#i mean ok this time i'm not even sure if i should censor THIS much
cheesomancer · 5 months
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Sunshine ☀
Cheeseless version here, as always!
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uninformedartist · 7 months
So hey long time no see, just popping in to say that this video by Official_TVC is bullshit.
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So summary + thoughts:
Video starts off with defintions on different types of stalking & they say Vivienne has experienced all this kind of stalking. Then goes on to say its 2 individuals doing this stalking and they we the viewer doesn't need to know them, Official_TVC has done a lot of research on them and we should should trust Official & their word without evidence because apparently they retweeted something on twitter & it was a tumblr post thats supposedly exposed Vivienne's siblings, personal things ect. All this is hearsay by you, it shouldn't make the average viewer trust your word. Yes I've seen things but that was from posts I've seen.
Aside -honestly Official should be questioning the anon asks we get on here, some of the asks contain some questionable info like how do you get that info. People get asks on here containing info, people don't go out & hunt all Vivienne's private life, we receive stuff thats how things come to light, OTHER PEOPLE SEND US STUFF.
All the background of the video is helluva boss/hazbin scenes coupled with music from respective shows. No evidence, not even heavily censored evidence to protect Vivienne, just Official_TVC talking & basically saying "trust me bro I did research, believe me". This is heinous accusations, individuals you are talking about & you give nothing. It could be lies for all people know, I don't even believe & I've seen the things you're referring to.
Continued, the stalkers, the 1st one is a "troll" according to Official_TVC & the second is supposedly so bad they were quote " has been 15 ft from vivziepop", no backing on that 15ft statement, Official_TVC just states this. All this stalking, entire pages made is because of a ship. Leaking show stuff (aside again, is GIVEN TO US VIA ANONYMOUS ASKS).
They carry on to say essentially all this hate talk on Viv on YT is cos she's popular, they got nothing of meaning to say on Viv cos they hate her so much they can't talk about her positively. They then mention a person has a never ending stream that just feeds misinformation other YouTubers & quote "on the precipice of wanting to strangle a woman (Viv) who made the crime of making demons gay". Wtf does that mean, who has this never ending stream of feeding misinformation to other YouTube, who & wtf are you talking about.
Anyway, goes on to compare spindlehorse workplace allegations to Amazon (yes ironic) & how Amazon treats its workers really bad... do I need to say more. Goes on to say everyone ragged on Viv because hazbin hotel is on Amazon, Amazon is bad & quote by Official_TVC is cos "everyone looks for an excuse to hate". Ok now I'm giving evidence on why people ragged on Viv for prime since you give jackshit.
Amazon/prime is currently being boycotted, its on the bds list why people were saying to pirate hazbin. Not some bullshit reason Official gave on it being mindless hate. Here is a video explaining why people are boycotting Amazon:
Vivienne also like this post from a fan, do I need to spell out how fucking disgusting this tweet is and the fact that she liked it.
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Official carrys on to say stalker 1 did 3 things, doxxed Vivienne, & in their words if you go to said person's page Official states "im pretty sure they know where vivziepop lives". That is speculation, thats your opinion cos no evidence is provided or can be for that matter cos this is what YOU think. Dropping as Official says "nuggets" of info on Viv's siblings University, their work (this info was from a sibling's linked in page, public info). Can I say aside, I know her sibling's names. Why, not from stalking but from them leaving comments on Viv's speeddraws and Viv publicly naming them on her PUBLIC socials. And if you know someone's name you can easily find out what uni they went to, if you know my name & search me up you know what uni I go to its in the public on their linked in, social posts ect.
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They go on to talk about how terrible leaking Viv's shows are, which idgaf. Amazon is a zionist corporation I'm pirating anything of Vivienne. Even invincible which I love, pirated it. Fans should too (since I see a lot of fans with free palastine in bio but still pay for prime). Anyway thats on them.
TW: talks of sexual harassment. So Official doesn't want to give more info on this individual which I respect & understand. However they say stalker 1 is sexually harrassing this person, sending content of a sexual nature all because the victim in this situation didn't agree with stalker 1 on the stalker's sentiments on hazbin hotel. I understand protecting the victim but my soul you're literally protecting the perpetrator. Expose them, you keep staying stalker 1 & 2 CALL THEM OUT. Protect the victims but expose the perpetrators.
They go on to stalker 2, who know stalker 1. Stalker 2 supposedly went to the hazbin premiere. They were there to keep an eye on vivziepop Official quotes. No evidence of this quote or info just them relaying it. Again this is all your words against what. Yeah that is concerning it really is but substantiate this evidence & quotes. This is the 1st time I'm hearing about this so I would like to know more on this & this heinous person. But you don't give any evidence. Official says " these people need to be stopped", how can they be stopped. You give no names, no info or evidence, its wishful thinking you saying this. I'm harping on and on on about Official gives no evidence but its so flipping frustrating hearing them spout all this WITH NOTHING to back their words.
TW again: Mentions of suicide and Shay a fan bullied by the fandom who then took their own life. Know a lot of people are still saddened by what led to Shay's passing why I mention this.
Official says stalker 1 is using the death of Shay to entice fruther harrassed on Vivienne. Its "apparently now", huskerdust fans went after Shay with heinous harassment & Shay subsequently ended their life, may they rest in peace. Official claims stalker 1 says Vivziepop is directly responsible for Shay's death. Shay's death was worded as "apparently" but stalker 1 using Shay's death to pin it on Vivziepop is stated as a fact. How disgusting can you be someone died & its apparently so to you but your word of mouth should be considered fact, fuck off. Official then goes on to say... sighs quote "we do not hold politicians accountable when they massacre people of other countries... bloodlines don't exist but we don't blame the politicians pushing the buttons".
Ok wtf, yes we do we blame Biden & other politicians & presidents for pushing the figurative & literally buttons on massacring Palestinians & other minorities, WE DO so wtf are you talking about. I honestly hate Official at this point because wtf are they saying. I don't blame vivziepop on Shay's death, even though when there was attempts to reach Vivienne on what was happening to Shay, maybe the channels they used like email didn't get the message across unfortunately. What I absolutely hate is when fans, like official now use Shay's death as a pawn in relation to people hating on Viv. No one that I've see & I'm saying it now I know who these stalker 1 & 2 are not even they were as disgusting as Official & fans to use Shay's death as to further hate on Vivienne. What Official_TVC is saying is bullshit.
And I disregard everything Official_TVC says after they hearted this comment, fuck you Official_TVC for hearting this vile comment.
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I link a screenshot of the outreach to Vivienne via email on Shay aswell as the document on Shay's.
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In all this video is a load of nothing, bullshit actually & just vile on the parts of Shay. They ended of once again reiterating they won't give proof because people just want names & evidence for the tea/gossip & they want to protect Vivienne, shoo shoo. Again trust me bro, I did the research so trust me.
I want to reiterate I condone no actions if provided true on stalker 1 or 2. But from what I've seen of them is all out of context, lies spread by the fandom & things just made up down the grapevine. I don't do this for likes, clout or other bullshit the fandom says. Wouldn't be of me on my nature and the work that I do. Come with substantial evidence, then we discuss & make conclusions but for now
I hate Vivienne and this fandom, bye all.
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gtbutterfly · 3 months
Quincy and the forest giant part 8
this is the big one folks! this is the one where we finally see some of Ellas' employers! Will parts of Ella's background be revealed? will Quincy finally go home? maybe. uh, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, criticism is appreciated
previous part:
CW: mentions death(no actual death), guns(dart guns?), Ella says f*ck but is censored, implyed animal murder at the end.
I woke up that morning to the sound of breathing over me. I slowly open my eyes only to be startled by the giant face staring down at me. I let out a shocked gasp and my eyes widened. Ella noticed.
“Oh, sorry kid,” the giant said, “didn’t mean to give you a heart attack,” she helped me sit up with her fingers.
“Um, it's fine. Good morning, Ella,” I said. The giant sighed.
“Today’s the day, huh?” she said, “you’re finally…going home,” 
“Um…yeah…” I said, trying to play dumb about what I overheard the night before.
“....you excited?” Ella asked,
“um…I guess so,” I said, looking down, “uh, what time are they getting here?”
“Pretty soon. I don’t know if I should give you breakfast since they might arrive while you're still eating.” Ella said. “You want to…um….wait outside for them?”
“Uhhh…yeah, sure…” I said, hesitantly. Ella held out her hand for me and I let her pick me up and start walking outside. I looked up at her, she had a look of almost nervousness on her face. There were bags under her eyes like she didn’t sleep at all the night before. She seemed like she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but she could’ve been wearing a different pair that just looked similar to the clothes she wore yesterday. She didn’t really smell too peculiar, in fact, she didn’t really smell like anything at all. She had a mild morning breath, but that was about it. Her skin had bug bites and scratches that she didn’t even seem to notice, and there was some dirt under her fingertips and in the crevices of the grooves of her fingerprints, but other than that her hand was soft and dry, there was no oil or sweat from her skin. 
We got outside and Ella sat down in front of the massive door to her house. She kept holding me in her palm, not letting me onto the ground like she did last time. I looked at her.
“So….um…how’d you sleep?” I asked.
“Oh, um,” Ella said, “not much, but well.” 
“Ok…” I said, “so when those people get here….are they just gonna….bring me home, or….”
“Hmm…” Ella thought to herself for a moment, “I’m actually gonna have to talk for them for a moment. Don’t worry, you won’t be waiting long,” 
“O-ok…” I looked down, “so…um….can I ask…one more thing before I go?”
“Hmm…sure, shoot.” Ella said.
“Um…do you…like this?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” Ella asked.
“Do you like….um, being out here alone…as a giant…” I said,
“Well, it's fairly quiet…and peaceful, being out here alone,” Ella said, “but..I dunno, I guess I miss being around people, having someone to talk to.” she sighed, “you're the first person I’ve spoken to in months, kid.”
“Oh….um, I guess…that explains things….” I said. “Um….you were probably mean to me because…you never really interact with people….” Ella scoffed. 
“That might be part of it, sure,” she said, “but really, I think…I’m just like that in a way,”
“...what were you like before you were a giant?” I asked, looking down with my eyes closed.
“What are you talking about?” Ella asked, “how do…how would you know I wasn’t always like this?”
“Um…” I thought for a moment, “you said you miss being around people…you can’t miss something you’ve never had….”
Ella was silent for a moment.
“Heh…right,” she let out a weak laugh, and sighed, looking down. Then she looked up at the sky. “Nice day, isn’t it?” she said, trying to change the subject. I played along.
“...yeah, you’ll probably be able to stargaze a lot better tonight.” I said, looking at the cloudless sky. “Too bad I won’t be here to show you all the consolations and stuff…”
“Yeah…” Ella looked to her side, avoiding eye contact with me. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She looked off in the distance, into the woods. I looked in the same direction as her. 
“Wh-what is it?” I asked.
“They’re here.” Ella said, readjusting her grip around me and standing up. She held me tightly while standing to her full height. There was some rustling in the trees and grass before a dark green truck came into the open. It had tinted windows and gray lines across the sides. There was a logo on the door, I just barely recognized it from so far away. It was the logo of the logging company that started the town. The truck stopped some distance away from Ella and the doors opened. The people that came out were humans wearing some kind of armor, similar to riot gear in a way. They had boots and gray pants and jackets with vests of some sort over them, and helmets with some opaque glass covering their faces. They had these sorts of weapons that seemed similar to rifles but looked more tubeish. I think there were tranquilizer guns of some kind. There were two people that came out of the truck dressed like this, a third person, with a gray coat and a brown ponytail with silver at the tips. They had a clipboard and purple glasses. They stepped towards Ella. 
“Ella,” they said. Ella sighed and got on her knee, still holding me.
“Amber….” Ella said, looking down at her.
“Would you be…so kind as to put the child down,” Amber said,
“...aren’t we going to talk?” Ella asked. She sounded stern again.
“You will put the child down, they will wait in the vehicle, and we will talk then.” Amber said.
“Shouldn’t the kid be part of this conversation?” Ella asked, “we’re going to be talking about them, are we not?” 
“Put. them. Down.” Amber said sternly. I felt Ellas hand tense up around me. She noticed that her grip was getting tighter, and she sighed.
“Why don’t I put them down, and you can introduce yourself to them, and then they can join us in our…talk,” Ellas suggested, still stern and emotionless, like she was when I first met her. Amber was silent for a moment.
“Fine.” She said, finally. Ella sighed slightly and lowered me to the grass gently. She placed my feet onto the ground and let me go. Amber approached me.
“Hello child. You’re Quincy Mora, correct?” she asked.
“Um…y-yes….” I said, “your name was…Amber, right?”
“My name is Doctor Amber Laurier, you may refer to me as Dr. Laurier.” she said, sternly.
“...oh….um….ok…” I said. “Um…your…you're with the…um…lumber company?”
“You’ll have your questions answered soon.” Dr. Laurier said. “Guards, watch the child for the time being.” 
The two people with the helmets grabbed my arms and pulled me back behind them. Dr. Laurier approached Ella.
“You said Quincey would be part of our talk,” the giant said,
“You said you were stable enough to be around people after being turned,” Dr. Laurier said.
“I was.” Ella said. 
“All those people would beg to differ,” Dr Laurier said with a blank expression.
“We’re not doing this right now, Amber.” Ella said. “We’re here to talk about the kid.”
“right , right, Quincy.” Amber looked down at the clipboard. “Age thirteen, no parents, few peers back in the town, no permanent living situation as they are in foster care.” 
“That town is the place they've lived their whole life, Amber.” Ella said.
“And were they very happy there?” Amber asked, “they didn’t simply wander into the woods and get caught by you, they saw you and started following you. They wanted to be taken away.”
