#i mean that guy showed up yknow like at the very beginning
verdantcrimson · 5 months
Kanna Natsu Idol Story - 2
Written by: Akira
Season: Spring
TL: verdantcrimson
Proofread: @revuestarlight
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[Two years since ES was established. In the ES building infirmary.]
Kanna: ……
Hinata: Goood morning!
Yuta: Today, we’re thinking of playing a hidden camera prank on the talk of the town, child prodigy, Kanna Natsu, when he wakes up!
Hinata: Because both of us in 2wink love pranks!
Yuta: —and since we've been in the business for the while, the agency was like, “C'mon, show your junior how things work around here. You guys love that sort of stuff, right?” 
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Hinata: There's a difference between playing a prank and bullying, though!
Yuta: But we can't disobey the agency. That's just life, y'know? We've gotta work hard and pull this off in order to maintain our character image.
Hinata: Why do you seem weirdly pumped about this, Yuta-kun?
Yuta: This guy is Kanna Natsu, y'know…… Everyone's making a fuss about what a genius he is, but he's still just a brat, and seeing him get more attention than us pisses me off.
Yuta: We've gotta punish this ill-mannered newbie, don't we?
Hinata: Whoops, it's getting hard to keep my brother's wickedness in check these days, yknow~?
Hinata: Ah, but he's acting like this on purpose because that's the kind of image he's decided on! Yuta-kun is actually a good kid!
Hinata: All of you watching at home, please don't misunderstand!
Yuta: Hell yeah, that's the perfect excuse. Now, no matter how cruel and inhumane I behave, I can just say it's because my agency or my producer told me to play that sort of character.
Yuta: I can use that to justify my bullying. Hehehe. 
Hinata: How wicked… Looking at you these days makes your big brother worry, Yuta-kun.
Hinata: …..Hm?
Kanna: ……
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Kanna: ……?
Hinata: I knew this would happen. Look, look, Yuta-kun! Natsu-kun is awake already! 
Yuta: Huh, No way. He looked like he was fast asleep— Maybe we made too much of a racket?
Hinata: What should we do? Should we abort mission? I didn't really want to do an unfunny and old-school prank like that anyways, so I'm fine with it.
Yuta: It sounds like you were making a fuss on purpose so that the plan would fail.
Kanna: Good morning.
Hinata: Ah, yup. Morning. You sure slept well.
Kanna: Yes, thank you. Though sleeping isn't something I do for leisure.
Kanna: I don't get the opportunity to sleep when I'm occupied with research, so I try to sleep as much as I can whenever I find time.
Kanna: Also, if I pretend to be asleep, everyone will leave me alone.
Hinata: Oh, so you were just pretending to be asleep? Then, did you realize we were trying to prank you?
Kanna: Yes. Though, even when I'm asleep, one half of my brain stays awake.
Yuta: Are you a dolphin?
Hinata: That's so genius-core.
Kanna: I think anyone could do it with enough training. 
Yuta: Tsk tsk tsk. It's exactly because all that training is so tedious that nobody would ever be able to make a name for themselves as a genius.
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Kanna: I see. I understand now.
Kanna: I think that if anyone focused all their efforts on a single thing for approximately a year, they could become an expert in that field. 
Kanna: Only a child like myself would be able to concentrate on a single thing for as long as they want to, correct?
Kanna: Any adult, I mean, essentially everyone, requires time to eat, play, socialize, and maintain their physical and mental health.
Kanna: It is quite difficult to concentrate on a single thing.
Kanna: That is why they fall short of success. Yes, people who are able to do that to some extent from the very beginning— Only they are successful and lauded as geniuses.
Kanna: If everyone is limited to only being able to spend a fraction of their time on their efforts, then only those who are privileged are able to succeed and win.
Kanna: That is the reason, correct? It's logical. I can understand this.
Hinata: I've been wondering, what on earth is this kid going on about…?
Yuta: You like making theories about other people based on their behavior and then feeling like you've understood them, don't you?
Kanna: Yes. Because I'm around that age. That's adolescence, I suppose.
Hinata: Yeah, well I don't believe that! If you treated any older kid like a ‘teenage brat’ they'd get angry and rebel. They'd never admit that they're going through puberty!
Kanna: Maybe that was just the case for you, Yuta Aoi.
Hinata: … Oh? Huh? Ermm?
Kanna: It's easier to live when you believe that your ‘normal’ and the world's ‘normal’ aren't congruent.
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Kanna: I've long since given up on that sort of premise.
Kanna: I'm different from everyone else. I'm certain, nothing can be done about this.
Hinata: Ummm… I'm terribly sorry if we're boring you or something, but I think there's been a misunderstanding, so let me clear it up.
Hinata: I'm Hinata.
Yuta: And I'm Yuta.
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Kanna: No.
Kanna: I know about you two. The twin idols from Cosmic Productions, 2wink.
Kanna: The two of you have changed your marketing strategy as of late, with the older brother Hinata continuing to present as a cheerful a good kid—
Kanna: —While the younger brother, Yuta, differentiates himself from his older brother by growing out his hair and selling a ‘bad kid’ image.
Kanna: That is what the established theory is.
Hinata: The established ‘theory’?
Yuta: Those are just facts.
Kanna: What are illusions?
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Hinata: Huh, why'd you bring that up suddenly? What are you talking about?
Kanna: An illusion, or ‘sleight of hand’, is something that takes advantage of people's imagination.
Kanna: You make the world think that ‘the twins have differentiated their appearances and begun walking separate paths.’
Kanna: That way, you can do as much deception as you please.
Kanna: The twins that are supposedly never interchangeable, swap places in secret. Older brother becomes younger brother. Younger brother becomes older brother.
Kanna: Characteristic differences in hair length can also be accounted for using wigs and such.
Kanna: People tend to assume based on their prior knowledge, that ‘the one with longer hair must be the younger brother,’ since both brothers have similar facial features and so on.
Hinata: … Even if all of that were true, what good would it do for us to impersonate each other?
Kanna: Simply put, you two probably just enjoy those sorts of tricks.
Kanna: Furthermore, there are countless merits to being able to switch places. That is probably why having twins swap places is considered taboo, even in the most hard-core of detective novels.
Kanna: It's simply too convenient. It'd be used to forge alibis to no end, because now, anything goes.
Kanna: Additionally, if you succeed at your trivial ‘swapping places’ prank, you'd be able to make a fool of the child prodigy brat that everyone is making a fuss about, correct?¹
Kanna: You'd be able to say “That kid acts like he's a genius, but he's an oblivious idiot who couldn't even notice we switched places.”
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Hinata & Yuta: ……
Kanna: 2wink is a unit comprised of a ‘good kid’ older brother and a ‘bad kid’ younger brother.
Kanna: Recently, it seems as though the two of them have truly diverged and are trying to pursue their own paths.
Kanna: That is why. Even if the younger brother was specifically requisitioned for work that would earn him points or experience as a ‘good kid’— The older brother would swap in and take his place. The reverse applies as well.
Kanna: So the two of you steadily gain experience and continue growing, correct?
Kanna: You're each trying to specialize in being a ‘good kid’ and ‘bad kid’.
Kanna: Waiting for an opportunity, with nobody any wiser.
Yuta: ……
Kanna: I don't have much interest in anything. However, I find your impressive tactics very interesting. 
Kanna: I'm not trying to get in your way. However, by exposing your actions like this, I can render your footage unfit for broadcast.
Kanna: Even if what I said just now might be untrue.
Kanna: If the world's people begin to doubt you, you'll have a hard time operating. They might begin to think things like “Maybe they've swapped places?” or “Are they playing tricks?”
Kanna: All the earnest and serious people of the world will begin to view you poorly.
Kanna: That probably would not be desirable for you.
Kanna: I apologize. Being filmed and broadcasted in my sleep is quite embarrassing.
Kanna: That is why I have taken these preventative measures to keep it from occurring. Please understand that I bear no ill-will towards the two of you.
Kanna: That is all. I'm going to go back to bed now. Goodnight.
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Kanna: Zzz, zzz.
Yuta: ……
Hinata: … He ended up being the real deal.
Yuta: Yeah. I figured it was just the usual hype you see on TV and magazines.
Hinata: (But really, I never thought he'd notice we ‘switched’.)
Yuta: (Yup. I thought nobody could tell. But this kid saw through us, probably just through a glimpse of our activities on the news or on the internet.)
Hinata: (To top it all off, just in case— He made sure we wouldn't get in trouble even if we did air it, by following it up with “what I said might be untrue.”)
Yuta: (He didn't want to inconvenience us, so he acted considerately.)
Hinata: (This brat sure acts full of himself. I ought to scribble on his face while he sleeps.)
Yuta: (Give it a rest already... Let sleeping gods lie, Yuta-kun.)²
Hinata: (You're such a good kid, Hinata-kun.)
Yuta: (And you’re a bad kid, right, Yuta-kun?)
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Kanna: Zzz, zzz…♪
Hinata: (This kid might be incredible— more than anyone could imagine.)
Yuta: (But his sleeping face is adorable, just like any other normal kid's would be, y’know)
Translation notes
He's repeating back the same phrases that Hinata and Yuta used to describe him while he was 'sleeping'..
The original saying is '触らぬ神に祟りなし' which is means the same thing as 'let sleeping dogs lie', but I retained the 神 portion because I figured it might be a fun play on Kanna's first name '神無'
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vrisrezis · 1 year
If your willing, general romantic hcs for rocket raccoon?
Yay first rocket rqqq ! Pls ask more I love this mf . For the record your a biologically enhanced animal experiment like rocket in all of my rocket x readers unless you guys state otherwise in your rqs. Light spoilers for gotg vol 3, if you know about his past anyways. Even then I don’t greatly spoil his past.
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- Dating rocket can be rather stressful. Though the girls of your little family of misfits are typically fine, quill and drax tend to tease the hell out of your boyfriend. While it can be annoying from time to time, it’s typically funny. Even groot has his own share of light teasing, but it’s really just him saying things outright and being a little too honest.
- also yknow. Getting constantly attacked by people your family happens to piss off also can be stressful at times.
- but all that shit aside, your boyfriend can be rather.. stressful to be with at first. And there’s a lot of shit you have to tolerate when it comes to him.
- you MUST be able to deal with his constant sarcasm and light insults towards you, to be perfectly honest I can’t imagine him with anyone easily hurt or too soft. You have to be a very strong motherfucker to be willing to deal with his shit.
