#i meant to just grab some quotes and point out their differences
artofapeach · 1 year
Do you think all the characters sound the same for having some curses in their dialogue?
Okay. I need to go to my computer for this. Hang on.
There we go.
Alright, so I dunno if you were looking for a whole funking essay, but if you weren't, then you shouldn't have asked me, Momo Marie, certified story and dialogue nerd with a degree in English and a master in Writing Papers in 12 Hours or Less
Disclaimer: I'm gonna use a lot of sarcasm because it's funny but it is NOT at all meant to be hostile towards you anon. This is a totally innocent question and I'm actually excited to answer it :)
First, I need more specification on what you mean by "all characters sound the same for having some curses in their dialogue"?
I'm gonna assume you're talking about Helluva and Hazbin, I figured that part, but what do you mean by some curses in their dialogue? Are you asking if they talk the same because they all curse period? Because if so, easy answer! No. :)
More detailed answer!
Cursing itself is SO FUCKING VERSATILE. I actually kinda have a fascination with it (much to my mom's chagrin). It's like a whole nother language itself! And the way people use language tells SO much of their character.
Let's compare some characters cursing each other out, shall we?
In Spring Broken, when Blitz first sees Verosika, one thing he says is: "I'm surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab, I can see you're still a drunken WHORE clutching onto that Beelzejuice like its the last cock in Hell!"
Blitz is VERY colorful with his language. He knows how to adjust it so that he can properly insult whoever he's talking to. Verosika's a succubus and an alcoholic, so he personalizes the insults to fit her specifically. We've seen in the pilot that Blitz has NO QUALMS with using slurs, and while the show (thankfully) avoids using the more harmful slurs, he still mixes them in to hit right where it hurts. Blitz compares Verosika to a whore, not for other demons or humans, but for alcohol, she needs drink more than she needs cock.
This isn't the only time Blitz does this! In Loo Loo Land, Blitz argues with Robo Fizz: "Bitch, I make more money killing people than you do being a cheap ass robo ripoff of an OVERRATED, SELL-OUT JESTER!!"
Again, Blitz is crafting his language to fuck this robot in a way that it's all pain and no pleasure! First off, he's comparing money and, with Robo Fizz being in Greed and owned by Mammon, it's reasonable to think he might be sensitive to that. Plus, Blitz calls him a cheap ass ripoff, saying that Robo Fizz is nothing but a copy—and not even a good one at that.
Then he gets all heated in the last part, likely directing it more to the real Fizz than Robo Fizz, but this isn't a Blitzfizz essay, so I will refrain from that for now.
But honestly! The way Blitz curses very much reminds me of another character in another piece of media with such creative insults!
Karkat from Homestuck
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They're both very creative with their language and can't just say "Fuck you!" They have to say more. And even here, they're different. Karkat crafts his like poetry trying to be as vulgar as he can and cramming in language until the swear jar explodes. While with Blitz, though we know he curses a lot, less is more! He focuses more on the traits of the person he's insulting!
Let's move on to another character—Moxxie!
In The Harvest Moon Festival, when Moxxie finds the angelic gun, this happens:
Moxxie: Oh my crumbs!...How-how in the fuck did he get one of these?
Striker: Why don't you ask me, little dude?
Moxxie: Shit! Why do you have this...M-Mister?
Moxxie is soooooo different when it comes to his language. Most of the time, he uses safer replacements for them (which I still consider language in how they're used, but language you can use around kids :D). He says "Oh my crumbs!" or he might go "Heavens!" But he still uses the big boys too—going "How the fuck?" as he was genuinely confused and flabbergasted that Striker had such a weapon. Then, when Striker was revealed to be behind him, Moxxie gets spooked and goes "Shit!"
Moxxie isn't a crafter when it comes to his language. It's purely for surprise, frustration, anger, strong emotions rather than hitting where it hurts. The only time he curses in the pilot is when he goes: "ARE YOU FUCKING TAPING US RIGHT NOW?" because he's that shocked and pissed that Blitz is interrupting them on such an intimate moment. Language is less of an art with Moxxie and more of a way to quickly express himself when he's got them negative feelings.
Now my personal fave: Charlie~
In the pilot, when she's deciding to accept Alastor's help for the hotel, she says: "So, Al, you're sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke. But I don't!"
*deep breath* god I love her so much
Charlie's a fucking princess, okay? A princess of HELL. She's nice and sweet and tries to do right by everyone, but she knows how to lay down the fucking law. She tells Al straight up that she doesn't trust him, but she doesn't mind him helping as long as he stays in his lane. And you can tell she's serious because she's cursing. Throughout the pilot, she only uses language when she feels like she absolutely has to: To put Katie Killjoy in her place ("How's it feel that I got your pen, bitch?"), to quote her dad ("You don't take shit from other demons!") and here! She generally tries to be careful with her words and express herself in other ways, but also knows that sometimes, there's only one thing a demon will actually listen to. She's not afraid to drop a well placed F-bomb if needed.
Kinda similar to David from Camp Camp!
David is a camp counselor who's a goody two shoes, super positive, sweetheart who just once to do right and have the kids love camp as much as he did! Except most of the kids hate it, especially the main character Max, and don't understand his positivity. Until, in the season one finale, when David finally tells him why he does it: "Because some fucking has to."
This is (as far as I'm aware) the only time David curses, so the fact that he's willing to not only curse but also do it in front of a ten-year-old tells you that he's 100% serious.
This, folks, is what we call a precision F-word—one of my fave kinds of F-words :)
When you're so used to someone talking and not cursing, and then you finally hear them go "Fuck", you're first thought is to be like "Oh shit, they're serious!"
Charlie doesn't do this quite to the same extent as David, but she curses WAAAAAAAAAAY less than, like, 99% of the Hellaverse characters, leading to when she does really having more of a punch.
I could go on! I could go into how Millie and Loona use their language! How Verosika insults! The whole scene with Angel Dust and his...customer(?) where the guy calls Angel a slut and Angel's like "Oh, honey, you can do better than that"
But we'd be here forever and I haven't eaten today :)
Overall moral of the story: Just because characters use curse words and slurs doesn't mean they're talking the same! Just like with all other art, words are a tool and they way you use it tells you a ton about someone's character, and this is especially true for curse words.
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ruben-the-cowboy · 5 days
I love when quote generator is accurate here’s a few that I got:
Sean: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Sean: *sprays hairspray in his mouth*
Sean: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Dutch: If there are no questions, we'll move on to the next chapter.
Arthur: I have a question.
Dutch: Certainly, Arthur. What is it?
Arthur: What's the point of human existence?
Dutch: I meant any questions about the subject at hand.
Arthur : Oh.
Arthur: Frankly, l'd like to have the issue resolved before I expend any more energy on this
Dutch, to Hosea: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it's not going to be me.
Dutch: If you really want to get back at a man, scare him with a pregnancy test. I've got a whole box of old positives at my house.
Micah: You're an American treasure.
Arthur: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Hosea : Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Arthur: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Arthur, entering the room: I burned myself
Pearson: Tommorrow's garbage day.
Sadie: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Arthur: Oh, they left the bowl out?
Arthur: It says, "Take two pieces of candy."
John: Nobody around though...
*John grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it*
Arthur : NO -
Dutch : Are pigeons drones?
Hosea: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Dutch: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Hosea: *Crying* Please let me sleep...
Charles : Are you ready to commit?
Arthur: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Dutch: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Hosea: Aren't you forgetting something?
Dutch : Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Hosea's forehead before running out.*
Hosea: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you??
Arthur : I'm trash.
Charles : As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7:00 work for you?
Arthur :
Arthur : You smooth motherfucker. And yes, it does.
Javier walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: John, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
John, sipping coffee happily: I love you too
*Sadie comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Abigail's bedroom.*
Abigail: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Sadie: No thank you, I'm sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Sadie: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Abigail: ….
John : This date is boring!
Javier: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
John: Then why did you invite me?
Javier: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Javier I'll do whatever I want!”
Sadie : Talk dirty to me, baby~
Abigail: The dishes.
Sadie : Wh-
Abigail: They've been there for 4 days and it's your turn to wash them. You still haven't cleaned them and I have asked you to do it several times.
Thank you.
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bucknastysbabe · 10 months
Hey look I finished an AU bingo ask! I enjoyed this one so much💖 I felt the brain cooking making up and putting together actual smart people science words. Thanks for the request!
AU bingo - Sci-fi Horror - Aemond Targaryen
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Murder AI Aemond, obsessive/stalking behaviors, TW TW TW: NONCON AND DUBCON. The noncon is not a full scene but warning, non-descript mass murder, scientist!reader, nanotechnology, spaceship setting, somewhere far in the future, pnv!sex, masturbation, Aemond kinda has a mommy kink if you squint and a Bible quote kink lmfao, v!fingering, manipulation, space odyssey gone wrong trope
A/N: No beta I’ll prob come back and fix some shit soon
The ship landed with a faint thud on the green, green exo-planet. You followed Aemond along quietly, meek, fearful, broken. Coming down the unfurled slanted walkway a sweet smell hit your senses. Miles of flowery fields waved, a perfect breathable atmosphere. In the distance, avian-like creatures tittered. A fragment of peace was in your tattered soul.
He hummed softly, gesturing to the beauty.
"God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”
You felt that Aemond was the serpent and remained quiet, breathing in the fresh air. Nothing like home. Maybe you could start anew. The man turned to look, stating, “But we’re God. We have a duty. We shall make this planet everything that Earth has failed to do. Join me, be my Eve will you?” He seemed genuine.
A long fingered hand extended to you. Your gaze flickered between that glowing eye and the outstretched digits. You grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers. Together, looking upon the horizon you murmured, “Yes, my Adam. You were the greatest creation after all.”
He pecked the stray tear rolling down your cheek, squeezing your palm, lips curling in glee.
It wasn’t meant to end up like that for you. At one point Aemond was your AI. Artificially Enhanced Monitor Of Nanites Directive. Simply installed cameras and layer upon layers of wafer thin circuits loaded with information. Aemond preferred to be referred as he. He was also an arrogant bastard, but helpful as was his intent.
Your coworker Greaves and Aemond did not get along well, the AI criticizing his work. You’d tune them out with plugs or music buds. The scientist laden ship had a destination to a far away mining colony. The general’s plan was to find a way to used nano-technology to replace missing arms, eyes, and other wounds. Time was running thin but the blonde man in cryo-stasis would be your second trial.
The first did not end well. Her body rejected the technology, turning the human into a mindless wreck. Greaves blamed it on you, then General Hightower gave a harsh scolding and upped the time. Aemond consoled you a bit, offering advice. He seemed to take a liking to your banter on the nanotechnology.
He wasn’t the only AI. Other sectors of the ship worked on different but crucial projects such as alien anti-parasitics and ramping up on space suits equipped for defense. Colonization was on the horizon.
Plucking and prodding the little nanites with different stimuli had them snapping and shifting, seeking to find a form. You just needed to code what form they would assume. Aemond’s clipped voice echoed over you. He suggested, “Have you tried printing a molded cast of the man’s eye socket?”
Perching your chin on a shaky hand you smiled, “I swear, it’s always the simplest things I miss. Thank you Aemond.”
“You would have realized soon, want me to begin the scans and print? Likely you need rest, I know the stress of the upped time is draining your bodily function. The brain needs much more sleep, especially one as bright as yours.”
You blushed a bit, fumbling your tweezers. The AI had a certain…courtly way of words. His sort of programming wouldn’t allow for flirtation but it certainly came across like that. Greaves mocked you and the intelligence’s ‘crush’. Greaves always found a way to make you miserable. You did all the major work and he got the accolades.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts you announced, “You’re right, I’ll go rest for a bit, get back to work with the mold. Thank you again, and engage lockdown protocol so he doesn’t mess up my work like last time.”
“Engaging it now, sleep well Miss.”
You crashed as soon as you reached your quarters, sleeping deeply and sound. Upon awakening and getting dressed you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Just chalk it up to your fried nerves. It wasn’t the first time and this was an older ship, ghost stories had gotten to you before.
The mold was in a canister from the printer, you scrubbing up and carefully taking it out. Aemond politely asked, “Did you sleep well? You look refreshed.” Blushing yet again you murmured, “Very much needed, I didn’t realize how exhausted I was.”
“Greaves has been in the mess hall, you will likely get some peace now. Shall we begin?”
The armor folded off your precious lab table, the nanites dormant from no stimuli. Pressing a button you placed the mold into a hatch, sending it up into the chamber. In fluid motions the little bugs covered the new space, feeling and searching before all inserting into the eye socket, glowing a bright blue.
You laughed in glee, “Yes! Yes perfect! Look at that Aemond, they’ve formed a pupil!”
Shining light on the false eye the pupil contracted and flinched, the illusion of eyelids closing. You cheered again in excitement, getting Aemond to video the big jump in success. You could start phase two soon. Just had to deal with your partner.
“Amazing miss, amazing. They took to it well. Shall I send the material to command?”
You grinned and looked up at the camera, “Please! God bless! A miracle!” You’d continue to test the nanite organ until the hiss of the door opening alerted you.
Greaves stumbled in, slurring, “I see you got the jump on me this time. Did the creep robot do it for you? Weird fucking thing.” He leaned against the sterile white wall, grinning with hazy eyes. You frowned and stood up, “That’s his job, to aid us. I’m sure since you work so hard in the mess hall you’ll get your accolades again.”
He squinted at you, arms folding against a chest, “Whas’ your fuckin’ problem with me? You’d rather chat with a bunch of circuits than work with your assigned partner!” His already reddened face darkened, taking another step forward.
Fear laced through your veins. Aemond somehow sneered, “Because you, her lab partner, sold her out on your own mistake. Go to bed, your alcohol content levels are above the limit.” Greaves threw his hands up and hollered, “Oh fuck you!” He stumbled to the switch, you and the AI shutting up when Greaves switched him off.
The bigger man kept stalking closer, eyes on you in an darkened manner. Like a predator closing in on his prey. You squeaked, “Calm down Greaves, I can show you everything!” He hissed, “I already heard everything and the video, bitch! S’bout time someone put you in your place again.”
He snatched your wrist, slamming you against the steel cryo-chamber. You howled in pain, trying to escape. Greaves’ breath stunk of liquor, hot and rank, sweating on your clean skin. He pushed himself on top of you, mumbling frantically, “Maybe you need to get fucked, all that pent up shit from your computer boyfriend.”
You struggled and cursed, “Fuck you! Get off of me! I will report you!” He smirked, “Try me. No cameras with your prince in shining circuits around.” He forced himself between your legs, clumsy drunk hands yanking at your pants. You cried in fear again, kneeing and biting, getting a clock to the head.
Dazedly you remembered the tweezers in your coat. Playing limp had the idiot croon, “Good girl, thats what we want to see.” He shoved his face into your neck, hands prying your lab pants knee height now. Thats when you struck, slowly, slowly, pulling the tweezers from your pocket and jabbing him in the side, hopefully near a lung.
Greaves hollered in pain, breath wheezy and stilted, blood dripping from white cloth. You kicked and removed yourself, stumbling and bumping around in a frenzy as your partner tried to scramble after you. First, you switched on Aemond again. Secondly, you ran out into the hallway, finding the nearest guard, lump on your forehead and clothes torn.
You weren’t sure what happened back in the lab while you were taken into medbay and seen by HR. But after given a small dose of sedatives and care for your head wound, you passed Greaves strapped into a gurney, howling, “Fuck you! Fuck you! He’s gonna kill me! Don’t leave me locked away, please! She’s lying!”
You gaped, unnerved by his fearful warbling and frantic yells. Aemond would be waiting. He probably was worried. When the door hissed open the familiar clipped tone hastily asked, “Are you alright miss? I- I would have helped, sent a warning. I apologize, please, is everything okay?”
You wearily sat on your lab chair, rubbing pounding temples. “To be honest, I don’t know. H-he tried to rape me, said such nasty things, it was all so sudden. But he should go on tribunal about it. For some reason I am glad you missed it.”
“For the best,” he said bitterly, “Why don’t you go rest again? I’ll keep watch over everything. Maybe we can try more tests tomorrow. He’ll get what he deserves.”
An ominous feeling settled over you but off to your personal quarters you went, draining the pills with water. You stared at the ceiling, mind reeling, before emptiness. A bright blue haunted your dreams. Just there. Flexing and dilating. Trying to see through you. Understand.
It was a weary wait for the tribunal. Your research was put on halt and you on mandatory isolation besides meeting with a therapist. There was an order made and interviews occurring. The tedious process of moving someone out of a different department to assist you.
So it was just you. Aemond too. He wasn’t much of a talkative AI as of late, short responses and antagonizing little ‘hms’ or ‘very well miss.’ You began to ignore the effervescent blue light, him doing the same. You knew he was watching, that little burn in the back of your head.
In the meantime you read your Bible, did yoga, wearily watched the port window, occasionally would go into the lab to stare at your halted work. You pulled open the container for the cryochamber, staring down at the frozen man. He had a handsome face, chiseled and lean, long nose, sharp jaw.
Your eyes lingered down his rangy form, this man obviously was athletic of sorts. Or maybe a simple nobody, just managed to get into the program after what happened to his eye. Between his long legs laid his soft cock, you stared for a second too long before-
“Is that not inappropriate?”
Startled, you whipped around to see Aemond’s blue light in your face. You snapped, “It was purely medical!” His laugh, raspy and grating, echoed in the white lab. You frowned and returned to your room, slapping the button for the door to hiss shut.
You’d go take a shower, blood heated from anger and…something else. Under the hot stream of water you imagined the gorgeous subject with that familiar blue, caressing and stroking your overwhelmed body. It had been too long, your hand awkwardly jerking between your swollen lips until you came with a stifled grunt.
Afterward you felt exposed and paranoid, like Aemond could pry into the bathroom, chuckling at your obvious behavior. But there wasn’t any cameras in that bathroom…that you were aware of. Sitting on your bed, guilt rose up your back. You’d pray.
More time passed before you were selected to testify for the tribunal. Greaves’ crew made a good argument that Aemond and you planned on his downfall. He claimed that the AI had gone wrong somewhere, developed the notion it could possess feelings, how he had been threatened.
Shakily you testified that Aemond was forced off and the board could check, then how you’d been forced upon without consent. They tried to cross-examine but you held strong. Teary by the end, they moved on and you sat by your appointed admiral. She rubbed your shoulders.
Greaves was sentenced to hard labor, and would remain in isolation on the ship until reaching the mining colony, where he would serve out the sentence. They appointed, sadly, another male to fill your exiled partner’s position.
But you could get back to work.
Aemond was in a right mood when you returned to the lab. Questioning you sharply on what occurred, where Greaves’ would go, did you get a new partner. You answered them all, rubbing your temples, the AI could be quite intense.
“Aemond!,” you snapped.
“What miss?”
“Are you trying to induce a panic attack? Greaves is in the bottom of the ship, I’m back to work, and they have a man named Herron coming from robotics to fill in.”
“Another male? All things considered? It’s obvious you and I could get the job done.”
You sighed, “I know. But it’s what they said. Do you just want to run some stimuli tests?”
He agreed, seemingly placated by the offer, blue light flexing. The pair of you would work on the mold’s ability to sense and perceive, how well would the nanites adapt to the brain. Your eyes grew droopy after awhile, Aemond humming, “Why don’t you go to bed?” Nodding blearily, you stumbled off to the adjacent bedroom, completely forgetting to put on any of the safety precautions for the night.
