#i mean noelle is going either way so…
zombvibes · 1 year
I dunno why people make Susie and Noelle go to prom together when we all know deep down that Kris and Susie will go to prom together and Noelle would 3rd wheel. Not because I think krusie is better than suselle or anything (I mean…c’mon) But because they’re literally tied at the hip that their friendship overrides any romantic feelings they had for other people.
Case in point :
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Since this is getting attention I have something to confess to you all :
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akanemnon · 4 months
ALRIGHT, over the last week I've been binge-reading this entire series from start to finish, and I've gotta say you've got me hooked. Love where it's going so far! With that in mind, I've got a couple questions I'm curious about. No worries if they're in spoiler-territory and can't be shared, though!
1: so, since Kris and Frisk can see UI elements like their inventory, does this mean they could see the save menu and its save data, too? And if so, did Kris learn anything of interest from it?
And 2: I stumbled across a past ask that mentioned Kris's player has a similarly playful gremlin disposition... Does this mean Kris basically had a mutual prank war going with them? Were there any particularly funny moments where they messed with each other for a joke? Because ngl the idea of Kris deciding to fight God and win via prank war is probably a lot funnier to me than it should be.
Hey, thank you so much! Super happy you're enjoying the comic so much!! As for your questions...
The two of them are definitely aware of their save files. At the start of Deltarune when you encounter your first save point you can actually see that Kris already has a save file that they created on their own. But you end up overwriting it with your name that you typed in during the vessel creation section. As for the menu interface thing, they probably see the whole layout in a kind of a daydream like setting. For when the Player turns of the game and does something else. It would be just a second for them, while in reality it is much longer.
Kris sees their Player as a (so far) benevolent bully. The Player hasn't made them do anything bad per se, but Kris is clearly reacting much stronger to having someone take control of their body. This is most likely due to actually having experienced a normal life before being possessed (unlike Frisk, who doesn't remember it). In the game you see them manipulating the Player's choices either by the tone of their voice, or how they sometimes look away or close their eyes when the Player wants to look at something that relates to their family. Kris has their own way with dealing with bullies. This is more apparent when you read through Noelle's secret blog posts that go deeper into how Susie used to try and bully them.
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noelle-holi-gay · 3 months
You sent me this ask so you're getting my crack theory. Okay. Hold on.
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This is Ralsei-1, which is the one that pretty clearly implies he's super down for polyamory (I mean, 'the type of person that only likes to have one Valentine' -- that's the sort of thing you say when you found out monogamous people existed twenty minutes ago). But also, the phrasing of this: the way he's saying it implies that if the recipient of this card WAS monogamous, then for whatever reason this wouldn't work out. So either Ralsei has 'Monogamous people DNI' in his bio, or this card is specifically addressed towards someone who already has a valentine.
And, what do you know, here's Ralsei-2:
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SPECIFICALLY addressed to Susie. SPECIFICALLY addressing a PREVIOUS Valentine's card that Ralsei already gave to Susie. The only previous Ralsei card is the above one. Does this or does this not directly read as Ralsei going 'heyyyy Susie so I know Noelle's a thing but if you're not the type of person to only want one Valentine...'
Am I reading into this? Probably. But that's my job. Also this is like Not the first time Toby has made side remarks towards polyamory. I'm not getting my hopes up but it's just... interesting. It's interesting. Anyway.
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
speaking of dr, there's something that really annoys me about how shallow the ship discourse around kr4lsei is. I'm not sure I'm 100% behind this for the same reasons i doubt toby will go full in with noelle's mom being abusive, ie "those are very delicate and complex topics to handle, does he have the time and space to deal with them in deltarune's story?" so take this with a grain of salt.
(warning for brief mention of incest, so I'm putting this under a readmore)
i think the discourse being framed as "thinking ralsei is presented as a romantic interest" vs "thinking ralsei is compared to kris' brother or like a family member" is incredibly stupid because those are... both true at the same time. yes, there's an unskippable "tunnel of love" scene, and it looks like ralsei could have somewhat of a crush on kris. but ralsei still 1) looks just like a dreemurr, 2) clearly plays, as a character, on our feelings and memories of asriel from playing undertale, as evident by their designs and their names being anagrams 3) i am 99% sure Noelle was going to say "that kinda looks like asriel" while looking at him eating cotton candy with Susie, and Susie herself suggests telling toriel he's "a long lost cousin". either way, if ralsei is meant to play on our feelings towards asriel, then as asriel's sibling, kris is likely gonna feel similarly.
are you uncomfortable? good! you should be. that's the point.
it's not random that the snowgrave route was framed and portrayed with the imagery of a wedding. first the freezering, then the thorn ring are explicitly compared to wedding rings. "we're just friends"/"we're something else". "YOU'VE BEEN MAKING [hyperlink blocked (...LoVE?)], HAVEN'T YOU?" noelle with whom kris had a strained relationship, whose feelings (platonic? romantic? we don't know) we brute force in what is the most chilling, manipulative, cruel iteration of chapter 2's story we could take... it's almost as if deltarune uses kris being forced into romantically coded situations they're deeply uncomfortable with as a way to showcase their lack of agency in the story.
and being pushed into romcom-like situations with a guy who looks like their brother works pretty darn well to follow that pattern, if you ask me.
now, if a forced romance with noelle represents their lack of agency in regards to the player, then... a forced romance with ralsei could represent their lack of agency towards Fate. The Plot/Story. unskippable cutscene, remember? not to mention ralsei's whole purposepilled shtick he clearly has a complex about.
this does raise a couple of questions about susie though, as the third option in the "who would you take to the fair with you" question, the one option kris seems to agree with, as well as being a character who is actively resisting the narrative.
because there's people who are very much FOR krusie, just as there are people against it, i doubt their getting or not getting together would work to represent kris gaining their agency back. and i believe i speak for everyone when i say that susie is going to play a huge part in that arc. either way, i'm curious to see how this develops.
idk! like i said, I'm not sure just how much toby is gonna go into this because it IS a very delicate subject. but it's an example of what i mean when i say "there's more to fandom than shipping" and "fixating so hard on Shipping Good Things" can be detrimental to analysis. I'm not cancelling anyone with this post, go on doing your thing whether it's kr4lsei or r4lsusie or krus1e. but if your first thought going into this was "I'm gonna ignore the part where the game compares ralsei to asriel because that would make my ship incest and that is Bad and uncomfortable" then... that's a very cheap way to interact with media? lol. sometimes being uncomfortable IS the point. god knows utdr makes you uncomfortable on purpose sometimes. ok rant over :P
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sleekervae · 2 months
New York Romantic .6
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a/n: Hi everyone, thanks again for your patience! This chapter is a little shorter and there's not as much dialogue as there is a lot of dancing. I had a lot of fun researching some of the dances for the Nutcracker ballet, and while I hoped to have this chapter up by Christmas, March 1st isn't so bad either 😅
pairing: Tom Blyth x ballerina!oc
summary: tom attends noelle's recital
word count: 2,759
taglist: @watercolorskyy @carolanns-world @alana4610
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Tom wasn't so sure how he found himself sitting across from Noelle's family at a local breakfast eatery, somewhere along his morning Franca had insisted that he come along. And it went without saying that he was grateful for the meal, it had been a while since Tom had the privilege of eating out while on his student budget.
Maurice was an investment banker who worked for a smaller banking branch in Maine, tall with a shiny bald head, a seasoned gentleman of respectable stature with deep smile lines and wise eyes. Meanwhile Franca was an architect, a lavish yet simply dressed woman with long auburn hair, and freckles were scattered across her cheeks and nose. Chiara was a couple years younger then Noelle, her curly hair was much more reminiscent of her mother's but it was easy to draw facial comparisons between the cousins. She was a senior at some fancy private school, and whatever was on her phone proved to be much more interesting then conversation with the table crowd.
"So, Tom," Maurice looked to him as he stirred his tea, "Have you always wanted to get into show business?" he asked.
"Not at first," Tom replied, "I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do at first, but my mum signed me up for some drama classes and my father worked in the film industry, so it all just kind of fell into place,"
"And where'd you grow up in England?" Franca asked, resting her chin on her locked fingers.
