#i mean i assume we're cool now after the new war
avelera · 1 day
I’m dying for your thoughts on what is going on in Dubai with the triangulation of Armand and Daniel in Dubai because nothing in 2.05 explain ms what they(beddeath vampires) could want him to tell them as referenced earlier in the season or warrant all the Rashid pageantry. Especially not with how Armand looks at Daniel like he just got home from the wars.
Your takes are exquisite and I’d love to hear them.
Ok, I THINK you're asking what the hell is going on with Daniel and Armand and Louis and the longing looks Armand keeps shooting Daniel and I might be missing some nuance to your question but that is the question I'm gonna answer because I can't stop thinking about it.
Ok. Ok, ok, SO!! The biggest question I think we're facing as of 2.05 is did the Devil's Minion chapter of Queen of the Damned ever happen?
For the uninitiated (LOTS of BOOK SPOILERS but like the books have been out for decades, sorry): Louis/Armand is like... not a thing. At least, it's not one of the big love affairs of the series compared to Louis/Lestat. I mean they've had a situationship but they're definitely not a long devoted love affair going right up to the beginning of the events of Vampire Lestat/Queen of the Damned, which is where the show seems to take place. They traveled together for a bit after the events of Interview with the Vampire but then parted ways because What Happened In Paris changed Louis irrevocably.
The big love of Armand's life in the books is Daniel.
And we learn this in the chapter of Queen of the Damned called the Devil's Minion.
Because Armand stumbles upon "The Interviewer" and falls in love and they have this fucked up whirlwind torrid romance where Daniel teaches Armand about the modern world and basically "how to be fascinating" and Daniel begs over and over to be made into a vampire.
Lots of stuff happens between them but short, TRAGIC version is that Armand does make Daniel into a vampire and it breaks Daniel's mind. He's not a cool powerful vampire once he's turned, he's basically a vegetable, he loses his mind and becomes a hollow husk of himself. (Ironically, insane-new-vampire!Daniel is left in the care of Marius of all people lol)
SO, from the book reader perspective, I shot upright on my couch when I saw old Daniel. Because Old Daniel means we're in... some flavor of happy AU? We're in an AU where Armand did the "responsible" thing and didn't give Daniel the Dark Gift, so Daniel got to grow old and actually be a person instead of being the Devil's Minion where Armand became his whole personality and then he lost his mind.
Thing is, since S1, I've been assuming, like others I think, that we're in an AU where the Devil's Minion didn't happen at all. That Daniel did the interview, he and Louis parted ways, and now he's back to finish it. It seemed neat, clear, if a little confusing for book fans because Daniel/Armand is one of THE great love affairs and it seems like it just got skipped entirely, which kind of makes sense since no other film version has really delved into it, right?
WRONG. OK, so with the longing looks that begin RIGHT when Armand finally reveals himself, the whole mic drop moment of "Armand, the love of my life" while Armand stares at Daniel, almost seeming to plead with his eyes "GET ME AWAY FROM HIM" and looking at Daniel with such longing, going into SEASON 2 where we learn that ok, the 1970s beat was WAY more complicated than it seems, Louis' memory is very faulty, Armand has actively tampered with both of them and we DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH....?
So my current theory is: the Devil's Minion DID happen.
Armand and Daniel had their love affair, but instead of turning Daniel, which by the way he had to be talked into doing because of Daniel's suicide attempt basically, Armand set him free. But CLEARLY he continued to stalk and pine after Daniel, if he was there at Daniel's fucking engagement reading his girlfriend's mind enough to tell Daniel what she was really thinking then. Armand was definitely still OBSESSIVELY IN LOVE. And, IMO, has been the whole time.
Now, what does this mean going forward? What do I think is going on?
Armand wants out of his relationship with Louis but he's chronically, pathologically, incapable of breaking up with anyone. He used Lestat to break up the Children of Darkness, he used Louis to break up the Theatre des Vampires, and now he's using Daniel to end this fucked up marriage he and Louis are in.
Armand is doing this first by consenting to renew the interview, Louis gets a walk down memory lane, remembers how much he loves Lestat. Not to solidify their bond with how good things are now, but to break it up with nostalgia.
Armand is also going to reveal things he's hidden from Louis, I think. Like the fact Armand killed Claudia. I think right now they're both operating under the excuse that Santiago and the coven did it in defiance of Armand but that is simply not true, Armand ordered her death to get Louis all to himself. But (book canon) her death broke Louis so basically Armand destroyed what he wanted in Louis in the gaining of him.
Armand also misses Daniel. He's doing the classic passive lover thing, using the next lover to get rid of the current one. That's why he picked Daniel specifically as the vehicle of his liberation. Boy wants to get white knighted in the most fucked up way possible. Evidence: every single painfully longing, puppy dog look he shoots Daniel's way and how those looks only get more intense the more Louis waxes poetic about how great the Loumand relationship is.
Armand appears as Rashid in order to establish for plausible deniability for Louis that he DIDN'T have a relationship with Daniel OR, if Louis knows about it, that he really did do as promised and wiped Daniel's mind. Look, Daniel doesn't even remember him! When he's standing right there! Pretending to be Rashid! He definitely didn't summon his former lover here to break up Louis and him, obviously this is JUST about Louis' desire to do the interview haha, definitely not trying to bring his old ex to break up his current relationship the guy doesn't even remember who he is.
In conclusion: Armand still wants to fuck that boy old man. And he wants to get rid of Louis by making Louis break up with him because that's how Armand rolls. And that's why this whole ridiculous pantomime is happening, because Armand will never, ever be the active party in the breakup because the boy is way, way too fucked up by his supremely fucked up life up to this point to ever be the initiator. Instead he will always, always manipulate those around him to do what he wants.
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satellite-slickers · 8 months
Warframe is a gacha game but for father figures.
Aaaaand post.
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rosewaterconley · 10 months
I solved a mystery that only I care about lol
ok so I have no clue what I'm doing and social media terrifies me. I will probably never touch this account again. why did I have to follow 3 algorithm-selected accounts to get into this website? I can actually name 3 people I'd want to follow on here and it's none of the people your fucking robot told me to follow. but hey, I feel like I have to post it here rather than my blogspot since nobody in the world actually uses blogspot and I want people to see this!
so anyway, there's this band out of the city of Milwaukee called Hero of a Hundred Fights. they dropped a couple CDs in the early 2000s and seem to have broken up, though all their members have been in bands since. that'll be important a little later. for now, Hero of a Hundred Fights are important to me on 2 levels:
I'm a Wisconsinite who has a tiny bit of an obsession with local history and art and really fuck with their weird mathy little corner of the 2000s hardcore scene
I'm a Faction Paradox fan and their 2001 EP The Remote, The Cold contains numerous references to the series! if you've heard of this EP before, it was probably in the context of some "music that references Faction Paradox" list or another
about #2... see, everyone already knows that track 2 is called Faction Paradox and track 3 is called The Celestis. we've all long since put together that the title is a reference to Lawrence Miles' Interference. but what about the lyrics? unfortunately, we don't know. they're not online, and the vocals are good, mind, but rather incoherent.
well, we didn't know. until I ordered a CD copy for like $8 lol. that's all it took! so here you go, the lyrics booklet plus some of the other artwork featured on the CD. artist Nick Slough did a great job on this art and it's a shame only the cover is widely available online (though that's hardly a problem unique to the physical version of this one album). turns out, this is some kinda concept album based on the Miles novel Interference. cool! really love the lyrics on Rope especially. "I need your blood to get this vessel running" and "my life was in your hands, I cut them off and now they're mine" are both raw as hell.
the cover art is pretty interesting. this album was recorded in 2000, released in 2001. the entire creative process occurred before the first standalone Faction Paradox release, The Book of the War. this means the album is entirely Doctor Who-based, not based on the FP series itself. it also means, if we assume the humanoid characters on the art are supposed to be the Remote, that this is the first-ever professional art depicting them!
disclaimer: the booklet lyrics don't 100% match up with what's said in the songs! it's mostly accurate but unfortunately there are some sections missing, some repeated bits that are only written once et al. that's all par for the course but I figured I'd mention it - especially in the case anybody wants to use this to transcribe the lyrics on Genius or some other site like that.
and while we're here, Hero 100 member William Zientara has been in a billion different bands, and I think he's probably the most responsible for the Doctor Who theme on this album. See, he was also in a short-lived band called Managara - named after a Doctor Who tie-in novel so obscure even I, owner of a complete set of Virgin New Adventures who spends my work breaks combing through digital copies of old fanzines, have only ever heard it discussed a handful of times. one of their songs is called Happiness Patrol. more recently, in 2021, he was in the band Fuiguirnet, who have a song called What Grows From the Seeds of Doom! which means Zientara has been randomly tossing Doctor Who references into songs from at least three different bands for twenty years!
so uhh without any further rambling here's the lyrics and art:
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dogtoling · 1 year
Ok, with Kraken coming what's your explanation for it returning considering the whole debacle from your Kraken post?
incredibly good question. for context, at the end of my years-old Kraken post explaining what the Kraken is (a deimatic display, which was harnessed as a turf war special through the use of cool steroids for fun), I explained that it was discontinued because use of the drug that triggered the special made the body more responsive to the natural, emotional triggers for the Kraken over extended use. That would make natural Krakening easier to trigger over time for people who are already used to Krakening very often, even through unnatural means (the drug), and as the Kraken is a self-defensive reaction to extremely dangerous situations normally, that is Very Bad. So, once cases of this happening became more common and more known over time, the drug and Kraken with it was promptly banned from Turf Wars alongside the other current Specials during the Special Weapon Overhaul. And at the end of that post I specifically said it's VERY UNLIKELY that the Kraken will ever return to the battlefield.