“They were just curious.” Ella said. “Ask them,”
“Even if they were just following you out of curiosity, we can’t just let them go back, Ella.” the Doctor said, “if we send them back to the town, they’ll tell them about you, and it would be cruel to send them to the foster system of some other place,”
“So you're leaving them here? With me?” Ella asked.
“It's the most beneficial option for all of us.” Amber said.
“You know what I almost did yesterday,” Ella said,
“If he was in any danger of you, you wouldn’t be standing here right now, Ella.” Amber said, almost smug sounding. 
“You just want some else too….” Ella stopped mid sentence, “...to do this to,”
“We haven’t scheduled plans for that yet. The child is assumed to be not of the right age for trials to begin on them” Amber said. 
“Trials?” I asked from behind the guards. They pulled me back. Amber looked back at me.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Quincy. Not for the time being, anyways.”
“Don’t worry about my ……” Ella murmured under her breath. Amber looked up at her.
“Excuse me?”
“Tell them what your plans are, Amber.” Ella said.
“There are no plans, Ella. we’re still planning it now.” Amber said. 
“Tell them.” Ella said, her voice vibrating in the air. The guards tensed up around the tranquilizers. Amber stepped back.
“They’ll know soon enough.” she said. “Now, why don’t we tell both of you about what we have planned.” She turned towards me. “Quincy,”
“...” I gulped as I stepped toward Amber, “...Doctor Laurier?” 
“What are your thoughts on being adopted?” Amber asked.
“A…adopted?” I asked.
“Amber, no.” Ella said, angrily. Amber looked up at her.
“Ella, remember Derrick,” Amber said
“Don’t you ***king dare bring up his name,” Ella said, her voice salivating in anger. The guards pulled me back again. Amber flinched, I did too.
“Ella, calm down!” Amber exclaimed. Ella took a deep breath.
“Don’t bring up Derrick again.” Ella said.
“Just let me make my point,” Amber said, “the two of you…you wanted to have a child together, right?”
“We wanted to both be alive together,” Ella said, her voice rumbling.
“Quincy here could be like the child you never had,”
“You know that's a bad idea, Amber. You know I can’t be around people.” Ella said.
“Well maybe it's about time you prove that you can, “Amber said. Ella paused for a moment.
“...what are you saying?” she asked.
“I’m not promising anything, Ella. I’m just saying, depending on how you take care of this child..” Amber said,
“Stop messing with me, I know you’d never do that.” Ella said.
“Think about what Derrick wouldv’e wanted, Ella,” Amber said.
“Stop saying…”  Ella took another deep breath, “...stop saying his name. You have no idea what he would've wanted.”
“Wouldn’t he want this child to have a home?” Amber asked.
“He would've wanted this child to be safe,” Ella said.
“So keep them safe, Ella.” Amber said. “We already told the town that Quincy went away to possibly be adopted. Just take care of them for a few more days, and we’ll be back to do some health checks on them, and then a permanent decision will be made.”
“You can’t…” Ella started,
“You're not being given the opportunity to refuse,” Amber said, walking away from her. She turned to me. “You understand this situation, correct?”
“Y-you want me to stay with her?” I asked, “but..”
“It won’t be for any more than three days. You aren’t afraid of Ella here, are you?”
“Um…not….not that much…” I said, looking to my side.
“Hmm,” Amber checked something on the clipboard she was holding. “Do you have any attachment with your town?”
“well…I’ve never left it before….” I said,
“Right…right…” She put the clipboard down to her side and looked at me. “Well, we’ll leave you here now. I’d suggest getting used to your situation here…”
“Wait…your…you're actually…” I started to say,
“Nothing has been decided yet. You will stay here with Ella for the next few days. We will come back, and you will report your experience back to us, understood, Quincy?”
“But…but…” I gulped, “What about school? What about…the town…and everyone there…don’t they….”
“They’re not worried about you, Quincy.” She said, “They’re not.”
I was silent for a moment.
“Do you understand?” Amber said, in the same tone as before. I nodded. 
“Good.:” Amber turned around, walking back to the vehicle, before stepping onto the first step to the door and looking up at Ella. “We'll contact you each day to get an idea of how things are going. Expect to hear from us tonight.” Ella glared down at her, her eyebrows furrowing. I could hear air coming from out her nose as she exhaled sharply in anger. She sighed.
“...ok, amber.”
With that, Amber and the guards got back into the truck and drove away, off into the forest out of sight. We stared in their direction for a minute. Everything was just silent, and I was still there. Soon, Ella laid her hand out in front of me without saying a word. I hesitantly climbed on to it, and we went inside. She took me to the main living area of her cabin, where she placed me onto the same table I was on before. They looked right over me, out the window outside. Something was bothering her. Her eye was twitching, and she kept breathing heavily out of her nose. Soon she sighed, and went back towards the door. 
“Where….wh-where are you going?” I asked.
“I’m going to kill a deer.” she said, before walking outside, and closing the door behind her, leaving me alone in the house.
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hergan416 · 2 years
Fucking making Dorian Gray about Yugioh because why the fuck not. It's my blog I do what I want. Welcome to tumblr dot com.
This is long as hell and kind of convoluted. Click read more if you want to hear my rambling thoughts about about queer coding, language, and censorship, within the context of comparing the classic work of late 1800s literature The Picture of Dorian Gray, a work credited with loosening the grip of the pervasive and stifling Victorian morals, written by Oscar Wilde, who was famously tried for gross indecency because he was gay and this was considered a threat to society, and the 4kids dub version of Yugioh, first aired on children's television networks in the early 00s over a century later, and famously censored to make regular facts of life, such as death, more terrifying in order to make the show "suitable for children" and "suitable for network TV."
Ok. So. It's chapter two. Dorian Gray has just objected to being called "boy," to which Lord Henry says something like "you know you want it."
Specifically on p. 104-105
"And I don't allow anyone to call me a silly boy." [...] "And you know you have been a little silly, Mr. Gray, and that you don't really mind being called a boy." "I should have minded very much this morning, Lord Henry." "Ah! this morning! You have lived since then."
The significance of this objection, according to the annotations, is that to call another man a "boy" "was frequently understood as a veiled announcement of homosexual or homosocial desire." (p 105) The annotations provide Lord Alfred Douglas' nickname "Bosie" as evidence. (Lord Alfred Douglas was Oscar Wilde's lover, and his father is the one who's charges eventually put Oscar Wilde in jail.)
Lord Henry is, quite frankly, being quite creepy here. "I don't want this." "Oh but you do." 🤮 [If I had a quarter for every time I had a conversation that went like that...]
Even before the 1891 book version, Lord Henry can't really be seen as a good influence on Dorian Gray. At best he is an amoral influence, as he's said himself, but it's quite clear from his own thoughts that he doesn't really believe that. (Earlier: "Lord Henry watched him[Dorian Gray], with his sad smile. He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing." p. 97) He's been screwing with Dorian the whole time. And sure, there is language to assert that the ideas that Lord Henry espouses (which are many, and quite contradictory) merely awaken something already within Dorian Gray, it is still clear that Lord Henry is meaning to be manipulative.
This is further evidenced by annotation number 22 on page 97.
Lord Henry brings a combination of intellectual detachment and pleasure to the task of influencing Dorian that is positively Mephistophelian in its connotations. Later, he will refer to Dorian as his "own creation." Lord Henry knows that there are moral consequences to the advice he gives Dorian, but he finds "an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad's unconscious egotism." There has been much critical speculation about what motivates the combination of pleasure and detachment -- about whether it is a sublimated expression of erotic desire, whether it has a purely philosophic or pedagogic basis, or whether it is a sign of Lord Henry's own moral corruption.
It is clear, however, from all the context of the annotations and the words on the page themselves, at least, that Lord Henry makes Dorian Gray uncomfortable, and likely made the audience uncomfortable as well.
Especially when the rationality for the discussion above harkens back to the Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889, which was still very much in the public consciousness. (Wilde's manuscript was published in Lippencott's magazine in July of 1890.) The link is to wikipedia, because I'm only going to allude to the social impact of the scandal here. Go ahead and read it if you want more information.
Anyway, this brings me to Yugioh, and the (Dub portrayal) of this man:
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I'm going to have to take a few steps back because I want to talk about Pegasus as queer coded villain, because I think that flipping from the Cleveland Street Scandal to the character of Maximilian Pegasus is not super obvious.
Disclaimer, this is obviously all opinion. While I'm relying heavily on scholarly annotations regarding Dorian Gray, with Yugioh I can't even claim to have a very informed opinion outside of being in fandom and watching it with my eyes. Also, I lived during its historical context. But, I've never taken a media studies or GWSS class.
That being said... to me, Pegasus' queer coding all comes down to his voice and his vocal tics. Here:
To me, the more obvious way that Pegasus is queer coded is the sing-songy lilt in his voice, which is not dissimilar to the stereotypical valley girl speech that was often assigned to gay men by bullies at my school in popular culture at the time. This could be written off as an English language interpretation of a vocal tic... especially since he has a vocal tic in the original Japanese that would be hard to translate and also sounds sort of similar.
I do not know enough about Japanese culture to comment on whether this verbal tic from the original anime had any queer connotations whatsoever. I can't even say that the creative choices made by 4kids were a bad way to represent Pegasus' Japanese actor's voice in English, and I certainly can't speak to their intent regarding the perception of Pegasus' character. I can only say what connotations I as a viewer brought with me to this creative choice.
Regardless, Yugioh was being aired in the United States divorced from its original context, and heavily censored. So, if the audience has a connotation about the way Pegasus talks.... the audience has this connotation. The resources to look for why this choice might have been made weren't meant to be available to US viewers in the 00s. I had them right after my viewing because I didn't watch Yugioh until I was an adult, sometime around 2015.
Back to the lilt. Obviously Pegasus isn't meant to be gay in the "falls in love with other guys" sense. The story gives him a female love interest, who dies. This motivates him to get the Millennium Eye and "become evil" because it's a 00s era kid's show and we only get extremely cut and dry morality, so characters are usually either good or evil. (Please ignore Kaiba here, I understand he's allowed to toe the line of being antagonistic without being evil, but most other characters do not get this treatment.)
Instead, Pegasus is meant to come off as creepy towards the teens on the show. He's already doing a LOT of bad shit, like say kidnapping Yugi's Grandpa, kidnapping Mokuba, and holding Kaiba Corp hostage. But this needs to be hammed up even further.
This is where predatory stereotypes come in. Specifically, I want to connect Pegasus' verbal tic of calling Yugi "Yugi-boy" and Kaiba "Kaiba-boy" to the predatory stereotypes that began with the Cleveland Street Scandal.
Ok. See the connotations of the word "boy" in the 1890s above. Sure, it is less recognizable that this language is meant to imply homosexuality today, but Pegasus' words still come off predatory and creepy in a modern sense. Add in the already threatening visuals, and some creepy music, and you know this is a guy you want to stay away from.
When finding clips for the above video, I never heard him use this pattern of speech on Mokuba, an actual boy. He only uses the phrase on the teenagers who are defying his will. This honestly makes the choice in language more threatening to me, because it's not simply something he says of other people. It something he says to specific people at the very least as a way to unnerve them.
Even if the Cleveland Street Scandal wasn't something in the public consciousness a tad over a century later, the same "gay man after teen boys" stereotype still permeated media and culture.
This was an era where tragedies like Brokeback Mountain were considered revolutionary positive portrayals of gay people in media. If your audience was meant to feel sorry for or empathize with gay characters, you were doing good by them, no matter how much the character suffered. Obviously, to be gay was to suffer. That's what made Brokeback a good portrayal.
More commonly, however, queerness was the butt of a joke, and lumped in with jokes about Michael Jackson or Catholic priests and molestation (source, once again: school bullies). These were people you stayed away from. And I feel that 4kids was drawing on this stereotype in their portrayal of Pegasus.
Still with me? Cool.
At this point, I believe I've demonstrated why I see shared character traits between Pegasus and Lord Henry, that these traits are primarily things the audience would view as predatory, and that these traits would be seen as predatory for similar reasons.
Ok. So let's talk about censorship.
If you haven't been following these posts, and you've made it here, holy shit congratulations. Reward yourself. I'm verbose AF.
And, I'll note that I'm reading The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray, which is an annotated and illustrated edition of Oscar Wilde's typescript that he sent to Lippencott's magazine. I've mentioned Lippencott's already, in contrast to the 1981 book. Most people who read The Picture of Dorian Gray, read the 1891 book that Oscar WIlde re-worked after extreme negative backlash to the Lippencott's magazine version, both for its homosexual allusions, but also for the way that Dorian Gray treats women and for his promiscuous heterosexual life. Better modern printings of the novel will include both the Lippencott's version and the book, so that readers can see the differences. But it took until 2011 for Wilde's original typescript to be reprinted, which is what I've checked out from the library and have been reacting to. [Check out the "#liveblogging the uncensored picture of dorian gray" for my other posts.]
Anyway, the reason the typescript is important is because Lippencott's had already censored a fair amount of the manuscript, and Wilde would not have been able to review these changes before the magazine was published. Because of the magazine publishing culture at the time, it would have been highly unusually for a magazine to go back to the original author and get an ok to edit their work. So the typescript is the closest we have to a version of the novel that Wilde would have written and published were there no societal pressure whatsoever. It is, as the title claims, uncensored.
I assume my audience is more familiar with the history of 4kids as a company and its use of censorship to make foreign animation palatable to the post-9/11 US parent in the midst of what essentially amounted to a moral panic.
In spite of both media being censored in order to protect impressionable people (the cause of the uproar over the Lippencott's version, as well as the raison-d'etre for 4kids removing death, alcohol/drugs, foreign foods and foreign names from any anime they touched), both characters retain this malignant queerness in the final versions of their respective media.
