#i mean sure i was excited to have a cd player in my old car. sure i was happy to have access to spotify after i no longer had the cd player
cavefairy · 7 months
anyways i re-experienced the joys of the radio when i left the house earlier (phone was being icky so i had to use the radio instead of spotify for music)
i think its nice that i landed on a classic rock station, probably wouldnt have left it on if i hadnt. i missed 3 doors down, i missed daughtry, i missed five finger death punch. i set all my lil station preset buttons and flipped around for the entire hour drive to and from where i had to go tonight. even after my phone stopped acting up, i kept the radio on.
in conclusion, pleasepleasePLEASE use the radio every now and then. its just really nice. plus it hits different, hearing a song on the radio by pure chance rather than on a playlist you know you put it on, yknow
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darthbreezy · 1 year
Douglas Adams was Right...
1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. 3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”
I'm fairly well past the third category.
With everything (well, Most everything). I'm also frugal (again, mostly) out of necessity. I get something I like, I'm pretty hard pressed to 'upgrade' for the sake of upgrading.
But it's not all bad - I LOVE my car. I mean, my 'lottery win' fantasies involve giving my amaze-balls mechanic a PILE of cash and tell him to go mad. I ALSO love being the silver and blue/purple haired that will absolutely boil the road at stoplights, leaving pussy little Hondas (and trucks, and Cameros and late model v6 Mustangs). *1 The thing is, going back to frugality and new tech aversion, Lucy has had the same CD player for at LEAST 8 of the 9 years I've had her. It doesn't play any discs anymore.
Radio sucks most days. I hate most of what passes for 'music'. I sure as hell don't want to drop a couple hundred in a new player, *2 and my phone doesn't have enough memory for 'stuff and on and on...
So a fruitless ask at the local 'Best Buy' *3 I had to flounder on my own, relying on good old Gen X self sufficiency. I ended up with a 5'' tablet. a 3$ connector cable (the right one on the first go!) and navigating 'Spotify'... I HAVE MUSIC OF CHOICE!!! I can barrel down the road, alternation between 'Renegade - Styx', 'Closer - Nine Inch Nails' 'Back in Black -AC/DC' AND 'Toccata in Fugue - Bach' *4. The moral of this rather over blown missive ia that you may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but is old Bitches can still be pretty self sufficient when our backs are against the wall. Speaking of which, when the battery's fully charged I'm going to have to download some Pink Floyd, to add some other spice to the mixes... *1 Lucy is a 1998 Ford Mustang GT Convertible with a V8 and a fee barely street legal upgrades. *2 She's also a DIVA and has already cost me over 250$ this month because the stupid chip in her key self destructed, and auto locksmiths charge STUPID amounts to cut and program a key. *3 It sucks getting the 'you're not buying 500$ of stuff you're not worth talking to. Only marginally better than the mansplaining I get with my own damned car. *4 Premixes and autotune are no match for a Bitch with Bach. Besides, as soon as thr light turns, you won't have to worry about it any more...
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Music and Color
Pairing: Carl Grimes x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: swears like once
Request: @margaritasfromabag Heyy lol seen ya request something else post and I’d think it’d be real cool for a Carl x reader where they’re like first at the prison and reader finds an old like disc player or something and her and Carl jam out to Pet Sematary by the Ramones? Ya know brings some cute little light to a bleek empty prison
A/n: I forgot I answered this right before my slump. I'm so sorry for the time it took to get this out. I hope you enjoy!!
    You weren’t sure when the killing no longer hurt. When you no longer flinched at gunshots or cringed at the growls. At some point it all just faded into the background of the grey haze you had begun to live in. After the farm, the small hope you had left for yourself disappeared. Now you just fought to live, to keep breathing. 
    The winter was cruel. The temperature never dropped too far but the constant hordes of the dead and lack of food and sleep kept any comfort far from your small group. Your vision was limited to peering over your gun as you cleared empty house after empty house praying for a dusty can or jar. 
    No one spoke much anymore. A few brief words of direction or a call for help was the limit to your conversation. You and Carl sat in silence in the back seat of the green SUV, gazes fixed out opposite windows. Your talks of action figures and cartoons had died long ago.
    When the cars came to a halt with a loud honk you felt the sudden urge to cry, something you hadn’t done in what felt like years. But instated you’re swallowed harshly and pushed open your door following Carl towards RIck who placed the two of you at the road, looking outwards. Your gun tightened on your hand, thumb rested over the safety. 
    “You think we’ll make it?” Carl’s voice startled you, your head snapping towards him quickly.
    “I mean do you think we actually have a shot to live?” He repeated solemnly. 
    You hesitated for a moment, “I think its best not to think about it.” you finally answered quietly, eyes falling back to the dusty asphalt of the slopped road. 
    You didn’t notice the way Carl frowned, his own eyes dulling for a brief moment. 
    You felt strange being so loud. Months of silence engraved into your head making the yelling the four of you did feel strange. The walkers knew no difference as they crowed towards you, teeth snapping on the other side of chain link. You watched as Rick and the others cleared what used to be an exercise yard. Your yelling halted once all of the corpses had dropped to the ground. You entered the yard in some sort of strange haze, it didn’t feel real, the safety of your situation had to be false, a mirage. 
    You didn’t sleep that night. Instead, you split your time between staring up at the stars and circling the group, gun in hand as if you would be attacked at any moment. Your eyes often landed on Carl who slept so peacefully it hurt. His soft snores only keeping you more alert of the harsh world around you. 
    The paranoia didn’t seem to go away. Even after two weeks in the fortress you now considered home you felt uneasy. The silence was constantly screaming in your ears as you made yourself busy with mindless chores. Luckily your conversations had picked back up, everyone seemed more open, more normal. You and Carl had started hanging out again, re-reading battered comics and racing to see who could put together their gun faster. You won almost every time although you were pretty sure he let you. But there was always something lingering at the back of your mind, a door left open that everyone else had seemed to shut. So you kept your knife close and your gun closer. A small backpack always full at the end of your bed. 
    You always hummed as you worked. Carl had noticed it months ago, back at the farm as you did laundry or helped with dinner. You did it now as you cleaned your gun, a soft melody that he vaguely recognized filling the large room as you pushed a small brush into its barrel. It was overwhelmingly nostalgic for some reason. Suddenly Carl realized how much he missed music. 
    The tombs were strictly off-limits for you and Carl. Under absolutely no circumstances were you supposed to be traveling down in the dark as walkers roamed around you. Yet here you were, flashlight held in your left hand resting atop your right which held your small handgun, silencer far longer than its barrel. 
    You had both told yourself that this was simply to look for supplies, you both knew you were lying but neither spoke a word of it as you charged through the dank corridors, dodging groups of dead. 
    You cussed under your breath as the growls of walkers echoed in front of you, your way out suddenly closed off. You glanced around frantically, hearing the silenced shots as Carl began to engage with the small horde. 
    An unopened door caught your eye and you ran towards it calling Carl after you. You rammed your body into entry stumbling backward as it didn’t budge. You cursed snatching the doorknob feeling like a fool as it opened with an easy turn. You threw open the door, gun pointed in front of you, beam of light catching nothing as Carl scrambled in after you. You heard it slam shut the click of a lock following and sighed, hands falling to your knees as bangs and growls echoed around you. 
    “Well, we’re fucked.” You muttered slumping forward to your knees and hiding behind your hands. Maybe if you stayed there for a while everything would just go back to normal and it would be your mother banging on your bedroom door because you had locked her out again. Not some inmate’s corpse in the tombs of a prison you had dared to call home. 
    Carl glared down at you, everything in him screaming at him to be mad. It made him angry to see you give up so quickly. After everything you had been through you just gave up the fight. He swallowed his anger with difficulty 
“We’re fine.” He spoke with more certainty than he had, “Just help me look around okay?”
    You said nothing but got to your feet, Carl began towards the small corridor at the back of the room.
    “Why were we even down here?” You asked no one imparticular.
    Carl stopped eyes falling to his boots, “We need supplies.” 
    You scoffed, the sound of a drawer being busted open following, “No. Why were we really down here?” The boy didn’t respond but instead continued down the small hallway of darkness, eyeing the corner up ahead. 
    “We’re down here because we’re idiots.” You answered your own question, “We were down here for no other reason than to kill some already dead pricks and now we are going to die locked away in some cupboard like mice, after everything we are going to die being stupid k-”
    “Hey!” You whipped around to see Carl beaming at you, “I found a way out.” 
    You bit back a grin, swinging open the last door of the old desk eyes widening as you peered inside, “I found something way cooler.” 
    You crossed your fingers in a silent prayer as you shut the top of the small electronic. You pressed play and squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation. Suddenly music began to flow through the speakers of the CD player. You jumped to your feet tacking Carl in excitement as raw guitar filled the room. He stumbled slightly back hitting the wall as you continuted to squeal into his ear breaking away and placing a messy kiss on his forehead. 
    You didn’t notice his cheeks bloom with deep red as you threw yourself onto your bunk giggling lightly. The music filled your surroundings in the most pleasant way, you felt like you were being buried in the thump of the drums and rumble of the bass. You slipped your eyes shut and sighed listening to the loud lyrics of a song you had never heard before. The grey of your vision had filled with color behind your lids as you hummed lightly to the melody. 
    Carl stared at you, eyes filled with a sense of admiration and yearning. You moved over slightly patting the spot beside you, never re-opening your eyes. Carl smiled softly slipping beside you and grinning. He let his eyelids fall, the music trapping him in a moment of euphoria as your knuckles brushed against his, the soft hum of your voice in his ear. 
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phangirlof · 4 years
Description: Maybe Jongdae wanted to go to prom with you but things happen and here we are now
Pairing: Kim Jongdae x reader
Genre: High School! AU, Prom! AU, Best Friends! AU, Fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
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“Hey.” Jongdae spoke shyly. His fingers fumbled with his jacket sleeve as he spoke. When I looked past him, I could see an old, beaten up CD player on the hood of his car, and if I strained just enough I could make out the music, faint, as if it was off in the distance.
“What are you doing here? Prom’s not over yet, go back and have fun.” Jongdae shrugged. “I stopped having fun the minute I walked in.” My brows twisted in confusion. “How come? You’ve liked Yoonah since grade school!” Of course I wanted my best friend to have fun at prom, but I couldn’t help the bitterness I felt deep down.
“Actually… she’s liked me since grade school. I just couldn’t tell her the truth because I didn’t want to hurt her. But that’s not why I’m here. I came here to make sure you were okay.” He said concerned, his eyes darted around my face, as if he was searching for something. I laughed sarcastically, more bitterness taking over me as the conversation progressed. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I said, rolling my eyes at him, mentally wishing this little talk would be over so I could get back to sulking alone in my room. Jongdae stepped closer as I spoke. “Yep. Everything’s fine.”
In that moment all I could do was smile to hide the tears threatening to spill. Behind my back I crossed my fingers that he wouldn’t notice I was seconds away from crying my heart out. “You’ve always been excited about prom. You were probably babbling about it before we even knew how to talk, and now that it’s finally here, you rush home not even an hour in? Something happened Y/n. I’m your best friend and I know you’re not okay. Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.” The intense look of sincerity made me cave. I was trying so hard to keep what happened tonight from him, but Jongdae’s relentless. Once he knows something’s not right, he doesn’t stop until everything is right again.
“I was looking for Sehun. He’d been gone for like twenty minutes. Chan checked in the bathroom for me, I looked all over the gym, but he was nowhere to found. Yixing said he saw him head to his car when he went outside for a smoke break, so I went out there and I found him and some girl...” My voice cracked and I couldn’t finish the rest of the sentence, not that I wanted to. It was so embarrassing. I was at the one place I’d dreamed about since I was a kid with the guy of my dreams and he left me to go screw some girl in his car. I couldn’t believe I was stupid to think he actually wanted to spend prom with me.
Tears fell from my eyes the more I thought about how the night went instead of how I had always dreamed. Jongdae grabbed me tight and pulled me in for a hug, honestly a hug from him was the only thing that ever really calmed me down when I started crying.
“Shit Y/n, I wish you would’ve told me instead of leaving. I can’t believe that douchebag did that. He’s such a dick and I’m so fucking sorry I let him take you to prom.” Jongdae whispered against the top of my head, bringing a hand up to softly play with my hair.
“W-what?” I sniffled, leaning back to face him. “What do you mean ‘let him’ take me to prom?” He went silent, and his facial expression gave off the idea that he said more than he should’ve. “Uh,” He started. I continued staring at him, waiting for him an explanation.
“Sehun begged me for months to let him take you to prom. All the guys knew I had planned on taking you, I had already pre-ordered our tickets at the beginning of the school year, but he said he had the biggest crush on you. I knew we weren’t dating or anything, I just wanted to make sure you had the prom night you had always wanted, but I went ahead and told him he could. But, fuck, if I knew he was gonna pull some shit like this I would have never agreed.”
I was shocked to hear the words coming from his mouth. “Are you serious?” Was the only thing I could think to say. There was no way what he said was real. Jongdae shook his head yes, a stern look covering his features. “This has to be some sort of joke, why would you go through any of that trouble for me?” I asked.
“Y/n, I would do anything for you. You’re the most important person in my life. My best friend.  The little sister I always wanted. Your happiness is my happiness, and I thought that doing that would turn out great for you but unfortunately not and if I would’ve known, I would’ve beat Sehun’s ass the first time he asked.” Jongdae said without thought. Everything Jongdae did showed just how much he cared for me especially in times like these. No matter what happened, I could always count on him to be there for me. Whether I stubbed my toe or a boyfriend cheated on me, he was always right by my side. I hugged onto him tighter, letting him embrace me and everything go silent except for the music still playing from the CD player Jongdae had brought along.
“Dance with me?” Jongdae whispered in my ear after a while. I looked at him, puzzled. “Huh?”
“I want you to dance with me, as in get back in your dress, redo your hair, fix your makeup, and come dance with me. We’ll take a selfie or two and then we’ll dance. Things might’ve gone to shit at school, and if I had a time machine I’d go back and fix it all, but I don’t. This is the closest thing you’ll get to a retry of the night and I want it perfect. I want it with me, how it should’ve been in the first place. What do you say?“
“I’d love to.” I said, smiling into Jongdae’s chest. “Go, go! Let’s do this right.” He said, letting me go and shooing me back inside.
I sat down at my makeup desk, quickly pulling out everything I used earlier tonight, and began trying to hurriedly recreate the makeup look I’d done. I knew Jongdae was outside waiting on me, so I tried to do a simpler version. Less eyeshadow, less blending, and a little shimmer later my eyeshadow was done so I quickly applied mascara. I hadn’t really messed up my hair since I came home, so I left it alone.
I jumped up and grabbed my dress out of the closet. I stripped out of it as soon as I’d gotten home, but I was so excited to be back in it. I managed to zip it up myself and started looking around for the sandals I’d bought just for night. I had plenty of shoes I could’ve worn, but I was just so excited, I couldn’t help myself. Once I had the shoes laced up, I stepped back and looked in the mirror.
It was really prom night. A moment of my life I’d been waiting for for as long as I could remember. A night I’d dreamed about. I’d watched so many movies and read so many stories about this night. I didn’t think anything good would come from this night, not after Sehun. But Jongdae came in and saved the day, just like he always did. I couldn’t be more thankful for him.
