#i mean there's hunter now but like. hunter is a boy the way luz is a girl
rfswitchart · 6 months
Obligatory Huntlow post for ASIAS anniversary
So, I might as well do an anniversary post for Any Sport in a Storm, shouldn't I?
Pop quiz: When did Willow Park fall in love with the Golden Guard? There's a lot of answers you COULD say for this. Maybe she started realizing it when they were in the Human Realm. Maybe she realized when he grabbed her out of the sky or was in the detention pit with him.....
You COULD say that.... but you'd be wrong. She realized it the moment Hunter stood between the Entrails and Darius. "Wait, how do you know that?" you might ask. Simple. Because as a writer of 25 years and someone who has had many crushes and relationships... I know that kind of body language and tone of voice well.
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"After all, it will be 52 weeks until 'Caleb's' next day off..." Note the way she SAID that. Sly, coy, definite tongue in cheek. The way she's looking over her shoulder back towards him. I mean COME ON, there's a heart shaped cloud just above her head. Hearts being between the two of them is a big tell for that. It's called THEMING. "Ok, but that's just one moment..." Au contraire, did you think I'd come into this with one example? Remember, I WROTE THIS ALREADY. Now, pop quiz #2: Why did Hunter, who had only ever met Willow ONCE know the difference between the real and fake one?
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After all, there is no way he could have known that after just one encounter. You can not determine a person's entire personality based on a sole encounter, no matter how much of an impression it left on you. The answer, again, is simple...
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Because they had been talking over Penstagram since ASIAS. Probably took a while due to Hunter not being used to typing and stuff, but I cannot imagine they weren't talking since that night. It also explains why Willow trusted him so easily during the scout invasion of Hexside. Because it couldn't JUST be the breathing technique that swayed her. After all, Hunter had lied and betrayed her and her friends before.
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...Again with the hearts. THEMING! Anyway, even if we discredit ASIAS and Labyrinth Runners, or how she totally went to kill Kikimora for trying to hurt 'him' (and stopped when she could have hurt him) and ran after 'him' specifically when 'he' was captured (remember, it was Luz, she just THOUGHT it was Hunter) Fine, let's forget all that then...
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Because even if you discount those things, she definitely had a thing for him while they were trapped in the human realm. How do I know? Ok, time to teach you kids about flirting 101.
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"I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it! ;)" She's not saying "I want to read that" because she's curious about Cosmic Frontier. She is saying "I want to know more about your interests," and saying it with a tone that says "I want to turn this into a date if I can." Even before when she's taking a picture and shutting down Amity's snarking on Hunter's costume, her body language, her words, her tone. They are all suggesting there's more than just 'friendship' there. When it comes to flirting, it is not WHAT you say, it is HOW you say it.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Willow is canonically Pansexual, she is not Ace. Also, she is not Demi/aromantic, she is heavily guarded and has trust issues from years of bullying and nearly everyone looking down on her or using her as emotional support. I have the same problem for the same reasons, and I know for a fact I am not aro. I am guarded because I've been hurt before, same as Willow. Hunter is the only one who ISN'T like that.
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He doesn't see her as weak and frail, he doesn't rely on her for stuff, and he wouldn't be caught dead hurting her or looking down on her. That is HIS captain, and he'll be damned if he won't see her as anything short of incredible. And boy did he let her know that, more than once.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Let's all appreciate these two amazing, powerful witches who really do compliment each other's lives.
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badgrrlscoven · 1 year
Hey hey! May I request headcanons for luz and hunter (separately) with a S/o that's to innocent for their own good but at the same time always manages to get themself into some sort of trouble. (gender neutral pronouns please)
Luz and Hunter with innocent s/o headcanons
a/n: oh i had so much fun doing this! i hope you like this as much as i do, if you want anything changed at all you can message me :)
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- she honestly thinks you’re just super adorable
- this simple thing called common sense goes over your head and to her, you’re just a witch version of king
- def gives you the “who’s a whiddle guy” look when looking at you for too long
- she will tease you relentlessly for your innocence, and again, your dumbass won’t always understand or you’ll pout
- now for the danger part 😭
- Luz believes you can handle yourself just fine but the poor girl also has a hero complex
- she has made to help you with any tussle you somehow manage to get yourself into
- a lot of ‘oh nos’ leave her mouth when you give her the smile that tells her you most likely did something…again
- Luz will most definitely help you from any problem and support you always, but i know for a fact this girl will tease you about it later til’ your whole body is red with embarrassment
- the trouble you always get yourself into is always stupid or because you did/said something stupid
- you’re her ‘innocent whittle bwean’ as she likes to call you in that voice
- you: you know, warden wrath’s face looks like a bunch of mashed snake butts
- Warden Wrath in the distance just staring you down before charging
- Luz, face sweating and dragging you away: ThEy DIdn’T mEAn iT!!!
- conformatorium escapee buddies together
- you both definitely have wanted posters for different things and honestly, it makes Eda very proud
- You have no idea why she’s proud though
- in the beginning he’d probably point out how innocent you are, maybe accidentally making you feel stupid but this would never be his intention with you this boy absolutely adores
- (Probably cause he hasn’t really had a chance to experience love just yet and he may be mildly obsessed with you)
- only titan knows how this boy doesn’t lose his mind sometimes
- he completely adored you but you worry him with how innocent you can be
- honestly, you both probably have the whole ‘dumb x smart’ dynamic going on (you’re not stupid, just super naive but super cute so dw)
- this boy will be explaining something and if a question pops in your head, you ask it. sometimes he’ll pretend to me irked, but he loves sharing any information he knows
- he knows he’s uptight sometimes but he tries his best with you to grow and be lenient with your innocence
- it’s honestly a surprise when you two start officially going out because he is a very big rules and authority person abut because of the trouble you get into it’s sort of out of the norm for him
- you’re his little way of rebelling against belos even if you may not realize it :)
- now, after the whole belos ordeal and you’re all in the human realm hunter would be different around you a bit
- More laid back and chill
- he’s such a smartass about your innocence, cracking jokes about your questions and acting a bit of a know it all
- He’d be happy to answer questions you have without problems
- his ass would trick you and answer the questions wrong and would just watch the chaos that would ensue from this
- flustered.
- that is the only word to describe this boy and how your innocence affects him
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crimeronan · 1 month
Ok wait BUT, we know it's possible to remotely enter someone's mind scape. So what if Luz let's Camilla and Vee run hunter off cause she doesn't remember him. So Hunter decides to (SOMEHOW) drag Darius into fixing her mind. Darius brings raine along, and it's like the worst version of them figuring out if she would have been an Evil Empress.
Hunter desperately trying to fix luz which would REQUIRE him to see all the grimwalker shit. Raine thinking they fucked up so bad to not see this all. Everyone is bitching with everyone else.
"Little prince are you all right?"
"I'm so good rn Darius. I'm a zombie clone but also luz Knows, and that means she remembers me, so everything is great hahahahaa"
But they fix it all, right? Hunter is having a breakdown, but they got all the memories in place.
And then Luz wakes up next to Vee, and she is freaking out!!!!! She sent HER BOY away!
hunter is like darius, if you don't help me, i'm going to find a way to do it myself. and her inner self probably won't be too fond of me, given what i saw. i don't know exactly what belos did to her, but she was scared of me, so i know he did SOMETHING. you KNOW she'd never be afraid of me
& darius, who has been dealing with the fact that hunter managed to sneak past all his security to go get himself killed by belos, is like for fuck's sake. you really will, won't you.
fine. Fine.
raine gets roped in because they're good with luz & hunter trusts them implicitly. so they're on official Keep The Inner Luz Calm duties.
also, luz's two-tiered mindscape.... she has all her (now incomplete/jumbled/confused) grimwalker memories on the surface. all her memories of when she pretended to be an unfeeling little tyrant to please belos. so even when they put the pieces back together, hunter is STILL like no. something's wrong. these can't be right, that's not.... that's not LUZ.
while darius is trying to be gentle about "that IS luz." except, yknow. darius doesn't have a gentle bone in his body. so he's just like welp. sucks to see her true self. she's probably better off left in the human realm, huh??
meanwhile raine is the one to be like no... this doesn't feel right to me either. this doesn't account for any of what i know about luz.
if and when the inner luz shows up, i think she'd solve this for them.... she can SEE that something is wrong with her memories, she's soot-stained with unhealing burn injuries and she keeps coughing and she needs Help. she'll take whatever help she can get. she'll lead them to the lower levels and the "real" luz memories. and everything down there is a blackened wasteland -- all her wild magic, all her childhood memories, all her love for hunter.
and that's worse for hunter than even fixing the grimwalker memories was. seeing just how devastated her mindscape is, just how damaged and in pain her inner self is....
and then yeah. luz wakes up healed in the real world & is immediately Frantic. more frantic than vee or camila have ever seen her. running out of the house, out into the street, not bothering to watch for cars. stumbling over her own feet. calling hunter's name. screaming at both vee And camila when they try to calm her down and get her to come inside.
ough. Ough.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
I want to talk about Gus in for the future. I know it seems like it was a breakthrough episode mainly for Luz and Willow, considering what happened to Willow and Luz finally figuring out what she wanted. A breakthrough for Winter being canon now. But I really want to talk about Gus here and his breakthrough in here. While it was small and not so noticeable I think he had his too.