The chapter that I'm reading right now only has one textual change listed. It is to make Basil seem less homoerotic, like most of the changes in the first chapter had been. Nothing was done between the parts of the typescript that I quoted and Lippencott's, nor Lippencott's and the 1891 book. From my understanding of the general and textual introductions, the 1891 book overall actually drew on Lord Henry more and is more explicit about his negative influence on Dorian Gray.
4Kids was famous for censorship, but seemingly went out of their way to make Pegasus a queer-coded villain, despite this explicitly not fitting with his redemption arc and backstory. While this could be a consequence of trying to translate a verbal tic, if this interpretation was considered problematic, it would not have made it past their censors. 4Kids historically chose censorship over accuracy with much smaller things.
While homosexuality was/is considered bad for society and bad for young people, portraying it was never "bad" if it was clear the media was treating the homosexual character as a "bad person." That didn't change for over 100 years.
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artofthemixtape · 1 year
This is What Love Is - [I'm Yours]
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Gomez: *sits a large chair and stairs in a roaring fire* So you're almost done with the mixtape. Time for a strong finish mi amiga, yes?
Roses: Yeah, I'm not sure how to end it. I want to you know, bottle up the wonderful feeling we create for each other when we're together and find a song that evokes it.
Gomez: My favorite thing about you is the size of your dreams, Roses. You see what's possible and your heart just aches at the gap of trying to make dreams come alive. Surely if in another life you are reincarnated as an angel you should get the power to make dreams come true. It would be perfect for your soul because it wants nothing more. As for this song... Well, you are asking quite a lot of a love song.
Roses: *looks up* Yes. No. Maybe. I mean, sure my default setting is moonshot, absolutely. And also I think that's the ballpark that a lovesong lives in--they're meant to make you feel that emotion. It's the subject artists have been making art about for the longest and the most because we're all trying to make sense of it, find it, celebrate it, get it back, heal from it. Love is a magic word.
Gomez: Amor? No... nothing is purer, amor is
Roses: *kindly cuts in* English is limited, Gomez. See how you reached for Spanish immediately when you wanted to speak of love? It's because there are not the different kinds and gradations we need in English. I love my wife, my child, and my car and I'm bound to use the same word. How utterly awful is that?
Gomez: I told Morticia te amo on the first day I met her because my heart was hers from the moment I saw her of course. But in Spanish when someone wants to express that in-between space between, I like you and what I feel for Morticia they say te queiro. It translates to I want you directly but the connotation is more complex. There are more hues and levels of love in Spanish.
Roses: Right, in English it's just the one word for all levels and for all people and objects. And so consequently, it's a magic word. People don't say it. Or they don't say it enough. It's kinda like the word soulmates and how it only gets to be a very narrow definition when really soulmates have levels and complexity. I looked it up of course. It's got at least 23 definitions and that sidesteps the real issue that the word love is magic and means so much and many things. So, in America, to say "I love you" is an abject declaration and a giant emotional risk because our language is broken. The chasm left between like and love is immense in English and it's one of the true tragedies for a so-called romantic language.
Gomez: Are you planning on putting a linguistics lecture as your big close to your mixtape, mi amiga? I thought she was not a words person.
Roses: No my friend. I was just thinking that it's a romantic playlist. The whole subtext is about love but because English is broken it's a censored word. *looks at notes* But, the word means to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection, mingled with sexual desire, for another person. That's the right word. No synonym will do. It's a steadily increasing flow of intimacy, passion, and commitment and then one day somebody will be brave enough to jump across the chasm from "I like you" to "I love you" even though both people are feeling all these complex gradients in between that we don't get to have words for. So, I found this song and I think the lyrics nailed it:
I know that you love me/Darling, you don't have to say it/You know you can trust me/It's okay, it's complicated - Baby, I'm yours.
Gomez: *smiles warmly* That's beautiful. I continue to hope this blooms for you.
Roses: Thanks, that means a lot. Her theme was, 'This is What Love Is' and I just wanted that to have a poetic reply that said that it was ok to feel all of it and not have the right words for it.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
I think gay or not, he still will blurr out the face of the people in his photos for their own protection and for privacy so it's not telling of much to be honest.
The queerbaiting bit is too strong like you said. Queer baiting is a promise to a gay audience that they are being represented, included and at the very least celebrated.
I don't think he's doing any of that here. But he can be a bit of a troll and some times he participates in the clownry too. It's just like JK pulling Jimin's pants down in Soop when JM said he should save his energy to work later or when he asked Jimin if he wanted to eat some ramen at 1am knowing well the subtext behind it. Does he not know rumor has it he screwing Jimin? Pretty sure he do.
I mean one time he tried to unbutton his shirt on stage while staring Jimin in the eyes- won't lie it haunts me to this day.
Can't take bangtan literal sometimes. They will troll and clown you heavy.
Besides, men have male friends too. Clearly he enjoys the male company he keeps and whether that's his friend or interpreter or both or other we never know.
I get the humor and i participate in it but I'm surprised people are taking it seriously that's all.
Dude freaked out when Tae talked about bts having kids and he freaks out around certain members who are rumored to be dating. But somehow we think if he had a boyfriend he'd post them and blurr their faces to the cheers of the members he seperates. scolds. and censors. Army let's not be weird and just enjoy this for the humor that it brings.
For Jungkook, really all that his actions shows me is something I've already been saying about him consistently for years now that he is not afraid to express his affections for Jimin or anyone really.
You are talking of an ig photo but forget a whole Rosebowl happened.
You say he didn't post for JM on his birthday but did he post for RM or Tae too??? No. Hell he didn't post for any of them for a whole year going on to two but clearly he had been saving pictures of them in his camera roll all along.
And I get that because this is his personal IG and not one hybe is controlling that whatever he posts are things and moments that carry meaning to him but really all he's been doing is posting and deleting and trying to figure the app out.
And this is the most active he's been in a very long time. That's what I find most intriguing.
If he has a picture of Tae, he most certainly has a picture of Jimin in his camera roll too. And please, Tae had 4D photos of Jimin in his camera roll and didn't post them on JMs birthday😫
Didn't even post at all now did he.
I'm still salty about that. No one asked him to go get creative with it. No one😫
I hate these discussions because I feel on one hand, I'm being pushed to compare and contrast and invalidate others' relationship when that isn't and shouldn't be the case.
I'm a bit of the observant type and like to observe, understand a situation before reacting to it. I'm just taking all this in as data either enjoying it or simply pushing it into the archive for review later
I get that it can be hard to see your ship captain pilot another ship but that's between Jungkook and us his shippers isn't it?
When he's done feeding and frolicking around with other shippers he has us, his main 🐥chicks to answer to😤
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Not jungkook seeing other shippers😭😭😔
Remind me to give him detention at the end of year shipper/shippee annual review dinner. Lol.
As his lesbian PA and ship clerk, I'll let him know jokers are furious and jealous and he needs to come do the gay for us too. Is Tuesday ok? Oh wait, Jinkookers booked him for Tuesday. How bout Thursday? Is Thursday alright? Whew. The ghetto. Lmho.
I think this is tame compared to the things those two can do and yall just tripping or too spoiled and entitled.
I didn't take them seriously when they said they were working on a song together. I thought it was a joke and Kook played along well. He's actually good at it even though half of the time i don't think he knows shit😫
But if there's a song coming it better be a bop about their shared love for french fries and troye sivan cos Friends is taken and Tae already has a soul mate🤺
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I think us shippers need to seperate our personal ideosyncracies from the subject matter and know our boundaries.
Take accountability for your emotions.
If you are mad you are mad. If you are jealous you are jealous. To project and lashout against these boys for your emotions is wrong.
Say it with me, IT IS WRONG.
Been there done that it doesn't help nothing. And I think we could all learn to have a sense of humor about these things.
Please channel all your grievances through me. I'll forward it to kook. And maybe I'm slow and don't get it, do yall feel him posting someone else and not his boyfriend is an ass move?🤔
Or that it shakes the foundation of your belief in Jikook as a thing?? Because if that's the case then I think you need to find a new blogger cos I'm not the one for you😫
If the former is the case then I'm sure he didn't think too much of it but knowing Kook- this was a deliberate act🤷🏾‍♀️
Pretty sure there are a lot of photos he has of himself and other members and he chose to post this on his own free will.
Good for Tuktukkers🙄
But again, it doesn't invalidate Jikook so...
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And if JM has a problem with this boy would he whoop someone's ass🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He didn't post for JMs birthday, made portraits for others, didn't post him on his IG, posted another- my boy must be a masochist chilee. He really must love getting spanked and tied up cos WHY does he keep setting himself up. Lmho.
Funny thing is, he'd be out here posting lyrics about how hoes aint loyal and throwing tantrums if the roles where reversed
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I just hope JM doesn't come out here posting nobody cos please we need to respect ourselves in these streets and live up to our reputation of petty mcPetty 😫😫
May be I'm projecting but I only fuck with those who fuck with me and I'm petty as fuck.
I feel it's too early to draw definitive conclusions so let's just watch how they use the app and space and trust that they are adults who know what they are doing and have free will to do what they want to do. You may not like the choices they make but you gotta respect it.
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radioactivedotcom · 3 years
Hi, I’m asking a few adult simblrs a similar question because it’s something that hits close to home and I feel it needs to be discussed. What are your thoughts on adults and minors in this community interacting? Is it okay for an adult to befriend a minor and vice versa? Your insight will be appreciated, thanks.
So this is a tricky subject. I have a feeling this may spark another simblr discourse, but oh well. There's a lot of subjects I stay away from, but this one I do feel pretty strongly about, so.
I, personally, as an adult, am against befriending minors. I just don't think it's a good idea, or appropriate, even if it's a totally innoccent thing. I don't mind minors following my blog and interacting with my posts, but I would not exchance DMs with them, nor would I join discord servers to make friends with them. And as a general rule of thumb, I also don't myself follow minors' simblrs. I think I might follow a few unknowingly (or at least, I have for sure) because they don't all disclose their age in their bios, and I've unfollowed some after finding out said age. But again, I'm not that strict about it.
But I'd like to add, though, that there's a very big difference between an 18yo and a 16yo becoming friends, and a 30yo and a 16yo becoming friends? I don't know what age gap is like... ok, no, that's a line crossed. But I know that again, I, as a 29yo, do not feel comfortable talking to minors.
I won't soft-block them, I don't ignore their existence. I've seen people say: 'there's nsfw content on my blog' or 'my stories have adult content' and that's why they don't allow minors to follow them, and that's entirely fair. I just think I won't go through that hassle because... well, frankly I remember being 12 and lying about my age so I could access content I... maybe shouldn't have had access to (like, 100% shouldn't have had) and I would resort to all sorts of tricks if I wanted access to it. If they wanna see your blog and your content, they will. But I also don't think that means we should censor ourselves and our stories on the off-chance that a minor sees it because... Well, frankly, tumblr isn't a site just for minors, and adults are allowed to use this space, as adults, as well, no matter the nip ban. What we can do is tag properly, warn about adult content, and hope minors do the smart thing and block this sort of content from their dash.
However, I will not befriend minors nor talk to them in private, and the older I get, the stronger I feel about this. The very, veeery few times I ended up somehow interacting with minors, it turned into me giving life advice, and even this made me highly uncomfortable, because we are complete strangers, and I do not know this kid enough to be giving advices like this, and I've cut it short every single time. I get that some minors maybe don't have any good, nurturing, role-model-types of adults in their private lives, but an internet stranger is not the answer to this problem. And being friends with a minor, especially if the age gap is very big, is just weird. Let them interact with peers their age, there's plenty of simblrs that are minors and can befriend each other, we adults don't need to insert ourselves in those dynamics. It's not a matter of being mean to minors, it's a matter of: we know better on this, and we should not encourage them to seek out complete strangers on the internet who are much older than them.
So yeah. Those are my two cents on this subject.
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controversial post ahead. if you want problems fuck off. if you're open to discuss, please do read.
ok, i have to be extremely honest now and if someone disagrees they can express it politely and actually try to convince me ti change my mind, i'm open to that.
i don't like some neopronouns.
i'm absolutely, 101% fine with 'it' which i don't know if it's a neopronoun or not, since it's been around forever), 'xe', 'ey', 'ze' and such. i have a couple of (anglophone) friends who use these and they're pretty good linguistic choices, even if i tend to always think of how some screen readers softwares for visually-impaired people handle 'xe'.
but let me get back to the main point before i get too lost.
admittedly, i don't know many neopronouns because in my language it's pretty much impossible to make new genderneutral pronouns if not 'l*i' or 'ləi'. no, the asterisk isn't me censoring something, it's how we usually omit the vowel that indicates gender.
but anyway.
i have seen some people trying to justify (and yes, i chose this word for a reason) pronouns like 'frog', 'rat' and whatever. similar things. and... it's ok, it's ok if you want to identity with a rat or a frog or whatever other animal or thing, it's not up to me to judge. and where did i see these people? stay tuned.
identity is complex, nobody fits in a box, even cis people are all different in their identities so judging someone whose pronouns are not conventional may sound hypocritical of me.
experimenting is fine, it's encouraged! but i can't help feeling conflicted when experimentation is completely dishonoured and reduced to... that. it feels like mocking, more than experimenting, to me.
these things, they're mostly on tiktok, and that platform is a cancer, let me tell you. i've had it for maybe a month and a half and i've already decided that i am going to get rid of it, since i basically only keep it for the sounds at this point. it is truly horrendous.
everyone knows tiktok is bad- everyone but the younger kids on it apparently. i'm not saying that these neopronouns are 'caused' by tiktok, and i don't want to gatekeep and impose that we only use pronouns that aren't, like, object/animal related.