"Oh, lovely! It's just North of Leeds, yes?"
"That's right,"
"Maurice and I were debating where to go for our fifteenth wedding anniversary, and I've heard such lovely things about that town," she said, "Alas, we settled on Marseilles and toured a bit through Southern France,"
"That sounds beautiful!" Tom awed, glancing Noelle's way, "Did you go, too?"
Noelle shook her head, "Nope, Chiara and I were manning the house for two weeks," she replied.
"It was so peaceful," Chiara added, her gaze still fixed on her phone. Maurice cleared his throat abruptly, staring down his daughter as she swiftly got the hint and put her phone away.
"Anyway," he then grumbled, "What do you want to do when you graduate, Tom? Theatre? Movies?"
"Movies, ideally. But I'd be open to wherever the wind blows me," he replied.
"I went to see his improv show last week," Noelle said, "He was really good!"
Tom shrugged, praying his cheeks wouldn't tinge, "I -- I mean I was okay..."
Noelle cocked her head down, giving him a playful glare, "Oh, c'mon. You were great. And I say so, so it must be true," she grinned. He couldn't help it then, Tom averted his gaze to his plate but nonetheless he was blushing.
Chiara scoffed under her breath, "You two are just adorable," she muttered sarcastically.
Tom watched Noelle roll her eyes, never the less her fingers fidgeted as she went to pick up her coffee cup. A sip of something to quell his dry throat sounded like a good idea, a pleasant cooling off before Tom could find himself swept up in the memory of that kiss yet again.
"Anyway," Franca cut in, "How's Bianca doing, Noelle?"
"Good!" Noelle nodded quickly, thankful the spotlight was off her for the moment, "She made it Maine just before the snow storm hit,"
"Is she gonna be back in time for the showcase?" Chiara asked.
"She's supposed to be back the morning of,"
Tom raised a brow, "Why didn't she leave after the showcase?" he asked.
Noelle shrugged listlessly, "She likes Christmas in Manhattan better,"
"-- Is Derek gonna come down?" Chiara asked, her interest seemingly peaking more than it had all morning. Derek was Bianca's older brother, as Noelle had told previously.
"I guess we'll find out," Noelle replied.
Maurice's gaze narrowed, "And if he were, what would you have in common with a twenty-six-year-old college drop out, anyway?" he asked gruffly.
Franca swiftly elbowed her husband, an urgent smile plastered to her lips as she stared him down pointedly, "Perhaps we can find something more relevant to talk about?" she suggested, turning back to Tom, "Have you been to any of the ballet recitals, Tom?"
Tom shook his head, "I haven't yet. This will be my first," he replied.
"We're so excited to see it. This will be Noelle's first big part in a production," she beamed.
Maurice nodded along, cutting into his egg-white omelette, "She's our little Sugar Plum Fairy!" he awed. None of them paid attention to Chiara's eye-roll.
Noelle grimaced, a bashful grin befalling her as Tom turned to her, "You didn't tell me that," he said.
She shrugged back sheepishly, "... Oh... didn't I?" she chuckled.
"No, you did not," he drawled back, "That's fantastic!"
"Well -- I still have a lot of practice to do before Friday, so we'll see," Noelle didn't like drawing too much attention to herself in that rhetoric. She was grateful for the opportunity, though nevertheless she knew the recital wasn't all about her.
"Are you gonna do her makeup, Chiara?" Franca asked her daughter.
Chiara shrugged back, glancing at her cousin, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
"Of course I do!" Noelle nodded, "I'm no where near as good as you,"
"Alright, sure then," Chiara barely got the words out as she turned to her phone once again.
Maurice took the conversation again, folding his hands before his plate and twitching his nose, "Tom, why don't you join us on Wednesday? We reserved a box for four,"
"It'll be a great view of the stage," Franca added.
Tom was flattered, though he didn't want to impose, "Oh, I don't -- I don't want to intrude on you guys like that,"
Franca shook her head, "Please, it's not intruding if we invite you -- that's what my mother always used to say, anyhow," she chuckled.
"Have you bought your ticket?" Maurice asked.
"Yes," Tom replied.
"Well then, you're already set up," he told him, "I insist, and we can head out for dinner after,"
Tom turned to Noelle, her smile was bordering on confident, but she hoped that he wouldn't feel too pressured. After all, she knew her family could be a bit much and they had all only just met. But he didn't see the harm; her family was so nice and the view of the stage was promised to be excellent. And if it meant having a better view of Noelle, who was he to pass that up?
"Alright, if you're sure I'll be happy join you," he decided.
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Friday was the twenty-third, and despite Christmas Day being just around the corner, the hustle and bustle of New York never stopped. Neither did the cold. It hadn't snowed again but the nefarious east coast arctic fronts swept through the streets; icicles were formed off of passing trucks and the sidewalks and roads were awash in various colours of crushed melting salts. And the cold certainly didn't deter eager shoppers to tick off last minute Christmas gifts from their lists.
Tom wasn't sure what he was supposed to wear to a ballet recital, he didn't want to overdress but he certainly didn't want to look sloppy either. His mum had shipped over some more clothes a couple weeks prior, nicer slacks, dress shirts, a couple pairs of shoes that definitely weren't ice-friendly. Nevertheless, he settled for a white t-shirt and blazer jacket sat over some dark jeans, and his trainers that at least wouldn't send him skidding with one wrong move.
The last few days had flown by rather quickly, and surprisingly, Tom always found that he had something to do. Usually hanging out with Jordan; he introduced Tom to a plethora of video games ranging from Super Mario to Zelda. It was one of the few things Tom found Jordan didn't complain about. And when they weren't inside playing video games, they were out exploring Times Square.
And this worked out quite well because when Noelle wasn't spending time with her family, she was always rehearsing. But in the evenings they would spend time together, watch more movies and just relax. Tom was practicing his cooking skills as well, nothing too fancy but he perfected how to cook salmon in a pan and boiling rice. Noelle was grateful too, especially as her muscles ached from her practice. The more time they spent together, the more fascinated they became with each other.
The campus was typically closed for the holidays, making exceptions for shows such as this. Audience members were lined up just outside the auditorium door, shielded from the cold within campus but still bundled up in long or heavy coats, scarves and hats.
Tom found Noelle's family already settled in their balcony seats, Franca spotted him first and waved him down. And just as Maurice had said, there was an excellent view of the stage from their spot. The heavy red curtain was drawn over the stage, dim mood light reflecting off the material and back on the shadowy faces mingling in the crowd.
Backstage meanwhile was a calamity mess, stage hands rushing to finish prop placement, sets, and stage cues. The ballerinas were also making their last minute touch ups, makeup, hair, tutus, dusting their slippers in rosin and some even sewing their tights and ribbons to their slippers to keep everything snug and in place. Noelle however was dawdling behind the curtain, peaking out through the sliver at the side to skim over obscure faces.
It was a delicate balance, trying to locate her family without being too conspicuous, but after a bit of searching, she spotted them. Chiara was engrossed in her phone, bathed in the soft glow of the screen, while Uncle Maurice struggled to free himself from his coat. Aunt Franca was deep in conversation with Tom, who, despite the dim lighting, seemed to blend into the shadows effortlessly, though he appeared to be holding his own in their lively discussion. Noelle's stomach was aflutter, not from the performance unfolding before her, but from the sight of Tom. Her attention was fixed on him, and the magic of the evening's entertainment paled in comparison.
"Noelle!" Stanis' voice bellowed behind her, he was storming her way as Noelle turned, "Pre-show in two minutes!"
Tom found Franca fascinating. She was a captivating woman, full of vibrant tales from her travels to exotic locales. Her stories were peppered with encounters with intriguing characters from whom she had negotiated for unique souvenirs to add to her collection. Nevertheless, Tom's anticipation grew as he eagerly awaited the start of the show. His eyes couldn't help but flicker towards the curtain, eager to catch a glimpse of Noelle as the curtain would lift. His curiosity and excitement were palpable, adding to the charged atmosphere of the evening.