I think the Emerald Trio had their episode here
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I’m the beginning we see Gus trying to comfort Willow with his illusions. While with Willow you can see the glassy ready look in her eyes, Gus has this tired look to his.
I think he realizes that she’s in a hard place right now. After all, he knows how much Hunter means to Willow probably more than any of them including Willow herself.(she’s been suppressing her emotions for the last few months) He’s been friends with her longer than any of them (Her and Amity weren’t friends for years so I’m not counting her right here) she knows she’s probably going to suppress her feelings to help others. He’s probably tried before to get her to open up and she wouldn’t listen because “I’m the reliable one, remember”.
So I’m sure he knew she was hurting already, he had to suppress his feelings too. Sure he was very open about him missing his dad and not afraid to cry because he was comfortable. Shoot maybe he lets himself be vulnerable with her to show that it’s ok to be vulnerable with him too. They’re best friends! But he isn’t going to push her. He knows her strength. She’s been holding it in for years so he’s never seen her the way that they did in the end of FtF. Me as an empathetic person myself, I hurt when I know someone else is, especially when they’re trying to pretend it’s alright. But he also knows she hates when people meddle in her affairs, so he was giving distance.
Skipping forward, when Willow goes off by herself in anger, he feels like it’s his fault. The fact that he knew something and was trying to do the right thing but failed in hurting them instead. (Which is not true but you know how Gus is). He tried to go and fix it and somehow ends up in a pit. And you see how terrified he is at first. Don’t tell me he ain’t struggling with PTSD either. He witnessed first hand the darkness and evil of Belos and his mind. Someone he looked up to as a ruler for the longest time in his life. Got thrown into another realm, which yes was awesome cuz he got to learn and see what he wanted too!…. But not by his own choice.
And then he witnesses Willow in the state she is in. And oh just because we didn’t see it, you can’t tell me he wasn’t heartbroken too.
He just didn’t have a way he knew how to help without thinking he was going to make it worse too.
Which is why I think it was such and Emerald trio moment too. Gus needed a window. He needed someone else to help where he felt he couldn’t. And finally he could tell Willow what he had been wanting to forever now.
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And just look how happy he is now.
She’s feeling better.
He finally could get the fact that he knew Hunter was a grimwalker off his chest.
Shoot Hunter and Willow holding hands now, Titan he didn’t think he’d get this far!
That’s a load off his chest.
While it was not very noticeable, I think we got a breakthrough in his arch too.
Willow and Gus and Hunter are a team. They’re there for each other. They’re like siblings! (Er not Hunter to Willow or Willow to Hunter) but Gus ties the knot!
I rewatched FtF yesterday and oh I could finally see it. The best boi
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mewpathy · 1 month
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Been having a TON of brainrot from TOH again and my old mlp next gen habits kicked in sooooo... yeag
More ab her under the cut bc WOOOO BOY i have SO MANY THOUGHTS ON HER
So! I think I should begin with just the fact that she is, for lack of a better term, a anomaly. Grimwalkers have never been recorded to reproduce- on top of her being a weird mixture of not really human and not really witch... Uncanny valley for both species yk?
Hunter and Luz were in their mid-20s when Luz got pregnant with Lunala,, which was a shock for both. More Hunter than Luz lmao she was cruising. At the time the two had just started up a cultural exchange of sorts with the human realm so on top of the stress of new baby... yeah it was a time.. Doesn't help that halfway through Luz's body was like- smth,, smth aint right and so while not on bedrest, she did have to tone down her activities and now, with medicine advancing, many theorize that the left over Titan magic in her is the only reason she survived.
Then out popped Lunala! Lil freak of a girl. Hunter cussed out the fact hes a clone bc bby girl gots her wack goofy ahh cousin(?)s blue eyes- Phillips last F u lol- the yellow from Mama only started coming out when she turned 4-ish. On top of that, she got the staple four digits with pawpads all Grimwalkers have and EXTREMELY horrible equilibrium and thermoregulating ability. She is bundled up 24/7 and cant walk without her cane. Messed up gal.
Due to the irregularities of magic during her formation her bile sac cannot filter magic properly- some days she'll be equal to a fully grown witch and others she'll be bedbound due to her own bile sac essentially leaking the excess out of her when a usual one would get rid of the "used up" magic via normal ways- another reason why she uses her cane. On top of this, the excess magic (if she hasn't used any in a while) starts to drip out of her mouth, being almost acidic. A fine line she has to walk between literally spewing acid and being poisoned by her own body. She survives tho! Also her teeth too big for her gotdamn mouth,, queen of braces
BUT OH HO HO. THIS DOES NOT STOP HER FROM BEING A LIL CREECHER. A GOOFBALL. A MENACE. She looks /TERRIFYING/ when happy/scheming but genuinely means well- taking her Mama's words to heart- "It becomes bullying when no one but yourself is having fun" and essentially tries to make others laugh/be in a good mood,, unfortunately a lot of people find her to be unnerving- only really finding a few good friends in Ophelia- Willow and Amity's adopted daughter-, King, Collector, and a school friend Ricardo- a human on the Boiling Isles via the cultural exchange program.
Outside of other's around her age, she gets along with her parents and family wonderfully! Lunala can be very quiet when she wants too and has found a particular gift for essentially reading people and being able to help them- magical therapist if you will. On top of exploring the human realm with her Auntie Vee (Who has become a cross country explorer and nature conservationist), she has a hell of a time helping her Dad practice for his games or his most recent pailsman carving, or helping her Mama document the entirety of the Boiling Isles or be a proof reader for her Mama's books. Fun stuff!
Her pailsman- Manny- is named after Luz's dad, after seeing pictures her Abuela left out. Manny and Lunala are two peas in a pod- with both being seen as unnerving. On top of that, Manny being a King Cobra gives a slight hint to Lunala's... less than spectacular anger. She doesn't get angry often but when she does her bile sac works overtime with the amount of adrenaline she gets from her anger, which, of course, leads to the acidic overspill and very... unsightly view.
As she gets older, and learns to control her anger more, she'll become a terrifying politician both in the Boiling Isles and in the human realm and hobbyist child psychologist.
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i saw the collection of art displayed at the gallery nucleus event and ive been obsessed with these two pictures since so here are some details i noticed:
luz and eda are both wearing that grudgeby jacket, obviously.
Eda’s jacket has a patch on the left elbow when eda is wearing it. this was shown in the show as well. luz’s left elbow isn’t shown but we can assume the patch is still there.
luz, however, has a patch on her right elbow, which was where she tore the sleeve during the belos fight in king’s tide. we can assume hunter probably patched it up.
lilith and eda seem to have discovered their fashion taste in their teens and stuck with it to this day. lilith is in a similar long skirt and boots to what she wears in the show, and eda has the spiky/torn style dress look. guess she later decided to wear similar shoes to lilith though.
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speaking of shoes though raine honey what are you wearing,,,, are those ,,,shoelaces tied around your socks??? that can’t be comfortable or easy to get on/off,,,was this a fashion trend in their time???
gus’s shirt looks like it was two different shirts sewn into one shirt. i assume hunter did that for him too
gus is also still wearing two watches on one wrist and probably wearing the third on his other. boi’s got drip
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vee’s got an anklet. I wonder if this is an allusion to the ring on her tail in her basilisk form?
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luz has the portal key and a king-shaped keychain on her belt. does that mean they’ll end the show with her having a new portal so she can live in both worlds? that seems to be what the show is building towards
amity’s hair faded in season 3 and her roots were growing back but i think in here she redyed her hair to be a bright pink like before? i definitely don’t see her roots anymore. similarly i think willow has just been consistently dyeing that green streak
darius’s cape looks a lot like the golden guard’s. or just the emperor coven’s cape in general. his boots also look like the standard issue EC uniform ones. in fact, his whole outfit looks like a more casual emperor coven uniform. this adds fuel to my theory that he was being mentored by the golden guard to join the emperor’s coven, and when his mentor died, it shattered his trust in the EC which led to him joining the abomination coven instead. (why else would you get one of the top ranking officials of the emperor coven to mentor you, if not to join the coven itself?)
