#i mean i always knew emma was a closet freak
screamsduval · 6 years
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Safe 1 / 1
Killian finds a safe in Emma's closet and nearly loses his mind trying to figure out what she's hiding.
I'm not saying this is the start of another fic in this universe, but I'm also not not saying that.
This picks up a few weeks after the ending of The Days We Defend (Will Turn to Gold)
Read on Ao3
Rated T I guess
1441 words
For @the-darkdragonfly, who likes to beg me for more Corrine
It started out as nothing. It should still be nothing, really, but he’s let that ship sail long ago. The curiosity got the better of him, and he’s been losing his mind ever since. 
 It’s easy to expect the worst. He and Emma have discussed the unpredictability of her magic, what with her pregnancy and recent curse and subsequent traumatic events, and he thought that they were on the same page with her taking it easy. She’s only a few months along, just starting to show, and she’s been totally on board with his suggestion that using magic she can’t fully understand, with few resources to help her, could be dangerous. 
 But then he found the damn safe. 
 He had no idea she owned it, but he probably shouldn’t be surprised. Based on who she was before he knew her, he can’t be shocked at the knowledge that she has secrets. But still, he’s worried. He’s worried at the thought of her needing to keep things from him. He's worried at the idea that she may not feel she can trust him with every aspect of her life. He's worried that she’s keeping something magical and dangerous locked away in their closet and not telling him about it. 
 This is what he gets for doing the laundry, he supposes. It’s a cursed task, to be sure. 
He didn’t mean to at first. He didn’t intend to try and break it open. But when he found himself punching in 1-2-3-4 and then 1-0-2-3 and then 0-8-1-6 and then 0-6-2-4, he realized how insane he was acting. Trying to hack into her safe using her family’s dates of birth was insane. Trying to violate his fiance’s trust by hacking into her locked safe was completely insane. Not to mention, diabolical. 
 But then he found himself going even more insane, trying to pry the heavy metal door open with his hook when the combinations he guessed failed. The safe was small enough, mounted into the wall and hidden behind a myriad of dresses hanging from the bar in the closet. There’s nothing to even say that there's even anything inside. But for some reason, he can’t help but to picture the worst. He pictures a magic dagger powerful enough to destroy everything they hold dear. He pictures a magic bean that could rip their family apart. He pictures the hat that holds the ominous power of the Dark One. 
 He wonders why he can’t trust his fiance. 
 He should’ve heard the front door open and slam shut. He should’ve heard his toddler tromping up the stairs and running to his room to greet him. 
 “Daddy, what doing there?” she asks pensively, leaning against the doorframe exactly as she’s watched her father do. 
 “Well, hello, my love. I’m just finishing up. How was Mimi?” 
 “What doing?” she asks again, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. “Landy?” 
 He clears his throat and stands, feeling a burn in his knees as he realizes how long he’s been sitting here trying to violate his love’s trust. “Yes, angel, I’m just doing some laundry.” 
 “Mommy!” she screams, turning towards the door that leads out to the hallway as he hears Emma’s footsteps approaching. “Daddy does landy.” 
 “Does he?” Emma asks, smiling and cocking her head to the right as she takes in the sight before her: Killian standing and groaning as he brushes off the backs of his legs. “Isn’t that nice of him.” 
 He recognizes the suspicious smile on her face immediately as she bites her bottom lip and raises a brow at him. “Yes,” Corrine confirms, ratting out her father just like the pirate he knew she would become. “See?” 
 “Yes,” Emma responds, smiling down at their daughter. “I do see. I see your daddy fiddling with things that don’t belong to him.” 
 “Ah, well,” he laughs nervously, scratching behind his ear and clearing his throat. “It certainly is lovely to see you both.” 
 “I’m sure it is,” she rolls her eyes in response, stepping towards him and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek just beside his mouth. “0-9-1-8.”
 “Pardon?” he asks in confusion. 
 “The combination,” she clarifies. “0-9-1-8. September 18th; the day you found me in New York.” 
 “Swan,” he starts, his guilt manifesting into something out of his control. “I meant not to…” 
 She giggles at him as she moves into the closet, Corrine mimicking the sound, and punches in the code. The door opens easily and he rolls his eyes as he recalls the effort he had put forth in opening it, thinking himself a fool for even trying. When the door swings open and reveals it’s contents, he wants to bury his head in the sand to quell the embarrassment that plagues him. 
It’s filled with snacks. Bags and bags of chips, poptarts, candies… all of the things she craves and he refuses to let her eat in excess. 
 “You won’t let me keep them in the pantry, so I hide them up here,” she explains. “I’m sorry for being dishonest.” 
 Bloody hell. If there’s one thing that can make him feel even worse about his foolishness, it’s her apologizing to him. “Love, I should--” 
 “I want that one!” Corrine shouts, pointing at the small pastry wrapped in clear plastic. “Mommy, I can have it?” 
 “Now look what you’ve done,” she jokes, playfully rolling her eyes at Killian. “Come on, Coco. Let’s have an apple with this Honey Bun.” 
 Later in the evening, when they’re sated and panting and she curls into his side to squeeze him tight, his guilt takes over again as the thoughts of what he expected to find in her secret hiding place plague his mind. He’s always quick to ask her to trust him, and he feels as though he’s failed her for not doing so in return. Why he couldn’t let it go-- why he couldn’t tell himself that she wouldn’t dabble in dangerous magic and hide it from him-- he isn’t sure. 
 “What’s going on in there?” she asks when her breathing steadies, lifting her arm from his torso and brushing her fingers along his temple. 
 He smiles down at her and says, “nothing, love. I apologize if I seem distracted.” 
 “Is this about earlier?” she asks thoughtfully, cupping his neck with her palm and stroking her thumb along the line of his jaw. “The safe? Are you mad because I kept it from you?” 
 “No, Swan, never. I only… well, I suppose I should apologize for that. I shouldn’t have attempted to violate your privacy like I did.” 
 She sighs and hugs him close again, pressing a soft kiss to his chest, and whispers, “why did you?”
 Remaining still and silent, he allows the darkness of the room to trick him into a false sense of security. He knows why he did it; he knows it’s because he’s been waiting for the other shoe to drop for months since they broke the last curse. The last curse, because they’ve been cursed countless times before. And with a new baby on the way… he isn’t sure how to care for a newborn with one hand, never mind with some new form of dark magic potentially threatening them. “I’m sorry,” he finally whispers. “I suppose I’m just…” 
 “Waiting for something bad to happen?” 
 “Aye,” he breathes in relief, because of course she would know exactly how he’s feeling and what he’s thinking. “We’ve certainly had our fair share of challenges.” 
 “The dagger is right where we left it,” she promises. “It’s safe, locked away in the basement where it can’t escape. Me and The Apprentice put a spell on it, remember? I promise, nothing is going to happen to us.” Her words are forceful and confident, but her tone is anything but. 
 “Aye, love, you’re right. I’m sorry for doubting you.” 
 “Good. Now, it’s time to move on from this, because only one of us is allowed to freak out at a time and if you're scared, I’m definitely going to get scared soon.” 
 Kissing her temple, he holds her tighter and focuses on the sounds of their breathing filling the silent room. “You don’t have to be scared,” he finally tells her. “Everything is going to be alright. I’m sorry I had a momentary bout of insanity earlier.” 
 “It’s okay,” she whispers. “I love you.” 
 “I love you, too,” he promises, trying his hardest to put aside his assumptions that something catastrophic is about to happen and instead enjoy being here by her side. As if reminding himself as much as her, he says, “we’re alright, love,” before they both drift off to sleep.
If you want to be tagged, or if you don’t, let me know!
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89 @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @ouatpost @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere @alexa-fangirl-forever @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings @rapunzelsghosts @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice @batana54
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 5
Word Count: 5,690
POV: Reader and then switches to Jamie
Warnings: Language, but that’s about it, at least from what I can remember
Notes: So I just want to thank everyone for their patience with me as I took some time off. I’ve still been writing, so hopefully you’ll see your favorite stories pop up here and there. Happy reading!
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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 "I'm sorry what did you just say?" you asked Emma, as you had to have heard her incorrectly when she said that you should get under someone in order to get over Jamie. "Because, you were there in high school, that didn't work out the best for me."
"That's not what I meant."
 "But it is what you said, that I should just go hook up with some random guy. Em, I love you, babe, but I am not going down that path again. I do not need to be known as the doctor that sleeps around."
 "Oh my god, would you shut up for one minute?" You went radio silent, after she practically yelled at you through the phone, though you suppose that your voice had gone up maybe a decibel or two. "I didn't mean for you to go fuck some rando at the bar. Actually, I meant…and hear me out before you say anything," she paused and you had a feeling that you weren't going to like what she said next no matter what it was. "I think you should sleep with Jamie."
 "Yeah, that was a little loud. I think you might have woken up Caleb. Shh, go back to sleep babe," you heard her mumble to her husband.
 "I'm sorry but are you crazy? Maybe I called you too early and you're not fully functioning without coffee. Or should I call Dr. Kaplan and have him examine you."
 "Your neurologist, friend? No." She sounded a bit indignant at the mention that she needed her brain examined for suggesting a thing, but really what were you supposed to think when she made stupid remarks like you should go sleep with Jamie. "I asked you to listen before you passed judgment on me. God, you think you were a judge instead of a doctor so something."
 "Well, you have my full attention. So please explain, before I have you committed to the psych ward." She scoffed at you, which only made you say, "You know I can medically do that."
 You could almost hear her eyes rolling through the phone. "Yes, but who would you call this early in the morning when you have a problem." She had a point. "Exactly. Now, let me explain. You and Jamie never really resolved anything. He said things, you got upset, he never answered the phone, so you broke it off with him, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get my point." It seemed a whole lot more complicated than a few yaddas. "But there was never any closure for either of you there. It just sort of ended." Emma was right about that, after hearing that he only was seeing you for sex, you didn't want to speak to him at all. "It was obvious then, that he still had feelings for you, even if you didn't want to see it. And don't kill me here, but I think it was obvious that you still had feelings for him as well, and that maybe you still do." You didn't exactly know how you felt about Jamie at the moment, but waking up in his arms did feel right. "Let's face it (Y/N), you've compared every guy you've ever been with to Jamie."
 "I have not." Had you?
 "Ok, we're skipping all the douches in high school, because you and I both know you never slept with any of them. Yes, I know what everyone said, but I was also your best friend and I know you. The worst you ever did was give Carter Williams a blow job behind the bleachers after a football game." Oh, Jesus, she did not need to go down this road listing all your sexcapades from high school or after that. "I'm talking about Bryan, the perfectly good looking, studying to be a heart surgeon, boyfriend that you gave up for no other reason then you said he wasn't tall enough."
 "I did not break up with Bryan because he wasn't tall enough and you know it."
 "It was a factor, along with his hair not being dark enough and you hating his sense of humor."
 "The man made stupid heart surgeon jokes that not even anyone in the cardiothoracic department got."
 "True, but you also told me he was lousy in bed, and I believe that was another complaint you had about Tomas, Dylan…oh and what was his name…you know the one you said that you had to use your vibrator the minute he walked out the door because he couldn't get you off."
 "Isaac," you told her and there was a blush creeping to your cheeks. Suddenly, you were regretting Emma being your best friend.
 "Yes, Isaac. If I remember correctly that happened more than once with him. How you kept him around for four months is beyond me. You're a doctor woman, you can show him where the clit is, you know? Just take his hand and place it…"
 "Thank you, Dr. Emma, I know where my clit is."
 "But he didn't," she let out a bark of laughter that was so contagious you had to join in. Once you both calmed, Emma came right back at you about Jamie. "Look, he was your first love and maybe the sex wasn't as great as your sixteen-year-old mind remembers. Maybe you just fuck Jamie and that's all it is, a fuck, or maybe it's more. At least this way, you won't be holding him on some pedestal like he's a Greek god or something."
 Maybe she was right and you'd been holding on for fourteen years thinking that what you and Jamie had was this truly magical once and a lifetime thing when in reality all it had been was sex. Let's face it, what your sixteen-year-old self thought was love could've been nothing more than lust. "I never thought he was a Greek god."
 "Please, I was always envious about how you had this romantic first time. I mean mine was in the back of Kyle's jeep, and before you say anything he didn't know where the clit was either."
 You both giggled again, but then you had to remind her of how things had ended. "It wasn't romantic when he said those things about me."
 "He was sixteen (Y/N). I'm not making an excuse, but it's time to build that bridge. Maybe he's changed, maybe he hasn't. I'm not saying for you to give him your whole heart. I'm just saying, find out if what was there, was truly that once in a lifetime love or was it just this idea that you've been holding on to."
 "But what if…" you stuttered while Emma waited for you to continue. "What if…I still love him, and he breaks my heart, again."
 "(Y/N), that's the chance we all take when we open our hearts to love. You don't think that I felt that way with Caleb? That sometimes I still don't feel that way." She sighed. You could tell she was struggling with how to put her feelings into words. "He could walk out the door and leave me here alone, and my heart would break into pieces, but the love I have for him is so much greater than that fear." She made it sound so easy, but all you could remember was how completely hurt you'd felt when things had gone wrong with Jamie. "I know you're scared, and that's why you've closed your heart off for so long, but (Y/N) I promise you the minute you open it back up, your life is going to be even better than it is. And maybe it's Jamie that deserves your heart and maybe it's not, but you'll never know if you don't try."
 "I know," you whispered weakly, for you really did know that. If it wasn't Jamie, it was going to have to be someone eventually, because you didn't want to be alone forever. It was just that gnawing fear in the back of your mind that Jamie would hurt you again as he had before. "I just don't want to break into a thousand pieces again."
 "You won't (Y/N), and if you do, I'll be on the first flight to Dallas to help you pick them up." She would be, you knew that for sure because you couldn't ask for a better friend than Emma. "And I'll kick his ass as well." That made you laugh considering that Emma was five foot four, and Jamie was just over six foot. It would make for an interesting matchup, but you knew that Emma would take him down no matter the size difference.
 "Thanks, Em."
 "I just want you to be happy, (Y/NN); happy and in love, and I just have this gut feeling that Jamie can make that happen." There was only one way to find out, and that was to open up more to Jamie. It wouldn't be easy but after this little talk, you were willing to try. "Now, enough about this, because you're going to follow my advice. So tell me how everything else is going? Do you like work? Is it everything you thought it would be?"
 "And so much more." You spent the next fifteen minutes catching up with each other before she kicked you off the phone to go make rounds at the hospital. Despite not having that many patients of your own at the moment, you were still looking after all of Dr. Lundin's. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when your phone rang, Jamie's name popping up on the screen. For a minute, you thought about not answering it, but then you remembered your conversation this morning with Emma and quickly hit the accept button. "Hey, Jame."
 He seemed a bit startled that you answered. "Oh, hey (Y/NN). I was just giving you a call about a couple things."
 "Ok, what's up?"
 "Well, first off, I found your dress in my bathroom this morning."
 "Oh shit, I totally forgot that I left it in there." You'd laid it over the tub last night when you changed, something that you did at home all the time. You had every intention of picking it up before you left, but then you'd fallen asleep and well, it kind of got lost in your mind as you freaked out over possibly having feelings for Jamie.
 "It's no biggie. I hung it up in my closet." He paused as if he'd said something wrong. "Just so it didn't wrinkle anymore." Well, look at him being all domesticated.
 "Thanks, that's sweet of you. I'll stop over and get it sometime from you."
 "Oh, ok or I can bring it over. Whatever is easiest for you. I also wanted to see if there was a good time to reschedule that visit to the AAC? We kind of didn't get to go over my map too much last night. Plus, my artistic skills are a little rusty."
 You'd forgotten all about the tour, but it would be a good excuse to spend some more time with Jamie to see where your feelings were. "Let me check my schedule." You switched him to speaker and flipped over to your calendar. "Oh, I'm headed to Jessi's tomorrow night to take her stitches out, so that won't work. Um, let me see about the next day."
 "What about tonight?"
 "Oh, tonight?" You weren't sure if you were ready to face him just yet, but a little voice, that sounded an awful lot like your best friend, told you there was no time like the present. "Yeah, I can do that. I was just getting ready to leave here in about ten minutes. What time were you thinking?"
 "Whenever I'm free the rest of today, so if you just wanted to come straight here; that's fine."
 This was really not the timeframe you wanted. You hadn't even taken any time this morning to do anything special with your hair or makeup, as you'd spent too much time talking to Emma. Though it wasn't like Jamie hadn't just seen you with drool on your face, wearing his sweats and your hair a complete disaster. Anything would be an improvement over that. It was that thought that had you saying, "Sounds good. I'll see you in about twenty minutes then."
 "Ok see you soon." You hung up and then quickly went to add at least a bit of lip gloss and mascara to your face.
 It was about twenty minutes later that you were pulling into your garage and then walking the short distance to Jamie's. This time foregoing parking at his place. He opened the door before you even had a chance to knock. "Hey, (Y/N). How's it going tonight?"
 It seemed like a loaded question when he was standing there dressed in a pristine white dress shirt, his chest hair peeking out from where he'd undone the first couple buttons. Suddenly, your mouth went dry. When you were sixteen, Jamie didn't have a hair on his chest. Well, maybe there were one or two that he was awfully proud of, but they really didn't count. This was just another sign of how much he'd changed and grown into the man that stood before you today. You'd hoped he'd changed in other ways as well. "Much better tonight. My feet are all ready for you to give me the grand tour."
 "Alright, then let's head out." He had his car in the garage, so you followed him through the house to the SUV. In true Jamie Benn fashion, he came over and opened the door for you. It was something he'd always done when you were younger, as his mom had instilled those gentlemanly courtesies in him. It was weird being in the car with him again. Part of you kept waiting for him to grab your hand and hold it like he used to and you found yourself glancing down every so often at his large fingers gripping the gearshift instead of your hand.
 He pointed out different landmarks as you passed and told you that despite what the navigation system said this was the fastest way to get to downtown from your house. The two of you chatted the whole entire time, while the music played softly in the background. "So, you're going to want to use this gate." Jamie was saying right as his playlist changed to a song from the movie Frozen.
 "So, are you are an Anna or an Elsa fan?" you teased.
 "What?" It was then that he realized what was playing, and quickly changed the song. "I have that on here for my niece."
 He pulled into the players' parking spot, "Uh huh, sure Jame. Admit it you like the movie." He shut the car off and you both got out.
 "I may have watched it with Soph once," he said sheepishly and your heart warmed at the idea of him sitting there with the little girl watching one of Disney's hit movies. You always knew that he would make a great dad, and having that song just proved it.
 You were walking side by side now and you couldn't resist dancing around him, while you sang the lyrics. "Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore." You were walking backward not having a clue where you were going as you continued. "Come on Jame, sing with me. You know you want to…Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door."
 "Stop," he chided but had a grin a mile long on his face.
 You twirled around him another time, hands dancing along his arm. "I don't care what they're going to say," you belted out; the words echoing off the cement walls around you. "Let the storm rage on…"
 "The cold never bothered me anyway." Jamie sang finally joining you. You bouncing up and down as he sang with you, not paying attention as your eyes were focused on him and not where you were going. He reached out and grabbed you right as you started to trip on a large cord that was behind you. "Careful there Elsa." Your hands went to his chest, your palm resting where his heart was racing, as his slid around your waist and pulled you in close to him. Pressed up against him, you couldn't help the urge that came over you to kiss him; he was just so close, and his eyes were smiling into yours, and it felt like the perfect moment to test the waters out. So, you slid your hands just a little further up his chest, and you raised up on your tiptoes so that your lips were mere inches from him, and then your watch chimed again; the damn thing reminding you to breathe, and the moment was lost.
 You dropped back down onto the balls of your feet but still kept that smile plastered on your face. "Thanks for saving me Olaf," you said and tapped his chest, before stepping out of his embrace.
 "Olaf? I was thinking more Kristoff."
 You tapped your finger on your chin, looking him up and down. "You're right, I was wrong. You're definitely Sven."
 "The reindeer?"
 "I knew you've watched that movie more than just once with your niece."
 You were finally at the door, and Jamie was entering a code to get into the building since there wasn't anything going on at the AAC today. "Ok, you got me, but really Sven?"
 "What's wrong with Sven? He's sweet, kind, lovable…" Shit the moment the word came out of your mouth you wanted to take it back. Of course, Jamie was lovable too but you weren't sure you were ready to be the one loving him. There was too much uncertainty in doing that just yet. You coughed trying to cover up the slip of tongue and then added, "He's also oddly quiet when there are people around. Kind of like someone else I know."
 He raked his hand through his hair, an action that your fingers longed to do. "I'm only that way around people I don't know…and the media." You knew this about him, of course, because you'd watched a few of his interviews. His answers were always clipped and short, which sometimes gave the impression he was standoffish, but then he would throw a little comment here and there and the real Jamie would come out. "But anyhow, we should be getting on with the tour."
 "Lead the way."
 Had she really just called you lovable? Moreover, had she just been about to kiss you? That damn watch of hers kept beeping at the most inappropriate times and it was maddening. Something had changed since she'd practically run out of your house this morning. You weren't sure what, but she'd definitely let her guard down some, and you were all for it. You knew it was going to take baby steps to get back into her heart, but those steps seemed to be coming more and more frequently and you weren't complaining.
 You were surprised when (Y/N) agreed to the tour tonight, for you thought for sure that she'd avoid you at all cost after you had fallen asleep with her on the sofa last night. It was the last thing that you intended but she had felt so right in your arms, that you'd just let yourself get caught up in the moment. God, she looked so adorable this morning, hair messy, with her cheeks all rosy from sleeping on you, and then how she was wearing your sweats; there was nothing that you wanted more than to see her like that every day for the rest of your life. Baby steps, you reminded yourself.
 The tour around the arena went pretty well. You showed her everything that you could think of, ending the tour in the training room, just as you had the other day. She was taking everything in, noticing that Dave and his crew had implemented all the ideas she had talked about the other day. "Everything look ok?"
 "Oh yeah, they did an amazing job." She was opening drawers and checking supplies.
 "Well, I guess that's the end of the tour then." You glanced down at your watch to notice that it was almost six o'clock. You were definitely going to hit rush hour traffic. "If we head out now, it'll probably take us an hour to get home. Maybe a little less, if I hurry."
 "Oh, do you have to be some place?"
 "Um…no. Why?"
 "Well, you're all dressed up, thought maybe you had a hot date or something." There was a tremble in her voice that usually wasn't there, and you had to wonder if she asked the question in hopes that you weren't seeing anyone.
 "No, no hot date. I actually…" Shit, now it was your turn to get all tongue-tied. "Well, I mean…I thought we could have dinner downtown here and really celebrate your big surgery."
 "Oh!" There was a bit of shock in her voice. "I mean last night was perfect. You don't have to take me to dinner, after everything you did."
 You raked your hands through your hair again. It was a bad nervous habit, that served as a distraction while you tried to think of something to say. This time there was nothing clever that came to mind. "What if I want to take you to dinner?"
 The corner of her lip picked up on the right side of her face, that was the first sign she gave, telling you that she liked the idea. It got you excited that she might just agree, to the plan you had, but then it seemed like she was getting into her head, as she took a moment to think about your offer. "You know what?" It wasn't really a question, so you remained quiet. "Dinner sounds amazing, but only on one condition." You cocked a brow at her, silently asking what that was. "I get to buy."
 "Oh no, I asked you out." Oh shit, that came out wrong, you didn't mean it to sound like you'd asked her out on a date, that for sure would scare her away. "Besides my mom would kill me if she found out I let you pay," you quickly added hoping that it would cover up your blunder.
 "Hmm," she mused. "I guess we'll just have to see who has the quicker hands when the check comes then." That sure sounded like a yes to you.
 "You're on, but I plan on winning."
 "We'll see," she said as she headed out the door of the training room. "Now, let me see if I can remember how to get out of here." She led the way out to the car and you only had to direct her one time, which was pretty good considering it took you a week to find your way around the place.
 The restaurant was one of the finest Dallas had to offer, and one of the main reasons why you didn't want (Y/N) paying, though you were sure that wouldn't deter her from trying. Being that you weren't sure if (Y/N) was going to say yes to dinner, you didn't have a reservation, though when you slipped the maître d a hundred-dollar bill and your name; you were suddenly shown the nicest table in the place, one that was quiet and out of the way. Conversation between you and (Y/N) flowed easily, as did the wine, though you made sure not to drink too much as you'd be driving the two of you home. It also helped you grab the check when the waiter brought it at the end of the night.
 "That's not fair." (Y/N) chided as your long arms reached out and snagged the leather pouch out of the man's hands, who looked a bit taken back by the action.
 "You said whoever had the fastest hands."
 "Yes, but I clearly had more wine than you, which limited my ability, and now I'm convinced you did that on purpose." She was always so adorable when she pouted, but right now you just wanted to kiss those pursed lips and you were having a hard time holding yourself back from doing just that.
 "One of us needed to drive home, but you didn't protest when I poured that last glass."
 "Well, it clearly didn't help my motor skills that's for sure. Though please mark it down, that I am paying next time." Next time? So, she planned on going out with you again. You were making more headway than you thought.
 You decided to forge ahead while she was in such a good mood, as you were coming close to running out of excuses for the two of you to get together. "And when would this next time be?"
 "Um, I'll have to check my schedule, but maybe I could cook you dinner next week. You know as maybe a thank you for helping me." She sat there across from you with this shy little smile playing across her lips. The look all too tantalizing, for it was doing things that it shouldn't to your nether regions.
 "Dinner at your place huh? Sounds like an offer I can't refuse." You paid the bill and then the two of you headed out. The drive back was fun, as the two of you continued with your flirtatious banter the whole way home. When you turned onto your street, disappointment reared its ugly head as the night was coming to an end. You wanted to spend more time with her. Hell, if you were being realistic you want her to fall asleep in your arms again so you could hold her all night long. You pulled into the garage, then got out of the car to help (Y/N) out.
 "Thanks for everything today, Jame. Including dinner which I was supposed to pay for."
 "You know I can run some drills with you to sharpen your hand-eye coordination if you want." There were also some other drills you'd like to be doing with her in the bedroom.
 "Well, I may just take you up on that." The two of you were standing in the driveway, not knowing how to end the night. If this was truly a date, you'd walk her home and maybe kiss her, but would she smack you if you tried that now? "I should be getting home. Thanks again for everything." She started down the drive, walking at a leisurely pace.
 "Hey (Y/NN)," you called out and she turned back towards you as you trotted up beside her. "Can I walk you home?" She gave you a curious look, and it did sound rather funny considering she lived only two doors down, but you weren't ready for your time with her to end just yet.
 You were just about to stumble through how it was just for safety, when she said, "Sure." You smiled at her and the two of you started the extremely short walk to her house. "You know, tonight was a lot of fun."
 "Yeah, it really was." You wanted to say it reminded you of old times, but you didn't want to bring up the bad ones that also went with that. "We should do it more often."
 "I'd like that." (Y/N) was shocking you at every turn tonight and you weren't sure what mystical force was in the air but you prayed that it didn't go away and make her hate you again. A comfortable silence fell over you both, it was one that you had with her long ago, though back then it was as if you could read each other thoughts. Now, you weren't sure what was going on in that complex mind of hers but if it continued to lead her on a path towards you; you weren't going to question it.
 You were just about to her front door, and damn if that didn't feel as if the two of you were speed walking over, even though you were strolling at a leisurely pace. Again, you searched for something so that you wouldn't have to leave her company just yet. "Hey, how's your patient doing? The one who's leg you saved."
 "Really great actually. I stopped in right before I left. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he was in really good spirits today."
 "All because of you."
 "I wouldn't go that far."
 "I would." She blushed at the compliment, as you finally made it to the front door.
 "Well, this is me." She said with a cute little smile and a shrug of her shoulder.
 There was really nothing more you could say to keep you at her front door, so you found yourself saying, "I guess my duty is fulfilled…now that you're safe at home and all."
 "So it seems." Was that a hint of reluctance you heard in her voice? Was she as sad to see the night end as you were? "Thanks again, Jame. It was fun." She entered the code to get in the house, unlocking the door and opening it. What she did next almost had you falling over, as she went up on her toes and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek. "Goodnight, Jame."
 A smile so bright, it could've lit up all of Dallas, appeared on your face, and she ducked inside right as you said. "Goodnight, (Y/NN)." As soon as the door closed, you pressed a hand to your cheek making sure that what had just happened was real and not something that you imagined. It had been real alright, and you felt like you were fifteen again, all giddy at the thought that the girl you liked, liked you back.
 Thank goodness, you only lived two doors down as you don't remember how you got back inside your own home, but there you were standing in front of the bathroom mirror grinning like a fool as you looked at the spot (Y/N) had just kissed. Now more than ever, you couldn't wait to see her again. Unfortunately, you had no excuse to call her this time or no definite date of when you'd see her again, just a promise that the two of you would have dinner again soon. While you looked forward to that, you wished that it would be happening sooner rather than later. You'd just have to come up with a plan.
 It seemed fate had your back this time though, as the following evening found her knocking on your door. "I hate to do this, but can I come in?" (Y/N) asked as she stood outside in the pouring rain, looking like a drowned rat. Well, maybe not a rat, but a very cute wet puppy for sure.
 "Yeah, sure." You said stepping aside as a loud crack of thunder sounded in the air.
 "I'm sorry to do this, but the code to the house isn't working and I left my phone, and my bag, at Jessi's when I was taking out her stitches." She stood there dripping wet in your foyer. "If I could just use your phone to call her, I'll run back over there."
 "Run? Where's your car?"
 "Locked, in the garage. I didn't realize it was going to storm and had just walked over there. I was almost home when it started."
 "Let me grab you a towel." You went and grabbed one out of the guest bathroom downstairs, then handed it to her to dry off. "I'll call Jess for you, but you're not running back over there. I'll drive you."
 She gave you a smile, before toweling off her hair. "Thank you."
 You went to the kitchen to grab your phone and call your soon to be sister-in-law. "Hey, Jess."
 "Hey, Chubbs, what's up?" Jess replied.
 "(Y/N) locked herself out of the house and I guess she left her stuff at your place. I was going to drive her over so she could get it if that's ok."
 There was silence on the other end of the phone and you were wondering if the two of you got disconnected or something with the storm. "Hmmm," she finally mumbled. "I'm going to do you a huge favor here and tell you I'm not home, even though I totally am."
 "You know I love you, but you're so dense sometimes." How were you the one that was dumb when she didn't make any sense? "Tell (Y/N) that I had to run to a friend's house and you're not sure when I'll be home with the storm. That way the two of you can spend a little more time together."
 "Oh," you said as you finally caught on to her plan.
 "You owe me one. Tell her I'll call you when I get back, which probably won't be for a while." You'd take all the time that you could get with (Y/N). "If you don't answer, I'll take that as a good sign." You could almost see her winking at you through the phone.
 "Thank Jess. You're literally the best."
 "I know," she quipped back, then hung up the phone.
 You went back out to where (Y/N) was standing in your entryway. "Apparently, Jess took off to a friend's house the minute you left. She said she's didn't realize you left your stuff or she would've dropped it off. She's going to call when she gets back, but it's going to be a bit with the storm."
 "Oh," (Y/N) stood there a little shocked, not knowing what to do. "Well, maybe if I go try the code again it will work."
 Another crack of thunder, with streaks of lightning, filled the sky. "(Y/N), you are not going back over there in the rain. Just stay here until the storm dies down. They usually pass pretty quick." But then again, sometimes they didn't and this was one you were hoping would stick around for at least a few more hours.
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littlealbatross · 3 years
another round of bullets/the third of every march
I said it for the first time ever to my best friend Hayley. We were in our basement apartment off the Green Line, Boston rattling dimly from the other side of our barred-up window; we were watching Lost. I said it in the truest possible way I could have, blurting it without stopping to think what doing so would mean; and Hayley, eyes still fixed on the screen, responded with the best and most noncommittal “Mmm-hmmmm” I have ever heard, before or since.
I said it in the backyard of another friend’s house, five of us gathered under her porch lights, pool-damp and mosquito-deviled in the lush, gathering quiet of a summer night. I said it as if it weren’t a big deal, and later I took it back, in the passenger seat of a car parked outside the Custard Hut. Maybe I’m really not, I offered, and my friend in the driver’s seat replied, agreeably, Yeah, guess not.