And sure enough the lights dimmed down to near darkness, a single spotlight illuminating a spot on the curtains. The theater was alive with excitement as the curtains rose, revealing a beautifully adorned stage set for "The Nutcracker" ballet. Tom sat back in his seat, his eyes wide with anticipation, taking in the magical scene unfolding before him. The stage was transformed into a winter wonderland, with a backdrop of snow-covered trees that stretched up to a starry sky. The stage was lit with a soft, moonlit glow, casting a magical aura over the scene. Glittering snowflakes fell gently from above, adding to the enchantment of the setting. The dancers moved gracefully across the stage, each step perfectly choreographed to Tchaikovsky's enchanting music.
The Miniature March Dance began, and the stage came alive with the lively and charming movements of the young dancers. They moved with precision and grace, their movements synchronized to the playful notes of the music. The choreography was intricate, with the dancers forming intricate formations and patterns, showcasing their skill and talent. Tom was captivated by the youthful exuberance of the performers, as were the audience, and the dance brought a smile to everyone's face.
As the performance unfolded, Tom found his eyes repeatedly drawn to Noelle, who gracefully moved among the dancers. Clad in a celestial white gown, she seemed to float across the stage, her every movement a dance of ethereal beauty. While she was currently a background presence in the performance, Tom couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence, captivated by her effortless grace and enchanting allure.
Next came the Arabian Dance, and Bianca took centre stage. A hush fell over the audience. She was a vision of grace and lithe elegance, moving with a captivating fluidity that mesmerized all who watched. Her every movement was deliberate and confident, exuding a subtle but undeniable aura of cockiness.
Bianca's performance was a masterclass in control and precision, her movements perfectly synchronized to the haunting melody of the music. As she danced, she seemed to command the stage, drawing the audience into her world with a confident allure that was impossible to ignore. The Arabian Dance was no easy feat and Tom had to give Bianca credit where credit was due, however he couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved as her gaze always seemed to land on him time and time again.
Soon enough it was Noelle's time to shine. As the familiar notes of the Sugar Plum Fairy dance began to fill the theatre, Tom's gaze was immediately drawn to Noelle, who had taken centre stage. She looked radiant in her tutu, rose gold detailing shimmering in the lights, her gorgeous long hair tied back in a sleek up-do, and a delicate, shiny tiara placed upon her head. She looked like a true princess, her every movement a testament to her skill and grace. Despite the beauty of the dance unfolding before him, Tom found it impossible to tear his eyes away from Noelle, his admiration for her growing with each passing moment.
Noelle, for her part, felt a mixture of nerves and excitement as she danced. She had dreamed of this moment for years, to prove herself worthy of the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and now that it was finally here, she couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous excitement. However, as she danced, it wasn't the perfection of her performance that consumed her thoughts, but the way her stomach fluttered with butterflies every time she caught Tom's gaze. It was a feeling unlike any other, a mix of joy, nerves, and she could see the admiration and affection in his gaze, which both thrilled and humbled her.
As the dance reached its climax, Tom found himself holding his breath, completely captivated by Noelle's performance. She danced with a grace and elegance that took his breath away, her every movement a testament to her talent and dedication. He couldn't help but think back to the moments he had seen her exhausted, bruised, and drained after long hours of practice. He could only imagine the dedication and hard work she had put in to reach this point, and it filled him with a deep sense of admiration for her. All those late nights and early mornings had led to this moment, and as he watched her graceful movements across the stage, he felt a swell of pride knowing that he had witnessed a small part of her journey to this incredible achievement. He swore he could've watched her -- become lost in her -- forever.
As the final notes of the dance faded away and Noelle took her bow, the audience erupted into applause, but Tom's eyes never left Noelle, his adoration for her greater than ever. She glanced up briefly, trying desperately not to become so overwhelmed with the applause, and her gaze fixating on Tom once more. His beaming smile was all the validation she needed in that moment.
The show progressed on, right up until the final Pas de Deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker. Tom watched among the crowd, his heart racing with a realization that took him by surprise. In that moment, he couldn't deny the truth to himself any longer. Watching her dance, he had felt something more than admiration or friendship. It was a crush, a flutter of emotions that he had been trying to ignore but now couldn't deny. Tom realized that he had developed feelings for Noelle, captivated by her everything. And if the previous few days had been anything to go by, there was a slim chance that she too felt the same way.
If only his own uncertainty wouldn't hold him back.
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mllky-way-galaxy · 9 days
Hellooo :3 it's ivy agiannnn! I changed my account, and I have an idea ! Redson, monkey king, and tang with a s/o that's like noelle holiday, including the powers, (and maybe a small angst about the snowgrave route, if you know what that is)
(If you don't know how she acts here's this from Google Noelle is friendly and cheerful, but also very timid, and sometimes has trouble saying what she's thinking. She apologizes often, and stays quiet about her feelings, such as her possible crushes, or her distaste for Berdly, out of fear)
Her powers are ice based, she can use sleep mist, and pacify, and ice shock
Your writings still so good!!! Sorry I was gone for a little bitt, I've missed your writing thoughh!!:3
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✦ 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰✦ Redson, Tang, & Wukong x Gender-Neutral reader
✦ 𝓡𝓾𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱✦ with a reader thats like
✦ 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼-𝓾𝓹✦ Fluff, spelling errors
✦ 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼✦ you & me same sister. literally said i was sick then i got food posioning
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𝓡𝓮𝓭𝓼𝓸𝓷 "𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂"
Ugh, you opposites he’s fire and you’re ice, those never mix well together. Well, that's what everyone else says but does he look like he takes anyone's criticism, especially from a mortal?
He doesn’t like how you keep on saying sorry for literally nothing! Even saying sorry to the desk you accidentally bumped against a table in his workshop or even worse a mortal. A normal insignificant, useless, good-for-nothing mortal that you just apologize to.
Before you got together you both had the biggest crushes on each but neither wanted to say anything about it even if it was so obvious that it was just killing everyone. Spoiler: he caved first, he couldn’t handle it, he wanted to be with you so bad. He wanted you.
Honestly, you both have a water bed. Why? Duh, so both of you would be able to sleep better since you just need the cold and the heat so you stay on separate sides of the bed. Buttt there’s an exception when it comes to cuddles <3
𝓢𝓾𝓷 𝓦𝓾𝓴𝓸𝓷𝓰 "𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰"
He ain’t nervous when it comes to you and you don’t need to either! Don’t feel bad cuz you’re shy if you ask him that’s what makes you cute—just watching the blood rush to your face when he does something out of nowhere—ugh he could go on all day about how he loves you <3
If wondering he confessed first since he’s the man 🧍‍♂️since it’s obvious you like him back with the way catches you staring and looking away when you notice he’s looking back or how you gave those anonymous gifts sometimes (duh he knows it’s you) 
You’re a bit hesitant to ask him about anything like if you wanted a kiss he can tell but you won’t say it —just in the corner just to figure out how to ask him—so cute! <3 he loves it but just LOVES it adding to the fact when finally does it without you being able to ask your face is just a bright red colour the cold air around you immediately going hot.
But then you just apologize for ruining the mood again by acting weird—ugh again like why? He wants to kiss you so much that you lose your mind and short-circuit immediately. (Say sorry again he dares you)
𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓰 "𝓜𝓻. 𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓰"
He always asks you what’s wrong whenever you try to hide your feelings from him—he can tell. You have that sour and sad look on you’re face before turning back to a smile, he rather have you smiling instead of forcing it. AND it’s over something silly like being too shy to ask for a kiss since you’ve already asked for so many from him.
Got sick by you…just your ice powers were a little bit too powerful one night which gave him a cold the very next morning. It’s fine yet you were absolutely horrified and apologized so many times while taking care of him. (not like he’s complaining since you're taking care of him.
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trg-deltarune-quotes · 10 months
All the Lightners are smart in their own way: Noelle and Berdly
Noelle is the smartest among the group by a long shot. While her emotional intelligence is a bit low, mostly because she's not all that open about her honest feelings which leads to her being a yes man half the time.
