#i mean i got called a boy by some adult stranger woman so ok
ALSO im dressed like all black plus baggy tee n sweats plus my beanie n lil safety pin dangly earring n like ok personally i thought it was not giving feminine much or explicitly and like standing at the end of the bus line boy is there and we're both at the end ppl are already standing there's only standing room and he tells me go ahead of him and it's like sir????? we are both going to be standing in the same bus what was tht for except to misgender me grrrrr stabbies you but then i guess there's also the i am so tiny factor and also the my gender expression thru my clothes switches wildly depending on my mood n like to an extent it's like we're all regulars on the bus he has definitely probably seen me b4 ive seen him countless times he probably knows what i am lol but it still gets me so irritated grrrrr
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valora23 · 2 years
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Eccentric Family
Eichi was a friend of Y/n's. Though he barely had any time to himself. Now that you think about it... He wasn't exactly her "friend". Eichi is just someone who declared to be her friend. They had only met each other when meeting at a cafe, but this time Eichi thought that he would go to her house for a visit. Y/n, who doesn't have anything better to do, accepted the request.
Soon enough, the doorbell to the woman's house rang, so she went to open it. "Ah, Tenshouin-kun. It's been a while." She said with a smile as she let him in. "Y/n-chan, you don't need to be formal with me, just Eichi is fine." He said with that beautiful fake smile of his. "Alright then, Eichi-kun. Sorry, I got used to it when I used to call you Tenshouin-senpai." Y/n nervously explained.
As the hours pass, the two talked about their life and moments back when they were at school. Of course, Y/n had to take care of Natsume ever so often. "Mother, we're home!" A voice from the door called out. Turning towards the door, the two adults found Y/n's four other sons. "Sorry we're a bit late... Wataru... wanted to play in the playground, so Kanata-nii has to carry him home." The sound of Shu said. "Mommy? Who is the man in our house?" The cute sweet innocent voice of Wataru asked. "Oh, boys, this is Eichi Tenshouin. He's an old high school friend of mine. Well, he was my upperclassmen. Please treat him with respect, ok? He's a guest after all." Y/n said. Unknown to her though, three of her sons didn't really like the vibe Eichi is giving off.
"Eichi-kun, do you mind if I go start up on dinner? Maybe you can join us if you would like to." Y/n said sweetly. "I would love to. You can leave me here for a second. I can talk to the four young men of the house." Eichi replied with his ever so fake smile. "Wataru, why don't you go play in your room?" Kanata said to Wataru, not wanting the little brother to see what the three are going to do with the stranger in their house.
"Okay!" Wataru cheerfully said as he ran up to his room, oblivious of what his brothers are going to do. "So, who are you to mother and why are you here?" Rei started the interrogation, giving Eichi a death glare. "I am just a friend of your mother, nothing more. I can't visit an old friend of mine?" Eichi said, his smile unfazed. "Mom wouldn't let a stranger in and I don't usually mind, but you give off a different weird aura..." Kanata commented. "If you really are an old friend of mother, she would've at least told us about you, but she never even said your name once before." Shu glared at Eichi. At this point, all three brothers were glaring at him. He then remembered what Y/n had told him before. She said the brothers sometimes don't get along. But to Eichi, that line seemed false. The four of them then continued this odd staring contest for minutes.
"Alright. I'm making some mac n cheese for tonight. I already put it inside the oven. Did you boys had fun talking?" Came the voice of Y/n herself. Eichi was going to comment something when one of the brothers said something first. "Everything is alright, mother." Rei said with a fake smile. Eichi was quite surprised with this odd behavior, but didn't seemed faze by it. "Alright you three. Go clean up yourselves." Y/n said to her sons. The four obeyed their mother and went upstairs to clean up themselves.
"Y/n-chan. I don't mean to be rude but... I don't think your sons like me that much." Eichi said nervously. "Really? I thought they seem just fine when I came back. They don't usually hate strangers that randomly either." Y/n said. "Well, one of the boys who have pink hair seemed to glare at me the whole time." Eichi tried to make his point, as Shu's expresion was the only one who didn't change. "Oh, that's Shu. He's always like that to everyone. Even to his brothers sometimes. Don't worry though, he doesn't bite." Y/n said with a smile. Oh how Eichi wanted to say that it wasn't really the case and that they did hate him. But knowing the mother knew more about her boys better, he started to believe her words.
Dinner time soon came. The boys, plus Eichi all gathered around the dinner tabble. Secretly, when their mother is turning away, the three eldest brothers would glare at the man. Wataru, as innocent as he is, didn't realise this and kept on eating his portion of the mac n cheese his mother made. The mother joined them in the table with a bowl of baby food for little Natsume. "Open up little Natsume~ The magic spoon is coming in~" Y/n coos as she waves around the spoon, feeding him once his mouth is opened. Natsume clapped his hands happily as he eats his food. "Natsume-chan is certainly cute~" Eichi coos. This made the three brothers glare at him.
"Do you want to try and feed him, Eichi-kun?" She asked. The said man nodded and grabbed the spoon and baby food from her hands. "Natsume-chan, open up~" Eichi said, trying to imitate how Y/n fed her baby. But instead of opening his mouth like usual, he flailed his arms and throws the food over to Eichi's face. "Oh my! Natsume, no!" Y/n went over to the sink to grab a wet towel and gives it to Eichi. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Natsume never had a problem being spoon fed by someone else before." Y/n appologized. "It's fine, Y/n-chan. I heard that this is normal for babies." Eichi calmly said.
"Oh, Natsume. No, no throwing your food, ok?" Y/n said to the baby, as she wiped his hand and mouth before giving him the spoon to eat it himself. "Even if he did do it on purpose, it was cute." Eichi said. Though, seemingly hated being called cute, Natsume started to throw a fit. "N-Natsume...!" Y/n then quickly picked the baby up and tries to hush him down. "Oh, please excuse me, Eichi-kun. I guess Natsume is in one of his tantrum fits." Y/n explained, as she bowed her head. "I'ts no problem, Y/n-chan. You can go." Eichi said. Deep inside, Eichi didn't exactly want Y/n to leave him alone with the murderous gaze of her sons. But anyways, Y/n left to her room to calm down little Natsume.
"That's what you get for calling Natsume-chan cute. We all tried it, and it all ended up the same. Natsume always throws a tantrum when being called cute." Rei explained proudly. "Natsume only accepts compliment from mother for some reason. No one else but mother can say he's cute." Shu explained further. "Natsume really hates you, Tenshouin-san. Puka~ puka~" Kanata said with a smile. The three are really guilty tripping Eichi at the moment.
"Eichi-kun! Sorry again about Natsume." Y/n finally came back down. "Y/n-chan! It's fine, really. But I just remembered I had something coming up. Can you excuse me? Thankyou for your kindness and hospitality." Eichi said with his fake smile. "Oh, of course. You are most welcome, Eichi-kun." Eichi then left the house, bringing victory to the three brothers. They mentaly thanked Natsume for that guilt tripping scene he caused.
What happened to Eichi after that? Well, let's just say he would never have the courage to step into that household ever again.
Hey, Valora here~ This was inspired by the comment at the top. Honestly I love slandering Eichi, and this was honestly fun to make. Leave me in the comments, or my page on what else I should do for this little oneshot/hc series. bye bye~
Valora out~
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seokstrivia · 4 years
And So It Begins | jhs
✽ Summary: You thought you had missed your chance, but you’re just an idiot and Hoseok is bad at communicating 
Or, Hoseok lets you know he’s single
✽ Teacher AU | word count: 6.1k
✽ Jung Hoseok x Reader: fluff, angst, friends to lovers, implicated cheating, but no cheating, pining, slow burn, hoseok is soft, namjoon is your brother and jungkook is a child with taehyung, including a lot of frustration
A/N i havent wrote in ages, but i hope this one is as enjoyable as it was when writing it! please let me know what you all think and thank you for reading<3
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The sun was bright as it shone through the orange-coloured leaves. It was warmer than usual, even though the air was still crisp. Your classroom was brightly lit by the natural light seeping through the wide-ranging windows, accompanied by the sound of children playing outside.
A sigh parted your lips as you continued to mark the tests you had handed out that morning. The complaints and whines from your students were still buzzing in your ears making you smile. You loved your students; they were always so full of life and eager to learn.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” a familiar voice drew you out of your trance.
Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. A colleague— a fellow teacher you had been working with for almost three years. He was sweet, always knew what he was doing and was always so helpful.  
“I am in a good mood, thank you,” you answered with a cheeky smile.
He returned the smile with a fond gaze in his eyes, talking to you always cheered him up. Just seeing you seemed to lighten his day, and you would’ve thought or felt the same if he didn’t have a girlfriend.
It was your own fault; you missed the chance to go on a date with him because you were sick and busy grading papers. However, what made it worse was that you couldn’t even hate the girl he was with because she was so sweet to everyone.
Two-faced as fuck, but you had yet to witness it.
“Do you want to have lunch with me?” He asked, shyly.
Another smile made its way to your lips as your eyes made contact with his. A red hue accommodated his cheeks while he waited for a response. It was easy to say yes to him, easy to give in and have lunch as friends and nothing more. But when he was with the woman he was with, then it wasn’t that easy or simple even.
“I’ll have to get back to you. I think Mr Park and I are having a meeting,” you told him.
The way the smile fell from his lips made you feel so guilty. You weren’t lying but it wasn’t the truth either, Mr Park, better known as Jimin, wanted to meet you after school not during lunch.
“I’m sorry,” you added before he could leave.
Hoseok seemed to avoid you after asking you to lunch, Jimin didn’t seem too pleased with you lying to him. It seemed like he told Hoseok the plan was to meet after school hours.
It was your own fault for lying and beating around the bush. More so, it was childish and immature, you could’ve just said yes like you wanted to and then dealt with his girlfriend later.
Too late now. You sighed.
“Parents evening is coming up,” Namjoon said trying to lighten the dull mood.
He was a single dad to a beautiful girl; he was also your older brother who seemed to know every little thing about you.
“Did Yerin remind you?” You smiled.
Namjoon shook his head in full offence, “I remembered by myself,” he berated like a small child. “I have a good memory.”
You chuckled at the scowl on his face making him smile in return. The atmosphere did lighten up thanks to your brother, and the sour memory of Hoseok avoiding you was quickly forgotten about as the night went on.
“So… has she been a good girl?” He asked quietly.
The coffee on your desk was getting cold, but that was the last of your worries. One of the students in your class was beginning to slack in terms of homework.
You weren’t one to tell children off for not doing their allocated work at home, especially when you never did yours as a child. However, it was worrying when the smartest kid in class was falling behind.
Hence why, when the end of the day bell rang, you were quick to call him over before he could leave. There was a sad look in his eyes and you instantly knew something was wrong.
The talk with your student went on longer than you anticipated, but when he told you how he felt and what was going on, you didn’t have it in you to tell him to stop talking.
He trusted you.
“Is it ok if I call your dad and speak to him?” You asked, carefully.
Jungkook slowly nodded his head, his eyes were brighter as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, miss!” He beamed as he left the classroom.
A sigh of relief parted your lips as you watched him run towards his dad. The clouds were grey and dull, but that didn’t seem to faze the two standing outside, and when it started raining, the smiles on their faces only seemed to grow wider.
When Namjoon called you that night to see how you were doing, you were more than happy to tell him you were doing great.
After that, things seemed to be going well until you ran into Hoseok. He was holding two small boxes of art materials and was out of breath from running down the flight of stairs.
It was awkward but at the same time it wasn’t, just because you didn’t speak to each other anymore, didn’t mean you were now nothing but strangers.
At the end of the day, you were both adults and he was your colleague. One little mistake shouldn’t ruin what you two had, hence why an apology was in order and maybe lunch to make up for things.
“Would you like some help, Hoseok?” You offered with a smile.
Hoseok seemed hesitant at first, but he nodded his head, answering with a short, ‘yes, please.’ You took the box on top before following him to his classroom, it was now or never.
After placing the box on his desk, you turned around to face him. There was still a friendly smile on your lips, but he could tell you had something to say.
Hoseok was different from your other friends, he was sweeter than honey and brighter than the sun. He was careful with his words and actions, more so, he was loyal.
“I’m sorry for lying to you. I hope I can make it up to you by… maybe… buying you lunch?” You offered.
The way his face lit up at your words caused your heart to jump to your throat. This would’ve been so much easier if you didn’t have feelings for him.
“I’d love that, y/n,” he beamed.
You returned the smile before telling him to text you a day and time. That night, you went home with a light heart and skip in your step.
“Auntie, are you ever going to find a boyfriend?” Your niece asked you.
Namjoon choked on his chicken, eyes wide in surprise, he never thought his daughter would ask such a question. But you didn’t seem surprised, instead, you laughed in response and sent her a wink.
He wasn’t sure what that meant, but Yerin seemed to like the answer since she winked in return.
Namjoon sighed, girls were a mystery.
“Does Yerin know something I don’t?” your brother asked while washing the dishes.
You retired your chin on your hand while you watched him. He was bound to drop a plate or glass soon, it just meant you would need to finish off the dishes and clean his mess.
“I’m not going to drop anything tonight,” he declared while turning his head around.
There was a frown on his face as he glared at you, and It reminded you of the times your mum would tell you off or the times she would shout at Namjoon for breaking something.
“Do you remember when mum would get us in trouble for silly things, like laughing?” You reminisced.
Namjoon chuckled in return as he nodded his head. Of course, he remembered. While raising his daughter he’d come to learn that he was very much like his mum.
“I got Yerin in trouble for whistling the other night,” he snorted making you laugh.
“Mum would be so proud of you, Namjoon.”
He gazed at you with so much parent-like love, “and you.”
The rest of the night was spent looking through old albums and laughing at embarrassing photos while drinking wine and wishing time would slow down.
Winter was right around the corner; nights were colder, and the days were shorter. Now school was the last thing on children’s minds as they spoke about Christmas, and what they wanted from Santa Clause.
You smiled as you listened to your students talk about candy canes and finding the perfect Christmas tree. It reminded you of the times you would go sledging with Namjoon and have snowball fights with Yoongi.
“Miss, what are you doing on Christmas?” Taehyung urged with eagerness.
His question seemed to pique interest in the whole class as they had stopped colouring in. Their eyes were shining under the bright lights as they waited for you to answer his question. Truth be told, you didn’t have an answer. Well, you didn’t have one that would satisfy their minds or excite them further.
“She’s having dinner with me.”
The girls squealed at Hoseok’s’ answer while the boys sniggered to themselves. You playfully shook your head while asking them to quieten down so you could speak to Mr Jung. They were quick to do as they were told, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t try to listen to your conversation or watch on with eager eyes.
“What can I do for you?” You greeted as you approached him.
“I don’t know if you remember, but you offered to buy me lunch,” he stated.
The few giggles heard behind you made you laugh to yourself easing your racing heart. You didn’t think he’d take the proposal since it’d taken him almost a month to get back to you.
“You’re right, I did offer,” you nodded.
“How’s Friday? I know it’s late but—“
“Friday is fine,” you cut him off before he could apologise or give an excuse for why he’d taken so long to get back to you.
His smile was contagious enough to make your class smile. But it wasn’t enough to make you forget about his girlfriend, the one woman you were trying to stay clear of.
It was when you were walking to your car you felt a hand on your shoulder. There was a strong feeling in your gut telling you not to turn around, but you still did.
And there she was.
“Hi Irene, can I help you?” You inquired politely.
She shook her head while slipping her hand into her pocket. Her long eyelashes fluttered over her tinted cheeks as she blinked. She was annoyingly very, very, pretty.
“I know you’re getting lunch with my boyfriend. So, I am only here to remind you that he is taken, and he’s mine,” she told you.
You were slightly taken aback by her strong demeanour, but it was a given that this would occur. You even had nightmares about it.
“I’m not going to steal him from you. He wouldn’t cheat on anyone and I would never do that to anyone,” you replied, trying to remain calm.
There was a smirk on her lips as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and fixed the scarf around her neck.
“As if he would want you anyways.”
The snicker that followed her words, in the process of her turning around and leaving, caused a heavy shiver to shoot up your spine.
You had a bad feeling about this.
Namjoon was rambling on about how Yoongi and Jin kept arguing about shoes when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You weren’t shocked to see multiple texts from Jimin but when you saw Hoseok's’ name, you felt yourself stop breathing.
A part of you knew it was a text to cancel plans, you didn’t want to believe it, but you knew. So, when you opened the message to read the text, you weren’t surprised.
However, you were disappointed.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Namjoon urged, softly.
You shook your head in reply and shoved your phone in your pocket. There were two ways to deal with this 1) to become really angry and never talk to Hoseok again, or 2) pretend you’re ok and move on.
He wasn’t single anyways; he was just a friend.
“Nothing, it’s just Jimin and his workload,” you lied while keeping a small smile on your lips so he wouldn’t worry.
Namjoon didn’t believe you, but he didn’t question you further either. If you wanted to talk, you would and he, of all people, knew that.
Still, at this point, option number one seemed to be better than the one you picked. But, at the end of the day, you were an adult with a full-time job.
And it sucked.
“I wish I wasn’t at home sick the day Hoseok asked me to dinner,” you voiced. “We wouldn’t be playing this stupid game and I wouldn’t have missed my chance.”
Namjoon remorsefully shook his head and hauled you in for a hug. He was quick to kiss your forehead and rub your back in comfort.
“If all these thoughts are coming from Jimin’s workload, you better ask him to stop messaging you,” he joked trying to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work of course, but it did bring a genuine smile to your lips. Hoseok would always be just a friend, and that was something you had to accept.
The very next day you were back at work, and so far, it seemed to be going okay considering you’d yet to come across Hoseok. However, for whatever reason, it seemed like he was avoiding you.
…Which was fine since you didn’t really want to talk to him, even though it was kind of childish…
“Auntie, I forgot my lunch,” a small voice spoke making you smile.
You felt the need to coo at your niece for being so adorable, but that would embarrass her, and then you would never hear the end of it.
“Come here, your dad texted me this morning. I picked up your favourite sandwich and drink at the supermarket before coming to work,” you grinned seeing her eyes shine at the sight of food.
“Thanks, Auntie!”
Yerin was quick to hop into a chair at one of the many desks in the room and eat her lunch. She would chat with you almost after every bite and tell you about her day like she would at home.
It was nice having company… maybe you should ask Jimin to meet you for lunch, it does get a bit lonely sometimes.
“Mr Park said he has a someone special,” Yerin voiced with a mouth full of food. “He said she works here.”
You rolled your eyes at the little girl; she was just as bad as her dad.
“Yerin-ah, you were supposed to eat the sandwich, not destroy it.”
She giggled in response while hopping off her seat, “thank you, auntie! I’ll see you at home time.”
You watched her throw her trash in the bin before running out of the room. It made you feel a little sad to see her leave, but there was nothing you could do about that.
“Hey, you,” Jimin beamed when you stepped into his class.
He was marking papers, something you should’ve been doing too, but you didn’t want to sit alone anymore.
“Let’s get dinner,” you proposed just as you stood in front of his desk.
The sun was setting behind Jimin producing golden hues. It made the room look different, more intriguing rather than dull and boring. Jimin stood up and stepped around his desk after reaching for his coat. He must’ve agreed to your suggestion because he was already walking towards the door.
“What are you waiting for?”
His smile made his eyes disappear, and it made you laugh to yourself as you remembered him complaining about how he couldn’t see whenever you made him smile.
Jimin was a good friend, he always would be.
“Nothing. Let’s go.”
When you invited Jimin to dinner, you didn’t think he would invite Hoseok and his… girlfriend. It’s not like this was a double date, more so, you just didn’t want to speak to them.
The sun had set long ago, the stars were shining, and the moon long replaced the sun. A sigh parted your lips as you felt cold air seep through your coat. Maybe you could cancel last minute and go home. They would understand since you took care of Yerin a lot when Namjoon worked.
Another sigh left your lips.
“Are you okay?” Jimin asked with concerned eyes.
You smiled at him and nodded your head. He must’ve known you were lying, or you’re just a really bad liar because he was quick to pull you aside.
Why were you so easy to read?
“Is it because I invited Hoseok?” He questioned further.
“I’m sorry. I know it’s really immature but I just— I can’t,” you told him.
What you said didn’t make sense, but Jimin seemed to understand.
“Let’s go somewhere else. Wait here.”
You watched him step towards the couple, watched him take Hoseok aside and tell him he was taking you somewhere else. Hoseok’s smile fell as his gaze met yours, he didn’t question further but you knew he wanted to.
Jimin didn’t say anything when he led you out of the restaurant. He didn’t say anything when he ordered the food. He didn’t say anything when he paid for the bill.
You were thankful that he didn’t pry into your mind, to be honest, you didn’t have an answer yourself. Maybe you were jealous of Irene or maybe you hated yourself for not trying with Hoseok.
It was too late now anyway.
“Thank you for dinner, Jimin,” you beamed. “And for taking me somewhere else.”
He shyly shook his head, eyes small crescents as he smiled widely.
“It’s ok. I’m sorry I invited them without asking you,” he replied sheepishly.
“It was my fault. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did.”
Jimin was sweet and careful with you, his touches were soft and words sincere. Sometimes you wondered what it would be like to be in love with him. However, in the end, you really just wanted him to find the perfect person, someone who would love him forever.
“I hope you work things out with Hoseok,” he shrugged, hand rubbing the back of his neck.
You disregarded what he said. Instead, you smiled at him again and kissed his cheek before thanking him once more and letting yourself into your home.
It’s not that you didn’t want to ‘fix’ things, it’s just that you didn’t know what needed fixing. Was it miscommunication? Or were you simply overthinking everything?
Probably the latter.
“Namjoon-ah, I’m home.”
“Enjoy your Christmas break, class, and don’t forget to leave out cookies for Santa,” you winked as you dismissed your class.
They happily said goodbye while they trailed out of the room, one by one. You could see Hoseok down the corridor waving bye to his class too. It had been a while since you spoke to him, to be honest… you missed him. A lot.
He made eye contact with you before stepping back into his room. Hoseok looked good in a suit and tie. But he looked better with a smile on his face and you hadn’t seen one in a while.
A deep exhale left your lips as you pulled your phone out of your coat pocket. There were multiple texts from Jimin and a few from Namjoon; as usual.
However, there was also one from Hoseok.
From Jung Hoseok:
— I was wondering if we could talk.
— Maybe over a cup of coffee?
You were nervous. Really nervous.
To Jung Hoseok:
— Make it a hot chocolate and you have a deal.
From Jung Hoseok:
— Done ;)
Sometimes you wondered what it would feel like to belong to someone. Other times, you wondered what it would feel like to belong to Jung Hoseok.
“Thanks for meeting up with me.”
You blinked out of your daze when you heard his voice. It took you a few seconds to realise you’d reached the chosen cafe.
“It’s ok. I really needed a hot chocolate,” you chuckled nervously. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Hoseok seemed nervous, well, more nervous than you. He had a woolly scarf wrapped around his neck while a black coat engulfed his body. It made him appear smaller. Cute.
He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, but he kept his gaze locked on yours. As if he was studying you, memorising your features to secure it in his memory forever.
It was a comfortable silence. Almost.
“I—Well… I wanted to talk about us,” he muttered, eyes dropping to his hands.
You nodded your head, silently prompting him to continue. However, you had a few things to say too.
“It’s just that… We used to be such good friends, and then I asked you out and everything kind of… fell apart? I don’t know,” he sighed in frustration as he thought about it. “I’m sorry if I ruined things, I just, I guess I wish you told me how you felt sooner.”
Now it was your turn to be frustrated, not only because of the obvious miscommunication between you too but also because of how stupid he was. It was almost as if he didn’t know anything.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Hoseok. I explained why I couldn’t meet you that night, I really wanted to, but I was sick,” you told him.
Hoseok seemed even more confused than before, he couldn’t get his head around what you’d just told him. Mainly because he didn’t receive a text from you that night.  
“I didn’t get a text.”
That couldn’t be right. You remember sending a text to him because Namjoon told you to stay home. So, how?
“I really didn’t, y/n. If I did and if I’d known you were sick, I would’ve come to see you,” he added.
“It’s ok, I believe you. I’m just confused.”
He nodded his head in relief and finally smiled at you. Everything seemed to be making sense between you two. The only thing left to figure out was how this miscommunication occurred.
“Me too,” he chuckled breathlessly. “But it’s weird because Irene turned up out of nowhere.”
Your eyes were quick to meet his, to see how he felt about her as if you could. It was strange because he didn’t seem too pleased about the way her name rolled off his tongue.
“Are you two… like… a thing?”
It was a stupid question because everyone who worked at the school knew. But they’d all heard from Irene, that was one person. That was one side of the story, no one had ever heard anything from Hoseok.
More so, your question seemed to throw Hoseok off guard.
“We’ve never been a thing!” He suddenly argued. “Why would we be when everyone knows I like you?”
“I’m sorry! There’s no need to get angry, it’s not like it’s my fault. You never told me how you felt.”
He scoffed in annoyance while rolling his eyes, “y/n, I asked you out on a date! That’s bound to tell you something.”
You’d never seen him angry before. Hoseok didn’t even get angry at his class when they misbehaved.
“I didn’t know, okay. Irene told everyone you two were together,” you muttered under your breath.
Hoseok shook his head in disbelief, you didn’t know if he was angry at you, Irene or himself. Maybe it was your fault for believing someone like Irene. You sighed.
This wasn’t going as well as you thought it was. The guy you liked, liked you back but you were too oblivious to see that and now, now he was leaving.