lilith and vee both have cute stylized backpacks and perry has a fanny pack, all of them shaped like demons. vee’s backpack is shaped like her (with a matching hoodie i think?), and because of the visible stitches, i will once again assume hunter made it for her. i will assume hunter did everything sewing-related for the hexsquad. love is stored in the hunter sewing project
in contrast to lilith, perry, and vee, alador’s bag is plain and practical. idk what this says about the characterization of these four but im sure it says something
everyone in the old hexsquad has their own style but alador is in his hexside uniform. again, very practical but he doesn’t seem to care enough about appearance (or hygiene considering he’s covered in abomination goo) to pursue anything beyond practicality
eda’s knee is scraped up. while this and the bandage on her face are probably supposed to indicate that she gets up to trouble a lot id like to think it’s also referencing the pain sharing spell she and lilith did in that scene of them as kids
hunter DEFINITELY did not dress himself those shoes are way too snazzy. darius sees him trying to leave the house in socks and sandals and has an aneurysm
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ppl mentioned how willow’s wearing an emerald entrails shirt but also! she has painted nails! i’d like to think amity painted them for her. first amity does her braids and now she paints her nails she is rekindling their friendship one makeover at a time
hunter wears glasses now. i guess after like 8 head injuries, a possession, and two eye color changes he’d have some trouble with his eyesight.
willow has discovered novelty glasses. she seems to be seeing fine so i assume they’re also prescription glasses, which is harder to get in cool shapes. did they get those in the human world or did the boiling isles already have them? or better, after the show they introduce the concept of novelty glasses to the boiling isles. i’d like to think gus gets his dad a pair in that scenario. and eda gets raine a pair
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hunter’s jacket has so many references on it to his new family i- 🥺 🥺 🥺 he has a wing patch for flapjack, an abomination with a ponytail for darius, a king patch for king (let them interact in the rest of season 3!!! please!!!), what seems to be the badge eda gives people for leaving their covens, and a flower probably for willow. seemingly no patches for luz, gus, amity, or vee. or the emerald entrails. though he could have more patches on the front of his jacket.
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trans hunter real
luz’s hairstyle with the front bangs swept back looks a lot like eda’s hairstyle but curlier. probably just the widow’s peak though
hunter is still rocking that mullet. i know even if they change his hair in a later episode they won’t spoil it in the art here. still even though i know why hunter didn’t want long hair i liked his longer hair + hair skrungly design better than his short hair design
the new hexsquad is dressed in a significantly more human style than the old hexsquad. seeing how luz has a portal key (idk if its real or just a charm), amity retouched her roots, and hunter has a jacket of patches referencing his 86 adopted family members, i would assume this shot of them is post-canon. guess luz takes her friends on another trip to the thrift store
(i know this specific scene where the new and old hexsquad check each other out is impossible temporally within canon what i mean is the hexsquad’s look is most likely something they’ll whip up post canon than during canon)
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willows pants have similar flowers on it as the flower patch on hunter’s jacket. the vine design and stitching around the flowers probably mean that they just came with a flower design when willow got it. however i headcanon that willow got hunter a bunch of flower shaped patches and he put one on his jacket. but later willow got a pair of those fashionably ripped jeans and left them somewhere where hunter found it. and when willow gets back hunter has used the rest of his his flower patches to patch up the rips in willows pants and sewed some stitching around the patches to make them look prettier. because he doesn’t understand why someone would wear ripped jeans on purpose. it’s like that one textpost with luz except it’s with willow. she can’t even be mad at him.
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avatarmerida · 11 months
post. the. next. part. plz.
Okay yes here. Mini sequel to this in which Hunter is as in season 1 but Willow lost all her memories of him in Understanding Willow and ASIAS is the first time he’s been able to reintroduce himself.
As quickly as Willow had initiated the contact, she broke it. Stepping away from Hunter quickly in a panic as he tried to refocus, his hands still raised as they tried to process the absence of her face. Her mind couldn't decide what to focus on: her impulsiveness, her recklessness or the way he managed to gently kiss her back.
"Oh, my Titan," she breathed, covering her mouth with her hands. "I uh, I'm so sorry! I don't, heh, I don't know why I did that, I-I didn't even ask if it was okay and you probably didn't, I… mean we probably haven't... I mean, I don't know why I would assume you would-
“No! No, I mean I definitely wanted to,” he assured her before his eyes grew wide as he realized just how his words sounded. “I mean, not that I was going to. Well, not that I wouldn’t! Want to, I mean! Because I mean, I’ve thought about it. Well, not alot. I mean, it crossed my mind I mean I… oh whaaaaat do I mean?”
“No, no I… I don’t know what came over me,” Willow chuckled nervously, relieved he wasn't mad or disgusted. “I mean, I-I just met you! Well, I know not technically but I guess I was just… I was angry so I…”
“Angry?” said Hunter, his ears twitching. “Heh, I’ve seen you angry and you’ve never done anything like that before. Well, at least not with me.”
“I've never done that with anyone,” she said, still in shock of herself.
“Oh,” the blush on Hunter’s cheeks grew deeper. It had never fully vanished as his mind made sure to hold the memory tight. He was certain that neither of them would be forgetting this, it was his first kiss too. Which means he was Willow's very first-. "Oh."
“Yeah,” Willow chuckled nervously, casting her eyes to the ground as she fiddled with her braid. “So… sorry about that. It probably wasn’t… the best thing to-.”
“No, it was great!” insisted Huner, louder than he intended to. His hand slapped over his mouth as he wished he could sink into the ground.
She smiled a little, in spite of herself. She was starting to trust her instincts about this boy more and more. “I guess it’s… complicated.”
“Yeah, yeah sure of course,” he said, clearing his throat. “It’s uh… alot to process so that’s like… a normal reaction to this kind of thing?”
“Um… sure?” Willow lied; she could feel the vines creeping up her legs manifesting her dishonestly. She sighed, surely Hunter knew her tell. “No, I just, I guess… I don’t know. No, I do know but it’s because I don’t know.”
“Well,” now it was Willow’s turn to pace, she brushed a lurking flower from her shoulder. “I obviously had a crush on you and even though Amity and I aren’t as close as we used to be she definitely knew! I mean, she knows how I act when I have feelings like that, but she didn’t even give me the chance to get hurt because she still thinks I can’t handle it!”
“‘Obviously?’” Hunter repeated in a squeak, mostly to himself.
“And she just assumed she knew what was best for me without even asking me?” Willow continued, mostly thinking aloud. “Ugh, I mean she comes to me to get advice about Luz even though she never once bothered to consider that it might be weird for me if they dated. I mean I know it’s not my decision and I want them both to be happy, I do! But come on! I mean, sometimes I can’t help but think that if Luz hadn’t come here then she wouldn’t have tried to fix things between us. And I-.”
She looked up at Hunter who was listening intently. “Ugh, sorry I didn’t mean to start ranting.”
“No, no go ahead, please continue,” he said. He knew the benefits of having someone to talk things out with and truthfully, he really missed hearing her voice, regardless of what she was saying.
“But I didn’t say anything because I know she’s trying and I really did miss her,” Willow sighed, able to collect her thoughts more clearly. “I didn’t try to convince Luz to stop liking her but then Amity has no problem keeping me in the dark about you. And then telling you to stay away from me, even though she was the one who-,” Willow gasped as the thought finished forming. “Hunter, how exactly did I lose my memories of you?”
“I… I don’t really know how it happened,” he admitted. As devastated as he had been, he knew there was nothing that could be done to reverse what had been done so he had been focusing on the effect rather than the cause.
“But, it was something Luz and Amity did, right?” Willow said.
“Well, I guess,” he said. “They were the ones who went in your mind, after all.”
“Did anyone else tell you to stay away from me?”
“Well, okay, she didn’t say that exactly ,” Hunter said.
“Well what did she say?”
“It was more like… you were doing better, and I might get in the way of that,” he said, low and serious.
“Grrr! Ugh! That is so hypocritical of her!” Exclaimed Willow, her eyes glowing green. Hunter could feel the ground shift beneath him. This was the anger he remembered in Willow, it was rare and dormant, but it was powerful and demanded to be felt eventually. A true force of nature. “I’m not that scared pathetic little girl anymore! When will she see that? She says she wants to move forward but she keeps trying to make me go backwards so she can catch up or something and now she’s going behind my back to try and-.”
“Hey!” Hunter said, breaking through her rant as he placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her. The vines were growing larger and longer and if he didn’t snap her out of it they may consume everything around them. “Willow! Willow! It’s okay! You’re okay!”
“I- what?” Her eyes returned to normal, and she looked around to see what had almost happened. No, she wasn’t that weak and timid little girl, but was this any better? What good was strength if it was wild and unpredictable?
What good was she?
“Hey,” said Hunter gently, breaking her out of her inner monologue. “Listen to me: it’ll take more than idle threats from a Blight to make me give up on you. I have never, not for one moment thought you were weak or pathetic.”
Somehow, Willow knew this to be true. She knew it wasn’t from rose colored glasses or not knowing her very well, it was from knowing firsthand that her strength was more than what could be seen on the surface.
“My whole life I’ve been around people who take every opportunity to make me feel small and worthless, like I have to fight to prove I’m worthy just to exist,” he said. “But you never made me feel that way. The opposite actually, you made me feel safe and excited and I literally can’t imagine how anyone can know you and not know how amazing and capable and strong you are. I know you make my life better but I… I don’t exactly have the best reputation for having that effect on people. So I… as much as I missed you, I have to be honest about that because she might have a point, about me not about you! I would never try or want to hurt you but I... you’ve never lied to me and I didn’t wanna lie to you and okay I know I kind of did lie to you today but I-.”
