TBH I debated even making this post because I want to move forward, but I think this should be archived for the future so 😌
For those who didn’t see, these are the things I’ve said about what has happened the last week.
The day everything happened, I wrote this. Unfortunately, after only being up 6 hours, I had to go private because some people move from a place of fear and reacted with hate. Ironically, I now see accounts talking about the same things I talked about. It’s incredibly frustrating, and I wish I was stronger when people come to bully because I think last week this message needed to be conveyed, but what can you do😌I’m glad some are more receptive this week 😌
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I then wrote this on IG, elaborating further since I didn’t have a tweet limit confining me -
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I have also said this -
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And yesterday I posted this edit. I was actually slowly compiling it for July, when 6 months had passed in 2023, but my gut told me a gentle reminder was needed + a breath of positivity on the timeline would be welcomed -
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Which you can watch on my IG or TW (TW link here)
That is all I’m going to say about this. There’s so many theories running around and I’m not going to engage with them. I trust Tae and Jk, and what we’ve seen them show about themselves and where their heart is for YEARS, therefore I’m not bothered by any of this. My heart is heavy the timeline was so tense and filled with negativity this last week. I will never understand why people choose to bully those who have a different view than they do. I’m also sad how fickle minded and easily forgetful people are to what TK have shown😌
I can’t stress enough - I’m not going to entertain drama, bullying, arguing, etc so either please keep rude comments to yourself, or I’m going to block and not engage, and you’ve wasted your time. I always say believe as you want. I’m not here to convince, persuade or be a bandaid for insecurity. That holds true even now. Think what you want. I’m going to believe as I want too. Arguing and being hurtful won’t change that. I’m also not interested in debating anything, so I hope you can understand. I’d rather use my energy in more fruitful ways.
If things are making you feel drained, I want to gently encourage you to step away.
I really would love if we can move forward from a place of positivity and support, as we have been 🙏
I may delete this in a bit. I’m not sure.
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ethicstownpod · 11 months
Tags to use if you don't want us seeing your posts
I made this post back before the show aired, but I think it's worth rehashing now that it's out.
If you want to post about the show and have your mutuals/other fans see the post, but not us, please use the hashtag keepyoursecrets.
I already have this tag blocked for St Kilda reasons, so may as well make good use of it! Of course, not everyone will see this, and we'll still exercise reasonable judgement: art and memes are probably made to be shared, 'this episode made me feel X /srs' is maybe not.
This isn't because we don't want to see any criticism or shitposts, it's about making sure you have a space you don't feel is being constantly monitored. I like texting my friend about The Adventure Zone, but if I suspected the McElroys of hacking my discord I would choose my words carefully, y'know?
Go forth and continue making cool stuff for each other! It's great!
EDIT: An additional statement about fanfic, since people are starting to write those and it's very exciting! I won't be reading any fanfiction, however due to the size of the fandom I am more than happy to facilitate sharing it.
I won't share anything more explicit than the show is/gets: so mild gore, existentialism, death, corruption etc. and things like fade-to-black intimacy, moderate profanity are all good. Anything more explicit is also great generally speaking, however I want to make sure the audience can expect the same things from our socials as they can from the show.
If you do not want us to share your fic you can always ask us to delete a reblog and we will. Plus, the keepyoursecrets tag is your friend, please use it.
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gvtted-ratz · 7 months
read all our tags/ratings. they are important and give you all u need to decide if you wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
Look Outside The Window
Jay Merrick/Skully x M!Reader
Last Edited: July 4, 2021 12:03 AM
TW: stalking, obsessive behavior
Requested: no
Notes: these used 2 be posted but i deleted them after some comments made me hate them. however, i found them again recently n may end up adding more. i also do not hate them anymore. tws will be in the notes before every chapter and some will be put in the additional tags. the character is also in the notes/summary before each chapter. (The 1st 4 r old n unedited)
You had needed an out. You needed to get away from home. Your parents did nothing but trap you there. You couldn’t make your own decisions or even buy anything with your own money without them talking you down or insulting you over it. They wanted you to live with them and go by their rules. They didn’t care about what you wanted in life and only saw you as their “little boy”. You weren’t a child anymore; you were a young adult. They were constantly trying to infantilize you and you hated it. You were a young adult and you needed to branch out, make mistakes, and move on. So that’s what you did. You left home after finding a house-sitting job.
The job would last a few months, which was odd to you. Why house sit for months on end? The owners didn’t tell you anything. You didn’t even call. You emailed them and they emailed you. Every interaction with the couple was through emails. Or at least, you think the person messaging you is in a relationship. It sounded that way. One part of the email said, “We’ll be leaving the house to you. My partner and I are going on vacation for a few months. You can watch and live in the house while there. Your pay will be sent to you in a check via mail. The groceries will be delivered to you once a week. May you watch it carefully.” The last part gave you a sense of foreboding, almost like you should be watching out for something out in the house deep in the woods.
When you had arrived at the house, you were pleasantly surprised to find it very tidy. Everything was spotless in the two-story home. It held four bedrooms and three bathrooms. There was a dining room, living room, family room, kitchen, foyer, dressing area, and a nook. Overall, a large house. Well, a large house for a simple couple. Perhaps the couple has quite a bit of money? Especially if they’re going on vacation for a few months and are paying you a large sum to simply watch the lonely house in the woods.
The first few days were fine. Nothing really happened other than the feeling of being watched. What creeped you out the most though was that you never heard any birds. It was always silent outside. Silent and still. There was barely any wind thanks to the dense forestry. Despite that, the feeling of being watched continued. Sometimes, though, you would hear gentle buzzing in your ears. It reminded you of bees but it sounded more like an old tape. Whenever you heard it, it seemed like static covered your eyesight. You could still see, but the static was like a film over your sight. Whenever you would look in the mirror, your eyes seemed to have a slight glaze over them. Of course, there wasn’t much you could do and no amount of searching the internet seemed to help.
By the second week, you were hearing birds. There was something… off about them. They didn’t sound lively. They sounded hollow. Almost like something was mimicking them. You would hear them next to whichever window you were closest to as well. It was like something was by the window, mimicking the birds only when you’re there. It didn’t happen all throughout the day either. It only happened when you weren’t doing something. If you were to turn off the television, ready to get started on a meal, the chirping and singing would start up. Because of how hollow and synthetic it sounded, shivers would run all over your body. It didn’t help that the static over your vision seemed to get slightly worse whenever it would happen; the buzzing in your ears also seemed to get louder. At night, however, there was no chirping or singing. The static seemed to have tripled at that point though and the buzzing was so loud that you could barely hear your heartbeat and breathing.