You wanted to cry. Why was the universe never on your side?
To Joonie:
— Can you pick me up? Please.
From Joonie:
— I’m on my way, love
What a great start to Christmas break…
“Y/n, you need to get out of bed,” Namjoon scolded once again when he opened the door to your room.
He had been trying to get you out of bed for two days now, but you weren’t listening. A deep exhale parted his lips when he saw you pull the covers over your head.
This was ridiculous.
“What kind of example are you setting for your niece? This is not how you deal with your problems, now get up before I drag you out of bed.”
You groaned at his words and reluctantly threw the covers off when you heard him walk away.
“At least shut the door, you asshole!”
“Language!” He yelled back making you cringe.
This was not going to be a good Christmas break, and to make it worse, you still wanted to cry.
It was nearing 4pm when you finally dragged yourself out of bed. The moon had already replaced the sun, and a thick white blanket covered the city.
You felt like going back to bed and never waking up until you really needed to. But you opted for your phone instead since Namjoon was extra scary when he was in mom mode.
From Jimin:
— Text me for plans!
From Yoongi:
— I think we need to organise a horror movie night!
— But just us… if you know what I mean ;)
— Jokes… text me!
From Jung Hoseok:
— We need to talk.
From Irene:
— You made Hoseok cheat on me!
— You said you would never do that. Lying Bitch.
Wow, okay.
To Jung Hoseok:
— Screenshot sent.
You didn’t get a reply when you sent the screenshot, not even hours later. To be honest, you tried not to care.
But it was hard not to.
“Good to see you’re finally awake. Come and eat something,” Namjoon shot without giving you a second glance.
At least your brother cared about your well-being.
Christmas break was going as well as you expected it to. Most days were spent having coffee with Jimin; small outings with your friend… which he called dates. You didn’t think much of it, friends could have friend dates, right?
But then, then, after one too many coffees, he asked you to be his date to his parents Christmas party. Something about wanting to introduce his favourite person to his family. You didn’t know what it meant—what he meant, but you couldn’t say no.
Namjoon was over the moon when you told him. He said something about finally getting over a long crush and moving on. He was wrong, you weren’t moving on. The last few days had been somewhat like an out of body experience, leaving you confused and annoyed.
You don’t know what you were doing.
“Wear a nice dress for him,” Yerin voiced while she watched you raid your closet.
“I don’t have any.”
She clicked her tongue as she slid off your bed. Yerin was a sweet little girl, but sometimes you believed she was an old soul. The way she spoke or acted only proved your assumption.
“Auntie, wear the dress you were going to wear on your date with Mr Jung.”
You let her move you out of the way and observed her draw out a bag from the back of your closet. It was buried away so you would never need to see it again, not like you had anywhere to wear it anyways…
“Here,” she forced, giving you the bag.
Sometimes Yerin reminded you of your mum.
“Thanks,” you muttered, earning a smile in return.
The dress fit better than you remembered. It looked nice. Who were you kidding? It was perfect… just perfect for the wrong guy. Still, maybe dating Jimin won’t be hard.
You say that while your heart sinks at the sight of Jung Hoseok.
Jimin didn’t tell you Hoseok was invited, he didn’t tell you he would wear a black suit with a tie that somehow matched the colour of your dress, he didn’t tell you he would smile and shine.
More so, he didn’t tell you that Hoseok would avoid you.
There was nothing you could do about that though. If he wanted to avoid you so be it… the whole situation, however, annoyed you more than you thought it would.
“You look beautiful, y/n,” Jimin complimented.
He reached for your hand and interlaced it with his. Your eyes caught Hoseok’s before you turned your attention to your friend.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself,” you teased making him laugh.
“I need to be honest with you,” he sighed with a small smile. “I didn’t invite you to be my date. I invited you because you and Hoseok need to talk and sort out all the misunderstandings.”
This wasn’t the first time Jimin had been so serious, but it was the first time he had been serious with you. More so, he was right.
You really wanted to talk to Hoseok and ask him what his problem was, because who acts this way with the person they like? But then again, you didn’t tell him how you felt, you were too worried about Irene. Someone who meant little to nothing to Hoseok.
The whole thing was really fucking stupid.
“Okay, thanks for being honest, Jimin,” you replied.
He drew you in for a hug before pushing you towards Hoseok, “talk it out and thank me later.”
It was awkward for about five seconds, but then it seemed like things were going to be okay when he smiled at you. Not at Jimin or Jin but you.
There was no exchange of words for the first few seconds, it was obvious a lot had to be said but the two of you didn’t know where to start. First of all, there was the situation with Irene. Second of all, there was the screenshot and then, then there were your feelings.
“We have a lot to talk about,” Hoseok finally addressed.
You nodded your head, “I know.”
He held onto your hand and led you into Jimin’s room. He closed the door before stepping onto the balcony for fresh air. It was stuffy inside, and the air was nice and cool against your skin.
The stars shone brighter than the city lights– the city which seemed to go on forever over the horizon. It made you feel small and incapable. The world was a big place waiting to be explored.
You had a lot going through your mind, but you didn’t know what to say.  
Although it was Hoseok who spoke first. He had his hands in his pocket as he stared at the city ahead.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you. There was a lot to deal with after we spoke, even more after you sent me that screenshot,” he spoke quietly as if afraid to wake the world.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did.”
Hoseok turned around to stare at you– properly stare at you. It’d been a while, he regretted not speaking to you sooner. So much went through his mind when Jimin told him you two were meeting up for coffee or lunch.
It annoyed him when Jimin called them ‘dates’, but there was nothing he could do or say… until now.
“Irene won’t be bothering you anymore, I sorted it all out,” he said while gazing into your eyes. “You won’t need to worry about her.”
“Tha–That’s good.”
He nodded his head before dropping his gaze. So far things were going well, so far it seemed like it would go back to normal. But then, then you hadn’t really voiced your mind or told him how you felt.
You didn’t know if it was a good time. He deserved to know, of course, he did. How would you tell him though? Hey, I’ve liked you for so long now? No, that’s embarrassing.
“You don’t need to force things to get better or be okay because I know they will be,” Hoseok voiced as he offered a smile.
It was almost funny how he always seemed to know what to say.
You presented a smile in return as you asked him to dance…
Namjoon was as dumbfounded as was your niece. They stared at you with wide eyes and dropped jaws. This wasn’t the reaction you were expecting on Christmas Eve when you told them about your talk with Hoseok.
“You didn’t confess?” Yerin almost screeched. “What kind of romance drama is this?”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “this isn’t a romance drama. It never was.”
“Watch your tone Yerin-ah,” Namjoon added in a stern tone.
Yerin was quick to shut her mouth, she knew not to get her dad angry. However, she also knew when she was right, and exactly what to say; it was a similar trait to your mum.
“I just think auntie should go and confess. Like, now.”
Namjoon stared at his daughter for a few seconds before turning to stare at you, his expression told you everything, and it was hard not to roll your eyes.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” you deadpanned. “He’ll be spending time with his family.”
Your brother shrugged his shoulders at you as he drew Yerin onto his lap. She was smart for a seven-year-old it was scary.
“You might never get the chance again,” he told you matter-of-factly. “It’s better to say it than regret it later, isn’t it?”
“I hate when you’re right.”
A lot went through your mind when you texted Hoseok. So much more rushed through your mind while you waited for him next to the Christmas tree. There was no one at the park except you and the fear of him not showing up.
It was nearing midnight. Three more minutes and it would be Christmas. Three more minutes and then you were leaving. He wasn’t going to show up. He wasn’t coming.
“Why are your eyes closed?” Someone asked,
A long exhale, you didn’t know you were holding, escaped your lips while you slowly opened your eyes.
“I was scared you wouldn’t come.”
He smiled his bright smile making you blush.
“That’s silly. We have a lot of missed time to make up for, so here I am,” he winked.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Sure, he was right about all the chances you missed, but did he know you liked him? Surely, not.
However, the smile on his lips and the gaze in his eyes said otherwise. He had to know… if he didn’t before he definitely did now. You asked him to meet you at night, next to a Christmas tree because you had something to tell him.
How obvious could you be?
“Hoseok, I think you already know… but I like you too.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he chuckled. “I already know.”
You laughed in return earning a soft gaze from the man in front. It kind of was like a romantic drama as your niece had said, just one with a little less drama. It was nice especially when Hoseok tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before kissing your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
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9h4mn · 4 years
you, who | sf9
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➞ sf9 as the type of guys you had a crush on
➞ fluff, pinning, slight! angst, unrequited love
➞ in filipino, they call it kilig and its basically like that butterfly in your stomach exploded which leaves you a flustered mess. what are some of the nine different types of guys that causes you to feel that way?
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warnings: insecurity, mentions of divorce, mentions of kidnap attempt, ghosting
the senior type
this type of crush is older by a year or two and has this sort of vibe. in school, he has this dazzling smile, kind personality, and an easy to approach demeanor
also known as this genius gentleman
you can see that he isn't like your previous crushes who were rude to you
he drinks respect women juice on the daily
at one point, he will most likely be the one who helped you in a problem regarding school
again he is easy to approach and conversations can flow so easily between the two of you
on inseong's graduating year, you had gained enough courage to try and confess to him
the plan was simple: approach him when he's free, bring him somewhere private, then confess your feelings
its simple — you thought it was simple — but things aren't that easy
of course he would end up liking her, the perfect girl and your classmate
she was beautiful, smart, kind, and tall
you can't even hate her when you want to
but you hope, even just once, that someone out there would choose you over her — its unfortunate that this someone isn't inseong
the brother's best friend type
this type of crush is someone your family has known for some time. he has also most likely saw you in your awkward phrase
don't worry the both of you have seen each other's awkward phrases
your brother always has youngbin over and if not then its your brother who is at youngbin's
they were two peas in a pod never to be separated
however, if your brother teases you too much youngbin is there to the rescue
something about how your brother shouldn't stress our sister
thats right, he had already sisterzoned you but despite that you still like him
your friends helped you in getting over him and all he had to do was smile for that wall to crumble
you were hopelessly in love with a guy who will never see you as a woman
when a few years have passed and you're already living in your college's dorm, you had received an invitation
what was it you ask? youngbin's wedding invitation and you were invited
even until the very end, he had always seen you as his little sister
the boy next door type
this type of crush is your neighbor from a much better family. of course your family is nice but they were almost like the picture perfect family
you and jaeyoon happened to be of the same age so when your parents found out they urged you to befriend him
you were lucky that jaeyoon was as sweet as he appeared to be because if he was wicked in the inside you would't have able to survive
staying over at each other's house and watching movies became your thing until jaeyoon's perfect family cracked
his father got swamped in heavy workload and what did his mother do? she cheated on him and got pregnant
his parents' fights were really terrible while they were processing the divorce
at times he would even sleep over at your house with his sister following him
in his time of need, you never once abandoned him
it didn't came as much as a surprise when you and jaeyoon began to date
time may choose to be cruel but when you have each other, everything will be ok
the class clown type
this type of crush brings life inside the classroom. everyone laughs at his jokes, even teachers, and he is safe from many things because they just like him like that
you are probably the class president and what does it mean when dawon is your classmate? headaches
seriously though you're the one who gets embarrassed for him
through the years you have been the class president, dawon was always your classmate
it was expected that you'd be annoyed of his antics with how long you've been dealing with him
your relationship changed when he crossed the line and made you cry
since that day you met a new side to the class clown, a boy with a broken past and high expectations — that was the true dawon
hurting you was never his intention. he had also thought that you found things annoying
as he spends more time with you, many classmates begin to notice how that strict and stern president softened
during school festival, you had held his hands and confessed, all while the fireworks began
who would have thought that the class president and class clown would be a good pair?
the unattainable type
this type of crush is always taken by your sister or best friend. it doesn't matter which one of the two, he will always date someone close to your heart
you had met him as that person's crush and as a good friend/sister you tried to find out more about this guy
approaching him, sharing conversations, and finding out his interests were your priority
so when you fell for him and find yourself unable to sleep at night due to thinking of him? you knew you were doomed
everything began for her so why were your feelings acting up?
seeing the obvious sparks, you had continued with your original plans and even began to play the role of the matchmaker
you see both zuho's and your friend/sister's struggle with expressing their feelings for each other
they were shy and reluctant, without you it would have been hard for them to strike a conversation without getting flustered
eventually they began to date
and what does it leave you?
the one who gave up on love for the sake of her other loved ones
the popular type
this type of crush is always receiving confessions but for some reason is still single. he is the epitome of a perfect guy sculpted by the gods
there is a high chance that he even has a fanclub of some sort going on
rowoon is that popular
so you liked him because he is popular? no, there is more to rowoon then just that
he is caring, he likes to nag, sometimes he boasts himself too much for your liking, he is almost like a mother too
why do you know all that? you are rowoon's shield against his fangirls
and it all began simply because he noticed how indifferent you were to him
at one point he had even proposed a fake dating idea
seokwoo, you naive fool. thats how shojou love stories begin
of course you declined and he knew how to respect that
your relationship stayed that way until you began to get a fanclub yourself
rowoon only knew the extent of his feelings through jealousy
it had reached a point where he had accidentally blurted out his feelings
well remember that fake dating ploy? there was no need when both your hearts were already beating for each other
the closed off type
this type of crush is like a loner. he isn't necessarily avoiding people and he's more on the shy side. his height and gaze just makes him look intimidating
you sat behind him in class and though it seems stupid since he was tall and could cover your entire body — it was the exact reason you liked sitting behind him
you could draw during class and not get your sketchbook confiscated because of him
the day had come when you would absentmindedly draw taeyang
at first you could defend it as you appreciating pretty things but when you had stopped to draw in class just to stare at taeyang during class? uh-oh
it worsened when you saw taeyang dance for the first time
imagine his surprise when that smol girl who sits behind him began to talk to him nonstop and even does her best to include him
people had began to talk but you weren't the type to get bothered
instead it was taeyang who got worried and even told you to stop talking to him
what did you do? you straight out confessed to him
if he wasn't going to notice all the signs you've given then its time to just blurt it out
you succeeded in flustering him but not at making him believe in your words
maybe one of these days yoo taeyang will understand your feelings but for now you could just settle with this — the silent boy all flustered because of you
the "i always see him" type
this type of crush is someone who doesn't go in the same school as you but somehow the both of you always cross paths
and no neither hwiyoung or you are intentionally following each other
you first crossed paths with him at the playground and you two merely walked past each other
then many more circumstances began to present itself and now you and hwiyoung can't help but make faces at each other when you locked eyes
yes, while technically strangers you can act like that with him
the first moment the both of you truly talk to each other was when someone tried to kidnap you
you would have fought back but it was nearly impossible with how sudden you were grabbed
hwiyoung then arrived for your rescue. he simply kicked that kidnapper and you were free
that night while you two were waiting for the police, you shared jokes and laughter as if you both knew each other for a long time
there were more moments of you and hwiyoung but alas it was just memories of your youth
years and years have passed but you could never forget the boy who made your heart race back in high school
you don't know what happened to him
he just stopped appearing one day and since then you haven't saw him again
it was as if he never existed and he was just your dream
the childhood friend type
this type of crush is someone you had known since you were young and you even grew up alongside him
for sure both your families shipped you
yeah its kinda weird how adults are rooting for a relationship between their barely 5 years old children
both of you were like the butt of the cooties joke, i know immature children at it again
also can see you two having those cute matching clothes when you were much younger
now sometime before high school the both of you got in a huge argument and it ended in bad terms
people who knew you two were shocked on how you became enemies
heated glares and rude remarks were thrown to each other at every moment possible
you don't know how it got to this point. it was a stupid argument and the fact it was enough to end years of friendship? just how little does chani think of you?
but of course this anger slowly turns into pain
you just want your best friend back
and luckily for you, he thought the same
it was a slow process for the both of you to mend things to the way it was before
the argument, though stupid, really caused a heavy rift
when you and chani had gotten close again, it was the first time spring became clear to you
you like your best friend — that was even the reason you argued with him
however, despite being aware of your feelings, you never made a move
maybe if you were braver back then you could have known that he had also liked you
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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Skyline Manor by GleefullyCaptainSwan Chapter 4/13
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx
Chapter 4: Devil is a Woman
Killian stepped into the archway of the castle; Belle’s arm wrapped through his elbow. “You look quite delectable in that uncomfortable contraption.” He whispered into the woman’s ear.
“I can barely breathe. You know women only wear these things because a man thinks it’s attractive, right?”
“Aye, we are reprehensible as a species, love.”
Killian surveyed the room, spotting the King and Queen at the front of the room, flanked by two large men. The King’s eyes were darting around the room, nervous energy while searching for his unwanted guest.
“Let’s mingle. Work the room, we’re looking for a man with a feather in his lapel.” He said against her ear. Belle nodded and left his side as Killian glanced around the room, taking in the faces of the guests dancing on the floor in front of him.
He smiled at a woman with dark hair in a blue dress, reaching out and taking her hand as the music started. He bowed deeply before standing and spinning the woman, releasing her as he accepted the hand of a red head who was passed his way. He carried on the dance, watching the men around him, searching for a feather.
The music died down, a melodic tone began playing, as he felt a woman brush up next to him. “I don’t believe I’ve danced with you tonight.” Killian felt his mouth go dry when his eyes met a sea of emerald-green, surrounded by a glowing mane of blonde hair held up by a crown of flowers.
“Perhaps fate was saving the best for last, love.” He said with a grin.
“Henry?” Henry flinched, dropping his pencil, and slamming his book shut.
“You busy?” His mother asked.
“No, did you need something?”
“Can you help Will take the food up to the roof?”
“What are you working on there?”
Henry dropped the book into his side table and shut the drawer. “Just my to do list.” He shrugged.
“You’re eleven, what could an eleven-year-old possibly have on a to do list.” She laughed.
“Loads of things, mom.” He stood up from his bed and headed to Will’s apartment. Opening the door, he yelled into the empty room. “Hey Will, I’m here to help.”
“Hey, can you go down to the basement and grab the ice?”
“Yup, I got it.”
He took the elevator down to the bottom floor, stepping into the dark basement. He heard singing coming from the laundry room. He followed the soulful sounds until he saw Killian Jones, hunched over the washer, pulling clothes from inside and tossing them into the dryer.
She's got eyes of fire that burn like a shot of whiskey
And she's been known to bring a man to his knees
She'll take all you have, and you never see it comin'
And that's how I know the devil is a woman
“I didn’t know you could sing.” He interrupted, startling the man.
“You can’t just sneak up on people, lad. It’s bad form.”
“Sorry, I just came down to get ice.” He paused, stepping across the room to the large freezer. “You sing pretty good.”
“Thanks.” He chuckled. “I suppose all sailors fancy themselves as a singer eventually. Sometimes when it’s just you and the sea and nothing else to do.”
“Were you singing about someone?”
“Does your mother know you are down here?” He deflected.
“Yup, she told me to help out, so that’s what I’m doing.” He reached in and grabbed a bag of ice, tossing it over his shoulder. “So why the sad tune?”
“Just feeling a bit melancholy today, I suppose. Guess I got a bit caught up in the past.”
“What’s that mean?”
“Melancholy? It means that I’m feeling a bit sad today.”
“The barbeque should cheer you up. It’s always fun.” He added jovially. “I bet you’ll enjoy it.”
“Perhaps. Is there anything I can bring?”
“They never turn down that whiskey you were singing about.”
The man laughed loudly, “And what about yourself?”
“No one ever brings enough orange soda.”
“Then I shall ensure you have all the orange soda your heart desires.”
“Gee, thanks!” He grinned. “I’ll see you tonight, Killian.”
“See ya there kid.”
Killian folded his clean clothes and placed them in his basket. He hadn’t realized how much his attitude had shifted after waking this morning. Belle and he had barely spoke since her last visit. She had texted this morning telling him she would be at his place by 5 for the barbeque but that had been all.
The awkwardness between them led to dreams of Milah, which led to his sour mood.
He didn’t want to admit it, but the short visit with the Swan boy had cheered his mood. Normally he found most children to be quite annoying, but Henry had taken a genuine interest in him. He somehow felt welcomed by the boy, almost wanted, which was ridiculous of course, yet comforting.
Killian took the stairs back up to the fourth floor, but before he could step into the hall, he heard voices on the other side of the door.
“I’ve got to go out of town for a few weeks on a business trip.”
“Where are you going?” He heard Henry’s voice.
“Just adult stuff, kid, you wouldn’t understand.” Killian rolled his eyes as the man spoke. He hated when adults spoke to kids like they were stupid.
“So, are you going to be back in time for our literary fair at the end of the month? You said you’d take me.”
“Sorry, kid, I don’t think I’ll be back yet. I’ll call your mom as soon as I’m in town. You understand right?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.” The disappointment in his voice apparent.
“Great, well I gotta run, thanks for understanding. You’re the best.” The man carried on, ignoring the sad tone in his son’s voice.
Killian heard the elevator doors close, and he pushed the door open, stepping into the hall. The young boy was leaning against the wall next to his apartment door. He looked up quickly, brushing his sleeve against his cheek. Shit, what was he supposed to do with a crying kid?
“Hey, lad. Didn’t mean to eavesdrop on the moment with your dad but I didn’t want to interrupt the conversation.”
“It’s ok. He’s going out of town for a bit.” A forlorn look on his face.
“I’m sure it’s something very important for him to miss time with you.”
“Yeah, she’s got dark hair, big boobs, loves to travel. I think this one’s name is Tamara.”
Killian set his laundry basket on the ground and leaned against the wall next to the boy. “Ah, well women sometimes vex a man’s mind and make them do stupid things. And I should know, I speak from experience.”
“Pretty much sounds like my dad every time he gets a new girlfriend.”
“I’m sorry lad, I don’t have a lot of experience with fathers.”
“You don’t have a father?”
“Not one that was around often. My father left when I was a young lad. My brother, Liam raised me.”
“What about your mom?” He inquired.
“My mom died of cancer when I was two.”
“Oh.” He replied sadly. “I don’t know what I’d do without my mom. She’s the best mom in the world.”
“You’re a lucky lad.” He said with a smile.
“I’m a bad kid.” He said softly.
“I very much doubt that.”
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“I’d be honored.” He said with a nod.
“When I go to my dad’s house, I spend the whole time wishing I was back home with my mom.” He frowned and stared at the floor. “So why am I so sad that I don’t have to see him for a month?”
“Ah, just because you miss your mom, doesn’t mean you don’t care for your dad. Perhaps next time you visit him, you should tell him how you feel.”
“I don’t know if he would even listen. He always just tells me to run along and play with my toys.”
Killian felt for the boy, hated seeing him feeling so down. “I find the truth is always better than locking things away that eat at you. Trust me.”
The door to his apartment opened and the woman with the blonde locks stepped into the hall. “There you are…” She stopped when she locked eyes with his. “Oh, you again, how come I always find you with my son?”
Killian pushed off the wall and focused his attention on the boy. “Chin up, lad. Things always work out for the best in the end.” He ran a hand through the boy’s brown locks and walked toward the woman. A smile forming on his face as he approached her, his tongue darting out slightly to wet his lips. “Afraid the chat is confidential, lass. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m off to get some orange soda.” He turned back toward Henry and winked. “I’ve heard there is never enough provided at this barbeque.”
The woman’s mouth was agape as she blinked at him, then turned toward her son. Killian simply entered his apartment and shut the door behind him.
“What was that about?” Emma questioned her son as Killian entered his apartment.
“You heard him, confidential. Man to man.” He said with a nod of his head, wiping his face and walking back to their apartment.
Emma knew Neal had spoken to Henry, had told him that he was going out of town for a while and wouldn’t be seeing him. She knew he was going to Barbados with Tamara for a month, probably on some pyramid scheme he was so good at hatching when he was trying to make an unearned buck.
She knew Henry would be disappointed that his dad was going to miss his literary fair at school, Henry loved everything to do with books and writing. It wasn’t a surprise to her that Neal would disappoint him again, but it still hurt her heart every time he did it.
What surprised her was that Henry appeared to be talking to the new neighbor about the situation. Henry was a friendly boy, he rarely knew a stranger, but he never shared personal information with one. Usually, he talked to her or Will, but for some reason, he seemed attached to this new man, this Killian Jones.
Emma watched from her balcony as he left the apartment thirty minutes later, he was the definition of sex on legs. Black leather jacket, tight pants, and of course he strutted up to the black Ducati parked outside the apartment, straddling the bike in a way that felt almost obscene to her. She felt the warmth in her cheeks as he started the bike, the hum of the engine vibrating his body. She blushed when she realized she was thinking about what it must be like to have his legs wrapped around hers, feeling the power of his own engine thrusting inside of her.
She stepped back into the apartment when he looked up in her direction, her hand over her mouth. “Good God, Emma.” She said almost breathlessly. “Stop acting like a horny teenager.”
“Who’s a horny teenager?”
Emma nearly jumped out of her skin, seeing her best friend sitting at the kitchen table. “Do you not knock, William!”
“Why the bloody hell would I knock? I came to see if you had that large spatula we used last time to flip the burgers. I broke mine playing Star Wars with Henry last week.”
“Of course you did.” She groaned, reaching into the drawer to pull out her spatula.
“Now, who were you ogling just now?”
“I wasn’t ogling anyone. Go make some burgers, dammit. I’ll be up in a minute with Henry.”
“I don’t believe I’ve seen you around the castle before.” The maiden said with narrowed eyes toward the Captain as they flitted around the room.
“Aye, but that would be because I’m not from around here, love.”