Well, here we are! The Kraken has returned! HOORAYYYYY!
back to the topic at hand. WHY?
There's multiple options, honestly. First off, we're in the SPLATLANDS now. Splatsville is the city of chaos and they clearly don't give a shit about some "special weapon overhaul" over there! They're probably not bound by laws of the Inkopolis turf scene. So this is the theory that Splatsville Turfers Simply Don't Care and the Kraken is still objectively REALLY, REALLY COOL and they want to be Krakens! A lot of Splatsville's turfing culture and weapons seems to have been inspired by Inkopolis' early turfing culture, so it wouldn't be surprising that Kraken made it in eventually - whether they know about its cons or not.
So the theory has one pretty obvious flaw, that being that Splatoon 3 also has Turf Wars that take place in Inkopolis maps. Um, in that case yes, actually the Inkopolis Turf Laws actually DO apply. So, we could extend the meaning of the Order vs. Chaos Splatfest and say that since chaos won, the Special Weapon Overhaul might have been seriously revised or just... undone, and the rules loosened overall. It would make sense given that really powerful special weapons like the Triple Inkstrike and Trizooka are ALSO being used on Inkopolis grounds despite those weapons already being banned once before pretty much, but seems like kind of a huge oversight...
There is also the chance that the drug used to trigger this Kraken is a different, improved one - it's called the Kraken ROYALE now (i think) after all, not JUST "Kraken". I have no idea how they would've made an improved drug that just makes involuntary Krakening not happen over time, assuming the drug itself wasn't the problem... the Krakening itself was the problem. Or they were both part of the problem. But the point is, not sure how they'd manage to make a drug that accomplishes the exact same thing without triggering a third thing that directly correlates with repeated Krakening using an outside trigger. But like, there's the chance that they somehow did?
And, you know, when we're talking about capitalism and monetary gain there's always the chance that the people selling the drug in the first place are trying really hard to push the New Version really hoping that everybody forgot what happened last time. It's been a few years.
Of course, the final theory is not a theory, but the brewing fear that now that the Kraken is relevant again, Nintendo will give a canon reasoning as to what the Kraken ACTUALLY is and I'll have to rewrite all my OC lore.
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bananakarenina · 10 months
17 and Fleggie??
every time we lie awake
flynn taylor has never had a normal-person sleep schedule, and her schedule as a dj doesn't really help matters. weddings, parties, clubs; she's all work and no play and sleeps in the middle of the day because that's the grind, baby.
so she's always up late, and there's this guy--well, she assumes it's a guy; his tumblr username is nerfherderhero and she's pretty sure she's seen some posts referencing his pronouns--who seems to have the same late-night schedule she does; he's always reblogging funny dog videos on her dash at just the right time and adding amazing tags to star wars posts (she still hasn't stopped laughing about him calling kylo ren "evil emo mayonnaise")
they have this funny little tumblr mutual relationship--the thing is, they have so much in common; he's always posting cool music for her to explore (she adds a LOT to her playlists, it's awesome) and he reblogs every artistic photo of food she uploads. (she has a whole series of ironic portraits of the stuff she orders from in-n-out; it's pretty hilarious if she does say so herself.)
they chat through tags. nerfherder is so off-the-wall funny; he says the most random things and flynn fucking loves it. he also has excellent taste in music.
julie starts giving her A Look whenever flynn mentions "my tumblr friend".
whatever! flynn is allowed to have friends she doesn't like. Know Personally. that's what the internet is for!
except there comes a two-week stretch where nerfherderhero kind of goes quiet. flynn even checks to make sure he didn't change his username but that's not it--he's just. not posting at the moment. no queue, no reblogs. her artistically-arranged chili dog photo goes un-noticed.
it's fine. flynn is Fine About It. he's probably just busy!
it's just rough because julie is also away, on tour with her new band--she met this group of dudes at college and has been spending all of her time writing songs with the guitarist (writing songs. suuuure, says flynn, and julie sticks her tongue out on their facetime call.)
flynn taylor has never been a coward, though (well, much of a coward) so she takes that terrifying internet friend plunge and pulls up a direct message.
hey--this is awkward but uh. hi! i just i just noticed that you're not around as much anymore which is totally your right obviously good for you for digitally detoxing lol i just--i miss you
she doesn't add the exclamation point even though it would make her seem more unaffected.
because the thing is: she's affected.
carrie laughs at her when she brings it up at brunch. it's not actually a mean laugh, despite it being carrie.
"only you would manage to crush on someone you don't even talk to," she says, sipping her passionfruit mimosa.
"better than when i had a crush on you," flynn retorts, but carrie just laughs again.
it all comes to a head when she facetimes julie late one night after a dj gig. she's wired, and there are no posts from Han Solo (which is unfortunately what flynn is now calling him in her head), and she just wants to mope with her best friend.
"oh, god, not you too," julie says. "reggie's all whiny because he broke his phone and we're in the middle of nowhere right now, so there aren't many places to go to fix it or get a new one. he's miserable. he keeps asking to borrow our phones to log into tumblr, of all things. something about his friend rapunzel."
flynn's username is remixingrapunzel bc she's flynn and she's a dj and also her braids are really long.
"yeah, he's like totally obsessed with her. them? i'm...not actually sure."
and julie's forehead wrinkles on her phone screen.
"how do you know?"
and the whole thing comes spilling out. han solo, funny captions on her in-n-out fries, the humiliating "i miss you" message that was never returned.
julie's eyes just keep getting wider.
"hang on," she says, and turns to yell over her shoulder. "reggie!"
there's a scuffle and julie hissing "come ON" and a long sigh, and then, sitting with julie, is the cutest boy flynn has ever seen in her actual life. he's got dark hair and nice freckles and right now he seems kind of sad, but oh my god, he's so so cute.
she can't help herself.
"nerfherder?" she says, tentatively.
his eyes lighten and it almost makes up for the last two weeks of misery.
"rapunzel," he breathes, and flynn has a feeling there are even more late nights in her future.
she's more than fine with that.
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lensman-arms-race · 7 months
⚠️Possible Spoilers for Part 3 Below, if you haven't seen the leak on DFB's shop or don't want to spoil yourself, feel free to delete this ask⚠️
So. As we seen in the leak, Sci looked super worried (sad-shaped-mouth) and shocked (wide eyes and eyebrows high up). This has to mean some sort of unexpected danger has arrived. Was wondering what you think it could be?
The most likely candidate is (our glorious, beloved) Cinemaman returning. All the signs are aligned for it to happen, with the 2 titans being drastically injured or dead and GT re-emerging with huge upgrades. Plus, this is exactly 20 episodes after TTV got injured (not counting parts). I'm assuming Sci will escape since unless DFB is gonna unveil a bigger threat, the 2 main antagonists aren't gonna die so suddenly and i highly doubt there's gonna be a trap. Can't say the same for GT though.
It's almost turned into a Wile E Coyote vs the Roadrunner situation: GT comes back with better upgrades, does a very small bit of damage, has the ever loving shit beaten out of him and retreats for another upgrade. He looks really powerful now, but if Cinemaman was fully capable and was going to beat GT when he was just Cinemaman (no super cool upgrades yet) then he's def gonna destroy GT once and for all. Plus, we've seen TCam and TSpeak kill more and fight more effectively when their enraged, and Cinemaman will EASILY lose his cool when he sees the thing that trapped him and caused him so much pain, so he'll absolutely SHRED GT.
We could also see some sort of Astro Toilet Titan with the other Astro Toilets, not necessarily for the purpose of saving TCam, but to overthrow Sci and GT as rulers. An AstroTitan would be super OP.
I have a personal AT (Astro Toilet) headcanon that they are all toilets that have full memory of their human past. They faked their way up the ladder and got big upgrades, and shortly after they rebelled and formed a separate faction with the goal of eradicating the other toilets and building a society as close as possible to the old human one.
Because of this, I feel like they could try and make an alliance with the Alliance. We seen Poly play the clip of them attacking GT to the Alliance so they know well that there's discourse in there. What if the AT's and their possible AstroTitan teamed up with Upgraded TTV to form a battalion with earth-shattering power? Then, when the evil toilets are extinct, the AT's are given a large country (Probably something the size of the USA) to rebuild their society in while the Alliance rebuilds the rest of Earth.
But anyway, that's enough rambling from me, what do you think?
If it's not Titan TV that the Scientist Toilet is reacting to, I am going to shit my bum off with rage and post my disembodied buttocks to DFB.
I love your AstroToilet headcanon; I'd love to see that come true! I'm not sure how DFB could convey that information in a series without dialogue (TV utterances don't really count because they're easter eggs rather than requirements for understanding the episodes). But then he is a skilled storyteller, so who knows?
(If they did form an alliance and overthrow the non-astro skibidi toilets together, I'd rather see the hardwares and astros live together in harmony rather than have the astros split off like that. The astros in this scenario are as human as skibidis can get, and I get the impression the hardwares appreciate many parts of human culture.)
I will say it is strange that we haven't seen the Astro Toilets since episode 60, though. Are they up to something??
There's no getting around that we're approaching the Meme Number. I wonder if that's the episode in which the Alliance defeats G-Man and Scientist, and then the series does a kind of soft reboot and we start a new story arc. (By 'soft reboot' I mean like God of War 2018, which technically does follow on from the previous God of War games but starts a completely new storyline that doesn't require you to have played the previous games to understand.)
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adleryoung · 11 months
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"What's the big idea," Oak muttered, "calling my great-uncle an elf?"
