#i may post some pics👀
twopoppies · 2 years
Here’s that Twitter thread translated + quotes. No pics bc lazy (: Hope this helps!
Re-reading the lyrics of "Daylight," and especially the verse that mentions the "Bluebird," I wondered several times what Harry's sources of inspiration might have been and why he chose this particular bird.
Aside from Louis
The Bluebird (Sialia, in Italian) over the years has also taken on mythological connotations and is often found in seafaring literature. It would represent eternal happiness as well as springtime.
In the Native American Cochiti tribe, the Sun's firstborn son is named Bluebird. In the short story "The Sun's Children," featured in Ruth Benedict's Tales of the Cochiti Indians (1932), the Sun's male child was named Bluebird (Culutiwa). (Sun -> Bluebird -> Louis)
In Navajo tradition the Bluebird is associated with the rising Sun. The Bluebird Song is sung to remind tribal members to rise at dawn to give thanks to the rising Sun. "Bluebird said to me: Get up, my grandchild. It is dawn; it said to me."
The bluebird, understood as a representation of the concept of freedom, which coincides with a form of "resurrection," is also found in two of the authors whom Harry has repeatedly acknowledged to be a source of inspiration for him: Paul McCartney and David Bowie.
“Oh I'll be free, just like that bluebird. Oh I'll be free. Ain't that just like me?" sings Bowie in "Lazarus." A kind of testament, where he seems to want to tell us: just as I am dying, I am ready to be reborn and to feel free at last, whatever form I will take.
In McCartney, the Bluebird (a song written with his wife Linda during a vacation in Jamaica) becomes a metaphor for the transcendent power of love and the liberation of the human spirit from a form of physical and mental slavery. The Bluebird itself becomes a symbol of Love, understood as the only source of Freedom.
“Late at night when the wind is still I'll come flying through your door, and you'll know what love is for; I'm a bluebird.”
Turning to literature, we know that Harry also loves Charles Bukowski. Several times he has been seen reading his poetry, and his writing has also been influenced by the poet in the past. No wonder, then, that Bukowski wrote a poem entitled "Bluebird."
“There's a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I'm too tough on him”
First published in 1992 in the collection "Last Night of the Earth Poems," Bukowski tells of the malaise inherent in every person, a pain that each of us feels, latent, a kind of background noise of our existence. Again, that longed-for sense of freedom.
The Bluebird is also quoted by Oscar Wilde in "The Decay of Lying (1889)." A Bluebird singing about beautiful and impossible things that are not but should be. Yeah...
“Champing his gilded oats, the hippogriff will stand in our stalls; and over our heads will float the Blue Bird singing of beautiful and impossible things, of things that are lovely and that never happen, of things that are not and that should be.”
In "May-Day," by Ralph Waldo Emerson, we find not only the bluebird but also daffodils. I wonder where I have seen them before
“When I bought my farm, I did not know what a bargain I had in the bluebirds, daffodils and thrushes; as little did I know what sublime mornings and sunsets I was buying.”
"Gay as a daffodil" = "Gay as a bluebird" Finally, I couldn't help but look up the meaning of Bluebird in Urban Dictionary (it's all Harry's fault and his cryptic slang). I leave the considerations to you. *definition posted 2017
(Don’t mind me lurking on your page I sent in some stuff last night so I’m 👀)
You are brilliant. Thank you so much for taking the time to translate all of that!! That’s really a beautiful thread and now I love that song even more. 😭😭😭😭
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
vernon taking polaroid nudes of you 👀
I can see him doing it mostly for aesthetic purposes, but also because he loves your body lines SO. DAMN. MUCH.
He has been spending a lot of time with Mingyu lately, so it's a given that Vernon has been venturing a bit more into photography... and what better way to practice it with the prettiest model in the world, aka you.
Of course, he would ask for your permission first and foremost and once you'd give him the green light, he won't be able to stop.
His favorites are the post-sex pictures, where your body is covered in a thin layer of sweat, illuminated by either the early morning sunlight, after a lazy session or the neon lights of his room at night. There are also pictures where his hand is on your cheek, fingers toying with your lips, your tongue slyly licking them. He once wanted to take a picture of you while you were orgasming, but he was too lost in pleasure to think of anything else than chase his own orgasm - especially when you were moaning his name so beautifully.
However, there are more playful occasions, where you snatch the polaroid camera away from Vernon's hands and you have snapped a few pics of him, most of them being him with a shy, bashful gummy smile. You have kept those pictures in a small box of yours, along with some more...sensual pictures of you and Vernon.
p.s.: he may or may not have a full-body picture of yours hidden in his phonecase👀
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beepboop358 · 2 years
I love asking people about their thoughts of ST characters' sexualities, so here we go again!
I'm truly interested in your opinion and full analysis of ST characters' sexualities!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
You can sit down to it anytime, while having some time free, don't rush and care about yourself!^^
I love discussing sexuality, and anything gay really LOL 🏳️‍🌈♥️ 🌈 A lot of these will probably be head canon/vibe based because there isn't stuff to base it on in the show (at least not yet XD)
Okay so, I think my opinions on Mike and Will's sexualities are a little obvious aha <3. I think both Mike and Will are gay, and I did a short little analysis of why I think Mike is gay, rather than bi/pan, here :) I think Will is gay because he has never shown any interest in girls, so I think that completely rules out the chance he could be bi/pan.