Thinking about Jongdae made me realize that he was still outside waiting, so I grabbed my corsage and ran down the hall and out the front door. He was sitting in the driver's seat of his car. The music still played from the cd player, only this time it was louder and I could actually make out what was playing. It happened to be one of our favorites to sing together.
“You look amazing.” He said, not missing a beat.
“Thank you.”
“Are you ready for the moment you deserved?” He said, getting out of his car.
“More than ready!” I couldn’t even try to contain my smile.
Jongdae mirrored my smile as he turned to the cd player and started skipping through songs until he found the right one. It was an old love song, but it was one of my favorites and he knew that. He turned back to me and reached a hand out to me. “Y/n, may I have this dance?”
I nodded, stepping closer to him. My hands found their way to his shoulders and his found their way to my hips. I rested my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed the moment. Jongdae never failed to amaze me.
“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me.” I whispered, head still on his shoulder. “Sehun ruined something that should’ve been one of the best nights of your life. I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.”
“Thank you.” I looked back up at him. “Thank you so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me, you deserved this. I should’ve done more and I never shou-,”
“Hey now,” I interrupted him. “This is perfect. This is better than anything I could’ve asked for, so don’t blame yourself for anything. Sehun’s actions aren’t your fault. He’s a dick anyways, let’s just forget him. After tonight, I certainly will.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, voice low. I watched the concern set in his eyes and I knew he was prepared to do anything else just to make sure I truly enjoyed tonight.
“Yes. Maybe some food later, but for now this is amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you as a best friend.” I said and I meant it. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and I felt him finally relax.
“I would do anything for you, never forget that.” Jongdae said, resting his head on top of mine. “I know.”
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britpinksblog · 3 years
Practically Speaking
While I like to sprinkle magic into my daily life, I’m a pretty practical person when all is said and done. 
Earlier this year when I realized my lease was going to be due this Summer, I started thinking about what car I wanted next. My one big requirement for a vehicle is that it has to have a “cute” factor. I mean, my first car was a 2003 Beetle and it’s still one of the cutest things I’ve ever owned. When I walk to my car in a parking lot, I need to feel excited about walking to it. The next requirement is that it is fiscally responsible. I think an Audi R8 or a Porsche would be a very cute car, but at this stage in my life, it doesn’t fit the “fiscally responsible” box. 
I started my car hunt and was leaning into the idea of an Audi Q3. It’s their small SUV and it’s round and adorable. I looked up all the deals online, searched inventory, and called to make a test drive appointment. Going into this, know that I have dubbed myself a “base model bitch.” I’m not mesmerized by car features and I don’t really care about souped-up, top-of-the line extras. It’s not that I think I don’t deserve them, it’s just that I really don’t care about them. I mean, I was perfectly fine using a tape-deck audio adaptor to hook up a portable CD player (and later an iPhone) in my Beetle. All I need is a way to listen to music and a great A/C system. 
Based on my research, I decided that the base model Q3 met my needs and fit the budget. However, the dealership pulled the old “although we have 18 Q3s in stock, we only have 2 that are available for lease and they just so happen to be the top of the line, everything included model.” I was a bit annoyed, but still test drove it. It’s 2″ shorter than my Encore and I hit my head getting into it. The fancy dashboard was beautiful but took up a lot of room and left me feeling a bit claustrophobic and “squished” in the front seat. But boy did it drive nicely and pick up quickly when I accelerated. 
When I got back to the dealership after test driving, they wanted $5K down and $650/month. I was currently paying only $265/month, so that was a bit of a sticker shock, especially since the Q3 I picked out online was $399/month. I said that it didn’t fit the budget, thanked the sales rep for her time, and gathered my handbag. Then the rep then began the whole song and dance about taking my request back to the “finance team” and I was there another 30 minutes knowing full and well I was going to get another Buick. I’ll give Audi credit for lowering the down payment to $3.5K and the monthly payments to $479 (would have saved a little over $7,800 over the life of the lease). Again, I thanked her for her time and the test drive and walked out of the dealership.
That weekend, I decided I would lease one more Encore. I devised a 36 month savings plan so that I’ll have a great down payment for whatever car I buy next. Maybe it will be an Audi, maybe it will be a Jeep Grand Cherokee... whatever it is, I’ll make sure it fits my budget. 
At this point, you might be wondering if I have traded in my lease yet... and I did yesterday! I knew I didn’t want to pay more than $299 a month, even though I thought $350/month was the reasonable goal. I had a great experience with the sales rep and the finance department as I went into the dealership with a positive frame of mind and a lot of energy. When all was said and done, I got the sportier model and 3K more miles a year on my lease... the real shocker? I’m paying $2.24 less a month than I was on my old car. Now, that’s both practical and magical if you ask me.
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Super Trouper || Bea and Kaden (ft Hunter)
TIMING: Before mime stabbing PARTIES: @beatrice-blaze and @chasseurdeloup (and @hunter-haywood) SUMMARY: Kaden takes Bea to the Silver Bullet and they run into a friend.
Bea was still annoyed with Kaden. She wasn’t even being that nosy and he had snapped at her. Fine, if he wanted to be like that she would be like that back. No more caring about his life and how his relationships were going then. She was just trying to freaking help anyway. Even if she was annoyed with him, she wasn’t going to let an opportunity to see the hunter bar slip through her fingers. So, as much as it pained her, she took the time to ask her sisters for a flannel and a leather jacket. It felt wrong to forgo her normal red lipstick and heels, but she supposed it was worth it for the bar. She waited out front for Kaden to show up, her hands firmly on her hips as she scowled at him and his car. Stalking over to him, she pointed at her boots,“Look I wore flat shoes for you and I’m wearing flannel. You’re lucky.”
Kaden pulled up to the Vural house in his admittedly pretty shitty green Volvo station wagon. It worked, though. And it held his weapons easily enough. His brow furrowed when she scowled at him. He thought she wanted to go to the bar. Right? “Lucky me,” he said as he accosted him. Kaden honestly wasn’t sure why Bea was so annoyed. So he’d asked her to butt out of his personal life, what was new? He did that to everyone. It wasn’t their fucking business. Especially not when it was making shit more complicated than it needed to be. He didn’t think it was that big a deal to ask her not to do that. Guess not. “What do you want me to get the door, too?” he asked, waiting for her to get in so he could drive them over.
Maybe it was the fact that she grew up with two sisters, whatever the reason was, Bea didn’t let things go as quickly as other people. She had plenty of people tell her she was too nosy for her own good, but that didn’t mean she was used to being told to mind her own business. “You are very lucky, I’m not even wearing lipstick, this is a big deal,” She told him, knowing it sounded ridiculous, but she had to tell him anyway. She had to resist the urge to pull a face or stick her tongue out at him as she opened the door to get in. “How far away is this bar? It’s called the Silver Bullet right?” She asked as she sat down and buckled in. She hoped her mood would improve when she had a drink.
“Oh no, not the lipstick! How will you survive the whole night?” Kaden rolled his eyes as she took her seat. As soon as the seatbelt clicked in, he put the car in gear and backed out and headed out to the road and towards the Outskirts. He huffed out a laugh at her question. “Is anything in this town far?” Still he shifted to push the car faster. He didn’t know what had her so pissed off, but he could sure feel the tension radiating off of her, no denying that. It wouldn’t take long to get there, sure, but anything to speed this tense bullshit along was welcome. He was happy to sit in silence otherwise. He got the feeling she wasn’t. He decided to turn on the radio. Couldn’t hurt, right? The music was some weird 70’s sounding ensemble band. Maybe it was a bad idea. At least they were almost there. His foot pushed the gas pedal a little more.
“The lipstick is important to my look,” Bea pouted. She felt weirdly naked without lipstick. Not that she was going to tell him that and give him more ammo to tease her with. She had to resist the urge to act like a complete child and cross her arms over her chest. “You have a point,” She admitted. “I can walk basically everywhere in this town.” She could feel herself starting to cool down from her annoyance, which was good but she kind of still wanted to be annoyed. She was just trying to help him. Bea let out a little laugh when she heard the song that came on. It was so unexpected. “I didn’t know you listened to stuff like this, Kaden.” As they pulled up to the bar, she looked it over critically. She wondered if she would see any of the other hunters she knew in there. “So this is it?”
“Uh, I don’t. I just thought it would be better than nothing.” Kaden sighed, definitely not any better. He wasn’t about to put on the CD that was in his player, though. He didn’t need her to know about that guilty pleasure. Not that she wouldn’t hear any ABBA at the Silver Bullet but there was some plausible deniability there. Still, he was shocked she didn’t cross her arms and stomp her foot a little with that pout. Pretty sure it wasn’t about the lipstick either way. Did she have a fight with her sisters or something? Whatever. They pulled up and he led her to the unassuming looking door in the alleyway, knocking three times before it swung open to let them in. “This is it,” he said as he held his arm out to let her walk in first. The bar looked like a mix of a game hunter’s lodge and a dive bar all wrapped up into one. As they walked through, a number of other hunters waved or said a greeting, giving him a nod here or there. He didn’t think he spent that much time at the bar, but now that he was a little more self-conscious of it, maybe that wasn’t the case. “This way, what’re you having?” he asked as he led her to the bar.  
Bea had to attempt to control the bounce her step as they walked to the door. Her expression was almost giddy when he knocked, was that a secret knock? They had to use a secret knock to get in! She tried to school her face herself as they walked in. She didn’t need the fact that she was this excited over the bar to give her away. She glanced back at Kaden, much more bright-eyed now before she walked in. She took a long look around her, trying to take in how different it was to a normal bar, but also all the ways it was similar to an average dive bar. “You know a lot of people here,” She told him absentmindedly. Going to the bar with him, she tried not to stare at the people there, though she was curious to see if she knew anyone else here. “Gin and tonic.” It wasn’t her normal drink, but she didn’t really want to see how a martini would be here. Nodding towards the wall of mounted heads, “Any of those your kill?” It was a bit strange to stare down so many dead supernatural creatures. She didn’t really get taking trophies.
Kaden shrugged. “I mean, I guess so. Not really, though.” As he said that, Joe came over and gave him a quick pat on the shoulder to say hello. Right. “Gin and tonic coming right up,” he said as he waved over Sam the bartender. As she spoke, he raised a brow and looked up at the wall, finally noticing the trophies on the walls. He hadn’t really paid attention to any of the decor up until that point. Trophies made sense though. Suppose you’ve seen one hunter’s bar, you’d seen them all. All of them kind of looked like that. “Those? Fuck no,” he said with a laugh. “I wouldn’t bother making anything like that. And if I did I wouldn’t donate it.” Sam came with their drinks and he handed Bea her gin and tonic and took his cognac. “Cheers. Hope the secret bar is everything you hoped for.”
He would be the type of person to say he didn’t know many people here as people came up to say hello personally. Bea looked at him slightly amused, “You do.” Even if he said he didn’t, she had decided that he did know a lot of people. “Not worth the hassle?” She asked, though she agreed, if she was going to make a trophy of something, she certainly wasn’t going to donate it to a bar. She took her drink with a nod, “So far it’s going well. I like anything that’s considered a secret. It’s fun.” She took a long sip of her drink as a man walked over to them. She eyed the man as he clapped his hand on Kaden’s shoulder. “Kaden! My man! How are you, bud? And who is this lovely lady you have here?” Leaning to Kaden, he seemed to attempt and fail to whisper to him. “You need advice on how to keep a lady? I got you, kiddo, just let an old man know.”
Kaden shrugged at her insistence. He really didn’t think he was anything close to popular like she was suggesting. Sure, he knew people but it’s not like anyone was forming lifelong friendships at the hunter’s bar. “Glad to hear it. I wouldn’t say it’s anything too exciting but I like it. Sort of nice, you can always count on at least one of these in any supernaturally inclined town you visit.” Just as he was starting to wonder why it seemed so quiet, the jukebox kicked and ABBA started blaring. Typical. He was about to look for her reaction when his head turned to the hand suddenly on his shoulder. “Hey, Hunter,”  he said with a smile and a nod. “I’m alright. How about you?” His brows knit together at his next comment. Wait. Did he think? Merde. “Oh, uh, no I’m alright. This is Bea. She’s just a friend. Wanted to see the Bullet so here we are.”
“I’m sure it’s nice to have a place you can talk normally about the stuff in town. Are there a lot of towns like White Crest out there?” Bea knew of a few others, mainly from witches that she had met in town, but she had never thought of how many there really were out there. They couldn’t be as bad as White Crest, she thought. Bea watched as the scruffy older man talked to Kaden. He looked like a regular here. “Oh, you know, I’m doing okay! My oldest girl is coming to visit. I finally convinced the wife to let her come by,” Hunter told Kaden, basically bouncing on his toes in excitement. He raised an eyebrow at Bea and then turned back to Kaden, his terrible whisper coming back,“I get you, bud. Gotta keep it cool while you lay the work down. Just makes sure you tell her she’s right and get whatever drink she wants and you’ll be golden.” Turning to Bea, Hunter winked,“He’s a good guy for showing you the Bullet, huh?”
“I mean, yeah, I suppose it is.” Kaden downplayed her suggestion. Sure, she was right, but that was verging on something too close to feelings. He wasn’t drunk enough for that kind of shit yet. “There’s plenty of supernatural hot spots out there, but I haven’t heard of any as, uh, intense I guess is the word, as White Crest.” He wasn’t sure if Hunter was a welcome distraction or not. “That’s great. Really.” Kaden rubbed his hand across his face. Hunter was a nice enough guy but a little obtuse. More than a little fucking obtuse, to be honest. He still thought they all hunted deer. “Just a friend, mon frère, I promise you. I already have a--” His words caught in his throat and his stomach churned. Putain, he couldn’t believe he almost said it. He took a chug of his drink. “We’re really not dating, Hunter.”
There was a strange sense of pride that came into Bea’s chest as she realized that White Crest really was special. “You've been around a lot of hotspots then? Do you have a favorite you’ve gone to? Other than White Crest of course,” She said with a little laugh. Whoever this guy was talking to Kaden, he was tipsy and Bea could just tell from the way he seemed to sway on his feet a bit. She supposed that’s why he didn’t catch Kaden almost admitting he had a girlfriend, but she certainly had. “Oh Kaden has a girlfriend. She’s actually a friend of mine too,” She said with a rather wide, shark-like smile in Kaden’s direction. “A girlfriend! Well, one day you have to bring her around here! Love to meet the girl who charmed you,” Hunter exclaimed. Swinging around to Bea, the man looked at her intently,“I won’t tell the other guys here you’re not taken then, missy, or I bet they’d be lining the bar just to talk to you. You watch out for her, Kaden.”
“Is it cheating to say Lyon?” he asked. It was technically home. Or as close to one as he had. Kaden shrugged yet again. “I don’t know, I didn’t spend a lot of time in any of them. Definitely made it a point not to make connections. Fuck if I know where I went wrong here.” And he really didn’t know because the hits kept on coming tonight. “I do not--” He tensed up at the word. “I’m dating someone but she’s not..” He shot Bea a look. Of course she had to bring it up. He hated defining shit like this. Why did everyone want to force him to? “I don’t know that this is her kind of bar.” Or if any bar was her kind of bar. “But I’ll think about it. Don’t worry, I’ll watch out for Miss Vural, here.” He shook his head. Hunter meant well but he was… a lot.
