#i mean who doesnt honestly have u seen her
melancholiaenthroned · 4 months
ok ive slept on it i feel like i can talk about the ep better now... basically whats craziest to me is that if any of it was intentional it could be so good. i dont think wed ever actually get a season where the bad kids r protrayed as in the wrong, but if they were a little more self aware the ways that theyve also been overtaken by rage could be seen. gorgug especially, and especially because it was channeled through porter's mentorship, who the bad kids can conceptualize as manipulating gorgug but not the rat grinders. its interesting because esp w/o their favorite npcs this season the bad kids have rlly closed in on themselves and become a lot more codependent, seeming to constantly suspect anyone new of possibly betraying them. which in a meta way makes sense, cuz its players v brennan, but in universe it comes across as crazy paranoid and cliquey and theyre just so unaware of it that any way it could have come across as interesting comes across as frustrating instead. like a lot of what they do and say to the rat grinders comes across as straight up bullying, and they genuinely seem to derive pleasure from putting them down. which again, in a meta way makes sense, but in universe it makes u wonder WHY were meant to find the rat grinders dislike of the bad kids so horrible when the bad kids hatred is justified. even kipperlily at her worst thoughts -- those are thoughts she shared in therapy. are we meant to begrudge a 17 year old girl speaking to her therapist about her feelings? not even actions, literally just thoughts in her head? that she was again sharing, and probably couldve worked through if not for magical interference, confidentially in therapy? were meant to hate ruben, who doesnt even LIKE kipperlily either, who didnt start becoming the person the bad kids seem to hate until AFTER he died and was magically resurrected changed. why? oh because hes an enemy and this is a battle episode and hes on the field. ruben acting in what is quite literally self defense and being told "you were a waste of time" and having no idea whats going on and responding "what do you mean? youre killing my friends!" i swear to god if that insight check on buddy hadnt been a nat 1 i think we honestly would have gotten a whole different episode
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smg4-actor-au · 2 months
haiiiii ^_^ hi!! hiiiiii <3 haiiiiii hii :3
//ooc: ok so this post is gona be different than usual. why? well that's because i'll be stating my opinion on the meme factory mini arc or whatever it's called-- oh yeah you're gonna get some spoilers so watch the arc first/nf :3
i personally found it... good! not the best, but also not the worst. i'll give it a 7/10 or 3.5 stars :3 i'll be listing the positives and negatives:
leggy being cute as always
mr puzzles being kinda of the good guy (?)
meggy having a slightly more positive viewig of puzzles :D
that line from smg4 at the end was...... something.
speaking of smg3's boyfr-- i mean smg4, bro just enslaved one of his "best friends" (meggy as leggy) to work for him??? not cool smg4 :/
as much as i'm mainly neutral about both 4 and puzzles, in this arc and the recent episodes, smg4 was an ass and puzzles was amazing, i love him
a statement in reddit by u/gerrfrut describes EXACTLY how i felt about smg4 (the character) in the arc:
" "I can't imagine what Mr. Puzzles must have done to brainwash you into helping him"
Dude, YOU are the one who is to blame for this. You've seen her become Leggy, chose NOT to help her, but instead made her a SLAVE for a factory (which endangered the whole crew by giving Mr. Puzzles a way to get 5 stars), and had the AUDACITY to shift the blame from himself to Mr. Puzzles right into her face? Mr. Puzzles did not brainwash her, but instead acted nicer to her, which naturally led her into being more inclined to trust Mr. Puzzles more than SMG4 (you know you've fucked if the VILLAIN has more decency than you).
Also once again, there is zero repercussions for his actions. I really hope the crew will stop being gaslit by him one day and beat his ass to get him back into his sences. That's basically it. Sorry for the complaining, but SMG4 is acting insufferable and I am tired of ignoring this"
it's a M I N I arc, not a full-on major story arc like revelations or some shit like that, what did you expect?! honestly, the fandom was and always will be the all-time worst part of smg4 for me. tbh, i'm pretty sure no matter how good or bad a episode is, someone will ALWAYS try to make it look worse. okay this post is getting WAYYY to long so i'll end it here, feel free to tell your opinions in the comments/reblogs! BYEEEEE---
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Gray & Erza Hcs
someone sent in an ask about their friendship and i accidentally deleted it but you know who u are, this is for you
these two have so much angst potential
* Gray purposefully take the route to and from his house that passes the river even though it takes longer, just on the off chance Erza might be there
* She holds so much guilt for sending him into avatar, but everytime she tries to apologize for it the words get stuck and she cant
* Grays probably the only person Erza has ever offered a slice of her cake to, if only bc she knows he doesnt like cake and made it her personally mission to find one he does
* They are so stubborn
* Gray: You’re one of my best friends, I would do anything for you. 
Erza: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. 
Gray: Absolutely not.
* Their friendship is the type where they can sit in silence for hours and be completely comfortable just knowing the other is there
* Erza loves her guild, but if Gray died, if he left fairy tail, she would genuinely consider leaving as well
* her big sister instincts will always kick in the fastest with him
* She has an internal alarm that sounds every time Grays in trouble even if shes no where near him.
* Sometimes she’ll wake up in a cold sweat and text him in a panic asking him whats wrong
* it freaked him out so many times but hes grown so used to it that he’ll message her as soon as smth happens to forstall the panic
* He was her first real friend in fairy tail, so she has a soft spot and a bias of sorts for him, shes more likely to take his sides on things than not
* thats not to say she turns a blind eye to his chronic dumbassery, no she still will fully call him out on his bullshit, but shes more likely to call others out before him
* In turn, Gray is the one who calls her out on her behavior, people will go out of their way to find him just so he can talk to her bc shes less likely to kill him if he calls her out than anyone else
* He called her a hypocrite once and everybody started to mentally plan his funeral, then was in awe since she actually stopped what she was doing and apologized
* He will fight for what she wants even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with it. He is the first to defend her
* Hes also the first to put her in her place, he has never seen her as the great godly ‘Titiana’, he sees her a ‘Erza’, a teenage girl
* And honestly? she probably appreciates thats more than being seen as a sort of invincible god the public sees her as
* Allegedly, their are the two most ‘mature’ and put together people of the team. its a lie. an act. theyre not. not at all. They are so chaotic, especially together. when nobodies around they can be so dumb together and they cause so many problems. but nobody would believe you if you told someone
* They have an insane amount of respect for one another, more than the kind for friends and guild mates
* Gray isn’t actually scared of her, he plays it up for shits n giggles but at the end of the day less scared than he is cautious, he knows she’ll put him in his place but he is by no means scared of her.
* She knows this and its like their own little secret
* They refuse to go to the doctor, therapy, or anything such as that unless the other gets checked out too
* They get each other weapons for their birthdays, each one is better than the last
* They see a lot of themselves in each other, perhaps thats why they are so protective of one another
* Neither of them are the type to fully let down their walls, theyve never really felt truly and completely at ease with any one person. But the closest its ever been has been with each other
* trying to get them to do smth actually good for their health is like getting happy to never eat fish again.
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polaris-likethestar · 10 days
as annoying as raven is and as much as i want to stab her 24/7 i see SO much raven slander and while i genuinely agree with most of it, i want to talk about why i feel like y'all over hate on her (specifically her in first class)
now warning, this is going to be very long, and this is nowhere near an accurate character study but just how i personally view it so that’s just me. pls no hate thank you :)
so she meets this boy when she’s a kid - charles - and thinks, wow, there’s finally someone out there like me. i’m not alone, i don’t have to be alone. he gave raven the same sort of reassurance that he gave erik and while this is, in no means, supposed to be hating on charles, ultimately, raven was right in the sense that as much as he wanted mutant equality and as much as he just wanted safety for his sister, he, whether or not he meant to do it intentionally (which i don’t believe he did) fed into her insecurities by telling raven to basically hide herself.
and yes, i get why he did that, and yes, she should’ve spoken up on how she felt, but if the one person who was supposed to get you and understand you and unconditionally love you when no one else did was suddenly treating you the exact same as everyone else would have treated you, forcing you to hide, you would feel a tad bit angry at yourself, the world and that person, wouldn’t you? reminder that when she asked him if he’d date her if they didn’t know each other he said yes of course before realizing she meant in her blue form and then he just went uh well i do know you that’s the thing so it’ll be weird. like um wow okay. hypocrite.
so, now, as much as she hates it, raven has it in her mind, i wish i didn’t look like this, i shouldn’t look like this, i feel ugly, i hate myself which quite honestly made for a more relatable and genuine main character inner monolouge instead of charles’ i want world peace, but either way i’m confident in myself or erik’s i want humans to die, but either way i’m confident in myself. all raven really wanted for herself was to feel confident and a lot of that turned into a need for validation which we’ll get into later.