"He is one," I replied. "You know he's not a marten, right? He's a fox."
"Yeah, so?"
"Well, he insinuated - er, was adopted into your family. I discovered that he is originally from Vulpitania, which is a region of Faerie, and his real name is not Ash."
Oak gazed at me silently. How much should I tell her? With the trees listening, I would not be able to prevent Ash from finding out - assuming he was still alive.
"Look, you uh, you shouldn't trust him," I concluded lamely.
"Oh, I've always known he was shady," Oak shrugged. "We actually haven't seen much of him lately, since we moved away. I hope you didn't make me come all the way out here just to tell me that."
"No, no, I wanted to ask how you and your family are doing," I clarified. "I feel deeply responsible for the misfortune that befell you."
"That's nice, because you are deeply responsible," Oak replied. "We're doing all right, finally starting to get back on our feet after that upset. Dad's business acumen is serving us in good stead, and my hairdressing skills are becoming known around our new home. Taking a vacation to come see you is costing me business, by the way."
"I'll make it up to you," I promised. "So your family's finances are in good shape?"
"Not really, but it's just a matter of time til we get back on our feet."
"You're more than welcome to work for me if -" I started to offer.
"No offense, Your Lordship, but after seeing what happened to us, and whatever disaster this is that I walked in on the tail-end of, I want nothing more to do with your plans. They never seem to end well."
"That's harsh," I protested. "But fair, I suppose. I need to talk with Vernier, and then before you go, we'll figure out your compensation. I want you at least to be able to tell everyone that the White Elf is generous."
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I turned to Vernier and asked, "The person you saw attacking the rabbits; could that have been Burnside disguised as Didelphis?"
"Maybe," Vernier shrugged. "Come to think of it, I believe I did hear her yell 'dagnabbit' at one point."
"Are you sure you didn't see Rebecca? She was disguised as a nondescript villager."
"I saw lots of nondescript villagers, sir," Vernier replied. "If one of them was Rebecca, I didn't recognize her, and she likewise showed me no sign of recognition."
"You say the courthouse exploded. Is it possible that Oonagh and Didelphis survived?"
"I didn't see it, but the sound was very loud. Reverend O'Hoppity survived, so I suppose it is possible that others did as well."
"And what of Ash? Did he vanish?"
"I assume so," Vernier speculated, "since people were saying that the Reverend had banished him to hell."
A sequence of events was beginning to form in my mind, which - if true - meant I would have stern words for Ash regarding his tactics next time we spoke. If we ever did.
"Well, I'm out of ideas," I admitted. "And even if I had one, experience has proven that most of mine are bad. Do you have any advice?"
"Well, sir, if I may," Vernier sighed. "I would advise you to lay low for a while. The rabbits have got their dander up, as Miss Burnside would say, and their prayers seem to be uncannily effective against you. Give them time to cool off. If nothing happens for a while then they will relax and let down their guard."
"How long do you think that will take?" I asked.
"No idea," Vernier shrugged.
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"Drat those rabbits!" I exclaimed, as I turned and began to pace. "Double drat them! If Oonagh and Didelphis were killed, this means war! Not only have they hampered my ability to communicate with my followers, but now they've robbed me of the opportunity to prove that I am Seelie! THIS WILL NOT STAND!!"
Starting next week, the Ballad will update on THURSDAY. Mark your calendars appropriately.
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womantichrist · 2 years
What personally peaked you? Was it one instance or several instances over time? Or were you always critical of the gender movement from the beginning?
I wouldn't say that I was ever really on the other side of the gender movement, no. From my understanding when I first became aware of trans people as a concept when I was a kid, they were homosexual people who were more comfortable thinking of themselves as heterosexual people, which I thought was sad and a little weird, but whatever. Then there was a Grey's Anatomy episode where a completely miserable wife stays with her husband through his transition, even as it causes him to develop breast cancer and she hells at him for not stopping hormones and yet we're supposed to sympathize with his decision to stay on them. Ridiculous, I thought, but it was a ridiculous show.
Then as a teen, a lesbian friend of mine (with a lot of issues) announced she was a boy (and chose a very attention-grabbing name). A few months before, she had been complaining that people expected her to transition, but now she was. She did look, dress, and sound like a teenage boy, but knowing she was a girl, I couldn't really see her otherwise. I didn't want to be mean, so I told her it was hard for me to change my image of someone and she was nice about it. When she was around, I mostly referred to her directly as "you" and when I was with other friends who knew her, we'd be like "Did you hear what she's calling herself now?" It also wasn't lost on me how differently people reacted to her when they were introduced to her as male than those who had known her when she was a girl. As a girl she was weird and hyper, but as a boy people thought she was funny and charming.
But then people around me became more and more adamant about respecting gender. Even whenever something new came up, like non-binary, at first they'd agree with me that it was weird, but after a little while it was not allowed to be questioned.
Then I started seeing the crazy stuff that was coming from Tumblr and got addicted to observing Tumblr like Jane Goodall watching chimpanzees go to war. Then stuff from Tumblr started hitting the mainstream. And then people around me started assuming I was cool with it, because it had become a requirement for being a good person. So I just pretty much tried to avoid the topic.
Sorry, it's a little hard to explain all my thoughts about it in one coherent post (especially without giving too much of myself away), but basically the only thing that stopped me from identifying with radical feminism is that based on the name, I had assumed it was everything that I thought was wrong with third wave feminism. I had assumed that it was radical feminists saying sex work is work and that feminism had to center trans women. I thought that as feminism became trendy (and I can remember when no one else I knew identified as a feminist), radical feminism had begun to leak into mainstream feminism and I just had to put up with it because that was just how the world was going to be unless people stopped being crazy.
Then I accidentally found @auntiewanda through a google search, realized I agreed with pretty much everything she wrote, and got so pissed at the JKR backlash, I joined radblr and followed pretty much every rad-aligned blog I saw.
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gayspock · 2 years
ok so tbh i really need to prep for this interview im fucked with. let me lb peacekeeper wars instead. part 1
sorry im always blown away. i remember watching so many treks, and then seeing their movies after and foaming... those were obciously MUCH bigger leaps in terms of, like, production but its like... GOD I NEVER REALLY REALISE HOW THE USUAL SHOW LOOKS UNTIL THE SHIFT LOL HELP. i should really be more observant o_o
NEVERMIND EIYW9IFPAEK[GK[PSDPO THE. RYGEL SWIMMING ABOUT IS MAKING ME SCREAM. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER UHM. THE windows screensaver ? the aquarium? hes so that.... I FORGOT HE WAS LIKE SOME SORT OF UCCKING WET BEAST. also the transition of him in the water to above the wter is so funny
diagnosans are so cool i wish we got them more
ANYWAYS i want to say: like.... for the record, im kinda disappointed that they did fix john and aeryn's predicament so fast. its fine- its FIINEEE- like... its just the cheap cliffhangers are kinda so tired lol. its hardly the worst in the world, but its annoying- although WELL AT LEAST WE CAN GET ON WITH IT, SO LETS NOT FUSS....
BUT actually no i mean. i am also annoyed they fixed chianas blindness soo easily too like COME ON GUYS!! COMMIT TO THE THINGS YOU DO. SHEESH
ALTHOUGH this whole recap is so cute i love it when they do stuff like this - o rat least, when they do it right like here with john .... johns one of the few who could carry like this
WHY ARE THEY KIRA NERYSing RYGEL THIS IS SO... YOURE LYINGGGGGG. BE QUEIT. i assume theyre jsut trying to avoid complications- want aeryn in on the action and stuff- and rygel is always out of the action - but omg...
also its so nice they managed to pick stark up. i love his involvement here. but kill yourselves for cutting his hair it was so beautiful
"I heard the key to these things is being relaxed" d'argo youve had 1.5 failed marr- SORRY I CANT FINISH THAT JKOKE THATS TOO MEAN SORRY DARGO ITSNOT YOUR FAULTL
also is this actress officiating them the same one who played the sebacean lass who tortured her at the end of last season
actually i WILL also say: i love the slight revamping to everybodys prosthetics. noranti and the scarran lady both have slightly different looks . chiana's hair is also so nice
SORRY BUT SIKOZU IS SERVING SO BAD IM THROWING UP I AM SO OBSESSED SORRY IM EASYYYY. i said what i said in my last post- i wish they could have used her better, because i do actually REALLY like so much of her but ARHGH execution iwse hell on earth innit
hang on. fucking hell i dont know why- i totally forgot that... this would be wrapping EVERYTHING UP, do you know what i mean? i assumed itd be closing up just the immediate things for some reason- but oh christ, we're going back to the early s4 stuff. thats kinda funny bc i did not care for that LOL. but i'm game nonetheles.... will jool be back? smile.
"is he propositioning me?" CHIANA AOIDJAOSIFASFIAFJ
"however 😏it vibrates" MATE PLEASE
also sorry i didnt say anything but why is greyza so pregnant. girl i dont want you here osrry. although shes funny shes fucking mister eastenders . bald ass head.
also so sad i said i love sikozu and her new look and i want to know more about what my girlie is up to but is she gonna do fuck all here LOL.... OH WELL.
i love it . peacekeeper infighting . you guys. <3 rip each other apart<3
ALSO WAIT- so chiana's power is just... full-on, now? no price to pay for using it? BOOOO.
omg hiii jool wow wee i didnt- ALRIGHT UHM. HI JOOL. GIRL HE'S ENGAGED
im sorry but the jokes theyre pulling with rygel actually are making me laugh. "theyre having MY baby." THE WAY HE SAYS IT LIKE THAT IS MAKING ME LOSE IT.