“Lyon?” Bea asked as she considered the city. “Is that where you grew up or just a coincidence that there was a hotspot you loved in France?” She wondered what it was like there and if it was anything like White Crest. “You stumbled into a town of people who apparently forced you into friendship. I mean that’s how we became friends, I decided for the two of us and you didn’t fight it.” It felt impossible for Bea’s grin to get bigger, but she proved herself wrong as her face split even more. “Kaden doesn’t like using the g word,” She whispered to Hunter who let out a hearty laugh. Slapping Kaden on the shoulder, the older man pointed at the two of them,“I’ll leave you two for now. One of you should sing with me later when I get up on stage. I wanted to meet this girl you’re dating one day, bud!” Hunter told them as he walked away. Bea had to take a sip of her drink to keep from snickering. “He’s really interesting,” She said to Kaden as she watched Hunter float over to another group of hunters.
“Where I grew up, yeah.” It was strange thinking about his childhood and how weirdly similar and different it all was to his life here in White Crest. The whole having friends thing was new, that was for sure. “Well it's not like I had much of a choice after nearly doing you in. Not sure why that translated to becoming friends for you but guess it worked out for me.” At the mention of the “g-word,” Kaden sighed and narrowed his eyes at Bea while she spoke to hunter. “Because it’s not accurate, that’s why” he said, shooting her a look, hoping she might one day drop it. “I’ll think about it, Hunter. And I’ll leave the singing to Bea, she’s a performer. I’m sure she'd love the chance to get on stage.” He shook his head as he walked away. “Interesting is one word for it” His brow furrowed. Wait, what day was it? “Huh, it shouldn’t be karaoke night. I wouldn’t do that to you on purpose. Must be impromptu. Sure you’re still having fun?”
It was interesting to know that Kaden had grown up in a town like this, Bea had to wonder if his childhood was weird like hers had been too. Though, she supposed Kaden wouldn’t have had a normal childhood anywhere. Hunters so rarely did. “You needed a friend and so did I! It was easy to get over once I realized that. Some people say I might be too forgiving, but I’m okay with that,” She told him with a self assured nod. She lifted an eyebrow at Kaden as he claimed it wasn’t an accurate term. She wondered what he would say is an accurate term for the whole thing, but she held herself back. She didn’t want to get snapped at again. “Oh, I’m no singer,” Bea said with a little laugh. She wasn’t bad at it, but she tended not to perform anytime she wasn’t great at something. “Honestly, knowing that the hunters in this town do karaoke on the regular has made my entire night.”
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
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Oh god, oh fuck, what did you ask, why did you ask this, this is instantly growing out of hand- I legally have to put it behind a “read more”. Sorry, but this gets really long for no good reason. I’m so sorry, when it’s about music, I just lose it-
- Mike scoffed. “This ask was clearly asked by someone who doesn’t listen to music. Asking for a favorite songs as though there is ANYONE on this fucking world who would go “ah yes, I have ONE song for every event that I ALWAYS want to listen to, no matter my mood.” That is absolutely ridi-“ “FREDBEAR AND FRIENDS THEME SONG!” Jeremy instantly screamed, a big smile on his face. “It’s so cute! So happy! I love it so much!” I’ll be your friend, right to the end! Join the party! Don’t be afraid, we’ll find a way! Join the party! Follow the pack, we’ll have a blast! Join the party! I’m here for you, we’ll make it through! JOIN THE PARTY!
Irritated Mike glared at him. “Is that even a song? Technically speaking? It’s a fucking INTRO.” This disagreement was quickly dismissed by Jeremy. “No, it is a song that I love very much.” There was an annoyed sigh, but not much pushback. “… fine. I have a SHITTON of songs I like, but… I think my currently favorite song is… ULTRAnumb by Blue Stahli. I don’t know. It hits just right.” VIOLATED! SO DEGRADED! The show has just begun! (Three, two, one!) DOMINATED BY ALL YOU HATED! This will make you ULTRANUMB!
Phone Guy seemed a bit embarrassed. “U-uhm… I don’t, uh, listen to much music. I really like the stuff they put in the background of documentaries is actually pretty impressive stuff. I like that, but I can’t really… access that? I mean, I don’t know how to. But I like having something calming in the background.” So… soundtracks, huh? There are pretty good soundtracks, like “Winds over Neo Tokyo” from the movie Akira- “I think though as a SONG, I really like… a bit dumb probably, but “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz? It’s probably pretty standard… but, uh. I like the light distortion. Makes it easy to sing along. And I kinda, uh- relate to the feeling of hopelessness in it…” Windmill, windmill for the land… Turn forever hand in hand! Take it all in on your stride, It is ticking, falling down Love forever, love has free, Let’s turn forever you and me! Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in…? “Uh- I know the song is probably about something completely else, but I just-“ Scratching the back of his neck, Phone Guy looked away. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
Materializing out of thin air, Nemo proceeded to T-pose. “YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. YES. MY TIME HAS COME. I have the best taste from everyone here. I have the EDGY music.” Getting out his MP3-player, he began searching through the music library. “Ah, there we go. This one. “Arrested Youth” – The Kid I Used To Know. That the one!” Life is a voyage some people try to avoid it- I seek to try and destroy it, I swear I feel like a toilet bowl, Shitting on everything I’ve ever said or I’ve done You told me this should be fun! Thanks for the talk, are we done?! This is my masterpiece, a tragedy, I wrote it myself, It’s full of irony and blasphemy, it’s practically hell, But the perfect part about it is it’s all that I’ve got! I’m over wasting time in life trying to be something I’m not!
‘Cause fuck that shit! Yeah, I don’t want be that kid. No, I’m not going to hang my head, And be another accident!
So long to the kid that I used to know! So long to the place that I used to go! I’m not an R.I.P. I’m not another sick, sad tragedy! “The song is great, I absolutely relate to it.” The teen laughed. “Especially the tone of the singer. Really fits me. I could imagine writing songs like that myself!” A bit too excited, he began oversharing. “I always wanted to write songs. And I did! A lot, kept them in a little book.” His expression broke a bit. “… then I lost it. At home. Somehow.” He turned a bit bitter. “Yeah. Asked mom. She didn’t see it. Asked dad. Of course, he had NO idea. Anyways.” He threw his bitterness away with a shrug. “Now you know the reason why I’m actually not rich and famous yet. I lost like… 3 years of absolute riches to that setback and I feel stolen from. The world OWES me and castle and I WILL get it. But until then, I guess I listen to other artists like me!”
Dave was jumping up and down excited. “Oh, oh, Anon Sport, you don’t even KNOW how many I have! Like everything Sportsy whistles! And Rasputin- that one- oh, oh, no, in one car I stole there was a CD- and they had a group- Royal Republic? Funky songs, pal, lemme tell ya. Listen to it while rushing down the highway, it made it some of my favorites! The best is “Good to be Bad” though, no contest!” Oh lord come help me die! I can’t believe my eye! I’m not the same that I was when I got here! I´ve made a dirty mess, My lord I do confess, I know I’ve been bad, So bad! I’m not the only one! I’m not the bastard-son! The other kids made me do things that I don’t usually do… Misunderstood, I’m the plague of the neighborhood! And it feels so good! So good! “Seein’ Sporty making a flip in the running car while this was playin’ was somethin’ MAGICAL!”
Marion scoffed. Was he even included in “the gang”? Well, if Jeremy was, so was he. “Seeing as I never had much choice in listening to the music I could like, I don’t really have a taste. Everything that isn’t nursery rhymes made into songs is GREAT. Especially if it has nothing to do with music boxes.” It still calmed him down to hear music like that, but he developed a bit of a grudge against it. Sure, he and Jeremy were working on that, but he really couldn’t call it his favorite kind of music. “… well, Dave oftentimes played the CD he just mentioned while transporting me. I guess I liked a few songs from there? Somewhat? “Everybody Wants to Be an Astronaut” was pretty good.” I can feel my body shiver, the lights are everywhere! They marvel at my heartbeats inside the atmosphere… And I’m looking at the world, in a way you never could! I knew I’d be a traveling man, but I misunderstood… So tell me, why is it we’re never happy?
‘Cause everybody wants to be an astronaut! And take the long tall trail into the stars! Everybody wants to show a brother what they got! Everybody wants to be an astronaut! Marion looked away. What he kept for himself was that he really disliked the last line. Everybody wants to be a superstar! No. None of the kids wanted to be a superstar. … ‘cause everybody’s happy when they’re playing the guitar! Everybody but them. Everybody. But them. So tell me, why is it we’re never happy?
Old Sport smiled, for a moment a bit sadly. “Oh, it used to be “Not too late” by Lemaitre.” Not Too Late my friend! Take it up and try again! I’ll stand right here… While you walk to face the end, As the skys clear up again I’ll disappear- And have a go again… Snapping out of his emotional side, he laughed. “But now I actually have TASTE, thus it’s TAYLOR SWIFT’S “Look what you made me do”, RIGHT MIKEY-“ “YOU HATE THAT SONG TOO, ADMIT TO IT. YOU FUCKING HATE IT. ESPECIALLY THE REFRAIN. IT’S ALL SUCH UTTER SHIT, YOU ONLY PUT IT ON TO FUCKING TORMENT ME. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!” “Like clockwork. It’s a thing of beauty.” He laughed until Mike quieted down from the back, then looked back at the Anon. “But seriously, why did you even include me. You know what it is! THE CLASSICS! “All Star” and “Never Gonna Give You Up”! Well, maybe with a dash on “We are number one” for good measure. You know, the songs people with TASTE listen to.”
Ethan was sitting in the back, looking at the golden guard badge he had received for signing up with the company. Quietly he sung. “Sven Korner was in the newspapers this Monday Big picture from a time he danced the waltz Yes, he took the life of Victoria Come home, explain to Christiania “Come here, officer, here are thousand bucks I’ve saved” And give me Korner, and give me him soon!” He closed his hands around the badge. “It’s a song by Kaizers Orcherstra. I just happened to stumble over it- originally it’s in the Norwegian language- I do not even know how I found the translation. But I like it a lot. It helps me work.” He hadn’t found her. He wasn’t even quite sure in what kind of afterlife he was. But it gave him great satisfaction to know the man who did this to his daughter was in a far, far worse place. “I know what’s in store for you… I know what it is you’re hoping for, I know what’s in store for you.
Oh, you have a tune you think everybody will follow! But I wouldn’t follow that tune, not on my life! We’re playing poker with a revolver, Having no respect for Fredrik Meltzer… Now you shall dance to our tune 'till you bleed! You shall dance Ompa 'till you Die!
Think about it, Sven, how good it will be in Heaven… I hope you fold your hands before you go to bed… Cause it can get hot down here. It can be hot down here. Sven, it can get hot as hell down here!” -
Henry leaned back bemused. “The best thing about this ask is certainly that everyone now knows what a horrible taste you have.” Says the guy who has his head so far up his ass that he basically only listens to classic. “Oh, no. I listen to everything. But at least I acknowledge that everything I hear has some form of merit, even if it is not my taste. You however, do not, thus you can be shamed for your taste.” Screw you.
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #454
Top Ten Launch Games 
Oooh, it’s finally here!  
By the time you read this, the Xbox Series X/S consoles will be out, and the PlayStation 5 will be imminent if not already with us. At the time of writing I’ve yet to sample either console, although hopefully that will soon change. However, it’s a bit of a weird console launch, especially for Xbox owners, as there’s not much in the way of actual launch titles. PlayStation has the excellent-looking technical showcase (in that it shows off their sexy new controller, if not necessarily the excesses of the console’s visual prowess) Astro’s Playroom. But on the Xbox side, the only genuine first-party exclusive (not including the port of rather smashing PC title Gears Tactics) was to be the troubled Halo Infinite, which has now been pushed to next year to deal with some of its apparent graphical deficiencies. For what it’s worth, as a Halo fan, I thought the actual gameplay presented looked as good as it always has, so I’m still very excited, but it’s a shame not to sample something genuinely new and shiny at launch. For me, then – as someone not getting a PlayStation this year – I’m going to have to contend myself with updated versions of older games, and hopefully something like the really exciting-looking The Falconeer or, eventually, Cyberpunk 2077.  
Of course, it’s not always been like this; in the past, a landmark game has often been the core reason to upgrade to a new console. Certain titles have defined their hardware platforms, offering a taste of the experiences to come, be it through revolutionary control systems, previously-unimaginable graphics, or simply by shattering preconceptions and expectations. As such, this weekend I’m celebrating my favourite launch titles. 
Now, a couple of my usual caveats. I’ve hardly owned any consoles in the grand scheme of things; I was a computer gamer until the launch of the first Xbox, and even then was PC-first until about midway through the 360’s life. As such I came to a lot of these late, or played them on friends’ systems. I’m sure a videogame historian would give you another list, one that was able to put each title into its historical perspective. For my part, I’m mostly basing it on how much I like the game, but I am also trying to weight it in terms of its “importance”. I mean, one of my favourite “launch titles” of all time would be Lego Marvel Super Heroes on the Xbox One/PS4, but that seems a bit of a ridiculous game to call a launch title, especially as it doesn’t really show off the hardware or define the generation in any particular way. I just think it rocks. So I’m trying to judge it also in terms of how effective a given game was at being a launch title, as well as my personal preference; as such, some games, which I think are more emblematic of their time or their hardware, might end up higher in the list than if I was otherwise just ranking my favourites.  
Christ, that was boring. Look, here are ten games that I like that came out when a console came out. Have at it. 
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Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox, 2001): it’s not just that it made playing an FPS on a console as comfortable and enjoyable as on PC, but it revolutionised what an FPS could do. Expansive open landscapes, dynamic combat with intelligent enemies, an ingenious shield/health combo, two weapons, drivable vehicles, and frankly outstanding graphics. And for Xbox – a curious underdog, a big black sheep devoid of cool or class and feeling like Microsoft was trying to buy its way into the console space with a hefty dose of brute force – here was something unique, something incredible. I don’t think anyone quite expected Halo, and it’s arguable that it single-handedly changed not only Microsoft and Xbox’s fortunes but the entire game industry too.  
Wii Sports (Wii, 2005): the Wii was this strange outlier, a tiny white box that eschewed the grunt and girth of its rivals, and seemingly built around its unique motion controller. Would it work? Wii Sports proved that yes it would, a delightful bundle of games that perfectly showed what the console and controller could do. Immense fun in and of itself, but the Wii’s ability to lower the barrier of entry to non-gamers meant that your dad could thrash your brother at bowling. And that is a thing to cherish forever. 
Tetris (GameBoy, 1989): depending on where you look, Tetris may just be the best-selling game of all time. It’s on everything now, from the Xbox Series X to your watch. But there was a time when “Tetris” meant “GameBoy”; that four-colour greenscreen box of wonder that everybody had but me. It was beyond ubiquitous, and its short-form nature and simplistic styling made it ideal for the portable console, its chirpy and iconic music sounding perfect coming from those tiny speakers. And above all else, of course, Tetris is fantastic, one of the greatest games of all time. It was a perfect marriage of software and hardware. 