“We don’t get many visitors in Bostonia.”
“I have business with the King.” He said with a smile and the woman paused their dance.
“What business do you have with the King?” She questioned.
“Ah but that is confidential information, I cannot divulge such information without betraying the trust of the King.”
She snorted. “Is that so?” She asked, her curiosity peaked.
There was movement on the stairs behind her, and Captain Jones caught the vision of a man in black, the only piece of color was a white feather sticking out of his lapel.
The Swan Thief.
“I do apologize, but duty calls.” He said with a bow.
The woman looked him up and down and then dropped into a courtesy. “I would not stop a man from doing the King’s work.” She turned to walk away, and his hand grazed her arm.
“May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of the most beautiful maiden in all of Bostonia?”
She giggled, her cheeks blushing a shade of red. “I’m afraid that is confidential information, Captain.” Turning, she walked away as Killian stared at the back of her retreating head.
He unfortunately did not have the time to play her game, bounding up the stairs after his mark. When he reached the second floor, he saw movement to his right, the man disappearing down the next hall. When he reached the dead end, he had two choices. A single door on each side of the hallway. Right or left, he thought to himself.
Choosing the right, he bounded through the closed door, his cutlass drawn at the ready. Inside the room sat a young man, hunched over a desk, furiously writing away at the scroll in front of him. He turned quickly when he heard the noise behind him.
“Who are you?”
“Did a man enter here?”
“Only you. Should I be looking for someone that would cause you to draw your weapon in my house?”
“Your house?”
“I am Sir Henry of Bostonia, this is my room.”
Killian cursed, lowering his weapon. “I apologize Sir Henry; I was looking for someone who came this way. I will leave you to your writing.”
“Can I be of assistance? My mother has taught me to fence, perhaps I can help you find this man you seek.”
“I am here in service of the King, I do not think putting his young nephew in harm’s way would please him.”
He rolled his eyes, “I’m sixteen, I’m not a boy.”
“Of course not, but I shall take my leave, I’m sorry to trouble you.”
He retreated to his starting place before he breached the door, finding only an empty room across the hall. He doubled back the way he came, hoping he had not lost his mark. He did not notice the young man in the shadows, satchel slung over his shoulder, eager look in his eye as he followed his every move in his search of the castle.
Emma stood in the doorway watching her son writing in his notebook. She knew he wrote tales of faraway lands, she always loved that he had something that interested him so much. She could hardly believe how big he was getting. He would be twelve this year, and Emma wondered where the time had gone.
“Hey, you ready for some barbeque?”
The boy looked up and smiled, though she could still see the sadness in his eyes.
“You sure you’re ok about your dad?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Things always work out for the best in the end.”
“Do they now?” She mused.
“Yup, you’ll see.” He said with a smirk that made Emma wonder what the boy was up to.
Killian parked his bike next to the apartments, sliding off the seat and pulling the soda from the back. Bellle pulled up next to him and he smiled at the woman as she parked the car. Things had been awkward between them, and he hoped that time apart had soothed things over.
“Hello, lass.” He opened her car door, assisting her from the vehicle.
“Hi.” She smiled, tilting up to press her lips softly to his. When she pulled back she frowned. “I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve left things the last few days.”
“Not necessary. You have no need to apologize.”
“I just…” She sighed. “You were right, I knew what I was getting into, and I shouldn’t have gotten upset.”
“I just want to enjoy the evening with my best girl tonight.” He said with a genuine smile.
“What have you got there?” She asked, eyeing the soda in his hand.
“The lad had a request for orange soda.”
“Did he now?” She said with a narrowed glance and Killian ignored the remark, instead leading her up the walk toward the building.
The party was in full swing by the time they made their way to the roof, lights strung from the rafters, the water off in the distance shining by the moon’s light. It truly was a magical scene for an evening barbeque.
He introduced Belle to his neighbor Ruby, before walking over to the cooler to deposit the orange soda.
“Orange soda, huh? My nephew will be happy to hear he has someone else in the building who prefers the stuff.” Killian looked up to see a man standing near him. “I’m David, Emma’s brother.”
“Henry’s uncle, yes the lad mentioned that there is rarely enough orange soda at this event, I figured it would be nice to ensure he had enough to drink. He seemed to imply that the event had usually been mired in adult beverages.” He added with a wink.
“It’s difficult for him sometimes being the only kid in the complex.”
Killian’s brow furrowed, “He made mention of a friend, Will, I believe.”
The man laughed loudly. “Will only acts like a child, but I assure you he is supposed to be a grown up.” He gestured toward the man talking to Henry in the corner. The two were balancing trays of vegetables on their head. He remembered seeing the man at Emma’s the night he borrowed the bowl.
“Who’s your friend, darling?” David was met by a beautiful woman with dark hair and rosy cheeks.
“This is my wife, Margaret. I’m sorry, I never got your name.”
Killian held out his hand to the woman. “Killian Jones. I just moved in a couple of weeks ago.”
“Very nice to have a new neighbor in the place. You’ll be friends with everyone in no time.”
“Do you both live here as well?”
“No, we live across town, but I feel like we live here, Emma always invites us. I’m not sure if you met, Graham?” The man who Killian knew to be Emma’s boyfriend approached the group. “Graham and I go all the way back to high school together. Hopefully one day soon, we will call him family.”
“I don’t think we met officially.” The man said, offering his hand and Killian shook it.
Looking to escape from the conversation, he made small talk. “This is quite the affair.” He said looking around, spotting Belle standing in the corner, flanked by Will and Henry. “If you’ll excuse me, I should rescue my date. It was a pleasure meeting you all.” He nodded and made his way to the other side of the building.
“And you have access to this restricted section? Is it like porn?” Will was asking her as he approached them. Belle’s eyes flashed brightly as she laughed, reaching out to touch the man’s shoulder.
“No, it’s not like…” She whispered. “Porn. It’s for the more expensive books, the ones that are rare, or first editions.”
“There you are.” He announced, offering a beer to Belle.
“Have you met Will?”
“You’re much older than I imagined when Henry mentioned you.” He said, winking at Henry.
“Oi, I get that all the time. Bloody ridiculous if you ask me. There is no rule book for how old you have to be to play with Legos.”
“We’re building the Millennium Falcon.” Henry announced with pride.
“Round or Square?” Killian inquired.
“Round of course.” Will said with a huff. “Lando near destroyed the whole thing during the death star debacle. I prefer the original dish the way Han Solo drove her.”
“Good man, a purist.” Killian said, slapping the man on the shoulder as Henry beamed at them both.
“You like Star Wars?” The boy asked with large eyes.
“Of course, I like Star Wars, my brother took me when I was a wee lad.”
“We even dressed like Han and Leia when the last one came out.” Belle said with a proud smile, and it wasn’t lost on Killian the way that Will’s attention focused in on his date, his smile directed only at her.
“Henry, go help your mother.” Will directed his attention toward the blonde, carrying in plates and silverware.
The boy did as he was asked, running over to the table to help set up before he watched the blonde leave through the rooftop door, heading back into the apartment.
He stood back, watching the small group of people milling about, huddled in corners laughing at jokes being told or tales that were shared. He had not had friends in years, after leaving the Navy he moved to Maine to work in the shipyard. He had met Milah shortly after, as much as he had tried to avoid the woman, his choices and their torrid affair eventually blew up in his face causing him to lose everything he had built in Maine.
Perhaps finally all of that was behind him. Maybe now he could afford to put himself out there and make new friends.
He felt a tug on his shirt and turned to see Henry standing behind him. “Hey, can you help me really quick?”
“Sure thing lad, what do you need?”
“More Ice from the basement, everyone else was busy and I can’t carry it all.”
“No problem, lead the way.”
He followed the boy to the door when he turned back suddenly. “Um, I forgot something, I’ll meet you down there.” Killian laughed as the boy ran back through the crowd and Killian made his way down the stairs to the basement.
He opened the door to the sound of cursing, a slamming noise reverberating through the cold concrete room. As he entered the area where the ice was housed he stopped short. Emma was bent over, her ass shifting back and forth while she gathered up the stray ice from the bag that appeared to have blown open when dropped on the floor. He found himself entranced by the woman in front of him, his head cocked to the side to get a better look.
He cleared his throat and she nearly fell onto her face. He rushed forward, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her back toward him, her bottom making contact with his groin before he pulled her upward, her back resting against his chest.
“Didn’t mean to startle you, love.” He teased against her ear. He felt her shudder against his hand, then pull away from him.
“Do you always stalk people like this?” She moaned, leaning against the freezer.
“Sorry, your lad sent me down here to get some ice.”
“Why did he…” She sighed. “Never mind, can you just help me with this?”
He bent down, retrieving the spilled bag of ice from the ground. She grabbed a broom and swept the remaining ice into the drain in the center of the room.
“Can I ask you something?” She said suddenly.
He chuckled, “I see where your son gets it.”
She glared at him teasingly. “Did he talk to you about his father today?”
“Ah, I don’t want to betray the boy’s trust, but I happened to overhear the conversation with his father this afternoon, purely by accident, I swear. He seemed a bit downhearted from the news of his father’s upcoming business trip.”
She snorted, “Did he really say it was a business trip?”
“Aye, your lad is a bright kid, he seemed distrusting of this information as well.”
“Sorry, it’s just that my ex has a problem with telling the truth…pretty much always. He’s going to Barbados with his new girlfriend.”
“As I said, he’s a smart lad.”
“He knows it’s a lie, doesn’t he?” She said sadly. He nodded in the affirmative. “Well, sorry he keeps seeking you out. I’m sure you have better things to do than listen to an eleven-year-old kid lament about his woes.”
“It’s not a bother, I rather enjoy his company.” He turned to her quickly. “With your permission, of course.”
She laughed nervously. “Sorry I made it seem like I thought you were a pedophile or something. I’m not exactly good around new people.”
“Try something new, darling. It’s called trust.”
“Yeah, I’m not good at that either.”
“Perhaps the lad will teach us both something new then.” He heaved another bag of ice over his shoulder.
“If I’m learning to trust, what’s he teaching you?”
“That’s a lesson for another day, Swan.” He winked and retreated to the comfort of the empty stairs. The conversation both intriguing him yet also weighing heavily on his mind. Perhaps there was more than meets the eye to his beautiful neighbor, who was obviously off limits to him, he wouldn’t dare mess around with a taken woman, however, what he hadn’t shared with the Swan woman, and what was most concerning to him had more to do with her son at the moment.
Killian had spent years closing himself off to caring about the feelings of any but his own. While he cared about his brother and to an extent had formed a close friendship with Belle, he only looked out for himself.
Why then was he so concerned about this young boy’s sadness over his father or his desire for orange soda? He didn’t make connections with others on a personal level. He had no need for the complication that came with worrying about other people or their needs.
Yet as he looked around the rooftop, watching the boy interact with his mother, he found himself smiling as the kid took a drink of his orange soda, seeking his attention from across the expanse of the party and smiling at him in a way that made Killian’s heart soar.
“He seems to really like that soda you brought.” Belle murmured into his ear as they sat at a small table, drinking their beer.
“Aye, that he does.” He replied softly.
The song that Killian sang is called Devil is a Woman – Bishop Gunn.
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sephirothisaslut · 4 years
(A oneshot featuring Immortal!Cloud and Seph, confused neighbors, kids, and horny parents...Oh and they think Seph and Cloud are vampires. Hi-jinks ensue)
Timmy isn’t a smart boy. Neither are his friends. Well maybe except Louis, but that’s besides the point.
The big kids told Samantha about this creepy mansion up in the mountains. And she somehow convinced the rest of them to accompany her to check it out. Of course, Timmy told them it was a bad idea. It was creepy. And besides, mom told them to be home by 5.
But then John just had to call him a wuss. Then when Samantha and Andy joined in, he slightly got mad but still protested their plans. And when Louis asked him if he’s scared, he just had to prove he’s not scared and he wasn’t a wuss.
So armed with nothing but flashlights, some sandwiches, water, and their backpacks to carry those things (Louis brought a camera, he’s so smart), Timmy, Samantha, John, Andy, and Louis went on an adventure to check the haunted mansion up in the mountains.
To call it a mountain is an exaggeration. It was more like a small hill. But it was covered in a dense forest. It was kinda steep, but there’s a stone staircase, so it was OK. The mansion itself was not that far from the street, but it can’t easily be seen with all the trees covering it and it was pretty high up.
Timmy gulped as he saw the Mansion come into view. It looked much scarier up close. “G-Guys, we should go. We already saw it”
“Why? You chicken?” John snickered at his friend.
“N-No I’m not! It’s just that it’s dark and mom said-”
“Oh come one Tim! It’ll be fun!” Samantha, ever the adventurous one, exclaimed. 
“Yeah and we can show the big kids we actually did it!” Andy pumped.
“I wanna make a cool video!” Louis brought out his camera, and started recording, “Don’t you wanna be in it?”
Timmy only stammered, and very reluctantly said “Fine! But only for a bit”
Samantha happily led the charge. Stepping unto the front porch and trying to open the door. But it seemed to be locked. So John suggested they try the windows. They circled the house then found a small window from what looks like a library.
“It’s called a study” Louis whispered. “It’s where you do stuff”
“Like study?” TImmy asked.
“No duh” John said, trying to fit into the window. But finding he can’t fit.
“Timmy, you try” Andy suggested.
“W-why me?”
“Cuz you’re the smallest, duh” Samantha deadpanned.
And so, Timmy found himself squeezing into a window. Landing on his face and groaning.
“Open the door for us” John hissed.
Timmy scrambled to find the front entrance in the darkness, thankful that he brought a flashlight. When he opened the door for his friends, they immediately looked around the obviously lavish house. Timmy, closing the door behind them.
“Woah, whoever lived here must be rich!” John quietly exclaimed.
“How much do you think this is?” Andy said, lifting a heavy vase.
“Can I see?” Samantha asked. But the vase slipped out of her grip, and fell.
The sound of braking filled the whole Mansion. The group stopped, surprised by the sound. Then froze when they heard footsteps from the second floor.
“Hide” Louis hissed.
Everyone scrambled to find a hiding place, except before they can, something grabbed Timmy’s arm. Timmy squeaked and flailed.
“Well well well” A tall figure with green glowing eyes looked down on Timmy. His eyes had slits for pupils, and pulsed like a snake.
Timmy nearly screamed.
Then light flooded the room.
“Sephiroth, you’re scaring the kid.” A blond man said, leaning near the light switch.
“Good” The man grasping Timmy was tall. He had silver hair, and he looked handsome. He looked like a vampire.
“Why are you here child? Where are your parents?” The taller man interrogated Timmy.
Timmy couldn’t make any response, still caught in the shock.
“We’re sorry sir!” Louis hurriedly explained. “We thought this place was haunted and we just came to check it out!”
The blond man snorted. “Nothing new there”
The man came closer, and placed his palm on top of the hand grasping Timmy.
“I’ll handle this” He tenderly said.
He then crouched to the ground, and kindly said “My name is Cloud. Now we don’t appreciate you guys breaking and entering, but we won’t do anything bad. I promise”
Timmy nodded shyly. “S-Sorry...” he timidly said.
“Lets get you to your parents yeah?” Cloud warmly smiled at the five kids.
Laura wasn’t a good mother. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t try. After her husband left her with their child, she grew bitter. But how could she abandon her sweet Timmy. So she steeled herself, got herself a new house, a new job, and a new life.
She thought she saw everything by now. After all working in retail, even as a manager, was bound to expose you to some unbelievable stuff. But when two absolutely gorgeous strangers knocked on her door, she nearly had a nosebleed.
“Excuse me, are these your children?” A tall man with flowing silver hair coolly asked her. His white blouse shirt, unbuttoned till his pecks, fit him perfectly. And oh God those sinful pants.
“Excuse me ma’am?” Another man beside the door frame called. He was shorter, and blond. Wearing a black sleeveless shirt highlighting his abs pretty well, exposing his finely toned arms. And where do these guys buy their pants, holy shit.
“M-Mom?” Timmy interrupted his mother’s thoughts.
“TImmy! Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” Laura hid her blush in her concern.
“We caught them breaking into our home” The silver-haired man snapped.
“I am so sorry! Did they break anything? I can pay for-”
“No, that’s ok ma’am. They’re just kids.” The blond one reassured her. And Gods, Laura felt his smile pierce her heart.
“A-are you sure? I mean-”
“Please, ma’am. It’s fine. I’m Cloud by the way” The man, Cloud, extended his arm for a handshake that Laura accepted with vigor. “This grump here is Sephiroth”
Sephiroth extended his own hand, only nodding as Laura accepted.
“Oh! Would you like to come in for tea? I’m sure you’re tired”
“No thank you. It’s dark, and we must return home” Sephiroth rejected.
As Cloud and Sephiroth bid their goodbyes, Laura took a good hard look at the five children.
She looked at them sternly and just sighed. This was a mess. Well at least she got to meet the two hottest men she’s ever seen.
The rumor mill was spinning as fast as a helicopter blade. One of the older women saw the mysterious pair of men herding five children to Laura’s house. The woman, Gertrude, was very prone to gossip. Thankfully, what she told the others was mostly truth, in part thanks to the children’s own accounts.
Soon, the community was buzzing about these two new mysterious men. They were spotted by Joe, the butcher, in the wet market earlier this week. Then Allan the 7 Eleven cashier the next day. Then Gertrude herself in the park.
Everyone described them as absolutely, almost devilishly hot.
Laura is now sitting at a community barbecue, listening to the rest of the adults share their gossip.
“Have you seen the blond? Cloud? I hear he’s single” 
“I thought they were married?”
“Ha! They had no rings I checked”
“Wow Bob, don’t you have a wife”
“Hey, I can’t order but I can still look at the menu”
“Robert told me that the taller one-”
“Yes Sephiroth, works for the WRO!”
“Wow he must be one of those monster hunters then!”
“I think both of them do”
“I heard they built the old Mansion”
“That’s bullcrap, that thing’s at least 70 years old”
“Yeah but I heard it from Cloud himself!”
Laura just continued to sip her coke. She had to admit, she wanted a piece of them too. But she had only one love, and he left her. So she really isn’t too keen on taking some action.
“Laura, you know them right?”
“Yeah! Weren’t they at your house?”
“Tell us, are they single?”
All eyes landed on her.
“Er, well I don’t know” Laura nervously replied.
“Aww” The group’s shoulders sagged.
“Guess we’ll never know-”
“But I-I invited them to the barbecue!” Laura quickly amended.
At this, the entire adult community screeched. Voices with sounds like “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US” and “I DIDN’T EVEN DRESS UP” and “HOW’S MY MAKEUP” were heard all over. Even Bob, who was already married to Jane, was fretting over the state of his sauce stained sweater.
Timmy and the others were watching their parents freak out.
“Hey what do you think they’re talking ‘bout?” TImmy asked Louis.
“I don’t know. Adults are weird” Louis responded.
“I bet it’s those vampires” Samantha whispered.
“Vampires?” Andy tilted her head.
“You know. The two dudes we saw in the haunted mansion”
“Yeah, totally vampires” John agreed. “Did you guys see their eyes? They glow!”
“But don’t vampires have red-eyes?” Timmy pointed out.
“Yeah, but how else are you gonna explain that” John huffed. “And besides, I heard from mom who heard from Old Man Jim, that they said they’ve been staying in the Mansion since it was made.”
“Yeah? And?” Louis raised his brow, “They’re older than us, big deal”
“Yeah but Old Man Jim said the Mansion was built before he was born!”
The group sucked a breath. Old Man Jim was probably the oldest guy in the block, maybe even in the town.
“But Old Man Jim might just be joking” Timmy shyly said, “He’s kinda old”
“..Maybe” John only grumbled as he ate his barbecue.
“I heard from Papa that Timmy’s mom invited them to the barbecue” Andy offered, “Vampires can’t walk under the sun, right? So if they come, then they’re not vampires. But if they don’t then they are!” She happily exclaimed.
The group only nodded at this plan. If they were vampires, then they will have to take thing into their own hands.
Laura continued to watch the others freak out. Several of them tidying the place, the others tidying themselves. And the few childless adults and couples left shortly to freshen themselves in the bathroom.
After a few minutes, most of them managed to calm down. Now sitting once more in a broken circle.
“But what if they don’t come?” 
“Shit, then I fixed up for nothing.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. As long as we have fun.”
“Jane, we all know you want ‘em too” Jane just blushed.
“Gods, Laura. Warn us next time, please”
“Joseph calm down.”
“Oh Shit they’re here!”
And true enough, a pair of people can be seen in the distance. One silver, one gold.
“Fuck” Bob cursed.
Everyone waited in anticipation. 
And as the pair walked closer to the barbecue, their features slowly came into detail.
Cloud was wearing a thin white shirt, lifting up and exposing his abs as he waved to the group. Sephiroth, on the other hand, was wearing a black blouse, unbuttoned till below his pecks. Both carrying plastic bags full of sodas, and chips. And both wearing black pants that just hug their legs the right way.
“Hey! Sorry we were late. Seph forgot to buy snacks the day before” Cloud apologized.
“Apologies” Sephiroth merely bowed his head slightly.
“That’s uh. That’s alright. As long as you made it” Jane gulped.
“You can set them down here” Joseph said, taking a few bags from both, lightly touching their hands. This action didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the adults. Some just glaring at Joseph’s smug smile.
That day, Cloud and Sephiroth were properly welcomed into the neighborhood. 
As the day progressed, Cloud and Sephiroth were finally left alone by the adults.
Timmy and his friends finally found their chance.
“Come on! Go ask them” John whispered.
“Why don’t you go? I don’t wanna” Timmy huffed.
“You chicken?” John elbowed Timmy.
“I-I’m not!”
“Then go ask them” John deadpanned.
“I’ll go with you” Louis offered.
“Th-Thanks” Timmy stuttered.
They sauntered up to the pair, and cleared their throat slightly.
“Excuse me? Mr.?” Louis asked first.
When the pair turned to them, they had a clear view of their eyes. They were glowing slightly, but they weren’t red. Neither do any of them have slit pupils like they saw that night. Must be a trick of the light, yeah.
“A-are you vampires?” Timmy timidly asked.
The pair could only look at them in bafflement. Then surprisingly, Sephiroth let out a burst of laughter. Cloud following with his own chuckle.
“What made you say that?” Cloud snorted.
“We- We thought- Your eyes-” TImmy tried to form coherent sentences.
“Oh, our eyes glow because of Mako” Sephiroth explained.
“M-Mako? But isn’t that acid?” Louis asked with wide eyes.
“Not really, no. You learned Mako can mutate things right?” Cloud continued, “And basically it gave us glowing eyes.”
“Oh!” Louis’ eyes widened in recognition “ Uncle Robert told me you work for the WRO!”
Cloud and Sephritoh could only raise their brows. Timmy looked at his friend for clarification.
“They’re the monster hunting group! They basically fight monsters!”
“Including Mako mutated ones. Though they’re scarce now a days” Sephiroth nodded.
“Really? That’s so cool!” TImmy looked up to them. Wow, they fought monsters!
“We gotta tell the others!” Louis bounced.
The pair of children soon bounded to share with their findings with their friends.
Cloud looked at Sephiroth. “If they think we’re vampires, wait till they see Vincent”
Sephiroth rolled his eyes, then leaned in for a kiss.
Several hearts were broken that day. 
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sardonicnihilism · 4 years
A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 3 The Young Adult
Chapter 32
Shannon looked over her list of damnable tomes. *The Liba Lnteus*, *The Beale Ciphers*, *The Voynich Manuscript*, *Magic of Abramelin the Image*, *The Codex Gigas*, *The Book of Soyga*, *The Rohonc Codex*, *The Great Omar Book*, *The Ripley Scroll Book*; each one of these horrid abominations was said to bring death and madness to all those who sought them out. These were grimoires of the most blasphemous and dangerous depths. Yet, none of these were what she was looking for.
Shannon lifted her head, staring off into space, tapping her pencil off the library table she was seated at. She was trying to clear her mind, think of new avenues to approach. The continuing elusivness of the book made her feel uneasy. Certainly there had to be some mention of it somewhere.
She looked over to her right and saw a typical, pink eraser. She stared at it for a few moments and opened up her left hand. The eraser wiggled a bit, and then jumped into her hand. Shannon smiled as she ran it between her fingers.
She then noticed a strand of her hair, resting on the book she had been reading. She put her hand about one foot over top of it. The hair began to move like a snake. It reared up, standing straighter and straighter, until it left the page and floated in the air.
Shannon moved her hand to and fro, the hair following suit. Her hand and the hair danced in the air. She stood up and began to actually dance - swaying, gliding, bending, and reaching. The hair began to glow and catch on fire. It elongated and started to spin around her. The two dance partners floated up into the sky.
They were suddenly no longer in the library. She doubted if they were even still on Earth. It was night here. They were in a forest with trees and vegetation that had no root in Terran soil with the cries of animals that had never trod the world of man.
Shannon's clothes had now been burned away, but she didn't care. All there was, was the dance. The string of fire encircled her even more closely. Eventually it touched her and she burst into flame, but she felt not one ounce of pain. Indeed she was in a state of euphoric rapture.
She and the flame were now one. She flew across the night sky, leaving streaks of light behind her, creating complex, geometric patterns. In her mind she heard a young boy ask what was that; to which the voice of an old woman responded, "That is the Sky Dancer of Chaos and Eternal Night". She then exploded across the sky. Shannon was then back in the library; same position, mindlessly drumming away.
Shannon took her glasses off, laid them on the book, and slouched back into her chair. She was unnerved at her apparent day dream. She was even more upset at her lack of progress.