(random but the part where charles is like put some clothes on raven girlie thats ur brother he doesnt wanna see u naked but moving on)
then, enter hank. someone who gets it. someone who visibly looks weird although let’s be honest, weird feet compared to being blue? it’s literally nothing but whatever. he understands her, she understands him and right now she doesn’t want to be blue and he doesn't want weird feet. she finally feels understood, in a way she believes charles could never understand her.
and then erik comes along. he’s all for pro mutants, be confident in yourself, mutant and proud, and she’s never seen someone like that. her immediate attraction to him is because of his overwhelming sense of security in his power that she’s never had. he tells her she’s fine the way she is and while, similar to charles, erik’s power isn’t “visible” so he can’t really be talking, she’s not even considering that just because she’s just so in shock that someone could actually not only accept her in her natural form, but embrace her.
she no longer wants the cure because she believes someone truly cares about her. she no longer believes that she needs to be insecure. all the things she hated about herself, she learned to love. and it’s really sad because as i said before, she thrives off of validiation, which she’s never truly received - until now. one person validates her and she feels like her life is complete. that’s sad. but ultimately, she feels more secure in herself now.
and then hank again. she wants him to see himself how she now sees herself. but he doesn’t and basically calls her ugly except it’s not even basically cause he straight up says you’re not beautifull and i know he didn’t mean it like that but bruh that was neither demure nor mindful.
and then she goes to talk to charles thinking alright so maybe hank doesn’t agree with me, neither does charles, but charles is my brother, he loves me. he’ll understand. but the thing is, he doesn’t say anything to insinuate to raven that he does understand. he straight up says something along the lines of i thought hank found a cure for you. which i personally thought charles understood what raven was going through, sure he didn’t have a visible mutation, but he was still a mutant, so while i do believe he was understanding, i think he didn’t show it very well.
now, the one thing raven did that i can’t defend, is the beach. leaving charles. while i know that she did want to go with erik, i don’t think she would’ve left if charles didn’t tell her too and at that point raven probably thought charles didn’t even want her around and that kind of would’ve confirmed it. still, that’s not right, that’s your brother, your only friend, you don’t know if he’s gonna survive. i get why she would’ve left, also because she was angry, but that wasn’t right.
ultimately, she was just an insecure girl, who quite honestly, didn’t know what she wanted and felt alone in the world and while she wasn’t the only one, and was extremely annoying about it, especially since she refused to see the other side of things and focused mainly on herself, i can’t really blame her, and i don’t think she deserves all the hate she gets.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 2 months
top 10 strongest nonbenders
ykw. im already here so why not?!?!?!
btw the biggest rule here is who the STRONGEST are. not who my favs are. ok?
so here we go
honorable mentions: ok i dont like putting groups of people which is why the equalists and the kiyoshi warriors arent on here. but they should be!
10. sokka- sokka’s strength was his mind. i love him to death but i think some people really overestimate his physical strength. he was definitely EFFICIENT when it came to fighting but i wouldn’t go any further than that. i feel like since people love sokka (as they should!) they conflate that with his combat ability and tbh i feel like that does his character a disservice. he is the mind of the group he doesn’t need to also be a fighter!
9. long shot- ill be super honest im kind of a freedom fighters hater??? ok not a HATER but i just do not really care when they have screen time. basically what im getting at is i dont remember much of him LOLLLL but like my heart is telling me he was useful and a good fighter. obv his specialty was his archery. but then again he doesn’t do anything to stand out in my mind to make him higher. and i dont remember him really doing anything that’s hand to hand combat.
8. june- so we just dont see much of her but shes got that big sniffer to do like 80% of her fighting for her. i think she doesn’t do much otherwise??? but shes a bounty hunter so shes gotta have some oomph to her.
7. hakoda- ok another person that we dont see MUCH of but we know hes the chief of the southern water tribe and is leading them in the war. and when we do see him fight he slays! we just don’t see it much.
6. asami- literally the 3 fight scenes she has she ROCKS!!!!! but like. why does she…. only have…….. 3 fight scenes…? its so weird. i feel like she is useless when it comes to fight scenes more often than not but idk WHY bc she is a RLY GOOD FIGHTER! her fight scenes genuinely shock me every time bc i forget how good she is. but they hardly show it imo. weird.
5. jet- i was rly close to putting jet at 4 and putting #4 here but HONESTLY the only big feat he has is being able to hold his own against zuko in their 1v1. other than that……doesnt he….. get his ass kicked by everyone else? jet is super resourceful, adaptive, smart, and has great combat skill. he was the leader of the freedom fighters for a reason! i just literally cannot think of a time where he won a fight. am i crazy? idk moving on
4. mai- yeah this diva can throw them mf knives!!!!!! if this show wasnt for kids she wouldve been actually killing bitches but she still gets to use her knives in a cool way! she can go toe to toe with any non bender and tbh a lot of benders too. the fact that AZULA recruits her means she knowssss she can handle herself. she just isnt as impressive as the ppl above her.
3. piandou- a lot of ppl put him at 1 and 2 but i cant do that. he is pretty much THEE master non bender and he is clearly the most skilled swordsman we see in the show. but we dont see him in his prime, and again, im just more impressed by 1 and 2. if we saw more of him maybe i could make a case for him to be higher but the shit that i see numbers 1 and 2 do make him look soft sorry!
2. suki- ugh. love her bad. she is THEEEEE KIYOSHI WARRIOR!!!!!!!!! like. what else do u need me to say. remember that part of boiling rock. when she takes the warden hostage in literal seconds? yeah exactly.
1. ty lee- so. remember when i said i love suki bad? i love ty lee BADDDDDDDDD! she is by far seen as the biggest threat out of any nonbender bc of her chiblocking and rightfully so. like taking away bending. and at her time, no one else (that we know of) could do it. genuinely is such a cool feat and she is the ONLY PERSON WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO IT!! like do i need to say it again?!?!?! benders were scared to fight her AS THEY SHPULD BE! she wasnt just a threat to benders either bc her chiblocking could temporarily paralyze anyone, bender or not. is that not enough? oh ok she is also the most agile nonbender that we see snd its not even close. she literally moves exactly like an airbender without doing any airbending. she is doing flips and tricks and cartwheels and is being cunty while taking ur bending. and she becomes a kiyoshi warrior. ty lee supremacy forever.
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
I honestly don't get why Maria was so anti-Joel oh he's a horrible person he's done horrible things he can't be around us, but accepted Tommy fully to the point he's the father of her child when both did the same things, ran with the same people and all of that.
I mean I love the character, but that confuses the hell out of me. Why's Tommy accepted but Joel damned?
okay, so… this response took me like half hour to write. my wrists hurt, my jaw is clenched, my brain is hot. i love u anon thank u very much for this chance to vent about just why my girl maria has been so misunderstood. let’s go
i personally think this is where many people fundamentally misunderstand maria’s perception of joel. she’s not cautious of him primarily because of tommy or anything tommy has said, in my personal opinion—she’s cautious of him for and because of ellie
ive said this on my blog a few times and i think so have @steeb-stn and @clickergossip (and maybe @liveandletcry23 and @bumblepony i have a shit memory so tagging just in case) so im gonna tag them to credit their words and ideas about maria as well, but the FIRST time maria sees joel, he’s with this rando twelve year old girl who he is seemingly so protective over that she cant even be sniffed by dogs who are just trying to detect infection, which would be good for ANYBODY. that’s his first strike for untrustworthyness, because why the fuck wouldn’t he let this girl be tested???—we know why, of course, but maria doesnt. shes working on the very limited info about joel/ellie’s relationship that she has from just her own observations, and i think we need to remember that as we go through analyzing why she moves how she moves
shes knows from tommy at this point is that joel had a daughter, but it is definitely not this little girl. so why the fuck are they so close. what have they gone through. are they okay. is ellie okay. is their relationship safe for her??? THAT’s what she’s thinking about, in my opinion, while shes staring joel down at that dinner table. she’s reasonbly suspicious, and i can’t blame her for it.
i had to cut this it’s literally maybe my longest post ever so. heres the cut
ALSO, it’s not like she’s a straight up bitch to joel like some of y’all seem to make it out to be??? she never says or implies that “they can’t be around” or anything like that. she offers them clothes and food and supplies. she sets them up in a house. before dinner, she gives them a personal tour (which, to be fair, she did because she was probably trying to keep an eye on them and figure out more about whether or not ellie is safe, but who wouldnt???? i know tess would! and yall would love her for it!). tommy literally says to joel before they leave that there will always be a place for him and ellie in jackson—you cannot tell me you believe he said so without already have maria’s green light for joel and ellie to stay
ALSO, i wanna consider some other things that i haven’t seen many ppl talk about. on that walk she takes with tommy and joel and ellie, she makes it sound like tommy has been with them for at least years AND she maintains the confidence to say that residents in jackson stay off the radio—i could totally be wrong, but it seems to me from the look tommy and joel share right after that it’s obvious tommy has been talking to joel BEHIND MARIA’S BACK???? did no one else catch that??? am i misinterpreting big time??? id assume because theyre married and from the way tommy talks about jackson that he’s been in jackson for at least 3 years maybe, and we know that he only stopped radioing joel a couple months before the show’s main plotline starts, so timeline wise there had to be some overlap of tommy still radioing joel from/around jackson. idk if anyone of my mutuals has thoughts on this but i personally think it’s important to point out, because it establishes that maria likely doesn’t know or think tommy and joel kept in contact, at least not as recently as up to some months ago. she knows that tommy and joel are close, but at the same time, she doesn’t think tommy really knows or talks to joel anymore, either. so how is she supposed to extend him any trust as tommy’s brother????? how and why would she give this man any benefit of the doubt???? it wouldn’t make any sense. she’s more practical and discerning than she is naive and kind, and y’all can think what y’al want about that but i love her for it. it’s very necessary for a woman like her to be the way she is
okay, so back to your question. back to why joel is “damned” and tommy is “accepted.” let’s talk about joel for a sec
y’all like to babygirl and idolize the absolute fuck out of this man
we know that not only was he a smuggler, but he killed and tricked and took advantage of people, shamelessly and brutally. we know that tommy did so too. maria knows that tommy has done the same things. maria also knows that tommy left that life because he couldnt do it anymore, and joel continued because he could
point blank period!!!!! yall can argue with me all u want but tommy left that murder life and joel did not. im not saying this makes either brother good or bad or better than the other, i love joel sm and i think both of them have an undisputed capability to do unspeakable things in order to survive. but tommy got to a point where he hit a limit, whereas joel doesn’t seem to have one. this is at least my personal interpretation of their conversations in the game and the show
tommy DID join the fireflies, which we all know now is not any fucking better than whatever the fuck joel was doing—the difference is the reasoning, though, and considering tlou is all about reasoning and the why, we need to consider the reasoning behind tommy’s decision: he wanted to do something better, something good, something he thought had a purpose. we all know now that the fireflies are bullshit, their purpose is bullshit, and they’re willingness to kill a child for the sake of the “cure” is it’s own entire paradox of bullshit. but they were a rebel organization fighting fedra, who fucking suck, and probably had somewhat of a better reputation back when tommy was interested in joining—or maybe they didn’t, to be fair, i don’t know! the point is, tommy went to them seeking some sort of better purpose, some type of redeption; in joel’s own fucking words, “tommy’s what we used to call a joiner. had dreams of becoming a hero... wants to save the world.”