I think Max is bi, and I think El is pan, and I have a post about it here, discussing Elmax hehe (ik I already gave you the link to in a previous ask but imma do it again, bc I don't wanna exclude Max and El from this <3 I hope you don't mind!)
Also a little detail adding to Max not being straight, is that her bed sheets are the exact same rainbow pattern as the "pride flag" in Wet Hot American Summer (which is on the st4 vsf list), that we see at a baseball game, between a gay couple hooking up and getting married 😉 (that post here)
I think realistically Dustin is probably straight, but I just get bi/pan vibes from Dustin, so I head canon him as bi/pan/. He's so accepting of others and is totally for liking whoever you like, I think it would make sense, but I know there isn't really proof for this head canon, and I think it does make sense for him to be straight in the show LOL
I think Lucas is straight, mainly because the show contrasts him and Mike a lot, especially in season 3, where Mike is trying to mimic Lucas, but he's failing miserably XD. I feel like Lucas and Mike represent opposite ends of the spectrum in a sense, like that their characters are meant to show the differences in their sexualities, to emphasize Mike is gay. I'm sorry don't really know hoe to explain that. Kind of like Lucas being a foil to Mike. Also, Lucas doesn't show any interest in men (or hasn't yet) so I feel like he is straight.
Obviously we have our favorite Lesbian Robin 👑, but Barb gives me strong lesbian vibes as well. Those outfits and just her vibe LOL, and I feel like there may be a little crush on Nancy too? I think, if I remember correctly, in the Rebel Robin podcast, it's hinted that Barb was confiding in the same teacher Robin does (who is a gay man, and apparently Barb knew that), before she disappeared, so that could be a parallel showing both Robin and Barb are lesbians. 🤷‍♀️
I feel like Hopper is straight. Just the vibes on this one, and he's never shown any interest in men either. He's kinda the most masculine man in some ways, in the show, so it would be cool if he wasn't straight, but we don't have any evidence he is not straight, and he has only shown interest in women. Joyce gives me "straight, but I experimented and questioned my sexuality before" vibes. Or maybe she is unlabelled 👀. But she hasn't really shown any interest in women wither so who knows.
I think Argyle (although we haven't met him yet) will probably be straight, but a great ally like Dustin, although I want to head canon him as unlabelled LOL. He just seems so open and you know the whole pot head hippie culture really fights against societal conventions, and those people are usually some kind of outcast, so I don't think it's entirely out of the question Argyle is not straight XD
I'm not sure what vibes I get from Eddie yet, I am excited to learn more about his character, but just from pics and character descriptions, I feel like he's either straight or bi.
I get bi vibes from Jonathan, with a female preference. I could definitely see him having interest in men, with how he rejects societal conventions as well, but he seems to show a lot of interest in Nancy too, so I feel like he majoritively likes women. He also seems very open to being accepted as a "freak" by society, I think he would accept himself no matter what people said or thought, about anything really - because of the zombie boy conversation with Will in season 2. But again, we don't have any evidence really Jonathan is bi, so it's just a head canon rn aha.
thanks for the ask! I hope I didn't forget anyone! I hope you're doing well and having a nice day! xx
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Just some food for thought.....
I just thought about this the other day... 🤔
You know, when thinking about Tomdaya and their breakup in 2019, and especially the things that transpired afterwards in 2020 👀, we usually seem to think about things through Tom's point of view. For example, how he felt about those Jacdaya/NYC pics 👀, the things that may have led him to break things off with Nadia, how he seemed excited to rekindle things with Z again, etc. Part of this is because Tom is way more transparent with his feelings just in general lol, and he's a little more "active" about posting his private life than Zendaya is.
With that said however, as a woman, I recently started thinking about things more from Zendaya's pov.... especially with regards to the events that took place in 2020, given the information and the "turn of events" that we have seen now lol. 😂
For example:
I think about how Z may have felt during the outset of the pandemic. She was still dating JE at that time, and while she was seeming pretty happy with him while life was still normal, when the covid-19 pandemic hit, everything shut down, and JE went back to Australia, Z probably came to a point where she really had to face her feelings. It's easy to distract yourself with a new bf in order to try to forget about an ex bf (not to mention a best friend) that you had a major breakup with the year prior. But when everything is shut down, and you can't leave your house, and the Tree Trunk bf has gone back to his home country, you're almost FORCED to sit down and face your feelings. 😳 If Z has still been in love with Tom all this time (which, obviously if she's back with him again it's because those feelings for him never really left), then I can only imagine how the events from February 2020 (leading to radio silence on both ends), and the pandemic hitting may have been tough for her emotionally. 😔 To this day, I still don't think that her telling Sam "I haven't really been doing too well..." was JUST due to her breakup with JE. It was probably part of it, but I don't think it was just that. I actually think her "not doing too well" was due to a combo of everything that went on not only in 2020, but also in 2019.... (i.e. her major breakup with Tom, trying to still be cordial "friends", seeing him appear to "move on" so quickly with O, knowing about Tom's reaction to the Jacdaya pictures, maybe realizing that JE wasn't really all that he was cracked up to be, the whole George Floyd incident/BLM marches, Trump's behavior in the White House, her not really knowing who she is outside of/without working, etc) Even Claire seemed to be supporting mothers of children who are going through mental and emotional struggles during that time of the pandemic. Even Z's presence on social media was nonexistent at one point. I really think she was going through it.