- however, despite his personality he is a tiny bit softer around you and even if it’s not noticeable to you it certainly is to literally everyone else on your shared ship.
- rocket can be difficult to deal with, but so long as you’re patient enough with him he becomes less difficult to be around and a lot softer as time goes by.
- you’ll notice that he insults you a lot less, and they seem less like insults and more like light jokes to make you laugh. Light teasing. But the sarcasm doesn’t ever wither away. Though he’s not as sarcastic with you.
- rocket, over time, is very into physical affection but is not good at admitting it. It takes a very long time for him to become comfortable with you being affectionate physically with him, but once he grows used to it he loves it. He .. won’t ever tell you that but man if he doesn’t make it obvious.
- over time rocket with lightly, lowkey flirt with you, until it just kinda becomes straight up, shameless flirting the longer you are together.
- rocket also becomes bolder as time goes by, initiating or even asking for some affection if he’s feeling particularly needy.
- while he tends to not do this in front of the others, the longer you guys date the more accepting he becomes of pda.
- likes to cuddle a lot, also insists you sleep with him often. Claims it’s in case groot needs something while he’s sleeping so you’re also there but.. you know he just wants to sleep with you lol.
- lets you pet him :) sometimes he purrs when he’s really relaxed
- (will pet you too low key)
- rocket is overprotective often, and very jealous.
- he has many insecurities, so it’s only natural he gets jealous especially if he thinks anyone is into you (most likely not, but still).
- he’s also lost many people, the first friends he ever had, his entire family during the blip, he even lost groot when he first met that family. He’s protective for good reason.
- losing you is his worst fear
- he doesn’t know how to tell you how much you mean to him, so he shows it through making you things, fixing you things, and just… gift giving in general. If he notices you eyeing something for too long, he’s definitely getting it one way or another. Even if it means he has to steal it. Especially if it means he has to steal it.
- likes to listen to you talk while he tinkers with whatever the hell
- he kinda says a lot of offhanded shit that makes it sound like he’s not listening that much, but he’s hanging on your every word
- while shy with a lot of stuff in the beginning of your relationship as time goes by he is quite bold
- holds your hand a lot, likes to just feel your hands in his? It’s easy to drag you in case danger comes, it’s nice to feel your warmth and feel the comfort of you being there. It also helps that physical affection isn’t his go to all the time and it’s not like a huge amount of contact in comparison to hugs. (Not that he minds physical affection with you, though).
- he sucks at apologies, he just makes/tinkers your shit for you to make up for being a jackass. But he will apologize if you two had a serious fight.
- always willing to let go of his ego if it meant you’d forgive him after a serious altercation. But yknow, it would have to be REALLY bad.
- might even make you food as an apology lol very rare since he doesn’t make food for anybody
- likes to kiss you on the cheek a lot, sometimes on the lips but his go to is to kiss your cheek
- he will open up to you, but it takes a very long time. You are the one person he truly trusts and opens up to but it’s usually when he’s having a nightmare or something. He tends to not want to focus on his past, so he doesn’t talk about it. A part of him just wants to forget that was ever his life so as a result doesn’t talk about it to anybody unless he gets a nightmare that reminds him of his torture.
- it also makes it easy that you’re like him and know what he’s been through so, lol.
- hates seeing you cry, will actually beat the shit outta anyone that makes you cry and if he is ever the reason he feels like the biggest asshole in the galaxy
- while it does take him an extremely long time to open up to you, he will encourage you to open up to him. He’s very understanding if it takes you time too, but will be ultimately hurt if you tell the other guardians anything about yourself that he doesn’t know. (Unless you had some history with one of them prior to meeting him cause that would make more sense to him).
- bad at comforting but wants to be the one there for you
- surprise! Rocket actually likes hugging you but you guys never hug because he seems so against it anytime you hug him. He secretly is a big fan
- anytime you compliment him he’s just kinda like “yeah yeah”
- calls you nicknames btw :) “doll” is a favorite one of his. However he also likes classic ones like “babe, baby, hun, honey, sweetie” sometimes even “sweetheart” and likes if you do the same
- nuzzles his face in your neck/chest when he sleeps
- while rocket can be rather selfish at times, he always thinks of you first, or at least tries to. Which is a lot coming from him.
- if you guys had a hammock, he would actually just love lazing around with you two on a hammock
- when you two are sleeping together he’s very cuddly, if you have to get up for any reason at all he starts to growl and tells you not to move
- “rock I have to pee” “not my problem.” “It is going to be when I pee everywhere!” “Ok now you just made it weird.”
- I can imagine before you started dating the two of you were like the bestest of friends lol.
- gets nightmares often about losing you
- tends to.. show off from time to time.. when you first met he showed off how smart he was at making scraps of metal into literal bombs, or how good of a shooter he is, or how good of a pilot he is, etc. he LOVES to show off because he just loves the idea of impressing you
- this also comes from a place of insecurity and just thinking he’s not that great or competent
- yes, he does purr when he’s very relaxed typically when he’s asleep :)
- don’t tell him you heard him tho he will get mad at you for “invading his privacy” lol
- just the biggest softie for you if you give him time and have the patience of a saint
- he’s kinda aware he’s a lot to deal with, and is eternally grateful for your patience and for your love and kindness
- because honestly people being kind to him? Loving him for him? Not something he’s used to. And honestly something he’s scared of, because of how foreign it is to him.
- and also take the fact everyone that ever cared about him has died at some point (like other than nebula, honestly) you can imagine his fear of letting others into his life, especially when he cares about you so much.
- can I just say… boop his nose? He tries not to laugh every goddamn time
- rare moments where rocket is sentimental talking to Peter and is like “idk I just feel happy for some reason” and just looks at you with a lovesick smile and Peter is like… “hmm… wonder why..”
- speaking of Peter he teases the hell outta you two because he genuinely thinks you guys are adorable. Drax does the same. Mantis on occasion, but not as much lol.
- also thor ships you guys too btw <3 like hardcore he is so annoying about y’all LMFAO
- I can imagine y’all playing with eachother like… him just chasing you around on all fours for fun, trying to tackle you to the ground
- kinda reminds him of when he was little, the good times he had, anyway.
- also you taking care of any of his injury’s, no matter how big or small, is cathartic for him. He likes feeling like he doesn’t always have to take care of himself, or be alone. You have his back, you can take care of him for once, you can protect him too. (It certainly helps that the first act of kindness towards him was lyla easing his pain so LOL).
- if he ever has to take care of your injuries, he will. He’s willing to take care of any injury you get, though if he knows it’s not a huge deal he tries not to make it a huge thing. But he tends to.. overreact anyways and gets overprotective and tells you (more like yells at you) to be more careful.
- kinda steals your stuff
- likes an s/o that finds him funny, but also isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit even if he finds it annoying in the moment, he grows as a person because of it
- when you guys stay in knowhere together, much more time for cuddles since you have your own space to relax
- also way more space for him to chase you around all over the place lol
- also low key being parents to all the little raccoons rocket now has with him… 😪
- he’s started to accept a lot of your kind gestures as you caring for him and being nice to him, instead of it being charity work or because you pity him for some reason, he still gets grumpy when he sees your gifts in his line of sight tho
- Would probably blame himself if you ever got hurt, but wouldn’t utter a word of it to anyone. Would probably end up telling you though because everytime he’d look at you the guilt would increase. Probably resulting in him not looking at you for awhile until you get him to spill.
- also if he ever thought you were dead (perhaps during the blip) again, blames himself hard and cries A LOT. Holds onto any possessions you may have had that were important to you. He makes it his goal to keep them safe for you. Would also wear your clothes quite a bit. Sometimes when he’s about to go to bed he just smells your clothes, and thinks about how much it smells like you and just cries.
- what a lovely guy to be with who loves you unconditionally, truly
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Aang was indeed a bad father. It's way past time we stopped making excuses for him.
An all too common defense for Aang is the fact that he's a monk and is not well-versed in how parenting looks. Yeah! No shit! But do you know who is well-versed? Katara! They talk as if Aang is a single parent like Toph but he is not. Katara's been on Aang's side since the day they met, always stood up for him, always complimented him.
Is this really the thanks she gets? Are they really that disinterested in explaining Katara's side of the story? As if her not getting a statue wasn't insulting enough.
Another major flaw in this defense is that Aang is not just a monk. He's the avatar. This means, part of mastering all elements also means embodying all of the ideologies based on said elements. That includes elements/ideologies completely opposite of his own. His daughter's crack about Aang "cutting and running when things get tough" shows that he's learned absolutely nothing.
We never truly see him master all the elements, he just gets them and, more or less, calls it a day. I'm even beginning to doubt that he's truly mastered his default airbending and he just got his tattoos prematurely because the monks were impressed with his scooter invention.
Zuko got the privilege of understanding the ideologies of other nations, allowing him to grow, and unlearn any toxic masculinity lessons through them, and would blow a gasket if he ever saw a kid get mistreated by a parent in any way. Is it really any wonder why Zuko is the more popular character and the most requested choice for Katara, in comparison to Aang?
using the "but he was a monk!" argument to excuse aang's bad parenting is fucking baffling to me. even leaving aside that aang did have a father figure (or are we collectively ignoring monk gyatso?), i don't think you need to witness fatherhood in action to understand that showing preferential treatment to one of your children is a messed up thing to do. that seems like the kind of thing that should be common sense, especially when you're best friends with the guy who's walking proof of what happens when you play favourites with your kids.
truthfully, i also don't fully agree with katara being able to compensate for aang's supposed lack of knowledge. while i do believe katara was a good mother, and i don't think it was her responsibility to teach her own husband how to be a good parent, i have my doubts about how much, if ever, katara called aang out on his behaviour towards bumi and kya. if their relationship in atla was any indication, i suspect katara very much turned a blind eye (or at most tried to gently suggest that aang pay more attention to bumi and kya) to aang's flaws in this area, as she (unfortunately) does in most others. that's one of the reasons i was never able to get onboard with kat.aang, because katara is the only one of the gaang who is never able to meaningfully challenge aang, even when he desperately needs it. (the only time i recall her trying to push him to do something he doesn't want is in sozin's comet when the fate of the literal world depended upon it. not a good omen, methinks.)
the katara we knew in atla might not have idly sat by while aang favored his airbending child over the others, but the seeds for who she turns out to be in lok are already planted. it's not a stretch to see how katara's blind faith in aang, and her unwillingness to confront his flaws, could have easily led her down the path to the woman who would fail to stop her husband from neglecting two of their children.
it's no surprise that aang in lok is repeating all the same mistakes he did in atla, because his character arc came to a screeching halt at the start of book 3 and was never picked back up again. how are we meant to believe that aang ever became the avatar (yknow, the embodiment of all four nations in one) when he was still, at the very end of the show, prioritizing the values of one nation over the others?
truly the shocker of the century that people might prefer katara to be with a character who had a believable arc with well-written development and a satisfying conclusion, instead of the narrative equivalent of a brick wall.