tommy is idealistic. he’s romantic. he’s optimistic, almost to the point of being fucking naive. thats why he enlisted in the army, thats why he enlisted in the fireflies—he wanted to feel good about himself and the world he was living in. he needed it to have some light at the end of the tunnel for all the bullshit to make sense. and yeah, he was wrong both times in joining up. we know that, joel knew that while it was happening, and tommy knows that in retrospect, too. i think jackson is the first place he really found true, real purpose—not the kind that is propagandized to you and goes up in smoke, but the kind that is well and truly earned. that’s why he is so loyal to jackson and to maria—they finally gave him was he desperately spent his life searching for
and im just saying, from maria’s perspective, she’s someone who lives for purpose. she lives for jackson and for it’s people and for it’s future, and she has to maintain some sense of idealism in the face of all that fucking ugliness to be able to mentally live im and run a place like jackson, to believe that it’ll work. i think that idealism she has, she sees reflected in tommy’s desperation to be a better person who’s fighting for a better life. she sees that need for redemption and goodness in him, that need for things to be fucking worth it, and hears she hears it in his story. she gets to relate to him with this in a way she doesnt GET TO RELATE with joel YET (we STILL HAVE TIME PEOPLE. WE HOLDIN OUT STRONG FOR THE JOEL AND MARIA BEST FRIEND AGENDA)
but to continue, THEN maria spends YEARS with tommy, getting to know him, getting to know his guilt. just like tess with joel, she’s sees the worst and the best of him and gets to fall in love with all of it. so of course there’s gonna be a bit of a bias and a blindspot, towards him—just like any of are other characters have weak spots for the people THEY fucking love
so that’s i guess why i think tommy is “accepted” by her, i guess, and there’s honestly way more them and their romance that i could make a whole separate post about but i’ll leave it there for now. back to joel and why he’s “damned,” which i don’t think he is
again, from what maria knows, he made an active CHOICE to stay in the lifestyle of smuggling and murdering and QZ bullshit, even after tommy chose to leave—and idk what y’all imagine joel and tess to be doing in those many years on their own, but it’s not fuckin picking flowers, for me. they’re dangerous, dangerous people—more dangerous that fedra, and more dangerous than the fireflies, if we’re being fucking real about it. and we LOVE tess and joel for this, or at least i do
but jackson is not a place where people get by with smuggling or backstreet deals or threats. it’s not supposed to be that place. we all LOVE jackson in fics and hcs and aus because it’s literally a place where joel and ellie finally get to breathe and not worry about their safety/survival first. and you know who keeps jackson that way????? MARIA. AND HE BEING FUCKING PICKING ABOUT WHO JACKSON LETS THE FUCK INSIDE
so yall just expect her to by YIPPY SKIPPY when joel, THE JOEL THE SUPER SMUGGLER MURDER COWBOY, strolls into town????? WITHOUT TESS, WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MORE PERSONABLE AND REASONABLE ONE???? what????? she’d be crazy not to at least try to be a little intimidating, to make it clear to joel that he will not get away with any of that qz bullshit here. she’d be naive not to, and maria is anything but naive
and i know most people don’t like her for that “a bad reputation doesn’t mean you’re bad” “not always, at least” line, but i actually think it really fits so well in establishing that she’s not afraid of joel, not afraid of challenging him or making him own up to things he’s done. it’s just so so cool to me, i just can’t hate her for that????? she’s establishing with him that she knows what tommy knows about his time in the QZ, and she’s letting him know if that joel shows up here in jackson, there will be fucking problems for him. which i think is a completely fair warning????
so let’s continue. let’s talk about The Scene, the one with her and ellie, the one with the “tommy was following joel” line. ONE thing i’d like to point out about this scene—MARIA IS THE ONE TO TELL ELLIE ABOUT SARAH, NOT JOEL. AND THAT IS A BIG BIG BIG REASON FOR WHY SHE WARNS ELLIE NOT TO TRUST JOEL COMPLETELY
we know what joel and ellie have gone through, at this point, but maria has barely any idea. she sees that ellie has this fierce protectiveness and lots of secrets when it comes to her and joel, which like—can we all be fucking objective here for a second. this can SO easily and SO reasonably be interpreted as something sketchy going on between joel and ellie that maria should be concerned about.
(slight tw about older men-younger woman relationships bc im gonna be personal for a sec, its quick) we don’t know maria’s past or what she has seen or been through, but personally as someone who has been in a situation where an older man has taken advantage of my naivety in the past, i am now extremely hyper vigilant when it comes to young girls around older men in my personal life today. ellie and joel’s situation and how it looks would raise MJAOR red flags for me personally, if i was in maria’s position. that’s just a personal perspective have that really affects the way i view this scene (end tw)
and so maria finds out that joel has kept the fact that HE HAD A WHOLE ASS DAUGHTER from ellie?????? WOULD THAT NOT BE SUS AT ALL TO YALL???? i mean we know why joel doesn’t tell ellie, as gameplayers and watchers of the show, but again. maria is operating on the info she has right in front of her, which is that joel has been omitting maybe the biggest fact of his life from this young girl who is willing to defend and trust him with her entire life, even after she finds out she’s being lied to. this is alarming
so at this point, she’s questioning joel’s intentions with ellie, and in my opinion, it’s not at all unreasonable for her to do so. she then continues to press, because the red flags are flying and she wants ellie to be crystal clear on the kind of man she’s traveling with (“there are CLEARLY things you don’t know about joel” — “so then you understand my concerns”)
AND THEN ELLIE. BLESSED SMART AMAZING ELLIE COMES IN WITH THE DEFENSE—“and tommy did it too, are you worried about him?”—which like, i love this line. i love this moment. i think because i go so hard for maria a lot of y’all think i’m blind to when ellie is making points, but i 100% cheered her on when i first watched this scene, like i’m sure y’all did—because it’s true! it’s fair! if maria is going to judge joel for those things, she needs to extend the same judgement to tommy
the thing is, it’s still fucking true that, as i said earlier, tommy left that life. both the smuggling, and the fireflies—he chose to stop, while joel didn’t—he was smuggling literally up until the day him and tess found ellie, so. there’s that. she continues to judge joel and not tommy because she knows for sure that tommy has changed. she doesn’t know joel enough yet to see that he has changed, too
so then, the dreaded line: “tommy was following joel.” let’s talk about it.
i don’t love this line either, tbh! i think it’s a weak defense on maria’s part, and a weak line on the tlou hbo writers part—probably my least favorite line of maria’s overall. but i do get why she says it, and i kind of think i get the purpose??? i think????
it reminds me a lot of joel’s line, earlier, about tommy being a “joiner,” and i think it’s funny that, as opposite as joel and maria like to think they both are to each other, the way they describe tommy is pretty much the same. tommy is a “joiner” to joel and a “follower” to maria, and in all respects they both love and hate him for it. idk where i’m going with that exactly, just something interesting to think about in terms of the joel and maria best friend agenda
but i also think this line get’s taken out of context a lot, because the full line is “tommy was following joel, the way you are now.” maria says this line to lead into her main point, the really fucking important line in this scene: “be careful who you put your faith in. the only ones who can betray us, are the one’s we trust.”