By the first month, you were looking outside constantly. The bird noises seemed to happen constantly by now and notes started to appear around your home. When you would try to sleep, the hollow tune of the birds would be there despite the fact that no birds were out. The buzzing was so loud that it was all you would hear. The static was so bad that it completely covered your sight; it was like looking at a static screen. The notes terrified you. There were never any footprints in the snow outside and you were the only one in the home. You believed, at first, that you were writing them. Maybe you had been half asleep and wrote them. But that changed when the notes didn’t match your handwriting and started to be… weird.
You look handsome today. One said. Do you like the birds? They don’t seem very lively though. Another read. I wish you would see me. You always know I’m there thanks to the static and buzzing. Maybe we’ll meet soon. More and more would come in. They were always placed where you’d see them. A window. The fridge. Even on the television. They were taped there, all signed with an S. One was even on your bedroom door. How did someone get in and out without leaving any footprints or any evidence behind? You didn’t know but it started to make you close every curtain and try to raise the volume of everything, trying so hard to drown out the unlively birds.
Today was just like the last few. The static over your vision makes it hard to see right with how thick it is. The buzzing in your ears is loud, but not loud enough to drown out the synthetic birds. You make breakfast for yourself, dressed in some simple sleepwear. The breakfast you make doesn’t take too long, just some scrambled eggs and toast with jam. You eat in silence; well, not entirely in silence thanks to the buzzing and birds. When you finish your breakfast, you wash the plate and other utensils you had used to make your meal. Once done, you decided to do some light stretching in the living room. There wasn’t much you could do in the home. Outside was too cold for you to explore the wilderness without sustaining frostbite.
All of the curtains were closed except for one. It was the closest to the television. You were going to close it before spotting the note taped on the box. You stare at the note before tearing it off the screen. It reads: Look Outside The Window . You pause, staring at the note. The buzzing slowly starts to get louder just as the static over your sight starts to worsen. The birds, however, stop chirping. There’s only the buzzing. Slowly, you look towards the window. Nothing. Nothing but still snow.
A small smile worms its way only your face, mocking. A small, forced chuckle leaves your lips before you turn around, ready to head back into the kitchen to make some tea to calm your beating heart. You freeze though when you see the figure standing in the doorway. The beige-orange coat covers most of their figure while the black-ish blue hood covers their face. They have on a pair of gloves, the same colour as their hood. Their pants are a simple pair of jeans while their shoes seem to be black combat boots. Seeing a figure in your home is terrifying, yes. It wouldn’t have been as scary if the figure didn’t have a mask on. The mask was an off-white-ish colour with black eyeholes, high black eyebrows, and a box shape for the mouth, somewhat resembling teeth.
You both stand there, no one moving. The buzzing is so loud now that you can barely hear your own heart and breathing. The static is so bad that you can barely see the figure clearly. “IT’s NiCe To FiNaLlY mEeT yOu, [Redacted],” They, or he, says. His voice sounded weird. It was like a mix of different pitches and he couldn’t decide which one was best and went with all of them. You didn’t think though, only acted. You quickly dropped the note and fled the living room. You could hear him following you as you ran for the back door. You slam into it, trying to unlock it. “YoU dOn’T wAnT tO gO oUtSiDe! It’S tOo CoLd FoR yOu. EsPeCiAlLy WiTh HoW yOu’Re DrEsSeD!” You don’t listen though, not even as he slowly approaches you. With a final turn of the knob, the door is flung open and you run out into the snow.
It’s cold and stings your feet. You run and run and run. You don’t once look back, too scared that he may be right there. You don’t hear him following you, but that’s due to the buzzing. It’s so loud now that it’s all you can hear. You’re basically running blind; the static is so thick that seeing your surroundings is almost impossible. You stumble around mostly, hands in front of you so you don’t run face-first into any trees.
You’re unsure of how long you have been running. All you know for sure is that you can’t see anything anymore, the buzzing is starting to give you a headache, you feel like you’re sweating buckets beside the fact that your legs, arms, fingers, and toes are going numb. It isn’t long before you collapse. You’re breathing heavily, panting in the snow. You can feel yourself shaking despite feeling so hot, so overheated. Your hair sticks to your forehead as you continue to sweat. You try to move, to drag yourself somewhere but your body refuses. You lay there, your eyes open despite them wanting to close. The static is still strong, just like the buzzing. They scream danger but your body refuses to listen.
As more time passes, you feel yourself slowly going numb, your eyes fluttering every now and then, trying to close. The static slowly starts to fade away until it’s back to the normal, barely there, state. The buzzing fades into a gentle hum, it barely being able to be heard. You can hear how heavy your breaths are and see the pure white of the snow. One of your hands is in front of you, pale and slowly turning blue. Frostbite will, or already has, set in. Were you going to die out here? Here, all alone. Nothing to your name. No one looking for you besides your parents. Who would find your body? Or would the masked man hide your body away, letting it decay somewhere?
You can hear the crunch of the snow and gentle humming coming your way. It seems the man has come for you. His pace is slow, not at all rushed. Soon enough, he walks into your field of vision. He crouches down, sitting on the balls of his feet. His gloved hand is brought up before it comes through your hair. “LoOk At YoU. A sHiVeRiNg, HaNdSoMe MeSs. As MuCh As I lIkE hOw YoU lOoK rIgHt NoW, bEiNg VuLnErAbLe AnD aLl, YoU’rE tUrNiNg BlUe,” As soon as those words leave his mouth, he scoops you up in his arms, holding you close to him tightly. “DoN’t WoRrY. I’lL tAkE gOoD cArE oF yOu. I lOvE yOu ToO mUcH nOt To. YoU’lL bE sAfElY tUcKeD aWaY iN tHaT hOuSe, WiTh Me By YoUr SiDe To KeEp YoU cOmPaNy. NoW dOeSn’T tHaT sOuNd NiCe?”
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Southern Roots Series:
Song: Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That
Artist: Dolly Parton
Characters for Scenario: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
{{And before y'all come at me with your pitchforks and torches, HE IS AGED UP, so stop clutching your pearls and quit looking at me like I scandalized a nun}}
Warnings: None that I can think of other than Bakugou's usual potty mouth. Part of the scenario takes place in a bar, so there are mentions of alcohol and drinking, and cigarettes. Not sure if any of these are relevant for a warning, but I'm adding them just in case. Oh, and breakup angst, because, why not?
Notes: Tried to keep the reader GN. Concept is almost entirely from Reader’s perspective, so lots of usage of the pronoun ‘you’. Bartender calls Reader “sugar, hon, darlin’,” etc. Bartender is ‘she/her’. {Bartender is my self-insert, and no, this post was not intended to be all about her, but she is integral to the underlying story}. Uses they/them pronouns when discussing Reader. If I slipped up anywhere, politely tell me, and I’ll go back and edit.
Word Count: Bruh, I ain't got the mental capacity to count right now 🤣😭
For @trashpotatoess.