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch, 2017): so here’s the thing: I like Zelda, but I’ve never fallen in love with it. I didn’t grow up with it, so coming to Ocarina of Time, there were too many old-fashioned trappings in the way; it just didn’t feel as enthralling or as fun to play as, say, Half-Life or Deus Ex. BOTW changed that; the limitations were gone, the world was blown wide open. It no longer felt like an 80s game in three dimensions, it felt new. Better than new – it felt like tomorrow. Despite the Switch being graphically weaker than its contemporaries, BOTW was and is simply gorgeous to look at, but it’s how it plays, how it feels like a vast but real world, how it has its own rules and they make sense instantly. It’s the greatest open world game of all time, and emergent physics sandbox, and yet it’s still unquestionably Zelda, emphatically Nintendo. Okay, it technically came out on the Wii U at the same time, but who the hell played that? This was the game that made you want a Switch.  
Super Mario 64 (N64, 1997): this is often the game people cite as being one of the great revolutionary launch titles, but I must confess its charms were lost to me at first. Taking what was great about Mario and converting it expertly into 3D was a heck of a feat; graphically for the time it certainly impressed in the scale of its worlds, and whilst back then I felt it lacked the detail and granularity of some PC titles, in retrospect it was a perfectly-suited art style, offering smooth textures even when right up close. But it was its precise controls and the open, hub-based nature of its worlds that was revolutionary; many games aped its style, but it took a long time before anything really matched it.  
Hexic HD (Xbox 360, 2005): not every game here has to be some genre-busting graphical powerhouse; they can be simple but quietly revolutionary. Hexic HD is a terrific puzzle game with a simple hook, brilliantly executed, and enough intrigue and nuance to keep you coming back for one more go, to beat your high score, to get to the next tricksy level. But the time and manner of its release, and what that signified, marked it out as something more important. It was the first Xbox Live Arcade title; Microsoft’s curated gallery of smaller, more indie-flavoured games. More than that, it was free, coming pre-installed on all Xbox 360 Pros (the ones with the removable hard drive). It was a taste of what was to come, introducing audiences not only to the idea of playing these kinds of smaller, less intense games on a console, but also the idea of purchasing and downloading them digitally. It was great and ground-breaking in equal measure.  
WipEout (PlayStation, 1995): I kinda missed the PlayStation generation. I was still, more or less, in my PC-centric “consoles are toys” mindset (which I wouldn’t fully shake off till the release of the N64). But I came to appreciate its qualities as a cool, exciting, super-fast futuristic racer. I’m pretty sure it’s not the first 3D hover-car racing game, but it was presented in such a groovy package that it ticket all the boxes, and helped show off just what the PlayStation was capable of in terms of its 3D graphics and CD sound. And, of course, it helped define the console as being a bit more edgy and grown-up than the previous Nintendo and Sega stalwarts. 
Super Mario Bros. (NES, 1988): what can be said about one of the most iconic games of all time? Mario Bros defined not only a console, not only a generation, but arguably an entire artform. Creating what we now know as a platform game, it expanded and surpassed the basic template of Donkey Kong into a roaming adventure, part twitch-gaming reaction test, part puzzle game. I played a lot of copycat games on my Amiga, but even then, as a whiny computer brat, I knew that Mario was better. Even when my cousins got a MegaDrive and Sonic, I knew – deep in my heart – that Mario was better. It's a deep game, an endlessly replayable game, a supremely fair game despite its difficulty. I think it’s hard to overstate just how good, or how influential, Mario was. 
Project Gotham Racing (Xbox, 2001): I tried hard to pick a different platform for every game in this list, but I couldn’t exclude PGR. This may be tied up with my biography a little bit, but my other half and I played this game to death. I never think of myself as a big racer fan, but every once in a while a title comes out that I just really, really get into – Jaguar XJ220 on the Amiga, Midtown Madness on PC, the Forza Horizon series nowadays – and PGR did that in spades. A gorgeous arcade racer, it was a great launch title to show off the sheer grunt of the Xbox; then, as now, the most powerful console on the market. It also offered a terrific four-player split-screen. But its Kudos feature – borrowed from semi-prequel Metropolis Street Racer – offered ways to win outside of sheer racing graft, awarding cool driving. I still love the original, and I kinda wish they’d bring back or reimagine its city-based driving for a future release or Forza spin-off. 
Lumines: Puzzle Fusion (PSP, 2004): okay, so this is a bit of a cheat as I've barely played the original PSP version, but Lumines is just phenomenal; the best moving-blocks-around game since Tetris, and probably the most influential one since then too (for the record, I've played it extensively on multiple other platforms). An excellent spin on a Tetris-a-like, its use of music and colour made it a beautiful, brilliant sensory experience. With Sony entering the handheld market, the PSP needed a USP, something vibrant and cool that suited a portable experience, and Lumines provided it in spades; also its funky visuals and music was a good fit for Sony’s brand.  
Well, that was fun, and a lot harder than I expected. If you’re enjoying a new console this Christmas, then hopefully you’ll have fun with one of the new launch titles too – even if I doubt any (apart from maybe Astro) would trouble a list like this in the future (although I do think The Falconeer looks all kinds of cool). 
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Sleepover Date
I like the ASMR recordings so I figured I’d write 3,171 words of what led up to Kiro’s because... what can I say, I was wondering what would lead up to it and I love the guy XD He and Victor are my two favorites
Previous MLQC writings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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My phone vibrated early Friday morning. I groaned with complaint and swatted around at my bedside table to find it. Once I found it, I peeked through my closed eyelids to see its bright screen with an even brighter smile and eyes on the Caller ID photo.
“Mornin’ Kiro,” I mumbled.
“Good morning, Miss Chips!” His happy tone was a little aggravating this early.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“Oh. Sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“Yeah but you only beat my alarm by four minutes.”
“Okay. Sorry again. I forget that you don’t have to wake up for a morning workout.”
“Thank the heavens,” I muttered. “So, what’s up? To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”
He giggled like a schoolboy through the phone. “I was just wondering if you’d like to have a sleepover tonight!”
“Uh… what?”
“A sleepover! I’ll come pick you up after work and we’ll eat junk food and watch movies and just hang out, y’know? As friends. I haven’t done something fun like that in years.”
I blinked, brain slowly catching up to me. “Uh, Kiro?”
“We’re, uh, we’re twenty-two,” I pointed out.
“So what? That means we can’t have a fun sleepover?” Kiro asked, sharper than I thought he’d be.
“Uh… I guess not.”
“So you’ll come over tonight?”
“Sure,” I said.
I could hear the celebratory tone of his voice as he cried out, “Yes! Text me when you get home from work. By the time I make it to your place from mine you should have enough time to throw an overnight bag together, right?”
“Probably, if you don’t mind me being super casual.”
“Mind? Why on Earth would I mind? Heck, I welcome it! I’m gonna be one-hundred-percent casual too! Oh this is going to be great! We can put the couch cushions on the floor like we’re little kids and just have a good time!” He sounded so happy that I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Okay. I’m excited now. I’ll see you tonight,” I said.
“See you tonight!” He giggled again and hung up.
I set my phone back on the bedside table and hopped out of bed. I pulled on a more casual outfit for a Friday and threw a few things onto my bed that I could pack when I got home after work.
Once I ate breakfast and finished getting ready, I rushed out the door and headed for the office. A sleepover. With Kiro. Oh my word. This was either going to be insanely fun, or a disaster. Probably the former, but sometimes stuff happened. I was really looking forward to a sleepover.
It was kind of amusing—thousands of die-hard fans only dreamt of having a sleepover with Kiro at his house and I actually got to do it. Because we were friends.
Real friends.
All day I could barely focus on work. Neither could anyone else—it was Friday—but I was too excited for tonight. Victor noticed in my over-the-phone report that I seemed distracted and decided before I could even explain that I was just looking forward to some plans for tonight he decided that we’d finish the report on Monday.
Even better. One less task and no berating.
The day passed quickly after that.
Before I knew it, my phone was to my ear.
“Miss Chips!” Kiro greeted brightly.
“Hey! I just walked out of my building, so I’ll be home soon and then packed. I just thought I’d give you a little extra heads-up.”
“Aw! So thoughtful! Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe and sound and home and then I’ll leave to come get you so you have time to pack!”
“Sounds like a plan. See you soon!”
“See you soon! Aw man, I am so excited for tonight!”
I laughed. “Me too. Thanks for the invite!”
“Of course!”
I was on Cloud Nine all the way back to my apartment. When I got there, I texted Kiro that I was home safe and packing up. I got back a string of emojis that seemed to be mostly of the happy and excited variety.
Once at home, I changed into a more comfortable set of clothes and got started.
While I packed my overnight bag, I listened to one of his albums in the old CD player I kept on the floor of my closet. There was something fun about CDs that I just didn’t get with my phone. They didn’t feel quite the same to listen to. Sure phone audio in my headphones sounded clearer than my slightly-fuzzy old CD player speakers, but with the CD player I felt like I was a kid again—before phones were so commonplace.
I sang along and giggled to myself as I packed. Pajamas, change of clothes for tomorrow, toiletries, some snacks, a book, a couple of my favorite movies, water bottle, hairbrush, all the normal sleepover stuff. I also threw in a pack of cards in case we wanted to play a card game.
Though I was positive that with money like his, Kiro probably owned a deck of cards. Still. I liked mine. They were soft and easy to shuffle after years of use.
I was in the middle of singing the chorus to one of Kiro’s songs when I heard an excited knock at the door. I shut the music off and rushed over to peek through the peephole. I figured only one person I knew would be that excited, but I imagined Gavin might also share some enthusiasm when he was in a good mood.
But no. A head of gold hair was standing out in the hallway. I yanked the door open. “Hi!” I greeted.
“Hey there, Miss Chips!” Kiro greeted brightly, giving me a hug. “You all ready?”
“Yup. Let me grab my bag—”
“Now. What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you do that?” Kiro teased.
I snorted. “That sounds like an excuse to go in my bedroom,” I joked. Kiro’s ears turned a vibrant shade of red.
“N-no! That’s—that’s totally not what I meant!”
But I just kept laughing, my own face going red. “I knooow. I’m just playing around. Let me grab it out of my room and then, if you really want, you can help me with it. But I can totally handle it on my own. There’s barely anything in it apart from the obvious sleepover supplies.”
Kiro laughed too, slightly more awkward than mine. “Oh. Okay,” he said.
I went to my room and grabbed my bag, hauling it off my bed and rolling it out into the main room. Kiro was standing just inside the doorway looking around.
“Is that a cello?” He pointed to the instrument near my window.
“Yup,” I replied.
“I didn’t know you played.”
I shrugged. “I’m better at piano but my cello tends to attract fewer complaints from my neighbors. I have a keyboard with headphones in my room for when I want to play piano.”
Kiro glanced at the door I’d come out of. “You can come play at my place any time you want, if you want! I have a real piano that you can play to your heart’s content!”
I smiled. “You’re sweet, Kiro. Thank you. I’ll probably take you up on that. Electronic keyboards aren’t the same.”
“I agree. Now come on.” He swiped my rolling bag’s handle from my hand and offered me his other elbow before I could complain. “Shall we set out on our grand sleepover adventure?”
I laughed, looping my arm through his. “We shall!”
Stepping out, I locked the door behind me—
And heard a familiar voice that wasn’t Kiro’s asking my name.
Once the key was out of the lock I turned around, other hand still on Kiro’s arm. “Hi Lucien! This is a friend of mine. We’re just going to, uh…” How was I meant to say “have a sleepover” without sounding like a kid? If I even brought up the word “sleepover” in Victor’s presence—heaven forbid—I’d never hear the end of it. Lucien was a little more understanding, but still, I liked to have some dignity.
“I’m a musician,” Kiro cut in. “We’re going to my place to record her playing the piano.”
I squeezed his elbow in thanks.
Lucien seemed vaguely curious. “Sounds like an enjoyable activity. I hope you have a good time.” That last sentence was directed entirely at me—like Kiro didn’t even exist. Since Kiro was usually the center of attention, I wondered if he was irritated or relieved that Lucien wasn’t paying him any attention at all.
“We will. Thanks. See you later, Lucien!” I said as Kiro and I resumed our walk to the elevator. I waved over my shoulder. Lucien waved back. The elevator doors closed and cut off our view.
I sighed in relief.
“Whew. Thanks. Lucien’s an understanding guy but trying to explain a sleepover to my neighbor when we’re both adults just seemed… awkward,” I said.
Kiro couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. “Yeah, that’s why I said we were gonna record and I threw in the piano because… I’ve never heard you sing.”
I made a face as we reached the ground floor. “I’m okay at singing but I’m a much better pianist.”
“Well, you’ll have to sing for me tonight and I’ll be the judge of that,” he teased as we left my building and got in his car.
The drive to his house took a while, but we laughed and chatted the whole way so it didn’t feel that long. Kiro drove markedly slower than Victor did. Victor always seemed to speed everywhere. Kiro didn’t appear to be in any sort of rush. He followed the speed limit signs anyway. And he didn’t needle me for looking at him a lot. Especially when he was talking. Victor would have needled—“You’re looking at my face. Why?” Or something along those lines.
Kiro was very different. Friendly, open, sunshiney.
When we got to his house—villa—he got the door for me and got my bag before leading me inside. He had a nice, warmly-decorated interior. Sure it was spacious—I could probably fit most of my apartment in the foyer alone—but it didn’t have a cold, minimalistic, white look to it that other fancy mansions I’d seen on TV and been in for work had.
His was decorated in pale yellows and other complementary shades, giving the atmosphere a warm homeliness.
“Your place is so pretty!” I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out.
Kiro just chuckled. “Thanks! I didn’t do any of the interior designing but I did say I didn’t want it to feel empty. So there’s stuff everywhere.”
I glanced over at him playfully. “And… where’s Key’s secret room?”
He laughed. “Oh, Key doesn’t need one,” he said. “None of Key’s electronics are suspicious enough that they can’t be stored out in the open. Because Key isn’t an amateur.” He ruffled my hair teasingly—then sobered up. “Okay, no, but seriously, I don’t keep much equipment. Don’t really need to.” He shrugged and changed the subject. “Anyway! Lounge is through here. I got out some snacks. I also thought we could order pizza or something.” He led me through a double glass door with gossamer curtains on the other side to a nice, warm-toned lounge room.
It was decorated in creams and with red accents like throw pillows. I smiled upon seeing it.
“Your house is so beautiful.”
The tips of Kiro’s ears went red. “Thanks,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
I smiled. “My pleasure.” I plopped onto the creamy sofa and looked around casually. “So. What movies did you have in mind to watch tonight? I don’t have any particular preference as long as it’s not gory or gross and it might be fun to go on a run to the store to rent one and—what? Why are you staring at me like I just stabbed a cake with a pencil?”
“You can rent movies?!” Kiro demanded.
I blinked, confused. “Uh… yeah. It’s cheaper than buying them and when you have no intention of watching a movie more than once it’s really the best option. You didn’t know that?”
My posture slouched. “Oh. Well. Okay,” I said, unsure of how else to respond to that without sarcastic contempt for privileged lifestyles that allow someone to just outright buy a movie they’re going to watch once and then never again.
Kiro dropped onto the sofa next to me and grabbed my shoulders. “Let’s do it! Let’s rent a movie!”
His innocent excitement made me laugh. “Okay, okay. Let’s just make sure you don’t look like you so no one mobs you at a supermarket movie rental kiosk.”