maria is not saying this to “damn” joel—and i personally don’t think she is “damning” joel in the way you imply here, as there’s definitely potential for them to develop a relationship in s2 once she has more information about the truth of how he thinks of ellie. i think she’s warning ellie not to trust joel, because she doesn’t trust joel, at the end of the fucking day—and that’s about it. she trusts tommy in a way that she can’t quite trust joel yet, and why would she, at this point? it would make no sense for her to
so y’all can blame her and hate her for her distrust all you guys want (btw not necessarily talking to you, anon, ive just gotten some very nasty asks about maria from others so im talking to them rn!!!!!!!), but i’m sorry—you can’t tell me that it doesn’t at least make sense. she’s MARIA. she’s MADE OF SENSE
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riverpookie · 1 month
Can you tell us about your interpretations of the yellow green team and their shadows? Your art is amazing btw
HI HELLO sorry ive only seen this now lol
yes of course! anon be aware of a lot of yapping HELP #certifiedyapper
Okay so like we already know that shadow rider exists so i dont rlly need to explain that ,, so heres shadow stealth blazer and bamboo
stealth goggles seems to be pretty anxious thru the manga (it got better for him in vol 16 btw!), but he is still a kind guy and he tries his best to help his team (and his teammates) by how much he can! he is also a kind of an airhead lol, rider mentioned how he basically never uses his toxic mist in the last page of the team monarch vs yg team chapter(s)
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there are more examples but i’ll not get into that
so i like to picture shadow stealth goggles having a cocky personality, he is also very competitive and NEVER forgets to use his toxic mist!!!!!!!!! 🙄 he is also very mean towards shadow rider LMAO (shadow stealth goggles still likes airsoft btw like how shadow rider is still obsessed with his gold dynamo HELP)
okayy blazer now! honestly blazer is kinda hard to characterize since she has the most least appearances from yellow green team ☹️
blazer is known to be very optimistic and supportive, shes like the most happiest character from yg team HELP😭 this is (kind of?) a headcanon i have for blazer’s personality but i like to picture her as also a kind of an airhead who doesnt understand sarcasm most of the time like shes DEADASS saying this with a straight face😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (context in that panel goggles pointed out that rider’s pants are sagging)
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for shadow blazer, i like to imagine her as being very serious and selfish, she dislikes her teammates a lot ESPECIALLY bamboo hat #doomedyuri she is also very sarcastic
(ANOTHER HC I FORGOT TO MENTION but i hc blazer being a bookworm so like how i mentioned before with rider and shadow rider both being obsessed with their gold dynamo roller so does blazer and shadow blazer with books)
finally the last one we got bamboo hat yippeee
sooo bamboo hat seems to be pretty cold-faced, serious and sarcastic, but she is still very emotional which is such a cool personality for a character ngl! bamboo is so underrated ugh (for the emotional part she is seen to be crying at the end of the team monarch vs yg team match 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl why u crying its not even that serious)
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for shadow bamboo hat i like to picture her being like. emotionless but smiley (does this make sense?? sorry im not rlly good at explaining stuff) and she would NEVER get sarcasm. so whenever shadow blazer will tell her a joke she’d take it genuinely
(as i mentioned beforeee, since bamboo is a wood carving hobbyist, so is shadow bamboo! awesome sauce)
other shadow yellow green team stuff id like to mention:
instead of shadow rider being the captain, shadow stealth goggles kinda just replaced him on his own so shadow stealth is basically the captain of shadow yg team (the co captain is shadow blazer btw!)
since yellow green team get along very well while all of them being very different and unique from each other, shadow yellow green team are different here. bc of how different they are from each other they just DONT get along and NEVER get along which costs to a lottt of fights ☹️
shadow rider thinks shadow stealth and him are friends when in reality shadow stealth doesnt care about the other shadows 😭
shadow bamboo is obsessed with shadow blazer and shadow blazer tries to avoid her
shadow bamboo considers shadow rider as her best friend
shadow stealth and shadow blazer argue all the time!!!!!!111!!!!
shadow stealth and shadow bamboo make actually a pretty cool duo ngl
okay thats it thank you btw! 🙏 sorry for any grammar mistakes btw rnglish is not my first language/its like 12am here HELP
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
coming out as a passive jopper hater bc the insane level of capitalist pandering they did with s3 (with ERICA who is like. one of the worst, stereotyped portrayals of a black girl ive ever seen, bless her heart) was truly crazy. combine that with the copaganda and the general attitude of hopper in s3 which was played off as 'awkward loser guy doesnt know what to do with Feelings more at 8' was a bit .... Eh :/ to me. because it is so obviously a fictional character and show but like. disliking hopper/jopper bc of the ideals st is perpetuating and the fact that they arent compatible at All in s3 (to me, atleast) is valid. some ppl might just think that jopper is unhealthy and/or 'overrated'. because they do sort of pay a disproportionate amount of attention to jopper, compared to the other canon romantic ships (afaik, bc of the screen time counter) and that can be Weird, esp with the... how should i say this? balancer/savior role hopper takes in the relationship (we constantly see him placating joyce, sometimes even being slightly patronizing, and also they place a lot of importance on him saving joyce from a lot of stuff, which is cool and sick if it wasnt for the fact that it directly correlates with him being a cop, yk). and the general power imbalance bc he's a Cop and abuses his position of power constantly, and that is exactly Why anything that joyce does is seen as a #insane girlboss category 5 woman moment because she simply has the short stick in the power race and when she does manage to make an impact DESPITE her economic/social/'general uselessness in say in Major decision-making when it comes to authorities' shortcomings it is seen as an amazing win. hopper on his own is extremely fleshed out as well, because we get to see his arc play out with his relationships with his daughter and ex-wife and el and re-learning how to be a parent and how to not let love allude him, and that is lovely! it's so great to see the adults in the show being focused on! but joyce is absolutely disregarded and underdeveloped as a character of her own right outside of her relationships with hopper or her kids. we see that she is determined and a force to be reckoned with and that she cares very deeply for the people she loves and would go to insane lengths for them but all that doesn't Mean anything, because we never see a backstory for her. we never figure out who she is without her family or hopper, or what her motives and aspirations and emotional shortcomings and stumbles and mistakes are. for a character to be fully fleshed out, they need to be an interesting, refreshing and palatable character On Their Own without their relationships with other characters, and we just don't see that with joyce. like u have Thee winona ryder on ur show, and u forsake developing her character in favor of developing hopper's character with /not the best taste/ and causing her to be a blank slate of a mother, lover, woman and friend, but not a PERSON. all she's been reduced to is a Mother and Hopper's Girlfriend, and honestly, that's the worst decision they could've made in relation to her and her relationship with hopper.
anyway, all this to say; these are my thoughts on the matter, but i'm definitely not hating on people who enjoy jopper passively and DEFINITELY not any by/ler (the most predominant fandom im part of in the parent fandom of st) who enjoys them as a ship with their own dynamic separate from canon. because the by/ler fandom is NOT a monolith and nobody is obligated to agree with me or change their opinion if it doesn't align with mine or be forced to look at my opinion and feel bad for shipping anything. im not going to act Holier Than Thou for expressing my opinion and u should definitely continue shipping jopper if it makes u happy! as long everybody recognizes the copaganda and capitalist mindset grind propaganda shit in st (which is Pretty Obvious) and respects that while shipping what they want, i have no problem with it. all that is to say; peace and fucking love. can we (the by/ler fandom) stop fighting abt jopper we all have our own opinions this is bc we are Not a hivemind or a monolith and not obligated to have the same opinions relating to all aspects of st just because we happen to ship one thing. i am a hater and a lover
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the-passer-outer · 4 months
I just realized that any time ive talked about the higher ups its always them doing something bad but not all the higher ups are bad so i think i will talk about them a bit (plus bonus of characters who SHOULD be higher ups)
Lemon!! chat i love Lemon, shes a mother of two and is married to another higher up named Sandy. This also means they are some of the only married ocs I have. Lemon has inspiration from the old kaiju paradise lemon shark, the sucker for love third date, and i believe some third thing i cant remember. Shes typically seen when the higher ups are called upon although i do believe she lives with the danganronpa ocs in that world. Lemon also very much enjoys the beach, often preferring it to be sunrise! Sandy! Shes actually a v1 taraka from dragon adventures and doesnt seem to have a human form. As u know shes married to Lemon :3. I honestly dont know much about Sandy due to her remaining very mysterious but I did used to have her in dragon adventures at some point! Although I do know she misses her son Lovebug, I bet Lemon also misses him.