Willow smiled and pressed her finger to his lips to stop him. He looked down at her, confused and certain he had blown everything. But her eyes were kind and gentle.
“Have you always talked so much?” She asked with a chuckle. All Hunter could do was nod in response and she laughed, which made his heart feel like it was overflowing.
“Thank you,” she said. “This whole thing is weird and I… I just don’t like people telling me what I should think or how I should feel. But it’s been happening for so long that sometimes I… I get scared when I have new or powerful feelings."
"Yeah, I... I think I can understand that," he said, remembering he thought he was enduring a curse when he first started developing feelings for the plant witch in front of him. Absence had only made the heart grow fonder because somehow, he trusted that she would be the one person who would see the opportunity to leave him and not immediately take it. He didn't want to deceive her because he did act differently aorund her, he sometimes did say things to her he wouldn't normally say to try and make her laugh, to try and make her like him more. But sometimes she laughed when he wasn't trying, sometimes she messaged him first, sometimes she remembered soemthing about him that didn't seem like an important detail. But he didn't know how to tell her how much this all meant to him without making it seem like he was telling her she had to be in his life again. He wanted her to be, of course, but only if she wanted it.
It had made him do crazy things like try and recruit her to the coven (he would confess later that while the flyer derby incident had been a more extreme example, it was not the first instance) and even write down topics and fun facts on flashcards that he kept in his pockets in case he ran into her.He would never want to leave her, but he wanted what was best for her. In his experience, people didn't often want him around, and he didn't feel like it was his place to tell her she had somehow been an exception to that; he wanted it to be her choice, every time. Because that was the only way it was real, that was the only way it mattered.
"But I think," she said softly, carefully taking one of his hands in both of hers. "I have a good feeling about you Hunter."
He wouldn't correct her. He wouldn't doubt her. He wouldn't let it be in vain. They both knew this.
He sighed as though he had been holding his breath for weeks. "Thank you... captain."
Then, suddenly, she had the strongest Deja vu as her response sprang to her lips.
"You know, if you joined the Emperor's Coven you wouldn't need to worry about going to school," said Hunter as he flew beside her, laying on his staff as though it was no big deal.
"Hmm but don't you have to wake up a like 5am?" she said, adjusting her grip on her potted plant.
"You get to sleep in til 6 on the weekends," he said as though it would seal the deal.
"Woah," she said with endearing sarcasm. "Veeery tempting, but I'll have to pass; I'm not really a morning person."
"Oh, c'mon," he insisted. "You haven't lived until you've seen the view from the top of the toes at the crack of dawn. The way the sun has all the colors when it first appears in the horizon."
"Huh, that does sounds kinda pretty..."
"Yeah, it's a 20 mile hike uphill carrying rocks on your back to build endurance... it's a truly life changing experience."
"Hmmm, yeah I'm good," she chuckled as the continued to walk.
"Miss Park, I can assure you that as my hand picked recruit I could arrange for you to have double the viewing time as the other scouts," said Hunter with pride and vigor. "Two whole minutes."
"Why do you call me that?" Willow asked as she suddenly stopped. Hunter nearly fell off his staff as he backtracked to return to where she stood.
"What do you mean? C-call you what?"
"'Miss Park,'" she said.
“Well, it’s your name,” he scoffed. “What else am I supposed to call you?”
“Well, you call Luz 'the human' and Eda ‘the Owl Lady,’ but you address me so much nicer. How come?”
“Well you’ve always addressed me with respect so I’m just returning the favor,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I-is that a problem?”
“No, it’s fine,” she said with a shrug. “But when you call me Ms. Park, it feels like I’m getting called to the principal’s office. You don’t have to be so formal; we’re friends.”
“Oh, y-yeah sure,” he said, the casual yet confident way she said ‘friends’ echoed in his mind. She was in favor of informality, it was a bit of a momentous first for him.
“You can call me Willow,” she said sweetly as she held his hand tighter. She sensed that they had this conversation once before. That it was meant to lead to a shift between them.
"Of course… Willow,” he said as though casting a caring spell. He said it softly like he always carried it with him and wanted to keep it safe high above the ground. Like it was the very air that filled his lungs.
The way he said her name triggered a memory.
Willow knew this boy wasn’t perfect, she knew whatever relationship that had once existed between them probably wasn’t perfect either. She knew it was complicated and confusing and would only get more so, but above and beyond all that she knew that while her mind could never retrieve the details of what they once were, her heart had managed to hold onto it for her. Willow hadn’t had the confidence to follow her gut in awhile, but when he said her name it felt the same safety it had when she had finally switched to the plant track.
It was a good kind of scary, a rush, a burst of light, a spark. A start. It had potential. So much could go right, so much could go wrong but either way it was destined to be so much of something.
How could Amity not see that? Surely when she had been in Willow’s mind she saw that! She must have known how much Hunter meant to her if she had been close enough to the memories involving him to-
“What if… I mean, you don’t think…”
“Do you think Amity erased my memories of you on purpose?”
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
hi!!!! i need to know your opinion on this but do you think hunter knows he has a crush on willow/what a crush is? and do you think willow has a crush on hunter? i need your huntlow opinions 😌🤌🏼
hi!!! I want you to know I have been looking forward to answering this ask all day 🥰
*slams fists on the table* NOW LET'S DO THIS THING
Now we KNOW that Hunter has a crush on Willow. I mean just look at this boy and tell me he isn't completely smitten. But does HE know? That's a bigger question.
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[ID: a screenshot from the episode "Thanks to Them," showing Hunter wearing his Cosmic Frontier cosplay and smiling and blushing at Willow (out of frame).]
For starters, I believe that Hunter does in fact know what a crush is, at least in the text book sense. He reads a lot, so it would be likely that he has encountered romance in some form through that. We know at least he likes Ruler's Reach, which despite King's edits we know still had some of Luz's influence. Also, fans who know Star Trek have pointed out that the character Hunter's blorbo is a parody of is married to a botanist so there's no way he would miss that.
Since it's common for teens to have one-sides crushes on adults in their lives like teachers or friends' older siblings, I used to head canon that when Hunter was younger he could have had baby crush on Steve or someone (bi hunter rights!) but since in "Thanks to Them" Hunter specifies that he wasn't allowed to interact much with the other scouts I now find that to be unlikely. Willow is most likely his first crush.
As for being AWARE of his crush, let's look at the timeline.
In Labyrinth Runners, Hunter is already showing signs of his crush on Willow though I don't think he is aware of what his feelings mean yet at this point. He blushes at her, he tries to make himself somewhat presentable for her, but he doesn't really know why.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Labyrinth Runners. In the first, Hunter is blushing while looking straight ahead. The second shows the moment immediately after where Gus confers with who he believes to be Willow while in the background Hunter is seen awkwardly brushing dirt off his cloak.]
But fast forward to Thanks To Them? I think he knows by now. For this reasoning I point to the "Buff Brains" scene.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Thanks to Them showing the hexsquad minus Luz in their shack. In the first, everyone is cheering and posing triumphantly all except for Hunter who is standing with his arms limply by his sides as he looks at Willow flexing and blushes from his cheeks to his ears. The second image is nearly the same except now Hunter has raised his arms to cheer with the group.]
Hunter doesn't just get distracted by Willow's muscles here, he catches himself getting distracted, which leads to him snapping himself out of it and adding on his awkward "HA HA YEAH" several seconds after everyone else has gone quiet. Hunter here to me seems like he is trying (and failing, bless him) to keep it cool, as opposed to in LR when he made no such attempts, because at that time he wasn't aware he had to. Whether or not he came to this conclusion on his own or had help from Gus or Amity is a question for fan fiction.
Now the next part of your question, does Willow have a crush on Hunter? Absolutely.
But Secretly, you say, how can you be so sure of this when Willow has never blushed at Hunter? Well I'm here to say she doesn't have to, and why? Because of Raeda.
When just looking at Hunter's side of things, or looking at our canon blushy couple lumity, it can be easy to say that only blushes equal crushes, but this isn't always the case.
Enter Raine. Raine does not typically blush at Eda, even when she blushes at them, but no one in the fandom doubts that they are in love with her.
Raine and Willow are actually a really interesting comparison because for the most part they only blush when they are embarrassed. Raine especially blushes when they are on stage.
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[ID: two screenshots, the first of which is from "I Was A Teenage Abomination" and shows Willow with bright red cheeks as Amity mocks her poor abomination skills. The second is from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine looking red and embarrassed after Eda mocked them in front of the BATs.]
The only time I could find Raine blushing at Eda was in this flashback, and they only did it AFTER they were caught being flirty not while they were LITERALLY CARESSING EDA'S HAND suggesting they were more embarrassed about being caught than anything else. And even that blush was nothing compared to how red they get on stage.
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[ID: Two screenshots from the flashback in "Eda's Requiem," showing young Eda and Raine sitting on their hilltop. In the first, Raine is shown adjusting the position of Eda's hand on her lute, while in the second Raine has pulled away and is looking to the side awkwardly with a slight blush on their face.]