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lucdoodle · 4 months
hi! I just watched your Adam Moon Waltz animatic and really loved it! Your work is gorgeous! However, I don’t really understand the full story depicted, is it ok if you explain it to us? :O what is his history with Lucifer? Does he have a crush on the guy? Tell us everything!
Alright imma try! I'm going to explain it scene by scene The animatic is about Adam's life, including what's implied outside of what we saw on-screen, and also about everything that happens in canon
The intro: Alastor is putting his radio somewhere in the hotel (it's the same radio that the one he uses in the song "Stayed Gone"), and the hotel's residents listen to it's music Note: there was a full 35 seconds before the lyrics starts and i wanted to adapt the full song, also I thought of it as an occassion to draw the full main cast at least once in the entire animatic Eden: Adam bites the apple after Lucifer convinced Eve to bite it Note: I imagine Adam and Lucifer were friends back in Eden Even more notes: the first time I drew the apple, I accidentally drew it too realistically, to the point it looked too uncanny compared the the characters' designs, cartoon characters holding a much-too-realistic apple aah, so i redrew it, here's the OG apple:
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Charlie and Adam's meeting: Adam mocks Charlie's idea and dream Note: the lyrics fit pretty well to the canon scene! so that was cool! Charlie and the triel in Heaven: Charlie and Vaggie arrive in Heaven, Adam mocks them once more and accidentally reveal the existence of the extermination to the other angels Note: the lyrics fit pretty well to the canon scene here too! Adam and Sera scene: Adam just died and arrived in Heaven for the first time, Sera realizes he died and comfort him Note: i pretty much made this whole animatic just for this scene to happen AUHUIEJGRHEIKJUHGKJIUG (it looked better in my head tho, but ah oh well XD) Adam and the exorcists attack the Hazbin Hotel: Depiction of Adam's fight against Alastor, then his confrontation with Charlie, then his reunion with Lucifer for the first time since Eden! Note: since the lyric "the moon" happens at the same time Lucifer appears in the animatic at multiple times, i saw some theories about what it could mean in the comments, and i like them so imma keep it unclear here Adam dies: well, uh, Adam dies Note: the parallel is not nearly as obvious as i wish it could have been, but Adam's expression in the very first frame where he appears (in Eden), and the very last frame where we properly see his face (where he's dying) are the same!! parallels between beginnings and endings go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I wanted the first frame and the last frame to be almost exactly the same (but yknow, one is in the past and the other he's in the present) (he's smiling but the situations are WILDLY different) this ended up not being the last last frame, but i'm still satisfied with it, tho i think the parallel became too subtle tho aiuhneigruuiyoiulp Even more notes: As to why there's a curtain closing at the end, the last episode is called "The show must go on", but it definitely isn't continuing for Adam. The show is over for him, and the curtains can close... Adam and Lucifer laughing: Adam and Lucifer are laughing, they're in Eden and also surrounded by ducklings Note: based on the comments I received, people got much more emotional about these last frames that i expected! That's great! Definitely unexpected tho XD It plays on the headcanon that Adam and Lucifer used to be friends back in Eden, and i thought making a call-back to his past in Eden would make a nice ending Bonus funfact! I thought it was going to take 2 weeks to draw It did not, in fact, took 2 weeks to draw (It took 2 months)
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box-architecture · 2 months
Ok sooo… for the Blob au do the like canon events still happen? Like does Dream go to prison? If so is Dream blob forced to go with him? Does Quackity get a blob?…
Yes! Canon events happen up to prison. This is sort of a little fun extra stuff tied to the communication knife au, so canon for blob au diverges where ckau does (aka when Sam and Dream have sex in prison, then continue to have a poly relationship with Punz post-prison.) This AU was largely because my friend (@corvesfelinesart) drew a lot of cute images of Sam as a blob, and I really wanted to write cute stuff about Blob Sam and awesamdrunz. It's not overly complex, just Fun Fluff, yknow?
Blob Dream doesn't accompany his admin to prison. Most of the time, the blobs Dream creates are meant to be running around checking for bugs or damage to the server. The ones Dream gives Imprints to, like Sap's blob or Techno's blob, tend to focus more their Imprints instincts rather than going around the server and doing their job, hence Blob Tech leaving Dreams side immeadietly to go find Technos dogs. They're still capable of damage control! They're just. Selective about which areas they prefer to be in.
Blob Dream, while Dream himself is in prison, continues to do his job around the server and often spies on other players to make sure they're healthy and safe. He doesn’t register any of the pain or suffering that Dream experiences while in prison, but it does experience a slight change in behavior, becoming more prone to hoarding and nervous around people.
Dream has to consciously make an effort to imprint a players soul onto a blob, and he has never had any intention of making an imprint of Quackity. Imprinted blobs are fun, but they're aren't very useful tools. He couldn't use it a Blob Quackity to his advantage when it only mimics a players base instincts, and it'd more likely than not be hostile to Blob Dream.
List of blobs Dream has made: Sapblob, Gogyblob, Tommyblob, Tubboblob, Fundyblob, Ranblob, Punzblob, Technoblob, Samblob, possibly more if I remember later.
Dream showed Tommy his ability to make blobs during exile as a sort of way to cheer him up during one of their good moments. Tommy was absolutely delighted, but then he got a little hesitant as he asked if Dream could make one of Tubbo. Dream didn't say anything. Tommy's blob eventually fucked off into the wilderness and made its own little nest in the ground. Dream made a Tubboblob to keep him company, and ignores them otherwise.
Ranblob, made alongside Punzblob while they were all planning Staged Finale, occasionally comes to visit them, but post-Ranboos death, Tubboblob has become hostile every time it shows up. Ranblob is usually found accompanying Ranboo at a distance otherwise.
Fundyblob was made during Dream and Fundys brief partnership, just a thing to make Fundy smile. Currently it's sleeping in a drawer in Fundys house. It plays with Yogurt sometimes, but doesn't really like leaving the house.
Sapblob and Gogyblob were made around the beginning of the server, also for pure fun. It was interesting watching the Dream Team's blobs play together, like watching a cat doing zoomies. Dreamblob hasn't approached either of them in ages, but if he did, Sapblob would maw on his head (supposedly in anger, but really he just missed him) and Gogyblob would likely attempt to sit on top of him to prevent it from leaving.
Technoblob was 100 percent just thinking Techno was Very Cool and wanting to make a little guy of him. He was very indignant when said blob bonked him with its head several times and then hopped away. What does that even mean!?
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baking contest w/ the avengers!!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: reader, scott lang, nick fury, clint barton, harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, tony stark, pietro maximoff etc
a/n: HECK YEAH I CAN!!!! i loved this idea sm i was so excited to get this request :D i'm getting back into writing so sorry if it's a lil bad lol. also guys i'm gonna open requests again so feel free to submit!! i have a lot of muse for spiderverse stuff atm hehe so i may post again today!! tysm, hope u enjoy!!!
taglist: @shefollowedthestars @thecloudedmind @ayohitmanddaeng
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
so there’s this thing that the avengers do
in order to do team bonding
they’ll assign partners in the beginning of the year
& each month, a new set of partners will choose something to do
and it’s always super fun
like that’s how u ended up at the trampoline park last month
& how scott ended up with a broken arm rip king
so this month had to be something a little less dangerous
kinda funny when u think about it like it’s literally the avengers they’re in dangerous situations all the time
and while you wanted to do something different, certain ~forces~ kept preventing that
like y’all were watching a movie a couple weeks ago
and fury came on the screen 
how he could hack into it idk hes nick fury dude he can do anything
but he just looked at the camera and said “no more dumbass trampoline parks”
so yeah it had to be something tame 
anyway so this month was you and scott!!!!
best duo ever!!!!!!
so you had to plan what to do
& scott refused to go skydiving bc that was your first choice
smh scott it would be so fun!!!!
his arm was still broken & he said that was why he wouldn’t go but like…. scott we know ur a scaredy-cat
anyway you were trying to decide when suddenly he was like
“y/n!!!! i totally forgot! the great british baking show just premiered and i promised clint we could watch it together!”
and that gave you an idea
scott LOVED it
but y’all needed a couple things before 
first of all, u needed baking supplies
when i say baking supplies i mean BAKING SUPPLIES
there’s like a thousand avengers at this point bruh :’)
scott almost got one of those instacart orders for it but u hated the thought of an instacart person getting ur crazy order
so it was store time :D 
let’s just say tony’s credit card was used very well that day 😛
then it was time to pick teams
not everyone had to participate
wanda said she wanted in
so pietro joined too which was slightly concerning
the man literally burnt a bowl of cereal once
and ur probably thinking “how—”
only you and harley saw it and honestly it rendered u both speechless
tony joined too
but you and scott made sure he knew that there could be NO robots 
vision asked to be a judge
scott said “vis, we really appreciate that but… uh… don’t you like not eat?”
“ah! you are correct, scott. i do not consume food in the traditional way. however, given my vast knowledge & global database, i do believe that i would be a very good judge of presentation and overall ingredient chemistry.”