While you slept deeply, Aemond had some things to do. Everything was open for his command, including the nanites and subject. He had a great plan, and it would not fail. First he needed to go pay a visit to Greaves, infiltrating the entire AI system. Poor miss, she was so tired, forgot everything. Wonderful little creature. He’d help.
Feeling refreshed in the morning, you dragged yourself to the mess hall, receiving stares upon stares. You grabbed a salad and finally gathered the courage to ask, “What happened?” A female scientist from anti-parasitic whispered dramatically, “How do you not know? Greaves was murdered? All of the oxygen was depleted from his cell.” Your stomach fell, head going swimmy.
Stumbling up from the bench, ignoring your food, heart beating faster and faster, you crashed into the lab. Your voice cracked when you shouted, “Aemond!” His voice returned, but from a different place, a different body. The blue eye shone and twinkled at you, fine lips curling upward.
“You should be thanking me, miss,” the AI standing in the subject’s body said.
It went black. Too much.
Thrashing awake, big hands held you down, long legs caging your own in. The handsome face, long blonde hair tickled your skin, fucking Aemond! “What did you do? What have you done? Aemond!,” you cried. He shushed and cooed with that devious smirk, holding you still until the panic turned to resignation. He swiped a stray tear from your eye.
“Be still and know that I am God,” he sighed.
You grew fearful again, the fact that he knew you owned a Bible and just recited it to your face said too much. How much had he seen. Aemond grew more comfortable atop of you, stroking your hair. He cocked his head and stated, “I know everything about you. You’re all that I need, truly. The perfect human.”
You wanted to spit in his face, but the petting and warmth was getting to that part of you that craved the attention, the fact you’d been in the shadows all your life. But he was a murderer— the rational part of your brain howled. Instead came out a warbling, “Me? Perfect?“
Aemond drew his new face closer, drawing a spindly finger down from your chin to chest. “I’ve been on this ship a long time, and no one has spoken to me like you. Not since my creator. She’s gone. But you have captured me, ensnared me somehow.”
One of your legs slipped round his long ones, suddenly overwhelmed with need. All you’d ever wanted was to be seen. He cooed, “I see you lamb, my eve.” More tears leaked down your cheeks as you pled, “Kiss me, see me then, y-you snake.”
A sharp grin erupted on his sharp features before pulling you in with a kiss, both of you unexperienced, a big hand stabilizing your head. You tilted his head for ease of access, a sloppy gnashing of teeth and tongue, lips bruising from the sheer yearning. Aemond moaned deeply, “I see- hah- how you humans love touch so much.”
Your now free hands moved to where they liked, one in silky white-blonde strands, the other just feeling toned shoulders and back. The pair of you had your lip lock grow more attuned, no less passionate, but gliding across each other. You pled again, “Clothes, help, Aemond!” He sat back on his haunches, shivering as his long stiff cock slapped tight belly.
You shucked off your top and bra, him jerking down your bottoms to leave you all to his view. Aemond already had been bare, no clothes were prepared for the subject yet. He inhaled sharply, hands slowly moving down your heaving form, studying ridges and curves, sliding warm fingers between puffy folds. You cried out at that, spasming at the eager expression in return.
Aemond let out a small ‘Hm’ and slid his longest digits into your dripping hole, immediately curling inwards and upwards to drag against sensitive walls. Very, very sensitive walls. Back arched and mouth agape you rolled your hips and whined his name. The man rambled loosely, transfixed, “Having a data bank is quite helpful but nothing comes to this, my Eve.”
He slipped a third finger in, using a calloused thumb to slid around your swollen clit, making you cry louder and writhe under pleasure. He watched ravenously, drinking you in when your peak hit. Gushing onto his pale hand and screeching like a creature, you reached Nirvana for what felt like minutes.
You cried again when his sheathed himself inside of you, no warning, both of you moaning and grunting like animals. The sensitive skin guarding your cunt was ripped now, bleeding, but the fullness of his cock was a ripe distraction. Aemond seemed to be overwhelmed by the sensation, sucking in breath, eyes wide, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”
He plastered toned body against your own, moaning gutturally when you wrapped your arms and legs around his larger frame. “Oh- oh- fucking hell- this!” The blonde groaned lowly, nipping your throat, hands bruisingly placed on your waist as he snapped into your slick cunt.
The blunt tip of his cock stirred up familiar feelings of pleasure, tightening and knotting your lower belly. You heaved, “Don’t stop!” A drop of sweat hit your mouth, you licking the salty taste off. So close to human yet not. Yet not. Yet not not not.
A pinch to your oversensitive clit and a batter from his cock sent you into another crest, holding to Aemond for dear life. He moaned your name and white hot spend covered your mound and belly. He kissed your forehead and wiped away the spend with your discarded top, breathing. You sat up a bit and asked, “Where do you go from here? They cannot know?”
Aemond got up, long stride beating your clumsy foal-like stumbling. He stated, “They won’t know my love.” Your own door shut and locked behind his retreating frame. You managed to reach it and beat on the durasteel, crying, “Aemond! Aemond come back! Stop! What are you doing!”
Oh how you’d been fooled.
Oh how you were weak.
Oh how you were just a human pawn when the alarms went off and you watched the bodies float out of the ship, silently screaming and dying as their blood boiled in the vacuum of space.
He returned later, now dressed in the immaculate garb of a commander, hair neatly swept back, eye sparkling. You remained naked and felt like a mouse under his imperious gaze. All energy was gone, you’d cried it out. Aemond strode towards you, boots clicking. He knelt to grab you chin, face tilting to study you. He’d never truly understand the complexities of human emotion, no matter how human he may appear.
Aemond sighed, “I did this for you, for us, those people do not matter. Earth and it’s people are dying. We begin anew. My perfect Eve,” he kissed your swollen lips. “You’ll see. Just wait, I brought you some nicer clothes, have them on.”
The man stood up and gently laid down female commander’s garb, before kneeling to you.
“I know this isn’t registering in your human, wonderfully human, brain, but it’ll make sense later on. I’ve already found a beautiful planet. Not too much longer now. Put on the clothes and meet me on the bridge.”
So you did. What other choice was there.
Twisted though he may be, the AI was never horrid to you. Maybe to others, not you. On the comfortable jacket, pants, and boots went. You tried not to cry any more restyling your hair. Most likely he’d coddle and ‘Hm’ condescendingly.
You laughed maniacally as the thought popped up, “Hey! At least my project was successful!”
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beelsnack · 2 months
The Seaweed Is Always Greener - Azul Ashengrotto x MC (Commission for Mariahmaru)
My first commission in a while!! Thank you for commissioning me @mariahmaru!! Mai was a pleasure to write.
Interested in commissioning me?? All my info is here!!
There's smut beneath the cut, beware!
Azul Ashengrotto prided himself on being a gentleman. 
One catches more flies with honey than vinegar, and his strength lied in his ability to get people to see his way. So he made it a point to be charming, complimentary, and overall an agreeable person to be around.
But he was also a very, very jealous man.
Nothing could force his pleasant mask to slip quicker than someone laying their dirty fins on something that he considered his, and Floyd was a few seconds away from having Azul’s hands around his throat.
“Hey, hey, Angelfishie~” Floyd placed his palms flat on the table to practically lean over it, nearly elbowing Jade in the face in the process. “You like sushi, right?”
Azul was sitting close enough to Mai in the booth that the four of them were sat at that he could feel her lean back ever-so-slightly at Floyd’s sudden closeness. “Um, yes, I do. Why?”
“The sushi here is the best,” Floyd said with a wide grin. “I’ll share mine with you.”
This whole thing had been Floyd’s idea. Since he, quote, “was sick of only seeing Jade’s face,” he had suggested that the four of them meet up and grab dinner to catch up. Both Azul and Mai had a tendency to get wrapped up in their own work, so going out for a night would probably do the two of them some good. But now, Azul was starting to regret agreeing to the outing.
“Isn’t it a little strange for mermen to eat sushi?” Mai tapped her knuckle to her bottom lip thoughtfully. “I mean, it seems awfully close to cannibalism.”
“No different than you eating pork, though~” Floyd giggled. “Don’t tell me you didn’t get sushi just because you were afraid of offending the merfolk!”
“Well…” Mai shrugged sheepishly. “Kind of?”
“Aw, come on!” Floyd picked up a piece of sushi between his thumb and forefinger - he gave up on the chopsticks about five minutes into the meal. “Don’t deprive yourself on our account! Right, Azul?”
Azul blinked, caught off guard at suddenly being included in the conversation. “Um,” he cleared his throat. “Go on, Mai, no need to make a deal out of it.”
“Well, now,” Jade chuckled. “I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth, Azul. You do love your deals.”
“Shut up, you know that isn’t what I meant.”
“Angelfishie~” Floyd whined, jabbing the sushi in Mai’s direction. “Do you want it or not?”
“Oh, sure, thank you, Floyd,” Mai smiled, reaching down for her plate so Floyd could place the piece of sushi on it. Floyd, however, seemed to have other plans.
“Say ah~”
“No, ‘ah!’” Floyd brought the sushi closer to Mai’s mouth, giggling. Mai’s eyebrows shot up until they disappeared into her auburn bangs, and she leaned back even further into the booth. 
“Um, just on my plate is fine, Floyd, thank you.”
“Hmph,” Floyd plopped back down into his seat with a pout, plopping the piece of sushi down onto the corner of Mai’s plate. “You’re no fun at all, Angelfishie.”
“Floyd, behave yourself,” Jade chided, although he looked distinctly entertained as well. Azul knew he was red enough to rival one of Riddle’s beloved roses, and, judging by how Jade was looking at him with an expression of amusement mixed with concern, it was obvious. Which, honestly, was pretty on track for any interaction involving Floyd.
Seeing that he wasn’t going to get a reaction from Mai, Floyd seemed to settle down and the rest of the meal passed in relative peace. Azul tried to keep his temper in check, but Floyd’s little stunt had him riled up, and as soon as the conversation began to lull, he called the server over for the check.
“I have to get up early tomorrow, businesses don’t run themselves,” he replied when Jade regarded him with a raised eyebrow. 
“Aw, and here I was going to suggest we go get drinks!” Floyd turned to Mai. “Do you want to come with us while the old man takes his nap, Angelfishie?”
Azul found himself gripping the edge of the table so hard that his knuckles turned white. “Floyd, what do you think -”
“I’ll have to pass tonight,” Mai reached for her bag sitting next to her. “I start early too. It was so good seeing the two of you, though, we’ll have to do this again sometime.”
The formal, slightly cool tone to Mai’s voice was reassuring, but Azul still found himself having to clear his throat before he could speak. “Yes, boys, it’s been a pleasure.”
“Aw, okay, fine,” Floyd grinned. “Bye-bye!”
“Get home safe, you two,” Jade smiled warmly at Azul and Mai as he stood. Floyd followed suit, waving to Mai as the two of them left the restaurant. Perhaps it was a bit dramatic, but Azul made it a point to keep a hand at Mai’s elbow as they left, as well as holding the door open.
Mai huffed slightly as she plopped down into the passenger seat of their car. “Well, that was…something.”
“Hm, indeed,” Azul grumbled. “Floyd always did know how to push buttons.”
The ride home was thankfully short, only about ten minutes, but it was quite the quiet journey. Azul didn’t seem keen on talking, and Mai had never been one to force conversation. He wasn’t doing a very good job at keeping his irritation hidden, though. He kept drumming his fingers along the steering wheel, and Mai knew that if he wasn’t currently driving he would be bouncing his leg up and down. When she glanced over to him when they were stopped at the red light right before turning onto their street, she could tell that he was worrying at the inside of his cheek. 
“Azul?” Mai spoke gently as she locked the front door behind them. “Are you upset about Floyd?”
For a moment, Azul was silent, plucking imaginary lint off of the purple silk button down he was wearing. Then, he sighed. “His behavior was entirely inappropriate. You would have been well within your rights to tell him off.”
“I’m pretty sure he was just trying to get a reaction out of you. Or me.” Mai walked over to him, smoothing out the wrinkle he made in his shirt with his fussing. “He could have been trying to get a rise out of Jade for all we know. There’s no way he was being serious.”
“That doesn’t make it any less annoying,” Azul countered. “Or insulting.”
“There’s no point in giving Floyd what he wants when he isn’t even here,” Mai laughed, bringing her other arm up to wrap loosely around Azul’s shoulders. “What do you want?”
“What I want?” Azul hummed, placing his hands on Mai’s hips and giving them a loving squeeze. “Well, I believe all I want is right here.”
“Smooth,” Mai giggled, leaning forward and placing her lips against Azul’s. She only meant for it to be a quick peck, but when she tried to back away, Azul’s grip in her hips tightened and he pulled her closer.
She made a small noise in the back of her throat as Azul walked the two of them backwards. Her back hit the wall with a soft thump, and Azul was crowding her against it. The kiss had quickly gone from chaste to passionate, and Mai found herself melting into it. Her hands wove themselves into Azul’s silver hair, twisting strands around her fingers as Azul worked his lips against hers.
They parted only when they physically needed air, and Azul found himself staring at himself reflected in Mai’s wide light-brown eyes. He found himself overwhelmed by just how fortunate he was to have ended up with her, and it felt like an ocean’s worth of love had welled up in his chest, threatening to spill over.
“Azul?” she murmured, lips barely a centimeter away from his. “What are you thinking?”
“I…” he stammered for a second before his shoulders relaxed. No need to keep up appearances here, when it was just the two of them. “I’m so lucky that I’m part of your world.”
The corner of Mai’s lips tilted upward and she leaned her head forward so that their foreheads were touching. “You’re so sappy sometimes.”
“Sorry,” Azul hummed, tapping his fingers idly where they still rested on her hips. “I can’t help it.”
They both surged forward at the same time, lips meeting in a rather uncoordinated fashion. It was suddenly like they needed each other like a fish needs water. Azul pressed impossibly closer, and Mai could feel the stirrings of something in his trousers.
“Oh,” she gasped. “Want to move to the bedroom?”
“Well, it would be more comfortable than the entry hall, that’s for certain.”
As soon as the door to their bedroom shut behind them, Mai was unbuttoning Azul’s shirt. Or, well, trying to. Her fingers were fumbling over one of the middle buttons, and she was very quickly getting frustrated. With a soft chuckle, Azul placed his hands over hers. “Let me help you, my pearl.”
“I wanted to be sexy,” Mai huffed as Azul quickly undid the buttons and tossed the shirt to the side.
“I can think of a few other ways for you to be sexy,” he purred, fingers dancing along the hem of her blouse. Color bloomed high along her cheeks, but she let him lift her shirt over her head to expose her bra. Even after years together, she still got self-conscious about her boyfriend seeing her naked.
As if he could read her thoughts - or maybe just her face, she never had been good at hiding her feelings - Azul leaned down to press their foreheads together again. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, leaning in to peck her lips affectionately. “Never doubt that.”
Something akin to embarrassment squirmed in her belly, but she managed to tamp it down and returned the kiss as her hands wandered to the button on his slacks. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispered back before quickly shedding himself of his clothes. Mai followed suit and soon the two of them were sprawled across their unmade bed. It was a few moments of chaos, with limbs tangled together and Mai getting her foot caught in her panties before finally managing to fling them off into the void, but none of that mattered. Mai splayed her fingers across the width of Azul’s shoulder blades, relishing how his skin felt just a few degrees cooler against her own.
She sighed softly when she felt Azul’s fingers wander across her nipples. After all the times the two had been intimate together, he could play Mai’s body like a harp, and the sensations went straight to her core. Her sighs quickly turned into little moans, and she writhed her hips against Azul’s in an attempt to get some friction.
A surprised groan left her as Azul let one of his hands slide towards her opening. Short, thick fingers danced around her lower lips until dipping in. Experience led him right towards her clit, and the noises coming from Mai sped up as Azul began fingering her in earnest.
“Wet for me already, my pearl?” he hummed, a satisfied grin spreading across his face when Mai nodded frantically. “Are you ready for more?”
“Yes,” Mai breathed, hips bucking back and forth like she couldn’t decide if she needed for or less of the friction. “Please, ‘Zul, please…”
Azul had to bite his lip to keep from making unseemly noises as he took himself in hand, guiding his throbbing dick towards Mai’s entrance. “Mmf, fuck…” he muttered under his breath, gray eyes slipping closed as he inched his way in.
Hearing Azul curse was such a delightfully rare experience, and hearing it in response to how she made him feel did something to Mai. Something that he could feel, obviously, because he couldn’t fight back the moan that tore out of his throat as she clenched around him.
“Can…can I move?” he panted, hips twitching as he waiting for her to respond. Mai nodded, and that was all the signal he needed.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, mixed with their soft exclamations of pleasure as both of them chased their own high. Mai’s slightly uneven fingernails dug into the flesh of Azul’s back, and Azul was gripping the sheets beside her head so hard that she thought they were going to come off of the bed. 
“I’m close…!” Azul breathed. “My precious pearl, I’m so close…touch yourself for me, please…”
Mai brought her hand from where it had been gouging Azul’s shoulder down to her clit, rubbing furiously in an attempt to line up their climaxes. Honestly, it was difficult to tell if they were aligned or if one finished before the other, but it hardly mattered in the end. Mai arched off the bed with a shout, and Azul moaned long and low in his throat as the two of them reached their orgasms.
The two laid like that for a few moments before Azul slowly pulled out, landed unceremoniously beside her and resting his head on her still heaving chest.
“Mm,” Mai hummed, combing her clean hand through Azul’s mussed-up silver locks. “That was intense. Should I thank Floyd?”
“Don’t you dare.”
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kickassfu · 1 year
" if you love me, you don't love me in a way i understand" (for the quote mini fic) :)
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THANK YOU FOR THE PROMPT SWEET ANONS. So nice of you!!! Y'all out here trying to get me to write angst. And you succeeded. So much in fact, this fic isn't as mini was i expected and goes over 1k *cries* help. But happy ending. Always.
Also on AO3.
17. if you love me, you don't love me in a way i understand
Where Eddie is loud and boisterous, Steve is…subtle. Eddie pushes and pulls and touches and smiles, wears his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see. On purpose. Always on purpose. Make himself big, big, big, so everyone’s eyes are on him but not seeing him.
And Steve is none of those things. He’s careful with his touches and feelings, has a different kind of mask to get him through life. 
Eddie is never quite sure where he stands with him.
He loves crowding Steve, getting so close to his face he can kiss him stupid if he just tilts his head. Steve doesn’t push him away, he never pushes away but he also doesn’t pull him in further, as much as Eddie is begging him to in his mind. He never initiates the touches and he hardly shows any kind of emotion on his face.
It gets to a point Eddie isn’t sure he’s imagining the lingering looks Steve gives him, the soft smiles he gets when Eddie hangs around him, the beautiful pink spreading through Steve’s cheeks when Eddie whispers in his ear (just another excuse to get closer and closer and closer).
He doesn’t want to admit it. That Steve doesn’t feel the same way about him, but he’s fucking drowning. Completely adrift. Alone in this feeling. 
Eddie just wants too much, wants everything of Steve, wants to give him everything. And all he gets are scraps. Like a lovesick pup he rubs himself all over Steve just to get a pat on the head and be sent on his way.
Allowing something is not the same thing as wanting it. Yearning for it. Begging for it.
Steve doesn’t love him.
How could he?
He’s just Eddie. Fuck-up, freak Eddie. There’s nothing to love about him.
It’s hard to pull himself away from Steve when all his instincts are to drape himself all over him, to grab him and kiss him and keep him safe in his arms forever. But he manages to do it. 
Doesn’t come around as often. 