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Or sugarcoating her feelings to not come off as rude to other people.
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Even when doing either of those things would help out in not miscommunicating anything.
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She makes up for it with her quick wits.
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She’s so smart that she comes up with a solution that quickens the pace of one of the puzzles. 
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So yeah, Noelle is the smartest out of all of them. Even Berdly admits it.
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Speaking of the bluebird, he’s not as dumb as he paints himself as. Yes his emotional intelligence is the lowest among the group but he does get some stuff right.
His assessment on Noelle, while a bit rude, is not unfounded.
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This is what happens at the very first mouse puzzle.
He even notices that she has romantic feelings.
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But the problem lies with what he says next.
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By itself it’s not so bad, in fact it's really sweet of him, but he’s not talking about Susie.
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He’s talking about himself.
Berdly’s not that great at identifying why they have those feelings or whos those feelings are towards. 
He thinks Noelle is shy and reserved because she has stage fright and not because of the month they had to spell at the spelling bee.
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And he thinks Susie has a crush on him because she was nice to him when he opened up to her and because she's TRUE gamer as well.
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Granted he has his feelings of friendship confused for love.
This is mostly stemming from his low self-esteem.
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Believing himself to be worthless unless he could prove himself.
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And while he might not be as emotionally intelligent as Susie or as smart as Noelle he is a great organizer and planner.
When Berdly works with the team to save Noelle, he comes up with a plan that accounts for the strength of all the team members of the fun gang. 
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Kris is unpredictable, you never know how or what they're gonna do, having them distract Queen makes sense. Susie is the muscle of the group able to dish out pain like it’s nothin so having her escort Noelle also makes sense. And finally Berdly’s memory of the palace makes him a reliable source for where to go.
That’s another thing about him; he has a really good memory.
He doesn’t just remember big words, he remembers the people who created his statue and gets their help to build the giant robot.
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So yeah, Berdly is a smart kid as well.
The biggest question now is why do they do dumb stuff when the situation is less goofy and a bit more serious? The answer is simple. They are EXTREMELY poor communicators. Kris doesn't want to have a serious talk, Noelle is too afraid to speak her mind, Susie was quite a nasty bully before her adventure in the dark world, and Berdly jumps to conclusions a lot. And all these issues stem from their deep rooted insecurities so of course they’re gonna make dumb decisions. They don’t want to hurt their feelings, or act like they don’t care about them, hell they even might pretend they don’t care when they really really do just to protect not only themselves but those they care about. They’re just a bunch of teenagers trying to navigate the complex web that is relationships.
Communication is a really prevalent theme in this game. One in which I feel will get explored more in the light world rather than the dark world. Because what better place to talk about your issues than in your own world? Might not be as fun as a dark world adventure but that doesn’t mean they can’t create their own fun with friends. They can use the dark world as a foundation to forge stronger bonds and help each other out. After all, just because they dreamed of it doesn't mean they can’t learn from it.
It’s just like what Susie said at the end of the ferris wheel ride.
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teammateswap-au · 9 months
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TEAMMATESWAP [ tms! ] is a deltarune personality swap au between Susie, Noelle and Berdly!
✦ Susie swaps with Noelle
✦ Noelle swaps with Berdly
✦ Berdly swaps with Susie
(By “swaps with” I mean “takes the personality of”.)
Outside of the obvious (like relationships and character interactions), nothing of note really changes. Kris and Susie still go and get chalk in chapter 1 and Noelle and Berdly become Queen’s peons in chapter 2.
TEAMMATESWAP mostly focuses on chapter 2 (mostly because of Noelle and Berdly). However, it’ll touch on all chapters currently out, which is, as of writing this, are the first two chapters and even before the first one. (I’m not even sure if I’ll keep working on this au past chap 2…but considering it’s been a year and a half since this au’s creation I wouldn’t be too surprised.) This au will focus on the relationships between the swapped characters and the rest of the cast and among the swapped characters themselves.
TMS! is a silly little one person fan project (is this a project?? who knows…) and because of that info changes about it all the time. However, I will keep everything up to date on this account! This is also the first time I’ve ever worked on an au outside of my own ocs. Even then, I never went THIS into depth with an au before. So, uh, I have NO clue what I’m doing exactly. Please be patient with me, thank you.
Either way, I hope you enjoy what this au and this account has in store! :-D
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dontbxther · 1 year
Summary: Noelle reunited with her sisters after 21 years
Pairing(s): Natasha Romanoff x Younger Sister!OC Yelena Belova x Older sister!OC
Notes: This may turn into a series depends on how much people like it. This will kind of follow the Black Widow storyline. Also a bit angsty
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Do I regret leaving my sisters in the red room?No,no I don't. They would have left me the minute they had the chance. So why should I save them if they wouldn't save me?
Besides Natasha and Yelena were always favourites, I was never noticed when they were around. All you would hear was 'Natasha did this' and 'Yelena did that' but you would never hear 'Noelle did this or that'.
To make it worse Melina and Alexei didn't notice me either. They only, and when I say only I mean only, cared about Natasha and Yelena, but I get it. I understand why, I really do. They have great potential in the future. But do I not?
Present day - 2016, Budapest
Ever since I escaped that hellhole I've always been on alert,doesn't help the fact that I don't know if my sisters are alive or not. Not like they would care if I'm dead, but that's beside the point right now.
I got up to head to the kitchen when I hear shuffling coming from outside the door. Which is quite unusual since not many people now where this apartment is I mean, it's in the middle of Budapest but not many people notices because of how much It blends in.
I quickly run to grab my spare gun I have hidden incase this scenario ever happened, and hide behind the wall outlining the kitchen doorway.
"I know someone's out there," I shout signaling that I hear them come to my door.
I hear mumbling after I say that something along the lines of "I know you know." I roll my eyes, suddenly I hear a click on the door opens. I straighten my back up against the wall.
"Thanks for knocking Natasha, very polite of you." I tell her sarcastically.
"Well you know me-" She replies ready to make a witty comment.
"Do I?" I question and turn the corner with my gun at the ready "Because if I remember correctly you nor Yelena cared about me?"
"C'mon now just lower the gun we both know that you not gonna shoot me, right?" She says confidently but her look is more questioning than anything. Either way she ignores my last statement.
I lower the gun and walk towards my room that I don't really sleep in. "What do you want Natasha? You can't just turn up after 21 years expecting a warm welcoming from you little sister. I mean I hope not." I grab a bag and pack a few clothes and weapons knowing that since she's here i'll have to move before I get caught again.
"Luckily I wasn't. I need your help." I look at her in disbelief and laugh. I zip up my bag and walk into the kitchen hoping to get something to eat before my appetite is spoiled.
"Your stupid if you think I believe that." I don't even go the fridge I go straight to sit down at the dining table "Why.. Why do you need my help Natasha?"
She slaps down a clump of red viles with a picture of her and Yelena in the middle "This is why I need your help Noelle. Obviously Yelena sent this out for us to help her in some way."
I roll my eyes "Or-or maybe she sent it you because she is unable to do it, I mean your an 'Avenger' right?" I put quote marks up as I say avenger. How ignorant can someone be?
"Just help me Noelle damn it!" She slams her hands against the desk in frustration as she's annoyed at how stubborn I'm being.
I sigh and clench my jaw as I take in her state, "Fine where is she?"