Willow and Raine will literally be holding the object of their affection in their arms and not blush.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "King's Tide" and shows Willow smiling softly while carrying a Hunter over her shoulder as she has just caught him in midair. Hunter is blushing but Willow is not. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine carrying Eda bridal style while she proudly holds up a glyph. Raine is smiling but not blushing.]
Willow and Raine will BLATANTLY flirt without blushing.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Thanks to Them" and shows Willow standing in a doorway while winking and pointing at Hunter (out of frame). The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine reclining while smirking and pointing at Eda (out of frame).]
They also have these fond smiles that are reserved just for the object of their affection.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Clouds on the Horizon" the moment after Hunter and Gus have just done their special handshake. Luz looks extremely confused as she looks at them but Willow looks at them with soft eyes and smiles fondly. The second is a screenshot from the flashback of "Eda's Requiem" and shows young Eda and Raine on their hilltop while Eda plays her lute. Raine is leaning their head on their knee and looking at Eda with soft eyes like Willow's and a fond smile on their face.]
Damn, these spot the difference games are getting tough!
And just for fun, let's compare Hunter and Eda.
These two blush early and often.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "Any Sport in a Storm" from the moment after Willow refers to "Caleb's" next day off. Hunter looks back at her with Flapjack on his shoulder and has a slight blush on his cheeks. The second is from "Them's The Breaks Kids" from the moment after Teen Raine has just done an impressive grudgby move. Teen Eda stands holding the ball with a light blush on her cheeks.]
I mean look at them.
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[image ID: the first is a screenshot from "Labyrinth Runners." Willow has pulled Hunter in for a group hug with her and Gus. Hunter is blushing deeply and has a confused and distressed look on his face. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Eda smiles and blushing while Raine extends their hand to her.]
In addition, we know Willow goes completely FERAL when Hunter is in danger.
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[ID: two screenshots from "Clouds on the Horizon." The first shows an angry looking Willow, surrounded by vines she has summoned and eyes glowing with green magic and spell circles around her hands. The second shows Willow frantically trying to start the air ship to go after Hunter who she believes has been kidnapped while Amity tries to assist while also telling Willow to slow down.]
Of course, Willow is a protective spirit by nature, but we've never seen her act so rashly to protect her other friends, not even Gus or Luz. Because if you recall, to protect her friends Willow thinks she must be both strong and wise. It would have been wiser to take a minute to come up with a plan to retrieve Hunter before jumping in, it was not so wise to try to commandeer and airship that she has no idea how to fly. This is significant because Willow's emotions are so strong here they are overpowering the part of her that's usually rational and likes to think things through before acting. She cares about Hunter so much.
So in conclusion, Willow definitely likes Hunter back. She at least is more likely to actually be aware of her feelings from early on though, since unlike Hunter she had normal social interactions growing up and is more likely to be familiar with the subject of crushes.
Thanks so much for asking!
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More content for my "Hunter can see the previous Golden Guard ghosts after Thanks to Them" AU, now renamed "Golden Medium AU": Dadrius edition
At some point, Darius tells Hunter that he was so worried because he wasn't even sure if Hunter was still alive. Because there was one moment while he was a puppet when he had the same feeling he had when his mentor died. Like how Camila cried when Luz died. The bond they had was strong enough to let them just know.
Hunter doesn't know what to respond. If he should tell him the truth. But he didn't want to make Darius more worried like he already stated. If he should provide comfort.
That's when Darius' mentor appears and he is just looking at Darius. Hunter thinks that he isn't even aware that Hunter is there too. The sorrow, regret and pain on his face was so obvious.
It actually looked kind of peaceful. Two friends who could share their guilt.
Two people who are both grieving for the other while being seperated in two different realms.
"I don't blame you, you know. I don't know what led you to treat me the way you did back then and you don't have to tell me right now but for all it's worth? I fell safe with you. I can rely on you. You are my family. You are my home. And that's more than anything I ever dreamt of."
Darius turns to Hunter, eyes glassy, and he hugs him, holding him tightly. And Hunter just melts into the touch.
When the hug is over, Darius is smiling. But he still has that look of being stuck in the past.
"I am sure he would be proud too", Hunter says.
Darius with his signature smile now but not because of the content of Hunters words but because of Hunters action itself. It means so much to him that his boy he cares so much about cares about him just as much.
But behind Darius? His mentor is grinning. He finally fades away for the day without any signs of sadness.
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kolapon-art · 2 years
A case for Hunter’s bisexuality and why it isn’t just a headcanon anymore
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I can’t believe I have to do this post but some people still think him being bi is more of a suggestion and not implied canon that has to be respected, so I guess I gotta make a case as the local bisexual and a Hunter fan.
So there’s two main reasons.
1. As we know Luz made a presentation about her coming out in which Gus and Amity participated so therefore we can conclude that those two are aware what being bi means. As for Willow? She put lesbian and bi flag stickers in her scrapbook. And if they know so does Hunter since he wont be excluded from Luz explaining to them. So Hunter is very aware what being bi means and he put it a rainbow patch in these colors on his sweater. 
2. Environmental storytelling.
Now that the in-universe reasons are out of the way, let’s talk about the crew putting that patch there. It is not the first time the crew has used a detail such as this to confirm a sexuality since something similar happened with Eda, with the bi rainbow on her box. So if the crew didnt want to allude to it, then they would have not put a rainbow patch there or would have used different colors.  But they used this very specific color scheme after they implied that hunter is very well aware what it means. Otherwise why would the misderect us like this, about a character whose sexuality was not confirmed until now? Things like this are very deliberate and not just “random”.
*additionally, it’s not the owl house but sasha from amphibia was confirmed in a similar way, with a bi sticker on her car’s rear view mirror and i don’t see anyone denying this as a solid confirmation
And now that the reasons are out of the way, I will address some arguments I’ve seen such as: 
“Hunter wanted to support Luz”
If he wanted to support Luz, he would have also supported Amity with a lesbian rainbow on that sweater. It’s why Camila doesn’t have a bi flag pin but the general rainbow flag pin since she is supporting all the kids, not just Luz. 
“The rainbow is random cause Hunter has all kinds of random patches there”
He indeed has random patches there but he also has patches that pertain to his interest and past (like the wolf and the golden triangle patch). So while some are random, others are very much not. And circling back to the environmental storytelling bit, the crew won’t play around lightly with flags and a character whose sexuality was not confirmed until now.
“It’s just a flag, it’s not a confirmation”
Amity was also never stated to be a lesbian in-show or Eda as a bisexual for that matter and yet we have subtle confirmations with both of them and no one will deny it. And going back to Sasha from Amphibia who was also confirmed with just a sticker. Still no one denies she is a bi. So why deny Hunter?
In conclusion, respect my boy’s bisexuality and cease the erasure cause I am starting to enter “stomping to death with my hooves” mode. 
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lollytea · 2 years
in love with the fact the Halloween costumes haven't left (and Hunter's still in his wolf shirt). you'd think the crew would have them change into clothes more tonally appropriate for trying to stop the end of the world and having breakdowns and emotional conversations and personal revelations and catharsis but NOPE. sometimes scary/important shit happens when you are unprepared and aren't dressed for the occasion and you gotta deal with it!! unironically love that. they're KIDS, MAN!
I am so grateful honestly because their costumes fucking SLAP!!! Not an ugly fit in sight. And you're right, it really emphasises just how young and carefree they really are. Just a bunch of silly kids who who were torn away from their silly Halloween party and unexpectedly thrown into this madness.
Because I'm Like This, I've also been thinking a lot about the symbolism of their outfits since TTT aired. I'm probably reaching and none of this was unintentional but it's still fun to think about.
Gus, dressed as Captain Avery, the protagonist of the awesome Human Realm book that helped him cope with missing his Dad. The book with the line "We'll find a way back. We have to." A line that apparently stuck with Gus enough that he immediately made the connection once Hunter said it. I like to think the resilient hopeful tone of Cosmic Frontier was something that helped Gus keep his spirits up.
Not to mention that it's Sci-Fi, something that is so distinctively human. Gus, the boy who has defined himself as a passionate human enthusiast, whose dream is to become an ambassador to their Realm, is gonna shine in the final episode wearing a symbol of all his enduring optimism and passion and imagination.
Willow is a peculiar case. She is, ironically, a girl who was once considered half a witch now wearing a big loud declaration that she is, in fact, a witch in full. And then some!! It's not in the same vein that Luz and Amity are dressed as magic girl-esque witches. Willow's got the whole ooky spooky cackling and spiderwebs kinda witch vibe. Well, to be specific, it's a bit of a witch/devil hybrid.