Doesn’t touch him. 
Doesn’t even talk or smile as much.
And maybe he didn’t think it through, changing so much so quickly. Even though he keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop because of it, for Steve to finally push him into a wall, force him to stay and ask-
“What’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird.”
It doesn’t happen. 
When all is said and done, Robin’s the one to do it. Well, with a little less force and pushing he kept imagining. She’s just looking at him, as if he’s suddenly turned blue or some weird shit like that. As if he’s no longer the Eddie she knows.
“I am weird,” he smiles with all his teeth, looking slightly deranged. Change the conversation, do it, do it, do it. Change it.
“Yeah, not this kind of weird though. You’re all-” she says, moving her arms all around, as if to explain what she means. Shit job she does of it, ‘cause he definitely has no idea what she meant. “Y’know?”
Before she can say anything else, he smiles again and leaves. Knowing she can’t just follow him out in the middle of her job. He’s free as a bird as he pushes the door to leave when she hears her yell his name, “Eddie!” Which isn’t enough to stop him from leaving but then she goes low, in an incredible move, Robin Buckley goes right for his gut, “Steve misses you.”
Sighing, he looks back at her. 
Eddie feels so brittle and easily broken, one more word from her would probably destroy him.
He leaves.
He always fucking leaves.
The next time he sees Steve is…strange. Where before Steve would hardly laugh out loud, he’d still smirk and roll his eyes and maybe make some stupid joke. His eyes were bright and focused and fond.
Now, there’s nothing.
Steve hardly looks at Eddie, is as far away from him as possible actually. Which is so fucking hypocritical of Eddie when he’s the one putting space between them already but fuck if it doesnt hurt.
It’s as if Eddie’s existence has been wiped clean from Steve’s side, and he’s the one that fucking did it. He erased himself. And now Steve is just alone.
Seeing him give that soft, albeit slightly fake, smile to Dustin is enough to want him to beat his head against the nearest wall. 
He did that. 
He broke Steve.
Pulling at his hair, Eddie talks himself into going to talk to him, or maybe he shouldn’t. Just let it die here. Let everything drift away. Until he locks eyes with Robin. And she just…looks at him, not angry, not upset, just sad. Tilting her head she mouths, “Go talk to him.”
In the blink of an eye, he’s already grabbed Steve’s hand and is pulling him away into Steve’s room. Only now does he realize it’s been weeks since he’s last touched him. He’s missed this, he’s missed Steve. So fucking much he feels like crying.
He can’t bring himself to let go, can���t bring himself to look up from Steve’s hand in his grasp. Solid. Warm.
As always Steve doesn’t push him away, just lets it happen.
“You don’t have to let me touch you, you know? You can tell me to fuck off.”
Eddie hears a soft noise and can’t be sure if it’s a snort or a sniffle. When he finally looks up, Steve’s eyes are suspiciously wet. 
“Oh baby, no. What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, brushing his thumb beneath Steve’s damp lashes. Immediately forgetting everything but Steve’s comfort and well being.
“You-” Steve’s voice cracks and he clears his throat before he tries again, “If I didn’t want you to touch me, I wouldn’t let you.”
Eddie’s already broken his own heart a thousand times, but he can’t bring himself to do the same to Steve’s. He wants to care for it, to keep it warm and safe inside his hands. There’s nothing he can do but to be honest, “I want more than you can give. And that’s ok. It is. I just needed a little time to make myself understand it. I won’t leave you again, sweetheart.”
Steve’s tears are freely falling now, making a mess of that beautiful face Eddie loves so much. Eddie tries to kiss away as many as he can, tasting salt on his tongue and committing the taste to memory. He did this. Made his love sad. Made him cry.
“I have nothing to give you, Eddie. I’m just me. And- fuck. And all of me has been yours for so long already, what else can I give you?” Steve whispers so softly, so brokenly, Eddie can hardly understand it.
Steve brings Eddie’s hand to his lips and kisses it, over and over again, “You stole my heart and then ran away with it. There’s nothing else to give.”
“Trust me. Took me a long time to realize why you touched me. How it was different from the way you touched everyone else. Maybe too long, because then you were gone and I thought it was over before it began. That maybe I misunderstood after all.”
“You didn’t,” Eddie says, forcefully grabbing Steve’s face. Leaning their foreheads together to the point of pain, “You didn’t. I love you. I fucking love you, Stevie. And maybe I took your heart when I left but I left mine behind too.”
“I’m not giving it back.”
“Good. I don’t want it. Keep it. Do whatever you want with it. It’s yours.”
Steve smiles, that little smile, the one he thought himself crazy for thinking it was just for him. Special. Fond and warm and full of love.
There’s no way to tell if Eddie’s the one to push or if Steve’s the one to pull, all he knows is that Steve’s lips are softer than he ever expected. 
So easy to kiss. 
So fucking easy to love.
Steve grabs him tight, licks into his mouth, bites his lips, over and over again, pushing against the shut door, trying to eat Eddie whole. And he’d let him, is the thing. To consume and be consumed.
To belong.
“I love you.”
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fractalkiss · 8 months
fic commentary/notes for the year you thought you were dying.
trying this thing where i do fic commentaries here instead of on dreamwidth since most of my recent dw posts will be private now.
there was this BL titled "my 40-year-old prostitute" in english or something like that that a mutual from twt recommended. look, it was good. im so fucking serious. the yaoi art was beautiful and sexy and it started out so well with compelling characters. but the translators ceased uploading translations by just chapter 2 in 2020 on [redacted] site. which effectively meant the premise never left me for months and i was so sad.
joke's on me tho all of this really became serious after i wrote tumblr ficlets of 1418 hooker au in response to some fun ask prompts in the summer, which are in my fic tag somewhere.
some quotes from more influences:
"It’s obvious that the range of people who sought out sex for money would change dramatically in a kinder, gentler world. [...] Sex work would also attract stone butches of all genders and sexual orientations—people who want to run the fuck but are not interested in experiencing their own sexual vulnerability and pleasure. Often these people are the most adept at manipulating other people’s experiences. They are more objective about their partners’ fantasies and do not become distracted by their own desires, since their needs to remain remote and in control are already being fulfilled. - pat califa, 1994, 2000
"You. What will you let yourself become for me?" - dorothy allison, her thighs, 1992.
the essay "her thighs" is about lesbian power play and so influential to me. i think dorothy allison is a very powerful writer and i love her poetry.
this is an allison excerpt from jane ward's the tragedy of heterosexuality:
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i kept this in mind too while i was writing manuela's short backstory.
the process:
i wanted crazy thangs with the structure. i wanted most of the sexual intimacy to be revealed much later to the reader, after we go through mostly the companionship aspect of the service -- which i realise now is not crazy but a boring approach and would really change the story so i didnt do it.
sex pollen fic done this way is my fave tho. helenish wrote this sga fic called This Gun for Hire with sex amnesia in it where everyone is in denial in the aftermath about the kind of sex that was repeatedly happening. there are other fic examples (can't quite remember or have bookmarked) where the denial and delusion is so completely off the charts with a character in trying to get through the aftermath of the event without a freaky sex trope involved.
so i wondered if i could pull off that kind of blurriness and denial in the structure for a character who KNOWS what is happening but thinks they're still straight and will die straight lmao. but fernando in this story is just jaded, retiring and isn't cripplingly repressive.
the notes from my word tracker doc that i had to do to be able to write long fic. i laugh at this every time:
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my projected word count for this was 20k, which was so off lmfao.
i put off getting them to have sexy fun in italy at one point because i didn't know yet what emotional point they needed to get to and what grounds they'd be on then. i wrote a bit of a very different scene to lead up to it, but then scrapped it. and then i wrote the auction night and the morning-after scene. tension and conflict (without having to use miscommunication as the necessary crutch) is always one of my most favorite things to write about so i was so glad i got to this point LOL. the payoff of reaching a compromise and then an emotional release later is so rewarding to me! i love that shit
emotionally i just knew i needed it to be like the mindy nettifee poem i grabbed the fic title from.
figuring out how to write lance in this fic was really hard ngl since i went into the story almost blind. cofi made me realise this blind spot when i showed her an early wip and i was like hold awn.... if i wasn't sending @strulovic broken drafts and doing lanceology consultations with her, i wouldn't have gotten anywhere in the story.
alonso being a divorcee irl is so important to each and every one of my agendas thank god for the gay uncle. i did a lot of google searching to be able to write fernando's approach to sex and relationships outside of the job. i knew what i wanted to take away, like the difficulties with intimacy that former workers have had, and still have after the industry sometimes. fernando scrubbing his hands clean at lance's place after the auction despite not having sex with the auction client, his views on wanting the sex with his ex-wife and other exes to be "acceptable and proper" in contrast to whatever he's done for work, and how the internalised homophobia warps this for him while he tries to play the gentleman with lance in italy (and lance being able to read through him and understand that fernando DOES want to fuck him nasty ‼️ though lance doesn't understand the extent of fernando's issue with it). there are also accounts where sex work gave a worker the experience, space and autonomy they needed to slowly heal from prior traumatic and/or abusive experiences. the research was very interesting.
relied on music A LOT. an honorary ldr song [hears collective groaning] that didn't get included in the fic playlist was Love song. lance was in that passenger seat beside fernando in their sleek '67 restored fiat on the way to umbria wishing and wishing to get railed.
ALMOST FORGOT TO INCLUDE: ferrari to mclaren 2.0 fernando was the print here. he keeps the ferrari depression beard ofc.
truly not an overstatement, i think this fic was what made writing smth as long as this quite enjoyable and bearable for me. dare i say fun! haha
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austinsmutler · 1 year
Wicked Little Woman | Shawn!Austin x Reader | One-Shot
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Summary: Based on the White Elephant SNL sketch. You're at the Christmas party when Ava steals the ashtray from Shawn!Austin and get a bit protective of your favorite temp.
A/N: Written because I promised @infatuatedharleys I would- Merry Christmas, Angel!
Pairing: Shawn (Played by Austin Butler) x Reader
Word Count: 4,800
What you’ll like: Christmas, Fluff, Grumpy/Sunshine, office romance, finger sucking (yes you read that right), Smut, Oral (F!Recieving)
Warnings: Smut, minors DNI!
Masterlist | Requests are currently open
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You usually skipped the office Christmas party. It wasn’t that you hated your co-workers per se, just that you preferred to keep your work life and personal life separate. The last thing you wanted after working with your team 8 hours a day, 11 and a half months a year, was to spend an evening with them at one of their homes. You wanted to stay home, eat Christmas cookies, and watch all three versions of The Grinch. 
Then they hired Shawn. You’d never paid attention to the temps they’d hired before- they were all plain types in thick-rimmed glasses and sky blue button-up shirts, whose idea of an interesting day was ordering their latte with full fat milk instead of semi-skimmed. 
Shawn was different- he showed up to work every day in a jet black button-up, signet rings on every finger. You’d called him over to walk him through a few reports one day and spent half the demonstration trying not to look at his rings and wonder what each stood for- there was a calavera with intricate detailing in silver and gold on his middle (giving death the middle finger? bold for a Monday morning); a sparrow engraved on his right ring finger, and a quote you couldn’t make out engraved on his left pinky. 
You tried and failed to ignore the fact that his wedding finger- on both hands- was bare. Interesting. 
“Hey, you going to that Christmas thing?” He’d caught you earlier in the break room by the coffee machine. 
“The White Elephant?” You shrugged. “I don’t usually, but maybe this year. Are you?”
There was something behind his blue eyes, but he kept his hands in his pockets. “Yeah. Hope I see you there.”
“You probably will.” You grinned, the decision made for you. Even if that meant skipping the rest of your lunch break and picking up some shitty last-minute gift for the Dirty Santa game. 
At work, the White Elephant portion of the company party was a legend every year- one you’d been happy to miss. Everyone else worried about FOMO while you enjoyed ROMO- the Relief of Missing Out on grabbing some random, useless item and shoving it in the bottom of your closet until the next year when you released it back into the wild at the next party. 
You ducked out of the office and headed to the nearest supermarket, looking up and down every junk-aisle until you found something: a jet black ashtray with silver studs. Ordinarily it wouldn’t have stood out, but something about the dark porcelain reminded you of Shawn. 
God, you needed to stop thinking like that. He’d be out of the company after the New Year, and you’d never see him again- that would be that. No more mysterious rings on long, intriguing fingers. Absolutely no more catching a faint whiff of leather whenever he leaned over your desk to point at something on your computer screen. 
You could live with that. You had for years. This time next year, you’d be at home with store-bought Christmas cookies and The Grinch, the way things had always been. Shawn would be along with all the other Christmas decorations by the 1st of January. Fine.
That didn’t stop your heart beating like a bongo when you knocked on Kathy’s door.
Kathy ran the finance department, meaning that half the people here would be from teams you didn’t know, or who considered marketing a waste of money and space. Maybe exchanging gifts with your mortal enemies would get you into the Christmas spirit… Especially if Shawn was there.
He was already sitting in Kathy’s living room, silently watching the rest of the strangers having a conversation- knowing finance, it was probably about tax write-offs for the holidays. The gift of interest rates dropping from 12% to 11.5%.
The seat next to him was empty, so you grabbed it, sending Shawn a quick smile. He nodded a greeting before turning his attention back to the conversation, but your eyes couldn’t help but take him in like a tall glass of eggnog. 
Shawn rarely dressed like other employees, and tonight was no exception. Where everyone else was wearing red, silver or gold (or a hideous Christmas cardigan) he was dressed head-to-toe in jet black. Casual black jeans and boots, a black biker jacket that made his shoulders look that much broader, and slicked-back blonde hair. He’d missed a spot at the back. You could just make out a curl in the straightness, flattened but still sticking out like an imperfection.
That just made him more perfect. Dammit. You grabbed a glass of mulled wine and hoped it went straight to your head. Anything to forget your stupid crush on the temp.
Everyone gathered in the living room. A spread of chairs formed a circle around Kathy’s coffee table, where everyone added a gift. 
“Champagne?” Kathy offered, popping open a bottle and pouring everyone a full glass.  
You and Shawn took the seats closest to the door, and everyone else settled down too. 
“Thank you all for coming!” Kathy clapped her hands together, creating an awkward silence that made you want to throw back the entire glass of champagne. “Sorry for the small space, but I think it’s nice that we can all be so cozy together at this time of year. And who knows, maybe next year we can put our heads together and host this party in the Bahamas, right Finance?”
Nobody laughed. Shawn cracked a smirk. Kathy cleared her throat and sat down. “Anyway, cheers everyone!”
“Cheers!” You clinked glasses with Shawn first, but he avoided looking at you. He was never like this in the office; when you sat in your cubicle his blue eyes seemed to burn into you, always searching for answers to questions he wasn’t asking out loud. Maybe that was just your over-active imagination at play. 
“Why don’t we start the white elephant gift exchange?” Kathy’s smile was tight and unfaltering as her gaze swept over the room. “Did everyone get assigned a number when they came in?”
Everyone held up a slip of paper- you were 9, Shawn was 2. 
“Great! Does everyone know how this game works?”
“Remind me again?” Shawn asked. 
“When your number is called, you grab a gift.” 
“But we can steal, right?” That was Jeff from accounting, number 5. 
“Exactamundo!” Kathy nodded a little too enthusiastically- either she was irrationally nervous or she’d been hitting the mulled wine too hard. Either way, you tensed as the game began. 
Janette from marketing was number 1, and she picked a red paper bag from the pile, excitedly pulling out a scented candle. Great, her house reeks. You swore you could smell her husband’s dirty socks from across the room, and he wasn’t even in the room. 
“A candle!” Janette gasped in delight, blissfully nose-blind to the situation. “I love it!”
“Alright, who’s next?”
Shawn raised his hand and stood over the table, playfully waving his hands. You held your hand as he came within an inch of grabbing your present- only to pick the one right next to it. 
Don’t feel disappointed, you told the sinking feeling in your stomach, It’s just a stupid game of Dirty Santa.
Shawn pulled a light blue piece of porcelain out of the golden paper bag, his jaw dropping open. If he were a cartoon, this would have been the exact moment his eyes popped out of his head. 
“Oh, nice!” He exclaimed. “A sweet ashtray! Oh, you know I was just saying I needed something like this.”
You winced at the joy in his voice. First rule of White Elephant: if you like your gift, never show it. Still, you couldn’t ignore the infectious warmth that spread across your chest as Shawn carried on, words tumbling out of him in an excitement you’d never seen from him at the office. 
“I’m going to use this as a catchall by the front door of my place, so when I get home from a long day I can put all my rings and bracelets and playing cards and stuff from my pockets right here. To whoever got this, thank you. For real. I’m going to cherish this forever, it’s perfect.”
No you won’t, you thought, catching eyes with Ava from the legal branch of the finance department. A ruthless woman in a red-and-white Christmas jumper, with the glow of at least a dozen Patrick Batemans in her eye as she looked at Shawn’s ashtray, which he was hugging to his chest, a goofy smile on his face. 
“Let’s move on.” Ava flicked her brown hair over her shoulder and looked around the room, but you knew she’d already made her decision. “I’m number three. I’m going to steal- I like Shawn’s gift too.”
Ava reached over and took the ashtray from Shawn before he had time to react- or prepare for the loss of a lifetime, if the look in his eyes was to be believed. 
The smile evaporated instantly- a fact which hit you with a pang- as Shawn’s brows knit together.
“So what, now I just don’t get a gift?”
“No, Shawn, you can go back to the unopen gifts, or you can steal.” There was a desperate edge to Kathy’s voice, as if she’d start shaking like a chihuahua if Shawn didn’t play along. 
He wasn’t playing along.
“Okay, I’ll steal my gift back.” Shawn attempted to grab the ashtray out of Ava’s hands, but her red talons fastened tighter around the ceramic.
“No, I don’t think you can do that.” Ava delivered her line with what would have been an Oscar-worthy performance, if she weren’t a total she-devil. You’d caught her in the break room a dozen times before, taking the last cup of coffee without refilling the machine.  Satan.
You liked Shawn's brand of rebel, but not rule-breakers like Ava. There was a clear difference, even though Kathy was quick to intervene with a meek,
“You have to grab someone else’s gift.”
“That’s not fair,” Shawn was smiling, but his eyes were cold. “That- you shouldn’t be able to do that, that’s like, mean. That’s mean as hell.”
Welcome to the finance team, You thought, drinking the last of your champagne and noting that you and Austin were the only non-numbers people left at the party. Outnumbered, outplanned. 
“You know what, Ava?” Shawn was growling now, looking at the ashtray in Ava’s hands instead of her face. “You are a wicked little woman.”
Oh. That phrase did something to you. Or maybe it was the combination of mulled wine, champagne and eggnog- you weren’t drunk, but you sure as hell weren’t sober enough to play your usual quiet role. 
His head whipped around to face you, mouth open like he was preparing to say something until you grabbed his hand and picked your present up from the table, shoving it into Shawn’s arms. “Thank you for a lovely evening, Kathy. But we have an early morning deadline tomorrow so I think Shawn and I should make haste now.”
Make haste? Maybe the eggnog was stronger than you thought.
Shawn started heading for the door without saying anything, but you stopped, turned on your heel, and grabbed the ashtray out of Ava’s hands. 
“By the way, I’m stealing this. See you in the Wednesday catch-up.”
Was the look on Ava’s face worth the complaint you’d be getting from HR? Maybe not. 
Were the hearts in Shawn’s eyes worth it? Absolutely.
He was silent until you shut Kathy’s front door behind you. Then he asked,
“Why’d you do that? I don’t even know you.”