“alright, you do that buddy!”
also off topic but why do i just know that tony would give vision the nickname “chat gpt”
 sorry i had to get that out ANYWAYY
you got a few more people to participate 
sam and bucky wanted to be a team, and harley peter & miles wanted to be a team too
yknow what that was fine by you
so the day came.
you had turned one of the empty conference rooms into a crazy kitchen setup
thx party city for the confetti & balloons!!! ;)
in came your loyal hosts, scott & clint
(clint begged you and scott to let him host, he kept using a british accent until you said yes & just trust me it was good that he finally stopped)
you, natasha, and vision were the taste & presentation judges
you surveyed scott’s & your work, pretty proud of how it turned out
vision shot you a quizzical look, but you just shook your head.
scott & clint rly were a…. hosting duo
yep, the most… hosting duo of all time
the hostiest hosters to ever host
omg the funniest thing was that they kept eating the cookie dough from harley peter & miles’ station
they literally had to push them away
peter & miles webbed their hands shut HAHA
everyone else seemed to be doing pretty well though
aside from their usual arguing, bucky & sam seemed to actually be making something good
wanda was perfect as per usual
and pietro was zipping around the kitchen, causing tony’s flour to rise up in his face
steve came over, blowing a whistle and pointed at pietro
you and scott had enlisted him to be the referee
yes, cooking shows don’t normally have referees, but think abt the ppl we’re dealing with here 😀
anyways finally time was up!!!
but you and scott still had a trick up your sleeves.
“and now presenting our special guest judge… GIVE IT UP FOR NICK FURY!!”
yes that’s right, he had said yes to this
after you promised to finish a mission report for him
and bought him some new eyepatches
which was why he was wearing a navy blue one complete with rhinestones
pietro was up first, and he placed four slices of chocolate cake in front of all the judges.
“i gotta say p, this actually looks really good!” you spoke, and he beamed.
natasha didn’t look so sure
“as y/n says, it does look alright on the outside. however, it does seem like there’s some sort of… strange ingredient in the chemical makeup… i am going to analyze for a moment.” said vision
“aw, let’s just eat the damn thing already!” fury spoke, and so you all did.
“mm, it’s good!!” you said, and natasha nodded in agreement.
but did not have the same reaction. 
he had stopped chewing, and his eye had narrowed. he was giving pietro a death stare.
“uhm… fury? what is … jolly wrong with you?” scott asked, his british accent wavering.
“yeah… guv’nr?” said clint.
“who the hell puts hot sauce in a damn chocolate cake. you better start runnin’ maximoff, because i’m comin’ for you!!” fury spoke, getting progressively louder.
“that one was supposed to be for y/n- i mean vision! yeah! oops. um…” pietro spoke, before disappearing from the room in a quick streak.
after that, fury left. 
and that's why now cooking/baking competitions are banned on the premises of SHIELD!!
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blueesnow · 3 months
(4/6) Mikado Nagi's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Nagi)
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-Hotel Lobby- Haruka: (Looks like there's still some time left before the new program's production presentation begin…guess I'll just wait here and look at the materials) Haruka: (Its content is educational variety and one of the main MC is--) Nagi: …Wah!! Haruka: Eh, Nagi-kun? …Kya! Nagi: Hey! If you keep that up, you'll fall…! - Nagi: ….Sigh, that was dangerous. Geez, why are you so clumsy? - Nagi: No matter how you look at it, you acted way too surprised just because I called you from behind. Even though you were supposed to be a working adult, that was so pathetic. Nagi: And to think that I took time to call you out. If you were somehow to fall just now that would make me look like I'm the bad guy, yknow? Haruka: Fufu, I'm sorry. Thank you for helping me out. Haruka: I came here at the invitation from a producer that I know, and by chance I was just about to go and greet Nagi-kun. Nagi: Hmm~? So you were looking for Nagi. But, if you think just normal greeting works on me then you're wrong! Nagi: There has to be something more that you need to say to me, right? Can you give me words that will make Nagi happy? Haruka: Yes! To think that you were selected as one of the main MC, that's so amazing. Congratulations…! Nagi: Why of course, it's Nagi after all! Educational program fits exactly for a genius like me♪ Nagi: With an incredibly cute MC such as me, there's no doubt that I'll make everyone smile in front of the TV☆
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Nagi)
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-Hotel Lobby- Nagi: That's the news site, and over there is the TV crew. Looks like there's a lot of media assembled here. Nagi: If it's like this then that means I can show a lot of people to a cutie Nagi. Make sure you also check me out too okay! Haruka: I'm looking forward to it! The starting time starts soon right… Nagi: Somehow people over there are quite in a hurry~? …Staff-san, is there something wrong? Nagi: Eh… The host announcer can't come? Isn't that a pretty bad situation? Haruka: That's right. Even if we managed to find a substitute, we have to at least delay the start time… Nagi: There's no need to do that. We also don't have to go search for a replacement. Who do you think is standing in front of everyone right now? Nagi: It's Mikado Nagi, the cutest and most genius in the universe! Leave the hosting to me, I'll do it in a flash. Haruka: (Certainly… Nagi-kun will be able to do it right away. But as expected, it's difficult to host without any preparations.) Haruka: (If I could somehow prepare something in this remaining time… Ah, those materials over there…) (choices) <I found the script> Haruka: I found the host's script. Here it is. Nagi: Nagi is perfectly fine even if he doesn't look at it though~? But, well, I should at least give my thanks to you. Thank you. Nagi: The MC's talk, explanation of the program content, Q&A session… looks it all went pretty much just as planned. <Sound and lighting instructions!> Haruka: Here is the sound and lighting instructions! If there's anything that needs to be changed, let me know and I'll pass that to the other staffs. Nagi: Heh~ That's very thoughtful of you. Since Nagi will be doing both the performing and hosting duties, we need to make him stand out even more. Nagi: For the BGM… can I ask you to play it during this timing? Also, put the pin spotlight on Nagi over here! (back to story) Nagi: Yup, it's all perfect! No one ever expects me to be the host, so it's going to be a fun surprise to everyone. Nagi: Make sure to pay attention on me okay, Haruka. That camera over there and this camera right here, Nagi will take them all!
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Nagi)
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-Hotel Lobby- Nagi: Hi everyone~ Thank you for joining us! Nagi will be your special host for today☆ Nagi: Fufu, were you surprised~? Then the surprise was a huge success! I hope you can keep your eyes upon Nagi's brilliant performance, okay. Nagi: Now then without further ado, let me introduce you to the members who will be helping me here together to make this show even more exciting. Let's give them a big round of applause♪ Haruka: (Amazing… While he manages to deliver words that needs to be conveyed, he also livens up the atmosphere with Nagi-kun's usual way of speaking) Haruka: (To think that he was able to easily handle the role of a host on such a short notice, Nagi-kun, you're so amazing…!) - Nagi: And that's all for the production presentation. Please look forward to it until the broadcast date, okay! Bye-bye~☆ - Haruka: Nagi-kun, thank you for all of your hard work! I was very impressed with how amazing you handle your role as the announcer host, I even forgot that you're supposed to just be a sudden substitute…! Nagi: Geez~ You're exaggerating a lot. But well, I knew how you feel. I mean, it turned out to be more than perfect after all☆ Nagi: Getting a perfect 100 score is a given. But the one who manages to get a result of 120 score is Nagi! Haruka: All of the staff members around were also grateful to Nagi-kun, you know. Nagi: I only did it because it would be a problem for me if the time was delayed. It's a new program after all, so you have to make a good first impression. Nagi: But, thanks to Nagi's brilliant way as a host, all of the expectations have risen. There's no doubt that this program will sure be a big hit♪ Haruka: Yes! I can't wait for the broadcast date either. Nagi: If that's the case, then why don't you go and check out during our recording later? You're probably curious how Nagi being an ultra cute MC, right! Nagi: This is not all that I have in store. I'll show you more just how charming Nagi is☆
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Nagi)
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-Photographic Studio- Haruka: …And done. After that… Eh? The one standing there, isn't that… Nagi-kun! Nagi: Hm…Haruka? What, I didn't knew you were also in this studio too. Nagi: Looking at you now… It looks like you've just finished saying goodbye to all of the people involved, and was on your way going home…I guess? Haruka: Eh… Wow, you're amazing! How did you knew all that? Nagi: Looking at the jacket that you were about to put on, plus the pass that you're holding in your hands. It was all obvious☆ Nagi: Hey, if you're free after this then come with me. There's a cafe nearby that I want to check out. Haruka: Wow, that looks fun. But, are you really okay going with me? I don't know whether Nagi will enjoy it or not… Nagi: Geez~ Nagi's the one who's inviting you, so of course it's perfectly okay☆ Nagi: Stop worrying about unnecessary things. As long as you're with me, that's more than enough. Nagi: Come on, stop hesitating. Let's go! - Haruka: This… isn't this a cafe that's currently trending on social media right now. Nagi: That's right! I heard that they also served cute foods and drinks too. So I wanted to come here for at least once. The menu is… Nagi: What will you order? With so many options here, it's hard to choose right! Nagi: Whoa… this, isn't this very lovely? This one is colorful. Oh, they also have one with Nagi's color too! Nagi: Hmmm, each one of them is cute but… Maybe I'll order the pancake. Ah, this one…!
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Nagi)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Nagi)
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
Sparks Fly part 2
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Series masterlist
A/n: so sorry this took so long to get out 😭 also the timeline is kinda messed up but it’s 90s!tommy in this story so yeah takes place in the 90s
Pairings: Tommy Lee x Fem!Country Singer!reader
And soon enough you got a call from Tommy. He asked you out for dinner and of course you said yes. You’re so nervous, though. You know of his reputation and how he was with drugs not too long ago. But he’s so handsome and was so sweet you. You just had to say yes.
So, you’re in a light pink dress with peasant sleeves. Your hair in a ponytail with a light pink bow on it. Light makeup adorned your face. You had some pearl jewelry and white kitten heels. As you stood in front of the hotel room mirror making sure everything looked good when you got a knock on the door.
You sighed before shoving your nerves down and opening the door. Tommy stood before you with a grin on his face and flowers in his hand.
“Wow, you look…” he trailed off taking in your whole outfit.
You blushed, “Thanks.”
“Oh!” He said suddenly, jerking the flowers towards you, “I got you these. Wasn’t sure what your preferences on flowers were but thought I’d get ‘em anyways.” You took the bouquet from him and brought them to your nose, sniffing them.
“They’re beautiful Tommy.” You gushed before walking over and setting them on the nightstand. You’ll have to find a way to travel with them without them dying.
Then, the two of you were off on your first date. He took you to this very nice restaurant in Hollywood. Despite you having quite a bit of money yourself, it was way more fancy than you’ve ever been to.
The waiter showed you to your table and the questions began.
“So, I noticed you’re in a hotel…is your house getting renovated or something?” The drummer asked.