Like let's get it out of the way, she looks like Evelyn. The stripey tights, the jagged skirt, the fact that her costume was originally meant to be red, just like the witchy cutout that hung above them during the hayride. Although only the last episode will tell if anything is gonna come from this. Maybe it's just a coincidence. But I think it's very interesting that she's dressed as a stereotypical reflection of how the Human Realm views witches/demons. And then there's Belos, a human man who is defined by his black and white perception of witches as the scum of the earth. He believes they're wild, they're evil, they're dangerous, they're monstrous. Which, at first glance, doesn't represent Willow at all. But then FTF happens, and the viewer is reminded that Willow's magic can be unstable. That she can be dangerous. She can be monstrous.
However, there's also that little W patch on her arm, reminding us that she may be a witch but she's also a silly girl named Willow wearing a personalised Halloween costume. She's not defined by being dangerous. She's so much more than that. She's full witch Willow and she's going out with a bang.
Amity is dressed as Hecate, Azura's rival turned friend turned heavily wlw coded best friend (I guess???), which obviously mirrors Amity's own role when the story initially began. There's a bit of significance linked to the Azura books and what they mean to Amity. Namely, from Lost in Language, when her chilly exterior began to crack. Her secret hideaway in the library was discovered, which acts as a representation of the person that she really is, but desperately tries to hide. And, on full display, was the Azura books. She had all but one, which Luz allowed her borrow. The missing piece that set Amity's whole motivation to change into motion.
That book was the tentative olive branch between her and Luz. And, with Luz's influence, it kickstarted her journey into becoming a better person, taking control of her own life, cutting toxic relationships, repairing others, etc. It's possible that Amity wouldn't be the kind and happy girl she is today without the Azura books. So, her diving into the finale while representing those books is very sweet. Also....I love her Hecate outfit. Its SOOOOOO pretty. The boots, the dress, the celestial aesthetic!!! Serve!!!!
I feel like I don't need to go that in depth about the significance of Hunter's costume. We all get it. He discovered Cosmic Frontier when he was struggling to come to terms with his status as a grimwalker, which severely clouded his sense of identity. Hunter not only connected with O'Bailey, but it gave him the opportunity to see a representation of a thing he hated about himself from a more empathetic perspective. Hunter accepted O'Bailey, Hunter loved O'Bailey, Hunter became obsessed with O'Bailey. The book was probably a big stepping stone in accepting himself. Hunter cannot ignore the fact that he's a grimwalker. He can't sweep it under the rug. But he can embrace it. As somebody who is tied to the legacy of Caleb Wittebane against his will, it must be comforting to feel like he can latch on to a cool space hero, rather than an anonymous witch hunter from 400 years ago.
Hunter's sense of identity is very important to his arc. So, the T-shirt is also very fitting. Hunter's gonna have his final confrontation Belos, who constructed him as a doll of someone else, while wearing the wolf T-shirt he personalized himself and a homemade O'Bailey costume. Because his name is Hunter and Hunter loves wolves, sewing and Cosmic Frontier.
And Luz....man. I feel like there's SO MUCH significance to Luz ending this story dressed as the Good Witch Azura and I don't even think I can do it justice. It's like....that's her. Azura means everything to her. It's shaped her into the person she is today. The Good Witch Azura is the reason Luz loves magic. And if Luz didn't love magic, she never would have stayed in the Demon Realm. It brought her closer to Amity. It's what inspired her to read and write and draw and imagine and create. It's an outlet for all her passion for stories. It was the thing that comforted her and brought her genuine hapiness during the darkest point in her entire life. It reminds her just how much Manny loved her. It reminds her just how much she loves Manny.
Luz is a character who is defined by all this relentless love and almost all of it can be linked back to Azura. Fiction, art, magic, family. She's a kid who has endured so much pain but she has such a capacity for appreciating the eccentricities of the world around her. She's full of light.
It's worth noting that Luz began the story having a hard time differentiating fantasy from reality. As such, using the Azura universe as a form of escapism was a little unhealthy. However, that's not the case anymore. Luz has matured into a much wiser person, but that doesn't mean she has to let go of her love for fantasy stories. She's found this perfect balance where she can accept the world as it is, while still being able to indulge in her storybooks in a healthy way. I don't think Azura will ever stop being an important aspect of her life.
Luz is carrying the memory of Manny with her until the finale. She's weird and she has always been loved for being weird and once this is all over, she'll keep being weird and she'll keep being loved for it.
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rfswitchart · 7 months
What Redemption Means to Me
With the passing of Akira Toriyama as well as some things going on in my life, I think I'd like to talk about something that means a lot to me in writing... Redemption Arcs. Obviously, Vegeta's gonna be talked about here. Hunter from Owl House, sure. And I'll even throw Zuko from ATLA in here for free.
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All three of them are considered evil right off the bat. They don't hide that they will do cruel and horrible things to either get their way or because it's fun. Then we find out that they weren't really evil so much as horribly abused and used to serve a purpose (Vegeta was basically handed to Frieza because King Vegeta and the rest of the Sayians were oppressed. Hunter did everything for Belos, who he thought was his uncle, and that Belos 'cared' for him. Zuko was 'dishonored' because his father said so, not to mention he got his face burned by his father.) And that their behavior is a reflection of the suffering and lives they've had. That, of course, is why we see them change...
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Vegeta, on his dying breath in the battle against Frieza, basically told Goku everything about the fate of the Sayians, crying tears of anguish because he couldn't avenge his people after what the alien tyrant did. His heart changes even further when he has a relationship with Bulma and they have Trunks and Bulla. Does he lapse back into old habits and desire to defeat Goku? Sure. But even when he becomes Majin, he realizes that his family give him something strength can never give him. Love, the love of family long lost, and hope that his species will live on through his children.
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Hunter, meanwhile, meets Luz and it made him question if helping his uncle is worth it. This was further compounded after kidnapping the Entrails when he realized he was hurting Willow and would rob them of their palismen to feed Belos and grant him a longer life. After seeing he was just a disposable puppet and clone of Belos brother (That he murdered,) Hunter fled to Hexside and eventually befriended Gus. Hunter lived a sheltered life and is saved by friendship and love (yes, Hunter and Willow were basically in love from the get go. Y'all need better media literacy if you think otherwise.)
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Now, Zuko is a little different. Sure, the Gaang did help him figure things out and help him see the error in his ways, but who are we kidding. The thing that truly put Zuko on the path of good was his uncle, Iroh. Iroh never lost faith in his nephew, even when the boy lost his way and betrayed him. He always tried to show Zuko the right path to follow and give him advice when he needed it. Granted, it couldn't help Zuko make a decent cup of tea, but hey, he did at least come to understand what was right and gave him the tools to forge his own destiny.
Personally, I like these stories because my life has also been a redemption arc of sorts. Stop me if you've heard this one before. I was bullied and abused by family, classmates, friends, and lovers. I hurt people and lashed out because I was hurt and scared, even people I care about. And then, realized I messed up and having people who genuinely love and support me, I started to change into a better, more loving and compassionate person. Characters like Vegeta, Hunter, and Zuko are the kinds of people I am. People who have been misguided and done wrong, but also have worked hard to become much better people. No one is ever beyond redemption... I mean, unless you're Frieza, Belos, or Ozai. Fuck them.
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emeraldart · 1 year
New AU: Combining the Hunter is raised in human realm and Vee is raised in human realm AUs
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(Vee looks different because she’s disguised as a random scout)
[ID: It’s a comic with characters from The Owl House. First panel: Boots run over red grass. Text: Hunter: “Cmon, cmon!” Second panel: Owlbert’s wing is visible. A bag with “human treasure” written on it is in the middle. Text: Eda: “Nice haul, Owlbert. Hey! Get away from my door!”
Third panel: A hand holds the door frame. On one side, there’s rain. Text: Hunter: “This way!” Fourth panel: A marigold under the rain. Text: Vee: “Hunter, where are we?” Fifth panel: Vee’s arm is around Hunter. She has brown skin and red hair. Her ears are visible. Hunter is in his Golden Guard uniform without a mask. They both have scratches and tears in their clothing. Text: Hunter: “I think… we’re in the human realm.” Luz: “Mami! I hear something!” End ID.]
Lore dump under cut (there’s a lot)
Maybe about 4 years precanon Hunter is just hanging out and meets Vee and they become best friends (but he definitely doesn’t see her as a little sister because that’d be ridiculous and he’s not at all attached). About 2 years precanon the kiddos are just hanging out when Belos finds them and stuff gets bad. They run but Belos has to keep it low key so the people wont know he’s a bitch. Vees disguise is just based on a scout but due to limited magic she still has spots, ears, etc. They find Eda selling her human trash and Vee thinks it’s a great idea to hide behind this funky looking door with the rain behind it. And then, oh my titan, the rain doesn’t boil. Hunter figures out they’re in the human realm.
Luz (who’s maybe about 12?) finds a pointy eared boy with pink eyes and a shapeshifter so this is the best day of her life. But they’re injured! She calls her Mami who is very confused but she sees hurt kids and is like mine now. So now she’s got these magic children on the run from a mysterious realm. Neat. Through the power of plot armor (idk) they’re officially adopted. They take time to warm up to Camila but they take to Luz instantly.