ALTHOUGH i will also say. as much as i have enjoyed this so far i dont really care that much, again, for the actual plot-plot... like all this with pikal, and with the temple stuff from the beginning of s4- i thought those eps were weak, and whilst i am open to more involvement with them, their approach here is as equally uninspiring. like, so what...? reuniting them will be able to bring peace? even if more complication arises, i feel like thats such a boring concept LOL. like- do you know what i mean? but fine thyeyre making it up with everything else
"crichton is your inferior." SIKOZU, GIRL FJSPOGKSPGKSDGPKDS PLEASE...
ALSO I HAVE SAID ALL IVE SAID ABOUT SIKOZU YEAH BUT LIKE. SIKOZU/SCORPIUS IS SO FUNNY. again i like sikozu as a character, and i think her insights arent unimportant- BUT HELL, HER AND SCORPY ARE SO FUNNY. LIKE COME ON. PLEASE. BFFR. I LIKED THIER DYNAMIC, IS THE THING - at least in s4 i did.... but a romance between them, or any sexual relationship just doesnt work. please.
okay the eidelons (googled their name) are going to get fucking decimated now arent they
i mean like i said i dont.... I DONT THINK ITS EVEN A GOOD CONCEPT TO ENTERTAIN. SHUT IT DOWN <3 ^_^
is jool about to die
imagine if jool just dieshere it'll be a little funny after everything she comes back and just-
"but im prEeGGNANT"
see okay i already didnt care about the eidelons being, like, the solution to the war - it doesnt make sense - but also like... i dont like the implication that humans were sebacean's ancestors, which im pretty sure thats where thats going. sorry. its annoying. what i loved so much about farscape is HOW much humans are like... rempved from everythin, theyre so nothing... theyre not some big, significant race in the universe. theyre not, like, the moral fucking centre like in star trek. i know one of my LEAST faourite doctor who fan theories is th at the time lords come from humans- like come on, man? i dont care about explaining why they look alike! its NOTHINGGGG to me.
i also hate how "small" it makes the universe. i hate coincedences and i hate people bumping into each other. ts so fucking limiting, man. SORRY. circhtons isolation is so hard hitting bc hes so far gone from everything and anything hes ever known and should never be able to return to where he was from. just leaae it
"You will die, when I order it." "okay :<" HELP
the scarran emperor should just get this man. theres no way
im sorry I DONT CARE FOR THESE GUYS ITS SUCH A WEAK ASS CONCEPT. certainly i love the idea of negotiation and peace- but just some fuck random negotiator, please, i dont care. im fine with peace negotiations as resolutions - god, yes - but when its between parties that are actually engaged and dont have some ambiguous powers ... like cmon you cant fucking just magically fix INTERGALACTIC POLITICS. LIKE THIS. like come on be for real. "the secret of peace" - please....
I MEAN IT WAS OBVIOUS THE EIDELON(?) owuld jsut die but againe ven FUCKING.... entertaining it i cant STRESS how much i didnt care like come on be REAL . BE FOR REALL. -_-
guys what the fuck did you do to stark GUYS COME ON . LEAVE HIM ALONE.
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dataalfa109 · 4 days
"Thank you we are not doing this shit again" but we are
You're immediate reaction to seeing a Black woman give out her own opinions on politics she engages in regularly is to call her an idiot. We are in fact doing the same thing of shutting down Black voices. Actually read the article the Cardi B post was talking about, work on your racism. Because what made you assume the woman that is Black, comes from an immigrant background, was a sex worker, would not know how how this works? Why did you assume she is uneducated in these matters?
...Dude, are you kidding me? You know what... you wanna do this? Fine. Cool. Didn't even have the stones to do this off anon, but fine, great. Guess my blood pressure spiking is what I'm dealing with today.
Now, here's a small thing that debunks the racist comment since you hypocritically didn't look into ME: I am a Black Man. Originally, I thought it was obvious in what I post and how i speak, but hey, I learned something new today. What fucking part of that post implied that I was being any realm of misogynistic or racist in my standpoint, especially if I was the same race as her???
I don't even mean it in the coon-esque, Uncle Ruckus: "I'm black, I can't be racist against black people" way, because you can, ask Clarence Thomas and that dumbass who advocated for jim crow being good: but i'm not talking about them today. I mean it in the "How dare you" way that would get your ass kicked in any other setting. Fine, I lived a sheltered life, I didn't know what I do now.
However, whatever point you were trying to make got lost on me the very moment I disagreed with the poor celebrity's opinion, and automatically assumed that meant I thought she was stupid for being a black woman, let alone being a former sex worker (which isn't even a problem because it's real work). In fact, the only one who brought that up is YOU! Either go outside, or shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
There's still something very important that you missed that needs to be addressed- and I need you to follow me and listen really hard on this one.
The average person is not a celebrity and does not have the OPTIONS Cardi B has. It's precisely because of who she is as a CELEBRITY she can afford not to vote in November. Not even trying to vote third party, not to vote - period. She has the ability to dip whenever she wants if or when things get bad because she has the means to do it! She has nothing to lose by not voting ever again in her life, we don't.
But instead of focusing on that, you chose to focus on me. You don't have to agree with me just like I don't have to agree with Cardi B. She's not your prop, get over yourself.
I despise Biden for what he's doing and allowing [insert nation that will get my blog flagged here] to do in Gaza. I am not Superman, and I don't have the money to donate to aid efforts no matter how much i want to. However I do what I can despite my limits. So I reiterate my point with full certainty and with my entire chest.
No. We are not doing this "Hillary Clinton is worse than Donald Trump" bullshit ever again. I don't care, I'm not risking another pandemic, another civil war, or going back to Jim crow. If you really care, you would donate to the aid efforts as well: however we need to portion focus on the threats here too. If that moldy cheeto, who is now a convicted felon BTW, wins its over for everyone stateside. We need to get rid of their numbers and get rid of their figurehead and the only way we can do that (sans a French revolution that takes down the top 1% with up to trillions of dollars) is to vote.
I despise the illusion of free choice we're forced into election cycle after election cycle because red senators want to keep turning back the clock and blue senators don't do anything about them because they need the other side out of control to gain votes. The third-party vote is actively being crippled so I can't even choose that. But I vote anyway because literally what else can I do when protesting does not matter: entirely because there are still dumbasses who still vote red blindly and fuck us all over anyways?
So excuse me if I want to express my fucking opinion on the internet without having to justify it . Excuse me, if I have to agree with someone who makes a valid point why they aren't listening to someone who has no stakes in the argument and who my opinion never mattered to in the first place. EXCUSE ME, for daring to believe for one second that there were rational fucking people on this website instead of only bad faith shit stirrers like you to deal with.
Do your research and don't ever fucking come in my blog ever again and call me a racist or even imply that i'm a misogynist. If you do, than show your actual face next time because you're not getting that luxury next time.
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the-firebird69 · 23 days
Revolutionary War Battles · George Washington's Mount Vernon
The song is a little upsetting but I like it and it means I'm happy this little disturbed because this is very strange to him and I grew up there too but mostly I was detached sort of but really this is odd as heck and he is an American okay you're running him over Kohl's that you don't know about and it's going to be extremely painful because we're Americans as well and I get the effect
These battles are going to happen there's tons of them there's certain general and you'll notice what he looks like is kicking their ass and Brian is assuming the role of George Washington and Trump is assuming the role of the Hessian group leader they're smaller and it's proportional and very odd it's supposed to make us think we're losing and things because it's going along a timeline but no. Several battles have occurred and people are freaking out and they're listed here and there are more and it is the part where they are forced out and they have no ships in space and that's why they get forced out more and more and they have a comeback after the signing of a declaration of independence and that's an interesting thing what happens there but they do face the Hessians coming up real soon and they face the French and Indians later but the Hessian battle and war is important Donald Trump really brings a lot of people into New York to try and get his appeal to work and it's the state he appeals to so he feels he has to take over the state and the max are manipulating it and it's something that done before and it seem to work so they have it done again. The Hessians get beat and they also win battles but it's really to change the outcome of the trial and to try and gain the presidency back and he actually takes over the White House which did not really happen in the revolutionary war but it sort of did they took over the area and he just did not occupy the Capitol building no he went in it's a reenactment it's just not the White House and no it was kind of burned down and it gets beat up this time but not burnt down there's a whole lot of things happening and yeah it was a different house of rulership it was not Dave or Mac Daddy it was actually his and that's coming up that there is an analogy that wants to burn someone else's down and Mac Daddy has his house there and there are a lot of people that don't know that at all it's an interior portion what is called the Palace or it's really a parliament in Britain there's a bunch of it there in the summer around the countryside and some of it has his family members in it and they're kept very cool it's about 38° and it's right no it should be cooler and it really is they're deep okay people don't know that it's such an elevator and they're about 22°. So this is going to happen and what the stage we're at now is that they're fighting tooth and nail we are coming up to the Hessian battles and those will be fierce in large eventually the Hessians get cut out of the picture but not until the end of the war I was just coming up a lot quicker than people think that's the analogy and then it moves into more modern wars including the civil war there's a certain aspect to this that you are missing everybody it's called hatred they're doing all these reenactments and they're trying to get rid of other races and their despicable people are aware of it now and they're getting rid of them that's how it's going.