I also think too about how Z may have felt AFTER the Jacdaya breakup, knowing that Tom was now with N, but that she would still have to eventually work with him again in the upcoming months on the SM3 set. 👀 I mean, just put yourself in her shoes.... Let's say that you and your ex bf split up even though there's still some feelings there, but yet you two both move on to try to date other people, but then YOUR relationship ends (and not on good terms either), but yet your ex bf is still dating someone else, and you know that pretty soon you're going to have to see him again and work with him for the next 5 months. Can you say, "AWKWARD!" 🥴 I just wonder how Z may have been feeling during that time that's all.... esp since it seems like she and Tom may have sort of been on the outs around that time as well. 👀 She was eventually going to have to work with him closely again. She would even have to play love interests with him. How embarrassing that the guy you went "public" with in Feb, ends up being a dud, and now, you two have broken up, and yet your ex has moved on to another girl, and has even posted her to his IG page. And pretty soon, you two have to work together again, and you will have to swallow your feelings for him and ignore them while working together since he's with someone else now.
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Now granted, I don't think ANYONE would have predicted that Tom would break up with someone less than a week after posting them a second time to his IG page 🥴👀, but hey, like he said, sometimes "sh*t happens!" 🤣
Anyway.... those were just my random thoughts for the day lol. 😂 Like I said, we usually look at things from Tom's pov since he's so easy to read lol, but when you look at what things might have been going on from Z's pov as well, it's crazy how much stuff was going on with her probably emotionally during their breakup. She's just very private with her feelings, but that doesn't mean she wasn't feeling anything. I'm just speaking on this from a woman's pov, especially if you're still in love with an ex.
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krastbannert · 2 years
Ultimate ship meme again (cause I figured it’s easier to answer for a few asks instead of a few ships on one post…) let’s do Maiko 👀
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs (not my OTP, but they're really far up there, that's for sure)
How long will they last? - Well, uh. It takes them a while to get their act together. They get together, break up, get together, break up again, then finally get together for the last time about 7 years after the war. So it takes them a bit, but when they do figure it out, they'll be together. Always.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - They've liked each other since they were kids, but it was at the Boiling Rock that they actually realized it, that it all clicked for them. Life may have dragged them away from each other, but even through those struggles, they knew they loved each other, even if they couldn't quite admit it to themselves while they were apart after the war. So, they fell in love pretty quickly, actually.
How was their first kiss? - They were just kids, really - Zuko was 13 and Mai was 12. She'd snuck out of her house, the night before Zuko's Agni Kai with his father. Mai gave him a tiny little basalt heart, a little thing to let him carry her with him no matter what, and a kiss for luck, and for hope that he would be okay.
Who proposed? - Zuko tried, but he didn't get very far before Mai accepted.
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka is the best man. Aang would be one, but he's busy officiating with one of Zuko's former crewmen, Koji, who became a Fire Sage.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Azula, Ty Lee, and Katara.
Who did the most planning? - They had to do a lot of planning for the big official wedding (with Azula occasionally smacking her brother on the head and going," No, dum-dum!"), and they both hated it; Ty Lee, Katara, Mura, and Iroh took pity on them, and did most of the planning for the small one.
Who stressed the most? - Zuko. Definitely Zuko. Mai's a little worried, but she's also just kinda vibing. (Okay, actually, she's freaking out a little, because it's actually happening and she's not okay.)
How fancy was the ceremony? - So, I actually headcanon they have two weddings: one public (orange), and one private (black). Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 (this one is just their friends, their immediate families - siblings, Ursa, Iroh, and Mai's aunt Mura and uncle, the Boiling Rock Warden - and Zuko's crew, very simple and sweet and is actually the subject of one of my WIPs) | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big (the public one was massive and both of them hated it; it was just something they had to do)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Ozai and Ukano were not. Michi was, but she didn't have an official part in the wedding (she and Mai are on better terms,
Who is on top? - I figure it's about a 60/40 split, normally Mai (Zuko really likes the view).
Who is the one to instigate things? - They...don't really keep track. Mai is a bit of tease and likes to get Zuko riled up from across the table during council meetings, so it's probably her.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (they take all the chances they can, but there's also plenty of days they're just absolutely exhausted)| They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 (Mai hates being bored, so she's down to try almost anything once, and Zuko shares a similar opinion, but they both have their limits on what they'll try) | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - They steal the occasional moment between meetings, but they prefer to take their time and just go to town on each other all night long.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - ...yeah. Yeah, they damn well do. It's Zuko, though; he cares about others, at the end of the day, so he makes damn well sure Mai has a really, really good time.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. (Depends on the day and how tired they are, honestly - running a country is hard.)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 (they don't always seem like it, but they're a pretty touchy couple)| 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - I gave them 4: eldest daughter Izumi born about 9 years post-war, followed by twin boys Katsuhito and Lu Ten 6-8 years later, and youngest daughter Sakura 1-2 years later.