Sloane, my love, my darlin', my dearest, my wonderful friend--I am so, so, SO sorry for the lateness of this, and doubly sorry if it’s absolute garbage, but I sincerely hope you enjoy your requested scenario. 💙
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
The bass of whatever song is croaking through the speakers is doing nothing to help the ache that’s been building up in your head for the last few days. Between that and the seemingly never-ending hangover, your brain was constantly pounding against your skull. 
It’s been three months. Three months of tears, anger, denial, depression, alcohol, and mornings where you struggled to get out of bed. Three months of staring at the cracked screen of your phone, hoping for a notification from him. You had thrown it at your bedroom wall in a fit of rage after he had texted you for the last time asking for his things back. One half of you wished that you’d never deleted your social media, but you did it because you were prone to stalking his account, and you were glad you did. You were downright terrified of what you might find on there. Or who you might find on there. The other half wished that he’d text again, perhaps even be so courteous as to call. Just so you could answer and tell him to go to hell before hanging up. 
Three months of this back-and-forth war with yourself was about to drive you absolutely insane, as was the thought of spending another aimless night holed up in your apartment. So you did the logical thing. You came to the only decent bar Yuuie had to offer and were drinking your sorrows away--for the eighth time this month.
As you down your second drink of the night, you stare down at the brim of your empty glass, mulling over how you found yourself here. A pair of crimson eyes, ash-blonde hair, and a devil-may-care smile flash through your mind. Sighing, you lean your elbows on the bar, bringing your fingertips up to your temples to massage them, trying to rid yourself of some of the discomfort.
The worst part about the breakup wasn’t actually the breakup itself. Sure, there was the screaming and the arguing before he eventually hopped in his truck and left you in a cloud of dust, but that wasn’t the worst part. No, the worst part was the fact that everyone knew about it almost as soon as it happened. And it’s all anyone had been gossiping about. For weeks. So even if you wanted to try and forget and move on, you couldn’t. The price and curse of living in a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and you have no kind of privacy whatsoever. You couldn’t even nurse your heartache behind closed doors because someone was always dropping by your place to “check up on you”. 
It also didn’t help that your ex was practically famous. A traveling bull rider and Yuuie rodeo champion for the last six consecutive years, he’d made quite a name for himself.
His rodeo stage name was ridiculous. 
The Great Explosion Murder God and his equally explosive steed, Dynamight. 
That was the title the papers had graced him with after his amazing win on the bull riding portion of the rodeo. No one expected him to last eight seconds on Yuuie’s most notorious bull, Samson. Samson was the bull that put more cowboys out of commission than any farm accident ever could. But your ex craved challenges just as much as he craved the sweet taste of nicotine in his favorite cigarettes. So he rode Samson. And hung on for twenty-three seconds before being flung off. He’d been the town hero ever since. 
Around rodeo season, everywhere you looked, pictures of TGEMG could be seen on every visible window, telephone poll, and building wall imaginable. But you never saw him as the golden boy of Yuuie. You saw him for who he was. A troublemaker with an explosive temper, as hotheaded and stubborn as Samson the bull. To Yuuie, he was The Great Explosion Murder God. 
But to you? He was simply Katsuki Bakugou.
Just the thought of his name caused a sour taste to build up in your mouth. Running your fingers through your already messy hair, you seriously contemplate banging your head onto the polished bar.
“Can I get you another, sugar?” A sweet voice draws you out of your thoughts. You glance up and see the bartender swiping down the counter with a wet cloth. Her dark hair is pulled back into a messy bun, with a few loose strands hanging out here and there. Light, subtle strokes of mascara cling to her lashes, accentuating the color of her eyes, two different hues of brown; the left eye a much lighter shade than the right. 
A black Jameson Irish Whiskey racerback clings to her curves, accentuating her hourglass figure. A delicate silver chain hangs around her neck, an unknown pendant playing hide-and-seek in the plunging neckline of her tank. 
She cuts her mismatched eyes to your glass. “Do you want another, or are you calling it a night?” 
Without a word, you shove it toward her. She raises a questioning brow at your actions, lips quirking up slightly, but to your surprise and thankfulness, she doesn’t say anything else. She just grabs the bottle of your favorite liquor and refills your glass for the third time. As she works, you take a moment to study her. 
She was new in town. Landed a job as a bartender. Quiet, kept to herself. A walking enigma as no one really knew anything about her. Hell, you weren’t even sure what her name was. All anyone knew was that she moved to Yuuie shortly after you and Katsuki had called it quits. But from her accent and manners, you would’ve thought she was a local. She fit in well enough, seeming to belong with the rest of you, as if she’d been here the entire time. 
Setting the glass back in front of you, she gives you a small smile. “Here you go, darlin’.”
You blink once. Twice. You then seem to realize that you still need to pay for your drink. Snapping out of your daze, you reach into your pocket to pull out your wallet. Your fingertips barely brush the stash of bills you have tucked away when the bartender shakes her head. 
“On the house, hon.”
You stare incredulously at her. She shrugs, grabbing up empty beer bottles. “You look like you need it.” 
You wince as the coolness of the glass seeps into your palms. “That obvious, huh?” 
She snorts, wiping down the counter again before throwing the towel over her shoulder. “I’m a bartender; it’s my business to be observant. Kinda part of the job description.” Brushing back the stray hairs dangling in her face, she sticks out a hand. “I’m Blue.”
This time, it’s your turn to raise a brow. “Blue? Like the color?”
An expression settles on her face as if she’s in another place, another time, but she doesn’t give you a chance to dwell on it or even ask what she’s thinking about. The look disappears almost as quickly as it came, replaced by a wistful smile. “Exactly like the color.”
“That’s not your real name is it?” You ask. Again, you lived in a small town. And small towns came with a variety of names. Some were vintage, a little older but still respectable: Beau, Imogen, Pearl, and Edmund. Others were very Southern: Cash, Oakley, Easton, Wes, and anything that ended in ‘Lynn’. And then there were the off-the-wall ones like Cooter, Gator, Coon, Younique, Texas, Amarillo, and a few others that were just plain ridiculous. All in all, Blue wasn’t too bad a name to be saddled with.
She shakes her head, a small chuckle rumbling through her. “No. It’s....a nickname. Well, one of them. Two different nicknames gifted from two very different people. Blue and Peach.”
“Peach?” The dubiousness of your tone causes her to throw her head back and laugh. 
“A long story from a lifetime ago. I got so used to them when I was younger that I sometimes wouldn’t respond to my actual name. Feel free to call me either. I’ll respond to both, but if I’m being honest, Blue is my preferred choice.” 
Stretching out your arm, you take her hand in yours, giving it a firm shake. “Well, nice to meet you then, Blue.”
Her eyes sparkle, wrapping her fingers around yours. “Likewise.”
Even though the clock on your phone reads only a quarter past ten, the tavern was nearly jam-packed with patrons.
Several people crowd the bar. Few were playing pool or making bets on a game of darts. Others had paired off and were line-dancing on the dance floor to whatever playlist Present Mic had geared up for the evening.