...even if 'it' is object related but, you get what i mean.
ok. focus.
you know how we (lgbtq+ community AND people with common sense) always mock people who're like "i identify with 'banana/smoothie' haha" because they diminish and don't actually get the concept of identity and think of it as laughing stock? that's how i feel about 'rats', 'frogs', and whatever.
also, i personally hate the stereotype that all enby people are obsessed with reptiles and rodents, i find it so pretentious and an attention-seeking behaviour- hey, those animals, in most videos, aren't even ok. you should always wear gloves when touching frogs, fyi, not only for your safety, but for theirs too, and for their wellbeing. contact with your bare skin, no matter how clean, hurts them. just a heads-up.
sorry for the umpteenth digression. it's way past 3am. anyway.
sometimes i have the feeling that these neopronouns, that seem to only exist on tiktok are there to lure more (young) people into that horrible tiktok quirky-standardization propaganda (i can't think of more proper way to describe it). the idea of being different is alluring, the idea of being original- and we actually are all different, as i said earlier, so that's a great start. also, the idea of being a genuinely good person who can help others to discover themselves by teaching how to use pronouns- that will most likely never be used- can seem fun. yes, fun. it's not even malice. it's just being naive and offensive at the same time- due to the aforementioned reasons, i do feel weirded out and offended by 'frog' and 'rats' pronouns, but i'm sure it's not a universal feeling and i accept it with no issues. it really feels as if these people were trying to tell everyone that we're all different in the same exact way, which is partially true. we are all different. none of us is original. some are more different, some are less different, but none of us is absolutely, authentically original. and tiktok is literally the least recommended space to look for those things.
by saying that all enbies look like this-and-that, that we all like frogs, and rats, and witchcraft, and funny outfit, by making up new pronouns* that sum up all the stereotypes- i get that these people want to create a community of some sort. it's in the human nature, to crave the company of those like us. but this defeats the very purpose of identity. or, rather, of personal identity. this obsession with ways to team-up and bond over neopronouns that should really just be listed as common interests in the group, over specific behavioural patterns, and sadly over mental illnesses! like, "all enbies have ADHD lol!" no, no, don't link gender identity and mental illnesses, it's quite dangerous, someone in history has already though about it, didn't end well.
* [yes yes, i know all pronouns are made up, do not mansplain linguistics to me because not only it's my hyperfixation but also it's in my major]
the purpose of neopronouns is for people to experiment, to try new things out, to express themselves, to be free. and to make a statement. gender neutral pronouns do not fall into standard categories, obviously, and for this, we are not respected, mistreated, mocked, have our identity compared to an object's for fun.
that's why 'frog', 'rats' and whatnot is actually offensive to me. it's not like there's a proper way of experimenting pronouns, nor a precise path to follow. and before you say "people who use those are actually reclaiming the slur used against them to empower themselves", don't. you and i both know it's not like that.
this whole thing feels sketchy. again, it's all on tiktok, a platform to show off, to entertain (which, ok, for people who cosplay and such like me is actually nice, if not for the fact that the app is dangerous, harmful and dumb with its algorhythm).
and i say this as a they/them who likes frogs, and would actually love to maybe try and dress like these people if i had the possibility- those are expensive outfits and literally ¾ of the things in my wardrobe used to be my cousin's so... 'thrifty style', wohoo, hopped on a trend when it still wasn't a trend but simply common sense to wear second-hand stuff!
so... is it just me?
(people who will give me proof of having a jellyfish brain by attacking me without a reason will be blocked immediately without a reply. this is tumblr and i'm italian, meaning that i take no shit and give no fucks)
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mxtxnovelrealm · 2 years
Heavns Official Blessing's Chapter 2 review!
Chapter 2 starts simple with them at the cafe still and discussing the last bits of the mission of the ghost groom. We see a bit more of Nen Feng and Fu yao's personality here. One is sipping the tea that is offered while the other is ignoring it while whipping off his fingers.
I think the both really do want to help his Highness with this task but I also think one wants to more than the other. At this point its hard to say what they could be thinking. However Fu Yao is more sarcastic and gives off the 'lets get this over with type of vibes.'
Right at this Xie Lian is like 'ok I'm done for now I'm going to lay somehwhere.' and he really meant anywhere because he was heading for bushes! This just shows how much he got used to just laying wherever in the last 800 years! While the other two are like 'No. Let's get a temple!'
They find a Nan Yang temple and settle in there. This is where is different to the Donghua differs from the book and Manhua. Which I am not sure if it has to do with censoring or to speed up the plot point or a bit of both?
For example in the book and Anime this is where we first see the young maiden where in the Donghua we meet her right off the bat outside the tea shop.
Of course before she enters we learn why the temple of Nan Yang has meny female believers as once a time his temple was the temple of 'Dick Yang' which is funny and it was a delightful bit of humor there that I enjoyed.
That is of course when the young Maiden enters and right off the bat Fu yao calls her ugly. Another difference is her appearance. In the Book she is read to have a flat face with a crooked nose. In the Donghua she is just plane looking with freckles but the Manhua she is actually drawn kind of cute. I don't know why the change? I just thought it odd? But yeah she is pictured be a bit more.... Odd looking in the book. If I think about it later I'll post screen shots of her in both appearances along with Xie Lian's description about her.
At this point they notice she has a tear in her skirt. Nen Feng becomes very nervous at this and Xie Lian seem to notice as he quickly tells him not to be nervous. Though the Junior is so nervous he can't even speak.
Xie Lian takes action here. He takes off his outer robe and tossed it down to Xiao-Ying. She takes it off though unsure where it came from and lays it out on the alter. This of course causes Xie Lian to jump down with Hsi chest bare and try again to get her to cover. Of course Hsi luck is bad and he ends up with a slap to the face! Poor guy!
Here we see that Xie Lian is covered in bandages from his chest, neck, and arms are wrapped in bandages and some cuts could be seen underneath. We read here that Xie Lian had actually sprained his neck even! It's healed by now but still! He fell that hard! At least he says he fell. Nan Feng and Fu Yao don't believe it of course. However Xie Lian states (at least to himself) that if it was a fight he wouldn't have been so hurt. Which means he has confidence in his abilities. (why wouldn't he though? Being alive 800 years! He should have Amazeing skill!) This is also when we see the cursed shackle. Which is described as a collar. It's also mentioned later that it's something Xie Lian can feel. However again in the Manhua and Donghua it looks more like tattoo markings? I am guessing that will be changed later? I mean I am not sure. Though even the drawing in the book it looks like a plane black band around his neck.
They two 'juniors' stare at it and Xie Lian thinks it has to do with them never seeing one before? Though I have a hunch it's something else.
When that is settled and Nen Feng grabs robes for Xie Lian they sit and talk again only for the two 'Juniors' to start fighting. And what do they fight about? The Crown Prince Xie Lian himself!
They fight and throw stuff and Xie Lian thinks about eating a meat bun that is old only for one of them to fling it from his hand. They even scold him about it being dirty. It's a very fun read and you really can see dispite 'first time meeting one another' that they are all also comfortable with one another. At least that is how I see it? It must also help that they are not on the heavenly realm and can be more relaxed? I am not sure. However it's enjoyable to read and I really like the interactions between all three men here. It ends with Xie Lian scolding them only for Men Feng to scold back about eating dirty food.
It skips to the next day here. They are back at the tea Shop. Fu Yao asks why they are discussing the mission there in the open and Xie Lian simply explains 'If people over hear us they will just think us insane.' Which I love him for. Like this and that is no big deal hahah!
Then Xie Lian asks simply what do they do with the creature once it's found.
Fu Yao: Kill it
Nan Feng: No shit.
I died. Like Can you be any sassier? I love these two and their bickering with one another. 'No shit' hahaha.
Then Xie Lian is like 'Dont be rude. What did Fu Yao say that was wrong?' like Seriously tho. Haha!
Of course the fun banter is interupted with the men of the town pretending to do a wedding to lure out the Ghost Groom. Ah the leader I off the bat don't like.
Poor Xiao Ying gets pushed about to and she is just trying to stop them from hurting a possible inocent person only for it to be a wooden puppet of sorts. It's honestly pretty poor attempt and they are blinded by greed to see that this plan won't work. Fake bride, fake wedding, and roudy men. Xie Lian sees it off the bat.
The chapter of the book actually ends here with the fake bride's head falling off and rolling out of the sadden.
I want to review Chapter 3 however seeing as it's also the introduction of Hua Cheng (so to speak) I want to really focus on it and make it nice.
However Chapter 2 was a fun chapter. We really get to see Nen Feng and Fu Yao's personality in this and just how much they seem to be annoyed to be there. Are they actually annoyed to be helping the Prince or to be partnered together? Xie Lian really seems to think it's helping him but I think it's the other. It's protrayed as they are annoyed to be helping Xie Lian but the way the two argue it seems like it's more working together. However Fu Yao seems to be perhaps a bit of both? Like he is just annoyed in general? Where Nen Feng seems more serious about the situation.
Non the less it was a fun chapter and one of the more shorter ones of the book! Review on Chapter 3 and probably 4 will be coming soon!
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Welcome Home! (Pregame Angie x Reader)
tw: very very small implications of violence and domestic abuse, it's otherwise fluff
Word Count: 883
"We got to learn to stick together."
These words leave your mouth without really thinking. You just wanted Angie to feel ok again, it's been a very bad day. You didn't expect for her to be cornered yet again when you left to go to the bathroom. You should have just brought her with you.
Now she sits on the floor, with a bloody nose and new bruises. You almost asked her whether or not they stole her lunch money again, but they did, they always steal from her. You can't exactly help that the reason she gets picked on is because of her skin tone. The kids at your high school have to be some of the most racist pricks to ever existed in Japan.
"I'm sorry that you always have to drag me to the nurse's office everyday Y/N."
"Please don't say that like this is an obligation, you know I care about you Angie..."
"I know, and I'm trying my best not to get myself into trouble for you."
You should just invite her for another sleepover under the pretense of studying so she doesn't have to go back to the occult she left this morning. It would give you just enough time to address all of her wounds, as she did open some of the old ones on accident in the scuffle of trying to defend herself. Where the hell is Gokuhara when you need him?
"Think you could stay over again Angie?"
"I'm not sure that my parents would allow it to happen twice in one week."
"Your happiness doesn't need a censor."
"I know...But hey, that's what I have my sketchbook for right?"
"Yeah, you're on your way to becoming an ultimate for real with your art skills hon."
"You flatter me too much Y/N...."
"It's true though! Your parents are just being mean!"
"I wish they would let me draw when I need to."
"You know that I'll always take good care of your sketchbooks when you go home."
You absolutely hate her family, no matter what you do they always point out "flaws" in your personality, looks, mannerisms, and fashion sense when you go over to see her and drop off her homework when she gets sick. You thought about just asking her to live with you and your family, but you didn't think that her family would give her up so easily. At least that's what you thought.
Over the last few days your parents have actually been talking to her parents in terms of adopting Angie. You were saddened to know that they wanted to give her up all together due to her not matching up with the standards of the "perfect child" they were expecting her to be. You didn't want to tell her in case they back out of actually signing the paperwork, but so far things have been moving fast and smoothly.
The day that you actually told her, she completely broke down in tears. She was so happy that she didn't have to go back to that hell hole with people she secretly hated. You had to hold her up to keep her from falling to her knees.
"I-I'm free! I'm free! Thank Auta I'm free! Thank you God!"
"Yeah, my parents are actually looking forward to getting to know you better Angie, and don't worry about having to create the best first impression, because I sure didn't and they love me just fine."
"A-Ah, of course Y/N, thank you so much! I love you so much."
She finally says how she feels. Thank god, you've waited so long for her to say the words.
"I love you too Angie."
While it didn't help with the bullying much, she started feeling so better about herself. You gave her full range of your now shared room, and she decided to create a mural on your bedroom wall. A beautiful field of flowers, of course it took a few months to finish, but the end results were to die for.
"Angie sweetheart, can you help me in the kitchen?"
"Can I make another art piece out of the food?"
"I don't see why not."
"I'm coming!"
"Hey wait for me!"
Angie started experimenting with different art forms to the point where she developed several different art styles. Gokuhara was even impressed by his friend's progress. To say the least, she was in her own version of heaven living with you. She can even make her own lunches to avoid getting her allowance stolen again. She's learning so many things she didn't know about what good parents are like. She literally every bit of affection they give her, the first time causing her to completely breakdown twice in one day.
"Welcome home kids, how was your day?"
That was the thing she loved hearing most at the end of the day, "How are you?" something that she was never asked before you stepped into her life. She could literally worship the floor that you walk upon for saving her. She loves you so much, and you'll have to teach her that she means just as much to her. It'll also take some time for her to stop worshipping you like her previous god, be patient with her, please.
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white-queen-lacus · 3 years
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"You should first understand yourself".
I'm not sure about the meaning of this sentence. Is Vizarga/OK trying to say that Gallet should search for the meaning and the effects of wisdom in Grand Rolo or he's referring to his past life (probably)? Considering that Grand Rolo is just like it was at the time of Gekiha (for what I can see), I guess Gallet didn't came back too much in time...