How many children will they adopt? - None.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Zuko has his Fire Lord duties that keep him very busy, so he can't handle many, but he does what he can; Mai changes most of them.
Who is the stricter parent? - Surprisingly, it's Zuko. Mai was heavily, heavily controlled as a kid, and she doesn't want her children feeling the same way she did.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Mai, normally. Zuko's normally attempting to do them, or showing the kids how to do them.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Well...considering they're royalty, probably a palace servant (although Zuko likes to add fire-flakes and Mai dragonfruit, sometimes). Modern AU, it would probably be Zuko; he's normally up first, anyways.
Who is the more loved parent? - Their kids absolutely adore both of them. They think they're the coolest people on earth.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They go together.
Who cried the most at graduation? - We all know this would probably be Zuko.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - It's probably Zuko. He's been in enough prisons or in near-prison situations that he knows how to get people out. Also, he's the Fire Lord, so that helps.
Who does the most cooking? - I feel like they'd cook together, honestly. It just...takes them a while to figure out how to cook.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither of them are really that picky, honestly; they both love Fire Nation cuisine, so they usually eat that.
Who does the grocery shopping? - In-universe, it's servant, but it would probably be Mai, in a modern AU.
How often do they bake desserts? - Honestly? Not incredibly often. Usually just special occasions.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Mai strikes me as a bit of a meat eater, Zuko doesn't care too much, though.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Zuko would definitely be more likely to try; Mai would probably succeed.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Probably Zuko; he loves going out in some sort of disguise so he can just walk around without being yelled at.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Well, Zuko is the firebender. So...probably him.
Who cleans the room? - Servants, likely, but to be honest they're both kind of neat-freaks. Mai had controlling parents, Zuko lived on a naval vessel.
Who is really against chores? - They're just used to it. Not really a big deal for them.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Again, servants, probably.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Eh Zuko, maybe? Once they're grown up and matured a bit, I doubt either of them would be.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Probably Zuko, just he's because he's awkward.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Mai, probably.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Probably Mai.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Mai. She likes the privacy and the relative quiet.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Mai doesn't go all out, but she actually really enjoys decorating the house for different holidays. Keeps the house from looking stagnant.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Grow old and happy together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Zuko gets up with the sun, so it's definitely Mai.
Who plays the most pranks? - Mai has a mischievous streak a mile wide, but no one expects her; it's the perfect cover.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
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I posted 17,875 times in 2021
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My Top Posts in 2021
I made it! Ok ok so first, what would the boys (would you mind specifically adding mutt for my asks 👉👈) have their s/o named on their phone?
How about all of them ;)
Sans: bonezone buddy
Star: bootylicious ;)
Honey: sweetheart❤️❤️❤️👌🏼🙏👀✨✨💀He likes emojis
Red: drumstick gotta pay homage to the legs
Edge: prince/princess
Mal: sparkles✨
Cash: he wouldn’t even add a name. It’s just a very poorly taken profile picture
Oak: buns
Charm: the good flavor~
Sugar: love, but he also includes a creep shot of your butt at the profile picture
Lord: just your name
Mutt: babe❤️
Wine: dearest (yn)
Coffee: that b*tch
Pop: he doesn’t put contact names in his phone. It’s just your number lol
Rhythm: twinkle toes
Pluto: my starlight
Jupiter: my little hero
Peaches: snacc
Rancher: just your name again
G: thiccus dickkus (doesn’t matter if you don’t have a d*ck. That’s your contact name)
Green: just your name, but he adds an emoji that describes you at the end
Snipe: …… daddy. Or mommy lol
Bruiser: partner in crime
Ace: baby❤️❤️❤️
Slim: no contact name, just a creep shot of either your cleavage, your shoulders, or your butt as a profile pic
Butch: darling
Boss: kitten/bunny
Rust: my squishy
Noir: shortie
Lilac: also bootylicious lol
Basil: little honey bee
205 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 05:00:38 GMT
I’m looking at some of my old posts and have realized that a lot of the character descriptions aren’t very accurate with how I write the characters now. So I’ll be be redoing each skeledudes general personality description (and job description) and reblogging this post each day until I have all of them ;)
Sans: He’s our typical lazy and punny guy! Sans is a real people’s man and has friends and connections all over. Despite finding across as a charismatic extrovert, he’s actually very introverted and enjoys his friends in controlled doses. Sans is a playful prankster at heart. His favorite reactions from his victims is the face of blank confusion as they witness his quiet little acts of chaos. Sans is a very guarded monster who doesn’t typically show a lot of emotion beyond surface level. It takes a long time to earn enough trust for him to open up. A long long time. Sans is also a scholar at heart. The only time you’ll ever see him truly work is when something is interesting enough for him to feel passionate about
His job is a nuclear engineer! Sans is researching ways to combine nuclear energy with magic to make safer and cleaner energy sources
Papyrus: he’s the true definition of an optimist. Papyrus can always see the best in any person or situation. Because of this, people may think that he’s naive. He isn’t, he just stays strong to his ideals and is stubborn enough to ignore any criticism. Papyrus lives for seeing his friends and family succeed. In fact, he’s at his happiest when he makes others happy. This makes him the ultimate cheerleader friend. Pair that with a very empathetic and observant personality, and you have a guy who can get along with almost anyone. However, his passion is also his greatest flaw. When papyrus gets really into something, he sometimes doesn’t see the risks involved and will continue on to that goal regardless. He’s impulsive
For his job, he owns an escape room! It’s actually several different rooms: a large main room, four smaller surrounding ones, the lobby, and a medium room for parties. The puzzles and themes of the rooms change every other month
Star (underswap sans): he’s an adorable positive energy ball of PURE EVIL. Ok ok, not true evil of course, but Star is a manipulative little imp. He goes by the rule of: “if you won’t treat me like an adult, then I’m going to take advantage of it.” He’s definitely not above using his looks to get what he wants. With his friends, Star is easygoing and playful. He loves to tease and flirt and prefers friends who can keep up with him. He’s also a bit of a scatterbrain and has a bad habit of taking on more than he can chew. Star is a wonderful motivator but has issues with being too pushy if he feels like his friend isn’t progressing fast enough.