Laughter bubbles in your chest as you take another shot. You were tipsy, borderline drunk, your giggles growing louder and louder, everything becoming funnier by the second. You were finally beginning to unwind and relax a little.
Okay, you had relaxed A LOT.
Blue made you hand over your keys after your fourth shot of vodka. When you tried protesting, she silenced you with a glare that nearly rivaled your mother’s.
“I’ll give you a lift when my shift ends. Until then, these,” she jangled your keys in front of your face before dropping them into a glass jar that she stashed behind the counter, “are staying with me.” 
You begrudgingly but gratefully accepted, especially as you were aware of the way Sheriff Enji Todoroki had been cracking down on drunk driving lately. You didn’t want to take any chances of getting thrown in the slammer and giving the town yet another reason to talk about you. The breakup was enough fuel to keep the fires going for a good long while.
To keep yourself from reliving the event and becoming a blubbering mess, you impulsively decided to ask Blue to tell you about herself.
She gave you a look that you couldn't quite perceive before sucking in her bottom lip and whistling to her partner.
"Neijire! I'm taking ten."
Your eyes travel in the direction of Blue's attention, landing on the bouncing figure of the other bartender. She wore nearly an identical outfit to Blue’s, but her shirt was more strategically ripped to bare more skin and bore the Jack Daniels logo instead of Jameson. She was happily putting a hefty bill into the Tip Jar, but Blue's words turned her mouth down into a pout.
"You're just now taking a break? Blue!" Neijire scolds, throwing a rag at the back of Blue's head. "You need to take your breaks as they come. Being on your feet for hours gets real exhausting real fast. I don't need you burnt out during your shifts."
Blue gives her a sarcastic salute while Neijire just rolls her eyes. She reaches across the counter, grabbing a pen, scribbling something down on a notepad. Ripping the paper cleanly off, she shoves it into Blue's hand, her golden eyes glittering in the low lights of the bar.
"Go ahead and give this to FatGum. He'll whip up something for you in the back. Take all your missed breaks and get yourself some dinner too. I don't want you back behind this counter until you've eaten something, you hear?"
“Neijire-chan! Can I get another over here, sweetheart?” One of the patrons calls, holding their glass up.
Neijire winks at you both, tucking back a curly lock of lavender-purple hair. “Welcome! What can I get y’all started with?” 
Blue limbos under the ‘employees only’ trapdoor and plops herself beside you on a cushy barstool, grinning. "What do you wanna know?"
"Anything,” you answer, slamming your shot glass down after swigging the contents. “Do you like living in Yuuie? What's your name? What's your sign? When's your birthday? Do you have any tattoos? Have you ever done anything illegal?" The questions were pouring out of you like water from a leaking spicket.
Blue laughs as she hands off her meal ticket to one of the passing waiters, setting it on top of his empty serving tray. "Thanks, Mirio!” 
The blonde bows at the waist, a thousand gigawatt smile flashing. “A pleasure, Miss Blue.” 
She waves him off, shaking her head at him and his antics before turning back to you. “This sounds more like an interrogation than a getting-to-know-you icebreaker."
"Well, it's not only me that's curious. The whole town has been abuzz about you since you got here. You're like a mystery novel with no ending."
Blue's face scrunches up in disbelief. "I'm an open book! Hit me."
“Do you have any pets?”
Her entire face lights up when you ask her that.
"Do you wanna see my cat?"
And that’s how you found yourself about an hour later, learning everything there was to know about the elusive new bartender.
She whipped out her phone, showing you pictures of a tiny white kitten with a splotched black tail and scattered salt and pepper patches on her face and back. For reasons unbeknownst to you, she named it Queso Mozzarella but lovingly calls her 'Mozzy' for short. Your heart squeezed at the absolute adorableness.
After Blue put her phone away, she began to tell you about herself, bit by bit. Almost like putting together a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle. 
One of the first things she told you was her favorite flavor. Any and everything peach.
"I actually got the nickname 'Peach' when I was in elementary school because I always brought a fresh peach for lunch, even when they weren't in season."
She despises oranges, mainly because she's allergic to them.
"I swell up like a Goodyear Blimp. It ain't very comely."
She likes chocolate milk, mozzarella sticks, forget-me-not flowers, 80's movie soundtrack music, and her favorite color is blue (real surprise there).
"Told you, I'm an open book."
But the thing that shocked you the most was when you discovered that your previous assumption about her had been right. She did grow up in Yuuie.
"Born and raised."
"Then why did you move away?"
Blue fiddles with the basket of fries that came with her mountain of a burger. She’d polished off most of her food, playing with the remaining bits she couldn’t quite eat. Mirio dropped it off earlier, as well as a giant glass of sweet tea. He had playfully ruffled her hair despite Blue's protests before disappearing back into the sea of dancing bodies. 
 "My dad was in the military. He ended up getting promoted to a higher rank and stationed in another country the winter I became a junior. He packed us up and moved us overseas before I could finish the year out." A heavy sigh escapes her lips. She picks up a French fry, dipping it into a small bowl of ranch dressing. That was yet another thing you learned about her: she hated eating ketchup with her fries.
It drops back onto the checkered parchment paper in the plastic basket. 
"I didn't even get to say goodbye."
You slightly sober up at the sadness in her tone. However, before you or she could say anything else, a frazzled-looking Neijire rushes to y'all's end of the bar. "Blue, it's the Pre-Midnight Rush. I need some help back here."
Blue nods. “On my way, darlin’.” She wipes her hands on her jeans, standing.  
“Back to work, then.” She pushes the basket towards you. "Here. You should eat something to soak up all that alcohol you've been drinking."
You take it, deciding to heed her advice. She rounds the bar, walking to the sink to wash her hands before clocking back in.
“Hey, y’all,” she greets the fresh flood of customers alongside Nejire. “Pick your poisons.”
"So why did you come back?" You shout at her over the pumping bass. Present Mic turned the tunes over to his DJ in training, Kyoka Jirou around midnight. The later it got, the louder the music became. And Jirou seemed to prefer it that way.
Blue vigorously shakes a silver canister before pouring a pink margarita into a salted glass. She throws a cherry in the middle of it, topping it off with a sliced lime before handing it off to the person who ordered it.
"My gramma is sick," she answers, shoveling ice into a few glasses. "I'm the only person willing to come take care of her."
Blue didn't seem too keen on delving into details, and you were smart enough to take the silent hint and not ask. You’re nursing your eleventh, maybe twelfth drink? as she steers the conversation away to lighter subjects.
She regales you with a story of how the town flirt and electrician, Denki Kaminari, shocked himself on an electric pole after he tried hitting on her as she was walking home with her groceries the other day. 
“He kept giving me a thumbs up from the back of the ambulance and muttering ‘yay’. I feel so bad but I couldn’t help but laugh at him,” Blue chuckles as she polishes another pint glass before putting it on the shelf. “Bless his heart.”