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sweatertheman · 2 months
to me, a really emotionally effective suselle denial is worth more than 10 suselles, because itd do wonders for noelle's arc, pull the themes of rejecting fate into focus, and illustrate a great point about how we play matchmaker with these characters, and how everyone else does too.
literally everyone seems to be gunning for susie and noelle to end up together, but the one person whose feelings about this pairing we've been ignoring, and the one person whose feelings actually matter, is susie! no one gave her a choice here! noelle didn't give susie a choice, she's incredibly possessive of susie and feels like she is owed information about susie, which she can then use to get susie to like her. noelle won't stop until susie is hers. ralsei never asked susie if she enjoyed her ferris wheel ride, or how she felt about noelle, he just watched from a distance and assumed how she felt, because it suits his deterministic worldview. rudy never asked susie if she wanted to go out with noelle, iirc, he just assumed she would say yes, because he loves noelle, and wants noelle to be happy. everyone else is just imposing roles onto susie, the same as they always have!
and while in the real world, having a gay lover is an act of defiance against oppressive social norms, in the world of deltarune, its the opposite! no one is telling her she can't, and everyone wants her to (with the exception of catti, and the couple asshole classmates). even if susie DOES have feelings for noelle, those feelings are sullied by the fact that everyone is still removing her agency, STILL telling her who she is and isn't allowed to be! would you still like your partner if you learned they had done everything in their power to make sure you would end up with them? obsessively collecting information on you in order to seem more appealing, constructing situations for you to meet up in a way where it seems organic, trying to get closer to you by any means necessary? i don't think susie would.
the thing susie seems to value most out of anything is her own agency in choosing what she gets to do, and how she gets to do it. no societal norm, social convention, narrative trope or gameplay mechanic stands in her way of choosing what she wants to do. she won't let you take her armor off unless you give her something else. when you give her a more powerful weapon, she won't accept a weaker one. she's too good for that. susie can dance on her own if she wants, she isn't stupid. it's not fair that kris gets to make all the choices, so its her turn now. heal prayer is boring, so she makes up her own spell. she challenges the idea that darkners are a slave race because she wouldn't want to be complicit in such a system. she believes they should be free to make their own choices. in what world would a person who values freedom above all be happy knowing that their partner wasn't going to let them make their own choice? this isn't even a question of whether or not susie likes noelle, its a question of if susie would be okay knowing that noelle feels, however unconsciously, as if susie belongs to her in some way. and i believe the answer is no.
and this rejection would hurt regardless of if susie liked noelle back, because we do like noelle, flawed as she is. and that rejection forces noelle to change in some way. either she accepts that susie's freedom to choose means the freedom not to be with her, or she doubles down and tries to win her over. she doesn't get what she wants, so she has to choose to get better and start seeing susie as a person, and not merely an idol, or a fantasy, or she has to choose to get worse, and cling onto susie harder.
my rejection of suselle is only somewhat about susie's feelings towards noelle, and is mostly about susie's freedom to not have those feelings, a freedom which is being violated by the "narrative" she exists in, the "Legend of DELTA RUNE"
she deserves a choice, and when the person in question, noelle, doesn't seem to care about how she feels, and only wants susie to be hers, i think she'll choose no, even if she did really like noelle. maybe even especially if she really liked noelle. people talk about how betrayed susie will feel learning kris is possessed and darkners are objects, but what about when she learns noelle was willing to change herself to be whatever susie wants, was willing to treat friends poorly, to almost stalk her, just to make her hers? would she be able to trust her feelings for noelle learning that it was all out of her control, that she hadn't been given a choice?
this isn't even to say they won't end up together in the end. its just to say it can't be like this. it cant be with a noelle who doesn't really respect susie's personhood and sees her more as an object whose affection must be won, and it can't be by the will of a divine entity that orchestrated everything for susie to end up with her. it has to be susie's choice.
this is kind of why i like ralsusie. what better way to make a display of your agency than to reject literally everything others have coaxed you into? rejecting the prophecy, rejecting noelle's advances, rejecting the player's agency, rejecting the concept of darkners not being real people.
its not like she can only choose to be the bully no one likes or the hero protector who ends up with noelle. its a false dichotomy, where fate locks her up and offers an escape, but the "escape" is only another cell. true escape is carving your own path, playing by your own rules.
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tigerbears · 3 months
Ok, going to add to the "Trans Noelle antlers" discourse.
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First, disclaimer this is all just for fun and stuff not telling you that Noelle is or is not trans, just had some thoughts after thinking what causes antlers to grow.
Let's go through the debate cycle again.
"Noelle is trans because she has antlers." "Noelle is a reindeer and both male and female reindeer have antlers." "Male and Female reindeer loose their antlers at different times"
I want to add another step to that cycle.
"Would HRT affect when Noelle sheds her antlers?"
From this paper, testosterone lowers when male reindeer are about to lose their antlers, but those that are castrated (and thus dont have any T in their system) actually keep their antlers over the winter in the long run. The study also shows that hormones like estradiol are likely what lets female reindeer keep their antlers into spring.
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Now this can mean many things for Noelle. If Noelle is on HRT, she would likely have a similar Antler cycle to IRL female reindeers if she like cycled her hormones or something.
(Basically similar to how some folks try and change their hormone doses to match a menstrual cycle, except for Noelle this would be a yearly cycle and not monthly.)
Or, maybe Noelle doesn't cycle her HRT, and in that case idk what would happen. Maybe she'd lose her antlers later then male reindeer, but earlier then female ones. Maybe if its high enough it would keep her antlers for longer, or prevent them from shedding or something? Idk I just skimmed the article and I feel like I'm already doing to much to research a lesbian deer girl from a video game.
Even if Noelle was on puberty blockers, then she'd at least keep her antlers for the winter, like male reindeer without testosterone.
(Also, if Noelle was a deer and not a reindeer, then hormones/blockers would likely prevent her antlers to grow in the first-place once they've been shed.)
I have only just learned (in April) that this is inaccurate for deer. If Noelle was a deer and started blockers before growing antlers, the above is correct. If she started blockers after developing antlers, she'd still grow antlers, it's just they wouldn't leave the velvet stage and wouldn't naturally shed.
I have no clue what HRT would do though because I don't think scientists have injected male deer with estrogen. (COME ON SCIENTISTS DO IT FOR SCIENCE!)
Now I guess there's one more question, if Noelle is trans, would she be able to access HRT or puberty blockers?
Well, Rudy at least supports her identity, so he likely wouldn't have any problem with Noelle medically transitioning.
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If Mayor Holiday was transphobic, and had the authority to keep Noelle from gender affirming care like Hormones or blockers, you would think she'd also put her hoof down on her daughter presenting femme too. (and Rudy might have something to say if his transphobic wife tried to prevent his daughter from transitioning.)
Money likely wouldn't be an issue seeing as Noelle's mom's the mayor, (and has been for awhile) and even then the large ornate gate at their house makes me think that Holiday's are on the richer side.
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Only way I could see Noelle being trans and not on Hormones or Blockers is either if she for some reason didn't want them, or if Hometown is located in some transphobic country or municipality that banned trans-kids from accessing gender affirming care, and the latter honestly seems a little too depressingly real for a Toby Fox game.
(Insert something plagiarized from Shadow of Roserade's video on UT/DR's queer joy.)
Now, dispute all this arguing and stuff I think there's one factor we're ignoring here; we're assuming that reindeer monster biology and IRL reindeer biology are analogous.
We don't know how monster reindeer antlers work. Maybe all reindeer monsters have them, but they don't shed them so we cant use antlers to determine if Noelle is trans. Maybe AMAB reindeer monsters grow antlers, their permanent, and Noelle got hers before medically transitioning meaning she'd need like "antler reduction surgery" or something to remove them when she's older.
All the above theorizing means is that if Noelle has a similar antler cycle to IRL female reindeer, it doesn't mean she's cis because HRT can affect that.
There's no way to confirm if Noelle is or is not trans unless like more concrete evidence shows up in later chapters, like estradiol tablets in Noelle's room or something.
The most we've got is unused sprites for Noelle's room in queen's mansion that show pill bottles (Shown earlier in this post). This is still not enough as we don't know what these pill bottles are. They could be anything from anti-depressants to medicine for Rudy! (also the fact the sprites we're never used.)
TL;DR, there's no way to tell if Noelle's trans or cis, and trying to track when her antlers shed is futile as HRT would likely effect that.
I'm still going to pretend she's trans though as I love the headcanon for no particular reason. (spoiler alert, the reason is I'm trans!)
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katapotato55 · 10 months
Deltarune theory: Kris, Noelle, and Ralsei (Kris may not hate Ralsei THAT much) and other misc theories.
obviously spoilers for Deltarune up to chapter 2 and some of the Spamton sweepstakes. play the game it's free on steam. also this is a little bit long and contains a lot of screenshots. Not a huge amount of text walls I am just crazy. more info after the cut.