"Hey stranger," Sam's voice called out.
Shannon looked over in the direction it had come. "Hey. What are you doing here?" She was legitimately curious. She had come to Chambersburg Public Library because her college library had failed to yield any results in her search, but it was more than sufficient for the tasks of any college assignment.
"Looking for you. I haven't seen on campus for a while. I called to see if you were ok, and your mum said you were here. I found a ride in and decided to see if you were ok."
"I am. Just - looking."
Sam pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. "That bloody book again?" he asked both concerned and annoyed.
"I still hear things, see things, sometimes even feel them. Prayers and church haven't worked. Maybe if I find something, anything, it'll help."
Sam put his arm around her shoulders. It was striking how large and muscular she was. She felt more of stone than flesh. Yet her face was scared, sad, and tired.
"Listen," he said softly, "you said yourself, they gave you a strange liquid to drink, yeah? I'm guessing that it was some sort of hallucinogenic and it's messing with brain up there," he gently tapped on the side of her head which made her smile. "Instead of looking for some book which may not even be real; maybe you should go to the doctor's instead?"
Shannon leaned over and put her head on his shoulder. "And say what? I might have had some bad acid? Besides, everyone had masks on. I have no idea who all was there. Hell, my doctor could have been one of them for all I know. Shit, you could be one," she turned her head and looked him in the eyes.
"Nah, ain't me mate. I don't believe in any of that mumbo-jumbo. Strict atheist here. Of course, you could think I'm just lying to you. Not like I can prove my innocence."
"Honestly, at this point, I really don't give a shit if you're legitimate or a spy. You're the best friend I've ever had. So if this is a performance, all I ask is that you keep it up."
"Will do," Sam answered back cheerfully.
Shannon looked at her list again. She tore the paper from the notebook and crumpled it up. Real or not, she was done searching.
Suddenly something came to her, something Jen had said. She had called Lovecraft a seer. She also said that his works were based on the coven's text. Finally her last thought sprung up in her mind again, *real or not*.
She ran up to the librarians desk and asked to sign into a computer. The librarian told her what number to go to, and she ran over and started typing.
Sam was extremely confused and worried. He ran over to her and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Checking out a thought," she said, super focused on the screen.
"Alright, and how's that?"
"I found this new website called Amazon. They're an online bookstore. Fairly large selection too," she said excitedly. "Hopefully they don't try to start selling other things as well and just stick to books."
As soon as the page loaded, she typed "Lovecraftian horror" in the search bar. Once the search was done, she began to scroll through the selections. Her brow furrowed with frustration, not seeing what she had hoped for. Then a look of absolute joy came across her face as she said, "There!" Shannon pointed to a listing and Sam started to read it aloud.
"*Behind the Bleeding Veil* by Shawn Baxter, 1934. *Behind the Bleeding Veil* is the first book in the Goddess Saga. This book of Lovecraft inspired horror revolves around a sheltered young girl, her mysterious past, and her bizarre college roommate. Originally banned due to its graphic depiction of lesbian sex and gore, it was later reprinted in 1967. Includes the standard cosmic horror troupes such as cults, horrifying, unknowable gods, and cursed books ( *The Book of Forgotten Nightmares *)." Sam stopped and looked at Shannon who was smiling ear to ear.
"I don't get it," he said confused.
"It was all made up. Whoever started that coven, must have read this book and thought it was real. Just like the publishing companies made a *Necronomicon*, they must have made a version of *Nightmares*. It's nothing more than a story someone took seriously." Relief washed over Shannon in tidal waves, washing her clean.
"Pretty much how all religions get started." Sam added jovially.
"Unfortunately, that means you were right and I am having a prolonged, psychotic reaction to a hallucinogenic compound."
Sam turned to Shannon and asked, "Hospital?"
"Hospital," Shannon agreed.
As they were leaving, Shannon turned around and saw a massive black shadow, bubbling with white, distorted, grotesque faces. She raised her hand and the mass was blown away in an explosion of fire.
"I am the Sky Dancer of Chaos and Eternal Night," she whispered underneath her breath and walked out.
"Can we talk?" Shannon asked, in a low, shy, almost mournful voice.
Chris wiped the sweat from his brow and gave her a suspicious look. "I got some time between sets. Never was a fan of deadlifts anyway. So, what is it?"
Shannon handed him a piece of paper. "It's for your friend. It's the name of the toxin that was used and the drug that's used to treat it."
Chris took it and looked it over.
Shannon hung her head and looked at the floor as she continued to talk. "Given how long it's been, the damage might be permanent. The doctor said that I might have some continuing effects given it's been almost two years. Still, it should help him a little."
She then lifted her head and looked Chris straight in the eyes. "I'm so sorry. I should have listened. You tried to be a friend and I was a bitch. I hope you forgive me, but I don't expect it, and that's more than fair."
Chris handed the paper back to Shannon. "He committed suicide last year." He paused for a beat, then added, "But thank you anyways. I, I know you must have been going through some stuff, and I'm guessing still are. I understand. I might have reacted the same way if the roles were reversed. Understanding doesn't equal forgiveness though. And forgiveness doesn't mean things will go back to the way they were. It's been a while, both temporarily and emotionally."
"I know," Shannon said as she took the paper back.
Chris stuck out his hand. Shannon took it, shook it, turned around and walked away.
Shannon got to her car where Sam was waiting for her.
"Well, how'd it go," he asked sympathetically.
"About as well as I had any right for it to go," she answered back, putting her sunglasses on.
"You going to be ok?"
"Eventually," she said flatly, and got in her car.
Sam got in the passenger side. "You know, you've missed most of this semester. You got a lot of work to make. You think you can do it? Maybe you can take a leave of absence, all things considered?"
Shannon buckled up, turned the car on, and put it in drive. "I'm not going back," she simply said.
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salip18me · 4 years
“Old people who live alone”
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   Probably all of us know at least one old man or woman who lives alone. There are kind of ones, who have the children but still live alone and those who have absolutely no one around them. Some of them live in the village, completely alone and left to rely on their neighbors, some of them do not even have a neighbor. It is quite interesting how they live, how they deal with the difficulties and problems that they face on a daily basis. Do they try to somehow entertain themselves and overcome loneliness by doing some things? It is also interesting how they were dealing with the problems which were brought by the pandemic when we all were in a quarantine. Some of them are accustomed that they have no one around them except their TVs.
 There is a one 83 years old man Zviad Lortkipanidze who has lived alone. As he said, his life changed when one complete stranger gave him a shelter. Before that he lived in a small garage. “I don’t have a family, I just have one boy who lives abroad. He is busy with his affairs, so I don’t want to disturb him. I lived alone, feeling always lonely, then this man gave me a shelter.” He said. Now he lives in a nursing home, with other old people there.
He thinks that it may be surprising but the situation in a nursing home is pretty good. As he said he got into the hands of good people and he is so grateful for that. There are a few old people there. They talk to each other every day, tell stories, in the evenings their caregiver reads a few pages of the book to them and they fall asleep.
As Mr.Zviad said that kind man takes care of them unselfishly. It is unknown how he can afford to take care all of the old people who are in a nursing home, but that’s the fact that he does it unselfishly. “we don’t know where he has so much money to afford all that stuff we need there. He constantly supplies us with food, medicine and other necessary things.” Says Mr. Zviad.
Mr.Zviadi has talked us about the hardest parts of living alone. “Oh, I think the hardest part was being alone itself. You feel always lonely when you’re at home, because of that I was always going outside to just communicate with people but in winter when there was almost no one around, everything was so difficult for me. But now I feel much better. I’m so thankful for everyone who are with me right now.”
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  Dali Bidzinashvili is 79 years old woman, who also lives alone. She thinks that being alone has its own perks. “ Of course, sometimes that feeling called ‘loneliness’ is quite hard, but also it helps you discover yourself. When you are alone, you have much more time for yourself.” Said Mrs. Dali. Her everyday job is to come outside every morning and feed dogs that live around her house. “Technically, I’m alone, but I don’t think like that. My animals are always with me, so believe me living with them is better.” Obviously, Mrs. Dali feels comfortable alone. She thinks that you can find yourself and also it is more peaceful. “Living alone is better, but sometimes loneliness comes from nowhere, and It makes me sad.” Said Mrs. Dali.
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  Kristina Zambakhidze, who is 36 years old and work in a charity center, thinks that lonely, old people need their help the most. So, they are trying to make their lives easier. “We mainly help older people and especially those who live alone because they really need our help. We often go to nursing homes, supply them with supplies and all the things they need.” Said Kristina.
They have money from charity, also they receive donations. In her opinion, the most inspirational thing that inspires them to do their work is people’s happiness. “If you could see their happy faces, you would want to be in this business forever. It's a kind of stimulus for us.” She said.
  Also, there are government workers who help old people. One of them is Irma Prangulashvili. She distributes medicine for a local elders for free. Also, she paid special attention during the pandemic. “During a pandemic, we try to make their lives as easy as possible so that they do not have to go outside and suffer. We can do nothing more at this stage."
Irma told us what were the exact things they were helping with people. She said: “It is our duty to help the old people. Until then, we could only provide medicines for free, but during a pandemic we constantly supply them with the products they need every day.”
       As we have seen, life alone is the most difficult for the elderly. They can not cope with the daily difficulties, especially if they live in a village. Many of them have no one to just talk to, so life alone is difficult even for people of any age. Finally, they are grateful to single persons or nongovernmental organization, that they are doing their best to help them and make their lives quite easier. As we saw they need help more than anyone.For them, life is much more difficult in all aspects. This majority of old people feel, lonely.
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From crowds to loneliness
    When we Google a word “loneliness”, suddenly pops up so many information about this subject. There are also the questions, that people ask Google frequently. “What loneliness does to the human body? “, “What does it feel like to be lonely? “,” Is it OK to be lonely? “It means that majority of people are thinking about this subject or they actually feel alone. There are any ages of people who live alone. For part of them it is kind of comfort, that they have just their lives but most of them feel lonely, that means an unpleasant emotion, which seems like isolation.
   Meri Tvaradze is a former teacher in the school of Tbilisi. She has been in this business for 45 years. Now her age is 75 years and she lives in a small village of Ratcha, all alone. It is said that the feeling of loneliness is the most difficult when you have spent your whole life in active relationships with people.
“I’ve spent half of my life communicating with different people. There were children, full of joy and happiness, I loved it the most when I was talking to them. After them there were adults, with their happy or dramatic lives, that was an enjoyable process for me to give them advices and teach a lots of new to them.”
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 As she says her life was always very crowded. There were lots of business, students and she had a social active life. Interacting with people was always her joy. Listening to human’s stories was making her happy and alive, so as she said, that was her past life, full of adventures and new people.
 “Can you imagine how hard it is to live in a small village, all alone, after that kind of active life? I missed my past, my relationships.” Said Mrs. Meri. She agrees with scientists who say that loneliness after an active social life seriously harms a person's mental health. For Meri the most difficult part of living alone is being alone itself. You are not able to talk to someone when you really need this. “Of course, I have neighbors, but they have their own lives, I need someone that helps me not to feel lonely sometimes.“ She said.
  Activities are one of the main things that help people deal with loneliness. Scientists say that you have to do something to get rid of this feeling. Mrs. Meri thinks that the easiest activity an elderly person can do is watching TV, of course if there is an ability of that. “
Usually , when I watch TV I don’t have time to think about bad things because it has all my attention. There are a lots of movies and entertaining shows in television, that made me remember my past life, when I was younger with a lots of people around me, so I could contact them whenever I wanted. This machine threw me back to a really good, old days. “  Said Mrs. Meri.
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    Winter is the hardest for her. It is difficult to move, because there is a lot of snow in the village. As a result, TV doesn’t work sometimes, but It’s the only thing that helps her to endure. Mrs. Meri says that there is one more thing that is the hardest for her. “My husband has passed away recently and I left alone. Sometimes I think about him and I’m talking to him too. Don’t think that I am crazy but I miss him and it is the only way to communicate with him. I may get used to living alone but I can't live without my husband.” As she says, when they became middle-aged, they decided to move from a city to somewhere quite place. She said that husband’s death was the worst part of her life. “ That’s why I am living alone in a village now. Once in 3 months my child and grandchildren are coming and take out the products, in this time I’m the happiest person cause I have an ability to see them, but everyone has their own family and problem, I can’t disturb them always.” She said. 
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   Loneliness is the feeling when you have emptiness inside and you need someone to fill this emptiness. Especially, when you had an active life in the past, it gets harder. “It is true that sometimes you need beautiful, quite place to go alone and think about all the things that is in your mind, figure everything out, but being permanently lonely means emptiness.” Said Mrs. Meri
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Salome Purtskhvanidze
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WhatsApp? Part 5. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: I am a little shit for this tbh. But shush.
Tagging: @missdictatorme @songforhema
Read the rest and don't be scared bcs of my crazy ass:  Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four
Series master list if you love to read series in order like me :) (I got u, boo):  H E R E
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You had coma while you slept. Not like an actual coma - but you were totally dead when you fell asleep at half-past one a.m. You were done for - three and a half hours past your bedtime, charmed by some mysterious man and worried the hell out for that poor boy who snored all over the place.
Thank God May was woken up and that she had lived nearer to the office than you do. Because you could wake up later than you usually did. The traffic wasn't so bad in this part of Queens either.
"Pancakes are on the table, sleepyhead. Now wake the hell up." - She giggled when you just hummed into your pillow, refusing to wake the fuck up. You fell asleep at one a.m. for god's sake. This was some torturing and you were sure of it.
"I think I need to take a day off. I'm dead. I'm more dead than Peter was yesterday." - You mumbled into the pillow, smelling the delicious pancakes.
"I'm feeling ok now, Y/N." - A young voice rang through the living room. You felt dizzy, yet you take your head off the small pillow you've slept on. Peter, who's body most likely had the last hurrah before death yesterday, was sitting at the table, grinning at you widely. - "You're the dead elephant in the room right now."
He had his sweater on, his hair was super messy and he looked tired as hell. But he was alive per se.
"I will recall what I just thought in my head before a second." - You sat, yawned out loud like a lion on savanna at the midday and turned your head to him. You looked tired but really, really happy. That made him look happy as well. - "Because you're having your last hurray before your death. Guess the joke's on you, zombie-kiddo."
Peter knew you were just messing with him. You two did it all the time - friendly beefs and arguments about everything - the most of them happened after you've seen the last sci-fi movie in local cinema (you were his adult company to the movies he and his super best pal couldn't go alone to and you knew that even if Pete will grow up or find a gf, this will be a part of your life that's not going to change.)
"I'm mentally more mature than you are. At least I know how to get my crush better without panicking and talking to a fifteen-year-old boy. I know better than you." - Pete was teasing the hell out of you. - "Anyway, how did it even go?" - He wiggled his eyebrows at you, eating the pancake slowly.
"Well if you didn't come practically walking dead into our office yesterday, I would tell you... That we moved from strangers to friends with Steve." - You served yourself a pancake with some syrup on it. You sometimes slept over at their place, May always being the chef. And her pancakes? Dear lord. That was the best fucking thing ever. Period.
"He texted her six of those worried messages when she forgot her phone at the office." - May abrupted the conversation without taking her eyes off her newspaper. - “I think we all can consider that as something.” - She laughed a bit when you hissed in her direction. 
“Choose your side here May!” - You laughed and heard your phone vibrating at the small table in front of the TV, plugged into the charger as you left it before you fell asleep. You smiled and saw Peter grinning at you under the palm that covered his mouth. 
You couldn't even believe how fast can a month go around. You didn't even notice - you worked from nine to five at the charity, enjoying your time with your girl, sometimes you even hang out. Not too often tho, because you loved when you just curled in your favorite PJs, watching a movie and letting Steve make you laugh. (Don't worry, Steve’s unintentional dumbness made Sam laugh a lot as well.)
You two were basically internet besties. Steve read almost everything that happened you during the day (he found your life so calm and nice, he almost got jealous at you) and he even shared some details from his day-to-day life with you as well. He was usually surrounded by his friends - some name called Sam, one named Bucky and a woman whose name was apparently Natasha. They seemed to be an extra funny squad from what Steve had told you. 
Peter got really better after he almost stressed you out at the hospital. The fevers didn't come back, he didn't vomit since then and that biting on his wrist disappeared as well. He survived that and you were nothing but happy for him.
You even bought a hella good and hella cheap costumes for your performance at that Stark Charity Evening. You had a long meeting about what choreography you will actually do, but then Kat, the biggest sex bomb at your office stood up. 
“I think we should do Candyman choreography. It's thematic and it's sexy. And we are sexy, isn't that right, Val?” - She encouraged you. She was a feminist and May was too energetic and too much of a leader, she liked that idea immediately. 
“Ladies, that's it. We can be sexy but not slutty female officers. I like it. Yeah. We can get some costumes like a uniform tux and a pencil skirt...” - May tried to get you a vision of her idea. You honestly thought it is a bit stupid - Christina was super slutty in that clip. May was not really that type of a gal - but she would be up for it if is PG-13. 
“But you know, we can show some skin off.”- Deena took off where May started, looking at everyone. - “Jesus May, I didn't say we will make it a lesbian show-off strip tease even tho I know that Val would've loved it.” - She winked at Valerie and she just laughed. - “I mean, we can have those shirts tied around our back and some short under the uniforms. Like that girl who is showing her biceps off and is like a mechanic? Abby knows what I'm talking about, she has that posted in front of her for two years now.” 
“So...” - Suzie looked at everyone. - “We will start off as officers but then we will strip the formality off and show the men that we can take care of ourselves.” - She continued. Kat just seemed to be proud of that idea. And to be honest, when it would be like that, you were up for some Candyman as well. - “It will be a nice nod to the marinas and if we will have a good choreography, we can raise more money. Especially from the men. And that is our goal.”
“Okay girls. We have ourselves a plan. Now the choreography is in your hands and costumes are the things that I will take care of.” - You smiled shyly. You were off to a good start.
But you know, everything has to stop eventually. 
Steve: I will be off the country for the next fourteen days and maybe more because of my work. I'm really, really sorry. 
That hit you completely unprepared. You almost forgot about that thing with Steve’s job... Everything was just too dreamy to think about that mans job.  You bit your bottom lip, looking around. You felt like everyone in the office could feel your mood shift even if nobody paid you any attention. But you tried to play it off as a joke - you were friends after all. 
Y/N: As long as you will send me a postcard and you'll miss me out there, I think I'll make it somehow. 
You put your phone on your desk and looked at the computer with a blank stare. You knew him an only month and a half - you didn't know where he lives, what does he look like or how does his voice sound like, but that man just had some magic in his texts.
You wished that you were joking when you said it yourself, but he really had some magic in him. Two weeks without him? You will miss him badly. A month? You will go crazy in no time. 
Steve: That can be arranged. :)
A gentleman at all costs, you smiled and closed your eyes for a while. Maybe it was good that you will take a short break from each other. You will be more looking forward to his kind words. Even more, you did now. Which sound impossible, but it may be right. 
Y/N: Which one of the things we are talking about? I don't want to make any high hopes, handsome. 
You joked and looked back at the stuff you were working on. It looked good - it was a document about the usage of food and the clothes you gathered from the locals. There was one big pre-fall evening where you will be giving the thing to the homeless people and you needed to document how many things you had actually. You were almost done so a little dispersion from Steve was not a bad thing.
Steve: I thought we are talking about both of the things you wrote to me. Especially about the second one. 
Everything in you froze for a sec. Did he really... Did he really just flirted with you? And was it you or it was the most fascinating and smooth thing someone ever did around you? You half-hissed and half-laughed at that, suddenly being happy as hell. Wow. 
Y/N: So you would miss me?
No need to be overreacting. Maybe he is just messing with you - yeah. This man here sometimes got you good, once or twice, but it didn't happen too often. Which was kind of a bummer? He was so funny at times.
Steve: Do you even need to ask about that? Of course, I will. 
And that was it. You felt like screaming and jumping so high you will touch the clouds. Steve Rogers, the man who made you laugh with his shyness and cuteness had definitely told you that he will miss you. It almost felt like a first I love you. But you didn't want to get too over yourself. 
“I know that victory dance you're performing now.” - Suzie, the elegant tall blonde suddenly appeared at your desk with other papers with you. - “This man is actually doing a thing to you, do you know that? It's lovely to see.” - She said quietly as she let you off. 
The squad you belonged in had almost the most stereotypical friends in it - May definitely was the Mom one, there was no point in denying that. Deena was a girl full of energy and love for life, the paries felt wilder with her in it. She was the energetic one, still listening to Wannabe by The Spice Girls or Fancy by Iggy Azalea. Suzie felt like the quiet one, but she was just reserved and well mannered - she was somehow related to some fancy monarchy people or what. And you were the wallflower - everyone told you things and you just kept them a secret. Also, you were the hanging out friend. Things were much more enjoyable and funnier with you around.
So yeah. That was typical Suzie. She noticed, told you - but she was really formal and reserved, just giving you a shy smile. If Deena found you in this state, she would remind you every three to five seconds about your dreamy face. You should be grateful to Suzie for waking you up to this gently.
Y/N: I will miss you too. 
And it was out. Just like that, you admitted you will miss him. And you thought like everything just started with small, five- worded sentence.
Steve looked at his phone with a frown, watching your conversation for a little while. You weren't exactly making it easier for him to leave America and go to Russia. Most likely a whole month without you. He inhaled deeply. 
Both of you got used to each other's virtual presence so much it felt like the day will not be complete without the other one in it. Was it the feeling Clint told him about? The one when he had to leave Laura and his kids? It must've been something fairly similar, but on a smaller scale.
And you will miss him as well. Damn it, weren't you a sweetheart?
“Are we ready to take off today or should we call it off?” - Natasha called at him from inside of the Quinjet, looking like a walking hair product commercial. She was truly beautiful, but not for Steve, he had someone else on his mind. She was beautiful for Sam tho and he didn't hesitate to tell her, but she always rolled her eyes and told him to bugger off.
“Let him be, he has to say goodbye to his online girlfriend.” - Sam answered Natasha in a cocky voice, patting Steve’s back. At that point, Sam declared you like Steve’s girl at every actual chance he got his hands on. 
Bucky was more calmed and down to earth about that. He knew you make Steve smile and that you charmed him with your points and kindness. But there was a lot of more far ahead of you two - to meet up, try if your chemistry actually works in person and so on. But that didn't make him stop from making dumb jokes about you two from time to time. But he was not as persistent as Sam. 
“Shut up birdbrain.” - Bucky hushed him as he prepared his things inside the Quinjet next to Nat. - “You are just jealous because no girl has an actual interest in you. That is a point.” 
“I wonder why I wonder how...” - Natasha sang quietly and made Bucky chuckle. 
“It is a real mystery. We should call Scooby-Doo. Aren’t you fellas? You know, you're both animals and...” - Bucky shrugged his shoulders and just continued in teaming up with Natasha against Sam. They were a strong team, quite an enforcement commando used against Sam. Also, Bucky was a sucker for Scooby-Doo. He loved Velma especially.
“The girl from the bistro would tell you different, old man.” - Sam sat next to them, watching Steve with a slight smile. He was proud of him. He didn't fuck up and it was almost two months since this WhatsApp thing started. 
“She smiled at you and laughed at your jokes because she knew you will give her a bigger tip.” - Nat zipped Sam off before he could even start about that Tessa girl from the place they had lunch in. - “Because no one would laugh at your jokes willingly.” 
Bucky gave her a high five. - “Shots fired.” 
Steve: I'll call you when I'm back. And that's a promise. 
Steve: I really need to go, my friends are getting impatient and they are behaving like literal children. I need to take care of them. Be safe, Y/N. Okay?
He wrote quickly and followed his friends, knowing that he will hear your voice when he gets back. And that was a thing worth of speeding the mission up. Or at least doing everything it takes for that.
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Home sweet Home - Chapter 1
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC
Summary: Emily Wines and Chris Evans have been friends since they were kids. When Emily needs a break from her life she moves in with Chris back in Boston. It sounds easy, but things never go as planned, right?
Warnings: swearing, violence, past trigger memories, eventual, possible smut.
A/N: This story has been on my mind for a while, and I have started writing it on AO3. So yes, I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I will writing it. There will be angst, fluff, an attempt of humour and maybe... maybe a bit of smut. Enjoy :)
Wordcount: 1587
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The little girl was holding her mother's skirt, hanging onto it as her life depended on it. Her little fingers clenching into the material the closer they got into the house. She was looking anxiously around the neighbour, with almost tears in her eyes. They just moved in and they were already meeting new people.
"Sweety, the lady we are going to is very nice", her mother kneeled and looked at her daughter with loving eyes. "She has four amazing kids. I am sure you will become friends with them." She bit her little lip and shook her head, hiding under her gold shoulder-length hair. The woman sighed and patted her on the head, walking towards the house.
The little girl did not like kids. They were always mean and judgy. Whenever she went to play with them they always laughed at her shyness. So she just stayed alone, playing with her own toys.
"Mon!" The beautiful woman hugged her mother with a big smile on her face. "Oh God, you look amazing!"
"Well look at you, Lisa! Four kids and you look better than ever!" Both of the women laughed and then their eyes landed on the little girl, still hanging onto her mother's skirt. "Let me introduce you to my little princess, Emily", the woman kneeled down and smiled at the scared girl.
"Oh she is precious, Mon..." the warm look on the woman's face made the little girl take a step closer. "You are such a beautiful little girl, Emily" a little blush appeared on her cheeks, making her even more adorable. "Come in both of you, I will introduce you to my kids" she nodded shyly, and followed her mother, still hiding behind her figure.