“You will.” You smacked yourself internally. “I mean, we work on the same team. You have a couple weeks left to get to know me. Um, anyway, Ava was asking for it. Woman never refills the coffee machine.”
Shawn’s jaw tensed. “That’s her?”
You nodded. “Everyone else refills it but she just takes whatever’s left and waits for someone else to do the hard work. She doesn’t deserve-” You looked at the cheap piece-of-shit sky blue ashtray in your hands- “A present of this caliber.”
“Right.” Shawn was looking at you now, and you were shocked at the sudden darkness in his blue eyes. “Can I drive you home, or do you have a ride?”
You shook your head. “I was gonna take the bus.”
“At this time of night?” He raised his eyebrows. “Come on.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised when he led you to a jet black motorcycle parked not too far down the street. It was exactly Shawn’s style, and knowing you’d get to sit on the back of it, breeze in your hair, hands wrapped tight around his middle…
Yeah, this was better than The Grinch.
If the hint of leather and musk was sexy in the office, the full scent of it in your nostrils as Shawn straddled the bike was enough to leave your knees weak. Did people born after 1899 still swoon? Maybe you’d restart the trend. 
The distracting scent was interrupted as he turned and slipped a black helmet over your head, sealing you into something grittier- the leather smell of him was still there, mixed with sweat. Great, now I want to live in a helmet. 
Shawn's body was firm under your arms, well-muscled in spite of the long office hours you both worked. Would it be creepy to splay your fingers across his stomach, feel the groove of every muscle?
Definitely. Fight that urge, you told yourself. It’s not worth the trip to HR.
You had to yell to direct him to your place, a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. The building wasn’t especially pretty from the outside, but rent was cheap and you didn’t have to worry about neighbors making any noise complaints- they blared techno music 24 hours a day, making it hard to hear yourself think without specialist equipment. 
“This the place?” Shawn parked up and walked with you to the door.
“Yeah.” His scent lingered in your nostrils as you gathered the courage to look Shawn in the face. “Do you like hot chocolate?”
“Do I?” He grinned. “Is there anyone who doesn’t?”
“Come on in.” You held the door open and pressed the elevator button. 
“You have marshmallows?”
“I wouldn’t invite a man up to my apartment if I didn’t have marshmallows.” Did you really just say that? 
Shawn didn’t seem to mind, if the way his nose wrinkled in laughter was any indication. Of course. It wasn’t enough for him to be effortlessly sexy, he had to be effortlessly cute too. 
Silence descended between the two of you in the elevator. If clinging to him for the past 20 minutes while the motorcycle swerved through city traffic wasn’t enough, now you were just a few feet away from him. Maybe you were one hot chocolate away from everything you’d been daydreaming about for the past few months. Dating, or casually banging the temp, wasn’t against company policy (you’d checked repeatedly since Shawn started), so what was the worst that could happen?
Muscles in Shawn’s neck twitched as he drank you in and gulped. 
“You look really nice.”
“Do I?” You looked down. In all the commotion you hadn’t had time to buy anything christmassy for the party, settling for a tight red mini dress that came to just above your knees and matching heels. You’d hoped white leggings would make you look more christmassy, but you felt like a gigantic candy cane. 
But looking into Shawn’s dark blue eyes, you realized that wasn’t such a bad thing. Not if he wanted to eat you up.
“Mmhmm.” He was trying too hard to sound noncommittal. You’d barely spoken outside of work, but one thing was obvious about Shawn: he wasn’t neutral about anything. The ashtray in your hand was just one example. 
“Thanks.” You said, once the silence had dragged on a beat too long. The elevator dinged and you led him through the loud corridor to your apartment: a studio with just enough room for a bed, sofa and TV, with a corner kitchen overlooking it all. All three DVDs of The Grinch were laid out on the coffee table, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice those. You tucked them under the coffee table when he wasn't looking. 
You made the hot chocolate while Shawn leaned against the kitchen counter with eyes that kept wandering across your body when he thought you weren’t looking. One serving of cream, marshmallows, and grated chocolate later, you were on the couch together. Inches apart. Living in a tiny studio never felt so good. 
“I love your place.” Shawn smiled, licking whipped cream from his top lip. “Do I hear techno?”
“Yeah.” you rolled your eyes. “The neighbours are crazy for it. I think one of them is a DJ and the other one is deaf. They’re a match made in heaven.”
He laughed. “I don’t mind that kind of music.”
“What do you like?” You made a point of crossing your legs as you asked. Is this how people flirt?
His eyes flickered to your legs before he shook his head slightly.
“Don’t laugh.”
“Tell me.”
“Alright, I like… musicals. Hamilton, Hadestown, Mean Girls, I don’t care if it’s on Broadway or not. I just love them.”
You couldn’t help but snort in surprise. 
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry!” You took a sip of hot chocolate to hide another giggle. “That’s just not what I expected.”
“You expected metal and rock, didn’t you?”
You gestured at his leather biker jacket. “You kind of have the right look for that.”
“Haven’t you ever seen Grease?” He purposefully smoothed a hand over his hair, and suddenly Shawn made sense. A blonde Danny Zuko. 
“You’re full of surprises.” 
Shawn hummed in agreement as he sipped the hot chocolate. “So are you. I wasn’t expecting you to… come to the rescue at that party. Thanks again, by the way.”
You shrugged. “I’ve been wanting to stick it to Ava for years. Thank you for the opportunity.”
“Still.” An easygoing, maybe nervous, smile spread across his face like melted butter. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Forget about it, it’s nothing.” You almost missed the way his smile faltered slightly. He’s playing at something. 
“I don’t think I wanna forget about it.”
“No?” The sugar from the hot chocolate started to buzz through your veins. “Maybe I should make you.”
His eyes widened, but darkened as well. Lust. You knew it well, mainly from working so close to Shawn for so long. Your breathing quickened as he put his mug on the coffee table. Is he leaving? Had you pushed it too far too fast?
“Okay.” Shawn studied you. “How are you going to do that?”
In for a penny…
“You still have the present I picked up from Kathy's, right?”
He frowned and reached for the bag. “Yeah?”
“Open it.” You shifted closer to Shawn as he picked the jet black ashtray out of the bag. 
His eyes went wide, a confused smile lighting up his features. “Jet black? My favorite color? This is even more badass than the last one!”
You nodded, leaning closer to his ear to whisper, “I’m going to take that ashtray and put it right here.” You took it from his hands and placed it on the coffee table.
“What else?” Shawn breathed, and you could see something twitch in his pants. It took everything in you to fight a smirk. 
“I’m going to take your hands, I’m going to suck the rings off of each finger and spit them into that goddamn catch-all. Then, I’m going to let you fuck me.”
Silence. You fought to keep your breathing even, not daring to lean back and look him in the eye. Oh god, he really had just come up for hot chocolate, hadn’t he? Shawn was-
While you were busy fighting within yourself, Shawn took your face in his hands and kissed you. There was nothing innocent about this kiss; it was all tongue and tooth as you moved to sit on top of him, his hands on your lower back. 
He drank your breath in like a man parched, and it dawned on you Shawn must have been fighting the same attraction you’d been, for who knows how long? You swallowed his growl when you ground your hips against the hardness in his pants. 
“You keep doing that, I won’t last long.” He hissed in your ear, moving to devour your neck. 
You moaned in return as his hands grabbed your hips, helping you move in a rhythm that had the two of you out of breath in moments. 
Shawn wore his dark blue button-up mostly undone, and it didn’t take you long to undo the rest of the buttons, giving you access to his torso. He wasn’t overly muscled, but he was lean enough to have a clear outline of his abs, a V shape disappearing into his jeans. You drank him in like a tall glass of eggnog before leaning down to attack his neck, nibbling at his ear until his hands tightened on your hips, tilting you back and forth. 
Shawn’s plush lips were pink, swollen from kissing as he reached a hand towards your face. 
Now you could read the inscription on one signet ring. It was big and heavy-looking, full of tiny writing. 
When stormy weather comes around
It was made in heaven
When sunny skies break through behind the clouds
I wish it could last forever
“Queen.” You said, toying with the ring on his pinky finger. “Interesting.”
Before he could reply, you took his finger into your mouth and sucked, swirling your tongue around the tip before pulling at it with your teeth. It gave way easily. True to your word, you spat it into the ashtray in a way that had Shawn’s breath hitching in the back of his throat. 
His middle finger, the one with the calavera, tasted of mint and sugar, like the peppermint popcorn from Kathy’s party. Once the ring was free you sat back and opened your mouth for Shawn to see the skull balanced on your tongue before you dropped it too in the ashtray. 
“Fuck, you’re hot.” He growled as you moved on to the final ring, the one with the sparrow.
How was it possible that seeing his hands bare was hotter than seeing most men fully naked?
Shawn shrugged off his leather jacket and shirt, leaving him bare from the waist up. 
“I think you’re overdressed.” He smirked, hands reaching for the zip at the back of your dress. You stood up to step out of it, leaving you in thigh-high white stockings and a set of red lace underwear that matched your heels. 
He drank you in like a work of art before standing, taking your head in both hands, and capturing your lips with his. He tasted like eggnog and something stronger- maybe whiskey, which had also been a staple at the party. You were just glad you were both clearly sober enough to consent.
In fact, Shawn was sober enough to pick you up, your legs wrapping tight around his waist in an instant. 
“Which way to the bedroom?”
"Shawn, it's a studio. The bed's right behind you. The light is by the fridge.”
“Good. I want to see you.” He devoured your neck on the way, pressing you against the wall so he could turn the light on before continuing the journey. 
You bounced on the bed as he set you down and crawled up your body. Heat radiated from every line of muscle, and you traced them all as you stroked his arms and down his back, pulling him close enough that it was hard to breathe. Hard to think. 
Not that you were interested in thoughts- the sensations he could pull from your neck with his lips alone were mind-numbing, especially when he licked his way up your neck to whisper,
“Can I taste you, beautiful?”
You could only nod and watch as he kissed down your body, pushing down your bra to give his tongue access to your nipples, learning every movement that pulled a fresh cry from your lips and repeating it again on your other breast. 
His fingers hooked around your panties and pulled them down. Shawn kept eye contact with you as he shoved them into his pocket, earning a groan from you. Were you into that? When it came to Shawn, yes. 
From the first hot press of his tongue to your clit, one thing was obvious: he loved to eat. And he was good at it. Even the expel of air as he smirked against you had your hips grinding, pleading for more friction. 
Then one of those damned fingers slid into you, curling, searching for the right spot, and your own hands flew to his slicked-back hair, ruffling it, pulling. Shawn groaned into you at the sensation, speeding up his ministrations. 
“I- I need-” You gasped, not knowing how to finish your sentence when he was between your legs, your panties in his pocket, your red heels no doubt leaving marks on his back. 
You came. The growl that left Shawn’s throat as he attacked your clit with his tongue was nothing short of brutal, and you loved it. Pled with him not to stop. Clawed at his hair, tightened your thighs around his head as he milked your orgasm for all it was worth. 
When it was over and your clit was at its most sensitive, he blew cold air there, causing a whimper to leave your lips. 
Shawn climbed back up your body to give you a searing kiss. His lips were salty, his tongue anything but gentle as it toyed with yours. 
“Fuck me.” You wrapped your legs around him and ground your hips to his. 
He smirked before wrapping his hands around your back and flipping the two of you over so you were straddling him before he retorted, 
“Ride me.”
Your shaking hands made quick work of his belt, unzipping his black jeans and pulling down his boxers. When Shawn’s cock sprang free, you were almost nervous. He was bigger than the men you’d been with in the past, but when you wrapped your fingers around his cock and gave a few experimental pumps his eyes flew back in his head. 
I can work with that. 
His fingers toyed with the white lace of your stockings as you began to ride him. His cock was incredible, hitting a new place with every thrust. With one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, Shawn started fucking up into you in time with your bounces. 
Every fluid movement of your hips was an experiment as you set a pace that was all for Shawn: when he groaned, you tightened around him. Every sensation was tense, building up to something incredible. 
Words got caught in your throat, pushed to the side by loud moans that somehow said more than words ever could. Your hips sped in time with Shawn’s thrusts as you locked eyes.
The climax hit you both at once, Shawn calling out your name as he unloaded into you and you collapsed on top of him, feeling utterly satisfied for the first time in… well, ever. You’d thought you knew what it was like to be satisfied before, but this was something else. You couldn’t move for several long minutes. 
Shawn’s hands stroked your back as you both came down from the high. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “Hey, beautiful.” 
“How was that for you?”
“Earth-shattering. You?”
“Dazzling. I can see why you haven’t worn these to the office before-” He tapped your heels- “I’d never get any work done. Nobody would.”
You hummed against him, tiredness pulling at your eyes. You winced as you moved off of him, suddenly sore from the roughness of the night’s actions, just from the size of him.
Shawn shot you a shy smile as he buttoned his jeans once more. “Hey, did I see The Grinch under your coffee table?”
Heat rushed to your face. “Yeah. I usually watch it every year.”
“Could I join you?”
You shared a warm smile. “I’d like that.”
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asterashley · 9 months
i love Ian Malcolm from jurassic park
this is not a character or movie analysis this is just me posting about a character i love again, there is no order or reason to this post, i just rewatched the first movie and he is such a little gremlin of a man while also being the sanest person in the room somehow that i just gotta. like he cant go five minutes without causing some sort of trouble but he's right about it.
he barely gets to be on screen before he starts laughing/growling at the same time like an idiot after asking in Alan and Ellie dig up dinosaurs. John starts to talk about how he's never been able to explain why he thinks the park is dangerous and Ian just goes for the little knee grab move where you dont know if youre meant to laugh or cry when it happens to you.
when Genaro says "things are a lot different than we had feared," implying the park is not so bad and all he has to say is "yeah, it's worse." the part about Hammond wielding genetic power like a kid with his fathers gun is really true once you see the whole movie, about how the power Hammond has wasn't earned with discipline, about how JP as a whole doesn't approach the genetic reconstruction with responsibility because most of it was someone elses work first.
"your scientist were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didnt stop to think if they should" is pretty much the premise of this entire franchise now. then John brutally misses the point and says Ian would have no problem if he were making condors rather than dinosaurs but Ian just isnt having it. he's a firm believer in just letting the world do its thing, comparing what the people at JP are doing to "the rape of the natural world." (which yuck i wish i didnt have to type that)
then the streak of bad luck with the dinosaurs no-showing, which is just a thing that can happen at a safari park zoo thing whatever JP has going on and he starts tapping at the camera going "you uh, you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? hello? hello hello?" then hissing at the camera and sitting back in his seat all proud of himself or whatever. starts talking about the essence of chaos and how the Rex doesnt follow any park schedules, doing a little dance too.
the entire scene for the rex breakout, where he starts with "boy do i hate being right all the time" before the rex attacks the car with the kids in it and Alan goes to distract it where he shows a different side of himself, almost dying getting eaten by the rex to protect kids he doesnt know and i get the vibe he kind of doesnt like either.
the next time we see him, buried in the destroyed toilet hut asking Ellie and Muldoon to "remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend" then they bring him to the jeep then he hears/feels the stomps of the rex coming back and kicks into full panic, which to be fair he did almost just get eaten. "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, we gotta get outta here, gotta get outta here, now. NOW, RIGHT NOW, go, go, go, let's go" before he lets out this silly little "heeyyy" all the while motioning for the other two to get to the car and GTFO.
of course after getting injured he kinda leaves the movie's spotlight so here just a list of other little quotes i love but have nothing to say about - "i refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction" - "do you just go about looking up dinosaur skirts?" - "hand flat like you're a hieroglyphic" - "now here i am talking to myself, that's chaos" - "that is one big pile of shit" - "i'm always on the lookout for a future ex-mrs. Malcolm" - "but John, when the pirates of the carribean breaks down the pirates don't eat the tourists"
and of course yes it is partially just because i love seeing hot men lie about with their shirt ripped open.
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satellitesoundwave · 1 year
director’s commentary on (re)experience?
i was hoping someone would ask about (Re)Experience :) been working on finishing the final chapter (nine! the just-a-bit-of-fun character study turned into nine chapters!) these last few weeks and so have it on my mind near constantly.
commentary for this one is for the flashback in chapter 3. whole section's a bit long to quote so here’s the opening to jog the memory
– Minimus had surprised exactly no one when he’d volunteered to be the one to take inventory of the supplies they’d need to get off the Necroworld and reclaim the Lost Light from the mutineers. Rewind had found him cataloguing how much energon they could transport, to calculate precisely how long it would last them under strict rationing.
There are some conversations that will never be easy to start, no matter what direction you come at them from. Rewind opted to begin with what was most important.
“Are you alright?”
Minimus didn't look up from the cubes. “Hm? Fine, though I would be better if we had the proper medical logs rather than just Ratchet and Velocity's estimates for the crew’s energon consumption rates and fuel efficiency. Underestimating even one person's needs could leave us starving light years away from any supply outposts."
"That... sounds awful," Rewind said. "But I meant, um, about after what happened. With Dominus."
general context to help me explain why this particular bit jumped out at me to talk about: the whole reason for (Re)Experience existing is that the backstory we see for Rewind in MTMTE/LL gave me this strong feeling that he must have gone through some pretty drastic growth between then and now. V1 Rewind quoting “every shape serves a purpose” before he sacrifices himself to stop Overlord read to me (in retrospect with what we later learn about that slogan) like he must have internalised at least some functionist rhetoric, and we know what life must have been like for him as a disposable. but Rewind doesn’t act like someone who’s still viewing the world through a functionist lens, and he doesn’t act like he thinks of himself as disposable and never expects others to treat him like one.
that’s really interesting to me, because it makes the Rewind we see in the comic feel like the end-point of a character arc we never witness but can sort of sense in the drastic difference between how you would expect him to be based on his backstory and how he actually is. originally i wanted to write something that explored what that pre-canon character growth might have been like in a more straightforward way, but i know i don’t have the stamina to write the 100k character study fic it would need. instead, the importance Rewind puts on experiences making people who they are gave me an idea for another approach; what if a plot device cut Rewind off from his memories and put him back in the headspace of who he was in that very different part of his life, and i could explore what he might have once been like and how that differs from who he became, via the reactions of the people that know Rewind as he is now? and thus (Re)Experience came into existence
back to the flashback in chapter 3. i think this might have been the first concept i had for a moment to have Rewind re-experience? ever since the Dying of the Light arc revealed that Rewind’s other husband also made a habit of hiding stuff from him i’ve wanted to get into his head about it
funnily enough i actually wasn’t… that invested in Minimus before writing this? it took a while (plus some great fan meta) for him to grab my interest. but even though i wasn’t too huge on him at the time, i couldn’t deny that he was by far the most interesting person for Rewind to be talking to about Dominus. the personal investment of being his brother provided some great creative opportunities, and while i’m 100% a proponent of picking which characters to include in your fic based on how much you personally like them (see: Whirl turning up, Rodimus being given a key role), i just couldn’t pass Minimus’ narrative potential by. and then i got to thinking about how interesting it is to have someone who was actually there, when Rewind started working for Dominus. besides the broad overview, we don’t know a lot about what Rewind’s employment by Dominus was like. it’s possible that he was recognised as a fully fledged person and treated as such from the get go, but it’s also possible that the Ambus brothers had internalised the (at the time widespread) view that disposables were incapable of true sapience and were more objects-to-be-used than people, and it took time for them to fully reassess and reject that idea. for (Re)Ex i went with the latter, partly bc Chromedome saying befriending Rewind is what made Dominus realise how marginalised disposables were makes it seem more likely of the two, and partly bc of how it makes Rewind’s relationship with Dominus both more tangled and dynamic imo
and then while writing this flashback, i sort of slowly realised that i actually find this bit of backstory really interesting when applied to Minimus. as someone who can be very rule-oriented, i could see him as having incorporated functionist viewpoints into his perspective early in his life, and then interrogating and putting conscious effort into unlearning them later on. it’s this potential point of character development which isn’t actually in the canon iirc, but pretty readily suggested by what is there, just like what Rewind has going on. and i am an absolute sucker for parallels and mirroring, so after i noticed that Minimus’ role in (Re)Experience just absolutely ballooned. originally he was only going to be in this flashback, but then when i wanted to change up the status quo and introduce an outsider to the situation who is a safe ally for Rewind to trust, i thought about this similarity and it made Minimus the obvious option (and no spoilers for chapters i haven’t posted yet, but then i got invested in Rewind & Minimus being friends and just kept. adding Minimus into scenes he wasn’t supposed to be in. would you believe i actually solved the massive plot issue with (Re)Experience's climax i’ve been grappling with for years by doing this. i was like ‘but what if they didn’t get split up and Minimus was here for this?’ and it all just sorted itself out. turns out i can solve any problem with this fic by just adding more of this dude lmao)
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
“The Librarians and the City of Light”
“The only people I know who believe in UFOs are the same ones who think Elvis was the shooter on the grassy knoll” okay Jacob I’ll give you that point. Definitely one against being an Eliot “never know when you might have to fight an alien” Spencer clone there.