“Oh no. I live in Nashville but since I did a few shows here I stayed in a hotel.” You explained the most obvious reason why you were in a hotel.
“Nashville huh? So you’re a real country girl.”
You chuckled, “I guess you can say that. I’ve lived there my whole life. It’s my home yknow?”
“Yeah I can see that.”
It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up again, “So what’s going on with the band right now? I heard you guys laid off Vince?” It was a touchy subject sure, but you really wanted to know what the hell they were thinking when they fired the singer.
“Yeah, but it’s all cool cause we got a new guy, John Corabi. It’s better that way.” And he left it at that.
The two of you talked more and more, all throughout the night. You just couldn’t stop asking about each other.
As Tommy walked you out towards his Ferrari you said, “That was one of the most fun dates I’ve had in a long time.”
“Really?” He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, “Yeah.”
“I’m glad then. I guess I held up to your standards?”
“Haha, yeah. I mean it’s not like I have any to begin with but you’re so respectful and sweet. Not to offend you but you’re a lot different than-“
“The media makes me out to be? Yeah. When I find a girl I really like I make sure to treat her as a queen.” Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
The two of you got in his car and he turned on the radio but turned down the volume so you could still talk.
“I don’t believe I’ve asked you this but how old are you?” He asked.
“23.” You answered honestly.
“Ok, I’m 31. Was just making sure.”
“I thought you liked younger girls?” You teased.
“I do well- not under 18 girls you know…over 18? Fuck.”
You giggled as he tried to explain himself, “It’s fine. You know my mama told me not to go with older men better yet men in rock n roll bands but, you’re just so…different.” Tommy smiled at your southern accent.
“I’m not the best man in the world, I’ve done some pretty fucked up shit. Maybe not as much as Nikki but…” the drummer trailed off.
You put your hand over his that was sitting on the center console. He looked over at you with those brown eyes. “We’re human, we all do things we regret. That’s just how life works. Imagine if we didn’t do anything wrong, that’d be really boring and no lessons would be learned.”
“I see why you have an award for best songwriting.”
“Yeah, I guess Im somewhat of a poet myself.”
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Little Brother ((Pt. 2) Aiku Oliver)
TV-MA: teasing, possessiveness, kissing, implied sex (maybe it happened, maybed it didn't... it totally happened) aiku is very possessive, flirting with other guys, sendou does not find out... yet, ftm!reader, reader is sendou's younger bro (again)
read part one here
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"Eh, you wanna come over again?"
Sendou looked up and narrowed his eyes at Aiku. He continued to tie his shoes.
"I dunno, my brother's gonna be there. I anticipate he's going to be annoying again."
"He wasn't annoying last time." Aiku snickered. "He was very welcoming last time."
"Mmn. Sure, you can come over."
"Nice." Aiku looked through a magazine. "...Your brother is pretty cool."
Sendou snorted. "I think you mean irritating."
"Nah, I mean cool. He was nice last time we visited. Showed me where the bathroom was and everything."
"Mmn. I guess he has some manners."
Aiku chuckled. "Oh yeah, he definitely has some manners."
Sendou gave him a look before they left to his house.
"Hey, I'm-"
Sendou and Aiku watched the scene in the living room. You, ontop of another guy, kissing him feverishly. Sendou covered his eyes, and groaned, while Aiku's eye twitched at the sight.
"Ugh! Fuck- go to your room, dammit!"
You pulled away from the boy, and glared up at him, and then your eyes slowly drifted over to Aiku who you could tell wanted to glare at you but was keeping face in front of Sendou. You sat up, straddling the guy below you.
"Yeah, I could. But he has to go anyways. Right?"
You looked down at the guy and looked at his phone. "Yeah, I gotta go." You got off of him and he stood up, beginning to leave. "I didn't believe that Sendou Shuto was actually your brother."
"Yeah, I know. Why do you think I brought you over? I could prove it that way."
"A childhood photo would've worked... but getting to kiss ya was way more worth it."
"I know." You hummed, laying across the couch.
He left the house and Sendou stalked over to you.
"Listen, you know damn well that I need to know when you're bringing anyone over. Especially if it's going to be some guy you're going to be making out with?"
"He's not some guy. He's a classmate."
"He's some guy to me!" Sendou scoffed.
"Shu, calm down, damn." You looked up at him. "Sorry for not telling you." You crossed your arms and looked away.
"Well... as long as you're safe, yeah?" He hugged you and you looked over his shoulder at Aiku.
And he... looked very pissed. You wrapped your arms around Sendou and lifted up one hand, giving him a peace sign while sticking out your tongue.
"Aiku and I will be in my room, alright? Call us if you need anything."
"Yeah, 'course."
You watched them walk up the stairs, and as they did, Aiku gave you a look, which you returned with a wink.
"What are you looking at?"
"A slutty ass."
You clicked a few more of your buttons on your switch, earning you a K. O. and winning the match you were playing. You clicked it off and turned around to see Aiku standing there.
"How'd you get away from him?"
"Told him I was going to the bathroom."
"You're gonna be staying longer than one normally would."
"Like you saw last time, he's a lightweight. I think he'll be asleep when I get back."
"Then why are you here, Mr. Captain?"
He walked over to you and leaned over you, caging you between his arms.
"Why were you kissing some random kid, I wonder."
You rolled your eyes. "Bored. We were waiting for a while for Shu to come home, and so while we were waiting, we thought to pass the time with some-"
Aiku captured your lips in a kiss. He pushed his tongue into your mouth and you softly moaned. He pulled back.
"Well then. I'm bored right now."
"I'm not."
"I'll make sure you are."
Aiku returned to Sendou's room, seeing the young man start to wake up after being in a drunken daze.
"Hrm... where where ya, man. I feel 'sleep while waitin' fer ya..."
"Sorry, your brother had asked me something, and so I gave him an autograph."
Sendou snorted. "He's jus' gon'a sell that, yknow..." He hiccuped. "Dunno why, but he jus' does..."
Aiku chuckled and took a sip of his beer. "Well, I think this autograph I gave him... it's impossible to sell."
"He'd find a way..."
Aiku scoffed and looked away. "...He better not."
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bizlybebo · 7 months
Yknow what, fuck it, I know next to nothing about JRWI but I hope I wrangled a few of your favs
A gender headcanon and a headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs: Caspian
A headcanon about their family, and a headcanon about anger: Jay Ferin
An appearance headcanon, and a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them: Riptide
caspian: ough he is SOO gender to begin with. i like to think of him as like a big clusterfuck of gender sillies,, specifically like. non-binary/gender-fluid/transfem/demiboy. they use he/they/ae pronouns to me
i think a silly thing about them is that he is a traitor is very throwable. like ae just kinda rag dolls, wiwi style, but in a much more agile way. during the paramount championship, he and john actually attacked via john straight up throwing them and him using that momentum for an attack.
the ferin family’s known for their iconic orange hair. jayson ferin has very straight, vibrant hair. mae ferin, who married into the family, has brown hair, but it’s very curly.
so, building off this hc, i like to think ava ferin had the same fiery hair as her father, and that it was also straight. jay still has the iconic hair color of the ferins, but her hair is very curly, representing the remaining love she still has for her family/legacy, but also showing how she does not exactly fit the mold of the ferin name.
and hee ANGER pugoaifohigiai something i could go on about all day.
i think jay has a lot of pent up anger she doesn’t let go of, and so oftentimes there’s nowhere else for it to go but inward. of course, she’s found healthier ways of managing it but it’s still there. i think she’s always been angry at herself, most of all. i think grief manifests in anger for her,, like anger is the strongest stage of grief she goes through (where for chip it’s bargaining and for gillion it’s denial)
riptide is the name of the general main campaign but thank you for trying !! just gonna do some rapid fire ones for albatrio
-chip has very dark eyes, the kind that always reflects a lot of starlight (coming from a guy who always compares fnc to the sky and the sea)
-gill’s hair is veeeeery long. i hc that in the undersea, one only cuts their hair as a sign of failure/after they have lost a battle. he nearly cut it after ep 53 but jay convinced him not to. he’s stopped cutting it since then
worst thing that happened to them:
-chip: i mean you could obviously go straight ahead and say it was the events of the hole in the sea/sinking of the black rose, but honestly i think it was the aftermath. i think it was about having grown up as nothing, then finding stability for only a couple years just to be tossed back into a turbulent life of bared teeth and stealing and violence. i think that his relationship with price is a really good instrument for showing that.
-jay: similar thing here— i don’t think it was just the fact that ava died that hurt her, but the fact that nobody seemed to fucking care, not in any way that mattered. of course they all grieved ava, but her father was never around for jay when she needed him most. i think it was growing up without ava and with a shattered family that hurt her the most.
-gill: changing tempo here. i think that when he was banished (one of if not the worst thing to happen to him) his hair was cut very short— like up to his ears. the first time chip and jay ever saw him was with such short hair, and he probably felt somewhat ashamed being seen like that.