"Chris, baby bring Scott. He still hasn't eaten dinner!" After a while four kids ran down the stairs, making the girl hide even more.
"Mom you should have seen Chris... seriously he's such a..." the girl stopped talking noticing guests in the house. "Oh sorry!" She blushed a bit and introduced herself as Shanna.
After a while, other kids came as well, with Carly, Chris and Scott respectively.
"Hi" the youngest boy came closer to the still confused and lost girl standing near her mom. He was the same age as the girl. "You wanna come with us? Chris is doing a play" she widened her blue eyes and looked up at her mom, not knowing what to do. No kid ever asked her to play with them. When the woman smiled, the little girl was pulled by the middle boy, Chris, and was lost in the next room.
"Scott, damn it! Eat your dinner!" Lisa shouted after the kids, making Mon laugh out loud.
"I hate boys!!" She hissed falling on Chris' bed with a deep sigh. He stopped doing his homework and looked at her. It was ten years since their first meeting. She was 15 now and  Chris was slowly preparing to get into college. They became like brother and sister. Inseparable. He was the one who helped, the always shy Emily, fight with her fear of kids and even helped her make some friends outside of Evans family.
"Ouch", she looked up and giggled seeing his 'hurt' expression.
"I hate boys my age!" She changed her statement, making Chris raise his brow. Her smile disappeared and a single tear took its place. He put the books away and hurried to his friend. "I... broke up with Glin..." Chris sighed apparently relaxed, and pulled her towards him, soothing her back with his hand, letting her sob as much as she desired.
"What happened?" He was furious inside. He hated this little guy from the beginning. The 'famous, rich boy's type of guy who played with girls and their feelings. He was concerned about her. She went to school a year before everyone so, she was so happy that she got her first boyfriend so soon. Especially that he was 16 and quote insert 'so cute and handsome'. But he did remember himself when he was 15 and his dating life, so decided that he will not get involved in her. But all he wanted to do now is go and kick this little bastards ass.
"He cheated on me..." she pushed away from him to wipe away the tears. Her cheeks became red out of a sudden and she looked away. "I told him I don't want to have sex yet, and... he..."
"I'm gonna kill this bastard", she gripped into his arm, stopping him from leaving.
"No, please... I..." He shook his head and pulled her back into his arms, kissing the top of her head and saying sweet words to her ear.
"You did a good thing. I'm proud of you." She chuckled and punched him playfully on the arm.
"Oh yeah because I can't have sex till what? 21?"
"24... college and uni is a hell, so..." they both started to laugh, ending the day with a hot chocolate and an apple pie made by Lisa.
"You promise?" Tears could not stop falling when he was standing near the, already, packed car. He was away to the acting school in New York which meant he would only come home for holidays.
"I promise. I will call you at least once a week and write you a letter whenever I can", he ruffled her hair and hugged her, feeling her trembling from crying. "And hey you can always visit me."
"Sure, I can see my mom accepting that" she answered sarcastically making him chuckle. "Just take care ok? Don't forget about us... me. I mean just don't be a stranger!"
"Sure thing", he winked at her and got into the car. "I'll call you when I'm there." And he was gone, leaving his house and friends behind.
"No kisses?" She jumped hearing Scott's voice behind her ear. Due to the same age, they have become good friends. More like friends that love to annoy themselves. Really annoy, but even though there was a platonic love there.
"Well, you can kiss my ass, if you want", he laughed out loud, and gave her a side hug, knowing well how heartbroken she was. After all his older brother did have a special place in this young girl's heart.
"I'll come to Boston to see you", She smiled through the FaceTime at the man on the other side. Her heart broke seeing his sad face.
"It's OK, Emy, you're opening in Madrid soon. I'll be fine." He tried to smile, but she knew him long enough to know, that this was a forced one. East was with him since he had his own place and the thought that this angelic dog was not with him anymore must break his heart into pieces. "I'm serious! I will mourn for a while, come home, eat some Boston pizza, and will be fine. Promise." She felt bad. She knew how much East meant to him. He had this dog since he moved out of the house, and he helped Chris so much with his loneliness and anxiety.
"I'm sorry, Chris..." She started tears in her eyes when she imagined what he might be going through. What kind of a friend was she, not to be able to help him. "I wish I was..."
"Emily, really don't" a little chuckle on the other line made her smile just a bit. "Talking with you is quite enough, really", She sniffed and bit her lip. "Don't cry, you know how I hate that" she nodded and noticed a smile approaching his face. "I've got to go. I'll FaceTime you at the end of the week, alright?"
"Take care, Chris!"
"I'll pick you up from the airport" She shook her head at the small camera of her smartphone.
"I can take a taxi, you know?" He snorted, which made her chuckle.
"Ma would whoop my ass if I would let you come here in a taxi!" She burst out laughing imagining Lisa beating the shit out of her adult son. "Plus I want to." She blushed and bit her lip, which went unnoticed by the man, who winked at her, making her pout. "You're still such a kid!" He joked, taking a sip of his Stella. "What time you landing again?" She noticed how he was looking for something, probably his notebook to write everything down. He was so old-fashioned.
"I should be in Boston at 16:35. Give around fifteen minutes for me to get by bags and stuff." He nodded and wrote everything down. "Thanks, Chris." He looked up and frowned. "I'll try to find something nice soon enough." He shook his head once again, crossing arms on his chest.
"You are already thinking of running away from me before we even moved in together?" He straightened and smiled softly. "Emy, come on, stop overthinking. I live in a house which is way too fucking big for me. It will be nice to have a company", He winked at her, and she responded with a smile. This man could be the most irritating person in the world, but also the nicest and cutest guy on earth at the same time. "Ok, need to go, promised mom to go and see her tonight", he sent her a kiss and turned off the camera. She turned around and looked at her bags. That was it. She was coming back home. After all those years, she can finally be herself again.
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scarlet-star-witch · 5 years
Never Enough (Jim Hopper/OC) -  Part 1
Note: This starts pre-series but it will eventually follow through season 1 and maybe the others if people would like me to. This is my first time writing for Hopper and even Stranger Things, but I just finished season 3 and I need to fill the hole in my heart, so here it is. Hope you enjoy! xx
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I don’t know what he’s doing with her
What the hell does he think he’s doing with someone that young? Some sort of midlife crisis?
You know what he’s been through, this is just some way to blow off steam
Never thought he’d stoop so low to rob the cradle
Devon rolled her eyes, wishing she had enough courage and confidence to turn around and give those gossiping ladies a piece of her mind. Did they really think she couldn’t hear them?
Rob the cradle, she scoffed to herself. Jim was ten years older than her and people were acting like he was some Hugh Hefner type predator. She had just turned thirty and she was woman enough to make her own choices.
The people of Hawkins, however, did not see it the same way.
If only they knew, Devon thought to herself. The fight she and the Chief had the night before had been a doozy. They’d been seeing each other for a few months, he’d been one of the only ones to be welcoming when she’d moved to the small town and things between them had progressed quickly. 
Her mother had called her naïve for making the decision to move to Hawkins. She knew people like her usually got a bad rep in towns like these, based on the colour of her skin alone. But Devon didn’t care. She needed a new start. She was tired of always looking over her shoulder.
Chicago had too many bad memories and Hawkins seemed to be her safest option to start over. She should have listened to her mother’s warnings, though. The looks that were constantly thrown her way were getting irritating.
It wasn’t like she was the only woman of colour, or hell, person of colour in the town, but she was certainly one of few.
It wasn’t only the colour of her skin that caught the attention of others, no, it was her relationship with Jim Hopper, the chief of police that people loved to talk about. People were quite surprised when they’d seen the pair at the local diner, and then the local bar, or even just holding hands as they strolled around town.
Even months later, they were still the talk of the town. Something Jim absolutely despised.
The small voice broke her out of her thoughts and she looked to her little boy, his wide brown eyes looking back at her own. Her annoyed expression immediately faded as she looked at her son and she smiled.
“What’s up baby?”
“Mama?” He asked again, pointing to the sugary cereal on the shelf next to them.
Devon smiled and shook her head in defeat, she couldn’t say no to those big brown eyes of his. She grabbed the Lucky Charms and placed them in the cart.
“The things I do for you, little one.” She mumbled, unable to stifle a giggle at the wide smile on Charlie’s cherub-like face.
Devon loved her son, but the sight of him smiling so widely, so innocently, sent an ache to her heart, knowing he was the topic of the fight the night before.
She knew about Jim’s past. She didn’t have to gossip with the bored housewives of Hawkins that had nothing better to do to get the dirt. No, Hopper trusted her enough to tell her about Sara and his ex-wife. He had told her how hard it was to lose his daughter and how hard it was to be around Charlie as a result.
Being a single mom wasn’t easy for her, but Jim had made her life so much easier, he had been so sweet and so helpful, she felt like she could finally give her son the family he deserved. Then Jim got scared. His insecurities got the best of him and he had freaked out, leaving with shouted words and a slamming door.
Devon ignored the stares from the housewives’ book club and made her way to the check out, listening to her son babble as she went. She smiled politely to the checkout girl who she knew was eyeing her curiously, as everyone in this town still did.
She was quick to pick up her son from the cart, grab the grocery bags and get the hell out of the store. She wondered when the mysterious Devon Wicklow would be old news. Apparently, not anytime soon.
Devon sighed, placing the bags in the trunk of her car. She didn’t want to just go home and wallow in silence. Well, wallow in the noise of children’s cartoons. That racket might be worse than silence.
She looked down at Charlie who was looking up at the blue sky curiously, which made her smile. Getting a more comfortable grip on him and shifting him on her hip, she closed the trunk and walked past her car, her sights set on Melvald’s General Store just a few doors down.
Joyce Byers looked up from her crossword puzzle as the bell chimed with the signal of a new customer. Her face lit up and she smiled widely at the woman who entered.
“Devon, hi!”
Devon instantly calmed, Joyce seemed to have that effect on her. Aside from Jim, Joyce and her two boys were some of the few people who were always welcoming and kind to her. The two women knew what it was like to be single mothers and it was a quick bonding factor between them.
“Hi Joyce.”
“Oh, look at that handsome little man. Give him here.” Joyce held out her arms, just dying to hold Charlie, who was equally excited to see her. He squirmed in his mother’s grip, his chubby arms reaching out for Joyce who eagerly took him off of Devon, holding onto him tightly.
“He’s getting so big.”
“I know. Before I know it, he'll be off to college.”
Joyce groaned dramatically, resting her cheek against Charlie’s head. “Don’t remind me. Jonathan started looking at places to apply. I almost started crying.”
Devon smiled and leaned against the counter, her arms were thankful for the break Joyce had given her. The woman looked over at Devon and smiled slyly, a knowing glint in her eye.
“So?” Devon answered, raising a brow in question.
“How’s Hop?”
Devon’s smile fell and she lowered her head to avoid Joyce’s gaze. The woman was immediately curious by her reaction and she moved forward, looking at her intently.
“What happened?”
Devon groaned and let her head fall to the counter. “We had a fight last night.” She mumbled.
“About Charlie.” She answered softly, not willing to raise her head and have the conversation face to face like an adult.
“What?” Joyce snapped, her face drawn tightly. If it wasn’t for the infant in her arms she would’ve marched down to Hawkins Police station and kicked Jim’s ass herself.
“With all the stuff in his past, you know… Sara and…” She trailed off, unable to say out loud what had happened to that poor little girl. “I knew he was apprehensive, but he said he wasn’t ready to be a father figure to Charlie. I mean, I get why he would be scared, I can’t even begin to imagine what he went through, but why wait until three months into a relationship to tell me? He knew I had a kid when we met and he still asked me out. Why drag me along all this time?”
“Maybe he didn’t know how scared he was until he was in it. I mean, it takes time for a relationship to get serious.” Joyce started, choosing her words carefully so she didn’t upset her new friend. “Maybe it wasn’t until he started seeing you and Charlie more as the relationship grew that he got scared.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Devon said softly and her sad tone had Joyce frowning, looking at the mom sympathetically.
“You wanna come over tonight for dinner, get your mind off everything?” She offered with a small smile.
Devon shook her head. “I don’t wanna impose.”
“No, no, you won’t be. Jonathan and Will love you. And they love Charlie. I’m sure they wanna spend time with the most adorable little boy in the world.” Joyce said, cooing her last sentence to the boy in her arms.
“Alright.” Devon relented. She couldn’t resist, she loved those Byers boys just as much as their mom.
“Alright.” Joyce echoed with a big smile. “I’ll see you at six.” 
The Byers’ home was a little chaotic. Not that Devon was judging. She had a kid, she knew how messy and unorganized life could get. She couldn’t imagine having two, let alone, a teenager and one who was approaching quickly.
Devon smiled as Will held Charlie in his lap, holding out his Star Wars action figures for him to play with.
“Will, be careful. He could choke on that sword.” Joyce warned.
Will rolled his eyes, holding the toy out of Charlie’s grasp. “It’s a lightsaber, mom.”
“Sorry.” Joyce whispered, raising her hands in surrender.
Jonatan smiled at the little boy next to him in his brother’s arms and turned to Devon as they dug into dinner.
“So, Devon, how’s the gallery?”
“It’s great. They’re pretty flexible about me living here. I just have to take weekend trips to Chicago every once in awhile to drop off the pieces.
“Are you selling them?”
“Not all of them. Some of them go up in the gallery as permanent displays and some are specifically requested by clients.” She answered and shared a quick, knowing look with Joyce. “If you want, you could come with me one weekend. I could introduce you to some of the sellers and the clients. They’re always looking for new art styles.”
Jonathan’s eyes widened and he sputtered, flustered. “I-I don’t know about that. I’m too young-”
“That doesn’t matter.” Devon interrupted. “If your stuff is good, it’s good. That’s all they care about.”
Jonathan looked at her in astonishment, like he couldn’t believe what she was offering. He looked to his mother who nodded eagerly and he smiled, looking back to Devon.
“Ok, yeah, I’d love to.”
Once dinner was finished, Charlie started to get fussy and she knew it was time to go. She hugged Joyce tightly, thankful she had found such a great friend.
“Thank you for dinner. I really needed this.”
“Of course. I know how men can be. Anytime you need me, I’m here.”
Devon smiled and nodded. “You know it goes both ways, right? If you ever need anything, I’m just a phone call away.”
“Honey, you’ve already done so much, and just tonight. I can’t remember the last time I saw Jonathan so excited.” Joyce told her, holding onto her hands tightly.
Devon smiled and moved to take Charlie from Will’s arms.
“Thanks for coming, Devon.” Will smiled shyly.
“Of course. You know I’d never pass up the opportunity to see you.”
Will blushed and looked down at his feet as he shifted from side to side. She ruffled his hair and sent a wave to Jonathan.
“I’ll see you guys later.”
Joyce waved to her, watching from the window as she strapped Charlie into his car seat. She sent a final wave as she backed out of their driveway.
Devon looked to the rear view mirror, her heart bursting when she saw Charlie wide awake, his feet swinging off beat to the Stevie Nicks song that played on the radio. She couldn’t fathom how much she loved him.
She had never planned to be a mom, but getting pregnant had been a blessing in disguise. She couldn’t imagine her life without him.
Something inside her churned uncomfortably. She thought of Jim and her good mood crumpled. She was on her way to loving that big, sweet, idiot of a man, but it had come crashing down around her, like most things in her life had.
Devon was quiet as she drove, not singing along to the radio as she usually did. When she pulled onto her street she immediately spotted the familiar police blazer that was parked outside her house.
She contemplated pulling a u-turn and high tailing it back to Joyce’s to stay the night, but Hawkins was a small town. She knew she’d have to face him sooner or later. Without sparing a look to him as she passed his car, she turned into the driveway, her heart racing and palms sweating at the prospect of the coming confrontation she wasn’t able to avoid.
She heard a door slam just as she had slammed hers shut. She kept her head down and moved to the backseat, reaching to unbuckle Charlie. Just as she was hoisting him into her arms, she saw the man that had refused to leave her mind all day.
Charlie smiled a toothless grin at the familiar man and reached out to him, babbling what sounded an awful lot like ‘Jimmy’.
Jim Hopper prided himself on being a strong willed, stubborn man, but even the sight of Charlie Wicklow made him crumble. He may be an asshole, but he was still human. He swore that kid had superpowers or something. That smile was just too damn cute.
“Hey, buddy.”
The sound of Jim’s deep voice had Devon’s heart jumping wildly in her chest. She kept her expression plain as she turned to face him.
“You need something?”
Her monotonous voice had him wincing and he ran a hand over his face tiredly. It had been a long day, to say the least. The words they both spat at each other the night before had nagged at him all day.
“Can we talk? Please?” He practically pleaded, sensing her derision.
Devon didn’t respond. She hesitated for a few seconds before nodding her head towards her house as she carried Charlie to the front door.
Jim followed eagerly like a lost puppy, his hands wringing nervously. He stepped inside the familiar place, standing back and watching like an outsider as she moved around the house, getting Charlie ready for bed.
Jim’s chest tightened uncomfortably as he slumped into the kitchen chair, his fingers tapping the table erratically. He knew the routine by heart now, given all the times he’d stayed over. The thought had the guilt he’d felt all day growing exponentially.
“You want a drink?” Devon asked as she walked back in the kitchen, startling him out of his thoughts.
“Sure.” He muttered, taking his hat off and placing it on the table in front of him.
“So? What’s up?” She asked awkwardly as she poured out two glasses of whiskey. Jim sat up straighter in his chair and cleared his throat, already preparing himself for rejection.
“I, uh, I wanted to apologize.” He started, looking across the table at her hesitantly.
Devon raised a brow and slid the glass of whiskey over to him before swiftly taking a large swig of her own.
Jim sighed and mirrored her actions, gulping his drink down in one swallow. “You know what for.” He answered, his voice strained from the strength of the drink. “I was bein’ a jackass last night. Should never had said what I said.”
“So you didn’t mean it?” She asked sternly. “About not wanting to be around Charlie, you didn’t mean it?”
“I never said I didn’t wanna be around him.” Jim was quick to defend himself. “I was just… I dunno, I was too chicken shit to admit I was scared.”
Jim sighed and slunk back in his seat, his eyes averting from hers. “Scared of not being enough for you two.”
“What?” Devon asked in disbelief, her face shrouded in confusion. “Jim, you said you didn’t wanna be a father figure to him. What the fuck does that have to do with-”
“I’m not good enough for you!” He snapped, his eyes finally lifting to meet hers. “You’re this successful artist, you had a life going for you. I bet you never pictured yourself with some out of shape, old guy.” He vented, his fingers circling the rim of his glass as a nervous tick. It was frightening being this open and honest, even with her. “I was scared you’d eventually figure that out so I got out before you could break me.”
Devon was shocked, her lips parted but no sound came out. She just stared at him in bewilderment.
“Jim, I can’t even tell you how wrong you are.” She breathed out, shaking her head in annoyance at his petty actions.
“I’ll admit, I was scared to be around Charlie. After I lost Sara I thought I’d never find happiness again, I never thought I could handle being around a kid again. Then you walked into this town and into my life and you turned everything around. It scared me, how fast I fell for you.” Jim admitted quietly, almost like he was embarrassed. “Took me one day without you to realize I’d made an ass out of myself.”
Devon was silent as he poured his heart out. Her fingers fidgeted on the table in front of her like a nervous child and she watched him apprehensively.
“My son is non-negotiable. You can’t have me if you don’t want him.”
Jim reached out, his fingers grazing hers, but she quickly pulled away. The hurt look on his face was like a lightning bolt to her chest and she sighed, shaking her head.
���Jim, I need to know if this is real. I can’t have you walking in and out of Charlie’s life. I can’t let you do that to him. I need to know that you really mean it, that you really wanna be with me.” She warned, her heart racing inside her chest.
“I mean it. I wanna be with you, I wanna make it up to you. I wanna be around Charlie, if you’ll let me.” He told her sincerely, looking her straight in the eye.
The deep blue eyes of his were her undoing and she smiled, feeling shy under his fierce gaze. The sight of her smile had Jim letting out a long exhale in relief. He moved out of his seat and kneeled next to her, his hands grabbing hers.
“I’m so sorry.” He breathed out, wrapping her in a hug that she quickly responded to. She held onto him tightly, as if worried that he’d immediately change his mind and leave.
“No more being an idiot, ok?”
“Well, you know I can’t promise that.” Jim smiled and she didn’t know if she loved or hated how charming he could be. “But, I can promise that I won’t be walking out on you or the little one, ever.”
“You sure? Cause, really, I wouldn’t blame you if this is too much for you. I know what you went through-”
“Dev,” Jim interrupted, a smirk growing on his face. “Stop talking.”
Before she could say anything else, he crashed his lips to hers, his hands framing her face gently. Devon melted into his embrace, her arms winding around his neck. A soft moan left her lips as they kissed passionately, the fire brimming within them from the emotions that were still running high from their whirlwind fight.
Devon pulled away, a teasing smile on her face. “You know, I think I need a better apology. Your first one wasn’t quite convincing enough.”
Jim smiled widely, biting his lip in a way that drove her wild.
“Well, Ms.Wicklow, I think I have the perfect apology in mind.” He rasped, placing a kiss on her neck and grinning smugly when she shivered. He stood from his spot and grabbed her by her hips, heaving her up into his arms.
She stifled a squeal into his chest, her hands winding into his hair as he carried her into her bedroom.
From outside the quaint house, two men in a van watched as the lights turned out. The man holding the binoculars threw them down, his teeth grinding in anger. Jake Pierson was not a calm man by any means. All his coworkers knew not to approach him when he was tense, in fear of poking the bear.
“That’s her?” The other man asked, looking to his companion, slightly worried by the anger he saw in his eyes.
“Yeah.” He answered shortly.
“And that’s the kid?”
“Yes.” He spat back, his patience beginning to slip away.
“Well, let’s go. Brenner’s on our ass about letting this one get away. The sooner we bring the little brat in, the sooner he’ll stop breathing down our necks.”
“No.” Jake stopped him before he could exit the van. “Not while the Chief’s there. We need to get her while she’s vulnerable.”
His companion sighed in annoyance and started the vehicle to drive back to the lab. “Alright, well, you’re explaining to Brenner why we don’t have the kid yet.”
Jake ignored him, his eyes on the rear-view mirror, watching as the house faded into the darkness of the night. His hands were almost trembling in anticipation. It had been a long road, she’d almost gotten off their grid, but they were finally so close to completing their mission.
They just had to get her away from the Chief.
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kris-creations · 5 years
What Could’ve Been
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Whelp, I did it...here’s a quick fic of how I imagined what could’ve happened had Yuki not have been the one to find Tohru back then.
He couldn’t remember the last time he ran so hard or so desperately, but he had to. He had to help them, he had to help this stranger who accepted him and befriended him. He needed to try to give back to her, for he made a promise to her. Then, he sees them; the hair bobbles. Hair bobbles that he’s seen before on a girl he’s been wanting to meet, and there she is. The bright haired boy looks at the crying girl and feels a sense of relief and happiness come over his young body.
“Hey,” the boy whispers, “it’s ok, you’re ok.” The little girl pulls her hands from her flushed face and stares at him. “You’re lost, right? Your mom asked me to come look for you.” The little girl nods in response and her eyes start to well with more tears.
“I-I’m scared.” She responds, “I want my mommy.” She gives a little hiccup as she lets more tears fall. The boy grabs one of her hands and helps her up.
“I know, but you’re ok now, I’ll take you to your mom.”
“Thank you” the little girl sniffed, “w-what’s your name?”
“Kyo Sohma, you?”
“T-Tohru Honda.”
Kyo didn’t think anyone, let alone a stranger outside of the Sohma family, would accept him. Not until he met this strange woman, a woman named Kyoko Honda. His visit to her family that morning was simply to check on her and her daughter, make sure their happy. He never imagined he’d find her crying because her daughter was missing. So, he made a promise, a promise to find and protect Tohru; even if he was young and hot headed, the feelings that has bloomed in his heart has made him determined. Now here he is, having found the girl and is keeping that promise; he never thought he’d feel such pride and accomplishment.
As they are walking up towards the apartments, Kyo looks back to Tohru. She’s managed to stop crying, but she hadn’t let go of his hand. Her being that close made him worried; he had heard that the rat kid had been found out and all his friends' memories had to be erased. The last thing Kyo wants is to lose Kyoko and Tohru now that he has begun to feel so comfortable with them.
“Um, Mr. Sohma?” Tohru sheepishly asks.
“Hey, I’m not an adult, you can just call me Kyo.” Kyo responds.
“O-ok, K-Kyo, why are you helping me?”
“Well, to be honest, I know your mom. When I came by to see her, she told me you disappeared, so I wanted to help. I’m glad I found you and that you’re ok.” Tohru awkwardly went quiet. For some reason, she began shaking, though her grip never loosened. As they got to the apartment, Tohru spotted her mom waiting by their apartment. She let go of Kyo’s hand and started running.
“Mom! Mommy!!” Tohru yelled. Kyoko heard her daughter and ran down the stairs.
“Tohru!” Kyoko and her daughter hold each other and cry tears of joy.
As the girls hug each other, Kyo plops himself onto the ground in need of rest, after running around all morning and a giant wave a relief crashing over him, he needed a quick breather. Kyoko looks up to Kyo and smiles kindly at him.
“Thank you, Jari. I probably would’ve fallen apart if it weren't for your support and help.” Kyoko tells him. Tohru looks to Kyo and seems surprised.