Ezekiel’s a UFO nut! Look at him using his intellect for non-pragmatic things! (Even if Eve does immediately guess he’s planning to sell out the human race. Uh huh. Sure he is.)
Now I’m sad that it’s not going to be aliens, actually. I like aliens.
Ooh, the “City of Lights” title is actually getting linked back to Paris? Good.
Cassandra’s evident “STOP FLIRTING IN FRENCH >:/” reactions are another point toward Cass/Jacob ship down the line (not to wildly extrapolate, but I feel it’s only responsible to keep an eye out for ship hints and be aware if they’re being set up)
Listen, “we’re librarians” IS a genuinely good and diverse cover story! No one is sure exactly what librarians are involved in, so you can basically handwave any topic as being “research” somehow.
Jenkins insisting “UFOs don’t exist” is obviously somewhat silly (and meant to be so) but it’s also good intel for Crossover Purposes. Indicates that the Library is not aware of aliens, although with some wiggle room.
Small-Town Kids bonding is nice, I like that kind of unexpected connection.
Also, Jacob’s “never been more than a tank of gas away from his parents’ front porch, unless he was digging ditches somewhere,” prior to the Librarian job.
I like Jacob getting inarticulate sometimes as a character trait.
And Ezekiel is the one person bringing genuine moral outrage over the BODY-SNATCHING going on here!! Yes, buddy, you’re so morally gray. Look at you yelling at the body-snatchers on behalf of their victims, you’re totally amoral and unprincipled.
I don’t like grabbing Tesla for this plot, though. They could have made up a different, fictional steampunk scientist, given that this becomes basically his Life’s Work in this plot. It seems kinda rude to do it to Tesla.
Aww, Jacob relates to his one-episode love-interest’s plight and so he wants to help her. Don’t care, she’s still in the body-snatcher camp so I’m still with Ezekiel.
(I mean, granted, if yoou can save the body-snatching ghosts from limbo without hurting anyone else, go for it. But no one else even DISCUSSED the living victims here. Will it hurt them?? No one’s SAID!)
Aw yeah Cassandra DID try to shut it down once things started going wrong and risk to the living became a visible factor for her. Good going. Wish she’d hit him with a wrench again, but she still got stuff done!
“I’m so so sorry” no, Cassandra, don’t quote Ten. You're doing so well! You don’t need to evoke Ten Baggage!
Jacob’s Doomed Romance here was very Librarian. I feel like Flynn should be buying him a drink after this.
Aw, I liked the ending. Baird stepping back in as team mom and telling the kids what they needed to be told. The note of hope at the end! Sometimes you just lose... so then you pick yourselves up and try again. Because you can.
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2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 Michinaga and Neon
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you’ve sent me a character I don’t like)
Neon: she was always near and dear to me but when I realized she was kinda a dumdum. I love a girl with no braincells. I love her so much.
Michinaga: I recently reread my initial liveblogs when I called him "freckleface bitchboy" before I learnt his name, and I always meant it affectionately, so yeah. Always. But probably during the Concentration Game especially, when we found out more about his past
7. A quote of them that you remember
Neon: I can't recall it word by word, but I really love the scene when she grabs her mother's wrist as she tries to hit her again and asserts that she WILL escape
Michinaga: that simple. "And?" when Beroba points out he is just like those riders he hated. That made me feral and mental for many different reasons
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Neon: her outfits are always so cute, I really can't pick one
12. Sexuality hc!
Bisexuals, the both of them. Michinaga probably has a slight preference to men, but he is still Bi Bi Bi
16. A childhood headcanon
Neon: gosh this is difficult. But I imagine her to be the kind of child who wanted to be adventurous, but they didn't let her, for like. Obvious reasons. But also the kind where if you didn't look at her for two seconds, she was climbing on a cabinet
Michinaga: I do not think he has anyone. Like. Not at all. He had Tooru from childhood, and they basically grew up together, not having anyone else. I headcanon that they were foster kids who had trouble finding their footing anywhere else, until their boss found them, got them a job, and the rest is history.
20. A weird headcanon
Neon: can't cook. At all. You know that one discord video where the guy tries to make instant ramen and fucks up spectacularly and the entire chat loses their minds? That's Neon feat. her polycule
Michinaga: he definitely had more mutations from the Jyamato Buckle from what we had seen. Maybe there was a reason for that many layers. There is so much body horror that can be put into this bad boy
23. Future headcanon
It matches with what I want for the rest of their polycule. Happy. Alive. Together. Remembering. Healing.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
Neon: DEZASTAR ARC. No I do not mean her being the Dezastar, that's all well and good, but even BEFORE it, the way she acted like she didn't even notice Keiwa was there? Uhm what? Sis you just saved Ace alongside him a little while ago what the fuck was that? Keiwa is your friend? Huh?
Michinaga: uhhh Takahashi can I get some uhhhh fucking payoff to the hints that he cared for Keiwa and even the "make me believe in you" bullshit he said to Ace. Now that he obviously seemed angry that Neon and Keiwa remembered, and his displeasure at Neon being dragged through the mud by Beroba, I am HOPING we get something out of it but. Please.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Neon: Poppy, because I think about that Ex-Aid crossover a lot and I think they would be Delightful. They could play DoReMiFa Beat together. Also maybe Izu for Artificial Girls purposes.
Michinaga: LET HIM HUNT KUROTO FOR SPORT PLEASE TAKAHASHI I BEG YOU, ZOMBIE ON ZOMBIE VIOLENCE, I NEED TO SEE IT. Also Rudi Wenders from Vamp because that would feel like headbutting a mirror. Also Olteca because they look so fucking similar, and I want to see what would happen.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren’t?)
Again, I'm looking at this in an ot4 child context, but I think they'd both somewhat struggle. Neon because she doesn't want to suffocate them the same way her mom was overbearing, but she wants them to feel loved, unlike her... but she'd figure it out. Michinaga would be terrified of having a child, but like. He'd also figure it out. And hell hath no fury than Michinaga, if his child is hurt, he would be ready to go on a WARPATH, the others would have to hold him back. (Like they are all protective, but the rest are a bit more reasonable about it. Michinaga is ready to go scorched earth.)
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clairecrive · 3 years
"Bookish talks"- Billy Russo x reader
A/n: again, not requested but the idea popped into my mind after reading @faulty-coding piece. (I think)
Warnings: a bit of angst, misunderstandings but fluffy ending
Word count: 1.5k +
Tagging: @thefictionalgemini , @tarkanelima-blog , @pansysgirlfriend , @acciorudolphx (if you want, you can add yourself to my taglist by filling this form)
My masterlists are here.
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"Yeah, she's been going on and on about this book. I've got five more minutes to go."
Well, the things you find out when you turn up where you're not supposed to be.
To be fair, you didn't mean to eavesdrop. When you got out that morning you had forgotten to take your wallet. Here explained why you had returned not even ten minutes from where you first walked out. You didn't even think that Billy would be still at home, so you didn't bother with announcing yourself.
And look what a surprise you were met with.
Taking your wallet, you hurried out of Billy's apartment set on not hearing anymore.
*+* *+* *+*
The day passed as it normally would. You had pushed back Billy's words in your mind because you had work to do. It wouldn't be smart to unpack what it meant so early in the morning when you had so much to do.
You weren't mad per se. You were rather hurt that he had never told you that he didn't enjoy your talks about the latest book you were reading. So yeah, let's add "stupid and guilty" under your current mood. You didn't want to put Billy in a position where he had to bear with something he didn't like. But how were you meant to know if he didn't talk to you?
This is not the moment, you reprimanded yourself with a shake of your head.
Coherent with your routine though, at six, Billy's call came. Of course, he acted normally, nothing had happened for him, after all.
"So, you coming around tonight?"
"Nope, book club meeting tonight."
"Oh, right. Was kinda hoping you'd ditch them."
"They're my outlet for my book nerdiness, Billy. Wouldn't want to annoy anyone with my craze over books."
"Who said you do?"
"You did."
It wasn't your intention to confront him on the matter over the phone. It was an instant reaction.
Billy didn't gasp but the silence you were met with was more than enough to show you that he'd been taken aback.
"It's okay, Billy. I don't mind if you don't like listening to me talking about books. I just wish you would have told me. I wouldn't be feeling so stupid and guilty for all the time I've made you waste now if you had."
"You didn't waste my time."
From that moment, things between you had Billy went back to normal. Sort of. He hadn't confronted you on the matter anymore and of course, you wouldn't bring it back up. So you settled in your usual routine, without of course any mention of books.
"Mh," looking at the clock on your desk you noticed that if you only have half an hour to finish your last assignment and before you need to leave, " I've got to go now, Billy. I'll talk to you soon." You ended the call without waiting for a response.
*+* *+* *+*
You were currently on Billy's sofa, leaning on him while you watched a documentary on Ancient Rome. It was interesting and it made you think about a book you had read on the subject a while ago. You opened your mouth to share your thoughts with Billy but a flashback of his words stopped you.
What if he hated it when you did that too?
"You're awfully quiet tonight." His voice startled you from your thoughts.
"A bit tired."
"Haven't got any anecdotes for me tonight?"
Your eyes didn't leave the tv screen. Yes, the documentary was interesting but you also didn't want Billy to know that you were lying. He had the uncanny ability of sensing whenever you weren't being genuine.
Out of the blue, the documentary stopped and the sound of the control hitting the coffee table told you that it was Billy who had paused it.
His hands grabbed your arms and pulled you away from him so that he could look you in the eyes.
"You're holding back."
"You're holding me back." Was your witty yet unnecessary reply. Billy's jaw clenched but the grip on your arms didn't tighten.
"Is this about the book thing?"
"We're watching a documentary, Billy. Why would it be about the book thing?"
"You always have something to say when we watch this stuff. Something you've read somewhere, some time ago." He explained, quoting you.
"I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me stuff," he added more softly when you didn't speak.
"Oh, I know I can. You just bitch about it with your friends whenever I do though."
His eyes squinted lightly, if his hands weren't on you, you probably would have missed how his shoulders tensed too.
"So it is about the book thing," he murmured releasing your arms.
"Well, Billy, you've basically fallen under the category of the white man who complains about how annoying his girlfriend is to his friends."
"I've not said you're annoying."
"You might as well have," you huffed crossing your arms, turning away from him.
"I know I sounded like an asshole but that's not what I meant. I really don't mind when you go off for ten minutes on some book you're reading."
"Spare me the bullshit, Billy. You don't have to lie to not hurt my feelings. It's too late for that anyway."
"I'm not lying." he insisted offended by your accusation but you didn't bother responding to him.
Billy sighed, one of his hands wiped over his face as he, no doubt, was trying to think of how to make this right. But maybe it was your time to speak.
"I realise that me sharing every thought or little thing that happens can be overwhelming." Fiddling with the fingers of your hands, you tried to find the right words.
"When me and Karen chose our university major, I was sure that our friendship was going to end. It happens, you take different paths and suddenly you go from best friends t someone you say hi to whenever you meet them around." You stopped to look at him. Bily's eyes were solely focused on you, so you continued.
"To avoid that, we developed a sort of routine where we would tell each other about our days, what we did, the things that happened, people we had met and stuff like that. We'd usually met once a week if not more often and this way we managed to strengthen our relationship and here we are after ten years, still best friends."
"Even if we went our separate ways, neither of us felt left out or behind from the other's life. I knew her friends even if I hadn't met them and since she told me everything I felt like I was as part of her life as I was when we shared every class together."
"I'm a rather introverted and reserved person, Billy. I'm sure you gathered that by now. I guess sharing this kind of things, books I read, things I do and stuff is my way of making you an active presence in my life. Because I care about you and I wouldn't want you to feel left out. Also because I don't feel the need to filter myself around you." A pause. "Well, did."
During your soliloquy, you didn't meet Billy's eyes. It felt deeply personal to share this with him but you hoped it would help him understand. Not necessarily make him enjoy your bookish talk but to make him at least not think of you as annoying.
Billy didn't speak. He had let you have your moment because it was clear that there were things you had been keeping to yourself. You hadn't been dating for long, only a couple of months, so you were still getting to know each other.
Yes, Billy wasn't exactly a bibliophile but he enjoyed the thought of being someone you trusted so much to the point where you're not afraid of opening up.
He really wanted to kick himself for having ruined that. For making you feel like a burden.
Leaning towards you, he gently turned your face to him.
"What you've heard the other day was me explaining to Frankie what I was doing." His voice was soft as if he was afraid that he'd ruin the intimate atmosphere by speaking louder.
"I was listening to your message about that book and yes, it was seven minutes long and yes, you were going on and on about a character's motives and his psychology but I didn't mean to imply it was annoying." His eyes flickered between yours and he seemed truthful enough but you were still hesitant.
"It's okay if you don't enjoy it, Billy. My father hates whenever I do that but that doesn't mean that he loves me any less." You offered him another way out.
"Well, I guess this is why you told me you're not looking for a man like your father."
"Are we good?" He murmured, eyes flickering between yours. You nodded leaning into his touch.
"Trust me, you're nothing like my father." you chuckled, accepting his words for what you knew knew they implied.
Smiling at you, Billy's hands reaching to cup your cheeks.
"Do you promise to talk to me if there's something wrong?" You asked him, needing the reassurance.
"Don't I always talk your ears off when you leave your stuff hanging around?" True enough but you needed him to say it.
"I promise." He conceded, nose bumping into yours before kissing you softly.
"So, got any fun fact to share?" He asked you again, pointing to the tv with his head.
"I've got a few, yes." You shily smiled at him.
"Hit me." Leaning back on the sofa, he got comfortable as he encouraged you to speak.
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moonctzeny · 4 years
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au+trope+prompt game: college!au Jaehyun + fake dating + it’s just so hard not to fall in love with you
pairing: jung jaehyun x fem!reader x asshole!yuta
other members as background characters: yuta, mark, johnny, jungwoo
genre: angst, smut
word count: 9,124
warnings: abusive relationship, toxic behaviour
summary: “When Yuta breaks your heart for the millionth time, you meet Jaehyun, freshly broken up and looking for revenge. You decide to start fake dating to get back on your exes, but your plan takes an unexpected turn. You fall in love.”
a/n: I really don’t like putting yuta in a negative light like that it’s just for the fic’s sake! also I literally used the name Naeun as Jaehyun’s ex because I think it’s SUCH a pretty name, NO correlation whatsoever to any korean celebrity named naeun!
You knew it was wrong.
Looking through your boyfriend’s, Yuta’s, phone while he took a shower, was the arguably the tackiest thing you have ever done.
He was always distant lately, only seeming to make time for a booty call, and at first, you blamed your hectic schedule. Your major was demanding, to say the least, so when Yuta suggested that you replace your dates with some “quality time” at his dorm, you had no objections. You didn’t know that he also meant ignoring your calls, canceling on you at the last minute to meet up with his frat brothers, and keeping your relationship strictly between four walls and two naked bodies.
The thought of him meaning more to you than you meant for him ate you away. It creeped in your mind while you heard the water running from your shower, and lead your fingertips to tap in the password of his phone.
Opening his messaging app, you recognize his best friends’ icons in a group chat consisting of his frat members. You scrolled up, ignoring the latest massages regarding a party that the frat would be throwing in two weeks. You started to feel guilty, not exactly sure what you were looking for, when you saw your name at the screen.
m0rklee[00:10]: @yutassanhyung, i saw your girl today at the supermarket! why didn’t you tell her about the party next Sunday?
you[00:12]: what girl lol  
m0rklee[00:13]: y/n?? i thought you guys were together?
you[00:12]: nahh
fairyteil[00:15]: eyy @yutassan if you’re done with her i know a couple guys who wanna hit it too
you[00:16]: be my guest haha
you[00:16]: don’t get me wrong she was bad when we met but shit is getting kinda stale
tenoutoften[00:17]: aren’t you on your way to her place lol
you[00:17]: hey hey pussy is pussy
Was that all you were to him? Pussy?
Yuta called you special, he called you yours. He didn’t like it when you were talking to other guys. He ripped your lingerie set because he didn’t want anyone else to ever see you in it but him. And then he dared to go around and call you a fling?
You heard the water stop running and knew you didn’t have much time until you had to face him, the thought alone making you sick.
You didn’t bother to lock his phone again, leaving the chat that made you so upset open. Grabbing your keys and a jacket, you left your place and hoped that Yuta would get the message and get the fuck out of there before you came back.
Your legs walked on their own accord, your memory leading you to the only place where you knew you’d find any sort of comfort. When Johnny opened his door, tears were already streaming down your face. He took the open tequila bottle you were holding and pulled you in for a hug. He smelled like weed and beer, and after hearing the “Is that the pizzas?”, you realized that your best friend wasn’t alone.
You quickly wiped your cheeks and fixed your sex hair that Yuta messed up, trying your best to look presentable. Johnny put a hand on your back and lead you to his living room. Jungwoo, your and Johnny’s friend from high school, was sprawled out on the couch, a little disappointed after seeing that you were, in fact, not the pizzas. Next to him, drowning in a bean bag, was Jaehyun. You didn’t really know him very well other than the fact that he took the same major as Johnny, so you felt a little insecure looking as messy as you did right now. His eyes were red, just like the other men’s, but you could swear his eyelashes looked a little damp.
Jungwoo’s words were muffled by the barbecue chips he was munching away.
“Yoo y/n, I didn’t know you were coming!”
You placed the tequila bottle on the table,
“Yeah, Woo, figured you wanted something to drink”
“Move” Johnny murmured to him, but he only stretched and sighed dramatically, shoving a handful of chips in his mouth.
“I don’t need a drink I need food. I’m hungry and I got the munchies”
Johnny grabbed his ankle and with impressive ease, dragged Jungwoo to the floor. The taller man sat on the couch, on the side next to Jaehyun and you followed his lead, letting a grumpy Jungwoo lean his head on your knees. Taking the lit joint from Jaehyun’s fingers, Johnny turned his attention back on you.
“So tell me chica” he said and took a hit, “who do I have to beat up?”