Meka? Okay so shes reallyyy mixed when it comes to being good. She is very much at fault for why her love interest (Monitor Girl) killed herself but ya know. It does seem like after all the harm she has done to gain power she is trying to fix things. Shes also one of the older higher ups, with her origin world being the anime seven deadly sins (dont question any of these okay) although not many ocs remained in that group. I believe she went kinda like seven deadly sins -> danganronpa -> helluva boss anddd then stopped, well im lying shes moved to total drama but not with the total drama group but thats for another day. She is also one of the past sonas, they are past sonas for a reason. I dont think there are any other good current higher ups so its time for ocs who should be higher ups! Vete! Starting off strong with an oc from the total drama group i know but just trust me. Hes got strength comparable to the higher ups and honestly is in a much better mindset then most of them. Also him being a guardian angel + having a holy weapon is just very good overall. ALSO HE CAN HOLD A STABLE RELATIONSHIP. Unlike half of the higher ups... (calling out YOU, Star and Cosmo) デジタルタイガー !! Aka, Digital Tiger. She wasnt always a tiger but she ended up as one, also she left the danganronpa oc group to be the only oc for digimon! Also im going to be honest she is a lot stronger then Vete but id say shes around same strength as Lemon so its still fair. Also I just miss seeing her :( ??? ! Okay she doesnt have a name but shes the only battle cats oc I own. I remember before Dixie destroyed The Forgotten she was second in charge, meaning that she most likely has a lot of the skills needed to be a higher up. Shes also a rarer character to be spotted so it would be nice to see her more. I think there might be more but i dont know, so this is it for now :3
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the-sun-princess · 2 months
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 2
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well it wouldnt be a seisho 99th class production if they didn't gay the script up a little
masai and amemiya went to the beach for inspo for this scene….if nothing else is said i Am going to imagine they exchanged rings themselves there. amemiya DID mention something about real life experiences, after all
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karen gets seasick. junna doesn't
i am realizing i dont actually know Shit about El Dorado besides 'city of gold' and the animated movie which has Nothing to do with this besides one character being named miguel
aww karen's the first person junna's told she's gon go overseas after graduation. hasn't even told nana lmao. promised her to become a brilliant lead actress. and agrees with karen's sentiment that as long as they keep acting, they'll meet again on stage one day
everyone's sayin how perfectly junna is suited to be salvatore and i'm just sitting here grumpily going WHY DIDNT U LET ME PICK MAHIRUUUU havin to play thru at least this route i assume before i can ;; and at worst, having to play thru ALL of them
lmao judy comin in all threatening. mahiru and nana Might? recognize her? Claudine and maya Def do. futaba and kaoruko have 0 idea
lol judy swiped junna n karens cloaks while they off guard tsk tsk.
aw fun kaoruko hoppin in with the english. judy can speak p good japanese (i mean, her va is japanese. but as a character it is a lil surprising. i wonder if hikari taught her)
mahiru n nana checkin on their gfs after the startle
aha hikari told judy about the seisho girls thats fun
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this nana expression keeps killin me she looks so disgruntled
kaoruko who Doesnt tick you off from other schools. lalafin?
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since when did u start channeling ran bandori masai
guys please you can't go 'oh well she's doing all our hard work with ease' like have u not learned from claudine and maya that the hard work of others is just not easy for u to see
also junna- karen- i thought the beach was a hot minute away from tokyo and ur out here on a whim AGAIN kjsdhf
lol honestly junna stop bein whiny about not bein adequate yell at her karen. and aw. karen feels the same loneliness of junna going off n leaving as she did when hikari did
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emotional dipping time
and now physical dipping out time off to a 2 person training camp in the middle of the exchange program kajhdf
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also man is it weird to have karen call junna. junna. and not junjun
jkdhf wants revenge on karen too for showing up class B on coming up with the new starlight ending
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so much for their 'april fools' memoirs in starira
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yeaaa lets GO b-gumi
this is fun lol i've always liked what we've seen of b-gumi
still not enough mahiru tho
oh they stuck at school bc dorm curfew is past lmao
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masai pls its just junna. and karen
guess they're back i was expecting to see them training lol. and it past dorm curfew so. stuck in the school building i guess ksjdhfdjhfkj
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love that these two are stickin together all the way hehe.....also yes they absolutely exchanged rings themselves at the beach and no one will tell me differently
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oh they also goin hang with mahiru, maya, n futaba even MORE reason for a mahiru route grumble bumble she's the only one of those three in the mainest main role
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lol they all settled in for the night in class b sleepin bags n junna n karen were gon tell masai and amemiya what happened during their lil training camp
and karen immediately fell asleep
which sounds like a good place to stop for the night aha i'll find out why maya n junna are going 'ow' later
<<part 1 part 3>>
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cartoonrival · 5 months
Nrto/Brto for 3 10 & 17?
bro literally the wider naruto fandom sucks so bad idek where to begin
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i dont have a specific example so instead im gonna give a general gripe about a trend that ive seen in many takes over time
the black and white thinking and refusal to think for half a second about characters other than ur faves Reminds Me Of Something!real ones know. the way people talk about any character with any sort of greyness to their morality kinda makes me crazy and i lowkey think ppl bring up kishimoto TOO MUCH in their discussion of the storys themes bc while obviously like its important to talk abt WHY he wrote it the way he did esp wrt nationalism and all, i think also it sort of dulls ur ability to think anything complex about it if u blame everything u dont like or think was "sloppily done" on kishimoto. judging every character based on kishimoto's morals instead of their own if that makes sense? its not like "the wrong way to do things" i just personally find it really boring when thats the only way youll look at a text. like no wonder you guys are constantly making jokes about how naruto sucks and you'd never recommend it, you wont even allow yourselves to think about the story as its own piece of art beyond just "kishimoto wrote it this way because he sucks" like do you ever think maybe youre killing some of the fun of media analysis... i think its why so many people hate sakura or kakashi or itachi or anyone else. and this always comes out in the way ppl characterize bc theyre like Um I've Fixed Them :) and then its the blandest shit ever because you absolutely refuse to work even slightly WITH the story you claim to love, only fighting tooth and nail against it.
some examples of what i mean w this: basically any conversation about itachi that tries to categorize him as either good or bad. basically any conversation about sakura that tries to do literally anything or nothing with her. people making sns blandly romantic as if the insane and inventive ways they talk about their feelings for each other in canon isnt genuinely part of what makes it so maddeningly fascinating and awesome. anyone who thinks kakashi is a bad teacher. its just this refusal to meet the characters where they are and think of anything in terms of the text itself rather than exclusively in a meta way, ie "this is how it would be if it was good." no its not. you just made it how it would be if it was bland and obvious. dont you literally think the fact that the guy writing it was accidentally writing his characters to be struggling against the same shit that he was struggling against irl and struggling to keep Out of his writing is like. wildly fascinating and part of waht makes the story intersting to pick apart. but ok. this also applies to aspects of boruto primarily sasusaku and naruhina marriages. no one gets it like i doooooo
10. worst part of fanon
everybodys always shipping kakashi with someone and its never even guy. if youre gonna ship kakashi it had better fucking be with guy bc theres gen srs no one else he would be caught dead romancing with and i cant even see how you could read any of his other relationships as romantic. he doesnt even HAVE a relationship with iruka. i get that not every ship has to have canon support but its all either 1) literally not even interesting to think about or 2) what they have actually going on is way more interesting but see my response to question 3. its the same with gaara honestly the more i think about it the more annoyed i get about the ignorance surrounding just-short-of-canon aroace gaara ToT like if u didnt know then ok... but you should learn because its awesome. i just thinking the shipping culture in the fandom is annoying like everyone has to be shipped with someone and that seems to come before their genuinely interesting relationships. and those genuinely interesting relationships are sanded down into something normal. idk this is a gripe that goes w Many Many fandoms but i feel like w naruto its particularly bad largely on account of See Previous Answer. ppl are like "its written this way bc kishimoto is homophobic i will fix this" then they make it suck because shockingly ik kishi actually wrote a good as fuck story if deeply flawed
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
ill be fr i dont gen seek out fics or art independently to be 100% sure that stuff i'd be looking for isn't out there somewhere. but i think ppl really really should just. think about sakura more. i literally love her sm but ppl won't think abt her beyond either 1) she sucks and i hate her (but this is because of kishimoto's writing and has nothing to do with me! if i rewrote naruto then she wouldn't be there 😌 this is a kindness to her and not because i cant be assed to think about a woman for 5 seconds) or 2) girlboss!!!! like.... is that scene in the land of iron not BIBLICAL to anyone else....??? is her devotion to someone she's lost faith in out of loyalty to someone she loves and is losing her ability to understand not FASCINATING???? TO ANYONE ELSE???? IS THE WAY SHE PICKS UP THE TRAITS OF HER TEACHER THAT HE SPECIFICALLY IS NOT MEANING TO PASS ON TO HER NOT HEARTWRENCHING???????? you people suck. instead you write ooc sns over and over and draw kakashi without his mask kissing fucking obito
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 24
Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots) vs. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
skitt usez any, ena usez they/it/she (bc of her eczema), and olive usez he/they
The TL;DR 4 them is that theyre little fucked up guys living in a circus 2gether. Skitt is a repressed traumatized clown amphibian, Olive is a sweet jackalope who acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and Ena is a chaotic little shithead w a short fuse, whos actually secretly the mom friend. I like to put them in2 situations in my head and then never write said situations down. Also theyre all aspec and trans.
he is simply a little guy! (puts him thru the horrors puts him thru the horrors p) Oh, hes a bit fucked up actually.
-a mishmash of basically any amphibian features i think r cool! It is also a clown! Isnt that silly? Well its actually 4 trauma reasons. Lol. lmao.
-has rejection sensitive dysphoria and wants every1 2 love him so much all the time. Cries and throws up when it inevitably doesnt work out.
-super in2 fashion and makeup. Can u guess why? Trauma reasons, of course! Honestly most of her hobbies r rooted in wanting 2 escape something.
-i cant think of anything else non-spoilery 2 put here. Uhm. ze really likes bubble baths and swimming.
A little skrunkly autismic sourpuss. He wishes that he cud b more sincere w people sometimes, but every past attempt has been met w people shutting them down, in 1 way or another. The only person in the world he feels even mildly comfortable around is Ena (and later on in the story, Skitt).
-acts like an asshole around most people bc theyre used 2 being seen as one. And by asshole, i mean a little quiet, sulking, wet cat in a corner of the room who makes angy faces at any1 who invades their space.