“Definitely! Let me go get my disguise stuff!” He hopped to his feet and ran out of the lounge room.
“You’re not wearing a teddy bear costume to the supermarket, okay?!” I called after him.
“No duh!” he shouted back.
Shaking my head in amusement, I pulled out my phone and started looking up new movies we could rent. Somewhere else in the villa, I could hear Kiro bustling around in a hurry, knocking stuff over with quiet exclamations of, “Shoot!”
After a few minutes, he reappeared in the lounge room, wearing a pair of hipster glasses, a dark outfit, and a floppy beanie over his bright hair. “How do I look?” He beamed at me, spreading his hands out and giving me a spin like he was showing off a concert look to his stylist.
“Decidedly not like the Kiro that gets mobbed by fans the second he exits the door,” I teased.
Kiro pumped his fist in the air. “Bullseye!”
I laughed. “Let’s get going, you dork.”
“You know what will really throw people off from believing I’m Kiro,” he remarked as we headed out of the lounge. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what would make him look different, he reached out and took my hand. “Holding your hand. As far as the world knows, I am single as a Pringle, baby!” His giggle made me laugh as we wandered out of the door.
He opened the door to the car for me and helped me in before circling the car and ducking into the driver’s side.
We drove to the store, chatting and laughing all the way.
“I hope I can say this without sounding weird,” I began, “but I really love hanging out with you.”
Kiro shot me a quick glance before returning his gaze to the road. There was a sparkle in his eyes. As usual. “Me too. You’re, like, the only normal part of my life. And even then… we’re both Evolvers. But you’re rarely hustling me around sets or concert venues or nagging after me like my manager does. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate his hard work but I always feel like I can relax around you. And just be me. Not my public face. Heck, you even know about Key.” He gave me another quick look, this one accompanied by a sly smile. “I really love hanging out with you too,” he added.
I smiled at him. “I’m glad. Did I sound weird?”
“Not at all. I’d hope that at this point we’d be close enough friends that you could admit you actually like being around me.” He laughed at his own joke—prompting me to join in. “That’s kinda the point of being friends, right?”
I nodded. “Right.”
A pair of strong arms scooped me up from where I was half-dozing on the sofa cushions on the floor. A gentle rocking sensation alerted my brain that whoever had picked me up was walking. And by “whoever,” I mean Kiro. Because there was no one else in the house besides us two. My brain was just slow at processing when it was sleepy.
After a few moments of the rocking, I was placed gently on a soft mattress.
Footsteps moved away from me.
“Kiro… stay…” I mumbled. “Please?”
There was a pause. Footsteps returned.
“Still don’t want to sleep?” His voice was tired and soft, but I could sense his usual energy and enthusiasm behind it. “If you don’t want to sleep… how ‘bout we find something to do?”
My brain activity picked up enough to register the question. I nodded.
“Well… what do you want to do?”
I thought for a moment. What did I want to do? It felt like we’d done everything that classic sleepovers involved. Kiro continued before I could answer after a moment of silence.
“Wanna play games? Or… wanna hear me sing?”
I definitely didn’t miss the flirtatious tone to that second question, but was too out of it to be embarrassed.
“I always wanna hear you sing,” I said.
Kiro smiled, but then his expression fell. “But… we seem to do those pretty often…”
I hummed in agreement. There was a long pause between the two of us while we thought up ideas for what to do. It was late and we were both tired, but apparently not tired enough to sleep. Kiro perched on the edge of the bed he’d set me in and settled comfortably.
“How about…” he began. “Let’s do something else.”
“No duh, Sherlock,” I muttered under my breath. He didn’t seem to hear me.
“Oh I know,” he said, softly, as though a glimmer of light illuminated a perfect idea, “read poetry?” His face leaned in close to mine. “Do you want to hear some?”
I hummed thoughtfully. I’d really rather hear him sing, but if he was determined to do something else, poetry was the next-best thing.
“Sure,” I mumbled.
He smiled. “Okay, okay. Let me look…” He trailed off. I felt him get off the bed and walk over to the other side. I heard him pour a glass of water and set it on the bedside next to me before going to look at a shelf on the wall. I barely processed his noise as he looked for some poetry to read.
After a minute or two—time was hard to tell when I was so tired—he came back, sitting on the edge of the bed again. He flipped through a few pages, some faster than others, looking through the book.
“Oh! This one is good,” he said, enthusiastic but quiet. He giggled. “Okay! Ask me why I picked this one!”
“Why did you pick this one?” I mumbled.
“Because this poem… it expresses how I feel…” His voice went from speaking low to a whisper. He scooted closer and gathered me to him. “And now, holding you in my arms, I will read you this poem.”
He paused. Probably for dramatic effect, and took a deep breath.
“Let’s start. You may not believe I have often imagined you…”
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
Clothes That Tempt Our Very Skin
By Mark Gordon
It was a hot summer day and I was headed home to see the family.  It was the eve of the 4th of July and my mom and brother were anxious to see me, since it had been since Christmas and my brother had a surprise waiting for me.   Now the anticipation of what that was helped to keep me focused on the rigorous 4 and a half hour trip from Phoenix to Las Vegas.
I was driving with the air conditioner blasting, as the outside temperature was somewhere in the high 100’s, yet with the sun blazing through the windows, I was still feeling warm, so I removed my tank top as I drove.  Whew I thought now that feels better!  My muscular chest was tingling, especially my nipples as the cold air blew on them, but I liked the feeling and my pectorals seemed to tighten even harder with the cold air.   All was right with the world as I raced along the highway and I sipped my bottled water and played my tunes on the CD player.
After a while, I could feel my cock swelling to release the fluid that was now becoming painfully evident in my over filled kidneys.   I had a habit of holding back when I drove long distances, but I had almost peed my pants on occasion and that feeling was less than comfortable.
This time was different, I was in sever pain and I knew I would either have to find a rest stop or try to hide behind a cactus to relieve myself.   Luckily there was a rest stop up a head and I forced myself to wait even though I was at the brink of wetting my pants.
In a cloud of dust I pulled into the rest stop and scurried into the men’s room with urgency.  Once at the urinal I just dropped my loose fitting cargo shorts to my ankles and pulled the waistband of my boxer briefs down under my ball sacs to get the maximum release.  
As I moaned at the pleasure of unloading my kidneys, a man came in to pee and although he might have thought me weird in the state I was in, I cared less about his first impression and more about my relief.
Standing next to me was a taller man who wasn’t as lucky as I was, because his pants had a wet stain around the crotch and he knew it was visible and obvious to my view.   As he let loose his thick dark yellow pee stream he was arching his back to make the stream even more pronounced.
“God I never thought I would make it!” he shouted grinning at me.
I giggled and said, “Well I nearly ended up in with a pee stain as well, but I tore off my pants and got my cock out in time”  I said as his eyes locked into my crotch area and his pee stream seemed to meander in and out of the urinal.
The man just grinned while the duration of his release seemed never ending.
“Well luckily I have a change of clothes in my car; I don’t like to be messy if you know what I mean.”  He said.
“Know exactly what you mean man, my boxer briefs weren’t so lucky as you can see but my shorts survived.” I replied as I tried not to notice his cock.  
“Well if I were you, I’d change them before you head out, if you have a spare pair.”  He said.  “Good idea” I said and we both shook off our cocks and put them away and got our pants straight, then we both went out to our cars for a change of clothing.
As he pulled out a clean pair of shorts and underwear, I pulled a clean pair of boxer briefs from my travel bag and then we both walked back into the men’s room.  Racing ahead of me, he took the only stall and began to undress and pile his soiled pants and underwear on the ground next to his feet, kicking them out the side of the stall next to me.  By that time I had my shorts and boxer briefs off and totally nude, I could hear him taking a second leak in the toilet. God he must have large kidneys I thought.
I looked down at his pile of soiled clothes and was getting a hard on thinking – how many miles he rode wearing those clothes- hum -  it was a kinky thought but I had this desire to put on his soiled underwear and pants.  For one minute I wanted to wear his stuff and get a feel for this guy who was much older than me, but to his advantage a very handsome and professional looking man.
Time was running out, so I reached down and pulled on his damp jockey briefs and then his slacks. The waist was a few sizes bigger than mine, but the jockeys seemed to be quite comfortable around my waist.  It was evident that these slacks were meant for a taller man as the cuffs of the pants bunched up around my sneakers but the idea of having them on was making me harder.
I had to do the next thing and that was to squeeze his pants crotch and surround my cock and balls in the pee stains for a while to fully achieve what I was after.   That desire to make his fluid deposit part of me proved to be a catalyst to an event that would change both our lives for ever.
As I squeezed hard and tight, I could feel the dampness around my genitals and it felt cold for a while, but miraculously the wetness he had deposited magically was absorbed into my groin. What happened next was even more incredible.
Looking down at my hand, I couldn’t help but notice that the bunched up material around my sneakers was disappearing and the length of the slacks was lifting up somehow.  Then the extra inches between of my waistband seemed to disappear as his slacks began to fit firmly now.
OH My God I thought, as I witnessed other changes happening as well. My once lean firm stomach and toned chest were gone. I had a slight bulge in the gut and my nipples had widened and there was no more muscle tone and from the look of my hands and arms, they had changed as well. A took a quick look in the mirror had confirmed that I was now inhabiting this mans body and a grin came across my face, because I was sure he would be shocked to see his twin waiting on the other side of the wall when he came out.
While I examined this new body of mine, touching and poking at my new physique, I began to wonder what he was doing so long in that stall.
While releasing the last bits of extra piss he still had in him, his body had gone through a radical transformation of its own.  As he stood there pissing, his body changed as soon as I had put his clothes on- as if only one of us could exist at a time and my transformation into him forced him to transform into me.
What was taking him so long, was the fact that once his cock transformed in his hands and his body got younger and tighter, he got so sexually aroused he began to jack off quite instinctively.   All this time while he was jacking off in his new physique, I could hear the moans and groans in a voice very familiar to me- MINE!    
Then as if a light went off in his head, he took inventory of his body and found out quickly that he had become the young jock on the other side of the stall wall.
He let out a shout of extreme delight as his new cum load shot out of him. I knew immediately that he approved of what had happened to him and that got me tenting instantly.   “I think we need to talk” I shouted over the stall wall as I was taller now and could peer in to it.  I had never seen my body from this perspective before, especially my body coming off a huge climax.
With a smiling face he acknowledged me, let out the last stream of cum his new body had in him then came of the stall to confirm that I was now the owner of his former body.
Still nude, he walked over and gave me a huge kiss, by pulling my head down to meet his new 5’9” tall body.  At that point I was rock hard and tenting my new pants and making a new stain in them.  
As he bent down to get my old clothes, he seemed less interested in my erection and more interested in completing his packaged look by wearing my boxer briefs and shorts.
“Hey” he said. “Those Nikes are way too big on you now can you take them off and hand them to me?”  
They were much too big for my feet, event though I was taller now my feet weren’t 10 and half anymore, luckily he was wearing sandals or he would have been I real pain when his feet grew. I obliged and even gave him my socks as well, and the slid his sandals over for me to wear.
“Now, I am you completely!”  He shouted.  “So how old am now?” he demanded.
I think you’ll find that your occupying a 28 year old body, “and what of me?”  “How old am I?” I said.
As he modeled in the mirror turning side to side, then flexed a bit then said, “Oh 42 years old will work!”
“I can’t believe this!”  “How long did it take you to turn out this muscular?” he said testing the tightness of my pectoral and abdominals. Poking them to see how hard they really were.
I stood there with my hand to my face in amassment, wondering if he was serious and thinking – Doesn’t he get it?  We have swapped bodies and all he is interested in his my age and how long I’ve been working out?
“Did you hear what I said”, he went on.
“Well, when the body was mine, it took 4 years to get to that point and daily bow flex work outs to maintain it!”  I said with a bewildering face.
“So this bow flex thing will maintain this then?” he said still turning and modeling his new body in the mirror.
I was sexually excited but pissed he hadn’t fully made notice that I was now him and maybe that wasn’t exactly convenient for me.  
I walked over to him and grabbed him firmly on both shoulders and looked in straight in the eyes.  “So am I now dismissed now?, discarded and forgotten now that you find yourself in a rather young buff body?”
He pushed me off of him saying, “Listen hot shot- it wasn’t me that put on your clothes now was it?!”  “I suppose you had some kinky reason and I wont get into that right now but wasn’t it your hope to assume my body or at least feel what it would be like to be in it?”   “So now you have it and from that boner in your pants I trust you like it!”  He said with an arrogance I could not believe was coming out of that body.
“Well listen here - it may have been a sudden desire, but I think it’s worn off now and I would like to get my body back and continue on my way home!” I with a stern expression on my face.
He began pacing a bit, thinking he could make a deal with me, all the time rubbing his hard chest and feeling his new package between his legs.
“You know possession is 9 tenths of the law” he said like a shroud lawyer.  “And well giving this fine specimen of youth back so quickly would be like returning lottery winnings, and I am not going to be such a fool as that!”   “What I would propose is this- Let me remain you for a week or so- let me fulfill my fantasies both physically and sexually and then I might consider swapping back again.”
“You are headed for Vegas I presume?”
“Well yes” I said nervously.
“Well that’s where I was headed to, but now there is a twist- I go to Vegas as a 28 year old jock instead of a 42 year old vacationing Nurse and the dynamics of my vacation have now changed, don’t you agree?.”
“But wait, my family is expecting me and this is a time when I spend time with my brother, in fact I was planning a great holiday week with him!”  I told him in a sympathetic voice.
“Shit, Shit, Shit- always complications aren’t there?” he said with a smirk on his face and I shook my head yes hoping that was reason enough for him to give in and return my body.
“OK - but this is the plan”   he said fiddling his fingers like a high roller would do.
“It was these clothes that made us change and these clothes that will change us back, but once were back in our original bodies, I am taking your soiled clothes I am wearing as collateral- after one week I will put these clothes on and the swap will be permanent!”
All I could think of at the moment is my family and their feelings. So I shook my head yes and he took off my dirty clothes and I took off his and gave them to him. He put on his clothes and I proceeded to put on the clothes I was going to change into in the first place.  
Within a few seconds I was experiencing the transformation back to my youth and  firm toned body and he was returning to his age of 42 and getting taller – loosing all the tight firm muscle he just had.   I was now in my clean boxer briefs and shorts, leaving him with my soiled ones for him to recapture my body when my week was up.
I just wanted to get out of there and head on down the road with even more reason to get to Vegas fast.  As I began to leave he gave me his card-
Keith Young
Registered Nurse
With his address and phone number on it also.
I put the card in my shorts pocket and turned to leave and he grabbed my arm.
“Listen, I am really a nice guy as you’ll come to find out, it is just that my desire is to be in a body just like yours!”   He said with as serious face.
“Listen man, under different circumstances, maybe a different time and place- maybe this would have been a mutual desire, but I over stepped my better judgment and invaded your privacy by trying on your clothes.”   “I had every desire to want to be in your body, but right now was not the right time to experiment.”   I said.
I gave him his card back and told him to write down his hotel name and I would try to call him during the week and we could work out the details of the final swap and he smiled and wrote all the information down.
Handing me back the card we both smiled and I walked up to him and gave him a deep kiss on the lips and grabbed his tented pants.  “By the way, my name is Mark Gordon and your cock is rock hard!”  