I had the idea that he went back to the original time when the Otherworld was invaded by the man who became the Otherworld King. After all, in BS Mirage, Yuuki will appear, but I began to think that he could be the White King, aka Yuuki's original self and not yet Momose Yuuki. It would make sense, since we still don't know this much about him. Thinking about, everything in Shonen Gekiha Dan happened because Yuuki and Kajitsu's memories of the past had awaken and they were searching for a way to free themselves from the curse. What we knew is that the two of them (as stated by Yuuki) are both Otherworlders and humans: precisely, in a very distant past, when they were living their original lives, they were the royalty of the Otherworld, being Yuuki the King of the White World and Kajitsu the Princess of the Green World, and their deaths occurred on their wedding day before the rite. From that moment, they were reincarnated once as siblings (fact that was totally censored here in Italy). They referred to the curse because even if they get married somehow, they couldn't stay married for long in the human world (hello inc*st) both for a legal point of view and maybe for the fact that Kajitsu inherited the Mother Core and its removal means death (just like it happened). In Saga Brave, we only know that Yuuki died at some point between Gekiha and Brave, probably because he was killed. After Kajitsu's death, he tried everything in order to restore her name, and he was seen as the representative of the Core Bearers. Anyway, his death is still mysterious and never properly addressed. Gallet being Yuuki means sense considering that Gallet, differently from Zolder in Brave, retains Yuuki's own wisdom and diplomacy. He is determined to seek for justice and freedom by using the diplomacy of duels. Also, in Mirage it's sure that Kajitsu will appear too because of Rein (who has definitely Kajitsu's appeal and vibe, on the contrary of Flora), and I can't wait for the two of them to meet and to get their happy ending, this time! 😭💖
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novarasalas · 6 years
Second Look Review: Lion’s Pride 1 & 2
Part 1
So, this is it. The final battle for Earth. Everything that’s happened this season has been preparing us for this very moment.
I’m sweating, guys.
This is nonstop action. So many things are happening at once. So many bad things are happening to the protagonists at once.
I’ve heard the showrunners say several times now that this series is a call back to all the mecha shows from the past, and that’s it’s made for the fans of those shows. I’ve heard plenty of people talk about how nostalgic it makes them, and how it reminds them of watching the shows they used to love.
I was too young for the original run of Voltron, though, and I never really had access to other shows like Macross.
So, I understood in principle, but that same feeling didn’t hit me until these two episodes.
And now I'm’ going to talk about myself for a bit.
I can’t even tell you the feeling I was overcome with the first time I watched The Power Rangers. It’s 1993, I’ve been 7 years old for three days, it’s Saturday, and my mind has just been blown. I can’t tell you what it was about the show, but all I knew was that I wanted to be a Power Ranger very, very badly. I can’t, though. But at least I can make believe every Saturday morning.
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Difficulty: I’m a girl. Girls aren’t supposed to like things like that. Martial arts, weapons, fighting? Inappropriate!
So, as my first act of rebellion, I became a wholly dedicated fan to this weirdly , edited-for-american-audiences sentai show.
I still have that guitar riff stuck in my head. It plays for me when I do things that my parents would find...unladylike.
So, from that day on, my love of mecha shows was on. My parents eventually relented, and I treasured the one action figure we could afford. It was the pink ranger, of course.
But I eventually grew out of my Power Rangers phase, and for years that love lay dormant. Sure, there were other shows out there, animated and live action, but I had no way of getting to them.
Then we got cable, which had Cartoon Network. And Cartoon Network had Toonami.
I was 13 years old, staying up past midnight to watch only-lightly-censored anime, and every night my mind was blown.
Gundam Wing was my drug of choice.
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And if my parents hated me watching the Power Rangers, they absolutely despised me watching this.
Despite the protagonists all being 15 years old, Gundam Wing was a mature story. It told of the hells of war, sacrifice, desperation, politics, romance?, and so many other things. It was so very cool.
My parents eventually relented on this, too. I still have the models they bought me.
I was waaaaayyy too into Gundam Wing. I threw myself headlong into the fandom, consuming every fanwork I possibly could. I spent hours going through Geocities web rings trying to find worthwhile fanfiction and fan art (my fave pairing was 1x2, btw.)
Eventually, I came to realize: this show is actually kinda boring. there’s no humor in it. It just...wasn't interesting to me anymore. It was my thing for years, and then suddenly...I was over it.
But it still holds a special place in my heart.
And I told you all of that to tell you this:
The space battles in these episodes remind of of the finale of Gundam Wing.
I felt a good bit of nostalgia, something that doesn't hit me very often. It was nice.
And that nostalgia reminded me of my first rebellion, when I as a girl liked epic space battles and giant combining mechs and nothing was going to take that away from me.
In a way, I still feel like I’m rebelling. And you know what? Being bad still feels so good.
I’m happy to have this show.
- - -
Atlas, known in Greek mythology, held the Earth upon his shoulders. That’s the story these days, anyway. The original myth is that he held up the celestial spheres, in which the stars and planets resided. He’s holding it all up, is what I’m saying.
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It’s very easy to see Shiro in all of this. He’s the leader of Earth’s forces, and is part of the last line of defense against Sendak. That’s a lot of responsibility. And he takes it all upon himself. He doesn’t hesitate to go to Sendak’s ship to disable it.
...could this guy be any more of a hero?
But we can’t forget about the ship Atlas, or it’s crew
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This thing is a beast, and has no right being so powerful. And without the ship, and without the crew to maneuver it into position to block the cannons, the Earth would have been done for. They didn’t do this because Shiro ordered them to.
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Shiro may be the face of the Atlas, but the ship would be nothing without it’s crew.
Back to Shiro now.
This fight he has with Sendak is...just insane. It’s so raw and personal, I almost felt like maybe I should avert my eyes.
But I won’t, for reasons.
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Quick question: How are either of them surviving this fall? They’re on the outside of a ship thats falling through the atmosphere, without helmets, and fighting. It’s a sight to behold, for sure, but it’s a bit much.
I’ll let it go, thought, just like I’ll let go the fact that the falling ship hit terminal velocity and didn’t leave a 100 mile wide crater.
I have to ignore that, because Shiro is defeated. And then this happens:
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Keith first killed the two pirates in the third episode, then Macidus in the sixth. Before that, none of the Paladins had been shown to kill anyone. I’m still sad about it, in a way. But...better Sendak, than Shiro.
This all seems very symbolic. Everyone seems to have their own ideas about what exactly it means.
In part, I would say this is another moment of Keith never giving up on Shiro. It’s not even about repaying his debt to him; you could argue that that debt was paid in full with interest a long time ago.
Keith knows how much Shiro has been hurt. From here on out, he’s going to make sure that no one ever hurts Shiro again.
As for people saying that Shiro should have been to one to kill Sendak….
I think that the less he has to fight, to kill, to call back those days in the arena, the more he can heal from the trauma of being The Champion.
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- - -
So that’s dealt with. Sendak’s dead. Earth is safe.
How’s everyone feeling?
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….ugh...stop that...lol.
Ok, whatever. Let’s go home.
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Mmm..yeah. This may as well happen.
Part 2
This fight is really something.
First off, I couldn’t help but think that this mech looks like Livia sas Junius from Final Fantasy XIV.
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Everything about this fight is terrifying and frustrating. They just won, and for the first time this season, too! And now they’re losing again.
We see now again what was proven in season 6: Voltron was once the most powerful thing in the universe. But time does this funny thing of marching on, and things tend to change along the way.
Speaking of changing…
Shiro experiences stress-induced-mech building.
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This whole process is amazing. The animation, the music, the timing...everything! Paired with the fact that I had no idea this was going to happen, I was blown away.
And we have no idea how or why this is happening. Could it be the Castleship crystal they installed in the ship? Is it the gem powering his arm? Could it be both? We definitely get some centering shots on those two items as the transformation happens.
Before, we’d been told that the comet ore had be the catalyst for Voltron’s indescribable abilities. But the Atlas is made from Earth materials, save for the new crystal.
Is it Shiro himself?
We don’t know what’s really happening with him. From Haggar’s experiments on him, to being trapped within Voltron’s quintessence, to being pulled away from the Black Lion and placed into a new physical form, a lot of magical hoodoo voodoo has been happening to him.
And let’s not forget: Haggar was most likely using him, in someway, to enter Oriande.
So, why did the Atlas transform? Because Shiro. I don’t know why, or how, but it couldn’t have happened with anyone else.
And with this new creation, he’s going to save his friends. Or...he’ll try to.
Now, for as much as I love the concept of the Atlas, I have a bit of a complaint.
So, I’m watching this thing transform, and everything is light and wonder. And then..I saw it:
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Shiro, probably: Fine! I’ll make my own Voltron! With blackjack! And hookers!
Have you ever been watching something and you feel all things at once?
That’s how I felt.
At first, it was like:
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then I was like 
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and then it was back to
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Then I paused the show and did the dishes.
Friends, I hate to say this, but...I don’t like how the Atlas looks. At all.
That transformation sequence had me high on wonder, but when it finished, I crashed back down, hard.
No amount of “ooo she thicc” jokes are gonna save me on this one.
...look at it’s legs!
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And what really gets me is that it threw me off so much, that I kinda checked out for the rest of the episode. That’s why these are the Second Look Reviews; because I was being too ridiculous the first time to appreciate them.
I’ve gotten over it at this point, but I was feeling an all consuming “what the hell did I just witness?” at the time.
--- -
Back to it, though.
Shiro transformed that whole damn ship on his own. He saw his friends in danger and he just...did that.
And it was enough to distract the enemy, but not enough.
Thankfully, Voltron was there to save the day.
And then…
Look, this was stressful. You know they’re going to make it; there’s another season left, for god’s sake! And Voltron, while dramatic and sometimes sad, is a hopeful story.
Our heroes can’t die, not now, not like this.
But they don’t know that.
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The transition to the funeral, with the lions in the background, was a cruel, cruel fakeout. The emotion in Shiro’s voice here really made me think for a second that maybe they’d actual, ya know...done it.
But it’s ok.
Everyones ok.
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And now, there’s the hope.
The entire universe is coming together to help the Paladins rebuild their home. The team has done so much for the universe, and have nearly sacrificed everything doing so (several times at this point).
This is the good ending. It’s happy, it’s uplifting.
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It’s not ending.
In summary:
It’s all intense battles and wild nostalgia. These episodes were beautifully put together, from scripting to animation to voice acting.
But just when things were nice and understandable, we get more questions. Questions that I can only hope we get answers to.
Next up: I’ve got a review summary coming up. I’ll talk about my thoughts on this season, the series as a whole, and discuss a few things about next season.
And I took this screenshot
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it doesn't have anything to do with my review, but I noticed that curl on the side of Lance’s face. It’s cute. I wanted to share.
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
I'm not sure do you want to write it, because it's a little bit connected with wet dreams of RFA and Saeran's fic when he spies on MC's phone call, but maybe you want to write a request where RFA+V+Saeran and MC not together, but are very close, and s\o overhears how MC tells her friend about a certain nsfw fantasy about them and try to fulfill it. Btw, I love your works! You are amazing!
Wet dreams again! And with this one, the “wet dreams” trilogy is now complete! I did this one as mini-fics to celebrate, LOL (not really, I just got carried away as usual)
RFA + Saeran and V overhearing MC talking about her wet dreams with them (NSFW-ish?)
“Ah, MC!Come on, you don’t have to blush so much! You know you’re probably not the onlygirl in this country that had wet dreams about Zen, right?”
“I know…but it’s different.  I’m not just hisfan, I’m his friend. And he was a fucking butler, for fuck’s sake!”
“So what?You have a thing for butlers. Big news: we all do after watching Kuroshitsuji.”
“Yeah, and my mind keepsplaying a hentai version of it. With Zen! And… less wet, you know how hentaisare all wet and the censored version shows a girl being fucked by a bunch ofpixels? Yeah… my dream was nothing like that.”
“Oh… no pixels? So how…how did it look?”
“Perfect… just like him…”you sigh and chug the rest of your beer, watching as she laughs and says you’rea dirty little bitch, and that’s why she loves you.
Zen feels… oddlyembarrassed. His fans have no chill in talking how handsome and sexy he is, andhow he is always in their dreams, but you’re right, you’re not just a fan, you’rehis friend. And though you never really hid you think he’s attractive, you nevertold him you think he’s perfect, that his… dick… is perfect! Oh my… so much informationto deal! He was just trying to find you two in this after party with some ofhis colleague actors, and here are the things he found out: hentais are all wet,girl talk is kinda funny, girl talk makes him feel oddly shy when he happens tobe the subject of it, you think he’s perfect. He and his perfect dick servingyou in your dreams… oh, dreams are such powerful happenings, aren’t they? Hehas psychic dreams once in a while… what about you?
“Hey, I finally found youtwo, ladies. Ready to go home?” he tries to act casually, but he’s seeing youon a whole different light.
“Yeah, let’s go. It’skinda late.” Your friend says, getting up of her chair. “Oh, but let me justfangirl a little over that guy who played salesman #2. I’ll… meet you guysoutside.” She doesn’t even give you time to say anything and just vanish out ofthere.
“Enjoying the party,babe?” oh… even calling you ‘babe’ feels differently now. What did he call youin your dream? Madam?
“Yeah, it’s been great,Zen! Thanks for letting us crash into this party, the musical was… fabulous,you’re so talented.”
“Thanks. Here, let mehelp you with your coat.”
“Oh, no need to, I’mfine.”
“Come on, it’s a pleasureto service you.” Your eyes widen as you look away. Oh… he had no idea hislittle tease would make him feel as aroused as you. “Anything else I can do foryou?”
“N-no, I’m fine. Let’sget my friend before she ‘accidentally trips and falls into some of yourcolleagues arms.” He chuckles at your attempt of brushing it out whatever wildthoughts your mind is going through. What wouldn’t he give to hear them all?
You let your friend ather place and then he walks you to yours. Somehow you managed to go back to yourusual, funny, bubbly self. You two stop at the door of your building.
“Thanks for the night,Zen.”
“My pleasure.” He bowsbefore you, smirking as he sees you pressing your legs against each other. “So,  what about joining me tomorrow night to helpme practice my lines? I think you’ll really like this new project.”