His job is in the police force as a detective and SAR (search and rescue). His main priority is finding missing persons and taking out human trafficking rinks
Honey (underswap papyrus): honey is a total sweetheart. He can be pretty shy and anxious when you first meet him, but if you’re nice, he’s quick to latch on and adopt you into his friend group. When he’s comfortable, he’s a very chill and playful guy. He has a raging motherly streak and doesn’t realize sometimes that he’s nagging. Honey is a romantic at heart and just wants someone he can be sappy with. He does get very clingy since he assumes that most people are only around him because of Star. Don’t mess with his kitchen. He’s a total nerd and will happily fixate on almost any fandom with his friends
His job is an online translator. He mostly does written legal documents but also sometimes acts at the translator for zoom meetings. Honey prefers to work from home
210 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 06:50:28 GMT
The Lineup is Here!!
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Alright in order from left to right we have:
Pluto (outertale sans) at 4’11
Pop (dancetale sans) at 5’0
Lord (fellswap sans) at 5’1
Mal (swapfell sans) at 5’1
Sans (undertale) at 5’3
Charm (underlust sans) at 5’3
Red (underfell sans) at 5’3
Star (underswap sans) at 5’4
Peaches (farmtale sans) at 5’4
Wine (fellswap gold sans) at 5’5
Snipe (mafiatale sans) at 5’5
Ace (mafiaswap sans) at 5’5
Butch (mafiafell sans) at 5’7
G (gastertale sans) at 5’8
Coffee (fellswap gold papyrus) at 6’0
Cash (swapfell papyrus) at 6’0
Honey (underswap papyrus) at 6’3
Sugar (underlust papyrus) at 6’3
Rhythm (dancetale papyrus) at 6’3
Oak (horrortale sans) at 6’3
Rust (horrorfell sans) at 6’3
Papyrus (undertale) at 6’5
Jupiter (outertale papyrus) at 6’5
Edge (underfell papyrus) at 6’5
Rancher (farmtale papyrus) at 6’6
Mutt (fellswap papyrus) at 6’6
Lilac (horrorswap sans) at 6’6
Bruiser (mafiatale papyrus) at 6’6
Slim (mafiaswap papyrus) at 6’6
Boss (mafiafell papyrus) at 6’8
Green (gastertale papyrus) at 6’8
Basil (horrorswap papyrus) at 7’11
Willow (horrortale papyrus) at 8’0
Noir (horrorfell papyrus) at 8’3
So there we go! Official heights and a first look at all the guys!
393 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 07:57:21 GMT
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427 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 02:07:35 GMT
The Uquiz is ready!!
Which skellyman would be your bestie?
anyways here’s the link! enjoy ya’ll!
599 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 14:48:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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palimpsessed · 3 years
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Thanks for the tags! @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @urban-sith @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire and @stillmadaboutpetra (I’m counting you because I want to 😚)
Sunday already? It’s fine. I’ve got lots of rain, some colorful skull lights, a fake fire, and endless cups of tea! Also, I baked cookies and rewatched Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost while prepping my Margaret cosplay for Halloween so all in all, this has been a good cozy weekend. 🥰🥰🥰
This is a sentences post, so I won’t share any pics of my Shepfest comic, but I will say, it’s coming along nicely👀👀👀 and I can’t wait to finish it so you all can see! 🎉
I made sentences happen yesterday! I am very excited for this week’s chapter of Slings and Eros because we finally get an Agathe POV!! 🙌 And if i may say, she is a delight.😌
"I’m not the one asking," she says. "Well, I am, but I’m asking for a friend."
Of course.
Of fucking course.
"I don't owe Simon anymore, either. I never did. If anything, I'd say the score lies the other way round."
"I told you already, whatever it is you want, I'm not doing it!"
"Simon's father ordered him to make the prince fall in love with a monster."
"Why must you make that my problem? Isn't Simon a big boy now he's flown daddy's nest? He can just tell him no. It's not that hard. In fact, it's one of the easiest things to do. Here, I'll demonstrate: No."