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(credit to the deltarune wiki for these screenshots) So a common theory is that the health gained from the tea represents how close emotionally characters are to each other. If a character does not know someone else, the tea appears as nothing, such as Noelle having no reaction to the Ralsei tea, since at that point in the game they never met. People often use this as an implication that Kris does not like ralsei very much. but here is the thing that gets me:
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Kris seems to get damn near the same amount of HP from Noelle as they do Ralsei. and that is confusing... because aren't they supposed to be childhood friends? meanwhile Susie used to bully Kris as implied by the Spamton sweepstakes... and yet Susie's tea gives Kris the MOST health out of all of them. not to mention Noelle seems to share the same amount of health return, but doesn't hate the tea either. What on earth is going on here?
The Theory (s?)
The unfun theory: The health means absolutely nothing. Personally I don't like this theory if you couldn't tell already. The spicy friendship theory: Kris doesn't hate Ralsei THAT MUCH, they are just uneasy about them. Alternatively: Kris probably just gets along better with someone like Susie than someone like Ralsei. The climax in every children's movie ever theory: before the events of Deltarune, something happened that made Kris upset at Noelle and it harmed their relationship. (possibly something to do with Des) The BFFSBSROFL (no that acronym does not stand for anything) theory : kris actually gels SO well with susie that they are basically best friends, making Noelle and Ralsei look pathetic in comparison. Alternatively, Kris and Susie have a much deeper history that the Spamton Sweepstakes left out. Alternatively: it could also be that Susie is the first strong friendship Kris has had in a very long time and they are in the honeymoon phase of their friendship. The shippers wet dream theory: Kris has a thing for Susie after the events of ch 1 and is jealous of Noelle. (I claim no financial responsibility for whatever the fuck the shipping part of the fandom may do with this potential bit of information.) The "my parent's friend's kids" theory: Kris never really was that close to Noelle to begin with, Its just that the Dreemur family and the Holiday family go way back and Kris being a kid was just in the middle of it. These are the theories I have so far, let me know if you guys have anything more interesting.
Other things to mention
The Laser prank. During that scene with Noelle with chapter 2, the player finds a switch that requires the player and Noelle to press a button and let each other through the laser barrier. as a player you can suddenly jump off the button before noelle passes as a joke. however, if you go too far and do it right when Noelle is too close to the laser:
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you almost hurt Noelle (but she is ok) and then she pulls the same prank on Kris. then:
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If you don't go too far with the prank, Noelle simply says "nice teamwork" and you continue on. This is interesting to me for many reasons. here is a few theories I have listed: 1-Kris actually was hurt (unlikely because their HP was not lowered and the player did not touch the laser) 2- Kris actually DOES care about Noelle and is horrified the player almost hurt her 2.5- Or perhaps Kris does care about Noelle and is horrified she did the prank back at them as serious as the laser was. Perhaps Kris has weird feelings about abandonment and self love considering their parents divorce and all that has been going on in this game 3- Kris is just being petty and immature that they got pranked right back. 4- Kris is potentially mis-reading the situation thinking that the player and Noelle are somehow against Kris, when in reality both the player and Noelle are just playing around. Remember that Kris is a young teenager going through a rough patch at home, so it makes sense they are on edge about this kind of thing. 5- I am reading way too deep into this bit.
The Boat Picture with Ralsei listen man. Its no secret Ralsei resembles Asriel. hell there is a STRONG implication that Ralsei is actually Kris's childhood red horns headband considering Ralsei also has red horns.
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here is the bit that gets to me sometimes: Later on in Ch 2, you are on a boat ride with ralsei and a photo booth. you have the option to Hug Ralsei, show a peace sign in the wrong direction, or commit cultural appropriation against Berdly in particular (my favorite option yes i am very mature)
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why does this sit with me? well-
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First: daawwww asgoooooreeee second: what does this mean- there are so many implications, Again i am just going to list theories and speculation: 1- Kris does not appreciate the gremlin that looks suspiciously like their older brother and how said gremlin may be crushing on them, along with the player pushing that along. enough said. 2- Kris is OK with hugs, they just don't like it when their dad gives them a massive cuddly bear hug. 3- kris is being an angsty teen acting like they are too good for hugs. 4- Again I am probably overthinking it and Kris actually does not hate hugs (or hugging ralsei) that much. Overall, I think Kris Kross Applesauce's real problem is less about the hugging and the pranking of Noelle, but rather something deeper. behold!
Kris just wants agency over their own life. It isn't that deep really. It is implied that Kris... honestly doesn't like themselves very much and doesn't like being human. The fact they never grew horns growing up and wore plastic horns all the time was probably the first time Kris felt like an outsider, and all they wanted to do was to be like their family. and now their parents are divorced Their older brother has been off for university and can only come back on certain occasions Sans Undertale is probably fucking their mom (or sans is just messing with you because sans is a hilarious asshole) Kris probably has trauma from whatever happened to December Holiday (which has not been revealed yet other than Spamton sweepstakes hinting) And now, Kris appears to be possessed by SOMETHING. and who the hell knows what and who is posessing kris. it could be you the player doing that or perhaps the player IS kris and that the thing possessing kris is what threw the player in the cage or more. we don't know yet But the thing i know most is that all Kris just wants is to have more control over their own life. Hell considering the implication that Ralsei is the manifestation of Kris's childhood headband, perhaps Ralsei represents a part of who Kris wishes they were. either way It doesn't matter if the player messes with Noelle or hugs Kris's friend that uncomfortably resembles their brother Kris just wants it to be THEIR decision rather than the decision of an omnipotent god that has a strange affliction for hyper-analyzing their life to make an overly-produced Tumblr post. thank you for reading my crap.
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landograndprix · 3 months
Im gonna be probably the only one that’s not on anyone’s side other than Zoe. Y/n suspects that charles is cheating because he isn’t intimate and neglecting y/n and Zoe, while this is very shitty behavior some men or women do act this way when they become so tunnel visioned with their work it doesn’t mean they are cheating. Y/n had no evidence of cheating only a suspicion and she’s already cheating on charles that’s 100% happening. Manon is mad because she has given advice and help to y/n for her relationship and y/n is throwing that advice down the toilet, it gets frustrating when you have to repeatedly give the same advice and tips and they don’t listen and complain that their life sucks. Maybe Charles is cheating maybe he isn’t y/n can’t be saying that Charles sucks and doesn’t care for their relationship when she’s cheating as well. The real victim here is Zoe she’s a baby and her family is being torn apart while yes Lando is comforting y/n this is crossing the line of being appropriate and he isn’t innocent he know she’s having issues with Charles is being her knight in shining armor.
Hard agree on all of these, however I do think y/n has enough reasons to assume he's cheating and especially with Noelle practically forcing her to break up with charles with her 'if that was my man i would've sucked anothers man dick already' mindset, manon being sus of noelle, fans being sus about Charles and especially after him ignoring all her questions and if he just answered why he was talking to Noelle. My girl knows she's wrong for doing what she did but y'know what, if your man wants to start a family (when you yourself were happy to wait for another few years) which doesnt turn out to be easy, you've gone trough hell and back with doctors and all that, physically and mentally taking hit after hit and then for said man to basically dip every other week to 'work' in maranello or to hang out with joris and other friends and then for a British bloke to come and say the right things, girl I think I would end up doing the same, and I'm not talking her behaviour right but my girl didn't know her worth until lando showed up and yeah, not the right thing for him to do either but he was going through relationship problems as well when it started 😭
And it's not like she's jumping straight into a relationship with lando, I think she's smart enough to figure out hers a d zoë her life first! ☺
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lipstickchainsaw · 1 year
This one has been languishing in my inbox for a while, but I do want to get to it.
I think these two are fundamentally teenagers, and this is the core part of their tragedy. If they'd been two years older when they got together, this would've gone so much better.
Krouse is a very talented guy. He is mostly talented at video games, but he is really very good. He is very good without even having to work that hard at it, and this is a fact that has gone a little bit to his head. It leads to him being something of an arrogant prick, which can irritate his friends, and especially irritates his not-friends, but the frustrating part is that he often is good enough to back up the arrogance.