But I said it again just a few months later, to my reflection in the mirror. I’d just watched the finale of The Legend of Korra. I couldn’t get that twist ending out of my head. I locked eyes with myself and said it, said it, said it, and waited for the face looking back at me to change, become monstrous. I said it once more, and when nothing happened, it finally hit me that it might actually be true.
I spent weeks after that collecting memories of times I’d said it before, times when I hadn’t realized I was saying it and somehow, no one else had either. I’d said it in a text, prefaced with the words delete this after you read it. I’d said it with derision, tone dripping scorn, making certain nobody would think I meant it. I’d said it to my mother on April Fool’s Day, making my voice on the phone sobbingly realistic, and when I told her it was a joke, she said, Oh, well. Love somebody, that’s what I always say.
I’d said it in other, subtler ways, harder to parse out from my other memories of childhood. I went to my box of mementos, tucked in the back of my closet: a collection of photos of Emma Watson in her Harry Potter years, painstakingly printed from Google searches. A Princess Jasmine doll, from Aladdin. A clipping of Princess Leia on the Death Star from a friend’s Star Wars Magazine. A high school diary, in which I’d actually written the words, next to a pasted-in photo of my friend Hannah. But, I’d written, I feel gross even writing that. So it can’t be true. I looked at each of these items and then said it out loud, to just myself, and the walls of the closet stared back at me, silent, unjudging.
I said it more, after that. If I said it enough, eventually, it would have to feel natural. I joked about it in Harvard Square. I scrawled it on the walls of our apartment with lipstick, which even after it was washed off left a pinkish tinge. I said it to my sister during a Hunger Games movie, almost by accident, and when she was silent I added, defensive, Don’t you think Natalie Dormer’s beautiful?, to which she continued to say nothing at all. I said it to my father on a car ride from Boston to New Jersey, and he stammered out in reply, Well, I’ve sometimes thought—for myself, I mean—maybe if I never met your mom, maybe it would’ve just been a question of meeting the right guy…
I said it over the phone to my aunt in Chicago. I told her what my father had said, too, and she laughed nastily. He’s changed his tune, then. Oh, sweetie, if you knew some of the things he said to me when I was your age…
I said it to my mother last of all. We were in the car, driving under winter-gray skies: I thought it might be easier to say if we didn’t have to look one another in the eye. I said it fast, because I was terrified, and I think my panicky breathing was what made her angry and defensive: WHY are you so freaked out about this? I said it and then wished I could swallow it back. I don’t want anyone to look at me differently for this, I said, and she replied, simply, Of course they will.
I didn’t say it for a while, after that.
The first time I said it again, after telling my mother, was the first time I ever opened my mouth against her. I was in my bedroom, listening to my annoying roommate blow-dry her hair in our shared hallway. I was surprised at how easily the words came out of my mouth: My mom doesn’t like the way I am, and then I said it. My roommate hesitated a second, as if combing for the right words, and then simply said, I’m sorry, Alexa. It was the first and only time in our cohabitation that I felt true, ferocious fondness for her.
I didn’t always say it out loud to say it. I stomped my way through the snow in Beacon Hill with “Let It Go” on repeat on my iPhone. I read a lot of fanfiction, half-embarrassed every time. Saying the words, I’d discovered, did not set them free; like a burr, they dug deeper into you ever time you let them loose on the world. I said it when I signed up, heart pounding, for a dating app, and said it again, just to prove it was still true, when I deleted the app from my phone ten minutes later, flushed with shame. I said it when I visited my first sex shop, when I wrote the final words of my thesis, when I went swimming at one a.m. the night before graduation in the public fountain at Copley Square. A homeless man lurking nearby let out a loud bellow of delight when he saw what we were doing. Y’all are baptized now! he called out. Y’all are baptized now!, and it was true, it was, it was.
I said it with every cell in my body revolting when I left Boston for the final time. I knew that whatever I’d been baptized into could not be taken with me to my parents’ house in southern New Jersey, but neither could it be left behind.
I said it the first time my sister made me watch The 100 with her, awestruck with recognition. Oh, she’s like me!, I said, and my sister replied, See, I knew you’d like it. I loved her for it, that tacit acceptance. That gift, remarkable and never given before, of a character on a TV show who was just like me. Not six months later she was brutally killed off in front of me, and when I said it again, it was with the taste of licked wounds fresh on my tongue. Oh, she’s like me. Followed immediately by: Is this what happens to girls like me?
It was. Not just on television, either, though God knows that happened a lot, especially that year. But in the real world, in Orlando, there were bodies, and some of them were just like me, and after that, I stopped saying it at all, for a while. I kept my lips shut. I dreamed of falling into endless dark. This is what the world thinks of you, I thought. Somewhere, there might be a bullet with your name on it, too.
I said it on the back veranda of a house in Melbourne, Australia, late-winter sun pouring weakly down on scrawny broccoli heads in the garden, clay madonnas and the disappearing tails of stray cats. I said it, and looked up in surprise when my host mum, K—, said it back—let me say it, again and again, and replied like we were making a song together, singing in a language that only the two of us knew.
I said it to a pretty girl with blonde hair and glasses in a cafe called True North over hot tea, and in return, she gave me stories. Later, she would send me a text that just said I want to kiss you, and I would write back, I want to kiss you too. I said it to the first and last boy I ever went on a date with, and he pretended not to hear. I said it to the ten-year-old I babysat, and she clicked her teeth in disdain of the world we lived in. I hate homophobes, she said. Then, inspired: And racists. And anyone who hates people who are different, actually. It’s so dumb.
I didn’t say it to K—’s two friends who came to the door one morning: a pair of women who each had a red-haired baby boy in a sling across her chest. I didn’t say it because I seemed, in that moment, to only know how to stare. It was my first morning in Australia. My first morning so long apart from my mother. Here they were, like a sign, a hand reaching down from the clouds saying see? It’s been years, but I can still close my eyes and go right back to that moment, that morning, that feeling. I see them there. I see them still.
I posed it as a riddle to a new friend: At what point did I say the person I dated in Melbourne was a man? I said it when it was asked of me directly, and I didn’t regret it whatsoever. I said it on the phone with my grandmother, because Donald Trump had been elected president and I was afraid. Just don’t hit on me, she joked. I don’t want anyone hitting on me. I hate everyone, Alexa, so much. I said it to my aunt, and she was the only one to actually say the words I’d been taught to expect from movies, the happy ones anyway: Okay, well, first of all, you know I love you, right?
I whispered it to my cousin under the table at Thanksgiving dinner, and after some consideration, he whispered it back to me. I said it in the group chat, over and over again, every time I was mildly inconvenienced by a man. I swear I’m giving them up altogether one of these days, till I did exactly that. I said it when I kissed, or was kissed, by a boy in a pub called the Scary Canary, in Sydney, on backpackers’ night—not with words, but with pretending to be ill immediately after and fleeing the scene. I said it as a joke, as a plea, as a prayer, as a poorly disguised request to please love me, love me, love me, even though I am this way. When I called my aunt in Chicago that night I said it again, drunk and hysterical, along with I’m going to burn, I’m going to burn for this. I remembered none of it the following morning, when she lectured me about putting aside my Catholic guilt. You shook me to that core with that, sweetie, she said. My heart was absolutely in my throat.
I said it with defiance. I said it with uncertainty. I called it the only reason we were going to see Murder on the Orient Express. I hinted at it to my Australian relatives, hoping I wouldn’t have to say the words myself, and in the end, I think they never knew. I said it again to my mother when the gay marriage referendum passed in Parliament, jubilant with excitement, and heard her pause on the other end of the phone. Okay, she said. Then, immediately after: And how’s the weather over there?
My favorite, still, I think, is when I said it to my friend Kezza, and she digested it for weeks before sending back a text that read I think I would like to date women. After that, we said it back and forth to each other in an endless, exhausting loop that we never got bored of. We yoked ourselves into strands of rainbow beads at the Mardi Gras parade and raked glitter face paint off our skin in the bathroom of our favorite Irish pub after. We plied the jukebox with gold coins to hear “Heaven is a Place on Earth”, and for just that moment, for the two of us, it was true.
I said it and heard back: no, you’re not. (Then: wait, really?) I said it and my supervisor paused for a second, shook her head and lamented, I’m fucking surrounded. People who heard it secondhand approached me and said I support you, followed by an emphatic, but I’M not like that, you understand. People who knew nothing about me claimed they’d guessed it. You never talked about no man, did you? People who knew me a little better joked about it easily, and the hail of bullets I always felt an inch from my skin seemed far away, when that happened. Oh, I knew you were a bottom. That’s not news.
I said it to a doomsday preacher on a street corner in Sydney who was offering me anti-equality literature. I was on my way to buy Tim Tams at the Woolies, and I said it to be a smartass, a little. When he followed me down the street and grabbed me by the shoulder, shouting unintelligible, thickly-accented abuse (Are you a boy or a girl? You’re a girl! You’re a pussy!), I was surprised by how frightened I didn’t feel. I said it again, verbatim, to the police officer with whom I made the report against him; and when I still didn’t feel afraid, not even a little, I thought well, I suppose this is a part of me forever, and for once, that was not frightening, either.
I said it by accident when my uncle was talking about The X-Files, and my whole family heard me mutter Who didn’t have a thing for Scully? I said it again to my grandmother, on the sofa in her living room, and when she said, But Alexa, you’ve had crushes on men, I felt the sting of a bullet between my fourth and fifth ribs, and all I could think to say was No, I haven’t. I said I’ve got to get out of here, this place is killing me, more times than I care to remember; that was a way of saying it, too.
I said it in the middle of an argument about whether or not Captain Marvel was good. (It was.) I said it in a silence that went on too long, after which my friend’s eyes widened. Oh, she said apologetically. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m stupid. I didn’t know. Another friend guessed it, or started to, and it made her eyes go narrow, her mouth go flat and mean. Wait, if you don’t want to date men, who do you want to date?, she demanded, and it was on the tip of my tongue to say it in spite of all that, but I chickened out. I’m dating myself, obviously, I said, and it was worth it for the way the look in her eyes went away.
Friends said it for me, when other people backed me into a corner without realizing. They needled me about my tastes in men, and my friend M— leapt in with She doesn’t like men, she likes Person of Interest. I was so flattered by her willingness to save me that I only teased her a little about the clumsiness of the save. What, did you think “Person of Interest” was some kind of lesbian code? (I also let her hug me and say she was sorry when Root got killed off and I was appropriately crushed—I didn’t know, she explained, about the whole dead-lesbian trope. I learned something today.)
Sometimes nobody was around to save me, though, and then I said it fifteen times in a row, which was roughly the number of Avengers actors D— asked me if I’d hypothetically have dinner with. Not Robert Downey Jr.? Really? What about Tom Holland? What about Chris Pratt? For a long time I wasn’t sure, after all that, she understood what I was trying to say, till one day out of nowhere she put her hand on mine and looked me squarely in the eye. I just want you to know I see every part of you, she said, and I love the person I see.
Still, every confession takes something out of you. Every confession is a round of bullets to all your most vulnerable places, tearing through the ligaments and bones that keep you upright. You can’t stop these bullets, nor what they will do to you. The crumbling is inevitable; the question is but who will catch me?
Y— has known me since I was small. When I said it to her, it took me a full five minutes to get the words out. She looked at me the whole time with increasing worry and I clutched a stack of books to my chest because I have always counted on books to keep me grounded. I spoke like I had a stutter, beginning sentences over and over, I-I-I. I said, inanely and untruthfully, Nobody really knows this, but… I said, inanely and slightly-more-truthfully, I mean, M— knows, but that’s it.
I said it, then, in the truest and most honest way I ever have. Eyes squinched shut, not looking at her, not looking at anything. I said it like I’d known I was different since I was eight years old; like I’d believed for most of my childhood it was proof I had magic powers waiting to come into their own, since that was more comprehendible than then real difference. But magic is magic, and real is dirty and messy and scary and sometimes enough to make people turn their backs on you forever, which is the worst thing of all. And the weight of that truth was bruising my ribs, so I did the only thing I have ever been able to do: I averted my eyes from this person I loved and spat out the words, one by one.
And when it was over she pulled me into a hug and held me there for what felt like a long, long time. (Because real is dirty and messy and scary and sometimes it is also magic.) The first thing she said was You aren’t afraid, here, are you? and I said No, no, of course not, because even if it hadn’t been true five seconds before, it was true now.
The second thing she said was You’re going to have a good life. The third: You’re going to get to Boston, if that’s what you need, and you’ll have everything you want.
I hope so, I said, because I did, and because I was stunned that she did, too.
Until then, I’m taking you under my wing like I’m your mama hen. She laughed, then grew serious. Because you’re still just Alexa. You know that, right?
And I finally understood that all those times I’d said it said it said it—all the good and the bad and the funny and the terrible, jukeboxes and preachers and Person of Interest—I’d been waiting to hear exactly those words. I’d been waiting for them for so long. I almost thought they weren’t coming. But now they were here, and I could hear them growing—like vines snaking through every syllable that fell from my lips, both the things I did and didn’t say.
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✧・゚:* You and I  *:・゚✧*
Genre: fiancé au, fluff
Pairing: Fiancé!Choi San x Foreigner!Reader ;)
⇰ Chapter 4: Rivalry and Playfulness 
★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・・
Standing away from the dining table everyone had previously sat on, you stood at the far corner of the hall-like room with a fancy looking wine glass in your hands. Lost in thought, you twirled the black liquid inside. Instead of picking wine like everyone else, you had picked Coca Cola to fulfill your thirst. 
You felt foreign in the white dress you wore, feeling naked by the shoulders being exposed. From others perspective, it wouldn’t have been a big deal but to you? Oh damn it was. As far as you can remember, you had never had any permission to wear clothes that revealed prominent places of a person’s body. Call it controlling parents— or perhaps a very obedient child who never questioned anything. 
But right now— the parents who were there to decide absolute everything for you ever since young weren't there, you were lost. You did not know what to do with the situation you were in. 
You bit your lip, recalling the conversation everyone had during the dinner. The way San just went for it, telling everyone you both were engaged and rejecting his ‘suitable partner’. That must have been huge for him. For you, you didn’t know how to face some peculiar faces in the room.
Your eyes traveled to San’s form in the distance, mixed in the group of grown-ups. You cringed at the sight, it was weird how he was trying so hard to appeal to elders. The Choi San you knew was the one who would suddenly become to sentimental romantic to a 5 year old kid who had lost his candy in matter of seconds.
“Must be nice having someone who cares for you.”
A feminine voice caught you off-guard as you do a quick turn to the owner of the voice. 
There stood Minhee looking extremely beautiful that you stared at her face for a couple of seconds. She stood there, looking like a supermodel with that posture. You noticed her red dress, hugging her curves and exposing her hourglass figure. As cliche it sounds, she was the perfect rival. 
Recalling her sentence, you let out a nervous chuckle. Minhee kept a unreadable expression. It was hard to tell, was she mad or was she taunting you with that blank face of hers? 
“Uh yes… I apologize for what happened.”, You suddenly spoke, “It must have been disappointing.” 
Now it was obvious with Minhee’s sarcastic scoff that her previous expression was a taunt, “Should I tell you something about me?”
You raised an eyebrow, feeling weirded out by sudden friendliness. “Sure?”, you spoke, not expecting what came next.
“When I want something, I get it.”, Minhee smirked evilly, looking ten times eviller with that doll face of hers. Her feminine voice came out as a taunting whisper, shooking you to the core. 
You dismiss it, “I’m not sure I understand?” Minhee scoffed, crossing her arms as she rolls at the fake obliviousness, “You know what I mean, rabbit.” 
“Rabbit?”, you almost yelled, in disbelief. Minhee chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand as her eyes formed crescents. “Fits you perfectly right? You will soon be a rabbit who will be caught in a trap. You have no idea what you got yourself into…”
Minhee smirks at your shocked expression one last time before joining in the group where San was. You were left staring at her rapid flip of personalities in front of elders— no in front of San. Was San almost going to get married to someone like her? 
You rubbed your temples in stress, gosh why did you had to be involved in some weird teenage drama type of situation? You just wanted to have a comfortable life. However, life really did have to put some drama to make things spicy it seems.
>>> 11 P.M
A long sigh of tiredness left your lips as you crashed yourself onto the heavily soft bed, spreading all around like a starfish. Now wearing pajamas you borrowed from Emma, you were thanking the unknown for the feeling of nakedness to be gone. 
Oh my.
You had realized that today was supposed to be the day San and you were gonna pick cloths from your place. Surprise guests perhaps, they could do this tomorrow. You crash your face into the bed. However, didn’t San know about this particular guests this morning— from the way he was talking it seemed like he did. You groaned in annoyance at the thought San completely forgot about getting your cloths but you decided to understand. 
You raised your face, pouting, as you stared outside at the night sky. Something you did when you were lonely. Ever since a young age, the graceful moon kept you company. It didn’t talk nor have nor have any humane qualities, but it was always there for you. It would have been perfect if there was some nice melody playing in the background. It would have been the perfect mood setter but you guessed you couldn’t have everything you wanted.
The door softly opens, making enough noise to let you know someone was coming in. You turn to see the person, only turning out to be someone obvious, Choi San. 
He’s still wearing the same clothes, you noticed. Same white shirt tucked in the black pants, with a black tie. The same slicked back hair with a strand falling on top of his bangs. The same look you drooled over a couple hours ago. 
San gave you a small smile before turning to his closet, loosening his tie around his collar. Feeling slightly ashamed, you sat on the bed, staring at San’s actions. You couldn’t help but stare at San’s folded sleeves as his half of his muscular arms were on sight. 
He takes his tie off completely, placing on the sofa who always seemed to have some clothes on it. He begins to unbutton his shirt, as you do a rapid turn towards the wall that the bed was against. He sure did have guts to change in front of you like that. 
A blush rose on your cheeks thinking of the way he would undress. You quickly shook that thought off your head, slapping yourself softly on the cheek. 
You heard a giggle from the other side. “You can look now.” you turned back, to see San in his new wear. He wore a simple white sleeveless shirt and grey wide pants. He ran a hand through his hair, ruffling his hair and messing it up. It did not return his normal hair but it was kind of close.
Gosh, why is this so awkward?, you thought mentally. San walked over to the bed, as you just stared at him as if he was a statue to be admired at. San raised an eyebrow at the contionius stare, “Why do you keep staring at me?”
“Oh—I um… no reason.”, you spoke, “I guess I’m just kinda not used to everything.” You rubbed the back of your head as you chuckled in nervousness. You continued, “Like meeting with your parents? That was totally unexpected. Not to mention you suddenly declaring that you didn’t want to marry Minhee was completely shocking.”
San kept a soft smile, “I’m sorry to put you in such a position suddenly. Thanks for cooperating with me.” You reply with the custom words, “No problem.”
Feeling sudden weight being added on the side of the bed, you moved to your own side. “You can tell me anything.” You turned towards San’s unreadable eyes, feeling weirded out by his sudden words.
“Uhm… thanks?”, You tried to sound normal as possible. San stared far across into your eyes as if there was something he saw in you that you yourself couldn’t notice. “For example, if you feel uncomfortable sleeping on the same bed as me—”
“No no! I’m fine!”
San was caught off guard with the immediate quick reply. “Oh?”, he smirked, teasing your tomato red face. 
“No— what I meant was! I’m not uncomfortable.”, you turned away, crossing your arms in defense. 
“You’re comfortable sleeping on the same bed as me, going on a date with me, and even being held in my arms.” San extra addition made your heart beat fast. You were being put at the spot. 
“W-What?”, you stuttered, flustered.
San shrugged, “You tell me.” 
Your arms reached for a pillow next to you, which you successfully gripped into your hands. “Choi San— you freaking…” 
You raised the pillow to attack him with pillow attacks. San let out the sounds of ‘ah’s as he lays defeated on the bed, getting all the pillow attacks. “Stop! Teasing! Me!”, You kept hitting him, finally stopping to catch your breath. 
The pillow falls to her side as you stare at the ground, processing what you had just done. On the other hand, San laid there with observing eyes on you. He was aiming for the perfect moment to strike back.
“My turn.”
You gasped as your back crashed on the soft bed sheets, feeling strong grips on both of your arms as San looked down at you. Being on top of you gave San a sense of power that he would never gain from getting revenge with the same tactic she had pulled a moment ago. His teasing smirk was back at action.
“You know if you just admit that you love being held by me, going on dates and sleeping on the same bed as me, this wouldn’t have happened.”, San playfully let his tongue out.
You rolled your eyes, “Hah, you would have done this anyway.” San smiled at her sassiness, “Would I have?” You nodded, “Oh, absolutely San.”
A melodious chuckle came from San.
“What?”, You asked for the reason behind that absolutely beautiful chuckle. 
San eyes softened, “I just love it when you say my name.” You almost broke into a smile, “What? San? San! San! San! San!” 
your breath was caught in your throat when you saw a wide angelic smile to form on his lips as his eyes squinted to form his signature smile. San’s heart fluttered every time his name came out of your lips, he absolutely melted at the way your voice sounded like when you were saying his name. He was addicted. In response, he nuzzled into your neck, lovingly.
You gasped, surprised at his sudden action as you involuntarily smacked him at the back of his head. “What are you doing?!” San pulled back, pouring like a child as he held the back of his hand with one of his hands, “Owwie, that hurts. You’re so mean to me.”
“You’re the mean one!”, you fought back, “Look at what position I am in right now!”
San grinned, “You look prettier like this.”
“Ew, shut up.”, you grimaced at his words. San pouted more in response. 
You groaned, defeated, “Okay, fine! Stop making that face.” San grinned as he let go of your arms completely, however still sitting on you. He cupped both of his face as he pulled out an aegyo card, “Do I look cute like this?”
You kicked him out of the bed.
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connordavidscamera · 5 years
Little Bear | Connor Brashier
A/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for like months? Idk, I don’t think I really like it, but I wanted to post something.
Summary: Connor has a new name for you.
Warnings: kinda flufy
Word Count: 1.4k 
“You should have seen how chubby her cheeks were when she was a baby. She was the cutest thing in the world?”
“And what am I now? Chopped liver?” I scoff, but my mom brushes it off with a wave of her hand. 
“Oh hush. You’re still cute.”
“I think she’s beautiful,” Connor says, taking my hand in his with a lopsided smile.
“Hey, you’re not trying to win me over, bub.” I joke and his face blushes pink.
“Maybe not,” my mom interjects, “but any boy who thinks my daughter is beautiful gets extra brownie points with me.” She smiles and stands up. 
“Where are you going?”
“I’ll be right back.” She assured me.
I fake a gasp, “You mean you’re going to leave me in here? Alone. With a boy?”
Mom just shakes her head. “I trust him to keep his hands to himself. Do you think you can manage?” she teases.
“Mom!” I whine and she leaves the room, laughing that laugh all moms do when they’ve just embarrassed their kids.
Connor smiles softly at me, bumping our shoulders, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at him. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“Looking at me like that.”
“I always look at you like this.”
“No you don’t,” I argue.
He pokes my cheek with a chuckle, “I do, actually. You, my dear, just don’t pay attention.”
I rest my head on his shoulder, “Thank you.”
“For what?” his hand rests on my knee and he presses a gentle kiss to my temple.
“For being so nice to my mom.”
He hums, “It’s easy. She’s sweet. Reminds me a lot of you.”
I shove his shoulder, “Oh, shut up.”
“I mean it. You two are a lot alike.”
“Alright, I’m back,” my mom comes in with two big boxes and a few photo albums. 
“No!” I object. “Mom, take those back to your closet right now.”
“Are these photos of y/n?”
“Most of them. She was a very photogenic baby. Very “look at me, look what I can do” kind of kid.”
Connor looks over at me. “Then why don’t you let me take pictures of you now?”
“Because I don’t like them,” I mumble. “And you’ll see why when you go through these.”
“Oh, so you are gonna let me look through them?”
“Well it’s not exactly my choice, is it?”
He smiles and leans in to kiss my cheek. “Lets see baby y/n then.”
Mom hands Connor one of the photo albums with a bright smile on her face. “That one should have the photo of her in her little bear costume.”
“Little bear?” He asks, opening the book. 
“Oh god.”
“Yeah. For her second halloween we dressed her up as a bear. She loved the costume so much we couldn’t get her out of it for weeks. She’d cry nonstop until we put it back on her.And oh, how she cried for days when we told her we ‘lost’ it.”
“I was two, what do you expect?” I interject when Connor starts laughing and then I turn my attention back to her. “Wait a minute. Why did you do air quotes? Did you not actually lose it?”
Mom sighs, “Well, honey. What did you want us to do? You wanted us to allow you to wear that bear suit until you no longer fit in it? It was hot and bulky and we weren’t about to let you go out in public in that thing.”
“Mom! How dare you!”
“Oh, It’s been like nineteen years. You’re fine.”
“I can’t believe you lied to me.”
“You were two! And you still wouldn’t know had I not just said something.”
Connor’s not paying any attention to us bickering, his eyes are glued to the pages filled with totally unflattering baby pictures of me. One of which catches my eye. I’m sitting in my high chair with food all over my face and the front of my shirt. It’s embarrassing. He keeps turning pages and stops when he gets to one of me when I’m about five and I’m in this Cinderella dress that my aunt got me for my birthday. I lived in that dress. He looks at me with a dopey smile on his face. “You look so happy here,” he says and he’s right. I’m smiling widely - you can see one of my teeth sticking out just a little bit from where it was coming loose. 
“I loved that dress,” I admit.
“We should find you one.”
“A princess dress?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, why not? Let’s find you one that makes you smile like that when you put it on.”
“I don’t think she needs a dress to smile like that, dear.”
“I’m sorry?” he spares my mom a glance. 
“Clearly I’m not the only one who doesn’t pay attention,” I mumble, pulling out my phone from my back pocket. I show him my lock screen which is a selfie we took just yesterday, but I’m not looking at the camera, I’m looking at him. I hold my phone next to the photo, “That smile look familiar?”
His cheeks blush red and he shakes his head. “I am so in love with you,” he says in disbelief and I hear the soft gasp that comes from my mom. 
“Yeah, I’m in love with you too, blue eyes.” I rest my head on his shoulder and kiss the covered skin, pulling my phone back into my pocket. 
He turns the page and there’s that freaking bear costume. “Oh my god! You are the most adorable thing in the world! Look at your little pout! Why were you so sad?”
“That was from the last time she wore it,” Mom said. “We told her we needed to wash it and she threw a fit.”
“Maybe I knew you were lying to me then,” I counter and Mom rolls her eyes. 
“You’re going to be on this forever, aren’t you?”
“Oh yes. I am.”
“Your nose was so red. Nothing’s changed when you cry, huh?”
“Hey,” I hit his arm. “Don’t be mean!”
“I’m not. I promise. It’s cute. Might start calling you little bear when you’re sad.”
I blush, “Don’t you dare.”
“Why not?”
“I think it’s perfect,” Mom said.
“Who’s side are you on?” I challenge.
“Mine,” she answers. “And I think little bear is the perfect pet name for you.”
“Can I have a copy of this picture?” he ask my mom.
“Sure, I think I have one in one of these boxes.”
“Thank you.”
I pout, crossing my arms over my chest while he and my mom continue to look through pictures. It takes a good five minutes for Connor to look back at me, slouching into the couch.
“Oh, why the long face, little bear?” he pinches my cheek and I stick my tongue out at him.
“Stop it,” I whine. 
He leans in and bumps my nose with his, “Stop pouting, love. Makes me sad to see you upset.”
“Then stop making me upset.” 
He chuckles, “Come on, y/n/n. We can get ice cream on the way home if you turn that frown upside down.”
I roll my eyes, damn him for knowing me well enough to know I could never say no to ice cream. “Fine.”
He pokes my cheek, “That doesn’t look like a smile.”
I playfully bite at his finger and he shakes his head. “I said smile, not show me your teeth.”
“I’ll do what I want. Halsey says she’s got nothing to smile about.”
“Ah yes. But you, my dear, are not Halsey. You’re y/n. And y/n always has something to smile about because that’s just who she is.”
Damn him for being right again. I can’t help the slight upturn at the edges of my lips. I lean in and kiss his lips once, quickly. “Okay, you got me. Now can you please stop looking at my baby pictures.”
“I will,” he nods. “On one condition.”
“You let me take pictures of you, baby.” 
I glare at him. “You’re insufferable.”
“Is that a yes?”
I nod with an exaggerated sigh, “I guess.”
“You won’t regret it, little bear,” he says into my hair. 
I roll my eyes, the pet name may be derived from one of my most embarrassing moments as a child, but the way it slips off his tongue so effortlessly? I think I might enjoy it more than I thought.
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Tag: @loveat2am @anamariel2301 @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste @tomshufflepuff @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson @lifeoftheparty74 @shawnssongs @luvluvxx @foreveralone19588 @shawnandconnor @5-seconds-of-mendes @emma-manuhpe @nedthegay @shawnsblue @curiouslycryptic @adelaidestreets @vinylmendes
Connor Tag: @shawnm521 @divinginfearlessly @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @bettroff @myyohmyuohmyy @madison-malfoy @shawnieeboyy @mutuallynotmutual @tinycertain @rockstarshawnmendes @lostinmendess @sunrisebrashx @alinaxxshawn @heart-struck @ilsolee @daisyangei
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Secret of a Guitar(ist) pt 2
Mick Mars x Reader, High Shool!Mötley
Read Part 1 here!
Summary: The Crüe keeps haunting (Y/N). A guardian angel tries to protect her while her friends don’t understand her moves and secrets. 
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When you got home you straight went to your room and laid on your bed thinking through what has just happened today. The canteen, the guitar lesson, and the fact that the school's best rock band met you. You came back to reality when you heard a knock on your door. "Come on in!" You said preparing yourself to tell about your day for. Your mother's peaked in the corner of the entrance.
"Is everything alright, honey? I don't want to disturb or anything."
"Yeah, I think." You murmured.
"Well, that didn't sound too good. Want to talk about it?" She asked stepping in the room. When you nodded she closed the door behind herself and jumped on your bed with an excited face. "Tell me everything!"
"Ahh, mom! Don't so that face, it's fucking creepy." You groaned into one of your pillows.
"Language, little lady."
"Alright. So nothing unusual happened. I was clumsy as always and then I embarrassed myself in front of the whole canteen so nothing new."
"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry."
"No worry, mom. At least, the fact that I did it next to the best rock band in the school just makes it even better." You were quite a sarcastic person. And you loved it.
"Sounds good. And what about the lesson? Was it good?" You raised one of your eyebrows while showing her your blue and green and also swollen wrist. 
"Then what did you do? You came home pretty late."
"Actually, I had my first lesson today." You almost blushed thinking back how kind and understanding Mick was. "And it was quite... useful. The tutor is kind."
"He or she?" Your mother smirked recognizing your face.
"He." You sighed.
"Now I understand everything."
"I see, your hunger came back yesterday," Simon observed watching you eating two sandwiches in 5 minutes.
"Phrovlemh?" You asked with a full mouth glaring at Simon. His answer was just a shrug though his face was still puzzled.
"And I can't see why we have to enter from the other side of the canteen when came in!" Emma complained, eating her salad. Tommy and the others were all sitting at their spot and the drummer was telling about his new ideas for the concerts. Nikki and Vince were all ears though Mick didn't pay much attention. He pretended to be writing his homework though his mind was on yesterday's events. Your passion for music and your caring personality, since you haven't told anyone about the lessons. Mick was just hoping that you would keep your words and so it was a pleasant disappointment. You were sitting with your back to him making things easier. He couldn't make it what you and your friends were talking about but he could see that Simon. More like Simon's look in his eyes, something Mick was friendly with. He knew that look.
"Mick!" Nikki kicked his friend under the table.
"What?" Mick groaned from the pain.
"What do you think?"
"About what?"
"Have you even listened in the last 15 minutes?"
"He was probably daydreaming about (Y/N)," Vince said to Tommy with a smirk. This time it was Mick's job to kick the singer. "So, we were...were talking about a party next Friday, at our place. Damn, man!" Vince pouted rubbing his ankle.
"I don't care."