“Sounds like a typical day for him.” You slur, a hiccup escaping your lips. “He gets electrocuted so much that everyone in Yuuie calls him Sparky.” You chug back the rest of your bourbon, belching loudly. “Except for Jirou. She calls him ‘Jammingyay’.” 
Blue gently pries the glass from your hand. “Jammingyay? Well, that’s certainly creative. I always used to call him Pikachu.” She places it in the sink, eliciting a drunken whine from you. “Sorry, sugar. I’m officially cutting you off. You’re three sheets to the wind.”
“Am not,” you insist, but your vision blurs and you aren’t sure which Blue you’re looking at. The one on the left or the one on the right. Both of them frown at you. 
“Yeeeeaaah, definitely time to call it quits. You’re as full as a tick on a bloodhound.” 
You burst into a deep belly laugh at her euphemism. Your laughter ends, as does the song that had been playing. Some rough feedback from the speakers grabs everyone’s attention, as well as the tap-tap-tapping of someone’s finger against a microphone.  
“Alrighty, y’all. It’s that time of the night. Karaoke hour,” Jirou announces, stirring up the crowd as they erupt into a fit of cheerful hollers. “You know the rules. Take a number, pick a song, and sing your little drunk hearts out.” Jirou places a couple of spare mics on her counter as a slew of girls immediately rush her DJ station. 
You scoff. “Who would wanna do something as dumb as karaoke?”
Blue flips a bottle behind her back, catching it before filling up a row of shot glasses. She takes out a lighter from her pocket, flicking it before setting the row on fire. They burn for a couple of seconds before she whips out two coffee mugs, setting them over the shots one at a time. After the flames die down, she passes them out to awaiting patrons. 
“I dabble in it from time to time. It’s a good way to get your emotions out or feelings across.” 
“You’re joking, right?”
She shrugs. “To each their own. We all cope in different ways.”
You feel the corner of your mouth twitch. 
“Blue! I need a pitcher of sangria and three whiskey sours!” Neijire shouts the orders as she places more bills into the Tip Jar and rings up tabs. 
Blue sighs, glancing up at you from under her lashes. “Never a moment of peace around here, I’ll tell ya that.” 
As she makes her way to Neijire, you replay her words over and over in your head.
‘We all cope in different ways.’ 
The first song gears up on the karaoke machine, lyrics displayed on an ancient projector screen. Familiar chords of a song you loved singing on long road trips start to filter out of the speakers, and the soft, subtle backup vocals of Dolly Parton croon in your ears.
You had no idea who was currently butchering one of the best songs (in your opinion) that Dolly Parton ever created, but you couldn’t help but want to sing along.
“Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that? Here comes my baby, draggin' my heart behind. He's drivin' me crazy! Who says love is blind? He's got a wanderin' eye and a travelin' mind, big ideas and a little behind. Out with a different woman every night, but I remember when he was mine.” 
And how had you been coping? Not moving from your couch in several days, refusing to change out of your ratty pajamas. Hygiene had been a foreign concept during the first week or so after you and Katsuki had called it quits. You didn’t shower. You didn’t bother putting on a new outfit. You hardly opened your blinds, reveling in your misery in the dark. Netflix should have sent you a medal for watching nearly every romcom known to man on their streaming platform, all while sobbing into your ice cream cartons. You deactivated every platform of social media from your phone because you didn’t want to see how happy he was without you and didn’t want to give yourself any opportunities to fall into a deeper spiral of stalking his accounts. You chose to send your liver into an early grave and your bank account into the red with how often you frequented the bars and dives around town, doing your best to forget him.
How he smelled: like burnt sugar and salty caramel. How he tasted. How it felt when he held you in his arms. Like you were the only person he wanted to touch. To kiss. To love.
“Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your high heel boots and painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Waltzing right in here lookin' like that. Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? When you could stop traffic in a gunny sack. Why you're almost givin' me a heart attack! When you waltz right in here lookin' like that I just can't stand it. To see him on the town, he's out slow dancing with every girl around. I'm a softhearted woman; he's a hardheaded man, and he's gonna make me feel just as bad as he can. He's got himself a mean streak a half a mile wide Now he's dancing on this heart of mine.” 
You feel as if the song is directed at you. Like an evil version of Cupid crawled from the depths of hell just to play with your already broken heart strings. That, or the person singing just had it out for you. Either way, each word hit you like a slap to the face.
“Ooh, Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your high heel boots painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream.Why'd you come in here lookin' like that?”
Tears stung your lower eyelids as the song ended and the crowd exploded in whooping applause. 
Maybe whoever just got off the stage was in the same boat as you. Still in the tender stages of a splintered heart, trying to figure out how to put the pieces together. Perhaps that was their way of doing their best to move on and start fresh.
‘We all cope in different ways.’
How had you been coping?
Not well. Not well at all. 
“Darlin’? Darlin’, you still with me?” A gentle shake to your shoulders startles you, causing you to jump a little. Blue retracts her hand. She meekly tips her head. “Sorry to wake you, sweet pea, but I’m nearin’ the end of my shift.”
You yawn, rubbing some of the sleep out of your eyes. “What time is it?”
“Nearly two. You fell asleep about thirty minutes ago.”
You grimace, rolling your neck from side to side. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. If we had a decent taxi service or some type of Lyft or Uber, I would’ve gotten you one a while ago. Let me just get a few of these stragglers and then I’ll take ya on home, okay?” 
You yawn again. “Thanks, Blue.” 
She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.”
“No,” you blurt out. She stops in her tracks and stares at you. “It’s not.”
“It’s just a ride home. I ain’t really doin' much, sweet pea.”
“It is a big thing.” You insist. “It’s a really big thing. Thank you.”
She shakes her head. “No, really, darlin’, it’s--��
“You’re the only person that hasn’t treated me like I’m made of glass.”
There’s a heavy, pregnant pause.
“Well, why on earth would I do that?”
“Because he broke up with me.” Damn you for drinking so much. You always were a bit of a talker when you got more than two sips of alcohol in you. You lost count of how much you consumed this evening, and now you were no better than the town’s gossip columnist who went under the alias of Mount Lady. Here you were, bearing your heart and soul to someone you didn’t even know, but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
Blue tilts her head to the side, her eyes searching yours. “Who broke up with you, sweet pea?”
A bitter laugh nearly chokes you as it collides with the sob rising in the back of your throat. The same tears you tried keeping at bay earlier decide to form a prison break and escape the confines of your eyelids, slipping down your cheeks. 
“The Great Explosion Murder God of Yuuie, Katsuki Bakugou.”
You weren’t sure if it was the strobe lights coming from the dancefloor or the way your tears caused impairment of your already compromised vision, but you could have sworn in that moment that Blue blanched. 