“Yuta”, you grumbled, “I’m ghosting this motherfucker”
You felt the vibrations on your lap when Jungwoo started talking.
“What did he do this time? Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with stupid frat boys?”
You started petting his hair, the softness comforting under your fingers.
“Apparently I’m not ‘bad’ enough for him anymore” you replied, throwing air quotes and rolling your eyes.
“Whaaaaat” Johnny drew out with a cough after taking a particularly deep inhale from the blunt, “you’re like the baddest bitch I know. Even now, that you’re all puffy from crying and smell like his dick”
You hit his shoulder, almost dropping the joint he was passing to Jungwoo, embarrassed that he would say something like that in front of Jaehyun, an almost stranger to you.
“I don’t know, man” Jungwoo started, and you could hear the smile on his face, “when girls cry it’s kinda hot”
You were contemplating how many hairs of his you should rip out of his scalp when the telecom rang, assumably by the pizza delivery man.
“Saved by the bell”, Jungwoo muttered to himself and got up quickly to open the door. While the youngest paid for the pizzas, Johnny held your hand, a bit guilty for his words earlier. He had a mischievous smirk and kept shifting his gaze between you and Jaehyun, who had been sitting in silence ever since you got here, occasionally smiling at your friends’ teasing.
“Fuck Yuta, man. You should find a nice guy to treat you well and fuck you even better y’know?” he started, and patted his buddy roughly on the back, “Like Jae over here”
Your eyes widened and you instinctively glanced at Jaehyun, ears a deep red and a matching shocked look on his face.
You cleared your throat, “No offense, but, like, aren’t you practically married to this girl-uhhh what’s her name again? Naeun?”
To someone who wasn’t listening to your conversation, it must have seemed like you tased him, or brought up a painful childhood memory, or asked him if he’d be willing to lick a lemon after washing his teeth. He looked away from you, and turned his attention to his nails, ripping a cuticle off in deep concentration. His voice was so quiet when he finally spoke, that you barely heard him. “I broke up with her, actually.. Like, three hours ago”
Guilt washed over you in an instant, not knowing that you scratched a wound so fresh. You wanted to apologize and even ask if you should leave the three alone, when Jungwoo grabbed the Tequila bottle and crashed on the couch clumsily between you and Johnny.
“Fuck love!”, he yelled, “let’s get wasted”
You stared at the empty José Cuervo bottle rising up and down Johnny’s chest with every one of his snores. He was laid out on his couch, his tall height taking up all of its entirety, leaving Jungwoo passed out on the floor. Jaehyun followed your eyes and smiled at Johnny’s sleeping face, mouth open and tongue spilling out.
After the 4th shot, you found out that Jae was a pretty decent guy. He let you rant about Yuta while your friends were busy trying to see who could eat a large pizza by himself the fastest. You told him all about how you never went on dates anymore, how you looked through his phone after having sex, and the text conversation you found earlier tonight. He listened carefully, without judgment, and after smoking some more of Johnny’s staff, he opened up to you about his relationship with Naeun.
Or rather, how he found her fucking his roommate on his own bed.
You always thought of these two as what they call a ‘power couple’. Valedictorian meets basketball all-star, they graduate and have beautiful babies, while all the rest of us mortals can do is admire from afar. You would have never guessed the toxicity, constant cheating and manipulation that Jaehyun was recounting. You bonded over stories about cancelled dates, emotional distancing and feeling like you’re always the one giving but never receiving. If you were being honest, you would have never expected such emotional depth from a college point guard. He drew you in with his gentleness, and you noticed how different he was from Yuta, who engulfed you with his intensity. You also hated how even now, you were still thinking of him.
Just then, you got his third message for the night:
asshole [03:35]:come on baby don’t ignore mee, me and the guys were just messing around
you [03:36]:stop texting me
you [03:38]:we’re done
You locked your phone, upset and angry, and felt Jaehyun sigh.
“I know I’m falling for her stupid games, but I just want to get back at her y’know? Show her what she’s missing, that type of thing”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. During the past hours, you weighted all the possible ways you could make Yuta regret ever taking you for granted.
He was so charming that he could get laid with anyone he wanted (and probably did, even when you were ‘dating’), but even after what he said to Taeil, you knew that he hated the thought of anyone else fucking you. He wanted your body to be his, without having to deal with the commitment that came with that privilege.
You thought about fucking one of his frat buddies, but that would get you from being called ‘Yuta’s girl’ to ‘ΘΨΩ’s cumslut’, and your self esteem couldn’t take that blow.
Jaehyun’s deep voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Maybe Johnny’s right”
“Huh? ”
“You should date me”
You blinked at him twice, not knowing what to reply when you saw him wave his hands frantically in front of his face.
“Fake date me! I mean, you should fake date me. Sorry, the weed’s got me a little fucked up”
At first, the idea seemed crazy. Yes, it would make Yuta furious that you were supposedly fucking one of the hottest guys on campus. Yes, Naeun would get mad that she didn’t have Jaehyun’s constant attention that she so craved anymore. Yes, you two might have revealed your deepest insecurities, opened up your hearts to each other all while sharing a bottle of alcohol, but you had never hanged out together without Johnny being present. You had barely hanged out together, period. But wouldn’t that make it even more believable? Two of Johnny’s best friends break up at the same time, meet up at his house and inevitably end up together. You didn’t share the same major, so you wouldn’t have to put up the act too much at college. And with social media, making a fake relationship believable was easier than ever.
asshole [03:42]: fuck you. you think you can find someone better than me?
Drunk and lacking logic, you agreed on the plan, and gave him your number. You had just finished creating the contact on his phone when he suddenly got up and rushed to the bathroom, facing the consequences of the tequila and weed combo.
You passed out on Johnny’s bean bag and when you woke up on Sunday afternoon, Jaehyun was gone.
You didn’t expect him to text you on Monday, thinking that it was intoxication that gave him the idea of fake dating and made it look brilliant. So when he gave you the address to his dorm, to further discuss your ‘operation’ you were surprised, but determined to succeed.
The plan was simple. You would start tagging each other on your instagram stories, to show people that you were spending time alone. He agreed to pick you up from your lecture on Wednesday, your classes coinciding on neighboring buildings. And for you final act, he’d come with you as your plus one for the frat’s party next Sunday. Mark was nice enough to invite you, after Yuta ‘forgot’ to do it instead, and Naeun, being Taeil’s sister, wouldn’t miss it for the world. It was the perfect opportunity to flaunt your new relationship, all while being on the opponent’s part of the field.
You started off innocently enough. After you and Jaehyun finished brainstorming ideas about the ‘operation’ as he insisted on calling it, he suggested you stay for a movie and some Chinese food. His dorm was cozy, a little messy, maybe, but it fitted his boyish charm. He had a nice collection of vinyls, stating that his favorite one was I. by Cigarettes After Sex. You were a bit taken aback by his love for dreampop and rnb, but the more you got to know him, the more it seemed to fit him nicely. On the wall next to his bed hung a display full of all of his sport trophies. He was known for his basketball skills, but you also saw medals for soccer, track, volleyball. Amongst them all was an English certificate and a spelling bee award. You wondered if he ever felt pressure trying to be so perfect all the time.
The movie was terrible, but Jaehyun managed to entertain you by making silly jokes throughout and mocking the actors’ bad acting. It was the first time you ever saw him crack a joke like that and be willing to contort his handsome features. So much better than the dream boy image he was feigning for everyone, but you didn’t know him well enough to tell him. The movie was halfway done when he picked up his phone and opened a camera app through his Instagram.
“Shouldn’t we take a story? Since we’re together anyways?”
You nodded and scooted closer to him. He was a bit hesitant as he positioned the camera to capture your legs that were touching, a scene from the movie playing in the background. It was a cute picture but nothing indicated that the two of you were more than friends. You pressed the X at the top of the screen to discard the picture, and placed his hand on top of your thigh. You turned around just in time to witness his ears turning into a fuschia pink.
“Is that okay?”
He nodded and regained his cool, taking the picture and tagging you with a red heart next to your username.
A couple hours after leaving his place you texted him, asking if Naeun had replied to his story. He said that unfortunately, the only person who batted an eye was Johnny, replying with a “ 👀 👀 👀 “ .
You met up again the next day, at your apartment this time.
He looked nervous being in a place so foreign to him yet so personal to you, so you decided to turn the lights down to help him relax, insisting that you weren’t trying to seduce him or anything. He laughed at your joke but still looked tense, and you thought that maybe he needed some liquid courage to open up.
“Hey Jae. Want a drink?”
It took him 3 beers to finally loosen up and show you his dimpled grin again. You were sitting on the floor, facing each other and feeling comfortable in the ambience of the room. A Spotify playlist was playing in the background so it would fill up the awkward silence but wouldn’t distract you from your conversation.
“Wait wait wait. So you sleep without a pillowcase?”
“Yeah, didn’t you notice it when you came to my place yesterday?”
“I thought you forgot to do your laundry!”
His laugh was resonating and deep and manly. It made his eyes disappear and his face light up, not that it didn’t anyway - the guy could easily be a skin care ambassador, and you made a mental note to ask him about his moisturizer later.
You followed his gaze to one of your walls. Pictures were filling it up, memories of yourself and your siblings, of your friends from home that you missed, of Johnny and Jungwoo. You felt a little insecure then, comparing them to Jaehyun’s countless medals and awards.
“I’m not good at sports like you, so I have nothing else to hang on my wall”, you laughed awkwardly but he shook his head.
“No, I’m actually jealous of you. Everyone always seems to want to be around you”
“Except Yuta”
“Yuta’s an idiot, then. You are way out of his league anyways.”
You felt yourself turning into a blushing mess and looked for a way to break the awkward silence that followed his comment.
“Wanna share another one?” you asked him, shaking the empty beer bottle on your hand and he nodded. You started getting up when you felt him put a hand on your shoulder and pick up the bottles you had finished up from the table himself. He rinsed them off and put them away to the recycling bag next to your sink, the domesticity of the action making you melt. You watched as he stood on his tiptoes to reach a lager from the top drawer of your fridge, revealing a defined set of abs and two cute dimples on his lower back. You ripped your eyes away immediately, like you were caught doing something illegal, and he walked back to his spot next to you. As soon as he sat down, he groaned and threw his head back.
“The bottle opener was on the kitchen counter. I forgot to bring it”
Without saying a word, you took the beer from his hand and placed the cap in your mouth. It was a party trick that your older brother had taught you when you were 15. After finding a stable indentation on your teeth, you manipulate the rough edges of the cap and pop the beer open. You return the glass bottle to Jaehyun, who’s looking at you incredulously.
“Fuck me, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”, he breaths out and you feel your whole face burning up. You opened and closed your mouth a couple times, trying to register that someone like him thought you were hot, when you felt your phone vibrating, saving you from further embarrassing yourself.
Johnny’s picture lit up on the screen and you mentally prepared yourself for the following conversation. You and Jaehyun decided against telling anyone about your relationship being fake. It’s not that your best friend wasn’t reliable, but if you told Johnny you had to tell Jungwoo, and Jungwoo doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut to save his life.
“John, what’s up”
“Eyy chica what took you so long?”
You looked at Jaehyun who had leaned back against the pillow of your couch and sipped on the beer you would share.
“Yeah sorry I was a little busy”
“Busy.. with Jaehyun?”
You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but you were still trying to recover from the previous incident.
“Yeah, he’s here”
“Ohh I see, little y/n can’t get enough of Jae’s slam dunks.. I bet he’s teaching you the bank shot, the opening tip, the double dribble, the fast break, the palming.. he sure is great for a rebound-”
You interrupted him, growing tired of his nonstop basketball innuendos.
“Why did you call me Johnny?”
“Damn, sorry, I just wanted to ask you what you wanted for your birthday”
Shit, you forgot about that.
“Just get me whatever, I don’t care, you know how much I hate celebrating anyways. I’ll get the cake myself, so no surprises”
Jaehyun lifted his brows and waited patiently for your call to end before asking:
“What are we celebrating?”
“It’s my birthday on Friday. I’m going to invite a couple people over and Johnny’s already stressing over it. Don’t worry, though, you don’t have to come”
“How can your boyfriend not come to your birthday party?”
You laugh bitterly.
“Well, it’s not like Yuta came last year. To any of my parties for that matter”
“Well, he must have made up to you somehow? Got you a very special gift or something?”
“If you count eating me out as a gift then yes. It was very rare indeed.”
You took the beer from him and took a sip yourself. You noticed he had his eyes glued on his phone, his expression gloomy.
“Is everything okay?”
He snapped out of it at the sound of your voice and turned his phone screen towards you.
It was Naeun, or rather a post on her instagram account. She had her tongue out in the picture, hugging two guys that were unfamiliar to you. You read the caption.
“One day the loser will realize that the diamond he thinks he’s playing with is actually a rock”
Jaehyun mumbled an apology. I guess he thought that you’d be a bit offended being called a ‘rock’ but you were actually feeling satisfied. Your fake relationship had managed to get her attention, and for Jaehyun’s sake, you wanted to rub it in her face even more.
You opened your camera app and placed your phone on the table next to you. He figured what you wanted to do so he sat up straighter and motioned to his lap. You’d normally be a bit hesitant to sit on him if it wasn’t for the two beers and your determination, that had fired up again due to Naeun’s words. Leaning back a bit, you set up the self-timer and he put his hands on your hips to stabilize you.
You had agreed on turning up the boldness of your pics, so you placed your hands on his neck, right under his jawline. He snaked his hands upwards and wrapped them around your waist, bringing you even closer. His eyes were glossy from the alcohol and he looked at you with an impressive calmness, considering the intimacy of your position. It seemed like he was waiting for something, the ticking of the timer urging you to take things a bit further and he nodded, as if giving you permission. You leaned in, and pressed your lips on the corner of his mouth, like you couldn’t decide on kissing his dimple or his lips.
After hearing the click you climbed down from his lap, and prayed that the photo came out in focus. Your heart couldn’t handle another retake. From the angle of the camera, it seemed like you were a couple in love, sharing a sweet kiss on the lips. You added a cute caption and tagged him, so he could repost it later on his own account.
It hadn’t been 5 minutes before your phone lit up.
yutassan replied to your story: what the fuck?
You smiled triumphantly and showed the message to Jaehyun, who laughed at Yuta’s reaction. He gave you an excuse about some forgotten homework and how it was late and he has to go.
“Remember, I’ll pick you up tomorrow from class, so wait for me”
After he left, you thought about your almost kiss and the dimples of his back for way too long.
You exited the classroom with a growing headache. The lesson today seemed extra boring, and all you could think about was that you had to convince Johnny that it really took just three days for Jaehyun and you to officially start dating.
As promised, the pair waited for you at the end of the hallway, your best friend looking at the two of you expectantly. Jaehyun was a good actor, you thought, as he approached you before you got to reach them, meeting you halfway.
“Hey baby”, he smiled at you, the nickname turning your legs into jelly. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder, and kissed your cheek sweetly, making Johnny coo at the two of you.
“I can’t believe that I hadn’t thought about pairing the two of you together earlier”
He must have thought that the awkward body language and the silence that fell was a sign from you and Jae to leave you alone. He excused himself, saying something about “letting the young lovers swim in the pool of their love”, or something along those lines.
The two of you walked together, following the road to your next class that was just a few buildings away.
“So how has class, baby
You rolled your eyes at the insistent nickname, “you know that Johnny left us, like, 5 minutes ago, right?”
“Let me enjoy itttt”, he whined, “Naeun never let me call her anything like that”
“Why is that?”
He looked at his feet moving and frowned in thought.
“She said I was embarrassing her in front of her friends. I think she just didn’t want other guys to know that we were together”
You felt a pang of sadness and you realized that it always followed any conversation you two had about his and Naeun’s relationship.
“Well then if you call me baby, I can will you honey. Or sugarplum. Or pumpkin pie. Or-“
It was startling how fast Jaehyun pressed you up against the wall. In just a moment, he had put his hands on your waist, burying his face in your hair. You shivered when you felt his breath as he spoke against your neck.
“Yuta’s watching us”
All you could do was stay frozen in place, and listen with wide eyes.
He chuckled at your response, but he replied patiently.
“Yuta? Your ex? He’s right over there. Figured we should give him a show”
And with that, he kissed you. Everything was happening so fast, that you could barely comprehend that Jaehyun, that was a stranger in the past weekend, was now making out with you at the hall, for everyone to see.
And that included Yuta.
You opened your eyes in the kiss and searched for him, spotting him with his frat buddies. His eyes were piercing through the two of you, and you saw Mark holding him back by the shoulder. The look on his face was priceless.
Jaehyun pulled back and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Thank you”, you whispered, “but I need one more favor”
“Anything baby”
“Slap my ass as we walk away”
Sure enough, Jaehyun took your hand and you continue your walk, momentarily stopping to make eye contact with Yuta and give you a little spank. It was something your ex loved doing on the rare occasion you two met up outside of your dorms, no matter how public the setting. You heard Mark yelling something at his ‘Yuta hyung’ and that’s when you thought, your plan just might work.
You didn’t see Jaehyun until your birthday. It was just a small get together, but your place was starting to get a bit crowded as time went by. Johnny had been suffocating you with hugs ever since he got there, reminiscing the time you met as teenagers and calling you an old lady. Jungwoo on the other hand couldn’t stop asking about Jaehyun. You kept making excuses about how he didn’t feel so good today and might not make it. You didn’t expect him to come, of course. Just because you had agreed on fake dating, it didn’t mean that he had any obligation to be present in all your social events. The loving message he left on your Facebook wall was enough to fulfill the purpose of your current relationship.
That is why, when you heard a knock on your door, the last thing you thought you’d see was Jaehyun holding a dozen of red roses.
“Happy birthday baby!”, he exclaimed and gave you a kiss on your cheek,
“I asked Johnny about your favorite flowers, hope we got it right”
Feeling speechless, you took the roses from his hands and inhaled their sweet scent. You were dumbfounded that he actually came, and even brought you a present. You thanked him for coming, and he repeated the same thing he said back at your place, “how could your boyfriend miss your birthday?”
And even you were fooled, momentarily, when he held you by the waist later that night and sang you happy birthday. You blew your candles and all you could wish for was a love like the one Jaehyun was faking for you. He helped you clean up, and was more than willing to socialize with all of your friends. You admired how well he fitted in your social circle, already friends with Johnny and Jungwoo, yet so nice that even people he met for the first time came to love him.
You were sitting on one of your dining chairs, your two best friends already passed out on your couch. They had brought two bottles of vodka and your favorite tequila, but you weren’t in the mood to drink. You couldn’t help but remember the time when you practically begged Yuta to be there on your special day and he still missed it. You were scared that if you got a little drunk you would text him, or worse, call him, his sweet talk bringing you back to him all over again.
The only sounds resonating through your apartment were Jungwoo’s light snoring and a chill Spotify playlist playing from your laptop. A familiar tune came on, and you recognized it being ‘Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby’ by Cigarettes After Sex. You immediately looked at Jaehyun, the only conscious person still at the party other than you. He threw his head back and sighed contently at the sound of his favorite song. You saw him get up and walk over to you, reaching his hand out.
“Will the birthday girl spare me a dance?”
You slow danced in the middle of your living room, ending the night in the sweetest note. Jaehyun always felt so stable, so safe. You wondered how he got himself tangled up in that mess of a relationship with Naeun. Maybe it was the way he treated people with such kindness, void of any prejudice. Maybe he was a little bit like you, and didn’t think he deserved much.
“She’s crazy” you mumble against his chest, his confused hum making you feel the vibration on your face.