"That was fast. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Nikki inquired. He knew Mick was not a party animal but sometimes it would be good for him..to socialize from time to time.
"I have never been more confident in a decision more." He said taking a sip from his juice. He wished it was something stronger.
"Hey, Sixx!" Vince leaned closer to his bandmate and whispered something in his ear so quiet Mick couldn't hear. But from the look on Vince's face and he gesturing towards at your table, Mick knew that the singer was planning something he won't like.
"I don't know, man. I don't think it's a good idea. She doesn't look like someone who is used to these things."
"At least you could apologize. Properly, if you know what I mean." Vince was grinning like a mad man but Nikki just shook his head.
"Okay. I will ask but we won't persuade her if she resists." He put his finger up as a threat.
"Alright. Understood."
"That girl has already suffered because of us." Nikki sighed.
"Hey, Mick did you understand the second task? I can't figure it out." Tommy has been struggling with a math problem since coming up with the party idea.
"Tommy. Tell me one task you understand. That would be easier." Mick snapped, closed his book, and stood up from their table.
"What did I say?" Tommy asked, a lot of question marks flying above his head. Mick was walking towards you but you couldn't see it, neither that he would push your books from the table.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." Mick bend down and picked up your books from the ground. Emma smirking while Helen was waiting for your reaction. "Let me pick you up." After he gathered most of your books without a word he left.
"What the hell was that?" You asked trying to find a reason.
"Didn't you see his face?" Emma was already annoying and you knew if she has planned something there was nothing that could change her mind. If she was sure that someone was in love with you then it was hella true, at least according to her.
"Why would've we watch his face?" Simon asked.
"Boys." Emma sighed and continued her meal, occasionally glancing at you with that evil smirk on her face. "Speaking of, look who are walking in our way!" You turned around to see those guys. Again! You tried to make yourself smaller and smaller but you didn't manage to. What would you give if you could become invisible!
"Khm. Hey, guys!" Nikki greeted.
"Hello. How can we help you?" Emma was so helpful as always. Helen barely said a thing today and it was bothering you.
"We were wondering if...you.." Nikki started. He never had problems asking out somebody but he was ashamed of himself.
"If (Y/N) and you would come to our place next Friday! What do you think?" Vince helped out his friend pulling him in a sideways hug. You glanced at Helen who shook her head slightly along with Simon whereas Emma was already nodding. "(Y/N)?" Vince turned to you.
"I don't know. I-I have to ask my parents." You mumbled rubbing your arm.
"I think what she meant that we are going. Just tell us the details." Emma handed a paper and a pen to Vince who accepted it happily and jotted down the address and his number just in case. He put it down at the table and giving you a final look he left with Nikki.
"What's just happened? Again?" Helen asked still in shock.
"See ya later," Simon said before running to catch up with Emma and Helen leaving you at your locker. You needed some books for the next class and more time to process all the things that happened not long ago. You promised that you will never eat again there. It was too much now. Not only the boys but that all eyes in the canteen were watching you and Vince and Nikki. They couldn't imagine what you were talking about and the reason why they would even talk to you and your friends. They were popular ones. They don't talk to peasants. You put your math book in the closet but a piece of paper landed on the ground. While picking it up you looked around to see if anyone was watching.
Don't go. -M.
That's all. Who the hell would...? Oh. Mick must've inserted the paper when he pushed your books down, now, intentionally. You put the paper in your pockets and headed to class. It has already started and the teacher gave a death glare to you while you mumbled a shy sorry. You quickly took a seat next to Emma and leaned closer to her.
"About that party..."
"What is it?"
"I don't think I'm going. My parents won't let me..." You tried your best to sound honest.
"(Y/N), you have the coolest parents of the four of us, they will let you come to the party. And I don't want to hear any more excuses to avoid this party with the Crüe. You are coming."
"But what if I don't want to-" You couldn't finish your sentence because your teacher, Mrs. Jackson, stopped talking and was staring at your with crossed arms. You lowered your head and started to write down the things you wanted to tell Emma. "I don't want to go. I'm a party animal. And especially with those guys. They don't like me." You handed the paper to Emma who groaned reading it. She angrily wrote down her answer and tossed the paper back to you.
"I said NO EXCUSES! What are you hiding?" You placed your face in your palms and took a deep breath.
"Is there a problem, (Y/N)? Do you find it boring what I'm telling?" Mrs. Jackson asked stepping in front of your desk.
"No, Mrs. Jackson."
"Not that you arrive late, but you don't even pay attention in my class. You disappointed me. You will go to extra classes after school today." She said and write your name in her notebook. You hated her along with her stupid tasks. She and her freaking 'x'-s. Get a life! Emma gave you a sympathetic look and write in your notebook.
"Library after class."
"So what do you think of a test next lesson?" Mrs. Jackson cheered. The answer was a quote big no. "You don't know fun.”
When you found your usual spot in the library you saw Helen and Simon there, too. You didn't want to include them as well, you don't want to drag them. You cursed in all the ways possible but went to your table.
"So mind telling us what the hell is going on with you?" Emma asked looking up from her book.
"What do you want to hear? Cause you clearly already know what you want to hear!" You hissed through your teeth. Emma angrily closed her book and smashed in on the table.
"For example, you said that some Gavin Smith held the guitar lesson. I did a bit of research and I found out that there is no guy with this name in this school. For fuck's sake, not even this town." Emma was pretty pissed off, you could tell.
"She must've had the reason to keep this as a secret, Emma. Calm down." Helen snapped at her friend.
"Oh, of course. She and her creepy secrets." She spit. If she wasn't your friend you would totally punch her. She has been quite irritating nowadays.
"And why don't you want to come to the party?" Simon spoke up. He cared about you truly, but he didn't like that you always were in your room and didn't do any fun.
"I have reasons." You mumbled leaning back in your chair. If Mick advised you not to go he must have the reasons. He knew those guys like his own brothers and he looked like if he cared about you. He wanted to defend you from whatever those guys are capable of. Not to mention that you didn't like parties. Halloween and Christmas party at the school, okay, but you haven't been to any house party yet. You really need to find a good reason why aren't you going.
"Really. It isn't because you are afraid of other people?! You aren't able to socialize, that's your problem. We are just trying to help you!" Emma ranted. This was the last drop.
"If you really think that why are you talking to me. I clearly suck as a company." You stood up and left them there and headed to the room where you will spend your extra lessons. Cool.
"Can you tell mom I will arrive late?" You called your brother from a phone booth in the hallway.
"What did you do?" He laughed. He wasn't the sympathetic one.
"Mrs. Jackson." You lowered your voice not to let anyone heard that name.
"Does that woman still teach there?! How I hated that woman, damn!"
"Yeah, I understand somehow. So will you pass my message?"
"Yes, you rebel." After you hang up the phone you ran to the classroom. At least this time you weren't late. You looked immediately at the teacher's desk to see who will supervise you but he hasn't arrived yet. You let out a deep breath and looked around in the class. Your body tensed when you saw them. This can't be true. Luckily they haven't noticed you so you quickly put your hoodie on and turned your back to them. Maybe this way they won't notice you. You cautiously put your books on the desk not to draw any attention at you.
"Good afternoon!" The teacher said when he entered the class. He didn't bring anything but a book with himself. He sat down and looked at the Vince and Tommy in the back and chuckled. "What a surprise. What did you guys do this time?"
"It wasn't my fault. Tommy was the one who scratched 'Mötley Crüe' on the desk with a knife." Vince mumbled while glaring at the drummer.
"It was your knife, Vinnie. And you said that we should promote our band. I just did what you told." Tommy said with a calm tone. You just rolled your eyes.
"And who are you? I haven't seen you here." The blood froze in your veins and you wiped your wet palms on your trouser. You cleared your throat and you told your name at a very low voice so only the teacher could hear. "Sorry, can you repeat it? I'm such a deaf person." He joked.
"(Y/N)." You groaned.
"(Y/N)? That name sounds familiar." Tommy mumbled. You glared at your teacher who looked puzzled.
"You idiot, that's the chick who fell at the canteen!" Vince said while standing up and walking to you. He sat down next to you and leaned closer. "Hello, (Y/N)." He smirked. These two hours will be longer than you expected.
Next chapter
Okay, this wasn’t much but I wanted to connect and prepare things. Things will fasten up.
Tags: @leatherandheels​ @littlemisscare-all​ @karrotkate​ <3
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (33/40)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: This is one of my favorite chapters, but then again, like, 25/40 of these chapter are my favorite. Haha. Thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for reading all of these words what feels like a million years ago!
I apologize for the erratic posting schedule, but it will probably be like that for awhile. I have all of these chapters ready to be posted. I just have to, you know, post them! 🙈
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ 
“Woah, what are you doing here?”
Emma turns to look back at Ruby standing in the doorway to the living room. She’s already dressed for work, much like Emma is, but she has no idea why Ruby is asking her what she’s doing there.
“Making myself a bowl of cereal?” Emma answers as she pours the Cheerios into her bowl. “Why wouldn’t I be here?”
Ruby’s heels click against the tile floor, and suddenly she’s standing in front of Emma with her perfectly manicured brow raised. “I sleep here. Like, every night. You, however, do not. Is Killian here?”
“No, he’s at his apartment.” Emma walks around Ruby to open the fridge and grab a gallon of milk, twisting the top open and pouring it in her bowl. “I’m here nearly every day, Rubes. I don’t know why you’re so shocked.” She scoops up a spoonful and takes a bite only for Ruby to still be staring at her. “What?”
“You,” she starts, picking up the milk and putting it back in the fridge, “are here most days, but you don’t sleep here. And if you do, there’s usually a scruffy baseball player drinking coffee and making eyes at you in the mornings. This is a rare sight. The guys made the playoffs last night? You two didn’t go out celebrating?”
“We do not make eyes, and nope, we didn’t,” Emma answers quickly before shoveling more cereal in her mouth. “What time do you want to leave to go into the office today? And do you want to go to the Stadium directly after? Or should we come back here first?”
Ruby’s eyes squint, suspicion obvious in them, and Emma is sure that she’s not going to make it to work this morning without an even more thorough interrogation. That’s exactly why she came here last night after the game instead of going to Liam and Elsa’s. She didn’t want to have everyone asking how her day went or how she’s still dealing with things. There was always a chance that Ruby and Graham would be in the living room awake when she got home, but since Ruby was able to leave the stadium far before Emma was last night, she figured that she had a chance of sneaking in unnoticed.
She did.
This is her first time actually seeing Ruby since Thursday night of last week, and she just knows that Ruby is chomping at the bit to talk more about everything that’s happened.
After all of the stares and cat calls that Emma got yesterday, she doesn’t have the energy to talk about it. Not to David or Elsa or Ruby.
Not to Killian.
She’d texted him and feigned not feeling well, telling him not to worry about her and that she’d spend the night at home.
There’s less than a one percent chance that he didn’t realize that it was lie.
And now she’s kind of freaking out at the implication that she’s basically living with Killian. Emma knows that it’s true, that she’s almost always staying in his apartment to the point that she shopped for groceries for his apartment the other day without even thinking about it, but hearing it in such concrete words freaks her out the slightest bit.
There’s a difference between regularly sleeping over and officially moving in.
It’s been six months. She loves him and wants to live with him at some point, but she’d rather like to keep the option of having her own place.
Possibly. She doesn’t know. It’s…she doesn’t know what she wants right now.
Her mind doesn’t need any extra thoughts running around in there when it’s still running rampant with worry for Killian over how he’s doing and fear of her life getting even more hectic than it was eleven months ago.
It’s already more hectic. She had someone follow her home last night bombarding her with questions about her relationship with Killian. She’s surprised he doesn’t know about it yet and hasn’t called her insisting that he do something to help it stop. What he would do, she doesn’t know, but she knows he would try to do something.
“No, no, no,” Ruby protests, “you’re not getting out of this conversation that easily. I haven’t seen you in days, not even at work, and our texts this weekend are not cutting it for me knowing what’s going on. Are you and Killian okay? Why aren’t you together?”
“Because I’m allowed to spend time on my own,” she bites out, putting her bowl on the counter before crossing her arms over her chest. “Believe it or not, I don’t need a man to survive.”
Ruby practically recoils, hurt quickly crossing her face, and Emma immediately knows that she’s fucked up.
“Hey, hey, Rubes,” she starts, an apology on her lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t – I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. My mind is all over the place right now. I’ve had a shitty few days, and I didn’t mean to take it out on you. That’s not an excuse, but it’s mine.”
Suddenly, Ruby is reaching forward and pulling Emma into a rough hug, practically smothering her, and all Emma can do is hold on while Ruby rubs circles up and down Emma’s back. Emotion lodges itself in Emma’s throat, and she chokes it back down while holding onto Ruby a little bit tighter.
“I’m so tired,” Emma murmurs into Ruby’s neck. “I couldn’t…everyone just looked at me yesterday like I had a giant tattoo on my forehead telling everyone that I don’t deserve anything I have. And if they weren’t looking at me for that, they were looking at me thinking they knew everything about my life because Killian’s entire past has been splashed out on front pages.”
“How do you know they were looking at you like that?”
“You can just tell. I felt eyes on me all damn day, and now I have to do it again today and tomorrow and pretty much every day for the next month.”
Ruby hums as she keeps rubbing Emma’s back, and Emma doesn’t know what the hell she would ever do without Ruby Lucas. “Remember that time last year when this really hot asshole baseball player asked you out on live television? And remember how stressed you were every time we went out and someone brought it up or every time your name was mentioned online?”
“Yeah,” Emma laughs, pulling back from Ruby a bit so she’s not quite as smothered. “What about it?”
“You made it through that, sweetie. You did. And obviously this is a little different, even if the hot asshole baseball player is still involved, but you’re going to make it through this too. Walsh Osborne doesn’t even deserve to be the trash on the cement. He is lower than that, and he is not going to bring you or Killian down with him, okay?”
“Yeah,” Emma sighs, “okay.”
“Woah,” Graham murmurs as he walks into the kitchen adjusting his shoulder strap over his uniform, “what are you doing here? Is Killian here too? I wanted to talk to him.”
All Emma can do is laugh.
She finishes her cereal, and then she and Ruby leave for the offices, walking the few blocks to their subway station before taking the ten minutes ride to midtown. There’s one camera on her when she leaves her apartment, but Emma ignores it as best she can, making sure not to speak or flash any angry faces. It’s ridiculous, actually, what people will do for the smallest of stories. She’s obviously a journalist, but she would never.
Invasions of privacy like that are a huge deal, and what is anyone really going to learn from how someone looks coming out of their apartment?
Ruby leaves her to go to the fourth floor for some kind of production meeting while Emma rides the elevator up to the seventh so that she can go to her office for a little bit before she has to go to a meeting to talk about the post-season.
Killian: Are you feeling better today?
Emma both smiles and cringes at the text. She didn’t feel well last night, but it wasn’t because she was sick. She shouldn’t have lied to him like that, especially with their history, but she did. She’ll have to fix it tonight.
Emma: Yeah, I am. Can I come over after the game?
Killian: Always.
Emma grins down at her phone before putting it back in her purse and stepping off the elevator. It’s pretty empty, most people not in quite yet, and she takes that as a good sign as she walks the long way around the cubicles back to her closet of an office only to find the last person that she wanted to see standing there waiting for her.
She knew he would be in the office today. David told her that he was under investigation but not fired quite yet. It would take a few days. But still. No amount of mental preparation could have prepared her for the fact that he would be standing outside of her office very obviously waiting for her to show up.
What did she ever see in him?
“What could you possibly want?”
The smile that curves across his lips is downright disgusting, and a shiver runs down her spine because of it. “I wanted to talk about the fact that you’re a bitch, and I’m getting fired because of you.”
Emma scoffs and pulls out her key to open her office door, brushing past him. “Well, I heard that you were simply under investigation, but you’re definitely getting fired after calling me a bitch. That’s against HR policy.”
“Really? HR policy? That’s what you’re going with?”
Could he be any more of a dick?
Emma puts her purse down on her desk and turns to look at him with her arms crossed over her chest, defenses up. This is a man who once made her laugh and who she once thought that she loved. She can’t even see the remnants of that man anymore. She hasn’t been able to in the past three years.
“You fucked up, Walsh,” she states as plainly as possible while trying to keep her voice calm and her anger under wraps when all she really wants to do is slap him. “You thought you got some great exclusive when all you did was write a cheap article spread with half lies you dug into the back alleys of gossip magazines to find and snippets of truth. You can get sued for libel, you know? And since I know you don’t have any particular skills outside of journalism and being an asshole, I’m not really sure what you’ll do when your career goes down the drain. Then again, if you were that good of a journalist, you wouldn’t have slapped your name on the article.”
There was so much shitty stuff in that article, and Emma doesn’t even know how he found out about Milah or the legal dealings of Killian’s accident, but Walsh making unfounded accusations may have been the worst part. He obviously couldn’t help himself.
“You’re so smug. You know that? You’ve always been so damn smug. I always hated that about you, but you were hot enough that I let it slide. Apparently, you’re also hot enough to fuck Jones in an attempt to boost your career. It’s a pity that probably won’t work out. Think about all of the other women who fucked him. What are they doing now?”
Emma flinches and bites the inside of her cheek so hard that she can taste blood. He’s trying to hurt her. He’s already lost. His career is already ruined. The best he can hope for is to work at some cheap gossip mag. The high of knowing he was going to hurt her and hurt Killian obviously pushed him into writing this article, and he figured he could ride on the wave of it.
False articles don’t bring him enough money to ride out the rest of his life.
It’s nothing but momentary fame for him, and honestly, who even cares about the name at the top when all of the information everyone wants is below that?
It’s really damn hard not to slap him right now.
She can barely breathe.
“If you honestly think I started fucking Killian so that I could commentate on a singular game this season, you’re delusional. In fact, I know that you’re delusional. You have always been bitter and petty over every little thing I have done that you didn’t get to do.”
“That didn’t seem to bother you when we were dating. I think you forget that we dated.”
“Oh no, I remember. I remember exactly how demeaning and misogynistic that you were then too. You never congratulated me for any of my achievements. All you did was talk down to me, as if you were somehow better and knew more when we had the same damn job for three years. I have no idea what your vendetta with me is, Walsh. You cheated on me. You betrayed every bit of trust that I had in you. I didn’t do that to you, so I can’t understand what you could possibly still be mad about.”
“You’re so damn harsh, Emma.” She scoffs at that and rolls her eyes while anger practically radiates off of her body. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you to lighten up a little bit? To smile?”
She’s going to get arrested for assault. It’s going to happen. Because there is no way she’s not knocking the teeth out of this bastard.
“You,” Emma spits, straightening her back to make herself eye level with him with the help of her heels, “are nothing to me. You think that you’ve somehow pulled the rug out from under me and that you’re going to take me down while also hurting someone I love, but you’re not. You have accomplished nothing but getting yourself fired. You were waiting outside my office door this morning because you wanted to see the hurt on my face as some kind of sadistic payoff. You’re not going to. I hope you get everything that you deserve in life. Now get the fuck out of my office.”
She expects more of a fight with him with more empty words. He’s never known when to shut up or when the fight is done. But surprisingly, he walks out with a word with his tail between his legs, slamming the door shut behind him so that it shakes in the frame.
As soon as it settles, though, Emma falls down in her chair and hides her face in her hands as she tries to catch her breath and stop the silent sobs from coming. That was too much. This is all too much, and she can’t breathe.
She simply can’t.
Never again does she want to see his face or hear his name.
Never again does she want to allow him to occupy so much space in her mind that it blocks out everything else. He is an asshole who is trying to hurt her, and she has let him.
But he can’t know that. She won’t give him the satisfaction.
Clutching the ring against her chest, Emma sucks in a big gulp of air and turns to her desk as she tries to compartmentalize what she has to do today. She needs to sign this paperwork for her time off requests, go to her meeting, and then get the hell out of this office and go to the Stadium where she can hide away in the seas of people who are going to be there.
One by one. She can do one by one.
(She has to.)
The Yankees win the game in a shut-out in a little over three hours, probably still riding off of the high of making it to the playoffs. Emma likely is too, even if all she wanted was to be able to go home the entire time and change out of these jeans and heels and into pajama pants.
And she really wants to take off her bra.
Instead, she’s wandering back down the hallways of the stadium to the clubhouse getting ready to do post-game interviews with everyone since she didn’t get any while out on the field. The clubhouse is as crazy as ever after a game, everyone yelling as they talk with music blaring while also being in various states of undress. It used to not bother her to see all of these guys changing clothes or walking around nearly nude (sometimes completely nude if she’s honest), but now that she knows several of them personally, she has to look away and turn her attention to something else.
Will Scarlet is a perfectly attractive man, but she does not need to see him naked. There’s no t a lot of coming back from that.
Quickly, she makes her way around the room to those who are dressed with Jeff following her with the camera and runs through her usual questions about the game, trying to get a little insight. It’s always funny to her which guys give insane insight and treat the game like they’re playing a game of chess and which ones give her little grunts and monosyllabic answers, probably not caring to have to answer her questions along with every other reporter in the room.
Emma gets it. They can be annoying.
Eventually things calm down, the music volume lowering and the yelling stopping as managers and trainers walk to their different offices and some of the players move onto their showers or post-game treatments. Jeff left with the camera ten minutes ago, but she’s still having an in-depth conversation with Booth about their prospects for the Series as well as everyone else in both leagues. He’s always the most insightful after possibly Killian (she’s not biased or anything), and he’s a joy to talk to since he actually doesn’t seem bothered having to be talked to by her.
He’s telling her that he thinks the Dodgers will probably be the last men standing in the National League when someone walks past her and hits her shoulder with force. She turns to see Arthur still walking past as he moves to his locker in nothing but a towel. It’s a huge clubhouse. He had room to walk around, and she knows that he did it on purpose.
Why are men such assholes?
Emma goes back to looking at August only for Arthur to speak up. “So, turns out I was right when I said Jones was fucking you, huh?”
He’s got to be kidding.
There is no way she can interact with this many assholes in a row. There’s got to be some kind of limit.
“So, you think it’ll be a repeat of last year’s Championship?” Emma asks August, ignoring Arthur.
August leans back into his locker and stretches his arms forward to crack his knuckles. “I mean, yeah. Hopefully with the same result too.”
“Hopefully,” Emma laughs. “You guys are undoubtedly the best team, but you never know what can happen over seven games, especially when you may be out of a starting pitcher.”
“I’m hoping he can come back in time and isn’t rusty, you know? Obviously, we have a good line up, but Jones has always been our glue. No one gives a better pre-game speech or rallies us even when he’s done for the night. I mean, damn he’s moody sometimes, but that usually works out in our favor.”
Emma grins as a chuckle passes through her lips at Booth’s spot-on description of Killian.
“You don’t have to talk Jones up to her, you know?” Arthur starts, and Emma’s fists immediately clench at her sides. “She may have slept her way into this room, but I don’t think she’s going to move around to each of us. SoSo, there’s really no need to butter her up.”
“Shut the fuck up, King,” August seethes, getting up from his locker’s seat and walking over to Arthur all the while Emma’s heart starts pounding and the air around her gets a little thicker so that her lungs stop working once again. “Everyone in here knows you’re an asshole who can’t keep his mouth shut, and you should have learned your lesson the last time you decided to talk shit about Emma.”
“What? You’re not interested in the fact she she’s sleeping with Jones? How does everyone still think he’s a hero when he jeopardized our season by lying to us about his injury? And why does absolutely no one find it fascinating that he’s sleeping with the reporter who covers all of our games and no one knew about that too? Because I certainly find it all intriguing.”
Emma can’t hear any more of this. She can’t. she knows that she needs to defend herself, to fight back and not let anyone tell her who she is when they’re all wrong. She knows exactly who she is. She doesn’t need to punch back and yell and scream and cause anything else to happen.
So she runs. 
She grabs her things and runs out the door of the clubhouse leaving Arthur and August and anyone else who was in that room behind. Maybe she’d react differently if today had started in some other way. Maybe she would be the one to yell back at Arthur and tell him to stop talking shit about her and too her and to get over his weird feelings over her too.
But it’s been a very long four days, and Emma is tired of screaming words that disappear into the void.
Rounding the corner of the hallway, not entirely sure where she’s going to go, Emma finds a little cut out in the wall next to a set of vending machines and sinks down against the wall until she’s on the cold cement ground with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting against her forearms while her fingers clutch at the chain around her neck.
This is not like her to fall apart. Not at all. And yet here she is breaking down next to a machine full of chips and crackers and a melted chocolate bar or two.
Footsteps echo down the hallway, and Emma tries to hide a little further into the wall, hoping that whoever it is won’t see her. But they keep on getting closer and closer until a body is sinking down next to her in Yankee-mandated warm-up pants and a pair of worn-down sneakers that she recognizes.
Will Scarlet.
The realization that it’s him has her leaning into his side as he wraps his arm around her shoulder and his hand rubs up and down her bicep in one of the most comforting touches she’s felt all day.
Emma has got to stop falling apart today.
She’s sure she probably will again when she sees Killian and finally tells him how she’s been coping in the past two days. They can have some kind of pity party together.
“When I got called up from the minor leagues,” Will starts, his voice calmer and quieter than she’s ever heard it, “I didn’t know a soul in New York. Seriously, no one. And I walk into the clubhouse for the first time, nerves consuming me, and the first thing that I see is your boyfriend’s bare ass as he was getting it massaged.”
Emma chuckles, her chest moving, and Will keeps moving his hand against her arm. “I was just thinking a few minutes ago about how you guys don’t know how to stay dressed.”
“No, we don’t,” Will continues. “Anyways, so the first sight that I see is his ass. Congratulations on it, by the way. He’s got a good one.”
“Oh my gosh.”
“It’s true. He does. Anyways,” he starts again, and Emma is reminded of how thankful she is for him. Everyone needs a Will Scarlet in their life. “He is the first soul that I met, and I stuck to him because I didn’t know what else to do. I haven’t always been this outgoing, you know? It’s been a journey. And, I mean, I don’t regret any of it. I don’t regret how I made friends with a guy whose ass I saw before his face and who happened to be going through some really though times off the field. He’s one of the best damn friends I’ve ever had, and he’s part of the reason I’m with Belle. He talked me down from my freak-out when we were getting serious, and I didn’t know what to do. I can never give him enough thanks for that and telling me that being in love didn’t have to burn up in flames.”
Emma leans up back against the wall and Will’s arm then, thankful that she can breathe again as she stares out at the cinderblock wall in front of her. “Why are you telling me all of this?”
“Because you ran out of that locker room faster than I’ve ever seen anyone run while wearing heels, and I know that you’re going through a tough time. I also know that you’re probably freaking out a little bit over your relationship. How could you not? So, I thought it’d be nice to hear a little something nice about your boyfriend.”
“So, you’re being his hype man?”
“Only a little,” Will laughs, and Emma’s stomach settles a little bit more. “I also couldn’t think of anything else to say to cheer you up since I’m sure you’re tired of hearing the same thing from everyone who talks to you. People are assholes, Emma. There’s no denying that, but you can’t let people like King and that ex of yours beat you down. You are damn good at your job, and you’ve earned it. And I can guarantee that if anyone ever talks shit about you and Killian again, I’ve got twenty professional athletes who are willing to back you up.”
“Thank you,” she whispers as she leans her head onto his shoulder. “You’re my favorite catcher.”
“Aww, I bet you say that to all of your catchers.”
“Nope, just you.”
“Good. I get a little bit jealous,” he teases, and Emma’s grin stretches across her lips. It’s a genuine smile, the first one she has felt in hours. “Do you want a ride back home? I can take you so you don’t have to take the train.”
“No, no,” she protests as her legs fall to the ground in front of them, “you don’t have to do that. You should go and get dinner with Belle or something, drag her away from all of those books she is proofreading.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you, Will.”
“No problem at all, sweetheart.”
When Emma gets to Killian’s apartment a little over thirty minutes later, she uses her key to go into the back entrance and avoid most of the people out front. She’s tired, even with Will’s pep talk, and all she wants is to be inside the safety and comfort of that apartment and not have to think about doing anything else for the rest of the day.
Killian is sitting on the couch when she walks in, and after slipping out of her heels and reaching up under her shirt to take off her bra, Emma immediately walks over to him and crawls onto his lap, curling around him while his arm comes to support her back and the other hooks under her bent knees.
He’s so warm and smells like the spice of his body wash, and she sighs into it, breathing it all in and reveling in having another set of arms to catch her when she’s falling and feels like everything is slipping away.
Killian’s thumb moves against her bicep, running back and forth in little circles, and she feels him shift her entire body on his lap before the bristle of his whiskesrwhiskers brushes over her forehead.
“Long day?”
“You have no idea.”
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
“Five words: Walsh and Arthur are misogynistic assholes.”
“That’s six words.”
“I added the misogynistic part after I’d already counted the words.”
Killian softly chuckles, and Emma nuzzles a little further into him, her grip on his stomach tightening. “Will and August told me about Arthur. I’m sorry, darling. They won’t do anything about him now because our managers won’t want to lose him before the Series, but hopefully there will be some kind of action taken soon. He doesn’t get to have repeated incidents like that without any consequences.”
“To be fair, you punched him the first time.”
“That I did.” Killian’s hand starts moving up and down the outside of her thigh, and it feels so damn good that her entire body shivers. It’s also what has her leaning back so that she can look in his eyes and see the blue that is written across so many major parts of her life now. “Did something happen with Walsh today too? And don’t think you’re off the hook for last night. I believed you when you said you didn’t feel good, but I know you weren’t sick.”
Of course he knows. Always reading her like a book.
“He confronted me in my office this morning.” Killian’s jaw ticks, and she reaches up her hand to run it across his scruff. She’s too tired for any more anger today. She doesn’t want him to be angry too. “I don’t…he didn’t even make any sense, you know? There’s no reason for him to have done what he did except to hurt me and hurt you since there’s no way he thought he was going to make a lot of money off of this. I think – when he was waiting for me outside of my office, it made me realize that all he really wanted was to finally push me into the ground so hard that there was no way that I’d ever be able to get back up.”
The sigh Killian releases is so loud that she feels it run its course throughout her own body, and his palm stops moving against her thigh before it starts again and moves over all of the curves of her body before Killian is holding her cheek and looking at her like she was the one to hang the stars in the sky and keep them glowing each night.
Being looked at like that will never not cause her breath to still.
“Have I ever told you how incredible you are? Because I…I don’t know how I got to be so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You are walking through fire both for me and because of me, and I don’t deserve that from you.”
“You do,” she promises as her heart does that thing again where it beats a little too fast while her stomach swoops. Emma leans forward and kisses Killian, something slow and lazy and just what they both need. She could spend all day right here in his arms kissing him while everything else fades into the background. “You do, and you’re walking through fire because of me too. We’re in this together, twenty-nine.”
“I think we make a pretty good team.”
“Obviously the best team. We’d win all of the trophies.”
“So many that we wouldn’t even have a place to store them.”
“Oh, well, we can keep them in my apartment because Ruby called me out and said I never stay there anymore.”
Killian raises a brow, a Cheshire Cat grin spreading across his lips. “Well…”
“What?” she laughs, slapping him.
“You really don’t, love,” Killian explains. She can tell he’s holding back laughter. “You’re maybe sleeping over there once a week when you’re not traveling. You’ve kind of taken over my apartment.”
“I have not.”
“I found at least fifteen bobby pins when I was vacuuming today. How do you lose so many of those damn things?”
“It just kind of happens.”
“I found some in the gym. You don’t even go in the gym when you’re here.”
Emma shrugs her shoulders. “Magic, maybe?”
“Yeah,” he laughs as he stands from the couch and brings her up with her while she squeals at the sudden movement, “sure. Something like that. C’mon, Swan. I have missed you terribly these past two days, and I think it’s time you become reacquainted with my bed. It has missed you for at least five days now.”
“For sleeping purposes, right?”
Killian winks at the same time that his tongue runs across her teeth. “Sure. We’ll go with that.”
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princesstadashi · 5 years
Big Hero 6/OUAT AU
Okay guys--so I worked this whole big AU up in my head while I was at work today, inspired by @honeyxmonkey ‘s Tangled the series OUAT AU and @greensword101​ ‘s accompanying ask to me about Fred finding Hiro and giving him a hug once the curse was broken! Now, sadly I think I accidentally left my page of notes at work, or else they’re just lost somewhere in my bag, but I’m going to type of everything that I remember and hope for the best--here we go!