“Yeah,” you swipe at your eyes with the heel of your hand, sucking snot back in before it could drip from your runny nostrils. 
“I’m...I’m so sorry, darlin’.” 
She says it with so much sincerity that you know she means it. Truly means it. Not like the other people in town who said it to you so flippantly. No. Blue was different. And maybe that’s why you felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her, sans all the alcohol running through your system. Because Blue had something a lot of folks in Yuuie didn’t. A sense of realness.
And that was something you needed right now. A real friend.
“I hate to leave you like this, darlin’, but I gotta finish these orders. Will you be okay for a few minutes by yourself?” Blue apologizes, handing you some napkins. You take one and angrily blow your nose. 
“I’ll be fine.”
Blue’s upper teeth knaw at her bottom lip as she looks at you, skepticism written all over her face. 
“I promise I’m fine.”
“Okay....I shouldn’t be longer than fifteen minutes. We’ll leave right after that.” She reaches up on the shelf to pull down some beer steins, ready to run them under the taps. Once they were filled to the brim, foam spilling down the sides, Blue slides the beer down to Neijire for her to pass on to the people who ordered them.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“Thank you.”
A small burst of air leaves her nose as her face relaxes enough to gift you with a gentle smile. She opens her mouth to reply to you, but the sound of the double Western-style saloon doors draws her from the conversation.
“Welcome!” Blue shouts over her shoulder. “We’re fixin’ to get ready for last call soon. What can I--” 
Shattering glass can be heard in the quiet pause between music selections. 
“Blue!” Neijire hurries over to her coworker, mindful not to step on the broken pieces. “Are you okay?”
You glance up to see Blue’s wide eyes staring at something behind you. You assume her concerned gaze is directed at whoever just came in. Her skin pales, and you see her visibly gulping. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea...”
Neijire follows her line of sight. Her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. 
“Uh oh.”
Her eyes dart from you, to behind you, to you, to behind you again. She snatches the towel out of Blue’s hands, firmly shaking her as if trying to snap her out of her daze. 
“Blue, you’re shift is over. Go home.” Neijire says in a tone you’ve never heard come from her before. “Tamaki and Mirio can help me with the mess, but you should go. You need to go.” 
You stare at the two of them in bewilderment. Why were they looking at you like that? 
The stomping of boots encroaches on your space, coming closer with each step. 
“Cat got your tongue, dumbass? What the hell are you starin’ at me for?”
All the blood in your body turns to ice at the sound of a gruff, grating voice. One you were all too familiar with. One you hoped you’d never have to hear again. Not since the day he left you in a cloud of dust, never to look back.
Blue is in front of you in a millisecond, seemingly teleporting from one end of the bar to the other. “Hon, I’m clockin’ out now. Grab your stuff and we can go.” Blue reaches under the counter to grab your keys. But you don’t move. You can’t. You’re glued to your seat, your hands shaking. 
“Leavin’? I just got here! Neijire, what the hell kinda service is this?” The voice draws closer until it’s directly behind you. A hand slams down on the surface of the counter, right next to you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. “I swear this town ain’t got nothing fuckin’ going for it anymore.” 
You try swallowing, but the lump in your throat won’t allow anything past it. You squeeze your eyes shut.
Don’t look up. Don’t look up. Don’t. Look. Up.
“Service can be refused if the occasion calls for it and the occasion is callin’ for it. My shift is over and I’m headin’ on to the house. You need somethin’ you ask Neijire and you ask her politely.” Blue huffs, irritation and disdain coating every word. 
“Who the hell do you think you are? My mother? I already got one old hag harpin’ on me day and night. I don’t need another.”
“I ain’t old and don’t you dare talk about your mama that way, Katsuki Bakugou. I will call her and tell her you’re causin’ trouble again. Don’t think I won’t.”
“Still the same ole’ tattletale, aren’t you, Blue? Even after all these years, you ain’t changed a bit.” He pauses, but you can hear the salacious grin in his tone. “Well, parts of you have.” 
A resounding slap echoes in the air and you hear several gasps. Your eyes fly open to see Blue almost climbed over the bar, her arm raised high, palm a burning red. In your peripheral, your ex is hunched over, fingers pressed to the side of his face.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me, Explosion Boy. You never did. Don’t pretend like you do now.” You hear betrayal, hurt, and a slight tremble in her words. You stare at her.
Did they know each other?
But just as you opened your mouth to ask the silent question, the familiar sound of your keys clinking together snags your attention away from the scene unraveling beside you. 
“Come on, sugar. I’ll drop you off.” Blue tells you, lifting up the trapdoor of the bar before closing it behind her. 
A hand shoots out, clamping down on her upper arm. Her eyes shoot daggers at the person it’s attached to. 
“Off in such a hurry, Blue? Always willin’ to start a fight, but ain’t ever willin’ to finish it. I was right. You haven’t changed a bit.”
“Get your hands off me before I have Tetsu knock you on your arrogant, conceited, spoiled little Southern ass.”
“Hah? That extra? Please. He wouldn’t last two seconds.” He tugs on her arm, trying to draw her closer, but his elbow knocks you in the back of the head. You weren’t expecting the impact, so it’s no surprise to you when you fall clean off your barstool. 
You crash to the ground in a graceless, drunken fashion. You hear Blue call your name, several people shouting, (all of their insults and anger directed at your ex), and three or more pairs of hands reaching down to help you to your feet. However, one set is faster than the others. Warm calloused fingers encircle your wrist, yanking you up off the floor. 
“Don’t toss them around like a ragdoll. Lord above, Bakugou. Sometimes I wonder if you’ve got anything up in that spiky head of yours. Then again, if your brain was leather, you probably wouldn’t have enough to saddle a Junebug.”
“Shut the hell up, you fuckin’ extra.”
“Don’t you swear at me.”
“I’ll do whatever I so fuckin’ please.”
Blue pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. “You could make a bishop mad enough to kick in stained glass windows with that outhouse of a mouth.”
You want to laugh. Really you do. The entire situation is like something you’d read from a tacky fanfiction, or would be a terrible scenario for one of your cheesy romcoms. You’re on the floor while your ex and new friend are above you, bickering back and forth like an old married couple. 
It’s like a trashy Southern soap opera. With a Dolly Parton soundtrack to boot.  
However, your entire world comes to a standstill when a pair of furious ruby eyes stare into yours. 
Katsuki Bakugou.
His forehead is crinkled into those grumpy lines you slowly grew to love, once upon a time. Bits of his hay-colored hair poke out from beneath a black cowboy hat. He’s wearing a dark button-up shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, displaying his muscular arms. A clean pair of Levi’s cling to his legs and ass, perfectly sculpting the body worthy of a mythological god. 
So maybe there was some semblance of sense to his rodeo stage name. The god part at least. Because honestly, looking that fine should be considered a sin. You suck in your bottom lip, a not-so-subtle attempt to make sure that you’re not drooling.