He becomes the Travellers' leader by virtue of being decisive. By this I mean that he makes decisions, he cuts the knot, he makes the call. These decisions are very rarely good, but when everyone else is still reeling and too stunned to come up with anything, doing something is better than doing nothing, and Krouse is always there, making decisions.
The problem is that Krouse was only ever good at making decisions for himself. Even in their pro-gamer days, Krouse excelled in going off on his own to make key plays, rather than working directly with the team. He's, uh, not that good at keeping them in mind, let's say.
For her part, Noelle is the star. She is the strategist, the leader, the one who puts their plans together and adjusts them on the fly. Krouse may be talented, but Noelle is good. She's good because she gets it, and then works to refine that understanding into excellence. She does know how to work with a team, not just in the game, but also to manage the team outside of it.
She also has an eating disorder, but this notably doesn't lead to an insecurity that affects her abilities here, and she does a pretty good job of establishing her boundaries, at least initially. She is not looking for a relationship, and that's fine. She does not feel the need to talk about her eating disorder with anyone other than her closest friend, and she's good at sticking to that, too.
You can almost see her going by a checklist of how to set boundaries, in a very teenager kind of way, because it doesn't come with the skills to respond when someone ignores them.
And Krouse sure does love ignoring boundaries. I don't even think he does it on purpose, but a part of him takes 'you can't do that' as a challenge, and when Noelle rejects Cody, he sees that as a way to prove himself better than him.
Similarly, he doesn't accept when Noelle tries to break up with him, because it doesn't make sense to him. He, too, is following a very teenager script for doing a relationship, because when your partner is obviously distressed, you shouldn't abandon them! But he lacks the understanding, or the respect, for what his partner is saying, and so tries to force her into being stronger than she is to break up with him.
And so she doesn't. Even though it's bad for her, and a lot of Krouse's interest and attention is making her spiral and messing with her process of dealing with her eating disorder, because she hasn't told him about that. And she does like him, and wants him as her boyfriend, but she doesn't quite grasp that him not respecting her boundaries is a red flag.
And then their world goes to shit, Noelle becomes her own worst nightmare, spitting out twisted and hateful versions of themselves after they come into contact with her, and Krouse gets the ability to always be somewhere he shouldn't be, but never quite able to be where he needs to be to help the one person he cares about.
Wildbow has said that he didn't really know how to write romances at the time of writing Worm, and I understand what he means. Krouse and Noelle aren't a teenage romance that would show up in a romance novel.
But they are a very strong example of a teenage romance as a tragedy, because if either of these people had had just a bit more experience in relationships, they would've been able to navigate their problems so much better, and Krouse might not have ruined everything.
D: I’m neutral on it
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kyeomyun · 4 months
OH WOW ITS ALMOST 2024?!?@? oh wow... it's been... a year.
Yes I know. "Jada you left in like August and 2024 is literally in like 6 hours from now." YES YES I KNOW. I am not going to be writing for a while and I am kinda sad I won't be able too. BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT ME.
I want to just appreciate all of my wonderful moots who have made this year extremely eye opening for me. We haven't talked much in a while since school and 2023 being the year I regretted way more than appreciated. I took time for myself to find who I am but I think about you all every. single. day. You mean so much to me and I wish I showed you all more regardless of me building myself up.
@stormyjisung : my first ever moot ever. even before tumblr, we met on Instagram and let me tell you, we were simps for each other LMAO. nyx is literally the sole reason why I took time off anyways because her advice made me realize the internet was indeed altering my head very negatively. she is the person I run to, annoy, laugh with, and enjoy to talk to every single day. it's going to be 2 years since we met and every year I looked up to her as kind of... a role model. her work ethnic inspired me. nyx is just the type of person you will want to be around and talk to. but she will fucking discipline you when she think is needed. anyways, she is forever my heart, sun, moon, everything.
@wheeboo : OH MY BAE. THIS IS MY BAEEEEEE. rania. we have no spoken for a WHILE. it's been a fat minute since we have spoken a word but that one day we did talk to each other after I went away for my hiatus, oh my. IT WAS SO FUN. SHE IS SO FUN. it is just crackhead energy and it's amazing. rania inspired me as a writer so much yes, but HER. the person behind those extravagant stories? you will fall head over heels for this woman. she is funny, charming, loving, yes. just yes. sorry but me and rania are like 🤞🏽🤞🏽. once I get my life together, I will love to talk back to you.
@etherealyoungk : SKYE. SKYE SKYE SKYE. BAHHHHHHHHHHH. skye is like a magnet. that's how we are starting out. it's like you just want to be with her. it's just- you love skye ok. if you know skye, you know what I am saying. but this lovely person right here is just amazing. she is really lowkey yes but she is that person you can just chill with. like I imagine just us sitting in complete silence, someone say something dumb as fuck and then the conversation goes on from there. BASICALLY THE IDEAL GIRL BESTIE. I love skye so much dude it's crazy :((( ONCE AGAIN, I WILL TEXT YOU ONCE I AM WORKED OUT.
@rubywonu : NIAAAAA. we haven't spoken much but the times we did talk were so much fun 😭 every conversation was so fresh and funny. we are still in the learning about each other stage but once we do, WE WILL BE INSEPRETABLE. WE WILL TALK. TRUST.
@trblsvt : LIIIII. omg.. we follow each other on instagram and have not texted for a while wow. I MISS YOU SO MUCH DUDE AAAAAA. YOU WENT TO SEE WAVE TO EARTH AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO JEALOUS OF SOMEONE. WE NEED TO TALK MORE YOU TALANTED SOUL.
@icyminghao : NOELLE. MY LOVE. MY HYPEWOMAN. you are just a bundle of JOY. noelle is that someone you want to protect with your life because her happiness is everything. EVERYTHING YOU HEAR ME. it's also been a while since we have spoken because yk- life. but the times we did talk.... we spoke in caps so you knew the conversation was either juicy or just downright out of pocket. once again, she is a charmer. you will never fall out of love with noelle dude. the day you meet her, you are trapped. IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE OBV. anyways, WE WILL TALK AGAIN. I REALLY HOPE WE CAN.
@star1117-archives : wow.. long time no speak BAHAHAHA. I can say our text should not be exposed to the public. never. but lowkey, miles, you are the most savage person ever. LITERALLY. miles will shut you up in a matter of just seconds and make you rethink. but it's been so long since we texted man... we should lowkey do a reunion with the gang in the discord server we left dusty asf. ANYWAY, miles is the kind of dude that lowkey makes fun of you for dumb shit but in the most chill way possible. idk how else to explain it ;-;. he is just that someone you will enjoy to have and that friend that has your back no matter what. he protect.
@fairyhaos : my precious yena :((. it's been 2 months since we have spoken a word to each other but as like the others, I think about you EVERY DAY. she is one of the first moots I have made on tumblr and let me tell you, she is a sweetheart. it's like a small joshua :((. she is like a freshly bloomed flower and you need to nourish her :((. ANYWAYS. yena. love her. to the ends of the earth. she is such a gentle and caring friend, it's almost hard to believe you can be friends with her. that's until you bring up joshua BAHAHAHAHA. she becomes a whole different being ;-;. BUT WE NEED TO TALK AGAIN PRECIOUS.