Tags! For any day and any WIPs! @theflyingpeach @mostlymaudlin @sillyunicorn @facewithoutheart @jbrrring @johnwgrey @nightimedreamersworld @bloodiedpixie @ivelovedhimthroughworse @letraspal @wetheformidables @snowybank @unseelieseelie @bazzybelle @xivz @dreamingkc @im-gettingby @seducing-a-vampire @captain-aralias @martsonmars @nick-eyre @tea-brigade @stardustasincocaine @excalisbury @effing-numpties @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 and tagging back my lovely taggers! ❤️
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musette22 · 2 years
Chris’ last post 🥺 dodger just resting his head on his shoulder + his usual lumberjack look oh god I’m so weak 😩
But also I think I know a certain other actor who may be the photographer behind this overwhelmingly cute pic 🌝
It's the softest thing ever and it's got me feeling all warm and fuzzy and in the mood to write some lumberjack fic... 👀 And I, too, have some thoughts on who might love taking pics of his teo favourite boys being adorable together 🥰
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talkfantasytome · 2 years
People need to stop tagging:
Purely Elain or Archeron Sister art as "Elriel"
Purely Gwyn or Valkyrie art as "Gwynriel"
Purely Azriel art as "Elriel" or "Gwynriel"
Purely Lucien art as "Elucien" or "Vassien"
Purely Vassa art as "Vassien" or "Jassa" (? Jursa? idk their ship name 👀)
Please, stop putting ship tags in art and content that is not about the ship. Not all elriels hate Gwyn and/or Lucien. Not all gwynriels hate Elain. Not all eluciens hate Az.
Yes, people have ship preferences. And because of those preferences they may block certain tags. But they shouldn't be penalized or not get to see pretty fan art that has nothing to do with a ship they dislike just because the artist or someone who reblogged the art likes that ship. I know people think that the tag might help it get more view, but it is not relevant.
If it's a pretty fan art of Elain gardening, why does it need to be tagged elriel or elucien? Or both, as I've seen in various scenarios. The art is about Elain and only Elain. If it's a piece about Gwyn hanging out with Emerie and Nesta, gwynriel does not belong in the tag. If it's just Az in training or sparring with Cassian, neither Elain nor Gwyn have anything to do with it. If we're getting another stoic pic of Lucien looking over his shoulder (idk why that popped in my mind, but I know I've seen it and loved it every time lol), then it has nothing to do with elucien. Etc.
The whole point of being able to block tags is to control the content you see, but it becomes pointless if people overuse the tags and we have to view the post anyway. The amount of GORGEOUS fan art about one sole character that I almost missed because it was blocked is ridiculous. All because I don't want to see posts that are snarky about a ship I prefer. Yes, I often take the risk if it comes across my dash, because I know who I follow. But I'm sure there's plenty I miss in Discover.
I know people think that by adding the tags it might get more views, but that's why we should be reblogging. And PLEASE don't add in your ship's tag if you are reblogging. If the artist chooses to do that, then at least they're the one risking some people not seeing it because of tag blocks. But if you're adding the tag in a reblog, you actually could be hurting the artist more than helping.
So please, let's just use tags appropriately. I am always in favor of tagging the shit out of stuff, but only to the extent that it's accurate. Don't take away the chance for some to see the art work by adding in the extra tags. Don't make it harder for some to take in something gorgeous just because they're trying to keep their experience on here enjoyable for them. Instead, let's all share in the amazing creations made by people 100000% more talented than me (I can draw stick figures? there's a reason I write...). And we can do this by respecting and appreciating that people block tags, and targeting our tags to ensure everyone who truly might be interested can see it without needing to feel like it's a risk. 🙂
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masoqueen-official · 3 years
Art update 2/2 whoOO
"totamhly didn't havea sip o of alcohol" is what i was gonna say when i first was gonna post this a while back in September haha
AyyyyY guess who's pulling through! As promised, the second half of the first barrage of latest arts! (besides the speedpaints and inktobers ofc)
As i say barrage, i mean it XD there will be more after these. Here are some notes for em'!
- pics of my portal 2 switch mockup! 💙🧡🕹
- a splatoon 3 doodle i finally finished!
- some more paraphilic au doodles and tests (lol save me-)
Okay, I'm gonna try and go out on a limb here now but uhh the rest is basically shitty ph stuff but hey, everyone else does... Well, lots more than me to say the least so i think it's fine pff
- the first was based off a scene in an inn i saw in the backround and apparently was a classic so i just had to
- the second was also based off something different, i uhm- fanfiction, i saw, here actually-- I-I don't think it matters but you may or may not have seen it it was more of a test anyway really u-uhhh XD
- and the last is a digital version of one of my favorite doodles i actually posted not too far back! I, personally, love it to death. I mean just look at how cute they are!!! Dawwww! Plus i wanted to do a pallette and or flatcolor test so glad it worked out!
Moving on... 😅
We have a couple more.
- another splatoon 3 visual random art i came up with but decided to make it slightly bigger, and I'm debating on it being a poster! Hence the watermark... I also have another poster i was working on that should've fit in here but it's alright i can do it next!
- and lastly is my random owl house character insert consept. I had no idea what tf was going on here but it was mainly supposed to be a "in your style" sorta deal sooo forgive me if anything looks wacky lol
And that concludes the art showcases as of the moment! (and I'm sorry for so much Paperhat XD) but not to worry, for there is more to see!