Thor Freya
They fight over New York they fight over New England for real now and they're pushing each other around and you can see the general coming and rolling over them and Washington is losing for the most part and inciting and it's not doing it on purpose then he gets they get pushed out and that is after a mini battles after Trenton they signed the declaration and Trump was doing it back then he was an a****** that's what Arnie ruined his place for and supposedly Trump was getting back in at him he said that he escaped and you know the max are after him and thank you very much he is mad and he was upset and didn't say anything and our sunset make sure the loss isn't permanent and he sort of got that sit there people who don't like you I'm fighting them but you're fighting everybody so then things went down that way they will push them back out of those areas that's a pseudo empire and the Hessians are forced out and back in the day it wasn't the British or the pseudo empire they were forced out by the rebels and they stayed out even though the pseudo empire occupied and this is happening now they'll get pushed out and they will be pushed to the South and then upper Midwest mostly up there and they'll battle and it's already started and Trump is helping that happen and Trenton is where Trump is defeated and the Hessians are forced out of New York and it's where he starts falling and he retreats to the upper Midwest and he becomes the French. It's happening very fast our son and daughter wonder about the car and they think it doesn't make any sense because of the timing but really he goes to the upper Midwest or Canada and he's still playing with Hessian and the timing does kind of work they think it's in about a month and he comes down with it no but there is a way that they do it but the reasoning is where Hessians we got pushed out of New York and this guy is the one who did it and and stuff like that and he took the vehicle that's not really true but that's what he does and we know he's doing it later on this is a very weird thing to do that to someone and we don't like it he does have other money by then. That too is what's going on they get pushed out there and they want him to go up there and they noticed that he probably won't go up there he doesn't have transportation and wants to bring his junk and a car would help so they never offered to have one there and doesn't do anything cuz he's still here and they really want him to do something else I guess no they use the car for something they try to take over New York again and at the time he needs it they try and take over New York again if that's the car issues with the Hessians did come back and that's the $30,000 and they got really badly beat and it changes the war and they become the Indians and the French and the phones too clones and some actual French and some minority French and it is going on now this whole maneuver and New England and the East is in turmoil as they fight and they get pushed out because they don't have the ships and it is an amazing thing that is happening again
Thor Freya
We know you know your stuff but some people want to know more like me. I do hear what he's saying the timeline is here the battles are picky and he can look at it and we can try and pick through who he's going to find the general for me so I'll get that okay then
We're here your side but he says not to worry he's used to it and she's eviction and powerful and keep her off me Chris says he's doing the job and he's on it it'll only empower her though but he'll have to somehow survive and she says to shut up
Zig Zag
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superior-witness · 3 months
Everything I Noticed in Hazbin Hotel Pilot Pt. 2
By everything, I mean everything. From the stupid things I read too much into, to the things that have already been pointed out to you.
"Breaking News: A large scale turf war is underway in Pentagram City between Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb," this is where I noticed I was spelling Cherri wrong. But I won't fix it. "The surrounding areas are covered in debris, so please avoid downtown on your commute today. Traffic is "Hella" backed up. Get it? "Hell", but with an "A" at the end? That's a word younger people seem to enjoy using. I don't really like it though. I wrote it because it seemed like the natural kind of fun to make for this situation, but now I see it in text I feel like it was a mistake. A mistake I can't take back like cheating on my wife. I'm so sorry Martha. I shouldn't have done it, but you did gain a lot of weight after the baby and I really needed some space. You know what? No, that was a good call. I banged the cleaning lady, and that was a pretty nice time. Even though she laughed at me when I told her I couldn't get off unless she licked my foot first. I don't see how that's a weird request. Maybe if I'd just gotten a hooker she would have been more agreeable. The point is my wife was a fucking bitch. One time we went to the zoo and I got really mad because I thought the orangutan was making fun of me. He kept doing that stupid duck lip face? The one where their lips get all puckered? Then it started screaming, and that really pissed me off. My wife told me it was just a monkey and to calm down."
Not Sir Petentious trying to look cool.
The egg with the 'Boss's #1 Fan <3' banner is adorable.
I'm still curious as to why lights and cameras have eyes.
The smoking sign makes me laugh because it's encouraged.
Razzle and Dazzle eating doughnuts.
Not a single word is highlighted.
Jeffery's Cannibal Cooking show? It's Dahm Good? Hello Jeffery Dahmer holy shit. I'm loving the note taped to it that just says 'Who approved this show??'
Not Tom shaking his head as they're talking.
Demon crowd! I assume we're seeing some beta designs, but the only one I'm personally immediately seeing is the tech head whose screen just says WORDS. Maybe a Vox beta design?
Another potential Vox beta design next to a Blitzo beta design.
I didn't notice this earlier but the upside down skulls holding the table up is fun.
When it pans out to people watching the wall of TVs, you do see the blue flamed guy from the overlord meetings.
Is this my first time noticing Missi Zilla's bar? Yes. Is it my first time noticing her? Also yes.
You do see her club, Klub Kaiju, in the back when Alastor does appear.
Razzle and Dazzle are just snack hoarders.
Again, Razzle and Dazzle. I do love them so.
Maybe a Fizzarolli beta design in the corner when it cuts back to Alastor?
Hello ominious poster in the back saying: BEWARE!!! HIM!!! DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM! STAY AWAY! THE RADIO DEMON!!
I love the little ear twitch.
Possibly a Stolas or Ars Goetia beta designs?
Loona beta design
The cut to Vaggie to with her head in her hands is weirdly funny.
Hello Zestial what are you doing here? And- you had pupils....?
Hello Mimzy!
Katy says Nine Circles not the seven rings. This bothers me. A lot. But like- easy explanation possibly? The seven rings, plus heaven and purgatory.
Not the arrow that says Loser pointing to Sir Petentious.
And then the one that says Pussy.
The print on the seats! The snake imagery, the apple, the hands. I love it so much.
Vaggie's proficiency in weapons! I'm sure that won't come up at all.
Love seeing the rips in Charlie's jacket.
The body pillow of angel made me cringe. Also despite him liking Angel, he has a tattoo that has his head silhouette crossed out making this, concerning on top of creepy.
Also, Angel, indeed, does not take his boots off we have not seen his feet.
Ah yes more apple imagery on the windows of the doors.
Circus tent imagery too.
Also apples on the lamps.
The symbol that you see on pillars and walls is the same one from the car.
Hi yes more circus imagery. The elephant balancing on a ball, with a ball on it's trunk.
Not really circus imagery but I think close enough- the lions on the fireplace!
The pictures of Razzle and Dazzle on the wall.
I think that's supposed to be Lilith performing on one of those photos in the back, but I'm not sure.
Baby Charlie hugging a dragon thing is adorable.
The microphone was sentient in the pilot.
HI OKAY YES I LOVE POINTING OUT OTHER CHARACTERS! Velvette immediately, Valentino, blue flame demon, Husker right behind Alastor covered by a silhouette, Rosie, Zestial. I assume that's Stolas beta designs. Missi Zella, Carmilla and hello Vox.
Again, we see Husk though Vaggie is covering him up.
All the posters if Lilith makes me think it's posters from concerts and shows she's in.
The fact that while Alastor prefers women he straight up just doesn't like Vaggie is highly amusing to me but also makes me think that he knew she was an exorcist. He doesn't like those who picks on people weaker than them, and Vaggie, as an exorcist, would have done that.
Skeleton imagery on windows!
I do love the suits on Husker's wings, I'm sad to see them go.
Love the poker chips on the wallpaper (I think that's what it is.)
Susanne's outfit on Vaggie.
The voodoo symbols covering the walls instead of the apple wallpaper.
This took me approximately two-three hours. I fear for myself with the rest of the series.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 42
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This chapter was a mess. But it's my mess.
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FOUR weeks of Silence
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Veteran's Village
A peaceful Sunday meant that Roach, Alex and Soap were chilling at the house Samantha and Maxine were in. It had been 4 weeks since that Cuban incident and Francine had gone to therapy for her near death traumatic experience. If it wasn't for Soap, she would've been left out there for good.
France thought that it would be healthy to stay in a more domestic setup rather than the base so she took her time off duty to recover in the veteran's village. And ever since that day in Cuba, Soap and France's relationship was more expressive than ever.
"If we're having a barbecue tonight, we better head off to the meat shop." Alex peeked by the door, giving a heads up to the rest of the people sitting on the couch. Soap turned his head to Alex and tossed his keys as Roach stood up and came with Alex.
"Any other requests?" He looked at the group then to Maxine, who shook her head and laughed. 
"Just be back safe." She replied.
"Got it." Gary nodded and waved goodbye at them. Soap wanted to come along but France had been falling asleep on his lap for quite a while. And Maxine and Samantha noted that she hadn't had decent for days.
"Oh, Roach! Grab me a cigar maybe." He whispered, trying not to wake France up.
"Roger that." He nodded and made his way to Soap's jeep, where Alex was already waiting on him. He sat himself on shotgun and let Alex lead the way to their destination.
He turned on the radio as it played a song about driving. Roach was quick to shazam it and found out it was Automobile by KALEO.
"Now this is going to be on my playlist." Alex said as his head nodded to the music, taking him where the winds take him, far away.
"Agreed. Oh, Soap actually asked for cigarettes so we might have to stop by a convenience store on the way back." Roach informed as the song ended. 
"Okay. That's cool. Maybe add a few sodas for the girls. They probably haven't had those i  ages." He said as he turned the radio off and switched it to AUX.
"Here. Grab my phone and play that song again." Alex instructed as he drove through the streets, and Roach followed him. Playing the song again.
"Ah yes. This song is good." Alex sighed.
"Yeah. It's fire." Roach commented, making Alex raise an eyebrow.
"You know, fire… lit… slaps… Modern terminologies." Roach explained shyly as Alex chuckled.
"I'll never understand the young ones of today." Alex chuckled as he stopped by the parking lot, pulling his phone and leaving the car.