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ofmd s2e3 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
squeezing this one in riiiiight before the next two eps drop lol. anyway these posts are about me processing these episodes and if you want to read them then that's cool too. but fair warning this is gonna be a fucking mess.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
show opens on zheng leading a raid and INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH. this might be the first time we've seen a raid where like. the background music is kinda moody. and what's odd is that it has like the same level of comedically over-the-top violence and characters just having a casual conversation as like, the e5 cold open. but there's sad piano and strings doing tremolo in the background. i have no idea what this means.
god. zheng is so fucking hot.
i love olu's "no, no, sorry, bruv." and the FACE HE MAKES AFTER!!! so good
olu's a feminist
~champers?~ stede you are such a dork. i need to pinch ur cheeks.
yeah fuck the english!!
zheng saying "everyone's cracking down on the little guy" makes me wonder if the show is gonna do anything abt how the end of the golden age of piracy was like. a year off. which i only know from reading a few fics where the authors incorporated that into the plot. and there was the one trailer where we see zheng in jackie's bar while stede's giving everyone a speech so yknow what that might be where all this is going. big pirate battle at the end of the season, right?
another thing ive been wondering abt tho is just how much is this show gonna completely fuck with history. because like. is zheng yi sao gonna conquer the fucking caribbean. are we just going completely off the rails re: historical accuracy and inventing entire major historical events?? like crocs and pinocchio and pirates from different historical periods all existing at the same time and in the same place is one thing but if the characters like. overthrow england. then ofmd just straight-up exists in an alternate timeline at that point.
stede "the gentleman pirate kills with kindness" bonnet being so impressed with zheng is so cute to me tho
fhsjkgdhfushl oh my god when zheng snaps her fingers and stede hurries to refill drinks the other captain guy grins and flashes finger guns at stede and this is SO fucking funny to me
zheng being like "noooo it's stupid teehee" tucking her hair behind her ears ALSO very funny to me
whose job was it to make the letter N out of caviar for the title card in this episode bc it looks fantastic. got little serifs and everything
stede taking his towel duties VERY seriously and just. dropping them on zheng's desk for no reason. even olu is like "stede what the fuck are you doing"
obsessed with the running gag of stede being like "i always say that!" and other characters being like "no you fucking dont"
stede having zero impulse control and seeing the abacus and just being like "hey what the hell is this thing" and shaking it around. me too, king.
i wont lie tho part of me wonders if stede like. going overboard with towel duty and messing shit up is on purpose. like is he playing dumb so zheng lets her guard down just in case he needs her to think he's completely helpless?? bc at the end of the episode he does get one over on her and i assume it's partly bc she underestimated him. or am i just reading too much into it lol.
but idk it's weird that olu's like "ok stede zheng is busy" and stede's just like "im gonna shake this thing now teehee"
WAIT ALSO backtracking a bit. why were stede and olu shadowing zheng at the beginning of the episode. i mean olu i get, it's bc she has a crush on him (who can blame her) but what's the in-universe justification for zheng being like "yeah alright white boy u can come too"
stede's gay little run out of the room. GO GET YOUR MAN!!!!
awww the crew all look so sad at how messed up the ship is :( THAT'S THEIR HOME!!!
i love that there's knife stuck in the painting guy's dick. stupid gags like that never get old. also if that was izzy it's extra funny like what the fuck did he even do that for
also have we ever actually seen the outside of the door to stede's cabin like this before??? we saw those dutch guys get chased down this hallway but idk about. the door.
the crew is too busy feasting on raw bird like they're extras in a zombie film to hear stede calling for ed. love that.
the two people that the camera focuses on individually are jim and izzy. makes sense bc these are the characters who i think are gonna have the most important shit going on re: the fact that they all tried to kill ed.
stede's painfully awkward smile after "um... hi." i mean honestly tho what the fuck else do you say to walking in on this
oh shit jim was totally about to tell stede what happened tho. and then archie interrupted with "oh shit, you're stede?????"
this must be so fucking funny from archie's perspective tho. must've heard so much abt this guy and now she finally gets to meet the main character of the story she stumbled into about a third of the way through. and he's kinda just some blond guy.
stede sounds so defensive too tho when archie's like "i thought you'd be taller, charismatic, muscly" bc god that's exactly what he thinks he should be. i mean ok stede is charismatic in a very unique way but his whole e1 fantasy of having a beard and being all macho and badass was just putting all his insecurities on blast. and now archie is like "this is the guy blackbeard was so fucked up over?? really????"
shoutout to archie saying "got tired" when theyre all saying ed retired
also why was wee john in this shot. like not even just in the shot he's just sitting RIGHT behind stede listening to the whole thing. he doesn't have a single line.
stede rolling his eyes and ignoring izzy is so good. yes king dont take the bait
oh ok wee john was there so that we can see frenchie go over to him and give him a fist bump in the background while stede walks away to stare off into the distance
eddie on tha beach
cave! remember when we were all like "CAVE KISS???? ARE THEY GONNA KISS IN THE CAVE??????" it would be funny if this is it for the cave. just off in the distance for one shot. cant actually tell if this is the cave they were posting pictures of last fall tho and idrc enough to try and figure it out
pig's name is ruthie. ed why did your subconscious name the pig ruthie.
why did ed's subconscious make hornigold tell him "open up for the cargo ship" ed your daddy issues are fucking insane
hornigold fully like rubs ed's chest for a second there. kinda a weird choice there.
"last time i saw you, you said you were gonna flay my skin and feed it back to me" man what is it with these pirates and forced autocannibalism, huh? i think getting flayed would hurt more but skin's probably easier to eat than toes so idk which i'd prefer. no i dont know why im pondering this either
smthng abt how this is ed hallucinating this whole bit where hornigold pinches his nose and force-feeds him soup is so funny to me. it's a metaphor for ed dragging himself kicking and screaming to therapy.
frenchie telling fang to stfu scjgdfchjxgk
fucking incredible line delivery from joel fry through the whole "it's quite hot, im burnin up here! should we go and get some coolin' bevvies?" bit. love it.
uhh line break
also bro auntie is dead-on about the guilt. i dont blame the crew at all for what they did but this + the whole bird-eating sequence bro. they all liked ed. they cared abt him. other than archie, they all knew him as a pretty cool person. like BRO im gonna have to make another post abt this but the trauma of like, someone you liked becoming so suicidal that he puts you in increasingly miserable situations hoping you'll snap and kill him and he keeps escalating it until you have no choice but to kill him for your own safety. but you know he was a funny and chill person before this. and you know he only did this bc he wanted to die. dude this shit is fucking heavy.
anyway cut to jimolu lol
bro what IS going on in towels. i love how stede just passes around towels for smelling. is this something people have done literally ever or is this just so we can have chloroform towels at the end of the episode
sorry i know in the last post i was sort of squinting at the bit where olu forgot how to pronounce china but the was he mispronounces eucalyptus is just so satisfying to hear i cant even be mad abt it
awwwwgh u can tell jim was scared to tell olu abt kissing archie
lmaoooo when jim says "i saw her boobs" olu's head WHIPS around and he's like "oh??" all wide-eyed dbhjgkhdfyjsk
naw im sorry this is cute. this is a cute tealoranges scene. yes it's jim telling olu abt how they hooked up with someone else but bro i LOVE relationships with this kind of comfortable discussion abt sex and abt relationships in general. i mean there's a lot more for them to talk about still but in a worse show this wouldve been a whole screaming match. instead we got jim saying "you're kinda the best friend i tell everything to" and joking about boobs and UGH. it's so cute!!!!
it's also so fucking funny tho. "i saw her boobs" "oh?? okay, nice" "both of them" "nope, too much" WHY IS THAT WHERE HE DRAWS THE LINE HFKHSGJKFKKJFHK
also when did jim see archie's boobs tho. like ok realistically they've seen each other in varying stages of undress just bc it's not that big of a ship and there's only so much privacy. but the funnier answer is that after ed kicked them out of the secret room and a few minutes later a gunshot went off (who did the rest of the crew think pulled the trigger, i wonder) and they think izzy's dead probably. and then jim and archie decided this was a good time to hook up.
wait i forgot abt the nebulous amount of time between the mutiny and stede walking in on them all eating a dead bird. who fucking knows how much time that was tho. but they could've hooked up then i guess
the song gets to play out more in this scene and ohhhh baby i missed this piano piece. also stede looks more annoyed than upset. he's just casually yoinking things out of the wall. and then he sees the ones on the ceiling and is like "really, ed?"
i think i said this in the tags of a gifset but izzy says "don't cry, bonnet" when stede's back is to him and i just think it's funny bc stede literally wasnt crying. he just looked kinda pissed off. izzy continues to not understand ed or stede even a little bit.
also i love how the music changes by just playing a minor chord and then there's like a spooky echo and then. no more background music.
i just realized izzy's crutch is literally just a mop he's holding upside down. this is funny to me for some reason
"he was a wild dog and we dealt with him like one" izzy hands racism moments
why does izzy even lie about this. why does he say "no i could never do that" when literally he did. he looked right at ed's face as jim hit it with a fucking cannonball. like. what fucking purpose does lying about this even serve. in what way does that benefit izzy. idgi
also ive heard that apparently ppl think he did this to spare stede or something but 1. why would he not want to specifically torture stede as much as possible 2. this is literally not sparing stede bc stede would spend the rest of his life scouring the entire caribbean hoping to find the island where they dropped ed.
RANDOM fucking idea tho but what if they did maroon him but it was on the island from 1x02. that wouldve been great for ed probably. get therapy from the old guy. have some coconut rum drink. chill out. oh well instead they shoved ed into a secret closet and left him there to die from a traumatic head injury.
hornigold calling ed "bro" was such a dead giveaway for me that this was a dream sequence or whatever. like from trailers and stuff i had already figured that this guy was hornigold and that he was probably a ghost or something but i think i mightve been questioning it a little bit at this point. but yeah anyway ed says "bro" and while obviously we dont know exactly what hornigold was like, he didnt sound like the kind of guy to say "bro"
i do love how hornigold's like "you worried you're insane?" and ed's just like "yeah a little bit!"
hornighost: you gotta move on or blow your brains out. or... we can make some soup. ed: yeah let's do soup.
wait stede told zheng that they marooned ed. and then zheng is like "well it's at least mutiny-adjacent" like no im pretty sure that's literally just a regular mutiny
bro rubio qian is so good at making faces
i love how ed's like "you ever thought about selling these shoes?" like who the fuck is hornigold going to sell them to. where does ed think they are.
ough... return of ed's trauma :(
ughughghuhguhughughgffffff every time i hear ed's voice in the bathtub scene i want to cryyyyy SOMEONE HUG THIS MAN I SWEAR TO GOD
also hornigold's mouth definitely moves in this shot where ed climbs off his body lol
hnnng... ed arm
oughuhgu and a strand of the wig came out of the bun WHY IS HE SO PRETTYYYYYYYYY
i cant believe for months i had my fingers crossed for the "person A thinks person B is dead" trope with ed hearing about the fuckery but instead i got it THE OTHER WAY AROUND. AAAAAAAAAAAHH
yo is hornigold wearing like. a flag. idk why i just noticed this but there's like a giant metal rung with rope tied through it holding his whole robe-ish situation together. is that a flag
very random thought but i love how tv shows just cut back and forth btwn plots and one plot might basically be one conversation but every time we cut back theyre in a different setting and we dont see how they got there. like the cut from stede walking in on the crew eating a bird to all of them back on zheng's ship eating soup. and now we went from ed yelling "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" at hornighost's hut and now they're on a beach talking abt what the fuck is going on. why did they go there. who knows. doesnt matter.
ed is so fucking stressed abt being in the gravy basket. poor man is nervously playing with the big stick and trying so hard not to lose his cool.