“Wait, you actual do know him, Mom?” Tohru asks.
“What are you talking about?” Kyo asks in confusion.
“Well, Mom told me that some mean people will lie to me by saying they know her cause they’d want to hurt me.”
“You thought I was one of those “mean people”?!”
“...maybe for a second…”
“And yet, you still followed me? You idiot, if I was anyone else, they probably would’ve been one of those “mean people” who wanted to hurt you!”
“Well, a part of me also wanted to have faith in you.” The kids continue this bickering and Kyoko couldn’t help but laugh.
“You guys get along even better than I hoped you would!” Kyoko says amongst her giggling, “while this isn’t how I wanted you two to meet, I’m glad everything turned out ok in the end.”
Seeing Kyoko looking at Tohru with such glee and Tohru giving her a big smile brings warmth to Kyo’s heart. He was worried about whether or not Tohru was happy or if she was lonely, but eyeing her smile now brings Kyo’s mouth to turn in a smile as well. Out of the corner of his eye, Kyo can see Shishou at the edge of the walkway, appearing to be looking for him.
“Well, I’d better head home.” Kyo says as he stands up, “I kinda ran off without telling anyone.”
“Hold on a sec, bud.” Kyoko says as she stands up herself. She places a hand on his head and smiles, “Thank you very much for helping me find Tohru; if there is anything I can do to help pay back this kindness, please let me know.”
“Well, I don’t think-“ before Kyo can finish, Kyoko pulls him into a hug. While he was scared knowing what was about to happen, a part of him felt happy, for he hasn’t had a motherly hug in a long time. Then everything is gone with a poof of orange smoke.
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bran-writes · 5 years
OC Backstory Weeks Week 0: Intro
Hey guys, @yourocsbackstory is running this weekly event again! Go check her Masterpost out to get the info about it and feel free to participate if it interests you! I’ll be reblogging OC entries as well, if I see them!
This time I around I’ll use Sunny from Farm Boy Blues during the run of the event. Week 0 is the intro so here’s what I have!
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Sunny woke up in the dim light of the doctor’s office with a crushing headache and a chalky dry mouth. He’d been laying on the cot for 3 days and it wasn’t doing his back or limbs any favors. Not to mention, the doctor’s office smelled like copper and sweat.
“Hold on, asshole, I’m busy!”
Sunny scoffed and tried to sit up. The first two times, he failed, but the third time was more successful, even though his chest screamed with pain. He glanced down at his stitches and grimaced through the lances of searing pain before letting out a long breath. He reached over to the blinds next to his bed and opened them, letting some sunshine in. 
Staring out the window at the small desert town around the doctor’s office. It seemed pretty busy, so it must have been midday. This town was out of the way, but that was the point. The doctor usually serviced mercenaries and wounded travelers and this was the closest medical help outside Dyson City. The family who’d hauled Sunny here days ago had probably been on their way there. 
Behind him, Sunny heard rubber shoes shuffling against the smooth concrete floor. He turned, hoping to see the doctor. Instead, there was a young boy- probably 8 years old. He had curly dark hair and deep brown skin. His brightly colored clothes offset his large, brown eyes. The kid stared at Sunny for a few moments before offering him a bottle of water. 
“Where’s the doctor?”
“He says he can’t come right now but you gotta take these,” the kid mumbled shyly, handing him a small paper cup with two pills inside. Pain killers. 
“Thanks, kid,” Sunny nodded before downing the pills. He guzzled the room temperature water while the kid stared at him. When he finished, Sunny crushed the bottle and gingerly tossed it towards the trash bin. He missed, and the kid scooped it up and made it in. “Well aren’t you a helpful employee,” Sunny smirked. 
“I don’t work here,” the boy sighed. 
“Oh… Then who are you?”
“A kid…”
The boy laughed, which made Sunny chuckle, despite the painful protest from his chest. “I found you on the road,” the boy finally said.
“Oh, you did huh?” Sunny grimaced. “So, I guess you’re the one who called for help?”
The boy nodded, sitting in the chair next to Sunny’s bed and propping a leg up on the seat. Sunny nodded and held his hand out for the child to shake. The kid stared at it for a second before finally shaking. 
“Thanks. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be dead,” Sunny laid back down against the rough material of the cot.
“No problem,” the boy nodded. 
“You headed to Dyson City?”
“Yep. We live there. My daddy’s a writer and my mommy sells houses. We went on vacation and stopped to use the bathroom when I found you.”
“You didn’t pee on me, did you?”
The kid laughed. “No, silly.”
“Well, that’s good.”
“What’s you name, mister?” The boy asked, voice tinged with curiosity as he picked at his shoe laces.
“Sunny. Yours?”
“Nice to meet you, Manuel. Thanks for the help.”
“What happened to you?”
“Somebody shot me…”
“Duh, I know that,” Manuel rolled his eyes.
“Well then you know what happened,” Sunny winked. 
“Does it hurt?”
“Yep. Like a…” Sunny trailed enough, deciding not to curse in front of somebody else’s kid. “A lot.”
“You live in Dyson City too?”
“Yes, sir! Since I was fifteen, actually,” Sunny bucked his eyebrows.
“What’s your job?”
Oh boy, Sunny thought. “Well, I’m an asset… reacquisition… contractor. Basically, I-”
“Asset means something important,” Manuel nodded. “Reacquisition means you get something?”
“Wow, that’s pretty good, kid. How old are you?”
“Seven,” Manuel sniffed and rested his chin on his knee.
“Ah, I guessed eight. You’re pretty smart.”
“I read at fourth grade reading level.”
“Is reacquisition a fourth grade word?” Sunny furrowed his eyebrows but the kid shrugged. “Well anyways, you were close, like I said. Pretty much, when somebody loses something, they hire me to go find it.”
“Were you looking for something in the desert?” Manuel scratched the bridge of his nose and sniffed again. 
“Ah… No. I’d actually just quit my job. Don’t think that’s gonna last, though. Good thing I work for myself.”
Before Manuel could reply or(what Sunny thought was more likely), ask another question, two adults entered the back room of the office. They were obviously Manuel’s parents. The man wore a loose, airy blue shirt and shorts with a baseball cap while the woman wore a yellow tank top and light shorts. They glanced from Manuel to Sunny before the father sucked his teeth. 
“Manuel, get out of here and stop bothering him,” he snapped his fingers. 
“I’m nnnooooooot,” Manuel whined.
“Hey, sir, really,” Sunny held a hand up, wincing, “It’s fine.”
The man didn’t look too sure, and the woman furrowed her brows. “We don’t want him keeping you awake, you need to rest,” she said.
“I’ve been in and out for three days,” Sunny chuckled, “I could use some conversation. Manuel here was just keeping me company.”
“Problem is, he has a habit of asking too many questions for answers that aren’t any of his business,” the man stressed, looking at his son. Manuel, dark curls glowing in the window light, jutted his chin out in defiance. 
“Hey, at least I still know my name and where I live,” Sunny winked. “We can just say he was assisting the doctor, eh Manuel?”
“I’m Sunny, by the way.”
“Ah, my name’s Robert and this is my wife Helena,” Robert reached out gingerly to take Sunny’s hand. Helena did the same with a warm, motherly smile. 
“I appreciate you guys bringing me here,” Sunny nodded, “A lot of people would have just.. Left me or robbed me.”
“It was the right thing to do. I imagine if I was in your position I’d want someone to help me,” Helena nodded. Sunny didn’t know these people very well, but he found himself hoping that would never happen. 
“Do you think whoever did this to you would still be looking for you?” Robert asked.
Sunny scoffed before clearing his throat, his chest pain flaring. “No… They’re long gone by now.”
“Should we be worried about the feds coming and asking us questions?” Helena asked with a small, knowing smile. Sunny tapped Manuel on his knee.
“Hey, these are the questions you should have been asking.”
Manuel rolled his eyes and shifted in his seat to face his parents. “Sunny’s not a criminal, he finds stuff for people.”
Helena furrowed her brow again in curiosity before Sunny explained, “I’m an Arc.”
“Ah… Say no more,” Robert held a hand out. “I had to hire one when Helena and I first got married. Your job probably takes you all over the place, huh?”
“Unfortunately,” Sunny bucked his eyebrows. 
“Well, do you have family coming to pick you up, Sunny? Or should we wait until you’re better and bring you with us?” Helena asked.
“What? No, no, don’t wait. You guys have been here long enough, you should head home. And as far as family, it’s just me- other than my Mama who won’t be coming out here.”
“I get it,” Robert nodded, “my relationship with my mother isn’t the best, but I at least think she’d help me were I in your position. Are you sure you don’t want to call her?”
“Oh, she’s not my real mom, she’s more of like an unofficial adoptive mother. And she’s got other kids to worry about.”
“Ah, ok, sorry for prying,” Robert held that weathered hadn’t out again.
“Hey, no problem. Manuel, do you see my clothes anywhere?”
The kid looked around in exaggerated twists before he spotted Sunny’s clothes under the cot. He pointed to them and Sunny nodded, “Good, hand me my pants will ya?”
When he was handed the jeans, Sunny dug for his wallet, found it and produced a yellow and white card decorated with a Hawaiian flower pattern. Embossed on the front were thick black letters that read: 
Keaton Investigations
“My info’s on the back there. If you ever need anything, let me know.”
Helena accepted the card, flipped it over and handed it to Robert. “New Rodeo, honey.” Manuel gasped.
“Your office isn’t too far from our house,” Robert raised his eyebrows.
“Oh yeah? Well the office is actually my place- I live in the loft upstairs.” Sunny briefly wondered why he’d tell strangers that, but it’s not like they wouldn’t find that out if they showed up at the address on the card anyways. 
“That’s perfect,” Helena smiled, “We’d love to have you over for dinner sometime!”
“Oh, ma’am, I wouldn’t want to intrude on your family like that.”
“PPpllllleeeeaaaaassseee,” Manuel begged. 
How am I supposed to say no to this kid? Sunny thought.
“It wouldn’t be too much trouble at all,” Robert assured him. “We’d love it.”
Sunny considered it for a moment. In the back of his mind, he could hear Mama coaching him to get out more and spend time with normal people. Make friends and all that. “Okay, sure,” Sunny shrugged against the pain. Leave me a message at the office when you get back into town. I’ll take a few days to heal and get back to you guys.”
“Promise?” Manuel asked. Sunny nodded. 
“You got it, buddy.”
“Alright, we’ll be waiting to hear from you,” Helena smiled. “Get well soon.”
“It’s time for us to head back, Manuel, grab your bag and throw it in the car.”
“Yes, sir,” the boy nodded and jumped out of his chair. Before leaving the room, the kid turned back and ran to the cot. He held his hand out for a high five and Sunny obliged. 
“Thanks again for the help, kid.”
“All in a day’s work,” Manuel grinned. 
I think I might have to bring back Manuel and his family in the future! This was fun, I can’t wait to continue this event!
Tag List: @writerinafury @oneleggedflamingo @carmina-solis @anomaly00 @neirawrites @lnspired-insomniac
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Blue Stream: Ch 4. Love Floats Downstream
Scarlet was looking around for her eldest daughter, having just finished chopping meat up with a cleaver for the family. That girl was going to miss lunch. Was she drinking again? "Rat! You seen Revy?"
"Nay, I hasn't." Rat was currently heading out with a bucket of scraps to give to the pigs. "Trygve hasn't seen her either. I just talked to him and he's going to get the horses ready for plowing."
"When you see her, let her know that she missed out on beef sandwiches.
Revy wasn't drinking at the moment. In fact, she was quite sober, and currently working up the nerve to enter the orphanage. Why did the new spring weather bring heat waves? Was she sweaty from her heat or her nerves? Taking her shirt off the Gerudo was left with a red tanktop for her upper body. Walking to the door, she gave a knock, hoping that the owl woman would answer. Seija was the first person that Revy noticed. Made her feel flustered. Why? She’d been complimented by many from the brothels hoping to finally invite her in or hunting parties, but it never got to her. So why this new development now? She had to find out.
One of the orphaned kids answered the door, a stuffed toy rabbit underneath her arm. She was sucking her thumb, probably no more than a couple years old. Looking at Revy for a moment, she then darted back inside of the house.
“Wait! Don’t run!” Crap. Did she look scary?
"Flora!" Seija darted around the corner, Flora's twin, Fauna, on her back. She was trying to catch the little one to change her clothes. Why were toddlers faster than a cheetah? It was not fair! "I told you not to answer the door for strangers---oh!" The lady was very surprised that Revy was here.
“Hiiiii~” Revy smiled best she could, clicking her finger to Seija just as Lex instructed her to do. “How have things around the orphanage been?”
"They've been a little---" Seija winced as she heard a loud 'bang' from the kitchen. "Hectic for lack of better word. The older kids are trying to prepare lunch and I've been trying to get these two, " She gestured to the twins. "To settle down since they found the hidden cookie jar."
“Sounds like a handful. Would you like an extra hand?”
"That... that would be wonderful." Seija tried to wipe the flour on her cheek off with a sheepish smile. "If you don't mind?"
“I’ve handled two little siblings for a good part of my life now.” Revy stepped into the orphanage and decided to get their attention. “You kids want to see a magic trick?”
"If you could obtain their attention while I help with lunch preparation, then that would be wonderful." Seija hurried to the kitchen to make sure nothing was on fire and food would not be wasted. After a half hour or so, Seija appeared in the dining hall, setting up all the plates. There was even a dish for Revy, and she called everyone to eat.
Revy instantly got the little ones attention with her display of lightning sparking between her fingers. She even juggled a bolt, putting on a little dance for the wee ones. What got the older kids attention was when she took her eyepatch temporarily off, her missing eye illuminated with the glow of electricity. She told the tale of her fight against the terrible Onslaught and, unlike the adults of the bar, they were completely enamoured by her story. At the call of dinner, she cut it after speaking of how she and Twinrova turned him into dust. “Oh! Lunch time! I’ll take questions after!”
"Thank you for watching them." Seija sat down at the table and sighed, relieved that lunch was a success and nothing was burning or falling apart. "I'm not much of a cook but I hope you like it."
“Grilled cheese! Thank you!” Revy was happy that everything was going well. Seija seemed to like her help. Taking her seat, she had to lean down to eat at the small table. “So, I thought I could help with construction.”
"Construction? Are you a builder?" Seija asked Revy as she nibbled on her own food. "We could always use the help. I can't pay much, unfortunately."
“I’ll do it for free. I’ve helped rebuild houses before. Or my dads barn. It’s no biggie for someone like me.”
"Well, the least I could do is fix some food for you." Seija offered, feeling a bit guilty for accepting help without being able to pay. "I can make sure the kids stay out of the way."
“Your kids aren’t all that bad. Are all of you ok with me helping build that extension?”
"I would appreciate any help you could give," Seija admitted as Revy munched on her grilled cheese sandwich. "I'm not much of a builder, except for small projects. I can fix a broken toy and mend clothes, maybe a hole in the wall, but a whole addition is out of my hands." Seija elaborated. "There were five children, but the twins are new. At least they're young enough, only three years, to not recall what happened to their parents. So now, we're seven strong... and simply have no more room. Alva’s the oldest, she's a teenager and really needs her own space, even if it is small." Seija tried to think, showing Revy the crudely drawn plans. "Then Niklas and Oskar can show a room since they're both boys. Merete and Kyliki can have a bunk bed in the third room, but now, with the twins, we really need another room.”
“I need the workout. And I love to help people. Especially those who are in need.” Revy smiled as she gobbled her grilled cheese down. “Thank you for lunch. Now then. Where should I get started?”
“It'd be nice if we could have a large living area instead of all of us cramming into the kitchen or having to be outside in the cold."
Revy picked up a hammer, flipping it right side up. “I’ll get right on it.”
The work was long and hard, yet incredibly satisfying for Revy. By the time she was done, Revy was leaning against one completed wall. She took a towel one of the kids gave her and wiped the sweat away.
Scarlet had gotten worried that Revy was passed out from drinking again and sent Rat out to drag her back. What he found was cheers coming from the orphanage as Revy ran out to examine the outside of the wall she finished.
“One wall down! Only two more to go!”
Rat was not one to spy. No, that was usually Mojo's and Juju's job. However, today, Rat was doing some peeping of his own. His daughter had made some questionable choices lately, and both Borghild and Scarlet were worried. Standing behind a stack of barrels at the ale house, Rat watched as Revy worked on the orphanage. He was a little confused. Why was she spending her time here? She never showed any interest in becoming a caretaker. It was then the answer was revealed when Seija rounded the corner with fresh brownies from the oven. Revy was... ogling the orphanage's headmistress. "... well..." Rat said to himself with a shrug of his shoulders. "My girl has good taste!"
Revy didn’t know why her attention was so captured by this fluffy owl. Seija was like a sparkling snowflake. When she heard her dad, her spell was broken. “D-dad?! What are you doing here?”
"I'm... I'm getting a barrel of ale!" Rat quickly saved face by selecting a big barrel and paying the vendor. "Yep, barrel of ale for Mojo and Juju when they come for a visit. You just do whatever you're doing but be home in time for dinner. Your moms are fixing that grilled chicken you like!"
Revy looked at the brownies, feeling conflicted. “Hey Seija, can I have those wrapped up?”
"Of course! I'd hate to keep your... wait, moms?" Seija looked puzzled. "I thought Borghild was your mom?"
“Borghild is my god mother and the woman who raised me. Scarlet is my birth mother. She lives with Borghild and I. It’s why I’m Gerudo.”
"Oh! Okay, I understand now." Seija sheepishly admitted. "I thought you were adopted. Sorry."
“Scarlet was a pirate, so obviously couldn’t get raised by her at the time. Liz and Lex are adopted tho!” Revy didn’t know why she blurted that out.
"Oh, Liz who is dating the prince? I think that was mentioned once in a conversation." Seija made sure to wrap up the brownies in a cloth and handed the contents to Revy. "I hope you like them. You'll be here tomorrow?"
“Liz is married to Prince Halvar, actually.” Revy took the brownies from Seija and didn’t notice herself smiling like a happy puppy. “I’d love to come back.”
"Yes, of course! I'm sure even after you're finished working, the kids would love to have some time to get to known you." Seija offered. "Wednesday night is game night. We usually play cards or a board game. Would you like to join us?"
“I’d love too!” Revy was wonderfully giddy. “See you tomorrow than Seija!”
"Tell your family to join us for game night if they like!" Seija waved goodbye to Revy. "Be careful going home!"
Revy was walking home, chewing down a single brownie and thinking about her day, when she finally noticed her dad had the smuggest grin. “What?”
"Me thinks me little girl finally has a crush one someone." Rat was outside waiting for his daughter's arrival, chopping some firewood. "A certain, pretty snowy bird."
“W-w-what?” Revy’s face flushed, and her hands grew sweaty. “What do you mean by that? I’ve never been attracted to anyone before!”
"Well, your old dad is pretty sure you're crushing on the bird lady that runs the orphanage." Rat teased her lightly. "He knows a romance starting when he sees one. It's the little things that get your attention, see," He elaborated. "You may think she's beautiful, but also loves how she twirls her hair when she's thinking or gets that stiff upper lip when she's mad..."
“I.... darn. I think you’re right. Just don’t-“
“REVY!!! Where have you been missy!!!”
Revy flinched at her mom bellowing from the house. Scarlet could command well when she raised her voice. She rarely did, so Revy knew her mother was cross with her.
“Have you been drinking?! Don’t lie to me.”
“No! Gods mom! I haven’t!”
"Nay, she wasn't drinking," Rat told Scarlet with a shake of his head. "Revy was seeing a sweet little perdy thing."
Scarlet saw Revy flare up, and now she had a million questions going through her mind. “I don’t believe it. HEY BORGY! Revy has a girlfriend!”
“Mom! I don’t have a girlfriend!”
"A girlfriend?!" Borghild's voice said from inside the house, followed by a loud crash, a bang, the sound of tripping, and then heavy footsteps rushing to the front door. "When did this happened?!"
"Today." Rat told his wife. "She hasn't asked Seija out yet."
"Ooooh!!!" Borghild nearly squealed in delight. "Seija is such a sweet thing!!! She's perfect! So shy, and clumsy, and adorable!"
“I didn’t. Because I’m not-“
“Is this Seija a good person? How do you know?”
“Mother. I’m not-“
“Shy and clumsy? You sure she’s a good fit for Revy?”
“Dad! Tell them it’s not like that!”
"Seija is a nice lady." Rat put down the axe and collected some firewood into a stack, deciding to throw in the magic word. "She runs the orphanage and loves children. You know, we could potentially have a lot of grandkids if Revy ends up adopting all the kiddos."
“Can all of you please stop?” Revy groaned, not liking the embarrassment.
“Why? This is so much better than you drinking. We’re going to be grand parents!”
"I get first dibs on teaching the grandkids how to throw an axe!" Borghild called the claim before Scarlet could. "And first hunting trip!"
"Now, now, it might be a while before Revy proposes, you never know." Rat chuckled. "You can at least know it will never be quiet around here again."
“I JUST MET HER!” Revy felt her frustrations boil. “There’s something I just LIKE about her. I’m not going to pork her, because I STILL don’t have that type of attraction to people! I don’t know how things will happen with me continuing to go there, but you’re making me uncomfortable! I don’t know if I want a lover or if I want a friend. So can you get this baby talk out of my head? Please? You’re embarrassing me!”
"We're your parents, it's our job to embarrass you... a little." Rat laughed as he gestured for Revy to grab some firewood too. "At least let us have a little fun. Whether you date or not, we just want you to be happy."
Scarlet pulled Revy to be squished between her and Borghild. “We just want you to be happy. I’m sorry if you feel like we’ve teased you.”
"We want you to be happy... and we want 12 grandkids at some point too." Borghild added with a bear hug.
"I thought we agreed on 15?"
"We met halfway. I originally said 10."
"Six girls and six boys."
"It doesn't matter, we'll manage them all."
“Guuuuuuuys!” Revy struggled between both her moms, holding the tray of brownies close to her. There was no way she could invite her parents to game night.
Ocax thought he could be useful when he woke up. Rising early awake, the Twili made his way to the kitchen. Looking through the cabinets, he found a line of bread and a slab of ham and cheese. Finding the knives, he quickly got to work cutting and making sandwiches. He was nearly done, when, by making sure Towa had her crusts cut, and going rather quickly, he cut his finger wide open.
Ocax shrieked like a cucco from his mistake.
Seer, for once, was sleeping soundly. He was usually an early riser, but the mead from last night's meal made him tune out the rest of the world... until the unholy shriek filled the house. The orca Direnor was so startled, he nearly fell out of his bed. At first, his mind jumped to one of his girls, but then Seer recalled the twins did not live her any longer. He had to recall last night's events. There were... uninvited guests in his home. Stumbling into the kitchen, Seer's hair was a mess, lopped to one side, and his beard was stubby. "What in the name of Handeh is going on in my kitchen?"
“Nothing! I’m fine. J-just a cut.” Ocax couldn’t hide the winces in his breathing. “Just eat your breakfast.”
Seer sniffed a couple of times. "... a... ham and cheese sandwich is not a proper breakfast." He remarked with frown. "And you cut yourself."
“I wanted to be a civil guest. And yes. I cut myself.” Ocax sat down, heavily annoyed with himself.
Towa ran down, catching all her clothes together. “Ocax? Are you ok?”
“No. I sliced my finger open cutting the crusts off your sandwich.”
Towa had concern, yet warmth in her expression. “You idiot... thank you. Be more careful next time.” She grabbed her sandwich, taking a massive bite. “Hey, this isn’t bad.”
“Towa… Chew, swallow, talk.” Ocax held his finger tight, blood squirting into his palm. “Seer... I don’t suppose you’re a medic too?”
"I've patched up my girls more times than I can remember," Seer opened the cabinets and felt around for a box. Inside, there were various medical supplies. He placed it on the counter, and selected a small bottle of cleaning alcohol, and a roll of gauze. "Make sure you wash it first with warm water and soap."
“I don’t like soap. It’s irritating on my skin.”
Towa roller her eyes and headed to the door. “Don’t be an ass. See you later.”
“Hey! Not without me!”
“I’m not waiting on you Ocax. Be smart, get treated, then find me later.”
“Bye! Love you! Don’t be a dumbass! I’m going to find a bear!”
The Twili woman ran out as Ocax sulked to the closest tap. “Damn woman I swear she’ll be the end of me.”
"If you don't want to use soap, you got one choice; stinging alcohol." Seer held up the tiny bottle, giving it a little shake. Personally, he did not mind Towa leaving. It would give a little more peace and quiet. "Pick your poison."
Without hesitation Ocax poured the alcohol. It stun like a hornet, but at least it wouldn’t leave him sickly with a rash. “That burns like hot a poker. Hurry with what you need to do.” The Twili rested his chin on his other rested arm. “This was humiliating. Will you at least eat your breakfast?”
"You're not the first person to slice open your finger while making a sandwich for your kids---I mean, friend, and you won't be the last." Seer managed to tie a bow to keep the gauze in place. "... I will take the ham off the sandwich, brown it, put the cheese in some eggs, scramble them, and toast the bread you used to make the sandwich, so yes, I will eat my breakfast. The question is," He asked. "Do you want your version of breakfast or mine?"
“Of course the cook states he can make a better breakfast.” Ocax looked at the tie with light amusement before letting out a defeated sigh. “I suppose your version would be more of a bountiful meal.”