...right after the Simpsons binge -w-
Here's the initial part 1!:
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crispysnakes · 2 years
Hey, how's your Super Stripe project going? Got any plans for pairings or any updated pictures from the past SS and het SS litter? I am very interested in it.. and very sad that i was not in a position to get in on the available kids from the '19 litter. I am watching very very closely. 👀
Going good! Slowly but surely. I paired the DH T+ SS male to Sunkist (OT hypo het SS) this season, she's acting gravid but not entirely sure she's actually so. Half expecting a slug out, if she's carrying anything.
Next year has the potential to be a good SS year. May be looking at DH T+ SS x DH T+ SS, aby arabesque x SS, and T+ motley x hypo SS. All the girls in these pairings will be going on 6 years old, and it'll be their first litters. I'm hopeful they work out.
I'll post some updated pics from previous litters this week. The '19 kids are looking good, the '21 poss hets are still looking spectacular.
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kurosukii · 2 years
From what I recall, base price should at least be the price of a pedicure. You need to maintain your feet so have the base price be able to cover that.
Generally when it comes to pedicures don't go crazy with colors (unless of course the client specifies). Neutrals appeal to a wider audience. This is also more applicable if you're doing an insta page just to put yourself out there. So people can see what you're offering. You can also do cute holiday themed ones.
If you are going to do requests with different colors, patterns and so on, up the price. It's a custom order. Some people also might want heels, shoes with a little peek a boo opening, some people might want you spitting on them or other stuff. Be aware of that and know your limits. 'No' is a complete sentence.
Now when posting on insta, obviously you will need a separate one from your main acct. Make a similar one for Twitter. As for pics, look for apps that do watermarks, (there are few ones just use airplane mode to cut back on the ads. I'm a dick i know) this way people aren't getting away with free pictures. Or find a way to blur the picture when someone asks for a sample pic. Look at #footpics, #feet, #toes, #feetpics tags and see what others are doing. You don't want to show off too much for free.
On Twitter follow other sex workers. Sex workers know how to network and they will help each other out with posts. They are good about this with OF especially.
Be creative with the pictures. Don't just show close ups of your feet. Sometimes the whole leg, in sneakers, socks, stockings, etc.
Sometimes you can be sneaky on your main and post a pic of a new pedi and just talk about how it looks nice and tag it #pedicure, #toepolish, #nailpolish, and so on. Don't use the foot pic one here sin e it's a main. This is a way to see if you may get a person that's not a regular like the pic or even DM you. My friend is a regular model and she ended up getting DMs for foot pics on accident bc of this.
holy shit ��👀.....the way selling feet pics are so elaborate...like OF accs 🤩
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
I have a theory! I think they got married Nov 2021. Im basing it on the pic BD posted of him and T’s dad in Venice then they honeymooned in Slovenia aka may our wishes come true could be reaching so imma do some more research to see if the Gayng was MIA during that time as well
hmmmm 👀 interesting. lemme know what you find
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
I always think about the fact that even after July 17th, Z's side didn't completely cut ties with Tom. Seeing him being all touchy with another woman so fast after the break up might have been upsetting to see, but surprisingly they didn't hated his ass as much as people thought. Not only did they tried to remain friends (Tom wanting to send Z a selfie he took with a fan dressed as MJ at a comicon) but Claire still liked post about him. And we can't forget Law who's basically part of Z's family too, still supporting him, calling him a brother and being in touch with him weekly during quarantine. Even tho Z and Tom weren't speaking at the time. That's why I never believed the ppl who painted Tom as a cheater or a terrible boyfriend because there's no way her people would do that if he used to treat her bad. Now they're back and better ☺️
Yea, Tom and Zendaya had a pretty amicable split. The fact that it was hard for them each to let go was a huge sign that there were still feelings there imo. I think that deep down even their friends and family knew that they didn't break up due to anything horrible or toxic, cuz you're right, there is no way they would have been so chill and supportive of both of them if smthg major like cheating or toxicity had gone down.
Re: Z giving fans hints....
I feel like if Z broke up with Tom, it wasn't because she didn't love him... It was probably due to major stress during that time in her life, them fighting more, or disagreements on how to handle their rlshp in the public eye. If Tom broke up with Z, then I'm almost 100% certain it was mostly due to the obsessive nature of their hiding. Either way, Z would have understood if Tom broke up with her due to that, because those were her stipulations, and if things are coming to a head, then perhaps it is best to just break up if you can't come to an agreement. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think what may have happened though is that they saw each other again for the press tour, and this may have been awkward and confusing because there were still feelings there on both ends... and apparently Tom must have known it too, since Audrey pretty much confirmed that on her end thru her tea, and the only way she would have known that is because Tom told Tuwaine. 👀
Speaking of seeing things from Z's pov again.... Imagine seeing your ex bf (who, now we know, she was still in love with deep down) photographed by paps in London hanging out with a new girl so quickly while still wearing the neck chain gift that you just gave him a month or two ago.... 👀
I imagine that most have stung... 😔 I'm pretty sure Tom knew it too, coz it almost seemed like he went on an apology tour after that lol (ie. reaching out about the cosplayer at comic-con, wearing the Tomdaya jacket, sending a birthday wish, that GQ interview 👀, and doing goodness knows what else behind the scenes.... Tom said he's excellent at apologizing lol 😆).