“Nice being you Mark” he said and I winked at him and said, “Could you see your way and maybe help me relieve this boner I have?”
I took a good look at his pants and couldn’t say no, so as he unbuckled his pants, I got on my knees and awaited his thick cock.  He took it out of his briefs and I grabbed on to his waist to bring his cock deep into my throat.  I began sucking him, but he took over and began to fuck my face.  All I could hear is the moaning and grunting as he pumped my head with his rock hard cock.  But with the furry of his rhythm I could tell he wanted to be me more than anything and when he finally let loose his load, I knew this would be the cream my body would be making in the near future.  I swallowed it all and even cleaned off his cock.  One more kiss and he sent me off slapping my tight ass as I left the room.
All the way home I could not get Keith’s face and body out of my mind.  I knew I had one week left as Mark and I would make it the best I could.  My shorts remained tented the rest of the way home.
When I got home finally, it was all hugs and kisses from my mom and a big hug from my 15 year old brother, who was going to pee his pants if he couldn’t share his secret with me.  Once things settled down and we had eaten, my brother Kevin and I went up to his room where he was going to reveal is secret to me.
Since we shared rooms this time, I started to get ready for a shower and took off all my clothes. While I was busy doing that, Kevin had done something behind my back and just then the bottom fell out of my stomach and I felt light headed and not quite myself.  In fact I was not my self at all because looking down at my chest and stomach, I was flatter than a pancake and my cock was small and my pubic hair seemed to have vanished.
As I glanced his way, I fell back on my bed in shock as standing in front of me was a duplicate of myself in just boxer briefs- in fact the pair I left here at Christmas time.  
“Whoa what the fuck!”    I shouted.
“I am me Kevin, but in your body- so what do you think bro?” he said with a smile.  I stood there shaking in a body that was pushing puberty   “What do I think?” “I think I am now my hairless brother!”  
I got up and walked around him- looking at an exact clone of myself, and except for the fact I was 6 months younger and had a thicker goatee, it was me alright.
“But how?”  I shouted.
“It is the most remarkable thing Mark, after finding your boxer briefs stuffed under the spare bed, I couldn’t help but miss you and put them on late one night early in the morning.  I almost instantly began to transform into you and because I not quite through puberty yet, becoming you made me as horny as hell. I took on your hot body and couldn’t control myself. I jacked off really scared but exploded like never before.  I took up boxer briefs off and put mine on again and changed back because I wasn’t sure whether you had changed as well. Since I didn’t hear from you and because I did it at 3am in the morning I was sure it happened while you were fast asleep.”
So now that I showed you, I will take them off promptly!”  He went on.
“No please leave them on Kevin for a moment I haven’t been 15 in a while.”
So I walked around looking at his body in the mirror and noticing how much smaller his cock was than mine then I turned to Kevin and said, “would you mind if I jacked off in your body- you certainly know what jerking off in mine is like don’t you?”  
Kevin began to laugh and said, “Sure Mark, but it wont be like yours I can tell you that and the consistency of my cum isn’t like yours either- kind of watery and not as white as yours!”
While Kevin explained to me what to expect, I began to jack him off right in front of the mirror and right away I knew it was going to be different.  I thought of Keith and his thick boner as I made Kevin’s 4 inches rock hard. As I worked it hard, Kevin was watching intensely and I turned to him and said – “jack my body too” and without thinking he whipped out my 7 inches and we were jacking off together.  
My build up was not as impressive as my own, but I was able to get a relatively good sensation.  His immature ball sacs released what it could and when I was ready I spurted a nice watery load with bits of white streaks in it that quickly made a puddle on the tile floor in front of me.
Kevin was laying down on his bed making the most of his second chance to cum in my body, and was edging himself to make it last longer.   It was very erotic watching sweat bead up on my muscular body as he was grinding away at my cock.  Soon he couldn’t hold it back any more and it was strange hearing my voice moaning and shouting as it released its cargo.  Just like at the rest stop – hearing my voice coming out of someone else seemed very erotic.
Two thick white ropes of creamy cum shot out of him and back down on his chest and then one more spurt took the balance of his sac supply and then he just lay back breathing heavy.
“Holy fuck Mark that was so hot!  He said rubbing his hard chest and stomach.
“Nice job, Kevin”, I said as I walked over to slide my boxer briefs off him and proceeded to slide his back on him.
“OH fuck no” he shouted as I forced his on him over his still throbbing cock.  In seconds his cock got smaller and his body began its journey back to age 15 and I put the boxer briefs on I had just removed from him and returned to my own body, but this time I was 6 months younger and as I said my goatee was a bit thicker.  
“God what a rush that was!”  I shouted.   Kevin turned and said, “Yeah try coming back the other way!” and started to clean off his cum coated stomach.
The week was very interesting after that and Kevin and I did this swap several times before I had to go home.  In fact the week went by so fast I forgot to call Keith and I was sure he was getting pissed at me.
It was the night before I was to leave and I called to try and catch Keith in time before he put my clothes back on. Luckily I caught him and although he was mad I hadn’t called earlier we kind of got through that and made our plans for the future.  Little did I know my brother Kevin had plans of his own for the future and that last night as we swapped bodies again, he must have slipped a sleeping pill into my soft drink and I over slept.  
While I slept up stairs like a baby in his 15 year old body, he was showering in my body and making plans to sneak out and head back to phoenix as me.  OH the excitement of jacking in the shower and feeling the spray of water over his tight muscular body- this is the life he thought to himself. However, while he dried off and was getting ready to sneak into my clothes to get dressed, Keith was in his hotel room preparing to put on my soiled boxer briefs and shorts from the rest stop.
As Kevin flexed in the mirror, Keith was doing that very thing.   With in minutes poor Kevin was watching my body age and get taller- skin tone and body features were changing fast and he was about to shit himself as Keith’s final shape to form right in front of him.  
I awoke instantly and saw the time and then saw Kevin and I knew exactly what must to have happened.
I jumped up and calmed him down and tried to explain what had happened to me at the rest stop, but the jump from 28 to 42 years was making him psychotic and I quickly slid his original underwear on fast to sooth him. As he transformed back into his 15 year old body I told him he must have had a nightmare.  The shock and stress made him tired and he just fell back to sleep.  He may have fainted, but I suppose it was best he was out like a light.
Now I was still in Kevin’s body and I grabbed my real underwear and slipped into the bathroom while Kevin went back to sleep.
I got back to my own body and then showered and got ready – kissed my mom and drove off-   my plan with Keith was to meet once more at the rest stop, to finalize our plans, but I would have to meet him now regardless to get his clothes and change into him as I was supposed to by now anyway.
When we met I had to make an excuse that I over slept and had to change back so as not to scare my brother and mom- he believed me and gave me a pair of his worn jockeys so that we could finally consummate our deal.   I was ready to be Keith and head to his home town in Ohio and let him assume my life in Phoenix.   After I had undressed and slid on his soiled briefs, and the transformation into Keith’s body was complete, Keith was totally boned in my clothes at watching me transform into him and I knew what I would be doing next.
He whipped out his new young cock and I went to my knees and began to suck him off, but this time it was reversed as I was him sucking him as me.  Again he grabbed my head and fucked my face and at that moment I knew I was going to enjoy this.  His firm body was pumping me fast and I grabbed onto his tight bubble butt for some balance.   I was getting used to hearing my former voice moaning and it was making me hard like magic.
Soon his rich young cream was pumping down my throat and his moans were so wonderful to hear. With a smiling face and sweaty chest he put his cock back into his boxer briefs and buttoned his shorts.  
“You have made me the happiest man alive!” He said. And coming back to my feet I grinned and said, “Enjoy every moment of it young man!”  And we kissed our final kiss till we would meet again.
See you here in a year he shouted as he pulled away in my car.  And I waved good bye as he headed off and I got back into his car and headed back to live his life in Ohio.
As he pulled away I could hear my favorite tunes blasting out of his open window and smiled.  “OH the wonderment of being Young I said.”
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calpalirwin · 5 years
According to Plan
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A/N: And now we go back a few years to watch their story unfold.
Chapter 1
September 2015
The house looked a lot like our old house- a typical two-story home. The only difference was that this house supposedly had a basement. “Looks good, huh?” Mike asked.
I nodded.
He grinned. He had been excited about the move ever since Mom had been offered a new job. I was slightly less thrilled. Starting over at a new high school my senior year wasn’t exactly the plan I had for myself- the deaf new girl.
Mike, on the other hand, well, he had broken up with his girlfriend and was grateful to be across the country from her. And not being deaf himself, he was looking forward to living it up as best his could.
���Wanna check it out?” he asked.
I shrugged and we got out of his truck, heading for the house. Sure enough, it looked like every other two-story home, just with a basement like the pictures had shown.
“I’ve been in that car for too damned long. I’m gonna change then head over to the school. Use their field for a little practice. Mads, wanna come with me?” Mike asked when we had all checked out the basement. It had been a huge selling point for all of us because there wasn’t a basement at our old house, and we all wanted to see how big it was because we all had dreams of turning it into something for us- Dad wanted a home theater, Mom wanted a proper office, Mike wanted to turn it into his apartment bedroom, and me, well I wanted a dark room for my photography.
I nodded. I liked going with Mike when he wanted to practice. We’d run together in complete silence and then I was left alone while he played soccer against imaginary players. Plus, going with him know would give me a much needed chance to take photos to buff up my portfolio for Yale. New school or not, I was still determined to get into Yale on early decision. I had the grades, I had the extra-curriculars, I had the test scores; I just needed something extra for my portfolio, and so far, nothing I had struck me as Yale material. Maybe a new town was just what I needed.
“We just got here, don’t you kids want to relax for a bit?” Mom asked.
 We both shook our heads before heading upstairs to find our rooms. My room looked exactly the same as it had at our old house. My bed was pushed up against one wall, perfectly in the middle, a nightstand on either side. My couch was pushed against the foot of my bed, with my television on its stand at the wall opposite my bed. My bookshelf with my books, movies, and CDs was set up next to my television. I double-checked that everything was alphabetized. Warm sunshine spilled across the bedroom floor from my open window. My desk was neatly lined up with one corner of my room, my laptop on the surface, closed and charging. My school books and schedule were neatly stacked next to my laptop for me. I opened my closet, on one side hung my jackets with my shoes lined up underneath. The other side had my dresser and clothes hamper. I opened my drawers to find my clothes neatly folded and all in their place.
I smiled to myself looking at my room. It was exactly how I wanted it to be- everything with a place and everything in that place. I quickly changed into workout clothes, put my hair up in a ponytail, and grabbed my camera. Okay, I signed to Mike as I came downstairs. I’m ready.
“Awesome.” He turned to our parents, “We’ll be home for dinner.”
“Okay,” they answered in unison. Both were already curled up on the couch watching something on television. “Have fun, be safe.”
We drove in silence over to the school. Then, we walked in silence out to the field. Not because we couldn’t- we both knew sign language, and I could read lips really well- but because the silence was soothing.
Three boys and three girls around our age were already on the field. “Shit, sorry,” Mike whispered to me, looking at me so I could see his lips move. “I thought we’d be alone. C’mon, I’ll drive you home. I can practice later.”
One of the boys shouted out to us as he came jogging over, the others following close behind. “Came to play a little soccer?” the boy asked once he was closer, looking at Mike’s soccer ball. He was tall, probably close to six feet, if not a little taller, broad shouldered and muscular. Definitely athletic, I decided. His brown hair curled over hazel eyes that were splattered with flecks of green and gold. My heart raced a little in my chest as he smiled at us. I wondered what his voice sounded like, but it probably sounded just as good as he looked.
“Uh, yeah,” Mike said. “I didn’t think anyone would be around.”
“Yeah, this place is pretty empty for now. School doesn’t start until Monday,” the boy answered again. “I’m Ashton Irwin, by the way. This is Luke Hemmings, his girlfriend, Sierra Deaton, Calum Hood, and his girlfriend Riley Henderson, and Crystal Leigh.” They all nodded as they were introduced- a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy, a pretty brunette, a very tan boy with dark curls and even darker eyes, and two equally pretty blondes.
“I’m Mike Clifford. This is my sister, Madison,” Mike introduced us, shaking their hands. The six strangers looked to me, waiting for me to say something. Unsure of what to do because Mike had introduced me so there wasn’t much left for me to do, I looked at the ground, studying my shoes. “Uh, sorry,” Mike said when I just stood there. He waved his hand in my face to get my attention and gave me a thumbs up, while raising his eyebrows- the classic “You following?” without having to admit to anyone I had complete deafness.
I nodded, then from Mike’s cue, shook their hands. Ashton’s hand set my heart racing again as he gently squeezed and his smile was directed full force at me.
“You can join us if you want. Plenty of space. Besides, playing against these two gets a little dull,” Ashton said after introductions had been made.
Luke gave Ashton a shove, “Fuck off. We’ve been playing soccer together since we were kids. We know what the other is going to do. Kinda defeats the purpose of playing, y’know?”
“That’s cuz you both suck,” Calum laughed.
Mike chuckled a little. “I know what you mean. Uh, sure. I could use the practice. That okay, Mads?”
I nodded. With people to play with Mike would be distracted just enough so he could relax without worrying about me, and I could take my time scouting for good pictures without worrying about him worrying about me.
“We can keep you company,” Riley offered. “The boys are starting to bore me anyway.”
Calum scoffed, “Woman, I am offended!” He tilted his back when he laughed.
“Oh, hush!” Riley told him, “I’ve spent all summer watching the three of you play soccer.”
I shook my head, declining her offer, before turning to Mike. I held up my camera and gestured around, letting him know I was going to take some pictures and look around.
He nodded, then “Keep your phone on you so I can find you later, okay?”
I nodded before walking away, waving my hand behind me. I could picture the conversation going on behind me, even if I couldn’t hear it. I knew Mike would just say I was shy, or introverted, or both. He was always good at letting me decide whether or not I wanted to let people know if I was deaf or not. “It’s not my business until someone’s an asshole,” he always told me, “because protecting you is always my business.”
I pulled out my class schedule I had folded up in my pocket. We had missed registration, but when Mom and Dad had flown in the week before to do a bunch of busy work with setting up the house and their new jobs, they went to the school to get us situated for the school year. All Mike and I had to do was get our school pictures taken. And show up, of course. I studied my schedule, committing it to memory before flipping it over to study the school map, memorizing that as well. I stuffed the paper back in my pocket when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Ashton apologized.
I waved my hand dismissively. Then, wondering how to simplify my sign language, I made an “okay” symbol hoping he’d know I meant it was all good. I knew he hadn't meant to scare me. He didn’t know I couldn’t hear.
He looked at me confused for a second, then his brain put the pieces together. “Oh! Can you hear me?”
I shook my head, but pointed at his lips.
“Oh, I can sign if that helps,” he said, signing as he spoke.
My eyes lit up, You sign?! Besides my family, I didn’t know a lot of people who signed.
“I took a year in 8th grade. I can understand it better than I can do it myself,” he signed with uncertainty as he spoke, his fingers slow and clumsy.
That’s okay, I can read lips.
“Cool,” he nodded. “Cool camera,” he said, pointing out my camera I had around my neck. “You like photography?”