damn he threw that stick really far tho. good arm.
im sorry but it's SO fucking funny how zheng is trying to seduce olu in this scene and she's like "whats the status of your boatmance is it... ongoing?" *unsheathes sword* like girl that's not seduction that's a full-on threat. i mean it's still hot dgmw but it's unclear what exactly you're going for here
loving the jaunty little escape music
archie and jim holding haaands
stede: you always say you have perfect aim black pete: ive never said that roach: you always say that lucius, throwing his beloved boyfriend under the bus: you said it today
buttons is so fucking loud fhjkhgyejkthfjkhg. ngl i relate tho
obsessed with the noise button makes when he slides across to the Revenge
and they use tea towels to slide over!! god stede really made the most out of his time in towels
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE how olu is the one sitting on the desk with his legs dangling and kicking during this makeout session
also obsessed with how theoretically olu could've seduced zheng out of killing the crew and it's possible that none of this was necessary
wait i literally just realized that they stole the wheel not just so that zheng couldn't follow them but bc the Revenge didnt have one lol
ugh ed's tits look so good what the hell
ed in his head instantly associates the phrase "calico jack" with someone going "WHOOHOO" at the top of their lungs
oughu FUCK i did not fucking realize this but ed is taking hornigold's presence here as confirmation that he's not loveable. earlier hornighost said "you're afraid you're unlovable" but then when he's on the cliff and he's like "you brought me here because you hate yourself" ed is like "im not loveable." ohhhhhh fuck
and then hornigold is like "and you're afraid to do anything about it. but im not" and then throws the rock off the cliff. this is the shittiest part of ed's brain calling him a pussy for not killing himself and telling him he deserves to die. fuuuuuuuuck me.
oh boy okay. ed got yanked off the cliff. stede is heading into the secret room. idk if i even have anything to say about the mermaid sequence like i cant believe this shit is real. fuck. this is a fever dream. they really just... wrote this. filmed it. put rhys darby in a fish tail. FUCK
ok the two things i have to say about this. first: the fucking flashback montage in this sequence makes me stop breathing like every single fucking time. secondly: when theyre face-to-face in ed's mermaid fantasy there's a split second where ed sort of jolts forward a tiny tiny tiny half of an inch. and i have no idea if it's intentional. but it makes me think of how in the "you wear fine things well" scene ed TOTALLY STEPS IN THINKING STEDE'S ABOUT TO KISS HIM.
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lookingforcactus · 9 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog (ep 2)
Okay listen. Whoever wrote and whoever is voicing the little kid Yusuke saves has never heard an actual six year old talk in their lives
Also forgot to say last ep but liked the move to age yusuke up a bit. Also Botan's digital file of Yusuke talking back at her is hilarious
Botan's voice (Eng dub) isn't quiiiite as expressive as would hit the mark for me compared to the anime but whatever she's adorable I forgive her
Also forgot to say last ep "Maybe it's better you're dead" BOTAN STOP ASDLKFJADS I love her your honor
Fights and vfx on Goki are actually kind of shockingly good, esp given how much I Did Not like him in the anime
VERY annoying and unfortunately typical that the darkest-skinned guy we've seen so far is. very specifically. the demon that eats children and that the anime makes uh iirc a lot more directly than I ever wanted to watch into a Certain Allegory
Interested that Reikai doesn't seem to know who Kurama actually is. Was that the case in the anime/manga?? I feel like no, they knew who he used to be from the initial briefing on the thieves but idk season 1 wasn't exactly my favorite to go back and rewatch literally ever
My favorite was 2 and 4. If you even care. lol
Kurama standing there during the fight like a creeper go
Actually fight with Goki is very epic. Again super creative and impressively believable way for Yusuke to survive and fight back against a guy with WAYYYY superior strength
Also wow is Yusuke underqualified for these fights rn lol. I mean we knew that but he's lucky he pulled that one out in the end. And esp lucky that Kurama won't want to fight, obv
Her wig is sadly Not as impressive as Botan's, and I'm not a fan of what looks like her contacts. Did they make her eyes green??? Bc her eyes being red is kind of narratively. you know. Relevant
Wait is that guy helping Yukina Hiei???!!! Human-form Hiei??!!!
Wait no of course not Hiei would've just killed everyone and gotten her out
(Listen we don't have any good shots of his face yet okay. That little sister line made me think!)
Interesting new jagan origin + (presumably?) moving up Yukina as Hiei's motivation. Makes sense given how everything about Hiei's first manga/anime appearance was ignored afterward lol when he was too popular to kill off
I hope they got rid of his original plan/motivation, anyway. I hated the mind control arc thing with him esp on Keiko. Dickhead
Well. Eyehead. Technically. But yknow
Pfft Kurama 100% staging that entire encounter and stalking ep meaning Yusuke thinks he's being sooo sneaky
Kurama's outfit is really pretty actually btw. I like it better than his anime outfit by a lot. The pink always clashed with his hair sooo bad
Also the pink in the preview images made me think/hope he was a girl (who actually got to fight in a shounen anime!!!!) and you have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized that wasn't true
Pfft Kurama using his demon powers to?? Pull a quickchange?? Amazing
His hair continues to not work nearly as well as in the anime but that was a lost battle from the beginning let's be real. At least it's better than Hiei's
(Which is so actively bad what was that shadow with his hair in the knife scene what)
Shiori benefits a lot from being played by like. an actually human person who also is older and has visibly aged. Gives her Character, makes her less of Just An Archetype
Momma's boy Kurama excellent as always. Meanwhile Yusuke's just flat out not replying to a single thing Shiori is literally saying to him lol
Wait does the quickchange imply that Kurama only uses that outfit on demon business. Bc in the show it's just his (ugly) school uniform but here it's clearly not. I really desperately want that to be his On Demon Business outfit in this show lol
Also makes the fact that he had Yusuke stalk him in that outfit funnier. then. boom. quickchange. Mom can't see the Demon Business Outfit
Hmm something about Kurama and his delivery isn't rly landing for me here. But to be fair he is being super Performative and Deliberate about all of this so that may be on purpose
I hope it's on purpose. Bc Kurama's great and I'd REALLY like to buy him/his lines as a character in this
He does successfully pull off "casually menacing" (you know, without murdering someone first) much more easily than his anime counterpart tho so that's cool
Meanwhile, Yusuke's face. Great face-acting there. Also great face
The scrapes on Yusuke's face really are v aesthetically arranged lol. but still look legit enough. I'm a fan
Okay I'm buying Kurama now. Excellent
"I've been deceiving that woman for many years" genuinely love that he put it that way. He's come to care about her so much but he's not trying to make himself sound better or lying to himself about the situation
It is killing me that he used the phrase "fertilized egg" in this explanation. It's killing me. It's also raising Fucking Questions. (But does at least give an explanation for how Kurama didn't like. Kill the original Shuichi's soul when he took the body.)
Oh the pattern on Kurama's outfit is roses!!! love it
Kurama: Sees Kuwabara following them
Kurama: ...Anyway.
The mirror of darkness looks like a fucking ipad. I can't take it seriously why does the mirror of darkness look like an ipad!!!
What's with the weird scifi aesthetics here and on the other artifacts? This is a fantasy show, fantasy aesthetics would fit better
The mirror-realm life-taking sequence is just. so much. lol it's so much once again I am unable to take it seriously!
Wait Shiori! You don't know there was magic saving you!! Don't take off your oxygen mask without a doctor's permission!!! Practice self-care!!!
Okay Kuwabara looks super different from his anime/manga self-from the front, but from the back he has the EXACT same silhouette as anime!Kuwabara, so much it's EERIE. I'm learning lots of things about what pompadours look like in real life-
hsb, ig???
HIEI HAS BLUE EYES?!!??!?!?!!!!
I mean at least they didn't only change Yukina's
But this is WEIRD
Also making the jagan not purple anymore, just an actual third eye, was the correct choice
Hmm I don't like how they translated Hiei's outfit as much as I do the others. (I like how they translated literally everyone else's outfits. This is so disappointing, esp since Hiei's aesthetics go off. There's too much white and too much detail in his outfits. Give me his cloak!!! Also changing the scarf into a turtleneck is highkey Not Working For Me
Anime!Hiei would literally never wear a turtleneck
Why is he wearing a turtleneck, he's a FIRE DEMON, it's not like he can get cold
The scarf is okay because it was clearly not primarily for keeping him warm
Give him the cloak I want the cloak!!
And he should be wearing all black underneath it! I mean I know he wears other color shirts under it in the dark tournament arc iirc. But live action won't have the control over the cloak for that lol
At least give him something all black (except the scarf or something similar) (NOT a turtleneck) with a similar silhouette to the cloak
And idk compared to the others I think his costume looks kinda cheap
OOF effects on the Toguros are NOT convincing. Oof. I admire their commitment to taking their physicalities literally but uh. They should've been less ambitious and focused more on translating the vibe. Imho
Okay! Time for episode 3!
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 5 months
Okay I'm gonna preface this post by saying I've never seen Primal before. I was just hanging out with my brother and we watched some shows together, like we usually do. And I was going to make a completely separate post until we got to the topic of this one.
Now I'm sure Primal fans have heard enough of this, so as a warning, just know this is me complaining about the finale. So instead of reading that for the umpteenth time, just enjoy the post I was originally gonna make.
Primal is a beautiful show with a lot of great themes. I've always thought the ability to tell a story with no dialogue was a showcase of a creator's skill, and this show embodies that so well.
Hey, so what the fuck was that. Maybe I'm missing context, since we only watched s2 ep6-10, but even my brother hated it, and I could tell that was just not a good conclusion.
Ep6 was a fantastic finale to a rivalry even I could tell had a lot of history. The birthing scene was great, it showcased how each of them cared for each other, whether it was Spear's excitement once he realized what was happening or Mira's little smiles as she watched from afar. That bit where they tried to get the eggs in the boat was very entertaining and I appreciate the personality Fang demonstrates through mere movements and expressions.
The 3-parter was downright beautiful. I love prison break episodes, for one, and I love reunions, so I enjoyed it quite a bit. The Egyptian ship was a gorgeous design, and it did such a good job at showing you the passage of time through small details, like the montage and the growth of the jaguar. In both of these episodes, the final battles were very exciting and fitting to the stakes they presented.