-mute! This is bc bunnies do not have vocal chords. Communicates thru sign language and annoyed noises. Screams when overstimulated. Yes, bunnies can scream, just not using vocal chords. There r also other sounds they can make! (mostly annoyed sounds. He does purr as well! Just like a real bunny)
-very in2 music. Plays the harmonica and other woodwind instruments that r easy 2 steal. Can they play good? Uhm. havent decided yet actually.
-has a sort of heart shaped facial scar and a broken antler he got from entirely mundane causes (antler is permanently broke, dont question how that works bc i dunno).
-very incredibly touch averse, only tolerates Ena’s touch. theyre also fat and very fluffy! Great 4 cuddling! But he wont let u. Sorry.
Money gremlin!!! Chaotic anarchist motherfucker!!! Probably owes u money! Is currently being gay doing crime. In this world, 1 does not have to pay/steal 2 survive, but Ena does it anyways 2 fuck shit up and stir the pot.
-escaped from a shitty orphanage w Olive.
-horrible anger issues. If Olive is a sourpuss, Ena is a bomb waiting 4 an excuse 2 go off. This is bc in the orphanage, they learned that no 1 wud listen 2 them unless they scratched and fought and clawed and bit and punched. (and shocked!). Shes generally chill tho, just, its easy 2 get on her bad side.
-sorta the therapist friend, bc its good at telling ppl what they want 2 hear. Her charismatic attitude also helps when scamming people.
-uses prosthetics! In this world, aquatic animals r given the ability 2 stay on land 4 extended periods of time via prosthetics! Want 2 know more? Ask me :>
-basically blind. Electric eels have awful eyesight, and shes no exception! She can only see bright lights and colors. They use electrolocation 2 get around. (please ask me what it is if u dont know, i am v happy 2 infodump abt anything oc related!)
Remember kids, a vote 4 my ocs is a vote 4 disability, queerness, anarchy, the found family trope, little guys being put in situations therye entirely unequipped for, furries, and much more!
Skitt has a triangular dress with purple and yellow split colors, and purple leggings. Pointy, slender legs. A long pointed yellow hat with a little green thingy on top (idk what to call it). Blue eyes with froglike pupils. Minty-green, short, curly hair. A classic clown makeup look (off-white facepaint, a clown nose, and pennywise-esque makeup lines going from the bottom of his eyebrows to the sides of his mouth.
Olive is a jackalope with short, olive/forest green hair swooping over one eye. His eyes are the same color as his hair. Most of their fur is darkish brown, while his belly, his inner thighs, and lower left arm is beige. their right arm, lower legs, and the top of their ears are black. Only wearing black arm warmers thanks to sensory issues.
Ena is a vaguely pirate-themed girlie. Dark brown skinned, with grey arms and greyish legs. Big thicc tail. Mostly black hair. Tattered black shorts and an even more tattered, dark green crop top. Has red eyes and a red sash tied around its waist. Lots of little spots all over their skin. lazy-eyed.
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
she's a werewolf she's aroace she stalks people on accident. she didn't know what a crime was until the police went after her. her best friends are a supervillan and a failed actress. she thinks she would make a good detective (she wouldn't). she's fun and friendly and sweet but still a fully thought out character. she runs away from her abusive home to find her sister and in the process finds a whole new family. she even takes down the government.
Pris is a short, pale girl with  black hair styled to look like wolf ears. she has brown eyes with diagonal red pupils and a bit of a snaggle tooth on one side.
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cycle-hit · 6 months
realising ive never put into words character speech/think patterns that ive absorbed while having to write them nd i need to so. here u go.
haruka - guilty of not rly paying attention to how he speaks so i have less knowledge of it. used to stutter over his words a lot in t1, had a poor grasp of vocabulary. in t2 he stutters less/not at all, his vocabulary has improved but because of this i like to think he probably speaks close to how muu does (since she taught him) (i have no idea if this is canon or not)
yuno - lots of usage of the word "bothersome". presents a facade that she cares more than she actually does. i dont have a lot of thoughts on how i write her honestly- she's close enough to myself that i just WRITE her speaking manner as myself but a little different. she has a habit of teasing people. can be sexual (in speech) at times. homophobic dog. can make people uncomfortable with her knowledge of them or her general attitude. warmth.
fuuta - also guilty of analysing him less. i just write him sort of like how i speak to people im close to. has a regular angry anime boy speech pattern thats actually not angry- mixed with twitter user. in t2 he develops cult speak habits which actually makes him sort of hard to write bc i have to google things like "Religious words" "Words like salvation" every time i write his dialogue. hes stupid as all fuck.
muu - she's so fuckign funny. "passive aggressive" teenager in high school. says "muu" instead of stuff like "i" or "me/my" 10x more than mahiru's habit. doesnt "care" for most people she speaks to and it shows (unlike yuno's facade). spoiled rich girl. can be ignorant and not necessarily always on purpose. shes just a mean teenager man idk what much else to say about her speech patterns. in t1 she actually used to trail off a lot and hesitate to speak bc she was scared
shidou - guilty of not looking into him a lot. has a habit of "looking down" on the people he's speaking to with the sole exception of kazui (though he tends to think of kazui solely as Older Man Like Me rather than anything. deeper?? idk if that makes sense). verbose like some other little furry shit that i know. doesnt emote well. i write him like myself as well
mahiru - MAHIRU!!! in t1 she used to say her own name a lot like muu. in t2 this changes- she doesn't say do it as often. she apologises a lot in t2. low self-esteem that she makes known in speech whenever talking about herself. she just wants people to be happy. references her magazines/stuff she reads a lot in t1- im always rly sad she's lost this trait in t2. i want her lit major-ness back. sunshine incarnate that's been extinguished. "airhead" and "carefree" are words that describe her but i also tend to write her as being slightly hurt by them- its likely not a nice feeling to be thought of as "stupid" in gentler terms. i like to write her as more observant than people think though i dont think this is canon- she's lit major.......come on milgram...make her strange!!! let her observe people like those who like writing are so prone to do!!!!!!!! cant handle anyone making fast/unpredictable movement towards herself anymore after t2. also. NANDE, NANDE NANDE? (constantly questioning why.)
kazui - i need to analyse him more. his gaze makes people uncomfortable, notably those who dont like parts of themselves "seen". likely an aftermath of his employment of being a detective- he has to be able to know and analyse people accurately. reminiscences on his younger days a lot. i miss my wife tails i miss her a lot.
amane - guilty of not analysing her speech patterns at all actually. verbose. stuck in a cult. more "childish" than she lets on and tries to conceal this fact.
mikoto - i have to make sure he talks about work. tendency to present himself as more "simple" than he is. john speaks more aggressively. "carefree" like mahiru but less and more self-aware.
kotoko - oh boy. stupid fucking verbose bitch she takes so fucking long to write especially since i have to do her pov you have no god damn idea. she is constantly analysing and overthinking everything around her it doesnt stop. blunt. asks a question in return when she doesnt want to answer a question or gives short statements like theyre fact. struggles to read social aspects bc of her paranoia. uses the word "ridiculous" and "-ne?" ("right?") a lot. as well as "evil" or "sinners" or "criminals". thinks shes sooooo fucking smart when in reality shes stupid as all fuck. i write her very much like myself. theres a lot to say about her speech patterns/way she is that influences her speech that idk how to put into words bc its just been absorbed into my brain like a sponge. sounds like shes analysing you every time she speaks. naturally intense-looking in a way that scared muu even in t1.
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
reading your and jaspers posts about bryce with silent admiration because im too scared to contribute but i really love bryce so much hes my girlfriend and my husband and i like hearing u guys talk about him because youre Right. especially as someone who struggled from grief and trauma and being abused i think bryce's case interests me more than any of the other characters (even though liam is my favorite, and it says a lot because i find all of them interesting) because there is so much to him. i doubt he has processed a single thing about what happened. i think stellas death was recent too honestly, within the last few years at least, and he copes by... not coping. burying himself in work and drinking in the hopes to forget about it. not even to mention the fact that in episode 7 it showed him driving home drunk personally i feel he was past the point of caring to the point of engaging in risky/dangerous behaviors (this speaks for itself, i dont think i need to say why). i think that the plane impacted him so much that within those 7 months after leaving he got his shit together. i cant speak for if hes totally sober or not but at the very least he doesn't drink as much as he used to and i doubt he's putting himself in danger anymore. to be honest i think bryce is one of the characters who has changed the most because of the plane, which makes him being rejoined all the more interesting to me. im probably just making shit up but i like to read into it a little more than "bryce and liam were getting along but now theyre separated and liam has to fix it oh no". sorry this ask is kind of word vomit im not in the headspace to tidy it up but i hope you get what i mean
i think if one had continued for longer than it did it would have been interesting to explore bryce finally accepting and coming to terms with his past (him not seeing his childhood home in the wr anymore kind of representing this). i love bryce and he deserves to heal
TY!!!!!!! im glad my thoughts warrant admiration to you :D!!!!!!!!!!! (i will say tho that every time uve ever posted YOURE thoughts i am like ohhhhh.... ur SO RIGHT. i think u have some of the BEST interpretations of the one characters ive seen!!!!!)