Backstory of how everyone got dragged into the curse: So I’m not even going to try to go into weird multi-versey type shit and try to be detailed with this but what you need to know is that Fred/Tadashi and Honey Lemon/Gogo are the main ships here, and Fred’s mom/Gogo’s parents are not happy about this, like at all. I have this headcanon that Gogo’s parents, while not as wealthy as Fred’s parents, are pretty well off (business owners? doctors? I’ll leave it up to your imagination) and are not at all happy with Gogo’s lifestyle choices/were probably emotionally and psychologically if not physically abusive to her, which is why as soon as she could she ran away to live with Honey Lemon’s family, and she and Honey Lemon eventually got together. Definitely not the match her parents wanted for her and they’re still mad that she wasn’t this perfect feminine daughter that they wanted. Fred’s mom is kind of the same way but mostly she’s just homophobic as shit and also wanted to marry Fred off to some rich girl like her and Fred’s dad’s parents did to the two of them. When it came down to choosing, Fred’s dad chose his son over her and divorced her, so she’s pissed because of that. 
Moving forward before this gets too long: Long story short, Gogo’s parents and Fred’s mom kind of knew each other from moving in the same social circles and when they somehow find out about the curse (which wasn’t going to hit most of San Fransokyo, if at all) they either go to Regina or (more likely) Rumpelstiltskin and make a deal so that they can get not only themselves and their families pulled into this other world where they can have the lives that they wanted, but also pull in the friends and other people who encouraged Gogo and Fred to be themselves and “punish” them for what they did. 
Characters Involved and Their Lives After the Curse:
Fred (new name: George): Engaged to Gogo (a match set up by his mom and Gogo’s parents), his dad in the cursed world doesn’t even fight his mom on things so he had no one to teach him to fight for himself and so he’s just sort of letting life get away from him and hiding in his fantasy stories and comics to escape reality.
Gogo (Edith): Engaged to Fred, never actually rebelled and never ran away from home so while she’s still got her fighting spirit on the inside it’s mostly been stamped out and she spends her days going to social events she hates and acting like she’s the perfect daughter she isn’t.
Honey Lemon (Heather): Works in an overly busy dress shop trying to earn money for college but is so underpaid she barely makes rent, let alone being able to save anything. She does all the tailoring on Gogo’s dresses and other clothes, including working on the wedding dress (which Gogo’s mom is never happy with, she’s probably made fifty dresses by now.) She and Gogo are secretly having a bit of a relationship (fitting rooms = closed doors and privacy with limited clothes for at least a short period of time) but no one can know. (More on the relationship below.)
Wasabi (Darnell): Honey Lemon’s roommate. Also trying to earn money for college (also failing at it), he works cleaning Fred’s family’s house--he’s great at the job because he’s so detail and cleanliness oriented, but he hates being around any germs, and the biggest part of the curse for him is having to clean Fred’s room.
Hiro (Nico): Hiro is a foster kid being “raised” by a horrible man named Montel (a.k.a. Yama) who forces Hiro into stealing things for him to “pay his keep” (and Hiro has the scars to show what happens if he disappoints him.)
Aunt Cass (Rachel): Works as the cook of Fred’s family, Fred’s mother delights in ordering her to make ridiculously elaborate and detailed meals, whether they have company or not, and then criticizing every part of them. Rachel would probably leave except she has a young son, Max, to look after and she can’t afford losing a job and having him taken away from her. (Red herring name alert: Max is actually a human version of Mochi, but if I ever turn this into an actual story it will be fun to throw people a bit off the trail! Also the reason Fred’s mom pulled Aunt Cass into this is because she felt Aunt Cass encouraged Tadashi and Fred to get together, being bi herself, and so she has an especial and very misplaced hatred for her.)
Tadashi (Shiro): Tadashi was found on the outskirts of town unconscious and covered in horrific burn scars. No one new his name except a few letters on a very decayed medical alert bracelet that looked a bit like Shiro (Tadashi Hamada--the “H” and “a” were pretty smeared kind of looked like “r” and “o”, the rest were completely illegible, so they guessed a bit on his name.) He was put in the hospital and put into a medically induced coma while he continued healing. When Emma came to town and time started moving again, Tadashi recovered enough for them to wake him up, but he has no memory of who he was or who his family was, and as his burns were still very severe and had gotten infected he’s still in the hospital for a very long time. (Explanation for Tadashi being alive: back in BH 6 world Fred’s dad, being a superhero, rescued Tadashi but since Tadashi was in such bad condition was still trying to get him back to being stable before letting anyone know that he was alive in case he didn’t make it. Fred’s mom did not count on this being a factor when she made the deal!)
Baymax (Mike): Baymax is a nurse in the hospital where Tadashi is being kept--in Once Upon a Time fashion, he did become human once in our world (I imagine his appearance being a lot like Aziraphale’s, only his irises are dark brown/almost black.) Another glitch in the curse (this time a literal one): even though Baymax’s memories were changed/rewritten for the curse, as a robot his system had backup storage for his memories. Robot brain being combined with a human brain was not quite compatible, so Baymax still talks/moves a bit like a robot which means a lot of people make fun of him for that, but more importantly, while he doesn’t remember everything, Baymax does have flashes of memories from the other world, and somewhat remembers being a robot. Of course anyone he tries to explain this to acts like he’s crazy so he’s learned to keep it to himself, but needless to say he feels a very strong connection to his patient, Shiro (who he at least on some level realizes is probably Tadashi), and is very, very protective of him. 
(This started getting long so actual story development below the cut!)
Story Ideas:
-Fred and Gogo, while resigned to their eventual marriage,are still both incredibly gay in spite of being forced into the closet, so their general secret arrangement is that they’ll be married for their parents’ sake but both are free to privately have lovers or partners (as long as their parents don’t find out about it.) Gogo’s first choice, of course, is Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon is totally in love with Gogo, but she’s torn as to whether she’d truly be happy spending her life as someone’s mistress and not truly married to someone she loves.
-Fred and Hiro meet for the first time when Fred catches Hiro breaking into his room, having been sent by Yama to loot the house. Fred almost calls security, but he sees how skinny Hiro is and how beat up he is and takes pity on him. He wants to call CPS but Hiro begs him not to, afraid of being sent to an even worse home (he has curse memories of being in even worse homes to keep him from ever leaving Yama.) Fred would gladly try to take Hiro in himself but he’s too afraid of what his mother would say. So instead he and Hiro make a deal--any time that Hiro wants to, he can come by the house, and Fred will provide him with money or whatever else he needs to take back to Yama to avoid getting in trouble, and then Hiro gets to secretly spend a few hours with Fred, playing video games, reading comics, doing all the fun kid stuff he never gets to do at home--and of course Aunt Cass makes it her mission to make sure that Hiro always gets at least one good meal while he’s there, even though she doesn’t understand why it hurts so much to see this teenager she doesn’t even know leave to go back to his foster home.
-Hiro and Baymax meet when Hiro’s class goes to the hospital to help decorate it for the patients (remember when Henry went and met “John Doe”? Same visit, even though Hiro is of course in a different, older class and also probably in a different wing of the hospital.) Baymax sees Hiro and, with his glitchy memories of the other world, remembers Hiro, but unfortunately Hiro is only freaked out by this stranger calling him Hiro (”My name is Niko!”) and acting like he knows him. Finally Baymax has to give up on that. Still, he “conveniently” sends Hiro to decorate the room of a sleeping patient in the burn unit. Hiro is grumbling about how stupid all of this is, how decorating a room won’t really help anyone, when he hears a voice saying, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is a waste.” He turns around to realize that the sleeping patient has woken up. 
The patient introduces himself as Shiro, and even though Hiro feels weird talking to this guy who’s mostly covered in bandages, somehow they end up talking all the same, and Hiro finds himself spilling his whole life story to Shiro, who turns out to be a great listener. When Hiro’s teacher tells him it’s time to leave, Hiro finds he actually doesn’t want to go! But Tadashi asks him to wait for a moment, and then pulls a small bag of gummy bears out from a bag by his bed, saying, “Here. My nurse brought these for me and I was saving them for later, but I think you need them more than me.” Which almost makes Hiro cry because he loves gummy bears but he can’t even remember the last time that he had them. (A.K.A. Hasn’t had them since being sent here by the curse.) He promises to come back to visit Tadashi as soon as he can, and he makes good on that promise. He and Tadashi can’t do a lot for each other, but they always find ways to do small things, like how Tadashi will always save the desserts from his meals to share with (or more often give to) Hiro, and Hiro will check out books from the library that he thinks Tadashi would like and reads to him. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is a waste” becomes their motto. 
-Hiro, spending time with both Fred and Tadashi, and having started seeing both of them as older brother/almost dad figures, plus eventually finding out that they’re both gay, starts dreaming of a life where Tadashi heals enough to leave the hospital, then meets and gets together with Fred, and the two of them adopt Hiro and they all live their happily ever after together. Hiro never manages to get Fred to physically come to the hospital with him, but somehow convinces him to become pen pals with a “lonely guy with no family or loved ones to look after him (he totally pulls out the puppy dog eyes guilt trip) and somehow despite anyone’s best efforts to keep it from happening, Tadashi and Fred start to fall in love all over again :)
The Curse Breaks (a,k.a. the one part of the story I actually wrote):
Hiro races towards the center of town, running as fast as he possibly could. He’d through that Montel was evil--he’d never imagined that things could possibly get worse, but when Yama’s memories had returned Hiro was pretty sure it was only the delayed shock of getting all his memories back at once that had let Hiro get away with little more than a bloody nose (and his life.) Hiro had no idea what the hell was happening--how he was here, in some town called Storybrooke and not in San Fransokyo, and how he had these two completely different lives and memories living in his head and currently at war with each other--but all he really knew is that he needed to get somewhere safe. Somewhere that Yama couldn’t find him and hurt him. 
“Hiro!” Hiro almost kept running when he heard someone shouting his name, too terrified of Yama catching up with him if he stopped, but then he suddenly felt arms wrapping around him and, after a moment of struggling, he realizes that he knew the person holding him.
“F-Fred?” Hiro gasps, looking up at the older man.
“Yeah, Hiro--it’s me,” Fred answers, a look of relief in his eyes as he smiles down at Hiro.
“Y-You remember?” Hiro cries, glad that this was at least some sort of proof that he hadn’t gone completely crazy.
“Of course I do.” Fred hugs him tighter. “I-I’m so glad that you remember too, I was afraid that you might not--”
“No, I remember.” Hiro shakes his head before adding with a shiver, “A-And Yama does too...”
“Yama?” Fred repeats only to gasp after a moment. “Holy shit! I-Is that who you’ve been living with this whole time?” 
“I think the answer is obvious,” Hiro answers, pulling away and gesturing to his bloody nose.
“Oh my God.... Oh my God, Hiro I am so, so sorry,” Fred whispers, his voice full of horror. “I can’t believe-- I-I should have gotten you out of there a long, long time ago, but the curse...”
“Curse?” Hiro repeats in confusion. “What curse?”
“Apparently that’s what’s gotten us all here--a curse that took us from home and put us here, and gave us fake memories and made sure that we’d all be as miserable as possible. And it’s not just people from San Fransokyo, you won’t even believe who some of the people living in this town really are...” Fred answers before adding quickly, “But I can explain more on the way--all of our family and friends are back at my house, apparently my mom and Gogo’s parents have something to do with all of us getting wrapped up in this.”
“So everyone’s there?” Hiro asks hopefully. “Aunt Cass, Wasabi, Honey Lemon?” He’d have asked about Gogo too but Fred had already mentioned her so he could only assume that she was.
“Yes, everyone--even Mochi, can you believe that he’s actually Max?” Fred laughs. 
“Whoa... That is pretty crazy,” Hiro says, shaking his head, trying to wrap his head around the idea that Aunt Cass’ cat had somehow become a human child.
It was as he was thinking this over that another thought occurred to him. 
“Wait, Max...” he says slowly, and then gasps as the realization fully hits him. “Holy fuck, Baymax!”
“Hiro, I-I’m sorry, I don’t know where Baymax is yet, everyone coming out of the curse has everyone pretty scrambled up...” Fred starts to say apologetically, but Hiro cuts him off. 
“No! I mean, I think I know where Baymax is!” Hiro cries, tugging on Fred’s hand. “C’mon, we have to go get him!” 
“...The others can wait,” Fred after agrees after only a moment’s hesitation. “Let’s go get Baymax!”
A few minutes later, both of them rush into the hospital--things were in such a disarray that they didn’t even bother to stop at the nurse’s desk, Hiro leading the way up the stairs to the burn unit where he hoped that he’d find...
“Baymax!” Hiro lets out a huge sigh of relief when he sees the man in his standard white scrubs--it was still incredibly weird to think of the marshmallow-esque robot that Tadashi had made was somehow human, but all that really mattered that he was here and that he was safe. 
“Hiro!” The man turns to Hiro, a bright smile on his face, quickly putting to rest any fears that Hiro might have had that this wasn’t actually Baymax.
“Wait, that’s Baymax?” Fred cries in surprise.
“Fred, hello!” Baymax answers cheerfully, waving to him. 
“I... Uh... Hi?” Fred waves a bit awkwardly.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay,” Hiro says gratefully, hurrying into Baymax’s open arms and giving him a tight hug. 
“I am very well, thank you,” Baymax answers, hugging him back, before letting him go and continuing, “There is someone else here who would like to see you!”
“Someone else?” Hiro repeats in confusion. Who else could be here that he knew?
That’s when Hiro hears a voice--a voice that, even before the curse, he’d given up on ever hearing again. No. No, it couldn’t possibly be--!
That’s when he sees Shiro, sitting in a wheelchair next to his hospital bed--the burn scars had greatly changed his appearance, it was true, and his hair was a bit longer than it had been before. But there was no mistaking those eyes, or that smile. 
“T-Tadashi?” Hiro whispers, tears welling up in his eyes before he could even fully process what was happening. “I-Is it really you?”
“It’s me,” Tadashi answers, looking a bit teary eyed himself, and, without even thinking about the consequences, Hiro launches himself at Tadashi, landing in his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around him, never wanting to let him go, only to find his hands wandering over Tadashi’s features--his arms, his hands, his face--trying to prove to himself that this was real, that Tadashi was really here with him. Tadashi was doing much the same, half laughing, half crying, stroking Hiro’s hair and kissing away the tears as they fell down his cheeks. 
“H-How?” Hiro whispers. “How are you here? “
“I don’t know,” Tadashi admits, shaking his head.”I-I don’t remember anything that happened to me after the fire... But I’m here, and I’m with you, and that’s all that matters.”
Hiro decides that questions can wait for later--all that mattered was that he had Tadashi back. 
Hiro suddenly remembers that he wasn’t the only one here who had a very good reason to be glad that Tadashi was alive.
“Fred?” Tadashi cries, looking up at Fred with what could only be described as joy in his eyes, and Hiro wisely chooses to move out of the way just in time to avoid being caught in the middle as Fred pulls Tadashi into a deep, passionate kiss. Maybe back in San Fransokyo his old self would have found this gross or made a joke out of it. But not anymore. This was something he’d been trying to get to happen for months, and it felt like his dream was finally coming true. Shiro and George--no, Fred and Tadashi!--were finally a couple, and maybe with this stupid curse gone, they could get married and adopt him so he could finally be away from Yama!
But wait. No, that wasn’t right! Hiro shakes his head. That was Niko’s dream, when he was stuck here, not Hiro’s dream! Hiro never would have dreamed of his older brother and his brother’s best friend getting married and adopting him! ...Would he have? More to the point, though: if a curse had somehow sent them here (and he couldn’t think of a more logical explanation at the moment), and it had indeed been broken--shouldn’t they be back in San Fransokyo? Shouldn’t they have gone back home?
Hiro feels a cold shiver pass through him. What exactly was going on here? And who would have the answers? 
“I have heard that there is a relief center being set up for those who are trying to find loved ones or who have questions about the curse,” Baymax pipes up, in the uncanny way that he had of almost reading Hiro’s thoughts. 
“Well, that sounds exactly like that place we should go,” Tadashi says, turning towards them, with Fred’s hand firmly wrapped around his own. 
“It does--maybe then we can bring some more information back to the others,” Fred agrees.
“Dashi, is it okay for you to leave the hospital, though?” Hiro asks a bit worriedly--he knew that Tadashi had been recovering, but he hadn’t left the hospital since being here!
“I can come with to monitor his condition,” Baymax offers.
“That would be great, thank you, Baymax.” Tadashi grins up at the other man.
“You are welcome!” Baymax replies, looking pleased to be of assistance. 
“Well... If Baymax is coming with us, then I guess it should be okay,” Hiro finally relents. 
“So, are we ready to go?” Tadashi asks, looking first to Fred and then to Hiro.
“Yeah,” Hiro agrees, taking Tadashi’s free hand as Fred continues to hold the other and Baymax begins pushing the chair forward. “I think we are.”
As long as he had his family and friends by his side, he was ready for whatever the future had in store for them.
((Random future story bit: The group running into Yama and Baymax giving him a good punch in the nose since Tadashi can’t stand to do it himself. “I no longer have programming, so I am no longer prevented from injuring a human being :)” (Protective Baymax is SCARY AF and also totally awesome!)))
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sakuswritersblog · 5 years
Forever and Always - A Noah Centineo Imagine
A/N: Hey Everyone! I’m finally back with a new Noah imagine. I’m sorry it took me so long to post this prompt, which was requested a while ago. I actually finished it a few weeks ago but just didn’t have the chance to put it up, but now I do, so here it is! I hope you like it and thank you for your request. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy it too! Let me know what y’all think, any feedback is appreciated! 
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Prompt request:
#4 “You look amazing.”
#10 “You know I never wanted to lie to you.”
Being in love is the most beautiful thing in the world, especially when the person you love, loves you back. (Y/N) was currently in love with someone and was lucky enough to call him her boyfriend. She met Noah through a mutual friend at a dinner party and immediately had a strong connection to him. They spent most of that party with each other and became super close, super fast. Even though everyone knew that they were clearly head over heels for each other, it was oblivious to the both of them, which was the reason why they didn't date for quite a while. Luckily Noah did have the courage to confess his feelings to (Y/N) one day which led to them going on their first date just about six months ago.
They've been inseparable ever since and spent almost every day together. Even though it wasn't always easy dating a young, hot-shot actor like Noah, especially with him being so busy with his tight schedule most of the time, they wouldn't trade each other for the world. Ever since his two movies on Netflix released, Noah's life had drastically changed. He gained millions of followers overnight and quickly made himself a name as the 'Internet's boyfriend'. (Y/N) was proud of her boyfriend and of how far he'd come and supported him all the way, which wasn't something Noah took for granted. A lot of his relationships had failed due to his job, but (Y/N) knew how hard the entertainment business was because she was a part of it too.
(Y/N) was a blogger and also had her own YouTube channel where she made fashion and lifestyle videos as well as vlogs where she shared her daily life online with her audience. She loved her job and was very grateful for everything that came out of it, but of course it was also very hard sometimes and required a lot of effort and time. While (Y/N) mostly worked from home, where she had her own little office, Noah was always on the road, filming and doing promo's for new movies and projects he was working on, just like he was doing right now.
He was filming the sequel to 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' in Vancouver and even though (Y/N) was really excited for him, she couldn't help but feel a little sad about it too. They were supposed to celebrate (Y/N)'s birthday together next week, but unfortunately Noah couldn't clear his schedule from filming, which meant that he couldn't be with her like they'd originally planned. (Y/N) usually didn't make a big fuss about her birthdays, but this year was different. It was her first birthday with Noah as her boyfriend and she was really excited to spend that day with him. Of course she understood that Noah couldn't just take a day off whenever he wanted, no matter how much she'd love to have him there.
It was (Y/N)'s 23rd birthday today and she was getting ready for the day, when she got a Facetime call from Noah. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile as she answered the call. She waited for it to connect and when it did, she saw a wide grinning Noah staring back at her.  
“Happy birthday, baby.” He greeted her before making a kissing face into the camera.
“Thank you, sweetie. I wish you were here with me, though.” (Y/N) answered, pouting a little at him.
“Yeah, me too. I hate that I couldn't clear my schedule for you. I swear I'm gonna be grumpy all day and let everyone know how upset I am about not being able to be with my girlfriend on her special day.” He said, looking at (Y/N).
“You're so sweet, Noah, but you don't have to do that. We'll just celebrate my birthday when you're back from shooting, okay?” She said, looking back at Noah with a small smile on her face. He nodded and smiled back at her.
“Anwaay, where are you right now?” (Y/N) asked, noticing a different, unfamiliar looking background behind Noah.
He quickly answered, “I'm just in my trailer, waiting to be called back on set.” (Y/N) noticed his sudden nervousness, but didn't ask any further and chose to believe him instead. The two of them spoke for another half hour until it was time for Noah to leave again.
“Shoot, looks like I gotta go, babe. I miss you so much and wish I was there to celebrate you, but I hope you have an amazing day, nevertheless.”
(Y/N) smiled at that, “I miss you too, honey. This day won't be the same without you, but I'll still try to have some fun. I love you, Noah.”
“I love you too, baby. I talk to you soon, okay? Bye.” He blew a few kisses at (Y/N) and she returned the favor, her heart aching at the thought of spending her birthday without him. They hung up and (Y/N) sighed quietly, before she finished getting ready for the day.
Once (Y/N) was ready for the day, her best friend Emma came over to spend the day with her.
“Happy birthday, bestie. I know you're sad that Noah can't be here, but I promise we'll still make the most of this day. I have everything planned out for us already and it's gonna be freaking amazing!” Emma said enthusiastically as she hugged (Y/N).
“Thanks, Em, but I don't really feel like celebrating today. I'd rather just stay in and watch Netflix or something.” (Y/N) told her, missing Noah like crazy already and not wanting to have fun without him. She hated that she felt so attached to him and how her mood mostly depended on him, but she didn't have any contol over the way she felt about him. Everything with Noah was still so new and yet she was head over heels in love with him already. Even though they spent most of their time together, she still missed him whenever they weren't. (Y/N) knew that today was supposed to be all about her, and she appreciated that Emma was there to be with her, but for some reason it felt wrong to celebrate her birthday without Noah.
“No, there's no way you're staying here. Don't be one of those girls that can't have fun without their boyfriends around, especially on a day that's supposed to be all about you. I know that Noah would want you to enjoy yourself today so, c'mon, (Y/N). I promise, it'll be fun.” Emma gave (Y/N) a pleading look as she waited for her to say something.
She sighed, knowing Emma was right. “Okay, fine, I'll go with you. But please promise me it's just gonna be me and you today, and that you didn't make a big fuss about my birthday because you know how much I hate that.”
Emma squeaked a little before hugging (Y/N) again. “Well all I can promise is that you're gonna have a birthday you'll never forget.”
(Y/N) raised her brows suspiciously, “What's that supposed to mean, Em?”
“You'll see. Now, come on, let's get you ready for your special day.” Emma said, pulling (Y/N) towards her closet.
“But I am ready. What's wrong with what I'm wearing right now?” (Y/N) asked, looking down at herself. She was wearing her favorite denim skirt and a cute little white blouse on top as well as some golden earrings. She loved her outfit and didn't understand why she needed to change for whatever Emma had planned for them.
“Nothing's wrong with your outfit, (Y/N), you look great. But you don't just want to look great for whatever I've got planned for us, you want to look your very best, so let's go and see what you've got in here.”
(Y/N) sighed again before she followed Emma, who was already looking for an outfit in (Y/N)'s walk-in-closet. For the next hour or so, the both of them worked on (Y/N)'s new outfit and even changed up her hair and make-up.
Once they were ready with everything, (Y/N) finally looked at herself in the full-length mirror to see the end result. She was now wearing a burgundy colored dress with no sleeves that perfectly showed of (Y/N)'s curves and it also had an open back, which was probably her favorite part about the whole outfit. She paired the dress with silver stilettos and a matching clutch and perfected her look with some silver hoop earrings and a beautiful heart shaped necklace that Noah had given her for their six month anniversary a few weeks ago. (Y/N)'s usual, long, straight hair was curly and pulled up into a half bun, which she wore in honor of Noah since that was his favorite hairstyle on her. Her make up was rather light and sweet while her red lips that matched the color of the dress, complimented the rest of her look perfectly.
“Damn, you were right, Em, I do look great in this dress. In fact this whole outfit makes the other one look boring and out of style. I'm so glad I listened to you and put this on.” (Y/N) said as she smoothed the dress over her body.
“Of course I was right. Now come on, pose for the camera. I'm gonna snap some sweet pictures for your Instagram because you need to share this look with the world, girl.” Emma said before taking a few pictures of (Y/N)'s look.
“Wow, these are some great shots, Em.” (Y/N) said as she scrolled through her phone to look at the pictures her best friend had taken of her.
Emma just shrugged and answered, “Don't forget to tag me, babe.”
(Y/N) laughed and quickly made her post on Instagram before she put her phone away and looked back at her best friend.
“Okay, now that I look the part, can you finally tell me what you've got planned for us and why I had to dress up like a Hollywood star that's going to a red carpet event?” She asked, raising her brows at Emma.
“Well, I can't tell you anything, besides that we're going somewhere else. So put on this blindfold and then we're ready to go.” Emma pulled out a blindfold and walked behind (Y/N) to put it on her but (Y/N) just shook her head at that.
“A blindfold, are you serious, Em? There's no way I'm putting that on.” (Y/N) protested, shaking her head.
Emma gave her a pleading look and said, “Please?”
“Uggh, fine.” (Y/N) sighed and turned around so Emma could put the blindfold on her.
“Yes, I promise you're going to love what I've got planned for us.” Emma responded with a smile as she put the blindfold on.
(Y/N) answered, “Well, let's hope you're right about that.”
Emma turned (Y/N) around and took her hand in hers, guiding her outside to her car. Once they were both safely in the car, Emma turned on the engine and made her way over to a secret location, where she'd planned to surprise (Y/N).
Half an hour later they arrived at the secret destination where Emma parked her car before getting out of the car and opening the door for (Y/N).  
“Here, take my hand again. We're almost there.” Emma carefully took (Y/N)'s hand and helped her out of the car. She then led (Y/N) inside the cabin that she'd rented for the day, where (Y/N)'s surprise was already waiting for them.
“Okay, you can take your blindfold off now.” Emma told (Y/N) when they made it inside the cabin. (Y/N) let out a small breath before she removed her blindfold. It took her a second to adjust her eyes to the brightness of the room, but once she did, she saw all of her closest friends and family staring at her in anticipation.
“SURPRISE!” They all yelled with big smiles on their faces and a couple of them were even filming the situation to capture (Y/N)'s reaction.
“What the hell?” (Y/N) asked confused as she stared back at everyone.
Emma turned to (Y/N) and smiled. She took both of (Y/N)'s hands in hers before she said, “Happy Birthday, (Y/N). I know you don't like to make a big fuss out of your birthdays, but I just wanted to give back to you for everything you've done for me over the last couple of years, because I love you so much. You're my best friend in the entire world and deserve to have the best day ever, which is why I planned all this just for you.”
(Y/N) felt tears stinging in her eyes as she looked back at her best friend. She wrapped her arms around Emma, pulling her in for a tight hug.
“Wow, I don't even know what to say, Em. I can't believe you did all of this for me.” (Y/N) whispered to her, her voice shaking a little.
“You don't need to say anything. All I want you to do is have fun today and let us celebrate you on your special day.” Emma answered as they pulled apart from the hug, smiling back at (Y/N).
(Y/N) nodded with teary eyes before she turned her attention towards her guests. “Hi everyone! I don't know what to say because I'm still in shock, but I'm very grateful to have you all here. I can't believe you're all here to celebrate my birthday with me. Thank you so much you, guys.” (Y/N) smiled at all her guests who all started clapping after her little speech.
(Y/N) then took the time to look around the room for the first time and saw lots of balloons scattered around the floor and the ceiling. There was a huge banner on the wall that read: 'Happy 23rd Birthday (Y/N)!' and a big table with different snacks and drinks was set up in the corner of the room. The highlight of the party though was the karaoke booth that was set up on the other side of the room where music was currently playing out of the boxes. It was the perfect party and (Y/N) couldn't help but tear up again as she let it all sink in.
“Wow, everything looks so amazing. Thank you so much for setting this up, Em.” (Y/N) said, making Emma smile.
“Of course. Now, come on, let's go and say hi to everybody.” (Y/N) nodded and mingled with her guests for a while, saying hello and catching up with them.
After (Y/N) made her rounds and talked to everyone it was time to open gifts. Everyone gathered around her as she sat down at the table with all the gifts and presents.
“Wow, you guys. This is too much. You really didn't have to do all this for me.” (Y/N) said as she stared at all the gifts in front of her.
“Hey, it's no big deal, (Y/N), really. If someone deserve a great birthday with great presents, it's you. So, stop thanking us and start open your presents. I'm dying to see your reaction to mine.” Lauren, one of (Y/N)'s friends, who was also a fellow YouTuber, said to her as she handed her present over first.
(Y/N) laughed before she started opening her presents. For the next few minutes (Y/N) unwrapped the rest of her gifts which she all loved. She couldn't believe that all of her friends went above and beyond just for her, and even though she was incredibly grateful for all the effort and time they've put in for this party, (Y/N) still felt a little sad about not having Noah with her today. She tried not to think about him though and put a smile on her face, allowing herself to enjoy the rest of the party with her friends.
“Shoot, I just realized that I left my present in the car. I'll be right back, okay?” Emma suddenly said before she rushed over to the door to get to her car.
“No, it's okay, Em. I don't need a present from you. You already-” But before (Y/N) could finish her sentence Emma was already out the door.
(Y/N) looked at her friends and asked, “Do you guys know what she's up to again?” but all of them just shrugged nonchalantly. (Y/N) sighed and turned her attention back towards the door. A few minutes later Emma walked back in, but there was no present in her hands. (Y/N) looked at her confused but before she could ask her what was going on, Emma spoke up.
“Okay, (Y/N), your present is right outside, but I didn't have time to wrap it which is why I need you to close your eyes for a second.” Emma announced, grinning at her. She felt everyone's eyes on her and saw them smiling weirdly at her as if they all knew something she didn't.
“What is going on here?” She asked confused, looking back at everyone.
“Will you just close your eyes please? Or do I need to put on the blindfold again?” Emma asked, pulling out the blindfold again.
(Y/N) quickly shook her head at that and closed her eyes. “Alright, my eyes are closed, now.”
“Okay, just give me a second.” Emma answered as she walked back outside to grab the present.
“Can I open my eyes now?” (Y/N) asked after a while, getting a little impatient.
“Yeah, you can open them now. I hope you like my present, (Y/N).” She heard her best friend say. (Y/N) opened her eyes and when she saw what her present was, she instantly felt her eyes fill with tears again.
“Surprise! You didn't really think that I would miss your birthday, did you, babe?” Her boyfriend Noah asked, as he stood in front of her, with a wide smile on his face and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Oh my gosh, Noah!” (Y/N) exclaimed in disbelief as she rushed over to him. Noah handed the flowers over to Emma just in time for his girlfriend to jump into his arms. (Y/N)'s friends all watched the scene with tears in their eyes, some of them capturing the surprise with their phones.
“I don't understand how you're here, right now. Didn't you say that you couldn't clear your schedule for today?” (Y/N) held on to her boyfriend and sobbed into his neck, smudging Noah's white shirt with her tears and make up.
Noah pulled back from (Y/N) to look at her, his eyes also filled with tears. “I've known for a while that I was available for your birthday, but I wanted to suprise you, which is why I didn't say anything to you. I obviously needed some help to plan everything, so I called Emma and once I told her about my plans, she immediately agreed to help me out and set this whole surprise party up. I know I basically lied to you when I said I couldn't come, and I hope you're not mad about that. You know I never wanted to lie to you, but I had to in order to surprise you and for everything to work out.”
(Y/N) put both of her hands on each side of Noah's face and smiled, “Don't worry about that, I'm not mad at all. How could I be, when you flew all the way from Vancouver just to surprise me for my birthday? I can't believe you did that for me.” She started to tear up again as she looked at him and Noah immediately wrapped his arms around her.