Now notably, what these episodes did not portray was the idea that Spear is lonely. If anything, it does the opposite. It shows how close they all are, how much they love each other and how far they are willing to go to take care of one another. But in the finale, the main idea is that Spear is suddenly super sad and alone. Now this is fine. I think it should have been set up directly beforehand for a smoother transition but sure, I can still get behind this. Again, I'm probably missing context.
The beginning of the finale is really cool. I liked the different origin flashbacks, clearly setting up the stakes and what this fight means to them. I liked the small details, like Fang dropping her kids next to Spear while she went searching. I liked Mira reuniting with her people, including old friends like the lady with the axe wound. And I even enjoyed the demonstration of Spear's loneliness through the cave drawings.
But then the Chieftain shows up. I thought the setup to this in the previous eps was awesome. This is gonna be a really cool final fight against an old foe, maybe lead into the big bad of the Satan-looking fella. And the beginning of the fight was really cool. It was clear that they were overpowered, leaving you wondering how they were gonna overcome this. You know, the stakes are high, Mira's village has history with this guy, their lives are at stake once more. I'm thinking maybe they're gonna get the help of the locals to take him down. But nah. Spear just tackles him and then he gets dragged back to hell for no reason.
But at this point, I still don't realize it's the finale. I was talking with my brother about how this is probably gonna leave lasting scars or maybe Spear'll even die, maybe they'll have to bring him back. And then Fang roared and I was like "okay yeah, something like that". But again, nah. That's just Fang's legitimate reaction to the permadeath of the main protagonist.
But yknow, he groans and is like "Mira" and then she looks at the little mural. And I thought she was gonna grab his hand and maybe they were gonna do the prayer together again in a nice little romantic moment or something but NOPE. Mira really just said "imma help you get off one last nut before you die". Like HUH?? And then before you can even wrap your mind around that BAM! Timeskip. The babies are grown up, their daughter is there, and then the credits. Like I get she wanted to continue his legacy and culture or whatever but it came at just the weirdest time.
Like ???? I have to assume some shit went down behind the scenes before this episode cause what the fuck was that. And like, I have no issue with the timeskip as a concept. I get it, you have one more episode, you might as well end it with something hopeful. But that combined with everything else was just... bad. It all felt so rushed and I felt immense disappointment towards a show I don't even have any relationship with.
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gothicprep · 1 month
my HOTD prediction is more a fandom meta one: the penny is going to drop for many people that a lot of the story beats they hated in late stage GOT didn't come from david benioff & db weiss. democracy king bran & tyrion's hokey speech about the power of stories, for example, are probably the real series endgame.
there are a couple of things i can point to in order to support this, and it begins with something i wish the show didn't obfuscate – when the catspaw sets a fire as a diversion so he can try to murder bran, he burns down the library specifically. tyrion reflects about being the last person to ever read the books there. memory, history, and storytelling bubble up constantly in narrative & thematic ways. depending on how flexible you want to be with your definitions, this is pretty much everywhere.
some of the obvious ones are how dead characters still have a heavy presence on the world, whether this be the stark kids dreaming about the family crypt, or resurrection as a magical device. bungling the meaning of a prophecy is akin to misinterpreting a story. characters like littlefinger are able to secure power through their abilities to spin a story. the long night happened before, but no one remembers how it was resolved because it was never written down. the spiral iconography we see throughout the tv show is spinning clockwise. when characters fantasize about their legacies, they talk about having songs written about them, and the series is literally called "a song of ice and fire". if you want to get really galaxy brained about it, the fantasy genre in general invokes the aesthetics of the distant past. these are all little things, but there are a lot of them. i know i might be stretching a bit here for some of these, but there's a family resemblance at the very least.
ideally, this would all play out in a way that's much less schmaltzy, saccharine, and silly. the deities in the show don't seem like a particularly trustworthy bunch, and their motivations are opaque. king bran the broken wasn't narratively satisfying in the show, but given that the guy is all of human memory personified, it's not without evidence in the text, yknow.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 08/05/2024
weird hyperflex but ok
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by Krizis
Requested by Fezaki! (Request Form)
Y'know, I've mentioned it before, but big medley rips like weird hyperflex but ok can at times feel a bit messy. There's a lot of appeal to that messiness, I talked a lot about that in Man, why does every Bleck actor gotta rap some, but it also gives me a lot less to actually talk about, yknow? A lot of rippers approach things with the simple mentality of making something that purely sounds good, which is fantastic - but I can only say "its fantastic!" to a rip so many times before it becomes uninteresting to read. Not every rip is fit for this kind of coverage, and I was at first apprehensive to cover this one for that very reason - but, like I described with Bramble Blast Collab, these sorts of rips have the ability to tell narratives of sorts through what sources are used in them - meaning within all of the madness. weird hyperflex but ok is comparatively more reserved, but as submitted Fezaki points out, ends up feeling like a big celebration of the whole of Season 3, representing all the big hits and overall throughline to one of the most underrated seasons under the channel's belt.
After an introduction that repeats the infamous opening notes to Megalovania, the rip shows its hand by the chorus - throughout most of its runtime, weird hyperflex but ok is a Grand Dad rip, primarily carried by the tune of The Flintstones from beginning to end. As the channel's most used and over-used joke, its easy to have grown well too tired of the meme at this point, its undergone so many stages of ironic and post-ironic appreciation at this point that its hard to say what the opinion on the meme even is these days - but in my eyes, it was in a great place during Season 3 in particular. Back then, two years after the channel initially started, people were beginning to grow a bit nostalgic for those early days, for that very unique feel that the channel had in its growing pains-days of early Season 1. That feeling was what led to the Nostalgia Critic takeover in the middle of the season, the one discussed in Fragile Snowman (Remastered): After having spent the better part of Season 2 focused on far bigger things than a stupid Flintstones meme, it was really nice to take some time to remember just how much that tune all united us. With Season 3 bringing that nostalgia to the forefront, and like I mentioned in CG Man HD Remastered Edition, the emotions of Season 1 in tow - it makes all the sense in the world for weird hyperflex but ok to headline itself with the funny Flintstone - yet the melodyswap is so natural, it almost feels like a completely original EDM Chiptune arrangement celebrating the channel. Or, well, maybe that's just my unfamiliarity with Hyperflex speaking.
Of course, like I said, its the Season 3 hits that make this rip what it is - its lovely to see Paralyzer be celebrated here so shortly after the Unregistered Hypercam 2 takeover, helping further cement just how much of a legacy the entire King for a Day tournament was going to have way ahead of its sequel being announced. We got Undertale, we got Calamari Inkantation (Off the Hook in KFAD1 reference?), and most importantly - we got SEAN KINGSTON, the legend of Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls fame himself. It getting an extended 30 second verse all to itself feels special in a way I really can't articulate - as I said back in Take You To The Desert, the Sean Kingston takeover was something purely spurred on by Chaze the Chat's bizarrely high enthusiasm for the guy, and yet all those months after the takeover its STILL being remembered by completely unrelated rippers - that just warms my heart, yknow? It's a lot of the same feelings that Return to Collision Clouds instilled in me, the idea that SiIvaGunner's team members latch onto and care for these small little nuggets of one another's works.
At this point, I do have to fall back to the thing I said at the very beginning of the post and just re-emphasize - weird hyperflex but ok is just plainly fantastic! It is, for a lack of a better word, bumpin', a really celebratory yet fun-loving sound to a rip that is mostly Flintstones - but it EARNS that Flintstones melody through just how befitting its reappearance is to Season 3 in general. Its the kind of rip that exudes genuine love for the channel, and feels like a trip down memory lane on every listen.
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leatherbookmark · 11 months
oops, objective "don't read stupid ass takes" failed :(
"izzy is not suicidal, like yeah he shot himself in the head but he missed and besides that was EPISODES ago, he has since found community and joy and acceptance and saying he's suicidal is erasing all that. now ed, however," ah, well, if it was only once, then it doesn't matter i suppose.
"blackbeard is both ed and izzy, ed can't be free of blackbeard if izzy is alive, and if izzy dies, ed will never return to being blackbeard" i'm sorry. let me make sure i heard you right. even when both izzy and ed have found love and acceptance, even when izzy is his own person, having "divorced" ed in episode 3, even after izzy's shown being supportive of ed loving stede and quitting being a pirate... izzy still has to die to free ed. and this is fine and normal, and not the proof that there's something kinda Fucking Wrong with ed. sometimes you just can't be fully happy until that one person who's moved on from you and from whom you have moved on as well is fucking dead. and that's okay! hashtag self care. i gotta be honest i'm impressed. i don't remember hearing of a more fucked up dynamic, and this one belongs to a silly comedy show! truly, the writing for this show is exceptional. and by that i mean at this point i'm starting to wonder whether i've had a stroke at some point and it's only catching up to me now
"what would izzy do? just stay on the revenge and whittle? he's not fit for hard physical labor, and he doesn't want to be a captain, so he has to go!" uh oh, black pete, i have bad news for you. no no, enjoy your husband first, taste the marital bliss, make some precious memories! god knows you're going to need them once we kill him off for being useless unfit for physical labor. ha! lighthearted jokes aside, um, wow. i, er, can't quite find my words yet, so, um, well, it's. it's a pirate story, and pirates were famously all fully abled, like, can you imagine a pirate with a wooden leg doing pirate shit? that's, that's unrealistic, it doesn't-- hm? "he’s found value in not having a distinct role or purpose on the ship, decoupling his worth from the job he’s expected to perform"? aah, huh. hmm. well. well that's. hm. yknow guys i'll get back to you later i think, i need to sit on this one
"do you really think con, an experienced actor and an adult, would feel bad about izzy dying? especially after getting to explore this character so well, especially after djenks has said he took it well?" well i can't say what con would feel because i don't know the man personally, right, but if i had a chance to explore a character i really like, play him finding his happiness, queerness and place to belong unconditionally, and then found out -- halfway through the shooting, despite my character's death apparently being known to the writers from the very beginning -- that he dies shot by the antagonist who symbolizes everything he hates, not even during a fight or a duel, not even protecting someone he loves, but just because he was the nearest pirate, and his last words are all about inspiring the guy whose lil depressive episode cost him a leg to fucking, hashtag be free and live his truth, while everyone else kinda just stood by and watched and didn't even try to help, i guess because eh, if he dies he dies, then actually yeah, i would think it's a little bit unfair, i suppose. but that's just me of course
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