Luz has 2 magic siblings so she’s even more into fantasy now. So, reality check camp. The principal is meaner because this girl is constantly sneaking her homeschooled siblings into school. So yeah, summer camp. Hunter and Vee are not happy but not really confident enough to tell Camila that. So they wait with their sister for the bus.
Then! An owl comes! Luz starts chasing it and then they start chasing her. Hunter and Vee recognize the isles and possibly Eda. They’re all freaked out but Luz is like, yay! Now we can figure out where you’re from! This is like a side mystery. They do the regular adventures but with noceda sib bickering. Occasionally there’s curiosity in finding Hunter and Vees mysterious parents they’re being vague about and not really being helpful.
In AOAW, Hunter and Vee are being really weird about skipping the field trip but okay, they’re weird all the time. Maybe there’s a mini adventure of them bringing Amity her homework or something. So in YBOS they gotta save Eda. This is a horrible idea but sure why not. Luz’s siblings are being especially mean to Lilith even though she’s trying to be better. Luz doesn’t like her either but like why are they being so mean?
In that part where they find Belos her siblings are so scared but then he grabs them. Luz tries to get them but he takes them to some other room. Oh titan. She does the whole biz but doesn’t find her siblings so she’s very scared.
Meanwhile! Vee is returned to the Conformitorium. Belos doesn’t really have anyone to refill his supplies so he kinda needs her and Hunter. He locks Hunter in his old room and gives him an ultimatum. He does his old duties as GG or else he’ll replace him and Vee. He can’t escape during missions because Vees still at the Conformitorium.
In Separate Tides, Hunter catches up Luz and King on the ship and then Eda robs it. They clarify things, figure things out, etc. So Luz has isn’t entirely reunited with her siblings but she knows where they are. She probably tells Willow, Gus, and Amity, too.
In Hunting Palismen, they free the palismen and defest Kiki so, high on power, they break Vee out. They kinda sorta come home at they same time as Eda and King do with the wood so that’s an interesting conversation. So the next few eps are the same but with siblings and more trauma. Maybe Hunter and Willow also get together in knock knock knockin or maybe not. Maybe during then Vee thinks about a pretty enby they knew in the human realm. There’s also lumity here and there because lumity. Eclipse Lake Belos never gets the key but they only use half the blood and the key is taken Post hollow mind when the EC takes the owl house. Yesterdays Lie has all 3 Nocedas talking to Camila who does know they’re missing in this one. Cue depressing reunion. ASIAS is just silly kids play sports. Maybe there’s a small run in with the EC. In E&E, Luz is extra sus of phil especially with his drawing (of her ‘mano???) but the others stay home to meet del.
Hollow Mind! Night market incident where they just… bump into the traitors. Oops. Still just Luz and Hunter now with less bickering over if Belos is evil because y’know they know. At the end Hunter still runs so Labyrinth Runners can still happen. Vee is there for the whole “you’re a titan, King” deal and comforts him because she gets it. She’s been there.
The siblings reunite in COTH and there’s some minor changes in with Vee in the Belos fight and maybe she goes back to the demon realm with them? (It also makes sense if she isn’t ready). Plot wise it’s the same after Kings Tide but Camilas closer with Hunter and Vee (calling them mijo and mija more, etc.) and sadder because all her kids were missing and there wasn’t really a doppelgänger so she knew they were gone the whole time.
I hope at least some of this made sense :)
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crimeronan · 2 years
watching eclipse lake nowadays is a real treat it's so good. perfect ep in every way. rewatch value SO high. cannot express enough the. sheer lack of a word for the very specific emotion that consumes me watching hunter threaten luz's life sounding all confident and callous and in-control-of-the-sitch and i-don't-have-a-knife-to-my-throat, when i know.... what he's like later. and also what he and luz are like later. somewhere between giddiness and euphoria. kicking my feet. giggling. twirling. boy you may be a grumpy hardass with issues NOW but that specific girl ur threatening is gonna give you so many extra mental illnesses 100% for free. plus more mysterious unnamed conditions soon to be defined in the next version of the dsm. boy you and that girl are gonna fuck each other's lives up so bad and also be the best thing that's ever happened to each other i know you're annoyed now and maybe desperate-hunter even MEANS the threat but boy. boy. angel child. [he doesnt even know the economic state of america voice] he doesn'T even knOW that's his platonic soulmate with problems and also that he will someday learn how to laugh. magnifique. god. eclipse lake hunter is everything i love him so much i love it so much thanks for coming. 2. the ted talk. sorry
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kittiwittebane · 10 months
Luz is American and therefore would use American English words, but I am a British English (mainly) speaker, so if I mention something that is not American or does not exist in America, I apologise. Example: Lollies VS candy. I use lollies and America (apparently, not gonna assume) uses candy. I’ll try to use the correct terminology, but in all due respect, this is Fanfiction, not a published novel from the greatest writer in the world.
References: MOVIE: A Quiet Place//NETFLIX//M RATED//HORROR/SCI-FI//(Recommend, good 👍)
Hunter picked up his scroll as a notification pinged on the screen. Luz.
Heyyyyy 😀!
Sleepover at the owl house tonight! 😁
LUz gO awa.y im sTUdiy/in.g tonight
Willows going to be there 😏
I m.eAn i ha’v. A little biT o.f ti,me ma8be
Knew it.
See you there!
Hunter cursed himself under his breath. Why did he say yes because Willow was going to be there? He knew now that his feelings for her were called ‘romantic’ and ‘a crush’, but all he’s going to get is teasing and he knows it. He sighed, getting off of his computer that Camila had given him. He walked downstairs, still cursing himself.
“Uh- Darius?” Hunter asked cautiously. Not his first time asking about something, but something about this made him feel nervous.
“Yes, little prince?”
“Uh, Luz has invited me to a ‘halloween party’. Can I go?” Hunter twiddled his thumbs together. Darius gave him a blank look.
“Yeah sure,” Darius replied. “Not like we are doing anything.” He placed a glass of Clawhey’s Extra Strong Boor on the table. “I’m having someone over anyways. Not like it’ll inconvenience that.”
Hunter nodded as if taking this very seriously. “Right. But uh, you were a teenager once right?”
Darius gave him a confused stare. “No way.” he snorted. “Thought I was born at forty-five.”
Hunter blushed. “That’s not- I mean-” He spluttered frantically. “How do you like… wow someone?” Cringy jazz hands were displayed to Darius in hope of them somehow increasing the knowledge to the situation.
“You want to impress someone?” Darius’s curiosity arose, despite having a very good idea of who.
“N-no! It’s like.. Hypothetically…?” Hunter stuttered awkwardly, his tooth gap showing as his face progressively turned a brighter hue of red.
“Well your Captain likes flowers so-” he cut himself off to admire the beautiful shade his son’s face, ears and apparently arms had so quickly turned to after the mention of his captain.
“Ex-excuse me!?” Hunter spluttered. “Who said this had anything to do with-”
“Hunter, I’m not stupid. You talk about her twenty-four/seven. There are pictures of her on your desk. And I found one under your pillow. Don’t play dumb. Like… everyone except her knows you are soft for her.” Darius continued, purely to annoy Hunter to the point where the boy’s body turns the same shade of crimson that his ears had. Hunter’s jaw had dropped so much that Darius could stuff Hunter’s ‘secret’ bi flag in it. Darius’s lips curled into a smirk.
“What, little prince?” his smirk only grew, Hunter becoming speechless. The blonde boy made a series of intelligible noises, each one being understandable in every way possible to his adoptive father’s ears. Darius shook his head.
“Go get ready.” he instructed the stuttering, hormonal teenage boy. Hunter shut his eyes and just accepted this.
“Will do.” he squeaked.
Hunter turned up at The Owl House cautiously. He knocked.
“Hooty, who is it?” Luz’s voice yelled. Hooty stuck his head out the window.
“Hoot hoot! It’s the weird blonde kid with the crush on Willow!” Hooty shouted back to Luz. Hunter blushed furiously.
“HOOTY!” he hissed. “My name is Hunter!” Hunter paused. “And I don’t have a crush on Willow.” he flushed, rubbing his arm. He looked down.
“Suuuuuuuurre!” Hooty mocked him. “I read the thing you wrote.”
Hunter’s head whipped up, flashback of the notebook he’d written his feelings in. TITAN! Hunter panicked.
“What writing?” he faltered, failing to hide the fact he had, in fact, written something a little bit… hormonal, to say it one way.
(:O Not like dat you dirty mind >:O)
“Don’t try to hide it with the names ‘O’Bailey’ and ‘Lily’. We aaaaallll know it’s just Hunter and Willowww!” Hooty nodded. Hunter sighed in relief. Hooty had only found his O’Bailey X Lily fanfiction. Not his diary. Hooty continued to babble on about his fanfiction, while Luz came to the door and let Hunter in.
“Even Hooty knows you have a massive crush on Willow, Hunter! How does she not realise it?!”
“Shhh Luz!” Hunter snapped.
“She’s not here, stop worrying.”
Luz complained impatiently. “Why can’t you just ask her out! You’re worse than me and Amity!”