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Dinner was the best part of the Sunday evening as the three couples enjoyed a hearty meal together, sharing experiences and funny stories like an extended family. Roach talked about his raccoon story once again as one topic led to another until such time that the inevitable topic was discussed.
"Speaking of fires, do you have any leads on Nero?" Samantha asked innocently as the men fell quiet, looking at each other. Wondering who would open up the topic.
"Well, uh… After his assault in New York…" Soap trailed off, his eyes went to Alex, signaling him to continue.
"Alex, it's your girl's question! Go answer it!" Soap complained as France laughed, wrapping her arms around Soap.
"He's gone silent." Alex muttered. Samantha was kinda sad she asked about it so she tried to make up by brightening up the mood.
The night continued on as the group played charades, girls vs boys. For an hour or so the soldiers forgot about their worries and acted like they're normal people living their normal lives outside work. It wouldn't hurt to pretend like that, especially when the baggage of guilt was hard to handle.
"So, Gary. I've been meaning to ask you something…" Maxine said as she assisted him in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"How are you… like mentally. You seem… off." She asked, Gary sighed and eased his shoulders.
"It's just… we almost lost a life back there… for nothing. Lannister hasn't said any useful information and as the days go by another assault might occur." he breathed out his worries, earning a back rub from Maxine.
"People have their limits. Lannister could break anytime. Let's just hope we're not too late." She assured him. It was a very negative statement but somehow it's actually helpful. Gary smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Maxine." he said.
"Yeah. Don't ever think you're alone. I'm here for you. Actually, just last night. I had another memory restored. And it felt so important that you have to know it first. Before…" she said, her voice lowering down after every word.
"Before what?" Gary whispered jokingly. Maxine laughed and hit his chest gently.
"Nevermind that word. Back to my memory…
I…" she trailed off, looking like she was too shy and scared to finish the statement.
"You…?" Gary raised an eyebrow. Maxine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I had an ex-girlfriend." She blurted and paused right after saying it, bracing at what Gary's reaction.
"I- uh.. That's okay… There's nothing wrong with that, Maxine." He said like he meant it. Maxine was too shocked about his reaction. Maybe she thought about it too much.
"Like… does that change anything?" She asked.
"Nothing at all. Oh wait! Yes! It does." Gary announced and Maxine's smile almost dropped.
"It means that if I want to have you, I'll have to step up my game. I have more competition now." He realized and Maxime sighed in relief. This man was about to get some scolding.
"You worried me, you know!" He continued gently hitting on Gary's chest, giggling away all her fears. He still accepted her. This was great.
"My point's valid!" He laughed, defending himself from her hits,.like children playing house. This may seem like a simple event, but this was the beginning of something new for the two of them.
Task Force 141 Base - Interrogation Room
Price sat in front of Gabriel, they've been silent for about an hour now as Gary and Soap stayed on the viewing area to observe the interrogation. Alex was here thirty minutes ago but he left after he got a phone call.
"What kind of twisted play is this?" Soap asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gabriel.
"The bastard won't talk. Just cut off a finger or something." He scoffed. To Gary, it would make sense, but with all the cameras and the formalities, It wasn't allowed. Especially that Gabriel's alibi was that he got their first to investigate. Which was total bullshit.
"He still has his ace on his sleeve. As long as we don't find proof of involvement, he's going to be free soon." Gary commented, making Soap grumble some Scottish curses.
"It's pretty obvious!" Soap yelled as Alex entered the interrogation room, saying something to Price as they immediately left him alone. Whatever that message was, looked way more important than Gabriel.
"We've got a lead on Nero!" Alex said as he peeked on the door, making the two stand up immediately and head to the briefing room.
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"Operation Eye of the Storm." Price announced.
"In 24 hours, Nero and his newfound friends will meet on a hotel in Prague. This intel was from one of the Resistance Leaders Alex once teamed up with. They reached out for help since Nero started to secure the whole city." Price paced back and forth on the big screen.
"The plan is to eliminate Nero and his allies. As simple as that. We have the element of surprise in our hands. Soap, I want you to position yourself on the clock tower, just by the hotel. A bullet to the head should work. Alex will be watching your six. Jack will be our eyes and ears inside the convention. He'll be signaling when they'll be out on the open. Roach and I will enter the building for cleanup. We only had one shot at this so let's make it count." Price briefed and everyone else murmured their thoughts, some were already thanking for a solid lead. This was it. The final showdown. The end of the war.
Alex and Soap already left the resistance safehouse, they had to be at the clock tower tonight, using the concealment of the night and the noise of the rain for cover. The perfect opportunity to say under the radar. Meanwhile, Roach and Price stayed to defend the place as Nero's men once again ransacked the streets just to ensure his safety. The world may have announced that the war in US was over, but Nero still had some cities under his control. This minor setback was the reason he's planning for something new. And they're here to stop it.
"Alright, Roach. Your replacements here." Price said as he stood up from his spot. 
"Get ready for the big day tomorrow." He added as he nodded and left his gun for the next person to use. Tomorrow's battle is going to be tough, and even though he didn't want to admit it, Roach needed some rest.
Despite the occasional gunfire and screaming, Roach was able to sleep. He didn't mind the battle outside the building as his battle was with Nero. Once Soap shot him dead, he would also want to shoot him again, just to feel satisfied.
Hotel Lustig
Prague, Czech Republic
Roach hid on the west wing of the hotel, while Price was on the other side. They were both clinging on to the walls as their entrance was at the small opening where Soap would shoot Nero. Roach eyed the convoy just below him.
"Convoy's up ahead. Nero should be in one of those cars." Soap muttered.
"Can't see shit through the lens. He could be anywhere." Alex added.
"Easy lads. We'll have a clear shot once they're in the balcony. Right Jack?" Price asked. Jack didn't respond, but maybe the signal inside was too weak.
"Jack? Do you copy?" Price asked.
"Da. I do copy, Captain Price. I'm just here to get my old prisoner back. I've had him in the gulag for quite a while but it seems this is our first time meeting face to face." A russian voice which everyone assumed to be Nero said in the most villainous tone possible.
"You're too predictable, Captain." he said as he clicked something, prompting an explosion on the clock tower.
"Get down! C4!" Price yelled as the two soldiers jump out, falling on to railings. Alex landed on a fruit cart by the tower while Soap landed on the car, crashing it as it alarmed.
"Roach! Go help them out!" Price ordered as Nero's men started to circle around the two while the resistance team helped them defend. 
Roach quickly pulled Soap up who was groaning in pain. Alex looked pained too but the look in their eyes says that they're still willing to end this today.
"Let's catch up with them." Alex said as a resistance member tossed them a rifle and quickly hid for cover, pushing their way into the hotel. At the corner of Roach's eye, he saw Price enter the building, loading his gun and ready to end this as well.
Next Chapter : THREE Bullets
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1
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fascinatingbonanza · 3 years
Bonanza chronology
(so far, which is the first 5 seasons)
As someone quite interested in history, I always enjoy stories set in the past and I always like to know when exactly in the past they are set. So recently I found myself trying way to much to figure out when does "Bonanza" actually take place. And It seems to be a far more difficult problem than I initially thought. But here's what I've got so far, after watching 5 seasons.
But then, as I was watching the series episode after episode, I quickly realised, that this 'canonical chronology' is bullshit and that time in "Bonanza" works in mysterious and extremely convoluted ways.
Generally the series takes place roughly somewhere in the 1860s. The first half of the decade to be a bit more precise, somewhere right before and during the American Civil War (something that is occasionally brought up in the episodes). That's literally what wikipedia says. However, as I dived a little into the fanpages and whatnot, I discovered that there seems to be a some sort of a more specific, canonical, chronology that basicly says that the pilot ("A Rose for Lotta") is set in 1859, then the first season is 1860, the second - 1861, the third - 1862 and so on.
(To be honest, that's quite cool actually, because it would mean that the series takes place exactly 100 years before it's premiere)
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To realize that the canonical chronology just doesn't apply to the actual show, you only have to watch the first two seasons, where some episodes have literally a written year at the beginning.
We have it in season's one "San Francisco":
And that's ok, I mean, yeah, the first season (supposedly set in 1860) is coming to an end and now we are getting into the next year. It makes sense.
It still makes sense in the second season where we have "The Courtship", again with a date at the beginning:
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Don't know why would they say it again, but all right, it's still 1861, no problem here.
And then, just two episodes later, comes "Bank Run" with this audacity:
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What on earth happened here??? They just totally skipped 1862 and now we're a year later, with no explanation or a reason. And that's the moment when you realize that there is no such thing as 'linear chronology' in "Bonanza".
Especially when you also take into account all those stories involving real historical figures which were quite often in the first season. Sometimes the show just doesn't really care about historical facts and for example Lotta Crabtree (from "A Rose for Lotta") in 1859 would be only 12 years old. "The Julia Bulette story" is a bit closer to history altrough Bulette's death was changed a lot as in reality she died in 1867. Mark Twain, who appeard in "Enter Mark Twain", in reality visited Virginia City in 1863, so again, why is this a part of the first season which takes place in 1860?
Then you also have episodes which literally bring up real historical events, but they do it in such a clumsy way, that it's just painful. The one episode that strikes me the most with it is propably "A House Divided" which obviously quotes Lincoln's famous speech. Ben Cartwright even reads this speech in a brand new newspaper, but guess what, it's a speech from 1858, which is before the Comstock Lode was even discovered, so how can this whole episode be set around supplying the south with silver?! (But since it is about supplying the south with silver, I assume it must be around 1861, right at the start of the war)
After the first season "Bonanza" slowed down a bit with those 'history lessons', so in the second one there isn't really anything that could suggest any particular date (apart from "The Courtship" and "Bank Run" that I mentioned earlier). And maybe events from the second season do actually happen in 1861, as the canonical chronology would like it to.