@gyu-effect : OH MY GOD SARAH. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? HAVE YOU BEEN OK?? this girl right here. BIGGEST TAEMIN STAN IN THE BOOK OK. no but seriously, Sarah and I had alot of deep talks about life the times we did talk. and I mean DEEP. but her mindset is so careful(?). she is really caring with her friends I should say and that warms my heart in the best way possible because how was I able to win someone so magnificent like you in my life :((. we should really talk again babe <3
@jaehunnyy : uh oh. my WIFEEE GUYS. MY WIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. OK LET ME TELL YOU. IM HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER. ITS CRAZY. INSANE EVEN. I miss her more and more everyday man :((. everyday we don't text, it's like a gap is missing. it's been a little over a month since we last texted so IMAGINE THE SUFFERING. this babe right here though is just someone you will get on one knee for and ask for marriage. that says alot about her. you start talking to her, time skip and you are married. anyways, my wifey is such a loveable wifey. we go crazy together <3
@lvlystars : NINI I AM NOT GOING TO LIE. I KEEP FORGETTING YOU HAVE A NEW ACCOUNT. BUT YOU 🫵🏽🫵🏽 she is my soul sister. we are twins. we text occasionally on instagram and let me tell you, our mind length is like- WE SEE EACH OTHER. anyways, she is my bestie, my pookie. nini is so fucking hilarious too like her sense of humor >>>>. ITS EVERYTHING. me and nini be talking to each other like we have known each other since the 2nd grade 😭😭. ANYWAYS, nini is such a character. she is always so bright but when it comes to mingyu- a whole lecture on why he is the best boyfriend. but she is so real on that so-
@mesanthropi : obv I'm not about to forget about you weiss. you see, me and weiss have a special bond. we met and decided to do a collab all in the same day. we are just built different. we are an inseparable duo that talks, doesn't talk for like weeks, and start back talking as if nothing happens. WE ARE JUST LIKE THAT. anyways me and weiss are literally besties. minecraft besties. simp besties. you name it. I MISS YOU SO MUCH MY POOKIE WOOKIE. everyday without you is like a crack in my heart 🖤🖤🖤🖤
@slytherinshua : AAAAAAAAAAAA. we were still learning about each other as well but you are such a cutie patootie love :((. hopefully soon we can get to know each other more <33
@wonwoonlight @wqnwoos @idubiluv @i43shuji @odxrilove @hannyoontify @haowrld @luvhyun3 @blue-jisungs are a few extra moots which I have either just now started to talk to or was terrified to DM. either way, you guys made this year 10× amazing.
for my followers in general, thank you all so much for sticking with me. I started this account in the middle of last year but "rebranded" this year. which was kinda a mistake considering how 2023 wasn't my year (minus the concerts I've been too). but you guys made me so much more confident in writing and taught me so much in ways that did not had to be verbally spoken. I love you guys so much. everyday I come on here, I always think about how you guys are and how lucky I am to have such amazing people on here. as the days go by, I always try to remind myself that me writing is a hobby and not a competition and I have learned that very quickly with the help of you and all of my wonderful moots. once again, I want to thank all of you for racing with me to the end of this year despite all of the long-lasting breaks I have took for my mental health, thank you for simping with me, thank you for loving my way of art and expression because you do not understand... a simple reblog, a single viewer that scans our stories means so much to a writer. especially on an app where writing stories isn't the main feature. I have made accomplishments this year with my stories and my writing style but my biggest accomplishments yet was having such a wonderful audience, a loving group of moots and the sweet words you guys put in the tags. I am not going to make this very long for I have things to do going forward to the new year but... I cannot express how grateful I am for you. every single one of you.
cheers to the new year loves!!
2024, please be better for me and every other person that had to endure so many hardships this year. if not, make at least one moment where they can remember that bad things do not last forever <3
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aspisera · 6 months
Aspisera's Masterpost of the Deltarune Escapism Theory Character Connections!
Okay so before I start this, I am NOT good at writing.
This is my take on the connections in the Escapism Theory for Deltarune. I’m going to be naming off points on a descending scale with how outlandish the connection to characters are. 
It will descend like this:
(thank you @stunfiskz for humoring my take on Noelle when I first thought of it)
Here we go:
Susie - Jevil and King
To me (and others, I’m sure) King and Jevil have strong connections to Susie. King is basically how Susie confronts her abandonment issues. 
Instead of crying about it, she gets angry and lashes out. In the fight she has with Lancer, she goes on the offensive instantly. Choosing to get aggressive about it because she’s tired of people leaving her behind; loyalty means a lot to her. King is the same way because of the Lightner’s abandoning his kingdom. He grows jaded and coarse while developing a vendetta. He does everything in his power to make the Lighteners leave, to trap them, or to kill them so they don’t cause more issues.
With Jevil it’s a bit different. Jevil is more related to Susie’s nihilism and cynicism (particularly being concerned with her own interest in Chapter 1). Susie and Jevil both subscribe to “Our actions hold no value so what’s the point in conformity?” as they both show how they can care less about the safety of others or the larger problem at hand (e.g. The Roaring). Towards the end of Chapter 1, we can see Susie start to care about other people a bit more. Thanking Kris and becoming their friend. She also warms up to Ralsei a bit. And when you defeat Jevil in both endings, he accepts your kinship and helps you in battle (Either as Jevilstail (Armor) or Devilsknife (Weapon)). Just like how Susie went into your part (with Lancer) after you defeated them.
Kris - Spamton and Lancer
I know what you’re thinking “What do you mean Lancer?” but stick with me, I promise.
Kris and Spamton may seem like a fairly obvious comparison… So why is it down here? Some may not have looked deep enough. It’s not just about puppets on strings, no, it’s about depression. 
From the beginning, we can tell Kris has low motivation, sleeps in, and ignores school responsibilities, and it’s probably because Kris is depressed. Their brother is away, they feel like an outcast, they’re being bullied in school by Susie (in the beginning), and their parent’s have a broken marriage (which doesn’t help). Spamton reflects this: Mike not returning the calls, being removed as an Addison and being laughed at because of his failures, and him being broken himself.
Both him and Kris want to change and go back to how things were but they’re both grasping at straws. Nothing seems to be working, especially for Spamton. To Kris, Spamton is what they could have been if the Soul didn’t step in. Kris relates to Spamton on such a high emotional level that they have a mental breakdown after the fight with NEO. It makes them reflect on what they have now and how they might’ve turned out. Same with how Spamton appreciated Mike being there for him… until he wasn’t.
Lancer and Kris are a bit harder to explain and also ties in with Noelle’s comparisons. Lancer is shown as a goofball, a silly guy, a child. Kris is a notorious prankster and is basically the town weirdo. They both have their victim of choice for most of their jokes and have obsessions with things people consider unorthodox (digging holes and knives). But Kris and Lancer are also connected in the sense that Kris is afraid of getting close to people just like how Lancer is. Lancer is scared of his dad finding out but Kris is worried about driving people away. Kris most definitely has a history of making people not like them and so does Lancer. Lancer admits himself that none of the basic enemies really listen to him and only do so because he’s the King’s son.
Noelle - Queen (obvs) and Rouxls Kaard
Told you it would tie in. Queen isn’t hard to understand when relating her to Noelle. Queen uses Noelle and likes her because she can manipulate her well as Noelle is a pushover and a people-pleaser. And, of course, that ties in with how Queen is like Noelle’s Mom. Always pushing her to do her best in school so she can keep up the image of their family. She can’t have Noelle flunking like she did on that spelling bee. 
Rouxls Kaard is fun to explain. Both Noelle and Kaard are looking for a greater purpose as they both feel like they have more meaning to themselves other than doing good in school or making puzzles. Noelle wants to do what she wants but feels pressured by her mom to keep going. Kaard wants to do his own thing, too. Making puzzles isn’t fun for him but he keeps doing it because he feels like he needs to. Though there’s greater purpose in sticking with Kris and Lancer. Kris can provide a journey and a possibility at finding something that means more than academics. Taking care of Lancer gives Kaard a HUGE purpose. He plays around with the idea of being a second father to Lancer but is scared of how to approach it, just like how Noelle is stuck thinking the trip to the Darkworld is all a dream.
Berdly - just Swatch (for now)
Berdly’s is gonna be short and sweet. I think Swatch is who Berdly wants to be. Berdly masks himself as acting smart, charming, and tough all at the same time. Swatch is pretty much all of those things. Swatch is smart but you don’t get upset because they don’t come off as condescending, not to mention him being fuckin’ BUILT.
That’s pretty much it. I doubt this thing is comprehensible in a literary sense but I don’t write often so I hope all of my points get across nonetheless. I decided to make this post to finally tie into Stunfiskz’s drawing of Noelle and Rouxls Kaard’s sprites making the same faces and not let people just sit in the dark.
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