“Please don't cry, baby, you're gonna make me cry too.” Noah said as he gently wiped at a tear that was rolling down her cheek.  
“You're already crying.” (Y/N) said, pointing at his face.
“What? No, I'm not, I mean, I wasn't crying. I just had something in my eyes.” He wiped at his eyes and laughed a little before he said, “I would do anything for you, (Y/N). I'd fly to the end of the world and beyond just to be with you.”
(Y/N) smiled and leaned in, kissing him for the first time in weeks. She knew that her friends were all watching, but she didn't care about that. She only cared about this moment with Noah and to finally be reunited with him.
“I missed you so much, Noah. I can't believe you're actually here right now. I'm so happy, it feels like I'm dreaming.” She said, once they pulled apart from each other.
Noah poked at her nose and smiled, “You're not dreaming, (Y/N), I'm really here and I'll be here for the rest of the week. Happy birthday, baby.”
“Thank you, sweetie. This is the best birthday I've ever had and you're the best present I've ever gotten.” (Y/N) stared at her boyfriend again, before pulling him close to her again.
“You're welcome, baby. But I don't think I'm the only one you should be thanking here. I couldn't have pulled this surprise off without Emma's amazing help. You're really lucky to have a best friend like her, (Y/N).” Noah said, nodding towards Emma, who was smiling from ear to ear as she watched the two of them.
(Y/N) nodded, “You're right. I'm lucky to have such amazing people in my life and feel so incredibly grateful for everything today.” She then walked over to her best friend Emma and pulled her in for another hug.
“I love you so much, Em. Thank you for doing this. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for.” (Y/N) kissed Emma on the cheek before looking at her with teary eyes.
Emma just shrugged, a huge grin on her face. “Anything for you, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) hugged her one more time before she turned her attention back to Noah. “So you're here for an entire week?”
Noah nodded. “Yeah, I am. I already cleared my schedule weeks ago just so I could be with you. Sorry again for lying to you, baby. But the look on your face when you saw me was worth all the trouble. I kinda wish I'd caught it on camera.”
“Well, you two are lucky then, because I did catch (Y/N)'s face on camera. I actually filmed the whole surprise, because I knew you'd want to see it. Maybe you can even share it on your channel later.” Emma chimed in, looking at (Y/N).
“I don't have a video for this week yet, so that's actually a great idea, Em.” (Y/N) agreed, giving her best friend a grateful smile.
Emma just shrugged, “Of course it is. All my idea's are great, including throwing this party.”
“Speaking of party. I think it's time we actually start celebrating now. So let's get this party started everyone!” (Y/N) announced, looking at all the guests.
“It's not a real birthday party without a proper birthday cake, so let's have the birthday girl blow out some candles first.” Emma said, before she went over to the food table to grab the cake.
“Can someone grab the candles, please? They're in my bag over there.” Emma nodded towards her bag in the corner of the room.
“Sure, I've got this.” Noah said, before he grabbed the candles out of Emma's bag. He then helped to place the candles on the cake and lit them before everyone started singing “Happy Birthday” for (Y/N). After she blew out the candles they all ate some cake before officially starting the party.
It was a little while later and everyone was enjoying (Y/N)'s birthday party. A few people were singing karaoke over by the karaoke booth, another group was on the dance floor while Emma, Noah and (Y/N) were chatting by the snack and food table.
They were in the middle of a conversation, when a slow song came on and a few people started leaving the dance floor.
“I really hate to interrupt your heated discussion about who the best Chris' is, but I would like to ask my girlfriend something, if that's okay.” Noah said, looking at Emma and (Y/N).
(Y/N) nodded, “Of course that's okay. What do you want to ask me, baby?”
“Well... I was wondering if I could have this dance with you?” Noah asked, as he held out his hand for her. (Y/N) smiled and took his hand before they walked onto the dance floor together. Noah pulled her close and rested his hands on her waist while (Y/N) wrapped hers around his shoulders. They slowly swayed to the music together. The both of them enjoyed this little moment together, the comfortable silence between them making this moment even more perfect.
After a while Noah locked his eyes with hers and said, “In case you didn't know or haven't heard it yet, you look amazing, baby.”
(Y/N) couldn't help but blush at his compliment. “Thank you, honey. You look so handsome yourself.”
“You're so beautiful inside and out, I don't even know how I got so lucky to have you as my girlfriend. I'm so crazy about you, (Y/N).” Noah put one hand on her face, caressing it gently with his thumb while the other one remained on her waist.
“I'm the lucky one, Noah. Sometimes I still can't believe you're mine and I ask myself every day how, out of all the women in the world, you chose me to be yours.” (Y/N) answered, looking into his golden brown eyes.
“I chose you, (Y/N), because I love you. Only you. Forever and always.” Noah said, before he kissed her softly. (Y/N) kissed him back, smiling into the kiss.
“I love you too, Noah Centineo, and I can't wait to spend the rest of the week with you.” (Y/N) whispered back after they pulled away from the kiss.
“We're gonna make the most of it, I promise.” Noah said and (Y/N) nodded, running her hand down his chest.
“And I promise to enjoy every single minute of it.” She answered before kissing him again.
The End.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 4: All Things Work Together For Good
Emma idly shopped for a few items in the store and picked up some essentials. Her attention was caught though when she heard his voice on a television playing nearby. She looked up to see Detective Killian Rogers giving a statement to the press about two missing girls. It seemed that her ex had made quite a name for himself while she was gone.
After paying for her items, she rode the bus back to her brother and sister-in-law's house and while the kids were playing a game, she managed to get his attention. She pointed to the backyard and he followed her, before she collapsed onto the swing.
"What's up?" he asked.
"Something happened today," she replied.
"Okay...what's going on Em?" he asked.
"This is going to sound crazy...but I kept hearing this voice. I was on a bus and it was my voice telling us to slow down. I tried to ignore it, but it just got louder then. And...when I screamed at the bus driver, he stopped, just in time for a little boy to run out in front of the bus," she explained. She saw her brother straighten his shoulders and she could almost see the gears turning in his head as he tried to process what she was telling him.
"You've always had good instincts when it comes to helping people. That's why you became a cop," he reasoned.
"This wasn't instinct, David," she protested.
"Even if it wasn't...keep it to yourself," he urged.
"I tell you and MM everything," she reminded him.
"You know I'm not talking about MM…" he said, as he leaned closer.
"But if the NSA hears that a passenger is hearing voices in their head...we'll all end up in some government lab somewhere," he warned. She wanted to refute that claim, but knew he was right. They were being closely watched; of that she knew wholeheartedly.
"You coming inside for dinner?" he asked.
"Uh...no I think I need some air. I'm going to take a walk," she replied. He sighed.
"Em…" he started to protest, but she forced a smile.
"I'm fine...save me some?" she asked. He rolled his eyes and then nodded.
After a nice, quiet family dinner together, they cleaned up the kitchen and then sat curled together on the couch, watching the kids play a board game at the table nearby.
"I never thought I'd have this again…" Margaret gushed, as she cuddled against him and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
"I can't imagine what you've been through. If I had lost you...for five years, I think I would have lost my mind," he admitted. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds, as she gazed into his eyes and then kissed him tenderly. He kissed her back and felt the familiar passion that was always so strong between them lick at his every nerve.
"Hey Mom...do you still have my dinosaur Lego set?" Henry asked curiously.
"Sure sweetie...I think we packed most of that stuff away in the closet," Margaret answered.
"You kept it all? And Dad's stuff too?" he asked. She looked down a little shyly.
"Well...some people said I should pack it away or give it to Goodwill, but Ollie said we shouldn't. She said that you and daddy were out there somewhere and even though I had my doubts...I wanted so badly to believe her," she said, as she stood up and hugged him.
"Some people said it was unhealthy, but I left your room exactly like it was. Most of the toys are just packed away," she said, as he took her hand and pulled her toward the stairs.
"Can we get them out?" he asked. She chuckled.
"Of course we can," she replied, as she was happy to let him practically drag her up the stairs. David looked on happily, as he saw his daughter putting the game away.
"So...Mom says you're still playing soccer," he mentioned. She nodded and shrugged.
"Yeah...I have a game tomorrow," she replied.
"I'd love to come if that's okay with you," he said. She smiled.
"I know I'm kind of attracting a lot of attention right now so I'll stay away if that makes it weird for you…" he stammered, but she came over to him.
"Screw 'em dad…" she said and he looked surprised, but then probably shouldn't have. She was a teenager now and he chuckled.
"Okay...then I'll be there," he said, as they shared a hug.
"Thanks for never giving up on us, peanut," he whispered to her. She sniffed and snuggled deeper into his embrace.
"They said I was crazy and they pushed mom into sending me to therapy," she confessed.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you," he said.
"It's okay...therapy helped a lot and I stopped telling people that I thought Henry was alive after a while. I moved on...sort of I guess," she replied.
"Good...I'd want you to be happy if we really were gone," he told her. She nodded.
"Mom didn't move on though...people even got pretty pushy about it. I heard them say it wasn't normal," she confessed. He sighed.
"Well...your Mom and I have never really been normal. People have always had a hard time understanding our bond. It was always us against the world and looks like it still is...all of us though. We'll figure all this out together," he promised, as he kissed her hair.
What he said was true and it had really always been that way.
When Ruth died, David was only twelve and stepped up when his father didn't. Margaret had seriously been his rock and the bond they already shared deepened even more in a way that just didn't happen too often. They didn't often discuss the mystical feel it had, because most kids already thought they were weird, but they had always drawn strength from that bond and it had developed into a deep, all encompassing love that was very true and beyond incredible.
Even when life threatened to get in their way, they had refused to allow it and always joined hands to walk through it together. They adopted Ruth's mantra and favorite Bible verse into their lives and had never let go of it.
All Things Work Together For Good
They had done this when facing all adversity. They had done so on the playground and both had gotten into enough dust ups protecting and defending each other against mean kids or bullies.
They had done so when Eva died and then Ruth died just two years later. At both funerals, others around their families had tried to pull them apart or even expressed to their remaining parents that their closeness was inappropriate for their age. Leopold was never around to be concerned enough about Margaret, until she was older and by then she had told her absentee father where he could go. And neither Ruth or Robert, to his credit, had never been shy about defending them either. They considered Margaret as their own and even through all his struggles, that had never changed for Robert.
They had faced and navigated High School much the same way. Again, they were the weird kids, though they had a decent sized group of friends and other misfits they congregated with. Even among the misfits they stood out as an oddity and teachers viewed their closeness as inappropriate and frowned upon it. But even with all of that working against them and society constantly trying to conform them to its parameters, they defied everything that should have and would have torn most apart.
By college, Robert was in rehab and getting sober, while they found a freedom in college. They were no longer looked at as being weird for their close, loving relationship. They excelled in their classes, as they went to get their teaching degrees together. All the bad and uninspiring teachers they had drove them into that profession. They wanted to help kids navigate the difficulties in life. They had each other, but knew a lot of kids weren't as lucky as they were.
It came as no surprise to anyone that they were ready to get married during their second year and Robert, likely in his guilt and overcompensation, had thrown them a giant wedding. He stated that he knew that this would be their only marriage and that it should be celebrated as the true, real life fairy tale that it was. They appreciated his enthusiasm and let him do this for them, in honor of Ruth, because they all knew she would have relished the day they got married and knew she was there in spirit.
Their paths in the education profession diverted in a bit. Margaret always knew that she wanted to focus on early education and knew she'd likely go on to teach at the elementary level. David, being extremely gifted in mathematics, stayed in school an extra year to get his Master's degree. Upon graduating, he started in teaching advanced math at the high school level, but eventually became an associate professor at the University level.
The twins had come along five years later, much to their incredible joy and even through all the years and Henry's cancer, their love had weathered every storm and they had come out the other side loving each other even more. And he knew it would overcome this too.
"Come on...let's go see how many toys your brother has managed to find already," he said. They shared a smile and went upstairs.
Emma wandered the streets, not really paying attention to where she was going and as she rounded another corner, she heard the voice again. But it was saying something different this time.
"Set them free…"
She stopped and saw two dogs locked behind a fence and heard the voice again. By now, she was really freaked out and so ignored the voice's command this time, before hurrying back home.
She was in heaven. Pure, sweet heaven, as he made love to her again. She couldn't get enough, not that she had ever been able to. But five years was far too long to
suffer through without his touch. She had thought this was lost to her. She thought she'd never feel him kiss her again. She thought she'd never feel his hands on her body again. She thought she'd never feel him inside her again.
After, they held each other and cuddled, exchanging soft kisses and soulful gazes.
"What are you thinking?" he asked, as he caressed her face.
"Mmm...that five years is too long. A day is too long for me…" she gushed, as she pressed a kiss to his bare chest.
"I'm never leaving your side again...I promise, for more than a few hours anyway," he promised.
"Then you're going to put your resume out there?" she asked curiously. He nodded.
"I need a job...I mean, we'll be okay for a while I think. We still have some of Mom's money left, right?" he asked. She nodded.
"Yes...the life insurance I got for you is mostly gone, but I paid off the house when I was finally able to pull myself together," she replied. He caressed her face.
"You're amazing...I don't know how you did it," he mentioned.
"I didn't for a while...I was a mess. Your father really came through. He lost his kids and didn't touch a drop. He pretty much took care of Olive, the house, me, the bills around here for like six months and never complained. I couldn't have done it without him," she admitted. He smiled.
"Yeah...dad I need to talk and I need to thank him for taking care of the most precious things to me," he said tearfully. She leaned in and kissed him again, but he pulled away suddenly when he heard a voice.
"David…?" she asked, as she saw him put a hand to his temple.
"Baby...what is it?" she questioned, as he heard it again.
"Set them free…" the voice, his own voice, insisted.
"It's crazy…" he said, not sure how to tell her.
"The plane you were on disappeared for five and half years and then came back. Obviously there is something bigger going on here and if embracing it is my price for getting you back...then I'm all in," she promised. He looked at her and nearly broke down in tears. God she was amazing and he was so lucky. Not many other people would react that way.
"Okay...earlier Emma said that she heard a voice on the bus. It told her to slow down and it was so insistent that she yelled at the bus driver. Before he could give her hell for making him slam on the brakes...a little kid ran out in front of the bus," he explained. She gasped.
"She saved the little boy?" she asked. He nodded.
"I told her to keep it to herself, except you. You know if the government thinks passengers are hearing voices that they'll lock us up in some lab," he replied. She nodded.
"And you just heard something?" she asked. He nodded.
"It said...set them free," he replied and he watched her get up and start putting her clothes on.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"It said set them free so let's go find them," she replied and he looked at her incredulously.
"David...whatever this is…" she said, pausing for a moment.
"It brought you and Henry back to me and if the price of that is doing something for it in return? Then I told you that I'm in. I may not be hearing the voices too, but we're doing this together," she replied and he couldn't help but grin brightly at her.
"Most wives would look at their husbands and tell them they're crazy after what I just told you," he said.
"I'm not most wives and you're not most husbands," she replied, as he started getting dressed.
"We've never been normal, baby...and this is just par for the course," she added, as he kissed her soundly.
"We were holding hands on the playground at eight. You were picking flowers for me at ten and all the rest of my life after that," she added.
"Snowdrops…" he said fondly.
"Only snowdrops," she agreed.
"We had our first kiss at twelve after your Mom died and endured no less than fifteen lectures about how we were too young and we didn't understand love, but that was, crap, as Emma would say," she said passionately.
"Definitely...I knew I was in love with you then," he said.
"We made love for the first time when we were sixteen and endured the glare of every teacher in High School for our closeness that no one else could understand," she replied, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"I've always felt you in my soul...and that never left me, even when you were gone," she said, as her voice choked a bit. He kissed her tenderly.
"You remember when the study hall teacher caught us making out in the janitor's closet?" he joked. She laughed.
"Which time? And it was worth the detention," she teased, as they melted into each other again, until he heard the voice.
"You heard it again…" she said and he wasn't surprised that she could still read him like a book.
"Yeah...it's not going away," he lamented.
"Come on...Olive will be fine here with Henry for a bit," she insisted, as she led him out. Yes...he was certainly the luckiest man on the planet, he was positive of that.
Not long after she had left the scene with those dogs, the voice returned to plague her. She gave up on sleep, got dressed, and took a bus back to the fence where the dogs were locked up.
"Set them free," the voice told her. She groaned and put her hands on her head. She jumped though, as there were suddenly headlights on her. She squinted, as the car stopped and the doors opened. She was surprised and relieved to find her brother and sister-in-law there.
"Guys...what are you doing?" she asked.
"Set them free," David said, with a note of frustration in his voice.
"I told him that we had to find what this voice is trying to tell you to do," Margaret said. She looked at her in surprise and he shrugged.
"I know...her first reaction to me hearing voices in my head is that we should follow the voices and not that I might be crazy," he joked.
"You are not crazy...and neither are you, Emma. But this...it means something. I'm not hearing anything...but I feel it," she explained.
"You both came back to me...and there is something out there that had to help you do that. All things work together for good," she added. Emma and David exchanged a glance.
"You're a lucky bastard, you know that, right?" Emma asked. He grinned and looked at his wife fondly, before hugging her close to his side.
"Trust me...I know," he agreed. Margaret looked at him with a dreamy stare and then at Emma, before hugging the blonde.
"This has to be so hard…" she fretted and Emma shrugged.
"Killian and I...we're not you guys and I don't think we were ever going to be," she replied.
"That just means that your true love is still out there for you," Margaret promised.
"Yeah...let's not talk about that now," Emma deflected, as her brother heard the voice again.
"Set them free," Emma said. He nodded with uncertainty and got a crowbar out of the car.
"For the record...this is a felony," he said wearily, as they broke the lock. The dogs, instead of attacking, ran off down the street. Curiously though, the voice stopped.
"What the hell was the point of that?" David wondered.
"Dunno...but the voice stopped," Emma replied.
"Then I suggest we go home for now," Margaret said. Emma raised an eyebrow.
"For now?" she asked.
"I think we all know that whatever this is...it's not over," Margaret reasoned. They agreed and got back into the car, as David drove them home.
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she-is-tim · 5 years
P.S. I miss you | Elu Online friends AU | Ch.2
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Previous Chapters: 1
It’s been since a month now that Eliott started to talk to this interesting boy on instagram. They get along well and it’s just a safe place for him to go back to when things are getting too much in his life. But january is here and he’s about to start at his new school. What he doesn’t expect is to bump into the person he’s been texting with. Suddenly Eliott’s life going upside down as he both tries to approach and avoid Lucas at the same time.
Face to Face
“So...” Idriss started, looking at the boy sitting on the bed with squinted eyes. “Why didn’t you tell him the truth again?” 
Eliott let out a frustrated sigh, focusing his vision on the snake that was wrapping itself around his forearm. He rubbed his head and made silly faces at him. It was good for distraction, because he absolutely didn’t wanted to explain himself yet again. They were supposed to hang out because Sofiane will leave to Morocco next weekend to visit his family and will not come back for a whole month. There’s no point in bringing up his stupid crush on Lucas beautiful eyes Lallemant. An yet there they were again.
“Don’t be such a drama queen.” Idriss scoffed and kicked his bed from the chair he was sitting on. Sofiane was chilling next to him, leaning his hips to the desk, crossing his arms and just watching Eliott with analitical glances.
“I’m not a drama queen.” he huffed and poked the nose of his snake, giggling when it hissed back at him. 
“Can you stop petting that thing?” Idriss screamed now, kicking the bed again. “You’re creeping me out.” 
“His name is Nagini, and no.” Eliott said, looking at his friend with piercing eyes, letting his little buddy to slide on his shoulders and around his neck. 
“If he doesn’t strangle you, I’ll do it myself.” 
“Idriss, calm down.” Sofiane sighed, finally getting into the conversation. “We are just worried about you, Eliott. You really like this boy, don’t you? There is the chance to start something with him. Why aren’t you doing it?” he raised his eyebrows in question. 
“Listen, he is most probably still closeted, it’s one thing to flirt online with someone through texts, but what if he would just push me away?” he asked with true concern in his voice. “I don’t wanna risk that, he is my safe place.” he mumbled, stroking the snake that was resting lazily on his shoulders. 
“You don’t know that.” Sofiane sighed and sat down next to his friend, he wasn’t afraid of Nagini at all, he liked all kinds of animals. “Just give him a chance. If it doesn’t work out, then what’s the point in texting him anyways?” he said and it hurt Eliott how true his words were. He just quietly nodded, but deep inside he knew that he is not ready to tell the truth.
“Okay, now get rid of that freaking reptile and let’s go out somewhere.” Idriss said, now a big smile spreading on his face. Both boys giggled at him and Eliott got up from his bed to put Nagi back to his terrarium. He gave him food and then changed clothes, ready to leave his apartment with his friends. 
His phone was buzzing once, twice. He hoped that it will stop, but it didn’t, so he groaned, opening his eyes as slowly as he could, fishing the device out from under his pillow, checking who was the brave person texting him at 9 in the morning on a fucking sunday. He jumped into sitting position like he was struck by lightning when he saw the username, unlocking his phone even quicker. 
lucallemant Eliiiii Good morning Wake uuuup I need your attention, sir You know what? FUCK YOU
Eliott couldn’t suppress his laugh, leaning his back to the headboard of his bed, typing a reply to his impatient friend. Lucas was really one grumpy hedgehog, especially in the morning.
srodulv Why are you even awake? 
lucallemant Aaaand he lives!  Ladies and gentlemen, the man, the myth, the LEGEND
srodulv It’s sunday, Lucas I was sleeping  So why are you awake? 
lucallemant I was in church with my mom...
Eliott felt a sudden pain in his chest and cursed for not waking up earlier. He knew how hard it was for the boy to spend time with his mother and going to mass with her. He wasn’t religious at all, so the whole thing felt like a torture for him and Eliott could understand his feeling. He felt the same when he was forced to meet his therapist once a month, or every other week when he had an episode. 
srodulv Please tell me you aren’t drunk 
lucallemant I didn’t drink yet 
srodulv Lucas...
lucallemant I know
srodulv Sorry for not waking up earlier though But I’m here now
lucallemant Don’t apologize I am the one being too clingy
srodulv You are definitely not too clingy Believe me 
lucallemant Thanks  ❤️
He sighed, looking at the ceiling. He wished that he could just pull the boy into his arms and hug him until he feels better. It was so fucking hard that he wasn’t able to comfort him physically, but he was afraid. It was one thing that Lucas accepted him with all his flaws, but he only had to deal with them through texting. He didn’t had to see Eliott cry in the corner, scratching red traces onto his arms, pulling his hair and yelling mean things. He wasn’t there when Eliott was in a depressed phase, ignoring everything and everyone, pushing away the ones that tried to help. He had no idea. He already had an ill mother to deal with, he wanted to spare him from having to deal with his shit too. 
srodulv Take a shower You’ll feel better 
lucallemant You’re just saying this, because you want me to take off my clothes
srodulv Guess I got busted I’m sure you have the finest ass in France
lucallemant Shut up 
srodulv Make me~ 
lucallemant You cheeky bastard
srodulv It’s a part of my charm ;)
On monday Eliott was not ready to go to school, even less to face with Lucas. He just hoped that the boy forgot about him completely, since they like talked for a few minutes, shared one joint (with an annoying girl included) and had a staring contest at the common room meeting. Nothing to really remember of, right? He let out a deep sigh and wished he could have the courage of Sofiane, who was always ready to express his emotions and do incredible things once he made up his mind. 
He walked into the school building, straight to his own locker, not even looking around if he could catch a glimpse of fluffy hair, baby blue eyes and sweet cherry lips. He swallowed and organized his books now at his opened locker, making sure he has everything in his bag that he needs before lunch. He was ready to leave when he saw Lucas walking towards his direction, so he just panicked and ran into the first room he found. As he closed the door behind himself, he had to face three confused girls glacing at him. One of them was more like thirsty than confused, but Eliott tried to get rid of that thought. 
“Hey, girls.” he said just a tiny bit nervously, only now realizing that he was in the common room, judging by the awful mural on the wall. 
“Hey, you were on the meeting last friday, right?” the blonde girl, Daphné if he remembers correctly asked him with a bright smile on her face. 
“Oh yeah, I remember seeing you.” the girl with the blue hair. She fucking had pink wings on her white shoes, Eliott was impressed by that, he liked weird stuff. “I’m Alex.” she smiled widely.
“My name is Eliott, nice to meet you.” he said with a gentle smile. 
“What can we do for you, Eliott?” the third girl asked, he remembers seeing her on Lucas’ instagram a couple times, she was Emma, the ex of his boy’s best friend.
“Nothing, really.” he said honestly and pointed at the door behind him. “I was just passing by and thought that I check in. How is the whole thing going?” he asked, looking around. The place was a complete mess, chairs and tables everywhere, big splatters of long dried paint on the floor. Plus the horrendous mural. He had no idea how Daphné could think this will be a place where students want to come and chill. He rather spend his time in a broom closet. 
“We are working on it.” the blonde one said with so much enthusiasm it almost convinced the boy that this place can be something better. “I have big plans, but first is to cover the mural.” she said, cocking her head towards the wall, not bothering to look at it. Eliott could understand, he felt like those colorful letters were burning out his eyes the longer he looked at them. 
“It is awful for sure.” Alexia nodded and looked around. “We will need some better furniture, these chairs are uncomfortable enough in classes, no one would want to sit in them while relaxing.” she pouted.
“Yeah, but like how could we afford any kind of furniture, Alexia? We have a really low budget for the common room project and painting the wall could cost a lot of money.” she sighed. 
“I can help if you want.” Eliott said suddenly, drawing all the attention towards himself. He was glad that seemingly his self-confidence was only lacking when he was in Lucas’ vicinity. “I know a place where we can get cheap, but good quality paint, plus I can try making something cool with it.” he offered. Out of the three of them, Daphné looked the most excited, almost jumping onto the boy in front of her, but thankfully Alexia stopped her immediately. Eliott shot her a grateful look and she smirked at him. 
“That is such a nice thing of you.” Daphné chimed, still having the bright smile on her face. “We will figure out things first, but I will contact you.” she said excitedly and handed Eliott her phone to type in his number. He took it and did just that, giving it back with a soft smile. 
“But just for the record, I am helping because you girls look cool and funny. I am not trying to flirt.” he said on a serious tone, just to make things clear. He hated when some girls thought just because a guy is nice to you, he has to be in love with you. Alexia and Emma laughed at him, while Daphné looked just a little bit disappointed. 
“It’s okay, dude.” the blue haired girl spoke. “Thank you for the help anyways. We need every working hand here. This place is a mess.” she sighed as she looked around.
“It’s going to be so beauiful soon.” said the blonde one with a dreamy smile on her face. 
“I should get going, but we’ll be in touch, yeah?” he said now, smiling at the girls. 
“Sure, thank you again, Eliott.” Daphné said smiling. 
Eliott nodded and was ready to leave when the door opened, smacking him right in the face. He gasped and fell behind, grabbing a table to not land on the dirty floor, his backpack was hanging on his arm now and he was sure that he’s seeing stars. When his vision started to clear, all three girls rushing to him to help, asking questions, but the only face he could see was Lucas’. He looked so scared and worried, he wanted to say something, but he barely could focus his thoughts, head throbbing like he got hit by a bus. 
“Fuck...” he mumbled, rubbing his free hand on his forehead, gladly not finding any bruises.
“Shit, I am so sorry!” He heard Lucas’ voice, desperate and sweet at the same time. He took a deep beath and looked at him. 
“I’ll be fine,” he said honestly, the pain started to fade away, it was like remains of a bad headache, nothing more. 
“I didn’t mean to... I should have been more careful with the door.” he mumbled, face turning into a painful expression. 
“At least he’s not bleeding.” Alexia said, bringing in some positivity, which was appreciated by the taller boy, since he found it pretty hard to make up logical sentences. 
“But you really should be careful, Lucas.” Emma said. “That is a thick metal door, you could have broken his nose or something.” she said with a wondering face, staring at Eliott like he’s part of an exhibition. 
“Guys, I’m fine.” Eliott sighed and straightened up now, fighting back the dizziness he was feeling.
“I can take you to the nurse.” Lucas offered and he could feel his heart skipping a beat, his palms getting all sweaty. “I mean, I was the one smashing a door to your face.” he said with a nervous smile, scratching the back of his head. 
“He is right, you should take a nap.” Daphné said on a serious tone now, pushing Eliott towards Lucas slowly. He panicked only a little, but was excited too at the same time. He just nodded without saying anything and followed Lucas out of the common room. Thankfully the girls stayed inside, Eliott had just enough of them. They were sweet and all, but when your head hurts like a bitch and your crush is right there in front of you, the least you want is three girls observing you with knowing eyes. 
They walked quietly to the nursing room, Lucas staying right next to Eliott, keeping an eye on him in case he's going to faint. Most of the students were already in their classroom, so the halls were empty. The tall boy felt dizzy, but not just because of the head damage he got. It was hard to be so close to Lucas and not talk to him. He wanted to ask about what happened on the mass yesterday that upset him so much he needed to wake him up, how is he feeling today, but he couldn’t do it without busting himself. And he wasn’t ready for that, especially not after he got hit by a metal door. 
When they reached their destination, Eliott stopped, turning around to face Lucas. He slid his hands into his pockets, feeling nervous, but he had to talk before they are parting ways. Taking a deep breath he started. 
“Thanks for taking me here, I’ll be fine from now on.” he said, voice shaking just a little. Lucas looked into his eyes and he could still see a glimpse of guilt in them. “Hey, this isn’t your fault, okay?”
“Yeah, I still feel bad about it.” he shrugged and forced a little smile on his face. 
“Last time I was the one smacking my head into yours, so I think we’re equal.” he smiled which seemed to make the boy relax a little too, his smile looking more honest. 
“That’s true. You have a hard forehead for sure.” he mocked, playful sparks appearing in those beautiful eyes. Eliott loved to see him like this. 
“Well, I’m going now.” he said, placing his hand on the doorknob of the nursing room, looking at the short boy with uncertainity. 
“Yeah, take care an all.” Lucas smiled one more time before turning around and walking away. Eliott wanted to go after him, grab his arms and tell him the truth, but the resonable part of his mind was stronger. 
He walked inside, explaining the school doctor what happened to him. She was really kind, even though she said some weird shit and let Eliott rest on the bed for a few hours. At least he could skip classes, which wasn’t so bad considering that lately he felt anxious and uncomfortable. Even if he had Alex by his side on most classes, he still couldn’t get used to all the new surroundings. Now that it came to his mind, he sent a quick message to his classmate to let him know that he is okay, just going to spent some time at the nursing room. 
lucallemant I’m such a mess You will laugh at me
Eliott was surprised when he recieved the messages, but he also smiled like an idiot. His head wasn’t hurting so badly and the doctor was busy with organizing stuff in the storage, so he decided some texting won’t cause any trouble to him. 
srodulv Try me 
lucallemant I smacked someone in the face with a door  I wanna bury myself 
srodulv You can’t bury a national treasure  And how did that even happen?  Was that person talking shit about you? 