"Of course I can make a better breakfast." Seer teased lightly, grinning from ear to ear. "You're not entirely useless in the kitchen. Set the table while I cook." He started to get the necessary items for the meal. "Random question, Tweats... no... Tawrs? Twats? OH GODS---no, no, no, ignore that, just whatever your race is called," He then spitted out. "You're not allergic to anything, right?"
“It’s Twili. Twi-li. Twili. And no, besides my dislike of chocolate, I’m only allergic to certain soaps.” Ocax was a good house guest, and got to setting a table for two. “Direnor. Die-re-nor. See, I managed.”
"Twili, like Twilight. I think I can remember that." Seer managed to fix a large plate of food for Ocax and himself. The Direnor poured a couple glasses of imported orange juice and then sat at the table. "Your friend is missing out. Are you going to be okay eating?"
“Exactly like Twilight. And Towa, she can suffer when she hears about what she missed.” Ocax was about to reach for his food, when he raised a brow. “What, you feed the injured by hand?”
"I have before when my crew mates were injured." Seer tried to hold back a snicker at the old memory. "Bomba blew off one of his fingers and couldn't hold a fork straight to save his life. Tried to eat with the other hand and ended up with a burn on his chest."
“...Is that something you wish to do for me?” Ocax set his slightly shaky fork down, resting his gaze on Seer and waiting him to make the next move.
"I don't mind if you need me to do so." Seer shrugged his shoulders, acting like it was perfectly normal. "I mean... I'm assuming you're right handed?"
“I’m duel handed, but this cut is making me shake. Last thing I need is to spill my drink everywhere.”
"Well then, sit closer." Seer felt of the table, grabbing Ocax's plate and silverware. He felt of the food placement and made sure nothing was steaming, drifting his hand over it. Getting a good helping of scrambled, cheesy eggs on the fork, he held it upward. "You'll uh... have to help me with this part since I'm not a good judge of distance. And I don't want to stab your eye out with a egg-covered fork."
“Of course.” Ocax took hold of Seer’s thigh to hold himself steady, and closed the gap, swallowing the food. A tiny gasp left him as he finished. “That’s marvellous.”
"Yes, it is marvelous cause I made it." Seer replied with a smug grin. He prepared the next bite, not thinking too much of the close contact. It was not like someone ever made a move on him... well, Adda did. Though, he knew better now. "However, I think I'm going to have to ban you from my kitchen if you cut yourself again."
“I promise to no longer cut myself.” Ocax just decided to relax and enjoy to meal Seer provided for him. “I wish to ask, why are you alone Seer? You have a good personality, you’re a wonderful chief, you’re good with children, and your home is comfortable.”
"Alone?" Seer did not grasp what Ocax meant. The poor man was completely oblivious. "Oh, my girls are grown. Do kids still live with their parents in the Twilight Realm?"
Ocax pressed his question further. “They don’t, but I ask, why are you alone in this house? You don’t have a relationship?”
"... oh." Seer realized then what Ocax was asking. "Well... it's not for lack of trying, I suppose. I did have one fling years ago, but let's just say she set her sights elsewhere." The Direnor really did not feel like narrating the whole story of Adda's betrayal, and he certainly did not want to think about Bakura. "It's not a problem for me to find a lover in the pleasure house here, but as far as a relationship goes... I guess I was more concerned about my girls than dating. Besides," He shrugged lightly. "The people here, they want someone strong, someone who has no physical weakness... being blind doesn't help my case."
“Bah, that’s pathetic thinking on their part.”
"It's how it has always been around here. I can't expect them to think differently."
“So why should you devalue yourself due to their thinking?”
"Oh, I don't care what they think," Seer admitted, being honest. "I care what my family thinks, my friends think... but at the same time, I can understand their point of view too. I can't blame them, really."
“So, someone as talented as you are content being alone?”
"Oh, I would be delighted to have a lover one day." Seer beamed a little at the thought. "Someone to hold at night, someone to share stories with, someone to laugh with, and someone just to... sit with me by the fire, being content in each other's company. I wouldn't be opposed to more children, but with a grandkid on the way, I may be biting off more than I can chew."
“You have a dream spouse?”
"Heh, 'dream' is the correct term, yes, I suppose." Seer agreed with a light chuckle. "There's certain qualities I like more than others, yes, but everyone has their quirks that makes them special."
“Please, for your sake more than mine. Have a passion to reach for more than a dream. It will make you not only happy, but more desirable in the eyes of others.”
"Your sake, Ocax? Didn't know Twili were interested in romances." Seer mused as he finished gathering the last bite of food for Ocax.
“Excuse me? We find love like anyone on else. I just like men who have passion in their hearts like I do.”
"Oh, you like men? I um..." Seer cleared his throat awkwardly. "Thought you were with... Towa..."
Ocax felt his throat go dry. In the context of his sentence he meant men as mankind. However, his sexual attraction was indeed to men. He slowly clenched his hand off Seer’s thigh. “I-“
At the mention of Towa, Ocax couldn’t help but give a snicker. “Towa? Oh. No, no, no. We’re good friends. But she isn’t near my type.”
"Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." Seer was a little sheepish. "I mean, I like both men and women. By Rotar, I feel like an ass..."
“It’s alright. Kanisa assumed Towa was a child, perhaps even my child. Although she is only a bit older than me, I think she views me as an older family figure at times.” Ocax took a sip of his drink and sat in awkward silence for a moment.
"Heh, I'm sure she did; Towa is tiny." Seer then asked. "Is that why you're wanting to get back home so badly? You have someone?"
“I think it’s that feeling of isolation for the others. To see home. To feel complete. I honestly don’t care anymore. My interest is faltering more and more in returning.”
"Well, you won't be alone here, Ocax. There's plenty of people around." Seer carefully picked up the plates and took them to the sink to wash. "Time is our own worst enemy. It's hard to wait for something you really want." He said a few words of wisdom. "Waiting is bitter, but the result is sweet."
“I know. But I think I could be happy in this world of light, despite the sting of its sun. Or not seeing the black clouds of twilight.”
"If it's blackness you want, you could always go under the water when the ice is melted." Seer suggested. "But with someone that can actually swim."
“Seer...” Ocax had disappointed annoyance in his voice, not liking the thought of falling in freezing water again. “It’s not for me I continue to search anyways.”
"Heh, all right, but you're missing out. I may not be able to see anything down there, but there is beautiful music." Seer made a wave of his arm, as if he were a conductor at an orchestra. "The sounds are always peaceful." He sighed in contentment at thinking of the music the ocean provided under the sea. "Searching, wandering, but not always lost. Perhaps one day, you'll find your cloudy sky. Though for now, I'm going to shower. Do you need anything else?"
“I think to find Towa so she doesn’t-”
“Let go off me!”
Ocax sighed as he heard commotion from outside Towa was causing. Could she get into any more trouble?
The next day Towa saw an interesting old looking building. It held history in its bones, but it was massive! Perhaps this place held ancient secrets. Upon entering, she saw a bunch of Direnor enter, looking muscly and sweaty. At a front counter, a woman looked down at her. “You an adult?”
Towa grumbled at that. Why did people assume always make assumptions of her? “Yes. I’m just small.”
“Alright. You can go in. Have fun.”
As Towa went in, she saw Direnor taking their clothes off. Towa grew excited. This must have been a nudist house of relaxation, perhaps a way to feel free from the prison of clothing without the worries of being ridiculed. Taking what little clothing she had off, she excitedly ran into the halls. She waved to a few people as she looked around. Others seemed to be gathering, but she was content on studying the pillars. There were ancient carvings on them; maybe they held texts she could decipher.
Since Ocax decided to seek out Princess Kanisa's counsel on some Uskarian history, Seer took the opportunity to get away from the house for a bit. All the talk of lovers had him a little depressed. Adda was a one night stand and admittedly, he did not know her that well, but fancied her. Bakura, on the other hand, he had a little more time to know. Maybe he had a bad sense of relationships. The Direnor thought the ex-assassin liked him. Or perhaps, it was just a ruse to get closer to the girls. Either way, Seer had arrived to the conclusion that his taste for women or men was shit. So, to get the thought of old flames off his mind, he traveled to the Pleasure House to melt away his despairs.
However, he did not expect a pint-sized audience.
Towa noticed Seer completely naked on a pile of cushions. Strange, but not enough to throw her off. She liked being naked whenever she got the opportunity! Sure, she didn’t have presentable nipples or her lady bits at the moment like these light worlders, however, those alone wouldn’t bother her. “Oh! Seer! What are you doing at this nudist house? I don’t see why you don’t feel comfortable being naked in your own house. I like to be naked too whenever I can!”
The Direnor nearly spat out his mead. What in the name of Handeh was she doing here? A blush of the reddest of reds covered his face.
"Wh-What?! What are you doing here?!"
Yet, before he could obtain an answer, Seer's procured lovers for the night waltzed over to the blind orca. The woman sat down on his lap and the man kissed him, hard, before running his hand down his chest in a sultry motion.
“Huh? What’s going on?” Towa tilted her head, surprised by the boldness of these two newcomers.
"Do you want to join too? The more, the merrier... and messier." The female giggled as she winked at Towa. "The Madam can help you find someone else if you don't want to join our group."
"She might not like roughness, she's tiny, Kairi." The male literally purred as he released Seer's mouth with a gasp. "Might be more suited for a night of slow romance."
"Either way, Balthor, she can enjoy the show." Kairi then proceeded to test her skills of oral administration of Seers cock while Balthor played with Seer's hole, before penetrating him.
"Oh, f-fuck..." Seer felt his mind going blank from the pleasure.
“....holy shit....” Towa lightly squeaked out. Her ears shot up like a cat when she picked up on where she was. There were dozens of people getting into the groove of one large orgy around. How did she get into a sex addict convention?!
Her cheeks flushed blue and her knees trembled at the sight of Seer being penetrated. Dear lord, her host was a sex cultist!
"Sure you don't want to join?"
"Don't be pushy, Seer might not want to share."
"Do you want to share?"
When someone placed a hand on her stomach and shoulder from behind, Towa screeched like a cat having its tail stepped on. Her magic hair slapped them away, and in her panic, she assumed her shadow form, bouncing around the brothel and keeping away from people until she was near the entrance. Grabbing her clothes, she hid in people’s shadows until she was outside.
Ocax was surprised by how much he enjoyed Kanisa’s wise council. She was a bookworm like him, and her understanding of the land’s law was insightful.
“Perhaps banishment might be too harsh. I think with proper rehabilitation, people could-”
He was cut off his talk with the Gerudo woman when he saw Towa screaming like a mad woman, almost crying when she grabbed his collar. “OCAX!!! OH THANK GOD!”
“What did you do?”
“I was minding my own business when-“
“I WAS! I was looking into history when I stumbled upon a sex cult! Seer is one of them! I saw him getting penetrated by another man while a woman pleasured his appendage! Then other members of the cult tried to drag ME into it!!!”
"Oh good goddesses," Kanisa covered her hands with her face, her cheeks burning red. "I think... she stumbled into the Pleasure House."
“You did what?” Ocax’s mouth started to hang open, the corner of his mouth twitching with disbelief.
“I had to fight my way out! Oh Ocax! It was awful! I could have been taken into their cult, and pounded like a rag doll! Think about all the things they could have done to my body! And what’s worse, Seer is one of them! You should have seen it! His pale frame beat red from them just- just slamming into him! He was bloomed up like rip strawberries!”
"... you know the Pleasure House is all voluntary, for those who want a lover or are seeking companionship for a night." Kanisa tried to keep a straight face without giggling at Ocax's stunned expression. "For those who want a little spice, or adventure, or are just feeling lonely. We've all been there."
Ocax starred off into the night sky, dumbstruck by the information of Seer and Towa’s story.
Towa herself grew concerned with how quiet Ocax grew. “Ocax?”
“I think it’s best that you go stay somewhere else tonight while I talk to Seer.”
“What? Why?”
“Towa. You walked on him and caused a commotion in a pleasure house. People could have you reported for disturbing the peace.”
“Well the only one disturbed was me!”
“And slim chance that no one reports you, you might have been rude to our host. Go with Kanisa or find a house to stay at. I’ll talk with Seer and make sure he’s not angry with you.”
“You think he is?”
“I know I’m furious. You acted like a child. Again.”
“But Ocax…”
The Twili man held his hand up to stop her. “No. Just… no. I’ll go fix this. I just need you to stay out of the way.”
"You can bunk in Audlin's room for tonight; she's staying with some friends." Kanisa offered to Towa. "And next time, I really think you should ask where you are instead of assuming it's... something you think it is."
Mortified beyond all means, Seer sat in his chair by the fire. He never expected Towa to come to the Pleasure House. The Twili were here to study any sources of magic, not look for a romp in the sheets. Sighing, he honestly did not expect Towa or Ocax to return to his house. There had to be some elaborate story Towa spun to Ocax about the blind man being a sexual deviant.
Ocax walked in, giving a clear of his throat for Seer. “Mr. Serling. A moment?”
"... I'm surprised you're back."
“I was only described in great detail about you. I didn’t see it with my own eyes. And don’t worry, it was my job to pick apart false testimonies. Especially about you being in a ‘sex cult’ and such nonsense. She did give me a more accurate description of what you were doing though.”
"Oh good Handeh..." Seer felt the blood rushing to his face again, obviously embarrassed. "I... well... the Pleasure House..." He tried to think of a way to explain himself but could not find the words. "It was... just... a fling."
“How often do you have these flings?”
"... not too often. Maybe every other month or so." Seer admitted, knowing lying would get him nowhere. "It's nice to feel..."
"Yes." Seer sighed with his shoulders slumping. "The Pleasure House doesn't discriminate. It's all just a feeling to them."
“So what brought on your most recent need to go?”
"Just..." Seer did not want to say he was feeling lonely so he used the next best excuse. "Old memories. The nights of not only pleasure but warmth too."
“And you thought going to a pleasure house where no one actually cares for you would help with that?”
"It's better than nothing." Seer retorted dryly as he took a sip of his drink.
“Excuse me?” Ocax was taken aback by that. “Of course it’s better. Why stoop yourself to that level? Why not have the patience to find someone you actually like?”
"I did. I did have someone I liked." Seer had to grit his teeth. "He chose to follow someone else."
“Then get over him. Things don’t work out. You take time and reflection and you move on.”
"That's easy for you to say." Seer nearly snapped bitterly at Ocax. "He didn't betray you at the last minute either and cause one of your crew mates to die. It's not something you can reflect upon in a positive manner."
“You going to be a little bitter ass when Towa comes back too?” Ocax felt pity for this man, maybe even sympathy. “If you don’t move on, you’ll only be able to wallow in self pity.”
"You don't have to stay here and observe me in my pity if it disturbs you." Seer pointed in the direction of the door. "I'll move on when I damn well please."
"No? No what?"
“No, I’m not leaving.” Ocax walked to kitchen and started to make two sandwiches.
"Hey!" Seer got up from his seat. "I told you to keep out of my kitchen! You're going to cut yourself again!"
“What can you do to stop me from making dinner? You’re physically blind. And full of mentally blinding anger. I can make as many sandwiches as I want.” Ocax carefully finished the touches on two raspberry and banana sandwiches.
"I know I can't fucking see, but I can still sense what you're doing and where things are." Seer growled. "I don't want you hurting yourself again. Get out of my kitchen. I may not like you telling me how to cope, though that doesn't mean I want you slicing your hand up."
Ocax shoved a plate aggressively in Seer’s chest. “I’m not going to make the same mistake. And this time you’re going to eat my cooking.”
Seer put the plate on the counter, stubborn. "I've already ate."
“I’m trying to be nice to you. Eat it.” Ocax got closer to Seer’s face, a snarl filling his expression. He wasn’t going to back down.
"I don't want it." Seer did not feel like arguing. He turned to leave Ocax in the kitchen much to his chagrin. This had already turned into a shitty day, and he decided the best way to forget was to sleep. "Give it to Towa. If she comes back."
Ocax grabbed Seer by the shoulders and pushed the man firmly into a chair. “Eating from the nether regions of man and women for dinner is not part of a nutritious meal. I like you. You’ve been hospitable in looking after Towa and I. I wouldn’t be giving advice, or risk cutting myself with your terrible handled knives making food if I didn’t. Eat my sandwich.”
Seer did not like such a rough handling by Ocax and nearly growled at the insensitive statement. Though, he was not prepared to hear that Ocax liked him. It caught the Direnor off guard for sure. But... it probably was not in the way he was thinking. No, it was just as friends, wasn't it? Hospitable, friendly, fixing them food... of course it was. With an irritated frown, Seer took the sandwich and bit off a sizable chunk.
“Thank you. Was that so difficult?” Ocax let go as he watched Seer eat. “Do you like it?”
"... it would be better with peanut butter for the banana's sweetness or chocolate drizzle to compliment the raspberry's tartness." Seer managed to say with a mouthful. "But it is tasty otherwise."
Ocax was growing frustrated. Towa’s story about Seer was flustering enough, but this argument with the man was driving him crazy. “Swallow. Then speak. I’m glad you find my taste enjoyable.”
"Better than 'eating dicks and pussies' as you put it so eloquently. Certainly more nutritious." Seer was mad at Ocax for trying to tell him how to cope, how to feel, and most of all, felt like he was being played with. Again. This was going to be Adda all over again if he wasn't careful. The Twili weren't going to stay here, they were going to leave, Ocax would leave just like Bakura. There was no need to get attached. Wanting a lover just brought heartache.
“Of course it is.” Ocax sat down. After a moment, he gave a laugh. “A sex cult of all things... Towa needs to get back home.”
"... back to the Twilight Realm."
“Yes. I love her like family. She’s the most determined to get back home. You saw her today. She heard one little rumour of an old hall holding ancient magical texts, and she stormed that brothel right away. She thought the pillars held secret etchings. I want her to be happy. I want her to stop having nightmares of never returning home. She’s the only one who’s spirit can’t be settled here.”
"And you're going back with her, aren't you?"
“I don’t think I will.”
"Why?" Seer asked Ocax, expecting a halfhearted answer. "Find some of those dark, shadowy clouds you liked here better?"
“I don’t know. I’ve been in this world for nearly thirty years. Those beautiful clouds are just a memory now. I think it would hurt too much to go back. To confirm the most likely scenario that my lover and my family has long since moved on. That the Twilight Realm might seem too small. This world is so diverse. And it’s changed for the better. I’m going to give Towa her door back to our ancestral home, but I don’t think I’ll join her. So many of the others have settled in this world. Why not me too?”
"... if you have a family there, would you really think they would forget about you?" Seer felt his chest tighten at the recollections of when he was trapped, away from his girls. It was so painful to be away from them. Often, he thought it would be best if the twins deemed him dead. That way, they would not be hurt looking for him.
“Yes.” Ocax sounded bitter, almost angry with one single word.
"And you would forget them?
“I don’t need to see them again if that’s what you’re asking. I had a clan. My clan already came from bad history, so expectations were high on me. Imagine how they felt when I rose to gain political power through my occupation in mastering the law over others. On top of that, I was homosexual, so I wasn’t going to ‘share’ my power with a new generation. I had my lover, but he was only interested in me due most likely to my stature. I had one father as my closest blood relative as far as I can remember. He didn’t like that I worked to put my own needs before the rest of the clan. They thought I was another Zant in the making. So yes, I could forget them.”
"...sometimes, I suppose in your family, they can be the ones to hurt you the most."
“I think this is best. Stay in this world, and fade away into obscurity.”
"Well... minus the fading away part, you could always find happiness here. New families wouldn't hurt, right?"
“No one wants a being of twilight. I doubt any Hylian or Direnor would given your history with ‘disgusting dark beings’.” Ocax shook his head, sighing in self pity. He regretted talking about this topic. “Do me a favour. Forget this conversation. We can simply move on from all the awkwardness.”
"That's the biggest load of whaleshit I've ever heard." Seer felt for Ocax's chest and then poked it. "Everyone has flaws. Everyone deserves happiness." He then added as an afterthought, "There's no awkwardness here. Everyone needs someone to talk to."
“What? To you?”
"Sure, everyone needs someone to talk to. To rant, to rave, to cry with, to laugh with... I mean, it's only human."
“If you could look at me you wouldn’t call me human...”
Seer once again found Ocax's chest with a bump of his fingers, and then used both hands to smack on the man's face. "You got a heart and a soul, it don't matter what you look like." He told him, "I can't see, but that doesn't matter to me. Physical appearance isn't everything. It's how that person acts, how they treat others around them, how they love... that's the key."
Ocax yelled out like a chicken, turning to Seer in shock. “And how do you think I’ve treated people?”
"Well... from what I know, you treat Towa pretty nice. You haven't been too cruel to me." Seer shrugged. "Kanisa seems to like you. So, that's good enough for me."
“Do you like me?” Ocax asked a direct question.
"Like you?" Seer repeated. "Like as a friend? Or something more?"
“Just a yes or a no.”
"Then yes, I do like you."
Ocax felt a flush in his heart and he leaned in to kiss Seer, his lips pushing fondly against the blind man’s own. Once he was done, he pulled back, embarrassment starting to consume him. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t ask for your consent. That was unprofessional.”
Now, it was Seer's turn to be red in the face. He was at a loss for words.
"I... I um..." He cleared his throat and tried to keep from squeaking. "I... don't have complaints."
“You should. You should be angry with me.”
“I-I kissed you out of the blue! That’s not right of me to take advantage of you like that.”
"You're not taking advantage of me. Taking advantage of me is manipulating me."
“I... you’re really not angry with me?” Ocax leaned back into his chair.
"No, I'm not. I mean, in case you haven't noticed, I'm bisexual. Men and women are nice." Seer chuckled a little at hearing the surprise in Ocax's voice. "Does that... help?"
“Yes?” Ocax felt his hands get sweaty, clenching the chair handles tightly. The floor boards shifted as he tapped his feet nervously.
"Then good." Seer acted like this was not much of a big deal. After all, he had sex with Adda and... well, that went bad. Very bad. Then there were a few men at the Pleasure House that he enjoyed. Though, a relationship? That was... rare. "You don't have to worry you know."
“Why? Because my nerves are spiking.”
"Why?" Seer actually tilted his head, confused. "I'm just me."
“No ones liked me as...” Ocax trailed off. “I’m sorry. Do you want me to leave?”
"Liked you as what? I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay and explain yourself." Seer told Ocax. "Look, we both have our flaws, faults, and insecurities. But that doesn't mean I won't try to be there for you."
“I’ve haven’t been a relationship since home. It wouldn’t be right for me to just come into your life and uproot it. I’m a gentlemen, but also a stranger. Given your history it would be rude of me to be your.... I won’t do that to someone like you. I’ve made an embarrassment of myself. I had my companion terrify you in your state of privacy, forced you to eat my cooking, and then forced a kiss without your consent. Now don’t you lie to me and tell me you enjoyed that. Let me just gather my things and I can spare you my presence from intruding on you any longer.”
Now it was Seer's turn to make a move. Ocax was rambling and assuming things, not to mention, the man was not listening to a word he said. Even if the Twili did decide to leave at some point, even if he did not want a relationship, there was a chance now for some pleasure and quality time with another being. So, to shut Ocax up, Seer pulled the man closer, pushed him to the floor, and planted a deep kiss on his lips. "Shut up." Seer told him gruffly between kisses. "You overthink too much."
Ocax held Seer’s shirt tightly, shocked by the kiss. His tongue was lathered by Seer’s, and he was left breathing heavily. “W-what are you going to do about it?”
"Oh, I know a number of things to do to shut another up." Seer told Ocax. "Unfortunate skills I learned from the brothel... but actually serve me well now when seeking a lover."
“Specifics.” Ocax leaned back on the floor as the Direnor kept him pinned by sitting on his hips.
"I can make you see stars with my mouth, my fingers, or my body... take your pick." Seer then shrugged his shoulders. "Unless you still wish to leave..."
Ocax’s hands pulled Seer by his hips to scoot his body closer to his face. With a slight shake of his hands and no words, he unbuckled Seer’s pants.
"Well, what do you know, you can be quiet for once." Seer teased as Ocax messed with his belt.
Ocax grumbled, trying to mess with Seers pants. Finally get the man’s cock out, it clapped against the Twili’s cheek. The smell was like a drug to Ocax. Its scent was old, but familiar. And one his brain was telling him he lacked for far too long.
"Impatient, are we?" Seer asked the Twili, running his fingers through Ocax's hair. "You know, the appropriate place for this is the bedroom, but if you have a kink for the floor, I won't protest."
“I would like to not be pinned to the floor....” When Seer dangled to close, Ocax licked the man’s rod. With a light moan of pleasure that filled him, he opened his mouth, sucking on the tip. He felt like a young man in love again.
"Do you want to pin me---fuck!!!" Seer was not expecting such eagerness from Ocax. Then again, he had no clue how long it had been for the Twili. "Oh, by the gods and goddesses, that's good..."
“It is?” Ocax only paused to ask, quickly sucking once more. He purred as Seer played with his hair.
"I could..." Seer took a deep inhale. "Use many... four letter words---holy shit... to describe it..."
Ocax keep sucking, pushing Seer deeper and deeper down his throat. His eyes bulged when he felt a hot, salt fill his mouth. Pulling out, the Twili coughed as dripped cum from his lips. It wasn’t much do to Seer’s previous sex a few hours before, but it was still strong.
Seer did not mean to achieve his release so quickly, but Ocax had a tongue that rivaled those expert lovers in the Pleasure House. Either that, or he was just overly sensitive. He nearly fell forward, if it was not for the table next to him. He had to grasp the wood tightly to keep from losing his balance. After such mind blowing pleasure, it was difficult for his knees not to shake or legs to give out from him.