If anything, I'm sure he knows how private she is, so for her name to inadvertently get mixed up with his due to those pap pics coming out, I'm sure he knows it must have hurt her.
Still.... she never badmouthed him, or made any snarky and bitter hinted posts or IG stories. She kept her hurt feelings to herself and out of the public eye. I always appreciated that about her. That's the sign of a classy woman imo. 😊👍🏾 And Tom likewise never badmouthed Z, or spoke ill of her. Even in the GQ interview, he was still singing her praises and considered her a good friend.
I always feel like that's how you know you truly loved someone deeply.... When you can have a breakup with them, but STILL be mature enough to realize that even though things didn't end the way you wanted it to, and there were disagreements, you aren't going to bash the person in public, or be shady towards them. That shows integrity. It's one thing to talk about the breakup (which, I'm sure everybody does at some point... even in the media), but there is a classy way to do it. I kind of respect the fact though that they didn't bash each other, or put each other down in the media, or even hint at being salty with each other even on social media. Whatever happened btwn you two is nobody else's business. It's a way of protecting the other person, and keeping the rlshp kind of sacred when you don't call the other person out on social media imo.
I always felt that was very CLASSY of them. 😊🥰 Cuz even at the end of it all, they still wanted to be friends.
Even with the not-so-amicable breakup of Jacdaya, Z STILL didn't badmouth JE, she didn't even unfollow him or his family lol (even though I'm pretty sure the breakup hurt her as well). She posted her selfies so that her fans knew that she was NOT in Montana with him lol, and so that her name could be trending for he selfies instead of being linked to him and Kaia being spotted out rofl 🤣
But still... she has not spoken ill of him at all. She just doesn't acknowledge him at all rofl 🤣 😂
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lovelyjasmari · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Reaction Part 7 ~ Rook Thirst Go Burrr Edition
I’ve gone into gem saving mode until Beans Day/Vil’s birthday so this will be the last set of vignettes I’ll be reading for a while. 
At this point it’s been little more than a month since I’ve gotten into twst and I already have over 100 tagged posts abt it, 7 new ocs (not including RSA ocs) and several fic ideas on the backburner. Ah well, I stopped thinking abt it a while ago. I’m just gonna enjoy the ride 
Warning: Pic heavy, some swearing and ALOT of Rook thirsting. 
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Kalim is me, falling for Rook and adding him to my favorites. Really, I didn’t think he’d be a favorite at first but now he is. And I lowkey hate it (affectionately).
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Jamil: How do you do, fellow kids. But do kids really say this anymore tho? I don’t think I’ve heard it said by anyone I know since 2017. 😂
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Is this why Kalim isn’t allowed to cook? 
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Aww! Ortho loves Idia so much, can I trade my little bro for him please?? 😭
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Can androids dance tho?
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But always beware the cute and petite ones, though they may be sweet, they will gnaw the fuck out of your shins.
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Little do these savanabros know, they’ve likely just signed their death warrants...
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I approve. Carry on, pretty little menace-fae.
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Oh god, I had just read Rook’s 2 R vignettes at this point, so I can already see where this is going...
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No Azul, it was NOT his imagination, LISTEN TO HIM. 🤐
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I love how Riddle is more troubled about Jade being watched than Jade himself. Perhaps it just comes with the territory of being a literal fish out of water. 
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Like I said, I never expected to fall so hard for this hunter of love. But, there is just something so [REDACTED] about how he observes everyone that while I admit is very [REDACTED] in context, just makes my heart go everytime I see him. He’s right up there with Malleus, Vil and Jade. 
But what do I know, I’m just a thirsty young woman gawking at bishies in this anime mickey mouse mobile game. DON’T JUDGE MY LIFE.
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See? Jade doesn’t mind? He’s clearly amused! 😁
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Unlike Mr. Grumpy-Puss here who is clearly NOT amused and not just by the veggies...
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How poetic, Vil. 🥀
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Ughhhhh, look how happy he looks! I think that’s another thing that has drawn me to him. I think I have seen him cross only once since I started this game. He’s just vibing and being jovial everywhere he goes and completely oblivious to how tired everyone is of his shit. I need that level of gall in my life. 😭
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Like look at this! Floyd strikes me at the kind of person who probably WOULD glue Rook’s mouth shut and is only restraining himself because he knows if he did, Vil will poison him in his sleep. But does Rook care? No!!! 😂
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That is true, back when I was going to conventions regularly, it took me about 2 hours minimum to get ready and a good amount of that was just makeup. Lolita me would have been perfect in Pomefiore. 
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Okay, seriously Floyd. I’m gonna glue your mouth shut myself soon. (affectionate)
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And I have a feeling playing hide and seek with him would be a very terrifying and [REDACTED] experience. I can’t wait for the Beans Day event to start...😳😳😳
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Lowkey, I just want someone to say this to me. DON’T JUDGE MY LIFE. 
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
What's the theory 👀👀
Nothing outrageous, I was just thinking/assuming the band may have been in rehearsals of some sort bc the name on the cookie delivery from Ash's story last night (lmao now there's a sentence! 😂) was the same as someone with the production company they usually employ. And the pic of 5SOS gear Ash just posted very much looks like the practice space they typically use, which lends credence to that speculation. 🤔
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