He barely could hold back his laugh, because right now he wasn’t nervous, he was very much alive and active, ready to tease Lucas to death. It was the best thing, helped him through some dark phases during the holidays too. 
lucallemant I just wanted to go to the common room There’s this girl, Chloé  She’s totally into me because I once kissed her 
srodulv EXCUSE ME? 
lucallemant I was fucking wasted and she was the one pushing things on me 
srodulv My heart is broken 
lucallemant Drama Queen 
srodulv You would like my friends, they keep saying the same shit to me 
lucallemant  I would love to join them and tease you all day long That sounds like fun
srodulv It’s not, they are annoying 
lucallemant  Oh, so now I’m annoying? 
srodulv I was talking about them, not you. 
lucallemant So, back to the topic about the guy and the door 
srodulv I’m all ears
lucallemant  So I wanted to hide from Chloé And as I entered the common room, I managed to hit the guy in the face with the door I was so embarrassed 
srodulv lmao You are such a mess
lucallemant I knew you’d be laughing at me! 
srodulv  How wouldn’t I? You smacked someone with a door  That’s hilarious
And he wasn’t lying, he found the whole situation hilarious, especially since he and Lucas both went to the common room because they tried to hide from someone. Eliott tried to avoid the short boy, while he wanted to get away from that Chloé girl. They were more alike than he would’ve thought.
lucallemant  He’s in the nursing room now  But the worst thing is it was the guy I met with on friday
srodulv And that’s bad because? 
lucallemant Because he’s hot
srodulv So that’s what you value the most? 
lucallemant  Of course not, don’t be fucking childish But I’m not made of stone!  If I see a hot guy, I melt  Simple as that 
srodulv What about me? 
lucallemant I don’t know how you look like  But I’m sure I would like you  Even if you’re fat and bold
Eliott couldn’t suppress his victorious smirk. It might not be a bad idea to tell Lucas who he was actually. Things might change, but that’s not necessary a bad thing.
srodulv Ahw, you are so sweet ❤️
lucallemant I gotta go to class Talk later? 
srodulv Talk later  Have a nice day at school ❤️
lucallemant You too ❤️ 
Eliott spent almost three hours in the nursing room, then he went back to his classes. Alex was really happy to see him, giving him a bone-crushing hug as a greeting. It was a bit overwhelming, but also endearing, since Eliott still felt really insecure in this new environment, so Alex was like a safe spot for him. Especially since all he felt around Lucas right now was pure nervousness. But that might change soon, who knows. 
At lunch he was sitting with Alex and some of his friends. He was mostly on his phone, waiting if Lucas wanted to chat with him, but it looked like the boy was busy. He looked around in the cafeteria, trying not to be too obvious, but he couldn’t see Lucas anywhere. When his eyes traveled back to the table, he met with his classmate’s shit-eating grin. He sighed.
“Okay, who is it?” Alex asked, just without playing around.
“What are you talking about?” he tried to play dumb, but he knew that Alex won’t buy his bullshit. He might be looking like an idiot sometimes, but he was actually very smart and observant. 
“Eliott.” he tilted his head, tone demanding. The brunette sighed and ran his fingers through his hair a couple times, making a bigger mess out of it.
“I’m not telling you.” he muttered, not looking at his friend.
“Oh, so you’re not trusting me, huh?” he asked, raising his eyebrows so high that his hat slipped a bit back on his head. 
“It’s not that. The situation is kinda complicated.” he explained, rubbing his face into his palms. “I don’t wanna bring mess into his life.”
“Okay, so it’s a boy.” Alex stated with a happy grin. “I had an idea that you’re not straight.” he said proudly which made Eliott smile.
“I don’t like labels, you know. If a person is good for me, then I’m into that person, simple as that.” he shrugged.
“That’s cool, dude.” he said with an honest smirk on his face. “And you don’t have to tell me anything, but if you need someone, I’m here.” he continued now on a serious tone, reaching out to squeeze Eliott’s shoulder gently. The boy just smiled and nodded, enjoying that little gesture. Alex really was a great guy.
After school he went for a little grocery shopping, since he was aware that his fridge and cupboards were nearly empty. He got cereal, milk, honey, tea, pasta, rice, eggs and everything else he could be needing. When he was packing out the stuff in the kitchen, he felt his phone buzzing. He put the milk in the fridge before checking it, not being surprised that it was a message from his sweet, sweet boy. 
lucallemant I was thinking 
srodulv Thinking? You? That’s some serious shit 
lucallemant Oh, fuck off! 
srodulv If I fuck off, then who are you gonna talk shit to? 
lucallemant I’ll figure 
srodulv So what were you going to tell me? 
lucallemant You’re being an asshole  I don’t wanna tell 
srodulv Oh come on~ Lucas
Eliott sighed and leant his head on the fridge in front of him, smiling just a little. His little hedgehog was playing grumpy again. There wasn’t enough money on the world that he would pay just to see his face at this exact moment. It must be very cute. 
srodulv Hey, tell me please  Lucas~  My baby hedgehog~ I’m sorry, okay Lucaaaas
lucallemant Asshole... 
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Eliott smirked after posting the picture and decided to record a voice message too, it might be a bit dangerous considering that Lucas talked to him before, but he was hoping that his little hedgehog will be oblivious like always. He raised his phone to his mouth, whispering into the mic.
“Hey, my sweet baby hedgehog. I’m begging for your forgiveness and I promise I won’t be an asshole. Please forgive me. Kisses.” he whispered on a soft voice, making a smooch sound at the end, smirking like an idiot as he sent it. He was waiting in patience, but he was dying that he couldn’t see the boy’s face as he listens to the record. He literally jumped when he finally recieved a response. 
lucallemant Fine  I forgive you 
srodulv ❤️
lucallemant That voice record was unnecessary though
srodulv Did you blush? 
lucallemant Pffff No 
srodulv You did, didn’t you?  Ahhhwww ❤️ 
lucallemant You wanna start this over? 
srodulv Nope, I’m listening 
lucallemant So you remember when we talked about parallel universes, right? 
srodulv Of course  How could I forget 
lucallemant I was thinking...  How cool it would be if you had been transfered to our school  We could hang out and all 
srodulv  How did that come from? 
lucallemant I feel kinda lonely  There are so many things that my friends don’t know 
srodulv  About your mom? 
lucallemant About me  That I’m gay...  I mean, Yann might be suspecting something But I have never told them face to face 
srodulv  I think I have a confession to make 
lucallemant What are you talking about? 
srodulv Don’t be mad at me, okay? 
lucallemant Why would I be mad? 
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Well, I almost gave you guys angst, but I decided to take this one to a lighter tone, making it more of a FUNfiction. So Elu flirting shamelessly still, Eliott got a door to his face, he met the girls, his friendship is forming with Alex! Make sure to leave comments in my inbox or on Ao3. And sorry that it took so long! Bisou
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laschatzi · 6 years
In My Wildest Dreams
This has slept in my closet for 1 1/2 years and was written as a birthday gift exclusively for my muse @princessjoneswan. I haven’t been confident enough to post it, but somehow now it feels right. @ilovemesomekillianjones encouraged me through the writing process all that time ago.
summary: Emma just can’t get enough of Killian - quite literally. And that leads to her having a dream. And it’s wild. But also loving.
word count: ~ 10k
A/N: this is a threesome fic, so skip it if that’s not your thing. But it only happens in a dream, if the sort of cheating aspect is what puts you off.
rating: E and D for double the Hook, double the fun
also on: ao3 and ff.net
Emma Swan never believed in fairy tales or happy endings, in other people to stand by her, or in true love. She didn't even believe in herself. Fairy tales were for children still unaware of how cruel life can be, happy endings were for others. True love was a myth.
Nowadays, things are different, of course. Her son is the Truest Believer, and she co-parents him with the Evil Queen, her parents are Snow White and Prince Charming. Believing in fairy tales has become a given, and she isn't alone anymore: she has found a family, a home – love. The latter has taken her the longest to accept, to trust in, but in the end, she couldn't help surrendering to Killian Jones and his quiet persistence, his blue eyes and his endlessly devoted heart.
He covers all the bases: sprung from a fairy tale, he swaggered into her life just to never leave her side again, no matter how hard she tried to keep him out. Undeterred, he came back for her to whatever place – or time – she went, following her through different realms and realities, not afraid to put his life and his heart on the line, while never expecting anything in return. And she knew it, of course. She knew it long before the highest of all deities, the freaking Ruler of all Gods himself, sent him back to her, knew it before they passed a test in the Underworld. She knew it even before she uttered those words to him for the first time, words she'd been afraid of for so long: Killian Jones is an integral part of her very own Happy Ending, and he is her One True Love.
She can't say that being with him, being where she is now made all her dreams come true, because Emma Swan never allowed herself to have any of those. Making it through the day unharmed (physically and emotionally) has always been her number one concern, everything she ever asked for, because she knew that more wasn't in the cards for someone like her. But she can say that the life she's leading now – not counting the occasional monster hunt, villain threat or magical separation from her loved ones – pretty much fulfills all the dreams she would have had in the past if she'd dared to.
What she can also say, however, is that Killian Jones is definitely the man of her dreams now, literally. She isn't having daydreams about him all the time, but it happens quite often that she thinks about him when he isn't with her. Most of those thoughts and daydreams aren't even of a slippery nature; no, most of them are innocent and just involve simple everyday things like a peacefully shared meal, a walk in the park or a sailing trip on his beloved Jolly Roger. Because these are the things Emma has come to appreciate as not taken for granted, especially not for the Savior.
Then there are occasions, of course, when her daydreams turn into more and become fantasies of a less decent kind. Those occasions mostly come to pass when he's present, and usually it doesn't take much to make her imagination run wild. Sometimes a look he gives her is enough, sometimes it's the tone of his voice that makes the little hairs on the back of her neck bristle... sometimes just watching him fiddle with a pen between his fingers is all it takes to make her temperature rise. Then she not only wishes to push him against the nearest wall or down the next chair and have her way with him, she can clearly see all the details of it in her mind, and also feel them, which is very distracting and has her feeling uncomfortable quite a few times.
Very often that happens in the most inconvenient moments, and what's even worse – Killian seems to have an impeccable instinct for these feelings coming over her (of course he does – she's an open book, after all). Usually, he's having a lot of fun with that and loves to tease and challenge her and rile her up even more (he always makes it up to her later in the most delicious way, when they're alone, but that's another story).
But that aside, he's also the one who is often present in her nighttime dreams. A fair amount of those dreams is still angsty or sad, or just horrible nightmares, and whether it's about seeing him turn into the Dark One, leaving him behind in the oppressive depths of the Underworld or watching him die over and over again, by her own hand or someone else's, the overwhelming sensation is always the agonizing feeling of terrible loss. He has been ripped from her side, from her very hands so many times that it would be a miracle if it didn't haunt her dreams. Then she wakes up in the middle of the night or in the dawn of the early morning, covered in cold sweat and shaking, often with a tear-stained face, her restless hands desperately searching for him, clutching his shirt. Killian then has to hold her pressed closely to the safe haven of his body, letting her hear his heartbeat and feel his warmth, murmuring soft words into her damp hair while his fingers draw soothing circles on her shoulder blades until her breathing calms down again. He understands her without words – he's no stranger to nightmares either – and always provides what she needs. But luckily, the nightmares become gradually fewer and are replaced by other dreams, happier dreams.
Dreams that leave her with a feeling of peace and comfort, dreams of picnics and family reunions filled with laughter and love and lots of little hugs, dreams of happy adventures. Sometimes those occasions lie in the past, sometimes the dreams are anticipating the next upcoming family dinner. Sometimes she and Killian are sitting on their front porch, grey-haired and wrinkled, and a grown-up Henry passes by with children calling them Grandma and Grandpa, but other times they're still young, and a little girl is pitter-pattering around.
Whatever their future will be, Emma is looking forward to it and knows she'll live it to the fullest.
And then there are those other dreams.
They are the continuation of her daydreams and fantasies, the longer, more elaborate, more explicit version of them. Sometimes darker and always racier, waking her up in a sweat of a different kind. Then she lies there, all warm and tingly and wanting, blushing in the dark and fighting the urge to wake up Killian and relive that dream, at least part of it. Often enough she loses that fight and lets her hands do the wake-up call, but he never complains, he's always where she wants him, giving her exactly what she needs, and even more. Sometimes she asks herself if she should feel guilty for having those dreams, but eventually she's made her peace with them, because she realized they don't mean she's missing something, or that he's not enough for her – it's the opposite: she just can't get enough of him. And her dreams only are the vivid proof that she simply cannot get enough of Killian and his fierce passion and devotion for her, his eagerness to love her in any way she could ever imagine and desire.
Oddly enough, in many of these dreams she feels what's happening, but seems to be an outside watcher at the same time. Being able to feel and watch what Killian is doing to her has an incredible effect. What's even more thrilling is that she often can anticipate what he is going to do – not because it's predictable and always the same, but because somehow she seems to be inside his head, too, and feel what he's feeling. That is all sorts of weird, but also a huge turn-on, and hey, that's obviously the purpose of those dreams, so she's not complaining about it, especially since she's made up her mind that it's all about how much she really loves him – so truly, intensely and passionately.
Not getting enough of him, however, one night gets a whole new meaning.
In her dream, she's wearing her Enchanted Forest dress again, the one Killian loves to refer to as the bar wench dress nowadays. That attire was uncomfortable as fuck, but it did have its perks without a doubt... the biggest one being the expression of helpless hunger and adoration on Killian's face – her Killian's face, and the one of his past self as well. Which is probably the reason why the dress of the bar wench makes an appearance in her dreams quite often, and it never comes with an uncomfortable, suffocating feeling. On the contrary, whenever Emma wears it in her dreams, she feels in sync with herself somehow, invincible and irresistible. Usually, it leads to heated encounters below deck of the Jolly Roger (sometimes even at the helm, out in the open) or in a back room of the tavern, sometimes with Killian, sometimes with Captain Hook, sometimes the lines are blurred, and she isn't really sure who of the two she's with. But it doesn't really matter, now, does it?
So, when she crosses the deck of the ship this time, it feels familiar, and the skin at the base of her neck prickles in eager anticipation as she carefully descends the narrow steps to the Captain's cabin. Her heart is beating faster with every step, and she asks herself what she's in for tonight.
Two more steps, and she sees it: Captain Hook is already waiting, obviously he's been expecting her, in his full pirate garb, including the long leather coat and the red brocade vest with the embroidered black floral pattern she remembers so vividly and fondly from their time travel adventure. She has seen it again in quite a few of her dreams since then. He's casually leaning against his desk, legs crossed at the ankles, his ringed thumb hooked in his belt in that familiar trademark gesture of his, while his fingers are thrumming a lazy rhythm on the huge silver buckle.
He cocks his head and lets his gaze run up and down her body and then up again, finally resting his eyes on her face. Slowly, he runs his tongue along the inside of his teeth, just like she remembers him doing when she met him in that tavern, and her blood starts to heat up. His voice is hoarse and a tad deeper than the voice of the Killian she knows, a bit rough around the edges, and he murmurs, “Look what the Captain dragged in...”
She frowns for a second at his odd choice of words, but before she can even start to wonder, a second voice – the same voice, the one she'd recognize in a million – speaks up behind her back, “Oh, she came quite willingly.”
Emma spins around and sees Killian, her Killian.
For a second, her brain is a whirling mess of confused thoughts and raging hormones when she tries to process what's going on here, and she has difficulties focusing on him, blindly staring and barely registering he's in his modern clothes.
He tilts his head and raises his eyebrows in question. “Isn't that right?” he inquires, scrutinizing her closely. Even in her dreams, there's this constant habit of him always going by her wishes. Shaking her head once to clear it from the swirling fog, she feels her lips curve into a smile as she nods once, even if she has no idea what's going on. Immediately, his features relax, and he smiles back, eyes shining bright and with a touch of that scoundrel she loves so much.
“So,” Hook's voice interrupts their quiet exchange, and she whirls around again to face the other man, “are you certain you want to do this?” He, too, waits patiently for her answer, eyeing her with an almost detached, quiet interest, signalizing that she's the one calling the shots here. Well, it's her dream, after all.
She isn't certain about what she's agreeing to, but she raises her chin and replies with determination, “That's why I'm here.”
The moment she says it, his expression changes impressively. He drops his head a little to give her that heavy-lidded look from underneath raised eyebrows, the look that surrounds him with that air of danger and sin, and a devil is lurking in the corners of his eyes. “You're a brave lass,” he comments appreciatively, and she feels a blush creep up her neck at the tone of his voice.  
“You shouldn't expect any less from my Emma,” Killian tells him casually, but firmly, and his confidence in her has her straighten her back.
If she had any doubt about what is in store for her, Hook's immediate reply leaves no room for interpretation. “Our Emma,” he corrects and tilts his head, “at least for tonight.”
She swallows, her mouth dry all of a sudden, and he pushes away from the desk to approach her with an eager grin. There's not much space to cross, but he still manages to swagger those few steps over to her. Emma stands rooted to the spot, like frozen in place, as he slowly walks around her, drawing a circle so close she catches a whiff of him – Killian's scent, but the note of leather a bit stronger, the spicy touch a bit headier. She resists the urge to turn her head and follow him with her eyes as he passes behind her, not ready – at least not yet – to show any signs of weakness. She knows she will be plenty weak later. But the little hairs at the back of her neck bristle, and a shudder runs through her whole frame; she manages to suppress it, but she has the feeling he can sense it.
When he's ended his inspection and is standing in front of her again, he tilts his head in a close scrutiny and runs his hand over his mouth in thought, his scruff making a scratching sound against his palm. Her heart is pounding in her chest.
“So,” he finally says, “princess or wench, what do you want to be tonight?”
The question is a little unexpected, and she turns around to Killian for a moment, her eyes seeking his in question. His expression is quiet, encouraging, but he gives no hint. With the calming feeling that he has her back, as usual, and will support her whatever may come, she faces Hook again, his curious blue eyes resting on her. She shrugs. “Anything... both... I don't know.”
He tilts his head in a nod. “Very well. You might find there's not even a big difference, don't you think, Captain Jones?” An amused grin is sent in Killian's direction.
“I suppose not, Hook,” Killian replies.
“Fine.” Hook focuses on her again and raises his eyebrows. “Shall we start with setting some rules then, lass?” Emma just stares at him blankly, and he smirks. “This might be for your pleasure, and you surely will get exactly what you need, but here on this ship... I–“ he interrupts himself, leans a little forward and motions his hand between him and Killian, “we make the demands, and you follow them.”  
A wave of desire washes over her. She always loves it when Killian gets commanding in bed, and  this seems to bring it to perfection. Taking a deep breath, she swallows and withstands Hook's taunting gaze. “Okay.”
He crinkles his nose in mild reproach. “As we're just getting started, my dear, I will let this pass,” he declares, “but from now on you'll address me as Captain, is that clear?”
The butterflies in her belly are doing backflips now, but she's trying her best to keep her eagerness under control and just replies calmly, “Yes... Captain.”
“Good girl.” He tilts his head to the side and looks past her. “I think we're all going to have a wonderful time,” he remarks to Killian who only nods a little grumpily in reply.
Hook turns to her again, tapping his index finger against his lips as if he's contemplating how to start. The tension inside her is building, and she wishes she could see Killian's face, but doesn't dare to look away from Hook. “So, you're good at taking orders, lass?” he finally asks, a devilish spark in his eyes.
Her insides seem to curl into a knot, resting hot and heavy low in her belly. Emma replies a little breathlessly, “Try me,” and, when she sees his eyebrow shoot up, adds quickly, “Captain.”
He smirks again. “Oh, I will. Let's start with something easy, shall we?” He shrugs out of his coat and lets it drop to the floor before he resumes his position, spreading his legs a little in a cocky posture, and suddenly she knows what he's about to demand. “On your knees for the Captain,” he then orders, and she feels a raging blush rise to her cheeks and more heat spread in her belly. Quick to obey, without even thinking, she drops to her knees before him, her face positioned perfectly in front of his crotch, giving her the opportunity to notice the remarkable bulge filling his tight leather pants so well. She can literally feel her mouth water in anticipation at the tempting sight. Pleasuring Killian like that has always been something she liked immensely, gaining enough of a turn-on herself from it, and this... well, this is Killian. Sort of.
He hasn't told her to do anything yet, so she just waits, refusing to drop her gaze, and he chuckles darkly in appreciation. “There's a good princess,” he comments and unties the laces of his pants, never taking his sparking eyes off hers. Her anticipation grows as he shoves his pants down just far enough to let his ready cock spring free. Taking it in his hand, he pumps it languidly twice, making it swell and harden even more which has her subconsciously lick her lips. “I think you know what to do,” he tells her in an almost challenging voice, “Let's see if that sassy mouth is as skilled as it's pretty.”
“It is,” comes Killian's voice from the side, from where he's watching the scene.
Hook chuckles again while stroking his length once more from base to tip, before he lets go of it and pushes his hips a little forward towards Emma's face. “Well, no loss if it isn't,” he comments, “if the wench doesn't know how to properly pleasure a man, it will be my pleasure to teach her.”
I'm gonna show you, Emma thinks defiantly and reaches out for him, wrapping her fingers firmly around his base and leaning forward to open up her mouth wide, closing her lips tightly around him just below the head. With a determined push, she slides down his length, flattening her tongue against his flesh. A satisfyingly sharp intake of breath proves he didn't indeed expect that assault, but probably something of a more hesitant approach. His skin is smooth and hot and salty, the familiar, yet slightly different scent filling her nostrils, and she can feel the vein on his underside throb against her touch. She takes him in until his sensitive tip touches the soft back of her throat, and then she raises the stakes and swallows around him, determined to show him she's no amateur. He groans in response, and the dirty sound shoots straight to her core. When she pulls back just as slowly, she grazes her teeth along his length and smiles to herself as far as it's possible, with her mouth occupied like that. Then she puts both hands to his knees to give herself leverage and repeats the move a little faster this time, starting to work him in earnest, lips and tongue and teeth coming together perfectly while she settles into a steady rhythm for a while.
“Ah, now that is what I call a beautiful sight,” Hook remarks hoarsely, smirking down at her. “A wanton princess on her knees, so eager to suck off a pirate.” He hums in appreciation deep in his throat as he watches her head move back and forth in a quicker pace now, his cock disappearing between her perfect lips again and again. “You have the face of an angel, lass, but the mouth of a wicked demon,” he tells her, his voice sounding a little strained now and not as nonchalant as he tried to look before.
Killian watches quietly from a few feet of distance as Emma curls her fingers around Hook's knees and her head bobs back and forth while she blows him well and thoroughly, sending her soft blonde curls in motion like a waterfall of silk. He knows from firsthand experience just how skilled her mouth really is, and as absurd as this situation is, he feels his own cock twitch in his pants. His alter ego growls, the vein on his temple standing out thick as he throws back his head, face starting to grimace in abandon while his hips are rocking back and forth, mirroring Emma's moves. Killian can see that she's adding some pressure by hollowing her cheeks now; her eyes are closed, and from the way her eyebrows twitch and curl he knows she's immensely enjoying what she's doing. It's almost like he can feel her mouth on himself, doing unspeakable things to him, bloody siren that she is, and working herself up in a state of impatient arousal. For a moment he's jealous and fights his urge to push away the pirate, grab Emma's hair and shove himself down her throat instead, but then he reminds himself that this is all for her, and he's sure he'll be well pleasured, too, at the end of the night.
“Don't hold back, lass,” Hook growls, his breath coming in heavy pants now, “Let me provide a little help.” He grabs a fistful of her hair, guiding her head and pulling her closer to him so that she has to take him in even deeper, and then he rocks his hips a bit more, thrusting into her mouth now. He's not exactly rough, but not gentle either, and she tightens her grasp at his knees to provide counter-pressure. “That's it, hold on,” he pants, “good girl, take it.” He makes a guttural sound as his hips stutter erratically while he's holding her head in place now, pressing himself deeper. Emma doesn't seem to mind, she never does, and groans around the pirate's cock, it's an impossibly wanton sound, and Killian feels himself harden even more; he whispers a curse and palms himself a few times through his jeans, seeking a little friction. Hook is grasping her hair tightly now, bordering on the edge of painful, buried balls-deep in her mouth, while he rolls his hips into her face a few more times, his release bringing relax to his features again.
He turns his eyes to Killian and is already composed enough again to smirk while he's still pressing Emma's face to his crotch. “You didn't lie,” he remarks only a little breathlessly and thrusts his aftershocks into her mouth again twice until he's satisfyingly spilled all of his release down her throat, “that mouth is indeed very skillful.” Not letting go of her hair yet, he pulls his softening cock back, and tilts his head towards Killian. “Would you like to take advantage, now that she's already on her knees so conveniently?” Of course, he hasn't failed to notice how Killian is massaging himself through the black denim reining in his erection.
As tempting as the sight is, he shakes his head once, letting his hand fall away from his crotch. “Not yet,” he replies and watches Emma open her eyes, searching for him. She looks utterly debauched with her disheveled hair, flushed face and her swollen lips, but the slight concern in her eyes is evident, and he's touched that she's obviously a little worried about his feelings. So he flashes her a soothing smile and adds, his words directed at Hook, “I think the lady should get to enjoy our attentions now.”
“True,” Hook replies and lets go of Emma's hair, in the next moment offering her his hand in a gentlemanly gesture that could look ridiculous, given the fact that he just fucked her mouth and his pants are still shoved down his thighs; it doesn't look even remotely ridiculous, of course. “Where are my manners?” he scolds himself. “An extraordinary lass like you should indeed get our full and prompt attention.”
She takes his hand and lets him pull her up to her feet, his hook at her hip steadying her for a moment before he raises its curve to touch her chin and lift her face to him. “You shall get exactly what you need, princess,” he promises in a low voice and briefly squeezes her fingers in an oddly reassuring gesture, “we're going to take good care of you.” With a glance past her and an almost conspiratorial grin in Killian's direction he leads her towards the desk and ascertains, “Isn't that right, Captain?”
“Absolutely,” Killian replies in a thick voice and follows, taking her other hand as they slowly walk her backwards towards the massive desk.
Emma's eyes are darting from one man's face to the other one's and back, drinking in their features and their expressions, both so different yet so similar. Hook is all devilish confidence, predatory glee and eager anticipation, while Killian shows a bit of all that, too, but adds a dash of concern and sweetness, his scrutiny constantly searching her face for confirmation that she's really on board with this. Never once does she hesitate, because this is Killian; in fact, both of them are, and she knows she couldn't be any safer. Even if Hook is that bit rougher, more ruthless (not that she considers that a bad thing) – he still shows those little traits of the man she loves, tiny bits that could easily be overlooked, but she notices them... and they are proof enough to her that this will end in nothing than utter bliss for her.
She squeezes their fingers, feels identical rings press into her palms, and smiles at Killian first, then at his alter ego. “I know,” she replies firmly, “I'm in the best hands.”
“That you are, love,” Killian agrees, and Hook nods.
“No harm will come to you while you're on my ship,” he declares almost solemnly, and Emma knows he's serious, trying to reassure her – which, again, could be ridiculous, but is far from it. And then, because he's a pirate, after all, he cocks his head to the side, raises an eyebrow and adds in a husky voice, “I'm afraid, though, the same can't be said for your virtue.”
She shudders in anticipation, and when her backside bumps against the solid wood of the Captain's desk, she lets go of both men's hands and lifts herself up on the desk. Killian doesn't waste any time and clears the surface with one forceful sweep of his hooked arm, sending various items to the floor with clattering sounds. His move sends shivers down her spine, as does the gleeful expression in Hook's eyes when he bends a little forward to reach down for the hem of her dress with hook and hand.
“It's good form to return a favor granted by”, he pauses shortly to run his tongue over his bottom lip, “a lady.” Slowly, he pulls her skirts up, revealing her bare legs, and drapes them almost meticulously over her hips, and she leans back on her elbows to give him room. He tilts his head in an appreciative nod and gently nudges the inside of her thighs to urge them apart. “Let me see your treasure,” he almost purrs, and she obliges without hesitation. Needless to say that in her dreams, the bar wench dress always comes without knickers.
“Very good, Emma,” Killian murmurs and brushes his lips over her right temple.
“Gorgeous,” Hook comments in a raucous voice when his hungry gaze falls between her legs where she's aching for his touch, and she feels a blush warm her cheeks. The pirate runs his ringed index finger lightly along her entrance, making her gasp and clench; the minute caress has a new rush of desire flow through her veins, adding to the arousal already caused by the blowjob she's given him.
“Lay back, love,” Killian prompts, and she lets herself sink on her back with him supporting her. The last thing she sees from Hook is him sinking to his knees, the view of his dark head between her thighs unfortunately obstructed by her billowing skirts. The first touch of his devil tongue coaxes a moan from her lips, and Killian smiles down at her while his fingers untie the laces that hold her corset. “I want you to let go,” he tells her and uses his hook to slowly pull the laces out of their loops, loosening the garment, “No holds barred.” She bites her lip and nods, relaxing against Hook's playful tongue with a sigh, while Killian pulls her blouse down to reveal her breasts, her peaks already pebbled in anticipation.
Killian bends down over her and kisses her briefly on the lips before he glides lower, his mouth finding her madly thrumming jugular vein and sucking a mark into her skin right there that has her claw at the fabric of her dress. In a brief detour, he brings his mouth close to her ear and whispers, “Don't be afraid to really get into it...”
His hand cups her left breast, the thumb stroking over her taut nipple in a slow circular motion, and his lips close around her right one the same moment Hook's mouth assaults her clit for good and starts to gently suck on it.
Emma cries out and arches her back, trying to intensify the contact of both men's lips to her breasts and her core, and both bastards chuckle against her skin. The sensation is mind blowing, the sensation of being stimulated like that, and she just can't keep still. Her lover's mouth, she knows it so well – every nip, every stroke of the tongue and suck of the lips is familiar, even the burn of the scruff... and here she feels it simultaneously in two of her most sensitive spots. The feeling is surreal, and her head is spinning. The need to touch, to anchor herself is getting overwhelming, and instinctively she reaches down, but the voluminous skirts around her hips are making it impossible for her to touch the dark head between her legs. Hook seems to sense her need for contact, because he places his hand on her hip and runs it down her leg to her knee and back up again a few times in a casual caress, like he's trying to calm her, unlatching his mouth from her core for a moment to murmur, “Easy, lass... we're just getting started.”
She fumbles blindly with her right hand, and when she finds Killian's hook, she clutches it tightly and moans when he gently bites down on her nipple, his thumb drawing lazy circles around the other one.
He soothes the sting with his tongue and lips and starts to roll her right nipple between his skilled fingers. Hook at the same time alternates between working her clit with lips and teeth, using the latter very gently, twirling his tongue around her nub, then letting it flutter along her entrance when it seems like she can't take it anymore. Nimbly, he has her teetering on the brink of falling apart only to pull her back again just when she thinks she will. He downright refuses to let her crumble – yet – and it's driving her crazy, it's torture... it's mind-numbing and one of the most intense things she's ever experienced. She needs to come, desperately and embarrassingly soon, but at the same time she never wants it to end. Cursing softly, she presses her palm into the hard wood to give herself leverage. Her hips are bucking upwards again, and she feels Hook's fingers press into her thigh as he turns his head to the right and brushes his lips over the tender flesh of her groin, his stubble scraping across the sensitive skin.
Killian releases her swollen nipple with a wet pop and lifts his head to look at her. A loving smile crinkles the fine skin around his eyes. “I'm sure you can hold out a little longer,” he whispers, “can you?”
She feels Hook pepper more gentle kisses across the insides of her thighs, giving her a moment to breathe, and nods wordlessly.
“That's my Swan,” Killian replies and showers her chest with kisses until he concentrates again on the spot of before while Hook resumes his torture, too, and Emma's eyes flutter shut once more.
Soon and the men have settled into their rhythm again, and so has she. They are pushing her to the brink of madness and pulling her back again, never tiring in their ministrations, while she's writhing like a mermaid on dry land and making pleading noises that seem to spur them on even more. Their lips and tongues are working in perfect sync, and she longs for just that little more that will bring her release, but they don't seem willing to give it.
Hook is of course the one who could speed up things, and she wishes he would bring his hand into play, longs to feel those fingers curl inside her, as she knows they can tear her apart in no time. But all he does is hold her in place, stroking her skin with his thumb from time to time. Her hips start to move on their own accord as her moans and sighs become more urgent.
After a final swipe of his tongue, Hook unlatches his mouth from her center, and she hears his amused voice, “The lady is impatient.”
Killian lifts his head, too, and it's almost a relief that she can catch a breath for a moment, even though it's kind of frustrating at the same time. He looks down at her with a warm gleam in his eyes, affectionate and with a hint of roguishness. Raising a playful eyebrow, he replies, “Is she, now?”
Emma lifts herself up on her elbows to see what's going on. “Why did you stop?” she asks in an urging voice, directed at no one in particular, yet directed at both.
Hook chuckles and gets up to his feet again, his palm lightly resting on her thigh. “See, it's like I said,” he comments in that cocky tone that's always been one of the pirate's trademarks, “princess or wench, they're all alike once they're splayed out on my desk, squirming and begging for more.”