“Sure! I would love to!Who will you play?”
“A butler.” He saysbluntly, trying not to laugh at your eyes blinking non-stop and your half ajarmouth, your reaction is…ugh, perfect. “Good night, babe. Have sweet dreams.”
Your answer comes outalmost in a whisper. And as he starts walking, hearing you go inside yourbuilding, he sighs in amusement. Your friend loves you because you’re a ‘dirtylittle bitch’ and he loves you because… wait! He loves you?
“You should be ashamed ofyourself for thinking such impure thoughts about such a cinnamon roll, MC!”
“Don’t you think I don’tknow that? Ugh… he’s really cute, isn’t it?” you sigh “But you know what’scuter? His balls that I shamelessly sucked in that dream!” you two laughmischievously.
“Well, you’re soaltruistic even in your fantasies, aren’t you? Giving blowjobs instead ofgetting eaten, I mean…”
“Well, you’ve met him,haven’t you? He’s so shy, I think a blowjob would really make him loosen up. Hewas definitely not shy in my dream, you know?”
“Bet he whined like apuppy.”
“Girl, no! He wasgroaning, and trust me… it was hot!”
Shit shit shit! Yoosungshould have stopped listening to this when he heard “balls”. And yet, he keptstanding there behind the bathroom door as you and your friend walked to thehallway of the house she was throwing a little get together. He felt so specialabout her inviting him, since he was one of your closest friends by now. Well,as close as you two are now, it will never be close enough like you and hertalking about such… intimate things like you’re discussing this new color ofnail polish or… other stuff women talk about that he doesn’t really understand.And though he appreciates it the hint of concern and desire of him looseningup, your methods are… gahhhh! His face is all hot! Hot… like his groans in yourdream? No! What is he thinking? This is so naughty, Yoosung!
“Hey, MC…” he does hisbest to not show you his embarrassment as he goes to you a little later, atleast not too much embarrassment.
“Are you okay? You lookso red… you don’t have a fever, do you?” your friend asks, trying to reach hisforehead, which makes him even redder. “Oh, poor thing!  Hey, there’s a thermometer in the first aidkit in the kitchen, why don’t you pick it? MC will help you.” He looks at you,and… well, it would be impossible for you to get more flustered as him, but…you looked pretty embarrassed… which made him feel a little relieved and veryaroused.
“Sorry for the trouble,MC. I… don’t really wanna feel like a burden to you or your friend.”
“Nonsense! If you’resick, I need to help you and make sure you’re feeling ok.” Helping him… makinghim feel ok… gahhh! How come everything you say takes him immediately to theconversation he overheard?
“See? No fever! I toldyou I was fine, no need to worry! Now let’s go back to the party!” he says,yes, he’ll definitely shake these naughty thoughts if it isn’t just the two ofyou.
“Are you sure? Or we canjust go, you know?”
“Ah, now that I wasstarting to loosen up?” oops! It slips from his mouth before he even realizes.But your shy smile is so worthy… “I mean… I mean… I…”
“You’re right. Let’s go.”You turn your back on him. So he won’t see you blushing, maybe?
And he did loosen up,making you and your friend really delighted. At the end, people were sad for seeingyou two calling it a night and he saying goodbye to walk you home.
“Did you have fun,Yoosung?” you ask when you two stop by the door of your building.
“Yes! I gotta say, yourfriends are… really handful at first, but then I got more comfortable and hadso much fun. Thanks for the night, MC!”
“Oh, I should thank youfor joining me, I know they can be really loud and… hard to deal if you’re shyand…”
“Oh, you should know thatI’m not really that shy…” well, he is. But he needed seeing your cute flusteredsmile at least one more time before he leaves.
So worth it! Looseningup, getting less shy, making you smile… he loves how much he’s changing becauseof you, he loves… you?
“Never would’ve took youas a boob girl, MC! I was so sure you were more the ass type…”
“Girl, I thought I was,but… her breasts are just… beautiful. I feel like a horny dude by thinking somuch of them to the point of dreaming about them, but… they are beautiful,especially from the angle I was seeing in that dream, you know?”
“Well, they are prettybig, I’m almost jealous…”
“I wish I was jealous, allI can think about is how warm and smooth it must be…just like her whole skin…and I seriously need to stop talking like a creepy guy, don’t I?”
“Well, you lose a littlebit of prudence when you get a crush that big…”
“Ugh, my crush is bigger…bigger than her boobs…” you mutter shyly as your friend tells you’re fuckinghopeless.
Well, this isembarrassing, to say the least. She knew you were slightly different when youhang with your best friend, but this is on a whole another level, she wondersif your friendship with her will ever get to the point of sharing such personalthoughts. Oh… she’s not sure if she’ll ever feel like talking about her eroticdreams… have she ever even had one? No, that one with Zen wasn’t really erotic,oh, but she remembers waking up one night really sweaty… she doesn’t recallmuch, but it was a dream about you… Oh… is talking about wet dreams a normalthing between girlfriends? How will she ever talk about them with her closestfriends if the dream was about the closest friend? Her closest friend has beendreaming about her, about her… boobs. Do they really look that great?
“Hi! I decided to touchup my makeup too.” She says stepping to the bathroom of the bar that youinsisted on bringing your two best friends.
“Oh, great! Here, you canborrow my lipstick. This bitch here will tell you to watch out for herpes, butdon’t mind her, she’s just jealous of my pursing lips.” You roll your eyes andlaugh, making them both chuckle. “I should get going, somebody needs to watchour table, see ya girls in a minute.” She walks out of there humming loudly.
“I’m sorry, she’s just… Ihope she’s not making you embarrassed or anything…” oh, nothing is moreembarrassing than you liking her boobs. What do you like them beside theirsize?
“It’s okay, MC. I’mhaving lots of fun!”
“Oh, I know the name ofthis fun, it’s marguerita, right?” you two laugh as look at the mirror,adjusting yourselves. “Ugh, I’m so tipsy I think I’ll smudge this lipstickbefore I even put it on.”
“Oh, let me help you.” Shepromptly goes to you, holding your shoulders for you to face her. So close…like you were in that dream of hers. Yes, her boobs are pretty big, aren’tthey? You’re not that close and they are almost touching yours, yep, younoticed that too as you quickly glanced down and cleared your throat, facingher again.
“You know what? It’s… it’sfine. I mean, I’ll drink more, so I don’t really need lipstick.” You say,backing away. “Let’s go back before that bitch drinks all the beer!”
And it was so much fun! Itwas so good to be around other women like that, it feels even more specialbecause she never had that before. It’s new, and it’s unpredictable and itmakes her feel like… well, like a woman again. She couldn’t stop feeling thiseven when you called it a night and offered to walk her to her place.
“Are you sure you’re notthe one who needs help to get home, MC?” she asks when you two arrive at herplace.
“Yeah, I’m okay! All thatfun I drank it’s no match for me!” is she a match for you? Wait, what? “Anyway,I should get going, I can’t wait to get home, these shoes are killing me, anddon’t even get me started in this bra!”
“Yeah… I can’t wait totake mine off too…” she feels her face heating up as she notices you basicallystaring at her cleavage.  But herembarrassment turns into amusement as she watches you shaking your head aftersaying goodbye. Ohoho…if you could, you would definitely slap yourself rightnow, wouldn’t you?
She looks to her boobswhen she goes inside her place, chuckling. How could you make her feel so goodabout this part of her body that made her feel so self-conscious for so long?Yeah, you make her feel like a woman, and you know what? Your breasts aren’tbad either… just another great part of you that she… loves?
“Aren’t you a little oldfor school fantasies, girl?”
“Well, he could be aprofessor in university. It’s not like it would be less hot anyway…”
“Were you wearing a pleatedskirt and piggytails?”
“Girl, no! Jumin is aclassy man, I would never have a wet dream about him that could be a video youcan see on Redtube!”
“Oh, so you’re saying hespanked you with a rule, then fucked you over a desk and called you ‘hisnaughty girl’, but with class?”
“Yes, that’s exactly whatI’m saying. He does everything elegantly… even, you know, cumming on mybreasts.” You both chuckle.
Well, uhm… this wasn’t avery elegant conversation, and it definitely wasn’t elegant of him to keeplistening it, even if he was the topic. Well, not him per say, a… professorversion of him? How did you even come up with that? He never even considered acareer in the teaching field… your imagination really is… quite something. Howwould this work? You were a student of his? Oh, but that would be reallyunprofessional… he asking you to meet him after class, he needed to go overyour last essay and how disappointed he was because he knew you have so muchpotential and can do such a better job. And you would tell him you’re reallysorry, because his opinion really matters to you and you’ll do anything toprove you’re worth of his trust. Anything?
“Oh, there you are!” hesays, walking into the balcony you and your friend were talking in this partyat his dad’s house. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Of course not! Actually,I… I feel like I’m interrupting something, I should… taste a little caviar. Youtwo… get along, will you?” you roll your eyes and he smiles softly. She’s sounsubtle even he can see what she’s trying to do.
“How can you interruptsomething you’ve been doing from the beginning? I’m sorry, Jumin, I have noidea what I was thinking when I told she could come over.”
“She is funny, and she isyour friend. Any friend of yours is mine too, MC. How long have you beenfriends, again?”
“Oh, we went to the samecollege.”  Oh… more school talk?
“I would love to have metyou in college, it would have been priceless.” Oh, you’re looking so intentlyat him… what if he teases you a little? “Even though you would probably avoidme, most colleagues would mistake me as a professor.”
“I… don’t think I would avoidyou.” Oh… not the reaction he was expecting, to be honest.
“Well, I’m pleased toknow that. Let’s go back to the party, shall we?” yeah, he got  a little frustrated you didn’t really getflustered. He’s always amused by your flustered face…
He kept thinking aboutthis even after Driver Kim let your friend at her place and now that you twowere alone in his car. Actually, he would like to know what you were thinking. Italmost sounded like you were trying to tease him as well back then. Did he… didhe get flustered? Probably not, if he did, you would giggle and tell him he iscute, like you usually do. Oh yeah, just remembering makes him feel… well,flustered.
“Well, this is where Istay. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Don’t mention it. Thepleasure was all mine. Did you have fun?”
“I did! I was so worriedbecause everything was so fancy and… elegant, but I…”
“You’ll get used to elegance,it would be a privilege to teach you all about elegance from now on, if youallow me to be your teacher, of course.” There it is… your lovely blushingface.
You say a quick goodbyebefore getting off the car and almost running to your house. Ahh, you neverfail to amuse him, do you? He just loves you so much and… oh…
“So, just to make itclear, he would be the one to crossdress, or did you crossdress as a guy too?”
“No, he was the onecrossdressing. And let me tell you, what a hot girl/boy he is. I was almostsexually confused.”
“Yeah, a guy wearing yourpanties and a cat maid outfit while he fucks you? That can be confusing.”
“You say that because youdon’t know how hot he looks in a dress. He looks… he looks even better than us…”
“Nah, you’re just blindedby your crush, I suppose.”
“Yeah… and very sexuallyconfused.” You two laugh and keep talking about guys wearing panties and howhot this is, you kinky little perverts.
Saeyoung accidentallylistened to that phone call as he was checking a little bug in your phone, asyou requested him to do so. Of course he didn’t need to listen to your privateconversations, but he listened his name, crush, maid outfit and wet dream and…well, he couldn’t stop it.  It was wrong,but why did it feel so right? Like most of his feelings for you, to be honest…oh, if you only knew that there was nothing to feel embarrassed, because… well,he had even filthier dreams with you… no, but he could never tell you that, he’snot a girlfriend with who you can open up to and tell your deepest fantasiesand desires. What if he disguised as a woman and tried to get friends with you?Oh… but if you’re so kinky for his crossdressing, you two would end up morethan friends, huh? Lol
He called you because…well, just because. And watched as you jumped when you saw his name on thescreen of your phone. “I’ll call you later, girl.”
“Oh… your littlegirlfriend is on the other line, right? Don’t worry, I won’t be a third wheel.Talk to you later!”
“Hey, Saeyoung, what’sup?” Oh, after that conversation? There is something definitely up with him…
“Just calling to let youknow I’m still trying to fix the bug on your phone remotely, but if it gets tootough, I’ll probably need to go to your place and fix it personally.”
“My place? Ugh… let meknow so I can clean it up before, it’s a mess!”
“Or I can come over andclean for you? Like a good maid?” he listens to you gulping lightly. Ohoho hegot you good, huh? Well, he would like to get you, you know?
And much to yoursurprise, he did show up at your place. He considered showing up as a maid, but…maybe he wouldn’t be able to resist to your lustful eyes when you would spothim standing at the door. So… nah, he would be the only one struggling toresist you, he was pretty good at it.
“Hello, miss. Did yourequest my services?”
“I did. But no uniform?Ugh… such an unprofessional maid!”
“Oh please, forgive me,madam. Shall I change right away?” he says taking off his hoodie and making amotion to his bag so you’ll think he actually brought the costume.
“Or maybe you can workwith no clothes on?” you smirk, and he immediately stops, blushing. You look athim and start laughing. “Come in, stupid, I’ll make some popcorn for us.”
And as he joins you inthe couch to eat that popcorn and find something for you to watch, he can’thelp feeling… happy. Yeah, sexual fantasies are fun, but his innocent fantasiesabout you are so much better, and he’s glad to make this one come true. Hewould love to make all of them come true, because he… he loves you.
“… and I mean, I know it’sbad, but I… I can’t keep an innocent vision about him getting ice cream afterthat dream, you know?”
“What flavor was the icecream?”
“I… I don’t know, it waspink, I… seriously? I just told you about how I dreamed about Saeran lickingice cream off my whole body, and you’re concerned about the flavor? What thefuck?”