Damn, boy. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” He all but yells at you, giving you a hard shake. 
The lyrics from the song from earlier dance around in your mind as your eyes drift down to his custom-designed cowboy boots. Black with bright orange X’s running across the front of them and olive green grenade emblems stitched to the sides near the top.
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
“Did you hear me, or are you deaf now? I said, what the hell are you doing here?”
Your mouth works faster than your brain. 
“Getting over you.”
His eyes widen, and for once in his damn life, he seems at a loss for words. 
“Getting over you. The only way I know how. Because we all cope differently, don’t we, Blue?”
She stares at you with such sadness that it makes you feel guilty for even asking her. 
“I cope by drinking myself into oblivion, and you cope by inviting whoever the fuck you want into our bed. Oops. I mean, your bed.” The words are out before you can even process them, and you can’t take them back, even if you wanted to. Because, again, the more you drink, the more you talk. 
And you drank quite a bit. 
You really, really wish that you had gone through with the plan you first concocted when you first arrived. Because a concussed head was sooooo much better than what you just did. You recall what Blue said the moment that she saw Bakugou enter the bar.
Sugar Honey Iced Tea.
Shit indeed, Blue. Shit indeed.
Bakugou still stares at you, mouth hanging open. You reach over, placing your fingers under his chin, tenderly applying enough pressure that his lips slam together, shutting his mouth. Again, a feat you once thought to be impossible, but hey, you were just full of surprises tonight.  
“Trying to catch flies, ‘Suki? It’s easier if you use honey.” You purr, hand falling to his chest. His heart flutters underneath your fingers. 
“You drunk or somethin’?” He asks, clearing his throat as pink stains his cheeks. 
Giggling, you lean forward, your lips mere inches from his. 
“And if I am? What are you gonna do about it?”
His eyes narrow, glaring down at you. 
“Alright, I’m breaking this up,” Blue announces, tugging on the sleeve of your shirt. 
“Katsuki already did that for you,” you giggle, leaning back to look up at him. “Ain’t that right, ‘Suki? Dropped me like a sack of hot potatoes the moment I was no longer of any value to you.”
Bakugou says nothing, lips pressed into a firm, narrow line. 
“Time to go home, sweet pea,” Blue urges you, all but shoving you out the door.
You throw up a casual wave, flipping Bakugou off in the same breath.
“This was fun, ‘Suki, Let’s never do it again.”
And with that, Blue guides you through the double doors, allowing them to swing behind you. Your lungs greedily suck down the cool night air, goosebumps raising on your skin. Your body leans on Blue as she walks you to her truck. 
“Almost there, darlin’,” she assures you with each step. Finally, you’re brought to a halt in front of a navy blue Chevy Silverado. But before Blue can even reach over to open the door, you crumple into a sobbing heap. Your knees slam into the broken asphalt, but you barely register the pain. 
The agony consuming your heart is enough. And after the scene you caused inside, you only gave the town more ammunition to use against you. 
You hated this place. Hated this town. Hated the people in it. Hated him. But most of all, you hated yourself. Hated yourself for still caring about him. For still holding some kind of hope that things would work out and you’d be happy again. 
With him. Just the two of you. Like you always wished it would be. 
A pair of warm arms wrap around you, and you allow yourself to be held as you finally have the breakdown that’s been building up for the last three months.
“It hurts, Blue,” you blubber into her shoulder. “It hurts...so much.”
“I know, sweet pea. I know. And I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She whispers, smoothing down your hair. “He was an ass anyway. Always has been.”
“But he was my ass. And I loved him. I loved him. I loved him.” You repeat, clawing at your chest, desperately trying to reach into the hollow activity of your ribcage and rip your heart out in a pitiful attempt to find some relief, hoping that if you were able to do it, it would make the pain go away.
Blue doesn’t have an answer. No magic cure or spell to help you through this.
But she’s there with you. 
And that was more than you could have ever asked for.
"Why'd he have to show up like that? All decked out in his fancy boots and favorite button up and that hat. That fuckin' hat, Blue." You ask, salty tears dripping down your chin. "Just when I think 'to hell with him, I deserve more and better,' he waltzes on in like a damn movie star and steals my breath away all over again. Despite everything he's ever done, I love him. And I think part of me always will."
You look up at Blue through your haze of tears.
"Why'd he have to come in there lookin' like that?"
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
Seriously, I am so thankful that I was finally able to finish this request.
It's currently 2 in the morning my time and this entire scenario is probably flaming garbage that resides in a sewage plant because I wrote most of this half asleep. And before you tell me, yes, I am aware that it looks like the spirit of an 1800s author took hold of me and had a field day using commas for ridiculously long sentences. I KNOW. 
But I had a lot of fun writing this, and if you don't like it, don't read it. It wasn't for you anyway. 😘
I write for my own pleasure and enjoyment, not for the validation of others.
This is the first scenario of the Southern Roots Series. I will do my best to update as often as I can but life gets busy so don't expect too much out of me.
I really hope y'all enjoyed and I can't wait to write more.
Later, Taters! 💙💙
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
IDA do you have any advice or pointers for gif-making? yours are always so high quality with such great colors! i just started trying to make gifs and i feel like I'm constantly struggling with the export settings trying to make it look decent without being a gigantic file 😭
hiii and thank you so much 💗💗💗
I'm not really sure what to say since I've mostly learned by trial and error, so I guess the biggest piece of advice would be practice!!
I'm sure there are loads of gif tutorials out there and I may make my own one day but here are some tips I can give related to quality (I use Photoshop so these are probably specific to that):
The higher quality video you have to begin with, the easier it will be to make the gifs look great. I go for 1080p or higher (if possible)
When you import video frames to layers, be aware of duplicate frames as they will make the gif look choppy, it's a framerate issue - I use a very simple video editing software to cut out the scenes I want to gif, but if you have a more advanced one, you should be able to adjust the framerate so PS won't create duplicate frames. idk I'm not an expert on this exact thing I just delete the duplicates manually
For tumblr posts, the full width is 540px, half is 268px, go for these to avoid tumblr compressing the gifs
I usually set the frame time delay between 0.06-0.09 seconds since always prefer them a bit slower, which allows for seeing more detail. I check the speed by going into File -> Export -> Save for Web (Legacy) and clicking the Preview, because just playing the gif in PS will usually have lag
After wrangling frames, cropping and resizing etc., I convert to video timeline and convert all the frames to one Smart Object before sharpening and coloring. I use Smart Sharpen and Gaussian Blur filters with different settings, making copies of the smart layer and playing around with the opacity settings (I have this process recorded/automated as an action, but often have to adjust afterwards based on the clip). There are many different ways to do this and probably some tutorials too.