(talked SOOO so much .so there is a readmore :) )
brcye really IS such an interesting character???? ik ive said it before but i AM biased towards protagonists so i usually focus on liam but like ...... bryce really IS probably one of the more. indepth ? characters in one in terms of like. background and how he Acts. i think ALL of teh characters are written really incredibly but i think, given how much of his bg is clarified (esp in contrast with how little is shown of the other characters lives pre-one) his motives, personality, emotions all end up being SUPER super elaborate and i REALLY love how he was written ??
(that said i think the reason he IS elaborated on sm is bc like. one doesnt elaborate on character backgrounds like MOST of the time. even charlotte is mostly left up to interpretation, bc one is more about the HOW people respond rather than WHAT made them respond that way. but charlotte and bryce are both outliers, and bryce ESPECIALLY so. because both obviously have Things they havent worked through properly, but bryce is directly just. Living in it. its the fact that he WONT acknowledge the actual Things that hapepned enough to heal that warrants the elaboration. while the other characters stop acknowledging ANYTHING about their lives , save for charlotte, who gradually works out her issues themselves, because THATS whats effecting her, bryce is CONSTANTLY just. he Needs to go back, but his problems ARE about what happened, and the fact that his life outside of the plane was what MATTERED to him, but that even then, he just Wouldnt acknowledge that life when he Needed to. idk if that makes sense but ohhh i think about the decision to elaborate on some characters and to not on others bc it feels Important)
hes so. he mirrors all of the contestants in some ways, but he mirrors amelia a LOT in that both of them respond to trauma by Setting It Aside. like That Trauma Cant Affect Me If I Dont Look At It. like. ur right bryce has NOT processed ANY of his trauma. which like it makes SENSE bc. it prob feels so much easier to him to not think about it by drinking instead, because its a Lot to think about. its a Lot to come to terms with. but bc he WONT acknowledge it but its still AFFECTING him he just gets More and More miserable (the detail about him driving home drunk and not even caring is so. :( )
what IS one of the most. compelling? aspects of his character to me is the way he responded to Everything after getting eliminated. bc it just feels So Real. because he IS healing, not completely, and not in the best way, but he clearly like. started putting SO much work into improving his life??? (the detail of him finally getting an end table for his bed instead of just... using a cardboard box ALWAYS gets to me. and that + the fact that the photo of stella is put up makes it seem like. THATS what was in that box. he LITERALLY started Unpacking thigns. its like poetry to me.) because it IS hard, and i think hes still putting things to the side, shoving the trauma from the plane to the side now instead of all his other grief and trauma. and the removal of the cans from his room yknow?? that hes getting up for work on time now?? its like. yeah i agree idk if hes necessarily SOBER yet but he really does seem like hes working really hard
its not perfect, but its BETTER and it feels. correct?? (and tbh? trying to brush off the plane as a dream isnt even teh worst thing he couldve done with that, i think, bc reasonably what WAS he supposed to do w that experience?? i dont think there WAS a good answer) bc the plane was a whole new kind of trauma. and i think surface level, one would THINK hed get WORSE after further trauma but like. i think he DID in some ways but in the ways that actually affected how he acknowledged and responded to his pre-existing trauma DID get better bc, as he puts it, hed Thrown his life away before, and didnt want to do it again. bc this time, he very well couldve died. and while he was on the plane, being home, on earth was SO much better than the plane, and it recontextualized Everything. hell, maybe after that, the earth finally felt Less daunting, like somewhere he Wanted to be, because for once, he WANTED to be back, and rationalizing That and the fact that he got Lucky, that something Worse couldve just full on Killed Him Forever really DID mean he didnt WANT the worse to come, at least not as much as before. but that meant he HAD to start actually Working on improving things, and i think he may not have Intended to acknowledge Worse things, but simply because the things he had to do to improve his life, like drinking less, making his house more Livable, they all Forced him to think about things More. hes still certainly not thinking about them as much as he Should, hes still not Processing things, but hes Heading in the right direction . he really was SO changed by ONE
and then liam showing up forces him, once again, to think about something he tried to push to the side. aaaaaaaandd then he rejoins and its so. it feels thematically fitting and IS so so SO interessting. because for once in his life hes REALLY facing his trauma head on. but then is brought straight back into it. and i need to think about that aspect more bc those thoughts are a bit less Focused than my other thoughts but given how complex his writing is after he gets OUT, its. SO interesting to think about how being BACK affects him
esp bc like. him starting ep 18 Pissed Off- which historically his responses to trauma are to either just Be Shocked, as depicted a LOT in ep 14, or to get Very Vocally pissed, as shown through the first half of s1, esp ep 6, and ep 11, and ep 13, and ep 18. ive seen it written as 'he doesnt have anywhere to direct the sheer amnt of STRESS and fear so he just. ends up yelling at people bc what else CAN he do' and i think thats?? probably fairly accurate. i dont think hes as Constantly Irritable and Irrationally Angry as fanon presents him , bc it tends to be. excessive. but he DOES get reasonably angry in response to stress !!! i always think abt how his body language in the 'credits' scene of ep 6 look like hes yelling at airy. and im. lays on the ground. i dont even know if thats ever as much 'just anger' as it is Fear and it FUCKS ME UP
but the way i see it, that ties to ep 18 a LOT. because he was really Getting better. hell, what he thought was the WORST that could happen HAPPENED (dying) but he. came out OKAY? its like he was being forced to think about and work through his trauma and he survived and was ok. but being sent back is like. 'oh god i did that all for nothing.' but i think it also sort of?? serves as the Last Push for him to really, REALLY acknowledge the plane (which is why it makes sense so thematically for him to be the rejoiner. he WAS the only contestant whod Chosen to ignore it all. but that has nothing to do with the plane, he cant choose if the plane ignores Him.) past talking about its affects, how its affected people. because after everything hed worked toward, hes Back. hes back, and everyone else is STILL HERE. liam had said they were all still There but seeing them there is a whole other thing. hed SEEN the effects of making it out after 7 months. but he never saw what it was like to still BE there after all that time. and bryce CARES about them (fanon sometimes treats him as if he is a bit. coldhearted? but i think people misattribute him being unhappy with liam as him not caring. i think the problem is that he maybe cares too much, and was affected a LOT, but didnt and doesnt know how to handle that. so he WANTS to ignore it, because it was all he could do, and haaving to backtrack on his haphazard healing from the plane is. highly daunting and uncommfortable and terrifying. thats not being cold though, thats VERY different) and now he HAS to acknowledge Everything, has to be a part of it Again. and i think its a combination of 'liam was here for 7 months after we all thought itd only be a few weeks. Anything could happen. who knows how long ill be here for?' and 'liam didnt have anything when he came back. will I have anything when i come back?? will i have worked so, so hard to heal and fix my life for Nothing?' and 'i dont WANT to be here again.' and 'oh my god all of them Really Really Are Here. Theyve been here the whole time.' and i think all that culminates in an appropriate amount of horror, and that prompts him to do what hes STARTED doing, which was All He Can. and hes pissed off cus hes terrified, so he spurs everyone into pulling out the plug. and then. it doesnt work. it doesnt work and thats the LAST of what he had, and i think iirc hes the LAST one to close his eyes afterwards. because hed BEEN off the plane, hes the one of them who had any hope to give them anymore. and it didnt work
(i also think a lot about how it mustve felt seeing the contestants all so. resigned. because bryce was like that before all this, but ever since one began he was stubborn, and didnt WANT to give up. and i think finding out that these people youd seen try so, so hard just to Handle Any Of This be SO resigned would be. so fucked up. he knew amelia when she was so determined to leave, and while charlotte seems a bit saddened by her resignation, bryce was there BEFORE that happened. he wasnt there like liam or charlotte was to see it gradually develop, and to develop that despair alongside them. all hes seen is that amelia was so determined. and that he may not have known her THAT well before, he knows shes different. he knows she Gave Up and like. GOD. and also i think abt how he mustve Felt seeing the plug for the first time because ehs the only one of them who hadnt seen it before (given its likely all the other characters had, since they casually refer to it). and given the short time frame between him getting there, and the contestants trying to pull the plug? it almost seems that that was like. the last straw. and ive never posted it but i once drew stuff abt it bc. the damage to it is noticable. and i think hes already aware liam was fucked up, but this is like. a tangible, permanent record of that on the plane. and he cares about liam, and has been grappling with all the things liams told him, but thats. thats something he can See. And i think it all of it culminates in him deciding that what hes been avoiding is doing Soemthing about all this, because before he couldnt, and then it was. an awful idea to, and then he didnt have many choices BUT to help. but now theres hardly anything to do, but he has to try. he doesnt want to give up. and it makes me soooooooooooooooooo. head in hands.)