Emma refrains from retorting that she hasn't begged – yet; she has a feeling that might change soon. Hook leans a little forward and bores his eyes into hers. “Much as I'd like to enjoy a little more of your exquisite taste...” He swipes his thumb across his bottom lip and then sucks its tip into his mouth provocatively. “What say you, Captain,” he addresses Killian, all the while never taking his eyes off Emma's, “how about we raise the stakes a bit?”
“We definitely should,” Killian replies, and Emma feels goosebumps break out on her torso.
Hook tilts his head. “She's ready to be taken,” he says and waves his hand at Killian invitingly. “You should do her the honors, Captain.”
Her eyes fly to him, and she sees his Adam's apple bob when he swallows thickly before looking down at her with hooded eyes. His voice is raucous and soft at the same time when he speaks, seductive like pure sin. “May I be of service to you, Swan?”
The low timbre makes her stomach flutter, and her reply comes breathlessly, but immediately, “Oh God yes, please, Killian...”
With one last smile down at her he runs his fingertips over her cheek. “As you wish.”
When he takes two steps to the end of the desk, Hook makes room for him between her legs and sways out his hand in an inviting gesture, tilting his head in a little bow. Killian doesn't even look at him, he's just way too enthralled by the breathtaking sight he's privileged to enjoy. Emma is indeed splayed out on the desk, her chest bare and flushed and heaving, her skirts gathered around her hips, her spread legs exposing her where she's pink and wet and wanting, he can see it, and he can even smell it, and it makes him all but dizzy. She's still leaning on her elbows, her eyes shimmering in a dark emerald green, urging him in a silent plea.
“She's a bloody marvel, isn't she?” Hook's almost solemn voice shakes him from his momentary reverie.
He tilts his head in a nod without taking his eyes off her, “Always.” Then he shrugs out of his leather jacket and lets it fall to the floor, not far from Hook's coat, before he unbuckles his belt. Emma draws in a sharp breath at this, and his anticipation grows. Already aroused by the show he was given earlier with Emma on her knees in front of Hook, pleasuring her simultaneously with his alter ego fueled his desire even more and has him rock hard now. Hearing her moans and sighs and soft curses, realizing he's the one to elicit them from her, has always been highly addictive to him, and if this time Hook helped to work her up, his scruff burn clearly visible on the insides of her thighs now, it doesn't take away any of it. Deftly as ever, he unbuttons and unzips his jeans and shoves them down, finally freeing his almost painfully throbbing cock from its strict denim confines with a sigh of relief.
He steps so close that the tips of his boots almost bump the side of the massive desk, aligning himself at her entrance without further teasing or delay. Even before they actually touch, he can feel the heat emanating from her core, and when his sensitive tip finally comes in contact with her slick flesh, he holds his breath. Achingly slowly, he sinks into her, deliberately controlling his moves, like he's afraid to lose his mind if he doesn't, and stills for a moment to exhale carefully when he's fully seated in her body. She feels marvelously tight, all wet and swollen from her arousal.
“God,” Emma moans, her spine arching away from the desk.
Hook is there beside her now, taking his place, gently brushing a damp lock from her face. “I told you we'd take good care of you,” he murmurs and bends down to kiss her neck.
Killian holds her firmly with his hand at her left hip and the dull curve of his hook at the other side and pulls back slowly, all the way. Even though she's incredibly wet, the friction is mind-blowing, and he throws his head back for a moment, groaning deep in his chest while he slides back in. He repeats the movement, it's a little less slow this time, but still very contained and deliberate, and Emma wraps her legs around his hips and crosses her ankles behind his back, trapping him and pulling him in even closer, and he feels that he's getting in danger of losing control with every push.
Emma's blood is singing in her ears, the amazing drag of Killian's cock along her walls driving her insane while Hook is sucking at her pulse point before bringing his lips to her right ear in a hoarse whisper.
“Have you ever had your mouth fucked by another mouth?” For a moment, she looks up at him in confusion, and he smirks. “And I don't mean kissing, love.”
Then he leans down and takes her mouth with his, it can't be described in other words, possessively and firmly, and she can't help but open up for him which she eagerly does. He starts to literally thrust his tongue into her mouth in the very same rhythm as Killian thrusts between her legs now that he's found the perfect pace: languidly, slowly, and deeply. She tastes herself on Hook's lips and tongue, something that has never bothered her, and he was right, this is not kissing, it's a completely different experience. It's raw and primal, yet sensual and wanton. That he and Killian are so completely in sync makes it mind-blowing, it feels indeed like being fucked by both men at the same time, and Emma thinks she'll combust on the spot. Every time Killian buries himself in her slick, swollen heat, she moans into Hook's mouth, desperate for them to speed things up, teetering on the verge of an orgasmic explosion already. The men though seem to have an unspoken accord to keep her exactly there and not move things along for a while. She can't do anything but desperately grope for more contact, as Hook isn't even touching her anywhere with his hand, and this time her fingers find his hair, slightly longer than her Killian's, but just as smooth to the touch. She grabs a fistful of it and pulls, eliciting a very satisfied sounding growl from his throat.
Killian's moves are still steady but lazy, and he keeps holding back with every ounce of self control he has, knowing it will be a mind blowing experience for her as well as for himself if he drags this out as long as possible. While he rolls his hips slowly into her, he has the time to watch the scene unfolding before him – her skirts hiked up around her waist, her torso bared, her beautiful long legs splayed wide to accommodate him, and his cock gliding in and out in a maddeningly slow, sensual rhythm. Every time he slides home, his pubic bone grinds against her clit, swollen and sensitive, her back arches and her muffled moans spur him on even more and make it impossibly harder not to let go and ride her to completion right here and now.
Emma squirms and writhes, the fingers of her right hand curling in the Captain's already wildly mussed hair while Hook's mouth is on hers, and he uses his hook to tease one of her nipples, just like Killian knows she likes. The pirate doesn't use his hand on her, though; his fingers are wrapped around his own cock, working his length lazily but steadily in the rhythm of his kisses. Killian can see that he's hard already, and he's obviously getting himself ready for her again, having Killian wonder what he has in mind.
Emma's moans are getting more and more urgent now, but are muffled by Hook's tongue in her mouth, and it looks almost obscene how his lips slant over hers. Again, Killian gets inexplicably turned on by watching this, but suddenly, a pang of absurd jealousy hits him.
“Hook, stop,” he growls and slows down his moves even more.
The pirate releases Emma's mouth, looks up and raises a questioning eyebrow, his hand not ceasing to work his cock.
“You finish this,” Killian tells him roughly, “I want to take her mouth.”
Hook's grin is positively filthy. “With pleasure,” he replies. When Emma, who obviously hasn't noticed the exchange, tries to pull him back down again, he turns his head to the left and presses a kiss to the inside of her wrist. “I'll be right back with you, love,” he murmurs and chuckles at her whine of protest when he straightens his back.
Emma is startled when Hook's mouth is suddenly gone, and at the same time Killian pulls out of her, and she's left empty and longing. She lifts herself on her elbows and blinks, trying to focus which is pretty difficult with all the hormones raging through her body. “Wha- what is going on?” she stutters when she sees Killian step back from the desk.
His face is flushed, and he's breathing heavily, obviously his arousal not less intense than hers, but he smiles at her and offers her his hand. “Just a little change of plan. Trust me?”
She takes his hand and lets him pull her up. “Of course,” she replies and hops from the desk when he indicates her to. Her skirts fall down to her ankles again, covering her slightly wobbly legs.
“Good.” He brushes his lips over her knuckles, then passes her hand on to Hook and steps away.
Emma's eyes fly to Hook's face in question and anticipation, and he gives her that devilish smirk that always had her insides turn to mush since she met him – Killian – for the first time, before he gives a quick, surprising pull at her hand that has her almost stumble that last step forward and bump into him. She steadies herself with her other hand against his chest and marvels for a second at the smooth feeling of the red vest against her fingers. Their faces are so close now that their noses almost touch, and she can't help but drop her gaze for a split second to look at his mouth that just ravished hers so thoroughly.
He lowers his voice to a deep hum. “I think we've all earned ourselves some relief now, don't you think?”
She can only nod and swallow at this, her excitement sitting like a tight lump in her throat. Her body is tingling all over from the insane stimulation she got so far from both men, and she wants nothing more than finally reach that cliff now to jump off and throw herself completely into the fire.
Hook tilts his head in a commanding gesture. “Turn around and bend over the desk, princess, down on your elbows.”
Emma swallows again, but then obliges eagerly, slowly turning away from him. She bends forward across the desk, incredibly turned on by Hook's words and his tone. Her gaze falls on Killian who is slowly pacing back and forth in the cabin with his cock still free and standing to attention. He's eyeing her hungrily, shooting a bolt of lightning right to the pit of her stomach and then lower, and gives her a tiny nod. Carefully, she lowers herself down and leans on her elbows, her fingers curling around the edge of the desk. She hears the dry rustle of fabric and feels the cool air against the newly exposed bare back of her thighs when Hook lifts her skirts once more.
“Now spread your pretty legs for me, lass,” he orders, and with a deep breath she does, but it's obviously not to his entire satisfaction. With a loud smack, his hand lands on her ass, and she gasps in surprise at the sting. “Wider,” he growls. More warmth rushes to her center, and she obeys and shifts her legs apart a little more. He leans in close, pressing his front to her back, and his hot breath licks over her throat when he asks in an almost incredulous voice, “Did you like that?”
“Quite possibly,” Killian throws in hoarsely, and his alter ego chuckles darkly.
Emma doesn't reply, she can barely concentrate on keeping breathing, and another sound slap is delivered to her right cheek, sending a bolt of heat straight to her core where she's still tingling from the sensation of Killian's cock inside her mere minutes ago. “Answer me!” Hook commands sternly. “Say it.”
The moan she let out the moment his palm made contact with her flesh again should have been answer enough, but she knows this isn't what he's after. It surely spurs him on, though. “I'm waiting,” he growls and slaps her left cheek again, hard enough to make the sensation teeter perfectly along that fine line between pleasure and pain.
“Yes,” she gasps, finally finding her ability to form words again, “yes, I liked it!”
He leans in again, his lips against her ear, and whispers raucously, “The moment I saw you, I knew you were a naughty one, m'dear. I should take my leather belt and do it properly, but for now, my cock has other plans.” To make his point, he rolls his hips against her butt in a dirty grind, and she hisses at the sensation of his coarse body hair against her sensitized skin. The plans of his twitching cock, however, are evident; and Emma has no intention to object in any way. She whimpers in a plea and pushes back automatically in search for friction, more desperate for her release now than ever .
“I know,” he replies, “I know. Now let's not forget about good form... ask nicely for what your heart desires, princess, don't be shy.”
She closes her eyes, the rush of the blood in her ears louder than the splashing of the waves against the ship. “God... please...” she begs now, devoid of all shame.
“Please what?” His rough palm slides almost tenderly over her tingling flesh, “I'll need you to be a bit more specific, lass.”
Her gaze flies to Killian who is standing only a few steps away from her, quietly watching them, his fingers wrapped around his throbbing length. She's thrilled to see his eyes sparkling devilishly, and he tilts his head in a barely perceptible, encouraging nod. He is definitely approving of this. “You heard the Captain,” he says, deep and gravelly his voice, and Emma leans heavily down on her elbows as her knees feel too weak to support her any longer.
“Please,” she repeats, almost sobbing with need, “fuck me, Captain. I need you.” Her eyes search for Killian's again when she adds, “I need you both.”
“Hmmm,” Hook hums in contentment, “see, that was easy. Whatever you wish for will be granted.” He seizes her hip, his fingers firmly pressing into her flesh, and lowers his voice even more, as if he knows exactly what that dark, husky murmur does to her. “But let me just clarify,” he tells her pointedly, “We're done with slow and languid. I'm going to ride you hard and fast now, princess, like the wanton wench that you are, and when I tell you so, you will open your pretty mouth for Captain Jones, do you understand?”
“Yes,” she pants impatiently, “yes, Captain!”
“Such a good wench,” he praises and, with a roll of his hips, drags his length along her core, coating himself in the vivid proof of her arousal. An almost feral growl rumbles deep in his chest, full of obvious appreciation. “Gods, you're so wet, you really liked that punishment, didn't you?”
Before she can deliver a reply – probably he doesn't even expect one – she feels the swollen head of him nudge her entrance as he aligns himself. She has barely the time to draw a deep breath and brace herself before he slams into her, making her cry out. “Ah, so this is what you want,” he comments the colorful mix of curse words and pleas that falls from her lips. He stills inside her for a moment, before pulling out almost completely and slamming back in again. “Let me tell you, you feel amazing around my cock,” he says, and his voice is slightly strained again, a bit like he's speaking through gritted teeth. He repeats his vicious move a few times mercilessly, making her cry out every time, but then his strikes are gradually coming faster, and she starts to pant and moan. Hook's filthy words of praise make her feel like she's melting on the spot. His ringed fingers dig into her hip as he thrusts into her hard and fast now, again and again, while the noises she makes become louder and louder and sound like they're not from this world.
Killian watches with fascination, and the sight of Emma being ravished so thoroughly by his alter ego does things to him he never thought possible, but he doesn't find the energy – or any reason, for all that matters – to feel guilty about it. Her gorgeous breasts swing in the rhythm of Hook's pushes, and her face is flushed and enraptured in pure ecstasy as the Captain relentlessly drives into her from behind. Killian pumps his cock in the increasing rhythm of the pirate's deep thrusts and takes a step nearer.
“That's good,” he murmurs hoarsely, his hand moving faster, “isn't it, Swan?”
But Emma is unable to reply, she seems completely lost in her own world of pleasure, but her guttural moans are undeniable proof that she's very much here.
“Every wanton princess's wet dream, isn't it,” Hook states more than he inquires as he continues pounding into her, “being bent over a desk and thoroughly fucked by a pirate. Well, the fates are smiling upon you, lass.” He slides his hook around a thick strand of her hair and wraps it around the metal in a deft move, pulling her head back. “Open up, darling,” he commands.
Emma looks up at her True Love, her eyes hooded with lust. “Killian, please,” she pants and reaches for him, and that's when he snaps.
“Bloody hell, Emma,” he growls and guides his cock to her open mouth, his fingers entangling in her disheveled hair the moment Hook lets go of it. He's too far gone to do this gently, but she doesn't seem to mind, judging by the newly added wantonness of her moans at his first thrusts. He fists into her hair and fucks her mouth deep and fast in the same rhythm Hook's cock is pumping into her. Her cries are muffled by his flesh now, but he can still hear by the high-pitched tone of her voice that she's close, and so is he. Finally, he explodes into her mouth with a groan in the same moment that she collapses on the desk with a cry, and Hook thrusts twice more before he follows and spills himself inside her.
For almost a minute, the room is completely quiet except for the sounds of their heavy breathing,  still mixed with pants and gasps here and there, coming from all three of them. This ride has left none of them unaffected.
Emma is seeing stars, her nerves are singing everywhere in her body, and all her senses are just overstimulated. She doesn't even notice when both men pull out of her again, her head is spinning too much. She has the feeling that she can barely catch air, her lungs are begging for oxygen, and she tries to push herself into a standing position but fails miserably; the muscles of her arms and legs are vibrating uselessly.
“Come here, love.” A strong arm is wrapped around her waist, and then Hook pulls her up gently.   He holds her almost carefully against his chest while Killian is tucking himself away, and she can feel his still erratic heartbeat. “Breathe,” he murmurs, “just breathe.” Gradually, she calms down, and he tells her quietly, “Killian Jones is a very lucky man.” His hand glides a little higher, and his ringed thumb trails the curve of her sweat-covered lower ribcage in a casual caress that could have easily gone unnoticed, but Emma doesn't miss it, even though her head is dizzy, her veins still full of adrenaline. Hook's touch lacks any sensual quality, and that's not a bad thing at all; surprisingly, it's purely soothing.
“Time to get some rest,” he almost hums into her ear while she lets her head fall back against his shoulder, completely spent, unable to answer but trusting he'll support her. “Your legs are shaking.” His low voice is bare of all smugness but tinged with a hint of tenderness instead, which has her smile to herself quietly and knowingly. There has always been a bit of Killian Jones in Captain Hook, and vice versa.
Killian rounds the desk and reaches out for her. “Emma, are you–“
“Better lay her down for a moment,” Hook advises and lets only go of her once he's handed her over safely and Killian pulls her into his arms to lead her across the small cabin to the narrow bed. She finds that her knees are indeed a little weak and holds on to his arm that's steadying her to secure her steps.
“I got you, love,” he assures and brushes his lips across her damp hairline, and then she sinks onto the mattress with a sigh, pulling him with her, tucking herself against him.
She can feel sleep reach out for her and murmurs in response, “I know.”
The last sensation before she drifts off is the coolness of a damp washcloth on her skin and Hook's soothing voice, “There, there, princess, it's all good. All good.”
When she wakes up, slowly drifts into consciousness, it's dark in the room. She's still curled up snugly against Killian in her favorite position: her head tucked in the crook between his shoulder and his jaw, her leg thrown over his, and her hand resting at his hipbone. She notices that the voluminous dress is gone, as are his clothes – all replaced by comfortable jersey nightwear, which seems... odd. It takes her a few moments to realize that they're at home in their own bed, and not on the Captain's narrow bed on the Jolly Roger. Obviously, there's no Captain either.
She snorts an embarrassed little laugh and turns her head to hide her hot face against Killian's scruffy neck while he's sleeping so peacefully and innocently, unaware of the roller coaster she just went through in her dream... her very vivid dream. She might have fantasized a mind-blowing orgasm only seconds ago, but waking up right during the aftermath has her burning with want. Suddenly, she becomes aware of the throbbing warmth and the wetness between her thighs, and almost as if they have a will of their own, her hips roll forward, pressing her aching center against Killian's thigh. She sighs and draws a deep breath that fills her nostrils with his warm scent, fueling her desire even more. When she repeats the move, he shifts a little in his sleep and mumbles something unintelligible. Encouraged, she lets her hand stray from his hip and smiles to herself when she finds him half-hard underneath his sweatpants. She cups him a little firmer through the soft fabric and grinds against his leg again, turning her head so she can nip at the side of his neck, tracing that constellation of freckles with her lips and tongue.
As a reaction, he groans softly and rolls his hips a little upwards, rutting into her hand. Slowly, he seems to drift into consciousness. “Swan?” he murmurs and runs his hand up her thigh that's still thrown over his.
“It's Mrs. Jones now,” Emma whispers and bites lightly down on his earlobe. “I think you need a little reminder...”
Killian chuckles in the moonlit darkness, his voice still thick with sleep, but he's obviously very awake now. “Again?” he asks pointedly in mild amusement and squeezes her behind.
“Are you complaining?” she teases, perfectly knowing he isn't.
“Far be it from me,” he replies and turns his head to face her and capture her lips for a slow and thorough kiss that burns with barely restrained fire. “But you should remember one thing, Mrs. Jones...”
She smiles widely and lets go of the now fully erect bulge in his pants to cup his scruffy jaw instead, tenderly running her thumb across the faint scar below his eye. “And what's that, Captain?” she asks with tenderness.
He leans his forehead against hers, his eyes reflecting the moonlight. “You'll always be Swan to me.”
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leigh-kelly · 6 years
And Don’t It Feel Good?
Some 80s AU.
Brittany is really excited about her and Santana’s anniversary. She knows that Santana has been planning this big dinner thing and she won’t take that away from her but she wants to do something for Santana too, she wants to show her how much she means to her and even if she’ll never have the kind of money that Santana does to spend on fancy gifts, Brittany has been putting a little money aside every week so she can buy something for the love of her life.
Because she doesn’t want to go shopping alone, Brittany calls Artie. He’s usually home during the day and he agrees to go look at gifts for Santana with her. Brittany is surprisingly nervous about it, knowing that she has to be really careful about what she buys Santana and she’s glad she has a second set of eyes to help her figure out what the best thing to get is.
“So you’re buying jewelry?” Artie asks, popping a wheelie in his wheelchair.
“Yeah, but nothing gaudy. She likes simple and classy stuff and it can’t be anything with hearts or something.”
“Is it hard being with someone in the closet?”
“Sometimes.” Brittany shrugs. “But she’s like, sort of out, you know? Just not to her family or at work, or like, in not gay spaces. It’s just different for people like her than it is for people like us. You’re a film maker, I’m a dancer, we’re pretty much supposed to be a bunch of queers.”
“I guess. So nothing that looks like it was bought by another woman?”
“Exactly. I was thinking maybe like, a chain that has my birthstone on it. Then everybody else can just think that she likes the color but she can know that she gets to keep me close to her heart.”
“You never struck me as a romantic.” Artie laughs. “And yet here you are.”
“She’s like, totally romantic and I want to try to do something awesome back. I couldn’t really afford to buy her anything nice until now, but since she refuses to let me pay a single bill, I was able to save a bunch of money to buy her a gift. So let’s do this.”
Brittany pushes Artie’s wheelchair into the jewelry store and she spends an hour looking over every single piece, even the ones way out of her price range. She finally goes back to her original idea and looks over the birthstones, picking out a ruby on a gold chain. Red totally suits Santana too, so it’s perfect and she has the cashier wrap it up for her. She’s a little nervous about whether or not Santana is going to like it, but Artie assures her that she will. Because Santana isn’t working late, Brittany declines Artie’s offer to come hang out with everyone and she goes home to hide the necklace in her drawer before Santana gets home.
Over the next few days, Brittany keeps checking the drawer to make sure that the necklace is still there, as if it was going to disappear, and each time she sees the wrapped box, she breathes a sigh of relief. On the morning of their anniversary, she’s the first one out of bed, wanting to bring Santana breakfast before she gets up for work. Because she’s a terrible cook, she turns on the coffee pot and runs around the corner to pick up Santana’s favorite omelet from the diner there. When she gets home, she slides it out of the styrofoam and onto a plate, then pours a cup of coffee for Santana before padding back into the bedroom.
“Brittany, what are you doing up?” Santana mumbles, rolling over in bed.
“I brought you breakfast.” She grins. “Don’t worry, I didn’t make it.”
“I’d still eat it if you made it.” Santana smiles, sitting up and leaning over to give Brittany a kiss. “You really didn’t have to do this.”
“If I would have had time I would have gone to the diner where I took you the first night we met...but then you would have been late for work and I don’t want to make you grumpy today.”
“Nothing can make me grumpy today. It’s been a year since you made my life so much better and I’m happy that we get to celebrate.”
“Duh, obviously me too.”
“I made reservations for tonight, I hope that’s okay.”
“Santana.” Brittany laughs, kissing her lips again. “I know you and I figured you would. I get out of work at five.”
“I know. I made the reservations for eight so you have time to come home and get ready.”
“You didn’t have to do any of this.”
“There are a lot of things I can’t give you, but I can give you this. Let me.”
“Okay. I will.”
After Santana eats her breakfast, Brittany goes back under the covers while she showers. She doesn’t have to be at work until eleven and considering she’s not the best morning person, she wants to go back to sleep. She does wake up again though when Santana kisses her goodbye and she promises that she’ll be ready by the time she gets home from work. Brittany sees that Santana is kind of giddy when she leaves and she thinks it’s the cutest thing.
When Brittany finally gets out of bed, she’s in a really good mood. She goes to work and she doesn’t even feel grumpy about teaching jazz aerobics to old people. She chats with Carl and Emma, she spends half of her lunch break in the studio practicing a dance she made up, she just feels good because it’s a really good day. By the time she leaves, she’s tired but she know she has an amazing night ahead of her so she gulps a hot coffee before she jumps on her bike and then she speeds home, wanting to be showered and ready before Santana walks in the door.
It turns out she has a lot of time and she relaxes in the shower, letting the hot water soothe her sore muscles from work. She gets out and she gels her hair before she pulls on a tight dress and takes a lot of time with her makeup. She’s just finishing up when Santana walks in the door and she grins when she sees her enter the bedroom. She looks really sexy in a pantsuit and Brittany sort of wishes they didn’t have dinner reservations so she could rip it off of her and throw her down on the bed. Sue her, her girlfriend is really sexy and she can’t control herself.
“What?” Santana asks, seeing the way Brittany looks at her.
“Do you know how hot you are? I mean, like, for reals, it’s taking everything in me to keep my hands off of you.”
“I’m just in work clothes...”
“Which you obviously look the hottest in. Are you wearing that to dinner? Because I might not be able to keep my hands off of you.”
“I’m changing.” Santana laughs. “I don’t want to feel like I’m at a work meeting.”
“Can we role play tonight that you’re the banker and I’m your client?”
“The last time we tried to role play I felt really weird...”
“Okay fine.” Brittany smiles and kisses Santana. “But I’m still going to rock your world when we get home.”
“I’m kind of counting on it.”
Santana changes and then they’re out on the curb hailing a cab to take them to the French restaurant where they had their late night date after Santana freaked out. Brittany is so glad that they’re in a good place and though she wishes she could hold Santana’s hand in the cab, she settles for the closeness to her and the idea that later on, she’ll have her all to herself where she can touch her everywhere and make her forget her own name. She loves when Santana’s mind goes blank and she loves that she can to that to her and when they get out of the cab outside the restaurant, Brittany feels a little flushed just thinking about later.
They’re led to the back of the restaurant where Santana requested a private table and Brittany smiles as she watches Santana tip the maitre’d. She thinks it’s really sexy that Santana is important and she loves watching her walk into a place with authority. They’re barely seated when a waiter brings them a bottle of champagne and then he steps back, giving them privacy with their glasses as their menus.
“I want to give a toast.” Santana murmurs, looking down into her glass. “To the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and to another fifty years with you.”
“Yeah, Britt. I know I was weird at Mike and Artie’s wedding, but I never don’t want to be with you. I’ve found my person in you and I hope you’ll have me for that long.”
“I’m not going anywhere, babe. Seriously, I plan to grow old with you and travel the world with you when you finally get to retire.”
“You know it’ll be awhile, right?”
“Totally. But I’m going to be here for it. Imagine how much more relaxed you’ll be.”
“I’m sorry I’m so high strung all the time...”
“You don’t have to be sorry, that’s who I fell in love with. But I do want you to be able to not feel so anxious because it’s better for you.”
“I know.” Santana nods, then stops talking so they can both look at their menus. “Do you know what you want?”
“I think so, yeah. I’m just so excited thinking about giving you your present that I can hardly focus.”
“Brittany, you didn’t have—“
“I wanted to. You always buy me the best things and I might not have the kind of money that you do, but I saved to get you something special.”
The waiter comes back to the table and they order their food, Santana perfectly pronouncing the French even though she doesn’t speak it, and Brittany stumbling over the words but being clear enough so the waiter understands. When he leaves, Brittany takes the wrapped package out of her bag and Santana does the same from hers, sliding a long flat box across the table. Brittany grins at her and hands the gift she’s so excited about to Santana, who flushes.
“It’s a jewelry box.”
“I mean, yeah, but don’t do that thing you do where you try to guess gifts when the box is right in front of you.” Brittany laughs. “Open it.”
“Is that...” Santana unwraps the box and fingers the necklace inside. “My birthstone?”
“No, and it’s obscene that you don’t know that.” Brittany shakes her head. “It’s mine.”
“I knew getting you a heart or something would make Terry ask you questions at work, so I figured this could be a private little way of you having me with you.”
“I...” Santana tears up a little and takes the necklace out of the box, clasping it around her neck. “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given to me.”
“You really like it?”
“I love it so much. I wish I could kiss you right now to show you.”
“I’ll settle for this.” Brittany gives Santana’s hand a quick squeeze under the table. “Now me!”
Quickly, Brittany unwraps the package and finds the now familiar red Cartier box beneath the paper. She shakes her head at Santana, thinking it’s absurd that she spends so much money on her, and then opens the box. Inside is a chain with two joined rings on it and Brittany loses her breath. Considering the conversation they’d had the night of Artie and Mike’s wedding, it’s a lot to handle and she looks at Santana for an explanation.
“It’s not in place of an engagement ring.” Santana shakes her head. “I just wanted to let you know that I thought a lot about it and it’s a promise. I don’t know when I’ll be comfortable with the idea of a marriage that isn’t equal to everyone else’s, but someday I will be and you’re the only person I’ll ever want that with.”
“Jeeze.” Tears stream down Brittany’s face. “Okay.”
After putting her necklace on, it takes everything in Brittany not to dive across the table and kiss Santana. But she controls herself and their dinner comes shortly after. They eat in almost silence, both of them clearly reflecting on the year they’ve had together, and the finish the bottle of champagne before Santana orders another. When dessert is done and they’re both a little drunk, Santana makes to stand up and Brittany follows suit. They make their way out to the curb and Santana hails a cab, sliding in first so Brittany doesn’t have to.
The whole way home, Brittany notices that Santana fingers her necklace and she realizes that it’s the first time anyone has ever bought her a piece of jewelry. A shock of hair falls across her face, illuminated in the streetlights and Brittany longs to tuck it behind her ear. It feels like forever until they get home and Brittany can hardly wait to touch Santana. As soon as the door is closed behind them, Brittany pulls Santana to her and just holds her in an embrace. There’s no rush to have sex, there can be a moment of just being and Brittany breathes in the scent of Santana’s shampoo as she holds her close. A year ago, everything was brand new and now here they are, their whole life spread out before them.
“Thank you for dinner.” Brittany murmurs.
“Thank you for you.” Santana whispers back. “Do you want wine or anything?”
“I’m totally a little drunk from the champagne. I mostly just want to take you to bed.”
Santana nods and Brittany releases her from the embrace. They go to the bedroom and Santana stands in front of the bed. They both know that Brittany is really into undressing her so she doesn’t make to take off her dress. Instead, she pulls back the comforter and waits until Brittany stands in front of her, slowly easing the zipper down her back and kissing her shoulder. Brittany is always so adventurous when it comes to sex, but she knows that Santana’s favorite is soft and intimate and she wants to give her that. She slides the dress down Santana’s body and she slides her hands up Santana’s back, playing with her bra clasp before actually unhooking it.
When she finally does expose Santana’s breasts, she kisses her on the lips first, the moves her mouth lower, peppering kisses down her neck, across her collar bone, over the tops of her breasts, before stopping to take a nipple into her mouth. Santana arches into Brittany as she does it and Brittany smiles against her skin, letting her hands begin to slide down Santana’s panty hose. Putting her hands back against the bed to hold herself up, Santana has the balance so that when Brittany removes her mouth from her nipple and goes to finish undressing her, she has the balance to lift one foot at a time off the ground.
Once Santana is undressed, Brittany lays her back on the bed and quickly gets her own clothes off before crawling over Santana. She loves how she looks splayed out on silk sheets and she kisses her deeply, drinking all of her in. Santana tucks Brittany’s hair behind her ears so that she can see her face and Brittany just beams down at her, reveling in her own happiness. They do nothing but kiss for a long time and Brittany winds her hair through Santana’s dark curls, trying to get as close to her as she possibly can.
“I got so lucky with you.” Santana whispers. “You’re one of a kind.”
“You deserve good things, babe, and we’re good together.”
With a smile, Brittany moves back down Santana’s body. She laves plenty of attention on her breasts because she knows that it’s a sensitive spot for Santana, but then she moves further down, kissing Santana’s still-red scar from end to end. Santana squirms a little while she does it and Brittany is aware that she’s self-conscious about it—it took her a while to show Brittany, after all—but she wants to show her how she loves every bit of her, even the parts that are imperfect. Once she’s done with the scar, she spreads Santana’s legs and settles beneath them, propping herself up on her elbows. She’s been with women before but there’s never been anything quite like going down on Santana. It’s the one time in Santana’s life where she gets to completely let loose and Brittany loves watching someone so careful and controlled let it all go.
“Britt.” Santana moans as Brittany wraps her lips around her clit.
“You’re amped.” Brittany lifts her head and grins. “You know it’s better if you let me take my time.”
Brittany works her mouth against Santana until she falls apart, feet scrabbling against the sheets, hands holding her head closer. She waits until Santana’s hands loosen in her hair before she positions herself so her sex rubs against Santana’s. They’ve only done this a few times, but while Santana was surprised about it the first time, she’s seemed to enjoy it subsequent times and Brittany loves getting off like this. Santana is hot and slippery when Brittany moves against her and the though that she’s like that only because of her makes Brittany more turned on than she can imagine.