But then comes my beloved third season, and boi oh boi, does it make an even greater mess. In "The Frenchman" the title character (apparently a reincarnation of Francois Villion) reads his last poem and starts with:
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So we go back in time now? How nice. October 17th 1860, they couldn't be more explicit with it.
Towards the end of the season, we also get a little throw back to Bonanza's history lessons with "Look to the Stars" which tells a story of young Albert Michelson, future physicist and a Nobel Prize winner, who happend to live in Virginia City somewhere in the 1860s. The episode specifically focuses on his efforts to become a student at the Annapolis Naval Academy, which he started in 1869, so we can assume that this episode takes place around 1868-69. That's again a long jump in time.
The fourth season gives us even more specific dates and events to go over. First of all, right at the beginning, we have "The First Born", personally one of my very favourites, but that's not important here. The important thing is that Clay tells Joe that he was fighting in a war in Mexico:
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But you know, that war in Mexico was kinda spread over time (from 1861 to 1867) so just mentioning it isn't quite enough to give us a more narrow period of time. Fortunately, Clay later tells just enough detail to do it:
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So it's not all over yet, it's just that moment when the royalists won and the French took over Mexico for a while. From my very general knowlege about this I can guess that it's somewhere after 1863 then. Not much though. I like to think it's 1863 or 1864.
But all right, that may be to much guessing. Let's focus on those more obvious hints.
"The War Comes to Washoe" is one of those episodes that mention the Civil War and this time it tells a story of Nevada becoming a state. There's that voting and all, and basically it means that it's 1864, because that is when Nevade became a state (or maby 1863, because from thet voting to actually becoming a state it could've been a longer process). Just like that.
But the one episode that surprised me the most with the fact that it gives us a specific date is "The Last Haircut". And you can miss it, but right at the beginning we see an interesting banner:
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So it's February 2nd, 1868... Well, that was easy. But again, a huge jump in time.
The fifth season greets us with another completely nonsensical historical figure appearance in "A Passion for Justice". From what I know, Charles Dickens never went west during his visits to America, but whatever. They wanted Charles Dickens in Virginia City so they put Charles Dickens in Virginia City. For the record, he was in America in 1842 and in 1868, so I guess we can pretend it's his 1868 visit. But still, it's just absurd.
But this season is mostly known for it's Laura and Will subplots, and you know what? We can actually precisely tell when it takes place. At the beggining of "The Waiting Game" we see Laura's husband's grave:
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And look! February 20th, 1861! So that's when it all started. Later Adam says that it's been four months since Frank died, so we have June 1861. Then in "The Pressure Game" they celebrate the 4th of July, and in "Triangle" it is said that it had been a year since Adam gave Peggy her pony so now it must be around June 1862. And since at this point it all conects to Will's subplot, then "Return to Honor", "The Roper" and "The Companeros" must've happen somewhere inbetween.
Meanwhile there's also "The Prime of Life" about building the transcontinental railroad, and since we know that it reached Reno in 1868, then I guess the episode must be set somewhere right before that.
And to top it all off, in the season's finale, "Walter and the Outlaws", we get that one useless piece of information that Obie had last seen his sister in 1843, and it's been 16 years since then. So by easy maths we can say that the episode is set in 1859, just like the show's pilot.
And that's all for the first five seasons. What we get form it, is that "Bonanza" diefinietly doesn't have any chronology and that this canonical one is just right out of the blue.
To sum it up I can say that this show is just made out of random Catwright's adventures from several years and in no chronological order whatsoever. It's funny when you start to think about it and for example realise that when the Laura/Will story takes place, many of the adventures from previous seasons hasn't even happen yet.
Of course there's also four prequels that tell the stories about Ben's wives, but I think I'll leave it for some other time, because while talking about it, I would also have to talk about the ages of each Cartwright and generally it's a whole different complicated subject.
Also, if now there are episodes happening as late as 1867 and 1868, then when exactly did Adam leave the Ponderosa? Well that's something I'll have to think about while watching the 6th season. I hope there will be some answers to that.
[English isn't my first language so please excuse any mistakes. And I know there must be some.]
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zachsgamejournal · 3 years
PLAYING: Breath of Fire IV
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I'm not sure my son is as invested in this game as he was III. He may have point, but he also may need a break...
So, a dragon flooded the dam then said hello at the coast as a mysterious musician hinted at Ryu's dragon lineage.
Afterwards, the group arrives at a town filled with traps. I can't remember 100% why. I think the intent was to keep "monsters" away so that travelers would feel safe to come by. It's kind of silly how the whole town is filled with traps and every villager is obsessed with the efficacy of their own traps.
We need to leave by a pass that is guarded by a soldier. We need the mayor's permission to pass. The mayor has guarded their front door with a cage a la Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. So you have to willing drop into a pit-trap to get into the mayor's basement. But he's not there. It's assumed he's in the nearby woods.
In the woods is an interesting minigame. There's a particular monster the Mayor has been trying to trap. When you see it, you have to track its footprints. But there's a time limit and traps everywhere.
Success means finding the mayor who proudly injures a creature with a trap. A giant boss monster appears to take revenge, which our heroes have to kill. We're then allowed to use the pass (like the guard could have stopped us).
Gonna break plot summarizing to acknowledge how this game doesn't seem as concerned about moral ambiguity and duality. It seems far more focused on war, war-minded nations, and how war hurts the populace.
After the pass we get to Synesta. I have no idea what we're doing here or what to look for. It's said that this town had previously been contaminated by the Hex, but it's been cleared...on the surface. Turns out the nuns of the local orphanage need help catching a rather escapee young boy. After a less-than-fun mini game, you catch the boy and go talk to the nuns.
The nuns remember Nina's sister, Elina, having stopped by on a special mission. But they don't know what happened next. The young boy says he knows, but won't tell until you finish a game of hide-n-seek.
No thank you.
But I have no choice.
After finding all but the escapee kid, it's said he may be hiding out in the city's underbelly, which is still infested with monsters from the Hex. Still, some random dude that Ryu could one-hit kill prevents us from going downstairs. But he's thirsty.
I'm not sure how much the player has an effect on this, but there's a lady with water for sale. She doesn't sell it to you. Just says she's selling it. Then she walks over to the basement guard and the guy gets distracted by water. Less than exciting.
Down in the basement, we find the boy. He admits that Elina was confronted by a Local "merchant" and Imperial officials. So we need to speak to this "merchant": Marlock. But Marlock's front door is guarded by a muscle guy--whose ass we kick. Marlock is intrigued by our violence and agrees to see us.
Marlock, with his French accent, says he didn't do anything bad to Elina (sure). He expects you to do a deed to get his help. He wants you to track down a theif and leave Nina behind...to help out around the house.
I got confused about where the thief was, cause we found his empty hide out. Turns out you have to stop at one the questions marks on the way. The thief makes a run for it. Now at his hideout, we use a mini-game to catch him. He reveals that he was in-debt to Marlock and the stuff he stole was first stolen from him. Cray thinks this is BS and we go back empty handed to confront Marlock.
All the while, Marlock is slowly trying to get Nina to put her hands on him, cause he's a fucking creeper.
Marlock is not excited by our "failure" and says the stuff was his, whether or not he obtained it by fair means. He offers another job, go help out on a sandflier wharf. Once again, we leave Nina to be objectified and sexually harassed by Marlock.
At the wharf, we're tasked with a mini-game of using cray to push barrels and vases into the correct places. Afterward, we have to load a sandflier with a mildly entertaining mini-game. You use a crane to load boxes. It's not very user friendly, but ah-well.
Just as we're about to throw our hands up about the BS, Nina apepars, followed by Marlock. I fear what they implied happen. Anyway, Marlock offers us the "best cabin" to get to...the next place. Which is where he took Elina. This "best Cabin" is a crate. Makes sense, but Cray isn't having it.
We arrive at a large tower the transports things via magic across the sea. After wandering around, fighting monsters (my son doesn't enjoy the fighting: BORING), we get to the top. BUT the imperial soldier that Nina and Ryu confronted at the beginning of the game stops us. He's not gonna let us leave.
After a boss battle, we jump through the portal. The imperial solider can't believe that he's seen a dragon.
This was good, cause I kept thinking about how in BoF3, everyone is obsessed with the fact that Ryu is a dragon. While other dragons are important to the plot in BoF4, it seems no one really cares that Ryu is a dragon.
Or...Flash over...no sure.
Fou Lu is recovering from his injuries. Bunyan is helping him (good ole Bunyan). Once healed, Bunyan asks, sadly, if another war is coming. He was a soldier and didn't like the war. Fou Lu heads down the mountain but is confronted by clown-nose, leading imperial troopes. (I can't remember clown-nose's name, but he's the guy that attacked Fou Lu at the beginning.)
Fout Lu fights off the boss, then turns into a dragon to flee. Clown-nose sends another boss, and Fou Lu is injured in his escape.
Back to Ryu and Friends, they've made it to the Imperial side and go to the next town. This town has a large gun, a la Junon (FF7). it's what they used to shoot the Hex at towns across the see. It requires water to cool down, so they needed an aqueduct. I wandered about, talking to everyone, trying to figure out what to do. Apparently I just needed to leave, cause the next area appeared on the map.
it's the aqueduct. It's short, but requires some camera shifting to figure out. It's kind of interesting, because the game warps you to special battle rooms instead of having monsters appear on the screen, it allows the designers to make more interesting dungeons that don't necessarily have to accommodate the appearance of monsters. But also, the towns are waaaaaay too claustrophobic, making it hard to move around and find things.