anyway that was a LONG tangent the point is. YEAH. i think rejoining would be. very very significant for his character i dont think youre making shit up its DEFINENTLY a topic w a lot of things to discuss about it
but god. yeah it wouldve been SO nice to see him come to terms with everything hed been through before one. i think the show purposefully included what it did and ended when it did because it makes more sense thematically for it to go unresolved, because the point was that NOTHING was able to be resolved nicely because unfortunately, many things are Out Of Their Control. things COULDVE resolved almost perfect but enough things went wrong at just the right (or more fitting, wrong) time for all of that to not work. i think him no longer seeing the suburbs may have signalled more that maybe, just maybe, he could Do something to help the other contestants even if HE was Dead, that now he finally HAS a goal, if that makes sense (though i think even in the timeline of the series it still wouldve taken way longer for him to process everything Fully, they WERE only in the waiting room for probably about a day) but the idea of finally seeing the waiting room as it is bc hed finally worked through everything .... man.............. man
ik ive already said it though but i DO think it is sooooo so possible for him to heal post canon. im a firm believer that no matter what, at LEAST bryce and ameliaa get home (liam and charlotte have more room for error but i DO generally interpret the ending as them both getting home too, theres just less room for things to go wrong w amelia and bryce). and i think after everything? hed be able to heal. it would SUCK but i think hes, shockingly, in a better place Logistically for things to improve, because he has a support system, he has what hed already worked on in those 7 months, he has so much to aim for. it would be rough and take long but i think ultimately? hed be able to heal :) and its what he deserves
#ask#got SO rambly in this answer . this ask made me think SO MUCH#man tho. the theme of people responding to Trauma in one is legitimately so.#it feels so significant and i think it was done SO well#like. fun fact but ep 6 was what REALLY sold me on the show when i first watched it#which SOUNDS morbid but it was the post credits scene that Got me#because it jsut. sounded so much like how trauma is discussed irl. when liam like#says 'i was riding home on my bike when it happened' i remember i was so. Ohhh My God#bc i was. oh this show is just. having characters naturally respond to and discuss trauma#like it wasnt just an element of the series anymore it clicked that the show was developing a literary THEME and it made me sooooo emotiona#like it esp hit hard bc . discussing trauma is a LOT and seeing them Talk Abt It like that hit me so hard.#and to this day that scene is just so. emotionally impactful#AND sidenote its so. at that pt in the series nothing has been Revealed abt bryces life before one#but the fact that hed Been Through Shit Before makes the scene feel so important.#because bryce has been through a LOT of trauma already. and bc of that? of course hes the one talking to liam. because he *gets it.*#of course he talks about it so naturally. he may not have really worked through anything but he KNOWS this#and whether or not liams been through stuff before doesnt matter here. because this isnt something he knows how to live through#but bryce has experience with living through things. hes the only one able and willing to talk eith liam through it because he Gets it#and it makes me so. AUUUGHGG#alcohol#ask to tag#(also as silly as it is liam abruptly cutting the convo off to talk abt the grass is like. yeah. yeah#emotional convos with friends abt trauma can very often end abruptly for completely unrelated reasons#at least in my exp#which is prob bc eventually theres nothing TO say bc the topic sorta. speaks for itself?? and that feels like what happened in their convo#though i think liam prob ALSO mentions it bc. id imagine its unnerving to notice . like this place would just FEEL so abnormal#and it was prob on his mind bc the two of them were already talking abt fucked up things about the plane#and its a small detail but. a detail about the plane nonetheless)
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Long ask sorry.
Im a bit lost honestly. I watched the caryl scenes of 11.21 and im conflicted. I refuse to watch the "donnie" scenes especially since if u look at comments on youtube lots of people are like "oh my God Donnie is happening she made him giggle i wasnt dreaming and he's so worried for her"
And then u have this reviewver saying carol's openly in love with daryl now wich uh, maybe, but, actually, no? This is still too subtle for my sanity
Yes, the fact that she mentions HIM to Maggie while in tears ("i was apart from him when we arrived" not exact quote here...) and not Zeke her supposed ex husband is telling, but from his side, nothing is really telling. And when she talked to him about Connie, i can tell u that in a way it made me worried because GA seems to believe it confirms his feelings for Connie, and the way he acts doesnt help, but at the same time it reminds me of when they were looking for Beth.
He was worried and she was there for him. And he definitely wasnt in love with Beth but he cared for her deeply. The thing is that Connie is not a teen, she's a 40 something (at least the actress is) strong bad ass woman and worrying that this time might be different than with his feelings for Beth doesnt seem ridiculous. But i see the way Carol looks at him (and honestly she has been looking at him that way, i mean not subtle at all, since stradivarius for me, Zeke never really stood a chance in the long run, Henry dead or not) and i know u believe they cant go the "she loves him he doesnt" way, but for the scenes i've seen , he's still too cold with her for me. And she's like a lost puppy who dont know how to make things go back to how they were between them and who's suffering so much with the situation and i cant anymore. I hate it
And Im lost. She definitely believes she doesnt deserve him especially after the cave incident and im sick of it. Lets say he doesnt love her back, at least stop being cold to her.
An another part of me, maybe the desillusional one, is still thinking that the fact that she really seems in love with him now cant be for nothing, with 3 episodes left, and that if he's still so much at odds with her its not for nothing either. Connie is alive, the cave incident is long forgotten and forgiven by everyone else in team family, including Connie and Kelly, the fact that he's still cold is very telling: it was never about just Connie but about trust being broken ("dont bullshit me"). We know that. But she keeps pushing him towards Connie and she takes his hand and looks at him like he's the moon and the stars and he's still kind of strange towards her. Im so lost, honestly. Im not even sure we will have answers before the end, they could still let everything open to keep both shippers for the daryl spin off. But what i want is for him to warm up to her like before. And its patethic that we have, i mean i have, to beg for it. We re talking about Caryl here. His f...ing feud with Rick was awful, but all was forgotten with a simple "i'd die for you". Cant we have something like that at least for the last season with 3 ep left between Caryl? Especially since there is no caryl spin off in sight anymore? Is that too much to ask? For Caryl, really? Its been horrible between them since 10.03 give or take some nice moments... for me anyways. And its been way too long. Im so lost. Im sorry.
Don’t be sorry. Pretty sure the intention is to make us feel anxious right now, which I know is super frustrating when there’s not a lot of runway left. Even though we’ve all had enough of the subtlety, don’t be so quick to dismiss the *many* visual cues because they still matter a lot (like SF mentioned). The physical distance we often see between them suggests there’s an emotional distance too, yes, but you have to imagine it’s something that’s going to be bridged and how do you convey that visually? With a callback to the terminus reunion maybe? That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.
As far as Daryl’s “coldness” goes, POV is also something to take note of. We’re seeing things through Carol’s eyes, which is why the Daryl and Connie beats feel played up. She thinks she broke her friendship with Daryl because she let Connie get hurt and she doesn’t want that to happen again. She doesn’t want to take away Daryl’s happiness. But like you said, the issue goes much deeper than Connie. In season 10, when we saw things through Daryl’s eyes, he was heartbroken because Carol was essentially running away from him. He asked her to follow his light and take his hand, but in a metaphorical way, she didn’t (couldn't). Now we’re seeing her reciprocate hence the light/dark imagery in 20 and the hand holding in 21. I’m glad you brought up Beth. That’s a great parallel too. They want to save somebody they couldn't save before and they're working as a team to do it.
I hope this helps a little bit. Obviously I don't know for sure what's going to happen, but I think there's reason to hope. TWD loves ship baiting, but placating Donnie fans isn’t going to do much for AMC in the end. They’re a significantly smaller sector of the fanbase than Carylers, who they’ve been profiting off of for years  and still can if they give us something that’ll make us happy. 
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theficblog · 2 years
you did jisung so dirty 😭 but lemme add on some more details to your GENIUS ONES
So like jisung is my little brother who occasionally facetimes me and sends stupid updates back at home and he's also very sus about the school and is the only reason i know about its whole secret society thing back before it was even remade into an academy cause he's all like "a place that big is bound to have secrets, you're just too dumb to dig them out noona"
And BRO LITERATURE CLUB MARK MAKES ME SCREAM LIKE BRO it just adds up right? Likenwe'd be in the same club and even share most of our lessons so being roommates is just working out so well for us?? I mean sure,there's a lot of boundaries set cause of gender stuff and mark can be a bit edgy sometimes but he's sweet and extremely hot understanding so its really no big issue and we even have some specific activities on different days like movie mondays where we both choose on a movie to watch and rate it as honestly as possible and then we have take-out thursdays where we share our favorite takeouts with eachother and even hold study saturdays lmao
And goddd ATHELETE JENO 🤤😭 please add more to this along with Jaemin's too thats ur part of the story now lmaoo
Also yes,u and chenle can be roomies
ash took her man and legit went "those guys are your part of the story" 😭😭😭 also thanks for the permission regarding chenle 💖
first off i love your brain 🙇‍♀️
mark and you seem like meant to be, already you guys have similar interests and classes to take and roomies too, there is every possible scenario of falling in love, but like mark would be the oblivious one and you'd be the sassy one, yk, the campus is like "yeah who you lying to we know already" or like to the extent the professors team you up for projects, knowingly.
jisung would exactly be that and next year when he's a fresher he's paranoid and sneaks out of the dorm at 3 am on the third sunday tapping the door three times or things he's seen in the movies type
jeno has girls and boys thirsting over him all the time but then a disadvantage is he sucks at studies so he's close to you since you help him, mostly cos it can guarantee you easy and free party tickets and stuff, he has his standards very high or is committed. only looks like a fuckboy is actually a nice kid,
jaemin might be rich but the good type, like he has his house not too far away so on weekends he visiting his family, ik he doesnt have siblings so like a lot of his younger uncles/aunts/cousins were notable alumnis of the same college. he could probably take over his dad's business but then he wants to make his own name. your mother approves of this man.
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