“Oh my lord.” Ocax finished swallowing and rubbed his jaw. It was rather sore due to being out of practice.
"I don't really consider myself any type of 'lord' or 'duke' or 'knight', but if you insist..." Seer said in a cheeky tone, a wide grin across his face.
“Aren’t you happy.” Ocax leaned back, trying to catch his breath.
"I'll be happier when I get to return the favor." Seer suggested with a purr. "I have to find out what you like best; what is that one spot that will make you just writhe."
Ocax shivered as he pulled his pants down. He wanted to know too. “You want me to stand or do you want to take me here?”
"I can fuck you like an animal or you take me anyway you desire," Seer pulled Ocax forward by a strand of the long hair. "I'm not known for being gentle... but I can let you take the reins if you prefer to have control."
The thought of Seer ravaging him made Ocax giggle with anticipation. “You? Ravage me? Oh dear~”
"Think I won't?" Seer asked Ocax as he curled his fingers tightly into the man's hair and pulled him closer, giving a long lick up the side of his cheek.
“I think I need you to stop talking with words, and instead demonstrate with action.”
"Safe word?"
Ocax thought it over for a moment. “Midna.” Might be disrespectful, but it was the first unique thing Ocax could think of.
"Midna it is." Seer gave no warning as he suddenly spun Ocax around and had the man halfway over on the table. The plates and cups clattered in protest at the harsh movement. While Seer did detest his time as a slave in the brothel, he did learn some tricks to cause his partner to see stars. First, it was feather light touches down Ocax's back. He had to get the man anticipating the pleasure, craving it. Little nips and kisses here and there were sure to stimulate the nerves of his body. Second, it was ghosting with touches near his hole, but never quite touching there or his length. He wanted Ocax to show his impatience, feel his body twitch with need. It was a sweet torment.
Ocax was out of practice. His time away from the touch of another man made him sensitive at every touch. The bites made red hot marks on his pale skin. Growling, he wished he wasn’t so desperate. “What are you waiting for?”
At the snarky growl, Seer pushed Ocax's face flat against the table.
"You'll get my dick when I say you can." For a small 'punishment' of sorts, Seer smacked Ocax's ass. "Now... are you going to be good?"
“Oh my lord!” Ocax bawked like a chicken once more. His mouth nearly watered at Seer’s forcefulness.
"I'll take that as a yes." Seer then rubbed his fingers over Ocax's entrance before slipping on inside, curling it upward.
Ocax threw his head up, pleasure and pain sending a shock up his spine and to his head. To his embarrassment, he came almost immediately. His cock spread its seed under the table. “Oh FUCK!”
"Reduced you to four letter words, I see..." Seer chuckled as he inserted another finger, making sure to wiggle the digits wildly.
“Shut uuuuuuuuooooooooooooooh goooooooood.” Ocax rolled a hand down his face. “Stop teasing…”
"Why? I may not be able to see you squirm, but I can certainly feel it," Seer whispered to Ocax. "The way your breathing picks up, the way you jerk, the way the dishes on the table rattle..."
Ocax couldn’t stop moving to disprove Seer. With a low, sounding cry, the Twili begged. “Please. It’s been too long. Give me what I crave.”
"A please? That's what I wanted to hear." Seer decided he'd reserve greater teasing for the next time of lovemaking. After all, he had a tendency to 'play' with his lovers. It usually brought both parties great pleasure. For now, he lined up his cock with Ocax's entrance and gently started to press inside of his lover. While he did love to be a tease, he did not care for pain.
Ocax gripped the edge of the table, his asshole burned from Seer’s girth, but he endured. His cock started to get hard again. “Keepittogether. Hell on earth, keep it together.”
"Who said you had to keep it together?" Seer draped himself over Ocax's back, running one hand down the man's throat while the other gripped at his length. "There's no need to keep control... lose it and feel bliss."
Ocax did as Seer suggested, and his mind threw itself into the abyss. The Twili man screamed, rocking his back into Seer.
Lovemaking was usually gentle but a rut was rough. Seer had many ruts in his lifetime, but was not complaining about the pleasure it brought, only the company. Now, he actually had someone who interested him, beneath him in the throws of passion. Gripping Ocax's shoulders, Seer barely allowed Ocax any room to wiggle away from his unrelenting thrusts.
“Seer! Oh Seer! Fuck! Fuck I’m-“
“Ocax is that-HOLY SHIT!” Towa stumbled in through the door, alerted by the noise. She hugged the wall behind her as she watched Ocax bent over the table.
Ocax came at the worst time, and as he tried to wiggle free in a panic, Seer hit the wrong spot. “AH-MIDNA! MIDNA!”
Ocax tried to stand, but a spike of pain hit him. “GET OUT! I HATE YOU! HE’S NOT A SEX ADDICT!!!”
“OK! OK!!!”
Towa ran off, leaving Ocax panting over the table from sex and anger.
At Ocax's sudden jerk upward, the back of his head hit Seer in the nose causing the blind man to give an unsightly yelp and stumble backwards. Between Towa's yelling and Ocax stridently shouting the safe word, all Seer knew was their rut had been interrupted. After Towa left, the Direnor tried to keep his groans to a minimum. He felt blood on his palm, but was a little more concerned by the shouting match that took place.
"... are you all right?" Seer asked as he felt around for the pants.
“No. I’m pissed.” Ocax couldn’t find the strength to pull himself up.
"At me or Towa?"
“What? You think I could be-?” Ocax groaned as he turned himself around. Grabbing Seer by the hand, he pulled the man to him, kissing him close. “You were magnificent.”
"I thought perhaps I hurt you. I apologize if I did." Seer smiled at the smooch and returned an affectionate nuzzle. "It's hard to be gentle sometimes. I'm not used to it, if that makes sense."
“I understand. Do you wish to simply sleep the rest of the night together?”
"If that is what you desire." Seer then said, "My bed is not as large as others, but I do not mind snuggling. My girls used to crawl into bed with me all the time when it was really cold."
“As long as they don’t do so now.” Ocax sighed contently. “Thank you for opening up to me.”
"I don't have much to offer, but I do have love." Seer told Ocax as he shut the front door and led the man into his bedroom.  "Orcas take care of their own and look after one another. Come on," He crawled into the bed, making room for Ocax. "Get warm."
Partner is @ridersoftheapocalypse
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/186973802976/blue-stream-ch-3-foreign-negotiations
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/188307062666/blue-stream-ch-5-alls-well-that-ends-well
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
The Tale of the Kidnapped Maidens 2
Supernatural, Warnings-None
Part 1
Long Stories Masterlist, One Shots Masterlist
Find me at AO3
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Sam looked at the group of girls prancing in front of him, not because he really wanted to look at them but because they were directly in front of his line of sight once he lifted his eyes from the notebook he had been writing on. He didn’t spare much time on them but he did linger enough to make Dean’s attention turn to them as well. His brother turned back to him after a moment.
“What? Missing the skirts?”
Sam looked at him with an accusatory look and a grimace. Dean snorted. 
“Hey, you did look pretty in them.”
 Sam groaned, “Come on Dean, that was ages ago.”
“So? I never said it was wrong, in fact seeing how much you ended up growing you might have been lucky hitting the skirt phase at the right time.”
Sam looked away a little embarrassed but he inwardly agreed with him. It had barely been a year and counted weeks before he began stretching up and the skirts stopped looking good on his slanky teenager boy frame. Dean had somehow managed to get him three skirts: a red plaid one, a denim one and a bottle green wool jersey one he used almost the entire winter when their father was away. He doesn’t know how he got a hold of them but they disappeared as quickly as they appeared once Sam asked him to get rid of them, his father none-the-wiser.
“I was wondering what kind of monster goes after prepubescent girls. And I forbid you to make any jokes about it.” Warned Sam when Dean was already lifting up his finger to make a comeback.
“Wasn’t gonna be a joke but yeah, good call, might have been a bit too much.”
Sam scoffed softly. He thanked the waitress when she arrived with a new coffee that his brother might have probably asked for while he was taking notes down and went back to doing research on his laptop.
The fourth disappearance happened to be a boy. Sam and Dean felt frustration creep over them when they realized this kid had been abducted while they were out and about asking questions but they couldn’t do much more than keep on digging. They went to interview the mother and Sam asked to see the kid’s computer to see if he had maybe been talking with strangers online. 
The boy’s mother took them up to the boy’s room, which was painted pink and filled with plushies and posters of boy bands and idols, and a set of a skirt and sweater that he obviously didn’t get to wear hung up by the mirror. Sam and Dean shared a look; the boy was obviously supported by his family so it was not likely to think he might have just taken advantage of the other missing girls to fake his own running away from home.
“Did anybody else know that Alan was...” Dean motioned towards the whole room, unable to come up with a term that everyone would be okay with.
“Well this is a small town Mr. Fogerty, we asked her to keep the skirts to the house while her father managed to get the transfer to California but it is most likely that some people might have realized. She just can’t help being feminine. That’s just the way she is. I just wish we could do more for her.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, she wants to be a real girl and we would love nothing more but we don’t really have the money to pay for hormones right now and she’s growing up... you know… some things are starting to change.”
“So Alan... sorry, is Alan really ok?”
“Oh, Elaine.”
“Okay, so uhm, Elaine” Dean kept asking questions. About Elaine’s routines, the people she usually hung around with and so on while Sam checked her facebook. There were only a couple of friends from this town but it didn’t seem like she was being harassed in any way. 
They left the place with a couple of leads.
“So, the thing, whatever it is, drives an old truck or something like it. That’s what all the parents have agreed on, the sound of a rumbling engine moving away…” Dean sighed “I don’t know man, we both have a hunch about this but I gotta be honest and admit that this is starting to sound more like a thing for the FBI than us.”
Sam sighed “Yeah, because that would explain the last spurt of disappeared girls fifteen years ago, and then fifteen years earlier.”
Dean nodded at his brother but didn’t do much to talk about the issue.
“Besides, if it was a kidnapper, I think they would have a more... normal behaviour?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, all serial killers, or at least most of them have a particular trait that they prefer, like blonde women or males of a certain age group and stuff like that. If this was a random kidnapper then they would go for physical traits but this one must know these kids well enough to fit their preferences in character.”
“What you’re saying is that this thing doesn’t care about the fact of them being boys and girls as long as they are femenine? And that they’re close enough to the kids to tell that Elaine is physically not a girl but still likes her.”
“More like actually innocent girls? Look, Kaylee, the first kidnapped girl was the usual horse girl, Brianne was still a lot into Disney movies, Sandy and Elaine both have all these plushies and princess-like fantasies and none of them seemed eager to grow up.”
“Okay innocent but that still means virgin, right? Should we look for a dragon? What else likes virgins for breakfast?”
Sam sighed. “We need to find out before there’s another victim.”
“Yeah, good luck with that and not looking like a perv, stalking little girls.”
“Well, what else do you recommend?” Sam said a bit frustrated, throwing up his arms.
The phone was on speaker on top of their tiny kitchen table. Sam and Dean both sitting at each side with a beer in hand.
“I don’t know my dear lads, you can definitely track down girls with a spell but it’s not going to be easy if you’re not a woman yourself… maybe you could try luring this thing out?”
“How? We don’t have any innocent girls lying around.”
“But you could have a boy. You just told me this thing took one.”
“Well yeah but this boy was more of a girl than a boy.”
“I still think it would be a lot easier to have a boy lure this thing out.”
“Okay Rowena, cut up the mystery, what is it you’re thinking about?”
Rowena sighed on the other side of the line, almost like she was getting frustrated with the boys stupidity, “I mean that Sam could cast a spell on himself and put on a cute skirt. He looked so pretty and I really want to see more pictures of that.”
Sam opened his mouth in shock and then turned to meet his brother’s eyes, who was looking to a completely different place, clearly avoiding him.
“You have pictures of that!? No, wait, you showed them to Rowena!?”
“Hey it’s not my fault, I was drunk! And before you ask I’m not gonna tell you where I’m keeping those.”
“You said you had gotten rid of them all!”
“Well I lied.”
“God damn it Dean!”
Rowena laughed. “You might have some ingredients on that car of yours already and given the time of year you’ll definitely find the rest easily around that wood you’re telling me about, won’t even need to climb up those hills. I’ll text Sam the spell in a moment. Please take all the pictures that you can Dean. Toodles!”
Good to her word, Sam immediately received a list of items from Rowena, most of which were definitely meant to be foraged like wild flowers and such and the spell itself. For a de-aging spell, it looked rather easy to make. Sam sighed but showed the list to his brother and, changing to something more comfortable than fake feds suits, they stepped out of the motel and ran the car to a road near the town, ready to find the things they were currently missing.
Once Sam had everything in his magic pouch and was about to chant the spell, he realized that he actually had the same spell that had de-aged Dean once so many years ago. Feeling a little bit more secure, he began the enchanting.
The following day, Sam was laying on the bed, checking his laptop, making sure there had not been any other abduction yet while his brother came back with his new clothes. The spell had gone particularly well and he was now swimming in his own shirt and boxers, they did not take into account the fact that his clothes were not going to shrink with him. Luckily, his hair had stayed the same length so he looked more like a girl than he ever had before. This plan, stupid as it might have sounded earlier looked a bit more sensible now.
Soon, Dean arrived with some bags under his arm, one clearly holding their food, the others most likely holding Sam’s new stuff.
“Ready for your Cinderella moment?”
Sam bitchfaced him, a thing that apparently wasn’t half as menacing now that he was twelve years old once more. Dean snickered.
“Come on princess, let’s eat, you can change later.” 
Sam had his burrito while telling Dean about his theories of which monster they might be facing. He was narrowing it down to either dragon or, and he was being extremely cautious about the last one, Artemis.
“What like, the goddess? Didn’t she help us kill Zeus that one time?”
“Well, she did but that one was because he was killing Prometheus.”
Dean nodded, giving him that one. He looked at him for a long time and snorted. “Man, this is weird. Looking at you like a runt talking like an adult.”
“Dean, I am an adult.”
“Not right now you’re not.”
Sam frowned at him but refrained from saying something. “Anyways, Artemis likes to have virgin handmaidens so maybe she’s changing her roster or something? All these girls have in common is the school where they go and the church their parents attend but nothing much apart from that.”
“And the Peter Pan complex.”
“It’s still early to confirm that, let’s hit the library and see if there’s any local lore we might have to know about.”
“Seems like a plan to me.”
When lunch was done, Sam took the other bag and went to the bathroom, oddly put off by the idea of having Dean look at him change into a dress once more.
“Uh Sam.”
“I uh… I’m sorry.” Dean looked truly embarrassed and Sam felt suspicious.
“What? Why?” 
“I asked a lady to help me buy a set of clothes ‘for my little sister’ because it would be awkward otherwise so I, uh, I didn’t realize that also meant I had to get you girl everything.” Dean looked aside, looking awkward. 
Sam looked at him frowning, trying to process what his brother had just said when he looked inside the bag and rummaged for something. Right there, below everything and next to a cute accessory backpack that could probably only hold a knife and a couple other things, was a set of girl underwear as well. He took the box out and looked at it numb. Dean started to fidget. 
“Really!? Dean???”
“I swear to god Sammy I didn’t do that on purpose!”
Sam groaned and turned back into the bathroom, slamming the door with as much force as his twelve year old body could. Once inside, he sighed and opened up the box with the soft pink underwear set and blushed. He shouldn’t feel this embarrassed, he was not even his usual six foot plus tall self so no one would ever link him to the boy he was right now but somehow the idea of not only wearing girl clothes but also putting on the underwear made him extremely self conscious. Unlike his comfy boxer briefs, the soft cotton fabric was tight in all the wrong places and it made him feel like everything was pouring over. Remembering some advice he once saw about tucking in the package, he did his best to tuck in his dick in the tight underwear, oddly glad that he was now in his twelve year old body because otherwise all of this would have been a really awkward thing to do.
Once he felt as comfortable as he could with the underwear, both the panties and the camisole, he put on the rest. A cute oversized pale rose camisole with a kawaii styled cat, a short black skirt and oxford grey thigh highs, along with a pair of fake patent leather shoes that definitely looked more expensive than what they might actually have cost. 
Finally, he brushed his hair, opened the door enough to peek, looking for Dean. Clearly noticing his own burning cheeks and ears. He saw him turn from his bed, tv remote at hand.
“Uhm, I think I’m ready.”
“Okay.” Sam closed the door again and took a deep breath. He opened it once more and stepped into the room looking downwards. After a second he looked up and saw the same odd look he had seen so many years ago on his brother’s face.
“Fuck Sammy, If I was your age I’d totally try to pull your pigtails right now.”
Sam gave Dean a very annoyed bitchface and walked towards the full mirror and, just like that fated night so many years ago, he looked at himself in shock.
“Crap, I think I totally would try to do the same.”
Dean laughed hard. He stood up from the bed and grabbed something Sam didn’t truly see until his brother was behind him and, with a very delicate move, he placed a headband with a big burgundy velvet ribbon on him. That was what tied the whole outfit together and Sam felt even prettier than ever, blushing hard but unable to look away from the mirror.
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
You are my Sunshine
Chapter 16: Fifteen Part 2
With a hiss the last few drops of brown liquid trickled down from the machine, allowing Walter Strickler to remove the pot from the apparatus and top off his mug. The coffee here was swill, but common courtesy prevailed.
Immediately after he was done, Karl stepped up to the counter to refill his own mug “Are you sure you can’t be a moderator for the debate team this semester?”
“Quite,” Strickler replied before taking a sip.
Swill, like he expected, but it got the job done. He headed out of the teacher’s lounge with Uhl following shortly after. 
“Are you absolutely sure? Bonnie’s retirement left us short staffed, we really need more teachers involved,”
“I’m sorry Karl but I simply don’t have the free time,”
If he took on more duties as an educator, it would eat into the precious time he had for his other extracurricular activities. 
But Karl didn’t need to know that.
“Have you tried asking Lenora? I’m sure she’d be more than happy to help out,”
Uhl’s expression turned stony “Have you forgotten the last time she moderated a debate? We nearly had a full scale riot on our hands,”
Strickler caught himself before he could chuckle at the memory. Calling it a riot was a bit extreme, but it had served as a lesson in why a student debate should never be catered with only Hawaiian pizza.
He was about to say something in Lenora’s defense with he caught a commotion out of the corner of his eye. 
Turning he saw one of the freshmen, James Lake if he remembered correctly, kneeling on the floor and crying. No crying was too gentle a word, what James was experiencing was more akin to heavy, gut wrenching sobs that shook his whole body combined with tears flooding down his cheeks.
He was showing absolutely no sign of stopping or slowing down.
At first he wondered if this was an instance of bullying, certainly wouldn't be the first or last one of his career, but a second glance revealed that the students around him wore looks of shock and incredulity rather than scorn or mockery. More likely than not James was upset by something else entirely, and for whatever reason, was expressing that at the most inopportune moment.
Strickler eyed the steadily increasing crowd of adolescents.
Inopportune indeed.
He looked towards Karl, a look of mutual understanding flashed between the two of them.
“I will see to Mr. Lake, do you think you can disperse the crowd?”
The large austrian cracked his neck “Leave it to me,”
Uhl stormed into the throng of teenagers, some of whom fled immediately upon seeing him approach “Alright everyone, move along, you all have classes to be at so get going,”
Thanks to Karl’s...encouragement the crowd quickly thinned. Allowing Strickler to step in and pull James up by his shoulders, swiftly leading him down the hall away from the other students.
James had to have noticed Strickler's presence along with the fact he was upright and walking, but he showed no outward indication that he was aware of these things. Merely kept on weeping. 
After less than a minute of brisk walking they reached Strickler’s office. He opened the door and shepherded James inside. 
He let go of James’s shoulders to step back and partially close the door.
Turning back towards James, Strickler saw that while the teen was still bawling his eyes out, he had taken a seat at the piano stool.
Strickler cleared his throat in hopes of subtly grabbing James’s attention.
It was successful, James stifled his sobs to the best of his ability while wiping his eyes and looking up at him. 
“Stay here for as long as you need to. Whenever you’re ready, come down into the principal’s office,”
James kept his composure long enough to meet Strickler’s eyes and nod, then it was straight back to sobbing.
Strickler quickly and discreetly exited the room, shutting the door behind him as silently as possible. No doubt the thing James probably wanted the most in this moment was privacy. Checking that the hall was clear of looky-loos, Strickler made his way to the front office.
He was starting to become concerned, the level of anguish James showed was far greater than anything that would be caused by typical teenage drama.
Something significantly more troubling was going on in James’s life.
After briefly explaining the situation to Principal Levit, Strickler began thumbing through the student records. All teenagers had their emotional ups and downs, but an outburst this severe and public at the very least warranted a call to his parents.
Still his mind wandered. What could be upsetting enough to cause a fourteen year old boy to break down in tears in full view of his classmates?
His search was interrupted by the sound of someone bursting into the office; and the sound of the secretary screeching at them about said bursting in.
“Is Jim around? Is he ok!?”
It was another freshman; Tobias Domzalski, often seen in the company of James Lake. No doubt the two were close friends. Maybe he could shed some light on the situation.
“Mr. Lake is just fine,” Strickler cut in, surprising both Tobias and the secretary, the latter of whom looked disgruntled about having lost the opportunity to give a student an ear blistering lecture “He is currently collecting himself somewhere private, although your concern is appreciated,”
Tobias visibly relaxed upon hearing that.
“Oh, ok...that's ...good….”
Strickler seized his opening.
“Do you have any idea why James-- Jim, was so out of sorts?”
Tobias visibly hesitated, showing the look of someone who clearly knew relevant information, but was uncertain about sharing it. No doubt he didn’t want to air his friend’s secrets to a stranger, and an adult at that.
But Strickler had been doing this for years and was nothing if not good at his job. 
He relaxed his shoulders and opened his posture, projecting a manner that was reassuring without being patronizing “I know you’re worried about Jim, but if he needs help, any information you can give would be greatly appreciated, and I promise, nothing you say will leave this room,”
It was only a few seconds before Tobias relented, concern for his friend’s well being winning out over a desire to preserve his secrets “It’s just that...today’s his birthday…which was also the day his dad walked out...ten years ago,”
Well that would certainly lead to a public crying fit. Just when he thought that humans couldn’t surprise him with their pettiness anymore.
“Thank you for letting me know,” Strickler gave Tobias a smile that was affable but firm “Rest assured Jim will be fine, now you really should get back to class,”
For a moment it looked like Tobias was about to argue with him. Then he deflated, no doubt deciding that now was not the moment to argue with a teacher, before turning and exiting the office.
Filing away the information he gleaned from Tobias, Strickler went back to looking up Jim’s parents-- his mother’s contact information.
And there it was, the daytime phone number for one Doctor Barbara Lake.
He wasted no time in punching it into the office phone.
The other line rang three times before a female voice picked up “Hello?”
“Is this Dr. Lake speaking?”
“Yes?” she replied, a hint of a question behind her words.
“My name is Walter Strickler, I’m one of your son’s teachers at Arcadia Oaks High School,”
“Did something happen, is Jim ok?”
Well this one certainly didn’t beat around the bush.
“Jim is unhurt, but there was a bit of an incident,”
“A what!” 
Strickler flinched at the shrillness of her tone, perhaps he should have been more specific.
“Jim started crying in the middle of the hallway,” he elaborated “Although currently, he is in my office getting it all out of his system,”
Rather than panic further at this news, Dr. Lake let out a small sigh of relief.
The fact that hearing this caused Dr. Lake to relax rather than rile her up further gave Strickler the courage to prod.
“A friend of Jim’s, Mr. Tobais Domzalski, told me what he thinks the cause of Jim’s emotional state might be,”
There was a brief pause before she spoke again.
“What exactly do you mean?” unexpectedly, her voice had taken on a hard, defensive edge. 
Strickler winced, sensing he had ventured into dangerous territory, he would have to choose his next words carefully.
“Tobias made reference to the tenth anniversary of an event that was greatly upsetting for Jim,”
The silence between them stretched out for so long he wondered if the phones had been disconnected.
“Dr. Lake, are you still there?”
When her words came they held the promise of a coming storm “What sort of event was he talking about?”
Strickler took a deep breath, planning out the next thing he would say to her very carefully. One thing that remained constant throughout his years as a teacher, was that marital issues have been and always will be a sensitive subject “Forgive me if I’m incorrect, but my understanding of what he told me was that this day ten years ago was the day Jim’s father...left,”
The line was silent for a few seconds, then, rather than unleashing a tirade of indignation at him, he heard Dr. Lake sigh in what sounded like relief, oddly enough.
Strickler let out the breath he’d been holding, her responses were difficult to place, but he was happy enough to avoid butting heads with a parent, there was no need to dissect this woman’s motivations right at this moment.
“I….I think I know what this is about. I’ll be there in twenty minutes to pick him up,”
Strickler wasn’t sure if breaking down in tears warranted missing an entire school day, but Jim’s mother obviously knew more about the situation than he did. And he certainly wasn’t going to argue with her.
“I’ll meet you in the front office, Jim will come down and meet you as soon as he feels ready,”
“Thank you,” for the first time since she picked up the phone, Strickler thought he could detect the slightest hint of vulnerability in her tone.
And then she hung up.
Strickler set the phone down in the receiver and settled into one of the hard, plastic chairs to wait.
He’d been a teacher for longer than most humans had been alive, but certain aspects of it were just as trying now as when he first began, all those centuries ago.
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