“Hahaha, I’m just messingwith you. Don’t get so upset, I bet you don’t get mad when he messes with youlike that.”
“He never messes with me…unfortunately.”
“Awww, someone is feelinga little M, huh?”
M? What does that mean?Oh… his brother calls Yoosung an M sometimes, could it be…? Masochist? SHIT!What’s wrong with you girls? How can you talk about stuff like that soshamelessly? He feels like a nerve-wracking talking over the most trivial stuffwith you, and here you are vividly describing to your equally crazy friend howhe told you how yummy you are and how he would eat you all night, even whenthere was no ice cream anymore. Girls are insane! But still, it’s fun to seeyou so comfortable, he wishes you would get this comfortable around him and notbeing so worried about hurting his feelings. Okay, but don’t get toocomfortable… not like in your weird dream!
“Hey!” he says, walkingback from the bathroom and joining you two in the cafeteria’s table you invitedhim. He probably wouldn’t have accepted if he knew you had another guest, ugh…it’s still weird being around your crazy friends…
“Hi! So uhm…  I’m sorry if my presence here makes youuncomfortable, honey. MC said she was just very excited to introduce you to me,but I… I should get going. No hard feelings, okay? Take your time and don’tworry.” Ah great! Now he feels like a prick.
“Did I do somethingwrong?” he asks you as she walks away.
“Oh… no, not at all! Sheis just giving us some space, I mean… you, she’s giving you some space. Don’tworry, she thinks you’re really nice and sweet.”
“Sweet like ice cream?”he ask, more ou of curiosity than to actually tease you, but your nervous smileis just… priceless!
“Nah, you’re sweeter.”Shit! Now he’s blushing! Humph, he looks away grumpily, hating how you alwaysmanages to fluster him, somehow.
You two are walking tohis place when you spot this popsicle little store. And he is wondering if you’reteasing him. Nah, probably not, you just know he likes ice cream. You know himso well…
“I want anything that ispink.” He says, smirking. And you just nod, avoiding his gaze. Hahaha, cutedork!
He notices your quickglances at him as he runs his tongue along the popsicle. He feels so stupidtrying to be sexy, but at least you’re stupid enough to fall for it.
“Ahh, brain freeze!” yousay flinching slightly before starting to lick it again. He finds it funny howyou just complained about the bothering sensation and didn’t even hesitate to doit again, kinda like an…
“You’re just a little M,ain’t you?” you choke on the popsicle, which… makes him feel really aroused.
And as you walk him homeall flustered, he can’t stop smirking, he finally got the upper hand on thisflirting thing. He’s getting better and you’re allowing him on it, probablybecause you like him, and he… really likes you, he… probably even loves you.
“You’re such anarcissistic hoe, MC! Admit it!”
“No! It’s not aboutnarcissism! It’s about… body praising! He was praising my body by taking photosof it and my reactions to his dirty talking,”
“I seriously can’timagine that guy doing dirty talk, MC.”
“I can’t either… that’swhat makes it so sexy, you know?”
“You are… so dirty forcovering such an elegant man with your impure thoughts!”
“Ugh, I know… but I can’thelp it, he’s just… he’s just elegantly sexy, I guess…”
Sexy? You think he’s…sexy? Well, it’s not like he haven’t heard this before, but coming from youmakes it even harder to believe. He’s flattered, but he doesn’t feel like he’ssexy… oh, but the taking pics of your reactions while he talks dirty is verysexy, actually. Yeah… what would he say to you? “I love how your body shiversin anticipation for me.” “You’re so beautiful,I want to see everything, show meeverything, MC!” no, too formal… “You like this, don’t you? You like beingnaked as I watch you with my camera? Dirty girl…” okay, better… “I can’t waitto turn this camera off and go to you, your body is driving me crazy, I won’tbe able to control myself.” Okay… “I need to taste you, then make you beg forme to feel you, I’ll make you beg for my cock, my slutty little gi…” oh no, toomuch, and he would never call you a slut. Ugh… your friend is right, he reallysucks at this.
“Hello, ladies!” he sayswalking into the kitchen of your place, you and your friend were grabbing moresnacks for this little get together and he overheard this talk when he realizedhe needed to help you two. “Can I help you with that?”
“Oh, I’m good, but youcan help MC.” Your friend says, shoving the packages in your arms and runningout of there. He chuckles as you glare at her.
“You… really don’t have todo that, V. You’re a guest, don’t worry.”
“Oh, please allow me onhelping you being a good hostess, would you? It would be an honor…”
“Yeah, sure. I don’treall know how to say no to you.” You admit chuckling.
“Really now? So I supposeyou wouldn’t say no if I ask to take a picture of you?” oh… the dream… he didn’tmean it like that. It’s just… you look really beautiful under this light and…ahh, your blushing face is so adorable, it only makes him feel like taking alot of pictures! “I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself. Let me help you with this.”
And he keeps helping youbeing a good hostess for most of the night, some of your friends even remark onhow it looks like you two are a couple celebrating a little housewarming, whichmakes you both blush and delight at each other’s flustered expressions. Ofcourse he stayed to help you cleaning afterwards.
“It was a lovely party,MC. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Oh, I was really gladthat you came, you know? Even though it’s embarrassing, my house is such a messand my taste for decoration is so… all over the place!”
“I know… well, I supposethat’s just one of the things that makes you really sexy.” He quickly looksaway, not daring to stare at you and your reaction to his sudden boldness. “I…should get going, it’s getting late.
You nod and walk him tothe door. And as he looks at you to say goodbye, he finally sees yourexpression, and it is… breathtaking! Oh… he would love to get a pic of this! Hewould love to take pics of every single one of your reactions. For example, howwould you react if he ever confessed that he loves you?
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discoursecatharsis · 7 years
(?/1) Well this is going to be a bit long, but I need to answer it without replying. "you feel like you are your own proof that 16 is old enough to be adult, to be sexual. I felt like this too when I was your age." I'm 21 years old. I never felt sexually ready at 16. I was looking at the NSFW content because I liked it and that's all. I have friends at the age of 15 who already had experience. We are all different and again, in France, 15 years and 3 months can have sex, it's healthy and legal
(?/2) “Between the ages of 18-21 you will change in ways that you can’t imagine yet. Once you leave school and start to have more adult responsibilities and experiences you WILL change.” I am at the same stage of my life as my friends who had 16 and I 18 at the time. Again: it depends on everyone. It depends on the maturity of each and the situation. And for Otayuri: they are at the same stage of their lives. Skate up to suffer, win gold … As said and it is canon: Otabek and Yuri are equal.
(?/3) “Living on your own, being independent” Here proof, for an/s 18 = magically adult. That may be the case, but it’s far from being a majority. To live alone? I knew people from 16 who lived alone. Friends who are almost the same age as me or a little older: they live with their parents. I will repeat often: but it depends on everyone. Some are studying, some don’t have the means to live, some are simply afraid … And yes, a 20 year friend lives alone with her boyfriend. Cuz all cases exist.
(?/4) If they think 18 = house. It’s ridiculous. Imagine, Otabek lives alone, ok, he will continue to grow, ok, anyone knows that Yura too? Which means that, Otabek has 20 and Yura is 18 years old will live directly alone then? So they can live together. Yeah, they are now in the slice “18-20” magic logic an°s. By cons, strangely they will always have the same goals and hoping in their lives, I mean, you know, the world where both live, figure skating and where Yura is the champions and not Beka
(?/5) “looking after yourself, being legally responsible for yourself and (most importantly) discovering that it’s your responsibility to protect other minors now, are all life shaping experiences.” I never felt that when I had 18, 19 … Just that, it was scary to be considered adult, when in my head I was not. And even now it’s not always easy for me, while it’s clear to others: all different. And I still don’t feel like the “responsibility” to protect teenagers.
(?/6) A child of 10 years, if heIshe has problems, I will want to protect himIher, but not by “responsibility”. But because a child cannot defend himself. And there is so much luck that I call an adult more competent than me. I don’t feel responsible for teenagers when I doubt being responsible for myself. It is the parents who are responsible, not me. And, here, Otayuri does nothing wrong to represent the real life.
(?/7) "The moment you hit 18 you have to constantly be looking at your behaviour and making sure you’re keeping the invisible line between yourself and children intact. If you don’t do that then you’ve failed in your responsibility as an adult." The world is then filled with people who have failed. The moment I had 18: realized that it did not change anything and continue the school with my friends of 15/16 and 19/20. My friends are not "kids", they were teenagers and always my friends.
(?/?8?) “Yes, there’s a grey area if you’re 18 and dating someone who is 17 and in the same school/college year as you. But at this time in life the age gap between 15/16 and 18 is massive and it’s not the same as an age gap between 20 and 22, for example.” Hello, anOs. We talk about Otayuri, a relationship 16/18. I exist. Proof that I was at the same standard of living as a 16 when I was 18. Everyone is different, again and not to change: Yura grows too. Also “You’re only 18 yourserlf!!” 
(?/9) “One of the most basic things that you find yourself doing as an adult that you didn’t really do or care about that much as a child is CHECKING HOW OLD SOMEONE IS. I do it all the time. It’s something that comes up casually in conversation between adults all the time. All responsible adults do it.” Thank you for learning teenager in your vocabulary. Then, everyone checked the age? When I was 16, I checked the age, and now also I checked the age and then … I forgot it.
(?/10) And do you know why ? Because the mentality makes someone younger than you will inevitably have less maturity and twists, who does not see “shut up, you’re only 15 years old”? While the 15 to bring more relevant argument than an “adult”. It is an unfair mentality. There is always a limit to everything, context, discussion … but some 15/16 cannot get along with 17/18 cuz too immature, like 15/16 can be friend with 17/18 … We are all different. An age of 2 and a few months is not much.
(I take a little break here: sorry to invade your ask, and also … SORRY for my terrible english!!! It’s just annoying and it needs to go out somewhere …)
(?/11?) “It’s not your responsibility to look after yourself online and to police the content you’re seeing, it’s the responsibility of the adults around you.” That’s their parents. Internet has rules, tools to avoid what you do not like. It is not the creator of content to self-censor for the children (and here we speak of teenager, damn!) Parents pay attention to what their child watching on television, on the internet it should be the same.
(?/12) If a site tolerates something and you can register, the person is considered to be able to protect himself / herself. Otherwise, exit tumblr. Otayuri exists in the world, whether you want it or not @ntis, there are healthy and happy relationships. Denying it doesn’t change the world, denying it doesn’t change people who have become parents and happy with their children, denying it doesn’t change the love between a 16 and an 18 that exists at the moment.
(?/13) “Adults who ship Otayuri should know better, they should know that it’s wrong for them to be imagining and fantasizing about a 15/16 year old boy in sexual, adult situations (especially when they’re with an 18 year old).” Well, well … Another antis who talks about sex more than the shipper! Congratulations for not understanding the ship Otayuri. There are already many posts about this. As always: having a romantic relationship is not equal to having sex.
(?/14) “Think about this. Think about yourself right now and then imagine a 30 year old adult looking at you and thinking about having sex with you. It’s disgusting. It’s terrifying.” 16-30 is not a gap of 2 years. 18-30 is not an age gap of 2 years. (Moreover, it exists in 0ne Piece, Hanc0ck x Luffy,), 21-30 is not an age gap of 2 years. Can we go back to the main topic? You know, Otayuri, a 16 and 18. A normal gap of 2 years and a few months.
(?/16) “So if you’re a minor, just know that we’re not trying to fight you, we’re trying to protect you from being surrounded by irresponsible adults. When I make anti posts saying that I don’t give a fuck about otayuri shippers’ feelings, I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about the adults around you. You’ll always be safe from me.” This is the most hypocritical thing I have seen.
(?/17) Are the “minors” supposed to guess it alone in the antis posts? They are supposed to “oh it doesn’t speak about me even if it says "otayuri shippers”, what I am". Is this a joke? For a person “responsible” and “adult”, it’s the good example of bringing hate rather than a discussion? It’s a good example, to say antis and be proud to bring hate? And the hatred and the harassment that they receive by this movement you contribute, a good thing? It’s responsible, mature?
“So if you feel like any of this applies to you, or you feel upset, or confused, or you don’t know what to do, my inbox is always open and I have anon switched on. I don’t know many other people in this community but I can say that my friend is also safe and okay to talk to about this. Please try to stay safe.” So I will conclude with that too: they would be safe without all this hatred. And it’s no more correct to tell the older shipper to die. This is the worst example to give.
(+) The difference between @nt.s and shippers is that shippers know that for some people it has not been a good experience, ‘cause assholes exist at all ages. This is understandable. But @an.t.s should also realize that good healthy relationships exist, people are there to say it and their words should count as much as people with bad experiences. The Otayuri relationship exists, sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s healthy and in love. Both exist.  
And I’m terribly sorry for invading your ask, again. And again for my awful english. I’m sorry, really sorry, I’ve seen you sometimes on the tag and when I saw that I did not know where to go … And I did not think it would be that long … And it’s hard to be able to speak when it’s not my first language, I’m sorry if it’s horrible to read. Thank you so much for this blog.
(I think I got all the parts of your asks. Sorry if I missed any or if I added any that weren’t from you >.
I don’t really have much to add, this is very well said! Like you said: “it depends on everyone. It depends on the maturity of each and the situation.” Ant//s aren’t able to grasp this idea for some reason. They don’t understand that not everyone is the same, not every situation is cut and paste or black and white. Good job calling them out on their ignorance! 👍🏽
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catbountry · 8 years
Further Discussion of Nazi Punching Ethics
Izzy: There are many many times when it's OK to punch Nazis.
Izzy: When they've committed no crimes, have never met you before, and have their back turned to you isn't one of them.
Izzy: Shit like that is how you get Weimar Germany.