I nodded, then pointed at him to ask if he also like photography.
“I like looking at them, sure. But taking pictures myself isn’t really my thing. I’m better at cars and soccer.”
I could tell you liked soccer.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “You could’ve stayed if you wanted, you know.”
I wanted to leave.
Did I hurt your feelings? I asked, genuinely caring about his answer. Not being able to speak for myself left a lot up to how my signs were interpreted. I hadn’t meant it rudely.
“No. I was worried that we had upset you, actually.”
Social situations make me uncomfortable. I like being alone.
“Oh. Well, you can come back with me if you want. You don’t have to talk to us if you don’t want. Just being there is fine enough.”
As long as you all know I’m not actually ignoring you guys.
“Yeah, like I said, being there is fine enough with me.” He smiled again and I realized that that smile would be the absolute end of me.
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sweetlvces · 5 years
hey guys! i’m fox, 23 yo, and living in the est! i’m quite excited to be a part of this rp, so please dm me or hmu on discord @ who’s lumpia#4115 and i’ll also be messaging people soon for plots! first, just a few quick facts about me are i love disney, food, animals, video games, and more. i’m also not a fan of bugs. now, under the cut is my intro for my baby, scarlet james!
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ARIZONA U is proud to introduce you to SCARLET JAMES , the twenty-four year old , undergraduate performing arts major in her SENIOR year. most of their peers deem them as someone who is selfless , considerate & generous but i know that some of their professors think they’re more timid , clumsy & forgetful , maybe that’s why the police are still interviewing them on the reopened cold case. maybe it was because they were also UNREQUITED CRUSH to MATEO RODRIGUEZ. i mean that is just a little suspicious, but i only really think of worn out ballet shoes, a family photo on her locket, twirling in dresses, bedroom filled with boy band posters when i hear their name, not murder. but i could be wrong. — KAT MCNAMARA.
i. about
ever since she was young, dancing was her life. she took part in multiple dance competitions and it made her feel free. with music, dance moves, being able to watch others, making new friends, and improving, the girl loved it all. it made her realized she wanted to be a professional dancer someday.
however, with her mom suddenly leaving her and her father, it took a toll on scarlet. she became sad for months. mostly stayed in her room, hardly talked to anyone, and barely ate. the main reason how she became lively again was because of her teachers. they convinced her to continue and at first, being hesitant, she refused, but the desire to dance was able to bring her out of bed and go back into a routine.
high school came and of course, she decided to continue working on dancing by joining classes and checking out a club or two. although, she took a pause on competitions to take more time to socialize with friends and schoolwork. by her junior year, she joined the cheer team and eventually became captain in her senior year. her popularity slowly increased and she was soon well-known, but not because of her extracurricular activities. it was from her being kind to anyone and everyone. she would talk to the lonely kids at the food court, pay for someone’s lunch if they weren’t able to, help a friend carry books to their next class, etc.
everything may have seemed like things were perfect and filled with happiness, but that wasn’t quite right. she had a boyfriend during her senior year, but he was terrible. he was manipulative and toxic. while behind the scenes of dating of him, he made her cry multiple times, blamed her for things she didn’t do, and made her feel small and insignificant. once she opened up to her parents about the situation, they helped in getting her out of the relationship.
when it came to the thought of college, scarlet wasn’t picky about where she was as long as she was able to get into a dancing program. that was one of the things that mattered. the second thing that mattered was family. going to arizona university, it allowed her to stay close to them. the third thing that swayed her options was dorian walker. he was her favorite person and she didn’t want to lose him.
ii. details
cd player, facing spotlights, feeling anxious before a performance, falling then standing back up, cheers from football stands, turning up the music volume and dancing silly, black mary jane shoes, classic rom-coms, room filled with boy band posters, white lace dresses, fairy lights, roasted marshmallows, a shelf filled with cookbooks
ever since she was a child, she was always sweet and polite and up to now, it hasn’t changed. she would help those who need it, such as carrying grocery bags for those who are struggling or helping the elderly cross the street. she’s one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. she tends to make sure people are alright before thinking of herself, which can lead to her not taking care of herself at times.
she can be seen bumping into a lot of tables, hitting her head on car ceilings, tripping every now and then, etc. and she’s seen to be accident prone, but that doesn’t matter as she’ll just get up and brush it off.
being shy, she’s usually the one in class to not speak up, even when she knows the answer. the type to prefer being in a corner and eating while at a party.
more of her hobbies include video gaming, roller skating, skateboarding, and trying new things.
as much as she wants to be good at cooking, whenever she tries, it always ends up as a failure. however, that doesn’t stop her from buying more cookbooks.
she only has one tattoo, but wants to get more.her sense of style is usually girly, colorful, and filled with patterns.
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Dandy Warhols at Metro Chicago May 11, 2019
This is a post about the show, but also about me, the music I love and what the Dandy Warhols mean to me. This was the seventh time I’ve seen this band live, and the first time I’ve seen them at Metro Chicago since the fist two times I saw them. For the record, these are the shows:
Sept. 6, 2003 @ Metro, Dec. 6, 2005 @ Metro, Sept. 12, 2008 @ Vic Theater, Oct. 30, 2010 @ Vic Theater, June 8, 2013 @ Vic Theater, Sept. 13, 2014 @ Riot Fest, Humboldt Park, Nov. 19, 2015 @ Thalia Hall, May 11, 2019 @ Metro. (There was also a near miss in summer 2015 when my younger son Dylan texted me to let me know they were playing at a street festival in Chicago. A summer storm was rolling in, so I decided not to go. Dylan was there and I think the band played one or two songs before they had to abandon the stage due to the storm.)
I bought my ticket for the recent show a few months ago and as the date got closer, I was kind of regretting it. The Lemonheads and Tommy Stinson were playing at Thalia Hall. Smoking Popes and War On Women were playing at Bottom Lounge. And I was going to see a band I’d seen six times already. As fate would have it, Dylan borrowed my car one night and put a Dandy Warhol’s CD in the car. (Yes, my car is that old that it has not only a CD player, but a cassette player as well.) As I drove around listening to Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia, I began to really look forward to the show and had no regrets about going.
The Metro show in 2003 was a show that really set me on a new course for live music. Having started going to concerts in 1973, all I mostly knew for many years was the big Rock shows at stadiums and arenas. Club or theater shows were few and far between. By the time the 1990’s came along, I was raising a family, focused on my career and doing a lot of business travel. As a result, I was not going to a lot of concerts at that time. It was still pre-streaming music days, so the opportunity to discover new music was mostly limited to radio. (Although traveling to college campuses allowed me to hear some variety on campus radio stations.) In the early 1970’s, I started listening to WXRT, a progressive Rock station that turned me onto a lot of new music. By the year 2000, they had become a station that was a lot more selective and less diverse with what they played. WXRT ignored The Dandy Warhol’s first two albums, but they did play “Bohemian Like You” when the third album came out, The Dandy’s first record on a major label (Capitol). I loved the song, and I bought the CD. It instantly became one of my all-time favorite albums.
I decided I had to see them live, and that led to me attending the 2003 show at The Metro with my wife. I was immediately blown away. The band opened the show with a long shoe-gaze instrumental. They played selections from their new album, Welcome To The Monkey House as well as many of their Psychedelic and Power Pop songs from their first three albums. Courtney with cool vocals and rhythm guitar, Pete playing great licks on the lead guitar, Zia providing the bass and psychedelic sounds with the synthesizers and Brent rounding out the rhythm with a solid, steady back beat. The small theater allowed us a close-up view of the stage from the low balcony where we stood. Fans were dancing, drinking alcohol and passing joints up to the band members. I felt like I was back in a comfortable and exciting atmosphere that I had not experienced in a long time. From that point on, I became fanatical about attending live music shows, particularly at small theaters or clubs. I now rarely attend large stadium or arena shows, with The Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam being my consistent exceptions.
The show on this night (May 11, 2019) was part of their 25th anniversary tour and also served to promote their new album Why You So Crazy. It is their ninth studio album (depending how you are counting), and I think their 12th LP overall. That gives them a lot of music to draw from. Having seen them several times before, I was not bent on getting close to the stage. (In fact, last time I saw them at Thalia Hall, I was resting my arms on the stage the entire show while my son Dylan was kind enough to get me beer so that I did not lose my spot.) This time around, I was a little more chill. I arrived in time to catch the last three songs of opening band, Cosmonauts. I was not familiar with their music, but they sounded good. Not concerned about staking out a place to stand, I spent intermission leaning on a bar rail in the hallway while sipping an IPA and watching Game 1 of the St. Louis-San Jose NHL conference final on my phone. I stood in the back of the theater for the Dandy’s set. It is such a small theater that I still had a great view and easy access to the bar which added to my shoe-gaze enjoyment during the show. (During the show, Zia reminisced about the New Year’s Eve show they played at Metro years ago. I was not there, but I remember watching one of those lame New Year’s Eve shows from local television station where the newscasters stand in as emcees and try to act like they have personalities. I watched it based on the promise that they would be showing the Dandy’s show live from Metro. After waiting over an hour, they aired about 20 seconds of the show. So yes, Zia, I do remember the New Year’s Eve show!)
As usual, Zia closed out the show with some droning synthesizer sounds while chatting with the audience. She always DJ’s an after party, and she mentioned that she would be DJ’ing “next door.” By “next door,” I thought she meant the Smart Bar. Though actually in the basement of Metro Chicago, it is technically “next door” as you must walk out of Metro and enter another door to the south. It turned out she was at GMan Tavern to the north of Metro. I didn’t stay long at Smart Bar, but it was good to see it as I had not been there in decades. There was a stylish young lady in front of me as I was walking down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, we chatted for a minute. I told her I had not been in the Smart Bar since the 80’s. She wanted to know what I wore back then. Never having been a fashion maven, I had to be honest. I said, “I dunno. Probably jeans and a flannel shirt.” I didn’t stay long, and not having eaten since lunch, I decided to leave in search for food.
Over the years, I have exchanged a couple of brief emails with Zia. Last year I met Pete at his merchandise table when his band Pete International Airport opened for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club in Milwaukee. Before this show at the Metro, as I was approaching the theater, I see Brent coming out toward me. He stops to light up a cigarette and we exchanged “hellos.” Following the show, when I left Smart Bar, I decided to head across the street to Wrigleyville Dogs for some food. When I walked in, Brent was sitting in there with a friend. I chatted with him for a few minutes as I waited for my food order. I told him that is was the seventh time I’ve seen the Dandy’s. I also told him how much I love the album Anyway by his other band Immigrant Union. He seemed very pleased and proud of that and told me their third album will be out soon. Being an Australian band, I’m not sure Immigrant Union has gotten a lot of attention in the U.S. Brent’s friend commented on what a good restaurant Wrigleyville Dogs is and said he and Brent were going to get some beers and come back later for burgers. When they left, Brent waved to me and said, “I’ll see you in a bit.” I’m not sure if he thought I was going to the after show, or if he expected me to still be sitting in Wrigleyville Dogs when they came back for burgers. But probably it was just a way of saying, “I’ll see you again sometime.” It was an enjoyable meeting and Brent upheld the image I’ve always had of him; a personable and easy-going dude. All-in-all, it was a great evening with the Dandy Warhols and I look forward to seeing them many more times.
Set List:
1.       Forever (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
2.       Holding Me Up (Odditorium, 2005)
3.       STYGGO (Distortland, 2016)
4.       We Used to Be Friends (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
5.       Crack Cocaine Ranger (The Black Album, 2004)
6.       Small Town Girls (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
7.       Get Off (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
8.       Highlife (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
9.       Plan A (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
10.   You Were the Last High (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
11.   Well They're Gone (This Machine, 2012)
12.   I Love You (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
13.   Be Alright  (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
14.   Mohammed (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
15.   Godless (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
16.   Bohemian Like You (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
17.   Every Day Should Be a Holiday (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
18.   Pete International Airport (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
19.   Boys Better (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
20.   Zia Outro
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tide-pod-swiftie · 5 years
So. This is super random but I was listening to the first TS album and it honestly brought me back.
I was 9 years old, my room was princess themed handpainted by my mom. It looked like I was the princess in the tower, a castle in the distance. It was very purple, even my cd player was purple. But that’s beside the point.
My mom came home from target one day and showed me the cd (likely having already listened to it because thats what moms do.) she thought I would like it so she picked it up for me to listen to. 9 year old me was only acquainted with Disney and what my mother played on the radio so this was like the biggest thing to me, like I remember feeling super grown up because this was MY cd and to me there was this super pretty girl on the cover that reminded me of a princess with a huge mane of blonde curly hair with butterflies around her. Basically Taylor Swift was already the best thing ever and I hadn’t even turned on my cd player yet.
I didn’t know who Tim McGraw was but I wanted to, my 9 year old self didn’t know what it was like to be so mad at a boy like in Picture to Burn but I knew all the lyrics, A Place in This World became an anthem of mine as I got older and life got hard. Our Song became the kind of love I knew I wanted when grew up.
Taylor quickly became someone for me to look up to.
Fast forward and im 11 years old. Its 2008 and my mom and I go to target playing Taylor Swift the entire way there, theres a new album my favorite singer has new music and the first thing I do when I get it is put it in the car cd player to listen to on our way home.
And just like that. I had a new love to asipre to, I wanted it to be like Fearless and Love Story, my mom loved The Best Day so much it made her cry. Later on when kids got mean Change joined A Place in This World.
Then there was the Fearless tour. It was 2010 and we traveled to go see it having missed the show in my hometown for reasons I no longer remember. Mom and I made a it a girls trip. We stayed at the hilton and apparently so did either Taylor herself or somone who worked with her did too because in the parking lot was her tour bus. My mom made me stand in front of it for a photo while I was VERY concerned with disrupting anyone who might be inside (I mean a world tour must be tiring right? I didn’t want to impose.)
Also 2010, speak now. I had a new love I wanted to find one day in Mine and Enchanted. Long Live and Mean were added to my 13 year old selfs anthums. My mother and I listened to Taylor on her ipod in the car on the way to school.
Fast forward to 2012 and Im a 15 year old goth kid who has a love for both heavy metal and country as well as a slew of other music. Its no longer ‘cool’ to love Taylor Swift and lucky me, I wasnt cool anyways nor did I want to be. Red came out and it was a totally different sound than what I had ever heard from my favorite singer before, I had met a boy who made me understand picture to burn and 15 (altho ill never admit it out loud) because frankly he sucked and I was way too good for him. But I was dancing around my practically all black room in my all black clothes to State of Grace and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. The Moment I Knew still makes my mother and I sad because no girl should have to feel that way. 22 gave me another new thing to look forward to. Strangely enough I wanted a love a bit like Stay Stay Stay.
Oh my god it 2015, im 17 turning 18 graduating highschool (still goth. still not cool. Still a Swiftie.) but I’m moving to new york, im making a playlist my life is just about to REALLY begin.
I sit on the plane by my mom, not entirely sure what I have gotten myself into, moving across the country. The year before around the time I decided my future destination 1989 came out and im listening to Welcome To New York on repeat in my seat, mentally prepared for those heartbeats under coats, Shake It Off had long since become another anthum for me along with New Romantics. I havent found love, but I want one like You Are In Love.