A small gasp was heard from the room beside them, just as they were about to walk in.
“We weren’t that bad!” Amity’s lip wobbled fakely. Luz just smiled and shook her head. Hunter and Luz sat down with Amity, Gus and Vee. Now they were only waiting on Willow.
“Willow!” Luz greeted her friend with a hug. Hunter smiled adoringly, watching from just beside the walls to the next room.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, kid?”
Hunter whipped around and smacked Eda in the face in a fight response.
“EDA!” he snapped. “You frightened me!”
Eda gifted Hunter with a rude stare. Raine showed up beside her.
“He’s looking at Willow.” Raine explained. “Haven't you noticed his extremely noticeable crush?”
Eda looked at Raine blankly. She shook her head. Raine sighed, abandoning any plan to try and help Eda understand. It wasn’t going to work. Hunter proceeded to turn what now seemed to be his face’s normal colour. He dismissed them both, walking back to the room. He could hear Willow’s footsteps as her and Luz approached the room. While Willow came in and sat down, Luz walked straight past the door. She started into a sprint, quite quickly coming back with small black boxes. She handed one to each of them.
“I got us all a little something. I know Hallween is a one-night thing, but you can use these whenever you want!” she exclaimed excitedly. Gus went straight into ripping his open.
“Oh, cool!” Gus grinned, pulling out a pair of bat pyjamas. Willow’s eyes lit up at the sight of Gus’s present. She opened hers as quickly as Gus had opened his. But in a more calm manner. She pulled out some black pumpkin pyjamas with vines all over the sleeves.
“Awww!” She held the cloth up to her face. “Thank you Luz!”
The rest of them, now intrigued, opened theirs. Amity pulled out a pair with black cats on them, while Vee found a witchy themed one in her hands. Hunter was the last to do so, and he took out his own one, which had werewolves on them. Forgetting where he was, and only caring about the fact they had wolves on them, Hunter’s eyes became wide as pans and seemed to shimmer. He hugged the pyjamas. The rest of the group giggled, and Hunter snapped back to reality. He coughed.
“I mean they’re cool I guess.” Hunter mumbled. Willow giggled softly and Hunter turned to her. His face returned to the carmine colour it has been so frequently this week. Willow thought that was cute.
“Heh, your face is all red.” she giggled. Hunter went a brighter shade of ruby. Luz clapped her hand together loudly, snapping everyone’s attention back to her.
“I wanted to go trick-or-treating but I decided that if I just bought the candy and we had a halloween sleepover it would be cool?” Luz explained.
“Yeah!” Hunter smiled, still ecstatic about his new pyjamas. He’s adorable… Willow thought. Without any warning, Luz pulled out a bag from under her bed and then proceeded to pull out bags of candy. Starbursts, Skittles, M&M’s, random chocolate bars that nobody bothered to read the label on. Though it probably wasn’t the best idea, Luz put on a movie on the TV she’d managed to shove through the portal, and they watched a movie while eating tons of candy. Luz had found a horror movie called A Quiet Place. They all huddled together on the couch.
“This might be a bit scary.” Luz announced quite loudly. Hunter, not waiting to show fear even though after reading the description was terrified, he smirked.
“The only one who would be scared is you, Luz. I’ve lived as the Golden Guard on the Boiling Isles for as long as I can remember.”
Luz grinned. “Of course, Hunter.” she nodded solemnly. “You are the strongest of them all.” she bowed to him. Hunter did not appreciate the mock. Luz turned the lights off and they sat down, facing the TV, Vee was on the very far right end, then Amity, Luz, Hunter, Willow, Gus.
“Whatever Luz. I guess we will see when the movie starts.”
Hunter was tense. Not a little bit, he was really really tense. The suspense of the movie scared him. The fact that there was no talking was freaky. The blanket Hunter had somehow acquired at some point during the movie was only allowing his eyes to be shown.he was wrapped up in it, but Luz being the sibling she is, decided to steal it.
“Hey!” Hunter whined. “I was using that!” Luz just snickered.
“Lol do not caaare!” she sang. Hunter whimpered. That was his safe space! He turned back to the movie, curling up timidly. A minute later, he got a tap on the shoulder.
“We can share if you want.” a small, soft voice whispered. Hunter turned to see Willow holding her blanket open. He blushed furiously, hoping the fact that the lights were off hid it.
“Itsfineiamok.” Hunter mumbled quickly. (It’s fine I am ok). Willow beckoned him to share with her. He tried to say no but she didn’t give up. His blush did not calm down as he finally agreed. He moved over a little bit. Willow noticed he was shy, and moved the rest of the way for him. She wrapped the blanket around him and moved a tiny bit closer. Their shoulders were touching, and Willow decided to close the small gap they had between them. She leant on him, unaware of the dark scarlet colour that had just overtaken the small ruby hue that dusted his cheeks. Slowly, due to the lack of noise, Willow fell asleep. Her head rested on Hunter’s shoulder. Usually, she’d be snoring. But she’d knocked herself out with sugar.
Oh my Titan… Hunter whined inwardly. She looks so peaceful and beautiful when she sleeps… maybe I should… hmm…
And to that thought, Hunter’s mind shut down and sleep overtook him. His head fell onto Willow’s. Absent-mindedly, Hunter’s body decided that Willow was a stuffed toy and he hugged her firmly.
“OH MY TITANNNNN!” Luz whispered urgently. “EEEEEEEEEEE!”
Amity looked at her girlfriend, then saw the scene behind her.
“Ew.” Amity retched quietly.
“QUICK AMITY WHERE THE TITAN IS MY PHONE?!” Luz panicked. She fumbled the blankets as quietly as she could to find it.
“Hehe blackmail.” was the last thing she said before taking the photo and falling asleep with Amity.
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captainmera · 10 months
I cant believe I gone this far into the Caleb fic without realizing flapjack isn't present lol, when do you plan on bringing the best boy into the story? Is he gonna be Caleb's emotional support birb ? What's you headcannons on the lil rascal ?
I want Evelyn to give him some palistrom wood, once she hears of his passion for woodwork. :)
I want Evelyn and Caleb to encourage one another in areas where the other is a little insecure.
Some character arc thoughts: SO SPOILERS
Caleb starts off as a depressed pessimist who feels stuck in life and powerless. Like this is all he'll ever be and that there's no point in having dreams when they're unrealistic.
His dream being to tell stories, make figurines for those stories (as he can't write or read) and give the figurines to people who feel touched by the story the figure is in. He wants to bring his own kind of magic to people, the kind that can bring people out of the dark headspace he's in - which are stories of various types. Stories helps him escape and feel like there are good things after a hard journey - that then, perhaps, the same is true for him.
He dismisses his dream because he feels like it's just.. not true. He's just being a dreamer.
Subsequently, of course, Evelyn thinks that sounds a lot like how Palistrom carvers work, a profession that's very scarce in the demon realm as it takes someone with a lot of heart and imagination (and willingness to give away that love) to create unique palismen.
Caleb needs someone to unchain him from the ground he's fasten himself too out of fear of floating too far into the sky. He's allowed to fly.
And Evelyn,
I haven't had the chance to go into her yet, as this story is mostly (right now) told from Caleb's POV.
But Evelyn is a powerful witch and very talented. People often say she's wasting her time doing research on something as useless as the human realm. That her potential isn't reached. She's an extrovert, who wants friends, but they take advantage of her for being powerful and well-known for that. (Kinda like Gus!)
She has no genuine friends. But she cares so much, and means so well, and keeps getting let down.
I want for Evelyn to make Caleb realise he's not powerless, that his dream isn't silly or even unachievable. That he's allowed, actually, to break away from the strict rules. He can be the flamboyant exccentric who tells stories if he wants to be.
I want for Caleb to show Evelyn that she's not just her talents. He has no context of why or how she's "wasting her potential", he thinks she's amazing. Not because she's poweful, but because her heart inspires him. To him, she's fun, she's free, he likes her in places where others find her annoying (but feigns not to be to stay in her favour). Caleb is forward with her, has been from the start. She needs someone to grab her arm and ground her a bit, not to chide her, but because they care and know that she'll be upset if it doesn't go the way she thought.
They level each other that way. :)
And I want them to have fun with each other, be playful and snarky, honest and... Because of how they met and started, they have no reason to not be honest.
I wanted him to carve him, after Caleb dares to open up a bit more.
And because he's a human, like Luz (and I guess Hunter??), he's limited on what kinda magic he can do. So flying, mainly, and maybe zip-zaps. But to him, that's incredible.
And also terrrifying. Because that makes him a witch. But also, now he has a buddy he can babble on and on with.
"NO DON'T, AGH, STOP! You can't follow me around! People will think you're a familiar!! ... Actually, do you know what kinda flowers Ev likes?? Can you make flowers? No? Hm.. Help me find flowers then."
Kinda like how Hunter panics at first and is all SHOO SHOO and then ten seconds later babbles his heart out to the bird.
Flapjack becomes one of those emotional support animals. lol.
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