Cat Bountry: http://pastebin.com/LVrdM2fd
Izzy: "HORRAY, NAZI GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE! BTW guys be safe there's some Nazis that are being really aggressive for some reason, be safe uwu."
Minty: I want your opinion but actually I don't care
Izzy: So far this person is claiming it's a good thing because it emboldens the worse parts of the left-wing? The very part that's been killing the left from within?
Cat Bountry: Yes.
Minty: The neo-left
Izzy: " at the point where people are openly violent, it does more good to be violent back and show defiance then stay silent like in ww2."
Izzy: There were two bad moves by the left in Weimar
Izzy: The regular left refused to acknowledge the Nazis existence, much less debate with them.
Izzy: The equivalent of the modern "no platforming".
Izzy: This let the Nazis both spread their ideas unchecked, and made them look like they were saying something important and revealing big secrets, otherwise why would the powers that be try to censor them?
Izzy: And then the radical left fought them with violence.
Cat Bountry: So basically they're creating THE EXACT SAME CONDITIONS that lead to Hitler's rise in the first place?
Izzy: You noticed?
Cat Bountry: I wish it'd been you debating this lady.
Izzy: We even have a Great Recession, and a recovery that's only helping the upper class.
Izzy: And even worse, we don't have Communism as a radical alternative, because it's failed so recently, while Nazism and fascism, for the most part, failed 80 years ago.
Izzy: (Not to imply Communism was good.)
Izzy: The Commies fought the Nazis and their brown shirts with violence.
Izzy: Both sides happily instigated the violence.
Izzy: And it served to reinforce both sides biases (dunno if that's the right word to use here) and led to more people moving from the middle to the extremes.
Izzy: By 1940 IT WAS TOO LATE
Minty: But what do you feel about this Nazis
Izzy: Germany was already full Nazi and their War Machine had started rolling into the rest of Europe.
Cat Bountry: Yeah I pointed that out.
Minty: What do you FEEL
Izzy: We're talking WeimarRepublic here.
Cat Bountry: Keep reading, I'm sure you'll love it.
Cat Bountry: I had to share.
MissMarie: It's pretty bad,
MissMarie: they keep trying to double back and want you to admit punching nazis is okay.
Minty: @Septapus wormhole send "HORRAY, NAZI GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE! BTW guys be safe there's some Nazis that are being really aggressive for some reason, be safe uwu."
SeptapusBOT: Message sent! You can use any wormhole 2 minutes from now.
Minty: Time to get anon hate via wormhole
MissMarie: I want someone to make a callout post on tumblr about wormhole messages
Minty: I still can't believe people are still sending communist propaganda through the wormhole
Minty: What have I started
Izzy: There are some actual communists out there.
Or Maoists.
Minty: The communist uprising of discord
Izzy: Wow, having a Trump icon next to my words in your screencap is not good optics. You can't tell that it's a messed up, mocking image of Trump I'm using in the cap.
Izzy: Hell, I'm not sure how obvious it is to you guys, at least without clicking on it and seeing the bigger animated image.
Cat Bountry: It's not animated.
Cat Bountry: It's just distorted.
Cat Bountry: Why, did you really try to make your icon an animated .gif?
Izzy: Yes, it showed as animated when I uploaded it and when I view it in my account.
Izzy: It's not a big animation, it's just contributing to the distortion.
Izzy: Yes, it showed as animated when I uploaded it and when I view it in my account.
Izzy: It's not a big animation, it's just contributing to the distortion.
Cat Bountry: There is literally no animation when I view it.
MissMarie: nope
Izzy: Is it animated (shaking) when you view my profile, at least?
MissMarie: It looks like Trump has 4 eyes.
Izzy: "rhetorical violence"? What is this bullshit? I've been seeing a lot of this lately from the far-left,
Izzy: Mainly to justify using physical violence or violent censorship against people who verbally offend them.
Izzy: http://4chanpol.tumblr.com/post/130041431174(edited)
Cat Bountry: That was the point I realized I was talking to a wall.
Izzy: There's such a thing as "fighting words", but those go directly to personal insults, and still don't legally justify violence. (Though I'll have to check the law.)
Cat Bountry: They're not protected under free speech though, I don't think, if they're implying an immediate threat.
Izzy: I'll have an answer for that in a bit.
Izzy: Also, IIRC, the left gained a handful of seats in Congress this last election, but not nearly as much as they assumed they would.
Minty: @Septapus wormhole send Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack- can't fret over every egg!
SeptapusBOT: Message sent! You can use any wormhole 3 minutes from now.
Izzy: Google it and check?
Cat Bountry: http://www.wsj.com/articles/republicans-are-confident-about-retaining-control-of-the-house-1478634160
Cat Bountry: You were right.
Izzy: "i think the right to freedom (general) and inherent human worth trumps the right to freedom (of speech)." That makes no sense? Freedom of Speech is one of the most basic freedoms.
Cat Bountry: I KNOW, RIGHT?
Izzy: "rights are social constructs" They're wrong again
Izzy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_and_legal_rights
Izzy: Only legal rights are social constructs.
Izzy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_and_positive_rights
Cat Bountry: I don't think these people actually know what "social construct" even means anymore.
Izzy: "is the right to be safe more important than the right to express unpopular oipiinions without fear of violent retaliations?"
Izzy: "fuck no? "
Izzy: Well, you got them to admit it.
Izzy: I hope they remember that their opinions are unpopular too, and they've just justified violence against them and theirs.
Cat Bountry: Did I really mispell "opinions" that badly?
Izzy: Yep. I don't blame you two for mispelling tho, tumblr chat ain't great for that.(edited)
Cat Bountry: It's pretty hilarious, though.
Izzy: yah
Izzy: anyway, I have to run out, be back in a bit
Cat Bountry: Later, gator.
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Ok, so I know that I'm supposed to be weirded out by the fact that this person clearly created a random brand-new tumblr just to message me anonymously, but honestly, I'm honored.
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Look, this tumblr is straight-up blank, aside from the header photo. Is that a homemade handgun btw? It looks like it. Honestly though, I just feel kinda honored. Because this person is either scared enough of me to want anonymity (I can't see why) or scared enough of the reprisal they would face on their main blog (this one makes more sense).
So, again, let's go point-by-point.
I don't think the government should have control over who owns a gun in the same way I don't think the government should have control over who lives and dies. I think that gun ownership should be restricted constitutionally, by removing and replacing the second amendment. In this new amendment, I want only three types of individuals to be allowed to own guns:
1. Those in remote areas who require guns for survival.
2. Collectors of historic guns who can only load and fire them on shooting ranges.
3. Active duty military personnel deployed in foreign soil, and domestic soil only during a foreign invasion.
This list notably excludes cops, active duty military on domestic soil, security details, sport hunters, and everyone else. I have said all this before though.
This would not give a monopoly on power to the government, in fact, it would significantly stymie the power the government already has over people by removing the threat of firearms.
Personally, I think this would stop almost all gun violence, not just mass shootings. The majority of gun killings are committed with guns which were once legally owned (the US is a net exporter of illegal firearms, mostly to Mexico, due to our lax gun laws). Furthermore, while 4 in 5 gun homicides are committed with a gun not owned by the perpetrator, that's not the end of the story. 30% of those guns are stolen, but of those 30%, over 4 in 10 are not reported stolen until after a crime is committed, and 44% of gun owners whose guns were stolen did not respond to attempts to be contacted by police. Of the other 70%, reported lost, in 62% of instances, the legal owner of the gun was unaware of where or when the gun was lost. That is a staggering number of people who are reckless with firearm safety.
A large part of this is due to shoestring purchases, where someone who passes a legal background check will go and buy a gun for someone who wouldn't, or to then go and sell it at an upcharge on the black market, only to claim it lost or stolen when it shows up at a crime scene. The legal gun market directly supports and enables both gun crime and the illegal gun market. Making it more difficult to legally get a gun will make it exponentially more difficult to illegally acquire a gun. More on this later.
Mass shootings are a small percentage of total deaths, but these deaths are unique in how horrible, violent, and early in a person's life they come. They are always the direct result of hate, and are a uniquely American problem within the developed world. Unlike robbery murders or even homicides motivated by passion, mass shootings don't target a specific individual. They seek to kill a group of people indiscriminately. Essentially, they're a violent hate crime, almost always motivated by a right-wing view of society and a belief that violence solves problems.
It's also laughable that the ownership of a gun somehow puts you on even footing with the government. Do you know how much firepower the government has? Even military grade weapons are useless against an actual military.
Ok, here's Oxford's definition of a civil right:
Please go read this. Civil rights are rights of society and politics. They are things such as voting rights, marriage rights, freedom from religious infringement in your life, right to exist in society and politics. Gun ownership is no more a civil right than is the right to smoke crack.
America has a gun violence epidemic, compared to the rest of the world, and even compared among the states.
Here's a fun graph comparing gun violence and gun ownership among first world countries.
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Here's a graph comparing gun violence and gun regulation within the United States:
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Ok, finally, on to fascism. So, let's start from the top and work our way to different outcomes. We have our first decision at "Is the current gun violence rate and mass shooting epidemic within the US worth fixing?" Personally, I think yes. If you think no, I invite you to tell that to anyone who lost a family member in a mass shooting and see if you don't get punched.
Having resolved yes, we move onto what to do. There are three real solutions.
1. Increase of law enforcement
2. Increase of surveillance
3. Regulation of firearms
Notably, mental health reforms is left off this list. I've addressed that several times in other posts. In summary, mass shooters don't seek mental services and the majority of perpetrators aren't mentally ill, they're disillusioned with society.
Now, as a liberal and specifically a social liberal, I hate fascism and think that among the political ideologies out there fascism and authoritarianism are a special kind of evil. In general, I see it as better to have a large government which serves the people instead of a small government which oppresses the people. A lot of conservatives, especially anarco-capitalists, think that a small government is necessarily less oppressive, but that is not true. Governments can be large, but if they are beholden to a citizenship, they'll obey said citizens. Small governments who are isolated from the populace easily turn towards oppression.
But I digress. Let's start with the first choice, and see where it takes us. For this exercise, we'll be assuming that when the government is given control over a certain aspect of our lives, they'll want to increase that control. So, we increase the law enforcement in all major metropolitan areas, meaning armed guards at malls, churches, movie theaters, schools, etc. And even though mass shootings still occur when armed guards are present (Parkland) or when police arrive on scene within the minute (El Paso), it's okay because we get to keep our guns, everybody has a gun so everyone is safe. This is basically a police state. The scary thing is conservatives have actually proposed this. Sean Hannity said on live TV that we need to place armed guards at every public area. And if you don't trust the government, how the hell could you trust the armed guards they have stationed outside the grocery store.
Next solution is increased surveillance. If access to guns is to remain unrestricted, then we need to be able to find the killers before they kill. What do all of the mass shooters have in common? An internet history rife with extremism and alt-right views. So, screen everyone. And go ahead and start censoring people who have those views too, just to be safe. But once we have a suspected shooter, how can we know when they're about to commit murder? You can't arrest someone for fitting a profile. So, you start tracking them, looking through their purchases, making sure they aren't trying to get someone to buy them a firearm, following them, watching them. Even if all they did is post on the internet with no intent, now the government knows their every move. And suddenly, the small minor infractions that everyone commits daily start to add up. So, one agent decides to hell with it, let's just bust him early for something, anything we can make stick. This isn't a hypothetical, either. There are countless stories of cops falsifying evidence just to make the arrest because they believe an innocent person is guilty.
Finally, firearm regulation. Now here you might think that if you lose your firearm, you lose your safety. Ignoring for a moment that I specifically advocated for law enforcement to not have firearms, if you genuinely think you are safer with a gun than without it, you are wrong. The mindset that, without your gun, there's nothing to stop the government from trampling your rights ignores the fact that even with your gun, there's nothing really stopping the government from trampling your rights, because the government has a lot more guns than you and they're a lot bigger. Now, perhaps you think that having an armed populace means a resistance or insurgency is possible. Ignoring that the government could squash any insurgency within the US, who even says the insurgents are on your side politically? What's stopping them from rising up right now? The same thing that's stopping the government from killing any dissidents: the fact that we live in a society and without it the government would collapse. Often times people speak as though the government is some separate entity when in reality in America every single person who us eligible to vote or pays taxes is a member of the government. We are the power base of the government, and to distinguish between the citizens of the US and the government if the US is a real gray area, because the government can't exist without the economic base that is our society. You called us sheep but we aren't sheep, we're the golden goose and you never ever kill the golden goose. The government won't come to put us all in camps because they'd wake up broke the next day. And even if they did, your gun wouldn't stop them, it just means they'd kill you.
When you arm everyone, you arm EVERYONE. Not just the lawful responsible owner, but the mass shooter, the murderer, the rapist, the insurgents on both the right and the left, the domestic terrorists, the gang bangers, the government sympathizers, the government itself, everyone. And while obviously it's not every gun owner, it could be any gun owner. And any realistic way to distinguish the difference between a responsible individual looking to own a gun and a mass shooter arming up is with a level of invasiveness that should make you incredibly uncomfortable. This is what I mean when I talk about surveillance.
Let's come to a conclusion here, because this post has gotten quite long.
The idea that you could amass enough firepower to resist the government is not reasonable. What protects you from the government is not weaponry but anonymity. Currently, our system has both, but having both allows criminals and murderers to readily access firearms and kill people. So, since the weaponry isn't protecting us anyway, might as well get rid of it and save some lives.
EDIT: The blog that sent these messages no longer exists, and I don't have access to them anymore, so I'm glad I screenshoted when I did. Kinda confirms my suspicion that they just wanted to anonymously harass me. Oh well, nothing as predictable as a coward.
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