Its 2017, Im still in New York. Its long since become my home Im not always as dramatically dark as I was when I was 15 but its still there. I had JUST made an instagram in December of 2016 because frankly Im still not a fan of social media...but Taylor Swift is on instagram and I still love her. Taylors instagram went dark. I was BEYOND excited feeling my esthetic come out FINALLY people would stop being shocked that I love Taylor because girl is gonna make them all see she’s a powerhouse.
Look What You Made Me Do arrives and I am LIVING this era. Im buying up merch and playing it on repeat. When ticketmaster tells me i can score a place in line by watching videos, I have them playing 24/7 I haven’t been to a TS tour since I was a kid. time was always in my way. NOT THIS TIME! I wouldn’t allow it. My mom and I text endlessly about her new album. Mums favorite is New Years Day and I struggle to choose but land on I Did Something Bad. I want a love like King of My Heart and Delicate. She agrees that yes we should certainly go to the concert together, it’s exactly a month after my 21st birthday and Taylor has always been our thing.
July 21st, my mom and I go to New Jersy, VIP passes around our necks (her birthday gift to me) im in a snakeskin miniskirt and the concert is POURING rain. Its. Friggin. Magic. Were screaming all the lyrics and dancing around, not even realizing how soaked we are.
Its 2019 now, Im turning 22 this year, and obviously my birthday playlist holds that song in several places. ME! Has just been released. I joined tumblr this year to theorize with my fellow Swifties and Twitter to get updates from Taylor. I bought something pastel to wear for the first time in years and am slowly figuring out how to add it to my all dark wardrobe.
I wonder what my 9 year old self would say if she knew that I was here 13 years later informing my mother that we needed to go to another concert. If she knew the girl with all that curly hair on her CD would become her role model through life.
I have never believed in idolizing people because we are human and all make mistakes but Taylor Swift is the closest I have ever gotten to one.
I feel like although there’s an age gap, I grew up with her (mentally) her music in my head for the majority of my life making me want to be a better person and putting a smile on my face.
This isn’t something she will ever read, hell I would be surprised if anyone ever does because its long af and no one has time for this. But honestly I felt like it was worth putting out there because not many people ever get past simply screaming ‘OMG TAYLOR I LOVE YOU!!’
I just wanted to explain why on the off chance, she or someone else would see it and think ‘huh me too.’ Or put a smile on their face.
So basically, thank you @taylorswift for helping make me the person I am today and being there for me via song when lifes been hard as I grew up.
I love you not because of the insane theories and crazy detailed performances (although those are fun) but because you never let your fans forget that they are loved and that we all mean the world to you, because you have helped so many young girls find their place in this world.
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sometimes-we-wonder · 5 years
I’ll never forget discovering Taylor. For me, it was 2007. I heard Teardrops On My Guitar on the radio and it honestly just spoke to me like no other song ever had. I had no idea what the song was called, but I was on the hunt to find out! It was 2007 okay I couldn’t just ask Siri to tell me what song it was or google the lyrics on my phone. I mean I could’ve googled them at home on my dial up Internet but I was kind of an idiot alright I was 12. Anyway, at school the next week I was telling my friend about the song and she KNEW THE NAME. I was over the moon. After that it was all over for me. I spent hours on the Internet rewatching the few music videos Taylor had out at the time. I watched every interview she had done. I learned her story and she became my friend. I begged for her album for Christmas that year and I got it! That was the first of many Taylor Swift themed Christmas presents I’ve received over the years. That entire day I stayed in my room with the album on repeat. I followed along in the lyric booklet so I could sing along. I remember when I discovered that random letters were capitalized and I started decoding. I felt like I had a secret with her. She sang the words my heart was feeling but my brain never knew how to say. I’d never listened to country music in my life, but something in me changed that day.
I’d always loved music. I wanted to be a singer more than anything in the world. When I found Taylor, she made me believe in myself. It was the first time I had hope that it could really happen for me. I started emailing record labels, inspired by Taylor’s story of course, though my parents didn’t take me to Nashville to do so. I emailed Scott Borchetta (his email was right on the Big Machine website lol). He declined my request for a record deal, probably on account of me being a 12 year old with no demo or really anything to convince him that I should have a record deal. Oh well! Life went on.
A couple of Christmas’s later, I got my first guitar. My dad is a musician and got us kid-sized guitars when we were really young. But I never had the desire to play. Once I discovered Taylor, I was not only inspired, I NEEDED to learn to play. I started playing and writing all the time. It changed my life.
I remember the day Fearless came out. I got a call early in the morning that woke me up. It was my dad. He told me to come outside (my parents are divorced). Confused, I went outside and he was standing there with a Target bag containing Taylor’s new album. He went as soon as they opened and got it for me. I’ll never forget that moment. I went back inside, got in bed, and listened to the entire thing on my portable CD player. I decoded all the secret messages, again, which always made me feel so close to Taylor. The Fearless era started my days of rushing home to catch Taylor on Ellen or Oprah or TRL. So it began that anytime anyone in the house saw anything about Taylor, my name was called.
I was extra excited when Speak Now came out. Why? Because I finally had my license and could drive myself to Target to buy the album all by myself! I felt so grown up. After school, I rushed to Target. I came home, laid on the floor, and listened to it for the first time, decoding the messages. Speak Now came for me at a really important time. I fell in love for the first time and there are some really great love songs on that album. I had a wonderful night at my first Homecoming Dance and Enchanted described it perfectly. I also had some downfalls, which Dear John and Last Kiss helped me understand.
By the time Red came out, I was a freshman in college living in a brand new city. I was in a whole other world. I took the school shuttle to Target and bought the album, sitting in silence and feeling alone on the ride back. Normally when I got an album, I was boasting and jumping for joy. But being a freshman in college in a new city, I felt pretty isolated a lot of times. I got back to my dorm room, put the CD in my laptop, plugged in my headphones, and listened. A few months prior I’d gone through my first breakup, which I was nowhere near healed from. Red gave me all of the songs I needed to understand my feelings and to process my emotions. Yet again, Taylor was there for me when it felt like no one was. She always knows what I need to hear and when I need to hear it.
Ah, 1989. I was 20 years old, living in my very first apartment. I was SO happy and carefree. 1989 was an album full of anthems perfect for driving in my car with the windows down. I did that MANY times. It felt like 1989 gave me permission to be myself and to just live my best life, honestly. It was also the era that I discovered the Taylor Swift portion of this website. I made my tumblr when I was 15, so I could fangirl over All Time Low (lol). Then I started discovering there was more to Tumblr, like quotes and images I could relate to. That’s what Tumblr became for me for many years. I actually spent a good amount of time away from the website because, stupid as it sounds, it felt like something my ex-boyfriend and I used to do all the time and it honestly just hurt to be on the website for a while. But I found you guys in the 1989 era. It was the first time I felt like people understood this part of me. Sure, I had friends who liked Taylor. But I’ve considered Taylor to be my best friend since I was 12 years old. My friends weren’t decoding albums or staying up late watching the same music videos over and over again. I finally felt understood and accepted. Like I found my people!! I felt closer to Taylor than ever before as she started the Secret Sessions and Swiftmas. Watching you guys get to have these special moments with Taylor has made me feel so close to both you guys and her.
1989 was also the first time that I got to see Taylor live. Growing up, I remember my mom trying to get me tickets, but they were selling out in minutes. It was impossible! But when 1989 came around, I had my own car, my own job, and therefore my own money. I could do whatever I wanted!!! I bought my tickets the second they want on sale and booked a hotel. I’d never been so excited for a concert before! When Taylor came onstage, I immediately started crying. I couldn’t get my shit together until four songs in. I just couldn’t believe it. There she was! My best friend! Taylor! She was right there! I felt closer to her than ever before (I mean, I was physically closer to her than ever before, but you know what I mean). That was absolutely one of the best nights of my life.
When reputation was announced, I literally fell to the floor. This was an important one for me because it was the first time my boyfriend Josh got to see me through an album release. Spoiler alert: I didn’t scare him away! I spent so much time on Tumblr hanging out with you guys getting ready for the new era. Listening to songs together for the first time, watching music videos together for the first time. It was so special to me. When LWYMMD came out, Josh ordered pizza for us and hung out with me while I hung out with you guys online. It meant so much to me that he would do that with me. I got to go to both Florida dates on the rep tour, which meant the world to me.
So I guess that’s my Taylor story! I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for Taylor. She’s made me stronger, kinder, and really just a better person overall. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have picked up a guitar. Who knows if I would’ve even taken music so seriously? Taylor was the voice I needed to make me believe in myself. She’s gotten me through countless heartaches and a lot of good times too. I’ve made friends because of her, I’ve traveled because of her. There’s just so much in my life that is a direct result of Taylor. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing woman to look up to. Here’s to another 13 years, Miss Swift. I can’t wait to see what the Lover era brings!
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thatfairyfangirl · 6 years
Blind Date Chapter 8
Matt found a strange comfort in the way the snow crunched under the wheels of the car, still a few miles from the house. You watched him from the corner of your eye gripping his cane tightly, something by now you have found meant something was bothering him. “What's wrong babe? Is it your ribs?” You asked with a touch of worry.
“Oh no sweetie I'm fine. Claire said I should be fighting fit by New Years.” He answered with a slightly strained smile. “Promise I'll get a new suit from Melvin before I go after Fisk again.”
“Then why are you trying to make an imprint of your cane in your palms?” You asked as you reached a hand over to his, gently guiding the cane down.
“Sweetie...I love you so much but Samhain-”
“Is nothing like Yule.” You interrupted in a comforting voice. “Here,” you reached for an unmarked CD popping it into the player. “I found this a few years ago and it's kinda become a Solstice favorite. Wish I had it around when I was a kid… Even before Johnny I was always bullied for being Pagan. Especially this time of year.” You said as you his play. https://youtu.be/B8i0ypSqBxE
Matt could feel the light of the lights lining the house as you pulled into the drive, the strong smell of evergreens and holly soothing his fears. It smelled like Christmas. You were both greeted with hugs and cheers from your coven and family as you held a yule log cake over your head to keep it safe and yelled over the sounds of excitement a reminder to be gentle with Matt. Matt smiled a more genuine smile as he could hear the echoes of the decorations...even a tree with a star on top. “Your cake is just like the log in the fireplace.” He whispered with a chuckle in your ear as you set it down.
Nana hobbled over to the both of you, her old feet not quite what they used to be. “Blessed Yule you two.” She said with a hug to the both of you before handing over the handmade gift to Matt.
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“Nana thank you.” Matt said with a soft smile, truly touched by the gesture. He held close to him the red sweater, his fingers running over plush textures she created for him. “You really didn't have to.”
“Oh nonsense! The least I could do to make up for the last time you came up to see us.” She replied as she patted Matts cheek. How he wished he could have had a family like yours, loving and supporting in every way they can be.
“Actually Nana, Mr. (YLN) I've been meaning to talk to the both of you about that…” Matt said sheepishly as he gestured in the direction of the back door.
The two if them nodded, leading him to the snow covered back porch. “What's wrong son?” Dad asked with a concerned fold to his brow. Matt told them of the disturbing experience he had. “Well the veil did feel thinner than the past few years. Now i understand why. Son if you don't feel comfortable with this you need to tell her. We understand.”
“Well I'd like to try all of them for her before I decide what to exclude myself from. In all honesty what I'd really like to know is if (y/n) and I were to marry would want it to be in a church...can she-”
“Matt look.” Dad interrupted sternly enough to make Matt a bit nervous. “(Y/n) is a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. If I believed I had any right in deciding what she does I would have separated her from that dummass kid long before you came around.”
“I would prefer to give Bug a handfasting,” Nana continued for her son. “But you have our blessing for whatever you both decide.”
Matt smiled a bit relieved knowing they wouldn't object if you wouldn't...but it wasn't exactly the help he was looking for. “Thank you both. I truly love her so much. I haven't asked her yet though.” He assured them both. “Just after what I've heard about this guy I want to do everything I can to not offend anything about your religion.”
“Then you best put that sweater on young man.” Nana half joked before ushering him inside where it was warm.
You smiled glad to see he was feeling more comfortable straying from you this time as you watched him laugh at Dad's stories of your mischievous youth while you were congratulated for your win in the competition by other family and coven members.
He watched with a smile as you lit the log once the sun goes down listening to the ritual welcoming back the light. Once it was over you sat by him wrapping your arms gently around him explaining that the log will burn all night as his ears picked up the sound of the children leaving small treats outside for winter time faeries. He was happy to admit that he felt well at home this time...it felt just like Christmas should.
~ ~ ~ ~
Christmas came a few days after Yule. You sat nervously in the stiff pew listening to the long drawn out service struggling to find the spirit of the season in Father Lantom's words. Matt's fingers wrapped comfortingly around yours as you began to wonder if the lecture would ever end. But bless Matt for wearing that soft plush sweater your Nana made for him today.
Finally the service ended and you were greeted with welcoming hugs from the priest and one particular nun. “Father Lantom, mom...this is (y/n).” He announced to the both of them gesturing to you.
“Well it is so nice to finally meet the girl willing to put up with Matthew's hobbies.” Father Lantom said with a subtle grin telling you he knew as the last of the church goers filed from the building.
“How can I not?” You answered brightly turning to Maggie. “He does so much good.”
You both lingered in the church for a while before Matt announced they should get going. “I'll be right out love.” You assured him before planting a kiss on his cheek. “I'm a bit nervous to ask but what did Matt tell you about me?”
“What do you mean deer?” Maggie asked seeing how nervous you were in how you held yourself.
“Well...I'm not-” you begain before it clicked with the both of them.
“Oh that. Yes. He's told us.” Lantom said with a chuckle. “And we were so excited to have you here today no matter who you were praying to.”
“Oh.” You suddenly felt a bit better. “Well I've been wondering. He and I have been together for a while. And if it were to ever get to the point of marriage. Umm how would that work?”
“Well, I'm not sure how it works for Pagans but the way we see it so long as love is there it will work out just fine.” Maggie answered with an encouraging tone.
“When Matthew met you he really wasn't in the best place.” Father Lantom explained. “You have truly been a blessing for him.” His words touched you near to the point of tears. “I've been wanting to thank you for all you do for him.”
“What was that about?” Matt asked when you emerged from the large church doors.
“Nothing to worry about baby.” He grinned to you knowing you weren't being truthful but letting you have your secrets.
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Announcement from the writer:
With the new terms of use and the impending ban on adult content on this site I will be moving my writing. This fic will soon have a chapter that needs that adult content to have the same impact that I had originally intended for the scene and I will not falter on it.
I have decided to move my writing to Patreon so that I can keep as much of the community feel as possible. You can find me on Patreon HERE. I know, I know, it sounds like I am expecting you to pay for my writing but fear not! I will only be charging $1 a month, and even that is voluntary. The majority of my fics will be available for free. The $1 subscription will be for access to the really adult content stuff I have been sitting on such as what I have been calling “Blind Date’s Deleted Scene” and access to the discord I have created. As a bonus for you guys since you have been with me since the beginning of Blind Date I will grant you free access to the discord if you shoot me a message here on tumblr and ask.
I will still post fics on Tumblr up until they are no longer welcomed by the staff, but patrons will be able to view them early.
For those who have trouble with hyperlinks on their device or find it hard to click a small word vs an actual link here is the full link to my new Patreon    https://www.patreon.com/fairyfangirl
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