As for coloring, I don't use any automated processes, but just play around with adjustment and color fill layers. A gif with my usual sharpening and relatively simple coloring may have layers looking like this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I think this is where the practice mostly comes in, because you'll discover new things with every gif you make. it's also the most fun part for me :) again, there are a lot of tutorials out there, and some scenes require more adjustments than others (especially dark scenes). really, Selective Color and Curves may be the most important adjustment layers (to me at least lmao)
As for file size, these are my usual export settings:
Tumblr media
reducing the number of colors will always reduce the file size, but I'd usually rather trim the length (or split it into two gifs) or the image size (cropping a bit more off the height). Going for 40-80 frames is usually reasonable, and you can do more for very static gifs or smaller image sizes!
I hope some of this is useful, good luck and happy giffing 💗💗💗
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bi-dykes · 11 months
ah then, i must’ve accidentally recalled some misinformation from that infamous lesbophobe on twitter who constantly “headcanons” vi as bi to spite people 😭😭😭 although i do have to say, there’s an unfortunate history of official art/promos using lesbian flags and not knowing about the sapphic flag or what the difference is 🙄 i still believe they’re actual lesbians and take their word for it so don’t worry but these days it’s (generally speaking) hard to tell what’s truly meant to be conveyed; hell i’ve even seen sapphics on twitter do the same thing and it’s really frustrating 💔
you indirectly make a good point though, despite talking about something else! there’s a similarity in how confirmed bisexual characters may or may not actually be pan/poly/omni instead despite being said to be bi. or maybe they’re just bi and what was said was meant. i don’t have any specific examples but the idea probably exists, or will. erasure is common in all forms of queer, unfortunately.
btw also — believe me, i HAVE seen a radfem blog call bow a GNC female before 🫣 it… happens. so. yeah. it’s bad.
+ thanks for the sources!!
The ONLY thing I could get from that is that it rhymes. And as a bi woman who loves Vi, I’m a visexual lolololol
Yeahhhh ppl who “headcannon” Vi and Caitlyn and Catra and Adora as bi or pan stink. I don’t see it as often as ppl “headcannoning” Ivy and Harley and Korra and Asami (and somehow even Bowlover Boykisser Glimmer- I have no idea how ppl see her as a lesbian) as lesbians but like. Headcannoning any characters other than cisallohet characters as any other identity is so invalidating and callous istg.
FR. Ppl LOVE to throw the lesbian flag up in group sapphic edits that include Luz and Bubbline and Harlivy and Korrasami. It sucks. And like, the sapphic flag is so pretty! Why not use it <\3
Haha that’s not the point I was going for but thank you anyways chase! Within the context of a piece of media or said by a writer, if a character is bisexual, they’re bisexual. Not pan, not omni, not poly. Bc if they’re using specific terminology, they did that for a reason. Even if bi is an umbrella term, it’s also a specific identity as it’s own (you already know that tho lmao, I’m just restating it.)
Now, if a character shows interest in more than one gender, they’re most likely bisexual, but there’s a chance they could be pan, omni, poly, etc. like Charlie Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel. I’m like sure she’s bi, and the writers have never said anything otherwise or said that she’s pan or whatnot. So it’s clear to say that Charlie is canonically bisexual. Now, if within the show, or if the writer were to state she’s pan or omni or poly, then her already canon bisexual just got a lot more specific, and we’d say she’s canon this or that instead.
That’s SILLY (derogatory), I literally don’t see how someone can see Bow get glitter eyes looking at Sea Hawk and go “yeah that’s a lesbian.” 💀
Here, have a meme while you’re here :)
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I had posted this months ago and got 1k likes and then my clumsy fingers accidentally deleted it 😅
Have a nice day Chase, thx for the ask 💝🫡
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nebularanger-art · 1 month
By the way in case you've been following me since my Clone High days and wondering what happened, this is the post.
Why don't I post about Clone High anymore? There's three reasons.
1. Devil May Cry. It's actually funny how you can pinpoint the exact moment I started to switch fandoms, and that was when I decided to make Clone High OCs based on the historical figures Dante and Virgil, but also based on the Devil May Cry characters Dante and Vergil, but specifically based on their reboot versions.
Anyways, yeah, DMC hijacked my mind and it's all I can think about. Same goes for Power Rangers, though to a lesser extent since I have yet to really integrate myself in the fandom itself. And hey, speaking of fandoms,
2. I'm not sugarcoating things: The Clone High fandom is garbage. The sheer amount of pedophile apologists in the community is genuinely concering, especially given how many of the fandom consists of minors. And no, I'm not giving them the luxury of calling them those self-coined terms they use to hide themselves under, I'm saying what they are because that's what they deserve; No amount of "it's just fiction" excuses posting about how "fun" it is to sexualize minors in a fandom FULL OF MINORS, KNOWING MINORS INTERACT WITH YOU.
On the contrary, or maybe as a result, a lot of fandom members have started witch hunts against others left and right for significantly smaller, bordering on nonexistent, issues. I could bring up how rings4casey is a hypocritical piece of shit who thinks harassment is okay as long as you're on "the good side"... oh wait, I already brought it up. Anyways, it didn't also help that around the same time, yet another Clone High Discord server controversy was happening that dealt with a similar topic; I wasn't in the server for it and I only heard secondhand accounts of it so don't ask me about what happened.
Edit: I'm also not gonna let it slide how racist this fandom can be lol. From redesigns that whitewash characters of color to straight up making nazi OCs, this place sucks for my Mexican/American and Jewish ass
The point is that this fandom was just a hostile environment to be in; You can be the shittiest person in the world and get away with it because everyone is busy punishing someone who went only slightly out of line. But to be honest, I think I dipped at a great time, because...
3. The show's dead. It got cancelled uncerimoniously after season 3 ended on a cliffhanger that'll never be resolved. I already lost hope on the show after season 2, and I didn't even bother to stay for season 3 and was only into the fan content, but now the show is dead and the fandom committed mass suicide.
TL;DR: Why should I churn out content for a series I don't like anymore, for a fandom whose five only remaining members are constantly going at each other's throats, and when I could just focus on the series and fandoms I do like making art for and participating in?
Wait, but what about my Clone High OCs and that rewrite project? I liked posting about that, will they just be abandoned now that I've deleted the sideblog made just for them?
HELL FUCKING NO THEY WON'T. I still love my OCs absolutely dearly, and I definitely have plans to revamp my Clone High "rewrite" into an actual proper series. Just don't expect it to be on tumblr because I kinda hated using tumblr to catalogue my OC stuff lol. Instead, check my dedicated Toyhouse folder for my Clone High OCs, and be on the lookout for an entire page to fill you in on the lore of their universe.
Also, I don't actually know if I still want them to be Clone High OCs. On one hand, I don't like the series anymore, but on the other, these characters being clones of historical figures is literally integral to their stories and the premise is just way too good to throw to the bin.
That's my final statement for the Clone High fandom; I still want Phil Lord dead in minceraft.
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