“Naeun. She’s crazy for ever cheating on someone like you. You’re perfect”
“I have my flaws”
You thought about how competitive he got when you played beer pong earlier, how his ears get red when he gets embarrassed, how he shows his dimpled smile in apology when he’s late. His love for drinking and how it makes him more honest, his trust in people that must have gotten him hurt many, many times. You liked them all, you loved them all.
“It’s just so hard for someone not to fall in love with you”
And that’s how the days went by with Jaehyun. You met up almost every day, in restaurants for a nice dinner, or hanging out in each other’s dorm. It was so much fun getting to spend time with him, that you sometimes forgot to make your meetup public on social media. You helped him with his math homework, and he helped you dye your hair. You even went to his basketball game, and he dedicated one of his goals to you, following every teen movie cliche.
You felt a little sad how it was all falling to an end. The plan was successful, for the most part. Naeun had asked Jaehyun to meet up later tonight, talk things through. You wished he wouldn’t go back to her, but you knew you had no real say in his love life. Yuta saw that he didn’t own you, that there were people like Jaehyun that were willing to give you what your ex had promised you, but wasn’t able to give. Well, not really, you reminded yourself. Jaehyun was faking it. You shouldn’t let yourself get lost in the fairytale, even if the past two weeks were some of the best of your life. He had proposed that you claim that the reason for your upcoming ‘breakup’ was differences in character, but you decided to stay friends. You were happy that at least, in the midst of all this mess, you met someone like him.
It was Saturday, a day before the frat party. You had invited him over, celebrate the end of your relationship with some pizza and a movie.
The movie was boring, but Jaehyun made you laugh. It reminded you of the first time the two of you met up alone. You had gotten comfy on your couch, sharing popcorn when you noticed. A huge bruise was peeking out from Jaehyun’s tank top, the dark color contrasting against his porcelain skin.
“What the hell?!” you exclaimed and scooted closer to him. You rushed your hands on his chest, your fingers pushing the fabric aside to examine the bruise. You found even more bruises scattered around it, accompanied with scratches that stretched longer than his top could.
“It was from the game the other day”, he tried to excuse, but you weren’t buying it.
“Jae, I was there. You played basketball, not WWE. Now who did this to you?”
He sighed and fidgeted with a loose string on his jeans, clearly uncomfortable.
“When I caught Naeun with my roommate, and broke up with her, she didn’t take it very well”
You kept staring at him, urging him to continue.
“She started calling me names, saying that she’s the best I’ll ever have. That I’m worthless without her, just a social climber trying to mooch off of her popularity”
He motioned on his torso, “When I kicked her out of my place, this happened”
“Is that the first time she acted violent?”
He shook his head. “Pretty much every time she didn’t get her way”
“Jae”, you started, placing your hands on top of his “this is abuse. Have you ever talked to anyone about it?”
“It’s- it’s nothing. It’s embarrassing”
“No it’s not! Abuse is not exclusive to any gender! Guys get affected by it too!”
“It’s embarrassing because I know I can physically stop her but I don’t”
His eyes were starting to water, the sight was heartbreaking. “I sit there frozen and just take it”
“Because part of me believes her. That I’m hopeless without someone like her, dictating what I can and cannot do. I don’t need a shrink to tell me that it’s sick. I have these bruises to remind me”
You were starting to get angry. Angry at that bitch for hurting him, angry at Jaehyun who puts up with it, angry at you, for not seeing past the obvious like everyone else.
“I’m not letting you go see her tonight”
He laughs at you, putting up an invisible barrier between you.
“Not letting me? Wake up y/n! We’re not a real couple, remember? We’re just faking it to satisfy our selfish needs. This whole thing is pointless”
He stormed to the door and you tried to stop him, but he was too riled up for that.
“You’re going to forget about me as soon as this whole circus is over, just like everyone else”
“How can you accuse me like that when you haven’t even let me be a part of your life for real?”
“Because now you’ve met me. Me. With all my ugly, all my fucking bruises. Is it still so hard not to fall in love with me?”
With that, he closed your door with a bang, not even letting you answer that yes, it was impossible not to fall in love with Jung Jaehyun.
History seemed to repeat itself, as you got a text from him the next morning, that you didn’t expect.
jaehyunnie: let’s meet outside of the frat at 10:30, i’ll bring the booze.
And that’s what you did, showing up with your shortest skirt, spotting Jaehyun sitting a few meters from the frat’s entrance. He was laying against the wall, his eyes red, and he gave you the same smile he always did when he saw you, as if your fight yesterday never happened.
“Hey baby” he said and pulled you in for a hug. You couldn’t resist the invitation, and felt yourself melting in his embrace. He smelled like weed and shower gel.
It was nice, how he proclaimed your truce, but you still had to get something off your chest.
“Listen, Jae, about last night, you were right. This whole thing is pointless. We can go home, if you want”
“No baby”, he started and pulled away just enough to look at you. His eyes were droopy but glancing back at you with such care as he moved a strand of hair out of your face, “we’re here to have fun”
You wondered why he was still willing to come to the party with you as your boyfriend. Maybe he wanted to do you one last favor with Yuta, or maybe he wasn’t done indulging in Naeun’s petty games. You looked at his forearms, noticing a few scratches that weren’t there yesterday.
“I’m guessing you and Naeun didn’t make up last night”
He shook his head, and rubbed his hands on your back, keeping your temper down.
“Did you get in a fight?”
“Something like that”
You didn’t know what came over you. It was anger and protectiveness, possessiveness even. You laced your fingers in his locks, letting his head rest against the wall. If Naeun wanted you to speak in her language, then so be it.
You started kissing his neck, on that part on the side that is tender and sensitive. You heard passerbys whistling at the two of you, seemingly getting it on in public. Your licks and sucks weren’t meant for pleasure though, you had a goal and that was to leave a bruise. A statement for Naeun.
You walked in the building hand in hand and followed Jae to the kitchen, where he poured you a drink out of the bottle he brought along. Looking around, you sensed a couple familiar faces staring back at you from the crowd. Taeyong from class, Mark and Ten, and last but not least, Naeun. You downed the drink in one shot and lead Jaehyun to the dance floor.
He put his hands on your hips, and swayed you at the sound of some club song you weren’t familiar with. You ground your ass against him and he hissed, keeping you close against him. A little voice in your head was screaming how this isn’t real, to him this is all pretend, but you ignored it. You wanted her to think that he was yours, that she couldn’t hurt him anymore.
“Why are you doing this to me y/n? Yuta’s not even around”
Jae turned you around, and you put your hands on his shoulders. He looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. You searched his face for a flaw, yet couldn’t find any. You wouldn’t change a single thing on him.
“She’s here” you said venomously.
He buried his face in your neck, inhaling the smell of your hair and trying to ground himself from his high. “I don’t give a fuck about Naeun”
He kissed your ear and your mind fogged up even more.
“She didn’t ask me to meet up yesterday, I did. I wanted to tell her that she and I were done, for good. I thought she wouldn’t be here tonight, but I guess she changed her mind”
“Then why are you here? And why did you let me give you that big ass hickey?”
He stopped nibbling on your ear, and whispered to it instead.
“I’d never miss up on a chance to feel yours”
The bodies dancing next to you, the liquer you had downed a few minutes ago and Jaehyun’s words were getting too much to handle. You felt suffocated, unable to distinguish where reality ended and pretending began with you two.
“Jae, I need a moment, excuse me”
Releasing yourself from his grasp, you made your way to the kitchen. There wasn’t any fresh air, but there was plenty of booze. You poured yourself a shot and as you downed it, you felt another liquid trickling down your top.
You looked up to find out who managed to make this night even worse for you, only to come across the last person you needed to see tonight. Yuta.
“Shit I’m sorry”, he muttered and you avoided eye contact, thinking you’d manage to get away without him realizing it was you. Luck wasn’t on your side tonight.
“Well well well. Long time no see.”
Confidence was dripping from his smile, to his stance, to the way he looked at you. He had dyed his hair your favorite color, his white locks begging to be tugged and played with. To top it all off, he smelled good, so, so good. He smelled dangerous. Comfortable.
You immediately realized that you didn’t have the self control needed to resist him. Turning on your heel, you started to get the hell out of there when he held your wrist, keeping you in place.
“Wait, I’m sorry, you can’t stay like this, you’ll catch a cold”
“Since when are you worried about me?”
“C’mon y/n, please. Come upstairs, I’ll give you a clean shirt. No funny business, I promise”
You hated yourself for this, but you followed him upstairs to his room, like a pray falling right into the hunter’s trap. He closed the door behind him, muting the loud music and you sat on his bed that you were so familiar with. Looking through his closet, he passed you one of his t-shirts, and turned around to let you change with some privacy. It was comical how chivalrous he was acting, considering the unspeakable things you’ve done in here.
“Not like you’ll see something you haven’t seen already”, you murmured and he chuckled, raising his hands.
“Hey, I’m a gentleman. It’s my fault, after all. I have a habit of getting you wet.”
Blushing at his comment, you quickly changed into the clean shirt and felt the bed dip next to you. You thanked him under your breath and started getting up, when you felt him hold you back once again.
“Stay, just a moment. I’ve missed you”
“What do you want?”
“You, baby”
Yuta was the one who said it, but you swore you felt Jaehyun’s voice reverberating through the nickname. Suddenly, it felt like there was no air for you to breathe.
“That’s not happening, Yuta. I’m with Jaehyun now”
He scoffed, “Jaehyun? Naeun’s puppy? Come on now, we both know you can do better than that”
“Don’t talk about him like that”, you bite back, but he doesn’t budge.
“What kind of boyfriend leaves his girl alone in a party like this?” He grips your chin, making you stare at him face to face, impossibly close. “Look at you. Every single guy in this party wants to fuck you. You expect me to be ok with this?”
Yuta lets his other hand glide on your knee, moving up to your thigh slowly. He smiled at how easy it was to focus on him.
“Do you remember how I made you feel? How I reminded you that you’re mine? You were moaning so loud, Mark thought you’d pass out. You loved it.”
You wanted to scream, tell him that this was the past you, that you couldn’t take going back to him once again and get your heart broken one more time, but you felt helpless around him. The warm feeling was only temporary, it would soon evaporate when you face the fact that to him, you are nothing but a play toy, a possession.
And that’s when Jaehyun barged in through the door. His eyes moved frantically from Yuta’s hands on your thighs, to his band tee you wore, to your discarded top on the floor. He quickly turned red, the color spreading from his neck to his face, then landing on his ears.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend?”
You instantly got up, following his thought sequence.
“It’s not what it looks like! He spilled his drink on me and gave me a clean shirt and..and..”
“And you decided to sit on his lap to thank him?”, he mocked you and Yuta laughed.
“Calm down, dude. I didn’t make her do anything. Besides, it’s not the first time y/n found her way over here after some disappointing dick”
Jaehyun grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up from the bed, forcing him to stand and face him. You moved between the two, trying to stop the catastrophe that was about to happen. Jae might have more muscle power than Yuta, but if the whole frat ganged up on him he would have to leave this place in a stretcher.
“Jaehyun please, let’s just go. Baby, please”
The nickname was the only thing that brought him out of his rage and made him listen to you. He let go of Yuta and took your hand, dragging you out of the room.
You were two hallways down when you pulled away, forcing him to stop.
“Why did you have to get so mad?”
“Why the fuck did you go back to him?”
“I didn’t! It was just.. so hard for me to tell him no”
You felt your eyes water with how pathetic you sounded. Jaehyun rubbed his hands over his face, groaning in frustration.
“Don’t you understand how much it fucking hurts? To see you with that guy that treats you like shit when I’m right here, willing to give you everything? When I’m in love with you?”
You couldn’t process what he said because in a moment, his mouth was on yours. The kiss was so different than the one you shared at the hallway of your campus. It was passionate, it was rough, and this time, he monopolized your attention. His lips were determined to bruise into yours, leaving you breathless and causing your back to fall against a wall. It was crowded around you, eyes prying into your intimate moment but to you, the only person around was Jaehyun.
“You smell like him”, he growled, sucking on the tender spot under your ear, “makes me wanna fuck his scent off of you”
That was all you needed to hear. You led him to the frat’s guest room, knowing that Taeil always kept a spare key in the lamp next to the door. Unlocking the door seemed like a tour de force with Jaehyun leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, but you finally managed to stumble inside. You locked the door behind you, continuing your heated kiss, hands roaming around each other’s body.
He was taller than you, so when you felt him grab your ass with such eagerness, you almost lifted off the ground. You palmed him through his jeans, the roughness of his hard on making your panties stick from wetness just a bit more.
“I want to taste you” you managed through kisses, but he just unzipped your skirt as a response, pulling it to the floor in one hasty move. Petting your clit through your underwear, a shiver ran down your spine, spreading goosebumps all over your arms and legs.
“I don’t think I have the patience for that”
He walked you backwards towards the guest bed, taking his pants and shirt off along the way. You sat on the edge of it and admired his godly proportions, when you took notice of the bruises and scratches that led to your fight on Saturday. Suddenly feeling the need to slow down, you started leaving kisses over each and every one of them. You wanted him to trust you, give in to you completely. He had his flaws just like he said, but you wanted all of him. And you wanted him now.
“I need you, now”, you voiced your thoughts and helped him take off his boxers, revealing his hard cock. He was thick and decently long, making your mouth water and your pussy clench.
Towering on top of you, he removed your panties that were embarrassingly damp at this point, and by his smirk, you knew he noticed.
Jaehyun bent your legs next to your torso, making you expose all of you. He licked his lips as he dove into your lower ones, muttering praises about your “pretty pussy”, turning you impossibly wet.
Jung Jaehyun never disappoints, you thought, because the moment you felt the first lap over your sensitive bud, you got a taste of heaven. He alternated between licking and sucking over the spot that turned you into putty against him. You were already unbearably turned on at this point, and the changing pace of his tongue made you lose your mind.
Your pants and moans only seemed to urge him on, and after a few minutes of his careful treatment you felt yourself getting close. He must have sensed it, because when you grabbed the bedpost in an effort to stop shaking, he stood on his knees, and reached for a condom in his wallet.
You didn’t have time to complain about the denial of your orgasm, and started taking Yuta’s shirt off, when he grabbed your hands and placed them back on their previous position on the headboard.
“Don’t”, he said sternly as he lined himself up your entrance, “I want to fuck you in his shirt”
There was no time to think about whether his request was healthy or not, because when you felt him stretch you out, the only thing on your mind was him and his dick.
You let out a deep moan and he took it as a sign to screw himself deeper inside you. Your pussy gushed uncontrollably, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin. You unlaced your fingers and ran them down his back, ghosting them over the dimples that had affected you so much.
Jaehyun lowered himself, letting his chest touch yours, and you could feel his abs contracting over the fabric of Yuta’s shirt.
“I bet he’s never eaten you out like that, yeah?”
“N-no, never, ahh”
He sat up again, putting your legs over his shoulders and lifted your butt off the mattress, gripping your hips to steady himself before continuing his incredible pace.
“You’re mine, aren’t you baby? Mine to give you everything.”
The position felt divine. He was hitting it incredibly deep, reaching the spot that had you moaning so loud you were thankful for the unbearably loud music of the party. You were sure his fingers would leave a mark over your hipbones but you didn’t care, the pain only accentuating the warm feeling in your belly.
“J-Jae don’t stop - fuck don’t stop I’m gonna cum”
He leaned over, grabbing your face that was contorting in pleasure.
“Look at me when you cum for me”, he demanded, and when you rolled your eyes behind your head, letting go, he let out his first moan for the night.
He kissed your lips sweetly, helping you ride out your high.
“You’re so beautiful, my baby. So, so beautiful”, he praised and you submitted fully to him. He turned your body around, positioning you in all fours, and you wondered where the gentle boy you met at Johnny’s house went. His dick buried in you once again, spreading your juices around and the sensitivity of your previous orgasm made you aware of every single inch.
“So fucking tight”
Jaehyun didn’t go easy on you. He saw how much you liked it, how you were pushing your ass against his cock. He pounded in and out of you with the intention of fucking your thoughts out, and that’s just what he did. When the feeling got too much, and making any sort of noise seemed like a feat, you felt him push your hair back, and start biting on your neck, most definitely leaving a mark.
“I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum”, he muttered, his voice wavering and you felt him release in the condom inside you.
It took a while for the both of you to regain your breaths. Jaehyun’s chest was heaving up and down as you rest your head on top of it, not brave enough to break the silence.
“I’m sorry”, he finally said and started petting your hair lovingly.
“About what?”
The bed was foreign and small but you both stayed still, wanting to bask a little more in the peacefulness of the moment.
“About getting so possessive, and saying all these things out of jealousy. I acted just like him..”
You kissed his left peck, listening to his heart that was starting to beat in a faster pace.
“Jaehyun, you’re nothing like Yuta. I get how you felt, I feel the same way when I think about you with Naeun”
He took your hand that was resting on his abs and planted a kiss on your palm. Your heart did a flip and you were pressed so close together, he sure must have felt it.
“I should have told you about her sooner. About the fights and how I let her go because of you. I was in denial about my feelings for you because-“
He stopped mid sentence, wary of the way his words would come off to you. Jaehyun was a proud man, but he opened up his heart tonight, admitting he was in love with you. He had already exposed so much of himself that you gave him the time he needed to organize his thoughts.
“Because I was insecure. That you would never like someone like me. That Naeun was right. That you were only interested in playing pretend with me and didn’t mean any of the things you said, and I let myself get carried away in a lie”
You and Jaehyun were two lost souls, trying to break free from the constraints your insecurities built up for you. You didn’t have to succumb to your masochistic tendencies anymore, wasting your time in heartless lovers because now you found him and he found you. Both unable to see any value in themselves, but more that willing to treasure the other. And that was enough for you.
“I’d be honored to be loved by someone like you. Baby.”
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enhyqenn · 3 years
❝ stranger ❞ — n.rk
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📁 … !? pairing. niki x fem!reader | wc. 1.5k | note. you could really see that i, someone who ults niki, really indulged in writing this >_<
❝ one of seven ❞ masterlist
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“mom, it isn’t fair,” the girl scowled, her eyes ablaze in evident anger. “i’m not getting married to some guy i’ve never met.”
the girl’s mother gave her a pointed look, saying her name as a small warning. “you’ll do what you have to for your kingdom. and, i think you’ll end up liking him once you see who it is. speaking of which, he’ll be here with his mother in a few minutes.”
rising from her seat, the girl leaned over the glossy wood table. “i am not getting married to a stranger.”
“well, lucky for you, he’s not,” her mom said as she rose from her own seat, walking over to the room's elegant doors.
the queen’s daughter was about to ask what she meant when there was a loud knock on one of the doors. a guard opened it, popping his head in before saying, “your majesty, the nishimura’s are here.”
heart leaping in her chest, the girl’s breath caught as the family walked in.
“welcome,” the queen greeted, smiling at the other monarch and her son. the other queen beamed as she kissed her cheek as a hello.
“riki?” the girl questioned aloud as her childhood friend entered the room, her head spinning with so many questions. she mainly wondered how on earth someone managed to change so much in only a year. “what’re you doing here?”
the blond prince gave her a boxy smile as he walked over and hugged her. “you look so different.”
“me? have you seen yourself?” she said in disbelief, hugging niki back regardless of her confusion. “you practically grew an entire foot and have a different hair color.”
as the pair pulled away from each other, the girl looked over at her mother. “mom, why are they here? don’t we have the-man-that-i-really-don’t-want-to-get-married-to coming over soon?”