The aqueduct takes us to the place the team dreamed about. They're sure they'll find Elina hear. We're caught by an official and he tells use Elina WAS there, but is there no longer. I'm sure this is a play on words given what I know about Elina's fate.
So that's it for now.
The world map is interesting. You don't roam freely like in BoF3, but it also takes less work to get to new locals. I'm a little torn, but it's fine. It also allows the world map to just be a map, offering more realistic looking landscapes...in a sense.
I'm enjoying the graphics. Clearly the team better understood the PS1 hardware. It's still fairly block, but the textures are great and look amazing even for a 20+ year old game!
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iwritethat · 5 years
Jason Todd: German Shepherd
A/N: Dog Plan 2/?, how could I not write one for Jason???
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He had issues. You were god damn sure of it.
Obviously you loved your treasured German Shepherd to pieces and you were 99% certain that Zeus would die for you but that does not mean he wasn't subject to experimentation before you adopted him as a puppy. It was Gotham, that theory was completely liable considering his peculiar sparkling emerald irises.
The dog had a biazzarre habit of sneaking out the fire escape on some nights but always made his return a couple of hours later ready to snuggle up with you. His scent was usually that of gunpowder and cigarettes - again, in Gotham most places smelt like that but you couldn't help but wonder what your partner got up to on his escapades. Regardless, you brought a collar engraved with your address as a precaution. Although once the adventurous canine disappeared for longer than 2 days you began to worry, he was basically your comrade who seemingly understood every word you said so when the door knocked at 3am you skidded over in your hoodie with hopeful eyes.
"Uh hey, I believe this belongs to y- Sun!" The mysterious stranger didn't manage to finish before Zeus hauled his oversized paws over your shoulders nuzzling his nose against your hair on his hind legs, it was a struggle to hold the massive bundle of fluff so much so that you staggered back a little before fussing him in return. A pulsation of shock sprinted through your veins upon recognising his company and the twin guns situated on his thighs but he did just return your dog...
"Thanks for bringing this giant doofus back, I see you've already gotten attached though." You observed expectantly, Zeus standing by your side to stare at the Red Hood who shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Old habit, I've encountered him quite a bit on the streets - at first he went by 'Dog' but eventually I named him Sun Tzu. Then he suddenly shows up with a collar around his neck but I'm glad he has a good home."
"Yeah, Zeus always struck me as a weirdo who apparently sneaks out to play vigilante sidekick but I always pick the odd ones I guess. And Sun Tzu... as in the Art of War?" The man did a double take, he didn't expect you to know who that was.
"He's actually quite useful out there. And that's the one, have you read it?"
"No, but I'd like to. I guess you've got to go save the city but thank you again Red Hood." You waved him off, Zeus with a bark and you'd thought that would be the end of it.
Of course it wasn't, Zeus would continue to disappear no doubt on the streets with his apparent 'partner' - they were a deranged reformation of Batman and Robin much to your amusement. Only now you awoke to find an Art of War hardback on your bed rather than a toy with Zeus franticly wagging his tail. Suspiciously, eyeing your dog as you did so, you opened the book to find a scruffy note inside.
'Hopefully Sun Zeus got this to you, thought you'd like it. - Red'
Oh God...
Once you'd read the book, you sat contemplating a reply on your piece of card since you had no paper at this particular time - Zeus laid beside your leg, head resting on your thigh with a bored expression.
'Thanks, it's an incredible book. I'm not sure if I can ask how you are but has the crime world been busy? Gotten any cool cases? I suppose I shouldn't ask that either, well it was a pleasure meeting you the other night and you seem pretty badass but thanks again for taking the time to return my boy. -(Y/n)'
You visually winced as your hands began mimicking your thoughts knowing you were binning this version, with a sigh you stood to find a new piece of card as you couldn't ask a stranger that - let alone the Red Hood. What were you supposed to say anyway? You returned to your couch, clear card inches from your canines nose - you had no idea where he'd obtained the piece but didn't complain, writing a new message before slipping into the book for Zeus to return.
'Thank you for the book, stay safe out in this hellhole. - (Y/n)'
It was no more than a few days until you received a reply neatly tucked into your joyful canines collar despite the torn edges.
'I thought people threw away discarded notes, not write on the back but I'm glad you did it. It's Gotham, of course it's been busy and 'cool cases'? No (Y/n), definitely not. The pleasure was all mine by the way. - Red'
The exchanges continued for quite some time, your dog acting as your very own personal messenger, occasionally you'd send over books or on one instance you'd received a bouquet of flowers, of course you'd sent some back to which your correspondent found amusing. Regretfully over the passing 3 months you'd only encountered him under a few circumstances, mostly brought together by the antics of your shared companion but none the less you grew rather fond of each other.
You’d conversed as he sat on your widow ledge after you’d practically forced him to drink a coffee before disappearing back into the depths of Gotham, listening to the latest tale he threw your way. Then you have ran into him and Zeus during a midnight shopping run, the two opting to walk you home that night. It was difficult not to grow close to the man when you see him at least twice a week as well as the letters he continued to write despite already exchanged numbers.
Tonight you'd ventured to Big Belly burger, opting for a takeout after an exhausting day but were not expecting the cashiers joyful reaction.
"Ah hello you beautiful boy!"
You gave her a sceptical glance, pausing at the counter before noticing her kind smile was actually directed toward your dog - who shouldn't be inside but alas chose to follow you in anyway.
Zeus wagged his tail at the familiar welcoming, the woman walking around the counter to pet him much to your confusion, you were hungry after all but due to the happiness both parties displayed you saw no harm in waiting 5 minutes more.
"Where's your handsome owner? Can't be far behind no?" A pink hue settled on her cheeks, whoever this supposed master was apparently captured her romantic interest, regardless Zeus moved to sit by your side, leaning against your leg before releasing a bark.
"Dork." You tutted, tousling his ear.
The woman politely smiled, seemingly understanding the gesture but you didn't miss the flash of disappointment in her eyes.
"Ah you brought his lovely partner with you today hm? Well now the flowers make sense, you are a lucky one, I didn’t think men like that existed. I'll prepare his usual and what would you like this evening?" Her cheery attitude returned as she began preparing your alleged lover's signature order much to your quiet protest. Suspicion overwhelmed you by wondering what other companions your dog had - Zeus trotted over to the exit as the bell rang signifying a person entering/leaving the diner.
"Hey Sun. You waiting for me or somethin'?" Immediately your eyes widened, the familiar nickname of your canine and the way he spoke making your heart race.
However you didn't want to make your presence known, having assumed the Red Hood wouldn't be dressed as such - not if the waitress was so flawed by him. Although credit due, he already had a stunning body in his vigilante attire...
This was the man your dog trusted every night - the one who wrote you letters and had a beautiful way with words. The one who had the waitress before you blushing like a school girl by his mere presence alone. With a careless sigh, you directed your attention to the two only stopping a few away - the scene bringing an admiring smirk to your face, the very attractive ravenette knelt before your companion both talking an fussing him like they were the best of friends, which you supposed they were after all of their adventures.
The male shot a quick glance to the person they were supposedly holding up, once recognising you he hesitated before standing and moving to speak. That is, before you cut him off.
"Don't worry babe, I got yours too. Sit and eat with me?" Your tone was casual as if you’d both done this many times before, like you hadn’t just laid eyes on him, yet it held an underlying demand as you held the paper bag out toward him.
It wasn't exactly a choice, regardless of how effortless fabricating a relationship was between the two of you. He immediately collaborated with your intentions, knowing that there must be a reason for you to act this way.
"Always doll, I've got some news for you anyway." He must've understood that you deducted who he was, and so guided you to the nearest table with Zeus following.
"So..." The man awkwardly started, unsure of how to go about the situation and truthfully neither did you but addressed the main question hanging in the air.
"Before you ask it was Zeus, no one calls him Sun except his partner in crime and there's also how happy he was to see you, I knew straight away."
"Hah, can't believe he betrayed me like this. But I'm kinda glad (Y/n), although was the pet name thing really necessary?" Was his reply as he began eating much like you had, the atmosphere became more casual with your shared amusement thanks to Zeus' previous antics.
"Firstly Red, you started it ages ago. Secondly, I don't know your real name and finally, the cashier thinks we're together thanks to our 'shared ownership' of Zeus. Rather disappointing actually, the lady does seem fond of you." Of course you'd defended yourself, the position you'd put yourselves in was somewhat embarrassing but all you think of at the time.
"All valid points I admit, and I've noticed but hey, if we're together I guess she can move on. And it's Jason by the way, Jason Todd."
"Jason... It's not how I expected to find out your identity but I'm not complaining, you've got good taste in fast food."
"Yeah, honestly this isn't how I'd imagined things to go either." He shook his head, shy smile on his face almost as if he was embarrassed to admit it.
"How so?"
"I would've preferred to tell you that I'm a vigilante at least a few dates in, not the best starting point is it?"
"No but it’s definitely interesting. How about this be our first date and we can go from there? It's a proper thank you for bringing my fluffball back home." Zeus released an obnoxious whine at the nickname from his place on the floor beside the table where he'd chose to lie down as Jason laughed but agreed none the less.
"Since you've so kindly paid for this one (Y/n), the next date is on me."
"I've just found out you're a gun wielding crimelord - what makes you think there's going to be a next one?"
Upon hearing your playful tone Zeus immediately sat up, barked as if making an argument whilst wagging his tail and looking between the two of you proudly. Jason smirked, gesturing toward Zeus as he answered.
"He does."
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