After she feels Santana come again first, Brittany finally lets herself go. As spent as she is after she falls apart, she manages to untangle her limbs from Santana and gather her up in her arms. She loves post-sex Santana, how sleepy and cuddly and warm she is, how she rests her head on Brittany’s chest and plays with her fingers. She’s soft and relaxed and Brittany kisses the top of her head. A year ago, she couldn’t imagine that they would be here like this. She couldn’t imagine that Santana would let her in, would relax in her arms, would let herself feel safe. But she has, and it makes Brittany really happy.
“Did you really mean what you said at dinner?” Brittany asks, touching the side of Santana’s face.
“I did. After the last time we went out with Mike and Artie, I think I started to understand why they did it. Things are falling apart right now and they wanted to make that commitment to each other in spite of everything else.”
“That’s what I wanted you to see that day. I don’t need a proposal from you until you’re ready, but I just want you to understand why our love isn’t less than anyone else’s.”
“It’s just hard for me. Maybe you’re too young to remember it, but back in the early seventies, Life magazine had this whole thing about gays. My father tore it up when he caught me reading it and cancelled his subscription. Every association I had with my sexuality was a bad one until you came along. I spent years hiding in dark bars and having one night stands. The idea of...oral sex was something I couldn’t even imagine because it was way too much. Even if we were to get married, I’ll still have to hide at work and from my family. Sometimes I just think that none of this is fair to you.”
“I want you, no matter what.” Brittany promises. “All I care about is how you make me feel, and you make me feel better than I ever have in my life.”
“I’m glad, because that’s how you make me feel too.”
“What do you think it’ll be like for us in fifty years?”
“I don’t know, maybe we won’t be living in the city anymore. Maybe we buy a house on Fire Island or up in the Catskills when we retire and we walk in the woods or on the beach every day. We could sit out on our porch and have our coffee in the morning. I guess all that really matters to me is that you’re there with me in fifty years, we can figure out the rest of the details when we get there.”
“Having a house out of the city sounds good, but don’t you love it here?”
“I like it enough. I love this house.” Santana shrugs. “But we could probably keep it.”
“I like talking about the future with you. I guess before I met you, I never really thought about it, I was just living one day at a time.”
“My future feels so much better with you in it. Imagine just thinking you were going to grow old alone.”
“Babe, that makes me sad.”
“You don’t have to feel sad, it’s not that way anymore.”
Brittany has to just hold Santana tightly for a few minutes after that, not saying anything. She may not have thought about the future, but she always figured she’d be with someone. For Santana to think she would have been alone makes Brittany feel heartbroken and she plays with the chain around her neck, knowing that’s not the case anymore. Santana burrows into Brittany’s chest and she kisses the top of her head. Santana is on top everywhere in the real world, but the fact that she lets herself be vulnerable in the bedroom, lets Brittany hold her, makes Brittany feel so glad that she can be something for someone that’s given her so much.
“I wish tomorrow was Saturday.” Santana finally says. “I’d really like to sleep in.”
“By sleep in, do you mean eight o’clock?” Brittany laughs.
“Hey, it’s sleeping in for me.”
“Do you want to maybe take a ride upstate on my bike this weekend? I’m probably not going to have much longer to take it out this year and the leaves are changing so it could be totally cool.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’d like to just relax and not think about anything.”
“Is work okay?” Brittany asks.
“We don’t have to talk about work in bed.”
“If there’s something you want to talk about, I don’t care where we are.”
“It’s just been a lot of stress lately. Hudson won’t leave me alone and I think firing him will just make everyone act up worse. I don’t know what to do.”
“You’re the boss, they should respect you.”
“I’m a woman in a man’s world, a Hispanic woman at that. I’m never going to get the same respect as a man in my position.” Santana sighs.
“I think it’s kind of bullshit, you work harder than anyone.”
“Brittany, you know as well as I do that it isn’t always about how hard you work. There are workplace politics, I have to play the game and try not to ruffle any feathers. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it above Hudson to go to my higher ups if I fired him and who knows what he would say about me.”
“Are you scared about...you know?”
“I’m always scared about that. I know that standing up for Hummel put me out there but I couldn’t not do it. As far as they know, I’m single, I’m what they call a man-eater. There are tells there.”
“I’m just saying he could blackmail me with his very little evidence and concealing something and lying are two very different things.”
“So you have to let him have control?”
“I have to do what it takes to keep me job. The life we live depends on it.”
“You know we could live in a tiny one bedroom apartment and I’d still love you, right? All of this is just...extra.”
“I know.” Santana nods, playing with Brittany’s hair. “But I worked really hard for all of this and I want to keep it.”
“I get that. I just want you to protect yourself too.”
“I think that’s what I’m doing, even if it feels like a shitty way of going about it.”
“I support you whatever you want to do, I just hate when you’re all stressed out.”
“I’m very relaxed right now.” She laughs a little. “You made sure of that.”
“And we’re going to have a majorly relaxing weekend.”
“Definitely. Let’s just get through tomorrow first.”
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[Skam Italia] Internal Monologues
So yeah, I was just saying 3 days ago that I didn’t feel like translating Nico’s POV from Italian to English, but today I changed my mind. To @skamsnake​ who wrote the most beautiful collection of pieces from Niccolò’s POV ever, to @crucios​ who makes me love Nico even more every time I read her posts and to @minttobe-treehill​ <3 Credit to @silenzio-assenzio​ for the headcanon, I blame this fic on her ;D
17th Semptember 2018 - 07:59 a.m. This year will be a blast. Yeah, right. This year will be slightly better than the last. Now, that’s more likely. This year we have only to get to the state exams without taking one too many sick days, to keep a high average so that mom can get off my back. We are not here to make friends. Mingling is okay. Preventing classmates from talking behind our back is cool too. Can we get more than that? Should we? We’ll see.
The closer they get to me, the more likely it will be that they start asking about what happened at Virgilio... But I don’t wanna talk about it. I didn’t even want to get out of bed this morning, to be honest, but if I knew that if I missed the first day then my parents would start talking about sending me to a private school again.
Okay, Niccolò, let's survive this day. Don’t start worrying about the next.
8th October 2018 - 1:04 p.m. 
I’m so fucking bored. So, so bored. BOOOOOOORED. I can’t take this for 8 more months, I just can’t. The school itself is not that bad... I mean, I’m surrounded by tolerable people - apart from Covitti, who’s being a whiny bitch because he’s not the star student anymore? I don’t know what he’s got against me, really, and I don’t even care - and the teachers are decent enough, but... It’s like there’s no chance to get to know people better aside from those fleeting moments at recess. No opportunity to get rid of those fucking school-work interchange hours, either. No afterschool club in which, by sheer luck, I could run into that beautiful freckled boy. The one who is always surrounded by at least two other friends, who ain’t that bad themselves - especially the one with those baby blue eyes. 
Dream on, Niccolò. Dream on. He must have better stuff do with his time...
... than spend it with the kids from drama club. Which might be awesome, but not the right fit for me. I already play the part of a sane individual everyday, so thanks but no thanks.
"Hey... Hello! Have you ever thought of hosting your own show on the radio? "
No, you never thought about it. Who the fuck is listening that radio, anyway? Nobody. But you’ve got plenty of time to kill and you’re looking for ways to make your days a bit more varied, right? It’s still better than cleaning toilets at McDonalds, isn’t it? Or than listening to Maddi drone on about her day at Uni. To have her remind you that had you followed her advice, had you taken your meds and went to see your therapist when you were supposed to... Then you wouldn’t be stuck at high school for another year.
It’s not she does it on purpose. She doesn’t say it out loud, but you can read between the lines.
When are we gonna dump her, by the way? The 4th of never seems like the perfect day to do just that. Who is gonna listen to us when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, who’s gonna tuck us in when too exhausted to get up? Who has always been there for us, Niccolò? You know who.  Go and break her heart come on. I dare you to.
11th October 2018 - 5:43 p.m.
THERE HE IS HE. IS. HERE. OH FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK.  COME UP WITH A PLAN. DO IT FAST, NICO. YOU’RE GOOD AT THINKING ON YOUR FEET, AIN’T YOU? Okay. First of all: don’t freak out. Then: you shouldn’t look at him, he cannot not know how desperate you’ve been to see him again. Let’s pretend he doesn’t exist and that we can’t feel that he’s staring at us. He doesn’t know that I’m paranoid enough to always think that people have nothing better to do than stare at me.. That I never really got over that intrusive thought, but that I learnt not to let it get to me and tell myself either ‘well, if they’re watching let’s give them a good show’ or ‘let’s bore them to death so they will move on”. I think I’ll go with the second, today. Don’t meet his eyes. Don’t stumble on the chairs, on the desks, and please don’t choke on the cake.  Keep a modicum of dignity, please.
Greet the girls. Analyse with great interest the pattern of your plastic plate. Turn to the blackboard. Good, Nico. You’re doing great. Keep this  cool and mysterious attitude... Let him come to you.
OI. OI. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. NO. STOP THERE YOU. NOPE, NOT TALKING TO MYSELF NOW BUT TO THAT NICE GUY WHO STILL HASN’T GOT A NAME. You don’t you expect me to follow you around, do you? Or to sit in a dark room, listening to you fucking around and telling your imaginary audience how to grow weed in their closet. That's exactly why I'll do it. To turn this into something special. Something memorable.
I’m not even sure what this is. I out of my depth when I realize how easy it is to be around this guy, how I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not and put a fake smile on my lips and fill the awkward silences with inane chatter. For once in my life I’m not striving to impress, so I send a little prayer to myself: please, Niccolò, do not fuck everything up as usual by reading too much into this. Let's try to get to know him better. Let’s see if he’s really into you - maybe he’s just curious about the new guy, maybe it’s the first time an older boy talks to him... who knows? - and if there’s something we can work on.
Work on... and then what? There’s still Maddalena. Haven’t forgot about her, have you? No, I haven’t. Now, let’s not get ahear of ourselves. Nobody is daydreaming about making out with this lovely boy - you still do not know what’s his name: how hard can it be to ask, Colino? - on the school terrace. In the bathrooms. On the table, in the radio booth. Nobody is doing that. Nope. No day dreaming going on. At all. Zero. Zilch. Me and him are more than happy to share nothing more than longing looks and a cigarette, today. To forget about the world, for a minute.
And then, of course, the spell is broken. I’m not one to dislike people on principle alone, usually... but she just rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps it’s how comfortable she is with my fellow deserter, how she addresses him as though they have been friends for years... Do you know each other? Are you together? It’s really none of my business. I can tolerate her just because she gives me the opportunity to introduce myself, even if he has yet to do it. But, hey, you could get a clue and fucking understand when people are subtly telling you to get lost, couldn’t you, Emma? You don’t. Well, what could I expect from someone named Covitti, really? 16th October 2018 - 11:55 a.m. Do you wanna smoke? Yeah, why not. Let’s choose a random rendez-vous point to meet our newest ‘friend’ - one of the few you kinda like, in this shitty school - like... the balcony that overlooks IVB. Maybe you’ll get to see Marti. Marti would be Martino Rametta, from what you read on attendance records at the radio club... But you’re free to call him however you like in your head, so yeah, he’s ‘Marti’. Be cool, Niccolò. Walk like you own the place, like you know that you’re the finest guy everyone has ever laid their eyes on. Believe it, and maybe Marti will believe it too when he sees you. He might not, but just in case he might... Well, well... Look who’s there. And guess who has just totally been uncool and hit their teeth with that fucking cigarette, too distracted by a stream of ‘Ain’t I the man of your dreams, Martino? Look at me, come on, look look look LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!’ playing in their heads, to actually realize what they were doing? It could have been worse, I could have put it up my nose. And I made him smile! I’D CALL THAT A WIN, WOULDN’T YOU? I love to make him smile. Maybe I can ask to come over, someday - tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? it needs to be sooner rather than later, doesn’t it?  - and make him smile even more? Maddalena! Stop acting as if she’s not in the picture, Niccolò! Why don’t you worry about making her smile, instead? She’d lose that ‘woe is me’ attitude she got lately, which is understandable given what you put her through in the last 3 years...  and okay, why don’t you ask her out on Friday? You can go to the movies, have a double date with Matteo and Elisa - you don’t want to go out with her alone, and that should tell you something... shouldn’t it? Yeah... you know what it tells you? It’s: blah blah blah, fuck it all, as the Bard would say - and try to be the boyfriend she deserve, can’t you? Okay, now let's go back to Martino. Who’s been distracted by Sana, and that’s too bad. He’s gonna regret it as soon as he’ll turn to the window again and he won’t find anyone there anymore, for sure.
19th October 2018 -  2:22 p.m. Martino? What are you doing here? I am 100% sure I have never seen you take this bus to go home. And you aren’t following me. I would have noticed if you did. What is he watching on that smartphone? Has he got any texts from Covitti? How can that be more interesting than me?
Minding my own business is overrated, and I’m sick and tired of it. Since you weren’t raised in a barn, Niccolò, you know what you’ve got to do now. Greet him, trying not to get distracted by his eyes or his lips - a difficult but not impossible task - and lean over just enough to get a glimpse of his screen. Or be cheeky enough to blatantly look at it.  Sana. Who isn’t giving him the answer he hoped for, it seems. Maybe I can help?  And you’re giving me the perfect excuse to ask you to come over, aren’t you ,Marti? Of course I’m gonna advantage of it. When will I get another chance to find out what music you listen to, what books you read, to worship the sight of you chilling on my couch and think about how much I would like kneel at your feet and... No. Let's keep those fantasies for us, Nico. Don’t scare him off by going too fast. Let's enjoy this Friday afternoon together. Focus on your heart, so full and yet so light. Beating so heart that you it feels like it could burst out your chest any minute, now. I have never felt this way before, for anyone. Maddalena? Who’s that? 19th October 2018 - 7:30 p.m. Maddalena. Maddalena, yeah. I do remember her. Not that clearly, though. I want to tell Martino about her, but I don’t know how. It’s not like I can say 'Oh, I nearly forgot but there’s this girl I’ve been dating for the past three years. It’s nothing serious, really. Tell me you want me and I’ll dump her ass straight away, I swear.’ out of blue, when I am not even sure he does want me. I mean, I can tell that we’re flirting but am leading him on? Does he actually want this flirting to lead somewhere or we are just teasing each other for the sake of it? If I get up and kiss him, after I got rid of the taste of this shitty pasta  - which I’m still proud of having cooked, because Marti seemed really amazed by my creativity in the kitchen!  - by drinking some beer, can I be 100% sure that Martino won’t get up and leave?  No. So why talk to him about Maddalena? There is no point in doing that. I'll find the right moment to...
Oh. Great. Seems like Maddalena herself found the right moment to show up and be introduced to Marti. Of course. You do rememember you are the one who asked her out, don’t you? No, you don’t because you were too busy trying to get the brightest smiles out of Martino and to feel good about making him feel so relaxed and cheerful. And I know it's a dick move to make out with her like that, right in front of front of his eyes. Without even telling him that I had a girlfriend in the first place... but you know what? 
It’s good that he sees that I’m a shitty person, let’s not have him think otherwise. And let’s see what he’s gonna do next. If he’s gonna walk away for good, or if he’s still gonna be willing to give us a chance. Let’s wait and see. **************************** A/N:  I know it’s quite confusing but I noticed that I never address myself as “I” when I have monologues, I shift between “you” (singular) or “we”, and sometimes I throw in some thought using the “I” as well... So I wanted to Niccolò to do the same ;D They’re not linear and a they are a bit hard to follow, sometimes, I know... they are thoughts, internal monologues as the title says, not really a narration.
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snffbeebee · 6 years
A New Beginning ( Part 26 )
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Word Count - 3,738
Emma got out of the shower, then went into the balcony. Jade looked at her and let out a breath.
“ How are you doing? “
Emma leaned against the railing and let out a soft sigh.
“ I’m good. I mean I can’t say it’s not crazy, but I’m more curious that freaked. “
“ I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. “ Jade smiled.
“ I wanna know everything. “ Emma smiled.
They went and sat on the couch and Jade  told her everything about  the life that she walked away from.
“ So that’s what happened. “ Emma stated.
“ What? “
“ With you and Sam. “
“ That life isn’t for everyone. After a while. everything that you bottled up, explodes. You can’t have a normal relationship, you sleep in different run down motels every night. “
“ But you saved people Jay, You can’t tell me that, that doesn’t outweigh all of that stuff. “ 
Jade couldn’t help but smile, it really did outweigh all of the crap that came along with that life.
Dean checked out the upstairs while Sam checked the main level. Dean stepped into the last room when the door slammed shut.
“ Dean. “ Sam yelled running up the stairs.
“ Sam. “ Dean yelled back, pounding on the door.
Sam started kicking in the door when he seen a bright blue light.
“ Dean. “ He yelled once more.
With one more kicked, the door came down and Sam was standing in an empty room.
“ Dammit Dean. “
He pulled out his phone and made a few  calls After trying a few hunters, he hesitated then dialed another number. Jade pulled the blanket off her head and with her eyes still closed, she reached and answered her phone.
“ Yeah. “
“ Jade. “
Her eyes opened as she sat up.
“ Sam, it’s almost 4 am. “
“ Dean’s gone. “
“ What? “
“ We were working that ghost case the door slammed shut, there was a blue light and then he was gone. “
Jade took in a deep breath, a lot more awake then she was a minute ago.
“ I called 4 other hunters and I... I wouldn’t ask for your help if I didn’t need it. “
“ Where are you? “ She asked pulling on her jeans and boots.
“ Ridge Drive 3652 “
“ Saint Louis? “
“ Yeah. “
“ Meet me at the diner on 46th street. I’ll be there as soon as I can. “ She ended the call. She pulled her hair into a bun, then opened up her closet. She pushed her clothes t o the side and pressed on the wall. The space in the wall was filled with all of her hunting stuff. She let out a breath, then started packing her bag. Emma seen her light on and poked her head inside.
“ What are you still doing up? “
Emma stopped when she seen all the stuff in the wall.
“ Jade, what is that? “
Jade zipped her bag up and threw it on the bed.
 “ That’s my old life. “
“ What’s going on?” She asked, looking at the bag on the bed.
“ I just got a call from Sam. “
“ What happened? “ Emma felt this growing worry in her stomach.
“ Dean disappeared. Sam can’t find him anymore. “
“ So you’re going to help him. “
“ He’s out of options and well tracking was my thing when I hunted.. “Jade said, tossing the bag over her shoulder.
“ Keep the windows and doors salted, I’ll be back as soon as we find Dean. “
 Emma hesitated then followed after her.
“ I’m coming. “
Jade let out a little laugh.
“ No, you’re not. This isn’t a game Emma. “
In on motion, Emma pulled the gun from Jade’s pocket and pointed at her.
“ And I’m not playing. “
After  a second, she flipped the gun and held it out to her.
“ Jade, I have a perfect shot and I’m quick. I can help. “
Jade looked at her, hesitating.
“ We can argue, but we’d just be wasting time. “
Emma took in a deep breath and Jade seen the emotion on her face.
“ He saved my life Jade. “
“ You need to listen and trust what I say Em. “ She said walking out the front door.
 Emma tucked the gun in her pants, and followed behind Jade. After the long drive, they made it to the diner. When Jade walked in, Sam got to his feet.
“ You made good time. “
Sam seen Emma get out of the car and focused back on Jade.
“ What is she doing here? “
Jade let out a breath, she knew he wasn’t going to be happy about this. 
“ She’s a good shot and she’s smart Sam. “
Emma could see the furry on Sam’s face when she came inside.
“ I can help Sam. “ Was all she said.
“ This isn’t something you deal with everyday. “
“ Neither is spending 3 years in Irac with the Special Forces. “
Sam looked at her.
“ Dean is going to be pissed. “
“ Lwt him be. “ Emma said, going over to the bar.
“ You do know that. “
“ That if anything happens to her, it’s on me, I know. “
They sat down at a table and she continued.
“ To be completely honest, I’m not really worried about her Sam. “
Sam let out a breath.
“ So did you find anything at the house? “ Jade asked, changing the subject.
Sam took out his phone and brought up a picture.
“ I found this on one of the walls. “
“ Angel banishing? “
“ A what? “ Emma asked, setting a beer in front of both of them, and sitting next to Jade.
“ It sends Angels to, well we don’t know where it sends them. “
“ Angels are real? “ 
“ And major dicks. “
“ So what do they want with Dean? “
“ It’s always something different. “ Sam took a long drink from the bottle.
“ So how do we kill them? “
“ Crash course. An Angel can get into your head ad mess with your mind. These things are extremely powerful. They can do things, you couldn’t even think of. And the only thing that can kill one is this. “
Sam set the Angel blade on the table in front of Emma.
“ And that is? “
“ It’s called an Angel Blade. “ Jade said.
They filled her in and then went to a motel down the road.
“ I’m gonna make a few calls. “ Jade said, going outside.
“ How long did you serve? “ Sam asked, as Emma put her bag on one of the beds.
“ 6 years. “
She sat down and looked at him.
“ Listen Sam, I didn’t give her a choice. Your brother saved my life. I was coming with or without her permission. “
“ I think I know where he is. “ Jade shut the door behind her.
“ That was fast. “ Emma laughed.
“ I told you, it’s kinda what I do. “ She smirked.
“ Guss tussled with an Angel yesterday. “
“ Where? “
“ Bar, 2 hours away. “
“ God, you’re good. “ Sam said, kissing her forehead.
“ Let’s go. “
Dean slowly opened his eyes and seen a tall brunette with big green eyes.
“ Dean Winchester, you are on hard Hunter to track down. “
She leaned down and looked him in the eyes.
“ I’ve been looking for you everywhere. “
“ Well ya found me. “ Dean grunted through the pain in his body.
“ I have to say, they told me you were attractive, but well that’s an understatement. “
“ Who are you? “ Dean asked.
“ My name is Bridget. “
“ And what did I do to piss you off Bridget? “ Dean asked, with that cocky attitude of his.
“ Well it wasn’t you per say, but you can be very useful. “
Dean pulled on a smirk.
“ Are you gonna kill me or seduce me, cause I’m getting mixed signals here. “
Bridget smirked then sat on his lap, face to face with him.
“ I’m looking for someone and I know that you know where she is. “
“ And who might that be? “
She pulled back with a smirk of her own, pulling at her lips.
“ She’s about 5 foot 3, long red hair and goes by the name Rebecca. “
Dean’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that name, but let out a laugh.
“ She’s dead, I burned her body myself. “
“ You might have, but she’s not dead. A little Demon told me that she’s off living some normal life. “
Dean just looked into the eyes looking back at him.
“ Well if she is, I don’t know where. “
She got up from his lap and picked up the Angel blade. Before she could do anything, Jade and Sam busted into the room. She turned and smiled at them.
“ Look Dean, the whole gang is here. “
“ Just in time for  the show. “
When she moved towards Dean, Jade was the one to pull out her gun and spoke.
“ Why don’t we just have a little chat. “
“ Actually I was talking to this handsome devil. “ She smiled, running the blade down Dean’s chest. Sam instantly took out his gun when Dean screamed.
“ Who are you and what do you want with my brother? “ Sam askd.
“ My name is Bridget and I;m looking for someone and he’s gonna tell me where she is. “
“ And she is? “
“ Someone I need to get my hands on. “
Sam looked at Dean.
“ Rebecca. “ Dean stated.
“ Rebecca’s dead. “
“ You really have been out of the loop. “  Bridget laughed.
“ What are you talking about? “
“ I don’t know how, or why, but your little redheaded friend is up and walking. “
“ And what do you want with her? “ Jade demanded.
Bridget’s smirk grew bigger and she ran the blade down Dean’s cheek.
“ She took someone from me and when I find her, I’m going to take my time killing her. “
Her eyes shot to Jade.
“ Something you apparently couldn’t do. “
Jade pulled the trigger and put a bullet in the middle of her forehead. In one motion, Bridget had Sam and Jade up against the wall. She walked over to them her back to Dean.
“ It didn’t have to be like this, but you just had t o get trigger happy. “ Bridget said, pulling the bullet from her head.
“ For that, I’m going to let you two watch as I peel his skin off. “ She walked back over and stood behind Dean. She leaned down and put her lips to his ear.
“ You’re little girl friend drove an Angel blade through my father’s heart back in Nevada, ten years ago today. “
Dean thought for a minute.
“ Lucifer was your father? So you’re a mutt.  “Dean smirked.
“ Bridget had the blade right by his heart.
“ I’m going to enjoy this. “ She whispered.
Right then, Emma came from behind her and stabbed her Angel blade into her back. The blue light went off and her body fell to the floor. The moment she dropped, so did Sam and Jade.
“ Yeah, I doubt you enjoyed that. “ Emma said looking at her.
She bent down to untie Dean and her eyes locked with his. She could tell he was beyond pissed.
“ You can yell at me  after we get the hell out of here. “
Dean glared at his brother, as Sam walked out with Emma. Jade knew he was furious.
“ Dean listen. “
“ Why in the hell would let her come here? “
“ She just saved all our asses Dean, give her a little credit. “
Dean looked at her for a second, then went outside.
“ So do you think what she was saying about Becca was true? “ Sam asked.
“ We burned her body Sam, it’s impossible. “
“ Is it though? “ Jade asked.
The brother’s looked at her as she continued.
“ You couldn’t die with the mark on your arm. Rebecca was in a hell of a lot deeper than you. She became a Dark Angel. You toasted Abbadon too but look how well that worked out. “
Dean shook his head.
“ Don’t you think we would have heard of something by now if she was? “ Dean shot back.
“ Let’s just get to the bunker and we can talk about this. “
Dean didn’t say anything, but got into Baby and sped off.
“ If she’s walking, you can track her. “ Sam looked at Jade.
“ I’ll see what I can do, but Sam if she’s alive how much of that is really her? “
“ Then we cross that bridge when we  come to it. “
Jade took in a deep breath, then got into the car. Sam and Emma followed her to the bunker. Everything was going through Dean’s mind as he stepped into the bunker. He poured himself a glass of Whiskey and downed it. About twenty minutes later, Jade, Sam and Emma walked down the long stairs. Sam and Jade went into the kitchen, but Emma stayed back and looked at Dean.
“ What, you’re not going to yell at me? “
Dean’s green eyes locked with hers.
“ You don’t chose this life Em. Why in the hell would you get involved in this? “
“ I’m a big girl Dean, I can make my own decisions.”
“ People don’t last long in this life Emma. “
“ Yeah and I could die in a car accident tomorrow, that’s life. So if I’m going down, I’m going down fighting. You can be pissed at me, but weither you like it or not, I’m apart of this now. “ She said storming off in the direction Sam and Jade went off in.
Dean let out a frustrated groan, then shot back the rest of his Whiskey then went and took a hot shower. Sam grabbed a beer and held it out to Emma. 
“ Thanks. “ She took a big drink.
“ You did good. “
“ Wanna tell Dean that. “ She laughed.
“ Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you should be here, but I can’t say I’m not grateful for you saving our asses back there. “
He kissed Jade’s forehead then left them in the kitchen.
“ How are you doing? “ Jade asked.
“ Ten hours ago, I didn’t even know that Angels were real and now I can say that I killed one. I know that, that wasn’t even a small fraction of what you 3 have seen it’s just. “
“ Unbelievable. “ Jade laughed.
“ I guess you could use that word. “
“ Come on, I’ll show you to your room, this place is huge. “
After looking over the room, Emma got curious and roamed the bunker. After about 10 minutes, she found herself in the the huge library. She read through some of the books, sitting down on one of the couches in the room. There was so much she didn’t know about. She set the book down and picked up another one and got lost in it. About an hour later, Dean came into the room. He took in a breath and poured himself a drink.
“ Freaked out yet? “
Emma looked at him.
“ Dean this place is incredible. “
She shook her head and sat the book beside her.
“ Am I scared as hell that there are horrible things out there, yes. “ She got to her feet but Dean spoke before she could continue.
“ Listen, I never did thank you for saving my ass back there. “
“ Let’s  call it even. “
He smiled, then passed her a drink. They sat down and Dean told her his story. 
Sam laid awake in bed, thinking about everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. About two hours later, he got up and noticed that Jade’s light was still on.
“ Hey. “ He said, pocking his head into her room.
Jade pulled her hair out of the bun with a soft smile.
“ What are you still doing up? “
He came inside and let out a breath.
“ I’m sorry. “
“ For? “ She asked.
“ Dragging you back into all of this. “
She shook her head and sat on the bed.
“ I never thought I would say it. “
She hesitated.
“ But I missed it. “
She looked around her room with a smile.
“ This place, you and Dean. But it’s just not the same without. “
“ Rebecca, I know. “ He said softly.
She ran her fingers through her hair, then opened her computer. Sam sat down and looked at what she had.
“ Sam if we find her, and it’s not her. “
Sam put his hand on her cheek. 
“ You don’t have to do this. “
“ Yes I do. “
He leaned in and kissed her softly. She put her forehead to his and let out a breath. This is where she belonged. This place, with him.
“ I love you Sam. “ She whispered.
He let out a shaky breath as those words made all of those walls he had built up come crashing down. He waited years for her to say them.
“ I love you too. “
Back in the library, Dean and Emma were still talking.
“ Wow, you really have been to hell and back. “ She laughed.
“ And a whole lot more. “ Dean poured her another drink.
“ How do you carry pretty much the whole world on your shoulders and still keep it together? “
Dean took a drink and smirked.
“ Trust me Em, there’s so much broken in me, I’m far from having myself together. “
Emma took a drink then looked at him.
“ I’d say you’re doing alright. “
“ It’s not an easy life, hence the Scotch. “ He smiled.
They talked for a few more hours until Sam into the room.
“ You guys are up early. “ He said.
“ Early? “ Emma asked.
“ Yeah, it’s 6 am. “ He said putting his headphones in and going for his morning run.
Emma let out a little laugh then set her glass on the counter.
“ Alright, I’m going to shower then try to catch a few hours of sleep. “
He stood up when he she did.
“ Good idea. “
Before she stepped into the hallway, she looked back at him.
“ Thanks for the chat. “
She smiled, then kissed him softly. He watched her walk out of the room, hesitated then followed after her. 
“ Hey. “ He said before she opened the door to her room.
She turned and looked at him. He put his hand on his waist and kissed her passionately. They looked at each other for a few seconds then Emma was  the one who kissed him back. Without breaking their lips, Dean reached behind her, opened the door and she led him inside.
When Sam came back from his run, Jade was pouring a cup of coffee.
“ I didn’t wake you did I? “ Sam asked, catching his breath.
“ No. “ She passed his a cup.
He couldn’t help but smile. He could get used to this all over again.
“ So get this, Dean and Emma were up all night talking. “
Jade sat down with a smile.
“ They really have hit it off.
“ For the first time in a long time, he seems happy. “
Jade looked at him as she took a drink.
“ What? “
“ Sam if we find Rebecca, what do you think that’s going to do to him? “
Sam took in a breath and leaned against the table.
“ God knows I miss her Sam but. “
She hesitated.
“ If she is alive and hasn’t come back, maybe there’s a reason for that. “
“ I just want to know if she’s alright, if she’s alive. “
She let out a breath.
“ I’ve got 6 looking for her. If we find her we can go from there. “
“ Are you sure you want to do this? “
Jade set her mug down with a smile.
“ I’ve had 2 years or normal and I think that’s enough. “ 
Sam smiled when she did. Her heart skipped a beat when he looked at her.
“ What? “
“ Nothing, I’ve just missed you Sam. “
He took her hand, she walked over and sat on his lap.
“ I’ve missed you too. “
Sam wrapped his arms around her waist and her’s found his neck. Right then Sam knew he could never let her go again. Emma laid there, trying to catch her breath. She looked over at Dean as he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. Her heart fluttered. She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew she was falling for this man. She sat up and put her hair in a ponytail. Dean was feeling way more than he liked. He got dressed and looked at her.
“ So listen. “
“ Don’t get attached. “ She laughed.
“ Don’t worry Dean, I don’t get attached. “
“ I’m gonna go shower. “
She kissed his cheek then went into the bathroom. Dean hesitated then went to his room and got some sleep. The next couple months, they taught Emma the ropes while Jade tried to track Rebecca down.
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