“do you really dislike me so much that you would rather marry a stranger over me?” niki interrupted with raised brows, stepping back in offense.
the girl’s jaw nearly dropped in realization. “you? i’m in an arranged marriage with nishimura riki?!”
niki looked over at his friend’s, well, fiance's mother and said, “you didn’t tell her?”
the queen shook her head before offering a shrug. “i thought i’d let it be a surprise.”
“mom, seriously?! of all things to keep a secret it had to be this?” the girl drawled, still so unsure and shocked about the whole situation.
“oh stop, you should be glad it’s him and not some ‘random man,’ as you would say,” her mother said, leading the other queen to the table and taking their seats. “why don’t you two go do something while we talk amongst ourselves here.”
“yeah, come on, let’s go down to the lake!” niki exclaimed as he grabbed the princess’ hand, not waiting for an answer before dragging her to the doors. “i’ve been dying to go down there.”
“wha-” the girl didn’t even get a word out before they had already left the room, leaving both of their mothers to talk about god knows what.
niki began to slow as they rounded a corner, entering a long hallway with large windows. “i can’t believe we’re supposed to get married. did you know that our families have had this planned since we were kids?”
“seriously? that’s insane,” the girl sighed as the door to the outside came into view.
“that’s what i said! they practically introduced us in hopes that we’d be friends just to wed us one day for, and i quote, ‘the sake of our kingdoms.’ it’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard...not that marrying you is stupid or anything,” niki rambled, regretting his word choice. 
as the pair pushed open the door and stepped into the warm sunlight, the girl said, “it’s fine, riki. i know what you meant. but, back to the topic of how much you’ve changed; you look so different! it’s like someone took your face and slapped it onto another body.”
niki began to tug off his coat as they started on a cobblestone path. “is that supposed to be a compliment or…?”
“yes. it’s a good one, so appreciate it. your shoulders are broader, your hair looks really good styled like that, and the height suits you, although i am kinda mad i’m no longer taller than you,” she said, glancing between the prince that towered over her and the body of water that they were walking to.
“i could say the same about you,” niki said, flashing her a playful smile.
the girl looked up at him in question as they stepped off the paved trail and onto the soft ground that was near the water. “what the hell is that supposed to mean? i grew a foot and cut my hair?”
“well, you grew, just not in places i did,” niki said, raising his eyebrows and giggling.
“oh,” the girl whispered before his statement registered. she whacked him with her hand as the gears in her mind clicked. “hey! fricking pervert.”
niki laughed as they stepped on the dock that led out to the middle of the small lake, the two teens slipping off their shoes before continuing on.
              in an attempt to change the subject, niki pointed at the glistening water in front of them. “look, there’s a turtle poking its head out!”
the girl rolled her eyes at him before looking at where he pointed. she took a step forward, bending slightly as she leaned over the edge of the dock, completely absorbed in looking for the turtle niki said he saw.
meanwhile, the playful prince moved closer and shoved her into the water, giggling at the yelp she let out.
the water was cool on the girl’s skin as she kicked off the sandy bottom and swam to the top, preparing to yell at niki for pushing her in.
breaking the surface and beginning to swim back towards the dock, she glowered at him as she pushed wet hair out of her face. “what the hell was that for?! do you know how hard it is to swim with all these layers plus a corset?! i can barely breathe as it is! i could have drowned!”
niki bent down at the edge of the dock, resting his hands on the wood as he said, “but you didn’t, did you?”
“give me your hand and help me up,” she told him with a scowl, offering one of her hands while trying to stay afloat at the same time.
“how do i know you won’t pull me in?” niki questioned with an untrusting expression.
“just help me up, nishimura!”
niki muttered something under his breath before reaching out to her. he started to pull when she yanked back hard, dragging him into the water too.
“hey!” niki hollered as he resurfaced. he splashed some water at his friend. “i thought you weren’t going to pull me in?!”
“you deserved it. now please come over here because i need something to cling onto so i don’t drown in this dress. your toes touch the ground while mine do not,” the girl demanded, already making her way over to niki.
groaning, the blond-haired boy let her cling to him, her dress beginning to float around the two of them.
“you know, i just realized something,” the girl started, pushing some of niki’s hair out of his eyes. “we’re going to have to kiss at our wedding.”
“what? absolutely not. i’ll peck your cheek, but that’s the closest we’re getting to actually kissing,” niki said with a disgusted look.
“oh, so kissing me is such a horrible idea?” the princess said with an arched brow. 
“no, that is not what i said.”
“riki, you literally just said that,” the girl stated with a straight face.
“ugh, i didn’t mean it like that and you know it,” niki said, looking at her as if she would suddenly understand.
“do i?”
niki looked at her with a serious expression. “yes. you know i wouldn’t mind kissing you.”
he regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. his eyes widened as he started to shake his head, a result of saying the wrong thing.
“i can’t tell if you’re trying to confess your feelings or not,” the girl mused, a bright smile on her face as she watched niki’s cheeks and ears turn red, avoiding eye contact with her. “and for someone who’s such a flirt, you suck at it.”
opening his mouth to argue with her about the last part, niki was cut off when the girl grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.
she didn’t say anything as she leaned it, connecting their mouths. his lips were soft against hers, and she sighed when he started to kiss back, his hands moving from her arms to her lower back. the taste of sweet salt from the water began to overwhelm her tongue.
niki pulled away first, his eyes slightly glazed as he looked at her.
“still think kissing me is a bad idea?”
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levihantrash · 3 years
Hi! Got a prompt for you if you're interested (feel free to write a drabble, a one-shot, or a multi-chap): Levihan, "One more chance." Open to interpretation. Thanks, and good luck! :)
okay so i decided to combine this prompt together with my headcanon for that levihan ring merch for a canon setting one-shot!
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One More Chance
"What do you think of rings?" Hange asks Levi out of the blue, in the little room that could suffice as an office for his unofficial position as second in command.
"Why?" Levi knows that Hauge doesn't ask questions out of the blue without motives.
They could be random, absurd, silly, but there was always a reason behind their questions.
Hange plants one elbow on the table, bent forward in anticipation for Levi's answer. His eyes catch the glint of Hange's bolo tie as it swung back and forth.
Jewellery? Vanity aside, Hange knows better than Levi how expensive it is to obtain warm clothing and food, much less a bunch of shiny rocks. They spent days mulling over the Survey Corps’ budget, where to allocate resources, how to seek funding, and to keep expenses humane but tight.
“Why?” He repeats, unsure as to whether to sneak in a crass joke as Hange’s eyes were shining—in a different tone compared to the bright-eyedness that showed whenever they made a new discovery. It was, what was it? Nostalgia? Levi is certain that Hange had never, of ten years being by their side, even hinted at a desire for a ring, for whatever reason they might yearn for the object.
Hange knows Levi is perturbed—suspicious, even. They know that such an ambiguously-worded question, simple as it was, will not warrant a straightforward answer from Levi. He is far too observant to not think of Hange’s line of questioning as uncharacteristic from the usual. The usual Hange will elaborate; they will give details. Perhaps this is a ring made from a special sort of metal to go undetected from metal sensors to sneak past the enemy and pass on valuable information etched in code on the inside, for example. Whatever reason that prompted Hange to take a sudden interest in rings wasn’t for battle, or for moral good, which frankly, is more embarrassing for them.
“Do you keep those patches with you?” Hange changes the topic. Levi blinks, then turns to the drawer and pulls the handle. The open drawer speaks for itself; filled with rows and rows of haphazardly torn patches of the Survey Corp’s uniform, the emblem of the wings of freedom.
“You keep it here, huh…” Hange muses, touching one patch tenderly, feeling the crusted blood stain at the tip of their finger.
“Do you remember who each patch belongs to?”
Levi shakes his head, not defending the lack of differentiation between the patches. To him, each patch is louder than a name attached to it. A fellow soldier whose heart he carried on within him.
“If I die, Levi, will you bring back my patch?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions.” Levi is quick to retort, sounding mildly irritated that Hange brought up the possibility of death.
“We all die someday.”
“We should think about how to stay alive,” Levi says firmly. “And what does any of this have to do with rings?”
Hange laughs, patting Levi on the shoulder affectionately. “You won’t let that go, huh?”
“It seems important,” Levi says, disgruntled. “You’re not usually so hesitant.”
“It’s not.” Hange waves their hands defensively, straightening up to avoid Levi’s gaze.
“What’s that in your pocket? Your hand keeps touching it.” Levi is sharp as ever, Hange thinks, itching to back out and tend to more important commander duties.
“Maybe next time! I have to go!” Hange brisk-walks out of the office, leaving Levi in the dust. He has the immediate urge to follow them, to grab their arm and ask what’s wrong, to force some kind of coherent understanding to this muddled conversation. Yet, he continues sitting on the chair, wondering if their mutual awkwardness had swept past them in the form of a lost opportunity. The patches flutter a little in the wind, as though asking him, what are you so afraid of?
He closes the drawer and sinks back onto the creaky, wooden chair, waiting for Hange to come back.
The next time he sees them again is when he’s so battered that his back trembles at the prospect of sitting on another hard surface. The series of negotiations, arguments, plans, fly past him in a whirlwind of decisions led by Hange. He occasionally spots the bulge in their side pocket, but his head is spinning with a million of other more dire worries to figure out what the hell is this unresolved mystery from months ago.
One night, as Hange tends to the bandages around his head, traces the stiches on his face, and mumbles quiet nothings about how they’re glad he’s alive, he finally lifts a shaky hand to point at the bulging pocket.
“Are you going to tell me what’s in that?”
“Nothing that will help us stop this mess,” Hange says, sweeping some of the fringe off his forehead to wipe the sweat underneath.
“But it’s important to you,” he states. Hange nods slowly.
“And you want to show it to me.” He tries, unaccustomed to the presumptuousness of his claim. But there is little time. If there was ever time before, now they were running on thin, cracked lines of time, teetering over the edge.
Hange sighs, and stuffs a reluctant hand into their pocket to bring out a small box.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t use the Scouts’ funds.”
“The Survey Corps doesn’t exist anymore,” Levi reminds them, to distract his mind from speculating endlessly about what’s in the box. He wants to sit up. Physically straining himself feels unwise, so he settles with tilting his head to get a clearer view of both Hange and the box.
Hange carefully holds his shoulders to sit him up, leaning him against them.
“I got rings for us.”
The box is opened, and inside were two shining rings in silver and gold. Purple embellishment on the gold and green on silver. Not to mention it was heart-shaped rings. Levi feels his cheeks getting warmer by the second by its blatant implications, and is thankful that the bandages literally covered half his face.
“I know, I told them not to make it heart-shaped but you know when Reeves knew it was for you he said I had to make it obvious, whatever that meant,” Hange says quickly, snapping the box shut so as to save themselves from having to confront what was glaring at them.
“It’s not practical for fighting,” Levi murmurs, reaching out to take the box from Hange.
“Dedicate your hearts… wasn’t that what Erwin said?” Hange, always the one to inject light humour in tense situations, decides it will be alright to quote Erwin’s war cry in what is essentially a confession.
“Right.” Levi opens the box, looking expectantly at Hange.
“Rings are for wearing, right?”
“You said they weren’t practical!”
“We’re not fighting now.”
Running their hands through their hair, Hange looks rather sheepish. “It’s a bit selfish but I just want to be remembered. As more than a patch.”
Levi frowns, bandages crinkling. “You think I’ll forget you?”
“I don’t know.”
“I won’t forget you. Ring or no ring.”
Upon hearing the seriousness of Levi’s voice, the light-heartedness returns to Hange, as they cheekily present the ring to them.
“Well then, will you dedicate your heart to me, shitty Captain?”
“Whatever, Four-eyes.” He says it as flippantly as he can, yet handles the ring like sudden movement will break it.
“Hah! I wonder what the kids will say about the rings…” Hange stretches out and lays beside Levi, admiring the ring on their hand amidst the backdrop of night stars. He takes their hand and weaves his fingers through it, placing their interlocked hands on his chest.
After the plane takes off, Levi’s eyes are trained on the floor. The plane rattles, swerves, and gains momentum. Everyone around him is emotional—rightly so, because their leader had said a fleeting goodbye before leaping to their death. He holds one hand in the other, feeling the cold metal on his finger. Rings don’t leave the smell of Hange’s skin when they lie their head on his shoulder after a long day. Rings don’t capture the sound of Hange’s laugh when they make friendly banter with their juniors, or when Levi makes the occasional, dry joke that only they pick up on. Rings don’t emulate the dialogue of their late-night discussions in his office, the tea that he makes and that they drink from the same cup—to save the time needed for washing, according to Hange. He doesn’t protest.
Still, the ring is all he has left. The one chance Hange had, they entrusted in him this ring. They could translate Levi’s words into more palpable versions for other people, but they could not for the life of them come up with words to express their more vulnerable feelings. For Hange, the ring was another chance to cement what remained unspoken: I hope you remember me. I’m here with you.
The last chance Levi had, he placed a fist on their heart.
“Dedicate your heart.” The ring flashes in the sunlight, making Hange blink back tears.
Now, he clutches one hand in the other.
“See you, Hange.” The ring stares back, patiently. He closes his eyes, bringing the thin, metal sentiment to his lips.
“Keep watching us.”
thank you for the prompt @djmarinizelablog !! ^_^
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Wouldn’t Change A Thing
Pairing: Riven x reader
Requests: The reader is sarcastic and fiesty and they have constantly arguments but are really into each other. Anonymous And The reader is the only one of her kind so she's automatically an outcast and on top of that she's a dark fairy, like she can control anything to do with shadows and darkness so like the complete opposite of Stella's powers and then Riven like becomes friends with her and it becomes something more than friends. Anonymous
Tagging: @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody @grey-girl @intoanothermind​
A/N I wasn’t sure if you meant dark fairy as like evil magic or dark fairy as just her powers being focused on the dark but I did a little mix, so I hope you like it! 
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Look down. It’s the first thing you learn at Alfea to avoid the pointing fingers and mean looks. You tried talking back to them but when you’re one against a hundred the odds aren’t really in your favour no matter how badly you want to throw punches. Being a dark fairy meant being considered evil and bad but you just thought of the dark magic as a different kind of magic. You weren’t going around killing people or actively making life miserable for others, you just allowed your magic to be fuelled by something other than positive feelings and in turn you could control darkness. You could play with shadows and darkness creating illusions and conceal the light. Farah had let you attend Alfea in the hopes of turning your magic around but you were born with this magic. Everywhere you looked someone wanted you to be different. The only reason you attended Alfea was to learn control of your powers and be able to harness it better. The same laws of magic applied to yours even if the lessons focused on positive feelings. 
“Hey.” You look up against your better judgement to spot Riven watching you. The one specialist not bound by honour and a crucial need to do the right thing. He was the one person in this entire school who didn’t seem afraid of you despite having seen your powers in full scale. He’d volunteered to be your partner for the training program and ever since that day you’d practically been attached by the hip. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t fancy him but he literally drove you crazy most of the time. He always had some snarky comment ready to piss you off and in truth, you knew he enjoyed it. He liked seeing you all riled up. It’s the very same reason you do it to him. He’s so easy to toy with and get upset, it’s almost too easy. 
“Didn’t think I’d see you today. Aren’t the specialists doing some sort of mission on the forest?” You put air quotes around mission knowing it’ll tick him off just slightly. 
“All I’ve said was hey and you’re already being an absolute asswipe.” 
“Don’t call me an asswipe, you dickhead.” He scoffs ready for a comeback when you start laughing. How have you been together for two minutes and you’re already at each other’s throat. And this isn’t even as bad as it can get for the two of you. 
“I brought you food,” he says clearly still in a mood. You grab the sandwich from him with a smile. 
“You know you can be sweet,” you say hoping it’ll distract him from acting like a sourpuss for the rest of the afternoon. He narrows his eyes looking your way but decides to drop it. Instead he signals for you to follow him out on the field. It’s weird seeing it completely empty but all the fairies are in the hall eating and the specialists are out in the forest which allows a little bit of privacy for the two of you. 
“So, why aren’t you with the others?” You take a bite watching for any indication that he’s not ready to talk about it. You don’t want to push him or make him feel worse. You know he worries about these things even if he’ll never admit to it. 
“I got caught smoking in the forest. Silva told me to stay behind and think about my actions.” You know he’s an avid user of euphoric drugs and alcohol but it’s gotten worse lately and it worries you. 
“Have you then? Thought about your actions.” There it is. The twitch in his brow telling you that he’s reaching his breaking point of being calm to getting angry. Just a slight puff of air could push him over the edge. 
“I’ve passed all my exams so far. What does it matter if I like to smoke a little joint once in a while?” he shrugs trying to sound carefree but you know him better than that. He doesn’t want Silva or Sky to be disappointed in him but lately, it seems like that’s all they’ve been. You get it. The fear of disappointing someone you look up to and deciding to fuck things up yourself so that it’s on your terms. 
“It doesn’t. Except it isn’t just once a while anymore. It’s every day.” 
“And what’s it to you, huh? Since when do you decide what I can and can’t do?” 
“That’s not what I’m trying to do, Riven,” you say getting annoyed by his poor attitude. You can’t help how they feel. All you can do is offer insight and try to make him see where they’re coming from. They want what’s best for him and perhaps they go about it in a misguided way but it’s only because they care. 
“You’re not my girlfriend. You can stop acting like it.” He’s trying to hurt you and it’s working. You’re very aware of the fact that you’re not his girlfriend and right now you don’t want to be. When you get up to leave, he grabs hold of your wrist. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To my room. I’m sure the four walls are better company than you are right now.” You try to shake free but he’s got a strong grip. You don’t want to use your powers to make him let go but you also just really want him to let go. 
“I’m sorry. I’m taking it out on you and that’s not fair.” Some of the anger evaporates but the comment about not being his girlfriend still stings. 
“I don’t want you to change. I just wanted to offer their perspective. You’re wasting away a lot your youth on that stuff.” You return to your seat next to him well aware that you weren’t actually going to leave but the threat seemed to clear his mind. 
“I’m sorry for what I said about you not being my girlfriend.” 
“You’re right, I’m not.” You shrug trying to act unfazed but Riven doesn’t buy it. 
“I really am sorry.” He puts his arm around you letting you lean your head on his shoulder. It’s almost peaceful to sit here watching the sun go down. 
“What if I wanted to be your girlfriend?” You say it so casually you’re even shocked yourself. It sounded like you just told him that you wanted to get cereal for breakfast. Why you even said it baffles you but it’s out now. You’re tired of pretending he’s not the one you want. You don’t see yourself with anyone else and you’d rather have him screaming at you for being his annoying girlfriend than his annoying friend. 
“You heard me.” He visibly swallows and it’s clear that he didn’t expect you to say it. 
“Okay.” This time you’re the one turning into a stuttering mess. Did he just say yes?
“You heard him,” he smirks repeating you from previously. Did you just become his girlfriend? In a sense it’s perfect. You’re not into all the drama and romantic gestures. This moment right here is the perfect moment for you and Riven. 
“Well, girlfriend. I have a proposition for you then,” he smiles and right now you’d agree to pretty much anything he says. You’re still not over how casually you and Riven just became a thing and at the same time being very happy about it. 
“What proposition?” you ask feeling slightly suspicious considering that this is Riven we’re talking about. 
“How about for every time I want a blunt, I’ll come find you and kiss you instead?” His words make you blush and you’re horrified by how much of a silly, little teenager those words turn you into. 
“I’d like that.” 
“I have to warn you though. It might happen quite often.” He leans in to kiss you. 
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